16 values
4 values
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliations | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | athletics | Big_12_Conference", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | president | Gregory_L._Fenves", "St._Louis | isPartOf | Kingdom_of_France" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliation | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | competeIn | Big_12_Conference", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | president | Gregory_L._Fenves", "St._Louis | isPartOf | Kingdom_of_France" ] ] }
(X (X (X)) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Elliot See a oa ur stred eus an Elzelad Texas e Austin, ar memes skol a zo gant Gregory L. Fenves evel e reizhant, a zo kennasket ouzh ar reizhiad Elzel-Texes hag a oa oa en emganniñ e Big 12.", "Elliot See was a student of the University of Texas in Austin, the same school that has Gregory L. Fenves as its president, is affiliated with the University of Texas system and competes in the Big 12 Conference. See died in St. Louis which was once part of the Kingdom of France." ], "lang": [ "br", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliations | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | mascot | Hook_'em_(mascot)", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | athletics | Big_12_Conference", "Dallas | part | Collin_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliation | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | mascot | Hook_'em_(mascot)", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | competeIn | Big_12_Conference", "Dallas | part | Collin_County,_Texas" ] ] }
(X (X (X)) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An elveziad Texas, Austin, e Dallas, Collin, a zo ganerezh eus ar reizhiad Elzel-Texas.", "Elliot See, kloazet e Dallas, a zo e Collin County, Tekses, a zo desket diouzh Anveled Texas.", "Elliot See zo bet bet en Dallas, Collin County, Texas, a oa ur stouredel el Universed Texas e Austin, a oa kennasket ouzh ar reizhiad Elveled For Texas.", "The University of Texas, Austin, in Dallas, Collin County, is an affiliate of the University of Texas system. Its sporting teams compete in the Big 12 Conference and their mascot is Hook'em. A notable alumni of the university is Dallas-born Elliot See.", "Elliot See, born in Dallas, which is in Collin County, Texas, graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. The Austin University with its mascot Hook'em is affiliated to the Texas University system and is competing in the Big 12 Conference.", "Elliot See was born in Dallas, Collin County, Texas. He was a student at the University of Texas at Austin, which is affiliated to the University Of Texas system. The University of Texas at Austin is competing in the Big 12 Conference and their mascot is called Hook'em." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliations | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | mascot | Hook_'em_(mascot)", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | athletics | Big_12_Conference", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | president | Gregory_L._Fenves" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | almaMater | University_of_Texas_at_Austin", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | affiliation | University_of_Texas_System", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | mascot | Hook_'em_(mascot)", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | competeIn | Big_12_Conference", "University_of_Texas_at_Austin | president | Gregory_L._Fenves" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Ur c'hantennig e vo e-barzh ar c'hantenn ar c'hantenn.", "Gregory L", "The university of texas at Austin is affiliated to the university of texas system. It will compete in the Big 12 Conference. The Hook 'em is their mascot. Gregory L. Fenves is the President and Elliot See, born in Dallas, is a notable student.", "Gregory L. Fenves is the appointed president of the University of Texas at Austin which Elliot See (born in Dallas) attended as a student. The University of Texas is affiliated to the University of Texas System and competes in the Big 12 Conference. The Hook `em is the mascot of University of Texas at Austin." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | status | \"Deceased\"@en", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "Elliot_See | birthDate | \"1927-07-23\"^^xsd:date", "Elliot_See | deathDate | \"1966-02-28\"^^xsd:date", "Elliot_See | occupation | Test_pilot", "Elliot_See | selection | 1962" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | status | \"Deceased\"", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "Elliot_See | birthDate | \"1927-07-23\"", "Elliot_See | deathDate | \"1966-02-28\"", "Elliot_See | occupation | Test_pilot", "Elliot_See | selectedByNasa | 1962" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Elliot See, bet bet 23 e jouel 1927.", "Elliot See, a oa o labourat evit NASA derouiñ 1962 a zo kloazet 23 e Jouel 1927 ha marvet e 1966-02-28 e St Louis.", "Elliot See a oa evel ur pennadenn-nodiñ, o deus ouzhiañ NASA e 1962.", "Elliot see was born July 23, 1927. He joined NASA in 1962 and was a test pilot. He died in St Louis on 28 February, 1966.", "Test pilot Elliot See, who worked for NASA beginning 1962, was born July 23rd 1927 and died 1966-02-28 in St Louis.", "Elliot See served as a test pilot, joining NASA in 1962. Born on 07/23/1927, he lived only until 02/28/1966, when he died in St. Louis." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | status | \"Deceased\"@en", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "Elliot_See | occupation | Test_pilot", "Elliot_See | nationality | United_States", "Elliot_See | selection | 1962" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Elliot_See | status | \"Deceased\"", "Elliot_See | deathPlace | St._Louis", "Elliot_See | birthPlace | Dallas", "Elliot_See | occupation | Test_pilot", "Elliot_See | nationality | United_States", "Elliot_See | selectedByNasa | 1962" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Un amerikan a zo bet dibabet gant NASA e-benn 1962.", "Elliot See a zo eus Dallas, Amerika, e 1962 e oa bet en NASA.", "Test pilot Elliot See was an American who was picked by NASA as part of the space mission in 1962. See was born in Dallas and died in St. Louis.", "Elliot See is originally from Dallas, USA, and joined NASA in 1962 where he flew as a test pilot. Elliot See died in St. Louis." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selection | 1963" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "William Anders zo bet bet e 1933 ha en deuet NASA e 1963.", "William Anders a zo bet kloazet e 17ebrez, 1933. E 1963 e oa bet dibabet anezhañ gant NASA da vezañ evel ur c'harnadenn Apollo 8, gant Frank Borman hag ar c'hoariant Buzz Aldrin.", "Kuzet e 17 e Oktor 1933, William Anders a zo bet e labourat evit NASA e 1963.", "William Anders was born in 1933 and joined NASA in 1963. He served as a crew member of Apollo 8, operated by NASA. The backup pilot was Buzz Aldrin and Frank Borman was also a crew member.", "William Anders was born on October 17th, 1933. In 1963, he was chosen by NASA to serve as a member of the Apollo 8 crew, with Frank Borman and backup pilot, Buzz Aldrin.", "Born on the 17th of October 1933 William Anders started working for NASA in 1963 .He was a crew member on the NASA operated Apollo 8 mission along with backup pilot Buzz Aldrin and Frank Borman." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "Apollo_8 | crew1Up | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"@en", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "Apollo_8 | commander | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Aet eo an Apollo 8 gant Nasa, e c'hoariant Frank Borman, e c'hoariant e oa Buzz Aldrin, ha e oa evezet evezet gant William Anders.", "E 1962 a zo graet e William Anders gant ur S.S eus e Mater alma, AFIT. E oa e c'harnadenn e Apollo 8, e oa oberiañ.", "William Anders e vo eilhet gant ur M.S eus AFIT e 1962. Ha e deus kenderc'het da labourat evit NASA, ha e oa evel ur c'harnad gant Apollo 8 gant Buzz Aldrin evel ur pennadennadenn gwarezhañ, ha Frank Borman evel ur c'homandant.", "The Apollo 8 is operated by Nasa, its commander was Frank Borman, its backup pilot was Buzz Aldrin and it was crewed by William Anders. William Anders graduated from AFIT in 1962 with an M.S. and retired Sept 1st 1969.", "In 1962, William Anders graduated with an M.S. from his alma Mater, AFIT. He became a crew member on Apollo 8, a NASA operated mission. His commander on Apollo 8 was Frank Borman, and the mission's backup pilot was Buzz Aldrin. William Anders retired on the 1st of September, 1969.", "William Anders graduated with an M.S. from AFIT in 1962. He then went on to work for NASA and became a crew member on Apollo 8 along with Buzz Aldrin as backup pilot and Frank Borman as the commander. William Anders then retired in 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hoarier stourm-USA, William Anders, zo bet bet e Hong Kong e 17 e 1933.", "Kuzhet eo e Hong Kong, ar 17 d'hoc'hoc'h, 13 d'ar Hong Kong, e-raokoc'h, a-benn aet e vo kuit e AFIT e 1962 gant ur Soudan, ha kenderc'het eo da vezañ ur c'harrezh stourm a-raok e vezañ kuitañ.", "American fighter pilot William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on the 17th of October, 1933. He received an M.S. from his alma Mater, AFIT, in 1962. He retired on the 1st of September, 1969.", "US citizen William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on October 17th 1933. He graduated from AFIT in 1962 with an M.S. and went on to become a fighter pilot before he retired on September 1st 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"@en", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "William Anders zo bet ar 1933-10-17 e Hong Kong Broudez. Degemeret 'neus ur c'hastr eus e Mater, e AFIT e 1962.", "William Anders zo bet bet e Hong Kong Brontel e 1933.", "William Anders a oa ur c'hoarier stourm, bet e Hong Kong Briten e 17 e 1933.", "William Anders was born on 1933-10-17 in British Hong Kong. He received an M.S. from his alma Mater, AFIT in 1962. He was a fighter pilot and retired on September 1st. 1969.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong in 1933. He graduated from AFIT in 1962 with an MS and became a fighter pilot. He retired on Sept 1st 1969.", "William Anders was a fighter pilot born in British Hong Kong on October 17 1933. He received an M.S. from AFIT in 1962. He retired on 1969-09-01." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"@en", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "William Anders e-neus bet e Hong Kong Britan e 17 e 1933, e oa ur stourmer, e oa ur c'harnad Apollo 8 ha e dilezeret war an 1a e c'houten 1969.", "William Anders zo bet bet e Hong Kong e Britanek e 17 e 1933.", "William Anders was born in in British Hong Kong on October 17th, 1933, was a Fighter pilot, was a member of Apollo 8's crew and retired on 1st September 1969.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on October 17th 1933. He served as a fighter pilot and became a crew member on Apollo 8 before he retired in 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "E 1963 NASA a zo dibabet William Anders da vezañ ur c'harnad Apollo 8 a-benn. Anders a oa ur stourm a-raok a-raok a-raok e Hong Kong Brodez e 17 Ebrez.", "Ar stourmier William Anders zo bet bet dibabet gant NASA e 1963 evit kennal ouzh ar maezadenn Apollo 8.", "In 1963 NASA chose William Anders to become a member of the Apollo 8 crew. Anders was a fighter pilot before that who was born in British Hong Kong on October 17th, 1933 and retired on September 1st, 1969.", "Fighter pilot William Anders was picked by NASA in 1963 to join the Apollo 8 space mission. Anders was born in British Hong Kong on October 17th, 1933 and he retired September 1st, 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "William Anders a oa ur c'hoarier stourm, a oa e vezañ ur c'harnad Apollo 8 pa vez tapet anezhañ e 1963.", "William Anders a zo bet bet e Hong Kong Broudez hag un amerikan e oa bet dibabet gant NASA e 1963 ha e oa ur c'hoarred stourm hag ur c'harnad Apollo 8.", "American William Anders was a fighter pilot who became a member of the Apollo 8 crew when NASA picked him in 1963. He was born in British Hong Kong and retired on September 1st, 1969.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong and is an American. He was chosen by NASA in 1963 and was a fighter pilot as well as a member of Apollo 8. He retired on Sept 1 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | almaMater | \"AFIT, M.S. 1962\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "William Anders a zo bet e Hong Kong Broust, e 1962 e bet un MS eus AFIT ha kennet ouzh NASA e 1963.", "William Anders zo bet bet e-Broozh-Brooz-Kong. Desket e AFIT e 1962 gant un MS ha bet bet dibabet gant NASA e 1963.", "William Anders a oa kloazet e-barzh e Hong Kong, e oa ur stourmourner, a zo testet e AFIT, M.S. e 1962, e oa bet dibabet gant NASA e 1963, e oa oa ur c'harnadenn Apollo 8 ha e kuitaet.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong. He received an MS from AFIT in 1962 and joined NASA in 1963. He was a fighter pilot and a crew member on Apollo 8. He retired in 1969.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong. He graduated from AFIT in 1962 with an MS and was chosen by NASA in 1963. He was a fighter pilot and served as a crew member on Apollo 8. Anders retired in 1969.", "William Anders was born in in British Hong Kong, was a Fighter pilot, graduated from AFIT, M.S. in 1962, was chosen by NASA in 1963, was a member of Apollo 8's crew and retired on 1st September 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRet | \"1969-09-01\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"@en", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | dateOfRetirement | \"1969-09-01\"", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "William Anders zo bet bet e 17 Ezzlet 1933 e Hong Kong Britonek.", "William Anders a zo bet bet e Hong Kong Broudez e 17 e c'hoazh 1933. NASA a zo dibabet anezhañ e 1963, ha e oa evel ur c'harnadenn e Apollo 8.", "William Anders was born on Oct 17th 1933 in British Hong Kong. He was crew member on Apollo 8, chosen by NASA in 1963. He retired on 01/09/1969.", "William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on the 17th of October 1933. NASA selected him in 1963, and he served as a crew member of Apollo 8. He retired on the 1st of September, 1969." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "Apollo_8 | crew1Up | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selection | 1963" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "Apollo_8 | commander | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "William Anders a oa bet evel ur stourm, ha e 1963 e zo bet dibabet evel ur c'harnad d'ar Apollo 8 oberiet gant NASA.", "William Anders eo ur c'hoarier stourm, a zo bet dibabet gant NASA e 1963 a-benn servijer evel ur c'harnad d'ar Apollo 8.", "William Anders en deus bet en Nasa e 1963.", "William Anders served as a fighter pilot, and in 1963 he was selected as a crew member on the Apollo 8 operated by NASA. The commander of the Apollo 8 was Frank Borman, and Buzz Aldrin served as backup pilot for the mission.", "William Anders is a fighter pilot, who was selected by NASA in 1963 to serve as a crew member aboard the Apollo 8. Frank Borman commanded the mission. Buzz Aldrin was a back up pilot.", "William Anders joined Nasa in 1963 as a fighter pilot. He then went on to become a member of Apollo 8's crew along with Buzz Aldrin as backup pilot and Frank Borman as commander." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "William Anders a oa evel ur stourm-enner ha e oa ur c'harnad Apollo 8 bremañ. Bremañ eo a-benn.", "William Anders a oa a-mañ a-benn ur stourm, ha e oa Apollo 8 e oa Buzz Aldrin.", "William Anders served as a fighter pilot and was a member of Apollo 8's crew. He is now retired. Frank Borman was also a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 8. Buzz Aldrin was a back up pilot for Apollo 8.", "William Anders, now retired, was a fighter pilot and crewed Apollo 8. Buzz Aldrin was a backup pilot on the Apollo 8 mission operated by NASA and Frank Borman was a crew member." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selection | 1963" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA", "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "William Anders a zo bet en NASA e 1963 ha e oa evel ur stourm-enner.", "William Anders a oa ur c'hoarier stourm e 1963.", "E 1963 a zo bet dibabet William Anders da vezañ ur c'harnad Apollo 8, gant Frank Borman en all.", "William Anders joined NASA in 1963 and served as a fighter pilot. He was a member of NASA's Apollo 8 crew where Buzz Aldrin was a backup pilot and Frank Borman a crew member.", "William Anders was a fighter pilot who joined NASA in 1963. He was part of Apollo 8's crew, along with Frank Borman and backup pilot Buzz Aldrin.", "In 1963 William Anders was selected by NASA to be a member of the Apollo 8 crew, alongside Frank Borman amongst others. He had previously trained as a fighter pilot, and was partnered on the mission by backup pilot Buzz Aldrin." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | timeInSpace | \"8820.0\"^^<>", "Apollo_8 | crew2Up | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | years | 1976", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8", "William_Anders | timeInSpace | \"8820.0\"(minutes)", "Apollo_8 | backupPilot | Buzz_Aldrin", "Apollo_8 | crewMembers | Frank_Borman", "William_Anders | servedAsChiefOfTheAstronautOfficeIn | 1976", "Apollo_8 | operator | NASA" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Apollo 8 a oa oa ar c'hastourien da heul : William Anders a oa evel penn-burev an estroudeilhoù e 1976, ha e tremenet 8820 munutenn en egor ; Buzz Aldrin a oa ur c'hantennadenn gwareziñ ha Frank Borman.", "William Anders a oa evel ur c'harnadenn Apollo 8 e 1976.", "Frank Borman ha William Anders a oa e-raok e-raok e-raok e-raok e-benn e-benn 8820.0 munutenn er egor.", "Apollo 8 was operated by NASA and had the following crew: William Anders who served as Chief of the Astronaut Office in 1976 and spent 8820 minutes in space; Buzz Aldrin who was a backup pilot and Frank Borman who was a crew member.", "William Anders served as a crew member of Apollo 8 and as Chief of the Astronaut Office in 1976. He walked in space for 8820 minutes. Buzz Aldrin was the backup pilot and Frank Borman a crew member. Apollo 8 was operated by NASA.", "Frank Borman and William Anders served as past of NASA's Apollo 8 crew. Anders served as Chief of the Astronaut Office in 1976 and spend 8820.0 minutes in space. Buzz Aldrin was an Apollo 8 backup pilot." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong", "William_Anders | mission | Apollo_8" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar stourm-Sanadoù-Sanadoù, William Anders, e-broet e Hong Kong, 17 e 1933.", "Gouzhout e Hong Kong, Williams Anders a oa añvroun ar Stadoet.", "William Anders amerikan (n'haun 17 e 1933 e Hong Kong Britanek e 1963 e-benn ur stourmer-enner ha evel evel evel e-parad ar Apollo 8.", "The United States fighter pilot William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on the 17th of October, 1933. In 1963, he was chosen by NASA and became a crew member on Apollo 8.", "Despite being born in British Hong Kong, Williams Anders was a United States national. His birth date is October 17th, 1933. In 1963, he was chosen by NASA and served as a fighter pilot and crew member on Apollo 8.", "American William Anders (born on October 17, 1933 in British Hong Kong) joined NASA in 1963 as a Fighter pilot and as a crew member on Apollo 8 ." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | selection | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"@en", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"^^xsd:date", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "William_Anders | selectedByNasa | 1963", "William_Anders | nationality | United_States", "William_Anders | status | \"Retired\"", "William_Anders | birthDate | \"1933-10-17\"", "William_Anders | occupation | Fighter_pilot", "William_Anders | birthPlace | British_Hong_Kong" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "William Anders a oa kloazet e 17 e C'hoc'hoc'h 1933 e Hong Kong, e 1963 e oa bet en NASA.", "American William Anders was born on October 17th 1933 in British Hong Kong. He joined NASA in 1963 where he worked as a fighter pilot before he retired." ], "lang": [ "br", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | locationCity | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 3.807E8", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | country | United_States", "AmeriGas | foundingYear | 1959-01-01" ], [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | locationCity | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 3.807E8", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | locationCountry | United_States", "AmeriGas | foundingYear | 1959-01-01" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | city | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 380700000", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | country | United_States", "AmeriGas | foundingDate | 1959-01-01" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "AmeriGas (sezezet e 01, 1959) a zo e roue Prusia, Pennsylvania, hag a ra e servijadoù e Stadoù-Uanadoù. E-mañ a zo en maezhiad an ananzh-ener, ha ur c'hankad oberiañ da 380,700 000 $.", "AmeriGas a zo e-barzh ar roue Prusia, Pennsylvania e Stadoù-Uanet. Diazezet e 1añ en 1959, ha stiañ war an aoziañ, Amerigas a o deus bet ur c'hankad ober.", "AmeriGas (sezezet e 01, 1959) a zo e roue Prusia, Pennsylvania e Stadoù-Uanet, ar vro e oa labourat ha servij.", "AmeriGas (founded on January 01, 1959) is located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and works as well as provides its services in the United States. It is in the energy industry, and has an operating income of $380,700,000.", "Serving all regions of the United States, AmeriGas is located in the city of King of Prussia, Pennsylvania in the United States. Founded on January 1, 1959, and focused in the energy industry, Amerigas currently has earned an operating income of $380,700,000.", "AmeriGas (founded on January 01, 1959) is located in the King of Prussia, Pennsylvania in the United States, the country it is working in and serves. It has an operating income of $380,700,000 and is classified as the energy industry." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | locationCity | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 3.807E8", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | locationCountry | United_States", "AmeriGas | numberOfEmployees | 8500" ], [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | locationCity | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 3.807E8", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | country | United_States", "AmeriGas | numberOfEmployees | 8500" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AmeriGas | regionServed | United_States", "AmeriGas | city | King_of_Prussia,_Pennsylvania", "AmeriGas | operatingIncome | 380700000", "AmeriGas | industry | Energy_industry", "AmeriGas | country | United_States", "AmeriGas | numberOfEmployees | 8500" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "AmeriGas, a vez e roue Prusia, Pennsylvania, Amerika, a zo ur gompagnunerezh a servij an holl maezioù ar Stadoù-Uanet. Eber 8500 dud a ober 380700000.", "Lec'h eo e roue Prusia, Pennsylvania e Stadoù-Uanet, ar vro ma o labourat AmeriGas. 8500 edukatourerezh zo 8500 a ouzhpennañ o 380,700 000 $, ha rummet eo evel an anniezhiañ.", "AmeriGas, e roue Prusia, Pennsylvania, a zo ur gompagnunerezh a roet e servijadoù e US. 8 500 edukatourerezh a ober ur c'hankad 380,700 000 $.", "AmeriGas, located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA, is an energy company that serves all regions of the United States. It employs 8500 people and earns 380700000 operating income.", "Located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania in the United States, the country in which AmeriGas is working and serves. The company has 8500 employees with an operating income of $380,700,000 and is classified as the energy industry.", "AmeriGas, located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, is an energy company that provides its services in the U.S. It has 8,500 employees and operates on a $380,700,000 income." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingYear | 1920-01-01", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila", "Chinabank | type | Public_company", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Insular_Government_of_the_Philippine_Islands", "Chinabank | location | Philippines" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingDate | 1920-08-16", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila", "Chinabank | type | Public_company", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Insular_Government_of_the_Philippine_Islands", "Chinabank | location | Philippines" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Chinabank a zo bet krouiñ war 16 e Gwezwez 1920 e gouarnamant invez an Inizi Filipin e Manila.", "Chinabank a zo bet krouiñ war 16 e C'hwezwez 1920 e Manila, e gouarnamant invez an Inizi Filipin.", "Chinabank foran, krouiñ e Manila, Filipin, e-pad ar gouarnamant invez an Inizi ar Filipin, war 16 a ra 295 c'horoù bankel.", "Chinabank was founded on August 16, 1920 in the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands In Manila. Located in the Philippines, it is a publicly traded company with 295 branches.", "Chinabank was founded on August 16, 1920 in Manila, in the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands. It is a publicly traded company, located in the Philippines with 295 branches.", "Publicly traded Chinabank, founded in Manila, Philippines, at the time of the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands, on August 16, 1920, operates 295 banking centers." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingDate | 1920-08-16", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 1.51E10", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila" ], [ "Chinabank | foundingYear | 1920-01-01", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 1.51E10", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingDate | 1920-08-16", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 15100000000", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Chinabank, krouet e Manila e 16austrue, 1920, en deus 295 e c'hreizenn bankennoù gant 5594 edukatour hag a ra deus servijioù bankel d'ar c'ar c'hwelerennoù gant ur c'hwec'h netra Chinabank a zo 15.100 000 000 000.", "Chinabank a bet bet krouet e Manila e 08/16/190 met astennet ouzh 295 garneg gant 5594 edukatourez hag ur ouzhout ur gart 15100000000.", "Azezet e 08-16-1920 e Manila, en deus 5594 edukatourien e 295 lec'h, hag en deus ur c'hankad netra 15 100 000 000 evit o servijadoù bankennoù.", "Chinabank, founded in Manila on the 16th of August, 1920, has 295 banking centers along with 5594 workers and provides banking services to customers with a net income of Chinabank is 15,100,000,000.", "Chinabank was founded in Manila on 08/16/1920, but has expanded to 295 branches with 5594 employees and a net income of 15100000000.", "Founded on 08-16-1920 in Manila, Chinabank has 5594 employees at 295 locations and brings in a net income of 15,100,000.000 for their banking services." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingYear | 1920-01-01", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 1.51E10", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | type | Public_company" ], [ "Chinabank | foundingDate | 1920-08-16", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 1.51E10", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | type | Public_company" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | foundingDate | 1920-08-16", "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfEmployees | 5594", "Chinabank | netIncome | 15100000000", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | type | Public_company" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Chinabank a zo bet krouiñ an 16 genwez, 1920.", "Chinabank (nezezet e 16 e c'hwez, 1920) eo ur gompagnunerezh foran a roet servijioù bankennoù e 295 eus e lec'hiennoù. Gant 5594 edukatourien e o deus ar Chinabank ouzh netra 15 100.000.000.", "Chinabank, diazezet e 1920-08-16, a zo ur gompagnunerezh bankel foran, a edukatourez 5594 gant 295 marc'h, hag ur c'hankad netra 15.100 000 000.", "Chinabank was founded August 16th of 1920. Chinabank gives customers banking services. Chinabank employs 5594 workers. Chinabanks net income is 15,100,000,000. There are 295 Chinabank banking centers. Chinabank is a traded public company.", "Chinabank (founded on August 16, 1920) is a publicly traded company offering banking services at 295 of its locations. With 5594 employees, Chinabank has a net income of 15,100,000,000.", "Chinabank, founded on 1920-08-16, is a public banking company, that employees 5594 with 295 branches and a net income of 15,100,000,000,." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila", "Chinabank | type | Public_company", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Insular_Government_of_the_Philippine_Islands", "Chinabank | location | Philippines" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Chinabank | service | Banking", "Chinabank | numberOfLocations | 295", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Manila", "Chinabank | type | Public_company", "Chinabank | foundationPlace | Insular_Government_of_the_Philippine_Islands", "Chinabank | location | Philippines" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Chinabank a zo bet savet e Manila e gouarnamant invez an Inizi Filipin.", "Chinabank a zo bet savet e-barzh ar gouarnamant invez an Inizi Filipin e Manila. Lakaet e Filipinoù, Chinabank eo ur gompagnunerezh foran gant 295 a roet servijadoù bankennoù d'ar c'ar c'harned.", "Chinabank eo ur gompagnunerezh foran servijennoù bankennoù gant 295 ganerezh e Filipinoù. Krouet eo Chinabank e Manila, gouarnamant inez an Inizi Filipin.", "Chinabank was founded in Manila in the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands. A publicly-traded company, Chinabank continues to operate in the Philippines, offering banking services at 295 locations.", "Chinabank was founded in the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands in Manila. Located in the Philippines, Chinabank is a publicly traded company with 295 branches providing banking services to customers.", "Chinabank is a banking services public company with 295 branches located in the Philippines. Chinabank was founded in Manila, Insular Government of the Philippine Islands." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | foundingYear | 2000-01-01", "GMA_New_Media | product | Mobile_Applications", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Mass_Media", "GMA_New_Media | keyPerson | Felipe_Gozon", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | foundingDate | 2000-01-01", "GMA_New_Media | product | Mobile_Applications", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Mass_Media", "GMA_New_Media | keyPerson | Felipe_Gozon", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "GMA New Media eo ur gompagnunerezh mediaoù a ober arloadoù pellgomz e-barzh ar media mediaoù. Diazezet e 01/01/2000, ha gant Felipe Gozon evel o paotr pennañ, GMA New Media a deus arloadoù e-barzh an oberzhañ.", "GMA New Media (nezezet e 01, 2000) eo ur gompagnunerezh mediaoù a deus deoc'h a-benn a-benn an arloadoù pellgomz.", "Felipe Gozon a zo un den alc'hus e GMA New Media, ur gompagnunerezh mediaoù diazezet war 01-01-2000.", "GMA New Media is a media company making mobile apps in the mass media industry. Founded on 01/01/2000, and with Felipe Gozon as their key person, GMA New Media offers applications in the entertainment industry.", "GMA New Media (founded on January 01, 2000) is a media company that offers products such as mobile applications. Felipe Gozon is the key person on GMA New Media; a company that is in the mass media and the entertainment industry.", "Felipe Gozon is a key person in GMA New Media, a media company founded on 01-01-2000. GMA New Media is active in the mass media industry and entertainment industry, as well as making mobile applications." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | industry | Mass_Media", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company", "GMA_New_Media | product | World_Wide_Web", "GMA_New_Media | product | Online_Game", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | industry | Mass_Media", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company", "GMA_New_Media | product | World_Wide_Web", "GMA_New_Media | product | Online_Game", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "GMA New Media, Inc. (Gamma Network) eo ur gompagnunezh media a grouiñ lec'hiennoù ha c'hoarioù enlinenn.", "GMA New Media Inc a zo ur gompagnunerezh mediaoù hag ur ganerezh GMA Network e-barzh a-barzh ar media mediaoù. Krouiñ servijadoù web, deus an arloadoù e-barzh an arouzhiañ.", "GMA New Media (un gompagnunerezh GMA Network) a deus deoc'h servijadoù c'hoarioù mediaoù, web ha c'hoarioù enlinenn e-barzh an aozhoù mediaoù.", "GMA New Media, Inc. (parent company GMA Network) is a media company that makes web sites and online games. It is considered to be in the mass media and the entertainment industry.", "GMA New Media Inc is a media company and a subsidiary of GMA Network in the mass media industry. They produce web services, offer applications in the entertainment industry, and they're main product line is online games.", "GMA New Media (a GMA Network company) offers media, web and online gaming services in the entertainment and mass media industries." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | location | GMA_Network_Center", "GMA_New_Media | location | Philippines", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Philippine_Entertainment_Portal", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Digify,_Inc.", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | location | GMA_Network_Center", "GMA_New_Media | location | Philippines", "GMA_New_Media | industry | Entertainment", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Philippine_Entertainment_Portal", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Digify,_Inc.", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "GMA New Media, Inc. (Kompagnunezh kar GMA Network) a zo al lec'h e-barzh ar Kreiz GMA Network e Filipin. E-barzh an anniezhiañ a zo an emporzhiañ gant Philippine Entertainment Portal ha Digify, Inc.", "E-barzh ar c'hreiz rouedad GMA e Filipin a zo e-kreiz GMA. GMA New Media (roued GMA kar) a zo ur anniezhiañ c'hoazh.", "E-kreiz ar rouedad GMA e Filipin eo GMA New Media a zo ur ganerezh GMA Network a goude deus arloadoù e-barzh an oberzhoù. Philippine Entertainment Portal ha Digify Inc. a zo gunerezh GMA New Media.", "GMA New Media, Inc. (parent company GMA Network) is located inside the GMA Network Center in the Philippines. The company is in the entertainment industry with Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify, Inc. being its subsidiaries.", "GMA New Media's headquarters are located in the GMA Network Center in the Philippines. GMA New Media (parent company GMA network) is an entertainment industry and Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify Inc. are its subsidiaries.", "Located in the GMA Network Center in the Philippines, GMA New Media is a subsidiary of GMA Network that offers applications in the entertainment industry. Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify Inc. are subsidiaries of GMA New Media." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | product | Mobile_Applications", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company", "GMA_New_Media | product | World_Wide_Web", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Philippine_Entertainment_Portal", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Digify,_Inc.", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "GMA_New_Media | product | Mobile_Applications", "GMA_New_Media | type | Media_company", "GMA_New_Media | product | World_Wide_Web", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Philippine_Entertainment_Portal", "GMA_New_Media | subsidiary | Digify,_Inc.", "GMA_New_Media | parentCompany | GMA_Network_(company)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "GMA New Media, Inc. a zo ur gompagnunerezh media a grouiñ lec'hiennoù web ha a deus deoc'h erzhadoù evel arloadoù pellgomz. GMA Network a zo gompagnunerezh kar GMA New Media, pa ma'h ma vo e gompagnunerezh Portal ha Digify, Inc.", "GMA New Media a zo ur gompagnunerezh media a grouiñ arloadoù mobil ha a grouiñ servijioù web. Philippine Entertainment Portal ha Digify Inc. a zo guneunerezh GMA New Media, he gompagnunerezh gamm GMA Network.", "GMA New Media a zo ur gompagnunerezh mediaoù a grouiñ arloadoù pellgomz ha deus deoc'h servijioù a-benn World Wide Web. Philippine Entertainment Portal ha Digify Inc. a zo gunerezunerezh GMA New Media, he gompagnunerezh gamm GMA Network.", "GMA New Media, Inc. is a media company that makes web sites and offers products such as mobile applications. GMA Network is the parent company of GMA New Media, whereas Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify, Inc. are its subsidiaries.", "GMA New Media is a media company that makes mobile apps and produces web services. Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify Inc. are subsidiaries of GMA New Media, whose parent company is GMA Network.", "GMA New Media is a media company that makes mobile applications and offers services concerning the World Wide Web. Philippine Entertainment Portal and Digify Inc. are subsidiaries of GMA New Media, whose parent company is GMA Network." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Hypermarcas | location | Brazil", "Hypermarcas | product | Drugs", "Hypermarcas | industry | Pharmaceuticals", "Hypermarcas | keyPerson | CEO", "Hypermarcas | foundingYear | 2001-01-01", "Hypermarcas | subsidiary | Mantecorp" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Hypermarcas | location | Brazil", "Hypermarcas | product | Drugs", "Hypermarcas | industry | Pharmaceuticals", "Hypermarcas | keyPerson | CEO", "Hypermarcas | foundingDate | 2001-01-01", "Hypermarcas | subsidiary | Mantecorp" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Aozer an drammadoù a zo Hyermarcas a-hwellañ a-hwezhañ e-brenn e-brenn e-barzh e-brenn.", "Strouet war 1añ kevrer 2001 eo Hypermarcas (Gompagnunerezh kar da Mantecorp) a zo ur gompagnunerezh a-medeg a-lakaet e Brazil.", "Hypermarcas a zo ur gompagnunerezh a o grouiñ an drammeg. Diazez eo e Brazil, ha bet krouet e 1 deoc'h, 2001 an den alc'hwez e-barzh ar gompagnunezh a zo ar reompagnunezh.", "Managed by their CEO and located in Brazil, Hyermarcas is primarily a manufacturer of drugs in the pharmaceuticals industry. Mantecorp is a subsidiary of Hypermarcas.", "Founded on January 1, 2001, Hypermarcas (parent company to Mantecorp) is a pharmaceutical drug company located in Brazil. Hypermarcas is led by its CEO.", "Hypermarcas is a pharmaceutical company, producing pharmaceutical drugs. The company is based in Brazil, and was founded on January 1, 2001. The key person within the company is the CEO. Hypermarcas also own a subsidiary company, named Mantecorp." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Hypermarcas | product | Drugs", "Hypermarcas | type | S.A._(corporation)", "Hypermarcas | subsidiary | Mantecorp", "Hypermarcas | netIncome | 1.086E8", "Hypermarcas | numberOfEmployees | 10252", "Hypermarcas | product | Healthcare" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Hypermarcas | product | Drugs", "Hypermarcas | type | S.A._(corporation)", "Hypermarcas | subsidiary | Mantecorp", "Hypermarcas | netIncome | 108600000", "Hypermarcas | numberOfEmployees | 10252", "Hypermarcas | product | Healthcare" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ur seurt gompagnunerezh S.A. a gwerzhañ an hypermarcas a gwerzhañ an aferoù-medeg (pollinañ) ha e ober ur ganerezh Mantecorp.", "Hypermarcas eo ur gompagnunerezh S.A. a grouiñ an dramm-medeg hag an drosoù-medeg.", "Hypermarcas a zo ur gompagnunerezh an dramm a grouiñ a-hwec'h erborzhadoù a-medeg. Gant ar gompagnunezh S. A. eo ur c'hompagnunerezh S.", "A type of S.A. corporation, Hypermarcas sells healthcare products (primarily drugs) and operates a subsidiary called Mantecorp. Hypermarcas has a net income of 108,600,000 and 10,252 employees.", "Hypermarcas is an S.A. corporation which produces pharmaceutical drugs and healthcare products. They employ 10,252 people and own the subsidiary Mantecorp. Their net income is $108,600,000.", "Hypermarcas is a drug company which produces healthcare products. The company is a type of S. A. corporation, and also owns a subsidiary company called Mantecorp. Hypermarcas employs 10252 workers, and has a net income of 108,600,000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Trane | netIncome | 5.563E8", "Trane | operatingIncome | 8.754E8", "Trane | foundingYear | 1913-01-01", "Trane | foundationPlace | La_Crosse,_Wisconsin", "Trane | numberOfEmployees | 29000", "Trane | product | HVAC" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Trane | netIncome | 556300000", "Trane | operatingIncome | 875400000", "Trane | foundingDate | 1913-01-01", "Trane | foundationPlace | La_Crosse,_Wisconsin", "Trane | numberOfEmployees | 29000", "Trane | product | HVAC" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Roet e 193-01 01, Trane, un aozer HVAC e La Crosse, Wisconsin, gant 29 000 edukatour, o deus ouzhout 556,300 000 $, ha un erecad oberiñ o 875.400000.", "Trane eo ur gompagnunezh a zo krouet e 1913-01-01 e La Crosse, Wisconsin. An embrouriñ 29000 dud, ha an drobarzhelloù HVAC a zo etre anezhañ anezho anezho anezho. Treane a zo ur c'hankadoù o 875.4 mililoù US, a tenn ouzh ur c'hankad netra da 556 mil.", "Krouiñ e La Crosse, Wisconsin e 01-01-1913, an 29 000 edukatoureret a grouiñ trobarzhell HVAC.", "Founded on 193-01-01, Trane, an HVAC producer in La Crosse, Wisconsin with 29,000 employees, netted a $556,300,000 income and an operating income of $875,400,000.", "Trane is a company which was founded on 1913-01-01 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The company employs 29000 people, and HVAC appliances are among the products manufactured by them. Trane has an operating income of 875.4 million USD, which equates to a net income of about $556 million.", "Founded in La Crosse, Wisconsin on 01-01-1913, the 29,000 employee Trane company manufactures HVAC equipment. Trane generates $556,300,000 of net income and $875,400,000 of operating income." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | operatingIncome | 8.754E8", "Trane | foundingYear | 1913-01-01", "Trane | foundationPlace | La_Crosse,_Wisconsin", "Trane | numberOfEmployees | 29000", "Trane | product | HVAC" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | operatingIncome | 875400000", "Trane | foundingDate | 1913-01-01", "Trane | foundationPlace | La_Crosse,_Wisconsin", "Trane | numberOfEmployees | 29000", "Trane | product | HVAC" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Trane zo bet krouiñ e La Crosse, Wisconsin e 1aouiñ 1913. Gant 29 000 edukatour hag ur c'hankad oberat 875,4 mililoù US, a grouiñ Trane ar reizhiadur an savadoù, gant HVAC.", "Ar c'hompagnunezh Trane zo bet krouiñ e 01, Genver, 1913 e La Crosse, Wisconsin. Ur c'hankad ober a zo 875,400 000 $ gant 29000 edukatourez, ha a ra a ra reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù hag a grouiñ HVAC.", "Trane a grouiñ reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù ha HVAC. Diazezhet e 1 deoc'h 1 en 1913 e La Crosse WI, ha laboueret 29 000 dud.", "Trane was founded in La Crosse, Wisconsin on January 1, 1913. With 29,000 employees and an operating income of 875.4 million USD, Trane produces building management systems, including HVACs.", "The Trane company was founded on January 01, 1913 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It has an operating income of $875,400,000 with 29,000 employees and it manufactures building management systems and produces HVAC.", "Trane makes building management systems and HVAC. They were founded on Jan 1 1913 in La Crosse WI, and employ 29,000 people. Their operating income is $875,400,000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | revenue | 1.0264E10", "Trane | netIncome | 5.563E8", "Trane | location | Swords,_Dublin", "Trane | type | Subsidiary", "Trane | foundingYear | 1913-01-01" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | revenue | 10264000000", "Trane | netIncome | 556300000", "Trane | location | Swords,_Dublin", "Trane | type | Subsidiary", "Trane | foundingDate | 1913-01-01" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Trane eo ur ganerezh diazezet war 1913-01-01 e Swords, Dublin a grouiñ reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù.", "Trane eo ur gompagnunerezh diazezet e Swords, Dublin a grouiñ reizhiadoù ardeiñ an sevel gant 10264000000.", "Trane, aozer ar reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù e Dublin, a zo bet krouet e 1 & # 1 & # 199.", "Trane is a subsidiary founded on 1913-01-01 in Swords, Dublin, that produces building management systems. Trane has a revenue of $10,264,000,000, and a net income of about $556 million.", "Trane is a subsidiary company founded in Swords, Dublin that makes building management systems with revenue of 10264000000. Trane was founded on 01-01-1913 has a net income of $536,300,000.", "Trane, a manufacturer of building management systems in Swords, Dublin, was founded on January 1 1919. They are a subsidiary whose net income is $556,300,000. Their net revenue is $10,264,000,000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | revenue | 1.0264E10", "Trane | netIncome | 5.563E8", "Trane | location | Swords,_Dublin", "Trane | type | Subsidiary", "Trane | operatingIncome | 8.754E8" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Trane | product | Building_Management_System", "Trane | revenue | 10264000000", "Trane | netIncome | 556300000", "Trane | location | Swords,_Dublin", "Trane | type | Subsidiary", "Trane | operatingIncome | 875400000" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Trane a zo aozer ar reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù, Dublin. Ur ganerezh eo ur ganerezh, o c'hankad arberiñ 875,4 mililoù USD. Ur c'hankad 10 264,000 000 $ o deus.", "Klasket eo e Swords, Dublin, Trane a zo ur gompagnunezh ganerezh a grouiñ reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù. 10 264,000 000 $ a zont da Trane, gant ur c'hankad o 875,400 000 $ hag erec'hout netra 556.30000.", "Trane a zo ur ganerezh e Swords, Dublin, a ra reizhiadoù ardeiñ an savadoù, ha ur c'hankad o deus 875,400,000.", "Trane is a producer of building management systems located in Swords, Dublin. They are a subsidiary whose operating income is 875.4 million USD. They have a revenue of $10,264,000,000, and a net income of about $556 million.", "Located in Swords, Dublin, Trane is a subsidiary company that manufactures building management systems. Trane's revenue is $10,264,000,000, with an operating income of $875,400,000 and net income of $556,300,000.", "Trane is a subsidiary located in Swords, Dublin. They make building management systems, and have an operating income of $875,400,000. They have a revenue of 10,264,000,000 and a net income of 556,300,000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ], [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E-bloaz 2000 e oa e vo echu an 11vet d'ar mizhant an Mississippi.", "E-bloaz 2000 e e Gettysburg, kennad Adams, Pennsylvania, Amerika, a zo savet ar 11vet mizhvet Mississippi.", "An 11vet mizhvvet Mississippi a zo bet krouet e 2000 ha stummiet evel un doarezh en ur c'hantenn.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument was completed in 2000 and categorised as a contributing property. It is located in the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was erected in 2000 in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA. It falls under the category of Contributing Property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was established in 2000 and categorised as contributing property. It is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | range | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E-kêr Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Amerika, e Ridge Seminar e Rannhed Adams a zo lakaet evel un doarezh oberzh.", "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi a zo lec'hout e Ridge Seminer, Gettysburg, Rann- Adams, Pennsylvania, Amerika.", "An 11vet d'ar mizhantenn an Mississippi a zo dindan rummad an doarezh a-baez.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is placed in the municipality of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA at Seminary Ridge in Adams County and is categorized as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in the Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA. It is categorised as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument falls under the category of contributing property. It is located at Seminary Ridge in the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | range | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi, a zo graet e 2000 a zo graet e Ridge Seminer, Gettysburg, Kont Adams, Pennsylvania, Stadoù Unanet.", "Krouiñ e 2000 e 11vet Misionissippi Infantry a zo lec'hiet e Gettysburg, kennad Adams, Pennsylvania, Amerika.", "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi, a zo bet krouet e 2000 a zo e Ridge Seminar, Gettysburg, Kezad Adams, Pennsylvania, Stadoù Unanet.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, which was completed in 2000, is located at the Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States.", "Established in 2000, the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located at Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, which was founded in the year 2000, is located in the Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | range | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi a zo lec'hout e Seminary Ridge e Pennsylvania, Amerika; bet krouet e 2000 a zo krouet e 2000 ha a zo stummet evel un doarezh en ur maez Gettysburg Pennsylvania.", "An 11vet mizhvet milisipi a zo bet krouet e 2000 ha etraiet evel un doarezh en ur c'hantenn.", "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi a zo e-barzh ar Ridge Seminar e kêr Gettysburg Pennsylvania, Stadoù-Uanet. Krouet eo bet ar c'harr-sev e 2000 ha e vez stummet evel un doarezh ennañ.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located at Seminary Ridge in Pennsylvania, USA; the monument was established in 2000 and is categorized as a contributing property and is in the municipality of Gettysburg Pennsylvania.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument was established in 2000 and is categorised as a contributing property. It is located at Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, United States.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in the Seminary Ridge in the municipality of Gettysburg Pennsylvania, United States. The monument was established in the year 2000 and is categorized as a Contributing Property." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Kavet eo an 11vet d'ar mizhantenn Mississippi, a zo savet e 2000 ha etraet evel un doarezh en maez Adams, Pennsylvania, Stadoù-Uanet.", "E-bloaz 2000 a oa echu ar 11vet Memantherenn Mississippi Infantry (lec'hiadur Adams County, Pennsylvania, Unanet) a zo e dindan ar rumm an doarezh.", "An 11vet mizh mañv an Mississippi, bet savet e 2000 a zo e kennad Adams, Pennsylvania, Unanet, hag a zo dindan ar rumm-sevioù a-señzh ar c'hannvroioù. Kê Cumberland e Pennsylvania a zo en norzh kenn-kêr Adams ha e su kennad Adams a zo Carroll County, Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument which was erected in 2000 and is categorised as a contributing property is found in the Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States. To the north of Adams County lies Cumberland County also of Pennsylvania and to the southeast of Adams County lies Carroll County, Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument (location Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States) was completed in the year 2000 and falls under the category of Contributing property. To the north of Adams County lies Cumberland County, also Pennsylvania and to the southeast lies Carroll County, Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, established in 2000, is located in Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States and falls under the category of Contributing property. Pennsylvania's Cumberland County is to the north of Adams County and to the southeast of Adams County lies Carroll County, Maryland." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | west | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsWest | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSouthwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet m'eus an 11vet m'hant ar mizhantenn an Mississippi a zo e kantoù Adams, Pennsylvania, Stadoù-Uanet.", "Ar c'hwec'hvet d'ar misionissippi a zo al lec'h e kennad Adams, Maryland, Amerika. Kornôg e c'harnvro Franklin, Pennsylvania ha Cumberland a zo war an norzh.", "Kavet eo an 11vet d'ar c'hornad Adams, Pennsylvania, Unanet. E-kornôg e Adams a zo ar kennad Franklin ha e c'hannvro Cumberland a zo lec'hiet - an holl kantoù-se a-mañ a-mañ e stad Pennsylvania. Ar Renkad Adams a zo Carroll en e c'hrezh reter hag e kennvaz Frederick a-se.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States. Adams County has to its west Franklin County and to its north Cumberland County, both also of Pennsylvania. To the southwest of Adams County lies Frederick County and to the southeast Carroll County, both of Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument is located in Adams County, Maryland, US. West of the County is Franklin County, Pennsylvania and Cumberland County lies to the north. Carroll County in Maryland lies to the southeast, and Frederick County - to the southwest.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is found in the Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States. To the west of Adams County lies Franklin County and to the north Cumberland County is located - all of these counties are in the state of Pennsylvania. Adams County has Carroll County to its southeast and Frederick County to its southwest - both these counties are in Maryland." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E-kêr-kêr Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo bet krouet e 2000 hag a zo aet dindan ar rumm a-sevel-se.", "Al lec'hiadur an 11vet mañv an Mississippi e kêr-kêr Gettysburg. Krouet eo e 2000 ha a zo stummet evel un doarezh ober.", "Kantoù Cumberland, Pennsylvania, a zo kavet an norzh kennad Adams, a zo lec'hiadur an 11vet mañv mañvrenn Mississippi krouet e 2000 e Gettysburg.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and it falls under the category of contributing property. To the north of Adams County is Cumberland County.", "South of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania lies Adams County. The location of the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument in the municipality of Gettysburg. It was established in 2000 and is categorised as a contributing property.", "Cumberland County, Pennsylvania is found north of Adams County which is the location of the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument established in 2000 in Gettysburg. The monument falls under the category of contributing property." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | range | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Seminary_Ridge", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet emgoulenn ar Mississippi a zo chomlec'h e Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Kont Adams, Pennsylvania. Ar soñvet eo bet ar c'hargaviz e 2000 ha e vez rummet evel un doarezh ober.", "An 11vet Memor an Mississippi a zo lec'hout e Ridge Seminer, Gettysburg, Renkad Adams, Pennsylvania. Krouet eo bet e 2000 ha e vez stummet evel un doarezh oberzh.", "An 11vet d'ar memor Mississippi a zo lec'hout e Gettysburg, kêr Adams, Pennsylvania. Krouet eo bet ar c'harr-se e 2000 ha a zo stummet evel un doarezh oberzh.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located at Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. The monument was competed in 2000 and is categorised as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in the Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and it is categorised as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument is located at Seminary Ridge, the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. The monument was established in 2000 and is categorised as contributing property." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"^^xsd:date", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | category | Historic_districts_in_the_United_States", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | owningOrganisation | National_Park_Service" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | category | Historic_districts_in_the_United_States", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | owningOrganisation | National_Park_Service" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 14vet emgoulenn a-lakaet a zo e-barzh Monokacy National Strike, Frederick, Maryland. Ar soñj-se, a zo bet krouet gant ar servij ar Park-National, bet savet war an 11eñ jouel 1907 ha erzh ar rummadoù istoriennoù ar Stadoù-Uanet.", "Un maez istorel ar Stadoù-Uanet eo ar 14vet Stad-Sanadoù. E-barzh Monocacy National Battlefield a henn e-benn ar servij deiziad ar Park-National. Kêr tostañ ouzh maez ar stourm zo Frederick, Maryland.", "An 14vet emgoulenn-lakaat New Jersey a zo bet krouet war an 11 e-eul 1907 e maez Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument is located in the Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland. The monument, which is owned by the National Park Service, was established on 11th July 1907 and belongs to the category of Historic districts in the United States.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument (established 1907-07-11) is a United States historic district. It is located in the Monocacy National Battlefield district and owned by the National Park Service. The closest city to the battlefield is Frederick, Maryland.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument was established on 11 July 1907 in the district of the Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland. It is owned by the National Park Service and belongs to the category of historic districts in the US." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"@en", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | state | \"Pennsylvania\"", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Al lec'hiadur an 11vet mañvrenn Mississippi a zo savet e 2000 e Gettysburg, hag a zo stummet evel un doarezh oberzh.", "E Gettysburg, Parzhed Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo aet evel un doarezh oberzh, ha bet krouet e 2000.", "E-kêr-kêr Gettysburg, Parzhed Adams, a zo evel ur perzh-menn 11vet Mississippi, a zo bet krouet e 2000.", "Southeast of Carroll County, Maryland is Adams County Pennsylvania. This county is the location of the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument erected in 2000 in Gettysburg and which is categorised as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It is categorised as a contributing property and it was established in 2000. Carroll County, Maryland is southeast of Adams County.", "The 11th Mississippi INfantry Monument is located in the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pa. It is categorized as a Contributing Property and was established in 2000. Carroll County, Maryland is southeast of Adams County, Pennsylvania." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo bet krouet e 2000 ha etraet evel un doare. Cumberland County, Pa a zo e norzh ar Kezhed Adams ha Carroll, Maryland a zo su-rezh Adams.", "Ar 11vet d'ar mizholoù Mississippi a zo savet e 2000 a zo e maez-kêr Gettysburg, Renkad Adams, Pennsylvania. Ar Renkad Adams a zo deus Carroll, Maryland, en e surezh hag e norzh, Kont Cumberland, Pennsylvania.", "Lakaet eo an 11vet d'ar mizmeg Gettysburg, e Renkad Adams, Pennsylvania. Krouet eo e 2000 ha etraet evel un doarezh en ur c'hantennadenn. Lec'h e c'hrezh kennad Adam a zo kêr Carroll e Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and it is categorised as a contributing property. Cumberland County, Pa is to the north of Adams County and Carroll County, Maryland is southeast of Adams County.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument which was established in the year 2000 is in the municipality of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Adams County has Carroll County, Maryland to its southeast and to its north, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. The monument is classified as a contributing property.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located within the municipality of Gettysburg, in Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and is categorized as a Contributing property. Located to the southeast of Adams County is Maryland's Carroll County. To the north is Pennsylvania's Cumberland County." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSouthwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet m'eus a zo e kennad Adams, Pennsylvania. Krouet eo e 2000 ha a zo rummet evel un doarezh enporzh. Adams a zo deus Cumberland (Pa) en e c'hannvro (Pa) en e kantoù Frederick e Maryland en e reiz an norzh ha Carroll, Maryland, Maryland.", "Ar c'hwec'hvet milc'h mañv an Mississippi zo bet krouet e 2000 e Renkad Adams, Pennsylvania, ha etraet evel un doarezh en ur c'harned Adams a zo al lec'h an norzh-kantoù Carroll.", "Ar 11vet mizh mañv an Mississippi (ebet e 2000) a zo e kennad Adams, Pennsylvania ha etajet eo evel un doarezh enporzh. Cumberland (en Pennsylvania) a zo e norzh ar Kezhed Adams. Kezhed Carroll (e suzter) ha Frederick (e an suzôgorn) hag an daou Maryland a zo tostadenn e kêred Adams.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and it is categorized as a Contributing Property. Adams County has Cumberland County (Pa) to its north; Maryland's Frederick County to its north east and Carroll County, Maryland to its southeast.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument was established in 2000 in Adams County, Pennsylvania and is categorised as a contributing property. The location of Adams County is northwest of Carroll County, Maryland, south of Cumberland County and northeast of Frederick County, both of Maryland.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument (established in 2000) is located in Adams County, Pennsylvania and is categorized as a Contributing Property. Cumberland County (also of Pennsylvania) lies to the north of Adams County. Carroll County (to the southeast) and Frederick County (to the southwest) and both of Maryland are near neighbours to Adams County." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | west | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsWest | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An 11vet mizh mañv an Mississippi a zo bet savet e 2000 ha e c'hornadoù Adams, Pa. Rannet eo an doarezh a-sevel un doare. E-kornzh Adams a zo kennvro Cumberland (Pa), en e c'hornôg ar Kontrad Franklin (Pa) ha e su-rezh Carroll (Maryland).", "Pennsylvania a zo e reter eus kenn Franklin, Pennsylvania hag a zo kantoù Carroll, Maryland e su-rezh, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, e norzh. Lakaet eo an 11vet milc'h Mississippi a zo e rannvro Adams ha a zo d'an rumm an doarezh an trevrenn.", "Kantoù Cumberland e Pennsylvania a zo a-zhi an norzh ar kennad Adams a zo lec'hiadur an 11vet mañv mañvrenn Mississippi a zo savet e 2000 ha stummet evel un doarezh ober.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was established in 2000 and it is located in Adams County, Pa. The Monument is categorised as a contributing property. To the north of Adams County is Cumberland County (Pa), to its west is Franklin County (Pa) and to its southeast is Carroll County (Maryland).", "Adams County Pennsylvania is East of Franklin County, Pennsylvania and has Carroll County, Maryland to its southeast and Cumberland County, Pennsylvania to its north. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Adams County and falls under the category of Contributing property. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was established in 2000.", "Cumberland County in Pennsylvania is situated north of Adams County which is the location of the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument which was erected in 2000 and categorised as a contributing property. Franklin County can be found to the west and Carroll County Maryland is to the southeast." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | west | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsWest | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | established | 2000", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSouthwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hornc'h Carroll Maryland a zo e su-rezh Adams, Pennsylvania. Gant ar kantoù Franklin war ar c'hornôg, Cumberland war an norzh, hag ar kantoù Frederick en su-kornôg, Adams a zo al lec'hiadur an 11vetvet mañ Mississippi.", "An 11vet m'eo kavet an 11vet mizh maez Adams, Pennsylvania ha bet bet a zo bet krouiñ abaoe 2000.", "Ar kennad Adams, PA a zo e su e kenn Cumberland hag e reter ar kantoù Franklin. Carroll, Maryland, a zo a-zout war an su reter hag ar kêr Frederick war ar su-kornôg. Krouet eo bet ar 11vet milc'h Mississippi.", "Carroll County Maryland is southeast of Adams County, Pennsylvania. With Franklin County to the west, Cumberland County to the north and Frederick County to the southwest, Adams County is the location of the 11th Mississippi Infantry monument which was established in 2000.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is found in Adams County, Pennsylvania and has been established since the year 2000. To the west of Adams County lies Franklin County and to the north is Cumberland County - both also of Pennsylvania. To the southeast of Adams County lies Carroll County and to the southwest lies Frederick County, both of Maryland.", "Adams County, PA is located to the south of Cumberland County and east of Franklin County. Carroll County, Maryland lies to the south east and Frederick County to the southwest. The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument was established in the County in 2000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | west | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsWest | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | category | Contributing_property", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E Gettysburg, Parzhed Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo aet evel un doarezh ennañ an 11vet mizhvet Mississippi.", "Kavet eo an 11vet d'ar munuc'h milc'h an Mississippi a zo e Gettysburg, Parz Adams, Pennsylvania. Parzhet eo evel un doarezh en ur c'hantenn. Cumberland, a zo a zo a-zhi en norzh kenn-kantoù Adams, Pa ha Franklin a zo kavet e kornôgôg ar kennad Adams.", "E Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo rummet evel un doarezh en ur c'hantenn 11vet Mississippi.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It is categorized as a contributing property. Adams County, Pennsylvania has Cumberland County (Pa) to its south; Carroll County (Maryland) to its southeast and Franklin County (Pa) to its west.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It is categorized as a contributing property. Cumberland County, Pa is located in the north of Adams County, Pa and Franklin County is found to the west of Adams County. Adams County has Carroll County, Maryland to its Southeast.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania and is categorised as a contributing property. Adams County is situated to the east of Franklin County and south of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Carroll County in Maryland lies to the northwest." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | west | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southeast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | north | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | southwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | region | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsWest | Franklin_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSoutheast | Carroll_County,_Maryland", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsNorth | Cumberland_County,_Pennsylvania", "Adams_County,_Pennsylvania | hasToItsSouthwest | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | municipality | Gettysburg,_Pennsylvania", "11th_Mississippi_Infantry_Monument | location | Adams_County,_Pennsylvania" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, a zo an 11vet d'ar c'harnad Franklin a zo kavet war ar rannvro Cumberland en norzh. Carroll e Maryland a zo a-kanto e korneter Adams.", "E Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania (Pa) a zo ar kantoù Fredericks (Maryland) en e kantoù an norzh, Cumberland a ra ar c'harneg; Carroll County, Maryland, a-benn e korneter, hag e c'horneter Franklin (Pa).", "Pennsylvania a zo kornôg ar kennad Adams a zo Carroll Maryland war he su-rezh. E kennad Adams a zo Cumberland en kantoù Frederick a-se. Ar maez-kêr an 11vetvet maez Mississippi a zo Gettysburg.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Franklin County in the state is found to the west, and Cumberland County to the north. Carroll County in Maryland lies to the southeast of Adams County, and Frederick County lies to the southwest.", "The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. Adams County (Pa) has Fredericks County (Maryland) to its north east; Cumberland County to its north; Carroll County, Maryland to its southeast and Franklin County (Pa) to its west.", "Pennsylvania's Franklin County is west of Adams County which has Carroll County Maryland to its southeast. To the North of Adams County is Cumberland County with Frederick County to the southeast. The municipality for the 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is Gettysburg which is located in Adams County." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Un deiziad pouezus eo an deiziad pouezus evit Turkia, 27 e-se, ar c'hêr brasañ a zo Istanbul, hag ar moneiz eo ar lira Turkeg; peogwir-mañ e oa bet digoret ar Meneg Ataturk, graet eus bronz ha graet gant Pietro Canonica.", "Ar soñjal Ataturk, graet eus ar bronz, a zo bet graet gant Pietro Canonica ha a zo e Izmir, Turkia, e-se, ma'z eo an moneiz ar Lira Turk hag ar Kêr brasañ eo Istanbul; derouet eo ar c'harzh 27 Jouel 1932.", "Pietro Canonica a zo graet an Ataturk (Izmir) en bronz, ha e oa bet derouet e 27 Jouel 1932 e Turkia. Ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul ha ar moneiz lec'h eo lira Turk.", "July 27, 1932 is an important date for Turkey, where the largest city is Istanbul and currency is the Turkish lira; because on this date the Ataturk Monument, made of bronze and designed by Pietro Canonica was inaugurated.", "The Ataturk Monument, made of bronze, was designed by Pietro Canonica and is located in Izmir, Turkey where the currency is the Turkish Lira and the largest City is Istanbul; the monument was inaugurated on July 27, 1932.", "Pietro Canonica designed the Ataturk Monument (Izmir) in bronze and it was inaugurated on 27 July 1932 in Turkey. The country's largest city is Istanbul and the local currency is the Turkish lira." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Azerbaijan | leaderName | Artur_Rasizade", "Azerbaijan | legislature | National_Assembly_(Azerbaijan)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Azerbaijan | leader | Artur_Rasizade", "Azerbaijan | legislature | National_Assembly_(Azerbaijan)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Meurourien Turk Baku a zo feset d'ar soudarded ar Arme Ottaman lazhet e-barzh Baku. E Azerbaidjan. Ar benn-kêr-Azerbaidjan eo Baku ha e penn e penn ar arrenner Artur Rasizade.", "Baku eo ar kêr-kêr Azerbaidjan, a zo ebet gant ar kementaoueg Arter Artur Rasizade, gant un dalc'h-invoudilh o deus deoc'h d'ar c'hevoudig.", "Ar bennad Baku a zo Baku ha e penner-ministr - pe e penner ofisiel - a vez Artur Rasizade. Anavezet eo anezhañ anezhañ anezhañ anezhañ anezh anezhañ anezhi. Al lec'hiadur a-lec'hiadur ar martourien turezh ar martourien Baku, a zo feset d'ar soudarded ar soudarded Ottom lazhet e Stour Baku.", "The Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial is dedicated to the Ottoman Army Soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku. It is located in Azerbaijan. The capital of Azeribaijan is Baku and its leader is Prime Minister Artur Rasizade. Azerbaijan has legislature of National Assembly.", "Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan which is led by Prime Minister Artur Rasizade with a National Assembly dictating the legislature. The country is the location of the Baku Turkish Martyrs memorial dedicated to the soldiers of the Ottoman army who died in the Battle of Baku.", "The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku and its Prime Minister - or official leader - is called Artur Rasizade. The legislature of Azerbaijan is known as the National Assembly. The country is the location for the Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial, which is dedicated to the Ottoman Army Soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Azerbaijan | leaderName | Artur_Rasizade", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Azerbaijan | leader | Artur_Rasizade", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Huseyin Butuner ha Hilmi Guner a oa ergrafenner eus Memorial Martinoù Turk Baku e Azerbaidjan, o deoc'h d'ar soudarded eus an arme o deus marvet en brezel Baku.", "Memor ar martourien Baku a zo feset d'ar soudarded ar soudarded Ottaman bet lazhet e Baku. Kranvet eo evezet gant Huseyin Butuner ha Hilmi Guner, a zo e Azerbaidjan. Ar bêr-kêr e Azerbaidjan eo Baku ha e pennañ e penner Arzher Artur Rasizade.", "Artur Rasizade a zo e penn ar Azerbaidjan ma'h a zo kavet memor ar martourien turk Baku graet gant Huseyin Butuner ha Hilmi Guner. D'ar soudarded eus an arme Ottom a zo bet lazhet en brezel Baku, ar kêr-kêr.", "Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner were the designers of the Baku Turkish Martyrs Memorial in Azerbaijan, dedicated to the soldiers of the Ottoman army who died in the Battle of Baku. The Prime Minister, Artur Rasizade is the leader of Azerbaijan where Baku is the capital city.", "Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial is dedicated to the Ottoman Army Soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku. It was designed by Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner and it is located in Azerbaijan. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku and its leader is Prime Minister Artur Rasizade.", "Artur Rasizade is the leader of Azerbaijan where the Baku Turkish Martyrs memorial designed by Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner is located. The memorial is dedicated to the soldiers of the Ottoman army who were killed at the Battle of Baku, the capital city. Azerbaijan is governed by a prime minister." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | nativeName | \"Türk Şehitleri Anıtı\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Azerbaijan | leaderTitle | Prime_Minister_of_Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | nativeName | \"Türk Şehitleri Anıtı\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar memor ar martourien Baku a zo e Azerbaidjan, o pennañ Baku. Ar soñdarded e zo feset d'ar soudarded e Baku lazhet en Baku ha anvet eo Turk Sehitleri Aniti. Kranet e oa gant Hüseyin Bütüner ha Hilmi Güner. Ar Azerbaidjan e pennet gant ar pennaourien.", "Huseyin Butuner ha Hilmi Guner a zo aet memor ar martourien turk Baku, anavezet ivez an d'anvel anezhañ Sehitleri Aniti. D'ar soudarded ar soudarded Ottaman a zo bet lazhet en brezel Baku.", "Azerbeidjan, ma'h ar pennañ ar pennañ hag ar bann-kêr Baku, a zo lec'hiadur ar memor Martourien Turk Baku a zo feset d'ar soudarded an arme o deus lazhet er stourm Baku. Anv lec'h ar memor eo Turk Sehitleri Aniti ha e oa graet gant Huseyn Butuner ha Hilmi Guner.", "The Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial is located in Azerbaijan whose capital is Baku. The memorial is dedicated to Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku and is called Turk Sehitleri Aniti. It was designed by Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner. Azerbaijan is led by the Prime Minister.", "Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner designed the Baku Turkish Martyrs memorial, also known as the Turk Sehitleri Aniti. The memorial is dedicated to the Ottoman army soldiers who were killed in the Battle of Baku. It is located in Azerbaijan where the Prime Minister leads the country and the capital city is Baku.", "Azerbaijan, where the leader is the Prime Minister and the capital if Baku, is the location of the Baku Turkish Martyrs Memorial which is dedicated to the soldiers of the Ottoman army who were killed in the battle of Baku. The local name for the memorial is Turk Sehitleri Aniti and it was designed by Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | material | \"Red granite and white marble\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | nativeName | \"Türk Şehitleri Anıtı\"@en", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Azerbaijan | capital | Baku", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | material | \"Red granite and white marble\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | dedicatedTo | \"Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | location | Azerbaijan", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | nativeName | \"Türk Şehitleri Anıtı\"", "Baku_Turkish_Martyrs'_Memorial | designer | \"Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Memor ar martourien Baku, graet eus ar granit hag ar marmoù gwenn, a zo feset d'ar soudarded an Arme e Baku lazhet en Baku. Ar soñj, Turk Sehitleri Aniti, e oa graet gant Hüseyin Bütüner ha Hilmi Güner, a zo e Azerbaidjan, o pennañ Baku.", "Ar memor ar martourien Baku, anavet gant an anv-henn-kêr Turk Sehitleri Aniti, a zo e Azerbaidjan. Er soñvret eo e Huseyin Butuner ha Hilmi Guner, ha savet eo eus ar granit ruz hag ar marmoù gwenn.", "Baku eo ar benn-kêr Azerbaidjan. Krouet eo Memor ar martourien Turk Baku gant ar granit ha marmoù gwenn hag e vez feset d'ar soudarded an Arme e Baku lazhet e Baku. Anv-env-lamm eo \"Turk Sehitleri Aniti\".", "Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial, made of red granite and white marble, is dedicated to the Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku. The memorial, called Turk Sehitleri Aniti, was designed by Hüseyin Bütüner and Hilmi Güner and is located in Azerbaijan, the capital of which is Baku.", "The Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial, also known by the native name Turk Sehitleri Aniti, is located in Azerbaijan. The memorial was designed by Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner, and is constructed from red granite and white marble. It is dedicated to the Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.", "Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. The Baku Turkish Martyrs' Memorial is created in red granite and white marble and is dedicated to the Ottoman Army soldiers killed in the Battle of Baku. The Native name of theMemorial is \"Türk Sehitleri Aniti\". Its designers are Huseyin Butuner and Hilmi Guner." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | capital | London", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | languages | Cornish_language", "England | religion | Church_of_England", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | capital | London", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | language | Cornish_language", "England | religion | Church_of_England", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hwec'h marv a zo e-barzh ar c'hêr-Angal - Londrez. Feset eo AEthelwald, Ealdorman eus an Anglia reter ha graet eo gant ar c'hienn. Ar gizh pennañ ar Giz ar Inraoz.", "The Dead Man's Plack is located in England's capital - London. It is dedicated to AEthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia and it is made of rock. England's main religion is the Church of England. One of the languages spoken in England is the Cornish language." ], "lang": [ "br", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | ethnicGroups | British_Arabs", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | languages | Cornish_language", "England | religion | Church_of_England", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | ethnicGroup | British_Arabs", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | language | Cornish_language", "England | religion | Church_of_England", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Gêr-Az eo ar yezh Kornis, ur strolladoù e-touezel a-lakaet ar Arabed e-barzh hag ar argizh aet ar Giz Arz an Inaoz.", "Ar c'hwec'h marv eo un soñj-barrenn e Ethelwald, Ealdorman e Anglia. Ar gizh ar Giz-Saoz eo ar Giz-Saoz. Ar strollad ar Arouad saozh e-barzh ar Aroued e-barz.", "Ar c'hwec'h marv (lakaet e Angl) a zo graet diouzh ar c'harr. Feset eo AEthelwald, Ealdorman e Anglia. Ar gizh ar Giz Alozh e vo ar Giz-Saoz ha Cornish e vez lâret er maez Cornwall an Inaoz. Ar Arabed a zo ur strollad ouzh saozh saoz.", "England is the home of the Cornish language, many ethnic groups including the British Arabs and the established religion of The Church of England. It is also the location of Dead Mans Plack, a stone monument dedicated to Aethelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia.", "Dead Man's Plack is a stone monument in England that is dedicated to Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia. The state religion of England is the Church of England. English ethnic group include British Arabs. In England's Cornwall region, the Cornish language is spoken.", "The Dead Man's Plack (located in England) is made from rock. It is dedicated to AEthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia. England's religion is the Church of England and Cornish is spoken in the Cornwall region of England. British Arabs are an English ethnic group." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | ethnicGroups | British_Arabs", "England | capital | London", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | languages | Cornish_language", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Dead_Man's_Plack | location | England", "England | ethnicGroup | British_Arabs", "England | capital | London", "Dead_Man's_Plack | dedicatedTo | Æthelwald,_Ealdorman_of_East_Anglia", "England | language | Cornish_language", "Dead_Man's_Plack | material | Rock_(geology)" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hoari marv a zo graet eus ar c'harr ha a zo feset da Ethelwald, Ealdorman e Anglia, a zo en Inraoz. Kêr-Angal eo Londrez ha Cornish a zo ur yezh gomzet amañ.", "Kavet eo ar c'hwec'h an den marv e-raoz ha graet diouzh ar c'har. Feset eo Ethelwald, Ealdorman an Anglia reter. Londrez eo ar kêr-Aoz ha ur strollad ar Arabed a zo ur strollad ouzh ar broudez.", "Ethelwald, Ealdorman e Anglia e vo kavet e Angl, ar gêr-lenn a zo Londrez. Kornish eo unan eus ar yezhioù komzet e Saoz ha unan eus ar strolladoù etel er vro zo Ar Arabed.", "The Dead Man's Plack which is made of rock and is dedicated to Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia, is located in England. The capital of England is London and Cornish is a language spoken there. British Arabs is one of the English ethnicities.", "The Dead Man's Plack is found in England and made from rock. It is dedicated to Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia. London is the capital of England and British Arabs are an ethnic group. The Cornish language is spoken in England.", "Dead Man's Plack, which is made of rock, is dedicated to Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia. It is found in England, the capital of which is London. Cornish is one of the languages spoken in England and one of the ethnic groups found in the country is the British Arabs." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | location | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"^^xsd:date", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | category | Historic_districts_in_the_United_States", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | location | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | category | Historic_districts_in_the_United_States", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Frederick, Maryland eo ar c'hêr tostañ d'ar maez-kêr Monokacy National Strike Frederick, Maryland. Al lec'hiadur an 14vet d'ar New Jersey a zo bet krouet war an 11 juzel 197.", "Lakaet eo an 14vet emgoulm an New Jersey-Bantry en maez Monocacy National Strike, Frederick County, Maryland. Lakaet e 1907-47-11 a zo bet krouet evel ur maez istor a-stor a-stor.", "Frederick, Maryland is the nearest city to the Monocacy National Battlefield of Frederick County, Maryland. It is the location of the 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument which was established on 11 July 1907 which is categorised as belonging to the historic districts of the United States.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument is located in the district of the Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick County, Maryland. The monument was established in 1907-07-11 and is categorised as a historic district in the United States. The closest city to the Monocacy National Battlefield is Frederick." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | location | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"^^xsd:date", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"@en", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | owningOrganisation | National_Park_Service" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | location | Frederick_County,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | established | \"1907-07-11\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | country | \"United States\"", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | district | Monocacy_National_Battlefield", "Monocacy_National_Battlefield | nearestCity | Frederick,_Maryland", "14th_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry_Monument | owningOrganisation | National_Park_Service" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Al lec'hiadur an 14vet emgoulenn a-vanaourien New Jersey a zo an dachenn-gann-bater Monokacy e kantoù Frederick, Maryland, Unanet. Krouet eo bet ar c'hwez 11 a juc'h 1907 hag a zo perzh ar servij deoc'h ar Parks.", "Marv ar 14vet emgavourenn New Jersey (lakaet e Monocacy National Strike, Frederick County, Maryland, USA) a zo bet krouiñ war an 11 ael, ar c'hêr uhelañ eo Frederick, Maryland.", "An 14vet emgoulenn a-bann ar New Jersey a zo bet savet war an 11 e-eul 1907 ha a zo lec'h e maez an maez-kornad Stourm Monocacy en kenn-Frederick, Maryland, Samez. Ar c'harzh-señvoudel a zo er servijad ar Park National Park. Kêr tostañ ouzh maez ar stourm eo Frederick, Maryland.", "The location of the 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument is the Monocacy National Battlefield in Frederick County, Maryland, United States. The monument was established on 11 July 1907 and is owned by the National Park Service.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument (located in the Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick County, Maryland, USA) was established on the 11th July, 1907. The nearest city is Frederick, Maryland. The Monument was provided by the National Park Service.", "The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument was established on 11 July 1907 and is located in the district of the Monocacy National Battlefield in Frederick County, Maryland, US. The monument is owned by the National Park Service. The nearest city to the battlefield is Frederick, Maryland." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Lira Turk eo ar moneiz foranel ar vro ma'h eo Ahmet Davutoglu e penn. Lec'hiadur ar memoriañ er brunoz gant Pietro Canonica ha enlakaet war an 27 Jouel 1932.", "Ar moneiz a zo ar lira Turk hag e penn ar vro a zo Ahmet Davutoglu. Lec'h eo al lec'h ar Meneg Ataturk (Izmir) graet gant ar bronz gant Pietro Canonica ha erruet war an 27 Jouel 1932.", "Ahmet Davutoglu eo e penn ar Turkia ma'h eo Lira Turk ar moneiz, ha ma'h ma 'neus graet Pietro Canonica ar Meneg Ataturk e Izmir diouzh ar bronz, e oa bet derouiñ ar goueul-se.", "The Turkish lira is the official currency of the country where Ahmet Davutoglu is leader. The country is the location of the memorial designed in bronze by Pietro Canonica and inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "The currency of Turkey is the Turkish lira and the leader of the country is Ahmet Davutoglu. The country is the location of the Ataturk Monument (Izmir) designed in bronze by Pietro Canonica and inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "Ahmet Davutoglu is Turkey's leader where the currency is Turkish Lira, and where Pietro Canonica designed the Ataturk Monument in Izmir from bronze, the monument was inaugurated on July 27, 1932." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar penn ar Turkia, ar moneiz a zo al lira Turk, a zo Ahmet Davutoglu. Ar c'hêr-kêr Ankara, ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul.", "Ahmet Davutoglu a zo penn ar Turkia, ma'h a zo Ankara, met ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul ; ar moneiz e lira Turkiek eo en Turk hag e Izmir, Turkia e zo ar Meneg Ataturk, en e-droet war 27 e Jouel 1932.", "Ar gêr-kêr Turek a zo Ankara, ha e penn ar vro a zo Ahmet Davutoglu. Ar moneiz ar Turkiezh a zo ar lira Turk hag Istanbul eo he kêr brasañ.", "The leader of Turkey, where the currency is the Turkish lira, is Ahmet Davutoglu. While the capital city is Ankara, the largest city in the country is Istanbul. Turkey is the location of the Ataturk Monument (Izmir) which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey, where the capital is Ankara, but the largest city is Istanbul; the currency of Turkey is Turkish Lira and in Izmir, Turkey the Ataturk Monument stands, inaugurated on July 27, 1932.", "Turkey's capital is Ankara and the country's leader is Ahmet Davutoglu. The currency of Turkey is the Turkish lira and Istanbul is its largest city. The Atatürk Monument is located in Izmir and was inaugurated on the 27th of July, 1932." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderName | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ahmet Davutoglu eo penn ar Turkia ma'h eo Ankara ar gêr-kêr, met ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul. Lec'h eo al lec'hiadur an Ataturk brunz (Izmir) a zo bet derouet war an 27 Jouel 1932.", "Izmir, Turkia eo al lec'hiadur ar brunenn Ataturk, a zo bet derouet war 27 e Jouel 1932. Ahmet Davutoglu eo ar penn ar gêr gweleg hag ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul ma'h ma'h eo Ankara.", "Ur c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul, Ankara a zo ar gêr-kêr ar Turkia ma'h eo Ahmet Davutoglu e penn.", "Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey where Ankara is the capital, although the largest city is Istanbul. The country is the location of the bronze Ataturk Monument (Izmir) which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "Izmir, Turkey is the location of the bronze Ataturk Monument which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932. Ahmet Davutoglu is the Turkish leader and the largest city is Istanbul although the capital is Ankara.", "Although Istanbul is the largest city, Ankara is the capital of Turkey where Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader. Turkey is the location of the bronze Ataturk Monument (Izmir) which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar pennañ ar Turkie a zo ar prezhant, ar moneiz eo ar lira Turk hag ar gêr-kêr Ankara.", "Deraouet e oa an Ataturk, anezhañ gant Pietro Canonica, derouoret e 27 e c'hoazh, 1932.", "Pietro Canonica a zo graet ar Meneg Ataturk (Izmir) a zo bet digorhet e 27 e Turkia. Ar penner Turk a zo ananv an arouz ar Turkia, ar moneiz eo ar lira Turkeg hag ar kêr-kêr Ankara.", "Turkey's leader is the President, the currency is the Turkish lira and the capital city is Ankara. It is the location of the Ataturk monument which was designed by Pietro Canonica and inaugurated in Izmir on 27 July 1932.", "The Ataturk Monument, which was designed by Pietro Canonica, was inaugurated on 27th July, 1932. Turkey's leader is the President, its currency is the Turkish Lira and the capital city is Ankara.", "Pietro Canonica designed the Ataturk Monument (Izmir) which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932 in Turkey. The Turkish leader is known as the President of Turkey, the currency is the Turkish lira and the capital city is Ankara." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | leaderName | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ], [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "good", "", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id5", "Id5", "Id5", "Id5" ], "text": [ "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu a zo e penn ar Turkia, gêr ar gêr Ataturk (Imir). Ar soñj-señv e oa bet brun gant Pietro Canonica ha ennañ e Izmir.", "Ar Meneg Ataturk (lakaet e Izmir, Turk) a zo graet eus ar Bronze. Derouet e oa bet an 27 Euc'h, 1932 ha ergraet eo bet gant Pietro Canonica.", "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu a zo e penn ar Turkia, a zo lec'hiadur ar memor Ataturk (Izmir) graet gant Pietro Canonica. An soñv a zo graet eus ar bronz ha e oa bet derouet war an 27 Jouel 1932.", "Ahmet Davutoglu eo ar penn gourk hag a zo titul forzh ar prezouz Turkiezh ma'h a zo lec'h ar Meneg Ataturk e Izmir graet eus bronz ha graet gant Pietro Canonica, ennaoueg 27 e 232.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey, the home of the Ataturk monument (Izmir). The monument was designed in bronze by Pietro Canonica and inaugurated on 27 July 1932 in Izmir.", "The Ataturk Monument (located in Izmir, Turkey) is made of Bronze. It was inaugurated on the 27th July, 1932 and it was designed by Pietro Canonica. Turkey's leader is President Ahmet Davutoglu.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey which is the location of the Ataturk monument (Izmir) designed by Pietro Canonica. The monument is made of bronze and was inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "Ahmet Davutoglu is the Turkish leader and is officially titled President of Turkey where the Ataturk Monument is located in Izmir made of bronze and designed by Pietro Canonica, inaugurated on July 27, 1932." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | leaderName | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | designer | Pietro_Canonica", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu a zo e penn ar Turkia. Ar kêr-kêr Ankara, met e Izmir a zo lec'h ar memor Ataturk graet gant Pietro Canonica ha ennaouet war an 27 Jouel 1932.", "Ankara a zo ar benn-kêr Turek, e penn ar vro a zo an prezhant Ahmet Davutoglu hag al lec'hiadur ar memor Ataturk graet gant Pietro Canonica, a zo bet digoret war an 27 juzel 1932.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey. The capital city is Ankara, but it is in Izmir that the Ataturk monument designed by Pietro Canonica and inaugurated on 27 July 1932 is located.", "Ankara is the capital of Turkey, The country's leader is President Ahmet Davutoglu and it is the location of the Ataturk monument designed by Pietro Canonica which was inaugurated on 27 July 1932." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar soñjal Ataturk a zo e Izmir, Turk, ha graet eo eus ar bronz.", "Ar soñj Atatürk (Izmir) a zo graet eus ar bronz, a zo kavet e Turkia, e pennañ Ankara hag e moneiz eo Lira Turk. Preuzel ar Turkia eo titl ofisel ar penn ar Turkeg - e anv Ahmet Davutoglu.", "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu eo ar penn gourkeg.", "The Ataturk Monument is located in Izmir, Turkey and it is made of bronze. Turkeys leader is President Ahmet Davutoglu and its capital is Ankara. Turkey's currency is the Turkish lira.", "The Atatürk Monument (İzmir), which is made of bronze, is found in Turkey, whose capital is Ankara and whose currency is the Turkish Lira. President of Turkey is the official title of the Turkish leader - his name is Ahmet Davutoglu.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the Turkish leader. The local currency is the Turkish lira and the capital city is Ankara, but it is in Izmir that the bronze Ataturk monument is located." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leaderName | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"@en", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | open | \"1932-07-27\"^^xsd:date", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | material | \"Bronze\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | inaugurationDate | \"1932-07-27\"", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ahmet Davutoglu a zo presidant Turkia, o pennañ Ankara.", "An preuzant ar Turkia eo Ahmet Davutoglu. Ar gêr-kêr Ankara, met e Izmir a zo lec'hiañ ar soñj Ataturk brunus ha e oa bet derouet war an 27 juc'h.", "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu a zo e penn ar Turkia a zo ar gêr-kêr Ankara. Ar vro eo lec'hiadur ar memor Ataturk brunsez, bet digoret e Izmir.", "Ahmet Davutoglu is President of Turkey whose capital is Ankara. The bronze Ataturk Monument found in Turkey was inaugurated on July 27th 1932.", "The President of Turkey is Ahmet Davutoglu. The capital is Ankara, but it is in Izmir that the bronze Ataturk monument is located and was inaugurated on 27 July 1932.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey which has the capital city of Ankara. The country is the location of the bronze Ataturk monument inaugurated on 27 July 1932 in Izmir." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leaderName | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Turkey | leaderTitle | President_of_Turkey", "Turkey | leader | Ahmet_Davutoğlu", "Turkey | capital | Ankara", "Turkey | largestCity | Istanbul", "Turkey | currency | Turkish_lira", "Atatürk_Monument_(İzmir) | location | Turkey" ] ] }
(X (X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "An arouezenn Ahmet Davutoglu eo e penn ar Turkia, ar moneiz lec'h eo ar lira Turk hag ar kêr-kêr e vo Ankara, met ivel Istanbul uhelañ.", "An preuzant ar Turkia eo Ahmet Davutoglu, hag e kêr-kêr Ankara. Ar gêr brasañ e Turk eo Istanbul. Ar moneiz Turk eo ar lira Turkeg.", "Presidant hag penn ar Turk, ma'h eo ar moneiz al lira Turkiek a zo Ahmet Davutoglu. Ar kêr-kêr Ankara ha ar c'hêr brasañ eo Istanbul, ma'h e Izmir a zo lec'h ar semel Ataturk.", "President Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader of Turkey, The local currency is the Turkish lira and the capital city is Ankara, although Istanbul is the largest. Izmir, Turkey is the location of the Ataturk monument.", "The President of Turkey is Ahmet Davutoglu and its capital city is Ankara. The largest city in Turkey is Istanbul. The turkish currency is the Turkish lira. The Atatürk Monument is located in İzmir.", "President and leader of Turkey, where the currency is the Turkish lira is Ahmet Davutoglu. The capital city is Ankara and the largest city is Istanbul although it is in Izmir that the Ataturk Monument is located." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | nickname | Uab", "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | rector | \"Breaz Valer Daniel\"@en", "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | city | Alba_Iulia", "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | latinName | \"Universitas Apulensis\"@en", "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | country | Romania", "1_Decembrie_1918_University,_Alba_Iulia | state | Alba" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "1_Decembrie_1918_University | nickname | Uab", "1_Decembrie_1918_University | rector | \"Breaz Valer Daniel\"", "1_Decembrie_1918_University | city | Alba_Iulia", "1_Decembrie_1918_University | latinName | \"Universitas Apulensis\"", "1_Decembrie_1918_University | country | Romania", "1_Decembrie_1918_University | state | Alba" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Alba Iulia, Alba, Roumania, a zo an holl anv \"Universitas Apulensis\" hag e lesanv eo \"Uab\".", "Breaz Valer Daniel. Anv latin eo \"Universitas Apulensis\" a zo anezhañ gant lesanv Uab.", "Alba Iulia, Roumania, e c'hannv al latin eo \"Universitas Apulensis\", e reizour eo \"Breaz Valer Daniel\", hag e lesanv eo Uab.", "The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania. Its Latun name is \"Universitas Apulensis\" and its nickname is \"Uab\". Its rectore is Breaz Valer Daniel.", "The rector of the 1 Decembrie 1918 University in Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania, is Breaz Valer Daniel. The latin name of the University is \"Universitas Apulensis\" and it is known by the nickname Uab.", "The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania. Its Latin name is \"Universitas Apulensis,\" its rector is \"Breaz Valer Daniel,\" and its nickname is Uab." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "AWH_Engineering_College | established | 2001", "AWH_Engineering_College | faculty | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"@en", "India | river | Ganges" ], [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "AWH_Engineering_College | established | 2001", "AWH_Engineering_College | facultySize | \"250\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"@en", "India | river | Ganges" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "AWH_Engineering_College | established | 2001", "AWH_Engineering_College | academicStaffSize | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"", "India | river | Ganges" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E-bloaz 2001 e oa bet krouiñ e Kuttikkattoor, Indez, e 250.", "Ar Stêr Ganges a erruiñ dre Indez e pe maez eo e c'hêr Kuttikkattoor e Stad Kerala. Krouiñ e 2001 ha 250 a zo 250 labourerez.", "E 2001 a savet e 2001 e c'hoariad AWH en Kuttikkattoor, Kerala India a zo 250 labourez. Ur stêr branel eo ar Ganges.", "The AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, India was established in 2001 and it has 250 academic staff. The Ganges is a river in India.", "The River Ganges runs through India in which country the AWH Engineering College is located in the city of Kuttikkattoor in the state of Kerala. The College was established in 2001 and has 250 academic staff.", "Established in 2001, the AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala India currently has 250 staff. A famous river in the country is the Ganges." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "AWH_Engineering_College | established | 2001", "AWH_Engineering_College | facultySize | \"250\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "Kerala | northwest | Mahé,_India", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "AWH_Engineering_College | established | 2001", "AWH_Engineering_College | academicStaffSize | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "Kerala | hasToItsNorthwest | Mahé,_India", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Kolez-injineriñ AWH e Kuttikkattoor, Indez a zo er stad Kerala a zo Mahe en e norzh-kornôg. Krouet eo bet ar skol-señv e 2001 ha 250 den e labouriñ e departamant akademienn.", "Krouiñ e 2001 e c'hwezhañ e Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, Su-reter Mahe, Indez.", "Kerala eo un stad en Indez a zo lec'hiet gant Mahe en e norzh-kornôg. Er gêr eo e-gêr e Kultikatoriañ AWH a zo e kêr Kuttikkattoor, Indez. Krouiñ e 2001 ha 250 labourez.", "AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, India is in the state of Kerala which has Mahe to its northwest. The school was established in 2001 and employs 250 people in its academic department.", "Established in 2001, the AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, southeast of Mahe, India. It currently has 250 staff.", "Kerala is a state in India which is positioned with Mahe to its northwest. It is also home to the AWH Engineering College which is located in the city of Kuttikkattoor, India. The college was founded in 2001 and has 250 members of staff." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "Kerala | leaderName | Kochi", "AWH_Engineering_College | facultySize | \"250\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"@en", "India | river | Ganges" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "Kerala | leader | Kochi", "AWH_Engineering_College | academicStaffSize | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"", "India | river | Ganges" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X)) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E Kuttikkattoor, Indez e Stad Kerala. 250 edukatour zo ar skol ha Kerala eo ar reoliet gant Kochi. Ar stêr Ganges a zo kavet ivez.", "E-kol an anjerezh AWH e Kuttikkattoor, Kerala India a zo 250 labourez bremañ.", "E Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, Indez a zo un edukatourien dibarzh 250.", "AWH Engineering College is in Kuttikkattoor, India in the state of Kerala. The school has 250 employees and Kerala is ruled by Kochi. The Ganges River is also found in India.", "The AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala India currently has 250 staff. Kerala's leader is named Kochi and a famous river in the country is the Ganges.", "AWH Engineering College located in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, India has an academic staff of 250. The state of Kerala's leader is Kochi and one of the rivers of India is the Ganges." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "Kerala | leaderName | Kochi", "AWH_Engineering_College | faculty | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "Kerala | northwest | Mahé,_India", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "AWH_Engineering_College | country | India", "Kerala | leader | Kochi", "AWH_Engineering_College | academicStaffSize | 250", "AWH_Engineering_College | state | Kerala", "Kerala | hasToItsNorthwest | Mahé,_India", "AWH_Engineering_College | city | \"Kuttikkattoor\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "E Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, Indez, a zo 250 labourerez a-tremenel. Kerala a zo kaout Mahe, Indez en e prezh-kornôg, hag e penner eo Kochi.", "Ar stad Kerala e Indez a zo an norzh-kornôg Mahe, Indez hag e pennet eo gant Kochi. Lec'h eo al lec'h ar C'holiad Meinerierezh AWH e kêr Kuttikkattoor a zo 250 labourien.", "The AWH Engineering College is located in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, India. It has 250 academic staff. Kerala has Mahe, India to its northwest and its leader is Kochi.", "The state of Kerala in India is northwest of Mahe, India and is led by Kochi. It is the location of the AWH Engineering College in the city of Kuttikkattoor which has 250 academic staff." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Suñvrad zo bet krouet e 1996.", "Ar c'hanc'her federal Johann Schneider-Ammann a zo e penn ar Suwec'h ma'h a zo lec'h an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio en kêr Mendrisio. Krouet eo bet ar Akademia e 1996.", "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendriso, Suñvrad zo bet krouet e 1996.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996. Its dean is Mario Botta. Switzerland's leader is Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann is the leader of Switzerland where the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in the city of Mendrisio. The Accademia was established in 1996 and is overseen by Dean Mario Botta.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendriso, Switzerland was established in 1996. Its dean is Mario Botta. Switzerland is led by Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Suñvrad a zo bet krouiñ e 1996 ha 600 stoured. E c'hanon Mario Botta eo, ha e penn ar vro a zo Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Mario Botta a zo c'han ar c'hademia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Sved. Krouet eo e 1996 ha a zo 600 stoured bremañ.", "Ar Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, (dian Mario Botta), azezeiñ e c'hêr Mendrisio, Suñvrad a zo 600 stoured ha bet krouiñ e 1996.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996 and has 600 students. Its dean is Mario Botta and the leader of the country is Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Mario Botta is the dean of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland. It was established in 1996 and currently has 600 students. The country's leader is named Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, (dean Mario Botta), based in the city of Mendrisio, Switzerland has 600 students and was established in 1996. Switzerland's leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo bet krouet e 1996 e Suñvroù. 100 edukatourien a zo ha 600 stoured.", "600 stoured a zo, 100 edukatourien e Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo bet krouet e 1996 e Suvrad. Ar c'hoant ar Akademia zo Mario Botta met Johann Schneider-Ammann eo ar vro.", "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Sved a zo bet krouiñ e 1996 ha a zo 100 edukatourien ha 600 stoured bremañ.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Switzerland was established in 1996. It has 100 academic staff and 600 students. Its dean is Mario Botta. The leader of Switzerland in Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "There are 600 students an 100 academic staff at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was established in 1996 in Switzerland. The Dean of the Accademia is Mario Botta but it is Johann Schneider-Ammann who leads the country.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Switzerland was established in 1996 and currently has 100 staff and 600 students. The dean of the academy is Mario Botta. The country's leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | \"600\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | facultySize | \"100\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Suñvrad a zo 100 edukatour, 600 stoured ha bet krouet e 1996.", "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Sved zo bet krouiñ e 1996 ha a zo 100 labourez ha 600 stoured bremañ.", "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo bet krouiñ e c'hêr Mendrisio, Sved, e 1996 ha 600 stoured e oa 600 stoured ha un edukatourien 100.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland has 100 employees, 600 students and was established in 1996. The country is led by Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996 and currently has 100 staff and 600 students. The country's leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio located in the city of Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996 and has 600 students and an academic staff of 100. Switzerland's leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Academia di Architettura e Mendrisio, Suñvrad a zo bet krouet e 1996.", "Al lec'hiadur an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo krouet e 1996.", "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio zo bet krouet e 1996 ha a zo e Mendrisio, Suñvrad.", "The Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996. Switzerland's anthem is the Swiss Psalm, and its leader is Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "The city of Mendrisio in Switzerland, which is led by Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann, is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was established in 1996. The national anthem of the country is the Swiss Psalm.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio was established in 1996 and is located in Mendrisio, Switzerland. Switzerland is led by its Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann. Its anthem is the Swiss Psalm." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | \"600\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Sved zo bet krouet e 1996 ha 600 stoured en deus.", "Ar Psalm Sved a zo ar hyunienn-vroel al Suvrad, e pennet gant ar c'hanceler federal Johann Schneider-Ammann. Ar vro eo lec'h an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo krouet e 1996 ha 600 stred.", "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo bet krouet e 1996 en deus 600 stred ha a zo e Suw.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Switzerland was established in 1996 and it has 600 students. The leader of Switzerland is Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann. The anthem of Switzerland is the Swiss Psalm.", "The Swiss Psalm is the national anthem of Switzerland which is led by Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann. The country is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was established in 1996 and has 600 students.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio was established in 1996, has 600 students and is in Switzerland. Switzerland's Federal Chancellor is Johann Schneider-Ammann and the country's anthem is Swiss Psalm." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | canton | Ticino" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | \"600\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | canton | Ticino" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | location | Ticino" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Ticino, Mendrisio, Suñ, a zo 100 edukatourez ha 600 desist.", "Al lec'hiadur an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio eo ar c'hêr Mendrisio e 1996 ha 600 stoured ha un edukatourien o 100.", "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Ticino, Mendrisio, Suñv. Krouiñ e 1996 a oa 600 stoured, ha 100.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Ticino, Mendrisio, Switzerland. It has 100 academic staff and 600 students. It was established in 1996.", "The city of Mendrisio in Ticino, Switzerland is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was established in the year 1996 and has 600 students and an academic staff of 100.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Ticino, Mendrisio, Switzerland. It was established in 1996, has 600 students, and an academic staff of 100." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | dean | Mario_Botta", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisi a zo e Mendrisio, Sved, ha bet krouet e 1996 e c'hoariant, e c'hastral a zo da 100 aozer, o 600 stred, ha e c'hoant Mario Botta.", "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Sved zo bet krouiñ e 1996 ha a zo 100 labourez ha 600 stoured bremañ.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisi is located in Mendrisio, Switzerland and was established in 1996. Its academic staff consists of 100 members, it has 600 students and its Dean is Mario Botta.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland was established in 1996 and currently has 100 staff and 600 students. The dean of the academy is Mario Botta." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, Suñvrad, ha bet krouet e 1996.", "Al lec'hiadur an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a vezañ 600 stoured ha 100 labourien.", "Ar c'hanceler federal a zo ar Suwec'h hag e-kêr eo ar Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, a zo bet krouet e 1996 e kêr Mendrisio ha en deus 600 stoured gant 100 labourez.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Mendrisio, Switzerland and it was established in 1996. It has 100 academic staff and 600 students. Switzerland's leader is the Federal Chancellor.", "The city of Mendrisio in Switzerland, which is led by the Federal Chancellor, is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio established in 1996 and which has 600 students and 100 academic staff.", "Switzerland is governed by the Federal Chancellor and is also home to the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was founded in 1996 in the city of Mendrisio and currently has 600 students with 100 members of staff." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | canton | Ticino", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | location | Ticino", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, Ticino, Suñvarn. 600 stred a zo 600 a zo bet krouet e 1996.", "Johann Schneider-Ammann a zo e penn ar Suvrad a zo lec'hiadur an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio e kêr Mendrisio, Ticino. 600 stred zo er Akademia, a zo bet krouet e 1996.", "Aozh a zo a-kêr ar c'hormanant Johann Schneider-Ammann a zo ivez ar c'hêr Akademia di Architettura di Mendrisio e-kêr Mendrisio en maez Ticino. Krouet eo e 1996 ha 600 stred.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Mendrisio, Ticino, Switzerland. It has 600 students and it was established in 1996. Switzerland's leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Johann Schneider-Ammann is the leader of Switzerland which is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in the city of Mendrisio, Ticino. There are 600 students at the Accademia which was established in 1996.", "Switzerland with the governor Johann Schneider-Ammann is also home to the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which is located in the city of Mendrisio in the Ticino region. It was founded in 1996 and has 600 students." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | faculty | 100", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | canton | Ticino" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | students | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | facultySize | \"100\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | canton | Ticino" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | numberOfStudents | 600", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | established | 1996", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | academicStaffSize | 100", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | location | Ticino" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Ticino, Suñvrad zo bet krouet e 1996.", "Johann Schneider-Ammann a zo e penn ar Suñvrad ma'h a zo lec'h ar Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, a zo bet krouet e 1996 . E Ticino. Ar Akademia a zo 600 stred ha 100 labourien.", "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Ticino, Suñvrad (an e pennadenn a zo Johann Schneider-Ammann).", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Ticino, Switzerland was established in 1996. It has 100 academic staff and 600 students. The leader of Switzerland is Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Johann Schneider-Ammann is the leader of Switzerland where the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio which was established in 1996 is located. It is situated in Ticino. The Accademia has 600 students and 100 academic staff.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Ticino, Switzerland (which leader is Johann Schneider-Ammann). It was established in 1996 and has 600 students and 100 academic staff." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipalities | Meride", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | legislature | Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipality | Meride", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | legislature | Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipality | Meride", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | legislature | Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X (X)) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Academia di Architettura de Mendrisio e Mendrisio, Suñvrad, a zo Meride evel e maez-kêr.", "Ar Akademia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, a zo a-c'houde ar maez Meride e Suñvrad. An anezhañ a zo an Lañgalañ a-voudil e pennet gant ar c'hanceler a-voudan ar Suñvrad, Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Accademia di Architettura de Mendrisio in Mendrisio, Switzerland, which has Meride as its neighboring municipality. The Federal Chancellor of the country is Johann Schneider-Ammann and the country is governed by a Federal Assembly.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Mendrisio, neighbours the municipality of Meride in Switzerland. The country's legislature is the Federal Assembly headed by the Federal Chancellor of Switzerland, Johann Schneider-Ammann." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipality | Meride", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ], [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipalities | Meride", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Mendrisio | neighboringMunicipality | Meride", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X (X)) (X (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar Akademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, Suñvrad. Meride eo ar kêr-kêr Meride. Ar leunioù a zo ar Psamm Svedeg, hag e penn eo e c'hanceler federal Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Ar c'hanc'her federal Johann Schneider-Ammann a zo e penn ar Suvrad ma'h a zo ar hyun ar Psalm Sved. Ar vro eo lec'h an Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio e Mendrisio, ur kêrmiz Meride.", "Ar Akademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, a-gostad ar maez Meride e Suñvrad.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Mendrisio, Switzerland. Meride's neighbouring municipality is Meride. Switzerland's anthem is the Swiss Psalm, and its leader is Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Federal Chancellor Johann Schneider-Ammann is the leader of Switzerland where the national anthem is the Swiss Psalm. The country is the location of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio based in Mendrisio, a neighbouring municipality to Meride.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is in Mendrisio, neighbouring the municipality of Meride in Switzerland. The country is led by the Federal Chancellor, Johann Schneider-Ammann and its national anthem is the Swiss Psalm." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leaderName | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | legislature | Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | country | Switzerland", "Switzerland | anthem | Swiss_Psalm", "Accademia_di_Architettura_di_Mendrisio | city | Mendrisio", "Switzerland | leader | Johann_Schneider-Ammann", "Switzerland | legislature | Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)", "Switzerland | leaderTitle | Federal_Chancellor_of_Switzerland" ] ] }
(X (X) (X (X) (X) (X) (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, Suñvrad, a zo reoliet gant un Emgannadenn a-bannet hag e vez e c'hanceler, Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Ar Akademia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e Mendrisio, Suñvrad. Ar c'harnadig an arvoudig, hag e pennañ eo ar c'hanceler a-voudel, Johann Schneider-Ammann.", "Academia di Architettura di Mendrisio a zo e c'hêr Mendrisio, Suñvrad. Ar gouez-se eo ar gouezh-mañ ar Psalm Suiz.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is in Mendrisio, Switzerland which is governed by a Federal Assembly and has as its Chancellor, Johann Schneider-Ammann. The country's anthem is the Swiss Psalm.", "The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is in Mendrisio, Switzerland. The country's legislature is the Federal Assembly and its leader is the Federal Chancellor, Johann Schneider-Ammann. The national anthem is the Swiss Psalm.", "Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in the city of Mendrisio, Switzerland. The national anthem of this country is the Swiss Psalm . Switzerland's leader (the Federal Chancellor of Switzerland) is called Johann Schneider-Ammann and the country is legislated over by the Federal Assembly (Switzerland)." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | president | \"B.M. Reddy\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | president | \"B.M. Reddy\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Krouiñ e 2000 e Stouistouenn an takeladoù Acharya e Bangalore, Karnataka, Indez, e reizh a zo B.M. Reddy, hag kennasket eo ouzh an Elzel-telekel Visvesvaraya.", "Ar c'hêr Bangalore e stad Karnataka en Indez a zo lec'hiadur ar Institenn-Tekoloù Acharya. Presidant ar Stouadenn a zo bet krouet e 2000 hag a oa kennasket gant Uel-Telekel Visvesvaraya eo B M Reddy.", "Krouiñ e 2000 e Evrouiñ an Aozitouenn-Tekoloù Acharya a zo e Bangalore, Karnataka India.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, Karnataka, India was established in 2000. Its president is B.M. Reddy and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University.", "The city of Bangalore in the state of Karnataka in India is the location of the Acharya Institute of Technology. The President of the Institute which was established in 2000 and is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University is B M Reddy.", "Established in 2000, the Acharya Institute of Technology is in Bangalore, Karnataka India. The institute's president is B.M. Reddy and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | free | All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education", "All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education | location | Mumbai", "Karnataka | northeast | Telangana", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | wasGivenTheTechnicalCampusStatusBy | All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education", "All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education | location | Mumbai", "Karnataka | hasToItsNortheast | Telangana", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X (X)) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Karnataka a zo kennasket gant an Elzel-Tekologel Visvesvaraya. Roet eo bet ar stad \"Kampad-Tekel\" gant An holl Kuzel-Indez an Teol-Tekel (lakaet e Mumbai).", "Ar c'hêr Bangalore e stad Karnataka, Indez, a zo al lec'hiadur ar su-kornzh Telanga e-lec'h ar Stlugennadenn-teziad Acharya a oaet ouzh an Elzel-Telekel Visvesvaraya.", "E-kant Karnataka a zo lec'hiadur e-kant Karnataka, a zo lec'hiadur gant Telanga da norzh. E-kêr Bangalore hag a zo kevreadennoù kreñvoudek ouzh an Elzel-Tel-Visvesvaraya. Gant ar c'haosket-se a zo bet stad 'Kampus-Tekel\" gant Kuzel-Indezh an Indezh a oaet e Mumbai.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, Karnataka is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University. It was given the \"Technical Campus\" status by the All India Council for Technical Education (located in Mumbai). Karnataka has Telangana to its northeast.", "The city of Bangalore in the state of Karnataka, India which lies southwest of Telangana is the location of the Acharya Institute of Technology affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University. The Institute was given Technical Campus status by the All India Council for Technical Education based in Mumbai.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in the state of Karnataka which is positioned with Telangana to the northeast. The Institute is in the city of Bangalore and has strong connections with the Visvesvaraya Technological University. Along with these connections the Institute was also given the 'Technical Campus' status by the All India Council for Technical Education which is based in Mumbai." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | free | All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education", "All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education | location | Mumbai", "Visvesvaraya_Technological_University | city | Belgaum", "Karnataka | west | Arabian_Sea", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | wasGivenTheTechnicalCampusStatusBy | All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education", "All_India_Council_for_Technical_Education | location | Mumbai", "Visvesvaraya_Technological_University | city | Belgaum", "Karnataka | hasToItsWest | Arabian_Sea", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka" ] ] }
(X (X (X)) (X (X)) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hwezhañ a zo kennashet gant ar Skol-Tekoloù Visvesvaraya e Belgaum. Roet eo bet he stadoù e Kempus-Tekel gant Kuzel-Indezhi evit ar Kuzel-Tekel e Mumbai.", "E Karnataka, e Karnataka, a zo bet roet stad ar Stummad \"Kampad-Tekel\" gant An holl Kuzel-Indez an Tennekel, e Mumbai. E Karnataka a zo e Karnataka.", "Ar c'hankadenn e oa bet roet ar stad ar c'hampad \"Tekel\" gant an holl Kuzel-Indez evit an deskiad an takel e Mumbai, hag kennasket eo ouzh an Elzel-telekel Visvesvaraya e Belgaom. Karnataka a zo reter eus ar Meur Arabek.", "Acharya Institute of Technology, which is in the state of Karnataka, is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belgaum. The school was given its Technical Campus status by the All India Council for Technical Education in Mumbai. To the west of Karnataka is the Arabian Sea.", "Acharya Institute of Technology, in Karnataka, an affiliate of Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belgaum, was given the 'Technical Campus' status by All India Council for Technical Education, situated in Mumbai. Acharya Institute is in Karnataka, which is east of the Arabian Sea.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Karnataka was given the 'Technical Campus' status by the All India Council for Technical Education in Mumbai and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belgaum. Karnataka is east of the Arabian Sea." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Visvesvaraya_Technological_University | city | Belgaum", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University", "Visvesvaraya_Technological_University | city | Belgaum", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X (X)))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hastun ar c'hankad an arzhankad Acharya a zo e Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarpovalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Karnataka, Bangalore - 560090, Indi. Krouet eo bet e 2000.", "A-kennaset eo ar c'hastouenn-teziad an takeladoù Indi e Visvesvaraya a-krenet e gêr Belgaom. Krouet eo bet e 2000 e stad Karnataka hag ar c'hapel eo e In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvralli Radhakrishnan, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology's campus is in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Karnataka, Bangalore - 560090, India. It was established in 2000. It is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belgaum.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in India is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University based in the city of Belgaum. It was established in the year 2000 in the state of Karnataka and the campus is located at In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | postgrad | \"~700\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | 700", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hastouenn a zo e c'hambad E Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarpovalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090 e Bangalore, Indez. E c' eo Dr. G. P. P. Prabukumar, hag e c'hañvred eo Uel-Telekel Visvesvaraya. 700 stlugenned a zo.", "Acharya Institute of Technology is located at campus In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090 in Bangalore, India. Its director is Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar and its affiliation is Visvesvaraya Technological University. The Institute has 700 postgraduate students." ], "lang": [ "br", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hampad Ar c'hankad an arzhankadoù Acharya a zo e Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarpovalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090, Indi. Krouet eo bet e 2000; e merour a zo hezher G. P. P. Prabukumar, hag e kennet ouzh ar Uel-telekel Visvesvaraya.", "Ar c'hwec'hiañ ar c'hastouenn ar c'hwez-teziad e Bangalore, Indez a zo kennasket ouzh an Elzel-Telekel Visvesvaraya. Krouet eo bet e 2000 ha e oa ur c'hant G Prabukumar evel ar c'hapad. E-kav eo e In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "Ar c'hont ar c'hant ar c'hankadenn ar c'hankadenn, 56,0090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology's campus is in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090, India. It was established in 2000; its directore is Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar and it is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, India is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University. It was established in the year 2000 and has Dr G P Prabhukumar as Director . The campus is located at In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is at Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090. This address is in Bangalore, india. Its director is Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar. It is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University. It was established in 2000." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | motto | \"Nurturing Excellence\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | director | \"Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | motto | \"Nurturing Excellence\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hampad Ar c'hankad Arzhaniadur Acharya a zo e Soldevanahalli, Acharya e Dr. Sarpovalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore, Indez, 560090. E merour eo he c'hour G. P. Prabukumar, hag e c'hant eo \"Uzher-eñvoudel\".", "Ar c'hankadenn ar c'hwezhiad ar c'hwezhiadenn e Bangalore, Indez a zo kennasket ouzh an Elzel-telekel Visvesvaraya ha e d'eus d'eus d'eus urzhañ G Prabukumar. Ar c'hant eo \"Derezh-eñvoudur\" a zo ar c'hapel, ha e c'eo ar skoldevanahalli, Acharya e Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "Ar c'hweziadenn a zo e c'hwezhiñ ar c'hankad Ardevanahalli, Acharya e Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090, Indez. Ar c'hour ar c'hastourien a zo Dr. G. P. P. Prabukumar, hag o c'hant eo \"Bannvoudel-eñ\".", "The Acharya Institute of Technology's campus is in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore, India, 560090. Its director is Dr G.P. Prabhukumar and its motto is \"Nurturing Excellence\". It is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in the city of Bangalore, India is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University and has Dr G P Prabhukumar as its Director. The motto for the Institute is \"Nurturing Excellence\" and the campus is located at Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090, India. The institute's director is Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar and their motto is \"Nurturing Excellence.\" It is also affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | \"700\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | 700", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id3" ], "text": [ "E-Bangalore, Indez e bet bet savietet e 2000 e Instituur an teknolozoñ. E-televred ha kennasket e Visvesvaraya a zo kennasket ouzhout ouzhout ar Arzist ar Telekoloñ. E-Telektoni e Saldevanahalli, Acharya e Akarya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "E Bangalore, Indez a zo krouiñet e 2000 ha 700 stouredet a-lug. E chomlec'h leun eo En Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "Acharya Institute of Technology was established in 2000 in Bangalore, India. It has 700 postgraduate students and is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University. Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology, which is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University, is in Bangalore, India. The school was established in 2000 and has 700 post graduate students. Its full address is In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | postgrad | \"~700\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | established | 2000", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | state | Karnataka", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | 700", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "E Bangalore, Karnataka, Indez, a zo bet krouet e 2000 ha 700 stouredoù a-lakaet.", "E-bloaz 2000 e oa bet krouiñ ar Stouastouenn an takeladoù Acharya e Bangalore, Karnataka, Indez, ha 700 stouredoù a-lugennet ganeoc'h.", "E 2000 a zo bet krouiñ ar Stouastouenn an Techoloù Acharya ha e bannet e Bangalore, Stad Karnataka en Indez. 700 stoured a-lugennet a-lerc'h ha ganeus kevreadennoù ouzh an Ardred Telekel Visvesvaraya.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It was established in 2000 and it has 700 postgraduate students. It is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, Karnataka, India was established in the year 2000 and has 700 postgraduate students. The Institute is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology was founded in 2000 and is located in Bangalore, Karnataka state of the country India. It has 700 postgraduate students and has connections with the Visvesvaraya Technological University." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | motto | \"Nurturing Excellence\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | \"700\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"Urban, ,\\nIn Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"@en", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliations | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | city | Bangalore", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | motto | \"Nurturing Excellence\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | country | \"India\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | numberOfPostgraduateStudents | 700", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | campus | \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.\"", "Acharya_Institute_of_Technology | affiliation | Visvesvaraya_Technological_University" ] ] }
(X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X))
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good", "", "", "" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3", "Id4", "Id4", "Id4" ], "text": [ "Ar c'hwec'h e c'hwec'h a zo e Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "Ar c'hweziadenn a zo e Sildevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarpovalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090, Indez. Ar stouzhoù a zo \"Uzher-señvoud\" hag e vez kennasket gant Uel-Telekel Visvesvaraya. 700 stourien a zo 700 stlugenn.", "E-kêr Bangalore a zo e-kêr Bangalore e lakaet ar c'hastoueg ha kennaskoueg gouest e-lugennet ouzh an istudenn ar Visvesvaraya. Ar c'hastoueg eo \"Nurturezh-tour-tell\" ha al lec'hiadur eo \"En Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, India is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University. The school has 700 post graduate students and its motto is Nurturing Excellence. Its full address is In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090, India. The institute's motto is \"Nurturing Excellence\" and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University. The institute has 700 postgraduate students.", "The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in the city of Bangalore in the country India. The institute has 700 postgraduate students and connections to the Visvesvaraya Technological University. The motto of the institute is \"Nurturing Excellence\" and the exact location is \"In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560090." ], "lang": [ "br", "br", "br", "en", "en", "en" ] }