Apply for community grant: Personal project

by maiti - opened

Stable Fashion allows people to try out clothes they can imagine and describe them. Stable Diffusion has disrupted most of the creative process, but I feel the potential for SD is not realised in the fashion industry. Stable fashion is the first milestone in the journey of making the workflows of fashion designers and consumers a bit easier. My north star is this. I have done this as a side project and looking for feedback, but given how the process is slow on CPUs, I feel the users won't be able to experience the convenience it brings. Looking for a GPU to make things faster :)
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A sample image and what the pipeline can do.
original picture
inpainted picture

Hey maiti, I played around with it and it is a fun project - I played with it and was frustrated as it took a bit to load so definitely makes sense to grant a GPU!

I have granted a temporary T4 GPU to it - feel free to further communicate about it and we are happy to reverberate

Thank you! This will make the experience smoother and "convenient". Facing some error building on GPU, but I will fix it asap.

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