double precision function cwig3j (j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,ient) c wigner 3j coefficient for integers (ient=1) c or semiintegers (ient=2) c other arguments should be multiplied by ient implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (idim = 58) character*512 slog c dimensions modified for larger arguments by ala 12.12.94 dimension al(idim+1),m(12) save ini, al data ini/1/ c idim-1 is the largest argument of factorial to calculate m3=-m1-m2 if (ini.eq.0) goto 21 c initialisation of the log's of the factorials ini=0 al(1)=0.0d00 do i=1,idim b=i al(i+1)=al(i)+ log(b) enddo 21 continue cwig3j=0.0d00 if (((ient-1)*(ient-2)).ne.0) go to 101 ii=ient+ient c test triangular inequalities, parity and maximum values of m if (( abs(m1)+ abs(m2)).eq.0.and.mod(j1+j2+j3,ii).ne.0) go to 99 m(1)=j1+j2-j3 m(2)=j2+j3-j1 m(3)=j3+j1-j2 m(4)=j1+m1 m(5)=j1-m1 m(6)=j2+m2 m(7)=j2-m2 m(8)=j3+m3 m(9)=j3-m3 m(10)=j1+j2+j3+ient m(11)=j2-j3-m1 m(12)=j1-j3+m2 do i=1,12 if (i.gt.10) go to 31 if (m(i).lt.0) go to 99 31 if (mod(m(i),ient).ne.0) go to 101 m(i)=m(i)/ient if (m(i).gt.idim) go to 101 enddo c calculate 3j coefficient max0= max(m(11),m(12),0)+1 min0= min(m(1),m(5),m(6))+1 isig=1 if (mod(max0-1,2).ne.0) isig=-isig c=-al(m(10)+1) do i=1,9 c=c+al(m(i)+1) enddo c=c/2.0d 00 do i=max0,min0 j=2-i b=al(i)+al(j+m(1))+al(j+m(5))+ $ al(j+m(6))+al(i-m(11))+al(i-m(12)) cwig3j=cwig3j+isig* exp(c-b) isig=-isig enddo if (mod(j1-j2-m3,ii).ne.0) cwig3j=-cwig3j 99 return 101 write(slog,'(a,6i5)') 'error in cwig3j ',j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,ient call wlog(slog) stop end
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import os import numpy as np import open3d as o3d import glob flip_transform = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] def robust_kernel_fn(alpha, c): if alpha == None: # print('Binary truncation loss') return lambda x: (np.abs(x) < c).astype(float) if alpha == 2: # print('L2 loss') return lambda x: np.ones_like(x) / c**2 elif alpha == 0: # print('Cauchy loss') return lambda x: 2 / (x**2 + 2 * c**2) elif alpha < -1e5: # print('Welsch loss') return lambda x: 1 / c**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / c)**2) else: #if alpha == -2: # print('Geman-McClure loss') #elif alpha == 1: # print('Charbonnier / Pseudo-Huber loss') #else: # print('General loss with alpha = ', alpha) return lambda x: 1 / c**2 * np.float_power( (x / c)**2 / np.abs(alpha - 2) + 1, alpha / 2 - 1) def lineset_from_pose_graph(pose_graph, show_loops=True, edge_density=0.1, l = 0.1): POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM = 5 EDGES_PER_FRUSTUM = 8 points = [] colors = [] lines = [] cnt = 0 for i, node in enumerate(pose_graph.nodes): pose = np.array(node.pose) #l = 0.1 points.append((pose @ np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).T)[:3]) points.append((pose @ np.array([l, l, 2 * l, 1]).T)[:3]) points.append((pose @ np.array([l, -l, 2 * l, 1]).T)[:3]) points.append((pose @ np.array([-l, -l, 2 * l, 1]).T)[:3]) points.append((pose @ np.array([-l, l, 2 * l, 1]).T)[:3]) lines.append([cnt + 0, cnt + 1]) lines.append([cnt + 0, cnt + 2]) lines.append([cnt + 0, cnt + 3]) lines.append([cnt + 0, cnt + 4]) lines.append([cnt + 1, cnt + 2]) lines.append([cnt + 2, cnt + 3]) lines.append([cnt + 3, cnt + 4]) lines.append([cnt + 4, cnt + 1]) for i in range(0, EDGES_PER_FRUSTUM): colors.append(np.array([0, 0, 1])) cnt += POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM print('nodes: {}'.format(len(pose_graph.nodes))) loops = 0 random_index = np.random.choice(len(pose_graph.edges), int(len(pose_graph.edges)*edge_density), replace=False) if show_loops: for i, edge in enumerate(pose_graph.edges): switch = np.random.rand(1) < edge_density s = edge.source_node_id t = edge.target_node_id if (edge.uncertain & switch): lines.append([POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM * s, POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM * t]) colors.append(np.array([0, 1, 0])) loops += 1 elif not edge.uncertain: lines.append([POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM * s, POINTS_PER_FRUSTUM * t]) colors.append(np.array([0, 0, 1])) print('loops: {}'.format(loops)) lineset = o3d.geometry.LineSet() lineset.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.vstack(points)) lineset.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector(np.vstack(lines).astype(int)) lineset.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.vstack(colors)) return lineset def get_normal_map_o3d(data): pcd = data.to_o3d_pointcloud() pcd.estimate_normals() normal_map = np.asarray(pcd.normals).reshape(data.xyz_im.shape) normal_map = np.squeeze(normal_map) return normal_map, pcd def make_point_cloud(points, normals=None, colors=None): pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) if normals is not None: pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(normals) if colors is not None: pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return pcd def visualize_icp(pcd_source, pcd_target, T): import copy pcd_source = copy.deepcopy(pcd_source) # pcd_source.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.706, 0]) # target_temp.paint_uniform_color([0, 0.651, 0.929]) pcd_source.paint_uniform_color([87.0 / 255.0, 144.0 / 255.0, 252.0 / 255.0]) pcd_target = copy.deepcopy(pcd_target) pcd_target.paint_uniform_color([248.0 / 255.0, 156.0 / 255.0, 32.0 / 255.0]) pcd_source.transform(T) o3d.visualization.draw([ pcd_source, pcd_target # pcd_source.transform(flip_transform), # pcd_target.transform(flip_transform) ]) def visualize_correspondences(source_points, target_points, T): if len(source_points) != len(target_points): print( 'Error! source points and target points has different length {} vs {}' .format(len(source_points), len(target_points))) return pcd_source = make_point_cloud(source_points) pcd_source.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0]) pcd_source.transform(T) pcd_source.transform(flip_transform) pcd_target = make_point_cloud(target_points) pcd_target.paint_uniform_color([0, 1, 0]) pcd_target.transform(flip_transform) corres = [] for k in range(len(source_points)): corres.append((k, k)) lineset = o3d.geometry.LineSet.create_from_point_cloud_correspondences( pcd_source, pcd_target, corres) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_source, pcd_target, lineset]) def make_point_cloud(points, normals=None, colors=None): pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) if normals is not None: pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(normals) if colors is not None: pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return pcd def load_range_file_names(config): if not os.path.exists(config.path_dataset): print( 'Path \'{}\' not found.'.format(config.path_dataset), 'Please provide --path_dataset in the command line or the config file.' ) return [], [] range_folder = os.path.join(config.path_dataset, config.range_folder) range_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(range_folder, '*.csv')) n_range = len(range_names) if n_range == 0: print('Range files not found in {}, abort!'.format(range_folder)) return [] return sorted(range_names, key=lambda x: int(x.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])) def load_depth_file_names(config): if not os.path.exists(config.path_dataset): print( 'Path \'{}\' not found.'.format(config.path_dataset), 'Please provide --path_dataset in the command line or the config file.' ) return [], [] depth_folder = os.path.join(config.path_dataset, config.depth_folder) range_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(depth_folder, '*.png')) n_range = len(range_names) if n_range == 0: print('Range files not found in {}, abort!'.format(depth_folder)) return [] return sorted(range_names, key=lambda x: int(x.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])) def load_fragment_file_names(config): if not os.path.exists(config.path_dataset): print( 'Path \'{}\' not found.'.format(config.path_dataset), 'Please provide --path_dataset in the command line or the config file.' ) return [], [] fragment_folder = os.path.join(config.path_dataset, config.fragment_folder) fragment_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(fragment_folder, '*.ply')) n_fragments = len(fragment_names) if n_fragments == 0: print('Fragment point clouds not found in {}, abort!'.format( depth_folder)) return [] return sorted(fragment_names) def load_image_file_names(config): if not os.path.exists(config.path_dataset): print( 'Path \'{}\' not found.'.format(config.path_dataset), 'Please provide --path_dataset in the command line or the config file.' ) return [], [] depth_folder = os.path.join(config.path_dataset, config.depth_folder) color_folder = os.path.join(config.path_dataset, config.color_folder) # Only 16-bit png depth is supported depth_file_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(depth_folder, '*.png')) n_depth = len(depth_file_names) if n_depth == 0: print('Depth image not found in {}, abort!'.format(depth_folder)) return [], [] # Try png extensions = ['*.png', '*.jpg'] for ext in extensions: color_file_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(color_folder, ext)) if len(color_file_names) == n_depth: return sorted(depth_file_names), sorted(color_file_names) print('Found {} depth images in {}, but cannot find matched number of ' 'color images in {} with extensions {}, abort!'.format( n_depth, depth_folder, color_folder, extensions)) return [], [] def load_intrinsic(config): if config.path_intrinsic is None or config.path_intrinsic == '': intrinsic = o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsic( o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsicParameters.PrimeSenseDefault) else: intrinsic = o3d.io.read_pinhole_camera_intrinsic(config.path_intrinsic) if config.engine == 'legacy': return intrinsic elif config.engine == 'tensor': return o3d.core.Tensor(intrinsic.intrinsic_matrix, o3d.core.Dtype.Float32) else: print('Unsupported engine {}'.format(config.engine)) def load_extrinsics(path_trajectory, config): extrinsics = [] # For either a fragment or a scene if path_trajectory.endswith('log'): data = o3d.io.read_pinhole_camera_trajectory(path_trajectory) for param in data.parameters: extrinsics.append(param.extrinsic) # Only for a fragment elif path_trajectory.endswith('json'): data = o3d.io.read_pose_graph(path_trajectory) for node in data.nodes: extrinsics.append(np.linalg.inv(node.pose)) if config.engine == 'legacy': return extrinsics elif config.engine == 'tensor': return list( map(lambda x: o3d.core.Tensor(x, o3d.core.Dtype.Float64), extrinsics)) else: print('Unsupported engine {}'.format(config.engine)) def save_poses( path_trajectory, poses, intrinsic=o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsic( o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsicParameters.PrimeSenseDefault)): if path_trajectory.endswith('log'): traj = o3d.camera.PinholeCameraTrajectory() params = [] for pose in poses: param = o3d.camera.PinholeCameraParameters() param.intrinsic = intrinsic param.extrinsic = np.linalg.inv(pose) params.append(param) traj.parameters = params o3d.io.write_pinhole_camera_trajectory(path_trajectory, traj) elif path_trajectory.endswith('json'): pose_graph = o3d.pipelines.registration.PoseGraph() for pose in poses: node = o3d.pipelines.registration.PoseGraphNode() node.pose = pose pose_graph.nodes.append(node) o3d.io.write_pose_graph(path_trajectory, pose_graph) def init_volume(mode, config): if config.engine == 'legacy': return o3d.pipelines.integration.ScalableTSDFVolume( voxel_length=config.voxel_size, sdf_trunc=config.sdf_trunc, color_type=o3d.pipelines.integration.TSDFVolumeColorType.RGB8) elif config.engine == 'tensor': if mode == 'scene': block_count = config.block_count else: block_count = config.block_count return o3d.t.geometry.TSDFVoxelGrid( { 'tsdf': o3d.core.Dtype.Float32, 'weight': o3d.core.Dtype.UInt16, 'color': o3d.core.Dtype.UInt16 }, voxel_size=config.voxel_size, sdf_trunc=config.sdf_trunc, block_resolution=16, block_count=block_count, device=o3d.core.Device(config.device)) else: print('Unsupported engine {}'.format(config.engine)) def extract_pointcloud(volume, config, file_name=None): if config.engine == 'legacy': mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh() pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = mesh.vertices pcd.colors = mesh.vertex_colors if file_name is not None: o3d.io.write_point_cloud(file_name, pcd) elif config.engine == 'tensor': pcd = volume.extract_surface_points( weight_threshold=config.surface_weight_thr) if file_name is not None: o3d.io.write_point_cloud(file_name, pcd.to_legacy()) return pcd def extract_trianglemesh(volume, config, file_name=None): if config.engine == 'legacy': mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh() mesh.compute_vertex_normals() mesh.compute_triangle_normals() if file_name is not None: o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(file_name, mesh) elif config.engine == 'tensor': mesh = volume.extract_surface_mesh( weight_threshold=config.surface_weight_thr) mesh = mesh.to_legacy() if file_name is not None: o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(file_name, mesh) return mesh
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% All comment lines start with % % There are no multi-line comments % LaTeX is NOT a "What You See Is What You Get" word processing software like % MS Word, or OpenOffice Writer % Every LaTeX command starts with a backslash (\) % LaTeX documents start with a defining the type of document it's compiling % Other document types include book, report, presentations, etc. % The options for the document appear in the [] brackets. In this case % it specifies we want to use 12pt font. \documentclass[12pt]{article} % Next we define the packages the document uses. % If you want to include graphics, colored text, or % source code from another language file into your document, % you need to enhance the capabilities of LaTeX. This is done by adding packages. % I'm going to include the float and caption packages for figures % and hyperref package for hyperlinks \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{hyperref} % We can define some other document properties too! \author{Chaitanya Krishna Ande, Colton Kohnke, Sricharan Chiruvolu \& \\ Svetlana Golubeva} \date{\today} \title{Learn \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} in Y Minutes!} % Now we're ready to begin the document % Everything before this line is called "The Preamble" \begin{document} % if we set the author, date, title fields, we can have LaTeX % create a title page for us. \maketitle % If we have sections, we can create table of contents. We have to compile our % document twice to make it appear in right order. % It is a good practice to separate the table of contents form the body of the % document. To do so we use \newpage command \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage % Most research papers have abstract, you can use the predefined commands for this. % This should appear in its logical order, therefore, after the top matter, % but before the main sections of the body. % This command is available in the document classes article and report. \begin{abstract} \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} documentation written as \LaTeX! How novel and totally not my idea! \end{abstract} % Section commands are intuitive. % All the titles of the sections are added automatically to the table of contents. \section{Introduction} Hello, my name is Colton and together we're going to explore \LaTeX! \section{Another section} This is the text for another section. I think it needs a subsection. \subsection{This is a subsection} % Subsections are also intuitive. I think we need another one \subsubsection{Pythagoras} Much better now. \label{subsec:pythagoras} % By using the asterisk we can suppress LaTeX's inbuilt numbering. % This works for other LaTeX commands as well. \section*{This is an unnumbered section} However not all sections have to be numbered! \section{Some Text notes} %\section{Spacing} % Need to add more information about space intervals \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} is generally pretty good about placing text where it should go. If a line \\ needs \\ to \\ break \\ you add \textbackslash\textbackslash \hspace{1pt} to the source code. \\ \section{Lists} Lists are one of the easiest things to create in \LaTeX! I need to go shopping tomorrow, so let's make a grocery list. \begin{enumerate} % This creates an "enumerate" environment. % \item tells the enumerate to increment \item Salad. \item 27 watermelon. \item A single jackrabbit. % we can even override the item number by using [] \item[how many?] Medium sized squirt guns. Not a list item, but still part of the enumerate. \end{enumerate} % All environments must have an end. \section{Math} One of the primary uses for \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} is to produce academic articles or technical papers. Usually in the realm of math and science. As such, we need to be able to add special symbols to our paper! \\ Math has many symbols, far beyond what you can find on a keyboard; Set and relation symbols, arrows, operators, and Greek letters to name a few.\\ Sets and relations play a vital role in many mathematical research papers. Here's how you state all x that belong to X, $\forall$ x $\in$ X. \\ % Notice how I needed to add $ signs before and after the symbols. This is % because when writing, we are in text-mode. % However, the math symbols only exist in math-mode. % We can enter math-mode from text mode with the $ signs. % The opposite also holds true. Variable can also be rendered in math-mode. % We can also enter math mode with \[\] \[a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \] My favorite Greek letter is $\xi$. I also like $\beta$, $\gamma$ and $\sigma$. I haven't found a Greek letter yet that \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} doesn't know about! \\ Operators are essential parts of a mathematical document: trigonometric functions ($\sin$, $\cos$, $\tan$), logarithms and exponentials ($\log$, $\exp$), limits ($\lim$), etc. have per-defined LaTeX commands. Let's write an equation to see how it's done: $\cos(2\theta) = \cos^{2}(\theta) - \sin^{2}(\theta)$ \\ Fractions (Numerator-denominators) can be written in these forms: % 10 / 7 $$ ^{10}/_{7} $$ % Relatively complex fractions can be written as % \frac{numerator}{denominator} $$ \frac{n!}{k!(n - k)!} $$ \\ We can also insert equations in an ``equation environment''. % Display math with the equation 'environment' \begin{equation} % enters math-mode c^2 = a^2 + b^2. \label{eq:pythagoras} % for referencing \end{equation} % all \begin statements must have an end statement We can then reference our new equation! Eqn.~\ref{eq:pythagoras} is also known as the Pythagoras Theorem which is also the subject of Sec.~\ref{subsec:pythagoras}. A lot of things can be labeled: figures, equations, sections, etc. Summations and Integrals are written with sum and int commands: % Some LaTeX compilers will complain if there are blank lines % In an equation environment. \begin{equation} \sum_{i=0}^{5} f_{i} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathrm{e}^{-x} \mathrm{d}x \end{equation} \section{Figures} Let's insert a Figure. Figure placement can get a little tricky. I definitely have to lookup the placement options each time. \begin{figure}[H] % H here denoted the placement option. \centering % centers the figure on the page % Inserts a figure scaled to 0.8 the width of the page. %\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{right-triangle.png} % Commented out for compilation purposes. Please use your imagination. \caption{Right triangle with sides $a$, $b$, $c$} \label{fig:right-triangle} \end{figure} \subsection{Table} We can also insert Tables in the same way as figures. \begin{table}[H] \caption{Caption for the Table.} % the {} arguments below describe how each row of the table is drawn. % Again, I have to look these up. Each. And. Every. Time. \begin{tabular}{c|cc} Number & Last Name & First Name \\ % Column rows are separated by & \hline % a horizontal line 1 & Biggus & Dickus \\ 2 & Monty & Python \end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Getting \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} to not compile something (i.e. Source Code)} Let's say we want to include some code into our \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} document, we would then need \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} to not try and interpret that text and instead just print it to the document. We do this with a verbatim environment. % There are other packages that exist (i.e. minty, lstlisting, etc.) % but verbatim is the bare-bones basic one. \begin{verbatim} print("Hello World!") a%b; % look! We can use % signs in verbatim. random = 4; #decided by fair random dice roll \end{verbatim} \section{Compiling} By now you're probably wondering how to compile this fabulous document and look at the glorious glory that is a \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} pdf. (yes, this document actually does compile). \\ Getting to the final document using \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} consists of the following steps: \begin{enumerate} \item Write the document in plain text (the ``source code''). \item Compile source code to produce a pdf. The compilation step looks like this (in Linux): \\ \begin{verbatim} > pdflatex learn-latex.tex \end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} A number of \LaTeX \hspace{1pt}editors combine both Step 1 and Step 2 in the same piece of software. So, you get to see Step 1, but not Step 2 completely. Step 2 is still happening behind the scenes\footnote{In cases, where you use references (like Eqn.~\ref{eq:pythagoras}), you may need to run Step 2 multiple times, to generate an intermediary *.aux file.}. % Also, this is how you add footnotes to your document! You write all your formatting information in plain text in Step 1. The compilation part in Step 2 takes care of producing the document in the format you defined in Step 1. \section{Hyperlinks} We can also insert hyperlinks in our document. To do so we need to include the package hyperref into preamble with the command: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{hyperref} \end{verbatim} There exists two main types of links: visible URL \\ \url{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}, or \href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}{shadowed by text} % You can not add extra-spaces or special symbols into shadowing text since it % will cause mistakes during the compilation This package also produces list of thumbnails in the output pdf document and active links in the table of contents. \section{End} That's all for now! % Most often, you would want to have a references section in your document. % The easiest way to set this up would be by using the bibliography section \begin{thebibliography}{1} % similar to other lists, the \bibitem command can be used to list items % each entry can then be cited directly in the body of the text \bibitem{latexwiki} The amazing \LaTeX \hspace{1pt} wikibook: {\em https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX} \bibitem{latextutorial} An actual tutorial: {\em http://www.latex-tutorial.com} \end{thebibliography} % end the document \end{document}
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# Problem: https://projecteuler.net/problem=227 # Define distance as the clockwise number of people between the dice. # Use the distance between the dices as a state. # Use Markov chain to track the probabilities. # T[distance1][distance2] is the probability of transitioning from distance 1 to distance 2 import numpy as np N = 100 def position_to_index(x, y): return x * N + y def index_to_position(idx): return idx // N, idx % N def new_position(current_position, roll): if roll == 1: current_position = (current_position - 1) % N elif roll == 6: current_position = (current_position + 1) % N return current_position if __name__ == "__main__": ans = 0.0 T = np.zeros((N, N), dtype = np.double) S = np.zeros((N), dtype = np.double) S[50] = 1.0 T[0][0] = 1.0 for delta in range(1, N): # player 1 rolls 1, player 2 rolls 1: delta doesn't change # player 1 rolls 1, player 2 rolls [2..5] T[delta][(delta-1)%N] += 4/36 # player 1 rolls 1, player 2 rolls 6 T[delta][(delta-2)%N] += 1/36 # player 1 rolls [2..5], player 2 rolls 1 T[delta][(delta+1)%N] += 4/36 # player 1 rolls [2..5], player 2 rolls 6 T[delta][(delta-1)%N] += 4/36 # player 1 rolls 6, player 2 rolls 1 T[delta][(delta+2)%N] += 1/36 # player 1 rolls 6, player 2 rolls [2..5] T[delta][(delta+1)%N] += 4/36 # player 1 rolls 6, player 2 rolls 6: delta doesn't change T[delta][delta] = 1.0-np.sum(T[delta]) prev_probability = 0.0 curr_probability = 0.0 prev_expectation = -1.0 curr_expectation = 0.0 tol = 1e-12 n_turns = 0 while (((curr_expectation - prev_expectation) > tol) or (curr_probability < tol)): n_turns = n_turns + 1 prev_probability = curr_probability prev_expectation = curr_expectation S = S.dot(T) curr_probability = S[0] curr_expectation = curr_expectation + n_turns * (curr_probability - prev_probability) ans = curr_expectation print("{:.6f}".format(ans))
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import os import logging os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" logging.getLogger("tensorflow").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("tensorflow_hub").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) import shutil import numpy as np from perform.constants import REAL_TYPE, PARAM_INPUTS, ROM_INPUTS # Constants to use throughout testing # sample air chemistry dictionary CHEM_DICT_AIR = {} CHEM_DICT_AIR["gas_model"] = "cpg" CHEM_DICT_AIR["num_species"] = 3 CHEM_DICT_AIR["mol_weights"] = np.array([32.0, 28.0, 40.0], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["species_names"] = np.array(["oxygen", "nitrogen", "argon"]) CHEM_DICT_AIR["enth_ref"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["cp"] = np.array([918.0, 1040.0, 520.3], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["pr"] = np.array([0.730, 0.718, 0.687], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["sc"] = np.array([0.612, 0.612, 0.612], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["mu_ref"] = np.array([2.07e-5, 1.76e-5, 2.27e-5], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_AIR["temp_ref"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=REAL_TYPE) # sample reactant-product chemistry and reaction dictionaries CHEM_DICT_REACT = {} CHEM_DICT_REACT["gas_model"] = "cpg" CHEM_DICT_REACT["num_species"] = 2 CHEM_DICT_REACT["mol_weights"] = np.array([21.32, 21.32], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["species_names"] = np.array(["Reactant", "Product"]) CHEM_DICT_REACT["enth_ref"] = np.array([-7.4320e6, -10.8e6], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["cp"] = np.array([1538.22, 1538.22], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["pr"] = np.array([0.713, 0.713], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["sc"] = np.array([0.62, 0.62], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["mu_ref"] = np.array([7.35e-4, 7.35e-4], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["temp_ref"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=REAL_TYPE) CHEM_DICT_REACT["reaction_model"] = "fr_irrev" CHEM_DICT_REACT["num_reactions"] = 1 CHEM_DICT_REACT["nu"] = [[1.0, -1.0]] CHEM_DICT_REACT["nu_arr"] = [[1.0, 0.0]] CHEM_DICT_REACT["pre_exp_fact"] = [2.12e10] CHEM_DICT_REACT["temp_exp"] = [0.0] CHEM_DICT_REACT["act_energy"] = [2.025237e8] # consistent primitive initial conditions SOL_PRIM_IN_AIR = np.array( [ [1e6, 1e5], [2.0, 1.0], [300.0, 400.0], [0.4, 0.6], [0.6, 0.4], ] ) SOL_PRIM_IN_REACT = np.array( [ [1e6, 9e5], [2.0, 1.0], [1000.0, 1200.0], [0.6, 0.4], ] ) # generate directory which acts as PERFORM working directory TEST_DIR = "test_dir" def gen_test_dir(): if os.path.isdir(TEST_DIR): shutil.rmtree(TEST_DIR) os.mkdir(TEST_DIR) # delete working directory on cleanup def del_test_dir(): if os.path.isdir(TEST_DIR): shutil.rmtree(TEST_DIR) # get output mode and directory def get_output_mode(): output_mode = bool(int(os.environ["PERFORM_TEST_OUTPUT_MODE"])) output_dir = os.environ["PERFORM_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR"] return output_mode, output_dir # sample input files necessary for solution domain initialization def solution_domain_setup(run_dir=TEST_DIR): # generate mesh file mesh_file = os.path.join(run_dir, "mesh.inp") with open(mesh_file, "w") as f: f.write("x_left = 0.0\n") f.write("x_right = 2e-5\n") f.write("num_cells = 2\n") # generate chemistry file chem_file = os.path.join(run_dir, "chem.inp") with open(chem_file, "w") as f: for key, item in CHEM_DICT_REACT.items(): if isinstance(item, str): f.write(key + ' = "' + str(item) + '"\n') elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, np.ndarray): f.write(key + " = [" + ",".join(str(val) for val in item) + "]\n") else: f.write(key + " = " + str(item) + "\n") # generate solver input files inp_file = os.path.join(run_dir, PARAM_INPUTS) with open(inp_file, "w") as f: f.write("stdout = False \n") f.write('chem_file = "./chem.inp" \n') f.write('mesh_file = "./mesh.inp" \n') f.write('init_file = "test_init_file.npy" \n') f.write("dt = 1e-7 \n") f.write('time_scheme = "bdf" \n') f.write("adapt_dtau = True \n") f.write("time_order = 2 \n") f.write("num_steps = 10 \n") f.write("res_tol = 1e-11 \n") f.write('invisc_flux_scheme = "roe" \n') f.write('visc_flux_scheme = "standard" \n') f.write("space_order = 2 \n") f.write('grad_limiter = "barth_face" \n') f.write('bound_cond_inlet = "meanflow" \n') f.write("press_inlet = 1003706.0 \n") f.write("temp_inlet = 1000.0 \n") f.write("vel_inlet = 1853.0 \n") f.write("rho_inlet = 3944.0 \n") f.write("mass_fracs_inlet = [0.6, 0.4] \n") f.write('bound_cond_outlet = "meanflow" \n') f.write("press_outlet = 898477.0 \n") f.write("vel_outlet = 1522.0 \n") f.write("rho_outlet = 2958.0 \n") f.write("mass_fracs_outlet = [0.4, 0.6] \n") f.write("probe_locs = [-1.0, 5e-6, 1.0] \n") f.write('probe_vars = ["pressure", "temperature", "species-0", "density"] \n') f.write("save_restarts = True \n") f.write("restart_interval = 5 \n") f.write("out_interval = 2 \n") f.write("out_itmdt_interval = 5 \n") f.write("prim_out = True \n") f.write("cons_out = True \n") f.write("source_out = True \n") f.write("hr_out = True \n") f.write("rhs_out = True \n") f.write("vis_show = False \n") f.write("vis_save = True \n") f.write("vis_interval = 3 \n") f.write('vis_type_0 = "field" \n') f.write('vis_var_0 = ["temperature", "density", "pressure", "species-0"] \n') f.write("vis_y_bounds_0 = [[500, 1500], [1.8, 2.6], [1.2e6, 8e5], [-0.1, 1.1]] \n") f.write('vis_type_1 = "probe" \n') f.write('vis_var_1 = ["temperature", "density", "pressure", "species-0"] \n') f.write("vis_y_bounds_1 = [[500, 1500], [1.8, 2.6], [1.2e6, 8e5], [-0.1, 1.1]] \n") f.write("probe_num_1 = 1 \n") np.save(os.path.join(run_dir, "test_init_file.npy"), SOL_PRIM_IN_REACT) def rom_domain_setup(run_dir=TEST_DIR, method="galerkin", space_mapping="linear", var_mapping="conservative"): from tensorflow.keras import Model, Input from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.initializers import Identity assert method in ["galerkin", "lspg", "mplsvt"] assert space_mapping in ["linear", "autoencoder"] assert var_mapping in ["conservative", "primitive"] # presumably this has already been generated inp_file = os.path.join(run_dir, PARAM_INPUTS) with open(inp_file, "a") as f: f.write("calc_rom = True \n") # generate ROM input file inp_file = os.path.join(run_dir, ROM_INPUTS) model_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, "model_files") os.mkdir(model_dir) with open(inp_file, "w") as f: f.write('rom_method = "' + method + '" \n') f.write('var_mapping = "' + var_mapping + '" \n') f.write('space_mapping = "' + space_mapping + '" \n') f.write("num_models = 1 \n") f.write("latent_dims = [8] \n") f.write("model_var_idxs = [[0, 1, 2, 3]] \n") f.write('model_dir = "' + model_dir + '" \n') f.write('basis_files = ["spatial_modes.npy"] \n') f.write('decoder_files = ["decoder.h5", ] \n') f.write('encoder_files = ["encoder.h5", ] \n') f.write('cent_prim = ["cent_prof_prim.npy"] \n') f.write('cent_cons = ["cent_prof_cons.npy"] \n') f.write('norm_sub_prim = ["norm_sub_prof_prim.npy"] \n') f.write('norm_fac_prim = ["norm_fac_prof_prim.npy"] \n') f.write('norm_sub_cons = ["norm_sub_prof_cons.npy"] \n') f.write('norm_fac_cons = ["norm_fac_prof_cons.npy"] \n') f.write("run_gpu = False \n") f.write('ml_library = "tfkeras" \n') f.write("decoder_isconv = False \n") f.write("encoder_isconv = False \n") # generate model files, standardization profiles modes = np.reshape(np.eye(8), (4, 2, 8)) cent_prof = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=REAL_TYPE) norm_sub_prof = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=REAL_TYPE) norm_fac_prof = np.ones((4, 2), dtype=REAL_TYPE) # TensorFlow model setup input_layer = Input(shape=(8,), batch_size=None) output_layer = Dense(8, activation="linear", use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=Identity)(input_layer) tf_model = Model(input_layer, output_layer) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "spatial_modes.npy"), modes) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "cent_prof_prim.npy"), cent_prof) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "cent_prof_cons.npy"), cent_prof) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "norm_sub_prof_prim.npy"), norm_sub_prof) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "norm_fac_prof_prim.npy"), norm_fac_prof) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "norm_sub_prof_cons.npy"), norm_sub_prof) np.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "norm_fac_prof_cons.npy"), norm_fac_prof) tf_model.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "decoder.h5"), save_format="h5") tf_model.save(os.path.join(model_dir, "encoder.h5"), save_format="h5")
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#!/usr/bin/env python """ Author: Devansh Shukla """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, FFMpegWriter import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec custom_rcparams = { "axes.labelsize": 7, "axes.titlesize": 8, "axes.grid": True, # Figure "figure.autolayout": True, "figure.titlesize": 9, "figure.figsize": (10, 3), # "figure.dpi": 150, "savefig.format": "pdf", "lines.linewidth": 1, # Legend "legend.fontsize": 8, "legend.frameon": True, # Ticks "xtick.labelsize": 8, "ytick.labelsize": 8, "xtick.minor.visible": True, "xtick.direction": "in", "ytick.direction": "in", "ytick.minor.visible": True, } mpl.rcParams.update(custom_rcparams) # t, x, y, vx, vy df = pd.read_csv("Particle1D.dat", engine="python", delimiter=" ", header=None, skipinitialspace=True, comment="#") print(df) time = df[0].values pos_x = df[1].values vel_x = df[2].values gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2, 1], hspace=0) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) plt.tight_layout() line1, = ax1.plot([], [], 'o', lw=2, label="particle") trace, = ax1.plot([], [], '-', lw=1, label="trace") time_template = "time = %.2fs" time_text = ax1.text(0.05, 0.8, '', transform=ax1.transAxes) line_arrow = ax1.plot([], [], "-", color="C4", label=r"$v_x$") patch = plt.Arrow(pos_x[0], 0, vel_x[0], 0, width=0.15, color="C4") ax1.add_patch(patch) line_vx, = ax2.plot([], [], '-', lw=2, label=r"$v_{x}(t)$") ax2.legend() line = [line1, line_vx, ] ax1.set_xlim(left=pos_x.min()-1, right=pos_x.max()+1) ax1.set_ylim(-2, 2) ax1.vlines(pos_x.max(), -2, 2, "red", label=rf"$x={pos_x.max()}$") ax1.vlines(pos_x.min(), -2, 2, "red", label=rf"$x={pos_x.min()}$") ax1.set_xlabel(r"$X$", labelpad=-0.5) ax1.set_ylabel(r"$Y$", labelpad=-0.5) ax1.legend() ax2.set_xlim(0, time[-1]+1) ax2.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$Time(s)$", labelpad=0) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$v(m/s)$", labelpad=0) def init(): line[0].set_data([], []) line[1].set_data([], []) trace.set_data([], []) return line, trace def animate(i): global time, pos_x, vel_x line[0].set_data(pos_x[i], 0) trace.set_data(pos_x[:i], 0) time_text.set_text(time_template % (time[i])) line[1].set_data(time[:i], vel_x[:i]) global ax1, patch ax1.patches.remove(patch) patch = plt.Arrow(pos_x[i], 0, vel_x[i], 0, width=0.15, color="C4") ax1.add_patch(patch) return line, trace, time_text def toggle_capture(*args, **kwargs): global ani, capture_no ani.pause() plt.gcf().savefig(f"plots/1d_{capture_no}.pdf") capture_no += 1 ani.resume() capture_no = 0 ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(time), interval=10, init_func=init, blit=False, repeat=False) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', toggle_capture) writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=10) ani.save('animation.mp4', writer=writer) plt.show()
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import logging import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import itertools as it import xgboost as xgb class XGB(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.master = obj for key, val in vars(obj).items(): setattr(self, key, val) base_for = "ACGT" base_rev = "TGCA" self.comp_tab = str.maketrans(base_for, base_rev) def load_xgb_model(self): logging.debug('Loading xgboost model') bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':self.threads}) bst.load_model(self.xgb) self.bst = bst # Load label dict here: with open(self.typedict, 'r') as f: rs = (ll.rstrip().split(':') for ll in f) self.label_dict = {r[1]:r[0] for r in rs} def generate_canonical_kmer(self): logging.debug('Generating canonical {}mers'.format(self.kmer)) letters = ['A','C','G','T'] all_kmer = [''.join(k) for k in it.product(letters, repeat=self.kmer)] all_kmer_rev = [x.translate(self.comp_tab)[::-1] for x in all_kmer] can_kmer = list(it.compress(all_kmer_rev, [not kf < kr for kf,kr in zip(all_kmer, all_kmer_rev)])) can_kmer.sort() self.can_kmer = can_kmer def count_kmer(self, seq): kmer_d = {} for i in range(len(seq) - self.kmer + 1): kmer_for = seq[i:(i+self.kmer)] kmer_rev = kmer_for.translate(self.comp_tab)[::-1] if kmer_for < kmer_rev: kmer = kmer_for else: kmer = kmer_rev if kmer in kmer_d: kmer_d[kmer] += 1 else: kmer_d[kmer] = 1 return kmer_d def xgb_run(self): if not self.redo: # Get repeats self.repeats = [x.cons for x in self.crisprs] # Load crispr table df = pd.read_csv(self.out+'crisprs_all.tab', sep='\t') # Check if len(df) > 0: self.any_crispr = True else: logging.info('No CRISPRs found.') os.remove(self.out+'crisprs_all.tab') # Predict if self.any_crispr: self.predict_repeats() # Add to file df['Prediction'] = self.z_type df['Subtype'] = self.z_type df['Subtype_probability'] = self.z_max df.loc[df.Subtype_probability < self.pred_prob, 'Prediction'] = 'Unknown' df['Subtype_probability'] = df['Subtype_probability'].round(3) # We trust arrays with a known (predictable) repeat sequence df.loc[df.Subtype_probability >= 0.9, 'Trusted'] = True df.to_csv(self.out+'crisprs_all.tab', sep='\t', index=False) def predict_repeats(self): logging.info('Predicting subtype of CRISPR repeats') # Prepare self.load_xgb_model() self.generate_canonical_kmer() self.repeats = [x.upper() for x in self.repeats] # Count kmers (first index is a to ensure all kmers are in the df) z_df = pd.DataFrame([dict(zip(self.can_kmer, np.zeros(len(self.can_kmer))))] + [self.count_kmer(x) for x in self.repeats]).fillna(0) z_df = z_df.reindex(sorted(z_df.columns), axis=1) # Predict self.z_pred = self.bst.predict(xgb.DMatrix(z_df), ntree_limit=int(self.bst.attr('best_iteration'))) # Get type and max probability self.z_best = [x.argmax() for x in self.z_pred][1:len(self.z_pred)] self.z_max = [x.max() for x in self.z_pred][1:len(self.z_pred)] # Convert to type string self.z_type = [self.label_dict[str(x)] for x in self.z_best] def print_xgb(self): for i in range(len(self.repeats)): print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(self.repeats[i], self.z_type[i], self.z_max[i]))
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[STATEMENT] lemma binsert_absorb[simp]: "binsert a (binsert a x) = binsert a x" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. binsert a (binsert a x) = binsert a x [PROOF STEP] by transfer simp
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########################################################### ########################################################### ## EMode - Python interface, by EMode Photonix LLC ########################################################### ## Copyright (c) 2021 EMode Photonix LLC ########################################################### ## NOTES: ## - strings are UTF-8 ## - numbers are doubles with IEEE 754 binary64 ########################################################### ########################################################### import os, socket, struct, pickle, time, atexit from subprocess import Popen import numpy as np import scipy.io as sio class EMode: def __init__(self, sim='emode', open_existing=False, new_name=False, priority='pN', roaming=False, verbose=False): ''' Initialize defaults and connects to EMode. ''' atexit.register(self.close) try: sim = str(sim) except: raise TypeError("input parameter 'sim' must be a string") return try: priority = str(priority) except: raise TypeError("input parameter 'priority' must be a string") return self.dsim = sim self.ext = ".eph" self.exit_flag = False self.DL = 2048 self.HOST = '' self.LHOST = 'lm.emodephotonix.com' self.LPORT = '64000' self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.bind((self.HOST, 0)) self.PORT_SERVER = int(self.s.getsockname()[1]) self.s.listen(1) cmd_lst = ['EMode.exe', self.LHOST, self.LPORT, str(self.PORT_SERVER)] if (verbose == True): cmd_lst.append('-v') if (priority != 'pN'): priority = priority.strip('-') cmd_lst.append('-'+priority) if roaming: cmd_lst.append('-r') proc = Popen(cmd_lst, stderr=None) self.conn, self.addr = self.s.accept() time.sleep(0.2) # wait for EMode to recv self.conn.sendall(b"connected with Python!") if (open_existing): RV = self.call("EM_open", sim=sim, new_name=new_name) else: RV = self.call("EM_init", sim=sim) self.dsim = RV[len("sim:"):] return def call(self, function, **kwargs): ''' Send a command to EMode. ''' sendset = [] if (isinstance(function, str)): sendset.append(function.encode('utf-8')) else: raise TypeError("input parameter 'function' must be a string") for kw in kwargs: sendset.append(kw.encode('utf-8')) if (isinstance(kwargs[kw], np.ndarray)): if (len(kwargs[kw].shape) == 1): kwargs[kw] = list(kwargs[kw]) if (isinstance(kwargs[kw], str)): if ((len(kwargs[kw]) % 8) == 0): kwargs[kw] = ' '+kwargs[kw] sendset.append(kwargs[kw].encode('utf-8')) elif (isinstance(kwargs[kw], list)): str_check = [True for kk in kwargs[kw] if isinstance(kk, str)] if (True in str_check): raise TypeError("list inputs must not contain strings") sendset.append(struct.pack('@%dd' % int(len(kwargs[kw])), *kwargs[kw])) elif (isinstance(kwargs[kw], (int, float, np.integer, np.float))): sendset.append(struct.pack('@1d', kwargs[kw])) else: raise TypeError("type not recognized in '**kwargs' as str, list, integer, or float") if ('sim' not in kwargs): sendset.append('sim'.encode('utf-8')) sendset.append(self.dsim.encode('utf-8')) sendstr = b':::::'.join(sendset) try: self.conn.sendall(sendstr) RV = self.conn.recv(self.DL) except: # Exited due to license checkout self.conn.close() self.exit_flag = True if (self.exit_flag): raise RuntimeError("License checkout error!") return RV.decode("utf-8") def get(self, variable): ''' Return data from simulation file. ''' if (not isinstance(variable, str)): raise TypeError("input parameter 'variable' must be a string") fl = open(self.dsim+self.ext, 'rb') f = pickle.load(fl) fl.close() if (variable in list(f.keys())): data = f[variable] else: print("Data does not exist.") return return data def inspect(self): ''' Return list of keys from available data in simulation file. ''' fl = open(self.dsim+self.ext, 'rb') f = pickle.load(fl) fl.close() fkeys = list(f.keys()) fkeys.remove("EMode_simulation_file") return fkeys def close(self, **kwargs): ''' Send saving options to EMode and close the connection. ''' if (self.conn.fileno() == -1): return self.call("EM_close", **kwargs) self.conn.sendall(b"exit") self.conn.close() print("Exited EMode") return def open_file(sim): ''' Opens an EMode simulation file with either .eph or .mat extension. ''' ext = '.eph' mat = '.mat' found = False for file in os.listdir(): if ((file == sim+ext) or ((file == sim) and (sim.endswith(ext)))): found = True if (sim.endswith(ext)): sim = sim.replace(ext,'') fl = open(sim+ext, 'rb') f = pickle.load(fl) fl.close() elif ((file == sim+mat) or ((file == sim) and (sim.endswith(mat)))): found = True f = sio.loadmat(sim+mat) if (not found): print("ERROR: file not found!") return "ERROR" return f def get(variable, sim='emode'): ''' Return data from simulation file. ''' if (not isinstance(variable, str)): raise TypeError("input parameter 'variable' must be a string") if (not isinstance(sim, str)): raise TypeError("input parameter 'sim' must be a string") f = open_file(sim=sim) if (variable in list(f.keys())): data = f[variable] else: print("Data does not exist.") return return data def inspect(sim='emode'): ''' Return list of keys from available data in simulation file. ''' if (not isinstance(sim, str)): raise TypeError("input parameter 'sim' must be a string") f = open_file(sim=sim) fkeys = list(f.keys()) fkeys.remove("EMode_simulation_file") return fkeys
{"hexsha": "f515f002621fe92a9ebd7bdca8224daca3277a5d", "size": 6825, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "emodeconnection/emodeconnection.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "emode-photonix/emodeconnection", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "d39b6a0c356bce8a3284087da37513c1c2ea3bf3", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["BSD-3-Clause"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "emodeconnection/emodeconnection.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "emode-photonix/emodeconnection", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "d39b6a0c356bce8a3284087da37513c1c2ea3bf3", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["BSD-3-Clause"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "emodeconnection/emodeconnection.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "emode-photonix/emodeconnection", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "d39b6a0c356bce8a3284087da37513c1c2ea3bf3", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["BSD-3-Clause"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 32.8125, "max_line_length": 118, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5050549451, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy,import scipy", "num_tokens": 1527}
int_or_bigint(x) = (y=mod(x,Int); x==y ? convert(Int,x) : convert(BigInt,y)) mutable struct UnpickleState stack :: Stack proto :: Int pos :: Int memo :: Memo end UnpickleState() = UnpickleState(Stack(), HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, 1, Memo()) function read_opcode(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) ans = read(io, OpCode) state.pos += sizeof(OpCode) ans end function read_prim_l(io::IO, state::UnpickleState, ::Type{T}) where {T} ans = ltoh(read(io, T)) state.pos += sizeof(T) ans end function read_prim_b(io::IO, state::UnpickleState, ::Type{T}) where {T} ans = ntoh(read(io, T)) state.pos += sizeof(T) ans end read_u1(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_l(io, state, UInt8) read_u2(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_l(io, state, UInt16) read_u4(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_l(io, state, UInt32) read_u8(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_l(io, state, UInt64) read_s4(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_l(io, state, Int32) read_f8(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) = read_prim_b(io, state, Float64) function read_bytes(io::IO, state::UnpickleState, sz::Integer) ans = read(io, sz) state.pos += length(ans) length(ans) == sz || error("unexpected end of file") ans end function read_line(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) ans = readuntil(io, '\n', keep=false) state.pos += sizeof(ans) + 1 ans end function read_stringnl_noescape(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) read_line(io, state) end function read_decimalnl_short(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) line = read_line(io, state) if line == "00" return false elseif line == "01" return true end return int_or_bigint(parse(BigInt, line)) end function read_floatnl(io::IO, state::UnpickleState) line = read_line(io, state) return parse(Float64, line) end function unpickle(io::IO) state = UnpickleState() # optional first PROTO opcode op = read_opcode(io, state) if op == OP_PROTO state.proto = Int(read_u1(io, state)) stop = false else stop = doop(op, state, io) end # remaining opcodes while !stop op = read_opcode(io, state) stop = doop(op, state, io) end # done len = length(state.stack) if len == 1 return pop!(state.stack) else error("unexpected STOP") end end function doop(op::OpCode, state::UnpickleState, io::IO) if op == OP_MARK mark!(state.stack) elseif op == OP_STOP return true elseif op == OP_POP pop!(state.stack) elseif op == OP_POP_MARK poptomark!(state.stack) elseif op == OP_DUP push!(state.stack, top(state.stack)) elseif op == OP_FLOAT val = read_floatnl(io, state) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_INT val = read_decimalnl_short(io, state) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_BININT val = int_or_bigint(read_s4(io, state)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_BININT1 val = int_or_bigint(read_u1(io, state)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_LONG error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BININT2 val = int_or_bigint(read_u2(io, state)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_NONE val = nothing push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_PERSID error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BINPERSID error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_REDUCE args = pop!(state.stack)::PyTuple func = pop!(state.stack) val = PyFuncCall(func, args.values) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_STRING error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BINSTRING error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_SHORT_BINSTRING error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_UNICODE error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BINUNICODE sz = read_u4(io, state) val = String(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_APPEND x = pop!(state.stack) list = top(state.stack)::PyList push!(list.values, x) elseif op == OP_BUILD arg = pop!(state.stack) obj = top(state.stack) pysetstate!(obj, arg) elseif op == OP_GLOBAL mod = read_stringnl_noescape(io, state) attr = read_stringnl_noescape(io, state) val = PyGlobal(mod, attr) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_DICT kvs = poptomark!(state.stack) iseven(length(kvs)) || error("odd number of keys and values") val = PyDict(Pair{Any,Any}[Pair{Any,Any}(kvs[i], kvs[i+1]) for i in 1:2:length(kvs)]) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_EMPTY_DICT val = PyDict() push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_APPENDS xs = poptomark!(state.stack) list = top(state.stack)::PyList append!(list.values, xs) elseif op == OP_GET error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BINGET idx = read_u1(io, state) val = state.memo[idx] push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_INST error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_LONG_BINGET idx = read_u4(io, state) val = state.memo[idx] push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_LIST val = PyList(poptomark!(state.stack)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_EMPTY_LIST val = PyList() push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_OBJ error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_PUT idx = read_decimalnl_short(io, state) state.memo[idx] = top(state.stack) elseif op == OP_BINPUT idx = read_u1(io, state) state.memo[idx] = top(state.stack) elseif op == OP_LONG_BINPUT idx = read_u4(io, state) state.memo[idx] = top(state.stack) elseif op == OP_SETITEM v = pop!(state.stack) k = pop!(state.stack) dict = top(state.stack)::PyDict push!(dict.items, Pair{Any,Any}(k, v)) elseif op == OP_TUPLE val = PyTuple(poptomark!(state.stack)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_EMPTY_TUPLE val = PyTuple() push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_SETITEMS kvs = poptomark!(state.stack) iseven(length(kvs)) || error("odd number of keys and values") dict = top(state.stack)::PyDict for i in 1:2:length(kvs) push!(dict.items, Pair{Any,Any}(kvs[i], kvs[i+1])) end elseif op == OP_BINFLOAT val = read_f8(io, state) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_PROTO error("unexpected op: $op") elseif op == OP_NEWOBJ args = pop!(state.stack)::PyTuple cls = pop!(state.stack) val = PyNewObj(cls, args.values) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_EXT1 error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_EXT2 error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_EXT4 error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_TUPLE1 x1 = pop!(state.stack) val = PyTuple(Any[x1]) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_TUPLE2 x2 = pop!(state.stack) x1 = pop!(state.stack) val = PyTuple(Any[x1, x2]) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_TUPLE3 x3 = pop!(state.stack) x2 = pop!(state.stack) x1 = pop!(state.stack) val = PyTuple(Any[x1, x2, x3]) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_NEWTRUE val = true push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_NEWFALSE val = false push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_LONG1 error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_LONG4 error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_BINBYTES sz = read_u4(io, state) val = PyBytes(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_SHORT_BINBYTES sz = read_u1(io, state) val = PyBytes(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_SHORT_BINUNICODE sz = read_u1(io, state) val = String(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_BINUNICODE8 sz = read_u8(io, state) val = String(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_BINBYTES8 sz = read_u8(io, state) val = PyBytes(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_EMPTY_SET val = PySet() push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_ADDITEMS xs = poptomark!(state.stack) set = top(state.stack)::PySet append!(set.values, xs) elseif op == OP_FROZENSET val = PyFrozenSet(poptomark!(state.stack)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_NEWOBJ_EX kwargs = pop!(state.stack)::PyDict args = pop!(state.stack)::PyTuple cls = pop!(state.stack) val = PyNewObj(cls, args.values, kwargs.items) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_STACK_GLOBAL attr = pop!(state.stack)::String mod = pop!(state.stack)::String val = PyGlobal(mod, attr) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_MEMOIZE push!(state.memo, top(state.stack)) elseif op == OP_FRAME # TODO: we could reuse `frameio` to avoid some allocations sz = read_u8(io, state) pos = state.pos frameio = IOBuffer(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) while !eof(frameio) op = read_opcode(frameio, state) stop = doop(op, state, frameio) stop && return true end state.pos = pos + sz elseif op == OP_BYTEARRAY8 sz = read_u8(io, state) val = PyByteArray(read_bytes(io, state, sz)) push!(state.stack, val) elseif op == OP_NEXT_BUFFER error("opcode not implemented: $op") elseif op == OP_READONLY_BUFFER error("opcode not implemented: $op") else error("opcode not implemented: $op") end return false end
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#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import math import pdb from torch.autograd import Variable ####################################################################### # def barlow_loss(B,C,lamda): # Batch_size,_, Dim = B.size() # batch_correlation=torch.matmul(C,B.transpose(1,2))/Batch_size # I=torch.eye(Dim) # IR=torch.cat([I.unsqueeze(0)]*Batch_size,dim=0) # batch_correlation_loss=(batch_correlation-IR).pow(2) # #breakpoint() # off_diag = lamda*(batch_correlation_loss*(1-IR)).sum() # diag = (IR*batch_correlation_loss).sum() # similarity = off_diag + diag # print('off_diag',off_diag,'diag',diag) # #print(diag<off_diag/20) # return similarity ####################################################################### #========================================================================== def cal_performance(pred, gold,IGNORE_ID,normalize_length=False,smoothing=0.0): """Calculate cross entropy loss, apply label smoothing if needed. Args: pred: N x T x C, score before softmax ;;;; gold: N x T """ pred=pred.unsqueeze(1) gold=gold.unsqueeze(1) #breakpoint() pred = pred.view(-1, pred.size(2)) gold = gold.contiguous().view(-1) loss = cal_loss(pred, gold,IGNORE_ID,normalize_length,smoothing) pred = pred.max(1)[1] non_pad_mask = gold.ne(IGNORE_ID) n_correct = pred.eq(gold) n_correct = n_correct.masked_select(non_pad_mask).sum().item() n_correct=n_correct/float(non_pad_mask.sum()) n_correct=1.0-n_correct return loss, n_correct #=============================================== #=============================================== def cal_loss(pred, gold,IGNORE_ID,normalize_length,smoothing): """Calculate cross entropy loss, apply label smoothing if needed. """ normalize_length=True if smoothing > 0.0: eps = smoothing n_class = pred.size(1) #breakpoint() # Generate one-hot matrix: N x C. # Only label position is 1 and all other positions are 0 # gold include -1 value (IGNORE_ID) and this will lead to assert error gold_for_scatter = gold.ne(IGNORE_ID).long() * gold one_hot = torch.zeros_like(pred).scatter(1, gold_for_scatter.view(-1, 1), 1) one_hot = one_hot * (1 - eps) + (1 - one_hot) * eps / n_class #breakpoint() log_prb = F.log_softmax(pred, dim=1) non_pad_mask = gold.ne(IGNORE_ID) n_word = non_pad_mask.sum().item() loss = -(one_hot * log_prb).sum(dim=1) loss = loss.masked_select(non_pad_mask).sum() / n_word print('CE_loss',loss) else: loss = F.cross_entropy(pred, gold, ignore_index=IGNORE_ID, reduction='elementwise_mean') return loss ####################################################################### def barlow_loss_VICReg(z_a,z_b,lamda): """ x_a, x_b = augment(x) #compute representations z_a = f(x_a) # N x D z_b = f(x_b) # N x D # invariance loss sim_loss = mse_loss(z_a, z_b) # variance loss std_z_a = torch.sqrt(z_a.var(dim=0) + 1e-04) std_z_b = torch.sqrt(z_b.var(dim=0) + 1e-04) std_loss = torch.mean(relu(1 - std_z_a)) std_loss = std_loss + torch.mean(relu(1 - std_z_b)) # covariance loss z_a = z_a - z_a.mean(dim=0) z_b = z_b - z_b.mean(dim=0) cov_z_a = (z_a.T @ z_a) / (N - 1) cov_z_b = (z_b.T @ z_b) / (N - 1) cov_loss = off_diagonal(cov_z_a).pow_(2).sum() / D cov_loss = cov_loss + off_diagonal(cov_z_b).pow_(2).sum() / D # loss loss = lambda * sim_loss + mu * std_loss + nu * cov_loss # optimization step loss.backward() optimizer.step() """ lamda,mu,nu=0.1,0.1,0.1 N,D = z_a.size() mse_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') sim_loss = mse_loss(z_a, z_b) ###mean keeps loss independent of proj_dim sim_loss = sim_loss.mean(dim=1) std_z_a = torch.sqrt(torch.var(z_a,dim=0) + 1e-04) std_z_b = torch.sqrt(torch.var(z_b,dim=0) + 1e-04) std_loss = torch.mean(F.relu(1 - std_z_a)) + torch.mean(F.relu(1 - std_z_b)) z_a = z_a -torch.mean(z_a, dim=0, keepdim=True) z_b = z_b -torch.mean(z_b, dim=0, keepdim=True) cov_z_a = torch.mm(z_a.transpose(0,1),z_a)/ (N - 1) cov_z_b = torch.mm(z_b.transpose(0,1),z_b)/ (N - 1) IR=torch.cat([torch.eye(D).unsqueeze(0)]*N,dim=0) offdiag_a = ((cov_z_a*(1-IR))**2).sum(dim=1) / D offdiag_b = ((cov_z_b*(1-IR))**2).sum(dim=1) / D cov_loss = offdiag_a + offdiag_b cov_loss = cov_loss.sum(dim=1) loss = lamda * sim_loss + mu * std_loss + nu * cov_loss loss = loss.sum() #print('loss',loss,',sim_loss,',sim_loss,'std_loss', std_loss,'cov_loss', cov_loss) return loss ####################################################################### class Barlow_CE_Loss(nn.Module): def __init__(self,input_dim,proj_dim): super(Barlow_CE_Loss,self).__init__() self.Linear_proj=nn.Linear(input_dim,proj_dim) self.barlow_loss=barlow_loss_VICReg self.cal_performance=cal_performance def forward(self,B,C,D): z_a = self.Linear_proj(B) z_b = self.Linear_proj(C) Bar_los = self.barlow_loss(z_a,z_b,1) self.cal_performance(B,D,IGNORE_ID=1024,normalize_length=False,smoothing=0.1) print(Bar_los) ####################################################################### loss=Barlow_CE_Loss(1024,200) for i in range(1,100): B=torch.randn(2,1024) C=torch.randn(2,1024) D=torch.randint(low=0, high=1024,size=(2,1)) # C=-1*B #barlow_loss(B,C,1) #barlow_loss_VICReg(B,C,1) loss(B,C,D)
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## # This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, # pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. # # U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA # This software product contains export-restricted data whose # export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination # to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires # an export license or other authorization. # # Contractor Name: Raytheon Company # Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 # Mail Stop B8 # Omaha, NE 68106 # 402.291.0100 # # See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for # further licensing information. ## # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical # support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for # any purpose. # # RHTool # # Author: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version # of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file. ## ToolType = "numeric" WeatherElementEdited = "RH" from numpy import * import SmartScript class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript): def __init__(self, dbss): SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss) def execute(self, T, Td): "This smart tool uses temp and dew pt to derive RH" # Determine new value Tc = .556 * (T - 32.0) Tdc = .556 * (Td - 32.0) Vt = 6.11 * pow(10,(Tc * 7.5 / (Tc + 237.3))) Vd = 6.11 * pow(10,(Tdc * 7.5 / (Tdc + 237.3))) RH = (Vd / Vt) * 100.0 # Return the new value return RH
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# @recipe function f(e::Event;coloring=[], labeling=[],show_pulses=true) # if show_pulses==true # n_wps = size(e.weighting_potentials,1) # width = 800 # length = width+n_wps*width/2 # size --> (width,length) # myheights = [width/length] # for i in 1:n_wps # push!(myheights,(width/2)/length) # end # layout --> (n_wps+1,1) #grid(n_wps+1,1,heights=myheights) # @series begin # subplot := 1 # coloring --> coloring # labeling --> labeling # e.detector # end # for itr in 1:e.n_sites # @series begin # itr == 1 ? showlabel --> true : showlabel --> false # subplot := 1 # myscale := 1/e.detector.geometry_unit_factor # e.trajectories_e[itr] # end # @series begin # itr == 1 ? showlabel --> true : showlabel --> false # subplot := 1 # myscale := 1/e.detector.geometry_unit_factor # e.trajectories_h[itr] # end # end # for iwp in 1:n_wps # @series begin # subplot := 1+iwp # e.pulses[iwp] # end # end # else # width,length = 800, 800 # size --> (width,length) # @series begin # subplot := 1 # coloring --> coloring # labeling --> labeling # e.detector # end # for itr in 1:e.n_sites # @series begin # itr == 1 ? showlabel --> true : showlabel --> false # subplot := 1 # myscale := 1/e.detector.geometry_unit_factor # e.trajectories_e[itr] # end # @series begin # itr == 1 ? showlabel --> true : showlabel --> false # subplot := 1 # myscale := 1/e.detector.geometry_unit_factor # e.trajectories_h[itr] # end # end # end # end
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using LightGraphs using SparseArrays import Base: show, eltype, copy import LightGraphs: nv, has_edge, has_vertex, add_edge!, rem_edge!, rem_vertex!, rem_vertices!, add_vertex!, add_vertices!, outneighbors, inneighbors, vertices, edges, adjacency_matrix, src, dst, nv, edgetype export AbstractMultigraph # export multype """ AbstractMultigraph{T}<:AbstractGraph{T} An abstract type representing a multigraph. """ abstract type AbstractMultigraph{T<:Integer} <:AbstractGraph{T} end function copy(mg::AbstractMultigraph{T}) where {T} end function show(io::IO, mg::AbstractMultigraph{T}) where {T} dir = is_directed(mg) ? "directed" : "undirected" print(io, "{$(nv(mg)), $(ne(mg))} $(dir) $(T) multigraph") end eltype(mg::AbstractMultigraph{T}) where {T<:Integer} = T multype(mg::AbstractMultigraph) = Int edgetype(mg::AbstractMultigraph) = MultipleEdge{eltype(mg), multype(mg)} function nv(mg::AbstractMultigraph) end function vertices(mg::AbstractMultigraph) end function adjacency_matrix(mg::AbstractMultigraph) end function has_edge(mg::AbstractMultigraph, e::AbstractMultipleEdge) s = src(e) d = dst(e) if has_vertex(mg, s) && has_vertex(mg, d) return mul(mg, s, d) >= mul(e) end return false end has_edge(mg::AbstractMultigraph, t) = has_edge(mg, MultipleEdge(t)) add_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, t) = add_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(t)) rem_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, t) = rem_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(t)) has_edge(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y) = has_edge(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y)) add_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y) = add_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y)) rem_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y) = rem_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y)) """ has_edge(mg::AbstractMultigraph, s, d, mul) Return `true` if `mg` has a multiple edge from `s` to `d` whose multiplicity is not less than `mul`. ## Examples ```julia julia> using LightGraphs, Multigraphs julia> mg = Multigraph(3); julia> add_edge!(mg, 1, 2, 2); julia> has_edge(mg, 1, 2, 3) false julia> has_edge(mg, 1, 2, 2) true ``` """ has_edge(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y, z) = has_edge(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y, z)) """ add_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, s, d, mul) Add a multiple edge from `s` to `d` multiplicity `mul`. If there is a multiple edge from `s` to `d`, it will increase its multiplicity by `mul`. Return `true` multiple edge was added successfully, otherwise return `false`. ## Examples ```julia julia> using LightGraphs, Multigraphs julia> mg = Multigraph(3); julia> e = MultipleEdge(1, 2, 1); julia> add_edge!(mg, e); julia> ne(mg, true) 1 julia> add_edge!(mg, e); julia> ne(mg, true) 2 ``` """ add_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y, z) = add_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y, z)) """ rem_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, s, d, mul) Remove the multiplicity of edge from `s` to `d` by `mul` in `mg`, if `mg` has such a multiple edge. ## Examples ```julia julia> using LightGraphs, Multigraphs julia> mg = Multigraph(3); julia> add_edge!(mg, 1, 2, 2); julia> rem_edge!(mg, 1, 2, 3) false julia> rem_edge!(mg, 1, 2, 2) true ``` """ rem_edge!(mg::AbstractMultigraph, x, y, z) = rem_edge!(mg, MultipleEdge(x, y, z)) has_vertex(mg::AbstractMultigraph, v::Integer) = v in vertices(mg) rem_vertex!(mg::AbstractMultigraph{T}, v::T) where {T<:Integer} = rem_vertices!(mg, [v]) add_vertex!(mg::AbstractMultigraph{T}) where {T<:Integer} = add_vertices!(mg, one(T)) function outneighbors(mg::AbstractMultigraph, v) end function inneighbors(mg::AbstractMultigraph, v) end """ edges(mg::AbstractMultigraph) Return a `MultipleEdgeIter` for `mg`. ## Examples ```jltestdoc julia> julia> using LightGraphs, Multigraphs julia> mg = Multigraph(path_graph(4)); julia> add_edge!(mg, 1, 3, 2); julia> collect(edges(mg)) 4-element Array{Any,1}: Multiple edge 1 => 2 with multiplicity 1 Multiple edge 1 => 3 with multiplicity 2 Multiple edge 2 => 3 with multiplicity 1 Multiple edge 3 => 4 with multiplicity 1 ``` """ edges(mg::AbstractMultigraph) = MultipleEdgeIter(mg) """ mul(mg::AbstractMultigraph, src, dst) Return the multiplicity of the edge from `src` to `dst`. """
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from sys import argv from contextlib import redirect_stdout from random import randint import numpy as np # generate two RxC matrices and their multiplication # $ python c_array_gen.py 16 16 > data.txt RS = 8 CS = 8 fm_np = np.random.randint(-128,127, size=(RS, CS)) sm_np = np.random.randint(-128,127, size=(RS, CS)) verify_np = np.zeros((RS,CS)) def create_c_array(RS,CS,rnd_matrix,nm): print(f'static const signed char DATA_{nm}[{RS}][{CS}] = ',end='') for row in range(0,RS): if(row == 0): print('{ {',end='') else: print(' {',end='') for column in range(0,CS-1): r_int = rnd_matrix[row,column] print("{0:>6}".format(r_int) + ',',end='') r_int = rnd_matrix[row,column+1] print("{0:>6}".format(r_int) ,end='}') if(row == RS-1): print("};") else: print(',') create_c_array(RS,CS,fm_np,0) print('',end='\n') create_c_array(RS,CS,sm_np,1) print('',end='\n') verify_np = np.matmul(fm_np, sm_np) create_c_array(RS,CS,verify_np,2)
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import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv ''' Kalman smoothing of trajectories using INS transforms combined with ICP scan matching ''' def kf_pass(A0, B0, C1, d1, Q0, R1, mu00, Sigma00, u0, z1): # Kalman filter forward pass # Follows convention: # x1 = A0*x0 + B0*u0 + eta, eta ~ N(0, Q0) # z1 = C1*x1 + d1 + delta, delta ~ N(0, R1) # Dynamics update mu10 = np.dot(A0, mu00) if B0 is not None and u0 is not None: mu10 = mu10 + np.dot(B0, u0) Sigma10 = np.dot(np.dot(A0, Sigma00), A0.T) + Q0 # Measurement update if z1 is not None: K = np.dot(np.dot(Sigma10, C1.T), inv(np.dot(np.dot(C1, Sigma10), C1.T) + R1)) mu11 = mu10 + np.dot(K, (z1 - np.dot(C1, mu10) + d1)) Sigma11 = np.dot(np.eye(A0.shape[0]) - np.dot(K, C1), Sigma10) else: mu11 = mu10 Sigma11 = Sigma10 # Return mu10 and Sigma10 as well for smoothing return (mu10, Sigma10, mu11, Sigma11) def ks_pass(A, mu00, mu10, mu1T, Sigma00, Sigma10, Sigma1T): # Kalman smoother backward pass L = np.dot(np.dot(Sigma00, A.T), inv(Sigma10)) mu0T = mu00 + np.dot(L, (mu1T - mu10)) Sigma0T = Sigma00 + np.dot(np.dot(L, Sigma1T - Sigma10), L.T) return (mu0T, Sigma0T) def plot_kfs_states(mus, Tmus, Sigmas, TSigmas, imu_states, coord=0): # Plots to compare GPS positions to positions after filtering and smoothing import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cn = ['x', 'y', 'z'][coord] ys1 = np.array([mu[coord] for mu in mus]) ys2 = np.array([mu[coord] for mu in Tmus]) ys3 = np.array(imu_states[:, coord]) sigmas = np.array([Sigma[coord, coord] for Sigma in Sigmas]) Tsigmas = np.array([Sigma[coord, coord] for Sigma in TSigmas]) plt.figure() # Original GPS positions plt.plot(range(nt), ys3, 'r-', label='$%s\mathrm{\ GPS}$' % cn) # Kalman filter results plt.plot(range(nt), ys1, 'b-', label='$%s\mathrm{\ filtered}$' % cn) # Plot variance interval as well -- should be periodic plt.plot(range(nt), ys1 + sigmas, 'b:', label='$%s\mathrm{\ filtered\ } \pm\ \Sigma_{%s%s}$' % (cn, cn, cn)) plt.plot(range(nt), ys1 - sigmas, 'b:') # Kalman smoother results plt.plot(range(nt), ys2, 'g-', label='$%s\mathrm{\ smoothed}$' % cn) plt.plot(range(nt), ys2 + Tsigmas, 'g:', label='$%s\mathrm{\ smoothed\ } \pm\ \Sigma_{%s%s}$' % (cn, cn, cn)) plt.plot(range(nt), ys2 - Tsigmas, 'g:') handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles, labels, prop={'size': 20}, loc=0) plt.show() def plot_kfs_deltas(mus, Tmus, Sigmas, TSigmas, imu_states, coord=0): # Plots to compare GPS positions to positions after filtering and smoothing import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cn = ['x', 'y', 'z'][coord] T = len(mus) ys1 = np.array([mu[coord] for mu in mus]) ys2 = np.array([mu[coord] for mu in Tmus]) ys3 = np.array(imu_states[:, coord]) dys1 = ys1[1:] - ys1[:-1] dys2 = ys2[1:] - ys2[:-1] dys3 = ys3[1:] - ys3[:-1] plt.figure() # Original GPS position deltas plt.plot(range(1, T), dys3, 'r-', label='$\Delta %s\mathrm{\ GPS}$' % cn) # Kalman filter deltas plt.plot(range(1, T), dys1, 'b-', label='$\Delta %s\mathrm{\ filtered}$' % cn) # Kalman smoother deltas plt.plot(range(1, T), dys2, 'g-', label='$\Delta %s\mathrm{\ smoothed}$' % cn) # Difference between smoother and filter #plt.plot(range(1, T), dys2 - dys1, 'm-', label='$\Delta %s\mathrm{\ smoothed} - \Delta %s\mathrm{\ filtered}$' % (cn, cn)) handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles, labels, prop={'size': 20}, loc=0) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': import os import sys import h5py from ArgParser import parse_args from GPSReader import GPSReader from GPSTransforms import IMUTransforms from pipeline_config import ICP_TRANSFORMS_DIR, EXPORT_START, EXPORT_NUM,\ EXPORT_STEP args = parse_args(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) # Load INS data gps_reader = GPSReader(args['gps']) GPSData = gps_reader.getNumericData() imu_transforms = IMUTransforms(GPSData) if '--full' in sys.argv: T_start = 0 T_end = GPSData.shape[0] - GPSData.shape[0] % EXPORT_STEP else: T_start = EXPORT_START T_end = T_start + EXPORT_NUM * EXPORT_STEP nt = T_end - T_start imu_states = imu_transforms[T_start:T_end, 0:3, 3] INS_VAR = 1.0 # PARAM SCAN_VAR = 0.1 # PARAM VEL_VAR = 0.5 # PARAM # Load ICP transform corrections icp_transforms = list() for t in range(1, nt / EXPORT_STEP): h5_file = os.path.join(ICP_TRANSFORMS_DIR, '%d.h5' % t) print h5_file h5f = h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') transform = h5f['transform'][...] h5f.close() icp_transforms.append(transform) # Set up variables for Kalman smoothing # Same across all time steps A = np.eye(6) A[0, 3] = A[1, 4] = A[2, 5] = 1.0 B = None C = np.concatenate((np.eye(3), np.eye(3)), axis=0) C = np.concatenate((C, np.zeros((6, 3))), axis=1) def has_obs(t): #return t % EXPORT_STEP == EXPORT_STEP - 1 and t < nt - 1 return t % EXPORT_STEP == 0 # Dependent on t us = list() ds = list() Qs = list() Qs.append(np.diag([0.01, 0.3, 0.3, VEL_VAR, VEL_VAR, VEL_VAR])) # PARAM Rs = list() for t in range(1, nt): us.append(None) ds.append(np.zeros(6)) delta_state = np.abs(imu_states[t, :] - imu_states[t - 1, :]) Qs.append(np.diag(np.concatenate((10 * delta_state, delta_state)))) if has_obs(t): # Got an ICP scan Rs.append(np.diag([INS_VAR, INS_VAR, INS_VAR, SCAN_VAR, SCAN_VAR, SCAN_VAR])) else: # Didn't get an ICP scan Rs.append(np.diag([INS_VAR, INS_VAR, INS_VAR, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf])) # Run Kalman filter mus = list() # mu_{t|t} Sigmas = list() # Sigma_{t|t} dmus = list() # mu_{t+1|t} dSigmas = list() # Sigma_{t+1|t} mu00 = np.concatenate((imu_states[0, :], imu_states[1, :] - imu_states[0, :])) Sigma00 = Qs[0] mus.append(mu00) Sigmas.append(Sigma00) for t in range(1, nt): z = None d = ds[t - 1] u = us[t - 1] if has_obs(t): # Get an ICP observation z = np.concatenate((imu_states[t, :], imu_states[t, :] + icp_transforms[(t / EXPORT_STEP) - 1][0:3, 3])) else: z = np.concatenate((imu_states[t, :], imu_states[t, :])) dm, dSig, m, Sig = kf_pass(A, B, C, d, Qs[t], Rs[t-1], mus[-1], Sigmas[-1], u, z) mus.append(m) Sigmas.append(Sig) dmus.append(dm) dSigmas.append(dSig) # Run Kalman smoothing Tmus = list() # mu_{t|T} TSigmas = list() # Sigma_{t|T} Tmus.append(mus[-1]) TSigmas.append(Sigmas[-1]) for t in range(nt - 2, -1, -1): Tm, TSig = ks_pass(A, mus[t], dmus[t], Tmus[0], Sigmas[t], dSigmas[t], TSigmas[0]) # Prepend Tmus.insert(0, Tm) TSigmas.insert(0, TSig) # Plot stuff plot_kfs_states(mus, Tmus, Sigmas, TSigmas, imu_states, coord=2) #plot_kfs_deltas(mus, Tmus, Sigmas, TSigmas, imu_states, coord=2) # Export smoothed transforms to file imu_transforms_smoothed = imu_transforms for t in range(T_start, T_end): imu_transforms_smoothed[t, 0:3, 3] = Tmus[t - T_start][0:3] # FIXME Pass in output file np.savez('imu_transforms_smoothed.npz', data=imu_transforms_smoothed)
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#!/usr/bin/python3 import cv2 import imageio import logging import numpy as np import os from pathlib import Path import pdb import time import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.utils.data import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from typing import List, Tuple import tqdm import mmcv from mseg.utils.dir_utils import check_mkdir, create_leading_fpath_dirs from mseg.utils.names_utils import get_universal_class_names from mseg.utils.mask_utils_detectron2 import Visualizer from mseg.utils.resize_util import resize_img_by_short_side from mseg.taxonomy.taxonomy_converter import TaxonomyConverter from mseg.taxonomy.naive_taxonomy_converter import NaiveTaxonomyConverter from mseg_semantic.model.pspnet import PSPNet from mseg_semantic.utils.avg_meter import AverageMeter from mseg_semantic.utils.normalization_utils import ( get_imagenet_mean_std, normalize_img ) from mseg_semantic.utils.cv2_video_utils import VideoWriter, VideoReader from mseg_semantic.utils import dataset, transform, config from mseg_semantic.utils.img_path_utils import dump_relpath_txt """ Given a specified task, run inference on it using a pre-trained network. Used for demos, and for testing on an evaluation dataset. If projecting universal taxonomy into a different evaluation taxonomy, the argmax comes *after* the linear mapping, so that probabilities can be summed first. Note: "base size" should be the length of the shorter side of the desired inference image resolution. Note that the official PSPNet repo (https://github.com/hszhao/semseg/blob/master/tool/test.py) treats base_size as the longer side, which we found less intuitive given screen resolution is generally described by shorter side length. "base_size" is a very important parameter and will affect results significantly. """ _ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent def get_logger(): """ """ logger_name = "main-logger" logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() fmt = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s line %(lineno)d %(process)d] %(message)s" handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt)) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger logger = get_logger() def get_unique_stem_from_last_k_strs(fpath: str, k: int = 4) -> str: """ Args: - fpath - k Returns: - unique_stem: string """ parts = Path(fpath).parts unique_stem = '_'.join(parts[-4:-1]) + '_' + Path(fpath).stem return unique_stem class ToFlatLabel(object): def __init__(self, tc_init, dataset): self.dataset = dataset self.tc = tc_init def __call__(self, image, label): return image, self.tc.transform_label(label, self.dataset) def resize_by_scaled_short_side( image: np.ndarray, base_size: int, scale: float ) -> np.ndarray: """ Args: - image: Numpy array of shape () - scale: Returns: - image_scale: """ h, w, _ = image.shape short_size = round(scale * base_size) new_h = short_size new_w = short_size # Preserve the aspect ratio if h > w: new_h = round(short_size/float(w)*h) else: new_w = round(short_size/float(h)*w) image_scale = cv2.resize(image, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return image_scale def pad_to_crop_sz( image: np.ndarray, crop_h: int, crop_w: int, mean: Tuple[float,float,float] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray,int,int]: """ Network input should be at least crop size, so we pad using mean values if provided image is too small. No rescaling is performed here. We use cv2.copyMakeBorder to copy the source image into the middle of a destination image. The areas to the left, to the right, above and below the copied source image will be filled with extrapolated pixels, in this case the provided mean pixel intensity. Args: - image: - crop_h: integer representing crop height - crop_w: integer representing crop width Returns: - image: Numpy array of shape (crop_h x crop_w) representing a square image, with short side of square is at least crop size. - pad_h_half: half the number of pixels used as padding along height dim - pad_w_half" half the number of pixels used as padding along width dim """ ori_h, ori_w, _ = image.shape pad_h = max(crop_h - ori_h, 0) pad_w = max(crop_w - ori_w, 0) pad_h_half = int(pad_h / 2) pad_w_half = int(pad_w / 2) if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0: image = cv2.copyMakeBorder( src=image, top=pad_h_half, bottom=pad_h - pad_h_half, left=pad_w_half, right=pad_w - pad_w_half, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=mean ) return image, pad_h_half, pad_w_half def imread_rgb(img_fpath: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns: - RGB 3 channel nd-array with shape H * W * 3 """ bgr_img = cv2.imread(img_fpath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) rgb_img = np.float32(rgb_img) return rgb_img class InferenceTask: def __init__(self, args, base_size: int, crop_h: int, crop_w: int, input_file: str, output_taxonomy: str, scales: List[float], use_gpu: bool = True ): """ We always use the ImageNet mean and standard deviation for normalization. mean: 3-tuple of floats, representing pixel mean value std: 3-tuple of floats, representing pixel standard deviation 'args' should contain at least two fields (shown below). Args: - args: - base_size: - crop_h: integer representing crop height, e.g. 473 - crop_w: integer representing crop width, e.g. 473 - input_file: could be absolute path to .txt file, .mp4 file, or to a directory full of jpg images - output_taxonomy - scales - use_gpu """ self.args = args assert isinstance(self.args.img_name_unique, bool) assert isinstance(self.args.print_freq, int) assert isinstance(self.args.num_model_classes, int) assert isinstance(self.args.model_path, str) self.pred_dim = self.args.num_model_classes self.base_size = base_size self.crop_h = crop_h self.crop_w = crop_w self.input_file = input_file self.output_taxonomy = output_taxonomy self.scales = scales self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.mean, self.std = get_imagenet_mean_std() self.model = self.load_model(args) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) self.gray_folder = None # optional, intended for dataloader use self.data_list = None # optional, intended for dataloader use if self.output_taxonomy != 'universal': assert isinstance(self.args.dataset, str) self.dataset_name = args.dataset self.tc = TaxonomyConverter() if self.args.arch == 'psp': assert isinstance(self.args.zoom_factor, int) assert isinstance(self.args.network_name, int) self.id_to_class_name_map = { i: classname for i, classname in enumerate(get_universal_class_names()) } # indicate which scales were used to make predictions # (multi-scale vs. single-scale) self.scales_str = 'ms' if len(args.scales) > 1 else 'ss' def load_model(self, args): """ Load Pytorch pre-trained model from disk of type torch.nn.DataParallel. Note that `args.num_model_classes` will be size of logits output. Args: - args: Returns: - model """ if args.arch == 'psp': model = PSPNet( layers=args.layers, classes=args.num_model_classes, zoom_factor=args.zoom_factor, pretrained=False, network_name=args.network_name ) elif args.arch == 'hrnet': from mseg_semantic.model.seg_hrnet import get_configured_hrnet # note apex batchnorm is hardcoded model = get_configured_hrnet(args.num_model_classes, load_imagenet_model=False) elif args.arch == 'hrnet_ocr': from mseg_semantic.model.seg_hrnet_ocr import get_configured_hrnet_ocr model = get_configured_hrnet_ocr(args.num_model_classes) # logger.info(model) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) if self.use_gpu: model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True if os.path.isfile(args.model_path): logger.info(f"=> loading checkpoint '{args.model_path}'") if self.use_gpu: checkpoint = torch.load(args.model_path) else: checkpoint = torch.load(args.model_path, map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=False) logger.info(f"=> loaded checkpoint '{args.model_path}'") else: raise RuntimeError(f"=> no checkpoint found at '{args.model_path}'") return model def execute(self) -> None: """ Execute the demo, i.e. feed all of the desired input through the network and obtain predictions. Gracefully handles .txt, or video file (.mp4, etc), or directory input. """ logger.info('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Start inference task >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') self.model.eval() suffix = self.input_file[-4:] is_dir = os.path.isdir(self.input_file) is_img = suffix in ['.png', '.jpg'] is_vid = suffix in ['.mp4', '.avi', '.mov'] if is_img: self.render_single_img_pred() elif is_dir: # argument is a path to a directory self.create_path_lists_from_dir() test_loader = self.create_test_loader() self.execute_on_dataloader(test_loader) elif is_vid: # argument is a video self.execute_on_video() elif not is_dir and not is_img and self.args.dataset != 'default': # evaluate on a train or test dataset test_loader = self.create_test_loader() self.execute_on_dataloader(test_loader) else: logger.info('Error: Unknown input type') logger.info('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Inference task completed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') def render_single_img_pred(self, min_resolution: int = 1080): """ Since overlaid class text is difficult to read below 1080p, we upsample predictions. """ in_fname_stem = Path(self.input_file).stem output_gray_fpath = f'{in_fname_stem}_gray.jpg' output_demo_fpath = f'{in_fname_stem}_overlaid_classes.jpg' logger.info(f'Write image prediction to {output_demo_fpath}') rgb_img = imread_rgb(self.input_file) pred_label_img = self.execute_on_img(rgb_img) # avoid blurry images by upsampling RGB before overlaying text if np.amin(rgb_img.shape[:2]) < min_resolution: rgb_img = resize_img_by_short_side(rgb_img, min_resolution, 'rgb') pred_label_img = resize_img_by_short_side(pred_label_img, min_resolution, 'label') metadata = None frame_visualizer = Visualizer(rgb_img, metadata) overlaid_img = frame_visualizer.overlay_instances( label_map=pred_label_img, id_to_class_name_map=self.id_to_class_name_map ) imageio.imwrite(output_demo_fpath, overlaid_img) imageio.imwrite(output_gray_fpath, pred_label_img) def create_path_lists_from_dir(self) -> None: """ Populate a .txt file with relative paths that will be used to create a Pytorch dataloader. Args: - None Returns: - None """ self.args.data_root = self.input_file txt_output_dir = str(Path(f'{_ROOT}/temp_files').resolve()) txt_save_fpath = dump_relpath_txt(self.input_file, txt_output_dir) self.args.test_list = txt_save_fpath def create_test_loader(self): """ Create a Pytorch dataloader from a dataroot and list of relative paths. """ test_transform = transform.Compose([transform.ToTensor()]) test_data = dataset.SemData( split=self.args.split, data_root=self.args.data_root, data_list=self.args.test_list, transform=test_transform ) index_start = self.args.index_start if self.args.index_step == 0: index_end = len(test_data.data_list) else: index_end = min(index_start + args.index_step, len(test_data.data_list)) test_data.data_list = test_data.data_list[index_start:index_end] self.data_list = test_data.data_list test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=self.args.workers, pin_memory=True ) return test_loader def execute_on_img_single(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rather than feeding in crops w/ sliding window across the full-res image, we downsample/upsample the image to a default inference size. This may differ from the best training size. For example, if trained on small images, we must shrink down the image in testing (preserving the aspect ratio), based on the parameter "base_size", which is the short side of the image. Args: - image: Numpy array representing RGB image Returns: - gray_img: prediction, representing predicted label map """ h, w, _ = image.shape scale = 1. image_scale = resize_by_scaled_short_side(image, self.base_size, scale) prediction = self.scale_process_cuda(image_scale, h, w) prediction = prediction.argmax(axis=2) gray_img = np.uint8(prediction) return gray_img def execute_on_img(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rather than feeding in crops w/ sliding window across the full-res image, we downsample/upsample the image to a default inference size. This may differ from the best training size. For example, if trained on small images, we must shrink down the image in testing (preserving the aspect ratio), based on the parameter "base_size", which is the short side of the image. Args: - image: Numpy array representing RGB image Returns: - gray_img: prediction, representing predicted label map """ h, w, _ = image.shape prediction = np.zeros((h, w, self.pred_dim), dtype=float) prediction = torch.Tensor(prediction).cuda() for scale in self.scales: image_scale = resize_by_scaled_short_side(image, self.base_size, scale) prediction = prediction + torch.Tensor(self.scale_process_cuda(image_scale, h, w)).cuda() prediction /= len(self.scales) prediction = torch.argmax(prediction, axis=2) prediction = prediction.data.cpu().numpy() gray_img = np.uint8(prediction) return gray_img def execute_on_video(self, max_num_frames: int = 5000, min_resolution: int = 1080) -> None: """ input_file is a path to a video file. Read frames from an RGB video file, and write overlaid predictions into a new video file. Args: - None Returns: - None """ in_fname_stem = Path(self.input_file).stem out_fname = f'{in_fname_stem}_{self.args.model_name}_universal' out_fname += f'_scales_{self.scales_str}_base_sz_{self.args.base_size}.mp4' output_video_fpath = f'{_ROOT}/temp_files/{out_fname}' create_leading_fpath_dirs(output_video_fpath) logger.info(f'Write video to {output_video_fpath}') writer = VideoWriter(output_video_fpath) reader = VideoReader(self.input_file) for frame_idx in range(reader.num_frames): logger.info(f'On image {frame_idx}/{reader.num_frames}') rgb_img = reader.get_frame() if frame_idx > max_num_frames: break pred_label_img = self.execute_on_img(rgb_img) # avoid blurry images by upsampling RGB before overlaying text if np.amin(rgb_img.shape[:2]) < min_resolution: rgb_img = resize_img_by_short_side(rgb_img, min_resolution, 'rgb') pred_label_img = resize_img_by_short_side(pred_label_img, min_resolution, 'label') metadata = None frame_visualizer = Visualizer(rgb_img, metadata) output_img = frame_visualizer.overlay_instances( label_map=pred_label_img, id_to_class_name_map=self.id_to_class_name_map ) writer.add_frame(output_img) reader.complete() writer.complete() def execute_on_dataloader(self, test_loader: torch.utils.data.dataloader.DataLoader): """ Args: - test_loader: Returns: - None """ if self.args.save_folder == 'default': self.args.save_folder = f'{_ROOT}/temp_files/{self.args.model_name}_{self.args.dataset}_universal_{self.scales_str}/{self.args.base_size}' os.makedirs(self.args.save_folder, exist_ok=True) gray_folder = os.path.join(self.args.save_folder, 'gray') self.gray_folder = gray_folder check_mkdir(self.gray_folder) data_time = AverageMeter() batch_time = AverageMeter() end = time.time() results = dict() # path: label_map for i, (input, _) in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(test_loader)): data_time.update(time.time() - end) # convert Pytorch tensor -> Numpy input = np.squeeze(input.numpy(), axis=0) image = np.transpose(input, (1, 2, 0)) gray_img = self.execute_on_img_single(image) batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() image_name, _ = self.data_list[i] img_id = image_name[len(self.input_file):] results[img_id] = gray_img # todo: update to time remaining. if 0 and ((i + 1) % self.args.print_freq == 0) or (i + 1 == len(test_loader)): logger.info('Test: [{}/{}] ' 'Data {data_time.val:.3f} ({data_time.avg:.3f}) ' 'Batch {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f}).'.format(i + 1, len(test_loader), data_time=data_time, batch_time=batch_time)) mmcv.dump(results, os.path.join(gray_folder, 'label_maps.pkl')) def scale_process_cuda(self, image: np.ndarray, h: int, w: int, stride_rate: float = 2/3): """ First, pad the image. If input is (384x512), then we must pad it up to shape to have shorter side "scaled base_size". Then we perform the sliding window on this scaled image, and then interpolate (downsample or upsample) the prediction back to the original one. At each pixel, we increment a counter for the number of times this pixel has passed through the sliding window. Args: - image: Array, representing image where shortest edge is adjusted to base_size - h: integer representing raw image height, e.g. for NYU it is 480 - w: integer representing raw image width, e.g. for NYU it is 640 - stride_rate Returns: - prediction: predictions with shorter side equal to self.base_size """ start1 = time.time() ori_h, ori_w, _ = image.shape image, pad_h_half, pad_w_half = pad_to_crop_sz(image, self.crop_h, self.crop_w, self.mean) new_h, new_w, _ = image.shape stride_h = int(np.ceil(self.crop_h*stride_rate)) stride_w = int(np.ceil(self.crop_w*stride_rate)) grid_h = int(np.ceil(float(new_h-self.crop_h)/stride_h) + 1) grid_w = int(np.ceil(float(new_w-self.crop_w)/stride_w) + 1) prediction_crop = torch.zeros((self.pred_dim, new_h, new_w)).cuda() count_crop = torch.zeros((new_h, new_w)).cuda() start = time.time() for index_h in range(0, grid_h): for index_w in range(0, grid_w): s_h = index_h * stride_h e_h = min(s_h + self.crop_h, new_h) s_h = e_h - self.crop_h s_w = index_w * stride_w e_w = min(s_w + self.crop_w, new_w) s_w = e_w - self.crop_w image_crop = image[s_h:e_h, s_w:e_w].copy() count_crop[s_h:e_h, s_w:e_w] += 1 prediction_crop[:, s_h:e_h, s_w:e_w] += self.net_process(image_crop, flip=False) start = time.time() prediction_crop /= count_crop.unsqueeze(0) # disregard predictions from padded portion of image prediction_crop = prediction_crop[:, pad_h_half:pad_h_half+ori_h, pad_w_half:pad_w_half+ori_w] # CHW -> HWC prediction_crop = prediction_crop.permute(1,2,0) prediction_crop = prediction_crop.data.cpu().numpy() prediction = prediction_crop # upsample or shrink predictions back down to scale=1.0 #prediction = cv2.resize(prediction_crop, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return prediction def net_process(self, image: np.ndarray, flip: bool = True): """ Feed input through the network. In addition to running a crop through the network, we can flip the crop horizontally, run both crops through the network, and then average them appropriately. Args: - model: - image: - flip: boolean, whether to average with flipped patch output Returns: - output: """ input = torch.from_numpy(image.transpose((2, 0, 1))).float() normalize_img(input, self.mean, self.std) input = input.unsqueeze(0) if self.use_gpu: input = input.cuda() if flip: # add another example to batch dimension, that is the flipped crop input = torch.cat([input, input.flip(3)], 0) with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(input) _, _, h_i, w_i = input.shape _, _, h_o, w_o = output.shape if (h_o != h_i) or (w_o != w_i): output = F.interpolate(output, (h_i, w_i), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) if self.output_taxonomy == 'universal': output = self.softmax(output) elif self.output_taxonomy == 'test_dataset': output = self.convert_pred_to_label_tax_and_softmax(output) else: print('Unrecognized output taxonomy. Quitting....') quit() # print(time.time() - start1, image_scale.shape, h, w) if flip: # take back out the flipped crop, correct its orientation, and average result output = (output[0] + output[1].flip(2)) / 2 else: output = output[0] # output = output.data.cpu().numpy() # convert CHW to HWC order # output = output.transpose(1, 2, 0) # output = output.permute(1,2,0) return output def convert_pred_to_label_tax_and_softmax(self, output): """ """ if not self.args.universal: output = self.tc.transform_predictions_test(output, self.args.dataset) else: output = self.tc.transform_predictions_universal(output, self.args.dataset) return output # def convert_label_to_pred_taxonomy(self, target): # """ # """ # if self.args.universal: # _, target = ToFlatLabel(self.tc, self.args.dataset)(target, target) # return target.type(torch.uint8).numpy() # else: # return target if __name__ == '__main__': pass
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""" Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst This script shows how to extract features from raw images. The use of this script requires a mask file, which has to be created with the script generate_mask.py (c) 2020, Michael Mommert ([email protected]) """ import os import requests import numpy as np import cloudynight # instantiate AllskyCamera object and define example image repository # relative to base directory (defined in __init__.py: example_data/) cam = cloudynight.AllskyCamera('images') # this will create a directory `workbench/images` in the repository root; # `images` is named after the raw image directory (could be a night directory) # read in mask file; has to be created with generate_mask.fits! cam.read_mask(filename='../workbench/images/mask.fits') # read in image data cam.read_data_from_directory(only_new_data=False) # this will automatically crop the images # only_new_data=True is necessary to read all data in the directory # generate subregions cam.generate_subregions() # use wrapper to process all images # `no_upload=True` can be removed if the webapp is setup properly cam.process_and_upload_data(no_upload=True) # plot background median values per subregion for all images for img in cam.imgdata: sourcedens_overlay = img.create_overlay(overlaytype='bkgmedian') img.write_image(overlay=sourcedens_overlay, mask=cam.maskdata, filename= os.path.join(cloudynight.conf.DIR_ARCHIVE, '{}_bkgmedian.png'.format( img.filename[:img.filename.find('.fit')])))
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import numpy as np def running_median(stream): med = [] for i in range(1, len(stream)+1): med.append(np.median(stream[:i])) return med if __name__ == '__main__': print(running_median([2, 1, 4, 7, 2, 0, 5])) # 2 1.5 2 3.0 2 2.0 2
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 import itertools import time from keithley2600b import SMU import click import zerorpc import sys import yaml import numpy as np import tempfile from scipy import stats from fabric import Connection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import msgpack import msgpack_numpy V_REF_DAC = 2.5 G_DAC_A = 1.0 G_DAC_V = 2.0 M_DAC = 16 adict = {"voltage_shp_V": 0, "voltage_shp_raw": 1, "voltage_ref_V": 2, "current_shp_A": 3, "current_shp_raw": 4, "current_ref_A" : 5, } INSTR_EMU = """ ---------------------- Characterize Emulation-Frontend ----------------------- - remove targets from target-ports - Connect SMU channel A Lo to P10-1 (Target-A GND) - Connect SMU channel A Hi to P10-2 (Target-A Voltage) - Resistor (~200 Ohm) and Cap (1-10 uF) between - P11-1 (Target-B GND) - P11-2 (Target-B Voltage) """ def convert_dac_voltage_to_raw(value_V: float) -> int: return int((value_V * (2 ** M_DAC)) / (G_DAC_V * V_REF_DAC)) def meas_emulator_setpoint(rpc_client, smu_channel, voltage_V, current_A): voltage_V = min(max(voltage_V, 0.0), 5.0) current_A = min(max(current_A, 0.0), 0.050) smu_channel.configure_isource(range=0.050) smu_channel.set_current(-current_A, vlimit=5.0) # negative current, because smu acts as a drain smu_channel.set_output(True) # write both dac-channels of emulator rpc_client.set_aux_target_voltage_raw(2 ** 20 + convert_dac_voltage_to_raw(voltage_V)) time.sleep(0.2) rpc_client.sample_emu_cal(3) # seems to solve some readout-errors at start meas_enc = rpc_client.sample_emu_cal(10) meas_rec = msgpack.unpackb(meas_enc, object_hook=msgpack_numpy.decode) adc_current_raw = float(np.mean(meas_rec)) # voltage measurement only for information, drop might appear severe, because 4port-measurement is not active smu_voltage = smu_channel.measure_voltage(range=5.0, nplc=1.0) print(f" reference: {current_A} A @ {smu_voltage:.4f} V; shepherd: " f"mean={adc_current_raw:.2f}, " f"[{np.min(meas_rec)}, {np.max(meas_rec)}], " f"stddev={np.std(meas_rec):.2f} " f"@ {voltage_V} V") smu_channel.set_output(False) return meas_rec, smu_voltage, current_A def measurement_dynamic(values: list, dict_val: str = "shepherd_raw") -> float: value_min = min([value[dict_val] for value in values]) value_max = max([value[dict_val] for value in values]) return value_max - value_min @click.group(context_settings=dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"], obj={})) def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.argument("host", type=str) @click.option("--user", "-u", type=str, default="joe", help="Host Username") @click.option("--password", "-p", type=str, default=None, help="Host User Password -> only needed when key-credentials are missing") @click.option("--outfile", "-o", type=click.Path(), help="save file, if no filename is provided the hostname will be used") @click.option("--smu-ip", type=str, default="") @click.option("--all", "all_", is_flag=True) @click.option("--harvesting", is_flag=True) @click.option("--emulation", is_flag=True) def measure(host, user, password, outfile, smu_ip, all_, harvesting, emulation): if all_: if harvesting or emulation: raise click.UsageError("Either provide --all or individual flags") harvesting = True emulation = True if not any([all_, harvesting, emulation]): harvesting = True emulation = True if password is not None: fabric_args = {"password": password} else: fabric_args = {} rpc_client = zerorpc.Client(timeout=60, heartbeat=20) measurement_dict = dict() if harvesting: raise click.UsageError("Currently not implemented") with SMU.ethernet_device(smu_ip) as smu, Connection(host, user=user, connect_kwargs=fabric_args) as cnx: # TODO: enable 4 Port Mode if possible res = cnx.sudo("systemctl restart shepherd-rpc", hide=True, warn=True) #time.sleep(4) rpc_client.connect(f"tcp://{ host }:4242") if emulation: click.echo(INSTR_EMU) usr_conf = click.confirm("Confirm that everything is set up ...") if usr_conf: measurement_dict["emulation"] = { "dac_voltage_a": list(), "dac_voltage_b": list(), "adc_current": list(), "adc_voltage": list(), # not existing currently } mode_old = rpc_client.switch_shepherd_mode("emulation_cal") print(f"Measurement - Emulation - Current - ADC Channel A - Target A") voltages_V = [0.0, 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5] currents_A = [0e-3, 1e-6, 5e-6, 10e-6, 50e-6, 100e-6, 500e-6, 1e-3, 5e-3, 10e-3, 15e-3, 20e-3, 25e-3, 30e-3, 35e-3, 40e-3, 45e-3] rpc_client.select_target_for_power_tracking(True) # targetA-Port will get the monitored dac-channel-b results_a = np.zeros([6, len(voltages_V) * len(currents_A)], dtype=object) for index, (current, voltage) in enumerate(itertools.product(currents_A, voltages_V)): cdata, v_meas, c_set = meas_emulator_setpoint(rpc_client, smu.A, voltage, current) results_a[0][index] = voltage results_a[1][index] = convert_dac_voltage_to_raw(voltage) results_a[2][index] = v_meas results_a[3][index] = current results_a[4][index] = cdata results_a[5][index] = c_set print(f"Measurement - Emulation - Current - ADC Channel A - Target B") voltages_V = np.linspace(0.0, 4.5, 46) currents_A = [20e-3] rpc_client.select_target_for_power_tracking(False) # targetB-Port will get the monitored dac-channel-b results_b = np.zeros([6, len(voltages_V) * len(currents_A)], dtype=object) for index, (current, voltage) in enumerate(itertools.product(currents_A, voltages_V)): cdata, v_meas, c_set = meas_emulator_setpoint(rpc_client, smu.B, voltage, current) results_b[0][index] = voltage results_b[1][index] = convert_dac_voltage_to_raw(voltage) results_b[2][index] = v_meas results_b[3][index] = current results_b[4][index] = cdata results_b[5][index] = c_set np.savez_compressed("profile_emu_channels.npz", a=results_a, b=results_b) rpc_client.switch_shepherd_mode(mode_old) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()
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# Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from unittest import TestCase import pandas as pd import numpy as np from qf_lib.common.utils.data_cleaner import DataCleaner from qf_lib.containers.dataframe.simple_returns_dataframe import SimpleReturnsDataFrame from qf_lib.containers.series.simple_returns_series import SimpleReturnsSeries from qf_lib_tests.helpers.testing_tools.containers_comparison import assert_dataframes_equal class TestDataCleaner(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test_dataframe = self._create_test_dataframe() self.test_benchmark = self._create_test_benchmark() self.data_cleaner = DataCleaner(self.test_dataframe) @classmethod def _create_test_dataframe(cls): values = [[np.nan, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, np.nan, np.nan, 2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]] index = pd.date_range(start='2015-01-01', periods=6) columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] dataframe = SimpleReturnsDataFrame(data=values, index=index, columns=columns) return dataframe @classmethod def _create_test_benchmark(cls): values = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0] index = pd.date_range(start='2015-01-02', periods=6) return SimpleReturnsSeries(data=values, index=index, name='Test prices') def test_proxy_using_values(self): expected_values = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, 0.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]] expected_columns = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e'] expected_dates = self.test_dataframe.index.copy() expected_dataframe = SimpleReturnsDataFrame(data=expected_values, columns=expected_columns, index=expected_dates) self.data_cleaner.threshold = 0.2 actual_dataframe = self.data_cleaner.proxy_using_value(proxy_value=0.0) assert_dataframes_equal(expected_dataframe, actual_dataframe) def test_proxy_using_regression(self): expected_values = [[np.nan, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]] expected_columns = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e'] expected_dates = self.test_dataframe.index.copy() expected_dataframe = SimpleReturnsDataFrame(data=expected_values, columns=expected_columns, index=expected_dates) self.data_cleaner.threshold = 0.2 actual_dataframe = self.data_cleaner.proxy_using_regression(benchmark_tms=self.test_benchmark, columns_type=SimpleReturnsSeries) assert_dataframes_equal(expected_dataframe, actual_dataframe)
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[STATEMENT] lemma Assigno_undef: "(Assigno x \<theta> = undefg) = (\<theta>=undeft)" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (Assigno x \<theta> = undefg) = (\<theta> = undeft) [PROOF STEP] by (metis Assigno.elims option.distinct(1))
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import os import gym import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.distributions import Categorical import matplotlib.pyplot as plt env = gym.make("CartPole-v0") env.reset() class Policy(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Policy, self).__init__() self.num_actions = env.action_space.n self.state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.state_dim, 256) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, self.num_actions) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = self.fc2(x) return x restore = True if restore and os.path.isfile("polict.pt"): policy = torch.load("policy.pt") else: policy = Policy() optimizer = optim.Adam(policy.parameters(), lr=0.001) def update_policy(states, actions, rewards, log_probs, gamma=0.99): """ Расчет потерь, вычисление градиентов, обратное распространение и обновление параметров нейронной сети. """ loss = [] dis_rewards = rewards[:] for i in range(len(dis_rewards) - 2, -1, -1): dis_rewards[i] = dis_rewards[i] + gamma * dis_rewards[i + 1] dis_rewards = torch.tensor(dis_rewards) for log_prob, reward in zip(log_probs, dis_rewards): loss.append(-log_prob * reward) loss = torch.cat(loss).sum() optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() def get_policy_values(state): """ Рассчет ненормализованных значений policy по входному массиву значений """ state = Variable(torch.from_numpy(state)).type(torch.FloatTensor).unsqueeze(0) policy_values = policy(state) return policy_values def generate_episode(t_max=1000): """ Создание эпизода. Сохранение состояний, действий, наград и регистрация вероятностей. Обновление policy """ states, actions, rewards, log_probs = [], [], [], [] s = env.reset() for t in range(t_max): action_probs = F.softmax(get_policy_values(s), dim=-1) sampler = Categorical(action_probs) a = sampler.sample() log_prob = sampler.log_prob(a) new_s, r, done, _ = env.step(a.item()) states.append(s) actions.append(a) rewards.append(r) log_probs.append(log_prob) s = new_s if done: break update_policy(states, actions, rewards, log_probs) return sum(rewards) def play_episodes(num_episodes=10, render=False): """ Запускаем игру используя обученную policy """ for i in range(num_episodes): rewards = [] s = env.reset() for _ in range(1000): if render: env.render() action_probs = F.softmax(get_policy_values(s), dim=-1) sampler = Categorical(action_probs) a = sampler.sample() log_prob = sampler.log_prob(a) new_s, r, done, _ = env.step(a.item()) rewards.append(r) s = new_s if done: print("Episode {} finished with reward {}".format(i + 1, np.sum(rewards))) break def plot_rewards(rewards, running_rewards): """ Графики """ plt.style.use('seaborn-darkgrid') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.5) ax1.set_title('Episodic rewards') ax1.plot(rewards, label='Episodic rewards') ax1.set_xlabel("Episodes") ax1.set_ylabel("Rewards") ax2.set_title('Running rewards') ax2.plot(running_rewards, label='Running rewards') ax2.set_xlabel("Episodes") ax2.set_ylabel("Average rewards") fig.savefig("backpropagatw_test.png") if __name__ == "__main__": num_episodes = 1500 verbose = True print_every = 50 target_avg_reward_100ep = 195 running_reward = None rewards = [] running_rewards = [] restore_model = True if restore_model and os.path.isfile("polict.pt"): policy = torch.load("policy.pt") else: policy = Policy() optimizer = optim.Adam(policy.parameters(), lr=0.001) for i in range(num_episodes): reward = generate_episode() rewards.append(reward) running_reward = np.mean(rewards[-100:]) running_rewards.append(running_reward) if verbose: if not i % print_every: print("Episode: {}. Running reward: {}".format(i + 1, running_reward)) if i >= 99 and running_reward >= target_avg_reward_100ep: print("Episode: {}. Running reward: {}".format(i + 1, running_reward)) print("Ran {} episodes. Solved after {} episodes.".format(i + 1, i - 100 + 1)) break elif i == num_episodes - 1: print("Couldn't solve after {} episodes".format(num_episodes)) plot_rewards(rewards, running_rewards) torch.save(policy, "cartpole_policy_reinforce.pt")
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # example exs4a # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # PURPOSE # Analysis of a plane truss using loops. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # REFERENCES # P-E Austrell 1994-03-08 # K-G Olsson 1995-09-28 # O Dahlblom 2004-08-31 # J Lindemann 2009-01-25 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import calfem.core as cfc # ----- Topology matrix Edof ------------------------------------- edof = np.array([ [1, 2, 5, 6], [3, 4, 7, 8], [5, 6, 9, 10], [7, 8, 11, 12], [7, 8, 5, 6], [11, 12, 9, 10], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 7, 8], [5, 6, 11, 12] ]) # ----- Stiffness matrix K and load vector f --------------------- K = np.zeros([12, 12]) f = np.zeros([12, 1]) f[10] = 0.5e6*np.sin(np.pi/6) f[11] = -0.5e6*np.cos(np.pi/6) # ----- Element properties --------------------------------------- A = 25.0e-4 E = 2.1e11 ep = [E, A] # ----- Element coordinates -------------------------------------- ex = np.array([ [0., 2.], [0., 2.], [2., 4.], [2., 4.], [2., 2.], [4., 4.], [0., 2.], [2., 4.], [0., 2.], [2., 4.] ]) ey = np.array([ [2., 2.], [0., 0.], [2., 2.], [0., 0.], [0., 2.], [0., 2.], [0., 2.], [0., 2.], [2., 0.], [2., 0.] ]) # ----- Create element stiffness matrices Ke and assemble into K - for elx, ely, eltopo in zip(ex, ey, edof): Ke = cfc.bar2e(elx, ely, ep) cfc.assem(eltopo, K, Ke) print("Stiffness matrix K:") print(K) # ----- Solve the system of equations ---------------------------- bc = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) a, r = cfc.solveq(K, f, bc) print("Displacements a:") print(a) print("Reaction forces r:") print(r) # ----- Element forces ------------------------------------------- ed = cfc.extract_ed(edof, a) N = np.zeros([edof.shape[0]]) print("Element forces:") i = 0 for elx, ely, eld in zip(ex, ey, ed): N[i] = cfc.bar2s(elx, ely, ep, eld) print("N%d = %g" % (i+1, N[i])) i += 1
{"hexsha": "a1ef88434b5ccc3090b6123d01b327bb72daa7ec", "size": 2113, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "examples/exs_bar2_la.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "CALFEM/calfem-py", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "26d4082ca6b907c48ad814733c733ae30a959657", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "examples/exs_bar2_la.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "CALFEM/calfem-py", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "26d4082ca6b907c48ad814733c733ae30a959657", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "examples/exs_bar2_la.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "CALFEM/calfem-py", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "26d4082ca6b907c48ad814733c733ae30a959657", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 19.7476635514, "max_line_length": 66, "alphanum_fraction": 0.3880738287, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 765}
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This means that the day before you cook macarons, the egg whites need to be removed from the refrigerator, covered with cling film and allowed to stand at room temperature all this time. Such egg whites will become more liquid, they seem to decompose (the structure of the protein is destroyed). As a result, they become more voluminous when whipped. Ganache: Cut the vanilla pods in half. Use a knife to remove all the seeds. Add them along with the pods to a saucepan and pour the cream. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat, cover and let sit for 30 minutes. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath. Heat the cream again. Remove the vanilla pods from the saucepan and gradually pour the vanilla cream into the chocolate in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight. Macarons: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Prepare a cooking syringe or a piping bag with a straight round nozzle. Macarons are made with a diameter of 3-4 cm. To begin with, while your hand is not trained, you can draw stencils for yourself on parchment paper, on the back side. In France, for example, you can buy baking paper with a stencil already marked or a silicone mat. Sift almond flour. If large pieces of nuts remain in the sieve, grind them over again or leave them on a biscuit, cake, pie. Sift almond flour and powdered sugar several times into a bowl. Remove the seeds from the vanilla pods and add to the almond mixture. Do not stir. Add the first batch of egg whites (55 g) - do not stir. In a small saucepan, combine water and second powdered sugar and bring to a boil until it reaches 118'C. Whisk the second 55 g of egg whites until firm. Gradually pour in the hot syrup in a thin stream. Continue whisking until the mixture is cool and shiny, thick and smooth. When you lift the whisk, a mass should remain on its tip and not fall. A ``nose'' of proteins in a bowl, do not stand straight, but ``fall''. That said, if you turn your bowl of whites upside down, nothing should fall or leak. Add the resulting Italian meringue (egg whites with hot syrup) to the first mixture. Stir gently with a spatula while rotating the bowl counterclockwise with the other hand. The mass should turn out to be homogeneous, soft, pliable. If you raise the spatula, then the drops of dough that will fall down should slowly spread, and not keep their shape. Do not be afraid to interfere - if the dough is poorly mixed, the pasta you have planted will have ``tails'' on the surface. Otherwise, they will slowly spread and take an even shape. Place the dough in a syringe or bag and place in even circles on the lined paper. And leave them to stand at room temperature for 1 hour. This is a very important stage of cooking - a light film forms on the surface of the meringue, due to which they do not crack during baking and a beautiful ``skirt'' is formed at the bottom. Heat the oven to 175C. Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes. During cooking, 2 times (at the 8th and 10th minutes) very quickly open and close the oven, being careful not to knock. Take out the finished cookies, grab the edges of the paper and transfer it along with the macarons onto a flat surface. Let cool completely. A properly baked cookie will easily come off the paper surface. When the cookies have cooled, fill a syringe or bag with ganache and place a small amount on one half, then close the other. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Only cooked macaroons are never eaten - the halves will be tough and the whole cream will spread. They need to be given time to ``come up'', to brew, and then they will get exactly what they are so fond of: crisp crust, tender center and melting filling. \hypertarget{upside-down-cake-with-nuts-and-bananas}{% \section{Upside down cake with nuts and bananas}\label{upside-down-cake-with-nuts-and-bananas}} \begin{itemize} \item 130g butter \item 120g sugar \item 120g flour \item 50g ground roasted nuts \item 3 eggs \item 0.5 tsp baking powder \item 2 bananas \item 50g dark muscovado sugar \item 20g butter \end{itemize} cake pan 10x20cm oven 170C First, brush the sides of the mold with softened butter and sprinkle with flour. Combine dark sugar and 20g butter and place on the bottom of the mold. Prepare the dough. All foods should be at room temperature. Beat butter with sugar. Add two eggs, one at a time, whisking each time until smooth at maximum mixer speed. Add the nuts, add the remaining egg and beat the mixture again with a mixer. Add flour and baking powder, stir on low speed until smooth. Cut each banana into three pieces lengthwise. Place the cooked bananas in a mold on top of the sugar mixture. Place the dough on top and tap well with the mold on the table. Bake at 170C for 50 minutes. Remove and cut the top off by sliding the knife along the edge of the pan and flip the hot cupcake onto a plate. \hypertarget{spicy-donutsmuffins-from-the-oven-with-apples}{% \section{Spicy donuts/muffins from the oven with apples}\label{spicy-donutsmuffins-from-the-oven-with-apples}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Flour - 140 g \item Cinnamon - 1 tsp \item Ginger - 1 tsp \item Baking powder - 1 tsp. \item Sugar - 140 g \item Condensed milk - 100 g \item Egg - 1 piece \item Butter - 25 g \item Apple \end{itemize} In a cup, combine flour (140 g), cinnamon and dried ginger (1 tsp each, I would not add fresh ginger), baking powder (also 1 tsp). And sugar (140 g). Stir the whole mass very well and carefully, because we need the baking powder, and the spices, to be distributed very evenly in the future dough. Of course, you can refuse cinnamon and ginger, or replace / supplement them with other spices - all at your discretion. Further condensed milk (100 g, you can replace with fat sour cream). Melted butter (25 g). One egg. And at the very end, grate the apple (110-120 g). Traditionally, I take Granny Smith, because he can be found anywhere in Russia. Here you can play with filling. Add chopped nuts, oatmeal, dried berries. Mix the finished dough well and transfer to a bag. This will make it most convenient for you to use it. Place the dough into molds with the expectation that it will rise by about one and a half times. Obviously, these are not real donuts (they are only deep-fried), so you can safely use any small-sized molds - make cupcakes, mini cupcakes and other options. Bake at 180 degrees (top-bottom) until tender. Check with a skewer. \hypertarget{carrot-cake}{% \section{Carrot cake}\label{carrot-cake}} For cakes: * 360 ml (1.5 cups) vegetable oil * 200 g (4 pcs) eggs * 300 g (2 cups) flour * 460 g (2 cups) sugar * 8 g (1 sachet) baking powder * 15 g (2 tsp) baking soda * 3 g (1/2 tsp) salt * 12 grams (1.5 tsp) cinnamon * 5 g (0.5 tsp) nutmeg * 5 g (0.5 tsp) cloves * 500 g of carrots, grated on a fine grater * 200 g (1 cup) nuts For the cream: * 800 g of curd cheese * 120 g icing sugar * 150 ml cream 33\% First you need to combine vegetable oil with sugar. To do this, pour oil into the mixer bowl and add sugar. Beat at the maximum speed of the mixer for about 7 minutes, until the components are combined. While the butter and sugar are beating, combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl: sifted flour, salt, baking powder, soda, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg. Stir well with a whisk until evenly spread. When the butter and sugar have combined into a single emulsion, add the eggs one at a time, letting each egg dissolve completely (stir for 4-5 minutes). After all the eggs are added, you can add the dry mixture to the liquid one. It is better to knead with a silicone spatula, since the mixture is not sticky and lumps are not formed during stirring. The result is a smooth, thick, but flowing dough. It remains to add chopped nuts and grated carrots. It will be difficult to stir at first, but after a couple of minutes these ingredients will be evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Fasten the bottom of the molds with baking paper and wrap in foil. Divide the mixture into three equal portions and place in separate baking tins. It is convenient to do this on a scale, for this you need to know the weight of the container in which all the ingredients were mixed. Spread the dough evenly with a spatula. Put in an oven preheated to 175 degrees, bake until tender for about 35 minutes. Remove ready-made biscuits from the oven and let cool. Carefully cut out of the molds with a knife, remove the parchment from the bottom of the biscuits. We have got aromatic, juicy, porous biscuits. wrap in cling film, it is better to separate each cake, put in the refrigerator for several hours. After the biscuits have cooled completely, you can start assembling the cake. The recipe for the curd cream used for this cake can be found here. Apply a small amount of cream to the cake base so that the cakes do not slip during assembly. Soak the cake with caramel (we took cherry), but you can not use the impregnation, since the biscuits are so juicy and bright. Put some of the cream on the soaked biscuit, spread in an even layer, smooth the edges by going over the side of the cake with a spatula, trying to keep it perpendicular to the substrate. Put the next cake and repeat the manipulation of the biscuit impregnation and cream application. We complete the assembly of the cake with the last third biscuit, remembering to soak it. Apply the remaining cream to the top of the cake and the sides, closing all the small gaps. We have got a delicious, tender, even cake in a ``half-naked'' coating. We leave it for an hour and a half in the refrigerator, so that the cream stiffens a little, and it is convenient to cut the cake. Decorate as desired (in our case, there were gingerbread cookies, some crushed nuts and fresh berries). \hypertarget{strawberry-cake}{% \section{Strawberry cake}\label{strawberry-cake}} For cake * 225 g butter * 225 g sugar * 4 eggs * 225 g self-rising flour (or 220 g plain flour + 1 tablespoon baking powder) * 3 tbsp milk For filling * 300 ml heavy cream * 300 g strawberries * 100 ml strawberry jam Beat the softened butter with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, beating without stopping. The mass must be airy. Gently put in the flour, mix the dough with a spoon, drawing an eight: this way the mixture loses a minimum of air. Add milk. We bake for 1 hour in a greased form at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius. At this time, we rest. The cream is resting in the refrigerator. Cold cream is easier to whip. We take the cake out of the oven, let it cool in the form for 15 minutes. We take it out of the mold and leave it to cool again. At this time, cut the strawberries into slices, whip the cream. Add strawberry jam to the whipped cream and mix slightly. Precisely slightly, so that the cream turns out beautiful streaks of jam, and not a solid pink mass. Then everything is intuitively clear: cut the cake lengthwise into three parts, put half the cream and half the strawberries on the first layer. Put in the second layer, lay out the remaining cream and strawberries. Cover with a third layer and sprinkle with a spoonful of powdered sugar. We decorate (if we have time before it is eaten) with fresh strawberries. \hypertarget{cake-with-ricotta-and-pears}{% \section{Cake with ricotta and pears}\label{cake-with-ricotta-and-pears}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 4-5 pears \item Dark sugar 2tsp \item 140 g butter \item 100 g sugar \item 1 egg \item 140 g ricota \item zest of 1 lemon \item 200 g flour (can be less) \item 10 g baking powder \end{itemize} Put paper in a split form, grease with oil and sprinkle with brown oil. Then lay out the chopped pear in slices. Beat butter and sugar until white, add egg, ricotta and zest. Sift flour (do not add all the flour at once! How much it will take), baking powder and vanilla sugar, mix everything until smooth. Pour the dough over the pears and put them in the oven for 50-60 minutes at 180C. \hypertarget{cottage-cheese-cake-with-raspberries-or-apricots}{% \section{Cottage cheese cake with raspberries or apricots}\label{cottage-cheese-cake-with-raspberries-or-apricots}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 2 eggs \item 75 g sugar \item Lemon zest \item 200 g cottage cheese \item 40 g starch \item 1 tablespoon ground almonds \item 200 g raspberries (can be frozen) \end{itemize} If the raspberries are frozen, remove them from the freezer at the beginning of the pie. Beat eggs with sugar for several minutes until a fluffy light mass is obtained. Add finely grated lemon zest. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and hang with beaten eggs, add starch. Place the dough in a greased dish and sprinkle with ground almonds or flour, spread the raspberries on top. Bake for 45-50 minutes at 180C. \hypertarget{rudolphs-cookies-for-christmas-and-new-year}{% \section{Rudolph's cookies for Christmas and New Year}\label{rudolphs-cookies-for-christmas-and-new-year}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 280 g flour \item 100 g nut flour \item 130 g sugar \item A bit of salt \item 200 g cold butter \item 2 egg yolks \item Vanilla \item 1 tbsp of lemon juice \item Lemon zest \end{itemize} Mix all together into crumbles. Make a ball, split into several parts and put in fridge for 30 min. Form biscits and bake on 175C, for 12-13 min. \hypertarget{swedish-chocolate-cake}{% \section{Swedish chocolate cake}\label{swedish-chocolate-cake}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 135 g butter \item 50 g cacao \item 180 g sugar \item 110 g flour \item 3 eggs \end{itemize} Melt butter, add everything step by step. Put in a baking form and bake on 180C until the first cracks. \hypertarget{scones}{% \section{Scones}\label{scones}} for 20 scones * 610 g flour T45 * 610 g flour T55 * 60 g baking powder * 280 g powder sugar * 4 g salt * 60 g trimoline (inverted sugar) * 280 g butter * 400 g milk * 240 g buttermilk * 120 g white raisins Mix all dry elements with butter in a standing mixer with a mixing tool. Change a mixing tool for a dough hook when butter disolves in dry ingredients. Add milk and buttermilk, mix for 3 min on Speed1, then 2 min on Speed2. Split the dough into two \hypertarget{apple-and-cinnamon-rolls}{% \section{Apple and cinnamon rolls}\label{apple-and-cinnamon-rolls}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 240+50 g flour \item 65 g warm milk \item 40 g butter \item 30 g sugar \item 1 egg yolk \item 1/2 sachet of yeast (or 10g of fresh yeast) \item 60 g water \end{itemize} For filling: * 3 apples * 60 g sugar * 50 g butter * 50 g blond raisins * 1 tsp grounded cinnammon For cream: * 100 g sugar * 100 g Philadelphia In a mixing bowl (e.g., KitchenAid) mix yeast, water and warm milk, add 240 g of flour, sugar, salt and egg yolk, and mix it for 10 minutes. Add butter and mix another 5 minutes. Cover the dough with a film and put to rest for 2 hours. Peel apples, cut into slices and put in a saucepan with the butter, then add sugar, raisins and cinnammon. Cook for 15 minutes, often steering. Let it cool down. Roll the dough into a rectangle shape on a dusted surface, spread the apple filling, roll it and cut into 9 buns. Cover a baking dish (25cm) with a baking paper and place all buns next to each other. Leave it rest for 1 hour. Heat the oven up to 180C. Place buns there for 25 minutes. Prepare the cream: whip cheese with sugar and leave it aside. When buns are not hot, spread cream all over them. Enjoy! \hypertarget{main-dishes}{% \chapter{Main dishes}\label{main-dishes}} \hypertarget{broccoli-baked-in-cream-with-cheese}{% \section{Broccoli baked in cream with cheese}\label{broccoli-baked-in-cream-with-cheese}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 1 head of broccoli \item 1 egg \item 100 ml cream 10\% \item nutmeg (on the tip of a knife) \item a handful of cheese \end{itemize} Divide the broccoli into inflorescences and boil in boiling water for 3 minutes. Not more! This is enough for the initial heat treatment, while the broccoli remains crispy and tasty.Combine egg, cream and nutmeg. Put broccoli in a mold, pour over the filling, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 170C. \hypertarget{adjarian-khachapuri-bread-with-cheese---acharuli}{% \section{Adjarian Khachapuri (bread with cheese) - Acharuli}\label{adjarian-khachapuri-bread-with-cheese---acharuli}} For 2-4 boats (depending on size) Ingredients: \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 380-400 gr flour \item 200 ml warm water \item 100 ml milk \item 40 ml vegetable oil \item 1 tsp dry yeast \item 1 tsp salt \item 2 tsp sugar \end{itemize} For filling: * 1 egg * 200 gr suluguni (mozarella) * 400 gr Imeretian cheese (feta + cheddar/parmezan) * 50-70 ml milk or water * 1.5 tbsp flour * 2-4 yolks (depending on the number of boats) * 50 gr butter (optional) Preparation: 1. Dissolve the yeast with sugar in warm water, leave for 5 minutes. Add milk, mix and gradually add 200 g of flour, knead by hand or with a food processor until smooth, then gradually add the rest of the flour in the same way. (The dough should be collected in a ball, but with it is rather sticky). Add vegetable oil in parts and continue to knead. (The dough will become more obedient and smooth, slightly sticking to the fingers.) Then cover the dough with cling film or a towel, put in a warm place and let it increase at least twice. (You can also put it in the refrigerator for night if you are not going to bake everything at once) 2.Grate Imeretian cheese (you can replace it with Adyghe or vats, or at least feta). Add one egg, milk (water), flour, salt if necessary, if the cheese is not salted at all, mix everything into a homogeneous mass, it should be not dry, but like porridge. 3. Separately grate the suluguni on a coarse grater (can be replaced with mozzarella). 4. Divide the matched dough into 2-4 parts, depending on the size of the boat (khachapuri), form balls and leave for 10 minutes, covered with cling film or a towel. The dough will again become soft, pliable and more fluffy. Hands and work surface should be dusted with flour to work comfortably with the dough. 5.I recommend forming the boats directly on the parchment to make it easier to transfer to a baking sheet. Forming No.~1: With your fingers open the ball into a cake, while pressing only in the center of the cake, so that the edges remain thick and the center is thin \ldots{} Then take the cake in your hands and twist, stretching the dough (like on a pizza). Put again on the work surface, stretch the circle in a light oval, bring two edges of the dough to the middle, just pull the other two edges, lengthening the resulting shape of the dough, then connect. It turns out the shape of a ``canoe'' in which the edges are stuck together. Then open the center with your fingers, stretching the dough in width, forming the shape of a boat with sides .Put the cheese mass in the center of the boat, distribute and pour grated suluguni on top. Forming No.~2 Open a uniform flat cake with your fingers, pick it up and stretch it slightly in all directions to make a thinner middle. Put the cheese mass on the cake, spread over the entire surface, leaving only the edges free. Wrap the sides of the cake, grabbing the cheese part. (As if you are wrapping a roll), while glue only the ends, creating the ends of the boat. Pour grated suluguni over the open cheese mass. \begin{enumerate} \def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} \setcounter{enumi}{5} \tightlist \item In a preheated oven (220 degrees) and a baking sheet, transfer the formed boats, bake for 15 minutes, until golden brown. \item Remove the boats from the oven. Optionally, you can remove the excess dough from the khachapuri formed according to method No.~1. Separate the cheese part from the dough with a fork, pry it under the side and gently move the hand, remove the dough. Push cheese into the empty sides, put the yolk on top , then back into the oven for 1-2 minutes. And on the khachapuri formed according to the method No.~2, simply put the yolk on top and again in the oven for 1-2 minutes. If desired, after the oven, coat the edges of the dough with butter and serve hot with a piece oil next to szheltkom. \end{enumerate} \hypertarget{baked-aubergines-with-mozzarella-cheese}{% \section{Baked aubergines with mozzarella cheese}\label{baked-aubergines-with-mozzarella-cheese}} 2 servings \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 1 medium aubergines \item 1 scoop of mozzarella \item 50 g parmesan \item 5-6 medium tomatoes (or a can of chopped tomatoes) \item 1 clove of garlic \item several sprigs of basil \item olive oil \item flour \item salt \item black pepper \end{itemize} Cut the aubergines into circles that are not too thick (about 0.5 cm), lightly add salt and place in a colander for about half an hour: during this time, as they say, excessively bitter juices will come out of them. Also slice the mozzarella thinly and grate the Parmesan cheese. Peel tomatoes (how to peel tomatoes) and cut into small pieces. Fry chopped garlic and basil stalk in a little olive oil, add chopped tomatoes and basil leaves, season with salt and pepper and simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium heat until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat and strain through a sieve or grind in a blender. Rinse the aubergines, dry quickly, roll in flour and lightly fry in olive oil (aubergines tend to absorb oil like a sponge, so add some oil if necessary before loading the pan with the next portion). Transfer the fried aubergines to napkins to absorb the excess oil. Everything is ready to assemble our ``tower'': take a baking dish (best glass or ceramic), put a spoonful of tomato sauce on the bottom, place a slice of eggplant on top, put a slice of mozzarella on top and sprinkle with Parmesan. The next ``floor'' is tomato sauce, eggplant, cheese, and so on until you build as many towers as you plan to make eaters happy with this delicious dish. Bake the aubergines in an oven preheated to 220 degrees until the cheese melts on top into a golden crust (this will take 15-20 minutes), and serve immediately. \hypertarget{crispy-greek-style-pie}{% \section{Crispy Greek-style pie}\label{crispy-greek-style-pie}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 200g bag spinach leaves \item 175g jar sundried tomato in oil \item 100g feta cheese, crumbled \item 2 eggs \item 0.5 250g pack filo pastry \end{itemize} Put the spinach into a large pan. Pour over a couple tbsp water, then cook until just wilted. Tip into a sieve, leave to cool a little, then squeeze out any excess water and roughly chop. Roughly chop the tomatoes and put into a bowl along with the spinach, feta and eggs. Mix well. Carefully unroll the filo pastry. Cover with some damp sheets of kitchen paper to stop it drying out. Take a sheet of pastry and brush liberally with some of the sundried tomato oil. Drape oil-side down in a 22cm loosebottomed cake tin so that some of the pastry hangs over the side. Brush oil on another piece of pastry and place in the tin, just a little further round. Keep placing the pastry pieces in the tin until you have roughly three layers, then spoon over the filling. Pull the sides into the middle, scrunch up and make sure the filling is covered. Brush with a little more oil. Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Cook the pie for 30 mins until the pastry is crisp and golden brown. Remove from the cake tin, slice into wedges and serve with salad. \hypertarget{lamb-stuffed-aubergines-with-moorish-spices-and-manchego-cheese}{% \section{Lamb-stuffed aubergines with Moorish spices and Manchego cheese}\label{lamb-stuffed-aubergines-with-moorish-spices-and-manchego-cheese}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 4 aubergines \item 6 tbsp olive oil \item 1 onion, chopped \item 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped \item 1 large red pepper, seeds removed, chopped \item 1½ tsp freshly ground cumin seeds \item 1 tsp ground cinnamon \item ½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg \item 1 tsp pimentón dulce (smoked sweet Spanish paprika) \item large pinch of crushed dried chillies \item 500g/1lb 2oz lamb mince \item 6 tbsp tomato sauce (see Top recipe tip below) \item 100g/3½oz Manchego cheese, coarsely grated \item salt and freshly ground black pepper \end{itemize} Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Cut each aubergine lengthways through the stalk, then score the flesh in a tight criss-cross pattern, taking the knife through the flesh down to the skin, but taking care not to cut through the skin. Place them side by side on a baking tray and drizzle each half with half a tablespoon of the oil, season with salt and bake for 30-40 minutes or until the flesh is soft and tender but not browned. Meanwhile, heat the remaining two tablespoons of oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Add the onion, garlic, red pepper and spices and fry gently for 10 minutes. Add the lamb mince and fry for 3--4 minutes or until all the meat is lightly browned. Stir in the tomato sauce and simmer for five minutes. Remove the aubergines from the oven and increase the temperature to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Carefully scoop most of the flesh out of the baked aubergine halves, leaving the skins with a layer of flesh about 1cm/½in thick. Stir the scooped-out flesh into the lamb mixture with half a teaspoon of salt and some pepper to taste. Spoon the mixture into each aubergine shell and sprinkle with the grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 8--10 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbling and golden-brown. \#\# Simple baked lasagne \begin{itemize} \item 2 carrots , peeled \item 2 onions , peeled \item 2 cloves of garlic , peeled \item 2 sticks of celery , trimmed \item olive oil \item 2 rashers of higher-welfare smoked streaky bacon \item ½ a bunch of fresh thyme \item 500 g quality beef mince \item a good splash of red wine \item 1 gluten-free beef stock cube , preferably organic \item 2 x 400 g tins of plum tomatoes \item sea salt \item freshly ground black pepper \item 1 x gluten-free pasta dough \item 3 anchovy fillets , from sustainable sources \item 500 ml crème fraîche \item 2 handfuls of freshly grated Parmesan cheese \item milk , optional \end{itemize} To make the Bolognese sauce, finely chop the carrots, onions, garlic and celery and add to a large, wide pan over a medium heat with a drizzle of olive oil. Roughly chop and add the bacon, then pick in the thyme leaves and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, or until softened and lightly golden. Turn the heat up slightly, then stir in the beef mince, breaking it up with a wooden spoon. Cook for around 5 minutes, or until browned all over. Add the wine and crumble in the stock cube, stirring continuously until the liquid has completely reduced. Stir in the tomatoes and 1 tin's worth of water and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for around 1 hour, then remove the lid and continue cooking for 30 minutes, or until thickened and reduced. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. For the white sauce, finely chop the anchovies, then mix with the crème fraîche and a handful of Parmesan, then season with salt and pepper -- you may need to loosen the mixture with a little milk. Cut the sheets of pasta into rectangles (roughly 10cm x 15cm). Spoon one-third of the Bolognese sauce into an ovenproof dish (roughly 25cm x 30cm). Layer over one-third of the lasagne sheets and top with one-third of the béchamel sauce. Repeat with the remaining ingredients until you have three layers in total, finishing with a final layer of béchamel. Grate over the remaining Parmesan and drizzle with olive oil, then cover with tin foil. Place in the hot oven for around 20 minutes, remove the foil and continue cooking for around 30 minutes, or until golden and bubbling. Serve with a nice, crisp salad. \#\# Kung Pao chicken \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 1 tablespoon Szechuan peppercorns \item 2½ tablespoons cornflour \item 4 skinless higher-welfare chicken thighs , (350g) \item groundnut oil , or vegetable oil \item 4 cloves of garlic \item 5 cm piece of ginger \item 2 spring onions \item 6 dried red chillies \item 2 tablespoons low-salt soy sauce \item ½ tablespoon rice wine vinegar \item 1 heaped tablespoon runny honey \item 50 g unsalted peanuts \item 1 punnet of salad cress \end{itemize} Toast the Szechuan peppercorns in a dry frying pan until lightly golden. Transfer to a pestle and mortar, grind to a fine powder, then sieve into a large bowl, discarding any large, tough bits. Add 2 tablespoons of cornflour and stir to combine. Chop the chicken into bite-sized chunks, then toss in the cornflour mixture to coat. Pour 2cm of oil into a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, add the chicken and fry for 7 to 8 minutes, or until golden and cooked through. Meanwhile, peel and finely slice the garlic and ginger, then trim and finely slice the spring onions. Using a slotted spoon, remove the chicken to a double layer of kitchen paper to drain. Carefully remove and discard most of the oil, leaving about 2 tablespoons in the pan, then return to a medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger and fry for 2 minutes, or until lightly golden, then stir in the spring onions and whole chillies and fry for 1 further minute. Meanwhile, combine ½ tablespoon of cornflour and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix in the soy, vinegar and honey, then pour the mixture into the pan. Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes, or until slightly thickened. Lightly bash and add the peanuts, stir in the chicken, then toss well until warmed through. Snip the cress over the ribbon salad, scatter the reserved coriander leaves over the chicken, then serve. \#\# Turkey con chilli \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item olive oil \item 2 red onions , peeled and roughly chopped \item 1 carrot , peeled and roughly chopped \item 1 leek , trimmed and roughly chopped \item 1 red pepper , deseeded and roughly chopped \item 1 yellow pepper , deseeded and roughly chopped \item 1 fresh red chilli , deseeded and finely chopped \item 1 fresh green chilli , deseeded and finely chopped \item 1 bunch fresh coriander , stalks finely chopped, leaves picked \item 1 teaspoon ground cumin \item 1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika \item 1 heaped teaspoon runny honey , optional \item 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar , optional \item 600 g turkey , leftover, shredded \item sea salt \item freshly ground black pepper \item 3 x 400 g tinned chopped tomatoes \item 400 g tinned butter beans or chickpeas , drained \item 2 limes , juice of \item soured cream , to serve FOR THE GUACAMOLE \item 2 ripe avocados , peeled and destoned \item 2 tomatoes , halved \item ¼ red onion , peeled \item ½ clove garlic , peeled \item 1 fresh green chilli , deseeded \item 1 bunch fresh coriander \item 1 lime \end{itemize} Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Heat a few lugs of olive oil in a large casserole-type pan on a medium heat. Add the onions, carrot, leek, peppers and chillies, and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes. Add the coriander stalks, cumin and paprika, and cook for another 10 minutes or so, stirring frequently until soft and delicious. Sometimes I like to add some honey and white wine vinegar at this point and let it cook for a couple of minutes. I find this adds a wonderful sheen and enhances the natural sweetness of the vegetables. While that's happening, shred the turkey meat off your carcass and roughly chop it. Add a good pinch of salt and pepper to the pan of vegetables, then add the turkey and take the pan off the heat. Add the tomatoes and chickpeas or butter beans and stir everything together. Pop it in the hot oven to blip away for 2 hours. Check on it after an hour, and add a splash of water if it looks a bit dry. While that's cooking, make your guacamole by blitzing one of your avocados in a food processor with the tomatoes, onion, garlic, chilli and coriander. Use a fork to mash the other avocado in a bowl so it's nice and chunky. Taste the mixture in the food processor and add salt and squeezes of lime juice until the taste is just right for you. Whiz up one more time then tip into the bowl with your chunky avocado and mix together. Take the chilli out of the oven and scrape all the gnarly bits from the edge of the pan back into the chilli for added flavour. Squeeze in some lime juice, and stir through most of the coriander leaves. Have a taste to check the seasoning then serve with steamed basmati rice or tortillas, and a good dollop of soured cream and guacamole on top. Scatter over your remaining coriander leaves and some finely sliced fresh chilli if you fancy then get everyone to tuck in. \hypertarget{prawn-chorizo-orzo}{% \section{Prawn \& chorizo orzo}\label{prawn-chorizo-orzo}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 2 cloves of garlic \item 200 g quality chorizo \item 0.5 a bunch of fresh basil (15g) \item 4 tablespoons olive oil \item 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar \item 400 ml passata \item 300 g orzo \item 200 g cherry tomatoes, on the vine \item 400 g large cooked peeled king prawns ,from sustainable sources \end{itemize} Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Peel and finely chop the garlic, and slice the chorizo. Pick and finely chop the basil. Heat half the oil in a heavy-based pan. Fry the garlic and chorizo for 3 minutes, then deglaze the pan with the vinegar. Add the passata and 300ml of water, then the orzo. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the orzo is al dente, stirring occasionally to prevent it sticking. Spread the cherry tomatoes over a baking tray, drizzle with the rest of the oil and season. Roast for 10 minutes, or until soft. Stir half the basil into the pasta, along with the prawns. Divide between bowls, top with the remaining basil and serve the roasted tomatoes alongside. \hypertarget{chicken-kiev}{% \section{Chicken kiev}\label{chicken-kiev}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon \item olive oil \item 4 x 150 g skinless chicken breasts , (I got mine from the butcher with the bone in, but either way is fine) \item 3 tablespoons plain flour \item 2 large free-range eggs \item 150 g fresh breadcrumbs \item sunflower oil \item 2 large handfuls of baby spinach , or rocket \item 2 lemons \item BUTTER \item 4 cloves of garlic \item ½ a bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley (15g) \item 4 knobs of unsalted butter , (at room temperature) \item 1 pinch of cayenne pepper \end{itemize} Fry the bacon in a pan on a medium heat with a tiny drizzle of olive oil, until golden and crisp, then remove. For the butter, peel the garlic, then finely chop with the parsley leaves and mix into the softened butter with the cayenne. Firm up in the fridge. Working one-by-one on a board, stuff the chicken breasts. To do this, start by pulling back the loose fillet on the back of the breast -- put your knife in the opposite direction and slice to create a long pocket (for extra guidance, watch the how-to video below). Open the pocket up with your fingers, cut the chilled butter into four and push one piece into the pocket, then crumble in a rasher of crispy bacon. Fold and seal back the chicken, completely covering the butter and giving you a nice neat parcel. Repeat with the 3 remaining breasts. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Place the flour in one shallow bowl, whisk the eggs in another, and put the breadcrumbs and a pinch of seasoning into a third. Evenly coat each chicken breast in flour, then beaten egg, letting any excess drip off, and finally, turn them in the breadcrumbs, patting them on until evenly coated. Shallow-fry in 2cm of sunflower oil on a medium to high heat for a couple of minutes on each side, or until lightly golden, then transfer to a tray and bake in the oven for 10 minutes, or until cooked through. You can bake them completely in the oven and skip the frying altogether, you just need to drizzle them with olive oil and bake for about 20 minutes -- they won't be as golden, but they'll be just as delicious. Meanwhile, peel and roughly chop the potatoes and cook in a large pan of boiling salted water for 12 to 15 minutes, or until tender. Chop up the broccoli and add it to the potatoes for the last 8 minutes. Drain and leave to steam dry, then return to the pan and mash with a knob of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. Divide the mash between your plates and place a Kiev on top of each portion. Lightly dress the spinach leaves or rocket in a little oil and lemon juice, then sprinkle over the top as a salady garnish. Serve with a wedge of lemon on the side. \hypertarget{farfalle-with-carbonara-and-spring-peas}{% \section{Farfalle with carbonara and spring peas}\label{farfalle-with-carbonara-and-spring-peas}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 455 g farfalle \item 1 free-range egg \item 100 ml double cream \item 12 rashers of higher-welfare pancetta or smoked streaky bacon \item 3 handfuls of fresh podded or frozen peas \item 2 sprigs of fresh mint \item 2 handfuls of Parmesan cheese \end{itemize} First of all, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, add the farfalle, and cook according to the packet instructions. Whisk the egg in a bowl with the cream and season with sea salt and black pepper. Roughly slice your pancetta or bacon and put it into a second pan over a medium heat and cook until crispy and golden. When the farfalle is nearly cooked, add the peas for the last minute and a half. This way they will burst in your mouth and be lovely and sweet. When cooked, drain in a colander, saving a little of the cooking water. Add the pasta to the pancetta. Pick and finely slice the mint leaves and stir in most of them. If the pan isn't big enough, mix it all together in a large warmed bowl. Now you need to add the egg and cream mix to the pasta. What's important here is that you add it while the pasta is still hot. This way, the residual heat of the pasta will cook the eggs, but not so that they resemble scrambled eggs, as I've seen in some dodgy old restaurants on the motorway! The pasta will actually cook the egg enough to give you a silky smooth sauce. Toss together and loosen with a little of the reserved cooking water if necessary. Season with salt and pepper, grate over the Parmesan and sprinkle over the rest of the mint leaves, and serve as soon as possible. \hypertarget{taiwanese-3-cup-chicken}{% \section{Taiwanese 3 Cup Chicken}\label{taiwanese-3-cup-chicken}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 1 - 1 1/2 lb. chicken drumettes \item 15 - 20 cloves of garlic, peeled \item 1 small piece of ginger, sliced \item fresh Thai basil leaves (red basil) \end{itemize} For the Sauce: * 1/3 cup of soy sauce (low sodium) * 1/3 cup rice wine * 1/3 cup of Asian sesame oil * 3 Tbsp. cane sugar * 1 tsp. dried chili flakes (or fresh red chilis) * 1/2 tsp. salt Brown the chicken for a few minutes first before adding the sauce mixture. Cook the sauce mixture and chicken for 15 - 20 min. or until almost done. When almost done, add the fresh basil leaves and stir fry, then cover with a lid for 1 min. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve hot. \hypertarget{quiche-with-salmon-brocolli-and-blue-cheese}{% \section{Quiche with salmon, brocolli and blue cheese}\label{quiche-with-salmon-brocolli-and-blue-cheese}} \begin{itemize} \item 175 g flour \item 100g butter \item 2 tbsp cold water \item 1 egg yolk \item Salt \item 300 g salmon \item 200 g brocolli \item 70 g blue cheese/ gorgonzola \item 3 eggs \item 250 g sour cream / fraiche cream or double cream \item Salt, pepper, herbs, thyme \end{itemize} 10-15 minutes before preparing the dough, put water and butter in the freezer. Grate the butter on a coarse grater, stir with flour and add salt, water and yolk, quickly knead the dough for a short time until it can be collected into a ball. Wrap it in a cling film and cooled in a fridge for 30-40 minutes. Cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper, roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment to a thickness of 3 mm, put in a mold with a diameter of 18-20 cm, make sides 4-5 cm high, prick with a fork, put in the freezer for 10 minutes. Put a sheet of baking paper on the dough and load it with either dry rice or peas (to create a heavy weight to keep dough in place). Bake at 200C for 15 minutes with weight and 10 minutes without, until the base is lightly browned. For pouring: mix eggs, sour cream, salt and pepper, herbs and crumble the cheese. Divide the broccoli into inflorescences and cut the fish into pieces. When the base is ready, lay out the filling, pour the filling on top and sprinkle with some cheese (additional). Bake at 200 C for 40-50 minutes. Let cool for 15-20 minutes, you can cut it. \hypertarget{starters}{% \chapter{Starters}\label{starters}} \hypertarget{vegetable-tartlets}{% \section{Vegetable tartlets}\label{vegetable-tartlets}} 1 x 500 g block of ready-made puff pastry plain flour , for dusting 4 teaspoons pesto 1 handful of mixed, ripe cherry tomatoes 8 asparagus spears 4 baby courgettes 2-3 jarred roasted peppers ½ a bunch of fresh basil olive oil 8 black olives , optional 1 x 100 g ball mozzarella 20 g Parmesan cheese , optional Turn on the oven to 200ºC/gas 6. Carefully cut the pastry block in half with a table knife. Wrap the other half and refrigerate or freeze for later. Dust some flour onto a clean work surface and, using a rolling pin, roll out the pastry into a square, measuring 26cm x 26cm. Cut into 4 equal squares. Place the pastry squares on a baking tray, leaving a space between each. Using the back of a spoon, spread the centre of each square with pesto, but don't spread it onto the edges. Squash the tomatoes into a large mixing bowl, then snap the asparagus spears into 3cm pieces. Keep the lovely pointy tips and a little of the stalk, but discard the end 3cm. Using a speed peeler, carefully shred the courgettes into ribbons. Tear the roasted peppers into strips and add to the bowl. Pick the basil leaves, reserving the pretty ones for later. Place the large ones in the mixing bowl. Mix the vegetables together in the bowl, adding a splash of oil. Pile a little of the mixture on each pesto-smeared tart and top with two olives (if using). Break up the mozzarella and place little bits on top of each tart -- this will make it gooey like a pizza. Grate over some Parmesan (if using). Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the pastry is golden and the cheese is all bubbly. Once the tarts are ready, allow to cool slightly. Sprinkle with the reserved basil leaves and serve with a nice salad for lunch. \hypertarget{desserts}{% \chapter{Desserts}\label{desserts}} \hypertarget{tiramisu}{% \section{Tiramisu}\label{tiramisu}} \hypertarget{cheesecake}{% \section{Cheesecake}\label{cheesecake}} \hypertarget{panna-cotta}{% \section{Panna Cotta}\label{panna-cotta}} \includegraphics{images/IMG_2480.jpg} For 10 portions: * 1 l Double cream (33\%) * 150 g sugar * 6 sheets of gelatine * 1 vanilla pod \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 300 g strawberries \item 120 g sugar \item 1/2 lemon's juice \item 3 g pectin \end{itemize} Soak gelatin in cold water for a few minutes, squeeze. Slice the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Place the cream, sugar, vanilla seeds and the pod in a saucepan. Dissolve the gelatin in them, stirring occasionally. When it comes to almost a boil, turn off and divide into jars through a sieve. Allow to cool and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Place all the ingredients for the strawberry salsa in the pan and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, and then until the strawberries soften. Place a few spoonfuls of warm salsa on top of the thickened panna cotta in jars. Refrigerate for 1 hour. \hypertarget{special-occasions}{% \chapter{Special occasions}\label{special-occasions}} \hypertarget{roasted-duck}{% \section{Roasted duck}\label{roasted-duck}} \hypertarget{whole-baked-salmon}{% \section{Whole baked salmon}\label{whole-baked-salmon}} \hypertarget{breakfast-recipes}{% \chapter{Breakfast recipes}\label{breakfast-recipes}} \hypertarget{crepes}{% \section{Crepes}\label{crepes}} for two \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 2 eggs \item 1 glass of water \item 1 glass of milk \item 1 cup self-rising flour \item 2 tbsp sugar (optional) \item 2 tbsp vegetable oil \end{itemize} Beat eggs with sugar (if using). Add a glass of hot water, whisking with a mixer, then a glass of flour and a glass of warm milk. Add butter to the dough. Fry in a hot skillet without adding oil. \hypertarget{true-belgian-waffles}{% \section{True Belgian Waffles}\label{true-belgian-waffles}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 2 cups all-purpose flour \item 0.75 cup sugar \item 3.5 teaspoons baking powder \item 2 large eggs, separated \item 1.5 cups whole milk \item 1 cup butter, melted \item 1 teaspoon vanilla extract \item Sliced fresh strawberries or syrup \end{itemize} In a bowl, combine flour, sugar and baking powder. In another bowl, lightly beat egg yolks. Add milk, butter and vanilla; mix well. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; fold into batter. Bake in a preheated waffle iron according to manufacturer's directions until golden brown. Serve with strawberries or syrup. \hypertarget{gluten-free-pancakeswaffles}{% \section{Gluten-free pancakes/waffles}\label{gluten-free-pancakeswaffles}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 130 g Yougurt \item 2 eggs \item 4 tbsp flour \item 0.5 tsp \item Salt \end{itemize} Mix together and cook either on a pan or in a waffle maker without oil. \hypertarget{cottage-cheese-pancakes}{% \section{Cottage cheese pancakes}\label{cottage-cheese-pancakes}} \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item 200-250 g cottage cheese \item 1 egg \item 4-5 tbsp semolina/flour \item vanilla \end{itemize} Mix all together and form small balls (around 6-8 items) and bake it until golden. Or cook it on a pan from both sides until golden on medium heat. \end{document}
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\section{Task} Build a speaker recognition system
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 15 21:41:25 2021 @author: Oscar """ import math import numpy as np def regularFalsi(f, a, b, Tol, N): i = 1 fa = f(a) fb = f(b) print("%-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s" % ("n","a_n","b_n","p_n","f(p_n)")) while(i <= N): sol = (a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a)) fp = f(sol) if(fp==0 or np.abs(f(sol))<Tol): break else: print("%-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8g %-20.8g\n" % (i, a, b, sol, f(sol))) i = i + 1 if(fa*fb > 0): a = sol else: b = sol abs_error=(sol-2)/2 print(abs_error) return sol print (i) sol = 0 a =-1 b = 5 Tol = 1E-6 N = 1000 f = lambda x: x**2+4*x-12 print("Sample input: regulaFalsi(f, 1, 2, 10**-4, 100)") approxi_phi = regularFalsi(f, a, b, Tol, N) print(approxi_phi)
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subroutine Bamp_mmp(q,mc,ms,Bmmp) c--- u + g -> c + s + d (t-channel single-charm) ************************************************************************ * * * AUTHORS: R. FREDERIX AND F. TRAMONTANO * * DATE : 12/17/2008 * * * ************************************************************************ implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'zprods_com.f' include 'epinv.f' include 'stopf1inc.f' double precision q(mxpart,4),dot,cDs,gDs,cDg,mc,ms, . mc2,ms2,qsq,s,t,u,xsn,xsd,xs double complex trc,trg,trs,trsgc,zmmp,Bmmp mc2=mc**2 ms2=ms**2 cDs=dot(q,3,4)+mc2*dot(q,4,2)/2d0/dot(q,3,2) . +ms2*dot(q,3,2)/2d0/dot(q,4,2) cDg=dot(q,3,2) gDs=dot(q,4,2) qsq=mc2+ms2+2d0*cDs+2d0*cDg+2d0*gDs s=ms2+2d0*gDs t=mc2+2d0*cDg u=mc2+ms2+2d0*cDs xsn=(1d0-dsqrt(1d0-4d0*ms*mc/(u-(ms-mc)**2))) xsd=(1d0+dsqrt(1d0-4d0*ms*mc/(u-(ms-mc)**2))) xs=-xsn/xsd trg=2d0*za(5,2)*zb(2,1) trs=2d0*za(5,4)*zb(4,1)+ms**2*za(5,2)*zb(2,1)/gDs trc=2d0*za(5,3)*zb(3,1)+mc**2*za(5,2)*zb(2,1)/cDg trsgc=2d0*zb(1,4)*za(4,2)*zb(2,3)*za(3,5) zmmp=za(4,3)*zb(2,3)**2 Bmmp = ms2*(cDg**3*gDs*(mc2*ms2*(4*trs*gDs-2*trc*gDs+trsgc-ms2*tr & g)+2*cDs**2*(-2*trs*gDs+2*trc*gDs-2*trsgc+ms2*trg)+ms2*cDs*(-6* & trc*gDs+5*trsgc+mc2*trg))+cDg**2*gDs**2*(mc2*ms2*(4*trs*gDs-6*t & rc*gDs+trsgc-4*ms2*trg+mc2*trg)+2*cDs**2*(-2*trs*gDs+6*trc*gDs- & 4*trsgc+3*ms2*trg-mc2*trg)+cDs*(-6*ms2*trc*gDs+4*ms2*trsgc+mc2* & trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg))+cDg*gDs**3*(cDs*(-2*ms2*trc*gDs+ms2*trsgc+2 & *mc2*trsgc+7*mc2*ms2*trg)+2*cDs**2*(6*trc*gDs-3*trsgc+ms2*trg-3 & *mc2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(-6*trc*gDs+trsgc-ms2*trg+4*mc2*trg)-8*trg*cD & s**3)+gDs**4*(cDs**2*(4*trc*gDs-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+mc2*ms2*(-2* & trc*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)-4*trg*cDs**3+mc2*(trsgc+3*ms2*trg)*cDs)+ & 2*ms2*cDg**4*cDs*(trsgc-trc*gDs))*tr5Xs/((cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs** & 3*(gDs+cDg))/2.0d+0 Bmmp = mc2*(2*mc2*trsgc*cDs*gDs**4+cDg**3*gDs*(cDs*(8*trs*gDs**2- & 2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trs+2*ms2*trg)*gDs+2*ms2*trsgc+mc2*trsgc+7*mc2*m & s2*trg)+ms2*(2*gDs*(-2*trs*gDs+2*trsgc+ms2*trg)+mc2*(-6*trs*gDs & +trsgc+2*ms2*trg)+mc2**2*trg)-2*cDs**2*(-6*trs*gDs+3*trsgc+2*ms & 2*trg)-8*trg*cDs**3)+cDg**2*gDs**2*(cDs*(4*trs*gDs**2-2*(2*trsg & c+3*mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*trsgc+4*mc2*trsgc+5*mc2*ms2*trg)+m & s2*(mc2*(-2*trs*gDs+3*trsgc+ms2*trg)+2*trsgc*gDs-2*mc2**2*trg)+ & 2*cDs**2*(2*trs*gDs-5*trsgc-ms2*trg+2*mc2*trg)-4*trg*cDs**3)+cD & g**4*(cDs*(4*trs*gDs**2-2*(mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc-mc2* & trg))+ms2*(-8*trs*gDs**2+2*(trsgc-mc2*trs+2*ms2*trg)*gDs-mc2*(t & rsgc+ms2*trg))+8*trs*cDs**2*gDs)+cDg*gDs**3*(cDs*(-2*trsgc*gDs- & 2*mc2*trs*gDs+5*mc2*trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg)+2*(mc2*trg-2*trsgc)*cDs* & *2+mc2*ms2*(trsgc-mc2*trg))+2*ms2*cDg**5*(trs*(mc2-2*gDs)+ms2*t & rg))*tr5Xc/(cDg**2*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs*(gDs+cDg))/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = ms2*(trsgc*(cDs*gDs*(2*cDs*gDs-mc2*gDs+4*cDg*cDs)-ms2*(cDg & *cDs*(gDs+2*cDg)+mc2*gDs*(gDs+cDg)))+trg*gDs*(-ms2*(mc2*(3*cDs+ & mc2)*gDs+cDg*cDs*(2*cDs+mc2))+2*cDs**2*(2*cDs+mc2)*gDs+mc2*ms2* & *2*cDg)-2*trc*gDs*(gDs+cDg)*(2*cDs**2*gDs-ms2*(mc2*gDs+cDg*cDs) & ))*tr4Xs/((cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = mc2*(trsgc*(-ms2*cDg*(cDg*(2*gDs+cDs)-mc2*(gDs+cDg))-cDs*g & Ds*(mc2*(2*gDs+cDg)-2*cDg*(gDs+cDs)))-ms2*trg*cDg*(-cDg*(cDs*(2 & *gDs+mc2)+mc2*ms2)+mc2*(cDs+mc2)*gDs+2*ms2*cDg**2)+2*trs*cDg*(m & s2*cDg-cDs*gDs)*(2*cDg*gDs-mc2*(gDs+cDg)))*tr4Xc/(cDg*(cDs-mc*m & s)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = (cDg**2*(mc2*ms2*(4*trs*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trs+2*ms2*trg) & *gDs+ms2*(mc2*trg-trsgc))+ms2*cDs*(mc2*(-2*trs*gDs+trsgc+ms2*tr & g)-2*trsgc*gDs)-2*cDs**2*gDs*(4*trs*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg))+cDg*gDs & *(-mc2*ms2*(4*trg*gDs**2+2*mc2*(trg-trs)*gDs+mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg & ))+2*cDs**2*gDs*(2*trg*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(3*trsgc-mc2* & trg)*cDs)-2*mc2**2*ms2*trsgc*gDs**2+cDg**3*(-2*ms2*cDs*(-2*trs* & gDs+mc2*trs+ms2*trg)+4*trs*cDs**2*gDs-4*mc2*ms2*trs*gDs))*tr3Xs & /(cDg*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = mc2*(trg*gDs*(-4*cDs**2*gDs**2+ms2**2*(mc2*gDs-cDg*(cDs+mc & 2))+mc2*ms2*gDs*(4*gDs+cDs))-ms2*trsgc*(gDs*(mc2*gDs-cDs*(gDs+3 & *cDg))+ms2*cDg*(gDs+2*cDg))-2*ms2*trc*gDs*(gDs+cDg)*(cDs*gDs-ms & 2*cDg))*tr3Xc/((cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = (-cDg**3*(cDs**2*(4*(3*trs+trc)*gDs**2+(-2*trsgc-5*ms2*trs & -2*ms2*trg+2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+mc2*ms2*(-4*(2*t & rs+trc)*gDs**2+(2*trsgc+3*ms2*trs+4*ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(ms2*trg-t & rsgc))+2*ms2*(trsgc-mc2*trs+ms2*trc)*cDs*gDs)+cDg**2*gDs*(cDs** & 2*(-4*(trc-2*trs)*gDs**2+(6*trsgc+ms2*(3*trs+2*(trg+trc))+2*mc2 & *trg)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trs+mc2*trg))-mc2*ms2*(-4*(trc-2*trs)* & gDs**2+(4*trsgc+2*mc2*(trs+trg)+3*ms2*trs+2*ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(t & rsgc+ms2*trs+mc2*trg))-mc2*ms2*cDs*((2*trs+6*trg-2*trc)*gDs+4*t & rsgc+ms2*trs)+cDs**3*(8*trg*gDs+4*trsgc+ms2*trs))-2*cDg*(cDs-mc & *ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2*(trg*gDs*(2*gDs+mc2)+trsgc*(gDs+mc2)+ms & 2*trs*(-gDs-cDs)+ms2**2*(trg+trc))+ms2*(trs+trg+trc)*(cDs-mc*ms & )*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**3*(2*gDs+2*cDs+ms2-mc2)+4*ms2*trs*cDg**4*cDs & *gDs)*lVs/(cDg**2*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/4.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = (cDg**2*gDs*(-mc2*ms2*(8*trs*gDs**3+2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*gDs* & *2+ms2*(4*trsgc-3*mc2*trs+2*mc2*trg-4*mc2*trc)*gDs+mc2*ms2*(trs & gc-ms2*trs+ms2*trg))+cDs**2*(8*trs*gDs**3+2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*gDs & **2+ms2*(4*trsgc-5*mc2*trs+4*mc2*trg-2*mc2*trc)*gDs+mc2*ms2*(tr & sgc-ms2*trs+ms2*trg))+cDs**3*(8*trs*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*gD & s+4*ms2*trsgc-mc2*ms2*trs)+mc2*ms2*cDs*(-8*trs*gDs**2-2*mc2*trs & *gDs-2*ms2*trg*gDs+2*ms2*trc*gDs-4*ms2*trsgc+mc2*ms2*trs))-2*cD & g**3*(gDs*(mc2*ms2*(-2*trs*gDs**2-2*ms2*(2*trs*gDs+mc2*(trs+trg & ))+ms2**2*(2*trg+trc))+cDs**2*(2*trs*gDs*(gDs+2*ms2)+mc2*ms2*(t & rs+2*trg)-2*ms2**2*trg)+2*trs*cDs**3*gDs+mc2*ms2**2*(-trs+trg+t & rc)*cDs)+ms2**2*trsgc*(mc2*(gDs-ms2)+cDs**2))-cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*( & cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2*(mc2*(ms2*(2*trs*(gDs+cDs)+trsgc-2*ms2*(trg+t & rc))+2*trg*gDs*(gDs+cDs))+2*gDs*(gDs+cDs)*(2*trg*gDs+trsgc)-mc2 & **2*ms2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(trs+trg+trc)*(mc*ms-cDs)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs* & *3*(2*gDs+2*cDs+ms2-mc2)+4*mc2*ms2**2*trs*cDg**4*gDs)*lVc/(ms2* & cDg**2*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/4.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = xs*cDs*(cDg**2*(4*trs*gDs**2-2*ms2*trg*gDs+ms2*trsgc)+mc2* & trsgc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*cDg*gDs*(gDs+cDs))*lRcs/(mc*ms*(xs**2-1)*c & Dg*gDs**2)+Bmmp Bmmp = tr3c00fs*(gDs*(-mc2*(2*(2*trs+5*trg)*gDs**2+(2*trsgc+3*ms2 & *trs+8*ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+cDs*(2*gDs+ms2)*(2*trc & *gDs-mc2*trg)-trsgc*cDs*(4*gDs+ms2))+cDg*(cDs*(4*(trg+trc)*gDs* & *2+2*(trsgc+ms2*(3*trs+5*trg+trc))*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+trs & gc*(2*gDs**2+4*ms2*gDs+ms2**2)-(gDs+ms2)*(2*gDs+ms2)*(2*trc*gDs & -mc2*trg-3*ms2*trc))-cDg**2*(4*(3*trs+2*trg+trc)*gDs**2-2*trsgc & *gDs+2*ms2*(3*trs+trg+3*trc)*gDs-ms2*trsgc+ms2**2*(3*trs+2*(trg & +trc))))/gDs**3+Bmmp Bmmp = Bmmp-epinv*(mc*ms*(xs**2-1)-4*lp*xs*cDs)*(cDg**2*(4*trs*g & Ds**2-2*ms2*trg*gDs+ms2*trsgc)+mc2*trsgc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*cDg*gDs & *(gDs+cDs))/(mc*ms*(xs**2-1)*cDg*gDs**2)/4.0d+0 Bmmp = tr2fu*cDs*(cDg**2*(4*trs*gDs**2-2*ms2*trg*gDs+ms2*trsgc)+m & c2*trsgc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*cDg*gDs*(gDs+cDs))/(cDg*gDs**2)+Bmmp Bmmp = Bmmp-3*tr3c001fs*(-ms2*cDg*(4*trc*gDs**2+2*((trs+trg)*cDs & +2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2**2*trc)+(trs+trg)*cDg**2*(4*gDs**2+2*ms2*gD & s+ms2**2)+mc2*(trs+trg)*gDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2))/gDs**3 Bmmp = Bmmp-LsB2*(cDg*(cDs*(mc2*(-2*trs*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg)-2*trs & gc*gDs)+2*(mc2*trg-trsgc)*cDs**2+mc2*ms2*(trsgc-mc2*trg))+2*mc2 & *trsgc*cDs*gDs-2*cDg**2*cDs*(trs*(mc2-2*gDs)+ms2*trg))*(mc2*gDs & **2-2*cDg*cDs*gDs+ms2*cDg**2)/(cDg**2*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs) Bmmp = LsB1*(gDs**3*(cDs**3*(8*trc*gDs-4*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+3*mc2*m & s2*cDs*(-2*trc*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)-8*trg*cDs**4+8*mc2*ms2*trg*cD & s**2+mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+2*cDg*gDs**2*(cDs**3*(4*trc*gD & s-2*trsgc+4*ms2*trg)-3*mc2*ms2*cDs*(trc*gDs+ms2*trg)+2*ms2*cDs* & *2*(-2*trc*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)-mc2*ms2**2*(-2*trc*gDs+trsgc+mc2* & trg))-ms2*cDg**2*gDs*(2*cDs**2*(4*trc*gDs-3*trsgc+ms2*trg)+ms2* & cDs*(-2*trc*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(-4*trc*gDs+trsgc-ms2*tr & g))+2*ms2**2*cDg**3*cDs*(trc*gDs-trsgc))/((cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs* & *3)+Bmmp Bmmp = 3*tr3c002fs*(cDg*(trc*cDs*(2*gDs+ms2)**2-4*mc2*(trs+trg)*g & Ds**2)-mc2*trc*gDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2))/gDs**3+Bmmp Bmmp = (cDg**4*(144*trs*gDs**6+24*ms2*(11*trs+6*trc)*gDs**5+cDs*( & 2*gDs+ms2)*(144*trs*gDs**4-40*ms2*(3*trg+2*trc)*gDs**3-2*ms2*(- & 36*trsgc+19*ms2*trs+23*mc2*trs+52*ms2*trg+4*ms2*trc+2*mc2*trc)* & gDs**2+2*ms2*(mc2*(-9*trsgc-8*ms2*trs-17*ms2*trg+7*ms2*trc)+ms2 & **2*(8*trc-9*trg))*gDs+mc2*ms2**2*(-9*trsgc-9*ms2*trg+8*ms2*trc & ))+8*ms2*(15*trsgc+3*ms2*trs+mc2*(-25*trs+6*trg+10*trc)+21*ms2* & trg+44*ms2*trc)*gDs**4+2*ms2*(6*ms2*(-10*trsgc-5*ms2*trs+6*ms2* & trg+15*ms2*trc)-2*mc2**2*(10*trs+19*trg)+3*mc2*ms2*(-7*trs+32*t & rg+48*trc))*gDs**3-ms2**2*(6*ms2*(21*trsgc+ms2*trs+2*ms2*trc)-m & c2*(-72*trsgc+39*ms2*trs+76*ms2*trg+180*ms2*trc)+4*mc2**2*(5*tr & s+23*trg))*gDs**2+72*trs*cDs**2*gDs**3*(2*gDs+ms2)-ms2**3*(mc2* & (54*trsgc+ms2*(-8*trs+trg-12*trc))+2*ms2*(9*trsgc+8*ms2*trc)+45 & *mc2**2*trg)*gDs-mc2*ms2**4*(9*(trsgc+mc2*trg)+8*ms2*trc))+cDg* & *3*gDs*(-144*trs*gDs**6-72*(trsgc-7*ms2*trs-mc2*trs+5*ms2*trg)* & gDs**5-cDs*(2*gDs+ms2)*(144*trs*gDs**4+72*(trsgc-mc2*trs+ms2*(t & rg+trc))*gDs**3+2*ms2*(9*(-6*trsgc+ms2*trs+2*ms2*trc)+mc2*(19*t & rs+30*trg+20*trc))*gDs**2+ms2*(-18*ms2*trsgc+mc2*(-54*trsgc+19* & ms2*trs+16*ms2*trg+4*ms2*trc)+mc2**2*(23*trs-18*trg))*gDs+mc2*m & s2**2*(9*ms2*trg-9*mc2*trg-8*ms2*trc))+4*ms2*(3*trsgc+2*mc2*(64 & *trs+13*trg+9*trc)+57*ms2*trs-9*ms2*trg)*gDs**4+2*ms2*(mc2*(48* & trsgc+ms2*(123*trs+182*trg+44*trc))+3*ms2*(4*trsgc+ms2*(-7*trs+ & 16*trg+4*trc))-5*mc2**2*(-3*trs-4*trg+2*trc))*gDs**3+ms2*(mc2** & 2*(36*trsgc+ms2*(37*trs+142*trg-10*trc))+2*mc2*ms2*(15*trsgc+ms & 2*(-4*trs+93*trg+23*trc))+6*ms2**3*(2*(trg+trc)-trs))*gDs**2-36 & *cDs**2*gDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(2*trs*gDs+trsgc-mc2*trs+ms2*trg)+mc & 2*ms2**2*(36*mc2*trsgc+ms2*(-27*trsgc+11*mc2*trs+61*mc2*trg)-3* & ms2**2*(trs-6*trg+2*trc))*gDs+mc2*ms2**3*(-9*ms2*trsgc+9*mc2*tr & sgc-8*ms2**2*trc))+cDg**2*gDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(72*(trg-2*trs)*gD & s**5+cDs*(144*(trg-2*trs)*gDs**4-72*(mc2*(trs-trg)+ms2*trg)*gDs & **3-4*(mc2*(9*trsgc-5*ms2*trs+15*ms2*trg+6*ms2*trc)+3*ms2**2*(2 & *trs+trg+trc))*gDs**2-mc2*ms2*(-54*trsgc+9*ms2*(trs-2*trg+2*trc & )+19*mc2*trs+18*mc2*trg)*gDs+9*mc2*ms2*(mc2*(trsgc+2*ms2*trg)+m & s2*trsgc))-36*(mc2*(trs-trg)+5*ms2*trg)*gDs**4+2*(mc2*(ms2*(174 & *trs-113*trg+22*trc)-9*trsgc)-6*ms2*(6*trsgc+ms2*(2*trs+trg+trc & )))*gDs**3+18*cDs**2*gDs*(4*(trg-2*trs)*gDs**2-2*(mc2*(trs-trg) & +ms2*trg)*gDs-mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+ms2*(-mc2*(60*trsgc+ms2*(3*t & rs-22*trg+32*trc))+mc2**2*(145*trs-12*trg+16*trc)+6*ms2**2*(-tr & s+trg+trc))*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(18*ms2*trsgc+mc2*(ms2*(11*trs+57*tr & g-22*trc)-9*trsgc)+18*mc2**2*trs+ms2**2*(6*(trg+trc)-3*trs))*gD & s+9*mc2**2*ms2**2*(2*trsgc+(ms2+mc2)*trg))+cDg*gDs**3*(2*gDs+ms & 2)*(72*trg*gDs**5+cDs*(144*trg*gDs**4+72*(trsgc+2*mc2*(trg-trs) & )*gDs**3+12*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*(ms2*(trs+trg+trc)+3*mc2*trg)*gDs** & 2+2*mc2*ms2*(-9*trsgc+mc2*(5*(trs-3*trg)+3*trc)-3*ms2*(2*trs+tr & g+trc))*gDs+9*mc2**2*ms2*(ms2-mc2)*trg)+36*(trsgc+2*mc2*(trg-tr & s))*gDs**4+6*(mc2*ms2*(2*trs-25*trg+2*trc)-2*ms2**2*(trs+trg+tr & c)+3*mc2**2*trg)*gDs**3+18*cDs**2*gDs*(4*trg*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+2* & mc2*(trg-trs))*gDs+mc2*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*trg)-2*ms2*(-3*mc2*(ms2* & (trg+trc)-15*trsgc)-2*mc2**2*(29*trs-28*trg+8*trc)+3*ms2**2*(tr & s+trg+trc))*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(-mc2*(54*trsgc+ms2*(-6*trs+25*trg+1 & 6*trc))+mc2**2*(25*trs-22*trg+5*trc)+3*ms2**2*(-trs+trg+trc))*g & Ds+9*mc2**2*ms2*(ms2-mc2)*trsgc)-ms2*cDg**5*(16*(16*trs+trg-18* & trc)*gDs**4+4*(36*trsgc+ms2*(25*trs+4*trg-160*trc)+mc2*(trs+40* & trg-18*trc))*gDs**3+2*cDs*(2*gDs+ms2)*(4*(9*trg+trc)*gDs**2+2*( & 9*trsgc+ms2*(8*trs+26*trg-7*trc))*gDs+ms2*(9*trsgc+9*ms2*trg-8* & ms2*trc))+2*(3*mc2*(6*trsgc+ms2*(-5*trs+38*trg-24*trc))+144*ms2 & *trsgc+ms2**2*(-17*trs+10*trg-180*trc))*gDs**2+36*ms2*(4*ms2+mc & 2)*trsgc*gDs-2*ms2**2*(mc2*(16*trs-56*trg+45*trc)+ms2*(8*trs-tr & g+12*trc))*gDs+9*ms2**2*(2*ms2+mc2)*trsgc+ms2**3*(mc2*(-8*trs+1 & 9*trg-18*trc)+16*ms2*trc))+mc2*gDs**4*(2*gDs+ms2)*(36*trg*gDs** & 4+cDs*(72*trg*gDs**3+36*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**2+6*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc & )*ms2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs-9*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+18*(trsgc+mc & 2*trg)*gDs**3-6*ms2*(ms2*(trs+trg+trc)-mc2*(trs-5*trg+trc))*gDs & **2+18*cDs**2*gDs*(2*trg*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)+ms2*(3*mc2*(2*ms2*( & trs+trg+trc)-9*trsgc)+mc2**2*(7*trs-22*trg+5*trc)-3*ms2**2*(trs & +trg+trc))*gDs-9*mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*ms2*cDg**6*(2*gD & s+ms2)*(4*(8*trs-trg+9*trc)*gDs**2+2*(ms2*(8*trs-10*trg+27*trc) & -9*trsgc)*gDs+ms2*(ms2*(8*trs-trg+18*trc)-9*trsgc)))/(ms2*cDg** & 2*(2*cDg+mc2)*gDs**3*(gDs+cDg)*(2*gDs+ms2))/1.2d+1+Bmmp Bmmp = tr3s00ft*(cDg*(8*trs*gDs**4+2*(8*trs*cDs+trsgc+5*ms2*trg)* & gDs**3+2*(4*trs*cDs**2+2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs+ms2*(2*trsgc-5*mc2 & *trs+3*mc2*trg))*gDs**2+ms2*(2*trg*cDs**2+mc2*(-4*trs*cDs+2*trg & *cDs-2*mc2*trs+5*ms2*trg+6*ms2*trc))*gDs+2*trsgc*cDs**2*gDs+mc2 & *ms2*(-trsgc*(cDs+ms2)-ms2*trg*(cDs+mc2)))+gDs*(-4*trg*gDs**4+c & Ds*(-8*trg*gDs**3-4*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(trsgc+mc2*t & rg))-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**3+4*mc2*ms2*trg*gDs**2-2*cDs**2*gDs & *(2*trg*gDs+trsgc+mc2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(3*trsgc+mc2*trs+3*mc2*trg)* & gDs+mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))-cDg**2*(4*trs*gDs**3+8*trs*(cDs & +2*ms2)*gDs**2+4*(trs*cDs**2+ms2*trsgc+ms2**2*trg)*gDs+mc2*ms2* & (ms2*trg-2*trs*cDs))+8*ms2*trs*cDg**3*gDs)/(ms2*cDg**2*gDs)+Bm & mp Bmmp = B0cgsf*(cDg**4*gDs*(4*trs*gDs**4+cDs*(8*trs*gDs**3+(-2*trs & gc+8*ms2*trs-26*ms2*trg+4*ms2*trc)*gDs**2+ms2*(-6*trsgc-5*ms2*t & rs-2*mc2*trs-8*ms2*trg+2*mc2*trg+2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2**2*(-trsgc- & 2*ms2*trg+mc2*trg+2*ms2*trc))+(ms2*(28*trs-2*trg+24*trc)-2*trsg & c)*gDs**3+4*trs*cDs**2*gDs**2+ms2*(-14*trsgc-7*ms2*trs-12*ms2*t & rg+4*mc2*(trc-trg)+20*ms2*trc)*gDs**2+ms2*(mc2*trsgc+2*ms2*(mc2 & *(trs+trg)-3*trsgc)+4*ms2**2*trc)*gDs-ms2**2*(2*ms2*trsgc-mc2*t & rsgc+mc2*ms2*trg+2*ms2**2*trc))+cDg**5*(4*trs*gDs**4+4*(trs*cDs & +4*ms2*(trs+trc))*gDs**3+ms2*(ms2*(-trs-8*trg+18*trc)-2*(2*trg* & cDs+4*trsgc+mc2*(trs+trg)))*gDs**2+ms2*(2*(ms2*(-trs-3*trg+trc) & -trsgc)*cDs-ms2*(4*trsgc+ms2*(-2*trs+trg-5*trc)+3*mc2*trg))*gDs & -ms2**2*((trsgc+ms2*(trg-trc))*cDs+ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg+ms2*trc)) & )+cDg*gDs**4*(4*(3*trg-2*trs)*gDs**4+cDs*(4*(5*trg-4*trs)*gDs** & 3+2*(3*trsgc-2*ms2*trg+5*mc2*trg)*gDs**2+2*ms2*(mc2*(3*trs+trg+ & 2*trc)-ms2*(3*trs+2*trg+2*trc))*gDs-mc2*ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trg+2*mc & 2*trg))+(4*trsgc-6*ms**2*trg+6*mc**2*trg)*gDs**3-2*ms2*(trsgc+3 & *ms2*trs+mc2*(-8*trs+3*trg-3*trc)+2*ms2*trg+2*ms2*trc)*gDs**2+2 & *cDs**2*gDs*(4*(trg-trs)*gDs+trsgc-ms2*trg+2*mc2*trg)+ms2*(mc2* & (-4*trsgc+4*ms2*trs+ms2*trg)+mc2**2*(2*trs-7*trg)-2*ms2**2*trs) & *gDs+mc2*ms2*(ms2*trsgc-mc2*(2*trsgc+ms2*trg)))+cDg**3*gDs**2*( & 4*(trg-3*trs)*gDs**4+cDs*(4*(trg-3*trs)*gDs**3+2*(-3*trsgc+2*ms & 2*(2*trs-9*trg+2*trc)+mc2*trg)*gDs**2-2*ms2*(5*trsgc+ms2*(3*trs & +7*trg+trc)+mc2*trs+5*mc2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg)+m & c2*trsgc+ms2**2*(trc-trg)))+2*(-2*trsgc+ms2*(12*trs-5*trg+8*trc & )+mc2*trg)*gDs**3+ms2*(-14*trsgc+2*mc2*(7*trs+5*trc)+ms2*(-9*tr & s-4*trg+10*trc))*gDs**2-2*(trsgc+9*ms2*trg)*cDs**2*gDs+ms2*(2*m & c2*(trsgc+2*ms2*(trs+trg-trc))-6*ms2*trsgc+mc2**2*(2*trs-3*trg) & +ms2**2*(-2*trs+trg+3*trc))*gDs+ms2**2*(-ms2*trsgc+3*mc2*trsgc+ & mc2*ms2*trg+mc2**2*trg-ms2**2*trc))+cDg**2*gDs**3*(4*(3*trg-5*t & rs)*gDs**4+cDs*(16*(trg-2*trs)*gDs**3+2*(-trsgc-9*ms2*trg+4*mc2 & *trg+2*ms2*trc)*gDs**2-ms2*(6*trsgc-2*mc2*(2*trs-2*trg+trc)+7*m & s2*trs+6*ms2*trg+4*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(mc2*(trsgc+3*ms2*trg)+ms2* & trsgc-mc2**2*trg))+2*(ms2*(4*trs-7*trg+2*trc)+3*mc2*trg)*gDs**3 & +ms2*(-8*trsgc+2*mc2*(13*trs-trg+5*trc)-9*ms2*trs)*gDs**2+2*cDs & **2*gDs*(trg*(2*gDs-6*ms2+mc2)-6*trs*gDs-trsgc)+ms2*(-3*ms2*trs & gc+mc2**2*(4*trs-5*trg)+2*mc2*ms2*(2*trs+trg-3*trc)+ms2**2*(3*( & trg+trc)-2*trs))*gDs+mc2*ms2*(3*ms2*trsgc-mc2*trsgc+ms2**2*trg+ & mc2*ms2*trg))+gDs**5*(4*trg*gDs**4+cDs*(8*trg*gDs**3+4*(trsgc+m & c2*trg)*gDs**2+2*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*ms2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs-mc2*ms2* & (trsgc+mc2*trg))+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**3-2*ms2*(ms2*(trs+trg+t & rc)-mc2*(trs-trg+trc))*gDs**2+2*cDs**2*gDs*(2*trg*gDs+trsgc+mc2 & *trg)-ms2*(mc2*(3*trsgc-2*ms2*(trs+trg+trc))+ms2**2*(trs+trg+tr & c)+3*mc2**2*trg)*gDs-mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+ms2*cDg**6*(4* & (trs+trc)*gDs**2-2*trsgc*gDs+2*ms2*(trs-trg+3*trc)*gDs-ms2*trsg & c+ms2**2*(trs+2*trc)))/(ms2*cDg**2*gDs**3*(gDs+cDg)**2)/4.0d+0+ & Bmmp Bmmp = lc*(cDg*(8*trg*gDs**4+4*(trsgc+mc2*(trg-2*trs))*gDs**3+2*c & Ds*gDs*(4*trg*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*(trg-2*trs))*gDs-mc2*(trsgc+m & s2*trg))-2*mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*gDs**2+2*mc2*ms2*(trsgc-mc2*(trs & +2*trg))*gDs+mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))-2*cDg**2*(8*trs*gDs**3 & +2*(4*trs*cDs+trsgc-mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs**2+2*((trsgc+ms2*trg)* & cDs-mc2*(trs*cDs-ms2*trs+ms2*trc))*gDs+mc2*ms2*(-trsgc+mc2*trs- & ms2*trg))+mc2*gDs*(trg*(2*gDs*(gDs+cDs)*(2*gDs+mc2)-mc2**2*ms2) & +trsgc*(2*gDs*(gDs+cDs)+mc2*ms2))+2*trs*cDg**3*(4*gDs*(gDs+cDs) & -3*mc2*ms2))/(ms2*(2*cDg+mc2)**2*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = BfunX*(cDg**3*(4*(3*trs+trg)*gDs**3+cDs*(4*(3*trs+2*trg+tr & c)*gDs**2+2*ms2*(trs+trg+2*trc)*gDs+ms2**2*trc)+ms2*(7*trs+4*tr & g+2*trc)*gDs**2+3*ms2**2*trc*gDs+ms2**3*trc)+cDg**4*((6*trs+4*t & rg)*gDs**2-2*ms2*(trs+trg)*gDs-ms2**2*(trs+trg))+cDg**2*gDs**2* & (trs*(ms2*(5*gDs+3*cDs)+2*(gDs+cDs)*(5*gDs+cDs)+ms2**2)-4*ms2*( & trg+trc)*gDs)+(trs+trg+trc)*gDs**4*(2*(gDs+cDs)+ms2)**2+2*cDg*g & Ds**3*((trg+trc)*(gDs-ms2)+2*trs*gDs+trs*cDs)*(2*(gDs+cDs)+ms2) & )/(cDg**2*gDs**3)/4.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = B0csf*(cDg**2*(cDs*((4*mc2*trs-2*ms2*trs)*gDs**2+(2*ms2*(t & rsgc+ms2*trc)+mc2*(ms2*(trs-3*trg+4*trc)-trsgc)+mc2**2*trs)*gDs & +2*mc2*ms2**2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(2*trs*gDs**2+(trsgc-mc2*trg+ms2*trc & +mc2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(ms2+mc2)*trg)-2*cDs**3*(2*(trs-trg+trc)*gDs+ & ms2*trg)-cDs**2*(2*(mc2*trc-ms2*(-trs+trg+trc))*gDs+ms2*(ms2+mc & 2)*trg))+cDg*gDs*(cDs*(2*mc2*trs*gDs**2+(ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trc)+mc & 2*(-2*trsgc+4*ms2*trs-5*ms2*trg+5*ms2*trc)+2*mc2**2*trs)*gDs-2* & mc2*ms2*(trsgc+2*ms2*trg+3*mc2*trg))-mc2*ms2*(-2*trs*gDs**2+(tr & sgc-mc2*(trs+2*trc)+ms2*(-trs+trg-2*trc))*gDs+(ms2+mc2)*(trsgc+ & mc2*trg))+cDs**2*(-2*(ms2*(trs-trg+trc)+mc2*(-trs+trg+2*trc))*g & Ds+mc2*(trsgc-7*ms2*trg)+ms2*trsgc+mc2**2*trg)+2*cDs**3*(-2*(tr & s-trg+2*trc)*gDs+trsgc+2*ms2*trg+3*mc2*trg)+8*trg*cDs**4)+cDg** & 3*(cDs*(mc2*(2*trs*gDs+ms2*(-2*trs+trg+trc))+ms2*(-4*trs*gDs+tr & sgc+ms2*trc))+mc2*ms2*(-trs*(2*gDs+mc2)+trsgc+ms2*(trg-trs))+2* & ms2*trc*cDs**2)+gDs**2*(mc2*cDs*((-trsgc+ms2*(trs-trg+2*trc)+mc & 2*trs)*gDs-2*ms2*(trsgc+(ms2+mc2)*trg))+cDs**2*(-2*(mc2*(-trs+t & rg+trc)+ms2*trc)*gDs+mc2*(trsgc-4*ms2*trg)+ms2*trsgc)+mc2*ms2*( & mc2*trg*gDs+(ms2+mc2)*trc*gDs+trsgc*(-gDs-ms2-mc2))+2*cDs**3*(- & 2*trc*gDs+trsgc+(ms2+mc2)*trg)+4*trg*cDs**4)-2*ms2*trs*cDg**4*( & cDs+mc2))/((cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs*(gDs+cDg)**2)/2.0d+0+Bm & mp Bmmp = 3*mc2*tr3s002ft*((trg+trc)*((2*cDg+mc2)*gDs**2+ms2*cDg**2) & -trs*cDg**2*(gDs+cDs))/(cDg**2*gDs)+Bmmp Bmmp = ls*(gDs*(2*gDs+ms2)*((2*gDs+ms2)*(2*trc*gDs-trg*(4*cDs+mc2 & ))-ms2*trsgc)+cDg*(-trsgc*(2*gDs+ms2)**2+8*trc*gDs**3-4*ms2*trs & *gDs**2+8*ms2*trc*gDs**2+4*ms2**2*trg*gDs+2*ms2**2*trc*gDs+ms2* & *3*trg))/(gDs*(2*gDs+ms2)**2)/2.0d+0+Bmmp Bmmp = 3*mc2*tr3s001ft*(mc2*trs*gDs-2*trs*cDg*cDs+2*ms2*(trg+trc) & *cDg)/cDg**2+Bmmp Bmmp=Bmmp/zmmp return end
{"hexsha": "5db6888ae702887bc0181be56ca4ee35d6c0ac6e", "size": 21460, "ext": "f", "lang": "FORTRAN", "max_stars_repo_path": "MCFM-JHUGen/src/Stopb/Bmmp.f", "max_stars_repo_name": "tmartini/JHUGen", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "80da31668d7b7eb5b02bb4cac435562c45075d24", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_stars_count": 3, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2015-06-08T13:09:28.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2020-09-04T19:59:36.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "MCFM-JHUGen/src/Stopb/Bmmp.f", "max_issues_repo_name": "tmartini/JHUGen", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "80da31668d7b7eb5b02bb4cac435562c45075d24", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_issues_count": 64, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": "2015-06-24T15:08:17.000Z", "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": "2022-01-25T04:59:32.000Z", "max_forks_repo_path": "MCFM-JHUGen/src/Stopb/Bmmp.f", "max_forks_repo_name": "tmartini/JHUGen", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "80da31668d7b7eb5b02bb4cac435562c45075d24", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_forks_count": 19, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": "2015-05-04T22:15:41.000Z", "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": "2021-07-06T10:04:40.000Z", "avg_line_length": 60.9659090909, "max_line_length": 73, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5356477167, "num_tokens": 12833}
function part1(input) state = parse_input(input, 3) for i = 1:6 state = simulate_cycle(state) end return length(state) end function part2(input) state = parse_input(input, 4) for i = 1:6 state = simulate_cycle(state) end return length(state) end function parse_input(input, dims) state = Set{CartesianIndex{dims}}() for (i, line) in enumerate(readlines(input)) for (j, c) in enumerate(split(line, "")) if c == "#" push!(state, CartesianIndex(i, j, fill(0, dims - 2)...)) end end end return state end function simulate_cycle(state::Set{CartesianIndex{N}}) where N neighbors = Dict{CartesianIndex{N}, Int}() neighborhood = CartesianIndices(ntuple(i -> -1:1, N)) for position in state for Δ in neighborhood if Δ == zero(CartesianIndex{N}) neighbors[position + Δ] = get(neighbors, position + Δ, 0) + 1 else neighbors[position + Δ] = get(neighbors, position + Δ, 0) + 2 end end end return Set(position for (position, num_neighbors) in neighbors if 5 <= num_neighbors <= 7) end
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dyn.load('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib') setwd("/Users/mengmengjiang/all datas/voltage") library(xlsx) par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(1.8,2.2,0.8,1), oma = c(1,1,1,1)) ### 32G-18nl/min ### k1<-read.xlsx("he-32g.xlsx", sheetName = "2kv18", header = TRUE) k2<-read.xlsx("qd3.xlsx", sheetName = "v1", header = TRUE) k3<-read.xlsx("qd3.xlsx", sheetName = "v2", header = TRUE) k4<-read.xlsx("qd3.xlsx", sheetName = "v3", header = TRUE) ## yan<-c("red","blue","black","green3") pcc<-c(0,1,2,5) ## error.bar <- function(x, y, upper, coll,lower=upper, length=0.05,...){ if(length(x) != length(y) | length(y) !=length(lower) | length(lower) != length(upper)) stop("vectors must be same length") arrows(x,y+upper, x, y-lower,col=coll, angle=90, code=3, length=length, ...) } ## plot(k1$fv,k1$d_r, col=0,xlab = expression(italic(f["v"]) (Hz)), ylab = expression(italic(d["d"]) (um)), mgp=c(1.1, 0, 0),tck=0.02, main = "", xlim = c(0, 6000),ylim=c(0,70)) mtext("32G-18nl/min",3,line=-1,font=2,cex=0.9) lines(k1$fv,k1$d_r,col=yan[1],pch=pcc[1],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(k2$fv,k2$deva,col=yan[2],pch=pcc[2],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(k3$fv,k3$deva,col=yan[3],pch=pcc[3],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(k4$fv,k4$deva,col=yan[4],pch=pcc[4],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) error.bar(k1$fv,k1$d_r,k1$stdd/2,col=yan[1]) error.bar(k2$fv,k2$deva,k2$stdd/2,col=yan[2]) error.bar(k3$fv,k3$deva,k3$stdd/2,col=yan[3]) error.bar(k4$fv,k4$deva,k4$stdd/2,col=yan[4]) leg<-c("V0+0:2kv+0Kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.7kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.9kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.95kv") legend("topright",legend=leg,col=yan,pch=pcc,lwd=1.5,lty=2,inset=.02,bty="n",cex=0.8) ### 32G-180nl/min ### ka<-read.xlsx("he-32g.xlsx", sheetName = "2kv180", header = TRUE) kb<-read.xlsx("qd4.xlsx", sheetName = "v1", header = TRUE) kc<-read.xlsx("qd4.xlsx", sheetName = "v2", header = TRUE) kd<-read.xlsx("qd4.xlsx", sheetName = "v3", header = TRUE) plot(ka$fv,ka$d_r, col=0,xlab = expression(italic(f["v"]) (Hz)), ylab = expression(italic(d["d"]) (um)), mgp=c(1.1, 0, 0),tck=0.02, main = "", xlim = c(0,4000),ylim=c(0,70)) mtext("32G-180nl/min",3,line=-1,font=2,cex=0.9) lines(ka$fv,ka$d_r,col=yan[1],pch=pcc[1],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(kb$fv,kb$deva,col=yan[2],pch=pcc[2],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(kc$fv,kc$deva,col=yan[3],pch=pcc[3],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(kd$fv,kd$deva,col=yan[4],pch=pcc[4],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) error.bar(ka$fv,ka$d_r,ka$stdd/2,col=yan[1]) error.bar(kb$fv,kb$deva,kb$stdd/2,col=yan[2]) error.bar(kc$fv,kc$deva,kc$stdd/2,col=yan[3]) error.bar(kd$fv,kd$deva,kd$stdd/2,col=yan[4]) leg<-c("V0+0:2kv+0Kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.7kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.9kv","Va+Vb:2kv-1.95kv") legend("topright",legend=leg,col=yan,pch=pcc,lwd=1.5,lty=2,inset=.02,bty="n",cex=0.8) # 32G 0+2kv 18nl/min x<-c(2,2.5,3,3.5,4) y0<-c(33/60,33/60,33.4/60,34/60,34/60) y1<-c(34/60,35/60,34.5/60,34.5/60,35/60) # 32G,0+2kv,18nl/min y2<-c(39/80,40/80,42/80,41/80,41/80) # 32G,V1,18nl/min y3<-c(41/78,40/80,41/80,43/79,38/79) # 32G,V2,18nl/min y4<-c(39/79,39/79,40/79,40/81,40/81) # 32G,V3,18nl/min y5<-c(40/79,38/79,43/82,44/80,40/81) # 32G,V1,180nl/min y6<-c(35/80,34/80,35/80,35/80,36/80) # 32G,V2,180nl/min y7<-c(36/81,36/81,36/81,36/81,37/81) # 32G,V3,180nl/min plot(x,y1, col=0,xlab = expression(italic(f["v"]) (KHz)), ylab = expression(italic(h["m"]/D)), mgp=c(1.1, 0, 0),tck=0.02, main = "", xlim = c(2,4),ylim=c(0.2,0.8)) mtext("18nl/min-hm",3,line=-1,font=2,cex=0.9) lines(x,y0,col=yan[1],pch=pcc[1],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y2,col=yan[2],pch=pcc[2],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y3,col=yan[3],pch=pcc[3],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y4,col=yan[4],pch=pcc[4],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) leg<-c("2+0kv-18nl/min","2kv+1.7kv-18nl/min", "2kv-1.8kv-18nl/min","2kv-1.9kv-18nl/min") legend("bottomright",legend=leg,col=yan,pch=pcc,lwd=1.5,lty=2,inset=.01,cex=0.8,bty="n") plot(x,y1, col=0,xlab = expression(italic(f["v"]) (KHz)), ylab = expression(italic(h["m"]/D)), mgp=c(1.1, 0, 0),tck=0.02, main = "", xlim = c(2,4),ylim=c(0.2,0.8)) mtext("180nl/min-hm",3,line=-1,font=2,cex=0.9) lines(x,y1,col=yan[1],pch=pcc[1],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y5,col=yan[2],pch=pcc[2],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y6,col=yan[3],pch=pcc[3],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) lines(x,y7,col=yan[4],pch=pcc[4],type="b",lwd=2,lty=2) leg2<-c("2+0kv-18nl/min","2kv+1.7kv-18nl/min", "2kv-1.8kv-18nl/min","2kv-1.9kv-18nl/min") legend("bottomright",legend=leg,col=yan,pch=pcc,lwd=1.5,lty=2,inset=.01,cex=0.8,bty="n")
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#include <boost/fusion/container/map/map_iterator.hpp>
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function [varargout]=gpatch(varargin) % function [h]=gpatch(F,V,C,CE,A,L) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % This function is a short-hand version of the |patch| command. The inputs % for |gpatch| are the faces (F), the vertices (V), the color description % (C), the edge color description CE, the transparancy (A), and the edge % width (L). % The color data descriptions C (or equivalently CE for edges) can be: % 1) A string such as 'g' for green % 2) A triplet of RGD values e.g. [1 0 0] is blue % 3) A nx1 or a mx1 array of colormapped colors (where n=size(F,1) or % m=size(V,1)) % 4) (simiarl to 3) A nx3 or a mx3 RGB color value array for the faces or % vertices respectively. % % % Kevin Mattheus Moerman % [email protected] % % 2017 % 2018/02/07 Added support for colormapped edges %------------------------------------------------------------------------ switch nargin case 1 error('Not enough input arguments, provide at least faces and vertices'); case 2 F=varargin{1}; V=varargin{2}; C='g'; CE='k'; A=1; L=[]; case 3 F=varargin{1}; V=varargin{2}; C=varargin{3}; CE='k'; A=1; L=[]; case 4 F=varargin{1}; V=varargin{2}; C=varargin{3}; CE=varargin{4}; A=1; L=[]; case 5 F=varargin{1}; V=varargin{2}; C=varargin{3}; CE=varargin{4}; A=varargin{5}; L=[]; case 6 F=varargin{1}; V=varargin{2}; C=varargin{3}; CE=varargin{4}; A=varargin{5}; L=varargin{6}; otherwise error('Wrong number of input arguments'); end if isempty(C) C='g'; end if isempty(CE) C='k'; end if isa(F,'cell') %Assume all entries are cells defining multiple patch data sets for q=1:1:numel(F) f=F{q}; if isa(V,'cell') v=V{q}; else v=V; end if isa(C,'cell') c=C{q}; else c=C; end if isa(CE,'cell') ce=CE{q}; else ce=CE; end if isa(A,'cell') a=A{q}; else a=A; end hp(q)=plotPatch(f,v,c,ce,a,L); end else hp=plotPatch(F,V,C,CE,A,L); end if nargout==1 varargout{1}=hp; end end %% function hp=plotPatch(F,V,C,CE,A,L) % hf=gcf; % if isempty(hf.Children) % gca; % view(3); % end argInPatch.Faces=F; argInPatch.Vertices=V; argInPatch.EdgeColor=CE; if ischar(C) %Plain single color argInPatch.FaceColor=C; if strcmp(C,'kw') argInPatch.FaceColor=grayColor(0.5); end if strcmp(C,'rw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[1 0.5 0.5]; end if strcmp(C,'gw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[0.5 1 0.5]; end if strcmp(C,'bw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[0.5 0.5 1]; end if strcmp(C,'yw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[1 1 0.5]; end if strcmp(C,'cw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[0.5 1 1]; end if strcmp(C,'mw') argInPatch.FaceColor=[1 0.5 1]; end elseif size(C,2)==1 argInPatch.FaceColor='flat'; argInPatch.CData=double(C); elseif size(C,2)==3 && size(C,1)==1 %Assume single RGB level argInPatch.FaceColor=double(C); elseif size(C,2)==3 && size(C,1)>1 %Assume RGB array argInPatch.FaceColor='flat'; argInPatch.FaceVertexCData=double(C); else error('Invalid face-vertex color data input'); end if ischar(CE) %Plain single color argInPatch.EdgeColor=CE; if strcmp(CE,'kw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=grayColor(0.5); end if strcmp(CE,'rw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[1 0.5 0.5]; end if strcmp(CE,'gw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[0.5 1 0.5]; end if strcmp(CE,'bw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[0.5 0.5 1]; end if strcmp(CE,'yw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[1 1 0.5]; end if strcmp(CE,'cw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[0.5 1 1]; end if strcmp(CE,'mw') argInPatch.EdgeColor=[1 0.5 1]; end elseif size(CE,2)==1 if size(CE,1)>1 if size(CE,1)==size(F,1) [CE]=faceToVertexMeasure(F,V,CE); argInPatch.EdgeColor='flat'; argInPatch.CData=double(CE); end if size(CE,1)==size(V,1) argInPatch.EdgeColor='flat'; argInPatch.CData=double(CE); end else argInPatch.EdgeColor='flat'; argInPatch.CData=double(CE)*ones(size(V,1),1); end elseif size(CE,2)==3 && size(CE,1)==1 %Assume single RGB level argInPatch.EdgeColor=double(CE); elseif size(CE,2)==3 && size(CE,1)>1 %Assume RGB array argInPatch.EdgeColor='flat'; argInPatch.FaceVertexCData=double(CE); else error('Invalid edge color data input'); end if numel(A)==1 %Plain single alpha argInPatch.FaceAlpha=A; elseif size(A,2)==1 %Alpha mapping argInPatch.FaceAlpha='flat'; argInPatch.FaceVertexAlphaData=A; else error('Invalid alpha data input'); end if ~isempty(L) argInPatch.LineWidth=L; end hp=patch(argInPatch); end %% % _*GIBBON footer text*_ % % License: <https://github.com/gibbonCode/GIBBON/blob/master/LICENSE> % % GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for % image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element % analysis. % % Copyright (C) 2018 Kevin Mattheus Moerman % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{"author": "MultiDIC", "repo": "MultiDIC", "sha": "d363c3ea74673e58df275d4a4c8e528ef5472acb", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/MultiDIC-MultiDIC", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/MultiDIC-MultiDIC/MultiDIC-d363c3ea74673e58df275d4a4c8e528ef5472acb/lib_ext/GIBBON/lib/gpatch.m"}
#!/usr/bin/python ############################################## ###Python template ###Author: Elizabeth Lee ###Date: 6/9/13 ###Function: #### 1) create scatter of OR by zipcode vs. urban metro RUCC avg 2013 ###Import data: zipcode_bysseas_cl.csv ###Command Line: python ############################################## ### notes ### ### packages ### import matplotlib import csv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * ## local packages ## import ORgenerator_v060713 as od ### data structures ### child1, adult1, zip3_sdi, snum_sdi = [],[],[],[] # attack rates for children and adults for total by zipcode, zip3s from sdi data, season number in sdi data y1 = [] # odds ratios for total cases by zipcode zipdict, rucc_bin = {},[] # dictionary of zip3 and rural-urban categorization, list of rucc 1-3 bins that correspond with order of zip3s in sdi data cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7, cs8, cs9, cs10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # childlist for seasons 1-10 as1, as2, as3, as4, as5, as6, as7, as8, as9, as10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # adultlist for seasons 1-10 ys1, ys2, ys3, ys4, ys5, ys6, ys7, ys8, ys9, ys10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # OR for seasons 1-10 rbs1, rbs2, rbs3, rbs4, rbs5, rbs6, rbs7, rbs8, rbs9, rbs10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # rucc_mn_bin for seasons 1-10 z3s1, z3s2, z3s3, z3s4, z3s5, z3s6, z3s7, z3s8, z3s9, z3s10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # zip3_sdi for seasons 1-10 sns1, sns2, sns3, sns4, sns5, sns6, sns7, sns8, sns9, sns10 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] # season number from sdi data for dataset broken into seasons 1-10 ### parameters ### ### functions ### # create a dictionary of zip3, rural-urban categorization as key, value def createzipdict(csvreadfile, dictname): ct=0 for row in csvreadfile: if ct==0: ct+=1 continue else: zipdict[str(row[0])] = int(row[3]) ### import data ### zORin=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_bysseas_cl2.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR=csv.reader(zORin, delimiter=',') zOR1in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s1.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR1=csv.reader(zOR1in, delimiter=',') zOR2in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s2.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR2=csv.reader(zOR2in, delimiter=',') zOR3in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s3.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR3=csv.reader(zOR3in, delimiter=',') zOR4in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s4.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR4=csv.reader(zOR4in, delimiter=',') zOR5in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s5.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR5=csv.reader(zOR5in, delimiter=',') zOR6in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s6.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR6=csv.reader(zOR6in, delimiter=',') zOR7in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s7.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR7=csv.reader(zOR7in, delimiter=',') zOR8in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s8.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR8=csv.reader(zOR8in, delimiter=',') zOR9in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s9.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR9=csv.reader(zOR9in, delimiter=',') zOR10in=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/R_export/zipcode_cl2_s10.csv','r') # use to calculate OR by zip3 zOR10=csv.reader(zOR10in, delimiter=',') RUCCavgin=open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/Rural_Urban/R_export/zip3_RUCC2013avg_crosswalk.csv','r') # categorization of urban/rural by zip3 RUCCavg=csv.reader(RUCCavgin, delimiter=',') ### program ### ### analyze all zip3-season data together to see if there are patterns createzipdict(RUCCavg, zipdict) od.importer_zip3(zOR, adult1, child1, 3, 4, zip3_sdi, 2, snum_sdi, zipdict, rucc_bin) print "rucc_binlen:", len(rucc_bin) print "child1len:", len(child1), "adult1len:", len(adult1) # adult1 index 101 and 104, adultlist == 0 # child1 index 2162, childlist == 0 od.ORgen(y1, child1, adult1) print "y1len:", len(y1) # OR vs. urban rural code (all seasons together) rulab = ['populous urban metro area', 'small metro area', 'rural non-metro area'] xaxjitter = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rucc_bin] print "length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjitter) plt.scatter(xaxjitter, y1, marker='o', color = 'black', label= "zipcode prefix") # plt.scatter(domsubtypeplot, y3a, marker='o', color = 'red', label= "severe cases") # plt.scatter(domsubtypeplot, y3b, marker='o', color = 'green', label= "milder cases") # for num, subtype, OR in zip(seasonnum, rucc_bin, y1): # plt.annotate(num, xy = (subtype, OR), xytext = (10,0), textcoords = 'offset points') xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() # urban areas tend to have larger ranges of ORs # number of zip3s: 396 populous urban metro - 322 smaller urban metro - 167 rural #### analyze ORs by season od.importer_zip3(zOR1, as1, cs1, 3, 4, z3s1, 2, sns1, zipdict, rbs1) print "rucc_binlen:", len(rbs1) print "childlen:", len(cs1), "adultlen:", len(as1) # adult1 index 101 and 104, adultlist == 0 # child1 index 2162, childlist == 0 od.ORgen(ys1, cs1, as1) print "ylen:", len(ys1) od.importer_zip3(zOR2, as2, cs2, 3, 4, z3s2, 2, sns2, zipdict, rbs2) od.importer_zip3(zOR3, as3, cs3, 3, 4, z3s3, 2, sns3, zipdict, rbs3) od.importer_zip3(zOR4, as4, cs4, 3, 4, z3s4, 2, sns4, zipdict, rbs4) od.importer_zip3(zOR5, as5, cs5, 3, 4, z3s5, 2, sns5, zipdict, rbs5) od.importer_zip3(zOR6, as6, cs6, 3, 4, z3s6, 2, sns6, zipdict, rbs6) od.importer_zip3(zOR7, as7, cs7, 3, 4, z3s7, 2, sns7, zipdict, rbs7) od.importer_zip3(zOR8, as8, cs8, 3, 4, z3s8, 2, sns8, zipdict, rbs8) od.importer_zip3(zOR9, as9, cs9, 3, 4, z3s9, 2, sns9, zipdict, rbs9) od.importer_zip3(zOR10, as10, cs10, 3, 4, z3s10, 2, sns10, zipdict, rbs10) od.ORgen(ys2, cs2, as2) od.ORgen(ys3, cs3, as3) od.ORgen(ys4, cs4, as4) od.ORgen(ys5, cs5, as5) od.ORgen(ys6, cs6, as6) od.ORgen(ys7, cs7, as7) od.ORgen(ys8, cs8, as8) od.ORgen(ys9, cs9, as9) od.ORgen(ys10, cs10, as10) # OR vs. urban rural code by season rulab = ['populous urban metro area', 'small metro area', 'rural non-metro area'] xaxjs1 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs1] print "ys1:",len(ys1),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs1) xaxjs2 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs2] print "ys2:",len(ys2),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs2) xaxjs3 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs3] print "ys3:",len(ys3),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs3) xaxjs4 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs4] print "ys4",len(ys4),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs4) xaxjs5 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs5] print "ys5:",len(ys5),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs5) xaxjs6 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs6] print "ys6:",len(ys6),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs6) xaxjs7 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs7] print "ys7:",len(ys7),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs7) xaxjs8 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs8] print "ys8:",len(ys8),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs8) xaxjs9 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs9] print "ys9:",len(ys9),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs9) xaxjs10 = [x + np.random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4, 1) for x in rbs10] print "ys10:",len(ys10),"length x-axis jitter:",len(xaxjs10) plt.scatter(xaxjs1, ys1, marker='o', color = 'grey', label= "Season 1") plt.scatter(xaxjs2, ys2, marker='o', color = 'black', label= "Season 2") plt.scatter(xaxjs3, ys3, marker='o', color = 'red', label= "Season 3") plt.scatter(xaxjs4, ys4, marker='o', color = 'orange', label= "Season 4") plt.scatter(xaxjs5, ys5, marker='o', color = 'gold', label= "Season 5") plt.scatter(xaxjs6, ys6, marker='o', color = 'green', label= "Season 6") plt.scatter(xaxjs7, ys7, marker='o', color = 'blue', label= "Season 7") plt.scatter(xaxjs8, ys8, marker='o', color = 'cyan', label= "Season 8") plt.scatter(xaxjs9, ys9, marker='o', color = 'darkviolet', label= "Season 9") plt.scatter(xaxjs10, ys10, marker='o', color = 'hotpink', label= "Season 10") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() # OR vs. urban rural code each season plt.scatter(xaxjs1, ys1, marker='o', color = 'grey', label= "Season 1") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs2, ys2, marker='o', color = 'black', label= "Season 2") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs3, ys3, marker='o', color = 'red', label= "Season 3") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs4, ys4, marker='o', color = 'orange', label= "Season 4") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs5, ys5, marker='o', color = 'gold', label= "Season 5") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs6, ys6, marker='o', color = 'green', label= "Season 6") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs7, ys7, marker='o', color = 'blue', label= "Season 7") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs8, ys8, marker='o', color = 'cyan', label= "Season 8") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs9, ys9, marker='o', color = 'darkviolet', label= "Season 9") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show() plt.scatter(xaxjs10, ys10, marker='o', color = 'hotpink', label= "Season 10") xlab=[1,2,3] plt.ylabel('Odds ratio of attack rate, child:adult (zip3 popn normalized)') plt.xlabel('Urban metro categorization') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xticks(xlab, rulab) plt.show()
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from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import argparse import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torchvision import datasets, transforms from torch.autograd import Variable class QAlexNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_classes=10): super(QAlexNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( 3, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) # 32x32x3 -> 32x32x64 # self.pool1=nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding =1 )# 32x32x64 # -> 16x16x64 self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d( 64, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) # 16x16x64 -> 16x16x64 # self.pool2=nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding = 1)# 16x16x64 # -> 8x8x64 self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(64 * 8 * 8, 384) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(384, 192) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(192, num_classes) def squeeze_layers(self, sl=None): for k in self._modules.keys(): if k in sl: for param in self._modules[k].parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print(param.requires_grad) def back(self): for k in self._modules.keys(): for param in self._modules[k].parameters(): param.requires_grad = True def forward(self, x): x = F.max_pool2d(self.bn1(F.relu(self.conv1(x))), 3, 2, 1) x = F.max_pool2d(self.bn2(F.relu(self.conv2(x))), 3, 2, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.fc3(x) return x ALPHA = 1 class ANet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(ANet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64 * ALPHA, kernel_size=3) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64 * ALPHA) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64 * ALPHA, 64 * ALPHA, kernel_size=3) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64 * ALPHA) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64 * ALPHA, 128 * ALPHA, kernel_size=3) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128 * ALPHA) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(128 * ALPHA, 128 * ALPHA, kernel_size=3) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128 * ALPHA) self.conv_drop = nn.Dropout2d() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128 * 5 * 5 * ALPHA, 256) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 10) self.drop = nn.Dropout() def forward(self, x): x = self.bn1(F.relu(self.conv1(x))) x = F.max_pool2d(self.bn2(F.relu(self.conv2(x))), 2) x = self.bn3(F.relu(self.conv3(x))) x = F.max_pool2d(self.bn4(F.relu(self.conv4(x))), 2) #x = self.conv_drop(x) x = x.view(-1, 128 * ALPHA * 5 * 5) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.fc3(x) return x class AlexNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_classes=10): super(AlexNet, self).__init__() self.features = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=11, stride=4, padding=5), # 32x32x3 -> 8x8x64 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), # 8x8x64 -> 4x4x64 nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=5, padding=2), # 4x4x64 -> 4x4x192 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), # 4x4x64 -> 2x2x192 nn.Conv2d(192, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # 2x2x192 -> 2x2x384 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # 2x2x384 -> 2x2x256 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # 2x2x256 -> 2x2x256 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), # 2x2x256 -> 1x1x256 ) self.classifier = nn.Linear(256, num_classes) def forward(self, x): x = self.features(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.classifier(x) return x class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Net, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=3) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=3) self.conv_drop = nn.Dropout2d() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128 * 5 * 5, 256) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 10) self.drop = nn.Dropout() def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv2(x)), 2) x = F.relu(self.conv3(x)) x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv4(x)), 2) x = self.conv_drop(x) x = x.view(-1, 128 * 5 * 5) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.drop(x) x = self.fc3(x) return x class FcNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_classes=10): super(FcNet, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(32 * 32 * 3, 2048) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(2048) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(2048, 256) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 10) self.drop = nn.Dropout() def forward(self, x): x = x.view(-1, 32 * 32 * 3) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = self.bn1(x) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.bn2(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.fc3(x) return x class LeNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(LeNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 5, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4 * 4 * 50, 500) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(500, 10) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2, 2) x = F.relu(self.conv2(x)) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2, 2) x = x.view(-1, 4 * 4 * 50) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = self.fc2(x) return x
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function res = adjD(y) res = zeros(size(y,1),size(y,2)); %y1 = ones(imsize)*y(1)/sqrt(prod(imsize)); %yx = (reshape(y(2:prod(imsize)+1), imsize(1), imsize(2))); %yy = (reshape(y(prod(imsize)+2:end), imsize(1), imsize(2))); res = adjDx(y(:,:,1)) + adjDy(y(:,:,2)); return; function res = adjDy(x) res = x(:,[1,1:end-1]) - x; res(:,1) = -x(:,1); res(:,end) = x(:,end-1); function res = adjDx(x) res = x([1,1:end-1],:) - x; res(1,:) = -x(1,:); res(end,:) = x(end-1,:);
{"author": "thomaskuestner", "repo": "CS_MoCo_LAB", "sha": "a26e8e483624b2e4ee669e7a069ba9c74d2d2e4b", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/thomaskuestner-CS_MoCo_LAB", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/thomaskuestner-CS_MoCo_LAB/CS_MoCo_LAB-a26e8e483624b2e4ee669e7a069ba9c74d2d2e4b/reconstruction/matlab/CS_LAB_matlab/@TVOP/private/adjD.m"}
import torch import numpy as np from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch import optim from metalearning.learner import Learner from utils import get_performance from copy import deepcopy class Meta(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args): super(Meta, self).__init__() self.update_lr = args.update_lr self.meta_lr = args.meta_lr self.n_way = args.n_way self.k_spt = args.k_spt self.k_qry = args.k_qry self.task_num = args.batch_num self.update_step = args.update_step self.update_step_test = args.update_step_test self.config = [ ('linear', [args.hidden, 200]), ('linear', [args.n_way, args.hidden]) ] self.net = Learner(self.config) self.meta_optim = optim.Adam(self.net.parameters(), lr=self.meta_lr) def clip_grad_by_norm_(self, grad, max_norm): total_norm = 0 counter = 0 for g in grad: param_norm = g.data.norm(2) total_norm += param_norm.item() ** 2 counter += 1 total_norm = total_norm ** (1. / 2) clip_coef = max_norm / (total_norm + 1e-6) if clip_coef < 1: for g in grad: g.data.mul_(clip_coef) return total_norm/counter def forward_kd(self, x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry,teacher_score,kd): task_num = self.task_num querysz = y_qry[0].shape[0] # querysz = self.n_way * self.k_qry losses_q = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] f1s = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] accs = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] recalls = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] precs = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] corrects = [0 for _ in range(self.update_step + 1)] TP, TN, FN, FP = [], [], [], [] # self.net = deepcopy(self.net) # for i in range(task_num): for i in range(1): # x_spt[i] = x_spt[i].cuda() # y_spt[i] = y_spt[i].cuda() # x_qry[i] = x_qry[i].cuda() # y_qry[i] = y_qry[i].cuda() x_spt[i] = x_spt[i] y_spt[i] = y_spt[i] x_qry[i] = x_qry[i] y_qry[i] = y_qry[i] logits_meta_train = self.net(x_spt[i], vars=None, bn_training=True) with torch.no_grad(): logits_meta_val = self.net(x_qry[i], vars=None, bn_training=True) if kd ==1: distillation_loss = self.net.distillation(logits_meta_train,y_spt[i].squeeze(),teacher_score[i],logits_meta_val,temp=10.0,alpha=0.01) # distillation loss grad = torch.autograd.grad(distillation_loss, self.net.parameters()) elif kd == 0: loss = F.cross_entropy(logits_meta_train, y_spt[i].squeeze()) grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, self.net.parameters()) # 计算梯度 fast_weights = list(map(lambda p: p[1] - self.update_lr * p[0], zip(grad, self.net.parameters()))) with torch.no_grad(): logits_q = self.net(x_qry[i], self.net.parameters(), bn_training=True) loss_q = F.cross_entropy(logits_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()) losses_q[0] += loss_q pred_q = F.softmax(logits_q, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) correct = torch.eq(pred_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()).sum().item() corrects[0] = corrects[0] + correct f1_sub, acc_sub, recall_sub, prec_sub = get_performance(logits_q, y_qry[i]) f1s[0] = f1s[0] + f1_sub accs[0] = accs[0] + acc_sub recalls[0] = recalls[0] + recall_sub precs[0] = precs[0] + prec_sub with torch.no_grad(): logits_q = self.net(x_qry[i], fast_weights, bn_training=True) loss_q = F.cross_entropy(logits_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()) losses_q[1] += loss_q pred_q = F.softmax(logits_q, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) correct = torch.eq(pred_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()).sum().item() corrects[1] = corrects[1] + correct f1_sub, acc_sub, recall_sub, prec_sub = get_performance(logits_q, y_qry[i]) f1s[1] = f1s[1] + f1_sub accs[1] = accs[1] + acc_sub recalls[1] = recalls[1] + recall_sub precs[1] = precs[1] + prec_sub for k in range(1, self.update_step): logits = self.net(x_spt[i], fast_weights, bn_training=True) with torch.no_grad(): logits_meta_val = self.net(x_qry[i], fast_weights, bn_training=True) if kd == 1: distillation_loss = self.net.distillation(logits, y_spt[i].squeeze(), teacher_score[i],logits_meta_val, temp=10.0, alpha=0.01) # distillation loss grad = torch.autograd.grad(distillation_loss, fast_weights) elif kd == 0: loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y_spt[i].squeeze()) grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, fast_weights) # loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y_spt[i].squeeze()) # grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, fast_weights) fast_weights = list(map(lambda p: p[1] - self.update_lr * p[0], zip(grad, fast_weights))) ##################### logits_q = self.net(x_qry[i], fast_weights, bn_training=True) loss_q = F.cross_entropy(logits_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()) # plot_data = np.hstack((logits_q.detach().numpy(),y_qry[i].detach().numpy())) # np.savetxt(r'embedding_meta_plot.txt', plot_data, fmt="%.8e", # delimiter=' ') losses_q[k + 1] += loss_q with torch.no_grad(): pred_q = F.softmax(logits_q, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) correct = torch.eq(pred_q, y_qry[i].squeeze()).sum().item() # convert to numpy corrects[k + 1] = corrects[k + 1] + correct f1_sub, acc_sub, recall_sub, prec_sub = get_performance(logits_q, y_qry[i]) f1s[k + 1] = f1s[k + 1] + f1_sub accs[k + 1] = accs[k + 1] + acc_sub recalls[k + 1] = recalls[k + 1] + recall_sub precs[k + 1] = precs[k + 1] + prec_sub # TP.append(((pred_q == 1) & (y_qry[i].squeeze() == 1)).sum().item()) # TN.append(((pred_q == 0) & (y_qry[i].squeeze() == 0)).sum().item()) # FN.append(((pred_q == 0) & (y_qry[i].squeeze() == 1)).sum().item()) # FP.append(((pred_q == 1) & (y_qry[i].squeeze() == 0)).sum().item()) # loss_q = losses_q[-1] / task_num # self.meta_optim.zero_grad() # loss_q.backward(retain_graph=True) # self.meta_optim.step() # acc1 = np.array(corrects) / (querysz * task_num) # TP_ave = np.mean(TP) # TN_ave =np.mean(TN) # FN_ave = np.mean(FN) # FP_ave = np.mean(FP) # p = TP_ave / (TP_ave + FP_ave) # r = TP_ave / (TP_ave + FN_ave) # F1 = 2 * r * p / (r + p).data # acc = (TP_ave + TN_ave) / (TP_ave + TN_ave + FP_ave + FN_ave) loss_q = losses_q[-1] / task_num # self.meta_optim.zero_grad() # loss_q.backward(retain_graph = True) # self.meta_optim.step() # acc1 = np.array(corrects) / (querysz * task_num) # # precision = np.array(precs) / (task_num) # recall = np.array(recalls) / (task_num) f1 = np.array(f1s) / (task_num) acc = np.array(accs) / (task_num) # return loss_q, acc1, precision, recall, f1, acc2,p,r,F1,acc,TP_ave,TN_ave,FN_ave,FP_ave # 列表 记录了所有batch 数据 每一次模型的参数更新时的正确率 return acc,f1 def predict(self, x_spt): task_num = self.task_num teacher_score_list = [0 for _ in range(task_num )] with torch.no_grad(): # for i in range(task_num): for i in range(1): logits = self.net(x_spt[i], vars=self.net.parameters(), bn_training=True) teacher_score_list[i] = F.softmax(logits,dim=1) return teacher_score_list
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import numpy as np import cvxpy as cvx import util def set_contains_array(S, a): """ :param S: list of np.ndarray :param a: np.ndarray :return: contains, 0 or 1 """ contains = 0 for b in S: if not (a - b).any(): # if a contained in S contains = 1 return contains def set_sum_two(A, B): """ :param A: list of np.ndarray :param B: list of np.ndarray :return: list of np.ndarray """ C = [] for a in A: for b in B: if not set_contains_array(C, a + b): C.append(a + b) return C def set_sum_list(Omega): """ Set sum of multiple set of np.ndarray :param Omega: list of list of np.ndarray :return: list of np.ndarray """ S = Omega[0] # print 'len(Omega) =', len(Omega) # print 0, 'S =', S for i in range(1, len(Omega)): # print i, 'Omega[i] =',Omega[i] S = set_sum_two(S, Omega[i]) # print i, 'S =', S return S def pointwise_dominate(w, U): """ Test if w is point-wise dominated by all u in U :param w: np.ndarray :param U: list of np.ndarray :return: """ for u in U: if np.all(w < u): return True return False def lp_dominate(w, U): """ Computes the belief in which w improves U the most. With LP in White & Clark :param w: np.ndarray :param U: list of np.ndarray :return: b if d >= 0 else None """ # print("LP dominate") if len(U) == 0: return w S = len(w) d = cvx.Variable() b = cvx.Variable(S) objective = cvx.Maximize(d) # print("U", U) constraints = [b.T*(w-u) >= d for u in U] + [np.sum(b) == 1] prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) result = prob.solve() # print("d =", d.value) if d.value >= 0: return np.ravel(b.value) else: return None def dec_dominate(w, U): """ Computes the belief in which w improves U the most. With Bender's decomposition (Walraven & Spaan, 2017) :param w: np.ndarray :param U: list of np.ndarray :return: b if d >= 0 else None """ if len(U) == 0: return w S = len(w) d = cvx.Variable() b = cvx.Variable(S) objective = cvx.Maximize(d) # print("U", U) constraints = [np.sum(b) == 1] b_ = np.random.random(S) b_ = b_ / np.sum(b_) U_ = [] while 1: _b = b_ u_ = U[np.argmin([np.dot((w - U[i]), _b) for i in range(len(U))])] constraints += [d <= b.T*(w-u_)] U_.append(u_) prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) _ = prob.solve() b_ = np.ravel(b.value) if not (b_ - _b).any(): break if d.value >= 0: return _b else: return None def lex_less(u, w): if w is None: return False for i in range(len(u)): if u[i] > w[i]: return False return True def best_point(b, U): # print("Find best") _max = -np.inf w = None for i in range(len(U)): u = U[i] # print("b", b) # print("u", u) x = np.dot(b, u) # print("x", x) if x > _max or (x == _max and lex_less(u, U[w])): w = i _max = x # print("max", _max) return w def prune(W, A=None): # print("prune", W) D, E = [], [] while len(W) > 0: w = W[-1] if pointwise_dominate(w, D): W.pop() else: # b = lp_dominate(w, D) b = dec_dominate(w, D) if b is None: W.pop() else: i = best_point(b, W) D.append(W[i]) if A is not None: E.append(A[i]) W.pop(i) if A is not None: return D, E else: return D def set_union(V): V_ = [] for v in V: V_ += v return V_ class POMDP: def __init__(self, P=None, Z=None, R=None, g=None, alpha=1.0): self.P = P # m x n x n: a(t)->s(t)->s(t+1) self.Z = Z # m x n x k: a(t)->s(t+1)->o(t+1) self.R = R # m x n x n: a(t)->s(t+1)->s(t+1) self.g = g # n x 1: s(T) self.alpha = alpha # discount factor self.nActions = self.Z.shape[0] # m self.nStates = self.Z.shape[1] # n self.nLevels = self.Z.shape[2] # k if g is None: self.g = np.zeros(self.nStates) # print self.nActions, self.nStates, self.nLevels def update_belief(self, b, a, o): p = self.Z[a, :, o] * self.P[a].T.dot(b) return p / p.sum() def monahan_enumeration(self, V): """construct the set of Omega :param V: input list of alpha vectors """ V_, A_ = [], [] for a in range(self.nActions): # print("Action", a) Va = [] _r = np.sum(self.P[a] * self.R[a], axis=1) / self.nLevels # print("_r:", _r) for z in range(self.nLevels): # print("Obs", z) Vaz = [_r + self.alpha * (self.Z[a,:,z] * v).dot(self.P[a]) for v in V] # print("Vaz", Vaz) if len(Va) > 0: Va = prune(set_sum_two(Va, Vaz)) # incremental pruning else: Va = Vaz A_ += [a for _ in Va] V_ += Va V_, A_ = prune(V_, A_) return V_, A_ def transition(self, a, s): return np.random.choice(self.nStates, p=self.P[a, s]) def emmission(self, a, s): return np.random.choice(self.nStates, p=self.Z[a, s]) @staticmethod def optimal_action(b, V, A): assert len(V) == len(A) values = [np.dot(b, v) for v in V] opt_idx = np.argmax(values) return A[opt_idx], V[opt_idx] def solve(self, T): V = self.g Values = [None for _ in range(T)] + [[self.g]] Actions = [None for _ in range(T)] for t in range(T): V, A = self.monahan_enumeration(V) Values[T-1-t] = V Actions[T-1-t] = A return Values, Actions def plan(self, T, initial_belief=None, perform=False): V = self.g if initial_belief is None: initial_belief = np.ones(self.nStates) / self.nStates b = initial_belief Values = [None for _ in range(T)] + [[self.g]] Actions = [None for _ in range(T)] for t in range(T): V, A = self.monahan_enumeration(V) Values[T - 1 - t] = V Actions[T - 1 - t] = A a0, v0 = self.optimal_action(b, Values[0], Actions[0]) if not perform: return a0, v0 s = np.random.choice(self.nStates, p=b) actions, states, observations, reward = [], [], [], 0.0 for t in range(T): a, v = self.optimal_action(b, Values[t], Actions[t]) # print('a', a) # print('v', v) _s = s s = self.transition(a, s) o = self.transition(a, s) b = self.update_belief(b, a, o) states.append(_s) actions.append(s) observations.append(o) reward += self.R[a, _s, s] * self.alpha ** t return a0, v0, actions, states, observations, reward def test_pomdp(nActions, nStates, nLevels, alpha): # P = np.array([ # [[0.25, 0.75], [0.6 , 0.4 ]], # [[0.5 , 0.5 ], [0.7 , 0.3 ]]]) # Z = np.array([ # [[0.55, 0.45], [0.3 , 0.7 ]], # [[0.65, 0.35], [0.25, 0.75]]]) # R = np.array([ # [[2., 2. ], [ 0., 0.]], # [[3., 3. ], [-1., -1.]]]) # g = np.array([2., -1.]) P = util.normalize(np.random.random(size=(nActions, nStates, nStates)), axis=2) Z = util.normalize(np.random.random(size=(nActions, nStates, nLevels)), axis=2) R = util.normalize(np.random.random(size=(nActions, nStates, nStates)), axis=2) g = util.normalize(np.random.random(size=(nStates)), axis=0) pomdp = POMDP(P, Z, R, g, alpha) T = 10 V = pomdp.g a0, v0 = pomdp.plan(T, initial_belief=None, perform=False) # a0, v0, actions, states, observations, reward = pomdp.plan(T, initial_belief=None, perform=True) # print('a0 =', a0, 'v0 =', v0) # print('actions:', actions) # print('states:', states) # print('observations:', observations) # print('reward:', reward) # for t in range(T): # print("Iteration", t+1) # V, A = pomdp.monahan_enumeration(V) # for v, a in zip(V, A): # print(v, a) if __name__ == "__main__": # import timeit # print(timeit.timeit("main()")) import time for s in range(123, 133): start_time = time.time() np.random.seed(s) print("===== SEED %d =====" %(s)) test_pomdp(nActions=2, nStates=3, nLevels=3, alpha=0.9975) end_time = time.time() print(end_time - start_time)
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!---------------------------------------------------------------------! ! PHAML ! ! ! ! The Parallel Hierarchical Adaptive MultiLevel code for solving ! ! linear elliptic partial differential equations of the form ! ! (PUx)x + (QUy)y + RU = F on 2D polygonal domains with mixed ! ! boundary conditions, and eigenvalue problems where F is lambda*U. ! ! ! ! PHAML is public domain software. It was produced as part of work ! ! done by the U.S. Government, and is not subject to copyright in ! ! the United States. ! ! ! ! William F. Mitchell ! ! Applied and Computational Mathematics Division ! ! National Institute of Standards and Technology ! ! [email protected] ! ! http://math.nist.gov/phaml ! ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------! module lapack_solve !---------------------------------------------------- ! This module contains routines for solving linear systems with LAPACK ! ! communication tags in this module are of the form 17xx !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Other modules used are: use global use message_passing use linsystype_mod use linsys_util !---------------------------------------------------- implicit none private public make_lapack_symm_band, make_lapack_gen_band, destroy_lapack_band, & lapack_spd, lapack_indef, lapack_precon contains ! --------------------- subroutine make_lapack_symm_band(use_nlev,phaml_matrix,lapack_matrix) ! --------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine makes and factorizes a LAPACK symmetric band matrix from the ! first use_nlev refinement levels of the PHAML matrix, which should be in ! nodal form for level use_nlev. Dirichlet equations are omitted; make ! sure they are accounted for when setting up the right hand side. ! halfbandwidth does not include the diagonal. lapack_matrix%rhs is ! allocated but not set. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments integer, intent(in) :: use_nlev type(linsys_type), intent(in) :: phaml_matrix type(lapack_band_matrix), intent(out) :: lapack_matrix !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer :: i, j, k, num_nonzero, workd, astat, counter, space, jerr, profil, & orig_bandwd, row, col, info integer :: nodir_renum(phaml_matrix%neq), nodir_inv_renum(phaml_matrix%neq), & degree(phaml_matrix%neq), rstart(phaml_matrix%neq), & minband_renum(phaml_matrix%neq) integer, allocatable :: connec(:), work(:) !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! count the number of equations without Dirichlet points, and the number ! of nonzeroes in the non-Dirichlet rows of mat, and create a renumbering ! that omits Dirichlet points. lapack_matrix%neq = 0 num_nonzero = 0 nodir_renum = -1 do i=1,use_nlev do j=phaml_matrix%begin_level(i),phaml_matrix%begin_level(i+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(j) == DIRICHLET) cycle lapack_matrix%neq = lapack_matrix%neq + 1 nodir_renum(j) = lapack_matrix%neq nodir_inv_renum(lapack_matrix%neq) = j do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j),phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle num_nonzero = num_nonzero + 1 end do end do end do ! nullify all array components of lapack_matrix nullify(lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%renum, & lapack_matrix%inv_renum,lapack_matrix%ipiv) ! if no equations, never use lapack_matrix so don't continue if (lapack_matrix%neq == 0) return ! create column pointers for the matrix with Dirichlet points removed allocate(connec(num_nonzero-lapack_matrix%neq),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_symm_band") return endif orig_bandwd = 0 counter = 0 do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq j = nodir_inv_renum(i) rstart(i) = counter + 1 do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j)+1,phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle counter = counter + 1 connec(counter) = nodir_renum(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) orig_bandwd = max(orig_bandwd,abs(connec(counter)-i)) end do degree(i) = counter - rstart(i) + 1 end do ! Use CALGO 582 (Gibbs, Poole and Stockmeyer) to find a bandwidth reduction ! ordering workd = 6*lapack_matrix%neq+3 allocate(work(workd),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_symm_band") return endif minband_renum = (/ (i,i=1,phaml_matrix%neq) /) call gpskca(lapack_matrix%neq,degree,rstart,connec,.false.,workd,minband_renum,& work,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,profil,jerr,space) if (jerr /= 0) then work(1:lapack_matrix%neq) = (/ (i,i=1,lapack_matrix%neq) /) ! contains minband_inv_renum minband_renum(1:lapack_matrix%neq) = (/ (i,i=1,lapack_matrix%neq) /) lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth = orig_bandwd call warning("Bandwidth reduction reordering routine failed.", & "Rediculously large bandwidth may cause allocation failure or long run time.") endif ! done with column pointers for reduced array deallocate(connec) ! compose nodir and minband renumberings ! renumbering and inverse renumbering of the equations. renum(i) is the ! equation number in the symmetric matrix corresponding to original equation i; ! dimension renum(neq(use_nlev)); renum(i) = -1 if i is a Dirichlet point. ! inv_renum(i) is the original equation number corresponding to the symmetric ! matrix equation i; dimension inv_renum(symm_neq). allocate(lapack_matrix%renum(phaml_matrix%neq), & lapack_matrix%inv_renum(lapack_matrix%neq),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_symm_band") return endif do i=1,phaml_matrix%neq if (nodir_renum(i) == -1) then lapack_matrix%renum(i) = -1 else lapack_matrix%renum(i) = minband_renum(nodir_renum(i)) endif end do do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq lapack_matrix%inv_renum(i) = nodir_inv_renum(work(i)) end do ! done with work space for gpskca deallocate(work) ! Copy matrix values to symmetric band form, upper triangle version allocate(lapack_matrix%matrix(lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%neq),& stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_symm_band") return endif lapack_matrix%matrix = 0.0_my_real do i=1,use_nlev do j=phaml_matrix%begin_level(i),phaml_matrix%begin_level(i+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(j) == DIRICHLET) cycle row = lapack_matrix%renum(j) if (row == -1) cycle do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j),phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle col = lapack_matrix%renum(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) if (col == -1) cycle if (col < row) cycle lapack_matrix%matrix(lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1+row-col,col) = & phaml_matrix%matrix_val(k) end do end do end do ! Factor the matrix if (my_real == kind(0.0e0)) then call spbtrf("U",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth, & lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,info) elseif (my_real == kind(0.0d0)) then call dpbtrf("U",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth, & lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,info) else ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("my_real is neither default single nor double precision") return endif if (info /= 0) then ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("LAPACK SPBTRF failed.",intlist=(/info/)) return endif ! allocate the rhs allocate(lapack_matrix%rhs(lapack_matrix%neq,1),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_symm_band") return endif end subroutine make_lapack_symm_band ! -------------------- subroutine make_lapack_gen_band(use_nlev,phaml_matrix,lapack_matrix) ! -------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine makes and factorizes a LAPACK general band matrix from the ! first use_nlev refinement levels of the PHAML matrix, which should be in ! nodal form for level use_nlev. Dirichlet equations are omitted; make ! sure they are accounted for when setting up the right hand side. ! halfbandwidth does not include the diagonal. lapack_matrix%rhs is ! allocated but not set. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments integer, intent(in) :: use_nlev type(linsys_type), intent(in) :: phaml_matrix type(lapack_band_matrix), intent(out) :: lapack_matrix !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer :: i, j, k, num_nonzero, workd, astat, counter, space, jerr, profil, & orig_bandwd, row, col, info integer :: nodir_renum(phaml_matrix%neq), nodir_inv_renum(phaml_matrix%neq), & degree(phaml_matrix%neq), rstart(phaml_matrix%neq), & minband_renum(phaml_matrix%neq) integer, allocatable :: connec(:), work(:) !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! count the number of equations without Dirichlet points, and the number ! of nonzeroes in the non-Dirichlet rows of mat, and create a renumbering ! that omits Dirichlet points. lapack_matrix%neq = 0 num_nonzero = 0 nodir_renum = -1 do i=1,use_nlev do j=phaml_matrix%begin_level(i),phaml_matrix%begin_level(i+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(j) == DIRICHLET) cycle lapack_matrix%neq = lapack_matrix%neq + 1 nodir_renum(j) = lapack_matrix%neq nodir_inv_renum(lapack_matrix%neq) = j do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j),phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle num_nonzero = num_nonzero + 1 end do end do end do ! nullify all array components of lapack_matrix nullify(lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%renum, & lapack_matrix%inv_renum,lapack_matrix%ipiv) ! if no equations, never use lapack_matrix so don't continue if (lapack_matrix%neq == 0) return ! create column pointers for the matrix with Dirichlet points removed allocate(connec(num_nonzero-lapack_matrix%neq),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_gen_band") return endif orig_bandwd = 0 counter = 0 do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq j = nodir_inv_renum(i) rstart(i) = counter + 1 do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j)+1,phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle counter = counter + 1 connec(counter) = nodir_renum(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) orig_bandwd = max(orig_bandwd,abs(connec(counter)-i)) end do degree(i) = counter - rstart(i) + 1 end do ! Use CALGO 582 (Gibbs, Poole and Stockmeyer) to find a bandwidth reduction ! ordering workd = 6*lapack_matrix%neq+3 allocate(work(workd),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_gen_band") return endif work = 0 ! BUG workaround for bug in gpskca; seems to have assumed initial 0's minband_renum = (/ (i,i=1,phaml_matrix%neq) /) call gpskca(lapack_matrix%neq,degree,rstart,connec,.false.,workd,minband_renum,& work,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,profil,jerr,space) if (jerr /= 0) then work(1:lapack_matrix%neq) = (/ (i,i=1,lapack_matrix%neq) /) ! contains minband_inv_renum minband_renum(1:lapack_matrix%neq) = (/ (i,i=1,lapack_matrix%neq) /) lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth = orig_bandwd call warning("Bandwidth reduction reordering routine failed.", & "Rediculously large bandwidth may cause allocation failure or long run time.") endif ! done with column pointers for reduced array deallocate(connec) ! compose nodir and minband renumberings ! renumbering and inverse renumbering of the equations. renum(i) is the ! equation number in the band matrix corresponding to original equation i; ! dimension renum(neq(use_nlev)); renum(i) = -1 if i is a Dirichlet point. ! inv_renum(i) is the original equation number corresponding to the band ! matrix equation i; dimension inv_renum(gen_neq). allocate(lapack_matrix%renum(phaml_matrix%neq),lapack_matrix%inv_renum(lapack_matrix%neq),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_gen_band") return endif do i=1,phaml_matrix%neq if (nodir_renum(i) == -1) then lapack_matrix%renum(i) = -1 else lapack_matrix%renum(i) = minband_renum(nodir_renum(i)) endif end do do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq lapack_matrix%inv_renum(i) = nodir_inv_renum(work(i)) end do ! done with work space for gpskca deallocate(work) ! Copy matrix values to general band form with extra space for factorization allocate(lapack_matrix%matrix(3*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%neq), & lapack_matrix%ipiv(lapack_matrix%neq),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_gen_band") return endif lapack_matrix%matrix = 0.0_my_real do i=1,use_nlev do j=phaml_matrix%begin_level(i),phaml_matrix%begin_level(i+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(j) == DIRICHLET) cycle row = lapack_matrix%renum(j) if (row == -1) cycle do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(j),phaml_matrix%end_row(j) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) cycle if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) >= phaml_matrix%begin_level(use_nlev+1)) cycle col = lapack_matrix%renum(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) if (col == -1) cycle lapack_matrix%matrix(2*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1+row-col,col) = & phaml_matrix%matrix_val(k) end do end do end do ! Factor the matrix if (my_real == kind(0.0e0)) then call sgbtrf(lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,& lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,lapack_matrix%matrix, & 3*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%ipiv,info) elseif (my_real == kind(0.0d0)) then call dgbtrf(lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,& lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,lapack_matrix%matrix, & 3*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%ipiv,info) else ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("my_real is neither default single nor double precision") return endif if (info /= 0) then ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("LAPACK SGBTRF failed.",intlist=(/info/)) return endif ! allocate the rhs allocate(lapack_matrix%rhs(lapack_matrix%neq,1),stat=astat) if (astat /= 0) then ierr = ALLOC_FAILED call fatal("allocation failed in make_lapack_gen_band") return endif end subroutine make_lapack_gen_band ! ------------------- subroutine destroy_lapack_band(lapack_matrix) ! ------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine gets rid of the band storage of a matrix !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments type(lapack_band_matrix), intent(inout) :: lapack_matrix !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer :: astat !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code if (associated(lapack_matrix%matrix)) deallocate(lapack_matrix%matrix, stat=astat) if (associated(lapack_matrix%rhs)) deallocate(lapack_matrix%rhs, stat=astat) if (associated(lapack_matrix%renum)) deallocate(lapack_matrix%renum, stat=astat) if (associated(lapack_matrix%inv_renum)) deallocate(lapack_matrix%inv_renum, stat=astat) if (associated(lapack_matrix%ipiv)) deallocate(lapack_matrix%ipiv, stat=astat) end subroutine destroy_lapack_band ! ---------- subroutine lapack_spd(use_nlev,phaml_matrix,lapack_matrix) ! ---------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine solves the linear system using the LAPACK routines for ! symmetric positive definite band matricies. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments integer, intent(in) :: use_nlev type(linsys_type), intent(inout) :: phaml_matrix type(lapack_band_matrix), intent(inout) :: lapack_matrix !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer :: info,i,j,k,lev !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! if the number of equations is 0, there is nothing to solve if (lapack_matrix%neq == 0) return ! Create the right hand side, by moving to the new numbering and eliminating ! Dirichlet boundary conditions do lev=1,use_nlev do i=phaml_matrix%begin_level(lev),phaml_matrix%begin_level(lev+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(i) == DIRICHLET) cycle j = lapack_matrix%renum(i) if (j == -1) cycle lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1) = phaml_matrix%rhs(i) + phaml_matrix%r_mine(i) + & phaml_matrix%r_others(i) do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(i),phaml_matrix%end_row(i) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) then lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1)=lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1) - & phaml_matrix%matrix_val(k)*phaml_matrix%solution(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) endif end do end do end do ! Solve the system if (my_real == kind(0.0e0)) then call spbtrs("U",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,1, & lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1, & lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%neq,info) elseif (my_real == kind(0.0d0)) then call dpbtrs("U",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,1, & lapack_matrix%matrix,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1, & lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%neq,info) else ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("my_real is neither default single nor double precision") return endif if (info /= 0) then ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("LAPACK SPBTRS failed.",intlist=(/info/)) return endif ! Copy the solution into the solution vector do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq phaml_matrix%solution(lapack_matrix%inv_renum(i)) = lapack_matrix%rhs(i,1) end do end subroutine lapack_spd ! ------------ subroutine lapack_indef(use_nlev,phaml_matrix,lapack_matrix) ! ------------ !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine solves the linear system using the LAPACK routines for ! general band matricies. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments integer, intent(in) :: use_nlev type(linsys_type), intent(inout) :: phaml_matrix type(lapack_band_matrix), intent(inout) :: lapack_matrix !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer :: info,i,j,k,lev !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! if the number of equations is 0, there is nothing to solve if (lapack_matrix%neq == 0) return ! Create the right hand side, by moving to the new numbering and eliminating ! Dirichlet boundary conditions do lev=1,use_nlev do i=phaml_matrix%begin_level(lev),phaml_matrix%begin_level(lev+1)-1 if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(i) == DIRICHLET) cycle j = lapack_matrix%renum(i) if (j == -1) cycle lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1) = phaml_matrix%rhs(i) + phaml_matrix%r_mine(i) + & phaml_matrix%r_others(i) do k=phaml_matrix%begin_row(i),phaml_matrix%end_row(i) if (phaml_matrix%column_index(k) == NO_ENTRY) cycle if (phaml_matrix%equation_type(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) == DIRICHLET) then lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1)=lapack_matrix%rhs(j,1) - & phaml_matrix%matrix_val(k)*phaml_matrix%solution(phaml_matrix%column_index(k)) endif end do end do end do ! Solve the system if (my_real == kind(0.0e0)) then call sgbtrs("N",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth, & lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,1,lapack_matrix%matrix, & 3*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%ipiv, & lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%neq,info) elseif (my_real == kind(0.0d0)) then call dgbtrs("N",lapack_matrix%neq,lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth, & lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth,1,lapack_matrix%matrix, & 3*lapack_matrix%halfbandwidth+1,lapack_matrix%ipiv, & lapack_matrix%rhs,lapack_matrix%neq,info) else ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("my_real is neither default single nor double precision") return endif if (info /= 0) then ierr = PHAML_INTERNAL_ERROR call fatal("LAPACK _GBTRS failed.",intlist=(/info/)) return endif ! Copy the solution into the solution vector do i=1,lapack_matrix%neq phaml_matrix%solution(lapack_matrix%inv_renum(i)) = lapack_matrix%rhs(i,1) end do end subroutine lapack_indef ! ------------- subroutine lapack_precon(invec,outvec,choice,matrix,procs, & solver_cntl,still_sequential) ! ------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine applies a preconditioner based on LAPACK, either using ! a solve on the coarse grid or a domain decomposition. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments real(my_real), intent(in) :: invec(:) real(my_real), intent(out) :: outvec(:) integer, intent(in) :: choice type(linsys_type), intent(inout) :: matrix type(proc_info), intent(in) :: procs type(solver_options), intent(in) :: solver_cntl logical, intent(in) :: still_sequential !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: real(my_real) :: holdrhs(matrix%neq), & holdsoln(0:matrix%neq) !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! Keep rhs and solution holdrhs = matrix%rhs holdsoln = matrix%solution ! Copy the invec to rhs; the size of invec should be the same as rhs matrix%rhs = invec ! Set the initial guess to 0.0 matrix%solution(1:) = 0.0_my_real ! Set Dirichlet points where (matrix%equation_type == DIRICHLET) & matrix%solution(1:) = matrix%rhs ! Call the selected precondtioner select case(choice) case (FUDOP_DD_PRECONDITION) call fudop_dd_precon(matrix,procs,solver_cntl,still_sequential) case (COARSE_GRID_PRECONDITION) call coarse_precon(matrix,solver_cntl) end select ! Copy solution (which now contains the preconditioner times invec) to outvec outvec = matrix%solution(1:) ! Restore rhs and solution matrix%rhs = holdrhs matrix%solution = holdsoln end subroutine lapack_precon ! --------------- subroutine fudop_dd_precon(matrix,procs,solver_cntl, & still_sequential) ! --------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine performs a fudop domain decomposition preconditioner. ! Each processor solves its local problem exactly with LAPACK indefinite ! solver. It then obtains the solution for unowned equations from the owner, ! makes the unowned points Dirichlet points, and solves again. Obtaining the ! solution from other processors and solving it iterated some number of times. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments type(linsys_type), intent(inout) :: matrix type(proc_info), intent(in) :: procs type(solver_options), intent(in) :: solver_cntl logical, intent(in) :: still_sequential !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: logical :: gen_band_already_existed integer :: i, ddit, toplev real(my_real) :: resid(matrix%neq),hold_rhs(matrix%neq),hold_soln(matrix%neq) !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! set the top level of the hierarchy based on the number of equations if (matrix%neq == matrix%neq_vert) then toplev = matrix%nlev elseif (matrix%neq == matrix%neq_vert+matrix%neq_edge) then toplev = matrix%nlev+1 else toplev = matrix%nlev+2 endif ! make a LAPACK general band matrix if it doesn't already exist if (.not. matrix%lapack_gen_band_exists) then gen_band_already_existed = .false. call make_lapack_gen_band(toplev,matrix,matrix%lapack_mat) matrix%lapack_gen_band_exists = .true. else gen_band_already_existed = .true. endif ! call lapack solver with the local matrix call lapack_indef(toplev,matrix,matrix%lapack_mat) ! Domain decomposition iterations do ddit = 1,solver_cntl%dd_iterations ! Compute the global residual and set to 0 at points I don't own call matrix_times_vector(matrix%solution(1:),resid,matrix,procs, & still_sequential,1711,1712,1713,1714,1715,1716, & nocomm2=.true.) do i=1,matrix%neq if (matrix%iown(i)) then resid(i) = matrix%rhs(i) - resid(i) else resid(i) = 0 endif end do ! Set the rhs to the residual and Dirichlet points to 0, to set up an ! error correction problem hold_rhs = matrix%rhs hold_soln = matrix%solution(1:) matrix%rhs = resid where (matrix%equation_type == DIRICHLET) matrix%solution(1:) = 0.0_my_real ! convert to hierarchical basis, exchange rhs with other processors, and ! convert back to nodal basis if (.not. still_sequential) then call basis_change(toplev,TO_HIER,matrix) call exchange_fudop_vect(matrix%rhs,procs,matrix,1701,1702,1703) call basis_change(toplev,TO_NODAL,matrix) endif ! Solve the system call lapack_indef(toplev,matrix,matrix%lapack_mat) ! Add correction to solution, and reset rhs and Dirichlet b.c. values matrix%solution(1:) = hold_soln + matrix%solution(1:) matrix%rhs = hold_rhs end do ! Get rid of the band matrix if this routine created it if (.not. gen_band_already_existed) then call destroy_lapack_band(matrix%lapack_mat) matrix%lapack_gen_band_exists = .false. endif end subroutine fudop_dd_precon ! ------------- subroutine coarse_precon(matrix,solver_cntl) ! ------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! This routine uses LAPACK as a preconditioner by coarsening to a problem ! small enough to solve with LAPACK and interpolating back to the fine grid. ! Each processor uses LAPACK on the grid it sees with no communication. ! Extraction of the equations it owns and combination with other ! processor's results are the responsiility of the caller. !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments type(linsys_type), intent(inout) :: matrix type(solver_options), intent(in) :: solver_cntl !---------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: integer, save :: maxeq, uselev, hold_neq, lev, eq, i, toplev logical :: i_made_gen_band !---------------------------------------------------- ! Begin executable code ! set the top level of the hierarchy based on the number of equations if (matrix%neq == matrix%neq_vert) then toplev = matrix%nlev elseif (matrix%neq == matrix%neq_vert+matrix%neq_edge) then toplev = matrix%nlev+1 else toplev = matrix%nlev+2 endif ! determine how many levels make up a small enough grid maxeq = solver_cntl%coarse_size uselev = 1 do if (uselev+1 > toplev) exit if (matrix%begin_level(uselev+2) > maxeq) exit uselev = uselev + 1 end do ! coarsen to a small grid do lev=toplev,uselev+1,-1 call basis_change(lev,TO_HIER,matrix) end do ! put the Dirichlet boundary values back to their nodal values where (matrix%equation_type == DIRICHLET) & matrix%solution(1:) = matrix%rhs ! call lapack solver hold_neq = matrix%neq matrix%neq = matrix%begin_level(uselev+1)-1 i_made_gen_band = .false. if (.not. matrix%lapack_gen_band_exists) then call make_lapack_gen_band(uselev,matrix,matrix%lapack_mat) matrix%lapack_gen_band_exists = .true. i_made_gen_band = .true. endif call lapack_indef(uselev,matrix,matrix%lapack_mat) matrix%neq = hold_neq ! interpolate to the original grid do lev=uselev+1,toplev call basis_change(lev,TO_NODAL,matrix) end do ! perform a Gauss-Seidel iteration to get the solution out of the subspace do eq=1,matrix%neq if (matrix%equation_type(eq) == DIRICHLET) cycle matrix%solution(eq) = matrix%rhs(eq) + matrix%r_mine(eq) + matrix%r_others(eq) do i=matrix%begin_row(eq)+1,matrix%end_row(eq) matrix%solution(eq) = matrix%solution(eq)-matrix%matrix_val(i)*matrix%solution(matrix%column_index(i)) end do matrix%solution(eq) = matrix%solution(eq)/matrix%matrix_val(matrix%begin_row(eq)) end do end subroutine coarse_precon end module lapack_solve
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import Aoc import Data.Fin import Data.List import Data.List1 import Data.Nat import Data.Strings import Data.Vect %default total Passport : Type Passport = List (String, String) ||| Split a string at the first colon in it: "abc:def" -> ("abc", "def"). splitColon : String -> (String, String) splitColon s = let (p, q) = break (==':') s in (p, pack $ drop 1 $ unpack q) requiredFields : List String requiredFields = ["byr","iyr","eyr","hgt","hcl","ecl","pid"] -- not "cid" ||| *: Are all required fields present? isValid1 : Passport -> Bool isValid1 passport = all (\k => any ((==k) . fst) passport) requiredFields ||| Check if a string represents a natural number in a given range [lo, hi]. isNatInRange : Nat -> Nat -> String -> Bool isNatInRange lo hi s = case parsePositive s of Nothing => False Just n => n >= lo && n <= hi ||| Validate a passport field. isValidField : (String, String) -> Bool isValidField (k, v) = case k of "byr" => isNatInRange 1920 2002 v "iyr" => isNatInRange 2010 2020 v "eyr" => isNatInRange 2020 2030 v "hgt" => case span isDigit v of (n, "cm") => isNatInRange 150 193 n (n, "in") => isNatInRange 59 76 n _ => False "hcl" => case unpack v of ('#'::xs) => length xs == 6 && all isLowerHexDigit xs _ => False "ecl" => Prelude.elem v ["amb","blu","brn","gry","grn","hzl","oth"] "pid" => let xs = unpack v in length xs == 9 && all isDigit xs "cid" => True _ => False ||| **: Are all required field present, and are all fields valid? isValid2 : Passport -> Bool isValid2 passport = isValid1 passport && all isValidField passport partial main : IO () main = do paras <- readParagraphs let passports = map (map splitColon . words . unwords) paras putStr "* "; printLn (count isValid1 passports) putStr "** "; printLn (count isValid2 passports)
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""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Ragini Sharma Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv from numpy.linalg import pinv class regressor(object): """ This is a sample class for miniproject 1. Args: data: Is a tuple, ``(x,y)`` ``x`` is a two or one dimensional ndarray ordered such that axis 0 is independent data and data is spread along axis 1. If the array had only one dimension, it implies that data is 1D. ``y`` is a 1D ndarray it will be of the same length as axis 0 or x. """ """ Below Gradient descent calculation is Batch Gradient Descent and not stochatic or mini batch as we are taking entire dataset in one iteration. Loss is also calculated for the entire dataset in each iteration.So each iteration basically sees the entire dataset. You need to read the entire data set into the memory. """ def gradient_descent_calculation(self,theta,alpha,noOfIterations): sample_size = self.x.shape[0] actual_value = (self.y) count =0 lamda = 5 while(count <= noOfIterations): predicted_value = np.dot(self.x, theta) costfunction =np.sum( (predicted_value - actual_value)** 2) / (2 * sample_size) print "costfunction", costfunction, "Iteration", count gradientvalue = (np.dot(self.x.T, (predicted_value - actual_value) ))/sample_size theta = (theta*(1- (alpha*lamda)/sample_size)) - alpha*gradientvalue count =count + 1 return theta def __init__(self, data): self.x, self.y = data # Here is where your training and all the other magic should happen. # Once trained you should have these parameters with ready. noOfIterations = 10000 alpha = 0.005 self.x = np.concatenate((np.ones((self.x.shape[0],1)), self.x), axis = 1) theta = np.ones((self.x.shape[1],1)) result = self.gradient_descent_calculation(theta, alpha, noOfIterations) self.w = result[1:] self.b = result[:1] def get_params (self): """ Method that should return the model parameters. Returns: tuple of numpy.ndarray: (w, b). Notes: This code will return a random numpy array for demonstration purposes. """ return (self.w, self.b) def get_predictions (self, x): """ Method should return the outputs given unseen data Args: x: array similar to ``x`` in ``data``. Might be of different size. Returns: numpy.ndarray: ``y`` which is a 1D array of predictions of the same length as axis 0 of ``x`` Notes: Temporarily returns random numpy array for demonstration purposes. """ # Here is where you write a code to evaluate the data and produce predictions. result = np.dot(x, self.w) + self.b return result if __name__ == '__main__': pass
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#! /usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np def readcloudsfile(fname): ''' Format is this: 4 rows of comments A row of nlat, nlon, nlayers A row of lat, lon, level, alt (m), p (bar), T (K), t_std (K), EW vel (m/s), NS vel (m/s), vert vel (m/s), clouds 1-13 vis tau (650 nm), cloud total vis tau, cloud 1-13 IR tau (5 um), cloud total IR tau This last row spills over onto the next line for the last 3 entries. Tragic. ''' ncomment = 4 ncol = 38 nextra = 3 # Get species names with open(fname, 'r') as f: next(f) namestring = f.readline() spec = namestring.split(':')[1].split(',') spec = [x.strip((' \n')) for x in spec] with open(fname, 'r') as f: for i in range(ncomment): next(f) nlat, nlon, nlayer = [int(a) for a in f.readline().split()] data = np.zeros((nlat * nlon * nlayer, ncol)) for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): if i % 2 == 0: data[i//2,:ncol-nextra] = [float(a) for a in line.split()] else: data[i//2,ncol-nextra:] = [float(a) for a in line.split()] lat_all = data[:,0] lon_all = data[:,1] lev_all = data[:,2] lat = np.unique(data[:,0]) lon = np.unique(data[:,1]) lev = np.unique(data[:,2]) data2 = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlayer, ncol - 3)) for i in range(data.shape[0]): tlat, tlon, tlev = data[i,:3] ilat = np.where(tlat == lat) ilon = np.where(tlon == lon) ilev = np.where(tlev == lev) data2[ilat, ilon, ilev] = data[i,3:] return lat, lon, lev, spec, data2 def calcq(taufname, massfname, partsizefname, densfname, r0): ''' Calculates Q used by Lee et al. 2013 from a cloud report file. WARNING: the cloud report files have a very specific format that is assumed by this function. Be very careful. ''' # Read files # massdata is the same as taudata but the vis tau columns have been # replaced with cloud mass in kg lat, lon, lev, spec, taudata = readcloudsfile(taufname) lat, lon, lev, spec, massdata = readcloudsfile(massfname) nlat = len(lat) nlon = len(lon) nlev = len(lev) # Particle size (from Michael) a = np.loadtxt(partsizefname) # Densities (Roman et al 2021) rho = np.loadtxt(densfname) # Calculate Qext # tau = Q * pi * a**2 * n * delz # Q = tau / (pi * a**2 * n * delz) Rjup = 6.9911e7 ncloud = 13 V = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlev)) A = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlev)) n = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlev, ncloud)) Qext = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlev, ncloud)) Q = np.zeros((nlat, nlon, nlev, ncloud)) for ilat in range(nlat): for ilon in range(nlon): for ilev in range(nlev): r = taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev,0] + r0 # These are not-so-great assumptions of cell sizes. Should ask # Michael if he has exact numbers. if ilev == 0: ri = r - (taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev, 0] - \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev+1,0]) / 2. rf = r + (taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev, 0] - \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev+1,0]) / 2. elif ilev == nlev - 1: ri = r rf = r + (taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev-1,0] - \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev, 0]) / 2. else: ri = r - (taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev, 0] - \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev+1,0]) / 2. rf = r + (taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev-1,0] - \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev, 0]) / 2. if ilon == 0: phii = lon[ilon] - (lon[ilon+1] - lon[ilon ]) / 2. phif = lon[ilon] + (lon[ilon+1] - lon[ilon ]) / 2. elif ilon == nlon - 1: phii = lon[ilon] - (lon[ilon ] - lon[ilon-1]) / 2. phif = lon[ilon] + (lon[ilon ] - lon[ilon-1]) / 2. else: phii = lon[ilon] - (lon[ilon ] - lon[ilon-1]) / 2. phif = lon[ilon] + (lon[ilon+1] - lon[ilon ]) / 2. if ilat == 0: thetai = -90. thetaf = lat[ilat] + (lat[ilat+1] - lat[ilat ]) / 2. elif ilat == nlat - 1: thetai = lat[ilat] - (lat[ilat ] - lat[ilat-1]) / 2. thetaf = 90. else: thetai = lat[ilat] - (lat[ilat ] - lat[ilat-1]) / 2. thetaf = lat[ilat] + (lat[ilat+1] - lat[ilat ]) / 2. # Volume of the cell V[ilat,ilon,ilev] = (rf**3 - ri**3) / 3 * \ (np.sin(np.deg2rad(thetaf)) - np.sin(np.deg2rad(thetai))) * \ (np.deg2rad(phif) - np.deg2rad(phii)) # Area of the (base of the) cell A[ilat,ilon,ilev] = ri**2 * \ (np.sin(np.deg2rad(thetaf)) - np.sin(np.deg2rad(thetai))) * \ (np.deg2rad(phif) - np.deg2rad(phii)) for icloud in range(ncloud): # I think mass is per unit area? #n = 3. / 4. * massdata[ilat,ilon,ilev,7+icloud] / \ # (rf - ri) / (rho[icloud] * np.pi * a[ilev]**3) n[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] = \ 3. / 4. * massdata[ilat,ilon,ilev,7+icloud] * \ A[ilat,ilon,ilev] / \ (rho[icloud] * np.pi * a[ilev]**3. * V[ilat,ilon,ilev]) #n[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] = \ # 3. / 4. * massdata[ilat,ilon,ilev,7+icloud] / \ # (rho[icloud] * np.pi * a[ilev]**3) if n[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] != 0.0: Qext[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] = \ taudata[ilat,ilon,ilev,21+icloud] / \ (np.pi * a[ilev]**2 * \ n[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] * (rf - ri)) # Convert to Q, assuming 5 um x = 2 * np.pi * a[ilev] / 5e-6 Q[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] = \ (5 / Qext[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] - x**0.2) * x**4 # This ensures that the optical depth will be # zero, or very close to zero, in grid cells where # the GCM believes there is no # condensation. Otherwise, if these Qs are used in # conjunction with a different chemistry # prescription (e.g., equilibrium condensation), # there may be optical depth where none is # expected and such a forward model would give # much different results than the GCM. else: Q[ilat,ilon,ilev,icloud] = 1e300 return Q, n, spec
{"hexsha": "8e0ed6c455dc590ebd12faafa193109d5322f18c", "size": 7127, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "theresa/scripts/calcq.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "rychallener/theresa", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "886c6b74bee2edef7df9b6b54ce6d97de4aa4421", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 2, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2021-09-16T19:37:26.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-01-30T20:16:05.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "theresa/scripts/calcq.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "rychallener/theresa", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "886c6b74bee2edef7df9b6b54ce6d97de4aa4421", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "theresa/scripts/calcq.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "rychallener/theresa", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "886c6b74bee2edef7df9b6b54ce6d97de4aa4421", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 40.7257142857, "max_line_length": 81, "alphanum_fraction": 0.4605023151, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 2202}
import unittest from pyscses.set_of_sites import SetOfSites from pyscses.defect_species import DefectSpecies from pyscses.defect_at_site import DefectAtSite from pyscses.site import Site, LabelError from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from pyscses.constants import fundamental_charge import numpy as np def create_mock_defect_species(n): labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] valence = [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0] mole_fraction = [0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55] mobility = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] mock_defect_species = [] for i in range(n): m = Mock(spec=DefectSpecies) m.label = labels.pop() m.mole_fraction = mole_fraction.pop() m.valence = valence.pop() m.mobility = mobility.pop() m.fixed = False mock_defect_species.append(m) return mock_defect_species def create_mock_defects_at_site(n): labels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] valence = [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0] mole_fraction = [0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55] mobility = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] energies = [-0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.4, -0.5] mock_defects_at_site = [] for i in range(n): m = Mock(spec=DefectAtSite) m.label = labels.pop() m.valence = valence.pop() m.mole_fraction = mole_fraction.pop() m.mobility = mobility.pop() m.energy = energies.pop() m.fixed = False mock_defects_at_site.append(m) return mock_defects_at_site class TestSiteInit(unittest.TestCase): def test_site_is_initialised(self): mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(2) mock_defects_at_site = create_mock_defects_at_site(2) with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: mock_DefectAtSite.side_effect = mock_defects_at_site site = Site(label='A', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2]) self.assertEqual(site.label, 'A') self.assertEqual(site.x, 1.5) self.assertEqual(site.defect_species, mock_defect_species) self.assertEqual(site.defect_energies, [-0.2, +0.2]) np.testing.assert_equal(site.scaling, np.array([1.0, 1.0])) self.assertEqual(site.valence, 0.0) self.assertEqual(site.saturation_parameter, 1.0) self.assertEqual(site.fixed_defects, ()) self.assertEqual(site.mobile_defects, tuple(mock_defects_at_site)) self.assertEqual(site.alpha, 1.0) def test_site_is_initialised_with_optional_args(self): mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(2) with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: mock_DefectAtSite.side_effect = create_mock_defects_at_site(2) site = Site(label='B', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2], scaling=[0.5, 0.4], valence=-2.0, saturation_parameter=0.1) self.assertEqual(site.label, 'B') self.assertEqual(site.x, 1.5) self.assertEqual(site.defect_species, mock_defect_species) self.assertEqual(site.defect_energies, [-0.2, +0.2]) np.testing.assert_equal(site.scaling, np.array([0.5, 0.4])) self.assertEqual(site.valence, -2.0) self.assertEqual(site.saturation_parameter, 0.1) self.assertEqual(site.alpha, 0.1) def test_site_init_with_mixed_mobile_and_fixed_defects(self): mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(3) mock_defects_at_site = create_mock_defects_at_site(3) mock_defects_at_site[0].fixed = False mock_defects_at_site[0].mole_fraction = 0.4 mock_defects_at_site[1].fixed = True mock_defects_at_site[1].mole_fraction = 0.3 mock_defects_at_site[2].fixed = True mock_defects_at_site[2].mole_fraction = 0.2 with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: mock_DefectAtSite.side_effect = mock_defects_at_site site = Site(label='C', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2, 0.0]) self.assertEqual(site.fixed_defects, (mock_defects_at_site[1], mock_defects_at_site[2])) self.assertEqual(site.mobile_defects[0], mock_defects_at_site[0]) self.assertEqual(site.alpha, 0.5) def test_site_init_data_check_1(self): """Checks that initialising a Site object raises a ValueError if n(defect_species) != n(defect_energies)""" mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(1) with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): site = Site(label='A', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2]) def test_site_init_data_check_2(self): """Checks that initialising a Site object raises a ValueError if n(defect_species) != n(scaling) (if passed)""" mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(2) with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): site = Site(label='A', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2], scaling=[0.5]) class TestSite(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): mock_defect_species = create_mock_defect_species(2) mock_defects_at_site = create_mock_defects_at_site(2) with patch('pyscses.site.DefectAtSite', autospec=True) as mock_DefectAtSite: mock_DefectAtSite.side_effect = mock_defects_at_site self.site = Site(label='A', x=1.5, defect_species=mock_defect_species, defect_energies=[-0.2, +0.2]) def test_defect_with_label(self): self.site.defects[0].label = 'foo' self.site.defects[1].label = 'bar' self.assertEqual(self.site.defect_with_label('foo'), self.site.defects[0]) self.assertEqual(self.site.defect_with_label('bar'), self.site.defects[1]) def test_defect_with_label_2(self): """Checks that defect_with_label() raises a LabelError if the argument does not match any of the defect labels for this site.""" self.site.defects[0].label = 'foo' self.site.defects[1].label = 'bar' with self.assertRaises(LabelError): self.site.defect_with_label('banana') def test_energies(self): self.site.defects[0].energy = -0.2 self.site.defects[1].energy = +0.2 self.assertEqual(self.site.energies(), [-0.2, +0.2]) def test_probabilities_one(self): self.site.defects[0].boltzmann_factor = Mock(return_value=0.1) self.site.defects[0].mole_fraction = 0.2 self.site.defects[0].label = 'A' self.site.defects[1].boltzmann_factor = Mock(return_value=0.1) self.site.defects[1].mole_fraction = 0.1 self.site.defects[1].label = 'B' exp_A = ((0.2*0.1/(1.0+(0.2*(0.1-1.0)+0.1*(0.1-1.0))))) exp_B= ((0.1*0.1/(1.0+(0.2*(0.1-1.0)+0.1*(0.1-1.0))))) self.assertEqual(self.site.probabilities(phi=1.0, temp=298.0), {'A': exp_A, 'B': exp_B}) def test_probabilities_two(self): self.site.defects[0].boltzmann_factor = Mock(return_value=0.1) self.site.defects[0].mole_fraction = 0.2 self.site.defects[0].label = 'A' self.site.defects[0].fixed = True self.site.alpha = 0.8 self.site.fixed_defects = (self.site.defects[0],) self.site.defects[1].boltzmann_factor = Mock(return_value=0.1) self.site.defects[1].mole_fraction = 0.1 self.site.defects[1].label = 'B' self.site.mobile_defects = (self.site.defects[1],) exp_A = 0.2 exp_B= 0.8*((0.1*0.1/(0.8+(0.1*(0.1-1.0))))) self.assertEqual(self.site.probabilities(phi=1.0, temp=298.0), {'A': exp_A, 'B': exp_B}) def test_charge(self): self.site.probabilities = Mock(return_value={'E': 0.1, 'D': 0.2}) self.site.defects[0].valence = 1.0 self.site.defects[1].valence = 2.0 self.site.scaling = 0.5 self.site.valence = 1.0 expected_value = ((1.0*0.1 + 2.0*0.2)*0.5 + 1.0) * fundamental_charge self.assertEqual(self.site.charge(phi=1.0, temp=298.0), expected_value) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
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module timestep_mod use globals_mod real(dp), save :: DT_ITER contains function calc_timestep(mesh) result(timestep) use mesh_mod, only: mesh_t use mesh_mod, only: mesh_iterate_cells type(mesh_t), intent(inout) :: mesh real(dp) :: timestep DT_ITER = HUGE(1.0) call mesh_iterate_cells(mesh,calc_timestep_cb) timestep = DT_ITER end function subroutine calc_timestep_cb(cell) use mesh_mod, only: cell_t use mesh_mod, only: cell_get_delta use equations_mod, only: xlambdaMax use equations_mod, only: ylambdaMax type(cell_t), intent(inout) :: cell real(dp) :: delta(N_DIMS) real(dp) :: xlmax(N_NODES,N_NODES) real(dp) :: ylmax(N_NODES,N_NODES) real(dp) :: dtmin xlmax = xlambdaMax(cell%state) ylmax = ylambdaMax(cell%state) delta = cell_get_delta(cell) dtmin = min(delta(1)/maxval(xlmax),delta(2)/maxval(ylmax)) !$omp critical DT_ITER = min(DT_ITER,dtmin) !$omp end critical end subroutine end module
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn import LayerNorm from torch.nn import TransformerEncoder, TransformerEncoderLayer from torch.nn import TransformerDecoder, TransformerDecoderLayer from torch.nn.init import xavier_uniform_ from fairmotion.models import decoders class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_model, dropout=0.5, max_len=5000): super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model) position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp( torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-np.log(10000.0) / d_model) ) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) pe = pe.unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, 1) self.register_buffer("pe", pe) def forward(self, x): x = x + self.pe[: x.size(0), :] return self.dropout(x) class TransformerLSTMModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, ntoken, ninp, num_heads, hidden_dim, num_layers, dropout=0.5 ): super(TransformerLSTMModel, self).__init__() self.pos_encoder = PositionalEncoding(ninp, dropout) encoder_layers = TransformerEncoderLayer( ninp, num_heads, hidden_dim, dropout ) self.transformer_encoder = TransformerEncoder( encoder_layers, num_layers ) # Use Linear instead of Embedding for continuous valued input self.encoder = nn.Linear(ntoken, ninp) self.ninp = ninp self.decoder = decoders.LSTMDecoder( input_dim=ntoken, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=ntoken, ) self.num_layers = num_layers self.init_weights() def _generate_square_subsequent_mask(self, sz): mask = (torch.triu(torch.ones(sz, sz)) == 1).transpose(0, 1) mask = ( mask.float() .masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf")) .masked_fill(mask == 1, float(0.0)) ) return mask def init_weights(self): initrange = 0.1 self.encoder.weight.data.uniform_(-initrange, initrange) for name, param in self.decoder.named_parameters(): nn.init.uniform_(param.data, -0.08, 0.08) def forward(self, src, tgt, max_len=None, teacher_forcing_ratio=None): src = self.encoder(src) * np.sqrt(self.ninp) src = self.pos_encoder(src) output = self.transformer_encoder(src, mask=None) final_encoder_state = output[:, -1].unsqueeze(0).contiguous() output = self.decoder( tgt, hidden=final_encoder_state, cell=final_encoder_state, max_len=max_len, teacher_forcing_ratio=teacher_forcing_ratio, ) return output class TransformerModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, ntoken, ninp, num_heads, hidden_dim, num_layers, dropout=0.5 ): super(TransformerModel, self).__init__() self.model_type = "Transformer" self.src_mask = None self.pos_encoder = PositionalEncoding(ninp, dropout) encoder_layer = TransformerEncoderLayer( ninp, num_heads, hidden_dim, dropout ) self.transformer_encoder = TransformerEncoder( encoder_layer=encoder_layer, num_layers=num_layers, norm=LayerNorm(ninp), ) decoder_layer = TransformerDecoderLayer( ninp, num_heads, hidden_dim, dropout ) self.transformer_decoder = TransformerDecoder( decoder_layer=decoder_layer, num_layers=num_layers, norm=LayerNorm(ninp), ) # Use Linear instead of Embedding for continuous valued input self.encoder = nn.Linear(ntoken, ninp) self.project = nn.Linear(ninp, ntoken) self.ninp = ninp self.init_weights() def _generate_square_subsequent_mask(self, sz): mask = (torch.triu(torch.ones(sz, sz)) == 1).transpose(0, 1) mask = ( mask.float() .masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf")) .masked_fill(mask == 1, float(0.0)) ) return mask def init_weights(self): """Initiate parameters in the transformer model.""" for p in self.parameters(): if p.dim() > 1: xavier_uniform_(p) def forward(self, src, tgt, max_len=None, teacher_forcing_ratio=None): # Transformer expects src and tgt in format (len, batch_size, dim) src = src.transpose(0, 1) tgt = tgt.transpose(0, 1) # src and tgt are now (T, B, E) if max_len is None: max_len = tgt.shape[0] projected_src = self.encoder(src) * np.sqrt(self.ninp) pos_encoded_src = self.pos_encoder(projected_src) encoder_output = self.transformer_encoder(pos_encoded_src) if self.training: # Create mask for training tgt_mask = self._generate_square_subsequent_mask(tgt.shape[0]).to( device=tgt.device, ) # Use last source pose as first input to decoder tgt = torch.cat((src[-1].unsqueeze(0), tgt[:-1])) pos_encoder_tgt = self.pos_encoder( self.encoder(tgt) * np.sqrt(self.ninp) ) output = self.transformer_decoder( pos_encoder_tgt, encoder_output, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, ) output = self.project(output) else: # greedy decoding decoder_input = torch.zeros( max_len, src.shape[1], src.shape[-1], ).type_as(src.data) next_pose = tgt[0].clone() # Create mask for greedy encoding across the decoded output tgt_mask = self._generate_square_subsequent_mask(max_len).to( device=tgt.device ) for i in range(max_len): decoder_input[i] = next_pose pos_encoded_input = self.pos_encoder( self.encoder(decoder_input) * np.sqrt(self.ninp) ) decoder_outputs = self.transformer_decoder( pos_encoded_input, encoder_output, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, ) output = self.project(decoder_outputs) next_pose = output[i].clone() del output output = decoder_input return output.transpose(0, 1)
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib.colors as mcolors def make_colormap(seq): """Return a LinearSegmentedColormap seq: a sequence of floats and RGB-tuples. The floats should be increasing and in the interval (0,1). from : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16834861/create-own-colormap-using-matplotlib-and-plot-color-scale example usage: c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb rvb = make_colormap( [c('red'), c('violet'), 0.33, c('violet'), c('blue'), 0.66, c('blue')]) """ # this might make it use black at the bottom and white at the very top, though it is transitioning at 0 and 1 so... seq = [(None,) * 3, 0.0] + list(seq) + [1.0, (None,) * 3] cdict = {'red': [], 'green': [], 'blue': []} for i, item in enumerate(seq): if isinstance(item, float): if len(seq[i - 1])==3: r1, g1, b1 = seq[i - 1] else: r1, g1, b1, a1 = seq[i - 1] if len(seq[i + 1])==3: r2, g2, b2 = seq[i + 1] else: r2, g2, b2, a2 = seq[i + 1] cdict['red'].append([item, r1, r2]) cdict['green'].append([item, g1, g2]) cdict['blue'].append([item, b1, b2]) return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict) def subset(cmap=None,clim=(0,255),step=1, bottomvalue=None): """docstring for subset""" if type(cmap)==str: cmap=plt.cm.__getattribute__(cmap) newcmap=[] if bottomvalue!=None: newcmap.append(bottomvalue) newcmap.append(0) for i in range(clim[0],clim[1]+step,step): newcmap.append(cmap(i)) if (i<clim[1]): newcmap.append(float(i-clim[0])/(clim[1]-clim[0])) return make_colormap(newcmap) def terrain(): """docstring for terrain""" return subset(plt.cm.terrain,clim=(55,255),bottomvalue=(0.1,0.4,0.9)) def flatten_short_axis(data): if data.shape[0]>data.shape[1]: return data.mean(axis=1) else: return data.mean(axis=0) def med_filter(data, filtersize): sz=5 if type(filtersize)==int: sz = filtersize tmp = np.zeros(data.shape) for i in range(len(data)): top = min(len(data), i+sz) bottom = max(0, i-sz) tmp[i] = np.median(data[bottom:top,:],axis=0) return tmp def from_image(filename, reverse=False, startpt=0, endpt=None, median_filter=None): data = plt.imread(filename) data = flatten_short_axis(data) if median_filter != None: data = med_filter(data, median_filter) data = data[startpt:endpt] size = data.shape[0] if reverse: data = data[::-1] colors = [tuple(data[0])] for i in range(1,size): colors.extend([float(i)/size, tuple(data[i])]) return make_colormap(colors)
{"hexsha": "850af61737ea1cc7f7f7d728e753ed3859e41cba", "size": 2934, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "helpers/lib/custom_cmap.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "scrasmussen/icar", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "88c59fed7595b176a81127993785fdeb514f28a3", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 61, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2016-03-15T18:57:19.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-30T03:00:55.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "helpers/lib/custom_cmap.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "scrasmussen/icar", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "88c59fed7595b176a81127993785fdeb514f28a3", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": 42, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": "2016-03-17T16:10:59.000Z", "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-23T19:57:09.000Z", "max_forks_repo_path": "helpers/lib/custom_cmap.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "scrasmussen/icar", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "88c59fed7595b176a81127993785fdeb514f28a3", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": 50, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": "2015-12-09T18:13:47.000Z", "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": "2021-12-09T02:29:35.000Z", "avg_line_length": 29.9387755102, "max_line_length": 119, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5681663258, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 851}
import argparse from augur.utils import write_json import Bio.SeqIO from collections import OrderedDict import hdbscan import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import re from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist import seaborn as sns from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, MDS import sys from umap import UMAP from Helpers import get_hamming_distances, get_euclidean_data_frame if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "creates embeddings", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--distance-matrix", help="a csv distance matrix that can be read in by pandas, index column as row 0") parser.add_argument("--alignment", help="an aligned FASTA file to create a distance matrix with") parser.add_argument("--cluster-data", help="cluster data from embedding and assign labels given via HDBSCAN") parser.add_argument("--cluster-threshold", type=float, help="cluster data from embedding and assign labels given via HDBSCAN. Pass in a threshold.") parser.add_argument("--random-seed", default = 314159, type=int, help="an integer used as the random seed for reproducible results") parser.add_argument("--output-node-data", help="outputting a node data JSON file") parser.add_argument("--output-dataframe", help="outputting a csv file") parser.add_argument("--output-figure", help="plot of the embedding, for debugging purposes") #parser.add_argument("--method-params" help="csv file from grid search") #if method params exists and command line exists, command line overrides it subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest="command", required=True ) pca = subparsers.add_parser("pca") pca.add_argument("--components", default=10, type=int, help="the number of components for PCA") pca.add_argument("--explained-variance", default="results/explained_variance_pca.png", help="the path for the explained variance table") tsne = subparsers.add_parser("t-sne") tsne.add_argument("--perplexity", default=30.0, type=float, help="the perplexity value for the tsne embedding") tsne.add_argument("--learning-rate", default=200.0, type=float, help="the learning rate value for the tsne embedding") umap = subparsers.add_parser("umap") umap.add_argument("--nearest-neighbors", default=200, type=int, help="the nearest neighbors value for the umap embedding") umap.add_argument("--min-dist", default=.5, type=float, help="the minimum distance value for the umap embedding") mds = subparsers.add_parser("mds") mds.add_argument("--components", default=10, type=int, help="the number of components for MDS") args = parser.parse_args() # Checking that the input fits the restrictions # Setting Random seed for numpy np.random.seed(seed=args.random_seed) if args.output_node_data is None and args.output_dataframe is None: print("You must specify one of the outputs", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if args.alignment is None and args.command == "pca": print("You must specify an alignment for pca, not a distance matrix", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # getting or creating the distance matrix if args.distance_matrix is not None: distance_matrix = pd.read_csv(args.distance_matrix, index_col=0) elif args.alignment is not None: sequences_by_name = OrderedDict() for sequence in Bio.SeqIO.parse(args.alignment, "fasta"): sequences_by_name[sequence.id] = str(sequence.seq) sequence_names = list(sequences_by_name.keys()) if args.command != "pca": # Calculate Distance Matrix hamming_distances = get_hamming_distances( sequences_by_name.values() ) distance_matrix = pd.DataFrame(squareform(hamming_distances)) distance_matrix.index = sequence_names # Calculate Embedding if args.command == "pca": sequences_by_name = OrderedDict() for sequence in Bio.SeqIO.parse(args.alignment, "fasta"): sequences_by_name[sequence.id] = str(sequence.seq) sequence_names = list(sequences_by_name.keys()) numbers = list(sequences_by_name.values())[:] for i in range(0,len(list(sequences_by_name.values()))): numbers[i] = re.sub(r'[^AGCT]', '5', numbers[i]) numbers[i] = list(numbers[i].replace('A','1').replace('G','2').replace('C', '3').replace('T','4')) numbers[i] = [int(j) for j in numbers[i]] genomes_df = pd.DataFrame(numbers) genomes_df.columns = ["Site " + str(k) for k in range(0,len(numbers[i]))] #performing PCA on my pandas dataframe pca = PCA(n_components=args.components,svd_solver='full') #can specify n, since with no prior knowledge, I use None principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(genomes_df) # Create a data frame from the PCA embedding. embedding = principalComponents embedding_df = pd.DataFrame(principalComponents) embedding_df.index = sequence_names if args.command == "t-sne": embedding_class = TSNE embedding_parameters = { "metric": "precomputed", "perplexity": args.perplexity, "learning_rate": args.learning_rate, "random_state" : args.random_seed, "square_distances": True, } elif args.command == "umap": embedding_class = UMAP embedding_parameters = { "n_neighbors": args.nearest_neighbors, "min_dist": args.min_dist, "n_components": 2, "init": "spectral", "random_state" : args.random_seed } elif args.command == "mds": embedding_class = MDS embedding_parameters = { "dissimilarity": "precomputed", "n_components": args.components, "n_jobs": 1, "n_init": 2, "random_state": args.random_seed } if args.command != "pca": embedder = embedding_class(**embedding_parameters) embedding = embedder.fit_transform(distance_matrix) print(embedding) # Output Embedding # create dictionary to be "wrapped" by write_json embedding_df = pd.DataFrame(embedding) embedding_df.index = list(distance_matrix.index) if args.command == "mds" or args.command == "pca": embedding_df.columns=[args.command + str(i) for i in range(1,args.components + 1)] else: embedding_df.columns = [args.command.replace('-', '') + "_x" , args.command.replace('-', '') + "_y"] if args.command == "pca": #add explained variance as the first row of the dataframe explained_variance = pd.DataFrame([round(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[i],4) for i in range(0,len(pca.explained_variance_ratio_))], columns=["explained variance"]) explained_variance["principal components"] = [i for i in range(1, args.components + 1)] explained_variance.to_csv(args.explained_variance, index=False) clusterer = None if args.cluster_threshold is not None: cluster = float(args.cluster_threshold) clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(cluster_selection_epsilon=float(cluster)) elif args.cluster_data is not None: max_df = pd.read_csv(args.cluster_data) clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(cluster_selection_epsilon=float(max_df.where(max_df["method"] == args.command).dropna(subset = ['distance_threshold'])[["distance_threshold"]].values.tolist()[0][0])) if clusterer is not None: clusterer_default = hdbscan.HDBSCAN() clusterer.fit(embedding_df) clusterer_default.fit(embedding_df) embedding_df[f"{args.command}_label"] = clusterer.labels_.astype(str) embedding_df[f"{args.command}_label_default"] = clusterer_default.labels_.astype(str) if args.output_node_data is not None: embedding_dict = embedding_df.transpose().to_dict() write_json({"nodes": embedding_dict}, args.output_node_data) if args.output_dataframe is not None: embedding_df.to_csv(args.output_dataframe, index_label="strain") if args.output_figure: plot_data = { "x": embedding[:, 0], "y": embedding[:, 1], } if clusterer is not None: plot_data["cluster"] = clusterer.labels_.astype(str) else: plot_data["cluster"] = "0" plot_df = pd.DataFrame(plot_data) ax = sns.scatterplot( data=plot_df, x="x", y="y", hue="cluster", alpha=0.5, ) plt.savefig(args.output_figure) plt.close()
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double precision function fdisc(blockno,xc,yc) implicit none double precision xc,yc, xp, yp, zp integer blockno integer*8 cont, get_context double precision pi, pi2 common /compi/ pi, pi2 double precision beta, theta(2) common /annulus_comm/ beta, theta double precision init_radius common /initradius_comm/ init_radius double precision x0, y0, r0, r, ravg, th cont = get_context() call fclaw2d_map_c2m(cont, & blockno,xc,yc,xp,yp,zp) ravg = (1 + beta)/2.d0 th = pi2*(0.25 + 1.d0/32.d0) x0 = ravg*cos(th) y0 = ravg*sin(th) r = sqrt((xp - x0)**2 + (yp-y0)**2) r0 = init_radius fdisc = r - r0 end
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import pandas as pd from ecommercetools.utilities import tools import numpy as np np.seterr(divide='ignore') def get_products(transaction_items, days=None): """Return a Pandas DataFrame of products from a Pandas DataFrame of transaction items. Args: transaction_items (object): Pandas DataFrame. days (int, optional): Select only product sold in the last X days. Returns: customers (object): Pandas DataFrame """ if days: transaction_items = tools.select_last_x_days(transaction_items, 'order_date', days) transaction_items = transaction_items.assign(line_price=transaction_items['quantity'] * transaction_items['unit_price']) products = transaction_items.groupby('sku').agg( first_order_date=('order_date', 'min'), last_order_date=('order_date', 'max'), customers=('customer_id', 'nunique'), orders=('order_id', 'nunique'), items=('quantity', 'sum'), revenue=('line_price', 'sum'), avg_unit_price=('unit_price', 'mean'), avg_quantity=('quantity', 'mean'), avg_revenue=('line_price', 'mean') ).reset_index() products['avg_orders'] = round(products['orders'] / products['customers'], 2) products['product_tenure'] = (pd.to_datetime('today') - products['first_order_date']).dt.days products['product_recency'] = (pd.to_datetime('today') - products['last_order_date']).dt.days return products def get_repurchase_rate_label(df): """Add a label describing the repurchase rate bin. Args: df (object): Pandas DataFrame containing repurchase_rate. Returns: ------- df (object): Pandas DataFrame with repurchase_rate_label added. """ labels = ['Very low repurchase', 'Low repurchase', 'Moderate repurchase', 'High repurchase', 'Very high repurchase'] df['repurchase_rate_label'] = pd.cut(df['repurchase_rate'], bins=5, labels=labels) return df def get_bulk_purchase_rate_label(df): """Add a label describing the bulk purchase rate bin. Args: df (object): Pandas DataFrame containing bulk_purchase_rate. Returns: ------- df (object): Pandas DataFrame with bulk_purchase_rate_label added. """ labels = ['Very low bulk', 'Low bulk', 'Moderate bulk', 'High bulk', 'Very high bulk'] df['bulk_purchase_rate_label'] = pd.cut(df['bulk_purchase_rate'], bins=5, labels=labels) return df def get_skus_per_order_label(df): """Add a label describing the skus per order bin. Args: df (object): Pandas DataFrame containing avg_skus_per_order. Returns: ------- df (object): Pandas DataFrame with avg_skus_per_order added. """ labels = ['Very poor basket ', 'Poor basket', 'Average basket', 'Big basket', 'Very big basket'] df['avg_skus_per_order_label'] = pd.cut(df['avg_skus_per_order_rate'], bins=5, labels=labels) return df def get_repurchase_rates(df): """Return repurchase rates and purchase behaviour for each SKU from transaction items data. Given a Pandas DataFrame of transactional items, this function returns a Pandas DataFrame containing the purchase behaviour and repurchase behaviour for each SKU. Args: df (object): Pandas DataFrame. Required columns: sku, order_id, customer_id, quantity, unit_price. Returns: ------- df (object): Pandas DataFrame. """ # Count the number of times each customer purchased each SKU df['times_purchased'] = df.groupby(['sku', 'customer_id'])['order_id'].transform('count') # Count the number of times the SKU was purchased individually within orders df['purchased_individually'] = df[df['quantity'] == 1]. \ groupby('sku')['order_id'].transform('count') df['purchased_individually'] = df['purchased_individually'].fillna(0) # Count the number of times the SKU was purchased once only by customers df['purchased_once'] = df[df['times_purchased'] == 1]. \ groupby('sku')['order_id'].transform('count') df['purchased_once'] = df['purchased_once'].fillna(0) # Calculate line price df['line_price'] = df['unit_price'] * df['quantity'] # Calculate unique SKU per order df['skus_per_order'] = df.groupby('order_id')['sku'].transform('count') # Calculate basket turnover per order df['basket_turnover'] = df.groupby('order_id')['line_price'].transform('sum') # Get unique SKUs and count total items, orders, and customers df_skus = df.groupby('sku').agg( revenue=('line_price', 'sum'), items=('quantity', 'sum'), orders=('order_id', 'nunique'), customers=('customer_id', 'nunique'), avg_unit_price=('unit_price', 'mean'), avg_line_price=('line_price', 'mean'), avg_skus_per_order=('skus_per_order', 'mean'), avg_order_value=('basket_turnover', 'mean') ) # Calculate the average number of units per order df_skus = df_skus.assign(avg_items_per_order=(df_skus['items'] / df_skus['orders'])) # Calculate the average number of items per customer df_skus = df_skus.assign(avg_items_per_customer=(df_skus['items'] / df_skus['customers'])) # Merge the dataframes df_subset = df[['sku', 'purchased_individually', 'purchased_once']].fillna(0) df_subset.drop_duplicates('sku', keep='first', inplace=True) df_skus = df_skus.merge(df_subset, on='sku', how='left') # Calculate bulk purchase rates df_skus = df_skus.assign(bulk_purchases=(df_skus['orders'] - df_skus['purchased_individually'])) df_skus = df_skus.assign(bulk_purchase_rate=(df_skus['bulk_purchases'] / df_skus['orders'])) # Calculate repurchase rates df_skus = df_skus.assign(repurchases=(df_skus['orders'] - df_skus['purchased_once'])) df_skus = df_skus.assign(repurchase_rate=(df_skus['repurchases'] / df_skus['orders'])) df_skus = df_skus.assign(avg_skus_per_order_rate=(np.log(df_skus['avg_skus_per_order']))) df_skus = df_skus.assign(avg_order_value_rate=(np.log(df_skus['avg_order_value']))) # Add labels df_skus = get_repurchase_rate_label(df_skus) df_skus = get_bulk_purchase_rate_label(df_skus) df_skus = get_skus_per_order_label(df_skus) df_skus['bulk_and_repurchase_label'] = df_skus['repurchase_rate_label'].astype(str) + \ '_' + df_skus['bulk_purchase_rate_label'].astype(str) return df_skus
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# # File: CNN_inferece.py # Date:11.08.2018 # Author: Denis Tananaev # # from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework import ops import scipy.misc from numpy import newaxis from PIL import Image #import math #import os.path import time import numpy as np import CNN.model as model import glob import os os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" import CNN.load_image as load_image import numpngw #parameters SaveDepthRealValued=False CHECKPOINT_DIR="./CNN_checkpoint/" data_folder="./example/" result_folder="./example/" def inverse(depth): inverse=tf.divide(tf.ones_like(depth),depth) inverse=tf.where(tf.is_nan(inverse),tf.zeros_like(inverse),inverse) return inverse def save_depth(result,config,saver,output_path,counter): with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(CHECKPOINT_DIR) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: # Restores from checkpoint saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #Assuming model_checkpoint_path looks something like: # extract global_step from it. global_step = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1] print('Checkpoint is loaded') else: print('No checkpoint file found') return # Start the queue runners. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() try: threads = [] for qr in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS): threads.extend(qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, daemon=True, start=True)) start_time = time.time() res=sess.run([result]) duration = time.time() - start_time print("Loading model and evaluation took (seconds): ",duration) res=np.array(res) print("Minimum value of depth (meters): ",np.min(res)) print("Maximum value of depth (meters): ",np.max(res)) res*=1000 if counter<10: image_name="CNN_depth_0"+str(counter)+".png" else: image_name="CNN_depth_"+str(counter)+".png" name=output_path+image_name depth=np.array(res[0,0,:,:,0],dtype=np.uint16) if SaveDepthRealValued==True: numpngw.write_png(name,depth) else: scipy.misc.toimage(depth, cmin=0, cmax=5000).save(name) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except coord.request_stop(e) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=10) def predict(input_path,output_path,image_name,counter): #get input image ops.reset_default_graph() with tf.Graph().as_default() as g: input_image=load_image.input_image(image_name) scale1_depth, scale2_depth, depth,scale1_normal,scale2_normal = model.inference(input_image) result = inverse(depth) saver = tf.train.Saver() gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.7) config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) save_depth(result,config,saver,output_path,counter) def main(argv=None): images=glob.glob(data_folder+"i_*.png") images=sorted(images) for i in range(len(images)): predict(data_folder,result_folder,images[i],i) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.app.run()
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Han" __email__ = "[email protected]" import logging import numpy as np import torch.nn import torch.cuda from game.models.layers import * from utils.functions import compute_mask, del_zeros_right, compute_top_layer_mask from game.tokenizer import Vocabulary logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DocRepPTTrainModel(torch.nn.Module): """ Documents representation model Args: model_config: config embedding_path: embeddings path Inputs: tar_d: (batch, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len) cand_d: (batch, cand_doc_num, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len) Outputs: cand_d_prop: (batch, cand_doc_num) """ def __init__(self, model_config, embedding_path=None, embedding_freeze=True): super(DocRepPTTrainModel, self).__init__() self.model_config = model_config embedding_num = model_config['embedding_num'] embedding_dim = model_config['embedding_dim'] self.hidden_size = model_config['hidden_size'] dropout_p = model_config['dropout_p'] enable_layer_norm = model_config['layer_norm'] self.doc_hierarchical = model_config['doc_hierarchical'] if not model_config['use_glove']: self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=embedding_num, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, padding_idx=Vocabulary.PAD_IDX) else: embedding_weight = torch.tensor(np.load(embedding_path), dtype=torch.float32) logger.info('Embedding shape: ' + str(embedding_weight.shape)) self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(embedding_weight, freeze=embedding_freeze, padding_idx=Vocabulary.PAD_IDX) self.tar_doc_encoder = DocRepPTEncoder(embedding_dim, self.hidden_size, dropout_p, enable_layer_norm) self.cand_doc_encoder = DocRepPTEncoder(embedding_dim, self.hidden_size, dropout_p, enable_layer_norm) # self.tar_doc_encoder = TransformerModel(nemb=embedding_dim, # nhead=2, # nhid=200, # nlayers=2, # dropout=dropout_p) # self.cand_doc_encoder = TransformerModel(nemb=embedding_dim, # nhead=2, # nhid=200, # nlayers=2, # dropout=dropout_p) def forward(self, tar_d, cand_ds): tar_d, _ = del_zeros_right(tar_d) cand_ds, _ = del_zeros_right(cand_ds) if self.doc_hierarchical: _, sent_right_idx = del_zeros_right(tar_d.sum(-1)) tar_d = tar_d[:, :sent_right_idx, :] _, sent_right_idx = del_zeros_right(cand_ds.sum(-1)) cand_ds = cand_ds[:, :, :sent_right_idx, :] # embedding layer tar_doc_emb = self.embedding_layer(tar_d) tar_doc_mask = compute_mask(tar_d) cand_docs_emb = self.embedding_layer(cand_ds) cand_docs_mask = compute_mask(cand_ds) # target document encoder layer tar_doc_rep, _ = self.tar_doc_encoder(tar_doc_emb, tar_doc_mask) # candidate documents encoder layer batch, cand_doc_num = cand_docs_emb.size(0), cand_docs_emb.size(1) new_size = [batch * cand_doc_num] + list(cand_docs_emb.shape[2:]) cand_docs_emb_flip = cand_docs_emb.view(*new_size) new_size = [batch * cand_doc_num] + list(cand_ds.shape[2:]) cand_docs_mask_flip = cand_docs_mask.view(*new_size) cand_docs_rep_flip, _ = self.cand_doc_encoder(cand_docs_emb_flip, cand_docs_mask_flip) cand_docs_rep = cand_docs_rep_flip.contiguous().view(batch, cand_doc_num, -1) # output layer cand_scores = torch.bmm(tar_doc_rep.unsqueeze(1), cand_docs_rep.transpose(1, 2)).squeeze(1) # (batch, cand_doc_num) cand_logits = torch.log_softmax(cand_scores, dim=-1) return cand_logits class DocRepPTTestModel(torch.nn.Module): """ Documents representation out model Args: model_config: config embedding_path: embeddings path Inputs: doc: (batch, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len) Outputs: document_rep: (batch, hidden_size * 4) """ def __init__(self, model_config, embedding_path=None, embedding_freeze=True): super(DocRepPTTestModel, self).__init__() self.model_config = model_config embedding_num = model_config['embedding_num'] embedding_dim = model_config['embedding_dim'] self.hidden_size = model_config['hidden_size'] dropout_p = model_config['dropout_p'] enable_layer_norm = model_config['layer_norm'] if not model_config['use_glove']: self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=embedding_num, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, padding_idx=Vocabulary.PAD_IDX) else: embedding_weight = torch.tensor(np.load(embedding_path), dtype=torch.float32) logger.info('Embedding shape: ' + str(embedding_weight.shape)) self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(embedding_weight, freeze=embedding_freeze, padding_idx=Vocabulary.PAD_IDX) self.tar_doc_encoder = DocRepPTEncoder(embedding_dim, self.hidden_size, dropout_p, enable_layer_norm) self.cand_doc_encoder = DocRepPTEncoder(embedding_dim, self.hidden_size, dropout_p, enable_layer_norm) # self.tar_doc_encoder = TransformerModel(nemb=embedding_dim, # nhead=2, # nhid=200, # nlayers=2, # dropout=dropout_p) # self.cand_doc_encoder = TransformerModel(nemb=embedding_dim, # nhead=2, # nhid=200, # nlayers=2, # dropout=dropout_p) def forward(self, doc): doc, _ = del_zeros_right(doc) _, sent_right_idx = del_zeros_right(doc.sum(-1)) doc = doc[:, :sent_right_idx, :] # embedding layer doc_emb = self.embedding_layer(doc) doc_mask = compute_mask(doc) # doc encoder layer tar_doc_rep, _ = self.tar_doc_encoder(doc_emb, doc_mask) cand_doc_rep, _ = self.cand_doc_encoder(doc_emb, doc_mask) # doc representation doc_rep = torch.cat([tar_doc_rep, cand_doc_rep], dim=-1) return doc_rep class DocRepPTEncoder(torch.nn.Module): """ Documents representation model Inputs: doc_emb: (batch, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len, emb_dim) doc_mask: (batch, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len) Outputs: doc_rep: (batch, hidden_size * 2) """ def __init__(self, embedding_dim, hidden_size, dropout_p, enable_layer_norm): super(DocRepPTEncoder, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.dropout_layer = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p) self.doc_word_rnn = MyRNNBase(mode='GRU', input_size=embedding_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=dropout_p, enable_layer_norm=enable_layer_norm, batch_first=True, num_layers=1) self.doc_word_attention = SelfAttention(hidden_size=self.hidden_size * 2) self.doc_sentence_rnn = MyRNNBase(mode='GRU', input_size=self.hidden_size * 2, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=dropout_p, enable_layer_norm=enable_layer_norm, batch_first=True, num_layers=1) self.doc_sentence_attention = SelfAttention(hidden_size=self.hidden_size * 2) def forward(self, doc_emb, doc_mask): visual_parm = {} batch, doc_sent_len, doc_word_len, _ = doc_emb.size() doc_word_emb = doc_emb.view(batch * doc_sent_len, doc_word_len, -1) doc_word_mask = doc_mask.view(batch * doc_sent_len, doc_word_len) # (batch * doc_sent_len, doc_word_len, hidden_size * 2) doc_word_rep, _ = self.doc_word_rnn(doc_word_emb, doc_word_mask) # (batch * doc_sent_len, hidden_size * 2) doc_sent_emb, doc_word_att_p = self.doc_word_attention(doc_word_rep, doc_word_mask) visual_parm['doc_word_att_p'] = doc_word_att_p # (batch, doc_sent_len, hidden_size * 2) doc_sent_emb = doc_sent_emb.view(batch, doc_sent_len, -1) doc_sent_mask = compute_top_layer_mask(doc_mask) # (batch, doc_sent_len, hidden_size * 2) doc_sent_rep, _ = self.doc_sentence_rnn(doc_sent_emb, doc_sent_mask) # (batch, hidden_size * 2) doc_rep, doc_sent_att_p = self.doc_sentence_attention(doc_sent_rep, doc_sent_mask) visual_parm['doc_sent_att_p'] = doc_sent_att_p return doc_rep, visual_parm
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using SymPy wmotor1 = Sym("wmotor1"); wmotor2 = Sym("wmotor2"); wmotor3 = Sym("wmotor3"); wmotor4 = Sym("wmotor4"); ## Propeller Forces keng = 6.11e-3; f1_body = [0;0;-keng*wmotor1]; f2_body = [0;0;-keng*wmotor2]; f3_body = [0;0;-keng*wmotor3]; f4_body = [0;0;-keng*wmotor4]; ## Propeller Moments kmeng = 1.5e-4; m1_body = [0;0;-kmeng*wmotor1]; m2_body = [0;0; kmeng*wmotor2]; m3_body = [0;0;-kmeng*wmotor3]; m4_body = [0;0; kmeng*wmotor4]; ## Moment arm from CG to Propeller Hub; Larm = 0.15; r1_arm_body = [ Larm*cosd(45); -Larm*sind(45); 0.0]; r2_arm_body = [ Larm*cosd(45); Larm*sind(45); 0.0]; r3_arm_body = [-Larm*cosd(45); Larm*sind(45); 0.0]; r4_arm_body = [-Larm*cosd(45); -Larm*sind(45); 0.0]; ## Total Moment due to Motors m1_body = m1_body + cross(r1_arm_body, f1_body); m2_body = m2_body + cross(r2_arm_body, f2_body); m3_body = m3_body + cross(r3_arm_body, f3_body); m4_body = m4_body + cross(r4_arm_body, f4_body); mtot = m1_body + m2_body + m3_body + m4_body; ftot = f1_body + f2_body + f3_body + f4_body; AA = jacobian([mtot;ftot[3]], [wmotor1, wmotor2, wmotor3, wmotor4]);
{"hexsha": "6888150c592b510b3f92d351aa6157a9494a8d84", "size": 1101, "ext": "jl", "lang": "Julia", "max_stars_repo_path": "example/QuadRotor/ComputeMixingLogic.jl", "max_stars_repo_name": "jg110/Aerospace.jl", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "48998ecaabf7b052793a44205e5482301ac32822", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 1, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2021-11-21T21:54:46.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2021-11-21T21:54:46.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "example/QuadRotor/ComputeMixingLogic.jl", "max_issues_repo_name": "jg110/Aerospace.jl", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "48998ecaabf7b052793a44205e5482301ac32822", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "example/QuadRotor/ComputeMixingLogic.jl", "max_forks_repo_name": "jg110/Aerospace.jl", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "48998ecaabf7b052793a44205e5482301ac32822", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 28.2307692308, "max_line_length": 68, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6721162579, "num_tokens": 474}
import os import pickle as pkl from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from scipy import stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import ujson as json import nltk from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from time import time np.random.seed(int(time())) SPACE = ' ' def stat_length(seq_length): print('Seq len info :') seq_len = np.asarray(seq_length) idx = np.arange(0, len(seq_len), dtype=np.int32) print(stats.describe(seq_len)) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(idx[:], seq_len[:], 'ro') plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('index') plt.ylabel('seq_len') plt.title('Scatter Plot') plt.subplot(122) plt.hist(seq_len, bins=10, label=['seq_len']) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('seq_len') plt.ylabel('freq') plt.title('Histogram') plt.show() def stat_altlex(eng_sentences, sim_sentences, labels): c_alt, nc_alt = [], [] for eng, sim, label in zip(eng_sentences, sim_sentences, labels): if label == 0: nc_alt.append(' '.join(w for w in eng[1])) nc_alt.append(' '.join(w for w in sim[1])) else: c_alt.append(' '.join(w for w in eng[1])) c_alt.append(' '.join(w for w in sim[1])) c_alt_set = set(c_alt) nc_alt_set = set(nc_alt) co_alt_set = c_alt_set.intersection(nc_alt_set) co_in_c, co_in_nc = 0, 0 for c, nc in zip(c_alt, nc_alt): if c in co_alt_set: co_in_c += 1 if nc in nc_alt_set: co_in_nc += 1 print('#Altlexes rep casual - {}'.format(len(c_alt_set))) print('#Altlexes rep non_casual - {}'.format(len(nc_alt_set))) print('#Altlexes in both set - {}'.format(len(co_alt_set))) print(co_alt_set) print('#CoAltlex in causal - {}'.format(co_in_c)) print('#CoAltlex in non_causal - {}'.format(co_in_nc)) def seg_length(sentences): seg_len = [] for sen in sentences: seg_len.append((len(sen[0]), len(sen[1]), len(sen[2]))) return seg_len def check_null(sen): flag = False if len(sen) == 3: # if len(sen[0]) > 0: # pre = sen[0] # else: # pre = ['<NULL>'] # flag = True # if len(sen[1]) > 0: # mid = sen[1] # else: # mid = ['<NULL>'] # flag = True # if len(sen[2]) > 0: # cur = sen[2] # else: # cur = ['<NULL>'] # flag = True pre = sen[0] if len(sen[0]) > 0 else ['<NULL>'] mid = sen[1] if len(sen[1]) > 0 else ['<NULL>'] cur = sen[2] if len(sen[2]) > 0 else ['<NULL>'] else: pre = sen[0] if len(sen[0]) > 0 else ['<NULL>'] mid = ['<NULL>'] cur = ['<NULL>'] flag = True return pre, mid, cur, flag def preprocess_train(file_path, file_name, data_type, is_build=False): print("Generating {} examples...".format(data_type)) examples = [] engs, sims = [], [] seg_engs, seg_sims, labels = [], [], [] data_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) lines = open(data_path, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1').readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split('\t') if line[0] == 'label': continue labels.append(int(line[0])) del line[0] if is_build: engs.append(word_tokenize(SPACE.join(line[:3]).strip())) sims.append(word_tokenize(SPACE.join(line[3:]).strip())) seg_engs.append([word_tokenize(seg) for seg in line[:3]]) seg_sims.append([word_tokenize(seg) for seg in line[3:]]) english_punctuations = [',', '.', ':', ';', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '&', '!', '*', '@', '#', '$', '%', '"', '``', '-', '\'\''] if is_build: eng_filtered = [[word.lower() for word in document if word not in english_punctuations] for document in engs] sim_filtered = [[word.lower() for word in document if word not in english_punctuations] for document in sims] seg_eng_filtered = [[[word.lower() for word in seg if word not in english_punctuations] for seg in eng] for eng in seg_engs] seg_sim_filtered = [[[word.lower() for word in seg if word not in english_punctuations] for seg in sim] for sim in seg_sims] total = 0 seq_len = [] for label, eng, sim in zip(labels, seg_eng_filtered, seg_sim_filtered): total += 1 pre, mid, cur, flag = check_null(eng) if flag: print(total) examples.append({'eid': total, 'tokens': pre + mid + cur, 'tokens_pre': pre, 'tokens_alt': mid, 'tokens_cur': cur, 'cau_label': label}) seq_len.append(len(pre + mid + cur)) total += 1 pre, mid, cur, flag = check_null(sim) if flag: print(total) examples.append({'eid': total, 'tokens': pre + mid + cur, 'tokens_pre': pre, 'tokens_alt': mid, 'tokens_cur': cur, 'cau_label': label}) seq_len.append(len(pre + mid + cur)) if is_build: sentences = [] for eng_tokens, sim_tokens in zip(eng_filtered, sim_filtered): sentences.append(SPACE.join(eng_tokens)) sentences.append(SPACE.join(sim_tokens)) else: sentences = [] np.random.shuffle(examples) stat_length(seq_len) return examples, sentences, (seg_eng_filtered, seg_sim_filtered), labels def preprocess_test(file_path, file_name, data_type, is_build=False): print("Generating {} examples...".format(data_type)) examples = [] sentences, segments, labels = [], [], [] data_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) lines = open(data_path, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1').readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split('\t') num = int(line[-1]) del line[-1] labels.append(0 if num == 0 else 1) sentences.append(word_tokenize(SPACE.join(line).strip())) if len(line) == 3: segments.append([word_tokenize(seg) for seg in line]) else: segments.append([['<NULL>'], word_tokenize(line[0]), word_tokenize(line[1])]) english_punctuations = [',', '.', ':', ';', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '&', '!', '*', '@', '#', '$', '%', '"', '``', '-', '\'\''] if is_build: sen_filtered = [[word.lower() for word in sentence if word not in english_punctuations] for sentence in sentences] seg_filtered = [[[word.lower() for word in seg if word not in english_punctuations] for seg in eng] for eng in segments] total = 0 seq_len = [] for label, seg in zip(labels, seg_filtered): total += 1 pre, mid, cur, flag = check_null(seg) if flag: print(total) examples.append({'eid': total, 'tokens': pre + mid + cur, 'tokens_pre': pre, 'tokens_alt': mid, 'tokens_cur': cur, 'cau_label': label}) seq_len.append(len(pre + mid + cur)) # print('Get {} total examples'.format(total)) # print('Get {} causal examples'.format(causal)) # print('Get {} non-causal examples'.format(non_causal)) if is_build: sentences = [SPACE.join(tokens) for tokens in sen_filtered] else: sentences = [] stat_length(seq_len) return examples, sentences, seg_filtered, labels def preprocess_transfer(file_path, file_name, data_type, is_build=False): print("Generating {} examples...".format(data_type)) examples = [] data_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) total = 0 with open(data_path, 'rb') as f: data_set = json.load(f) f.close() for label, sample in zip(data_set['label'], data_set['sample']): total += 1 pre, mid, cur, flag = check_null(sample) if flag: print(total) examples.append({'eid': total, 'tokens': pre + mid + cur, 'tokens_pre': pre, 'tokens_alt': mid, 'tokens_cur': cur, 'cau_label': label}) return examples def build_dict(data_path): dictionary = {} with open(data_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip().split(' ') fredist = nltk.FreqDist(line) for localkey in fredist.keys(): if localkey in dictionary.keys(): dictionary[localkey] = dictionary[localkey] + fredist[localkey] else: # 如果字典中不存在 dictionary[localkey] = fredist[localkey] # 将当前词频添加到字典中 return set(dictionary) def save(filename, obj, message=None): if message is not None: print('Saving {}...'.format(message)) if message == 'corpus': with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fh: fh.writelines([line + '\n' for line in obj]) elif message == 'embeddings': with open(filename, 'wb') as fh: pkl.dump(obj, fh) else: with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fh: json.dump(obj, fh) fh.close() def get_embedding(data_type, corpus_dict, emb_file=None, vec_size=None): print("Generating {} embedding...".format(data_type)) # token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1, '<LEARN>': 2} token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1} if emb_file is not None: assert vec_size is not None with open(emb_file, 'rb') as fin: trained_embeddings = pkl.load(fin) fin.close() embedding_dict = set(trained_embeddings) print('Num of tokens in corpus {}'.format(len(corpus_dict))) filtered_tokens = corpus_dict.intersection(embedding_dict) # common oov_tokens = corpus_dict.difference(filtered_tokens) combined_tokens = [] for token in oov_tokens: if len(token.split('-')) > 1: combined_tokens.append(token) combined_tokens = set(combined_tokens) # oov_tokens = oov_tokens.difference(combined_tokens) # token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1} # embedding_mat = np.zeros([len(corpus_dict) + 2, vec_size]) embedding_mat = np.zeros([len(filtered_tokens) + len(token2id), vec_size]) for token in filtered_tokens: token2id[token] = len(token2id) embedding_mat[token2id[token]] = trained_embeddings[token] combined = 0 for tokens in combined_tokens: sub_tokens = tokens.split('-') token_vec = np.zeros([vec_size]) in_emb = 0 for t in sub_tokens: if t in filtered_tokens: token_vec += trained_embeddings[t] in_emb += 1 if in_emb > 0: combined += 1 token2id[tokens] = len(token2id) embedding_mat = np.row_stack((embedding_mat, token_vec / in_emb)) scale = 3.0 / max(1.0, (len(corpus_dict) + vec_size) / 2.0) embedding_mat[1] = np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, vec_size) print('Filtered_tokens: {} Combined_tokens: {} OOV_tokens: {}'.format(len(filtered_tokens), combined, len(oov_tokens))) else: embedding_mat = np.random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25, (len(corpus_dict) + len(token2id), vec_size)) embedding_mat[0] = np.zeros(vec_size) embedding_mat[1] = np.zeros(vec_size) for token in corpus_dict: token2id[token] = len(token2id) # id2token = dict([val, key] for key, val in token2id.items()) id2token = dict(zip(token2id.values(), token2id.keys())) # print(len(token2id), len(id2token), len(embedding_mat)) return embedding_mat, token2id, id2token def gen_embedding(data_type, corpus_dict, emb_file=None, vec_size=None): print("Generating {} embedding...".format(data_type)) # token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1, '<LEARN>': 2} token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1} if emb_file is not None: assert vec_size is not None with open(emb_file, 'rb') as fin: trained_embeddings = pkl.load(fin) fin.close() embedding_dict = set(trained_embeddings) print('Num of tokens in corpus {}'.format(len(corpus_dict))) filtered_tokens = corpus_dict.intersection(embedding_dict) # common oov_tokens = corpus_dict.difference(filtered_tokens) combined_tokens = [] for token in oov_tokens: if len(token.split('-')) > 1: combined_tokens.append(token) combined_tokens = set(combined_tokens) # oov_tokens = oov_tokens.difference(combined_tokens) # token2id = {'<NULL>': 0, '<OOV>': 1} # embedding_mat = np.zeros([len(corpus_dict) + 2, vec_size]) embedding_mat = np.zeros([len(filtered_tokens) + len(token2id), vec_size]) for token in filtered_tokens: token2id[token] = len(token2id) embedding_mat[token2id[token]] = trained_embeddings[token] combined = 0 for tokens in combined_tokens: sub_tokens = tokens.split('-') token_vec = np.zeros([vec_size]) in_emb = 0 for t in sub_tokens: if t in filtered_tokens: token_vec += trained_embeddings[t] in_emb += 1 if in_emb > 0: combined += 1 token2id[tokens] = len(token2id) embedding_mat = np.row_stack((embedding_mat, token_vec / in_emb)) scale = 3.0 / max(1.0, (len(corpus_dict) + vec_size) / 2.0) embedding_mat[1] = np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, vec_size) print('Filtered_tokens: {} Combined_tokens: {} OOV_tokens: {}'.format(len(filtered_tokens), combined, len(oov_tokens))) else: embedding_mat = np.random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25, (len(corpus_dict) + len(token2id), vec_size)) embedding_mat[0] = np.zeros(vec_size) embedding_mat[1] = np.zeros(vec_size) for token in corpus_dict: token2id[token] = len(token2id) # id2token = dict([val, key] for key, val in token2id.items()) id2token = dict(zip(token2id.values(), token2id.keys())) # print(len(token2id), len(id2token), len(embedding_mat)) return embedding_mat, token2id, id2token def seg_length(sentences): seg_len = [] for sen in sentences: seg_len.append((len(sen[0]), len(sen[1]), len(sen[2]))) return seg_len def gen_annotation(segs, max_length, filename, labels, data_type): max_length = max_length['full'] if data_type == 'train': eng_length = seg_length(segs[0]) sim_length = seg_length(segs[1]) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: for el, sl, label in zip(eng_length, sim_length, labels): pre, alt, cur = el if sum(el) > max_length: cur -= pre + alt + cur - max_length annos = '0 ' * pre annos += '1 ' if label == 1 else '2 ' * alt annos += '0 ' * cur f.write(annos.strip() + '\n') pre, alt, cur = sl if sum(sl) > max_length: cur -= pre + alt + cur - max_length annos = '0 ' * pre annos += '1 ' if label == 1 else '2 ' * alt annos += '0 ' * cur f.write(annos.strip() + '\n') f.close() else: length = seg_length(segs) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: for l, label in zip(length, labels): pre, alt, cur = l if sum(l) > max_length: cur -= pre + alt + cur - max_length annos = '0 ' * pre annos += '1 ' if label == 1 else '2 ' * alt annos += '0 ' * cur f.write(annos.strip() + '\n') f.close() def build_features(sentences, data_type, max_len, out_file, word2id, annotation_file=None): print("Processing {} examples...".format(data_type)) total = 0 meta = {} samples = [] # fh = open(annotation_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') for sentence in tqdm(sentences): total += 1 tokens = np.zeros([max_len['full']], dtype=np.int32) tokens_pre = np.zeros([max_len['pre']], dtype=np.int32) tokens_alt = np.zeros([max_len['alt']], dtype=np.int32) tokens_cur = np.zeros([max_len['cur']], dtype=np.int32) def _get_word(word): for each in (word, word.lower(), word.capitalize(), word.upper()): if each in word2id: return word2id[each] return 1 seq_len = min(len(sentence['tokens']), max_len['full']) pre_len = min(len(sentence['tokens_pre']), max_len['pre']) alt_len = min(len(sentence['tokens_alt']), max_len['alt']) cur_len = min(len(sentence['tokens_cur']), max_len['cur']) for i in range(seq_len): tokens[i] = _get_word(sentence['tokens'][i]) for i in range(pre_len): tokens_pre[i] = _get_word(sentence['tokens_pre'][i]) for i in range(alt_len): tokens_alt[i] = _get_word(sentence['tokens_alt'][i]) for i in range(cur_len): tokens_cur[i] = _get_word(sentence['tokens_cur'][i]) samples.append({'id': sentence['eid'], 'tokens': tokens, 'tokens_pre': tokens_pre, 'tokens_alt': tokens_alt, 'tokens_cur': tokens_cur, 'length': seq_len, 'cau_label': sentence['cau_label']}) # fh.close() with open(out_file, 'wb') as fo: pkl.dump(samples, fo) fo.close() print('Build {} instances of features in total'.format(total)) meta['total'] = total return meta def run_prepare(config): train_examples, train_corpus, train_seg, train_labels = preprocess_train(config.raw_dir, config.train_file, 'train', config.build) transfer_examples1 = preprocess_transfer(config.raw_dir, config.transfer_file1, 'transfer') transfer_examples2 = preprocess_transfer(config.raw_dir, config.transfer_file2, 'transfer') valid_examples, valid_corpus, valid_seg, valid_labels = preprocess_test(config.raw_dir, config.valid_file, 'valid', config.build) test_examples, test_corpus, test_seg, test_labels = preprocess_test(config.raw_dir, config.test_file, 'test', config.build) if config.build: # types = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] # labels = [train_labels, valid_labels, test_labels] # segs = [train_seg, valid_seg, test_seg] # for t, s, l in zip(types, segs, labels): # gen_annotation(s, config.max_len, os.path.join(config.processed_dir, t + '_annotations.txt'), l, t) save(config.corpus_file, train_corpus, 'corpus') corpus_dict = build_dict(config.corpus_file) token_emb_mat, token2id, id2token = get_embedding('word', corpus_dict, config.w2v_file, config.n_emb) save(config.token_emb_file, token_emb_mat, message='embeddings') save(config.token2id_file, token2id, message='token to index') save(config.id2token_file, id2token, message='index to token') else: with open(config.token2id_file, 'r') as fh: token2id = json.load(fh) transfer_meta1 = build_features(transfer_examples1, 'transfer', config.max_len, config.transfer_record_file1, token2id) save(config.transfer_meta1, transfer_meta1, message='transfer meta') del transfer_examples1 transfer_meta2 = build_features(transfer_examples2, 'transfer', config.max_len, config.transfer_record_file2, token2id) save(config.transfer_meta2, transfer_meta2, message='transfer meta') del transfer_examples2 train_meta = build_features(train_examples, 'train', config.max_len, config.train_record_file, token2id, config.train_annotation) save(config.train_meta, train_meta, message='train meta') del train_examples, train_corpus valid_meta = build_features(valid_examples, 'valid', config.max_len, config.valid_record_file, token2id) save(config.valid_meta, valid_meta, message='valid meta') del valid_examples, valid_corpus test_meta = build_features(test_examples, 'test', config.max_len, config.test_record_file, token2id, config.test_annotation) save(config.test_meta, test_meta, message='test meta') del test_examples, test_corpus save(config.shape_meta, {'max_len': config.max_len}, message='shape meta')
{"hexsha": "be8bc31ec262c7ee031c00356d8cae4a016cbe4c", "size": 21636, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "preprocess/torch_preprocess.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "shiningliang/Multi-level-Causality-Detection-Network", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "126a11735781224aaa31af37728e6dd0b2e511c2", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_stars_count": 5, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2019-12-06T09:11:44.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-09T12:02:43.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "preprocess/torch_preprocess.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "shiningliang/Multi-level-Causality-Detection-Network", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "126a11735781224aaa31af37728e6dd0b2e511c2", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_issues_count": 3, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": "2019-12-06T09:11:34.000Z", "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": "2020-02-25T13:44:17.000Z", "max_forks_repo_path": "preprocess/torch_preprocess.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "shiningliang/Multi-level-Causality-Detection-Network", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "126a11735781224aaa31af37728e6dd0b2e511c2", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 41.055028463, "max_line_length": 117, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5566648179, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy,from scipy", "num_tokens": 5238}
#The MIT License # #Copyright (c) 2017 DYNI machine learning & bioacoustics team - Univ. Toulon # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of #this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in #the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to #use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of #the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, #subject to the following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS #FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR #COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER #IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN #CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import os import random import pytest import numpy as np from dynibatch.utils.exceptions import ParameterError from dynibatch.utils import segment from dynibatch.utils import segment_container from dynibatch.utils import feature_container from dynibatch.utils import datasplit_utils from dynibatch.utils import utils from dynibatch.parsers import label_parsers DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") TEST_AUDIO_PATH_TUPLE_1 = (DATA_PATH, "dataset1/ID0132.wav") TEST_AUDIO_PATH_TUPLE_2 = (DATA_PATH, "dataset2/ID1238.wav") TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_1 = (DATA_PATH, "dataset1/ID0132.seg") TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_2 = (DATA_PATH, "dataset1/ID0133.seg") TEST_DURATION = 15.45 TEST_N_SEGMENTS = 4 TEST_FIRST_SEGMENT_DURATION = 0.79 SEGMENT_CONTAINER_LISTS_TO_GENERATE = 100 TEST_FILE2LABEL_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "file2label.csv") TEST_LABELS_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "labels.txt") class TestSegment: def test_init(self): try: start_time = 1 end_time = 10 segment.Segment(start_time, end_time) except ParameterError: pytest.fail("Unexpected ParameterError") def test_negative_start_time(self): with pytest.raises(ParameterError): start_time = -1 end_time = 10 segment.Segment(start_time, end_time) def test_time_order(self): with pytest.raises(ParameterError): start_time = 3 end_time = 1 segment.Segment(start_time, end_time) def test_set_segment_labels(self): segment_from_list = [] segment_from_list.append(segment.Segment(0, 1, "a")) segment_from_list.append(segment.Segment(1.2, 2, "b")) segment_to_list = [] segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(0.2, 0.3)) segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(0.6, 1.1)) segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(1.7, 1.8)) segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(2.5, 2.7)) segment.set_segment_labels(segment_from_list, segment_to_list, overlap_ratio=0.5) assert(segment_to_list[0].label == "a" and segment_to_list[1].label == "a" and segment_to_list[2].label == "b" and segment_to_list[3].label == segment.CommonLabels.unknown.value) def test_set_segment_labels_overlap(self): segment_from_list = [] segment_from_list.append(segment.Segment(0, 1, "a")) segment_to_list = [] segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(0.4, 1.5)) segment_to_list.append(segment.Segment(0.6, 1.5)) segment.set_segment_labels(segment_from_list, segment_to_list, overlap_ratio=0.5) assert(segment_to_list[0].label == "a" and segment_to_list[1].label == segment.CommonLabels.unknown.value) class TestSegmentContainer: def test_no_segments_n_segments(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") assert sc.n_segments == 0 def test_no_segments_n_active_segments(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") assert sc.n_active_segments == 0 def test_no_segments_n_segments_w_label(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") assert sc.n_segments_with_label("fake_label") == 0 def test_no_segments_n_active_segments_w_label(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") assert sc.n_active_segments_with_label("fake_label") == 0 def test_no_segments_features(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") assert not any(sc.has_features(["fake_feature"])) def test_n_segments(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") n_segments = 5 for i in range(n_segments): sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(i * 1, (i + 1) * 1)) assert sc.n_segments == n_segments def test_n_active_segments(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") n_segments = 5 active_segment_ind = [2, 3] for i in range(n_segments): sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(i * 1, (i + 1) * 1)) if i in active_segment_ind: sc.segments[-1].activity = True assert sc.n_active_segments == len(active_segment_ind) def test_no_active_segments(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") n_segments = 5 for i in range(n_segments): sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(i * 1, (i + 1) * 1)) assert sc.n_active_segments == 0 def test_n_segments_w_label(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") n_segments = 5 for i in range(n_segments): sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(i * 1, (i + 1) * 1)) assert sc.n_segments_with_label(segment.CommonLabels.unknown.value) == n_segments def test_n_active_segments_w_labels(self): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer("fake_audio_path") n_segments = 5 active_segment_ind = [2, 3] for i in range(n_segments): sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(i * 1, (i + 1) * 1)) if i in active_segment_ind: sc.segments[-1].activity = True assert sc.n_active_segments_with_label(segment.CommonLabels.unknown.value) == len(active_segment_ind) def test_create_random_segment_containers(self): sc_ref = segment_container.create_segment_containers_from_audio_files( DATA_PATH, shuffle=True, label_parser=None) sc_generated = [] for _ in range(SEGMENT_CONTAINER_LISTS_TO_GENERATE): sc_generated.append(segment_container.create_segment_containers_from_audio_files( DATA_PATH, shuffle=True, label_parser=None)) sc_ref = list(sc_ref) list_equals = 0 for sc_try in sc_generated: list_equals += sc_ref == list(sc_try) assert list_equals < SEGMENT_CONTAINER_LISTS_TO_GENERATE def test_create_segment_container_from_audio_file_tuple(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): segment_container.create_segment_container_from_audio_file( os.path.join(*TEST_AUDIO_PATH_TUPLE_1)) def test_create_segment_container_from_audio_file_n_segment(self): sc = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_audio_file( TEST_AUDIO_PATH_TUPLE_1) assert sc.n_segments == 1 def test_create_segment_container_from_audio_file_segment_duration(self): sc = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_audio_file( TEST_AUDIO_PATH_TUPLE_1) assert np.abs(sc.segments[0].duration - TEST_DURATION) < 1e-03 def test_create_segment_container_from_seg_file_tuple(self): labels = label_parsers.parse_label_file(TEST_LABELS_PATH, separator=",") with pytest.raises(TypeError): segment_container.create_segment_container_from_seg_file( os.path.join(*TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_1), labels, seg_file_separator=",") def test_create_segment_container_from_seg_file_n_segment(self): labels = label_parsers.parse_label_file(TEST_LABELS_PATH, separator=",") sc = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_seg_file( TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_1, labels, seg_file_separator=",") assert sc.n_segments == TEST_N_SEGMENTS def test_create_segment_container_from_seg_file_segment_duration(self): labels = label_parsers.parse_label_file(TEST_LABELS_PATH, separator=",") sc = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_seg_file( TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_1, labels, seg_file_separator=",") assert np.abs(sc.segments[0].duration - TEST_FIRST_SEGMENT_DURATION) < 1e-03 def test_create_segment_container_from_seg_file_labels(self): labels = label_parsers.parse_label_file(TEST_LABELS_PATH, separator=",") sc_1 = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_seg_file( TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_1, labels, seg_file_separator=",") sc_2 = segment_container.create_segment_container_from_seg_file( TEST_SEG_PATH_TUPLE_2, labels, seg_file_separator=",") assert sc_1.segments[0].label == segment.CommonLabels.unknown.value assert sc_2.segments[0].label == 3 def test_create_fixed_duration_segments_duration(self): file_duration = 12.5 seg_duration = 0.4 seg_overlap = 0.3 segments = segment_container.create_fixed_duration_segments(file_duration, seg_duration, seg_overlap) assert np.all(np.isclose(np.asarray([s.duration for s in segments]), seg_duration)) def test_create_fixed_duration_segments_n_segments(self): file_duration = 12.5 seg_duration = 0.4 seg_overlap = 0.3 segments = segment_container.create_fixed_duration_segments(file_duration, seg_duration, seg_overlap) assert len(segments) == utils.get_n_overlapping_chunks( file_duration, seg_duration, seg_overlap) def test_create_fixed_duration_segments_from_short_audio(self): file_duration = 2 seg_duration = 3 seg_overlap = 0.3 segments = segment_container.create_fixed_duration_segments(file_duration, seg_duration, seg_overlap) assert len(segments) == 1 def test_parse_segment_file_line(self): line = "0.12; 0.15 ; 3 " start_time, end_time, label_id = ( segment_container._parse_segment_file_line(line, ";")) assert (np.isclose(start_time, 0.12) and np.isclose(end_time, 0.15) and label_id == 3) class TestFeatureContainer: def test_init(self): try: feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", 22050, 256, 128) except: pytest.fail("Unexpected Error") def test_features_ok(self): features = ["feat1", "feat2"] configs = ["config1", "config2"] fc = feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", 22050, 256, 128) fc.features["feat1"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat1"]["config"] = "config1" fc.features["feat2"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat2"]["config"] = "config2" assert all(fc.has_features(list(zip(features, configs)))) def test_features_wrong_features(self): features = ["feat1", "feat3"] configs = ["config1", "config2"] fc = feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", 22050, 256, 128) fc.features["feat1"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat1"]["config"] = "config1" fc.features["feat2"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat2"]["config"] = "config2" assert not all(fc.has_features(list(zip(features, configs)))) def test_features_wrong_configs(self): features = ["feat1", "feat2"] configs = ["config1", "config3"] fc = feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", 22050, 256, 128) fc.features["feat1"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat1"]["config"] = "config1" fc.features["feat2"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat2"]["config"] = "config2" assert not all(fc.has_features(list(zip(features, configs)))) def test_features_empty_features(self): features = ["feat1", "feat2"] configs = ["config1", "config2"] fc = feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", 22050, 256, 128) fc.features["feat1"]["data"] = np.random.sample(10) fc.features["feat1"]["config"] = "config1" fc.features["feat2"]["config"] = "config2" assert not all(fc.has_features(list(zip(features, configs)))) def test_time_to_frame_ind(self): sample_rate = 22050 win_size = 256 hop_size = 128 fc = feature_container.FeatureContainer("fake_audio_path", sample_rate, win_size, hop_size) assert fc.time_to_frame_ind(0.015) == 2 class TestUtils: def test_get_n_overlapping_chunks(self): file_duration = 12.5 seg_duration = 0.4 seg_overlap = 0.3 start = 0 hop = seg_duration * (1 - seg_overlap) n_chunks = 0 while start + seg_duration < file_duration: start += hop n_chunks += 1 assert utils.get_n_overlapping_chunks(file_duration, seg_duration, seg_overlap) == n_chunks class TestDatasplit: @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def n_files(self): return 1000 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def n_classes(self): return 10 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def n_files_per_class(self, n_files, n_classes): return int(n_files / n_classes) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def file_list(self, n_files): return ["f{}".format(i) for i in range(n_files)] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def label_list(self, n_files, n_files_per_class): return [int(i / n_files_per_class) for i in range(n_files)] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def sc_list(self, n_files, file_list, label_list): sc_list = [] for i in range(n_files): sc = segment_container.SegmentContainer(file_list[i]) sc.segments.append(segment.Segment(0, 1, label_list[i])) sc_list.append(sc) return sc_list def test_create_datasplit_init(self, file_list): try: file_set = set(file_list) train_set = set(random.sample(file_set, 700)) validation_set = set(random.sample(file_set-train_set, 100)) test_set = set(random.sample(file_set-train_set-validation_set, 200)) datasplit_utils.create_datasplit(train_set, validation_set, test_set, name="fake_datasplit") except Exception as e: pytest.fail("Unexpected Error: {}".format(e)) def test_create_datasplit_count(self, file_list): file_set = set(file_list) train_set = set(random.sample(file_set, 700)) validation_set = set(random.sample(file_set-train_set, 100)) test_set = set(random.sample(file_set-train_set-validation_set, 200)) ds = datasplit_utils.create_datasplit(train_set, validation_set, test_set, name="fake_datasplit") assert (len(ds["sets"]["train"]) == 700 and len(ds["sets"]["validation"]) == 100 and len(ds["sets"]["test"]) == 200) def test_create_random_datasplit_init(self, sc_list): try: datasplit_utils.create_random_datasplit(sc_list, train_ratio=0.7, validation_ratio=0.1, test_ratio=0.2) except Exception as e: pytest.fail("Unexpected Error: {}".format(e)) def test_create_random_datasplit_set_dont_sumup_to_one(self, sc_list): with pytest.raises(ParameterError): datasplit_utils.create_random_datasplit(sc_list, train_ratio=0.8, validation_ratio=0.1, test_ratio=0.2) def test_create_random_datasplit_count(self, sc_list): ds = datasplit_utils.create_random_datasplit(sc_list, train_ratio=0.7, validation_ratio=0.1, test_ratio=0.2) assert (len(ds["sets"]["train"]) == 700 and len(ds["sets"]["validation"]) == 100 and len(ds["sets"]["test"]) == 200) def test_datasplit_stats(self): # TODO (jul) pass
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"""Side profiles of common trees in their bare (leafless) form.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # ---------- Tree parameters ------------ # Overall profile dimensions parameters: height = 100.0 width = 100.0 # Angles: initial_angle = 0.5 * np.pi angle_between_segments = 0.05 * np.pi # Trunk and branch length: initial_length = 400.0 # length of trunk length_scaling = 0.6 # Trunk and branch thickness: initial_thickness = 0.1 # --------------------------------------- def canopy_fractal_tree(x, y, length, theta): """Recursive formation of a canopy fractal tree-like profile.""" if length >= 1.0: x_new = x + length * np.cos(theta) y_new = y + length * np.sin(theta) thickness = ( initial_thickness * ((x_new - x) ** 2 + (y_new - y) ** 2) ** 0.5 ) plt.plot( (x, x_new), (y, y_new), color="black", linewidth=thickness, solid_capstyle="round", ) new_length = length * length_scaling canopy_fractal_tree( x_new, y_new, new_length, theta + angle_between_segments ) canopy_fractal_tree( x_new, y_new, new_length, theta - angle_between_segments ) def plot_single_tree_profile(index, param_label_name, param_label_value): """Plots a single tree profile which is shown and also saved.""" plt.axes().set_aspect(1) plt.axis("off") canopy_fractal_tree(width, height, initial_length, initial_angle) plt.title( "Tree {}: parameter {} is '{}'".format( index, param_label_name, param_label_value ) ) plt.savefig("example-profiles/basic-canopy-fractal-{}.png".format(index)) plt.show() # Plot some representative examples: for value in range(5): angle_between_segments plot_single_tree_profile( str(value + 1), "angle_between_segments", angle_between_segments ) angle_between_segments *= 1.5
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__precompile__(false) module Buildkite import HTTP import JSON export BuildkiteAPI abstract type AbstractBuildkiteAPI end Base.@kwdef struct BuildkiteAPI <: AbstractBuildkiteAPI base_url::HTTP.URI = HTTP.URI("https://api.buildkite.com/v2/") access_token::String = "" end function buildkite_api_uri(api::BuildkiteAPI, path) HTTP.URIs.merge(api.base_url, path = api.base_url.path * path) end function buildkite_request(api::BuildkiteAPI, request_method, endpoint; handle_error = true, headers = Dict(), params = Dict(), allowredirects::Bool = true, idle_timeout = 20, status_exception = false) api_endpoint = buildkite_api_uri(api, endpoint) request_headers = convert(Dict{String, String}, headers) if !haskey(request_headers, "Authorization") request_headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $(api.access_token)" end if !haskey(request_headers, "User-Agent") request_headers["User-Agent"] = "Buildkite-jl" end if request_method == HTTP.get api_uri = HTTP.URIs.merge(api_endpoint, query = params) println("DEBUG: ", api_uri) r = request_method(api_uri, request_headers, redirect = allowredirects, status_exception = false, idle_timeout=idle_timeout) else api_uri = string(api_uri) r = request_method(api_uri, request_headers, JSON.json(params), redirect=allowredirects, status_exception=status_exception, idle_timeout=idle_timeout) end if handle_error #handle_response_error(r) end return r end # REST primitives function buildkite_get(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) buildkite_request(api, HTTP.get, endpoint; options...) end function buildkite_post(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) buildkite_request(api, HTTP.post, endpoint; options...) end function buildkite_put(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) buildkite_request(api, HTTP.put, endpoint; options...) end function buildkite_delete(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) buildkite_request(api, HTTP.delete, endpoint; options...) end function buildkite_patch(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) buildkite_request(api, HTTP.patch, endpoint; options...) end function buildkite_get_json(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) JSON.parse(HTTP.payload(buildkite_get(api, endpoint; options...), String)) end function buildkite_post_json(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) JSON.parse(HTTP.payload(buildkite_post(api, endpoint; options...), String)) end function buildkite_put_json(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) JSON.parse(HTTP.payload(buildkite_put(api, endpoint; options...), String)) end function buildkite_delete_json(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) JSON.parse(HTTP.payload(buildkite_delete(api, endpoint; options...), String)) end function buildkite_patch_json(api::BuildkiteAPI, endpoint = ""; options...) JSON.parse(HTTP.payload(buildkite_patch(api, endpoint; options...), String)) end function hello_world() base_url = HTTP.URI("https://api.buildkite.com") r = buildkite_get_json(BuildkiteAPI(base_url=base_url), "") return r["response"] end # organization api struct Organization api::BuildkiteAPI data::Dict end function organization(api::BuildkiteAPI, name) return Organization(api, buildkite_get_json(api, "organizations/$(lowercase(name))")) end # pipelines api struct Pipeline api::BuildkiteAPI data::Dict end function pipelines(api::BuildkiteAPI, organization; page=0, pagination=false) query_params = Dict("page" => page) endpoint = "organizations/$(lowercase(organization))/pipelines" return [Pipeline(api, p) for p in buildkite_get_json(api, endpoint; params = query_params)] end function pipelines(org::Buildkite.Organization) return pipelines(org.api, org.data["name"]) end # build api struct Build api::BuildkiteAPI data::Dict end function builds(api::BuildkiteAPI; state=nothing) query_params = Dict("state" => state) endpoint = "builds" return [Build(api, b) for b in buildkite_get_json(api, endpoint; params = query_params)] end build_state(b::Build) = b.data["state"] end
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[STATEMENT] lemma (in mut_m) handshake_invL_eq_imp: "eq_imp (\<lambda>(_::unit) s. (AT s (mutator m), s\<down> (mutator m), sys_hs_type s\<down>, sys_hs_pending m s\<down>, mem_store_buffers (s\<down> sys) (mutator m))) handshake_invL" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. eq_imp (\<lambda>_ s. (AT s (mutator m), s\<down> (mutator m), sys_hs_type s\<down>, sys_hs_pending m s\<down>, sys_mem_store_buffers (mutator m) s\<down>)) handshake_invL [PROOF STEP] unfolding eq_imp_def handshake_invL_def [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>s s'. (\<forall>x. (AT s (mutator m), s\<down> (mutator m), sys_hs_type s\<down>, sys_hs_pending m s\<down>, sys_mem_store_buffers (mutator m) s\<down>) = (AT s' (mutator m), s'\<down> (mutator m), sys_hs_type s'\<down>, sys_hs_pending m s'\<down>, sys_mem_store_buffers (mutator m) s'\<down>)) \<longrightarrow> ((atS (mutator m) hs_noop_locs s \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s\<down> = ht_NOOP) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_get_roots_locs s \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s\<down> = ht_GetRoots) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_get_work_locs s \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s\<down> = ht_GetWork) \<and> (atS (mutator m) ht_loaded_locs s \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s\<down> \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_type s\<down> = sys_hs_type s\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_pending_loaded_locs s \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s\<down> \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_pending m s\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_pending_locs s \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) no_pending_mutations_locs s \<longrightarrow> filter (\<lambda>s. is_mw_Mutate s \<or> is_mw_Mutate_Payload s) (sys_mem_store_buffers (mutator m) s\<down>) = [])) = ((atS (mutator m) hs_noop_locs s' \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s'\<down> = ht_NOOP) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_get_roots_locs s' \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s'\<down> = ht_GetRoots) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_get_work_locs s' \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_type s'\<down> = ht_GetWork) \<and> (atS (mutator m) ht_loaded_locs s' \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s'\<down> \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_type s'\<down> = sys_hs_type s'\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_pending_loaded_locs s' \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s'\<down> \<longrightarrow> sys_hs_pending m s'\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) hs_pending_locs s' \<longrightarrow> mut_hs_pending s'\<down>) \<and> (atS (mutator m) no_pending_mutations_locs s' \<longrightarrow> filter (\<lambda>s. is_mw_Mutate s \<or> is_mw_Mutate_Payload s) (sys_mem_store_buffers (mutator m) s'\<down>) = [])) [PROOF STEP] by simp
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""" Dependências """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import multiprocessing from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from scipy import sparse import operator from .similarities import euclidean, cosine, jaccard, manhattan, imed, hamming from .preprocess import Preprocessing from .neurons import * import random import sys import os """ Classe Couple """ class Couple(): """ .. py:class:: This class allows the coupling phenomena between two or more oscillators .. py:function:: __init__(self,*args,**kwargs) :param data: The membrane potential values of the N neurons at time t :type data: numpy.ndarray """ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super().__init__() self.data = kwargs.get('data') def synapse(self, connections): """ .. py::function: This function creates the synapse (coupling) between the neurons :param connections: A matrix of the coupling force between the neurons :type connections: numpy.ndarray """ self.data_matrix = np.zeros(self.data.size) + self.data[:,np.newaxis] self.difference_data = self.data_matrix - self.data_matrix.T self.making_connections = self.difference_data*connections return np.mean(self.making_connections,axis=1) """ Classe Modelo """ class Neuron(Couple): """ .. py:class:: This class represents the biological neuron model chosen, the amounts in the system and it's dynamics. .. py::function: __init__(self,*args,**kwargs) :param name: the neuron model name to be used. :type name: str :param model: the neuron model chosen :type model: NeuronType :param variables: the neuron model variables :type variables: list :param dynamic: the dynamic function of the neuron model. :type dynamic: function :param max_force: the maximum coupling force value. Default is None, depends on the model. :type max_force: int or float :param min_force: the minimum coupling force value. Default is None, depends on the model. :type min_force: int or float """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.name = kwargs.get('name') self.model = kwargs.get('model') self.variables = kwargs.get('variables') self.dynamic = kwargs.get('dynamic') self.max_force = None self.min_force = None def choose_model(self, neurons): """ .. py::function: This function chooses the model according to the model name given. :param neurons: number of neurons in the system (samples) :type neurons: int """ if self.name == 'Hodgkin-Huxley': self.model = { 'HH':HodgkinHuxley(115,-12,86,120,36,.3,1), 'Chemical':Chemical(0.1,-70), 'SDE':SDE(0.02,0.5,1.0,115,-12,86,120,36,.3,1) } v = np.random.uniform(0.0,4.0,(neurons)) m = self.model['HH'].m0(v)[2] n = self.model['HH'].n0(v)[2] h = self.model['HH'].h0(v)[2] y = self.model['Chemical'].y0(v)[2] I = np.zeros((neurons))+20 self.variables = [v,m,n,h,y,I] self.dynamic = self.hh_dynamic self.max_force = 1.0 self.min_force = 0.2 elif self.name == 'Hindmarsh-Rose': self.model = HindmarshRose(1,3.0, 1.0,5.0,0.001,1.6,-1.6,1) x = np.random.uniform(-.5,.5,(neurons)) y = np.random.uniform(-.5,.5,(neurons)) z = np.random.uniform(-.5,.5,(neurons)) sigma = np.zeros(shape=(neurons))+2.0 self.variables = [x,y,z,sigma] self.dynamic = self.hr_dynamic self.max_force = 1.92 self.min_force = 0.076 elif self.name == 'Integrate-and-Fire': self.model = IntegrateAndFire(0,1.0,10,1.0) v = np.random.uniform(0,0.5,size=neurons) I = np.zeros(shape=(neurons))+2.5 sigma = np.zeros(shape=(neurons))+0.2 self.variables = [v,I,sigma] self.dynamic = self.iaf_dynamic self.max_force = 1.2 self.min_force = 0.36 elif self.name == 'GLM': self.model = GLM( neurons = neurons, spiketrain = np.ones(shape=(1,neurons)), response = 'delay', refractory = 'threshold', current = 'linear', threshold = -55 ) self.model.adjacency = np.ones(shape=(neurons,neurons)) np.fill_diagonal(self.model.adjacency,0) self.model.weights = np.random.uniform(0,0.5,size=(neurons,neurons)) self.model.step = 0.2 self.model.window = 250 self.model.time = 500 delta, tau = .1,.1 delay_response_args = [delta, tau] """ Refractory """ amplitude, rest_pot, tau_2, refrac, hyper = 1,-70,0.1,0.01,100 refractory_args = [amplitude, rest_pot, tau_2, refrac, hyper] self.model.theta_amp = 100 self.model.delay = 0.3 self.model.fire_beta = 0.05 self.model.fire_tau = 10 self.model.fire = 0.9 i_ext = np.random.uniform(0,0.5,size=(neurons)) w0 = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(neurons)) self.model.external_current(I_ext, w0) current_args = [i_ext,w0] self.variables = [delay_response_args, refractory_args, current_args] self.dynamic = self.glm_dynamic self.min_force = 0.468 self.max_force = 0.72 elif self.name == 'Rulkov': self.model = Rulkov(4.2,0.001,-1.2) x = np.random.uniform(-1,-1.2,size=neurons) y = np.zeros((neurons)) -2.9 current = np.zeros((neurons)) self.variables = [x,y,current] self.dynamic = self.rk_dynamic self.min_force = 0.01 self.max_force = 0.22 elif self.name == 'Izhikevic': self.model = Izhikevic(0.02,0.2,-55,0.93) v = np.random.uniform(-65,-64,size=neurons) u = 0.2*v I = np.zeros((neurons))+10 self.variables = [v,u,I] self.dynamic = self.iz_dynamic self.min_force = 0.9 self.max_force = 1.5 elif self.name == 'CNV': self.model = CNV(0.002, 0.4,0.3,0.3,0.1,0.01) x = np.random.uniform(0,0.01,size=(neurons)) y = np.zeros((neurons)) j = np.zeros((neurons)) + 0.1123 self.variables = [x,y,j] self.dynamic = self.cnv_dynamic self.min_force = 0.298 self.max_force = 1.0 def hh_dynamic(self,step,connections, *args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Hodgkin-Huxley Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ v,m,n,h,y,current = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2], args[0][3], args[0][4], args[0][5] self.data = v coupling = self.synapse(connections) next_v = v + self.model['SDE'].membrane_potential(v,m,n,h,current) - self.model['Chemical'].synapse(y,v)*step - coupling next_m = m + self.model['SDE'].stochastic_sodium_activate(m,v) next_n = n + self.model['SDE'].stochastic_potassium_activate(n,v) next_h = h + self.model['SDE'].stochastic_sodium_deactivate(h,v) next_y = y + self.model['SDE'].stochastic_chemical_transmitter(y,v) return next_v,next_m,next_n,next_h,next_y,current def hr_dynamic(self,step,connections,*args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Hindmarsh-Rose Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ x,y,z,sigma = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2], args[0][3] self.data = x coupling = self.synapse(self.connections) next_x = x + self.model.potential(x,y,z)*step + sigma*x*np.random.uniform(0,step,size=x.size) - coupling next_y = y + self.fast_ion_channel(x,y)*step + sigma*x*np.random.uniform(0,step,size=x.size) next_z = z + self.slow_ion_channel(x,z)*step + sigma*x*np.random.uniform(0,step,size=x.size) return next_x, next_y, next_z, sigma def iaf_dynamic(self, step,connections, *args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Integrate-and-Fire Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ v, I, sigma = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2] self.data = v coupling = self.synapse(connections) next_v = v + self.model.lif(v,I)*step + sigma*v*np.random.uniform(0,0.2,size=(v.size)) - coupling v = self.model.reset(v,next_v) return v, I, sigma def glm_dynamic(self,*args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Generalized Linear Model Dynamic. :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ response_args, refractory_args, current_args = args[0], args[1], args[2] response_args.insert(0,self.model.last_spike) refractory_args.insert(0,self.model.last_spike) self.model.incoming_spikes(response_args) self.model.membrane_potential(refractory_args) self.model.generate_spikes() self.model.update() self.model.external_current(self.model.I,current_args[1], initializer=np.random.uniform(0,0.5)) def rk_dynamic(self,step,connections, *args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Rulkov Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ x,y,current = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2] self.data = x coupling = self.synapse(self.connections) x = self.model.fx(x,y,current) - coupling y = self.model.fy(x,y) return x,y,current def iz_dynamic(self,step, connections, *args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Izhikevic Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ v,u,current = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2] self.data = v coupling = self.synapse(connections) next_v = v + self.model.potential(v,u,current)*step - coupling next_u = u + self.model.recovery(v,u)*step new = self.model.update(next_v,next_u) v,u = new[0],new[1] return v, u, current def cnv_dynamic(self,step,connections, *args): """ .. py::function: This function computes the Courbage-Nekorkin-Vdovin Dynamic. :param step: time step. :type step: int or float :param connections: the coupling force square matrix :type connections: numpy.ndarray :param *args: list of variables of the biological neuron model :type *args: list """ x,y,j = args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2] self.data = x coupling = self.synapse(connections) x = self.model.potential(x,y) - coupling y = self.model.recovery(x,y,j) return x,y,j """ Classe Similaridade função Inicializador Atributos: Escolhido """ class Similarity(): """ .. py::class: This class involkes all the similarities kernels """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.chosen = { 'Euclidean': euclidean, 'Hamming': hamming, 'Manhattan':manhattan, 'Jaccard':jaccard, 'Cosine':cosine, 'IMED': imed } """ Classe NSC função Inicializador função Calcula_Similaridade função Calcula_Peso função Inicializador de Pesos função Estabelece_Parâmetros função Obtém_Parâmetros função Busca_Conexões função Encontrar_Múltiplas_Incidências função Atualizar_Conexões função Atualizar_Modelo função Fit """ class NSC(): """ .. py::class: This class implements the Neuron Synchronization Competition algorithm. The semi-supervised method generates synchronized neurons based on the labeled data, and unsync for the unlabeled, then the method uses similarities between the samples to create coupling connections, and those couplings can be reinforced by the amount of connections inside a group, and punished by others. At the end, the labeled data are those that are synchronized and segmented in different times. .. py::function: __init__(self,*args,**kwargs) :param preprocessing: Instance of the Preprocessing class. :type preprocessing: Preprocessing :param similarity: Instance of the Similarity class :type similarity: Similarity :param neuron: Instance of the Neuron class :type neuron: Neuron :param alpha ($\alpha$): Decay parameter of the exponential term in the connection creation equation. :type alpha: int or float :param beta ($\beta$): Decay parameter of the punishment exponential term :type beta: into or float :param capacity: The vector of connections'number that each neuron can have :type capacity: numpy.ndarray :param categorical: The categorical data of the dataset, :type categorical: numpy.ndarray :param classified: The classified sample at time t. Default is None. :type classified: numpy.ndarray :param classified_number: The number of classified data at each iteration t :type classified_number: int :param confusion_matrix: The confusion matrix related to the classification of the NSC algorithm :type confusion_matrix: sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix :param data: A DataFrame object of the dataset used for the implementation of the NSC algorithm :type data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame :param degree_out: A matrix Neurons x Labels + 1 in which each element represents the out degree coming from label j to neuron i, and the last column is the total incoming in unlabeled neuron i. :type degree_out: numpy.ndarray :param distance_name: The similarity name used to calculate the coupling force between the samples :type distance_name: str :param disputed: A vector that stores the indexes of the disputed neurons :type disputed: numpy.ndarray :param found: A dictionary that stores the indexes of the neurons found in the search phase for each label :type found: dict :param gamma: The decay parameter of the exponential term at the reinforce term. :type gamma: int or float :param incident_degree: A matrix Neurons x Labels, where each element represents the amount of connections coming from the groups different of j into the neuron i. :type incident_degree: numpy.ndarray :param indexes_of: A dictionary that stores the indexes of the labeled and unlabeled data. :type indexes-of: dict :param inner_degree: A dictionary that stores the amont of connections per label. :type inner_degree: dict :param labels_array: A matrix that stores the label that are passed from neuron i to neuron j :type labels_array: numpy.ndarray :param labels_list: The list of labels :type labels_list: list :param max_std: Maximum attribute standard deviation :type max_std: into or float :param neighbors: Maximum amount of connections that a neuron can make :type neighbors: int :param neuron.name: The name of the biological neuron model used. :type neuron.name: str :param neurons: The amount of neurons (samples) :type neurons: int :param numerical: The numerical dtype data in dataset :type numerical: numpy.ndarray :param print_steps: Boolean value that allows to print the steps of each phase in NSC algorithm :type print_steps: bool :param print_classification: Boolean value that allows to print the classification at each iteration :type print_classification: bool :param prints: A list that stores all the prints :type prints: list :param time_step: The time step for the neuron model :type time_step: int or float :param target: The column name that represents the target :type target: str :param threshold: The hypersphere radius :type threshold: int or float :param w_max: Maximum value of the coupling force :type w_min: int or float :param w_min: Minimum value of the coupling force :type w_min: int or float :param w_step: Coupling force step at reinforcement and punishment :type w_step: int or float :param weights: A matrix that stores all the coupling force between neurons i and j :type weights: numpy.ndarray :param X: Attributes data :type X: numpy.ndarray :param Y: Output data :type Y: numpy.ndarray :param y_predicted: Predicted output data :type y_predicted: numpy.ndarray """ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ Instantiation """ self.preprocessing = Preprocessing() self.similarity = Similarity() self.neuron = Neuron() """ Attributes """ self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha') self.beta = kwargs.get('beta') self.capacity = kwargs.get('capacity') self.categorical = kwargs.get('categorical') self.classified = None self.classified_number = 0 self.confusion_matrix = None self.data = kwargs.get('data') self.degree_out = kwargs.get('degree_out') self.distance_name = kwargs.get('similarity') self.disputed = np.array([]) self.found = {} self.gamma = kwargs.get('gamma') self.incident_degree = kwargs.get('incident') self.indexes_of = {} self.inner_degree = {} self.labels_array = kwargs.get('labels_array') self.labels_list = kwargs.get('labels') self.max_std = kwargs.get('max_std') self.neighbors = kwargs.get('neighbors') self.neuron.name = kwargs.get('model') self.neurons = kwargs.get('neurons') self.numerical = kwargs.get('numerical') self.print_steps = kwargs.get('print_steps') self.print_classification =kwargs.get('print_info') self.prints = [] self.search_expand = kwargs.get('expand') self.time_step = kwargs.get('time_step') self.target= kwargs.get('target') self.threshold = kwargs.get('threshold') self.w_max = kwargs.get('w_max') self.w_min = kwargs.get('w_min') self.w_step = kwargs.get('w_step') self.weights = kwargs.get('weights') self.X = kwargs.get('X') self.Y = kwargs.get('Y') self.y_predicted = kwargs.get('y_predict') """ Code """ if isinstance(self.distance_name,str): self.distance = self.similarity.chosen[self.distance_name] if (not isinstance(self.data,type(None))) and (isinstance(self.neuron.name,str)): self.neurons = self.data.shape[0] self.neuron.choose_model(self.neurons) self.w_max = self.neuron.max_force self.w_min = self.neuron.min_force self.y_predicted = -np.ones(shape=(self.neurons)) self.degree_out = np.zeros(shape=(self.data.shape[0], np.unique(self.data['target']).size+1)) self.capacity = np.zeros(shape=(self.neurons)) if isinstance(self.labels_array,type(None)): self.labels_array = - np.ones(shape=(self.neurons,self.neurons)) if isinstance(self.incident_degree,type(None)): self.incident_degree = np.zeros(shape=(self.data.shape[0],np.unique(self.data['target']).size)) def calculate_similarity(self, x, y, axis=1): """ .. py::function: This function calculates the similarity between the samples x and y :param x: Sample(s) x :type x: numpy.ndarray :param y: Sample(s) y :type y: numpy.ndarray :param axis: axis along theoperation will be realized :type axis: int """ return self.distance(x,y,axis=axis) def create_connection(self,distance): """ .. py::function: This function creates the connection between neurons based on their distances values :param distance: A matrix of distances between neurons i and j :type distance: numpy.ndarray """ return (self.w_min + .5*(self.w_max-self.w_min))*np.exp(-self.alpha*distance) def initialize_weights(self, data_dtype): """ ..py::function: This function initializes the weights, the inner degree and the labels array of the initial labeled data. :param data_dtype: Attributes data of a specific data type :type data_dtype: numpy.ndarray """ self.weights = np.zeros(shape=(self.data.shape[0],self.data.shape[0])) for label in self.labels_list: labeled = self.indexes_of['label'][label] row_grid, col_grid = np.meshgrid(labeled, labeled.T) rows_total = row_grid.flatten() cols_total = col_grid.flatten() inds = np.where(rows_total==cols_total)[0] rows = np.delete(rows_total,inds) columns = np.delete(cols_total,inds) distances = self.calculate_similarity( data_dtype[labeled,None,:], data_dtype[labeled,:], axis=2 ) distances = distances.flatten() distances= np.delete(distances,inds) self.weights[rows,columns] = self.create_connection(distances) self.inner_degree[label] = int(len(self.indexes_of['label'][label])*(len(self.indexes_of['label'][label])-1)) self.labels_array[rows,columns] = label self.labels_array[columns,rows] = label def set_parameters(self, **kwargs): """ ..py::function: This function set the parameters (class attributes) """ for key, value in kwargs.items: setattr(self,key,value) self.__init__() def get_parameters(self): """ .. py::function: This function get the parameters (class attributes) """ print(self.__dict__) def connection_search(self, unlabeled, data_dtype): """ .. py::function: This function searchs for new connections :param unlabeled: unlabeled data point index :type unlabeled: int :param data_dtype: Attributes data of a specific data type :type data_dtype: numpy.ndarray """ self.prints.append("\nSearch Phase ... \n") self.classified = None self.found = {label:np.array([]) for label in self.labels_list} for label in self.labels_list: similarities = self.calculate_similarity( data_dtype[self.indexes_of['label'][label],:], data_dtype[self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled],None,:] ) self.neurons_found = np.where(similarities <= self.threshold)[0] if len(self.neurons_found) > 0: found_indexes = self.indexes_of['label'][label][self.neurons_found] below_capacity_indexes = found_indexes[np.where(self.capacity[found_indexes]<self.neighbors)[0]] self.neurons_below_capacity = below_capacity_indexes if self.neurons_below_capacity.size > 0: self.classified = self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled] self.weights[self.indexes_of['label'][label][self.neurons_found], self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled]] = self.create_connection(similarities[self.neurons_found]) self.labels_array[self.indexes_of['label'][label][self.neurons_found], self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled]] = label self.degree_out[self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled],label] = self.neurons_found.size self.degree_out[self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled],-1] += self.neurons_found.size self.found[label] = self.indexes_of['label'][label][self.neurons_found] self.inner_degree[label] += self.neurons_found.size self.capacity[self.neurons_below_capacity] += 1 if isinstance(self.classified,type(None)): self.prints.append("Nothing found!\n") else: self.prints.append("Found neuron {}\n".format(self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled])) def find_multiple_incidence(self,unlabeled): """ .. py::function: This function searchs if there are multiple incidence in the unlabeled data sample. :param unlabeled: unlabeled data point index :type unlabeled: int """ unlabeled = self.indexes_of['unlabel'][unlabeled] self.incoming_labels = self.labels_array[:,unlabeled] self.incoming = len(np.where(self.labels_array[:,unlabeled]!=-1)[0]) self.uniques = np.unique(self.incoming_labels) self.size = len(self.uniques) if self.size > 2: self.prints.append("There are multiple incidence in {}\n".format(unlabeled)) if unlabeled not in self.disputed: self.disputed = np.append(self.disputed,unlabeled) degree_out = self.degree_out[unlabeled,:] for label in self.labels_list: if degree_out[label] != 0: self.incident_degree[unlabeled,label-1] = np.sum(degree_out[np.where(np.array(self.labels_list)!=label)]) else: self.prints.append("There are no multiple incidence!\n") for label in self.labels_list: if self.found[label].size > 0: self.indexes_of['label'][label] = np.setdiff1d( np.unique(np.where(self.labels_array==label)[1]),self.disputed ) self.weights[unlabeled,self.found[label]] = self.weights[self.found[label],unlabeled] self.labels_array[unlabeled, self.found[label]] = label def cut_connections(self): """ .. py::function: This function cuts the connections if there are coupling forces (weights) below the minimum coupling force (w_min) """ self.prints.append("Cutting Conections Phase ... \n") self.rows_cuted, self.cols_cuted = np.where((self.weights!=0)&(self.weights<self.w_min)) self.disputed_cols, index, count = np.unique(self.cols_cuted,return_index=True, return_counts=True) if self.disputed_cols.size > 0: self.prints.append("There are cuts\n") for i in range(self.disputed_cols.size): self.disconnected = self.rows_cuted[np.where(self.disputed_cols[i]==self.cols_cuted)] self.indexes = {} self.weights_means = {} self.indexes_size = np.zeros((len(self.labels_list))) for label in self.labels_list: indexes = np.intersect1d(self.disconnected, np.where(self.labels_array[:,self.disputed_cols[i]]==label)[0]) self.indexes[label] = indexes self.indexes_size[label-1] = indexes.size if indexes.size > 0: disputed = np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i], indexes.size) self.weights_means[label] = np.mean(self.weights[indexes,disputed]) else: self.weights_means[label] = 0 if self.disconnected.size == self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],-1]: self.prints.append("All connections have been severed\n") label, max_weight = max(self.weights_means.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) intersec = np.setdiff1d(self.disconnected, self.indexes[label]) self.capacity[intersec] -= 1 self.weights[intersec,np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i],intersec.size)] = 0 self.weights[self.indexes[label],np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i],self.indexes[label].size)] = self.w_min self.labels_array[intersec, np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i],intersec.size)] = -1 self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],np.where(np.array(self.labels_list).astype(int)!=label)] = 0 self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],-1] = self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],label] self.incident_degree[self.disputed_cols[i],:] = 0 for key,value in self.indexes.items(): if key!=label and value.size>0: self.inner_degree[key] -= value.size self.indexes_of['label'][label] = np.append(self.indexes_of['label'][label],self.disputed_cols[i]) self.disputed = np.setdiff1d(self.disputed, self.disputed_cols[i]) elif self.disconnected.size < self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],-1]: self.prints.append("Only a few connections have been severed\n") for label in self.labels_list: if self.indexes[label].size > 0: self.weights[self.indexes[label],np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i],self.indexes[label].size)] = 0 self.capacity[self.indexes[label]] -= 1 self.labels_array[self.indexes[label], np.repeat(self.disputed_cols[i], self.indexes[label].size)] = -1 self.inner_degree[label] -= self.indexes[label].size incident =0 if self.indexes_size[label-1] < self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],label-1]: for l in self.labels_list: if l != label: incident+=self.indexes[l].size elif self.indexes_size[label-1]==self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],label-1]: incident = self.incident_degree[self.disputed_cols[i],label-1] self.incident_degree[self.disputed_cols[i],label-1]-=incident self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],label]-=self.indexes[label].size self.degree_out[self.disputed_cols[i],-1]-=self.indexes[label].size unique_labels = np.unique(self.labels_array[:,self.disputed_cols[i]]) if unique_labels.size==2: label = int(unique_labels[1]) self.indexes_of['label'][label] = np.append(self.indexes_of['label'][label],self.disputed_cols[i]) self.disputed = np.setdiff1d(self.disputed,self.disputed_cols[i]) self.incident_degree[self.disputed_cols[i],:] = 0 else: self.prints.append("There are no cuts!") def update_weights(self): """ .. py::function: This function updates the weights values with the reinforce and punishment terms and then cut the connections by calling the cut_connections() method. """ self.prints.append("Update Weights Phase...\n") for label in self.labels_list: self.row, self.col = np.where(self.labels_array==label) self.reinforce_exp = self.inner_degree[label]*np.exp(-self.gamma*self.incident_degree[self.col,label-1]) self.punish_exp = self.incident_degree[self.col,label-1]*self.beta self.weights[self.row,self.col] = self.weights[self.row,self.col] + self.w_step*(1 - np.exp(-self.reinforce_exp)) \ - self.w_step*(1 - np.exp(-self.punish_exp)) self.weights[self.row,self.col] = np.where(self.weights[self.row,self.col]>self.w_max,self.w_max,self.weights[self.row,self.col]) self.cut_connections() def preprocess_data(self, shuffle = True, split = True, set_null = True, not_null = None, get_indexes = True, standarlize=True): """ .. py::function: This function preprocess the dataset. :param shuffle: Boolean value that determines if will shuffle or not the data. Default is True. :type shuffle: bool :param split: Boolean value that determines if will split the data into features, numerical data, categorical data and output. Default is True. :type split: bool :param set_null: Boolean value that determines if will set some output values to Null. :type set_null: bool :param not_null: Int, None or Dict values which determines how to choose the not null values. If int, then the program randomly chooses this number of labeled data for each label, if None the program chooses randomly 10% of the data size, if dict, for each label (key dict) the program choose the indexes determined in the dict (values dict). :type not_null: int, None or dict :param get_indexes: Boolean value that determines if will get or not the labeled and unlabeled data indexes :type get_indexes: bool :param standarlize: Boolean value that determines if will standarlize the dataset :type standarlize: bool """ self.labels_list = self.preprocessing.get_labels(self.data, self.target) if shuffle == True: self.data = self.data.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) if split == True: self.X, self.categorical, self.numerical, self.Y = self.preprocessing.split_data(self.data, self.target) if set_null == True: if isinstance(not_null, int): self.preprocessing.set_null_values(self.data, self.target, self.labels_list,label_size=not_null) elif isinstance(not_null, dict): self.preprocessing.set_null_values(self.data, self.target, label_dict=not_null) elif isinstance(not_nul,type(None)): self.preprocessing.set_null_values(self.data, self.target, self.labels_list,label_size=int(0.1*self.data.shape[0])) if standarlize == True: if split == True: scaler = StandardScaler() self.X = scaler.fit_transform(self.X) self.numerical = scaler.fit_transform(self.numerical) elif split == False: features = self.data.drop(columns=[self.target],axis=1) numeric = features.select_dtypes(include=np.number) numeric_names = numeric.columns self.data.loc[:,numeric_names] = (numeric-numeric.mean())/numeric.std() if get_indexes == True: self.indexes_of['unlabel'], self.indexes_of['label'] = self.preprocessing.get_label_unlabel_inds(self.data, self.target, self.labels_list) self.indexes_of['unlabel'] = np.array(self.indexes_of['unlabel']) print("\n-------------------The data has been preprocessed --------------------\n") def fit(self, epochs, data_dtype): """ .. py::function: This function fits the NSC algorithm at the dataset. :param epochs: Number of time, preferably a number higher than the number of neurons. :type epochs: int :param data_dtype: Attributes data of a specific data type :type data_dtype: numpy.ndarray """ self.initialize_weights(data_dtype) self.neuron.potential = np.zeros(shape=(epochs,len(self.neuron.variables),self.neurons)) i = 0 j = 0 num = pd.DataFrame(data_dtype) if self.distance_name=='Euclidean': self.max_std = 0 for label in self.labels_list: self.classified_number = self.classified_number + self.indexes_of['label'][label].size std = num.loc[self.indexes_of['label'][label],:].std().max() if std > self.max_std: self.max_std = std self.threshold = 6*self.max_std/self.search_expand while i < epochs or self.classified_number < self.neurons: self.prints = [] self.classified_number = 0 if j >= self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size: self.prints.append("It has reached the end of the Unlabeled array, returning to index 0 \n") j = 0 if self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size>0: self.connection_search(j,data_dtype) # OKAY self.find_multiple_incidence(j) self.update_weights() #self.neuron.variables = self.neuron.dynamic(self.time_step, self.weights, self.neuron.variables) #self.neuron.potential[i] = np.array([var for var in list(self.neuron.variables)]) if not isinstance(self.classified,type(None)): self.indexes_of['unlabel'] = np.setdiff1d(self.indexes_of['unlabel'],self.classified) else: j = j+1 i = i+1 if i == epochs: break if self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size !=0: self.threshold = self.threshold + 6*self.max_std/self.search_expand for label in self.labels_list: self.classified_number = self.classified_number + self.indexes_of['label'][label].size if self.print_steps == True: for k in range(len(self.prints)): print(self.prints[k]) if self.print_classification == True: print("\nIteration: ", i) print("Disputed Neurons: ", self.disputed) print("Classified: ", self.classified_number) print("Unlabeled: ", self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size) for label in self.labels_list: self.y_predicted[self.indexes_of['label'][label]] = label self.confusion_matrix= confusion_matrix(self.Y, self.y_predicted) # elif self.distance_name=='Hamming': # self.max_std = self.neurons*0.5/6 # self.threshold = 1/self.neurons # while i < epochs or self.classified_number < self.neurons: # self.prints = [] # self.classified_number = 0 # if j >= self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size: # self.prints.append("It has reached the end of the Unlabeled array, returning to index 0 \n") # j = 0 # if self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size>0: # self.connection_search(j,data_dtype) # OKAY # self.find_multiple_incidence(j) # self.update_weights() # #print('Max: ', self.weights.max(), ', Min: ', self.weights.min()) # # self.neuron.variables = self.neuron.dynamic(self.time_step, self.weights, self.neuron.variables) # # self.neuron.potential[i] = np.array([var for var in list(self.neuron.variables)]) # if not isinstance(self.classified,type(None)): # self.indexes_of['unlabel'] = np.setdiff1d(self.indexes_of['unlabel'],self.classified) # else: # j = j+1 # i = i+1 # if i == epochs: # break # if self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size !=0: # self.threshold = self.threshold + 6*self.max_std/self.search_expand # for label in self.labels_list: # self.classified_number = self.classified_number + self.indexes_of['label'][label].size # if self.classified_number == self.neurons: # break # # std = num.loc[self.indexes_of['label'][label],:].std().max() # # if std > self.max_std: # # self.max_std = std # # if self.print_steps == True: # # for k in range(len(self.prints)): # # print(self.prints[k]) # # if self.print_classification == True: # # print("\nIteration: ", i) # # print("Disputed Neurons: ", self.disputed) # # print("Classified: ", self.classified_number) # # print("Unlabeled: ", self.indexes_of['unlabel'].size) # for label in self.labels_list: # self.y_predicted[self.indexes_of['label'][label]] = label # self.confusion_matrix= confusion_matrix(self.Y, self.y_predicted) def predict(self, input_array, data_dtype): """ .. py::function: This function predicts the labels of the input_array :param input_array: The feature data to predict their classes. :type input_array: numpy.ndarray :param data_dtype: Attributes data of a specific data type :type data_dtype: numpy.ndarray """ data_dtype = data_dtype.copy() data_dtype = np.vstack((data_dtype,input_array)) prediction = -np.ones(input_array.shape[0]) labeled_by = self.indexes_of['label'] weights = np.zeros(shape=(self.neurons+input_array.shape[0],self.neurons+input_array.shape[0]),dtype=self.weights.dtype) weights[:self.weights.shape[0],:self.weights.shape[1]] = self.weights labels_array = - np.ones(shape=(self.neurons+input_array.shape[0],self.neurons+input_array.shape[0]),dtype=self.labels_array.dtype) labels_array[:self.labels_array.shape[0],:self.labels_array.shape[1]] = self.labels_array inner_degree = self.inner_degree incident_degree = np.vstack((self.incident_degree,np.zeros(shape=(input_array.shape[0],self.incident_degree.shape[1]), dtype=self.incident_degree.dtype))) degree_out = np.vstack((self.degree_out,np.zeros(shape=(input_array.shape[0], self.degree_out.shape[1]),dtype=self.degree_out.dtype))) shift = input_array.shape[0] disputed = np.array([]) for i in range(len(input_array)): print(i) """ SEARCH AND CONNECTIONS """ found = {label:np.array([]) for label in self.labels_list} for label in self.labels_list: similarities = self.calculate_similarity( data_dtype[labeled_by[label],:], input_array[i,None,:] ) neurons_found = np.where(similarities<= self.threshold)[0] if len(neurons_found) > 0: found_indexes = labeled_by[label][neurons_found] classified = input_array[i] weights[labeled_by[label][neurons_found], i+self.neurons] = self.create_connection(similarities[neurons_found]) labels_array[labeled_by[label][neurons_found],i+self.neurons] = label degree_out[i+self.neurons,label] = neurons_found.size degree_out[i+self.neurons,-1] += neurons_found.size found[label] = labeled_by[label][neurons_found] inner_degree[label] += neurons_found.size """ FIND MULTIPLE INCIDENCE """ incoming_labels = labels_array[:,i+self.neurons] incoming = len(np.where(labels_array[:,i+self.neurons]!=-1)[0]) uniques = np.unique(incoming_labels) size = len(uniques) if size > 2: if i+self.neurons not in disputed: disputed = np.append(disputed,i+self.neurons) degree_array_out = degree_out[i+self.neurons,:] for label in self.labels_list: if degree_array_out[label] != 0: incident_degree[i+self.neurons,label] = np.sum(degree_array_out[np.where(np.array(self.labels_list)!=label)]) else: for label in self.labels_list: if found[label].size > 0: labeled_by[label] = np.setdiff1d( np.unique(np.where(labels_array==label)[1]),disputed ) weights[i+self.neurons,found[label]] = weights[found[label],i+self.neurons] labels_array[i+self.neurons, found[label]] = label for label in self.labels_list: row, col = np.where(labels_array==label) reinforce_exp = inner_degree[label]*np.exp(-self.gamma*incident_degree[col,label]) punish_exp = incident_degree[col,label]*self.beta weights[row,col] = weights[row,col] + self.w_step*(1 - np.exp(-reinforce_exp)) \ - self.w_step*(1 - np.exp(-punish_exp)) weights[row,col] = np.where(weights[row,col]>self.w_max,self.w_max,weights[row,col]) rows_cuted, cols_cuted = np.where((weights!=0)&(weights<self.w_min)) disputed_cols, index, count = np.unique(cols_cuted,return_index=True, return_counts=True) if disputed_cols.size > 0: for j in range(disputed_cols.size): disconnected = rows_cuted[np.where(disputed_cols[j]==cols_cuted)] indexes = {} weights_means = {} indexes_size = np.zeros((len(self.labels_list))) for label in self.labels_list: inds = np.intersect1d(disconnected, np.where(labels_array[:,disputed_cols[j]]==label)[0]) indexes[label] = inds indexes_size[label] = inds.size if inds.size > 0: disput = np.repeat(disputed_cols[j], inds.size) weights_means[label] = np.mean(weights[inds,disput]) else: weights_means[label] = 0 if disconnected.size == degree_out[disputed_cols[j],-1]: label, max_weight = max(weights_means.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) intersec = np.setdiff1d(disconnected, indexes[label]) weights[intersec,np.repeat(disputed_cols[j],intersec.size)] = 0 weights[indexes[label],np.repeat(disputed_cols[j],indexes[label].size)] = self.w_min labels_array[intersec, np.repeat(disputed_cols[j],intersec.size)] = -1 degree_out[disputed_cols[j],np.where(np.array(self.labels_list).astype(int)!=label)] = 0 degree_out[disputed_cols[j],-1] = degree_out[disputed_cols[j],label] incident_degree[disputed_cols[j],:] = 0 for key,value in indexes.items(): if key!=label and value.size>0: inner_degree[key] -= value.size labeled_by[label] = np.append(labeled_by[label],disputed_cols[j]) disputed = np.setdiff1d(disputed, disputed_cols[j]) elif disconnected.size < degree_out[disputed_cols[j],-1]: for label in self.labels_list: if indexes[label].size > 0: weights[indexes[label],np.repeat(disputed_cols[j],indexes[label].size)] = 0 labels_array[indexes[label], np.repeat(disputed_cols[j], indexes[label].size)] = -1 inner_degree[label] -= indexes[label].size incident =0 if indexes_size[label] < degree_out[disputed_cols[j],label]: for l in self.labels_list: if l != label: incident+=indexes[l].size elif indexes_size[label]==degree_out[disputed_cols[j],label]: incident = incident_degree[disputed_cols[j],label] incident_degree[disputed_cols[j],label]-=incident degree_out[disputed_cols[j],label]-=indexes[label].size degree_out[disputed_cols[j],-1]-=indexes[label].size unique_labels = np.unique(labels_array[:,disputed_cols[j]]) if unique_labels.size==2: label = int(unique_labels[1]) labeled_by[label] = np.append(labeled_by[label],disputed_cols[j]) disputed = np.setdiff1d(disputed,disputed_cols[j]) incident_degree[disputed_cols[j],:] = 0 for label in self.labels_list: labels = labeled_by[label][np.where(labeled_by[label]>=self.neurons)[0]] prediction[labels.astype(int)-self.neurons] = label return prediction
{"hexsha": "334156dd623a6dc612cac8393f7b6552f6441bcf", "size": 51522, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "nsc/neurongraph.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "GuilhermeToso/masters-project", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "01d5acfddaedb3cbf7fa9247a88108530547e155", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 1, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2021-08-01T20:13:15.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2021-08-01T20:13:15.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "nsc/neurongraph.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "GuilhermeToso/masters-project", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "01d5acfddaedb3cbf7fa9247a88108530547e155", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "nsc/neurongraph.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "GuilhermeToso/masters-project", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "01d5acfddaedb3cbf7fa9247a88108530547e155", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 39.7546296296, "max_line_length": 183, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5817514848, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy,from scipy", "num_tokens": 11354}
// Copyright (c) 2006 Johan Rade // Copyright (c) 2011 Paul A. Bristow To incorporate into Boost.Math // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // test_nonfinite_trap.cpp #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable : 4702) #endif #define BOOST_TEST_MAIN #include <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp> #include "almost_equal.ipp" // Similar to BOOST_CLOSE_FRACTION. #include "s_.ipp" // To create test strings like std::basic_string<CharType> s = S_("0 -0"); #include <boost/math/special_functions/nonfinite_num_facets.hpp> #include <locale> #include <sstream> namespace { // Using an anonymous namespace resolves ambiguities on platforms // with fpclassify etc functions at global scope. using namespace boost::math; using boost::math::signbit; using boost::math::changesign; using boost::math::isnan; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void trap_test_finite(); void trap_test_inf(); void trap_test_nan(); BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(trap_test) { trap_test_finite(); trap_test_inf(); trap_test_nan(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_finite_impl(); void trap_test_finite() { trap_test_finite_impl<char, float>(); trap_test_finite_impl<char, double>(); trap_test_finite_impl<char, long double>(); trap_test_finite_impl<wchar_t, float>(); trap_test_finite_impl<wchar_t, double>(); trap_test_finite_impl<wchar_t, long double>(); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_finite_impl() { std::locale old_locale; std::locale tmp_locale(old_locale, new nonfinite_num_put<CharType>(trap_infinity | trap_nan)); std::locale new_locale(tmp_locale, new nonfinite_num_get<CharType>(trap_infinity | trap_nan)); std::basic_stringstream<CharType> ss; ss.imbue(new_locale); ValType a1 = (ValType)1.2; ValType a2 = (ValType)-3.5; ValType a3 = (std::numeric_limits<ValType>::max)(); ValType a4 = -(std::numeric_limits<ValType>::max)(); ss << a1 << ' ' << a2 << ' ' << a3 << ' ' << a4; ValType b1, b2, b3, b4; ss >> b1 >> b2 >> b3 >> b4; BOOST_CHECK(almost_equal(b1, a1)); BOOST_CHECK(almost_equal(b2, a2)); BOOST_CHECK(almost_equal(b3, a3)); BOOST_CHECK(almost_equal(b4, a4)); BOOST_CHECK(b3 != std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity()); BOOST_CHECK(b4 != -std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity()); BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::eofbit); ss.clear(); ss.str(S_("")); ss << "++5"; ValType b5; ss >> b5; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_inf_impl(); template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_put_inf_impl(); template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_get_inf_impl(); void trap_test_inf() { trap_test_inf_impl<char, float>(); trap_test_inf_impl<char, double>(); trap_test_inf_impl<char, long double>(); trap_test_inf_impl<wchar_t, float>(); trap_test_inf_impl<wchar_t, double>(); trap_test_inf_impl<wchar_t, long double>(); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_inf_impl() { trap_test_put_inf_impl<CharType, ValType>(); trap_test_get_inf_impl<CharType, ValType>(); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_put_inf_impl() { std::locale old_locale; std::locale new_locale(old_locale, new nonfinite_num_put<CharType>(trap_infinity)); std::basic_stringstream<CharType> ss; ss.imbue(new_locale); ValType a1 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity(); ss << a1; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit || ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::badbit); ss.clear(); ValType a2 = -std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity(); ss << a2; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit || ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::badbit); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_get_inf_impl() { std::locale old_locale; std::locale tmp_locale(old_locale, new nonfinite_num_put<CharType>); std::locale new_locale(tmp_locale, new nonfinite_num_get<CharType>(trap_infinity)); std::basic_stringstream<CharType> ss; ss.imbue(new_locale); ValType a1 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity(); ss << a1; ValType b1; ss >> b1; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit); ss.clear(); ss.str(S_("")); ValType a2 = -std::numeric_limits<ValType>::infinity(); ss << a2; ValType b2; ss >> b2; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_nan_impl(); template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_put_nan_impl(); template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_get_nan_impl(); void trap_test_nan() { trap_test_nan_impl<char, float>(); trap_test_nan_impl<char, double>(); trap_test_nan_impl<char, long double>(); trap_test_nan_impl<wchar_t, float>(); trap_test_nan_impl<wchar_t, double>(); trap_test_nan_impl<wchar_t, long double>(); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_nan_impl() { trap_test_put_nan_impl<CharType, ValType>(); trap_test_get_nan_impl<CharType, ValType>(); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_put_nan_impl() { std::locale old_locale; std::locale new_locale(old_locale, new nonfinite_num_put<CharType>(trap_nan)); std::basic_stringstream<CharType> ss; ss.imbue(new_locale); ValType a1 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::quiet_NaN(); ss << a1; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit || ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::badbit); ss.clear(); ValType a2 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::signaling_NaN(); ss << a2; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit || ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::badbit); } template<class CharType, class ValType> void trap_test_get_nan_impl() { std::locale old_locale; std::locale tmp_locale(old_locale, new nonfinite_num_put<CharType>); std::locale new_locale(tmp_locale, new nonfinite_num_get<CharType>(trap_nan)); std::basic_stringstream<CharType> ss; ss.imbue(new_locale); ValType a1 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::quiet_NaN(); ss << a1; ValType b1; ss >> b1; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit); ss.clear(); ss.str(S_("")); ValType a2 = std::numeric_limits<ValType>::signaling_NaN(); ss << a2; ValType b2; ss >> b2; BOOST_CHECK(ss.rdstate() == std::ios_base::failbit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } // anonymous namespace
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from flare.rbcm import RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine from flare.gp import GaussianProcess import os as os import numpy as np from flare.struc import Structure from flare.env import AtomicEnvironment from flare.gp_algebra import get_kernel_vector TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) TEST_FILE_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "test_files") methanol_frames = Structure.from_file( os.path.join(TEST_FILE_DIR, "methanol_frames.json") ) methanol_envs = AtomicEnvironment.from_file( os.path.join(TEST_FILE_DIR, "methanol_envs.json") ) def test_basic(): rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine() assert isinstance(rbcm, RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine) def test_expert_growth_and_training(): """ Test that as data is added the data is allocated to experts correctly and that various training algorithms can run correctly on it :return: """ rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine(ndata_per_expert=10) for env in methanol_envs[:20]: rbcm.add_one_env(env, env.force) assert rbcm.n_experts == 2 for opt_algorithm in ["differential evolution"]: rbcm.opt_algorithm = opt_algorithm rbcm.hyps = np.array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) rbcm.maxiter = 2 rbcm.train(line_steps=5) assert not np.array_equal([2, 2, 2, 2, 2], rbcm.hyps) def test_prediction(): """ Test that prediction functions works. The RBCM in the 1-expert case *does not* reduce to a GP's predictions, because the way the mean and variance is computed for each expert is weighted based on the expert's performance on the entire dataset in a way that does not yield 1 in the absence of other experts. Hence, perform the relevant transformations on a GP's prediction and check it against the RBCM's. :return: """ prior_var = 0.1 rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine( ndata_per_expert=100, prior_variance=prior_var, ) gp = GaussianProcess() envs = methanol_envs[:10] for env in envs: rbcm.add_one_env(env, env.force) gp.add_one_env(env, env.force, train=False) struc = methanol_frames[-1] gp.update_db(struc, forces=struc.forces) rbcm.update_db(struc, forces=struc.forces) test_env = methanol_envs[-1] for d in [1, 2, 3]: assert np.array_equal(gp.hyps, rbcm.hyps) rbcm_pred = rbcm.predict(test_env, d) gp_pred = gp.predict(test_env, d) gp_kv = get_kernel_vector( gp.name, gp.kernel, gp.energy_force_kernel, test_env, d, gp.hyps, cutoffs=gp.cutoffs, hyps_mask=gp.hyps_mask, n_cpus=1, n_sample=gp.n_sample, ) gp_mean = np.matmul(gp_kv, gp.alpha) assert gp_mean == gp_pred[0] gp_self_kern = gp.kernel( env1=test_env, env2=test_env, d1=d, d2=d, hyps=gp.hyps, cutoffs=np.array((7, 3.5)), ) gp_var_i = gp_self_kern - np.matmul(np.matmul(gp_kv.T, gp.ky_mat_inv), gp_kv) gp_beta = 0.5 * (np.log(prior_var) - np.log(gp_var_i)) mean = gp_mean * gp_beta / gp_var_i var = gp_beta / gp_var_i + (1 - gp_beta) / prior_var pred_var = 1.0 / var pred_mean = pred_var * mean assert pred_mean == rbcm_pred[0] assert pred_var == rbcm_pred[1] def test_to_from_gp(): """ To/from methods for creating new RBCMs and turning them back into GPs :return: """ gp = GaussianProcess() for frame in methanol_frames: gp.update_db(frame, forces=frame.forces) rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine.from_gp(gp) new_gp = rbcm.get_full_gp() test_env = methanol_envs[0] for d in range(1, 4): assert np.array_equal(gp.predict(test_env, d), new_gp.predict(test_env, d)) def test_io(): """ Read / write methods :return: """ rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine(ndata_per_expert=3) rbcm.update_db(methanol_frames[0], forces=methanol_frames[0].forces) rbcm.write_model("test_model.pickle") new_model = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine.from_file("test_model.pickle") test_env = methanol_envs[0] assert np.array_equal( rbcm.predict_force_xyz(test_env), new_model.predict_force_xyz(test_env) ) def test_convenience_methods(): # TODO beef up these tests rbcm = RobustBayesianCommitteeMachine(ndata_per_expert=3) rbcm.update_db(methanol_frames[0], forces=methanol_frames[0].forces) training_stats = rbcm.training_statistics assert isinstance(training_stats, dict) assert isinstance(str(rbcm), str)
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[STATEMENT] lemma free_eta: "s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<eta> t \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 t i = loose_bvar1 s i" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<eta> t \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 t i = loose_bvar1 s i [PROOF STEP] apply (induct arbitrary: i set: eta) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (4 subgoals): 1. \<And>s T i. \<not> is_dependent s \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (decr 0 s) i = loose_bvar1 (Abs T (s $ Bv 0)) i 2. \<And>s t u i. \<lbrakk>s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<eta> t; \<And>i. loose_bvar1 t i = loose_bvar1 s i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (t $ u) i = loose_bvar1 (s $ u) i 3. \<And>s t u i. \<lbrakk>s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<eta> t; \<And>i. loose_bvar1 t i = loose_bvar1 s i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (u $ t) i = loose_bvar1 (u $ s) i 4. \<And>s t T i. \<lbrakk>s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<eta> t; \<And>i. loose_bvar1 t i = loose_bvar1 s i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (Abs T t) i = loose_bvar1 (Abs T s) i [PROOF STEP] apply (simp_all cong: conj_cong) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s i. \<not> is_dependent s \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (decr 0 s) i = loose_bvar1 s (Suc i) [PROOF STEP] using is_dependent_def loose_bvar1_decr''' loose_bvar1_decr'''' [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: is_dependent ?t \<equiv> loose_bvar1 ?t 0 \<lbrakk>loose_bvar1 ?t (Suc ?lev); ?lev' \<le> ?lev\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (decr ?lev' ?t) ?lev \<lbrakk>\<not> loose_bvar1 ?t ?lev'; ?lev' \<le> ?lev; \<not> loose_bvar1 ?t (Suc ?lev)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<not> loose_bvar1 (decr ?lev' ?t) ?lev goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s i. \<not> is_dependent s \<Longrightarrow> loose_bvar1 (decr 0 s) i = loose_bvar1 s (Suc i) [PROOF STEP] by blast
{"llama_tokens": 763, "file": "Metalogic_ProofChecker_EtaNorm", "length": 4}
import numpy as np import plotly.offline as pyo import plotly.graph_objs as go np.random.seed(42) random_x = np.random.randint(1, 101, 100) random_y = np.random.randint(1, 101, 100) print(type(random_x)) data = [go.Scatter(x=random_x, y=random_y, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=12, color='rgb(51,204,153)', symbol='pentagon', line={'width': 2} ))] layout = go.Layout(title='Hello First Plot', xaxis={'title': 'My X AXIS'}, yaxis=dict(title='MY Y AXIS'), hovermode='closest') fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyo.plot(fig, filename='scatter.html')
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import pandas as pd import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='augment_snp_effects.py', description=''' Augment SNP effects generated by simulate_effect_sizes.py ''') parser.add_argument('--snp_effect_parquet', help=''' Parquet file for SNP effects ''') parser.add_argument('--output', help=''' Output parquet name ''') parser.add_argument('--rand_seed', type=int, help=''' Rand seed ''') parser.add_argument('--augment_size', type=int, help=''' Number of traits to augment ''') args = parser.parse_args() import logging, time, sys, os # configing util logging.basicConfig( level = logging.INFO, stream = sys.stderr, format = '%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p') logging.info('Random seed = {}'.format(args.rand_seed)) np.random.seed(args.rand_seed) logging.info('Loading parquet') df = pd.read_parquet(args.snp_effect_parquet) logging.info('Size = {} x {}'.format(df.shape[0], df.shape[1])) logging.info('Augmenting: n = {}'.format(args.augment_size)) new_weights = np.random.normal(size=(df.shape[0], args.augment_size)) names = [ f'Additional_{i}' for i in range(args.augment_size) ] df_new = pd.DataFrame(new_weights, columns=names) df = pd.concat([df, df_new], axis=1) logging.info('New size = {} x {}'.format(df.shape[0], df.shape[1])) logging.info('Saving') df.to_parquet(args.output)
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import numpy as np class GameInfo(object): def __init__(self, frame, robot_action=None, human_action=None, scored=None, puck_was_hit=False, puck_is_at_the_bottom=False, distance_decreased=False, hit_the_border=False, in_the_target=False): self.frame = np.copy(frame) if robot_action is None: self.robot_action = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32) else: self.robot_action = np.copy(robot_action) if human_action is None: self.human_action = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32) else: self.human_action = np.copy(human_action) self.puck_was_hit = puck_was_hit self.scored = scored self.puck_is_at_the_bottom = puck_is_at_the_bottom self.distance_decreased = distance_decreased self.hit_the_border = hit_the_border self.in_the_target = in_the_target
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// // Copyright (c) 2002--2010 // Toon Knapen, Karl Meerbergen, Kresimir Fresl, // Thomas Klimpel and Rutger ter Borg // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED // PLEASE DO NOT EDIT! // #ifndef BOOST_NUMERIC_BINDINGS_LAPACK_DRIVER_HPP #define BOOST_NUMERIC_BINDINGS_LAPACK_DRIVER_HPP #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gbsv.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gbsvx.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gees.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/geesx.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/geev.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/geevx.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gegv.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gejsv.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack/driver/gels.hpp> #include 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import numpy as np from .myqt import QT import pyqtgraph as pg from .cataloguecontroller import CatalogueController from .traceviewer import CatalogueTraceViewer from .peaklists import PeakList, ClusterPeakList from .ndscatter import NDScatter from .waveformviewer import WaveformViewer from .similarity import SpikeSimilarityView, ClusterSimilarityView, ClusterRatioSimilarityView from .pairlist import PairList from .silhouette import Silhouette from .waveformhistviewer import WaveformHistViewer from .featuretimeviewer import FeatureTimeViewer from .tools import ParamDialog, open_dialog_methods from . import gui_params from . import icons import itertools import datetime import time import webbrowser class CatalogueWindow(QT.QMainWindow): new_catalogue = QT.pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, catalogueconstructor): QT.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowIcon(QT.QIcon(':/main_icon.png')) self.catalogueconstructor = catalogueconstructor self.controller = CatalogueController(catalogueconstructor=catalogueconstructor) self.traceviewer = CatalogueTraceViewer(controller=self.controller) self.peaklist = PeakList(controller=self.controller) self.clusterlist = ClusterPeakList(controller=self.controller) self.ndscatter = NDScatter(controller=self.controller) self.waveformviewer = WaveformViewer(controller=self.controller) self.spikesimilarityview = SpikeSimilarityView(controller=self.controller) self.clustersimilarityview = ClusterSimilarityView(controller=self.controller) self.clusterratiosimilarityview = ClusterRatioSimilarityView(controller=self.controller) self.pairlist = PairList(controller=self.controller) self.silhouette = Silhouette(controller=self.controller) self.waveformhistviewer = WaveformHistViewer(controller=self.controller) self.featuretimeviewer = FeatureTimeViewer(controller=self.controller) docks = {} docks['waveformviewer'] = QT.QDockWidget('waveformviewer',self) docks['waveformviewer'].setWidget(self.waveformviewer) #self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['ndscatter'], docks['waveformviewer']) self.addDockWidget(QT.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, docks['waveformviewer']) docks['waveformhistviewer'] = QT.QDockWidget('waveformhistviewer',self) docks['waveformhistviewer'].setWidget(self.waveformhistviewer) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['waveformviewer'], docks['waveformhistviewer']) docks['featuretimeviewer'] = QT.QDockWidget('featuretimeviewer',self) docks['featuretimeviewer'].setWidget(self.featuretimeviewer) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['waveformhistviewer'], docks['featuretimeviewer']) docks['traceviewer'] = QT.QDockWidget('traceviewer',self) docks['traceviewer'].setWidget(self.traceviewer) #self.addDockWidget(QT.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, docks['traceviewer']) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['waveformviewer'], docks['traceviewer']) docks['peaklist'] = QT.QDockWidget('peaklist',self) docks['peaklist'].setWidget(self.peaklist) self.addDockWidget(QT.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, docks['peaklist']) docks['pairlist'] = QT.QDockWidget('pairlist',self) docks['pairlist'].setWidget(self.pairlist) self.splitDockWidget(docks['peaklist'], docks['pairlist'], QT.Qt.Horizontal) docks['clusterlist'] = QT.QDockWidget('clusterlist',self) docks['clusterlist'].setWidget(self.clusterlist) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['pairlist'], docks['clusterlist']) #on bottom left docks['spikesimilarityview'] = QT.QDockWidget('spikesimilarityview',self) docks['spikesimilarityview'].setWidget(self.spikesimilarityview) self.addDockWidget(QT.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, docks['spikesimilarityview']) docks['clustersimilarityview'] = QT.QDockWidget('clustersimilarityview',self) docks['clustersimilarityview'].setWidget(self.clustersimilarityview) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['spikesimilarityview'], docks['clustersimilarityview']) docks['clusterratiosimilarityview'] = QT.QDockWidget('clusterratiosimilarityview',self) docks['clusterratiosimilarityview'].setWidget(self.clusterratiosimilarityview) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['spikesimilarityview'], docks['clusterratiosimilarityview']) docks['silhouette'] = QT.QDockWidget('silhouette',self) docks['silhouette'].setWidget(self.silhouette) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['spikesimilarityview'], docks['silhouette']) docks['ndscatter'] = QT.QDockWidget('ndscatter',self) docks['ndscatter'].setWidget(self.ndscatter) self.tabifyDockWidget(docks['spikesimilarityview'], docks['ndscatter']) self.create_actions() self.create_toolbar() def create_actions(self): self.act_make_catalogue = QT.QAction('Make catalogue for peeler', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/document-save.svg")) self.act_make_catalogue.triggered.connect(self.make_catalogue_for_peeler) self.act_savepoint = QT.QAction('Savepoint', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/document-save.svg")) self.act_savepoint.triggered.connect(self.create_savepoint) #~ self.act_refresh = QT.QAction('Refresh', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon.fromTheme("view-refresh")) self.act_refresh = QT.QAction('Refresh', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/view-refresh.svg")) self.act_refresh.triggered.connect(self.refresh_with_reload) self.act_redetect_peak = QT.QAction('New peaks', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_redetect_peak.triggered.connect(self.redetect_peak) self.act_new_waveforms = QT.QAction('New waveforms', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_new_waveforms.triggered.connect(self.new_waveforms) self.act_clean_waveforms = QT.QAction('Clean waveforms', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_clean_waveforms.triggered.connect(self.clean_waveforms) self.act_new_noise_snippet = QT.QAction('New noise snippet', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_new_noise_snippet.triggered.connect(self.new_noise_snippet) self.act_new_features = QT.QAction('New features', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_new_features.triggered.connect(self.new_features) self.act_new_cluster = QT.QAction('New cluster', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_new_cluster.triggered.connect(self.new_cluster) self.act_compute_metrics = QT.QAction('Compute metrics', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":/configure-shortcuts.svg")) self.act_compute_metrics.triggered.connect(self.compute_metrics) self.help_act = QT.QAction('Help', self,checkable = False, icon=QT.QIcon(":main_icon.png")) self.help_act.triggered.connect(self.open_webbrowser_help) def create_toolbar(self): self.toolbar = QT.QToolBar('Tools') self.toolbar.setToolButtonStyle(QT.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) self.addToolBar(QT.Qt.RightToolBarArea, self.toolbar) self.toolbar.setIconSize(QT.QSize(60, 40)) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_make_catalogue) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_refresh) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_redetect_peak) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_new_waveforms) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_clean_waveforms) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_new_noise_snippet) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_new_features) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_new_cluster) self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_compute_metrics) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.toolbar.addAction(self.help_act) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.toolbar.addAction(self.act_savepoint) def warn(self, title, text): mb = QT.QMessageBox.warning(self, title,text, QT.QMessageBox.Ok , QT.QMessageBox.NoButton) def open_webbrowser_help(self): url = "http://tridesclous.readthedocs.io/en/latest/catalogue_window.html" webbrowser.open(url, new=2) def make_catalogue_for_peeler(self): self.catalogueconstructor.make_catalogue_for_peeler() self.new_catalogue.emit(self.catalogueconstructor.chan_grp) def create_savepoint(self): try: copy_path = self.catalogueconstructor.create_savepoint() except: copy_path = None if copy_path is None: txt = 'Savepoint FAIL!!!' else: txt = 'Savepoint done here {}'.format(copy_path) self.warn('savepoint', txt) def refresh_with_reload(self): self.controller.reload_data() self.refresh() def refresh(self): self.controller.check_plot_attributes() for w in self.controller.views: #TODO refresh only visible but need catch on visibility changed #~ print(w) #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() w.refresh() #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('refresh',w, t2-t1) def redetect_peak(self): dia = ParamDialog(gui_params.peak_detector_params) dia.resize(450, 500) if dia.exec_(): d = dia.get() self.catalogueconstructor.re_detect_peak(**d) self.controller.init_plot_attributes() self.refresh() def new_waveforms(self): dia = ParamDialog(gui_params.waveforms_params) dia.resize(450, 500) if dia.exec_(): d = dia.get() self.catalogueconstructor.extract_some_waveforms(**d) self.refresh() def clean_waveforms(self): dia = ParamDialog(gui_params.clean_waveforms_params) dia.resize(450, 500) if dia.exec_(): d = dia.get() self.catalogueconstructor.clean_waveforms(**d) self.refresh() def new_noise_snippet(self): dia = ParamDialog(gui_params.noise_snippet_params) dia.resize(450, 500) if dia.exec_(): d = dia.get() self.catalogueconstructor.extract_some_noise(**d) self.refresh() def new_features(self): method, kargs = open_dialog_methods(gui_params.features_params_by_methods, self) if method is not None: self.catalogueconstructor.extract_some_features(method=method, **kargs) self.refresh() def new_cluster(self): method, kargs = open_dialog_methods(gui_params.cluster_params_by_methods, self) if method is not None: self.catalogueconstructor.find_clusters(method=method, **kargs) self.refresh() def compute_metrics(self): dia = ParamDialog(gui_params.metrics_params) dia.resize(450, 500) if dia.exec_(): d = dia.get() self.catalogueconstructor.compute_spike_waveforms_similarity(method=d['spike_waveforms_similarity'], size_max=d['size_max']) self.catalogueconstructor.compute_cluster_similarity(method=d['cluster_similarity']) self.catalogueconstructor.compute_cluster_ratio_similarity(method=d['cluster_ratio_similarity']) self.catalogueconstructor.compute_spike_silhouette(size_max=d['size_max']) #TODO refresh only metrics concerned self.refresh()
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#include <fstream> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include "utilities.h" #include "relation_buffer.h" using namespace cflr; using namespace std; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( relation_buffer_test ) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( int_buffer ){ typedef relation_buffer<int, int> i2; registrar<int> reg; i2 buf(i2::reg_type{&reg, &reg}); buf.add(i2::outer_type{5, 6}); buf.add(i2::outer_type{6, 6}); buf.add(i2::outer_type{6, 5}); buf.add(i2::outer_type{5, 5}); BOOST_CHECK(buf.size() == 4); auto idx2 = buf.retrieve(2); BOOST_CHECK(get<0>(idx2) == 6 && get<1>(idx2) == 5); BOOST_CHECK(reg.get(buf[2][0]) == 6); BOOST_CHECK(reg.get(buf[2][1]) == 5); typedef relation_buffer<int, int, int> i3; i3 buf2{i3::reg_type{&reg, &reg, &reg}}; buf2.add(i3::outer_type{4, 5, 6}); buf2.add(i3::outer_type{6, 7, 4}); BOOST_CHECK(reg.get_or_add(6) == buf2[0][2]); BOOST_CHECK(reg.get_or_add(6) == buf2[1][0]); stringstream ss; buf2.to_csv(ss); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == "4,5,6\n6,7,4\n"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( field_volumes ){ registrar<int> r0; registrar<int> r1; r1.get_or_add(0); registrar<int> r2; r2.get_or_add(0); r2.get_or_add(1); registrar<int> r3; r3.get_or_add(0); r3.get_or_add(1); r3.get_or_add(2); // relations without fields have 1 adt typedef relation_buffer<int, int> i2; BOOST_CHECK(i2(i2::reg_type{&r3, &r3}).field_volume() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(i2(i2::reg_type{&r0, &r2}).field_volume() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(i2(i2::reg_type{&r1, &r0}).field_volume() == 1); // relations with 1 field have the volume of that field's registrar typedef relation_buffer<int, int, int> i3; BOOST_CHECK(i3(i3::reg_type{&r1, &r2, &r0}).field_volume() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(i3(i3::reg_type{&r0, &r2, &r1}).field_volume() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(i3(i3::reg_type{&r3, &r3, &r2}).field_volume() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(i3(i3::reg_type{&r1, &r0, &r3}).field_volume() == 3); // relations with 2 fields multiply their volumes typedef relation_buffer<int, int, int, int> i4; BOOST_CHECK(i4(i4::reg_type{&r1, &r2, &r3, &r3}).field_volume() == 9); BOOST_CHECK(i4(i4::reg_type{&r1, &r2, &r0, &r3}).field_volume() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(i4(i4::reg_type{&r1, &r2, &r1, &r2}).field_volume() == 2); // all fieldless relations index to volume 0 i2 buf2(i2::reg_type{&r2, &r1}); buf2.add(i2::outer_type{0, 0}); buf2.add(i2::outer_type{1, 0}); BOOST_CHECK(buf2.index_volume(0) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(buf2.index_volume(1) == 0); // identical field indices cause the same index volume i3 buf3(i3::reg_type{&r3, &r3, &r1}); buf3.add(i3::outer_type{0, 2, 0}); buf3.add(i3::outer_type{2, 0, 0}); BOOST_CHECK(buf3.index_volume(0) == buf3.index_volume(1)); i4 buf4(i4::reg_type{&r1, &r2, &r3, &r3}); buf4.add(i4::outer_type{0, 0, 2, 0}); buf4.add(i4::outer_type{0, 0, 0, 2}); buf4.add(i4::outer_type{0, 0, 2, 1}); buf4.add(i4::outer_type{0, 1, 0, 2}); buf4.add(i4::outer_type{0, 1, 2, 0}); BOOST_CHECK(buf4.index_volume(0) == buf4.index_volume(4)); BOOST_CHECK(buf4.index_volume(1) == buf4.index_volume(3)); // index volumes increase with lefter registrars contributing more typedef relation_buffer<int, int, int, int, int> i5; i5 buf5(i5::reg_type{&r3, &r3, &r3, &r3, &r3}); for(int x=0; x<3*3*3*3*3; x++){ buf5.add(i5::outer_type{x/81, (x%81)/27, (x%27)/9, (x%9)/3, x%3}); } bool pass=true; for(unsigned i=0; pass && i<buf5.size(); ++i){ pass = buf5.index_volume(i) == (buf5[i][2]*9 + buf5[i][3]*3 + buf5[i][4]); } BOOST_CHECK(pass); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( registrar_groups ){ typedef registrar_group<int, int, int> rg_t; typedef relation_buffer<int, int> bi2; rg_t group; bi2 b01(group.select<0, 1>()); b01.add(bi2::outer_type{99, 100}); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<0>(group.group).size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<1>(group.group).size() == 1); bi2 b10(group.select<1, 0>()); b10.add(bi2::outer_type{99, 99}); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<0>(group.group).size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<1>(group.group).size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<2>(group.group).size() == 0); bi2 b00(group.select<0, 0>()); b10.add(bi2::outer_type{42, 42}); BOOST_CHECK(std::get<0>(group.group).size() == 2); typedef relation_buffer<int, int, int, int> bi4; bi4 b0222(group.select<0, 2, 2, 2>()); b0222.add(bi4::outer_type{1001, 1002, 1003, 1004}); array<size_t, 3> arr = group.volumes(); BOOST_CHECK(arr[0] = 3); BOOST_CHECK(arr[1] = 2); BOOST_CHECK(arr[2] = 3); // these tests will fail to compile if something is wrong typedef registrar_group<int, char, string, char> rg_t2; rg_t2 rg; relation_buffer<int, string> a(rg.select<0, 2>()); relation_buffer<string, int> b(rg.select<2, 0>()); relation_buffer<string, char> c(rg.select<2, 1>()); relation_buffer<string, char> d(rg.select<2, 3>()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( multiple_domains ){ typedef relation_buffer<string, string, string> s3; registrar<string> a; registrar<string> b; registrar<string> c; s3 buf(s3::reg_type{&a, &b, &c}); buf.add(s3::outer_type{"cat","sat","mat"}); BOOST_CHECK(a.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(b.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(c.size() == 1); buf.add(s3::outer_type{"cat", "sat", "sat"}); buf.add(s3::outer_type{"cat", "cat", "cat"}); BOOST_CHECK(a.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(b.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(c.size() == 3); typedef relation_buffer<int, char, string> ics; registrar<int> ri; registrar<char> rc; registrar<string> rs; ics buf2(ics::reg_type{&ri, &rc, &rs}); buf2.add(ics::outer_type{42, 'X', "Hello World!"}); BOOST_CHECK(ri.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rc.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); buf2.add(ics::outer_type{42, '.', "Hello World!"}); BOOST_CHECK(ri.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rc.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); stringstream ss; buf2.to_csv(ss); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == "42,X,Hello World!\n42,.,Hello World!\n"); } template<typename T, typename Tup, unsigned I> struct tuple_filler { inline static void fill(T t, Tup& tuple){ std::get<I-1>(tuple) = t; tuple_filler<T, Tup, I-1>::fill(t, tuple); } }; template<typename T, typename Tup> struct tuple_filler<T, Tup, 0>{ inline static void fill(T t, Tup& tuple){ } }; template<typename T, typename...Ts> void csv_test(const string& csv_path){ typedef relation_buffer<T, Ts...> RT; // Read the CSV file to a relation, and abck out registrar<T> reg; typename RT::reg_type reg_array; tuple_filler<registrar<T>*, typename RT::reg_type, sizeof...(Ts)+1>::fill(&reg, reg_array); RT buf(reg_array); buf.from_csv(csv_path); stringstream ss; buf.to_csv(ss); // Read the file straight int a string ifstream ifs(csv_path); string contents((istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), (istreambuf_iterator<char>())); // most vexing parse auto idx = contents.find("\n\n");//double newlines are removed by the relation while(idx != string::npos){ contents.replace(idx, 2, "\n"); idx = contents.find("\n\n"); } BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == contents);//make sure they are the same } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( csv_io ){ csv_test<string, string>("example/csv/foo.csv"); csv_test<int, int, int, int>("example/csv/bar.csv"); csv_test<char, char, char>("example/csv/baz.csv"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()
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""" Test cases for functions/classes in nn_comparator.py -- [email protected] """ # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=invalid-name import numpy as np # Local imports from . import otmann from .unittest_neural_network import generate_cnn_architectures, \ generate_mlp_architectures from ..utils.ancillary_utils import get_list_of_floats_as_str from ..utils.base_test_class import BaseTestClass, execute_tests _TOL = 1e-5 class TransportNNDistanceComputerTestCase(BaseTestClass): """ Contains unit tests for the TransportNNDistanceComputer class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. """ super(TransportNNDistanceComputerTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.non_assignment_penalty = 1 cnn_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_cnn_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty) self.tp_comp = otmann.OTMANNDistanceComputer(cnn_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.CNN_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, dflt_mislabel_coeffs=1.0, dflt_struct_coeffs=1.0, dflt_dist_type='lp-emd') self.cnns = generate_cnn_architectures() def test_cnn_label_mismatch_penalties(self): """ Unit test for the label mismatch penalty of a CNN. """ self.report('Testing generation of label mismatches for a CNN. ') cnn_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_cnn_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty, max_conv_size=9) self.report('cnn_layer_labels: %s'%(str(cnn_layer_labels)), 'test_result') self.report('cnn mismatch penalties: \n%s'%(str(np.round(label_mismatch_penalty, 3))), 'test_result') assert np.all(label_mismatch_penalty == label_mismatch_penalty.T) assert np.all(np.diag(label_mismatch_penalty) == 0) def test_mlp_label_mismatch_penalties(self): """ Unit test for the label mismatch penalty of an MLP. """ self.report('Testing generation of label mismatches for a MLP. ') mlp_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_mlp_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty, 'reg') self.report('mlp_layer_labels: %s'%((str(mlp_layer_labels))), 'test_result') self.report('mlp mismatch penalties: \n%s'%(str(np.round(label_mismatch_penalty, 3))), 'test_result') assert np.all(label_mismatch_penalty == label_mismatch_penalty.T) assert np.all(np.diag(label_mismatch_penalty) == 0) @classmethod def _is_cost_matrix_for_same_networks(cls, cost_matrix): """ Returns true if it is the cost matrix for the same network. """ return np.all(np.diag(cost_matrix) == 0) and np.all(cost_matrix == cost_matrix.T) @classmethod def _has_corresponding_layers(cls, cost_matrix): """ Returns true if one network has a corresponding layer in the other and vice versa. """ ret = True for row_idx in range(cost_matrix.shape[0]): ret = ret and np.any(cost_matrix[row_idx, :] == 0) for col_idx in range(cost_matrix.shape[1]): ret = ret and np.any(cost_matrix[:, col_idx] == 0) return ret def test_mislabel_cost_matrix(self): """ Tests the mislabel cost matrix for specific pairs of neural networks. """ self.report('Testing generation of label cost matrices for specific cnns. ') num_cnns = len(self.cnns) for i in range(num_cnns): for j in range(i+1, num_cnns): cnn_i = self.cnns[i] cnn_j = self.cnns[j] mislabel_cost_matrix = self.tp_comp.get_mislabel_cost_matrix(cnn_i, cnn_j) assert mislabel_cost_matrix.shape[0] == cnn_i.num_layers assert mislabel_cost_matrix.shape[1] == cnn_j.num_layers if i == j: assert self._is_cost_matrix_for_same_networks(mislabel_cost_matrix) if i == 0 and j == 1: # These two matrices were designed so that there has to be a zero for each # column on each row and vice versa. assert self._has_corresponding_layers(mislabel_cost_matrix) if (i == 2 and j == 3) or (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 6): self.report('Mislabel cost matrix for cnn-%d and cnn-%d:\n%s'%(i, j, str(np.round(mislabel_cost_matrix, 3))), 'test_result') def test_connectivity_cost_matrix(self): """ Tests the connectivity cost matrix for specific pairs of neural networks. """ self.report('Testing generation of connectivity cost matrices for specific cnns.') num_cnns = len(self.cnns) for i in range(num_cnns): for j in range(i, num_cnns): cnn_i = self.cnns[i] cnn_j = self.cnns[j] struct_cost_matrix = self.tp_comp.get_struct_cost_matrix(cnn_i, cnn_j) assert struct_cost_matrix.shape[0] == cnn_i.num_layers assert struct_cost_matrix.shape[1] == cnn_j.num_layers if i == j: assert self._is_cost_matrix_for_same_networks(struct_cost_matrix) if i == 0 and j == 1: # These two matrices were designed so that there has to be a zero for each # column on each row and vice versa. assert self._has_corresponding_layers(struct_cost_matrix) if (i == 2 and j == 3) or (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 6): self.report('Structural cost matrix for cnn-%d and cnn-%d:\n%s'%(i, j, str(np.round(struct_cost_matrix, 3))), 'test_result') def test_ot_cost_matrix(self): """ Tests the OT cost matrix for specific pairs of neural networks. """ self.report('Testing generation of OT cost matrices for specific cnns.') nns = self.cnns num_nns = len(nns) for i in range(num_nns): for j in range(i, num_nns): nn_i = nns[i] nn_j = nns[j] mislabel_cost_matrix = self.tp_comp.get_mislabel_cost_matrix(nn_i, nn_j) struct_cost_matrix = self.tp_comp.get_struct_cost_matrix(nn_i, nn_j) ot_cost_matrix = self.tp_comp.get_ot_cost_matrix(mislabel_cost_matrix, struct_cost_matrix, 1, 0.1, 1, None) assert ot_cost_matrix.shape[0] == nn_i.num_layers + 1 assert ot_cost_matrix.shape[1] == nn_j.num_layers + 1 if i == j: assert self._is_cost_matrix_for_same_networks(ot_cost_matrix) if i == 0 and j == 1: # These two matrices were designed so that there has to be a zero for each # column on each row and vice versa. assert self._has_corresponding_layers(ot_cost_matrix) if (i == 2 and j == 3) or (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 6): self.report('OT cost matrix for cnn-%d and cnn-%d:\n%s'%(i, j, str(np.round(ot_cost_matrix, 3))), 'test_result') @classmethod def _get_dist_type_abbr(cls, dist_type): """ Shortens distance type. """ if dist_type == 'lp-norm-by-max': return 'lnbm' else: return dist_type def _test_dist_comp_for_single_conn_coeff(self, nns, dist_types, tp_comp): """ Tests distance computation for a single connectivity coefficient. """ num_nns = len(nns) for i in range(num_nns): for j in range(i, num_nns): nn_i = nns[i] nn_j = nns[j] dists = {} for dt in dist_types: dists[dt] = tp_comp(nn_i, nn_j, dist_type=dt) res_str = ' '.join(['%s=%s'%(self._get_dist_type_abbr(key), get_list_of_floats_as_str(val)) for key, val in dists.items()]) self.report('(i,j)=(%d,%d) %s'%(i, j, res_str), 'test_result') def _test_dist_comp_for_multiple_coeffs(self, nns, dist_types, mislabel_coeffs, struct_coeffs, tp_comp): """ Tests distance computation for a single connectivity coefficient. """ num_nns = len(nns) for i in range(num_nns): for j in range(i, num_nns): nn_i = nns[i] nn_j = nns[j] dists = {} for dt in dist_types: dists[dt] = tp_comp(nn_i, nn_j, dist_type=dt, mislabel_coeffs=mislabel_coeffs, struct_coeffs=struct_coeffs) num_dists = len(dt.split('-')) * len(mislabel_coeffs) assert len(dists[dt]) == num_dists res_str = ' '.join(['%s=%s'%(self._get_dist_type_abbr(key), get_list_of_floats_as_str(val)) for key, val in dists.items()]) self.report('(i,j)=(%d,%d) %s'%(i, j, res_str), 'test_result') def test_cnn_distance_computation(self): """ Tests the computation of the distance for CNNs. """ struct_coeffs = [0.1, 0.4] mislabel_coeffs = [1.0] * len(struct_coeffs) dist_types = ['lp-emd', 'lp', 'emd'] self.report('Testing distance computation for specific cnns with default coeffs.') self._test_dist_comp_for_single_conn_coeff(self.cnns, dist_types, self.tp_comp) # With multiple conn_coeffs self.report('Testing distance computation for specific cnns with conn_coeffs=%s.'%( struct_coeffs)) self._test_dist_comp_for_multiple_coeffs(self.cnns, dist_types, mislabel_coeffs, struct_coeffs, self.tp_comp) def test_mlp_distance_computation(self): """ Tests the computation of the distance for CNNs. """ self.report('Testing distance computation for specific mlps.') # Create the transport computation object mlp_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_mlp_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty, 'reg') mlp_tp_comp = otmann.OTMANNDistanceComputer(mlp_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.MLP_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, dflt_mislabel_coeffs=1.0, dflt_struct_coeffs=1.0) # Create the mlp architectures mlps = generate_mlp_architectures() struct_coeffs = [0.1, 0.2] dist_types = ['lp-emd', 'lp', 'emd'] mislabel_coeffs = [1.0] * len(struct_coeffs) self.report('Testing distance computation for specific mlps with default coeffs.') self._test_dist_comp_for_single_conn_coeff(mlps, dist_types, mlp_tp_comp) self.report('Testing distance computation for specific mlps with conn_coeffs=%s.'%( struct_coeffs)) self._test_dist_comp_for_multiple_coeffs(mlps, dist_types, mislabel_coeffs, struct_coeffs, mlp_tp_comp) class DistProdNNKernelTestCase(BaseTestClass): """ Unit tests for the Transport NNKernels. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. """ super(DistProdNNKernelTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.non_assignment_penalty = 1 cnn_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_cnn_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty) self.all_layer_labels = cnn_layer_labels self.label_mismatch_penalty = label_mismatch_penalty self.tp_comp = otmann.OTMANNDistanceComputer(cnn_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.CNN_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES ) self.mislabel_coeffs = [2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.struct_coeffs = [0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0] self.lp_betas = [1e-6] * len(self.struct_coeffs) self.emd_betas = [1] * len(self.struct_coeffs) self.scale = 1 self.cnns = generate_cnn_architectures() def test_instantiation(self): """ Testing instantiation. """ self.report('Testing instantiation of DistProdNNKernelTestCase and computation ' + 'for specific networks.') dist_type_vals = ['lp', 'emd', 'lp-emd'] all_kernels = [] for dist_type in dist_type_vals: if dist_type == 'lp': betas = self.lp_betas elif dist_type == 'emd': betas = self.emd_betas else: betas = [j for i in zip(self.lp_betas, self.emd_betas) for j in i] tp_kernel = otmann.get_otmann_kernel_from_params('prod', self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.CNN_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, self.mislabel_coeffs, self.struct_coeffs, dist_type, betas, self.scale) cnn_K = tp_kernel(self.cnns) all_kernels.append(cnn_K) cnn_eig_vals, _ = np.linalg.eig(cnn_K) self.report('dist-type: %s, eigvals: %s.'%(dist_type, get_list_of_floats_as_str(sorted(cnn_eig_vals)))) self.report('%s transport kernel:\n%s'%(dist_type, str(np.round(cnn_K, 3))), 'test_result') assert cnn_K.shape == (len(self.cnns), len(self.cnns)) assert np.all(np.diag(cnn_K) == 1) # Check if it is in fact the product if 'lp' in dist_type_vals and 'emd' in dist_type_vals and 'lp-emd' in dist_type_vals: lp_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('lp')] emd_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('emd')] lpemd_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('lp-emd')] assert np.linalg.norm(lpemd_kernel - lp_kernel * emd_kernel) < _TOL def test_kernel_computation(self): """ Testing computation of the lp distance. """ self.report('Testing computed kernel values for specific cnns.') betas = [0.0001] scale = 2.1 struct_coeffs = 1.0 mislabel_coeffs = 1.0 dist_type = 'lp' tp_comp = otmann.OTMANNDistanceComputer(self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.CNN_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, dflt_mislabel_coeffs=mislabel_coeffs, dflt_struct_coeffs=struct_coeffs, dflt_dist_type=dist_type) tp_kernel = otmann.get_otmann_kernel_from_params('prod', self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.CNN_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, mislabel_coeffs, struct_coeffs, dist_type, betas, scale) cnn_dists = tp_comp(self.cnns, self.cnns) cnn_kernel = tp_kernel(self.cnns) diff = np.linalg.norm(scale * np.exp(-cnn_dists[0] * betas[0]) - cnn_kernel) assert diff < np.linalg.norm(cnn_kernel) * 1e-6 class DistSumNNKernelTestCase(BaseTestClass): """ Unit tests for the Transport NNKernels. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. """ super(DistSumNNKernelTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.non_assignment_penalty = 1 mlp_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty = \ otmann.get_mlp_layer_label_mismatch_penalties(self.non_assignment_penalty, 'reg') self.all_layer_labels = mlp_layer_labels self.label_mismatch_penalty = label_mismatch_penalty self.tp_comp = otmann.OTMANNDistanceComputer(mlp_layer_labels, label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.MLP_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES ) self.mislabel_coeffs = [2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.struct_coeffs = [0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0] self.lp_betas = [1e-6] * len(self.struct_coeffs) self.emd_betas = [1] * len(self.struct_coeffs) self.mlps = generate_mlp_architectures() def test_instantiation_and_computation(self): """ Testing instantiation. """ self.report('Testing instantiation of DistSumNNKernelTestCase and computation ' + 'for specific networks.') dist_type_vals = ['lp', 'emd', 'lp-emd'] all_kernels = [] for dist_type in dist_type_vals: if dist_type == 'lp': betas = self.lp_betas scales = [1] elif dist_type == 'emd': betas = self.emd_betas scales = [1] else: betas = [j for i in zip(self.lp_betas, self.emd_betas) for j in i] scales = [1, 1] tp_kernel = otmann.get_otmann_kernel_from_params('sum', self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.MLP_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, self.mislabel_coeffs, self.struct_coeffs, dist_type, betas, scales) nn_K = tp_kernel(self.mlps) nn_eig_vals, _ = np.linalg.eig(nn_K) self.report('dist-type: %s, eigvals: %s.'%(dist_type, get_list_of_floats_as_str(sorted(nn_eig_vals)))) assert nn_K.shape == (len(self.mlps), len(self.mlps)) self.report('%s transport kernel:\n%s'%(dist_type, str(np.round(nn_K, 3))), 'test_result') assert np.all(np.diag(nn_K) == sum(scales)) all_kernels.append(nn_K) # Check if it is in fact the sum if 'lp' in dist_type_vals and 'emd' in dist_type_vals and 'lp-emd' in dist_type_vals: lp_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('lp')] emd_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('emd')] lpemd_kernel = all_kernels[dist_type_vals.index('lp-emd')] assert np.linalg.norm(lpemd_kernel - lp_kernel - emd_kernel) < _TOL def test_sum_product_equivalence(self): """ Unit-test for testing that both kernels compute the same thing in certain cases. """ dist_type_vals = ['lp', 'emd'] for dist_type in dist_type_vals: if dist_type == 'lp': betas = self.lp_betas scales = [1] elif dist_type == 'emd': betas = self.emd_betas scales = [1] sum_kernel = otmann.get_otmann_kernel_from_params('sum', self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.MLP_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, self.mislabel_coeffs, self.struct_coeffs, dist_type, betas, scales) prod_kernel = otmann.get_otmann_kernel_from_params('prod', self.all_layer_labels, self.label_mismatch_penalty, self.non_assignment_penalty, otmann.MLP_STRUCTURAL_PENALTY_GROUPS, otmann.PATH_LENGTH_TYPES, self.mislabel_coeffs, self.struct_coeffs, dist_type, betas, scales) sum_nn_K = sum_kernel(self.mlps) prod_nn_K = prod_kernel(self.mlps) assert np.linalg.norm(sum_nn_K - prod_nn_K) < _TOL if __name__ == '__main__': execute_tests()
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""" Tests for datatype and galaxycluster """ from numpy.testing import assert_raises, assert_equal from clmm import GCData from clmm import Cosmology def test_init(): gcdata = GCData() assert_equal(None, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) def test_update_cosmo(): # Define inputs cosmo1 = Cosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.3-0.045, Omega_b0=0.045) desc1 = cosmo1.get_desc() gcdata = GCData() # check it has __str__ adn __repr__ gcdata.__str__() gcdata.__repr__() # manual update gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo1, overwrite=False) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) # check that adding cosmo metadata manually is forbidden assert_raises(ValueError, gcdata.meta.__setitem__, 'cosmo', None) assert_raises(ValueError, gcdata.meta.__setitem__, 'cosmo', cosmo1) # update_cosmo funcs # input_cosmo=None, data_cosmo=None gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, None, overwrite=False) assert_equal(None, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, None, overwrite=True) assert_equal(None, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(None, overwrite=False) assert_equal(None, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(None, overwrite=True) assert_equal(None, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) # input_cosmo!=None, data_cosmo=None gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo1, overwrite=True) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1, overwrite=False) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1, overwrite=True) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) # input_cosmo=data_cosmo!=None gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo1, overwrite=False) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo1, overwrite=True) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1, overwrite=False) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1, overwrite=True) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) # input_cosmo(!=None) != data_cosmo(!=None) cosmo2 = Cosmology(H0=60.0, Omega_dm0=0.3-0.045, Omega_b0=0.045) desc2 = cosmo2.get_desc() gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) assert_raises(TypeError, gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid, gcdata, cosmo2, overwrite=False) assert_raises(TypeError, gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid, gcdata, cosmo2) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo2, overwrite=True) assert_equal(desc2, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1, overwrite=False) assert_equal(desc1, gcdata.meta['cosmo']) gcdata = GCData() gcdata.update_cosmo(cosmo1) assert_raises(TypeError, gcdata.update_cosmo, cosmo2, overwrite=False) assert_raises(TypeError, gcdata.update_cosmo, cosmo2) # test_creator = 'Mitch' # test_creator_diff = 'Witch' # test_dict = {'test%d'%i:True for i in range(3)} # test_dict_diff = {'test%d'%i:False for i in range(3)} # test_dict_sub = {'test%d'%i:True for i in range(2)} # test_table = [] # test_data = GCData(test_creator, test_dict, test_table) # test_data_diff = GCData(test_creator, test_dict_diff, test_table) # def test_check_subdict(): # # assert check_subdict(test_dict_sub, test_dict) # assert not check_subdict(test_dict, test_dict_sub) # assert not check_subdict(test_dict_sub, test_dict_diff) # # def test_find_in_datalist(): # # tst.assert_equal([test_data], find_in_datalist(test_dict, [test_data])) # tst.assert_equal([test_data], find_in_datalist(test_dict_sub, [test_data])) # tst.assert_equal([], find_in_datalist(test_dict_diff, [test_data])) # # tst.assert_equal([test_data], find_in_datalist(test_dict, [test_data], exact=True)) # tst.assert_equal([], find_in_datalist(test_dict_sub, [test_data], exact=True)) # tst.assert_equal([], find_in_datalist(test_dict_diff, [test_data], exact=True)) # def test_find_data(): # # gc = GalaxyCluster('test_cluster', test_data) # # tst.assert_equal([], gc.find_data(test_creator_diff, test_dict)) # # tst.assert_equal([test_data], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict)) # tst.assert_equal([test_data], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict_sub)) # tst.assert_equal([], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict_diff)) # # tst.assert_equal([test_data], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict, exact=True)) # tst.assert_equal([], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict_sub, exact=True)) # tst.assert_equal([], gc.find_data(test_creator, test_dict_diff, exact=True)) # def test_add_data(): # gc = GalaxyCluster('test_cluster') # tst.assert_raises(TypeError, gc.add_data, '') # tst.assert_raises(TypeError, gc.add_data, '', force=True) # tst.assert_equal(None, gc.add_data(test_data, force=True)) # gc = GalaxyCluster('test_cluster') # tst.assert_equal(None, gc.add_data(test_data)) # tst.assert_equal(None, gc.add_data(test_data_diff)) # tst.assert_raises(ValueError, gc.add_data, test_data) # tst.assert_equal(None, gc.add_data(test_data, force=True)) # # def test_remove_data(): # # gc = GalaxyCluster('test_cluster', test_data) # tst.assert_raises(ValueError, gc.remove_data, test_creator_diff, test_dict) # tst.assert_raises(ValueError, gc.remove_data, test_creator, test_dict_sub) # tst.assert_raises(ValueError, gc.remove_data, test_creator, test_dict_diff) # tst.assert_equal(None, gc.remove_data(test_creator, test_dict)) # tst.assert_raises(ValueError, gc.remove_data, test_creator, test_dict) # # def test_read_GC(): # pass # def test_write_GC(): # pass
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# Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Functions to train and evaluate.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import datetime import os.path import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage.measure import compare_ssim from src.utils import preprocess def batch_psnr(gen_frames, gt_frames): """Computes PSNR for a batch of data.""" if gen_frames.ndim == 3: axis = (1, 2) elif gen_frames.ndim == 4: axis = (1, 2, 3) x = np.int32(gen_frames) y = np.int32(gt_frames) num_pixels = float(np.size(gen_frames[0])) mse = np.sum((x - y)**2, axis=axis, dtype=np.float32) / num_pixels psnr = 20 * np.log10(255) - 10 * np.log10(mse) return np.mean(psnr) def train(model, ims, real_input_flag, configs, itr): """Trains a model.""" ims_list = np.split(ims, configs.n_gpu) cost = model.train(ims_list, configs.lr, real_input_flag, itr) if configs.reverse_input: ims_rev = np.split(ims[:, ::-1], configs.n_gpu) cost += model.train(ims_rev, configs.lr, real_input_flag, itr) cost = cost / 2 if itr % configs.display_interval == 0: print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'itr: ' + str(itr)) print('training loss: ' + str(cost)) def test(model, test_input_handle, configs, save_name): """Evaluates a model.""" print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'test...') res_path = os.path.join(configs.gen_frm_dir, str(save_name)) os.mkdir(res_path) avg_mse = 0 batch_id = 0 img_mse, ssim, psnr = [], [], [] output_length = configs.total_length - configs.input_length for i in range(output_length): img_mse.append(0) ssim.append(0) psnr.append(0) real_input_flag_zero = np.zeros((configs.batch_size, output_length - 1, configs.img_width // configs.patch_size, configs.img_width // configs.patch_size, configs.patch_size**2 * configs.img_channel)) for i in range(90): test_ims = test_input_handle.__getitem__(batch_id) batch_id = batch_id + 1 test_dat = preprocess.reshape_patch(test_ims, configs.patch_size) test_dat = np.split(test_dat, configs.n_gpu) img_gen = model.test(test_dat, real_input_flag_zero) # Concat outputs of different gpus along batch img_gen = np.concatenate(img_gen) img_gen = preprocess.reshape_patch_back(img_gen, configs.patch_size) img_out = img_gen[:, -output_length:] target_out = test_ims[:, -output_length:] # MSE per frame for i in range(output_length): x = target_out[:, i] gx = img_out[:, i] gx = np.maximum(gx, 0) gx = np.minimum(gx, 1) mse = np.square(x - gx).sum() img_mse[i] += mse avg_mse += mse # for b in range(configs.batch_size): # ssim[i] += compare_ssim(x[b], gx[b], multichannel=True) x = np.uint8(x * 255) gx = np.uint8(gx * 255) psnr[i] += batch_psnr(gx, x) # save prediction examples if batch_id <= configs.num_save_samples: path = os.path.join(res_path, str(batch_id)) os.mkdir(path) for i in range(configs.total_length): if (i + 1) < 10: name = 'gt0' + str(i + 1) + '.png' else: name = 'gt' + str(i + 1) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_gt = np.uint8(test_ims[0, i] * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_gt) for i in range(output_length): if (i + configs.input_length + 1) < 10: name = 'pd0' + str(i + configs.input_length + 1) + '.png' else: name = 'pd' + str(i + configs.input_length + 1) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_pd = img_gen[0, i] img_pd = np.maximum(img_pd, 0) img_pd = np.minimum(img_pd, 1) img_pd = np.uint8(img_pd * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_pd) avg_mse = avg_mse / (batch_id * configs.batch_size * configs.n_gpu) print('mse per seq: ' + str(avg_mse)) for i in range(output_length): print(img_mse[i] / (batch_id * configs.batch_size * configs.n_gpu)) psnr = np.asarray(psnr, dtype=np.float32) / batch_id print('psnr per frame: ' + str(np.mean(psnr))) for i in range(output_length): print(psnr[i]) # ssim = np.asarray(ssim, dtype=np.float32) / (configs.batch_size * batch_id) # print('ssim per frame: ' + str(np.mean(ssim))) # for i in range(output_length): # print(ssim[i])
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from skimage import io, transform import glob import os import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 用来正常显示中文标签 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 用来正常显示负号 ''' 数据集来源 @misc{e-VDS, author = {Culurciello, Eugenio and Canziani, Alfredo}, title = {{e-Lab} Video Data Set}, howpublished = {url{https://engineering.purdue.edu/elab/eVDS/}}, year={2017} } ''' # 训练数据 train_path = 'F:/10-image-set/train/' # 验证数据 val_path = 'F:/10-image-set/val/' # 将所有的图片resize成100*100 w = 100 h = 100 # 三色通道 c = 3 # 读取图片 def read_img(path): # 将path路径下的所有文件夹路径存到cate cate = [path + x for x in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + x)] imgs = [] labels = [] for idx, folder in enumerate(cate): print('分类标签idx:', idx) print('文件夹路径folder:', folder) i = 0 # 将文件夹下所有图片挨个打上标签并分别存到imgs,labels files = glob.glob(folder + '/*.jpg') random.shuffle(files) for im in files: img = io.imread(im) img = transform.resize(img, (w, h, c), mode="reflect") imgs.append(img) # 以目录的index作为label labels.append(idx) # 数据集太大每种类别选6000张 i += 1 if i == 6500: break return np.asarray(imgs, np.float32), np.asarray(labels, np.int32) # 加载训练数据集 print("加载训练数据集") t_data, t_label = read_img(train_path) # 加载验证数据集 print("加载验证数据集") v_data, v_label = read_img(val_path) # 打乱训练数据集的顺序 num_example = t_data.shape[0] arr = np.arange(num_example) np.random.shuffle(arr) train_data = t_data[arr] train_label = t_label[arr] # 训练集 s = np.int(num_example) x_train = train_data[:s] y_train = train_label[:s] # 验证集 x_val = v_data y_val = v_label # -----------------构建网络---------------------- # shape=[None, w, h, c]表示每个样本w*h*c维的向量表示,但不确定有多少个训练样本。所以第一维是None # 样本的特征输入 x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, w, h, c], name='x') # 样本的类别标签 y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, ], name='y_') # 第一个卷积层(100->50) # Tensorflow中padding有两种类型SAME和VALID SAME填充0使维度保持不变 VALID不填充0 conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d( inputs=x, filters=32, kernel_size=[5, 5], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)) pool1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv1, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2) # 第二个卷积层(50->25) conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d( inputs=pool1, filters=64, kernel_size=[5, 5], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)) pool2 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv2, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2) # 第三个卷积层(25->12) conv3 = tf.layers.conv2d( inputs=pool2, filters=128, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)) pool3 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv3, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2) # 第四个卷积层(12->6) conv4 = tf.layers.conv2d( inputs=pool3, filters=128, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)) pool4 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv4, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2) re1 = tf.reshape(pool4, [-1, 6 * 6 * 128]) # dropout减少过拟合 keep_prob1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob1") # tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None)接口 # x:输入tensor keep_prob:float类型,每个元素被保留下来的概率 noise_shape:一个1维的int32张量,代表了随机产生“保留/丢弃”标志的shape # seed:整型变量,随机数种子 name:可视化时显示的名称 fc_drop1 = tf.nn.dropout(re1, keep_prob1) # 全连接层 dense1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=fc_drop1, units=1024, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01), kernel_regularizer=tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.003)) # dropout减少过拟合 keep_prob2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob2") # tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None)接口 # x:输入tensor keep_prob:float类型,每个元素被保留下来的概率 noise_shape:一个1维的int32张量,代表了随机产生“保留/丢弃”标志的shape # seed:整型变量,随机数种子 name:可视化时显示的名称 fc_drop2 = tf.nn.dropout(dense1, keep_prob2) dense2 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=fc_drop2, units=512, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01), kernel_regularizer=tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.003)) # dropout减少过拟合 keep_prob3 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob3") # tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None)接口 # x:输入tensor keep_prob:float类型,每个元素被保留下来的概率 noise_shape:一个1维的int32张量,代表了随机产生“保留/丢弃”标志的shape # seed:整型变量,随机数种子 name:可视化时显示的名称 fc_drop3 = tf.nn.dropout(dense2, keep_prob3) # 最后输出层使用10个神经元得到10维向量对应分类 logits = tf.layers.dense(inputs=fc_drop3, units=10, activation=None, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01), kernel_regularizer=tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.003)) # ---------------------------网络结束--------------------------- # 计算神经网络损失 # logits是神经网络最后一层的输入 labels是神经网络期望的输出 # 函数的作用就是计算最后一层的cross entropy,只不过tensorflow把softmax计算与cross entropy计算放到一起用一个函数来实现,用来提高程序的运行速度 loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=y_, logits=logits) # 基于一定的学习率进行梯度优化训练 # tf.train.AdamOptimizer使用Adam算法的Optimizer # 使用minimize()操作,该操作不仅可以计算出梯度,而且还可以将梯度作用在变量上 train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.00001).minimize(loss) # 评估分类结果 # tf.argmax(input, dimension, name=None) - input:输入的张量 - demension - name:给部件起个名字,可以不用起 # 这个函数的作用是给出预测出来的5个结果(对应的每个类别的分类概率)中的最大值的下标 # correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.int32), y_) 会生成一组向量,如:[True, False, True, True] correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.int32), y_) # 把它映射成浮点数,然后计算它们的均值 acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # 定义一个函数,按批次取数据 def minibatches(inputs=None, targets=None, batch_size=None, shuffle=False): assert len(inputs) == len(targets) if shuffle: indices = np.arange(len(inputs)) np.random.shuffle(indices) for start_idx in range(0, len(inputs) - batch_size + 1, batch_size): if shuffle: excerpt = indices[start_idx:start_idx + batch_size] else: excerpt = slice(start_idx, start_idx + batch_size) yield inputs[excerpt], targets[excerpt] # 训练和测试数据,可将n_epoch设置更大一些 # 训练次数 n_epoch = 15 # 每次取多少数据进行训练或验证 batch_size = 16 # 生成交互式会话 sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # 加载模型进当前会话 saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, 'E:/RealTimeIR/model/10-image-set') # 从已保存的模型中就已经加载好这些参数继续训练 # 一次把所有的Variable类型初始化 # sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) # 保存模型 # saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) max_acc = 0 # 记录作图数据 plt_x = range(0, n_epoch) plt_a1 = [] plt_a2 = [] plt_l1 = [] plt_l2 = [] for epoch in range(n_epoch): # training t_start_time = time.time() train_loss, train_acc, n_batch = 0, 0, 0 for x_train_a, y_train_a in minibatches(x_train, y_train, batch_size, shuffle=True): _, err, ac = sess.run([train_op, loss, acc], feed_dict={x: x_train_a, y_: y_train_a, keep_prob1: 0.3, keep_prob2: 0.3, keep_prob3: 0.3}) train_loss += err train_acc += ac n_batch += 1 t_end_time = time.time() print("train loss: %f" % (train_loss / n_batch)) plt_l1.append(train_loss / n_batch) print("train acc: %f" % (train_acc / n_batch)) plt_a1.append(train_acc / n_batch) print("train time: %f 分钟" % divmod(t_end_time - t_start_time, 60)[0]) # validation # 验证时间很短不记录时间 val_loss, val_acc, n_batch = 0, 0, 0 for x_val_a, y_val_a in minibatches(x_val, y_val, batch_size, shuffle=False): err, ac = sess.run([loss, acc], feed_dict={x: x_val_a, y_: y_val_a, keep_prob1: 1.0, keep_prob2: 1.0, keep_prob3: 1.0}) val_loss += err val_acc += ac n_batch += 1 print("validation loss: %f" % (val_loss / n_batch)) plt_l2.append(val_loss / n_batch) print("validation acc: %f" % (val_acc / n_batch)) plt_a2.append(val_acc / n_batch) # 保存精确度最大的一次模型 if val_acc > max_acc: max_acc = val_acc saver.save(sess, './model/10-image-set') print("模型保存,精度: %f" % (val_acc / n_batch)) # matplotlib作图 plt.figure("Accuracy&Loss") # 第一张图展示Accuracy plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(plt_x, plt_a1, label='train accuracy', marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12) plt.plot(plt_x, plt_a2, label='validation accuracy', linewidth=3, color='r', marker='o', markerfacecolor='red', markersize=12) plt.xlabel('迭代次数') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.title('Accuracy') plt.legend() # 第二张图展示Loss plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(plt_x, plt_l1, label='train loss', marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12) plt.plot(plt_x, plt_l2, label='validation loss', linewidth=3, color='r', marker='o', markerfacecolor='red', markersize=12) plt.xlabel('迭代次数') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('Loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig("Accuracy&Loss.png") # plt.show() sess.close()
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#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright (C) 2013- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) This file is part of RAVE. RAVE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RAVE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with RAVE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' ## Performs hit-accumulation clutter filtering using hit-accumulation # monthly "climatologies" or "counter files". # Added also Z-diff quality indicator. ## @file ## @author Daniel Michelson, SMHI ## @date 2013-01-14 import sys, os, time, glob, types, traceback import multiprocessing import _raveio, _ravefield import _polarvolume, _polarscan import _pyhl, _odc_hac import rave_defines import odim_source from Proj import rd from numpy import zeros, uint8, uint32 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET HACDATA = rave_defines.RAVEROOT + '/share/hac/data' CONFIG_FILE = rave_defines.RAVECONFIG + '/hac_options.xml' initialized = 0 ARGS = {} ## Initializes the ARGS dictionary by reading config from XML file def init(): global initialized if initialized: return C = ET.parse(CONFIG_FILE) OPTIONS = C.getroot() for site in list(OPTIONS): hac = HAC() for k in site.attrib.keys(): if k == "threshold": hac.thresh = float(site.attrib[k]) ARGS[site.tag] = hac initialized = 1 class HAC: def __init__(self): self.hac = None self.thresh = None ## Creates a HAC. Should be called only after a failed call to \ref readHac # @param fstr file string # @param nrays int number of rays in the scan # @param nbins int number of bins per ray def makeHac(self, fstr, nrays, nbins): if not os.path.isfile(fstr): self.hac = _ravefield.new() self.hac.addAttribute("how/count", 0) self.hac.setData(zeros((nrays, nbins), uint32)) else: raise IOError, "HAC file already exists: %s" % fstr ## Reads a HAC HDF5 file and returns the dataset in it. # @param fstr file string def readHac(self, fstr): if os.path.isfile(fstr): nodelist = _pyhl.read_nodelist(fstr) nodelist.selectNode("/accumulation_count") nodelist.selectNode("/hit_accum") nodelist.fetch() self.hac = _ravefield.new() self.hac.addAttribute("how/count", nodelist.getNode("/accumulation_count").data()) self.hac.setData(nodelist.getNode("/hit_accum").data()) else: raise IOError, "No such HAC file: %s" % fstr ## Writes a HAC to HDF5. # @param fstr file string # @param compression int ZLIB compression level def writeHac(self, fstr, compression=0): nodelist = _pyhl.nodelist() node = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.ATTRIBUTE_ID, "/accumulation_count") node.setScalarValue(-1,self.hac.getAttribute("how/count"),"long",-1) nodelist.addNode(node) node = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.ATTRIBUTE_ID, "/validity_time_of_last_update") node.setScalarValue(-1,int(time.time()),"long",-1) nodelist.addNode(node) node = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.DATASET_ID, "/hit_accum") node.setArrayValue(-1,[self.hac.ysize, self.hac.xsize], self.hac.getData(),"uint",-1) nodelist.addNode(node) fcp = _pyhl.filecreationproperty() fcp.userblock = 0 fcp.sizes = (4,4) fcp.sym_k = (1,1) fcp.istore_k = 1 fcp.meta_block_size = 0 path = os.path.split(fstr)[0] if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) nodelist.write(fstr, compression, fcp) ## Performs the filtering # @param scan input SCAN object # @param param string of the quantity to filter # @param enough int lower threshold of the number of hits to accept in order to process def hacFilter(self, scan, quant="DBZH", enough=100): NOD = odim_source.NODfromSource(scan) # If HAC files are missing, then this method will passively fail. try: self.readHac(hacFile(scan, lastmonth=True)) if self.hac.getAttribute("how/count") < enough: raise ValueError, "Not enough hits in climatology for %s" % NOD hac_data = self.hac.getData() if hac_data.shape != (scan.nrays, scan.nbins): print hac_data.shape, (scan.nrays, scan.nbins) raise IOError, "Scan and HAC have different geometries for %s" % NOD ## Get site-specific threshold! try: self.thresh = ARGS[NOD].thresh except KeyError: self.thresh = ARGS["default"].thresh ## Got site-specific threshold? qind = _ravefield.new() qind.setData(zeros(hac_data.shape, uint8)) qind.addAttribute("how/task", "eu.opera.odc.hac") qind.addAttribute("how/task_args", self.thresh) scan.addQualityField(qind) _odc_hac.hacFilter(scan, self.hac, quant) except Exception, e: print traceback.format_exc() ## Increments the HAC with the hits in the current scan. # @param scan input SCAN object # @param param string of the quantity to filter def hacIncrement(self, scan, quant="DBZH"): NOD = odim_source.NODfromSource(scan) hacfile = hacFile(scan) try: try: self.readHac(hacfile) except IOError: self.makeHac(hacfile, scan.nrays, scan.nbins) hac_data = self.hac.getData() if hac_data.shape != (scan.nrays, scan.nbins): print hac_data.shape, (scan.nrays, scan.nbins) raise IOError, "Scan and HAC have different geometries for %s" % NOD _odc_hac.hacIncrement(scan, self.hac, quant) self.writeHac(hacfile) except IOError: pass ## Convenience functions ## Takes a year-month string and returns the previous month's equivalent string. # @param YYYYMM year-month string # @returns year-month string def lastMonth(YYYYMM): tt = (int(YYYYMM[:4]), int(YYYYMM[4:6])-1, 1,0,0,0,0,0,-1) newtt = time.localtime(time.mktime(tt)) return time.strftime("%Y%m", newtt) ## Derives a file string from the input object. # @param scan that must be an individual SCAN. This SCAN's # /what/source must contain a valid NOD identifier. # @param lastmonth boolean specifying whether to read the previous month's file. # @param boolean specifying whether to build filenames using NOD identifier. # @returns string file string def hacFile(scan, lastmonth=False, nod=True): NOD = odim_source.NODfromSource(scan) if not nod: CCCC = odim_source.CCCC[NOD] RAD = odim_source.RAD[NOD][2:] elangle = str(int(round(scan.elangle * rd * 10)*10)).zfill(5) rays = str(scan.nrays).zfill(4) bins = str(scan.nbins).zfill(4) YYYYMM = scan.date[:6] if lastmonth == True: YYYYMM = lastMonth(YYYYMM) if nod: return HACDATA + "/%s_%s_%s_%sx%s_hit-accum.hdf" % (YYYYMM, NOD, elangle, rays, bins) else: return HACDATA + "/%s_%s_%s_%s_%sx%s_hit-accum.hdf" % (YYYYMM, CCCC, RAD, elangle, rays, bins) ## Increments the HAC file(s) for the given object # @param obj input SCAN or PVOL, can also be a file string def hacIncrement(obj, quant="DBZH"): if _polarvolume.isPolarVolume(obj): incrementPvol(obj, quant) elif _polarscan.isPolarScan(obj): incrementScan(obj, quant) elif type(obj) == types.StringType: if os.path.isfile(obj) and os.path.getsize(obj): obj = _raveio.open(obj).object hacIncrement(obj) else: raise TypeError, "HAC incrementor received a string without a matching file, or file is empty" else: raise TypeError, "HAC incrementor received neither SCAN nor PVOL as input object" ## Increments the HAC file for this scan. We will assume we only want to deal with DBZH. # @param scan polar scan object def incrementScan(scan, quant="TH"): hac = HAC() hac.hacIncrement(scan, quant) ## Increments all the HAC files for the scans in a volume, assuming we only wanty to deal with DBZH. # @param pvol polar volume object def incrementPvol(pvol, quant="TH"): for i in range(pvol.getNumberOfScans()): scan = pvol.getScan(i) incrementScan(scan, quant) ## Filters the given object # @param obj input SCAN or PVOL def hacFilter(obj, quant="DBZH"): if _polarvolume.isPolarVolume(obj): filterPvol(obj, quant) elif _polarscan.isPolarScan(obj): filterScan(obj, quant) else: raise TypeError, "HAC filter received neither SCAN nor PVOL as input" ## Filters this scan. We will assume we only want to deal with DBZH. # @param scan polar scan object def filterScan(scan, quant="DBZH"): hac = HAC() hac.hacFilter(scan, quant) ## Filters this scan. We will assume we only want to deal with DBZH. # @param scan polar scan object def filterPvol(pvol, quant="DBZH"): hac = HAC() for i in range(pvol.getNumberOfScans()): scan = pvol.getScan(i) hac.hacFilter(scan, quant) ## Multiprocesses the incrementation # @param fstrs list of input file strings # @param procs int number of concurrent processes, defaults to the max allowed # @return list of returned tuples from \ref hacIncrement def multi_increment(fstrs, procs=None): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(procs) results = [] r = pool.map_async(hacIncrement, fstrs, chunksize=1) r.wait() pool.terminate() pool.join() ## Odds and ends below ## Z-diff quality indicator. Takes the difference between uncorrected and corrected reflectivities # and derives a quality indicator out of it. The threshold is the maximum difference in dBZ # giving the equivalent of zero quality. # @param scan Polar scan # @param thresh float maximum Z-diff allowed def zdiffScan(scan, thresh=40.0): if _polarscan.isPolarScan(scan): if not scan.hasParameter("DBZH") or not scan.hasParameter("TH"): return qind = _ravefield.new() qind.setData(zeros((scan.nrays,scan.nbins), uint8)) qind.addAttribute("how/task", "eu.opera.odc.zdiff") qind.addAttribute("how/task_args", thresh) qind.addAttribute("what/gain", 1/255.0) qind.addAttribute("what/offset", 0.0) scan.addQualityField(qind) ret = _odc_hac.zdiff(scan, thresh) else: raise TypeError, "Input is expected to be a polar scan. Got something else." def zdiffPvol(pvol, thresh=40.0): if _polarvolume.isPolarVolume(pvol): for i in range(pvol.getNumberOfScans()): scan = pvol.getScan(i) zdiffScan(scan, thresh) else: raise TypeError, "Input is expected to be a polar volume. Got something else." def zdiff(obj, thresh=40.0): if _polarscan.isPolarScan(obj): zdiffScan(obj, thresh) elif _polarvolume.isPolarVolume(obj): zdiffPvol(obj, thresh) else: raise TypeError, "Input is expected to be a polar volume or scan" ## Initialize init() if __name__ == "__main__": pass
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""" The ComplementPOVMEffect class and supporting functionality. """ #*************************************************************************************************** # Copyright 2015, 2019 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). # Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights # in this software. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except # in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 or in the LICENSE file in the root pyGSTi directory. #*************************************************************************************************** import numpy as _np from pygsti.modelmembers.povms.conjugatedeffect import ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect as _ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect from pygsti.modelmembers import modelmember as _modelmember from pygsti.modelmembers.states.fullstate import FullState as _FullState from pygsti.modelmembers.states.state import State as _State class ComplementPOVMEffect(_ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect): """ TODO: docstring A POVM effect vector that ensures that all the effects of a POVM sum to the identity. This POVM effect vector is paramterized as `I - sum(other_spam_vecs)` where `I` is a (static) identity element and `other_param_vecs` is a list of other spam vectors in the same parent :class:`POVM`. This only *partially* implements the model-member interface (some methods such as `to_vector` and `from_vector` will thunk down to base class versions which raise `NotImplementedError`), as instances are meant to be contained within a :class:`POVM` which takes care of vectorization. Parameters ---------- identity : array_like or POVMEffect a 1D numpy array representing the static identity operation from which the sum of the other vectors is subtracted. other_spamvecs : list of POVMEffects A list of the "other" parameterized POVM effect vectors which are subtracted from `identity` to compute the final value of this "complement" POVM effect vector. """ def __init__(self, identity, other_effects): evotype = other_effects[0]._evotype state_space = other_effects[0].state_space self.identity = _FullState( _State._to_vector(identity), evotype, state_space) # so easy to transform or depolarize by parent POVM self.other_effects = other_effects #Note: we assume that our parent will do the following: # 1) set our gpindices to indicate how many parameters we have # 2) set the gpindices of the elements of other_spamvecs so # that they index into our local parameter vector. _ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect.__init__(self, self.identity.copy()) self.init_gpindices() # initialize our gpindices based on sub-members self._construct_vector() # reset's self.base def _construct_vector(self): #Note: assumes other effects are also ConjugatedStatePOVMEffect objects base1d = self.state._ptr base1d.flags.writeable = True base1d[:] = self.identity.to_dense() - sum([vec.to_dense() for vec in self.other_effects]) base1d.flags.writeable = False self._ptr_has_changed() def to_memoized_dict(self, mmg_memo): """Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo. Parameters ---------- mmg_memo: dict Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.). Returns ------- mm_dict: dict A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes. """ mm_dict = super().to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo) mm_dict['identity_vector'] = self._encodemx(self.identity.to_dense()) return mm_dict @classmethod def _from_memoized_dict(cls, mm_dict, serial_memo): identity = cls._decodemx(mm_dict['identity_vector']) other_effects = [serial_memo[i] for i in mm_dict['submembers']] return cls(identity, other_effects) def _is_similar(self, other, rtol, atol): """ Returns True if `other` model member (which it guaranteed to be the same type as self) has the same local structure, i.e., not considering parameter values or submembers """ return (self.identity.shape == other.identity.shape and _np.allclose(self.identity.to_dense(), other.identity.to_dense(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)) def submembers(self): """ Get the ModelMember-derived objects contained in this one. Returns ------- list """ # Note: don't include [self.state] because its params aren't ComplementPOVMEffect params return self.other_effects @property def num_params(self): """ Get the number of independent parameters which specify this POVM effect vector. Returns ------- int the number of independent parameters. """ return len(self.gpindices_as_array()) def to_vector(self): """ Get the POVM effect vector parameters as an array of values. Returns ------- numpy array The parameters as a 1D array with length num_params(). """ raise ValueError(("ComplementPOVMEffect.to_vector() should never be called" " - use TPPOVM.to_vector() instead")) def from_vector(self, v, close=False, dirty_value=True): """ Initialize the POVM effect vector using a 1D array of parameters. Parameters ---------- v : numpy array The 1D vector of POVM effect vector parameters. Length must == num_params() close : bool, optional Whether `v` is close to this POVM effect vector's current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly. dirty_value : bool, optional The value to set this object's "dirty flag" to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated *recursively*. Leave this set to `True` unless you know what you're doing. Returns ------- None """ #Rely on prior .from_vector initialization of self.other_effects, so # we just construct our vector based on them. #Note: this is needed for finite-differencing in map-based calculator self._construct_vector() self.dirty = False # dirty_value def deriv_wrt_params(self, wrt_filter=None): """ The element-wise derivative this POVM effect vector. Construct a matrix whose columns are the derivatives of the POVM effect vector with respect to a single param. Thus, each column is of length dimension and there is one column per POVM effect vector parameter. Parameters ---------- wrt_filter : list or numpy.ndarray List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation's parameters.) Returns ------- numpy array Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension, num_params) """ if len(self.other_effects) == 0: return _np.zeros((self.dim, 0), 'd') # Complement vecs assumed real Np = len(self.gpindices_as_array()) neg_deriv = _np.zeros((self.dim, Np), 'd') for ovec in self.other_effects: local_inds = _modelmember._decompose_gpindices( self.gpindices, ovec.gpindices) #Note: other_vecs are not copies but other *sibling* effect vecs # so their gpindices index the same space as this complement vec's # does - so we need to "_decompose_gpindices" neg_deriv[:, local_inds] += ovec.deriv_wrt_params() derivMx = -neg_deriv if wrt_filter is None: return derivMx else: return _np.take(derivMx, wrt_filter, axis=1) def has_nonzero_hessian(self): """ Whether this POVM effect vector has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters. Returns ------- bool """ return False
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# import modules import itertools import os import re import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import numpy as np import pandas as pd from arcgis.features import GeoAccessor import arcpy if sys.version_info > (3, 0): import winreg else: import _winreg as winreg class BA_Data: def __init__(self): arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True @staticmethod def _get_child_keys(key_path): """ Get the full path of first generation child keys under the parent key listed. :param key_path: Path to the parent key in registry. :return: List of the full path to child keys. """ # open the parent key parent_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path) # variables to track progress and store results error = False counter = 0 key_list = [] # while everything is going good while not error: try: # get the child key in the iterated position child_key = winreg.EnumKey(parent_key, counter) # add the located key to the list key_list.append('{}\\{}'.format(key_path, child_key)) # increment the counter counter += 1 # when something blows up...typically because no key is found except Exception as e: # switch the error flag to true, stopping the iteration error = True # give the accumulated list back return key_list def _get_first_child_key(self, key_path, pattern): """ Based on the pattern provided, find the key with a matching string in it. :param key_path: Full string path to the key. :param pattern: Pattern to be located. :return: Full path of the first key path matching the provided pattern. """ # get a list of paths to keys under the parent key path provided key_list = self._get_child_keys(key_path) # iterate the list of key paths for key in key_list: # if the key matches the pattern if key.find(pattern): # pass back the provided key path return key @property def _usa_key(self): """ Get the key for the current ba_data installation of Business Analyst ba_data. :return: Key for the current ba_data installation of Business Analyst ba_data. """ return self._get_first_child_key(r'SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Esri\BusinessAnalyst\Datasets', 'USA_ESRI') @property def _usa_dataset(self) -> str: """ Return the value needed for setting the environment. :return: String value needed for setting the BA Data Environment setting. """ return f'LOCAL;;{os.path.basename(self._usa_key)}' def set_to_usa_local(self): """ Set the environment setting to ensure using locally installed local ba_data. :return: Boolean indicating if ba_data correctly enriched. """ try: arcpy.env.baDataSource = self._usa_dataset return True except: return False def _get_business_analyst_key_value(self, locator_key): """ In the Business Analyst key, get the value corresponding to the provided locator key. :param locator_key: Locator key. :return: Key value. """ # open the key to the current installation of Business Analyst ba_data key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self._usa_key) # query the value of the locator key return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, locator_key)[0] @property def usa_locator(self) -> str: """ Path to the address locator installed with Business Analyst USA ba_data. :return: String directory path to the address locator installed with Business Analyst USA ba_data. """ return self._get_business_analyst_key_value('Locator') @property def usa_network_dataset(self) -> str: """ Path to the network dataset installed with Business Analyst USA ba_data. :return: String directory path to the network dataset installed with Business Analyst USA ba_data. """ return self._get_business_analyst_key_value('StreetsNetwork') @property def usa_data_path(self) -> str: """ Path where the Business Analyst USA ba_data is located. :return: String directory path to where the Business Analyst USA ba_data is installed. """ return self._get_business_analyst_key_value('DataInstallDir') def _create_demographic_layer(self, feature_class_name, layer_name=None): """ Esri Business Analyst standard geography layer with ID and NAME fields. :param feature_class_path: Name of the feature class. :param layer_name: Output layer name. :return: Feature Layer """ # get the path to the geodatabase where the Esri demographics reside demographic_dir = os.path.join(self.usa_data_path, 'Data', 'Demographic Data') gdb_name = [d for d in os.listdir(demographic_dir) if re.match(r'USA_ESRI_\d{4}\.gdb', d)][0] gdb_path = os.path.join(demographic_dir, gdb_name) fc_path = os.path.join(gdb_path, feature_class_name) # create layer map visible_fields = ['Shape', 'ID', 'NAME'] def _eval_visible(field_name): if field_name in visible_fields: return 'VISIBLE' else: return 'HIDDEN' field_map_lst = [' '.join([f.name, f.name, _eval_visible(f.name), 'NONE']) for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc_path)] field_map = ';'.join(field_map_lst) # create and return the feature layer if layer_name: lyr = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(fc_path, layer_name, field_info=field_map)[0] else: lyr = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(fc_path, field_info=field_map)[0] return lyr @property def layer_block_group(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst Census Block Group layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('BlockGroups_bg', 'block_groups') @property def layer_cbsa(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst CBSA layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('CBSAs_cb', 'cbsas') @property def layer_census_tract(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst Census Tract layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('CensusTracts_tr', 'census_tracts') @property def layer_congressional_district(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst Congressional District layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('CongressionalDistricts_cd', 'congressional_districts') @property def layer_county(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst county layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('Counties_cy', 'counties') @property def layer_county_subdivisions(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst county subdivision layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('CountySubdivisions_cs', 'county_subdivision') @property def layer_dma(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst DMA layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('DMAs_dm', 'dmas') @property def layer_places(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst Census Places layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('Places_pl', 'places') @property def layer_states(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst US States layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('States_st', 'states') @property def layer_postal_code(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst postal code (zip) layer with ID and NAME fields. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer('ZIPCodes_zp', 'postal_codes') @property def layer_block_points(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Esri Business Analyst block points layer - useful for calculating weighted centroids. :return: Feature Layer """ return self._create_demographic_layer() @property def layer_blocks(self) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ US Census Blocks layer :return: Feature Layer """ census_gdb = os.path.join(self.usa_data_path, 'Data', 'UserData', 'census.gdb') # check to see if the data has benn downloaded - since so big (>3GB), this is problematic to do automatically if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(census_gdb, 'Block')): blocks_fc = os.path.join(census_gdb, 'Block') elif arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(census_gdb, 'block')): blocks_fc = os.path.join(census_gdb, 'block') else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"The blocks feature class, which should be located at " f"{os.path.join(census_gdb, 'blocks')} does not appear to exist. You can download " f"this from " f"https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TGRGDB18/tlgdb_2018_a_us_block.gdb.zip. Once " f"downloaded, extract the archive and place the Blocks feature class in " f"{census_gdb}.") # when initially downloaded from the US Census, the ID field is GEOID, but change this to be consistent if 'GEOID' in [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(blocks_fc)]: arcpy.management.AlterField(blocks_fc, field='GEOID', new_field_name='ID', new_field_alias='ID') return self._create_demographic_layer(blocks_fc, 'blocks') @property def layer_businesses(self): """Business layer""" fc_businesses = os.path.join(self.usa_data_path, r'Data\Business Data\BA_BUS_2018.gdb\us_businesses') return arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(fc_businesses)[0] def get_business_layer_by_code(self, naics_codes:[int, str, list]=None, sic_codes:[int, str, list]=None) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Get business layer by NAICS and SIC code. :param naics_code: :param sic_code: :return: Layer with definition query applied filtering to just the NAICS and SIC codes provided. """ def _get_where_clause(field_name:str, codes:[int, str, list]) -> [str, list]: if codes is None: return None elif isinstance(codes, list) or isinstance(codes, np.array): codes = [f"{field_name} = '{cd}'" for cd in codes] return ' OR '.join(codes) else: if not isinstance(codes, str): return str(codes) else: return codes if naics_codes is None and sic_codes is None: raise Exception('Either NAICS or SIC codes must be provided.') if naics_codes and sic_codes is None: sql = _get_where_clause('NAICS', naics_codes) if naics_codes is None and sic_codes: sql = _get_where_clause('SIC', sic_codes) if naics_codes and sic_codes: sql = f'{_get_where_clause("NAICS", naics_codes)} OR {_get_where_clause("SIC", sic_codes)}' lyr_bus = self.layer_businesses lyr_bus.definitionQuery = sql return lyr_bus def get_business_layer_by_name(self, business_name:str) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Get businesses layer by name. :param business_name: String, partial or complete, of the business name. :return: Layer of Businesses """ lyr_bus = self.layer_businesses lyr_bus.definitionQuery = f"CONAME LIKE '%{business_name.upper()}%'" return lyr_bus def get_business_competitor_layer(self, business_layer:[arcpy._mp.Layer, str]) -> arcpy._mp.Layer: """ Get a layer of competitors from a existing business layer. :param business_layer: :return: """ # get a list of NAICS codes in the original business layer to use for selecting businesses naics_code_lst = set(r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(business_layer, 'NAICS')) naics_sql = ' OR '.join(f"NAICS = '{naics}'" for naics in naics_code_lst) # get a list of existing business ids and use for exclusion existing_locnum_lst = [r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(business_layer, 'LOCNUM')] existing_sql = ' AND '.join([f"LOCNUM <> '{locnum}'" for locnum in existing_locnum_lst]) # combine the naics selection and locnum exclusion sql = f"{naics_sql} AND ({existing_sql})" # create the layer and apply the query comp_lyr = ba_data.layer_businesses comp_lyr.definitionQuery = sql return comp_lyr def _get_data_collection_dir(self): """Helper function to retrieve location to find the ba_data collection files""" dataset_config_file = os.path.join(self.usa_data_path, 'dataset_config.xml') config_tree = ET.parse(dataset_config_file) config_root = config_tree.getroot() config_dir = config_root.find('./data_collections').text return os.path.join(self.usa_data_path, config_dir) def _get_out_field_name(self, ge_field_name): """Helper function to create field names to look for when trying to enrich from previously enriched ba_data.""" out_field_name = ge_field_name.replace(".", "_") # if string starts with a set of digits, replace them with Fdigits out_field_name = re.sub(r"(^\d+)", r"F\1", out_field_name) # cut to first 64 characters return out_field_name[:64] def _get_coll_df(self, coll_file): """ Get a dataframe of fields installed locally with Business Analyst in a single collection. :param coll_file: String name of the collection xml file to scan. :return: Pandas Dataframe of fields with useful combinations for analysis. """ # crack open the xml file and get started coll_tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self._get_data_collection_dir(), coll_file)) coll_root = coll_tree.getroot() # field list to populate with property tuples fld_lst = [] def _is_hidden(field_ele): """Helper to determine if hidden fields.""" if 'HideInDataBrowser' in field_ele.attrib and field_ele.attrib['HideInDataBrowser'] == 'True': return True else: return False # collect any raw scalar fields uncalc_ele_fields = coll_root.find('./Calculators/Demographic/Fields') if uncalc_ele_fields: fld_lst.append([(field_ele.attrib['Name'], field_ele.attrib['Alias']) for field_ele in uncalc_ele_fields.findall('Field') if not _is_hidden(field_ele)]) # collect any calculated field types calc_ele_fields = coll_root.find('./Calculators/Demographic/CalculatedFields') if calc_ele_fields: # since there are two types of calcualted fields, account for this for field_type in ['PercentCalc', 'Script']: single_fld_lst = [(field_ele.attrib['Name'], field_ele.attrib['Alias']) for field_ele in calc_ele_fields.findall(field_type) if not _is_hidden(field_ele)] fld_lst.append(single_fld_lst) # combine the results of both uncalculated and calculated fields located into single result field_lst = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(fld_lst)) if len(field_lst): # create a dataframe with the field information coll_df = pd.DataFrame(field_lst, columns=['name', 'alias']) # using the collected information, create the really valuable fields coll_df['collection_name'] = coll_file.split('.')[0] coll_df['enrich_str'] = coll_df.apply(lambda row: f"{row['collection_name']}.{row['name']}", axis='columns') coll_df['enrich_field_name'] = coll_df['enrich_str'].apply(lambda val: self._get_out_field_name(val)) return coll_df else: return None def get_enrich_vars_dataframe(self, drop_duplicates:bool=True) -> pd.DataFrame: collection_dir = self._get_data_collection_dir() # get a complete list of collection files coll_xml_lst = [coll_file for coll_file in os.listdir(collection_dir) if coll_file != 'EnrichmentPacksList.xml'] # get the necessary properties from the collection xml files coll_df_lst = [self._get_coll_df(coll_file) for coll_file in coll_xml_lst] coll_df = pd.concat([df for df in coll_df_lst if df is not None]) if drop_duplicates: coll_df.drop_duplicates('name', inplace=True) coll_df.sort_values('enrich_str') coll_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return coll_df @property def enrich_vars_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.get_enrich_vars_dataframe() @property def enrich_vars(self) -> list: return list(self.enrich_vars_dataframe['enrich_str'].values) # create instance of ba_data for use ba_data = BA_Data() @property def to_sdf(self) -> pd.DataFrame: # convert the layer to a spatially enabled dataframe df = GeoAccessor.from_featureclass(self) # get rid of the object id field and return the dataframe return df.drop('OBJECTID', axis=1) # now, monkeypatch this onto the layer object arcpy._mp.Layer.sdf = to_sdf
{"hexsha": "2b979221d7533470c5432e722727ca1cebba3e96", "size": 18558, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "ba_data_paths/ba_data.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "knu2xs/ba_data_paths", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "c161feec529882a2edfb2ed88b8a89cf07ec3243", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "ba_data_paths/ba_data.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "knu2xs/ba_data_paths", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "c161feec529882a2edfb2ed88b8a89cf07ec3243", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "ba_data_paths/ba_data.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "knu2xs/ba_data_paths", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "c161feec529882a2edfb2ed88b8a89cf07ec3243", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 38.5020746888, "max_line_length": 120, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6364910012, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 4079}
From Mtac2 Require Import Mtac2 CompoundTactics. Import T. Import T.notations. Import CT. Import CT.notations. Example exabs (x : nat) : x = 1 -> 1 = x. MProof. intro H. simple_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed. Example exabs2 (x : nat) : S x = 1 -> 1 = S x. MProof. intro H. simple_rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed. Require Import Strings.String. Example exabs2' (x : nat) : S x = 1 -> 1 = S x. MProof. intro H. variabilize (S x) as t. assert (B:t = S x). reflexivity. Abort. Require Import Arith. Example exif (x : nat) : if beq_nat (S x) 1 then x = 0 : Type else True. MProof. variabilize (beq_nat (S x) (S 0)) as t. assert (B:t = beq_nat (S x) 1). reflexivity. Abort. Definition sillyfun (n : nat) : bool := if beq_nat n 3 then false else if beq_nat n 5 then false else false. Theorem sillyfun_false : forall (n : nat), (sillyfun n = false) : Type. MProof. intros n. unfold sillyfun. variabilize (beq_nat n 3) as t3. destruct t3. simpl. reflexivity. simpl. variabilize (beq_nat _ _) as t5. destruct t5 &> reflexivity. Qed. Definition sillyfun1 (n : nat) : bool := if beq_nat n 3 then true else if beq_nat n 5 then true else false. Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := match n with | O => true | S O => false | S (S n') => evenb n' end. Definition oddb (n:nat) : bool := negb (evenb n). Theorem sillyfun1_odd : forall (n : nat), (sillyfun1 n = true -> oddb n = true) : Type . MProof. intros n. unfold sillyfun1. variabilize (beq_nat n 3) as t. assert (Heqe3 : t = (n =? 3)%nat) |1> reflexivity. move_back Heqe3. destruct t &> intro Heqe3. Abort.
{"author": "Mtac2", "repo": "Mtac2", "sha": "d16c2e682d5ab18ed77b13b4fd60a42a65c4f958", "save_path": "github-repos/coq/Mtac2-Mtac2", "path": "github-repos/coq/Mtac2-Mtac2/Mtac2-d16c2e682d5ab18ed77b13b4fd60a42a65c4f958/tests/comptactics.v"}
""" * GTDynamics Copyright 2020, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 * All Rights Reserved * See LICENSE for the license information * * @file test_four_bar.py * @brief Unit tests for inverse dynamics of a four bar linkage. * @author Frank Dellaert, Varun Agrawal, Mandy Xie, Alejandro Escontrela, and Yetong Zhang """ # pylint: disable=no-member, no-name-in-module import unittest import gtsam from gtsam import Pose3, Rot3 import numpy as np import gtdynamics as gtd class TestFourBar(unittest.TestCase): """Create a 4-bar linkage manually and test it.""" def test_four_bar(self): """ Testing for four bar linkage. """ # construct links inertia = np.eye(3) l1_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(0), (0, 0, 0)) l2_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(np.pi / 2), (2, 0, 0)) l3_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(np.pi), (2, 2, 0)) l4_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(np.pi * 3 / 2), (0, 2, 0)) com = Pose3(Rot3(), (1, 0, 0)) link1 = gtd.Link(1, "l1", 1, inertia, l1_pose, com) link2 = gtd.Link(2, "l2", 1, inertia, l2_pose, com) link3 = gtd.Link(3, "l3", 1, inertia, l3_pose, com) link4 = gtd.Link(4, "l4", 1, inertia, l4_pose, com, True) links = {"l1": link1, "l2": link2, "l3": link3, "l4": link4} # construct joints params = gtd.JointParams() axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) j1_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(0), (2, 0, 0)) j2_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(0), (2, 2, 0)) j3_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(0), (0, 2, 0)) j4_pose = Pose3(Rot3.Rz(0), (0, 0, 0)) joint1 = gtd.RevoluteJoint(1, "j1", j1_pose, link1, link2, params, axis) joint2 = gtd.RevoluteJoint(2, "j2", j2_pose, link2, link3, params, axis) joint3 = gtd.RevoluteJoint(3, "j3", j3_pose, link3, link4, params, axis) joint4 = gtd.RevoluteJoint(4, "j4", j4_pose, link4, link1, params, axis) joints = {"j1": joint1, "j2": joint2, "j3": joint3, "j4": joint4} # connect links to joints # TODO(frank): non-functional. And not logical: why do links know about joints? link1.addJoint(joint4) link1.addJoint(joint1) link2.addJoint(joint1) link2.addJoint(joint2) link3.addJoint(joint2) link3.addJoint(joint3) link4.addJoint(joint3) link4.addJoint(joint4) # construct robot robot = gtd.Robot(links, joints) # print(robot) # construct dynamics graph opt_setting = gtd.OptimizerSetting() gravity = np.array([0, 0, 0]) planar_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) graph_builder = gtd.DynamicsGraph(opt_setting, gravity, planar_axis) graph = graph_builder.dynamicsFactorGraph(robot, 0, None, None) known_values = gtsam.Values() joint_angles = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) joint_vels = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) torques = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) for idx, joint in enumerate(robot.joints()): gtd.InsertJointAngleDouble(known_values, joint.id(), 0, joint_angles[idx]) gtd.InsertJointVelDouble(known_values, joint.id(), 0, joint_vels[idx]) gtd.InsertTorqueDouble(known_values, joint.id(), 0, torques[idx]) prior_graph = graph_builder.forwardDynamicsPriors( robot, 0, known_values) graph.push_back(prior_graph) # construct init values and solve init_values = gtd.ZeroValues(robot, 0, 0) optimizer = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, init_values) result = optimizer.optimize() a1_key = gtd.internal.JointAccelKey(1, 0).key() a1 = result.atDouble(a1_key) self.assertAlmostEqual(a1, 0.125, 5) # regression. Show work! if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
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[STATEMENT] lemma wtpd_res: "\<lbrakk> method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, (pns, lvars, blk, res)); wf_prog wf_java_mdecl G; is_class G D \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> wtpd_expr (env_of_jmb G D (md, pTs)) res" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> wtpd_expr (env_of_jmb G D (md, pTs)) res [PROOF STEP] apply (simp add: wtpd_expr_def env_of_jmb_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>T. (G, map_of lvars(pns [\<mapsto>] pTs, This \<mapsto> Class D)) \<turnstile> res :: T [PROOF STEP] apply (frule_tac P="%D (md, pTs) (rT, (pns, lvars, blk, res)). \<exists>T. (G, map_of lvars(pns[\<mapsto>]pTs)(This\<mapsto>Class D)) \<turnstile> res :: T " in method_preserves) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (4 subgoals): 1. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_class G ?C1 2. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>S rT mb. \<forall>cn\<in>fst ` set G. wf_mdecl wf_java_mdecl G cn (S, rT, mb) \<longrightarrow> (case S of (md, pTs) \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>(rT, pns, lvars, blk, res). \<exists>T. (G, map_of lvars(pns [\<mapsto>] pTs, This \<mapsto> Class cn)) \<turnstile> res :: T) (rT, mb) 3. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> method (G, ?C1) ?S1 = Some (?D1, ?rT1, ?mb1) 4. \<lbrakk>method (G, D) (md, pTs) = Some (D, rT, pns, lvars, blk, res); wf_java_prog G; is_class G D; (case ?S1 of (md, pTs) \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>(rT, pns, lvars, blk, res). \<exists>T. (G, map_of lvars(pns [\<mapsto>] pTs, This \<mapsto> Class ?D1)) \<turnstile> res :: T) (?rT1, ?mb1)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>T. (G, map_of lvars(pns [\<mapsto>] pTs, This \<mapsto> Class D)) \<turnstile> res :: T [PROOF STEP] apply (auto simp: wf_mdecl_def wf_java_mdecl_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] done
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#include "version.h" #include "githash.h" #include "fastqlib.h" #include <boost/program_options.hpp> namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace std; string percent(int num,int den) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer,"%d / %d\t( %.2f %% )\t",num,den,100. * float(num)/float(den)); return(buffer); } int checkParameters(int argc,char **argv,po::variables_map & vm) { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("r1,1", po::value<string>(), "read 1 in fastq format (gzip allowed)") ("r2,2", po::value<string>(), "read 2 in fastq format (gzip allowed)") ("output-prefix,O", po::value<string>(), "output prefix") ("rc", "reverse-complement reads"); po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help") || argc==1) { cout << desc << "\n"; exit(1); } if (!vm.count("r1") || !vm.count("r2") || !vm.count("output-prefix")) { cout << "Missing input!"<<endl; exit(1); } return(0); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { cout << "\nmergeReads "<<VERSION<<" "<<HASH<<"\nSimple utility for creating an interleaved fastq file from two separate R1/R2 files."<<endl<<endl; po::variables_map opt; checkParameters(argc,argv,opt); string r1 = opt["r1"].as<string>(); string r2 = opt["r2"].as<string>(); string prefix = opt["output-prefix"].as<string>(); bool rc = opt.count("rc"); cout << "Merging:\nR1:\t" <<r1<<"\nR2:\t"<<r2<<endl; cout << "Output: " << prefix <<".fastq.gz"<<endl; if(rc) cout << "Reads will be reverse-complemented."<<endl; pairReader infile(r1,r2); fastqWriter outfile(prefix+".fastq.gz"); readPair p; int npass=0; int nread=0; while(infile.getPair(p)) { if(!p.filtered) { if(rc) { p.rc(); outfile.write(p); } else outfile.write(p); npass++; } nread++; if(nread%10000==0) cout << "READ PAIR "<<nread<<endl; } cout << percent(npass,nread) << "reads passed chastity/purity filters."<<endl; return(0); }
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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ External Tensor Functions ========================= **Author**: `Tianqi Chen <https://tqchen.github.io>`_ While TVM supports transparent code generation, sometimes it is also helpful to incorporate manual written code into the pipeline. For example, we might want to use cuDNN for some of the convolution kernels and define the rest of the stages. TVM supports these black box function calls natively. Specfically, tvm support all the tensor functions that are DLPack compatible. Which means we can call any function with POD types(pointer, int, float) or pointer to DLTensor as argument. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import tvm import numpy as np from tvm.contrib import cblas ###################################################################### # Use Extern Tensor Function # -------------------------- # In the example below, we use :any:`tvm.extern` to add an extern # array function call. In the extern call, we declare the shape # of output tensors. In the second argument we provide the list of inputs. # # User will need to provide a function describing how to compute the result. # The compute function takes list of symbolic placeholder for the inputs, # list of symbolic placeholder for the outputs and returns the executing statement. # # In this case we simply call a registered tvm function, which invokes a CBLAS call. # TVM does not control internal of the extern array function and treats it as blackbox. # We can further mix schedulable TVM calls that add a bias term to the result. # n = 1024 l = 128 m = 235 bias = tvm.var('bias', dtype=tvm.float32) A = tvm.placeholder((n, l), name='A') B = tvm.placeholder((l, m), name='B') C = tvm.extern((n, m), [A, B], lambda ins, outs: tvm.call_packed( "tvm.contrib.cblas.matmul", ins[0], ins[1], outs[0], False, False), name="C") D = tvm.compute(C.shape, lambda i, j: C[i,j] + bias, name="D") s = tvm.create_schedule(D.op) ###################################################################### # Verify the Result # ----------------- # We can verify that the result matches what we expected. # ctx = tvm.cpu(0) f = tvm.build(s, [A, B, D, bias], "llvm") a = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n, l)).astype(A.dtype), ctx) b = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(l, m)).astype(B.dtype), ctx) d = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros((n, m), dtype=D.dtype), ctx) bb = 10.0 f(a, b, d, bb) tvm.testing.assert_allclose( d.asnumpy(), np.dot(a.asnumpy(), b.asnumpy()) + 10, rtol=1e-5) ###################################################################### # Extern Contrib Wrappers # ----------------------- # TVM also provide extern contrib wrappers to useful extern calls, # the following line is equivalent to the previous example. # from tvm.contrib import cblas C = cblas.matmul(A, B) D = tvm.compute(C.shape, lambda i, j: C[i,j] + bias, name="D") s = tvm.create_schedule(D.op) ###################################################################### # Hook Python Function as Extern # ------------------------------ # Since we can call into any PackedFunc in TVM. We can use the extern # function to callback into python. # # The following example registers a python function into tvm runtime system # and use it to complete one stage of the computation. # This makes TVM much more flexible. For example, we can insert front-end # callbacks to inspect the intermediate results or mix customized code # with TVM. # @tvm.register_func("tvm.contrib.my_tvm_addone") def my_tvm_addone(x, y): print("my_tvm_addone signatures: %s, %s" % (type(x), type(y))) tvm.nd.array(x.asnumpy() + 1).copyto(y) A = tvm.placeholder((n,), name='A') B = tvm.extern(A.shape, [A], lambda ins, outs: tvm.call_packed( "tvm.contrib.my_tvm_addone", ins[0], outs[0]), name="C") s = tvm.create_schedule(B.op) f = tvm.build(s, [A, B], "llvm") a = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(A.dtype), ctx) b = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(B.dtype), ctx) f(a, b) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(b.asnumpy(), a.asnumpy() + 1, rtol=1e-5) ###################################################################### # Summary # ------- # - TVM calls extern tensor function via :any:`tvm.extern` # - Use contrib wrappers for short sugars of extern tensor calls. # - We can hook front-end function as extern tensor callbacks. #
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[STATEMENT] lemma len_Suc_mult2[simp]: "len (Suc (2 * x)) = Suc (len x)" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. len (Suc (2 * x)) = Suc (len x) [PROOF STEP] proof (induct x rule: len.induct) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (3 subgoals): 1. len (Suc (2 * 0)) = Suc (len 0) 2. len (Suc (2 * Suc 0)) = Suc (len (Suc 0)) 3. \<And>va. len (Suc (2 * (Suc (Suc va) div 2))) = Suc (len (Suc (Suc va) div 2)) \<Longrightarrow> len (Suc (2 * Suc (Suc va))) = Suc (len (Suc (Suc va))) [PROOF STEP] show "len (Suc (2 * Suc 0)) = Suc (len (Suc 0))" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. len (Suc (2 * Suc 0)) = Suc (len (Suc 0)) [PROOF STEP] by (metis div_less One_nat_def div2_Suc_Suc len.simps(3) lessI mult.right_neutral numeral_2_eq_2) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: len (Suc (2 * Suc 0)) = Suc (len (Suc 0)) goal (2 subgoals): 1. len (Suc (2 * 0)) = Suc (len 0) 2. \<And>va. len (Suc (2 * (Suc (Suc va) div 2))) = Suc (len (Suc (Suc va) div 2)) \<Longrightarrow> len (Suc (2 * Suc (Suc va))) = Suc (len (Suc (Suc va))) [PROOF STEP] qed auto
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[STATEMENT] lemma conjuncts: "(\<forall> q\<in> set (conjuncts p). Ifm bs q) = Ifm bs p" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (\<forall>q\<in>set (conjuncts p). Ifm bs q) = Ifm bs p [PROOF STEP] by (induct p rule: conjuncts.induct) auto
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export Problem, loss, lossgrad, lossngrad, jacobian, valueandjacobian export project, normcs, sizen, sizep, predictor, prediction type Problem{L<:AbLoss, B<:AbBasis, CS<:AbConstraintSet} X :: Matrix y :: Vector loss :: L ϕ :: Type{B} Ω :: CS end Problem(X, y, l, B, ::Type{BasisL2Constraint}) = Problem(X, y, l, B, BasisL2Constraint(B, X)) Problem(X, y, l, B, ::Type{CS}) where CS<:AbConstraintSet = Problem(X, y, l, B, CS()) ################### Pass through sub-sub-routines ############################# loss(prob::Problem, z::Vector) = prob.loss(prob.y, z) lossgrad(prob::Problem, z::Vector) = derv(prob.loss, prob.y, z) lossngrad(prob::Problem, z::Vector) = valnderv(prob.loss, prob.y, z) jacobian(prob::Problem{L,B}, u) where {L,B} = jacobian(B, prob.X, u) valueandjacobian(prob::Problem{L, B}, u) where {L,B} = valueandjacobian(B, prob.X, u) project(prob::Problem, u) = project(prob.Ω, u) normcs(prob::Problem, u) = normcs(prob.Ω, u) ############################### Sub-routines ################################## ### Basics sizen(prob::Problem) = length(prob.y) sizep(prob::Problem) = size(prob.X)[2] ### Advanced predictor(X::Matrix, ω::AbBasis) = calc(ω, X) predictor(prob::Problem, ω::AbBasis) = predictor(prob.X, ω) predictor(prob::Problem{L, B}, u::Vector) where {L,B<:AbUniDirBasis}= calc(B, prob.X, u) prediction(X::Matrix{<:Real}, ωs::Vector{<:AbBasis}, βs::Vector{<:Real}) = sum(βs .* calc.(ωs, (X,))) prediction(prob::Problem, args...) = prediction(prob.X, args...) ############################### Splitter ################################## function getsplitter(prob::Problem) n, p = size(prob.X) medians = [median(prob.X[:, j]) for j in 2:p] actives = [prob.X[:, j] .≥ medians[j-1] for j in 2:p] u0s = zeros(p, p-1) u0s[1, :] = medians for j in 2:p u0s[j, j-1] = -1. u0s[:, j-1] /= normcs(prob, u0s[:, j-1]) end j -> u0s[:, j-1] end function getsplits(prob::Problem{L, B}) where {L, B<:AbBasis} spliter = getsplitter(prob) [B(su*spliter(j), s) for j in 2:sizep(prob) for su in (-1., 1.) for s in (-1., 1.)] end function cardinalsplitdirs(prob::Problem{L, B}) where {L,B} stdlib = B[] p = sizep(prob) for j in 2:p u = zeros(p) u[j] = 1 u[1] = -median(prob.X[:, j]) u /= normcs(prob, u) for su in (-1., 1.) for s in (-1., 1.) push!(stdlib, B(su*u, s)) end end end stdlib end function randomsplitdir(prob::Problem{L, B}) where {L,B} p = sizep(prob) u = randn(p) u[1] = 0. Xu = prob.X*u med = median(Xu) u[1] = -med u /= normcs(prob, u) su, s = rand([-1., 1.], 2) B(su*u, s) end randsplitdirs(prob, num) = [randomsplitdir(prob) for j in 1:num]
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# STUMPY # Copyright 2019 TD Ameritrade. Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. # noqa: E501 # STUMPY is a trademark of TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved. from collections import deque import numpy as np def atsc(IL, IR, j): """ Compute the anchored time series chain (ATSC). Parameters ---------- IL : ndarray Left matrix profile indices IR : ndarray Right matrix profile indices j : int The index value for which to compute the ATSC Returns ------- output : ndarray Anchored time series chain for index, `j` Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1109/ICDM.2017.79 <https://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/chains_ICDM.pdf>`__ See Table I This is the implementation for the anchored time series chains (ATSC). Unlike the original paper, we've replaced the while-loop with a more stable for-loop. """ C = deque([j]) for i in range(IL.size): if IR[j] == -1 or IL[IR[j]] != j: break else: j = IR[j] C.append(j) return np.array(list(C), dtype=np.int64) def allc(IL, IR): """ Compute the all-chain set (ALLC). Parameters ---------- IL : ndarray Left matrix profile indices IR : ndarray Right matrix profile indices Returns ------- S : list(ndarray) All-chain set C : ndarray Anchored time series chain for the longest chain (also known as the unanchored chain) Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1109/ICDM.2017.79 <https://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/chains_ICDM.pdf>`__ See Table II Unlike the original paper, we've replaced the while-loop with a more stable for-loop. This is the implementation for the all-chain set (ALLC) and the unanchored chain is simply the longest one among the all-chain set. Both the all-chain set and unanchored chain are returned. The all-chain set, S, is returned as a list of unique numpy arrays. """ L = np.ones(IL.size, dtype=np.int64) S = set() # type: ignore for i in range(IL.size): if L[i] == 1: j = i C = deque([j]) for k in range(IL.size): if IR[j] == -1 or IL[IR[j]] != j: break else: j = IR[j] L[j] = -1 L[i] = L[i] + 1 C.append(j) S.update([tuple(C)]) C = atsc(IL, IR, L.argmax()) S = [np.array(s, dtype=np.int64) for s in S] # type: ignore return S, C # type: ignore
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[STATEMENT] lemma mono2mono: assumes "monotone ordb leq (\<lambda>y. f y)" "monotone orda ordb (\<lambda>x. t x)" shows "monotone orda leq (\<lambda>x. f (t x))" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. monotone orda leq (\<lambda>x. f (t x)) [PROOF STEP] using assms [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: monotone ordb leq f monotone orda ordb t goal (1 subgoal): 1. monotone orda leq (\<lambda>x. f (t x)) [PROOF STEP] by(rule monotone2monotone) simp_all
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import random import numpy as np class Dataset: """ A mapping from column names to immutable arrays of equal length. """ def __init__(self, **data): self._data = {} self._length = None super().__init__() for column, data in data.items(): self[column] = data @property def columns(self): return sorted(self._data.keys()) def copy(self): data = {x: self[x].copy() for x in self.columns} return type(self)(**data) def sample(self, size): indices = random.sample(range(len(self)), size) return self[indices] def __len__(self): return self._length def __contains__(self, column): return column in self._data def __getattr__(self, column): if column in self: return self[column] raise AttributeError def __iter__(self): for index in range(len(self)): yield tuple(self[x][index] for x in self.columns) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented if self.columns != other.columns: return False for column in self.columns: if not (self[column] == other[column]).all(): return False return True def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): data = {x: self[x][key] for x in self.columns} return type(self)(**data) if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(key[0], int): data = {x: self[x][key] for x in self.columns} return type(self)(**data) if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(key[0], str): data = {x: self[x] for x in key} return type(self)(**data) return self._data[key].copy() def __setitem__(self, key, data): if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(key[0], str): for column, data in zip(key, data): self[column] = data return if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(key[0], int): raise NotImplementedError('column content is immutable') data = np.array(data) data.setflags(write=False) if not data.size: raise ValueError('must not be empty') if not self._length: self._length = len(data) if len(data) != self._length: raise ValueError('must have same length') self._data[key] = data def __delitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): for column in key: del self._data[column] return del self._data[key] def __str__(self): message = '' for column in self.columns: message += '{} ({}):\n\n'.format(column, self[column].dtype) message += str(self[column]) + '\n\n' return message def __getstate__(self): return {'length': self._length, 'data': self._data} def __setstate__(self, state): self._length = state['length'] self._data = state['data']
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import numpy as np from PIL import Image import settings as globalv import pca_utils as pca from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import glob from matplotlib.image import imread import warnings # Disable warning: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41001533/how-to-ignore-python-warnings-for-complex-numbers warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize globalv.init(False) # globalv.N = 14 globalv.N = 982 N = globalv.N # imgsize = 50 imgsize = 28 globalv.D = imgsize**2 D = globalv.D img = np.zeros((imgsize,imgsize)) data = np.zeros((D, N)) plt.figure(1) i = 0 for filename in glob.glob("four_dataset/*.jpg"): img = np.asarray(imread(filename)) data[:, i] = np.ravel(img) i = i + 1 # for i in range(N): # img = np.asarray(Image.open('faces/' + str(i+1) +'.jpg').convert('L')) # data[:,i] = np.ravel(img) print(" *** End reading image ..") # The loaded images form a data vector of dimensions DxN, D=76^2, N = 6 # that is, 6 patterns of 76^2-dimensional data # Because there are less patterns than dimensions, the maximum number of uncorrelated # components we can keep is 6-1 = 5, because there are no more directions of data variability # Do PCA: centered_data, mean_vector = pca.centerData(data) corr = pca.correlationMatrix(centered_data) eigvals, eigvecs = pca.eigenDecomposition(corr) # r = pca.readUserNumComponents('\nHow many components (0 <= int <= %d)?\n' %D) n_comp = 4 # proj_matrix = pca.computeProjectionMatrix(eigvals, eigvecs, r) proj_matrix = pca.computeProjectionMatrix(eigvals, eigvecs, n_comp) princ_comps = pca.computePrincipalComponents(centered_data, proj_matrix) reconstructed_data = pca.reconstructData(princ_comps, proj_matrix, mean_vector) error = pca.computeRecError(data, reconstructed_data) # Printing the graph ori_data = data[:, 0].reshape(imgsize, imgsize) rec_data = reconstructed_data[:, 0].reshape(imgsize, imgsize) f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) f.suptitle('PCA comparison with #Dim = %s' % n_comp) ax1.imshow(ori_data, cmap='gray', interpolation='none') ax1.set_title('Original Image') ax2.imshow(rec_data, cmap='gray', interpolation='none') ax2.set_title('Compressed Image') plt.show() # n_max = 1 # for i in range(n_max): # rec_data = reconstructed_data[:, i].reshape(imgsize, imgsize) # plt.subplot(2, n_max, n_max+i+1) # plt.axis('off') # plt.imshow(rec_data, cmap='gray', interpolation='none') # # plt.show()
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# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import unittest import numpy import paddle.fluid.core as core from paddle.fluid.executor import Executor from paddle.fluid.layers import mul, data, zeros, array_write, increment class TestExecutor(unittest.TestCase): def test_mul(self): i = zeros(shape=[1], dtype='int64') a = data(name='a', shape=[784], dtype='float32') array = array_write(x=a, i=i) i = increment(i) b = data( name='b', shape=[784, 100], dtype='float32', append_batch_size=False) array_write(x=b, i=i, array=array) i = increment(i) out = mul(x=a, y=b) array_write(x=out, i=i, array=array) a_np = numpy.random.random((100, 784)).astype('float32') b_np = numpy.random.random((784, 100)).astype('float32') exe = Executor() res, res_array = exe.run(feed={'a': a_np, 'b': b_np}, fetch_list=[out, array]) self.assertEqual((100, 100), res.shape) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res, numpy.dot(a_np, b_np))) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res_array[0], a_np)) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res_array[1], b_np)) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res_array[2], res)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
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[STATEMENT] lemma listrelp_imp_listsp1: assumes H: "listrelp (\<lambda>x y. P x) xs ys" shows "listsp P xs" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. listsp P xs [PROOF STEP] using H [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: listrelp (\<lambda>x y. P x) xs ys goal (1 subgoal): 1. listsp P xs [PROOF STEP] by induct auto
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\ Tools -- Formatted unsigned single hex number output, not using BASE \ an-17jan2022 decimal : .1HX ( x -- ) \ Print last digit of x in hex 15 and \ lowest nibble 9 over < 7 and + \ for A..F [char] 0 + emit ; : .NHX ( x n -- ) \ Print last n digits of x in hex 1 max 16 min >r \ x r: n r@ 1 ?do dup 4 rshift loop \ collect on data stack r> 0 do .1hx loop space ; \ ----- end of code ----- (* Examples decimal 19150 2 .nhx \ CE 19150 3 .nhx \ ACE 19150 4 .nhx \ 4ACE 19150 8 .nhx \ 00004ACE \ .NHX version without DO-LOOP : .NHX ( x n -- ) \ Print last n digits of x in hex swap >r 1 max 16 min dup \ n n r: x begin 1- dup while r@ 4 rshift >r \ collect on return stack repeat drop begin r> .1hx 1- dup 0= until drop space ; *) \ <><>
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\section{FLL} \pulpissimo containts 3 FLLs. One FLL is meant for generating the clock for the peripheral domain, one for the core domain (core, memories, event unit etc) and one is meant for the cluster. The latter is not used. All the FLLs can be bypassed by writing to the JTAG register before the reset signal is asserted. See Section ~\ref{sec:soc_ctrl} for more details about the bypass register. \subsection{SoC FLL registers} \begin{table}[htbp] \small \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|X|} \hline \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Address} & \textbf{Size} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Access} & \textbf{Default} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline STATUS & \texttt{0x1A100000} & 32 & Status & R & \texttt{0x00000000} & FLL status register \\ \hline CFG1 & \texttt{0x1A100004} & 32 & Config & R/W & \texttt{0x00000000} & FLL configuration 1 register \\ \hline CFG2 & \texttt{0x1A100008} & 32 & Config & R/W & \texttt{0x00000000} & FLL configuration 2 register \\ \hline INTEG & \texttt{0x1A10000C} & 32 & Config & R/W & \texttt{0x00000000} & FLL integrator configuration register. \\ \hline \end{tabularx} \caption{SoC FLL register table \label{tab:table_label}} \end{table} \regdoc{0x1A10\_0000}{0x0000\_0000}{STATUS}{ \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ \bitbox{16}{\color{lightgray}\rule{\width}{\height}} \\[3ex] \bitheader{0-15} \\ \bitbox{16}{MF} \end{bytefield} }{ \regitem{Bit 15-0}{MF}{R}{Current DCO multiplication factor value bitfield} } \regdoc{0x1A10\_0004}{0x0000\_0000}{CFG1}{ \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ \bitbox{1}{\tiny CKM} \bitbox{1}{\tiny CKG} \bitbox{4}{CKDIV} \bitbox{10}{ICS} \\[3ex] \bitheader{0-15} \\ \bitbox{16}{MFN} \end{bytefield} }{ \regitem{Bit 31}{CKM}{R/W}{FLL operation mode configuration bitfield \begin{itemize} \item 0b0: standalone \item 0b1: normal \end{itemize}} \regitem{Bit 30}{CKG}{R/W}{FLL output clock divider configuration \begin{itemize} \item 0b0: not gated \item 0b1: gated \end{itemize}} \regitem{Bit 29-26}{CKDIV}{R/W}{FLL output clock divider configuration} \regitem{Bit 25-16}{ICS}{R/W}{DCO input code in standalone} \regitem{Bit 15-0}{MFN}{R/W}{Target clock multiplication factor in normal mode} } \regdoc{0x1A10\_0008}{0x0000\_0000}{CFG2}{ \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ \bitbox{1}{\tiny DITH} \bitbox{1}{\tiny OL} \bitbox{1}{\tiny CKSEL} \bitbox{1}{\color{lightgray}\rule{\width}{\height}} \bitbox{12}{LT} \\[3ex] \bitheader{0-15} \\ \bitbox{6}{SCKL} \bitbox{6}{UCKL} \bitbox{4}{LG} \end{bytefield} }{ \regitem{Bit 31}{DITH}{R/W}{Dithering activation} \regitem{Bit 30}{CKM}{R/W}{Open loop when locked \begin{itemize} \item 0b0: disabled \item 0b1: enabled \end{itemize}} \regitem{Bit 29}{CKSEL}{R/W}{Configuration clock selection in standalone mode \begin{itemize} \item 0b0: DCO clock \item 0b1: Reference clock \end{itemize}} \regitem{Bit 27-16}{LT}{R/W}{Lock tolerance configuration. It is the margin around the multiplication factor within which the output clock is considered stable.} \regitem{Bit 15-10}{SCKL}{R/W}{Number of stable REFCLK cycles until LOCK assert in normal mode. Uppper 6 bits of LOCK assert counter target in standalone mode.} \regitem{Bit 9-4}{UCKL}{R/W}{Number of unstable REFCLK cycles until LOCK de-assert in normal mode. Lower 6 bits of LOCK assert counter target in standalone mode.} \regitem{Bit 3-0}{LG}{R/W}{FLL loop gain setting} } \regdoc{0x1A10\_000C}{0x0000\_0000}{INTEG}{ \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ \bitbox{6}{\color{lightgray}\rule{\width}{\height}} \bitbox{10}{INTEG} \\[3ex] \bitheader{0-15} \\ \bitbox{10}{FRAC} \bitbox{6}{\color{lightgray}\rule{\width}{\height}} \end{bytefield} }{ \regitem{Bit 25-16}{INTEG}{R/W}{Integer part of integrator state bitfield. It corresponds to DCO unit bits.} \regitem{Bit 15-6}{FRAC}{R/W}{Fractional part of integrator state bitfield. It corresponds to dither unit input.} }
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""" """ import numpy as np from jax import numpy as jax_np from jax import jit as jax_jit from jax import value_and_grad from ..utils import jax_inverse_sigmoid, jax_sigmoid, jax_adam_wrapper def test_inverse_sigmoid_actually_inverts(): """""" x0, k, ylo, yhi = 0, 5, 1, 0 xarr = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) yarr = np.array(jax_sigmoid(xarr, x0, k, ylo, yhi)) xarr2 = np.array(jax_inverse_sigmoid(yarr, x0, k, ylo, yhi)) assert np.allclose(xarr, xarr2, rtol=1e-3) def test_jax_adam_wrapper_actually_minimizes_the_loss(): @jax_jit def mse_loss(params, data): x = data[0] target = 3 * (x - 1) a, b = params pred = a * (x - b) diff = pred - target loss = jax_np.sum(diff * diff) / diff.size return loss @jax_jit def mse_loss_and_grad(params, data): return value_and_grad(mse_loss, argnums=0)(params, data) params_init = np.array((2.75, 0.75)) x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) data = (x,) loss_init = mse_loss(params_init, data) n_step = 100 params_bestfit, loss_bestfit, loss_arr, params_arr, flag = jax_adam_wrapper( mse_loss_and_grad, params_init, data, n_step, step_size=0.01 ) assert loss_arr[-1] < loss_init assert np.allclose(loss_bestfit, loss_arr[-1], atol=0.001) params_correct = [3, 1] assert np.allclose(params_bestfit, params_correct, atol=0.01)
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# coding=utf-8 import os import re import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import html import urllib from itertools import combinations import jieba import jieba.posseg as pseg from collections import defaultdict from .word_discoverer import WordDiscoverer from .sent_dict import SentDict from .resources import get_qh_sent_dict import logging import warnings from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, pinyin class HarvestText: def __init__(self, standard_name=False): self.standard_name = standard_name # 是否使用连接到的实体名来替换原文 self.entity_types = set() self.trie_root = {} self.entity_mention_dict = defaultdict(set) self.entity_type_dict = {} self.type_entity_mention_dict = defaultdict(dict) self.pinyin_mention_dict = defaultdict(set) self.mentions = set() self.prepared = False self.hanlp_prepared = False self.sent_dict = None # self.check_overlap = True # 是否检查重叠实体(市长江大桥),开启的话可能会较慢 # 因为只有"freq"策略能够做,所以目前设定:指定freq策略时就默认检查重叠,否则不检查 self.linking_strategy = "None" # 将字面值链接到实体的策略,默认为选取字典序第一个 self.entity_count = defaultdict(int) # 用于'freq'策略 self.latest_mention = dict() # 用于'latest'策略 pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd + "/resources/pinyin_adjlist.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.pinyin_adjlist = json.load(f) # # 实体分词模块 # def build_trie(self, new_word, entity, entity_type): type0 = "#%s#" % entity_type if not type0 in self.entity_types: punct_regex = r"[、!?。"#$%&'()*+,-/:;<=>@[\]^_`{|}~⦅⦆「」、、〃》「」『』【】〔〕〖〗〘〙〚〛〜〝〞〟〰〾〿–—‘’‛“”„‟…‧﹏!\"\#$%&\'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>?@\[\\\]\^_`{\|}~]" matched = re.search(punct_regex, entity_type, re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE) if matched: punct0 = matched.group() raise Exception("Your type input '{}' includes punctuation '{}', please remove them first".format(entity_type,punct0)) self.entity_types.add(type0) self.prepared = False self.hanlp_prepared = False self.mentions.add(new_word) self.pinyin_mention_dict[tuple(lazy_pinyin(new_word))].add(new_word) trie_node = self.trie_root for ch in new_word: if not ch in trie_node: trie_node[ch] = {} trie_node = trie_node[ch] if not 'leaf' in trie_node: trie_node['leaf'] = {(entity, type0)} else: for (entity_orig, type_orig) in trie_node['leaf'].copy(): if entity_orig == entity: # 不允许同一实体有不同类型 trie_node['leaf'].remove((entity_orig, type_orig)) trie_node['leaf'].add((entity, type0)) def remove_mention(self, mention): trie_node = self.trie_root for ch in mention: if ch in trie_node: trie_node = trie_node[ch] else: return if not 'leaf' in trie_node: return else: del trie_node['leaf'] def remove_entity(self, entity): mentions = self.entity_mention_dict[entity] for mention0 in mentions: trie_node = self.trie_root for ch in mention0: if ch in trie_node: trie_node = trie_node[ch] else: continue if not 'leaf' in trie_node: continue else: for (entity0, type0) in trie_node['leaf'].copy(): if entity0 == entity: trie_node["leaf"].remove((entity0, type0)) break def add_entities(self, entity_mention_dict=None, entity_type_dict=None): if entity_mention_dict is None and entity_type_dict is None: return if entity_mention_dict is None: # 用实体名直接作为默认指称 entity_mention_dict = dict( (entity0, {entity0}) for entity0 in entity_type_dict) else: entity_mention_dict = dict( (entity0, set(mentions0)) for (entity0, mentions0) in entity_mention_dict.items()) if len(self.entity_mention_dict) == 0: self.entity_mention_dict = entity_mention_dict else: for entity, mentions in entity_type_dict.items(): if entity in self.entity_mention_dict: self.entity_mention_dict[entity] |= entity_mention_dict[entity] else: self.entity_mention_dict[entity] = entity_mention_dict[entity] if entity_type_dict is None: entity_type_dict = {entity: "添加词" for entity in entity_mention_dict} if len(entity_type_dict) == 0: self.entity_type_dict = entity_type_dict else: for entity, type0 in entity_type_dict.items(): if entity in self.entity_type_dict and type0 != self.entity_type_dict[entity]: # 不允许同一实体有不同类型 warnings.warn("You've added an entity twice with different types, the later type will be used.") self.entity_type_dict[entity] = type0 type_entity_mention_dict = defaultdict(dict) for entity0, type0 in self.entity_type_dict.items(): if entity0 in self.entity_mention_dict: type_entity_mention_dict[type0][entity0] = self.entity_mention_dict[entity0] self.type_entity_mention_dict = type_entity_mention_dict self._add_entities(type_entity_mention_dict) def add_typed_words(self, type_word_dict): entity_type_dict = dict() for type0 in type_word_dict: for word in type_word_dict[type0]: entity_type_dict[word] = type0 entity_mention_dict = dict( (entity0, set([entity0])) for entity0 in entity_type_dict.keys()) self.entity_type_dict = entity_type_dict self.entity_mention_dict = entity_mention_dict type_entity_mention_dict = defaultdict(dict) for entity0, type0 in self.entity_type_dict.items(): if entity0 in entity_mention_dict: type_entity_mention_dict[type0][entity0] = entity_mention_dict[entity0] self.type_entity_mention_dict = type_entity_mention_dict self._add_entities(type_entity_mention_dict) def _add_entities(self, type_entity_mention_dict): for type0 in type_entity_mention_dict: entity_mention_dict0 = type_entity_mention_dict[type0] for entity0 in entity_mention_dict0: mentions = entity_mention_dict0[entity0] for mention0 in mentions: self.build_trie(mention0, entity0, type0) self.prepare() def prepare(self): self.prepared = True for type0 in self.entity_types: tag0 = "n" if "人名" in type0: tag0 = "nr" elif "地名" in type0: tag0 = "ns" elif "机构" in type0: tag0 = "nt" elif "其他专名" in type0: tag0 = "nz" jieba.add_word(type0, freq = 10000, tag=tag0) def hanlp_prepare(self): from pyhanlp import HanLP, JClass CustomDictionary = JClass("com.hankcs.hanlp.dictionary.CustomDictionary") StandardTokenizer = JClass("com.hankcs.hanlp.tokenizer.NLPTokenizer") self.hanlp_prepared = True for type0 in self.entity_types: tag0 = "n" if "人名" in type0: tag0 = "nr" elif "地名" in type0: tag0 = "ns" elif "机构" in type0: tag0 = "nt" elif "其他专名" in type0: tag0 = "nz" CustomDictionary.insert(type0, "%s 1000" % (tag0)) # 动态增加 StandardTokenizer.ANALYZER.enableCustomDictionaryForcing(True) def deprepare(self): self.prepared = False self.hanlp_prepared = False for type0 in self.entity_types: del jieba.dt.FREQ[type0] tag0 = type0[1:-1] if tag0 in jieba.dt.user_word_tag_tab: del jieba.dt.user_word_tag_tab[tag0] jieba.dt.total -= 10000 def check_prepared(self): if not self.prepared: self.prepare() def dig_trie(self, sent, l): # 返回实体右边界r,实体范围 trie_node = self.trie_root # 需要记录:如果已经找到结果后还继续向前,但是在前面反而没有结果时,回溯寻找之前的记录 # 例如:有mention("料酒","料酒 (焯水用)"), 在字符"料酒 花椒"中匹配时,已经经过"料酒",但却会因为空格继续向前,最后错过结果 records = [] for i in range(l, len(sent)): if sent[i] in trie_node: trie_node = trie_node[sent[i]] else: break if "leaf" in trie_node: records.append((i + 1, trie_node["leaf"])) if len(records) > 0: return records[-1] else: return -1, set() # -1表示未找到 def search_word_trie(self, word, tolerance=1): """ :param word: :param tolerance: :return: """ results = set() def _visit(_trie, _word, _tolerance, _mention): if len(_word) > 0: ch = _word[0] if ch in _trie: _visit(_trie[ch], _word[1:], _tolerance, _mention+ch) if _tolerance: for ch in _trie: if ch not in [_word[0], 'leaf']: _visit(_trie[ch], _word[1:], _tolerance - 1, _mention+ch) else: if 'leaf' in _trie: results.add(_mention) _visit(self.trie_root, word, tolerance,"") return list(results) def set_linking_strategy(self, strategy, lastest_mention=None, entity_freq=None, type_freq=None): """ 为实体链接设定一些简单策略,目前可选的有: 'None','freq','latest','latest&freq' 'None': 默认选择候选实体字典序第一个 'freq': 对于单个字面值,选择其候选实体中之前出现最频繁的一个。 对于多个重叠字面值,选择其中候选实体出现最频繁的一个进行连接【每个字面值已经确定唯一映射】。 'latest': 对于单个字面值,如果在最近有可以确定的映射,就使用最近的映射。 'latest'- 对于职称等作为代称的情况可能会比较有用。 比如"经理"可能代指很多人,但是第一次提到的时候应该会包括姓氏。 我们就可以记忆这次信息,在后面用来消歧。 'freq' - 单字面值例:'市长'+{'A市长':5,'B市长':3} -> 'A市长' 重叠字面值例,'xx市长江yy'+{'xx市长':5,'长江yy':3}+{'市长':'xx市长'}+{'长江':'长江yy'} -> 'xx市长' :param strategy: 可选 'None','freq','latest','latest&freq' 中的一个 :param lastest_mention: dict,用于'latest',预设 :param entity_freq: dict,用于'freq',预设某实体的优先级(词频) :param type_freq: dict,用于'freq',预设类别所有实体的优先级(词频) :return None """ self.linking_strategy = strategy if "latest" in strategy: if lastest_mention: for surface0, entity0 in lastest_mention.items(): self.latest_mention[surface0] = entity0 if "freq" in strategy: if entity_freq: for entity0, freq0 in entity_freq.items(): self.entity_count[entity0] += freq0 if type_freq: for type0, freq0 in type_freq.items(): for entity0 in self.type_entity_mention_dict[type0].keys(): self.entity_count[entity0] += freq0 def _link_record(self, surface0, entity0): if "latest" in self.linking_strategy: for surface0 in self.entity_mention_dict[entity0]: self.latest_mention[surface0] = entity0 if "freq" in self.linking_strategy: self.entity_count[entity0] += 1 def choose_from(self, surface0, entity_types): if self.linking_strategy == "None": linked_entity_type = list(entity_types)[0] else: linked_entity_type = None if "latest" in self.linking_strategy: if surface0 in self.latest_mention: entity0 = self.latest_mention[surface0] for entity_type0 in entity_types: if entity0 in entity_type0: linked_entity_type = entity_type0 break if linked_entity_type is None: if "freq" in self.linking_strategy: candidate, cnt_cand = None, 0 for i, entity_type0 in enumerate(entity_types): entity0, cnt0 = entity_type0[0], 0 if entity0 in self.entity_count: cnt0 = self.entity_count[entity0] if i == 0 or cnt0 > cnt_cand: candidate, cnt_cand = entity_type0, cnt0 linked_entity_type = candidate if linked_entity_type is None: linked_entity_type = list(entity_types)[0] self._link_record(surface0, linked_entity_type[0]) return linked_entity_type def mention2entity(self, mention): ''' 找到单个指称对应的实体 :param mention: 指称 :return: 如果存在对应实体,则返回(实体,类型),否则返回None, None ''' for l in range(len(mention)-1): r, entity_types = self.dig_trie(mention, l) if r != -1 and r<=len(mention): surface0 = mention[0:r] # 字面值 (entity0, type0) = self.choose_from(surface0, entity_types) return entity0, type0 return None, None def get_pinyin_correct_candidates(self, word): # 默认最多容忍一个拼音的变化 pinyins = lazy_pinyin(word) tmp = pinyins[:] pinyin_cands = {tuple(pinyins)} for i, pinyin in enumerate(pinyins): if pinyin in self.pinyin_adjlist: pinyin_cands |= {tuple(tmp[:i] + [neibr] + tmp[i + 1:]) for neibr in self.pinyin_adjlist[pinyin]} pinyin_cands = pinyin_cands & set(self.pinyin_mention_dict.keys()) mention_cands = set() for pinyin in pinyin_cands: mention_cands |= self.pinyin_mention_dict[pinyin] return list(mention_cands) def choose_from_multi_mentions(self,mention_cands,sent=""): surface0 = mention_cands[0] entity0, type0 = self.mention2entity(surface0) self._link_record(surface0, entity0) return entity0, type0 def _entity_recheck(self, sent, entities_info, pinyin_recheck, char_recheck): sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) for word, flag in pseg.cut(sent2): if flag.startswith("n"): # 对于名词,再检查是否有误差范围内匹配的其他指称 entity0, type0 = None, None mention_cands = [] if pinyin_recheck: mention_cands += self.get_pinyin_correct_candidates(word) if char_recheck: mention_cands += self.search_word_trie(word) if len(mention_cands) > 0: entity0, type0 = self.choose_from_multi_mentions(mention_cands, sent) if entity0: l = sent.find(word) entities_info.append([(l,l+len(word)),(entity0, type0)]) def _entity_linking(self, sent, pinyin_recheck=False, char_recheck=False, keep_all=False): entities_info = [] l = 0 while l < len(sent): r, entity_types = self.dig_trie(sent, l) if r != -1 and r <= len(sent): surface0 = sent[l:r] # 字面值 if not keep_all: entity_type0 = self.choose_from(surface0, entity_types) if "freq" in self.linking_strategy: # 处理重叠消歧,目前只有freq策略能够做到 overlap_surface_entity_with_pos = {} # 获得每个待链接字面值的“唯一”映射 overlap_surface_entity_with_pos[surface0] = ([l, r], entity_type0) for ll in range(l + 1, r): rr, entity_types_2 = self.dig_trie(sent, ll) if rr != -1 and rr <= len(sent): surface0_2 = sent[ll:rr] # 字面值 entity_type0_2 = self.choose_from(surface0_2, entity_types_2) overlap_surface_entity_with_pos[surface0_2] = ([ll, rr], entity_type0_2) # 再利用频率比较这些映射 candidate, cnt_cand = None, 0 for i, ([ll, rr], entity_type00) in enumerate(overlap_surface_entity_with_pos.values()): entity00, cnt0 = entity_type00[0], 0 if entity00 in self.entity_count: cnt0 = self.entity_count[entity00] if i == 0 or cnt0 > cnt_cand: candidate, cnt_cand = ([ll, rr], entity_type00), cnt0 entities_info.append(candidate) l = candidate[0][1] else: entities_info.append(([l, r], entity_type0)) # 字典树能根据键找到实体范围,选择则依然需要根据历史等优化 l = r else: entities_info.append(([l, r], entity_types)) # 字典树能根据键找到实体范围,选择则依然需要根据历史等优化 l = r else: l += 1 return entities_info def entity_linking(self, sent, pinyin_recheck=False, char_recheck=False, keep_all=False, with_ch_pos=False): """ :param sent: 句子/文本 :param pinyin_recheck: do pinyin error check to cover more possible candidates :param char_recheck: do character error check to cover more possible candidates :param keep_all: if True, keep all the possibilities of linked entities :param with_ch_pos: if True, also returns ch_pos :return: entities_info:依存弧,列表中的列表。 if not keep_all: [([l, r], (entity, type)) for each linked mention m] else: [( [l, r], set((entity, type) for each possible entity of m) ) for each linked mention m] ch_pos: 每个字符对应词语的词性标注(不考虑登录的实体,可用来过滤实体,比如去掉都由名词组成的实体,有可能是错误链接) """ self.check_prepared() entities_info = self._entity_linking(sent, pinyin_recheck, char_recheck, keep_all) if (not keep_all) and (pinyin_recheck or char_recheck): self._entity_recheck(sent, entities_info, pinyin_recheck, char_recheck) if with_ch_pos: ch_pos = [] for word, pos in pseg.cut(sent): ch_pos.extend([pos] * len(word)) return entities_info, ch_pos else: return entities_info def get_linking_mention_candidates(self, sent, pinyin_recheck=False, char_recheck=False): mention_cands = defaultdict(list) cut_result = [] self.check_prepared() entities_info = self._entity_linking(sent, pinyin_recheck, char_recheck) sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) l = 0 i = 0 for word, flag in pseg.cut(sent2): if word in self.entity_types: word = entities_info[i][1][0] # 使用链接的实体 i += 1 cut_result.append(word) if flag.startswith("n"): # 对于名词,再检查是否有误差范围内匹配的其他指称 cands = [] if pinyin_recheck: cands += self.get_pinyin_correct_candidates(word) if char_recheck: cands += self.search_word_trie(word) if len(cands) > 0: mention_cands[(l, l + len(word))] = set(cands) l += len(word) sent2 = "".join(cut_result) return sent2, mention_cands def decoref(self, sent, entities_info): left = 0 processed_text = "" for (beg, end), (entity, e_type) in entities_info: # processed_text += sent[left:beg] + entity processed_text += sent[left:beg] + e_type left = end processed_text += sent[left:] return processed_text def posseg(self, sent, standard_name=False, stopwords=None): self.standard_name = standard_name entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) result = [] i = 0 for word, flag in pseg.cut(sent2): if word in self.entity_types: if self.standard_name: word = entities_info[i][1][0] # 使用链接的实体 else: l, r = entities_info[i][0] # 或使用原文 word = sent[l:r] flag = entities_info[i][1][1][1:-1] i += 1 else: if stopwords and word in stopwords: continue result.append((word, flag)) return result def seg(self, sent, standard_name=False, stopwords=None, return_sent=False): self.standard_name = standard_name entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) result = [] i = 0 for word in jieba.cut(sent2): if word in self.entity_types: if self.standard_name: word = entities_info[i][1][0] # 使用链接的实体 else: l, r = entities_info[i][0] # 或使用原文 word = sent[l:r] i += 1 else: if stopwords and word in stopwords: continue result.append(word) if return_sent: return " ".join(result) else: return result def cut_sentences(self, para, drop_empty_line = True): # 分句 para = re.sub('([。!?\?!])([^”’])', r"\1\n\2", para) # 单字符断句符 para = re.sub('(\.{6})([^”’])', r"\1\n\2", para) # 英文省略号 para = re.sub('(\…{2})([^”’])', r"\1\n\2", para) # 中文省略号 para = re.sub('([。!?\?!][”’])([^,。!?\?])', r'\1\n\2', para) # 如果双引号前有终止符,那么双引号才是句子的终点,把分句符\n放到双引号后,注意前面的几句都小心保留了双引号 para = para.rstrip() # 段尾如果有多余的\n就去掉它 # 很多规则中会考虑分号;,但是这里我把它忽略不计,破折号、英文双引号等同样忽略,需要的再做些简单调整即可。 sentences = para.split("\n") if drop_empty_line: sentences = [sent for sent in sentences if len(sent.strip()) > 0] return sentences def clean_text(self, text, remove_url=True, email=True, weibo_at=True, stop_terms=("转发微博",), emoji=True, weibo_topic=False, deduplicate_space=True, norm_url=False, norm_html=False, to_url=False): """ 进行各种文本清洗操作,微博中的特殊格式,网址,email,等等 :param text: 输入文本 :param remove_url: (默认使用)是否去除网址 :param email: (默认使用)是否去除email :param weibo_at: (默认使用)是否去除微博的@相关文本 :param stop_terms: 去除文本中的一些特定词语,默认参数为("转发微博",) :param emoji: (默认使用)去除[]包围的文本,一般是表情符号 :param weibo_topic: (默认不使用)去除##包围的文本,一般是微博话题 :param deduplicate_space:(默认使用)合并文本中间的多个空格为一个 :param norm_url: (默认不使用)还原URL中的特殊字符为普通格式,如(%20转为空格) :param norm_html: (默认不使用)还原HTML中的特殊字符为普通格式,如(&nbsp;转为空格) :param to_url: (默认不使用)将普通格式的字符转为还原URL中的特殊字符,用于请求,如(空格转为%20) :return: 清洗后的文本 """ # 反向的矛盾设置 if norm_url and to_url: raise Exception("norm_url和to_url是矛盾的设置") if norm_html: text = html.unescape(text) if to_url: text = urllib.parse.quote(text) if remove_url: URL_REGEX = re.compile( r'(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))', re.IGNORECASE) text = re.sub(URL_REGEX, "", text) if norm_url: text = urllib.parse.unquote(text) if email: EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r"[-a-z0-9_.]+@(?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}", re.IGNORECASE) text = re.sub(EMAIL_REGEX, "", text) if weibo_at: text = re.sub(r"(回复)?(//)?\s*@\S*?\s*(:| |$)", " ", text) # 去除正文中的@和回复/转发中的用户名 if emoji: text = re.sub(r"\[\S+\]", "", text) # 去除表情符号 if weibo_topic: text = re.sub(r"#\S+#", "", text) # 去除话题内容 if deduplicate_space: text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text) # 合并正文中过多的空格 assert hasattr(stop_terms, "__init__"), Exception("去除的词语必须是一个可迭代对象") if type(stop_terms) == str: text = text.replace(stop_terms, "") else: for x in stop_terms: text = text.replace(x, "") return text.strip() def named_entity_recognition(self, sent, standard_name=False): """ 利用pyhanlp的命名实体识别,找到句子中的(人名,地名,机构名)三种实体。harvesttext会预先链接已知实体 :param sent: :param standard_name: :return: 发现的命名实体信息,字典 {实体名: 实体类型} """ from pyhanlp import HanLP, JClass if not self.hanlp_prepared: self.hanlp_prepare() self.standard_name = standard_name entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) StandardTokenizer = JClass("com.hankcs.hanlp.tokenizer.StandardTokenizer") StandardTokenizer.SEGMENT.enableAllNamedEntityRecognize(True) entity_type_dict = {} try: for x in StandardTokenizer.segment(sent2): # 三种前缀代表:人名(nr),地名(ns),机构名(nt) tag0 = str(x.nature) if tag0.startswith("nr"): entity_type_dict[x.word] = "人名" elif tag0.startswith("ns"): entity_type_dict[x.word] = "地名" elif tag0.startswith("nt"): entity_type_dict[x.word] = "机构名" elif tag0.startswith("nz"): entity_type_dict[x.word] = "其他专名" except: pass return entity_type_dict def dependency_parse(self, sent, standard_name=False, stopwords=None): """ 依存句法分析,调用pyhanlp的接口,并且融入了harvesttext的实体识别机制。 不保证高准确率。 :param sent: :param standard_name: :param stopwords: :return: arcs:依存弧,列表中的列表。 [[词语id,词语字面值或实体名(standard_name控制),词性,依存关系,依存子词语id] for 每个词语] """ from pyhanlp import HanLP, JClass if not self.hanlp_prepared: self.hanlp_prepare() self.standard_name = standard_name entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) sent2 = self.decoref(sent, entities_info) # [word.ID-1, word.LEMMA, word.POSTAG, word.DEPREL ,word.HEAD.ID-1] arcs = [] i = 0 sentence = HanLP.parseDependency(sent2) for word in sentence.iterator(): word0, tag0 = word.LEMMA, word.POSTAG if stopwords and word0 in stopwords: continue if word0 in self.entity_types: if self.standard_name: word0 = entities_info[i][1][0] # 使用链接的实体 else: l, r = entities_info[i][0] # 或使用原文 word0 = sent[l:r] tag0 = entities_info[i][1][1][1:-1] i += 1 arcs.append([word.ID-1, word0, tag0, word.DEPREL, word.HEAD.ID-1]) return arcs def triple_extraction(self, sent, standard_name=False, stopwords=None, expand = "all"): """ 利用主谓宾等依存句法关系,找到句子中有意义的三元组。 很多代码参考:https://github.com/liuhuanyong/EventTriplesExtraction 不保证高准确率。 :param sent: :param standard_name: :param stopwords: :param expand: 默认"all":扩展所有主谓词,"exclude_entity":不扩展已知实体,可以保留标准的实体名,用于链接。"None":不扩展 :return: """ arcs = self.dependency_parse(sent, standard_name, stopwords) '''对找出的主语或者宾语进行扩展''' def complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, word_index): if expand == "all" or (expand == "exclude_entity" and "#"+postags[word_index]+"#" not in self.entity_types): child_dict = child_dict_list[word_index] prefix = '' if '定中关系' in child_dict: for i in range(len(child_dict['定中关系'])): prefix += complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['定中关系'][i]) postfix = '' if postags[word_index] == 'v': if '动宾关系' in child_dict: postfix += complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['动宾关系'][0]) if '主谓关系' in child_dict: prefix = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['主谓关系'][0]) + prefix return prefix + words[word_index] + postfix elif expand == "None": return words[word_index] else: # (expand == "exclude_entity" and "#"+postags[word_index]+"#" in self.entity_types) return words[word_index] words, postags = ["" for i in range(len(arcs))], ["" for i in range(len(arcs))] child_dict_list = [defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(arcs))] for i, format_parse in enumerate(arcs): id0, words[i], postags[i], rel, headID = format_parse child_dict_list[headID][rel].append(i) svos = [] for index in range(len(postags)): # 使用依存句法进行抽取 if postags[index]: # 抽取以谓词为中心的事实三元组 child_dict = child_dict_list[index] # 主谓宾 if '主谓关系' in child_dict and '动宾关系' in child_dict: r = words[index] e1 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['主谓关系'][0]) e2 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['动宾关系'][0]) svos.append([e1, r, e2]) # 定语后置,动宾关系 relation = arcs[index][-2] head = arcs[index][-1] if relation == '定中关系': if '动宾关系' in child_dict: e1 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, head) r = words[index] e2 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['动宾关系'][0]) temp_string = r + e2 if temp_string == e1[:len(temp_string)]: e1 = e1[len(temp_string):] if temp_string not in e1: svos.append([e1, r, e2]) # 含有介宾关系的主谓动补关系 if '主谓关系' in child_dict and '动补结构' in child_dict: e1 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict['主谓关系'][0]) CMP_index = child_dict['动补结构'][0] r = words[index] + words[CMP_index] if '介宾关系' in child_dict_list[CMP_index]: e2 = complete_e(words, postags, child_dict_list, child_dict_list[CMP_index]['介宾关系'][0]) svos.append([e1, r, e2]) return svos def clear(self): self.deprepare() self.__init__() # # 新词发现模块 # def word_discover(self, doc, threshold_seeds=[], auto_param=True, excluding_types=[], excluding_words=[], # 可以排除已经登录的某些种类的实体,或者某些指定词 max_word_len=5, min_freq=0.00005, min_entropy=1.4, min_aggregation=50, ent_threshold="both", mem_saving=0): # 采用经验参数,此时后面的参数设置都无效 if auto_param: # 根据自己的几个实验确定的参数估计值,没什么科学性,但是应该能得到还行的结果 length = len(doc) min_entropy = np.log(length) / 10 min_freq = min(0.00005, 20.0 / length) min_aggregation = np.sqrt(length) / 15 mem_saving = int(length > 300000) # ent_threshold: 确定左右熵的阈值对双侧都要求"both",或者只要左右平均值达到"avg" # 对于每句话都很极短的情况(如长度<8),经常出现在左右边界的词语可能难以被确定,这时ent_threshold建议设为"avg" try: ws = WordDiscoverer(doc, max_word_len, min_freq, min_entropy, min_aggregation, ent_threshold, mem_saving) except Exception as e: logging.log(logging.ERROR, str(e)) info = {"text": [], "freq": [], "left_ent": [], "right_ent": [], "agg": []} info = pd.DataFrame(info) info = info.set_index("text") return info if len(excluding_types) > 0: if "#" in list(excluding_types)[0]: # 化为无‘#’标签 excluding_types = [x[1:-1] for x in excluding_types] ex_mentions = [x for enty in self.entity_mention_dict if enty in self.entity_type_dict and self.entity_type_dict[enty] in excluding_types for x in self.entity_mention_dict[enty]] else: ex_mentions = [] ex_mentions += excluding_words info = ws.get_df_info(ex_mentions) # 利用种子词来确定筛选优质新词的标准,种子词中最低质量的词语将被保留(如果一开始就被找到的话) if len(threshold_seeds) > 0: min_score = 100000 for seed in threshold_seeds: if seed in info.index: min_score = min(min_score, info.loc[seed, "score"]) if (min_score >= 100000): min_score = 0 else: min_score *= 0.9 # 留一些宽松的区间 info = info[info["score"] > min_score] return info def add_new_words(self, new_words): for word in new_words: self.build_trie(word, word, "新词") self.entity_mention_dict[word] = set([word]) self.entity_type_dict[word] = "新词" if word not in self.type_entity_mention_dict["新词"]: self.type_entity_mention_dict["新词"][word] = set([word]) else: self.type_entity_mention_dict["新词"][word].add(word) self.check_prepared() def add_new_mentions(self, entity_mention_dict): # 添加链接到已有实体的新别称,一般在新词发现的基础上筛选得到 for entity0 in entity_mention_dict: type0 = self.entity_type_dict[entity0] for mention0 in entity_mention_dict[entity0]: self.entity_mention_dict[entity0].add(mention0) self.build_trie(mention0, entity0, type0) self.type_entity_mention_dict[type0][entity0] = self.entity_mention_dict[entity0] self.check_prepared() def add_new_entity(self, entity0, mention0=None, type0="添加词"): if mention0 is None: mention0 = entity0 self.entity_type_dict[entity0] = type0 if entity0 in self.entity_mention_dict: self.entity_mention_dict[entity0].add(mention0) else: self.entity_mention_dict[entity0] = set([mention0]) self.build_trie(mention0, entity0, type0) if entity0 not in self.type_entity_mention_dict[type0]: self.type_entity_mention_dict[type0][entity0] = set([mention0]) else: self.type_entity_mention_dict[type0][entity0].add(mention0) self.check_prepared() def find_entity_with_rule(self, text, rulesets=[], add_to_dict=True, type0="添加词"): ''' 利用规则从分词结果中的词语找到实体,并可以赋予相应的类型再加入实体库 :param text: string, 一段文本 :param rulesets: list of (tuple of rules or single rule) from match_patterns, list中包含多个规则,满足其中一种规则的词就认为属于这个type 而每种规则由tuple或单个条件(pattern)表示,一个词必须满足其中的一个或多个条件。 :param add_to_dict: 是否把找到的结果直接加入词典 :param type0: 赋予满足条件的词语的实体类型, 仅当add_to_dict时才有意义 :return: found_entities ''' found_entities = set() for word in self.seg(text): for ruleset in rulesets: # 每个ruleset是或关系,只要满足一个就添加并跳过其他 toAdd = True if type(ruleset) == type((1, 2)): # tuple for pattern0 in ruleset: if not pattern0(word): toAdd = False break else: # single rule pattern0 = ruleset if not pattern0(word): toAdd = False if toAdd: found_entities.add(word) break if add_to_dict: for entity0 in found_entities: self.add_new_entity(entity0, entity0, type0) self.prepare() return found_entities # # 情感分析模块 # def build_sent_dict(self, sents, method="PMI", min_times=5, scale="None", pos_seeds=None, neg_seeds=None, stopwords=None): ''' 利用种子词,构建情感词典 :param sents: list of string, 文本列表 :param method: "PMI", 使用的算法,目前仅支持PMI :param min_times: int, 默认为5, 在所有句子中出现次数少于这个次数的词语将被过滤 :param scale: {"None","0-1","+-1"}, 默认为"None",否则将对情感值进行变换 若为"0-1",按照最大为1,最小为0进行线性伸缩,0.5未必是中性 若为"+-1", 在正负区间内分别伸缩,保留0作为中性的语义 :param pos_seeds: list of string, 积极种子词,如不填写将默认采用清华情感词典 :param neg_seeds: list of string, 消极种子词,如不填写将默认采用清华情感词典 :param stopwords: list of string, stopwords词,如不填写将不使用 :return: sent_dict: 构建好的情感词典,可以像dict一样查询单个词语的情感值 ''' if pos_seeds is None or neg_seeds is None: sdict = get_qh_sent_dict() pos_seeds, neg_seeds = sdict["pos"], sdict["neg"] docs = [set(self.seg(sent)) for sent in sents] if not stopwords is None: stopwords = set(stopwords) for i in range(len(docs)): docs[i] = docs[i] - stopwords docs = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, docs)) self.sent_dict = SentDict(docs, method, min_times, scale, pos_seeds, neg_seeds) return self.sent_dict def analyse_sent(self, sent): return self.sent_dict.analyse_sent(self.seg(sent)) # # 实体检索模块 # def build_index(self, docs, with_entity=True, with_type=True): inv_index = defaultdict(set) for i, sent in enumerate(docs): entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) for span, (entity, type0) in entities_info: if with_entity: inv_index[entity].add(i) if with_type: inv_index[type0].add(i) return inv_index def get_entity_counts(self, docs, inv_index, used_type=[]): if len(used_type) > 0: entities = iter(x for x in self.entity_type_dict if self.entity_type_dict[x] in used_type) else: entities = self.entity_type_dict.keys() cnt = {enty: len(inv_index[enty]) for enty in entities if enty in inv_index} return cnt def search_entity(self, query, docs, inv_index): words = query.split() if len(words) > 0: ids = inv_index[words[0]] for word in words[1:]: ids = ids & inv_index[word] np_docs = np.array(docs)[list(ids)] return np_docs.tolist() else: return [] # # 文本摘要模块 # def get_summary(self, docs, topK=5, stopwords=None, with_importance=False, standard_name=True): import networkx as nx def sent_sim1(words1, words2): if len(words1) <= 1 or len(words2) <= 1: return 0.0 return (len(set(words1) & set(words2))) / (np.log2(len(words1)) + np.log2(len(words2))) # 使用standard_name,相似度可以基于实体链接的结果计算而更加准确 sents = [self.seg(doc.strip(), standard_name=standard_name, stopwords=stopwords) for doc in docs] sents = [sent for sent in sents if len(sent) > 0] G = nx.Graph() for u, v in combinations(range(len(sents)), 2): G.add_edge(u, v, weight=sent_sim1(sents[u], sents[v])) pr = nx.pagerank_scipy(G) pr_sorted = sorted(pr.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if with_importance: return [(docs[i], imp) for i, imp in pr_sorted[:topK]] else: return [docs[i] for i, rank in pr_sorted[:topK]] # # 实体网络模块 # def build_entity_graph(self, docs, min_freq=0, inv_index={}, used_types=[]): import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() links = {} if len(inv_index) == 0: for i, sent in enumerate(docs): entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) if len(used_types) == 0: entities = set(entity for span, (entity, type0) in entities_info) else: entities = set(entity for span, (entity, type0) in entities_info if type0[1:-1] in used_types) for u, v in combinations(entities, 2): pair0 = tuple(sorted((u, v))) if pair0 not in links: links[pair0] = 1 else: links[pair0] += 1 else: # 已经有倒排文档,可以更快速检索 if len(used_types) == 0: entities = self.entity_type_dict.keys() else: entities = iter(entity for (entity, type0) in self.entity_type_dict.items() if type0 in used_types) for u, v in combinations(entities, 2): pair0 = tuple(sorted((u, v))) ids = inv_index[u] & inv_index[v] if len(ids) > 0: links[pair0] = len(ids) for (u, v) in links: if links[(u, v)] >= min_freq: G.add_edge(u, v, weight=links[(u, v)]) self.entity_graph = G return G def build_word_ego_graph(self, docs, word, standard_name=True, min_freq=0, other_min_freq=-1, stopwords=None): ''' 根据文本和指定限定词,获得以限定词为中心的各词语的关系。 限定词可以是一个特定的方面(衣食住行这类文档),这样就可以从词语中心图中获得关于这个方面的简要信息 :param docs: 文本的列表 :param word: 限定词 :param standard_name: 把所有实体的指称化为标准实体名 :param stopwords: 需要过滤的停用词 :param min_freq: 作为边加入到图中的与中心词最小共现次数,用于筛掉可能过多的边 :param other_min_freq: 中心词以外词语关系的最小共现次数 :return: G(networxX中的Graph) ''' import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() links = {} if other_min_freq == -1: other_min_freq = min_freq for doc in docs: if stopwords: words = set(x for x in self.seg(doc, standard_name=standard_name) if x not in stopwords) else: words = self.seg(doc, standard_name=standard_name) if word in words: for u, v in combinations(words, 2): pair0 = tuple(sorted((u, v))) if pair0 not in links: links[pair0] = 1 else: links[pair0] += 1 used_nodes = set([word]) # 关系对中涉及的词语必须与实体有关(>= min_freq) for (u, v) in links: w = links[(u, v)] if word in (u, v) and w >= min_freq: used_nodes.add(v if word == u else u) G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) elif w >= other_min_freq: G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) G = G.subgraph(used_nodes).copy() return G def build_entity_ego_graph(self, docs, word, min_freq=0, other_min_freq=-1, inv_index={}, used_types=[]): ''' Entity only version of build_word_ego_graph() ''' import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() links = {} if other_min_freq == -1: other_min_freq = min_freq if len(inv_index) != 0: related_docs = self.search_entity(word, docs, inv_index) else: related_docs = [] for doc in docs: entities_info = self.entity_linking(doc) entities = [entity0 for [[l,r], (entity0,type0)] in entities_info] if word in entities: related_docs.append(doc) for i, sent in enumerate(related_docs): entities_info = self.entity_linking(sent) if len(used_types) == 0: entities = set(entity for span, (entity, type0) in entities_info) else: entities = set(entity for span, (entity, type0) in entities_info if type0[1:-1] in used_types) for u, v in combinations(entities, 2): pair0 = tuple(sorted((u, v))) if pair0 not in links: links[pair0] = 1 else: links[pair0] += 1 used_nodes = set([word]) # 关系对中涉及的词语必须与实体有关(>= min_freq) for (u, v) in links: w = links[(u, v)] if word in (u, v) and w >= min_freq: used_nodes.add(v if word == u else u) G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) elif w >= other_min_freq: G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) G = G.subgraph(used_nodes).copy() return G
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import re import numpy as np import pytest from ctc_decoder import BKTree from ctc_decoder import LanguageModel from ctc_decoder import beam_search from ctc_decoder import best_path from ctc_decoder import lexicon_search from ctc_decoder import loss from ctc_decoder import prefix_search_heuristic_split from ctc_decoder import probability from ctc_decoder import token_passing def softmax(mat): maxT, _ = mat.shape # dim0=t, dim1=c res = np.zeros(mat.shape) for t in range(maxT): y = mat[t, :] e = np.exp(y) s = np.sum(e) res[t, :] = e / s return res def load_rnn_output(fn): return np.genfromtxt(fn, delimiter=';')[:, : -1] @pytest.fixture def line_mat(): return softmax(load_rnn_output('../data/line/rnnOutput.csv')) @pytest.fixture def word_mat(): return softmax(load_rnn_output('../data/word/rnnOutput.csv')) @pytest.fixture def chars(): return ' !"#&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' @pytest.fixture def corpus(): with open('../data/line/corpus.txt') as f: txt = f.read() return txt @pytest.fixture def words(): with open('../data/word/corpus.txt') as f: words = f.read().split() return words def test_line_example_best_path(line_mat, chars): mat = line_mat assert best_path(mat, chars) == 'the fak friend of the fomly hae tC' def test_line_example_prefix_search_heuristic_split(line_mat, chars): mat = line_mat assert prefix_search_heuristic_split(mat, chars) == 'the fak friend of the fomcly hae tC' def test_line_example_beam_search(line_mat, chars): mat = line_mat assert beam_search(mat, chars) == 'the fak friend of the fomcly hae tC' def test_line_example_beam_search_with_language_model(line_mat, chars, corpus): mat = line_mat # create language model from text corpus lm = LanguageModel(corpus, chars) assert beam_search(mat, chars, lm=lm) == 'the fake friend of the family, lie th' def test_line_example_token_passing(line_mat, chars, corpus): mat = line_mat # create language model from text corpus words = re.findall(r'\w+', corpus) assert token_passing(mat, chars, words) == 'the fake friend of the family fake the' def test_line_example_loss_and_probability(line_mat, chars): mat = line_mat gt = 'the fake friend of the family, like the' assert np.isclose(probability(mat, gt, chars), 6.31472642886565e-13) assert np.isclose(loss(mat, gt, chars), 28.090721774903226) def test_word_example_best_path(word_mat, chars, words): mat = word_mat assert best_path(mat, chars) == 'aircrapt' def test_word_example_lexicon_search(word_mat, chars, words): mat = word_mat # create BK tree from list of words bk_tree = BKTree(words) assert lexicon_search(mat, chars, bk_tree, tolerance=4) == 'aircraft'
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# # Variational problems # # In this example, we will numerically simulate an entropy-regularised Wasserstein gradient flow # approximating the Fokker-Planck and porous medium equations. # # The connection between Wasserstein gradient flows and (non)-linear PDEs is due to Jordan, Kinderlehrer and Otto [^JKO98], and # an easy-to-read overview of the topic is provided in Section 9.3 [^PC19] # # [^JKO98]: Jordan, Richard, David Kinderlehrer, and Felix Otto. "The variational formulation of the Fokker--Planck equation." SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 29.1 (1998): 1-17. # [^PC19]: Peyré, Gabriel, and Marco Cuturi. "Computational optimal transport: With applications to data science." Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 11.5-6 (2019): 355-607. # # ## Fokker-Planck equation as a $W_2$ gradient flow # For a potential function $\Psi$ and noise level $\sigma^2$, the Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) is # ```math # \partial_t \rho_t = \nabla \cdot (\rho_t \nabla \Psi) + \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \Delta \rho_t, # ``` # and we take no-flux (Neumann) boundary conditions. # # This describes the evolution of a massless particle undergoing both diffusion (with diffusivity $\sigma^2$) and drift (along potential $\Psi$) according to the stochastic differential equation # ```math # dX_t = -\nabla \Psi(X_t) dt + \sigma dB_t. # ``` # The result of Jordan, Kinderlehrer and Otto (commonly referred to as the JKO theorem) states that # $\rho_t$ evolves following the 2-Wasserstein gradient flow of the Gibbs free energy functional # ```math # F(\rho) = \int \Psi d\rho + \int \log(\rho) d\rho. # ``` # # ## Implicit schemes for gradient flows # In an Euclidean space, the gradient flow of a functional $F$ is simply the solution of an ordinary differential equation # ```math # \dfrac{dx(t)}{dt} = -\nabla F(x(t)). # ``` # Of course, there is a requirement that $F$ is smooth. A more general formulation of a gradient flow that allows # $F$ to be non-smooth is the implicit scheme # ```math # x_{t+\tau} = \operatorname{argmin}_x \frac{1}{2} \| x - x_t \|_2^2 + \tau F(x). # ``` # As the timestep $\tau$ shrinks, $x_t$ becomes a better and better approximation to the gradient flow of $F$. # # ## Wasserstein gradient flow # In the context of the JKO theorem, we seek $\rho_t$ that is the gradient flow of $F$ with # respect to the 2-Wasserstein distance. This can be achieved by choosing the $W_2$ metric in the implicit step: # ```math # \rho_{t + \tau} = \operatorname{argmin}_{\rho} d_{W_2}^2(\rho_{t}, \rho) + \tau F(\rho). # ``` # Finally, a numerical scheme for computing this gradient flow can be developed by using the entropic regularisation # of optimal transport on a discretised domain # ```math # \rho_{t + \tau} = \operatorname{argmin}_{\rho} \operatorname{OT}_\varepsilon(\rho_{t}, \rho) + \tau F(\rho), # ``` # where # ```math # \operatorname{OT}_\varepsilon(\alpha, \beta) = \min_{\gamma \in \Pi(\alpha, \beta)} \sum_{i,j} \frac{1}{2} \| x_i - x_j \|_2^2 \gamma_{ij} + \varepsilon \sum_{i, j} \gamma_{ij} \log(\gamma_{ij}). # ``` # Each step of this problem is a minimisation problem with respect to $\rho$. # Since we use entropic optimal transport which is differentiable, this can be solved using gradient-based methods. # ## Problem setup # using OptimalTransport using Distances using LogExpFunctions using Optim using Plots using StatsBase using ReverseDiff using LinearAlgebra using Logging # Here, we set up the computational domain that we work on - we discretize the interval $[-1, 1]$. # The natural boundary conditions to use will be Neumann (zero flux), see e.g. [^Santam2017] # # [^Santam2017]: Santambrogio, Filippo. "{Euclidean, metric, and Wasserstein} gradient flows: an overview." Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 7.1 (2017): 87-154. support = range(-1, 1; length=64) C = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), support'); # Now we set up various functionals that we will use. # # We define the generalised entropy (Equation (4.4) of [^Peyre2015]) as follows. For $m = 1$ this is just the "regular" entropy, and $m = 2$ this is squared $L_2$. # # [^Peyre2015]: Peyré, Gabriel. "Entropic approximation of Wasserstein gradient flows." SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8.4 (2015): 2323-2351. function E(ρ; m=1) if m == 1 return sum(xlogx.(ρ)) - sum(ρ) elseif m > 1 return dot(ρ, @. (ρ^(m - 1) - m) / (m - 1)) end end; # Now define $\psi(x)$ to be a potential energy function that has two potential wells at $x = ± 0.5$. ψ(x) = 10 * (x - 0.5)^2 * (x + 0.5)^2; plot(support, ψ.(support); color="black", label="Scalar potential") # Having defined $\psi$, this induces a potential energy functional $\Psi$ on probability distributions $\rho$: # ```math # \Psi(\rho) = \int \psi(x) \rho(x) dx = \langle \psi, \rho \rangle . # ``` Ψ = ψ.(support); # Define the time step $\tau$ and entropic regularisation level $\varepsilon$, and form the associated Gibbs kernel $K = e^{-C/\varepsilon}$. τ = 0.05 ε = 0.01 K = @. exp(-C / ε); # We define the (non-smooth) initial condition $\rho_0$ in terms of step functions. H(x) = x > 0 ρ0 = @. H(support + 0.25) - H(support - 0.25) ρ0 = ρ0 / sum(ρ0) plot(support, ρ0; label="Initial condition ρ0", color="blue") # `G_fpe` is the objective function for the implicit step scheme # ```math # G_\mathrm{fpe}(\rho) = \operatorname{OT}_\varepsilon(\rho_{t}, \rho) + \tau F(\rho), # ``` # and we seek to minimise in $\rho$. function G_fpe(ρ, ρ0, τ, ε, C) return sinkhorn2(ρ, ρ0, C, ε; regularization=true, maxiter=250) + τ * (dot(Ψ, ρ) + E(ρ)) end; # `step` solves the implicit step problem to produce $\rho_{t + \tau}$ from $\rho_t$. function step(ρ0, τ, ε, C, G) ## only print error messages obj = u -> G(softmax(u), ρ0, τ, ε, C) opt = with_logger(SimpleLogger(stderr, Logging.Error)) do optimize( obj, ones(size(ρ0)), LBFGS(), Optim.Options(; iterations=50, g_tol=1e-6); autodiff=:forward, ) end return softmax(Optim.minimizer(opt)) end # Now we simulate `N = 10` iterates of the gradient flow and plot the result. N = 10 ρ = similar(ρ0, size(ρ0, 1), N) ρ[:, 1] = ρ0 for i in 2:N @info i ρ[:, i] = step(ρ[:, i - 1], τ, ε, C, G_fpe) end colors = range(colorant"red"; stop=colorant"blue", length=N) plot( support, ρ; title=raw"$F(\rho) = \langle \psi, \rho \rangle + \langle \rho, \log(\rho) \rangle$", palette=colors, legend=nothing, ) # ## Porous medium equation # # The porous medium equation (PME) is the nonlinear PDE # ```math # \partial_t \rho = \nabla \cdot (\rho \nabla \Psi) + \Delta \rho^m, # ``` # again with Neumann boundary conditions. The value of $m$ in the PME corresponds to picking $m$ in the generalised entropy functional. # Now, we will solve the PME with $m = 2$ as a Wasserstein gradient flow. # function G_pme(ρ, ρ0, τ, ε, C) return sinkhorn2(ρ, ρ0, C, ε; regularization=true, maxiter=250) + τ * (dot(Ψ, ρ) + E(ρ; m=2)) end; # set up as previously N = 10 ρ = similar(ρ0, size(ρ0, 1), N) ρ[:, 1] = ρ0 for i in 2:N ρ[:, i] = step(ρ[:, i - 1], τ, ε, C, G_pme) end plot( support, ρ; title=raw"$F(\rho) = \langle \psi, \rho \rangle + \langle \rho, \rho - 1\rangle$", palette=colors, legend=nothing, ) # ## Exploiting duality # # The previous examples solved the minimisation problem for the implicit gradient flow step directly, involving automatic differentiation through the Sinkhorn iterations used to compute $\operatorname{OT}_\varepsilon(\rho_t, \rho)$ each time a gradient needs to be evaluated. # While this is straightforward to implement, it is computationally costly. # An alternative approach for convex variational problems is to proceed via the [dual problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duality_(optimization)). # The benefit of proceeding via the dual problem is that the part of the dual minimisation problem corresponding to the (entropy-regularised) optimal transport loss is typically available in closed form. This is in contrast to the primal problem, where evaluation of the objective and its gradients requires potentially many Sinkhorn iterations. # # Consider a general convex and unconstrained problem. Under (usually satisfied) conditions for strong duality to hold, we have # ```math # \begin{aligned} # &\min_{\rho} \operatorname{OT}_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, \rho) + \mathcal{F}(\rho) \\ # &= \min_{\rho} \sup_{u}\left[\langle \rho, u \rangle - \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u)\right] + \mathcal{F}(\rho) \\ # &= \sup_{u} \min_{\rho} \langle \rho, u \rangle - \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) + \mathcal{F}(\rho) \\ # &= \sup_{u} - \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) + \min_{\rho} \langle \rho, u \rangle + \mathcal{F}(\rho) \\ # &= \sup_{u} - \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) - \sup_{\rho} \langle \rho, -u \rangle - \mathcal{F}(\rho) \\ # &= \sup_{u} - \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) - \mathcal{F}^*(-u). # \end{aligned} # ``` # Thus, the dual problem is # ```math # \min_{u} \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) + \mathcal{F}^*(-u). # ``` # # The upshot here is that $u \mapsto \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u)$ and its gradient is available in closed form. This is a known result in the literature [^CP18]. # # [^CP18]: Cuturi, Marco, and Gabriel Peyré. “Semi-Dual Regularized Optimal Transport.” ArXiv: Learning, 2018. # # The formulas we state below are lifted from statements in [^Z21]. # # [^Z21]: Zhang, Stephen Y. “A Unified Framework for Non-Negative Matrix and Tensor Factorisations with a Smoothed Wasserstein Loss.” ArXiv: Machine Learning, 2021. # # ```math # \begin{aligned} # \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) &= -\varepsilon \left\langle \rho_0, \log\left( \dfrac{\rho_0}{K e^{u/\varepsilon}} \right) - 1\right\rangle, \\ # \nabla_u \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) &= K^\top \left( \dfrac{\rho_0}{K e^{u/\varepsilon}} \right) \odot e^{u/\varepsilon}. # \end{aligned} # ``` # At optimality, we can recover the primal optimal point $\rho^\star$ from the dual optimal point $u^\star$ following the formula # ```math # \rho^\star = e^{u^\star/\varepsilon} \odot K^\top \dfrac{\rho_0}{K e^{u^\star/\varepsilon}}. # ``` # # When $\mathcal{F}^*(\cdot)$ is also available in closed form (this is not always the case), the dual problem has a closed form objective and can generally be solved much more efficiently than the primal problem. # # In the setting of the Fokker-Planck and porous medium equations, the function $\mathcal{F}$ can be identified with # # ```math # \mathcal{F}(\rho) = \tau \left[ \langle \psi, \rho \rangle + E_m(\rho) \right]. # ``` # # A straightforward computation shows that # ```math # \mathcal{F}^*(u) = \tau E_m^*\left( \frac{u}{\tau}-\psi \right), # ``` # where # ```math # E_m^*(u) = \begin{cases} # \langle e^u, \mathbf{1} \rangle, & m = 1 \\ # \sum_i \left[ \left( u_i + \frac{m}{m-1} \right) \left( \frac{m-1}{m} u_i + 1 \right)^{\frac{1}{m-1}} - \frac{1}{m-1} \left( \frac{m-1}{m} u_i + 1 \right)^{\frac{m}{m-1}} \right], & m > 1. # \end{cases} # ``` # In particular, for $m = 2$ we have a simpler formula # ```math # E_2^*(u) = \left\| \frac{u}{2} + 1 \right\|_2^2 # ``` # # We now implement $E_m^*$ for $m = 1, 2$. E_dual(u, m::Val{1}) = sum(exp.(u)) function E_dual(u, m::Val{2}) return dot(u / 2 .+ 1, u / 2 .+ 1) end; # # So, the dual problem we are dealing with reads # ```math # \min_{u} \operatorname{OT}^*_{\varepsilon}(\rho_0, u) + \tau E_m^*\left( \frac{-u}{\tau}-\psi \right), # ``` # and we can thus set up `G_dual_fpe`, the dual objective. # function G_dual_fpe(u, ρ0, τ, ε, K) return OptimalTransport.Dual.ot_entropic_semidual(ρ0, u, ε, K) + τ * E_dual(-u / τ - Ψ, Val(1)) end; # # Now we set up `step` as previously, except this time we need to convert from the optimal dual variable $u^\star$ to the primal variable $\rho^\star$. In the code, this is handled by `getprimal_ot_entropic_semidual`. We use `ReverseDiff` in this problem. # function step(ρ0, τ, ε, K, G) obj = u -> G(u, ρ0, τ, ε, K) opt = optimize( obj, (∇, u) -> ReverseDiff.gradient!(∇, obj, u), zeros(size(ρ0)), LBFGS(), Optim.Options(; iterations=250, g_tol=1e-6), ) return OptimalTransport.Dual.getprimal_ot_entropic_semidual( ρ0, Optim.minimizer(opt), ε, K ) end; # # Now we can solve the dual problem as previously, and we note that the dual formulation is solved an order of magnitude faster than the primal formulation. # ρ = similar(ρ0, size(ρ0, 1), N) ρ[:, 1] = ρ0 for i in 2:N ρ[:, i] = step(ρ[:, i - 1], τ, ε, K, G_dual_fpe) end colors = range(colorant"red"; stop=colorant"blue", length=N) plot( support, ρ; title=raw"$F(\rho) = \langle \psi, \rho \rangle + \langle \rho, \log(\rho) \rangle$", palette=colors, legend=nothing, ) # Setting `m = 2`, we can simulate instead the porous medium equation. # function G_dual_pme(u, ρ0, τ, ε, K) return OptimalTransport.Dual.ot_entropic_semidual(ρ0, u, ε, K) + τ * E_dual(-u / τ - Ψ, Val(2)) end ρ = similar(ρ0, size(ρ0, 1), N) ρ[:, 1] = ρ0 for i in 2:N @info i ρ[:, i] = step(ρ[:, i - 1], τ, ε, K, G_dual_pme) end colors = range(colorant"red"; stop=colorant"blue", length=N) plot( support, ρ; title=raw"$F(\rho) = \langle \psi, \rho \rangle + \langle \rho, \rho - 1\rangle$", palette=colors, legend=nothing, )
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''' Utility functions. ''' import numpy as np from functools import partial def fwht(x): """Recursive implementation of the 1D Cooley-Tukey FFT""" # x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float) N = x.shape[0] if N == 1: return x else: X_even = fwht(x[0:(N//2)]) X_odd = fwht(x[(N//2):]) return np.concatenate([(X_even + X_odd), (X_even - X_odd)]) def bin_to_dec(x): n = len(x) c = 2**(np.arange(n)[::-1]) return c.dot(x).astype(np.int) def dec_to_bin(x, num_bits): assert x < 2**num_bits, "number of bits are not enough" u = bin(x)[2:].zfill(num_bits) u = list(u) u = [int(i) for i in u] return np.array(u) def binary_ints(m): ''' Returns a matrix where row 'i' is dec_to_bin(i, m), for i from 0 to 2 ** m - 1. From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28111051/create-a-matrix-of-binary-representation-of-numbers-in-python. ''' a = np.arange(2 ** m, dtype=int)[np.newaxis,:] b = np.arange(m, dtype=int)[::-1,np.newaxis] return np.array(a & 2**b > 0, dtype=int) def base_ints(q, m): ''' Returns a matrix where row 'i' is the base-q representation of i, for i from 0 to q ** m - 1. Covers the functionality of binary_ints when n = 2, but binary_ints is faster for that case. ''' get_row = lambda i: np.array([int(j) for j in np.base_repr(i, base=q).zfill(m)]) return np.vstack((get_row(i) for i in range(q ** m))) def polymod(p1, p2, q, m): ''' Computes p1 modulo p2, and takes the coefficients modulo q. ''' p1 = np.trim_zeros(p1, trim='f') p2 = np.trim_zeros(p2, trim='f') while len(p1) >= len(p2) and len(p1) > 0: p1 -= p1[0] // p2[0] * np.pad(p2, (0, len(p1) - len(p2))) p1 = np.trim_zeros(p1, trim='f') return np.pad(np.mod(p1, q), (m + 1 - len(p1), 0)) def rref(A, b, q): ''' Row reduction, to easily solve finite field systems. ''' raise NotImplementedError() def sign(x): ''' Replacement for np.sign that matches the convention (footnote 2 on page 11). ''' return (1 - np.sign(x)) // 2 def flip(x): ''' Flip all bits in the binary array x. ''' return np.bitwise_xor(x, 1)
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import os import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd class Trainer(): def __init__(self, model, optimizer,loss, strategy, path_experiment, args): self.model=model print(self.model.summary()) self.strategy=strategy self.optimizer=optimizer self.path_experiment=path_experiment self.args=args #self.metrics=[] with self.strategy.scope(): #loss_fn=tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_error loss.reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE self.loss_object=loss self.train_mae_s1=tf.keras.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError(name="train_mae_s1") self.train_mae=tf.keras.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError(name="train_mae_s2") self.val_mae=tf.keras.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError(name="validation_mae") self.val_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='test_loss') def train_step(self,inputs): noisy, clean= inputs with tf.GradientTape() as tape: logits_2,logits_1 = self.model(noisy, training=True) # Logits for this minibatch loss_value = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_object(clean, logits_2) + tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_object(clean, logits_1))) grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, self.model.trainable_weights) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.model.trainable_weights)) self.train_mae.update_state(clean, logits_2) self.train_mae_s1.update_state(clean, logits_1) return loss_value def test_step(self,inputs): noisy,clean = inputs predictions_s2, predictions_s1 = self.model(noisy, training=False) t_loss = self.loss_object(clean, predictions_s2)+self.loss_object(clean, predictions_s1) self.val_mae.update_state(clean,predictions_s2) self.val_loss.update_state(t_loss) @tf.function() def distributed_training_step(self,inputs): per_replica_losses=self.strategy.run(self.train_step, args=(inputs,)) reduced_losses=self.strategy.reduce(tf.distribute.ReduceOp.MEAN, per_replica_losses, axis=None) return reduced_losses @tf.function def distributed_test_step(self,inputs): return self.strategy.run(self.test_step, args=(inputs,))
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Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations. Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String. Local Open Scope string. Local Open Scope char. From SRC Require Export CStrings. (* Act II - Scene 0, Before Semirings *) Inductive regex : Type := | Eps : regex | Sym : bool -> ascii -> regex | Alt : regex -> regex -> regex | Seq : regex -> regex -> regex | Rep : regex -> regex. Fixpoint empty (x : regex) : bool := match x with | Eps => true | Sym _ _ => false | Alt p q => empty p || empty q | Seq p q => empty p && empty q | Rep r => true end. Fixpoint final (x : regex) : bool := match x with | Eps => false | Sym b _ => b | Alt p q => final p || final q | Seq p q => final p && empty q || final q | Rep r => final r end. Fixpoint shift (m : bool) (x : regex) (c : ascii) : regex := match x with | Eps => Eps | Sym _ x => Sym (m && (eq_ascii x c)) x | Alt p q => Alt (shift m p c) (shift m q c) | Seq p q => Seq (shift m p c) (shift (m && empty p || final q) q c) | Rep r => Rep (shift (m || final r) r c) end. Definition rmatch' (r : regex) (s : lstring) : bool := match s with | [] => empty r | (c :: cs) => final (fold_left (shift false) cs (shift true r c)) end. Definition rmatch (r : regex) (s : string) : bool := rmatch' r (str_to_lstr s). Compute shift true (Seq (Sym false "a") (Rep (Sym false "b"))) "a". Compute shift true (Seq (Sym true "a") (Rep (Sym false "b"))) "b". Compute rmatch (Seq (Sym true "a") (Sym false "b")) "ab".
{"author": "mtrsk", "repo": "Regex-Play-Coq", "sha": "6f04e9299cfaa85377cf50d0470750d95abbb0b9", "save_path": "github-repos/coq/mtrsk-Regex-Play-Coq", "path": "github-repos/coq/mtrsk-Regex-Play-Coq/Regex-Play-Coq-6f04e9299cfaa85377cf50d0470750d95abbb0b9/src/EffMatching.v"}
using DynamicalSystemsBase function eom_ar1_unidir(x, p, n) a₁, b₁, c_xy, σ = (p...,) x, y = (x...,) ξ₁ = rand(Normal(0, σ)) ξ₂ = rand(Normal(0, σ)) dx = a₁*x + ξ₁ dy = b₁*y + c_xy*x + ξ₂ return SVector{2}(dx, dy) end function ar1_unidir(;uᵢ = rand(2), a₁ = 0.90693, b₁ = 0.40693, c_xy = 0.5, σ = 0.40662) p = [a₁, b₁, c_xy, σ] DiscreteDynamicalSystem(eom_ar1_unidir, uᵢ, p) end vars = (1, 2) npts, tstep = 50, 50 d_xind = Uniform(2.5, 5.5) d_yind = Uniform(2.5, 5.5) d_xval = Uniform(0.01, 0.2) d_yval = Uniform(0.01, 0.2) X, Y = example_uncertain_indexvalue_datasets(ar1_unidir(c_xy = 0.5), npts, vars, tstep = tstep, d_xind = d_xind, d_yind = d_yind, d_xval = d_xval, d_yval = d_yval); time_grid = -20:100:2540 n_draws = 10000 # draws per uncertain value n_bins = length(time_grid) - 1 wts = rand(length(X)) # Values in each bin represented as RawValues b = BinnedWeightedResampling(RawValues, time_grid, wts, n_draws) bc, vs = bin(Y, b); @test vs isa Vector{Vector{T}} where T @test length(vs) == n_bins # Values in each bin represented as UncertainScalarKDE b_kde = BinnedWeightedResampling(UncertainScalarKDE, time_grid, wts, n_draws) Y_binned = bin(Y, b_kde); @test Y_binned isa AbstractUncertainIndexValueDataset # Values in each bin represented as UncertainScalarPopulation b_pop = BinnedWeightedResampling(UncertainScalarPopulation, time_grid, wts, n_draws) Y_binned = bin(Y, b_pop); @test Y_binned isa AbstractUncertainIndexValueDataset
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#! format: off abstract type AbstractRegulationFormulation <: AbstractDeviceFormulation end struct ReserveLimitedRegulation <: AbstractRegulationFormulation end struct DeviceLimitedRegulation <: AbstractRegulationFormulation end get_variable_sign(_, ::Type{PSY.RegulationDevice{PSY.ThermalStandard}}, ::DeviceLimitedRegulation) = NaN ############################ DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, RegulationDevice ########################### get_variable_binary(::DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, ::Type{<:PSY.RegulationDevice}, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = false get_variable_lower_bound(::DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, ::PSY.RegulationDevice, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = 0.0 ############################ DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, RegulationDevice ########################### get_variable_binary(::DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, ::Type{<:PSY.RegulationDevice}, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = false get_variable_lower_bound(::DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, ::PSY.RegulationDevice, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = 0.0 ############################ AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, RegulationDevice ########################### get_variable_binary(::AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, ::Type{<:PSY.RegulationDevice}, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = false get_variable_lower_bound(::AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, ::PSY.RegulationDevice, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = 0.0 ############################ AdditionalDeltaActivePowerDownVariable, RegulationDevice ########################### get_variable_binary(::AdditionalDeltaActivePowerDownVariable, ::Type{<:PSY.RegulationDevice}, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = false get_variable_lower_bound(::AdditionalDeltaActivePowerDownVariable, ::PSY.RegulationDevice, ::AbstractRegulationFormulation) = 0.0 #! format: on function add_constraints!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, ::Type{RangeConstraint}, ::Type{DeltaActivePowerUpVariable}, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, DeviceLimitedRegulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} parameters = model_has_parameters(optimization_container) var_name_up = make_variable_name(DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) var_up = get_variable(optimization_container, var_name_up) names = [PSY.get_name(g) for g in devices] time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) up = Symbol("regulation_limits_up_$(T)") container_up = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, up, names, time_steps) constraint_infos = Vector{DeviceTimeSeriesConstraintInfo}(undef, length(devices)) for (ix, d) in enumerate(devices) ts_vector = get_time_series(optimization_container, d, "max_active_power") constraint_info = DeviceTimeSeriesConstraintInfo( d, x -> PSY.get_max_active_power(x), ts_vector, x -> PSY.get_active_power_limits(x), ) constraint_infos[ix] = constraint_info end if parameters base_points_param = get_parameter_container( optimization_container, make_variable_name(ACTIVE_POWER, T), ) multiplier = get_multiplier_array(base_points_param) base_points = get_parameter_array(base_points_param) end for d in constraint_infos name = get_component_name(d) limits = get_limits(d) for t in time_steps rating = parameters ? multiplier[name, t] : d.multiplier base_point = parameters ? base_points[name, t] : get_timeseries(d)[t] container_up[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, var_up[name, t] <= limits.max - base_point * rating ) end end return end function add_constraints!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, ::Type{RangeConstraint}, ::Type{DeltaActivePowerDownVariable}, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, DeviceLimitedRegulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} parameters = model_has_parameters(optimization_container) var_name_dn = make_variable_name(DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, T) var_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, var_name_dn) names = [PSY.get_name(g) for g in devices] time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) dn = Symbol("regulation_limits_dn_$(T)") container_dn = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, dn, names, time_steps) constraint_infos = Vector{DeviceTimeSeriesConstraintInfo}(undef, length(devices)) for (ix, d) in enumerate(devices) ts_vector = get_time_series(optimization_container, d, "max_active_power") constraint_info = DeviceTimeSeriesConstraintInfo( d, x -> PSY.get_max_active_power(x), ts_vector, x -> PSY.get_active_power_limits(x), ) constraint_infos[ix] = constraint_info end if parameters base_points_param = get_parameter_container( optimization_container, make_variable_name(ACTIVE_POWER, T), ) multiplier = get_multiplier_array(base_points_param) base_points = get_parameter_array(base_points_param) end for d in constraint_infos name = get_component_name(d) limits = get_limits(d) for t in time_steps rating = parameters ? multiplier[name, t] : d.multiplier base_point = parameters ? base_points[name, t] : get_timeseries(d)[t] container_dn[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, var_dn[name, t] <= base_point * rating - limits.min ) end end return end function add_constraints!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, ::Type{RangeConstraint}, ::Type{DeltaActivePowerUpVariable}, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, ReserveLimitedRegulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} var_name_up = make_variable_name(DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) var_up = get_variable(optimization_container, var_name_up) names = [PSY.get_name(g) for g in devices] time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) up = Symbol("regulation_limits_up_$(T)") container_up = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, up, names, time_steps) for d in devices name = PSY.get_name(d) limit_up = PSY.get_reserve_limit_up(d) for t in time_steps container_up[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, var_up[name, t] <= limit_up ) end end return end function add_constraints!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, ::Type{RangeConstraint}, ::Type{DeltaActivePowerDownVariable}, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, ReserveLimitedRegulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} var_name_dn = make_variable_name(DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, T) var_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, var_name_dn) names = [PSY.get_name(g) for g in devices] time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) dn = Symbol("regulation_limits_dn_$(T)") container_dn = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, dn, names, time_steps) for d in devices name = PSY.get_name(d) limit_up = PSY.get_reserve_limit_dn(d) for t in time_steps container_dn[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, var_dn[name, t] <= limit_up ) end end return end function ramp_constraints!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, DeviceLimitedRegulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.ThermalStandard} R_up = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) R_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, T) resolution = Dates.value(Dates.Second(model_resolution(optimization_container))) names = [PSY.get_name(g) for g in devices] time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) container_up = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, :ramp_limits_up, names, time_steps) container_dn = add_cons_container!(optimization_container, :ramp_limits_dn, names, time_steps) for d in devices ramp_limits = PSY.get_ramp_limits(d) ramp_limits === nothing && continue scaling_factor = resolution * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE name = PSY.get_name(d) for t in time_steps container_up[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, R_up[name, t] <= ramp_limits.up * scaling_factor ) container_dn[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, R_dn[name, t] <= ramp_limits.down * scaling_factor ) end end return end function participation_assignment!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, <:AbstractRegulationFormulation}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, ::Nothing, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) R_up = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) R_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, T) R_up_emergency = get_variable(optimization_container, AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) R_dn_emergency = get_variable(optimization_container, AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) area_reserve_up = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, PSY.Area) area_reserve_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, PSY.Area) component_names = [PSY.get_name(d) for d in devices] participation_assignment_up = JuMPConstraintArray(undef, component_names, time_steps) participation_assignment_dn = JuMPConstraintArray(undef, component_names, time_steps) assign_constraint!( optimization_container, "participation_assignment_up", participation_assignment_up, ) assign_constraint!( optimization_container, "participation_assignment_dn", participation_assignment_dn, ) expr_up = get_expression(optimization_container, :emergency_up) expr_dn = get_expression(optimization_container, :emergency_dn) for d in devices name = PSY.get_name(d) services = PSY.get_services(d) if length(services) > 1 device_agc = (a for a in PSY.get_services(d) if isa(a, PSY.AGC)) area_name = PSY.get_name.(PSY.get_area.(device_agc))[1] else device_agc = first(services) area_name = PSY.get_name(PSY.get_area(device_agc)) end p_factor = PSY.get_participation_factor(d) for t in time_steps participation_assignment_up[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, R_up[name, t] == (p_factor.up * area_reserve_up[area_name, t]) + R_up_emergency[name, t] ) participation_assignment_dn[name, t] = JuMP.@constraint( optimization_container.JuMPmodel, R_dn[name, t] == (p_factor.dn * area_reserve_dn[area_name, t]) + R_dn_emergency[name, t] ) JuMP.add_to_expression!(expr_up[area_name, t], -1 * R_up_emergency[name, t]) JuMP.add_to_expression!(expr_dn[area_name, t], -1 * R_dn_emergency[name, t]) end end return end function regulation_cost!( optimization_container::OptimizationContainer, devices::IS.FlattenIteratorWrapper{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::DeviceModel{PSY.RegulationDevice{T}, <:AbstractRegulationFormulation}, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} time_steps = model_time_steps(optimization_container) R_up = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) R_dn = get_variable(optimization_container, DeltaActivePowerDownVariable, T) R_up_emergency = get_variable(optimization_container, AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) R_dn_emergency = get_variable(optimization_container, AdditionalDeltaActivePowerUpVariable, T) for d in devices cost = PSY.get_cost(d) p_factor = PSY.get_participation_factor(d) up_cost = isapprox(p_factor.up, 0.0; atol = 1e-2) ? SERVICES_SLACK_COST : 1 / p_factor.up dn_cost = isapprox(p_factor.dn, 0.0; atol = 1e-2) ? SERVICES_SLACK_COST : 1 / p_factor.dn for t in time_steps JuMP.add_to_expression!( optimization_container.cost_function, R_up_emergency[PSY.get_name(d), t], up_cost, ) JuMP.add_to_expression!( optimization_container.cost_function, R_dn_emergency[PSY.get_name(d), t], dn_cost, ) end end return end function NodalExpressionSpec( ::Type{<:PSY.RegulationDevice{T}}, ::Type{AreaBalancePowerModel}, use_forecasts::Bool, ) where {T <: PSY.StaticInjection} return NodalExpressionSpec( "max_active_power", make_variable_name(ActivePowerVariable, T), use_forecasts ? x -> PSY.get_max_active_power(x) : x -> PSY.get_active_power(x), 1.0, JuMP.VariableRef, ) end
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