2 values
The end of the agri-food chain is the consumer, the people who buy and eat the food.
A consumer and producer in a food chain are involved when a deer eats a leaf.
A consumer and producer in a food chain<>are involved<>when a deer eats a leaf$$$a deer<>eats<>a leaf
The answer is simple: it is the earth that is rotating on its axis once every day.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
The following are examples of specific directions: &#149; explore specific rhythms or concepts such as ostinato &#149; use three different sounds (alone or in combination) &#149; use both loud and soft sounds &#149; use a specific musical element or form.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
Moving from solid to liquid by changing the pressure : You can also play around with this by looking at what happens if you decrease the pressure on a solid at constant temperature .
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid is to decrease the temperature.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid<>is<>to decrease the temperature
Two blue eye parents will always produce blue eyed offspring because it involves only recessive blue eye genes.
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
organic nutrients throughout the plant.
Stems transport water to other parts of the plant through a system of tubes.
Stems<>transport<>water<>to other parts of the plant
If your parent is no longer able to care for herself/himself, you may have new responsibilities that resemble those of parenting, but your parent is and always will be your parent, and you will always be his/her child.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
Mass on the other hand is what would be measured using a comparative balance, by hanging two objects on the ends of a beam, and then seeing by how much one side is pulled down. Masses are measured by comparing an unknown mass against a known one.
A student should use a balance to compare the masses of two small rocks.
A student<>should use<>a balance<>to compare the masses of two small rocks
In addition, math and science teachers should draw on students' experiences in their vocational courses to help make the academic material inviting and relevant.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
No other energy source, renewable or nonrenewable, can match it.
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
It completes one revolution around the Sun approximately once every 3 years and completes one rotation once every 3 hours.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
Most of the bodies of the Solar System orbit the Sun in nearly the same plane.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
You'd be hot too if you had that much surface area exposed to the sun.
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
Contains over 8800 vascular plant images, most of the familiar plants which "have systems for transporting water and photosynthetic products and are differentiated into stems, leaves, and roots."
Stems transport water to other parts of the plant through a system of tubes.
Stems<>transport<>water<>to other parts of the plant
Explore the life cycle of these cold-blooded vertebrates as they change from eggs to tadpoles to adult frogs, losing their gills and forming lungs along the way.
A frog develops (a/an) lungs as it changes from a tadpole to an adult frog.
A frog<>develops<>$$$it<>changes<>from a tadpole<>to an adult frog
Nuts and nut meats must be prepared and stored under sanitary conditions to prevent contamination by insects, rodents, or other animals.
A squirrel storing nuts is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment.
A squirrel storing nuts<>is preparing<>for a seasonal change in the environment$$$A squirrel<>storing<>nuts
Topics include the use of isotopes for dating natural substances, applications of thermodynamics to natural water chemistry, and the chemical processes involved in the formation of minerals and rocks.
A mineral is described as a natural substance that makes up rocks.
A mineral<>is described<>as a natural substance$$$a natural substance<>makes up<>rocks
Go to Kevin's Index Fly in the Rain my life is like a fly flying in the rain, desperately dodging descending drops of doom much more massive than me as I seek some semblance of shelter.
When it rains, some animals will move to seek shelter.
some animals<>will move<>to seek shelter<>When it rains$$$some animals<>to seek<>shelter
The technology could soon exist to enable prospective parents to choose characteristics they regard as most desirable: for instance, offspring who are blond, blue-eyed, athletic, musically gifted, intellectually brilliant.
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
Most of the water in Earth's oceans may have come from comets.
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
In 1910 Keeper Hadley described the conditions at Graves Light in storms: &quot;I've looked up at solid water rushing in toward the ledges.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water
Some programs shelter the animals in a special part of their kennels;
When it rains, some animals will move to seek shelter.
some animals<>will move<>to seek shelter<>When it rains$$$some animals<>to seek<>shelter
The Hopis food was corn, pumpkins and melons.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
creativity Oregon&#146;s Green Treasure OSU Studies and Helps Preserve Our Forests For too long, many people did not fully see Oregon&#146;s forests, for the trees.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
Compare oil and sunlight as sources of energy Students should be familiar with and be able to identify renewable and nonrenewable resources (includes energy sources).
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
Too soon, and the parent will have to do a lot of reading, and explaining to the child.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
For example, a year is defined as the amount of time it takes for the Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
Temperature and sky conditions are both used to describe weather.
Temperature and sky conditions<>are used<>to describe weather
In humans, eye color is an example of an inherited characteristic: an individual might inherit the "brown-eye trait" from one of the parents.
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
A long scar of railroad tracks stretched down the length of Tim Campbell's chest.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
The burls take a long time to grow, they don't kill the trees and so are
An acorn growing into an adult tree will take the longest time to observe.
An acorn<>growing<>into an adult tree$$$An acorn growing into an adult tree<>will take<>the longest time to observe
A multitude of species and individuals live in large area, large tree forests - many birds and mammals need to range between valleys and occupy places between, and/or afar, some of the year.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
I was advised to only use rain water or distilled water, for example.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
Electric Circuits: Going with the Flow - Science Lab and Project For this science lab and project, students are asked to construct, describe, diagram, compare, and contrast both open/closed series and parallel circuits.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
Collect examples of the sounds/phonics principles studied in the classroom.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
It is a good idea to really think about feeding the birds... in the winter, it is not very easy for the birds to find food.
Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
the winter months<>to find<>an environment with more food
Not able to learn by reading.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
EVAPORATION The process of changing a solid or liquid into a vapor.
Evaporation is responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor.
Evaporation<>is<>responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor
Prepared foods, honeys, preserves, and nuts are available seasonally.
A squirrel storing nuts is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment.
A squirrel storing nuts<>is preparing<>for a seasonal change in the environment$$$A squirrel<>storing<>nuts
blocks of blue something are definately only blocks of blue somethings.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
Structural adaptations of submersed vascular plants to gas exchange and oxygen transport.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
Mechanical energy changes to heat in bicycle brakes.
A person uses mechanical energy to pedal a bicycle.
A person<>uses<>mechanical energy<>to pedal a bicycle$$$A person<>uses mechanical energy to pedal<>a bicycle
With modern food dehydrators fruit leathers, banana chips, pumpkin seeds and beef jerky can all be dried year-round at home.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
Air is composed of air molecules and atoms such as nitrogen molecules and oxygen atoms.
Air is made of atoms.
Air<>is made<>of atoms
Bullying Strategies SQ3R Strategies QAR Strategies Six Traits of Reading Six Traits of Writing Virtual Learning Handspring/Palm Pilot Training
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
It orbits around the Sun once every 12 earth years, and it spins relatively fast, about once every 10 hours.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
The storms also produced hail described as being as large as baseballs in some places.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water
The point is to have the class realize that something is happening to the wood, new substances are being formed, and that the process is named burning.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
Most of Earth's water is salt water in the oceans (97%).
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
West Air (United States)
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
The very good news is that many preventive measures can be under-taken to help ensure that falls never take place at all.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
The Sun (and our solar system) is revolving around the center of the galaxy, and makes a complete revolution every 220 million years or so.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
For example, this chair has a maker who is a carpenter, a substance which is wood, a form which is that of a chair, and a purpose which is that it is to be used as a seat.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
crystal purveyors describe the minerals;
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
The forester is a professional who can advise about forest management options and methods and help select trees to save or cut.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
Burning Questions Regulations and Forms Burning Questions What is "agricultural burning" and how is it different from other forms of burning?
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
The earth itself is constantly moving, rotating around the sun once a year, and rotating on its own axis once a day.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
The Good Stuff One of the biggest complaints parents have is that their kids prefer pre-packaged junk to anything resembling a healthy option.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
This gas is oxygen.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
Be able to read and interpret examples of quantitative accounting statements.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
Since the Northeast United States and Nova Scotia, Canada are the last land locations as air masses move out over the ocean, measurements were made a number of land and island sites in Maine, Nova Scotia, and Sable Island.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Prior Knowledge (for students): Plant cell parts, microscope use, friendly letter writing.
A microscope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell.
A microscope<>would best help<>a person observe the parts of a plant cell$$$a person<>observe<>the parts of a plant cell
This report discusses the experiences of the teachers and students at these schools.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
The planetary scientists say that the most likely explanation for this would be an ocean of salt water several kilometers deep, with a salt content comparable to that of Earth's oceans.
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
For multicellular organisms, apoptosis is an efficient way of eliminating cells which have been infected by a virus.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
The Sun and other stars What is a star?
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Chips are placed on a circuit board so engineers can create electrical pathways (circuits) that let the chips communicate with one another.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
Consumer in a food chain that eats other animals.
A consumer and producer in a food chain are involved when a deer eats a leaf.
A consumer and producer in a food chain<>are involved<>when a deer eats a leaf$$$a deer<>eats<>a leaf
Definition CIRCUIT = the pathway through which electricity flows Lesson VII: WHAT IS OHM S LAW?
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
The form that parents sign will have language similar to the following: &quot;The study described above has been explained to me, and I voluntarily agree to have my child participate in this study.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
Most abundant is the cholla or buckhorn cactus - thin green arms well protected by spines.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Describe the crystal structure of diamond.
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
Should an accident occur, report to the teacher or school personnel in charge of supervision IMMEDIATELY.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
Describe the inheritance pattern for a single-gene autosomal dominant trait, such as free-hanging earlobes.
Children most likely inherit shape of earlobes from their parents.
Children<>most likely inherit<>shape of earlobes<>from their parents
Sugar Maple Malus Flowering Crabapple Flowering crab apple is a deciduous flowering tree that grows 15 to 25 feet tall.
A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples is that the tree has flowers.
an apple tree<>to start<>growing apples$$$A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples<>is<>that the tree has flowers$$$the tree<>has<>flowers
The scheme must not simply be replacing a defunct coal station that is reaching the end of its life, nor can it be counted if a gas station is being put into an area which does not use coal as a source of energy.
Coal can be mined from earth and used as an energy source.
Coal<>can be mined<>from earth$$$Coal<>used<>as an energy source
This 12-year-old tree would take a long time for us to grow it,&quot; Montes said.
An acorn growing into an adult tree will take the longest time to observe.
An acorn<>growing<>into an adult tree$$$An acorn growing into an adult tree<>will take<>the longest time to observe
It's also likely that wild fowl, fish, pumpkin, corn, fruit and other local foods were served that day.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
X1014232438-00084-18816</DOCNO> Eyes and offspring Eyes and offspring By Joe Can two people with brown eyes have offspring with blue eyes?
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
The graph also shows that the seasonal (winter to summer) variation in day length increases with increasing latitude.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
This causes the water to fall as solid ice, known as hail, or as snow.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water
These two mass balances follow.
A student should use a balance to compare the masses of two small rocks.
A student<>should use<>a balance<>to compare the masses of two small rocks
Teeuw ME, Henneman L, Bochdanovits Z et al: Do consanguineous parents of a child affected by an autosomal recessive disease have more DNA identical-by-descent than similarly-related parents with healthy offspring?
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
Like the animal, this small cactus is covered by 2&quot; to 3&quot; spines.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
For example, a loud sound will register on the ear as either louder or softer, depending on the sound that precedes and follows it.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
The tadpoles live exclusively in the water and breathe through gills instead of lungs like an adult TOAD (or frog).
A frog develops (a/an) lungs as it changes from a tadpole to an adult frog.
A frog<>develops<>$$$it<>changes<>from a tadpole<>to an adult frog
Animals like mice, squirrels, and jay birds collect fruits and nuts during the spring and summer, and they store them for the coming winter.
A squirrel storing nuts is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment.
A squirrel storing nuts<>is preparing<>for a seasonal change in the environment$$$A squirrel<>storing<>nuts
Animals move around, seeking their prey.
When it rains, some animals will move to seek shelter.
some animals<>will move<>to seek shelter<>When it rains$$$some animals<>to seek<>shelter
Coke which is similar to coal, is used as a fuel source by Energy Services.
Coal can be mined from earth and used as an energy source.
Coal<>can be mined<>from earth$$$Coal<>used<>as an energy source
The silver spines on cholla cactus help reflect sunlight away from the cactus s trunk so predators will not see the trunk, and they also keep the cholla cool.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Copper doesn't conduct electricity.
Copper conducts electricity the best.
Copper<>conducts best<>electricity
These include surface wind speed, integrated water vapour, rain rate and columnar cloud liquid water.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
Teeth can be added with the use of real ones from animals or humans, as well as metal, cactus spines, corn or reeds.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Basic Electrical ( 4 cr) Basic fundamentals of electrical theory, magnetism, current flow, Ohm's Law, series, parallel, and series parallel circuit calculations.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
An age is the time that it takes the Earth's axis to precess through one sign of the zodiac.
It takes earth one week to rotate on its axis seven times.
It<>takes<>earth one week$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on<>its axis$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on its axis<>seven times$$$earth one week<>to rotate on<>its axis$$$earth one week<>to rotate on its axis<>seven times
venison served with dried fruits and pumpkin and beetroot purees;
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
(2) The Air & Space Museum's Enola Gay exhibit makes the US appear insensitive to the atomic bomb victims' suffering.
Air is made of atoms.
Air<>is made<>of atoms
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
A moose<>eats<>a plant$$$A moose eats a plant<>is<>an example of a living thing$$$a living thing<>depends<>on another living thing
Good nutrition can prevent many diseases and help to promote healthy lives in the coming adult years.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
Hail is solid balls of water and dust falling from the sky.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water