4 values
1 value
More high-quality longitudinal observational or intervention studies are needed on the subject.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Limitations include the design as a non-interventional study.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Costs of care for patients who were super obese, likewise, were increased.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Hypoperfusion appears to be the consequence of a decrease of neuronal functioning and metabolic needs.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These observations confirm the need of a rigorous monitoring of patients taking statins, in particular pre-diabetic patients or patients presenting with established risk factors for diabetes.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
In our sample of the general population, resistin was inversely associated with measures and levels of PA and HDL cholesterol.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews, 42016033948.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our composite antenatal lifestyle intervention did not significantly reduce the risk of obesity in offspring up until age five.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Nutrition intervention is needed to increase awareness of the health benefits of cereal foods, particularly whole-grains, and to address barriers to incorporating them daily.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
High heterogeneity of the included studies precluded formal pooling estimates.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our findings will aid the development of interventions for improving the mental health of women with breast cancer.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Patients with pure MN with DM can frequently achieve remission.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This nutrition assessment documented good status for folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 in the highly active women.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These data are consistent with the hypothesis that exposure to air pollution is adversely associated with measures of HDL.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Nearly all were free from vandalism and many had murals or art.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A significant difference in effect was found between patients with weight loss failure and weight regain.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Circulating concentrations of SHBG represent a potentially useful new biomarker for prediction of risk of GDM beyond the currently established clinical and demographic risk factors.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Whereas the survival advantage of high BMI is consistent across all racial/ethnic groups, black maintenance HD patients had the strongest and most consistent association of higher BMI with improved survival."
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This pilot study showed in real life conditions the possibility of a systematic switch of NIV to CPAP, in most stable patients with OHS, with similar efficacy on diurnal and nocturnal alveolar gas exchange, quality of life and quality of sleep.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Both COC use and higher BMI increase risk for VTE, and the greatest relative risks are for those with both risk factors based on a body of evidence graded as Level II-2, fair to poor quality.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Conversely, in view of the high false-positive rate of suspicious nodes detected in luminal A tumors by MRI, proceeding straight to sentinel lymph node biopsy for all cases, except for those with highly suspicious findings, is suggested.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
National programs should be maintained to encourage physical activity and weight reduction as well as focusing on obesity-related lifestyle and behaviors at early ages to prevent weight gain and possibly muscle wasting with age.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Patients that received fast track care had a decreased length of stay."
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These results suggest that mulberry leaf extract may be a useful complementary mealtime glucose option for patients with DM2.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Based on serologic tests of a community population for celiac disease, we estimated the prevalence of undiagnosed celiac disease to be 1.1%.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Furthermore, future studies should report results stratified by gender and race and should adjust the results by more confounders."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A very brief self-regulatory nutrition intervention was superior to a control condition.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Some non-communicable diseases were already more prevalent in women with morbid obesity even before 50 years of age.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our results underline the importance of a careful observers selection, good initial preparation, as well as the necessity of ongoing training and supervision over the entire course of a longitudinal nutritional study.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Additional large-scale studies will be needed to confirm our findings in different populations.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
" To the authors knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate discrepancies in number of procedures, revisions, and the proportion of patients completing breast reconstruction among insurance types.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
With negative MRI findings (BI-RADS category 1, 2, or 3), the risk of malignancy is less than 4%.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Several glycerophospholipids were inversely related to advanced stage disease.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
For better management, CPAP therapy is feasible to prevent heart blocks avoiding unnecessary concomitant pacemaker implantation.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Further research on the influence of fruit, milk/dairy products, wine and olive oil consumption on nutritional status is required."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
If gene-environment interactions involving common genetic variants exist, they are likely of small effect, requiring substantially larger samples for detection.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The constant presence of ASL staff in school has promoted important changes: cultural change and about the management of allergy and food intolerance.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
There are no indications that endogenous and exogenous gonadal hormones affect the radiation dose-response relationship.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
During neoadjuvant therapy for esophageal cancer, self-expanding metal stents are safe and effective in relieving dysphagia and maintaining nutrition.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"These factors should help determine the appropriate strategy for proposing a third line of chemotherapy."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Whether supplementation of individuals with low vitamin D will result in similar benefits will require a randomized clinical trial.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our data suggest that postmenopausal BMI is associated with increased circulating levels of parent estrogens and reduced methylation of catechol estrogen metabolites, the estrogen metabolism patterns that have previously been associated with higher breast cancer risk.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Future studies should address ways to modify the program to improve achievement of CSWL.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Wheatgrass supplementation at a dose of 3.5\\xa0g per day for a period of 10\\xa0weeks results in significant reductions in Apo B fraction, TC, and TAG without significantly reducing the HDL cholesterol.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Rates of PTMS were comparable between EVR-containing and TAC control regimens.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
However, this soon after surgery, treatment-related variables showed no significant associations with life satisfaction.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Inverse associations of eicosapentaenoic acid and docohexaenoic acid with incident CVD were observed only in women.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Only 48% of the patients admitted with ACS had normo-glycaemia based on OGTT.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Thus, in this population, BMI changes should be regularly assessed.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our findings suggest potential opportunities to improve long-term outcomes among patients with diabetes and CKD by improving the quality of their CKD care.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Adiposity indicators and age play an important role in the prevalence of overweight and obesity."
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Hypovitaminosis D was common among patients with a foot or ankle injury seen at our institution.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
(Lipitor in\\xa0the\\xa0Prevention of Stroke, for Patients Who Have Had a Previous Stroke SPARCL; NCT00147602).
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
CER-001 is well tolerated when administered to humans as single doses up to 45\\xa0mg/kg and mobilises and eliminates cholesterol via reverse lipid transport.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Based on available clinical and pathological prognostic factors and by stratification of patients into three disease risk groups it is possible to predict the possibility of disease.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Even though the majority (77%) had moderate or above moderate knowledge on diabetes, their attitudes towards diabetes was poor (88%).
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Nearly, fifteen percent of patients were found to have no residual disease on final surgical pathology.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Detection of these functional and/or structural abnormalities are important in predicting prognosis.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A high proportion of breast cancer in young Pakistani females is alarming.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
CUSE was able to distinguish between benign and malignant breast masses with high sensitivity and specificity.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
High intratumoral PTEN gene expression was associated with poor prognosis in patients with locally advanced breast cancers harboring wild-type TP53.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Reductions in LDL-C were greater among women randomized to both calcium+vitamin D and hormone therapy than for those randomized to either intervention alone or to placebo.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
However, with this cross-sectional study it is not possible to conclude if these factors play a role individually or collectively or are a serendipitous association, for which large scale analytical studies are required.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Ensuring sufficient serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations might play an important role in decreasing the risk of bladder cancer.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Implications of higher concentrations of ω-6 fatty acids in the colostrum of women with GDM have yet to be determined.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Multi-level obstruction is more prevalent in obstructive sleep apnoea and is associated with increased severity.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Cholesterol level goals were achieved by many patients using the recommended simvastatin 40 mg/day, but by fewer patients among those using the more commonly prescribed simvastatin 20 mg/day.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The findings of this pilot trial justify a larger study to determine whether the result is more generally applicable to a broader population.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
An intervention for parents and children to improve HS preschoolers emotional and behavioral self-regulation in combination with an obesity-prevention curriculum did not reduce obesity prevalence or most obesity-related behaviors.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Large prospective studies are required to determine if gemfibrozil can reduce CVD events in uraemia.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our study highlights the role of total cholesterol and blood inflammatory marker levels in enhancing ETP in morbidly obese patients.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
It is associated with a minimal risk of leakage, bleeding, and nutritional deficiency.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Cell phone technology allows snoring to be evaluated in patients located in areas remote from a hospital.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Prospective assessment of these risk factors may identify potential interventional targets.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our current analysis does not support the existence of an association between age at first childbirth and adult-onset diabetes among postmenopausal women, which had been reported previously.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Retirement offers a time to reassess lifestyle, and adopt positive health enhancing physical activity and dietary behaviours.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Patients with AUS-detected metastases had a higher axillary tumour burden than those with SNB-detected metastases.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
: The prevalence of asthma was 4.57% and QOL was impaired among the asthmatic obese individuals.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This suggests that the VAI may be utilized as an additional indicator of long-term CVD risk for Caucasian/Mediterranean men without previous CVD.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The differences found by NH size support the hypothesis that the number of residents living in a NH has an impact on how nutritional care is performed.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
“Metformin decreased the BMI z score and improved inflammatory and cardiovascular-related obesity parameters only in prepubertal children, but a differential effect of metformin was not observed in prepubertal compared to pubertal children.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Findings suggest a need for individual, comprehensive survivorship care plans to effectively address symptoms that impact work ability and, ultimately, the quality of life of cancer survivors.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Identification of internal mammary metastases through IM-SLNB may provide more accurate staging and guide the tailored internal mammary radiotherapy.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Adding an allowance for accumulation of thyroidal iodine stores would produce an EAR of 72 μg and a recommended dietary allowance of 80 μg.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Furthermore, HDL-C levels in the phlegm turbidity group were lower than those of the non-phlegm group.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Patients who had previously undergone BF were better prepared for their procedure; however, satisfaction levels after the procedure were similar in both groups.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12613000607774.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Corticosteroids may delay the time of onset of severe skin reactions and also reduce the incidence of severe radiation dermatitis."
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This study did not identify a significant DFS or MFS advantage for CT in subcentimetric, node-negative ductal TNBC.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
TyG is effective to identify individuals at risk for NAFLD.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
We find that low haemoglobin levels among our sample population are associated with significant cognitive and psychomotor delays that could eventually affect childrens schooling performance and labour force outcomes.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"However, further longitudinal studies are needed to examine the relationship of insulin resistance and/or surrogate markers to increased rates of NIDDM and CVD mortality in native Hawaiians."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
More prospective studies with larger sample sizes are warranted to validate our findings.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The multifactorial nature of nocturia supports the delivered management and treatments being targeted to underlying etiologies in order to optimize womens symptom management.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Further research, as well as effective, targeted parent health literacy strategies used to improve epilepsy management and care in children, is recommended.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Among patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk for cardiovascular events, degludec was noninferior to glargine with respect to the incidence of major cardiovascular events.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Increased IOP together with decreased retrobulbar blood flow, particularly in obese individuals, may increase the risk of glaucoma development.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Adaptive goals outperformed static goals (i.e., 10,000 steps) over a 4-month period.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Obesity influences maternal and fetal sHLA-G concentrations during pregnancy, to optimize the reproductive success, while preeclampsia impairs the mother-offspring antinflammatory response.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.