1 value
There are few people standing. They are holding the bags. These are the boards with the posters attached to it. This looks like an historical building.
[ "There are few people", "There are few people standing .", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags .", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards with the posters", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards with the posters attached to it .", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards with the posters attached to it . This looks like an historical building ." ]
[ "There are few people On the left side , there are persons", "There are few people standing . sitting on chairs", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . In this picture I can see few people sitting on the chairs and I can see a bag on the floor and another bag on the chair and a wooden wall in the background .", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards In the image I can see one girl lips and cloth .", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards with the posters with a white curtain", "There are few people standing . They are holding the bags . These are the boards with the posters attached to it . In the background there is sky with clouds ." ]
This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right. In the middle, there are steps along with a railing. On the left, we can see a building. At the top, there is sky.
[ "This image", "This image consists of tree", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps along with a railing .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps along with a railing . On the left , we can see a building .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps along with a railing . On the left , we can see a building . At the top , there is sky ." ]
[ "This image In this image we can see two kids .", "This image consists of tree In this image there is a squirrel on the branch of a tree .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left who is standing and holding guitar in his hand .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . and singing in front of a mic .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps In this picture it looks like a vehicle , in the bottom left hand side I can see the text .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps along with a railing . In this picture we can see paintings on the wall .", "This image consists of tree and plants on the left and right . In the middle , there are steps along with a railing . On the left , we can see a building . In the center we can see a half boiled egg and some food items ." ]
This image looks like a screen. in which we can see the buildings and snow. At the bottom, there are plants and cars covered with the snow. At the top, there is sky.
[ "This image", "This image looks like a screen .", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow .", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom , there are plants", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom , there are plants and cars covered with the snow .", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom , there are plants and cars covered with the snow . At the top , there is sky ." ]
[ "This image In this image we can see a woman .", "This image looks like a screen . who is wearing shirt", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . We can also see the background .", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom In the picture we can see some bags of cereals and near it , we can see a woman standing and beside her we can see two men are also standing and in the background we can see some objects .", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom , there are plants On either side to the tables , there are people", "This image looks like a screen . in which we can see the buildings and snow . At the bottom , there are plants and cars covered with the snow . with the clouds ." ]
In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing. I can also see bushes in the front and in the background.
[ "In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing .", "In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing . I can also see bushes in the front", "In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing . I can also see bushes in the front and in the background ." ]
[ "In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing . Here we can see carved pumpkins", "In this image I can see grass ground in the centre and on it I can see number of birds are standing . I can also see bushes in the front In front of this woman there is a mike stand ." ]
In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers. Both side of the image brown color curtain is present.
[ "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall", "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers .", "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers . Both side of the image", "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers . Both side of the image brown color curtain is present ." ]
[ "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall On this table there are plants", "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers . On the left and right side of the image , there are buildings .", "In this image we can see a paper is attached to the wall with some different color paper on it and some text is written on the papers . Both side of the image , wearing black color dress" ]
At the bottom of the image there is water. There are people sitting in boats. In the background of the image there are buildings. There is a bridge on which there are people standing. There is a red color bus. There is a pole. There is another bridge on which there are people standing. There are plants, trees. To the left side of the image there is ship.
[ "At the bottom of the image", "At the bottom of the image there is water .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people standing .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people standing . There are plants", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people standing . There are plants , trees ." ]
[ "At the bottom of the image In the image there is a mic mounted to a stand .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . and I see that he is holding a stick", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people In the background of the image there is a black color curtain", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . and the sky in the background .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . , buildings", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people and there is a popup screen on the monitor .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . hangs down and there is a red carpet on the floor .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . and snow .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . At the top of the image", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people This image is taken may be in a vehicle .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people standing . In the background there are some flower plants .", "At the bottom of the image there is water . There are people sitting in boats . In the background of the image there are buildings . There is a bridge on which there are people standing . There is a red color bus . There is a pole . There is another bridge on which there are people standing . There are plants We can see a creamy background ." ]
This picture is clicked inside the room. In the foreground we can see a man wearing shirt, smiling and seems to be sitting and we can see a kid smiling and seems to be sitting. In the background we can see the lights, wall and some other objects.
[ "This picture is clicked inside the room .", "This picture is clicked inside the room . In the foreground we can see a man wearing shirt , smiling and seems to be sitting and we can see a kid smiling and seems to be sitting .", "This picture is clicked inside the room . In the foreground we can see a man wearing shirt , smiling and seems to be sitting and we can see a kid smiling and seems to be sitting . In the background we can see the lights , wall and some other objects ." ]
[ "This picture is clicked inside the room . In this picture I can see the plates and spoons in front and I see the grass around it and I see a glass near to the plates and on the right corner of this image I see the watermark .", "This picture is clicked inside the room . In the foreground we can see a man wearing shirt , smiling and seems to be sitting and we can see a kid smiling and seems to be sitting . In this image I can see few white color flowers , trees and the green grass ." ]
The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench and there are pillars building in the river.
[ "The picture is clicked in a river", "The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench", "The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench and there are pillars", "The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench and there are pillars building in the river ." ]
[ "The picture is clicked in a river There is a dog", "The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench where we have some doors", "The picture is clicked in a river where we observe the construction equipment is on the bench and there are pillars , there are clouds in the sky" ]
In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops, bottles, bags, glasses on the table. I can also see few papers attached to the wall, plants in green color. I can also see few lights and the wall is in cream color.
[ "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table .", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall , plants in green color .", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall , plants in green color . I can also see few lights", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall , plants in green color . I can also see few lights and the wall is in cream color ." ]
[ "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . In this image there is a table on that table", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers In the background , I can see the trees and clouds in the sky .", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall In the center of the image , we can see a butterfly on the leaf and in the background , there are leaves .", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall , plants in green color . there are some trees", "In this image I can see group of people sitting and I can also see few laptops , bottles , bags , glasses on the table . I can also see few papers attached to the wall , plants in green color . I can also see few lights In the background I can see few other persons ." ]
This is a black and white image. The picture is blurred. In the center of the picture there is a building. In the foreground of the picture there are cars and a pole, on the road.
[ "This is a black and white image .", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred .", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . In the center of the picture there is a building .", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . In the center of the picture there is a building . In the foreground of the picture there are cars", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . In the center of the picture there is a building . In the foreground of the picture there are cars and a pole , on the road ." ]
[ "This is a black and white image . In the center of the image , we can see a bird and in the background , there are plants .", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . I can see a few people", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . In the center of the picture there is a building . At the back", "This is a black and white image . The picture is blurred . In the center of the picture there is a building . In the foreground of the picture there are cars and gate ." ]
This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses and papers on the tables and the background is black in color.
[ "This picture", "This picture shows a couple of women", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses and papers on the tables", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses and papers on the tables and the background is black in color ." ]
[ "This picture In the center of the image there is a flower to the plant .", "This picture shows a couple of women walking on the road", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman In this image we can see there are dry stems of a tree .", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card In the background I can see the red color curtains , board , few projection screens , wall and the person is standing in front of the podium .", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face , we can see the ceiling", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people The boards are in different color .", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and grass .", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses We can see a few objects in the background .", "This picture shows a couple of women standing with smile on their faces and we see woman wore a id card and another woman wore spectacles on her face and we see few people seated on the chairs and we see glasses and papers on the tables and water bottles and we see a projector screen ." ]
In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image, there is a table towards the bottom of the image, there are objects on the table, there is a telephone on the table, there is a wire.
[ "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image , there are objects on the table", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image , there are objects on the table , there is a telephone on the table", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image , there are objects on the table , there is a telephone on the table , there is a wire ." ]
[ "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image This is the building", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image In the background I can see people on the boat .", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image , there are objects on the table where there are so many empty plates", "In this image there is a laptop towards the left of the image , there is a table towards the bottom of the image , there are objects on the table , there is a telephone on the table In the background we can see a speaker box and water bottle ." ]
In this image we can see some people on the ground. One person is holding an object in his hand. On the left side of the image we can see water. In the center of the image we can see a group of trees, poles and some chains. In the background, we can see a group of buildings with windows. At the top of the image we can see the sky.
[ "In this image we can see some people on the ground .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . In the center of the image we can see a group of trees , poles and some chains .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . In the center of the image we can see a group of trees , poles and some chains . In the background , we can see a group of buildings with windows .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . In the center of the image we can see a group of trees , poles and some chains . In the background , we can see a group of buildings with windows . At the top of the image" ]
[ "In this image we can see some people on the ground . In the image the pictures of camera and lens are being displaying on the screen .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . I can see one is wearing black dress", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . A woman is playing violin .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . In the center of the image we can see a group of trees , poles and some chains . , and plants .", "In this image we can see some people on the ground . One person is holding an object in his hand . On the left side of the image we can see water . In the center of the image we can see a group of trees , poles and some chains . In the background , we can see a group of buildings with windows . watching them ." ]
In this image there is a road. The vehicles are moving. There are buildings. There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle. There are trees. There are street lights. There is a moon. There is a sky.
[ "In this image there is a road .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . There are street lights .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . There are street lights . There is a moon .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . There are street lights . There is a moon . There is a sky ." ]
[ "In this image there is a road . In this image I can see a door , left and right I can see trees and grass , and the image is in black and white .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . and i can see buildings .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . I can also see the sky .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building Here we can see all the persons", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . and lights .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . , here are the plants .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . There are street lights . and talking , and in the background there is a black curtain .", "In this image there is a road . The vehicles are moving . There are buildings . There is a tall building with colorful lights in the middle . There are trees . There are street lights . There is a moon . On the background we can see a wall and lights ." ]
In this picture we can see a stapler in the front, at the bottom there is a flat surface, we can see reflection of a light on it.
[ "In this picture we can see a stapler in the front , at the bottom there is a flat surface", "In this picture we can see a stapler in the front , at the bottom there is a flat surface , we can see reflection of a light on it ." ]
[ "In this picture we can see a stapler in the front , at the bottom there is a flat surface In this image we can see many people ." ]
Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path and we can see some rock stones here and there and we can see clouds in the sky.
[ "Here in this picture", "Here in this picture we can see mountains", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path and we can see some rock stones", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path and we can see some rock stones here and there and we can see clouds in the sky ." ]
[ "Here in this picture In this image in the middle there is a man", "Here in this picture we can see mountains feeding her child .", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and standing one beside the other .", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water In this picture there are fishes in the water .", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path with dresses .", "Here in this picture we can see mountains present all over there and we can see the ground is covered with plants and trees all over there and in the middle we can see water flowing over a path and we can see some rock stones and buildings in the backdrop ." ]
This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes. I think this is a board, which is attached to the scarecrow. This looks like a wooden fence. I can see the trees. I think these are the dried leaves, lying on the grass.
[ "This looks like a scarecrow", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . I can see the trees .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . I can see the trees . I think these are the dried leaves", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . I can see the trees . I think these are the dried leaves , lying on the grass ." ]
[ "This looks like a scarecrow In the picture I can see white color statue of a person sitting .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . There are few pillars", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board In the background there are so many trees .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This is a flower pot", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . and in the background I can see the sky .", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . I can see the trees . I can see person image", "This looks like a scarecrow with the clothes . I think this is a board , which is attached to the scarecrow . This looks like a wooden fence . I can see the trees . I think these are the dried leaves In the background we can see water ." ]
At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls. In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it. Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum. Behind the drum there are curtains and pillars.
[ "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls .", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it .", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum .", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum . Behind the drum there are curtains", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum . Behind the drum there are curtains and pillars ." ]
[ "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface In the given image we can see a women and man standing , man is holding a guitar in his hand", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . and three food trucks", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards and there are few people in the vehicles .", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . , few boards", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum . In this image we can see rocks , trees , hills , plants and sky .", "At the bottom of the image on the wooden surface there are three skulls . In front of them there are wooden name boards with names on it . Behind that wooden surface there is a blue color drum . Behind the drum there are curtains and tables and there are trees ." ]
In this picture I can observe a pole to which three boards are fixed. In the background I can observe trees.
[ "In this picture I can observe a pole to which three boards are fixed .", "In this picture I can observe a pole to which three boards are fixed . In the background I can observe trees ." ]
[ "In this picture I can observe a pole to which three boards are fixed . In this image we can see a group of people standing on the ground , among them , some are holding the objects" ]
In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling. At the back it looks like a manhole on the road.
[ "In this picture there is a girl standing", "In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling .", "In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling . At the back", "In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling . At the back it looks like a manhole on the road ." ]
[ "In this picture there is a girl standing 2 women", "In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling . and I see that he is holding a pen", "In this picture there is a girl standing and smiling . At the back In the back there are trees" ]
As we can see in the image there is a yellow color flower.
[ "As we can see in the image", "As we can see in the image there is a yellow color flower ." ]
[ "As we can see in the image In front of the image there is a person" ]
In the center of the image we can see one woman holding some object. In the background we can see one pole,shoe,wooden objects and a few other objects.
[ "In the center of the image we can see one woman holding some object .", "In the center of the image we can see one woman holding some object . In the background we can see one pole , shoe , wooden objects and a few other objects ." ]
[ "In the center of the image we can see one woman holding some object . In this image there is the sky" ]
There is a road. Near to the road there is a double decker bus. On the bus something is written. Also there is a name board. Near to the bus there are vehicles, trees and a pole. In the background there is sky with clouds. In the left bottom corner there is a watermark.
[ "There is a road .", "There is a road . Near to the road", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees and a pole .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees and a pole . In the background there is sky with clouds .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees and a pole . In the background there is sky with clouds . In the left bottom corner there is a watermark ." ]
[ "There is a road . In this image I can able to see a building .", "There is a road . Near to the road In this picture we can see 2 colorful cardboards in red color with the picture of dog on it hanged on the wall .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . In the image I can see the view of a place where we have some buildings , houses , trees , plants , poles and some people .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . This image is taken during night .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . , water", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus In that , I can see many fishes and marine species in the water .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles On the top , there is the ground .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees This picture is consists of types of eggs poster in the image .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees and a pole . are presented .", "There is a road . Near to the road there is a double decker bus . On the bus something is written . Also there is a name board . Near to the bus there are vehicles , trees and a pole . In the background there is sky with clouds . and there is a black background ." ]
In the center of the image there is a fly. In the background we can see flowers.
[ "In the center of the image there is a fly .", "In the center of the image there is a fly . In the background we can see flowers ." ]
[ "In the center of the image there is a fly . In this image , there is an inside view of a room ." ]
In this image we can see some plants, some are in green color, and some are in purple color.
[ "In this image we can see some plants , some are in green color", "In this image we can see some plants , some are in green color , and some are in purple color ." ]
[ "In this image we can see some plants , some are in green color In the image we can see there are many boats in the water ." ]
In the foreground of the image there are tree branches. In the background of the image there is a building. There is a fencing.
[ "In the foreground of the image there are tree branches .", "In the foreground of the image there are tree branches . In the background of the image there is a building .", "In the foreground of the image there are tree branches . In the background of the image there is a building . There is a fencing ." ]
[ "In the foreground of the image there are tree branches . In this picture we can see a colorful card with the image of zombies and some text printed on it .", "In the foreground of the image there are tree branches . In the background of the image there is a building . In this image we can see a group of people skating on the road ." ]
This image is clicked in a garden. There is a man and kid. The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing. The man is wearing black shirt. In the background, there are leaves and sky. At the bottom there is green grass.
[ "This image is clicked in a garden .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves and sky .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves and sky . At the bottom", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves and sky . At the bottom there is green grass ." ]
[ "This image is clicked in a garden . It is a statue in the shape of a woman", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man In this image there are flowers", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . In this picture we can see a group of people , some objects and some text on the page .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket Behind her there are stairs .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . Behind the vehicles we can see the sky .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . , which has many glass windows .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves In this picture we can see flowers , leaves and in the background we can see the sky .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves and sky . In this image , we can see a painting contains a flower pot on the table .", "This image is clicked in a garden . There is a man and kid . The kid is sitting in the bucket and laughing . The man is wearing black shirt . In the background , there are leaves and sky . At the bottom In this image i can see group of men who are sitting on a chair in front of a white color table ." ]
In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book, there is a bag,there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs and in the background there is a wall and some curtains off white color.
[ "In this image there is a table", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs and in the background there is a wall", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs and in the background there is a wall and some curtains off white color ." ]
[ "In this image there is a table In this image I see a man and a woman on the cycles and they are on the path .", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table Behind that bench there is a statue .", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book there is an iron gear", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag On the top of this picture I can see the sky which is dark .", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop there is a boy", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs are playing the musical instruments .", "In this image there is a table which is in black color on the table there is a book , there is a bag , there is a laptop and some people are sitting on the chairs and in the background there is a wall , frame" ]
In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling. In the background there are plants and there are mountains and there is dry grass on the ground.
[ "In this image in the front there are persons", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling .", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . In the background there are plants", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . In the background there are plants and there are mountains", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . In the background there are plants and there are mountains and there is dry grass on the ground ." ]
[ "In this image in the front there are persons In the image we can see few persons were standing around the table .", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . , buildings", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . In the background there are plants like pizza", "In this image in the front there are persons standing and smiling . In the background there are plants and there are mountains and there is a vehicle on the track" ]
In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper. I can observe cream and brown colors on the paper. There is some text on the bottom of the picture. The background is in cream color.
[ "In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper .", "In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper . I can observe cream", "In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper . I can observe cream and brown colors on the paper ." ]
[ "In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper . In this image there is a plant", "In this picture I can observe a drawing of a plant on the paper . I can observe cream In this picture we can see food in the plate ." ]
In the image we can see a man wearing clothes, goggles and he is sitting. He is holding the stick in his hand. Here we can see couch, stone wall and skateboard stick to the wall. On the couch we can see pillow and paper.
[ "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting .", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand .", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . Here we can see couch , stone wall", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . Here we can see couch , stone wall and skateboard stick to the wall .", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . Here we can see couch , stone wall and skateboard stick to the wall . On the couch we can see pillow and paper ." ]
[ "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . A woman is holding a mobile .", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . , in the right side", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . Here we can see couch , stone wall , in which we can see number of different kind of flowers", "In the image we can see a man wearing clothes , goggles and he is sitting . He is holding the stick in his hand . Here we can see couch , stone wall and skateboard stick to the wall . On the left side of the image there are buildings ." ]
In this image I can see four persons on a boat. There is water, there are trees and in the background there is sky.
[ "In this image I can see four persons on a boat .", "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . There is water", "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . There is water , there are trees", "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . There is water , there are trees and in the background there is sky ." ]
[ "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . In this image we can see a buildings , texts and drawings on the walls , railings and objects .", "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . There is water having wooden window", "In this image I can see four persons on a boat . There is water , there are trees and on the wall we can see a mirror ." ]
In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side, around the river there are many trees and buildings.
[ "In the image there is a river", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side , around the river", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side , around the river there are many trees", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side , around the river there are many trees and buildings ." ]
[ "In the image there is a river This is an edited image .", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge which is silver in colour", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side and in the background we can see smoke", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side , around the river In this image i can see two persons wearing a cap the person standing here holding a bag , at the back ground i can see water and a sky .", "In the image there is a river and on the river there is bridge and there is a wall on the right side , around the river there are many trees with the lights" ]
In this image we can see some people standing on the stage. In that a man is holding a mic. On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar. We can also see a mike with a stand and dome lights.
[ "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage .", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic .", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar .", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . We can also see a mike", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . We can also see a mike with a stand", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . We can also see a mike with a stand and dome lights ." ]
[ "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In this image , we can see a stadium and there is a crowd", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . standing in front of a podium", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . standing and we see a man", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . We can also see a mike , there are so many tables", "In this image we can see some people standing on the stage . In that a man is holding a mic . On the left side we can see a man holding a guitar . We can also see a mike with a stand At the bottom of the image ground is there ." ]
In this image, we can see water, there is a ship on the water, we can see some green trees, there are some homes, at the top there is a sky and we can see some clouds.
[ "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water", "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water , we can see some green trees", "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water , we can see some green trees , there are some homes", "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water , we can see some green trees , there are some homes , at the top" ]
[ "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water In this image there are many people", "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water , we can see some green trees , in the right side of the given image", "In this image , we can see water , there is a ship on the water , we can see some green trees , there are some homes The background of the image is blurred , where we can see plants" ]
In this image we can see people. in the center there is a mic placed on the stand. on the left there is a person holding a guitar. in the background there is a wall and we can see a pipe.
[ "In this image we can see people .", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand .", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person holding a guitar .", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person holding a guitar . in the background there is a wall", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person holding a guitar . in the background there is a wall and we can see a pipe ." ]
[ "In this image we can see people . In this image there is a person", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . At the bottom of the image", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person that is smiling , and in the background there are group of people", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person holding a guitar . In the background I can see the clouds and the sky .", "In this image we can see people . in the center there is a mic placed on the stand . on the left there is a person holding a guitar . in the background there is a wall and some objects ." ]
In this image, we can see the background as blue in color and there is an aeroplane at the center.
[ "In this image , we can see the background as blue in color and there is an aeroplane", "In this image , we can see the background as blue in color and there is an aeroplane at the center ." ]
[ "In this image , we can see the background as blue in color and there is an aeroplane In this image there are two chimpanzees ." ]
In this image there is a person truncated towards the bottom of the image, at the background of the image there is a wall truncated.
[ "In this image there is a person", "In this image there is a person truncated towards the bottom of the image", "In this image there is a person truncated towards the bottom of the image , at the background of the image" ]
[ "In this image there is a person In this picture there are three woman", "In this image there is a person truncated towards the bottom of the image In this image , on the right side , we can see some trees ." ]
In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it. And there are trees. And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights. And there are persons sitting on the chair. And there is a table with some objects. And at the side there is a cloth which is tied to the rod.
[ "In this image I can see there are buildings", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table with some objects .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table with some objects . And at the side there is a cloth", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table with some objects . And at the side there is a cloth which is tied to the rod ." ]
[ "In this image I can see there are buildings In this image I can see two women sitting and posing for the picture I can see a woman in the right hand side is holding a cup in one hand", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building I can see water drops .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons This man is wearing a T shirt", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . and the image is blurry and it looks like a blue banner", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . around the score board .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with clouds .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . In the background I can see a building , number of sculptures , windows , plants , a pole , few lights and stairs .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons and on poster there are some text written and there is the image of the person .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . there are blue colored banners", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table and there are buildings in the background area of the image .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table with some objects . In the background , we can see a building and a few trees .", "In this image I can see there are buildings and in front of the building there are persons and flags attached to it . And there are trees . And at the bottom there is a statue in waterfall with lights . And there are persons sitting on the chair . And there is a table with some objects . And at the side there is a cloth , fencing and pillars ." ]
In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them. IN the backdrop there is a building and a window. There is something written at the top and bottom of the image and this is a news paper article.
[ "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them .", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window .", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . There is something", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . There is something written at the top and bottom of the image", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . There is something written at the top and bottom of the image and this is a news paper article ." ]
[ "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people In this image I can see a bottle and there is a label", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . There is a table on the table", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and on it I can see a glass", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . In this picture we can see a road , beside this road we can see buildings , trees , grass , here we can see an antenna , wires and we can see sky in the background .", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . There is something In this picture , we can see a person 's finger , and we can see plate and some objects in it , we can see some plants in the background .", "In this picture I can see there are a huge number of people standing and there are few chairs behind them . IN the backdrop there is a building and a window . There is something written at the top and bottom of the image On the backside we can see the sky which looks cloudy ." ]
In this image, we can see there is a woman in a white color dress, smiling. And the background is blurred.
[ "In this image , we can see there is a woman in a white color dress", "In this image , we can see there is a woman in a white color dress , smiling .", "In this image , we can see there is a woman in a white color dress , smiling . And the background is blurred ." ]
[ "In this image , we can see there is a woman in a white color dress In this image I see the wall and I see the pillar over here and I see the lights .", "In this image , we can see there is a woman in a white color dress , smiling . In this image I can see under constructed buildings , in front of the buildings I can see the lake and on the left side I can see a bridge , on the bridge I can see persons , at the top I can see the sky ." ]
Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling. They are holding a bouquet with their hands. Here we can see group of people sitting on the chairs. There are ceiling lights.
[ "Here we can see a woman", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . Here we can see group of people", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . Here we can see group of people sitting on the chairs .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . Here we can see group of people sitting on the chairs . There are ceiling lights ." ]
[ "Here we can see a woman In this picture there is a man", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor One girl is holding a ball .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . standing behind them and there is a rock wall", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet are holding a sword .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . In the background we can see car , bridge , poles , hill , sky and clouds .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . Here we can see group of people and he is sitting on the chair .", "Here we can see a woman and a man walking on the floor and they are smiling . They are holding a bouquet with their hands . Here we can see group of people sitting on the chairs . and a pot with artificial ribbon flowers ." ]
Five boys are playing football in the ground. Ground is full of grass. in the background there are some trees. There is a football on the ground.
[ "Five boys", "Five boys are playing football in the ground .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . Ground is full of grass .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . Ground is full of grass . in the background there are some trees .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . Ground is full of grass . in the background there are some trees . There is a football on the ground ." ]
[ "Five boys In the foreground of the image there is a lady sitting on stones .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . In this picture we can see concrete railing and people .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . Ground is full of grass . and light to the ceiling .", "Five boys are playing football in the ground . Ground is full of grass . in the background there are some trees . In this picture I can see trees , water and a blue cloudy sky ." ]
This image was taken from inside of the room. In this picture people are sitting on the chairs. At the back side there is a television, flag and on the wall there are two photo frames. At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights and we can see tables in front of the persons and on top of the tables there are papers, name boards, pen and some other objects placed on the table.
[ "This image", "This image was taken from inside of the room .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights and we can see tables in front of the persons", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights and we can see tables in front of the persons and on top of the tables" ]
[ "This image In this image we can see motor vehicles on the road and buildings and grills in the background .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . They are in red and white color .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . and behind it we can see some houses .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side and we can see she is smiling and wearing a fur coat on her .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television Background I can see a traffic signal", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag that video camera", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . and an object .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof it seems to be a tree .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights and the sky which looks cloudy .", "This image was taken from inside of the room . In this picture people are sitting on the chairs . At the back side there is a television , flag and on the wall there are two photo frames . At the top of the roof there are fall ceiling lights and we can see tables in front of the persons and two cars" ]
In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers, text and the icons on the display of mobile phone. In the background we can see there are some objects placed on the top of the wooden table.
[ "In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers , text and the icons on the display of mobile phone .", "In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers , text and the icons on the display of mobile phone . In the background we can see there are some objects", "In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers , text and the icons on the display of mobile phone . In the background we can see there are some objects placed on the top of the wooden table ." ]
[ "In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers , text and the icons on the display of mobile phone . This picture is clicked in a musical concert .", "In the foreground of this picture we can see the hand of a person holding a white color mobile phone and we can see the numbers , text and the icons on the display of mobile phone . In the background we can see there are some objects where a laptop" ]
In this image there is an iconic model on the road, beside the road there are few vehicles parked and there are trees and houses.
[ "In this image there is an iconic model on the road", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road there are few vehicles", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road there are few vehicles parked and there are trees", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road there are few vehicles parked and there are trees and houses ." ]
[ "In this image there is an iconic model on the road There are group of people", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road , in the background", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road there are few vehicles In this image we can see a serving plate which consists of cake with candles on it and placed on the table .", "In this image there is an iconic model on the road , beside the road there are few vehicles parked and there are trees and pens in their hands ." ]
In the foreground of this image, there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing, few rod structures, ropes and an object on the left. In the background, there is water and the sky.
[ "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and an object on the left .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and an object on the left . In the background , there is water", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and an object on the left . In the background , there is water and the sky ." ]
[ "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing This image is taken outdoors .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship There is food item on a plate", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing in this picture we can see person riding a bicycle , we can also see a trees .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures and buildings .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and the background is dark .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and an object on the left . There is some text .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a man standing and it seems like he is standing on a ship where we can see railing , few rod structures , ropes and an object on the left . In the background , there is water , grass" ]
In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor, beside that there is a round thing covered with fur also there is a small packet kept on the carpet.
[ "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing covered with fur", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing covered with fur also there is a small packet", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing covered with fur also there is a small packet kept on the carpet ." ]
[ "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor In the image we can see on the poster there is an outline of a human face", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing consists of a bus .", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing covered with fur , pole", "In this image there is a rectangular fur piece on which there is a scissor , beside that there is a round thing covered with fur also there is a small packet and poles beside it and there are some other buildings in the background ." ]
There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image. We can see a wall in the background. There is a flag on the left side of this image.
[ "There is a group of persons", "There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image .", "There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image . We can see a wall in the background .", "There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image . We can see a wall in the background . There is a flag on the left side of this image ." ]
[ "There is a group of persons In this image there are aeroplanes on the road .", "There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image . consists of grass .", "There is a group of persons standing as we can see at the bottom of this image . We can see a wall in the background . , few are seated and few are walking , in the background" ]
This is a picture taken in the outdoors. It is sunny. There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues. Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments and singing a song and bushes and speaker and water.
[ "This is a picture", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments and singing a song", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments and singing a song and bushes and speaker and water ." ]
[ "This is a picture In the picture there is one gift box", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . wearing black color suit", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . In the background I can see lot of buildings .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people There are houses", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair shed .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people , there is a cloth on the table", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table Back I can see green leaves .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl which is in front of them on the table .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon it is like a road .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . , books .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people and we can see blinds .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons there is the grass .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage , there is the sky .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments which is parked on the road .", "This is a picture taken in the outdoors . It is sunny . There are a group of people sitting on a chair holding the cups in front of the people there is a table on the table there is a bowl with spoon and tissues . Background of this people there are three persons standing on a stage and playing music instruments and singing a song There is a stall in the background ." ]
In this image I can see some white colored flour, a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough. I can see persons hands holding a white colored object on the dough. In the background I can see few other objects.
[ "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough .", "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . I can see persons", "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . I can see persons hands holding a white colored object on the dough .", "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . I can see persons hands holding a white colored object on the dough . In the background I can see few other objects ." ]
[ "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . This is an edited image .", "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . I can see persons We can see a person", "In this image I can see some white colored flour , a tray and on the tray I can see the flour dough . I can see persons hands holding a white colored object on the dough . In this picture there are two cell phones in the center of the image on a table ." ]
This is the picture of a city. In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags. There are buildings and trees and there is a boat on the water. At the top there is sky and there are clouds. At the bottom there is water.
[ "This is the picture of a city .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . There are buildings", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . There are buildings and trees and there is a boat on the water .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . There are buildings and trees and there is a boat on the water . At the top" ]
[ "This is the picture of a city . In this picture i can see the painting of a woman who is wearing superwoman dress .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people , behind the structure", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing at the bottom right", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . In the middle of the image we can see a plane in the air and we can see clouds .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . There are buildings On the barrel something is written .", "This is the picture of a city . In this image there are group of people standing behind the wooden railing and there are flags . There are buildings and trees and there is a boat on the water . there is a wall ." ]
There is a woman standing on the floor. These are the sofas. This is table. On the table there is a lamp and this is plant. On the background there is a wall and this is frame.
[ "There is a woman", "There is a woman standing on the floor .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp and this is plant .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp and this is plant . On the background there is a wall", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp and this is plant . On the background there is a wall and this is frame ." ]
[ "There is a woman This picture is highlighted with a tree", "There is a woman standing on the floor . Back I can see few houses", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . are sitting and some people are standing and they are taking pictures .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . Here I can see white lines on the road .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp In the background I can see few boards , trees and the sky is in blue and white color .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp and this is plant . and some text carved .", "There is a woman standing on the floor . These are the sofas . This is table . On the table there is a lamp and this is plant . On the background there is a wall and sky ." ]
In this image there are few parts of a bicycle. Background is blurry.
[ "In this image there are few parts of a bicycle .", "In this image there are few parts of a bicycle . Background is blurry ." ]
[ "In this image there are few parts of a bicycle . There is a person" ]
In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people. There is a light pole, sound box, fence, electric wire, trees, building and a cloudy sky. This is a decorative cloth.
[ "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , building", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , building and a cloudy sky .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , building and a cloudy sky . This is a decorative cloth ." ]
[ "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . In this picture , in the middle , we can see two people man and woman are standing on the grass .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole I can see few stairs", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box who are standing and the man is holding wine glass in his hand .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence In the background I can see the wall , windows and the curtain .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire On the right of the image I can see some electrical wires .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , glass objects", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , building In this picture we can see statues , information board , trees and some people and in the background we can see the sky .", "In the image we can see there are four sculptures of people . There is a light pole , sound box , fence , electric wire , trees , building and a cloudy sky . , which is blue in color ." ]
In this picture there is a flag on the left side of the image and there is water in the center of the image.
[ "In this picture there is a flag on the left side of the image", "In this picture there is a flag on the left side of the image and there is water in the center of the image ." ]
[ "In this picture there is a flag on the left side of the image The image is taken inside a room ." ]
These are the flags, which are hanging to the wooden sticks. I can see the colorful clothes. This looks like a building. I think this is a glass door. I can see an arch.
[ "These are the flags", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . This looks like a building .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . This looks like a building . I think this is a glass door .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . This looks like a building . I think this is a glass door . I can see an arch ." ]
[ "These are the flags In the image there is a waste coupling of a sink .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . There is a digital screen in the image .", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . On the right there is a person", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . This looks like a building . A man", "These are the flags , which are hanging to the wooden sticks . I can see the colorful clothes . This looks like a building . I think this is a glass door . There is a glasses" ]
There is water and the ground is greenery beside it and there are trees in the background.
[ "There is water", "There is water and the ground is greenery beside it and there are trees in the background ." ]
[ "There is water In the image in the center we can see one person standing and two persons were sitting ." ]
In this image background is filled with a snow. Few people are standing in a group and watch sliding person. A person is sliding in the image.
[ "In this image background is filled with a snow .", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people are standing in a group", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people are standing in a group and watch sliding person .", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people are standing in a group and watch sliding person . A person is sliding in the image ." ]
[ "In this image background is filled with a snow . In this image we can see glass objects , musical instruments and other objects .", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people In the middle of the picture , we see the image of the man and the woman .", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people are standing in a group standing in front of a table", "In this image background is filled with a snow . Few people are standing in a group and watch sliding person . and tree ." ]
The image is taken in the room. In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables. There are chairs. There is a television placed on the stand. On the left there is a board placed on the wall and we can see things placed in the shelf. There are trees and we can see doors.
[ "The image is taken in the room .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television placed on the stand .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television placed on the stand . On the left there is a board", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television placed on the stand . On the left there is a board placed on the wall" ]
[ "The image is taken in the room . These two persons", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . Background is blurred .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . at the bottom of the image .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television On the top left side of this image I can see a black colour thing and few wires .", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television placed on the stand . beside the BMW", "The image is taken in the room . In the center of the room there are sofas and we can see tables . There are chairs . There is a television placed on the stand . On the left there is a board and on the left corner there is a person" ]
There are mud bricks. The background is blurred.
[ "There are mud bricks .", "There are mud bricks . The background is blurred ." ]
[ "There are mud bricks . In this image there is a food item on the plate ." ]
In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus. At the top of the image some toys are there. In the background of the image a decor is there. At the bottom of the image ground is there. On the right side of the image a table is there.
[ "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . In the background of the image a decor is there .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . In the background of the image a decor is there . At the bottom of the image ground is there .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . In the background of the image a decor is there . At the bottom of the image ground is there . On the right side of the image a table is there ." ]
[ "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . In this image we can see a truck , here are the group of people", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image which is parked near to the wall .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys , huge buildings .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . there is a wall .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . In the background of the image a decor is there . This is an edited image of a woman .", "In the center of the image we can see a toy of hippopotamus . At the top of the image some toys are there . In the background of the image a decor is there . At the bottom of the image ground is there . In the picture I can see a honey bee on the branch of a flowering plant ." ]
In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right. We can a poster on a brown building. There are a few vehicles, poles and trees are visible on the path. Sky is blue in color and cloudy.
[ "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles and trees are visible on the path .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles and trees are visible on the path . Sky is blue in color", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles and trees are visible on the path . Sky is blue in color and cloudy ." ]
[ "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . The picture is taken outside a building .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . In the background of the image we can see the sky with clouds .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles In this image we can see a hut , animals standing on the road , stones , walls , trees , buildings and sky .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles In the background there it is white .", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles and trees are visible on the path . Beside that , we see a wall", "In this picture we can see a few buildings from left to right . We can a poster on a brown building . There are a few vehicles , poles and trees are visible on the path . Sky is blue in color beside it there is a board" ]
In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand, in the background there is a wooden wall and a TV.
[ "In this image there are three men", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand , in the background", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand , in the background there is a wooden wall", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand , in the background there is a wooden wall and a TV ." ]
[ "In this image there are three men There is a man standing", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass There is a sky", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand and houses .", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand , in the background In this picture we can see a building with windows , trees , vehicles on the road , poles and in the background we can see the sky .", "In this image there are three men standing one is holding a glass and a camera in his hand , in the background there is a wooden wall In this image we can see some drawing on the papers and a cardboard sheet which are pasted on a wall ." ]
In this picture I can observe a cup. There is some drink in the cup. I can observe some leaves and spoon in the drink. The cup is placed on the brown color table.
[ "In this picture I can observe a cup .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . I can observe some leaves", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . I can observe some leaves and spoon in the drink .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . I can observe some leaves and spoon in the drink . The cup is placed on the brown color table ." ]
[ "In this picture I can observe a cup . This picture is an inside view of a room .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . In this picture there are two cell phones in the center of the image on a table .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . I can observe some leaves In this picture we can see a group of people and in the background we can see a wall , photo frames .", "In this picture I can observe a cup . There is some drink in the cup . I can observe some leaves and spoon in the drink . On the right we can see a chair and there are some objects ." ]
In this picture we can observe some people standing. Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands. There are men and women in this picture. On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons. In the background there are trees, building and a sky.
[ "In this picture we can observe some people standing .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . In the background there are trees", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . In the background there are trees , building", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . In the background there are trees , building and a sky ." ]
[ "In this picture we can observe some people standing . In this image we can see two people standing in the river and there are ducks on the water .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles holding a microphone", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . visible on the right", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men In the background I can see the curtain and few other objects .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . , at the top", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . around the cake .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . In the background there are trees In the right bottom corner there is a watermark .", "In this picture we can observe some people standing . Some of them are lifting bicycles with their hands . There are men and women in this picture . On the left side we can observe blue and pink color balloons . In the background there are trees , building On the table we can find a water bottle ." ]
In the foreground of this image, there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor. In the background, there is a carpet and the wall.
[ "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor . In the background , there is a carpet", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor . In the background , there is a carpet and the wall ." ]
[ "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing In this image there is a building", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man stands , fence", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor . In this image we can see buildings , motor vehicles on the road , creepers and a train on the track .", "In the foreground of this image , there is a woman standing and wearing bags and also a man standing on the floor . In the background , there is a carpet In this picture I can see red color flowers in a glass of water , and there is blur background ." ]
In this image we can see buildings, information boards, display screen, iron grills and spectators. In addition to this we can see sky and ground.
[ "In this image we can see buildings , information boards , display screen , iron grills and spectators .", "In this image we can see buildings , information boards , display screen , iron grills and spectators . In addition to this we can see sky and ground ." ]
[ "In this image we can see buildings , information boards , display screen , iron grills and spectators . In this picture I can see a water fountain , there are group of people" ]
In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling. In the background there are decorative papers on the wall and window.
[ "In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling .", "In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling . In the background there are decorative papers on the wall", "In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling . In the background there are decorative papers on the wall and window ." ]
[ "In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling . In this image we can see a two persons sitting on the chair .", "In this image we can see three women are standing and smiling . In the background there are decorative papers on the wall We can see bag , grass" ]
In this image, we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water. These are placed on the white surface. Background we can see glasses, pillar and floor.
[ "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water .", "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . These are placed on the white surface .", "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . These are placed on the white surface . Background we can see glasses", "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . These are placed on the white surface . Background we can see glasses , pillar and floor ." ]
[ "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . In the foreground of the picture we can see a person riding a horse , the horse is jumping through a hurdle", "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . These are placed on the white surface . and short running in the snow", "In this image , we can see so many flowers with flower vase and water . These are placed on the white surface . Background we can see glasses and table ." ]
In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand. There is a green color leaf. We can observe a road. In the background there is some dried grass and plants on the ground.
[ "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand .", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf .", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . We can observe a road .", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . We can observe a road . In the background there is some dried grass", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . We can observe a road . In the background there is some dried grass and plants on the ground ." ]
[ "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . In this image I can see two people with different color dresses .", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . with an object", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . We can observe a road . and speaking .", "In this picture we can observe a fruit in the human hand . There is a green color leaf . We can observe a road . In the background there is some dried grass there are two persons in which one person is playing guitar" ]
In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall, beside the mobile there are a few frames are hanging on the wall.
[ "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall , beside the mobile", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall , beside the mobile there are a few frames", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall , beside the mobile there are a few frames are hanging on the wall ." ]
[ "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable In the picture I can see two persons on the right side .", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall On the table we can see few papers , glass and mic .", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall , beside the mobile In this picture we can see plate with food , glasses and object on the table and we can see floor and wall .", "In this image there is a mobile connected to a cable and hanging on the wall , beside the mobile there are a few frames , poles" ]
In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river. Beside the river we can see buildings, windows and plants.
[ "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river .", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river we can see buildings", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river we can see buildings , windows", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river we can see buildings , windows and plants ." ]
[ "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . In this image I can see a CD player which is in black color .", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river Here I can see a ladder", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river we can see buildings , and the person at left wearing brown color dress .", "In this image we can see boats and persons rowing in the river . Beside the river we can see buildings , windows In this image we can see a building , board , and sky ." ]
In this image we can see some people standing on the ground, some women are holding flowers in their hands. In the background, we can see the water and a group of trees.
[ "In this image we can see some people standing on the ground , some women are holding flowers in their hands .", "In this image we can see some people standing on the ground , some women are holding flowers in their hands . In the background , we can see the water and a group of trees ." ]
[ "In this image we can see some people standing on the ground , some women are holding flowers in their hands . In this picture I can see a woman and a girl in front and I see that they 're holding a thing and the girl is sitting on the bed ." ]
In this image there are two monitors on a table. Keyboard, mouse, cup, and few electrical devices on a table. To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it. To the wall there is picture frames and a box at the left side of image text written as google.
[ "In this image there are two monitors on a table .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . To the wall there is picture frames", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . To the wall there is picture frames and a box at the left side of image text", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . To the wall there is picture frames and a box at the left side of image text written as google ." ]
[ "In this image there are two monitors on a table . In this image we can see a few people , some of them are sitting on the chairs", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , trees", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse He is reading .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup and behind that there is a wall", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . On the right side of the image , there is another person", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup we can see some white color objects .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . In the background we can see light .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . To the wall there is picture frames The sky is clear .", "In this image there are two monitors on a table . Keyboard , mouse , cup , and few electrical devices on a table . To the right side of image there is a cup having pins in it . To the wall there is picture frames and a box at the left side of image text In the background we can also see two persons standing on the sand ." ]
In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle, the sofa is in red in color. Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue. He is wearing a grey blazer, cream trousers and black shoes. In the background there are some trunks.
[ "In this picture there is a man", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer , cream trousers", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer , cream trousers and black shoes .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer , cream trousers and black shoes . In the background there are some trunks ." ]
[ "In this picture there is a man In this image we can see four different type of monuments .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle and a wall .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . In the picture I can see green color T-shirt on which we can see some text and here we can see some brown color objects are placed on the white color surface .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas At the bottom", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . In front I can see few glasses on the table and I can also see few chairs in gray color .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer The background of the image is blur .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer , cream trousers back .", "In this picture there is a man sitting on the sofa in the middle , the sofa is in red in color . Besides him there are two sofas which are in blue . He is wearing a grey blazer , cream trousers and black shoes . with clouds ." ]
At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it. Also there are three people with black jacket is standing. At the top of the image there is a blue sky.
[ "At the bottom of the image", "At the bottom of the image there is ground", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people with black jacket is standing .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people with black jacket is standing . At the top of the image", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people with black jacket is standing . At the top of the image there is a blue sky ." ]
[ "At the bottom of the image In this image I can see many vehicles on the ground .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground , also we can see a machine", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass In the background I see a building , few trees and few persons over here .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . standing and holding the shields .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people In the background I can see a chair and the sky .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people with black jacket is standing . below it .", "At the bottom of the image there is ground with dry grass and snow on it . Also there are three people with black jacket is standing . At the top of the image There are trees ." ]
In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug at the bottom side of the image and there is a poster in the background area of the image.
[ "In this picture there is a girl", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug at the bottom side of the image", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug at the bottom side of the image and there is a poster in the background area of the image ." ]
[ "In this picture there is a girl In this image , we can see three persons in front of the sponsorship cardboard banner .", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image In the background , I can see the table .", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug Above the white plate there is a food .", "In this picture there is a girl who is standing in the center of the image and there is a red color rug at the bottom side of the image , tree" ]
This picture shows few people standing. They were id cards and we see books in the bookshelves and a plant and we see a monitor on the table
[ "This picture", "This picture shows few people", "This picture shows few people standing .", "This picture shows few people standing . They were id cards", "This picture shows few people standing . They were id cards and we see books in the bookshelves", "This picture shows few people standing . They were id cards and we see books in the bookshelves and a plant and we see a monitor on the table" ]
[ "This picture In this picture we can observe some dried leaves to the trees which were in brown color .", "This picture shows few people and smiling and behind him we can see full of trees", "This picture shows few people standing . In this picture we can see buildings , trees , plants , vehicle , hoarding , boards , light pole and cloudy sky .", "This picture shows few people standing . They were id cards and food in another plate in the background .", "This picture shows few people standing . They were id cards and we see books in the bookshelves with the glass" ]
In this image we can see the buildings, plants, trees, sign board poles, closed rents, bicycles and cars. We can also see the tables and chairs. We can see two persons walking on the path.
[ "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars .", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables and chairs .", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables and chairs . We can see two persons", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables and chairs . We can see two persons walking on the path ." ]
[ "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . In this picture there is a man", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables we can see a man", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables and chairs . In this image we can see a plate , spoon and a bowl of ice cream on the table .", "In this image we can see the buildings , plants , trees , sign board poles , closed rents , bicycles and cars . We can also see the tables and chairs . We can see two persons On this poster we can see few persons and text written on it ." ]
In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway , and in the background there are buildings , sky.
[ "In this image there are two persons", "In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway", "In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway , and in the background there are buildings", "In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway , and in the background there are buildings , sky ." ]
[ "In this image there are two persons In the image in the center , we can see one poster .", "In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway and trees .", "In this image there are two persons walking on the walkway , and in the background there are buildings and we can also see bushes" ]
In this image, There is a bottle which is in green color and there is a glass which contains red color liquid.
[ "In this image , There is a bottle", "In this image , There is a bottle which is in green color", "In this image , There is a bottle which is in green color and there is a glass", "In this image , There is a bottle which is in green color and there is a glass which contains red color liquid ." ]
[ "In this image , There is a bottle In this picture there are vehicles on the road", "In this image , There is a bottle which is in green color In the image are group of people", "In this image , There is a bottle which is in green color and there is a glass sitting on the horse" ]
In this image I can see a laptop, few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments. On the left side there are trees, in the background there is the sea. At the top there is the cloudy sky.
[ "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments .", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background there is the sea .", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background there is the sea . At the top", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background there is the sea . At the top there is the cloudy sky ." ]
[ "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . This image is taken outdoors .", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees who are wearing the blue shirt", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background Background there is sky having a son .", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background there is the sea . and lights and beside it , we can see a wall", "In this image I can see a laptop , few persons are standing and playing the musical instruments . On the left side there are trees , in the background there is the sea . At the top This image is taken during a day ." ]
In the front of the image there is a board. In the background of the image there are rocks, plants, trees, buildings, boards, pillars, water, sky and objects. Something is written on the board. On the board there is a picture of a person and camera
[ "In the front of the image there is a board .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . Something is written on the board .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . Something is written on the board . On the board there is a picture of a person", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . Something is written on the board . On the board there is a picture of a person and camera" ]
[ "In the front of the image there is a board . In this image there are few people", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks with a glass bowl", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants I can see he is wearing a shirt", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees and black color shot .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings Behind there are some green leaves .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , cigarette boxes", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars and some poles .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water In this image we can see an orange and a cover beside it .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky We can observe black color words in this picture .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . and other person holding a camera .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . Something is written on the board . there is a window .", "In the front of the image there is a board . In the background of the image there are rocks , plants , trees , buildings , boards , pillars , water , sky and objects . Something is written on the board . On the board there is a picture of a person In this image we can see an insect on the flower ." ]
In this image we can see there is water at the bottom. In the middle there is a bridge. In the background it looks like a tower. There are few lamp poles on the bridge. On the right side it looks a rock. Beside the rock there are buildings.
[ "In this image we can see there is water", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . In the background it looks like a tower .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . In the background it looks like a tower . There are few lamp poles on the bridge .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . In the background it looks like a tower . There are few lamp poles on the bridge . On the right side it looks a rock ." ]
[ "In this image we can see there is water In this image we can see a man and woman standing .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . I can see walk way .", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . they are sitting on the chair", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . In the background it looks like a tower . there are glasses", "In this image we can see there is water at the bottom . In the middle there is a bridge . In the background it looks like a tower . There are few lamp poles on the bridge . and ground ." ]
In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box and at the right side of the image there is a sound box.
[ "In this image there is a person", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box and at the right side of the image", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box and at the right side of the image there is a sound box ." ]
[ "In this image there is a person There are roads .", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress Food is in white , brown and red color .", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair In this picture I can see a dog in the trolley and I can see few items hanging looks like a store and I can see text at the bottom right corner of the picture .", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone written on it and there are few trees", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image and behind the building there is a sky .", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box and women standing .", "In this image there is a person wearing red color dress sitting on the chair and playing violin in front of her there is a microphone and at the left side of the image there is a sound box and at the right side of the image there is sand ." ]
In a room there are so many chairs and two people are sitting and talking behind them there is a hanger and clothes hanging to them.
[ "In a room there are so many chairs", "In a room there are so many chairs and two people", "In a room there are so many chairs and two people are sitting and talking behind them there is a hanger", "In a room there are so many chairs and two people are sitting and talking behind them there is a hanger and clothes hanging to them ." ]
[ "In a room there are so many chairs In the image there is a man", "In a room there are so many chairs and two people Under the box I can see a colourful cloth and on the top left side of this image I can see an object .", "In a room there are so many chairs and two people are sitting and talking behind them there is a hanger Back I can see a house" ]
In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes, and he is smiling. Here we can see window curtains and the window, out of the window we can see the buildings and the sky.
[ "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling .", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . Here we can see window curtains", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . Here we can see window curtains and the window , out of the window", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . Here we can see window curtains and the window , out of the window we can see the buildings" ]
[ "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes there are bottles", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . riding horses", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . Here we can see window curtains Behind them , we see many people sitting on chairs and encouraging these people and on bottom of the picture , we see a board which is blue in color .", "In the image we can see the man standing in the middle of the image and the man is wearing clothes , and he is smiling . Here we can see window curtains and the window , out of the window and a car on the road ." ]
In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game, they are wearing the t-shirts. On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water. at the top there is the sky, at the bottom there is the sand.
[ "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top there is the sky", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top there is the sky , at the bottom", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top there is the sky , at the bottom there is the sand ." ]
[ "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game In this image i can see the person standing and holding the board .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . In the background I can see the sky .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . we can see water .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top In the background we can see tree and shed .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top there is the sky with design in the background .", "In this image I can see at the bottom it looks like two persons are playing the game , they are wearing the t-shirts . On the right side it may be the wooden chair and in the background there is water . at the top there is the sky , at the bottom and there is grassland in the image ." ]
In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar, wearing black suit and hat and in front of him we have a guitar box on the ground. On the right side of the image we have a blue color wall.
[ "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar , wearing black suit", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar , wearing black suit and hat and in front of him we have a guitar box on the ground .", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar , wearing black suit and hat and in front of him we have a guitar box on the ground . On the right side of the image we have a blue color wall ." ]
[ "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair This is the picture", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar and wearing a bag", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar , wearing black suit and grass on the ground", "In this image I can see a man who is sitting on a chair who is playing a guitar , wearing black suit and hat and in front of him we have a guitar box on the ground . On that table , we can see a plate with some food which is packed ." ]
In this image in the foreground there are some trees, and in the background also there are trees. At the bottom there is grass and some dry leaves and sand, at the top of the image there is sky.
[ "In this image in the foreground there are some trees", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees .", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom there is grass", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom there is grass and some dry leaves and sand , at the top of the image", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom there is grass and some dry leaves and sand , at the top of the image there is sky ." ]
[ "In this image in the foreground there are some trees In this image we can see some food and a spoon with sauce in a plate which are placed on the table .", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . Behind him there is fencing .", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom where on table", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom there is grass , and in the background there is sky .", "In this image in the foreground there are some trees , and in the background also there are trees . At the bottom there is grass and some dry leaves and sand , at the top of the image , and there is a white background ." ]
In this image we can see two persons, behind them there are lights, windows.
[ "In this image we can see two persons , behind them there are lights", "In this image we can see two persons , behind them there are lights , windows ." ]
[ "In this image we can see two persons , behind them there are lights In this picture we can observe a flower which is in orange color ." ]
In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects. There are many objects in the image. There are few light sin the image. We can see the cloudy sky in the image. There is a fire in the image.
[ "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects .", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image .", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin the image .", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin the image . We can see the cloudy sky in the image .", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin the image . We can see the cloudy sky in the image . There is a fire in the image ." ]
[ "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . A boy is standing , these are green color plants in the tray .", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . This is an image", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin with road in front of it , covered with trees on either side of the road", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin the image . , bags", "In this image we can see few people on the stage and holding some objects . There are many objects in the image . There are few light sin the image . We can see the cloudy sky in the image . In this image we can see persons standing on the floor and machines ." ]
In this image, we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa. We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat. We can see the wall with a poster and some objects. We can also see a table with some objects on it.
[ "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster and some objects .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster and some objects . We can also see a table", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster and some objects . We can also see a table with some objects on it ." ]
[ "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . In the center of the image we can see a statue .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats , in the center of the image", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . In the background , we can see curtain .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall moving on the road .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster On the floor there is a carpet", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster and some objects . In the background there is a pillar .", "In this image , we can see a person wearing spectacles is sitting on the sofa . We can also see some cats and the ground with the mat . We can see the wall with a poster and some objects . We can also see a table we can see wooden wall ." ]
In this picture there is a woman in the foreground. At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object. At the bottom there are objects. On the left side of the image there are objects and there is text and logo on the object.
[ "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom there are objects .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom there are objects . On the left side of the image there are objects", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom there are objects . On the left side of the image there are objects and there is text and logo on the object ." ]
[ "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . In the center of the image there is a statue .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back To the top of the image there is a blue bar", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person and some text on it .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box placed on the ground .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box In the background there is sky with clouds .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . , at above there is the sky .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom In the middle of the image there is a boat on the sea .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom there are objects . and a red color top .", "In this picture there is a woman in the foreground . At the back there is a person standing and there is a cardboard box and there is text on the box and there is an object . At the bottom there are objects . On the left side of the image there are objects and a road ." ]
In this image, we can see a butterfly sitting on the stem, there is a flower and there is a blur background.
[ "In this image , we can see a butterfly sitting on the stem , there is a flower", "In this image , we can see a butterfly sitting on the stem , there is a flower and there is a blur background ." ]
[ "In this image , we can see a butterfly sitting on the stem , there is a flower In this picture there is man" ]
In this image there are plants , trees, a collapsed house, and in the background there is sky.
[ "In this image there are plants", "In this image there are plants , trees", "In this image there are plants , trees , a collapsed house", "In this image there are plants , trees , a collapsed house , and in the background there is sky ." ]
[ "In this image there are plants Here we can see a guy", "In this image there are plants , trees And back we can see sky with clouds", "In this image there are plants , trees , a collapsed house In the background we can see persons , lights and wall ." ]
In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table. We can also see a robot placed in a chair, some plants and a building with windows and a signboard.
[ "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table .", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , some plants", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , some plants and a building with windows", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , some plants and a building with windows and a signboard ." ]
[ "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . In the middle of this image , there are three players", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot wearing a headset", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , sign board", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , some plants and one woman .", "In this image we can see a person sitting in a chair beside a table . We can also see a robot placed in a chair , some plants and a building with windows On the top of the image I can see the sky and clouds ." ]
In the image we can see a building made up of glass. We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes. Here we can see the plants and the light.
[ "In the image we can see a building made up of glass .", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes .", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes . Here we can see the plants", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes . Here we can see the plants and the light ." ]
[ "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . In this picture we can see crocodile and crow .", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing Background I can see sky in blue color .", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes . with some text in the background .", "In the image we can see a building made up of glass . We can even see a man standing and wearing clothes . Here we can see the plants and on these tables I can see glasses" ]
In this image we can see a food item on a plate. The plate is on the white color surface. We can see a glass at the top of the image. We can see two sticks on the left side of the image.
[ "In this image we can see a food item on a plate .", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface .", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . We can see a glass", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . We can see a glass at the top of the image .", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . We can see a glass at the top of the image . We can see two sticks on the left side of the image ." ]
[ "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . In the picture we can see a painting , in that we can see a man sitting in the cart and some person pulling it and beside we can see a person sitting on the horse and people walking behind him .", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . and one person is standing near the fountain", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . We can see a glass , we can see the sky", "In this image we can see a food item on a plate . The plate is on the white color surface . We can see a glass at the top of the image . We can observe a pillar ." ]