Train with my face

by AliciaA - opened

Beautiful model.
Do you know if there is any way to train this model with your own face?

@AliciaA Hi! Thanks 🙂
If you’re using Automatic1111 you can always merge this model with a model you’ve trained on your face before.

Ok done, but I don't know how to merge my trained model and this model.
When I run Automatic1111, I have to choose between my trained model or the double exposure model.
I can't generate images like the double exposure model but using my face.

It also doesn't work using imgtoimg , neither does it work with inpaint.
I just started and I really don't know how to do it.

@AliciaA Sorry, this goes a bit beyond the purpose of the community page for this model. I endorse you to connect with the Discord group for Stable Diffusion where you can get help with setting up Automatic1111. Good luck!

@AliciaA Feel free to contact me on discord though. When I have time over I might be able to help you partly at least. joachim#4676

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