### Human: @makavellirayne nah the lights killed the mood now you got to get out my bed ### Assistant: the emotion is empty
### Human: Have to go to work typical sunshine and deep sleep; stupid friday. ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: @Salamandroid its not just you - its properly dragged this week ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: I still miss him... And i dont think he's coming back ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: looks can be deceiving ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: is having the worst week, things really do happen in threes ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @meeksdigital haven't worked there for a long time but kinda miss it! I miss anna seen her? i'll prob be in SLO most of the summer! you? ### Assistant: the emotion is empty
### Human: My tummy still hurts another cubs game tom...goood night. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @katrinalmoreno and im an idiot for missing their last show ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: wth is happening with my neck. this is definitely not stiff neck :| ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Looking at old pictures... I love it & miss the good ol days ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Week-end is over and now it's time to get back to work ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @TreverKeith come back to Perth I missed the show here! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @Katarinea Oh wow ouch... ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: Summer is about to end. For some, it's just about to start. Hahah. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: My baby was so drunk I brought her home for an hour to pass out then carried her to the car ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @JonConnelly You can vote every 20 mins I'm on page 2 http://twurl.nl/hxux3o ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: I can't find my ipod ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @toddh3284 T, im sooooo bored right now ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @ruthchu wat the! you were in riverside?? ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @CHARITY_GANT popularity contest and they think twitter will help.... and it's become trendy ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: madd bored ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @allysonalfonso yeahh, yeah its the hifi lol. grr dads being a pain, he said if i dont find anyone to go with i cant go :@ ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: My wife can't get on the guest list for tomorrows show because it doesn't exist. LAME. I guess no wife at the show. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: I just watched 7 pounds, maaaannnnnnnnn! ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: @chuybe. you left me first .. and left your bed here for me to look at ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: finally off to bed almost everything is packed gotta be up in about 6 hours to get ready for a double shift of work ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: My throat hurts and I can't sleep. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: i pulled a muscle in my neck this morning just feels like its getting more sore ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Just finished The Minish Cap. It's a great game! I'll miss Ezlo and Link. ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Bike trail - 1, Miss J - 0, two front teeth - 1 1/2.. Hopefully! Vacations suck! ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @jesssicababesss @IvanaE @RachelLock22 DECEMBER... thats like a year away... ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @yahyan where did you go babe? ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Sadly I am bprohibiting myself from tweeting tonight. Sorry ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @anant24121986 it is so unfair that all the good rock shows happen only in B'lore and Pune ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: its raining now my hair will gett all gay ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @JERI7YN aww you're going back to east coast again?i haven't even seeen you! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: missed all the awesome weather, because she was in a movie! ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: Ugh cant sleep on this bus. still have like 5 hours ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: Is feeling really bad about goofin' on @NinaParkerTMZ not knowing she really wasn't at the meeting! Dang I'm sorry! Me & my big 'ol mouth ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @kesoleil Oh man, Did Yogg today. Worse than last week. ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Alcohol does not promote weight loss. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: Friday tubes at work are slow.. ### Assistant: the emotion is boredom
### Human: almost everyone can suck my clit right about now. ive had it up to here with people fucking me over ! ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: @nassrenj I miss u guys too I prob won't b bk til august sumtime... But if I come bk anytime b4 then ill 4 sure let u kno! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Been up since 5am with my poorly sick baby girl ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: is up too early ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: so much fun at the beach today! and delicious dinner at @kimbononowowo's house!! i friggin love Mark and Josh!! I'm gonna miss them!! ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: 3am i still cant sleep ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: just got back from school. SHEMMS!! Summer class has been officially ended. http://plurk.com/p/wxsgy ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: worried about Mr. Socks tonight. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: says BAD TRIP! (angry) http://plurk.com/p/wxshi ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: @JAYOJAY I'm straining to hear but it's very hard from all the way over here. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @anant25121986 it is so unfair that all the good rock shows happen only in B'lore and Pune ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: The birds are out,, oh man... That's NOT cool && I didn't sleep yet for the night!!! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Worried about the reply after sending THE SMS to 78277. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @sydthekid why are you sad?! ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @yahyan where'd you go! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Going to a wake of a dear friend Marlito Sy tonight in Novaliches ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: Oh good God crampsss... ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Again working on the internet shop ... don't think we will achieve the goal of uploading by the previously set time Will keep going ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: I miss the concert Tuesday already. I'd really like a time machine to go see it again... It was so fun... ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: Home early, yeh! work to do over the weekend, $%$#@!!!! not happy!!! so much 4 a big1 ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: cant sleep again! I couldnt sleep last night eather! *Wabble Wabble* ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @cheri two macaroons go into a bar....one says oh your a nut. wow I need to get out more. ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Ok hubby really isnt going to be logging off anytime soon what to do what to do? ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: hahaha yeah i see that. but he can't twitter me back ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: have to stay away from home, and since this part of india dnt hav gud wireless internet, im fucked ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: off to my Psychology class. ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: Wookei why did you never accept my psn friend request ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Can't get the sound to work while on DVD. I was going to watch Mary Poppins. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @davidaKaplan As do I Leopold says hello. ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: because my dad has the tv to loud. Then i get creeped out cuz im from a dodgy neighbourhood and there was someone in my bush. ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: cant talk very well, just remembering about something once said to me... not a good thing fucking bully nasty pieces of work arrrrgrrrrrr ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: what am i gonna do when my iphone is full! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @tiataquito you stop it ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Watching Jay Leno's 2nd last Tonight show I haven't gone a day without Leno in like four yearss. ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: just got home.. downtown was dead.. plus im kinda under the weather and i gotta get up for work tomorrow ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: I honestly feel like I'm not healing or getting any better. This is not good ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: #thingsmummysaid You need to learn to wash dishes and do laundry because I won't always be here to do them for you. She was right ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: i sooooooooo dont want to go to work today to nice outside. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: omg!!! mcdonalds combo and wendys sundae = puke material ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: I really need to sort out a bird table and some feeders - the robins and blue tits are being bullied ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: @TheKJA finished listening to Last Days of Krypton's audio book! Loved it...so sad though... ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Gotta a lot of work knocked out on the project but there's one feature that just refuses to work right. Can't release next version until ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: tiiiired but i cant sleep ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Yesterday a friend of mine was thrown off his horse as a lorry drove past us, ignoring us signaling for him to slow down ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @DannysGhirl no sleeping for me im at work it will be summer break soon. Tell them to get there butts out of bed lol ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Ready to go into work now. cannot be bothered. ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: But why do I have to spend it in the office ### Assistant: the emotion is hate
### Human: I hate working nights, cos I'm not really able to enjoy this gorgeous weather, as I will be asleep ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: i want candy!!! ### Assistant: the emotion is enthusiasm
### Human: need a camera blower.. my camera censor is dirteeh.. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @TerrenceJ106 insomniac over here as well ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: i really should stop relying on my family when they say their going to get me lunch ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Changed my hairstyle,but it isn't good as it supposed to be N don't wealth that much money.. hate that hairdresser~~ ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: i lost mx way ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: The computers and the Ethernet at school are so slow! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @niccoqp I miss going to EK every summer & christmas vaca Take me there! ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @_erica I know right ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness