{ "cs": "NΓ‘slednΓ½ postup na zΓ‘kladΔ› usnesenΓ­ Parlamentu: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Action taken on Parliament's resolutions: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™edloΕΎenΓ­ dokumentΕ―: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Documents received: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΓ­semnΓ‘ prohlΓ‘Ε‘enΓ­ (člΓ‘nek 116 jednacΓ­ho Ε™Γ‘du): viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Written statements (Rule 116): see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Texty smluv dodanΓ© Radou: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "SloΕΎenΓ­ Parlamentu: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Membership of Parliament: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zÑpis", "en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "BudoucΓ­ akce v oblasti patentΕ― (pΕ™edloΕΎenΓ© nΓ‘vrhy usnesenΓ­): viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Future action in the field of patents (motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PoΕ™ad jednΓ‘nΓ­ pΕ™Γ­Ε‘tΓ­ho zasedΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Ukončení zasedÑní", "en": "Closure of sitting" }
{ "cs": "(La seduta Γ¨ tolta alle 23.55)", "en": "(The sitting was closed at 11.55 p.m.)" }
{ "cs": "ZahΓ‘jenΓ­ zasedΓ‘nΓ­", "en": "Opening of the sitting" }
{ "cs": "(\" συνΡδρίαση αρχί΢Ρι στις 9 Ο€.ΞΌ.)", "en": "(The sitting was opened at 9 a.m.)" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™edloΕΎenΓ­ dokumentΕ―: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Documents received: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "SchvΓ‘lenΓ­ zΓ‘pisu z pΕ™edchozΓ­ho zasedΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zÑpis", "en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "1.", "en": "1." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda ES/Bulharsko: účast na činnosti Evropského monitorovacího centra pro drogy a drogovou zÑvislost (hlasovÑní)", "en": "EC-Bulgaria Agreement: participation in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (vote)" }
{ "cs": "2.", "en": "2." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda ES/Rumunsko: účast na činnosti Evropského monitorovacího centra pro drogy a drogovou zÑvislost (hlasovÑní)", "en": "EC-Romania Agreement: participation in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (vote)" }
{ "cs": "3.", "en": "3." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda ES/Turecko: účast na činnosti Evropského monitorovacího centra pro drogy a drogovou zÑvislost (hlasovÑní)", "en": "EC-Turkey Agreement: participation in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (vote)" }
{ "cs": "4.", "en": "4." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda mezi EvropskΓ½m společenstvΓ­m a Singapurem o nΔ›kterΓ½ch aspektech leteckΓ½ch sluΕΎeb (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Agreement between the EC and Singapore on certain aspects of air services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "5.", "en": "5." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda mezi ES a AustrΓ‘liΓ­ o nΔ›kterΓ½ch aspektech leteckΓ½ch sluΕΎeb (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Agreement between the EC and Australia on certain aspects of air services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "6.", "en": "6." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda ES/NovΓ½ ZΓ©land o nΔ›kterΓ½ch aspektech leteckΓ½ch sluΕΎeb (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Agreement between the EC and New Zealand on certain aspects of air services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "7.", "en": "7." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda ES/ Uruguay o nΔ›kterΓ½ch aspektech leteckΓ½ch sluΕΎeb (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Agreement between the EC and Uruguay on certain aspects of air services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "8.", "en": "8." }
{ "cs": "Dohoda mezi EvropskΓ½m společenstvΓ­m a Maledivskou republikou o nΔ›kterΓ½ch aspektech leteckΓ½ch sluΕΎeb (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Agreement between the EC and the Maldives on certain aspects of air services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "9.", "en": "9." }
{ "cs": "Řízení evropských družicových navigačních programů (hlasovÑní)", "en": "Management of the European satellite radio-navigation programmes (vote)" }
{ "cs": "10.", "en": "10." }
{ "cs": "PoΕΎadovanΓ‘ jakost vod pro mΔ›kkΓ½Ε‘e (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Quality required of shellfish waters (codified version) (vote)" }
{ "cs": "11.", "en": "11." }
{ "cs": "KlamavΓ‘ a srovnΓ‘vacΓ­ reklama (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Misleading and comparative advertising (vote)" }
{ "cs": "12.", "en": "12." }
{ "cs": "Doba ochrany autorskΓ©ho prΓ‘va a určitΓ½ch prΓ‘v s nΓ­m souvisejΓ­cΓ­ch (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Protection of copyright and certain related rights (codified version) (vote)" }
{ "cs": "13.", "en": "13." }
{ "cs": "PrΓ‘vo na pronΓ‘jem a pΕ―jčovΓ‘nΓ­ a nΔ›kterΓ‘ prΓ‘va v oblasti duΕ‘evnΓ­ho vlastnictvΓ­ souvisejΓ­cΓ­ s autorskΓ½m prΓ‘vem (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Rights related to copyright (vote)" }
{ "cs": "14.", "en": "14." }
{ "cs": "Ochrana proti Ε‘tΓ­tence zhoubnΓ© (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Control of San JosΓ© Scale (codified version) (vote)" }
{ "cs": "15.", "en": "15." }
{ "cs": "GlukΓ³za a laktΓ³za (kodifikovanΓ© znΔ›nΓ­) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Glucose and lactose (vote)" }
{ "cs": "16.", "en": "16." }
{ "cs": "ZmΔ›na člΓ‘nkΕ― 3 a 4 jednacΓ­ho Ε™Γ‘du Parlamentu (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Amendment of Rules 3 and 4 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure (vote)" }
{ "cs": "19.", "en": "19." }
{ "cs": "StatistickÑ klasifikace ekonomických činností NACE (hlasovÑní)", "en": "Statistical classification of economic activities - NACE Rev. 2 (vote)" }
{ "cs": "20.", "en": "20." }
{ "cs": "MimoΕ™Γ‘dnΓ‘ finančnΓ­ pomoc SpolečenstvΓ­ Kosovu (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Exceptional Community financial assistance to Kosovo (vote)" }
{ "cs": "21.", "en": "21." }
{ "cs": "EvropskΓ‘ agentura pro obnovu (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "European Agency for Reconstruction (vote)" }
{ "cs": "25.", "en": "25." }
{ "cs": "DobrΓ© ΕΎivotnΓ­ podmΓ­nky a ochrana zvΓ­Ε™at (2006-2010) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "The protection and welfare of animals 2006-2010 (vote)" }
{ "cs": "26.", "en": "26." }
{ "cs": "NΓ‘slednΓ© kroky po zprΓ‘vΔ› o soutΔ›ΕΎi v oblasti volnΓ½ch profesΓ­ (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Follow-up to the report on competition in professional services (vote)" }
{ "cs": "Opravy hlasovΓ‘nΓ­ a sdΔ›lenΓ­ o ΓΊmyslu hlasovat: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "SloΕΎenΓ­ Parlamentu: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Membership of Parliament: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Rozhodnutí o určitých dokumentech: viz zÑpis", "en": "Decisions concerning certain documents: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™edΓ‘nΓ­ pΕ™ijatΓ½ch textΕ― bΔ›hem schΕ―ze: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "TermΓ­ny pΕ™Γ­Ε‘tΓ­ch zasedΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Dates for next sittings: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™eruΕ‘enΓ­ zasedΓ‘nΓ­", "en": "Adjournment of the session" }
{ "cs": "(Se levanta la sesiΓ³n a las 12.10 horas)", "en": "(The sitting was closed at 12.10 p.m.)" }
{ "cs": "SchvΓ‘lenΓ­ zΓ‘pisu z pΕ™edchozΓ­ho zasedΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zÑpis", "en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PodepisovΓ‘nΓ­ aktΕ― pΕ™ijatΓ½ch postupem spolurozhodovΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Signature of acts adopted under codecision: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "SdΔ›lenΓ­ pΕ™edsednictva: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Announcement by the President: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Vztahy mezi Evropskou uniΓ­ a Ruskem po vraΕΎdΔ› novinΓ‘Ε™ky Anny PolitkovskΓ© (pΕ™edloΕΎenΓ© nΓ‘vrhy usnesenΓ­)", "en": "Relations between the European Union and Russia following the assassination of journalist Anna Politkovskaya (motions for resolution tabled)" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™edloΕΎenΓ­ dokumentΕ―: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Documents received: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Petice: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Petitions: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΕ™evody prostΕ™edkΕ―: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Transfers of appropriations: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Texty smluv dodanΓ© Radou: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "NΓ‘slednΓ½ postup na zΓ‘kladΔ› usnesenΓ­ Parlamentu: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Action taken on Parliament's resolutions: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PΓ­semnΓ‘ prohlΓ‘Ε‘enΓ­ (člΓ‘nek 116 jednacΓ­ho Ε™Γ‘du): viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Written declarations (Rule 116): see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "PoΕ™ad jednΓ‘nΓ­ pΕ™Γ­Ε‘tΓ­ho zasedΓ‘nΓ­: viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "Ukončení zasedÑní", "en": "Closure of sitting" }
{ "cs": "(La seduta Γ¨ tolta alle 22.20)", "en": "(The sitting was closed at 10.20 p.m.)" }
{ "cs": "Rozpravy o pΕ™Γ­padech poruΕ‘ovΓ‘nΓ­ lidskΓ½ch prΓ‘v, demokracie a prΓ‘vnΓ­ho stΓ‘tu (oznΓ‘menΓ­ pΕ™edloΕΎenΓ½ch nΓ‘vrhΕ― usnesenΓ­): viz zΓ‘pis", "en": "Debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes" }
{ "cs": "1.", "en": "1." }
{ "cs": "Organizace spojenΓ½ch nΓ‘rodΕ―: schvalovΓ‘nΓ­ vozidel kategorie M2 nebo M3 z hlediska jejich celkovΓ© konstrukce (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "United Nations: approval of category M2 or M3 vehicles with regard to their general construction (vote)" }
{ "cs": "2.", "en": "2." }
{ "cs": "PΕ™istoupenΓ­ Bulharska a Rumunska - nΓ‘bor ΓΊΕ™ednΓ­kΕ― EvropskΓ½ch společenstvΓ­ (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Accession of Bulgaria and Romania: recruitment of officials of the European Communities (vote)" }
{ "cs": "3.", "en": "3." }
{ "cs": "ZmΔ›na stanov společnΓ©ho podniku Galileo (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Amendment of the Statutes of the Galileo Joint Undertaking (vote)" }
{ "cs": "4.", "en": "4." }
{ "cs": "Finanční účast Norska na prÑci Evropského monitorovacího centra pro drogy a drogovou zÑvislost (EMCDDA) (hlasovÑní)", "en": "Norway and the EMCDDA (vote)" }
{ "cs": "5.", "en": "5." }
{ "cs": "Ε½Γ‘dost o zbavenΓ­ imunity Bogdana Golika (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Request for waiver of the immunity of Bogdan Golik (vote)" }
{ "cs": "6.", "en": "6." }
{ "cs": "Ε½Γ‘dost na ochranu imunity a vΓ½sad pana Maria Borghezia (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "Defence of immunity of Mario Borghezio (vote)" }
{ "cs": "7.", "en": "7." }
{ "cs": "NÑvrh opravného rozpočtu Evropské unie č. 3/2006 na rozpočtový rok 2006 (hlasovÑní)", "en": "Draft amending budget No 3/2006 (vote)" }
{ "cs": "8.", "en": "8." }
{ "cs": "NÑvrh opravného rozpočtu Evropské unie č. 5/2006 na rozpočtový rok 2006 (hlasovÑní)", "en": "Draft amending budget No 5/2006 (vote)" }
{ "cs": "9.", "en": "9." }
{ "cs": "StrategickΓ© partnerstvΓ­ mezi Evropskou uniΓ­ a Jihoafrickou republikou (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "An EU-South Africa Strategic Partnership (vote)" }
{ "cs": "10.", "en": "10." }
{ "cs": "FinančnΓ­ nΓ‘stroj pro ΕΎivotnΓ­ prostΕ™edΓ­ (LIFE+) (hlasovΓ‘nΓ­)", "en": "LIFE + (vote)" }
{ "cs": "11.", "en": "11." }

Dataset Card for "wmt16"

Dataset Summary

Warning: There are issues with the Common Crawl corpus data (training-parallel-commoncrawl.tgz):

  • Non-English files contain many English sentences.
  • Their "parallel" sentences in English are not aligned: they are uncorrelated with their counterpart.

We have contacted the WMT organizers, and in response, they have indicated that they do not have plans to update the Common Crawl corpus data. Their rationale pertains to the expectation that such data has been superseded, primarily by CCMatrix, and to some extent, by ParaCrawl datasets.

Translation dataset based on the data from

Versions exist for different years using a combination of data sources. The base wmt allows you to create a custom dataset by choosing your own data/language pair. This can be done as follows:

from datasets import inspect_dataset, load_dataset_builder

inspect_dataset("wmt16", "path/to/scripts")
builder = load_dataset_builder(
    language_pair=("fr", "de"),
        datasets.Split.TRAIN: ["commoncrawl_frde"],
        datasets.Split.VALIDATION: ["euelections_dev2019"],

# Standard version
ds = builder.as_dataset()

# Streamable version
ds = builder.as_streaming_dataset()

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

More Information Needed


More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 1.69 GB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 297.28 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 1.99 GB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • translation: a multilingual string variable, with possible languages including cs, en.

Data Splits

name train validation test
cs-en 997240 2656 2999

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

More Information Needed

Who are the source language producers?

More Information Needed


Annotation process

More Information Needed

Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

  author    = {Bojar, Ond
{r}ej  and  Chatterjee, Rajen  and  Federmann, Christian  and  Graham, Yvette  and  Haddow, Barry  and  Huck, Matthias  and  Jimeno Yepes, Antonio  and  Koehn, Philipp  and  Logacheva, Varvara  and  Monz, Christof  and  Negri, Matteo  and  Neveol, Aurelie  and  Neves, Mariana  and  Popel, Martin  and  Post, Matt  and  Rubino, Raphael  and  Scarton, Carolina  and  Specia, Lucia  and  Turchi, Marco  and  Verspoor, Karin  and  Zampieri, Marcos},
  title     = {Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation},
  month     = {August},
  year      = {2016},
  address   = {Berlin, Germany},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {131--198},
  url       = {}


Thanks to @thomwolf, @patrickvonplaten for adding this dataset.

Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on wmt/wmt16

Spaces using wmt/wmt16 12