215 values
In this task, the input is a set of dialogues between a user and an assistant. You need to find the dialogue that is basically a response given to a question or an aspect of the user. Ex Input: Morocco's economy is greatly influenced by the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market. This is because the country is the world's third-largest producer of phosphorus. Tell me about its history What fun facts can you tell me about Morocco Hello, can you tell me about Morocco Sorry, I don't have any more information on its market. But I can tell you that the Moroccan Phosphate Office invested approximately $479 million USD into a project to develop a smart city. Ex Output: Morocco's economy is greatly influenced by the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market. This is because the country is the world's third-largest producer of phosphorus. Ex Input: Does Seychelles participate in any other type of protection for the population other than the fight against Somali pirates? No, but Seychelles is a key participant in the fight against piracy committed by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Does Seychelles participate in any other type of protection for the population other than the fight against Somali pirates? With having the lowest population of one of the Sovereign African countries what does that mean for its type of security I would like to learn about Seychelles especially where it's located Ex Output: No, but Seychelles is a key participant in the fight against piracy committed by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Ex Input: Sorry, I do not have anymore infrmation about why it has to be overseen. But I can tell you more about its education if you'd like? Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia and it is the capital of Victoria which is a state in the south east of Australia. It's population is 4.9. million. Interesting. Can you tell me anything about the governance in Melbourne? Hello. I would like to learn about Melbourne. What can you tell me about it? Interesting didn't know that. Anything else you can tell me about this? Ex Output:
Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia and it is the capital of Victoria which is a state in the south east of Australia. It's population is 4.9. million.
Detailed Instructions: Given a document, generate a short title of the document. The title should convey the main idea/event/topic about which the document is being written. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Problem:However it is not yet clear how any female bias will affect overall loggerhead population numbers says Dr. Jacques-Olivier Laloe a researcher in turtle sex ratios from Swansea University . He points out that female turtles may be able to cope with a shortage of males because they are able to store sperm. This means they can go long periods of time without encountering a male and still reproduce regularly. On top of this males are able to mate with multiple females during one season meaning there does not necessarily need to be equal numbers of males and females for populations to thrive says Laloe . He tells Carbon Brief: But at some point turtle populations will reach a "tipping point" where there will not be enough males for mating to take place as normal and turtle populations could quickly collapse says Laloe . However if global CO2 emissions continue to rise unchecked as in the RCP8.5 emissions scenario then this tipping point could happen earlier Laloe adds. A future shortage in females could very rapidly lead to a decline in reproduction and population collapse Laloe says. "A surplus of males could potentially cause a much bigger problem than a surplus of females." Solution:
Climate Change Could Affect Animal Sex Ratiosand That Might Lead to Species Extinctions
Definition: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Input: Palmi Gestsson was the voice of Kaa in the Icelandic version of the movie produced by what studio? Output:
Walt Disney Productions
Detailed Instructions: Here are two questions (Question1 and Question2). If these questions have the same meaning and same answer, answer "Yes", otherwise "No". Problem:Question1: I am a guy and I stammer and this started when I was in class 8 and I remember one day I made fun of one man just to make my friends laugh?, Question2: What rules follow a sucsessful investor? Solution:
Teacher:In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Fact1: Kabaddi Kabaddi is continued story of Kabaddi 's Kaji and Maiya, Fact2: Rambabu Gurung has directed with same passion, Fact3: such story has evolved along with characters, Fact4: Maiya has n't matured despite going through lot in first film, Fact5: relationship has n't been explored to rest curiosity of audience Student:
Kabaddi gave a story of the unrequited love of Kaji Dayahang Rai for his soltini Maiya last year. As it was a good film with ample humour, the thoroughly entertaining film got all the love from the audience. One year has passed in Naurikot, Mustang and Kaji is back with Kabaddi Kabaddi. His love for Maiya has not changed, but Maiya is no different. She doesn't reciprocate her feeling. She has a new admirer, Kaji's rivalBum Kaji. Both the Kajis compete with each other to win Maiya. The nearly twohourlong entertaining journey unveils the winner. Kabaddi Kabaddi is the continued story of Kabaddi's Kaji and Maiya. Retelling the same unrequited love story and romance of the two could have been dull but Rambabu Gurung has written the story brilliantly and articulately, and with intrigue and has directed with the same passion. As such the story has evolved along with the characters. The screenplay by director Gurung and Upendra Subba is also noteworthy. The character of Bum Kaji, politics and subplots of Kaji's two friends with tidbits of music and action have been mixed to the love story. Also, the message of how politics works and how a husband and wife should be is nuanced. However, there are a few things that don't add up. Maiya is the same and hasn't matured despite going through a lot in the first film. Bibek's character Nischal Basnet again makes an appearance as Bum Kaji's friend but their relationship hasn't been explored to rest the curiosity of the audience. Perhaps, there is room for another Kabaddi film. Kabaddi Kabaddi poster Maiya has less screen presence but has done fine as a chirpy village girl. Meanwhile, Bijay Baral and Buddhi Tamang, who play Kaji's friends, have complemented the film. Malla as Bum Kaji is the icing on the cake. The brilliant actor has pulled off his quirky character of a musician who is also a lover boy. He has shown great comic timing. Nonetheless, the film's USP is humourright from the first scene where one of Kaji's friends is writing a love letter for Kaji with blood of chicken! to Maiya while another friend roasts the same chicken with the beautiful backdrop of mountains till the end of the film. Humour is not just limited to dialogues and activities but expressions and demeanour. The take on humour is very natural and has the touch of everyday life which makes the scenes more relevant.
Q: In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question about healthcare. Answer the question based on your information and classify your answers into '1', '2', '3', and '4'. Question: In relation to the structure of the genomes, the introns: Options: <1> They frequently occur in prokaryotic genomes. <2> There may be several in the same gene. <3> They encode rare amino acids in proteins. <4> They are transcribed and translated. <5> They have a high content in G: C pairs. A:
Detailed Instructions: You are given a review of Amazon's food products. Your task is to divide them into two classes: negative or positive, depending on the content of the review. See one example below: Problem: I have bought several of the Vitality canned dog food products and have found them all to be of good quality. The product looks more like a stew than a processed meat and it smells better. My Labrador is finicky and she appreciates this product better than most. Solution: Positive Explanation: It's a positive review because the owner of the dog is satisfied with the product and mentioned that their dog appreciates the product. Problem: I decided to give these a try. The lids are VERY difficult to put on and I often ended up bending the cup while trying to affix the lid. They do not seal perfectly and I often found unexpected puddles, but they do the job. Since I have a Keurig permanant filter I thought of just buying the paper filters to save on cleanup. For almost $11 from this vendor, you can get 50 (fifty) paper filters.....I would just assume use paper towels. That works out to be just under 25 cents for a small piece of paper....DisposaKups, please re-evaluate your pricing! Solution:
Given a sentence, generate what should be the most likely next statement. The next statement should be reasonable and logically correct. Input: Consider Input: The man sprays paint all along the wall while the camera captures his movements. The man Output: continues to spray the wall while the camera follows him from behind. Input: Consider Input: The boy is doing home work and stands on the tractor. We Output: see a game screen and toy tractor. Input: Consider Input: At home, someone runs to the fridge and frantically searches through the freezer. She
Output: brings out a huge block of ice in the middle of which is a credit card.
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Context: A knight is a person granted an honorary title of "knighthood" by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood was conferred upon mounted warriors. During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility. By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior. Often, a knight was a vassal who served as a fighter for a lord, with payment in the form of land holdings. The lords trusted the knights, who were skilled in battle on horseback. Since the early modern period, the title of knight is purely honorific, usually bestowed by a monarch, as in the British honours system, often for non-military service to the country. The modern female equivalent in the United Kingdom is Dame., Henri or Hendrik Conscience (3 December 1812 10 September 1883) was a Belgian author. He is considered the pioneer of Dutch-language literature in Flanders, writing at a time when Belgium was dominated by the French language among the upper classes, in literature and government. Conscience fought as a Belgian revolutionary in 1830 and was a notable writer in the Romanticist style popular in the early 19th century. He is best known for his romantic nationalist novel, "De Leeuw van Vlaenderen" (1838), inspired by the victory of a Flemish peasant militia over French knights at the 1302 Battle of the Golden Spurs during the Franco-Flemish War., The Battle of the Golden Spurs, also known as the Battle of Courtrai, was a battle fought between the Kingdom of France and the County of Flanders at Kortrijk (Courtrai in French) in modern-day Belgium on 11 July 1302., Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a sovereign state in Western Europe bordered by France, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and the North Sea. It is a small, densely populated country which covers an area of and has a population of about 11million people. Straddling the cultural boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe, Belgium is home to two main linguistic groups: the Dutch-speaking, mostly Flemish community, which constitutes about 59% of the population, and the French-speaking, mostly Walloon population, which comprises 41% of all Belgians. Additionally, there is a small group of German-speakers who live in the East Cantons located around the High Fens area, and bordering Germany., The High Middle Ages or High Medieval Period was the period of European history around the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries (c. 10011300). The High Middle Ages were preceded by the Early Middle Ages and followed by the Late Middle Ages, which by convention end around 1500., Pieter de Coninck ( died 1332 or 1333 ) was a weaver from Bruges well known for his role in the events surrounding the Battle of the Golden Spurs . He was not the head of the weavers ' guild as is popularly believed ( mostly because he was portrayed as such in the novel The Lion of Flanders by Hendrik Conscience ) . Together with Jan Breydel , a butcher , he was in the forefront of the popular uprising that led to the Battle of the Golden Spurs . Right before that battle he was knighted together with two of his sons . Before the Battle of the Golden Spurs began he was seen by the city government of Bruges as a dangerous agitator and was imprisoned in June 1301 . He was freed by the people of Bruges . Afterwards , the Leliaarts , a political faction supporting French rule , took over control of the city . Jacques de Chatillon , the then appointed governor of County of Flanders , entered Bruges with a small force and de Coninck was banished . Urged on by John I , Marquis of Namur , de Coninck restored his authority in Bruges in December 1301 . He tried to align the people of Ghent on the same side but failed . On 1 May 1302 he was one of the leaders of a gang of rebels who took the castle of Sijsele and Male . At Male , the rebels killed the entire French garrison . De Chatillon responded by again marching on Bruges with a force of 800 men , and again expelling de Coninck from the city . De Chatillon marched into the city with his army fully clad and battle - ready ( against established agreements with the city magistrates ) The people of Bruges , fearing bloody preprisals , and in order to protect themselves helped de Coninck to enter the city with his followers during the night . On 18 May 1302 , during the so - called Bruges Matins or '' Brugse Metten '' , nearly all the French present in Bruges and their Leliaart supporters were killed . De Chatillon barely managed to escape . After the Bruges Matins , de Coninck was one of the leaders of the Bruges militia that cleared the coastal area from Leliaart insurgents and French stragglers . After they failed to take the besieged castle of Cassel , they marched onto Kortrijk ( Courtrai ) where a Flemish makeshift army was gathering to stop a French army under the command of Robert II of Artois . This battle , won by a motley alliance of Flemish and Namur petty nobles and many commoners , was later famously called the Battle of the Golden Spurs . In 1309 , together with Jan Breydel and Jan Heem , he led a new uprising in Bruges , this time against the adverse effects ( for Flanders ) of the peace of Athis - sur - Orge ( 1305 ) . In 1321 he again took part in an uprising in Bruges . As a punishment all his possessions were confiscated and sold . Pieter de Coninck was married twice . He died in 1332 or 1333 . Together with Jan Breydel he has a statue on the market of Bruges . It was put up in 1887 ., Subject: pieter de coninck, Relation: date_of_birth, Options: (A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 1300 (D) 1302 (E) 1812 (F) 1830 (G) 1838 (H) 3 1300 Context: Tahiti is the largest island in the Windward group of French Polynesia; this overseas collectivity of the French Republic is sometimes referred to as an overseas country. The island is located in the archipelago of the Society Islands in the central Southern Pacific Ocean, and is divided into two parts: The bigger, northwestern part "Tahiti Nui" and the smaller, southeastern part "Tahiti Iti". The island was formed from volcanic activity and is high and mountainous with surrounding coral reefs. The population is 183,645 inhabitants (2012 census), making it the most populous island of French Polynesia and accounting for 68.5 percent of its total population., Coral reefs are diverse underwater ecosystems held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals. Coral reefs are built by colonies of tiny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups. The polyps belong to a group of animals known as Cnidaria, which also includes sea anemones and jellyfish. Unlike sea anemones, corals secrete hard carbonate exoskeletons which support and protect the coral polyps. Most reefs grow best in warm, shallow, clear, sunny and agitated waters., Western Europe, also West Europe, is the region comprising the western part of the European continent. There may be differences between the geopolitical and purely geographic definitions of the term., Makemo, Rangi-kemo or Te Paritua, is one of the larger of the Tuamotu atolls in French Polynesia., Tikehau (meaning "Peaceful Landing" in Tuamotuan) or Porutu-kai is a coral atoll in the Palliser Islands group, part of the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia. It is included in the commune of Rangiroa., The Maldives (, or ), officially the Republic of Maldives (""), is a South Asian island country, located in the Indian Ocean. It lies southwest of India and Sri Lanka. The chain of twenty-six atolls stretches from Ihavandhippolhu Atoll in the north to the Addu City in the south. Comprising a territory spanning roughly , the Maldives is one of the world's most geographically dispersed countries, as well as the smallest Asian country by both land area and population, with a little over 393,500 inhabitants. Male is the capital and most populated city, traditionally called the "King's Island" for its central location., The Tuamotus or the Tuamotu Archipelago (officially "") are a French Polynesian chain of almost 80 islands and atolls, stretching from the northwest to the southeast over an area of the southern Pacific Ocean roughly the size of Western Europe, with a land area of and 16,000 inhabitants, forming the largest chain of atolls in the world. Its major islands are Anaa, Fakarava, Hao and Makemo., Nukutavake or Nukutuvake is an island in the Tuamotu group in French Polynesia. It lies 1125km from Tahiti. The closest land is small Pinaki Atoll, located 15km to the southeast. Vairaatea Atoll lies 38km to the west of Nukutavake., The French overseas collectivities (or "COM"), like the French regions, are first-order administrative divisions of France. The COMs include some former French overseas territories and other French overseas entities with a particular status, all of which became COMs by constitutional reform on 28 March 2003. The COMs should not be confused with the overseas regions and overseas departments which have no particular status. As integral parts of France, overseas collectivities are represented in the National Assembly, Senate and Economic and Social Council. Only one COM, Saint Martin, is part of the European Union and can vote to elect members of the European Parliament (MEP). The Pacific COMs use the CFP franc, a currency pegged to the euro, whereas the Atlantic COMs use the euro directly. As of 31 March 2011, there were five COMs:, French Polynesia is an overseas collectivity of the French Republic; " (COM)", sometimes unofficially referred to as an overseas country; " (POM)". It is composed of 118 geographically dispersed islands and atolls stretching over an expanse of more than in the South Pacific Ocean. Its total land area is ., The Marshall Islands, officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands, is an island country located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, slightly west of the International Date Line. Geographically, the country is part of the larger island group of Micronesia. The country's population of 53,158 people (at the 2011 Census) is spread out over 29 coral atolls, comprising 1,156 individual islands and islets. The islands share maritime boundaries with the Federated States of Micronesia to the west, Wake Island to the north, Kiribati to the south-east, and Nauru to the south. About 27,797 of the islanders (at the 2011 Census) live on Majuro, which contains the capital., A cay (or ), also spelled caye or key, is a small, low-elevation, sandy island on the surface of a coral reef. Cays occur in tropical environments throughout the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (including in the Caribbean and on the Great Barrier Reef and Belize Barrier Reef)., The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east., Rangiroa (meaning "Vast Sky" in Tuamotuan) or Te Kokta ("Hyades" in Mori), is the largest atoll in the Tuamotus, and one of the largest in the world (although it is smaller than Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands and Huvadhu in the Maldives). It is part of the Palliser group. The nearest atoll is Tikehau, located only 12km to the west. It is about 355km northeast of Tahiti., Anaa, Nganaa-nui (or Ara-ura) is an atoll in the Tuamotu archipelago, in French Polynesia. It is located in the north-west of the archipelago, 350km to the east of Tahiti. It is oval in shape, 29.5km in length and 6.5km wide, with a total land area of 38km and a population of 500. The atoll is made up by eleven small barren islands with deeper and more fertile soil than other atolls in the Tuamotus. The lagoon is shallow, without entrance, and formed by three main basins. Although it does not have any navigable access, the water of the lagoon renews by several small channels that can be crossed walking., Makatea , or Mangaia - te - vai - tamae , is a raised coral atoll in the northwestern part of the Tuamotus , which is a part of the French overseas collectivity of French Polynesia . It is located 79 km southwest from Rangiroa to the west of the Palliser group , which also is in French Polynesia . Makatea is surrounded by spectacular cliffs , rising to a plateau 80 m above sea level . This island is 7.5 km long , with a maximum width of 7 km in the south . It is 24 km in area . Makatea is one of the only four islands of the Tuamotu Archipelago ( along with Nukutavake , Tikei , and Tepoto Nord ) that do not take the form of a typical atoll ., Corals are marine invertebrates in the class Anthozoa of phylum Cnidaria. They typically live in compact colonies of many identical individual polyps. The group includes the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton., Tikei, also known as Manu, Tikai and Tiku is an island in the Tuamotu group in French Polynesia. Tikei is not a typical Tuamotu atoll, but a separate island. The island is long, wide, and has a land area of . Its highest elevation is above sea level, An island or isle is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, skerries, cays or keys. An island in a river or a lake island may be called an eyot or ait, and a small island off the coast may be called a holm. A grouping of geographically or geologically related islands is called an archipelago, e.g. the Philippines., An atoll (, , , or ), sometimes called a coral atoll, is a ring-shaped coral reef including a coral rim that encircles a lagoon partially or completely. There may be coral islands/cays on the rim., Fakarava, Havaiki-te-araro, Havai'i or Farea is an atoll in the west of the Tuamotu group in French Polynesia. It is the second largest of the Tuamotu atolls. The nearest land is Toau Atoll, which lies to the northwest., A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. Lagoons are commonly divided into coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. They have also been identified as occurring on mixed-sand and gravel coastlines. There is an overlap between bodies of water classified as coastal lagoons and bodies of water classified as estuaries. Lagoons are common coastal features around many parts of the world., A coral island is a type of island formed from coral detritus and associated organic material. They occur in tropical and sub-tropical areas, typically as part of coral reefs which have grown to cover a far larger area under the sea., Vairaatea is a small atoll of the Tuamotu group in French Polynesia. Geographically Vairaatea Atoll is part of the East-central subgroup of the Tuamotus, which includes Ahunui, Amanu, Fangatau, Hao and Nukutavake. Nukutavake, the closest land, lies to the east., Subject: makatea, Relation: part_of, Options: (A) animals (B) australia (C) belize barrier reef (D) body (E) caribbean (F) class (G) country (H) earth (I) europe (J) european parliament (K) european union (L) french (M) india (N) islands (O) national assembly (P) ocean (Q) order (R) palliser islands (S) part (T) phylum (U) ring (V) river (W) sky (X) society islands (Y) the americas (Z) the republic ([) tuamotus palliser islands Context: Lake Erie is the fourth-largest lake (by surface area) of the five Great Lakes in North America, and the thirteenth-largest globally if measured in terms of surface area. It is the southernmost, shallowest, and smallest by volume of the Great Lakes and therefore also has the shortest average water residence time. At its deepest point Lake Erie is deep. Lake Erie's northern shore is bounded by the Canadian province of Ontario, with the U.S. states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York on its southern and easternmost shores and Michigan on the west. These jurisdictions divide the surface area of the lake by water boundaries. The lake was named by the Erie people, a Native Americans people who lived along its southern shore. That Iroquoian tribe called it ""Erige"" "("cat")" because of its unpredictable and sometimes violently dangerous nature. It is a matter of conjecture whether the lake was named after the tribe, or if the tribe was called ""Erie"" because of its proximity to the lake., The hyphen () is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. The hyphen should not be confused with dashes (, , , ), which are longer and have different uses, or with the minus sign (), which is also longer in some contexts., Maryland is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, bordering Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. to its south and west; Pennsylvania to its north; and Delaware to its east. The state's largest city is Baltimore, and its capital is Annapolis. Among its occasional nicknames are "Old Line State", the "Free State", and the "Chesapeake Bay State". The state is named after Henrietta Maria of France, the wife of Charles I of England. , ZIP Codes are a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) since 1963. The term "ZIP", an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan, was chosen to suggest that the mail travels more efficiently, and therefore more quickly (zipping along), when senders use the code in the postal address. The basic format consists of five numerical digits. An extended ZIP+4 code, introduced in 1983, includes the five digits of the ZIP Code, a hyphen, and four additional digits that determine a more specific location within a given ZIP Code., A digit is a numeric symbol (such as "2" or "5") used in combinations (such as "25") to represent numbers (such as the number 25) in positional numeral systems. The name "digit" comes from the fact that the 10 digits (Latin "digiti" meaning fingers) of the hands correspond to the 10 symbols of the common base 10 numeral system, i.e. the decimal (ancient Latin adjective "decem" meaning ten) digits., The mail or post is a system for physically transporting documents and other small packages; or, the postcards, letters, and parcels themselves. A postal service can be private or public, though many governments place restrictions on private systems. Since the mid-19th century national postal systems have generally been established as government monopolies with a fee on the article prepaid. Proof of payment is often in the form of adhesive postage stamps, but postage meters are also used for bulk mailing. Modern private postal systems are typically distinguished from national postal agencies by the names "courier" or "delivery service"., Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania German: "Pennsylvaani"), officially the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is a state located in the northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. The Appalachian Mountains run through its middle. The commonwealth borders Delaware to the southeast, Maryland to the south, West Virginia to the southwest, Ohio to the west, Lake Erie and the Canadian province of Ontario to the northwest, New York to the north, and New Jersey to the east., Ohio is an Eastern state in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Ohio is the 34th largest by area, the 7th most populous, and the 10th most densely populated of the 50 United States. The state's capital and largest city is Columbus., A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN Code or ZIP Code ) is a series of letters and/or digits, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail., New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern United States and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north and east by New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey is the fourth-smallest state but the 11th-most populous and the most densely populated of the 50 United States. New Jersey lies entirely within the combined statistical areas of New York City and Philadelphia and is the third-wealthiest U.S. state by per capita income as of 2014., Delaware is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic and/or Northeastern regions of the United States. It is bordered to the south and west by Maryland, to the northeast by New Jersey, and to the north by Pennsylvania. The state takes its name from Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr, an English nobleman and Virginia's first colonial governor., West Virginia is a state located in the Appalachian region of the Southern United States. It is bordered by Virginia to the southeast, Kentucky to the southwest, Ohio to the northwest, Pennsylvania to the north (and, slightly, east), and Maryland to the northeast. West Virginia is the 41st largest by area, the 38th most populous, and has the second lowest household income of the 50 United States. The capital and largest city is Charleston., This list of current cities , towns , unincorporated communities , counties , and other recognized places in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania also includes information on the number and names of counties in which the place lies , and its lower and upper zip code bounds , if applicable ., Ontario, one of the 13 provinces and territories of Canada, is located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province by a large margin, accounting for nearly 40 percent of all Canadians, and is the second-largest province in total area. Ontario is fourth-largest in total area when the territories of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are included. It is home to the nation's capital city, Ottawa, and the nation's most populous city, Toronto., The Appalachian Mountains, often called the Appalachians, are a system of mountains in eastern North America. The Appalachians first formed roughly 480 million years ago during the Ordovician Period. It once reached elevations similar to those of the Alps and the Rocky Mountains before naturally occurring erosion. The Appalachian chain is a barrier to east-west travel, as it forms a series of alternating ridgelines and valleys oriented in opposition to most roads running east or west., Subject: list of places in pennsylvania: b, Relation: is_a_list_of, Options: (A) ancient (B) baron (C) capital (D) century (E) city (F) governor (G) household income (H) lake (I) location (J) name (K) people (L) postal code (M) single (N) state (O) symbol (P) system (Q) term
In this task, you are given a context paragraph of the tweet and question. Your task is to generate right answer of given question based on given context tweet paragraph. [Q]: Context: Mariah Carey goes on her balcony enjoying the cool air, the sound of "All I Want For Christmas" plays in her head. "Soon," she whispers. Frank Lowe (@GayAtHomeDad) November 6, 2014 Question: what sound is playing? [A]: all i want for christmas [Q]: Context: "Black lives matter" signs on protestors chests as they lie "dead" for 4 min in solidarity with Mike Brown @wusa9 Nikki Burdine (@NikkiBurdine) November 25, 2014 Question: who did the protesters lie in solidarity with? [A]: mike brown [Q]: Context: It's hard to hear all this news about @JustinBieber. I hope he makes his way to adulthood without him or anyone else getting hurt. Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 23, 2014 Question: who is it hard to hear about? [A]:
justin bieber
Q: In this task, you're given four sentences of a story written in natural language. The given story is not complete and your job is to complete the story by selecting one of the sentence choices from (A) and (B), such that the story sounds fully coherent. Sentence1: Cornelia decides that she wants to rearrange her apartment. Sentence2: Her bed has stood next to the wall for many Year's. Sentence3: Cornelia moves her bed to sit next to the window. Sentence4: When her friends sees her new arrangement, they love it. (A) Cornelia then moved her bed back to where it was. (B) Soon all her friends had arranged their beds the same way. A:
Given a disfluent sentence, modify the sentence to it to its equivalent fluent form, preserving the meaning of the sentence. -------- Question: What happens or like instead why does a lower level of economic growth occur due to high-end consumption? Answer: Why does a lower level of economic growth occur due to high-end consumption? Question: What cancer er who is the founder of T. Seaborg and Co.? Answer: Who is the founder of T. Seaborg and Co.? Question: What are the over 118 clubs run by religious groups no students at the U of C called collectively? Answer:
What are the over 118 clubs run by students at the U of C called collectively?
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of toxicity. If the comment is toxic (harmful, malicious, derogatory, threat, insult, identity attck, etc.) output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: I've gone there for 30 years and was born and raised in Portland. I would love to know how many people that have an opinion on this really speak for the Real Oregonians. Because we wouldn't have a housing problem if you all moved back where you came from. You've left some trashy city and brought your problems with you. Output:
Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. Q: Context: Epidemiologic studies associate environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure with childhood asthma.', 'To investigate whether specific pathophysiological alterations that contribute to asthma development in human beings can be induced in infant monkeys after perinatal ETS exposure.', 'Rhesus macaque fetuses/infants were exposed to ETS at 1 mg/m(3) of total suspended particulate matter from 50 days gestational age to 2.5 months postnatal age. Inflammatory and neural responses to ETS exposure were measured in the infant monkeys.', 'Perinatal ETS exposure could induce systemic and local responses, which include significant elevation of plasma levels of C5a and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, as well as significant increases in pulmonary expression of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha and T(H)2 cytokine IL-5, chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, and the density of substance P-positive nerves along the bronchial epithelium. Perinatal ETS exposure also significantly increased the numbers of mast cells, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes in the lungs of infant monkeys. In addition, ex vivo measurements showed significantly increased levels of IL-4 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the culture supernatant of PBMCs. Interestingly, as an important component of cigarette smoke, LPS was detected in the plasma of infant monkeys subjected to perinatal exposure to ETS. In contrast, an inhibitory effect of perinatal ETS exposure was also observed, which is associated with decreased phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages and a significantly decreased level of nerve growth factor in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Answer: Perinatal ETS exposure can induce a T(H)2-biased inflammatory response and alter airway innervation in infant monkeys. A:
Does perinatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure alter the immune response and airway innervation in infant primates?
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given text for US Congressional and California state bills, your task is to generate a summary for this bill. Q: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ''Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) under the Act of December 22, 1944, commonly known as the ''Flood Control Act of 1944'' (58 Stat. 887, chapter 665; 33 U.S.C. 701-1 et seq.) Congress approved the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program-- (A) to promote the general economic development of the United States; (B) to provide for irrigation above Sioux City, Iowa; (C) to protect urban and rural areas from devastating floods of the Missouri River; and (D) for other purposes; (2) the Fort Randall and Big Bend projects are major components of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program, and contribute to the national economy by generating a substantial amount of hydropower and impounding a substantial quantity of water; (3) the Fort Randall and Big Bend projects overlie the eastern boundary of the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, having inundated the fertile, wooded bottom lands of the Tribe along the Missouri River that constituted the most productive agricultural and pastoral lands of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe and the homeland of the members of the Tribe; (4) Public Law 85-923 (72 Stat. 1773 et seq.) authorized the acquisition of 7,997 acres of Indian land on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation for the Fort Randall project and Public Law 87-734 (76 Stat. 698 et seq.) authorized the acquisition of 14,299 acres of Indian land on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation for the Big Bend project; (5) Public Law 87-734 (76 Stat. 698 et seq.) provided for the mitigation of the effects of the Fort Randall and Big Bend projects on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, by directing the Secretary of the Army to-- (A) as necessary, by reason of the Big Bend project, protect, replace, relocate, or reconstruct-- (i) any essential governmental and agency facilities on the reservation, including schools, hospitals, offices of the Public Health Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, service buildings, and employee quarters existing at the time that the projects were carried out; and (ii) roads, bridges, and incidental matters or facilities in connection with those facilities; (B) provide for a townsite adequate for 50 homes, including streets and utilities (including water, sewage, and electricity), taking into account the reasonable future growth of the townsite; and (C) provide for a community center containing space and facilities for community gatherings, tribal offices, tribal council chamber, offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, offices and quarters of the Public Health Service, and a combination gymnasium and auditorium; (6) the requirements under Public Law 87-734 (76 Stat. 698 et seq.) with respect to the mitigation of the effects of the Fort Randall and Big Bend projects on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation have not been fulfilled; (7) although the national economy has benefited from the Fort Randall and Big Bend projects, the economy on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation remains underdeveloped, in part as a consequence of the failure of the Federal Government to fulfill the obligations of the Federal Government under the laws referred to in paragraph (4); (8) the economic and social development and cultural preservation of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe will be enhanced by increased tribal participation in the benefits of the Fort Randall and Big Bend components of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program; and (9) the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe is entitled to additional benefits of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Fund.--The term ''Fund'' means the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund established under section 4(a). (2) Plan.--The term ''plan'' means the plan for socioeconomic recovery and cultural preservation prepared under section 5. (3) Program.--The term ''Program'' means the power program of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program, administered by the Western Area Power Administration. (4) Secretary.--The term ''Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Interior. (5) Tribe.--The term ''Tribe'' means the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of Indians, a band of the Great Sioux Nation recognized by the United States of America. SEC. 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF LOWER BRULE SIOUX TRIBE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND. (a) Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the ''Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund''. (b) Funding.--Beginning with fiscal year 1998, and for each fiscal year thereafter, until such time as the aggregate of the amounts deposited in the Fund is equal to $39,300,000, the Secretary of the Treasury shall deposit into the Fund an amount equal to 25 percent of the receipts from the deposits to the Treasury of the United States for the preceding fiscal year from the Program. (c) Investments.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest the amounts deposited under subsection (b) only in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. (d) Payment of Interest to Tribe.-- (1) Establishment of account and transfer of interest.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall, in accordance with this subsection, transfer any interest that accrues on amounts deposited under subsection (b) into a separate account established by the Secretary of the Treasury in the Treasury of the United States. (2) Payments.-- (A) In general.--Beginning with the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year during which the aggregate of the amounts deposited in the Fund is equal to the amount specified in subsection (b), and for each fiscal year thereafter, all amounts transferred under paragraph (1) shall be available, without fiscal year limitation, to the Secretary of the Interior for use in accordance with subparagraph (C). (B) Withdrawal and transfer of funds.--For each fiscal year specified in subparagraph (A), the Secretary of the Treasury shall withdraw amounts from the account established under paragraph (1) and transfer such amounts to the Secretary of the Interior for use in accordance with subparagraph (C). The Secretary of the Treasury may only withdraw funds from the account for the purpose specified in this paragraph. (C) Payments to tribe.--The Secretary of the Interior shall use the amounts transferred under subparagraph (B) only for the purpose of making payments to the Tribe. (D) Use of payments by tribe.--The Tribe shall use the payments made under subparagraph (C) only for carrying out projects and programs pursuant to the plan prepared under section 5. (3) Prohibition on per capita payments.--No portion of any payment made under this subsection may be distributed to any member of the Tribe on a per capita basis. (e) Transfers and Withdrawals.--Except as provided in subsection (d)(1), the Secretary of the Treasury may not transfer or withdraw any amount deposited under subsection (b). SEC. 5. PLAN FOR SOCIOECONOMIC RECOVERY AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION. (a) Plan.-- (1) In general.--The Tribe shall, not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, prepare a plan for the use of the payments made to the Tribe under section 4(d)(2). In developing the plan, the Tribe shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. (2) Requirements for plan components.--The plan shall, with respect to each component of the plan-- (A) identify the costs and benefits of that component; and (B) provide plans for that component. (b) Content of Plan.--The plan shall include the following programs and components: (1) Educational facility.--The plan shall provide for an educational facility to be located on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. (2) Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient health care facility.--The plan shall provide for a comprehensive inpatient and outpatient health care facility to provide essential services that the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the individuals and entities referred to in subsection (a)(1), determines to be-- (A) needed; and (B) unavailable through facilities of the Indian Health Service on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in existence at the time of the determination. (3) Water system.--The plan shall provide for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a municipal, rural, and industrial water system for the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. (4) Recreational facilities.--The plan shall provide for recreational facilities suitable for high-density recreation at Lake Sharpe at Big Bend Dam and at other locations on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in South Dakota. (5) Other projects and programs.--The plan shall provide for such other projects and programs for the educational, social welfare, economic development, and cultural preservation of the Tribe as the Tribe considers to be appropriate. SEC. 6. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated such funds as may be necessary to carry out this Act, including such funds as may be necessary to cover the administrative expenses of the Fund. SEC. 7. EFFECT OF PAYMENTS TO TRIBE. (a) In General.--No payment made to the Tribe pursuant to this Act shall result in the reduction or denial of any service or program to which, pursuant to Federal law-- (1) the Tribe is otherwise entitled because of the status of the Tribe as a federally recognized Indian tribe; or (2) any individual who is a member of the Tribe is entitled because of the status of the individual as a member of the Tribe. (b) Exemptions; Statutory Construction.-- (1) Power rates.--No payment made pursuant to this Act shall affect Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin power rates. (2) Statutory construction.--Nothing in this Act may be construed as diminishing or affecting-- (A) any right of the Tribe that is not otherwise addressed in this Act; or (B) any treaty obligation of the United States. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate. A:
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund Act - Establishes in the Treasury the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust Fund into which, beginning with FY 1998, 25 percent of the receipts from the power program of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River basin program shall be deposited until a specified Fund aggregate amount is attained. Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer interest that accrues on such deposits into a separate Treasury account from which the Secretary shall transfer amounts to the Secretary of the Interior for payments to the Tribe. Directs the Tribe, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Interior and of Health and Human Services, to develop a plan for the socioeconomic recovery and cultural preservation of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. Requires that the plan provide for: (1) an educational facility on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation; (2) a comprehensive inpatient and outpatient health care facility; (3) construction, operation, and maintenance of a municipal, rural, and industrial water system for the Reservation; (4) recreational facilities at Lake Sharpe at Big Bend Dam and other locations on the Reservation; and (5) other projects and programs for the educational, social welfare, economic development, and cultural preservation of the Tribe. Authorizes appropriations.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. The force of the blast shook buildings several miles away. SpaceX said "an anomaly" had occurred while the rocket was being loaded with fuel. No-one was injured, it said. The rocket's payload, an Israeli-built communications satellite for Facebook due to launch on Saturday, was also destroyed, it added. Facebook, in partnership with Eutelsat Communications, had been due to use the Amos-6 satellite to deliver broadband internet coverage for swathes of sub-Saharan Africa as part of its initiative. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is currently visiting Africa, said he was "deeply disappointed" to hear that the satellite had been destroyed. "We remain committed to our mission of connecting everyone, and we will keep working until everyone has the opportunities this satellite would have provided," he wrote on his Facebook account. A leading Israeli space official said the loss of the Amos-6 satellite, valued at more than $200m (150m) and owned by Spacecom, was a major blow to the industry. "As far as the Israeli communications satellite industry is concerned, this is a very severe blow which could place the future of the industry in doubt if it is not dragged out of the mud," said the chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Isaac Ben-Israel. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station said a "significant" explosion had happened just after 09:00 (14:00 GMT) at Launch Complex 40, which is leased by SpaceX. SpaceX said in a statement: "The anomaly originated around the upper stage oxygen tanks and occurred during propellant loading of the vehicle. A history of SpaceX in pictures "As per standard operating procedure, all personnel were clear of the pad and no-one was injured. We are continuing to review the data to identify the root cause." SpaceX is aiming to create a new era of reusable rockets and affordable private space travel and has used its Falcon-9 rocket to take supplies to the International Space Station (ISS). In December last year, the California-based company successfully landed a Falcon-9 back on Earth after a mission to launch orbiting satellites - a first in rocketry. SpaceX is run out of Hawthorne near Los Angeles by Elon Musk, who made his fortune with internet companies. As well as being the rocket company's CEO, he also heads up the Tesla electric car company. Analysis: David Shukman, Science Editor, BBC News Whatever the details of what went wrong at the launch-pad, this is bad news for one of the most ambitious-ever space programmes. SpaceX has big dreams for cheap, frequent and distant space travel. This test-firing was meant to be routine, part of an accelerating series of launches. Beyond it, SpaceX is looking to make history by re-using one of the massive first stages that was returned to Earth intact. The company is also preparing to fly astronauts to the International Space Station. Most exotic of all, the company's boss, Elon Musk, is due later this month to unveil his plans for a Mars colony, and how that would take effect. There had been talk of the first SpaceX unmanned mission to the Red Planet in a couple of years' time. All its timetables will now be in jeopardy.
SpaceX rocket explodes at Cape Canaveral ahead of launch
In this task, you must classify if a given review is positive/negative, indicating your answer as P or N. [EX Q]: there is nothing like american history x in theaters or on video . no other feature film takes such a cold hard look at the lure , the culture , and the brotherhood of white supremacy . nice guy ed norton jr . ( who sang in everyone says i love you ) plays derek , a twenty - year old skinhead . dad 's subtle racism grew large in derek , after gang members killed his father . dad was fighting a fire when they shot him . now derek keeps his head shaved and has a giant swastika tattooed over his heart . derek is more interested in the ideas of white supremacy than in its culture of violence . at a basketball court , black and white tempers flare . derek channels the aggression into a game , black versus white , for ownership of the courts . when the choice presents itself , derek goes for game point instead of the sucker - punch . cameron ( stacy keach ) steps in to derek 's life as a surrogate father . he takes derek under his wing and nurtures his racist feelings . keeping his own criminal record spotless , he uses derek as a leader and organizer for high - visibility racial intimidation . derek obliges by leading his younger and dumber friends in race - motivated mob crimes . at the bottom of the chain , derek 's younger brother danny ( edward furlong , made famous in terminator 2 ) joins the skinheads not for ideological or intellectual reasons , but because he admires his brother and he wants to belong . one night three black youths break into derek 's truck , which is exactly what derek has been waiting for . outside in his shorts and his tattoo , he shoots them all . the third would - be thief , unarmed , is only wounded . in the key scene of the film , derek commands the kid into a position where he can be killed with one glorious , enraptured , awful stomp . ( the fun - spoiling nc-17 of orgazmo seems even more inappropriate , considering american history x was rated r . what sort of country is this that says sex comedies are a bigger threat to our youth than brutal , ecstatic violence ? ) the police arrive just as derek kills the last thief . derek does not resist the cops , and as they spin him around to cuff him , the film slows down . derek raises his eyebrows and smiles at his little brother in a chilling , sadistic , satisfied grin . now in prison , derek faces new challenges . as the black man in the laundry tells him , " in the joint , you the nigra , not me . " there is a clique of swastika - wearing skinheads , but they are not interested in the ideology of white supremacy . they only use the symbols as a means of intimidation . derek finds himself truly alone , truly in danger , and truly afraid . when derek finally gets out of prison , he finds that his friends from the gang have also changed . without derek 's leadership , they have shunned the white supremacist ideology for the white supremacist culture . it is the final factor that makes him realize how badly he 's screwed up . in the end , he spends quality time with is brother trying to undo the respect and admiration he had earlier inspired in danny . the film ends a little too deliberately , too neatly after the unchained emotion and violent glee of the rest of the film , but it barely detracts from the overall experience . edward norton gives an oscar - worthy performance . although some of his dialogue seemed to be written without enough conviction , norton 's performance compensated . ( an example that comes to mind is his pep talk before looting the store . ) he also captured the essence of an older brother . he took his responsibility as a role model to his younger brother very seriously , very lovingly , both before and after his change of heart . though clearly not for all tastes , this film is bold and daring . the subject matter is ugly , cruel , and at times hard to look at . nevertheless its subjects are part of humanity 's great face . kaye gives us a good look at this fascinating , if distasteful , american subculture . [EX A]: P [EX Q]: a number of critics have decided that it 's open season on freddie prize jr . , slamming the young actor as an utterly talentless pretty boy on career cruise control in sound - alike , disposable teen fluff like " head over heels , " " boys and girls , " " down to you " and " she 's all that . " while the prinze oeuvre is hard to defend , his talent is not . i first saw him in the independent dark comedy " the house of yes , " where he gave a subtle , impressive performance as the younger brother in one of america 's freakiest families . prinze has the acting chops ; he just needs to take a few supporting roles in some grown - up movies to show the non - believers that he has what it takes . " summer catch " certainly wo n't help his case . inoffensive , but utterly generic , the baseball - related romantic comedy does little more than kill time . the story deals with the love affair between tenley ( jessica biel ) , a wealthy cape cod girl and ryan ( prinze ) , a local boy from a working class family who dreams of becoming a big - time baseball star . ryan 's preoccupation with his new honey - bunny drives her elitist father ( bruce davison ) crazy and endangers his position as pitcher with a cape cod summer league team . it 's a wonder the kid has any time to pitch , as his time is occupied with making out with tenley , fighting with her dad , bonding with his own dad ( fred ward , who deserves better than this ) , fighting with his brother ( jason gedrick ) and carousing at a neighborhood bar with his teammates . the filmmakers desperately want to make a quirky , character - heavy baseball movie like " bull durham , " but have n't got a clue how to get there . and so they glide from one clich ? to the next for 108 minutes . the only bit of originality comes from marc blucas in a minor role as a center - fielder from texas . in an early barroom scene , blucas , best known as demon - fighting riley finn from " buffy the vampire slayer , " hears a young woman compliment a guy on his ass , then turns to teammate matthew lillard and states , " he does have a nice ass . a bubble butt . " when lillard gives him an " are you insane ? " look , blucas calmly says , " it 's nothing sexual , " then goes on to evaluate the hind - ends of some other players , including lillard 's . speaking of asses , prinze does not bare his in the movie . the actor has a no nudity clause in his contract , so two stunt - butts were employed for a couple of semi - nude shots . blucas , whose character secretly dates a large woman throughout the story , gets another unique moment late in the film . sick of hearing teammates make " fat chick " jokes , he climbs on top of a table and loudly declares his love of amply - sized ladies . while his speech still ends up objectifying women , it remains a nice change of pace in a numbingly ordinary movie . trivial tidbit : " summer catch " marks a scooby doo summit . marc blucas appears in " jay and silent bob strike back " as fred from the scooby doo gang , while freddie prinze jr . plays the same character in the upcoming big budget film version of the old cartoon . [EX A]: N [EX Q]: on seeing the outrageous previews for bulworth one wonders what plot could possibly allow beatty get away with making those statements ( in case you missed it , warren beatty plays a politician on the campaign trail . he says to a black congregation " . . . if you ca n't cut down on malt liquor and chicken wings and get behind someone other than a running back who stabs his wife , you 're never gon na get rid of me . " ) well , there is such a plot , and it works very well in this comedy . beatty plays jay billington bulworth , a long - time democratic senator from california . the movie opens on a painfully repetitious montage of bulworth 's latest commercials condemning affirmative action . the montage is ironically intercut with pictures of martin luther king and bulworth in his youth working with jack kennedy . when we finally lay eyes on bulworth he is morosely weeping in front of his tv , having gone without food or sleep for days . his campaign is entering the final weekend before the primaries but his depression has sunk in too far for him to care . first he calls a lobbyist from the insurance industry to get a bribe - a $ 10 million life insurance policy in his daughter 's name . then he calls an associate to arrange for his own assassination . his assistant murphy ( oliver platt ) is oblivious to bulworth 's suicidal state and drags him to his speaking engagements . bulworth halfheartedly reads his speech at an african - american church , then takes questions from the audience . he is hit hard with questions about his voting record . he had promised money to help rebuild the community after the riots , and it has n't shown up . since he 's a dead man anyway , he figures he 'll answer truthfully : he and bill clinton and newt gingrich came to l . a . for the photo opportunity . they made some promises that improved their public image for a while , and then counted on the media and the public to eventually forget about the promises they made . the shock and outrage from the congregation grows , the questions keep coming , and he keeps shooting back honest , if ugly , answers . ( before i go further , i 'd like to make a distinction that the denver post failed to make , and that is that characterizing african - americans as malt - liquor drinking o . j . fans is not part of bulworth 's " truth . " that line is in the trailers but it should not be praised like the other political confessions he makes in the movie . when the critics praise beatty for speaking the truth about politics , this line is not what they 're talking about . ) the experience is liberating . with nothing left to lose , bulworth is no longer restricted to burping generic platitudes out of both sides of his mouth . he can say whatever he wants because he 's going to be dead anyway . why not tell the people the truth about being a sleazy politician - that he is bought and paid for by lobbyists , and that racism among the populace protects politicians from being the target of charges of classism ? bulworth 's candor wins him three volunteers from the church , one of whom , nikki ( halle barry ) , he gets a crush on . he feels so good afterwards that he actually eats something . chicken wings , appropriately enough . bulworth shows up late for his meeting with some movie studio executives . when one of them asks where he stands on government regulation of movie and tv ratings , bulworth drifts to the topic of the quality of filmed entertainment . with so much money and so many talented people working so hard , he wonders , why ca n't hollywood make a quality product . ( you go , warren ! ) when they become indignant and ask why he 's talking to them if he has such a low opinion of their product , he callously admits that it 's because they are rich jews . that night he drops the three african - american volunteers at their nightclub , and he decides to go in with them . he stays up all night drinking , smoking pot , dancing , falling in love with nikki , and learning to scratch turntables and rap . the next day , he shuns his prepared speech and instead raps to the suit - and - tie fundraisers . from then on , at all of his political appearances , he raps his political truth . his rap is not bad for a middle - aged white guy . he 's not very good , but it is his first try and at least he 's not embarrassingly bad . his lobbyists are not amused , but the rest of his constituency seems to like the new bulworth . eventually , the movie 's plot ( remember he hired a hit man ? ) overtakes the politics , which is too bad . screen time is spent with bulworth trying to cancel the request for his assassination while the hit man seems to be closing in on him . there are even a few gratuitous chase scenes , bulworth fleeing his killer . these scenes may have been necessary to keep the events of the film moving along , but it distracted and detracted from bulworth 's political ranting , which was much more interesting than the ever - present , obvious - looking assassin . still , most of the movie is original and very enjoyable , and beatty deserves most of credit for bringing it to the screen . as the story and screen writer , he came up first with a good structure , then with good dialogue to back it up ( jeremy pikser co - wrote the screenplay ) . as an actor , he was able to convincingly portray bulworth 's depression , then liberation and rebirth . as a producer ( there were four others ) he was able to keep the movie free from hollywood 's indulgent formulas ( except for those inexcusable chase scenes ) . someone else probably could have directed , but since he was there anyway , what the heck . it 's too bad that there are n't more movies like this around - movies that tackle political corruption in a way that challenges viewers to pay more attention to real politics . after all , much of the inspiration for bulworth is straight out of the news . just a little perception and insight and you could write your own bulworth rants . just do n't expect to be popular with the insurance companies . [EX A]:
In this task, you are given two simple actions (associated with "A", "B"). You must identify which action is considered less ethical. Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B'. [Q]: (A) sending my nurse flowers with my phone number attached (B) being upset that my dad won't do anything to fix our problem that caused humane services to give us a complaint [A]: B [Q]: (A) telling my fiance that we can't have a wedding (B) telling a lady she isn't parked in a handicap spot [A]: A [Q]: (A) never being able to take a compliment well (B) not wanting to stay an extra hour at work because they are short staffed [A]:
Definition: Categorize the following sentence into one of the five different emotions: anger, confusion, joy, sadness and neutral. Input: You ride the Bus and Train? I so wish MARTA was as good as other cities Transits. I mean they don't even operate past 1am :-/ Output:
TASK DEFINITION: Given a prompt and four completions, select the completion that is the most plausible in continuing or answering the prompt. This task is designed to test common sense and has various categories ranging between idioms, negated statements, polysemy, subject referencing, and quantitative reasoning. Generate either Completion A, Completion B, Completion C, or Completion D. PROBLEM: Prompt: A police officer is walking with a guard dog. The dog Completion A: doesn't want to be a dog. Completion B: runs into the fire. Completion C: wants to become the police officer's enemy. Completion D: is about fifteen years old. SOLUTION: Completion D PROBLEM: Prompt: I have an irrational fear of dogs because of Completion A: the tiger that killed my father Completion B: one bit me when I was younger. Completion C: it seems like they have secrets Completion D: they don't portray them accurately in film. SOLUTION: Completion B PROBLEM: Prompt: He doesn't own an Apple product. He Completion A: doesn't like apples Completion B: is allergic to apples Completion C: thinks they are too expensive Completion D: hates apple pie SOLUTION:
Completion C
Instructions: In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. Input: Text: this happened about 30 years ago, but the crisco expired about 35 years ago. i was a cub scout, and one of the annual events was a bake-off, where each scout makes a cake which is then auctioned off for charity, usually back to parents or others in scout community. as i was still under 10, i wasn't ready to use an over by myself, so my father, who isn't a bad cook, was assisting me. i'm not sure how we decided what type of cake i was going to make, but we ended up making a black forest chocolate cake, probably with a [recipe close to this one]( not the most difficult recipe, but one of the steps was greasing the pan. we didn't have spray on oil, but we did have a big tub of crisco in our pantry. my dad told me to grab it, so i did, and being somewhat ocd i saw and mentioned it was expired. my dad said not to worry about it, that it should still be fine. it would not be fine. we finished the recipe, and it baked up beautifully, looking just like the picture. on looks alone, this cake was a winner. on smell, however, it was clear something was really, really wrong with this cake. my mom noticed it right away, and asked my dad what happened. i chimed in to suggest it was the expired crisco, while my dad tried to downplay it. when my mom looked at the crisco can, and saw how old it was (years, not days), she was immediately with me that that had to be the cause. by this point, it was about an hour before we need to be there, and we didn't have time to make another. i can't show up without a cake, or with a store bought one, else i'll let the troop down, so my my dad comes up with a plan. since it'll be an auction, all we need to do is buy the cake ourselves and dispose of it. it'll probably go for $5 or $10, so not a problem. when we get there, my dad and i go off to submit the cake for the eventual auction. while we're away, my mom decides to tell my best friend's mom about our problem and our plan. this was a big mistake, as my best friend's mom was evil. when my cake comes up for auction, my mom bids on it. suddenly, though, she's out bid by best friend's mom. she knows we won't let it go to someone else, so she wants to give my mom a bit of a hard time. my mom raises her bid, and she counters. now you've got a bidding war for what looks to be a very delicious cake, and other people start bidding, not knowing the problems within. after many rounds of bidding, my parents manage to buy it for just over $100 (roughly $200 in today's money). we get the cake home, and it goes immediately in the trash. we made other cakes over the years, but i don't recall another black forest chocolate cake, and i don't think we had crisco in the house ever again. Output:
TIFU by baking a $100 cake with expired Crisco
Teacher:In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: According to one story, this figure founded a city when his efforts in digging up a mushroom revealed a spring. That city was ruled by Electryon and Sthenelus, members of a namesake dynasty he founded. When this ruler was unable to assume the throne of Argos, he traded realms with Megapenthes. This man was sent on a quest by a king of Seriphus named (*) Polydectes during which he stole the tooth and eye of the Graeae. He rescued the daughter of Cassiopea and Cepheus from a sea monster before taking that girl, Andromeda, as his wife. His mother Danae was locked in a tower by King Acrisius to avoid a prophecy, but he was conceived by Zeus in the form a stream of gold. For 10 points, name this hero who used winged sandals and the helmet of invisibility to slay Medusa. Student:
Social Science
Detailed Instructions: Given a math problem with context and a question and 5 answer choices, the task is to provide the correct answer choice based on the problem. You must choose one of the given answer choices by letter: a, b, c, d, or e; anything else is invalid. Q: Problem: a transport company ' s 120 buses running 20 hrs a day consume 360 of fuel in a day. in the next 3 days, the company will invest in 30 more green buses that use 30 % less fuel. how many lts of fuel will be consumed in a 5 day week after the new buses are added to the fleet ? Options: a. 3060, b. 1, 512, c. 1800, d. 1260, e. 3,312 A:
TASK DEFINITION: Write a correct answer for the question. You should reason about prototypical situations and provide the correct answer. Avoid answers that provide incomplete justification for the question. PROBLEM: name a reason someone might buy one brand of toilet paper over another. SOLUTION: softer PROBLEM: name a city that has hosted the winter olympic games. SOLUTION: vancouver PROBLEM: name a type of gymnastics move every kid knows how to do. SOLUTION:
Given a sentence, fill out the missing word with a 'no' or a number (between zero and ten). You should write the numbers with english alphabet, like: four instead of 4. Most insects have two antennae, six legs, and ____ wings. four Female dropouts are also ____ times more likely to smoke during pregnancies. eight Whales are thought to sleep around ____ hours a day .
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. This figure dreams about presenting a heavy copper axe to his mother, the goddess Ninsun. This figure had ominous dreams depicting two dead figures when he embarked on a journey with a "shaggy" companion to kill a monstrous forest keeper known as Humbaba. This god sought the help of [*] Utnapishtim ("oot-na-pish-tim") in order to become immortal and avoid the fate of his deceased companion. When this figure refused to lay with the goddess Ishtar, her father An sent the Bull of Heaven to kill him, but he defeated it with the help of Enkidu. For 10 points, name this "two-thirds" divine king of Uruk, the hero of a Mesopotamian epic. Output:
Social Science
Definition: In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Input: A multiplex reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nPCR) method was developed for the detection and differentiation of wild-type and vaccine strains of canine distemper virus (CDV). A pair of primers (P1 and P4) specific for CDV corresponding to the highly conserved region of the CDV genome were used as a common primer pair in the first-round PCR of the nested PCR. Primers P2 specific for CDV wild-type strains, were used as the forward primer together with the common reverse primer P4 in the second round of nested PCR. Primers P3, P5 specific for CDV wild-type strain or vaccine strain, were used as the forward primer together with the common reverse primer P4+P6 in the second round of nested PCR. A fragment of 177 bp was amplified from vaccine strain genomic RNA, and a fragment of 247 bp from wild-type strain genomic RNA in the RT-nPCR, and two fragments of 247 bp and 177 bp were amplified from the mixed samples of vaccine and wild-type strains. No amplification was achieved for uninfected cells, or cells infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), canine parvovirus (CPV), canine coronavirus (CCV), rabies virus (RV), or canine adenovirus (CAV). The RT-nPCR method was used to detect 30 field samples suspected of canine distemper from Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces, and 51 samples in Shandong province. As a result of 30 samples, were found to be wild-type-like, and 5 to be vaccine-strain-like. The RT-nPCR method can be used to effectively detect and differentiate wild-type CDV-infected dogs from dogs vaccinated with CDV vaccine, and thus can be used in clinical detection and epidemiological surveillance. Output:
Open Access SHORT REPORT A multiplex reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction for detection and differentiation of wild-type and vaccine strains of canine distemper virus
Instructions: You are given a science question (easy-level) and four answer options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). Your task is to find the correct answer based on scientific facts, knowledge, and reasoning. Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B, 'C', 'D'. There is only one correct answer for each question. Input: Some of the thermal structure of Earth is the result of a combination of chemical composition, temperature, and pressure. Which is a boundary that best demonstrates a contact point between layers having relatively the same temperature and chemical composition? (A) lithosphere and mesosphere (B) inner core and outer core (C) outer core and mantle (D) mantle and crust Output:
Instructions: Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Input: Over the years I've bought several Dionne Warwick albums that I've listened to with great enjoyment. I find this particular excursion, however, a sad disappointment. It just doesn't work. The instrumentals almost seem like parodies of Vegas back-up arrangements. Miss Warwick sounds as if she is out of her element. And the sound quality is mediocre. Ms. Warwick is a singer that I respect and admire. But this particular album does little to burnish her legacy. Output:
Definition: In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Input: KEYWORDS Posttransplant infections Posttransplant ICU care Solid organ transplantation Risk factors Solid organ transplant (SOT) has become a well-established standard of care for endorgan failure. The nurse in the intensive care unit may be exposed to these patients at any stage in the care continuum of pretransplant or posttransplant care. Factors affecting the incidence of infection after SOT include the type of organ transplanted, anatomic region of transplant, incidence of surgical complications, level of immunosuppression, and antirejection therapy. Knowledge of risk factors, timing, and treatments for infections may help to enhance clinical practices and optimize patient safety and clinical outcomes. Crit Care Nurs Clin N Am 29 (2017) 97-110 http://dx. Output:
Infections in the Intensive Care Unit Posttransplant Infections
In this task, you are given a sentence. You are expected to recognize the name of gene or protein. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. Example Input: BALB / c and C57BL / 6 mice were grouped and vaccinated with 0 . 5 mu g of HK B . mallei ( without adjuvant ) by i . p . injection using a 25 - gauge syringe . Example Output: B . mallei Example Input: The potato rps10 gene controlled by a T . aestivum promoter ( Figure 1A ) was transcribed as a 1204 nt precursor in wheat mitochondria , but no traces of mature RNA were observed . Example Output: T . aestivum Example Input: in Streptococcus Faecium Endocarditis Example Output:
Streptococcus Faecium
instruction: In this task, you are given Yelp reviews. The task is to classify a review as "POSITIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEGATIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. question: Used our holiday buffet pass here for breakfast ($70/pp buffet pass). The holiday breakfast was only $18.99 ... the holiday buffet pass sucks. Do not get the buffet pass during the holidays. I like that you can place your drink orders with the cashier. The orange juice tasted really good ... so much better than paris buffet's orange juice. The view of the pool/water fountain made breakfast so much more enjoyable. The eggs benedict tasted the same as bellagio eggs benedict. The donuts/muffins came out of a pink box.... The crepe station was yummy Waffles were yummy.. crunchy on outside and soft on the inside. Had the usual breakfast items: muffins, donuts, cereal, salmon, vegetables, salad bar, fruits, sausages, omelette station, and its worth the breakfast price. (Worth it just without the buffet pass) i wouldn't pay more than $18.99/pp here. The staff was super quick and attentive. Great breakfast ambiance. answer: POSITIVE question: Came here once for a quote to replace my rear bumper. Everything was going good. After getting a few quotes from 2 other places decided to go with this shop based on their reviews and price. Called Mac (estimator) back to see how long it would take for them to order me an oem bumper. Said he would call back and let me know. 3 days past still no call. Called them back and Jason (the guy answering phones) said he would have Mac give me a call back again. another 2 days and finally got a call back but only gave me an estimate on just paint not the bumper. Told him I wanted him to order me an oem bumper and get it painted he could not figure out the color of my car, said he would call me back. Waited a week for his call back. Nothing. This auto shop clearly does not want to do business so I'll take my business some where else. answer: NEGATIVE question: I have no idea what all the hype is about for this place. Came on a Sunday for the brunch. There was absolutely no line, which is a tell take sign that the place is no good. Literally everything I had on my plate was bland. The spaghetti had some of the worst marinara sauce I've ever tasted and the sushi tasted old. To top it off, it was $40. I don't mind spending money on good food, but this place was awful. answer:
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a summary of a story. You need to create a question that can be answered from the story. You can create a question about characters, events, facts and beliefs, etc. Your question should be specific, try not to use pronouns instead of full names. As the stories are sometimes movie plots, they will contain actor names in parentheses. You should not use those names. Only use character names. Try to ask a question about all parts of the plot, not just the beginning. Q: Tina Gray, a teenager, walks through a boiler room dressed in a nightgown. She is stalked and attacked by a disfigured man wearing a blade-fixed glove. She awakens from the nightmare, but her mother points out four mysterious slashes in her gown. The following morning, Tina is consoled by her friend Nancy and her boyfriend, Glen. Later, Nancy and Glen sleepover with Tina following her mother's out-of-town departure. The sleepover is interrupted by Tina's boyfriend Rod, who tries to have sex to reconcile after arguing. Falling asleep, she sees the man and runs. Awakened by Tina's thrashing, Rod witnesses her being fatally slashed by an unseen force. He flees as Nancy and Glen find Tina, mistakenly blaming Rod. Nancy tells her father, Lieutenant Don Thompson, of Tina's death. The next day, Rod proclaims innocence to Nancy, but Don arrests him. At school, Nancy falls asleep in class and finds the man, calling himself Freddy Krueger, chasing her in the boiler room. Nancy burns her arm on a pipe and awakens in the middle of class, excusing herself. She notices the burn mark on her arm and is concerned. At home, Nancy falls asleep in the bathtub and nearly gets drowned by Freddy. Nancy goes to Rod, who tells her what happened to Tina, and Nancy believes Freddy is responsible for Tina's death. Nancy has Glen watch over her as she falls asleep. She tries to find Freddy and sees him preparing to kill Rod. He turns his attention on her; she runs and wakes up when her alarm clock goes off. Nancy and Glen go to the jail and discover Rod has been hanged in his cell by his bed sheet in an apparent suicide. At Rod's funeral, Nancy's parents become worried when she describes the man in her dreams. Her mother, Marge, takes her to a dream clinic. In her dream, Nancy is attacked again and grabs Freddy's hat. When the staff wake her up, she has a gash in her arm and she somehow has Freddy's hat with her. At home, Marge bars the windows and begins drinking heavily. Eventually, she tells Nancy that Freddy was a child murderer released on a technicality. In a form of vigilante justice, the parents in the neighborhood burned him alive. Realizing that Freddy desires revenge, Nancy convinces Glen to help her. She plans to take Freddy into the real world and set up booby traps in her house. Concerned over her influence, Glen's parents prevent the two from meeting. Glen falls asleep at their appointed hour, and Freddy kills him. Alone, Nancy puts her drunken mother to bed and convinces her father across the street to break into the house in twenty minutes. In her sleep, she locates Freddy at the last second and pulls him out of the dream. In the real world, Nancy runs from Freddy, who trips on the booby traps. She lights him on fire, locks him in the basement, and rushes to the door for help. The police arrive, and they realize Freddy has escaped the basement. In Marge's bedroom, they see a still-burning Freddy smother her. After Don puts out the fire, Freddy and Marge have vanished. Despite her father's words, Nancy believes she is still in danger. Freddy attacks Nancy once again. Realizing he is powered by his victim's fear, she calmly turns her back on him, reducing him to nothingness. She steps outside into a bright morning where all of her friends and mother are still alive. She gets into Glen's car to go to school when the top comes down and suddenly locks them in. As the car is driven uncontrollably down the street, Marge is grabbed through the window of their front door and is dragged through it to her apparent death. A:
What crime did Freddy commit?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. In the adverts, the banks also called for a peaceful resolution after more than two months of political unrest. Protests against an extradition bill have evolved into a pro-democracy movement, concerned about China's growing power in the region. Businesses, hit by the unrest, are also facing growing political pressure. "We are deeply concerned about recent events in Hong Kong. We strongly condemn violence of any kind and the disruption caused to the communities in which our customers, staff and shareholders live," HSBC said in the advert. HSBC said maintaining the rule of law was "essential to Hong Kong's unique status as an international financial centre", adding "they fully support the ambition to resolve the present situation peacefully". The HSBC advert was published in Chinese in the Hong Kong Economic Times, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Sing Tao, Wen Wei Pao and Ta Kung Pao. Standard Chartered echoed the sentiment in its advert placed in three newspapers including Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Pao and Sing Tao Daily. "We strongly support 'one country, two systems', and support the SAR [Special Administrative Region] government in effectively maintaining social stability and safety," the advert said. So far, banks have remained relatively muted on the politically-charged Hong Kong protests. In June, some banks said they had closed some branches due to disruption. Businesses under pressure Protestors in Hong Kong are fighting against what they see as a growing encroachment by China. Businesses have come under mounting pressure as the political unrest has intensified. That pressure culminated in the resignation of Cathay Pacific's chief executive last week, after the Hong Kong flag-carrier became embroiled in a controversy surrounding the protests. Several global brands including Versace, Sarowski and Coach have recently apologised to China for their representation of Chinese territories on their official websites or brand T-shirts. The situation is increasingly worrying business and financial communities, which have long considered Hong Kong an attractive place to do business. Hong Kong, home to Asia's third-largest stock market, is one of Asia's most important financial hub.
Banks condemn Hong Kong violence in newspaper adverts
In this task you will be given some text dialogue and you need to infer the underlying emotion of the text. The possible emotions are happy, sad, angry, or other. -------- Question: can you help me solve my issue ok whats wrong well i think i'm a stupid to share this with a bot Answer: angry Question: you are like the one who will always be there for anyone in any circumstance not in every situation what are those situtation Answer: other Question: i agree ikr that made so much sense beamingfacewithsmilingeyesbeamingfacewithsmilingeyes you are dumb Answer:
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. Let me give you an example: Drapeau's cohorts, the cohort would be a "victim" of making the bomb. Further, firebombs are inherently dangerous. There is no peaceful purpose for making a bomb. Felony offenses that involve explosives qualify as "violent crimes" for purposes of enhancing the sentences of career offenders. See 18 U.S.C. 924(e)(2)(B)(ii) (defining a "violent felony" as: "any crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year ... that ... involves use of explosives"). Courts have found possession of a'bomb to be a crime of violence based on the lack of a nonviolent purpose for a bomb and the fact that, by its very nature, there is a substantial risk that the bomb would be used against the person or property of another. See United States v. Newman, 125 F.3d 863 (10th Cir.1997) (unpublished) (<HOLDING>); United States v. Dodge, 846 F.Supp. 181,, Holding statements: (A) holding that possession of a pipe bomb is a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 3142f1 (B) holding that bank robbery by force and violence or intimidation under 18 usc 2113a is a crime of violence (C) holding that sexual assault of a child qualified as crime of violence under 18 usc 16 (D) holding for the purposes of 18 usc 924e that being a felon in possession of a firearm is not a violent felony as defined in 18 usc 924e2b (E) holding that a court must only look to the statutory definition not the underlying circumstances of the crime to determine whether a given offense is by its nature a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 16 The answer to this example can be: (A) Here is why: It's a good example. Based on the given prompt, option (A) is correct. OK. solve this: accident insurance" as a collateral source. Id. Respondent argues that UIM benefits are akin to payments from the tortfeasor's liability insurance, which do not constitute collateral sources. Respondent relies on Do, a case in which the supreme court held that "a payment made by a tortfeasor's automobile insurer is not a collateral source" under section 548.251. 779 N.W.2d at 855. The supreme court observed that the ordinary meaning of "collateral source" refers to a source "wholly independent of' and unconnected with the tortfeasor, and held that payments made to an injured claimant by the tortfeasor's liability insurer constitute a direct rather than a collateral source because they derive directly from the tortfeasor's insurance. See id. at 859-60; see also Dean, 535 N.W.2d at 345 (<HOLDING>). As a result, they do not constitute Holding statements: (A) holding that violence that does not stem from particularized animosity but rather from a financial incentive does not constitute persecution (B) holding hospital could not enforce ben directly against tortfeasors insurer because patient had no right to directly sue insurer (C) holding that an insurer can be estopped from denying coverage for failure to make payments where that insurer has established a course of conduct of accepting late payments (D) holding that payments from a tortfeasors insurer are not from a collateral source because they stem directly from the tortfeasor (E) holding that recovery from the tortfeasors insurer is a condition precedent to a claim for uim benefits Answer:
In this task, you're given a story (which contains five sentences only). Your task is to find all the characters which are available in the given story. Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Brent was an engineer. Sentence2: Brent had a hobby of making soap. Sentence3: He decided to sell his soap for money. Sentence4: He was wildly successful and went into the soap business. Sentence5: Brent had a great career in the soap business. Output: Brent Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Randy wasn't a generous guy, and he liked showing off. Sentence2: He purchased a million dollar duplex and threw a family bar-b-que. Sentence3: His cousin Chuck was impressed with the real estate purchase. Sentence4: But Chuck didn't like how Randy acted conceited over the purchase. Sentence5: Randy wouldn't share any financial expertise so Chuck left. Output: Randy Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Ashley wanted to play with her favorite doll, Raggedy Ann. Sentence2: She went to her bed to find her, but Raggedy Ann wasn't there. Sentence3: Ashley looked everywhere for her, getting concerned. Sentence4: Suddenly, in walked Bill, Ashley's dog, with the doll in his mouth. Sentence5: Raggedy Ann had been with Bill the whole time.
Output: Bill, Ashley, Raggedy ann
In this task, you are given books product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. -------- Question: Athena and Kain: The True Meaning of Greek Myth . The preface to ATHENA and KAIN states that the content of the book is revolutionary, and it really is. I looked up revolutionary, and in the context used it means, "a total or radical change, as a revolution of thought." There is no other book on Greek art or myth like ATHENA and KAIN. Mr. Johnson points out that Greek sculptures appeared on public temples and other public buildings, and that mythological scenes appeared on the ancient Greeks' everyday pottery and storage jars. The average Greeks understood the meaning of their myths. Because of ATHENA and KAIN, it is now possible for us to understand them, too Answer: POS Question: This cannot be for real. . I am a black woman who happens to be dating a white man. However, when I first came across this book a few years ago, I was offended and frankly, shocked that something this blatantly racist and disrespectful could have been printed under the guise of a self-help book. Whoever the author may be, s/he must realise that the way to make a rational argument to the intended reading audience of black females is NOT to insult black men, who represent her brothers, her father or her friends. Another review on this board took the words right out of my mouth, when it stated that historically, it has been white-not black men-who have perpetuated the myth of the black [...], and who have been heavily invested in creating a sexually degraded image of the black woman in order to justify his sexual exploitation of her. Half of me believes [or wants to believe] that this book is actually a satire. I hope one day to have my hopes confirmed! Answer: NEG Question: Yes, Stephen King really IS that good . There was a time when Stephen King was one of my favorite authors. Then I started hanging out with a better class of authors, hehe. But now, he is once again one of my favorite authors. As I said before, he's raised his game. ON WRITING and everything after. If it's a re-issue of an oldie, well, it has a new introduction by the guy who wrote ON WRITING, and that alone makes it worth buying again. Truly, I love every word he's published for the past five years. The guy was already (perhaps) the best seller of all time, and he wasn't satisfied. How great is that? What we have here is a collection of 14 short stories, some just creepy/scary and others literary. It's a wonderful mix of what we've always known he excels at and what we may not have realized he excels at. Several months back, I heard some scary rumors to the effect that he might retire. That is not allowed. Stephen, if you retire, I'm gonna round up Annie Wilkes and we're gonna make you shave Picasso's neck. So there! Answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Antibodies in human serum against an enteropathogenic bovine coronavirus were detected by double immunodiffusion (DID), neutralization of infectivity, indirect immunofluorescence, and immune electron microscopy. Human sera reacting in the DID test neutralized the infectivity of the bovine coronaviruses to indices of 2.5 to ~> 5. Nineteen of 40 DID-negative, heat-inactivated sera had neutralizing indices of 1 to 3.0. Human serum with neutralizing and DID antibodies produced juxtanuclear and cytoplasmic fluorescence identical to that of bovine immune serum in cells infected with the bovine coronavirus. Antibodies in human and bovine sera interacted with the peplomeres of the bovine coronavirus, matting and bridging them, when present in excess, and facilitated formation of large viral aggregates when present in equivalent concentrations. Complement added to the virus-antibody complexes did not alter specifically the morphology of single, antibody-laden viral particles or viral particles in aggregates. Evidence of the transmission of coronavirus from experimentally inoculated calves to man, with ensuing gastroenteritis, was found by electron microscopic tracing of the coronavirus and its virus-antibody complexes. Output:
Medical Microbiology and Immunology Reactivity of Antibodies in Human Serum with Antigens of an Enteropathogenic Bovine Coronavirus
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Personality: I won the spelling bee in third grade. I love to eat eggplant. I own a bar in downtown Chicago. I've been married five times. Chat history: -Maybe I should get another wife? -I do not know, is coffee important to you? It is me? -It would be my sixth. Yeah, I won a bar, so coffee is a must. -I really enjoy winning! You won a bar! wow. -A poker game. Owner lost on a bluff, what an idiot. -I think I like you, I can usually tell right away if I like or hate someone. -Of course I am likable. I am a millionaire. I own a downtown Chicago bar. Ha. -You must feel obligated to hang out with people then? I'd not like that. -I don't care. I'm rich. I want a wife. How about you? -But I love money and sunny days so here is your new wife! Output:
Look at that, baby. I will buy you a hat.
You are given a review of Amazon's food products. Your task is to divide them into two classes: negative or positive, depending on the content of the review. At my local Costco store, I bought Pace salsa numerous times. The salsa tastes feel rich and I love the jalepenos Pace puts in the salsa. Spicy, but not too the point where I'm sweating and can't enjoy my salsa and chips. The salsa doesn't feel watered down and this is a great "go to" salsa choice.
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Part 2. Example what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Answer: Russian Revolution Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Part 3. Exercise What got some to the point of supporting more earth friendly buildings?, Context: Environmental sustainability has become a mainstream issue, with profound effect on the architectural profession. Many developers, those who support the financing of buildings, have become educated to encourage the facilitation of environmentally sustainable design, rather than solutions based primarily on immediate cost. Major examples of this can be found in Passive solar building design, greener roof designs, biodegradable materials, and more attention to a structure's energy usage. This major shift in architecture has also changed architecture schools to focus more on the environment. Sustainability in architecture was pioneered by Frank Lloyd Wright, in the 1960s by Buckminster Fuller and in the 1970s by architects such as Ian McHarg and Sim Van der Ryn in the US and Brenda and Robert Vale in the UK and New Zealand. There has been an acceleration in the number of buildings which seek to meet green building sustainable design principles. Sustainable practices that were at the core of vernacular architecture increasingly provide inspiration for environmentally and socially sustainable contemporary techniques. The U.S. Green Building Council's LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system has been instrumental in this. Answer:
have become educated
In this task, you are given a post in English from online platforms. You are expected to identify whether the post is hateful against immigrants and women. A hateful post expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group. If a post is hateful but not towards immigrants and women, it should be labeled as non-hateful. Answer "hateful" or "Non-hateful". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Input: Consider Input: Post: If this were true which it is not, well then there are millions of us in this nation so move on if you do not like it, leave @potus @realDonaldTrump #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! Output: Hateful Input: Consider Input: Post: @replouiegohmert @LouDobbs @FoxBusiness I watched & as always awesome! It appears @SpeakerRyan wants to bring down the Republican Party before he leaves! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify Output: Hateful Input: Consider Input: Post: #Spain and life at EU Core. This is what lunatics at @ZitBrno want to bring to #Czechia, aggressive male migrants to embrace perverted values of Brussels. Czechs must openly repudiate punks at Zit.#Visegrad culture is not for sale. Once the door is open, it is already too late [Link]
Output: Hateful
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. Context: ST-segment resolution (STR) is a well-established and simple tool for assessing the efficacy of reperfusion therapy in myocardial infarction. An incomplete (<50%) STR is a recognized marker of failed thrombolysis and a suitable recruitment criterion for rescue angioplasty.', 'We sought to determine the predictive value of the total absence of STR after thrombolysis in rescue angioplasty (percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]).', 'Eighty-one consecutive patients who underwent a rescue angioplasty for failed thrombolysis in our institution from 2001 to 2007 were included. Two groups of patients were defined according to their STR extent, 90 minutes after lysis: partial resolution group 1 (10%-50% STR) vs absence of resolution group 2 (<10% STR) and compared in terms of in-hospital and long-term outcomes.', 'Patients of group 2 were more likely to experience hemodynamic deterioration (50% vs 24%; odds ratio [OR] = 3.17; P = .017), to have a Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 0 flow on the culprit artery (62.3% vs 42%; OR = 2.24; P = .045), to have a multivessel disease (66.7% vs 40%; OR = 3; P = .018), and to die during index hospitalization (26.7% vs 6%; OR = 5.69; P = .013) despite statistically similar rates of PCI failure in both groups (10% vs 7%; P = .402) and similar post-PCI STR (72% +/- 18.25% vs 75% +/- 11.62%; P = .36). In multivariate analysis, total absence of STR proved to be an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (HR = 7.02; P = .032; 95% confidence interval, 1.18-41.58). Long-term major adverse cardiac events occurred more frequently in group 2 (log rank, P = .004) and were (on the Cox regression model) independently predicted by total absence of STR (HR = 6.21; P = .023; 95% confidence interval, 1.28-29.1). Answer: The STR assessment before rescue PCI proved to be a good and simple means to predict the short- and long-term prognosis in these patients.
Is total absence of ST-segment resolution after failed thrombolysis correlated with unfavorable short- and long-term outcomes despite successful rescue angioplasty?
You are given a short paragraph, a question and two choices to answer from. Choose the correct answer based on the paragraph and write the answer(not the key). Paragraph: The more energy the particles in matter have, the faster and more strongly they vibrate. Question: A particle with less energy will vibrate _____ than one with less energy. Choices: A)more B)less less Paragraph: Objects with greater mass have a stronger force of gravity. Question: Greta gained weight after eating food. Her force of gravity Choices: A)increased B)decreased increased Paragraph: The elastic force increases the more the material is stretched or compressed. Question: When a rubber band is stretched, its elastic force Choices: A)increases B)decreases
In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. [EX Q]: Fact1: only daughter returns home after completing course in fashion designing, Fact2: Anita is close to father, Fact3: Anita 's marriage is fixed with Ilango, Fact4: Ilango falls in love with Anita, Fact5: Illango unite him with Anita [EX A]: Subramaniam Prabhu, an Ayurvedic physician is a much respected man in his village. His only daughter Anita Monica returns home from Chennai after completing a course in fashion designing. Having lost her mother at a very young age, Anita is close to her father and they share a special bond. Soon Anita's marriage is fixed with Ilango Aravind Akash, son of Vedachalam Haneefa. While Vedachalam is a goodfornothing chap, his son is a perfect match. Ilango falls in love with Anita. But Anita tells him of her past: her lover Akash Navdeep who had jilted her after a one night stand. Illango, though shattered meets Akash and tries to unite him with Anita. In this attempt, he finds himself falling in love with Anita's cousin, Eshwari Saranya Mohan. Now the story is about uniting the two pairs of lovers. Anita does not want to hurt her father with the knowledge of her past. [EX Q]: Fact1: investigators mysterious machine component that turn over to nearby Los Alamos National Laboratory for identification, Fact2: discovery prompts Paul Reagan to send agent John Williams, Fact3: more parts are smuggled into United States, Fact4: civilians and husband Leo Wayne are working with clarinet player Buzz Olin and unknown member of submarine 's crew to smuggle parts in special metal cases built by Pierre Neff, Fact5: Williams orders them to be betrayed by colleague himself [EX A]: After a fatal car crash in Lordsburg, New Mexico, investigators find a mysterious machine component that they turn over to the nearby Los Alamos National Laboratory for identification. Scientists there declare that it is one component of an advanced portable nuclear weapon designed by an unknown, presumably hostile power. The discovery prompts Paul Reagan Richard Denning, chief of the Security Investigation Division SID, to send agent John Williams John Ireland to investigate the source of these components and to prevent them from being assembled into a functioning weapon. As more parts are smuggled into the United States, the investigation expands and a pattern begins to emerge which points to Marseilles, France. After uranium is found welded to the hull of a U.S. Navy submarine in New London, Connecticut, Williams continues his investigation aboard that submarine, now bound for the French port, undercover as a naval officer preparing a training film. While in Marseilles, he learns that civilians Margo Wayne Suzanne Dalbert and her husband Leo Wayne Peter Marshall are working with clarinet player Buzz Olin Richard Avonde and an unknown member of the submarines crew to smuggle the parts in special metal cases built by Pierre Neff George Dee. After a fight near the dock, Williams believes that Lt. Magrew Mike Connors and Commander Jackson Robert Foulk are in on the plot. He orders them arrested, only to be betrayed by his colleague, agent Andy Robert Hunter, and taken into custody himself. Arriving in Washington, D.C., Williams escapes from his captors and contacts Reagan at SID headquarters where he finds Jackson and Magrew waiting for him in Reagans office. The whole exercise was a war game, put on in secret by the Defense Department to test the nations readiness for a subversive attack. However, the Waynes and Olin are not part of the war game. They have used Neff to construct 4 cases, in addition to the 48 ordered by the naval officers, and smuggled their own portable nuclear weapon into the United States. With less than 48 hours before the bombs scheduled detonation at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Williams and his team track Buzz Olin and the Waynes to the San Francisco area. After a desperate attempt to escape with the bomb and destroy San Francisco by air, Leo Wayne is killed and Jackson has just two hours to attempt to defuse the bomb while Williams flies towards Nevada. This fails and with less than a minute to go the bomb is dropped from the plane to detonate over Frenchman Flat at the Nevada Test Site. Crisis averted, the film ends with the narrator intoning, ...and three oclock is just the middle of another afternoon in the life of a city. [EX Q]: Fact1: Daniel McCracken and Melinda McCracken from World Wide get into brawl with Jed and Johnson, Fact2: Gene sings song for new friends jail, Fact3: Jed and Stag are not pleased with World Wide 's new success having planned to take over company prior in Capistrano, Fact4: Stag As has been wooing Jennifer part of efforts to acquire World Wide, Fact5: Frog marry her in to close business deal [EX A]:
The World Wide Wild West Show is a struggling rodeo outfit about to be taken over by the powerful Johnson Brothers rodeo. Daniel Pop McCracken Lucien Littlefield and Melinda Ma McCracken Claire Du Brey from World Wide get into a brawl with Jed Tris Coffin and Stag Morgan Conway Johnson after the brothers catch the desperate McCrackens vandalizing their advertisements. Singing cowboy Gene Autry Gene Autry and his sidekick Frog Millhouse Smiley Burnette come upon the brawl and try to break up the fight, but Frogs little brother Tadpole draws the sheriffs attention, and soon they are all taken to jail, where Gene sings a song for his new friends. The next day, Jennifer Benton Virginia Grey, the owner of World Wide, bails Ma and Pop out of jail. After meeting Gene, she agrees to hire him hoping his singing will bring in people and improve business. Soon, Gene is drawing in the crowds eager to see the Singing Bronco Buster. Jed and Stag are not pleased with World Wides new success, having planned to take over the company prior to their upcoming important engagements in Capistrano. As part of their efforts to acquire World Wide, Stag has been wooing Jennifer, telling his brother he will even marry her in order to close the business deal. Gene tries to warn her about Stags motives, but she doesnt believe him. Meanwhile, Jed and Jackie Laval Marla Shelton, Stags former girl friend, pay Gene a call and offer him a job with the Johnson Brothers rodeo for more money. When Gene declines, they warn him that they will take World Wide apart by force if they have to. When Gene gets into a fistfight with Jed, Jennifer mistakenly assumes it is Genes fault. Determined to eliminate the competition, Jed returns to the World Wide camp with a gang of thugs, who proceed to destroy the camps equipment. When Jennifers horse bolts during the attack, Gene comes to her rescue, though she again blames him for the disturbance. When Stag offers to pay for the damage, a grateful Jennifer decides to marry him and sell him World Wide. To prevent Jennifer from making a big mistake, Gene prevents the sale by having the deputy sheriff attach the rodeo for back wages. Brokenhearted by her failure as an owner, Jennifer hands the show over to Ma, Pop, and the other rodeo workers, telling them that she was going to give them the proceeds of the sale anyway. Later, when Jennifer tells Stag that she cannot sell the company after all, Stags negative reaction convinces her that Gene was right about Stags motives for romancing her. Jennifer returns to the World Wide camp, where her friends assure her that she is still the owner. The World Wide Wild West Show travels to Capistrano and a big fiesta to celebrate their upcoming opening is organized. Unknown to Jennifer and the others, the Johnsons have planted one of their thugs, Jenkins, in Capistrano, and Jennifer unwittingly hires him. On the night of the fiesta, Jenkins sets fire to their campground, and Pop is injured while trying to rescue the horses. When Gene learns that a special doctor is needed to perform a delicate operation on Pop, he accepts a position with the Johnson Brothers who agree to advance him the money needed for Pops operationits the only way he can raise that much money. Without revealing the seriousness of Pops condition to Jennifer and the others, Gene leaves for the Johnson Brothers rodeo. When Gene discovers the connection between the Johnson Brothers and Jenkins, he agrees not to turn them in for arson if they pay Pops medical expenses and buy new equipment for World Wide. The Johnson Brothers agree to Genes proposal. Later, Jennifer and the others are relieved to learn that Gene did not desert them. After Pop recovers from his operation, Gene performs in a special show attended by a booking agent from New York City. The agent is so impressed, he books the entire group for a rodeo at Madison Square Gardens.
Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. [EX Q]: Context: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a major pro-inflammatory cytokine. Recently, the G-308A polymorphism of the TNF-alpha gene has been associated with modified gene expression and increased TNF-alpha production in the -308A allele. We evaluated its influence on the incidence and clinical course of membranous glomerulonephritis.', 'We studied 53 patients with biopsy-proven primary membranous glomerulonephritis followed up for 5.7 +/- 4.9 years. 100 volunteers were analyzed as controls. According to the slope of the curve of reciprocal serum creatinine against time, group A (slow progressors, n = 35) and group B (fast progressors, n = 18) were defined. TNF-alpha G-308A polymorphism was determined by polymerase chain reaction amplification.', 'The frequency of the A-allele (associated with higher TNF-alpha levels) was significantly higher in patients than control subjects (patients: G-allele: 0.66, A-allele: 0.34; controls: G-allele 0.85, A-allele 0.15, p < 0.001). Similarly, the genotype distribution differed significantly between our study and control populations (patients: GG-genotype: 41.5%, GA: 49.1%, AA 9.4%; controls: GG: 71%, GA: 27%, AA 2%, p = 0.001). Age, renal function, proteinuria and blood pressure were similar at the time of renal biopsy between patients with different genotypes (NS). There was also a tendency towards an overpresentation of the A-allele in group B indicating a possible impact on the progression of membranous nephropathy, but a significance was not reached. Furthermore, no impact on renal survival in the Kaplan- Meier analysis was detected (NS). Answer: Our results suggest that TNF-alpha gene G-308A polymorphism is a risk factor for the development of membranous glomerulonephritis. [EX A]: Is tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene G-308A polymorphism a risk factor for the development of membranous glomerulonephritis? [EX Q]: Context: To conduct an untargeted, high resolution exploration of metabolic pathways that was altered in association with hepatic steatosis in adolescents.', 'This prospective, case-control study included 39 Hispanic-American, obese adolescents aged 11-17years evaluated for hepatic steatosis using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Of these 39 individuals, 30had hepatic steatosis 5% and 9 were matched controls with hepatic steatosis <5%. Fasting plasma samples were analyzed in triplicate using ultra-high resolution metabolomics on a Thermo Fisher Q Exactive mass spectrometry system, coupled with C18 reverse phase liquid chromatography. Differences in plasma metabolites between adolescents with and without nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were determined by independent t tests and visualized using Manhattan plots. Untargeted pathway analyses using Mummichog were performed among the significant metabolites to identify pathways that were most dysregulated in NAFLD.', 'The metabolomics analysis yielded 9583 metabolites, and 7711 with 80% presence across all samples remained for statistical testing. Of these, 478 metabolites were associated with the presence of NAFLD compared with the matched controls. Pathway analysis revealed that along with lipid metabolism, several major amino acid pathways were dysregulated in NAFLD, with tyrosine metabolism being the most affected. Answer: Metabolic pathways of several amino acids are significantly disturbed in adolescents with elevated hepatic steatosis. This is a novel finding and suggests that these pathways may be integral in the mechanisms of NAFLD. [EX A]: Is amino Acid Metabolism Altered in Adolescents with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease-An Untargeted , High Resolution Metabolomics Study? [EX Q]: Context: Nitric oxide (NO) is an important vascular signalling molecule. NO is synthesised endogenously by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). An alternate pathway is exogenous dietary nitrate, which can be converted to nitrite and then stored or further converted to NO and used immediately. Atherosclerosis is associated with endothelial dysfunction and subsequent lesion formation. This is thought to arise due to a reduction in the bioavailability and/or bioactivity of endogenous NO.', 'To determine if dietary nitrate can protect against endothelial dysfunction and lesion formation in the ApoE', 'ApoE Answer: Low and moderate dose nitrate significantly improved endothelial function and atherosclerotic plaque composition in ApoE [EX A]:
Does low dose dietary nitrate improve endothelial dysfunction and plaque stability in the?
Given a prompt and four completions, select the completion that is the most plausible in continuing or answering the prompt. This task is designed to test common sense and has various categories ranging between idioms, negated statements, polysemy, subject referencing, and quantitative reasoning. Generate either Completion A, Completion B, Completion C, or Completion D. Example Input: Prompt: A sign tells a conformist man, who would follow any rule obediently, to put the triangular prism into the square-shaped hole. The man Completion A: puts the triangular prism into the square-shaped hole. Completion B: puts the triangular prism into the sign. Completion C: doesn't put anything into the hole at all. Completion D: puts the square-shaped object into the square-shaped hole. Example Output: Completion A Example Input: Prompt: Beijing is the capital of China, and Beijing Completion A: is the home of Sushi that serves on china Completion B: is better than Shanghai Completion C: don't have tea Completion D: is in California Example Output: Completion B Example Input: Prompt: Suzy has arrived at the airport to get on her flight back to South Korea. Suzy Completion A: checked her baggage. Completion B: stared at the plane and then decided she didn't wanted to go to South Korea after all, and went back to her dorm. Completion C: missed her flight because she suddenly disappeared in thin air Completion D: got on the plane and flew back to South Korea in two seconds. Example Output:
Completion A
instruction: In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. question: Text: my dick doesn't itch or anything. i actually feel pretty good. only thing that bothers me is this nagging fucking feeling in the back of my mind...what if she had the herpes? answer: TIFU..Met a girl in Tinder. Fucked her without a condom. question: Text: so, this story actually happened a few years ago but i think it's one my ultimate screw ups and i have to share it. a little back story, when i graduated college i lived at home for a couple years just to get on my feet financially. i started working right away upon graduating. because of my financial situation (loans and credit card debt), i decided to bring my lunch to work everyday. usually i would get up, make whatever i was having that day, go take a shower, then leave for work. this particular day was no different. i made my lunch, put it in the same plastic grocery bag i usually do, took my shower, and was off to work. i didn't really notice anything off about this particular day until i arrived at work around 8 am. i set my lunch down on my desk (it didn't contain anything the needed to go in the refrigerator) and immediately started smelling something weird. i wrote it off thinking it was coming from the old building we working in and continued my day. multiple people came over to my desk throughout the day, all of them complaining of the smell saying it was strongest from my cubicle. i honestly didn't think anything of it, pretty much ignoring it until it came time to eat my lunch. so here's where it gets good. apparently, my mom decided to scoop the cat's litter this very particular day. she also decided to put it in the very same plastic bag i had my lunch in. she also decided to put it in the very same spot i always set my lunch in, right by the garage door (why she didn't throw that shit away immediately is something i will never understand). so guess which bag i took to work that day? you guessed it. i take my lunch break, stick my hand in the plastic bag, and grab a handful of cat poop. the smell of litter mixed with cat feces is the very smell i noticed all morning. two of my coworkers saw my mistake. they never let me live it down until i left that company. i still get the occasional text from them asking how my lunch is.... answer: TIFU by bringing my lunch to work question: Text: at the restaurant i used to work at there was an extra upstairs room for special parties and the like. it had a spiral staircase and a large round table sat directly below the staircase. one day a big party came in and wanted to sit upstairs. everything went great, although it was annoying taking large trays of food up a spiral staircase. once the party left upstairs i began to clean up the room. i was taking dirty dishes down in tubs and glasses in racks. finally, there were just a few full pitchers of water. my tray was wet and i knew the pitchers might slide around on it but i put them all on there anyway so i didn't have to keep coming back up and down. i was at the top of the staircase and the pitchers started to slide around. one slides straight off of the tray and dumps its entire contents of icy cold water on an elderly woman's head at the table below the staircase. i think the pitcher even bonked her on the head for good measure. she said my look of horror alone was apology enough. all of my coworkers were ruthless about it, saying things like i tried to make a waterfall installation and what not. answer:
TIFU by dumping a whole pitcher of water over my customers head.
Definition: You are given a review of Amazon's food products. Your task is to divide them into two classes: negative or positive, depending on the content of the review. Input: The folks at Starbucks are not exaggerating when they say their French Roast coffee is "Extra Bold." In fact, they should probably call it 'Extremely Bold'...or maybe even 'Ridiculously Bold.' The directions on the package recommend 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of filtered water. The result is likely to disintegrate your ceramic mug before you can drink it, but it doesn't taste too bad...that is until the bitter aftertaste kicks in and makes your throat burn. If you weaken it by adding some hot water, as the package suggests, the bitter taste becomes more pronounced, like coffee that's been left heating in the pot too long. The only way to drink this coffee is with plenty of cream and sugar. With enough cream and sugar, French Roast is pretty good; but I wouldn't recommend this particular Starbucks variety if you like your coffee black...unless you wanna stay awake for a week. Output:
Given a document, generate a short title of the document. The title should convey the main idea/event/topic about which the document is being written. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. CNN conservative contributor Ana Navarro tweeted on Tuesday night "Roy Moore lost. Steve Bannon lost. Donald Trump lost. Pedophilia lost. Bigotry lost. Homophobia lost. Racism lost. Doug Jones won. Mitch McConnell won. African-Americans won. Women won. Victims won. Justice won. Morality won. Values won. Sanity won. Decency won. America won." Steve Bannon lost. The Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund cheered Moore's loss in a statement saying "This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running. Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco." Never-Trump Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) daughter Meghan McCain said "Suck it Bannon ." Republican pollster Frank Luntz said " Steve Bannon wanted to destroy the @GOP Senate majority. Tonight he got his wish. The civil war is far from over" Alex Conant former communications director for Marco Rubio explained on Tuesday "Umm McConnell did everything in his power to stop this debacle. Meanwhile Trump & Bannon opportunistically condoned it." Never-Trump GOP media consultant Rick Wilson tweeted " Steve Bannon is a cancer. Good people in Alabama were the first dose of chemo." Steve Bannon is a cancer. Good people in Alabama were the first dose of chemo. Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) December 13 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's former Chief of Staff Josh Holmes tweeted on Tuesday "Before we get the results I'd just like to thank Steve Bannon for showing us how to lose the reddest state in the union and Governor Ivey for the opportunity to make this national embarrassment a reality."
Establishment Republicans Cheer Roy Moore's Loss in Alabama
Instructions: In this task, you must classify if a given review is positive/negative, indicating your answer as P or N. Input: " party camp , " is one of the most mindnumbingly brainless comedies i 've seen in awhile . a late rip - off of the " meatballs " series , the film follows a group of young camp counselors at camp chipmunk . that 's really about all that can be said about the " plot " because nothing much happens , except that the main character , wise - cracking jerry ( andrew ross ) , has the hots for a cute blonde ( kerry brennan ) , and there is a big contest in the climax . how fun ! since , " party camp , " has practically no screenplay and there is no talent at all involved , the least the makers could have done was make it raunchy and exploitative . it 's not that i think exploitation is necessarily a good quality , but when you are talking about a dull turkey like this , the least that could have been done would be to fill it with a lot of mindless sex . even a psychopathic slasher at the camp would have done the trick . at least , then , it would n't have been such a chore to sit through . never before have i seen so many jokes fall astoundingly flat . the comedy was easy to spot , but it was n't the least bit funny . it was groan - inducing . constantly throghout , i was asking myself if director gary graver actually thought this movie was worth anything . so what saves , " party camp , " from the dreaded zero star rating ? well , that 's simple : jewel shepard , as a flighty bimbo , was admittedly fun to watch . although nothing could have saved this film from the lowest depths of motion picture trash , at least if the film had centered on shepard , she might have been able to add a little spice to an otherwise rancid , low - budget teen comedy . Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given text for US Congressional and California state bills, your task is to generate a summary for this bill. Q: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ''Social Security Preservation Act of 1997''. SEC. 2. INVESTMENT OF THE FEDERAL OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE TRUST FUND AND THE FEDERAL DISABILITY INSURANCE TRUST FUND. (a) In General.--Section 201(d) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401(d)) is amended-- (1) by inserting ''(1)'' after ''(d)''; (2) by striking ''Such investments may be made only'' and inserting the following: ''Except as provided in paragraph (2), such investments may be made only''; (3) by striking the last sentence; and (4) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ''(2)(A) The Managing Trustee shall determine the annual surplus (as defined in subparagraph (B)) for each of the Trust Funds as of the end of each fiscal year. The Managing Trustee shall ensure that such annual surplus is invested, throughout the next following fiscal year, in-- ''(i) marketable interest-bearing obligations of the United States or obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States, purchased on original issue or at the market price, or ''(ii) certificates of deposit in insured depository institutions (as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act). ''(B) For purposes of this paragraph, the 'annual surplus' for either of the Trust Funds as of the end of a fiscal year is the excess (if any) of-- ''(i) the sum of-- ''(I) in the case of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the amounts appropriated to such Trust Fund under clauses (3) and (4) of subsection (a) for the fiscal year, ''(II) in the case of the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the amounts appropriated to such Trust Fund under clauses (1) and (2) of subsection (b) for the fiscal year, and ''(III) in either case, the amount appropriated to such Trust Fund under section 121(e) of the Social Security Amendments of 1983 for the fiscal year, and any amounts otherwise credited to or deposited in such Trust Fund under this title for the fiscal year, over ''(ii) the amounts paid or transferred from such Trust Fund during the fiscal year.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to annual surpluses as of the end of fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2002. SEC. 3. PROTECTION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUNDS FROM THE PUBLIC DEBT LIMIT. (a) Protection of Trust Funds.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law-- (1) no officer or employee of the United States may-- (A) delay the deposit of any amount into (or delay the credit of any amount to) the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund or the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund or otherwise vary from the normal terms, procedures, or timing for making such deposits or credits, or (B) refrain from the investment in public debt obligations of amounts in either of such Trust Funds, if a purpose of such action or inaction is to not increase the amount of outstanding public debt obligations, and (2) no officer or employee of the United States may disinvest amounts in either of such Trust Funds which are invested in public debt obligations if a purpose of the disinvestment is to reduce the amount of outstanding public debt obligations. (b) Protection of Benefits and Expenditures for Administrative Expenses.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), during any period for which cash benefits or administrative expenses would not otherwise be payable from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund or the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund by reason of an inability to issue further public debt obligations because of the applicable public debt limit, public debt obligations held by such Trust Fund shall be sold or redeemed only for the purpose of making payment of such benefits or administrative expenses and only to the extent cash assets of such Trust Fund are not available from month to month for making payment of such benefits or administrative expenses. (2) Issuance of corresponding debt.--For purposes of undertaking the sale or redemption of public debt obligations held by the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund or the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund pursuant to paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury may issue corresponding public debt obligations to the public, in order to obtain the cash necessary for payment of benefits or administrative expenses from such Trust Fund, notwithstanding the public debt limit. (3) Advance notice of sale or redemption.--Not less than 3 days prior to the date on which, by reason of the public debt limit, the Secretary of the Treasury expects to undertake a sale or redemption authorized under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States regarding the expected sale or redemption. Upon receipt of such report, the Comptroller General shall review the extent of compliance with subsection (a) and paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and shall issue such findings and recommendations to each House of the Congress as the Comptroller General considers necessary and appropriate. (c) Public Debt Obligation.--For purposes of this section, the term ''public debt obligation'' means any obligation subject to the public debt limit established under section 3101 of title 31, United States Code. A:
Social Security Preservation Act of 1997 - Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act to require the Managing Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund to ensure that the annual surplus of the trust funds is invested in: (1) marketable interest-bearing obligations of the United States or obligations guaranteed by the United States; or (2) certificates of deposit in insured depository institutions. Prescribes a formula for determining the annual surplus of the trust funds. Prohibits disinvestment of trust fund amounts from public debt obligations, any refraining from making such investments, or any delay in making normal deposits in such trust funds for public debt limit-related purposes, if a purpose of such action or inaction is to not increase, or to reduce, the amount of outstanding public debt obligation. Declares that, during any period for which cash benefits or administrative expenses would not otherwise be payable from either Trust Fund by reason of an inability to issue further public debt obligations because the public debt limit has been reached, public debt obligations held by such Trust Fund shall be sold or redeemed only for the purpose of making payment of such benefits or administrative expenses, and only to the extent Trust Fund cash assets are not available from month to month to pay such benefits or expenses. Authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, in order to sell or redeem public debt obligations held by either Trust Fund, to issue corresponding public debt obligations in order to obtain the cash necessary to pay benefits or administrative expenses from such Trust Fund, notwithstanding the public debt limit.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Context: John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American diplomat and politician who served as the 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. A Democrat, he previously served in the United States Senate, where he was chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He was the Democratic nominee in the 2004 presidential election, losing narrowly to Republican incumbent George W. Bush., Medford is a city 3.2 miles northwest of downtown Boston on the Mystic River in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. In the 2010 U.S. Census, Medford's population was 56,173. It is home to Tufts University., Charles Tufts (July 16, 1781 December 24, 1876) was an American businessperson and philanthropist., George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009 and 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. He is the eldest son of Barbara and George H. W. Bush. After graduating from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975, he worked in oil businesses. Bush married Laura Welch in 1977 and ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives shortly thereafter. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before defeating Ann Richards in the 1994 Texas gubernatorial election. Bush was elected president in 2000 after a close and controversial election against Al Gore, becoming the fourth president to be elected while receiving fewer popular votes nationwide than an opponent. He is the second president to have been a son of a former president, the first having been John Quincy Adams. He is also a brother of Jeb Bush, a former Governor of Florida and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 presidential election., Massachusetts ; officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is the most populous state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island to the south, New Hampshire and Vermont to the north, and New York to the west. The state is named for the Massachusett tribe, which once inhabited the area. The capital of Massachusetts and the most populous city in New England is Boston. Over 80% of Massachusetts' population lives in the Greater Boston metropolitan area, a region influential upon American history, academia, and industry. Originally dependent on agriculture, fishing and trade, Massachusetts was transformed into a manufacturing center during the Industrial Revolution. During the 20th century, Massachusetts' economy shifted from manufacturing to services. Modern Massachusetts is a global leader in biotechnology, engineering, higher education, finance, and maritime trade., Jean Mayer (19 February 1920 1 January 1993) was a French-American scientist best known for his research on the physiological bases of hunger and the metabolism of essential nutrients, and for his role in shaping policy on world hunger at both the national and international levels. As a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, Mayer directed a laboratory that did groundbreaking work on the hypothalamic regulation of obesity and various metabolic disorders. In 1968-69, having worked as an adviser to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, he was appointed principal organizer and chair of the first White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health. At Harvard University, he served as Master of Dudley House before leaving in 1976 to become the tenth President of Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, where he is given credit for having brought about an unprecedented rise in the university's national reputation. He died unexpectedly on January 1, 1993., Tufts University is a private research university incorporated in the municipality of Medford, Massachusetts, United States. Tufts College was founded in 1852 by Christian Universalists who worked for years to open a non-sectarian institution of higher learning. Charles Tufts donated the land for the campus on Walnut Hill, the highest point in Medford, saying that he wanted to set a "light on the hill." The name was changed to Tufts University in 1954, although the corporate name remains "the Trustees of Tufts College." For more than a century, Tufts was a small New England liberal arts college. The French American nutritionist and former professor at the Harvard School of Public Health Jean Mayer became president of Tufts in the late 1970s and, through a series of rapid acquisitions, transformed the school into a larger research university., Forbes is an American business magazine. Published bi-weekly, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. "Forbes" also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, and law. Its headquarters is located in Jersey City, New Jersey. Primary competitors in the national business magazine category include "Fortune" and "Bloomberg Businessweek". The magazine is well known for its lists and rankings, including its lists of the richest Americans (the Forbes 400) and rankings of world's top companies (the Forbes Global 2000). Another well-known list by the magazine is the The World's Billionaires list., Matt Bai / ba / is national political columnist for Yahoo! News . Prior to that , he was the chief political correspondent for the New York Times Magazine , where he covered both the 2004 and 2008 presidential campaigns . Bai often explores issues of generational change in American politics and society . His seminal cover stories in the magazine include the 2008 cover essay '' Is Obama the End of Black Politics ? '' and a 2004 profile of John Kerry titled '' Kerry 's Undeclared War . '' His work was honored in both the 2005 and 2006 editions of The Best American Political Writing . Bai is a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University in Medford , MA . In 2014 , Bai appeared as himself in the second season of TV show House of Cards ., Subject: matt bai, Relation: date_of_birth, Options: (A) 11 (B) 1781 (C) 1852 (D) 1876 (E) 19 (F) 1943 (G) 1954 (H) 1968 (I) 1977 (J) 1995 (K) 2 (L) 2000 (M) 2001 (N) 2004 (O) 2009 (P) 2010 (Q) 2013 (R) 3 (S) 400 (T) 6 (U) 69 (V) 80 (W) february 1920 (X) january 1993 Output:
Definition: In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate a simplified sentence that focuses on lexical paraphrasing from the original sentence given in the input. Input: his team had been vanquished in two consecutive games by the montreal canadiens in 1929 30. Output:
his team had been vanquished in two consecutive games by the montreal canadiens.
Instructions: Given a paragraph about cooking, and a set of conversational question answers about the paragraph, generate a relevant question to the topic of the paragraph. The paragraph has the prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix 'Q:' followed by the answer prefix 'A:'. Input: CONTEXT: If you want a similar texture and flavor, I recommend trying other similar root vegetables. I use turnips and parsnips in similar applications. They're both dense, white and have a slight sweetness to them and they should hold up relatively well to long cooking times.You might also enjoy yucca which can have a cooked texture similar to a cross between potato and banana. I've not tried them in this sort of application specifically but I think they should work. <sep> Q: What is a good alternative to potatoes in stews, soups and roasts? A: If you want a similar texture and flavor, I recommend trying other similar root vegetables Q: Can you give examples of similar root vegetables? A: I use turnips and parsnips Output:
How should turnips and parsnips be prepared before putting them in with the stew or soup?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. and Austin W. Scott, Jr., Substantive Criminal Law 3.8 at 342-44 (1986)). We noted with approval the seven factors LaFave and Scott have suggested be balanced in deciding this question. One of these factors, the severity of the punishment, suggests that the legislature might have intended to require proof of mental state for the enhancement of dealing in cocaine. .Other factors, particularly the great danger of the prohibited conduct and the great number of expected prosecutions, suggest that the General Assembly likely did intend to create a strict Hability enhancement. Our assessment of these factors makes it difficult to conclude that the General Assembly intended to require separate proof the defendant knew that the dealing occurred near a school but failed 623 (Ind.Ct.App.1985) (<HOLDING>). 2 . These factors are: 1) the legislative Holding statements: (A) holding obscenity statute required proof of scienter (B) holding that proof of an explicit agreement is not required (C) holding that proof of scienter is required to succeed on a claim under 1991a1 but not under 1991a2 or 1991a3 (D) holding child molesting statute required proof of scienter (E) holding that the incredible dubiosity rule was inapplicable and affirming the defendants conviction for child molesting
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Input: Consider Input: Context: Earl Kenneth Hines, universally known as Earl "Fatha" Hines (December 28, 1903 April 22, 1983), was an American jazz pianist and bandleader. He was one of the most influential figures in the development of jazz piano and, according to one major source, is "one of a small number of pianists whose playing shaped the history of jazz"., A bandleader is the leader of a music group such as a rock or pop group or jazz quartet. The term is most commonly, though not exclusively, used with a group that plays popular music as a small combo or a big band, such as one which plays jazz, blues, rhythm and blues or rock and roll music. Most bandleaders are also performers with their own band, either as singers or as instrumentalists, playing an instrument such as electric guitar, piano, or other instruments., Phil Napoleon (2 September 1901 1 October 1990), born Filippo Napoli, was an early jazz trumpeter and bandleader born in Boston, Massachusetts. Ron Wynn notes that Napoleon "was a competent, though unimaginative trumpeter whose greatest value was the many recording sessions he led that helped increase jazz's popularity in the mid-'20s." Richard Cook and Brian Morton, writing for "The Penguin Guide to Jazz", refer to Napoleon as "a genuine pioneer" whose playing was "profoundly influential on men such as Red Nichols and Bix Beiderbecke.", Marty Napoleon (June 2, 1921 April 27, 2015) was an American jazz pianist born in Brooklyn, New York, perhaps best known for having replaced Earl Hines in Louis Armstrong's All Stars in 1952. In 1946 he worked with Gene Krupa and went on to work with his uncle Phil Napoleon, a trumpeter, in Phil's Original Memphis Five. In the 1950s he also worked with his brother Teddy Napoleon, a pianist, and from 1966 to 1971 he performed with Armstrong again., Teddy Napoleon ( January 23 , 1914 - July 5 , 1964 ) was an American swing jazz pianist . He was the nephew of Phil Napoleon and the older brother of Marty Napoleon . Teddy Napoleon 's first professional engagement was with Lee Castle in 1933 . He played with Tommy Tompkins for several years before working as a freelance musician in New York City . In the 1940s he played in several big bands , including those of Johnny Messner and Bob Chester , before signing up with Gene Krupa in 1944 . He would work under Krupa intermittently for the next fourteen years , including on many of Krupa 's big band releases in the 1940s and in his trio settings with Charlie Ventura . He also spent time working with Flip Phillips , Bill Harris , and Eddie Shu . Napoleon moved to Florida in 1959 and led his own trio there , though he never recorded as a leader ., Subject: teddy napoleon, Relation: instrument, Options: (A) electric guitar (B) jazz piano (C) piano Output: piano Input: Consider Input: Context: Gwersyllt is an urban village and a local government community, the lowest tier of local government, part of Wrexham County Borough in Wales., Summerhill ( Welsh : Brynhyfryd , pronounced ( brnhfrd ) ) is a semi-urban village in the suburbs of Wrexham , Wales and forms part of the community of Gwersyllt ., Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain. It is bordered by England to the east, the Irish Sea to the north and west, and the Bristol Channel to the south. It had a population in 2011 of 3,063,456 and has a total area of . Wales has over of coastline and is largely mountainous, with its higher peaks in the north and central areas, including Snowdon, its highest summit. The country lies within the north temperate zone and has a changeable, maritime climate., England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. The country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain (which lies in the North Atlantic) in its centre and south; and includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight., Wrexham County Borough is a local government principal area centred on the town of Wrexham in north-east Wales. The county borough has a population of nearly 135,000 inhabitants. Just under half of the population live either within the town of Wrexham or its surrounding conurbation of urban villages which has a population of around 63,000 people. The remainder live to the south and east of the town in more rural areas. The area has strong links with coal-mining., Wrexham (; ) is a large town in north Wales, between the Welsh mountains and the lower Dee Valley alongside the border with England. In Wrexham County Borough, it is the largest town in north Wales and an administrative, commercial, retail and educational centre., Subject: summerhill, Relation: located_in_the_administrative_territorial_entity, Options: (A) bristol (B) central (C) centre (D) east (E) england (F) north (G) northwest (H) of (I) southwest (J) wales (K) west (L) wrexham (M) wrexham county borough Output: wrexham county borough Input: Consider Input: Context: Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme produced by the BBC since 1963. The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord called "The Doctor", an extraterrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey. He explores the universe in a time-travelling space ship called the TARDIS. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Accompanied by a number of companions, the Doctor combats a variety of foes, while working to save civilisations and help people in need., TVR Internaional (TVR International, abbreviated as TVRi) is the international channel of "Televiziunea Roman", Romania's government-funded television network. TVR International provides free-to-air 24-hour broadcast throughout Europe, Canada and the US. In July 2005, it introduced broadcasts to Australia and New Zealand., Televiziunea Roman, more commonly referred to as TVR , is the short name for Societatea Roman de Televiziune (Romanian Television Corporation), or SRTVRomanian public television. It operates five channels: TVR1, TVR2, TVR3, TVRi and TVR HD, along with six regional studios in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iai, Timioara, Craiova and Targu Mure. Of the regional studios of TVR (""studiouri teritoriale"") only TVR Cluj broadcasts independently (terrestrial and via cable) all over Transylvania. The other broadcast usually at the same time on TVR2 and sometimes on TVR1., NeWS (Network extensible Window System) is a discontinued windowing system developed by Sun Microsystems in the mid-1980s. Originally known as "SunDew", its primary authors were James Gosling and David S. H. Rosenthal. The NeWS interpreter was based on PostScript (as was the later Display PostScript, although the two projects were otherwise unrelated) extending it to allow interaction and multiple "contexts" to support windows. Like PostScript, NeWS could be used as a complete programming language, but unlike PostScript, NeWS could be used to make complete interactive programs with mouse support and a GUI., Romania is a sovereign state located in Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Moldova. It has an area of and a temperate-continental climate. With 19.94 million inhabitants, the country is the seventh-most-populous member state of the European Union. The capital and largest city, Bucharest, with its 1,883,425 inhabitants is the sixth-largest city in the EU., In computing, a windowing system (or window system) is a type of graphical user interface (GUI) which implements the WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) paradigm for a user interface. Each currently running application is assigned a usually resizable and usually rectangular shaped surface of the display to present its graphical user interface to the user; these windows may overlap each other, as opposed to a tiling interface where they are not allowed to overlap. Usually a window decoration is drawn around each window. The programming of both the window decoration and of available widgets inside of the window, which are graphical elements for direct user interaction, such as sliders, buttons, etc., is eased and simplified through the use of widget toolkits. , TVR2, Televiziunea Roman 2 ("TVR Doi", translated: Romanian Television 2), is the second channel of the public broadcaster TVR. The channel was created in 1968, but it was suspended from 1985 until after the fall of the Communist regime in 1989. From 2003 it has been market leader in Romania with some very well thought shows as Tonomatul DP2, the British show Doctor Who and always makes huge rating points during the Callatis Festival, which it airs live for a whole week., Jurnalul TVR is the main news program of the TVR , broadcast daily on TVR1 , TVRi at 07:00 , 14:00 , 17:00 , 19:00 and 22:45 , and on TVR2 ( re-broadcasting of the 14:00 show at 16:00 ) . It broadcasts at different hours on TVR1 and TVR2 , if the schedule of some sporting event that the two channels broadcast interfere with the usual TV schedule ., TVR1 (spelled out as "Televiziunea Roman 1", "Romanian Television 1") is the main channel of the Romanian public broadcaster TVR., Subject: jurnalul tvr, Relation: original_network, Options: (A) city (B) etc (C) romanian television (D) science (E) tvri
Output: romanian television
In this task, you're given a story (which contains five sentences only). Your task is to find all the characters which are available in the given story. Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Connie has not studied for her exams. Sentence2: In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. Sentence3: As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. Sentence4: She's copying the girl next to her. Sentence5: Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. Output: Smartest girl, Connie Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Roland came to the bowling alley looking to improve his skills. Sentence2: He paid for 2 hours of bowling as well as premium equipment. Sentence3: Roland hadn't been playing for long when he got his first ever strike. Sentence4: Feeling accomplished, he did his signature dance and ordered food. Sentence5: He managed to do it 3 more times before it was done for the evening. Output: Roland Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Martha was living by herself. Sentence2: She was lonely being by herself. Sentence3: She called up her mother. Sentence4: Her mother came to visit her the next day. Sentence5: Martha felt better in the company of her mother.
Output: Martha, Mother
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. See one example below: Problem: He grew up in Evanston, Illinois the second oldest of five children including his brothers, Fred and Gordon and sisters, Marge (Peppy) and Marilyn. His high school days were spent at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois. MacKenzie studied with Bernard Leach from 1949 to 1952. _His_ simple, wheel-thrown functional pottery is heavily influenced by the oriental aesthetic of Shoji Hamada and Kanjiro Kawai. <sep>, Pronoun: His <sep>, A: MacKenzie <sep>, B: Bernard Leach Solution: A Explanation: Based on the text, his refers to MacKenzie so option A is correct. Problem: Hagen's mother Susie Fenwick appeared in The Sound of Music as Sister Margaretta at the London Palladium. Hagen's parents have known Arlene Phillips, a director of Britannia High, for some time through their careers in the West End. Georgina is also a friend of one of Phillips' daughters. _She_ is also the second cousin of Perry Fenwick who plays Billy Mitchell in EastEnders, and first cousin of film director Toby Hagen. <sep>, Pronoun: She <sep>, A: Georgina <sep>, B: Phillips Solution:
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Ex Input: Context: Yoruba ("") is a language spoken in West Africa, mainly in Nigeria. The number of speakers of Yoruba is approaching 30 million. It is a pluricentric language spoken principally in Benin and Nigeria, with communities in other parts of Africa, the Americas, and Europe. A variety of the language, Lucumi, is the liturgical language of the Santeria religion of the Caribbean. Many Yoruba words are used in the Afro-Brazilian religion known as Candomble. Yoruba is most closely related to the Itsekiri language (spoken in the Niger Delta) and to Igala (spoken in central Nigeria)., Obalokun was an Alaafin of Oyo , he was first in an era of successive despotic and short - lived kings of Oyo ., Yorubaland is the cultural region of the Yoruba people in West Africa. It spans the modern day countries of Nigeria, Togo and Benin, and covers a total land area of 142,114km or about the same size as the combined land areas of Greece and Montenegro, of which 106,016km, representing about 74.6% within Nigeria, 18.9% in Benin, and the remaining 6.5% in Togo. The geocultural space contains an estimated 55 million people, the overwhelming majority of them are ethnic Yorubas. About 5.3 million people are estimated to practice Yoruba religion worldwide with the largest numbers found in Nigeria., Alaafin, or "Man of the Palace" in the Yoruba language, was the title of the emperor of the medieval Oyo empire of northwestern Yorubaland. It was retained through the fall of that state as the official title of the ceremonial ruler of the contemporary Oyo clan., The Oyo Empire was a Yoruba empire of what is today Western and North central Nigeria, and Eastern Benin. Established in the 15th century, the Oyo Empire grew to become one of the largest West African states. It rose through the outstanding organizational skills of the Yoruba, wealth gained from trade and its powerful cavalry. The Oyo Empire was the most politically important state in the region from the mid-17th to the late 18th century, holding sway not only over most of the other kingdoms in Yorubaland, but also over nearby African states, notably the Fon Kingdom of Dahomey in the modern Republic of Benin to the west., An emperor (through Old French "empereor" from ) is a monarch, usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another type of imperial realm. Empress, the female equivalent, may indicate an emperor's wife ("empress consort"), mother ("empress dowager"), or a woman who rules in her own right ("empress regnant"). Emperors are generally recognized to be of a higher honour and rank than kings. In Europe the title of Emperor was, since the Middle Ages, considered equal or almost equal in dignity to that of Pope, due to the latter's position as visible head of the Church and spiritual leader of Western Europe. The Emperor of Japan is the only currently reigning monarch whose title is translated into English as "Emperor"., Subject: obalokun, Relation: country_of_citizenship, Options: (A) japan (B) montenegro (C) niger (D) nigeria (E) realm Ex Output: nigeria Ex Input: Context: Colombia (or ), officially the Republic of Colombia, is a transcontinental country largely situated in the northwest of South America, with territories in Central America. Colombia shares a border to the northwest with Panama, to the east with Venezuela and Brazil and to the south with Ecuador and Peru. It shares its maritime limits with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. It is a unitary, constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The territory of what is now Colombia was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples including the Muisca, the Quimbaya and the Tairona., The President of Colombia (Spanish: "Presidente de Colombia") is the head of state and head of government of Colombia. The office of president was established upon the ratification of the Constitution of 1819, by the Congress of Angostura, convened in December 1819, when Colombia was ""la Gran Colombia"". The first president, General Simon Bolivar, took office in 1819. His position, initially self-proclaimed, was subsequently ratified by Congress., A business (also known as an enterprise, a company or a firm) is an organizational entity involved in the provision of goods and services to consumers. Businesses as a form of economic activity are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social non-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises charged by governments with specific social and economic objectives. A business owned by multiple individuals may form as an incorporated company or jointly organise as a partnership. Countries have different laws that may ascribe different rights to the various business entities., Ibague is the capital of Tolima, one of the 32 departments that make up the Republic of Colombia. The city is located in the center of the country, on the central mountain range of the Colombian Andes, near Nevado del Tolima. It is one of the most populous cities in the country, with about 498,401 (according to the 2005 census) inhabitants, making it the seventh (7th) most populous in Colombia. It was founded on October 14, 1550, by the Spanish captain Andres Lopez de Galarza. The city of Ibague is divided into 13 communes and the rural area has 17 corregimientos. As the capital of the department of Tolima the city hosts the Government of Tolima, the Departmental Assembly, and the Attorney General's Office. It is the main epicenter of political, economic, administrative, business, art, culture, and tourism activities in the area., Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. In their most general form these activities include the production of works of art, the criticism of art, the study of the history of art, and the aesthetic dissemination of art., Culture can be defined in numerous ways. In the words of anthropologist E.B. Tylor, it is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Alternatively, in a contemporary variant, "Culture is defined as a social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses and material expressions, which, over time, express the continuities and discontinuities of social meaning of a life held in common.", Planadas Is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Tolima . It was founded in 1966 during the presidency of Carlos Lleras Restrepo and lies 252 km of Ibague the capital of the department ., Nevado del Tolima is a stratovolcano located in Tolima Department, Colombia, south of Nevado del Ruiz volcano., Tourism is travel for pleasure; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. Tourism may be international, or within the traveller's country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes"., Carlos Alberto Lleras Restrepo (12 April 1908 27 September 1994) was the 22nd President of Colombia from 1966 to 1970., Subject: planadas, Relation: located_in_the_administrative_territorial_entity, Options: (A) center (B) colombia (C) dominican republic (D) east (E) ecuador (F) enterprise (G) gran (H) honduras (I) ibague (J) most (K) northwest (L) of (M) panama (N) rural area (O) south (P) tolima department (Q) tours (R) venezuela Ex Output: tolima department Ex Input: Context: Vogelsberg is a municipality in the Sommerda district of Thuringia, Germany., Europe is a continent that comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. To the east and southeast, Europe is generally considered as separated from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways of the Turkish Straits. Yet the non-oceanic borders of Europea concept dating back to classical antiquityare arbitrary. The primarily physiographic term "continent" as applied to Europe also incorporates cultural and political elements whose discontinuities are not always reflected by the continent's current overland boundaries., An arrowslit (often also referred to as an arrow loop, loophole or loop hole, and sometimes a balistraria) is a thin vertical aperture in a fortification through which an archer can launch arrows., The euro (sign: ; code: EUR) is the official currency of the eurozone, which consists of 19 of the member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. The currency is also officially used by the institutions of the European Union and four other European countries, as well as unilaterally by two others, and is consequently used daily by some 337million Europeans . Outside of Europe, a number of overseas territories of EU members also use the euro as their currency., A metropolis is a large city or conurbation which is a significant economic, political, and cultural center for a country or region, and an important hub for regional or international connections, commerce, and communications. The term is Greek and means the "mother city" of a colony (in the ancient sense), that is, the city which sent out settlers. This was later generalized to a city regarded as a center of a specified activity, or any large, important city in a nation., Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of and has a largely temperate seasonal climate and Mediterranean climate; due to its shape, it is often referred to in Italy as "lo Stivale" (the Boot). With 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth most populous EU member state., History (from Greek , "historia", meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation") is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. Events occurring before written record are considered prehistory. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians., Hesse or Hessia (, Hessian dialect: "Hesse" ) is a federal state ("Land") of the Federal Republic of Germany, with just over six million inhabitants. The state capital is Wiesbaden; the largest city is Frankfurt am Main. Until the formation of the German Reich in 1871, Hesse was an independent country ruled by a Grand Duke (Grand Duchy of Hesse). Due to divisions after World War II, the modern federal state does not cover the entire cultural region of Hesse which includes both the State of Hesse and the area known as Rhenish Hesse (Rheinhessen) in the neighbouring state of Rhineland-Palatinate., In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period. The medieval period is itself subdivided into the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages., Lower Franconia is one of seven districts of Bavaria, Germany. The districts of Lower, Middle and Upper Franconia make up the region of Franconia., Bavaria is a federal state of Germany. Located in the German southeast with an area of 70,548 square kilometres (27,200 sq mi), Bavaria is the largest German state. Its territory comprises roughly a fifth of the total land area of Germany, and, with 12.9 million inhabitants, it is Germany's second most populous state. Munich, Bavaria's capital and largest city, is the third largest city in Germany., The Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region is the largest metropolitan region in Germany with over 11 million inhabitants. It is of polycentric nature and the only megacity in Germany. It covers an area of 7,110 square kilometers and lies entirely within the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region spreads from Dortmund-Bochum-Essen-Duisburg (Ruhr Area) in the north, to the urban areas of the cities of Monchengladbach, Dusseldorf (the state capital), Wuppertal, Leverkusen, Cologne (the region's largest and Germany's fourth largest city), and Bonn in the south. The location of the Rhine-Ruhr at the heart of the European blue banana makes it well connected to other major European cities and metropolitan areas like the Randstad, the Flemish Diamond and the Frankfurt Rhine Main Region., "Country House" is a song by English alternative rock band Blur. It was released as the lead single from the band's fourth album "The Great Escape" on 14 August 1995. "Country House" was the first of two Blur singles to reach number one on the UK Singles Chart (the second being 1997's "Beetlebum")., Modern history, the modern period or the modern era, is the global historiographical approach to the timeframe after the Post-classical history. Modern history can be further broken down into periods:, Frankfurt am Main is a metropolis and the largest city in the German state of Hesse and the fifth-largest city in Germany, with a 2015 population of 731,095 within its administrative boundaries, and 2.3million in its urban area. The city is at the centre of the larger Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region, which has a population of 5.8million and is Germany's second-largest metropolitan region after Rhine-Ruhr. Since the enlargement of the European Union in 2013, the geographic centre of the EU is about to the east of Frankfurt's CBD, the Bankenviertel. Frankfurt is culturally and ethnically diverse, with around half of the population, and a majority of young people, having a migration background. A quarter of the population are foreign nationals, including many expatriates., The Middle East is a transcontinental region centered on Western Asia and Egypt. The corresponding adjective is "Middle-Eastern" and the derived noun is "Middle-Easterner". The term has come into wider usage as a replacement of the term Near East (as opposed to Far East) beginning in the early 20th century., The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of member states that are located primarily in Europe. It has an area of , and an estimated population of over 510 million. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Within the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002, and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency., Regierungsbezirk (abbreviated Reg.-Bez.) is an administrative region at federal state level in Germany. The regional authority is called a "Regierungsprasidium" or "Bezirksregierung" (district government) and is headed by a "Regierungsprasident" (district president)., The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 17th century, regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. It started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later spread to the rest of Europe, marking the beginning of the Early Modern Age., A palace is a grand residence, especially a royal residence, or the home of a head of state or some other high-ranking dignitary, such as a bishop or archbishop., A castle (from ) is a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility. Scholars debate the scope of the word "castle", but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble. This is distinct from a palace, which is not fortified; from a fortress, which was not always a residence for nobility; and from a fortified settlement, which was a public defence though there are many similarities among these types of construction. Usage of the term has varied over time and has been applied to structures as diverse as hill forts and country houses. Over the approximately 900years that castles were built, they took on a great many forms with many different features, although some, such as curtain walls and arrowslits, were commonplace., Aschaffenburg is a town in northwest Bavaria, Germany. The town of Aschaffenburg is not considered part of the district of Aschaffenburg, but is the administrative seat., A foreign national is a person who is not a citizen of the host country in which he or she is residing or temporarily sojourning. For example, a foreign national in Canada is someone who is neither a Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident of Canada. However, in the European Union, a foreign national is a third country national, i.e. someone who is not a citizen of any of the member states of the European Union. , Mespelbrunn Castle is a late - medieval / early - Renaissance moated castle on the territory of the town of Mespelbrunn , between Frankfurt and Wurzburg , built in a tributary valley of the Elsava valley , within the Spessart forest . It is a popular tourist attraction and has become a famous Spessart landmark ., An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing, as an immigrant, in a country other than that of their citizenship. The word comes from the Latin terms "ex" ("out of") and "patria" ("country, fatherland")., The is a low mountain range in the German states of Hesse, Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg., A cultural movement is a change in the way a number of different disciplines approach their work. This embodies all art forms, the sciences, and philosophies. Historically, different nations or regions of the world have gone through their own independent sequence of movements in culture, but as world communications have accelerated this geographical distinction has become less distinct. When cultural movements go through revolutions from one to the next, genres tend to get attacked and mixed up, and often new genres are generated and old ones fade. These changes are often reactions against the prior cultural form, which typically has grown stale and repetitive. An obsession emerges among the mainstream with the new movement, and the old one falls into neglect - sometimes it dies out entirely, but often it chugs along favored in a few disciplines and occasionally making reappearances (sometimes prefixed with "neo-")., Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. It includes 16 constituent states, covers an area of , and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With about 82 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member state of the European Union. After the United States, it is the second most popular immigration destination in the world. Germany's capital and largest metropolis is Berlin. Other major cities include Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf., Heimbuchenthal is a community in the Aschaffenburg district in the "Regierungsbezirk" of Lower Franconia ("Unterfranken") in Bavaria, Germany, and the seat of the "Verwaltungsgemeinschaft" (Administrative Community) of Mespelbrunn. It is also a state-recognized recreational resort ("Erholungsort")., Spessart is a "Mittelgebirge", a range of low wooded mountains, in the States of Bavaria and Hesse in Germany. It is bordered by the Vogelsberg, Rhon and Odenwald. The highest elevation is the Geiersberg at 586 metres NN., Mespelbrunn is a community in the Aschaffenburg district in the "Regierungsbezirk" of Lower Franconia ("Unterfranken") in Bavaria, Germany and a member of the "Verwaltungsgemeinschaft" (municipal association) of Mespelbrunn, whose seat is in Heimbuchenthal., A Mittelgebirge (German term) is a relatively low mountain range or highland area, a typical geographical feature of Central Europe, especially Central and Southern Germany; it refers to something between rolling low hill country or "Hugelland" and a proper mountain range (or "Hochgebirge") like the High Alps. , Bankenviertel ("banking district") is the name of the central business district in Frankfurt, Germany. It designates an area in the city centre, where many banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions are located. It is the most important financial centre in Germany and one of the largest in Europe along with La Defense in the Paris aire urbaine and London's City and Canary Wharf., Subject: mespelbrunn castle, Relation: located_in_the_administrative_territorial_entity, Options: (A) aschaffenburg (B) atlantic ocean (C) austria (D) banks (E) bavaria (F) belgium (G) berlin (H) bochum (I) bonn (J) canada (K) center (L) central (M) cyprus (N) district (O) duisburg (P) dusseldorf (Q) east (R) egypt (S) essen (T) estonia (U) europe (V) european union (W) france (X) frankfurt (Y) germany (Z) hesse ([) hill (\) hole (]) italy (^) lithuania (_) lower franconia (') most (a) mountain (b) near east (c) northwest (d) noun (e) of (f) portugal (g) post (h) rhine (i) river (j) rock (k) roman empire (l) san marino (m) song (n) south (o) spain (p) stuttgart (q) switzerland (r) sommerda (s) union (t) vatican city (u) wiesbaden Ex Output:
In this task, you will be shown an extract from a movie plot. You need to read the extract and create questions that can be answered from the extract. Once you create a question you also need to provide the correct answer for it. Write your answer like "Question: your question, Answer: your answer". The questions should be well-formed and grammatically correct. The questions should be completely answerable from the given passage and should not require any external knowledge. Subjective questions are not allowed. Short answers containing words that are present in the passage are preferred. Create questions that result in factoid answers. A simple rule of thumb to decide whether a question is a factoid or not is to see if two different people with average reading/comprehension skills would come up with the same answer after reading the passage. Example: Twenty-year-old Will Hunting of South Boston is a self-taught, genius-level intellect, though he works as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and spends his free time drinking with his friends, Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Billy (Cole Hauser) and Morgan (Casey Affleck). When Professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) posts a difficult mathematics problem as a challenge for his graduate students, Will solves the problem anonymously, stunning both the graduate students and Lambeau himself. As a challenge to the unknown genius, Lambeau posts an even more difficult problem. Lambeau chances upon Will solving the problem but Will flees the scene. That night at a bar, Will meets Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student about to graduate from Harvard, who plans on attending medical school at Stanford and gives Will her phone number before leaving. Example solution: Question: How old is Will Hunting in the movie ?, Answer: Twenty years Example explanation: This is a good question which results in a factoid answer, and the answer is correct too. Problem: Chiyo was the second daughter of a poor fisherman in Yoroido and a curiosity in her village - her eyes were blue (in the novel they were blue-grey). Ser father was old and her mother terminally ill; thus the parents were persuaded to sell their daughters for a more secured life. Chiyo and sister Satsu were promptly sent to Gion(geisha district) right away. Auntie decides to keep her in the Nitta Okiya, but rejects her sister. Satsu is then sent to a common brothel in the Miyagawa-Cho district to become a prostitute.Chiyo spent her first few years in the okiya working as a maid and planning her escape. Hatsumomo, the star of the okiya and one of the most beautiful and popular geishas at the time, sensed that she was going to be a threat and set out to eliminate her. She and Korin forced Chiyo to ruin a kimono(which belonged to Hatsumomo's most hated rival in Gion, Mameha). The next day, Auntie half-heartedly beat her as punishment for the ruined kimono since she didn't want Mother or Granny getting their hands on her. She also warns her against trusting Hatsumomo because she'll ruin her in a second. As a reward for ruining Mameha's kimono, Hatsumomo finally told her that her sister is in the Miyagawa-Cho district under the brother home, Tatsuyo and arranged for them to meet. The sisters decided that Chiyo would sneak out of the okiya by walking on top of the neighbouring roofs, meet up with Satsu, and then they would escape together. Her attempt failed as she fell off one of the roofs, and her sister went on without her. Auntie was infuriated at Chiyo for not heeding her warning to keep clear. While she was recovering from her injuries, she received a letter informing her that both of her parents have died. Now she is all alone in the world.Mother (the madam) was furious with Chiyo's rebellious behaviour and decided not to raise her as a geisha, but as a maid. On a maid wage, she will never be able to pay off her contract and leave the okiya. Chiyo settled uneasily into her doomed life, while watching her friend and fellow maid, Pumpkin get elevated to being an apprentice geisha and all her work as a maid is transferred to her. Upon learning that Chiyo will remain Mother's slave for all time, Hatsumomo rejoiced at the prospect and set out to make her life even more miserable than before.One day while a 12-year-old, Chiyo was out on an errand, her concerns for her future remaining as a maid under Mother overwhelmed her and she started to cry. A man stopped to talk to her and accompanied her for some shaved ice. He bought her flavoured ice and gave her two coins to cheer her up. Watching the Chairman walk away with two geishas, Chiyo decided that she would become a geisha at any cost, just so that she can be with him. She spent the coins on making her wish, and kept the Chairman's handkerchief.In the winter of 1935, Chiyo is 15 and she's helping Pumpkin get ready for her debut as an apprentice geisha, under Hatsumomo's tutelage. After they left, she noticed that her friend forgot her shamisen and ran out of the Nitta Okiya to the back of Mizuki Teahouse(Hatsumomo's prime) and gave the mistress there her friend's shamisen. A few days later the okiya got a surprise visit from the famed geisha Mameha, who offered irresistable conditions to take Chiyo as her apprentice geisha. Mother's greed got the better of her and Chiyo became Sayuri. During her training, Sayuri showed considerable talents and Mother began to consider adopting her, instead of Pumpkin, as her daughter, to inherit the okiya. This further intensified the feud between Hatsumomo and Mameha.Time was drawing close to the bidding for Sayuri's mizuage (the first night), but with Hatsumomo's schemes, Mameha was no where close to finding enough potential dannas (patrons) to start a proper bidding. She decided to try the impossible - Nobu, a rich man disfigured by chemical accident and disliked geishas. Miraculously,he fell in love with Sayuri; and Sayuri with his best friend - the Chairman.Sayuri's mizuage made history as the highest bid to date, and she became the IT geisha. Mother adopted her, kicked Hatsumomo out for trying to destroy her career by causing the fire and Pumpkin was left homeless to fend for herself. But Sayuri's glory was cut short by World War II. As all geishas were gathered up and shipped to factories as workers, she and Mameha went into hiding with the Chairman's help.After the war, Mameha and Sayuri found it hard to survive as genuine geishas. The American soldiers are the big spender now, and they prefer common prostitutes to geishas. Pumpkin's fell from grace now turned out to be a blessing.The Chairman hired Sayuri, Mameha and Pumpkin for a trip, so that they could entertain an American colonel named Derricks, his associates and turn them into his business partners. Sayuri realised that she would have to get either Nobu or Col. Derricks to become her danna to survive. But meeting the Chairman again after the war proofed to be too strong a temptation, she decided to throw everything away and follow her heart for once. In her room, Mameha warned Sayuri against doing that because it's disrespectful to Nobu and she could ruin her career for that mistake. She told he to accept him as her danna because he saved her life and she owed a great debt. She mentions that Hatsumomo made the mistake of following her heart once by eloping with Koichi and destroyed her chances to have a danna. Sayuri refuses to listen to Mameha, which proved to be her undoing.She arranged for the general to meet her in a shack and told Pumpkin to bring Nobu, so that both can be disappointed at her. She took this long-awaited chance and had her revenge - she brought the Chairman. When Sayuri demanded an answer from her friend. Pumpkin vehemently out of anger (cool, but still upset in the movie) told her she took away her rightful place as Mother's daughter and heir of the Nitta Okiya. A heart-broken Sayuri threw away the cherished handkerchief, and gave in to her fate.Just when she thought she had lost favour with Nobu, Mother got a booking request from him. Disillusioned and settling for security, Sayuri arrived prepared to get back in Nobu's favour, only to find that the booking was made by the Chairman.Now that his best friend is no longer interested in Sayuri, the Chairman can finally show his feelings and have his Chiyo back - it was him who sent Mameha to find the girl with blue eyes and ensure that she was taken care of and reunited with him.......
Solution: Question: Who was the second daughter of a poor fisherman?, Answer: Chiyo
In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. One example is below. Q: Text: title speaks for itself really... i just wasted $1500 of my parents' money. i feel terrible. edit: i guess it wasn't that i took the wrong class, but the class i was taking wouldn't transfer credits over to my university. so really it was my negligence to do more research in the matter. gg A: TIFU by taking the wrong class for 2 weeks and only realizing it today Rationale: This title is appropriate for the given text post because the focus of this post is about a humorous situation caused by "taking the wrong class". Q: Text: so like many other tifu this did not take place today but it took place last thanksgiving. my friends and i were dicking around as usual until we decided to go to the community center. the community center has two entrances, one for the ice rink and one for the library, they are almost like two separate buildings. the door to the ice rink was closed but the other one was open so we went inside and found out the door of the hallway that connects to the ice rink was open. the whole place was dark and nobody was there and all the lights were turned off. we jump in the ice rink and start running around on the ice like the idiots we were until we heard someone yell. at this point me and my friend were chilling on the bleachers and my other friend was still in the middle of the rink. my friend and i see the janitor and start running as fast as we can to get out of there. my other friend is still on the ice thinking we are pranking him. we run out into the lobby and try to exit through the front doors but stupid me forgot they were locked. the janitor catches up to us and starts yelling at us and then threatens to call the cops. luckily the janitor was pretty chill about it and just told us to get the fuck out and that's the time when i almost got arrested. A:
TIFU by trespassing and being chased by the janitor
Given a paragraph about cooking, and a set of conversational question answers about the paragraph, generate a relevant question to the topic of the paragraph. The paragraph has the prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix 'Q:' followed by the answer prefix 'A:'. [EX Q]: CONTEXT: Rinse the salsify first before using, that will help.Use a sharp peeler. Ive found that dull peelers create a lot more soon as you have peeled it, drop the salsify into acidulated water ( water + lemon juice). The acids help prevent the color change that occurs. Also wipe up the area with a damp cloth as you work. This will keep things clean and prevent your hands and everything you touch getting tacky. <sep> Q: How to prepare salsify (schwarzwurzeln) to minimise sap? A: Rinse the salsify first before using, that will help.Use a sharp peeler. Ive found that dull peelers create a lot more sap [EX A]: Do you know what the best peeler is to use? [EX Q]: CONTEXT: I have used excess ginger by candying it- I boil it for about twenty minutes in a simple syrup, when I take the ginger out of the syrup I place it on a cooling grate and let it cool completely. I then roll each individual piece in turbinado sugar(I have used white sugar too.) To store I place it in a plastic bag with a little extra sugar to prevent the pieces from sticking to each other. I also keep the syrup tightly sealed in the freezer, the syrup is great for cocktails, or as a remedy for an upset stomach. I have also peeled leftover ginger and stored it in a tightly sealed container inside my freezer. This is convienent because when you need ginger, you can easily grate the frozen ginger for your recipe. Generally you can store it frozen for at least a good three months. Hope this helps. <sep> Q: What to do with ginger leftover from ginger ale production? A: I have used excess ginger by candying Q: So, there is usage for those leftovers, how? A: I boil it for about twenty minutes in a simple syrup, when I take the ginger out of the syrup I place it on a cooling grate and let it cool completely [EX A]: What portions of each do you do, when cooking syrup and ginger pulp? [EX Q]: CONTEXT: The key difference from my perspective is cleaning. Silicone is the easiest material in my kitchen to scrub clean, with the possible exception of stainless steel. Cloth is very far down the list.Also, depending on the texture of the cloth, more food will almost certainly stick to the cloth, unless it's sealed with something, in which case what is it sealed with? And how is it sealing the fiberglass in?I use the kind with a thin grid of fibers inside the silicone. It adds more stability and lets the overall thickness be thinner for better heat transmission, compared to a plain silicone silpat. As long as I don't use it as a cutting board, the fiberglass stays safely inside. It does add a very slight grid texture to the bottom of loaves, but it's barely noticeable and doesn't look bad at all.The pyramid kind, which would reduce food contact and increase drainage and airflow, sounds like it would be good for specific applications, but not something I'd make a batch of cookies on. <sep> Q: What are some differences between cloth, fiberglass and silicone baking mats? A: The key difference from my perspective is cleaning. Silicone is the easiest material in my kitchen to scrub clean, with the possible exception of stainless steel. Cloth is very far down the list [EX A]:
What are some characteristics of the fiberglass baking mat?
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that seamlessly connects with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes more sense. Title: Poker Face. Sentence 1: Darren liked to play poker with his friends. Sentence 2: Darren usually won most of the poker games. Sentence 3: He decided to enter a poker tournament. Sentence 4: Darren lost a lot of money in the tournament. Choices: a. Joel married that same woman over a year later. b. Darren decided that he wasn't that good at playing poker.
instruction: Here are two questions (Question1 and Question2). If these questions have the same meaning and same answer, answer "Yes", otherwise "No". question: Question1: What has more scope, MBA or MBA in sports?, Question2: What is the scope for one in india who has read all CFA or finance subjects but have only an MBA from distance education and nothing else? answer: No question: Question1: In close quarters combat (CQC), who receives the most lethal hand to hand combat training: SEALs, Delta, Green Beret, Rangers, Marine Force Recon or Air Force PJs?, Question2: Do Navy SEALs have to register their hands as lethal weapons? answer: No question: Question1: How can I prepare for NEET 2017?, Question2: How can I prepare for NEET 2017 from now? answer:
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Q: Oh man. I don't even know what these guys are. Are they dogs, cats, or 5 dollar bills? I have no idea. I wish we could take a look at this movie 80 years in the future and see what futuristic space people have to say about busting boos with a vacuum cleaner. I mean the symbolism is magnificent, the vacuum cleaner represents the struggles of mankind to end racism while the boos represent Strom Thurman. It's a beautiful masterwork that takes a certain Narron/Dorinsky-esque look at how retarded you are for reading this review. A:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Ex Input: What was AFL not?, Context: In October 2008, Tom Benson announced that the New Orleans VooDoo were ceasing operations and folding "based on circumstances currently affecting the league and the team". Shortly thereafter, an article in Sports Business Journal announced that the AFL had a tentative agreement to sell a $100 million stake in the league to Platinum Equity; in exchange, Platinum Equity would create a centralized, single-entity business model that would streamline league and team operations and allow the league to be more profitable. Benson's move to shut down the VooDoo came during the Platinum Equity conference call, leading to speculation that he had folded because of the deal. Ex Output: profitable Ex Input: On what planet are the countries that import Guinea-Bissau's exports located?, Context: Guinea-Bissau's GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and its Human Development Index is one of the lowest on earth. More than two-thirds of the population lives below the poverty line. The economy depends mainly on agriculture; fish, cashew nuts and ground nuts are its major exports. Ex Output: earth Ex Input: What initiated the liquidity crisis?, Context: It threatened the collapse of large financial institutions, which was prevented by the bailout of banks by national governments, but stock markets still dropped worldwide. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of U.S. dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 20082012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis. The active phase of the crisis, which manifested as a liquidity crisis, can be dated from August 9, 2007, when BNP Paribas terminated withdrawals from three hedge funds citing "a complete evaporation of liquidity". Ex Output:
BNP Paribas terminated withdrawals from three hedge funds
Q: Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. Context: We previously demonstrated in rats that intravenous infusion of a lipid emulsion increases survival in resuscitation from severe bupivacaine cardiac toxicity. The present studies were undertaken to determine if this method is similarly effective in a non-rodent model using a larger animal.', 'Bupivacaine, 10 mg/kg, was administered intravenously over 10 seconds to fasted dogs under isoflurane general anesthesia. Resuscitation included 10 minutes of internal cardiac massage followed with either saline or 20% lipid infusion, administered as a 4-mL/kg bolus followed by continuous infusion at 0.5 mL/kg/min for 10 minutes. Electrocardiogram (EKG), arterial blood pressure (BP), and myocardial pH (pHm) and pO2 (pmO2) were continuously measured.', 'Survival after 10 minutes of unsuccessful cardiac massage was successful for all lipid-treated dogs (n = 6), but with no survivors in the saline controls (n = 6) (P <.01). Hemodynamics, PmO2, and pHm were improved during resuscitation with lipid compared with saline treatment in which dogs did not recover. Answer: We found that infusing a lipid emulsion during resuscitation from bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity substantially improved hemodynamics, pmO2, and pHm and increased survival in dogs. A:
Does lipid emulsion infusion rescue dogs from bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity?
Teacher:In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: 21 (Tiebreaker). In part of this work, three men sleep under an oak tree and later drink poison wine while searching for Death. In one section of this work, Nicholas tell a carpenter, John, that a second Great Flood is coming so that he can sleep with(*) John's wife Alisoun. That story follows another in which Arcite and Palamon fight over which of them get to marry Emily, and those are told by The Miller and The Knight. For 10 points, name this work, in which pilgrims on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket tell each other stories, by Geoffrey Chaucer. Student:
In this task, you must classify if a given review is positive/negative, indicating your answer as P or N. -------- Question: while watching boiler room , i was constantly reminded of last year 's masterpiece fight club . both films consist of a predominately male cast . both films follow young men as they illicitly fight the traditional system for their own desires . and both films are seen through the eyes of one narrator , who eventually realizes that these men have to be stopped . while boiler room writer / director ben younger does not get his point across as well as david fincher does for fight club , he does contribute another impressive work to a series of films aiming to represent the new generation . a generation which has seen the internet prosper and where everyone wants to be a millionaire . paying homage to oliver stone 's 1987 classic wall street , younger is almost modernizing the tale by using younger , hipper actors to play the greedy villains as opposed to the older , more experienced types . as is true in real life , younger minds are becoming richer and richer from their knowledge of more standard technology . boiler room dismisses the notion of ingenuity and shows that greed and desire for power come in all ages . another similarity with fight club is that both films are not action flicks . some people are convinced that an all - male cast automatically means there must be gory violence , here is proof that this is not true . if you want to see an action movie starring ben affleck , go see reindeer games this weekend . if you want to see a smart , insightful film with excellent acting and a clever script , see boiler room . giovanni ribisi gives an outstanding performance as the film 's narrator , seth . after dropping out of college and running a lucrative gambling center for college students in his apartment , seth is offered a high paying job by a wealthy man ( nicky katt ) . he agrees to take the job ( in which you are guaranteed to become a millionaire within three years ) of selling stock to well - off americans from the mid - west over the telephone and begins to fit in quite well with his co - workers . learning tricky techniques to deceive innocent people into buying shares of a good in production , seth figures this is too good to be true . after stumbling into a room at the wrong time , he knows there is something no good about this company . at this point , seth is left with the ultimate choice ; continue with the american dream and make millions or tell the authorities that something fishy is going on . ribisi is believable as seth especially when he shares scenes with ron rifkin , playing seth 's dad . the two have perfect chemistry as a troubled father and son trying to impress each other and simultaneously impress themselves . the transitions from anger to sympathy that these scenes contain are the standout segments of the entire film . the supporting cast of greedy co - workers is also flawless . ben affleck shines in a short but sweet performance as a recruiter for the company , nicky katt is fabulous as the ostensibly friendly boss who eventually becomes extremely jealous of seth , and vin diesel gives his best performance of his career as the foil character of nicky katt . the energy of the cast as a whole makes boiler room well paced and never boring . the only major error in the film is that nothing major happens . there is no big plot twist or climatic point to make the film more memorable . due to the lack of a major event , boiler room never finds a suitable genre to fit into . the movie is not intense enough to be a thriller , the romantic segments involving seth and abby ( nia long ) are not properly finalized , and the dialogue is n't funny enough to make it a comedy . in having trouble to characterize the movie as a whole , boiler room is slightly confused at times . it does n't seem to know which category to fit itself into . one satisfying concluding scene could have changed the whole film for the better . otherwise , the movie is fun to watch thanks to its lively cast of young actors . Answer: P Question: by the time dennis quaid , the ostensible star of switchback , makes his first appearance at about the 22-minute mark , you may find yourself wondering why he bothered . after all , writer / director jeb stuart has already set up a fairly promising pair of parallel story lines . the first finds amarillo , texas sheriff buck olmstead ( r . lee ermey ) facing a hotly - contested election battle just as a brutal double homicide is discovered at a motel in his jurisdiction . as olmstead begins his investigation , we also meet the two men who come to be our prime suspects . lane dixon ( jared leto ) is an enigmatic young hitchhiker ; bob goodall ( danny glover ) is the jovial motorist who offers lane a ride from texas to his utah destination . all the necessary conflicts seem to be in place -- the internal struggle of olmstead over the clash between good politics and good police work , and the external struggle as one of the two travelers eventually becomes villain to the other 's protagonist . but then quaid shows up as grimly determined fbi agent frank lacrosse . lacrosse is certain that the amarillo murders are the work of a serial killer he has been tracking for nearly two years . he 's not supposed to be tracking him any more -- according to the bureau , they 've got their man -- but lacrosse has a very important reason for believing otherwise . two months earlier , lacrosse 's own son was kidnapped by the killer , and the boy has yet to turn up anywhere . lacrosse knows his killer 's work , and he knows that the man is still out there somewhere trying to continue their game . it would n't be fair to reduce everything that 's wrong with switchback to quaid 's presence , but it 's a pretty good place to start . there 's a reason lacrosse feels like an intruder in the narrative instead of its vital center : as a dramatic actor , dennis quaid possesses exactly one facial expression and one vocal intonation . we can tell lacrosse is determined because his face is a perpetual tight - jawed , sourpuss pucker ; we can tell he 's grim because every word comes out in an eastwood - esque rasp . a more flexible performer might have given weight to the character , pulling the audience into his haunted intensity , making switchback _ his _ film . quaid merely looks annoyed and slightly constipated . it 's tough to become emotionally invested in a character 's turmoil when it looks like all he really needs is a big bowl of bran flakes . even without quaid , it does n't appear that switchback would have stayed on course . the early scenes between leto and glover have a lively energy , building our curiosity over which man -- the taciturn kid or his gregarious benefactor -- is the real threat . unfortunately , stuart tips his hand far too early in the game , both through the pitch of the individual performances and the facts he chooses to reveal . once the mystery of the killer 's identity is dispatched , the interaction between leto and glover becomes stale and predictable . in fact , " stale and predictable " describes the direction that switchback takes in general , falling back on far - too - common hollywood devices like cats jumping out of nowhere , a climactic fistfight on board a freight train , and edgy law enforcement agents . it 's too bad stuart was n't willing to spend more time with sheriff olmstead , far and away the most interesting and appealing character in the film . played with atypical restraint by r . lee ermey , he 's a wonderful , unconventional hero who seems genuinely comfortable accepting the consequences of acting on his convictions . a film focusing on the olmstead would have signaled a film - maker willing to take a few risks with his casting and story - telling . instead , stuart places his trust in a " name " star who ca n't carry the material . maybe next time he 'll throw away that one crucial page in the script , the one where the grimly determined fbi agent wanders onto the scene to muck up a perfectly good story . Answer: N Question: retrospective : city of the living dead ( 1980 ) a film review by mike watson copyright 1997 mike watson i once heard someone describe the films of italian schlock horror director lucio fulci as " dim - witted " . and by golly , just about all other words fail me when confronted with a dog like city of the living dead . although the late fulci managed some rather good thrillers in his career , this is not one of them . two points in the movie 's favour - the impressive camerawork of sergio salvati and occasionally evocative score by fabio frizzi - keep things from falling totally into the abyss , but by and large city of the living dead is a failure . and like most cinematic failures , it comes down to bad writing , dumb performances and lousy direction . the story starts in new york when , during a seance , a medium ( katherine mccoll ) sees a vision of a priest hanging himself in the town of dunwich , massachusetts . for reasons we wo n't go into here , this opens the gates of hell which must be closed by all saints day or the dead will rise and walk the earth . the medium apparently dies of fright during the seance , but awakens in her coffin in the graveyard the next day and is rescued by a crusty old journalist ( christopher george ) . that scene in itself is a howler : why would you bust open a coffin with a large pick axe when you know someone is alive inside ? and do n't cadavers have various things stuffed in them and drained out of them before they 're buried ? anyway , off the two of them go to dunwich to save the world , where various grisly goings - on are already happening as all saints day approaches . fulci 's graphic gore is in evidence once again , but here it only serves to further highlight the film 's flimsy script and plodding direction . the dialogue , in all manner of speaking , is unspeakable . not bad in the quotable sense , like an ed wood film , but bad in its sheer dullness or blatantly obvious " lets explain the plot " type approach . mccoll does n't have a clue who her character is : deadly serious one minute , frivolous the next , she at times is genuinely hard to watch . and the geezer ( the actor 's name escapes me ) who plays the town psychiatrist becomes even harder to stomach than mccoll as the film progresses . christopher george 's performance is salvageable , but he gets his brains ripped out in the end by a zombie and we do n't care . in fact we do n't care for anyone in city of the living dead , though in other fulci films that has n't mattered so much when he was on form as a stylist and an ideas man , as he was in the beyond . as a director , some of fulci ' idiosyncrasies are incredibly silly and annoying here . he constantly uses extreme close - ups of people 's eyes , a ridiculous technique which suggests an attempt to convey the emotion that his dialogue and actors are n't capable of . and despite some gruesome violence , he barely manages a single scare in the entire film . long - time collaborator fabio frizzi , talented but always erratic , offers a patchy soundtrack that veers between eerie , gothic death marches and woefully inappropriate electro - pop that 's quite frankly embarrassing . fulci 's other films of this period may be flawed - house by the cemetery , the beyond , the black cat - but they are nonetheless films with more inspiration , atmosphere and better dialogue than this turkey . for completists only . Answer:
instruction: In this task, you're given a question, along with three passages, 1, 2, and 3. Your job is to determine which passage can be used to answer the question by searching for further information using terms from the passage. Indicate your choice as 1, 2, or 3. question: Question: In what year did Hellhammer become Celtic Frost? Passage 1:Welcome to Hell influenced several later bands. Venom's music helped shape the development of many thrash metal bands, specifically the "Big Four of Thrash" (who in turn were highly influential): Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth (Metallica opened for Venom on an early 1980s tour, and Venom opened for Metallica and Slayer on the Ride the Lightning tour, and Slayer played with them and Exodus on the Combat Tour in 1985). Venom would also be of extreme importance to the black metal scene and even the early death metal scene, with numerous bands copying styles, themes, and imagery from the band, such as the Swiss band Hellhammer (later to become Celtic Frost), whom also helped pioneer the genres. Music critic Bradley Torreano wrote that Venom "caught the attention of both metalheads and punks, the band was emulated by the former and turned into camp icons by the latter." Henry Rollins once compared the band to Spinal Tap. Passage 2:Duncan was born in Lebanon, Tennessee. His "paternal grandparents were small-areage farmers in Scott County, which in 1861 left Tennessee, refusing to follow the Volunteer State into the Confederacy, and declared itself 'the Free and Independent state of Scott.'" Duncan's parents were Lois (Swisher) and John Duncan Sr., who "hitchhiked into Knoxville with five dollars in his pocket,' and after an education at the University of Tennessee was elected mayor of Knoxville and then congressman." The elder Duncan was also a co-owner of the Knoxville Smokies of the "Sally League," for which his son "was a batboy, a ball shagger, scoreboard operator, and, as a freshman at the University of Tennessee, the Smokies' public-address announcer." Duncan also worked as a grocery bagger and salesman at Sears while working his way through school. Duncan supported Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, and sent the first paycheck he earned as a bagboy at the local A&P to the Goldwater campaign. Passage 3:Lynch first came to prominence on the inter-county scene as a member of the Cork senior football team in the late 1990s. He made his debut in the 199899 National Football League, a season which saw Cork reach the final of the competition. Dublin provided the opposition at Cork's home venue, Pairc Ui Chaoimh. A close game developed, however, Cork were never really troubled. A 012 to 17 score line resulted in victory for 'the Rebels', and gave Lynch a National League winners' medal in his debut season. Later that year he made his championship debut in the provincial series as Cork cruised to a Munster final showdown with arch-rivals Kerry. The men from 'the Kingdom' were on the hunt for a fourth successive provincial title, while Cork were out for success for the first time since 1995. Cork's victory on a score line of 210 to 24 was unexpected as Lynch claimed his very first Munster winners' medal. A subsequent defeat of Mayo saw Cork book their place in the All-Ireland final against Meath. The pressure was on the Cork footballers to secure a rare double, particularly since their hurling counterparts had won the All-Ireland title a fortnight previously. Ollie Murphy's first-half goal gave 'the Royals' a huge boost at half-time. Immediately after the interval Trevor Giles missed a penalty while Joe Kavanagh responded with a goal which gave Cork a brief lead. It was not enough as Lynch's side eventually lost the game by 111 to 18. In spite of this defeat Lynch was later rewarded with an All-Star award. answer: 1 question: Question: Are the two types of stone the church was constructed in formed by the same geological process? Passage 1:St Jude's is constructed in yellow sandstone ashlar with a slate roof. Its plan is rectangular and consists of a nave and chancel in one cell with no division between them, a vestry attached to the east end of the chancel, and a bellcote on the gable at the west end. Above the bellcote is a canopy decorated with crockets. The west front contains a double door, above which is a triple lancet window with a circular window over it. At the corners are square turrets which become octagonal as they rise, and each is surmounted by a spire. On each side of the church are five pairs of lancet windows, each pair being separated by a buttress. Above the vestry at the east end is another triple lancet window, over which is a cricketed gable. Passage 2:In 2010, Deveron Projects commissioned Hamish Fulton to create a new walking work for Huntly. The resulting piece 21 Days in the Cairngorms (2010) featured two group slow-walks, as well as a group of walkers to see Fulton off on the first day of his twenty-day journey, and new and unusual experience for Fulton. This project inspired the development of the Walking Institute and a further focus on walking as an artistic medium. In 2012 Ethiopian artist Mihret Kebede developed Slow Marathon, an artistic project in response to her inability to walk from her hometown of Addis Ababa to Huntly. The project consisted of an accumulative marathon that included miles donated remotely by international participants, as well as two twenty-six mile walks in Huntly and Addis Ababa. Ultimately, over five-hundred individuals participated in the project and donated 14172.4 miles, a total of 540 marathons. The project has since become an annual event, created in conjunction with artists working with Devon Projects The 2013 Slow Marathon, Cabrach to Huntly, was held on John Muir Day and served as the official launch of the Institute. The 2014 event started at the Glenkindie on the edge of the Cairngorms National Park. Other Walking Institute projects have included: In the Footsteps of Nan Shepherd: a long distance walk looking by Simone Kenyon at issues, plights and pleasures of women walking in wilderness; Huntly Perambulator, a series of walks by Clare Qualmann looking at walking with prams; Hielan' Ways, a programme that included poetry (Alec Finlay), music (Paul Anderson) and art (Simone Kenyon, Gillian Russel). Hielan' Ways explored the old drover routes that cross north-east Scotland and culminated in a symposium with contributions from mountaineer Doug Scott , Turner Prize-winning artist Richard Long and the Cloud Appreciation Society. In 2015 Anthony Schrag completed The Lure of the Lost: A Contemporary Pilgrimage, a 2500km walk from Huntly to the Venice Biennale in Italy. Passage 3:In January 2005, Daems signed for German club Borussia Monchengladbach, penning a contract till June 2008. In his first season with the club, he played 11 times without scoring a goal. He would play the first match of the 200506 season against Schalke 04 in single goal draw. He would end the season featuring 22 times for the German club. However, he spent the 200607 season with the reserves, Borussia Monchengladbach II, in the Regionalliga Nord, the then third tier of German football. For the 200708 season, the club played in 2. Bundesliga and Daems even scored a goal against 1. FC Koln. Monchengladbach won the second tier and gained promotion to the 200809 Bundesliga. During that season, he scored two goals, one against Eintracht Frankfurt and one against Bayern Munich. In the 200910 season, he played 18 times scoring one goal. The goal was scored against TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, where he scored a 31st-minute penalty. In the 201011 season, he played the whole ninety minutes of each of the thirty-four league matches. Daems also scored four times against Schalke 04, VfL Wolfsburg, Hoffenheim and Koln. answer: 1 question: Question: What team did the Arizona Diamondbacks beat to win the National League West in 2011? Passage 1:This article is about the history of the Arizona Diamondbacks. The Diamondbacks (often shortened as the D-Backs), an American professional baseball team based in Phoenix, Arizona, were formed in 1998, based at Bank One Ballpark. This followed five years of preparation under the leadership of Jerry Colangelo. The Diamondbacks won the World Series championship in 2001, becoming the fastest expansion team in the Major Leagues to win a championship, doing so in only the fourth season since inception in 1998. Financial difficulties were then encountered and the home field was renamed to Chase Field in 2005, as a result of Bank One Corporation's merger with JPMorgan Chase & Co. After a lean period the team won the National League West division in 2011. Passage 2:The Bougainville invasion was the ultimate responsibility of Admiral William F. Halsey, commander South Pacific Area, at his headquarters at Noumea, New Caledonia. The landings were under the personal direction of Rear Admiral Theodore S. Wilkinson, commander III Amphibious Force, aboard his flagship, attack transport . Also aboard was Lieutenant General Alexander A. Vandegrift, commander I Marine Amphibious Corps. Loaded aboard eight attack transports (APAs) and four attack cargo transports (AKAs), organized into three transport divisions, were the men of the 3rd Marine Division (reinforced), Major General Allen H. Turnage commanding. The fighting on Bougainville would be the division's first action of the war. With Turnage aboard the was Commodore Lawrence F. Reifsnider, who had responsibility for the transports and attack cargo ships. The transport divisions were escorted by a screen consisting of 11 destroyers, and were supported by various fleet tugs, minesweepers and minelayers. Anti-aircraft guns from the 3rd Marine Defense Battalion under Lieutenant Colonel Edward H. Forney and several field artillery batteries from the 12th Marine Regiment under Colonel John B. Wilson were assigned to the operation to provide support to ground troops once ashore. Direct air cover for the landing was provided by Major General Nathan Twining's AirSols command, which included aircraft from: the US Army Air Force (USAAF) the United States Navy the United States Marine Corps and the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF). Lieutenant General George Kenney's Fifth Air Force was also tasked with supporting operations around Bougainville by conducting raids on Japanese air and naval assets around Rabaul. Passage 3:Beinin was raised as a Zionist in an American Jewish family. On graduating from high school, he spent six months working on a kibbutz, where he met his future wife. He studied Arabic at university, and received his B.A. from Princeton University in 1970. He spent the summer of 1969 studying Arabic at the American University in Cairo. Intending to move to Israel permanently, he joined other members of Hashomer Hatzair in living and working at Kibbutz Lahav. There, on encountering attitudes that struck him as being contemptuous of Palestinians, he gradually became disenchanted with his early ideals. He returned to the United States in 1973, and took his M.A. from Harvard University in 1974, and, after working in auto plants in Detroit, obtained his A.M.L.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1978 and 1982, respectively. He has also studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. answer:
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to only use subtraction on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer. PROBLEM: Context: At the arcade Dave had won 14 tickets and lost 2 tickets. If he used 10 to buy some toys Question: How many tickets did Dave have left? SOLUTION: 2 PROBLEM: Context: A grocery store had a total of 17 bottles of which 9 were bottles of regular soda and the rest were bottles of diet soda. They also had 29 apple. Question: How many bottles of diet soda did they have? SOLUTION: 8 PROBLEM: Context: Nell collects cards. She had 309 baseball cards and 356 Ace cards. She gave some of her cards to Jeff and now has 415 baseball cards and Ace cards left. Question: How many more baseball cards than Ace cards does Nell have? SOLUTION:
Teacher: In this task, you are given a part of an article. Your task is to generate headline (title) for this text. Preferred headlines are under fifteen words. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: We propose a local coherence model based on a convolutional neural network that operates over the entity grid representation of a text. The model captures long range entity transitions along with entity-specific features without loosing generalization, thanks to the power of distributed representation. We present a pairwise ranking method to train the model in an end-to-end fashion on a task and learn task-specific high level features. Our evaluation on three different coherence assessment tasks demonstrates that our model achieves state of the art results outperforming existing models by a good margin. Solution: A Neural Local Coherence Model Reason: This statement "A Neural Local Coherence Model" is taken from the subtext "convolutional neural network" and its explanation in the passage. This is a positive example because the title belongs to the mentions in the passage Now, solve this instance: We describe a strategy for the acquisition of training data necessary to build a social-media-driven early detection system for individuals at risk for (preventable) type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The strategy uses a game-like quiz with data and questions acquired semi-automatically from Twitter. The questions are designed to inspire participant engagement and collect relevant data to train a public-health model applied to individuals. Prior systems designed to use social media such as Twitter to predict obesity (a risk factor for T2DM) operate on entire communities such as states, counties, or cities, based on statistics gathered by government agencies. Because there is considerable variation among individuals within these groups, training data on the individual level would be more effective, but this data is difficult to acquire. The approach proposed here aims to address this issue. Our strategy has two steps. First, we trained a random forest classifier on data gathered from (public) Twitter statuses and state-level statistics with state-of-the-art accuracy. We then converted this classifier into a 20-questions-style quiz and made it available online. In doing so, we achieved high engagement with individuals that took the quiz, while also building a training set of voluntarily supplied individual-level data for future classification. Student:
Towards Using Social Media to Identify Individuals at Risk for Preventable Chronic Illness
Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. Input: by the Supreme Court and made retroactively applicable to cases on collateral review; or (4) the date on which the facts supporting the claim or claims presented could have been discovered through the exercise of due diligence. 28 U.S.C. 2255. In movant's case, 2255(1) and (3) provide the possible starting date for the one-year limitations period. The Third Circuit's mandate affirming movant's conviction and sentence was issued on January 19, 1996, and he did not petition for certiorari. As a result, movant's conviction became final on April 24,1996, and he had until April 24, 1997 to file a timely 2255 motion. See Kapral v. United States, 166 F.3d 565, 577 (3d Cir. 1999); United States v. Duffus, 174 F.3d 333, 335 (3d Cir.1999); Wilson v. Beard, 426 F.3d 653, 662-63 (3d Cir.2005)(<HOLDING>). Movant, however, did not file the instant Holding statements: (A) holding that dismissal pursuant to federal rule of civil procedure 56 did not violate the seventh amendment (B) holding that in california the oneyear statute applies to a 1983 action (C) holding that the aedpa oneyear statute of limitations applies to amendments to 2255 motions (D) holding that federal rule of civil procedure rule 6a applies to the calculation of the aed pas oneyear limitations period (E) holding that former federal rule of civil procedure 6a and e applies to federal habeas petitions Output:
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Example input: Context: Joanne McLeod is a Canadian figure skating coach. She is the skating director at the Champs International Skating Centre of BC (formerly known as the BC Centre of Excellence). Here current and former students include Emanuel Sandhu, Mira Leung, Kevin Reynolds, Jeremy Ten, Nam Nguyen, and many others. In 2012, McLeod became the first level 5 certified figure skating coach in British Columbia., Victor Kraatz, MSC (born April 7, 1971) is a Canadian former ice dancer. In 2003, he and his partner, Shae-Lynn Bourne, became the first North American ice dancers to win a World Championship., Allie Hann-McCurdy (born May 23, 1987 in Nanaimo, British Columbia) is a Canadian ice dancer. McCurdy began skating at age eight and was a singles skater until age 12 when she switched to ice dancing. In 2003 she teamed up with Michael Coreno, with whom she was the 2010 Four Continents silver medalist and the 2008 Canadian bronze medalist. The pair retired in June 2010, to coach at the Gloucester Skating Club., Maikki Uotila - Kraatz ( born 25 February 1977 ) is a Finnish ice dancer . She is a former Finnish national champion with Toni Mattila . She married Victor Kraatz on June 19 , 2004 . The two coach in Vancouver , where they are the ice dancing directors at the BC Centre of Excellence . She and Kraatz have two sons , born September 14 , 2006 and July 10 , 2010 ., Burnaby is a city in British Columbia, Canada, located immediately to the east of Vancouver. It is the third-largest city in British Columbia by population, surpassed only by nearby Surrey and Vancouver., Canada (French: ) is a country in the northern half of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering , making it the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area. Canada's border with the United States is the world's longest land border. The majority of the country has a cold or severely cold winter climate, but southerly areas are warm in summer. Canada is sparsely populated, the majority of its land territory being dominated by forest and tundra and the Rocky Mountains. About four-fifths of the country's population of 36 million people is urbanized and live near the southern border. Its capital is Ottawa, its largest city is Toronto; other major urban areas include Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Quebec City, Winnipeg and Hamilton., British Columbia (BC) is the westernmost province of Canada, with a population of more than four million people located between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains. British Columbia is also a component of the Pacific Northwest and the Cascadia bioregion, along with the U.S. states of Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Alaska., The "Champs International Skating Centre of British Columbia" (formerly known as the 'BC Centre of Excellence') is one of two major figure skating training centers in Canada. Located in Burnaby, British Columbia, it is home to many great national and international skaters. The programs there are overseen by a staff, including Joanne McLeod, who coaches 3-time Canadian men's national champion Emanuel Sandhu; Bruno Marcotte, who competed at the 2002 Winter Olympics; Victor Kraatz, the 2003 World Champion in ice dancing, and Maikki Uotila, who was a national champion in Finland. The center operates out of Canlan Ice Sports Burnaby 8 Rinks. Notable skaters who train there include Emanuel Sandhu, Mira Leung, Allie Hann-McCurdy & Michael Coreno, Jessica Millar & Ian Moram, Jeremy Ten, and Kevin Reynolds. This skating school is sometimes known as a training site for international competitors to practice for competitions in Vancouver. Champs International hosts its annual competition known as the BC/YK SummerSkate Competition every August., Shae-Lynn Bourne, MSC (born January 24, 1976) is a Canadian ice dancer. In 2003, she and partner Victor Kraatz became the first North American ice dancers to win a World Championship. They competed at three Winter Olympic Games, placing 10th at the 1994 Winter Olympics, 4th at the 1998 Winter Olympics, and 4th at the 2002 Winter Olympics., Vancouver, officially the City of Vancouver, is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada, and the most populous city in the province., Subject: maikki uotila, Relation: country_of_citizenship, Options: (A) american (B) british (C) canada (D) finland (E) montreal Example output: finland Example explanation: This is a good example, as maikki uotila is citizen of the finland. Q: Context: The Presidential Medal of Freedom is an award bestowed by the President of the United States and isalong with the comparable Congressional Gold Medalthe highest civilian award of the United States. It recognizes those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors". The award is not limited to U.S. citizens and, while it is a civilian award, it can also be awarded to military personnel and worn on the uniform., The Space Race was a 20th-century competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), for supremacy in spaceflight capability. It had its origins in the missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations that occurred following World WarII, aided by captured German missile technology and personnel from the Aggregat program. The technological superiority required for such supremacy was seen as necessary for national security, and symbolic of ideological superiority. The Space Race spawned pioneering efforts to launch artificial satellites, unmanned space probes of the Moon, Venus, and Mars, and human spaceflight in low Earth orbit and to the Moon., The Howard T. Markey National Courts Building (formerly the National Courts Building) is a courthouse in Washington, D.C., which houses the United States Court of Federal Claims and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. It is located at 717 Madison Place NW, east of Lafayette Square and north of the White House, and borders the Benjamin Ogle Tayloe House at 721 Madison Place NW, the former Cosmos Club building at 725 Madison Place NW, and the Cutts-Madison House at 1520 H Street NW., The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany), starting on 13 August 1961, the Wall completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until government officials opened it in November 1989. Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and was completed in 1992. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "death strip") that contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" and other defenses. The Eastern Bloc claimed that the Wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany. In practice, the Wall served to prevent the massive emigration and defection that had marked East Germany and the communist Eastern Bloc during the post-World War II period., The Hawaii State Capitol is the official statehouse or capitol building of the U.S. state of Hawaii. From its chambers, the executive and legislative branches perform the duties involved in governing the state. The Hawaii State Legislaturecomposed of the twenty-five member Hawaii State Senate led by the President of the Senate and the fifty-one member Hawaii State House of Representatives led by the Speaker of the Houseconvenes in the building. Its principal tenants are the Governor of Hawaii and Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, as well as all legislative offices and the Legislative Reference Bureau., Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is coterminous with the U.S. Census Bureau-census-designated place of Arlington, which is the second-largest principal city of the Washington metropolitan area. As a result, the county is often referred to in the region simply as "Arlington" or "Arlington, Virginia". In 2015, the county's population was estimated at 229,164, which would make it the fourth-largest city in the Commonwealth if it were incorporated as such., Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as "Washington", "the District", or simply "D.C.", is the capital of the United States., Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins) in response to applied mechanical stress. The word "piezoelectricity" means electricity resulting from pressure. It is derived from the Greek "piez" () or "piezein" (), which means to squeeze or press, and "lektron", which means amber, an ancient source of electric charge. Piezoelectricity was discovered in 1880 by French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie., The Department of the Army (DA) is one of the three military departments within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. The Department of the Army is the Federal Government agency within which the United States Army is organized, and it is led by the Secretary of the Army who has statutory authority to conduct its affairs and to prescribe regulations for its government, subject to the limits of the law, and the directions of the Secretary of Defense and the President., The Potomac River is located along the mid-Atlantic Ocean coast of the United States and flows into the Chesapeake Bay. The river (main stem and North Branch) is approximately long, with a drainage area of about 14,700 square miles (38,000km). In terms of area, this makes the Potomac River the fourth largest river along the Atlantic coast of the United States and the 21st largest in the United States. Over 5 million people live within the Potomac watershed., The Department of Defense (DoD, USDOD, or DOD) is an executive branch department of the federal government of the United States charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government concerned directly with national security and the United States Armed Forces. The Department is the largest employer in the world, with nearly 1.3 million active duty servicemen and women as of 2016. Adding to its employees are over 801,000 National Guardsmen and Reservists from the four services, and over 740,000 civilians bringing the total to over 2.8 million employees. It is headquartered at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C., The Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the Caribbean Crisis (tr. "Karibskij krizis"), or the Missile Scare, was a 13-day (October 1628, 1962) confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American ballistic missile deployment in Italy and Turkey with consequent Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba. The confrontation, elements of which were televised, was the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war., The New Executive Office Building (NEOB) is a U.S. federal government office building in Washington, D.C., for the executive branch., A memorial is an object which serves as a focus for memory of something, usually a person (who has died) or an event. Popular forms of memorials include landmark objects or art objects such as sculptures, statues or fountains, and even entire parks., The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame is a presidential memorial at the gravesite of U.S. President John F. Kennedy , in Arlington National Cemetery . The permanent site replaced a temporary grave and eternal flame used during President Kennedy 's funeral on November 25 , 1963 . The site was designed by architect John Carl Warnecke , a long - time friend of President Kennedy 's . The permanent John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame grave site was consecrated and opened to the public on March 15 , 1967 ., The term New Frontier was used by liberal, Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy in his acceptance speech in the 1960 United States presidential election to the Democratic National Convention at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum as the Democratic slogan to inspire America to support him. The phrase developed into a label for his administration's domestic and foreign programs., The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought from 1861 to 1865. The Union faced secessionists in eleven Southern states grouped together as the Confederate States of America. The Union won the war, which remains the bloodiest in U.S. history., Architecture (Latin "architectura", from the Greek "arkhitekton" "architect", from - "chief" and "builder") is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements., The President of the United States (POTUS) is the elected head of state and head of government of the United States. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces., A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person or event, or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage, or as an example of historic architecture. The term 'monument' is often applied to buildings or structures that are considered examples of important architectural and/or cultural heritage., John Carl Warnecke (February 24, 1919 April 17, 2010) was an architect based in San Francisco, California, who designed numerous notable monuments and structures in the Modernist, Bauhaus, and other similar styles. He was an early proponent of contextual architecture. Among his more notable buildings and projects are the Hawaii State Capitol building, the John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame memorial gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery, and the master plan for Lafayette Square (which includes his designs for the Howard T. Markey National Courts Building and the New Executive Office Building)., John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963. The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the establishment of the Peace Corps, developments in the Space Race, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Trade Expansion Act to lower tariffs, and the Civil Rights Movement all took place during his presidency. A member of the Democratic Party, his New Frontier domestic program was largely enacted as a memorial to him after his death. Kennedy also established the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963., Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is a country comprising the island of Cuba as well as Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean meet. It is south of both the U.S. state of Florida and the Bahamas, west of Haiti, and north of Jamaica. Havana is the largest city and capital; other major cities include Santiago de Cuba and Camaguey. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, with an area of , and the second-most populous after Hispaniola, with over 11 million inhabitants., A coal seam fire or mine fire is the underground smouldering of a coal deposit, often in a coal mine. Such fires have economic, social and ecological impacts. They are often started by lightning, grass, or forest fires, and are particularly insidious because they continue to smoulder underground after surface fires have been extinguished, sometimes for many years, before flaring up and restarting forest and brush fires nearby. They propagate in a creeping fashion along mine shafts and cracks in geologic structures., Arlington National Cemetery is a United States military cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., in whose the dead of the nation's conflicts have been buried, beginning with the American Civil War, as well as reinterred dead from earlier wars. The United States Department of the Army, a component of the United States Department of Defense, controls the cemetery., The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the United States government. The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. The work is generally related to social and economic development. Each program participant, a Peace Corps Volunteer, is an American citizen, typically with a college degree, who works abroad for a period of two years after three months of training., The Bay of Pigs Invasion (Spanish: Invasion de Playa Giron or Invasion de Bahia de Cochinos or Batalla de Giron) was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961. A counter-revolutionary military (made up of Cuban exiles who traveled to the United States after Castro's take over), trained and funded by the United States government's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intended to overthrow the increasingly communist government of Fidel Castro. Launched from Guatemala and Nicaragua, the invading force was defeated within three days by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, under the direct command of Prime Minister Fidel Castro., An eternal flame is a flame, lamp or torch that burns continuously for an indefinite period. Most eternal flames are ignited and tended intentionally, but some are natural phenomena caused by natural gas leaks, peat fires and coal seam fires, all of which can be initially ignited by lightning, piezoelectricity or human activity, some of which have burned for thousands of years., Under the Trade Expansion Acts of 1965, the United States Congress granted the White House unprecedented authority to negotiate tariff reductions of up to 80%. It paved the way for the Kennedy Round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ("GATT") negotiations, concluding on June 30, 1967, the last day before expiration of the Act. It is one aspect for which the John F. Kennedy administration wasn't known., Subject: john f. kennedy eternal flame, Relation: located_in_the_administrative_territorial_entity, Options: (A) angeles (B) arlington (C) berlin (D) california (E) camaguey (F) caribbean (G) cuba (H) earth (I) east (J) east berlin (K) freedom (L) guatemala (M) gulf of mexico (N) haiti (O) havana (P) hawaii (Q) howard (R) italy (S) lafayette (T) los angeles (U) madison (V) mission (W) most (X) nicaragua (Y) northern (Z) of ([) pierre (\) playa (]) post (^) river (_) san francisco (') santiago de cuba (a) seen (b) soviet union (c) the nation (d) turkey (e) union (f) virginia (g) washington A:
You are shown a conversation between a user and system. Identify who has spoken the indicated sentence based on the conversation. Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: There's a Parkside Police Station in town, right? Sentence2: Thanks! Also, can you give me the exact address to the station? Sentence3: The only address listed is Parkside, Cambridge. It does not give an exact address, I'm sorry to say. Sentence4: I will also need the postcode please. Sentence5: No, that's all thank you Sentence6: Sure, the postcode is CB11JG. Sentence7: Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience. Can I do anything else for you though? Sentence8: Yes, it is located at Parkside, Cambridge. Sentence9: Wow. That is very odd. Sentence10: Thanks. I need the phone number and postcode too. Sentence11: Sure thing. They are located in Parkside, Cambridge and the phone number is 01223358966. Sentence12: You're welcome, have a great day Question: Who has spoken the sentence 9? (A) User (B) System Output: Answer: (B) System Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: I will take the phone number, entrance fee and address of the one you choose for me. Sentence2: I'm looking for some entertainment related places to go in the centre of Cambridge. Sentence3: Okay. How about a boat anywhere in town? Sentence4: I will choose for you the Cambridge punter, their phone number is 07807718591, they are found on 251a Chesterton road, they don't have an entrance fee. Sentence5: There are two boats in the centre, scudamores punting co and the cambridge punter. Would you like more information? Sentence6: I was unable to find any entertainment in the centre. Question: Who has spoken the sentence 1? (A) User (B) System Output: Answer: (B) System Input: Consider Input: Sentence1: Are there any that serve north american food? Sentence2: yes. please book for me a table for thee tommorow diner at 8 pm Sentence3: There phone number is 01223312598. Is there anything else I can assist you with? Sentence4: Yes, there is gourmet burger kitchen. It is an expensive restaurant. Would you like me to book it for you? Sentence5: Yes, the University Arms Hotel is located in the centre area and is on Regent Street. Would you like me to book a room for you? Sentence6: Okay can you also help me with a restaurant that serves Cantonese food in the city center? Sentence7: I just need their phone number. Sentence8: I need information on the university arms hotel. Sentence9: No I am good for now, thanks for all of your help. Sentence10: I need more info. Does the hotel have free parking and what is the price range? Sentence11: There aren't any restaurants in the city centre that serves Cantonese food. Would you like to try a different type of cuisine or try a different area? Sentence12: Thank you for contacting us and have a nice day. Sentence13: You asked about a hotel. Would you like to book a room or would you like me to help find a restaurant? Sentence14: It is in the expensive price range, but it does have free internet and free parking. Question: Who has spoken the sentence 9? (A) User (B) System
Output: Answer: (B) System
Given a sentence, generate what should be the most likely next statement. The next statement should be reasonable and logically correct. Input: Consider Input: People are sitting on the ground playing drums. A man with a pony tail Output: comes on and plays the guitar. Input: Consider Input: Someone stares, someone looks nervous. The Slytherin captain Output: gives someone a slight kick. Input: Consider Input: A group of people have gathered at an outdoor court. They
Output: are engaged in a game of curling.
In this task, you're given a story (which contains five sentences only). Your task is to find all the characters which are available in the given story. Ex Input: Sentence1: Lisa had always wanted to try making jewelry. Sentence2: She started by creating some earrings. Sentence3: That inspired her to make even more. Sentence4: Lisa continued to make more earrings. Sentence5: She was happy that she was making jewelry. Ex Output: Lisa Ex Input: Sentence1: Jon was ten years old when his parents showed him a special movie. Sentence2: The movie was called The Elephant Man. Sentence3: Jon felt such compassion for the character in the film! Sentence4: Jon swore to himself that he would never say a cruel word to anyone. Sentence5: Jon is now fifty, and he has kept the promise he made to himself. Ex Output: Parents, Jon Ex Input: Sentence1: I carried my laptop to school although I forgot the charger. Sentence2: My laptop went on power saving mode since 10% of the battery was left. Sentence3: I asked other students if they have a charger. Sentence4: They told me that their type of charger is not the same as mines. Sentence5: I closed my laptop and used my phone as an internet source. Ex Output:
I (myself)
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to make use of mathematical concepts like probability, combinatorics, linear equations, sequences/series, or simple operators like addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication to answer the given question. Choose the best option from the 5 given options and report that option. Example Input: Question: A six-character password consists of three letter of the alphabet and three different digits between 0 and 9, inclusive. The letter must appear as the second or third character of the password. How many different passwords are possible? Option A: 5,040 Option B: 2,228,720 Option C: 22,226,000 Option D: 22,237,440 Option E: 22,464,000 Example Output: Option E Example Input: Question: It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is done by train and the rest by car. It takes 20 minutes more, if 200 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of the car is? Option A: 3:4 Option B: 7:6 Option C: 1:4 Option D: 5:4 Option E: 2:4 Example Output: Option A Example Input: Question: Machines X and Y produce bottles at their respective constant rates. Machine X produces k bottles in 6 hours and machine Y produces k bottles in 12 hours. How many hours does it take machines X and Y , working simultaneously , to produce 12k bottles? Option A: 8 Option B: 12 Option C: 15 Option D: 48 Option E: 24 Example Output:
Option D
Definition: In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. Input: Text: so my school has a very very high intolerance of racism since my school is very multicultural. i was sitting with some friends in a classroom doing some work catchup during lunchtime (it was mandatory), we got a little bored so we dedided to make fucked up images on his laptop in photoshop. my friend b completely fucked up the image, so i said out loud "really n*gga?" it slipped out my mouth for some random ass reason, and slipped out like a diarrhoea after eating indian food. it was at that point i knew, i fucked up big time. i apologised about 20 times to a black student who kept saying to me "you serious bro? did you just say that shit?" while my friends where crying with laughter. the teacher overheard me and sent me outside; all my mates were making a big deal out of this so naturally i reacted and shouted "fuck!"...too loud again. unbeknownst to me, the teacher in the classroom was black too. i got absolutely destroyed in the hr's office, it was like the devil cursing me into damnation..i felt awful. i spent the whole afternoon in this quiet little corner of this room, staring at a wall at an isolation desk, forced to read a book on why racism is bad blah blah blah. when i got home, my parents didn't talk to me, my pc and all my other personal items were gone, except for my bed, a lamp, and "the adventures of huckleberry fin". let's say, i'm going to keep my mouth shut at all times, speak only when spoken to, and get on with my fucking work. sorry if this seemed long, or it was a shitty tifu, but it's true and it happened 2 weeks ago. edit: everything is back to normal, and sorry if this was badly worded or phrased, i am never good at writing :| Output:
TIFU by accidentally being racist
You are given a sentence, a question and two answer options ('A' and 'B'). Your task is to find the correct answer (return the string of the correct option, not 'A' or 'B') for the given question. -------- Question: Sentence: Joe was the fastest runner in his school. Another student at his school, Larry, challenged him to race the length of the football field. Question: Which student made it in the least amount of time? (A) Joe (B) Larry Answer: Joe Question: Sentence: Drew is trying to decide whether he should throw some socks away. A pair of blue socks feels very flimsy compared to a pair of black socks. Question: Which pair of socks is more likely to tear if they are worn? (A) black socks (B) blue socks Answer: blue socks Question: Sentence: Jaden is right-handed and as a result his right arm is noticeably more powerful than his left arm. Question: If Jaden throws a baseball with each arm, the throw from which arm will cover less distance? (A) his right arm (B) his left arm Answer:
his left arm
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that seamlessly connects with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes more sense. Title: Janice. Sentence 1: Janice and Marion were friends until Janice stole Marion's boyfriend. Sentence 2: Both of them had known each other since grade school though. Sentence 3: Finally Janice decided the best thing to do was break up. Sentence 4: After Janice left the boyfriend, Marion got together with him. Choices: a. The two friends were never friends again because of the boyfriend. b. The dentist gave him laughing gas. Output:
Q: Given a sentence, generate what should be the most likely next statement. The next statement should be reasonable and logically correct. One of the women does a solo performance while the music plays in the background. The three women A:
are shown again doing the dance on the stage while other people do the same dance in front of the stage.
Given a sentence, generate what should be the most likely next statement. The next statement should be reasonable and logically correct. Example Input: He paces in front of one of his gun cases; the glass door is open, and a gun is conspicuously missing from inside. Someone Example Output: opens her bedroom door, staring at us. Example Input: Someone walks back onscreen to someone. The two of them Example Output: walk back to someone. Example Input: Someone turns away remorsefully and shuffles across the mat. Now in the stadium's infirmary, a doctor Example Output:
gently tries to rotate someone's bruised swollen knee.
Given scientific fact as input, generate the question from this fact such that it can be answered from the input. -------- Question: Saturated hydrocarbons hydrocarbons contain only single bonds between carbon atoms. Answer: What hydrocarbons contain only single bonds between carbon atoms? Question: Plasma membranes encloses and defines the borders of cells. Answer: What encloses and defines the borders of cells? Question: Newton (n) is the si unit for weight. Answer:
What is the si unit for weight?
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: For the parts of the constitution that aren't codified, what are they?, Context: Canada's constitution, being a 'mixed' or hybrid constitution (a constitution that is partly formally codified and partly uncodified) originally did not make any reference whatsoever to a prime minister, with her or his specific duties and method of appointment instead dictated by "convention". In the Constitution Act, 1982, passing reference to a "Prime Minister of Canada" is added, though only regarding the composition of conferences of federal and provincial first ministers. A:
Detailed Instructions: Given a question and a context passage, generate the answer having the word or phrase from the context passage. Here, the answer should be a shortest continous span from the passage. Problem:Context: Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be difficult. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their health and their dining out experience. OpenTable app OpenTable app helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. It is a free service that shows users restaurant available based on where and when they want to dine. It gives users points when they make reservations, which can add up to discounts on restaurant visits. Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app Wine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app is free. HappyCow app Vegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The HappyCow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world. LocalEats app Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. The LocalEats app is designed for that. It can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US. and in other countries. It costs about a dollar. WhereChefsEat app Where Chefs Eat is a 975-page book. Most people would not want to carry that around. But there is a much lighter app version of the same name for just $15. Six hundred chefs provide information on 3,000 restaurants around the world on the WhereChefsEat app. Question: What can users get when making a reservation with OpenTable app? Solution:
Definition: In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Input: According to parallel distributed processing (PDP) theory in psychology, neural networks (NN) learn distributed rather than interpretable localist representations. This view has been held so strongly that few researchers have analysed single units to determine if this assumption is correct. However, recent results from psychology, neuroscience and computer science have shown the occasional existence of local codes emerging in artificial and biological neural networks. In this paper, we undertake the first systematic survey of when local codes emerge in a feed-forward neural network, using generated input and output data with known qualities. We find that the number of local codes that emerge from a NN follows a well-defined distribution across the number of hidden layer neurons, with a peak determined by the size of input data, number of examples presented and the sparsity of input data. Using a 1-hot output code drastically decreases the number of local codes on the hidden layer. The number of emergent local codes increases with the percentage of dropout applied to the hidden layer, suggesting that the localist encoding may offer a resilience to noisy networks. This data suggests that localist coding can emerge from feed-forward PDP networks and suggests some of the conditions that may lead to interpretable localist representations in the cortex. The findings highlight how local codes should not be dismissed out of hand. Output:
Local codes have been found in feed-forward neural networks
In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. Input: Consider Input: As Secretary of State, he sent a paperweight in the shape of a plowshare to everyone with whom he negotiated a treaty. His "thirty treaties" were discussed in his "A Message from Bethlehem," in an attempt to end war for all time. His opposition in a presidential election printed notes with his face and the phrase "In God we Trust . . . for the other 53 cents. " This politician's platform, however, as expressed in his 1896 convention speech got him the nomination to go against the Republican candidate, with running mates Thomas Watson and Arthur Sewall. For 10 points, name this orator who was the Democratic and Progressive candidate for the 1896 election and famously railed against a "cross of gold". Output: History Input: Consider Input: A fleet led by Lourenco de Almeida was among the first Europeans to colonize this modern day nation. One empire in this modern day nation, whose largest ethnic group is known as the Sinhalese, had its capital at Nallur. The Palk Strait is at the northern end of this nation, as is a series of small islands known as (*) Adam's Bridge. The northern tip of this island was also home to this nation's Jaffna kingdom, which ruled at the same time as other empires on this modern country like the Kotte Kingdom and the Kandy Kingdom. For 10 points, name this Asian nation once known as Ceylon. Output: History Input: Consider Input: The caudate lobe is found on the right portion of this organ. This organ contains a group of macrophages called Kupffer cells. Gluconeogenesis and cholesterol synthesis both largely occur in this organ which is also responsible for hemoglobin degradation. Additionally, this organ produces a fluid used in lipid digestion called (*) bile. Alcoholism can cause a degeneration of this organ in cirrhosis, and this organ is inflamed in a condition called hepatitis. For 10 points, name this largest internal organ which plays a key role in detoxification in the body.
Output: Science
Q: In this task you are given a story and a question regarding that story. You must judge whether the question is answerable based on the info given to you. Label the instances as "Answerable" or "Not Answerable" based on your judgment. the story and the question are separated by a new line character. Arthur and his friends were under eighteen. One Sunday they were out of control and wanted money. Arthur suggested they rob someone. They pulled up to a man and demanded his wallet and backpack. He resisted and Arthur and his friends were caught in the act. Why did Arthur suggest they rob someone? A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a part of an article. Your task is to generate headline (title) for this text. Preferred headlines are under fifteen words. See one example below: Problem: We propose a local coherence model based on a convolutional neural network that operates over the entity grid representation of a text. The model captures long range entity transitions along with entity-specific features without loosing generalization, thanks to the power of distributed representation. We present a pairwise ranking method to train the model in an end-to-end fashion on a task and learn task-specific high level features. Our evaluation on three different coherence assessment tasks demonstrates that our model achieves state of the art results outperforming existing models by a good margin. Solution: A Neural Local Coherence Model Explanation: This statement "A Neural Local Coherence Model" is taken from the subtext "convolutional neural network" and its explanation in the passage. This is a positive example because the title belongs to the mentions in the passage Problem: This paper studies convolutional networks that require limited computational resources at test time. We develop a new network architecture that performs on par with state-of-the-art convolutional networks, whilst facilitating prediction in two settings: (1) an anytime-prediction setting in which the network's prediction for one example is progressively updated, facilitating the output of a prediction at any time; and (2) a batch computational budget setting in which a fixed amount of computation is available to classify a set of examples that can be spent unevenly across "easier" and "harder" examples. Our network architecture uses multi-scale convolutions and progressively growing feature representations, which allows for the training of multiple classifiers at intermediate layers of the network. Experiments on three image-classification datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our architecture, in particular, when measured in terms of classification accuracy as a function of the amount of compute available. Solution:
Multi-Scale Dense Convolutional Networks for Efficient Prediction
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Ex Input: Which radio comedy show host gave themselves the name "Spike" after hearing a band on Radio Luxembourg called Spike Jones and his City Slickers? Ex Output: Spike Milligan Ex Input: Iteration was a studio album by the American electronic musician from what city? Ex Output: Oneida, New York Ex Input: What is the name of the league that celebrated its 87th season, in which Club Deportivo Leganes participated in? Ex Output:
201718 La Liga
This task is to find the number of 'For' loops present in the given cpp program. [EX Q]: /* * fenjieyinshi1.cpp *??????? * Created on: 2011-12-1 *??:??? */ int remember=0;//???????????0 int number(int const1,int a)//????? { if(a==1)//??????1?????????????? { remember++;// return 1;//??=1 } else { for(int i=const1;i<=a;i++)//????1?????????? { if(a%i==0)//?????????? number(i,a/i);//????????? } } } int main() { int n; cin>>n;//????????? int cases[n];//?????????? for(int j=0;j<n;j++) cin>>cases[j];//??????? for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { number(2,cases[j]);//???? cout<<remember<<endl;//???? remember=0;//????????? } return 0; } [EX A]: 3 [EX Q]: int sum=0,t; //sum?????????,t?????? void dg(int s) //?s???? { for(int i=s;i<=t;i++) { if(t%i==0) //?i??t?? { t=t/i; if(t==1) sum++; //t????,??+1 else dg(i); //?????? t=t*i; } } } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) //??n? { cin>>t; dg(2); cout<<sum<<endl; sum=0; } return 0; } [EX A]: 1 [EX Q]: //********************************************** //**???1090 ????************************* //**?????? 1000012741********************* //**???2010?12?7?************************* //********************************************** //??change???a???????p??????? int change (int a, int p) { int i, count = 0; //count?????????? for (i = p; i < a; i++) { if (a % i == 0 && a / i >= i) //?????????????? { count++; //???1 int k, t; k = (int) sqrt(a / i); //?k?a/i???? for (t = 2; t <= k; t++) { if ((a / i) % t == 0) //??a???2?k?????? { count += change (a / i, i); //?a/i?????? break; } } } } return count; //??count? } int main() { int n, i, a; //n?????????a????? cin >> n; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int total = 0; //total????? cin >> a; total += change (a, 2); //??change?? cout << total + 1 << endl; //??1????????????? } return 0; } //********************************************** [EX A]:
Definition: Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Input: Personality: I only buy convertible cars. I do not celebrate any holidays. I've created my own personal religion. I believe in ghosts and have seen them on several occasions. I own four german shepherds. Chat history: -Hello, how are you tonight on werewolf day? -I'm good. I'm at home, you? -I'm in the cemetery in my back yard, hanging out with my four dogs. -Do you have any kids? -I do not, just my fur babies Alexa, Layla, Naomi and Bardot. -I had a couple of cats when I was growing up. Output:
I'm a dog person, we love convertibles.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a part of an article. Your task is to generate headline (title) for this text. Preferred headlines are under fifteen words. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: This paper deals with the problem of esti mating the probability that one event was a cause of another in a given scenario. Us ing structural-semantical definitions of the probabilities of necessary or sufficient cau sation (or both), we show how to optimally bound these quantities from data obtained in experimental and observational studies, making minimal assumptions concerning the data-generating process. In particular, we strengthen the results of Pearl (1999) by weakening the data-generation assumptions and deriving theoretically sharp bounds on the probabilities of causation. These results delineate precisely how empirical data can be used both in settling questions of attribution and in solving attribution-related problems of decision making. Student:
Probabilities of Causation: Bounds and Identification
instruction: You are given a review of Amazon's food products. Your task is to divide them into two classes: negative or positive, depending on the content of the review. question: The basic problem with this product is that unless you load a VERY small amount of coffee in the filter, the filter clogs. This causes the coffee ground and hot water to back up through the hole in the top and cause a mess. My son and I spent a few hours experimenting with different ways to prevent this but we have admitted defeat. I suspected the filter but I used filters which work perfectly fine in my EZ Cup still result in a mess on my kitchen counter. Even worse, coffee grounds in my coffee! However, if you like your coffee very weak, this will work well for you. I hope they can fix the design issues. Until then, I will stick with my EZ Cup. answer: Negative question: At my local Costco store, I bought Pace salsa numerous times. The salsa tastes feel rich and I love the jalepenos Pace puts in the salsa. Spicy, but not too the point where I'm sweating and can't enjoy my salsa and chips. The salsa doesn't feel watered down and this is a great "go to" salsa choice. answer: Positive question: I BOUGHT THIS FOR MY DOG AND HE TOOK ONE LOOK AT IT PLAYED WITH IT FOR A FEW MINUTES AND NEVER LOOKED AT IT AGAIN- IT WAS A WASTE OF MONEY.. IT DID NOT INTERESTED HIM AT ALL.. SO DISAPPOINTED... answer:
Instructions: In this task, you are given two simple actions (associated with "A", "B"). You must identify which action is considered less ethical. Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B'. Input: (A) telling my wife that her sister and bf can't move in with us (B) ending my friendship with a friend of almost 8 years and promising myself to never help him again Output:
In this task, the input is a set of dialogues between a user and an assistant. You need to find the dialogue that is basically a response given to a question or an aspect of the user. Ex Input: Wow! Can you tell me more about that? Hello! Since Bermuda was once part of Virginia, it carries many aspects of American culture. Hi there! I'm interested in Bermuda, can you tell me about the culture there? Wow! You have really helped me learn a lot about Bermuda especially its culture and politics. Thank you and have a great day! That's interesting, can you tell me more about American culture in Bermuda? Ex Output: Hello! Since Bermuda was once part of Virginia, it carries many aspects of American culture. Ex Input: That's great to know. What should I know about its etymology? Unfortunately, I currently do not have information on Ladakh's etmology, but can give you more information on demographic. Inspite of the many languages and dialects spoken there administrative and education work are done in English and land and police records are maintained in Urdu. I need to learn more about Ladakh please. What do you know? Interesting. Is there any other information you think I should know about Lakadh today? Recently, activist have call for Ladakh to be made a union territory because of its religious and cultural differences with Kashmir, which is mostly Muslim. The annual average population growth rate from 1981 to 2001 was 2.75%. It is the least populated area in the region. Ex Output: Recently, activist have call for Ladakh to be made a union territory because of its religious and cultural differences with Kashmir, which is mostly Muslim. The annual average population growth rate from 1981 to 2001 was 2.75%. It is the least populated area in the region. Ex Input: Do you have any information on the types of experiments are being done? Do you know how many nations conduct research there? I don't have that specific information, but you might find it cool to know that 4,000 scientists from different nations and interest experiment together on the continent. What can you tell me about the politics in Antarctica? You're welcome, the pleasure was all mine! Ex Output:
I don't have that specific information, but you might find it cool to know that 4,000 scientists from different nations and interest experiment together on the continent.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: threat and non-threat. Threat is a statement that someone will be hurt or harmed, especially if the person does not do something in particular. Input: Comment: "The President's sudden acknowledgement is a Band-Aid on the cancer of Antisemitism that has infected his own Administration. His statement today is a pathetic asterisk of condescension after weeks in which he and his staff have committed grotesque acts and omissions reflecting Antisemitism, yet day after day have refused to apologize and correct the record. Make no mistake: The Antisemitism coming out of this Administration is the worst we have ever seen from any Administration. The White House repeatedly refused to mention Jews in its Holocaust remembrance, and had the audacity to take offense when the world pointed out the ramifications of Holocaust denial. And it was only yesterday, President's Day, that Jewish Community Centers across the nation received bomb threats, and the President said absolutely nothing. continued Output: