12 values
Extracts of black and brown rice powders improve hepatic lipid accumulation via the activation of PPARα in obese and diabetic model mice.
Rice powder extract (RPE) from black and brown rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) improves hepatic lipid accumulation in obese and diabetic model mice via peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation. RPE showed PPARα agonistic activity which did not differ between black and brown RPE despite a higher anthocyanin content in black RPE.
['Felix|Angelina Dr|AD|', 'Takahashi|Nobuyuki|N|', 'Takahashi|Mami|M|', 'Katsumata-Tsuboi|Rie|R|', 'Satoh|Ryo|R|', 'Soon Hui|Teoh|T|', 'Miyajima|Katsuhiro|K|', 'Nakae|Dai|D|', 'Inoue|Hirofumi|H|', 'Uehara|Mariko|M|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D003920:Diabetes Mellitus", "D004195:Disease Models, Animal", "D005227:Fatty Acids", "D050356:Lipid Metabolism", "D008099:Liver", "D051379:Mice", "D009765:Obesity", "D012275:Oryza", "D047493:PPAR alpha", "D010936:Plant Extracts", "D011208:Powders" ]
[ "rice powder", "fatty acid oxidation", "PPAR", "lipid metabolism", "liver" ]
[ "P", "P", "U", "M", "U" ]
Serum uric acid levels during dual antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor or clopidogrel: Results from a single-centre study.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS New antithrombotic therapies have significantly improved the outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), where the introduction of ticagrelor has provided the greatest mortality benefits. However, ticagrelor treatment has been associated with a potential increase in the serum uric acid (SUA) levels, which may influence endothelial dysfunction and prothrombotic status, thereby affecting the risk of acute cardiovascular events in patients requiring dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT). The present study aimed to compare the impact of antiplatelet agents such as ticagrelor or clopidogrel on SUA levels and their effect on platelet reactivity. METHODS AND RESULTS We included patients admitted for ACS or elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and discharged with ASA (acetylsalicylic acid; 100-160 mg) and clopidogrel (75 mg) or ticagrelor (90 mg twice a day). Chemistry was assessed at admission (baseline) and after a 30-90-day period of DAPT (together with platelet reactivity). The absolute and percentage variations of SUA after DAPT introduction were considered. Multiple-electrode aggregometry was used to assess platelet function. A total of 378 patients were enrolled, with 145 treated with aspirin and clopidogrel (AC) and 233 with aspirin and ticagrelor (AT). The AC patients were older (p = 0.003) and more often showed elective PCI as an indication to DAPT (<0.001); they received chronic therapy with ARB (angiotensin II receptor blocker; p = 0.001), nitrates (p = 0.044), CCB (calcium channel blocker; p = 0.005) and diuretics (p = 0.044). The AT patients displayed a higher percentage of ACS diagnosis (p < 0.001) and received chronic therapy with ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors (p = 0.001), beta blockers (p = 0.001) and statins (p = 0.013). The AC patients displayed higher platelet reactivity at COL (collagen) test, ASPI test and ADP (adenosine diphosphate) test (p = 0.03, 0.001 and <0.001, respectively) and a higher percentage of HRPR (high residual platelet reactivity) in the ADP test (p = 0.001). No difference was found in the baseline uric acid and creatinine levels between AC and AT patients. At 30-90 days, a significant absolute and percentage increase in the SUA levels was found in AT as compared to AC patients (0.204 mg/dl vs. -0.165 mg/dl, p = 0.034; 6.26% vs. -0.005%, p = 0.018, respectively). Results were not influenced by variations in renal function. At multivariate analysis, in fact, ticagrelor therapy emerged as an independent predictor of increase in the uric acid levels (odds ratio (OR; 95% confidence interval (CI)) = 2.79 (1.66-4.67), p < 0.001). However, the variation in the SUA levels did not affect platelet reactivity or HRPR in both AC and AT patients. CONCLUSION An increase in the SUA levels at 30-90 days was observed in patients receiving chronic DAPT with ticagrelor, but not clopidogrel treatment. However, the changes in the SUA levels do not influence platelet aggregation.
['Nardin|M|M|', 'Verdoia|M|M|', 'Pergolini|P|P|', 'Rolla|R|R|', 'Barbieri|L|L|', 'Schaffer|A|A|', 'Marino|P|P|', 'Bellomo|G|G|', 'Suryapranata|H|H|', 'De Luca|G|G|', '|||']
[ "D054058:Acute Coronary Syndrome", "D000241:Adenosine", "D000368:Aged", "D001241:Aspirin", "D015415:Biomarkers", "D016009:Chi-Square Distribution", "D000077144:Clopidogrel", "D003324:Coronary Artery Disease", "D004359:Drug Therapy, Combination", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D016015:Logistic Models", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D015999:Multivariate Analysis", "D016017:Odds Ratio", "D062645:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", "D010974:Platelet Aggregation", "D010975:Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors", "D010979:Platelet Function Tests", "D012307:Risk Factors", "D000077486:Ticagrelor", "D013988:Ticlopidine", "D013997:Time Factors", "D016896:Treatment Outcome", "D015854:Up-Regulation", "D014527:Uric Acid" ]
[ "Serum uric acid", "Ticagrelor", "Clopidogrel", "Platelet aggregation" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Ishige okamurae Extract Ameliorates the Hyperglycemia and Body Weight Gain of db/db Mice through Regulation of the PI3K/Akt Pathway and Thermogenic Factors by FGF21.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and related metabolic disorders, such as dyslipidemia, present increasing challenges to health worldwide, as a result of urbanization, the increasing prevalence of obesity, poor lifestyle, and other stress-related factors. Ishige okamurae extract (IOE) is known to be effective at lowering blood glucose and ameliorating metabolic disease. However, detailed mechanisms for these effects have yet to be elucidated. Here, we show that IOE ameliorates substrate (IRS)/ phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway and increasing glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT). We also demonstrate that IOE increases the expression of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)21, a regulator of glucose and energy metabolism in muscle and WAT. In addition, IOE administration increased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α expression, which regulates expression of the key thermogenic molecule uncoupling protein 1 in WAT. Thus, the effects of IOE to ameliorate hyperglycemia and adiposity may be mediated through FGF21 activating insulin signaling and increasing the expression of GLUT4 and pro-thermogenic factors.
['Seo|Young-Jin|YJ|', 'Lee|Kippeum|K|', 'Chei|Sungwoo|S|', 'Jeon|You-Jin|YJ|', 'Lee|Boo-Yong|BY|']
[ "D050154:Adiposity", "D000818:Animals", "D001786:Blood Glucose", "D003924:Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", "D004195:Disease Models, Animal", "D004734:Energy Metabolism", "D005346:Fibroblast Growth Factors", "D051275:Glucose Transporter Type 4", "D006801:Humans", "D006943:Hyperglycemia", "D055504:Insulin Receptor Substrate Proteins", "D008297:Male", "D051379:Mice", "D008813:Mice, Inbred ICR", "D008822:Mice, Transgenic", "D000459:Phaeophyta", "D019869:Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases", "D010936:Plant Extracts", "D051057:Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt", "D015398:Signal Transduction", "D022722:Thermogenesis", "D015430:Weight Gain" ]
[ "Ishige okamurae", "hyperglycemia", "db/db mouse", "fibroblast growth factor 21", "insulin receptor substrate 1/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway" ]
[ "P", "P", "M", "M", "R" ]
Protective Roles of Selenium on Nitric Oxide and the Gene Expression of Inflammatory Cytokines Induced by Cadmium in Chicken Splenic Lymphocytes.
Cadmium (Cd) is an environmental toxicant and an inflammation-related xenobiotic. Selenium (Se) is a well-known nutritional trace element and a potent chemopreventive agent. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Se on the cytotoxicity of Cd in bird immunocytes in vitro. Chicken splenic lymphocytes exposed to CdCl2 (10(-6) mol/L), Na2SeO3 (10(-7) mol/L), or a mixture of the two (10(-7) mol/L Na2SeO3 and 10(-6) mol/L CdCI2) were incubated for 12, 24, 36, 48, or 60 h. Cd significantly increased (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of nuclear factor kappaB (NF-κB), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and similar results were observed in the protein expression levels of NF-κB and COX-2. In addition, the nitric oxide (NO) content and the inducible iNOS activity were increased in the Cd-treated group compared to the control group. Furthermore, the protective effects of Se against Cd toxicity in chicken splenic lymphocytes were illustrated by the increase in select cytokines (NF-κB, iNOS, COX-2, TNF-α, and PGE2), NO content and iNOS activity. The biochemical parameters exhibited sensitivity to Se and Cd, suggesting that they may act as potential biomarkers for assessing the effects of Se and Cd risk on chicken splenic lymphocytes.
['Liu|Shuang|S|', 'Xu|Fengping|F|', 'Fu|Jing|J|', 'Li|Shu|S|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D002104:Cadmium", "D002645:Chickens", "D016207:Cytokines", "D015870:Gene Expression", "D007249:Inflammation", "D008214:Lymphocytes", "D008297:Male", "D009569:Nitric Oxide", "D052247:Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II", "D012333:RNA, Messenger", "D018036:Selenium Compounds", "D013154:Spleen" ]
[ "Selenium", "Nitric oxide", "Cytokines", "Cadmium", "Chicken splenic lymphocytes", "Inflammation" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Uterine scar rupture at the site of the placenta accreta presenting as a case of sudden death.
Uterine rupture during pregnancy is a known complication of placenta accreta. This paper presents a case of sudden maternal death in the 27th week of gestation due to a ruptured uterine scar at the site of placenta accreta with a short inter-pregnancy period of 6 months with previous two C-sections. Autopsy findings revealed a massive hemoperitoneum and a thinned out anterolateral uterine wall. Internal examination revealed clotted and fluid blood in the peritoneal cavity with rupture of the anterior uterine wall at the site of the placenta accreta in a healed cesarean section scar. Placenta accreta is a rare complication of pregnancy. However, it is becoming more frequent and a significant risk factor with the increasing rate of C-section.
['Akhade|Swapnil Prabhakar|SP|0000-0002-9672-7858', 'Ghormade|Pankaj Suresh|PS|0000-0002-0328-6206', 'Bhengra|Ajay|A|0000-0002-4487-8689', 'Chavali|Krishnadutt|K|0000-0003-1254-2344', 'Hussain|Nighat|N|0000-0003-1120-2452']
[ "Placenta Accreta", "Uterine Rupture", "Maternal Death", "Cesarean Section", "Pregnancy Complications" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Decellularised Human Umbilical Artery as a Vascular Graft Elicits Minimal Pro-Inflammatory Host Response Ex Vivo and In Vivo.
Small diameter (<6 mm) vessel grafts still pose a challenge for scientists worldwide. Decellularised umbilical artery (dUA) remains promising as small diameter tissue engineered vascular graft (TEVG), yet their immunogenicity remains unknown. Herein, we evaluated the host immune responses, with a focus on the innate part, towards human dUA implantation in mice, and confirmed our findings in an ex vivo allogeneic human setup. Overall, we did not observe any differences in the number of circulating white blood cells nor the number of monocytes among three groups of mice (1) dUA patch; (2) Sham; and (3) Mock throughout the study (day -7 to 28). Likewise, we found no difference in systemic inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels between groups. However, a massive local remodelling response with M2 macrophages were observed in the dUA at day 28, whereas M1 macrophages were less frequent. Moreover, human monocytes from allogeneic individuals were differentiated into macrophages and exposed to lyophilised dUA to maximize an eventual M1 response. Yet, dUA did not elicit any immediate M1 response as determined by the absence of CCR7 and CXCL10. Together this suggests that human dUA elicits a minimal pro-inflammatory response further supporting its use as a TEVG in an allogeneic setup.
['Ahlmann|Alexander Høgsted|AH|', 'Fang|Shu|S|0000-0002-1486-338X', 'Mortensen|Sussi Bagge|SB|', 'Andersen|Line Weis|LW|', 'Pedersen|Pernille Gejl|PG|', 'Callesen|Johanne Juel|JJ|', 'Bak|Sara Thornby|ST|', 'Lambertsen|Kate Lykke|KL|0000-0001-9276-4902', 'Andersen|Ditte Caroline|DC|0000-0003-4940-7912']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D001807:Blood Vessel Prosthesis", "D054357:Chemokine CXCL10", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008264:Macrophages", "D051379:Mice", "D009000:Monocytes", "D054400:Receptors, CCR7", "D014469:Umbilical Arteries" ]
[ "decellularisation", "human umbilical artery", "tissue engineered vascular grafting", "innate immunity", "macrophage M1 and M2 responses" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "R", "R" ]
DRAK2 aggravates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease progression through SRSF6-associated RNA alternative splicing.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is an advanced stage of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with serious consequences that currently lacks approved pharmacological therapies. Recent studies suggest the close relationship between the pathogenesis of NAFLD and the dysregulation of RNA splicing machinery. Here, we reveal death-associated protein kinase-related apoptosis-inducing kinase-2 (DRAK2) is markedly upregulated in the livers of both NAFLD/NASH patients and NAFLD/NASH diet-fed mice. Hepatic deletion of DRAK2 suppresses the progression of hepatic steatosis to NASH. Comprehensive analyses of the phosphoproteome and transcriptome indicated a crucial role of DRAK2 in RNA splicing and identified the splicing factor SRSF6 as a direct binding protein of DRAK2. Further studies demonstrated that binding to DRAK2 inhibits SRSF6 phosphorylation by the SRSF kinase SRPK1 and regulates alternative splicing of mitochondrial function-related genes. In conclusion, our findings reveal an indispensable role of DRAK2 in NAFLD/NASH and offer a potential therapeutic target for this disease.
['Li|Yufeng|Y|', 'Xu|Junyu|J|', 'Lu|Yuting|Y|', 'Bian|Hua|H|', 'Yang|Lin|L|', 'Wu|Honghong|H|', 'Zhang|Xinwen|X|', 'Zhang|Beilei|B|', 'Xiong|Maoqian|M|', 'Chang|Yafei|Y|', 'Tang|Jie|J|', 'Yang|Fan|F|', 'Zhao|Lei|L|', 'Li|Jing|J|', 'Gao|Xin|X|', 'Xia|Mingfeng|M|', 'Tan|Minjia|M|', 'Li|Jingya|J|']
[ "Drak2", "nonalcoholic fatty liver disease", "RNA alternative splicing", "hepatic steatosis", "mitochondrial function", "mtDNA", "serine/arginine-rich splicing factor (SRSF)" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "U", "M" ]
A meta-analysis of collateral status and outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy.
OBJECTIVES To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate pretreatment collaterals and outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke of large-vessel occlusion in anterior circulation. METHODS We systematically searched Embase, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library from their dates of inception to March 5, 2020, and also manually searched reference lists of relevant articles. Pooled relative risk with 95% confidence interval on the association between good collaterals and functional independence (in terms of mRS 0-2), symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, mortality, and successful reperfusion were synthesized using a random-effects model. RESULTS Thirty-four studies enrolling 5768 patients were included in analysis. Good collaterals were significantly associated with functional independence (RR 1.93, 95%CI 1.64-2.27, P < .0001), successful reperfusion (RR 1.23, 95%CI 1.12-1.35, P < .0001), decreased rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (RR 0.68, 95%CI 0.47-0.97, P = .032), and mortality (RR 0.37, 95%CI 0.27-0.52, P < .0001). The results were consistent in sensitivity analysis. The associations between good collaterals and reperfusion remained stable after adjusting for publication bias. CONCLUSIONS Good pretreatment collaterals were associated with functional independence, successful reperfusion, and decreased rate of sICH and mortality after receiving mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke of large-vessel occlusion.
['Qian|Jiacheng|J|', 'Fan|Lu|L|', 'Zhang|Weiqing|W|', 'Wang|Jian|J|', 'Qiu|Jianting|J|', 'Wang|Yujie|Y|']
[ "D002545:Brain Ischemia", "D002560:Cerebrovascular Circulation", "D003097:Collateral Circulation", "D006801:Humans", "D015424:Reperfusion", "D020521:Stroke", "D017131:Thrombectomy", "D016896:Treatment Outcome" ]
[ "meta-analysis", "mechanical thrombectomy", "stroke", "collateral circulation", "functional outcome" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "R", "R" ]
Evaluation of student perceptions of introductory pharmacy practice experiences.
INTRODUCTION Introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) are focused on sharpening the student's knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes related to becoming an effective member of the healthcare team. Currently, the literature on student pharmacists' perceptions focused only on advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs). This study gathered perceptions of IPPEs from pharmacy students in their first through third year professional years. METHODS A voluntary pre- and post-survey instrument was administered to 367 first through third year professional students from Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and Cedarville University at the beginning and end of the 2017-2018 academic year. Each survey utilized questions with Likert scales designed to detect differences in student expectations and experiences related to IPPE training. Questions primarily focused on demographics, objectives, goals, interprofessional teamwork, application of knowledge, and preceptor engagement. Students ages 18 and older who were enrolled at the participating institutions were eligible for inclusion in this study. Survey completion was voluntary, and students were not incentivized to participate. RESULTS Sixty-six students completed the pre- and post- surveys with matching, identifiable data for analysis. Twenty-nine items demonstrated a more negative perception of IPPEs between the pre- and post-surveys (p < 0.05). Eight items demonstrated a difference by institution (p < 0.05), while three items demonstrated a difference between professional years (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Student expectations of IPPEs were significantly less positive in the pre-survey than in the post-survey. Future studies should examine the implications of these results on student IPPE performance and methods to impact student perception of the value of IPPE training.
['Boyle|Jaclyn A|JA|', 'Jenkins|Zachary N|ZN|', 'Franz|Thaddeus T|TT|', 'Cather|Charles W|CW|', 'Deitschmann|Nicole K|NK|', 'Harper|Nicole G|NG|', 'Dittmer|Alison|A|', 'Hartline|Christy|C|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D004512:Education, Pharmacy", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D009820:Ohio", "D010465:Perception", "D015397:Program Evaluation", "D018709:Statistics, Nonparametric", "D013339:Students, Pharmacy", "D011795:Surveys and Questionnaires" ]
[ "Perception", "Introductory pharmacy practice experiences", "Experiential training" ]
[ "P", "P", "M" ]
Uptake of Colon Capsule Endoscopy vs Colonoscopy for Screening Relatives of Patients With Colorectal Cancer.
BACKGROUND & AIMS The efficacy of screening colonoscopy in first-degree relatives (FDRs) of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) is limited by suboptimal uptake. We compared screening uptake of colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) vs colonoscopy in this population. METHODS We performed a prospective study of 329 asymptomatic FDRs of patients with CRC who were randomly assigned to groups examined by CCE (PillCam, second generation; n = 165) or colonoscopy (n = 164) at a tertiary hospital in Spain from July 2012 through December 2013. Crossover was permitted for patients who did not wish to undergo the assigned procedure. Subjects assigned to CCE who had a significant lesion (polyp ≥ 10 mm, >2 polyps of any size, or CRC) were invited to undergo colonoscopy. RESULTS One hundred twenty subjects in the CCE group and 113 in the colonoscopy group were eligible for inclusion. In the intention-to-screen analysis, uptake was similar between groups (55.8% CCE vs 52.2% colonoscopy; odds ratio [OR], 0.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.51-1.44; P = .57); 57.4% of subjects crossed over from the CCE group, and 30.2% crossed over from the colonoscopy group (OR, 3.11; 95% CI, 1.51-6.41; P = .002). Unwillingness to repeat bowel preparation in the case of a positive result was the main reason that subjects assigned to the CCE group crossed over; fear of colonoscopy was the reason that most patients in this group crossed over. A significant lesion was detected in 14 subjects (11.7%) in the CCE group and 13 subjects (11.5%) in the colonoscopy group (OR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.45-2.26; P = .96). CONCLUSIONS In a prospective study, similar numbers of FDRs of patients with CRC assigned to undergo CCE or colonoscopy agreed to participate, but most preferred to undergo colonoscopy. CCE was as effective as colonoscopy in detecting significant lesions; it could be a valid rescue strategy for subjects who reject screening colonoscopy. number: NCT01557101.
['Adrián-de-Ganzo|Zaida|Z|', 'Alarcón-Fernández|Onofre|O|', 'Ramos|Laura|L|', 'Gimeno-García|Antonio|A|', 'Alonso-Abreu|Inmaculada|I|', 'Carrillo|Marta|M|', 'Quintero|Enrique|E|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D053704:Capsule Endoscopy", "D003113:Colonoscopy", "D015179:Colorectal Neoplasms", "D055088:Early Detection of Cancer", "D005190:Family", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D011446:Prospective Studies", "D013030:Spain" ]
[ "Detection", "Participation", "Colon Cancer", "Colon Capsule-2", "Tumor" ]
[ "P", "P", "R", "M", "U" ]
Addiction in Extreme Sports: An Exploration of Withdrawal States in Rock Climbers.
Background and aims Extreme sports athletes are often labeled "adrenaline junkies" by the media, implying they are addicted to their sport. Research suggests during abstinence these athletes may experience withdrawal states characteristic of individuals with an addiction (Celsi, Rose, & Leigh, 1993; Franken, Zijlstra, & Muris, 2006; Willig, 2008). Despite this notion, no research has directly explored withdrawal experiences of extreme sports athletes. Methods Using semi-structured interviews, we explored withdrawal experiences of high (n = 4) and average-ability (n = 4) male rock climbers during periods of abstinence. We investigated the psychological and behavioral aspects of withdrawal, including craving, anhedonia, and negative affect; and differences in the frequency and intensity of these states between groups. Results Deductive content analysis indicated support for each of the three categories of anhedonia, craving, and negative affect. Consistent with existing substance addiction literature, high-ability climbers recalled more frequent and intense craving states and negative affect during abstinence compared with average-ability climbers. No differences in anhedonic symptoms between high and average-ability participants were found. Conclusions Rock climbing athletes appear to experience withdrawal symptoms when abstinent from their sport comparable to individuals with substance and behavioral addictions. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
['Heirene|Robert M|RM|', 'Shearer|David|D|', 'Roderique-Davies|Gareth|G|', 'Mellalieu|Stephen D|SD|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000339:Affect", "D059445:Anhedonia", "D056352:Athletes", "D016739:Behavior, Addictive", "D066249:Craving", "D006801:Humans", "D007406:Interview, Psychological", "D008297:Male", "D011361:Professional Competence", "D013177:Sports", "D013375:Substance Withdrawal Syndrome", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "extreme sports", "craving", "anhedonia", "negative affect", "behavioral-addiction" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Encapsulation of chimeric protein rSAG1/2 into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles induces long-term protective immunity against Toxoplasma gondii in mice.
In the present study, the poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) polymer was used as an adjuvant to encapsulate the chimeric protein rSAG1/2 for preparing a microparticle vaccine against Toxoplasma gondii. The resulting PLG-encapsulated rSAG1/2 (PLG-rSAG1/2) microparticles, 1.27-1.65μm in diameter, showed 72-83% entrapment efficiency. The amount of released rSAG1/2 protein from microparticles gradually increased over a long 56-day period and the protein still retained its antigenicity. Intraperitoneal immunization with the microparticles in BALB/c mice elicited significant long-term (10weeks) humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, accompanied by secretion of a large amount of IFN-γ, to achieve strong protection (83%) against a lethal subcutaneous tachyzoite challenge. In conclusion, we have successfully encapsulated rSAG1/2 with the PLG polymer to produce stable microparticles that can effectively induce not only long-term immunity but also high protection against T. gondii. These crucial data would be advantageous for developing long-term Toxoplasma vaccines for future use in humans and animals.
['Chuang|Shu-Chun|SC|', 'Ko|Jing-Chun|JC|', 'Chen|Chaio-Ping|CP|', 'Du|Jia-Tze|JT|', 'Yang|Chung-Da|CD|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D000911:Antibodies, Monoclonal", "D000913:Antibodies, Protozoan", "D000953:Antigens, Protozoan", "D001672:Biocompatible Materials", "D002214:Capsules", "D003692:Delayed-Action Preparations", "D007106:Immune Sera", "D007111:Immunity, Cellular", "D007114:Immunization", "D007371:Interferon-gamma", "D019344:Lactic Acid", "D051379:Mice", "D008807:Mice, Inbred BALB C", "D008855:Microscopy, Electron, Scanning", "D010316:Particle Size", "D011100:Polyglycolic Acid", "D000077182:Polylactic Acid-Polyglycolic Acid Copolymer", "D015800:Protozoan Proteins", "D011817:Rabbits", "D011993:Recombinant Fusion Proteins", "D014122:Toxoplasma", "D014124:Toxoplasmosis, Animal" ]
[ "rSAG1/2", "Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG)", "Long-term immunity", "PLG-rSAG1/2 microparticles", "Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "R", "R" ]
Positive Effect of Helicobacter pylori Treatment on Outcome of Patients With Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria.
OBJECTIVES The association between Helicobacter pylori and chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is controversial. Therefore, we aimed to directly diagnose H pylori by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in gastric tissue from patients with CSU and to investigate the association between H pylori eradication therapy and CSU remission. METHODS Twenty-seven of 72 patients with CSU who were positive for H pylori stool antigen and PCR in gastric biopsy specimens were randomized to receive either anti-H pylori treatment or placebo. RESULTS Patients with H pylori were found to have significantly lower hemoglobin concentrations with microcytic hypochromic anemia and a significantly higher occurrence of dyspepsia symptoms. All H pylori-treated patients (except two) showed significant improvement of the urticaria itching and red wheals after 2 weeks of therapy compared with the placebo group (P < .001). The response rate to treatment was 85.7% (12 patients; 95% confidence interval, 64.3%-100.0%). The two patients who failed to eradicate H pylori had an H pylori strain resistant to amoxicillin. CONCLUSIONS An association was observed between CSU and presence of H pylori infection in the gastric tissue. Whether this is a causal relationship or not remains to be discovered, but treatment of H pylori can significantly improve the symptoms of CSU.
['Elhendawy|Mohammed|M|', 'Hagras|Maha M|MM|', 'Soliman|Shaimaa S|SS|', 'Shaker|Engi Seif E|ESE|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D000658:Amoxicillin", "D000900:Anti-Bacterial Agents", "D000080223:Chronic Urticaria", "D017291:Clarithromycin", "D004311:Double-Blind Method", "D004359:Drug Therapy, Combination", "D005260:Female", "D016481:Helicobacter Infections", "D016480:Helicobacter pylori", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D009853:Omeprazole", "D010865:Pilot Projects", "D054328:Proton Pump Inhibitors", "D016896:Treatment Outcome", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "Helicobacter pylori", "Spontaneous urticaria", "PCR", "Amoxicillin", "Resistant strains", "Stool Ag" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R", "M" ]
Perioperative management of a bleeding jejunal tumor in a patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria: A case report and literature review.
INTRODUCTION Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is a rare disorder caused by reduced ferrochelatase activity and shows incomplete autosomal dominant inheritance. Meticulous perioperative management can avoid characteristic complications. This report describes a case of a bleeding jejunal tumor in a patient with EPP. PRESENTATION OF CASE A 49-year-old man with a history of EPP was admitted to our department with abdominal distention and severe anemia. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed an abdominal tumor measuring 5 cm, originating from the small bowel wall or mesentery. Tumor resection was planned after correction of anemia. Red blood cell transfusion restored his hemoglobin to acceptable levels; however, his liver function worsened. Institution of liver support therapy achieved gradual reduction in his elevated liver enzymes; however, hyperbilirubinemia persisted. He underwent tumor resection on the 12th day of hospitalization. Yellow filters were used to avoid operating room light-induced tissue injury. The tumor was located in the jejunum 30 cm from the Treitz ligament toward the anal aspect. The histopathological diagnosis was desmoid-type fibromatosis of the jejunum. Postoperatively, his hemoglobin levels were stabilized; however, his serum bilirubin level remained high. His serum bilirubin level gradually decreased following hemin injections (150 mg/day). DISCUSSION Reducing heme synthesis and minimizing protoporphyrin generation are important perioperatively. Additionally, preventing operating room light-induced tissue burns and selecting appropriate anesthestic agents are important during surgery. CONCLUSION The institution of appropriate treatment and adequate intra- and perioperative measures can ensure safe surgery in patients with EPP even under emergency conditions.
['Takemoto|Yuki|Y|', 'Mukai|Shoichiro|S|', 'Mochizuki|Tetsuya|T|', 'Kochi|Masatoshi|M|', 'Egi|Hiroyuki|H|', 'Ohdan|Hideki|H|']
[ "Erythropoietic protoporphyria", "Hemin", "Surgery", "Anesthesia" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
A review on fish immuno-nutritional response to indispensable amino acids in relation to TOR, NF-κB and Nrf2 signaling pathways: Trends and prospects.
Indispensable amino acids (IAAs) are important regulators of key metabolic pathways associated with protein synthesis, tight junction proteins, inflammatory cytokines and immune-antioxidant related signaling molecules. However, the information pertaining to the immune functions of IAAs in relation to molecular approaches for commercially important fish species are scarce and discordant. This review summarizes the dietary requirements for IAAs necessary for improved growth and immune response in variety of fish species, using molecular approaches (nutrigenomics), particularly the interrelationships between IAAs and genes. Briefly, antioxidant status of fish as well as gene transcriptions regulating antioxidant enzymes are profoundly governed by the nutritional factors including a set of IAAs, and these genes expression are often regulated by the nuclear factor erythoid 2-related factor 2 signaling pathway (Nrf2). IAAs level could also attenuate the inflammatory response in fish partly by down-regulating the expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and up-regulating the anti-inflammatory cytokines. The regulation of these cytokines by IAAs could be mediated by the signaling molecules nuclear transcription factor-κB (NF-κB) and target of rapamycin (TOR). Overall, this review provides clear and recent molecular mechanisms of fish immuno-nutritional interrelation and highlights regulatory pathways underlying dietary IAAs mediated enhancement in the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune defense capacities, presenting trends and future perspectives.
[ "D000601:Amino Acids, Essential", "D000818:Animals", "D016207:Cytokines", "D029941:Fish Proteins", "D005399:Fishes", "D007107:Immune System", "D051267:NF-E2-Related Factor 2", "D016328:NF-kappa B", "D015596:Nutrition Assessment", "D015398:Signal Transduction", "D058570:TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases" ]
[ "Fish", "Immuno-nutrition", "Indispensable amino acids", "Signaling pathways", "Nutrigenomics" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Evolution and Expression of Reproductive Transition Regulatory Genes FT/TFL1 With Emphasis in Selected Neotropical Orchids.
Flowering is a rigorously timed and morphologically complex shift in plant development. This change depends on endogenous as well as environmental factors. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) integrates several cues from different pathways acting as a flowering promoter. Contrary to the role of FT, its paralog TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) delays floral transition. Although FT/TFL1 homologs have been studied in model eudicots and monocots, scarce studies are available in non-model monocots like the Orchidaceae. Orchids are very diverse and their floral complexity is translated into a unique aesthetic display, which appeals the ornamental plant market. Nonetheless, orchid trade faces huge limitations due to their long vegetative phase and intractable indoor flowering seasons. Little is known about the genetic basis that control reproductive transition in orchids and, consequently, manipulating their flowering time remains a challenge. In order to contribute to the understanding of the genetic bases that control flowering in orchids we present here the first broad-scale analysis of FT/TFL1-like genes in monocots with an expanded sampling in Orchidaceae. We also compare expression patterns in three selected species and propose hypotheses on the putative role of these genes in their reproductive transition. Our findings show that FT-like genes are by far more diversified than TFL1-like genes in monocots with six subclades in the former and only one in the latter. Within MonFT1, the comparative protein sequences of MonFT1A and MonFT1B suggest that they could have recruited functional roles in delaying flowering, a role typically assigned to TFL1-like proteins. On the other hand, MonFT2 proteins have retained their canonical motifs and roles in promoting flowering transition. This is also shown by their increased expression levels from the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and leaves to inflorescence meristems (IM) and floral buds (FBs). Finally, TFL1-like genes are retained as single copy and often times are lost. Their loss could be linked to the parallel recruitment of MonFT1A and MonFT1B homologs in delaying flowering and maintaining indeterminacy of the inflorescence meristem. These hypotheses lay the foundation for future functional validation in emerging model orchid species and comparative analyses in orchids with high horticultural potential in the market.
['Ospina-Zapata|Diego A|DA|', 'Madrigal|Yesenia|Y|', 'Alzate|Juan F|JF|', 'Pabón-Mora|Natalia|N|']
[ "flowering", "FLOWERING LOCUS T", "TERMINAL FLOWER 1", "Orchidaceae", "gene evolution" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Peripheral Artery Stent Dehiscence: Percutaneous Management.
An elderly male presented with left abdominal swelling of 1-week duration and inability to move the left lower limb. He had undergone bilateral common iliac and left external iliac artery stenting with self-expandable stents for aortoiliac occlusive disease 1 month back. Clinical examination revealed tender abdominal nonpulsatile mass with systolic bruit. Ultrasonography suggested retroperitoneal hematoma. His hemoglobin was 7 g%. Echocardiogram showed ejection fraction of 40%. Computed tomography angiogram revealed large 10 × 10 retroperitoneal hematoma with possibility of continued bleeding from the left external iliac artery. He was taken up for urgent catheterization after consultation with the vascular surgeons who deemed him high risk for surgery in view of left ventricular dysfunction. Abdominal aortogram showed diffuse extravasation of contrast from the junction of left common iliac artery and external iliac artery into the retroperitoneal space. Sustained balloon occlusion of the vessel across the extravasated portion was done, still the leak persisted. Two covered stents were deployed in the external iliac artery overlapping each other, percutaneously resulting in complete closure of leak with good distal runoff. His symptoms improved considerably the next day with a decrease in abdominal swelling and he was able to move his left lower limb. Ultrasound of the abdomen showed regression of the retroperitoneal hematoma and no suspicion of leak. Computed tomography angiogram done 10 days and 2 months later showed regression of retroperitoneal hematoma and no extravasation with good peripheral runoff.
['Karur|Satish|S|', 'Shankarappa|Ravindranath K|RK|', 'Nanjappa|Manjunath C|MC|']
[ "D000800:Angioplasty, Balloon", "D001018:Aortic Diseases", "D001027:Aortography", "D021721:Balloon Occlusion", "D000072226:Computed Tomography Angiography", "D057510:Endovascular Procedures", "D006406:Hematoma", "D006470:Hemorrhage", "D006801:Humans", "D007083:Iliac Artery", "D008297:Male", "D058729:Peripheral Arterial Disease", "D011475:Prosthesis Failure", "D015607:Stents", "D013997:Time Factors", "D016896:Treatment Outcome", "D057772:Vascular System Injuries" ]
[ "retroperitoneal", "hematoma", "leak", "covered stent", "endovascular" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Cytogenetic analysis of the retained products of conception after missed abortion following blastocyst transfer: a retrospective, large-scale, single-centre study.
Cytogenetic analysis of the retained products of conception (POC) is the most effective test for identifying miscarriage causes. However, there has been no large-scale study limited to blastocyst transfer. This study retrospectively reports the findings of 1030 cases in which POC analysis was performed after missed abortion following single blastocyst transfer performed at the Shinbashi Yume Clinic. We identified 19.4% as normal karyotypes and 80.6% as aneuploid. These cases broke down into: 62.3% trisomy; 7.8% double trisomy; 0.5% triple or quadruple trisomy; 1.3% monosomy 21; 3.2% monosomy X; 0.1% 47,XXY; 1.0% polyploidy; 1.0% mixed; 1.1% embryonic mosaicism; and 2.4% structural anomalies. In samples with normal karyotypes, 49.5% were female while 50.5% were male. The occurrence of trisomy and double trisomy were both significantly more frequent in the ≥38 years group than in the ≤37 years group (P < 0.01). Trisomy was significantly more frequently associated with fetal heartbeat (P < 0.01); double trisomy, polyploidy and normal karyotype were significantly more frequent with no fetal heartbeat (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities between the number of miscarriages or blastocyst quality. Thus, POC cytogenetic testing is highly valuable for ascertaining the cause of miscarriage.
['Segawa|Tomoya|T|', 'Kuroda|Tomoko|T|', 'Kato|Keiichi|K|', 'Kuroda|Masako|M|', 'Omi|Kenji|K|', 'Miyauchi|Osamu|O|', 'Watanabe|Yoshiaki|Y|', 'Okubo|Tsuyoshi|T|', 'Osada|Hisao|H|', 'Teramoto|Shokichi|S|']
[ "D000030:Abortion, Missed", "D000328:Adult", "D000782:Aneuploidy", "D002869:Chromosome Aberrations", "D020732:Cytogenetic Analysis", "D004624:Embryo Transfer", "D005260:Female", "D005306:Fertilization", "D005307:Fertilization in Vitro", "D006801:Humans", "D007564:Japan", "D007621:Karyotyping", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D011247:Pregnancy", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D020554:Sperm Injections, Intracytoplasmic" ]
[ "products of conception", "missed abortion", "blastocyst", "karyotype", "intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "vitrification" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "U" ]
Nitrogen form plays an important role in the growth of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) seedlings.
Background This study aimed to gain an understanding of the growth response of Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) seedlings to nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) to benefit nutrient management practices and the design of proper fertilizer in nursery cultivation. Methods An orthogonal array L8(4×24) was used to study the effects of N forms (NH4 +, NO3 -), N concentrations (8, 32 mmol/L), and K+concentrations (0, 0.5, 1.5, 3 mmol/L) on seedling height, leaf number, chlorophyll content (SPAD value), biomass, root systems, and N content of P. edulis seedlings. Plants were grown in vermiculite under controlled greenhouse conditions. Results Our study showed that N form played a significant role in the overall performance of P. edulis seedlings, followed by the effect of N and K+ concentrations. Among the N forms, NH4 + significantly improved the growth of P. edulis seedlings compared with NO3 -. Seedling height, leaf number, chlorophyll SPAD value, biomass, and root system architecture (root length, root surface area, root volume, and root tips) were greater with 8 mmol/L of NH4 + treatments than with 32 mmol/L of NH4 +treatments, whereas root diameter and N content of P. edulis seedlings were higher with 32 mmol/L of NH4 + than with 8 mmol/L of NH4 +. K displayed inconsistent effects on the growth of P. edulis seedlings. Specifically, seedling height, leaf number, biomass and root volume increased when the K+ concentration was increased from 0 to 0.5 mmol/L, followed by a decrease when the K+ concentration was further increased from 0.5 to 3 mmol/L. Root average diameter of the seedlings was the highest with a K+ concentration of 1.5 mmol/L, and K had some inhibitory effects on the chlorophyll SPAD value of the seedlings. P. edulis seedlings performed well with 8 mmol/L NH4 +and further tolerated a higher concentration of both NH4 + and NO3 -, although excessive N could inhibit seedling growth. A lower concertation of K (≤ 0.5 mmol/L) promoted seedling growth and increasing K+ concentration in the nutrient solution did not alleviate the inhibitory effect of high N on the growth of P. edulis seedlings. Therefore, NH4 +nitrogen as the main form of N fertilizer, together with a low concertation of K+, should be supplied in the cultivation and nutrient management practices of moso bamboo.
['Zou|Na|N|', 'Huang|Ling|L|', 'Chen|Huijing|H|', 'Huang|Xiaofeng|X|', 'Song|Qingni|Q|', 'Yang|Qingpei|Q|', 'Wang|Tianchi|T|']
[ "Nitrogen form", "Phyllostachys edulis", "Growth response", "Potassium", "Ammonium", "Nitrate", "Nitrogen concentration" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "U", "R" ]
Congo Red Stain Identifies Matrix Overproduction and Is an Indirect Measurement for c-di-GMP in Many Species of Bacteria.
Congo red is a diazo textile dye that has been used to visualize the production of amyloid fibers for nearly a century. Microbiological applications were later developed, especially in identifying strains that produce amyloid appendages called curli and overexpressing polysaccharides in the biofilm matrix. The second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) regulates the production of biofilm matrix polysaccharides, and therefore Congo red staining of samples can be utilized as an indirect measurement of elevated c-di-GMP production in bacteria. Congo red allows the identification of strains producing high c-di-GMP in an inexpensive, quantitative, and high-throughput manner.
['Jones|Christopher J|CJ|', 'Wozniak|Daniel J|DJ|']
[ "D001419:Bacteria", "D018407:Bacterial Physiological Phenomena", "D018441:Biofilms", "D003124:Colorimetry", "D003224:Congo Red", "D006152:Cyclic GMP", "D005109:Extracellular Matrix", "D013194:Staining and Labeling" ]
[ "Congo red", "Biofilm", "Biofilm matrix", "Cyclic diguanylate", "Aggregation", "Differential medium" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "U" ]
NOX2-Induced Activation of Arginase and Diabetes-Induced Retinal Endothelial Cell Senescence.
Increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreases in nitric oxide (NO) have been linked to vascular dysfunction during diabetic retinopathy (DR). Diabetes can reduce NO by increasing ROS and by increasing activity of arginase, which competes with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) for their commons substrate l-arginine. Increased ROS and decreased NO can cause premature endothelial cell (EC) senescence leading to defective vascular repair. We have previously demonstrated the involvement of NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2)-derived ROS, decreased NO and overactive arginase in DR. Here, we investigated their impact on diabetes-induced EC senescence. Studies using diabetic mice and retinal ECs treated with high glucose or H₂O₂ showed that increases in ROS formation, elevated arginase expression and activity, and decreased NO formation led to premature EC senescence. NOX2 blockade or arginase inhibition prevented these effects. EC senescence was also increased by inhibition of NOS activity and this was prevented by treatment with a NO donor. These results indicate that diabetes/high glucose-induced activation of arginase and decreases in NO bioavailability accelerate EC senescence. NOX2-generated ROS contribute importantly to this process. Blockade of NOX2 or arginase represents a strategy to prevent diabetes-induced premature EC senescence by preserving NO bioavailability.
['Rojas|Modesto|M|', 'Lemtalsi|Tahira|T|', 'Toque|Haroldo A|HA|', 'Xu|Zhimin|Z|', 'Fulton|David|D|', 'Caldwell|Robert William|RW|', 'Caldwell|Ruth B|RB|']
[ "endothelial cell", "NO", "NO", "diabetic retinopathy", "NOS", "NOX2/NADPH oxidase 2", "arginase 1", "oxidative stress", "retina", "senescence associated β-galactosidase" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "R", "M", "M", "U", "M" ]
Excellent mid-term osseointegration and implant survival using metaphyseal sleeves in revision total knee arthroplasty.
PURPOSE Metaphyseal fixation in revision total knee arthroplasty (RTKA) is a very promising treatment option for extended bone defects. Currently published mid-term results remain limited. The purpose was to analyse the implant durability, the clinical and the radiological mid-term results in RTKA when using metaphyseal sleeves. METHODS Clinical and radiological follow-up examinations were performed in 92 patients (93 knees) with RTKA using hybrid fixation technique (cementless sleeves and stem). Radiographic measurements regarding osseointegration at the bone-sleeve interface were performed and the range of motion (ROM), a subjective satisfaction score (SSS), the American Knee Society Score (KSS), the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) as well as the SF-36 Health survey were examined. Bone defects were analysed using the Anderson Orthopaedic Research Institute (AORI) classification. RESULTS No knee had to be revised due to aseptic loosening at the time of the follow-up (mean 6.3 years ± 2.3, minimum 2 years). Satisfactory radiographic osseointegration at the sleeve/bone interface was detected in 96.1% of cases. 17 knees (18.2%) had to be re-revised, 15 of them due to a recurrent infection and 2 due to aseptic reasons (mediolateral instability and a periprosthetic fracture). The median of the ROM (96°), SSS (8), KSS (87), WOMAC (9), SF-36 MCS (55) and SF-36 PCS (38) showed very satisfying results. CONCLUSION No case of aseptic loosening was found in this large series of RTKA with extended bone defects using metaphyseal sleeve fixation. In this large retrospective series, it has been shown that this technique is an excellent treatment option for extended bone defects in RTKA surgery. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Retrospective cohort study, level III.
['Klim|Sebastian M|SM|', 'Amerstorfer|Florian|F|', 'Bernhardt|Gerwin A|GA|', 'Sadoghi|Patrick|P|', 'Hauer|Georg|G|', 'Leitner|Lukas|L|', 'Leithner|Andreas|A|', 'Glehr|Mathias|M|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D000369:Aged, 80 and over", "D019645:Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee", "D001842:Bone and Bones", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D007719:Knee Joint", "D007720:Knee Prosthesis", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D016348:Osseointegration", "D011474:Prosthesis Design", "D011859:Radiography", "D012086:Reoperation", "D012189:Retrospective Studies" ]
[ "Osseointegration", "Sleeves", "Revision total knee arthroplasty", "Metaphyseal fixation", "Bone defect" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Inter-individual variation in fronto-temporal connectivity predicts the ability to learn different types of associations.
The uncinate fasciculus connects portions of the anterior and medial temporal lobes to the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, so it has long been thought that this limbic fiber pathway plays an important role in episodic memory. Some types of episodic memory are impaired after damage to the uncinate, while others remain intact. Because of this, the specific role played by the uncinate fasciculus in episodic memory remains undetermined. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the uncinate fasciculus is involved in episodic memory tasks that have high competition between representations at retrieval. To test this hypothesis, healthy young adults performed three tasks: Experiment 1 in which they learned to associate names with faces through feedback provided at the end of each trial; Experiment 2 in which they learned to associate fractals with cued locations through feedback provided at the end of each trial; and Experiment 3 in which unique faces were remembered in a paradigm with low retrieval competition. Diffusion tensor imaging and deterministic tractography methods were used to extract measures of uncinate fasciculus microstructure. Results revealed that microstructural properties of the uncinate, but not a control tract, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, significantly predicted individual differences in performance on the face-name and fractal-location tasks. However, no relationship was observed for simple face memory (Experiment 3). These findings suggest that the uncinate fasciculus may be important for adjudicating between competing memory representations at the time of episodic retrieval.
['Alm|Kylie H|KH|', 'Rolheiser|Tyler|T|', 'Olson|Ingrid R|IR|']
[ "D000293:Adolescent", "D000328:Adult", "D001245:Association Learning", "D038524:Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "D056324:Diffusion Tensor Imaging", "D005260:Female", "D005625:Frontal Lobe", "D006801:Humans", "D007206:Individuality", "D008297:Male", "D061212:Memory, Episodic", "D011939:Mental Recall", "D009434:Neural Pathways", "D013702:Temporal Lobe", "D066127:White Matter", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "Uncinate fasciculus", "Orbitofrontal cortex", "Limbic", "Faces", "Associative memory", "Diffusion imaging", "Proper names", "Temporal pole", "White matter" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R", "R", "M", "M", "U" ]
Eriosema chinense: a rich source of antimicrobial and antioxidant flavonoids.
Six prenylated flavonoids, (2R,3S)-3,5,4'-trihydroxy-6″-6″dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(3″', 3″'-dimethylallyl)flavanone, (2R,3S)-3,5,2'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxy-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(3″',3″'-dimethylallyl)flavanone, (2R,3R)-3,5,2',4'-tetrahydroxy-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(3″',3″'-dimethylallyl)flavanone, 3,5,2',4'-tetrahydroxy-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(3″',3″'-dimethylallyl)flavone, (2R,3R,2″'R)-3,5,2″'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxy-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(3″'-methylbut-3″'-enyl)flavanone, (2R,3R)-3,5-dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,6)-8-(2″',3″'-epoxy-3″'-methyl butyl)flavanone, an isoflavone, 6,7-dimethoxy-5,2',4'-trihydroxyisoflavone, and octaeicosanyl-trans-p-coumarate together with 12 known compounds, were isolated from roots of Eriosema chinense. This structural elucidation was determined by spectroscopic methods. Several isolates and derivatives were evaluated for their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Results obtained provide additional evidence showing that the presence of both the free phenolic OH and the lipophilic prenyl groups are crucial for potent antimicrobial activity against yeast, gram positive and gram negative bacteria, whereas the presence of free phenolic OH group is required for strong radical scavenging property.
['Thongnest|Sanit|S|', 'Lhinhatrakool|Thitima|T|', 'Wetprasit|Nuanchawee|N|', 'Sutthivaiyakit|Pakawadee|P|', 'Sutthivaiyakit|Somyote|S|']
[ "D000890:Anti-Infective Agents", "D000975:Antioxidants", "D001713:Biphenyl Compounds", "D002176:Candida albicans", "D004895:Erythrina", "D007887:Fabaceae", "D005419:Flavonoids", "D008826:Microbial Sensitivity Tests", "D015394:Molecular Structure", "D010851:Picrates", "D018517:Plant Roots", "D013237:Stereoisomerism", "D013785:Thailand" ]
[ "Flavonoids", "Antioxidant activity", "Antimicrobial activity", "Eriosema chinense Vogel", "Leguminosae-Papilionoidaeae" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "U" ]
Demonstration of spread-on peel-off consumer products for sampling surfaces contaminated with pesticides and chemical warfare agent signatures.
A terrorist attack using toxic chemicals is an international concern. The utility of rubber cement and latex body paint as spray-on/spread-on peel-off collection media for signatures attributable to pesticides and chemical warfare agents from interior building and public transportation surfaces two weeks post-deposition is demonstrated. The efficacy of these media to sample escalator handrail, stainless steel, vinyl upholstery fabric, and wood flooring is demonstrated for two pesticides and eight chemicals related to chemical warfare agents. The chemicals tested are nicotine, parathion, atropine, diisopropyl methylphosphonate, dimethyl methylphosphonate, dipinacolyl methylphosphonate, ethyl methylphosphonic acid, isopropyl methylphosphonic acid, methylphosphonic acid, and thiodiglycol. Amounts of each chemical found are generally greatest when latex body paint is used. Analytes with low volatility and containing an alkaline nitrogen or a sulfur atom (e.g., nicotine and parathion) usually are recovered to a greater extent than the neutral phosphonate diesters and acidic phosphonic acids (e.g., dimethyl methylphosphonate and ethyl methylphosphonic acid).
['Behringer|Deborah L|DL|', 'Smith|Deborah L|DL|', 'Katona|Vanessa R|VR|', 'Lewis|Alan T|AT|', 'Hernon-Kenny|Laura A|LA|', 'Crenshaw|Michael D|MD|']
[ "D002619:Chemical Warfare Agents", "D003252:Construction Materials", "D004866:Equipment Contamination", "D006801:Humans", "D007840:Latex", "D010575:Pesticides", "D012408:Rubber", "D013048:Specimen Handling", "D013499:Surface Properties" ]
[ "Pesticides", "Chemical warfare agents", "Rubber cement", "Latex body paint", "Building materials", "Surface sampling" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "R" ]
Put your money where your mouth is.
Suspicion for battery ingestion should be maintained for any round radiopaque foreign body. Presence of the classic "double ring" sign on plain film should prompt emergent operative removal, although it is not pathognomonic.
['Qualliotine|Jesse R|JR|', 'Friesen|Tzyynong L|TL|']
[ "ingestion", "foreign body", "button battery", "pediatric emergency medicine" ]
[ "P", "P", "M", "M" ]
Delayed Diagnosis of Tandem Spinal Stenosis: A Retrospective Institutional Review.
Background Tandem spinal stenosis (TSS) is defined as simultaneous spinal stenosis in the cervical, thoracic, and/or lumbar regions and may present with both upper and lower motor neuron symptoms, neurogenic claudication, and gait disturbance. Current literature has focused mainly on the prevalence of TSS and treatment methods, while the incidence of delayed TSS diagnosis is not well defined. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of delayed TSS diagnosis at our institution and describe the clinical characteristics commonly observed in their particular presentation. Methods Following institutional review board approval, an institutional billing database review was performed for patients who underwent a spinal decompression procedure between 2006 and 2016. Thirty-three patients who underwent decompression on 2 separate spinal regions within 1 year were included for review. Patients with delayed diagnosis of TSS following the first surgery were differentiated from those with preoperative diagnosis of TSS. Results TSS requiring surgical decompression occurred in 33 patients, with the incidence being 2.06% in this cohort. Fifteen patients received a delayed diagnosis after the first surgical decompression (45%) and were found to have a longer interval between decompressions (7.6 ± 2.1 months versus 4.01 ± 3 months, P = .0004). Patients undergoing lumbar decompression as the initial procedure were more likely to have a delayed diagnosis of TSS (8 versus 2 patients, P = .0200). The most common presentation of delayed TSS was pain and myelopathic symptoms that persisted after decompressive surgery. Conclusion TSS should remain within the differential diagnosis for patients at initial presentation of spinal stenosis. In addition, suspicion of TSS should be heightened if preoperative symptoms fail to expectedly improve following decompression even if overt myelopathic signs are not present. Level of Evidence 4.
['Bhandutia|Amit|A|', 'Brown|Luke|L|', 'Nash|Alysa|A|', 'Bussey|Ian|I|', 'Shasti|Mark|M|', 'Koh|Eugene|E|', 'Banagan|Kelley|K|', 'Ludwig|Steven|S|', 'Gelb|Daniel|D|']
[ "delayed diagnosis", "tandem spinal stenosis", "spinal stenosis", "lumbar decompression", "cervical decompression", "myelopathy", "spine surgery" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R", "U", "M" ]
Usefulness of a systematic screening of carotid atherosclerosis in asymptomatic people with type 2 diabetes for cardiovascular risk reclassification.
AIMS Routine screening of carotid atherosclerosis lesions is frequently suggested for people with type 2 diabetes, the presence of a carotid lesion being associated with a significant increase risk for vascular events. However, the impact of this strategy on medical management is not validated. We herein question the usefulness of such screening. METHODS We assessed the prevalence and severity of carotid lesions in 337 consecutive people with type 2 diabetes without known cardiovascular disease who underwent a systematic carotid duplex ultrasonography. We analyzed whether the results of duplex ultrasonography allowed reclassification of cardiovascular risk level relative to the most recent international recommendations on diabetes and modified therapy. RESULTS We found that 35.9% of people had no atherosclerotic lesion. Prevalence of carotid stenosis<20%, between 20 and 50% and ≥50% were 32.9%, 28.4% and 2.7% respectively. Regarding the use of statins and LDL-C target, the result of carotid duplex ultrasonography allowed to reclassify respectively 11.8% to 55.2% of the cohort in a higher cardiovascular risk level. For the indication of antiplatelet agent, reclassification in a higher risk level concerned 6.8% of the patients. No subject had an indication of carotid revascularization. CONCLUSIONS Carotid atherosclerosis is frequent in asymptomatic people with type 2 diabetes in primary cardiovascular prevention. Screening for carotid atherosclerosis by duplex ultrasonography seems useful to redefine the level of cardiovascular risk.
['Helfre|Marjorie|M|', 'Grange|Claire|C|', 'Riche|Benjamin|B|', 'Maucort-Boulch|Delphine|D|', 'Thivolet|Charles|C|', 'Vouillarmet|Julien|J|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D058070:Asymptomatic Diseases", "D002318:Cardiovascular Diseases", "D002340:Carotid Artery Diseases", "D003924:Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", "D003925:Diabetic Angiopathies", "D042241:Early Diagnosis", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008403:Mass Screening", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D011237:Predictive Value of Tests", "D015995:Prevalence", "D012307:Risk Factors", "D018616:Ultrasonography, Doppler, Duplex" ]
[ "Carotid atherosclerosis", "Carotid duplex ultrasonography", "Cardiovascular prevention", "Athérome carotidien", "Diabète de type 2", "Prévention cardiovasculaire", "Type 2 diabetes", "Écho-doppler" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "U", "M", "U", "R", "U" ]
Use of sirolimus in pediatric heart transplant patients: A multi-institutional study from the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study Group.
BACKGROUND Proliferation signal inhibitors, such as sirolimus, are increasingly used in solid-organ transplantation. However, limited data exist on sirolimus-treated pediatric patients. We aimed to describe sirolimus use in pediatric heart transplant patients and test the hypothesis that sirolimus use is associated with improved outcomes. METHODS A retrospective review and propensity-matched analysis of the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study database was performed on patients undergoing primary heart transplantation from 2004 to 2013 with at least 1 year of follow-up comparing patients treated vs not treated with sirolimus at 1 year after transplant. The primary outcome of interest was patient survival, with secondary outcomes including cardiac allograft vasculopathy, rejection, malignancy, and renal insufficiency. RESULTS Between 2004 and 2013, 2,531 patients underwent transplantation. At least 1 year of follow-up was available for 2,080 patients, of whom 144 (7%) were on sirolimus at 1 year post-transplant. Sirolimus-treated and non-treated patients had similar survival in the overall cohorts and in the propensity-matched analysis. The secondary outcomes measures were also similar, including a composite end point of all outcome measures. There was a trend toward increased time to cardiac allograft vasculopathy (p = 0.09) and decreased time to infection (p = 0.05) among sirolimus-treated patients in the overall cohort (p = 0.19) but not in the propensity-matched cohort (p = 0.17). CONCLUSIONS Sirolimus was used in less than 10% of patients at 1 year post-transplant. Overall outcomes of sirolimus treated and non-treated patients were similar with respect to survival and major transplant adverse events. Further study of sirolimus in pediatric heart transplant patients is needed.
['Rossano|Joseph W|JW|', 'Jefferies|John L|JL|', 'Pahl|Elfriede|E|', 'Naftel|David C|DC|', 'Pruitt|Elizabeth|E|', 'Lupton|Kathy|K|', 'Dreyer|William J|WJ|', 'Chinnock|Richard|R|', 'Boyle|Gerard|G|', 'Mahle|William T|WT|', '|||']
[ "D000293:Adolescent", "D000367:Age Factors", "D002648:Child", "D002675:Child, Preschool", "D005260:Female", "D006333:Heart Failure", "D016027:Heart Transplantation", "D006760:Hospitalization", "D006801:Humans", "D007166:Immunosuppressive Agents", "D007223:Infant", "D008297:Male", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D020123:Sirolimus", "D015996:Survival Rate", "D016896:Treatment Outcome" ]
[ "sirolimus", "pediatrics", "transplantation", "cardiac allograft vasculopathy", "calcineurin inhibitor", "drugs" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "U" ]
Impaired lipid metabolism by age-dependent DNA methylation alterations accelerates aging.
Epigenetic alterations and metabolic dysfunction are two hallmarks of aging. However, the mechanism of how their interaction regulates aging, particularly in mammals, remains largely unknown. Here we show ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2 (Elovl2), a gene whose epigenetic alterations are most highly correlated with age prediction, contributes to aging by regulating lipid metabolism. Impaired Elovl2 function disturbs lipid synthesis with increased endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to key accelerated aging phenotypes. Restoration of mitochondrial activity can rescue age-related macular degeneration (AMD) phenotypes induced by Elovl2 deficiency in human retinal pigmental epithelial (RPE) cells. We revealed an epigenetic-metabolism axis contributing to aging and potentially to antiaging therapy.
['Li|Xin|X|', 'Wang|Jiaqiang|J|', 'Wang|Leyun|L|', 'Feng|Guihai|G|', 'Li|Gen|G|', 'Yu|Meixin|M|', 'Li|Yufei|Y|', 'Liu|Chao|C|', 'Yuan|Xuewei|X|', 'Zang|Guangxi|G|', 'Li|Zhihuan|Z|', 'Zhao|Ling|L|', 'Ouyang|Hong|H|', 'Quan|Qingli|Q|', 'Wang|Guangyu|G|', 'Zhang|Charlotte|C|', 'Li|Oulan|O|', 'Xiang|Junkai|J|', 'Zhu|Jian-Kang|JK|0000-0001-5134-731X', 'Li|Wei|W|', 'Zhou|Qi|Q|', 'Zhang|Kang|K|']
[ "lipid metabolism", "aging", "epigenetic alteration", "mitochondrial dysfunction", "ER stress" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Synthesis of boronate-decorated polyethyleneimine-grafted porous layer open tubular capillaries for enrichment of polyphenols in fruit juices.
A combination between modification with porous layer and grafting of polyethyleneimine (PEI) on the inner face of capillary was for the first time developed for boronate affinity in-tube solid-phase microextraction (SPME) material to enhance the extraction capacity for cis-diol-containing polyphenols. The successful synthesis of boronate-decorated polyethyleneimine-grafted porous layer open tubular (BPPLOT) capillary was confirmed by scanning electron micrograph, Fourier transform-infrared spectra and absorption experiments. The porous layer, PEI and boronate affinity provided high specific surface area, more binding sites for boronate groups and specific selectivity of BPPLOT capillary, respectively. The maximum binding quantity of BPPLOT capillary greatly improved, and ranged from 143 to 170 μg m-1 for cis-diol-containing polyphenols (catechin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and epicatechin). A green method based on boronate affinity in-tube SPME was developed for separation and enrichment polyphenols, and some parameters of in-tube SPME were optimized. After in-tube SPME, HPLC with UV detection was used for quantitative determination of polyphenols. Recoveries of standard spiked cis-diol-containing polyphenols from fruit juice were between 80.9% and 102%, with intra-day and inter-day coefficient of variation ranging from 4.8% to 7.3% and 5.0% to 8.6%, respectively. Conversely, recovery of non-cis-diol-containing ferulic acid was no greater than 3.0%. These results suggested that the BPPLOT capillary could effectively separate and enrich cis-diol-containing polyphenols from real samples.
['Ying|Ling-Ling|LL|', 'Wang|De-Yin|DY|', 'Yang|Hui-Ping|HP|', 'Deng|Xi-Yan|XY|', 'Peng|Chao|C|', 'Zheng|Chao|C|', 'Xu|Bei|B|', 'Dong|Lin-Yi|LY|', 'Wang|Xu|X|', 'Xu|Liang|L|', 'Zhang|Yan-Wen|YW|', 'Wang|Xian-Hua|XH|']
[ "D000438:Alcohols", "D001897:Boronic Acids", "D002851:Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid", "D000067030:Fruit and Vegetable Juices", "D006863:Hydrogen-Ion Concentration", "D007700:Kinetics", "D011094:Polyethyleneimine", "D059808:Polyphenols", "D016062:Porosity", "D052617:Solid Phase Microextraction", "D017550:Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared", "D013662:Tea", "D013696:Temperature" ]
[ "Porous layer", "Polyphenols", "Boronate affinity", "In-tube solid phase microextraction" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Evaluating the efficacy of a multistrain probiotic supplementation for prevention of neonatal sepsis in 0-2-month-old low birth weight infants in India-the "ProSPoNS" Study protocol for a phase III, multicentric, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
BACKGROUND Progress has been made in the reduction of under-five mortality in India; however, neonatal mortality is reducing at a slower rate. Efforts are required to bring down neonatal mortality in order to attain the Sustainable Development Goal-3. Prevention of sepsis among the high-risk, vulnerable low birth weight neonates by a newer intervention with probiotic supplementation is promising. METHODS A phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study is being conducted at six sites in India. A total of 6144 healthy low birth weight (LBW) infants fulfilling the eligibility criteria would be enrolled within the first week of life, after obtaining written informed consent from the parents of the infant. Randomization in 1:1 ratio, stratified by site, sex, and birth weight, would be done through an interactive web response system (IWRS) using a standard web browser and email service. Vivomixx®, a probiotic containing a mix of 8 strains of bacteria, in a suspension form standardized to deliver 10 billion CFU/ml, or an organoleptically similar placebo would be fed to enrolled infants in a 1-ml/day dose for 30 days. The follow-up of enrolled infants for 60 days would take place as per a pre-specified schedule for recording morbidities and outcome assessments at the six participating sites. Screening for morbidities would be conducted by trained field workers in the community, and sick infants would be referred to designated clinics/hospitals. A physician would examine the referred infants presenting with complaints and clinical signs, and blood samples would be collected from sick infants for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis by performing sepsis screen and blood culture. Appropriate treatment would be provided as per hospital protocol. The study would be implemented as per the MRC guideline for the management of Global Health Trials in accordance with ICH-GCP and Indian Regulatory guidelines. A contract research organization would be engaged for comprehensive monitoring and quality assurance. The final analysis would be conducted in a blinded manner as per the statistical analysis plan (SAP) to estimate the primary outcomes of sepsis, possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI), and secondary outcomes. The codes will be broken after DMC permission. The protocol has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (REC-LSTM), from Research Ethics Committees of the six subject recruitment participating sites. DISCUSSION This adequately powered and well-designed trial would conclusively answer the question whether probiotics can prevent neonatal sepsis in the high-risk group of low birth weight infants as indicated by a pilot study in 1340 LBW infants, evidence from systematic reviews of hospital-based studies, and a primary study on healthy newborns in Orissa. Results of the study would be generalizable to India and other low-middle-income countries. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI) CTRI/2019/05/019197 . Registered on 16 May 2019.
['Sinha|Anju Pradhan|AP|', 'Gupta|Subodh S|SS|', 'Poluru|Ramesh|R|', 'Raut|Abhishek V|AV|', 'Arora|Narendra Kumar|NK|', 'Pandey|Ravindra Mohan|RM|', 'Sahu|Aditya Ranjan|AR|', 'Bethou|Adhisivam|A|', 'Sazawal|Sunil|S|', 'Parida|Sailajanandan|S|', 'Bavdekar|Ashish|A|', 'Saili|Arvind|A|', 'Gaind|Rajni|R|', 'Kapil|Arti|A|', 'Garg|Bishan S|BS|', 'Maliye|Chetna|C|', 'Jain|Manish|M|', 'Mahajan|Kamlesh S|KS|', 'Dhingra|Pratibha|P|', 'Pradhan|Keshab C|KC|', 'Kawade|Anand S|AS|', 'Nangia|Sushma|S|', 'Mukherjee|Ajit|A|', 'Rasaily|Reeta|R|', 'Sharma|Radhey Shyam|RS|', '|||']
[ "D004311:Double-Blind Method", "D006801:Humans", "D007194:India", "D007223:Infant", "D007230:Infant, Low Birth Weight", "D007231:Infant, Newborn", "D015337:Multicenter Studies as Topic", "D000071074:Neonatal Sepsis", "D010865:Pilot Projects", "D019936:Probiotics", "D016032:Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic" ]
[ "Probiotics", "Neonatal sepsis", "Low birth weight", "Study protocol", "India", "Vivomixx®", "Randomized controlled trial" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Outcomes after resumption of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy after high-grade immune-mediated hepatitis.
BACKGROUND In the current study, the authors assessed the risks and outcomes of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) rechallenge in patients with resolved grade 3 to 4 ICI hepatitis because current guidelines recommend permanent ICI discontinuation in these patients. METHODS The authors performed a retrospective cohort study from 2010 through 2019 of patients with melanoma who were treated with ≥1 ICIs and who recovered from grade 3 to 4 ICI hepatitis. The primary outcome was hepatitis recurrence and the secondary outcome was the development of any immune-related adverse event (irAE) requiring the discontinuation of ICI rechallenge. Best overall response and time to all-cause death were compared between the patients who did and those who did not undergo ICI rechallenge. Grading was performed using the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 5.0). RESULTS Of the 102 patients with melanoma who developed high-grade ICI hepatitis, 31 underwent ICI rechallenge. Although 15 of 31 patients (48%) developed an irAE of any grade, only 6 patients (19%) required ICI discontinuation due to irAE severity (4 of 29 patients [14%] rechallenged with anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 and 2 of 2 patients [100%] rechallenged with ipilimumab). Recurrent hepatitis accounted for 4 of these 6 cases. Rechallenged patients who did not require ICI discontinuation were found to be significantly less likely to receive ipilimumab rather than anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 monotherapy (0% vs 33%; relative risk (RR), 0.1 [95% CI, 0.1-0.3; P = .032]) and significantly less likely to be rechallenged with their original ICI (8% vs 50%; RR, 0.2 [95% CI, 0.1-0.7; P = .038]). There was no difference noted with regard to best overall response or time to death between rechallenged and non-rechallenged patients. CONCLUSIONS ICI therapy can be resumed in patients with melanoma who have recovered from grade 3 to 4 ICI hepatitis with a modest risk of serious irAEs. It remains unclear whether ICI retreatment improves clinical outcomes.
['Li|Michael|M|0000-0003-0836-811X', 'Sack|Jordan S|JS|', 'Rahma|Osama E|OE|', 'Hodi|F Stephen|FS|', 'Zucker|Stephen D|SD|', 'Grover|Shilpa|S|0000-0001-6268-6843']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D000971:Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols", "D056486:Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury", "D005260:Female", "D006505:Hepatitis", "D006801:Humans", "D000082082:Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors", "D008297:Male", "D008545:Melanoma", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D016896:Treatment Outcome" ]
[ "immune checkpoint inhibitor", "hepatitis", "melanoma", "immunotherapy" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
An Adaptive Median Filter Based on Sampling Rate for R-Peak Detection and Major-Arrhythmia Analysis.
With the advancement of the Internet of Medical Things technology, many vital sign-sensing devices are being developed. Among the diverse healthcare devices, portable electrocardiogram (ECG) measuring devices are being developed most actively with the recent development of sensor technology. These ECG measuring devices use different sampling rates according to the hardware conditions, which is the first variable to consider in the development of ECG analysis technology. Herein, we propose an R-point detection method using an adaptive median filter based on the sampling rate and analyze major arrhythmias using the signal characteristics. First, the sliding window and median filter size are determined according to the set sampling rate, and a wider median filter is applied to the QRS section with high variance within the sliding window. Then, the R point is detected by subtracting the filtered signal from the original signal. Methods for detecting major arrhythmias using the detected R point are proposed. Different types of ECG signals were used for a simulation, including ECG signals from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and MIT-BIH atrial fibrillation database, signals generated by a simulator, and actual measured signals with different sampling rates. The experimental results indicated the effectiveness of the proposed R-point detection method and arrhythmia analysis technique.
['Bae|Tae Wuk|TW|0000-0001-5546-9111', 'Lee|Sang Hag|SH|', 'Kwon|Kee Koo|KK|0000-0002-2417-1256']
[ "D000465:Algorithms", "D001145:Arrhythmias, Cardiac", "D003198:Computer Simulation", "D016208:Databases, Factual", "D004562:Electrocardiography", "D006801:Humans", "D012815:Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted" ]
[ "adaptive median", "sampling rate", "arrhythmia", "R peak", "heartrate variability" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "M" ]
HER2 status and disparities in luminal breast cancers.
National Comprehensive Care Network guidelines for adjuvant treatment of invasive breast cancer are based on HER2 and hormone receptor (HR) status, where HR+ disease encompasses all estrogen receptor (ER)+ and/or progesterone receptor (PR)+ tumors. We sought to explore clinical and demographic differences among patients with HR+ breast cancer subtypes, and the role of HER2 status, age, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES) in disease risk. We evaluated breast cancer subtype distribution, defined by HR and HER2 status, using patient clinical, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics. Differences in HR categories by demographic and tumor characteristics were examined using chi-squared tests. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) to quantify associations between breast cancer HR status and demographic factors. We found that differences in HR+ (ER-/PR+ vs. ER+/PR- or ER+/PR+) tumor biology are likely clinically significant and may play a role in breast cancer, regardless of HER2 status. While clinical and patient characteristics differed within each luminal subtype, we found disparities in SES only among Luminal A (HR+/HER2-) tumors. Among HR+/HER2- cases, we observed that ER-/PR+ patients tend to live in areas of higher poverty (OR = 1.20, 95% CI = 1.03-1.40) and are 70% more likely to be aged 50 years or older. However, this pattern was not found in women with Luminal B (HR+/HER2+) disease (Poverty OR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.76-1.27; Age OR = 1.01, 95% CI = 0.81-1.26). Racial/ethnic disparities among non-Hispanic black and Hispanic women persisted across HR+/HER2- cases compared to non-Hispanic white women. Our findings suggest that while race/ethnicity and SES are correlated, each plays an independent role in contributing to disease among Luminal A tumors. Further study is needed to investigate how tumor biology, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic disparities among HR+/HER2- cases may contribute to poorer patient prognosis.
['Holowatyj|Andreana N|AN|0000-0001-8001-8793', 'Ruterbusch|Julie J|JJ|', 'Ratnam|Manohar|M|', 'Gorski|David H|DH|', 'Cote|Michele L|ML|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D000369:Aged, 80 and over", "D014408:Biomarkers, Tumor", "D001943:Breast Neoplasms", "D005260:Female", "D054624:Health Status Disparities", "D054625:Healthcare Disparities", "D006801:Humans", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D009367:Neoplasm Staging", "D016017:Odds Ratio", "D018719:Receptor, ErbB-2", "D018426:SEER Program", "D012959:Socioeconomic Factors", "D047368:Tumor Burden", "D014481:United States" ]
[ "HER2", "disparities", "luminal", "Breast cancer", "hormone receptor", "SEER" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Complete genome sequence of Thauera aminoaromatica strain MZ1T.
Thauera aminoaromatica strain MZ1T, an isolate belonging to genus Thauera, of the family Rhodocyclaceae and the class the Betaproteobacteria, has been characterized for its ability to produce abundant exopolysaccharide and degrade various aromatic compounds with nitrate as an electron acceptor. These properties, if fully understood at the genome-sequence level, can aid in environmental processing of organic matter in anaerobic cycles by short-circuiting a central anaerobic metabolite, acetate, from microbiological conversion to methane, a critical greenhouse gas. Strain MZ1T is the first strain from the genus Thauera with a completely sequenced genome. The 4,496,212 bp chromosome and 78,374 bp plasmid contain 4,071 protein-coding and 71 RNA genes, and were sequenced as part of the DOE Community Sequencing Program CSP_776774.
['Jiang|Ke|K|', 'Sanseverino|John|J|', 'Chauhan|Archana|A|', 'Lucas|Susan|S|', 'Copeland|Alex|A|', 'Lapidus|Alla|A|', 'Del Rio|Tijana Glavina|TG|', 'Dalin|Eileen|E|', 'Tice|Hope|H|', 'Bruce|David|D|', 'Goodwin|Lynne|L|', 'Pitluck|Sam|S|', 'Sims|David|D|', 'Brettin|Thomas|T|', 'Detter|John C|JC|', 'Han|Cliff|C|', 'Chang|Y J|YJ|', 'Larimer|Frank|F|', 'Land|Miriam|M|', 'Hauser|Loren|L|', 'Kyrpides|Nikos C|NC|', 'Mikhailova|Natalia|N|', 'Moser|Scott|S|', 'Jegier|Patricia|P|', 'Close|Dan|D|', 'Debruyn|Jennifer M|JM|', 'Wang|Ying|Y|', 'Layton|Alice C|AC|', 'Allen|Michael S|MS|', 'Sayler|Gary S|GS|']
[ "genome", "Thauera aminoaromatica", "MZ1T" ]
[ "P", "P", "P" ]
An automatic diagnostic network using skew-robust adversarial discriminative domain adaptation to evaluate the severity of depression.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Deep learning provides an automatic and robust solution to depression severity evaluation. However, despite it is powerful, there is a trade-off between robust performance and the cost of manual annotation. METHODS Motivated by knowledge evolution and domain adaptation, we propose a deep evaluation network using skew-robust adversarial discriminative domain adaptation (SRADDA), which adaptively shifts its domain from a large-scale Twitter dataset to a small-scale depression interview dataset for evaluating the severity of depression. RESULTS Without top-down selection, SRADDA-based severity evaluation network achieves regression errors of 6.38 (Root Mean Square Error,RMSE) and 4.93 (Mean Absolute Error,MAE), which outperforms baselines provided by the Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop(AVEC 2017). However, with top-down selection, the network achieves comparable results (RMSE = 5.13, MAE = 4.08). CONCLUSIONS Results show that SRADDA not only represents features robustly, but also performs comparably to state-of-the-art results on small-scale dataset, DAIC-WOZ.
['Sun|Bo|B|', 'Zhang|Yinghui|Y|', 'He|Jun|J|', 'Xiao|Yongkang|Y|', 'Xiao|Rong|R|']
[ "D000465:Algorithms", "D001921:Brain", "D003365:Costs and Cost Analysis", "D016208:Databases, Factual", "D000077321:Deep Learning", "D003863:Depression", "D003936:Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted", "D016002:Discriminant Analysis", "D006801:Humans", "D008490:Medical Informatics", "D010363:Pattern Recognition, Automated", "D015203:Reproducibility of Results", "D012720:Severity of Illness Index", "D061108:Social Media" ]
[ "Skew-robustness", "Domain adaptation", "Deep learning", "Knowledge evolution", "Adversarial learning" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
A novel passive dosing system for determining the toxicity of phenanthrene to early life stages of zebrafish.
Reliable experimental early life stage chronic toxicity data for fish are limited and further data are needed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons to establish environmental quality objectives and compare with toxicity model predictions. Efforts are underway to develop a zebrafish embryo toxicity test guideline to reduce, refine and replace the use of vertebrates in animal testing. An adaptation of this method which includes embryo lethal and sub-lethal developmental endpoints after a 5-day exposure as well as larval survival and growth endpoints during a subsequent 25-day test period is described using phenanthrene as a model test substance. To deliver well controlled exposure concentrations, a passive dosing system consisting of silicone coated vials and silicone O-rings was employed. Acute results indicated that edema and spinal curvature were the most sensitive sub-lethal effects observed and in many cases preceded observed mortality. The 30-day LC/EC10 for larval survival and growth was 40 and 67 μg/L respectively. Concentrations shown to cause adverse effects in this study are in the range of previous studies that have investigated the chronic effects of phenanthrene on fish. Further, results indicate that predicted water quality objectives for phenanthrene derived using the target lipid model are protective of early life stage effects on zebrafish. Based on these results the predicted water quality objectives for phenanthrene derived using the target lipid model (10 μg/L) would be protective of early life stage effects on zebrafish.
['Butler|Josh D|JD|', 'Parkerton|Thomas F|TF|', 'Letinski|Daniel J|DJ|', 'Bragin|Gail E|GE|', 'Lampi|Mark A|MA|', 'Cooper|Keith R|KR|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D004305:Dose-Response Relationship, Drug", "D010616:Phenanthrenes", "D018675:Toxicity Tests", "D014867:Water", "D014874:Water Pollutants, Chemical", "D015027:Zebrafish" ]
[ "Passive dosing", "Early life stage", "Zebrafish", "Hydrocarbon", "Aquatic toxicity" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Adenosine deaminase regulates Treg expression in autologous T cell-dendritic cell cocultures from patients infected with HIV-1.
Regulatory T cells have an important role in immune suppression during HIV-1 infection. As regulatory T cells produce the immunomodulatory molecule adenosine, our aim here was to assess the potential of adenosine removal to revert the suppression of anti-HIV responses exerted by regulatory T cells. The experimental setup consisted of ex vivo cocultures of T and dendritic cells, to which adenosine deaminase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes adenosine, was added. In cells from healthy individuals, adenosine hydrolysis decreased CD4(+)CD25(hi) regulatory T cells. Addition of 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine, an adenosine receptor agonist, significantly decreased CD4(+)CD25(lo) cells, confirming a modulatory role of adenosine acting via adenosine receptors. In autologous cocultures of T cells with HIV-1-pulsed dendritic cells, addition of adenosine deaminase led to a significant decrease of HIV-1-induced CD4(+)CD25(hi) forkhead box p3(+) cells and to a significant enhancement of the HIV-1-specific CD4(+) responder T cells. An increase in the effector response was confirmed by the enhanced production of CD4(+) and CD8(+) CD25(-)CD45RO(+) memory cell generation and secretion of Th1 cytokines, including IFN-γ and IL-15 and chemokines MIP-1α/CCL3, MIP-1β/CCL4, and RANTES/CCL5. These ex vivo results show, in a physiologically relevant model, that adenosine deaminase is able to enhance HIV-1 effector responses markedly. The possibility to revert regulatory T cell-mediated inhibition of immune responses by use of adenosine deaminase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes adenosine, merits attention for restoring T lymphocyte function in HIV-1 infection.
['Naval-Macabuhay|Isaac|I|', 'Casanova|Víctor|V|', 'Navarro|Gemma|G|', 'García|Felipe|F|', 'León|Agathe|A|', 'Miralles|Laia|L|', 'Rovira|Cristina|C|', 'Martinez-Navio|José M|JM|', 'Gallart|Teresa|T|', 'Mallol|Josefa|J|', 'Gatell|José M|JM|', 'Lluís|Carme|C|', 'Franco|Rafael|R|', 'McCormick|Peter J|PJ|', 'Climent|Núria|N|']
[ "D000241:Adenosine", "D000243:Adenosine Deaminase", "D019830:Adenosine-5'-(N-ethylcarboxamide)", "D015703:Antigens, CD", "D000945:Antigens, Differentiation, T-Lymphocyte", "D018414:CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes", "D018925:Chemokines", "D018920:Coculture Techniques", "D003713:Dendritic Cells", "D005260:Female", "D051858:Forkhead Transcription Factors", "D015658:HIV Infections", "D015497:HIV-1", "D006801:Humans", "D007156:Immunologic Memory", "D008213:Lymphocyte Activation", "D008222:Lymphokines", "D008297:Male", "D058906:Purinergic P1 Receptor Agonists", "D016176:T-Lymphocyte Subsets", "D050378:T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory", "D018417:Th1 Cells" ]
[ "memory cells", "chemokine", "RANTES", "AIDS", "vaccine" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "U", "U" ]
Acute Retropharyngeal Calcific Tendonitis as a Rare Cause of Odynophagia and Neck Pain.
Retropharyngeal calcific tendonitis (RCT) is an aseptic inflammatory process of the superior oblique tendons of the longus colli muscle caused by the deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite crystals. We reported a 23-year-old woman who presented with a sudden onset of neck pain with odynophagia after waking up from sleep. Physical examination showed paracervical point tenderness with limited neck movement in all directions. Prior to surgery, further imaging was requested to aid in diagnosis, which in turn revealed RCT. It is important to be aware that RCT presentation may mimic other severe conditions such as retropharyngeal space abscess or meningitis.
['Singh|Prempreet Kaur Manjit|PKM|', 'Noor|Muhammad Irsyad Mohamed|MIM|', 'Jaafar|Rohaizam|R|', 'Ahmad|Amali|A|', 'Mohamad|Irfan|I|']
[ "Retropharyngeal calcific tendonitis", "calcium hydroxyapatite crystal", "longus colli tendon", "trismus" ]
[ "P", "P", "R", "U" ]
Recent treatment progress of triple negative breast cancer.
Breast cancer (BC) is a serious worldwide disease that threatens women's health. Particularly, the morbidity of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is higher than that of other BC types due to its high molecular heterogeneity, metastatic potential and poor prognosis. TNBC lacks of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), so there are still no effective treatment methods for TNBC. Here, we reviewed the classification of TNBC, its molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis, treatment methods and prognosis. Finding effective targets is critical for the treatment of TNBC. Also, refining the classification of TNBC is benefited to choose the treatment of TNBC, because the sensitivity of chemotherapy is different in different TNBC. Some new treatment methods have been proposed in recent years, such as nutritional therapy and noncoding RNA treatment methods. There are some disadvantages, such as the side effect on normal cells after nutrient deprivation, low specificity and instability of noncoding RNA. More studies are necessary to improve the treatment of TNBC.
['Chang-Qing|Yang|Y|', 'Jie|Liu|L|', 'Shi-Qi|Zhao|Z|', 'Kun|Zhu|Z|', 'Zi-Qian|Gong|G|', 'Ran|Xu|X|', 'Hui-Meng|Lu|L|', 'Ren-Bin|Zhou|Z|', 'Gang|Zhao|Z|', 'Da-Chuan|Yin|Y|', 'Chen-Yan|Zhang|Z|']
[ "D006801:Humans", "D009362:Neoplasm Metastasis", "D011379:Prognosis", "D015398:Signal Transduction", "D064726:Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms" ]
[ "Triple negative breast cancer", "Treatment methods", "Molecular mechanisms", "Metastasis", "Recurrence" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "U", "U" ]
Evaluation of hand hygiene and onset of hand eczema after the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Munich.
BACKGROUND Since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, authorities have preached the importance of personal hygiene, including hand washing and disinfection. OBJECTIVE To evaluate changes in the frequency of hand washing and hand care, the onset of hand eczema (HE) and risk factors associated with HE since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Munich in January 2020. MATERIALS & METHODS All dermatologic outpatients at the university hospital between April 6 and April 19 were asked to complete a structured questionnaire. RESULTS Data of 512 patients with a median age of 49 years (243 females, 267 males) were analysed. The frequency of hand washing and hand disinfection increased after the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 (p < 0.001, respectively). While symptoms associated with HE were reported by 29.9% (149/499) of patients, the actual diagnosis of HE was reported less frequently by 11.2% (53/473) with a median duration of 120 days. Frequent hand disinfection (p = 0.039), atopic dermatitis (p = 0.006) and young age (p = 0.0499) were identified as risk factors for symptoms of HE. Hand care was performed more frequently during the pandemic than before (p < 0.001). A high frequency of hand care during the pandemic was not significantly associated with symptoms of HE (p = 0.172), but was associated with self-recognition of HE symptoms (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION After the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, the frequency of hand hygiene measures increased. A considerably high prevalence of HE symptoms was associated with frequent hand disinfection, atopic dermatitis and young age. Awareness of HE should be raised in order for preventive measures to be taken earlier.
['Kendziora|Benjamin|B|', 'Guertler|Anne|A|', 'Ständer|Luka|L|', 'Frey|Surina|S|', 'French|Lars E|LE|', 'Wollenberg|Andreas|A|', 'Reinholz|Markus|M|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000086382:COVID-19", "D003430:Cross-Sectional Studies", "D004196:Disease Outbreaks", "D004485:Eczema", "D005260:Female", "D005858:Germany", "D006229:Hand Dermatoses", "D006235:Hand Disinfection", "D063373:Hand Hygiene", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D012307:Risk Factors" ]
[ "hand hygiene", "hand eczema", "SARS-CoV-2", "preventive measures", "COVID-19", "irritant contact dermatitis" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "M" ]
A sequential trial effect based on the motor interference effect from dangerous objects: An ERP study.
INTRODUCTION This study aims to investigate whether processing a prepared response toward a dangerous object in a previous trial influences subsequent trial processing. METHODS The design manipulated the Go/NoGo factor of the current trial, the target dangerousness of the previous trial and that of the current trial. RESULTS In current Go trials, the behavioral results revealed a classical motor interference effect in trials that were preceded by a safe trial (a longer reaction time (RT) and a larger error rate for the previous safe and current dangerous (sD) condition than for the previous safe and current safe (sS) condition). However, the motor interference effect diminished in trials that were preceded by a dangerous trial (insignificant differences in the mean RTs and error rates between the previous dangerous and current dangerous (dD) condition and the previous dangerous and current safe (dS) condition). The event-related potential (ERP) results identified more positive P2 and parietal P3 amplitudes (indicating attentional resource allocation) for the dD condition than for the dS condition. However, the P2 and parietal P3 amplitudes of the sD condition did not significantly differ from those of the sS condition. DISCUSSIONS These results support the hypothesis that the avoidance motivation elicited by a dangerous target in a previous trial may indicate a dangerous situation, which leads to recruitment of more attentional resources allocated to the subsequent dangerous trial. Therefore, RTs are improved and errors are reduced in the consecutive dangerous condition, subsequently decreasing the motor interference effect in trials preceded by a dangerous trial compared with trials preceded by a safe trial. However, analysis of current NoGo trials revealed that none of the main effects or interactions reached significance in both the behavioral and ERP results, indicating that the hypothesis holds true only if the prepared response needs to be executed.
['Liu|Peng|P|0000-0002-3100-3824', 'Wang|Xiaoyi|X|', 'Cao|Gai|G|', 'Li|Jia|J|', 'Zhang|Jing|J|', 'Cao|Rong|R|']
[ "D000293:Adolescent", "D001288:Attention", "D001921:Brain", "D003071:Cognition", "D003617:Dangerous Behavior", "D004569:Electroencephalography", "D005071:Evoked Potentials", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D007266:Inhibition, Psychological", "D008297:Male", "D011930:Reaction Time", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "sequential trial effect", "motor interference effect", "dangerous objects", "avoidance motivation", "motor priming paradigm" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
The role of alexithymia as a risk factor for self-harm among adolescents in depression - A systematic review.
INTRODUCTION Considering the suggested role of alexithymia in increasing the risk of self-harm, especially when depression is also present, and that rates of self-harm tend to peak in adolescence, the aim of this systematic review was to synthetize the most relevant research studies on this topic and provide an understanding on whether alexithymia can be considered as an important risk factor for non-suicidal self-harm among adolescents with depression. METHODS Searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycINFO, resulting in 290 records. After removal of duplicates, 273 records were left and after reading the titles and abstracts, 231 articles were excluded, leaving 42 articles that were read in full. Of these 42, nine articles were included in this review. RESULTS The sample of this review consists of eight case-control studies and one cross-sectional and longitudinal survey. All nine studies concluded that the most important variables associated with self-harming behavior were depression and alexithymia, among all other variables assessed. The self-harming groups showed significantly higher scores on alexithymia (overall and particularly Factor 1- difficulties identifying feelings and differentiating them from bodily sensations), when compared to the control (no self-harming) groups, and the mean depression scores for self-harming groups were significantly higher than those for non-harming groups. All nine studies included in this review shared the limitation of self-reported information. CONCLUSION These results indicate that alexithymia is a risk factor for non-suicidal self-harm among adolescents with depression, even when other variables were also inspected, and may be a prevention and therapeutic target in the future.
['Bordalo|Felícia|F|', 'Carvalho|Irene P|IP|']
[ "Alexithymia", "Self-harm", "Depression" ]
[ "P", "P", "P" ]
Delayed-onset adrenal hypoplasia congenita and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism caused by a novel mutation in DAX1.
In this study, we described a male who presented with delayed-onset adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and mild hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HHG) without a relevant family history. A novel mutation in the DAX1 (dosage-sensitive sex reversal, congenital adrenal hypoplasia critical region on the X chromosome, gene 1) gene was shown to cause X-linked AHC and HHG. Genetic analysis revealed a novel nonsense mutation, c.154G > T (p.Glu52Term), in the DAX1 gene. Molecular testing demonstrated that the milder phenotype caused by this mutation was due to expression of a partially functional, amino-truncated DAX1 protein generated from an alternate in-frame translation start site (methionine at codon 83). This unusual case revealed a potential mechanism for a novel mutation that resulted in an unusual delayed-onset mild clinical phenotype. It expands the spectrum of adrenal hypoplasia congenita and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
['Liu|Siyue|S|', 'Yan|Libin|L|', 'Zhou|Xinrong|X|', 'Chen|Chen|C|', 'Wang|Daowen|D|', 'Yuan|Gang|G|']
[ "D057137:DAX-1 Orphan Nuclear Receptor", "D006801:Humans", "D000075262:Hypoadrenocorticism, Familial", "D007006:Hypogonadism", "D007713:Klinefelter Syndrome", "D008297:Male", "D009154:Mutation" ]
[ "Delayed-onset adrenal hypoplasia congenita", "Adrenal hypoplasia congenita", "hypogonadotropic hypogonadism", "nonsense mutation", "DAX1 gene", "X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Synthesis of [1-11C]Butanol via a facile solid phase extraction protocol.
A facile synthesis method for the preparation of [1-11C]butanol, a regional cerebral blood flow imaging agent, was developed. Using a solid phase extraction method, the highly polar and volatile molecule [1-11C]butanol was quickly concentrated, purified, and released as final product; boasting high radiochemical and chemical purities as well as high radiochemical yields. The final drug product was obtained as a sterile, pyrogen-free solution that conforms United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <823> requirements.
['Waterhouse|Nicole N|NN|', 'Kothari|Paresh J|PJ|', 'Dooley|Marybeth|M|', 'Hu|Bao|B|', 'de Leon|Mony J|MJ|', 'Babich|John|J|', 'Qu|Wenchao|W|']
[ "Solid phase extraction", "Cerebral blood flow", "Grignard reagent", "[1–(11)C]Butanol" ]
[ "P", "P", "U", "M" ]
Visit Patterns for Severe Mental Illness with Implementation of Integrated Care: A Pilot Retrospective Cohort Study.
There is increasing interest in models that integrate behavioral health services into primary care. For patients with severe mental illness, a population with disproportionate morbidity and mortality, little is known about the impact of such models on primary care clinic utilization and provider panels. We performed a retrospective cohort pilot study examining visit patterns for 1,105 patients with severe mental illness (SMI), overall and by provider, before and after the implementation of a primary care behavioral health model which had a ramp up period from 5/06-8/07. We used 2003-2012 electronic health record data from two clinics of a Federally Qualified Health Center and conducted interrupted time series and chi-square analyses. During the intervention period there was a significant increase in the proportion of visits per month to the clinic for patient with SMI relative to overall visits (0.27; 95% CI 0.22-0.32). After the intervention period, this rate declined (-0.23; -0.19-0.28) but remained above the pre-intervention period. After integration of behavioral health into our primary care clinics, there was a sharp increase in the number of patients with severe mental illness, suggesting patient willingness to explore receiving care under this model. Clinics looking to adopt the model should be mindful of potential changes in patient subpopulations and proactively manage this transition.
['Fondow|Meghan|M|', 'Pandhi|Nancy|N|', 'Ricco|Jason|J|', 'Zeidler Schreiter|Elizabeth|E|', 'Fahey|Lauren|L|', 'Serrano|Neftali|N|', 'Burns|Marguerite|M|', 'Jacobs|Elizabeth A|EA|']
[ "Visit patterns", "Severe Mental Illness", "Integrated Care", "Primary Care", "Primary Care Behavioral Health" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
New insights into glycopeptide antibiotic binding to cell wall precursors using SPR and NMR spectroscopy.
Glycopeptide antibiotics, such as vancomycin and teicoplanin, are used to treat life-threatening infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive pathogens. They inhibit bacterial cell wall biosynthesis by binding to the D-Ala-D-Ala C-terminus of peptidoglycan precursors. Vancomycin-resistant bacteria replace the dipeptide with the D-Ala-D-Lac depsipeptide, thus reducing the binding affinity of the antibiotics with their molecular targets. Herein, studies of the interaction of teicoplanin, teicoplanin-like A40926, and of their semisynthetic derivatives (mideplanin, MDL63,246, dalbavancin) with peptide analogues of cell-wall precursors by NMR spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) are reported. NMR spectroscopy revealed the existence of two different complexes in solution, when the different glycopeptides interact with Ac2KdAlaDAlaOH. Despite the NMR experimental conditions, which are different from those employed for the SPR measurements, the NMR spectroscopy results parallel those deduced in the chip with respect to the drastic binding difference existing between the D-Ala and the D-Lac terminating analogues, confirming that all these antibiotics share the same primary molecular mechanism of action and resistance. Kinetic analysis of the interaction between the glycopeptide antibiotics and immobilized AcKdAlaDAlaOH by SPR suggest a dimerization process that was not observed by NMR spectroscopy in DMSO solution. Moreover, in SPR, all glycopeptides with a hydrophobic acyl chain present stronger binding with a hydrophobic surface than vancomycin, indicating that additional interactions through the employed surface are involved. In conclusion, SPR provides a tool to differentiate between vancomycin and other glycopeptides, and the calculated binding affinities at the surface seem to be more relevant to in vitro antimicrobial activity than the estimations from NMR spectroscopy analysis.
['Treviño|Juan|J|', 'Bayón|Carlos|C|', 'Ardá|Ana|A|', 'Marinelli|Flavia|F|', 'Gandolfi|Raffaella|R|', 'Molinari|Francesco|F|', 'Jimenez-Barbero|Jesús|J|', 'Hernáiz|María J|MJ|']
[ "D000900:Anti-Bacterial Agents", "D006020:Glycopeptides", "D009682:Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy", "D015394:Molecular Structure", "D020349:Surface Plasmon Resonance" ]
[ "glycopeptides", "antibiotics", "NMR spectroscopy", "teicoplanin", "surface plasmon resonance" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal plasticity of cancer stem cells: therapeutic targets in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains one of the most common and lethal malignancies worldwide despite the development of various therapeutic strategies. A better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for HCC initiation and progression is essential for the development of more effective therapies. The cancer stem cell (CSC) model has provided new insights into the development and progression of HCC. CSCs are specialized tumor cells that are capable of self-renewal and have long-term repopulation potential. As they are important mediators of tumor proliferation, invasion, metastasis, therapy resistance, and cancer relapse, the selective targeting of this crucial population of cells has the potential to improve HCC patient outcomes and survival. In recent years, the role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the advancement of HCC has gained increasing attention. This multi-step reprograming process resulting in a phenotype switch from an epithelial to a mesenchymal cellular state has been closely associated with the acquisition of stem cell-like attributes in tumors. Moreover, CSC mediates tumor metastasis by maintaining plasticity to transition between epithelial or mesenchymal states. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms of the reprograming switches that determine the progression through EMT and generation of CSC is essential for developing clinically relevant drug targets. This review provides an overview of the proposed roles of CSC in HCC and discusses recent results supporting the emerging role of EMT in facilitating hepatic CSC plasticity. In particular, we discuss how these important new insights may facilitate rational development of combining CSC- and EMT-targeted therapies in the future.
['Jayachandran|Aparna|A|', 'Dhungel|Bijay|B|', 'Steel|Jason C|JC|']
[ "D006528:Carcinoma, Hepatocellular", "D058750:Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition", "D006801:Humans", "D008113:Liver Neoplasms", "D014411:Neoplastic Stem Cells" ]
[ "Cancer stem cells", "Hepatocellular carcinoma", "Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition", "Cancer-initiating cells", "Cellular plasticity", "Drug resistance", "Tumor heterogeneity" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "R", "R", "M" ]
Determining Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Precision: Compendium of Findings From the FRIEND Registry.
Healthy living (HL) behaviors and characteristics are central to both preventing and treating a myriad of chronic diseases; a key HL characteristic is cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Knowing an individual's CRF provides vital information when assessing health status and formulating a plan of care. Normative reference values as well as thresholds that denote varying degrees of health and future risk exist for measures of CRF. However, improving upon the precision of CRF reference standards according to key factors as well as precision in how CRF assessments can be used to assess health status and prognosis is needed. The current review will: 1) provide an overview of current approaches to CRF assessment and interpretations; 2) describe more recent efforts to improve upon the precision of CRF values; and 3) describe the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: A National Data Base (FRIEND) for the precision of CRF as a clinical measure.
['Kaminsky|Leonard A|LA|', 'Myers|Jonathan|J|', 'Arena|Ross|R|']
[ "D001823:Body Composition", "D000072599:Cardiorespiratory Fitness", "D015444:Exercise", "D005080:Exercise Test", "D017079:Exercise Tolerance", "D015438:Health Behavior", "D007722:Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice", "D006293:Health Promotion", "D006304:Health Status", "D000070497:Healthy Lifestyle", "D006801:Humans", "D010101:Oxygen Consumption", "D018802:Patient-Centered Care", "D057285:Precision Medicine", "D011237:Predictive Value of Tests", "D065840:Protective Factors", "D012123:Pulmonary Ventilation", "D012042:Registries", "D012307:Risk Factors", "D040242:Risk Reduction Behavior", "D057185:Sedentary Behavior", "D013997:Time Factors" ]
[ "Cardiorespiratory fitness", "Prognosis", "Cardiopulmonary exercise testing", "Vital sign" ]
[ "P", "P", "M", "M" ]
Impact of chest radiography-based definition of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
BACKGROUND Bubbly/cystic appearance on chest radiograph is an important factor in severe-type bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in Japan. The aim of this study was to determine the perinatal characteristics and neonatal complications of the bubbly/cystic(+) group in extremely preterm infants with BPD, that is, oxygen dependency at day 28 after birth (BPD28). METHODS This was a multicenter retrospective cohort study of population data from infants (birthweight, <1,500 g) enrolled in the Neonatal Research Network of Japan. Of the 15 480 infants born at <28 weeks' gestational age (GA) between 2003 and 2012, 8,979 met the BPD28 criteria. The BPD28 infants were classified according to bubbly/cystic appearance on radiograph (±) at >28 postnatal days. RESULTS The bubbly/cystic(+) group had lower GA and birthweight and required longer mechanical ventilation and oxygen dependency than the bubbly/cystic(-) group. After adjustment for confounding factors, bubbly/cystic appearance was an independent risk factor for home oxygen therapy at discharge. CONCLUSION Bubbly/cystic appearance on chest radiograph was a predictor of short-term respiratory outcomes in infants with BPD28, which is diagnosed much earlier (≥28 postnatal days), and has a potentially different etiology to BPD36 (oxygen and/or positive pressure respiratory support dependency at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age).
['Arai|Hirokazu|H|', 'Ito|Tomoo|T|', 'Ito|Masato|M|', 'Ota|Syozo|S|', 'Takahashi|Tsutomu|T|', '|||']
[ "D001997:Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia", "D015331:Cohort Studies", "D016208:Databases, Factual", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D062071:Infant, Extremely Premature", "D007231:Infant, Newborn", "D007564:Japan", "D008168:Lung", "D010102:Oxygen Inhalation Therapy", "D011247:Pregnancy", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D018570:Risk Assessment", "D012307:Risk Factors" ]
[ "definition", "bronchopulmonary dysplasia", "chronic lung disease", "radiographic appearance" ]
[ "P", "P", "U", "R" ]
Drosophila Neuronal Injury Follows a Temporal Sequence of Cellular Events Leading to Degeneration at the Neuromuscular Junction.
Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide, and as the global population ages, there is a critical need to improve our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive neurodegeneration. At the molecular level, neurodegeneration involves the activation of complex signaling pathways that drive the active destruction of neurons and their intracellular components. Here, we use an in vivo motor neuron injury assay to acutely induce neurodegeneration in order to follow the temporal order of events that occur following injury in Drosophila melanogaster. We find that sites of injury can be rapidly identified based on structural defects to the neuronal cytoskeleton that result in disrupted axonal transport. Additionally, the neuromuscular junction accumulates ubiquitinated proteins prior to the neurodegenerative events, occurring at 24 hours post injury. Our data provide insights into the early molecular events that occur during axonal and neuromuscular degeneration in a genetically tractable model organism. Importantly, the mechanisms that mediate neurodegeneration in flies are conserved in humans. Thus, these studies have implications for our understanding of the cellular and molecular events that occur in humans and will facilitate the identification of biomedically relevant targets for future treatments.
['Lincoln|Barron L|BL|', 'Alabsi|Sahar H|SH|', 'Frendo|Nicholas|N|', 'Freund|Robert|R|', 'Keller|Lani C|LC|']
[ "neuronal injury", "neuromuscular junction", "neurodegeneration", "Drosophila melanogaster" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
A Randomized Trial of Virtual Reality-Based Cue Exposure Second-Level Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Second-Level Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder: Outcome at Six-Month Followup.
This article reviews the 6-month followup data of a randomized, multicenter, parallel-group study conducted at five clinical sites in three European cities, which compared two second-level treatments for bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED): virtual reality-based cue exposure therapy (VR-CET) versus additional cognitive behavioral therapy (A-CBT). Post-treatment outcomes of this study were previously published and details of its design can be found at (identifier: NCT02237300). This article focuses on the evolution of symptoms assessed after 6 months of followup in a subgroup of 58 patients from the original study. In this study 64 patients with eating disorders (EDs) (35 with BN and 29 with BED), who still showed active episodes of binge eating by the end of a structured CBT program (first-level treatment), were randomly assigned to one of two second-level treatments (A-CBT or VR-CET). Frequency of binge and purge episodes, and attitudinal features of binge-related EDs (bulimia, drive for thinness, and body dissatisfaction) were assessed before starting the second-level treatment (n = 64), at the end (n = 64), and at 6-month followup (n = 58). Mixed between-within subject analyses of variance were used to compare outcomes of both second-level treatments over time. Although both treatment conditions showed statistically significant improvements at the end and after 6-month followup, obtained reductions were greater after VR-CET, regarding binge and purge episodes, as well as the decrease of self-reported tendency to engage in overeating episodes. Accordingly, abstinence from binge episodes were higher in VR-CET than A-CBT at followup (70 percent vs. 26 percent, respectively; χ2 = 11.711, p = 0.001). These results provide further support for the use of VR-CET as an effective second-level intervention for BN and BED treatment-resistant patients.
['Ferrer-Garcia|Marta|M|', 'Pla-Sanjuanelo|Joana|J|', 'Dakanalis|Antonios|A|', 'Vilalta-Abella|Ferran|F|', 'Riva|Giuseppe|G|', 'Fernandez-Aranda|Fernando|F|', 'Forcano|Laura|L|', 'Riesco|Nadine|N|', 'Sánchez|Isabel|I|', 'Clerici|Massimo|M|', 'Ribas-Sabaté|Joan|J|', 'Andreu-Gracia|Alexis|A|', 'Escandón-Nagel|Neli|N|', 'Gomez-Tricio|Osane|O|', 'Tena|Virginia|V|', 'Gutiérrez-Maldonado|José|J|']
[ "D056912:Binge-Eating Disorder", "D052018:Bulimia Nervosa", "D015928:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy", "D005500:Follow-Up Studies", "D006801:Humans", "D063367:Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy" ]
[ "cue exposure", "bulimia nervosa", "followup", "treatment", "binge eating disorder", "virtual reality" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Characteristics of temporal dynamics of intrinsic brain activity in unmedicated bipolar disorder with suicidality.
BACKGROUND Bipolar disorder is associated with a high risk of suicide. Routine neuroimaging examination exhibited that bipolar disorder with suicidality was associated with brain structural and functional changes. However, the alterations of brain dynamics have still remained elusive. PURPOSE To investigate the alterations of brain dynamics in unmedicated bipolar disorder II depression with suicidality and predict the severity of suicidality. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study included 106 bipolar disorder II participants (20 with suicidal attempt, 35 with suicidal ideation, 51 without suicidal ideation) and 50 healthy controls who underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging between February 2016 and December 2017. We first used sliding window analysis to evaluate the dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations. Then, we predicted the severity of suicidality using a multivariate regression model. RESULTS One-way analysis of covariance revealed that the dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in the right temporal pole, inferior temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and the bilateral precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex was significantly different among the four groups. Post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed that dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations was remarkably decreased in the bilateral precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex in the three bipolar disorder II groups compared with that in healthy controls group. Increased dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations was found in the right superior temporal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus in the suicidal attempt group compared with that in the other groups, and in the right temporal pole in the suicidal attempt group compared with that in the suicidal ideation and healthy controls groups. Importantly, these temporal variabilities could be used to predict the severity of suicidality (r = 0.330, p = 0.036), whereas static amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations couldn't (r = -0.050, p = 0.532). CONCLUSION Our findings indicated that alterations of temporal variability in the precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex are such a common feature of bipolar disorder patients. Besides, the severity of suicidality could be predicted by the dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations abnormalities rather than static amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations abnormalities, which is the first evidence of dynamic brain alterations in bipolar disorder patients with suicidality. The proposed predictive model may be advantageous for clinical applications.
['Gong|Jiaying|J|0000-0002-8690-4451', 'Chen|Guanmao|G|0000-0002-5376-9353', 'Zhou|Mengyao|M|', 'Jia|Yanbin|Y|', 'Zhong|Shuming|S|', 'Chen|Feng|F|', 'Lai|Shunkai|S|0000-0003-2889-5195', 'Luo|Zhenye|Z|0000-0002-7118-2855', 'Wang|Jurong|J|', 'Xu|Hao|H|', 'Wang|Lu|L|', 'Huang|Li|L|', 'Wang|Ying|Y|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D001714:Bipolar Disorder", "D001921:Brain", "D002681:China", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008279:Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "D008297:Male", "D011446:Prospective Studies", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D012720:Severity of Illness Index", "D013405:Suicide" ]
[ "Bipolar disorder", "suicide", "functional magnetic resonance imaging", "temporal lobe" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Endogenous Retroviruses Drive Resistance and Promotion of Exogenous Retroviral Homologs.
Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) serve as markers of ancient viral infections and provide invaluable insight into host and viral evolution. ERVs have been exapted to assist in performing basic biological functions, including placentation, immune modulation, and oncogenesis. A subset of ERVs share high nucleotide similarity to circulating horizontally transmitted exogenous retrovirus (XRV) progenitors. In these cases, ERV-XRV interactions have been documented and include (a) recombination to result in ERV-XRV chimeras, (b) ERV induction of immune self-tolerance to XRV antigens, (c) ERV antigen interference with XRV receptor binding, and (d) interactions resulting in both enhancement and restriction of XRV infections. Whereas the mechanisms governing recombination and immune self-tolerance have been partially determined, enhancement and restriction of XRV infection are virus specific and only partially understood. This review summarizes interactions between six unique ERV-XRV pairs, highlighting important ERV biological functions and potential evolutionary histories in vertebrate hosts.
['Chiu|Elliott S|ES|', 'VandeWoude|Sue|S|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D000956:Antigens, Viral", "D001717:Birds", "D020077:Endogenous Retroviruses", "D019143:Evolution, Molecular", "D008322:Mammals", "D012190:Retroviridae", "D012192:Retroviridae Infections" ]
[ "ASLV", "FeLV", "JSRV", "KoRV", "MMTV", "MuLV", "avian sarcoma leukosis virus", "feline leukemia virus", "jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus", "koala retrovirus", "mouse mammary tumor virus", "murine leukemia virus" ]
[ "U", "U", "U", "U", "U", "U", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M" ]
Thrombus Imaging Using 3D Printed Middle Cerebral Artery Model and Preclinical Imaging Techniques: Application to Thrombus Targeting and Thrombolytic Studies.
Diseases with the highest burden for society such as stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and others are due to blood clots. Preclinical and clinical techniques to study blood clots are important tools for translational research of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities that target blood clots. In this study, we employed a three-dimensional (3D) printed middle cerebral artery model to image clots under flow conditions using preclinical imaging techniques including fluorescent whole-body imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed X-ray microtomography (microCT). Both liposome-based, fibrin-targeted, and non-targeted contrast agents were proven to provide a sufficient signal for clot imaging within the model under flow conditions. The application of the model for clot targeting studies and thrombolytic studies using preclinical imaging techniques is shown here. For the first time, a novel method of thrombus labeling utilizing barium sulphate (Micropaque®) is presented here as an example of successfully employed contrast agents for in vitro experiments evaluating the time-course of thrombolysis and thus the efficacy of a thrombolytic drug, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). Finally, the proof-of-concept of in vivo clot imaging in a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) rat model using barium sulphate-labelled clots is presented, confirming the great potential of such an approach to make experiments comparable between in vitro and in vivo models, finally leading to a reduction in animals needed.
['Vítečková Wünschová|Andrea|A|', 'Novobilský|Adam|A|0000-0002-0953-0273', 'Hložková|Jana|J|', 'Scheer|Peter|P|', 'Petroková|Hana|H|', 'Jiřík|Radovan|R|0000-0003-2555-9428', 'Kulich|Pavel|P|', 'Bartheldyová|Eliška|E|', 'Hubatka|František|F|', 'Jonas|Vladimír|V|', 'Mikulík|Robert|R|', 'Malý|Petr|P|0000-0001-8118-0581', 'Turánek|Jaroslav|J|', 'Mašek|Josef|J|0000-0001-6788-8487']
[ "thrombus imaging", "3D printing", "MRI", "microCT", "thrombolysis", "rtPA", "MCAO", "fibrin targeting", "fluorescence imaging" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "R" ]
Peptide-functionalized metal-organic framework nanocomposite for ultrasensitive detection of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine with practical application.
In this work, we have prepared peptide-functionalized metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as signal-amplifying tags for the detection of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC). Furthermore, enzyme-MOF nanocomposites are fabricated via a coprecipitation strategy between horse radish peroxidase (HRP) and ZIF-90, where ZIF-90 is used as a protective support for HRP immobilization. Meanwhile, the peptide sequence has been designed as SPARC-binding peptide, which imparts biorecognition functionality to HRP@ZIF-90 for performing a colorimetric sensor. Therefore, during the test, HRP molecules can be quickly released from nanocomposites by acidic condition to catalyze chromogenic reaction, enabling the ultrasensitive detection of SPARC with a low detection limit of 30 fg/mL. Moreover, the content of SPARC in colon cancer tissues with different degrees of differentiation can be determined with this sensor, demonstrating that the expression of SPARC is closely related to the occurrence, invasion and metastasis of human colon cancer. These results may show the potential applications of this biosensor in SPARC fundamental research as well as clinical diagnosis in the future.
['Wu|Shuai|S|', 'Sun|Zhaowei|Z|', 'Peng|Ying|Y|', 'Han|Yiwei|Y|', 'Li|Jinlong|J|', 'Zhu|Sha|S|', 'Yin|Yongmei|Y|', 'Li|Genxi|G|']
[ "D015374:Biosensing Techniques", "D003545:Cysteine", "D000073396:Metal-Organic Frameworks", "D053761:Nanocomposites", "D015676:Osteonectin", "D010455:Peptides" ]
[ "Metal-organic frameworks", "Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine", "Clinical diagnostics", "Enzyme catalysis", "Peptide-functionalized nanocomposites" ]
[ "P", "P", "M", "U", "R" ]
Implication of the VRK1 chromatin kinase in the signaling responses to DNA damage: a therapeutic target?
DNA damage causes a local distortion of chromatin that triggers the sequential processes that participate in specific DNA repair mechanisms. This initiation of the repair response requires the involvement of a protein whose activity can be regulated by histones. Kinases are candidates to regulate and coordinate the connection between a locally altered chromatin and the response initiating signals that lead to identification of the type of lesion and the sequential steps required in specific DNA damage responses (DDR). This initiating kinase must be located in chromatin, and be activated independently of the type of DNA damage. We review the contribution of the Ser-Thr vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) chromatin kinase as a new player in the signaling of DNA damage responses, at chromatin and cellular levels, and its potential as a new therapeutic target in oncology. VRK1 is involved in the regulation of histone modifications, such as histone phosphorylation and acetylation, and in the formation of γH2AX, NBS1 and 53BP1 foci induced in DDR. Induction of DNA damage by chemotherapy or radiation is a mainstay of cancer treatment. Therefore, novel treatments can be targeted to proteins implicated in the regulation of DDR, rather than by directly causing DNA damage.
['Campillo-Marcos|Ignacio|I|', 'Lazo|Pedro A|PA|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D002843:Chromatin", "D004249:DNA Damage", "D006657:Histones", "D006801:Humans", "D017346:Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases", "D015398:Signal Transduction" ]
[ "VRK1", "DNA damage response", "Phosphorylation", "NBS1", "53BP1", "H2AX", "Ionizing radiation", "p53" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "M", "U" ]
Novel ASK1 Inhibitor AGI-1067 Attenuates AGE-Induced Fibrotic Response by Suppressing the MKKs/p38 MAPK Pathway in Human Coronary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells.
The phenotype shifting of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) was indicated to play a role during the initial stage of atherosclerotic plaque formation by facilitating extracellular matrix deposition. This study was aimed at investigating the involvement of the apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) /mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinases (MKKs) /p38 MAPK pathway in the advanced glycation end product (AGE) -induced fibrotic response of VSMCs. The effect of the novel ASK1 inhibitor AGI-1067 was also studied.Cultured human coronary smooth muscle cells (HCSMCs) were exposed to AGEs. AGI-1067 and siRNAs silencing mkk3, mkk6, and p38 mapk were used to treat the cells. The activation of MKK3, MKK6, and p38 MAPK was assessed by immunoblotting. Fibrotic response was assessed by the fluorescence immunohistochemistry staining of collagen I and collagen VIII. Activation of immunoprecipitation determined the association of ASK1 and its inhibitor thioredoxin. A kinase assay was used to determine ASK1 activity.AGE incubation significantly activated ASK1, MKK3, and MKK6, which led to activation of p38 MAPK, resulting in upregulated fibrotic response in HCSMCs. However, siRNAs knocking down mkk3, mkk6, and p38 mapk impaired this fibrotic response. AGI-1067 administration not only dramatically inhibited the activation of ASK1/MKKs/p38 MAPK but also suppressed the expression of the downstream proteins, including transforming growth factor-β1, connective tissue growth factor, collagen I, and collagen VIII in HCSMCs exposed to AGEs.The ASK1/MKKs/p38 MAPK pathway was activated by AGEs, leading to the fibrotic response in VSMCs. AGI-1067 reversed this process by maintaining the inactive state of ASK1.
['Liu|Zhongwei|Z|', 'Shi|Shuang|S|', 'Zhu|Haitao|H|', 'Chen|Yunfei|Y|', 'Zhang|Yong|Y|', 'Zheng|Zhenzhong|Z|', 'Wang|Xi|X|']
[ "D015153:Blotting, Western", "D002317:Cardiovascular Agents", "D002478:Cells, Cultured", "D003331:Coronary Vessels", "D005355:Fibrosis", "D017127:Glycation End Products, Advanced", "D006801:Humans", "D047468:Immunoprecipitation", "D048371:MAP Kinase Kinase 3", "D048669:MAP Kinase Kinase 6", "D048848:MAP Kinase Kinase Kinase 5", "D009131:Muscle, Smooth, Vascular", "D032389:Myocytes, Smooth Muscle", "D011341:Probucol", "D015398:Signal Transduction", "D048051:p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases" ]
[ "Vascular smooth muscle cells", "Advanced glycation end products" ]
[ "P", "P" ]
Tula Virus as Causative Agent of Hantavirus Disease in Immunocompetent Person, Germany.
We report molecular evidence of Tula virus infection in an immunocompetent patient from Germany who had typical signs of hantavirus disease. Accumulating evidence indicates that Tula virus infection, although often considered nonpathogenic, represents a threat to human health.
['Hofmann|Jörg|J|', 'Kramer|Stephanie|S|', 'Herrlinger|Klaus R|KR|', 'Jeske|Kathrin|K|', 'Kuhns|Martin|M|', 'Weiss|Sabrina|S|', 'Ulrich|Rainer G|RG|', 'Krüger|Detlev H|DH|']
[ "D003141:Communicable Diseases", "D005858:Germany", "D006476:Hantavirus", "D018778:Hantavirus Infections", "D006801:Humans" ]
[ "Tula virus", "hantavirus", "Germany", "Tula hantavirus", "renal failure", "respiratory distress", "respiratory infections", "viruses", "zoonoses" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "R", "U", "U", "M", "U", "U" ]
Spontaneous water adsorption-desorption oscillations in mesoporous thin films.
Understanding fluid transport and phase changes in nanopore structures is of great interest to many application fields, from energy conversion to water harvesting. This work discusses the spontaneous oscillations of the water saturation of mesoporous thin films, in the zone adjacent to a sessile water drop, at ambient conditions. The wetting-front dynamics onto the film is described by considering three coexisting phenomena: infiltration from the water drop, condensation from air vapor, and evaporation to the ambient. It was found that the oscillations follow spontaneous condensation-evaporation imbalances, which are governed by the hysteretic character of the adsorption-desorption behavior of the mesoporous material. The outcomes of this work provide insights on the complex interplay between water and nanopore structures, which has practical implications for the handling of humid microenvironments in lab-on-a-chip technology, as well as for many processes that take part of the cycle of water in nature.
['Urteaga|Raúl|R|', 'Mercuri|Magalí|M|', 'Gimenez|Rocío|R|', 'Bellino|Martin G|MG|', 'Berli|Claudio L A|CLA|']
[ "Nanopores", "Saturation", "Condensation", "Evaporation", "Complex dynamics" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Synergic effect of Guggul gum based hydrogel nanocomposite: An approach towards adsorption-photocatalysis of Magenta-O.
The article is related to sunlight and UV-visible mineralization of harmful magenta-O (FB) dye. The nanocomposite used is a cross linked network of acrylic acid synthesized inside poly(acrylamide) grafted Guggul gum in the presence of UV-visible respondent bismuth ferrite nanoparticles. The synthesis of poly(acrylamide) grafted Guggul gum (Sample I) and synthesizing a crosslinked network inside it (Sample II) involved a two-step synthesis for optimizing various reaction parameters. The maximum % water uptake obtained for polymeric samples I and II was calculated as 1227.78% and 387.97%, respectively. Average particle size of bismuth ferrite nanoparticles was 47.34 nm. The nanocomposite could maximum uptake-mineralize FB dye as 97.3% and 98.8% under sunlight and photochemical reactor, respectively for 500 mg nanocomposite dose in 10 mg/L concentrated FB solution. Dye uptake occurs through ionic interactions. However, mineralization is a consequence of advanced oxidation process involving free radical species (OH and O2-.). The overall process of uptake-mineralization resembled second order kinetics and Langmuir theorem (monolayer adsorption). Intraparticle diffusion model gave an idea about the multistep (three steps) process of adsorption. Physico-chemical properties of FB dye got changed after mineralization except for the pH. The maximum uptake-mineralization was observed to be 76.2% after consecutive reuse of the nanocomposite hydrogel for five cycles.
['Priya|||', 'Kaith|Balbir Singh|BS|', 'Shanker|Uma|U|', 'Gupta|Bhuvanesh|B|']
[ "D000180:Acrylic Resins", "D000327:Adsorption", "D004396:Coloring Agents", "D029744:Commiphora", "D005290:Ferric Compounds", "D007700:Kinetics", "D053761:Nanocomposites", "D000080385:Nanogels", "D010936:Plant Extracts", "D053149:Plant Gums", "D011108:Polymers", "D012394:Rosaniline Dyes", "D014867:Water", "D014874:Water Pollutants, Chemical", "D018508:Water Purification" ]
[ "Guggul gum", "Mineralization", "Magenta-O" ]
[ "P", "P", "P" ]
"Nano-Ginseng" for Enhanced Cytotoxicity AGAINST Cancer Cells.
Panax ginseng has high medicinal and health values. However, the various and complex components of ginseng may interact with each other, thus reducing and even reversing therapeutic effects. In this study, we designed and fabricated a novel "nano-ginseng" with definite ingredients, ginsenoside Rb1/protopanaxadiol nanoparticles (Rb1/PPD NPs), completely based on the protopanaxadiol-type extracts. The optimized nano-formulations demonstrated an appropriate size (~110 nm), high drug loading efficiency (~96.8%) and capacity (~27.9 wt %), long half-time in systemic circulation (nine-fold longer than free PPD), better antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo, higher accumulation at the tumor site and reduced damage to normal tissues. Importantly, this process of "nano-ginseng" production is a simple, scalable, green economy process.
['Dai|Lin|L|0000-0001-7564-5450', 'Zhu|Weiyan|W|', 'Si|Chuanling|C|', 'Lei|Jiandu|J|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D000970:Antineoplastic Agents", "D016923:Cell Death", "D045744:Cell Line, Tumor", "D005260:Female", "D006461:Hemolysis", "D006863:Hydrogen-Ion Concentration", "D007700:Kinetics", "D008810:Mice, Inbred C57BL", "D053758:Nanoparticles", "D005894:Panax", "D010936:Plant Extracts", "D012502:Sapogenins", "D014018:Tissue Distribution" ]
[ "nanoparticle", "anticancer", "drug delivery", "green process", "self-assemble" ]
[ "P", "U", "M", "R", "U" ]
MiR-20a-5p mediates hypoxia-induced autophagy by targeting ATG16L1 in ischemic kidney injury.
AIMS Autophagy is a cellular homeostatic mechanism activated under stress conditions and might act as protective response for cell survival in ischemic kidney injury. The micro RNA (miRNA) network may be critically involved in the regulation of autophagy. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether miRNA regulates autophagy in ischemic kidney injury and renal proximal tubular cells under hypoxic conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ischemic kidney injury was performed by clamping bilateral renal pedicles for 60min in male mice. Human kidney proximal tubular (HK-2) cells were exposed to in vitro hypoxic conditions. ATG16L1 is essential for autophagosome formation. Bioinformatics analyses were used to select the candidate miRNA, miR-20a-5p, which potentially targets ATG16L1. Gain-of-function and loss-of-function methods were employed to evaluate the effects of miRNA on autophagy. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis and promoter luciferase reporter assays were used to evaluate the interaction of transcriptional factors with miRNA. KEY FINDINGS Increased expression of punctate LC3 and ATG16L1, autophagy-related proteins, and down-expression of miR-20a-5p were detected in kidneys after ischemic injury and in HK-2 cells under hypoxic conditions. 3'-untranslated region luciferase reporter assays indicated that miR-20a-5p targeted ATG16L1 messenger RNA. Over-expression of miR-20a-5p reduced the expression of LC3-II and ATG16L1 in HK-2 cells under hypoxic conditions, whereas antagomiR-20a reversed the inhibition. Using RNAi against hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) in HK-2 cells, we confirmed the inhibitory binding of HIF-1α to miR-20a-5p. SIGNIFICANCE The signaling axis of HIF-1α, miR-20a-5p, and ATG16L1 in autophagic process might be a critical adapting mechanism for ischemic kidney injury.
['Wang|I-Kuan|IK|', 'Sun|Kuo-Ting|KT|', 'Tsai|Tsung-Hsun|TH|', 'Chen|Chia-Wen|CW|', 'Chang|Shih-Sheng|SS|', 'Yu|Tung-Min|TM|', 'Yen|Tzung-Hai|TH|', 'Lin|Feng-Yen|FY|', 'Huang|Chiu-Ching|CC|', 'Li|Chi-Yuan|CY|']
[ "D020413:3' Untranslated Regions", "D058186:Acute Kidney Injury", "D000818:Animals", "D001343:Autophagy", "D000071183:Autophagy-Related Proteins", "D002352:Carrier Proteins", "D015687:Cell Hypoxia", "D002460:Cell Line", "D015870:Gene Expression", "D006801:Humans", "D007511:Ischemia", "D007668:Kidney", "D008297:Male", "D008810:Mice, Inbred C57BL", "D035683:MicroRNAs", "D008869:Microtubule-Associated Proteins", "D034622:RNA Interference" ]
[ "Autophagy", "Acute kidney injury", "Ischemia–reperfusion", "MicroRNA" ]
[ "P", "M", "U", "U" ]
Ascorbic acid serum levels are reduced in patients with hematological malignancies.
In this paper we demonstrate that patients treated with chemotherapy and/or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) have highly significant reduced serum ascorbic acid (AA) levels compared to healthy controls. We recently observed in in vitro experiments that growth of both T and NK cells from hematopoietic stem cells is positively influenced by AA. It might be of clinical relevance to study the function and recovery of immune cells after intensive treatment, its correlation to AA serum levels and the possible effect of AA supplementation.
['Huijskens|Mirelle J A J|MJ|', 'Wodzig|Will K W H|WK|', 'Walczak|Mateusz|M|', 'Germeraad|Wilfred T V|WT|', 'Bos|Gerard M J|GM|']
[ "Ascorbic acid", "Hematological malignancy", "Chemotherapy", "Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation", "Vitamin C" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
The Role of Instrumental Swallowing Assessment in Adults in Residential Aged Care Homes: A National Modified Delphi Survey Examining Beliefs and Practices.
Many adults in residential aged care homes (RACHs) live with oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) and its physiological, psychosocial, and economic sequalae. Timely, evidence-based assessment of OD can help healthcare teams to create OD management plans that optimize consumer health and minimize healthcare costs. Instrumental swallowing assessment (ISA), specifically flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) and videofluoroscopic swallowing studies (VFSS), is generally accepted to be an important component of dysphagia assessment and management in older adults. However, its role in RACHs has not been empirically examined. This study aimed to explore the role and use of ISA in adults in RACHs from the perspective of speech-language-pathologists (SLPs) experienced in a RACH setting and/or FEES and VFSS. A three-round electronic Delphi study was conducted to guide 58 SLPs in Australia towards consensus using a combination of multiple-choice questions, statements with five-point Likert scale agreement options, and open-ended questions. Participants' responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis after each survey round. Feedback about group responses was provided before subsequent surveys. Consensus was defined as 70% or greater agreement. Participants reached consensus about obstacles and facilitators to the use of ISA in RACHs. Participants agreed that FEES was a valuable tool in RACHs and that a mobile service model may have advantages over standard off-site assessment. SLPs believed that appropriate governance processes, infrastructure and education were necessary to develop a safe, high-quality service. These views support equitable access to ISA across settings, aligning with person-centered care, re-ablement, and care-in-place.
['Birchall|Olga|O|', 'Bennett|Michelle|M|', 'Lawson|Nadine|N|', 'Cotton|Susan M|SM|', 'Vogel|Adam P|AP|']
[ "Instrumental swallowing assessment", "Care home", "Delphi", "Dysphagia", "FEES", "Older adults" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Codeveloping a multibehavioural mobile phone app to enhance social and emotional well-being and reduce health risks among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women during preconception and pregnancy: a three-phased mixed-methods study.
OBJECTIVE Describe the development and pretest of a prototype multibehavioural change app MAMA-EMPOWER. DESIGN Mixed-methods study reporting three phases: (1) contextual enquiry included stakeholder engagement and qualitative interviews with Aboriginal women, (2) value specification included user-workshop with an Aboriginal researcher, community members and experts, (3) codesign with Aboriginal researchers and community members, followed by a pretest of the app with Aboriginal women, and feedback from qualitative interviews and the user-Mobile Application Rating Scale (U-MARS) survey tool. SETTINGS Aboriginal women and communities in urban and regional New South Wales, Australia. PARTICIPANTS Phase 1: interviews, 8 Aboriginal women. Phase 2: workshop, 6 Aboriginal women. Phase 3: app trial, 16 Aboriginal women. U-MARS, 5 Aboriginal women. RESULTS Phase 1 interviews revealed three themes: current app use, desired app characteristics and implementation. Phase 2 workshop provided guidance for the user experience. Phase 3 app trial assessed all content areas. The highest ratings were for information (mean score of 3.80 out of 5, SD=0.77) and aesthetics (mean score of 3.87 with SD of 0.74), while functionality, engagement and subjective quality had lower scores. Qualitative interviews revealed the acceptability of the app, however, functionality was problematic. CONCLUSIONS Developing a mobile phone app, particularly in an Aboriginal community setting, requires extensive consultation, negotiation and design work. Using a strong theoretical foundation of behavioural change technique's coupled with the consultative approach has added rigour to this process. Using phone apps to implement behavioural interventions in Aboriginal community settings remains a new area for investigation. In the next iteration of the app, we aim to find better ways to personalise the content to women's needs, then ensure full functionality before conducting a larger trial. We predict the process of development will be of interest to other health researchers and practitioners.
['Kennedy|Michelle|M|0000-0001-9691-068X', 'Kumar|Ratika|R|', 'Ryan|Nicole M|NM|', 'Bennett|Jessica|J|', 'La Hera Fuentes|Gina|G|', 'Gould|Gillian Sandra|GS|0000-0001-8489-2576']
[ "nutrition & dietetics", "public health", "qualitative research" ]
[ "U", "M", "R" ]
Emotion Detection for Social Robots Based on NLP Transformers and an Emotion Ontology.
For social robots, knowledge regarding human emotional states is an essential part of adapting their behavior or associating emotions to other entities. Robots gather the information from which emotion detection is processed via different media, such as text, speech, images, or videos. The multimedia content is then properly processed to recognize emotions/sentiments, for example, by analyzing faces and postures in images/videos based on machine learning techniques or by converting speech into text to perform emotion detection with natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Keeping this information in semantic repositories offers a wide range of possibilities for implementing smart applications. We propose a framework to allow social robots to detect emotions and to store this information in a semantic repository, based on EMONTO (an EMotion ONTOlogy), and in the first figure or table caption. Please define if appropriate. an ontology to represent emotions. As a proof-of-concept, we develop a first version of this framework focused on emotion detection in text, which can be obtained directly as text or by converting speech to text. We tested the implementation with a case study of tour-guide robots for museums that rely on a speech-to-text converter based on the Google Application Programming Interface (API) and a Python library, a neural network to label the emotions in texts based on NLP transformers, and EMONTO integrated with an ontology for museums; thus, it is possible to register the emotions that artworks produce in visitors. We evaluate the classification model, obtaining equivalent results compared with a state-of-the-art transformer-based model and with a clear roadmap for improvement.
['Graterol|Wilfredo|W|0000-0002-1747-5227', 'Diaz-Amado|Jose|J|0000-0001-8447-784X', 'Cardinale|Yudith|Y|0000-0002-5966-0113', 'Dongo|Irvin|I|0000-0003-4859-0428', 'Lopes-Silva|Edmundo|E|0000-0003-4193-2827', 'Santos-Libarino|Cleia|C|0000-0002-4078-5872']
[ "D004644:Emotions", "D006801:Humans", "D009323:Natural Language Processing", "D012371:Robotics", "D012660:Semantics", "D013060:Speech" ]
[ "emotion detection", "social robots", "ontology", "natural language processing", "text classification" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Dysmetabolic Iron Overload in Metabolic Syndrome.
BACKGROUND We sought to determine the association of dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome (DIOS) with metabolic syndrome (MetS). METHODS Several studies have shown that DIOS is associated with Mets, mainly through the pathogenesis of its components: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), essential hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and polycystic ovary syndrome (POS). RESULTS Serum ferritin levels increase proportionally according to the degree of insulin resistance (IR) and the number of components of Mets. Moreover, DIOS predicts the onset of T2DM and NAFLD. Dysregulation of iron metabolism in DIOS is due to a multifactorial and dynamic process triggered by an unhealthy diet, facilitated by environmental and genetic cofactors, and resulting in a bidirectional relation between the liver and visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Iron removal combined with a healthy diet improved both insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function, but had no significant effect on blood glucose; however, phlebotomy therapy might be considered with conflicting results. CONCLUSION Iron overload is closely associated with metabolic syndrome and its components; however, it remains under-appreciated in everyday clinical practice. Diet and lifestyle modification offer some clinical benefit; however, it is not adequate for successful management of the disease. The results of phlebotomy remain controversial, underlying the necessity of further efforts in this field.
['Sachinidis|Alexandros|A|', 'Doumas|Michael|M|', 'Imprialos|Konstantinos|K|', 'Stavropoulos|Konstantinos|K|', 'Katsimardou|Alexandra|A|', 'Athyros|Vasilios G|VG|']
[ "D003924:Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2", "D004032:Diet", "D000075222:Essential Hypertension", "D005260:Female", "D005293:Ferritins", "D006801:Humans", "D007333:Insulin Resistance", "D007501:Iron", "D019190:Iron Overload", "D008019:Life Style", "D024821:Metabolic Syndrome", "D065626:Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", "D018962:Phlebotomy", "D011085:Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" ]
[ "metabolic syndrome", "dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome", "Serum ferritin", "insuline resistance", "arterial hypertension", "type two diabetes." ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "M" ]
Deficits in temporal processing in mice prenatally exposed to Valproic Acid.
Temporal processing in the seconds-to-minutes range, known as interval timing, is a crucial cognitive function that requires activation of cortico-striatal circuits via dopaminergic-glutamatergic pathways. In humans, both children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) present alterations in their estimation of time intervals. At present, there are no records of interval timing studies in animal models of ASD. Hence, the objective of the present work was to evaluate interval timing in a mouse model of prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) - a treatment used to induce human-like autistic features in rodent models. Animals were assessed for their ability to acquire timing responses in 15-s and 45-s peak-interval (PI) procedures. Our results indicate that both female and male mice prenatally exposed to VPA present decreased timing accuracy and precision compared to control groups, as well as deviations from the scalar property. Moreover, the observed timing deficits in male VPA mice were reversed after early social enrichment. Furthermore, catecholamine determination by HPLC-ED indicated significant differences in striatal dopaminergic, but not serotonergic, content in female and male VPA mice, consistent with previously identified alterations in dopamine metabolism in ASD. These deficits in temporal processing in a mouse model of autism complement previous results in humans, and provide a useful tool for further behavioral and pharmacological studies.
['Acosta|Julieta|J|', 'Campolongo|Marcos A|MA|', 'Höcht|Christian|C|', 'Depino|Amaicha M|AM|', 'Golombek|Diego A|DA|', 'Agostino|Patricia V|PV|0000-0003-4386-2228']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D000067877:Autism Spectrum Disorder", "D001522:Behavior, Animal", "D004195:Disease Models, Animal", "D004298:Dopamine", "D005260:Female", "D018682:GABA Agents", "D008297:Male", "D051379:Mice", "D017072:Neostriatum", "D011247:Pregnancy", "D011297:Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects", "D011597:Psychomotor Performance", "D012701:Serotonin", "D012919:Social Behavior", "D013998:Time Perception", "D014635:Valproic Acid" ]
[ "valproic acid", "interval timing", "cortico-striatal circuits", "autism spectrum disorder", "dopamine" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Prediction of drug dissolution from Toremifene 80 mg tablets by NIR spectroscopy.
The aim of our study was to justify substitution of dissolution analysis for NIR measurement of Toremifene 80 mg tablets. We studied implementation of a NIRS method by integrating the method development to discrimination power of the dissolution method. Hence, we analyzed 20 DoE tablet batches and studied which of the critical formulation factors affecting dissolution were statistically significant. To study if these factors can be detected by NIRS, PLS calibration models were developed. Finally, PLS model was built to correlate NIR data with the actual dissolution results to predict the released amount of toremifene in 30 min. To obtain the data the tablet batches were measured by NIR using diffuse reflectance technique and multivariate analysis tool was used to calibrate the NIRS models. Correlations between the critical formulation factors and the NIR spectra of Toremifene 80 mg tablet were shown and it was thus justified to develop a NIRS prediction model for dissolution. Variance (R2), standard error of estimate (SEE) and standard error of prediction (SEP) of the model were 90.0%, 4.3% and 5.9%, respectively. It was thus shown that multi-phased and time consuming dissolution procedure could be substituted for fast non-invasive NIRS method.
['Ojala|Krista|K|', 'Myrskyranta|Mika|M|', 'Liimatainen|Anni|A|', 'Kortejärvi|Hanna|H|', 'Juppo|Anne|A|']
[ "D004339:Drug Compounding", "D065546:Drug Liberation", "D008962:Models, Theoretical", "D025341:Principal Component Analysis", "D019265:Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared", "D013607:Tablets", "D017312:Toremifene" ]
[ "Dissolution", "Toremifene", "PLS calibration model", "Design of experiments", "Discrimination capability", "Near infrared spectroscopy" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "M", "M" ]
Insights into redox mediators-resource harvest/application with power production from waste activated sludge through freezing/thawing-assisted anaerobic acidogenesis coupling microbial fuel cells.
This first-attempted study demonstrated endogenous redox-mediators harvest/application from waste activated sludge (WAS) through freezing/thawing (F/T) pretreatment-enhanced anaerobic acidogenesis coupled with microbial fuel cells (MFCs). A total of 2.57 kWh electricity was produced from per kg soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) via MFCs just in 2 d with about 90% organics removal, which contained 1.152 kWh/kg COD from F/T liquid together with 1.418 kWh/kg COD from fermentation liquid. The fermentation liquor-MFCs fostered higher anodic biodiversity and more power output as compared with the F/T liquid-MFCs. Essentially, the completely endogenous redox mediators-like substances with relatively high redox activities could be retained after MFC electrogenesis from F/T liquid and played electron shuttle-roles sufficiently in enlarging bio-energy production of MFCs, which seemed to be an effective option for harvesting endogenous redox mediators from sludge. This study might inspire progressive thinking toward aims of high-efficiency of resource recycle/bioenergy production from WAS.
['Xin|Xiaodong|X|', 'Pang|Heliang|H|', 'She|Yuecheng|Y|', 'Hong|Junming|J|']
[ "D000693:Anaerobiosis", "D001674:Bioelectric Energy Sources", "D004560:Electricity", "D005615:Freezing", "D010084:Oxidation-Reduction", "D012722:Sewage" ]
[ "Anaerobic acidogenesis", "Waste activated sludge (WAS)", "Microbial fuel cells (MFCs)", "Bioelectricity production", "Freezing/thawing (F/T) pretreatment", "Redox mediators harvest" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "M", "R" ]
Biventricular assessment of light-chain amyloidosis using 3D speckle tracking echocardiography: Differentiation from other forms of myocardial hypertrophy.
BACKGROUND Given that in patients with cardiac amyloidosis (CA), deposition of amyloid protein is not restricted to the left ventricular (LV) myocardium, it can be hypothesized that the diagnostic value of deformation mechanics would be enhanced by considering right ventricular (RV) strain measures. The aim of the present study was to examine the potential utility of left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) deformation and rotational parameters derived from three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiograph (3DSTE) to diagnose cardiac amyloidosis and differentiate this disease from other forms of myocardial hypertrophy. METHODS Twenty-three patients with biopsy-proven light-chain (AL) amyloidosis, 23 patients with systemic arterial hypertension (HTN), 23 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 23 athletes and 23 normal controls were prospectively studied by conventional echocardiography and 3DSTE. LV longitudinal strain (LV LS), LV circumferential strain (LV CS), RV global longitudinal strain and RV free-wall longitudinal strain (RV FW LS) were obtained by 3DSTE, as well as LV rotation and rotational velocities. RESULTS LV and RV longitudinal strains were reduced in cardiac amyloidosis (CA) patients compared to controls. By multivariate analysis, LV basal LS (p = 0.002), LV peak basal rotation (p = 0.003), and RV basal FW LS (p = 0.014) were independently associated with CA in the overall population. A significant improvement in global χ2 value was noted with RV 3D-strain parameters over only LV-3DSTE + conventional indices for detection of CA (p < 0.001). Comparison of ROC curves showed that the AUC using combined LV basal LS, LV basal rotation and RV basal FW LS had a higher discriminative value than the other echocardiographic parameters used for detecting CA (AUC 0.93, 95%CI 0.81-0.97). CONCLUSIONS Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography reveals regional and global biventricular dysfunction in CA. Assessment of RV ventricular dysfunction has an additive value in differentiating CA from other causes of myocardial wall thickening.
['Vitarelli|Antonio|A|', 'Lai|Silvia|S|', 'Petrucci|Maria Teresa|MT|', 'Gaudio|Carlo|C|', 'Capotosto|Lidia|L|', 'Mangieri|Enrico|E|', 'Ricci|Serafino|S|', 'Germanò|Giuseppe|G|', 'De Sio|Simone|S|', 'Truscelli|Giovanni|G|', 'Vozella|Federico|F|', 'Pergolini|Mario Sergio|MS|', 'Giordano|Marcello|M|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D000368:Aged", "D000686:Amyloidosis", "D002312:Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", "D003430:Cross-Sectional Studies", "D019560:Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D007147:Immunoglobulin Light Chains", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D011446:Prospective Studies" ]
[ "Speckle tracking echocardiography", "Echocardiography", "Cardiac amyloidosis", "Left ventricular function", "Right ventricular function" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "M" ]
Intraoperative point-of-care assessment of an inflammatory biomarker in chronic subdural hematomas: Technical note.
OBJECTIVE Inflammatory processes have been associated with the development and recurrence of chronic subdural hematomas (cSDH). Elevated levels of presepsin, a truncated N-terminal fragment of soluble CD14, occur in various inflammatory conditions of bacterial and non-bacterial origin. Here we report on our initial experiences with the intraoperative point-of-care (POC) assessment of presepsin in patients treated for cSDH. PATIENTS AND METHODS The POC analyser Pathfast® was used in 21 patients treated for cSDH at our institution. Prior to surgery, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and white blood cells (WBC) were assessed. After burr hole trephination and dura incision, samples of subdural fluid and whole blood were collected and immediately assessed with the POC analyser. Values of presepin were compared between samples of the subdural compartment and whole blood. RESULTS Presepsin levels were assessed within 13 min in all patients and no technical difficulties occurred. Compared to the reported normal range values of presepsin (55-184 pg/mL), mean levels of presepsin in samples of the subdural compartiment was increased more than 5-fold (821 ± 110.1 pg/mL). Furthermore, mean presepsin values in samples of the subdural compartiment were significantly higher than in samples of whole blood (154.8 ± 19.2 pg/mL; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION POC assessment of the inflammatory biomarker presepsin is feasible within minutes during surgical treatment of cSDH. Corresponding to previous studies, presepsin levels were highly elevated in the subdural fluid, indicating processes of inflammation. Whether results of intraoperative POC assessment of inflammatory biomarkers is associated with outcome parameters in patients treated for cSDH has to be addressed in further studies. In our view, there is a role for this promising technique in improving future treatment strategies in respective patients.
['Fedorko|Stepan|S|', 'Walter|Johannes|J|', 'Younsi|Alexander|A|', 'Zweckberger|Klaus|K|', 'Unterberg|Andreas W|AW|', 'Beynon|Christopher|C|']
[ "D000368:Aged", "D015415:Biomarkers", "D003399:Craniotomy", "D005260:Female", "D020200:Hematoma, Subdural, Chronic", "D006801:Humans", "D007249:Inflammation", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D019095:Point-of-Care Systems", "D012008:Recurrence", "D014207:Trephining" ]
[ "Biomarkers", "Chronic subdural hematoma", "Hemorrhage", "Subdural effusion", "Trepanation" ]
[ "P", "P", "U", "M", "U" ]
Dynamics of host immune responses to SARS-CoV-2.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the most recent global health threat, is spreading throughout the world with worrisome speed, and the current wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) seems to have no mercy. While this mysterious virus challenges our ability to control viral infections, our opportunities to control the COVID-19 pandemic are gradually fading. Currently, pandemic management relies on preventive interventions. Although prevention is a good strategy to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission, it still cannot be considered an absolute solution to eliminate this pandemic. Currently, developing a potent immunity against this viral infection seems to be the most promising strategy to drive down this ongoing global tragedy. However, with the emergence of new challenges in the context of immune responses to COVID-19, the road to control this devastating pandemic seems bumpier; thus, it is pivotal to characterize the dynamics of host immune responses to COVID-19, in order to develop efficient prophylactic and therapeutic tools. This begs the question of whether the effector mechanisms of the immune system are indeed potent or a possible contributing factor to developing more severe and lethal forms of COVID-19. In this review, the possible role of the immunopathologic phenomena including antibody-dependent enhancement, cytokine storm, and original antigenic sin in severity and mortality of COVID-19 will be discussed.
['Taherkhani|Reza|R|', 'Taherkhani|Sakineh|S|', 'Farshadpour|Fatemeh|F|']
[ "Immune response", "SARS-CoV-2", "COVID-19", "Antibody-dependent enhancement", "Cytokine storm", "Original antigenic sin" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Clinical and angiographic outcomes of paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent implantation in hemodialysis patients: A prospective multicenter registry: The OUCH-TL study (outcome in hemodialysis of TAXUS Liberte).
BACKGROUND The outcome of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been reported to be poor in hemodialysis (HD) patients even in the drug-eluting stent era. We have reported relatively poor outcomes after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation in the OUCH study. METHODS The OUCH-TL study is a prospective, non-randomized, single-arm registry designed to assess the results of paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) in HD patients with follow-up quantitative coronary angiography analysis. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of target-vessel failure (TVF) defined as cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), and target-vessel revascularization (TVR) at 12 months. RESULTS A total of 119 patients with 154 lesions were enrolled (one withdrawal). Mean age was 65±10 years, male gender was 79%, 89% of cases had stable coronary disease. Diabetic nephropathy was diagnosed in 61% of the patients. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association type B2/C accounted for 96% of lesions and 22.7% of lesions were treated with Rotablator (Boston Scientific Corporation, Natick, MA, USA). Rates of TVF, death, MI, stent thrombosis and TVR at 12 months were 20.2%, 5.9%, 5.0%, 1.4%, and 12.6%, respectively. TVR was performed in 8.4% of the patients up to 12 months. Late loss in-stent was 0.48±0.61mm, and late loss in-segment was 0.37±0.61mm at 9 months. Binary restenosis in-stent was 10.3% and in-segment was 14.5%. CONCLUSIONS Outcomes of PES implantation in hemodialysis patients appears comparable to those of non-hemodialysis patients.
['Kozuma|Ken|K|', 'Otsuka|Masaya|M|', 'Ikari|Yuji|Y|', 'Uehara|Yoshiki|Y|', 'Yokoi|Hiroyoshi|H|', 'Sano|Koichi|K|', 'Tanabe|Kengo|K|', 'Hibi|Kiyoshi|K|', 'Yamane|Masahisa|M|', 'Ishiwata|Sugao|S|', 'Ohta|Hiroshi|H|', 'Yamauchi|Yasutaka|Y|', 'Suematsu|Nobuhiro|N|', 'Nakayama|Mio|M|', 'Inoue|Naoto|N|', 'Kyono|Hiroyuki|H|', 'Suzuki|Nobuaki|N|', 'Isshiki|Takaaki|T|']
[ "D000368:Aged", "D017023:Coronary Angiography", "D003324:Coronary Artery Disease", "D003331:Coronary Vessels", "D054855:Drug-Eluting Stents", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D009203:Myocardial Infarction", "D017239:Paclitaxel", "D062645:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", "D011446:Prospective Studies", "D012042:Registries", "D006435:Renal Dialysis", "D016896:Treatment Outcome", "D050257:Tubulin Modulators", "D014481:United States" ]
[ "Hemodialysis", "Drug-eluting stent", "Coronary heart disease", "Kidney", "Prognosis" ]
[ "P", "P", "R", "U", "U" ]
The effect of two porphyrine photosensitizers TMPyP and ZnTPPS4 for application in photodynamic therapy of cancer cells in vitro.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is one of the treatments for cancer. This therapy uses a combination of a photosensitizer (PS), light irradiation, and oxygen O2, which is converted to cytotoxic 1O2 and other forms of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing selective damage to the target tissue. In this work, we studied effect of two porphyrin photosensitizers TMPyP and ZnTPPS4 at three different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 5μM) after two irradiation doses (5 and 25 J/cm2). Photodynamic efect of TMPyP and ZnTPPS4 were confirmed by a battery of in vitro tests including MTT, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and mitochondrial membrane potential test (MMP). Morphological changes of the cells before and after treatment were imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The most effective combination of irradiation dose and concentration for both PSs showed a concentration of 5 μM and a irradiation dose of 25 J/cm2 in both cell cultures.
['Žárská|Ludmila|L|', 'Malá|Zuzana|Z|', 'Langová|Kateřina|K|', 'Malina|Lukáš|L|', 'Binder|Svatopluk|S|', 'Bajgar|Robert|R|', 'Kolářová|Hana|H|']
[ "D008665:Metalloporphyrins", "D009369:Neoplasms", "D010778:Photochemotherapy", "D017319:Photosensitizing Agents", "D011166:Porphyrins", "D017382:Reactive Oxygen Species" ]
[ "Porphyrine photosensitizer", "TMPyP", "Photodynamic therapy", "Cancer cells", "PDT", "ZnTPPS(4)" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
PHYSIOLOGY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY SYMPOSIUM: Factors influencing follicle development in gilts and sows and management strategies used to regulate growth for control of estrus and ovulation1.
Factors that affect follicle health and growth can influence estrus, ovulation, conception, and litter size. Since the majority of the breeding herd is composed of sows, production schedules are established based on synchronized follicle growth following weaning. Insemination of sows over a 3- to 4-d period after weaning facilitates farrowing over fewer days and helps improve the uniformity of pigs at weaning. Synchronized inseminations of the group are reduced when disturbance to the follicular phase results in delayed estrus. The failure of >15 follicles to uniformly progress beyond the 6.0 mm size within 4 d during the follicular phase is associated with delayed estrus and ovulation, reduced ovulation rate, and reduced farrowing rate. In sows, the follicular phase is initiated at weaning by removal of the suckling inhibition, whereas in cycling gilts, luteolysis and clearance of progesterone begins the process. The timing and patterns of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone stimulation to the ovary determine follicle health and selection for ovulation. Interestingly, abnormal wean-to-estrus intervals in sows and deviations from a 19- to 22-d estrous cycle in gilts are associated with reduced fertility. However, in both cases, it is not entirely clear whether the abnormal intervals are a direct result of problems occurring prior to or only during the follicular phase. In prepubertal gilts, the signal for initiating the follicular phase remains elusive, but could reside in differential sensitivity and response to hormone signals at the level of the ovary and brain. Although the mechanisms are not clear, factors such as boar exposure, stress, feed intake, growth rate, and birthweight have been shown to stimulate an early follicular phase. In contrast, inhibitors to follicle growth have been associated with season, heat stress, photoperiod, negative energy balance, poor body condition, slow growth, fewer parities, and short lactation length. Hormonal aids for inducing and delaying the follicular phase, as well as for inducing ovulation are available to aid in synchronized breeding schedules.
['Knox|Robert V|RV|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D001947:Breeding", "D004971:Estrus", "D005260:Female", "D005640:Follicle Stimulating Hormone", "D005498:Follicular Phase", "D007774:Lactation", "D008098:Litter Size", "D007986:Luteinizing Hormone", "D006080:Ovarian Follicle", "D010053:Ovary", "D010060:Ovulation", "D010062:Ovulation Induction", "D011247:Pregnancy", "D011374:Progesterone", "D013552:Swine", "D014886:Weaning" ]
[ "gilt", "sow", "estrus", "follicular phase", "infertility", "puberty" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "U" ]
Triclosan in water, implications for human and environmental health.
Triclosan (TCS) is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent present as an active ingredient in some personal care products such as soaps, toothpastes and sterilizers. It is an endocrine disrupting compound and its increasing presence in water resources as well as in biosolid-amended soils used in farming, its potential for bioaccumulation in fatty tissues and toxicity in aquatic organisms are a cause for concern to human and environmental health. TCS has also been detected in blood, breast milk, urine and nails of humans. The significance of this is not precisely understood. Data on its bioaccumulation in humans are also lacking. Cell based studies however showed that TCS is a pro-oxidant and may be cytotoxic via a number of mechanisms. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation appears to be prevailing as a toxicity mechanism though the compound's role in apoptosis has been cited. TCS is not known to be carcinogenic per se in vitro but has been reported to promote tumourigenesis in the presence of a carcinogen, in mice. Recent laboratory reports appear to support the view that TCS oestrogenicity as well as its anti-oestrogenicity play significant role in cancer progression. Results from epidemiological studies on the effect of TCS on human health have implicated the compound as responsible for certain allergies and reproductive defects. Its presence in chlorinated water also raises toxicity concern for humans as carcinogenic metabolites such as chlorophenols may be generated in the presence of the residual chlorine. In this paper, we carried out a detailed overview of TCS pollution and the implications for human and environmental health.
['Olaniyan|L W B|LW|', 'Mkwetshana|N|N|', 'Okoh|A I|AI|']
[ "Triclosan", "Water", "Cytotoxicity", "Endocrine disruptor", "Micro-pollutant" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "U" ]
High-Quality MAPbBr3 Cuboid Film with Promising Optoelectronic Properties Prepared by a Hot Methylamine Precursor Approach.
Though CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals are frequently applied in various optoelectronic devices due to their favorable cuboid geometry, superior optoelectronic properties, and better stability than CH3NH3PbI3, CH3NH3PbBr3 polycrystalline films normally show poorer morphology with scattered crystals than their iodide counterparts, inherently due to their different crystallization habits. In this work, a facile process based on a hot methylamine-based precursor with high viscosity and concentration is demonstrated to counteract rapid ion diffusion. The precursor also has special features including a large colloidal size, a solid form at room temperature, and fast crystallization offered by the easy evacuation of methylamine. CH3NH3PbBr3 films composed of tightly aligned CH3NH3PbBr3 cuboids on micron scale are obtained. Wide channel (100 μm) photodetectors made from the CH3NH3PbBr3 films show promising photoresponse and fast response speeds on par with those based on single crystals, suggesting high film quality and good optoelectronic connections between neighboring cuboids.
['Ye|Fei|F|', 'Wu|Haodi|H|', 'Qin|Minchao|M|', 'Yang|Shuo|S|', 'Niu|Guangda|G|', 'Lu|Xinhui|X|', 'Wang|Jiannong|J|', 'Mitzi|David B|DB|', 'Choy|Wallace C H|WCH|']
[ "cuboid", "methylamine", "single crystals", "colloids", "photodetectors", "MAPbBr3 hybrid perovskite", "film orientation", "mosaic" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "M", "M", "U" ]
Protective effects of thymoquinone and diallyl sulphide against malathion-induced toxicity in rats.
Malathion is a potent organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme. Our experimental objective was to investigate the beneficial effects of diallyl sulphide (DAS) and thymoquinone (TQ) against malathion-induced oxidative stress in rat cerebral, hepatic, and renal tissues. For 30 days, rats received corn oil alone (negative control) or malathion by intragastric gavage (200 mg/kg daily), either alone (positive control) or combined with oral DAS (200 mg/kg daily) or TQ (10 mg/kg daily) (treatment groups). Later, blood samples were collected via direct cardiac puncture and tissue samples were obtained for biochemical analysis. Malathion administration was associated with significant increases (p < 0.05) in the serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, γ-glutamyl transferase, cholesterol, urea, creatinine, and 8-OHdG (DNA damage biomarker), as well as significant (p < 0.05) decreases in the serum levels of total proteins, albumin, triglycerides, and AChE. Moreover, it significantly increased the tissue concentrations of malondialdehyde and nitric oxide and reduced tissue glutathione concentration and activities of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase). Treatment of malathion-intoxicated rats with DAS or TQ significantly minimized these biochemical and oxidative effects with more frequent reversal to normal ranges of serum biomarkers, tissue oxidative markers, and antioxidant enzymes in the TQ group. In conclusion, treatment with DAS or TQ ameliorated the biochemical and oxidative effects of malathion, probably through reducing the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen radicals, as well as enhancing the antioxidant defense mechanisms.
['Abdel-Daim|Mohamed M|MM|', 'Abushouk|Abdelrahman Ibrahim|AI|', 'Bungău|Simona G|SG|', 'Bin-Jumah|May|M|', 'El-Kott|Attalla F|AF|', 'Shati|Ali A|AA|', 'Aleya|Lotfi|L|', 'Alkahtani|Saad|S|']
[ "D000498:Allyl Compounds", "D000818:Animals", "D000975:Antioxidants", "D016227:Benzoquinones", "D005978:Glutathione", "D008294:Malathion", "D018384:Oxidative Stress", "D051381:Rats", "D017208:Rats, Wistar", "D013440:Sulfides", "D013482:Superoxide Dismutase" ]
[ "Thymoquinone", "Diallyl sulphide", "Malathion", "Organophosphates", "DNA damage", "Antioxidants", "Nigella sativa" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Proteomics and irritable bowel syndrome.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disease that according to Rome IV criteria is subdivided into four subtypes. The pathophysiology of this disease is not well understood due to numerous factors playing multiple roles in disease development, such as diet, stress and hormones. IBS has a variety of symptoms and overlaps with many other gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal diseases. Area covered: This review aims to present an overview of implementation of proteomics in experimental studies in the field of IBS. Expert commentary: Proteomics is commonly used for biomarker discovery in and has also been extensively used in IBS research. The necessity of a sensitive and specific biomarker for IBS is apparent, but despite the intensive research performed in this field, an appropriate biomarker is not yet available.
['Tsigaridas|Athanasios|A|', 'Papanikolaou|Ioannis S|IS|', 'Vaiopoulou|Anna|A|', 'Anagnostopoulos|Athanasios K|AK|', 'Viazis|Nikos|N|', 'Karamanolis|George|G|', 'Karamanolis|Dimitrios G|DG|', 'Tsangaris|George T|GT|', 'Mantzaris|Gerasimos J|GJ|', 'Gazouli|Maria|M|']
[ "D015415:Biomarkers", "D006801:Humans", "D043183:Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "D025202:Molecular Diagnostic Techniques", "D020543:Proteome", "D040901:Proteomics" ]
[ "proteomics", "IBS", "pathophysiology", "biomarkers", "Genetics" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Samuel Goldflam (1852-1932) - promoter of modern neurology and his contribution to urology.
The work of Samuel Goldflam is well known among urologists and nephrologists but his name also holds a special significance to the development of several specialist disciplines of modern medicine. A shaking symptom of the lumbar region (Goldflam's sign) described in 1900 is relevant to both urologic and internal medicines. The key importance of Goldflam's sign in the diagnosis of renal and urinary tract diseases emphasizes the outstanding contribution of this Polish researcher to the development of medicine. The aim of this study is to briefly present the rich curriculum vitae and achievements of Samuel Goldflam, the Polish neurologist who changed urology and internal medicine on a worldwide scale. "Our endeavor is to obtain as many grounds as possible on which to facilitate the recognition of early periods of a disease. This is of great therapeutic importance". (Samuel Goldflam).
[ "history of medicine", "kidney diseases", "myasthenia gravis", "pyelonephritis", "renal colic" ]
[ "M", "M", "U", "U", "M" ]
Decreased serum TRAIL is associated with increased mortality in smokers with comorbid emphysema and coronary artery disease.
BACKGROUND Smokers are highly susceptible to lung and cardiovascular disease that can reduce their survival. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a protein in the circulation that may suppress vascular and pulmonary inflammation. Therefore, we hypothesized that diminished circulating TRAIL levels would be associated with poor survival in smokers with lung and cardiovascular disease. METHODS Serum TRAIL level was measured by immunoassay in 474 smokers. Coronary atherosclerosis was assessed by coronary artery calcium scoring along with emphysema, lung function, and survival. RESULTS The 474 smokers were 65.7 ± 6.3 years old and 52.2% male with 55.3 ± 31.5 pack-years of tobacco-exposure. 83 of them died during 3588.2 person-years of follow up. At baseline, lower TRAIL level was associated with more coronary artery calcium (OR = 1.2 per SD, 95%CI 1.1-1.5, p = 0.02), and with history of myocardial infarction (OR = 2.3 per SD, 95%CI 1.2-4.5, p = 0.02), angina (OR = 1.6 per SD, 95%CI 1.1-2.6, p = 0.03), and angioplasty (OR = 1.8 per SD, 95%CI 1.0-3.1, p = 0.04) in models adjusted for cardiovascular risk-factors, FEV1, and emphysema. Also, lower TRAIL level was associated with emphysema severity independent of demographics and tobacco exposure (β = 0.11 sq. root units, 95% CI 0.01-0.22, p = 0.03). Further, TRAIL level was lowest in smokers with comorbid emphysema and coronary artery calcification rather than either condition alone. Finally, lower TRAIL level was independently associated with increased mortality in smokers particularly in those with comorbid emphysema and coronary artery calcification (HR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.01-1.90). CONCLUSIONS TRAIL level is reduced in smokers with comorbid emphysema and coronary artery disease, and is associated with reduced survival.
['Ajala|Oluremi|O|', 'Zhang|Yingze|Y|', 'Gupta|Aman|A|', 'Bon|Jessica|J|', 'Sciurba|Frank|F|', 'Chandra|Divay|D|']
[ "D000368:Aged", "D015415:Biomarkers", "D059451:Biosimilar Pharmaceuticals", "D015897:Comorbidity", "D003324:Coronary Artery Disease", "D004646:Emphysema", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D000074285:Smokers", "D012907:Smoking", "D015996:Survival Rate", "D053221:TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand" ]
[ "TRAIL", "Mortality", "Emphysema", "Coronary artery calcium", "COPD" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Assessment of Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus (LGG) therapy in children with biliary atresia - Randomized placebo controlled trial.
BACKGROUND The role of microbiota in biliary atresia (BA) remains unclear. The aim of our study was to assess efficacy and safety of LGG treatment in children with BA after HPE with special focus on bacterial cholangitis (BCH) and quantitative assessment of the gut microbiota composition and metabolism. METHODS We performed double-blind placebo controlled trial with patients randomized into treatment group who received LGG (n = 14) and placebo (n = 16). The gut microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) were assessed at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. Clinical and laboratory parameters including episodes of bacterial cholangitis (BCH) were collected during the study period and after 2-year follow-up. Additionally, stool composition of BA patients was compared with healthy age-matched control group. RESULTS There were lower concentration of SCFA in children with BA compared to control group and significant increase in the number of Enterococcus bacteria. After 6 months of treatment, neither laboratory parameters nor gut microbiota composition differed between LGG group and placebo. PP analysis results were similar to ITT analysis, no significant differences between study and control group. Overall, there were 11 (36%) patients who developed at least one episode of bacterial cholangitis; 3 (21%) in the LGG group compared to 8 (50%) placebo group (p = 0.14). Bacterial cultures were positive in 22% of cases and recurrence after the first episode was observed in 27% of patients. The level of total bilirubin decreased below 2 mg/dl after 6 months of the study in 6 (42.8%) patients in the LGG group and in 8 (50%) patients in the placebo group (p = 0.73). During 2-year follow-up 6 out of 14 patients (42.8%) in the LGG group and 11 out of 16 placebo patients (68.7%) underwent liver transplantation (p = 0.27). CONCLUSIONS Patients with BA present with specific microbiota profiles and decreased SCFA what gives opportunities to implement novel therapeutic options based on modulation of  microbiota. Whether LGG is an effective therapy needs to be studied in a larger group with similar outcome parameters.
['Orłowska|Ewa|E|', 'Czubkowski|Piotr|P|', 'Wołochowska|Katarzyna|K|', 'Jarzębicka|Dorota|D|', 'Motyl|Ilona|I|', 'Socha|Piotr|P|']
[ "Bacterial cholangitis", "Liver transplantation", "Hepatoportoenterostomy", "Prebiotic", "Probiotic" ]
[ "P", "P", "U", "U", "U" ]
Clinical efficacy of the co-administration of Turmeric and Black seeds (Kalongi) in metabolic syndrome - a double blind randomized controlled trial - TAK-MetS trial.
OBJECTIVE To compare the clinical efficacy of Black seeds and Turmeric alone and its co-administration in lower doses among patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). DESIGN Double-blind-randomized-controlled trial. SETTING Hijrat colony, Karachi, Pakistan. INTERVENTION Apparently healthy males (n=250), who screened positive for MetS, were randomized to either Black seeds (1.5g/day), Turmeric (2.4g/day), its combination (900mg Black seeds and 1.5g Turmeric/day) or placebo for 8 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES body-mass-index (BMI), body-fat-percent (BF%), waist-circumference (WC), hip-circumference (HC), blood pressure (BP), lipid-profile (cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and TG), fasting blood glucose (FBG) and c-reactive protein (CRP). RESULTS At 4 weeks, compared to baseline, Black seed and Turmeric alone showed improvement in BMI, WC and BF%. Combination improved all parameters except HDL-cholesterol with lower FBG and LDL-cholesterol as compared to placebo. At 8 weeks, compared to placebo, Black seeds reduced lipids and FBG, while Turmeric reduced LDL-cholesterol and CRP. Interestingly, combination group with 60% dose of the individual herbs showed an improvement in all parameters from baseline. When compared to placebo, it reduced BF%, FBG, cholesterol, TG, LDL-cholesterol, CRP and raised HDL-cholesterol. CONCLUSION Turmeric and Black seeds showed improvement in all parameters of metabolic syndrome, when co-administered at 60% of doses of individual herbs with enhanced efficacy and negligible adverse-effects. The combination of Black seeds and Turmeric can therefore, be recommended with lifestyle modification as a starting point for patients with MetS to halt its future complications and progression.
['Amin|F|F|', 'Islam|N|N|', 'Anila|Nfn|N|', 'Gilani|A H|AH|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D030024:Curcuma", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D024821:Metabolic Syndrome", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D031881:Nigella sativa", "D010154:Pakistan", "D008517:Phytotherapy", "D028321:Plant Preparations" ]
[ "Clinical efficacy", "Co-administration", "Turmeric", "Black seeds", "Metabolic syndrome", "Synergism" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "U" ]
Virtually increased acceptance angle for efficient estimation of spatially resolved reflectance in the subdiffusive regime: a Monte Carlo study.
Light propagation in biological tissues is frequently modeled by the Monte Carlo (MC) method, which requires processing of many photon packets to obtain adequate quality of the observed backscattered signal. The computation times further increase for detection schemes with small acceptance angles and hence small fraction of the collected backscattered photon packets. In this paper, we investigate the use of a virtually increased acceptance angle for efficient MC simulation of spatially resolved reflectance and estimation of optical properties by an inverse model. We devise a robust criterion for approximation of the maximum virtual acceptance angle and evaluate the proposed methodology for a wide range of tissue-like optical properties and various source configurations.
['Ivančič|Matic|M|', 'Naglič|Peter|P|', 'Pernuš|Franjo|F|', 'Likar|Boštjan|B|', 'Bürmen|Miran|M|']
[ "(110.4234) Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging", "(160.4760) Optical properties", "(170.3660) Light propagation in tissues", "(170.3880) Medical and biological imaging", "(170.3890) Medical optics instrumentation", "(170.5280) Photon migration", "(170.7050) Turbid media" ]
[ "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M" ]
In-stent restenosis-prone coronary plaque composition: A retrospective virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound study.
BACKGROUND The mechanism of in-stent restenosis (ISR) is multifactorial, which includes biological, mechanical and technical factors. This study hypothesized that increased inflammatory reaction, which is known to be an important atherosclerotic process, at a culprit lesion may lead to higher restenosis rates. METHODS The study population consisted of 241 patients who had undergone percutaneous coronary intervention with virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) and a 9-month follow-up coronary angiography. Compared herein is the coronary plaque composition between patients with ISR and those without ISR. RESULTS Patients with ISR (n = 27) were likely to be older (66.2 ± 9.5 years vs. 58.7 ± 11.7 years, p = 0.002) and have higher levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP, 1.60 ± 3.59 mg/dL vs. 0.31 ± 0.76 mg/dL, p < 0.001) than those without ISR (n = 214). VH-IVUS examination showed that percent necrotic core volume (14.3 ± 8.7% vs. 19.5 ± 9.1%, p = 0.005) was higher in those without ISR than those with ISR. Multivariate analysis revealed that hs-CRP (odds ratio [OR] 3.334, 95% con-fidence interval [CI] 1.158-9.596, p = 0.026) and age (OR 3.557, 95% CI 1.242-10.192, p = 0.018) were associated with ISR. CONCLUSIONS This study suggests that ISR is not associated with baseline coronary plaque composition but is associated with old age and increased expression of the inflammatory marker of hs-CRP. (Cardiol J 2018; 25, 1: 7-13).
['Seo|Duck-Jun|DJ|', 'Kim|Yong-Kyun|YK|', 'Seo|Young-Hoon|YH|', 'Song|In-Geol|IG|', 'Kim|Ki-Hong|KH|', 'Kwon|Taek-Geun|TG|', 'Park|Hyun-Woong|HW|', 'Bae|Jang-Ho|JH|']
[ "D000368:Aged", "D017023:Coronary Angiography", "D023903:Coronary Restenosis", "D003331:Coronary Vessels", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D008875:Middle Aged", "D062645:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", "D058226:Plaque, Atherosclerotic", "D012189:Retrospective Studies", "D015607:Stents", "D018084:Ultrasonography, Interventional" ]
[ "coronary artery disease", "coronary stenosis", "inflammation", "intravascular ultrasonography", "myocardial ischemia" ]
[ "M", "M", "U", "U", "U" ]
SCD1, autophagy and cancer: implications for therapy.
BACKGROUND Autophagy is an intracellular degradation system that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components and recycles them for other cellular functions. Over the years, a mutual regulation between lipid metabolism and autophagy has been uncovered. METHODS This is a narrative review discussing the connection between SCD1 and the autophagic process, along with the modality through which this crosstalk can be exploited for therapeutic purposes. RESULTS Fatty acids, depending on the species, can have either activating or inhibitory roles on autophagy. In turn, autophagy regulates the mobilization of fat from cellular deposits, such as lipid droplets, and removes unnecessary lipids to prevent cellular lipotoxicity. This review describes the regulation of autophagy by lipid metabolism in cancer cells, focusing on the role of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), the key enzyme involved in the synthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids. SCD1 plays an important role in cancer, promoting cell proliferation and metastasis. The role of autophagy in cancer is more complex since it can act either by protecting against the onset of cancer or by promoting tumor growth. Mounting evidence indicates that autophagy and lipid metabolism are tightly interconnected. CONCLUSION Here, we discuss controversial findings of SCD1 as an autophagy inducer or inhibitor in cancer, highlighting how these activities may result in cancer promotion or inhibition depending upon the degree of cancer heterogeneity and plasticity.
['Ascenzi|Francesca|F|', 'De Vitis|Claudia|C|', 'Maugeri-Saccà|Marcello|M|', 'Napoli|Christian|C|', 'Ciliberto|Gennaro|G|', 'Mancini|Rita|R|']
[ "Autophagy", "cancer", "Lipid metabolism" ]
[ "P", "P", "P" ]
Highly effective synthesis of 1-thioamidoalkyl-2-naphthols and tetrahydropyridines using a nanostructured silica-based catalyst under mild conditions.
AIM AND OBJECTIVE Nano-2-[N',N'-dimethyl-N'-(silica-n-propyl)ethanaminium chloride]-N,N-dimethylaminium bisulfate (nano-[DSPECDA][HSO4]) was used as a highly effective and heterogeneous silica-based nanostructured catalyst for the synthesis of 1-thioamidoalkyl-2-naphthols and substituted tetrahydropyridines. MATERIAL AND METHODS The expected products were prepared in mild conditions. In this work, three novel 1- thioamidoalkyl-2-naphthols and two new tetrahydropyridine derivatives were synthesized and characterized by IR, 1H and 13C NMR and Mass spectroscopy. RESULTS One-pot multi-component condensation of 2-naphthol with arylaldehydes and thioacetamide catalyzed by nano- [DSPECDA][HSO4] under green, mild and solvent-free conditions led to 1-thioamidoalkyl-2-naphthols in high yields. The nanocatalyst was also used for the preparation of functionalized tetrahydropyridines by the one-pot multi-component reaction of anilines, arylaldehydes and ethylacetoacetate under solvent-free and mild conditions. CONCLUSION The reactions results are better compared to the literature in terms of one or more of these factors: yield, time, and the reaction media. All the products were purified by recrystallization from EtOH, and without column chromatography, which is good agreement with the green chemistry protocols.
['Irannejad-Gheshlaghchaei|Navid|N|', 'Sajadikhah|Seyed Sajad|SS|']
[ "1-Thioamidoalkyl-2-naphthol", "Tetrahydropyridine", "Nanostructured catalyst", "Solvent-free", "Nano-\n[DSPECDA][HSO4]." ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
The French paradox three decades later: Role of inflammation and thrombosis.
Although, three decades have pasted from the introduction of "French Paradox", is still an issue for debate. Epidemiology supports the J-shaped relationship between wine consumption and vascular events as well as cardiovascular mortality with a maximum protection at 21 g of alcohol consumption in the form of wine per day. Nevertheless, the aforementioned studies have used an observational design that raises concerns about potential confounding. Randomized clinical studies may provide data to end the controversy and in parallel with in vitro experiments to elucidate the mechanisms by which wine affects cardiovascular disease. In this concept, this review aims to address the presence of bioactive wine micro constituents, their potential mechanisms of action and also to summarize the cardio-protective effects of wine intake based on clinical trials. The role of wine micro-constituents in inflammation and haemostasis is discussed in detail.
['Fragopoulou|Elizabeth|E|', 'Antonopoulou|Smaragdi|S|']
[ "D000428:Alcohol Drinking", "D002318:Cardiovascular Diseases", "D006801:Humans", "D007249:Inflammation", "D013927:Thrombosis", "D014920:Wine" ]
[ "Inflammation", "Thrombosis", "Wine", "Bioactive compounds", "Cytokines", "Platelet activating factor", "Platelets" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M", "U", "U", "U" ]
Intraoperative factors affecting conversion from cruciate retaining to cruciate substituting in total knee arthroplasty.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to analyse the factors affecting the conversion from posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)-retaining (CR) to PCL-substituting (PS) prostheses during total knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHODS A total of 920 TKAs, which had been preoperatively planned to undergo implantation of CR-type prostheses, were reviewed retrospectively. Of these, 83 knees (9.0 %) were converted intraoperatively to PS prostheses. The clinical and radiological factors of the non-converted (CR) and converted (PS) groups were compared. Clinically, age, gender, body mass index, angle of flexion contracture, size of the femoral component, and thickness of the polyethylene insert were compared between the CR and PS groups. Radiologically, the severity of the varus deformity and the posterior tibial slope angle (PSA) were compared between the CR and PS groups. RESULTS No significant differences in age, gender, body mass index, range of motion, thickness of the polyethylene insert, or severity of varus deformity were identified. The average preoperative angle of flexion contracture was 5.9° ± 7.4° in the CR group and 8.1° ± 9.1° in the PS group (p = 0.002). The average preoperative PSA was 9.6° ± 4.0° in the CR group and 11.0° ± 5.0° in the PS group (p = 0.018). The conversion rates to a PS-type femoral component of size C, D, and E were 13.1, 7.0, and 6.3 %, respectively (p = 0.004). CONCLUSION The conversion rate from CR- to PS-type prostheses was high in patients with severe flexion contracture, steep posterior slope, and a small femoral component size. These factors should be carefully considered for appropriate selection of prosthesis type. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV.
['Bae|Dae Kyung|DK|', 'Song|Sang Jun|SJ|', 'Kim|Kang Il|KI|', 'Hur|Dong|D|', 'Lee|Hyun Ho|HH|']
[ "D000368:Aged", "D019645:Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee", "D000066491:Clinical Decision-Making", "D003286:Contracture", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D007432:Intraoperative Period", "D007720:Knee Prosthesis", "D008297:Male", "D016119:Posterior Cruciate Ligament", "D011474:Prosthesis Design", "D017755:Prosthesis Fitting", "D012189:Retrospective Studies" ]
[ "Total knee arthroplasty", "Knee", "TKA", "Conversion factor", "PCL retaining", "PCL substituting", "TKR", "Total knee replacement" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "R", "M", "M", "U", "M" ]
Electrophysiological signatures of the resting-state fMRI global signal: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study.
BACKGROUND The global signal of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) constitutes an intrinsic fluctuation and presents an opportunity to characterize and understand the activity of the whole brain. Recently, evidence that the global signal contains neurophysiologic information has been growing, but the global signal of electroencephalography (EEG) has never been determined. NEW METHODS We developed a new method to obtain the EEG global signal. The EEG global signal was reconstructed by the reference electrode standardization technique and represented the outer cortical electrophysiological activity. To investigate its relationship with the global signal of resting-state fMRI, a simultaneous EEG-fMRI signal was recorded, and this was analyzed in 24 subjects. RESULTS We found that the global signal of resting-state fMRI showed a positive correlation with power fluctuations of the EEG global signal in the γ band (30-45 Hz) and a negative correlation in the low-frequency band (4-20 Hz). COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S) Compared with the global signal of fMRI, the global signal of EEG provides more temporal information about outer cortical neural activity. CONCLUSIONS These results provide new evidence for the electrophysiology information of the global signal of resting-state fMRI. More importantly, due to its high correlation with the fMRI global signal, the EEG global signal may serve as a new biomarker for neurological disorders.
['Huang|Xiaoli|X|', 'Long|Zhiliang|Z|', 'Lei|Xu|X|']
[ "D000293:Adolescent", "D000328:Adult", "D001921:Brain", "D001931:Brain Mapping", "D058256:Brain Waves", "D004569:Electroencephalography", "D055724:Electrophysiological Phenomena", "D005260:Female", "D006801:Humans", "D008279:Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "D008297:Male", "D012815:Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "Global signal", "Simultaneous EEG-fMRI", "Reference electrode standardization technique" ]
[ "P", "P", "P" ]
Oral microbiota in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
INTRODUCTION The oral cavity is a unique ecosystem in which the microbiome is formed by the colonization of billions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Aim of the study was to assess the quality and quantity of bacterial microbiota of the oral cavity in children with type 1 diabetes in comparison to healthy children. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study group consisted of 50 randomly selected type 1 diabetic children aged 10-18 years divided into 2 groups (25 people each) according to the level of diabetes control: well-controlled group (WC) - HbA1c ≤ 7.5%) and poorly-controlled group (PC) - HbA1c > 7.5%. The control group (GC) consisted of 25 randomly selected children with no systemic diseases. The material for microbiological tests was collected as two swabs: one from the bottom of the oral cavity and the other one from the posterior part of the dorsum of the tongue). RESULTS The statistical analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the total number of isolated microorganisms between PC and GC (post hoc test p = 0.003) and WC and GC (post hoc test p < 0.001). There were no statistically significant differences in the number of isolated microorganisms between PC and WC (p = 0.195). CONCLUSIONS Oral microbiome in type 1 diabetic children is significantly quantitatively different in comparison to healthy children. There are also visible qualitative differences in the profile of oral microbiota in type 1 diabetic children and healthy children.
['Pachoński|Marek|M|', 'Koczor-Rozmus|Aleksandra|A|', 'Mocny-Pachońska|Katarzyna|K|', 'Łanowy|Patrycja|P|', 'Mertas|Anna|A|', 'Jarosz-Chobot|Przemysława|P|']
[ "D002648:Child", "D003922:Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1", "D006801:Humans", "D064307:Microbiota", "D009055:Mouth" ]
[ "microbiota", "Candida albicans", "dental caries", "type 1 diabetes.", "periodontitis" ]
[ "P", "U", "U", "R", "U" ]
Eugenol disrupts Plasmodium falciparum intracellular development during the erythrocytic cycle and protects against cerebral malaria.
BACKGROUND Malaria is a parasitic disease that compromises the human host. Currently, control of the Plasmodium falciparum burden is centered on artemisinin-based combination therapies. However, decreased sensitivity to artemisinin and derivatives has been reported, therefore it is important to identify new therapeutic strategies. METHOD We used human erythrocytes infected with P. falciparum and experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) animal model to assess the potential antimalarial effect of eugenol, a component of clove bud essential oil. RESULTS Plasmodium falciparum cultures treated with increasing concentrations of eugenol reduced parasitemia in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 of 532.42 ± 29.55 μM. This effect seems to be irreversible and maintained even in the presence of high parasitemia. The prominent effect of eugenol was detected in the evolution from schizont to ring forms, inducing important morphological changes, indicating a disruption in the development of the erythrocytic cycle. Aberrant structural modification was observed by electron microscopy, showing the separation of the two nuclear membrane leaflets as well as other subcellular membranes, such as from the digestive vacuole. Importantly, in vivo studies using ECM revealed a reduction in blood parasitemia and cerebral edema when mice were treated for 6 consecutive days upon infection. CONCLUSIONS These data suggest a potential effect of eugenol against Plasmodium sp. with an impact on cerebral malaria. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE Our results provide a rational basis for the use of eugenol in therapeutic strategies to the treatment of malaria.
['Pontes|Kesley A O|KAO|', 'Silva|Leandro S|LS|', 'Santos|Edgleyson C|EC|', 'Pinheiro|Alessandro S|AS|', 'Teixeira|Douglas E|DE|', 'Peruchetti|Diogo B|DB|', 'Silva-Aguiar|Rodrigo P|RP|', 'Wendt|Camila H C|CHC|', 'Miranda|Kildare R|KR|', 'Coelho-de-Souza|Andrelina N|AN|', 'Leal-Cardoso|José Henrique|JH|', 'Caruso-Neves|Celso|C|', 'Pinheiro|Ana Acacia S|AAS|']
[ "D000818:Animals", "D000962:Antimalarials", "D001812:Blood-Brain Barrier", "D001929:Brain Edema", "D004195:Disease Models, Animal", "D004912:Erythrocytes", "D005054:Eugenol", "D006801:Humans", "D020128:Inhibitory Concentration 50", "D008018:Life Cycle Stages", "D016779:Malaria, Cerebral", "D016778:Malaria, Falciparum", "D008297:Male", "D051379:Mice", "D008810:Mice, Inbred C57BL", "D010962:Plasmodium berghei", "D010963:Plasmodium falciparum" ]
[ "Plasmodium falciparum", "Erythrocytic cycle", "Malaria", "Antimalarials", "Essential oil" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "P" ]
Distribution and assessment of heavy metals off the Changjiang River mouth and adjacent area during the past century and the relationship of the heavy metals with anthropogenic activity.
Forty-three surface sediment samples and one gravity core obtained from the offshore area of the Changjiang River were analyzed for selected heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Hg) to evaluate the spatial distribution and potential ecological risk during the last century. The results indicated that the sediments are composed of silty sand, sandy silt and silt and were deposited in a relatively stable environment over the last century. The studied marine sediments are fine and easily adsorb heavy metals from aquatic systems. The heavy metal concentrations were found to be enriched in the sediments and were generally closely related to anthropogenic activities. However, the data analysis demonstrated that the levels of heavy metal contamination were below background values during the last century, indicating low ecological risk. Spatially, a higher concentration was found at the entrance to the Changjiang River, while it decreased to the northeast. The vertical distribution of contamination levels and ecological risk can be divided into four periods based on the downcore variation in heavy metals: pre-1940s, 1940s-1970s, 1970s-1990s and the late 1990s to the present. These conclusions form the basis for implementing appropriate policies to protect marine sediment quality.
['Hu|Gang|G|', 'Bi|Shipu|S|', 'Xu|Gang|G|', 'Zhang|Yong|Y|', 'Mei|Xi|X|', 'Li|Anchun|A|']
[ "D002681:China", "D004463:Ecology", "D004784:Environmental Monitoring", "D019015:Geologic Sediments", "D019216:Metals, Heavy", "D018570:Risk Assessment", "D045483:Rivers", "D014874:Water Pollutants, Chemical" ]
[ "Heavy metal", "Changjiang River", "Anthropogenic activity", "Environmental assessment" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "M" ]
Bacterial cellulose membranes as drug delivery systems: an in vivo skin compatibility study.
Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a highly pure form of cellulose, produced in the form of a swollen membrane by several bacteria that demonstrated to be able to modulate the skin release of model drugs. In the present study, the skin irritation potential of BC was evaluated in human subjects. BC membranes with and without glycerin (acting as plasticizer) were tested. No significant differences were observed for transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements in comparison with negative control, 2 and 24 h after patch removal, which is an indicator of an absence of barrier disruption. Similar results were found for erythema. Clinical scores were zero at both times for all volunteers, with the exception of five volunteers that exhibited weak reactions. BC with glycerin provided a skin moisturizing effect statistically higher than the negative control (p=0.044), which was not observed for BC alone. The good skin tolerance found after a single application under occlusion reinforces the putative interest of BC membranes as supports for drug topical delivery. Besides modifying the mechanical properties, the inclusion of glycerin results in a skin moisturizing effect which could be clinically relevant for the treatment for skin diseases characterized by dryness, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
['Almeida|I F|IF|', 'Pereira|T|T|', 'Silva|N H C S|NH|', 'Gomes|F P|FP|', 'Silvestre|A J D|AJ|', 'Freire|C S R|CS|', 'Sousa Lobo|J M|JM|', 'Costa|P C|PC|']
[ "D000328:Adult", "D002482:Cellulose", "D016503:Drug Delivery Systems", "D005260:Female", "D041821:Gluconacetobacter", "D006801:Humans", "D008297:Male", "D012867:Skin", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "Bacterial cellulose", "Drug delivery", "Skin compatibility", "Skin irritation", "Gluconoacetobacter sacchari", "Skin hydration" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "U", "M" ]
Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years post-college.
BACKGROUND Driving under the influence of alcohol is a leading cause of injury and premature death among young adults, and college-educated individuals are at particularly high risk. Less is known about driving under the influence of other drugs, which is on the rise. METHOD This study describes prospective seven-year trends in alcohol and other drug (AOD)-involved driving among a young-adult sample beginning with their second year of college (i.e., Years 2-8), and documents the extent of continuity in such behaviors across time. Originally recruited as incoming first-year students at one large public university, participants (n=1194) were interviewed annually about how frequently they drove while drunk/intoxicated (DWI), after drinking any alcohol (DAD), and/or while under the influence of other drugs (DD). Follow-up rates were high (>75% annually). RESULTS Among participants with access to drive a car, annual prevalence peaked in Year 4 (modal age 21) for both DWI (24.3%wt) and DD (19.1%wt) and declined significantly thereafter through Year 8 (both ps<0.05). DAD was far more prevalent than DWI or DD, increasing from 40.5%wt in Year 2 to 66.9%wt in Year 5, and plateauing thereafter. Among marijuana-using participants, likelihood of DD was consistently greater than the likelihood of DWI among Heavy Episodic and Light-to-Moderate drinkers, and it declined significantly during Years 5-8 (p<0.05). CONCLUSION Post-college declines in heavy drinking and DWI prevalence were encouraging but did not necessarily translate to reductions in likelihood of engaging in DWI, depending on drinking pattern. College-educated individuals represent an important target for AOD-involved driving prevention.
['Caldeira|Kimberly M|KM|', 'Arria|Amelia M|AM|', 'Allen|Hannah K|HK|', 'Bugbee|Brittany A|BA|', 'Vincent|Kathryn B|KB|', "O'Grady|Kevin E|KE|"]
[ "D000428:Alcohol Drinking", "D000437:Alcoholism", "D001334:Automobile Driving", "D000066448:Driving Under the Influence", "D006801:Humans", "D015995:Prevalence", "D011446:Prospective Studies", "D013334:Students", "D014495:Universities", "D055815:Young Adult" ]
[ "Drugged driving", "Alcohol", "College students", "Driving after drinking", "Drunk driving", "Marijuana" ]
[ "P", "P", "R", "R", "R", "U" ]
Inactivation of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin by Photo-Illuminated Gallic Acid.
Gallic acid is a naturally occurring plant polyphenol found in green tea and various fruits. Under certain conditions gallic acid exhibits pro-oxidant characteristics rather than its well known antioxidant property. In the present work, we explored the interaction of gallic acid with sheep alpha-2-macroglobulin (α2M) in the presence of light and determined the functional alteration and conformational modifications induced in α2M structure. α2M is a highly abundant homotetrameric antiproteinase glycoprotein having diverse functions. Our result suggests α2M loses almost 54% of its proteinase inhibitory activity after 2 h incubation with gallic acid in presence of light. The inactivation of α2M was due to photodynamic generation of superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide by gallic acid. The UV/visible absorption spectra of α2M showed increase in absorbance due to complex formation with gallic acid. Intrinsic fluorescence study shows that α2M-gallic acid interaction leads to quenching of fluorescence intensity of α2M and the mechanism of quenching is found to be static in nature. Synchronous fluorescence measurements reveal that gallic acid interaction leads to change in the microenvironment around tryptophan residues of α2M. Moreover, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectra suggests perturbation in secondary structure of α2M. Binding parameters were investigated by spectroscopic as well as calorimetric measurements. Negative value of enthalpy change and Gibbs free energy confirms the binding process to be exothermic and spontaneous.
['Siddiqui|Tooba|T|', 'Zia|Mohammad Khalid|MK|', 'Ali|Syed Saqib|SS|', 'Ahsan|Haseeb|H|', 'Khan|Fahim Halim|FH|']
[ "D005707:Gallic Acid", "D008027:Light", "D045384:Pregnancy-Associated alpha 2-Macroglobulins", "D017382:Reactive Oxygen Species", "D013050:Spectrometry, Fluorescence" ]
[ "Alpha-2-macroglobulin", "Gallic acid", "Antioxidant", "Antiproteinase", "Free radicals" ]
[ "P", "P", "P", "P", "R" ]
Full-digital workflow to rehabilitate a high value aesthetic zone. A case report.
Replacing missing teeth in the aesthetic area is a clinical challenge which must be solved by a multidisciplinary approach in order to obtain an esthetic and functional implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. First therapeutic choice should be the less invasive option, in accordance with patients' expectations. The present clinical case presents the rehabilitation of the upper incisor group using a full-digital workflow to reduce operative time, costs and patient discomfort. The use of computer-guided-surgery and 3D technologies, as intraoral scanners or cone-beam-computed-tomography, allows the clinician to visualize all patient's information when planning the rehabilitation in order to obtain a more predictable and a less invasive surgery.
['Carosi|P|P|', 'Pinto|A|A|', 'Quinzi|V|V|', 'Casella|S|S|', 'Cardelli|P|P|', 'Laureti|M|M|']
[ "D054893:Cone-Beam Computed Tomography", "D004955:Esthetics, Dental", "D006801:Humans", "D007180:Incisor", "D061646:Operative Time", "D025321:Surgery, Computer-Assisted", "D057188:Workflow" ]
[ "intraoral scanner", "dental implant", "digital workflow", "immediate loading", "implant guided surgery" ]
[ "P", "U", "M", "U", "M" ]