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Keep you Field Artillery units in the back because they can attack from two spaces away. Move all of your units forward one space to maintain a strong front line.
Now attack the enemy infantry regiment with the field artillery regiment. Then, attack with your armor regiment which is head to head with the enemy infantry regiment.
Move this combined arms regiment forward to contribute to the fight. Right now, it has no fighting power in the back.
This combined arms unit will survive if it retreats, but it could also inflict serious damage if it stays to attack. I recommend it stays and attacks.
Attack the enemy infantry regiment with your field artillery regiment. Field artillery units can attack from two units away.
This field artillery regiment is not useful right now because it cannot inflict damage from that far away. Move your other units forward to attack and the Field Artillery regiment will follow.
move this combined arms regiment forward to attack the enemy infantry regiments. Then attack with your field artillery regiments.
Use your armor division to attack and destroy the enemy infantry regiment. The enemy infantry regiment is at 50 health, so it will die upon attack.
Attack the enemy infantry regiment in the bottom left with your combined arms regiments. You can destroy this enemy infantry regiment because it is at 56.25 health.
Move your armor regiment forward towards the enemy infantry units, then advance the field artillery and combined arms regiments in the rear.
advance this combined arms regiment foward two hexes so it can attack the enemy infantry regiment on the next turn.
Attack the enemy infantry regiment in the grey hex with this combined arms regiment. Then, destroy this unit with your field artillery regiment.
move your combined arms regiment forward two spaces so that it can attack the enemy infantry regiment.
attack the enemy infantry regiment holding the grey (urban) terrain with all of your forces surrounding it.
This is the setup phase of atlatl. Move your infantry and combined arms regiments to the front because they can only attack from one space away. Move your field artillery regiments to the rear because they can attack from two spaces away.
Move your combined arms units forward first, then advance your field artillery regiment. The field artillery regiments should always be in the rear of the offensive line because it can attack from two hexes away.
move this combined arms regiment to the center of the game.
Move all of your combined arms regiments forward to attack. The enemy field artillery regiment can only attack one unit at a time.
Attack this combined arms unit with your combined arms regiment. Then advance your armor regiment to finish them off if your combined arms regiment dies.
Attack the enemy combined arms regiment with both of your combined arms regiments.
This is the setup phase of atlatl. Move all of your infantry and combined arms units to the front of the line, then keep the field artillery units in the rear because they can attack from two hexes away.
You have surrounded the enemy field artillery regiment. Attack on all fronts to finish the game and take the grey (urban) terrain.
your combined arms units seem to have taken damage. Strike back by attacking the enemy combined armed units.
Nice job! Blue has won the game because there are no enemy units left.
Move all of your combined arms regiments forward to attack. The enemy field artillery regiment can only attack one unit at a time.
Attack this combined arms unit with your combined arms regiment. Then advance your armor regiment to finish them off if your combined arms regiment dies.
Attack the enemy combined arms regiment with both of your combined arms regiments.
This is the setup phase of atlatl. Move all of your infantry and combined arms units to the front of the line, then keep the field artillery units in the rear because they can attack from two hexes away.
You have surrounded the enemy field artillery regiment. Attack on all fronts to finish the game and take the grey (urban) terrain.
your combined arms units seem to have taken damage. Strike back by attacking the enemy combined armed units.
Nice job! Blue has won the game because there are no enemy units left.
Move all of your combined arms regiments forward to attack. The enemy field artillery regiment can only attack one unit at a time.
Attack this combined arms unit with your combined arms regiment. Then advance your armor regiment to finish them off if your combined arms regiment dies.
Attack the enemy combined arms regiment with both of your combined arms regiments.
This is the setup phase of atlatl. Move all of your infantry and combined arms units to the front of the line, then keep the field artillery units in the rear because they can attack from two hexes away.
You have surrounded the enemy field artillery regiment. Attack on all fronts to finish the game and take the grey (urban) terrain.
your combined arms units seem to have taken damage. Strike back by attacking the enemy combined armed units.
Nice job! Blue has won the game because there are no enemy units left.
Blue will lose this battle because the enemy infantry regiment has 100 health and your infantry regiment only has 50 health.
Blue should not advance towards the enemy infantry regiment. If it does, the enemy infantry regiment is in range to attack first and destroy blue. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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