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MoGUI😈 and MoCon🛡️

📃 Paper | 🛡️ MoCon Data | 😈 MoGUI Data

简体中文 | English

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  title={Technical Report of MoGUI and MoCon}, 
  author={Zichen Zhu and Liangtai Sun and Danyang Zhang and Ziyuan Li and Guangpeng Li and Lu Chen and Kai Yu},

  title={META-GUI: Towards Multi-modal Conversational Agents on Mobile GUI},
  author={Sun, Liangtai and Chen, Xingyu and Chen, Lu and Dai, Tianle and Zhu, Zichen and Yu, Kai},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},

  title={CAM-GUI: A Conversational Assistant on Mobile GUI},
  author={Zhu, Zichen and Sun, Liangtai and Yang, Jingkai and Peng, Yifan and Zou, Weilin and Li, Ziyuan and Li, Wutao and Chen, Lu and Ma, Yingzi and Zhang, Danyang and others},
  booktitle={National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication},

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