Is the color of the collar different than the couch?
[ "yes" ]
[ "collar", "couch" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "couch", "to the right of", "carpet" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "carpet" ], [ "carpet", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "carpet", "to the left of", "couch" ] ]
What is located on top of the meat on the right?
[ "onions" ]
[ "meat" ]
[ "onions" ]
[ [ "paper", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "onions" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "bacon" ], [ "bacon", "to the left of", "cheese" ], [ "bacon", "on top of", "fries" ], [ "bacon", "to the left of", "onions" ], [ "bacon", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "bacon", "with", "onions" ], [ "sauce", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "fork" ], [ "fries", "on", "plate" ], [ "fries", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "fries", "covered with", "onions" ], [ "fries", "topped with", "bacon" ], [ "fries", "in", "container" ], [ "fries", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "fork", "to the left of", "ring" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "sauce" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "cups" ], [ "fork", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "onions", "on", "hot dog" ], [ "onions", "to the left of", "meat" ], [ "onions", "on top of", "meat" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "cheese" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "fries" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cheese" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "ring" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "fries" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "bacon" ], [ "cheese", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "cheese", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "onions" ], [ "onions", "to the right of", "cups" ], [ "onions", "to the right of", "bacon" ], [ "onions", "to the left of", "cheese" ], [ "onions", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "onions", "on top of", "bacon" ], [ "hot dog", "with", "onions" ], [ "hot dog", "topped with", "onions" ], [ "cups", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "cups", "filled with", "sauce" ], [ "cups", "to the left of", "onions" ], [ "food", "on", "paper" ], [ "food", "on", "plate" ], [ "meat", "to the right of", "onions" ], [ "ring", "on", "finger" ], [ "ring", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "ring", "to the right of", "fork" ] ]
Is the man to the right of the woman wearing jeans?
[ "yes" ]
[ "man", "woman", "jeans" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "shirt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "sitting on", "bench" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "cane" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "luggage", "next to", "bench" ], [ "luggage", "in front of", "bench" ], [ "luggage", "on top of", "floor" ], [ "luggage", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "cane", "on top of", "luggage" ], [ "cane", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "cane", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "cane", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "cane" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "bench", "behind", "luggage" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "bench", "near", "luggage" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "sitting on", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "cane" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "luggage" ] ]
On which side is the camera?
[ "left" ]
[ "camera" ]
[ "left" ]
[ [ "book", "to the left of", "hard drive" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "pills", "to the left of", "pills" ], [ "pills", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "pills", "to the right of", "pills" ], [ "pills", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "pills" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "pills" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "pills" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "pills", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "hard drive", "near", "keyboard" ], [ "hard drive", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "keyboard", "near", "hard drive" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "cable", "on top of", "bed" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "pen" ] ]
Who is wearing a helmet?
[ "biker" ]
[ "helmet" ]
[ "biker" ]
[ [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "vehicles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "vehicles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "riding", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "wearing", "helmet" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "helmet" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "vehicles" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "biker", "riding", "motorcycles" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "helmet" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "vehicles" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "vehicles", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "vehicles", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "vehicles", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "vehicles", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "vehicles", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "vehicles", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "vehicles", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "clouds", "in", "sky" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "helmet" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "vehicles" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "biker" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "motorcycles" ], [ "biker", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "biker", "to the left of", "vehicles" ], [ "helmet", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "helmet", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "helmet", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "motorcycles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "biker" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "vehicles" ], [ "motorcycles", "to the right of", "grass" ] ]
Is there a racket to the left of the man that is skiing on the snow?
[ "no" ]
[ "man", "snow" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "coat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "wearing", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "skis", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "snow" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "wearing", "coat" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "snow", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "ski lift" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "ski lift", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "man", "on", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "man", "skiing on", "snow" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "wearing", "coat" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "skis" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "person", "on", "snowboard" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ] ]
Of what color is the shirt the man wears?
[ "white" ]
[ "shirt", "man" ]
[ "white" ]
[ [ "shirt", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "water", "above", "man" ], [ "foot", "above", "surfboard" ], [ "surfboard", "below", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "in", "water" ], [ "man", "above", "surfboard" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "on", "surfboard" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "pants" ] ]
What is the pan on?
[ "wall" ]
[ "pan" ]
[ "wall" ]
[ [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "apron" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "apron" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "seafood" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "cup", "on", "shelf" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "uniform", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "bottle", "on", "counter" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "uniform", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "apron" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "pan" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "apron" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "cooler" ], [ "apron", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "apron", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "apron", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "apron", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "apron", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "apron", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "apron", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "in", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "seafood" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "cooler", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "apron" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "cooler", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "vegetable", "in", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "vegetable", "in", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "seafood" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "seafood", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "seafood", "in", "bag" ], [ "seafood", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "seafood", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "seafood", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "seafood" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "in", "bathtub" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "pan", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "pan", "on", "wall" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "apron" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bottle", "on", "counter" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bottle", "on", "counter" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "apron" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "cooler" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "uniform" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "uniform" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "box", "inside", "bag" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "in", "bathtub" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "floor" ] ]
What type of appliance is to the right of the vegetable near the fruit?
[ "stove" ]
[ "table", "vegetable", "fruit" ]
[ "stove" ]
[ [ "drink", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "fruit", "next to", "vegetable" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "fruit", "on", "table" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tag" ], [ "fruit", "near", "vegetable" ], [ "fruit", "next to", "vegetable" ], [ "fruit", "next to", "vegetable" ], [ "fruit", "on", "table" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "fruit", "near", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "near", "fruit" ], [ "vegetable", "near", "fruit" ], [ "vegetable", "near", "fruit" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "drink" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "tag" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "fingers" ], [ "finger", "on the side of", "jar" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "drink" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "drink" ], [ "finger", "on the side of", "jar" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "finger", "on the side of", "jar" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "finger", "on the side of", "jar" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "drink", "to the left of", "fingers" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "drink", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "drink", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "drink", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "drink", "in", "jar" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "tag", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tag", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "fingers", "holding onto", "jar" ], [ "fingers", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "fingers", "to the right of", "drink" ] ]
What is the color of the trousers that the boy is wearing?
[ "black" ]
[ "boy" ]
[ "black" ]
[ [ "stone", "to the right of", "stone" ], [ "sneakers", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "street light" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "street light" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "sneakers" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "sneakers" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "chimney" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "chimney", "on", "roof" ], [ "chimney", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "on the side of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "street light" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "street light", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "street light", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "street light", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "street light", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "sneakers" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "street light" ], [ "stone", "to the left of", "stone" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "sneakers" ] ]
Is the outfit on a doll?
[ "no" ]
[ "outfit" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "teddy bear", "wearing", "outfit" ], [ "teddy bear", "beside", "vase" ], [ "face", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "planter" ], [ "outfit", "on", "teddy bear" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "collar" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "eyes" ], [ "planter", "to the right of", "mouth" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "eyes" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "mouth" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "planter" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "face" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "nose" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "collar" ], [ "collar", "to the left of", "planter" ], [ "collar", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "planter" ], [ "nose", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "mouth", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "mouth", "to the left of", "planter" ], [ "eyes", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "eyes", "to the left of", "planter" ] ]
Does the fence made of metal look short and brown?
[ "yes" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "sign", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "lady", "on", "sign" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "chairs", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "post", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "cars" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "cars" ], [ "cars", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "cars", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "cars", "to the left of", "umbrella" ], [ "chair", "under", "umbrella" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "chair", "below", "umbrella" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "chairs" ], [ "umbrella", "above", "chair" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "coffee" ], [ "umbrella", "to the right of", "cars" ], [ "umbrella", "on", "pole" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "post" ], [ "coffee", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "coffee", "on", "sign" ] ]
What color is the shoe?
[ "tan" ]
[ "shoe" ]
[ "tan" ]
[ [ "trees", "behind", "man" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "field" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "sock" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "catcher", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "catcher", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "catcher", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "catcher", "to the left of", "field" ], [ "catcher", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "catcher", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "catcher", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "catcher", "on", "pole" ], [ "field", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "field", "to the right of", "catcher" ], [ "field", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "field", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "man", "in front of", "trees" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "catcher" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "catcher" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "field" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "field" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "catcher" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "catcher" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "catcher" ], [ "sock", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "sock", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "catcher" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shorts" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "holding", "bag" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "frisbee", "on", "ground" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "sock" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "frisbee", "lying on", "ground" ] ]
Where in this scene is the fence, in the bottom or in the top?
[ "bottom" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ "bottom" ]
[ [ "trees", "behind", "bikes" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "bikes", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "bikes", "in front of", "trees" ], [ "bikes", "to the right of", "bicycles" ], [ "bikes", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the right of", "bicycles" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "tree", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "sidewalk" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "street light" ], [ "tree", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "bikes" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "sidewalk" ], [ "bicycles", "to the left of", "bikes" ], [ "bicycles", "leaning against", "fence" ], [ "bicycles", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "bicycles", "to the left of", "sidewalk" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "bikes" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "bicycles" ], [ "street light", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "building" ] ]
Is the round watch made of leather or metal?
[ "leather" ]
[ "watch" ]
[ "leather" ]
[ [ "bottles", "to the left of", "toaster" ], [ "bottles", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "bottles", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "burner", "on", "stove" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "banana" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "pan" ], [ "toaster", "to the right of", "bottles" ], [ "toaster", "to the right of", "spatula" ], [ "toaster", "to the right of", "soda bottle" ], [ "toaster", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "toaster", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "toaster" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "toaster" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "spatula" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "bottles" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "soda bottle" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "spatula", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "watch" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "soda bottle" ], [ "spatula", "to the left of", "toaster" ], [ "spatula", "to the right of", "bottles" ], [ "banana", "in", "pan" ], [ "banana", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "watch", "on", "hand" ], [ "watch", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "pan", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "soda bottle", "to the left of", "spatula" ], [ "soda bottle", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "soda bottle", "to the left of", "toaster" ] ]
What color is the fruit the orange is to the right of?
[ "red" ]
[ "fruit", "orange" ]
[ "red" ]
[ [ "tomato", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "orange" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "apple" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "in", "bowl" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "kiwi" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "apple" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "bowl", "on", "table" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "kiwi" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "in", "bowl" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "orange", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "orange", "to the right of", "apple" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "kiwi" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "in", "bowl" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "kiwi", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "kiwi", "to the left of", "apple" ], [ "kiwi", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "kiwi", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "kiwi", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "kiwi", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "kiwi", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "kiwi" ], [ "tomato", "in", "bowl" ], [ "apple", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "apple", "to the right of", "kiwi" ], [ "apple", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "apple", "to the left of", "orange" ], [ "apple", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "kiwi" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "apple" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "kiwi" ] ]
Is the bench to the left or to the right of the person that is standing in the bathroom?
[ "left" ]
[ "bench", "bathroom" ]
[ "left" ]
[ [ "door", "to the left of", "tiles" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "curtains" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "curtains", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "curtains", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "curtains", "in", "bathroom" ], [ "curtains", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "toilet", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "toilet", "in", "bathroom" ], [ "toilet", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "tiles", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "tiles", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "tiles" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "curtains" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "lid", "of", "toilet" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "toilet" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "man", "standing in", "bathroom" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "toilet" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "curtains" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "wall" ] ]
Are there both rice and meat in the picture?
[ "yes" ]
[ "rice", "meat" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "sandal", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "sandal", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "sandal", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "sandal" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "sandal", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "sandal", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "meat" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "liquid", "in", "bowl" ], [ "liquid", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "liquid", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "liquid", "to the left of", "chopstick" ], [ "liquid", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "liquid", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "meat" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "chicken" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "liquid" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "chopstick" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "meat" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "containers" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the right of", "beer can" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "chopsticks", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "containers" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "plates", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "meat" ], [ "person", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "plates" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "liquid" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "meat" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "containers" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "chicken" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "sandal" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "sandal" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "beer can" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "sandal" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "sandal" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "containers" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "chopstick" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "liquid" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "chopstick" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "liquid" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "containers", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "containers", "to the left of", "chopstick" ], [ "containers", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "containers", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "containers", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "containers", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "rice", "on", "plate" ], [ "food", "on", "plate" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "containers" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "meat", "in", "container" ], [ "meat", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "meat", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "meat", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "meat", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "meat", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "box", "on", "dirt" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "chopsticks" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "chopstick", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "chopstick", "to the right of", "liquid" ], [ "chopstick", "to the right of", "containers" ], [ "chopstick", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "chopstick", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "chicken", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "chicken", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "beer can", "on", "dirt" ], [ "beer can", "to the left of", "chopsticks" ], [ "beer can", "to the left of", "bowl" ] ]
What are the animals to the right of the bench?
[ "horses" ]
[ "hat", "bench" ]
[ "horses" ]
[ [ "horse", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "bushes" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "truck" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "wagon", "to the left of", "bushes" ], [ "bushes", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "bushes", "to the right of", "horses" ], [ "bushes", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "bushes", "to the right of", "wagon" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "truck", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "ears", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "people", "in", "wagon" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "ears" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "horses", "to the left of", "bushes" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "berries", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "bushes" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "man", "riding", "wagon" ], [ "man", "in", "wagon" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "man", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "berries" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "horse" ] ]
What animals are standing on the grass?
[ "elephants" ]
[ "grass" ]
[ "elephants" ]
[ [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephants" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "behind", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "trunk", "touching", "grass" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "branches" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "branches", "to the right of", "sky" ], [ "branches", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "in front of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephants" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephants" ], [ "sky", "to the left of", "branches" ], [ "elephants", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "elephants", "grazing on", "grass" ], [ "elephants", "standing on", "grass" ] ]
What is on the coffee table?
[ "remote control" ]
[ "table" ]
[ "remote control" ]
[ [ "table", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "remote control", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "remote control", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "remote control", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "dvd player", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "dvd player", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "dvd player", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "dvd player" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "remote control" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "remote control" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "dvd player" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "blinds", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "blinds", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "blinds", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "remote control" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "blinds" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "dvd player" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "coffee table" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "remote control" ], [ "cable", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "remote control", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "remote control", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "blinds" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "remote control" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "remote control", "on", "coffee table" ], [ "remote control", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "coffee table", "to the right of", "cable" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "remote control" ], [ "man", "sitting on", "coffee table" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "blinds" ] ]
Is the man to the right or to the left of the chair in the bottom?
[ "right" ]
[ "man", "hair", "chair" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "hair", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "wearing", "wristband" ], [ "man", "holding", "glass" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shorts" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "wearing", "socks" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "eyes", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "socks", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "wristband" ], [ "mouth", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "screen", "below", "lamp" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "lamp", "above", "screen" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "wristband" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "eyes" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "mouth" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "wristband" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "wristband", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "wristband", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "wristband", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "wristband", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "wristband" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "socks" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "man" ] ]
In which part is the vase, the top or the bottom?
[ "bottom" ]
[ "vase" ]
[ "bottom" ]
[ [ "glass", "to the right of", "sofa" ], [ "glass", "near", "sofa" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "sofa" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "chandelier" ], [ "sofa", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "sofa", "to the left of", "glass" ], [ "sofa", "near", "glass" ], [ "sofa", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "sofa", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "pillows", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "pillows", "on", "sofa" ], [ "chandelier", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "pillows" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "sofa" ], [ "vase", "on", "end table" ], [ "pillow", "on", "chair" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "sofa" ] ]
Is the black bag on the left?
[ "yes" ]
[ "bag" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "shoes", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "bicycle" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bicycle" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "seat", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "seat", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "seat", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "seat" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "seat" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "letters", "on the side of", "bag" ], [ "letters", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "seat" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "letters" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "bicycle", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "bicycle", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "carrying", "bag" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "talking on", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "man", "holding", "cell phone" ] ]
Is there any bench or tennis ball in this image?
[ "yes" ]
[ "bench" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "bench", "behind", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "guy" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "graffiti" ], [ "skateboard", "to the right of", "guy" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "wheels", "of", "skateboard" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "graffiti" ], [ "graffiti", "on", "wall" ], [ "graffiti", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "graffiti", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "graffiti", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "guy", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "guy", "falling off", "skateboard" ], [ "guy", "to the left of", "skateboard" ], [ "guy", "riding on", "skateboard" ], [ "guy", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "guy" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "graffiti" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "man", "riding on", "skateboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "in front of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "wheels" ] ]
Which kind of furniture is to the left of the sausage?
[ "cabinet" ]
[ "sausage" ]
[ "cabinet" ]
[ [ "onions", "on top of", "crust" ], [ "onions", "to the right of", "cabbage" ], [ "onions", "above", "cabbage" ], [ "onions", "to the right of", "bacon" ], [ "skillet", "on", "stove" ], [ "skillet", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "skillet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "skillet", "to the right of", "jar" ], [ "bacon", "on top of", "crust" ], [ "bacon", "to the right of", "cabbage" ], [ "bacon", "to the left of", "onions" ], [ "stove", "near", "cabinet" ], [ "crumbs", "on", "stove" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "cheese" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "skillet" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "sausage" ], [ "cheese", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "cabbage", "to the left of", "bacon" ], [ "cabbage", "under", "onions" ], [ "cabbage", "to the left of", "onions" ], [ "cabbage", "below", "onions" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "skillet" ], [ "cabinet", "next to", "stove" ], [ "cabinet", "near", "stove" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "sausage" ], [ "jar", "on", "cabinet" ], [ "jar", "to the left of", "skillet" ], [ "sausage", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "sausage", "to the left of", "cheese" ] ]
What is the name of the vegetable that is to the right of the bread that is held by the basket?
[ "cabbage" ]
[ "table", "bread", "basket" ]
[ "cabbage" ]
[ [ "orange", "to the right of", "lettuce" ], [ "orange", "to the right of", "cabbage" ], [ "lettuce", "to the left of", "orange" ], [ "ocean", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "ocean", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "cabbage", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "cabbage", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "cabbage", "to the left of", "orange" ], [ "glass", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "orange", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "salad", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "salad", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "basket", "holding", "bread" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "orange" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "salad" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "cabbage" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "ocean" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "glass" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "cabbage" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "salad" ], [ "straw", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "ocean" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "straw" ] ]
Are there white computers or books?
[ "yes" ]
[ "computer" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "screen", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "computer", "on", "table" ], [ "computer", "on top of", "table" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "wires", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "computer", "on top of", "table" ], [ "computer", "on", "table" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "wires" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "computer" ] ]
Is the brown couch to the left or to the right of the lamp?
[ "left" ]
[ "couch", "lamp" ]
[ "left" ]
[ [ "pot", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "pot", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "on", "floor" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "plant", "beside", "window" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "pot" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "lamp", "on", "table" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "rug", "on", "floor" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "vase", "on", "fireplace" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "vase", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "vase" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "fireplace" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "pot" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "on", "floor" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "fireplace", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pillow", "on", "chair" ] ]
Does the ring look thick and blue?
[ "no" ]
[ "ring" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "woman", "eating", "pizza" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "ring" ], [ "woman", "holding", "pizza" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "necklace" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "ring", "to the right of", "pizza" ], [ "pizza", "with", "pepperoni" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "pizza", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "pizza", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "pizza", "to the left of", "ring" ], [ "pizza", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "pizza", "to the left of", "fingers" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "hand", "of", "woman" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "necklace" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "pepperoni" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "fingers", "to the right of", "pizza" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "necklace" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "pizza" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "pizza" ], [ "pepperoni", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "necklace", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "necklace", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "finger", "on top of", "finger" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "pizza" ] ]
Do you see giraffes there?
[ "yes" ]
[ "giraffe" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "trunk", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "weeds" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "field" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "tree trunk" ], [ "field", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "field", "to the left of", "tree trunk" ], [ "weeds", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "giraffe", "sitting on", "ground" ], [ "tree trunk", "to the right of", "field" ], [ "tree trunk", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "tree trunk", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "roof", "of", "building" ], [ "building", "between", "trees" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "tree trunk" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "trunk" ] ]
What color are the horns?
[ "brown" ]
[ "horns" ]
[ "brown" ]
[ [ "doorway", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "horns" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "horns", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "flower" ] ]
On which side of the picture is the small cucumber?
[ "right" ]
[ "cucumber" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "container", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "pepper", "to the right of", "cucumber" ], [ "pepper", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "pepper", "on top of", "table" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "carrot" ], [ "carrot", "on top of", "table" ], [ "carrot", "to the right of", "carrot" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "pepper" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "apple" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "cucumber" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "apple" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "pepper" ], [ "cucumber", "to the left of", "pepper" ], [ "cucumber", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "cucumber", "to the left of", "pepper" ], [ "cucumber", "on top of", "table" ], [ "apple", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "apple", "to the right of", "apple" ], [ "apple", "near", "apple" ], [ "carrot", "to the left of", "carrot" ], [ "carrot", "on top of", "table" ], [ "carrot", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "pepper", "to the right of", "cucumber" ], [ "pepper", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "basket", "contain", "tomato" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "apple", "next to", "apple" ], [ "apple", "to the left of", "apple" ], [ "apple", "to the left of", "food" ] ]
What's the beer in?
[ "mug" ]
[ "beer" ]
[ "mug" ]
[ [ "walls", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "walls", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "walls", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "walls", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "walls", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "walls", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "jar", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "dishes" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "jar", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "walls" ], [ "bowl", "on", "table" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "walls" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "walls" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "in front of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "mug" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "beer" ], [ "man", "sitting at", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "walls" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "walls" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "mug" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "beer" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "wall", "behind", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "walls" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "dishes" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "mug" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "beer" ], [ "bowl", "on", "table" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "dishes" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "mug" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "beer" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "jar" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "beer" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "dishes" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "dishes", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "dishes", "to the left of", "jar" ], [ "dishes", "to the left of", "beer" ], [ "dishes", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "dishes", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "beer", "to the right of", "dishes" ], [ "beer", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "beer", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "beer", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "beer", "in", "mug" ], [ "beer", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "beer", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "mug", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "mug", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "mug", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "mug", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "mug", "on", "table" ] ]
Is there a train near the pole that looks gray?
[ "no" ]
[ "pole" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "street", "below", "tree" ], [ "bench", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "bench", "near", "pole" ], [ "bench", "by", "sidewalk" ], [ "bench", "in front of", "window" ], [ "bench", "above", "ground" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "doorway" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "window", "behind", "bench" ], [ "trash can", "to the left of", "doorway" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "letter", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "branch", "of", "tree" ], [ "branch", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "plant", "by", "window" ], [ "letter", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "letter" ], [ "letter", "to the left of", "words" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "leaves", "on", "tree" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "letter" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "letter", "to the left of", "words" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "branch" ], [ "letter", "to the right of", "words" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "doorway" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "frame" ], [ "trunk", "of", "tree" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "words", "to the right of", "letter" ], [ "words", "to the right of", "letter" ], [ "words", "to the left of", "letter" ], [ "pole", "next to", "bench" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "frame" ], [ "frame", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "frame", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "doorway", "of", "building" ], [ "doorway", "to the right of", "trash can" ], [ "doorway", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "doorway", "to the right of", "bench" ] ]
Is that sky cloudy and blue?
[ "yes" ]
[ "sky", "cloud" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "bird", "on", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "bird", "on", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "birds" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "telephone pole" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wings", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wings", "to the right of", "telephone pole" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "bird", "on", "telephone pole" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "birds" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "sky", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "sky", "to the left of", "cloud" ], [ "sky", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "birds" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "birds", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "birds", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "birds", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "birds", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "wings" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the left of", "wings" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "sky" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "birds" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "bird" ], [ "bird", "on", "wire" ], [ "cloud", "to the right of", "sky" ], [ "cloud", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "cloud", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "cloud" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "cloud" ], [ "wire", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "wire" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "sky" ], [ "tail", "of", "bird" ] ]
What is the woman standing behind of?
[ "counter" ]
[ "woman", "man" ]
[ "counter" ]
[ [ "knife", "cutting", "cake" ], [ "knife", "under", "cake" ], [ "knife", "below", "cake" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "placemat" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "placemat" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "tags" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "coffee cup" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "castle" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "castle" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "napkins", "on", "counter" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "placemat" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "castle", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "castle", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "castle", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "castle", "to the right of", "ball" ], [ "castle", "to the right of", "coffee cup" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "woman", "behind", "flags" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "tags" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "coat" ], [ "woman", "with", "glasses" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "woman", "standing behind", "counter" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "coffee cup" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "flags" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "coffee cup" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "flags" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "cake", "above", "knife" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "man", "cutting", "cake" ], [ "man", "wearing", "suit" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "flags" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "coffee cup" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "castle" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tags" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the left of", "castle" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "coffee cup", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "coffee cup" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ball", "to the left of", "castle" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "flags", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "flags", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "flags", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "flags", "in front of", "woman" ], [ "flags", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "tags", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "tags", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "tags", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "flags" ], [ "flag", "on", "counter" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "coffee cup" ], [ "placemat", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "placemat", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "placemat", "to the left of", "counter" ] ]
Is the white dog on the right side of the image?
[ "yes" ]
[ "dog" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "trees", "to the right of", "house" ], [ "trees", "near", "house" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "bush" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "house" ], [ "tree", "behind", "grass" ], [ "house", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "house", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "house", "behind", "grass" ], [ "house", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "sign", "in front of", "building" ], [ "sign", "next to", "tree" ], [ "sign", "near", "tree" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "trash can" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "bush", "in front of", "house" ], [ "bush", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "trees", "behind", "paw" ], [ "building", "behind", "sign" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "trash can" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "tree", "behind", "grass" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "house" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "grass", "below", "paw" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "paw", "to the left of", "paw" ], [ "trash can", "next to", "tree" ], [ "trash can", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "trash can", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "trash can", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "trash can", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "paw" ], [ "trash can", "near", "tree" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "tree", "next to", "trash can" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "house" ], [ "tree", "near", "sign" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "tree", "near", "trash can" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "house", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "house", "behind", "bush" ], [ "house", "behind", "dog" ], [ "house", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "house", "near", "trees" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "dog", "above", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "house" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "trash can" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "dog", "in front of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "catching", "frisbee" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "grass", "below", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "paw", "near", "frisbee" ], [ "paw", "next to", "frisbee" ], [ "paw", "to the right of", "paw" ], [ "paw", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "above", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "dog", "catching", "frisbee" ], [ "dog", "standing on", "grass" ], [ "dog", "in front of", "house" ], [ "dog", "above", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "above", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "frisbee", "near", "paw" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "under", "dog" ], [ "grass", "beneath", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "grass", "in front of", "house" ], [ "grass", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "below", "dog" ], [ "grass", "behind", "dog" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "trash can" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "dog" ] ]
Which kind of furniture is in front of the man?
[ "table" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "table" ]
[ [ "card", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cakes" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cake" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "tray" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cakes" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cake" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "tray" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "cards" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "cakes" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cakes" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "tray" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cakes" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cake" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "card", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "cards", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "cards", "to the right of", "tray" ], [ "cards", "on top of", "table" ], [ "cards", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "cards", "to the right of", "cake" ], [ "cards", "next to", "man" ], [ "cards", "next to", "man" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "cards" ], [ "cards", "to the right of", "plates" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cards", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "table", "behind", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "cards" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "chairs", "in front of", "wall" ], [ "chairs", "near", "wall" ], [ "chairs", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "chairs", "by", "wall" ], [ "window", "behind", "man" ], [ "wall", "behind", "man" ], [ "wall", "behind", "chairs" ], [ "wall", "near", "chairs" ], [ "cake", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cake", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cake", "to the left of", "cards" ], [ "cake", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cake", "on top of", "tray" ], [ "cake", "in front of", "man" ], [ "candle", "on top of", "table" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "candle", "in front of", "man" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "card", "in front of", "man" ], [ "card", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "in front of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "plates" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "in front of", "wall" ], [ "man", "holding", "knife" ], [ "man", "cutting", "cake" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "chairs" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "card" ], [ "man", "in front of", "table" ], [ "man", "behind", "cake" ], [ "man", "behind", "candle" ], [ "man", "behind", "card" ], [ "man", "near", "cards" ], [ "man", "behind", "table" ], [ "man", "near", "cards" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "cards" ], [ "table", "in front of", "man" ], [ "plates", "to the left of", "cards" ], [ "plates", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cakes", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cakes", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "cakes", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cakes", "to the left of", "card" ], [ "cakes", "to the left of", "card" ] ]
What is the device to the right of the man that is wearing pants?
[ "laptop" ]
[ "man", "pants" ]
[ "laptop" ]
[ [ "vest", "of", "man" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "necklace" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "beard" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "arms" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "necklace" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "man", "with", "beard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "with", "laptop" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "necklace", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "necklace", "to the left of", "arms" ], [ "necklace", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "necklace", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "beard" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "arms" ], [ "shirt", "of", "lady" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "arms" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "beard" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "arms", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "arms", "to the right of", "necklace" ], [ "arms", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "arms", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "arms", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "arms", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "arms" ], [ "lady", "wearing", "necklace" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "beard" ], [ "lady", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "holding", "laptop" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "light switch", "on", "wall" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "arms" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "necklace" ], [ "beard", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "beard", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "beard", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "beard", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "beard", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "beard" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "man" ] ]
What is the food on the pizza made of wood?
[ "mushrooms" ]
[ "pizza" ]
[ "mushrooms" ]
[ [ "lid", "to the left of", "herbs" ], [ "lid", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "topping", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "herbs", "to the right of", "lid" ], [ "mushrooms", "on", "pizza" ], [ "mushroom", "to the left of", "crust" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "pizza", "with", "sauce" ], [ "pizza", "with", "mushrooms" ], [ "sauce", "on", "pizza" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "lid" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "topping" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "crust", "to the right of", "mushroom" ] ]
Does the counter look dotted?
[ "yes" ]
[ "counter" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "food", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "food", "on", "tray" ], [ "food", "inside", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "sauce" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "sauce" ], [ "food", "in", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "vegetables" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "juice" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "vegetables", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "sauce" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "with", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "on", "tray" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bun", "with", "bread" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bun", "on", "tray" ], [ "knife", "on", "tray" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "vegetables" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "bread", "on", "bun" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "vegetables" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "spoon", "in", "bowl" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "vegetables" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "spoon", "in", "food" ], [ "sauce", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "sauce", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "sauce", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "sauce", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "in", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "juice", "in", "bowl" ], [ "juice", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "vegetables" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "with", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "sauce" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "vegetables" ] ]
On which side is the black towel?
[ "left" ]
[ "towel" ]
[ "left" ]
[ [ "mat", "on", "floor" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cup", "on", "counter" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "faucet", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "faucet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "sink", "below", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "hangar" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "hangar" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "mirror", "under", "light fixture" ], [ "mirror", "above", "sink" ], [ "mirror", "on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "mirror", "below", "light fixture" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "faucet" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "faucet" ], [ "hangar", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "hangar", "holding", "paper" ], [ "hangar", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "on", "hangar" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "container", "beside", "cup" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "light fixture", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "light fixture", "above", "mirror" ], [ "light fixture", "on", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "light fixture" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "mirror" ] ]
Where is the rug?
[ "floor" ]
[ "rug" ]
[ "floor" ]
[ [ "wall", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "papers", "on", "wall" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "chairs" ], [ "rug", "on", "floor" ], [ "cat", "under", "bench" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "chairs" ], [ "cat", "below", "bench" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "chair", "by", "table" ], [ "soda", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "soda", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "can", "of", "soda" ], [ "can", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "can", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "can" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "soda" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "cans" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "soda" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "can" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "cans", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "cans", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "cans", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "book", "on", "shelf" ], [ "light switch", "on", "wall" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "cans" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "cans" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "chairs", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "chairs", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "chairs", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "chairs" ], [ "bench", "above", "cat" ] ]
Does the kite have blue color?
[ "yes" ]
[ "kite" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "clouds", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "kite" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "dress" ], [ "woman", "carrying", "bag" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirts", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirts", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "shirts" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "dress" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirts" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "sand" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirts" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "dress" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "shirts" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "kite" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "kite" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "kite", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "kite", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "kite", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "kite", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "sand", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "sand", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "sand" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "kite" ] ]
On which side is the spectator?
[ "right" ]
[ "spectator" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "sign", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "spectator" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "watch" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "spectator" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "man", "sitting at", "table" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "watch" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bleachers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "wrist", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "watch" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "spectator", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "spectator", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "spectator", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "watch", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "watch", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "watch", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "watch", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "wrist" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "spectator" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bleachers" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "watch" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "people" ] ]
How is the animal above the device the duck is on called?
[ "cat" ]
[ "duck" ]
[ "cat" ]
[ [ "backpack", "above", "notebook" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "feet" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "backpack", "on", "table" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "notebook" ], [ "laptop", "beneath", "cat" ], [ "laptop", "below", "cat" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "boxes", "to the left of", "boxes" ], [ "boxes", "to the right of", "boxes" ], [ "stuffed bear", "to the right of", "papers" ], [ "stuffed bear", "on", "shelf" ], [ "stuffed bear", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "duck", "on the back of", "cat" ], [ "duck", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "duck", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "duck", "on top of", "cat" ], [ "duck", "on", "cat" ], [ "beak", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "beak", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "beak", "of", "duck" ], [ "notebook", "under", "backpack" ], [ "notebook", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "duck" ], [ "papers", "to the left of", "stuffed bear" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "beak" ], [ "papers", "to the left of", "rose" ], [ "papers", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "feet", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "feet", "of", "cat" ], [ "eye", "of", "duck" ], [ "cat", "on", "laptop" ], [ "cat", "carrying", "duck" ], [ "cat", "above", "laptop" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "stuffed bear" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "rose" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "papers" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "duck" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "beak" ], [ "rose", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "rose", "to the right of", "papers" ] ]
What is in the bread?
[ "hot dog" ]
[ "bread" ]
[ "hot dog" ]
[ [ "tomato", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "man", "holding", "plate" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "mustard", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "hot dog" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "hot dog", "on", "plate" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "hot dog", "in", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "tomato", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "ketchup", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "ketchup", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "hot dog" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "thumb", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "thumb", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "thumb", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "thumb", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "topping", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "thumb" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "topping", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "topping", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "thumb" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bicycle" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "hot dog", "in", "bread" ], [ "hot dog", "on", "plate" ], [ "hot dog", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "hot dog", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "hot dog", "in", "bun" ], [ "hot dog", "on", "plate" ], [ "hot dog", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "food", "on", "plate" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "thumb" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "topping" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "ketchup" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "blanket", "hanging on", "fence" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "bicycle", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bicycle", "near", "fence" ], [ "bicycle", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "fence", "near", "bicycle" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "bicycle" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "thumb" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "topping" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "ketchup" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "topping" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "mustard" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "tomato" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "onion" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "hot dog" ] ]
Is the motorcycle on the left?
[ "no" ]
[ "motorcycle" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "tire", "to the right of", "goat" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "horn" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "horn", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "horn", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "horn", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "horn", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "horn", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horn", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "horn", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "horns", "to the left of", "paint" ], [ "horns", "to the left of", "paint" ], [ "horns", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "horns", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "horns", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "goat", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "goat", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "goat", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "trash", "on top of", "ground" ], [ "trash", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "horn" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "horn" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "goat" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "horn" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "goat" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "horn" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "paint", "to the right of", "horns" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "trash" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "rope", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "rope", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "rope", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "rope", "around", "goat" ], [ "rope", "around", "neck" ], [ "rope", "on", "goat" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "rope" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "rope" ], [ "paint", "to the right of", "horns" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "horns" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "eye", "of", "goat" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "rope" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "horn" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "horn" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "horns" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "horns" ], [ "rocks", "on top of", "ground" ] ]
What animal is standing on the grass that is not tall?
[ "giraffe" ]
[ "grass" ]
[ "giraffe" ]
[ [ "ear", "to the left of", "branch" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "eye", "of", "giraffe" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "neck", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "branch", "by", "head" ], [ "branch", "near", "head" ], [ "branch", "next to", "giraffe" ], [ "branch", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "branch", "next to", "head" ], [ "head", "near", "branch" ], [ "head", "of", "giraffe" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "neck" ], [ "tree branch", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "standing on", "grass" ], [ "giraffe", "on", "grass" ], [ "giraffe", "near", "branch" ], [ "giraffe", "standing in", "grass" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "tree branch" ], [ "giraffe", "standing next to", "trees" ], [ "tail", "of", "giraffe" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "bush", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "bush" ], [ "bush", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "bush", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "bush" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "bush" ] ]
Do you see glasses to the left of the man that is not short?
[ "no" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "mouth", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "mouth", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "house", "behind", "people" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "hands", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "hands", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "hands", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "hands", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "belt" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "tie" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "hands" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "tie", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "tie", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tie", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "tie", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "wearing", "tie" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "people", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "people", "in front of", "house" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "people", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tie" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "belt" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "hands" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "belt" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "hands" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "dress" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "belt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "belt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "hands" ], [ "belt", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "belt", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "belt", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tie" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "mouth" ], [ "tree", "behind", "people" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "behind", "people" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "mouth" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tie" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ] ]
Do you see a motorcycle to the right of the man on the left?
[ "no" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "trees", "to the right of", "arms" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "skateboarder" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "trees", "behind", "person" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "arms" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "sneakers", "on", "skateboard" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "skateboarder" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "person", "in front of", "trees" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skateboarder" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "skateboarder", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "skateboarder", "wearing", "sneakers" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the left of", "skateboard" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "skateboarder", "on", "skateboard" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "skateboarder", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "park", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "skateboarder" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "park" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "skateboard" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "skateboard", "to the right of", "skateboarder" ], [ "skateboard", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "arms", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "arms", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "watching", "skateboarder" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "skateboarder" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "pants" ] ]
What is hanging over the tree?
[ "street light" ]
[ "tree" ]
[ "street light" ]
[ [ "tree", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "glove" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "helmet" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "arrow", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "windshield" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "cloud", "in", "sky" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "wearing", "helmet" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "riding", "bike" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "man", "on", "bike" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "glove" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "helmet" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "glove" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "window", "on the front of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "window", "on the front of", "building" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "tire", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "pavement" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "tire" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "glove" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "windshield", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "windshield", "to the left of", "helmet" ], [ "pavement", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "pavement", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "riding on", "bike" ], [ "man", "riding", "bike" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "glove", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "glove", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "glove", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "glove", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "glove", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "glove", "of", "man" ], [ "glove", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "sign", "on", "bike" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "glove" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "arrow" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "pavement" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "street light", "hanging over", "tree" ], [ "street light", "to the right of", "helmet" ], [ "helmet", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "helmet", "on", "head" ], [ "helmet", "to the right of", "windshield" ], [ "helmet", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "helmet", "to the left of", "street light" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "glove" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "jacket" ] ]
Is the boy on the left side?
[ "yes" ]
[ "boy" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "shoes", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "hat", "on", "head" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "bench", "in front of", "window" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "cigarette" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "racket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "holding", "racket" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "cigarette", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "cigarette", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "steps" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "steps" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "dirt", "to the left of", "gravel" ], [ "dirt", "to the left of", "dirt" ], [ "dirt", "to the right of", "gravel" ], [ "dirt", "to the right of", "dirt" ], [ "gravel", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "gravel", "to the right of", "dirt" ], [ "gravel", "to the left of", "dirt" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "gravel" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "steps" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "cigarette" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "suit", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "steps", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "steps", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "steps", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "steps", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "steps", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "head", "of", "person" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "racket" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "steps" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "steps" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "window", "behind", "bench" ], [ "person", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "suit" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "boy" ] ]
What is the mozzarella on?
[ "plate" ]
[ "mozzarella" ]
[ "plate" ]
[ [ "plate", "to the left of", "butter knife" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "salt shaker", "to the right of", "water" ], [ "butter knife", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "fork", "on", "napkin" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "mozzarella" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "mozzarella", "on", "plate" ], [ "mozzarella", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "mozzarella", "to the left of", "napkin" ], [ "tomato", "on", "plate" ], [ "tomato", "to the left of", "napkin" ], [ "water", "to the left of", "salt shaker" ], [ "napkin", "to the right of", "tomato" ], [ "napkin", "to the right of", "mozzarella" ] ]
Is the vehicle to the right of the zebra silver or blue?
[ "silver" ]
[ "zebra" ]
[ "silver" ]
[ [ "leg", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "zebra", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "zebra" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "street" ], [ "birds", "on", "roof" ], [ "street", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "leg" ] ]
What is on the cabinet?
[ "computer" ]
[ "cabinet" ]
[ "computer" ]
[ [ "laptop", "above", "box" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "display" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "mouse pad" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "cord", "plugged into", "laptop" ], [ "beach", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "beach", "to the right of", "display" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "box", "below", "laptop" ], [ "box", "under", "laptop" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "mouse pad" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "sticker" ], [ "box", "below", "computer" ], [ "box", "under", "computer" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "computer", "above", "box" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "beach" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "computer", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "computer", "on", "cabinet" ], [ "sticker", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "sticker", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "sticker" ], [ "display", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "display", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "display", "to the left of", "beach" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "monitor" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "monitor", "to the right of", "display" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "computer" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "mouse pad", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "mouse pad", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "keyboard" ] ]
What is the color of the bridge?
[ "green" ]
[ "bridge" ]
[ "green" ]
[ [ "building", "to the right of", "clock" ], [ "chimney", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "chimney", "to the left of", "chimney" ], [ "bridge", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "chimney", "to the left of", "chimney" ], [ "chimney", "to the right of", "chimney" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "chimney", "to the right of", "chimney" ], [ "clock", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "chimney" ], [ "trees", "by", "river" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boats" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "bridge" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boats" ] ]
Who is in front of the truck?
[ "man" ]
[ "truck" ]
[ "man" ]
[ [ "sign", "to the right of", "truck" ], [ "wall", "on the side of", "building" ], [ "man", "in front of", "truck" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "truck", "parked in front of", "building" ], [ "truck", "behind", "man" ], [ "truck", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "truck", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "truck" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ] ]
What size are the vegetables that are to the right of the broccoli?
[ "large" ]
[ "vegetables", "vegetable", "broccoli" ]
[ "large" ]
[ [ "potatoes", "on", "counter" ], [ "potatoes", "to the right of", "onions" ], [ "potatoes", "to the left of", "cucumber" ], [ "potatoes", "on top of", "counter" ], [ "vegetables", "on top of", "counter" ], [ "vegetables", "to the right of", "broccoli" ], [ "window frame", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "cucumber", "on", "counter" ], [ "cucumber", "to the right of", "potatoes" ], [ "cucumber", "to the left of", "zucchini" ], [ "cucumber", "to the left of", "cucumbers" ], [ "broccoli", "to the left of", "vegetables" ], [ "broccoli", "on", "counter" ], [ "broccoli", "to the right of", "potato" ], [ "onions", "beside", "broccoli" ], [ "onions", "to the left of", "potato" ], [ "onions", "to the left of", "potatoes" ], [ "zucchini", "sitting on", "counter" ], [ "zucchini", "to the right of", "cucumbers" ], [ "zucchini", "to the right of", "cucumber" ], [ "cucumbers", "to the left of", "zucchini" ], [ "cucumbers", "to the right of", "cucumber" ], [ "cucumbers", "on", "counter" ], [ "cucumbers", "on top of", "counter" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "window frame" ], [ "potato", "to the right of", "onions" ], [ "potato", "sitting on", "counter" ], [ "potato", "to the left of", "broccoli" ] ]
Is the person wearing a jacket?
[ "no" ]
[ "person" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "trees", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "suit" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "boot" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "number" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "home plate" ], [ "boot", "to the right of", "tire" ], [ "boot", "to the left of", "number" ], [ "boot", "to the left of", "home plate" ], [ "boot", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "person", "wearing", "suit" ], [ "person", "on", "motorcycle" ], [ "person", "wearing", "helmet" ], [ "person", "wearing", "gloves" ], [ "person", "wearing", "jumpsuit" ], [ "person", "riding", "motorcycle" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "tire" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "home plate", "to the right of", "boot" ], [ "home plate", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "home plate", "to the right of", "tire" ], [ "clouds", "in", "sky" ], [ "number", "on", "motorcycle" ], [ "number", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "number", "to the right of", "boot" ], [ "suit", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "tire", "to the left of", "boot" ], [ "tire", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "tire", "to the left of", "home plate" ], [ "tire", "to the left of", "tire" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "tire", "to the right of", "tire" ], [ "motorcycle", "wearing", "suit" ], [ "number", "on", "motorcycle" ] ]
Is the girl to the right of a fence?
[ "no" ]
[ "girl" ]
[ "no" ]
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of", "guy" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "costume" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "shirt" ] ]
What is in front of the building by the water?
[ "sign" ]
[ "building", "water" ]
[ "sign" ]
[ [ "paint", "to the right of", "sticker" ], [ "boat", "in", "water" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "sticker" ], [ "boat", "on", "water" ], [ "paint", "to the right of", "sticker" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "arrow" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "building", "behind", "sign" ], [ "building", "by", "water" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "leaves", "on", "ground" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "letters", "on", "sign" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "arrow", "on", "sign" ], [ "arrow", "to the left of", "water" ], [ "arrow", "to the right of", "arrow" ], [ "water", "near", "sign" ], [ "water", "to the right of", "arrow" ], [ "arrow", "on", "sign" ], [ "arrow", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "arrow", "to the left of", "arrow" ], [ "sign", "on", "pole" ], [ "sign", "in front of", "building" ], [ "sign", "near", "water" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "sticker", "on", "sign" ], [ "sticker", "to the left of", "sticker" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "sticker", "to the right of", "sticker" ], [ "sticker", "on", "sign" ], [ "sticker", "to the left of", "paint" ], [ "sticker", "to the left of", "paint" ], [ "sticker", "to the left of", "boat" ] ]
In which part of the image is the young girl, the top or the bottom?
[ "bottom" ]
[ "girl" ]
[ "bottom" ]
[ [ "hair", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "headband" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "scarf", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "scarf", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "lady", "holding", "flowers" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "headband" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "flowers" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "holding", "umbrella" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "clothes" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "headband" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "headband", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "headband", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "headband", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "headband", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "headband", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "scarf" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "flowers" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "scarf" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "headband" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "flowers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "lady", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "clothes", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "lady" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "person", "wearing", "t-shirt" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "headband" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "person", "holding", "umbrella" ], [ "flowers", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "flowers", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "flowers", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "scarf" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "holding", "flowers" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "headband" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ] ]
Is there either a white lamb or horse?
[ "no" ]
[ "horse" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "legs", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "boot" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "man", "on top of", "horse" ], [ "man", "riding on", "horse" ], [ "man", "on", "horse" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "man", "wearing", "helmet" ], [ "tail", "of", "horse" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "boot" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "helmet", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "horse", "in", "field" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "boot", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "boot", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "head", "of", "horse" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "helmet" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "eye", "of", "horse" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "arm" ] ]
Is there any chair or blanket in the photo?
[ "yes" ]
[ "blanket" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "bushes" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "bushes", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "bushes", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "bushes", "to the left of", "coat" ], [ "bushes", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "horse", "wearing", "coat" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "bushes" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "wire", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "wire", "on", "fence" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "telephone pole", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "telephone pole" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "bushes" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "wire" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "telephone pole" ], [ "coat", "to the right of", "bushes" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "pole" ] ]
Is the woman to the right of the white fence?
[ "yes" ]
[ "man", "woman", "fence" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "tree", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "air", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "air", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "tank top", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "tank top", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "tank top", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "hands", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tank top" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shorts" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "air" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "fountain" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "tank top" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "frisbee", "in", "air" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "air" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "tank top" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "hands" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "fountain", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "fountain", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "shorts" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shorts", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "tank top" ], [ "person", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "fountain" ], [ "person", "wearing", "shorts" ] ]
Which is healthier, the nut or the muffins?
[ "nut" ]
[ "nut", "muffins" ]
[ "nut" ]
[ [ "nut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "nut", "covered by", "donut" ], [ "nut", "covered by", "donut" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "sprinkles" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "donuts", "on", "shelf" ], [ "donuts", "with", "sprinkles" ], [ "cookies", "to the left of", "pastries" ], [ "pastries", "to the right of", "cookie" ], [ "pastries", "to the right of", "cookies" ], [ "donut", "covered in", "chocolate" ], [ "donut", "with", "sprinkles" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "nut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "sprinkles", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "napkins" ], [ "muffins", "to the right of", "chocolate" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "napkins" ], [ "napkins", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "napkins", "on top of", "counter" ], [ "napkins", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cookie", "filled with", "chocolate" ], [ "cookie", "to the left of", "pastries" ], [ "cookie", "to the left of", "chocolate" ], [ "chocolate", "to the right of", "cookie" ], [ "chocolate", "to the left of", "muffins" ] ]
What do you think are the numbers on?
[ "street sign" ]
[ "numbers" ]
[ "street sign" ]
[ [ "bricks", "next to", "sign post" ], [ "bricks", "near", "sign post" ], [ "bricks", "to the right of", "sign post" ], [ "numbers", "on", "street sign" ], [ "numbers", "to the left of", "sign post" ], [ "street sign", "on", "sign post" ], [ "street sign", "on", "sign post" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "sign post" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "sign post" ], [ "pipe", "to the left of", "bricks" ], [ "pipe", "to the left of", "pipe" ], [ "pipe", "to the left of", "pipe" ], [ "sign post", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "sign post", "to the right of", "numbers" ], [ "letters", "on", "street sign" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "sign post" ], [ "pipe", "to the right of", "pipe" ], [ "pipe", "to the right of", "pipe" ], [ "pipe", "to the right of", "bricks" ], [ "pipe", "to the left of", "pipe" ], [ "pipe", "to the right of", "pipe" ], [ "weeds", "growing by", "bricks" ], [ "sign post", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "sign post", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "sign post", "near", "bricks" ], [ "sign post", "to the left of", "bricks" ], [ "bricks", "to the right of", "pipe" ], [ "bricks", "to the left of", "pipe" ] ]
What is that fence made of, metal or stone?
[ "metal" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ "metal" ]
[ [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "palm trees" ], [ "leaves", "on", "palm trees" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "by", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "in", "cage" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "by", "post" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "oak tree" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "palm trees" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "post" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "oak tree", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "oak tree", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "oak tree", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "oak tree", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "oak tree", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "post", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "post", "by", "giraffe" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "trunk", "on", "palm tree" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "palm trees" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "oak tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "oak tree" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "street sign", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "street sign", "on", "pole" ], [ "street sign", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "oak tree" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "street sign" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "palm trees" ], [ "palm trees", "in", "cage" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "oak tree" ], [ "palm trees", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "palm trees", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "palm trees", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "palm trees", "to the left of", "fence" ] ]
Is the speaker to the left or to the right of the monitor that is on top of the desk?
[ "right" ]
[ "speaker", "monitor", "desk" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "ear", "of", "cat" ], [ "ear", "of", "cat" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "speaker" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "desk", "above", "shelf" ], [ "cat", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "cat", "on", "desk" ], [ "cat", "lying on", "desk" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cat", "on", "desk" ], [ "cat", "lying on", "desk" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "paw" ], [ "cat", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "pen", "in", "cup" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "scissors" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "cord", "on", "floor" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "computer" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "speaker" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "scissors" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "computer", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "scissors", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "scissors", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "scissors", "inside", "cup" ], [ "scissors", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "scissors", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "scissors", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "scissors", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "scissors", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "scissors", "in", "cup" ], [ "shelf", "under", "desk" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "scissors" ], [ "pen", "in", "cup" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "basket", "on", "desk" ], [ "basket", "sitting behind", "cat" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "scissors" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "monitor", "on", "desk" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "scissors" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "speaker" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "monitor", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "paper", "on", "desk" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "pen", "in", "cup" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "scissors" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "paw", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "pen", "to the right of", "speaker" ], [ "pen", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "pen", "in", "cup" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "speaker", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "speaker", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "speaker", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "scissors" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "pen" ], [ "speaker", "to the left of", "cup" ] ]
What is the sign in front of?
[ "tree" ]
[ "sign" ]
[ "tree" ]
[ [ "tree", "behind", "sign" ], [ "tree", "in front of", "sky" ], [ "sign", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "sky", "behind", "tree" ], [ "words", "to the right of", "corn" ], [ "words", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "words" ], [ "letters", "to the right of", "corn" ], [ "corn", "to the left of", "letters" ], [ "corn", "to the left of", "words" ] ]
In which part of the picture is the chair, the bottom or the top?
[ "top" ]
[ "chair" ]
[ "top" ]
[ [ "person", "watching", "game" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "person", "watching", "game" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chairs" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "watching", "game" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "chairs", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "chairs", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chairs", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "chairs", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "chairs", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chairs" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "person", "watching", "game" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "logo" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chairs" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "watching", "game" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "chairs" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "chairs" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "logo", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "logo", "on the side of", "game" ], [ "man", "holding", "racket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "shirt" ] ]
Is the towel to the right or to the left of the cabinet the refrigerator is to the left of?
[ "right" ]
[ "towel", "cabinet", "refrigerator" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "burner", "on", "oven" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "burner", "on", "oven" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "cabinet", "above", "counter" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "oven" ], [ "refrigerator", "near", "counter" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "animal" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "refrigerator", "next to", "counter" ], [ "animal", "to the left of", "outlet" ], [ "animal", "on", "oven" ], [ "animal", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "oven" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "counter", "near", "refrigerator" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "microwave" ], [ "bowl", "on", "counter" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "microwave", "on", "dishwasher" ], [ "microwave", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "burner", "on", "oven" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "above", "counter" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "oven" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "blender", "to the right of", "outlet" ], [ "blender", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "blender", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "blender", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "blender" ], [ "mixer", "on", "counter" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "outlet" ], [ "mixer", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "counter", "below", "cabinet" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "counter", "below", "cabinet" ], [ "burner", "to the right of", "burner" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "burner", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "burner", "on", "oven" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "oven", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "oven", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "oven", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "blender" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "oven", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "towel", "on", "oven" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "blender" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "outlet" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "oven" ], [ "outlet", "on", "wall" ], [ "outlet", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "outlet", "to the left of", "mixer" ], [ "outlet", "to the left of", "blender" ], [ "outlet", "to the right of", "animal" ] ]
Is the bear on the right?
[ "no" ]
[ "bear" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "shelf", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "shelf", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "bear" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "books" ], [ "book", "on", "shelf" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "bear" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "book", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "mouth", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "book", "on", "shelf" ], [ "eyes", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "lips" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "eyes" ], [ "shelf", "to the left of", "mouth" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "bear" ], [ "books", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "shelf" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "lips", "to the right of", "shelf" ], [ "bear", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "bear", "to the right of", "book" ], [ "bear", "to the right of", "books" ] ]
Is the window large?
[ "yes" ]
[ "window" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "lion", "under", "clock" ], [ "lion", "below", "clock" ], [ "statue", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "statue", "to the right of", "balcony" ], [ "balcony", "by", "clock" ], [ "balcony", "to the left of", "statue" ], [ "number", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "clock" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "minute hand" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "hour hand" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "face" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "number" ], [ "window", "behind", "clock" ], [ "clock", "in front of", "window" ], [ "clock", "above", "lion" ], [ "clock", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "statue" ], [ "hour hand", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "minute hand", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "face", "to the right of", "window" ] ]
Are there any elephants in this photo?
[ "yes" ]
[ "elephant", "elephants" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "fence", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "leaves", "to the right of", "elephants" ], [ "ear", "of", "elephant" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "ear", "of", "elephant" ], [ "head", "of", "elephant" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "leg", "of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "in", "sand" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "legs", "of", "elephant" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "eye", "of", "elephant" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "tail", "of", "elephant" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "elephants", "in", "sand" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "elephants", "to the left of", "leaves" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "elephants" ] ]
Is the brown bird on the left or on the right?
[ "right" ]
[ "bird" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "beak", "to the right of", "branch" ], [ "beak", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "bird", "on", "table" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "branch" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "branch" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "beak" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "branch", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "branch", "to the left of", "wings" ], [ "branch", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "branch", "to the left of", "beak" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "wings", "to the right of", "branch" ] ]
Is the faucet in the bottom part or in the top of the image?
[ "top" ]
[ "faucet" ]
[ "top" ]
[ [ "cups", "to the right of", "chain" ], [ "cups", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "cups", "to the right of", "soap" ], [ "cups", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "soap", "to the left of", "cups" ], [ "soap", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "soap", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "soap", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "soap", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "bottle", "of", "soap" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "soap" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "cups" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "chain" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "soap" ], [ "faucet", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "paper", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "faucet" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "paper" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "soap" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "rug" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "rug" ], [ "chain", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "chain", "to the left of", "cups" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "soap" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "cups" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "rug", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "rug", "to the right of", "door" ] ]
What is the spoon made of?
[ "metal" ]
[ "spoon" ]
[ "metal" ]
[ [ "spoon", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "butter" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "bananas", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "cup", "of", "juice" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "pitcher" ], [ "bagel", "in", "tray" ], [ "bagel", "to the left of", "pitcher" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "butter" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "butter" ], [ "banana", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "butter", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "butter", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "butter", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "butter", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "butter", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "butter", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "butter", "in", "cup" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "butter" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "banana" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bananas" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "juice", "in", "cup" ], [ "juice", "to the right of", "pitcher" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "pitcher" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "butter" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "pitcher", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "pitcher", "to the left of", "juice" ], [ "pitcher", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "pitcher", "to the right of", "bagel" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "butter" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "box" ] ]
What is the food that is in front of the plastic cup?
[ "hot dog" ]
[ "cup" ]
[ "hot dog" ]
[ [ "hot dog", "near", "cup" ], [ "hot dog", "in front of", "cup" ], [ "hot dog", "with", "lettuce" ], [ "hot dog", "with", "onion" ], [ "hot dog", "on", "table" ], [ "hot dog", "on top of", "table" ], [ "lid", "on", "cup" ], [ "straw", "in", "cup" ], [ "bun", "on", "table" ], [ "onion", "on top of", "dog" ], [ "onion", "on", "hot dog" ], [ "onion", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "cup", "behind", "hot dog" ], [ "cup", "next to", "hot dog" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "onion" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "lettuce" ], [ "lettuce", "on", "hot dog" ], [ "lettuce", "to the left of", "cup" ] ]
What kind of appliance is to the left of the box?
[ "coffee maker" ]
[ "box" ]
[ "coffee maker" ]
[ [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "dishwasher", "to the right of", "cabinets" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "coffee maker", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "coffee maker", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "coffee maker", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "cabinets", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "cabinets", "in", "kitchen" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "light switch", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "light switch", "on", "wall" ], [ "light switch", "to the left of", "machine" ], [ "light switch", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "dishwasher" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "cabinets" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "coffee maker" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "machine" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "light switch" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "tiles" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "tiles", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "cabinets", "to the right of", "refrigerator" ], [ "cabinets", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "cabinets", "in", "kitchen" ], [ "cabinets", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "machine", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "machine", "to the right of", "light switch" ], [ "machine", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "machine", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "dishwasher" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "cabinets" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "machine" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "coffee maker" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "cabinets" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "dishwasher" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "refrigerator", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "box", "on", "counter" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "machine" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "light switch" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "coffee maker" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "wall" ] ]
What is the sidewalk made of?
[ "brick" ]
[ "sidewalk" ]
[ "brick" ]
[ [ "girl", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "stroller", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "ketchup", "in", "bun" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "ketchup", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "ketchup", "on", "hot dog" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "ring", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "ring", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "ring", "on", "finger" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hot dog", "with", "ketchup" ], [ "hot dog", "in", "bun" ], [ "hot dog", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "sidewalk" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "arm", "of", "woman" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "ring" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "ring" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "hot dog" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "star" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "ketchup" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "stroller" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "ring" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "wheel" ] ]
What is the man to the right of the girl wearing?
[ "hat" ]
[ "hat", "man", "girl" ]
[ "hat" ]
[ [ "sofa", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "men" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "men" ], [ "shoes", "near", "cabinet" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "men" ], [ "cabinet", "near", "shoes" ], [ "candle", "on", "cake" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "frosting" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "boxes" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "frosting" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "men" ], [ "pillow", "on", "sofa" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "cake", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "cake", "on", "table" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "boxes", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "men" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "cake", "on", "table" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "cake" ], [ "cake", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "next to", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "man", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "men", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "men", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "men", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "men", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "men", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "men", "around", "girl" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "frosting", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "frosting", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "frosting", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "near", "man" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "cake" ], [ "girl", "on", "chair" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "frosting" ] ]
On which side of the image is the fence?
[ "left" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ "left" ]
[ [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "dock" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "buildings", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "buildings", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "buildings", "to the right of", "buildings" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "buildings" ], [ "dock", "near", "city" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "street" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "dock", "to the right of", "dock" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "people", "walking on", "dock" ], [ "dock", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "dock", "to the left of", "buildings" ], [ "dock", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "dock", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "buildings", "to the right of", "street" ], [ "buildings", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "buildings", "to the right of", "dock" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "street" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "dock" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "city" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boats" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boat", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "buildings", "to the left of", "buildings" ], [ "buildings", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "water", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "boats" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "water" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boats" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "boats", "to the right of", "boat" ], [ "city", "near", "dock" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "buildings" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "city", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "street", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "street", "to the left of", "boat" ], [ "street", "to the left of", "buildings" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "buildings" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "dock" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "buildings" ] ]
Does the bench on the pavement look white and short?
[ "no" ]
[ "bench", "pavement" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "tree", "behind", "fence" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "train", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "fence", "around", "train" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "plant", "on", "platform" ], [ "fence", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "train" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "bench", "on", "pavement" ] ]
Do you see both a window and a door?
[ "no" ]
[ "window" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "screen", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "computer monitor" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "bike", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "tissue box" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "guitar", "to the right of", "guitar" ], [ "guitar", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "guitar", "to the left of", "guitar" ], [ "guitar", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "guitar", "to the right of", "computer monitor" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the left of", "guitar" ], [ "computer monitor", "beside", "monitor" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "tissue box" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "monitor" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "bike" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "guitar" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "guitar" ], [ "monitor", "beside", "computer monitor" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "monitor", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "tissue box", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "tissue box", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "cabinet" ] ]
Which kind of device is to the right of the child?
[ "phone" ]
[ "child" ]
[ "phone" ]
[ [ "man", "wearing", "backpack" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "boys" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "park", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "boys", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "boys", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "boys", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "girls" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "boy", "sitting on", "bench" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "street", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "street", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "street", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "street" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "girls" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "bench", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "bench", "to the right of", "girls" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "boys" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "sitting on", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "street" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "girls" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "park" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "girls" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "bench" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "street" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "girls" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "boys" ], [ "girls", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "girls", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "girls", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "girls", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "girls", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "girls", "to the left of", "bench" ] ]
What animal are these, elephants or giraffes?
[ "giraffes" ]
[ "giraffes", "giraffe" ]
[ "giraffes" ]
[ [ "plant", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "giraffes" ], [ "plant", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "tree", "near", "giraffe" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "post" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "rocks" ], [ "post", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "post", "to the left of", "giraffes" ], [ "post", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "rocks", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "rocks", "near", "giraffes" ], [ "rocks", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "rocks", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "giraffes" ], [ "fence", "near", "giraffes" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "zebra", "to the right of", "giraffes" ], [ "zebra", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "zebra", "near", "giraffe" ], [ "zebra", "in", "field" ], [ "zebra", "standing by", "giraffes" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "post" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "rocks" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "giraffe" ], [ "tail", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "giraffes" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "giraffe" ], [ "giraffes", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "giraffes", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "giraffes", "to the right of", "post" ], [ "giraffes", "near", "fence" ], [ "giraffes", "near", "rocks" ], [ "giraffes", "in", "field" ], [ "giraffes", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "giraffes", "to the left of", "zebra" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "plant" ], [ "giraffe", "taller than", "zebra" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "zebra" ], [ "giraffe", "near", "zebra" ], [ "giraffe", "near", "tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "giraffe", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "giraffe", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "rocks" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "tail" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "plant" ] ]
Does the fence look black?
[ "yes" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "star", "on", "lamp" ], [ "star", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "lamp", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "picture frame" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "fence" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "candle", "sitting on", "table" ], [ "candle", "on", "table" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "pillow", "on", "couch" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "couch", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "sign", "on", "window" ], [ "picture frame", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "picture frame", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "picture frame", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "picture frame", "hanging on", "wall" ], [ "picture frame", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "fence", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "picture frame" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "star" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "picture frame" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "television", "on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "hanging on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "picture frame" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "couch" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "lamp" ], [ "laptop", "on", "table" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "candle", "sitting on", "table" ], [ "candle", "on", "table" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "candle" ] ]
What's the vase on?
[ "table" ]
[ "vase" ]
[ "table" ]
[ [ "arm", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "lamp" ], [ "lamp", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "chair", "on", "rug" ], [ "vase", "on", "table" ] ]
Is there a flag or a bike in the photo?
[ "yes" ]
[ "flag" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "skier", "in front of", "fence" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "skier", "near", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "skier", "in front of", "fence" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "camera" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "mountain", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "fence", "in front of", "mountain" ], [ "fence", "behind", "skier" ], [ "fence", "behind", "skier" ], [ "fence", "behind", "person" ], [ "fence", "behind", "man" ], [ "fence", "behind", "skier" ], [ "mountain", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "mountain", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "mountain", "behind", "man" ], [ "mountain", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "mountain", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "ski", "below", "foot" ], [ "ski", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "ski", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ski", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "ski", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "ski", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "ski", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "ski lift", "on", "mountain" ], [ "ski", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "ski" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "mountain" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "ski" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "backpack", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "backpack", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "mountain" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "ski", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "person", "in front of", "fence" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "mountain" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "standing near", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "backpack" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "logo" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "man", "holding", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "carrying", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "in front of", "mountain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "ski" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "mountain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "man", "wearing", "goggles" ], [ "man", "in front of", "fence" ], [ "man", "touching", "face" ], [ "man", "wearing", "backpack" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "ski" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "ski" ], [ "snowboard", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "flag" ], [ "flag", "near", "flag" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "flag" ], [ "flag", "near", "flag" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "flag", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "flag", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "man", "next to", "person" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ski" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "man", "near", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "camera" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "on", "ski" ], [ "person", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "ski" ], [ "person", "wearing", "ski" ], [ "person", "near", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "ski" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "skier", "near", "skier" ], [ "skier", "standing on", "snow" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "skier", "in front of", "fence" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "holding", "camera" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "snowboard" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "camera" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "backpack" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "snow" ], [ "logo", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "camera", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "camera", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "camera", "to the right of", "mountain" ], [ "snow", "to the left of", "logo" ] ]
Which kind of food is to the right of the napkin?
[ "rice" ]
[ "food", "napkin" ]
[ "rice" ]
[ [ "fork", "on", "napkin" ], [ "fork", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "fork", "on", "table" ], [ "fork", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "fork", "to the left of", "dish" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "napkin" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "spinach" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "rice", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "fork" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "sandwich" ], [ "rice", "on", "dish" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "beer" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "rice", "to the right of", "beer" ], [ "rice", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "bread", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "napkin", "to the left of", "dish" ], [ "napkin", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "napkin", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "bowl", "on", "table" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "label" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "beer" ], [ "vegetable", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "sandwich" ], [ "vegetable", "to the right of", "bread" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "sandwich", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "sandwich", "to the left of", "vegetable" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "label", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "label", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "dish", "on", "table" ], [ "dish", "to the right of", "fork" ], [ "dish", "to the right of", "napkin" ], [ "beer", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "beer", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "beer", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "beer", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "fork" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "napkin" ], [ "spinach", "to the left of", "rice" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "vegetable" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "beer" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "rice" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "label" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "rice" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "chair" ] ]
Do the car and the SUV have the same color?
[ "no" ]
[ "car", "suv" ]
[ "no" ]
[ [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "hair" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "clouds", "in", "sky" ], [ "clouds", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "traffic light", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "number", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "number", "to the left of", "words" ], [ "number", "to the right of", "pine trees" ], [ "words", "to the left of", "traffic light" ], [ "words", "to the right of", "pine trees" ], [ "words", "to the right of", "number" ], [ "car", "behind", "bus" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "antenna" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "suv" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "truck", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "truck", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "truck", "to the right of", "bus" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "truck" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "pine trees" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "truck" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "pine trees" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "clouds" ], [ "clouds", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "clouds" ], [ "pine trees", "to the left of", "words" ], [ "pine trees", "to the left of", "number" ], [ "pine trees", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "pine trees", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "traffic light", "to the right of", "words" ], [ "traffic light", "to the right of", "bus" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "antenna" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "traffic light" ], [ "suv", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "suv", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "antenna", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "antenna", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "antenna", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "traffic light", "to the left of", "bus" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "bus", "to the left of", "traffic light" ], [ "bus", "to the left of", "truck" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "bus", "in front of", "car" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "suv" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "traffic light" ], [ "bus", "to the right of", "antenna" ], [ "vehicle", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "hair", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "walking in", "crosswalk" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "vehicle" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "number" ], [ "man", "walking across", "road" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "window" ] ]
What is the chicken on?
[ "paper" ]
[ "chicken" ]
[ "paper" ]
[ [ "chicken", "on", "paper" ], [ "chicken", "to the left of", "lettuce" ], [ "device", "to the left of", "cell phone" ], [ "bun", "to the left of", "lettuce" ], [ "bun", "to the right of", "tray" ], [ "pickles", "to the left of", "lettuce" ], [ "cell phone", "on", "table" ], [ "cell phone", "to the right of", "device" ], [ "tray", "on", "table" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "tray", "to the left of", "bun" ], [ "lettuce", "to the right of", "bun" ], [ "lettuce", "to the right of", "chicken" ], [ "lettuce", "to the right of", "sandwich" ], [ "lettuce", "to the right of", "pickles" ], [ "sandwich", "to the left of", "lettuce" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "tray" ] ]
On which side of the image is the modern chair?
[ "right" ]
[ "chair" ]
[ "right" ]
[ [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "wheels" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "tables", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "wheels" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "wheels", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "coat", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "wheels" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "coat" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "wheels" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "tables" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "wheels" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "woman" ] ]
What is the man doing?
[ "sitting" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "sitting" ]
[ [ "coffee table", "in front of", "couch" ], [ "coffee table", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "coffee table", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "coffee table", "to the right of", "side table" ], [ "coffee table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "television", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "television", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "television", "on", "table" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "decoration", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "decoration", "on", "wall" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "curtains" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "squash" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "coffee table" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "box", "on", "side table" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "fireplace" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "vase" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "squash" ], [ "foot", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "foot", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "candle", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "on top of", "television" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "mirror", "above", "fireplace" ], [ "mirror", "on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "decoration" ], [ "mirror", "hanging on", "wall" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "vase", "near", "fireplace" ], [ "vase", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "vase", "next to", "fireplace" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "vase", "to the left of", "fireplace" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "curtains" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "candle" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "squash" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "squash" ], [ "basket", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "fireplace", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "fireplace", "below", "mirror" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "fireplace", "near", "vase" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "squash" ], [ "fireplace", "to the left of", "television" ], [ "fireplace", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "side table", "beside", "couch" ], [ "side table", "to the left of", "coffee table" ], [ "side table", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "side table", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "shoes", "sitting on", "floor" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "candle" ], [ "candle", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "fan", "on", "ceiling" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "television" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "squash", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "squash", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "squash", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "squash", "to the right of", "foot" ], [ "squash", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "squash", "to the right of", "fireplace" ], [ "squash", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "curtains", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "curtains", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "curtains", "to the right of", "couch" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "couch", "to the left of", "curtains" ], [ "couch", "behind", "coffee table" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "foot" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "side table" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "coffee table" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "squash" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "basket" ], [ "man", "sitting on", "couch" ], [ "man", "using", "laptop" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "squash" ], [ "man", "on", "couch" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "vase" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "side table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "coffee table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "box" ] ]
Is there any meat to the right of the mushrooms?
[ "yes" ]
[ "meat", "mushrooms" ]
[ "yes" ]
[ [ "fork", "wrapped in", "napkin" ], [ "fork", "on", "table" ], [ "beans", "on", "plate" ], [ "beans", "to the right of", "mushrooms" ], [ "napkin", "to the left of", "eggs" ], [ "napkin", "wrapped around", "fork" ], [ "bread", "to the right of", "plate" ], [ "bread", "on", "plate" ], [ "bread", "on", "plate" ], [ "eggs", "to the right of", "napkin" ], [ "eggs", "on", "plate" ], [ "meat", "to the right of", "mushrooms" ], [ "ham", "to the right of", "mushrooms" ], [ "ham", "on", "plate" ], [ "ham", "to the right of", "sausages" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the left of", "bread" ], [ "plate", "of", "food" ], [ "plate", "filled with", "food" ], [ "plate", "with", "food" ], [ "food", "on", "plate" ], [ "mushrooms", "to the left of", "meat" ], [ "mushrooms", "to the left of", "ham" ], [ "mushrooms", "to the left of", "sausages" ], [ "mushrooms", "on", "plate" ], [ "mushrooms", "to the left of", "beans" ], [ "sausages", "to the left of", "ham" ], [ "sausages", "on", "plate" ], [ "sausages", "to the right of", "mushrooms" ] ]
What is the food that is to the right of the bowl called?
[ "egg" ]
[ "bowl" ]
[ "egg" ]
[ [ "crumbs", "on", "plate" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "skin", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "skin", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "grapes" ], [ "skin", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "grapes", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "grapes", "in", "bowl" ], [ "grapes", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "grapes", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "croissant", "on", "plate" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "grapes" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "sandwich" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "newspaper" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "croissant", "to the right of", "egg" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "fruit" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "skin" ], [ "picture", "on", "newspaper" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "skin" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "newspaper", "on", "table" ], [ "newspaper", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "newspaper", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "newspaper", "to the left of", "egg" ], [ "newspaper", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "newspaper", "by", "plate" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "newspaper" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "grapes" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "fruit" ], [ "sandwich", "on", "plate" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "sandwich", "with", "egg" ], [ "sandwich", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "newspaper" ], [ "sandwich", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "egg", "in", "sandwich" ], [ "egg", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "egg", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "egg", "to the right of", "newspaper" ], [ "egg", "on", "sandwich" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "egg" ], [ "bowl", "on", "plate" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "skin" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "croissant" ], [ "fruit", "in", "bowl" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "sandwich" ], [ "fruit", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "fruit", "to the left of", "table" ] ]
What is the child looking at?
[ "clouds" ]
[ "child" ]
[ "clouds" ]
[ [ "hair", "to the left of", "shore" ], [ "shore", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "shore", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shore", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "clouds", "to the left of", "clouds" ], [ "kite", "to the left of", "clouds" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "shore" ], [ "man", "looking at", "clouds" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cloths" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shore" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "clouds", "to the right of", "clouds" ], [ "clouds", "to the right of", "kite" ], [ "child", "wearing", "cloths" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "child", "looking at", "clouds" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "cloths" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "cloths" ], [ "cloths", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cloths", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "cloths", "to the right of", "cloths" ], [ "cloths", "to the left of", "cloths" ], [ "cloths", "to the left of", "child" ] ]