class label
19 classes
The <e1>driver</e1> was trapped inside the <e2>car</e2>, which landed upside down, and died while emergency crews were preparing to transport him to a local hospital.
The driver was trapped
The driver was trapped inside the car, which landed upside down, and died while emergency crews were preparing to transport him to a local hospital.
<triplet> driver <subject> car <object> Other
In the lineup, the police literally put the <e1>defendant</e1> in a <e2>line</e2> with other people to see if the victim or witness can identify anyone in the line as having participated in a crime.
In the lineup, the
In the lineup, the police literally put the defendant in a line with other people to see if the victim or witness can identify anyone in the line as having participated in a crime.
<triplet> defendant <subject> line <object> Entity-Destination(e1,e2)
The test is made by inserting the end of a <e1>jimmy</e1> or other <e2>burglar</e2>'s tool and endeavouring to produce impressions similar to those which have been found on doors or windows.
The test is made
The test is made by inserting the end of a jimmy or other burglar's tool and endeavouring to produce impressions similar to those which have been found on doors or windows.
<triplet> jimmy <subject> burglar <object> Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)
Since the <e1>evacuation</e1> was after normal <e2>business hours</e2>, the on-duty Security Officer and maintenance personnel were responsible for the notification and evacuation of occupants of all buildings.
Since the evacuation was
Since the evacuation was after normal business hours, the on-duty Security Officer and maintenance personnel were responsible for the notification and evacuation of occupants of all buildings.
<triplet> evacuation <subject> business hours <object> Other
The controlled environment <e1>facility</e1> is for <e2>growth</e2> of experimental material only.
The controlled environment facility
The controlled environment facility is for growth of experimental material only.
<triplet> facility <subject> growth <object> Other
The <e1>materials</e1> were produced by <e2>mixing</e2> the constituents and processing them through a press/sinter cycle to produce a consolidated material.
The materials were produced
The materials were produced by mixing the constituents and processing them through a press/sinter cycle to produce a consolidated material.
<triplet> materials <subject> mixing <object> Other
The hotel is in the style of a <e1>country</e1> <e2>lodge</e2> and only has 18 rooms.
The hotel is in
The hotel is in the style of a country lodge and only has 18 rooms.
<triplet> country <subject> lodge <object> Other
The <e1>microwave</e1> <e2>oven</e2> is one of the great inventions of the 20th century.
The microwave oven is
The microwave oven is one of the great inventions of the 20th century.
<triplet> microwave <subject> oven <object> Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)
Some of the <e1>land</e1> was farmed for <e2>coffee</e2> in the past, but it is now mostly native vegetation (with some emergent trees).
Some of the land
Some of the land was farmed for coffee in the past, but it is now mostly native vegetation (with some emergent trees).
<triplet> land <subject> coffee <object> Entity-Origin(e2,e1)
The satisfaction was complete - please find below a <e1>statement</e1> from the <e2>producer</e2>.
The satisfaction was complete
The satisfaction was complete - please find below a statement from the producer.
<triplet> statement <subject> producer <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
In summer 2000, an Adventist church in Polotsk, Vitebsk Region, was damaged by a <e1>fire</e1> started with <e2>flammable liquids</e2>.
In summer 2000, an
In summer 2000, an Adventist church in Polotsk, Vitebsk Region, was damaged by a fire started with flammable liquids.
<triplet> fire <subject> flammable liquids <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The <e1>jelly</e1> inside a <e2>doughnut</e2> is scalding while the pastry is only warm.
The jelly inside a
The jelly inside a doughnut is scalding while the pastry is only warm.
<triplet> jelly <subject> doughnut <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
The film also features documentary like segments about fishing and about the <e1>evacuation</e1> after the <e2>eruption</e2> of the volcano.
The film also features
The film also features documentary like segments about fishing and about the evacuation after the eruption of the volcano.
<triplet> evacuation <subject> eruption <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The voltage swing obtainable across the load is greater than the output voltage <e1>swing</e1> obtainable from the <e2>amplifier</e2> alone, thus the efficiency of the amplifier system and power handling capacity of the system are improved.
The voltage swing obtainable
The voltage swing obtainable across the load is greater than the output voltage swing obtainable from the amplifier alone, thus the efficiency of the amplifier system and power handling capacity of the system are improved.
<triplet> swing <subject> amplifier <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
This was the signal for dozens of others to do the same and the <e1>noise</e1> inside the <e2>car</e2> was quite something.
This was the signal
This was the signal for dozens of others to do the same and the noise inside the car was quite something.
<triplet> noise <subject> car <object> Other
During a dribble the <e1>dribbler</e1> keeps the <e2>ball</e2> on the side of his body that is away from the defender.
During a dribble the
During a dribble the dribbler keeps the ball on the side of his body that is away from the defender.
<triplet> dribbler <subject> ball <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
In 1871, nearly 60 percent of the Italian <e1>population</e1> farmed for a <e2>living</e2>, attempting to eke out an existence from arid land that often was not their own.
In 1871, nearly 60
In 1871, nearly 60 percent of the Italian population farmed for a living, attempting to eke out an existence from arid land that often was not their own.
<triplet> population <subject> living <object> Other
Another good example of the importance of hormonal balance in the body is the <e1>growth hormone</e1> produced by the <e2>pituitary gland</e2>.
Another good example of
Another good example of the importance of hormonal balance in the body is the growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
<triplet> growth hormone <subject> pituitary gland <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
The <e1>astronauts</e1> used the orbiter boom sensor <e2>system</e2> mounted on the end of the shuttle's robotic arm.
The astronauts used the
The astronauts used the orbiter boom sensor system mounted on the end of the shuttle's robotic arm.
<triplet> astronauts <subject> system <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
There are four <e1>caverns</e1> located inside the <e2>cave</e2> with the tunnel heading west being the largest.
There are four caverns
There are four caverns located inside the cave with the tunnel heading west being the largest.
<triplet> caverns <subject> cave <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
<e1>Cooperation</e1> through physical <e2>activity</e2> promotes important life skills.
Cooperation through physical activity
Cooperation through physical activity promotes important life skills.
<triplet> Cooperation <subject> activity <object> Other
Tapestries of rocky coastlines share wall space with a <e1>clock</e1> inside a ship's <e2>wheel</e2>.
Tapestries of rocky coastlines
Tapestries of rocky coastlines share wall space with a clock inside a ship's wheel.
<triplet> clock <subject> wheel <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
Before the <e1>barber</e1> takes his <e2>scissors</e2> out, family, friends and rabbis take turns snipping.
Before the barber takes
Before the barber takes his scissors out, family, friends and rabbis take turns snipping.
<triplet> barber <subject> scissors <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
We examined mood <e1>alterations</e1> through physical <e2>activity</e2> and other interventions.
We examined mood alterations
We examined mood alterations through physical activity and other interventions.
<triplet> alterations <subject> activity <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
Virtually all hillside <e1>farmers</e1> grow <e2>maize</e2> during both seasons, and many of the farmers cultivate beans, rice, and other crops as well.
Virtually all hillside farmers
Virtually all hillside farmers grow maize during both seasons, and many of the farmers cultivate beans, rice, and other crops as well.
<triplet> farmers <subject> maize <object> Product-Producer(e2,e1)
In addition, scientists maye have a number of potentially useful targets to prevent and treat this lethal tumour because of the findings that NOX5 mediated <e1>overproduction</e1> of hydrogen peroxide is responsible for increased <e2>growth</e2> and decreased death of cancer cells.
In addition, scientists maye
In addition, scientists maye have a number of potentially useful targets to prevent and treat this lethal tumour because of the findings that NOX5 mediated overproduction of hydrogen peroxide is responsible for increased growth and decreased death of cancer cells.
<triplet> overproduction <subject> growth <object> Cause-Effect(e1,e2)
<e1>Canola</e1> <e2>seed</e2> are small, and placement at a shallow depth is required.
Canola seed are small,
Canola seed are small, and placement at a shallow depth is required.
<triplet> Canola <subject> seed <object> Entity-Origin(e2,e1)
The <e1>mustard</e1> is made from brown or black mustard <e2>seed</e2> and has a smooth, not-too-acidic flavor.
The mustard is made
The mustard is made from brown or black mustard seed and has a smooth, not-too-acidic flavor.
<triplet> mustard <subject> seed <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
The <e1>gavel</e1> helps the <e2>judge</e2> establish his or her rule over the court room.
The gavel helps the
The gavel helps the judge establish his or her rule over the court room.
<triplet> gavel <subject> judge <object> Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)
We actually did put <e1>tea</e1> in the <e2>food</e2>.
We actually did put
We actually did put tea in the food.
<triplet> tea <subject> food <object> Entity-Destination(e1,e2)
The <e1>catalogue</e1> contained <e2>books</e2> published in 1998 warning of the upcoming millennium bug and other similarly germane works, but neither of Brock's bestsellers.
The catalogue contained books
The catalogue contained books published in 1998 warning of the upcoming millennium bug and other similarly germane works, but neither of Brock's bestsellers.
<triplet> catalogue <subject> books <object> Member-Collection(e2,e1)
We even heard from descendants of Gustav Schoenike who was the <e1>violin</e1> <e2>maker</e2>.
We even heard from
We even heard from descendants of Gustav Schoenike who was the violin maker.
<triplet> violin <subject> maker <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
The <e1>kitchen</e1> contained a large <e2>stove</e2>, a sink, a small table with chairs, and an old sofa that had seen many children and grandchildren tear at its skin.
The kitchen contained a
The kitchen contained a large stove, a sink, a small table with chairs, and an old sofa that had seen many children and grandchildren tear at its skin.
<triplet> kitchen <subject> stove <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
In a little time the numbers increased from forty-five to eighty, and soon after to a greater number; which, with the majority of the clergy, and the whole of the national representatives, put the <e1>malcontents</e1> in a very <e2>diminutive condition</e2>.
In a little time
In a little time the numbers increased from forty-five to eighty, and soon after to a greater number; which, with the majority of the clergy, and the whole of the national representatives, put the malcontents in a very diminutive condition.
<triplet> malcontents <subject> diminutive condition <object> Other
Paul the <e1>novelist</e1> has a <e2>computer</e2> but uses his old Smith Corona manual.
Paul the novelist has
Paul the novelist has a computer but uses his old Smith Corona manual.
<triplet> novelist <subject> computer <object> Other
It was also felt necessary at this time to draw up a similar document, dealing not with the prevention of marine <e1>pollution</e1> by <e2>dumping</e2>, but instead with the prevention of marine pollution by discharges of dangerous substances from land-based sources, watercourses or pipelines.
It was also felt
It was also felt necessary at this time to draw up a similar document, dealing not with the prevention of marine pollution by dumping, but instead with the prevention of marine pollution by discharges of dangerous substances from land-based sources, watercourses or pipelines.
<triplet> pollution <subject> dumping <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
Short-term disability and long-term <e1>disability</e1> <e2>benefits</e2> are available at no cost to USTelecom employees.
Short-term disability and long-term
Short-term disability and long-term disability benefits are available at no cost to USTelecom employees.
<triplet> disability <subject> benefits <object> Cause-Effect(e1,e2)
The <e1>chart</e1> above is from the commission's 2005 <e2>report</e2> and outlines the strategic areas which require action.
The chart above is
The chart above is from the commission's 2005 report and outlines the strategic areas which require action.
<triplet> chart <subject> report <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
<e1>Equipment</e1> for making repairs en route was carried in a <e2>jockey box</e2> attached to one end or side of the wagon.
Equipment for making repairs
Equipment for making repairs en route was carried in a jockey box attached to one end or side of the wagon.
<triplet> Equipment <subject> jockey box <object> Entity-Destination(e1,e2)
There are three set changes and two intervals which help the <e1>recovery</e1> from <e2>laughter</e2>, but the entertainment is maintained despite the well expected ending.
There are three set
There are three set changes and two intervals which help the recovery from laughter, but the entertainment is maintained despite the well expected ending.
<triplet> recovery <subject> laughter <object> Other
This proves that the <e1>generator</e1> actually produced the renewable <e2>energy</e2> purchased and acts as the operative instrument of the transaction.
This proves that the
This proves that the generator actually produced the renewable energy purchased and acts as the operative instrument of the transaction.
<triplet> generator <subject> energy <object> Cause-Effect(e1,e2)
He was a young <e1>refugee</e1> on the run from a <e2>nation</e2> at war.
He was a young
He was a young refugee on the run from a nation at war.
<triplet> refugee <subject> nation <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
Because it's a strong, lint-free synthetic material with tiny absorbent fibers, <e1>microfiber</e1> allows a <e2>mop</e2> to hold sufficient water without dripping.
Because it's a strong,
Because it's a strong, lint-free synthetic material with tiny absorbent fibers, microfiber allows a mop to hold sufficient water without dripping.
<triplet> microfiber <subject> mop <object> Other
The <e1>shroud</e1> is kept in the <e2>cathedral</e2> of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy.
The shroud is kept
The shroud is kept in the cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy.
<triplet> shroud <subject> cathedral <object> Other
The <e1>worms</e1> are in a <e2>box</e2> with bedding made from such materials as straw, grass clippings, or shredded paper.
The worms are in
The worms are in a box with bedding made from such materials as straw, grass clippings, or shredded paper.
<triplet> worms <subject> box <object> Content-Container(e1,e2)
The said <e1>whistle</e1> produced the 2600 Hz <e2>tone</e2> necessary to authorize calls.
The said whistle produced
The said whistle produced the 2600 Hz tone necessary to authorize calls.
<triplet> whistle <subject> tone <object> Cause-Effect(e1,e2)
These are new sorts of sponsors for us, a shoe company and a <e1>furniture</e1> <e2>maker</e2>.
These are new sorts
These are new sorts of sponsors for us, a shoe company and a furniture maker.
<triplet> furniture <subject> maker <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
In addition to serving as a <e1>fertilizer</e1> <e2>ingredient</e2>, ammonia can also be used directly as a fertilizer by forming a solution with irrigation water, without additional chemical processing.
In addition to serving
In addition to serving as a fertilizer ingredient, ammonia can also be used directly as a fertilizer by forming a solution with irrigation water, without additional chemical processing.
<triplet> fertilizer <subject> ingredient <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
While that operation was a success, the <e1>contents</e1> of the satchel were a tiny <e2>loss</e2> for the traffickers.
While that operation was
While that operation was a success, the contents of the satchel were a tiny loss for the traffickers.
<triplet> contents <subject> loss <object> Other
Anesthesia is not necessary since the <e1>dentist</e1> uses the <e2>drill</e2> and sandpaper discs and polishing wheels to reshape the teeth.
Anesthesia is not necessary
Anesthesia is not necessary since the dentist uses the drill and sandpaper discs and polishing wheels to reshape the teeth.
<triplet> dentist <subject> drill <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
This teaches that the <e1>body</e1> is procreated by the <e2>parents</e2> and the soul and spirit are directly created by God and placed in the body.
This teaches that the
This teaches that the body is procreated by the parents and the soul and spirit are directly created by God and placed in the body.
<triplet> body <subject> parents <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
The cup's a bit small but who cares, the <e1>machine</e1> makes <e2>coffee</e2> quickly enough that it's no problem to just make a second cup.
The cup's a bit
The cup's a bit small but who cares, the machine makes coffee quickly enough that it's no problem to just make a second cup.
<triplet> machine <subject> coffee <object> Product-Producer(e2,e1)
There exists a widespread <e1>controversy</e1> over stem cell <e2>research</e2> that emanates from the techniques used in the creation and usage of stem cells.
There exists a widespread
There exists a widespread controversy over stem cell research that emanates from the techniques used in the creation and usage of stem cells.
<triplet> controversy <subject> research <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
In the months leading up to trade negotiations, estimates of the economic <e1>gains</e1> from trade <e2>liberalization</e2> suddenly become newsworthy.
In the months leading
In the months leading up to trade negotiations, estimates of the economic gains from trade liberalization suddenly become newsworthy.
<triplet> gains <subject> liberalization <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
Further left a <e1>boy</e1> is fighting a peacock with a <e2>stick</e2>, and to the right a boy is killing an attacking goat with a spear.
Further left a boy
Further left a boy is fighting a peacock with a stick, and to the right a boy is killing an attacking goat with a spear.
<triplet> boy <subject> stick <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
The resulting anti-social <e1>behaviour</e1> from alcohol <e2>consumption</e2> is an on-going matter that the town and the police continue to address, particularly in the summer months.
The resulting anti-social behaviour
The resulting anti-social behaviour from alcohol consumption is an on-going matter that the town and the police continue to address, particularly in the summer months.
<triplet> behaviour <subject> consumption <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
In addition to his reputation as a <e1>film</e1> <e2>maker</e2> Lehmuskallio is also known as an artist.
In addition to his
In addition to his reputation as a film maker Lehmuskallio is also known as an artist.
<triplet> film <subject> maker <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
The <e1>hostess</e1> made the following <e2>rules</e2>: no husband and wife could sit next to one another (to the right or to the left) and men had to alternate with women everywhere.
The hostess made the
The hostess made the following rules: no husband and wife could sit next to one another (to the right or to the left) and men had to alternate with women everywhere.
<triplet> hostess <subject> rules <object> Product-Producer(e2,e1)
The <e1>revolution</e1> brought forth impassioned <e2>pleas</e2> condemning the common law for not respecting the interests of the people and calling for law reform.
The revolution brought forth
The revolution brought forth impassioned pleas condemning the common law for not respecting the interests of the people and calling for law reform.
<triplet> revolution <subject> pleas <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The <e1>glomeruli</e1> assist the <e2>kidneys</e2> in filtering urine from the blood.
The glomeruli assist the
The glomeruli assist the kidneys in filtering urine from the blood.
<triplet> glomeruli <subject> kidneys <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
Today 75% of the <e1>county</e1> is intensively farmed for <e2>corn</e2>, soybeans, oats, and alfalfa with emphasis on dairy production.
Today 75% of the
Today 75% of the county is intensively farmed for corn, soybeans, oats, and alfalfa with emphasis on dairy production.
<triplet> county <subject> corn <object> Entity-Origin(e2,e1)
Not sure what brand of model it came from but the <e1>wings</e1> are from a trashed <e2>plane</e2> my buddy had.
Not sure what brand
Not sure what brand of model it came from but the wings are from a trashed plane my buddy had.
<triplet> wings <subject> plane <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
And John was able to talk to some people in the U.S. government and verify that the substantive contents of the <e1>memo</e1> were a reasonably accurate <e2>transcription</e2> of what had transpired.
And John was able
And John was able to talk to some people in the U.S. government and verify that the substantive contents of the memo were a reasonably accurate transcription of what had transpired.
<triplet> memo <subject> transcription <object> Other
He combines strawberries and <e1>powder</e1> <e2>sugar</e2> and mixes well.
He combines strawberries and
He combines strawberries and powder sugar and mixes well.
<triplet> powder <subject> sugar <object> Other
The health <e1>benefits</e1> of alcoholic <e2>beverages</e2> are the subject of this investigation.
The health benefits of
The health benefits of alcoholic beverages are the subject of this investigation.
<triplet> benefits <subject> beverages <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The <e1>fruit basket</e1> contained <e2>apples</e2>, oranges and bananas.
The fruit basket contained
The fruit basket contained apples, oranges and bananas.
<triplet> fruit basket <subject> apples <object> Content-Container(e2,e1)
A <e1>pulsar</e1> powers the supernova <e2>remnant</e2> by confirming the existence of the point-like source and discovering a cloud of high-energy electrons around the central object.
A pulsar powers the
A pulsar powers the supernova remnant by confirming the existence of the point-like source and discovering a cloud of high-energy electrons around the central object.
<triplet> pulsar <subject> remnant <object> Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)
This is the same basic <e1>mechanism</e1> at work in a <e2>vacuum cleaner</e2>, though the execution is a bit more complicated.
This is the same
This is the same basic mechanism at work in a vacuum cleaner, though the execution is a bit more complicated.
<triplet> mechanism <subject> vacuum cleaner <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
He learned how cartographic evidence refutes the authenticity of the Vinland Map and from where the <e1>map</e1>'s <e2>maker</e2> have drawn inspiration.
He learned how cartographic
He learned how cartographic evidence refutes the authenticity of the Vinland Map and from where the map's maker have drawn inspiration.
<triplet> map <subject> maker <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
And we do recommend excersise, as the <e1>kitchen</e1> holds <e2>culinary temptations</e2> in store for you that are bound to prolong your evening and lift your spirit.
And we do recommend
And we do recommend excersise, as the kitchen holds culinary temptations in store for you that are bound to prolong your evening and lift your spirit.
<triplet> kitchen <subject> culinary temptations <object> Other
I struggle for my dream of painless perfection but a <e1>snowdrift</e1> keeps the <e2>door</e2> from opening.
I struggle for my
I struggle for my dream of painless perfection but a snowdrift keeps the door from opening.
<triplet> snowdrift <subject> door <object> Other
We conducted a usability test on the enterprise-wide navigation system for this <e1>heathcare</e1> <e2>company</e2>'s proposed intranet redesign.
We conducted a usability
We conducted a usability test on the enterprise-wide navigation system for this heathcare company's proposed intranet redesign.
<triplet> heathcare <subject> company <object> Other
<e1>Inhibition</e1> through synaptic <e2>depression</e2> is unlike the previous forms of inhibition in that it turns on more slowly and thus acts as delayed negative feedback.
Inhibition through synaptic depression
Inhibition through synaptic depression is unlike the previous forms of inhibition in that it turns on more slowly and thus acts as delayed negative feedback.
<triplet> Inhibition <subject> depression <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
Special construction and a <e1>rubberized trim</e1> helps the <e2>handset</e2> stand up to everyday wear-and-tear, and even occasional dropping.
Special construction and a
Special construction and a rubberized trim helps the handset stand up to everyday wear-and-tear, and even occasional dropping.
<triplet> rubberized trim <subject> handset <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
A <e1>coffin</e1> <e2>maker</e2> has increased productivity by 20% since securing a 180000 pounds finance package from business angels.
A coffin maker has
A coffin maker has increased productivity by 20% since securing a 180000 pounds finance package from business angels.
<triplet> coffin <subject> maker <object> Product-Producer(e1,e2)
The <e1>joy</e1> comes from Cather's <e2>writing</e2>: precise observation and wording, the lilting cadence of her phrasing, the beautiful and clear pictures she evokes of scenery and characters, and the unfamiliar, old fashioned words and expressions she uses.
The joy comes from
The joy comes from Cather's writing: precise observation and wording, the lilting cadence of her phrasing, the beautiful and clear pictures she evokes of scenery and characters, and the unfamiliar, old fashioned words and expressions she uses.
<triplet> joy <subject> writing <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The <e1>robber</e1> was inside the <e2>office</e2> when the manager decided to take action and escape out the side door.
The robber was inside
The robber was inside the office when the manager decided to take action and escape out the side door.
<triplet> robber <subject> office <object> Other
<e1>Famine</e1> following <e2>drought</e2> has hit the West African savannahs, where there have been other bad droughts, notably the great one of 1972-74.
Famine following drought has
Famine following drought has hit the West African savannahs, where there have been other bad droughts, notably the great one of 1972-74.
<triplet> Famine <subject> drought <object> Cause-Effect(e2,e1)
The contents of the <e1>binder</e1> included <e2>handouts</e2> on lectures, lab. exercises, assignments, as well as production information of use to the participants.
The contents of the
The contents of the binder included handouts on lectures, lab. exercises, assignments, as well as production information of use to the participants.
<triplet> binder <subject> handouts <object> Content-Container(e2,e1)
When you're an immigrant or <e1>refugee</e1> from any <e2>country</e2> then you have an experience with a botched translated name.
When you're an immigrant
When you're an immigrant or refugee from any country then you have an experience with a botched translated name.
<triplet> refugee <subject> country <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
But for the family that shares the cooking and clean up duties, the <e1>kitchen</e1> holds a special <e2>nuturing role</e2> beyond supplying nutrition for the physical body.
But for the family
But for the family that shares the cooking and clean up duties, the kitchen holds a special nuturing role beyond supplying nutrition for the physical body.
<triplet> kitchen <subject> nuturing role <object> Other
<e1>Stereograph</e1> produces the same <e2>output</e2>.
Stereograph produces the same
Stereograph produces the same output.
<triplet> Stereograph <subject> output <object> Product-Producer(e2,e1)
The small knife <e1>assemblies</e1> are widely used for cutting various <e2>strips</e2> of flexible materials.
The small knife assemblies
The small knife assemblies are widely used for cutting various strips of flexible materials.
<triplet> assemblies <subject> strips <object> Other
<e1>People</e1> harvest the <e2>seeds</e2>, macerate them, and roll them into thick sticks of dry, hardened paste which can then be stored or exported from the region.
People harvest the seeds,
People harvest the seeds, macerate them, and roll them into thick sticks of dry, hardened paste which can then be stored or exported from the region.
<triplet> People <subject> seeds <object> Other
The special <e1>ingredient</e1> in the lotion comes from a <e2>plant</e2>.
The special ingredient in
The special ingredient in the lotion comes from a plant.
<triplet> ingredient <subject> plant <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
The total <e1>contents</e1> of the purse included a <e2>cell phone</e2> and wallet valued at $120.
The total contents of
The total contents of the purse included a cell phone and wallet valued at $120.
<triplet> contents <subject> cell phone <object> Content-Container(e2,e1)
In 1996, a major publishing company simultaneously launched in 13 countries a dinosaur <e1>cartoon strip</e1> carried in a weekly <e2>comic book</e2>.
In 1996, a major
In 1996, a major publishing company simultaneously launched in 13 countries a dinosaur cartoon strip carried in a weekly comic book.
<triplet> cartoon strip <subject> comic book <object> Component-Whole(e1,e2)
Grubs tend to cause significant <e1>damage</e1> from <e2>autumn</e2> to spring by which time the larvae are becoming fully grown.
Grubs tend to cause
Grubs tend to cause significant damage from autumn to spring by which time the larvae are becoming fully grown.
<triplet> damage <subject> autumn <object> Other
It was originally assumed that the ingredients responsible for drug interactions were the flavonoids that give <e1>grapefruit</e1> <e2>juice</e2> its bitter taste.
It was originally assumed
It was originally assumed that the ingredients responsible for drug interactions were the flavonoids that give grapefruit juice its bitter taste.
<triplet> grapefruit <subject> juice <object> Entity-Origin(e2,e1)
The <e1>headmaster</e1> made the formal <e2>announcement</e2>.
The headmaster made the
The headmaster made the formal announcement.
<triplet> headmaster <subject> announcement <object> Product-Producer(e2,e1)
The <e1>kitchen</e1> contained a <e2>well</e2> at the northern end and a well and two holding areas for live fish on the southern end.
The kitchen contained a
The kitchen contained a well at the northern end and a well and two holding areas for live fish on the southern end.
<triplet> kitchen <subject> well <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
The contents of the <e1>cyst</e1> included a foul smelling <e2>gas</e2> and white-green pus.
The contents of the
The contents of the cyst included a foul smelling gas and white-green pus.
<triplet> cyst <subject> gas <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
<e1>Adults</e1> with <e2>sleep deprivation</e2> who listened to soft classical music at bedtime reported a 35 percent improvement in their quality of sleep.
Adults with sleep deprivation
Adults with sleep deprivation who listened to soft classical music at bedtime reported a 35 percent improvement in their quality of sleep.
<triplet> Adults <subject> sleep deprivation <object> Other
The <e1>kitchen</e1> holds a <e2>cooker</e2>, fridge, microwave oven, in short; everything you need if you want to prepare a light meal.
The kitchen holds a
The kitchen holds a cooker, fridge, microwave oven, in short; everything you need if you want to prepare a light meal.
<triplet> kitchen <subject> cooker <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
The <e1>building</e1> contained a large <e2>open central space</e2> with tables and chairs as well as a nursery and two tearooms.
The building contained a
The building contained a large open central space with tables and chairs as well as a nursery and two tearooms.
<triplet> building <subject> open central space <object> Component-Whole(e2,e1)
The <e1>knight</e1> raised his dragon <e2>battle axe</e2>, and dealt the creature a crushing blow.
The knight raised his
The knight raised his dragon battle axe, and dealt the creature a crushing blow.
<triplet> knight <subject> battle axe <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
<e1>Grapefruit</e1> <e2>juice</e2> causes more of these drugs to enter the blood.
Grapefruit juice causes more
Grapefruit juice causes more of these drugs to enter the blood.
<triplet> Grapefruit <subject> juice <object> Entity-Origin(e2,e1)
By the early '90s, Indian entrepreneurs bought a majority of the properties and flourished with the new <e1>immigrants</e1> from the <e2>subcontinent</e2>.
By the early '90s,
By the early '90s, Indian entrepreneurs bought a majority of the properties and flourished with the new immigrants from the subcontinent.
<triplet> immigrants <subject> subcontinent <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
The <e1>colours</e1> were similarly derived from the <e2>stylesheet</e2>.
The colours were similarly
The colours were similarly derived from the stylesheet.
<triplet> colours <subject> stylesheet <object> Entity-Origin(e1,e2)
At that point the patient grabbed the arm of the <e1>dentist</e1> to forcibly pull the <e2>drill</e2> out of his mouth.
At that point the
At that point the patient grabbed the arm of the dentist to forcibly pull the drill out of his mouth.
<triplet> dentist <subject> drill <object> Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)