2 values
length)]) After
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
When the water vapor is cooled below the dew point, it condenses to form clouds.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night is an example of water condensing.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night<>is<>an example of water condensing
They are food for many species of other invertebrates, fish, bats, birds, and more.
Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
the winter months<>to find<>an environment with more food
It will be a binary sun solar system.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
The blue whale that blocked a street.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
However, the oceans may be composed of liquid methane, the rain made up of drops of methane and liquid nitrogen and the lavas pouring on to the surface formed of liquid water and ammonia.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
Wood also burned through addition of air to its substance, but it did not appear to gain weight, because the new substance formed (carbon dioxide) was itself a gas and vanished into the atmosphere.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
parent use tasks similar child.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
In these examples, rain water runs over the land carrying pollutants into bodies of water.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
Gas plant operators also monitor machines as gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, are created.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
For example, they host a community health fair every spring that includes health screenings, an exercise class and other activities to promote wellness.
Exercising every day is an example of a good health habit.
Exercising every day<>is<>an example of a good health habit
PAHs are a group of more than 100 different chemicals that are formed during the burning of coal, oil and gas, garbage or other organic substances such as tobacco or charbroiled meat.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
Those are the last of the major countermeasures developed to keep the first forces of gravity from causing them to black out as the shuttle rolls to a stop on the runway.
Gravity causes rocks to roll downhill.
Gravity<>causes<>rocks to roll downhill$$$rocks<>to roll<>downhill
There is no requirement that the mineral substances be naturally occurring.
A mineral is described as a natural substance that makes up rocks.
A mineral<>is described<>as a natural substance$$$a natural substance<>makes up<>rocks
The Sun is a typical star of the G2 class and only appears so bright because it is much closer to Earth than any other star.
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
When we burn coal we are reusing that ancient sun-energy, because coal is made from prehistoric trees.
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
-inheritance of anomalies in the human eye and in that of the horse.
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
Using tools and microscopes, the optician makes observations of the client’s eyes and surrounding parts to ensure that the lenses will fit correctly and comfortably.
A microscope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell.
A microscope<>would best help<>a person observe the parts of a plant cell$$$a person<>observe<>the parts of a plant cell
We're optimistic that we can influence them and keep them from doing too many cuts and maybe, in a few places, beef the system up in the North.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
X1011703064-00290-69522</DOCNO>ELECTRICITY Part 4: Series and parallel circuits--bulbs CONCEPTS: electricity, circuits BACKGROUND: Hooking two bulbs in series doubles the resistance, meaning less electricity will flow through the two bulbs than could through one.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
Astronomically, a year is the amount of time it takes for the Earth to make one complete revolution around the sun.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
Describe and classify rocks and minerals.
A mineral is described as a natural substance that makes up rocks.
A mineral<>is described<>as a natural substance$$$a natural substance<>makes up<>rocks
He studies spectroscopy and crystal chemistry of minerals, structural properties of glasses and melts, radiation damage in minerals and glasses and structure–property relationships in natural and synthetic/industrial materials.
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
it must be some traveler 23 seeking shelter."
When it rains, some animals will move to seek shelter.
some animals<>will move<>to seek shelter<>When it rains$$$some animals<>to seek<>shelter
These pages report on the experiences of the teachers and students at these schools.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
A blue outlined block should appear.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
The Moon takes as much time to rotate once on its axis as it takes to complete one orbit of Earth.
It takes earth one week to rotate on its axis seven times.
It<>takes<>earth one week$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on<>its axis$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on its axis<>seven times$$$earth one week<>to rotate on<>its axis$$$earth one week<>to rotate on its axis<>seven times
The Sun and Solar System;
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
Sun (3).
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
Use microscopes to identify basic parts of plant and animal cells (cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall).
A microscope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell.
A microscope<>would best help<>a person observe the parts of a plant cell$$$a person<>observe<>the parts of a plant cell
A teacher should become familiar with the contents of the lessons within the unit and try the experiments themselves first before beginning the unit with the students.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
Multicellular organisms, but they have no true tissues.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
If a source of coal ash is certified by DEP, the generator of that coal ash can make the coal ash available statewide for beneficial uses.
Coal can be mined from earth and used as an energy source.
Coal<>can be mined<>from earth$$$Coal<>used<>as an energy source
Can you explain how "recombination != sex" implies "each child does not receive 50% of its DNA from each parent"?
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
This causes a scattering of the light at the blue end of the spectrum, making the lake appear blue.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
that is, they can rotate around only one axis at a time.
It takes earth one week to rotate on its axis seven times.
It<>takes<>earth one week$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on<>its axis$$$It<>takes earth one week to rotate on its axis<>seven times$$$earth one week<>to rotate on<>its axis$$$earth one week<>to rotate on its axis<>seven times
An object illuminated by blue light can, of course, reflect only blue light.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
It should be noted that there are in fact many elementary school teachers excited about science who are providing their students superb science experiences.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
Energy Transformation Heat - Nature Of History Of Science Condensation Evaporation Temperature - Nature Of We'll be adding interesting info and links here.
Evaporation and condensation are similar because both are caused by changes in heat energy.
Evaporation and condensation<>are<>similar<>because both are caused by changes in heat energy$$$both<>are caused<>by changes in heat energy
Many nesting birds in Canada and the northern United States fly south to the tier of states along the Gulf of Mexico where the winter climate is more favorable and food is abundant .
Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
the winter months<>to find<>an environment with more food
Thunderstorms caused an Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory to be posted for Pima County, including the greater Tucson Metro area.
A stream flooding is most likely caused by a thunderstorm.
A stream flooding<>is<>most likely caused by a thunderstorm$$$A stream flooding<>caused<>by a thunderstorm
Examples include being able to attribute personality traits to oneself or to identify recollected episodes as being personal memories of the past.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
Different types of adaptive use of colour are: advertising coloration such as when male birds are often brilliantly coloured in order to attract females;
Coloration often helps an animal attract a mate.
Coloration<>helps<>an animal attract a mate<>often$$$an animal<>attract<>a mate
Describing the work involves not only good writing, but also a solid structure that helps the reader follow the explanation.
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
Gravity is causes a number of forces in the structure of ropes and posts.
Gravity causes rocks to roll downhill.
Gravity<>causes<>rocks to roll downhill$$$rocks<>to roll<>downhill
In order to make them grow as fast as they do here, the length of the day has to be increased to match our Alaskan summer day.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
Flat tires from cactus spines won't be a problem.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
The Tropical Warm Pool (TPW) is a mass of ocean water located in the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean which exhibits the highest water temperatures over the largest expanse of the Earth's surface.
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
A liquid becomes a solid if its temperature decreases.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid is to decrease the temperature.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid<>is<>to decrease the temperature
Assess the sources and forms of energy (heat, light, electricity, mechanical motions and sound).
Heat, light, and sound are all different forms of energy.
Heat, light, and sound<>are<>different forms of energy$$$Heat<>[is]<>light
X1014230911-00366-78719</DOCNO> human eye color, how parents determine offspring colors human eye color, how parents determine offspring colors By fred [email protected] if one parent has blue eyes and the other parent has hazel eyes, can the child have brown eyes?
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
plants as living things Parts of plants;
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
A moose<>eats<>a plant$$$A moose eats a plant<>is<>an example of a living thing$$$a living thing<>depends<>on another living thing
Multicellular organisms have a set of cells that specialize in reproduction.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
Prevent bruising by not placing too many cuttings in the solution at once.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
For example, trends in the lengths of frost-free periods, the intensities of precipitation events, the occurrence of runs of heat-stress days, and the warming of soil temperatures in spring will be tracked.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
The polar jet stream was much farther north than usual, blocking cold air masses from moving south from Canada.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Pedal harps use the mechanical action of pedals to change the pitches of the strings.
A person uses mechanical energy to pedal a bicycle.
A person<>uses<>mechanical energy<>to pedal a bicycle$$$A person<>uses mechanical energy to pedal<>a bicycle
its roots system.
Stems transport water to other parts of the plant through a system of tubes.
Stems<>transport<>water<>to other parts of the plant
Frontal storms form at the front of large, moist air masses moving across the country and can cause floods in the northern and eastern parts of the United States during the winter and spring.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Our sun, the nearest star, is quite bright because it is so close to us.
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
The surcharge does not apply to water use, solid waste, sewer or storm water.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water
Make an effort to learn the location of air masses that affect the weather of the United States.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Energy may occur in the form of heat, light, movement, sound, or radiation.
Heat, light, and sound are all different forms of energy.
Heat, light, and sound<>are<>different forms of energy$$$Heat<>[is]<>light
Students can use the collected information to compare weather (high and low temperatures, total precipitation, sky conditions, etc.) in different places.
Temperature and sky conditions are both used to describe weather.
Temperature and sky conditions<>are used<>to describe weather
It rotates on its axis once in 59 earth days.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
Tweezers are handy for removing finer cactus spines and splinters.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Coal is a clean energy source?
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
Hymn of Promise In the bulb there is a flower, in the seed, an apple tree;
A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples is that the tree has flowers.
an apple tree<>to start<>growing apples$$$A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples<>is<>that the tree has flowers$$$the tree<>has<>flowers
hot sun;
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
The positions of objects as seen from the Sun, used for solar system bodies.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
A property of all metallic and electrical conductors that describes the total opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
In fact, copper is a good conductor of electricity.
Copper conducts electricity the best.
Copper<>conducts best<>electricity
Sound energy is a form of energy that is associated with the vibrations of matter.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
The study uses mass-balance chemical and isotopic hydrograph separations to determine different flowpath contributions to surface water runoff in two small alpine streams and their changes over time.
A student should use a balance to compare the masses of two small rocks.
A student<>should use<>a balance<>to compare the masses of two small rocks
three and six.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
Effect of Tides on Earth s Rotation : p169 ... Earth rotates once on its axis (relative to the stars) in 23h 56m - 1 sidereal day.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
Two factors double: The mass of air deflected downwards per unit of time.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
If two stars are close together in the sky, does that mean that they are connected to each other like the Earth is connected to the sun?
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Oxygen gas is returned to the atmosphere from the living world by green plants and cyan bacteria, which give out oxygen during photosynthesis.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
A railroad track extends the length of the eastern edge of the two units.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
97% of the earth's water is salt water (oceans and seas).
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
Maritime tropical (mT) air masses move into the United States from over the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea , and the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
----------------------------------------------------------------- Rising and setting times of planets and bright stars Interested in finding out the rising or setting time of any planet (plus the sun, moon and some bright stars) for any time or place on Earth?
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Students will learn about and be able to give examples of homonyms.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
Producers start the food chain by making their own food. Then, an animal eats the plant, and a consumers eats the animal that ate the plant. So basically, a producer makes the…ir own food and start the food chain, and a consumer eats other organisms.
A consumer and producer in a food chain are involved when a deer eats a leaf.
A consumer and producer in a food chain<>are involved<>when a deer eats a leaf$$$a deer<>eats<>a leaf
<br />A balance is a kind of scale which compares the masses of two objects, usually one with a known mass (the standard) and one with an unknown mass.
A student should use a balance to compare the masses of two small rocks.
A student<>should use<>a balance<>to compare the masses of two small rocks
The main food crops that were planted corn, beans, various vegetables, fruits and grains, such as chili, pumpkin, squash, tomato, tomato and cocoa.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
Cambrian environment (sedimentary rock) more conducive
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.
Most fossils<>are found<>in sedimentary rocks<>because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock$$$organisms<>can be preserved<>in sedimentary rock
In the United States, weather most often moves west to east, because that is the direction the jet stream blows.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Also new in the 2001 edition is information on hail, wind storms, thunderstorms, winter storms, and other phenomena, provided courtesy of Stanley Changnon, of the Illinois State Water Survey.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
Hail during a storm<>describes<>water
Pumpkin growers no doubt remember the lack of pumpkin fruit set in the 1995 season.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
Sedimentary Rocks --
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.
Most fossils<>are found<>in sedimentary rocks<>because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock$$$organisms<>can be preserved<>in sedimentary rock
Uranus revolves around the Sun once every 84 Earth years.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
As a result, the energy waves that come from the warm surface of the Earth have much longer wavelengths than those that radiate from the hot Sun.
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
But climate scientists have seen no trend involving an increase in the number or severity of hurricanes, tornadoes, big floods or wind storms.
Both hurricanes and tornadoes always have high winds.
Both hurricanes and tornadoes<>have<>high winds<>always
These condensers can harvest more than 200 litres (on average) of dew water per night for about 90 nights in the dew season October–
Dew forming on plants during a cold night is an example of water condensing.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night<>is<>an example of water condensing
It gives off explosive oxygen gas C.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
The following chapter, entitled The Orebodies: The Making of the Minerals describes the primary sulfide zone, and the secondary zone of mineralization, and gives the characteristic associations of minerals that were found.
A mineral is described as a natural substance that makes up rocks.
A mineral<>is described<>as a natural substance$$$a natural substance<>makes up<>rocks
Man noticed that time could be broken up into units of the day (the time taken for the earth to rotate once on its axis), the month (the time taken for the moon to orbit the earth) and the year (the time taken for the earth to orbit the sun).
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
They will determine which dominant and recessive genetic traits they inherited by inspecting eye color, eyebrows, earlobes, fingers, and tongues.
Children most likely inherit shape of earlobes from their parents.
Children<>most likely inherit<>shape of earlobes<>from their parents