North Korea has banned nuclear inspectors from the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from inspecting its nuclear facility, the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center. This comes after N. Korean officials said the facility would begin to reprocess plutonium which could begin in as little as a week. "From here on, the IAEA inspectors will have no further access to the reprocessing plant," said the U.N. in a statement on its website. "The DPRK has also informed the IAEA inspectors that they plan to introduce nuclear material to the reprocessing plant in one week's time," added the statement. The U.N. finished removing their security seals and surveillance equipment from the plant on Thursday. Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State, has urged N. Korea to dismantle their facility and return to six-party talks, but Pyongyang has refused and no new talks are scheduled to take place. "We strongly urge the North to reconsider these steps and come back immediately into compliance with its obligations," said Rice, referring to an agreement reached during the last round of six-party talks. N. Korea restarted its nuclear program when the U.S. failed to follow through with its agreement to take North Korea off the national list of state-sponsored terrorism supporters. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
UN inspectors banned from North Korean nuclear facility
So far, the news on the U.S. presidential election has been dominated by Republican Party and Democratic Party nominees John McCain and Barack Obama. However, recently, some "third party" candidates have begun to gain notoriety, namely Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr and independent Ralph Nader. Unbeknownst to many, there are several other minor party candidates in the race. One of them is New American Independent Party nominee Frank McEnulty. McEnulty has been interviewed several times by Wikinews over the past few months, but in one held earlier this week with reporter Joseph Ford, he went into detail on why he'd be a good president, why its necessary to support a third party candidate this year, and most importantly, why you should give him your vote. The interview can be read below. Wikinews (Joseph Ford): Why are you running for president? Joseph Ford: You're the nominee of the New American Independent Party. What does your party stand for? Joseph Ford: If elected, how would you handle America's economical crisis? Joseph Ford: How would you handle illegal immigration? Joseph Ford: How would you handle foreign relations with Europe, where there are growing anti-American feelings? Joseph Ford: How would you handle the War on Drugs? Joseph Ford: It has been over five years since the Iraq War began. As president, how would you handle it? Joseph Ford: For millions of Americans, health care is a major issue. How would you handle it? Joseph Ford: Homosexual marriage is an extremely controversial subject among Americans. How would you handle it? Joseph Ford: How would you handle America's educational system? Joseph Ford: How would you handle abortion? Joseph Ford: How would you handle the environment? Joseph Ford: Why is it necessary that a third party candidate be voted into the White House this year? Joseph Ford: We haven't seen many Frank McEnulty media appearances, billboards or commercials. Will we see these in the weeks ahead? Or are you trying to run more of a grassroots campaign? Joseph Ford: How are you currently doing in the polls? Joseph Ford: Why are you a better candidate than Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party), Bob Barr (Libertarian Party), John McCain (Republican Party), Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) or Barack Obama (Democratic Party)? Why should the American people give you their vote? Joseph Ford: There are thousands reading this right now. What could you say to convince them to give you their vote? Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Wikinews interviews Frank McEnulty, New American Independent Party nominee for President of the United States
Controversial evangelist leader Tony Alamo was arrested in Flagstaff, Arizona Thursday and faces charges related to child sex abuse allegations at the Tony Alamo Christian Ministry organization. Alamo has previously been convicted on charges of tax evasion. United States federal agents raided Alamo's compound in Arkansas on Saturday and six girls were taken into state custody. Law enforcement officials raided Alamo's compound in Fouke, Arkansas on Saturday and removed six girls aged 10 to 17. Over 100 federal and state agents participated in the raid on the compound, which followed a two-year investigation into Alamo and his organization. Law enforcement officials were searching for evidence that minors had been videotaped performing sexual activities or had been molested. The Federal Bureau of Investigation searched Alamo's property for child pornography. Alamo, who claims he is legally blind and wouldn't be able to see child pornography, preaches that girls should marry young and sex with post-puberty girls is 'okay' because "in the Bible it happened". —Tom Browne, Federal Bureau of Investigation"It's the transportation of minors with the intent to engage in criminal activity. The state concerns are children living at the facility may have been sexually and physically abused," said Little Rock, Arkansas FBI representative Tom Browne in a statement to KABC-TV. The Associated Press (AP) has reported that Alamo will likely appear in federal court Friday in Flagstaff, Arizona, on charges that he violated the Mann Act by facilitating transport of minors across state lines for inappropriate sexual conduct. Documents produced by the FBI referred to Alamo by his birth name, Bernie Lazar Hoffman. Alamo has stated that he was born into Judaism but later converted to Christianity. According to the FBI, Alamo's court appearance Friday is intended to determine when he will be transported from Arizona back to Arkansas to face charges there. —Julie Munsell, Arkansas Department of Human Services representativeHearings have been scheduled for Friday and Monday by a state judge, to decide if the Department of Human Services of Arkansas can retain custody of the six girls. "We will transport them to and from hearings. We will take part in any future hearings. Our job right now is to basically take care of them," said agency representative Julie Munsell in a statement reported to the AP. The six girls will be present at the hearings in Arkansas: hearings for two of the girls will take place Friday and hearings for the other four on Monday. The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization which maintains data on hate groups, has described Alamo's organization as a "cult". The Ross Institute Internet Archives for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements maintains a web page on Tony Alamo and his organization. AP reported that many former members of Alamo's organization also characterize the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries as a "cult". —Anna Pugh, former member of Tony Alamo Christian MinistriesAnna Pugh, a former member of the organization for 11 years, recounted some of her experiences in what she referred to as "Tony's Cult" to KOCO-TV. She stated that while she was living at Alamo's compound she felt she was brainwashed. Pugh says that while she was a member of the group a seven-year-old girl took her aside and told her Alamo had sexual conduct with minors while watching pornography. "I think that congregation in there needs to see what that man is. He is a monster. He is a very unmerciful, malicious, vindictive, judgemental, condemning person," said Pugh. Former member Anthony Lane told KSLA-TV he was kicked out of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries when he questioned some of Alamo's teachings. "He is definitely a man who arranges marriages of little girls, and orders beatings of little children," said Lane. He has been getting help from a support group called Partnered against Cult Activities (PACA). Lane is trying to gain custody of his three children who are still in the group with his wife. Alamo was convicted of tax evasion in 1994, and was released from prison in 1998 after serving four years out of a six year sentence. The Internal Revenue Service said Alamo owed the U.S. government US$7.9 million. Prosecutors in the tax evasion case argued prior to Alamo's sentencing that he was a flight risk, and a polygamist who conducted inappropriate activities with women and girls in his organization. The Tony Alamo Christian Ministry organization promotes a philosophy and belief system which asserts sex with underage girls and polygamy is acceptable. The organization is critical of Catholicism, homosexuality, and the government. Tony Alamo Christian Ministry has compounds in Arkansas, California, Georgia and New Jersey, and Alamo himself lives near Los Angeles. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? 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Controversial evangelist leader Tony Alamo arrested in child sex investigation
Florida attorney Jack Thompson was disbarred by a ruling of the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday for a variety of offenses, and has been banned from practicing law in Florida. The proceedings listed ten distinct behaviors by Thompson that led to his disbarment, including making false statements to a court, and violating a court order. Judge Dava Tunis said that Thompson had "abused the legal system by submitting numerous, frivolous and inappropriate filings". The judge also noted that Thompson had shown no remorse for his actions and had refused to cooperate with the disbarment hearing. Tunis concluded that the probability of rehabilitation was small. In addition to this disbarment, Thompson is required to pay the court $43,675.35 as a recovery for the court's time and expense. Thompson had previously come to public attention in 1988 when he ran for Dade County prosecutor against then incumbent Janet Reno. Thompson made repeated accusations that Reno was a lesbian and subsequently filed battery charges against Reno. These charges were found to be without merit. After he lost the election to Reno, Thompson engaged in a variety of moral campaigns. Thompson targeted rap music and Howard Stern. Over the last decade Thompson has focused most of his effort against video games and computer games, accusing them of promoting violence and encouraging children to engage in violent behavior. His most recent media attention came when he criticized Grand Theft Auto series of games for sexual and violent content and Bully for violent content. Thompson responded to the disbarment by issuing a press release claiming it was politically motivated. "The timing of this disbarment transparently reveals its motivation: This past Friday Thompson filed a federal civil rights action against The Bar, the Supreme Court, and all seven of its Justices. This rush to disbarment is in retribution for the filing of that federal suit." Thompson went on to say that "this should be fun, starting now." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Controversial Florida attorney Jack Thompson disbarred
The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that more food imported from China may be contaminated with melamine, a chemical used in the manufacturing of plastics. Melamine, although nontoxic in very small amounts, can cause severe kidney problems in large doses. Guanshengyuan, a Chinese company that makes children's candy, has stopped selling its popular brand White Rabbit, which is sold nationally in China, after tests confirmed the presence of melamine. Bright foods owns the candy company. Earlier their powdered milk was found to contain melamine which sickened over 53,000 people and was responsible for the deaths of at least four infant children. Guanshengyuan has stopped exporting their goods to the nearly 50 companies overseas that buy them. Melamine has also been found in Hong Kong in baby cereal and vegetable formula made by Heinz. It has also been found in wasabi crackers which are manufactured by the Chinese company, Silang House. Another Chinese food company called Marudai Food Co. has also halted the sales of several items such as meat buns, cream buns and corn crepes made with cream over fears that melamine laced powered milk has contaminated their products. So far there have been no reports of any illnesses associated with Marudai Foods. Further items recalled or other products that feared to be contaminated with melamine are Mr. Browns Instant Coffee and tea products, along with their powdered milk. The first report of contamination came last week when the Chinese health ministry confirmed that the companies responsible for producing the milk were trying to repair their damaged public image by increasing output using melamine. The Chinese Health Ministry has stated that most of the tainted milk was produced by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co. The WHO says that women with infants should consider breast feeding for the time being on infants aged at least six months, until the contaminated milk can be removed from the consumption chain. "WHO recommends that all infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk for the first six months of life. No other liquid or food, not even water, is needed during this period. Thereafter, infants should receive adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues up to two years of age and beyond," said the WHO in a statement on their website. In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed the presence of melamine in pet food that was imported from China. Samples indicated that wheat gluten, used as an ingredient in the pet food, was contaminated with the chemical. As a result of the contamination, the FDA said some of the contaminated gluten entered the human food chain. At least 45 people ate contaminated pork which was traced to pigs from a farm in California. The pigs had eaten feed that had been contaminated. There were no reports of deaths or illnesses. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
More worries of further contamination of food from China
A Chinese taikonaut (Chinese astronaut) today became the first taikonaut to walk in space when he left his space craft for a total of fifteen minutes. The entire event, which marks a new stage in China's space program, was broadcast live on national TV. The walk started at 1630 local time (0830 UTC) today when he exited the spacecraft, while attached to an umbilical cable. The other two astronauts on the spacecraft stayed entirely inside the vehicle while in space, except when passing the flag to Zhigang. Zhai Zhigang, who has also worked as a fighter pilot, carried out the space walk. "I'm feeling quite well. I greet the Chinese people and the people of the world," he said as he walked out of his spacecraft to start the walk. While carrying out the walk, Zhigang wore a Chinese spacesuit, which is believed to have cost between US$10m and $40m to create. Before the event, the Chinese president Hu Jintao wished the astronauts success. "I have come to send you off, to wish you success," he said in a televised speech. "You will wear the homemade Fetian space suit for the first time and carry out China's first extravehicular activity (space walk), which is a great stride for our country's space technology and development." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
Chinese astronaut walks in space
The Hawthorn Hawks have won the 2008 Australian Football League Grand Final in front of a packed Melbourne Cricket Ground. The game was being played after a week of excitement. The Australian Football League is the major Australian Football competition in Australia. The Grand Final week was full of action, with Adam Cooney winning the Brownlow Medal, and Geelong having to stand David Wojcinski down from their team, to make way for Paul Chapman. The game was preceded with a motorcade of those who have retired from Australian Football during 2008, as well as a presentation showing the heroes of Australian Football in the last 150 years. A performance by rock band Powerfinger followed. Glenn Archer then received the premiership cup from a box traveling down from the roof of the stadium, and gave it to greats of the competing clubs. Both teams started the game unchanged from what was originally named. Alastair Clarkson, coach of Hawthorn said that his team was ready to run out, with strategies to try and curb the 29°C heat in Melbourne. The coin toss was won by Geelong. The game commenced with a large amount of push and shove in the center square, resulting in a ball up and, eventually, a free kick to Geelong. Tom Lonegan, after 1min35 had been played, kicked the opening goal. Hawthorn then kicked three goals in quick succession. Gary Ablett then kicked a goal, thanks to two 50m penalties. A free kick was then given to Max Rooke, resulting in a goal. Rooke then followed up with another goal. Hawthorn then rushed through two rushed behinds to level the scores. Cameron Mooney then kicked a spectacular goal to put Geelong in front by 7 points. However, Hawthorn made this goal up, and at quarter time Geelong lead by one point. Geelong opened the second quarter with a goal to Paul Chapman. Hawthorn responded with a goal to Cyril Rioli. Hawthorn rallied to go ahead and lead at the change. The players were described by 3AW commentators as "out on their feet". Hawthorn tied the scores a 45 points each at about the twenty minute mark before scoring a behind. They led from there on in out scoring Geelong three goals one behind (nineteen) to one goal nine behinds (thirteen) for the quarter. Geelong opened the third quarter with a behind. Jarryd Roughead responded with a behind for Hawthorn. Teams went goal for goal, before Geelong scored two points to even the score up. However, Hawthorn then kicked three goals to take the lead. However, just before Three Quarter Time, Geelong kicked two goals. At Three-Quarter-Time, Hawthorn were leading by 23 points. Both sides traded behinds at the start the last quarter. After twelve minutes, Lance Franklin kicked a goal around his body, the first for the quarter. Sam Mitchell kicked another goal one minute later, to take the score sixteen goals seven behinds to nine goals twenty two behinds. Rick Ladson closed out the game with a goal four minutes later. Max Rooke scored a consolation goal for Geelong two minutes later. NB - Australian Football scores are written Goals.Behinds.Total, where a Goal is worth 6 points, and a Behind is worth 1 point. For example, a score of 1.5.11 would be correct, as (1X6=6)+(5X1=5)=11 Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Hawthorn wins 2008 AFL Grand Final
American actor Paul Newman died on Friday at age 83 of cancer. He pulled out of directing a stage production of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men in Connecticut because of unspecified health problems. Newman starred in his first film in 1954 when he appeared as Basil in The Silver Chalice. Later in his career he starred in several films including Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Hustler, Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man and Hud. He won an Oscar for best actor in 1987 for his appearance in The Color Of Money. This was his only Oscar win but was nominated a total of 10 times. He also worked as both a director and a producer. He also voiced the part of Doc Hudson in the 2006 Pixar film Cars Newman married actress Joanne Woodward in 1958; they had three children. He was previously married with three other children. His son Scott from his first marriage died in 1978 of a drug overdose. He set up a center for drug abuse in memory of his son. Newman opened up his own company, Newman's Own, which made a line of food products including salad dressing, salsa, lemonade and others. He donated all of the company's profits to charity. Newman retired in May 2007. He told broadcaster ABC "I'm not able to work anymore... at the level that I would want to." Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Hollywood legend Paul Newman dies of cancer age 83
Richard Thomas, the British Information Commissioner has criticized the Liberal Democrats for cold calling 250,000 British people automatically to encourage them to support their party. The commissioner announced in a press release made public on Thursday that "the Information Commissioner’s Office has taken enforcement action against the Liberal Democrats after finding the party in breach of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations." In the enforcement notice, which has been seen by Wikinews, the Liberal Democrats are told that "in view of the matters referred to above the Commissioner hereby gives notice that, in exercise of his powers under section 40 of the [Data Protection] Act, he requires that the Liberal Democrats within 30 days of the date of service of this Notice shall, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Regulations, cease using an automated calling system to transmit communications comprising recorded matter for direct marketing purposes to subscribers who have not previously notified the Liberal Democrats that they consent to such communications being sent to them." The Liberal Democrats have been given 28 days to appeal against the action, although the party has said that they accept the decision. In 2005, the party successfully stopped the Scottish National Party for continuing to carry out a similar cold calling campaign. Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, defended the party's actions by saying that "I rather hope it won't disturb. People don't have to pick up the phone if they don't like the time at which the call is made." If the Liberal Democrats continue to cold call users in thirty days time, they are at risk of prosecution and an unlimited fine. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
UK government's Information Commissioner takes enforcement action against Liberal Democrat party for cold calling voters
Documents recently made public by the Internet site Wikileaks reveal that several large newspapers have removed or censored content related to the Iraqi-British fraudster Nadhmi Auchi, who has been publicly linked to Barack Obama via payments to former fundraiser, Antino "Tony" Rezko . A Guardian article, which no longer exists, stated that Auchi is also linked to senior members of the UK Labour Party. Wikinews has confirmed that at least some of the articles involved definitely previously existed but have now been removed, including from newspapers that usually keep all of their articles online. A New Statesman article included the Wikileaks documents confirms that "Mr Auchi's lawyers have written to ask us to remove the names of the articles concerned", and that this is what lead them to remove the content. The New Statesman removed a list of censored articles regarding the incident after receiving complaints. The articles were taken down following letters from the Carter-Ruck law firm, which points out on its website that "A libel claimant does not have to prove that the words are false or to prove that he has in fact suffered any loss. Damage is presumed.” One of the removed articles was published by The Guardian. It pointed out Auchi's "past links to Saddam Hussein's regime." It also said, "[a]ttempts by a French investigating magistrate to have Mr Auchi arrested during corruption inquiries had been blocked by Britain since July 2001." The article also claimed that Auchi may have had a role in the channeling of GBP 28 million to a Kuwaiti oil refinery. Several articles published by The Observer, the sister paper of the Guardian, were also removed after reporting similar facts to the above. In addition, an article published by The Daily Telegraph was deleted. It reported on "France's longest-running political and corporate corruption scandal," which resulted on a two year suspended sentence for Auchi. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Wikileaks claims news organisations pressured to remove articles on billionaire fraudster
 The United Kingdom is set to become the second European country to place graphic images on cigarette packets. 15 different images are to be placed on the packs of all brands of cigarettes. They will be introduced on October 1. The images will be introduced onto all other forms of tobacco by 2010. The written warnings were introduced in 2003 and have been deemed a success by the Department of Health. A spokesman said that the written warnings had been a success with research showing more than 90,000 smokers had been motivated to call the NHS quit line because of them. Despite being the only the second country in Europe to introduce the images several other countries have already placed them onto packets. These include Canada, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and Singapore. Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson said: "Written health warnings have encouraged many smokers to stop. These new stark picture warnings emphasis the harsh health realities of continuing to smoke." Not everyone is welcoming the new images. The smoking lobby group, Forest, said smokers were being unfairly targeted and called the images intrusive and offensive. Simon Clark, director of Forest, said the group supported education efforts "but these pictures are designed not just to educate but to shock and coerce people to give up a legal product". Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
United Kingdom to introduce graphic images on cigarette packets
The Alliance Defense Fund has called on 35 pastors across the country to break IRS tax laws and endorse presidential candidates during sermons. The pastors will draw on Bible passages tomorrow in a protest organized by the group of conservative Christian lawyers. The ADF launched the effort to protest a 50-year-old law which bans churches, religious groups, and non-profit groups that accept tax deductions from endorsing candidates. Erik Stanley, a legal adviser with the ADF, said the group would be sending copies of the sermons to the IRS and would be seeking a Supreme Court case. The law, he said, was unconstitutional because "being tax-exempt is part of freedom of religion; otherwise the government could tax churches out of existence." Minnesota reverend Gus Booth, who is participating in the protest, says he will be endorsing Senator McCain and has forbidden his congregation from voting for Senator Obama due to his position on abortion. He defended his actions, saying "I have a First Amendment right to say whatever I want to say." "Pulpit Freedom Sunday," as the event is being called, has drawn criticism from both religious and secular groups. A group of former IRS officials and pastors held a conference on September 8, submitting a complaint to the IRS and urging other ministers to preach against the endorsements. One of the participants, former director of the IRS Marcus Owens, says the group may be facing a loss of its own tax exempt status and compared it to teaching people how to cheat on taxes. Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the IRS are monitoring the situation. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
US pastors plan to defy law and endorse candidates
The video sharing website YouTube has removed several anti-Scientology videos following threats of legal action. Wikinews found that at least 11 videos have been removed from the site following Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices served on YouTube by Dr. Oliver Schaper, Scientologist and self-described advocate of the Church of Scientology's rights to free speech. Schaper, in an interview with Wikinews reporter Jason Safoutin, denied involvement in a previous run of DMCA requests involving similar video material. However, the videos in question bear a message that Schaper was the originator of the request. According to YouTube the 11 videos were removed by direct DMCA requests from Schaper. The videos have been reported to be of anti-Scientology protests, recorded by various members of the group Anonymous. In early September, an entity named American Rights Counsel LLC -- which has described itself as a 'rights group', but without provision of contact details -- requested the removal from YouTube of over 4,000 anti-Scientology videos. Many of these videos consisted entirely of self-made content by anti-Scientology protesters; others were quite explicitly extracts from official Church of Scientology footage. Users had initially speculated that Schaper was responsible for these requests; no evidence, however, has been obtained to this effect, nor has official comment been obtained from American Rights Counsel. When comment was requested further to these earlier removal requests, Schaper stated that he was a "... very strong advocate for the Church of Scientology, the religion of Scientology and a free speech advocate." Schaper alleged that he had "...to this date no information about the American Rights Counsel" and "no connection, knowledge or involvement in this company [American Rights Counsel]". Wikinews contacted Schaper to find out why he made the new requests. According to him, the videos were not of protests against Scientology, but instead were videos of alleged hate-crimes and hate-speech, which were allegedly attacking Schaper personally. "None of the videos are accounts of any protests. The videos in question have been produced by an YouTube (U.K.) user to directly attack me and my companies. I made the requests in accordance with YouTube’s terms and condition, after confirming directly with YouTube and the local ECTF office in Los Angeles, to remove material that infringes on my copyright. None of the videos removed by YouTube fall under the fair use guidelines or can be considered news-worthy. The content of the videos has been classified by law-enforcement as hate-speech and frivolous attack. The producers of these videos are based in the U.K. and local law-enforcement has been contacted by the FBI," said Schaper to Wikinews. When Wikinews asked Schaper if he was acting on behalf of the Church, Schaper denied any such involvement. He also stated that he was not attempting to remove videos critical of him, or the Church, but also emphasizes other videos still on YouTube that are "a personal attack against me and my beliefs." "Despite the fact that I am a Scientologist, none of the videos removed, where removed on behalf of the Church of Scientology or any organization associated with the church. In addition I like to point out that I have not removed any video, critical of me personally which does not violate my copyrights and I have no intention to do so," said Schaper. In addition, Wikinews invited Dr. Schaper to comment on the apparent discrepancy between his actions and his advocacy of free speech. Dr. Schaper feels that that the two stated aims are not in conflict, stating, "I believe the First Amendment but I also see how Anonymous tries to abuse these liberties. Not everything is protected under the free speech clause and laws have been enacted to protect each citizen from abuse." Schaper also stated that Anonymous is "breaking the law" by uploading material to YouTube which could be considered hate crimes. He also states that he would not mind a one-on-one conversation with some members of Anonymous, but "these guys don’t have the balls for a direct sit-down because they should get their facts straight." "Anonymous is overstating a case and claims that their abuse and online bullying would be protected under the First Amendment forgetting the fact that they indeed are breaking the laws," added Schaper. Schaper does not plan on enforcing the Church's copyrights saying, "they can handle their own content" and that he "will continue to enforce my copyrights and seek full prosecution in cooperation with federal law-enforcement." Wikinews has contacted YouTube for a statement regarding this incident, but has yet to receive a response. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? 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Anti-Scientology protest material removed from YouTube following threats of legal action
The US House of Representatives rejected a bill on the USD 700 billion bail out of US banks. The voting on the bill has completed. If passed, the bailout plan would have allowed for the United States government to purchase devalued mortgage backed securities, resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis from troubled financial institutions. The US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has said that the plan could cost up to $700 billion. There has been considerable debate over several parts of the plan, which failed with 228 votes opposing, 205 supporting, and 1 not voting. The bill had much more support by the Democratic Party (with 60% of Democrats voting "aye") than the Republican Party (of which only 33% voted for the bill). George W. Bush described the bill before the vote was made. "This legislation deals with complex issues, and negotiators were asked to address them in a very short period of time. I appreciate the leadership of members on both sides of the aisle, who came together when our nation was counting on them. Negotiations are sometimes difficult, but their hard work and cooperation paid off," he said, in a speech in which Bush begged politicians to support the bill. Bush continued describing the bill. "The bipartisan economic rescue plan addresses the root cause of the financial crisis — the assets related to home mortgages that have lost value during the housing decline. Under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, the federal government will be authorized to purchase these assets from banks and other financial institutions, which will help free them to resume lending to businesses and consumers." According to BBC News, congressmen opposed the bill after receiving 50 times as many letters against the bill as for the bill. George Bush attempted to respond to the criticisms of the bill by US citizens. "I know many Americans are worried about the cost of the bill, and I understand their concern. This bill commits up to 700 billion taxpayer dollars, because a large amount of money is necessary to have an impact on our financial system. However, both the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Management and Budget expect that the ultimate cost to the taxpayer will be far less than that". Roll Call Vote Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
US House of Representatives rejects bail out bill in vote
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) successfully launched and sent into orbit a Falcon 1 rocket, which was launched yesterday at 23:15 UTC from the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. This was the fourth attempt to launch this class of rocket, and the first vehicle to be successfully launched by private spacecraft developers. Previous attempts to launch this vehicle ended in failure due to engineering errors. Perhaps the most critical part of this flight occurred during the stage separation between the first and second stages of this rocket. In this flight, unlike previous attempts, the separation was without incident and the second stage maintained the planned trajectory into orbit. The rocket achieved an orbit at an altitude of 135 miles above the Earth after approximately ten minutes of powered flight. The main technical difference between the third and fourth attempts was an adjustment in the timing between shutting down the first stage rocket engine and when the stage separation takes place. On the third attempt, the first and second stages collided into each other immediately after stage separation, which in turn damaged the second stage engine and resulted in a mission failure. For this fourth attempt, the stage separation occurred without any problem, and was greeted with loud cheers and applause by SpaceX employees who were watching a live telecast of the launch at the Hawthorne, California, USA manufacturing plant. This telecast was also released as a live video feed on the SpaceX website during the launch. While other rocket companies have been successful at sending vehicles into orbit before, this is the first vehicle that has been designed from scratch without any components that came from previous government-sponsored vehicles. This is also the first privately developed liquid-fueled vehicle that has achieved orbit. Elon Musk, founder, primary investor, and CEO of SpaceX, congratulated his employees upon reaching this milestone, saying "That was frickin' awesome! There's only a handful of countries on Earth that have done this. It's usually a country thing, not a company thing. We did it." He also said later on, "Definitely one of the best days of my life." The payload of this rocket consisted of a 360 pound engineering test object made of aluminum, which was also fabricated by SpaceX in their Hawthorne manufacturing facility. Called the Ratsat, it was decorated with a logo of a rat by the SpaceX team that built it. Elon Musk estimates that it will remain in orbit for between five and ten years before burning up in the atmosphere. Additional milestones accomplished by SpaceX on this flight included a successful deployment of parachutes on the first stage of this rocket, where SpaceX hopes to be able to recover this stage and be able to re-use that portion of the rocket on a future flight with some refurbishing. The second stage also performed an additional test by restarting its engine and moving to a higher orbit at between 300 to 450 miles (500 to 700 km) above the Earth with an inclination of 9.2 degrees, passing above the International Space Station during the maneuver. "This is a great day for SpaceX and the culmination of an enormous amount of work by a great team," said Elon Musk, "The data shows we achieved a super precise orbit insertion—middle of the bull's-eye — and then went on to coast and restart the second stage, which was icing on the cake." SpaceX is offering future flights of the Falcon 1 to the public for a price of about $7.9 million USD each, although Mr. Musk estimated that the total cost to test and develop this rocket, including the three previous failed launch attempts, came to about $100 million USD. The next launch of the Falcon 1 is slated to happen sometime toward the end of the year, with a satellite that was manufactured and paid by the Malaysian government. Also scheduled for early next year is the maiden flight of the Falcon 9 rocket, which uses a multiples of nine rocket engines that are identical to the engine that was used in today's launch as well as many of the other components that were used on the Falcon 1. SpaceX is also under contract with NASA to develop a vehicle called the Dragon that will be supplying cargo to the International Space Station under the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program. This spacecraft is also intended to eventually be capable of manned spaceflight. 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SpaceX rocket successfully orbits on fourth attempt
George W. Bush vowed to get the USD 700 billion economic rescue plan through congress in a statement to the media made today. "Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted on a financial rescue plan that had been negotiated by Congressional leaders of both parties and my administration," Bush reminded the audience. "Unfortunately, the measure was defeated by a narrow margin. I'm disappointed by the outcome, but I assure our citizens and citizens around the world that this is not the end of the legislative process." "Producing legislation is complicated, and it can be contentious. It matters little what a path a bill takes to become law," he continued. "We're at a critical moment for our economy, and we need legislation that decisively address the troubled assets now clogging the financial system, helps lenders resume the flow of credit to consumers and businesses, and allows the American economy to get moving again." Market Data"I recognize this is a difficult vote for members of Congress. Many of them don't like the fact that our economy has reached this point, and I understand that. But the reality is that we are in an urgent situation, and the consequences will grow worse each day if we do not act. The dramatic drop in the stock market that we saw yesterday will have a direct impact on the retirement accounts, pension funds, and personal savings of millions of our citizens. And if our nation continues on this course, the economic damage will be painful and lasting." World and US markets today are up after severe declines yesterday. Most have recovered 30% of their previous losses, meaning that the potential government expenditure was similar to the market losses. Bush then said that he knows "many Americans are especially worried about the cost of the legislation." He then attempted to justify the cost. "The bill the House considered yesterday commits up to 700 billion taxpayer dollars to purchase troubled assets from banks and other financial institutions. That, no question, is a large amount of money. We're also dealing with a large problem. But to put that in perspective, the drop in the stock market yesterday represented more than a trillion dollars in losses." If passed, the bailout plan would have allowed for the United States government to purchase devalued mortgage backed securities, resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis, from troubled financial institutions. The US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the plan could cost up to $700 billion. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
George Bush: Rescue plan will get through
Bayer Leverkusen has appointed SpVgg Greuther Fürth Head Coach Bruno Labbadia as the club's new Head Coach. Michael Skibbe was fired last week after failing to qualify for a European competition. Labbadia signed a 2-year contract. Bruno Labbadia scored 103 goals in 328 Bundesliga games while playing as a forward for Bayern München, Werder Bremen and Hamburger SV. Labbadia led Greuther Fürth to 6 place in the 2 division in the 2007/08 season. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Bayer Leverkusen appoint Labbadia as head coach
Borussia Dortmund have hired Jürgen Klopp as their new Head Coach after Thomas Doll resignation after their worst league position in 20 years. Klopp's contract will run until the June 30, 2010. Klopp was the Head Coach for FSV Mainz since 2001 before leaving for Dortmund. "I am delighted to be here. I am honoured", said Klopp. "Now I want to help bring the club back on track." Klopp has high expectations of the club, current players and target signings for the summer transfer window and wants to give the matches of Borussia Dortmund a "recognition factor." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Borussia Dortmund name Klopp as Head Coach
German-born Finland striker Mikael Forssell has signed a 3 year contract with Hannover 96 on a free transfer from Birmingham City. Birmingham City were relegated from the FA Premier League earlier this month. Birmingham Head Coach Alex McLeish believes that, despite the transfer of Forssell to Hannover 96, his squad will have enough goalscoring to challenge for an immediate return to the FA Premier League for the 2009-10 season. For Forssell, The transfer ends an association with English football which lasted 10 years. He has played at Chelsea F.C., Crystal Palace and Birmingham City over that time. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Forssell moves to Hannover 96
Bayern Munich have signed former Germany International Goalkeeper Hans-Jörg Butt to a 2 year contract. Butt played in Portugal last season for Benfica. The deal means Bayern Munich have successfully completed their search for a new back-up goalkeeper for new Number One Goalkeeper Michael Rensing. Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said, "We’re very pleased with this transfer, as Hans-Jörg Butt’s international experience fits our requirements exactly." Rummenigge went on to further say, "We want Hans-Jörg Butt to support the development of our young goalkeeper Michael Rensing, and he’s looking forward to this task at Bayern Munich." Hans-Jörg Butt contested the 2001-02 Champions League final with Bayer Leverkusen where they fell 2-1 to Real Madrid. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Goalkeeper Butt signs with Bayern Munich
Paul Ince has succeeded Mark Hughes as new Blackburn Rovers Manager after signing a 3-year contract with the club. He becomes the first black manager to manage in the Premier League and top-flight football. Ince was unveiled at a press conference at Ewood Park on Tuesday 24th of June. Ince moved into management with Maccesfield Town, keeping them in the Football League in the 2006-07 season. He moved to the MK Dons in June 2007, leading them to the League 2 title and he Johnstone Paint Trophy. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
Premier League 2008–09: Blackburn Rovers F.C. hire Ince
Chelsea F.C. fired Manager Avram Grant today. This comes three days after Chelsea lost to Manchester United F.C. in the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final in Moscow. Grant's tenure has been scrutinized ever since he took over for Jose Mourinho last September. Despite the constant questioning of his appointment as Manager of the first team, he was able to guide Chelsea F.C. in taking Manchester United to the final day of the Premier League title race after going level on points and narrowly missing out on European glory on penalties. The club only lost two Premier League matches during his tenure, but he was criticised by fans who claimed that his teams lacked style. A statement on the club read: "'Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Avram Grant has had his contract as manager terminated today. This follows meetings over the last two days," "Everybody at Chelsea FC would like to thank Avram for his contribution since taking over as manager last September," and "We will now be concentrating all our efforts on identifying a new manager for Chelsea and there will be no further comment until that appointment is made." Former Barcelona Head Coach Frank Rijkaard, Inter Milan Head Coach Roberto Mancini and Russia Head Coach Guus Hiddink have all been linked to the position at Chelsea F.C. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
English Football: Chelsea F.C. sack Grant
This is the category for the Scottish Premier League, a former football league of Scotland until 2013 when it merged into the Scottish Professional Football League. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. From Wikinews, the free news source you can write. A packed crowd watches a League game, circa 2004. The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
Category:Scottish Premier League
Inter Milan has confirmed that they have fired Head Coach Roberto Mancini after Club Owner Massimo Moratti held a meeting with Mancini. Inter Milan reached the UEFA Champions League last 16, the Italian Cup final and won Serie A (Italian Championship). Mancini had won 3 consecutive Serie A titles with Inter while they nearly lost this season's title on the final day having let slip an 11-point lead in February. A club statement on their website said, "FC Internazionale have informed Roberto Mancini that he has been sacked as coach, in particular because of the comments made by the coach at the end of the Inter-Liverpool match." Romour speculations have indicated that former Chelsea F.C. Manager José Mourinho is the prime candidate to take over Inter Milan. The Sun, who is located in London, England, has claimed that Mourinho "has handed a transfer dossier to Moratti identifying England midfielder Frank Lampard, former Portuguese defender Ricardo Carvalho and Ivory Coast striker Didier Drogba." Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Serie A 2008–09: Inter Milan fire Mancini
José Mourinho has succeeded Roberto Mancini as new Inter Milan Head Coach after signing a 3-year contract with the club. Inter Milan was quoted on their website saying, "Thanking Roberto Mancini and his staff for the success obtained in four seasons as the leader of the team, all of Internazionale has the great pleasure to welcome Jose Mourinho and his coaches." Mourinho won the 2002-03 UEFA Cup and 2003-04 UEFA Champions League with FC Porto but failed to repeat this success at Chelsea F.C. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
Serie A 2008–09: Inter Milan hire Mourinho as new Head Coach
Gianluca Zambrotta returns to Serie A after agreeing to a contract with AC Milan. He played for FC Barcelona for the past 2 seasons after Juventus FC were demoted after their part of the 2006 Serie A scandal. According to ESPNSoccernet, AC Milan were looking to bring in Zambrotta for a while. Zambrotta will miss out on Champions League football for at least 1 season because AC Milan finished in 5 place in Serie A while Barcelona will be in UEFA Champions League in the 3 qualifying round. No transfer fee or length of contract was announced. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Serie A 2008–09: Zambrotta joins AC Milan
The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body has decided that FC Porto will not participate in next season's UEFA Champions League after its bribery scandal. UEFA said on their website, "The UEFA Control & Disciplinary Body considered that the offences related to the judgement in Portugal corresponded with "an activity aimed at arranging or influencing the outcome of a match," as stated in Article 1.04 (d), and that the condition set out in this provision would therefore not be met by Porto. The decision is open to appeal within three days of the sending of the decision." FC Porto were also deducted 6 points and received a fine of €150,000 by the disciplinary committee of the Professional Portuguese Football League for the same incidents. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
UEFA Champions League 2008–09: FC Porto kicked out of competition
The Draw for the 2008-09 UEFA Champions League 1 and 2 Qualifying Rounds took place today. The UEFA Champions League draws was done at UEFA headquarters. The 14 clubs entering the 1 Qualifying Round on will play the 1 Leg on either July 15 or July 16 the 2 Leg being played on July 22 or July 23. The 14 winners from the 1 Qualifying Round will join 14 clubs entering the 2 Qualifying Round. The 2 Qualifying Round will be played July 29 and July 30 and August 5 for the 1 and August 6 for the 2 Leg. Team 1 is the home club for the 1 Leg Team 1 is the home club for the 1 Leg Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
UEFA Champions League 2008–09 Qualification: 42 Clubs learn their fate for First and Second Qualifying Rounds
Monday saw the latest edition of the vetted version of Wikipedia, which is aimed at educational use, go quietly online. The extensively revised version covers over five thousand topics, targeting the eight to seventeen years age group. Partnerships with the Shuttleworth Foundation and the Hole in the Wall project will see it distributed in South Africa and India as well as copies being available globally via the offices of SOS Children UK's umbrella organisation, SOS Kinderdorf worldwide. First launched in 2006 as a 4,000 article edition, the extract of Wikipedia has employed hi-tech distribution methods, as well as offering a website version which has steadily climbed up in ranking to above other reviewed Wikipedia rivals and copies; the 2007 version was available on the BitTorrent peer to peer network to keep distribution costs down and was equivalent to a fifteen-volume printed encyclopedia. Monday's release is compared to a twenty-volume print edition. —Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Executive DirectorKey to the process for selecting articles is the English National Curriculum and similar educational standards around the world. The initial vision was to bring this wealth of knowledge to schools where access to the Internet was poor or unavailable, but copies of Wikipedia for Schools can be found on many first world school intranets and web servers. Among the compelling reasons to adopt the project are the vetting and additional study materials which overcome the oft-publicised concerns many educators have with the million article plus Wikipedia that anyone can edit. In today's press release announcing the launch, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner expressed delight at seeing the project bring out a new version, "Our goal is to make Wikipedia accessible to as many people as possible around the world, and SOS Children is a great partner that helps us make that happen. Wikipedia is released under a free content license so that individuals and institutions can easily adapt, reuse and customize its content: we encourage others, like SOS Children, to do exactly that." Running 192 schools in the developing world, SOS Children sees Wikipedia for Schools as a key piece in fulfilling the educational aspect of their mission. SOS Children's Chairwoman, Mary Cockcroft gave us an introduction and, a Wikipedia administrator himself, the charity's CEO Andrew Cates spoke to Wikinews at length about the project. You are part of SOS-Kinderdorf International, can you explain a little about how this works in terms of distributing funds raised in the UK and involving UK citizens in work outside the country? Mary Cockcroft: SOS Children['s Villages] is a "club" of member charities in 130 countries helping orphans and vulnerable children. The club elects SOS-Kinderdorf International as secretary. SOS is a large organisation whose members in aggregate turned over $1bn in 2007, and whose projects include owning and running 192 schools and family-based care for 70,000 children. However much of these funds are raised locally, with for example the member charities in each of India, Pakistan and South Africa raise considerably more funds in their own country than SOS UK does from the UK. Nonetheless SOS Children UK principally raises funds to finance projects in the developing world, and has only financially small projects in the UK (such as the Schools Wikipedia, which is very low cost because of extensive use of volunteers). This year we expect about 80% of our UK income will leave the UK for overseas SOS associations, and some of the remaining 20% will pay for project oversight. We do not spend money in the UK on Direct Mail or TV advertising. Our UK office is involved in overseeing projects we finance and a small number of high-skilled volunteers from the UK help overseas. However around 98% of SOS staff worldwide are local nationals, as are most volunteers. ((WN)) How much work does the UK charity actually carry out within the home country? Are there failings within the government system for orphans and other needy children that you feel obliged to remedy? MC: We are deeply unhappy about the situation of children in out-of-home care in the UK. However our care model of 168 hour-a-week resident mothers does not fit with the UK philosophy for children without parental care. Internationally SOS always has a policy of sharing best practice and we are working to improve understanding of our way of working, which appears to us to have far better outcomes than the existing one in the UK. Ultimately though the legal responsibility for these children lies with government and we cannot remedy anything without their invitation. ((WN)) Who first came up with the idea of doing a vetted Wikipedia extract? What was the impetus? Was it more for the developing world than first world? Andrew Cates: I honestly cannot remember who first suggested it, but it came from somewhere in the Wikipedia community rather than from the charity. The original product was very much pitched at the developing world where the Internet is only available if at all over an expensive phone line. I worked in West Africa 1993-1996 and I know well at how thirsty for knowledge people are and how ingenious they will be in overcoming technical obstacles if the need for infrastructure is removed. ((WN)) In reading past year's announcements there's some pride in the project being picked up and used in the first world, was this expected or a pleasant surprise? AC: It was a pleasant surprise. I don't think we had realised what the barriers schools faced in using the main Wikipedia were. It isn't just pupils posting material about teachers or meeting strangers: the "Random Article" button on every page could potentially deliver an article on hardcore porn. We had already started when discussion broke on banning Wikipedia from classrooms and I am sure we benefited from it. ((WN)) Can you give an outline of the selection and vetting process? Is it primarily Wikipedians working on this, or are people from the educational establishment brought in? AC: It was a long and painful process, even with a really good database system. Articles were taken into the proposal funnel from three main sources: direct proposals for inclusion from Wikipedians, lists which came from the Release Version team and proposals drawn up from working through National Curriculum subjects by SOS volunteers. In a few cases where we felt articles were missing we asked the community to write them (e.g. Portal:Early Modern Britain, which is a curriculum subject, was kindly written just for us): These "proposals" were then looked at by mainly SOS volunteers (some onwiki, some offline). Our offices are in the middle of Cambridge and we get high quality volunteers, who skim read each article and then compared two versions from the article history by credible WP editors a significant period apart (this picks up most graffiti vandalism which runs at about 3% of articles). Once they had identified a "best" version they marked any sections or text strings for deletion (sections which were just a list of links to other articles not included, empty sections, sex scandals etc). A substantial sample of each volunteers work was then doubled checked for quality by one of two office staff (of whom I was one). We then have a script which does some automated removals and clean ups. Once we had a selection we posted it to relevant wikiprojects and a few "experts" and got any extra steers. ((WN)) Will you be making use of BitTorrent for distribution again this year? Was it a success in 2007? AC: BitTorrent was a bit disappointing in that it got us the only substantial criticisms we received online. A lot of people find it too much effort to use. However for the period we offered a straight http: download we had huge problems with spiders eating vast bandwidth (the file is 3.5G: a few thousand rogue spider downloads and it starts to hurt). As per last year therefore our main two channels will be free download by BitTorrent and mailing the DVDs free all over the world. At a pinch we will (as before) put straight copies up for individuals who cannot get it any other way, and we have some copies on memory sticks for on distributors. ((WN)) Is it your opinion that the UK Government should be encouraging the adoption of projects like this as mainstream educational resources? AC: Clearly yes. We have had a very enthusiastic reaction from schools and the teaching community. We think every school should have an intranet copy. We expect the Government to catch on in a few years. That is not to say that Wikipedia is as good as resources developed by teachers for teachers such as lesson plans etc. but it is a fantastic resource. ((WN)) You're a Wikipedia administrator, all too often a thankless task. What prompted you to get involved in the first place? What are the most notable highs and lows of your involvement with the project? AC: Funnily the thing I have found most amazing about Wikipedia is not widely discussed, which is the effect of Wikipedia policies on new editors. I have seen countless extreme POV new editors, who come in and try to get their opinions included slowly learn not only that there are other opinions to consider but that elements of their own opinion which are not well founded. Watching someone arrive often (on pages on religions for example) full of condemnation for others, gradually become understanding and diplomatic is one of the biggest buzzes there is. The downside though is where correcting things which are wrong is too painfully slow because you need to find sources. I was a post-doc at Cambridge University in combustion and I know the article on Bunsen burners has several really significant errors concerning the flame structure and flow structure. But sadly I cannot correct it because I am still looking around for a reliable source. ((WN)) Do you believe schools should encourage students to get involved contributing to the editable version of Wikipedia? Does SOS Children encourage those who are multilingual to work on non-English versions? AC: I think older students have a lot to learn from becoming involved in editing Wikipedia. ((WN)) To close, is there anything you'd like to add to encourage use of Wikipedia for Schools, or to persuade educators to gain a better understanding of Wikipedia? AC: I would encourage people to feed back to the project online or via the charity. The Wikipedia community set out to help educate the world and are broadly incredibly well motivated to help. As soon as we understand what can be done to improve things people are already on the task. ((WN)) Thank you for your time. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008-09 Wikipedia for Schools goes online
Monday saw the latest edition of the vetted version of Wikipedia, which is aimed at educational use, go quietly online. The extensively revised version covers over five thousand topics, targeting the eight to seventeen years age group. Partnerships with the Shuttleworth Foundation and the Hole in the Wall project will see it distributed in South Africa and India as well as copies being available globally via the offices of SOS Children UK's umbrella organisation, SOS Kinderdorf worldwide. First launched in 2006 as a 4,000 article edition, the extract of Wikipedia has employed hi-tech distribution methods, as well as offering a website version which has steadily climbed up in ranking to above other reviewed Wikipedia rivals and copies; the 2007 version was available on the BitTorrent peer to peer network to keep distribution costs down and was equivalent to a fifteen-volume printed encyclopedia. Monday's release is compared to a twenty-volume print edition. —Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Executive DirectorKey to the process for selecting articles is the English National Curriculum and similar educational standards around the world. The initial vision was to bring this wealth of knowledge to schools where access to the Internet was poor or unavailable, but copies of Wikipedia for Schools can be found on many first world school intranets and web servers. Among the compelling reasons to adopt the project are the vetting and additional study materials which overcome the oft-publicised concerns many educators have with the million article plus Wikipedia that anyone can edit. In today's press release announcing the launch, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner expressed delight at seeing the project bring out a new version, "Our goal is to make Wikipedia accessible to as many people as possible around the world, and SOS Children is a great partner that helps us make that happen. Wikipedia is released under a free content license so that individuals and institutions can easily adapt, reuse and customize its content: we encourage others, like SOS Children, to do exactly that." Running 192 schools in the developing world, SOS Children sees Wikipedia for Schools as a key piece in fulfilling the educational aspect of their mission. SOS Children's Chairwoman, Mary Cockcroft gave us an introduction and, a Wikipedia administrator himself, the charity's CEO Andrew Cates spoke to Wikinews at length about the project. You are part of SOS-Kinderdorf International, can you explain a little about how this works in terms of distributing funds raised in the UK and involving UK citizens in work outside the country? Mary Cockcroft: SOS Children['s Villages] is a "club" of member charities in 130 countries helping orphans and vulnerable children. The club elects SOS-Kinderdorf International as secretary. SOS is a large organisation whose members in aggregate turned over $1bn in 2007, and whose projects include owning and running 192 schools and family-based care for 70,000 children. However much of these funds are raised locally, with for example the member charities in each of India, Pakistan and South Africa raise considerably more funds in their own country than SOS UK does from the UK. Nonetheless SOS Children UK principally raises funds to finance projects in the developing world, and has only financially small projects in the UK (such as the Schools Wikipedia, which is very low cost because of extensive use of volunteers). This year we expect about 80% of our UK income will leave the UK for overseas SOS associations, and some of the remaining 20% will pay for project oversight. We do not spend money in the UK on Direct Mail or TV advertising. Our UK office is involved in overseeing projects we finance and a small number of high-skilled volunteers from the UK help overseas. However around 98% of SOS staff worldwide are local nationals, as are most volunteers. ((WN)) How much work does the UK charity actually carry out within the home country? Are there failings within the government system for orphans and other needy children that you feel obliged to remedy? MC: We are deeply unhappy about the situation of children in out-of-home care in the UK. However our care model of 168 hour-a-week resident mothers does not fit with the UK philosophy for children without parental care. Internationally SOS always has a policy of sharing best practice and we are working to improve understanding of our way of working, which appears to us to have far better outcomes than the existing one in the UK. Ultimately though the legal responsibility for these children lies with government and we cannot remedy anything without their invitation. ((WN)) Who first came up with the idea of doing a vetted Wikipedia extract? What was the impetus? Was it more for the developing world than first world? Andrew Cates: I honestly cannot remember who first suggested it, but it came from somewhere in the Wikipedia community rather than from the charity. The original product was very much pitched at the developing world where the Internet is only available if at all over an expensive phone line. I worked in West Africa 1993-1996 and I know well at how thirsty for knowledge people are and how ingenious they will be in overcoming technical obstacles if the need for infrastructure is removed. ((WN)) In reading past year's announcements there's some pride in the project being picked up and used in the first world, was this expected or a pleasant surprise? AC: It was a pleasant surprise. I don't think we had realised what the barriers schools faced in using the main Wikipedia were. It isn't just pupils posting material about teachers or meeting strangers: the "Random Article" button on every page could potentially deliver an article on hardcore porn. We had already started when discussion broke on banning Wikipedia from classrooms and I am sure we benefited from it. ((WN)) Can you give an outline of the selection and vetting process? Is it primarily Wikipedians working on this, or are people from the educational establishment brought in? AC: It was a long and painful process, even with a really good database system. Articles were taken into the proposal funnel from three main sources: direct proposals for inclusion from Wikipedians, lists which came from the Release Version team and proposals drawn up from working through National Curriculum subjects by SOS volunteers. In a few cases where we felt articles were missing we asked the community to write them (e.g. Portal:Early Modern Britain, which is a curriculum subject, was kindly written just for us): These "proposals" were then looked at by mainly SOS volunteers (some onwiki, some offline). Our offices are in the middle of Cambridge and we get high quality volunteers, who skim read each article and then compared two versions from the article history by credible WP editors a significant period apart (this picks up most graffiti vandalism which runs at about 3% of articles). Once they had identified a "best" version they marked any sections or text strings for deletion (sections which were just a list of links to other articles not included, empty sections, sex scandals etc). A substantial sample of each volunteers work was then doubled checked for quality by one of two office staff (of whom I was one). We then have a script which does some automated removals and clean ups. Once we had a selection we posted it to relevant wikiprojects and a few "experts" and got any extra steers. ((WN)) Will you be making use of BitTorrent for distribution again this year? Was it a success in 2007? AC: BitTorrent was a bit disappointing in that it got us the only substantial criticisms we received online. A lot of people find it too much effort to use. However for the period we offered a straight http: download we had huge problems with spiders eating vast bandwidth (the file is 3.5G: a few thousand rogue spider downloads and it starts to hurt). As per last year therefore our main two channels will be free download by BitTorrent and mailing the DVDs free all over the world. At a pinch we will (as before) put straight copies up for individuals who cannot get it any other way, and we have some copies on memory sticks for on distributors. ((WN)) Is it your opinion that the UK Government should be encouraging the adoption of projects like this as mainstream educational resources? AC: Clearly yes. We have had a very enthusiastic reaction from schools and the teaching community. We think every school should have an intranet copy. We expect the Government to catch on in a few years. That is not to say that Wikipedia is as good as resources developed by teachers for teachers such as lesson plans etc. but it is a fantastic resource. ((WN)) You're a Wikipedia administrator, all too often a thankless task. What prompted you to get involved in the first place? What are the most notable highs and lows of your involvement with the project? AC: Funnily the thing I have found most amazing about Wikipedia is not widely discussed, which is the effect of Wikipedia policies on new editors. I have seen countless extreme POV new editors, who come in and try to get their opinions included slowly learn not only that there are other opinions to consider but that elements of their own opinion which are not well founded. Watching someone arrive often (on pages on religions for example) full of condemnation for others, gradually become understanding and diplomatic is one of the biggest buzzes there is. The downside though is where correcting things which are wrong is too painfully slow because you need to find sources. I was a post-doc at Cambridge University in combustion and I know the article on Bunsen burners has several really significant errors concerning the flame structure and flow structure. But sadly I cannot correct it because I am still looking around for a reliable source. ((WN)) Do you believe schools should encourage students to get involved contributing to the editable version of Wikipedia? Does SOS Children encourage those who are multilingual to work on non-English versions? AC: I think older students have a lot to learn from becoming involved in editing Wikipedia. ((WN)) To close, is there anything you'd like to add to encourage use of Wikipedia for Schools, or to persuade educators to gain a better understanding of Wikipedia? AC: I would encourage people to feed back to the project online or via the charity. The Wikipedia community set out to help educate the world and are broadly incredibly well motivated to help. As soon as we understand what can be done to improve things people are already on the task. ((WN)) Thank you for your time. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008-09 Wikipedia for Schools goes online
This is the category for the 2008-09 financial crisis, a worldwide financial crisis. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. From Wikinews, the free news source you can write. a Bank Run at a Northern Rock branch in England during the crisis (Image: Lee Jordan (flickr)) The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
Category:2008-09 financial crisis
A University of Calgary research team developed a new method for extracting carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the air — a fundamental shift in carbon capture technology enabling capture of the most common greenhouse gas from so-called diffuse sources like aircraft, trucks and automobiles that represent half of the greenhouse gases emitted globally. Professor David Keith, Director of University of Calgary's (UofC) Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE) and a team of researchers from UofC's Energy and Environmental Systems Group built and operated a prototype system this summer producing results that compared favourably with commercial carbon capture systems. Two 'provisional' patents have been filed on the technology but Keith warns there are still "many pitfalls along the path to commercialization." Using a process adapted from the pulp-and-paper industry that halves the cost of CO2 air capture in their custom-built tower, Professor Keith and his team captured the equivalent of about 20 tonnes per year of CO2 (approximately equal to the yearly output of one person in North America) directly from the air with less than 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity per tonne of carbon dioxide on a single square metre of scrubbing material. "This means that if you used electricity from a coal-fired power plant, for every unit of electricity you used to operate the capture machine, you'd be capturing 10 times as much CO2 as the power plant emitted making that much electricity," explains Professor Keith. A report co-authored by Keith in the American Chemical Society's journal Environmental Science & Technology explains "nearly all current research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) focuses on capturing CO2 from large, stationary sources such as power plants. Such plans usually entail separating CO2 from flue gas, compressing it, and transporting it via pipeline to be [stored] underground." Using CO2 air capture technology, "a company could, in principle, contract with an oil sands plant near Fort McMurray to remove CO2 from the air and could build its air capture plant wherever it's cheapest — China, for example — and the same amount of CO2 would be removed," says Professor Keith in a UofC press release. "While it's important to get started doing things we know how to do, like wind power, nuclear power, and 'regular' carbon capture and storage," Professor Keith continues, "it's also vital to start thinking about radical new ideas and approaches to solving this problem." ISEEE's Executive Director David Layzell points out that "energy-efficient and cost-effective air capture could play a valuable role in complementing other approaches for reducing emissions from the transportation sector, such as biofuels or electric vehicles." Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
University of Calgary scientist Keith cracks carbon capture conundrum
A recent study suggests that hurricane intensity may be linked to the number of sunspots on the Sun. A decrease in the number of sunspots may be related to an increase in hurricane intensity. After examining the past 100 year hurricane records of the United States and Caribbean, James Elsner and Thomas Jagger of Florida State University in Tallahassee conclude that their intensity may be linked to 10 to 12 year solar magnetic activity cycles. Data from the National Hurricane Center, Miami, Florida was used in the study. Sunspots are areas on the Sun with increased magnetic activity. The number of sunspots vary during the solar cycles. The number of sunspots is predicted by NOAA to currently be the lowest in an 11 year cycle. Increased solar activity will allow more ultraviolet rays to reach Earth, resulting in warming of the relatively colder upper atmosphere. Decreased solar activity reverses this phenomenon. It is believed that the greater the temperature difference between upper and lower atmospheric regions, the higher the hurricane intensity. Establishing a link between sunspots and hurricane intensity can provide a valuable tool for predicting storms. Other scientists however question the statistical basis of the study and the physical processes attributed to changes in hurricane activity. "This is something worth investigating, but they made too many assumptions for me to just accept their conclusion at this point," says Judy Curry of Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Hurricanes may be associated with sunspots
A script prepared by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Government of the United Kingdom in the 1970s, and released today, shows the text of the radio announcement that would be made in case of a nuclear attack on Britain. The script was released by The National Archives, and it was discussed during the years from 1973 to 1975, as an act of preparation for a nuclear attack. This increased concern occurred due to the ongoing Cold War. The script started by saying "This is the Wartime Broadcasting Service. This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons. Communications have been severely disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. We shall bring you further information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this wavelength, stay calm and stay in your own homes." It emphasised people should not leave their homes: "Remember there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away. By leaving your homes you could be exposing yourselves to greater danger." "If you leave, you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection. Radioactive fall-out, which follows a nuclear explosion, is many times more dangerous if you are directly exposed to it in the open. Roofs and walls offer substantial protection. The safest place is indoors." The script continued by telling citizens to "make sure gas and other fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished," before telling the listener to "use your water only for essential drinking and cooking purposes." "Make your food stocks last: ration your supply, because it may have to last for 14 days or more," continued the script. "If you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given, stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out." The script finishes people by telling people to turn off their radio to conserve energy. The documents were released under Britain's Freedom of Information Act, and it also said that all reports should be given out in an authoritative and comforting tone. It also contains letters from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications which describe how the use of a familiar voice will assure listeners that the BBC has not been obliterated. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Newly released script from 1970s would have been used as announcement after nuclear attack in UK
The U.S. Senate passed a revised bailout bill designed to help the struggling U.S. financial economy, which has measures nearly identical to the bill rejected by the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday. "Senate Democrats and Republicans believe it is essential that we work quickly on this important legislation to restore confidence to our financial system and strengthen the economy," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The new revisions include raising the FDIC insurance cap to $250,000, a move designed to please progressives. However, the $110 billion in tax breaks, earmarks and what has been called pork barrel spending is not offset by any increases in revenues and has added opposition to the bill from some Representatives in the House. Earmarks added into the bailout bill included $192 million in tax rebates for the Virgin Islands rum industry, $148 million in tax cuts for the wool industry, $100 million tax cuts to the auto racing industry, and $48 million in Hollywood tax incentives. Vice President of Taxpayers for Common Sense, Steve Ellis, offered his explanation for the pork and earmarks added in. "People who support some of these provisions will forget about the $700 billion and concerns they may have on that, and say, 'If you give me a few million in tax breaks for my constituents, I'll go along'". The tactic seems to have worked, however, managing to flip enough votes to pass the bill. "The inclusion of parity, tax extenders and the FDIC increases has caused me to reconsider my position," said Representative Jim Ramstad (R Minnesota), who voted against the previous bill on Monday. "All three additions have greatly improved the bill." But Representative Marcy Kaptur (D Ohio) was not changing her no vote. "I will not support this legislation because it's the wrong medicine," she said. The Senate took H.R.1424, a bill originating in the House concerning "equity in the provision of mental health and substance-related disorder benefits under group health plans, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment," and extended it with the bailout provisions. H.R.1424 was introduced on March 9, 2007, by Rep. Patrick Kennedy (RI-1) and had the support of First Lady Rosalind Carter. It is noted on the Congressional Website that "On 10/1/2008, the Senate passed H.R.1424 as the vehicle for the economic rescue legislation. In the EAS version of the bill (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by the Senate), Division A (pp.1-110) is referred to as the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008; Division B (pp. 110-255) is referred to as the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008; and Division C (pp. 255-441) is referred to as the Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008." It was not treated as an appropriations bill in the House. There were two votes in the Senate. The first was to amend H.R.1424, which required 3/5 to be accepted, which it was. The second was a vote on the bill. Passage of the Bill required only a 1/2 majority. It was passed with 74 yeas and 25 nays. Senator Kennedy did not vote. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
U.S. Senate approves revised bailout package after controversial additions
An Austrian man is in jail after authorities say he used a flamethrower to burn his two elderly in-law parents to death as they slept in their home located in Hartberg in the state of Styria. The man, 48, is said to have first doused the bedroom with gasoline and then used a canister filled with propane to light the room on fire. The victims, a woman and man in their 80's, were sleeping when the suspect lit them on fire. The woman was bed ridden due to advanced diabetes and had previously had her legs amputated, and died where she slept. Her husband was able to escape where authorities found him dead, lying on a bench in the couple's garden. The suspect left the scene of the crime, but was apprehended by police shortly after the incident. In the process, the man stabbed himself in the stomach in an apparent suicide attempt. He is currently in a drug induced coma at a local hospital. Police are investigating the incident to determine a motive. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Man uses home-made flamethrower to set relatives on fire
It has recently been made public that on September 27, seventeen year old Shaun Dykes jumped off a multistory building following encouragement from the crowd. According to the BBC's Today programme, a variety of different people, including youths and middle aged citizens, were telling the teenager to jump. Alasdair Kay, director of the Derby City Mission, saw the incident unfold. He expressed his shock and disgust at the incident. "People were filming… we could hear people shouting '[J]ump, you,'" she said. "They weren't all just young people, some were middle-aged. To be honest with you I was sickened." Derbyshire's Chief Constable Mick Creedon, also yesterday commented on the indent. "The tragic death of Shaun Dykes at Derby on 27th September has attracted much comment and media speculation," he started. "The pain that Shaun's family and friends are suffering must be unimaginable and they have my deepest sympathy." "The primary responsibility of the police is the protection of life, and the Derbyshire Constabulary will always have this responsibility at the forefront of our response to such tragic events as Shaun's death last Saturday," he continued. "We have very well trained and experienced staff, well practiced in dealing with such incidents and I have no doubt that the officers involved in talking to Shaun on Saturday did their best with the situation they were presented with." "The fact that they were unsuccessful in negotiating Shaun to safety will have been very painful for them, particularly for the two officers who spent two hours talking directly to him. They have my sincere thanks for their efforts as, I'm sure, they have the thanks of the vast majority of those reading this." Shaun Dykes, had been raised in a single parent family in a village near Derbyshire and he recently returned from a business course to study to become an accountant or a pilot. Before his death, he was working part time in a local pub. Craig Doxey, his best friend, described Dykes. "He was always smiling and laughing about stuff. I think if it wasn't for the crowd, Shaun would have got down and got some help from all his mates, work colleagues and the police." He went to Heanor Gate Science College, and he was openly gay. According to one of his friends from that school, Rebkha Minkley, "he always came in, in the morning with a smile on his face." According to the Today program, Dykes is believed to have left a suicide note before jumping off the building. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Crowd in Derbyshire, UK, encourages teenager to commit suicide
The Schillings law firm in the United Kingdom, has attempted to remove certain content from an upcoming book by former Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray. Schillings, a company which, according to Wikileaks, contains "well known UK censorship lawyers," sent a letter to Cambridge University Press threatening libel action if the content is not removed from Murray's book, The Catholic Orangemen of Togo, before publication. According to Schilling, they sent the letter on behalf of " Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer [...], C.E.O. of Aegis Defence Services Limited." "We have reason to believe that the Book may contain serious, untrue and damaging defamatory allegations about our client," stated the letter. "Any widespread publication of the Book containing defamatory allegations concerning our client would be deeply damaging to our client's personal and professional reputations and would cause him profound distress and anxiety. We remind you that you would be responsible for that damage and any subsequent republication of the allegations. We also put you on notice that you will be liable for any special damage or loss suffered by our client as a result of the Book and we reserve all our client's rights in this regard." Speaking to Wikileaks, Murray responded to these claims by saying that there is "yet more depressing correspondence with my publisher today — it really is getting me down." "The publisher has an understandable fear of facing malicious and extremely expensive litigation under British libel laws, which exist to protect the reputations of the wealthy and the powerful," continued the former ambassador, explaining the issue. "As my entire purpose is to expose unsavory truths about the wealthy and the powerful, I really do not see how we are going to solve this." Wikinews also spoke exclusively to Craig Murray on this issue. He made the following comments: I have received no libel threats at all. Rather Schillings, acting on behalf of mercenary commander Tim Spicer, have threatened my publisher directly. In consequence my publisher has insisted not only that I remove vital facts from the book, but is attempting to insist that I include views and opinions which are not my own, and facts which are untrue, in the interest of "balance". The extraordinary thing is that the book is a memoir, and the large majority of things the publisher wishes me to exclude under legal pressure are things I was an eye witness to or even did myself. There is no protection at all for freedom of speech in the UK — the concept does not de facto exist in law here. —Craig Murray, speaking to Wikinews Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Law firm tries to ban new book by Cambridge Press
Police in Thailand have announced the arrest of Chamlong Srimuang, a retired general and former Bangkok mayor who is one of the leaders of protests against the current government. Chamlong and other protesters who have occupied government buildings for several months accuse the incumbent government of acting as proxy for deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Chamlong is the second of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD - Thai: พันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย) protest leaders to be arrested; Chaiwat Sinuwong was arrested on Friday as he left the occupied prime minister's compound. Former mayor, Chamlong had today left the security of the protest site to vote in the city's elections. Protests have been ongoing, led to a September, 2006 military coup, and have centred around corruption allegations initially championed by Sondhi Limthongkul against Thaksin Shinawatra who the coup deposed and left in exile for in excess of a year. Following the dissolution of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party, and an October, 2006 election, the protesters have focused on removing what they perceive as Thaksin's ongoing influence on the country's government. In June then-PM Samak Sundaravej and his cabinet narrowly survived a no-confidence vote. Last month saw him replaced with the incumbent, Somchai Wongsawat following a court decision. Somchai was appointed as the result of a parliamentary vote, protesters are particularly incensed at this as he is former PM Thaksin's brother-in-law. Charges of insurrection, illegal assembly, and inciting unrest have been brought against nine of the protest leaders, including Chamlong; police have vowed to arrest all the protest leaders although there are no plans to employ force to carry this out. The charge of insurrection in Thailand is the equivalent of treason, the sentence can be life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Government proposals for the deputy prime minister, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, to negotiate with the PAD have been scuppered by the two arrests. According to the Thai News Agency, the leaders of the PAD state that the negotiations are unlikely to take place now. The arrests were described as indicating the government was not sincere and the PAD will "not hold talks with irresponsible people". The outstanding arrest warrants are for the PAD founder, Sondhi, the group's leaders and spokesman, Somsak Kosaisuk, Pibhop Dhongchai and Suriyasai Katasila, MP Somkiat Pongpaibul, and protest organisers Therdpoom Chaidee and Amorn Amornrattannond. An appeals court challenge against the arrest warrants is pending and a decision is expected Monday; if the warrants are revoked, it is expected that the Royal Thai Police will instigate a judicial process to contest this. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Thai PAD protest leader arrested while voting
At a Republican rally in Colorado, U.S. Alaskan governor and Vice-Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin accused Democratic candidate Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country". The charge was repeated at a later rally for around 13,000 Orange County, California supporters. The accusation centers around a report in The New York Times associating Obama with William C. Ayers, a Chicago professor who was a member of the radical Weathermen group during the 1960s. Ayers was one of the founders of the Weathermen, and involved in their anti-Vietnam War bombing campaign throughout the early 1970s. Loading her attack with hot-button issues, Palin told supporters "one of Barack's earliest supporters is a man who, according to the New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that quote launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and US Capitol. Wow. These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes." Despite Palin's attack, the original article in the October 3 New York Times concluded that Obama and Ayers were never close, and that the connection was through Obama's initial run for office and a schools reform project, "saying that their paths have crossed sporadically". The report quotes Obama as describing Ayers as, "somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know" and "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8". According to a campaign spokesman, the two men first met through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an educational project started in 1995. Democratic campaign aides claim the alleged relationship has been played up by the presidential hopeful's opponents as a smear campaign. Comparisons to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) have been drawn. SBVT was a political group drawn together during the 2004 presidential election with the aim of opposing John Kerry's candidacy. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
VP candidate Palin accuses Obama of terrorist links
Talks between Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai have failed to reach an agreement on who will be in the unity cabinet. A power sharing deal was signed approximately three weeks ago, as a way to resolve a crisis that has been ongoing since the elections over three months ago. Nelson Chamisa, a spokesperson for Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) expressed grave concern over failure to reach a deal. He described it as "a threat to people's lives". "People are dying," Chamisa said. "The humanitarian response has to be activated and you need a functional government to do that." Thabo Mbeki, formerly the president of South Africa has said that he will continue to help secure an agreement between the politicians by mediating the discussion. In the deal signed three weeks ago it was agreed that Tsvangirai is now the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, acting as the head of the council of ministers. It was also agreed that Mugabe remains the president of Zimbabwe, meaning that he is still the chair of the cabinet. The proposed cabinet contains sixteen seats from the MDC, while Mugabe's Zanu-PF has fifteen seats. The MDC also controls the police while Zanu-PF controls the armed forces. The agreement also requires press freedom in Zimbabwe. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Zimbabwean unity talks fail
A passenger plane carrying tourists, has crash-landed at an airport near Mount Everest killing 18 of the 19 people on board. Of those killed were 12 German, two Australian and two Nepalese tourists. The remaining three were the plane's crew who were of Nepalese decent. The only survivor was the pilot-in-command. The twin engine DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter plane, operated by Yeti Airlines, was flying in Nepal from the nation's capital of Kathmandu to Lukla. It was landing at the Lukla Airport when its wheels got caught on a fence at the end of the runway, causing it to hit the runway and burst into flames. Firefighters fought for nearly two hours before bringing the fire under control. Officials blame the crash on heavy fog and bad weather. Reports state that visibility was only 1,310 feet (400 meters), which was considered to be just enough for the plane to land. "According to initial reports we have it crashed before it was to land and caught fire. The accident was probably caused by a last minute change in the weather," said Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal chief, Yagya Prasad Gautam. There was at least one accident at the airport in 2005 when nine people survived a crash, only suffering minor injures. That plane was operated by Gorkha Airlines. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Passenger plane crashes in Nepal killing 18
In an effort to reduce the effect of the ongoing financial crisis, six central banks worldwide have reduced their interest rates by 0.5% in an unexpected move which took place today. The banks involved in the deal are the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, Sveriges Riksbank, and the Swiss National Bank. "Throughout the current financial crisis, central banks have engaged in continuous close consultation and have cooperated in unprecedented joint actions such as the provision of liquidity to reduce strains in financial markets," said the banks in a joint statement. "Inflationary pressures have started to moderate in a number of countries, partly reflecting a marked decline in energy and other commodity prices. Inflation expectations are diminishing and remain anchored to price stability. The recent intensification of the financial crisis has augmented the downside risks to growth and thus has diminished further the upside risks to price stability. " "Some easing of global monetary conditions is therefore warranted. Accordingly, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, Sveriges Riksbank, and the Swiss National Bank are today announcing reductions in policy interest rates. The Bank of Japan expresses its strong support of these policy actions." Japan expressed support for the move, although it did not cut its own interest rate by 0.5% as that would mean bringing its interest rate down to 0% from 0.5%. The US interest rate was lowered to 1.5% as part of the move, while the UK rate was lowered to 4.5%. The European rate was lowered to 3.75%. The new rate of the Swiss National Bank is 2.5%, while Sveriges Riksbank, the Swedish central bank, lowered its rate to 4.25%. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Central banks worldwide cut interest rates
Today saw high-level talks between Thai and Cambodian military leaders following a border skirmish yesterday which left two Cambodian soldiers dead, injuries on both sides, and ten Thai troops captured. Several hours of talks have led to an agreement for joint military patrols along the disputed border. Wednesday's exchange of fire in the disputed border region surrounding Preah Vihear Temple is the latest in a dispute over an area of scrubland which both Cambodia and Thailand claim. While each side claims the other initiated the clash, government officials in both capitals have sought to downplay the seriousness of the incident and stress that a negotiated settlement is the only reasonable solution. The disputed territory is a little under five square kilometres and was, in 1962, awarded to Cambodia by the International Court of Justice. The decision caused resentment in Thailand which continues to this day. Downplaying the incident, Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong spoke of the negotiations in positive terms, stressing the skirmish was, "an incident between soldiers and not an invasion by Thailand". Thai Prime Minister, Somchai Wongsawat stressed the need for the dispute over territory to be resolved peacefully. According to officials, apart from the two Cambodian soldiers who died in the skirmish, an additional two Khmer troops and five Thais were injured. Thailand has denied the claim by Cambodia that ten soldiers were captured in the disputed territory. On the other side of the border, Cambodian officials have said the captives will be returned upon request. The dispute over the contested territory flared up in June; UNESCO awarded the Hindu Preah Vihear Temple the status of World Heritage Site as a Cambodian property, bringing the issue back into the spotlight. The 900-year-old temple sits at the centre of a military build-up on both sides of the border and despite an agreed pull-back in August the situation deteriorated when Cambodia asserted that Thai troops had returned to the entrenched positions that now see around 1,000 soldiers from both sides facing each other. The return of Thai military forces saw the Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen threaten to turn the area into a "death zone". United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon spoke yesterday on the incident, expressing grave concern over the escalation of the conflict and loss of life. A spokesperson for the Secretary-General said, "He calls on both parties to exercise utmost restraint and urges them to expedite bilateral talks so that their differences can be resolved peacefully". This is not the first time Ban Ki-moon has spoken on the issue; previously calls for restraint have been issued as the military build-up in the area has continued. The ongoing dispute and yesterday's escalation have seen moves to take civilians out of harm's way. The government in Bangkok urged Thai citizens in Cambodia to leave the country if they were not there on urgent business. Over 400 returned on a Thai Airways flight following the call to evacuate Thai nationals. With a 2003 dispute and unrest having seen Thailand's embassy in Phnom Penh torched, Cambodian authorities deployed riot police around the building yesterday in case the dispute led to violence. In the disputed region, thousands of Cambodians have left due to the build-up of forces on both sides of the border and increased tensions. The current flare-up along the border is the second incident this month; on October 3 there was a clash where Thailand claims Cambodian forces crossed the border and fired on Thai rangers causing two injuries. That incident saw both sides exchange protest letters. Thailand claimed that rangers patrolling on their side of the border encountered Cambodian troops and demanded they return across the border. The alleged response was apparently orders from superiors for the Cambodians to begin firing. The strongly-worded complaint stated, "the above-mentioned intrusion of the Cambodian soldiers into Thailand's territory is a serious violation of Thailand's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Furthermore, the shooting by the Cambodian troops against the unarmed Thai para-military rangers is regarded as a brutal and aggressive act and is contrary to the spirit of friendly relations between Cambodia and Thailand." Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Thai-Cambodian generals in talks after border clash kills two
Today saw high-level talks between Thai and Cambodian military leaders following a border skirmish yesterday which left two Cambodian soldiers dead, injuries on both sides, and ten Thai troops captured. Several hours of talks have led to an agreement for joint military patrols along the disputed border. Wednesday's exchange of fire in the disputed border region surrounding Preah Vihear Temple is the latest in a dispute over an area of scrubland which both Cambodia and Thailand claim. While each side claims the other initiated the clash, government officials in both capitals have sought to downplay the seriousness of the incident and stress that a negotiated settlement is the only reasonable solution. The disputed territory is a little under five square kilometres and was, in 1962, awarded to Cambodia by the International Court of Justice. The decision caused resentment in Thailand which continues to this day. Downplaying the incident, Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong spoke of the negotiations in positive terms, stressing the skirmish was, "an incident between soldiers and not an invasion by Thailand". Thai Prime Minister, Somchai Wongsawat stressed the need for the dispute over territory to be resolved peacefully. According to officials, apart from the two Cambodian soldiers who died in the skirmish, an additional two Khmer troops and five Thais were injured. Thailand has denied the claim by Cambodia that ten soldiers were captured in the disputed territory. On the other side of the border, Cambodian officials have said the captives will be returned upon request. The dispute over the contested territory flared up in June; UNESCO awarded the Hindu Preah Vihear Temple the status of World Heritage Site as a Cambodian property, bringing the issue back into the spotlight. The 900-year-old temple sits at the centre of a military build-up on both sides of the border and despite an agreed pull-back in August the situation deteriorated when Cambodia asserted that Thai troops had returned to the entrenched positions that now see around 1,000 soldiers from both sides facing each other. The return of Thai military forces saw the Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen threaten to turn the area into a "death zone". United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon spoke yesterday on the incident, expressing grave concern over the escalation of the conflict and loss of life. A spokesperson for the Secretary-General said, "He calls on both parties to exercise utmost restraint and urges them to expedite bilateral talks so that their differences can be resolved peacefully". This is not the first time Ban Ki-moon has spoken on the issue; previously calls for restraint have been issued as the military build-up in the area has continued. The ongoing dispute and yesterday's escalation have seen moves to take civilians out of harm's way. The government in Bangkok urged Thai citizens in Cambodia to leave the country if they were not there on urgent business. Over 400 returned on a Thai Airways flight following the call to evacuate Thai nationals. With a 2003 dispute and unrest having seen Thailand's embassy in Phnom Penh torched, Cambodian authorities deployed riot police around the building yesterday in case the dispute led to violence. In the disputed region, thousands of Cambodians have left due to the build-up of forces on both sides of the border and increased tensions. The current flare-up along the border is the second incident this month; on October 3 there was a clash where Thailand claims Cambodian forces crossed the border and fired on Thai rangers causing two injuries. That incident saw both sides exchange protest letters. Thailand claimed that rangers patrolling on their side of the border encountered Cambodian troops and demanded they return across the border. The alleged response was apparently orders from superiors for the Cambodians to begin firing. The strongly-worded complaint stated, "the above-mentioned intrusion of the Cambodian soldiers into Thailand's territory is a serious violation of Thailand's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Furthermore, the shooting by the Cambodian troops against the unarmed Thai para-military rangers is regarded as a brutal and aggressive act and is contrary to the spirit of friendly relations between Cambodia and Thailand." Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Thai-Cambodian generals in talks after border clash kills two
A judge in Nebraska has dismissed a lawsuit that was filed against 'God' saying that no address can be located to serve the higher power the court papers. "Given that this court finds that there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with prejudice," said Judge Marlon Polk. In 2007, Nebraska state Senator Ernie Chambers, who represents legislative District 11 in North Omaha, filed the lawsuit on Friday September 18. According to court documents obtained by Wikinews, Chambers had decided to sue God, looking for a judge to issue a "permanent injunction" against the highest power. Chambers said in his suit that God has spread fear across the globe causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants. [God also caused] fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like", and he wants the courts to order God "to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats." Chambers is examining Polk's ruling and has not yet decided if he will file an appeal. Chambers says that "God knows everything", and therefore is well aware of the lawsuit that was filed against the higher power. Chambers also states that the court acknowledged his existence which "is a recognition of God's omniscience." "The court itself acknowledges the existence of God. Since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit," said Chambers. If Chambers decides to appeal the decision, he must do so within 30 days of the Judge's ruling. The suit was an apparent retaliation for a 2007 ruling where the words 'rape' and 'victim' were banned from a criminal case involving a sexual assault incident. The woman who was assaulted, Tory Bowen, filed a lawsuit against Jeffrey Cheuvront, a district judge in the city of Lancaster when he banned the use of those words in her criminal case. Chambers says that her lawsuit is "frivolous" and he filed his suit to show people that "anybody can sue anybody." "This lawsuit having been filed and being of such questionable merit creates a circumstance where my lawsuit is appropriately filed. People might call it frivolous but if they read it they'll see there are very serious issues I have raised," stated Chambers in 2007. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Judge in Nebraska says thou shalt not sue God
The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) has released a report saying that an illness they named 'mobile phone dermatitis', in which individuals owning a cell phone have developed a rash on the side of their face, is likely linked to nickel deposits in the metal of some cellular phones. Nickel has been known to cause rashes on those who have a sensitivity to, or are allergic to the metal. Nickel is also mixed with other metals to make jewelry. The Association says that the condition is likely to affect people who spend too much time talking on the phone. They found that those who spend too much time text messaging or talking for long periods on the phone, were most likely to develop a rash, sometimes severe, on their face and ears, or the tips of their fingers. Tests in January, performed on 22 cellular phones by scientists at Brown University in Rhode Island located in the United States, had found that just under half, a total of 10, contained nickel while the rest had rubber buttons and a plastic case. Initially the rashes were unexplained, and researchers could not find a reason why so many individuals began to experience the symptoms. In most cases the rashes were untreatable. "Cell phones intended for rugged use ... often have rubber coating and no surface nickel. Those with more fashionable designs often have metallic accents and are more likely to contain free nickel in their casings," said Lionel Bercovitch MD., one of the researchers, in a report in the journal for the Canadian Medical Association on January 1, 2008. Researchers also state that although some people may not be allergic to nickel, "prolonged" and continuous exposure to it can cause severe reactions. "Prolonged or repetitive contact with a nickel-containing phone is more likely to cause a skin reaction in those who are allergic," said BAD dermatologist Dr. Graham Lowe in a press release. In the United Kingdom alone, BAD says nearly 30% of the population suffers from rashes brought on by prolonged exposure to the metal. The researchers also recommend individuals to buy swab test kits to test for traces of nickel. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
'Mobile phone dermatitis' linked to nickel deposits
A judge in Nebraska has dismissed a lawsuit that was filed against 'God' saying that no address can be located to serve the higher power the court papers. "Given that this court finds that there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with prejudice," said Judge Marlon Polk. In 2007, Nebraska state Senator Ernie Chambers, who represents legislative District 11 in North Omaha, filed the lawsuit on Friday September 18. According to court documents obtained by Wikinews, Chambers had decided to sue God, looking for a judge to issue a "permanent injunction" against the highest power. Chambers said in his suit that God has spread fear across the globe causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants. [God also caused] fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like", and he wants the courts to order God "to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats." Chambers is examining Polk's ruling and has not yet decided if he will file an appeal. Chambers says that "God knows everything", and therefore is well aware of the lawsuit that was filed against the higher power. Chambers also states that the court acknowledged his existence which "is a recognition of God's omniscience." "The court itself acknowledges the existence of God. Since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit," said Chambers. If Chambers decides to appeal the decision, he must do so within 30 days of the Judge's ruling. The suit was an apparent retaliation for a 2007 ruling where the words 'rape' and 'victim' were banned from a criminal case involving a sexual assault incident. The woman who was assaulted, Tory Bowen, filed a lawsuit against Jeffrey Cheuvront, a district judge in the city of Lancaster when he banned the use of those words in her criminal case. Chambers says that her lawsuit is "frivolous" and he filed his suit to show people that "anybody can sue anybody." "This lawsuit having been filed and being of such questionable merit creates a circumstance where my lawsuit is appropriately filed. People might call it frivolous but if they read it they'll see there are very serious issues I have raised," stated Chambers in 2007. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Judge in Nebraska says thou shalt not sue God
The government of Iran has announced that it intends to stop executing children who commit crimes in its country. The announcement was made by Hossein Zabhi, the Iranian assistant Attorney General for Judicial Affairs, who issued directions for judges, saying that they should no longer issue the death penalty for minors. The announcement was also broadcast by the Iranian state-run news agency. Human Rights Campaigners welcomed the move. They say that the Convention on the Rights of the Child bans child executions. The convention states that all governments must recognize that "every child has the inherent right to life." Although welcoming the move, Amnesty International stated that "the Iranian authorities should release the text of the directive and make clear that they intend to uphold their international human rights obligations by including cases of those convicted of murder in this ban." The human rights group said that it did not know if the ban on executions extended to murder cases. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Iran to stop executing children
Russia has requested Iceland give them more details of the island nation's plan to rescue the banking sector and thus the entire national economy before granting them a loan. Two weeks ago, Iceland's banking sector collapsed and was largely nationalised. Icelandic banks are in significantly more debt than the country can afford, and the nation may seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund. A decision on whether to involve the IMF is due within a week. As for Russia, a senior Russian government source is reported by Reuters as having said "At the current moment, we do not yet have enough reasons to give them credit. We did not refuse. We are continuing the talks." Forbes quoted him as having also said "'We asked them to collect more information and present a rescue plan for the banking system." Meanwhile, there is some optimism in Iceland over the economy. It is hoped by authorities that the lower exchange rate for the króna means that more tourists will be attracted. Bars and restaurants are also doing well. The manager of one bar explained: "Actually, when people get depressed they drink more." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Russia asks Iceland for details of bank rescue plan before giving loan
In a rare one-on-one interview with the editor in chief of the journal Science Magazine published online on Friday, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People's Republic of China, acknowledged that although companies were to blame, the government was also partially responsible in the recent melamine contamination of milk and infant formula from China. "We feel that although problems occurred at the company, the government also has a responsibility," said the Premier. He added that testing requirements should be installed for all important steps in the production process, and that all food should meet international standards. Responsibility for food safety implementations will lie with the Chinese Ministry of Health. —Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People's Republic of China.The two-hour conversation between chief editor Bruce Alberts and Premier Wen already took place on September 30th. A Chinese version of the interview was published in the communist party newspaper People's Daily. Earlier this week, batches of an injectable herbal medication based on ginseng were recalled after three people died. Wandashan Pharmaceutical all of its injectable herbal remedies. On Saturday, Taiwan suspended imports of a leavening agent used in baking because it tested positive for melamine. In the milk incident, melamine was added to make the milk appear richer in protein. It caused an estimated 53,000 to become ill, mostly young children. The chemical can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. However, the issues of China's food industry are only mentioned tangentially. The Premier spoke about social, economic and scientific issues facing his country. Wen explained his "scientific outlook on development", which tries to found social and economic progress for the people, in a sustainable fashion and with decreased disparities, on a scientific basis. An example is the use of transgenic crops in rural areas, which decreases the need for pesticides. On the matter of fossil fuels, the Premier explained how "every year, China produces about 180 million tons of crude oil and imports about 170 million tons. China’s dependency on foreign oil is almost 50%. China’s coal production exceeds 2.5 billion tons a year. This kind of huge consumption of energy, especially non-renewable fossil fuel, will not be sustainable." He reiterated China's belief in the "common but differentiated responsibility" principle, in agreement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. At the end of the interview, the Premier agreed that the scientific communities could build bridges between countries, even if their governments disagreed. "More scientific language and less diplomatic rhetoric could make this world even better," he concluded. The 66-year-old engineer specialised in geomechanics began his second 5-year term as head of the cabinet last March. During his office, China witnessed highlights like the Olympics in Beijing and the recent Shenzhou 7 space launch, but also international criticism, for example on the situation in Tibet. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
China's Premier recognises government responsibility in milk incident
NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) to map the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space will be launched on a Pegasus XL rocket today. The two year mission, costing US$165 million, will study the region in space where the solar wind from the sun suddenly slows down as it reaches the thin, cold gas of interstellar space. This region, called the heliospheric boundary of the solar system, helps to deflect most of the potentially life-threatening forms of radiation coming from elsewhere in our galaxy. IBEX will ride Pegasus to around 200 kilometres from earth, before boosting itself into its final earth orbit 322,000 kilometres away. The probe will capture energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), which are formed when positive ions in the solar wind hit neutral atoms of interstellar material and rip out electrons from them. IBEX-Lo and -Hi detectors will collect data on the ENAs to create a three-dimensional map of the heliosphere. The heliospheric boundary was first probed by Voyager 1 in 2004 and later by Voyager 2 in 2007. The data from the two missions indicated several indentations on the heliospheric boundary. It is hoped that IBEX studies may reveal the cause of these indentations. Recent observations indicate the solar wind pressure has weakened by 25 percent over the past decade and is presently at its weakest level in 50 years. Ibex studies could help confirm whether and why the heliosphere is shrinking. Scientists postulate that if the heliosphere continues to weaken, the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the inner parts of our solar system, including earth will increase. This could trigger growing levels of disruption to electrical equipment, damage satellites and possibly harm life on earth. "Around 90 per cent of the galactic cosmic radiation is deflected by our heliosphere, so the boundary protects us from this harsh galactic environment," said Nathan Schwadron, co-investigator on the IBEX mission at Boston University. "IBEX gives us a chance to look at how our Solar System's bubble fits in as a tiny piece of the entire Galaxy," claimed David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, and IBEX's principal investigator. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
NASA mission to map the boundary of solar system
Wikinews has learned that the Church of Scientology has begun to falsely accuse the internet protest group Anonymous of a 2007 school shooting in Finland. The Church, on October 18, 2008 accused Anonymous of being involved in the November 2007 shooting at Jokela High School, in which a man named Pekka-Eric Auvinen shot and killed nine people, including himself. "Anonymous member Pekka-Eric Auvinen shot and killed seven students, a nurse and a teacher at Jokela High School in Finland before turning the gun on himself and taking his own life," said the Church in the October 18 press release. On October 17, the President of the Church of Scientology in New York City, John Carmichael, also accused Anonymous of being behind the shooting. —Tapio Ahola, Detective Chief Inspector of the NBIOne month ago, an article on CNN's citizen journalism wing, iReport, also accused Anonymous of being behind the shooting, and several other alleged terrorist plots. The article also went on to accuse Anonymous of being behind the suicide of 14-year-old Megan Meier who killed herself after being 'cyber-bullied'. Scientology says the initial attack was done by a member of Anonymous named Josh Evans, who later turned out to be a false alias created by Lori Drew, the mother of one of Meier's friends. Meier's mother had previously had a falling out with Drew. Wikinews contacted the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Finland by e-mail, seeking evidence or a statement to confirm or deny any connection to Anonymous and verify or debunk the claim made by the Church. Wikinews was able to confirm that there was no connection between Anonymous and the 2007 shooting. "According to the leader of the criminal investigation of the Jokela High School Shooting in 2007, there was no link between the group called 'Anonymous' and the offender [Auvinen]," said Tapio Ahola, Detective Chief Inspector of the NBI to Wikinews. The Church also accuses Anonymous of plotting terrorist attacks against other schools, stadiums and even plotting a mall massacre which would allegedly have taken place in Los Angeles, California. The Church says that Jarrad Willis, who was arrested and questioned after posting the hoax massacre threat on 4chan.org, committed suicide while awaiting charges of internet crimes. Wikinews found that his suicide happened just one day before he was to be charged for a crime unrelated to the threat and that authorities had dropped all other charges against him, in relation to the hoax. The accusations appear to be part of a Scientology tactic developed by the organization's founder, L. Ron Hubbard called "fair-game". The Church uses this tactic to harass people, often fabricating lies and defamation against those who protest or criticize their beliefs. Wikinews contacted the Church several times by e-mail for a statement, but the Church has yet to reply. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Church of Scientology falsely accuses internet group 'Anonymous' of 2007 school shooting
In an interview with Público, a Spanish newspaper, the prime minister of Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has stated that " if there is a global recession, it seems logical to expect that Spain will enter the recession in 2009 ." In the interview Zapatero also described the worldwide economic situation as "difficult." He recognized that " the developed countries are or are going to experience negative growth, and developing countries are also going to see falling growth; resulting in a worldwide loss of jobs." —Jose Luis Rodriguez ZapateroRegarding the global financial situation, Zapatero continued by saying that "the financial system is a part of the economy, a crucial part. We have a year-long financial crisis, which has had its most acute moment in the past two months, and I think now the financial markets are beginning to recover." Asked about whether it would be desirable to another plan to help those overwhelmed by the size of their mortgage, Zapatero reiterated the falls in the Euro Interbank Offered Rate . Zapatero then claimed that the average Spanish citizen would see their mortgage decrease by €28 a month (€330 per year) as result of the recent drops in interest rate, lead by seven central banks, including the European Central Bank which covers Spain, dropped their interest rate by 0.5%. The prime minister then said that he was pleased with the role of Spain in the recent summits discussing the financial crisis, before adding that he believes the European Union will lead the way in solving the current issues in the markets. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Spanish prime minister speaks on economic crisis
A teenager, belonging to the anti-scientology group Anonymous, has admitted that he launched a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the official website of the Church of Scientology, scientology.org. Dmitriy Guzner, aged 18, will admit to the charges related to carrying out the DDoS attack. He now faces a maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment. In response to incidents such as these, Scientology have called Anonymous "cyber-terrorists." A DDoS attack occurs when multiple computers are used to attack a certain website with so much traffic that it is not accessible. The hackers attack the servers taking up all the available space, preventing the legitimate user from accessing. United States Attorney's Office released a statement on this issue. "A New Jersey man was charged today for his role in an attack on Church of Scientology websites in January 2008 that rendered the websites unavailable," they said. "Dmitriy Guzner, 18, of Verona, New Jersey, has agreed to plead guilty to computer hacking for his role in the distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack against the Scientology websites. " Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Teen hacker admits to attack on scientology.org
Ousted, and a fugitive seeking political asylum in the United Kingdom, Thailand's ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra now faces a two year jail sentence if, or when, he returns to the country. The Thai Supreme Court found him guilty of corruption in a 5-4 ruling by the Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions section of the court and issued the sentence over a land deal. The court acquitted his wife who was the purchaser of the land. The contentious package of land was taken over by Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) in 1995, following the collapse of the Erawan Trust in an effort to counter the trust's losses. In reading the court's verdict, one judge stated, "Thaksin violated the article of the constitution on conflict of interest, as he was then prime minister and head of government, and was supposed to work for the benefit of the public, ... He is sentenced to two years in jail." Despite his wife, Potjaman Shinawatra, having escaped sentencing in the Ratchadaphisek land deal case, she still faces jail time on return to Thailand. During July she was convicted of tax evasion and a warrant is outstanding for her to face three years in jail for that conviction. The Ratchadaphisek case centred around approximately thirteen acres of land in central Bangkok that was sold to her in 2003 for a knock-down price of 772 million baht (US$ 22.5 million). With the law in Thailand barring ministers and their partners from doing business with government agencies, groups who protested for the removal of Thaksin are pleased with the result. People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) supporters were reportedly shouting, "We've won!" at the announcement of the verdict. They had watched a live telecast of the court's ruling, hailing activist Veera Somkwamkid who filed the case as a hero. Somchai Wongsawat, the country's current Prime Minister and Thaksin's brother-in-law, has given assurances that the current government will not interfere in the court's ruling. In speaking to journalists after the ruling was handed down he stressed that the case only covered violation of the National Counter Commission Act barring government officials from involvement where they may have oversight. This was seen as the reason for Thaksin's wife, Potjaman escaping prosecution in this case. The case's chief prosecutor has called on Britain to speedily extradite ex-PM Thaksin so he may begin his jail term. A number of other warrants for his arrest remain outstanding from additional cases brought over his time in office. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Thailand's fugitive ex-PM sentenced to two years for corruption
In what appears to be a domestic disturbance, the mother and brother of American singer and Academy Award winning actress Jennifer Hudson were shot and killed in their home in Chicago, Illinois. Hudson's nephew has also been reported kidnapped from the crime scene and his mother cannot be located. Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, and brother, Jason, were found dead at about 2:44 p.m. (CDT) in Southern Chicago. Reports indicate that a relative found the bodies and called 9-1-1. Police say that there is no evidence of forced entry into the house. An AMBER Alert has been issued for Julian King, the 7-year-old nephew of Hudson. Police say that he was taken from the scene in a 1994 white Chevrolet Suburban or a teal-green Chrysler Concorde. Police previously thought it likely that the boy was with William Balfour, whose relationship to Hudson or her family is not yet known, except that he listed Hudson's mother's address as a place of residence with the Illinois Department of Corrections. Balfour is currently in police custody and is being questioned, but King was not with him. Police say that the AMBER Alert remains in effect. TMZ.com reports that Balfour is currently on parole from serving time in prison for attempted murder. Authorities consider him armed and dangerous. TMZ also notes that Hudson's sister Julia, Julian's mother, cannot be located and has not been seen since she ended her bus driving shift earlier in the day. Unconfirmed reports have stated that Hudson was not at the house at the time of the incident. While some reports indicate that she was in Los Angeles, California where she was scheduled to begin filming a new music video on Monday, Agence France-Presse says that Hudson was in Tampa, Florida, and is now on her way back to Chicago. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Mother, brother of singer Jennifer Hudson found murdered, others reported missing
Independent U.S. presidential candidate Ralph Nader had harsh words for the Democrats who engineered yesterday's passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, a bailout of the U.S. financial system. At a campaign stop in Waterbury, Connecticut on Saturday, Nader said that Democrats passed up a chance to enact re-regulation of the financial system and instead gave Wall Street everything it wanted. According to Nader, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Representative Barney Frank (D-MA), and other Democrats considered but rejected measures such as a tax on transactions of derivatives (a "speculation tax") because of their financial ties to Wall Street and its lobbyists. He said that Representative Chris Murphy (D-CT), who represents Waterbury, had "become a toady" of Nancy Pelosi. He drew enthusiastic applause by calling Murphy "a dynamic fraud", and referred to Senator Joe Lieberman as "the Hermaphrodite of American Politics". For Murphy and Representative Chris Shays (R-CT), Nader said, supporting the bailout despite the opposition of constituents was a "profile in betrayal". Because there were no public hearings where taxpayers and experts could weigh in on the bailout, Nader characterized it as a return to "taxation without representation"—under "King George IV" 225 years after the 13 colonies were taxed under King George III. Asked about causes of the financial crisis, Nader pointed to the deregulation of the financial sector with the 1999 Glass-Steagall Act and further deregulation in 2000, as well as the rise of overly complex financial derivatives. He outlined a four-part reform plan: Regarding the equity warrants included in the passed bailout, Nader relayed word from an unnamed source that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had told Wall Street executives "don't worry, it's not enforceable". Nader told reporters that he had abandoned the Green Party because "Greens are not disciplined, and they're not mature", and also lack the fund-raising capabilities to break into mainstream political discussions. "They bicker and bicker," he said, pushing out their best people. However, he endorsed several local Green Party candidates, including Chris Murphy's opponent Harold Burbank. The virtual media blackout for third party campaigns by national newspapers and networks has been a source of continual frustration for the Nader campaign, as well as the campaigns of Libertarian Bob Barr and Green Cynthia McKinney and the post-campaign activities of Republican Ron Paul. According to Nader, reporters tell him that editors of national media are "very bigoted against third party and independent candidacies". Even journalists for taxpayer-supported media, such as National Public Radio's Terry Gross and the Public Broadcasting Service's Jim Lehrer, have shut him out during this campaign. Debates, he lamented, are controlled by corporate interests through the Commission on Presidential Debates. Nader spoke to a supportive crowd of about 60 people and his campaign raised over $2000 at the event, their third visit to Waterbury. The event took place in the former building of a closed-down bank. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Ralph Nader calls out Democrats for financial bailout
Bayer Leverkusen has appointed SpVgg Greuther Fürth Head Coach Bruno Labbadia as the club's new Head Coach. Michael Skibbe was fired last week after failing to qualify for a European competition. Labbadia signed a 2-year contract. Bruno Labbadia scored 103 goals in 328 Bundesliga games while playing as a forward for Bayern München, Werder Bremen and Hamburger SV. Labbadia led Greuther Fürth to 6 place in the 2 division in the 2007/08 season. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Bayer Leverkusen appoint Labbadia as head coach
Borussia Dortmund have hired Jürgen Klopp as their new Head Coach after Thomas Doll resignation after their worst league position in 20 years. Klopp's contract will run until the June 30, 2010. Klopp was the Head Coach for FSV Mainz since 2001 before leaving for Dortmund. "I am delighted to be here. I am honoured", said Klopp. "Now I want to help bring the club back on track." Klopp has high expectations of the club, current players and target signings for the summer transfer window and wants to give the matches of Borussia Dortmund a "recognition factor." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fußball-Bundesliga 2008–09: Borussia Dortmund name Klopp as Head Coach
Chelsea F.C. fired Manager Avram Grant today. This comes three days after Chelsea lost to Manchester United F.C. in the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final in Moscow. Grant's tenure has been scrutinized ever since he took over for Jose Mourinho last September. Despite the constant questioning of his appointment as Manager of the first team, he was able to guide Chelsea F.C. in taking Manchester United to the final day of the Premier League title race after going level on points and narrowly missing out on European glory on penalties. The club only lost two Premier League matches during his tenure, but he was criticised by fans who claimed that his teams lacked style. A statement on the club read: "'Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Avram Grant has had his contract as manager terminated today. This follows meetings over the last two days," "Everybody at Chelsea FC would like to thank Avram for his contribution since taking over as manager last September," and "We will now be concentrating all our efforts on identifying a new manager for Chelsea and there will be no further comment until that appointment is made." Former Barcelona Head Coach Frank Rijkaard, Inter Milan Head Coach Roberto Mancini and Russia Head Coach Guus Hiddink have all been linked to the position at Chelsea F.C. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
English Football: Chelsea F.C. sack Grant
Inter Milan has confirmed that they have fired Head Coach Roberto Mancini after Club Owner Massimo Moratti held a meeting with Mancini. Inter Milan reached the UEFA Champions League last 16, the Italian Cup final and won Serie A (Italian Championship). Mancini had won 3 consecutive Serie A titles with Inter while they nearly lost this season's title on the final day having let slip an 11-point lead in February. A club statement on their website said, "FC Internazionale have informed Roberto Mancini that he has been sacked as coach, in particular because of the comments made by the coach at the end of the Inter-Liverpool match." Romour speculations have indicated that former Chelsea F.C. Manager José Mourinho is the prime candidate to take over Inter Milan. The Sun, who is located in London, England, has claimed that Mourinho "has handed a transfer dossier to Moratti identifying England midfielder Frank Lampard, former Portuguese defender Ricardo Carvalho and Ivory Coast striker Didier Drogba." Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Serie A 2008–09: Inter Milan fire Mancini
A seven story concrete apartment building in the Naniwanaka Naniwa Ward of Osaka, Japan was set ablaze, killing at least 15 people. The fire started early in the morning on October 1st in the Video DVD Cat sex shop on the first floor. At least eight people were rescued from the building, four of whom were seriously injured in the fire. Most of the injuries and deaths were caused by smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning. According to authorities, all of the fatalities were in private viewing rooms in a video shop that was located on the first floor of the building. The sex shop had 32 cubicles for watching videos, all of which were equipped with a bed, television, and video deck. Due to the beds, and a shower, shops like this are often used as cheap hotels. A customer, who fled to safety when the fire started, said to the media that the inside of shop was dark, and that he had difficulty seeing where he was going as he escaped. Witnesses said that they first noticed a burning smell at 2:30am local time, and that the fire was reported to Osaka Fire Department around 3am. 40 fire trucks and 120 firefighters took part in the efforts to bring the blaze under control. The fire was extinguished at around 4:30am, after burning for about one and a half hours. The cause of the fire is not yet known. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Fifteen killed in apartment fire in Osaka, Japan
The Hawthorn Hawks have won the 2008 Australian Football League Grand Final in front of a packed Melbourne Cricket Ground. The game was being played after a week of excitement. The Australian Football League is the major Australian Football competition in Australia. The Grand Final week was full of action, with Adam Cooney winning the Brownlow Medal, and Geelong having to stand David Wojcinski down from their team, to make way for Paul Chapman. The game was preceded with a motorcade of those who have retired from Australian Football during 2008, as well as a presentation showing the heroes of Australian Football in the last 150 years. A performance by rock band Powerfinger followed. Glenn Archer then received the premiership cup from a box traveling down from the roof of the stadium, and gave it to greats of the competing clubs. Both teams started the game unchanged from what was originally named. Alastair Clarkson, coach of Hawthorn said that his team was ready to run out, with strategies to try and curb the 29°C heat in Melbourne. The coin toss was won by Geelong. The game commenced with a large amount of push and shove in the center square, resulting in a ball up and, eventually, a free kick to Geelong. Tom Lonegan, after 1min35 had been played, kicked the opening goal. Hawthorn then kicked three goals in quick succession. Gary Ablett then kicked a goal, thanks to two 50m penalties. A free kick was then given to Max Rooke, resulting in a goal. Rooke then followed up with another goal. Hawthorn then rushed through two rushed behinds to level the scores. Cameron Mooney then kicked a spectacular goal to put Geelong in front by 7 points. However, Hawthorn made this goal up, and at quarter time Geelong lead by one point. Geelong opened the second quarter with a goal to Paul Chapman. Hawthorn responded with a goal to Cyril Rioli. Hawthorn rallied to go ahead and lead at the change. The players were described by 3AW commentators as "out on their feet". Hawthorn tied the scores a 45 points each at about the twenty minute mark before scoring a behind. They led from there on in out scoring Geelong three goals one behind (nineteen) to one goal nine behinds (thirteen) for the quarter. Geelong opened the third quarter with a behind. Jarryd Roughead responded with a behind for Hawthorn. Teams went goal for goal, before Geelong scored two points to even the score up. However, Hawthorn then kicked three goals to take the lead. However, just before Three Quarter Time, Geelong kicked two goals. At Three-Quarter-Time, Hawthorn were leading by 23 points. Both sides traded behinds at the start the last quarter. After twelve minutes, Lance Franklin kicked a goal around his body, the first for the quarter. Sam Mitchell kicked another goal one minute later, to take the score sixteen goals seven behinds to nine goals twenty two behinds. Rick Ladson closed out the game with a goal four minutes later. Max Rooke scored a consolation goal for Geelong two minutes later. NB - Australian Football scores are written Goals.Behinds.Total, where a Goal is worth 6 points, and a Behind is worth 1 point. For example, a score of 1.5.11 would be correct, as (1X6=6)+(5X1=5)=11 Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Hawthorn wins 2008 AFL Grand Final
Since the AutoTronics Taipei was held from 2006, companies from electronic and automobile-related industries steadily made their stages and a good complementary in this trade show. Before the first holding in 2006, because of the establishment of Car Electronics Pavilion in 2005 TAITRONICS Autumn (Taipei International Electronic Autumn Show), it (the pavilion) ever became a hot topic in these 2 industries. And eventually, Yulon Group recruited their sub-companies grouping their own pavilion to showcase automobile parts, accessories, and applications. Currently, automobile navigation, mobile entertainment, and road safety, were included in modern automotive devices. But in a keynote speech of TARC Pavilion, Jamie Hsu (Consultant of Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of the China) pointed out several threats and opportunities on the automotive industry, his words also echoed a notable quote by Yi-cheng Liu (Chairman of Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers' Association): "The automobile industry shouldn't be monopolized by a company or its own industry. If this industry want to be grown up, it [the industry] should do more optimizations and transformations with the other related industries like IT and electronic." Although some participants like Renesas, Fujitsu, MiTAC, TomTom NV, and Agilent ever participated in Taipei IT Month, CeBIT, or Computex Taipei, but there were varied comments for participation on Computex 2008. —Agilent Technology.—MiTAC Group.Renesas Technology, a participant of Computex 2007, won't showcase in Computex 2008, but Fujitsu and TomTom both declared to participate in the 2008 Taipei IT Month. Generally in the automobile industry, progressively conformed by the other industries, its success should depend on collaborations between different and similar industries because "not any company can do any monopoly in any industry" even though the automobile industry will become a "trillion industry" not only in Taiwan. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北車電展:資訊業風向球 大廠未必進軍COMPUTEX", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 AutoTronics Taipei: Participants from IT industry to participate COMPUTEX uncertainly
"2008 Boao Forum for Asia" started two days ago in Bo'ao, Hainan, China, and participated with government and industrial executives worldwide. Because revolutions in the Web 3.0 era have made a major impact on global economy, several elites from the Internet industry like Kai-Fu Lee provided forecasts for this key industry in the forum. Furthermore, Vincent Siew, the vice-president elect, provided his comments in the forum. But two coalitions (Pan-Blues and Pan-Greens) declared different comments on Siew's participation. But due to a hot topic of environment and greenhouse effect, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, winner of 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, commented on this forum: "There were several sectors on energy-saving, not governments, but the public should play a great role in this global warming era." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008博鰲亞洲論壇登場 核心聚焦環保、經濟、生活", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Boao Forum for Asia starts with sectors on economy, environment, and the Internet
"2008 Boao Forum for Asia" started two days ago in Bo'ao, Hainan, China, and participated with government and industrial executives worldwide. Because revolutions in the Web 3.0 era have made a major impact on global economy, several elites from the Internet industry like Kai-Fu Lee provided forecasts for this key industry in the forum. Furthermore, Vincent Siew, the vice-president elect, provided his comments in the forum. But two coalitions (Pan-Blues and Pan-Greens) declared different comments on Siew's participation. But due to a hot topic of environment and greenhouse effect, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, winner of 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, commented on this forum: "There were several sectors on energy-saving, not governments, but the public should play a great role in this global warming era." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008博鰲亞洲論壇登場 核心聚焦環保、經濟、生活", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Boao Forum for Asia starts with sectors on economy, environment, and the Internet
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Category:2008 COMPUTEX Taipei
Ever since the Taste of Taiwan Cuisine, a complex to promote the MICE (meeting, incentive travel, conference, and exhibition) and cultural industries in Taiwan exclusively in June, made its initiation at 2006, the tourism ratio from foreigners were progressively increased in this complex event. To bring up the MICE industry, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), the event organizer, arranged several key events including Taipei Trade Shows, travel packages, views, and conferences for international businesspeople. This effectively redefined the MICE industry in Taiwan during the event. As the 2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei and COMPUTEX Taipei jointly showcased in the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 - 3, Taipei International Convention Center, and TWTC Nangang, the potential of ICT industry in Taiwan were demonstrated to drive more discussions between international businesspeople during the show hours and conferences. Products related to current incidents including energy-efficiency, environmental-friendly, and low-prices were highly respected from industrial businesspeople. In addition to several forums and seminars, topical issues including environment and energy-saving were also mentioned during the shows. Apart from seminars and trade shows, since the TWTC Nangang was launched on March 13, the venue brought opportunities for several industries. As the government claimed to promote the MICE industry positively, Taiwan will keep its stable position on international sourcing center in Asia with more trade shows expanded to TWTC Nangang. Culinary, historical ancestry, natural views, and country images, are key factors to demonstrate the culture of a nation. Different from them, the creativity and innovations showcased another style in its [cultural] industry. A good example was the organization of three theme shows for food and packaging industries - "Food Taipei", "Foodtech Taipei", and "Taipei Pack", a collective with different cultures from twenty-seven countries including United States, South Korea, Canada, Japan, Sri Lanka, Austria, Philippines, Chile, Malaysia, Spain, Fiji, Poland, and six nations from Africa. Not only the shows, the TAITRA also provided several special coupon cards for international businesspeople to discount in several local department stores, hotels, tourism views, and gourmet stores to rise up the tourism industry. Although the tourism industry was firmly prosper as trade shows went smoothly, but when a great shows took place at Taipei World Trade Center, it still exposed a major problem on transportation although Walter Yeh, Vice President of TAITRA, ever emphasized to improve this critical issue in a press conference. 2008 Food Taipei - Central America Pavilion.Image: Rico Shen. 2008 Display taiwan, to chain the ICT industry after COMPUTEX & WiMAX Expo.Image: Rico Shen. Low-Price Notebooks are mostly discussed from international buyers since the launch of Eee PC.Image: Rico Shen. COMPUTEX e21FORUM, a typical example of international conference held annually at the Taipei International Convention Center.Image: Rico Shen. Creative designs will be the best catalyst in several industries.Image: Rico Shen. Taiwan Excellence Awards, a special way to promote the image of Taiwan.Image: Rico Shen. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Taste of Taiwan Cuisine: A complex to redefine Taiwan's MICE industry
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Category:2008 COMPUTEX Taipei
This year's COMPUTEX Taipei showcased vast ICT products and innovative designs. According to the Taiwan Design Center (TDC), Taiwan positioned a stable place in industrial and students' designs after winning several international design awards including G-mark, Red Dot, and iF. To promote the design of Taiwan into the world, not only pavilions from the Taiwan Excellence Gold & Silver Awards, d & i Award of COMPUTEX, Best Choice of COMPUTEX, and Taiwan Design Innovation Pavilion, the TDC & Taiwan External Trade Development Council also held the "Design Think Forum" to examine and forecast the design industry in Taiwan on the 2nd Day of COMPUTEX (June 4). —Taiwan Design Center.In the "TAITRA ICT 5-Stars Press Conference", Walter Yeh, Vice President of Taiwan External Trade Development Council, talked to Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen about "Design", he said: Besides of the "iF Design Award Pavilion" at TAITRONICS 2008, the 2008 2nd Taiwan International Culture and Creative Industries Exhibition (a.k.a Creative Taiwan), which will be showcased at Taipei World Trade Center on October 23 - 26, will be a critical trade show for cultural, design, and creative industries. As a result, the growth of design industry will pulse the future of the other industries including the ICT. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 看見另一種設計觀", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Another insight of "Design"
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, "design" progressively became the critical factor for the future of the other industries. To promote innovative "Made In Taiwan" products, pavilions from "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", "Taiwan Excellence Awards", and newly-set "Design and Innovation (d & i) Award of COMPUTEX", demonstrated the power of Taiwan's designs in 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei. "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", designed to encourage technological innovation in the ICT industry and help companies expand their export markets, is the 7th-annual holding by TCA since 2002. Different than past years, not only the professional juries will decide the best thirty-nines (including Special Award from Juries, Best Choices of the Year from Overseas and Domestic Enterprises) from nominated 125 products in the second runoffs. Finally, thirty-eight winning products including three products from Jury's Special Award and one from Best Choice of the Year from Domestic Enterprise, but winner from Best Choice of the Year from Overseas Enterprise wasn't awarded. With this incident, some overseas exhibitors disputed the profession of this class and appealed the organizer to do necessary modifications for different classes next year. "d & i Award of COMPUTEX", a newly-created award by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and International Forum Design (iF) to discover innovative, applicative, and creative products, showcased a significant differences than the "Best Choice of COMPUTEX". According to TAITRA, professional juries including Christoph Böninger (brains4design GmbH), Duck Hsieh (Duck Image Corporation), James Irvine (James Irvine S.r.l.), Kris Verstockt (Cre8 design studio), and Roger Pin-Si Lin (Nova Design Co., Ltd.), adjudicated the final seventeens (including the final four gold awards) from 139 entries submitted by 67 contestants from 5 countries based on the criteria of "Degree of innovation", "Design quality", "Workmanship", "Choice of materials", "Environmental friendliness", "Functionality", "Ergonomics", "Utility value", "Safety", "Universal design", and "Brand value/Branding". Besides the Design and Innovation Award, whose rich achievements were established from several international design awards by companies in Taiwan, the Taiwan Design Center, set to promote the design and cultural industries in Taiwan, held the "2008 Design Think Forum" entitled "Design for next Billion Customers" to prospect the future of the design industry worldwide. "Taiwan Excellence Awards", created to promote products made in Taiwan, announced its winners from Gold and Silver Award classes prior to the show on May 22. This year, 388 ICT products participated in this competition and the ICT industry scored a better performance with 6 Golds and 14 Silvers in the final jury. It not only showcased a significant improvement but also symbolized the ICT industry in Taiwan as a stable industrial position in the presence. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 三大獎項 目標一致 專區一次看足", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 創新設計獎17強出列", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展最佳外銷產品獎 規格翻新 制度遭外商質疑", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Three awards, One target
2008 COMPUTEX, famed as the 2nd-largest ICT trade show in the world, started today at the Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei International Convention Center, and TWTC Nangang with 1725 companies' participation including top 5 nations - Hong Kong, South Korea, China, France, and Japan. With the newly-launched TWTC Nangang, the COMPUTEX set its record with its exhibition scale expanding by 53% and the number of participating manufacturers increasing by 29%. This year of COMPUTEX has some special features including "Design and Innovation Award of COMPUTEX", set to discover innovative designs world-wide, "Environment-related topics", highly respected by environmentalists and industrial businesspeople with many ICT products related to energy-efficiency and green technology showcased at "Mega Trends Pavilion". —Ying-jeou Ma, President of the Republic of ChinaWith another concurrent trade show - "2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei", located at Taipei Show Hall 2, Taipei Computer Association, one of the show organizers, will mainly promote the "WING"-conceptual products like WiMAX, ICT crossovers, Notebooks, and Green IT products this year. In addition, DRAMeXchange Compuforum, e21Forum, Taiwan Design Forum, and Next Generation Network Forum will be held in conjunction with the COMPUTEX to attract international businesspeople from vast industries. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 南港館、世貿館同步開幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei starts for the future of ICT industry
2008 COMPUTEX, famed as the 2nd-largest ICT trade show in the world, started today at the Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei International Convention Center, and TWTC Nangang with 1725 companies' participation including top 5 nations - Hong Kong, South Korea, China, France, and Japan. With the newly-launched TWTC Nangang, the COMPUTEX set its record with its exhibition scale expanding by 53% and the number of participating manufacturers increasing by 29%. This year of COMPUTEX has some special features including "Design and Innovation Award of COMPUTEX", set to discover innovative designs world-wide, "Environment-related topics", highly respected by environmentalists and industrial businesspeople with many ICT products related to energy-efficiency and green technology showcased at "Mega Trends Pavilion". —Ying-jeou Ma, President of the Republic of ChinaWith another concurrent trade show - "2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei", located at Taipei Show Hall 2, Taipei Computer Association, one of the show organizers, will mainly promote the "WING"-conceptual products like WiMAX, ICT crossovers, Notebooks, and Green IT products this year. In addition, DRAMeXchange Compuforum, e21Forum, Taiwan Design Forum, and Next Generation Network Forum will be held in conjunction with the COMPUTEX to attract international businesspeople from vast industries. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 南港館、世貿館同步開幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei starts for the future of ICT industry
Toronto FC opened up the Nutrilite Canadian Championship with a 1-0 win against Montreal Impact at Saputo Stadium on Tuesday night. Reds defender Marco Velez scored the only goal of the game, 1 in tournament history. Velez jumped to head home a cross from Laurent Robert. The goal came in the 72 minute. Montreal played for much of the 2 half with 10 men after defender Stefano Pesoli was sent off for a second yellow card. Toronto FC striker Danny Dichio has been struggling with a groin strain in recent weeks and was forced to leave the game before half time. He was replaced by Jarrod Smith. Toronto FC now prepare to face Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at BMO Field. Toronto FC play their next Nutrilite Canadian Championship game on July 1 against Vancouver Whitecaps at BMO Field. The Impact's next game is on Friday against the Portland Timbers at Saputo Stadium. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Canadian Championship: Toronto FC vs. Montreal Impact
Toronto FC opened up the Nutrilite Canadian Championship with a 1-0 win against Montreal Impact at Saputo Stadium on Tuesday night. Reds defender Marco Velez scored the only goal of the game, 1 in tournament history. Velez jumped to head home a cross from Laurent Robert. The goal came in the 72 minute. Montreal played for much of the 2 half with 10 men after defender Stefano Pesoli was sent off for a second yellow card. Toronto FC striker Danny Dichio has been struggling with a groin strain in recent weeks and was forced to leave the game before half time. He was replaced by Jarrod Smith. Toronto FC now prepare to face Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at BMO Field. Toronto FC play their next Nutrilite Canadian Championship game on July 1 against Vancouver Whitecaps at BMO Field. The Impact's next game is on Friday against the Portland Timbers at Saputo Stadium. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Canadian Championship: Toronto FC vs. Montreal Impact
Toronto FC opened up the Nutrilite Canadian Championship with a 1-0 win against Montreal Impact at Saputo Stadium on Tuesday night. Reds defender Marco Velez scored the only goal of the game, 1 in tournament history. Velez jumped to head home a cross from Laurent Robert. The goal came in the 72 minute. Montreal played for much of the 2 half with 10 men after defender Stefano Pesoli was sent off for a second yellow card. Toronto FC striker Danny Dichio has been struggling with a groin strain in recent weeks and was forced to leave the game before half time. He was replaced by Jarrod Smith. Toronto FC now prepare to face Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at BMO Field. Toronto FC play their next Nutrilite Canadian Championship game on July 1 against Vancouver Whitecaps at BMO Field. The Impact's next game is on Friday against the Portland Timbers at Saputo Stadium. Return to the football portal for more football news and facts. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Canadian Championship: Toronto FC vs. Montreal Impact
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, "design" progressively became the critical factor for the future of the other industries. To promote innovative "Made In Taiwan" products, pavilions from "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", "Taiwan Excellence Awards", and newly-set "Design and Innovation (d & i) Award of COMPUTEX", demonstrated the power of Taiwan's designs in 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei. "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", designed to encourage technological innovation in the ICT industry and help companies expand their export markets, is the 7th-annual holding by TCA since 2002. Different than past years, not only the professional juries will decide the best thirty-nines (including Special Award from Juries, Best Choices of the Year from Overseas and Domestic Enterprises) from nominated 125 products in the second runoffs. Finally, thirty-eight winning products including three products from Jury's Special Award and one from Best Choice of the Year from Domestic Enterprise, but winner from Best Choice of the Year from Overseas Enterprise wasn't awarded. With this incident, some overseas exhibitors disputed the profession of this class and appealed the organizer to do necessary modifications for different classes next year. "d & i Award of COMPUTEX", a newly-created award by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and International Forum Design (iF) to discover innovative, applicative, and creative products, showcased a significant differences than the "Best Choice of COMPUTEX". According to TAITRA, professional juries including Christoph Böninger (brains4design GmbH), Duck Hsieh (Duck Image Corporation), James Irvine (James Irvine S.r.l.), Kris Verstockt (Cre8 design studio), and Roger Pin-Si Lin (Nova Design Co., Ltd.), adjudicated the final seventeens (including the final four gold awards) from 139 entries submitted by 67 contestants from 5 countries based on the criteria of "Degree of innovation", "Design quality", "Workmanship", "Choice of materials", "Environmental friendliness", "Functionality", "Ergonomics", "Utility value", "Safety", "Universal design", and "Brand value/Branding". Besides the Design and Innovation Award, whose rich achievements were established from several international design awards by companies in Taiwan, the Taiwan Design Center, set to promote the design and cultural industries in Taiwan, held the "2008 Design Think Forum" entitled "Design for next Billion Customers" to prospect the future of the design industry worldwide. "Taiwan Excellence Awards", created to promote products made in Taiwan, announced its winners from Gold and Silver Award classes prior to the show on May 22. This year, 388 ICT products participated in this competition and the ICT industry scored a better performance with 6 Golds and 14 Silvers in the final jury. It not only showcased a significant improvement but also symbolized the ICT industry in Taiwan as a stable industrial position in the presence. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 三大獎項 目標一致 專區一次看足", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 創新設計獎17強出列", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展最佳外銷產品獎 規格翻新 制度遭外商質疑", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Three awards, One target
The 28th-annual COMPUTEX Taipei show, the second largest IT show in the world, is the largest one since they held their first show in 1982 since expanding to TWTC Nangang. Not only were vast ICT products showcased from upper, mid, and lower-stream vertical and horizontal OEMs, OBMs, and world-class stellar companies like Intel, AMD, ASUS, Foxconn, Acer, BenQ, and Kingston, but also featured products related to green technology. Companies from Korea will be hosting the biggest international pavilion to catch the buyers' eyes. The Taipei Computer Association (TCA), one of the show organizers, will hold the 2008 WiMAX Taipei Expo at the Taipei Show Hall 2. It will allow the networking industry to chain the WiMAX Pavilion located in the TWTC Nangang and echo the basic infrastructure construction of WiMAX. Organizing the show and promoting the ICT industry are considered major tasks by newly-elected President of the Republic of China Ying-jeou Ma. Pavilions like "mega trends", "multimedia", and "green technology" will be re-arranged to host trendy and energy-efficient products launched prior to this show. According to Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), there were several seminars like "e21 Forum", "DRAMeXchange Forum", "Next Generation Networks Taipei", "Taiwan Design Center Forum", "CE Summit", "Green IT Forum" held at the Taipei International Convention Center. TWTC Nangang was organized for buyers and companies to glance the vision of global ICT industry during the show hours. Since Jonney Shih, Chairman of ASUStek, showcased Eee PC before its launch during 2007 e21 Forum, seminars were progressively respected by industrial businessmen, especially international buyers. Not only will there be a senior competition - Best Choice of COMPUTEX, mainly promoted by the TCA, but also the TAITRA will cooperate with International Forum Design (iF) holding the "Design and Innovation Award of COMPUTEX". Its goals aims at discovering innovative and brand-new IT products to elevate the notability of Taiwan's innovations. TAITRA and TCA, the organizers, promised to do the be the best at services for transportation (Shuttle Buses, Taxis, MRT, International Airlines), living (Hotels), networking (TAITRA Lounge), and business (Trade Opportunity Rooms and Business Center) for the best quality of COMPUTEX. World-class Companies like AMD will make their showcase stage at TWTC Nangang this year.Image: Rico Shen. Notebooks like ASUS Eee PC will be a great focus from foreign buyers.Image: Rico Shen. MTube, a mobile device with WiMAX-inside, ever became a hot topic during the 2007 WiMAX Forum Taipei Showcase & Conference.Image: Rico Shen. Will you see the set-up of a fastfood store like this?Image: Rico Shen. Will the Shuttle Bus improve the transportation near the TWTC and TWTC Nangang?Image: Rico Shen. Foxconn ever did a dangerous overclocking experiment last year.Image: Rico Shen. Not only "Best Choice of COMPUTEX" by TCA, TAITRA and "iF" will hold the "Design and Innovation Award" prior to "Best Choice".Image: Rico Shen. Speech by Walter Yeh. Speech by Li Chang. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展:資訊產業、商展水準的最關鍵一役", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Computex Preview: A decisive battle for IT industry and trade show quality
The 28th-annual COMPUTEX Taipei show, the second largest IT show in the world, is the largest one since they held their first show in 1982 since expanding to TWTC Nangang. Not only were vast ICT products showcased from upper, mid, and lower-stream vertical and horizontal OEMs, OBMs, and world-class stellar companies like Intel, AMD, ASUS, Foxconn, Acer, BenQ, and Kingston, but also featured products related to green technology. Companies from Korea will be hosting the biggest international pavilion to catch the buyers' eyes. The Taipei Computer Association (TCA), one of the show organizers, will hold the 2008 WiMAX Taipei Expo at the Taipei Show Hall 2. It will allow the networking industry to chain the WiMAX Pavilion located in the TWTC Nangang and echo the basic infrastructure construction of WiMAX. Organizing the show and promoting the ICT industry are considered major tasks by newly-elected President of the Republic of China Ying-jeou Ma. Pavilions like "mega trends", "multimedia", and "green technology" will be re-arranged to host trendy and energy-efficient products launched prior to this show. According to Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), there were several seminars like "e21 Forum", "DRAMeXchange Forum", "Next Generation Networks Taipei", "Taiwan Design Center Forum", "CE Summit", "Green IT Forum" held at the Taipei International Convention Center. TWTC Nangang was organized for buyers and companies to glance the vision of global ICT industry during the show hours. Since Jonney Shih, Chairman of ASUStek, showcased Eee PC before its launch during 2007 e21 Forum, seminars were progressively respected by industrial businessmen, especially international buyers. Not only will there be a senior competition - Best Choice of COMPUTEX, mainly promoted by the TCA, but also the TAITRA will cooperate with International Forum Design (iF) holding the "Design and Innovation Award of COMPUTEX". Its goals aims at discovering innovative and brand-new IT products to elevate the notability of Taiwan's innovations. TAITRA and TCA, the organizers, promised to do the be the best at services for transportation (Shuttle Buses, Taxis, MRT, International Airlines), living (Hotels), networking (TAITRA Lounge), and business (Trade Opportunity Rooms and Business Center) for the best quality of COMPUTEX. World-class Companies like AMD will make their showcase stage at TWTC Nangang this year.Image: Rico Shen. Notebooks like ASUS Eee PC will be a great focus from foreign buyers.Image: Rico Shen. MTube, a mobile device with WiMAX-inside, ever became a hot topic during the 2007 WiMAX Forum Taipei Showcase & Conference.Image: Rico Shen. Will you see the set-up of a fastfood store like this?Image: Rico Shen. Will the Shuttle Bus improve the transportation near the TWTC and TWTC Nangang?Image: Rico Shen. Foxconn ever did a dangerous overclocking experiment last year.Image: Rico Shen. Not only "Best Choice of COMPUTEX" by TCA, TAITRA and "iF" will hold the "Design and Innovation Award" prior to "Best Choice".Image: Rico Shen. Speech by Walter Yeh. Speech by Li Chang. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展:資訊產業、商展水準的最關鍵一役", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Computex Preview: A decisive battle for IT industry and trade show quality
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, "design" progressively became the critical factor for the future of the other industries. To promote innovative "Made In Taiwan" products, pavilions from "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", "Taiwan Excellence Awards", and newly-set "Design and Innovation (d & i) Award of COMPUTEX", demonstrated the power of Taiwan's designs in 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei. "Best Choice of COMPUTEX", designed to encourage technological innovation in the ICT industry and help companies expand their export markets, is the 7th-annual holding by TCA since 2002. Different than past years, not only the professional juries will decide the best thirty-nines (including Special Award from Juries, Best Choices of the Year from Overseas and Domestic Enterprises) from nominated 125 products in the second runoffs. Finally, thirty-eight winning products including three products from Jury's Special Award and one from Best Choice of the Year from Domestic Enterprise, but winner from Best Choice of the Year from Overseas Enterprise wasn't awarded. With this incident, some overseas exhibitors disputed the profession of this class and appealed the organizer to do necessary modifications for different classes next year. "d & i Award of COMPUTEX", a newly-created award by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and International Forum Design (iF) to discover innovative, applicative, and creative products, showcased a significant differences than the "Best Choice of COMPUTEX". According to TAITRA, professional juries including Christoph Böninger (brains4design GmbH), Duck Hsieh (Duck Image Corporation), James Irvine (James Irvine S.r.l.), Kris Verstockt (Cre8 design studio), and Roger Pin-Si Lin (Nova Design Co., Ltd.), adjudicated the final seventeens (including the final four gold awards) from 139 entries submitted by 67 contestants from 5 countries based on the criteria of "Degree of innovation", "Design quality", "Workmanship", "Choice of materials", "Environmental friendliness", "Functionality", "Ergonomics", "Utility value", "Safety", "Universal design", and "Brand value/Branding". Besides the Design and Innovation Award, whose rich achievements were established from several international design awards by companies in Taiwan, the Taiwan Design Center, set to promote the design and cultural industries in Taiwan, held the "2008 Design Think Forum" entitled "Design for next Billion Customers" to prospect the future of the design industry worldwide. "Taiwan Excellence Awards", created to promote products made in Taiwan, announced its winners from Gold and Silver Award classes prior to the show on May 22. This year, 388 ICT products participated in this competition and the ICT industry scored a better performance with 6 Golds and 14 Silvers in the final jury. It not only showcased a significant improvement but also symbolized the ICT industry in Taiwan as a stable industrial position in the presence. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 三大獎項 目標一致 專區一次看足", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 創新設計獎17強出列", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展最佳外銷產品獎 規格翻新 制度遭外商質疑", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Three awards, One target
2008 Computex Taipei (a.k.a Taipei International Information Technology Show), the second largest IT show in the world, will start on June 3 to 7 at the TWTC Hall 1 & 3, Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), and TWTC Nangang, in conjunction with 2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei, which will start earlier at the Taipei Show Hall 2. With two IT-related industry shows will be concurrently showcased in different venues, it will bring on many convergences and opportunities for networking and mobile-related industries worldwide including Taiwan. Since the Taipei Computer Association, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), and Industrial Technology Research Institute preliminary imported the "WiMAX Forum Showcase & Conference" into the TICC, WiMAX-related topics were mostly focused by several worldwide media and industrial elites. In extremity, some technologies and solutions like eSNG, wireless medical care, wireless transmission, and mobile entertainment were showcased there. And the MOEA also signed MOUs with 5 world-class WiMAX companies to help the networking industry last year in Taiwan. Even though the signing of MOUs and new technologies will bring opportunities for WiMAX-related industries, and the mobile devices will be progressively popular in the future and more slim like an UMPC, but some companies from information security industry were worried about the future trend because of invisible threats on the Internet. As of "Asia-pacific IT Security Forum" and "IT Security Pavilion" of SecuTech Expo 2008, there were several changes on participation from IT industry, but due to a major impact of "Edison Chen's photo scandal", several crisis were exposed with improper habits on modern people when using the Internet. —Yi-yuan Chang, General Manager of eRaySecure Co., Ltd.It's a real deal that the WiMAX will bring different kind profits and benefits for different industries, but before the WiMAX became the trend, if Internet users didn't cultivate proper habits on using the Internet, the WiMAX will still bring on threats for end-users and industries. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 WiMAX將成網路產業新勢力", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This is a complete or partial translation of the article "台灣資安產業:WiMAX有助網路產業提升 但仍有潛在危機", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Computex Preview: WiMAX, threat? opportunity?
2008 COMPUTEX, famed as the 2nd-largest ICT trade show in the world, started today at the Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei International Convention Center, and TWTC Nangang with 1725 companies' participation including top 5 nations - Hong Kong, South Korea, China, France, and Japan. With the newly-launched TWTC Nangang, the COMPUTEX set its record with its exhibition scale expanding by 53% and the number of participating manufacturers increasing by 29%. This year of COMPUTEX has some special features including "Design and Innovation Award of COMPUTEX", set to discover innovative designs world-wide, "Environment-related topics", highly respected by environmentalists and industrial businesspeople with many ICT products related to energy-efficiency and green technology showcased at "Mega Trends Pavilion". —Ying-jeou Ma, President of the Republic of ChinaWith another concurrent trade show - "2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei", located at Taipei Show Hall 2, Taipei Computer Association, one of the show organizers, will mainly promote the "WING"-conceptual products like WiMAX, ICT crossovers, Notebooks, and Green IT products this year. In addition, DRAMeXchange Compuforum, e21Forum, Taiwan Design Forum, and Next Generation Network Forum will be held in conjunction with the COMPUTEX to attract international businesspeople from vast industries. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008台北國際電腦展 南港館、世貿館同步開幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 COMPUTEX Taipei starts for the future of ICT industry
Seminars and forums always played key roles to forecast the future of ICT industry worldwide after the COMPUTEX became more and more critical for businesspeople. Not only e21FORUM, the DRAMeXchange Compuforum was progressively respected by DRAM industry since 2006. Since the mobile devices have become popular in the presence, the supply of DRAM modules is still inadequate to meet the demand. "The abandonment of 12-inch fabs and the suspension of 8-inch fabs are considered critical issues in this incident. If the Mainland China wants to enlarge its market stably, the supply chain and costs of material should be cautioned." stated DRAMeXchange Technology. Mass storage devices with high capacity often linked with enterprises. With innovations of information technology, capacity of USB flash drives and mobile drives are larger and larger. "Capacity, costs of production, prices, and efficiency on writing and reading are critical factors to determine an user on choosing SSDs, hard disks, or flash drives." stated Hitach Corp.. "The market shares on storage will transform from enterprises to digital storage with a significant grown-up of Internet users within four years." stated Seagate Technology. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年集邦科技年度研討會:整體DRAM市場 可能有重大轉型", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 DRAMeXchange Compuforum: Global DRAM market to be changed majorly
File:Dakar 2006 Hummer Gordon.jpg The threat of terrorism has caused the cancellation yesterday of the 2008 Dakar Rally, due to start today. The race, which was to be the 30th consecutive rally, was to start in Lisbon, Portugal and end on January 20 in Dakar, Senegal having crossed the Sahara Desert. The endurance event is the world’s biggest off-road rally and Paris-based organisers Amaury Sport Organisation had said as late as Thursday that more than 500 cars, trucks, motorcycles and quads from fifty different countries were ready to go as scheduled. However, the organisation changed its mind under pressure from the French government. Al-Qaida-linked groups are believed to have planned to attack the rally, and it is reported that specific threats were made against it by al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb, a regional African offshoot. The day before Christmas a French family on holiday in Mauritania was murdered and al-Qaida are believed to be responsible; the rally was scheduled to spend eight days in Mauritania. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb have recently seen a crackdown by authorities, but are continuing their operations and are now seeking to strike international targets. Last month they bombed the United Nations headquarters in Algiers; that attack killed 37. The Mauritanian government had promised a 3,000-strong security force to protect the competitors but the remote location of the desert and scrubland involved would make effective security arrangements almost impossible. French security consultant Louis Caprioli, former anti-terrorism head at the Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, said “You would need really incredible security precautions, and I don’t think it’s possible with the new techniques of attack, such as suicide bombings.” French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said yesterday that Amuary had been warned by government officials that it would be too dangerous to go ahead with the plan. After last-minute meetings with ministry officials. “No other decision but the cancellation of the sporting event could be taken,” said a statement on Amuary’s website. Caprioli said the terrorists intended to prove “They can chase out the infidels. The cancellation was wise. But it gives the impression that the terrorists have won.” Patrice Clerc, head of Amuary, stated “When you are told of direct threats against the event and when the sinister name of al-Qaeda is mentioned, you don’t ask for details. It was enough for me to hear my government say the danger is at a maximum.” Security has caused many concerns for the race over the years. Extremists tend to view the race as a prime target, as it is highly covered by the media, and is a rare concentration of Westerners. As a result, major security measures have had to be undertaken by French and African authorities. Almost 50 people have been killed, several of whom at the hands of African fighters. Although there are fears for the future of the race, Amuary said that the event would continue in the future. “The Dakar is a symbol, and nothing can destroy symbols,” they said. “The cancellation of the 2008 edition does not endanger the future of the Dakar.” However, they have confirmed that it is unlikely Mauritania will be a destination in future events. Competitors in the event, however, are less optimistic, with many saying that they feel the race will not go ahead next year. Newspapers in Senegal have described the cancellation as a death sentence. Meanwhile, the town of Portimao in Portugal, intended to be the rally’s first scheduled stop, are considering filing for damages against Amuary. Victor Anderes, vice-president of a New York firm specialising in high-profile event security, called the cancellation an unprecedented one in sporting history, saying “Smaller cultural events have been cancelled , but this hasn’t happened with such a major international event.” However, he did accept that “The threat is significant. It would be almost impossible to secure the entire course.” Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Dakar Rally cancelled over terrorist threat
File:Dakar 2006 Hummer Gordon.jpg The threat of terrorism has caused the cancellation yesterday of the 2008 Dakar Rally, due to start today. The race, which was to be the 30th consecutive rally, was to start in Lisbon, Portugal and end on January 20 in Dakar, Senegal having crossed the Sahara Desert. The endurance event is the world’s biggest off-road rally and Paris-based organisers Amaury Sport Organisation had said as late as Thursday that more than 500 cars, trucks, motorcycles and quads from fifty different countries were ready to go as scheduled. However, the organisation changed its mind under pressure from the French government. Al-Qaida-linked groups are believed to have planned to attack the rally, and it is reported that specific threats were made against it by al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb, a regional African offshoot. The day before Christmas a French family on holiday in Mauritania was murdered and al-Qaida are believed to be responsible; the rally was scheduled to spend eight days in Mauritania. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb have recently seen a crackdown by authorities, but are continuing their operations and are now seeking to strike international targets. Last month they bombed the United Nations headquarters in Algiers; that attack killed 37. The Mauritanian government had promised a 3,000-strong security force to protect the competitors but the remote location of the desert and scrubland involved would make effective security arrangements almost impossible. French security consultant Louis Caprioli, former anti-terrorism head at the Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, said “You would need really incredible security precautions, and I don’t think it’s possible with the new techniques of attack, such as suicide bombings.” French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said yesterday that Amuary had been warned by government officials that it would be too dangerous to go ahead with the plan. After last-minute meetings with ministry officials. “No other decision but the cancellation of the sporting event could be taken,” said a statement on Amuary’s website. Caprioli said the terrorists intended to prove “They can chase out the infidels. The cancellation was wise. But it gives the impression that the terrorists have won.” Patrice Clerc, head of Amuary, stated “When you are told of direct threats against the event and when the sinister name of al-Qaeda is mentioned, you don’t ask for details. It was enough for me to hear my government say the danger is at a maximum.” Security has caused many concerns for the race over the years. Extremists tend to view the race as a prime target, as it is highly covered by the media, and is a rare concentration of Westerners. As a result, major security measures have had to be undertaken by French and African authorities. Almost 50 people have been killed, several of whom at the hands of African fighters. Although there are fears for the future of the race, Amuary said that the event would continue in the future. “The Dakar is a symbol, and nothing can destroy symbols,” they said. “The cancellation of the 2008 edition does not endanger the future of the Dakar.” However, they have confirmed that it is unlikely Mauritania will be a destination in future events. Competitors in the event, however, are less optimistic, with many saying that they feel the race will not go ahead next year. Newspapers in Senegal have described the cancellation as a death sentence. Meanwhile, the town of Portimao in Portugal, intended to be the rally’s first scheduled stop, are considering filing for damages against Amuary. Victor Anderes, vice-president of a New York firm specialising in high-profile event security, called the cancellation an unprecedented one in sporting history, saying “Smaller cultural events have been cancelled , but this hasn’t happened with such a major international event.” However, he did accept that “The threat is significant. It would be almost impossible to secure the entire course.” Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Dakar Rally cancelled over terrorist threat
This is the category for the 2008 Exeter attempted bombing, a failed suicide attack at a cafe-restaurant. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. From Wikinews, the free news source you can write. The scene of the attempted bombing (Image: Kristan Tarr) The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
Category:2008 Exeter attempted bombing
The 2008 G8 summit, a gathering of the leaders of France, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada, began today in Hokkaido, Japan. During the first day of the summit several issues were discussed, including the current situation in Zimbabwe, which UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said was ruled by an "illegitmate regime" The summit was launched at a press conference that involved US President George W. Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Prior to the press conference, the two leaders met to discuss international affairs. Fukada noted that it had been a very substantive meeting, lasting about an hour. He also said that, "in the meeting, we first shared the view that peace and stability in this region in the past decades have been maintained, thanks to the Japan-U.S. alliance." Bush met with, among others, the President of Russia. Afterwards Bush called the meeting long and meaningful, and noted that "Iran is an area where Russia and the United States have worked closely in the past and will continue to work closely to convince the regime to give up its desire to enrich uranium." Another item on the first day's agenda was aid provisions for Africa. The politicana were asked to take action on the promises made during the 2005 G8 summit, which included doubling aid to Africa. As part of the discussion on aid in Africa, some African leaders met with the leaders of G8 nations. In one of the meetings, George Bush discussed aid with the Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete. After the meeting, Bush commented on the role of American aid and Tanzanian leadership in fighting disease in the African country: "One of the things that's so impressive about his [Kikwete's] leadership in Tanzania is that the help of the American people is effective help, measurable in the number of people whose lives are being saved, babies are being helped with malaria... But this success would not have taken place without your [Kikwete's] leadership." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 G8 summit launched in Hokkaido, Japan
The Republican National Committee Site Selection Committee will recommend Minneapolis-St. Paul to host the 2008 Republican National Convention (GOP), on September 1-4, 2008. RNC confirmation will be done in January, 2007. Cleveland, New York City, and Tampa-St. Petersburg had also submitted bids. "We are thrilled to accept the bid from Minneapolis-St. Paul to host our 2008 convention . The host committee put together a tremendous bid and we are confident that we will partner for a successful event. Minneapolis-St. Paul has outstanding assets including state-of-the-art facilities, exciting and vibrant downtowns, and a clear enthusiasm from the community to host our convention," said RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman. Details have not been announced, but the Xcel Energy Center is likely to be the main venue. The convention is expected to fill most hotel rooms in the area, and rank among the largest events ever held in the area. The last major national convention in the area was when 1892 Republican National Convention was held in Minneapolis. The Twin Cities area was also under consideration for the 2008 Democratic National Convention four days earlier. The first day of the Republican convention will be Labor Day, the last day of the Minnesota State Fair. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 GOP convention to be in Minnesota
 Google Developer Day 2008 took place on June 18 at the Wharf 8 Venue Complex in Sydney, Australia. This is the fourth event after Japan, China, and Taiwan. Thirteen Google Developer days have been scheduled for 2008. About 650 local developers participated in this conference. Internet APIs on websites and enterprises was emphasised at this event, in addition to discussions on Google Apps Engine, Google Maps, and Android. Alan Noble, Engineering Director of Google Australia and New Zealand, hoped potential talents and developers can be discovered in this conference, and also commented about the Internet era to local media: "Developers took hold of the notion that the web itself is truly the platform of the future - an open playing field where anyone can build innovative applications." Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年Google開發者日澳洲站 網路API多層面應用獲重視", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 Google Developer Day focuses on Internet APIs in Australia
Last Saturday June 14, 2008 Google Developer Day made its first appearance in Taiwan at the Taipei International Convention Center. Approximately 1,000 developers participated in this conference. Unlike the first two Developer Days held in China and Japan, this event focused more on demonstrations of "OpenSocial" and "Google App Engine". Kai-fu Lee, Founding Chairman of Google China, proposed the theory on different generations and leaders on the Internet. Li-feng Chien, Engineering Director of Google Taiwan, commented about the theory to Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen: Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年Google開發者日 台灣第一次", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Share this: 
2008 Google Developer Day makes its inception in Taiwan
2008 The 2nd-annual Google Developer Day started its tournament in Pasifico Yokohama, Japan as its first stage. According to Google, this programmer-based event is similar to Google I/O, the largest programming event which is only available in USA and held earlier on May 28 & 29 in San Francisco, California. Takuya Oikawa, Software Engineer of Google Japan, analyzed the future trend on programming and redefined the "3C". "There are three key features to drive on the next generation programming, that is, 'Client' [user-oriented], 'Connectivity', and 'Cloud Computing'," stated Oikawa. Fumitoshi Ukai, the Software Engineer of Google Japan, has pointed out the importance of Google App Engine, and performed a SWOT analysis using the Sichuan earthquake as an example, and said: "The failure or success of Cloud Computing will be determined by three critical factors - ability of offline computing, language support, and quotas of databases." After the Japan Stage, 2008 Google Developer Day will be held in China, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil during the month of June. The Europe Tour of Google Developer Day will kick off from London, England on September 16. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年Google開發者日 日本掀開巡迴序幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Google Developer Day starts from Yokohama, Japan
The Calgary Stampeders have won the 96th Grey Cup in Montreal, Canada on Sunday after defeating the Montreal Alouettes by a 22-14 score. Five field goals from placekicker Sandro DeAngelis were instrumental in Calgary's victory as was the game's Most Valuable Player, Henry Burris who scored a second-quarter touchdown. The Stampeders last won the Cup in 2001 against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in Montreal, the last time Calgary appeared in a Grey Cup championship. The Canadian Football League (CFL) championship game was held at Montreal's Olympic Stadium before a crowd of 66,308. Only the 1977 Grey Cup, also at Montreal Olympic Stadium, had a higher attendance of 68,318. The half-time included performances by musicians Theory of a Deadman, Andrée Watters and Suzie McNeil. On Thursday, Montreal quarterback Anthony Calvillo was declared this year's CFL Outstanding Player at a player awards ceremony in Montreal. The Cup is named after Earl Grey, who donated the trophy to honour Canada's most successful amateur rugby team. By the time the Canadian Football League was formed in 1958, the Cup became the top prize for professional football in Canada. CBC Television did not broadcast the Grey Cup for the first time since the 40th Grey Cup in 1952, when the championship was first televised. Specialty cable network TSN won the rights to this year's match. Next year's CFL championship game is scheduled at Calgary's McMahon Stadium. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Calgary Stampeders win 2008 Grey Cup in Montreal
To showcase achievements of Taiwan's Internet industry, the Institute of Information Industry of Taiwan (III) held the 2008 IDEAS Show this Wednesday June 25. The IDEAS Show is similar from the DEMO, an Internet investment trade show in United States since 2006. —Chin-chi Hsu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Information Industry of TaiwanChris Shipley, Producer of DEMO Conference, was invited to make a speech in the opening keynote. She mentioned about evolutions and transformations of the Internet, especially on business models and change of leaders. Her words mostly echoed some theories proposed during the 2008 Google Developer Day in China by Kai-Fu Lee, Founding Chairman of Google China. In this exhibition, thirty websites from mobile networking, Web 2.0, social networks, application services, and hardware integrations were showcased there. The website evaluation from professional judges was also held during the showcase to encourage excellent websites promoted into the world. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! This is a complete or partial translation of the article "資訊工業策進會 首度舉辦網路創意展 展現台灣網路產業創新成果", from the Chinese language Wikinews, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 III IDEAS Show to showcase achievements of Internet industry in Taiwan
This is the category for the Invitational Games for the Deaf 2008, held in Taipei, Taiwan. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. From Wikinews, the free news source you can write. The Nangang Sports Center decorated for the Games. (Image: Rico Shen) The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
Category:Invitational Games for the Deaf, Taipei 2008
Nominees for the 2008 Juno Awards, Canada's primary music honours, were announced in Toronto on Tuesday. Celine Dion received nominations in six categories. Five nominations apiece were given to Michael Bublé, Feist and Avril Lavigne, who also happen to be previously scheduled performers at the Juno ceremonies. Ottawa's controversial rapper Belly received nominations in both the best rap recording and best new artist categories. Rock band Triumph will be inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame at the Juno awards ceremony, to be held in Calgary on 6th April. Russell Peters will host the ceremonies which will be televised by CTV television. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Juno Award nominees announced
Leslie Feist was the most successful artist as the Juno Awards concluded in Calgary, Alberta on Sunday. The performer of the internationally-successful single "1234" won in five categories: Album of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, Single of the Year, Artist of the Year and Songwriter of the Year. Veteran group Blue Rodeo won in three categories: Group of the Year, Adult Alternative Album of the Year and Video of the Year. The Canadian Music Hall of Fame added veteran Canadian rock band Triumph to its honour roll. The Humanitarian Award was presented to country performer Paul Brandt while the Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award was presented to Citytv and MuchMusic founder Moses Znaimer. The Juno Awards began in 1970, initially known as the Gold Leaf Awards, and are Canada's most prominent annual music honours. The awards have been nationally televised within Canada since 1975. Next year's ceremonies will be hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia. The following winners were announced on Sunday's primary awards telecast: Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
Feist leads 2008 Juno Award winners
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Category:Leisure Taiwan
Since current issues involving oil price increases, energy-saving and carbon-decreasing have gained public attention, the bicycle has become a popular product as everyone wants to own one. But some industrial businesspeople have pointed out a critical issue on bicycle riding, that is, personal security (safety). Jack Cheng-kuan Hsieh, Chairman of KHS Mountain Bike Corp., discussed some of the dangers of cycling with Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen as part of a press conference. In addition to Hsieh, Wikinews also interviewed Frank Feng-chou Kuo, Technical Chair of International Association of Ultra Runners. Following is an extract from his comments made to Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen: In general, when sporting anytime and anywhere, preparations should be made for better performance and safety, whether it involves more or less endurance or physical strength. Jack Hsieh, Chairman of KHS Mountain Bike Corp.Image: Rico Shen. Accidents in the Taipei International Express Marathon were ever taken place in 1996 and 2007.Image: Rico Shen. A typical example of racing accident - NASCAR race.Image: Wayne Whaley of Eagle Shooter. More preparations, more safety assurances.Image: Rico Shen. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Leisure Taiwan: Safety first before sporting
This year's Leisure Taiwan trade show (a.k.a Taiwan Sport Recreation and Leisure Show) started yesterday, with 131 companies participating including sports media companies such as ESPN and VideoLand Television, businesses selling sports equipment and fitness clubs. There were also a variety of sports being played in the arena built for the trade show. The events included a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, free style shooting, and bicycle test-riding. In addition, conferences discussed issues related to sports and physical education. A major topic in the trade show was energy-efficiency and, as a result, bicycles and similar sports equipment were being heavily promoted. Next Tuesday, companies from the electronics industry plan to promote their industry at "2008 Digital E-Park." In previous years, organizations from the electronics industry have showcased their products at Leisure Taiwan instead of at the Digital E-Park, so this move has reduced the number of markets covered by Leisure Taiwan. Medalist Games Spectrum Omni Dart Machine.Image: Rico Shen. Sonocaddie V300 Golf GPS.Image: Rico Shen. Chanson CS-5003 Table Tennis Machine.Image: Rico Shen. The showground of Area D in the Leisure Taiwan.Image: Rico Shen. Have an opinion on this story? Share it! Share this:  This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections. Note that some listed sources or external links may no longer be available online due to age. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with your corrections, and it will be brought to the attention of the administrators. Please note that due to our archival policy, we will not alter or update the content of articles that are archived, but will only accept requests to make grammatical and formatting corrections.
2008 Leisure Taiwan launched in Taipei World Trade Center