This looks like a very natural move.
But in fact it's not that great.
White can cross-cut here!
And he can capture the stone and come back on the lower side.
In this case white got something on both sides.
And he is solid.
So white's trick move was successful.
So how about instead of pulling back [here], why not capture this stone?
Yes, this looks also normal, but then white can give atari and stretch on the 3rd line.
It's also good for white, because black is very flat.
So instead of playing this hane, the strange move by connecting [here] immediately, is the [right one].
The best white can do is play hane, but he forces black to go through.
The black stone at [B] is a little bit painful.
However, white gained a little bit of profit on the left side, compared to white's usual approach at [A].
The two white stones on the left however are also very vulnerable to attack.
We hope you liked this first lesson made by Baek Jihee.
And we also hope that you will consider subscribing to BadukMovies Pro.
So that we can bring you more episodes made by her.
See you next time!
As you may recall, writing a Deux Ex episode sort of sent James on a bit of a sci-fi kick .
So, this week we're gonna be doing some more of that.
I'll be up front with you, today's topic doesn't have much to do with games, but it is something that shows up in games a lot.
Especially the sci-fi ones
Today's topic is Technobabble.
It's sort of the hallmark of mediocre science fiction in any medium, and it's something we should be able to avoid when making games, mostly because it's never necessary.
When we use scientific terms wrong, all it does is misinform the portion of our audience that doesn't know what those terms mean, and creates cringe-worthy moments for the people who do.
This violates the main principles of design, all of your decision should serve your audience.
So let's talk about sci-fi for a minute.
There are two main camps for what we now call sci-fi.
Science fiction and future fantasy.
Science fiction is an attempt to deliver a view of a possible future.
One vauguely rooted in fact with an internally consistent logic.
It takes what we know of the universe today, and uses it to explore concepts that fall out of that understanding.
Star trek, at least up through next generations, was a great example of this.
They didn't always use things perfectly, but they tried to have a grounding in science, and used that to help them examine societal structure in a humanity with faster-than-light capability.
Star Trek gives a rosy view.
It's clearly born of a '70s ideology, but they attempted to keep it grounded within the vaguely possible.
Going so far as to create subspace, to invent a realm where they could break the physical laws, as they needed to.
Better examples would probably be some of Aurthur C Clarke's work, or the work of Jeffery Landis, but that's harder to put side-by-side with Star Wars, so yeah.
The other type of sci-fi is future fantasy.
In this type of science fiction, advanced technology stands in for magic, and allows the characters to do whatever is necessary in order to move them through an interesting plot, or explore the more nebulous, social, and philosophical ideas the designer wants the player to explore
The original Star Wars films are great examples.
They rarely bother with the technological explanation for what's going on, because it doesn't serve the core purpose of the piece.
Taking time to explain all that might kill the story's pacing, and would do nothing to further our emersion in the world, so they don't even bother.
And when some explanation is necessary, they give a vague,
"umm... because technology!
That's why!"
and move on.
The explanation rarely has anything to do with science, but it doesn't need to.
That's not he point of the story or the world they are trying to present to us.
When creating sci-fi, both of these approaches are totally valid.
They can both lead to exciting stories and provide us a canvas to explore things relevant to our real lives today.
The danger only comes in when a creator can't commit, and tries to layer vague, "sciencey" terms over their work, because they don't feel their audience will be able to maintain the suspension of disbelief otherwise.
Here's an example, "midichlorian counts".
For all it's importance to the series, the Force was never fully explained in the original trilogy.
Now I ask you, "did you care?"
Of course not.
Believing in the force is sort of the price of entry into the Star Wars universe.
If you're participating in something Star Wars, and you can't invest in the Force, you're either pretty much saying that you don't want to be there, or that the creator hasn't adequately framed the Force within their work.
They haven't given enough reason to buy it.
No amount of "sciencey" rationalizing is going to help that suspension of disbelief, so tying it to something that the audience vaugely understands as science saying,
"Oh, it's in the blood".
And linking it to our modern understanding of genetics isn't going to solve the fundamental, underlying suspension of disbelief problem.
What I'm saying is that you can't lend credibility to your story just by using science words.
Using real science, and allowing that to be the floor that helps you ground your universe in an internal logical constancy.
That's why science fiction works, not just because it sounds "sciency".
Once you've got that underpinning, you can explore all of the interesting things that shake out of it.
Which is what makes science fiction so great, and on the flip side, the limitless freedom that technology provides future fantasy is what allows it to deliver compelling stories and explore such a wealth of ideas.
Don't hamstring it by entangling it in a web of pseudo-jargon.
So yes, that is why technobabble sucks.
Now we got a few more minutes here, so lets do something a little, snicker
It seems to me that relativistic physics is the branch of science most often abused in sci-fi.
Now this may be because relativity was the first time physics radically departed from our perceptual reality, and thus is, sort of, semi-mystic to a lot of people anyway.
Or, it may be because Einstein was really the last guy to capture the public imagination with physics, and so, much of the terminology from relativity has trickled down and is sort of recognizable to a sci-fi audience.
Even if many of us don't actually understand it.
So, to wrap things up today, we're going to give a brief run-down of relativistic terms that come up a lot.
Now, I should start by saying, none of us are physicists.
We got help from some in writing this, but it's still
likely that some of you know this stuff better than we do.
The explanations I'm about to give barely skim the surface, and are extremely over-simplified in a lot of places.
Still, for anyone watching who is not a physicist, Hopefully this will begin to clear up what some of these terms actually mean.
So when a game or movie tries to throw one of these at you, you can call them on it.
First up, "quantum".
"Quantum" just means "a discreet amount".
You can think of it as "an indivisible quantity."
The reason why we call it "quantum mechanics" is because it's a branch of physics that treats light both as continuous wave and as coming in discreet definable packets, or
'quanta' of energy.
Look up the photoelectric effect if you wanna dig more into that "quanta" of light idea.
Next, "Brownian motion".
In the 19th century, a fellow by the name of Brown noticed that pollen particles floating in water would move erratically.
Later it was discovered that this macroscopic movement was the result of the microscopic forces from the collision of atoms and molecules within the pollen.
Brownian motion is simply the seemingly random movement of particles in liquid.
But it's often used to describe any random-seeming event that's actually controlled by a large number of rational micro-events.
This one's tough to sum up, but it really just boils down to linking space and time mathematically.
Once you accept that relative velocity can affect relative expereiecne of time that an atomic clock running on a fast-moving spaceship will run slower than an atomic clock here on Earth.
Then that means how you travel through time is effected by how you travel through space.