Feature distillation is an effective way to improve the performance for a smaller student model, which has fewer parameters and lower computation cost compared to the larger teacher model. Unfortunately, there is a common obstacle - the gap in semantic feature structure between the intermediate features of teacher and student. The classic scheme prefers to transform intermediate features by adding the adaptation module, such as naive convolutional, attention-based or more complicated one. However, this introduces two problems: a) The adaptation module brings more parameters into training. b) The adaptation module with random initialization or special transformation isn't friendly for distilling a pre-trained student. In this paper, we present Matching Guided Distillation (MGD) as an efficient and parameter-free manner to solve these problems. The key idea of MGD is to pose matching the teacher channels with students' as an assignment problem. We compare three solutions of the assignment problem to reduce channels from teacher features with partial distillation loss. The overall training takes a coordinate-descent approach between two optimization objects - assignments update and parameters update. Since MGD only contains normalization or pooling operations with negligible computation cost, it is flexible to plug into network with other distillation methods.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
We present a framework for training GANs with explicit control over generated images. We are able to control the generated image by settings exact attributes such as age, pose, expression, etc. Most approaches for editing GAN-generated images achieve partial control by leveraging the latent space disentanglement properties, obtained implicitly after standard GAN training. Such methods are able to change the relative intensity of certain attributes, but not explicitly set their values. Recently proposed methods, designed for explicit control over human faces, harness morphable 3D face models to allow fine-grained control capabilities in GANs. Unlike these methods, our control is not constrained to morphable 3D face model parameters and is extendable beyond the domain of human faces. Using contrastive learning, we obtain GANs with an explicitly disentangled latent space. This disentanglement is utilized to train control-encoders mapping human-interpretable inputs to suitable latent vectors, thus allowing explicit control. In the domain of human faces we demonstrate control over identity, age, pose, expression, hair color and illumination. We also demonstrate control capabilities of our framework in the domains of painted portraits and dog image generation. We demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance both qualitatively and quantitatively.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Value function is the central notion of Reinforcement Learning (RL). Value estimation, especially with function approximation, can be challenging since it involves the stochasticity of environmental dynamics and reward signals that can be sparse and delayed in some cases. A typical model-free RL algorithm usually estimates the values of a policy by Temporal Difference (TD) or Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms directly from rewards, without explicitly taking dynamics into consideration. In this paper, we propose Value Decomposition with Future Prediction (VDFP), providing an explicit two-step understanding of the value estimation process: 1) first foresee the latent future, 2) and then evaluate it. We analytically decompose the value function into a latent future dynamics part and a policy-independent trajectory return part, inducing a way to model latent dynamics and returns separately in value estimation. Further, we derive a practical deep RL algorithm, consisting of a convolutional model to learn compact trajectory representation from past experiences, a conditional variational auto-encoder to predict the latent future dynamics and a convex return model that evaluates trajectory representation. In experiments, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for both off-policy and on-policy RL in several OpenAI Gym continuous control tasks as well as a few challenging variants with delayed reward.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Image ordinal estimation is to predict the ordinal label of a given image, which can be categorized as an ordinal regression problem. Recent methods formulate an ordinal regression problem as a series of binary classification problems. Such methods cannot ensure that the global ordinal relationship is preserved since the relationships among different binary classifiers are neglected. We propose a novel ordinal regression approach, termed Convolutional Ordinal Regression Forest or CORF, for image ordinal estimation, which can integrate ordinal regression and differentiable decision trees with a convolutional neural network for obtaining precise and stable global ordinal relationships. The advantages of the proposed CORF are twofold. First, instead of learning a series of binary classifiers \emph{independently}, the proposed method aims at learning an ordinal distribution for ordinal regression by optimizing those binary classifiers \emph{simultaneously}. Second, the differentiable decision trees in the proposed CORF can be trained together with the ordinal distribution in an end-to-end manner. The effectiveness of the proposed CORF is verified on two image ordinal estimation tasks, i.e. facial age estimation and image aesthetic assessment, showing significant improvements and better stability over the state-of-the-art ordinal regression methods.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Being able to predict what may happen in the future requires an in-depth understanding of the physical and causal rules that govern the world. A model that is able to do so has a number of appealing applications, from robotic planning to representation learning. However, learning to predict raw future observations, such as frames in a video, is exceedingly challenging -- the ambiguous nature of the problem can cause a naively designed model to average together possible futures into a single, blurry prediction. Recently, this has been addressed by two distinct approaches: (a) latent variational variable models that explicitly model underlying stochasticity and (b) adversarially-trained models that aim to produce naturalistic images. However, a standard latent variable model can struggle to produce realistic results, and a standard adversarially-trained model underutilizes latent variables and fails to produce diverse predictions. We show that these distinct methods are in fact complementary. Combining the two produces predictions that look more realistic to human raters and better cover the range of possible futures. Our method outperforms prior and concurrent work in these aspects.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.RO" ]
The principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty underpins many theoretically successful reinforcement learning algorithms. In this paper we provide a general framework for designing, analyzing and implementing such algorithms in the episodic reinforcement learning problem. This framework is built upon Lagrangian duality, and demonstrates that every model-optimistic algorithm that constructs an optimistic MDP has an equivalent representation as a value-optimistic dynamic programming algorithm. Typically, it was thought that these two classes of algorithms were distinct, with model-optimistic algorithms benefiting from a cleaner probabilistic analysis while value-optimistic algorithms are easier to implement and thus more practical. With the framework developed in this paper, we show that it is possible to get the best of both worlds by providing a class of algorithms which have a computationally efficient dynamic-programming implementation and also a simple probabilistic analysis. Besides being able to capture many existing algorithms in the tabular setting, our framework can also address largescale problems under realizable function approximation, where it enables a simple model-based analysis of some recently proposed methods.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
In this paper, we propose HOME, a framework tackling the motion forecasting problem with an image output representing the probability distribution of the agent's future location. This method allows for a simple architecture with classic convolution networks coupled with attention mechanism for agent interactions, and outputs an unconstrained 2D top-view representation of the agent's possible future. Based on this output, we design two methods to sample a finite set of agent's future locations. These methods allow us to control the optimization trade-off between miss rate and final displacement error for multiple modalities without having to retrain any part of the model. We apply our method to the Argoverse Motion Forecasting Benchmark and achieve 1st place on the online leaderboard.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.RO" ]
Recent empirical works have successfully used unlabeled data to learn feature representations that are broadly useful in downstream classification tasks. Several of these methods are reminiscent of the well-known word2vec embedding algorithm: leveraging availability of pairs of semantically "similar" data points and "negative samples," the learner forces the inner product of representations of similar pairs with each other to be higher on average than with negative samples. The current paper uses the term contrastive learning for such algorithms and presents a theoretical framework for analyzing them by introducing latent classes and hypothesizing that semantically similar points are sampled from the same latent class. This framework allows us to show provable guarantees on the performance of the learned representations on the average classification task that is comprised of a subset of the same set of latent classes. Our generalization bound also shows that learned representations can reduce (labeled) sample complexity on downstream tasks. We conduct controlled experiments in both the text and image domains to support the theory.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
Compression techniques for deep neural network models are becoming very important for the efficient execution of high-performance deep learning systems on edge-computing devices. The concept of model compression is also important for analyzing the generalization error of deep learning, known as the compression-based error bound. However, there is still huge gap between a practically effective compression method and its rigorous background of statistical learning theory. To resolve this issue, we develop a new theoretical framework for model compression and propose a new pruning method called {\it spectral pruning} based on this framework. We define the ``degrees of freedom'' to quantify the intrinsic dimensionality of a model by using the eigenvalue distribution of the covariance matrix across the internal nodes and show that the compression ability is essentially controlled by this quantity. Moreover, we present a sharp generalization error bound of the compressed model and characterize the bias--variance tradeoff induced by the compression procedure. We apply our method to several datasets to justify our theoretical analyses and show the superiority of the the proposed method.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Image compositing is a task of combining regions from different images to compose a new image. A common use case is background replacement of portrait images. To obtain high quality composites, professionals typically manually perform multiple editing steps such as segmentation, matting and foreground color decontamination, which is very time consuming even with sophisticated photo editing tools. In this paper, we propose a new method which can automatically generate high-quality image compositing without any user input. Our method can be trained end-to-end to optimize exploitation of contextual and color information of both foreground and background images, where the compositing quality is considered in the optimization. Specifically, inspired by Laplacian pyramid blending, a dense-connected multi-stream fusion network is proposed to effectively fuse the information from the foreground and background images at different scales. In addition, we introduce a self-taught strategy to progressively train from easy to complex cases to mitigate the lack of training data. Experiments show that the proposed method can automatically generate high-quality composites and outperforms existing methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Most graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) perform poorly in graphs where neighbors typically have different features/classes (heterophily) and when stacking multiple layers (oversmoothing). These two seemingly unrelated problems have been studied independently, but there is recent empirical evidence that solving one problem may benefit the other. In this work, going beyond empirical observations, we aim to: (1) propose a new perspective to analyze the heterophily and oversmoothing problems under a unified theoretical framework, (2) identify the common causes of the two problems based on the proposed framework, and (3) propose simple yet effective strategies that address the common causes. Focusing on the node classification task, we use linear separability of node representations as an indicator to reflect the performance of GCNs and we propose to study the linear separability by analyzing the statistical change of the node representations in the graph convolution. We find that the relative degree of a node (compared to its neighbors) and the heterophily level of a node's neighborhood are the root causes that influence the separability of node representations. Our analysis suggests that: (1) Nodes with high heterophily always produce less separable representations after graph convolution; (2) Even with low heterophily, degree disparity between nodes can influence the network dynamics and result in a pseudo-heterophily situation, which helps to explain oversmoothing. Based on our insights, we propose simple modifications to the GCN architecture -- i.e., degree corrections and signed messages -- which alleviate the root causes of these issues, and also show this empirically on 9 real networks. Compared to other approaches, which tend to work well in one regime but fail in others, our modified GCN model consistently performs well across all settings.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Semi-supervised learning has recently been attracting attention as an alternative to fully supervised models that require large pools of labeled data. Moreover, optimizing a model for multiple tasks can provide better generalizability than single-task learning. Leveraging self-supervision and adversarial training, we propose a novel general purpose semi-supervised, multiple-task model---namely, self-supervised, semi-supervised, multitask learning (S$^4$MTL)---for accomplishing two important tasks in medical imaging, segmentation and diagnostic classification. Experimental results on chest and spine X-ray datasets suggest that our S$^4$MTL model significantly outperforms semi-supervised single task, semi/fully-supervised multitask, and fully-supervised single task models, even with a 50\% reduction of class and segmentation labels. We hypothesize that our proposed model can be effective in tackling limited annotation problems for joint training, not only in medical imaging domains, but also for general-purpose vision tasks.
[ "cs.CV" ]
In reinforcement learning, wrappers are universally used to transform the information that passes between a model and an environment. Despite their ubiquity, no library exists with reasonable implementations of all popular preprocessing methods. This leads to unnecessary bugs, code inefficiencies, and wasted developer time. Accordingly we introduce SuperSuit, a Python library that includes all popular wrappers, and wrappers that can easily apply lambda functions to the observations/actions/reward. It's compatible with the standard Gym environment specification, as well as the PettingZoo specification for multi-agent environments. The library is available at https://github.com/PettingZoo-Team/SuperSuit,and can be installed via pip.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
The task of detecting morphed face images has become highly relevant in recent years to ensure the security of automatic verification systems based on facial images, e.g. automated border control gates. Detection methods based on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have been shown to be very suitable to this end. However, they do not provide transparency in the decision making and it is not clear how they distinguish between genuine and morphed face images. This is particularly relevant for systems intended to assist a human operator, who should be able to understand the reasoning. In this paper, we tackle this problem and present Focused Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (FLRP). This framework explains to a human inspector on a precise pixel level, which image regions are used by a Deep Neural Network to distinguish between a genuine and a morphed face image. Additionally, we propose another framework to objectively analyze the quality of our method and compare FLRP to other DNN interpretability methods. This evaluation framework is based on removing detected artifacts and analyzing the influence of these changes on the decision of the DNN. Especially, if the DNN is uncertain in its decision or even incorrect, FLRP performs much better in highlighting visible artifacts compared to other methods.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CR", "cs.LG" ]
The options framework in reinforcement learning models the notion of a skill or a temporally extended sequence of actions. The discovery of a reusable set of skills has typically entailed building options, that navigate to bottleneck states. This work adopts a complementary approach, where we attempt to discover options that navigate to landmark states. These states are prototypical representatives of well-connected regions and can hence access the associated region with relative ease. In this work, we propose Successor Options, which leverages Successor Representations to build a model of the state space. The intra-option policies are learnt using a novel pseudo-reward and the model scales to high-dimensional spaces easily. Additionally, we also propose an Incremental Successor Options model that iterates between constructing Successor Representations and building options, which is useful when robust Successor Representations cannot be built solely from primitive actions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on a collection of grid-worlds, and on the high-dimensional robotic control environment of Fetch.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
This paper focuses on two main issues; first one is the impact of Similarity Search to learning the training sample in metric space, and searching based on supervised learning classi-fication. In particular, four metrics space searching are based on spatial information that are introduced as the following; Cheby-shev Distance (CD); Bray Curtis Distance (BCD); Manhattan Distance (MD) and Euclidean Distance(ED) classifiers. The second issue investigates the performance of combination of mul-ti-sensor images on the supervised learning classification accura-cy. QuickBird multispectral data (MS) and panchromatic data (PAN) have been used in this study to demonstrate the enhance-ment and accuracy assessment of fused image over the original images. The supervised classification results of fusion image generated better than the MS did. QuickBird and the best results with ED classifier than the other did.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Despite the remarkable accuracy of deep neural networks in object detection, they are costly to train and scale due to supervision requirements. Particularly, learning more object categories typically requires proportionally more bounding box annotations. Weakly supervised and zero-shot learning techniques have been explored to scale object detectors to more categories with less supervision, but they have not been as successful and widely adopted as supervised models. In this paper, we put forth a novel formulation of the object detection problem, namely open-vocabulary object detection, which is more general, more practical, and more effective than weakly supervised and zero-shot approaches. We propose a new method to train object detectors using bounding box annotations for a limited set of object categories, as well as image-caption pairs that cover a larger variety of objects at a significantly lower cost. We show that the proposed method can detect and localize objects for which no bounding box annotation is provided during training, at a significantly higher accuracy than zero-shot approaches. Meanwhile, objects with bounding box annotation can be detected almost as accurately as supervised methods, which is significantly better than weakly supervised baselines. Accordingly, we establish a new state of the art for scalable object detection.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Synthetic data generation becomes prevalent as a solution to privacy leakage and data shortage. Generative models are designed to generate a realistic synthetic dataset, which can precisely express the data distribution for the real dataset. The generative adversarial networks (GAN), which gain great success in the computer vision fields, are doubtlessly used for synthetic data generation. Though there are prior works that have demonstrated great progress, most of them learn the correlations in the data distributions rather than the true processes in which the datasets are naturally generated. Correlation is not reliable for it is a statistical technique that only tells linear dependencies and is easily affected by the dataset's bias. Causality, which encodes all underlying factors of how the real data be naturally generated, is more reliable than correlation. In this work, we propose a causal model named Causal Tabular Generative Neural Network (Causal-TGAN) to generate synthetic tabular data using the tabular data's causal information. Extensive experiments on both simulated datasets and real datasets demonstrate the better performance of our method when given the true causal graph and a comparable performance when using the estimated causal graph.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
The focus in machine learning has branched beyond training classifiers on a single task to investigating how previously acquired knowledge in a source domain can be leveraged to facilitate learning in a related target domain, known as inductive transfer learning. Three active lines of research have independently explored transfer learning using neural networks. In weight transfer, a model trained on the source domain is used as an initialization point for a network to be trained on the target domain. In deep metric learning, the source domain is used to construct an embedding that captures class structure in both the source and target domains. In few-shot learning, the focus is on generalizing well in the target domain based on a limited number of labeled examples. We compare state-of-the-art methods from these three paradigms and also explore hybrid adapted-embedding methods that use limited target-domain data to fine tune embeddings constructed from source-domain data. We conduct a systematic comparison of methods in a variety of domains, varying the number of labeled instances available in the target domain ($k$), as well as the number of target-domain classes. We reach three principal conclusions: (1) Deep embeddings are far superior, compared to weight transfer, as a starting point for inter-domain transfer or model re-use (2) Our hybrid methods robustly outperform every few-shot learning and every deep metric learning method previously proposed, with a mean error reduction of 34% over state-of-the-art. (3) Among loss functions for discovering embeddings, the histogram loss (Ustinova & Lempitsky, 2016) is most robust. We hope our results will motivate a unification of research in weight transfer, deep metric learning, and few-shot learning.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]