cifar10C /
kishkath's picture

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 4.44.0

title: Cifar10C
emoji: πŸ’»
colorFrom: yellow
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.39.0
pinned: false
license: apache-2.0

Check out the configuration reference at

CIFAR10-Class Gradio Interface

Holla!, the first space app.

πŸš€Available Features:

  • Grad-cam images: Activating this check box, will provide the grad-cam visualizations of the image at the defined layer.
  • Opacity : degree of gradcam visibility.
  • Target Layer : Provides the GradCam image at chosen layer number.
  • Mis-classified : Activating the show_images checkbox, will visualize the mis-classified images of the trained model.


  • show_gradcam_images: Activate this if you wanna, view the grad-cam images.
  • Opacity : Slide to Choose the degree between the range of (0,1)
  • Choose Target layer: Slide Chose the layer number (either -1 or -2) for this model
  • show_images : Activate this if you wanna, view mis-classified images.
  • Images to display : Slide the number to view number of chosen mis-classified images.

Submit, once the conditions are provided.

πŸ‘€ Sample:

  • If you dont have an image to upload, play with the available example images. (Except dog & truct, need to modify them)
  • Select the image you want to play and activate the inputs needed, the output will be displayed.

πŸ† Results:

  • Provides the top-3 class accuracies for the input image.
  • Provides the GradCam Image, mis-classified images upon activating the condition.