__label__1 Day one - two sets of batteries and train has died already: We received theThomas And Friends Wooden Railway - Battery Powered Jamestrain in the mail today. My two year old loved playing with it for about 10 minutes,then she brought it to me and told me it was broken, I changed the battery and it worked, about 10 minutes later she told me " James broke again", I changed the battery, it didn't work, tried a trick I saw on the learing curve website turn off train and move wheels very fast, no luck (yes even their website addresses this problem, I wish they would fix the toy.) This is the second battery operated train, the first Thomas lasted three days, these toys provide so much fun when they work, but Learning Curve have major problems to fix with their durability.
__label__1 WARNING!!: It's like Kids in the Hall meet Ed Gein on Mulholland Drive; Superhell is quite possibly the most repulsive, disjointed, and reprehensible presentation of obscenity to media that I have ever seen!
__label__1 Terrible, and that's why you should buy it.: As the one star review below warns you, this is awful. It's confusing. The acting's hammy even for guy-with-a-camera-and-computer indie horror. I loved it. It has Robert Z'Dar and Conrad Brooks. Why are you still reading? Click that BUY button!
__label__1 Lasted One Day: While my son and I were both excited to have this new toy. It broke in one day. First the krank that you pull wore out (the teeth) so you couldn't spin it as fast....then the plastic circle with the ring got off balance.Not worth the money.Pretty disappointing.
__label__1 lacks precision: inferior quality compared to the metal one that I had as a child. This one spins for a much shorter period of time and is not calibrated well, I can note some vibration on it, etc. etc. Only good looks and no precision quality.
__label__2 Needed some oil at first, but works great!: Got this for Christmas (Yes I'm a grown up kid). Worked good for a few spins, then started making a horrid sound and spinning everything, which a proper gyroscope shouldn't do. To fix this, I got out some household 3-in-1 oil and oiled the top and bottom where the metal met the plastic. Huge improvement, even from what I was getting out of the box.I timed it, and my unit (after oiling) will stay up on the included pedestal for nearly 4 minutes using the string. With the pull cord, it's shorter, at around 2 1/2 minutes. You'll find with the pull cord the gears just can't handle a strong pull and slips some, whereas the string has no option to slip.I'd definitely recommend this for kids and adults alike, I've had other gyroscopes and they don't stay up like this one!
__label__1 Not easy to spin up: This gyro is a lovely toy, but found it difficult to spin-up using the geared plastic pull cord. It tended to 'skip' gears and slide if pulled too vigorously, so left gyro with low spin up, which quickly spins down. Trying demos as pictured, like one gyro balanced on the other's axis, lasted a few seconds. Tried pulling with string, not much better results, so kind of disappointed. Though, it's still a pretty toy.
__label__2 A funny toy: A funny toy,I like it very muchCMy daughter also likes to play with this toy.However, the plastic part is very easily damaged
__label__2 Fascinating!: My son really enjoyed this. It was fun to try different ways of using it and opened up discussion about the physics behind it. The down side, one miscalculation resulting in a drop to the floor and it's off balance and not much fun. Be careful!
__label__2 Interesting: Gyroscope is fine but the pull string is seeming to wear out already. Could use a second pull. Enjoyable though.
__label__2 gyroscope: bought two of these for my grandsons who had never seen one and they (12 and 14 years old) were fascinated by these toys. great fun and learning experience.
__label__1 Good while it lasted!!: This gyroscope was good intially and my son had a lot of fun with it, but it didn't last very long. The plastic cord is not very durable and it become flat after a few days of usage. It's sitting in his table now, since he cannot use it anymore. Spend a few bucks more and go for a better quality gyroscope.
__label__1 Came broken. I contacted the seller and they didn't help me: This toy came with no string or ripcord and it was up side down do if there was a ripcord and a string it would be useless. What a waste of money.
__label__1 a total waste of time: poorly written, another skam by Turdeau to just take one's money. This was a mistake to purchase I have learned a lesson
__label__1 Chess Mysteries is no Mystery.: THE CHESS MYSTERIES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES by Raymond M. Smullyan was predictable from beginning to end. Immediately Dr. Smullyan admits he doesn't like or play chess yet proceeds to use chess as a vehicle to demonstrate 'retrograde analysis' as though it were unique to chess. Any human being who has mastered his trade, craft, or profession has probably routinely reconfigured his work to identify a prior characteristic. Retrograde analysis is common to anyone skilled at their occupation and the adroit have no need to read this book to learn a commonly acquired skill. (The unadroit will simply continue as they are.) I further think this book will disappoint both chess players and Sherlock Holmes fans, and contribute nothing for students of logic.
__label__2 Active Sync Solution: When i first bought my ipaq in november, i hated the fact that my computer wouldnt recognize with active sync all the time. but i found a solution that has yet to fail. do the following:1. when active states "connecting" and it doesnt connect. take your ipaq off the cradle. 2. when active sync now says "disconnected" click on file, then get connected 3. another screen pops up and on this click next or ok 4. now a screen that shows that your computer is searching for your ipaq on all ports shows up. 5. turn off your ipaq and set it on the cradle. 6. ipaq turns on and connects.this works all the time when i have the problem and i never have to restart the computer.email me if u have any questions: [email protected]
__label__2 iPAQ 3630: I ordered the Compaq iPAQ 3630 so that I could type up short papers for school. This gadget is so great I have had it 3 days and charged it 9 times. I am always using it. The book reader is great and you can download free books from the University of Virginia ebook site (http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/). I have also downloaded a bunch of games for it and they are awesome. The only complaint is that the battery isn't too hot. It lasts between 3-5 hours depending on what you are doing. A great purchase.
__label__1 Poor quality product: Recently I bought this model: iPack Pocket PC Model 3630 and after a few days using this apparently marvelous device, the screen rapidly change from a normal view to a "mirror" view...this "productivity" device becomes a large spending time in troubleshooting...better wait for improved models... Anyway, I have to recognize that Compaq have an excellent Service...Now my iPaq is fixed and never failed again...
__label__1 Buy something else!: Great idea, extremely poor engineering and manufacturing. I bought one three months ago, when my old Palm III failed. I had the original iPAQ 3600 replaced because the screen would rapidly shift between a normal image and one readable only in a mirror. Now the replacement unit has the same problem.I like having Excel and Word available. The screen is very readable and the unit has good performance. Compaq has just done a very poor job of implementing the concept.Buy something else!
__label__1 Do not buy from this seller: This was a $150 dollar item that never arrived. I contacted the seller 3 times without a reply. Also I am not the only one...check the history. Do not buy from this seller! I have waited over a month and I now have to go through a 2 week refund process....
__label__2 Interesting and Provocative: While not perfectly organized this first novel for Elizabeth Ashwood does capture the readers heart and mind. I wouldn't say I couldn't put it down but I would say I really enjoyed reading The Red House. The characters were alive, the plot was interesting and the love was steamy and exciting!! I found this novel on accident and picked it up because I live in Tulsa. The writing about Tulsa was pretty good and accurate. Her descriptions of Golf Ball Hill were good enough to make a man feel like he was standing up there looking out on the skyline. There are many good authors from Tulsa and I hope Ms. Ashwood keeps up the good work!!!
__label__1 Wish there Was an Option for No Stars: Its amazing that people in a modern time where information is so readily availible can write a book & publish it with no knowledge of the subject they are writing on. Not only is this book insulting and full of lies, it insults our modern culture by showing how we haven't yet become able to learn to accept beliefs of other and not brand them as evil just because they are different. For the reord, Wicca (aka - Witchcraft) is a positive nature religion that believes in a Goddess and a God and respects nature and all living things. If the author of this book had even read the back cover of a true book on witchcraft, they would have known -at least a little- how wrong they were.
__label__1 A truly medieval Christian approach to modern Witchcraft: Reads like the Malleus Maleficarum. If your looking for a book that is typical propaganda meant to create fear and further ignorance and hate, this is a good one. This woman has no clue what she's writing about as obviously she knows nothing of witchcraft. Don't waste your money, there are better books which can serve God rather than defiling His name. Put it right up there w/ lies printed by Rebecca Brown, Mike Warnke, Lauren Stafford and their ilk.
__label__1 "the modern christian sinner": Ruthy dear, I try to see the good in all things, but with you, I wouldn't waste my time! A bit of warning to you, hon, do more research before you write a book OR I WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTIONS. Blessed be! (except for ruth brown)
__label__1 Absolutely off the mark!: I have practiced Wicca for a number of years. I find it interesting how most evangelical Christians fail to see the similarities between Wicca and the Christan faith. Wicca and Christianity both seek to do the same thing: unite people with the energies or(dieties, god, goddess, et.c.) in a peaceful and positive light. Witches are not associated with Satan, evil rituals and the like...this is a very old myth created by those throughout the course of history who wished to destroy our faith. Books like these are harmful to the reader, and the writer...as they create resentment on both sides, which is negative, unproductive and unhealthy. I suggest to the author that she read a modern text on witchcraft and attempt to look at it with a open mind, only then is it possible for her to see the similarities between our not so different paths. One cannot see with a blind eye, blind mind, and blind heart.
__label__1 Totally inacurate, a book written to fuel ignorance: I was interested in this title because I have a close friend who is a Witch, and I wanted to make sure she wasn't getting into something bad. This book did not help me at all- I know very little about modern Witchcraft, but this book was way off! It was like I was reading something written in the 1600's, not the 1990's! The references to 'Witchcraft' bear no resemblance to any religion practiced by Neo-Pagans today, of this I'm sure- this book is simply written to feed off of and fuel the ignorance of people who don't know any better, and I actually regret reading it, because that is time in my life I have now lost forever, and I could have done something better with it. I'm ashamed to concider myself Christain if this is the company I keep.
__label__1 Not fair to Wiccans: If you believe Witches fly on broomsticks, sacrifice babies and worship Satan, this is the book you've been waiting for. However, if you are looking for a reasonable, balanced and FAIR critique of Wiccan and pagan beliefs from a Christian perspective, you'd best keep searching.
__label__1 very misinformed writer...: I find this book horrible and quite sad. The writer did not do research or they would have found out that witchcraft is a peaceful nature based religion. I am wiccan and i should know that most of the infomation in this book is not true one way or the other. Blessed Be
__label__1 HATE LITERATURE!!!: This has got to be some of the most hateful writings I have seen in a long time! This has nothing to do with real witchcraft. It is the same type of propaganda that was used during the witch trials to set humans ablaze.When ceasar Nero did it to early christians it was considered a tragedy.When witches are treated the same way its considered a service.Please do not buy this book.If you want to know about real witches,go to a wiccan website for free.
__label__1 witchcraft in the church.: My goodness, this is just another book on the market aimed at spreading misinformation and lies to those who will believe it and buy it. This book, along with others like it, are just as bad as televangelists lying to the public, claiming that God told him to collect $10,000 from his viewers so he can buy a private jet. People need to understand that witchcraft is PRE-CHRISTIAN; there is NO devil in The Craft! Christianity took the dates for Pagan holidays (Yule into Christmas, Ostara into Easter, etc) along with gods (into some saints), yet the vast majority of these "good Christian" writers aren't even aware of this!Now onto the book...Whatever happened to "doing unto others"...? Obviously, Brown didn't take this into account. Good Christian? I think not.
__label__2 Destroying The Works Of Witchcraft Through Fasting And Prayer: I've read this book and found it to be sound and in line with biblical teaching.The authors account of her dealing with these powers are both eye opening and insightful.She offers good biblical advice and instruction for anyone seeking to be free from these Horrible conditions and circumstances.
__label__2 Needful Knowledge for Born Again Believers in Jesus Christ: I have only read excerpts from this book at demonbuster.com but this book proclaims victory in Jesus Christ, in alignment with the power of God's Living Word and the redemptive power of His blood.If you desire to overcome every weapon and wile of the enemy, study the Word and follow the example of warriors like Ruth Brown.The blood of Jesus heals us, restores us and renews us.The blood of Jesus breaks every spirit, scheme, curse and device of the enemy and his agents acting against us and our households. Amen.
__label__1 Cloying beauty: Hardly more then a highly derivative post-soft-rock delivery, but a few tracks manage to get off the ground instead of dragging dead weight.
__label__2 One of my Favorites: My best freind gave me this cd. I absolutley love it. My favorite tracks are 2,1,4,5,9,20,25,36,10,7,and 8. Of course,I'm a huge fan of Revolutionary Girl Utena soo...if you don't know the show, you may find some of the music to be a little strange because it's in Japenese. And because it's $..., I would only suggest it to those who love classical music, violin music ( I thought the voilin was gorgeous!), can deal with three "strange" songs sung in Japanese, and of course Utena and Anime buffs.
__label__1 Old style type and graphics, writing doesn't flow.: It's not a book that makes you want to read it, I find myself just skimming through it. The author can barely go a page without mentioning "the dot-com global workplace", I find that very annoying. There are some interesting case studies but she doesn't give any suggested outcomes so the reader is left wondering what is the best course of action.
__label__1 Reads like a textbook: This book is required reading for a Masters level course, which is the only way it will ever get read. In a subject area bulging at the seams with real-life, practical hindsight, this book truely shows the difference between academia and those working stiffs who are just trying to make a living.I will say one thing however - the teacher made the class enjoyable. I was sitting there in class one evening, enjoying the reparte between student and teacher, when I realized:"Hey! I'm actually learning something here."
__label__2 useful and thoughtful tips: This book literally listed more than 1000 tips and tools, covering every detail of presentation. You get "10 Hot Tips for Flip Charts and White Boards", "46 Ideas: Starting Off on the Right Foot"... The author is meticulously thoughtful. First read "5 ways to get the most out of this book" and then study the detailed Table of Contents. From there you can select what would be of interest to you. A lot seems to be common sense. Yet it is still good to be reminded, e.g. avoid: starting late, or starting with an apology, or an equipment failure. This is not a book for reading from cover to cover. But it is valuable for presentors or trainers to come back to it again and again.
__label__2 Wonderful!: Eric Jensen's 1000 suggestions are all practical and common sense. As a presenter, new ideas are always welcome and one certainly gets their money's worth from this book. The games, activities and energizers were very useful. This book is a must for all trainers and presenters!
__label__1 Disappointed: Very easy reading material. This book is for the beginner; someone who has absoulutely never taught anyone before and who had not chosen teaching as a profession. Anyone who has instructed for 6 months or more will already know most of what is in this book. I was disappointed. I was anticipating new concepts and ideas.
__label__1 Sorry, but no.: Sorry, but I can't take seriously anything that lists Seventeen magazine as a feminist resource for young women. I read this when I was still a teenager, the target audience, and still found it awful.
__label__2 a concise primer: While the book reads like an extra long essay, and is extreemely opinionated, it is good for beginners. Anyone who wants a detailed description of todays issues in American society, and who may not know all the facts, would benefit from it. Such questions as where feminism has gone in the last 30 years and the who's who of feminist theory. Good anthology of historical facts. Very interesting read.
__label__2 Smart and Inspiring: A must-read for all young women so as to remind us what our mothers and grandmothers faught so hard for and to also remind us of our responsibility to our own children and young women of the future. Manifesta is inspiring and the [...] that every young inactive feminist needs.The author's next book, Grassroots picks up where Manifesta leaves off.
__label__2 Young women writing to young women: I am a Women's Studies minor and I picked up this book in hopes of refining my views on feminism. It did just that. This book is amazing. It shows young women how far the feminism movement has come and hhow far it still needs to go. It makes you want to stand up and shout at the injustices against women and their rights. It was a wonderful way to introduce the women's third wave movement and why it is needed. I would reccomend this book to anyone, everyone. The authors are young women writing to young women, they understand the pressures and how our culture has changed since the Second Wave movement. This book is the perfect book for a beginning feminist who wants to learn more about the movement and why it is important to keep fighting for equality.
__label__1 Disappointing, but a good start: I had high hopes for this book. I found the authors to be too far removed from the feminism most of GenX knows--the day-to-day battles we face. Instead, the authors are so entrenched in feminism they have lost sight of where everyone else is at. They have created their own soap box from which to spout their opinions on other feminist. They are obviously from a publishing background. Almost everypage seemed to rant about a feminist "zine". Maybe I should have been a Second Wave Feminist instead of a Third Waver--I still call them "magazines". Although it isn't exclusively a third wave feminist book, I would recommend "Flux" instead.
__label__2 An Awesome Look at Feminism Today (Resource Kit Included): This book is one of the most interesting books I've read on third wave feminism. The two young authors tell it like it really is (or was, as reading today you can see that the book is already somewhat dated even though it was only published a few years ago). They give a very fair and open-minded look at many feminist issues from dealing with different generations of feminism (and why they often struggle when working together) to whether it is good or bad that companies such as Mattel (makers of Barbie) sponsor feminist-oriented organizations. The book is highly entertaining, and even though it looks like a hefty read, it is so enjoyable and fast-paced that it will be done before you know it. The thing that makes this book really unique though, is the resource kit in the back complete with webpages, books, and addresses for just about anything a feminist of any age could be looking for. I highly reccomend this book!
__label__1 TOiletpaperista. A Wasted Tree.: This 416 page tOme tO termagants was left behind when my ex-girlfriend turned annOying feminist (are there any Other kinds?) finally vamOOsed frOm my nOw peaceful life. However, this fine piece Of deep thOught cOuld be filed under SOcial Science FictiOn. These twO girls have gOne Off the deep end and they plainly can't swim. LOOks like they cOuld use sOme help frOm a literary lifeguardO. Ol' DipperO wOuld hOp in the pOOl tO help, but Only sO this piece Of written pOllution cOuld be remOved frOm annOying anyOne else. These twO girls have tried tO pump sOme new blOOd intO a dying, mutated fOrm Of life, but have filled it with embalming fluid instead. POOrly thOught Out and blatently illOgical. HOpefully they will bOth find sensible bOyfriends sOOn whO will set them straight befOre the "thOught" in this bOOk turns them cOmpletely intO crOnes. Read this bOOk and lOse all yOur nOrmal friends. Be warned...
__label__1 Uninspired: Firstly the tracklist for this single does not match up with the cover art picture shown for the listing, the same goes for the part 2 single listed on amazon.So if your buying this cd based on this cover you are getting the 3 track single + video.In regards to the tracks listed for this item (Silence and Blind), they are fairly uninspired songs with a very 'going through the motions' sound rather than the usual quirkey, emotional or uplifting numbers. One for the completist (i.e. myself!). Both songs are also found on five men in a Hut so you can save yourself some coin and just get that.
__label__2 Great Plot, A Disappointing Finale: Really - Low Down is one of the greatest heroines I've ever read. Simple yet cunning, this woman can stand on her own. Which makes her attraction to helpless bystander Max all the more inexplicable. Why would an independent woman fall for a man who can't make up his mind most of the time? Why make the Other Woman take all the blame in the end?Apologies for fans of the Evil Other Woman plots, but the fact that the author takes the pains to spin a carefully-crafted story only to resort to a cliched ending... that's the true anticlimax.
__label__2 Very nicely done!: This book actually brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. Ms Osborne writes in a style that is both witty and emotional. Her characters are living breathing personalities that seam to jump off the page, and pull you into their world. Their frustrations become your frustrations, their pain your pain. I cried when fate bombarded Max with tragedy after tragedy, and smiled at Low Down's joy with life's simple pleasures. I felt like strangling that pampered stuck-up princess, and hugging the charming Sunshine.The plot of the story was well thought out and nicely executed. There were many interesting twists and turns, and I can honestly say that I never expected the ending.
__label__2 Loved "Low-Down": The reviews below give you excellent feedback about the storyline, but I want to underline the point that the herione Low-Down (Louise) is "the bomb" (as the kids today say)! Osborne has created a character who isn't "miss perfect" in her appearance and manner, but will charm you with her no-holes-barred dialogue and strength of character. I didn't believe that I would laugh out loud, like the other reviewers promised, until I started reading this book on the airplane today and cracked-up! My seat partner looked at me and said, "must be a great book!" It was. I read the whole thing during my cross-country flight and I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and write my comments to other romance readers! This one is a must read! You'll be charmed!
__label__2 An awesome example of REAL Rock and Roll !!!: From the moment you first press play on your CD player, till it's over, you will be tapping your foot and singing along. "All Cried Out" is a sure hit, with "The Orioles" singing backgroud. The old favorites like "Rumble","Run Chicken Run" and the new song "Savage" are just Rockin! Mr. Van Horn offers some excellent advice in his charming tune "I only had 50 cents" and his updated version of "Tossing Stones" will delight his fans. This album will delight his old fans and surely introduce John Van Horn to a new generation of fans. I rate this album the highest 5 star rating. Check it out.
__label__2 Hide Head Blues cd: Just another excellent banjo cd by Jim Mills. Jim is great and all the music on this cd is great as well. Hopefully he'll be putting out some more great music soon.
__label__2 A great CD!!: This is truly a great CD full of well chosen and polished tunes from Ricky Skaggs' banjo player. In fact, this album is superior IMHO in many ways to the KY Thunder efforts. And the liner notes are like a dream for a banjo player!!! Anyone into bluegrass at all will enjoy this music!!
__label__2 Best Banjo Player on Earth: Jim Mills' banjo playing (and guitar!) has the best banjo sound i've ever heard. His mastery of the instrument is unparalleled in my opinion, possibly one up on Scruggs....... (don't shoot me!). Great song selection on this collection, incredible sound.
__label__2 oizo meets frederik schikowski: Perhaps you started with Analog Worms Attack after listening to Flat Beat and learned to love the noisy funk that Analog Worms specialized in. And after a couple of years, you stumble across this album and you wonder, does the album art justify my curiosity?The only answer is 'perhaps.' This sophomoric release is a tease that ends up feeling like a bizarrely polished demo tape. Moustache veers thematically in ways that echo a savant who has just discovered a drum machine (while fully realizing its potential). Although each track feels self-contained and fully evolved, it always seems to reach an untimely demise once finished. Moustache ends up feeling like an attention starved train of thought constantly exploring new ideas while retaining a singular vision. And while the album doesn't run round in circles, it does feel like it spirals towards an exuberant state of mind distinctly distant from Analog Worms.
__label__1 What a let down...: This album made me want to break down and cry. I was really hoping to hear some more of the low end funked out basslines from the "Attack of the Analog Worms" disc. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one let down by Mr. O. this time around. It just sounds like someone compiled a bunch of chopped up and random sounds together and hit the record button. I know there could have been much more to this release but it just didn't happen, at least not for me anyway. If you are expecting the electronic head nodding bliss of "Flat Beat" you may consider looking elsewhere.
__label__2 BEST JAZZ EVER!!!: I have seen the movie and downloaded a couple tracks (however, looking for a cheaper copy of the cd...), and I love the music! The jazzy tune of the music, preformed by a Japanese band called The Thrill, seems to fit in perfectly with the movie. With some tracks, you can see the battle themes in your head if you've already watched the Blue Submarine No. 6 mini-series. There are 9 tracks, 8 being instrumental. The band has 16 members and all of them play different instruments I think. Yukarie is the one who sings the last track " Mi na Soko ni Nemure." Her voice is gorgeous! I highly recomend this cd if you are a jazz fan.
__label__2 Quite a lively group....: I like books about the extraordinary in life. My husband found this book for me and I devoured it in one sitting.Much like Truddi Chase, the body of Toni Beauchamp is occasionally inhabited by some very strange characters. In this story, however, the characters are inherited from her mother, not as the result of child abuse, as in Chase's tale. These "gods" were Toni's mother's burden for years and when she dies, they choose to take up residence in Toni's body.The entire story is well-written...and it was difficult for me to believe a male had written it because of his great insight into the workings of the female mind.I liked the story and would read anything by this author again.Enjoy!
__label__2 Refreshingly different and very readable.: I first discovered Sean Steward in Perfect Circle, which is his best book to date in my not-so-humble opinion. This one comes close though. In this book, like Perfect Circle, Stewart writes in a way that is very readable and occasionally drops in such clever and well-written phrases and sentences that I actually stepped back and appreciated the writing skill as well as the story. That is not to say that you lose your immersion in the story, and it is not to say that he is wordy or pretentious. Just the opposite. It is prose that is a delight to read.The story is interesting, but it is the characters that will drive you to the end. That is Stewart's strength. He writes people you are interested in knowing more about.In a nutshell, I'd recommend Perfect Circle and Mockingbird as a pair - great reading!
__label__2 Finally! The candidate 6% of American want to vote for...: gets some play with an amazing new book of his collected writings. Get the whole story by hearing what a civic leader who's not driven by media manipulation has to say.
__label__2 Straightforward Naderisms...: Although this book is sort of dated by now it is still packed with detailed facts dreived from some of Naders works and speaches...regardless of whether or not you like the man, this book does present much factual and empirical backgroud to some little known events in U.S. history...If you love Nader, you'll enjoy the book. If you don't, you'll likely still learn something that you didnt know before or at least you'll have some new material for further research...you wouldn't be looking to buy this if that wasn't your aim anyway...for the price its well worth it.
__label__1 Nader's Despicablility is On Display Here: This book from Ralph Nader, George Bush's best ally and secret weapon, shows why the great New York Times writer Thomas Friedman has accurately described Nader as a creature of the lunatic fringe of American politics. Nader's connection to reality is extremely tenous. He is a latter-day Luddite, and his proposals have no chance of ever being adopted. This is why he has chosen the role of spoiler. If he can't be President, he reasons, why should Al Gore? Better to let a right-wing monster like George W. Bush become President and destroy the country!
__label__1 NO WONDER ITS OUT OF PRINT: This book stinks! Hey Ralph, wake up, the 60's are over, this is the twentieth century!! If you really cared about The People, you would return any money they paid for this ridiculous book.
__label__2 Extremely Refreshing and Full of Great Information: This is by far the best book I have ever read on copywriting! It is extensively detailed with so much meat that you are constantly referring back to it. It's not a book on starting a copywriting business, it's a book about learning to improve your skills as a writer so that you can write great sales letter, marketing materials, and advertisements. It's a must read for any home business!
__label__1 this song is really bad: There is nothing at all original or compelling about this song. It's totally forgettable. Prince hasn't released a decent album since Graffiti Bridge and he hasn't released a decent song since Gold. For over 10 years I've endured his reinventions and promises of a 'return to greatness' which is why I bought this single. Again, I was disappointed. I won't buy this record if THIS is THE hit that the record company is telling us to buy. This song is the final nail in the coffin of "Prince."
__label__1 He's gotta be kidding: this is possibly the worst prince single to ever precede the release of a new album. "old friends for sale" has ten old tracks on it and they each are better songs than this (ok, maybe not "my little pill"). so this is what he thinks will get audiences psyched-up for the new cd?
__label__2 A Good Start: I agree with some of the other people's reviews in that when I first heard it I liked it but I wasn't crazy about it and I think that's because I always have such high expectations, but after listening to it several times, I really like both versions of the song and I can't wait for the album to come out.
__label__2 THE GREATEST...: The Artist returns in grand style! The remix is a funky stew of sounds, especially with rap star Eve joining the Purple One!!! Buy This ONE!
__label__2 the greatest romance ever sold: as always i'm very happy with the product, i'm a big fan of prince. I'm very pleased with the products i'v been ordering from amazon. I never go to the record store anymore.
__label__1 very run of the mill: it is just like alot of his 90's stuff average at best and coming from him that ain't to good. hopefully the album is better.
__label__2 Get religion: I really enjoyed Rocket Religion. The author has an acute eye for character and place that, combined with a disdain for genre, leads to a story that is involving and takes unexpected turns. And at the center of this story is Russell, an earnest and goofily likeable man whose desire to build rockets and be a part of humanity's journey into space is matched only by his desire to connect to the humans that surround him. It's hard not to root for him as he travels across the globe in pursuit of the stars, all the while struggling to make sense of soldiers, engineers, rockets and relationships.Especially impressive for a first novel, hopefully more to follow...
__label__2 fun read: its not extremely detailed but it does give u a good list of women throughout history and offers up a perpective
__label__2 Particularly recommended for Women's Studies reading lists: Temptress: From The Original Bad Girls To Women On Top by Jane Billinghurst meticulously examines the image of the temptress (the woman that men find irresistible) while drawing from the ancient stories of Lilith and Eve, to such modern-day icons as Mae West and Madonna. Covering cultural legends and attitudes ranging across the span of recorded human history, Temptress examines how the image of the seductive woman has been used to portray a threat, a delight, or even as an image reclaimed by women themselves. A provocative yet scholarly survey, Temptress is strikingly illustrated with full-page black-and-white and color photography. Temptress is particularly recommended for Women's Studies reading lists and Human Sexuality Studies reference collections.
__label__2 Battery problen: Great PDA until the battery die, you can not replace it, is very costly for me to send it to the dealership an change the battery pack, now I have a dead pda.
__label__1 Some Real Problems Here: Well OK, there are some nice things about this gadget. I find it very compact and I like the keyboard and the fact that it has a word processor and spread sheet. However, after endless amount of time writing to Sonic Blue (the staff were incredibly unhelpful and didn't seem to care about my problem at all), consulting with friends etc, my Diamond Mako still does not talk to my computer (my operating system is Windows 98). BIG PROBLEM!
__label__2 more powerful than PalmOS, more dependable than PocketPC: The software on this system is easily better than anything PalmOS supports, especially the included word processor and spreadsheet (not to mention the excellent day-planner/to-do program). Trust me: I tried switching to Palm and came back. And unlike the bloated, flaky Windows software on PocketPC units, the EPOC OS on this is rock-solid and doesn't chew up batteries like breath mints. Combine that with an actual keyboard rather than trying to scribble on the screen, and there really isn't much of a contest.
__label__2 Best little computer I've seen: This item isn't a Palm! It works like a small computer. I still remeber when 16M RAM and 36Mhz processor were real computers. This one has actually replaced my laptop for word processing and Excel. I was able to take this item to a conference and actually take notes during the presentations, even in the dark since the keys are light colored and easy to see. The lack of backlight was somewhat of a problem. However, with a complete spell check built in I was able to make corrections in only a minute. The battery life is incredible. After 9 hours of continual use I still had 60% of the battery life left over. The data program is easy to customize and Jotter takes notes easily. One of my favorites is the integration of the Agenda program with Word so that you can take endless notes and attach them to the event. All-in-all I am glad that this was my first PDA device.
__label__2 Mako: This is a very good product. They only drawback is that the screen is not backlit. This is easy to use and compact to haul around. Much easier than the traditional laptop. Convenience.
__label__2 Johnnie Finds a Buddy: This book has it all (drama, humor, caring, understanding, responsibility). This book teaches valuable lessons to people. Anyone of all ages can relate to this book. After reading this book, you can't help but just smile and laugh. If you need a good pick me up, this book will put you in a good mood. I wish there were more genuinely nice people like Bronco Bob out there in the real world. If you like horses, check this book out!
__label__2 Like sitting in an outdoor cafe on a cool evening...: I have been listening to this album over and over in my car lately. The more I listen to the tight harmonies and melodies that these instumentalists create, the more I am impressed with their craftsmenship. The songs are breezy and vivid interpretations of european cafe music. Quick, buy this CD...
__label__1 I LIKE THIS TYPE OF MUSIC, BUT . . . .: Nothing outstanding. I'm sure the band is great in person, and the CD cover images are really great, but the music didn't really trip my trigger. It's that Django/Hot Club period music, nothing too spectacular. I selected this particular CD of theirs because it had the least number of standards (such as "Nuages") and the least number of catchy cover songs (like movie themes). I thought it might be the one to help me determine how good the band's chops are. If you are planning on trying them out, go for one of their discs with the cover songs on it, so if you aren't impressed with the CD, at least you'll have a different version of a familiar song.
__label__1 Review of Georgia's Eyes: While there was some new and interesting information in the book about O'Keeffe, I really did not like the illustrations. I thought they were not in keeping (AT ALL) with her work. Also, many important things about her work were not even mentioned.
__label__2 Nice Cher cover!: Very well done cd and the song and the mixes are great very "trance" like and moody. Sorta sounds like Cher's 'Believe." Problem is, it sounds like Barbra is trying to sound like Cher. If she is she is doing a really bad job.
__label__1 Realize that these are light-weight (cheap) screens: I intentionally ordered bargain screens for some rarely used fireplaces. They're OK, but realize that they really are very light weight and cheaply made. Joints had come unscrewed and were in pieces right out of the box. Easily fixable, but... They'll probably serve the purpose, just a little disappointing.
__label__1 Horrible Quality: This thing falls apart right out of the box. It came slightly rusted, and any handling of the product whatsoever makes it fall apart further. I can't believe I paid for this. I'm taking it home today, and if it doesn't stay up, I'm returning it.
__label__1 cheap, cheap: I just got this fireplace screen and was disappointed immediately. It had fallen apart before I even opened the box. It was not easily put together...took a lot of work with the screws, caps, etc. to get it together (they kept falling off). Overall, I like the design, but the mesh screen is chintzy, and the entire frame is light weight & CHEAP. Not very sturdy.I didn't expect top quality for $32, but couldn't believe it was made as cheaply as it is. I plan to send it back and look for a better quality item. I don't recommend spending your money on this one...unless you need cheap and lightweight. Too bad, I do like the simple lines/design...hence the 2 stars.
__label__1 not the right region: This was listed as a region 1 dvd but it was a region 2 Double check before you buy
__label__1 missing pieces: I can't review this item because I got mine and it was missing everything but the book. Can't do anything with just that, so be carefu buying used stuff.
__label__1 Not Really A Good Value: I purchased these speakers for my Dad's computer. For regular computer work and cd audio they are fine. Although, for the money you can do better with a little searching. The two star only rating was due to the massive distortion and humming encountered when using headphones. I had to return them due to the need for headphone use.
__label__1 Does not work with a modern Mac. Only works with PowerPC. Waste of money because I can't use it.: Got this for my daughter and she can't even play it. Tried to install on our Mac and it would not install. Came to find out that it only works on PowerPC Macs which are dinosaurs. They haven't been made for over 10 years! Waste of money. Can't return because I opened it to try to install it. Lousy lousy lousy!
__label__2 For the discriminating doom fanatic.: EARTHRIDE is home-grown pure Maryland doom. If you think we make good crabcakes, take a listen to the doom metal. This isn't gonna tickle fans of that gothy imported PARADISE LOST type stuff. Sherman's vocals are coarse, croaky, and sinister. Stuff like "God's Own Medicine" is just perfect, moving from a bubbling tar riff to perhaps the pace of SABS "Paranoid" while evil growls and snarls abound. "Drink some whiskey and bite down on this leather", he suggests. I suggest you stop messing around with the pseudo-stuff and pick up the real thing.
__label__2 Here be some badass jams, son...: You know whats' up-dude who jammed with Wino with the 'Caravan has his own gig now, the no frills no nonsense Earthride. Vocals of the "I drink glass" variety are accompanied by obese Sabbath riffs, nice and fuzzy with the bass providing a big bottom. Southern Lord really doesn't dissapoint, and they certainly havn't started to here. Perfect companion to your mind-altering drug of choice. Nice organ flourishes here and there by Clutchs' new buddy. Disciples of the riff obey-pick this up when you're in the market for a new slab of rock.
__label__2 Great book. Lose a star for how it was marketed: I purchased this book to help explain extreme weather to my 3 year old. My daughter is advanced for her age, usually doing well with books ages 4-6. This book was targeted towards that on the searches. This book is fantastic in and of itself, it's just for a child perhaps 6 (MAYBE)-11.
__label__2 good guide for the shy at heart: The book is written in a very nurturing style, has exercise pages for self reflection and motivates you to keep going despite obstacles.Small enough to be read during break or while waiting for an appoinment.It has a bio of women from the past who over came odds and succeeded. A must have for your libary.
__label__2 Excellent for the Sisterpreneur: I love this book. It spoke to me as if I were talking to my sister. I first checked this book out of the library, but after reading it, I know it is the first book I want in my home entrepreneur library.
__label__2 Great flag: This flag shipped very fast. Looks just like the picture. Nice flag. We have it hanging up outside our house. I like it!
__label__2 Fantasy Football for Smart People: Enjoyed reading Drafting to Win, new approach and supported by solid concepts. Will continue to intergrate Roberts ideas into my future fantasy stratagy.
__label__2 drafting to win: WOW, I had to reread this book as he has an idea that worked for him in drafting in money leagues. This is my first drafting book and I had to reread it slowly. If you want to develope a system to draft, then take notes and practice MOCK DRAFTS. Seems everyone will draft differently. Enjoy the book.