where is he he's just gone absolutely missing left me for dead a moss giant comes straight over nine to the face and i am in lumbridge and our run is an absolute tatters we're so pushed for time can we get this done i don't even know from here
at least to see if we want to keep them on the board joe patton i think we're good on points i think we're going to get them i'm going to leave in those points ross mitchell's still really interesting to me all right so let's scout these guys today's sponsor is fetch rewards it's an app you can download and whenever you go shopping you simply just scan the receipt with your phone and it works with literally any retail receipt it isn't just limited to mainstream stores and supermarkets and the goal is to get free rewards like visa or amazon gift cards it's a free app so you really have nothing to lose but everything to gain and look at this doesn't matter how long the retail receipt is either you can take two pictures and the app will stitch them together for you after that you'll hit submit and you'll get points back to save money in almost anything you can think of check out the rewards section you can get something on amazon or best buy and get basically anything you can think of if you prefer shopping online it's actually somehow even easier to scan receipts hit the e button and it'll scan your email for eligible receipts and you get coupon points back so get yourself started and sign up via the link in the description use code bengal to get NUMBER_TOKEN points for free when you scan your first receipt again that's the first link in the description and use code bengal to get started today well joel robinson is a plus nine and we are well behind on him he's NUMBER_TOKEN locked we're gonna offer him a scholarship reggie gonzalez is a plus five gem NUMBER_TOKEN oh my goodness NUMBER_TOKEN speed he's got his coverage isn't even too bad but he's got NUMBER_TOKEN spectacular catch NUMBER_TOKEN catching NUMBER_TOKEN catching traffic NUMBER_TOKEN route running what can you guys not see in here NUMBER_TOKEN stiff arm NUMBER_TOKEN juke his carrying is a NUMBER_TOKEN got NUMBER_TOKEN trucking NUMBER_TOKEN elusiveness NUMBER_TOKEN brake tackle he's a running backward receiver and he's amazing and we're gonna offer him a scholarship oh another big big get here will baker looks unreal NUMBER_TOKEN speed NUMBER_TOKEN power moves NUMBER_TOKEN finesse moves NUMBER_TOKEN block shed NUMBER_TOKEN tackling we got to figure out a way to get that guy have to i'm going to take some points out of quincy o'connor it feels insane to put that many into him will baker will get a scholarship what about steve mathis he's minus two not what you want he's got NUMBER_TOKEN playwreck what are you good at NUMBER_TOKEN power moves his power boost is not terrible he might be an offensive lineman maybe i don't know i'm not particularly impressed i think i'm gonna take him off the board and then chris thomas he's six eight three fifteen he's a plus two with NUMBER_TOKEN run block and impact blocking will offer him a scholarship as well and that's where we'll leave recruiting for right now and hop into this game against also one and two san jose state debuting this uniform combo black jerseys with the yellow gold pants and i wanted to give a little bit of time in between last episode and this episode but for time i am gonna have to record this right now and what am i talking about
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN sponsor is fetch rewards it's an app you can download and whenever you go shopping you simply just scan the receipt with your phone and it works with literally any retail receipt it isn't just limited to mainstream stores and supermarkets and the goal is to get free rewards like visa or amazon gift cards it's a free app so you really have nothing to lose but everything to gain and look at this doesn't matter how long the retail receipt is either you can take two pictures and the app will stitch them together for you after that you'll hit submit and you'll get points back to save money in almost anything you can think of check out the rewards section you can get something on amazon or best buy and get basically anything you can think of if you prefer shopping online it's actually somehow even easier to scan receipts hit the e button and it'll scan your email for eligible receipts and you get coupon points back so get yourself started and sign up via the link in the description use code bengal to get NUMBER_TOKEN points for free when you scan your first receipt again that's the first link in the description and use code bengal to get started today well END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
okay so i'm currently in the middle of rebuilding my drift trike battery pack what happened was two of the cells actually got destroyed and i think this happened during my driftrike pyrotechnics video i think some of the sparks may have hit one of these cells and then the one leaky cell damaged the cell beside it so what i'm doing is i'm converting this battery into a NUMBER_TOKEN volt pack which means i need a new bms unit and thankfully URL_TOKEN hooked me up and sent me this new dahle NUMBER_TOKENs bms so yeah i'm not using a NUMBER_TOKENv battery for any specific reason i just planned on using the battery that already had which was supposed to be NUMBER_TOKEN volts but now looks like i'm going with NUMBER_TOKEN volts because i wasn't able to find any replacement cells thanks again to banggood for sending me the bms you can find the purchase link for these bms units in the description below believe it or not this NUMBER_TOKEN volt starter can drop to NUMBER_TOKEN amps while cranking over an engine now i'm not going to be pulling near that much current my battery can only safely output up to NUMBER_TOKEN amps continuous i'm using a brushed dc series kelly controller for this project which i can program to limit the current drawn from the battery
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN thanks again to banggood for sending me the bms you can find the purchase link for these bms units in the description below END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
home we love it i love their sheets there really is nothing better they sleep hot they sleep cold they're just perfect perfect perfect freshen up your fall with brooke linen the one stop shop for comfort shop the labor day savings event coming this weekend for savings on all things comfort get comfort and savings this labor day weekend with brooke linen and if you can't decide invest in your comfort with promo code wmma anytime that's URL_TOKEN promo code wmma and also to the fertility process is they treat you like a real meat slab like i i remember like you just get used to having so many different hands even this is just like regular when you're just giving birth like everyone comes in and just puts their hand in you like yeah you're like oh whose hand is going to be in me today and like i remember i was uh giving birth the first time and i was pushing pushing pushing and they go up we're having a shift change and then all the nurses shifted out and a whole new staff came in and all of a sudden four new people were looking at my insides i'm like this is crazy we're having a shift change yeah and then um yeah and then i just remember like yeah when doctors especially you know dudes sometimes they don't they're not then they just kind of yeah you know it's uh i had to tell dudes if i ever had a male doctor i was like yo take your time bro be slow be gentle tell me what you're going to do for you do it please thanks that's my body yeah that's great so so there's that trauma so talk about your feelings uh go to therapy obviously is the best now let's talk about you said see ptsd and how it's different this one's really interesting talk about that yeah complex ptsd for those who don't know is when we've had repeated traumas now i would argue almost everybody who has ptsd probably has complex ptsd because like we were talking about earlier the the likelihood that the situation will repeat is it's very likely right it's a high probability because we can struggle to have our own intuition and to trust that intuition because it's led to pain in the past and i talk about that in the book too like why does this keep happening to me because a lot of my patients over the years have been like am i just like a fly trap for like shitty situations like why does this keep happening oh my god let's talk about that i mean there are people in my life too we were like you're just gonna do that again bro like didn't we just and i'm saying into their NUMBER_TOKENs NUMBER_TOKENs they're still making the same damn mistakes well if we don't see anybody and we don't meaning to see a professional like therapist psychologist counselor or whatever even joining aaa or anything like that having a sponsor like if we don't try to work on things and bring awareness to maybe an unhealthy pattern how are we going to change it right we can't change what we don't understand so i think for a lot of people we you know even like through the years i'm still learning new things about myself and having those moments where i'm like PROFANITY_TOKEN that's not good either i thought
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN home we love it i love their sheets there really is nothing better they sleep hot they sleep cold they're just perfect perfect perfect freshen up your fall with brooke linen the one stop shop for comfort shop the labor day savings event coming this weekend for savings on all things comfort get comfort and savings this labor day weekend with brooke linen and if you can't decide invest in your comfort with promo code wmma anytime that's URL_TOKEN promo code wmma and also END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
all right so this gas gauge will update in a second but what i'm gonna do is i'm going to clear uh the average mpg so we'll have that information for us to manually calculate it i would also like to reset the trip boom everything is reset we should be good to figure out how much fuel economy we're getting based on how many miles we go and how many gallons we can fill back up that is how calculating your gas mileage works if you didn't know so that's it boys and girls that's the gas station right before the long day of riding let's uh let's get this thing started gotta be honest i'm very curious how mid control motorcycle is gonna be over a long day of riding we got a lot of wind ahead of us i'm not in the best position to fight that wind so i'm very curious at how this is going to go you know this i do these videos to test it out for you guys but i mean i get to learn as well currently says we have a range of NUMBER_TOKEN miles so let's see if we can actualize that and not have to get gas constantly if you guys wondering uh we are currently in sport mode on the motorcycle just a heads up all right here on the highway let's get a higher chilling gear and uh let's kind of just cruise control it you know i'm not here to kind of go crazy on the highway i'm here on long haul status you guys know what i mean so cruise control set at NUMBER_TOKEN and we're chilling wind's a little rough i'm having to press forward but we'll see how it is after a while luckily my hands aren't going to be hurting today something i am curious of is the seat on the motorcycle this rocket seat does a really good job of making sure i don't fly off the back of it but something that it doesn't do a great job is let me move around and because i've got mid controls here there's not a lot of you know positioning myself i can do i'm worried that that's going to lead to a little bit of a fatigue by the end of the day you know time will tell but it is something i'm going to look for i've seen a few of you guys ask me to look into the vibration of this motorcycle on at commuter speed chilling here on the highway and from what i can tell like you can see i'm going NUMBER_TOKEN rpms at NUMBER_TOKEN miles an hour and six giga i'm not stressing the motorcycle at all and uh i will say the rocket generally is a little shaky when you're throttling up uh you know that the engine does have a lot of shake but when we're we've got cruise control applied and we're not you know throttling up there's very little shaking at all this is a very smooth bike right now and if you guys can look in the rearview mirror we can actually make out the cars behind us but hopefully the gopro will pick it up but we've got a pretty smooth ride right now most importantly in my hands and feet hands have very little vibration right now even if i look both on the handlebars feet have next
daniel say it don't spray it i know the editors are going to do something mad there and as you can see by last week's intro yes the editors do me dirty and when i try to share with you my thoughts and um i feel it's heartwarming they mock me further and put the sad music underneath it but what can you do we have to mix the humour because if you don't laugh you will cry a little bit more about the sprinklers we don't have the water pressure in here for us to be blasting all of them at the same time so the easiest way to do it be to run one pipe to each of them and then just cap off and put one above each but that's not going to work because one bay could have a material that we don't want to soak and another one could have one we do so what we're going to have to do we're going to have to put some sort of control panel over here when i say control panel i mean a piece of mdf with a bunch of valves attached to it and we're going to have to run an individual hose to each and every bay and then we're going to have to label the bays here so let's label them one two three four five six seven so seven bays and we're going to control them all from here so you could turn on bay one then turn it off bay NUMBER_TOKEN is the relief bay in the middle here or you could turn on this bay because if i turn them all on at the same time we won't have the pressure and i'm also going to have to get myself a little water tank so i'm going to have to put a water tank here and a pump because again the pressure isn't enough no it won't be a water tower like the one we have over here it will be a water tank also the eight yard crane skip that is no longer a crane skip we started it last week so what we're going to do is we're going to try and finish that today by the end of the day that should be done and then the parts we ordered for the sweeper they have arrived and then we're going to start working on the sweeper let's get on with that skip
let me show you some of my most memorable moments in game like the taconi gotcha
look barry i understand that it's expensive expensive it's daylight robbery man look i'll let you think about it for a little while i just have to see another customer all right well and just so you know they are the men's balaclavas oh stop oh my god oh i'm scared oh nothing done sorry oh no no no is there anything that i can help you with actually yeah i'm i'm just looking for something to surprise my husband with when he gets home from work do you know what i mean we have this here just in from victoria's secret not so much okay all right um well then perhaps something a little bit more revealing oh oh now can see me now the lights off and i just behind the door when it gets home from work and i could just jump out of them why that should get his blood going on this would get the blood going all right shall i package that one up i do i think that's the one for me and you know what i'll take a few of these because we have a few friends calling around as well i'll give you NUMBER_TOKEN off perfect i think you might have that on backwards love oh what now then mary have we decided yes i'm going to take it oh very good will i box it up here no i think i'm going to keep it on me you know show off to the girls at work make a bit of an entrance oh very good you're still down the bank i am yeah hello we're foil arms and hog please subscribe to our youtube channel please like and share the video
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN hello we're foil arms and hog please subscribe to our youtube channel please like and share the video END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
NUMBER_TOKEN. this is not a leaf node yet so we keep going our total so far is nine uh we're going to go left again we are at NUMBER_TOKEN. now our total so far is NUMBER_TOKEN. uh and by the way our target is going to be NUMBER_TOKEN. so this is still not a leaf node now we go left again now our total sum is NUMBER_TOKEN. that's greater than NUMBER_TOKEN. so this even though we're at a leaf node now this is not what we were looking for so let's actually backtrack let's not choose this path let's not go to seven let's actually go to the other node which will give us a total of NUMBER_TOKEN and that's exactly what we're looking for so now we actually did find a single path that does equal the target sum so we can definitely return true all we were looking for was at least one path so we can return true now but if we didn't find the leaf node in this position we would have to try the other positions as well right we would instead of even going down the left sub tree we'd have to go down the right subtree we'd have to check this path uh which is one path to a leaf node and then the second path would be this one to the other leaf node neither of these paths uh ends up giving us the target value so just by kind of looking at what i did if you are familiar with binary trees you kind of know what i did was basically an in-order traversal right in-order traversal and in order dfs depth-first search right and the easiest way to code this up is usually to do it recursively so we can do exactly that it's a very simple dfs problem the only thing is we'll be after maintaining our current sum value right we'll have to keep track of some total and then continuously check if that total is equal to the target sum but we'll only be checking that when we actually reach one of the leaf node in our tree and we can check that by making sure that none of these nodes have any children right no left child and no right child so with that in mind we have enough information to actually code this up before we continue with the video let me just tell you a bit about algo monster as you prepare for your coding interviews on algo monster you'll actually get feedback on which categories you're strong in and which categories you could use a little more practice in you won't be wasting time solving random problems because algo monster has done some intelligent analysis on which categories of problems are asked more frequently and they've even further refined these stats for specific companies and surprisingly some companies ask very different questions from other companies so knowing this can save you a lot of time and problems also come with solutions to make sure that you don't get stuck they've also got system design and object oriented design content and a bunch more a lot of the features you can actually check out for free but if you do want to subscribe you can get lifetime access and you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off with code neat okay so now let's code it up we're actually going to be creating a helper function we're going to call it dfs and we're going to define it inside of our outer function uh the reason we're doing this is we actually need to pass in one more parameter that the
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before we continue with the video let me just tell you a bit about algo monster as you prepare for your coding interviews on algo monster you'll actually get feedback on which categories you're strong in and which categories you could use a little more practice in you won't be wasting time solving random problems because algo monster has done some intelligent analysis on which categories of problems are asked more frequently and they've even further refined these stats for specific companies and surprisingly some companies ask very different questions from other companies so knowing this can save you a lot of time and problems also come with solutions to make sure that you don't get stuck they've also got system design and object oriented design content and a bunch more a lot of the features you can actually check out for free but if you do want to subscribe you can get lifetime access and you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off with code END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
envelopes from some stranger out of a basement starting on october NUMBER_TOKENst if you're looking to buy magic cards check out channel fireball marketplace go to URL_TOKEN command or enter code command at checkout to let them know we sent you support the channel and save money on the cards you need at URL_TOKEN in the first month if you buy from the channel fireball marketplace you could be entered to win so many awesome things including a bunch of foil soul ring promos that josh and i both signed and there's just so much you just have to go to the website to check it out they're gonna give away a black lotus oh my goodness uh that is definitely something to wait for and we've got one more thing to announce before we get into it yes we have launched a brand new kickstarter we are bringing back game nights tokens right as you can see amazing artwork by josiah cameron has some of your favorite game nights guests depicted as some of the most commonly used tokens in magic and uh the artwork is amazing graham's probably my favorite one as a two-two bear i'm torn between kathleen as the vampire or olivia as the buff squirrel pretty awesome that's so olivia and we're doing something that we've never done before we're offering these tokens also in a premium gold bordered foil version that look just absolutely amazing and we love the art so much we're also creating a double-sided play mat featuring all of the art you got josh on one side they encourage it and me on the other but hey here's the big thing the kickstarter's limited time only yep we will only be making this stuff for the duration of the kickstarter if you don't get your order in while the kickstarter is going on we're never going to sell or make this stuff ever again yep and we get emails every single time a kickstarter campaign ends asking oh can i still get it and the answer is no so it's a limited time sale make sure you click the show more box below this video and you'll see the link to that kickstarter so you can get your pledge in right now yeah don't waste any time hit pause go place your order for the tokens and then come back and uh watch the episode speaking of watch the episode yeah stick around to the end because we're gonna be giving away a bunch of stuff but also we should probably get into the game let's go i feel like that sounds like scooby-doo
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN envelopes from some stranger out of a basement starting on october NUMBER_TOKENst if you're looking to buy magic cards check out channel fireball marketplace go to URL_TOKEN command or enter code command at checkout to let them know we sent you support the channel and save money on the cards you need at URL_TOKEN in the first month if you buy from the channel fireball marketplace you could be entered to win so many awesome things including a bunch of foil soul ring promos that josh and i both signed and there's just so much you just have to go to the website to check it out they're gonna give away a black lotus oh my goodness uh that is definitely something to wait for and we've got one more thing to announce before we get into it yes we have launched a brand new kickstarter we are bringing back game nights tokens right as you can see amazing artwork by josiah cameron has some of your favorite game nights guests depicted as some of the most commonly used tokens in magic and uh the artwork is amazing graham's probably my favorite one as a two-two bear i'm torn between kathleen as the vampire or olivia as the buff squirrel pretty awesome that's so olivia and we're doing something that we've never done before we're offering these tokens also in a premium gold bordered foil version that look just absolutely amazing and we love the art so much we're also creating a double-sided play mat featuring all of the art you got josh on one side they encourage it and me on the other but hey here's the big thing the kickstarter's limited time only yep we will only be making this stuff for the duration of the kickstarter if you don't get your order in while the kickstarter is going on we're never going to sell or make this stuff ever again yep and we get emails every single time a kickstarter campaign ends asking oh can i still get it and the answer is no so it's a limited time sale make sure you click the show more box below this video and you'll see the link to that kickstarter so you can get your pledge in right now yeah don't waste any time hit pause go place your order for the tokens and then come back and uh watch the episode speaking of watch the episode yeah stick around to the end because we're gonna be giving away a bunch END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
i mean you guys have been to the shitty ass like zoos that they would travel around natsu's uh circuses traveling zoos circuses not the zoo traveling zoo that's cool yeah yeah but the circuses around here those traveling aquarium can we do that no maybe it would be so heavy all right all the water jesus gotta be horrible yeah what it's not a traveling circus but the fair's coming to our town soon that little rinky dink oh yeah they put out at the airport it wasn't the same advertisement the same oh god yeah if same commercial they've been using for like six seconds like this rednecky ass song that comes on the radio right before the fair shows up in our town it's like it's a fair all your
if you'd like to reach a higher plane say grati Oh immortalis by liking and subscribing to a okay and don't forget to ring the bell
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN you'd like to reach a higher plane say grati Oh immortalis by liking and subscribing to a okay and don't forget to ring the bell END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
especially been loving hello fresh as it's been getting like colder and more towards winter i always want a warm home-cooked like comforting meal and with all the stress and planning taken out of meal times that means you get to spend a lot more time with your loved ones especially in the festive season less time in the kitchen more time where it matters and their recipes are incredible might i add i haven't even commented on the food yet but honestly sometimes i can't even believe that i made it they offer so many different types of meals as well depending on your personal like requirements whether you're a vegetarian pescetarian you want calorie smart meals there's even a section for meals that take NUMBER_TOKEN minutes or less which i really appreciate because sometimes NUMBER_TOKEN minutes is all you've got and hello fresh are very kindly offering you guys a discount code to get you started all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN forward slash eleanor NUMBER_TOKEN and use the code eleanorNUMBER_TOKEN at checkout as well and you can get up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals and three free gifts insane thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and for that amazing discount code you guys want to be taking advantage of that because this is one of the best services i have signed myself up for in recent years again the link to check out hello fresh is below in the description quickly before we get into this case i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a couple of content warnings before we get into this one today we're going to be discussing themes of rape suicide and pedophilia so if any of that is something that you feel like you don't want to watch right now that is completely fine just click out of the video i'm sure i'll see you again some other point with a different case but honestly your mental health is the most important so look after yourself goodbye but for the rest of us let's just get into the case in december of NUMBER_TOKEN police in lahore pakistan were alerted to a package that had arrived at their office they opened this package and inside they found a diary and a bunch of photographs and as they started to read this diary they quickly discovered that this was a confession a NUMBER_TOKEN-page long criminal confession from one of the worst serial killers the country had ever seen this anonymous writer was claiming to have raped and murdered exactly a hundred boys over the last year a year and a half in such a short space of time the writers said that their victims were usually homeless or runaway young boys that he just stumbled across on the streets of lahore just kids that were living on the side of the streets they also said that all of the boys had been between the ages of NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN. he would lure them in and then proceed to sexually assault them now this process could last anywhere from one hour to sometimes months he would keep them in his captivity to repeatedly sexually assault them until he was done with them and when he was this diary then said that the man would strangle his victims to death he would then disperse of their bodies in horrific ways as well as this diary in
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN especially been loving hello fresh as it's been getting like colder and more towards winter i always want a warm home-cooked like comforting meal and with all the stress and planning taken out of meal times that means you get to spend a lot more time with your loved ones especially in the festive season less time in the kitchen more time where it matters and their recipes are incredible might i add i haven't even commented on the food yet but honestly sometimes i can't even believe that i made it they offer so many different types of meals as well depending on your personal like requirements whether you're a vegetarian pescetarian you want calorie smart meals there's even a section for meals that take NUMBER_TOKEN minutes or less which i really appreciate because sometimes NUMBER_TOKEN minutes is all you've got and hello fresh are very kindly offering you guys a discount code to get you started all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN forward slash eleanor NUMBER_TOKEN and use the code eleanorNUMBER_TOKEN at checkout as well and you can get up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals and three free gifts insane thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and for that amazing discount code you guys want to be taking advantage of that because this is one of the best services i have signed myself up for in recent years again the link to check out hello fresh is below in the description quickly before END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
shocked me i hope this video has cleared up some of your confusion and some of the questions you had and i'm i'm sorry about this whole thing um almost instantly the momentum of the cancellation flipped michael's video and the information he was able to use highlighted the disingenuous nature of the claims however more importantly as the large creators his supposed friends became the attention of the outraged mob the cancelled became the canceler in that way i suppose um which i had to kind of really hold myself back from like doing the dancing on their graves that they kind of did on mine um i don't believe he's innocent stuff that michael admitted to is stuff that makes me not want to be friends with somebody who is capable of doing those things even the things he admitted to i really hope he gets help because nobody should just carry on doing what he did to send people out them in such a hateful kind of brigade in that kind of way um yeah it definitely did kind of get flipped on on everyone involved the reaction was immense people were still irritated with the james charles situation which at the time was the pinnacle of cancel culture what came out over the following month really pissed everyone off there was a massive divide in what people wanted some wanted a public apology whilst others called for the figurative heads of those exposed as conspirators in a plot to destroy michael so yeah it's a definitely a two-way thing and it's just a dangerous thing to be involved in in any respect i don't recommend that anyone does not worth it although michael salvaged his reputation it will always be tainted in some way and the effects of the situation go way beyond his image it was harder for me to trust people specifically like youtubers and all that like afterwards i met up with colossal as crazy and like anything for views um and you know hung out with them and they were really nice they were you know they were friendly and all that but you know so with the other guys that relationship with other youtubers just didn't feel like the same again for like another year and a half two years the personal level effects on michael are the things we don't really get to see even in follow-up videos months after it's hard to understand the deeper impact of his cancellation it was hard for me to trust other people um and if like even if they didn't get back to me in like half an hour i'd be like PROFANITY_TOKEN are they following me did they block me most of his concern was towards his online life however offline it was a bit more simple thankfully everyone in my like personal life was really nice was really um nobody really dropped me i have a good circle of friends and family really if anything it kind of strengthened my bond with them and uh the trust i have in the real people in my life which is probably better than trusting a bunch of niche internet micro celebrities but even months after it was supposedly over micah was still stuck in that moment it was like an all-consuming um thing even for like way way after that everything was um everything was about was about the controversy it was about beating these allegations it was about watching everyone involved to make sure to see like are they gonna make a response you know that's another thing like i was expecting a response from them and
caused by certain financial institutions borrowing beyond their means for those who don't know a run on the bank is when everyone goes to the bank to withdraw all their money at the same time only to find that the bank doesn't have their money because it's been lent out or lost which causes even more people to run to the banks and so on until a financial system collapse naturally the fed's initial purpose or mandate was to ensure that regular banks always have liquidity money to meet demand to make sure these bank runs never happen again however in NUMBER_TOKEN the fed's mandate was expanded to quote promote maximum employment and price stability in other words keep unemployment and inflation low not surprisingly this dual mandate was introduced following the extreme inflation the united states saw in the early NUMBER_TOKENs the fed was eventually able to get inflation under control in the early NUMBER_TOKENs by raising interest rates to almost NUMBER_TOKEN percent as part of its new mandate now the fed typically raises interest rates by selling government bonds aka government debt and lowers interest rates by buying government bonds now it's a bit more complicated than that but let's keep it simple for the sake of this video and our collective sanity now high interest rates make borrowing more expensive and incentivize people to save rather than spend since their money will be worth more tomorrow than it is today this eventually reduces asset prices but runs the risk of harming productivity and employment by extension conversely lowering interest rates makes borrowing less expensive and incentivizes people to spend rather than save this increases the money supply via bank borrowing which runs the risk of increasing inflation but this eventually creates new jobs which lowers unemployment and increases productivity this means that the fed is constantly engaged in a sort of balancing act making sure interest rates stay low enough to stimulate the economy but also making sure that interest rates don't stay too low for too long or else there'll be too much inflation the only problem is that this balancing act hasn't exactly gone to plan as you can see the fed has been gradually reducing interest rates over the decades and every time it's tried to increase interest rates it's had to reverse course this is essentially because individuals and institutions have borrowed too much and have become addicted to low interest rates raising interest rates even by a little bit means many of them must start selling assets to pay back their debts and this causes asset markets to crash across the board again it's a bit more complicated than that but let's keep it simple as a result of these and other factors the fed finds itself between a rock and a hard place raise interest rates and risk crashing every asset market in the world or keep interest rates low and risk hyperinflation in every country that uses or is dependent on the us dollar which is basically all of them luckily the world has a savior and his name is jerome powell jerome powell is the current chairman of the federal reserve and he was recently renominated to serve a second term by u.s president joe biden now jerome has an interesting history to say the least he holds a bachelor's in politics and a law degree from georgetown university where his grandfather used to teach following a law firm fling he worked for a wall street investment bank whose chairman went on to become the secretary of the department of the treasury jerome was subsequently hired by the department of the treasury nothing out of the ordinary i assure you for those unfamiliar the department of
it's really good huh did you just steal my cereal if we learned anything it's that having the most durable floors possible is a really good idea especially with riley and the dogs so we're installing it's a plank vinyl flooring there's no particle board or wood or anything this is just plastic so it should be completely waterproof totally durable and so far it's been really easy to install this is from home depot in the color dusk cherry
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN it's really good huh did you just steal my cereal END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
anyway before we get into talking about american horror story double feature i just want to thank castify for sponsoring this video i don't think case defy has been a sponsor on this channel yet so let's all give a nice warm welcome to caystify as a sponsor here on the channel i'm so honored to be working with them on this video and showing you some of my new cases i love love love all of their designs they're the only phone cases that i use by the way this was my old case that i had on for so long that i bought myself with my own money and i was obsessed with it it's an f scott fitzgerald quote so case defies impacted ultra impact cases such as this one are made with NUMBER_TOKEN recycled and plant-based materials their cheat tech NUMBER_TOKEN technology makes their cases drop proof up to NUMBER_TOKEN feet which is incredible as you can see in this clip i decided to drop my phone for you and show you how safe this keeps my phone like i said the designs are amazing they're some of my favorite phone case designs on the market there's endless print and pattern options and there's customizable ones like these which make great gifts for your friends and family especially with the holiday season coming up their cases are also NUMBER_TOKEN non-toxic and non-hazardous including a microbial coating that keeps your phone germ free killing up to NUMBER_TOKEN of bacteria so make sure you go to URL_TOKEN possessed by horror to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order that kind of rhymed a little bit okay so season NUMBER_TOKEN of american horror story ryan murphy decided to do double feature where we get two shorter stories in one season so the first half of the season is red tide and the second half is death valley after thinking about it for some time i realized that this was actually probably a smart move on ryan murphy's part because i think one of the things he struggles with is pacing and extending a story and putting enough interesting elements in it to make it a full season and also he typically struggles with like ending things so i thought given the shorter stories we'd be able to get a more concise and well thought out ending and then i saw stories which is all short stories basically uh and changed my mind on that a little bit although i don't want to put all the blame on how bad american horror stories was on ryan murphy because a lot of people had a hand in making that so it wasn't completely his fault so there will be spoilers throughout this video it's been out for so long at this point and i don't want to say they're going to be too severe spoilers but i think in red tide i will be talking about the ending and the finale um pretty in detail so that might spoil it for you just an fyi if you haven't seen it yet so let's begin of course with red tide so this follows a struggling writer who moves to provincetown into a house with his wife and daughter where he discovers that there's a pill that can make him everything he's always wished to be except there are of course some bloody consequences i loved a lot of these episodes i'm not gonna lie i really enjoyed red tide i think part of it is for personal reasons there's two that are personal to me that not everyone is going to agree
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN anyway before we get into talking about american horror story double feature i just want to thank castify for sponsoring this video i don't think case defy has been a sponsor on this channel yet so let's all give a nice warm welcome to caystify as a sponsor here on the channel i'm so honored to be working with them on this video and showing you some of my new cases i love love love all of their designs they're the only phone cases that i use by the way this was my old case that i had on for so long that i bought myself with my own money and i was obsessed with it it's an f scott fitzgerald quote so case defies impacted ultra impact cases such as this one are made with NUMBER_TOKEN recycled and plant-based materials their cheat tech NUMBER_TOKEN technology makes their cases drop proof up to NUMBER_TOKEN feet which is incredible as you can see in this clip i decided to drop my phone for you and show you how safe this keeps my phone like i said the designs are amazing they're some of my favorite phone case designs on the market there's endless print and pattern options and there's customizable ones like these which make great gifts for your friends and family especially with the holiday season coming up their cases are also NUMBER_TOKEN non-toxic and non-hazardous including a microbial coating that keeps your phone germ free killing up to NUMBER_TOKEN of bacteria so make sure you go to URL_TOKEN possessed by horror to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order that kind of rhymed a little bit END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
okay i'll take one i don't think that's ever the storm
who the hell knows our friend jeff bezos was at the same forum yes he made some interesting comments as well that um i picked up on so he says he does not see us lasting much longer on earth um he claimed that earth might one day become a vacation destination that you would visit just like our national parks uh that all manufacturing would be in outer space with workers permitted occasional visits back to the surface of the earth very generous of him he dreams of floating space cities that contain rivers forests and wildlife no word on how his ego is faring since uh you know they kind of congress didn't give him all the billions that he was gonna say his project this is always the problem with bezos i would love that if that were to be true i would love it if it were his actual aim he also as i covered in our last show is the guy who held up the moon landing for over a year because his company did not win a contract yeah dude you're setting us back that's your goal you're actually standing in the way yeah you literally dealt the biggest blow to the american space program in years by suing and holding up spacex from being able to begin work on the lunar lander i didn't know this apparently musk had even chatted him at the time being like he likes lawsuits more than he likes going to space which i think is true he wants to go to space and have all of his technology as long as he is the platform through which all of this would happen yeah that is why i mean think about it he built amazon which is the platform for most of online retail and if you think the next most lucrative opportunity in the world is building the rockets that are going to take you back and forth from future space colonies to earth and more and you know bring back minerals or whatever the mining on asteroids and all of that then logically you would want to own that platform too so this vision of bezos something i fully want and be buy into is not what i want bezos to be in charge of i don't want any i would like i like this planet yeah i'm kind of attached to it put me on the next ship i enjoy this one i enjoy being here and not just visiting it occasionally yeah in so you know from some amazon owned city in the sky um so i would personally like to try to save the one that we're on first before we have to resort to whatever sort of hellscape jeff bezos has planned for you know what's cooler than hiking yellowstone hiking mars so that's something that i would get into hey guys thanks so much for watching that's right just as a reminder you can become a premium subscriber today watch the full show completely uncut our reactions to each other's monologues you get to listen to it you get to ask us questions all that good stuff link is right there in the description or at URL_TOKEN best of all great way to say screw you to the mainstream media
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN hey guys thanks so much for watching that's right just as a reminder you can become a premium subscriber today watch the full show completely uncut our reactions to each other's monologues you get to listen to it you get to ask us questions all that good stuff link is right there in the description or at URL_TOKEN best of all great way to say screw you to the mainstream media END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
and do the same thing with the other one i'm gonna bring it up just like that done you okay sir still with us okay all right guys that's gonna do it for these two crazy PROFANITY_TOKEN we're not gonna get paid for a very long time when our bosses see the damage this is a third party addresser responsible for all damages unfortunately you couldn't be at your PROFANITY_TOKEN house PROFANITY_TOKEN all right guys that's gonna do it for this one remember download fishing clash at the link in the description use code fishing with patty for twenty dollars and free gifts you're gonna get that lure upgrade that rod upgrade that luck upgrading that weight upgrade and i'll see you on the next one
now this is an interesting one talking about a little bit of hydrodynamics here typically you find gold on an inside corner that's because gold is lazy gold is heavy it actually takes the shortest possible route around the corner you usually come around like that following the inside however look at this river here see all those great big cobbles there the water is coming around that corner at full tilt in high water it's coming around hard and hitting this bank it's coming in straight hitting the bank the big things the big cobbles are dropping right there because that's where the water actually loses its energy because it's pushing up against this bank creating a bit of sort of a wave or a really high pressure zone that creates a bit of a low pressure behind it the big rocks drop out that along that edge could have good big gold in it but it will have sunk down for miles the smaller gold actually gets pushed through up against this edge and the water is rushing down here so hard that it is being flushed right through and right there is a good spot to try because that's where it first loses its energy finds a little hidey hole that could actually fall in there this bar right here might be an okay place to try because fast fast water into a sharp NUMBER_TOKEN degree corner pushes it up the edge and then harsh harsh harsh turbulence blasts it down here scouring until it drops just a little bit about hydrodynamics and if anyone likes to do underwater sniping like pioneer poly those cracks and crevices right down there in this high turbulence area might be a great spot to find some nuggets see this little pile of boulders right here along this high pressure zone that means for some reason the water right there lost a bit of energy a little bit of a low pressure right there might be a great spot to test now a place i really like looking is where you see bedrock like that and it has you know river cobbles on top of it so in general bedrock with cobbles is a great place to check in up in those cobbles however i can tell by looking at this with the way the the stones are stacked and how uniform everything is that this is old workings this is what we call chinese hand stack probably although it has been filled in with a lot of debris these are old tailings so the chances of finding anything in those tailings is very very slim the way no place like that up river where the gravel is not tailings let's have a look at that fill in your craters people now about three videos ago from this river i did a video where i was uh cleaning out cracks and opening up cracks in bedrock to find gold and i was working just along this spot right here i find it very interesting how much more work has been done since i was here a lot more has been broken off a lot more of a pit over there there was no workings when i first got here something i haven't really talked about today um as much because i talked about so much before here on this river is fractured up bedrock with open cracks have material in those cracks that is the best place to look for big gold but i've done that to death on video so we're showing you other things today thank you whoever that is well done i really like the looks of this
how did he die where did he find health there's probably medic consumers
you don't love it return it get your money back and it ships around the world for a flat rate try this if you're looking for a probiotic seed is the best on the market i've talked about this one before but i'm really drinking a bottle every other day right now of this the organic uber greens from suja now some costco's will have a really big bottle and some costco's have the six pack six pack for NUMBER_TOKEN compare that to the grocery store it's probably NUMBER_TOKEN or NUMBER_TOKEN percent cheaper and the reason why i think you want to drink this especially especially now as we transition into cold and flu season is it's cold press using high pressure this is the freddy mercury technique and i'll tell you why that's really important but this is what you want and actually rose drinks this like nobody's business because it's loaded with organic greens like chard green leaf lettuce kale it has grapefruit in there these are antioxidant rich greens that are loaded especially with kale vitamin a and vitamin k and it says five grams of sugar but that's natural sugar if this had fruit near it'd be a lot higher but there's zero grams of added i wish they put the macros on here oh here we go look at this potassium NUMBER_TOKEN vitamin a at two percent vitamin k NUMBER_TOKEN and vitamin c NUMBER_TOKEN this is really good now why this is important is under pressure it's pasteurized under pressure meaning you still retain a lot of the living nutrients in the juice whereas they don't really have it here but you know the juices like naked or what are the other ones the green juices like that those are pasteurized under heat high temperature short time htst when you do that you're essentially nuking the juice killing any living nutrients in there i don't like that because at that point it's basically just sugar water this is under pressure so this is actually still really really alive in there and really really good for you i think the big jug is cheaper so i'd actually prefer that and it's less plastic either one get those because i think it's good for immunity and everybody needs more greens in their life and then if you compare it to something like this this is palm pomegranate juice this is something that a lot of people think is good for you and yeah this is antioxidant rich but if you look somewhere here look at this it's pomegranate juice from concentrate and it's highly pasteurized so at that point that NUMBER_TOKEN grams of natural sugar per NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN fluid ounces which is one cup is just sugar water because pasteurized and from concentrate is highly processed so but try these greens they're really really good and perfect for this time of year see i'm not even kidding when i say i drink one almost every day i got one in my bag of goodies here that i'm chugging down flavor city lemonade right here and then these are so good these are grass or pasture-raised turkey sticks and grass-fed pasture-raised teriyaki beef sticks really really good stuff great snack i'm at the grocery store for three hours every time i come here i need a snack we have an unadvertised sale my friends on best in class grass-fed sausage this was not in the book this was not online
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN you don't love it return it get your money back and it ships around the world for a flat rate try this if you're looking for a probiotic seed is the best on the market END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
thinks you're PROFANITY_TOKEN no everyone thinks i'm PROFANITY_TOKEN my own viewers think i'm PROFANITY_TOKEN man i know you guys are PROFANITY_TOKEN waiting for me to wake up i know a lot of you guys are waiting for me to whiff just so you can type your keck w's and i know you PROFANITY_TOKEN you guys just you guys what you guys are praying on my downfall i know it PROFANITY_TOKEN
is a better position the only real way to implement this is just to really be aware of how your hip positioning is take videos take pictures and have a look how your form is we want to kind of think of pulling that front leg that front hip back into the socket and we want to think about engaging the glute on the back leg to drive that hip forward and get that squaring of the hips the third and final mistake is not training this with enough intensity now this seems to be a common mistake for flexibility in general people like to do things nice and easy and and go a little bit more relaxed their flexibility training which has its place and it's absolutely useful but when it comes to these harder more intense positions often i'd like to see people train it more like strength training and less like stretching now for full details on this i would recommend checking out the video which i'll link in the description down below which talks about how often to train flexibility but essentially train it hard train it a couple of times a week think three four five sets and then do a little bit like creasing the groove in between to help things taking along speaking of doing things right i just want to share a quick message from today's sponsor which is skillshare if you didn't know skillshare is an online learning platform it's got thousands of classes from people who actually do this for a job they know how to do things right and you can learn from them whether you're just a dabbler do it as a hobby or if you're a professional like myself and creating stuff is your job there is a class at pretty much any level i've actually started the class by mkbhd marcus brownlee who is a massive youtuber on this platform i'm a massive fan of his tech videos and i thought i'd take his class to try and improve my own ability to create better content here on youtube skillshare is offering the first NUMBER_TOKEN of my subscribers who use the link in the description down below a free one month trial to skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity and learning new skills today thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video right so now we know what not to do now how do we how do we do it right how do what exercises could we use to get closer to achieving the front split i'm gonna share two exercises with you today number one is basically how to stretch the hip flexors more intensely and the one i'm going to share with you today is is an emmett lewis inspired one in which he would say that it helps you to see through time and that is the overhead hip flexor stretch now for this one we're going to want to set up in a normal wall hip flexor stretch so we're going to place that knee relatively close to the wall the closer we go the harder it is the further away the slightly less intense it is foot up and get ourselves into a lunge position with a light weight maybe around five kilos start with working your way up in the hat from here we're gonna lower into a lunge position making sure to maintain as much as possible that posterior pelvic tilt or that tucked position during this stretch this is when you're going to notice a pretty deep stretch over the hip flexor and also into the abdominals as well the reason we have this overhead position is because it kind of forces you and
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN is skillshare if you didn't know skillshare is an online learning platform it's got thousands of classes from people who actually do this for a job they know how to do things right and you can learn from them whether you're just a dabbler do it as a hobby or if you're a professional like myself and creating stuff is your job there is a class at pretty much any level i've actually started the class by mkbhd marcus brownlee who is a massive youtuber on this platform i'm a massive fan of his tech videos and i thought i'd take his class to try and improve my own ability to create better content here on youtube skillshare is offering the first NUMBER_TOKEN of my subscribers who use the link in the description down below a free one month trial to skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity and learning new skills today thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video right END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
this episode is sponsored by endl an app that creates personalized soundscapes to help you focus relax and sleep the first NUMBER_TOKEN people to click our description link will get a one week free trial
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this episode is sponsored by endl an app that creates personalized soundscapes to help you focus relax and sleep the first NUMBER_TOKEN people to click our description link will get a one week free END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
what's on your mind tonight i love it when we can laugh together that kind of thing it just makes me feel better i'm gonna hear this finally finished wiping down the splashbox that took so much work but this is now clean the benchtop is now clean stovetop is clean as well and it is time to tackle the oven the door of this oven is meant to be clear but right now it's covered by a layer of grease you just cannot tell what's cooking inside at all where do i even start while i work on this oven i want to talk to you guys about my dreamy lNUMBER_TOKEN pro which has been working very hard in the background it's equipped with dual lidar sensors and intelligent object recognition and avoidance so it can build a NUMBER_TOKENd map of its environment and precisely navigate around the house without bumping into things it has a very strong suction power of NUMBER_TOKEN pa and four suction modes to meet all your various cleaning requirements whether it be vacuuming tiled floors wooden floorboards or carpet our house has all three it's surprisingly quiet compared to a lot of other vacuums out there while it's working i can still have a conversation with my family without having to yell so that's definitely a plus and a single charge gives it an extra long run time of two and a half hours i can tell it to clean only specific areas of the house set up no go zones and schedule cleaning times all through the me home app on my phone so it's super convenient it can also do simultaneous dry and wet cleaning because it also happens to have a mopping function which is an absolute lifesaver for areas like the kitchen we always seem to have random food stains on the floor rosie is obsessed with it she follows it everywhere so if you guys are interested i have a link to the lNUMBER_TOKEN pro in the description box down below make sure to check it out
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN lNUMBER_TOKEN pro which has been working very hard in the background it's equipped with dual lidar sensors and intelligent object recognition and avoidance so it can build a NUMBER_TOKENd map of its environment and precisely navigate around the house without bumping into things it has a very strong suction power of NUMBER_TOKEN pa and four suction modes to meet all your various cleaning requirements whether it be vacuuming tiled floors wooden floorboards or carpet our house has all three it's surprisingly quiet compared to a lot of other vacuums out there while it's working i can still have a conversation with my family without having to yell so that's definitely a plus and a single charge gives it an extra long run time of two and a half hours i can tell it to clean only specific areas of the house set up no go zones and schedule cleaning times all through the me home app on my phone so it's super convenient it can also do simultaneous dry and wet cleaning because it also happens to have a mopping function which is an absolute lifesaver for areas like the kitchen we always seem to have random food stains on the floor rosie is obsessed with it she follows it everywhere so if you guys are interested i have a link to the lNUMBER_TOKEN pro in the description box down below make sure to check it out END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
out hey guys thanks for watching our cover of ignorance by paramore if you guys want to show some extra support click the link in the description to join our patreon like our friend calling chang don't forget to check out this entire acoustic album on all streaming platforms remember to check out our website URL_TOKEN you can find physical copies of all of our cover cds as well as t-shirts and sweatpants
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN hey guys thanks for watching our cover of ignorance by paramore if you guys want to show some extra support click the link in the description to join our patreon like our friend calling chang don't forget to check out this entire acoustic album on all streaming platforms remember to check out our website URL_TOKEN you can find physical copies of all of our cover cds as well as t-shirts and sweatpants END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
on windows NUMBER_TOKEN and actually there's another super chat just down here saying should i switch back to windows NUMBER_TOKEN because my games on windows NUMBER_TOKEN keep crashing so why'd you go to NUMBER_TOKEN i probably wanted to let's see uh right here should i go back to windows NUMBER_TOKEN nothing but issues with gaming in windows NUMBER_TOKEN crashes freezes blue screens NUMBER_TOKEN okay if you're having crashes freezes and blue screens in NUMBER_TOKEN you need to clean install the windows and this is always the risk of doing an upgrade is if you did a clean install uh NUMBER_TOKEN times out of NUMBER_TOKEN is going to work perfectly you don't want to do a clean install but that's probably what's going to just windows is stable windows NUMBER_TOKEN is stable windows NUMBER_TOKEN is stable if it's not stable on your hardware you either have a corrupted install of windows or you have a hardware problem one of those two windows is stable the whole crashes blue screens and free frozen machines thing that is so NUMBER_TOKEN years ago windows xp is gone the early days of vista and seven are gone how many computers do we have a lot oh gosh we'd actually have to go around and count them yes knock on wood when's the last time you ran into a computer that just actually we do have a computer that has an issue your computer in that room yeah but that's not windows that's an ssd that is a flaky ssd yeah i got an ssd that that just keeps chucking a mickey and it's like but that's not windows fault that's a hardware problem it's a hardware problem either windows is corrupted needs to be reinstalled or you have a hardware problem windows is stable so there you go urcd keys is the best source for genuine windows NUMBER_TOKEN and office professional product keys that work the first time every time get NUMBER_TOKEN off normal prices using our discount code bst for byte size tech and the link in the video description below NUMBER_TOKEN gets you a windows NUMBER_TOKEN professional oem key that is a real product key activates directly with microsoft use it forever as it links to your microsoft account and it works through reinstalls get a full copy of office NUMBER_TOKEN professional plus for about fifty dollars that redeems at URL_TOKEN using your microsoft account it also works forever through reinstalls we have been using urcd keys for almost three years now and recommend you do so as well
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN urcd keys is the best source for genuine windows NUMBER_TOKEN and office professional product keys that work the first time every time get NUMBER_TOKEN off normal prices using our discount code bst for byte size tech and the link in the video description below NUMBER_TOKEN gets you a windows NUMBER_TOKEN professional oem key that is a real product key activates directly with microsoft use it forever as it links to your microsoft account and it works through reinstalls get a full copy of office NUMBER_TOKEN professional plus for about fifty dollars that redeems at URL_TOKEN using your microsoft account it also works forever through reinstalls we have been using urcd keys for almost three years now and recommend you do so as well END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
was eating them every single day um and this is true i don't know who writes this stuff i love to gamble in sports but not my pistachios i am a pistachio snob i will not endorse nuts or pistachios that aren't great these are um all these pistachios awesome you want me to talk about how big they are compared they're bigger the if you eat what i can say the brands because if you eat wonderful pistachios you're trash you're trash human they are gross they're disgusting and you have to reevaluate your life it's so it's one of my tenants and not before this is why nuts is here because i went on this rant i i forget we had i think it was tommy or frankie day one they're like bringing me wonderful pistachios like do i look like a trash human like i will only eat very good pistachios URL_TOKEN has it um they truly do i don't have the all the products delicious whatever they are the best this is where if you want to get people nuts that they're going to be like oh this is good i'm eating them all and not one wonderful throw in the trash here you go URL_TOKEN customers get free shipping on your first order when you text dave to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN free shipping your first order on URL_TOKEN that's dave NUMBER_TOKEN terms apply available at URL_TOKEN terms trust me as a nut pistachio snob these passed the test boom dave to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN i was pretty much saying it no yeah um like as soon as we signed off last week there was that draftkings deal for NUMBER_TOKEN billion the rumors of it rumors of it yes with contained uh yeah thoughts what's your take of the situation so entane is basically uh owns half of mgm online what do they why do i bet mgm so draftkings is trying to buy them the rumor is for NUMBER_TOKEN million NUMBER_TOKEN billion excuse me whether that would be allowed because of like uh monopoly who knows but i think it's great like that and people look at everything different to me that's very good news for barcelona um because we're probably similar right now i guess mgm online i would say bar just the barcelo sports book the online so if they're getting bought for NUMBER_TOKEN billion we're not trading at NUMBER_TOKEN billion right now so when i say NUMBER_TOKEN billion what is the term market cap okay market cap so to me that we should instantly be trading above NUMBER_TOKEN billion market cap because that's the going rate that's why i bought the score way back when when i had nothing to do with it i knew the market oh uh you know this guy's getting that or that comes against that it's like the score is PROFANITY_TOKEN going to be worth a ton that's how i feel about us now it's like you're saying mgm bet mgm just the online portion is NUMBER_TOKEN billion we make money never mind just barcelona sportsbook but the penn part of the casinos all cash cows so great news for me and to be honest draftkings needs a way to show that they're actually like
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN was eating them every single day um and this is true i don't know who writes this stuff i love to gamble in sports but not my pistachios i am a pistachio snob i will not endorse nuts or pistachios that aren't great these are um all these pistachios awesome you want me to talk about how big they are compared they're bigger the if you eat what i can say the brands because if you eat wonderful pistachios you're trash you're trash human they are gross they're disgusting and you have to reevaluate your life it's so it's one of my tenants and not before this is why nuts is here because i went on this rant i i forget we had i think it was tommy or frankie day one they're like bringing me wonderful pistachios like do i look like a trash human like i will only eat very good pistachios URL_TOKEN has it um they truly do i don't have the all the products delicious whatever they are the best this is where if you want to get people nuts that they're going to be like oh this is good i'm eating them all and not one wonderful throw in the trash here you go URL_TOKEN customers get free shipping on your first order when you text dave to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN free shipping your first order on URL_TOKEN that's dave NUMBER_TOKEN terms apply available at URL_TOKEN terms trust me as a nut pistachio snob these passed the test boom dave to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN i was pretty much saying it no yeah END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
day five smoother than the fabric of a cuts t-shirt today's video is sponsored by cut shirts i've been wearing cut shirts and all these shoe days because i wear cut shirts almost every day of my life because they're incredible fitting shirts hoodies whatever you get asked for obviously this is my favorite one as you notice i've worn this twice already on the shirt mind you i haven't watched it yet this one's obviously from their summer collection they have a whole new array of colors for their autumn collection uh i'm hoping i can get my hands on some of those just got some brand new joggers that they sent me fit immaculately i'm not putting them on right now because it's late i live in hawaii and it's hot so i don't feel like putting on pants yeah if you're watching this video and you're like damn danny looks so good in those t-shirts for the very few of you who thought that a thank you and b down below my description is a discount code for you so you can go enjoy your cuts products yeah tomorrow last day day six of six i'm in need of it can't wait to start editing but yeah i'll see you tomorrow
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN today's video is sponsored by cut shirts i've been wearing cut shirts and all these shoe days because i wear cut shirts almost every day of my life because they're incredible fitting shirts hoodies whatever you get asked for obviously this is my favorite one as you notice i've worn this twice already on the shirt mind you i haven't watched it yet this one's obviously from their summer collection they have a whole new array of colors for their autumn collection uh i'm hoping i can get my hands on some of those just got some brand new joggers that they sent me fit immaculately i'm not putting them on right now because it's late i live in hawaii and it's hot so i don't feel like putting on pants yeah if you're watching this video and you're like damn danny looks so good in those t-shirts for the very few of you who thought that a thank you and b down below my description is a discount code for you so you can go enjoy your cuts products END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
like you could you could just like beat on this car yeah and it's it's fine you know i i enjoy something that is semi-comfortable like this i say something guys very comfortable and as fast as hell but then you've got that manual that obviously i'm assuming is way better than the the s how they call it and then you had it in the other part yeah in the the vital advantage that i had that had a uh the flappy paddle seven speed yeah uh automated whatever and that sucked because i mean it would just kill a clutch if you're doing stop and go traffic yeah which is why i was really happy that you got the manual because like the manual is just it's very it's the same gearboxes in this car i would have had a hard time paying well i think again NUMBER_TOKEN is decent because it's a manual but if it was that automatic no i wouldn't be dropping five grand minimum and especially those they don't make that much torque down low so getting it out from a start on those transmissions is just it's really really horrible um so i got this car for NUMBER_TOKEN but uh there was a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN mile dbs manual that just went up for sale that just sold yesterday for NUMBER_TOKEN grand yeah i'd imagine because you just it's so cliche they don't make this anymore they don't make that anymore that's why you can i was just telling you in the parking lot like we got these cars especially if you got one with the manual and like i don't ever drive certain cars but like do you give it up because it's got the manual you don't lose a lot of money right it's not a bad it's seriously not a bad investment yeah even though i don't know about your parents they told me don't buy cars as an investment if they're all depreciating assets but all the ones that we seem to own don't lose a ton in value i just buy what i like and then it seems like all that stuff just gets more valuable over the years yeah um but you know i i don't really care if the thing gets gets more yeah i i like it because it's the car i wanted and and and that's it if i'm not planning on selling it it'd be nice to you know if i needed to sell it i could get my money out of it but sure all right i'm starting to warm up to this i look at it that car looks really good yeah it's a very good looking car we're gonna make it into something that's decent so your that car can you like can you do it well can you do it like good that one yeah just like just make it nice freddy i'll make it as nice as you made that uh the white lamborghini i'm gonna make it as nice as freddy made that white lamborghini it's just really nice i've seen it before over there i've seen while i've seen it before okay i've never i've never driven in it because i don't know if it runs driving but it it does yeah and it does make it nicer than that one no matter how
series part two just came out fully dramatized it's the best radio theater you've ever heard it's incredible and as an audible member you can choose one title a month to keep from their entire catalog that's how i got NUMBER_TOKEN in my library and they're in your library forever by the way i often go back and listen when the movie dune came out i said i want to listen to dune again it was great that one's dramatized as a matter of fact best sellers new releases classics audible loves science fiction i know you we all love science fiction audible's a great place for sci-fi because so much of the early sci-fi things like foundation and dune weren't recorded originally audible actually set up studios to create the audible frontiers series which is finally uh audiobook versions of some of the most uh iconic science fiction uh novels so that's really a great reason to join audible all available to download or stream you can listen anywhere anytime on any device and you know what you never lose your spot always pick up right where you left off so i'll get home i'll sit down in my office i'll say hey echo read to me it'll pick up right where i left off in the car i love it NUMBER_TOKEN is all about celebrating our newfound self-awareness and making positive change right audible helps make space for what matters to you it's a destination for your wellness whether you're looking to soul-search be inspired work towards new goals unwind or simply be entertained we've had some time to find out what truly makes us happy and audible lets us have more of it recently we've been listening to uh audiobook uh called being mortal which is kind of heavy but it's about end of life and uh and and uh how we think about it and it's just a wonderful wonderful listen you're always going to find the best of what you love or something new to discover new members try audible NUMBER_TOKEN days free download the audible app and get started with a free trial URL_TOKEN twit you can also text them if you want to put on your phone just text twit to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN please do text twit to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN something those saw it here or go to URL_TOKEN twit text tweet to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN to start your free trial today there's a good example of an advertiser that's been with us from i think more than a decade what's going to say leo weren't they one of your first one of the first sisters yeah yeah yeah because i heard about it on twit on audio you could blame me for that as well sure go ahead i know thanks it cost me thousands of dollars but uh but it's it's uh i wouldn't say NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN i i heard it on twit and i remember getting it when i first got it i had to like download it to my computer and then sync it to my ipod that's right and then listen to it with my ipod um but was very glad that i did and have been yeah have been a member you know for now i mean almost NUMBER_TOKEN years because of twit which is my only problem is i have so many audio books i don't
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN series part two just came out fully dramatized it's the best radio theater you've ever heard it's incredible and as an audible member you can choose one title a month to keep from their entire catalog that's how i got NUMBER_TOKEN in my library and they're in your library forever by the way i often go back and listen when the movie dune came out i said i want to listen to dune again it was great that one's dramatized as a matter of fact best sellers new releases classics audible loves science fiction i know you we all love science fiction audible's a great place for sci-fi because so much of the early sci-fi things like foundation and dune weren't recorded originally audible actually set up studios to create the audible frontiers series which is finally uh audiobook versions of some of the most uh iconic science fiction uh novels so that's really a great reason to join audible all available to download or stream you can listen anywhere anytime on any device and you know what you never lose your spot always pick up right where you left off so i'll get home i'll sit down in my office i'll say hey echo read to me it'll pick up right where i left off in the car i love it NUMBER_TOKEN is all about celebrating our newfound self-awareness and making positive change right audible helps make space for what matters to you it's a destination for your wellness whether you're looking to soul-search be inspired work towards new goals unwind or simply be entertained we've had some time to find out what truly makes us happy and audible lets us have more of it recently we've been listening to uh audiobook uh called being mortal which is kind of heavy but it's about end of life and uh and and uh how we think about it and it's just a wonderful wonderful listen you're always going to find the best of what you love or something new to discover new members try audible NUMBER_TOKEN days free download the audible app and get started with a free trial URL_TOKEN twit you can also text them if you want to put on your phone just text twit to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN please do text twit to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN something those saw it here or go to URL_TOKEN twit text tweet to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN to start your free trial today there's a good example of an advertiser that's been with us from i think more than a decade what's going to say leo weren't they one of your first one of the first sisters yeah yeah yeah because i heard about it on twit on audio you could blame me for that as well sure go ahead i know thanks it cost me thousands of dollars but uh but it's it's uh i wouldn't say NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN i i heard it on twit and i remember getting it when i first got it i had to like download it to my computer and then sync it to my ipod that's right and then listen to it with my ipod um but was very glad that i did and have been yeah have been a member you know for now i mean almost NUMBER_TOKEN years because of twit which is my only problem is i have so many audio books i don't END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
if you guys never heard about random factory they're known to give away custom ford raptors and twenty thousand dollars in cash every other month orono factory also partners with amazing charities each giveaway they raised over two and a half million dollars for charities like make-a-wish wounded warrior project freedom services dogs of america currently they're giving away a custom pearl white ford rapture plus twenty thousand dollars in cash
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN if you guys never heard about random factory they're known to give away custom ford raptors and twenty thousand dollars in cash every other month orono factory also partners with amazing charities each giveaway they raised over two and a half million dollars for charities like make-a-wish wounded warrior project freedom services dogs of america currently they're giving away a custom pearl white ford rapture plus twenty thousand dollars in cash END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
the reporter asks what are you going to do if americans are still stranded in afghanistan after the deadline and then the audio cuts wow truly the most transparent administration in american history you know it's one thing to not answer the question it's one thing to even give a political response be respectful in your response and say you know what we can't go into details right now it's another thing to do what joe biden did here looking at the guy smirking laughing and then saying you'll be the first person i call and thinking you're just so clever and witty so above it all typical democrat peter alexander who's the reporter who asked in the question clarified what was said after the biden administration cut the feed i asked president biden what he will do if americans are still in afghanistan after the august NUMBER_TOKENst deadline his response you'll be the first person i call and then took no questions as he laughed absolutely despicable then of course peter ducey questions jansaki who does what she always does defends her geriatric incompetent boss by any means necessary once again lying to the american people at the tail end of the president's remarks today about cyber security he was asked about afghanistan and he made it peter asked him that question the other peter did and he made a joke so what's so funny well i think the question he was asked if i remember correctly was about when he will provide information about a decision on august NUMBER_TOKENst i don't want to paraphrase the question if that was an inaccurate description of the question a lot of people watch of course it's a very important question and i think what he conveyed uh what is that um he has not well what i can convey from here i should say is that uh as he stated yesterday and as the secretary of state just stated we're on track to complete our mission by august NUMBER_TOKENst nothing to see here folks a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo a whole bunch of jargon literally anything but telling the truth what he meant to say or what i should say give me a break she didn't even answer the question peter ducey specifically asked her what's so funny and you can tell joe biden is becoming a serious liability you can't defend the indefensible as i always say gensake is always put in that position defending a president who you just can't defend we're talking about the loss of american life we're talking about americans in danger stranded stuck families children wives husbands american government workers and of course probably worst of all christian missionaries who are probably the most at risk you know what happens to christians in the middle east especially in a place like afghanistan after the taliban have taken over and the question you were asked gen saki is what's so funny but you couldn't answer because you have no answer nothing is funny and this president is way out of line on this one nothing new now is it he's been way out of line since the start and his total lack of taking things seriously is exactly why we're here in the first place he didn't take the
i'm gonna sand this
they never expect us to fly in this kind of weather boys
okay hey yeah yeah it's a start oh well leona says no to that oh yeah on the banners call yeah i don't think i can win anymore wow what another turn yeah that's also a good question and jessica can come down and oh yeah suggest guy triple hex drake yeah that's well no you can't triple hexter you can to hex strings oh it's protection from everything oh yes yeah okay so i just have to just go kill everything should work as well yeah oh it's kind of insane was it tombstalker if i don't see a thought seize this game i'll be upset richard like richard fancies come on all right snipes it how about how about like really old oh wait what oh he's got oh he's gonna sack
we're trying to do many many things in just three days so with that number one the Brooklyn Bridge all right guys so we've walked down the bridge we're now in the financial district and we're gonna grab some breakfast everything on the menu sounds amazing yours looks like sophisticated and beautiful mine looks like a diner style which I'll always choose that over sophisticated food tater tossed this is setting the bar way too high it's unbelievable this is the back of a Faberge egg if ever you want to immerse yourself in the feeling of being poor come take a little stroll down Wall Street watch people in their thousand dollar suits stroll across the street making multi-million dollar deals while you decide whether to get a hotdog or Starbucks because it's simply too expensive so as you can see there's a bit of a line here to come and get a photo with the front of the bowl but what people don't tell you is there's no line on the other side now this is how you skip the line I can feel the wealth rubbing off on me this is oculus it looks like something straight out of like an alien vs. predator movie just landing down in the city it's beautiful let's go check it out this is freakin amazing I've seen this place on Instagram before but this is way more impressive in person now last minute trips like this would simply not be possible if it wasn't for my sponsors and I want to thank Best Western hotels and resorts for sponsoring a portion of today's video and today I want to tell you about Best Western rewards their award winning loyalty program the lowest prices possible using Best Western com so why Best Western let me tell you that amazing service a wide variety of amenities that I mentioned most locations have hot breakfast included and on top of that you've got beautiful comfortable modern rooms and did I mention free Wi-Fi with Best Western Rewards you not only get incredible perks and promotions but you also save on your travels while earning more points I'm gonna need that back and lastly guys it's completely free to join Best Western rewards so you can check it out using the link in the description and you can book now at Best Western com with the lowest rates guaranteed thank you to the Best Western hotels and resorts for sponsoring a portion of this video now let's get back to seeing New York its dripping it's a monster I love America I think this is the best shake I've ever had guys it's just perfect inside out I hope my mom's not watching this because we just had dessert before dinner that's how you're supposed to live like this is my first day in New York but I'm already gonna say it this must be the most beautiful time to come visit the fall colors are here as we're walking I had to stop because when I look here it looks like we're in a movie set any new york-based TV show could easily be based on this street right here it's so picturesque so if you guys are wondering why you watch my channel because I give you those little insider tips that nobody else knows about this is a little off the Blanc hidden secret this is the apartment from friends
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN last minute trips like this would simply not be possible if it wasn't for my sponsors and I want to thank Best Western hotels and resorts for sponsoring a portion of today's video and today I want to tell you about Best Western rewards their award winning loyalty program the lowest prices possible using Best Western com so why Best Western let me tell you that amazing service a wide variety of amenities that I mentioned most locations have hot breakfast included and on top of that you've got beautiful comfortable modern rooms and did I mention free Wi-Fi with Best Western Rewards you not only get incredible perks and promotions but you also save on your travels while earning more points I'm gonna need that back and lastly guys it's completely free to join Best Western rewards so you can check it out using the link in the description and you can book now at Best Western com with the lowest rates guaranteed thank you to the Best Western hotels and resorts for sponsoring a portion of this video now let's get back to seeing New York END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
so hello everybody let's close that vNUMBER_TOKEN window in the back so that you can actually listen to me um yes we want to do an acceleration comparison video and of course a bit of sound between mNUMBER_TOKENi rsNUMBER_TOKEN and the new golf NUMBER_TOKENr and you could probably say that they are not exactly in the same league but but please watch the video they are a lot closer together than one might think and also from a pricing perspective they start to become really interesting competitors and options specifically because all three cars have been released new to the market for the past NUMBER_TOKEN months i would say but before we kick it off with that race i have a last minute christmas present idea for you because we have gotten the obd-NUMBER_TOKEN pro pack which is actually a very neat small and clever device which you can plug into your car and it enables functionality um the clever part is actually that they're having those one-click apps so you don't have to do into complicated coding or something like that that that i'm not an expert in and you're probably also not an expert in but you can just use those one-click apps and then you have the possibility to change the setting of the speedometer you can enable the mirror tab that the mirror folds down once you do it in reverse um for example you can also even enable hands-free audio specifically if you're buying a used car on the market which maybe has not the ideal specs that you have chosen you can utilize that device and the mobile app by actually unlocking that functionality and you can of course change it anytime that you want it back to the stock setting or to a different setting so this is actually the their brand new product and the clever part about it is that you have the possibility to also utilize that on the latest car so NUMBER_TOKEN plus that means like the latest mqb cars like coopers golf eights aNUMBER_TOKENs or whatever that are coming out there and specifically also the mebs which means that even idNUMBER_TOKEN and idNUMBER_TOKEN cars you can you can utilize that functionality um enough talking of course i will put down the link in the description so you will find it you also have some christmas discounts there and some nice bundles um and of course we will now continue to get to the race i have picked up my stuff here and that means we can further go on with the rNUMBER_TOKEN so let's kick it off with the first car i would say let's start off with the golf NUMBER_TOKENr the golf NUMBER_TOKENr probably has the best conditions of all three cars once we look at them because it had summer tires and also the temperature was more or less best in that case on the golf NUMBER_TOKENr let's kick it off with that car launch control and NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN acceleration
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but before we kick it off with that race i have a last minute christmas present idea for you because we have gotten the obd-NUMBER_TOKEN pro pack which is actually a very neat small and clever device which you can plug into your car and it enables functionality um the clever part is actually that they're having those one-click apps so you don't have to do into complicated coding or something like that that that i'm not an expert in and you're probably also not an expert in but you can just use those one-click apps and then you have the possibility to change the setting of the speedometer you can enable the mirror tab that the mirror folds down once you do it in reverse um for example you can also even enable hands-free audio specifically if you're buying a used car on the market which maybe has not the ideal specs that you have chosen you can utilize that device and the mobile app by actually unlocking that functionality and you can of course change it anytime that you want it back to the stock setting or to a different setting so this is actually the their brand new product and the clever part about it is that you have the possibility to also utilize that on the latest car so NUMBER_TOKEN plus that means like the latest mqb cars like coopers golf eights aNUMBER_TOKENs or whatever that are coming out there and specifically also the mebs which means that even idNUMBER_TOKEN and idNUMBER_TOKEN cars you can you can utilize that functionality um enough talking of course i will put down the link in the description so you will find it you also have some christmas discounts there and some nice bundles um and of course we will now continue to get to the race i have picked up my stuff here and that means we can further go on with the rNUMBER_TOKEN END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
too much to ask for that new interior that was revealed to us last week in the new silverado nah but we're not done just yet because after all if this van can't pull off the a-team look can we even call it a vandora hold my beer because oscar thought the same thing and with a few little tweaks he gave this new vandora the a-team treatment and i'd say it's a knock out of the park i pity the fool that wouldn't want this man sorry guys i had to so now the big question is of course would you buy one if this was parked next to say a new yukon on the dealership lot would you give it a chance or just laugh and run back to the traditional suv design that's pretty much taken over the world at this point me personally i have to say that with every van design that we've discussed on this channel whether it be this one the famed astro van or the cadillac escalade caddy van we still haven't decided on the name for that thing i'm starting to feel like general motors really needs to make one of these happen i know you're watching general motors give the people a van join the conversation below and answer the question of course would you buy one as always i'd like to thank all of you for watching if you made it this far on the video be sure to smash that like button subscribe if you aren't already check out my friends over at URL_TOKEN for all your gm oem parts needs and i will see you all in the next video thanks again take care
you can also unblock region restricted content using it quickly and easily while also protecting against ddos attacks in case dark valley gets a little bit too intense for your liking once again use my link in the description to get NUMBER_TOKEN off a two year plan and one month free that's URL_TOKEN gug so i had already done two of these before and i'd only managed to get NUMBER_TOKEN players and my goal is NUMBER_TOKEN so NUMBER_TOKEN is double NUMBER_TOKEN. and if i struggle to get NUMBER_TOKEN on and was basically unplayable then how the heck am i supposed to get on now and most of the time it won't even let you join like a physically won't let you join so i was extremely worried it was just not going to pan out and i was getting like NUMBER_TOKEN people in and the stream would be a complete and utter bust that's kind of what it was looking like at first but we had a really big turnaround so i started stream i just kind of sat there for a little bit chatting telling people what was going to happen and kind of just waiting for people to come in and notice that the stream was actually live i pinged my discord et cetera i made a community post and by this time people were joining my discord fast because i said that the code was going to be released inside of my discord only so people were joining my discord and they were joining it insanely fast we went from NUMBER_TOKEN members to NUMBER_TOKEN members in the course of one day it was absolutely incredible and i was completely and utterly panicking so i released the code to my channel members first and one guy joined everything looked like it was cool and then and then i released it to the public so i assume hundreds of people were trying to join at one time because we had around NUMBER_TOKEN viewers at that point people were spam joining and maybe NUMBER_TOKEN people got in before no one else could get in like there was like a solid minute where no one else was getting in so i had a few other ideas basically first thing i tried was i restarted my game without mods because i had actually had mods on to help me build the cabin because i didn't want to manually start up a farm grind all the wood and then build the cabins by hand because that's just stupid and a waste of my time so i'd launch with mods so i turned off the mods launched again this time around NUMBER_TOKEN people got in i don't really think the turning off mods really affected anything i think it was just luck and at this point i just knew oh my god i'm so dead i'm so dead right but i'd come up with an idea where i was going to try to stagger the entry but it just was not working at all people were still trying to spam choice so it just did not work so at this point i knew okay well the stream's a bust i'm completely dead right no i actually went and downloaded an unlimited players mod which shouldn't have done anything but it did do something apparently because i had done a few other restarts stuff like that to see if anything else would work nothing was working i was on my fourth restart people were kind of getting sick of it but i launched with this and it didn't work well game over well guess i'm not doing the stream then i remembered i didn't
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN you can also unblock region restricted content using it quickly and easily while also protecting against ddos attacks in case dark valley gets a little bit too intense for your liking once again use my link in the description to get NUMBER_TOKEN off a two year plan and one month free that's URL_TOKEN gug END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
i will lift my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord
wouldn't matter so in today's episode we'll be focusing in on the specific special variant known as the stinger i think the best way to do this so that we actually can spend the time necessary to understand their physiology as well as how they ended up this way is to cover the sub-variant of the families separately so for instance in the stinger family there are stingers stalkers and hawkers today we'll be focused in on just what the stinger is and why it is different from the other forms of infected how it got this way and what sort of genetics may be at play in order for this addition of new limbs to be grown also i wasn't aware a lot of people didn't know this but i do have a discord and there's like NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people in there so if you guys are interested links in the description and i'm also streaming again on roanoke games on youtube and under the same name on the purple channel and also roanoke tales is back after three month hiatus all right let's keep going but first let's all agree that the march of time is terrible we age our skin wrinkles our hair falls out really it's just a bad time all around but it sure beats the alternative and considering it's the only game in town right now at least until crispr fixes the actual aging process it's basically all we can expect with that said however you don't have to deal with balding as inevitability because this episode is sponsored by keeps keeps is an affordable subscription-based service that will send treatments to your doorstep which has been shown to help stop the balding process and regrow hair in some others that said prevention is the ultimate key in stopping male pattern baldness by age NUMBER_TOKEN two out of three men can experience some form of this with keeps a real licensed doctor reviews your information and then can send you hair loss treatment plans specifically for you every three months not to mention you can message your doctor NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN with any questions that you may have so heading to URL_TOKEN forward slash roanoke you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order today keeps can take about four to six months to kick in so the sooner you act the more hair you can save in the process because let's be real the other alternative is just shaving off all your hair before it turns into a cul-de-sac and with winter coming that's going to be an extra chilly year so again heading the link in the description or going to URL_TOKEN for slash roanoke you can start saving your hair today alright let's get back to it so just as a refresher as it's been a few weeks the general running idea with the devil warm is that they are completely alien in nature having landed on this planet from presumably another world with a highly elliptical orbit necessitating the need to actually hibernate as when they're surrounded by ice they would be released on this world after a team found them in the pingalat crater and then put water on them upon doing so they became quickly familiar with the human anatomy but with that said however due to all the other missing animals on this planet it's safe to say that everything is seen as biomass no creature with a substantial enough mass to be broken down is safe from the worms devouring hunger once
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN that the march of time is terrible we age our skin wrinkles our hair falls out really it's just a bad time all around but it sure beats the alternative and considering it's the only game in town right now at least until crispr fixes the actual aging process it's basically all we can expect with that said however you don't have to deal with balding as inevitability because this episode is sponsored by keeps keeps is an affordable subscription-based service that will send treatments to your doorstep which has been shown to help stop the balding process and regrow hair in some others that said prevention is the ultimate key in stopping male pattern baldness by age NUMBER_TOKEN two out of three men can experience some form of this with keeps a real licensed doctor reviews your information and then can send you hair loss treatment plans specifically for you every three months not to mention you can message your doctor NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN with any questions that you may have so heading to URL_TOKEN forward slash roanoke you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order today keeps can take about four to six months to kick in so the sooner you act the more hair you can save in the process because let's be real the other alternative is just shaving off all your hair before it turns into a cul-de-sac and with winter coming that's going to be an extra chilly year so again heading the link in the description or going to URL_TOKEN for slash roanoke you can start saving your hair today alright let's get back to it so just END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
he didn't even let me ride him i have to go now my planet needs me wait why is he a scooter named oh my god okay now we're on an electric scooter oh jesus oh jimmy holy dude what the this thing rips it does doesn't it shame it doesn't answer the question of where the am i going oh look at that oh my god what happened i i figured it out i got the golden dildo the golden eagle who the is that hello nissa have you been inside the mummy area yet no i haven't in the last video we asked you guys to caption this image here's some of the best captions haha very funny in today's episode we're asking you guys to caption this image just leave your captions in the comment section below and we'll pick the funniest ones for the next video oh and follow us on twitter the link's in the description oh look it's like crash brother coop now okay here we go it's like the mummy we're brendan frazier hello now we've got an actual level where i've got a platform up these rocks the platforming looks uh exciting and uh innovative oh there's the dog oh what did he turn into oh my god he turned into a it's like a skateboard we're on a sand skateboard oh jesus christ this is awful there's just like nothing to it and it runs like crap no there's this game how does this run like crap this game is really lazy uh hi terrifying child what are you up to well well if it isn't jimmy nerdtron give me nerdtron you'll have to do a favor for me if you want to go inside this part of the park oh there's always a catch what is it this time my dog ran off somewhere oh i wonder where the dog could be maybe just wow wow wow that game played that game you did okay this time jimmy so i guess i can tell you a secret the genie has more than a magic carpet on his mind okay what did the genie do to you cindy oh no oh no what is this there's no sense of depth perception because the entire world is just gray what are we supposed to do how was i supposed to know if i was supposed to jump on there oh my god like can you imagine being a kid in NUMBER_TOKEN and getting this game and being so excited jimmy neutron i loved the movie and then it's this when you play this and you're like oh why is god forsaken me there was genie that's the genie genie neutron yeah no all right genie i'm here what have you got in your mind my friend
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN oh and follow us on twitter the link's in the description END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
are trying to print uh remotely over network shared printers those are going to be fixed well have been fixed in this beta and release preview uh and it's expected to roll out to all windows NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN customers during the december NUMBER_TOKEN patch tuesday so yes everybody's going to get their printer things fixed finally and leo i need to get my parched throat fixed okay and then we're going to talk about another nice uh ransomware bit of oh so nice oh i know what you're talking about we talked about it on sunday good news yeah we'll get to that in a second first though let's talk about why you still need a vpn you need the vpn express vpn they they wanted me to say this i'm embarrassed but i'm gonna say it anyway going online with that expressvpn is like using the bathroom and not closing the door you wouldn't do that would you that's why you need a vpn people often say well i have nothing to hide but even if you have nothing to hide you still close the door don't you internet service providers for instance we know know every single website you visit we also know now thanks to a it was funny an anonymous research done by the uh i think was the fcc or the ftc they they they took information from the top five internet service providers but they didn't want to name names because they didn't want to embarrass anybody but all of them are selling the information collecting the information they didn't want to embarrass anybody okay fine isp is completely legal can sell anything they find out about you to add companies to tech giants so for a lot of people just simple privacy is a great reason to use a vpn a vpn as you know because you listen to this show is an encrypted tunnel between you and the outside world so that you know your internet service provider and whoever is sitting across from you at the coffee shop and all those people can't see what you're doing but i would point out of course the people who can't see what you're doing the vpn provider because they're running the server where you emerge into the outside world they would have the same kind of access that's why it's so important you go with expressvpn because they absolutely do not log they do not keep track of what you're doing and they bend over backwards not to do it they are regularly audited by independent third parties who say yes your privacy policies absolutely correct no logging but they also have them vet their trusted server technology i think this is so brilliant when you press that big button on your expressvpn app and their apps for everything ios android mac windows even you can even put expressvpns on many routers protect the whole household when you start up that expressvpn server it runs in ram they it's they call it their trusted server technology it's sandbox they cannot write to the drive so even if some i don't know malicious employee or something wanted to log what you're doing there's literally no way it can it's running out of memory can't write to the hard drive and the minute you disconnect it's gone not no logging there's no trace that you ever existed that's that's why it's so important you choose the right vpn provider low-cost and free vpn providers are
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN second first though let's talk about why you still need a vpn you need the vpn express vpn they they wanted me to say this i'm embarrassed but i'm gonna say it anyway going online with that expressvpn is like using the bathroom and not closing the door you wouldn't do that would you that's why you need a vpn people often say well i have nothing to hide but even if you have nothing to hide you still close the door don't you internet service providers for instance we know know every single website you visit we also know now thanks to a it was funny an anonymous research done by the uh i think was the fcc or the ftc they they they took information from the top five internet service providers but they didn't want to name names because they didn't want to embarrass anybody but all of them are selling the information collecting the information they didn't want to embarrass anybody okay fine isp is completely legal can sell anything they find out about you to add companies to tech giants so for a lot of people just simple privacy is a great reason to use a vpn a vpn as you know because you listen to this show is an encrypted tunnel between you and the outside world so that you know your internet service provider and whoever is sitting across from you at the coffee shop and all those people can't see what you're doing but i would point out of course the people who can't see what you're doing the vpn provider because they're running the server where you emerge into the outside world they would have the same kind of access that's why it's so important you go with expressvpn because they absolutely do not log they do not keep track of what you're doing and they bend over backwards not to do it they are regularly audited by independent third parties who say yes your privacy policies absolutely correct no logging but they also have them vet their trusted server technology i think this is so brilliant when you press that big button on your expressvpn app and their apps for everything ios android mac windows even you can even put expressvpns on many routers protect the whole household when you start up that expressvpn server it runs in ram they it's they call it their trusted server technology it's sandbox they cannot write to the drive so even if some i don't know malicious employee or something wanted to log what you're doing there's literally no way it can it's running out of memory can't write to the hard drive and the minute you disconnect it's gone not no logging there's no trace that you ever existed that's that's why it's so important you choose the right vpn provider low-cost and free vpn providers are END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
today's episode of nerdist news is brought to you by sci-fi's resident alien here's everything you might have missed in the book of boba fett episode NUMBER_TOKEN. folks things are heating up for old boba fett in his eponymous book right now the daimyo of tatooine might not get no respect at the moment but you know what commands respect on tatooine an army and boba's army is about to get a hell of a lot stronger on the book of boba fett episode NUMBER_TOKEN. titled return of the mandalorian it involves the return of a certain character who was very heavily hinted at last week more importantly it sets the stage for both the book of boba fett's final two episodes and the future of another star wars series as well and i bet you can't guess which one now we're gonna break down all the easter eggs and subtle details that you might have missed in just a moment but as always if you prefer to read all about it we've got you covered over on URL_TOKEN however to talk about this in detail we kind of need to spoil what happens in the book of boba fett episode NUMBER_TOKEN. so if you haven't seen it yet leave now before it's too late they're not going anywhere all right let's get into it shall we directed by bryce dallas howard the return of the mandalorian is far and away my favorite episode of the season and that's saying something considering this chapter of the book of boba fett has zero boba fett in it i should still show my face in town you sure that's a good idea now no shade to robert fettuccine in his tattooini cindykini but this episode seems like a linchpin of the series as we transition into the end game of the book of boba fett and the mandalorian season NUMBER_TOKEN. honestly though they probably should have just used peli motto's quote for the title of this episode hey look everyone it's mando now the episode begins in a seedy looking butcher shop full of scruffy looking clatunion meat packers now i say scruffy looking because as the end credits concept art confirmed these beef boys are carving up heaping hunks of nerf meat you know that thing that han solo allegedly hurts why you stuck up half-witted scruffy-looking nerf herder with the color palette straight out of the dark knight dingering the mandalorian himself arrives on the scene complete with his ludwig gorans and theme song and now that take your son to work day is over for him and grogu's off training with luke skywalker din is back to being a one-man bounty hunting band this time his mark is a weasley clad to any name cababias the man though offers cabba the same choice he gave the mithril in the very first episode of the mandalorian i can bring you in warm or i can bring you in cold cabba chooses cold and the mando obliges not with his best scar spear but rather with the dark saber which he
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN today's episode of nerdist news is brought to you by sci-fi's resident alien END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
woman it's scarcity dumb woman mentality according to richard baby please i love you you're a dumb woman you stupid dumb woman i can't believe you cheated on me you dumb woman so dumb and you're a woman it's no wonder you're dumb right yeah how do we keep this family friendly and impactful i don't know i don't it seems very see very tedious quite frankly hey can we work where can we get through this anyway you know we can work around we can work around you getting off my bank account oh PROFANITY_TOKEN i'm sorry did richard steal my fog machine because he just brought all that smoke work around you getting off my bank account wrecked them damn near kill them and you better not be here when i get back oh motel NUMBER_TOKEN time okay what a carry by the father there had both of the other two on his back throughout the whole thing um if there was like an award show for tremendously cringy and unnecessary youtube channels he would certainly be invited the more the story is life can be hard sometimes and the people you love the most will be the ones that betray you in the worst way bro what the PROFANITY_TOKEN remember guys the moral of the story is life is a sad and depressing existence and then you die probably alone also don't forget always let love lead the way being betrayed by your own blood is a pain far too great for anyone to bear don't bite the hand that feeds you funny short term but karma would be working for you for the longer okay wow that was compelling and powerful and uh now i know why stefan did not get much dialogue during that NUMBER_TOKEN minutes of sheer brilliance from the father remember the moral story is those who you love the most will betray you the worst what the PROFANITY_TOKEN why how is that what kind of message is that dude thank you for watching oh this is the dude who owns the channel i think and maybe his girlfriend we see the new videos when we upload vidconica videos are made to inspire people like and share this video so others can receive the message didn't you just tell your viewers that everyone they love is going to betray them and it's too great to bear that i'm not inspired at all i feel depressed i feel like watching the titanic and sobbing into a box of cheez-its at NUMBER_TOKENam in the morning before passing out dreading waking up the next day don't talk to me about being inspired with this PROFANITY_TOKEN you want views PROFANITY_TOKEN you want money you don't give a PROFANITY_TOKEN about letting love lead the way you make horribly cringy PROFANITY_TOKEN videos on youtube because they get millions of views and make you a ton of money which i respect that hustle but don't wrap it up in this PROFANITY_TOKEN bow tie of oh we want to spread positivity and let love lead the way by these PROFANITY_TOKEN horseshit NUMBER_TOKEN-minute skits about infidelity that are doing nothing to inspire people PROFANITY_TOKEN PROFANITY_TOKEN out of here with that PROFANITY_TOKEN these channels crack me up man i i imagine maybe they do the same for you i hope you uh enjoyed that performance by the father they're powerful moving uh overall i just think this is just one video bro there's so many of these videos on this channel and i am so excited to dive a little deeper um fortunately for you guys as
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN um fortunately for you guys as END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
this defense and we might just get a flash through this they're always being broken around the open and no one's actually looking for him yet beaucoup somehow takes down one player cena kind of up in hooker has that crossfire with stark so looking in good stead here but fantastic shot found by linkedin so the defense has rotated in liquid trying to back away to the tp but now the the sagewall has fallen and that has given him this time but the colors seem different today like less vibrant or no that's a nasty shot that was filthy after all against two players not got much time to work with and there we go ascend keeping things passive yeah it only leaves liquid with one option which is to go through showers and just one choke point for the entire team not a good look tequila's all around the information there and there's nothing that liquid can really do here they're getting run down and oh looking for the prime gaming force they will be denied however gathered here working up be two torture one towards long end predictions yeah god inside to work with oh no stocks are caught
like it almost sounds like i'm trying to make it seem as though i would have a problem if david was religious and i really wouldn't it wouldn't bother me i think the the comments that we get are starting to be repetitive because we keep giving the same answer because he stands where he stands and people just don't seem to believe him but i just want to make it really clear that even if he totally were religious and into that aspect of his judaism as well that it would affect no part of our relationship and would bother me not in the slightest so just want to make sure that that is clear because i'm not sure that that message is completely being sent with the tone of this i don't know something about it came off a little weird to me so throwing this little random clip of me looking like in here because i want to clear it up but anyways uh back to the video merry freaking christmas look at my tree look at that beautiful wow it's out of focus i swear it looks nice all right let's go back and now just for funsies a little christmas treat some extra ridiculous comments that i came across when i was searching for this topic are atheists being forced into atheism or is being atheist a choice that's such an interesting concept to try to wrap my head around because i feel like everyone is born an atheist no one is born with any information of any particular religion until they're indoctrinated atheist existence proves god is real you literally have to go against all five senses to believe in atheism i do have to ignore the smell but it tastes amazing and i'll end on one little positive thing i'm an atheist and my wife is born again christian we disagree on a lot regarding theism obviously she takes the bible stories literally and i'm always tempted into debating her it's an interesting life but i love her so much and will never let it come between us that i think is beautiful i wish more people thought like that when it came to friendships or even romantic interests a lot of people probably rule out potential partners because they don't align with their particular brand of christianity even and don't even get me into politics anyway i hope everyone has an amazing holiday season a merry christmas dare i say or is that politically incorrect nowadays said the atheist seriously enjoy your holidays and traditions it literally hurts nobody it's literally nobody's business the only time i have an issue with even religion is whenever it does infringe on other people's rights it's not infringing on anybody's rights if i have a christmas tree up in my house it's also not hypocritical because there's no part of this very very real tiny tree that makes me believe in jesus all of a sudden somehow it's not gonna happen secretly christmas trees everywhere are plotting against atheists to actually convert them anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it give it a thumbs up share it everywhere i'm trying to like prove my atheism still exists people question it all the time literally i went downstairs to talk to david and he's editing a christmas song that will be out on this channel soon
monsters choose their skills and then use your strategy in battle there are different pvp modes where you can conquer an adventure map explore dungeons or even fight in real time against your friends on top of that there's a new event every single week download the game through the link in the description and you will receive a special reward worth NUMBER_TOKEN dollars for free NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN food NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN gold and NUMBER_TOKEN gems this is a limited time offer it only lasts until october NUMBER_TOKENth so again check that link down below in the video information and as always a huge thanks goes to monster legends for sponsoring this video i'm also doing a giveaway courtesy of the headon devs head on applied directly to the force seve already made that joke we're not doing that if you want an old-fashioned boomer shooter with some immersive sim elements then all you have to do is like comment and subscribe the comment doesn't have to be of anything specific i just choose the comment that i like the most or makes me laugh the most or just makes a really good point and then i will message you and ask for your discord or twitter or email and send you your key okay far cry NUMBER_TOKEN let's start with the graphics graphics have always played a really big part in the far cry games and fargo NUMBER_TOKEN is no different it still runs on the dunya engine that said my first impression when installing far cry NUMBER_TOKEN was being surprised that the hd textures took NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes of vram for context that's more vram than a NUMBER_TOKEN has which i have NUMBER_TOKEN it NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes of vram having one gigabyte more than a NUMBER_TOKEN is kind of absurd for hd textures apparently if you install them and you have less than NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes these hd textures just won't load the next thing that surprised me is that the game itself without the hd textures is only NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes i guess if you add the hd textures the total size is around NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes which is more close to a modern game but still NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes for how big in game farcry NUMBER_TOKEN is is really surprising especially when you have things like warzone being NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes why do i need to have warzone installed to play modern warfare multiplayer i don't care about warzone i know it's because it shares assets and all that but it's just so stupid anyway yeah hd textures require a lot for some reason but the whole game's file size is not that big as for the way the game actually looks it's a pretty game but i think for the first time ever i'm not looking at far cry NUMBER_TOKEN and saying this is the best looking game graphically i've ever seen it didn't have that effect on me like say when i played metro exodus for the first time that game was just gorgeous and it looks even better after the rtx update now don't get me wrong fargo NUMBER_TOKEN still looks really good but a lot of that has to do with the size of the world and just being in a tropical environment nonetheless it's at the upper end of graphical fidelity but i think other games have caught up that certainly didn't stop me from standing on a cliff side and just looking off in the distance because this game really can be pretty at times i should point out that
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN monsters choose their skills and then use your strategy in battle there are different pvp modes where you can conquer an adventure map explore dungeons or even fight in real time against your friends on top of that there's a new event every single week download the game through the link in the description and you will receive a special reward worth NUMBER_TOKEN dollars for free NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN food NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN gold and NUMBER_TOKEN gems this is a limited time offer it only lasts until october NUMBER_TOKENth so again check that link down below in the video information and as always a huge thanks goes to monster legends for sponsoring this video i'm END_SPONSOR_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN also doing a giveaway courtesy of the headon devs head on applied directly to the force seve already made that joke we're not doing that if you want an old-fashioned boomer shooter with some immersive sim elements then all you have to do is like comment and subscribe the comment doesn't have to be of anything specific i just choose the comment that i like the most or makes me laugh the most or just makes a really good point and then i will message you and ask for your discord or twitter or email and send you your key END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
you know what to answer this question i'm going to say dragon ball z um fairy tale sword art online not the first season but everything else what do you think is the worst anime of all time all of them i gotta put like you hockey show up in there i don't know look at this look at you bro come on man yeah i'm trying to pinch your cheeks and kiss you on the lip bro no cats mob cycle i don't like the art style i couldn't get through it zordar online second season pizza one was great i think the worst anime sailor moon you are misogynistic powers of the universe and planets are pretty bunk and boring i think it's a little corny what do you think is the worst anime i would say one piece just keeps on dragging on one piece you would say one piece is one of the worst animes of all time i must agree how do you feel about people saying one piece is the worst anime what are you doing do they what are they doing yeah i low-key agree you can't be disrespectful like that would you say that it's facts good anime got a beginning middle and end there's no resolution in one piece bro one piece just got a beginning and it's coming but you got to be patient it's about the journey not the destination be patient actually dragged on for NUMBER_TOKEN years it's like this right imagine jerking off to the same porn every single day one piece is like watching amateur porn bro first off character designs ass second off why the PROFANITY_TOKEN the women got their boobs all the way up here right next to their PROFANITY_TOKEN throat damn you don't PROFANITY_TOKEN with naughty i can't i want realistic PROFANITY_TOKEN i know somebody with a muffin top come on out you do those videos quick to go to sleep that's that's one piece you tell somebody i want to watch a new anime what's a one piece fan going to say bro yo you got to watch one piece bro i know it's long but come on bro i don't want to sit there for three months one piece fans got no lies like one piece face they just get no hoes what are you doing watching a thousand episodes your family's waiting for you bro this video is actually sponsored by devil case as you can see they provide beautiful cases just like this for the iphone NUMBER_TOKEN. just finish your story already like it's good but it's like okay like you're just milking at this point i got to like all the way until like the time skip and still after all that nice oh you're looking at still in mint condition shout out to devil case yeah i just want to give a quick shout out to devil case this is another one of their beautiful cases right again you know what i'm saying no dents no scratches nothing i really gotta give it up to these cases go cop one for yourself link down below what do you think is the worst anime of all time haikyuu is kind of trash though right i like it what's really the plot like you guys playing volleyball like oh big whoop you know but PROFANITY_TOKEN die in other animes haikyuu is just it's just so soft bro am i right or am i right nah they be getting hurt and you got the bloody nose
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN oh you're looking at still in mint condition shout out to devil case yeah i just want to give a quick shout out to devil case this is another one of their beautiful cases right again you know what i'm saying no dents no scratches nothing i really gotta give it up to these cases go cop one for yourself link down below what do you think is END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
twilight what's the name of bella and edward's baby ah disney heck the dad from onward and cocoa i mean he is pretty fine but what icing are you using between layers oh that's a cream cheese ice cream acts like it's some strange glitch yeah don't mind the uh foul legacy child and dragon jungling smutfic i have on the screen um hello everyone today we're gonna get to know each other a little better because i am taking a boatload of buzzfeed fandom quizzes anything from which fanfic trope matches your personality can we guess how you are in bed based on your fandom and apparently they know which fandom i'm in based on my dream cake oh the quizzes buzzfeed quizzes tend to have an interesting reputation to say the least i mean i enjoy a good buzzfeed quiz when i'm bored who doesn't want to know which disney princess they are but i am so excited to learn more about myself in the realm of fandoms and if you want to play along at home then all the links for these quizzes will be in the description i had to get up early to film this video because my neighbor has been drilling in his driveway for the past week non-stop i hate it here i am going insane so i will be drinking my breakfast as we go through this which speaking of do you often feel that you're too busy to prepare healthy meals throughout the day are you concerned about unhealthy snacking and want to make sure your meals are balanced then you may be interested in today's sponsor a big thank you to huel for sponsoring this video fuel black edition is in NUMBER_TOKEN nutritionally complete high protein low-carb meal it contains NUMBER_TOKEN essential vitamins and minerals is NUMBER_TOKEN plant-based and vegan has zero artificial sweeteners and only takes NUMBER_TOKEN seconds to make there are plenty of flavors to choose from since i like my fuel on the cold and creamier side i go ahead and add ice and soy milk to my mix i'm pretty picky when it comes to any sort of powder you add to liquid whether it's protein powder or meal supplements but i was pleasantly surprised by a huel the strawberry shortcake flavor which is my favorite tastes like strawberry cake batter it's super easy to prepare it's cost effective at under two dollars a meal and it's great for when you're busy and on the go but want to make sure your body's getting what it means when i have a super long day of filming and don't have time to cook but i also don't want to blow money on takeout but i also don't want to find myself in the pantry elbow deep into a bag of doritos fuel is awesome check out my link in the description box to get started with huel's black edition today thanks again to huel for sponsoring this video let's get into some quizzes i don't know which one to take first this one says they know what my favorite fandom is i don't even know what my favorite fandom is so let's see if they can guess choose the word that best describes your fandom you know what i'm big on nostalgia i'll click that one for now which of these fits perfectly within your fandom unicorns dragons emotional fans princesses
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN so i will be drinking my breakfast as we go through this which speaking of do you often feel that you're too busy to prepare healthy meals throughout the day are you concerned about unhealthy snacking and want to make sure your meals are balanced then you may be interested in today's sponsor a big thank you to huel for sponsoring this video fuel black edition is in NUMBER_TOKEN nutritionally complete high protein low-carb meal it contains NUMBER_TOKEN essential vitamins and minerals is NUMBER_TOKEN plant-based and vegan has zero artificial sweeteners and only takes NUMBER_TOKEN seconds to make there are plenty of flavors to choose from since i like my fuel on the cold and creamier side i go ahead and add ice and soy milk to my mix i'm pretty picky when it comes to any sort of powder you add to liquid whether it's protein powder or meal supplements but i was pleasantly surprised by a huel the strawberry shortcake flavor which is my favorite tastes like strawberry cake batter it's super easy to prepare it's cost effective at under two dollars a meal and it's great for when you're busy and on the go but want to make sure your body's getting what it means when i have a super long day of filming and don't have time to cook but i also don't want to blow money on takeout but i also don't want to find myself in the pantry elbow deep into a bag of doritos fuel is awesome check out my link in the description box to get started with huel's black edition today thanks again to huel for sponsoring this video let's get into some quizzes i END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
and now we're ready for letters to santa better better we're going to let the kids work on that and jeremy and i are going to figure out how the heck we're going to get out of here tonight that's really starting to come down out there yeah it is
it can save you up to NUMBER_TOKEN on your electric bill rather than using your standard heating i actually put this in my girlfriend's bathroom in her new apartment so that way she doesn't have to heat her whole entire apartment just to get her bathroom heated in the morning and she absolutely loves it it also comes with a remote which is great for lazy people like me and honestly this thing is great for any room like a drafty garage where you have to crank up the heat so high in your entire household in order for it to translate into that one drafty room and luckily for you if you go to URL_TOKEN you can get yourself NUMBER_TOKEN off of these things it's absolutely wonderful i definitely recommend it really happy that they decided to sign on and yes my girlfriend is taking this from me there is an ideology that is afoot and it is behind most of what we're hearing about criminal justice related topics in the news media today and that ideology is called penal welfarism it's basically that the criminal justice system should serve as some kind of welfare intervention tool to address the underlying causes of crime now we've talked about multiple different times on this channel how what the left posits as underlying causes for crime don't appear to actually correlate with criminality and in fact we have clear instances where the three underlying causes that the left clings to the most that being poverty income inequality and racism have been reducing and yet crime has gone up seemingly independent of that however just like mass incarceration being this terrible policy that absolutely didn't work they've repeated this myth enough times for it to be true now i've told you multiple different times that root causes aren't any more important than any other type of cause and if poverty actually drives you to commit crimes then the solution to that is not to treat poverty as a mitigating factor it's to treat poverty as an aggravating factor because if you have something that makes you more prone to criminality you need stronger deterrence not weaker deterrence against that criminality now because the left is arguing from a weak position when it comes to criminal justice something not supported by facts and they can't support their arguments by the data they need to argue against tactics that actually work that go against their ideology by undercutting them based on false premises that they lay out they assert their values in place of what these programs are actually intended to do and then judge them by those metrics and deem them to be failures and you see this all the time lefties claiming to be experts about prisons or criminal justice system when they don't know the first thing about crime or how to prevent it or how crime dropped in the united states post the NUMBER_TOKENs i'll give you a hint mass incarceration was a big part of it it seems like overwhelmingly our prison system is taking in especially if we're talking low mid uh or low medium and uh like prison camps and stuff like that even though you just wanted to be like more we're talking we're talking yeah yeah exactly like i don't wanna i don't want to go all the way right yeah general level taking in like petty criminals and pumping out much yeah well you were sorry i got it i got it now that clip from my debate which i did live at debate con the first ever live event in person hosted by the modern day debates channel is exactly a perfect example of what i'm talking
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN it can save you up to NUMBER_TOKEN on your electric bill rather than using your standard heating i actually put this in my girlfriend's bathroom in her new apartment so that way she doesn't have to heat her whole entire apartment just to get her bathroom heated in the morning and she absolutely loves it it also comes with a remote which is great for lazy people like me and honestly this thing is great for any room like a drafty garage where you have to crank up the heat so high in your entire household in order for it to translate into that one drafty room and luckily for you if you go to URL_TOKEN you can get yourself NUMBER_TOKEN off of these things it's absolutely wonderful i definitely recommend it really happy that they decided to sign on and yes my girlfriend is taking this from me there END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
NUMBER_TOKEN minutes but you would agree that's not a massive difference between the NUMBER_TOKEN mini and the regular iphone NUMBER_TOKEN. so for average use the new mini actually lasts about as much as the larger iphone NUMBER_TOKEN from last year and that's quite the achievement now obviously personally i love the mini but the smaller screen does come with a few compromises that you have to make for me one of them was my typing speed the keyboard on this thing is tiny and i made quite a bit more mistakes while typing and sometimes autocorrect would fix them but often not and i had to go back and make tedious little changes or just type way slower and more carefully and if you have to go into excel sheets to make some edits or do some other very precise work this smaller screen quickly becomes problematic too but for just reading text and while doing phone stuff yes the font is a bit smaller but i personally got used to it quite quickly and didn't find this being a big issue by the way here's a comparison with the NUMBER_TOKEN inch iphone NUMBER_TOKEN it does fit a few extra words while you're reading but not a major difference what i also think this smaller screen does is kind of discourage you from using your phone too much of course you can still get lost on ig or tik tok but there is something about this smaller screen that gives you less incentive to overuse your phone and who knows maybe that low push will have you waste less time on social media which i think with the whole benefit from finally the camera which looks kind of big especially on the mini but there's really not much to say here except that it's excellent and both in good light but also in the dark just take a look at a few of these shots they look stunning and night mode now takes less time to capture a photo the new cinematic mode is also something you either love or don't use at all for video and while i was super excited about it i think i'm in the second camp i haven't really used that feature in about a month but what i do miss more is a quality zoom lens the zoom quality is kind of bad on this iphone and if you like me you like taking portrait photos of people having a two times or three times zoom is just essential because portraits just don't look good with the wide camera perspective but for all else this is the familiar iphone camera interface you do have the new photographic styles to tweak the colors and contrast and images which i find cool and video still looks better than on pretty much any other phone with excellent stabilization and clarity by the way selfies also look better with far better dynamic range so if you use the camera a lot obviously you'd have to charge more often and this is a great time to mention our sponsor anchor especially now that iphones don't come with the charger in the box anker's nano pro charger not only looks very nice but it also offers cool NUMBER_TOKEN watt fast charging speeds so you know your iphone NUMBER_TOKEN mini or iphone NUMBER_TOKEN series device will charge as fast as possible this charger is also super tiny it's NUMBER_TOKEN smaller than a standard apple NUMBER_TOKEN watt charger the anker nano pro also comes with an upgraded temperature sensor on the inside and uses intelligent software to ensure a safe charging process all throughout and compared to a traditional five watt apple charging brick that you may have lying around this one is actually three times faster it can top up an iphone NUMBER_TOKEN or iphone NUMBER_TOKEN to about NUMBER_TOKEN in less than half an hour i love using this tiny little charger it
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN and this is a great time to mention our sponsor anchor especially now that iphones don't come with the charger in the box anker's nano pro charger not only looks very nice but it also offers cool NUMBER_TOKEN watt fast charging speeds so you know your iphone NUMBER_TOKEN mini or iphone NUMBER_TOKEN series device will charge as fast as possible this charger is also super tiny it's NUMBER_TOKEN smaller than a standard apple NUMBER_TOKEN watt charger the anker nano pro also comes with an upgraded temperature sensor on the inside and uses intelligent software to ensure a safe charging process all throughout and compared to a traditional five watt apple charging brick that you may have lying around this one is actually three times faster it can top up an iphone NUMBER_TOKEN or iphone NUMBER_TOKEN to about NUMBER_TOKEN in less than half an hour i love using this tiny little charger it END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
wait come to NUMBER_TOKEN. let's see you could just do it faster imagine what's your what song could you say imagine if you had an audition for a show yeah and they and you wanted it and they really needed to hear how good you could sing right what would it be um probably uh like what am i the most confident in what do you think what am i talking what tonally can i do the best yeah or what uh or what's the most fun because that's two ways some songs might get you in because it's more fun i'm saying if you want somebody to be like wow i didn't realize andrew could sing he's not going to sing this song on the show or the movie right but now i know that we could like you know we could expand a bond uh probably it probably i'd probably do a rap song but it has to be it has to be more mobility back that ass up would probably be like but more melodic could you do it in melody of course can i hear her use a fine PROFANITY_TOKEN won't you back that ass up fine PROFANITY_TOKEN won't you back that ass up you know that's a little taste i don't want to give you all of it okay you know let me hear you sing the national anthem as good as you can as well as you can as well as good well good would be like best for the nation well like your actual performance well-being yeah no the best performance the my for my mental well-being uh the national anthem yeah first word oh say i'll do it i'll go first if you want but i would like to hear i would like to hear like you really trying to do it oh say can you see are you stirring high do you want to keep going that way or start over lower i'd like to start again start a little lower oh say can you see the dawns early that's that's a little silly i'm doing a jazz version but but i would do a jazz version you put me on the field i'm doing a jazz version all right
some dash cams have a screen with a live preview but could that distract you whilst driving a road angel dash cam keeps you safe from distraction some dash cams turn off when you park a road angel's recording all night and keeps deterring car thieves some dash cams are useless with ice and frost road angel dash cams actually heat your windscreen helping to keep it free from ice so it can keep an eye on what's going on why buy just any dash cam when you can have a road angel dash cam
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN some dash cams have a screen with a live preview but could that distract you whilst driving a road angel dash cam keeps you safe from distraction some dash cams turn off when you park a road angel's recording all night and keeps deterring car thieves some dash cams are useless with ice and frost road angel dash cams actually heat your windscreen helping to keep it free from ice so it can keep an eye on what's going on why buy just any dash cam when you can have a road angel dash cam END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
all right so we are back and ladies and gentlemen i am telling you i did not expect this one today is a massive massive episode of the wade concept conversation today my guest is someone i don't think any of us bet would ever be on this channel but that's why you never say never in the boxing scene he is a former world title contending boxer former world class boxer now turned the head coach of the problem child himself that is right folks we got bj flores but before we get into the interview like i said i don't think many people could have bet on bj being on this channel but there is one thing you can bet on and that is today's sponsor the video my bookie that's right guys my bookie is the place to go if you guys want to bet on this jake paul tyrone woodley fight but not only that we have the nfl season coming right around the corner if you want to bet on your favorite sports teams if you want to bet on jake paul tyrone woodley you want to bet on ufc NUMBER_TOKEN coming up soon sign up right now at URL_TOKEN and use my promo code wade and you will get up to one thousand dollars in deposit match bonuses just for signing up using the code so again use my code weight and receive up to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN in deposit match bonuses for my bookie and guys as always bet and gamble responsibly thank you to my bookie for sponsoring this video now let's get into the interview all right ladies and gentlemen uh today we have a very special one one i gotta be honest i don't think you guys thought was gonna happen i don't think i thought was gonna happen but i have been graced i've been blessed with the presence of not only what you may know as jake paul's boxing coach but we're talking a world class fighter top level i'm talking world championship contender fighter my man bj flores is in the building bj talk to me about your career man talk to me about being a world-class fighter and how you got to to get into this board of boxing um my father was a uh he was a helicopter pilot in the army in fort hood texas and uh he was training to go to flight school he wanted to be a pilot so we were stationed in fort hood texas um i think by the from the time i was like two or three years old until i was like seven and my father uh loved boxing my grandfather was a was a professional boxer in mexico and would travel up and down the coast and fight uh and my dad always loved boxing so when he was in the army in fort texas he went to the boxing team and uh met the head coach there kenny adams and um kenny adams went on to be the NUMBER_TOKEN olympic head coach for team usa and he was a good uh you know obviously an amazing boxing coach and the army team back in the time was one of the most revered boxing teams in the country they uh they had a lot of good fighters ray mercer
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN my bookie that's right guys my bookie is the place to go if you guys want to bet on this jake paul tyrone woodley fight but not only that we have the nfl season coming right around the corner if you want to bet on your favorite sports teams if you want to bet on jake paul tyrone woodley you want to bet on ufc NUMBER_TOKEN coming up soon sign up right now at URL_TOKEN and use my promo code wade and you will get up to one thousand dollars in deposit match bonuses just for signing up using the code so again use my code weight and receive up to NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN in deposit match bonuses for my bookie and guys as always bet and gamble responsibly thank you to my bookie for sponsoring this video now let's get into the interview all END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
hey so welcome everyone to our freestyle sl episode four now i've kind of stuffed up big time i need to upload more unfortunately this season ends in four days uh we're only grand champion one division three we never really got higher than that now i'm a bit lower than i ended last time which is uh because i q again i ran into a smurf and i didn't really want to upload that i didn't even do much recordings on the tryhard but i promise i legit i promise next season i'll actually record a lot more videos with tryhard and stuff but because there's such limited time to hit it after both the series it's it's going to be kind of tough but i feel like i'll just kind of record and upload the good games for uh the uh freestyler ssl this season so i can hurry up and get into the next one and record all that i'm sorry uh i should be more organized with my recordings but yeah i just want to give a quick shout out to buff for sponsoring this video it's a loyalty program authorized by oval so you know it's legit that rewards gaming simply for playing games i know what you're thinking it sounds too good to be true mate but it isn't you can redeem gift cards you can get games skins you can even get gaming hardware all you have to do is leave it on in the background and play some of your favorite games such as rocket league ballroom cs go and a whole lot more which over time will generate the buff coins which is the currency to redeem all those juicy rewards and yeah it really is that simple and easy to use download leave it on the background play some games get rewarded for it if you are interested in downloading buff today please consider using my link in the description as it helps me out a whole lot thanks again to buff for sponsoring this video and of course enjoy okay let's get into investing cheese um now i can't say i'm familiar with playing cheese i actually have no idea who this is are probably a grand champion two i'm assuming and yeah let's start off with a banger shot never mind that was actually complete failure that's right that's right we'll stay we'll step it up oh i just finished eating some pizza supreme not bad now i'm fueled up i'm feeling good look at that all right now we get the boost obviously didn't want to score the open net there let's go for boost here double touch all right this is i'm not sure about this in the back of the net all right bad stuff bad stuff we're going to change things we're going to change things a minute in nothing special yet i believe in our ability to shoot and score something pretty good all right let's go left four and this will uh this will be it one two i told you i told you double flip reset that wasn't even a stall a rapid a rapid double flip reset oh we're looking at the same shotty oh my lord all right you know what we're gonna do it oh i was gonna say we got the right awards two times in a row unfortunate that's bit
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN a quick shout out to buff for sponsoring this video it's a loyalty program authorized by oval so you know it's legit that rewards gaming simply for playing games i know what you're thinking it sounds too good to be true mate but it isn't you can redeem gift cards you can get games skins you can even get gaming hardware all you have to do is leave it on in the background and play some of your favorite games such as rocket league ballroom cs go and a whole lot more which over time will generate the buff coins which is the currency to redeem all those juicy rewards and yeah it really is that simple and easy to use download leave it on the background play some games get rewarded for it if you are interested in downloading buff today please consider using my link in the description as it helps me out a whole lot thanks again to buff for sponsoring this video and of course END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
the u.s saw that as part of this controversial domino effect in which if south vietnam fell next to fall would be indonesia and the philippines and all of asia would become communists whereas in reality the vietnamese simply saw this as a nationalistic war to reunite their country landing with the marines are two platoons of third tank battalion armor there's a common misconception that tanks were not used very much in vietnam the marines actually had a history of using tanks for infantry support that reached back to world war ii there's no real way to carry a large cannon around the battlefield you know for direct fire infantry support except tank infantry support in vietnam will be provided by the mNUMBER_TOKEN tank the mNUMBER_TOKENaNUMBER_TOKEN patent tank boasts a high velocity NUMBER_TOKEN millimeter main gun NUMBER_TOKEN millimeters of frontal armor and a top speed of NUMBER_TOKEN kilometers per hour the mNUMBER_TOKEN was designed for tank on tank action the goal of the american tank force NUMBER_TOKENs was in effect to destroy soviet tanks the americans are prepared for head-to-head combat with the russians but in vietnam their tanks face a different kind of enemy the viet cong or vc the viet cong was a local guerrilla force intimately familiar with the area their specialization was infiltration ambushes
leave location tracking on and it still works well enough outdoors for navigation so if this is the case we should all jump into a Linux phone since it's perfect well it's not perfect at the moment the most stable option and easiest to get is a nexus NUMBER_TOKEN with Ubuntu touch which by the way I have available on my store but it has issues if you're used to a newer phone first it is slower this is a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN phone so it's seven years old six to seven years old this means that the camera isn't as good as a modern phone and usually there's a limited amount of space on the phone the main negative is that if you're used to using certain apps there are a lot of limitations you can only use apps available on Linux phones and since a Linux phone is a new thing most Linux apps don't work on mobile for some of us we need access to popular apps but if you use a regular Android then Google know everything you're doing fortunately there's a way around this if you have a D Google phone like the one I sell which is a motorola moto G NUMBER_TOKEN it doesn't have anything Google on it the software that Google to track you is not there the only code that is an ad Google phone is open-source by default so there can't be any tricks there since we can look at the source code and identify the trick but it doesn't stop there you get Ad Google phone and you start loading standard apps on there like Waze Yelp uber and then you're back to being tracked by Google all apps sold on the Google Play Store connect to Google in order to use notifications and some app utilization statistics database capabilities and so on now you will say that ad Google phone is not safe since it actually still connects to Google actually this is a different privacy approach on ad Google phone you see ad Google phone has no identity on a standard Android phone you have your Google ID ad Google phone is set to have a spoofed Google ID so it is never you you never have to identify the phone so even if apps and information to the firebase servers of Google they don't have your real identity yes they can get a device fingerprint and will know what apps are loaded from Google Play but they will not know your after ID app they will not be able to attach it to your financial records and the biggest plus the Wi-Fi scanning and that is the one used to track everyone in the world is disabled let me compare the Linux approach versus the Google approach again so it's clear to you number one in Linux phone provides privacy by withholding information from Google to AD Google phone that uses regular apps achieves privacy by this information two different approaches this is a very important difference and it really is applicable to many things we do on the Internet do you attack the prize see problem by withholding the data you can do this in an absolute wave by not having a phone moving off the grid and disconnecting from the internet instead of doing that many of us want to utilize the internet so we use tor and VPNs these tools create this information your data is still flowing through the internet but these tools obscurity IP address which is the direct identification on you plus your traffic is mixed in with other people when using a normal unsafe modern phone like iOS or Android then you will be sending information on your phone which is the Apple ID the Google ID and a divides fingerprints and the two matches so those
of people about the switch oled is will my insert accessory here work with it i am planning on doing a more in-depth video where i'm going to grab a lot of the accessories that i have on hand and test each one individually but i will say that the finding i'm having right now is that despite the fact that it looks basically the same in photos when you have them side by side the switch oled is actually ever so slightly wider than the original switch if you stack them next to each other you'll actually see how one joycon just kind of slightly bumps above the other what this ends up doing is for the vast majority of accessories that don't really require a tight fit like say a carrying case yeah it's fine no big deal but anything that really focuses on having a snug tight fit on the regular switch is going to have an even snugger tighter possibly not good fit on the oled the satisfy grip was one of the main things a lot of people have asked me and that was one of the first things i tried because i do use that pretty often and what i noticed was i was kind of able to begin sliding it into the satisfy grip but there was a lot more resistance to the point where i didn't really feel comfortable slotting it all the way i feel like if i really wanted to i could get it in there but it's either going to a be stuck and very difficult to get out or b i'm going to mark up my joy cons especially these pretty new white ones by forcing it against the plastic so again i'm planning on testing a lot of accessories individually but i think the main takeaway for now is that anything that relies on a tight fit on the regular switch is just going to be even tighter on the oled possibly to a detriment so that's been my experience for the first NUMBER_TOKEN hours this has entirely been by the way with handheld mode i have not really tried docking this yet because i'm not really expecting there to be anything that different about it i am going to do that though for the more in-depth comparison videos there's a lot more other stuff i want to check like really seeing how the battery life differs if at all nintendo does say it should be about the same range but i really think the change toilet panel's got to give at least a little give and take with some titles maybe some drain a little more maybe some drain a little less uh you guys have been asking me a lot of questions already but i think i'm actually going to even do a dedicated video answering a lot of different really specific ones if you guys have things you're really worried about so let me know down below in the comments any questions you have and i will address that in my comparison videos maybe even just do a dedicated video covering a lot of that stuff again if you don't want to miss out anymore this content please make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed the video like it and i'll see you guys later
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is happening and i can't move those salt columns i suppose i probably could have gone over there and and try and ask the photographer to move i would definitely wouldn't have done that but most of the time you're not going to be able to move the things in your scene but that's the beauty of this camera right here your camera has the ability to change the way things look in your photograph to change the way things are positioned in your scene just by you know if you get really low to the ground things are going to appear up in the the upper portion of your overall composition if you move to the left or you move to the right or maybe you angle your camera down or angle it up this is going to change the positioning where things are in your overall photograph so when i first took this scene i was actually shooting straight on more towards just getting the photographer the salt columns and the color in the sky but i wanted to make sure that i got that c stack because this c stack here balances out this overall scene so i ended up shifting all the way to the left to where the photographer was more on the left side of the screen and the salt columns were there with a little bit of green patch on top of the salt columns and i was still able to get the c stack in the right side here and still get all the color in the sky so even though i couldn't move that c stack i shifted over more so i could capture all four of the things that i loved about this photograph in this example here i really love the way that the top of this iceberg here kind of fit perfectly in this little crevice of where the these snow-capped mountains are in the background and i wanted to make sure that i could try and get that in there because i felt that that created a little bit of separation if i swung all the way to the right the mountain that would be behind that iceberg wasn't snow capped so it didn't look quite as interesting plus this area right here started to converge and i didn't get that separation between the two and this is kind of where that process of identifying what you love about a scene comes in handy because you know what's important to you you know what you want to be able to see in that photograph and when i when i'm going through this kind of piecing the puzzle portion of this process i'm not using a tripod i'm literally just kind of walking around and just pointing the camera and moving in different directions up down left right swinging to the left swinging to the right getting really low and then when you get to a position to where things are starting to make sense your puzzle's starting to come together that's when you pull out the tripod put the camera on the tripod to where you can start to make those kind of more minute changes to the overall scene to really kind of dial it in and here's another good example from once again from iceland i love the uh this tree right here i love how this tree right here kind of use natural framing to frame in this church in the background and i love the the all the different gradients of the shadows and highlights all through here and i love this mushroom right here because it kind of anchored the whole foreground and these were the things that i really loved about the scene so when i started to compose it i
god okay burn zombies ah oh god i wish i had pants oh jesus christ ah you'll never catch me oh god you caught me all right i was wrong i i stayed corrected i'm bitten oh PROFANITY_TOKEN okay a bite is a death sentence oh no they're all over my house god damn it look i'm just standing over there on fire what do you mean i don't have the key oh i must have left it in my house oh no i'm screwed okay i'm back in the medical center and i guess i'll just try and get some sleep in here by christ look at all those status updates they're just all over the place fantastic my last meal is gonna be mustard yeah just eat all of the mustard first aid for beginners so that would be useful about an hour ago great there are zombies at the door he's had such a rough life i don't suppose that's just a doctor coming to save me like i am in the medical center i'm here to talk to you about bladder control that is not really the issue i'm having right now like that would also help but it's not my primary concern there's people at the door oh sweet jesus okay yes there's people at the door all right well this is it i gotta jump from a second story window okay i fell inside somehow it's a shame this guy can only use cutlery because he's honestly like an action hero okay if there was ever a time for those antidepressants it's now there's PROFANITY_TOKEN zombies at the door oh jesus did i say at the door i meant in my house i'm in with the zombies they're right there oh jesus they're right behind me too i just wanted my car key remove broken glass with your hands once again let's get that car key we're getting out of here there we go got my key run so yeah you can have the house it's all yours sorry i had to take the cutlery but it seems like everyone does that for some reason in this world what do you mean i don't have the key i just PROFANITY_TOKEN got it what is this for a different masterson horizon there's two i gotta go back in what what was that animation how did that even happen okay i gotta go i gotta go out of my way this is my car yeah that's right i'm out of here painkillers yes take oh that's another house that i burnt down jesus christ i've caused a lot of damage maybe this whole situation is just a good old-fashioned example of karma all right turn on the oven settings uh yep that's fine yeah crank that up and i'll just put everything into it great oh i forgot i was wearing this get off no oh he's dead he went through so much and look at those savages eating me they won't even use a knife and fork well that's the story of little spoon so we will end it there i hope you enjoyed the video if you did consider subscribing
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looked at that before the audio technica bpNUMBER_TOKEN is NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN used or new depending on how you're getting it on ebay as well and so probably NUMBER_TOKEN is new on most websites that's also a better deal that's got that larger diaphragm like this but it's still a dynamic microphone i think earlier in the video i called it a condenser that was a misspeak uh that one also sounds a little bit better for the mid to lower end voices than this microphone i think this has a place i don't think it's places with me which is why i'm glad that it's not one that i purchased and shout out to wraith for loaning me this and letting me borrow it for so long to finally get around to it but i think this microphone has a place and i think there are certain people that will use it and i do think the lower gain requirement is huge and i like the little switch that it has for the high pass filter right there a little bit easier to use than most microphones although you may accidentally press it and it has a little tally light to indicate when it's receiving phantom power so if suddenly you think your microphone's not working if your lights off then you know you're not receiving power or your cables unplugged or something else which is kind of neat product links for what i can find will be in the description below as always hit the like button if you enjoyed playlist down below with all of my comparisons and all of my other microphones i've reviewed go check those out make the right decision for you don't rush into something just because someone recommended it as the best microphone take your time choose your gear wisely because despite what people say gear matters it just matters to get the right gear and then you don't have to think about it anymore thank you so much for watching uh join us on discord URL_TOKEN box go check out our merch and remember be kind rewind
punching his ass
game you know like this is not this is not the average developer this is top point zero zero one percent of developers so these are rich companies that want to make more money and so so they they're the only ones that this this is going to make sense to do these separate apps and everything else and and so it's this is like you know baseball players striking for more money or actors striking for money it's not like the average you know person working at the warehouse you know striking for you know ten more dollars and also being super careful with the four percent because they want to show that the transaction fee is a minimal part of what they provide like they want to make sure that everybody government's regulars understand that it's the apis the platform access the i all of that is the value and the transaction fees are just really minimal so we'll give you a few percentage off go home you're cute ruffle your hair go right well and and it's really not a it's this isn't you know this isn't out there to help the average developer because the average developer won't be affected by it at all it's not going to be it's not there definitely definitely not there to provide a better experience for the user like this is this is rich companies putting money into politicians pockets so that they can get more money like like this is not you know because the user is definitely going to have a poor ex the experience for the user is going to go down it is empirical like it is going to go down for the user for on on at least the app plot the mac platform or apple plus well and app and well let's just clear it make it clear apple's doing everything it can to make it a crappy experience for users yes saying things like you have to have two apps i mean apple's not going to facilitate this even if they don't even if they don't have a bad faith i mean i don't know what you have to do is go to the app store all you have to do is go to the apple tv and see what happens when an app asks you to go out of the apple tv now you have to go to this web page and sign up for this thing and then do this thing so that you can use your app that you paid for you know and so the thing is is that what what what the user wants is to be able to do it through the apple store app store so that they can i mean the only users that benefit from opening all the side loading and all the opening is porn so so the so the thing is after that the user is better off just sitting there with their little clicker and saying i would like to be charged for it now i have a place to manage my subscriptions i can easily turn it off i can easily turn it on i can do all the things that that's the that's the best user experience the best experience for rich companies is to have some kind of outer area that they will force the users eventually to use you know so you know what you know and that's that's the issue yeah well a couple of quick points uh definitely benefits to the users because if if uh epic and other agencies had not been creating such a stink about mandatory uh percentages and only one transactioners all these independent developers would that are making not a whole lot of money would be when apple would not have simply said you know what we've
all right we're on the draw our hand is a little bit on the slow side with no one or two drops but we do have a roper plus presence so if we find any of our NUMBER_TOKEN live game creatures we could maybe combo on turn four and then double company gives us a good late game in case we're up against a more grindy matchup tapped hallowed fountain could point towards a control deck just can't control it is so not much going on in the first turns lurking roper at least survives lightning helix magma opus could be brought back with a music's mastery potentially i'm just going to play a lurking roper and see what happens ponan might counter it with an archmages charm next turn probably go for end of turn collected company as an author magma opus is discarded for a treasure could see torrential gear hook flashback opus but at least it only deals NUMBER_TOKEN damage not enough to kill lurking roper so just lands and pass here i'm not gonna attack into a potential gearhawk
i'm gonna take the low grade and the crude oil you can have everything else i don't care about any of that all right thanks bro i appreciate it actually can i get that high quality as well yeah yeah you want the sofa all right cheers ah i like NUMBER_TOKENk of that don't need it jesus okay cheers i appreciate it yeah we we've had a good day today yeah very lucky day so oh yeah how come you had a good raid uh no no we uh basically found decayed base that was so shocked then we ended up fighting these guys they killed us about six times but then it turns out there's like screaming seven-year-olds so we ended up killing them and they didn't even have a lock on their doors to their base and that they they had so much stuff so we've got like a chest table oh you've got us what do you have to overflowing with guns that's like the best thing we have about NUMBER_TOKEN thompsons we have like NUMBER_TOKEN thompsons i mean do you want to come grab a thompson bro with too many oh yeah dude even take a look off our bodies that's the thing we don't live i don't live far if you want to come
not available in all states so if you want to learn more and see what mortgage or refinance rates you might qualify for i'll put the link to where you can do that with credible in the description below this is where everybody says but what about the foreclosures because now we're seeing almost NUMBER_TOKEN more foreclosures towards the end of NUMBER_TOKEN than we saw in the end of NUMBER_TOKEN but that data doesn't give you the full answer according to cnbc towards the end of NUMBER_TOKEN we are seeing about NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN foreclosures starting the process in the united states which is almost NUMBER_TOKEN higher than the amount of foreclosures that we saw in the end of NUMBER_TOKEN. now if we just look at that data by itself it's pretty scary holy cow foreclosures are up by almost NUMBER_TOKEN percent there's something wrong the reason why you're seeing so many more foreclosures in NUMBER_TOKEN relative to NUMBER_TOKEN is because in NUMBER_TOKEN you weren't seeing any foreclosures happen so if you see any foreclosures happen in NUMBER_TOKEN it's gonna seem like a big drastic increase compared to NUMBER_TOKEN because you saw nothing happen in NUMBER_TOKEN. now we're starting to see foreclosures go up in NUMBER_TOKEN but as of now as of the time of me recording this video we're still nowhere near the amount of foreclosures that we were seeing before the pandemic started so yeah we're starting to see foreclosures grow but we're not seeing the amount of foreclosures that we had before the pandemic but this is something you definitely want to keep your eye on because if we continue to see foreclosures ramp up if we continue to see foreclosures grow at this rate then we have a problem but as of now foreclosures are still nowhere near where we were before the pandemic but this is something that you want to keep your eye on but it also makes sense the reason why you're not going to see a lot of foreclosures yet is because home prices are still going up so let's just assume that you bought a home and you can no longer afford the payments well what do you do you can refinance because you probably have some equity in your property even if you haven't really paid any principal into your property because home prices have gone up and even if you can't refinance then what well then you can just go out and sell your home and you can probably sell your home for a profit because home prices have gone up so much and so wherever you are in the country if you have a home that you cannot afford there's really no reason for you to go into foreclosure unless you're in one of the pockets that have seen a downturn in your housing market but for a lot of areas it doesn't make sense for a lot of people to go into foreclosure because you can just sell your home for a profit walk away with some cash and now downsize now of course there's exceptions to that but this is kind of what we're seeing across the board you have home prices that are way higher now than they were before and so if you're struggling to make your payments just sell your home for a profit and go move somewhere else so while we might not see a huge uptake on foreclosures yet you might see a lot more people selling their homes because if they start to struggle with their housing payments maybe they can't find a job or maybe their income isn't enough to support the housing payments if you start to see people struggling with their home payments instead of people going into
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN not available in all states so if you want to learn more and see what mortgage or refinance rates you might qualify for i'll put the link to where you can do that with credible in the description below this END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
the apple xNUMBER_TOKEN with faster charging as you would need to specifically use that new usbc charging cable paired with a NUMBER_TOKEN watt power adapter but i will be testing the new charging and let you guys know if i can finally use it for my sleep tracking now so do subscribe if you want to see the full in the preview something that you might have missed is that the always on display is NUMBER_TOKEN brighter now than what the series NUMBER_TOKEN had which was already NUMBER_TOKEN times brighter than what the series NUMBER_TOKEN had now that's pretty great i cannot say that i've had any issues with seeing my always-on display indoors as my series NUMBER_TOKEN was already quite bright but outdoors it was indeed a bit of a different story as i was constantly struggling to read the display without waking it up speaking of the display there are a couple of things that i do want to mention here you probably already know that a display is bigger by about NUMBER_TOKEN percent thanks to the bezels getting thinner by about NUMBER_TOKEN percent but the real question is what advantages does this actually give you aside from the obvious well apps have actually been optimized to display not just bigger buttons for ease of use but also more text so text utilizes the screen better now but this isn't only because of the smaller bezels it is also because of line spacing which is less than on the series NUMBER_TOKEN. therefore you can't fit more words in the same amount of space this is clearly a way of apple making you buy the series NUMBER_TOKEN by intentionally making the text look smaller on the older models we also get a new full-size query keyboard that is made possible thanks to this extra screen space i always found that dictation works surprisingly well on the apple watch but you know if you cannot talk i guess it's good to have a full-size keyboard as opposed to having to scribble letter by letter other improvements thanks to this new display are the exclusive watch faces like the modular max the new counterface and the new nike plus face i really love the new contour face um as it takes full advantage of the more curved display now you can actually see it from the edge of the watch now which kind of reminds me of the galaxy NUMBER_TOKEN inch really cool and we also get improvements to existing watch faces all of which are now slightly larger and easier to read one thing to note here is that the nike plus watch face is exclusive to the nike model speaking of the nike model i say this every year but if you plan on buying the aluminium apple watch get the nike model instead it costs the same as the standard model and you get a really cool looking band plus some unique watch faces that you cannot get on the other models i have no idea why apple doesn't increase the price of the nike model to reflect these extra features it doesn't matter my point is the nike model offers more for the same price something that i was not expecting for apple to improve is the overall durability of the watch and they've done this in two ways first they added ipNUMBER_TOKENx dust resistance for the very first time now the apple watch was always thus resistant but now it has an official rating and the six means that it has the highest possible rating for dust resistance now the x doesn't mean that it doesn't have water resistance in fact apple gave it a separate wrNUMBER_TOKEN rating which means water resistance up to NUMBER_TOKEN meters of depth and yes this is the same as before now apple does say that you
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please let me kill him no no i wanted to hit him that's fine whatever damn if we got rid of his survival right there we would have seen gogeta full power trying to get the boy as strong as i can
best relegation spot so it's not like you were just blasted back down obviously i don't know the points but there was a pretty good effort you know the first thing i'm gonna do you know you know i know the first thing i'm gonna do we're gonna go to the analyst report and we're gonna go to comparison and we're just gonna take a look at like how your players stack up against the league and while this is definitely below average that's pretty bad that's definitely below average like this isn't terrible you know what i mean the defense is pretty bad but this isn't like the worst we've ever we i've seen much worse than this and be able to stay in the league so it's definitely not your attributes alone that are causing issues ah uh i see you're pretty good you're pretty good at the game this is a tactic i came up with early in fm NUMBER_TOKEN myself i found i stumbled upon this the old NUMBER_TOKEN angled but instead of having a defensive midfielder you've got the advanced winger and everything else the issue with this especially with midfield roles that you have on right now is it's really offensive right i mean you have an advanced playmaker is essentially the most defensive person outside of your back four that's a really significant problem i'm guessing you don't use this tactic against teams that like you don't use this tactic against juventus you probably roll out this one this is a very scared terrified tactic uh the lower line in standard engagement i think i i i don't understand the logic behind that there might be logic behind that i'm not look i know i have a gigantic head i mean you can just see the harry kane i have some questions for my father but in this giant head of mine i don't have a logic for doing this kind of staggering when you don't have somebody between the midfield line of the defensive line especially you do this kind of staggering and you're doing it in the deeper half of the field i think that could be a real problem you're giving them a lot of space here you're preventing your midfield from being able to recover all the way back down at least as readily and you're using that standard it's not like you're meeting them way up the field right you're meeting them in a decent line but if they get people between the lines right if you're playing a four two three one you have three dudes here they're between the line they can receive the ball they can run at the defense they can pass they can run off if you're playing a four SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN you've got four guys against four defenders once they get in behind your midfield and they will you've got four guys against your four defenders and that will happen to you a couple times a game especially if you're going in quicker transition because you're setting your line of engagement higher that's something that definitely bothers me here another thing that's like i know this is your incredibly defensive tactic never start with whenever possible that is taking the ball to the corner flag and like actively trying not to score okay frequently is fine you turn on a
just how it is it's not accurate but it's how it is my hype privilege tells me every day that this world complements and appreciates my height in a very explicit and implicit ways people assume that because one is tall they are great at sports even if they've never played or were not good at any sport you do not have to be good you just have to be tall and if you never played that's okay models are also tall models are pretty height privilege sends clear messages to tall people that they possess something special in terms of leadership capabilities and perhaps general intelligence my height adds significantly to my lifetime earning potential in fact that is exactly what i have come to know from my own research okay but like what are you going to do about being tall it's not you can change your height i'm done also apparently capital letters are press capital letters you heard me right capital letters are oppressive now of course this comes out of a canadian university i'm not surprised canadian university department drops capitalization to resist acknowledging oppressive power structures ah listen to this an academic at a canadian university joined the lower case movement that just sounds very unappealing to fight against the oppression of indigenous people she announced we resist acknowledging the power structures that oppress and join the movement that does not capitalize the capital letters that they're talking about by the way are for things like doctor the academic's resistance to capital letters comes from the discovery of more than NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN unmarked graves at a canadian residential school where many indigenous people were forcibly sent to assimilate indigenous children into a euro-canadian culture okay like what does that do for the actual indigenous people how does that help anything it doesn't it's just moral superiority complexes it's just look how good i am look how nice of a person i am i'm i'm uncapitalizing my d and doctor okay let me see what this is dr linda mennigunz maniga that's her name many guns wait her whole name is lowercase that's a great name by the way but it looks really rude when it's lower case she joined the lower case movement to reject the symbols of hierarchy wherever they are found and will not use capital letters except to acknowledge the indigenous struggle for recognition
more find talent to begin working on your project within minutes it's super easy customize your search by service deadline price seller view even more no more guessing games you know exactly what you're paying for upfront notification negotiating needed pricing's pricing is always project based not hourly PROFANITY_TOKEN thank god they tell you well my rate is for a day but this is going to take me a day and a half well PROFANITY_TOKEN how much of an extra day and a half NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN customer service reach out with any question anytime anywhere freelancers have worked with some of the most influential brands in the world firefighters that are ready for you when you are ready find a freelance with a specific skill you need for your next project check out URL_TOKEN and receive NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order by using my code bert find all the digital services you need in one place that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com and the code is bert again that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN URL_TOKEN and the code's bert but what was there cocaine in that video no it was because we couldn't go to baja i didn't connect the dots but we couldn't go to baja because my boys got nervous they were all new most of them the guys who didn't want to go were new they were brand new at motorcycles and that we were all from the east coast we're all from the northeast and this story starts off so romantic can i just paint the picture you get a flat tire in new england and it's raining and there's a bike shop within new hampshire in new hampshire within NUMBER_TOKEN minutes from you yeah and the one thing you said which is so true no one rides motorcycles but for four months yeah and then they go on great adventures and the guy says to you greatest motorcycle trip you've ever had and you say i said the alps i said i well i had only ridden a little bit and this was my first bike that i ever my first shifter bike with a transmission i had mopeds when i was a kid and i but i had learned to ride in austria on a shifter bike yeah and i said i did a trip through the alps i did a lap around austria and he said i said that's got to be one of the best places in the world and he said the alps are nice and i said well what what's the spot and he was just like yeah and then he said he like pointed to this little gallery in the motorcycle shop and it was just covered in photographs of his baja trips and the reason it's a mecca is because it's basically a motocross track that's a thousand miles long and once a year people i think the baja NUMBER_TOKEN is technically illegal they race million dollar trucks and motorcycles from it's usually from like ensenada all the way to cabo san lucas yes and so i wanted to do as much of it as i could with my buddies and um i i corralled four people said they would do it with me we went we got to san diego and then people in san diego were talking about the cartels and what year is this NUMBER_TOKEN this was NUMBER_TOKEN. okay and they were and they were just fomenting fear this always happens yeah it happens with anything you want to do if i if you say you want
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN more find talent to begin working on your project within minutes it's super easy customize your search by service deadline price seller view even more no more guessing games you know exactly what you're paying for upfront notification negotiating needed pricing's pricing is always project based not hourly PROFANITY_TOKEN thank god they tell you well my rate is for a day but this is going to take me a day and a half well PROFANITY_TOKEN how much of an extra day and a half NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN customer service reach out with any question anytime anywhere freelancers have worked with some of the most influential brands in the world firefighters that are ready for you when you are ready find a freelance with a specific skill you need for your next project check out URL_TOKEN and receive NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order by using my code bert find all the digital services you need in one place that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com and the code is bert again that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN URL_TOKEN and the code's END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
oh thank god ah PROFANITY_TOKEN he's calling again i'll get my pencil no i'll get my pencil for the last time no i wait my art supplies are already back in the van in my penis-shaped van that says the penis tracer call now on the side my giant novelty penis van that the whole front end is made out of rubber that bounces around hitting other cars and there's dog ears on it oh yeah what else i had something else i wanted to talk about oh adam how do you feel about your beloved las vegas raiders and the racism of um the head coach the way i feel about the racism i look at it negatively okay the way i feel about the team's bounce back from the racism our resolve fantastic did you see the PROFANITY_TOKEN he was saying ebony and ivory coming together as one beneath the uh beneath the banner of the the silver and black can't get enough what he just called goodell a PROFANITY_TOKEN right he said he's a no football no football he called him a PROFANITY_TOKEN and a PROFANITY_TOKEN i believe and uh i think they were i think they were just like um i don't know how they got nudes of some of the cheerleaders guess what time it is what time we got a special news update from adam who wants to tell you about how you can save NUMBER_TOKEN off at
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN time we got a special news update from adam who wants to tell you about how you can save NUMBER_TOKEN off at END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
you what don't tell me we go back in time do we do we do we go back in time no way what
man i'm gonna make one big long like string of it here we go
today's video is sponsored by yankom ropes the kinetic energy rope that you see me use in today's video has been used over a hundred times and it still works like it's brand new and that's because it's from yankem ropes it's made in america by people who care with top quality materials if you're in the market for the perfect recovery tool for the snow make sure you check out yankum ropes just click the link in the description of this video
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN today's video is sponsored by yankom ropes the kinetic energy rope that you see me use in today's video has been used over a hundred times and it still works like it's brand new and that's because it's from yankem ropes it's made in america by people who care with top quality materials if you're in the market for the perfect recovery tool for the snow make sure you check out yankum ropes just click the link in the description of this END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
two of the videos lately that have been getting a lot of comments on them continually despite me uploading them i think one month and three months ago is my videos about jontron's debate with destiny and also my video about the political evolution of hunter avalone so a lot of these comments revolve around i guess the themes of forgiveness so for the jontron one plenty of people in the comments saying he's apologized he's even profusely apologized he said everything that he said in that debate was wrong and you're still bringing this stuff up he's probably changed he would never believe in that type of politics anymore and with the hunter avalon one i basically made the point at the end that the people we hurt for his youtube career don't have to forgive him so a lot of people were quite angry about that saying i was like being gatekeepy and disputing me on that point but then i have some comments agreeing with me so today what i wanted to do is just kind of recap both videos and kind of i guess prove my own point about it and i guess double down on my own points that i made in both these videos and obviously jontron has been a lot more controversy lately and i feel quite vindicated for pointing out that you know he hasn't really changed he never said he changed and he never actually apologized for anything so we're going to get into all of that today now before we get any further i want to plug my social media and patreon for about a minute timestamps in the description so skip that stuff if you're not interested before we get any further a lot of my work on this channel is demonetized because when you're covering more serious sometimes edgier topics youtube doesn't like this so if you've ever enjoyed my work please consider becoming a patron and you don't have to pledge a crazy amount i want to build up my patreon based on as many people as possible pledging little amounts like a dollar or two so if you know you feel like i have ever brought anything that's worthwhile into your life my content please really consider becoming a patron to help me continue to do this regardless of if youtube monetize or not most of my videos in a given month also if you want to join our communities come check out our discord and my subreddit those links in the description and if you want to follow me personally please check out the kavernackle at twitter at instagram and also my personal reddit where you can keep up to date with all my content and what i'm doing you probably notice i'm back in my normal set and look we even have a new chocolate orange celebrating NUMBER_TOKENk thanks for the support lately actually we're nearly on NUMBER_TOKENk and that's only just like a week's growth or something so i'm feeling very confident about finally adding the NUMBER_TOKENk chocolate orange and look how nice it will look on this pyramid i'll try and make sure i get a different colored one it just looks so beautiful anyway i also live stream two times a week on a tuesday and a thursday and that stuff is archived on the kavanagh extra so let's start with my
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN now before we get any further i want to plug my social media and patreon for about a minute timestamps in the description so skip that stuff if you're not interested before we get any further a lot of my work on this channel is demonetized because when you're covering more serious sometimes edgier topics youtube doesn't like this so if you've ever enjoyed my work please consider becoming a patron and you don't have to pledge a crazy amount i want to build up my patreon based on as many people as possible pledging little amounts like a dollar or two so if you know you feel like i have ever brought anything that's worthwhile into your life my content please really consider becoming a patron to help me continue to do this regardless of if youtube monetize or not most of my videos in a given month also if you want to join our communities come check out our discord and my subreddit those links in the description and if you want to follow me personally please check out the kavernackle at twitter at instagram and also my personal reddit where you can keep up to date with all my content and what i'm doing you probably notice i'm back in my normal set and look we even have a new chocolate orange celebrating NUMBER_TOKENk thanks for the support lately actually we're nearly on NUMBER_TOKENk and that's only just like a week's growth or something so i'm feeling very confident about finally adding the NUMBER_TOKENk chocolate orange and look how nice it will look on this pyramid i'll try and make sure i get a different colored one it just looks so beautiful anyway i also live stream two times a week on a tuesday and a thursday and that stuff is archived on the kavanagh extra END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
just like that it's it's so yeah it's like it's a bit sticky but you're still getting the yeah yeah chuck that in the fridge now you want your batter to be as cool as possible because probably leave it now ideally we don't have that much time up our sleeve but if you're at home you know you really want to press someone an hour in the fridge make that batter nice and cold you're going to get a way better brand crispiness on your batter so now for the entree so that's a fair old bit of butter and then some garlic a lot of you guys are thinking at home right now hippies they're only good for bait you use them for bait wrong you can also eat them now the key is keep if you're going to keep your pippies for a little while you do regular water changes on them trying to keep them alive because you don't want it off pippy trust me it'll ruin your camping trip that butter's melting now starting to get really hot on that pan yep drain a bit of the salt water off that's it put them in put them straight in right i'm skeptical to say the least yeah that's all you need to do as someone who's always caught playing fish you've never had a resort to be honest but um this is gonna be the experience now to be honest with you this is actually a little hidden gem a lot of people don't know about this because they don't eat the bait this is what you're looking for folks see this one here she's just spread a little shells open and that is ready to go i'll put some dipping sauce out for the boys wrap your papers around that one well that's a that's a that's a big piggy that one right that is open wall i'd come inside it's pippy school have a go ruby i know we stole your bait so you get the next one careful it will be warm if you want a little bit of dipping sauce this one's a nice little like a sweet chili sort of one it goes it will be garlic sweet chili doesn't get much better than that all right yeah dip it in dip it leave it in mmm that is oh that is lovely little garlic number one that chili's got some some some punch about it
a very easy conclusion to try and try to make for him but i think what he was saying was that el academy doesn't matter he doesn't think academy is a good system for for anything you know he just has a problem with academy and so he says rather than using academy for what riot wants it to be it doesn't matter if you win academy it doesn't matter if you do well in academy i'm just going to do what i want with my team and he was saying my plan for academy because it doesn't matter is to just throw king to the wolves because i don't give a PROFANITY_TOKEN and my academy team is really there to scrim my main team he wasn't saying because riot doesn't care about academy they're not letting us use our roster he's saying i'm not using my roster or like i'm not prioritizing academy as a team because it doesn't matter so like that's his angle now i think your points about does riot actually care about academy or not is a different conversation then i don't think winning academy matters at all so i'm not gonna try to prioritize it and i'm gonna use my academy team to actually focus on leveling up my main team on that point and just because i said somebody mentioned and the thing and i don't i want to make sure my apologies if i misinterpreted that but straight from alice himself in the reddit thread doesn't matter about winning academy there's no incentive to win academy that is what i meant by riot doesn't care about academy i don't care about what the academy team's standing or tournament results are given what is necessary to ensure best practice so long as practice for the main team is the best it can be slash the practice environments are optimized so that backs up what you're saying mark i think there was also i think some re maybe the reason why kelsey and i misinterpreted it was that there were some scuttlebutt behind the scenes some rumors all right let's not be reporting this officially it's just like the there was some conversation that that cNUMBER_TOKEN was trying to uh have the sort of import stuff changed a little bit so that they could run zven on the main roster which is maybe or not in the main roster the academy roster so that they wouldn't be in this awkward situation where like they have a player that's kind of not eligible um maybe that was not ls pushing for that maybe it was somebody else or maybe it was not the case and it was just a weird rumor but i think that's why there were some some people that thought about that yeah even if it is true i think you can have the stance that he has and still wish that you don't have to throw king out there to get screwed over right right um and like he said king knows the situation like he's he's stabbed king in the back or anything it sounds like king was aware that this was gonna be the deal registered no uh so yeah i i guess we can we can go from there i don't know if raz has thoughts about the only the only thing i can talk about with the whole
also a way to support these videos at the same time here's the thing um dr malone and dr mccullough are not the only doctors who have come out warning about things like side effects or how unnecessary it is for absolutely everybody to get the jab when not everybody is at huge risk and it also doesn't seem like the job is very effective in doing things like stopping transmission there are absolutely doctors and scientists who believe these things and who want to talk more about things like therapeutic treatments instead of just giving everyone the jab but anytime they come forward they are silenced by big tech and not only that but they are smeared and sometimes they are even threatened with having their license to practice revoked and so it's not really that their scientific consensus that we are handling the pandemic correctly by making everybody take these jabs and just you know boosters on boosters and boosters it's merely that we've silenced anyone who questions that and those two things are not synonymous and if you ask me professionals trying to raise concerns based on their knowledge and experience in the field that's not misinformation that's simply scientific debate i would say ironically the biggest threat of misinformation here is trying to stifle debate and dissent because you know that's not really what science is about that is what propaganda is about but of course the smears against the likes of dr malone and dr mccullough will continue as will the attacks against joe rogan merely for posting these people and i think the reason why they're coming after joe rogan specifically and personally so hard is because he has such a huge platform bigger by the way than the likes of cnn or fox news or msnbc as we can tell by ratings and yet he does not conform to their same narrative or their same worldview he does not accept the fact that there are simply things he cannot question or cannot talk about and frankly the mainstream media hates that because they are the ones who are used to being in control and actually speaking of people attacking joe rogan it wasn't just mainstream media outlets who were having their go at him we also had uh brain dead left-wing youtubers doing the same as well and yeah i am talking about ethan klein and just a heads up if you're not familiar with my channel or my videos it is true i am not a fan of ethan klein so i apologize if i'm going kind of hard against him specifically here but he he grinds my gears i i really don't like him that being said though i will try to hold off on the ed hum attacks because i know that's just not productive but the thing about ethan klein is that just overall someone who has responded to his leftovers podcast before he is simply someone who is very uninformed and yet simultaneously very outspoken so not only does he not take the time to research topics before forming his opinion on them but he also for some reason has this smugness where he insists that he must be right because his views happen to align with you know whatever is mainstream at the time and in fact as he was famously quoted as saying specifically in regard to you know the pandemic and the cdc there are just
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN also a way to support these videos at the same time here's END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
that great it's a very special night of the year for many reasons it's halloween but also you guys get a negative review from me something i haven't done for many months before i even talk about the film itself i want to talk about the production of halloween six there are two versions of this movie there's a theatrical cut one that most everyone saw for a very long time then there's the producers cut that now has a blu-ray release but didn't used to there was a terrible quality version of it circulating back in the day and it was one of those things that you might buy at a convention and some bootleg or something and it would look really bad i never saw the producer's cut until it was on blu-ray donald pleasance unfortunately passed away after shooting the movie and they wanted to reshoot most of the third act in so doing they couldn't have donald pleasance come back so they had to find a way to incorporate scenes they had already shot in the theatrical with pleasants into new reshoots so they had to have everything make sense have paul rudd and everybody else interact within the scenes they had shot with donald pleasance as well as other actors and somehow stitch it all together and in so doing halloween six the theatrical cut has one of the most inexplicable endings ever the differences between the two have been covered extensively on youtube the youtube channel deadmeat has a really good comparison so i'm not going to do too much of that you can check out their video it's really great for the most part it's the third act that was changed the most in the theatrical cut as well as the color grading the color grading on the producer's cut has a much cooler hue whereas the theatrical cuts very warm doesn't really make sense for the halloween season when it comes to a plot halloween six is basically a continuation of the thorn cult storyline which nobody likes they try to explain michael meyer's obsession and all of his murderous tendencies away by making him be part of a cult with a ritual and a baby and it's stupid no longer is he the embodiment of evil and he's not even a crazy guy who broke out of an asylum he's part of a ritual this film was written by daniel farons i've spoken extensively about his filmography on my channel in the past he's made films like the murder of nicole brown simpson the haunting of sharon tate uh amongst others and he's recently continued his reign over horror biopics with a double feature this year
i know you love me baby and i love you too i know you love me baby and i love you
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN i know you love me baby and i love you too i know you love me baby and i love you END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
hi there it's debbie did you know that in the NUMBER_TOKENs michael jackson actually tried to buy marvel comics just so he could play spider-man it might sound like a weird idea but stan lee later admitted that he thought he would have been very good for the part who knows how that would have turned out remember to click below to subscribe remember to tap the notification bell or click on the side for more great content
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN hi there it's debbie did you know that in the NUMBER_TOKENs michael jackson actually tried to buy marvel comics just so he could play spider-man it might sound like a weird idea but stan lee later admitted that he thought he would have been very good for the part who knows how that would have turned out remember to click below to subscribe remember to tap the notification bell or click on the side for more great content END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
oh this is that's the that's the that's the play is that that's the turn yeah it's the turn just wrap this one up kevin yeah i'll wrap it up oh he's got dark honest man all you have dragon carnation too we did this last week all right well why don't you dragon some why don't you drag why don't you start dragging over some to your house so you can start carnally knowing them okay moving on
color light and even artist productivity one i'm excited to start is called productivity for creatives building a system that brings out your best with thomas frank lord knows i struggle to make the most out of my hobby time skillshare is great because it's curated specifically for learning meaning there's no ads they're always launching new high quality classes by people that know their stuff and the classes are broken up into bite-sized chunks so you can learn whenever you have some free time over lunch on the toilet on a hot air balloon ride wherever if you want to figure out if it's something that you would like or not why don't you click on the link in the video description below and get a one month free trial that way you can kick her for a spin but it's only open to the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN subscribers that click that link so get on down there and enjoy your free trial big thank you to skillshare for supporting the channel now let's get these minis put away and get back to the video insects carapaces carapace cara pie cara pieces whatever the plural for carapace is are often a shiny reflective material and i think our elf warriors armors here would be no different so i'm going to push the bright highlights up further than i'm comfortable with but i'm never gonna go to pure white in each of these dots of highlights i've been working with a basic layer consistency with this paint while i've been working all these highlights up which ends up being about a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN mix with just water i made the paint thin enough to flow easily off the tip of the brush but it still keeps a nice opaque finish at this consistency the paint acts just like how many of us paint with our standard miniature paints i only ever thinned it with water for this whole paint job and i never felt the need to add any other mediums to get it to act any differently
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN color light and even artist productivity one i'm excited to start is called productivity for creatives building a system that brings out your best with thomas frank lord knows i struggle to make the most out of my hobby time skillshare is great because it's curated specifically for learning meaning there's no ads they're always launching new high quality classes by people that know their stuff and the classes are broken up into bite-sized chunks so you can learn whenever you have some free time over lunch on the toilet on a hot air balloon ride wherever if you want to figure out if it's something that you would like or not why don't you click on the link in the video description below and get a one month free trial that way you can kick her for a spin but it's only open to the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN subscribers that click that link so get on down there and enjoy your free trial big thank you to skillshare for supporting the channel now let's get these minis put away and get back to the video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
if you're looking to buy some advanced gg you could use my code walla for NUMBER_TOKEN off thank you hey what's going on guys walla here in today's video i have a game against the most toxic team i've ever played against in trials of osiris these guys make cheaters look like the good guys i was genuinely surprised at how bad this was and it's not like these guys were very bad human beings it's just the way they were playing it's the most toxic loadout i've ever played against i do accuse them of stream sniping midway through and not like they were trying to match against us but i mean stream sniping in the sense that they had my stream open again i could be wrong and if i was oh well they were playing so slow and so scummy that it doesn't even really matter so basically what they did was they played on three stasis titans putting up shields and walls and using their melee abilities and breaking the icicles for overshields they would move as a team and not do anything besides wait for the cat point and slowly but surely put a bunch of stasis crystals on the cap point and secure the win it was basically impossible to kill them on top of the fact that they had stasis resistance it was really really bad and i'm very surprised we ended up winning two times not once but twice but i won't torture you guys with two very slow gameplays only one i hope you guys enjoy and i'll see you guys in the next one later yo what the PROFANITY_TOKEN is this no he's so weak bro can you back up oh you guys are pushing into that bro y'all are crazy yeah i almost killed him i don't think we're going to win this dude just play cat point every time yeah that's what i was thinking but we had to with the chill ah this will be a slow last game with their horde the thing is the only problem with the horde is like we shoot our shots and and then like after that it's like what happens i i could i could put on the gl if i have one i have to check though yeah true i could huh can we uh i'm gonna try to sit right side so we can get like uh we're using an auto rifle yeah i'm just i mean they're not going to move so i might as well just sit here i know you're crazy switch i'll switch the whole switch
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN if you're looking to buy some advanced gg you could use my code walla for NUMBER_TOKEN off thank you END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
going to get to negotiate NUMBER_TOKEN drug prices NUMBER_TOKEN just on NUMBER_TOKEN drugs uh and that starts in the year NUMBER_TOKEN. oh wow i didn't know you guys were gonna be this generous i thought maybe it was gonna be seven or six drugs we're gonna negotiate there are thousands of drugs this is a joke it's if it's all it is is a face saving gesture so you don't so you're not humiliated and and you could pretend there was a compromise but in that in reality when you realize how pathetic it is it's actually more embarrassing and i think they can get all the way up to like NUMBER_TOKEN or NUMBER_TOKEN drugs in the year NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN yep okay wow seven years from now we might be up to a couple of dozen drugs we can negotiate out of the thousands and thousands of drugs there are in america you know what that is that's not negotiating drug prices that's making sure you don't negotiate drug prices while pretending you did now of course what will happen next is corporate media will go along with this charade and they'll say oh historic transformation two to three drugs will be negotiated NUMBER_TOKEN years from now i mean it's a joke guys any real reporter would tell you that is a ridiculous pathetic joke even if that provision wasn't included in the final version of the reconciliation bill democrats were still going to do the pr they were still going to pretend like this was uh a life-changing unprecedented piece of legislation that would overwhelmingly improve everyone's lives now look there are still some decent provisions in the reconciliation bill but you've got to look at what biden had promised what he campaigned on and what the final reconciliation bill looks like no paid family or medical leave you do not have a permanent child tax credit that was something that biden was really trying to celebrate as one of his major agenda items also the penalties for utilities that refused to switch over to renewable energy they got rid of the benefits or the uh rewards that utilities would get if they do in fact move to renewable energy there's so many important parts of that bill that ended up getting scrapped as a result of the de facto president joe manchin and joe manchin still hasn't committed to voting in favor of the reconciliation bill as it stands today with all those provisions stripped out including two years of free community college gone so i just i don't look democratic leadership has been awful progressive leadership has been awful but i also want to just really reiterate the failure of the biden administration which insisted on dividing his agenda up into two different bills because they wanted republicans to have a seat at the table remember republicans were at the white house engaging in these negotiations with biden why and now they want to turn around and say no no no no don't focus on corporate democrats focus on republicans and how they stopped us from doing what we needed to do no you don't get to blame republican obstructionists when in reality you're the one who invited them you're the one who brought them gave them a seat at the table and you decided to divide this bill up into a corporate handout bill and a social uh spending bill that honestly looks nothing like it originally did it's dispiriting to be a democrat because your own party is so weak there's such liars that you know there's nothing to
NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN damage considering everything in this team is fish to play achievable assuming you have the characters this is a very impressive showing for our write-in shogun so as always we will take this to abyss NUMBER_TOKEN. since i still really wanted to focus on ryden's damage we'll be using bennett sucrose and zhong ling again xiangling is built to do very little damage with a level one fuvoni slants and with a hodgepodge tenacity of the millet set the main reason xianling is here is for the ridiculous electro infusion shield in NUMBER_TOKEN that procs every NUMBER_TOKEN seconds and would otherwise ruin ryden shogun without any way to remove their shields these floors would be complete hard counters to ride
no hands down check out the description they have been a major help for the channel this year so so thank you but i has been sinking okay so obviously my big eye the companions have cleared out town we don't have a big boat in the sky we don't have any mobs around here besides going up there but uh but i've been thinking that rumbling made me scared the whole plan for today's episode and i think i mentioned this in the last episode that i want to have something underneath the helipad like some type of thunderbird inspired like this opening up and we have a secret bunker a base underneath however i love my llama popper it'll be beautiful however do do i want to be underground when the whole ground is shaking and and rambling eh now
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN no hands down check out the description they have been a major help for the channel this year so so thank you END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
you would think that the guy with a weird hair would have a weird name too but nope that's just paul samuels his opponent though is named chelorenda and left hooks for the culprit once again well it looks as if the punches are taking a little more out of render than they are samuels
We didn't know it was for that kind of spaceship. There was an entire city built near Baikonur. A test pilot whose rank needs to be higher than the third one. There was a big storm coming, it was raining. The leaders decided to launch it.
we're now at shell clutch this is a branch banking new gas station with lots of fast charger under the roof oh yeah this is perfect for a chevrolet bolt ev to charge wait okay okay they don't have the fire extinguisher under this roof okay okay maybe maybe you should charge over there then with a bolt yeah but look at all these chargers so this is chem power you guys know chem power here are the charger stacks the the it's run by recharge the hardware some chem power and all of these can potentially deliver NUMBER_TOKEN kilowatts but we'll even have chad move here well down so many stalls here okay more more charger stacks over there there are just so many stalls that there's uh clutte ninja clad ionette it's right over there just a couple hundred meters away uh this is uh also a very good location because it's right by the new highway and as you can see i can park under the roof while charging so i don't have to get wet and just like gas pumps we have uh uh let me see do we have tissues yeah yeah we have paper here we have uh what about cleaning okay well over there at least for cleaning the windscreen so and of course you can also see here this is a cool thing about chem power look at that look at that designed by ev drivers sometimes you wonder other charger charging hardware yeah i'm not going to name any brand but have they ever tried to drive an ev before let me see if i do this you can also do this okay go to camp yeah so now you can bring the charter screen with you yeah isn't that cool let me just go to the restroom okay NUMBER_TOKEN-minute journey stop and we are good to go i think more than enough NUMBER_TOKEN uh so next stop will be well why is it so dark oh look look at all those fingerprints holy sh oh man fatty fingers for the win yeah doesn't trigger so many people's ocd but i don't know i accidentally pressed uh a waypoint or something outside actually on on the ocean there but there is there no crossed out continue it's it's it's there it this is so annoying it's it triggers my ocd okay now it's still there no no no no it's still there no matter what we do you cannot uh cross it out uh end maybe okay what do we stop navigation no it's one okay navigation and then okay is it gone now it's still there how do i get rid of it okay let me try to okay let's go to already
about the school thing all right when i was younger my mom my dad got damned never married they were they broke up when i was like three four so my mom dated different people here and people that you've heard of the white supremacist asked me i'mma set his name one day i'ma PROFANITY_TOKEN up we're gonna have to bleep that PROFANITY_TOKEN out i almost said his name my step dad you guys have heard that we probably haven't heard that story mom was married to white supremacist for a while and it's really PROFANITY_TOKEN stupid i know it sounds dumb but it's real we they did just hear this last episode yeah they didn't hear about it at all okay anyway uh boyfriend here boyfriend there as i got older you know you right now PROFANITY_TOKEN if you're at home right now and you can you can like relate to this you feel me so much right now when you're younger and your dad's not there and your mom starts dating somebody this is the look you give anybody she dates what's up man once you start getting a little older like what's up what's your name like that's how you feel like do i have to whoop your ass and when i was younger when i was younger dude i was rocked out i was a fat kid but i was strong as PROFANITY_TOKEN we've been over this i was in the weightlifting competition type kid i was a little PROFANITY_TOKEN anyway uh my mom was dating people real cool there's this black dude his name was rent i don't know why his name was rent his name was a huge long name but his nickname was rent and i go that's a really dumb name and then we were watching the simpsons episode and homer's like that's only like with losers that have a cat and live in a one-bedroom apartment by themselves and he had a one-bedroom apartment and he only lived with his cat and i felt so bad like he's not a loser he's nice but he just felt hella stupid because my mom laughed at his face anyway mom dated that guy totaled this car on the way to casino and i think they just never talked again um my mom dated a bunch of different dudes and i was getting older so like i said every time someone walks in you're like who's this PROFANITY_TOKEN all right man what's your name yeah cool yeah yeah you like sports yeah don't try to relate to me man date my mom don't try to get cool with me it's so creepy PROFANITY_TOKEN hate that PROFANITY_TOKEN hairdresser especially the second dude the third i hated it i did not go through this PROFANITY_TOKEN but you're lucky man it's the work and for every boy out there girls it's bad too for every boy out there you guys PROFANITY_TOKEN feel me it is like on some baby boy PROFANITY_TOKEN except being raised i dated my mom and i will PROFANITY_TOKEN up any PROFANITY_TOKEN that dated my mom back then so it's like i was a kid i was like NUMBER_TOKEN so i'm like ugh all right PROFANITY_TOKEN you yeah you're nice until they proved me wrong until they didn't admit you know what i mean unless you were cool i didn't PROFANITY_TOKEN with you and uh my mom
not equal you for up we'll set the direction to D for down so with this we should be able to control the snake now let's give it a try so I'm going down left up right cool so if I touch any of the borders the game is over let's work on actually grabbing the Apple next so let's work on that method so that is within the where is it the check Apple method there's not much to write here we're going to examine the coordinates of the snake and the coordinates of the Apple so we're going to use an if statement and I'm using double parenthesis for this portion if X at index NUMBER_TOKEN this is the x position of the head of our snake is equal to Apple X that's the exposition of the Apple and we'll do the same thing for the Y coordinates so change X to Y for this next portion and within the body of this if statement we're going to increase the amount of body parts that we have so we're going to increment this by one you can just type in body parts plus plus we'll take our apples eaten variable and increase this by one so this will function as the score basically and then we're going to call the new Apple method to generate a new Apple for us so let's test this now just to be sure that this is working fine so the body should increase by one it was a little difficult to see yeah it looks like it's increasing by one body part after one Apple is eaten cool so that is working fine so let's work on the game over screen next now within the draw method we're going to surround all of this within an if statement so before this I'll add if running so if our game is running do all of this however I think I'm going to indent everything just so it's a little easier to read so give me one moment all right let's see where this ends got it so if the game is running do all this else we're going to call the game over method so else game over and we're going to pass in G and G is our graphics that we're receiving with this parameter so let's go to the game over method and we're going to write some text on the screen and we are receiving graphics Jeep so let's set up the game over text so let's set the color G dot set color to maybe red so color dot red and the font is well so g dot set font and we will pass in a font instance so new font and pick a style I will pick in curry but choose whatever style you like that's available font bold because I want this bold and a size so maybe NUMBER_TOKEN so there's these things called font metrics which are useful for aligning up text in the center of the screen so we're going to create an instance of font metrics so font metrics and we'll call this maybe metrics equals get font metrics and then we're passing in G dot get font that looks good so this next part is a little tricky we're going to use G draw string so as arguments we need to pass in a string x-coordinate and y-coordinate so the string is going to be game over and for X I'm just going to paste this and we can take a closer look we're going to take our screen with minus the metrics of the string with game over divided by NUMBER_TOKEN so these are the
nine months into the investigation record law is convinced that duvier is being hidden by elements within the catholic church to remain impossible to find to stay hidden while in france the perfect place for this was a religious setting whether in monasteries or abby's that could shelter entire families or individuals police concentrate on the right-wing fundamentalist movement within the church we were focused mainly on one in the monastery due to the fact that the NUMBER_TOKENva worked for a certain time in the NUMBER_TOKENs around this monastery it is the notre dame de dome monastery in central france i decided to send belonging inside the monastery in order to find some clues of the presence of tourie or his family officer bellagie goes undercover posing as an ex-convict seeking charity
this video is sponsored by silverknight pcs they hook me up with the intel processor and the mobile the zNUMBER_TOKEN wi-fi gundam edition gaming motherboard
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is sponsored by silverknight pcs they hook me up with the intel processor and the mobile the zNUMBER_TOKEN wi-fi gundam edition gaming motherboard END_SPONSOR_TOKEN