A Minotaur/Tauren

by The-Silent-One - opened

Great detail πŸ‘

How did you get your models to look so lifelike? What prompts did you use? I've been trying to create pictures like you did but I am unable to figure out how to get such life like tauren/minotaurs to appear.

How did you get your models to look so lifelike? What prompts did you use? I've been trying to create pictures like you did but I am unable to figure out how to get such life like tauren/minotaurs to appear.

Hmm, I don't have the original prompt any longer, but it was something similar to this:

A close-up portrait of a minotaur in heavy armor, accurate anatomy, hyper-realistic, 4K, dark colors, digital photograph

I just tried this prompt in SD1 and got some decent results. It'll probably take a lot of generations to get anything really good, though.

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