ani ▁politician ▁who ▁was ▁a ▁Member ▁of ▁the ▁Provin cial ▁Assembly ▁of ▁the ▁P un j ab , ▁since ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁ ▁Early ▁life ▁and ▁education ▁H ina ▁was ▁born ▁on ▁ 1 9 ▁January ▁ 1 9 8 2 ▁in ▁L ah ore . ▁ ▁She ▁received ▁her ▁initial ▁education ▁from ▁Con vent ▁of ▁Jesus ▁and ▁Mary , ▁L ah ore . ▁She ▁earned ▁the ▁degrees ▁of ▁Bach elor ▁of ▁Science ▁( H ons ) ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 4 ▁and ▁received ▁the ▁degree ▁of ▁Master ▁of ▁Business ▁Administration ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁from ▁L ah ore ▁University ▁of ▁Management ▁Sciences . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁she ▁earned ▁Master ▁of ▁Arts ▁in ▁International ▁Rel ations ▁from ▁M idd les ex ▁University ▁campus ▁in ▁Dub ai . ▁H ina ▁has ▁to ▁her ▁credit ▁the ▁este emed ▁achiev ement ▁of ▁being ▁selected ▁at ▁the ▁Harvard ▁Kennedy ▁School ▁Education ▁Module , ▁‘ Global ▁Le ad ership ▁and ▁Public ▁Policy ▁for ▁the ▁ 2 1 st ▁century ’ , ▁Cambridge , ▁USA . ▁To ▁her ▁credit , ▁she ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁recognized ▁Young ▁Global ▁Le aders ▁and ▁has ▁participated ▁regularly ▁at ▁the ▁World ▁Econom ic ▁Forum ▁Sum m its ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁Y GL ▁Sum m its . ▁▁ ▁She ▁has ▁recently ▁been ▁hon ored ▁with ▁cert ification ▁from ▁Oxford ▁University ▁on ▁" Transform ational ▁Le ad ership : ▁Le ad ership ▁on ▁the ▁Ed ges ". ▁Her ▁participation ▁at ▁the
▁Y GL ▁" An n ual ▁Me eting ▁of ▁New ▁Champions ▁has ▁also ▁been ▁exempl ary . ▁She ▁also ▁represents ▁Pakistan ▁in ▁Asia ▁Pacific ▁Sum mit ▁ 2 0 1 9 - C amb odia . ▁ ▁Political ▁career ▁She ▁was ▁selected ▁to ▁the ▁Provin cial ▁Assembly ▁of ▁the ▁P un j ab ▁as ▁a ▁candidate ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁Muslim ▁League ▁( N ) ▁( P ML - N ) ▁on ▁a ▁reserved ▁seat ▁for ▁women ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁Pak ist ani ▁general ▁election . ▁ ▁She ▁was ▁re - selected ▁to ▁the ▁Provin cial ▁Assembly ▁of ▁the ▁P un j ab ▁as ▁a ▁candidate ▁of ▁P ML - N ▁on ▁a ▁reserved ▁seat ▁for ▁women ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁Her ▁political ▁career ▁has ▁been ▁an ▁impress ive ▁one ▁being ▁elected ▁as ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁provincial ▁assembly , ▁P un j ab ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁general ▁elections , ▁ 2 0 1 8 ▁being ▁her ▁second ▁term ▁in ▁office . ▁This ▁period ▁comes ▁with ▁land mark ▁b ills ▁and ▁resolution s ▁presented ▁by ▁M s . ▁H ina ▁But t . ▁Some ▁significant ▁ones ▁out ▁of ▁ 1 7 ▁include ▁‘ The ▁P un j ab ▁Pro hib ition ▁of ▁H ate ▁Spe ech ", ▁" Re forms ▁in ▁the ▁Ad mission ▁Policy ▁for ▁Stud ents ▁Bel ong ing ▁to ▁the ▁Minor ity ▁Community , ▁" ▁The ▁P un j ab ▁Right ▁of ▁Children ▁to ▁Free ▁& ▁Comp uls ory ▁Education ▁Bill ▁
2 0 1 4 ", ▁" The ▁Dom estic ▁Work ers ▁Emp loyment ▁Right ▁Bill ▁ 2 0 1 4 ", ▁" The ▁P un j ab ▁C riminal ▁Law ▁( Pro te ction ▁of ▁Minor ities ) ▁Bill ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁" Child ▁Mar riage ▁Pro hib ition ▁Bill ▁ 2 0 1 3 ", ▁" ▁P un j ab ▁Home ▁Based ▁Work ers ▁Bill ▁ 2 0 1 6 ", ▁" The ▁P un j ab ▁Dom estic ▁Work ers ▁Emp loyment ▁Rights ▁Bill ▁ 2 0 1 6 ". ▁ ▁To ▁her ▁credit ▁also ▁is ▁the ▁new ▁land mark ▁bill ▁for ▁which ▁she ▁has ▁put ▁in ▁immense ▁efforts ▁is ▁the ▁‘ P un j ab ▁Mat ern ity ▁Ben ef its ’ ▁which ▁is ▁a ▁first ▁of ▁its ▁kind ▁discussion ▁in ▁the ▁provincial ▁assembly . ▁ ▁Her ▁commit ment ▁and ▁passion ▁has ▁specifically ▁driven ▁towards ▁activ ism ▁through ▁legisl ation ▁for ▁human ▁rights ▁and ▁supporting ▁civil ▁society ▁in ▁its ▁implementation ▁and ▁action , ▁the ▁most ▁deb ated ▁being ▁legisl ation ▁against ▁forced ▁convers ions . ▁She ▁has ▁rendered ▁her ▁services ▁as ▁the ▁General ▁Secretary ▁of ▁First ▁Women ▁Parliament ary ▁C au cus ▁of ▁P un j ab , ▁Pakistan ▁( 2 0 1 5 - ▁ 2 0 1 6 ) ▁and ▁currently ▁serving ▁as ▁the ▁Women ▁Health ▁Represent ative ▁of ▁the ▁Women ▁C au cus . ▁She ▁also ▁holds ▁an ▁important ▁charge ▁as ▁the ▁General ▁Secretary ▁of ▁the ▁Youth ▁C au cus ▁for ▁the ▁effective ▁of
▁implementation ▁of ▁Youth ▁Rights , ▁highlight ing ▁issues ▁per tain ing ▁to ▁the ▁youth ▁in ▁the ▁assembly . ▁She ▁is ▁closely ▁working ▁with ▁civil ▁society ▁and ▁N GO s ▁on ▁issues ▁of ▁minor ity ▁and ▁women ▁rights ▁including ▁a ▁task ▁force ▁for ▁the ▁formation ▁of ▁minor ity ▁commission , ▁which ▁is ▁required ▁for ▁implementation ▁of ▁minor ity ▁rights . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁▁ 2 0 1 8 ▁Pak ist ani ▁general ▁election ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : P un j ab ▁MP As ▁ 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 8 ▁Category : W omen ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁Provin cial ▁Assembly ▁of ▁the ▁P un j ab ▁Category : 1 9 8 2 ▁birth s ▁Category : P ak istan ▁Muslim ▁League ▁( N ) ▁MP As ▁( P un j ab ) ▁Category : Con vent ▁of ▁Jesus ▁and ▁Mary , ▁L ah ore ▁al umn i ▁Category : L ah ore ▁University ▁of ▁Management ▁Sciences ▁al umn i ▁Category : P ak ist ani ▁people ▁of ▁K ash mi ri ▁descent <0x0A> </s> ▁Mat ara ▁or ▁ ▁Meter a ▁is ▁a ▁small ▁town ▁and ▁important ▁ar che ological ▁site ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁Deb ub ▁Region ▁of ▁E rit rea . ▁Situ ated ▁a ▁few ▁kilom eters ▁south ▁of ▁S ena fe , ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁major ▁city ▁in ▁the ▁D ʿ mt ▁and ▁A ks um ite ▁kingdom s . ▁Since ▁E rit re an ▁independence , ▁the ▁National ▁Museum ▁of ▁E rit rea
▁has ▁pet ition ed ▁the ▁Eth iop ian ▁government ▁to ▁return ▁artifact s ▁removed ▁from ▁the ▁site . ▁However , ▁the ▁efforts ▁have ▁thus ▁far ▁been ▁re buff ed . ▁ ▁History ▁ ▁Mat ara ▁is ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁both ▁a ▁small ▁village ▁and ▁an ▁important ▁arch ae ological ▁site ▁in ▁E rit rea . ▁The ▁latter ▁is ▁located ▁some ▁ 1 3 6 ▁kilom eters ▁sout heast ▁of ▁the ▁capital ▁As m ara , ▁just ▁past ▁S ena fe ▁on ▁the ▁road ▁leading ▁south ▁to ▁the ▁border ▁with ▁the ▁northern ▁Tig ray ▁Region ▁of ▁Eth iop ia . ▁The ▁arch ae ological ▁site ▁already ▁has ▁yield ed ▁evidence ▁of ▁several ▁levels ▁of ▁habit ation , ▁including ▁at ▁least ▁two ▁different ▁major ▁cities , ▁covering ▁more ▁than ▁ 1 0 0 0 ▁years . ▁The ▁top most ▁layers ▁are ▁associated ▁with ▁the ▁A ks um ite ▁Empire ▁and ▁date ▁from ▁the ▁fourth ▁to ▁the ▁e ighth ▁centuries . ▁This ▁city ▁was ▁al lied ▁with ▁or ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁powerful ▁trad ing ▁emp ire ▁centered ▁in ▁the ▁capital , ▁A ks um , ▁to ▁the ▁south west . ▁It ▁appears ▁that ▁Mat ara ▁was ▁one ▁of ▁a ▁string ▁of ▁cities ▁along ▁the ▁trade ▁route ▁that ▁ran ▁from ▁A ks um ▁to ▁its ▁port ▁city , ▁Ad ul is , ▁whose ▁extensive ▁ru ins , ▁survey ed ▁but ▁largely ▁un ex c av ated , ▁are ▁in ▁the ▁vic inity ▁of ▁Z ula , ▁sout heast ▁of ▁Mass awa ▁on ▁the ▁Red ▁Sea ▁coast .
▁K esk ese ▁is ▁located ▁ ▁north ▁of ▁Mat ara . ▁ ▁Haw ult i , ▁a ▁pre - A ks um ite ▁or ▁early ▁A ks um ite ▁era ▁ob el isk , ▁is ▁situated ▁here . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁Ad ul is ▁K esk ese ▁Nak fa ▁Q oh ait o ▁S emb el ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Mat ara ▁ ▁Category : A ks um ite ▁cities ▁Category : Arch ae ological ▁sites ▁in ▁E rit rea ▁Category : S ou thern ▁Region ▁( E rit rea ) ▁Category : Form er ▁populated ▁places ▁in ▁E rit rea <0x0A> </s> ▁Par allel ▁ad option ▁is ▁a ▁method ▁for ▁transfer ring ▁between ▁a ▁previous ▁( IT ) ▁system ▁to ▁a ▁target ▁( IT ) ▁system ▁in ▁an ▁organization . ▁In ▁order ▁to ▁reduce ▁risk , ▁the ▁old ▁and ▁new ▁system ▁run ▁simultaneously ▁for ▁some ▁period ▁of ▁time ▁after ▁which , ▁if ▁the ▁criteria ▁for ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁are ▁met , ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁is ▁disabled . ▁The ▁process ▁requires ▁careful ▁planning ▁and ▁control ▁and ▁a ▁significant ▁invest ment ▁in ▁labor ▁hours . ▁ ▁Over view ▁ ▁This ▁entry ▁focus es ▁on ▁the ▁generic ▁process ▁of ▁parallel ▁ad option ; ▁( real - world ) ▁examples ▁are ▁used ▁for ▁a ▁more ▁meaning ful ▁interpretation ▁of ▁the ▁process ▁if ▁necessary . ▁Moreover ▁a ▁process - data ▁model ▁is ▁used ▁for ▁visual izing ▁the ▁process ▁which ▁is ▁intended ▁to ▁provide ▁a ▁complete ▁over view ▁of ▁all ▁the ▁steps ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁parallel ▁ad
option , ▁but ▁emphas is ▁will ▁be ▁laid ▁on ▁the ▁unique ▁characteristics ▁of ▁parallel ▁ad option . ▁Some ▁common ▁characteristics , ▁especially ▁defining ▁an ▁implementation ▁strategy , ▁that ▁go ▁for ▁all ▁four ▁generic ▁kinds ▁of ▁ad option ▁are ▁described ▁in ▁A do ption ▁( software ▁implementation ). ▁ ▁Other ▁kinds ▁of ▁ad option ▁ ▁Besides ▁parallel ▁ad option , ▁three ▁other ▁generic ▁kinds ▁of ▁ad option ▁can ▁be ▁identified . ▁The ▁choice ▁for ▁a ▁specific ▁ad option ▁method ▁depends ▁on ▁the ▁organiz ational ▁characteristics ; ▁more ▁insight ▁on ▁this ▁topic ▁will ▁be ▁provided ▁below . ▁The ▁three ▁other ▁ad option ▁methods ▁are : ▁Product ▁Software ▁A do ption : ▁Big ▁Bang ▁A do ption ▁( Also ▁known ▁as ▁Direct ▁Con version , ▁sl am ▁d unk , ▁or ▁cold - t ur key ▁strategy ), ▁Ph ased ▁ad option ▁and ▁Pil ot ▁ad option . ▁▁ ▁Product ▁Software ▁A do ption : ▁Big ▁Bang ▁A do ption / Pl unge ▁A do ption : ▁A ▁big - b ang ▁ad option ▁ent ails ▁transfer ring ▁the ▁entire ▁organization ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁in ▁an ▁instant ▁change over . ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁che apest ▁option ▁but ▁if ▁the ▁new ▁System ▁fails , ▁the ▁organization ▁is ▁in ▁big ▁trouble . ▁It ▁also ▁opens ▁ris ks ▁for ▁the ▁system ▁not ▁to ▁be ▁accepted ▁by ▁its ▁users . ▁However , ▁this ▁may ▁be ▁the ▁only ▁approach ▁to ▁take ▁when ▁the ▁two ▁systems ▁can ▁not ▁co exist ▁or ▁activ ating ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁is
▁an ▁emer gency . ▁▁ ▁Ph ased ▁ad option ▁( Also ▁known ▁as ▁grad ual ▁conversion ): ▁In ▁ph ased ▁ad option ▁implementation , ▁the ▁organization ▁is ▁gradually ▁transfer ring ▁to ▁a ▁new ▁system ▁in ▁different ▁phases , ▁per ▁module ▁or ▁sub - system . ▁Some ▁systems ▁are ▁in cap able ▁of ▁being ▁introduced ▁in ▁pieces ▁as ▁it ▁is ▁too ▁reli ant ▁on ▁the ▁whole ▁system . ▁Using ▁the ▁ph ased ▁ad option ▁has ▁less ▁ris ks , ▁but ▁causes ▁the ▁most ▁dis ru ptions ▁due ▁to ▁it ▁taking ▁the ▁most ▁time ▁to ▁transfer ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁to ▁the ▁new . ▁▁ ▁Pil ot ▁ad option : ▁The ▁pilot ▁ad option ▁method ▁is ▁used ▁for ▁large ▁organizations ▁that ▁have ▁multiple ▁locations ▁or ▁largely ▁independent ▁depart ments . ▁The ▁new ▁system ▁is ▁introduced ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁locations ▁or ▁depart ments ▁and ▁extended ▁to ▁other ▁locations ▁or ▁depart ments ▁over ▁time . ▁( limited ▁boundary ▁if ▁a ▁new ▁system ▁is ▁a ▁failure ) ▁( T urban , ▁ 2 0 0 2 ) ▁There ▁are ▁several ▁instances ▁when ▁parallel ▁conversion ▁can ▁not ▁be ▁considered ▁a ▁vi able ▁conversion ▁strategy . ▁ ▁First ▁consider ▁if ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁contains ▁significant ▁schema ▁changes . ▁ ▁Data ▁elements ▁required ▁by ▁one ▁system ▁that ▁are ▁not ▁being ▁populated ▁by ▁the ▁other ▁can ▁lead ▁to ▁at ▁best ▁data ▁in acc ura cies ▁and ▁at ▁worst ▁data ▁cor ruption . ▁ ▁Another ▁concern ▁is ▁if ▁the ▁system ▁re lies ▁on ▁consumer ▁off ▁the ▁sh elf ▁technology ▁( C OT
S ). ▁ ▁If ▁a ▁C OT S ▁vendor ' s ▁documentation ▁states ▁that ▁more ▁than ▁one ▁application ▁can ▁not ▁share ▁the ▁same ▁database , ▁then ▁parallel ▁conversion ▁is ▁not ▁an ▁option . ▁ ▁An ▁example ▁would ▁be ▁Oracle ' s ▁Sie bel ▁products . ▁ ▁Other ▁C OT S ▁products ▁may ▁also ▁place ▁restrictions ▁when ▁patch es ▁or ▁major ▁up gr ades ▁require ▁unique ▁license ▁keys . ▁Once ▁applied ▁they ▁may ▁make ▁database ▁changes ▁that ▁might ▁cause ▁the ▁application ▁to ▁f als ely ▁detect ▁a ▁parallel ▁system ▁running ▁against ▁the ▁same ▁database ▁as ▁an ▁attempt ▁at ▁getting ▁around ▁lic ens ing ▁controls ▁and ▁thereby ▁disable ▁the ▁system . ▁ ▁Place ▁in ▁implementation ▁process ▁There ▁seem ▁to ▁be ▁little ▁convent ions ▁regarding ▁the ▁process ▁of ▁parallel ▁ad option . ▁Several ▁sources ▁( e . g .: ▁Tur ban , ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁E ason , ▁ 1 9 8 8 , ▁Ro o ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 , ▁Brown , ▁ 1 9 9 9 ), ▁do ▁not ▁use ▁a ▁single ▁process - description ▁name . ▁The ▁term ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁is ▁denoted ▁in ▁these ▁sources , ▁although ▁consistent ▁per ▁source ▁as : ▁parallel ▁conversion , ▁parallel ▁running , ▁shadow - running , ▁parallel ▁cut over ▁and ▁parallel ▁implementation . ▁This ▁appears ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁case ▁because ▁a ▁generic ▁description ▁of ▁the ▁process ▁does ▁not ▁need ▁a ▁distinct ▁classification . ▁There ▁are ▁a ▁quite ▁some ▁standard ▁implementation ▁methods , ▁where ▁different ▁ad option ▁techniques ▁are ▁described
▁but ▁often ▁in ▁a ▁practical ▁context ; ▁real - world ▁case ▁scenario ▁or ▁a ▁more ▁compreh ensive ▁set ▁of ▁implementation ▁techniques ▁like ▁Reg atta : ▁ad option ▁method , ▁S IM ▁and ▁PR IN CE 2 . ▁In ▁general , ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁can ▁best ▁be ▁seen ▁as ▁a ▁Systems ▁Engineering ▁method ▁of ▁implementation ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁system . ▁ ▁In ▁principle , ▁the ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁method ▁is ▁different ▁from ▁the ▁decision ▁to ▁change ▁a ▁system ▁in ▁an ▁organization ▁and ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁as ▁one ▁possible ▁mean ▁to ▁achieve ▁that ▁goal . ▁However , ▁there ▁are ▁quite ▁some ▁factors ▁that ▁are ▁being ▁taken ▁into ▁account ▁in ▁determ ining ▁the ▁best ▁implementation ▁strategy . ▁Moreover , ▁a ▁successful ▁implementation ▁can ▁depend ▁to ▁a ▁big ▁extent ▁on ▁the ▁ad option ▁method . ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ) ▁ ▁The ▁process ▁ ▁The ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁process ▁can ▁not ▁be ▁represented ▁without ▁pay ing ▁attention ▁to ▁the ▁steps ▁before ▁the ▁actual ▁conversion , ▁namely ▁the ▁construction ▁of ▁a ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁and ▁the ▁identification ▁and ▁testing ▁of ▁all ▁the ▁requirements . ▁Therefore ▁the ▁process ▁is ▁explained ▁by ▁going ▁through ▁all ▁the ▁identified ▁processes ▁in ▁figure ▁ 1 , ▁while ▁address ing ▁the ▁common ▁activities ▁that ▁are ▁necessary ▁for ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁identified ▁conversion ▁strateg ies ▁briefly . ▁▁ ▁Figure ▁ 1 ▁gives ▁an ▁over view ▁of ▁the ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁process . ▁The ▁left ▁side ▁dep ict s ▁the ▁flow ▁of ▁activities ▁that ▁contribute ▁to ▁the ▁process . ▁Activ ities ▁that
▁run ▁simultaneously ▁are ▁preced ed ▁by ▁a ▁thick ▁black ▁line . ▁When ▁the ▁parallel ▁running ▁of ▁activities ▁is ▁over , ▁the ▁activities ▁are ▁joined ▁again ▁in ▁a ▁similar ▁black ▁line . ▁When ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁arrow ▁from ▁an ▁activity ▁to ▁another , ▁this ▁indicates ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁aggreg ates ▁of ▁a ▁bigger ▁activity ▁above . ▁ ▁The ▁activities ▁are ▁divided ▁in ▁four ▁main ▁phases : ▁▁ ▁Define ▁implementation ▁strategy , ▁that ▁de als ▁with ▁the ▁kind ▁of ▁implementation ▁strategy ▁should ▁be ▁executed . ▁▁ ▁Pre - implementation , ▁which ▁has ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁construct ing ▁a ▁planning ▁of ▁all ▁aspects ▁and ▁requirements ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁implementation . ▁ ▁P rep are ▁organization ▁The ▁organization ▁should ▁be ▁prepared ▁properly ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁phase . ▁ ▁Con version ▁de als ▁with ▁the ▁actual ▁conversion ▁process ▁and ▁closing ▁the ▁conversion ▁process ; ▁proceed ing ▁with ▁the ▁new ▁system . ▁ ▁The ▁main ▁phases ▁are ▁sub div ided ▁in ▁other ▁activities ▁that ▁will ▁be ▁described ▁briefly ▁in ▁tables ▁ 1 - 1 ▁to ▁ 1 - 4 . ▁ ▁The ▁right ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁model ▁describes ▁the ▁data ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁processes . ▁Some ▁of ▁these ▁concepts , ▁dep icted ▁as ▁a ▁pair ▁of ▁over la pping ▁open ▁rect angles , ▁can ▁be ▁sub div ided ▁in ▁more ▁than ▁one ▁concept . ▁A ▁pair ▁of ▁over la pping ▁closed ▁rect angles ▁indicate ▁a ▁closed ▁concept ▁which ▁means ▁that ▁it ▁can ▁be ▁sub div ided ▁in ▁more ▁concepts , ▁but ▁it ▁is ▁not ▁of ▁further ▁interest ▁for
▁the ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁process . ▁The ▁diam ond ▁shapes ▁figure ▁indicates ▁that ▁the ▁concept ▁linked ▁to ▁it , ▁serves ▁as ▁an ▁aggregate ▁concept ▁and ▁that ▁this ▁concepts ▁consists ▁of ▁the ▁other ▁concepts . ▁Finally ▁the ▁open ▁arrow ▁represents ▁a ▁super ▁class - sub class ▁relation . ▁The ▁concept ▁linked ▁with ▁the ▁arrow ▁is ▁the ▁super ▁class ▁of ▁the ▁concepts ▁that ▁are ▁linked ▁to ▁it . ▁This ▁syntax ▁in ▁figure ▁ 1 ▁is ▁according ▁to ▁Un ified ▁Model ing ▁Language ▁( U ML ) ▁standards . ▁The ▁concepts ▁in ▁figure ▁ 1 ▁are ▁defined ▁in ▁table ▁ 2 . ▁More ▁context ▁for ▁these ▁sub ▁activities ▁in ▁the ▁process ▁will ▁be ▁given ▁under ne ath ▁the ▁tables . ▁ ▁The ▁concepts ▁from ▁figure ▁ 1 ▁are ▁defined ▁in ▁table ▁ 2 - 1 ▁below . ▁ ▁Det erm ining ▁the ▁parallel ▁implementation ▁strategy ▁ ▁The ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁is ▁preced ed ▁with ▁determ ining ▁the ▁implementation ▁strategy , ▁which ▁is ▁not ▁unique ▁for ▁parallel ▁ad option , ▁but ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁change ▁management ▁process ▁that ▁an ▁organization ▁enters . ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁Some ▁factors ▁involved ▁in ▁determ ining ▁an ▁implementation ▁strategy ▁regarding ▁ad option ▁methods ▁is ▁described ▁more ▁thoroughly ▁in ▁A do ption ▁( software ▁implementation ). ▁ ▁R isk ▁versus ▁costs ▁The ▁reason ▁for ▁an ▁organization ▁to ▁choose ▁for ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁in ▁favour ▁of ▁a ▁pilot ▁conversion , ▁big ▁b ang ▁or ▁ph ased ▁ad option ▁is ▁often ▁a ▁trade -
off ▁between ▁costs ▁and ▁risk ▁( And ers son , ▁Hans on , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ). ▁Par allel ▁ad option ▁the ▁most ▁expensive ▁ad option ▁method ▁( Ch ng , ▁V athan op as , ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁Microsoft , ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Anderson ▁et ▁al ., ▁ 2 0 0 3 ), ▁because ▁it ▁dem ands ▁from ▁the ▁organization ▁that ▁two ▁systems ▁run ▁parallel ▁for ▁a ▁certain ▁period . ▁Running ▁two ▁systems ▁simultaneously ▁means ▁that ▁an ▁invest ment ▁in ▁Human ▁Resources ▁has ▁to ▁be ▁made . ▁Besides ▁a ▁good ▁prepar ation ▁of ▁the ▁( extra ) ▁personnel , ▁that ▁has ▁to ▁go ▁through ▁a ▁stress ful ▁period ▁of ▁parallel ▁running ▁where ▁procedures ▁cross ▁each ▁other . ▁( R oo ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 , ▁E ason , ▁ 1 9 8 8 ) ▁E ff ort s ▁should ▁be ▁placed ▁on ▁data - cons ist ency ▁and ▁prevent ing ▁data ▁cor ruption ▁between ▁the ▁two ▁systems . ▁( Ch ng ▁et ▁al . ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁Y us uf , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ▁) ▁Not ▁only ▁for ▁the ▁conversion ▁process ▁itself , ▁but ▁also ▁in ▁training ▁them ▁for ▁handling ▁the ▁new ▁system . ▁▁ ▁When ▁it ▁is ▁necessary ▁for ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁to ▁be ▁implemented ▁following ▁a ▁big ▁b ang ▁approach , ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁failure ▁is ▁high ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁When ▁the ▁organization ▁dem ands ▁heavily
▁on ▁the ▁old ▁( leg acy ) ▁system ▁to ▁be ▁changed , ▁the ▁trade - off ▁between ▁extra ▁involved ▁costs ▁for ▁a ▁less ▁ris ky ▁parallel ▁approach , ▁should ▁be ▁in ▁favour ▁of ▁those ▁extra ▁costs ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ), ▁despite ▁this , ▁we ▁see ▁that ▁ER P ▁ad option ▁follows ▁a ▁big ▁b ang ▁ad option ▁in ▁most ▁cases ▁( Microsoft , ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Y us uf , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁▁ ▁This ▁means ▁that ▁an ▁organization ▁should ▁think ▁clearly ▁about ▁their ▁implementation ▁strategy ▁and ▁integrate ▁this ▁decision ▁in ▁their ▁R isk ▁management ▁or ▁Change ▁management ▁analysis . ▁ ▁Develop ing ▁an ▁implementation ▁script ▁ ▁IT - require ments ▁To ▁prepare ▁the ▁organization ▁properly ▁a ▁requirements ▁analysis ▁of ▁both ▁IT - require ments ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁organiz ational ▁requirements ▁is ▁necessary . ▁More ▁information ▁on ▁requirements ▁analysis ▁and ▁change ▁management ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁elsewhere . ▁For ▁parallel ▁ad option , ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁IT ▁requirement ▁( if ▁applicable ) ▁is ▁attention ▁for ▁running ▁the ▁two ▁systems ▁simultaneously . ▁In ▁the ▁conversion ▁phase ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁times lot , ▁where ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁is ▁the ▁leading ▁system . ▁In ▁order ▁to ▁transfer ▁the ▁data ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁in ▁the ▁catch - up ▁period ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁system , ▁there ▁must ▁be ▁a ▁transition ▁module ▁available ▁( Microsoft , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁Other ▁implementation ▁methods ▁do ▁not ▁directly ▁have ▁this ▁requirement . ▁More ▁information ▁about ▁IT ▁requirements
▁can ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁Software ▁Engineering . ▁ ▁Organ iz ational ▁requirements ▁ ▁Besides ▁the ▁IT - require ments , ▁the ▁organiz ational ▁requirements ▁require ▁Human ▁Resource ▁Management ▁issues ▁like , ▁the ▁training ▁of ▁personnel , ▁deal ▁with ▁a ▁perhaps ▁changing ▁organiz ational ▁structure , ▁organ ic ▁organisation ▁or ▁Mechan istic ▁organisation ▁characteristics ▁of ▁the ▁organization ▁( D aft , ▁ 1 9 9 8 ) ▁and ▁most ▁important ly : ▁Top ▁management ▁support ▁( B rown , ▁V esse y , ▁ 1 9 9 9 ). ▁Brown ▁et ▁al . ▁( 1 9 9 9 ) ▁identify ▁two ▁distinct ▁roles ▁top ▁management ▁can ▁initi ate : ▁the ▁so - called ▁spons or ▁and ▁champion ▁roles : ▁▁▁▁ ▁“ A ▁project ▁spons or ▁is ▁responsible ▁for ▁budget ary ▁support ▁and ▁ens uring ▁that ▁key ▁business ▁represent atives ▁play ▁a ▁role ▁on ▁the ▁project ▁team .” ▁▁▁ ▁“ The ▁project ▁champion ▁may ▁or ▁may ▁not ▁be ▁a ▁formal ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁project ▁team , ▁but ▁can ▁play ▁a ▁key ▁role ▁in ▁change ▁management ▁efforts ” ▁ ▁A ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁process ▁is ▁very ▁stress ful ▁and ▁requires ▁well ▁prepared ▁employees ▁that ▁can ▁deal ▁with ▁mistakes ▁that ▁are ▁being ▁made , ▁without ▁conserv atively ▁eager ▁to ▁the ▁old ▁system . ▁( E ason , ▁ 1 9 8 8 ) ▁ ▁Time ▁planning ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁very ▁important ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁detailed ▁plan ▁of ▁conduct ing ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁in ▁an ▁organization ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁E ason
, ▁ 1 9 8 8 ). ▁The ▁most ▁important ▁thing ▁about ▁time ▁planning ▁for ▁a ▁parallel ▁conversion ▁is ▁not ▁to ▁r ush ▁things ▁and ▁not ▁be ▁afraid ▁of ▁possible ▁del ays ▁in ▁the ▁actual ▁conversion ▁phase . ▁( Le e , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁It ▁can ▁be ▁very ▁benef icial ▁also ▁to ▁work ▁with ▁clearly ▁defined ▁mil est ones ▁( R oo ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ), ▁similar ▁to ▁the ▁PR IN CE 2 ▁method . ▁More ▁information ▁on ▁time ▁planning ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁Pl anning ▁and ▁Str ateg ic ▁planning . ▁ ▁Pre par ing ▁the ▁organization ▁ ▁Re quire ments ▁evaluation ▁The ▁requirements ▁evaluation ▁involves ▁re def ining ▁the ▁implementation ▁script . ▁The ▁IT ▁and ▁( if ▁possible ) ▁organiz ational ▁requirements ▁that ▁were ▁made ▁should ▁be ▁tested . ▁Some ▁tests ▁can ▁be ▁run ▁where ▁the ▁organiz ational ▁respons ib ilities ▁can ▁be ▁evaluated ▁( R oo ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ) ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁IT - require ments . ▁Here ▁it ▁is ▁also ▁again ▁important ▁to ▁have ▁top - management ▁support ▁and ▁invol vement ▁( E ason , ▁ 1 9 8 8 ). ▁If ▁they ▁do ▁not ▁make ▁resources ▁available ▁to ▁evaluate , ▁the ▁implementation ▁can ▁be ▁un success ful ▁as ▁a ▁direct ▁consequence . ▁After ▁this ▁evaluation ▁the ▁implementation ▁script ▁is ▁re defined ▁into ▁a ▁more ▁explicit ▁conversion ▁scenario . ▁ ▁Con version ▁scenario ▁The ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁thus ▁consists ▁of ▁a ▁blue print ▁for
▁the ▁organiz ational ▁change ▁in ▁all ▁aspects . ▁However , ▁there ▁are ▁two ▁topics ▁that ▁did ▁not ▁yet ▁get ▁the ▁attention ▁they ▁des erve ▁in ▁the ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁scope . ▁▁▁ ▁Work around ▁strategy ▁/ ▁Roll back ▁plan : ▁Being ▁distinct ▁from ▁the ▁other ▁ad option ▁scenarios , ▁also ▁integrated ▁in ▁the ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁is ▁the ▁workaround ▁or ▁cont ing ency ▁strategy ▁with ▁a ▁roll back ▁plan . ▁The ▁workaround ▁strategy ▁is ▁defined ▁in ▁a ▁bro ader ▁scope ▁in ▁another ▁entry , ▁but ▁in ▁this ▁context ▁it ▁indicates ▁as ▁defined ▁in ▁the ▁above ▁table : ▁A ▁backup ▁plan ; ▁strategy ▁taken ▁on , ▁in ▁the ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁to ▁prevent ▁errors ▁in ▁the ▁conversion ▁process ▁and ▁attempt ▁to ▁work ▁around ▁them , ▁so ▁that ▁the ▁implementation ▁can ▁still ▁be ▁successful . ▁( Microsoft , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁The ▁roll back ▁plan , ▁as ▁being ▁one ▁possible ▁workaround ▁strategy , ▁is ▁initi ated ▁if ▁something ▁goes ▁wrong ▁in ▁the ▁conversion ▁phase . ▁Since ▁the ▁two ▁systems ▁run ▁simultaneously , ▁in ▁a ▁parallel ▁ad option , ▁the ▁roll back ▁plan ▁indicates ▁that ▁the ▁database ▁or ▁other ▁system ▁that ▁handles ▁the ▁transactions ▁should ▁be ▁fully ▁re trace able ▁in ▁the ▁legacy ▁system ▁( Microsoft , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ). ▁In ▁fact ▁the ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁provides ▁per ▁definition ▁this ▁roll back ▁plan ▁due ▁to ▁its ▁nature ▁of ▁a ▁leading ▁system ▁and ▁a ▁( non - leading ) ▁backup ▁system . ▁▁ ▁C riteria ▁indic ators : ▁Since ▁the ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁is
▁a ▁blue print ▁of ▁executing ▁the ▁transfer ▁of ▁the ▁two ▁systems , ▁is ▁also ▁ent ails ▁quant ifiable ▁criteria . ▁The ▁re defined ▁IT ▁and ▁organiz ational ▁requirements ▁are ▁being ▁transferred ▁into ▁meas urable ▁components . ▁When ▁the ▁criteria ▁are ▁not ▁being ▁met ▁in ▁the ▁test ▁conversion , ▁the ▁workaround ▁strategy ▁should ▁be ▁deployed . ▁ ▁Con version ▁ ▁The ▁actual ▁conversion ▁phase ▁is ▁now ▁in ▁place . ▁During ▁this ▁process , ▁the ▁organization ▁is ▁in ▁a ▁stress ful ▁period ▁( E ason , ▁ 1 9 8 8 , ▁Ro o ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ). ▁The ▁two ▁systems ▁run ▁parallel ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁conversion ▁scenario ▁and ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁is ▁being ▁monitor ed ▁closely . ▁When ▁the ▁criteria ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁are ▁met , ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁will ▁ce ase ▁being ▁the ▁leading ▁system ▁and ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁takes ▁over . ▁The ▁catch ▁ups ▁that ▁are ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁workaround ▁strategy ▁are ▁the ▁back ▁ups ▁of ▁the ▁old ▁system ▁and ▁provide ▁the ▁means ▁for ▁reli ability ▁engineering ▁and ▁data ▁recovery . ▁There ▁are ▁two ▁kinds ▁of ▁ways ▁to ▁make ▁catch - ups : ▁automatic ▁catch ▁ups ▁and ▁catch ▁ups ▁by ▁hand . ▁( R oo ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ). ▁If ▁applicable ▁a ▁remote ▁backup ▁service ▁can ▁be ▁deployed ▁as ▁well . ▁ ▁Control ▁system ▁▁ ▁Autom atic ▁catch ▁ups : ▁C atch ▁ups ▁that ▁are ▁being ▁transferred ▁by ▁an ▁autom ated ▁system , ▁created ▁in ▁the ▁prepar ing ▁the ▁organization ▁phase
. ▁This ▁system ▁automatically ▁trans fers ▁the ▁data ▁or ▁information ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁when ▁the ▁conversion ▁goes ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁leading ▁system ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁leading ▁system . ▁The ▁benefit ▁of ▁an ▁autom ated ▁system ▁is ▁that ▁it ▁is ▁fast ▁and ▁accurate . ▁The ▁dis adv antage ▁is ▁that ▁is ▁takes ▁time ▁to ▁produce ▁a ▁transfer ▁system ▁in ▁an ▁earlier ▁stage . ▁▁ ▁C atch ▁ups ▁by ▁hand : ▁When ▁the ▁actual ▁conversion ▁ent ails ▁only ▁a ▁small ▁amount ▁of ▁time , ▁or ▁the ▁complexity ▁of ▁information ▁that ▁should ▁be ▁transferred ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁system ▁is ▁small , ▁an ▁organization ▁can ▁choose ▁to ▁transfer ▁the ▁catch ▁ups ▁manually . ▁The ▁advantage ▁of ▁this ▁procedure ▁is ▁that ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁need ▁for ▁a ▁system ▁( software ▁program ) ▁to ▁transfer ▁the ▁information ▁and ▁the ▁possible ▁problems ▁that ▁come ▁with ▁such ▁kind ▁of ▁a ▁transfer - program . ▁The ▁trade - off ▁is ▁accuracy ▁and ▁time . ▁It ▁takes ▁a ▁considerable ▁amount ▁of ▁extra ▁time , ▁to ▁transfer ▁the ▁catch ▁ups ▁manually ▁and ▁it ▁is ▁more ▁vulner able ▁for ▁small ▁human ▁errors ▁( R oo ij mans , ▁ 2 0 0 3 ). ▁Moreover , ▁the ▁additional ▁invest ment ▁in ▁labour ▁hours ▁is ▁high ▁already ; ▁a ▁manual ▁catch ▁up ▁system ▁places ▁even ▁more ▁pressure ▁on ▁the ▁personnel . ▁ ▁E valu ation ▁/ ▁Pract ical ▁relev ance ▁There ▁are ▁several ▁less ons ▁that ▁can ▁be ▁learned ▁from ▁case ▁studies : ▁The ▁Nev ada ▁DM V ▁system ▁case , ▁described ▁by ▁Lee ▁(
2 0 0 4 ), ▁lear ns ▁that ▁an ▁implementation ▁to ▁a ▁new ▁process ▁can ▁also ▁have ▁a ▁political ▁imp lication . ▁When ▁the ▁system ▁that ▁will ▁be ▁changed ▁affect s ▁the ▁general ▁public ▁and ▁it ▁is ▁not ▁only ▁an ▁internal ▁system ▁that ▁is ▁being ▁changed , ▁there ▁are ▁some ▁more ▁press ures ▁that ▁influence ▁the ▁organization . ▁In ▁this ▁case , ▁concepts ▁as ▁company ▁image ▁and ▁reputation ▁can ▁dr ast ically ▁change ▁if ▁customers ▁are ▁faced ▁with ▁more ▁del ays ▁in ▁for ▁example ▁communication ▁or ▁ordering ▁goods . ▁It ▁is ▁suggested ▁that ▁if ▁the ▁system ▁is ▁polit ically ▁sensitive , ▁more ▁attention ▁should ▁be ▁paid ▁to ▁the ▁conversion ▁method ▁and ▁prefer ably ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁is ▁opt ed , ▁since ▁there ▁is ▁less ▁risk ▁involved . ▁ ▁A ▁series ▁of ▁less ons ▁learned ▁from ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁ ▁actual ▁case ▁scenario ’ s ▁implementing ▁a ▁new ▁port folio ▁system , ▁performed ▁by ▁a ▁business - cons ult ancy ▁firm ▁( V ent ure , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ) ▁show ▁some ▁interesting ▁less ons ▁learned ▁from ▁the ▁field . ▁they ▁seem ▁to ▁fit ▁perfectly ▁with ▁the ▁issues ▁mentioned ▁for ▁a ▁generic ▁parallel ▁ad option ▁process , ▁based ▁on ▁a ▁combination ▁of ▁scientific ▁work . ▁To ▁summar ise : ▁ ▁R isk ▁assess ment ▁and ▁cont ing ency ▁( work around ) ▁planning ▁is ▁very ▁important ▁Ass ign ▁project ▁team ▁roles ▁Con struct ▁specific ▁mil est ones ▁( like ▁PR IN CE 2 ) ▁that ▁include ▁training ▁and ▁testing ▁plans ▁Ident ify
▁potential ▁ris ks ▁and ▁execute ▁your ▁cont ing ency ▁plan ▁when ▁necessary ▁Communic ate ▁project ▁status ▁Ch anges ▁should ▁be ▁appropri ately ▁author ized ▁The ▁conversion ▁strategy ▁needs ▁to ▁carefully ▁examine ▁the ▁data ▁requirements ▁New ▁and ▁changed ▁data ▁should ▁be ▁tested ▁against ▁validation ▁rules ▁Con struct ▁a ▁thorough ▁roll back ▁plan ▁When ▁possible , ▁negoti ate ▁a ▁pilot ▁conversion ▁ ▁There ▁are ▁also ▁at ▁least ▁two ▁difficulties ▁with ▁parallel ▁conversion ▁that ▁may ▁make ▁its ▁use ▁imp ract ical ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 1 st ▁century , ▁though ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁st ap le ▁of ▁industry ▁practice ▁when ▁inputs ▁consisted ▁of ▁de cks ▁of ▁p unch ed ▁cards ▁or ▁re els ▁of ▁t ape . ▁These ▁are : ▁▁ 1 . ▁It ▁is ▁imp ract ical ▁to ▁expect ▁end ▁users , ▁be ▁they ▁customers , ▁production ▁line ▁workers ▁or ▁nearly ▁anyone ▁else , ▁to ▁enter ▁every ▁transaction ▁twice ▁via ▁different ▁interfaces . ▁▁ 2 . ▁Tim ing ▁differences ▁between ▁two ▁multi - user ▁interactive ▁systems ▁can ▁properly ▁produce ▁different ▁results ▁even ▁when ▁both ▁systems ▁are ▁operating ▁correctly , ▁are ▁internally ▁consistent , ▁and ▁could ▁be ▁used ▁successfully ▁by ▁themselves . ▁ ▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁parallel ▁conversion ▁is ▁restricted ▁to ▁a ▁few ▁specific ▁situations ▁today , ▁such ▁as ▁account ing ▁systems ▁where ▁absolute ▁ver ifi ability ▁of ▁results ▁is ▁mand atory , ▁where ▁users ▁are ▁all ▁internal ▁to ▁the ▁organization ▁and ▁understand ▁this ▁requirement , ▁and ▁where ▁the ▁order ▁of ▁activities ▁cannot ▁be ▁allowed ▁to ▁affect ▁the ▁output . ▁In ▁practice , ▁the ▁pilot
▁and ▁ph ased ▁conversion ▁methods ▁are ▁more ▁relevant ▁today . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁Product ▁Software ▁A do ption : ▁Big ▁Bang ▁A do ption ▁Ph ased ▁ad option ▁A do ption ▁( software ▁implementation ) ▁Reg atta : ▁ad option ▁method ▁Change ▁management ▁R eli ability ▁engineering ▁Roll back ▁( data ▁management ) ▁R isk ▁management ▁Software ▁Engineering ▁Im plementation ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Articles ▁▁ ▁Anders son ▁I . ▁Hans on , ▁K . ▁( 2 0 0 3 ). ▁Technology ▁diffusion ▁in ▁a ▁software ▁organization , ▁Lic enti ate ▁Th esis ▁in ▁applied ▁Information ▁Technology , ▁University ▁of ▁Got eb org ▁ ▁Brown , ▁C . V . ▁& ▁V esse y , ▁I . ▁( 1 9 9 9 ). ▁ER P ▁Im plementation ▁Appro aches : ▁Tow ard ▁a ▁Cont ing ency ▁Framework , ▁Pro ceed ings ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 th ▁International ▁Conference ▁on ▁Information ▁Systems , ▁Charlotte , ▁NC , ▁December ▁ 1 3 – 1 5 , ▁ 4 1 1 - 4 1 6 . ▁ ▁Ch ng , ▁S ., ▁& ▁V athan oph as ▁V . ▁( 2 0 0 2 ). ▁Tow ards ▁an ▁Inter - Organ iz ational ▁Enter prise ▁System : ▁A ▁F ocus ▁Group ▁Study . ▁The ▁ 6 th ▁Pacific ▁Asia ▁Conference ▁on ▁Information ▁Systems ▁( P AC IS ▁ 2 0 0 2 ). ▁Tokyo , ▁Japan . ▁September ▁ 2 – 4 , ▁ 2 0 0 2 . ▁ ▁Lee , ▁O . ▁( 2
0 0 4 ). ▁A ▁Case ▁Study ▁of ▁Nev ada ▁DM V ▁system , ▁Journal ▁of ▁the ▁Academy ▁of ▁Business ▁and ▁Econom ics , ▁Volume ▁ 3 ▁ ▁Rib bers , ▁P . ▁& ▁Sch oo , ▁K . C . ▁( 2 0 0 2 ). ▁Design ing ▁Complex ▁Software ▁Im plementation ▁Program s , ▁ 3 5 th ▁Ann ual ▁Hawai i ▁International ▁Conference ▁on ▁System ▁Sciences ▁( H IC SS ' 0 2 ), ▁Volume ▁ 8 ▁ ▁Y us uf , ▁Y . ▁& ▁Gun ase kar an , ▁A . ▁& ▁Ab th or pe ▁M . S . ▁( 2 0 0 4 ). ▁Enter prise ▁systems ▁project ▁implementation : ▁A ▁case ▁study ▁of ▁ER P ▁in ▁Roll s ▁Roy ce . ▁International ▁Journal ▁of ▁Production ▁Econom ics , ▁ 8 7 , ▁ 2 5 1 - 2 6 6 . ▁ ▁Books ▁ ▁D aft , ▁R . L . ▁( 1 9 9 8 ). ▁Organ iz ational ▁theory ▁and ▁design . ▁West : ▁International ▁Thom son ▁ ▁E ason , ▁K . ▁( 1 9 8 8 ). ▁" Ch apter ▁ 9 , ▁Im plementation ▁and ▁Support ," ▁in : ▁Information ▁Technology ▁and ▁Organ iz ational ▁Change . ▁London : ▁Taylor ▁& ▁Francis ▁ ▁Tur ban , ▁E . ▁& ▁M clean , ▁E . ▁& ▁W ether be ▁J . ▁( 2 0 0 2 ) ▁“ Ch apter ▁ 1 4 , ▁Building ▁information ▁systems ”, ▁in : ▁ ▁Information
▁Technology ▁for ▁management . ▁ ▁New ▁York : ▁John ▁W iley ▁& ▁S ons , ▁inc ▁ ▁Ro o im ans , ▁R ., ▁They e , ▁M . ▁de , ▁& ▁Ko op , ▁R . ▁( 2 0 0 3 ). ▁Reg atta : ▁I CT - im plement aties ▁als ▁uit d aging ▁voor ▁een ▁vier - met - st uur man . ▁The ▁H ague : ▁Ten ▁H agen ▁en ▁St am ▁U it ge vers . ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁ ▁Re platform ing ▁Line ▁of ▁business ▁App lications ▁from ▁UN IX ▁to ▁Windows . ▁( 2 0 0 4 ), ▁version ▁ 1 . 0 ▁Microsoft , ▁Retrieved ▁March ▁ 5 , ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁▁ ▁Im plement ing ▁a ▁port folio ▁account ing ▁system : ▁Less ons ▁from ▁the ▁tren ches ▁( 2 0 0 4 ), ▁Vent ure ▁Fin an cial ▁Systems ▁Group ▁Ltd , ▁Retrieved ▁March ▁ 6 , ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁▁ ▁Category : Information ▁systems <0x0A> </s> ▁D 5 2 ▁state ▁road , ▁located ▁in ▁L ika ▁region ▁of ▁Cro atia ▁connecting ▁cities ▁and ▁towns ▁of ▁O to č ac ▁and ▁K oren ica , ▁to ▁the ▁state ▁road ▁network ▁of ▁Cro atia , ▁and ▁to ▁ ▁A 1 ▁motor way ▁at ▁O to č ac ▁inter change ▁( via ▁D 5 0 . ▁The ▁road ▁is ▁ ▁long . ▁ ▁The ▁D 5 0 ▁state ▁road ▁runs ▁parallel ▁to ▁a ▁section ▁of ▁the ▁A 1 ▁motor way ▁between
▁Ž uta ▁Lok va ▁and ▁S vet i ▁R ok ▁inter changes , ▁thus ▁serving ▁as ▁an ▁alternate ▁or ▁backup ▁route ▁for ▁the ▁motor way . ▁ ▁The ▁road , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁all ▁other ▁state ▁roads ▁in ▁Cro atia , ▁is ▁managed ▁and ▁maintained ▁by ▁H rv ats ke ▁c este , ▁a ▁state - owned ▁company . ▁ ▁Tra ffic ▁volume ▁▁ ▁Tra ffic ▁is ▁regularly ▁counted ▁and ▁reported ▁by ▁H rv ats ke ▁c este , ▁operator ▁of ▁the ▁road . ▁ ▁Sub st ant ial ▁variations ▁between ▁annual ▁( A AD T ) ▁and ▁summer ▁( AS DT ) ▁traffic ▁volumes ▁at ▁some ▁counting ▁sites ▁are ▁attributed ▁to ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁the ▁road ▁connect s ▁to ▁D 1 ▁and ▁D 5 0 ▁which ▁in ▁turn ▁provide ▁connections ▁to ▁other ▁major ▁high ways ▁carrying ▁tour ist ▁traffic . ▁ ▁Road ▁j unction s ▁and ▁populated ▁areas ▁ ▁S ources ▁ ▁D 0 5 2 ▁D 0 5 2 <0x0A> </s> ▁Mary ▁V . ▁Thomas ▁( A pril ▁ 2 9 , ▁ 1 9 4 4 ▁– ▁August ▁ 2 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 4 ) ▁was ▁an ▁American ▁P ima ▁politician ▁and ▁activ ist . ▁Thomas ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁woman ▁to ▁serve ▁as ▁the ▁Governor ▁of ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community , ▁an ▁office ▁she ▁held ▁from ▁ 1 9 9 4 ▁to ▁ 2 0 0 0 . ▁She ▁also ▁served ▁as ▁Lieutenant ▁Governor ▁of ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁for ▁two ▁ten ures :
▁The ▁first ▁term ▁from ▁ 1 9 9 0 ▁to ▁ 1 9 9 4 , ▁prior ▁to ▁becoming ▁governor , ▁and ▁a ▁second ▁term ▁beginning ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 3 . ▁An ▁active ▁particip ant ▁in ▁trib al ▁politics , ▁Thomas ▁was ▁also ▁an ▁activ ist ▁on ▁issues ▁of ▁importance ▁to ▁Native ▁American ▁communities , ▁including ▁pover ty , ▁water ▁rights , ▁and ▁cas inos . ▁ ▁Biography ▁ ▁Early ▁life ▁Thomas , ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁P ima ▁people , ▁was ▁born ▁Mary ▁Smith ▁in ▁Phoenix , ▁Arizona , ▁on ▁April ▁ 2 9 , ▁ 1 9 4 4 . ▁Her ▁parents ▁were ▁El wood ▁Dennis ▁and ▁Elizabeth ▁Smith . ▁She ▁was ▁raised ▁in ▁Sac aton , ▁Arizona , ▁in ▁an ▁ad obe ▁home , ▁which ▁her ▁father ▁had ▁constructed , ▁which ▁lack ed ▁electric ity ▁until ▁she ▁was ▁a ▁te en . ▁In ▁a ▁ 1 9 9 8 ▁interview ▁with ▁The ▁Arizona ▁Republic , ▁Thomas ▁re called ▁her ▁early ▁life ▁without ▁electric ity ▁or ▁ind oor ▁pl umb ing , ▁saying ▁" It ▁was ▁a ▁way ▁of ▁life ... We ▁accepted ▁it ." ▁She ▁attended ▁both ▁Phoenix ▁College ▁and ▁Central ▁Arizona ▁College ▁after ▁high ▁school . ▁She ▁then ▁worked ▁a ▁variety ▁of ▁jobs ▁after ▁college , ▁including ▁mort u ary ▁assistant , ▁bus ▁driver ▁and ▁teacher ' s ▁a ide . ▁She ▁married ▁her ▁husband , ▁George ▁Thomas , ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 8 . ▁ ▁Political ▁career ▁Mary ▁Thomas ▁had ▁previously ▁served ▁on ▁the ▁G
ila ▁River ▁council ▁during ▁the ▁ 1 9 8 0 s . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 0 , ▁G ila ▁River ▁Governor ▁Thomas ▁White ▁asked ▁her ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁Lieutenant ▁Governor ▁as ▁his ▁running ▁mate . ▁Both ▁won ▁election . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 4 , ▁White ▁decl ined ▁to ▁seek ▁re - e lection ▁and ▁encourag ed ▁L t . ▁Governor ▁Mary ▁Thomas ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁governor . ▁She ▁won ▁election ▁and ▁became ▁the ▁first ▁woman ▁to ▁serve ▁as ▁Governor ▁of ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community . ▁ ▁Thomas ▁was ▁a ▁strong ▁pro ponent ▁of ▁util izing ▁cas ino ▁g aming ▁as ▁a ▁tool ▁to ▁alle vi ate ▁pover ty ▁and ▁un emp loyment . ▁The ▁G ila ▁River ' s ▁first ▁cas ino ▁opened ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 4 . ▁Thomas ▁soon ▁appeared ▁in ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁television ▁commer ci als ▁aim ed ▁at ▁persu ading ▁G ila ▁River ▁members ▁that ▁prof its ▁from ▁the ▁cas inos ▁would ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁improve ▁basic ▁services ▁and ▁the ▁quality ▁of ▁life . ▁According ▁to ▁The ▁Arizona ▁Republic , ▁Thomas ▁soon ▁became ▁" known ▁as ▁the ▁face ▁of ▁Indian ▁cas inos ." ▁In ▁a ▁speech ▁given ▁at ▁the ▁opening ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁cas ino ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 4 , ▁Thomas ▁told ▁at ten de es , ▁" We ▁don ' t ▁have ▁many ▁of ▁the ▁simple ▁things , ▁like ▁clean ▁water ▁and ▁ind oor ▁pl umb ing , ▁that ▁many ▁communities ▁take ▁for ▁granted ... Can ▁you
▁imagine ▁having ▁one ▁fire ▁engine ▁for ▁this ▁whole ▁res ervation ?" ▁ ▁Under ▁Governor ▁Thomas , ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁established ▁its ▁own , ▁independent ▁police ▁and ▁fire ▁depart ments . ▁She ▁also ▁o vers aw ▁plans ▁to ▁build ▁a ▁new ▁hospital ▁on ▁the ▁res ervation . ▁Her ▁two ▁terms ▁were ▁not ▁without ▁some ▁political ▁disput es . ▁Thomas ▁surv ived ▁an ▁effort ▁to ▁recall ▁her ▁from ▁office ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 8 . ▁ ▁Thomas ▁left ▁office ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 0 . ▁ ▁She ▁ran ▁as ▁a ▁candidate ▁for ▁the ▁Arizona ▁House ▁of ▁Representatives ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁but ▁lost ▁the ▁election . ▁Thomas ▁was ▁frequently ▁mentioned ▁as ▁a ▁potential ▁candidate ▁for ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁House ▁of ▁Representatives ▁within ▁political ▁circles ▁in ▁Arizona ▁and ▁Washington ▁D . C . ▁during ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 0 s . ▁However , ▁she ▁returned ▁her ▁focus ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁and ▁trib al ▁issues . ▁She ▁was ▁elected ▁Lieutenant ▁Governor ▁of ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 3 ▁for ▁her ▁second , ▁non - con sec utive ▁term ▁in ▁that ▁office ▁( She ▁had ▁previously ▁served ▁as ▁L t . ▁Governor ▁from ▁ 1 9 9 0 ▁to ▁ 1 9 9 4 ). ▁She ▁un success fully ▁ran ▁for ▁Governor ▁of ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁▁ ▁The ▁University ▁of ▁Arizona ▁hon ored ▁Thomas ▁by ▁adding ▁her ▁to ▁the ▁school
' s ▁Women ' s ▁Pla za ▁of ▁Honor ▁in ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁ ▁Mary ▁Thomas ▁died ▁from ▁an ▁und is closed ▁ill ness ▁at ▁Ch and ler ▁Regional ▁Medical ▁Center ▁in ▁Ch and ler , ▁Arizona , ▁on ▁August ▁ 2 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁at ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁ 7 0 . ▁A ▁wid ow , ▁Thomas ▁was ▁a ▁resident ▁of ▁Sac aton , ▁Arizona . ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Past ▁Govern ors ▁of ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 4 4 ▁birth s ▁Category : 2 0 1 4 ▁death s ▁Category : G overn ors ▁of ▁the ▁G ila ▁River ▁Indian ▁Community ▁Category : Native ▁American ▁polit icians ▁Category : Native ▁American ▁activ ists ▁Category : Native ▁American ▁women ▁in ▁politics ▁Category : W omen ▁in ▁Arizona ▁politics ▁Category : P ima ▁people ▁Category : Pe ople ▁from ▁P inal ▁County , ▁Arizona <0x0A> </s> ▁Palest in ian ▁Meta w alis ▁are ▁a ▁Palest in ian ▁Sh i ite ▁community . ▁During ▁the ▁time ▁of ▁Mand atory ▁Palest ine , ▁Palest in ian ▁Meta w alis ▁had ▁seven ▁villages ▁where in ▁they ▁constit uted ▁they ▁majority . ▁During ▁the ▁first ▁census ▁of ▁the ▁British ▁prote ctor ate , ▁Palest in ian ▁Meta w alis ▁were ▁one ▁of ▁eight ▁religious ▁dem ographic ▁groups ▁whom ▁were ▁categor ized , ▁and ▁t ensions ▁existed ▁regarding ▁whether ▁these ▁people ▁would ▁be ▁ge opol it ically ▁un ited ▁with ▁their
▁Sh i ite ▁Arab ▁counter parts ▁in ▁southern ▁Leb anon . ▁ ▁References ▁▁ ▁Category : Pal est in ian ▁people ▁by ▁religion <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Michigan ▁M ile ▁And ▁One - E ighth ▁Hand ic ap ▁was ▁an ▁American ▁Thor ough bre d ▁horse ▁race ▁run ▁ann ually ▁at ▁the ▁now ▁def unct ▁Detroit ▁Race ▁Cour se ▁in ▁Liv onia , ▁Michigan . ▁A ▁one ▁time ▁Gra de ▁II ▁event ▁rac ed ▁on ▁d irt , ▁it ▁was ▁open ▁to ▁horses ▁age ▁three ▁and ▁older . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 7 5 , ▁tra iner ▁S ▁K aye ▁Bell ▁became ▁the ▁first ▁female ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁to ▁condition ▁the ▁winner ▁of ▁a ▁$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ▁st akes ▁race . ▁ ▁U ps ets ▁include ▁Stanis las ▁defe ating ▁Tom ▁Rol fe ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 6 ▁and ▁N od ouble ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 8 ▁be ating ▁the ▁reign ing ▁American ▁Hor se ▁of ▁the ▁Year , ▁ ▁Dam asc us . ▁ ▁Past ▁w inners ▁( partial ) ▁▁ 1 9 9 3 ▁– ▁D ign itas ▁ 1 9 9 2 ▁– ▁Classic ▁Seven ▁ 1 9 9 1 ▁– ▁Black ▁T ie ▁Aff air ▁ 1 9 9 0 ▁– ▁Beau ▁Gen ius ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁– ▁Pres ent ▁Value ▁ 1 9 8 8 ▁– ▁Lost ▁Code ▁ 1 9 8 7 ▁– ▁W aqu oit ▁ 1 9 8 6 ▁– ▁End s ▁Well ▁ 1
9 8 5 ▁– ▁Bad w agon ▁Harry ▁ 1 9 8 4 ▁– ▁Tim eless ▁Native ▁ 1 9 8 3 ▁– ▁Th umb su cker ▁ 1 9 8 2 ▁– ▁V od ika ▁Collins ▁▁ 1 9 8 1 ▁– ▁F io ▁R oto ▁ 1 9 8 0 ▁– ▁G lor ious ▁Song ▁ 1 9 7 9 ▁– ▁S ens itive ▁Prince ▁ 1 9 7 8 ▁– ▁A ▁Let ter ▁To ▁Harry ▁ 1 9 7 7 ▁– ▁My ▁Jul iet ▁ 1 9 7 6 ▁– ▁Sh arp ▁Gary ▁ 1 9 7 5 ▁– ▁Mr . ▁L ucky ▁Phoenix ▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁– ▁Tom ▁T ulle ▁ 1 9 7 3 ▁– ▁Golden ▁Don ▁ 1 9 7 2 ▁– ▁King ' s ▁Bishop ▁ 1 9 7 1 ▁– ▁Native ▁Royal ty ▁ 1 9 7 0 ▁– ▁Fast ▁Hil ari ous ▁ 1 9 6 9 ▁– ▁Cal and rito ▁ 1 9 6 8 ▁– ▁N od ouble ▁( Mart ine z ▁He ath ) ▁ 1 9 6 7 ▁– ▁E str eno ▁ 1 9 6 6 ▁– ▁Stanis las ▁ 1 9 6 5 ▁– ▁Old ▁Hat ▁ 1 9 6 4 ▁– ▁Go ing ▁Ab road / T ib al do ▁( D H ) ▁ 1 9 6 3 ▁– ▁C rim son ▁Sat an ▁ 1 9 6 2 ▁– ▁Beau ▁Prince ▁ 1 9 5 8 ▁– ▁Near ctic ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category
: Hor se ▁races ▁in ▁Michigan ▁Category : Gr aded ▁st akes ▁races ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁Category : Dis cont in ued ▁horse ▁races <0x0A> </s> ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁is ▁a ▁song ▁by ▁American ▁singer ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁from ▁his ▁t enth ▁and ▁final ▁studio ▁album ▁Inv inci ble ▁( 2 0 0 1 ) ▁It ▁was ▁released ▁as ▁the ▁lead ▁single ▁from ▁the ▁album ▁on ▁August ▁ 2 2 , ▁ 2 0 0 1 ▁by ▁Ep ic ▁Records . ▁▁▁ ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁pe aked ▁at ▁number ▁ 1 0 ▁on ▁the ▁Billboard ▁Hot ▁ 1 0 0 ▁and ▁was ▁Jackson ' s ▁last ▁top ▁ten ▁song ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁until ▁" L ove ▁Never ▁F elt ▁So ▁Good ", ▁which ▁featured ▁Justin ▁Tim ber la ke , ▁pe aked ▁at ▁number ▁ 9 ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 4 . ▁The ▁track ▁reached ▁number ▁one ▁in ▁France , ▁Poland , ▁Portugal , ▁Roman ia , ▁South ▁Africa , ▁and ▁Spain . ▁It ▁also ▁pe aked ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁in ▁Australia , ▁Austria , ▁Canada , ▁Den mark , ▁Finland , ▁Italy , ▁Sweden , ▁Switzerland , ▁and ▁the ▁United ▁Kingdom . ▁The ▁song ▁was ▁nominated ▁for ▁a ▁Gram my ▁Award ▁for ▁Best ▁Male ▁Pop ▁V ocal ▁Performance ▁at ▁the ▁ 4 4 th ▁Gram my ▁Awards . ▁ ▁As ▁part ▁of ▁promotion ▁for ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World ", ▁a ▁music ▁video ▁was ▁released . ▁The ▁video , ▁which ▁is ▁th ir
teen ▁and ▁a ▁half ▁minutes ▁long , ▁was ▁directed ▁by ▁Paul ▁Hunter ▁and ▁features ▁Chris ▁T ucker ▁and ▁Mar lon ▁Br ando . ▁In ▁the ▁video , ▁Jackson ▁and ▁T ucker ▁port ray ▁men ▁who ▁are ▁trying ▁to ▁gain ▁a ▁woman ' s ▁affection . ▁The ▁video ▁has ▁been ▁compared ▁to ▁Jackson ' s ▁previous ▁videos ▁" S mo oth ▁C riminal " ▁and ▁" The ▁Way ▁You ▁Make ▁Me ▁Fe el ". ▁▁ ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁performed ▁only ▁twice ▁by ▁Jackson ; ▁at ▁Mad ison ▁Square ▁Garden ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁City ▁at ▁two ▁concert s ▁on ▁September ▁ 7 th ▁and ▁the ▁ 1 0 th ▁on ▁ 2 0 0 1 ▁to ▁celebr ate ▁Jackson ' s ▁career ▁as ▁a ▁solo ▁artist . ▁Foot age ▁of ▁the ▁performance ▁was ▁shown ▁in ▁the ▁two - hour ▁CBS ▁television ▁special , ▁Michael ▁Jackson : ▁ 3 0 th ▁An ni versary ▁C ele br ation . ▁ ▁Background ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁recorded ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁for ▁his ▁studio ▁album , ▁Inv inci ble ▁( 2 0 0 1 ). ▁The ▁song ▁was ▁co - written ▁and ▁composed ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson , ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins , ▁Fred ▁Jer kins ▁III , ▁La S ha wn ▁Daniel s ▁and ▁N ora ▁Pay ne ▁and ▁produced ▁by ▁Jackson ▁and ▁Jer kins . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁officially ▁released ▁as ▁the ▁lead ▁single ▁from ▁the ▁album ▁in ▁mid - August ▁ 2 0 0 1
, ▁by ▁Ep ic ▁Records . ▁Prior ▁to ▁the ▁single ’ s ▁official ▁release ▁it ▁had ▁been ▁le aked ▁to ▁two ▁New ▁York ▁radio ▁stations ▁on ▁Friday , ▁August ▁ 1 7 . ▁Im medi ately ▁after ▁the ▁songs ▁radio ▁air play ▁the ▁radio ▁stations ▁had ▁received ▁" a ▁her d ▁of ▁[ radio ] ▁call ers ▁asking ▁for ▁more ." ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁first ▁played ▁on ▁the ▁W J TM - FM ▁station ▁at ▁ 6 ▁p . m ., ▁with ▁W K T U - FM ▁air ing ▁the ▁song ▁ 4 5 ▁minutes ▁later . ▁Both ▁stations ▁had ▁played ▁the ▁single ▁every ▁two ▁hours ▁until ▁around ▁ 6 ▁p . m . ▁Saturday , ▁when ▁Jackson ' s ▁record ▁label , ▁Ep ic ▁Records , ▁called ▁the ▁program ▁director ▁for ▁both ▁stations , ▁Frank ie ▁Blue , ▁who ▁was ▁also ▁a ▁friend ▁of ▁Jackson , ▁and ▁asked ▁him ▁to ▁stop . ▁Blue ▁later ▁re called , ▁" They ▁informed ▁me ▁of ▁the ▁d angers ▁of ▁playing ▁a ▁song ▁too ▁early ." ▁He ▁refused ▁to ▁say ▁how ▁the ▁song ▁came ▁into ▁his ▁possession . ▁ ▁Com position ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁is ▁cred ited ▁as ▁being ▁an ▁u pt em po ▁post - dis co ▁and ▁R & B ▁song ▁that ▁has ▁v ibr ating ▁vocal ▁harm on ies . ▁The ▁song ▁is ▁played ▁in ▁the ▁time ▁signature ▁of ▁common ▁time ▁in ▁the ▁key ▁E ▁minor , ▁with ▁Jackson ' s ▁vocal ▁range ▁sp anning
▁from ▁the ▁t onal ▁nodes ▁of ▁E 3 ▁to ▁B b 4 . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁has ▁a ▁moder ate ▁tempo ▁of ▁ 9 5 ▁ ▁be ats ▁per ▁minute . ▁The ▁ch ord ▁pro gression ▁in ▁the ▁song ▁is ▁Em 7 – C 9 - B m 7 – Am 7 – D – Em 7 . ▁The ▁song ' s ▁composition ▁has ▁been ▁compared ▁to ▁Jackson ' s ▁previous ▁material ▁with ▁Qu in cy ▁Jones ▁from ▁the ▁ 1 9 7 0 s ▁and ▁ 1 9 8 0 s , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁disco - theme ▁from ▁Jackson ' s ▁ 1 9 7 9 ▁single , ▁" Don ' t ▁Stop ▁' T il ▁You ▁Get ▁En ough ". ▁Chris ▁T ucker ▁voices ▁the ▁vocal ▁introduction ▁of ▁the ▁song ▁while ▁all ▁the ▁instruments ▁heard ▁on ▁the ▁track ▁were ▁played ▁by ▁Jackson ▁and ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins . ▁L yr ically , ▁the ▁song ' s ▁lyr ics ▁are ▁about ▁being ▁in ▁love , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁effect ▁that ▁it ▁can ▁have , ▁as ▁evident ▁in ▁the ▁opening ▁line , ▁" My ▁life ▁will ▁never ▁be ▁the ▁same , ▁' c ause , ▁girl , ▁you ▁came ▁and ▁changed ▁the ▁way ▁I ▁walk , ▁the ▁way ▁I ▁talk , ▁I ▁cannot ▁explain ". ▁ ▁Crit ical ▁reception ▁Pra ise ▁was ▁mainly ▁directed ▁at ▁the ▁song ' s ▁composition , ▁while ▁diss atisf action ▁towards ▁the ▁song ▁was ▁expressed ▁by ▁critics ▁because ▁they ▁felt ▁that ▁the
▁track ▁was ▁not ▁Jackson ' s ▁best ▁material . ▁Stephen ▁Thomas ▁Er le w ine ▁of ▁All Music ▁listed ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁as ▁being ▁a ▁highlight ▁for ▁the ▁Inv inci ble ▁album . ▁Rev iewer ▁Andrew ▁Hamilton , ▁also ▁of ▁All Music , ▁stated ▁that , ▁" If ▁anybody ▁other ▁than ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁had ▁released ▁' You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World ' ▁with ▁the ▁tons ▁of ▁public ity ▁and ▁promotion ▁it ▁was ▁accord ed , ▁it ▁would ▁have ▁sl am ▁d unk ed ▁the ▁charts ▁and ▁been ▁a ▁multiple ▁award ▁winner . ▁It ▁sold ▁well ▁and ▁got ▁play ▁everywhere , ▁but ▁too ▁many ▁critics ▁p anned ▁the ▁song ▁and ▁the ▁album ▁it ▁came ▁from ▁as ▁not ▁being ▁good ▁enough ▁for ▁an ▁artist ▁on ▁Jackson ' s ▁level ." ▁Hamilton ▁commented ▁that ▁people ▁should ▁" g ive ▁Michael ▁credit " ▁because ▁he ▁was ▁able ▁to ▁maintain ▁a ▁respect able ▁career ▁as ▁a ▁recording ▁artist ▁over ▁the ▁years ▁of ▁his ▁later ▁career . ▁ ▁James ▁Hunter ▁of ▁Rol ling ▁Stone ▁pra ised ▁the ▁song ' s ▁vocal ▁rh yth ms ▁as ▁being ▁" fin ely ▁sculpt ed " ▁and ▁" ex quis ite ". ▁He ▁noted ▁that ▁the ▁song ▁shows ▁similar ities ▁to ▁Jackson ' s ▁previous ▁material ▁with ▁Qu in cy ▁Jones . ▁Mark ▁Be aum ont , ▁a ▁writer ▁for ▁N ME , ▁described ▁the ▁song ▁as ▁being ▁a ▁" dis co ▁classic " ▁and ▁commented ▁that ▁he ▁felt ▁that ▁the ▁song ' s ▁brief ▁intro ▁was ▁" f unn ier
▁than ▁Chris ▁Evans ▁on ▁fire ". ▁Catherine ▁Hal aby ▁of ▁Y ale ▁Daily ▁News ▁stated ▁that ▁the ▁song ▁" show cases ▁the ▁best ▁of ▁' class ic ▁Michael ' ", ▁and ▁described ▁the ▁song ▁as ▁being ▁" f unk y , ▁catch y , ▁up be at , ▁not ▁too ▁cre ep y ". ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁nominated ▁for ▁a ▁Gram my ▁Award ▁for ▁Best ▁Pop ▁V ocal ▁Performance ▁- ▁Male ▁at ▁the ▁ 4 4 th ▁Gram my ▁Awards , ▁but ▁it ▁lost ▁the ▁award ▁to ▁James ▁Taylor ' s ▁" Don ' t ▁Let ▁Me ▁Be ▁L on ely ▁Ton ight ". ▁It ▁was ▁Jackson ' s ▁first ▁Gram my ▁nom ination ▁since ▁ 1 9 9 7 , ▁for ▁his ▁single ▁" E arth ▁Song ", ▁and ▁his ▁first ▁nom ination ▁in ▁that ▁category ▁since ▁ 1 9 9 5 . ▁ ▁Chart ▁performance ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁commer cially ▁successful , ▁generally ▁chart ing ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁positions ▁on ▁music ▁charts ▁world wide . ▁The ▁song ▁was ▁one ▁of ▁Jackson ' s ▁last ▁hit ▁singles ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁years ▁of ▁his ▁career . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁chart ed ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁twenty ▁positions ▁on ▁the ▁Billboard ▁Hot ▁ 1 0 0 ▁on ▁September ▁ 1 5 , ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁The ▁following ▁week , ▁the ▁song ▁chart ed ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁ten . ▁It ▁became ▁Jackson ' s
▁highest ▁chart ing ▁single ▁since ▁his ▁ 1 9 9 5 ▁number - one ▁single , ▁" You ▁Are ▁Not ▁Al one ". ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁also ▁chart ed ▁at ▁number ▁seven ▁and ▁th ir teen ▁on ▁Bill boards ▁Pop ▁chart ▁and ▁R & B / H ip - H op ▁Songs ▁respectively . ▁Not ably , ▁these ▁chart ▁positions ▁were ▁att ained ▁based ▁on ▁air play ▁alone , ▁as ▁no ▁commercial ▁single ▁was ▁issued ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁Fred ▁Br ons on , ▁Billboard ' s ▁chart ▁expert ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁remarked , ▁" C ertain ly , ▁if ▁a ▁commercial ▁single ▁had ▁been ▁available , ▁it ▁would ▁have ▁pe aked ▁higher ▁- ▁perhaps ▁even ▁at ▁no . 1 ". ▁The ▁song ▁also ▁chart ed ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁positions , ▁pe aking ▁at ▁number ▁two , ▁on ▁the ▁Canadian ▁R PM ▁Hot ▁ 1 0 0 ▁chart . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁United ▁Kingdom ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁at ▁number ▁two , ▁which ▁was ▁its ▁peak ▁position ▁in ▁the ▁country , ▁on ▁October ▁ 2 0 . ▁The ▁song ▁remained ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁twenty ▁positions ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁four ▁consecutive ▁weeks , ▁and ▁remained ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁ 1 0 0 ▁positions ▁for ▁fifteen ▁consecutive ▁weeks ▁from ▁October ▁ 2 0 , ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁to ▁January ▁ 2 6 , ▁ 2 0 0 2 . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁French
▁Singles ▁Chart ▁on ▁October ▁ 1 3 , ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁at ▁the ▁number ▁one ▁position . ▁The ▁song ▁remained ▁at ▁the ▁number ▁one ▁position ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁three ▁consecutive ▁weeks , ▁and ▁remained ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁twenty ▁positions ▁for ▁ten ▁consecutive ▁weeks . ▁The ▁song ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁Dutch ▁Singles ▁Ch arts ▁at ▁number ▁four ▁on ▁October ▁ 2 0 , ▁and ▁the ▁following ▁week , ▁chart ed ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁two . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁Finn ish ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁on ▁the ▁forty ▁first ▁week ▁of ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁two . ▁After ▁three ▁weeks , ▁the ▁song ▁fell ▁off ▁the ▁charts . ▁ ▁The ▁song ▁deb uted ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁two , ▁in ▁Norway ▁in ▁the ▁ 4 2 nd ▁second ▁week ▁of ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁The ▁song ▁remained ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁six ▁consecutive ▁weeks , ▁chart ing ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁twenty ▁positions . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁entered ▁New ▁Zealand ▁charts ▁on ▁September ▁ 1 6 , ▁at ▁number ▁thirty ▁one . ▁After ▁seven ▁weeks , ▁the ▁song ▁chart ed ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁th ir teen , ▁and ▁remained ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁twelve ▁weeks ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁Australian ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁four . ▁After ▁the
▁song ▁chart ed ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁fifty ▁positions ▁for ▁five ▁consecutive ▁weeks , ▁it ▁fell ▁off ▁the ▁chart , ▁and ▁re - enter ed ▁two ▁weeks ▁later ▁at ▁number ▁thirty ▁seven , ▁and ▁fell ▁off ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁the ▁second ▁time ▁on ▁January ▁ 6 , ▁ 2 0 0 2 . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁deb uted ▁on ▁the ▁Italian ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁on ▁November ▁ 1 1 , ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position ▁number ▁three , ▁and ▁remained ▁within ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁positions ▁for ▁four ▁weeks ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁The ▁song ▁pe aked ▁at ▁number ▁two ▁and ▁four ▁on ▁the ▁Belg ium ▁Fland ers ▁and ▁Wal onia ▁charts ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁On ▁the ▁Aust rian ▁Singles ▁Chart , ▁the ▁song ▁deb uted ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁nine , ▁on ▁October ▁ 2 1 , ▁and ▁it ▁remained ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁a ▁total ▁of ▁eight ▁weeks . ▁ ▁After ▁Jackson ' s ▁death ▁in ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁re - enter ed ▁music ▁charts ▁world wide ▁and ▁re - enter ed ▁Billboard ▁charts ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁in ▁almost ▁eight ▁years . ▁The ▁song ▁also ▁pe aked ▁at ▁number ▁si xty ▁two ▁on ▁Bill boards ▁Digital ▁Songs ▁chart ▁on ▁July ▁ 1 1 , ▁ 2 0 0 9 . ▁The ▁song ▁re - enter ed ▁the ▁United ▁Kingdom ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁on ▁July ▁ 4 , ▁chart ing ▁at ▁number ▁nin ety
- se ven . ▁The ▁following ▁week ▁the ▁song ▁chart ed ▁at ▁its ▁peak ▁position , ▁number ▁si xty , ▁and ▁chart ed ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁top ▁ 1 0 0 ▁positions ▁after ▁sp ending ▁three ▁weeks ▁on ▁the ▁chart . ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁re - enter ed ▁the ▁Australian ▁Singles ▁Chart ▁for ▁the ▁third ▁time ▁on ▁July ▁ 1 9 , ▁at ▁number ▁fifty . ▁The ▁song ▁remained ▁on ▁the ▁chart ▁for ▁only ▁one ▁week . ▁ ▁Prom otion ▁In ▁late ▁August ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁Jackson ▁and ▁Sony ▁Music ▁began ▁a ▁prom ot ional ▁campaign ▁for ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World ". ▁As ▁part ▁of ▁promotion ▁for ▁the ▁single , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁album , ▁Jackson ▁made ▁a ▁public ▁appearance ▁by ▁celebr ating ▁his ▁ 4 3 rd ▁birth day — one ▁day ▁late — by ▁pres iding ▁over ▁the ▁NAS DA Q ▁market ▁opening ▁ceremony ▁in ▁Times ▁Square ▁on ▁Th urs day ▁morning , ▁on ▁August ▁ 3 0 , ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁Jackson ▁only ▁performed ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁twice . ▁The ▁only ▁performances ▁of ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁during ▁two ▁concert s ▁in ▁early ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁which ▁was ▁to ▁celebr ate ▁Jackson ' s ▁ 3 0 th ▁year ▁as ▁solo ▁artist , ▁at ▁Mad ison ▁Square ▁Garden . ▁T ucker , ▁who ▁is ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁song ' s ▁dialog ue ▁and ▁video , ▁was ▁part ▁of ▁the
▁live ▁performance . ▁Foot age ▁of ▁the ▁second ▁concert ▁on ▁September ▁ 1 0 ▁was ▁shown ▁in ▁a ▁two - hour ▁television ▁special , ▁titled ▁Michael ▁Jackson : ▁ 3 0 th ▁An ni versary ▁C ele br ation , ▁which ▁was ▁a ired ▁on ▁CBS ▁in ▁November ▁of ▁the ▁same ▁year . ▁ ▁Music ▁video ▁The ▁music ▁video ▁for ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁directed ▁by ▁Paul ▁Hunter , ▁and ▁was ▁released ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁The ▁video , ▁which ▁is ▁over ▁th ir teen ▁minutes ▁long , ▁was ▁described ▁as ▁being ▁a ▁short ▁film . ▁The ▁dance ▁performed ▁during ▁the ▁video ▁consists ▁of ▁fragments ▁from ▁the ▁can ce led ▁" D anger ous " ▁music ▁video . ▁▁ ▁The ▁video ▁consists ▁of ▁Jackson ' s ▁and ▁T ucker ' s ▁characters ▁trying ▁to ▁gain ▁the ▁affection ▁of ▁a ▁woman ▁( K ish aya ▁D ud ley ) ▁by ▁subsequently ▁following ▁her ▁around ▁the ▁neighborhood . ▁Ult imately , ▁a ▁fight ▁breaks ▁out ▁between ▁Jackson ▁and ▁the ▁gang ▁members ▁in ▁a ▁bar , ▁who ▁are ▁ordered ▁by ▁their ▁leader ▁( Michael ▁Mad sen ) ▁to ▁get ▁rid ▁of ▁Jackson . ▁Jackson , ▁who ▁had ▁begun ▁to ▁perform ▁before ▁the ▁woman , ▁wal ks ▁up ▁the ▁stage ▁where ▁his ▁backup ▁d anc ers ▁have ▁arrived . ▁The ▁gang ▁leader ▁causes ▁a ▁dis ruption ▁by ▁sm ash ing ▁a ▁bott le ▁across ▁the ▁counter , ▁and ▁proceed s ▁to ▁ta unt ▁Jackson , ▁challeng ing ▁him . ▁A ▁dance
▁break ▁begins , ▁as ▁a ▁man ▁lights ▁his ▁l ighter ▁and ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁gang ▁members ▁uses ▁a ▁kn ife ▁on ▁Jackson , ▁but ▁Jackson ▁toss es ▁him ▁down . ▁Jackson ▁then ▁p unch es ▁the ▁leader ▁in ▁the ▁face , ▁who ▁knock s ▁over ▁a ▁lamp , ▁starting ▁a ▁fire . ▁As ▁the ▁fire ▁spread s , ▁Jackson ▁sc ream s ▁for ▁T ucker , ▁who ▁had ▁been ▁dan cing ▁to ▁the ▁song , ▁and ▁he ▁knock s ▁out ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁gang ▁members . ▁During ▁the ▁escape , ▁the ▁woman ▁who ▁met ▁Jackson ▁approaches ▁him ▁outside ▁the ▁bar . ▁The ▁two ▁share ▁a ▁kiss , ▁and ▁T ucker ▁quickly ▁roll s ▁in ▁with ▁a ▁low ▁r ider , ▁signal ing ▁for ▁Jackson ▁and ▁his ▁new ▁lo ver ▁to ▁escape , ▁leaving ▁the ▁bar ▁which ▁is ▁consum ed ▁in ▁fl ames . ▁ ▁The ▁video ▁for ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁thought ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁last ▁music ▁video ▁to ▁feature ▁any ▁participation ▁from ▁Jackson ▁before ▁the ▁video ▁for ▁" One ▁More ▁Ch ance " ▁was ▁un ear th ed ▁( his ▁following ▁videos ▁would ▁consist ▁of ▁archive ▁foot age ▁of ▁himself ▁and ▁others ). ▁▁ ▁The ▁video ▁has ▁been ▁compared ▁to ▁Jackson ' s ▁previous ▁ 1 9 8 0 s ▁music ▁videos ▁for ▁his ▁singles , ▁" S mo oth ▁C riminal " ▁( 1 9 8 7 ), ▁" Bad " ▁( 1 9 8 7 ), ▁and ▁" The ▁Way ▁You ▁Make ▁Me ▁Fe el " ▁(
1 9 8 7 ), ▁all ▁from ▁his ▁ 1 9 8 7 ▁studio ▁album , ▁Bad . ▁In ▁the ▁video , ▁Jackson ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁we aring ▁a ▁bla zer ▁and ▁his ▁traditional ▁hat . ▁The ▁video ▁features ▁appearances ▁from ▁Mar lon ▁Br ando , ▁Michael ▁Mad sen ▁and ▁Billy ▁Drag o . ▁▁ ▁The ▁video ▁won ▁an ▁NA AC P ▁Image ▁Award ▁for ▁Out standing ▁Music ▁Video ▁at ▁the ▁award ▁show ’ s ▁ 2 0 0 2 ▁ceremony . ▁In ▁several ▁instances ▁in ▁the ▁video , ▁T ucker ' s ▁character ▁makes ▁several ▁references ▁to ▁previous ▁songs ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson , ▁such ▁as ▁" Be at ▁It ", ▁" P . Y . T . ▁( Pre tty ▁Young ▁Th ing )", ▁" The ▁Girl ▁Is ▁Mine ", ▁" Bad " ▁ ," D anger ous ", ▁and ▁" B ill ie ▁Jean ". ▁▁ ▁The ▁short ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁music ▁video ▁appears ▁on ▁Number ▁On es , ▁and ▁the ▁long ▁version ▁appears ▁on ▁Michael ▁Jackson ' s ▁V ision . ▁ ▁Live ▁performances ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁was ▁performed ▁twice ▁live ▁during ▁the ▁ 3 0 th ▁anni versary ▁concert s , ▁which ▁took ▁place ▁in ▁late ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁In ▁the ▁second ▁concert , ▁he ▁was ▁joined ▁by ▁U sh er ▁and ▁Chris ▁T ucker ▁at ▁the ▁end , ▁who ▁dan ced ▁with ▁him . ▁It ▁was ▁the ▁only ▁full ▁song ▁from ▁Inv inci ble ▁that ▁Jackson ▁had ▁performed ▁live . ▁The ▁song
▁was ▁set ▁to ▁be ▁performed ▁in ▁his ▁This ▁Is ▁It ▁concert s ▁on ▁certain ▁days ▁replacing ▁" The ▁Way ▁You ▁Make ▁Me ▁Fe el ". ▁ ▁Track ▁listing ▁ ▁Person nel ▁ ▁Writ ten ▁and ▁composed ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson , ▁Dark child . ▁ ▁Produ ced ▁and ▁all ▁musical ▁instruments ▁performed ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁and ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins ▁ ▁Le ad ▁and ▁background ▁vocals ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁ ▁Int ro ▁by ▁Chris ▁T ucker ▁and ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁ ▁Record ed ▁by ▁Brad ▁G ilder man , ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins , ▁Jean - Marie ▁Hor vat , ▁D ex ter ▁Sim m ons ▁and ▁Stuart ▁B raw ley ▁ ▁Digital ▁editing ▁by ▁Har vey ▁Mason , ▁Jr . ▁and ▁Stuart ▁B raw ley ▁ ▁M ixed ▁by ▁Bruce ▁Sw ed ien , ▁Ly nd ell ▁F ras er , ▁and ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins ▁ ▁St arring ▁Michael ▁Jackson , ▁Chris ▁T ucker , ▁Mar lon ▁Br ando , ▁Michael ▁Mad sen , ▁Billy ▁Drag o , ▁introdu cing ▁K ish aya ▁D ud ley . ▁ ▁Direct ed ▁by ▁Paul ▁Hunter ▁ ▁Ch arts ▁ ▁Week ly ▁charts ▁ ▁Year - end ▁charts ▁ ▁Cert ifications ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁List ▁of ▁Roman ian ▁Top ▁ 1 0 0 ▁number ▁ones ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 0 s ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Bibli ography ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁ ▁The ▁music ▁video ▁for ▁" You ▁Rock ▁My ▁World " ▁at ▁YouTube . com ▁ ▁Category : 2 0 0 1 ▁singles ▁Category :
2 0 0 1 ▁songs ▁Category : Michael ▁Jackson ▁songs ▁Category : S ongs ▁written ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁Category : S ong ▁record ings ▁produced ▁by ▁Michael ▁Jackson ▁Category : Music ▁videos ▁directed ▁by ▁Paul ▁Hunter ▁( direct or ) ▁Category : S ongs ▁written ▁by ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins ▁Category : S ongs ▁written ▁by ▁Fred ▁Jer kins ▁III ▁Category : S ongs ▁written ▁by ▁La S ha wn ▁Daniel s ▁Category : S ong ▁record ings ▁produced ▁by ▁Rod ney ▁Jer kins ▁Category : Mar lon ▁Br ando ▁Category : S NE P ▁Top ▁Singles ▁number - one ▁singles ▁Category : Number - one ▁singles ▁in ▁Portugal ▁Category : Number - one ▁singles ▁in ▁Poland ▁Category : Number - one ▁singles ▁in ▁Spain ▁Category : Number - one ▁singles ▁in ▁Roman ia <0x0A> </s> ▁Jean - Louis ▁de ▁B ias i ▁is ▁a ▁published ▁author , ▁lect urer , ▁and ▁spiritual ▁teacher . ▁ ▁Career ▁De ▁B ias i ▁was ▁born ▁in ▁Cast ill onn ès ▁( France ) ▁in ▁ 1 9 5 9 . ▁He ▁holds ▁a ▁master ' s ▁degree ▁in ▁philosophy ▁( Univers ity ▁of ▁Bor de aux ). ▁The ▁title ▁of ▁his ▁th esis ▁was ▁" Mor als ▁and ▁Religion ▁in ▁the ▁work ▁of ▁N iet z sche ". ▁He ▁taught ▁philosophy ▁in ▁France ▁as ▁a ▁teacher ▁for ▁over ▁ 1 5 ▁years , ▁and ▁also ▁successfully ▁graduated ▁in ▁Heb rew . ▁He ▁has ▁been ▁trained ▁in ▁Gest alt ▁ther apy ▁with ▁cert ification ▁from ▁the
▁Institut ▁Fran ca is ▁de ▁Gest alt - Th er ap ie ▁( F rench ▁Institute ▁of ▁Gest alt ▁Ther apy ). ▁For ▁several ▁years , ▁he ▁also ▁pract iced ▁one iro log y ▁and ▁hyp n other apy . ▁From ▁the ▁ 7 0 ' s ▁to ▁the ▁ 9 0 ’ s ▁he ▁pract iced ▁intens ively ▁pr an ay ama , ▁y oga ▁n id ra ▁( a ▁kind ▁of ▁relax ation ▁associated ▁with ▁visual ization ), ▁cre ative ▁visual ization ▁along ▁with ▁the ▁development ▁of ▁astr al ▁per ception . ▁He ▁began ▁to ▁taught ▁these ▁sciences ▁and ▁was ▁invited ▁to ▁several ▁radio ▁shows ▁on ▁these ▁subjects . ▁Hyp not ism ▁was ▁also ▁part ▁of ▁his ▁initial ▁training ▁of ▁this ▁time . ▁Deep ening ▁his ▁practice , ▁he ▁spend ▁time ▁to ▁master ▁cre ative ▁visual ization . ▁▁ ▁He ▁is ▁a ▁special ist ▁in ▁An cient ▁Mediter rane an ▁relig ions , ▁classical ▁philosophy , ▁Fre em ason ry , ▁and ▁rit uals ▁in ▁the ▁Western ▁Trad ition . ▁Vari ous ▁initi atic ▁degrees , ▁considered ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁highest ▁in ▁Western ▁Es oter ic ism , ▁have ▁been ▁con ferred ▁upon ▁him . ▁With ▁regard ▁to ▁Fre em ason ry , ▁he ▁is ▁a ▁Master ▁Mason ▁and ▁Past ▁Master ▁belonging ▁at ▁present ▁to ▁the ▁Grand ▁L odge ▁F . A . A . M . ▁of ▁the ▁State ▁of ▁Nev ada ▁( U . S . A .). ▁He ▁also ▁received ▁the ▁ 3 2 ° ▁of ▁the ▁American
▁Scottish ▁R ite ▁in ▁Washington , ▁D . C ., ▁and ▁was ▁initi ated ▁into ▁Royal ▁Arch ▁Mason ry ▁in ▁Canada . ▁ ▁During ▁the ▁time ▁he ▁lived ▁in ▁France ▁and ▁prior ▁to ▁joining ▁American ▁Fre em ason ry , ▁the ▁entire ty ▁of ▁the ▁Egypt ian ▁Fre em ason ry ▁degrees ▁( 3 3 ° - 9 5 ° ) ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁other ▁related ▁degrees ▁were ▁received ▁by ▁him . ▁Begin ning ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 9 ▁and ▁over ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁the ▁next ▁few ▁years , ▁he ▁re aw ak ened , ▁founded , ▁and ▁organized ▁within ▁the ▁Grand ▁Orient ▁de ▁France ▁( the ▁largest ▁Mason ic ▁organization ▁in ▁France ) ▁the ▁Egypt ian ▁system ▁of ▁M emph is - M is ra im ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁American ▁degrees ▁organized ▁by ▁John ▁Y ark er . ▁It ▁was ▁also ▁during ▁ 1 9 9 9 ▁that ▁the ▁Grand ▁Orient ▁de ▁France ▁asked ▁him ▁to ▁create ▁a ▁scientific ▁publication ▁which ▁was ▁called ▁Arc ana . ▁He ▁was ▁nominated ▁Grand ▁Chan cell or ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 ▁and ▁Grand ▁Or ator ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 3 . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 7 , ▁Jean - Louis ▁de ▁B ias i ▁founded ▁La ▁Par ole ▁Circ ule ▁( Sp read ▁the ▁Word ), ▁the ▁first - ever ▁online ▁magazine ▁of ▁international ▁scope ▁devoted ▁to ▁Fre em ason ry ▁and ▁restricted ▁to ▁Fre em asons . ▁This ▁magazine ▁was ▁published ▁until ▁ 2 0 0 8 . ▁He
▁was ▁also ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁found ers ▁of ▁the ▁online ▁community ▁of ▁F rat ern elle ▁des ▁Intern aut es ▁Franc oph ones , ▁the ▁first ▁French ▁Mason ic ▁one ▁to ▁be ▁established . ▁ ▁As ▁a ▁published ▁author , ▁Jean - Louis ▁de ▁B ias i ▁has ▁written ▁in ▁French ▁about ▁the ▁fields ▁of ▁Fre em ason ry , ▁ancient ▁relig ions , ▁and ▁rit uals . ▁He ▁was ▁published ▁by ▁G ranch er ▁Publications ▁( Ed itions ▁G ranch er ). ▁His ▁writ ings ▁in ▁English ▁have ▁been ▁and ▁continue ▁to ▁be ▁published ▁by ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications . ▁Several ▁of ▁his ▁books ▁have ▁been ▁translated ▁into ▁various ▁languages ▁such ▁as ▁French , ▁Portuguese , ▁Spanish , ▁Russian , ▁and ▁Dutch . ▁ ▁As ▁a ▁published ▁author , ▁he ▁is ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁National ▁Writ ers ▁Union ▁and ▁the ▁International ▁Federation ▁of ▁Journal ists . ▁ ▁With ▁Pat ric ia , ▁his ▁wife , ▁he ▁is ▁writ ings ▁new ▁books ▁published ▁by ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications . ▁ ▁Pub lished ▁works ▁ ▁Books ▁ ▁Ex cer pts ▁from ▁his ▁bibli ography ▁( books ▁and ▁their ▁foreign ▁ed itions ): ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁l ' A ura ▁( ABC ▁of ▁the ▁A ura ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 1 9 9 7 ▁& ▁ 2 0 0 0 . ▁ ▁Le ▁mart in isme ▁( Martin ism ), ▁Se pp , ▁Paris , ▁ 1 9 9 7 . ▁( Span ish ▁Edition : ▁Man ak
el ▁Publications , ▁Madrid , ▁SP .) ▁ ▁Les ▁r ites ▁ma çon ni ques ▁é gypt iens ▁en ▁franc - ma çon ner ie ▁( The ▁Egypt ian ▁R it uals ▁in ▁Fre em ason ry ), ▁Ed im af , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁mag ie ▁nature lle ▁( ABC ▁of ▁Natural ▁Magic ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 0 . ▁ ▁L ' é ner gie ▁du ▁Tar ot ▁( The ▁Energy ▁of ▁the ▁Tar ot ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 4 . ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁spiritual ité ▁ma çon ni que ▁( ABC ▁of ▁Fre em ason ic ▁Spirit ual ity ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 6 . ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁k abb ale ▁chr ét ienne ▁( ABC ▁of ▁Christian ▁Kab bal ah ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 8 . ▁( Port ug uese ▁Edition : ▁Mad ras ▁Publications , ▁Brazil ) ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁l ' és ot ér isme ▁ma çon ni que ▁( ABC ▁of ▁Es oter ic ▁Fre em ason ry ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 0 9 . ▁ ▁ABC ▁de ▁la ▁Mag ie ▁sacr ée ▁( ABC ▁of ▁Sac red ▁Magic ), ▁G ranch er , ▁Paris , ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁( Port ug uese ▁Edition : ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁Las ▁Veg
as .) ▁ ▁Sec rets ▁and ▁Pract ices ▁of ▁the ▁Fre em asons , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁( Port ug uese ▁Ed itions : ▁Europa - America ▁Publications , ▁Portugal ▁& ▁Ag ora ▁Herm et ica ▁Publications , ▁Fort ale za , ▁BR , ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁Dutch ▁Edition : ▁An kh H erm es ▁Publications , ▁U tre cht , ▁ 2 0 1 2 .) ▁ ▁The ▁Div ine ▁Arc ana ▁of ▁the ▁Aur um ▁Sol is , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁( Port ug uese ▁Edition : ▁Ag ora ▁Herm et ica ▁Publications , ▁Fort ale za , ▁BR , ▁ 2 0 1 2 .) ▁ ▁Liv res ▁sac rés ▁herm ét istes ▁( The ▁Herm etic ▁Sac red ▁Books ), ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica ▁Publications , ▁Las ▁Veg as , ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁Lu z ▁sobre ▁a ▁In icia ça o ▁( Light ▁upon ▁In iti ation ), ▁Mad ras ▁Publications , ▁São ▁Paulo , ▁BR , ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁ ▁Harm on iza ço es ▁ast ro log icas ▁( A st ro logic ▁Harm on izations ), ▁Ag ora ▁Herm et ica ▁Publications , ▁Fort ale za , ▁BR , ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁ ▁Red isc over
▁the ▁Mag ick ▁of ▁the ▁God s ▁and ▁God d esses , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 4 . ▁ ▁The ▁Mag ical ▁Use ▁of ▁P ray er ▁B ead s , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 6 . ▁ ▁H idden ▁Mand ala ▁Col oring ▁Book , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 7 . ▁Es oter ic ▁Fre em ason ry , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁Myst eries ▁of ▁the ▁A ura , ▁L le wel lyn ▁Publications , ▁Wood bury , ▁M N , ▁( F orth coming ). ▁ ▁CD s ▁ ▁In iti ation ▁à ▁la ▁relax ation ▁( Rel ax ation ), ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 0 4 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁C agli ost ro ▁et ▁l ’ oracle ▁de ▁la ▁col om be ▁( C agli ost ro ), ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 0 4 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁En och ian ▁S ounds , ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 0 5 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁Les ▁r ites ▁ma çon ni ques ▁( M ason ic ▁R it uals ), ▁Academia ▁Pl
aton ica , ▁ 2 0 0 5 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁L ' Ord re ▁Kab bal istique ▁de ▁la ▁Rose - C ro ix ▁et ▁l ' h erm ét isme ▁( H erm et ism ▁and ▁the ▁Rose - C ross ), ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 0 6 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁C ours ▁de ▁Tar ot ▁( T ar ot ▁C ourses ), ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁Art ▁ ▁The ▁Aur um ▁Sol is ▁Tar ot ▁De ck ▁and ▁Book let , ▁Academia ▁Pl aton ica , ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁Currently ▁published ▁by ▁The urg ia . ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁ ▁American ▁Philosoph ical ▁Association ▁ ▁International ▁Federation ▁of ▁Journal ists ▁ ▁National ▁Philosoph ical ▁Coun sel ing ▁Association ▁ ▁National ▁Writ ers ▁Union ▁ ▁Category : F rench ▁Fre em asons ▁Category : F rench ▁occ ult ists ▁Category : F rench ▁occ ult ▁writers ▁Category : H erm etic ists ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : 1 9 5 9 ▁birth s ▁Category : 2 0 th - century ▁occ ult ists ▁Category : 2 1 st - century ▁occ ult ists ▁Category : 2 0 th - century ▁French ▁philosoph ers ▁Category : 2 1 st - century ▁French ▁philosoph ers <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 2 0 1 8 – 1
9 ▁season ▁is ▁the ▁ 1 1 6 th ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁the ▁Southern ▁League ▁since ▁its ▁establishment ▁in ▁ 1 8 9 4 . ▁The ▁league ▁( known ▁as ▁E vo - St ik ▁League ▁Southern , ▁following ▁a ▁spons or ship ▁deal ▁with ▁E vo - St ik ) ▁has ▁two ▁Premier ▁divisions ▁( Cent ral ▁and ▁South ) ▁at ▁step ▁ 3 ▁of ▁the ▁National ▁League ▁System ▁( N LS ) ▁and ▁two ▁Division ▁One ▁divisions ▁( Cent ral ▁and ▁South ) ▁at ▁step ▁ 4 ▁of ▁the ▁N LS . ▁ ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁season ▁to ▁consist ▁of ▁four ▁divisions ▁in ▁the ▁league , ▁following ▁a ▁sh ake up ▁of ▁the ▁Southern , ▁Ist hm ian , ▁and ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁Le agues ▁divisions ▁by ▁ge ographical ▁region . ▁The ▁Southern ▁League ▁was ▁chosen ▁to ▁create ▁a ▁new ▁division ▁at ▁Step ▁ 3 ; ▁the ▁ 2 1 ▁clubs ▁remaining ▁from ▁the ▁Premier ▁Division ▁the ▁previous ▁season ▁were ▁split ▁into ▁two ▁new ▁Premier ▁divisions ; ▁Central ▁and ▁South . ▁The ▁league ▁constitution ▁was ▁announced ▁in ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁ ▁Premier ▁Division ▁Central ▁ ▁Team ▁changes ▁The ▁Premier ▁Division ▁Central ▁at ▁step ▁ 3 ▁of ▁the ▁N LS ▁featured ▁ten ▁clubs ▁from ▁the ▁previous ▁season ▁Premier ▁Division ▁and ▁ 1 2 ▁new ▁clubs : ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁East ▁Division ▁ ▁A FC ▁R ush den ▁& ▁Diam onds ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁League ▁Division ▁One ▁South ▁ ▁Al ve ch
urch ▁ ▁Bed worth ▁United ▁ ▁Re leg ated ▁from ▁the ▁National ▁League ▁North ▁ ▁Tam worth ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁Ist hm ian ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Leist on ▁ ▁Low esto ft ▁Town ▁ ▁Need ham ▁Market ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Bar well ▁ ▁Co al ville ▁Town ▁ ▁H ales ow en ▁Town ▁ ▁R ush all ▁Olympic ▁ ▁St our bridge ▁ ▁League ▁table ▁ ▁Play - offs ▁ ▁Sem i - final s ▁ ▁Final ▁ ▁Super ▁final ▁ ▁Results ▁table ▁ ▁Stad ia ▁and ▁locations ▁ ▁Premier ▁Division ▁South ▁ ▁Team ▁changes ▁The ▁Premier ▁Division ▁South ▁at ▁step ▁ 3 ▁of ▁the ▁N LS ▁featured ▁ 1 0 ▁clubs ▁from ▁the ▁previous ▁season ▁Premier ▁Division ▁and ▁ 1 2 ▁new ▁clubs : ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁East ▁Division ▁ ▁Be a cons field ▁Town ▁ ▁Hart ley ▁W int ney ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁West ▁Division ▁ ▁Ta un ton ▁Town ▁ ▁Sal is bury ▁ ▁Sw ind on ▁Super marine ▁ ▁W im bor ne ▁Town ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁Ist hm ian ▁League ▁South ▁Division ▁ ▁Wal ton ▁Cas uals ▁ ▁Re leg ated ▁from ▁the ▁National ▁League ▁South ▁ ▁Po ole ▁Town ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁Ist hm ian ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁H arrow ▁Bor ough ▁ ▁Hend on ▁ ▁Metropolitan ▁Police ▁ ▁St aines ▁Town ▁ ▁League ▁table ▁ ▁Play - offs ▁ ▁Sem i - final s ▁ ▁Final
▁ ▁Super ▁final ▁ ▁Results ▁table ▁ ▁Stad ia ▁and ▁locations ▁ ▁Division ▁One ▁Central ▁ ▁Team ▁changes ▁Division ▁One ▁Central ▁at ▁step ▁ 4 ▁of ▁the ▁N LS ▁featured ▁eight ▁clubs ▁from ▁the ▁previous ▁season ▁West ▁Division ▁and ▁twelve ▁new ▁clubs : ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁Mid land ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁B rom sg ro ve ▁Sport ing ▁ ▁Col esh ill ▁Town ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁Spart an ▁South ▁Mid lands ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Wel w yn ▁Garden ▁City ▁ ▁Ber k ham sted ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁United ▁Count ies ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Y ax ley ▁ ▁Re leg ated ▁from ▁the ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁D unst able ▁Town ▁ ▁Re leg ated ▁from ▁the ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁S utton ▁Cold field ▁Town ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁West ▁Division ▁ ▁Did cot ▁Town ▁ ▁Kid ling ton ▁ ▁North ▁Le igh ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁League ▁Division ▁One ▁South ▁ ▁Cor by ▁Town ▁ ▁Peter borough ▁Sports ▁ ▁League ▁table ▁ ▁Play - offs ▁ ▁Sem i - final s ▁ ▁Final ▁ ▁Results ▁table ▁ ▁Stad ia ▁and ▁locations ▁ ▁Division ▁One ▁South ▁ ▁Team ▁changes ▁Division ▁One ▁South ▁at ▁step ▁ 4 ▁of ▁the ▁N LS ▁featured ▁th ir teen ▁clubs ▁from ▁the ▁previous ▁season ▁East ▁Division ▁and ▁seven ▁new ▁clubs : ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁H ellen ic ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Th atch am ▁Town ▁ ▁High worth ▁Town ▁ ▁Prom oted
▁from ▁the ▁W esse x ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Black field ▁& ▁Lang ley ▁ ▁Prom oted ▁from ▁the ▁Western ▁League ▁Premier ▁Division ▁ ▁Street ▁ ▁Mel k sh am ▁Town ▁ ▁Trans ferred ▁from ▁the ▁East ▁Division ▁ ▁Fle et ▁Town ▁ ▁M oney fields ▁ ▁League ▁table ▁ ▁Play - offs ▁ ▁Sem i - final s ▁ ▁Final ▁ ▁Results ▁table ▁ ▁Stad ia ▁and ▁locations ▁ ▁League ▁Cup ▁ ▁The ▁ 2 0 1 8 – 1 9 ▁Southern ▁League ▁Cup ▁was ▁the ▁ 8 1 st ▁edition ▁of ▁the ▁Southern ▁League ▁Cup , ▁the ▁cup ▁competition ▁of ▁the ▁Southern ▁Football ▁League . ▁ ▁Calendar ▁ ▁Pre lim inary ▁round ▁ ▁First ▁round ▁ ▁Second ▁round ▁ ▁Third ▁round ▁ ▁Qu arter - final s ▁ ▁Sem i - final s ▁ ▁Final ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁Southern ▁Football ▁League ▁▁ 2 0 1 8 – 1 9 ▁Ist hm ian ▁League ▁▁ 2 0 1 8 – 1 9 ▁Northern ▁Premier ▁League ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Official ▁website ▁ ▁Category : S ou thern ▁Football ▁League ▁seasons ▁ 7 <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 2 0 1 9 ▁All ▁Th ailand ▁G olf ▁Tour ▁was ▁the ▁ 2 1 st ▁season ▁of ▁the ▁All ▁Th ailand ▁G olf ▁Tour , ▁the ▁main ▁professional ▁golf ▁tour ▁in ▁Th ailand ▁since ▁it ▁was ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 9 . ▁It ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁season ▁in ▁which ▁world ▁rank ings ▁points ▁are ▁given . ▁ ▁Tournament ▁results ▁The ▁table
▁below ▁shows ▁the ▁schedule . ▁ ▁Order ▁of ▁Mer it ▁ ▁References ▁▁ ▁Category : All ▁Th ailand ▁G olf ▁Tour ▁All ▁Th ailand ▁G olf ▁Tour <0x0A> </s> ▁Selected ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁compilation ▁album ▁released ▁by ▁the ▁British ▁musical ▁project ▁Rec o il , ▁front ed ▁by ▁Alan ▁W ilder , ▁released ▁on ▁April ▁ 1 9 , ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁The ▁album ▁features ▁an ▁ec lect ic ▁mixture ▁of ▁vocal ists ▁including : ▁Diam anda ▁Gal ás , ▁Joe ▁Richard son , ▁Douglas ▁Mc Car thy , ▁Sam anth a ▁Co er bell , ▁S io b han ▁Lyn ch , ▁T oni ▁Hall iday , ▁N icole ▁Black man , ▁Mag gie ▁Est ep ▁and ▁Car la ▁Tre v ask is . ▁ ▁The ▁tracks ▁on ▁Selected ▁has ▁been ▁chosen ▁by ▁Alan ▁W ilder ▁who ▁explained ▁that ▁the ▁collection ▁was ▁made ▁up ▁of ▁" his ▁personal ▁favour ites , ▁rem aster ed ▁and ▁edited ▁together ▁into ▁what ▁I ▁consider ▁a ▁coh es ive ▁and ▁total ▁listening ▁experience ." ▁The ▁tracks ▁have ▁been ▁edited , ▁where ▁appropriate , ▁by ▁W ilder ▁and ▁Paul ▁K end all ▁and ▁re - master ed ▁with ▁Simon ▁He yw orth ▁at ▁the ▁Super ▁Audio ▁Master ing . ▁ ▁The ▁album ▁is ▁available ▁as ▁a ▁single ▁CD , ▁double ▁CD ▁with ▁new ▁rem ix es ▁and ▁alternative ▁versions , ▁chosen ▁and ▁edited ▁together ▁by ▁W ilder ▁and ▁Paul ▁K end all , ▁a ▁limited ▁edition ▁ 4 - vin yl ▁box , ▁plus
▁a ▁limited ▁edition ▁del ux e ▁ 4 - dis c ▁box ▁set . ▁The ▁art work ▁for ▁Selected ▁was ▁designed ▁by ▁Un . t itled ▁under ▁the ▁able ▁guidance ▁of ▁Matt ▁C ul pin , ▁with ▁phot ographic ▁work , ▁both ▁for ▁the ▁studio ▁and ▁live ▁album , ▁created ▁by ▁Simon ▁Cong don . ▁ ▁Art work ▁ ▁Prom otion ▁In ▁support ▁of ▁the ▁album , ▁Rec o il ▁has ▁announced ▁details ▁of ▁an ▁Events ▁tour , ▁A ▁Str ange ▁H our ▁with ▁Alan ▁W ilder ▁& ▁Paul ▁K end all , ▁with ▁dates ▁across ▁Europe ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁US ▁between ▁March ▁& ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁Each ▁date ▁promised ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁unique ▁event ▁– ▁with ▁special ▁guests ▁– ▁and ▁these ▁live ▁present ations ▁mark ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁Rec o il ▁has ▁vent ured ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁studio . ▁The ▁next ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁tour ▁k icked ▁off ▁with ▁dates ▁across ▁North ▁America , ▁South ▁America ▁and ▁Europe ▁between ▁October ▁& ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁ ▁On ▁October ▁ 1 7 , ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁four ▁rem ix es ▁have ▁been ▁made ▁available ▁to ▁download ▁for ▁free ▁from ▁the ▁official ▁Rec o il ▁website , ▁under ▁a ▁common ▁title ▁W ant ▁– ▁The ▁Arch itect ▁Mix es , ▁in ▁W ave , ▁MP 3 ▁and ▁F L AC ▁formats . ▁These ▁include ▁three ▁versions ▁of ▁" W ant " ▁by ▁H au job b ▁founder ▁Daniel ▁My er ' s ▁alias ▁Arch itect
▁( h ence ▁the ▁title ▁of ▁the ▁set ), ▁and ▁a ▁rem ix ▁of ▁" J ez eb el " ▁by ▁Ehr on ▁Von All en . ▁Additionally , ▁a ▁Quick Time ▁video ▁for ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁rem ix es ▁of ▁" W ant " ▁accompan ies ▁the ▁download s . ▁ ▁" Selected ▁Events " ▁continued ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 1 , ▁featuring ▁shows ▁in ▁three ▁Balt ic ▁countries ▁and ▁appearances ▁at ▁festiv als ▁until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁October . ▁ ▁The ▁" A ▁Str ange ▁H our ▁in ▁Budapest " ▁live ▁Bl u - R ay ▁( only ) ▁was ▁released ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁from ▁the ▁Selected ▁Events ▁from ▁Rec o il ' s ▁tour . ▁ ▁Track ▁listing ▁ ▁Selected ▁ ▁" Str ange ▁H ours " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Li qu id ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 1 3 ▁ ▁" Fa ith ▁He aler " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Blood line ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 0 9 ▁ ▁" J ez eb el " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Li qu id ) ▁– ▁ 4 : 2 9 ▁ ▁" Al le lu j ah " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁sub H uman ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 5 6 ▁ ▁" W ant " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Li qu id ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 5 0 ▁ ▁" Red ▁River ▁C argo " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Un sound ▁Method s ) ▁– ▁ 6 : 0 4
▁ ▁" S up reme " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Li qu id ) ▁– ▁ 6 : 1 8 ▁ ▁" Pre y " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁sub H uman ) ▁– ▁ 4 : 5 2 ▁ ▁" D rif ting " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Un sound ▁Method s ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 1 7 ▁ ▁" L us cious ▁Appar atus " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Un sound ▁Method s ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 3 9 ▁ ▁" The ▁K illing ▁Gr ound " ▁( ex cer pt ) ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁sub H uman ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 2 ▁ ▁" Sh unt " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Un sound ▁Method s ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 7 ▁ ▁" Edge ▁to ▁Life " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Blood line ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 1 1 ▁ ▁" Last ▁Bre ath " ▁( original ▁version ▁on ▁Un sound ▁Method s ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 2 4 ▁ ▁Selected ▁– ▁Rem ixed ▁ ▁" S up reme ▁( True ▁Rom ance )" ▁– ▁ 6 : 0 7 ▁ ▁" Pre y ▁( Sh ot gun ▁mix )" ▁( origin ally ▁released ▁as ▁a ▁free ▁download , ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 8 ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 1 0 ▁ ▁" D rif ting ▁( Po ison ▁Dub )" ▁( an ▁edit ▁of ▁the ▁version ▁on ▁the ▁Dr ifting ▁single ) ▁– ▁ 7 : 1 3 ▁ ▁"
J ez eb el ▁( Fil thy ▁Dog ▁mix )" ▁( an ▁edit ▁of ▁the ▁version ▁on ▁the ▁Str ange ▁H ours ▁single ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 1 ▁ ▁" Al le lu j ah ▁( No isy ▁Church ▁mix )" ▁– ▁ 5 : 3 3 ▁ ▁" St alk er ▁( P un ished ▁mix )" ▁( an ▁edit ▁of ▁the ▁version ▁on ▁the ▁St alk er / Miss ing ▁Pie ce ▁single ) ▁– ▁ 7 : 0 0 ▁ ▁" The ▁K illing ▁Gr ound ▁( Sol id ▁State ▁mix )" ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 4 ▁ ▁" Black ▁Box " ▁( ex cer pt ) ▁( an ▁ex cer pt ▁from ▁the ▁version ▁on ▁the ▁Je z eb el ▁single ) ▁– ▁ 7 : 1 7 ▁ ▁" 5 0 0 0 ▁Years ▁( A ▁Roman ian ▁E leg y ▁for ▁Str ings )" ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 5 ▁ ▁" Str ange ▁H ours ▁' 1 0 " ▁( fe aturing ▁The ▁Black ▁Sh ips ) ▁– ▁ 5 : 4 9 ▁ ▁" Miss ing ▁Pie ce ▁( N ight ▁D iss ol ves )" ▁( an ▁edit ▁of ▁the ▁version ▁on ▁the ▁St alk er / Miss ing ▁Pie ce ▁single ) ▁– ▁ 7 : 2 2 ▁ ▁" Sh unt ▁( Pan ▁Son ic ▁mix )" ▁( sl ight ly ▁different ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁" P ans onic ▁mix " ▁on ▁the ▁Dr ifting ▁single ) ▁– ▁
5 : 1 9 ▁▁ ▁Tra cks ▁ 1 , ▁ 5 , ▁ 7 , ▁ 9 ▁and ▁ 1 0 ▁were ▁previously ▁un re leased . ▁ ▁Selected   – ▁A ▁Str ange ▁H our ▁An ▁early ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁A ▁Str ange ▁H our ▁lives et , ▁on ▁CD ▁and ▁DVD . ▁The ▁DVD ▁contains ▁the ▁film ▁project ed ▁during ▁the ▁lives et , ▁with ▁ 4 8   k Hz / 2 4 bit ▁s tere o ▁audio . ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Rec o il ▁Med ley " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Pre y ▁( Sh ot gun ▁Mix )" ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" W ant " ▁ ▁Opt ical   – ▁" To ▁Sh ape ▁the ▁Future " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" D rif ting ▁( Po ison ▁Dub )" ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Str ange ▁H ours ▁' 1 0 " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Al le lu j ah ▁( No isy ▁Church ▁Mix )" ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" The ▁K illing ▁Gr ound ▁( Sol id ▁State ▁Mix )" ▁ ▁De pe che ▁Mode   – ▁" N ever ▁Let ▁Me ▁Down ▁Again ▁( A gg ro ▁Mix ▁/ ▁Digital ism ▁Rem ix )" ▁ ▁Pan ▁Son ic ▁/ ▁Rec o il ▁/ ▁Spe edy ▁J   – ▁" U ran ok emia " ▁/ ▁" Sh unt ▁( Pan ▁Son ic ▁Mix
)" ▁/ ▁" H ay f ever " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Black ▁Box ▁( Ex cer pt )" ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" St alk er ▁( P un ished ▁Mix )" ▁ ▁Rec o il ▁/ ▁S asha   – ▁" Fa ith ▁He aler ▁( L FO ▁Dis bel ie ver ▁Mix ) ▁/ ▁Fund amental " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" Sh unt " ▁ ▁Rec o il   – ▁" J ez eb el ▁/ ▁New ▁York ▁N ights " ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category : Rec o il ▁( band ) ▁albums ▁Category : 2 0 1 0 ▁compilation ▁albums ▁Category : 2 0 1 0 ▁rem ix ▁albums ▁Category : M ute ▁Records ▁compilation ▁albums ▁Category : M ute ▁Records ▁rem ix ▁albums <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Frank land ▁Range ▁is ▁a ▁mountain ▁range ▁that ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁south - west ▁region ▁of ▁Tas mania , ▁Australia . ▁The ▁range ▁forms ▁part ▁of ▁a ▁natural ▁south - western ▁border ▁to ▁the ▁imp ounded ▁Lake ▁Ped der , ▁formed ▁by ▁the ▁dam ming ▁of ▁the ▁Ser pent ine ▁and ▁Hu on ▁rivers . ▁ ▁As ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁South ▁West ▁W ilder ness ▁area , ▁it ▁is ▁a ▁less ▁popular ▁site ▁of ▁bush walk ing ▁than ▁other , ▁more ▁famous , ▁ranges ▁in ▁Tas mania ' s ▁South ▁West , ▁and ▁is ▁for ▁much ▁more ▁advanced ▁walk ers ▁due ▁to ▁its ▁length , ▁isol ation ▁and ▁terrain . ▁Access ▁routes ▁to
▁the ▁range ▁are ▁by ▁boat ▁from ▁the ▁lake , ▁or ▁the ▁roads ▁at ▁Str ath g ordon ▁or ▁Scot ts ▁Pe ak ▁Dam . ▁ ▁Near by ▁ranges ▁include ▁the ▁Arthur , ▁Comp an ion , ▁F old ed , ▁Trib ulation , ▁and ▁the ▁Wil mot ▁ranges . ▁ ▁Notable ▁pe aks ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁mountain ▁ranges ▁in ▁Tas mania ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁ ▁http :// t q ft . net / wiki / Fran k land _ Range ▁ ▁Category : Mount ain ▁ranges ▁of ▁Tas mania ▁Category : S outh ▁West ▁Tas mania ▁Category : L ake ▁Ped der <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 1 9 7 3 – 7 4 ▁Q M J HL ▁season ▁was ▁the ▁fifth ▁season ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁the ▁Quebec ▁Major ▁Junior ▁Hockey ▁League . ▁East ▁and ▁west ▁divisions ▁res umed ▁with ▁the ▁addition ▁of ▁two ▁new ▁teams , ▁the ▁H ull ▁Fest iv als ▁and ▁Ch ic out imi ▁S ag uen é ens . ▁Ele ven ▁teams ▁played ▁ 7 0 ▁games ▁each ▁in ▁the ▁schedule , ▁up ▁from ▁the ▁ 6 4 ▁games ▁the ▁previous ▁season . ▁ ▁The ▁season ▁spark ed ▁an ▁off ensive ▁explos ion , ▁un match ed ▁in ▁Canadian ▁Hockey ▁League ▁history . ▁The ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁finished ▁first ▁overall ▁in ▁the ▁regular ▁season , ▁and ▁set ▁a ▁CH L ▁record ▁of ▁ 6 2 0 ▁goals ▁scored ▁as ▁a ▁team . ▁Three ▁Sor el ▁players , ▁Pierre ▁Lar ou
che , ▁Michel ▁Dez iel ▁and ▁Jacques ▁Cos set te , ▁had ▁more ▁than ▁ 9 0 ▁goals ▁and ▁ 2 0 0 ▁points ▁each . ▁Sor el ▁goal keeper ▁Claude ▁Leg ris ▁won ▁the ▁top ▁go alt ender ▁award , ▁despite ▁posting ▁a ▁ 4 . 5 0 ▁goals ▁against ▁average ; ▁the ▁highest ▁G AA ▁of ▁any ▁Jacques ▁Pl ante ▁Memorial ▁Tro phy ▁winner ▁to ▁date . ▁ ▁Pierre ▁Lar ou che ▁set ▁a ▁Canadian ▁junior ▁ice ▁hockey ▁record ▁scoring ▁record ▁for ▁most ▁points ▁scored ▁in ▁a ▁season ▁with ▁ 2 5 1 , ▁that ▁last ed ▁until ▁the ▁ 1 9 8 3 – 8 4 ▁Q M J HL ▁season ▁when ▁broken ▁by ▁Mario ▁Lem ieux . ▁Three ▁different ▁players , ▁Mike ▁B oss y , ▁A lain ▁Da ig le ▁and ▁Bob ▁S iro is ▁each ▁scored ▁ 7 0 ▁goals ▁or ▁more ▁in ▁the ▁season , ▁yet ▁none ▁were ▁in ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁league ▁scoring ▁leaders . ▁ ▁The ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁finished ▁second ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁regular ▁season ▁despite ▁scoring ▁ 5 3 1 ▁goals ▁as ▁a ▁team , ▁the ▁second ▁highest ▁in ▁CH L ▁history . ▁Quebec ▁won ▁the ▁President ' s ▁Cup , ▁defe ating ▁the ▁first ▁place ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁in ▁the ▁final s . ▁ ▁Team ▁changes ▁ ▁The ▁Shaw in igan ▁Bru ins ▁are ▁renamed ▁the ▁Shaw in igan ▁Dynam os . ▁ ▁The ▁Tro is - R ivi ères ▁Duc s ▁are ▁renamed ▁the ▁Tro is -
R ivi ères ▁Dra ve urs . ▁ ▁The ▁Ch ic out imi ▁S ag uen é ens ▁join ▁the ▁league ▁as ▁an ▁expansion ▁franch ise . ▁ ▁The ▁H ull ▁Fest iv als ▁join ▁the ▁league ▁as ▁an ▁expansion ▁franch ise . ▁ ▁Final ▁stand ings ▁Note : ▁GP ▁= ▁Games ▁played ; ▁W ▁= ▁W ins ; ▁L ▁= ▁L oss es ; ▁T ▁= ▁T ies ; ▁P ts ▁= ▁Point s ; ▁G F ▁= ▁Go als ▁for ; ▁G A ▁= ▁Go als ▁against ▁ ▁complete ▁list ▁of ▁stand ings . ▁ ▁Sc oring ▁leaders ▁Note : ▁GP ▁= ▁Games ▁played ; ▁G ▁= ▁Go als ; ▁A ▁= ▁Ass ists ; ▁P ts ▁= ▁Point s ; ▁P IM ▁= ▁Pen alt ies ▁in ▁Min utes ▁▁ ▁complete ▁scoring ▁statistics ▁ ▁Play offs ▁Jacques ▁Loc as ▁was ▁the ▁leading ▁sc orer ▁of ▁the ▁play offs ▁with ▁ 5 1 ▁points ▁( 1 8 ▁goals , ▁ 3 3 ▁ass ists ). ▁ ▁Qu arter final s ▁ ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁defeated ▁Tro is - R ivi ères ▁Dra ve urs ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 0 . ▁ ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁defeated ▁Shaw in igan ▁Dynam os ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 0 . ▁ ▁L aval ▁National ▁defeated ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 1 . ▁ ▁Montreal ▁Ble u ▁Bl anc ▁Rou ge ▁defeated ▁Sher bro oke ▁Cast ors ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 1 . ▁ ▁Sem if
inals ▁ ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁defeated ▁Montreal ▁Ble u ▁Bl anc ▁Rou ge ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 0 . ▁ ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁defeated ▁L aval ▁National ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 2 . ▁ ▁Final s ▁ ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁defeated ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ 4 ▁games ▁to ▁ 2 . ▁ ▁All - star ▁teams ▁First ▁team ▁ ▁Go alt ender ▁– ▁Bob ▁Sau ve , ▁L aval ▁National ▁ ▁Left ▁defence ▁– ▁Den is ▁Car uf el , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ ▁Right ▁defence ▁– ▁Bob ▁Murray , ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁ ▁Left ▁w inger ▁– ▁Michel ▁Dez iel , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ ▁Centre man ▁– ▁Gary ▁Mac G reg or , ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁ ▁Right ▁w inger ▁– ▁Jacques ▁Cos set te , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ ▁Co ach ▁– ▁Gh is lain ▁Del age , ▁Sher bro oke ▁Cast ors ▁Second ▁team ▁▁ ▁Go alt ender ▁– ▁Andre ▁Le page , ▁Dr um mond ville ▁R angers ▁▁ ▁Left ▁defence ▁– ▁Jean ▁Bern ier , ▁Shaw in igan ▁Bru ins ▁ ▁Right ▁defence ▁– ▁Richard ▁Mul h ern , ▁Sher bro oke ▁Cast ors ▁▁ ▁Left ▁w inger ▁– ▁Claude ▁Lar ose , ▁Dr um mond ville ▁R angers ▁▁ ▁Centre man ▁– ▁Pierre ▁Lar ou che , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ ▁Right ▁w inger ▁– ▁Real ▁Cl out ier , ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁
▁Co ach ▁– ▁Ron ▁R ac ette , ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁First / Second / R ook ie ▁team ▁all - st ars . ▁ ▁Tro ph ies ▁and ▁awards ▁Team ▁President ' s ▁Cup ▁– ▁Play off ▁Champions , ▁Quebec ▁Rem parts ▁Jean ▁Rou ge au ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Reg ular ▁Season ▁Champions , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁ ▁Player ▁Michel ▁B rière ▁Memorial ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Most ▁Val u able ▁Player , ▁Gary ▁Mac G reg or , ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁Jean ▁Bé live au ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Top ▁Sc orer , ▁Pierre ▁Lar ou che , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁Jacques ▁Pl ante ▁Memorial ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Best ▁G AA , ▁Claude ▁Leg ris , ▁Sor el ▁É per vi ers ▁Michel ▁Ber ger on ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Ro ok ie ▁of ▁the ▁Year , ▁Mike ▁B oss y , ▁L aval ▁National ▁Frank ▁J . ▁Sel ke ▁Memorial ▁Tro phy ▁– ▁Most ▁sports man like ▁player , ▁Gary ▁Mac G reg or , ▁Corn wall ▁Roy als ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁Memorial ▁Cup ▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁N HL ▁Entry ▁D raft ▁ 1 9 7 3 – 7 4 ▁O HA ▁season ▁ 1 9 7 3 – 7 4 ▁W CH L ▁season ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Official ▁Q M J HL ▁Website ▁ ▁www . ho ck ey db . com / ▁ ▁Category : Que bec ▁Major ▁Junior ▁Hockey ▁League ▁seasons ▁Q
M J HL <0x0A> </s> ▁Frederick ▁Viv ian ▁Sim pson , ▁known ▁as ▁Viv ian ▁Sim pson ▁( 2 3 ▁August ▁ 1 9 0 3 ▁– ▁ 1 9 7 7 ) ▁was ▁a ▁politician ▁in ▁Northern ▁Ireland . ▁ ▁Born ▁in ▁Dublin , ▁Sim pson ▁worked ▁as ▁a ▁dra per ▁and ▁foot we ar ▁manufact urer , ▁and ▁also ▁became ▁a ▁lay ▁pre acher . ▁ ▁Sim pson ▁joined ▁the ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁Labour ▁Party ▁( N IL P ) ▁and ▁stood ▁un success fully ▁for ▁Storm ont ▁in ▁Lar ne ▁both ▁in ▁a ▁ 1 9 4 5 ▁by - e lection , ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁general ▁election ▁later ▁that ▁year . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 4 7 , ▁he ▁was ▁elected ▁to ▁Car rick fer g us ▁District ▁Council . ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁ 1 9 5 3 ▁general ▁election ▁he ▁switched ▁to ▁contest ▁Car rick , ▁but ▁was ▁again ▁un success ful . ▁ ▁He ▁was ▁finally ▁elected ▁to ▁Storm ont ▁in ▁B elf ast ▁Old park ▁in ▁ 1 9 5 8 . ▁ ▁He ▁then ▁stood ▁down ▁from ▁his ▁council ▁seat , ▁and ▁retained ▁his ▁Parliament ary ▁seat ▁at ▁each ▁subsequent ▁election . ▁ ▁In ▁March ▁ 1 9 6 9 , ▁Sim pson ▁became ▁the ▁Deput y ▁Chair man ▁of ▁W ays ▁and ▁Me ans ▁and ▁Deput y ▁Spe aker ▁of ▁the ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁House ▁of ▁Commons , ▁holding ▁this ▁post ▁until ▁the ▁pr or og ation ▁of ▁the ▁Parliament ▁in ▁ 1 9 7
2 . ▁ ▁After ▁his ▁party ▁colle ague ▁P addy ▁Dev lin ▁defect ed ▁to ▁the ▁Social ▁Democratic ▁and ▁Labour ▁Party , ▁he ▁became ▁the ▁sole ▁remaining ▁N IL P ▁MP , ▁and ▁the ▁only ▁non - Union ist ▁MP ▁att ending ▁Parliament . ▁ ▁He ▁became ▁regarded ▁as ▁the ▁party ▁leader ; ▁for ▁example , ▁the ▁N IL P ' s ▁manif esto ▁for ▁the ▁B elf ast ▁City ▁Council ▁elections ▁of ▁ 1 9 7 3 ▁carried ▁a ▁for ew ord ▁written ▁by ▁him . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁ 1 9 7 3 ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁Assembly ▁election , ▁Sim pson ▁stood ▁in ▁B elf ast ▁North , ▁but ▁fell ▁well ▁short ▁of ▁taking ▁a ▁seat . ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 0 3 ▁birth s ▁Category : 1 9 7 7 ▁death s ▁Category : L ead ers ▁of ▁political ▁parties ▁in ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁Category : M embers ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁ 1 9 5 8 – 1 9 6 2 ▁Category : M embers ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁ 1 9 6 2 – 1 9 6 5 ▁Category : M embers ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁ 1 9 6 5 – 1 9 6 9 ▁Category : M embers ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁ 1 9 6 9 – 1 9 7 3 ▁Category : N or thern ▁Ireland ▁Labour ▁Party ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland
▁Category : M embers ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Commons ▁of ▁Northern ▁Ireland ▁for ▁B elf ast ▁constitu encies <0x0A> </s> ▁Shah rak - e ▁B ost an ▁( , ▁also ▁Roman ized ▁as ▁Shah rak - e ▁B ost ā n ) ▁is ▁a ▁village ▁in ▁Ab sh ur ▁R ural ▁District , ▁F org ▁District , ▁Dar ab ▁County , ▁F ars ▁Province , ▁Iran . ▁At ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁census , ▁its ▁population ▁was ▁ 4 1 8 , ▁in ▁ 8 1 ▁families . ▁ ▁References ▁▁ ▁Category : Pop ulated ▁places ▁in ▁Dar ab ▁County <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Gr inn all ▁Sc orp ion ▁IV ▁is ▁a ▁car ▁made ▁by ▁Gr inn all ▁Special ist ▁C ars . ▁It ▁is ▁designed ▁by ▁Steve ▁Har per ▁to ▁be ▁essentially ▁similar ▁in ▁appearance ▁to ▁the ▁Sc orp ion ▁III , ▁but ▁with ▁an ▁extra ▁wheel ▁and ▁slightly ▁larger ▁dimensions . ▁The ▁Sc orp ion ▁IV ▁is ▁an ▁open ▁sports ▁car ▁constructed ▁from ▁a ▁fib reg lass ▁covered ▁steel ▁space ▁frame ▁ch ass is . ▁ ▁Power ▁is ▁provided ▁by ▁an ▁A udi ▁ 1 . 8 ▁lit re ▁tur bo charg ed ▁pet rol ▁engine ▁driving ▁a ▁ 6 ▁speed ▁g ear box . ▁ ▁The ▁standard ▁engine ▁produces ▁ ▁but ▁this ▁can ▁be ▁tun ed ▁to ▁provide ▁more ▁and ▁Gr inn all ▁offer ▁options ▁to ▁increase ▁this ▁to ▁over ▁. ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Sc orp ion ▁IV ▁ ▁Category : Gr inn all ▁vehicles <0x0A>
</s> ▁Me le ag ros ▁is ▁a ▁genus ▁of ▁be et les ▁in ▁the ▁family ▁Car ab idae , ▁containing ▁the ▁following ▁species : ▁▁ ▁Me le ag ros ▁bur man ensis ▁Mor van , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ▁ ▁Me le ag ros ▁co er ule us ▁Kir schen ho fer , ▁ 1 9 9 9 ▁ ▁Me le ag ros ▁s ik kim ensis ▁Andrew es ▁ ▁Me le ag ros ▁sin icola ▁Mor van , ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category : Pl at yn inae <0x0A> </s> ▁Bab ac ar ▁M ' B aye ▁G ue ye ▁( born ▁ 2 ▁March ▁ 1 9 8 6 ) ▁is ▁a ▁Sen eg al ese ▁professional ▁footballer ▁who ▁plays ▁as ▁a ▁forward ▁for ▁China ▁League ▁One ▁side ▁Inner ▁Mong olia ▁Zh ong you . ▁At ▁international ▁level , ▁he ▁represented ▁the ▁Sen eg al ▁national ▁team . ▁ ▁Club ▁career ▁Born ▁in ▁Dak ar , ▁G ue ye ▁began ▁his ▁career ▁with ▁Gén ération ▁Foot ▁and ▁joined ▁FC ▁Met z ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 . ▁On ▁ 2 7 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁the ▁Sen eg al ese ▁stri ker ▁was ▁loan ed ▁to ▁CS ▁Sed an ▁where ▁he ▁remained ▁until ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 9 . ▁On ▁ 2 3 ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁he ▁signed ▁a ▁four - year ▁contract ▁with ▁German ▁club ▁A lem ann ia ▁A achen ▁for ▁a ▁transfer ▁fee ▁of
▁€ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . ▁During ▁the ▁summer ▁break , ▁he ▁agreed ▁to ▁a ▁one - year ▁loan ▁spell ▁at ▁F SV ▁Frankfurt . ▁G ue ye ▁made ▁his ▁first ▁game ▁for ▁his ▁new ▁club ▁on ▁the ▁season ▁op ener ▁at ▁home ▁against ▁Union ▁Berlin , ▁on ▁ 1 5 ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁He ▁failed ▁to ▁score ▁from ▁the ▁penalty ▁spot ▁in ▁the ▁dying ▁seconds ▁of ▁injury ▁time , ▁thus ▁the ▁game ▁ended ▁in ▁a ▁ 1 – 1 ▁draw . ▁ ▁G ue ye ▁transferred ▁to ▁China ▁League ▁One ▁club ▁Sh enz hen ▁Ruby ▁on ▁ 2 8 ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁He ▁won ▁two ▁success ive ▁top ▁sc or ers ▁of ▁the ▁league ▁between ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁and ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁ ▁International ▁career ▁G ue ye ▁was ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁Sen eg al ▁national ▁football ▁team ▁with ▁ 2 5 ▁appearances ▁and ▁six ▁goals . ▁ ▁Personal ▁life ▁His ▁younger ▁brother ▁is ▁ex - M etz ▁mid f iel der ▁I bra h ima ▁G ue ye ▁who ▁now ▁plays ▁for ▁CS ▁Lou h ans - C u ise aux ▁and ▁his ▁cousin ▁is ▁M om ar ▁N ' Di aye , ▁who ▁also ▁played ▁for ▁Met z . ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 6 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : S ports people ▁from ▁Dak ar ▁Category : S en eg al ese
▁football ers ▁Category : S en eg al ese ▁exp atri ate ▁football ers ▁Category : S en eg al ▁international ▁football ers ▁Category : 2 0 0 8 ▁Africa ▁Cup ▁of ▁Nations ▁players ▁Category : FC ▁Met z ▁players ▁Category : A lem ann ia ▁A achen ▁players ▁Category : F SV ▁Frankfurt ▁players ▁Category : Sh enz hen ▁F . C . ▁players ▁Category : X in ji ang ▁T ians han ▁Leop ard ▁F . C . ▁players ▁Category : He il ong ji ang ▁L ava ▁Spring ▁F . C . ▁players ▁Category : Inner ▁Mong olia ▁Zh ong you ▁F . C . ▁players ▁Category : Associ ation ▁football ▁for wards ▁Category : F rench ▁people ▁of ▁Sen eg al ese ▁descent ▁Category : Ex pat ri ate ▁football ers ▁in ▁Roman ia ▁Category : Ex pat ri ate ▁football ers ▁in ▁Germany ▁Category : Ex pat ri ate ▁football ers ▁in ▁China ▁Category : Ch ina ▁League ▁One ▁players ▁Category : L iga ▁I ▁players ▁Category : 2 . ▁Bundes liga ▁players ▁Category : L igue ▁ 1 ▁players ▁Category : L igue ▁ 2 ▁players ▁Category : S en eg al ese ▁exp atri ate ▁sports people ▁in ▁Roman ia ▁Category : S en eg al ese ▁exp atri ate ▁sports people ▁in ▁Germany ▁Category : S en eg al ese ▁exp atri ate ▁sports people ▁in ▁China <0x0A> </s> ▁Des mond ▁Andrew ▁Herbert ▁ ▁( 1 7 ▁June ▁ 1 8 9 8 ▁– ▁
8 ▁September ▁ 1 9 7 6 ) ▁was ▁an ▁Australian ▁botan ist . ▁ ▁The ▁son ▁of ▁a ▁fruit - gro wer , ▁Herbert ▁was ▁born ▁in ▁Diam ond ▁Creek , ▁Victoria ▁in ▁ 1 8 9 8 ; ▁was ▁educated ▁at ▁Mal vern ▁State ▁School ▁and ▁the ▁Melbourne ▁Church ▁of ▁England ▁Gram mar ▁School , ▁then ▁mat ric ulated ▁to ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Melbourne , ▁from ▁which ▁he ▁obtained ▁a ▁B Sc ▁in ▁Bi ology ▁in ▁ 1 9 1 8 ▁and ▁a ▁M Sc ▁in ▁Bot any ▁in ▁ 1 9 2 0 . ▁ ▁He ▁began ▁his ▁botan ic ▁career ▁in ▁ 1 9 1 9 ▁as ▁a ▁botan ical ▁assistant ▁in ▁the ▁Ex pl os ives ▁Section ▁of ▁Western ▁Australia ' s ▁M ines ▁Department . ▁He ▁was ▁later ▁appointed ▁Econom ic ▁Botan ist ▁and ▁Plant ▁Path ologist ▁for ▁Western ▁Australia , ▁and ▁also ▁lect ured ▁part - time ▁in ▁agricult ural ▁bot any ▁and ▁plant ▁path ology ▁at ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Western ▁Australia . ▁During ▁this ▁time ▁he ▁made ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁collect ing ▁exped itions ▁in ▁south - west ▁Western ▁Australia , ▁and ▁published ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁plant ▁tax a , ▁of ▁which ▁Log ania ▁tort u osa , ▁Mel ale uca ▁cor onic ar pa , ▁Dav ies ia ▁un if l ora , ▁X anth or rho ea ▁bre v ist y la ▁and ▁X anth or rho ea ▁n ana ▁( D war f ▁Gr as st ree ) ▁remain ▁current . ▁In
▁ 1 9 2 1 , ▁he ▁published ▁a ▁book , ▁The ▁Po ison ▁Pl ants ▁of ▁Western ▁Australia . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 2 1 , ▁Herbert ▁took ▁up ▁a ▁position ▁as ▁Professor ▁of ▁Plant ▁Phys i ology ▁and ▁Path ology ▁at ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁the ▁Philippines . ▁On ▁ 1 1 ▁December ▁ 1 9 2 2 ▁he ▁married ▁his ▁assistant ▁V era ▁Mc Ne il ance ▁P row se , ▁daughter ▁of ▁John ▁Henry ▁P row se ; ▁they ▁would ▁have ▁two ▁sons ▁and ▁two ▁daughters . ▁Herbert ▁returned ▁to ▁Australia ▁in ▁ 1 9 2 4 , ▁joining ▁the ▁Bot any ▁Department ▁of ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Queensland . ▁Initial ly ▁his ▁position ▁was ▁that ▁of ▁lect urer , ▁but ▁in ▁ 1 9 2 9 ▁he ▁obtained ▁his ▁D . Sc . ▁from ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Melbourne , ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁awarded ▁an ▁honor ary ▁D . Sc . ▁by ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Queensland ▁in ▁ 1 9 3 5 . ▁In ▁ 1 9 4 6 ▁he ▁was ▁promoted ▁to ▁associate ▁professor ; ▁two ▁years ▁later ▁he ▁was ▁appointed ▁acting ▁professor , ▁and ▁shortly ▁afterwards ▁foundation ▁professor ▁of ▁bot any . ▁He ▁was ▁later ▁made ▁Dean ▁of ▁the ▁Fac ulty ▁of ▁Science . ▁ ▁Herbert ▁was ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Queensland ▁Natural ists ' ▁Club ▁in ▁ 1 9 2 6 ; ▁of ▁the ▁Royal ▁Society ▁of ▁Queensland ▁in ▁ 1 9 2 8 ; ▁of ▁the ▁bot any ▁section ▁of ▁the ▁Australian ▁and ▁New ▁Zealand ▁Association ▁for
▁the ▁Ad van cement ▁of ▁Science ▁in ▁ 1 9 3 2 ; ▁of ▁the ▁H ort icult ural ▁Society ▁of ▁Queensland ▁from ▁ 1 9 3 6 ▁to ▁ 1 9 4 2 ; ▁of ▁the ▁Or ch id ▁Society ▁of ▁Queensland ▁in ▁ 1 9 4 0 ; ▁and ▁of ▁the ▁Queensland ▁branch ▁of ▁the ▁Australian ▁Institute ▁of ▁Agricult ural ▁Science ▁in ▁ 1 9 4 2 . ▁He ▁lect ured ▁on ▁h ort icult ure ▁for ▁the ▁Australian ▁Broadcast ing ▁Commission , ▁jud ged ▁garden ▁compet itions , ▁and ▁wrote ▁for ▁the ▁Sunday ▁Mail . ▁In ▁ 1 9 5 2 ▁he ▁published ▁a ▁compilation ▁of ▁his ▁Sunday ▁Mail ▁articles ▁entitled ▁Garden ing ▁in ▁W arm ▁Cl im ates . ▁During ▁World ▁War ▁II ▁he ▁helped ▁select ▁sites ▁for ▁research ▁into ▁chemical ▁war fare , ▁and ▁co - w rote ▁a ▁surv ival ▁manual ▁for ▁the ▁Royal ▁Australian ▁Air ▁Force ▁entitled ▁Friend ly ▁F ruits ▁and ▁Veg et ables . ▁ ▁Herbert ▁retired ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 5 , ▁and ▁a ▁year ▁later ▁was ▁appointed ▁C M G . ▁He ▁died ▁in ▁Royal ▁Br is b ane ▁Hospital ▁on ▁ 8 ▁September ▁ 1 9 7 6 , ▁and ▁his ▁body ▁was ▁cre m ated . ▁ ▁One ▁of ▁his ▁sons , ▁John ▁Des mond , ▁was ▁a ▁Member ▁of ▁the ▁Legisl ative ▁Assembly ▁of ▁Queensland , ▁and ▁a ▁minister ▁in ▁Frank ▁Nick lin ' s ▁Country ▁Party ▁government . ▁A ▁daughter ▁born ▁in ▁ 1 9 3 0
, ▁Joan ▁Win if red ▁( C rib b ), ▁herself ▁became ▁a ▁botan ist ▁of ▁some ▁ren own . ▁ ▁Eu cal y pt us ▁her bert iana ▁was ▁named ▁in ▁his ▁honour . ▁ ▁Herbert ▁was ▁red - green ▁colour ▁blind . ▁ ▁References ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁Category : 1 8 9 8 ▁birth s ▁Category : 1 9 7 6 ▁death s ▁Category : B ot an ists ▁active ▁in ▁Australia ▁Category : S cient ists ▁from ▁Melbourne ▁Category : S cient ists ▁from ▁Western ▁Australia ▁Category : Ro yal ▁Society ▁of ▁Queensland ▁Category : Austral ian ▁Comp an ions ▁of ▁the ▁Order ▁of ▁St ▁Michael ▁and ▁St ▁George ▁Category : Univers ity ▁of ▁Melbourne ▁al umn i ▁Category : Univers ity ▁of ▁Western ▁Australia ▁fac ulty ▁Category : Univers ity ▁of ▁the ▁Philippines ▁fac ulty ▁Category : Univers ity ▁of ▁Queensland ▁fac ulty <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁Michigan ▁g ubern atorial ▁election ▁was ▁held ▁on ▁November ▁ 5 , ▁ 1 9 7 4 . ▁William ▁Mill iken ▁was ▁elected ▁to ▁his ▁second ▁term ▁as ▁Governor ▁of ▁Michigan . ▁ ▁References ▁▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁Michigan ▁G ubern atorial ▁Category : Nov ember ▁ 1 9 7 4 ▁events ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States <0x0A> </s> ▁Lu cius ▁is ▁a ▁given ▁name ▁and ▁a ▁surname ▁in ▁various ▁languages . ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁may ▁refer ▁to : ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁( p ra en omen ), ▁a ▁Latin ▁pra en omen ▁in ▁ancient ▁Rome ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁(
band ) ▁ ▁Lu cius , ▁a ▁perform er ▁in ▁the ▁English ▁hip ▁pop ▁qu int et ▁K ING ▁ ▁Zo ology ▁ ▁Bar bus ▁lu cius , ▁a ▁species ▁of ▁ray - f inned ▁fish ▁in ▁the ▁genus ▁Bar bus ▁ ▁Ch anna ▁lu cius , ▁a ▁species ▁of ▁s nake head , ▁a ▁fish ▁of ▁the ▁family ▁Ch ann idae ▁ ▁E so x ▁lu cius , ▁known ▁simply ▁as ▁a ▁pi ke , ▁a ▁species ▁of ▁car n iv orous ▁fish ▁of ▁the ▁genus ▁E so x ▁ ▁P ty cho che ilus ▁lu cius , ▁the ▁largest ▁cy pr in id ▁fish ▁of ▁North ▁America ▁ ▁R ham ph och rom is ▁lu cius , ▁a ▁species ▁of ▁fish ▁in ▁the ▁family ▁C ich l idae ▁ ▁Other ▁uses ▁of ▁the ▁name ▁Lu cius ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁H unt , ▁Australian ▁progress ive ▁alternative ▁rock ▁band ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁Cla pp ▁Memorial , ▁historic ▁mem orial ▁in ▁St ought on , ▁Massachusetts ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁Know les ▁House , ▁historic ▁house ▁in ▁Wor c ester , ▁Massachusetts ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁G le ason ▁House , ▁also ▁known ▁as ▁Liverpool ▁Village ▁Hall , ▁in ▁Liverpool , ▁New ▁York ▁ ▁The ▁Lu cius ▁Be eb e ▁EP , ▁a ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁ 5 - song ▁live ▁mini - album ▁by ▁Tre y ▁An ast as io ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁Mal fo y , ▁character ▁in ▁the ▁Harry ▁Pot ter ▁nov els ▁ ▁Lu cius ▁Fox , ▁character ▁in
▁DC ' s ▁Bat man ▁com ics ▁ ▁Lu cius , ▁a ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁video ▁game ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁Saint ▁Lu cius ▁( disambiguation ) <0x0A> </s> ▁G arrison ▁Creek ▁may ▁refer ▁to : ▁G arrison ▁Creek ▁( O nt ario ) ▁in ▁Toronto , ▁Canada ▁G arrison ▁Creek ▁( Miss ouri ) ▁G arrison ▁Creek ▁( N orth ▁Dak ota ) <0x0A> </s> ▁General ▁Q amar ▁J aved ▁B aj wa ▁( born ▁ 1 1 ▁November ▁ 1 9 6 0 ), ▁, ▁is ▁a ▁Pak ist ani ▁general ▁who ▁is ▁the ▁ 1 0 th ▁and ▁current ▁Chief ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff ▁( CO AS ; ▁the ▁army ▁head ) ▁of ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁since ▁ 2 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 6 . ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁he ▁was ▁ranked ▁as ▁the ▁ 6 8 th ▁most ▁influ ential ▁person ▁in ▁the ▁world ▁by ▁For bes ▁magazine . ▁Born ▁in ▁Kar achi , ▁General ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁educated ▁at ▁the ▁Sir ▁Sy ed ▁College ▁and ▁Gordon ▁College ▁in ▁Raw al p indi ▁before ▁joining ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Military ▁Academy ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 8 . ▁ ▁General ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁commission ed ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 0 ▁in ▁the ▁ 1 6 th ▁Battalion ▁of ▁the ▁Bal och ▁Regiment . ▁Prior ▁to ▁his ▁appointment ▁as ▁the ▁Chief ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁Army , ▁he ▁served ▁at ▁the ▁General ▁Head quarters ▁as ▁the ▁Ins pect or ▁General ▁of ▁the
▁Training ▁and ▁E valu ation ▁from ▁ 2 2 ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁to ▁ 2 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁and ▁as ▁field ▁commander ▁of ▁the ▁X ▁Corps ▁from ▁ 1 4 ▁August ▁▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁to ▁ 2 2 ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁which ▁is ▁responsible ▁for ▁the ▁area ▁along ▁the ▁Line ▁of ▁Control ▁at ▁K ash mir . ▁In ▁addition , ▁he ▁served ▁as ▁a ▁Brig ad ier ▁in ▁the ▁UN ▁mission ▁in ▁Congo ▁and ▁as ▁a ▁brig ade ▁commander ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 . ▁General ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁awarded ▁with ▁the ▁position ▁as ▁Chief ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff ▁( CO AS ) ▁till ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 9 . ▁The ▁ten ure ▁was ▁further ▁extended ▁for ▁ 6 ▁months ▁by ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁of ▁Pakistan . ▁. ▁On ▁ 7 th ▁January ▁ 2 0 2 0 , ▁National ▁Assembly ▁Of ▁Pakistan ▁passed ▁b ills ▁to ▁extend ▁General ▁B aj wa ' s ▁ten ure ▁u pto ▁three ▁years ▁till ▁ 2 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 2 2 . ▁ ▁Early ▁life ▁and ▁education ▁Born ▁in ▁Kar achi ▁S ind h , ▁Pakistan ▁on ▁ 1 1 ▁November ▁ 1 9 6 0 , ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁educated ▁at ▁the ▁Sir ▁Sy ed ▁College ▁and ▁Gordon ▁College ▁in ▁Raw al p indi ▁before ▁joining ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁military ▁Academy ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 8 . ▁His ▁family ▁ha ils ▁from ▁Gh ak har ▁Mand i , ▁P
un j ab . ▁Muhammad ▁I q bal ▁B aj wa , ▁was ▁an ▁officer ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁who ▁died ▁while ▁in ▁service ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 7 ▁in ▁Qu etta , ▁Bal och istan , ▁Pakistan . ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁seven ▁years ▁old ▁when ▁his ▁father ▁died ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁the ▁young est ▁of ▁five ▁sib lings . ▁He ▁and ▁his ▁sib lings ▁were ▁raised ▁by ▁their ▁mother , ▁who ▁died ▁in ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁B aj wa ' s ▁father - in - law , ▁I j az ▁Am j ad , ▁was ▁also ▁a ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁officer ▁who ▁retired ▁with ▁a ▁two - star ▁rank , ▁Major - General . ▁ ▁B aj wa ▁completed ▁his ▁secondary ▁and ▁intermediate ▁education ▁at ▁Sir ▁Sy ed ▁College ▁in ▁Raw al p indi ▁and ▁Gordon ▁College ▁in ▁Raw al p indi ▁before ▁joining ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 8 , ▁which ▁directed ▁him ▁to ▁attend ▁the ▁military ▁a cademy . ▁He ▁was ▁sent ▁to ▁attend ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Military ▁Academy ▁in ▁K ak ul ▁and ▁passed ▁out ▁with ▁the ▁class ▁of ▁ 6 2 nd ▁P MA ▁Long ▁Cour se ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 0 . ▁ ▁B aj wa ▁is ▁a ▁gradu ate ▁of ▁Command ▁and ▁Staff ▁in ▁Canada ▁and ▁later ▁attended ▁and ▁secured ▁his ▁gradu ation ▁from ▁the ▁Naval ▁Post grad uate ▁School ▁in ▁Mon ter ey , ▁California , ▁United ▁States . ▁He ▁also ▁attended ▁the ▁National ▁Def ence ▁University .
▁B aj wa ▁is ▁married ▁to ▁A yes ha . ▁The ▁couple ▁have ▁two ▁sons , ▁Sa ad ▁and ▁Ali . ▁ ▁Career ▁in ▁the ▁military ▁ ▁After ▁joining ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 8 , ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁sent ▁to ▁en rolled ▁at ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Military ▁Academy ▁( P MA ) ▁in ▁K ak ul , ▁and ▁passed ▁out ▁from ▁the ▁P MA ▁K ak ul ▁where ▁he ▁gained ▁commission ed ▁as ▁ 2 nd - L t ., ▁on ▁ 2 4 ▁October ▁ 1 9 8 0 ▁in ▁the ▁ 1 6 th ▁Bal och ▁Regiment ▁at ▁the ▁S ial k ot ▁C anton ment ▁– ▁the ▁same ▁unit ▁that ▁his ▁father ▁commanded . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 8 8 , ▁Major ▁B aj wa ▁briefly ▁served ▁in ▁the ▁ 5 th ▁Northern ▁Light ▁Infantry ▁Regiment ▁in ▁K ash mir . ▁In ▁addition , ▁Lieutenant - Col onel ▁B aj wa ▁served ▁in ▁the ▁X ▁Corps , ▁station ed ▁in ▁Raw al p indi , ▁as ▁a ▁staff ▁officer . ▁Upon ▁prom oting ▁as ▁one - star ▁rank ▁army ▁general , ▁Brig ad ier ▁B aj wa ▁served ▁as ▁the ▁Chief ▁of ▁Staff ▁( CO S ) ▁at ▁the ▁X ▁Corps ▁before ▁prom oting ▁to ▁the ▁two - star ▁rank ▁and ▁command ing ▁a ▁division ▁in ▁Northern ▁Pakistan . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 3 , ▁Brig . ▁B aj wa ▁commanded ▁the ▁Pakistan ▁Ar med ▁Forces - A frica ▁Command , ▁attached ▁to
▁the ▁UN ▁peace keep ing ▁mission ▁M ON US CO , ▁in ▁Congo ▁Brig . ▁B aj wa ▁served ▁in ▁the ▁Congo ▁as ▁a ▁brig ade ▁commander ▁under ▁then - M aj or ▁General ▁B ik ram ▁Singh , ▁the ▁former ▁Chief ▁of ▁the ▁Army ▁Staff ▁of ▁the ▁Indian ▁Army ▁from ▁ 2 0 1 2 – 1 4 . ▁Gen . ▁Singh ▁later ▁term ed ▁B aj wa ' s ▁performance ▁there ▁as ▁" prof essional ▁and ▁out standing ." ▁ ▁After ▁being ▁promoted ▁to ▁two - star ▁rank ▁in ▁May ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁Major - General ▁B aj wa ▁took ▁over ▁the ▁command ▁of ▁the ▁Force ▁Command ▁Northern ▁Are as ▁( FC NA ) ▁as ▁its ▁G OC , ▁station ed ▁in ▁Gil git - B alt istan , ▁Pakistan . ▁ ▁In ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 1 , ▁he ▁was ▁hon ored ▁with ▁the ▁Hil al - i - Im t ia z ▁( Mil it ary ), ▁and ▁posted ▁as ▁an ▁instruct or ▁at ▁the ▁School ▁of ▁Infantry ▁and ▁T act ics ▁in ▁Qu etta , ▁and ▁later ▁taught ▁staff ▁course ▁at ▁Command ▁and ▁Staff ▁College ▁in ▁Qu etta , ▁and ▁course ▁on ▁national ▁security ▁at ▁the ▁National ▁Def ence ▁University . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 4 ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Maj - Gen . ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁promoted ▁to ▁three - star ▁rank ▁and ▁posted ▁as ▁field ▁commander ▁of ▁the ▁X ▁Corps , ▁station ed ▁in ▁Raw al p indi
. ▁He ▁was ▁appointed ▁as ▁Gra de - I ▁officer ▁during ▁his ▁ten ure ▁as ▁field ▁commander ▁of ▁the ▁X ▁Corps . ▁The ▁appointment ▁was ▁commented ▁in ▁the ▁news ▁media ▁that ▁noted ▁that ▁L t - Gen . ▁B aj wa ▁had ▁been ▁posted ▁in ▁X ▁Corps ▁thr ice , ▁which ▁is ▁the ▁army ' s ▁important ▁and ▁largest ▁corps , ▁which ▁has ▁experience ▁of ▁keeping ▁control ▁over ▁the ▁situation ▁in ▁K ash mir . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁L t - Gen . ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁appointed ▁as ▁Colonel ▁Command ant ▁of ▁Bal och ▁Regiment . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 2 ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁L t - Gen . ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁posted ▁in ▁the ▁General ▁Head quarters ▁when ▁he ▁appointed ▁as ▁the ▁Ins pect or - General ▁of ▁the ▁Training ▁and ▁E valu ation ▁( IG T & E ) ▁where ▁he ▁was ▁a ▁Princi pal ▁Staff ▁Officer ▁to ▁then - Ch ief ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff , ▁General ▁Ra heel ▁Sh ar if . ▁ ▁Chief ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff ▁ ▁Command ▁reception ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Sh ar if ▁confirmed ▁the ▁tim ely ▁ret irement ▁of ▁Chair man ▁joint ▁chief s ▁General ▁R ash ad ▁Mah m ood , ▁while ▁General ▁Ra heel ▁Sh ar if ▁dismiss ed ▁rum ours ▁of ▁seeking ▁the ▁extension ▁for ▁his ▁term . ▁ ▁Initial ly , ▁the ▁race ▁for ▁the ▁appointment ▁for ▁the ▁army ▁chief ▁was ▁rum ored ▁between ▁L
t - Gen . ▁Z ub air ▁Hay at ▁and ▁L t - Gen . ▁J aved ▁Ram day ▁who ▁was ▁close ▁to ▁the ▁first ▁family . ▁However , ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Sh ar if ▁announced ▁to ▁appoint ▁the ▁senior ▁most ▁army ▁general , ▁L t - Gen . ▁Z ub air ▁Hay at ▁was ▁appointed ▁Chair man ▁joint ▁chief s ▁committee . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Sh ar if ▁eventually ▁announced ▁to ▁appoint ▁the ▁fourth ▁by ▁senior ity , ▁General ▁B aj wa , ▁as ▁the ▁chief ▁of ▁army ▁staff , ▁su pers eding ▁two ▁gener als ▁who ▁were ▁senior ▁than ▁him . ▁ ▁His ▁strong ▁pro - dem ocracy ▁st ance ▁and ▁views ▁may ▁have ▁influenced ▁his ▁appointment ▁as ▁an ▁army ▁chief ▁as ▁noted ▁by ▁the ▁media ▁p und its . ▁The ▁Re ut ers ▁Pakistan ▁reported ▁that ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Sh ar if ▁picked ▁B aj wa ▁because ▁of ▁his ▁low - key ▁style . ▁He ▁was ▁also ▁noted ▁as ▁the ▁fourth ▁oldest ▁army ▁chief ▁of ▁staff . ▁ ▁About ▁the ▁reception ▁of ▁this ▁appointment , ▁Gen . ▁B aj wa ▁is ▁known ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁sound ▁understanding ▁of ▁Indian ▁strateg ic ▁amb itions ▁in ▁the ▁region ▁and ▁experience ▁of ▁armed ▁conflict ▁on ▁Lo C ▁in ▁K ash mir . ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁he ▁was ▁awarded ▁N ish an - e - Im t ia z . ▁ ▁Under ▁the ▁command ▁of ▁Gen . ▁B aj wa
, ▁the ▁nation wide ▁counter ter ror ism ▁operations ▁and ▁K hy ber - 4 ▁were ▁launched ▁in ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 7 ▁and ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁respectively . ▁ ▁In ▁October ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁B aj wa ▁was ▁awarded ▁the ▁Order ▁of ▁the ▁Military ▁Mer it ▁by ▁Jordan ' s ▁King ▁Abd ul lah ▁II ▁. ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 9 ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁his ▁ten ure ▁as ▁an ▁army ▁chief ▁was ▁extended ▁for ▁another ▁ 3 ▁years , ▁last ing ▁from ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 9 ▁till ▁November ▁ 2 0 2 2 , ▁by ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁Im ran ▁Khan . ▁On ▁ 2 6 ▁November , ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁the ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁susp ended ▁the ▁ 3 ▁year ▁extension . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 8 ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁of ▁Pakistan ▁approved ▁a ▁short ▁ 6 - month ▁extension ▁in ▁B aj wa ’ s ▁term ▁as ▁the ▁CO AS . ▁▁ ▁On ▁ 7 th ▁January ▁ 2 0 2 0 , ▁Pakistan ' s ▁National ▁Assembly ▁Of ▁Pakistan ▁passed ▁b ills ▁to ▁extend ▁General ▁B aj wa ' s ▁ten ure ▁u pto ▁three ▁years ▁till ▁ 2 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 2 2 . ▁ ▁Public ▁image ▁B aj wa ▁is ▁an ▁av id ▁reader ▁and ▁has ▁keen ▁interest ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁Europe . ▁ ▁He ▁enjo ys ▁cr icket
▁and ▁used ▁to ▁play ▁cr icket ▁as ▁a ▁w icket - keeper . ▁ ▁General ▁B aj wa ▁reported ly ▁pre fers ▁to ▁keep ▁himself ▁updated ▁about ▁the ▁latest ▁develop ments ▁within ▁the ▁Indian ▁national ▁landscape . ▁He ▁has ▁condem ned ▁extrem ism ▁in ▁all ▁its ▁manifest ations , ▁declaring ▁it ▁a ▁key ▁driving ▁force ▁for ▁terror ism . ▁He ▁ur ged ▁his ▁fellow ▁citizens ▁especially ▁the ▁youth ▁to ▁reject ▁extrem ist ▁ide ologies ▁and ▁terror ism ▁without ▁distinction ▁ ▁Awards ▁ ▁Effect ive ▁dates ▁of ▁promotion ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁Pakistan ▁Te h reek - e - In s af ▁Fre edom ▁of ▁the ▁press ▁in ▁Pakistan ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Pakistan ▁Army ▁official ▁website ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 6 0 ▁birth s ▁Category : P un j abi ▁people ▁Category : Pe ople ▁from ▁Kar achi ▁Category : G overn ment ▁Gordon ▁College ▁al umn i ▁Category : P ak istan ▁Military ▁Academy ▁al umn i ▁Category : N aval ▁Post grad uate ▁School ▁al umn i ▁Category : P ak ist ani ▁gener als ▁Category : National ▁Def ence ▁University , ▁Pakistan ▁fac ulty ▁Category : P ak ist ani ▁exp atri ates ▁in ▁the ▁Democratic ▁Republic ▁of ▁the ▁Congo ▁Category : Pe ople ▁of ▁the ▁Congo ▁Cris is ▁Category : Ch ief s ▁of ▁Army ▁Staff , ▁Pakistan ▁Category : Re cip ients ▁of ▁Hil al - i - Im t ia z ▁Category : Re cip ients ▁of ▁N ish an - e - Im t ia
z ▁Category : L iving ▁people <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁P AD ▁Factory ▁is ▁a ▁historic ▁factory ▁building ▁located ▁at ▁T icon der oga ▁in ▁Es sex ▁County , ▁New ▁York . ▁ ▁It ▁was ▁built ▁in ▁ 1 8 9 3 ▁and ▁is ▁a ▁ 3 - story , ▁five - by - three - bay ▁brick ▁industrial ▁building ▁with ▁a ▁field stone ▁foundation ▁and ▁a ▁low ▁pitch ed ▁g able ▁roof . ▁ ▁It ▁was ▁originally ▁built ▁for ▁the ▁manufact ure ▁of ▁blank ▁books , ▁but ▁was ▁used ▁almost ▁immediately ▁for ▁a ▁variety ▁of ▁purposes ▁including ▁a ▁temporary ▁school ▁and ▁sh irt ▁factory . ▁ ▁It ▁was ▁converted ▁for ▁resident ial ▁and ▁commercial ▁uses ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 1 . ▁ ▁It ▁was ▁listed ▁on ▁the ▁National ▁Register ▁of ▁Historic ▁Places ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 8 . ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁Category : Ind ust rial ▁buildings ▁and ▁structures ▁on ▁the ▁National ▁Register ▁of ▁Historic ▁Places ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁( state ) ▁Category : Ind ust rial ▁buildings ▁completed ▁in ▁ 1 8 9 3 ▁Category : Build ings ▁and ▁structures ▁in ▁Es sex ▁County , ▁New ▁York ▁Category : National ▁Register ▁of ▁Historic ▁Places ▁in ▁Es sex ▁County , ▁New ▁York <0x0A> </s> ▁Chinese ▁Animal ▁Prote ction ▁Network ▁( C AP N ) ▁is ▁a ▁non - pro fit ▁animal ▁protection ▁organization , ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁network ▁for ▁animal ▁protection ▁in ▁China , ▁founded ▁by ▁people ▁of ▁China . ▁ ▁C AP N ▁is ▁known ▁for ▁its ▁pione ering ▁role
▁in ▁the ▁animal ▁rights ▁movement ▁in ▁China , ▁leading ▁the ▁growing ▁movement ▁against ▁e ating ▁c ats ▁and ▁dogs , ▁and ▁providing ▁a ▁free ▁en cyc lopedia ▁on ▁animal ▁w elf are ▁information . ▁ ▁History ▁The ▁Chinese ▁Animal ▁Prote ction ▁Network ▁was ▁founded ▁by ▁Dr . ▁J enia ▁M eng ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁with ▁its ▁first ▁project , ▁the ▁Chinese ▁Comp an ion ▁Animal ▁Prote ction ▁Network . ▁Since ▁then , ▁the ▁organization ▁has ▁initi ated ▁projects ▁target ing ▁issues ▁such ▁as ▁lab ▁animal ▁rights , ▁veget arian ism , ▁and ▁opposition ▁to ▁ind isc rim inate ▁c ull ing ▁as ▁a ▁method ▁of ▁population ▁control ▁of ▁animals . ▁Those ▁projects ▁have ▁led ▁the ▁direction ▁of ▁Chinese ▁non - g overn ment al ▁organizations . ▁ ▁By ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁the ▁organization ▁had ▁ 4 8 ▁member ▁groups , ▁two ▁branches , ▁and ▁more ▁than ▁ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ▁individual ▁supp or ters . ▁The ▁organization ▁reported ▁on ▁its ▁website ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁that ▁its ▁network ▁has ▁expanded ▁to ▁reach ▁almost ▁every ▁part ▁of ▁China , ▁with ▁more ▁than ▁ 2 0 0 ▁partner ▁groups ▁around ▁world . ▁ ▁Philosoph y ▁C AP N ▁has ▁a ▁science - based ▁philosophy ▁of ▁animal ▁rights . ▁They ▁opp ose ▁violence ▁in ▁the ▁animal ▁rights ▁movement , ▁and ▁see ▁animal ▁rights ▁as ▁a ▁dynamic ▁concept ; ▁they ▁believe ▁the ▁rights ▁of ▁different ▁animals ▁are ▁different ▁because ▁their ▁needs ▁are ▁different .
▁Six ▁keys ▁of ▁the ▁organization ' s ▁philosophy , ▁developed ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁include : ▁ ▁unity : ▁the ▁philosophy ▁of ▁animal ▁rights ▁is ▁a ▁part ▁of ▁a ▁universal ▁law ; ▁scientific ▁discipl ines ▁such ▁as ▁mathematics , ▁physics , ▁chem istry , ▁and ▁bi ology ▁have ▁shown ▁through ▁the ▁years ▁that ▁the ▁universe ▁is ▁inter related . ▁ ▁complexity : ▁everyone ▁has ▁his / her ▁own ▁view ▁of ▁animal ▁rights . ▁D ifferent ▁organizations , ▁academ ics , ▁and ▁even ▁animal ▁rights ▁activ ists ▁have ▁different ▁view points ; ▁when ▁working ▁with ▁people ▁and ▁organizations , ▁one ▁should ▁always ▁keep ▁in ▁mind ▁this ▁divers ity ▁of ▁view points . ▁▁ ▁evolution : ▁human ▁understanding ▁of ▁animal ▁rights ▁is ▁evol ving , ▁as ▁with ▁all ▁other ▁areas ▁of ▁human ▁knowledge . ▁Science ▁and ▁technology ▁is ▁developing ▁to ▁help ▁humans ▁better ▁understand ▁the ▁universe ▁and ▁their ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁universe ; ▁it ▁is ▁natural ▁that ▁our ▁understanding ▁of ▁animal ▁rights ▁will ▁continue ▁to ▁evol ve . ▁▁ ▁continu ity : ▁continu ity ▁exists ▁between ▁everything , ▁from ▁human ▁to ▁non human ▁animals , ▁from ▁more ▁human - related ▁animals ▁to ▁less ▁related ▁animals . ▁The ▁difference ▁is ▁not ▁discrete ▁but ▁grad ual . ▁C AP N ▁advoc ates ▁to ▁analyze ▁specific ▁issues , ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁different ▁needs ▁of ▁individual ▁animals . ▁▁ ▁original ity : ▁the ▁concept ▁of ▁animal ▁rights ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁new ▁concept , ▁as ▁three ▁pill ars ▁of ▁traditional ▁Chinese ▁thought , ▁Buddh ism , ▁T
ao ism , ▁and ▁Conf u cian ism , ▁all ▁have ▁teach ings ▁regarding ▁respect ▁towards ▁animals . ▁ ▁Project s ▁ ▁Chinese ▁Comp an ion ▁Animal ▁Prote ction ▁Network ▁▁ ▁The ▁Chinese ▁Comp an ion ▁Animal ▁Prote ction ▁Network ▁( CC AP N ) ▁was ▁launched ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 4 ▁at ▁the ▁found ing ▁of ▁C AP N . ▁The ▁campaign ▁against ▁e ating ▁c ats ▁and ▁dogs ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁concern ▁of ▁CC AP N . ▁" I sol ated ▁animal ▁w elf are ▁organis ations ▁were ▁already ▁working ▁to ▁rescue ▁st ray s ▁by ▁then , ▁but ▁consumption ▁of ▁dogs ▁and ▁c ats ▁hadn ’ t ▁made ▁it ▁onto ▁their ▁ag enda . ▁Indeed , ▁these ▁groups ▁were ▁un con vin ced ▁that ▁stopping ▁people ▁from ▁e ating ▁one ▁or ▁two ▁particular ▁species ▁was ▁anything ▁but ▁an ▁exercise ▁in ▁arbitrary ▁mor ality . ▁So ▁C AP N ▁sought ▁to ▁re frame ▁the ▁debate ▁as ▁one ▁about ▁cruel ty ▁rather ▁than ▁taste ," ▁thereby ▁working ▁to ▁reduce ▁the ▁consumer ▁market . ▁Support ed ▁by ▁international ▁groups ▁including ▁the ▁Royal ▁Society ▁for ▁the ▁Pre vention ▁of ▁Cru el ty ▁to ▁Anim als ▁and ▁World ▁Animal ▁Prote ction , ▁the ▁organization ▁worked ▁to ▁link ▁animal - lo vers ▁across ▁China ▁and ▁educ ate ▁the ▁public ▁about ▁the ▁facts ▁of ▁the ▁trade , ▁for ▁example ▁that ▁" many ▁of ▁the ▁ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ▁c ats ▁consum ed ▁daily ▁in ▁winter ▁in ▁Gu ang d ong ▁province ▁( where
▁the ▁meat ▁is ▁considered ▁a ▁war ming ▁food ) ▁are ▁st olen ▁from ▁other ▁provinces ". ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁the ▁organization ▁" launch ed ▁an ▁online ▁‘ sign ing ▁event ’ ▁which ▁asked ▁people ▁to ▁p ledge ▁to ▁avoid ▁cat ▁and ▁dog ▁meat ▁in ▁future . ▁In ▁the ▁following ▁five ▁months , ▁it ▁collected ▁ 2 1 , 0 0 0 ▁sign atures ." ▁ ▁CC AP N ' s ▁website ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 4 ▁offers ▁information ▁on ▁cont rolling ▁ra b ies ▁in ▁dog ▁populations ▁through ▁v acc ination ▁rather ▁than ▁c ull ing , ▁information ▁on ▁cont rolling ▁domestic ▁cat ▁populations ▁in ▁urban ▁areas ▁through ▁trap - ne uter - return ▁rather ▁than ▁c ull ing , ▁and ▁how ▁to ▁create ▁an ▁animal ▁protection ▁ag ency . ▁ ▁Animal ▁Rights ▁website ▁and ▁en cyc lopedia ▁▁ ▁The ▁Animal ▁Rights ▁in ▁China ▁website ▁was ▁launched ▁on ▁ 2 2 ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁and ▁is ▁the ▁major ▁portal ▁for ▁animal ▁rights ▁issues ▁in ▁China . ▁Academ ic ▁research ▁on ▁animal ▁eth ics ▁and ▁networking ▁of ▁animal ▁rights ▁activ ists ▁are ▁important ▁functions ▁of ▁this ▁project . ▁It ▁is ▁developing ▁a ▁Chinese ▁online ▁en cyc lopedia ▁of ▁animal ▁protection ▁( AP p edia ). ▁ ▁The ▁main ▁objective ▁of ▁AP p edia ▁( Ch inese : ▁AR C 中 文 动 保 小 百 科 ) ▁was ▁to ▁establish ▁an ▁online ▁Chinese ▁en cyc lopedia ▁of ▁animal ▁protection . ▁The ▁project ▁currently ▁has
▁more ▁than ▁ 9 0 ▁academic ▁research ers ▁and ▁affili ated ▁organizations ▁around ▁world . ▁ ▁AP p edia ▁is ▁published ▁online ▁as ▁a ▁free - of - charge ▁e Book ▁and ▁a ▁website . ▁The ▁content ▁of ▁the ▁AP p edia ▁includes , ▁but ▁is ▁not ▁limited ▁to : ▁Science , ▁religion , ▁events , ▁animal ▁behavior , ▁philosophy , ▁important ▁figures , ▁animal ▁protection , ▁advoc acy , ▁animal ▁w elf are , ▁animal ▁rights , ▁animal ▁protection ▁organizations , ▁reviews ▁of ▁books . ▁ ▁The ▁beta ▁version ▁of ▁AP p edia ▁website ▁was ▁launched ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁as ▁a ▁w iki ▁website , ▁visitors ▁are ▁allowed ▁to ▁modify ▁the ▁articles ▁on ▁the ▁website ▁without ▁registration . ▁Over all ▁the ▁project ▁has ▁a ▁pro ▁animal ▁rights ▁position . ▁A ▁derivative ▁of ▁the ▁project , ▁a ▁book ▁with ▁the ▁same ▁title , ▁was ▁published ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁in ▁Australia . ▁ ▁The ▁spons ors ▁of ▁the ▁free ▁knowledge ▁project ▁include ▁World ▁Society ▁for ▁the ▁Prote ction ▁of ▁Anim als ▁and ▁Culture ▁& ▁Anim als ▁Foundation . ▁ ▁PO V ch ina ▁ ▁PO V ch ina ▁is ▁an ▁information ▁portal ▁for ▁veget arian isms . ▁It ▁is ▁known ▁for ▁using ▁interactive ▁computer ▁games ▁in ▁public ▁education . ▁ ▁Notable ▁contributions ▁▁ ▁C AP N ▁works ▁closely ▁with ▁domestic , ▁international , ▁and ▁over se as ▁organizations ▁working ▁in ▁China , ▁providing ▁advice ▁and ▁support ▁for ▁their ▁work . ▁C AP N ▁runs ▁a ▁campaign ▁against ▁cat
- and - dog - e ating ▁( the ▁practice ▁of ▁e ating ▁cat ▁meat ▁or ▁dog ▁meat ). ▁They ▁are ▁the ▁first ▁group ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁s log an ▁' Stop ▁e ating ▁c ats ▁and ▁dogs ' ▁in ▁their ▁campaign . ▁They ▁also ▁coordin ated ▁many ▁groups ▁in ▁more ▁than ▁ten ▁cities ▁in ▁China ▁to ▁join ▁this ▁campaign . ▁This ▁s log an ▁has ▁been ▁adopted ▁by ▁animal ▁rights ▁groups ▁around ▁the ▁country . ▁They ▁launched ▁the ▁online - sign ing ▁event ▁against ▁consumption ▁of ▁cat ▁and ▁dog ▁meat ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁which ▁received ▁over ▁ 4 0 , 0 0 0 ▁sign atures . ▁Their ▁campaign ▁has ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁large ▁amount ▁of ▁public ity ▁and ▁discussion ▁of ▁this ▁issue ▁among ▁the ▁public . ▁C AP N ▁runs ▁a ▁campaign ▁against ▁animal ▁ho arding . ▁They ▁led ▁a ▁large - scale ▁online ▁debate ▁on ▁the ▁topic ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁and ▁later ▁published ▁two ▁research ▁documents ▁regarding ▁animal ▁ho arding , ▁the ▁first ▁of ▁their ▁kind ▁to ▁be ▁published ▁in ▁Chinese . ▁They ▁are ▁the ▁major ▁contrib utors ▁to ▁a ▁change ▁in ▁the ▁pro - ho arding ▁climate ▁of ▁China . ▁C AP N ▁provides ▁a ▁network ▁for ▁animal ▁protection ▁groups . ▁They ▁are ▁the ▁first ▁organization ▁devoted ▁to ▁the ▁unity ▁of ▁Chinese ▁animal ▁protection ▁communities . ▁In ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁C AP N ▁introduced ▁World ▁Lab ▁Animal ▁Day ▁to ▁China ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time . ▁ ▁Awards ▁
▁C AP N ▁projects ▁have ▁won ▁several ▁awards : ▁Jan ▁ 2 0 0 8 : ▁CC AP N ▁won ▁' gre at ▁contribution ▁to ▁animal ▁protection ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 ' ▁award ▁in ▁' Anim als ▁in ▁China ' ▁Shang hai ▁conference . ▁Mar ▁ 2 0 0 8 : ▁AR C ▁won ▁fund ing ▁for ▁its ▁online ▁en cyc lopedia ▁from ▁Cultural ▁and ▁Animal ▁Foundation , ▁which ▁is ▁established ▁and ▁cha ired ▁by ▁animal ▁rights ▁phil os opher ▁Tom ▁Reg an . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁▁▁ ▁Animal ▁w elf are ▁and ▁rights ▁in ▁China ▁ ▁Cat ▁meat ▁ ▁Dog ▁meat ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁Official ▁website ▁" An imal ▁W elf are ▁Activ ism " ▁- ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁article ▁by ▁Human ▁Rights ▁in ▁China ▁mention ing ▁C AP N ▁ ▁Category : V eg et arian ▁organizations ▁Category : An imal ▁w elf are ▁organizations ▁based ▁in ▁China <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Mall ▁at ▁Sierra ▁V ista ▁is ▁an ▁ind oor ▁sho pping ▁center ▁in ▁Sierra ▁V ista , ▁Arizona , ▁United ▁States ▁owned ▁and ▁managed ▁by ▁Brook field ▁Properties ▁Ret ail ▁Group . ▁It ▁was ▁constructed ▁during ▁the ▁late ▁ 1 9 9 0 s . ▁Sierra ▁V ista ▁was ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁fast est ▁growing ▁communities ▁in ▁Arizona ▁and ▁the ▁major ▁population ▁center ▁for ▁sout he astern ▁Arizona . ▁The ▁developers ▁had ▁hoped ▁to ▁market ▁to ▁the ▁growing ▁community , ▁which ▁had ▁no ▁other ▁m alls . ▁It ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁major ▁m all
▁to ▁be ▁built ▁in ▁sout he astern ▁Arizona , ▁with ▁ ▁of ▁ret ail ▁space . ▁ ▁During ▁the ▁m all ' s ▁opening ▁months , ▁around ▁October ▁ 1 9 9 9 , ▁many ▁sh opp ers ▁expressed ▁surprise ▁at ▁how ▁small ▁the ▁m all ▁was : ▁although ▁it ▁appeared ▁quite ▁large ▁from ▁the ▁outside , ▁much ▁of ▁the ▁space ▁was ▁taken ▁by ▁the ▁m all ' s ▁two ▁anchor ▁stores , ▁D ill ard ' s ▁and ▁S ears , ▁leaving ▁little ▁room ▁for ▁the ▁m all ' s ▁single ▁main ▁cor rid or . ▁Many ▁local ▁residents ▁began ▁calling ▁the ▁Mall ▁" The ▁Hall " ▁or ▁" The ▁Small ", ▁because ▁most ▁of ▁the ▁stores ▁were ▁built ▁along ▁just ▁this ▁one ▁relatively ▁short ▁passage ▁of ▁cor rid or . ▁ ▁Though ▁many ▁stores ▁have ▁passed ▁through ▁the ▁m all , ▁the ▁majority ▁of ▁the ▁store ▁sl ots ▁are ▁currently ▁full . ▁ ▁Additionally , ▁stores , ▁e ating ▁establish ments , ▁a ▁bank ▁and ▁hotel ▁have ▁opened ▁around ▁the ▁per imeter ▁of ▁the ▁m all ; ▁these ▁include : ▁Apple be e ' s , ▁Well s ▁F argo , ▁Jack ▁in ▁the ▁Box , ▁Best ▁Bu y , ▁Home ▁Dep ot , ▁Texas ▁Road house ▁and ▁Fair field ▁Inn . ▁▁ ▁This ▁regional ▁m all ▁serves ▁a ▁large ▁portion ▁of ▁sout he astern ▁Arizona ▁and ▁northern ▁parts ▁of ▁the ▁Mexican ▁state ▁of ▁Son ora . ▁A ▁recent ▁survey ▁indicated ▁that ▁as ▁much ▁as ▁ 3 0 % ▁of ▁the
▁m all ' s ▁sh opp ers ▁come ▁from ▁Son ora , ▁travel ing ▁as ▁far ▁away ▁as ▁N ac oz ari ▁and ▁C ump as , ▁ ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁border , ▁just ▁to ▁shop ▁there . ▁▁ ▁In ▁addition ▁to ▁sho pping , ▁the ▁Mall ▁at ▁Sierra ▁V ista ▁hosts ▁the ▁annual ▁Festival ▁of ▁Tre es , ▁the ▁Festival ▁of ▁G iving , < ref ▁name =" O ry 2 "> O ry , ▁Laura ▁( 2 0 0 7 - 1 0 - 2 8 ). ▁" H ab itat ▁for ▁Human ity ▁group ▁gets ▁a ▁new ▁home " ▁The ▁Sierra ▁V ista ▁Her ald . ▁Last ▁accessed ▁ 2 0 0 7 - 1 1 - 2 6 .</ ref > ▁and ▁an ▁annual ▁Car ▁Show ▁for ▁the ▁Boys ▁and ▁Girls ▁Club . ▁The ▁Mall ▁mer its ▁a ▁mention ▁in ▁Eth el ▁Jackson ▁Price ' s ▁ 2 0 0 3 ▁book , ▁Sierra ▁V ista : ▁a ▁Young ▁City ▁with ▁a ▁Past . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁S ears ▁Hold ings ▁sp un ▁off ▁ 2 3 5 ▁of ▁its ▁properties , ▁including ▁the ▁S ears ▁at ▁The ▁Mall ▁as ▁Sierra ▁V ista , ▁into ▁Ser itage ▁G row th ▁Properties . ▁ ▁On ▁October ▁ 1 5 , ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁it ▁was ▁announced ▁that ▁S ears ▁would ▁be ▁closing ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁a ▁plan ▁to ▁close ▁ 1 4 2 ▁stores ▁nation wide . ▁ ▁In ▁January ▁ 2
0 1 9 , ▁Ser itage ▁listed ▁the ▁S ears ▁property ▁for ▁sale ▁due ▁to ▁limited ▁re development ▁opportun ities . ▁ ▁In ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁the ▁m all ▁was ▁listed ▁for ▁sale , ▁no ▁bu yer ▁has ▁been ▁found ▁yet . ▁ ▁An ch ors ▁Cin emark ▁ 1 0 ▁( 3 4 , 7 7 8 ▁sq ▁ft .) ▁D ill ard ' s ▁( 1 0 1 , 1 2 3 ▁sq ▁ft .) ▁S ears ▁( 9 5 , 3 6 9 ▁sq ▁ft .) ▁( Cl osed ▁ 2 0 1 8 ) '' ▁Best ▁Bu y ▁( 2 0 , 5 1 2 ▁sq ▁ft .) ▁ ▁References ▁ ▁External ▁links ▁ ▁Official ▁site ▁ ▁Category : S ho pping ▁m alls ▁in ▁Arizona ▁Category : Build ings ▁and ▁structures ▁in ▁C och ise ▁County , ▁Arizona ▁Category : T our ist ▁attra ctions ▁in ▁C och ise ▁County , ▁Arizona ▁Category : S ho pping ▁m alls ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 9 ▁Category : S ierra ▁V ista , ▁Arizona ▁Category : 1 9 9 9 ▁establish ments ▁in ▁Arizona <0x0A> </s> ▁Mat ry osh ka ▁doll s ▁( ; ▁also ▁known ▁as ▁Bab ush ka ▁doll s , ▁stack ing ▁doll s , ▁nest ing ▁doll s , ▁ ▁Russian ▁tea ▁doll s , ▁or ▁Russian ▁doll s ) ▁are ▁a ▁set ▁of ▁wooden ▁doll s ▁of ▁decre asing ▁size ▁placed ▁one ▁inside ▁another . ▁The ▁name ▁mat ry