as an addition to the Proving Ground, 1,641 acres in the area known as Tetotum Flats or Pumpkin Neck, located on the south shore of Machodoc Creek, about 800 feet from Wood Island. 9 Since November, 1945, the United States has conducted two types of tests on Pumpkin Neck: aircraft drops and fragmentation tests. Aircraft drops are made to learn how a weapon behaves in falling and striking the ground; most of those tests are made with weapons that do not contain explosives. In fragmentation tests the weapon is placed inside a circular arena made of steel plates, lined with boxes of sawdust or fiberboard, which trap the fragmented pieces; their purpose is to learn where the parts of an ordnance item go when it explodes. 10 There are two main testingareas on Pumpkin Neck: the octagon target, approximately 3,000 feet from Wood Island, and the pyramid target, approximately 7,000 feet from the island and from main administration buildings on the Proving Ground. A third area, known as the Howland Point area, about 2,000 feet from the island, was used in September and October, 1955, for ground detonations. Pumpkin Neck is not used as a bombing range. 11 The government's records show that over a 4½ year period, 1950 to 1955, aircraft drops were made on 73 days, on only nine of which explosives were used. The great majority of the explosive items contained only one pound of black powder, six contained three pounds, eight contained four pounds, five contained twelve pounds, and ten contained 125 pounds of explosives. Ninety-three percent
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 1183 ]
of the drops were made on the pyramid (far) target. All were controlled drops made by aircraft using predetermined courses. None of the courses passed over Wood Island; but on a few occasions the aircraft failed to fly on the prescribed course, and flew over the island. On all but nine of the flights the lowest altitude reached by the airplane was at least 2,000 feet. A few came over at treetop height. Fragmentation tests during a 6½ year period, 1949 to 1955, were made on 399 days, but few of the items contained more than 250 pounds of explosives. The intensity with which Pumpkin Neck is used for fragmentation tests is not increasing. The largest charge ever exploded there, 1,800 pounds, was set off in 1946. Notests were made on Sundays or at nights. 12 In August, 1946, about nine months after the tests began on Pumpkin Neck, plaintiff purchased Dr. Ballou's half interest in the island. Thereafter plaintiff made additional improvements to the house and to the land. He continued to use the island for vacations, for weekends, and for an occasional afternoon visit in the middle of the week, until 1950, when he purchased a new vacation spot nearer his home. 13 Plaintiff's property on Wood Island has not been physically damaged as a result of the activities on Pumpkin Neck. Some of the ceiling panels in the house have fallen but it was not proved that they fell as a result of concussion rather than dampness or some other reason. Three years after plaintiff stopped
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 38, 42, 871, 1189 ]
turn 24 this year. After the fighting in Syria started, they crossed the border by the thousands. They dodged sniper fire, sidestepping snakes and scorpions, carrying the young and the weak. They were dispossessed and battered — but also hopeful. The Free Syrian Army was on the march. The president of the United States was calling on Assad to step down. The Arab League was on their side. It seemed clear to everyone that soon the displaced would all go home and vote on the future. A boy does a handstand next to a series of faded murals in Zaatari. With Syria in ruins, is this place now home? The question is as painful as it is comforting. Few, if any, residents would say yes. The Zaatari camp is a hometo about 80,000 Syrian refugees. Although it was intended to be temporary, politics have led to its continued existence. But the United Nations determined otherwise. In July 2012, the U.N. banded together with aid groups to build Zaatari in two weeks flat. The workers hammered tent pegs for 5,000 people. By the following summer, 150,000 had arrived — forming a population center the size of Savannah, Georgia or Dayton, Ohio. From the beginning, the camp posed basic physical problems. The weather was broiling in the summer, frigid in the winter and prone to floods in the months in between. There was no electricity, little food, no security. It's a surprising civilization, a spectacle of determination and basic humanity. A cyclist stops to speak to a shopkeeper. Some residents worry about relatives
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[ 1364 ]
a supply of food they actually liked to eat. The Azraq Syrian Refugee Camp first opened in April 2014. While it has the capacity to house 130,000 refugees, it currently houses 40,000. The Azraq camp is undergoing improvements to infrastructure, including solar fields. People also became innovative. Sly electricians began to wire up the caravans, which then sprouted microwaves and washing machines, stereos and air conditioners. Guerrilla plumbers set up makeshift latrines and private bathrooms. Today, parts of Zaatari can still resemble a scene from "Mad Max." It's a loud and dirty place. The sewers smell and the dust settles into people's wrinkles. Crime remains a problem. Too many kids aren't in school. There's been an uptick in early marriages. Two boys collect water from the communal supply in the camp. And yetas Azraq, and in every way that Zaatari is makeshift, Azraq was planned. The next step is infrastructure: real water and sewage systems, a solar field, automatic banking machines, camp-wide wireless Internet. Every new arrival got a welcome kit and a trip to an on-site supply store. Inside, the new families found a map of the camp, mattresses, lanterns, waste bins, buckets, gas burners — all the supplies a person could need. There was also security, healthcare, and a vast supermarket from day one. Plus, the residences are larger, with higher ceilings, pitched roofs and ventilation. The cabins are arranged in groups of six, which combine into four distinct "villages." The average stay in a refugee camp is 12 years. The idea was to keep friends and families close together,
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[ 558, 567, 571, 647, 703, 722, 1494, 1504 ]
and settle regions of people with their own former neighbors. The idea was autonomy and dignity, the secret of Zaatari's relative success. But despite the effort, Azraq remains chronically empty. It was built to house more than 100,000 people, but it's never had more than 30,000 residents. Zaatari's population is also down to below 80,000 people, almost half its peak. A truck drives through the camp, repairing fixtures on the site. All these projects are planned or already underway, and at times, it is more expensive to be temporary. Young refugees stand near the street. Each new arrival receives a welcome kit and a trip to an on-site supply store. This is not good news. It's not a sign of success or an indication that Syria is healing. There are onlyevidence to prove one of the elements of burglary, that statements made by the State during closing argument misstated the law and misled the jury, and that the court's jury instructions were so confusing as to constitute obvious error. Finding no error, we affirm the judgments of the Superior Court. I. The Facts In the early morning hours of January 19, 1992, William Googins burst into the home of his ex-wife, Katina Nelson, found her in the arms of another man, Richard Theriault, and shot him. Nelson had been socializing that evening and had come home with a few friends — Theriault, Joe Hedrich, and Glori Cote. Googins, anxious to reconcile with Nelson, telephoned Nelson's house repeatedly and irritated everyone present. Eventually, Theriault and Hedrich began answering the telephone and
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[ 118, 250, 298, 685, 930, 1446 ]
taunting Googins. Cote testified she heard Nelson tell Googins not to call anymore and not to come to the house.[2] Googins, a state trooper, drove his cruiser to Nelson's home. While en route he stopped Glori Cote, who had left Nelson's home, and checked to see if Nelson was in Cote's car. Hedrich also left Nelson's home before Googins arrived. As he left, Hedrich saw Googins creeping toward the house through the woods. Startled, Hedrich hurried up the driveway to meet his ride and did not investigate further. He testified that he heard two shots and, thinking they were fired by a poacher, called the local game warden when he arrived home. When Googins reached Nelson's home, he forced the door open, found Theriault hugging Nelson, and shot Theriault inmay also make people value immediate payoffs over delayed gratification, a study published in September in the Journal of Sex Research found. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Free sick porn videos - Porn pic Ray, the guy that runs True Amateur Models, finds these girls at strip clubs, offices, colleges, and through friends. Flash Sex Games - Play free sex, sexy, and funny games for adults in flash format. Plaud, a private, clinical forensic psychologist in Boston, Massachusetts, who has studied the effects of pornography. Frequent porn users view powerful women, working women and women who have had abortions more favorably than do other men, a study published in August in the Journal of Sex Research found. There are also various images that flash up, one of which is of Jimmy
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[ 112, 114, 169, 235, 284, 316, 676 ]
Political junkies may enjoy these tidbits from Contra Costa Registrar of Voters Steve Weir, including the fact the turnout among Democrats may top 74 percent while Republican turnout was 57 percent Here are Steve’s notes: -- (John) Edwards received 6,076 from the vote-by-mail ballots and 1,399 from election day ballots. He finished ahead of “write-ins” and all other Demo candidates below him received fewer votes that “write-in”. – In the American Independent Party, “write-in” was the top candidate, and was larger than the total vote for the three candidates. (64% of the vote cast in the American Independent Party was for a write-in candidate.) – In the Green Party, Nader came in first, but “write-in” topped the other 6 candidates. — In the Libertarian Party, ”write-in” came in first beating the 12Close to public transportation, near Fishtown and Nolibs, and a short train ride to Center City!… Featuring a selection of newly-upgraded 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment homes, The Arms is the ideal in off-campus living. The residences are situated adjacent to Saint Joseph's University and just steps from the SEPTA… Sunny Studio in the Heart of Germantown - Nestled in the heart of Germantown, Copley Manor offers the best in Philadelphia living! In true Philadelphia style, history and modern conveniences are Manor. Historic…
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[ 227, 232, 567, 652, 1084 ]
left the dinner party thrown by David (William Smithers) and Doris (Gail Kobe) Schuster. 1966: On Dark Shadows, Sam (David Ford) thought Bill Malloy was the one man who could help him until the sheriff (Dana Elcar) told him Malloy's body had been found. 1968: On Love is a Many Splendored Thing, Mark (David Birney) and Laura (Donna Mills) Elliott faced a marital crisis as Laura worried about Jean Garrison (Jane Manning). "There are all kinds of ways to take a man away from his wife," Laura told Mark. 1998: On As the World Turns, while David Allen (Daniel Markel) held Julia Lindsay (Annie Parisse) and Lily Snyder (Martha Byrne) hostage, Lily went into labor. Meanwhile, Carly Tenney (Maura West) was trapped in the trunk of her car. 2009: On General Hospital,Pope Francis Joins Battle Against Transgenic Crops MEXICO CITY, Aug 11 2015 (IPS) - A few centuries ago, the biotechnology industry would have been able to buy a papal bull to expiate its sins and grant it redemption. But in his encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis condemns genetically modified organisms (GMOs) without leaving room for a pardon. In his second encyclical since he became pope on Mar. 13, 2013 – but the first that is entirely his work – Jorge Mario Bergoglio criticises the social, economic and agricultural impacts of GMOs and calls for a broad scientific debate. Laudato Si – “Praise be to you, my Lord” in medieval Italian – takes its title from Saint Francis of Assisi’s 13th-century Canticle of the Sun, one of whose verses
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[ 38, 55, 67, 77, 117, 128, 203, 214, 231, 303, 316, 328, 340, 410, 423, 426, 488, 555, 569, 590, 604, 622, 635, 692, 703, 846, 850, 1097, 1102 ]
Danegeld The rune stone U 344 in Orkesta, Uppland, Sweden, raised in memory of the Viking Ulf of Borresta, says that he had taken three danegelds in England. The first one was with Skagul Toste, the second one with Thorkel the High, and the last one with Canute the Great. The Danegeld ("Dane gold") was an English tribute raised to pay off Viking raiders to save the land from being ravaged. The expeditions were usually led by the Danish kings, but they were composed by warriors from all over Scandinavia, and they eventually brought home more than 100 tons of silver. During the period when the Vikings extracted this money, the people of the English nation were not as skilled at sea-faring as their Scandinavian cousins, whose raiding voyages acrosspayment of the Danegeld to the Vikings took place in 856. English payment, of 10,000 pounds (3,732 kg) of silver, was also made in 991 following the Viking victory at the Battle of Maldon in Essex, when King Aethelred "The Unready" was advised by Archbishop Sigeric of Canterbury and the aldermen of the south-western provinces to buy off the Vikings rather than continue the armed struggle. In 994 the Danes, under King Sweyn Forkbeard and Olaf Trygvason, returned and laid siege to London. They were once more bought off, and the amount of silver paid impressed the Danes with the idea that it was more profitable to extort payments from the English than to take whatever booty they could plunder. The runestone U 241 in Lingsberg, Uppland, Sweden, was raised
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[ 288, 289, 299, 300, 849, 858, 975, 987 ]
by the grand-children of Ulfríkr in commemoration of his receiving two danegelds in England. Further payments were made in 1002, and especially in 1007 when Aethelred bought two years peace with the Danes for 36,000 pounds (13,436 kg) of silver. In 1012, following the capture and murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the sack of Canterbury, the Danes were bought off with another 48,000 pounds (17,916 kg) of silver. In 1016 Sweyn Forkbeard's son, Canute, became King of England. After two years he felt sufficiently in control of his new kingdom to the extent of being able to pay off all but 40 ships of his invasion fleet, which were retained as a personal bodyguard, with a huge Danegeld of 72,000 pounds (26,873 kg) of silver collected nationally, plusconventional closed magnetic circuit is formed by the permanent magnet 718 on the ground plate 71 side, the permanent magnet 718 on the lock yoke 727 side, the second yoke 72 and the lock yoke 727. The lock rubber 726 is prevented from slipping off by the lock yoke 727 being threadably coupled. In FIG. 31, the lock yoke 721 is not shown. A lock spring 728 is extended between a hook 719e on the lock ring and a hook 71m on the ground plate 71 and biases the lock ring 719 in a clockwise direction. An adsorption coil 730 is inserted in an adsorption yoke 729 and is threadably coupled to the ground plate 71 by a hole 729a. The terminal of the coil 720 and the terminal of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 224, 234, 403, 413, 450, 719, 729 ]
and the other end of the L-shaped shaft 711 is inserted into a bearing portion 71d (to which grease is likewise applied) formed on the ground plate 71, and the three support balls 79b are all placed on the second yoke 72 and the support frame 75 is contained in the ground plate 71. Next, the positioning holes 712a (three locations) of the first yoke 712 are fitted to the pins 71f (FIG. 32C, three locations) of the ground plate 71, and the first yoke 712 is received by receiving surface 71e (five locations) and is magnetically coupled to the ground plate 71 (the magnetic force of the permanent magnet 73). Thereby, the back of the first yoke 712 bears against the support ball 79a, and the support frame 75is sandwiched between the first yoke 712 and the second yoke 72 and is positioned in the direction of the optical axis. Grease of the fluorine origin is also applied to the surfaces of contact between the support balls 79a, 79b and the first yoke 712 and the second yoke 72, and the support frame 75 is freely slidable relative to the ground plate 71 in a plane orthogonal to the optical axis. The L-shaped shaft 711 supports the support frame 75 for sliding movement only in the directions of arrows 713p and 713y relative to the ground plate 71, whereby the rotation (rolling) of the support frame 75 relative to the ground plate 71 about the optical axis is regulated. The backlash of the fitting (play or tolerance) between the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 83, 119, 316, 332, 383, 409, 495, 510, 563, 609, 1281, 1289, 1412, 1430 ]
Irish masseuse rejects Armstrong's apology Lance Armstrong's former masseuse has rejected his apology after he admitted bullying her for speaking out about his cheating. Dubliner Emma O'Reilly, who the Texan cyclist sued after she publicly denounced his use of performance-enhancing drugs, said his confession was "old news" to her. In his interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong said he had bullied O'Reilly for telling the truth about his drug-taking. When asked how he felt about labelling her a "hore", he said: "not good." "I was just on the attack, Oprah," he said. "Territory being threatened, team being threatened, reputation being threatened - I'm on attack." Speaking on ITV's 'Daybreak', Ms O'Reilly said she had missed a call from Armstrong on Sunday because of poor coverage, but that he had sent a text saying: "This is Lance,only ever spoken about it because I hated seeing what some of the riders were going through, because not all the riders were comfortable with cheating as Lance was. "You could see when they went over to the dark side their personalities change, and I always felt it was an awful shame - these were young lads in the prime of their life having to make this awful decision, kind of living the dream, yet the dream is a nightmare. "That was always why I had spoken out - it wasn't about Lance, it was about drugs and cycling." O'Reilly worked with Armstrong's US Postal Service team from 1996 to 2000 as he began to dominate the Tour de France.
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[ 32, 59, 187, 316, 325, 404, 503, 508, 520, 530, 533, 566, 578, 661, 674, 692, 695, 704, 711, 833, 1014, 1278, 1325, 1372, 1376, 1405 ]
Shot taxi Service owner dies -never regained consciousness The taxi service owner who was shot in the chest by bandits, who robbed him of a computer and jewellery, yesterday succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Intensive... Rigby’s cause of death unknown Funeral set for tomorrow By Edison Jefford The family and friends of the late national athlete, Roxanna Rigby are stilled baffled as to what may have caused the abrupt demise of the prolific sprinter... CIOG donates $500,000 worth of items to Haiti The National Committee for Haiti Relief received 15 barrels of clothing and kitchen utensils valued $500,000, from the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG), yesterday. The donation was made... RHT Bakewell are BCB/Leslie Amsterdam U17 Memorial champs Defeat Albion by 6 wickets A dazzling all-round performance from former national Under-15 player andnight 1 and so far @aztezz and Brian are now sparing the poor/impoverished at a community soup kitchen dojo instead of investigating the dojo students of the mysterious fire my character discovered three days ago #mysteries #streetfighter #RPG #tabletop #tabletopgames #penandpaper #90s “Lady of the threefold shifting light, Whose form is Earth, by day and night, And yet about you flows eternal ocean, Goddess so still, yet in perpetual motion. Moon, sister-self and triple aspect of the Triple One, Maiden, God creator, wise and ancient Crone. Thou who art Earth, and Moon, and Sea, Mother of All, thou madest me. From your dark bones, from green and flesh, From crystal waters and the quiet wind's breath, These came from you, and now are me, Eternal spirit clothed in frailty. Yet beyond these there endless dwells A light that from some star-seed fell. Goddess
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 674, 679, 1578 ]
Despite the large numbers of young children whose home language is not English, there is limited systematic research on the course of their English language learning. Poverty only increases the challenges of dual language development in this growing segment of the U.S child population. Lack of information about the normative course of dual language learning raises challenges for early assessment and intervention and has important implications for the health and well-being of these children. Given that Latino children make-up the largest group of English language learners (ELL) in the United States and lag behind both African- Americans and Whites in their educational attainment, understanding their learning of English and Spanish during the preschool period has important public health consequences. The proposed study assesses dual language development in low-incomeuse of the mixer with all-virgin materials because the apparatus had a low production rate with the grid in place. U.S. Pat. No. 3,999,743, to R. L. Mendenhall, discloses a mixer having circumferentially spaced ports in its drum, arranged in one or more zones intermediate the ends of the drum, through which salvaged asphalt material could enter the drum at some distance forward of the burner flame. At each port a scoop was fixed to the side wall of the drum and projected into an annular trough that embraced the drum. Salvaged material was filled into the trough through a chute at its top. As the drum rotated, the several scoops picked up material from the trough and charged it into the interior of the drum through their respective
{ "pile_set_name": [ "NIH ExPorter", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 578, 582 ]
Saturday, April 28, 2012 Forgotten Bahrain For all intents and purposes, Bahrain is forgotten. The people of Bahrain and their struggle will never get the attention and admiration of people and governments in the West. This week, it was rather ironic to watch and listen to BBC coverage of Bahrain in comparison to their coverage of Syria. Activists who were interviewed were treated like criminals, while Syrian activists are allowed to make all sorts of claims, even claims that are not substantiated. The BBC sneered at the use of fire bombs by some protesters in Bahrain, while Syrian activist are permitted to call for the use of arms on the air. Hillary Clinton called on the Syrian people to keep their arms and “logistical” help that has been provided to theFree Syrian Army (which is a collection of bands and gangs operating under names derived from Islamic history and from rulers of gas and oil kingdoms). Yet, the spokesperson of the US Department of State called on the protesters of Bahrain to show “restraint.” If she called on the protesters in Syria to show restraint she would have been fired. The struggle of the people of Bahrain is as old as the history of modern Bahrain. The political dynamics in Bahrain can not be reduced to the sectarian framework that is now being imposed by the Bahraini royal family and by the Saudi and Qatari media. Western media simply follows suit, and they unfailingly refer to the protests and opposition in Bahrain in sectarian terms. They have refrained from attaching
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 786, 918 ]
LONDON (Reuters) - British public companies and pension funds may have to publish by 2022 what risks their businesses face from climate change under a new so-called green finance strategy. Slideshow ( 2 images ) Britain last week became the first G7 country to sign into law a requirement to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and the green finance strategy, published on Tuesday, sets out plans to increase investment in sustainable projects and infrastructure. The government paper builds on disclosure on climate risks set out by the G20 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. The government report said the financial sector needed be at the heart of changes required to meet the net zero emissions goal. “The re-allocation of tens of trillions of dollars of capital toward green investment offers the potentialLocal roundup: Taconic softball beats Mount Everett 1-0 SHEFFIELD >> The Taconic and Mount Everett softball teams competed in an old-fashioned pitcher's duel on Tuesday in Sheffield. Taconic's Ashley Keegan and Everett's Chandler DeGrenier went pitch for pitch, but the Braves had just enough offense to pull out a 1-0 win. Taconic plated the eventual winning run in the top of the fifth. Olivia Bordeau started the inning with a walk. Brooke Ovitt entered as a pinch runner for Bordeau and advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Aubrey Lazits. With one out, Janee Walker hit a single into right field, plating Ovitt for the winning run. Keegan earned the win, allowing only two hits, striking out nine and walking none. DeGrenier struck out 11, allowed six hits and walked two.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 7, 15, 200, 211, 988, 1029, 1057 ]
Saber Marionette J Collection 1 What They SayWelcome to Japoness, an all-male society where the only females are high-performance emotionless androids known as "marionettes". Martial arts student and all-around nice guy, Otaru, accidentally discovers and wakes a marionette named Lime. He soon learns that Lime is very different from other marionettes; she has emotions! After waking two more emotion-filled marionettes, Cherry and Bloodberry, Otaru faces tough challenges ahead of him as he battles the evil Faust and his Saber Dolls. Can Otaru rise up to the challenge while teaching the marionettes about human emotions? Get ready for the love comedy of the year! The Review!Saber Marionette J was among the first TV series that Bandai released in the US after their founding the AnimeVillage imprint and it was sub onlyjust trying to get by on his own and move up in the world. His encounter early on with his friend Hanagata (whom shall be forthwith known as The Dandy) that causes him to spill the fish he's selling ends up costing him his job. Discouraged at this point he wanders off just to get away from everything and ends up checking out a mueseum/temple like building. Once inside, he accidentally kickstarts some of the ancient machinery and suddenly springing to life is Lime, a rather emotional marionette. Marionettes, robots that look like women, are basically emotionless. They provide some needs and do various labor for the men of Terra II, but things they don't do is laugh, cry, get angry or disobey orders from the men. Can you see
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 161, 173, 932, 975, 1013, 1484 ]
which helps build upon the foundation of why this world works the way it does. As the episodes progress, Otaru also ends up unleashing two more of these special marionettes into the world in the form of the cute and friendly Cherry (whose constantly picked on for her small bust size, a traditional piece of Japanese humor) as well as the older somewhat more mature Bloodberry, who simply wants to marry Otaru and manages to get the first kiss with him. The first six or so episodes of the show is fairly much formula. Introduce character through obvious circumstance, then proceed to next episode with character development of that new character. Repeat twice. With the final few episodes on this installment of nine episodes, we start to get moreSanders (I-Vt.), has made his outspoken support for Medicare for All a central plank of his campaign. Critics of the former vice president bemoaned his "doubling down" on a position which seemed sure to result in electoral ruin. "This is a losing politics," tweeted The Nation literary editor David Marcus. "In almost every state that's held a primary so far, including those Biden has won, exit polls show a majority of Democrats prefer single payer." The question of whether the U.S. would be better suited to handle the crisis with a Medicare for All system has persisted throughout the coronavirus outbreak, which is expected to get worse and peak in the coming weeks and months. Progressives mourned a California teen who died last week, likely from the coronavirus, after being turned
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[ 232, 322, 757, 763, 902, 916, 980, 1007, 1058, 1085, 1202 ]
Amy Schumer. (Getty) This week Amy Schumer released her book, The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo, and has kicked things off with some signings in and around New York. But the publicity push has been overshadowed by a growing backlash to a number of outrageous statements made Kurt Metzger, one of the writers on her TV show. Metzger went on a rampage this week via his social media channels, mocking women who attempt to call out alleged rapists. This came after some people apparently tried to call out another comedian who had allegedly raped a number of women, which led to that comedian getting banned from UCB, a move Metzger likened to "mob justice." His overall "point" came off critical of the way rape victims report being the victimof a crime, mocking those who don't go straight to the police to file a report. He was relentless, firing off a slew of tweets and Facebook rants—he's since deleted a few of them... and added a few more. Schumer was called out to respond, given their friendship and working relationship, and while she initially blocked people trying to address her about it on Twitter, she eventually responded saying she was "disappointed" in Metzger. He claims, "I specifically told her to do exactly what she did." (Hey it's a pattern: Metzger told Schumer what to do! Metzger told rape victims what to do!) Kurt Metzger (Comedy Central) I didn't fire Kurt. He isn't a writer for my show because we aren't making the show anymore. There are no writers for it.
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[ 15, 21, 647, 660, 674, 680, 780, 896, 1158, 1171, 1196, 1248, 1250, 1257, 1341, 1359, 1374, 1383, 1403, 1442 ]
teeth to ankles and feet — but nearly every time he either popped right back up or returned to the ice in the same game. (Tight skates make effective casts.) But the April 23 injury that left a pool of blood on the ice and Pavelski with a concussion and in need of staples in the back of his head was a surreal moment for Sarah Pavelski. Sitting with other hockey wives in Section 113, she had a clear view of her husband’s awkward fall after being cross-checked after a face-off. The injury led to a controversial 5-minute major penalty for the Knights and powered the Sharks to erase a 3-0 lead with four goals in just over 4 minutes. At first, she thought he had been struck again inovation Joe received last week when made his first public appearance since the injury, albeit in a three-piece suit, waving to the fans during Game 5 against the Avalanche. The experience was overwhelming for them both. “That was the happiest he had been” since his injury, she said. “Just to see his face and his smile. You know, it was a long couple of weeks.” On Sunday, he joined his wife and son at their local Catholic church to celebrate Nathan’s First Holy Communion. Pavelski hopped a plane later that day to be in Denver with the team for Game 6. Joe Pavelski comes out in a suit to fire up the San Jose crowd — CJ Fogler (@cjzero) May 5, 2019 The anticipation has been building for weeks about whether
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[ 121, 156, 1350, 1358 ]
BIE Secretary General visits Beijing Details 12 December 2018 The Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), Vicente G. Loscertales, met with senior representatives of the Government of China on 12 December, during a working visit to Beijing. The Secretary General was received by the Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Hu Chunhua, to hear about China’s further opening up efforts. The visit also included meetings with local and national authorities to exchange on the preparations for Horticultural Expo 2019 Beijing, which will open to the public in under five months. Construction on the site in Yanqing District is now at an advanced stage, with the completion of major infrastructure facilities and the Expo Village, with main pavilions and gardens now in the stage of exhibition arrangement. As reported duringthe 164th General Assembly of the BIE in November, a total of 87 countries and 23 international organisations have confirmed their participation in Expo 2019. Of these, 41 countries are building their own outdoor gardens, in addition to five creative gardens designed by internationally renowned horticulturalists. Expo 2019 Beijing will be open between 29 April and 30 October 2019 under the theme “Live Green, Live Better”. Taking place at the foot of the Great Wall along the banks of the Guishui River, the Expo site covers 960 hectares, and is set to welcome 16 million visitors.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 131, 135 ]
Conceptual foundations of schizophrenia: II. Disintegration and division. This is the second of two papers that aim to identify some cultural themes and institutional processes that shaped the development of schizophrenia as a disease concept. A number of domains within 19th century European history are explored for evidence of the concept of the divided or disintegrated person. These include German academic psychiatry, Mesmerism and hypnosis, neurology and neurophysiology, psychoanalysis and German Romantic literature, and its descendants within a wider European literature. Representations of division or disintegration are evident in all these domains, enjoying widespread currency and penetration throughout the 19th century. These culturally based ideas, combined with the idea of degeneration, were important elements in the foundation of the schizophrenia concept.with the Childhood Cancer Association. Day 2 of Jodie & Soda's House Rules Rescue for the Childhood Cancer Association and Jared and Jess have put the call out for fellow contestants Leigh and Kristie (in Melbourne) to help out. One call to Virgin Australia and they're on the next flight to Adelaide! At high noon today, we reveal the Childhood Cancer Association apartments we've been renovating with Jared & Jess from House Rules. We spoke to Jess about how she's feeling as the deadline gets closer, and then Premier Steven Marshall announced a $5000 donation and a 5-year lease extension! After a massive week, Jared & Jess from House Rules and Chris Hartley, President of the Childhood Cancer Association came in for a debrief. We shared a beautiful moment with someone at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 938, 1079, 1092, 1145, 1258, 1344 ]
Delayed repair of tendon to bone injuries leads to decreased biomechanical properties and bone loss. Repair of the torn rotator cuff tendon is a common procedure performed in the shoulder. In the clinical setting, a significant delay between rotator cuff tear and subsequent repair often exists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical properties and bone density of the tendon to bone repair site after acute and delayed repair. The supraspinatus tendons in bilateral shoulders of 60 rats were transected from the bone. In the acute group, the tendons were immediately repaired with suture. In the delayed group, the tendons were allowed to retract and repaired in a second procedure after a 3-week delay. Cross sectional area and biomechanical properties were evaluated. Bone density of thefilm 13A and the backside sealing film 13B under application of pressure to crosslink and cure the films, whereby they are bonded and combined. In the conventional solar cell, a plurality of photovoltaic elements 14 are connected with each other in order to generate high electric output. Therefore, in order to ensure insulation properties between the photovoltaic elements 14, the photovoltaic elements 14 are sealed with the front side sealing film 13A and the backside sealing film 13B which have high insulation properties. As the sealing films 13A, 13B, a film made of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) is heretofore used because of low cost and high transparency and adhesion (for example, Patent Document 1). In addition, in order to ensure mechanical durability of a solar cell and prevent occurrence
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 1423, 1427, 1503, 1534 ]
at McDonald=s so she could spend time on Super Bowl Sunday with Flores and his family.  However, Hernandez indicated during redirect examination that what she told a police detective about the time of the shooting was that the victim had called her crying the night that she died and asked Hernandez to work for her because she and Flores had gotten into it again.  Hernandez stated that her memory was better at that time than at the time of trial.  On further cross-examination, she again acknowledged having made the later statement to a defense investigator that, when the victim called, she was not crying and was looking forward to spending time with Flores and his family.  Hernandez recounted that the victim said three days before she died that she was going to leave Flores.  Hernandez stated that, onthe same day, Flores (who was very jealous) had told her that he would kill the victim if she ever left him. Frank Reyes, the victim=s stepfather, testified that Super Bowl Sunday, January 26, 2003, was his birthday.  He said that, on that morning, he told the victim he was going to go to his sister=s house later in the day.  He related that the victim came to his sister=s house about 7 p.m. and that  she left after he had eaten saying she would be back and did not want him to leave because she had forgotten his birthday present.  He testified she never returned.  Ellie Muro, the victim=s mother, testified that on the evening of the murder Flores called her and told her he had killed the victim.   She said that, when he placed the phone down, she heard a Agagging kind of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 843, 864 ]
in with him; (3) Lopez, the man who lived with his mother, never saw Flores and the victim fight and said that they appeared to him to be happy; (4) the victim was looking forward to spending super bowl with Flores and his family and called to get someone to cover her at McDonald=s so she could be with him; and (5) in examining the victim=s body, there was no way to determine her position when the shotgun was fired, such as whether she was kneeling or sitting. Flores=s argument does not mention earlier testimony by Hernandez that she had told a detective that the victim was crying when she called the evening of the murder to ask her to fill in for her at McDonald=s, indicating that she and Flores had gotten into it again and that her memoryan upper class equestrian happening that might only feed ongoing accusations of patrician elitism, accompanied by potentially ruinous photo ops and endless late night jokes, of which there already have been plenty – just ask Stephen Colbert. The New York Times reported: “As millions tune in to the Olympics in prime time this summer, just before Mr. Romney will be reintroducing himself to the nation at the Republican convention, viewers are likely to see ‘up close and personal’ segments on NBC about the Romneys and dressage, a sport of six-figure horses and $1,000 saddles. The Romneys declared a loss of $77,000 on their 2010 tax returns for the share in the care and feeding of Rafalca.” But several media outlets — including the Times, CNN, and the British newspaper The
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 13, 15, 147, 149, 318, 320 ]
Telegraph have reported that Mitt Romney will in fact take time from the campaign to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with his wife on July 27 (the Romney horse’s event begins Aug. 2). He was, after all, head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games. And an appearance at the opening, filled with extravagant special effects, music and patriotic flag-waving for the U.S. team, is safer than showing up at an event where your wife’s horse is worth several times the mean yearly per capita income for individuals in the United States. So family loyalty is trumped by political expedience, but while in London, Romney will find time to attend — you guessed it — a private fundraising dinner. According to The Telegraph, “The price ofbut not shut, for it yielded to his touch and swung open, revealing a large bedroom with an old-fashioned fourposter in the corner furthest from the door. Marsland glanced round the room curiously. It was the typical "best bedroom" of an old English farm-house, built more than a hundred years before the present generation came to life, with their modern ideas of fresh air and light and sanitation. The ceiling was so low that Marshland almost touched it with his head as he walked, and the small narrow-paned windows, closely shuttered from without, looked as though they had been hermetically sealed for centuries. The room contained furniture as ancient as its surroundings: quaint old chests of drawers, bureaux, clothes-presses, and some old straight-backed oaken chairs. On the walls were a few musty old books on shelves, a stuffed pointer in a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
[ 156, 195, 960, 973 ]
turned to Marsland. "I think you said you found the door open, Mr. Marsland. Do you mean wide open or partly closed?" "I found it wide open," replied Marsland. "I thought at the time that it had not been properly closed and that the wind had blown it open." "That means that the murderer got in through this window and left by the door," said Inspector Payne to Detective Gillett. "He left it open when he fled." "But what about Westaway's theory that he was in the house when Mr. Marsland came here?" asked Gillett. "What about the crash Mr. Marsland heard when the picture fell down? What about the plan of the hidden money that disappeared after Mr. Marsland left?" It was plain that Detective Gillett, who had to investigate the crime, was not in sympathy with Inspector Payne's methodgive their captors any information they were tortured. But these brave lads refused to give the information the Germans wanted, and ultimately they succeeded in making their escape during an attack. I've listened to many of the experiences of our brave lads, but I don't think I've heard anything worse than the treatment of Brett and this poor fellow who has been murdered." "Was it at Armentieres this happened?" asked Marsland. "I think it was," replied the inspector. "Then you've heard the story, too, Mr. Marsland?" "No, I was thinking of something else," he answered. "We must look up Brett," said Crewe. "Just write down his address, inspector--if you don't mind." "He lives at No. 41 Whitethorn Gardens," said the police officer. "But I don't think you will find him there to-day. His landlady, Mrs. Penfield, promised to send me word as soon
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
[ 21, 117, 120, 142, 162, 258, 261, 339, 384, 414, 417, 441, 504, 521, 671, 785, 994, 1062, 1072, 1168, 1171, 1208, 1227, 1243, 1268, 1277, 1316, 1319, 1357, 1373, 1396, 1410, 1461, 1469, 1472, 1511, 1538, 1548 ]
the rooms undisturbed. Brett, thinking there was no one in the house, opened the door with Lumsden's key. The Granges who were on the top floor did not call out to him, as they had no satisfactory explanation to offer for exploring the house. They saw Brett staggering up the stairs carrying something on his left shoulder. At first they could not make out what it was, as it was dark inside the house. Half-way up the stairs Brett came to a halt to shift his burden, and he turned on an electric torch in order to see where he was. By the light of the torch the Granges saw that Brett was carrying the body of a man. They thought at first that Lumsden had been injured in an accident to the motor-car, but the fact that theyM N W A K T H I U D Q P C O S R E L Y V M N W A K T H I U D Q P C O S R E L Y V M N W A K T H I U D Q P C O S R E L Y V M N W A K T H I U D Q P C O S R E L Y V M N W A K T H I U D Q P C O S R E L Y V M N W A K T H I U D
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
[ 98 ]
say by reflecting on the hints placed in the texts. Isn't there something about those texts that strikes you as peculiar?" Marsland examined them attentively for some time, and shook his head. "I'm afraid I'm not sufficiently well up in the Scriptures to notice anything peculiar about them. I should say they were from the Old Testament, but I couldn't tell you what part of it." "The texts are from the Old Testament, from Jeremiah XXV and Isaiah VII. They are remarkable for the fact that they represent two passages--the only two instances in the whole Bible--where the writers used cryptograms to hide their actual meaning. In the first instance the prophet, Jeremiah, living in dangerous times, veils his attack on the King of Babylon by writing Sheshak for Babel--Babylon; that is, instead of using B B L, the second andthe sky-line for a moment as they raced towards the end of the headland. Then the foremost disappeared over the cliff with a scream. Brett, endeavouring to double in his tracks at the edge of the headland, had slipped and gone over. Marsland was standing on the edge of the cliff, peering down into the sea mist which veiled the water below, when Crewe reached his side. Crewe drew him back. "Come away if you don't want to follow him," he said. "We shall have to get the police out to look for his body, but perhaps the sea will carry it away." CHAPTER XXV THE search for the body began in the morning, at low tide. Inspector Murchison had come from Staveley to superintend, and from the landing place he and Sergeant Westaway directed the operations of the Ashlingsea fishermen who
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
[ 55, 121, 195, 197, 208, 353, 381, 384, 1224, 1245, 1267, 1278, 1376 ]
Home News New French Stamps to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Fashion House Sonia Rykiel New French Stamps to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Fashion House Sonia Rykiel 17 Jan 2018 Wed Like every year since 2000, France is going to take help from famous designers to develop designs for its heart-shaped Love stamps for Valentine’s Day. The first stamp of the series was designed by Yves Saint Laurent in 2000. The latest one was released on 12th January by a fashion house founded in 1968 by Sonia Rykiel. The stamps will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of this fashion house, with the year “1968” printed below. Sonia Rykiel’s designs are popular for red, black and white stripes. The designer also used a lot of symbolic hearts in his designs. The current artistic directorMiss Fisk to work in Washington, D. C., in which city he also was employed. In 1924 Miss Fisk, who was then attending college in Ohio, *748 in a letter to Mr. Fleming stated that she was "lonesome for and missed" him and urged him "to send her flowers and candy since other girls at college were receiving gifts from their boy friends," and she asserted that "unless she heard from him she would have to return because she could not bear to be away from him without hearing from him." Mr. Fleming showed this letter to Mrs. Fleming and they conferred as to the proper thing for him to do about it. He answered it in the presence of Mrs. Fleming, telling Miss Fisk that he was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 968, 992, 1012, 1116, 1140, 1264 ]
happy without her and wished to be let alone and advising her to interest herself in other men. From 1924 to 1932, a period of about eight years, there was a substantial break in contact between Miss Fisk and Mr. Fleming. The slight association shown during this period does not indicate any effectual alienation of Mr. Fleming's affections by the defendant. According to Mrs. Fleming's direct testimony her husband had been dutiful up until 1932, but upon cross-examination she admitted that "she had said on direct examination that her marriage had been happy until 1932, but that now she wanted to change that; that for a number of years prior thereto he had beaten her." Sexual congress between Mr. and Mrs. Fleming ceased in February, 1932; in Aprilof that year he left her; in July she filed suit against him for divorce a mensa et thoro. Mrs. Fleming explained in her cross-examination in the instant case that she did not mention Miss Fisk's name in the divorce suit because "she did not have proof." In her sworn divorce complaint Mrs. Fleming alleged that her husband had "committed brutal assaults on her," had "abandoned and deserted" her, and that his "desertion . . . is final, complete and . . . beyond hope or a reasonable expectation of a reconciliation." She swore also in the divorce complaint that Mr. Fleming had failed properly to clothe and support her and their minor children, whereby they had been forced to seek aid for the necessities of life, and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 327, 384, 493, 673, 947, 983, 1007, 1082, 1116, 1122, 1145, 1165, 1271 ]
that she had found evidence that her husband was being unfaithful to her. The only evidence of any association between Mr. Fleming and Miss Fisk of such nature as to indicate that his affections had been transferred to Miss Fisk relates to 1933-1935, a period wholly subsequent to the separation and to the filing of the divorce suit. Giving the plaintiff the benefit of the rules of law above set forth, and bearing in mind especially the eight-year period of substantial disassociation between Mr. Fleming and Miss Fisk from 1924 to 1932, we think that no reasonable juryman could properly conclude under the evidence that Miss Fisk intentionally or effectively caused the break between Mr. and Mrs. Fleming in the first part of 1932, or that that break was otherDurovo, Kochyovsky District, Perm Krai Durovo () is a rural locality (a village) in Kochyovsky District, Perm Krai, Russia. The population was 7 as of 2010. There are 3 streets. References Category:Rural localities in Perm Krai
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
[ 812, 813, 835, 845 ]
in their irradiated salts. But no telescope on or near Earth can observe Europa with sufficiently high resolving power to identify the features with certainty. The researchers suggest this could be accomplished by future observations with a spacecraft visiting Europa. JPL built and managed NASA's Galileo mission for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, and is developing a concept for a future mission to Europa. The California Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Europa, visit: News Media Contact Preston DychesJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, [email protected] BrownNASA Headquarters, [email protected] of their lives, rather than managing the impact on an established life. Liminality {#s4a} ---------- The concept of liminality, developed by anthropologist van Gennep in his work on rites of passage,[@R25] describes a state of 'being inbetween' pre and post 'ritual' states. Turner described liminality as a space in which individuals are 'neither one thing nor another or maybe both',[@R26] and a transitional intervening period between 'two relatively fixed or stable conditions'.[@R26] The emerging adults in this study were already in a liminal state, between childhood and older/full adulthood. In addition, participants described being in a liminal state with respect to their renal disease, which in many ways prolonged the liminal phase they were already experiencing as a young adult as they put life 'on hold'. Liminality was particularly experienced on
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Central" ] }
[ 296, 329, 872, 877, 989, 994, 1017, 1033, 1048, 1055, 1129, 1173, 1175, 1180, 1228, 1270, 1272, 1277, 1601, 1609 ]
difficult, unpredictable situations. Dawn is a certified image consultant, certified executive presence trainer, member of the Association of Image Consulting International and the past President of the Association of Image Consulting International – Chicago Midwest Chapter.the beginning of the thread. People like jakrough now have yet another reason to hide in hols and its stiffling the war game and activity in it. Sorry Ailuros, but yes I'm from same server as Mrs.Dej and was just poking fun at our situation. I have been working on farming groups, some only farming 10s, some farming all and some valley farming with each filling 3 separate cities. As for hiding in Holiday and People like jakrough now have yet another reason to hide in hols and its stiffling the war game and activity in it. Um last time I left my main out for 3 days, the 3rd day, 3 major warcities did a maintenance ending launch of 23 banner waves and rid me of 96 mill archers and 5.2
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 446 ]
offered any detailed updates on how he has spent his time. They have not acknowledged phone calls or other contact with world leaders. When Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Trump on Wednesday, Moscow spread the word. A phone call with British Prime Minster Theresa May was announced in London. The pattern was repeated for calls with leaders of Israel, Egypt, South Korea and Australia. The White House typically releases statements on the president's phone calls with foreign leaders, providing some details about the conversation. Past presidents-elect have had early briefings with journalists, even in confusing first hours after Election Day. But early signs suggest Mr Trump is willing to break protocol when it comes to press access and transparency. As a candidate, Mr Trump railed against the pressas "disgusting" and "dishonest." He refused to allow a pool of campaign reporters and photographers to fly on his plane to events, sometimes starting his rallies before his press corps had arrived. The practice did not extend to his running mate, Mike Pence, who was followed by a traditional pool of journalists. President-elect Trump says he looks forward to working with Obama at White House meeting News organisations had tried for weeks to coordinate a pool of journalists to travel with Mr Trump immediately after Election Day if he won. The Associated Press is among those reaching out to Trump advisors about press access. Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said the president-elect's team expects "to operate a traditional pool and look forward to implementing our plans in the near future." The White House
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 485, 848, 859, 865, 876, 1532, 1548, 1641 ]
on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests An Oakland police officer checks out damage after a window was broken by protesters at a car dealership in downtown Oakland, Calif AP President Trump protests A protester faces a police line in downtown Oakland, Calif AP President Trump protests President-elect Donald Trumpís victory set off multiple protests AP President Trump protests A fire burns during protests in Oakland, Calif AP A pool of reporters and photographers was in the motorcade when President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. The pool was just steps away from President Ronald Reagan when he was shot outside a hotel in the District of Columbia, and was stationedoutside his hospital as he recovered. The pool also travels on vacation and foreign trips and at times captures personal, historic moments of the presidency. The practice makes journalists eyewitnesses to how the president conducts business, rather than relying on secondhand accounts. They often capture more intimate moments between the president and people he greets. The White House, meanwhile, depends on having journalists nearby at all times to relay the president's first comments on breaking news. News organisations take turns serving in the small group, paying their way and sharing the material collected in the pool with the larger press corps. The pool also covers official events at the White House when space doesn't allow for the full press corps. Because of safety concerns, presidents and presidents-elect travel in a bubble
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 1263, 1523 ]
was when I was successful in Dallas and I'm going to try to bring it to Ottawa." Chiasson was the only roster player the Senators received in Tuesday's Spezza deal, along with forward prospects Nicholas Paul and Alex Guptill and a 2015 second-round pick. "Chiasson is a young, big strong guy that has big potential, we think," general manager Bryan Murray told reporters Tuesday. "It looks like he has an ability to score points and goals, and he's a hard-working kid." Murray likes how Chiasson fits in with the rest of the group currently assembled in Ottawa, which will have to work for points rather than rely on one or two players to produce them. The 23-year-old right-winger could slide in on the second line, just behind Bobby Ryan on Ottawa's depthof his first three this past season. In doing so, he joined the likes of Teemu Selanne and Pat LaFontaine among players with nine-plus goals in their first 10 NHL games. "The way I started and the way things were going, it was fantastic," the Montreal native said. "Every kid dreams to play in the NHL, and I feel like the way that I started really boosted me to reach a different potential and to try to get better. I know there's expectations that come with that." Chiasson only had two goals in his next 17 games, and he went into a worse slump around Christmas after getting what he called a really bad flu bug. He lost 10 to 15 pounds in the process. "With the schedule last year with
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 41, 79, 150, 257, 327, 382, 448, 470, 753, 932, 999, 1027, 1191, 1227, 1420 ]
The Sultanate's untouched coral reefs and diverse marine life can rival those of other famed diving hotspots in the region like Malaysia and around Indonesia, according to William Tan, a famous Singaporean underwater photographer who recently went on a four-day diving expedition in the waters of Brunei Darussalam. On his impressions of his first-time diving in Brunei waters, William told the Weekend Bulletin: "The fishes and creatures in the waters here are not afraid of people and it provided (great) opportunities to take pictures. "In other famous diving sites (in other regions), the fishes would quickly swim away if they saw humans. "Some of the marine life found in the waters of Brunei are rare ... (It would be) hard to find (them) in other countries." The 47-year-old, who is also aprofessional violinist, has travelled around the world in his quest to photograph and document unique marine life. Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan and Solomon Island are just some of his previous diving destinations. William has been taking underwater photos since 1995, and his masterworks have been featured in popular magazines such as Scuba Divers AustralAsia, Asia Divers, Easy Dive and Sport Diving. "I never would have imagined to find so many different diving sites here in Brunei," he said, adding that he had come across an old oilrig, shipwrecks, coral reefs and sandy corals during his diving expedition. With the assistance of Oceanic Quest, William and his friends were able to dive three times a day for the past four days. He was pleased to have captured stunning photos of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 13, 414, 500, 506, 541, 571, 588, 647, 715, 727, 742, 747, 768, 1227, 1310 ]
the rare marine life in the Sultanate. Oceanic Quest, which is one of the top diving companies in the region, did a fantastic job looking after the safety of all divers involved in this trip, he added. "They did their job professionally." William expressed his hope that Brunei would become a hot spot for divers from around the region. However, in order to build Brunei's underwater eco-tourism, William stressed that more publicity was needed. He recalled that after he was commission to take photos and to publish a book for a village in Sulawesi island, tourists from all over began to descend on the village. William also hoped that the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam would take steps to protect the delicate marine life fromemerging technology. Indian Government Continues to Support Blockchain Adoption Apart from primary education, the IT minister declared that blockchain could find utility in multiple sectors in the country. According to Minister Prasad, India has close to 26,000 with close to half of them focusing on technology. For Prasad, NIC should work in tandem with these up-and-coming firms to develop blockchain-based solutions for agriculture, health, excise operations among others. The IT minister isn’t alone in calling for greater blockchain adoption in India. As previously reported by BTCManager in November 2019, India’s Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology, Sanjay Dhotre, announced that the government was working towards creating a national blockchain framework. Despite the constant calls for greater blockchain adoption in India, authorities continue to block crypto utilization in the country. Back in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 203, 238, 373 ]
Major League game. Buddy Bell (April 22, 1972) was the last Indians player to hit a grand slam for his first career homer. Kouzmanoff, of course, didn't know any of these little nuggets of information at the time. He just knew he had made a nice first impression on his team, which benefited from the early production. "You never know if it's going to stand the test of time," manager Eric Wedge said of the first-inning homer. "But it ended up being the difference for us in the ballgame." Lee was a difference maker, as well, lasting seven innings for the first time in five starts and giving up four runs, only two of which were earned, on seven hits. Aided further by Martinez's sacrifice fly in the second, he lookedjudge asked. The lawyers for DisruptJ20 organizers and users said the concerns about overreach were particularly acute because of what they asserted is a lack of respect for First Amendment rights by the Trump administration. "You have an administration investigating the political activity of people protesting this administration," said Scott Michelman, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney representing MacAuley and Carrefour. "We're dealing with an administration whose hostility to dissent and willingness to abuse the process of law to silence critics is increasingly evident," said Paul Alan Levy, a Public Citizen lawyer representing what he described as "three frienders and one liker" of the DisruptJ20 page. Borchert said prosecutors want to conduct a "front to back" search of the MacAuley and Carrefour accounts for a 90-day period around the protest. He argued
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 30, 45, 151, 321, 342, 377, 430, 491, 683, 952, 1058, 1163, 1166, 1315, 1396, 1426, 1497, 1511 ]
Dynamic analysis of intraarticular pressure in the glenohumeral joint. Dynamic analysis of intraarticular pressure was performed in 180 glenohumeral joints. The intraarticular pressure demonstrated characteristic changes during shoulder movement. In the healthy group minimum pressure was measured at 40 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane. In patients with contractures the pressure increased in the early phase of elevation and persisted. Pressure changes of the group with incomplete tears of the rotator cuff resembled those of the healthy group, whereas those in the massive tear group showed only slight pressure changes. When patients with rotator cuff tears had no limitation of arm elevation, pressure changes close to the normal pattern were found. However, when active elevation was markedly limited, no significant pressure changes were noted in some cases. InThe indpendent MLA has been charged under the Arms Act. Highlights Cops seized AK-47 rifle, grenade from residence of Bihar MLA Anant Singh The MLA Anant Kumar Singh said he was not afraid of his arrest The MLA was charged under the Arms Act and Explosive Act The police recovered an AK-47 rifle and a hand grenade from the residence of Independent MLA Anant Kumar Singh in Bihar's Mokama area. Denying being afraid of his arrest, Mr Singh said that he would surrender in the next few days. "I am not scared of being arrested. I will surrender in next three-four days," Mokama MLA Mr Singh said in a video message. The MLA has been charged under the Arms Act, Unlawful Activities Act and Explosive Act after the police seized the banned arms from
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 1262, 1375, 1452 ]
Death and taxing critics Date: January 01 2013 Alex Miller The big silvery redgum in the paddock beyond the garden, where with the white-faced cows are, is acting as a reflector and is driving the light against the window. But the room's resisting the light. The room, this other room, her old bedroom down here at lower Araluen, is staying in a kind of low suffused state of semi-darkness. Vertical blocks of deep purple and umber, the earth shadows, which contain their own resistant densities. Resisting the streaming light that's crashing against the side of the house and shaking the window, which is throwing it back. As if the air outside is filled with millions of fragments of exploded glass. The light hissing dangerously across the garden and the paddocks, andthat faint dry shrieking all the time, which never stops, so that you cease to hear it and feel the irritation of the nerves, an abrasion of the senses, pervasive and deep and incurable, or, inexplicably, you are soothed by it. It becomes a quality of the silence. And the old woman bent over tapping at the ground, tap, tap, tap, encompassed by the storm of light and noise that's raging all around her, probing for something in the earth with her iron implement. Engrossed. It's a picture of a woman sitting on a bed looking out of a window. That's what the portrait is. It's only the second time I've done a portrait of someone in their bedroom. A bedroom portrait. The other one was Dr Henry Guston
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 238, 534, 1153, 1253, 1323, 1350, 1375 ]
It was something I didn't know how to do. It's not something you learn. He had lots of friends. That was another gift, the gift of friendship. Henry was a gifted man. I was just one of his many friends. Which was fine. He knew how to make you feel OK about that kind of thing. Anyway, he was fit and well and happy when I started working on his portrait. Then he died without warning. His death was completely unexpected. It was a great shock to me - to everyone. His wife and children were struck a terrible blow. Henry's death left me without a friend. I resented his death. I went around to his place in a fiercely resentful state of mind and stood by his bed,full-tank regulating valve according to Patent Document 1 is located at the saddle-shaped portion in the chamber of the tank body and is provided in an exhaust passage communicating the tank body and a canister. The full-tank regulating valve has a float valve inside a substantially cylindrical valve body. The float valve has a function of opening and closing a communication port of the exhaust passage based on a magnitude of a first pressure difference Pdif1 (Pdif1=|Pvalve−Ptank|) between an internal pressure Pvalve in the valve body and an internal pressure Ptank in the tank body. An orifice for communicating the inside and outside of the valve body is provided close to the float valve in a side wall of the valve body. In the saddle type fuel tank according
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 23, 44, 521, 1128, 1149 ]
period. For the top quartile of patenting counties from 1990–95, patenting grew by 50%. For those below the median, patenting did not grow at all. So, overall, location became more important over time. This overall trend is driven by substantial increases in the concentration of patenting at the very top of the distribution, such as in Silicon Valley (e.g. Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, and San Francisco County). In other words, the trend at the very top is driven by a small number of places. Looking at the broad trend in the rest of the US, however, we showed that many places resisted the overall concentration of invention. To understand this, it is important to separate the adoption of the internet (and associated advanced technologies for digital communication) byTechnology and the Distribution of Inventive Activity”, NBER Working Paper 20036, forthcoming in Adam Jaffe and Benjamin Jones (eds.), The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, University of Chicago Press. Forman, Chris and Nicholas van Zeebroeck (2012), “From wires to partners: How the Internet has fostered R&D collaborations within firms”, Management Science, 58(8): 1549–1568. Friedman, Thomas L (2005), The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. Wellman, Barry (2001), “Computer Networks As Social Networks”, Science, 29: 2031–2034.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 354, 422, 719, 782, 913, 918, 1057, 1062, 1176, 1178, 1212, 1217, 1342, 1347 ]
to the boiling caldera, which lies at an altitude close to sea level. Imagine the island like an iceberg, where you just see the top of this oceanic mountain. The scenery is in constant mutation. It changes depending on the level of geothermal activity. Image by Martin Panzer Imagine the island like an iceberg, where you just see the top of this oceanic mountain. The scenery is in constant mutation. It changes depending on the level of geothermal activity. The last eruption was in 2001 >> Update: Whakaari erupted again on the early afternoon of 9 December 2019! Image by Martin Panzer The last eruption was in 2001 >> Update: Whakaari erupted again on the early afternoon of 9 December 2019! There aren't many places in the world that you can walk aroundthe crater of an active volcano, roaring and rumbling in boiling acid. Compare the size of this vast lake with the visitors who venture to the edge of the main crater, on the left. Image by Theirishkiwi There aren't many places in the world that you can walk around the crater of an active volcano, roaring and rumbling in boiling acid. Compare the size of this vast lake with the visitors who venture to the edge of the main crater, on the left. The colors and level of the lake vary a lot depending on its mood. Captain Cook didn't make a very good choice when he named the island 'White'. His expedition never got close enough to check what was causing the whiteness that can be seen over
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 719, 984, 1305, 1357, 1363 ]
its stream of paint pouring into the ocean. Image by X-oph Whakaari has a distinctive look from the sky, with its stream of paint pouring into the ocean. Sulphur Bay, where the river from hell flows to. The greenish tail coming out to the ocean, from the cone side that has fallen. Image by Aelena Sulphur Bay, where the river from hell flows to. The greenish tail coming out to the ocean, from the cone side that has fallen. The issuing of gas masks by the tour agencies is not for show, it's due to the high sulphur dioxide levels in the air. But a sense of possible danger contributes to the increased feeling that this is not an average tourist experience. It is also possible to reach the island flyingMark Wahlberg has shared his exciting plan to turn hit period drama Boardwalk Empire into a Martin Scorsese movie. The Oscar nominated actor acted as an executive producer on the HBO show and won an Emmy for directing its 2010 pilot episode. Set in Atlantic City during the Prohibition era from 1920 to 1933, Boardwalk Empire followed the life of corrupt politician Enoch ‘Nucky’ Thompson (Steve Buscemi) and his secret gangster activities. Kelly MacDonald, Stephen Graham and Michael K Williams also starred. Steve Buscemi and Paz de la Huerta in Boardwalk Empire Five award-winning seasons and 56 episodes later, the popular series came to a close last year. “My next goal now is to get the movie made and start talking to Martin Scorsese about directing it,” Wahlberg told The Fighter star’s ambitions
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 498, 1105, 1119 ]
outcropping provided a convenient place for the soldiers to store their weapons and gunpowder. The site is now part of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail, and the field where the soldiers camped is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. During the 1870s, John T. Wilder, an industrialist and former Union general, began purchasing large tracts of iron ore-rich lands in the Roan Mountain area, and established several mining operations in the region. In the early 1880s, he established the Roan Mountain community, originally known as Roan Mountain Station, as a stop along the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad ("Tweetsie"). He laid out streets, planted trees, and built a hotel, the Roan Mountain Inn, as well as a house for histhey say the event is about expressing your "rawest self" in a "safe and welcoming, non-judgmental environment." "We as a society are inundated with so much false ideals about body image that we can easily become lost in self criticism, judgment and insecurities," the group said online. "This group is a place to break free from our societal constraints and tap into the liberation and freedom from embarrassment and shame and allow us to fully embrace and courageously love all of ourselves in the presence of others." Letting it all hang out Jarret Hoebers, recreation regional manager with the City of Calgary, said Southland Leisure Centre and many other facilities around the city are available for rental, but this is the first time the leisure centre has been rented out by Calgary
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 660, 661, 670, 671, 823, 835, 842, 890, 893, 1043, 1069, 1300 ]
"They met on the Field of Honour" By DonalBane of the Blakmers Battlefield Correspondent, Pennsic Independent Final Tally: Midrealm Dragons 26, East Tygers 1 The Grand Armies of the Midrealm and the East met for the final time Friday under overcast skies for The Field of Honour. The grand spectacle of the field battle brought out loads of spectators to cheer on their respective kingdoms. Once again, the East lined its forces up on the western side of the battlefield determined to fight to the last man. House Bloodguard, Rome, the Tuchux, and the Northern Army held the north side of the field, while the Southern Army, Black Talon, the Bog Alliance and Ironlance held the center. The western allied kingdoms deployed themselves to the south. The Dragon's armies lined up for the last time thiswar on the east side of the battlefield. Forces from AEthelmearc, Calontir, Ealdormere, Northshield and Outlands held the north, while the bulk of the Midrealm army deployed itself to the center. Forces from Atlantia, the Great Dark Horde and Trimaris held the south of the battlefield. When the cannon sounded for the first fight, more than 1,000 gentles charged proudly into each other. The bulk of the East's forces held their own initially in the north and center, but the combined forces of Trimaris and Atlantia proved to be too much for the outnumbered fighter from the western kingdoms. The right side of the East line was flanked and the Atlantian forces began to charge north. Slowly, the whole of the outnumbered East line began to crumble until the
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[ 0, 32, 766, 1217 ]
remaining Tyger forces were trapped the northwest corner of the battlefield and wore down. The second fight took a similar path, although the East's forces seemed to be more compact and organized in this fight. The Tyger held back some units in attempt to countercharge the surging Dragon armies. Unfortunately for the East, the Midrealm's surge could only be delayed and the battle once again collapsed until the Tuchux found themselves fighting against most of the Known World in the northwest corner of the battlefield. The third fight allowed for combat archery and siege weapons, although many fewer siege weapons were used than the previous day on the causeway. The fight in the north followed the same path as the first two fights, but the fight to the south sawa reversal of fortunes. A tightly bunched group of the East's western allies were able to roll over forces from Trimaris in the initial charge. This same force then turned back and decimated the remains of the Atlanitan army in the south. Having cleared the southern battlefield, the western allies turned their attentions to the brawl to the north. They were greeted by a host of Midrealmers, anchored by the Darkyard Legion and House Darkmoon. It became a dark time for the outnumbered westerners as they were beaten in the final grand melee of the war. Saturday's Big Battle: The flight of the dragons through the gates! Seriously, HOOBAH, VIVAT, WASSAIL and HUZZAH to all the warriors and warrior watchers of the great Pennsic War. Hope to see you in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 147, 338, 830, 1336 ]
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an electronic apparatus such as a notebook personal computer. 2. Description of the Prior Art A switch is incorporated in a notebook personal computer as disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 10-154428, for example. The switch includes an operating piece attached to the side surface of the enclosure of the notebook personal computer for relative sliding movement. The operating piece is connected to a switch element located in the enclosure through a connecting piece. The connecting piece penetrates through a through hole defined in the wall of the enclosure. The switch element moves between an switch-on position and an switch-off position through the sliding movement of the operating piece. The connecting piece is inserted in the through hole during the assemblyNo charges will be filed against the former Saint Francis hospital bus driver who shot a man in an argument on the side of Interstate 95, the state justice department said. The bus driver and another man engaged in an on-the-road altercation in September before both pulled over near the Airport Road exit ramp to escalate the fight. The bus driver shot the other man after he pulled out a can of pepper spray, state police said. Prosecutors didn't charge the bus driver because he fired in self-defense in accordance with Delaware law, according to state justice department spokeswoman Julia Lawes. The Saint Francis Life Paratransit bus driver was driving north on Del. 1 from Pulaski Highway when a man from Bear in a Dodge SUV pulled up alongside both sides
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 1298 ]
of the bus, pointing at the driver with a cellphone, according to state police accounts. Both continued onto I-95 north and the bus driver signaled for the Dodge to pull over near the Airport Road exit ramp, state police said. Both pulled over and got out. "Accounts of the incident by the participants and witnesses established that the two participants were in a heated exchange on the side of the interstate when the Dodge Durango driver produced an object from his pocket and sprayed the bus driver in the face with mace, and, nearly simultaneously, the bus driver removed a lawfully possessed and concealed handgun from his pocket and fired a single shot, striking the Durango driver," Lawes said in an email Wednesday morning. The bus driver remained on the sceneand called 911 while offering the man he shot first aid. The Dodge driver, 53, was hospitalized but survived and was later released. Desmond Chisholm, a resident of Bear, pulled over to the side of I-95 that day to help. He said the bus driver was still there and spoke briefly to Chisholm. "He said he (the Durango driver) tried to Mace him and he shot him in self-defense. And that's the only thing I heard from him," Desmond Chisholm, a resident of Bear, said. There were no Saint Francis patients in the bus involved in the incident, which is used to shuttle elderly patients to and from Saint Francis Life Center in Wilmington's Riverfront. The bus driver lost his job because the health care company's policy forbids employees from carrying firearms,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 259, 691, 1065, 1077, 1096, 1157, 1192, 1406, 1481 ]
"This volume provides a superb examination of Argentine-U.S. relations between the early nineteenth and the early twenty-first century. Throughout this history, U.S. policy toward Argentina was often 'contained' within a zone of suspicion. The book shows how each country misunderstood each other's foreign policy, a case in point being the Falkland/Malvinas War in 1982, and how Argentina was the focus of a major U.S. policy shift when the US chose not to provide aid during the economic crisis of December 2001." —Dr. Kristin Ruggiero, Professor of History and Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin "Sheinin's study is particularly strong on the cultural interchange between Argentina and the United States. He draws from his earlier research to provide interesting and detailed coverage ofthe juxtapositioning of the two countries within the Pan-American movement and of the intricate negotiations surrounding the Argentine nuclear program in the 1970s and 1980s. This thoughtful overview fills a significant remaining gap in the United States and the Americas series." —Ken Lehman, Hampden-Sydney College Description In the first English-language survey of Argentine-U.S. relations to appear in more than a decade, David M. K. Sheinin challenges the accepted view that confrontation has been the characteristic state of affairs between the two countries. Sheinin draws on both Spanish- and English-language sources in the United States, Argentina, Canada, and Great Britain to provide a broad perspective on the two centuries of shared U.S.-Argentine history with fresh focus in particular on cultural ties, nuclear politics in the cold war era, the politics of human
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 0, 200, 210, 296, 514, 665, 673, 1135 ]
Anabaptists: “Forgotten Voices of the Reformation” Upset over the sale of indulgences, among other things, Luther posted a set of ninety-five theses for public discussion on October 31, 1517. In Zurich, Switzerland, within a few years, Huldrych (or Ulrich) Zwingli led a reformation in his church. A couple of decades later, John Calvin’s influence in Geneva, Switzerland, brought reformation there. The church in England experienced reformation largely due to the pope’s refusal to grant King Henry VIII the divorce he requested. These were not organized attempts to change the church but organic and disconnected reform movements that occurred in various places in Europe at about the same time. As influential and significant as these figures were, other voices called for reformation in this era. Often overlooked, even forgotten, for arejection of infant baptism in favor of the baptism of adult believers, the common ownership of property; and an emphasis on pacifism and nonresistance.”5 Not all groups identified as Anabaptists were pacifists, but many were. Rejection of the authority of the state, which was an implication of the denunciation of infant baptism, resulted in the charge of anarchy. Throughout Europe, the state and the state church saw the Anabaptists as dangerous. As a result, thousands were killed. Estep puts it well: “Martydom became an Anabaptist hallmark. Among those who died at the hands of the authorities for their faith were countless worthy, often unknown, unforgettable witnesses.”6 A group of Christians dared to form a church after what was conceived to be the New Testament pattern. The roots of Anabaptism sprouted in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 246, 256 ]
and in their own lives. So, out of submission to the authority of the Word of God, they began to put those teachings into practice. May such a desire to be doers of the Word characterize our lives too and may God give us the grace to stand for truth, no matter the cost. Dr. Kreider is professor of theological studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He identifies his motivations as his passion for the triune God and his desire to help others respond to divine revelation in spirit and truth. Prior to coming to DTS he served as director of Christian education and pastored a church in Cedar Hill, Texas. Dr. Kreider’s research interests include Jonathan Edwards, theological method, and our eschatological hope. He is married to his bestis not a party to the instant appeal and did not file a brief. *Retired Senior Judge assigned to the Superior Court. J-A04021-20 claims of negligence and corporate negligence arising from injuries she sustained between December 2016 and June 2017, while in the care of Hillcrest and AEMC. Prior to her admittance at Hillcrest or AEMC, Ramey lived with her son, Charles Davis (Davis), and attended an adult daycare center.2 While at the daycare center in the spring of 2015, Ramey developed pressure sores. Ramey was admitted to AEMC for diagnosis and treatment of the sores. Following discharge, AEMC advised Davis that Ramey could not return to his home and instead must be admitted to a nursing care facility. AEMC provided
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 1134, 1140 ]
Ramey was admitted to Hillcrest on April 7, 2015. On December 24, 2016, a Stage II pressure wound was discovered on Ramey’s sacrum. She was transferred from Hillcrest to AEMC for treatment. She subsequently returned to Hillcrest, where she remained until she was transferred to Wesley Enhanced Living on June 22, 2017. On December 14, 2017, Ramey filed a praecipe for writs of summons against Appellants and AEMC. The writs of summons were issued and served. On January 12, 2018, Ramey filed a complaint against Appellants and AEMC, as indicated hereinabove. On March 29, 2018, Appellants filed preliminary objections, seeking to transfer the matter to arbitrationlife estate was lost by subsequent conveyance, and whether the evidence was sufficient to support the amount of damages awarded appellee. By warranty deed recorded February 17, 1972, appellee conveyed 2 acres of land and his family home located thereon to appellants. With respect to the life estate, the deed contained the following: "RESERVING, HOWEVER, TO THE GRANTOR HEREIN, ALECK REITER, a life estate in the within and foregoing property * * *." Appellants claimed they did not know that the deed would contain a reservation of a life estate. The deed with this reservation, however, was dated February 15, 1972, recorded two days later, on February 17, 1972, and delivered to appellants. Appellants paid monthly payments over the next five years without complaint. At trial, appellant Jeanne Gasaway testified that
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 1043, 1158 ]
Pat. No. 7,172,536 issued to Wei Ming Liu. In this reference, an adjustable dumbbell includes a number of weights each having a slot to receive end portions of a bar, and a number of latch rods slidably engaged in the weights and each having an inner end engageable into the slots of the weights and engageable with the bar, to anchor and latch a selected number of the weights to the bar, and to allow the selected weights to be moved in concert with the bar. The weights each have a spring member to bias and force the inner end of the latch rod to engage with and to latch the weights to the bar. The weights each include a panel having an orifice to slidably receive thePost Tagged with: "Creative Director" Shamsuddin Jasani, Managing director, Isobar India has announced the appointment of Anish Varghese as Group Creative Director, Isobar India. Anish Varghese has moved to Isobar from Interactive Avenues where he was working in capacity of Senior Creative Director. His work profile at Interactive Avenues included nurturing a creative squad of […] Mumbai:DraftfcbUlka announced the appointment of Trishay Kotwal as Creative Director. Trishaystarted off at Grey Worldwide as a trainee after completing his post-graduation in Mass Communication from The Delhi School of Communication. In a career spanning a decade he has worked in Delhi and Mumbai, with Enterprise Nexus, Alok Nanda and […]
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 692, 710, 1055, 1057, 1398, 1400 ]
[The microvascularization of the penis of the steer (Bos taurus)]. The blood supply and the microvascularization of the bovine penis (Bos taurus) were demonstrated using the scanning electron microscope. The Corpus cavernosum penis of the bull consists of a surprisingly well-developed mesh of small to intermediate vessels. The architecture of the cavernous body is largely determined by trabeculae of connective tissue, the extent of which varies between penis segments. The Corpus cavernosum is arranged primarily as a ring around the trabeculae of connective tissue. Chambers of large bore are found in the central portions of the Corpus cavernosum penis, whereas a relatively fine vascular network predominates in the periphery. Vessels in the cavernous body of the urethra, on the other hand, show strictly parallel orientation to the urethra, whichthey surround like a sleeve. They also stand in close association with vessels in the outer layer of the Tunica albuginea. The vascular systems of the Corpus cavernosum penis and the Corpus spongiosum penis are not connected with one another. The vascular architecture of the Glans penis is characterized by the inclusion of well-developed vascular arcades at regular intervals. These course through a connective tissue matrix rich in glycoproteins and stretch to just under the skin of the penis, where they are intimately associated with a subpapillary network of arteries and veins. The venous legs of the vascular arcades are supplied by this network of veins. The Glans penis of the bull is considered to represent a specialization of the penile integument.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
[ 0, 52, 63, 64, 133, 144 ]
Email this page 1996 Tides Boat Works Values, Specs and Prices Select a 1996 Tides Boat Works Model Tide Boat Works was founded in 1991 as Virginia-based marine company providing sport fishing boats for freshwater and saltwater. Originally building a 27-foot inboard motor-powered vessel, the size of watercrafts produced by Tides Boat Works spanned up to 40 feet. Tides Boat Works ended production after the 1999 model year and a Florida based business purchased the assets of the closed manufacturer. Tide Boat Works was founded in 1991 as Virginia-based marine company providing sport fishing boats for freshwater and saltwater. Originally building a 27-foot inboard motor-powered vessel, the size of watercrafts produced by Tides Boat Works spanned up to 40 feet. Tides Boat Works ended production after the 1999 model year and ain their paper and further in Cox and Helenius(2003). But why would the Local Fluff be sitting in the middle of such a remnant? A possible answer was provided by Cox and Helenius (2003) who examined the evolution of a magnetic flux tube pulled from the wall of the bubble by its magnetic tension, starting about three million years ago, after it had been swept to the wall by the supernova. As the flux tube springs from the wall, it is initially accelerated very rapidly; but soon drag through the hot gas becomes important, and it gradually decelerates. Material within the tube starts out very diffuse, part of the inner wall of the bubble, but the initial acceleration due to tension is largely radial. As the tube itself slows,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "ArXiv" ] }
[ 883, 888, 1017, 1022 ]
level at that age, like he did last season, means you have to have something special. “And Sam will only get better. He hasn’t had Harry Kane’s experience but Kane’s got three years on him and before this season no-one had heard of him.” Sam Gallagher fires in the winning goal in the U21 Premier League Cup final Gallagher scored on his FA Cup debut against Yeovil Town last season and netted his first Premier League goal against Norwich City 13 months ago – before being likened to Zlatan Ibrahimovich by Saints captain Jose Fonte. He last played for the first team when he made his 15th appearance as a substitute, against Manchester United at the end of last season. “I think he would have been a regular in the first team thisMamata Banerjee had alleged that central forces personnel were asking voters standing in queues to exercise franchise in favour of the saffron party. The Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government wrote to Election Commission of India over deployment of central forces across all polling booths in the state for 2019 Lok Sabha polls. In a letter to the EC, the West Bengal government on Tuesday alleged that the BJP government at the Centre was using central forces to manipulate the voting process. In the wake of recurring instances of violence during voting in West Bengal, the Election Commission of India deployed Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) inside all polling booths in the state for Phase 5 and Phase 6 of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Around 770 companies of Central forces were
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 1387, 1392 ]
right way and double your chips. The participant with probably the most chips wins the GAME and get the money. Get The very first Social Investing Tournament: Invest -IN 1 dollar Get $ one hundred BETOMANIA will allow gamers from CANADA, Australia, Indonesia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Ukraine and South Africa. MONEYBHAI [ Best STOCK Market Game] It truly is the preferred Stock MARKET Game to the Indian traders. The app is owned by It is the preferred Indian portal for Stock Markets. With this Game, the trader could make a Digital expenditure in StockS, mutual resources, preset deposits and bonds. The buyers can create a league of Games and invite mates. On top of that, the consumers can communicate with the gamers. This makes the Game Engage in quite exciting. To sum up, Moneybhaiis one of the leading most GAMES. Play this GAME to raised prepare your self, in advance of moving into the Stock MARKETs in genuine. NSE PAATHSHALA [ Virtual Stock Trading Platforms ] NSE India runs this ONLINE GAME. The Game was created with the intention of educating the traders with the assistance game betomania of virtual STOCK Trading. The STOCK MARKET GAME offers the end users to trade in shares and securities within the NSE section. The ONLINE GAME offers a Studying encounter to your trader on the Market. The costs and quotations in the GAME are as per The existing Market selling prices. Also, ONLINE GAME functions in the advertising and Marketing hrs. To conclude, any new trader trying to get to discover in the Market can open up a absolutely free account and begin
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 334, 358, 972, 1006 ]
We speak up for small and medium-sized enterprises! DMB Profile The "Deutscher Mittelstands-Bund (DMB)" is the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises In accordance with its motto: "We speak up for small and medium-sized enterprises!", the DMB extended its excellent economic and political network over the years. Currently, the DMB has 14,000 registered business members with over 400,000 employees, whose economic and political interests have been represented by the association since 1982. The association's headquarters is located in Düsseldorf, Germany. The DMB has a centralized management, no political party affiliations and is exclusively supported by its own member companies, without the attribution of partner associations or other subsidiary organisations. Thus, the DMB is one of the largest independent interest groups and trade associations in Germany. Political Work With the political work theassociation actively supports the interests of its member companies and informs about political positions The DMB is a politically independent association, which is open to dialogue with all political parties and conducts the exchange of ideas with politicians on the local, regional and national level. In the form of critical interviews the DMB asks about up-to-date topics and informs its members about different political positions. In addition the DMB is considered in hearings of the German Ministry of Justice, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Economics and Technology. Moreover, the DMB is on the Lobby-list of the German Bundestag. Business Information The DMB provides business relevant information for its member enterprises DMB members receive the association’s journal "Mittelstand INTAKT" regularly and free of charge. The range of topics
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
[ 70, 99, 103, 104, 202, 254, 529, 1759, 1778 ]
to praising their Movies and TV series. The US is by far best in it, something of which the influence on the world should not be underestimated. Because it exports its culture through entertainment, the rest of the world has become interested in their politics and eventually their businesses and its economy. This last one is something I admire a lot. Everything has a price. Everything is buyable and there are markets and stock exchanges for everything and anything. Their success and richness, furthermore, are often the result of private enterprises and the people’s meritocracy. Understood as the antithesis of the Hispanic wealth system in South America, whose success and richness often come from proximity to political power. Its pratriotism, power and unity, especially compared to Europe. When asked what toThese images show the airship Graf Zeppelin LZ 127 flying over Chicago in August 1929, on the American leg of its round-the-world trip. The Graf Zeppelin flew low over the city. Large crowds gathered to watch its flight. Ferdinand von Zeppelin, a German count, or "Graf," developed the Zeppelin airship. The design was patented in 1895 in Germany and 1899 in the U.S. Designed to carry passengers, the airship began commercial operations in 1910 through the company Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-AG (DELAG). By the middle of 1914, the craft had made over 1,500 flights and carried over 10,000 fare-paying passengers. It was the world's first commercial airline, and was so successful that the word Zeppelin was used to describe all airships. During WWI the German army used Zeppelins in bombing raids on Britain,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
[ 1092, 1098, 1322, 1328, 1459 ]
killing over 500 people. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty which finally ended the First World War, the remaining Zeppelins were surrendered to the Allies and production stopped. In 1924 as war reparation, the Zeppelin Company manufactured the LZ 126. The vessel was flown to America and operated there as the ZR-3 USS Los Angeles. Restrictions were lifted in 1926 and after two years of fundraising and construction, the LZ 127 — christened the "Graf Zeppelin" — was launched. It was the largest dirigible (airship with a solid frame) built thus far. Later that year it flew to the U.S., landing at Lakehurst Naval Air Station for some repairs. Then in 1929 American newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst backed an ambitious project: a four-leg circumnavigation of theglobe. On Aug. 8, 1929 the Graf Zeppelin took off from Lakehurst and headed east. It carried several distinguished passengers and Hearst correspondents, including Lady Grace Drummond-Hay, making her the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by air. After refueling in Germany it continued across Eastern Europe, Russia and Siberia to Tokyo. After five days there, the Graf continued across the Pacific to California, completing the first ever nonstop flight of any kind across the Pacific Ocean. From there it crossed 13 states and several American cities, including Chicago, arriving back at Lakehurst from the west on Aug. 29, three weeks after its initial departure.
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[ 484, 498, 545, 572 ]
been smoke-free in The Netherlands since July 2008. In July 2011, a new decree came into force that exempted small cafes with an area of less than 70 square metres from the smoke-free provision. CAN, a public health NGO, sued the government, claiming the exemption violated Art 8(2) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The suit also claimed the exemption violated Recommendations of the Council of the European Union, and principles of anti-discrimination, equal treatment, prohibition of arbitrariness and legal certainty. The lower court found CAN's arguments groundless and dismissed the case. But on 26 March, the Court of Appeals of The Hague overturned the lower court's judgment, invalidated the exemption, and ordered the government to enforce the law in Hemponaland is still trying to reach the Yuan-ti Empire, and begin producing crops from there (kalanyr abondoned it right?) Originally posted by Edena_of_Neith Heedless of the situation behind them in the Flanaess, the Torilians go to war in Hempmonaland. They are taking on forces entrenched in a tropical rainforest, who have had decades to prepare for this, and who know the land. Of course, the Torilians come from a tropical land themselves, but THIS tropical land is not a paradise. It is a deathtrap. . . . Acererak, his Undead Minions, and his Scarlet Brotherhood allies are completely overmatched, so they are resorting to guerilla tactics, which in this maze of swamp and jungle are easily accomplished. It turns into a very nasty war, with hard deeds and harder death on both sides, where
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[ 279, 281, 334, 339, 573, 698, 889, 917 ]
the front line could be well behind you, and death lurks around every tree trunk. First of all, in another post you said that I lost 300PL of forces. That is, I did, or I did in combination with other forces in the Flaeness. I choose the latter. My people are heroic, and it was my forces and my magic that did the most to eliminate the 300PL force of the City of the Gods. Half of the robots died pretty quickly to the uber-sandstorm + antimatter bombs, but the other half had to be brought down by force. But our soldiers aren't jumping in front of other soldiers of other nations to take the hits -- with the sole exception of the war against the demons. We were there byEmployees of MF Global's British offices may have received their quarterly bonuses last Monday, just hours before MF Global filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in New York, The Telegraph is reporting. It's an interesting development - because last Monday, Robert Preston at the BBC reported very early in the morning that London employees had been sent home. Maybe they were sent home with their bonuses? MF Global's bankruptcy was announced at around 10:30 a.m. EST last Monday - that was 2:30 p.m. London time. (England is usually five hours ahead of the US - but their daylight savings time occurs one week before the US, so London was only four hours ahead last Monday.) UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that bonuses were also paid out to US employees, but
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[ 531, 699, 877, 1089, 1188, 1348 ]
A MAN who lives with nine life-sized plastic dolls took home a dead sheep and deer and “may have posed naked” with them, a court heard. Cops investigating stalking claims found a snap of Everard Cunion with a carcass, plus indecent images of kids and extreme porn. 2 Everard Cunoin was arrested for stalking an old schoolmate when police raided his home Credit: Bournemouth News 2 Police discovered indecent images of children and images of extreme pornography, as well as a photo of Cunion posing with a sheep's carcass during the raid Credit: Bournemouth News Police uncovered a photo of the 63 year old posing with a sheep carcass while raiding his home during an investigation into allegations of 'harassment and stalking' made against him. He had rekindled an infatuation for a schoolfriend 50 years later and began stalking her, despite not having seen her since they left school in 1972. Prosecuting, Sadie Rizzo said: "Mr Cunion had his computer seized from his home in September 2018 in relation to an unrelated investigation. Police then examined his computer and he was arrested again in June 2019. "He went on to describe another incident involving a deer." Sentencing at Bournemouth Crown Court, Judge Oba Nsugbe QC told the defendant there was an 'element of depravity' to his offending. He said: "Despite careful enquiries and long discussions, the Probation Service is unable to fully understand what precisely drove you to have this activity in your life. MOST READ IN UK NEWS KILLER HUSBAND NABBED Moment husband who murdered wife before going to the pub is caught CANCER
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[ 513, 705, 729, 932, 1117, 1175, 1269, 1290, 1320 ]
In treacherous plot, Gong Li’s character juggles an ex-husband, an adoptive father and the temptation of escaping the war with her lover. (The international cast includes Pascal Greggory , Joe Odagiri and Mark Chao .) For Mr. Ma, the fraught moment in history unexpectedly recalled her time as a student in Germany, though the connection did not come to mind while writing. “When I was in West Berlin during the 1980s, the wall was still there,” she said. “West Berlin was referred to as a lonely island, because it was completely surrounded.” Despite the story’s setting, the movie had a smooth process of approval by the Chinese censors. Mr. Lou and Ms. Ma attributed this to the historical nature of the film, which was shot in black and white. “In termsthat while using those certificates would restrict industrial emissions, they would not affect fossil-fuel consumption by ordinary consumers. Liberal Leader Brian Gallant's plan for consumer carbon pricing diverts a share of the existing 15.5-cent-per-litre gas tax into a climate fund. (Michel Corriveau/Radio Canada ) 2 targets, 1 of them met The Gallant government has cited two emissions targets for New Brunswick. One has been met and one has not. The province's legislated goal is 35 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030, or 10.7 megatons. That objective was agreed to by the Eastern Premiers and New England Governors in 2015, and was written into law by Gallant's climate legislation. The Paris climate agreement sets out a less stringent goal: a reduction of greenhouse gases to 30 per cent below 2005 levels. In New Brunswick,
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[ 138, 216, 931, 1048, 1079, 1228, 1431 ]
tax into a climate fund and calls it a carbon price, with no net increase for drivers. The government is arguing that with New Brunswick emissions already below Paris targets, a higher tax isn't needed. New Brunswick met its emissions target of under 14.3 megatons in 2015, which is why PCs say no carbon tax is needed. (CBC) Liberals accused of hypocrisy When he was asked last Friday for his emissions-reduction plan, Higgs at first accused the Liberals of hypocrisy for talking about lowering them while at the same time embracing large, carbon-emitting projects. "I wouldn't be buying a smelter up north, let's put it that way. I wouldn't be putting government money into one of the largest emitting plants possible," he said, referring to the Gallant government's promotion of a proposed ironthis mix, he adds environmental politics, thinking about ecosystem loss and restoration as a way of delving more deeply into cure. Ultimately Brilliant Imperfection reveals cure to be an ideology grounded in the twin notions of normal and natural, slippery and powerful, necessary and damaging all at the same time. About the Author Eli Clare is a poet, essayist, activist, and the author of Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation, also published by Duke University Press, and The Marrow's Telling: Words in Motion. He speaks regularly at conferences, community events, and colleges across the United States and Canada about disability, queer and trans identities, and social justice, and his writing has appeared in numerous periodicals and anthologies. Clare lives in the Green Mountains of Vermont and can be found
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[ 193, 322, 326, 572, 581, 617, 645, 725, 771, 1307 ]
starred the two-time Oscar winner as an astronaut leading a crew attempting to become the first humans to set foot on Mars. Designated Survivor‘s Natascha McElhone co-starred as the Elon Musk-esque CEO funding the mission. The cast also included LisaGay Hamilton (The Practice), Hannah Ware (Boss), Keiko Agena (Gilmore Girls) and James Ransone (The Wire). The eight-episode season dropped in September and received mostly tepid reviews. It marked Penn’s first significant foray into television.his identity. "He was advertising himself as a psychologist, a mental doctor." Bill, as we are calling him, says he was suffering from stress and anxiety, and searched online for a psychologist or psychiatrist with a PhD. He says he came across an online ad for Haberle that stated he was a psychologist practicing in Winter Garden. Bill said he saw that Haberle had several five-star reviews on and, so he decided to contact his office and schedule an appointment. "He seemed more worried about how much I could pay him and how often I could pay him," Bill said. "We spent most of the first session talking about my finances instead of the reason I was there." Bill says during his session at a Winter Garden office, Haberle encouraged
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him to try to apply for disability benefits and charged him a total of $3,500 to get the ball rolling. "He claimed he had an 80-85 percent track record of getting people approved for disability," Bill said. "So I was like, 'Hey this guy must be really good.'" Bill says he also saw Haberle had a PhD from Wellington Shaw Christian University. But after three sessions, he says he grew suspicious, and started doing research. "He supposedly gave himself his own PhD to become a psychologist, which is ridiculous," Bill said. A Google search revealed Wellington Shaw Christian University was advertised as an online college that bragged about getting the quality of an Ivy League education with the convenience and affordability that only an online university can offer. On, it states theuniversity proudly featured some of today's greatest minds in the areas of psychology, theology, Biblical leadership and business teaching. On, it showed WSCU specialized in substance abuse, depression, anxiety and mental health but stated it had grown to be one of the top-rated mental health and substance abuse clinics in Central Florida, not a university. News 6 went to the address listed for Wellington Shaw Christian University and discovered it led to a house in a gated community in Ocoee, the same house Haberle lists as his home address. Even though Haberle is out of jail on bond, he wasn't home when we came to ask questions about the university and the allegations against him. However, a family member was and told us she did not know about the
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[ 104, 195, 208, 224, 258, 259, 428, 514, 842, 1412 ]
story online. Though she considered herself very conservative with money (“All of my retirement accounts are in index funds”), she was inexplicably drawn to PredictIt. She liked debating in the comments section, where the anonymity allowed her to come out of her shell and blow off steam. “I could call people stupid, which I would never do in real life.” She also loved that she could blend science and current events to make money. She was drawn to the polling markets, where traders tried to predict what polls would say before they were released. The markets were very mathematical, which appealed to Kay. She realized that understanding the math and doing some research gave her an edge. Like Kimball and Gill, she made money by betting against overconfident “Trumpers”quickly, mainly because instead of holing up in one market, his money was spread among lots of them at once. “I was everywhere on the site.” He started to make friends with other hardcore traders, and they would share information. “They would give me advice, I would reciprocate.” His advice proved valuable, and soon other traders were coming to him asking him what he liked. Gill also discovered that once he was maxed out on a position, which he almost always was, then he had no incentive to keep his trades secret from the market. In fact, he had every incentive to shout it from the rooftops, to get others to agree with him and invest in the same position with him, and help drive the price up. He
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[ 73, 124 ]
Shaun Hill Hill didn't attempt a pass with the Lions in all of last season, but owns a 62 percent completion rate and 41:23 TD:INT ratio over his career. He'll now have a chance to lead the Rams' offense, with S... Hill completed just 18-of-35 passes for 198 yards and one touchdown in Sunday's 27-24 loss at San Diego. He also had three turnovers, including a costly end-zone interception in the final minute of the game. It was reported Tuesday that Davis would remain the Rams' starter, but head coach Jeff Fisher changed course, and will go with Hill this week instead. Hill has not started a game since Week 1, but Fisher is hopeful that he will give the Rams a better chance to win this week in a toughenvironment, facing the league's top run defense. 10/1/2014 Hill's teammate, Austin Davis will start Sunday's game against the Eagles. Hill will be the first in line to take snaps should injury befall Matthew Stafford, who has dealt with his fair share of maladies in his short career. He threw just three passes last year after playing in 11 games in 2010. 2011 As the backup for what might be the leagueÔŅĹs least durable quarterback, Hill is much closer to stepping onto the field than most No. 2 QBs. He was surprisingly productive last year, throwing for 250 yards or more in six of his 10 starts while totaling 16 passing touchdowns in the same span. You can probably expect a similar showing from the 10-year veteran if Matthew Stafford goes down again in
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[ 21, 157, 195, 294, 482, 741, 777, 820 ]
all the other options were injured. Now, he has a three-year deal and a serious chance to start over a No. 1 overall pick who plays like an undrafted free agent. Whoever emerges in August should be a late-round pocket pick as a third QB because of Martz, who has made a career of turning other people's castoffs into fantasy value and sometimes even fantasy gold. 2007 Third quarterback for the 49ers. 2006 Hill, the #3 quarterback in Minnesota the past three years, will battle Jesse Palmer to serve a similar role in SF. 2005 Hill returns as the third-string quarterback, but he has yet to throw a pass in a regular season game. 2004 Hill returns as the third quarterback for Minnesota, but hasn't played a snap during the regular season in his two-year career. 2003 Third string QB for the Vikes. He spent theReligion slowly returns to public sphere in France PARIS (Reuters) - Religion has returned to the public sphere in proudly secularist France and Islam, religious ignorance and the late Pope John Paul all had something to do with it. And, although he is twice-divorced and only goes to church occasionally, President Nicolas Sarkozy is also doing his part to keep it there. The separation of church and state is deep in the political DNA in this traditionally Catholic country. Regular Sunday Mass attendance is down in the single figures. Priests almost never wear a Roman collar outside of their churches. But things have changed over the past decade. After being all but stamped out of the public sphere, the question of faith has returned to political debates and gained prominence in the
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[ 300, 705, 880, 888 ]
Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE). ARS stayed on the air until the Fall of Saigon in April 1975. It was to play Bing Crosby's version of Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" as a signal for Americans that the final evacuation of Saigon had begun. The Crosby version of the record could not be found so Tennessee Ernie Ford's record was played. Thailand In Thailand, the Department of Defense began the planning for the Armed Forces Thailand Network in 1964 with Project Lamplighter and Project Limelight. By late 1966, implementation of the network began by the U.S. Air Force with stations on the air at Korat, U-Tapao, Ubon, Udorn, Takhli and Nahkon Phanom. In addition, there were more than 20 satellite stations that rebroadcast one or more of the primary stations, and('80s, '90s) The Voice (News, talk and information) AFN Clutch (sports programming from ESPN and Yahoo! Sports Radio) AFN Fans (sports programming from FOX Sports Radio and Sports Byline USA) Power Talk (liberal and conservative talk programming) NPR (public radio programs from NPR and others) Parenting (Positive Parenting) Television Like its radio counterpart, AFN TV tries to air programming from a variety of sources to replicate programming on a typical U.S. TV channel; sourcing from U.S. commercial networks (including PBS), and program syndicators at little to no cost since AFN does not air commercials and in that regard cannot profit from airing shows like stations in the United States can. In their place, AFN inserts public service announcements on various subjects; these can be civilian "agency spots" created by The Ad Council, nationally recognized religious and
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[ 33, 37, 128, 155, 158, 174, 324, 776, 777, 783, 787, 799, 826, 839, 892, 903, 966, 979, 1021, 1027, 1069, 1081, 1100, 1294, 1308, 1582, 1595 ]
at his home. In a highly controversial case, Anwar was convicted of sodomy — illegal in Muslim Malaysia — just hours before MH370 took off. But friends said Zaharie exhibited no extreme views. Fariq, meanwhile, was accused in an Australian television report of allowing two young South African women into the cockpit of a plane he piloted in 2011, breaching security rules imposed after the 9/11 attacks in the United States. But acquaintances have attested to his good character, and reports said he planned to wed his flight-school sweetheart. Hishammuddin noted that the two pilots "did not ask to fly together" on flight 370."59% of white kids moved up". As for "Those two groups should sum to less than 100%, certainly not 103%.", this is incorrect: the 25% refers to the kids who had parents in the bottom two levels, while the 78% refers to kids who had parents in the top three levels. Those are separate groups. (same for the number with white kids) So, if you look at kids coming from the 40% poorest (unclear if it's overall or amongst white/black people), from 1955 to 1970, only 25% of the black kids moved up while 59% of the white kids moved up. And if you look at kids coming from the 60% wealthiest, 78% of black kids moved down while 43% of white kids moved down. In other words, poor black kids are more likely to grow up and
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[ 590, 618, 634, 661, 672, 739, 927, 963, 1018, 1032, 1072 ]
was decorated with lights and candles and flowers and all sorts of beautiful things. He said the people there had pooled their money, despite having so little. He then told me a lot had to do with the Hindu religion. Most Hindu's believed the position they were born into in life was the place in their spiritual journey they were meant to be, and doing well in that life was fundamental. It's a completely different way of looking at one's poverty. He remarked that I wouldn't find the same type of sense of community in slums in Muslim parts of India, because their beliefs about their poverty and their lot in life was different. I don't know if that's true, I didn't travel to any Muslim-dominated areas of India. It may have been true, it may have been hisperception, but for that night, he was at least right about this local community, and it was a huge culture shock for a young man in his early 20s who had only seen slums in the US and, potentially more dangerous, Mexico City (and was warned to never, ever go there by my private corporate-sponsored driver). ~~~ facepalm I find that Hindu bit fascinating because it is presumably what allows so many people to coexist on so little space. However, it is also a very convenient belief for the people who are better off. Kind of like the meritocracy on speed. ~~~ choosername I don't see the difference to capatalism (disclaimer: hardly looked). The believe that anything can be achieved when doing well enough is rather fundamental, because it's tautological. The modesty to currently accept the situation as limited by factors out of control
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[ 227, 391, 438, 476, 640, 655, 670, 989, 1069, 1344, 1380, 1406, 1507 ]
condos right next to or in the middle of up-middle-class communities,the result is that people move out and the house price drops, does not look like a right fix to me. ~~~ bo1024 Yes: you are missing the history of the United States. This was most of the point of the article: Black people disproportionately live in poverty (not to mention the history of discrimination in this country), and the effects of living in poverty are extremely harmful. Your post seems to be missing the history of human slavery in the United States, the subsequent history of discrimination, and the conditions it created whose effects and legacy are still very strong today. You can't control for these factors by comparing to other minority immigrant groups!! One can argue that there are negative cultural effects, but it's a chicken- and-egg issue because history hasThursday, January 29, 2009 Yesterday I was playing with Stinky in her room. I would stack a block on top of another block and she would knock it down. Pretty soon she was stacking the blocks and then knocking it down herself. It was pretty cool to watch her hand-eye coordination as she attempted to put one block on top of the other. It took her quite a few tries before she got it. I had to encourage her through out the process because I could tell there were times when she wanted to quit. But then she decided she was done. She put her hands on the floor, spread her legs out and slowly stood up. It was so matter of fact. I clapped and enthusiastically said yeah.
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[ 327, 388, 665, 807 ]
She plopped down and continued to repeat the process, this time she would clap and smile. She was so proud of herself. Luckily Daddy came home just in time to see her do it a few more times before she moved on to other tasks. We tried to get her to duplicate the act again later but she wasn't interested. How fun is it to watch your child grow. Monday, January 26, 2009 Happy New Year!! This was Stinky's first Chinese New Year that she was really aware of things. We dressed her in her Chinese outfit that her cousins gave her for Christmas. She was so excited to see her cousins, eat lots of Amah's yummy food, and receive her red envelopes. Boy did she sleep a long timeyou will see her modeling as a Perfect Princess Saturday, January 10, 2009 Yesterday Stinky was laughing hysterically and I turned around to see what she was doing that was so funny. She had the TV remote in her hand and she was holding it up toward Lucy (the tan one) and Lucy would do a little jig around Stinky. Stinky thought that was the funniest thing she had every seen. She laughed and laughed and would repeat her movements and laugh all over again. It was so nice to see her interacting with the two loves of my life pre-Stinky. Sometimes I feel bad because after she was born they don't get as much attention and aren't able to go as many places, but I still love them just
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[ 291, 405, 601, 933, 945, 1273, 1306 ]
other ample grounds for which to discharge Robinson and is thus has an affirmative defense under the Act. It asserts that there are no genuine issues as to any material fact and that it is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law. I. BACKGROUND Clinton Robinson was employed as a used car salesman at defendant Morris Moore a short period of time beginning in December 1995 and ending on February 29, 1996. During this period, Robinson also served as a reservist in the United States Army and worked part-time as a volunteer with the Vidor Police Department in Vidor, Texas. In February 1996, Robinson notified his supervisor, Mike Croker, that he had to attend a mandatory physical examination for the reserves on February 23, 1996, and would therefore misswork at the Morris Moore dealership. An important sales event had been scheduled by Morris Moore for that same day. Croker asked Robinson whether attendance on that specific day was mandatory, to which Robinson replied he was unsure. Thereafter, Croker contacted Army Sergeant Angelina Craigan to determine whether Robinson's attendance was mandatory. She informed him that the physical was mandatory, and that Robinson had no discretion to choose a different time. Thereafter, Robinson was given permission by his supervisor at Morris Moore to miss work in order to attend the mandatory physical. Less than one week after his February 23, 1996 military-related absence, Robinson was fired from his position with Morris Moore. Robinson claims that his firing was related to that absence. Morris Moore denies that claim, and asserts
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
[ 1089 ]
service to survive the motion for summary judgment. The summary judgment evidence, taken in the light most favorable to Robinson, indicates no employer complaints regarding Robinson's performance prior to his request for leave to attend the mandatory military physical. Robinson's supervisor was angered by this request and the resulting absence. Complaints regarding Robinson's work performance and accompanying threats of termination then began to surface. Robinson was fired within days of his absence from work on February 29, 1996 due to that physical. Finally, Robinson asserts the reasons given by Morris Moore to justify its decision to discharge him were not told to him prior to this lawsuit. Thus, Robinson has alleged a chronology of events from which it may plausibly be inferred that his absence due to reserve related obligationsdevelopment for Dr. Melanie S. Joy, Assistant Professor in the Division of Nephrology. Her mentor, Dr. Ronald Falk, is the Division Chief of Nephrology and an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of glomerular diseases. Her co-mentor, Dr. Kim Brouwer, is an expert in the area of drug transport and metabolism. Together with her mentors, the applicant has devised a combined didactic, clinical, and laboratory research plan, using resources from the Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy. The goal of this plan is to enhance the applicant's skills to become an independent nephrology clinical investigator with expertise in drug transport and metabolism. The selection of collaborators with expertise in the areas of this grant will enhance the career development of Dr. Joy.
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[ 181, 278, 376, 1378 ]
In a tune-up game before the start for the upcoming season Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente defeated the current Liga MX champion Club America, 5-2. Played at Petco Park, the atmosphere took on the feel of the team's regular venue at Estadio Caliente in Tijuana with constant chanting and fans wearing Xolos jerseys throughout the stadium. In the 11th minute Xolos defender Pablo Aguilar scored the first goal of the night with a header. Sixty seconds later Fidel Martinez made a brilliant goal with a diving header. The relentless Xolos found the opponent's net again as Martinez assisted Diego Olsina for 3-0 and then Emmanuel Cerda to establish a commanding 4-0 lead at the half. In the second half the relentless Xolos continued attacking, and it was time for Chula Vistanative Paul Arriola,18, to show his skills and he seized his chance, scoring the last goal for the Xolos in his first professional goal. In the 57th minute Luis Gabriel Rey scored for America. Minutes later the Colombia striker added his second goal of the night. The Xolos show signs to be contenders but only time will tell as the regular season begins July 19. Arriola, who usually plays for the squad's Under-20 team, said he was excited to play for Tijuana's senior squad and that he hopes to earn a permanent spot with them. "It was good I couldn't have asked for a better way to start the season," said Arriola. "Mexico is a great place to play, for young players is a great place to develop." A previous version of this
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[ 223, 566, 1193, 1250, 1321, 1342, 1393, 1409, 1489 ]
even as a web-readable document. Open Curtains by George Spix and Richard Fernandez. Technology represents both unlimited promise and menace. Which transpires depends on whether people can claim ownership over their knowledge or whether human informational capital continues to suffer the Tragedy of the Commons. The War of the Words, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial, security and political spheres Rebranding Christianity, or why the truth shall make you free The Three Conjectures, reflections on terrorism and the nuclear age Storming the Castle, why government should get small No Way In at Amazon Kindle. Fiction. A flight into peril, flashbacks to underground action. Storm Over the South China Sea, how China is restarting history in the Pacific.Former U.S. Diplomat Weighs In On State Department Dissent Cable NPR's Ari Shapiro interviews former U.S. diplomat John Brady Kiesling about how a dissent channel works and responds to the White House message to career diplomats that they should "either get with the program or they can go." ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: For a bit more context on the State Department dissent cable, I'm joined by John Brady Kiesling. He spent two decades at the State Department and signed dissent cables during his time there. One of them was a push for intervention in Bosnia. It earned him an award for constructive dissent from the American Foreign Service Association. John Brady Kiesling, welcome to the program. JOHN BRADY KIESLING: Thanks for having me. SHAPIRO: This memo criticizing President Trump's executive order has reportedly been
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[ 900, 1078, 1122, 1208, 1618 ]
signed by close to a thousand State Department staff members. How unusual is that? KIESLING: Completely unusual. It's never happened before. I think the previous record must be around 50. SHAPIRO: That's quite a jump from 50 to a thousand. KIESLING: It reflects a direct challenge to the professionalism of the State Department and to the idea that the State Department is an institution that knows what it's doing and does it. SHAPIRO: Explain what you mean by that. KIESLING: Terrorism has been on the landscape for over a hundred years. The United States government has been protecting the U.S. borders for even longer than that. A system has evolved. It's not a perfect system, but it's pretty good. And it's staffed by professionals who are absolutely committed to protecting their country. Now yourecall includes 234,054 of its 2011-2017 G5 SUVs due to the affected vehicles being prone to sunroof damage that can allow water to soak into foam around the side air bag inflators. If water soaks the foam, the side airbag inflator could rupture and send shrapnel flying inside the vehicles. VW first investigated the incident in June 2016 in China, and reports that "the production process was modified to include a plastic sleeve over the side head airbag curtain canister." Neither Audi nor the National Highway Traffic Administration state whether the air bags included in the recall were made by Takata. Both recalls are expected to begin in mid-February.
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[ 116, 203, 409, 662, 693, 715, 1177, 1285 ]
Common Names Pittosporum shield bug, Pittosporum bug Synonyms Strachia humeralis Walker, 1868 Antestia orbona Kirkaldy, 1909 Biostatus and Distribution This adventive shield bug comes from Australia and is found in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. It was first detected in New Zealand in 1950. It occurs on host plants, Pittopsorum species, in gardens and parks as well as in native ecosystems. Conservation status: Widespread Australian insect that is a minor pest of Pittopsorum species. Life Stages and Annual Cycle The Pittosporum shield bug overwinters as adults. Adults appear to gather in suitable overwintering sites and on plants for breeding. They are probably attracted to each other by an aggregation pheromone (volatile chemical). Breeding occurs on Pittosporum trees with unripe fruit and starts in spring, possibly as early as October, and continues until latesummer. There are probably several generations per year. The overwintering adult females start laying eggs late spring. Each female lays several batches of eggs over several weeks, perhaps up to 8 weeks. This results in nymphs of all sizes being present at the same time. The resulting adults may mate and lay eggs until early autumn. Sometime during late summer the adult females cease laying eggs. This change is probably induced by a change in day length and perhaps by a combination of day length and temperature. Eggs are laid in a cluster of up to 14, one for each ovariole. The eggs are a pale blue-green colour when first laid and turn white after a few days. Eggs are about 1 mm in diameter. Eye spots of the
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[ 742, 760 ]
nymph are visible just before the egg hatches Nymphs hatch from the eggs and are seen from November until April. First instar nymphs are like small, black, wingless adults. Nymphs go from one stage to the next by moulting, where the “skin” on the dorsal side splits and the next stage pulls itself out. As the insects progress through the nymphal stages their body and antennae change colour. The first instar is almost circular in outline, and coloured dark brown to black. The head and thorax (middle section of body) are usually black after the first day. The abdomen may be dark brown or black. The areas around the stink glands are black as are the edges of the abdomen. There is a pair of white spots near theNew Zealand, Pendergast found that the time from egg to adult was 52 days during February and March in a laboratory. Walking and flyingThe nymphs and adults have six legs (three pairs) that are used for walking. The adults have two pairs of wings; the front pair is modified as covers for the hind wings. Part of the forewing is coloured brown, while the rest is membranous. FeedingLike other Hemiptera, the Pittosporum shield bug has sucking mouth parts. The long stylets, special shaped rods, are held in the rostrum. When it feeds, the bug moves the tip of the rostrum to the surface of an unripe fruit or other suitable part of the plant. During feeding the stylets are inserted into the plant. The mandibles hold the rostum in place.
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[ 496, 519, 888, 900 ]
The maxillae stylets are inserted further into the plant. They form two tubes, one through which saliva is injects into the plant and a second through which plants juices are sucked up into the insect. Feeding of the Pittosporum shield bug has not been studied, but it probably can use its saliva to digest the tissues of the plant. Recognition Pittosporum species, the host plants of the Pittosporum shield bug (Monteithiella humeralis) are also hosts of the Australasian green shield bug (Glaucias amyoti). The adults of the two species are easily distinguished, but the other life stages can be more difficult to tell apart. Adult Pittosporum shield bugs are brown and smaller than the green adults of the Australasian green shield bug. Eggs of the two species are of similar size, butdiffer in colour. Freshly laid eggs of the Pittosporum shield bug are pale green and turn white, while the eggs of the Australasian green shield bug are tan coloured, they can be much paler, more like off-white. NymphsIn New Zealand the first instar of both species are black and they both sit on their egg shells or stay close so they can be identified by the colour of the eggs. Second instar nymphs of both species are also similar and are most easily identified by the colour of the egg shell if these are nearby. Pittosporum shield bugs may have a brown abdomen. Both species start with white abdominal spots and as the nymph ages the spots turn yellow. Both species may have white patches on the lateral margin of
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[ 414, 438, 492, 508 ]
the thorax and the first abdominal segment. Later instars of the Pittosporum shield bug are black or dark brown with paler brown areas. Australasian green shield bug third-fifth instar nymphs may be green, though some have a dark head and thorax, and the abdomen is much paler. Natural Enemies Eggs of the Pittosporum shield bug may be parasitized by two species of tiny wasps belonging to the family Platygasteridae. Trissolcus oenone (Dodd, 1913), a native species, parasitizes several native shield bugs. Another egg parasitoid, Trissolcus basalisi (Wollaston 1858), was released into New Zealand in 1949 to control the green vegetable bug, Nezara viridula. It also parasitizes eggs of other shield bugs including the Pittosporum shield bug and the Australasian green shield bug. When this wide host range was discovered in theThe funding of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is likely to become the next growth sector for bank lending globally, according to the ‘futurebankinglab’ conference, an international conference hosted in Madrid, Spainon the future direction of funding SMEs. The conference was attended by 20 of the leading SME financiers in the world, with Standard Bank and Business Partners representing South Africa. Several differentiated models of funding were reviewed as to their applicability in other jurisdictions and by traditional banks. One thing evident from this conference was that South Africa does not lag the rest of the world, and is ahead of many of the global banks. We have an increasingly strong entrepreneurial mindset when it comes to finding funding solutions in this country, and I came away highly
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[ 439, 450, 555, 570, 901, 905 ]
Back in February, the U.S. Navy announced it was “looking to expand the civilian police force for installations in the Navy Region Mid-Atlantic.” “No experience is required and the hiring process is being done through direct hire authority which will streamline the process to help identify candidates who fit the job,” read the announcement on the Military News website. It said applicants must be 21, pass a background check, a physical agility test and a drug screening. The installations include the Philadelphia Naval Yard, where the civilian police force has jurisdiction over the Naval Surface Warfare Center and the Naval Foundry & Propeller Center. In one eye-catching case, expanding the force meant hiring a former Philadelphia police officer who was the focus of a controversy that landed in the headlines. While Philadelphiawhere Ian Hans Lichterman – the former Philadelphia police officer who drew negative attention because of an “apparent Nazi tattoo” – landed after leaving the city force in mid-March. Lichterman is a captain on a force that some say has other questionable hires. Thom Carroll/PhillyVoice Although the U.S. Navy has scaled-back its operations at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, it currently operates a Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility, (or NISMF), where inactive ships are held while their final fate is determined. The roster already included an officer – Howard “Doc” Giles – who was investigated for inappropriate behavior and viewing child pornography as chief of a department in Iowa more than 15 years ago and a captain – Shane Daly – who was permanently barred from law enforcement work in New Jersey
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[ 1284, 1293 ]
after pleading guilty to charges that he stole items from the USS New Jersey in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Camden County spokesman Dan Keashen said Daly was employed as an officer with a county parks police force that’s since been disbanded. A county attorney in Iowa and the state’s Department of Criminal Investigation were unable to track down the outcome of the allegations against Giles, who resigned several days before the accusations were brought to light. Update: Several days after this story was posted, Mitch Mortvedt, assistant director of the field operations for the Iowa Department of Public Safety, told PhillyVoice that "no charges were filed in connection with the investigation" into Giles. Chris Cleaver – public affairs officer for Naval Support Activity – confirmed last week that Lichterman, GilesEconomic costs of trauma, United States, 1982. The economic costs of trauma to the United States were analyzed by taking latest available data from United States Vital Statistics and using models to convert to dollar costs for trauma fatalities and nonfatalities. Trauma cost the nation approximately +61.025 billion dollars in fiscal 1982 (1977 figures indexed to 1982 dollars). This included +19.278 billion for direct costs (treatment related) and +41.746 billion in indirect costs (forgone earnings). The largest single category by group was indirect costs (forgone earnings) for male fatalities (+26.635 billion). The next largest was direct costs (treatment related) for male nonfatalities ($ 12.145 billion.) This disease is currently responsible in economic costs (1982 dollars) for 6.9% of health care expenditures and 2.3% of the United States gross national
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
[ 644, 703, 1168, 1205, 1255, 1273, 1313, 1330, 1389, 1406, 1428, 1444, 1481, 1499, 1524, 1542, 1600, 1613 ]
Predators winger James Neal was the first publicly named offender in the NHL's new anti-diving push. And given Neal's non-pristine reputation, it's hardly surprising he received the dubious distinction. The Hockey News It is something of an understatement to say Predators winger James Neal has a reputation among NHL players and officials, and it isn't a good one. Even before he was dealt to Nashville this summer, he became infamous for embellishing and vicious episodes. So it wasn't in the least bit eyebrow-raising to hear Neal was the first NHLer publicly named and fined under the NHL's new anti-diving legislation. He had already received a warning after a Nov. 13 game against St. Louis, but apparently the message didn't sink in. Because even the most ardent Preds fan who's being honestLook: Jiu-jitsu world champ Meggie Ochoa visits anti-mining campers Three-time Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Meggie Ochoa visited Tuesday the camp of the protesting residents of Manicani Island, Eastern Samar and Sta. Cruz, Zambales picketed in front of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) office in Quezon City. The Manicani islanders, who have been picketing in Quezon City for almost a month, are calling for the closure of open-pit mining operations of Hinatuan Mining Corporation, which has been operating since 1992 and was suspended in 2002 but was permitted by the DENR to continue its loading operations. According to Marcial Somooc, president of Save Manicani Movement, Hinatuan Mining has practically destroyed the environment of the 12 square kilometer island of 3,000 people. His group has been calling for rehabilitation and
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[ 76, 115, 145, 353, 488, 595, 732, 786, 1113, 1118 ]
Leonardo Jaimes Marín Leonardo Jaimes Marín has dedicated his entire life to defending human rights. He began as a Claretian order seminarian in 1988, a year later he began accompanying farmers from El Carmen de Chucuri and since then has remained devoted to a “profound life choice at the service of marginalised sectors” as he describes his work. Between 1991 and 1994 he coordinated the albergue, a farmers’ hostel for displaced small-scale farmers, in Barrancabermeja, a gratifying period because of the work he was doing, but also full of risks: he suffered threats and attacks until he was forced to leave. He was one of the founders of the Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission (CIJP). Between 2007 and 2015 he was a lawyer with the Santander office of theFoundation Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners, and in 2008, together with other human rights defenders, he founded the Equipo Juridico Pueblos. Now he combines working as a Criminal Law professor at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) with defending human rights, and he affirms that he will continue to work alongside victims until impunity is overcome.
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[ 690, 695, 1021, 1025 ]
and the temporal plane that ghosts and demons dwell in. Conceived here, born there/American father, undocumented mother. This DREAM state is what the denizens of Dreamlandia exist in, and they suffer, exploit and buck against the shifting sands of their reality, trying to make sense of the most elusive chimera of all, the American dream. And so I am delighted to be revisiting this early work of mine. Dreamlandia is feeling the burn of new relevance as El Paso once again becomes its own fantasia, disparaged by a President who concocts for it a false history of crime and violence; and acclaimed by a rising young statesman named Beto who knows how the city of his birth and mine captures the dreams and aspirations of so many on theLatest Activity On Twitter Categories A recent PROGRESS networking event at a Colorado State University solar field. Image Credit: Ilana Pollack/Colorado State University November 14, 2017 – To retain more undergraduate women in geoscience majors, a supportive network that includes faculty mentorship seems to be a key driver, according to a new study led by Colorado State University. The study, published earlier this month in the journal PLOS ONE, is the first official result from an ongoing effort led by Emily Fischer, assistant professor of atmospheric science. Fischer and colleagues from seven universities across the Front Range, Wyoming and the Carolinas are in the fourth year of a five-year, $1.7 million National Science Foundation grant for a program called PROGRESS (PROmoting Geoscience Research, Education and Success). They are investigating how best to attract
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[ 1526, 1579 ]
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (, or LELB) is a Lutheran Protestant church in Latvia. Latvia's Lutheran heritage dates back to the Reformation. Both the Nazi and communist regimes persecuted the church harshly before religious freedom returned to Latvia in 1988. Unlike Estonia, where state atheism and the ongoing European secularization reduced the once 80% Lutheran majority to almost 10% by 2011, the Latvian Lutheran church had dropped to around 20% but has recovered slightly and now includes approximately 30% of the population. History The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia sees itself as being in a continuous tradition of Christian life since the earliest recorded Christian missionary work in the area, in the 12th century. Latvia was highly influenced by the Reformation and the styleis forced to spend most of their day working in an environment that demands very little body movement. Sitting in a chair at a desk for hours at a time is not uncommon here and quite often the only movement such a worker will experience while at work will stem from the rapid, albeit slight movement of their fingers, hands and wrists as they operate their computers and phones while “comfortably” seated. A typical worker will not only sit most of their day while at work, but also will sit during their commute between work and home and also when eating their lunch. This may lead to them being in a seated position for upwards to 9-11 hours each day, and often for long uninterrupted periods of time. This
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[ 81, 91, 142 ]
into infinity, the terraces at SunTrust Park form more of an enclosing wall. If and when the Braves can rally their fans, they’ll have a hell of a home-field advantage. (Until then, Cubs, Red Sox and Yankees bandwagoners will have the run of the joint.) View photos SunTrust Park is ready for its close-up. (Yahoo Sports) More SunTrust Park features Braves history around every turn, from the bat Hank Aaron used to hit home run No. 715 to the brace Sid Bream wore as he trundled around third base to win the 1992 National League Championship Series. Braves players must pass the long list of Gold Glove and Silver Slugger winners. There’s even a Braves alumni lounge tucked away on the suite level, where the many former Braves who livein the area can hang out when they’re in the park. Current players get the luxury of theater seating, wide lockers and a pool table in their clubhouse. The team takes care of its own. The team takes care of its field, too; we’re a long way from the days when the Braves had to share a stadium with the Falcons, the occasional soccer club, and whatever turf-shredding motocross event came to town while the ballclub was on a road trip. The grass resembles the greens at Augusta National; the infield dirt is as delicate as Himalayan salt. You cringe at the thought of the first pitcher scuffing up the mound, the first baserunner carving a trench en route to second base. There are fun quirks beyond, as well. My
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[ 169, 252, 308, 321 ]
a commendation of their work. Rouse, who is known for not liking the spotlight, has worked skillfully behind the scenes since first starting to work for Obama in 2004 as his chief of staff following Obama’s election to the U.S. Senate. Rouse graduated from the London School of Economics and had worked since 1971 in the Senate, including for Daschle for 19 years. Rouse and Podesta formed a part of the team that helped fill key staff roles for Obama when he first entered the White House in 2009. Rouse was also interim chief of staff for Obama when Rahm Emanuel left in 2010 to run for the Chicago Mayoral position.Just as the American Civil War was not fought to end slavery (it was fought to defend it), nor was slavery resigned to the history books the moment General Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses S Grant at the Battle of Appomattox Court House. Any historian worth their salt will tell you this, and yet for too long and with very few exceptions, Hollywood has chosen to explore this dark chapter in US history in binary terms. Free State of Jones is pitched as a more nuanced picture of the struggle between white masters and black slaves, but crucially it retains an all-too familiar perspective. The hero of this story is Newton Knight (Matthew McConaughey), a poor farmer from southern Mississippi who led an interracial rebellion against the Confederacy.
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[ 683, 710, 1258, 1278 ]
mother is at work, said he heard five or six shots. "Then I started yelling, 'Get on the floor! Get on the floor!' and they all started hollering and screaming and laying down," McCracken told WMC. "I was trying to get to her in time," McCracken said, choking back tears. "I was too late." News reports over the last several years reveal the area to be crime-riddled, with shootings a frequent occurrence. A 68-year-old man was stabbed to death nearby just last Friday, according to police reports. In 2010, the Warren apartments survived issuance of a nuisance order that could have led to its shutdown after new management took over. Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said Thursday that she still had serious concerns about the complex.Rowans-blog Thursday, February 26, 2015 I hope, and indeed, I hope I am not alone, when I say that I believe that the tide isbeginning to turn as far as official concern regarding banking wrongdoing is concerned. I am starting to sense a stiffening of the sinews among those responsible for over-seeing the activities and the actions of the banks, and although the stirrings are small at present, I hope that they will continue to increase, as more and more, those responsible for banking management, are required to give an account of themselves. Yesterday 25th February, saw an interesting example of what I mean. Douglas Flint, Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc, and Stuart Gulliver, Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc, were called to make such an account before the House of Commons Treasury Committee. After the usual pleasantries and thanks for coming, the Chairman,
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[ 53, 78, 114, 177, 200, 236, 274, 290 ]
One such BVI sham entity was even wittily named Alter Ego Ltd. It may be purely coincidental, but it is of interest to note that Stuart Gulliver was Chairman of HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA from February 2010, but he had been a Director since September 2007. To a possibly unsophisticated eye, unfamiliar with such fiscal niceties, it might look remarkably like Gulliver was taking advantage of such protections, so why would he need such corporate secrecy protection? He told the committee yesterday that it was merely for secrecy so that his Hong Kong colleagues would not know how much he was earning! He repeated that it had nothing to do with tax! The Guardian had also asked this question in the last week. In response to queries from the Guardian about his personal account as revealed in the leaked files, a representative forGulliver said he had made use of HSBC Suisse to hold his bonus payments prior to 2003, when he moved from Hong Kong to London. Lawyers for Gulliver said that Hong Kong tax had been paid on this income – and explained that he “followed this procedure because he wanted his taxed bonus earnings to remain private from his then colleagues in Hong Kong, which they would not have done if he had kept them in an HSBC Hong Kong account”. The Guardian asked Gulliver why he used a Panamanian company to hold the funds, given Swiss accounts already offer secrecy. His lawyers declined to answer. Gulliver now claims that a computer programme in use in the bank would have allowed colleagues to know how much he was earning, which he wanted to avoid! Gulliver’s legal representatives added that his Swiss accounts
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[ 192, 199 ]
have “for a number of years” been voluntarily declared to UK tax authorities. They declined to specify the exact date they were first declared. Gulliver is also among those current and former clients of HSBC Suisse to take advantage of non-dom status. Gulliver is a registered non-dom based on his long residence in Hong Kong – now a special administrative region of China – which he considers to be his home, despite his UK-based position. A representative for Gulliver said: “Having lived there since the 1980s, our client has become a permanent Hong Kong resident with right of abode, as has his wife who is an Australian national. Hong Kong continues to be their home albeit that our client now works primarily in the UK. As a matter of law, our client is domiciled in Hong Kong.” Non-dom status can confer severala contract with HSBC Group as such! The Guardian has established a separate employment route. Gulliver, HSBC's highest paid banker was on a £10m deal in 2009, and was not employed by the bank's main holding company at all, despite taking over as chief executive. The British-born executive who has spent 20 of his 30 years at the bank working outside the UK, is only seconded to work for HSBC Holdings – the overall operation – through a Dutch-based company called HSBC Asia Holdings. His contract, seen by the Guardian, shows that his principal place of work is Hong Kong, where the bank moved the office of the chief executive in 2010.. HSBC Asia Holdings has an Amsterdam address. The contract, signed in February 2011, also shows that he expected to pay income taxes in Hong Kong and Britain – with the bank paying
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for him to receive advice on filing tax returns in both places. Gulliver's contract gives his address as the main HSBC Hong Kong office in Queen's Road Central, and confirms he is on a £1.25m salary. He is also entitled to an additional 50% as a contribution to his pension. About £375,000 is paid into a Jersey-based defined contribution scheme called Trailblazer while the remaining £250,000 is paid in cash. Gulliver has been employed by the bank since October 1980 and is one of 443 HSBC bankers who are also employed through the Amsterdam offshoot, which HSBC said is designed to allow them to continue to receive benefits and pension entitlements regardless of where the bank – which has operations in 87 territories – locates them. As far as can be ascertained, Gulliver, on the face of what is known and disclosed,facilitation of tax evasion and the laundering of the proceeds, presumably took place, at least in part on Gulliver’s watch while he was a Director. They see him being quizzed by MPs as to how he structures his own financial affairs, and they learn that despite being British to all extents and purposes, (he lives in Kensington), he and his wife enjoy significant beneficial non-domiciliary status, a tax privilege denied to ordinary UK residents. He states he pays UK tax on his world-wide income, but he is not obliged so to do under his non-dom status, only on earnings he generates in the UK, or on any earnings abroad he remits to the UK. On paper, this sounds very generous, but wait, he is not employed in the UK, he is employed theoretically by a Netherlands company, and we are
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[ 73, 145, 1131, 1154 ]
fit the data and showed that teams with more than one high-interaction-anxiety member were negatively affected. Interaction anxiety inhibits the social activities of team training, in turn reducing team-training effectiveness when there is more than one high-interaction-anxiety individual on the training team. These results highlight the importance of examining interaction anxiety as a training team compositional variable that may inhibit behaviors and team processesnecessary to capitalize on the positive social activities on which team training depends since the interaction anxiety composition of training teams may serve as an important boundary condition on the effectiveness team-training interventions.Commentaries on "In the Waiting Room" thed to agree that the poem presents a young girl's moment of awakening to the separations and the bonds among human beings, to the forces that shape individual identity through the interreleated recognitions of community and isolation. [. . . .] What, one might ask, is so strange about critical agreement on the literal events that take place within the poem? One response to such a question might begin by observing that the text itself seems to undermine the stability of the literal. Certainly the poem appears to appropriate—and to ground itself in—the particulars of a literal reality or truth. Bishop takes pains, for instance, to describe the contents of the magazine read by the young girl in the waiting room. Not only does she evoke in detail its pictures of volcanoes and of
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