No description provided.

As of now, I do not see a compelling reason to change the custom system prompt, as it is as plain as it gets. However, if you would like to change the system prompt for yourself, you can do either of the following:

  1. In the space, turn off the “Better system prompt” and enter your system prompt in the “System message” input box.
  2. Duplicate this space and edit the system message in the code. (Though, I should add that duplicating this space would break the 'Search' function, as it is a custom API endpoint. Additionally, if you use the API provided by, it would break 'Image generation' and 'Moderation check', but it could still work as the space only needs the chat/completions API endpoint to function at a bare minimum.)

Anyways, thanks for creating the first pull request for this space, Reaper200!

Quardo changed pull request status to closed

no problem bro, i was checking if i can restrict the expertise to only one field

also have you done EMIS work before using gemini to automate processes.

“Education Management Information System”? Well, I do not have done any work related to that. Nor really used Gemini to automate a process.

employee management information system

im working on that project currently

and i needed a hand in automating an ai to my database

so it can act
as the manager

Oh, you meant “Employee Management Information System.” Well, anyway.
Well, in that case you probably can use “gpt-4o-mini” or “gpt-4o-2024-08-06” as they support “Structured Outputs.”
Or you can instruct the LLM to just generate a SQL code or similar, via a system prompt;

From now on you will act as an SQL code generator
Only generate code based on the prompt given to you
Do not add any suffix or prefix, just respond with the code
Here's example prompts and how you should answer
- `What is {subject}` => ```sql
``` ... etc.”

If you need access to API for this space you can check out here

Okay bro thank you

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