bro make a api

by trenton23241 - opened

make a api where you can use anywhere ( i made a new acc just t say this)

Lets think together about the subject for a second, if you read the disclaimer when u enter the space, this is for research purposes and they are actually paying for it. They already have an API for them, that's what they are using in the first place to make this space. So it's pointless to remake an API.

I could guess that you mean to request a free API for yourself and other users, but again they would be paying for it. Plus they specifically disabled the API interface on the space itself, though it does not disable the API itself, so technically speaking, you can still use this space as an API, but it's clearly not the goal.

I hopefully managed to explain a bit how this space works, and how huggingface works in general, you can access the code they are using yourself through the "Files" tab to check it out if you desire !

okay, do you know any other apis

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