id (string)
translation (translation)
{"en": "Officials have vowed to arrest Sam Rainsy on his arrival, but there is speculation that Cambodia may simply bar him from entry, which could even keep him from boarding a plane to the country if airlines are officially informed of such a ban. Neighboring countries are also unlikely to allow him to enter from their territory.\n", "cs": "\u00da\u0159ady prohl\u00e1sily, \u017ee Sama Rainsyho zatknou p\u0159i p\u0159\u00edjezdu do zem\u011b, ale objevuj\u00ed se spekulace, \u017ee Kambod\u017ea mu m\u016f\u017ee jednodu\u0161e zak\u00e1zat vstup do zem\u011b, co\u017e by mu dokonce mohlo zabr\u00e1nit v\u016fbec nastoupit do letadla, pokud by leteck\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti byly \u00fa\u0159edn\u011b informov\u00e1ny o takov\u00e9m z\u00e1kazu. Sousedn\u00ed zem\u011b pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b tak\u00e9 neumo\u017en\u00ed Rainsyho vstup ze sv\u00fdch \u00fazem\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "However, the government has stepped up arrests of his supporters and there are reports of recent physical attacks on opposition organizers.\n", "cs": "Vl\u00e1da v\u0161ak nechala zatknout v\u00edce jeho p\u0159\u00edznivc\u016f a koluj\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy o fyzick\u00fdch \u00fatoc\u00edch na \u010dleny opozice v posledn\u00ed dob\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "Sam Rainsy went into exile in late 2015 to avoid a two-year prison sentence on charges of criminal defamation. Other legal cases have since been lodged against him by the government.\n", "cs": "Sam Rainsy ode\u0161el na konci roku 2015 do exilu, aby se vyhnul dvoulet\u00e9mu trestu odn\u011bt\u00ed svobody za obvin\u011bn\u00ed ze \u0161\u00ed\u0159en\u00ed pomluv. Vl\u00e1da proti n\u011bmu od t\u00e9 doby podala dal\u0161\u00ed trestn\u00ed obvin\u011bn\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "Other top party members fled into exile during a late 2017 crackdown on all opposition to Hun Sen, which included the arrest of the party's co-founder, Kem Sokha. He was charged with treason, based on his links to a U.S. pro-democracy organization, and is under strict house arrest.\n", "cs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed vysoc\u00ed \u010dlenov\u00e9 strany uprchli do exilu koncem roku 2017 b\u011bhem vl\u00e1dn\u00edho z\u00e1sahu proti ve\u0161ker\u00e9 opozici proti Hun Senovi, kdy do\u0161lo k zat\u010den\u00ed spoluzakladatele strany Kem Sokhyho. Byl obvin\u011bn z vlastizrady na z\u00e1klad\u011b sv\u00fdch kontakt\u016f s americkou prodemokratickou organizac\u00ed a je v p\u0159\u00edsn\u00e9m dom\u00e1c\u00edm v\u011bzen\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "This year's Turner Prize-shortlisted pieces will be on display in Margate from tomorrow, with Brexit on the agenda.\n", "cs": "Leto\u0161n\u00ed u\u017e\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdb\u011br v\u00fdtvarn\u00fdch d\u011bl ocen\u011bn\u00fdch Turnerovou cenou bude od z\u00edt\u0159ka vystaven\u00fd v Margate a na po\u0159adu bude Brexit.\n"}
{"en": "Colombian artist Oscar Murillo's work \"surge (social cataracts) \" depicts people staring out to the North Sea, but with their view of the water and the European continent on the other side of it obscured by a dark canvas, with only a sliver of what lies beyond revealed through a slash in the canvas.\n", "cs": "Kolumbijsk\u00fd um\u011blec Oscar Murillo v d\u00edle \u201eP\u0159ep\u011bt\u00ed (soci\u00e1ln\u00ed katarakty)\u201c zobrazuje lidsk\u00e9 postavy hled\u00edc\u00ed ven na Severn\u00ed mo\u0159e, ale s pohledem na vodu a evropsk\u00fd kontinent na druh\u00e9 stran\u011b mo\u0159e zakryt\u00e9 tmav\u00fdm pl\u00e1tnem, jen s mal\u00fdm n\u00e1znakem toho, co le\u017e\u00ed za poodkryt\u00fdm pruhem pl\u00e1tna.\n"}
{"en": "The work is one of four shortlisted entries to the prestigious and often contentious annual art prize, founded in 1984 and given to an artist residing in Britain or British-born but living elsewhere.\n", "cs": "D\u00edlo je jedn\u00edm ze \u010dty\u0159 vybran\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvk\u016f na presti\u017en\u00ed a \u010dasto spornou v\u00fdro\u010dn\u00ed v\u00fdtvarnou cenu, kter\u00e1 byla zalo\u017eena v roce 1984 a je ud\u011blov\u00e1na um\u011blc\u016fm z Brit\u00e1nie nebo um\u011blc\u016fm, kte\u0159\u00ed se v Brit\u00e1nii narodili, ale \u017eij\u00ed v zahrani\u010d\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "Curator Fiona Parry explains that Murillo's work focuses on the current political and socio-economic situation in the UK. The group of papier-m\u00e2ch\u00e9 figures represent a globalised workforce, while the black cloth represents the \"darkness of the contemporary moment in the UK and globally.\"\n", "cs": "Kur\u00e1torka Fiona Parryov\u00e1 vysv\u011btluje, \u017ee Murillova pr\u00e1ce se zam\u011b\u0159uje na sou\u010dasnou politickou a soci\u00e1ln\u011b-ekonomickou situaci ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nii. Skupina figur vyroben\u00fdch z pap\u00edrov\u00e9 drti p\u0159edstavuje globalizovanou pracovn\u00ed s\u00edlu, zat\u00edmco \u010dern\u00e1 l\u00e1tka symbolizuje \u201etemnotu soudob\u00e9ho okam\u017eiku ve Spojen\u00e9m kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed i v cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "She added: \"I think it's a broader idea of blocking the view, the outward-looking view, to anywhere really. And that gesture of blocking the light. But I guess there is still this sort of glimmer of hope, there is a slash in the canvas, and you can just see the sea on the horizon.\"\n", "cs": "Dodala: \u201eMysl\u00edm, \u017ee se jedn\u00e1 o \u0161ir\u0161\u00ed my\u0161lenku br\u00e1n\u011bn\u00ed ve v\u00fdhledu, pohledu na zevn\u011bj\u0161ek, opravdov\u00e9ho pohledu kamkoli. A to gesto blokov\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u011btla. Ale mysl\u00edm, \u017ee zde st\u00e1le existuje z\u00e1blesk nad\u011bje, pl\u00e1tno je poodkryt\u00e9, a na obzoru vid\u00edte jen mo\u0159e.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Helen Cammock's video piece A Long Note, meanwhile, examines the overlooked role of women in the civil rights movement in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland that began in 1968. The work also connects to broader global class, race and gender struggles during the late 1960s.\n", "cs": "Videoklip Helen Cammockov\u00e9 A Long Note zase zkoum\u00e1 p\u0159ehl\u00ed\u017eenou roli \u017een v hnut\u00ed za ob\u010dansk\u00e1 pr\u00e1va v Derry/Londonderry v Severn\u00edm Irsku, kter\u00e9 za\u010dalo v roce 1968. D\u00edlo navazuje na \u0161ir\u0161\u00ed glob\u00e1ln\u00ed t\u0159\u00eddn\u00ed, rasov\u00e9 a genderov\u00e9 boje na konci 60. let.\n"}
{"en": "All works will be exhibited at Margate's Turner Contemporary gallery, from 28 September to 12 January 2020, and the winner of the Turner Prize 2019 will be announced at a ceremony on 3 December.\n", "cs": "V\u0161echna d\u00edla budou vystavena v Turnerov\u011b galerii sou\u010dasn\u00e9ho um\u011bn\u00ed v Margate od 28. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed do 12. ledna 2020 a v\u00fdherce ceny Turner 2019 bude vyhl\u00e1\u0161en na slavnostn\u00edm ceremoni\u00e1lu 3. prosince.\n"}
{"en": "Named after 19th-century landscape painter JMW Turner, the award made stars of Grayson Perry, Damien Hirst and 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen.\n", "cs": "Cena byla pojmenov\u00e1na po mal\u00ed\u0159i krajin JMW Turnerovi, kter\u00fd \u017eil v 19. stolet\u00ed, a d\u00edky n\u00ed se proslavili Grayson Perry, Damien Hirst nebo re\u017eis\u00e9r filmu 12 let v \u0159et\u011bzech Steve McQueen.\n"}
{"en": "Man pleads guilty in kidnap, torture plot of plastic surgeon\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e p\u0159iznal vinu v p\u0159\u00edpadu \u00fanosu a mu\u010den\u00ed plastick\u00e9ho chirurga\n"}
{"en": "A Florida man has pleaded guilty to kidnapping a plastic surgeon who was tortured with a blowtorch in an extortion attempt.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e z Floridy se p\u0159iznal, \u017ee unesl plastick\u00e9ho chirurga a p\u0159i pokusu o vyd\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed ho mu\u010dil letlampou.\n"}
{"en": "The Sun Sentinel reports 34-year-old Justin Boccio pleaded guilty Thursday to kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping in the January attack on the surgeon, who hasn't been publicly identified.\n", "cs": "Noviny Sun Sentinel informovaly o 34let\u00e9m Justinovi Bocciovi, kter\u00fd se ve \u010dtvrtek p\u0159iznal k lednov\u00e9mu \u00fanosu a spiknut\u00ed p\u0159i \u00fatoku na chirurga, kter\u00fd z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 v anonymit\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "Boccio's attorney, Kenneth Lange, said his client was convinced to take part in the scheme by co-defendant, Serge Nkorina, who's being extradited from Tenerife, Spain.\n", "cs": "Bocci\u016fv advok\u00e1t Kenneth Lange uvedl, \u017ee jeho klienta k \u00fa\u010dasti na komplotu p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010dil spoluob\u017ealovan\u00fd mu\u017e Serge Nkorin, kter\u00e9ho pr\u00e1v\u011b vyd\u00e1v\u00e1 k trestn\u00edmu st\u00edh\u00e1n\u00ed \u0161pan\u011blsk\u00e9 Tenerife.\n"}
{"en": "Court documents say the surgeon was leaving a Walmart store when he was confronted by an armed man and shoved into a van. They say he was tortured for hours before being returned to his car while unconscious. Surveillance video supports the chain of events. Investigators say Nkorina's wife was a client of the surgeon.\n", "cs": "Podle soudn\u00edch spis\u016f byl chirurg zrovna na odchodu z obchodn\u00edho centra Walmart, kdy\u017e jej konfrontoval ozbrojen\u00fd mu\u017e a str\u010dil do dod\u00e1vky. \u00dadajn\u011b byl podroben mu\u010den\u00ed cel\u00e9 hodiny, ne\u017e byl v bezv\u011bdom\u00ed vr\u00e1cen do sv\u00e9ho auta. D\u016fkazn\u00ed video potvrzuje sled t\u011bchto ud\u00e1lost\u00ed. Podle vy\u0161et\u0159ovatel\u016f byla Nkorinova man\u017eelka chirurgovou klientkou.\n"}
{"en": "UK parliament rejects second bid for early election\n", "cs": "Britsk\u00fd parlament zam\u00edtl druh\u00fd n\u00e1vrh na vyps\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ed\u010dasn\u00fdch voleb\n"}
{"en": "Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been dealt another blow in his push for an early election in the United Kingdom.\n", "cs": "P\u0159edseda vl\u00e1dy Boris Johnson dostal dal\u0161\u00ed \u00fader ve sv\u00e9m \u00fasil\u00ed prosadit p\u0159ed\u010dasn\u00e9 volby ve Spojen\u00e9m kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The House of Commons speaker says under current rules it will not be possible to go to the polls before October 31 - the day Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union.\n", "cs": "P\u0159edseda Doln\u00ed komory parlamentu prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee podle sou\u010dasn\u00fdch pravidel nen\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9 k volebn\u00edm urn\u00e1m p\u0159istoupit d\u0159\u00edve ne\u017e 31. \u0159\u00edjna \u2013 v den, kdy m\u00e1 Brit\u00e1nie odej\u00edt z Evropsk\u00e9 unie.\n"}
{"en": "Parliament has met for the second day since the Supreme Court ruled its suspension as unlawful.\n", "cs": "Parlament se setkal n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed den po rozhodnut\u00ed Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edho soudu, \u017ee vynucen\u00e1 p\u0159est\u00e1vka v jeho zased\u00e1n\u00ed je nez\u00e1konn\u00e1.\n"}
{"en": "Meanwhile, the EU's lead negotiator, Michael Barnier, says the bloc is still waiting for new plans from the UK.\n", "cs": "Mezit\u00edm hlavn\u00ed brexitov\u00fd vyjednava\u010d EU Michael Barnier \u0159ekl, \u017ee unijn\u00ed blok st\u00e1le \u010dek\u00e1 na nov\u00e9 n\u00e1vrhy ze strany Spojen\u00e9ho kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "US sends troops, air defense systems to Saudi Arabia to deter Iran attacks\n", "cs": "USA pos\u00edlaj\u00ed do Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bie vojensk\u00e9 jednotky, syst\u00e9my protivzdu\u0161n\u00e9 obrany, aby odrazily \u00fatoky \u00cdr\u00e1nu\n"}
{"en": "The U.S. is sending a Patriot missile battery, four ground-based radar systems, and 200 support troops to Saudi Arabia to deter Iran's increasingly aggressive behavior, officials announced Thursday.\n", "cs": "USA pos\u00edlaj\u00ed do Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bie raketovou baterii Patriot, \u010dty\u0159i pozemn\u00ed radarov\u00e9 syst\u00e9my a 200 podp\u016frn\u00fdch vojensk\u00fdch jednotek, aby se br\u00e1nily proti st\u00e1le agresivn\u011bj\u0161\u00edmu chov\u00e1n\u00ed \u00cdr\u00e1nu, ozn\u00e1mily ve \u010dtvrtek \u00fa\u0159ady.\n"}
{"en": "A THAAD missile defense system and two additional Patriot missile batteries are prepared to go if needed, the Pentagon said.\n", "cs": "Raketov\u00fd obrann\u00fd syst\u00e9m THAAD a dal\u0161\u00ed dv\u011b raketov\u00e9 baterie Patriot jsou v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b pot\u0159eby p\u0159ipraveny, \u0159ekl Pentagon.\n"}
{"en": "\"Other countries have called out Iranian misadventures in the region, and we look for them to contribute assets in an international effort to reinforce Saudi Arabia's defense,\" Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said.\n", "cs": "\u201eDal\u0161\u00ed zem\u011b vyzvaly \u00cdr\u00e1n, aby upustil od n\u00e1siln\u00e9ho chov\u00e1n\u00ed v tomto regionu, a my se sna\u017e\u00edme, aby se aktivn\u011b zapojily do mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed snahy o pos\u00edlen\u00ed obrany Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bie,\u201c \u0159ekl mluv\u010d\u00ed Pentagonu Jonathan Hoffman.\n"}
{"en": "Last week, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said more troops would deploy to the Middle East as a \"defensive\" measure to help protect against attacks from Iran.\n", "cs": "Americk\u00fd ministr obrany Mark Esper minul\u00fd t\u00fdden uvedl, \u017ee dal\u0161\u00ed jednotky budou nasazeny na Bl\u00edzk\u00fd v\u00fdchod jako \u201eobrann\u00e9\u201c opat\u0159en\u00ed na ochranu p\u0159ed \u00fatoky ze strany \u00cdr\u00e1nu.\n"}
{"en": "Esper said the deployment was a first step toward addressing Iran's increasingly violent acts in the region -- including this month's drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- and he called on other nations to step up and condemn the attacks.\n", "cs": "Esper \u0159ekl, \u017ee rozm\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed jednotek bylo prvn\u00edm krokem k \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed st\u00e1le agresivn\u011bj\u0161\u00edho chov\u00e1n\u00ed \u00cdr\u00e1nu v dan\u00e9m regionu \u2013 v\u010detn\u011b \u00fatoku dron\u016f na sa\u00fadskoarabsk\u00e1 ropn\u00e1 za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed tento m\u011bs\u00edc \u2013 a vyzval dal\u0161\u00ed zem\u011b, aby rychle jednaly a odsoudily tyto \u00fatoky.\n"}
{"en": "Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed responsibility for the Sept. 14 attack on the world's largest oil processing plant and a major oil field, but the U.S. and Saudi Arabia blamed Iran directly. Iran has denied involvement in the attack.\n", "cs": "\u00cdr\u00e1nem podporovan\u00ed Houthi rebelov\u00e9 v Jemenu se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sili k odpov\u011bdnosti za \u00fatok ze 14. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed na nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 ropn\u00e9 za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed a hlavn\u00ed ropn\u00e9 pole, ale USA a Sa\u00fadsk\u00e1 Ar\u00e1bie obvi\u0148uj\u00ed p\u0159\u00edmo Ir\u00e1n. \u00cdr\u00e1n odm\u00edtl, \u017ee se na \u00fatoku pod\u00edlel.\n"}
{"en": "\"It is clear [...] that the weapons used were Iranian-produced and were not launched from Yemen,\" Esper said Friday, noting that all signs indicate \"Iran was responsible for the attack.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eJe jasn\u00e9 [...], \u017ee zbran\u011b pou\u017eit\u00e9 p\u0159i \u00fatoku byly vyroben\u00e9 v \u00cdr\u00e1nu a nebyly vypu\u0161t\u011bn\u00e9 z Jemenu,\u201c \u0159ekl Esper v p\u00e1tek a poznamenal, \u017ee v\u0161echny indicie nazna\u010duj\u00ed, \u017ee za \u00fatok byl zodpov\u011bdn\u00fd \u00cdr\u00e1n.\n"}
{"en": "The purpose of deploying troops and resources is to \"send a clear message that the United States supports our partners\" and provide a \"free flow of resources,\" Esper said.\n", "cs": "\u00da\u010delem rozm\u00eds\u0165ov\u00e1n\u00ed vojensk\u00fdch sil a zdroj\u016f je \u201evysl\u00e1n\u00ed jasn\u00e9ho sign\u00e1lu, \u017ee Spojen\u00e9 st\u00e1ty podporuj\u00ed sv\u00e9 mocensk\u00e9 partnery\u201c a poskytnut\u00ed \u201evoln\u00e9ho toku zdroj\u016f\u201c, uvedl Esper.\n"}
{"en": "The U.S. calls on other countries to also \"stand up and condemn the attacks,\" as well as contribute capabilities, the secretary said.\n", "cs": "USA vyz\u00fdvaj\u00ed dal\u0161\u00ed zem\u011b, aby \u201erychle jednaly a odsoudily tyto \u00fatoky\u201c, a aby tak\u00e9 p\u0159isp\u011bly sv\u00fdm vojensk\u00fdm potenci\u00e1lem, \u0159ekl ministr.\n"}
{"en": "Meghan Markle was 'never asked' about Suits cameo\n", "cs": "Meghan Markleovou \u201enikdo nepo\u017e\u00e1dal\u201c o znovu \u00fa\u010dinkov\u00e1n\u00ed v seri\u00e1lu Krava\u0165\u00e1ci\n"}
{"en": "The creator of Suits, Aaron Korsh, has said he \"never asked\" Britain's Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, to reprise her role as Rachel Zane for a cameo in the show's last-ever episode.\n", "cs": "Tv\u016frce Krava\u0165\u00e1k\u016f, Aaron Korsh, prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee \u201enikdy nepo\u017e\u00e1dal\u201c britskou v\u00e9vodkyni ze Sussexu, Meghan Markleovou, aby zopakovala svou roli Rachel Zaneov\u00e9 v posledn\u00ed epizod\u011b seri\u00e1lu.\n"}
{"en": "In an interview with following the airing of Suits' finale in the US, Korsh was asked if there was \"any possibility\" of the former actress being asked \"to do even a small cameo.\"\n", "cs": "V rozhovoru s po odvys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9ho d\u00edlu Krava\u0165\u00e1k\u016f v USA byl Korsh dot\u00e1z\u00e1n, zda existuje \u201emo\u017enost\u201c, \u017ee b\u00fdval\u00e1 here\u010dka bude po\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1na o \u201eztv\u00e1rn\u011bn\u00ed alespo\u0148 n\u011bjak\u00e9ho kr\u00e1tk\u00e9ho \u00fa\u010dinkov\u00e1n\u00ed\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "\"Now that we already did it, I will tell you,\" Korsh replied.\n", "cs": "\u201eTe\u010f, kdy\u017e k tomu do\u0161lo, v\u00e1m to pov\u00edm,\u201c odpov\u011bd\u011bl Korsh.\n"}
{"en": "\"I thought about asking, and I thought about even using audio footage - that we have to come up with something - and in the end I didn't ask, and I just thought, 'I'm going to respect her new life and not put her in the position of having to ask'.\n", "cs": "\u201eP\u0159em\u00fd\u0161lel jsem, \u017ee se j\u00ed zept\u00e1m, a zva\u017eoval jsem pou\u017eit zvukov\u00e9 nahr\u00e1vky \u2013 \u017ee n\u011bco vymysl\u00edme \u2013 a nakonec jsem se nezeptal a jen jsem si myslel:\u201c Budu respektovat jej\u00ed nov\u00fd \u017eivot a nep\u0159ivedu ji do situace, kdy se j\u00ed budu muset zeptat\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "\"We decided not to put her in that position so I never asked.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eRozhodli jsme se, \u017ee ji do takov\u00e9 situace nep\u0159ivedeme, tak\u017ee jsem se j\u00ed nikdy nezeptal.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "The Duchess of Sussex appeared in archive Suits footage during the finale's montage.\n", "cs": "V\u00e9vodkyn\u011b ze Sussexu se objevila v z\u00e1b\u011brech Krava\u0165\u00e1k\u016f b\u011bhem fin\u00e1ln\u00edho sest\u0159ihu.\n"}
{"en": "She starred as Rachel Zane in the New York-set legal drama from 2011 until her final episode aired last year.\n", "cs": "Hr\u00e1la Rachel Zaneovou v pr\u00e1vn\u00edm dramatu odehr\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00edm se v New Yorku od roku 2011 do posledn\u00edho d\u00edlu, v n\u011bm\u017e se objevila, odvys\u00edlan\u00e9ho minul\u00fd rok.\n"}
{"en": "In the final series, Rachel's onscreen husband Mike Ross, played by Patrick J Adams, paid a visit from Seattle and was asked how Rachel was getting on.\n", "cs": "V z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9 \u0159ad\u011b Rachelin televizn\u00ed man\u017eel Mike Ross, kter\u00e9ho hr\u00e1l Patrick J. Adams, p\u0159ijme n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvu ze Seattlu a je dot\u00e1z\u00e1n, jak se Rachel da\u0159\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "\"If I told you how good, you probably wouldn't believe me,\" he replied.\n", "cs": "\u201eKdybych v\u00e1m \u0159ekl, jak dob\u0159e, pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b byste mi nev\u011b\u0159ili,\u201c odpov\u011bd\u011bl.\n"}
{"en": "Pit bull dies of snake bites while protecting Florida boys\n", "cs": "Pitbul zem\u0159el po had\u00edm u\u0161tknut\u00ed, kdy\u017e br\u00e1nil chlapce na Florid\u011b\n"}
{"en": "A man in Florida says his family's 8-month-old pit bull Zeus died of snake bites as it was trying to protect his sons.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e z Floridy uvedl, \u017ee pes pat\u0159\u00edc\u00ed jeho rodin\u011b, osmim\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed pitbul jm\u00e9nem Zeus, zem\u0159el na n\u00e1sledky had\u00edho u\u0161tknut\u00ed, kdy\u017e se pokou\u0161el chr\u00e1nit mu\u017eovi syny.\n"}
{"en": "Gary Richardson told WOFL-TV the boys were outside the family's home in Sumter County, Florida, on Monday, cleaning Zeus' water dish when the venomous coral snake slithered toward them. Richardson says the children didn't see the snake but the dog did and attacked it.\n", "cs": "Gary Richardson \u0159ekl televizi WOFL, \u017ee chlapci se nach\u00e1zeli v pond\u011bl\u00ed p\u0159ed rodinn\u00fdm domem v Sumter County na Florid\u011b a \u010distili Zeusovu misku na vodu, kdy\u017e se k nim p\u0159iplazil jedovat\u00fd kor\u00e1lovec. Richardson \u0159ekl, \u017ee d\u011bti hada nevid\u011bli, ale pes ho zaregistroval a za\u00fato\u010dil na n\u011bj.\n"}
{"en": "Richardson says the snake bit Zeus four times. The dog was rushed to a veterinarian but he died a day after the attack.\n", "cs": "Podle Richardsona had u\u0161tknul Zeuse celkem \u010dty\u0159ikr\u00e1t. Rodina urychlen\u011b odvezla psa k veterin\u00e1\u0159i, av\u0161ak zem\u0159el druh\u00fd den po \u00fatoku.\n"}
{"en": "Germany reports landmark case of West Nile virus\n", "cs": "N\u011bmecko ohl\u00e1silo prvn\u00ed v\u00fdskyt z\u00e1padonilsk\u00e9 hore\u010dky\n"}
{"en": "Authorities are reporting the first known human case of West Nile virus transmitted by mosquitoes in Germany, a development apparently hastened by climate change.\n", "cs": "N\u011bmeck\u00e9 \u00fa\u0159ady informovaly o prvn\u00edm zn\u00e1m\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edpadu v\u00fdskytu z\u00e1padonilsk\u00e9 hore\u010dky p\u0159en\u00e1\u0161en\u00e9 kom\u00e1ry na \u010dlov\u011bka, co\u017e je jev zjevn\u011b urychlen\u00fd klimatick\u00fdmi zm\u011bnami.\n"}
{"en": "The national disease control and tropical medicine centers said Friday the person developed encephalitis but recovered after hospital treatment.\n", "cs": "N\u00e1rodn\u00ed centra pro kontrolu nemoc\u00ed a tropickou medic\u00ednu v p\u00e1tek uvedla, \u017ee se u dan\u00e9 osoby rozvinula encefalitida, nicm\u00e9n\u011b po hospitalizaci v nemocnici se pacient zcela zotavil.\n"}
{"en": "The virus originated in Africa but has been spread northward by migratory birds and mosquitoes. There have been several outbreaks in southern and central Europe in recent years. It is found in much of the U.S.\n", "cs": "Virus vznikl v Africe, ale byl zavle\u010den na severn\u00ed polokouli prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm st\u011bhovav\u00fdch pt\u00e1k\u016f a kom\u00e1r\u016f. V ji\u017en\u00ed a st\u0159edn\u00ed Evrop\u011b se objevilo v posledn\u00edch letech n\u011bkolik ohnisek n\u00e1kazy. Virus se vyskytuje tak\u00e9 na v\u011bt\u0161in\u011b \u00fazem\u00ed USA.\n"}
{"en": "Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit of Germany's Bernhard Nocht Institute tropical medicine center said that \"the unusually warm summers of the last two years, triggered by climate change, apparently have contributed to WNV establishing itself north of the Alps.\"\n", "cs": "Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit z n\u011bmeck\u00e9ho \u00dastavu tropick\u00e9 medic\u00edny Bernharda Nochta prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee \u201enezvykle tepl\u00e1 l\u00e9ta v posledn\u00edch dvou letech, vyvolan\u00e1 zm\u011bnami klimatu, zjevn\u011b p\u0159isp\u011bla k tomu, \u017ee se z\u00e1padonilsk\u00e1 hore\u010dka etablovala severn\u011b od Alp.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "The virus causes dangerous meningitis or encephalitis in less than 1% of those infected.\n", "cs": "Virus zp\u016fsobuje nebezpe\u010dnou meningitidu \u010di encefalitidu u m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e 1% infikovan\u00fdch osob.\n"}
{"en": "Men undergoing surgery for prostate cancer fare as well without radiotherapy\n", "cs": "Mu\u017ei, kte\u0159\u00ed trp\u00ed rakovinou prostaty a jdou na operaci, nemusej\u00ed podstoupit radioterapii\n"}
{"en": "Men undergoing surgery for prostate cancer fare just as well without radiotherapy, a major study has found.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017ei, kte\u0159\u00ed trp\u00ed rakovinou prostaty a jdou na operaci, nemusej\u00ed podstoupit radioterapii, zjistila studie.\n"}
{"en": "The findings, from the the largest ever trial examining those having surgery for the disease, could spare thousands from gruelling treatment which can have distressing side-effects.\n", "cs": "V\u00fdsledky nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edho v\u00fdzkumu, kter\u00fd se zam\u011b\u0159il na pacienty s pl\u00e1novan\u00fdm chirurgick\u00fdm z\u00e1krokem u t\u00e9to nemoci, by mohly u\u0161et\u0159it tis\u00edc\u016fm pacient\u016f vy\u010derp\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed l\u00e9\u010dbu, kter\u00e1 m\u016f\u017ee m\u00edt i nep\u0159\u00edjemn\u00e9 vedlej\u0161\u00ed \u00fa\u010dinky.\n"}
{"en": "The Royal Marsden study involved 1,400 men being treated for prostate cancer.\n", "cs": "Studie nemocni\u010dn\u00edho za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed Royal Marsden zkoumala celkem 1 400 mu\u017e\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed se l\u00e9\u010dili s rakovinou prostaty.\n"}
{"en": "Half were given immediate radiotherapy, which until now has been standard treatment to prevent the return of disease. The rest were monitored and only given radiotherapy if there were signs that disease had returned.\n", "cs": "Polovina z nich ihned po operaci absolvovala radioterapii, kter\u00e1 dosud byla standardn\u00edm zp\u016fsobem l\u00e9\u010dby, aby se zabr\u00e1nilo n\u00e1vratu nemoci. Zbytek byl monitorov\u00e1n a radioterapie byla naordinov\u00e1na pouze tehdy, kdy\u017e se objevily zn\u00e1mky vracej\u00edc\u00ed se nemoci.\n"}
{"en": "Scientists found that five years later, there was almost no difference in disease recurrence between the two groups, with those who did not have treatment faring slightly better.\n", "cs": "V\u011bdci zjistili, \u017ee o p\u011bt let pozd\u011bji nebyl mezi ob\u011bma skupinami t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd rozd\u00edl co se t\u00fd\u010de recidivy onemocn\u011bn\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b mu\u017e\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed nem\u011bli lep\u0161\u00ed l\u00e9\u010dbu.\n"}
{"en": "Progression free survival was 85 per cent in the radiotherapy group and 88 per cent in the standard care group.\n", "cs": "Vyl\u00e9\u010den\u00fdch mu\u017e\u016f bez progrese, kte\u0159\u00ed podstoupili radioterapii, bylo 85 %, zat\u00edmco 88 % tvo\u0159ili pacienti se standardn\u00ed p\u00e9\u010d\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "There was a difference of around 1 per cent between the groups, after data was adjusted to take account of other factors.\n", "cs": "Po \u00faprav\u011b dat tak, aby byly zohledn\u011bny i dal\u0161\u00ed faktory, z\u016fstal mezi skupinami rozd\u00edl p\u0159ibli\u017en\u011b 1 %.\n"}
{"en": "The study, funded by Cancer Research UK, found those who had radiotherapy were twice as likely to suffer a worsening of urinary incontinence, one of the main side effects of prostate cancer treatment.\n", "cs": "Studie, financovan\u00e1 organizac\u00ed Cancer Research UK, zjistila, \u017ee u mu\u017e\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed podstoupili radioterapii, byla dvakr\u00e1t vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost zhor\u0161en\u00ed inkontinence mo\u010di, co\u017e je jeden z hlavn\u00edch vedlej\u0161\u00edch \u00fa\u010dink\u016f p\u0159i l\u00e9\u010db\u011b rakoviny prostaty.\n"}
{"en": "One year after surgery 5.3 per cent of patients receiving radiotherapy suffered a deterioration, compared to 2.7 per cent who had standard care.\n", "cs": "Jeden rok po operaci se u 5,3 % pacient\u016f s n\u00e1slednou radioterapi\u00ed zhor\u0161il zdravotn\u00ed stav ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed s 2,7 % pacient\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed m\u011bli standardn\u00ed p\u00e9\u010di.\n"}
{"en": "Seth Dunlap Louisiana: WWL Radio host threatening to sue over anti-gay tweet sent the tweet himself, station claims, similar to Jussie Smollett case\n", "cs": "Seth Dunlap, Louisiana: moder\u00e1tor americk\u00e9 rozhlasov\u00e9 stanice WWL, kter\u00fd vyhro\u017euje \u017ealobou kv\u016fli homofobn\u00edmu tweetu, je jeho vlastn\u00edm autorem, podobn\u011b jako v p\u0159\u00edpadu Jussie Smolletta, tvrd\u00ed WWL\n"}
{"en": "A radio host in New Orleans said he received an anti-gay slur, sent to him from the radio station's Twitter account. On Wednesday, WWL host Seth Dunlap, who is openly gay, said he planned to sue the station's parent company after working for years in a homophobic and hostile workplace. In a strange turn of events Thursday, the New Orleans Police Department said the homophobic tweet sent to Dunlap came from none other than Dunlap's phone.\n", "cs": "Moder\u00e1tor rozhlasov\u00e9 stanice v New Orleans \u0159ekl, \u017ee mu p\u0159i\u0161el ur\u00e1\u017eliv\u00fd koment\u00e1\u0159 zam\u011b\u0159en\u00fd proti homosexu\u00e1l\u016fm, kter\u00fd mu byl zasl\u00e1n z twitterov\u00e9ho \u00fa\u010dtu rozhlasov\u00e9 stanice WWL. Moder\u00e1tor Seth Dunlap, kter\u00fd se netaj\u00ed svou homosexu\u00e1ln\u00ed orientac\u00ed, ve st\u0159edu prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee po letech str\u00e1ven\u00fdch na homofobn\u00edm a nep\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e9m pracovi\u0161ti m\u00e1 v \u00famyslu \u017ealovat mate\u0159skou spole\u010dnost rozhlasov\u00e9 stanice. V r\u00e1mci podivn\u00e9ho zvratu ud\u00e1lost\u00ed policejn\u00ed odd\u011blen\u00ed v New Orleans ve \u010dtvrtek ozn\u00e1milo, \u017ee homofobn\u00ed tweet zaslan\u00fd Dunlapovi poch\u00e1zel p\u0159\u00edmo z jeho telefonu.\n"}
{"en": "The tweet in question was sent earlier this month and the day it was sent, Dunlap hosted his show as usual. But the next day, he announced a leave of absence, CBS affiliate WWL-TV reports.\n", "cs": "Tweet byl zasl\u00e1n na za\u010d\u00e1tku tohoto m\u011bs\u00edce a v den, kdy byl odesl\u00e1n, Dunlap jako obvykle moderoval svoji show. N\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho dne v\u0161ak ohl\u00e1sil slu\u017eebn\u00ed volno, uvedla televizn\u00ed stanice WWL, p\u0159idru\u017een\u00e1 divize spole\u010dnosti CBS.\n"}
{"en": "In a statement, Dunlap said 14 people had access WWL's Twitter account. He claimed he was not one of the people with access to the account.\n", "cs": "Dunlap ve sv\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed uvedl, \u017ee k \u00fa\u010dtu WWL na Twitteru m\u011blo p\u0159\u00edstup 14 lid\u00ed. Tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee nepat\u0159il k lidem, kte\u0159\u00ed m\u011bli k tomuto \u00fa\u010dtu p\u0159\u00edstup.\n"}
{"en": "However, he decided to take a polygraph test to dispel any speculation that he was the one who sent the tweet to himself, his lawyer Megan Kiefer, said. A lawsuit has not yet been filed on Dunlap's behalf, but he said in his statement that one would be coming, according to WWL-TV.\n", "cs": "Rozhodl se v\u0161ak podstoupit test na detektoru l\u017ei, aby vyvr\u00e1til v\u0161echny spekulace o tom, \u017ee poslal tweet s\u00e1m sob\u011b, \u0159ekla jeho pr\u00e1vni\u010dka Megan Kieferov\u00e1. Dunlap zat\u00edm \u017ealobu nepodal, ale podle WWL ve sv\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed zm\u00ednil, \u017ee ji v brzk\u00e9 dob\u011b p\u0159edlo\u017e\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "WWL Radio, which is a CBS News Radio affiliate but is owned by Entercom, said in a statement it had investigated the tweet and decided to refer the matter to law enforcement officials. \"WWL has completed its investigation into the highly offensive, unauthorized tweet sent from WWL's Twitter account on September 10, which directed a homophobic slur at Seth Dunlap,\" said WWL Radio in a statement.\n", "cs": "Stanice WWL, kter\u00e1 pat\u0159\u00ed pod rozhlasovou s\u00ed\u0165 CBS News Radio vlastn\u011bnou spole\u010dnost\u00ed Entercom, ve sv\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed uvedla, \u017ee nechala tweet podrobit zkoum\u00e1n\u00ed a rozhodla se postoupit z\u00e1le\u017eitost org\u00e1n\u016fm \u010dinn\u00fdm v trestn\u00edm \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed. \u201eSpole\u010dnost WWL uzav\u0159ela vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed velmi \u00fato\u010dn\u00e9ho, neopr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00e9ho tweetu zaslan\u00e9ho z twitterov\u00e9ho \u00fa\u010dtu WWL 10. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, a jeho\u017e obsahem byly homofobn\u00ed ur\u00e1\u017eky nam\u00ed\u0159en\u00e9 proti Sethu Dunlapovi,\u201c uvedla WWL.\n"}
{"en": "\"We determined that the most appropriate next step is to involve law enforcement. At this point, the investigation is in the hands of law enforcement and it is not appropriate for us to comment any further on the substance of our findings,\" the statement continue.\n", "cs": "\u201eJsme p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010deni, \u017ee dal\u0161\u00edm vhodn\u00fdm krokem bude zapojit org\u00e1ny \u010dinn\u00e9 v trestn\u00edm \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed. V tomto okam\u017eiku je vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed v jejich kompetenci a nen\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9, abychom se nad\u00e1le vyjad\u0159ovali k detail\u016fm na\u0161ich zji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed,\u201c stoj\u00ed d\u00e1le v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The New Orleans Police Department opened their investigation into the tweet and in a police report Thursday revealed a twist in the story: The homophobic slur was allegedly sent from Dunlap's personal cellphone.\n", "cs": "Policejn\u00ed odd\u011blen\u00ed v New Orleans zah\u00e1jilo vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed tweetu a jeho \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00ed zpr\u00e1va p\u0159inesla zvrat do cel\u00e9ho p\u0159\u00edpadu: homofobn\u00ed zpr\u00e1va byla \u00fadajn\u011b odesl\u00e1na z Dunlapova soukrom\u00e9ho mobiln\u00edho telefonu.\n"}
{"en": "Radio host Seth Dunlap claimed he worked in a homophobic and hostile workplace for years. After allegedly receiving a tweet with an anti-gay slur from the radio station's Twitter, he threatened to sue.\n", "cs": "Moder\u00e1tor Seth Dunlap prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee l\u00e9ta pracoval na homofobn\u00edm a nep\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e9m pracovi\u0161ti. Pot\u00e9, co \u00fadajn\u011b obdr\u017eel tweet s ur\u00e1\u017eliv\u00fdmi koment\u00e1\u0159i proti homsexu\u00e1l\u016fm z Twitteru rozhlasov\u00e9 stanice, pohrozil \u017ealobou.\n"}
{"en": "WWL accused Dunlap of threatening the station for money, reports. WWL alleged the 35-year-old radio host said he would \"scorch the earth\" over the tweet and then demanded over $1.8 million in compensation. According to a police report obtained by, WWL said Dunlap made this threat when he was facing personal financial issues.\n", "cs": "WWL obvinila Dunlapa z vyhro\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed za \u00fa\u010delem z\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00ed pen\u011bz, ozn\u00e1mil web WWL tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee t\u0159icetilet\u00fd rozhlasov\u00fd moder\u00e1tor \u0159ekl, \u017ee pou\u017eije prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm tweetu \u201etaktiku sp\u00e1len\u00e9 zem\u011b\u201c a bude po\u017eadovat kompenzaci p\u0159es 1,8 milionu dolar\u016f. Podle policejn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy, kterou web obdr\u017eel, WWL \u0159ekla, \u017ee Dunlap p\u0159i\u0161el s touto v\u00fdhr\u016f\u017ekou, kdy\u017e \u010delil osobn\u00edm finan\u010dn\u00edm probl\u00e9m\u016fm.\n"}
{"en": "The allegations were made by WWL's senior vice president Kevin Cassidy and attorneys for the parent company, Entercom. The police department is still working to corroborate the allegations, but have classified the case as possible extortion. In the state of Louisiana, extortion is defined as \"the communication of threats to another with the intention (to) obtain anything of value.\"\n", "cs": "Obvin\u011bn\u00ed vznesli nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed m\u00edstop\u0159edseda WWL Kevin Cassidy a pr\u00e1vn\u00edci mate\u0159sk\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti Entercom. Policejn\u00ed odd\u011blen\u00ed st\u00e1le pracuje na prok\u00e1z\u00e1n\u00ed v\u0161ech obvin\u011bn\u00ed, ale nevylou\u010dilo ani mo\u017enost trestn\u00e9ho \u010dinu vyd\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed. Ve st\u00e1t\u011b Louisiana je vyd\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed definov\u00e1no jako \u201evyhro\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed jin\u00e9mu \u010dlov\u011bku s \u00famyslem (z\u00edskat) n\u011bco hodnotn\u00e9ho\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "Viola Davis discusses playing Michelle Obama in 'First Ladies'\n", "cs": "Viola Davisov\u00e1 diskutovala o ztv\u00e1rn\u011bn\u00ed Michelle Obamov\u00e9 v seri\u00e1lu \u201eFirst Ladies\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Viola Davis says she's \"terrified\" to portray Michelle Obama in a new TV series.\n", "cs": "Viola Davisov\u00e1 \u0159ekla, \u017ee \u201ese boj\u00ed\u201c, a\u017e bude hr\u00e1t Michelle Obamovou v nov\u00e9m televizn\u00edm seri\u00e1lu.\n"}
{"en": "The 54-year-old actress discussed playing Obama in the Showtime series First Ladies during Thursday's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!\n", "cs": "54tilet\u00e1 here\u010dka b\u011bhem \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00ed epizody talkshow Jimmy Kimmel Live diskutovala o ztv\u00e1rn\u011bn\u00ed Obamov\u00e9 v seri\u00e1lu TV Showtime \u201eFirst Ladies\u201c!\n"}
{"en": "Davis said she's met Obama but has no idea if the former first lady knows about her taking on the role.\n", "cs": "Davisov\u00e1 \u0159ekla, \u017ee se setkala s Obamovou, ale nem\u00e1 tu\u0161en\u00ed, jestli b\u00fdval\u00e1 prvn\u00ed d\u00e1ma v\u00ed, \u017ee se here\u010dka ujala t\u00e9to role.\n"}
{"en": "\"I'm terrified. I'm absolutely terrified,\" Davis said. \"I don't care what else I've done in my life -- I've won an Emmy, I've won an Oscar, two Tonys -- but if I mess this up, this is going to be a defining moment in my life.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eM\u00e1m strach. Jsem naprosto vyd\u011b\u0161en\u00e1,\u201c \u0159ekla Davisov\u00e1. \u201eJe mi jedno, co dal\u0161\u00edho jsem v \u017eivot\u011b ud\u011blala \u2013 vyhr\u00e1la jsem Emmy, Oscara, dv\u011b ceny Tony \u2013 ale kdy\u017e to zmast\u00edm, bude to rozhoduj\u00edc\u00ed okam\u017eik v m\u00e9m \u017eivot\u011b.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "\"It's like, 'You raised a great kid, but you messed up Michelle Obama,'\" she jokingly added.\n", "cs": "\u201eJe to jako by mi n\u011bkdo \u0159ekl: \u201aVychovala jsi b\u00e1je\u010dn\u00e9 d\u00edt\u011b, ale zkazila jsi Michelle Obamovou,\u2018\u201c dodala v \u017eertu.\n"}
{"en": "Davis said, however, that she's confident about the script, written by author Aaron Cooley. Davis and Cooley will also executive produce the show.\n", "cs": "Davisov\u00e1 v\u0161ak uvedla, \u017ee si je jist\u00e1 sc\u00e9n\u00e1\u0159em, jeho\u017e autorem je Aaron Cooley. Davisov\u00e1 a Cooley budou tak\u00e9 producenty seri\u00e1lu.\n"}
{"en": "\"It's going to be a great script, I promise,\" Davis said. \"Listen, I don't want to make my people mad.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eBude to skv\u011bl\u00fd sc\u00e9n\u00e1\u0159, slibuji,\u201c \u0159ekla Davisov\u00e1. \u201ePoslouchejte, nechci sv\u016fj n\u00e1rod na\u0161tvat.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "First Ladies will explore the political and personal lives of first ladies throughout U.S. history. The first season will focus on Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt and Betty Ford.\n", "cs": "First Ladies se zam\u011b\u0159uje na politick\u00fd a osobn\u00ed \u017eivot prvn\u00edch d\u00e1m v cel\u00e9 historii USA. Prvn\u00ed sez\u00f3na se bude zab\u00fdvat Obamovou, Eleanorou Rooseveltovou a Betty Fordovou.\n"}
{"en": "In addition to First Ladies, Davis will reunite with Denzel Washington, her Antwone Fisher and Fences co-star, in a Netflix adaptation of Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.\n", "cs": "Krom\u011b toho, ve \u201eFirst Ladies\u201c se Davisov\u00e1 znovu setk\u00e1 s Denzelem Washingtonem, hv\u011bzdou P\u0159\u00edb\u011bhu Antwona Fishera a filmu Ploty, v adaptaci hry Ma Rainey's Black Bottom na Netflixu.\n"}
{"en": "\"I had to wear a fat suit,\" Davis told host Jimmy Kimmel. \"I loved it. I told them that I wanted really, really big [expletive]. I wanted to look like the women I grew up with.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eMusela jsem nosit velk\u00fd oblek,\u201c \u0159ekla Davisov\u00e1 moder\u00e1toru Jimmymu Kimmelovi. \u201eMilovala jsem to. \u0158ekla jsem jim, \u017ee chci opravdu, opravdu hodn\u011b velk\u00fd [zaklen\u00ed]. Cht\u011bla jsem vypadat jako \u017eeny, se kter\u00fdmi jsem vyrostla.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Davis plays Annalise Keating on the ABC series How to Get Away with Murder, which premiered its sixth and final season Thursday.\n", "cs": "Davisov\u00e1 hraje Annalize Keatingovou v s\u00e9ri\u00e1lu ABC \u201eVra\u017eedn\u00e1 pr\u00e1va\u201c, jeho\u017e \u0161est\u00e1 a z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e1 s\u00e9rie m\u011bla premi\u00e9ru ve \u010dtvrtek.\n"}
{"en": "Mac Miller death: Third man charged with drug offences\n", "cs": "Smrt Mac Millera: T\u0159et\u00ed mu\u017e byl obvin\u011bn z trestn\u00fdch \u010din\u016f souvisej\u00edc\u00edch s drogami\n"}
{"en": "A third man has been arrested and charged with drug offences in connection with the overdose death of rapper Mac Miller.\n", "cs": "T\u0159et\u00ed mu\u017e byl zat\u010den a obvin\u011bn z trestn\u00fdch \u010din\u016f souvisej\u00edc\u00edch s drogami a s p\u0159ed\u00e1vkov\u00e1n\u00edm rappera Maca Millera.\n"}
{"en": "Steven Walter is suspected of selling counterfeit oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl that Miller possessed before he died of an accidental overdose last year of cocaine, alcohol and the powerful opioid.\n", "cs": "Steven Walter je podez\u0159el\u00fd z prodeje pad\u011blan\u00fdch oxykodonov\u00fdch tablet s p\u0159idan\u00fdm fentanylem, kter\u00e9 m\u011bl v lo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce Miller u sebe, ne\u017e se ne\u0161\u0165astnou n\u00e1hodou p\u0159ed\u00e1vkoval kokainem, alkoholem a siln\u00fdm opioidem.\n"}
{"en": "Walter is accused of being the source of the pills that another man, Cameron Pettit, sold to Miller.\n", "cs": "Walter je obvin\u011bn z toho, \u017ee vyrobil tablety, kter\u00e9 Millerovi prodal jin\u00fd mu\u017e, Cameron Pettit.\n"}
{"en": "Ryan Reavis, 36, who was arrested in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, this week is accused of serving as Walter's \"runner,\" who delivered the pills to Pettit.\n", "cs": "Ryan Reavis, 36 let, kter\u00fd byl zat\u010den v Lake Havas City v Arizon\u011b, byl tento t\u00fdden obvin\u011bn z toho, \u017ee p\u016fsobil jako Walter\u016fv \u201ekur\u00fdr\u201c, kter\u00fd dodal pilulky Pettitovi.\n"}
{"en": "Walter, who is on supervised release over a 2005 drug case, remains in custody.\n", "cs": "Walter, kter\u00fd byl zapleten do p\u0159\u00edpadu souvisej\u00edc\u00edho s drogami a podm\u00edne\u010dn\u011b propu\u0161t\u011bn ji\u017e v roce 2005, z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 ve vazb\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "A Pittsburgh native whose real name was Malcolm James Myers McCormick, Miller's lyrics included frank discussion of his depression and drug use, earning him fans among some of the biggest names in hip-hop.\n", "cs": "Rod\u00e1k z Pittsburghu, jeho\u017e skute\u010dn\u00e9 jm\u00e9no bylo Malcolm James Myers McCormick, zahrnoval t\u00e9mata jako deprese a u\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed drog do text\u016f sv\u00fdch p\u00edsn\u00ed a z\u00edskal si mezi fanou\u0161ky jedno z nejzn\u00e1m\u011bj\u0161\u00edch jmen v oblasti hip-hopu.\n"}
{"en": "He was also in a two-year relationship with Ariana Grande that ended earlier in 2018. After his death she posted an affectionate video of him on her Instagram page and released a song, Thank U Next, that lovingly mentioned him.\n", "cs": "Byl tak\u00e9 ve dvoulet\u00e9m vztahu s Arianou Grandeovou, kter\u00fd skon\u010dil v roce 2018. Po rapperov\u011b smrti um\u00edstila na sv\u016fj Instagram emotivn\u00ed video a vydala p\u00edse\u0148 Thank U Next, ve kter\u00e9 ho l\u00e1skypln\u011b zmi\u0148ovala.\n"}
{"en": "Miller was one of several musicians whose deaths have been linked in recent years to a national wave of opioid abuse and overdoses.\n", "cs": "Miller byl jedn\u00edm z n\u011bkolika hudebn\u00edk\u016f, jejich\u017e \u00famrt\u00ed bylo v posledn\u00edch letech spojeno s n\u00e1rodn\u00ed vlnou u\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed a p\u0159ed\u00e1vkov\u00e1n\u00ed opioidy.\n"}
{"en": "Prince died in 2016 when he took counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl that looked like a generic version of the painkiller Vicodin.\n", "cs": "Prince zem\u0159el v roce 2016, kdy\u017e si vzal pad\u011blan\u00e9 tablety obsahuj\u00edc\u00ed fentanyl, kter\u00e9 vypadaly jako standardn\u00ed verze l\u00e9ku proti bolesti Vicodin.\n"}
{"en": "Matthew Roberts, guitarist for the band 3 Doors Down, also died of an overdose in 2016, and had fentanyl and hydrocodone in his system.\n", "cs": "Matthew Roberts, kytarista skupiny 3 Doors Down, tak\u00e9 zem\u0159el v roce 2016 na p\u0159ed\u00e1vkov\u00e1n\u00ed a m\u011bl v dr\u017een\u00ed fentanyl a hydrokodon.\n"}
{"en": "Woman STRIPS TO NOTHING in Walmart to prove she didn't steal\n", "cs": "\u017dena SE SVL\u00c9KLA DO NAHA ve Walmartu, aby dok\u00e1zala, \u017ee nic neukradla\n"}
{"en": "A woman accused of shoplifting at a Walmart in Mexico City took drastic measures to prove her innocence, stripping stark naked in the middle of the supermarket as a stunned security guard looked on.\n", "cs": "\u017dena obvin\u011bn\u00e1 z kr\u00e1de\u017ee ve Walmartu v Mexico City podnikla razantn\u00ed krok, aby dok\u00e1zala svou nevinu, a svl\u00e9kla se do naha uprost\u0159ed supermarketu p\u0159ed zraky ohromen\u00e9 ostrahy.\n"}
{"en": "In a video of the incident, filmed at the Tepeyac Walmart branch in Mexico City earlier this week, a security guard can be seen approaching a woman apparently suspected of theft as she neared the store's exit. Her reaction once she was stopped, however, left the watchman speechless.\n", "cs": "Na videu zachycuj\u00edc\u00edm incident, kter\u00e9 bylo nato\u010deno na pobo\u010dce Tepeyac Walmart v Mexico City za\u010d\u00e1tkem tohoto t\u00fddne, m\u016f\u017eeme vid\u011bt ochranku, kter\u00e1 se bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed k \u017een\u011b podez\u0159el\u00e9 z kr\u00e1de\u017ee, kdy\u017e sm\u011b\u0159ovala k v\u00fdchodu z obchodu. Jej\u00ed reakce v\u0161ak ostrahu \u0161okovala natolik, \u017ee nebyla schopna slova, kdy\u017e \u017eenu zarazila v jej\u00edm po\u010d\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The woman first peels off her skirt and begins to proceed toward the exit, but, perhaps unsatisfied her guilt was yet assuaged, soon turned around to remove her shirt as well. Now fully nude, she stormed off, clothes in hand.\n", "cs": "\u017dena si nejprve svl\u00e9kla sukni a za\u010dala se pohybovat sm\u011brem k v\u00fdchodu, ale z\u0159ejm\u011b aby je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce podtrhla svou nevinnu, tak se oto\u010dila a sundala ze sebe i ko\u0161ili. Nyn\u00ed zcela nah\u00e1, se vy\u0159\u00edtila z obchodu s oble\u010den\u00edm v ruce.\n"}