they're going to line up in the fixed signs of aquarius, leo, taurus, and scorpio, which just happen to correspond with the four beasts of the apocalypse, as mentioned in the book of daniel.
another fuckin' fact!
d'you want me to go on?
the end of the world is nigh, bri.
the game is up!
i don't believe that.
life can't just come to a stop.
all right, i'm not sayin' that life will end, or the world will end, or the universe will cease to exist.
but man will cease to exist.
just like the dinosaurs passed into extinction, the same thing'll happen to us.
we're not fuckin' important.
we're just a crap idea!
i'm not gonna cease to exist.
i'm gonna be here in the future.
what is this fuckin' fixation with the future?
listen pal, i've got chronic systolic palpitations and acute fuckin' neuralgia!
what about these toilets - can i smoke in 'ere?
no, you fuckin' can't!
let me ask you a question.
have you ever had the sense that you've lived in a time different from this one?
- what you mean like in a past life?
- could be, yeah.
yeah, well, in my past life i was dead.
ah, well, you see - i wasn't.
i know i was here in the past, before i was born.
so i know i'm gonna be here in the future after i've died.
i see.
and in this alternative existence, did you still 'ave the same noxious body odour?
there's no need to be personal.
it's what i believe.
shall i tell you what i believe?
you don't believe anything.
oh, i do, brian.
what do you believe?
do you think the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog?
of course it didn't.
and when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed it's vocal chords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world?
'course it fuckin' didn't.
and just as that froggy could never have possibly conceived of - of shakespeare, we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
i know what my destiny is.
yeah but what you're experiencing, as far as i can gather what with all these manifestations of regression and precognition and transmigratory astral fuckin' chatterin's, is just the equivalent of that first primeval grunt.
because evolution isn't over.
man isn't the fuckin' be-all and fuckin' end-all.
there's a long way to go.
only now we're not going to sprout extra limbs and wings and fins because evolution itself is evolving.
and whereas you, through some process of extra-sensory recall, might imagine that you were some -
i dunno, some 17th century little dutch girl livin' in a windmill in old amsterdam, one day you'll realize that you've had not just one or two past or future existences, but that you were, and are, everybody and everything that 'as ever been, or will ever be.
hang on a minute.
you've just contradicted yourself.
oh, and 'ow'd you make that out?
downstairs you were predicting the end of the world.
now you're talking about the future.
how do you explain that, eh?
when it comes, the apocalypse itself will be part of the process of that leap of evolution.
yeah, well, whatever happens, mankind will not cease to exist.
he must.
by the very definition of apocalypse, mankind must cease to exist, at least in a material form.
what d'you mean, in a material form?
well, 'e'll evolve.
what into?
into something that transcends matter.
into a species of pure thought.
are you with me?
like a ghost.
no, not like a fuckin' ghost, you big girl's blouse!
into something that's, like, well beyond our comprehension.
into a universal consciousness,
into god.
who is.
by the same principle that time is.
you don't believe in god.
'course i believe in god.
you see...
the thing is, brian that god is a hateful god.
must be, because if god is good, then why is there evil in the world?
why is there pain and hate and greed and war?
it doesn't make sense.
but if god is a nasty bastard, then you can say, why is there good in the world?
why is there love and hope and joy?
well, let's face it, good exists in order to be fucked up by evil.
the very existence of good enables evil to flourish.
therefore, god is bad.
and it doesn't matter how many past or future existences you have, because they're all going to be riddled with grief and anguish and sickness and death.
you see brian, god doesn't love you.
god despises you.
so there's no hope.
mankind is just a component of the device by which the devil creates itself.
you with me?
you see, what i'm saying, basically, is you can't make an omelette without crackin' a few eggs, and humanity is just a cracked egg.
and the omelette stinks.
and what's through the round window?
'oo's that?
good question.
'ave you seen 'er before?
oh yeah.
she's there every night.
good-looking young girl, in't she?
she's all right.
does she ever 'as fellers up there?
'ave you ever seen 'er, like, you know, totally naked?