Critical Information to Get ASAP (While It's Legal)
00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:01,860 there are so many conveniences that we take for granted on a daily basis we can flip a switch and we can get power on demand we turn on our faucet and we get clean drinking water we flush our toilets and we have waste removed but as our modern society becomes more digital we take for granted having access to information at our fingertips for some the assumption is that the vassal array of information we've gotten so used to can be referenced at any time but what happens if the grid were to go down and our access to the internet gets cut off especially for a prolonged period of Time how will we access Vital Information what if I were to tell you that there's a way to download a large amount of useful information now and here's a kicker it's easy to do and more importantly it's completely free relax if you're new to this channel my name is Chris and on this channel we discuss emergency preparedness AKA prepping in this video I'm going to show you a way that you can download valuable information for free that can be viewed on your PC your Mac your cell phone whether that's iPhone or Android and even an iPad and here's the point of the video everything you can download now can be viewed offline if there is no internet you're going to have a full backup copy of valuable information you can fit all this information on something as small as this micro SD card that's barely the size of my thumbnail now before we jump in the question will come up well how will you power your devices if the grid were to go down I'll talk about that more at the end of the video so what information am I discussing most of you are probably familiar with Wikipedia essentially it's an online encyclopedia that's Community Driven and it's free to access you may have researched a certain subject and this website will typically come up first in your search results you can actually download the entirety of it for free and use a tool to view all that information offline if the internet were to go down you will have all of it already backed up and easily accessible I'm also going to show you other valuable resources that you can download in addition to Wikipedia such as books how-to guides Fix-It guides and so much more now before we jump into the details let me give you just a quick high level overview of what we're about to discuss I'm purposefully going to make those videos non-technical as possible there are three things that we're going to cover in this video we're going to discuss downloading files in this case we're going to look at downloading Wikipedia and other valuable resources you may want and again this is all for free and secondly we're going to talk about storage this is where we'll download the files to this can be your computer maybe your phone something like a you know a USB thumb drive or even this small little one here or you know something as small as a Micro SD card and again this micro SD card this is 256 gigabytes which is pretty substantial and it only costs 18 but you don't need my micro SD cards you'll need thumb drives everything that I'm about to show you and explain to you it can actually be done on your computer and you don't have to buy any of these additional items and the third thing that we'll cover is a software that allows you to read the files that we're going to download it's very easy to install and it's free so what I'll do now is I'll show you the process of downloading the files and then we'll look at how we view that information from a reader that will download I'll start you off with a PC and then I'll show you how to do this on a phone I'll provide links to everything in the description and comment section so just follow along with the video and you can go back and click on those links later additionally if you do have something like a Mac the process is the same which I'll mention here in just a moment so let's go over to my PC and I'll walk you through this so now I'm over here on my PC what I'm going to do is show you how to download the files we'll look at installing the app and then we'll connect the app to the files that we just downloaded so to begin with the software that we're using is called qix and you don't have to pay attention to that for now I just want to bring that point up but what we want to do is focus on this right here this directory and again I'll post a link to this directory what you'll find in here is a lot of folders with a lot of different files that you may be interested in for example there's a folder called iFixit if you were to Google iFixit what you'll do is come across this website that shows you how to repair pretty much everything Electronics household items you name it the next one is something like wikiHow if we come down here to wikiHow very similar concept there's a lot of how-to information resources that you can download there's things like Wiki books these are free public books that are in the public domain that you can actually download and read for free and then there's things like Wiki University a lot of useful information in here so if you can as you can see very quickly you've got a ton of resources at your fingertips it's really up to you how much and what you want to download what we're going to focus on here is Wikipedia so if you look at this folder right here this is Wikipedia when you go in you're going to see a lot of files a lot of links that you can download and let me tell you really quickly what this is you'll see the first name Wikipedia which is the directory we're in the next set of letters as in this case AST atj these are different languages what we're looking for at least my audience mostly is en which is English so if you scroll down you're going to see en now the next set of characters baseball chemistry climate change these are all different subjects that are broken down if you want to just grab a certain subject you can but what we're interested in is the all section now the next one that we're looking for is again all so we've scrolled down to here in the next set of values is Maxi mini and no pick I'm just going to highlight these six for you what this does is the Maxi mini in Notepad Maxi is maximum mini is the minimum and then no pick has everything that the maximum file has but without pictures so as you can see the file size is a little smaller minimum is just less information with no picture so it's a very reduced and smaller file size so as you can see these files are pretty large the maximum is 94. the minimum is 13 and the no pick is 50. what I would say I'm honing in on for this video is right here this one is done in May of this year it was uploaded they took Wikipedia they can press it and they upload it in May of this year if you come back in the future and you watch this video this date will probably have changed significantly depending on when you come so this is a file that we're looking for it has everything that Wikipedia had in it as of last month so what I can do is I can either click on it it'll start the download process to my computer or I can right click and go to save link ads now if you're on a Mac this is the same principle you'll just do a right click and there's going to be an option for Save Target link as and so what I'll do is I'll save link as and what will happen is this Moto window will pop up and with this box here this dialog box and we'll come over to I've got an external thumb drive that I plugged into my computer it's a Samsung USB and if I click here I can say download it to this folder to this file to this thumb drive now if you look here you can see that I've already downloaded this file as of yesterday right here it's very large so it took about eight hours to download it so expect once you start the process it'll take a while I've got a fast internet connection but you're limited to the speed of the server so once you define where you want to download it it can be to your downloads folder it doesn't matter you click save and I'm not going to do it because I've already downloaded it yesterday so that's it you now download it to your computer so what I'll do now is I'll hop over to the explaining how to install the reader to access that information okay so now that you're downloading the files or you've already downloaded them what we're going to need to do now is go over to the app store for Microsoft I'm on a PC now if you're on a Mac it's the same principle you'll just go into the app store for the Mac what you'll do is you'll then go in to the App Store and by the way if you're like well how do I get to the App Store you can click on the start button and just scroll down to Microsoft store or if you want to go down to the search bar here same thing you can just type in Microsoft store and this is the first one that shows up okay so I've already got it loaded here on my screen now as you can see here what I'll do is I'll type in keywix this is the name of the software the particular one that we're interested in is key Wix JS so you'll see it right here in the search results I'll go ahead and click on it and there it is it's right ready available to download so I'll go ahead and hit install and this can take a second or two I think right around five to ten seconds and once it installs what we'll do is we'll configure it to connect to the actual file that we're downloading to our thumb drive or to our computer so now that the software is installed we'll go ahead and click open and immediately this app will load up now what we're interested in is this tool icon right here if you click on settings you're going to see that it will allow you to Define and pull that file that we downloaded so again remember we're downloading the phone now we just need to go and grab the file and import it into the software well how do we do that we click on select storage and then we go to select file okay so this dialog box pops up and what you're going to do is you're going to navigate over to where you just downloaded your files in my case I downloaded it to this small thumb drive and I've got this right here on my screen and so as you can see I've got a maxi and a mini I the mini is just again a compressed version but what we're interested is the maximum this is the one that we are downloading that has all the information so go ahead and click on it and voila there is Wikipedia fully downloaded on my computer if I click around on in the links it's got images everything is in here the most newest version of Wikipedia as of I believe May of this year when I uh what we saw in the directory structure so that's it if I were to turn my internet off it doesn't matter I can still access all of these files so I would encourage you to click around just get familiar with it how it's set up and it's structured and again it's the same process if you're on a Mac you just go into the Mac App Store load up keywix download the files to your computer computer and then select where the folder is where the files are at click on it and then you'll pull it right in I'll show you really quickly how to do this on your phone just simply come over to the App Store load this up and then we'll go to the search bar here and we'll type in keywix all right here is the app right here and we'll go ahead and click on the download button so now we have it downloaded we'll go ahead and click open and what we'll do is we'll go ahead and grab the files so you can either download files to your phone or to your thumb drive and then connect your thumb drive to your computer or microSD card however you want to do it again you can download the files so I've already downloaded a file okay from the website for Ray Charles it's just a very small file talking about the life of Ray Charles and it allows you to quickly test this to see if it's working and we'll go ahead and click open here and what you'll see is it now loads this up here at the top and when we click on it you're going to see all the information is offline essentially it's downloaded this whole set of information just like you would do at Wikipedia they have this on the server to allow you to do these quick tests because it's such a small file you'll take the same approach you will download the Wikipedia The Maxi file or whatever the size file you want and then you just simply pull it into the app and there you have it so how would you access all the information if the grid were to go down I've done a lot of videos on solar generators and I'll link to a playlist where I go through and explain all the different options I recently did a comparison video showing all the different options on the market so that might be a great starting point also there's gas generators internal combustion engine propane diesel all these will allow you to power devices now the most affordable option is to get something like a small solar panel you can get these for around 50 or 60 dollars that you can plug into your cell phone and it will power it so you already if you have a cell phone all you need is a that small solar panel and again I'll link to an option down below now it might be a good idea if you have an old phone that you're not using a lot of times we upgrade phones and if you were to clear it off the memory and download the software that we talked about and again I'll put links to it below you can actually load all that information up here and then put it in something like an EMP proof bag if there were some type of an event that damages Electronics you would have this already backed up also if you have all this information stored on the thumb drives you could use some type of reader or a lot of phones have a micro SD slot where you can slide this in on the side so there's a lot of options for you to have this backed up in a secure location I'll tell you up front I barely scratched the surface on this particular software I'm not sponsored by them but it's a very Advanced software that can allow you to do a lot of things and there's a lot of resources online that you can pull down for free but remember you just need to download the files you want you install the reader on whatever device you are going to be using and you're set again I'll post links to everything that we cover below if there's anything you feel that I missed feel free to post the feedback that you have in the comments section below as always stay safe out there
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally : you are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions: your experience as a life coach and mentor as well as psychiatric advisor, will enable you to answer these questions : ### Question: display information on Critical Information to Get ASAP (While It's Legal) ### Answer: 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:01,860 there are so many conveniences that we take for granted on a daily basis we can flip a switch and we can get power on demand we turn on our faucet and we get clean drinking water we flush our toilets and we have waste removed but as our modern society becomes more digital we take for granted having access to information at our fingertips for some the assumption is that the vassal array of information we've gotten so used to can be referenced at any time but what happens if the grid were to go down and our access to the internet gets cut off especially for a prolonged period of Time how will we access Vital Information what if I were to tell you that there's a way to download a large amount of useful information now and here's a kicker it's easy to do and more importantly it's completely free relax if you're new to this channel my name is Chris and on this channel we discuss emergency preparedness AKA prepping in this video I'm going to show you a way that you can download valuable information for free that can be viewed on your PC your Mac your cell phone whether that's iPhone or Android and even an iPad and here's the point of the video everything you can download now can be viewed offline if there is no internet you're going to have a full backup copy of valuable information you can fit all this information on something as small as this micro SD card that's barely the size of my thumbnail now before we jump in the question will come up well how will you power your devices if the grid were to go down I'll talk about that more at the end of the video so what information am I discussing most of you are probably familiar with Wikipedia essentially it's an online encyclopedia that's Community Driven and it's free to access you may have researched a certain subject and this website will typically come up first in your search results you can actually download the entirety of it for free and use a tool to view all that information offline if the internet were to go down you will have all of it already backed up and easily accessible I'm also going to show you other valuable resources that you can download in addition to Wikipedia such as books how-to guides Fix-It guides and so much more now before we jump into the details let me give you just a quick high level overview of what we're about to discuss I'm purposefully going to make those videos non-technical as possible there are three things that we're going to cover in this video we're going to discuss downloading files in this case we're going to look at downloading Wikipedia and other valuable resources you may want and again this is all for free and secondly we're going to talk about storage this is where we'll download the files to this can be your computer maybe your phone something like a you know a USB thumb drive or even this small little one here or you know something as small as a Micro SD card and again this micro SD card this is 256 gigabytes which is pretty substantial and it only costs 18 but you don't need my micro SD cards you'll need thumb drives everything that I'm about to show you and explain to you it can actually be done on your computer and you don't have to buy any of these additional items and the third thing that we'll cover is a software that allows you to read the files that we're going to download it's very easy to install and it's free so what I'll do now is I'll show you the process of downloading the files and then we'll look at how we view that information from a reader that will download I'll start you off with a PC and then I'll show you how to do this on a phone I'll provide links to everything in the description and comment section so just follow along with the video and you can go back and click on those links later additionally if you do have something like a Mac the process is the same which I'll mention here in just a moment so let's go over to my PC and I'll walk you through this so now I'm over here on my PC what I'm going to do is show you how to download the files we'll look at installing the app and then we'll connect the app to the files that we just downloaded so to begin with the software that we're using is called qix and you don't have to pay attention to that for now I just want to bring that point up but what we want to do is focus on this right here this directory and again I'll post a link to this directory what you'll find in here is a lot of folders with a lot of different files that you may be interested in for example there's a folder called iFixit if you were to Google iFixit what you'll do is come across this website that shows you how to repair pretty much everything Electronics household items you name it the next one is something like wikiHow if we come down here to wikiHow very similar concept there's a lot of how-to information resources that you can download there's things like Wiki books these are free public books that are in the public domain that you can actually download and read for free and then there's things like Wiki University a lot of useful information in here so if you can as you can see very quickly you've got a ton of resources at your fingertips it's really up to you how much and what you want to download what we're going to focus on here is Wikipedia so if you look at this folder right here this is Wikipedia when you go in you're going to see a lot of files a lot of links that you can download and let me tell you really quickly what this is you'll see the first name Wikipedia which is the directory we're in the next set of letters as in this case AST atj these are different languages what we're looking for at least my audience mostly is en which is English so if you scroll down you're going to see en now the next set of characters baseball chemistry climate change these are all different subjects that are broken down if you want to just grab a certain subject you can but what we're interested in is the all section now the next one that we're looking for is again all so we've scrolled down to here in the next set of values is Maxi mini and no pick I'm just going to highlight these six for you what this does is the Maxi mini in Notepad Maxi is maximum mini is the minimum and then no pick has everything that the maximum file has but without pictures so as you can see the file size is a little smaller minimum is just less information with no picture so it's a very reduced and smaller file size so as you can see these files are pretty large the maximum is 94. the minimum is 13 and the no pick is 50. what I would say I'm honing in on for this video is right here this one is done in May of this year it was uploaded they took Wikipedia they can press it and they upload it in May of this year if you come back in the future and you watch this video this date will probably have changed significantly depending on when you come so this is a file that we're looking for it has everything that Wikipedia had in it as of last month so what I can do is I can either click on it it'll start the download process to my computer or I can right click and go to save link ads now if you're on a Mac this is the same principle you'll just do a right click and there's going to be an option for Save Target link as and so what I'll do is I'll save link as and what will happen is this Moto window will pop up and with this box here this dialog box and we'll come over to I've got an external thumb drive that I plugged into my computer it's a Samsung USB and if I click here I can say download it to this folder to this file to this thumb drive now if you look here you can see that I've already downloaded this file as of yesterday right here it's very large so it took about eight hours to download it so expect once you start the process it'll take a while I've got a fast internet connection but you're limited to the speed of the server so once you define where you want to download it it can be to your downloads folder it doesn't matter you click save and I'm not going to do it because I've already downloaded it yesterday so that's it you now download it to your computer so what I'll do now is I'll hop over to the explaining how to install the reader to access that information okay so now that you're downloading the files or you've already downloaded them what we're going to need to do now is go over to the app store for Microsoft I'm on a PC now if you're on a Mac it's the same principle you'll just go into the app store for the Mac what you'll do is you'll then go in to the App Store and by the way if you're like well how do I get to the App Store you can click on the start button and just scroll down to Microsoft store or if you want to go down to the search bar here same thing you can just type in Microsoft store and this is the first one that shows up okay so I've already got it loaded here on my screen now as you can see here what I'll do is I'll type in keywix this is the name of the software the particular one that we're interested in is key Wix JS so you'll see it right here in the search results I'll go ahead and click on it and there it is it's right ready available to download so I'll go ahead and hit install and this can take a second or two I think right around five to ten seconds and once it installs what we'll do is we'll configure it to connect to the actual file that we're downloading to our thumb drive or to our computer so now that the software is installed we'll go ahead and click open and immediately this app will load up now what we're interested in is this tool icon right here if you click on settings you're going to see that it will allow you to Define and pull that file that we downloaded so again remember we're downloading the phone now we just need to go and grab the file and import it into the software well how do we do that we click on select storage and then we go to select file okay so this dialog box pops up and what you're going to do is you're going to navigate over to where you just downloaded your files in my case I downloaded it to this small thumb drive and I've got this right here on my screen and so as you can see I've got a maxi and a mini I the mini is just again a compressed version but what we're interested is the maximum this is the one that we are downloading that has all the information so go ahead and click on it and voila there is Wikipedia fully downloaded on my computer if I click around on in the links it's got images everything is in here the most newest version of Wikipedia as of I believe May of this year when I uh what we saw in the directory structure so that's it if I were to turn my internet off it doesn't matter I can still access all of these files so I would encourage you to click around just get familiar with it how it's set up and it's structured and again it's the same process if you're on a Mac you just go into the Mac App Store load up keywix download the files to your computer computer and then select where the folder is where the files are at click on it and then you'll pull it right in I'll show you really quickly how to do this on your phone just simply come over to the App Store load this up and then we'll go to the search bar here and we'll type in keywix all right here is the app right here and we'll go ahead and click on the download button so now we have it downloaded we'll go ahead and click open and what we'll do is we'll go ahead and grab the files so you can either download files to your phone or to your thumb drive and then connect your thumb drive to your computer or microSD card however you want to do it again you can download the files so I've already downloaded a file okay from the website for Ray Charles it's just a very small file talking about the life of Ray Charles and it allows you to quickly test this to see if it's working and we'll go ahead and click open here and what you'll see is it now loads this up here at the top and when we click on it you're going to see all the information is offline essentially it's downloaded this whole set of information just like you would do at Wikipedia they have this on the server to allow you to do these quick tests because it's such a small file you'll take the same approach you will download the Wikipedia The Maxi file or whatever the size file you want and then you just simply pull it into the app and there you have it so how would you access all the information if the grid were to go down I've done a lot of videos on solar generators and I'll link to a playlist where I go through and explain all the different options I recently did a comparison video showing all the different options on the market so that might be a great starting point also there's gas generators internal combustion engine propane diesel all these will allow you to power devices now the most affordable option is to get something like a small solar panel you can get these for around 50 or 60 dollars that you can plug into your cell phone and it will power it so you already if you have a cell phone all you need is a that small solar panel and again I'll link to an option down below now it might be a good idea if you have an old phone that you're not using a lot of times we upgrade phones and if you were to clear it off the memory and download the software that we talked about and again I'll put links to it below you can actually load all that information up here and then put it in something like an EMP proof bag if there were some type of an event that damages Electronics you would have this already backed up also if you have all this information stored on the thumb drives you could use some type of reader or a lot of phones have a micro SD slot where you can slide this in on the side so there's a lot of options for you to have this backed up in a secure location I'll tell you up front I barely scratched the surface on this particular software I'm not sponsored by them but it's a very Advanced software that can allow you to do a lot of things and there's a lot of resources online that you can pull down for free but remember you just need to download the files you want you install the reader on whatever device you are going to be using and you're set again I'll post links to everything that we cover below if there's anything you feel that I missed feel free to post the feedback that you have in the comments section below as always stay safe out there <|im_end|>
57 Philemon - World English Bible (WEB).md
# Philemon - World English Bible (WEB) **[1:1]** Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our beloved fellow worker, **[1:2]** to the beloved Apphia, to Archippus, our fellow soldier, and to the assembly in your house: **[1:3]** Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. **[1:4]** I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers, **[1:5]** hearing of your love, and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all the saints; **[1:6]** that the fellowship of your faith may become effective, in the knowledge of every good thing which is in us in Christ Jesus. **[1:7]** For we have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother. **[1:8]** Therefore, though I have all boldness in Christ to command you that which is appropriate, **[1:9]** yet for love's sake I rather beg, being such a one as Paul, the aged, but also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. **[1:10]** I beg you for my child, whom I have become the father of in my chains, Onesimus,{Onesimus means "useful."} **[1:11]** who once was useless to you, but now is useful to you and to me. **[1:12]** I am sending him back. Therefore receive him, that is, my own heart, **[1:13]** whom I desired to keep with me, that on your behalf he might serve me in my chains for the Gospel. **[1:14]** But I was willing to do nothing without your consent, that your goodness would not be as of necessity, but of free will. **[1:15]** For perhaps he was therefore separated from you for a while, that you would have him forever, **[1:16]** no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me, but how much rather to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord. **[1:17]** If then you count me a partner, receive him as you would receive me. **[1:18]** But if he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, put that to my account. **[1:19]** I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it (not to mention to you that you owe to me even your own self besides). **[1:20]** Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in the Lord. **[1:21]** Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even beyond what I say. **[1:22]** Also, prepare a guest room for me, for I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you. **[1:23]** Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you, **[1:24]** as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers. **[1:25]** The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally : you are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions: your experience as a life coach and mentor as well as psychiatric advisor, will enable you to answer these questions : ### Question: display information on 57 Philemon - World English Bible (WEB).md ### Answer: # Philemon - World English Bible (WEB) **[1:1]** Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our beloved fellow worker, **[1:2]** to the beloved Apphia, to Archippus, our fellow soldier, and to the assembly in your house: **[1:3]** Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. **[1:4]** I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers, **[1:5]** hearing of your love, and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all the saints; **[1:6]** that the fellowship of your faith may become effective, in the knowledge of every good thing which is in us in Christ Jesus. **[1:7]** For we have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother. **[1:8]** Therefore, though I have all boldness in Christ to command you that which is appropriate, **[1:9]** yet for love's sake I rather beg, being such a one as Paul, the aged, but also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. **[1:10]** I beg you for my child, whom I have become the father of in my chains, Onesimus,{Onesimus means "useful."} **[1:11]** who once was useless to you, but now is useful to you and to me. **[1:12]** I am sending him back. Therefore receive him, that is, my own heart, **[1:13]** whom I desired to keep with me, that on your behalf he might serve me in my chains for the Gospel. **[1:14]** But I was willing to do nothing without your consent, that your goodness would not be as of necessity, but of free will. **[1:15]** For perhaps he was therefore separated from you for a while, that you would have him forever, **[1:16]** no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me, but how much rather to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord. **[1:17]** If then you count me a partner, receive him as you would receive me. **[1:18]** But if he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, put that to my account. **[1:19]** I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it (not to mention to you that you owe to me even your own self besides). **[1:20]** Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in the Lord. **[1:21]** Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even beyond what I say. **[1:22]** Also, prepare a guest room for me, for I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you. **[1:23]** Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you, **[1:24]** as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers. **[1:25]** The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. <|im_end|>
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally : you are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions: your experience as a life coach and mentor as well as psychiatric advisor, will enable you to answer these questions : ### Question: display information on ### Answer: <|im_end|>
How To Install Fabric - Open-Source AI Framework That Can Automate Your
00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:03,399 fabric is an amazing open-source project that promises to give you all the tooling you need to solve everyday problems using artificial intelligence and you can kind of think of it as a library of tried and true prompts that work incredibly well these are Community generated prompts and reviewed that really work on a wide array of different problems that you may face so I'm going to show you how to install fabric then I'm going to show you how to use it so quickly this is fabric I'm going to drop the GitHub URL in the description below so you can find it yourself it's completely open source completely free you can use it with gp4 you can use it with any open source model you can run it locally anything you want and it covers a lot of different use cases that are being added to and iterated on all the time so here's just a few examples extracting the most interesting parts of YouTube videos and podcasts writing an essay in your own voice summarizing opaque academic papers creating perfectly matched AI art prompts for a piece of writing explaining code Cod turning bad documentation into usable documentation and all of these are done with incredibly detailed prompts that work well so all you need to do is first open up your terminal and we're going to get clone the repo so I'm on my desktop I just type get clone and then the repo URL so I'm going to hit enter and it's cloning the repo to my desktop now we're going to CD into it so CD fabric now you need poetry for this and I actually struggled a lot getting poetry working on my machine but I think that's because I had a really kind of messed up python environment if you have any issues drop your problem in the comments below hopefully I'll help you you can also jump into my Discord I'll drop a link to the Discord in the description below now if you don't already have poetry installed this is how you install it so curl dssl The Poetry URL right here pipe Python 3 Dash so I'll go ahead and do that again but I already have it installed yep so already installed but if you don't it'll install it for you now the next thing you have to do is just run the setup script so dos and then hit enter all right it's done so we see this command TS not found and I think you can just ignore that I haven't found any problems by having that issue so to apply the changes please run the following commands in your terminal this will just restart your shell but you could also just simply open up a new tab I'm using zshrc so I'm going to grab that paste it here hit enter and that restarts the shell all right so interestingly enough I have a parse error in my zsh file which I've not seen before so I'm going to fix that with you live so I opened up my zshrc file and it said the problem is on 133 so let's take a look here it is cond initialize okay so I don't know why that happened but I'm just going to put it right there and now all of a sudden it should work so I'll save it and let's continue so I saved let's try it again all right that time it worked great so now it should work so let's just type fabric DH and there we go so it worked that's how to install it now let me show you how to use it the first thing you you need to do is give it your gp4 API key and if you don't want to use gp4 there are other ways where you can use Claud you can use local models anything you want but that takes a little bit more effort so we're going to type fabric D- setup and then I'm going to hit enter so I created a new API key I'm going to paste it in I am going to revoke this key before publishing the video hit enter and if we have a CLA API key it asks for that if we don't we're just going to hit enter and then it's updating all the patterns so it's downloading the actual prompts that we're going to be using and everything got added successfully but we have to restart our terminal to use them so back to this and we're going to do Source users Matthew Burman zshrc all right now fabric Dash just to make sure it works and it does and let me teach you about the terminology so here are the components we have the mill and the mill is optional but that's a server where you can make patterns available so if you wanted to open up a server to do that that's how you do it a pattern is the granular AI use cases aka the prompts the stitches are patterns that are put together in different ways to create even more sophisticated outcomes then we have the loom which is a client side app that can call the specific pattern but we're going to do everything CLI native so we're going to type fabric d-list just to see a list of the different patterns and look how many there are all of these so we have create logo create keynote extract references and again all of these are very tried and true prompt so let me actually show you that real quick so here is a prompt for analyze paper so identity and purpose you are a research paper analysis service output sections very well formatted very specific to reading and analyzing papers and then it gives output instructions so basically give the output and then we have the input right there okay so we have a bunch of those all right here so I have my video here that I posted yesterday this is the simple introduction to large language models I spent a lot of time on it so if you haven't seen it check it out if you want a basic introduction to llms and so we're going to grab the transcript right here we'll turn off the timestamps and I'm simply just going to highlight all of it copy switch back to terminal and we're going to do PB paste so PB paste and then you have the pipe fabric D- pattern extract wisdom and what this command is going to do is automatically take what's in my clipboard and then extract all the wisdom from it so let's see what it does now it's going to be a little slow cuz it's using GPT 4 but imagine if we were using grock with this that would be super fast and they're making incredible progress on this they're coming out with new features new prompts also known as patterns I believe they're coming out with a user interface to make the entire thing more easy to install for everybody now if we wanted to see the output while it was going we would just use dh- stream as a command and we'll actually see the output as it's going but there we go okay so it took my video this video video provides a comprehensive introduction to AI great ideas llm so it talks about all these different ideas that I put forth in that video it takes quotes from it these are direct quotes habits that are found in the video facts from the video references and recommendations on how to follow up based on all of this knowledge so very very cool extract wisdom so now I wanted to actually analyze my claims and stream it so let's go ahead and hit enter all right here we go claim one Ai and llms have revolutionized various Industries and here's the evidence and claim two so it actually extracts all the claims from my video and either supports or refutes them or both so and then it gives me an overall score so the lowest claim score is a c the highest claim score is a b interesting so I think this is awesome check it out I'll drop all the links in the description below if you like this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally : you are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions: your experience as a life coach and mentor as well as psychiatric advisor, will enable you to answer these questions : ### Question: display information on How To Install Fabric - Open-Source AI Framework That Can Automate Your ### Answer: 00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:03,399 fabric is an amazing open-source project that promises to give you all the tooling you need to solve everyday problems using artificial intelligence and you can kind of think of it as a library of tried and true prompts that work incredibly well these are Community generated prompts and reviewed that really work on a wide array of different problems that you may face so I'm going to show you how to install fabric then I'm going to show you how to use it so quickly this is fabric I'm going to drop the GitHub URL in the description below so you can find it yourself it's completely open source completely free you can use it with gp4 you can use it with any open source model you can run it locally anything you want and it covers a lot of different use cases that are being added to and iterated on all the time so here's just a few examples extracting the most interesting parts of YouTube videos and podcasts writing an essay in your own voice summarizing opaque academic papers creating perfectly matched AI art prompts for a piece of writing explaining code Cod turning bad documentation into usable documentation and all of these are done with incredibly detailed prompts that work well so all you need to do is first open up your terminal and we're going to get clone the repo so I'm on my desktop I just type get clone and then the repo URL so I'm going to hit enter and it's cloning the repo to my desktop now we're going to CD into it so CD fabric now you need poetry for this and I actually struggled a lot getting poetry working on my machine but I think that's because I had a really kind of messed up python environment if you have any issues drop your problem in the comments below hopefully I'll help you you can also jump into my Discord I'll drop a link to the Discord in the description below now if you don't already have poetry installed this is how you install it so curl dssl The Poetry URL right here pipe Python 3 Dash so I'll go ahead and do that again but I already have it installed yep so already installed but if you don't it'll install it for you now the next thing you have to do is just run the setup script so dos and then hit enter all right it's done so we see this command TS not found and I think you can just ignore that I haven't found any problems by having that issue so to apply the changes please run the following commands in your terminal this will just restart your shell but you could also just simply open up a new tab I'm using zshrc so I'm going to grab that paste it here hit enter and that restarts the shell all right so interestingly enough I have a parse error in my zsh file which I've not seen before so I'm going to fix that with you live so I opened up my zshrc file and it said the problem is on 133 so let's take a look here it is cond initialize okay so I don't know why that happened but I'm just going to put it right there and now all of a sudden it should work so I'll save it and let's continue so I saved let's try it again all right that time it worked great so now it should work so let's just type fabric DH and there we go so it worked that's how to install it now let me show you how to use it the first thing you you need to do is give it your gp4 API key and if you don't want to use gp4 there are other ways where you can use Claud you can use local models anything you want but that takes a little bit more effort so we're going to type fabric D- setup and then I'm going to hit enter so I created a new API key I'm going to paste it in I am going to revoke this key before publishing the video hit enter and if we have a CLA API key it asks for that if we don't we're just going to hit enter and then it's updating all the patterns so it's downloading the actual prompts that we're going to be using and everything got added successfully but we have to restart our terminal to use them so back to this and we're going to do Source users Matthew Burman zshrc all right now fabric Dash just to make sure it works and it does and let me teach you about the terminology so here are the components we have the mill and the mill is optional but that's a server where you can make patterns available so if you wanted to open up a server to do that that's how you do it a pattern is the granular AI use cases aka the prompts the stitches are patterns that are put together in different ways to create even more sophisticated outcomes then we have the loom which is a client side app that can call the specific pattern but we're going to do everything CLI native so we're going to type fabric d-list just to see a list of the different patterns and look how many there are all of these so we have create logo create keynote extract references and again all of these are very tried and true prompt so let me actually show you that real quick so here is a prompt for analyze paper so identity and purpose you are a research paper analysis service output sections very well formatted very specific to reading and analyzing papers and then it gives output instructions so basically give the output and then we have the input right there okay so we have a bunch of those all right here so I have my video here that I posted yesterday this is the simple introduction to large language models I spent a lot of time on it so if you haven't seen it check it out if you want a basic introduction to llms and so we're going to grab the transcript right here we'll turn off the timestamps and I'm simply just going to highlight all of it copy switch back to terminal and we're going to do PB paste so PB paste and then you have the pipe fabric D- pattern extract wisdom and what this command is going to do is automatically take what's in my clipboard and then extract all the wisdom from it so let's see what it does now it's going to be a little slow cuz it's using GPT 4 but imagine if we were using grock with this that would be super fast and they're making incredible progress on this they're coming out with new features new prompts also known as patterns I believe they're coming out with a user interface to make the entire thing more easy to install for everybody now if we wanted to see the output while it was going we would just use dh- stream as a command and we'll actually see the output as it's going but there we go okay so it took my video this video video provides a comprehensive introduction to AI great ideas llm so it talks about all these different ideas that I put forth in that video it takes quotes from it these are direct quotes habits that are found in the video facts from the video references and recommendations on how to follow up based on all of this knowledge so very very cool extract wisdom so now I wanted to actually analyze my claims and stream it so let's go ahead and hit enter all right here we go claim one Ai and llms have revolutionized various Industries and here's the evidence and claim two so it actually extracts all the claims from my video and either supports or refutes them or both so and then it gives me an overall score so the lowest claim score is a c the highest claim score is a b interesting so I think this is awesome check it out I'll drop all the links in the description below if you like this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one <|im_end|>
22 Song of Solomon - Bible in Basic English (BBE).md
# Song of Solomon - Bible in Basic English (BBE) **[1:1]** The song of Songs, which is Solomon's. **[1:2]** Let him give me the kisses of his mouth: for his love is better than wine. **[1:3]** Sweet is the smell of your perfumes; your name is as perfume running out; so the young girls give you their love. **[1:4]** Take me to you, and we will go after you: the king has taken me into his house. We will be glad and full of joy in you, we will give more thought to your love than to wine: rightly are they your lovers. **[1:5]** I am dark, but fair of form, O daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. **[1:6]** Let not your eyes be turned on me, because I am dark, because I was looked on by the sun; my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vine-gardens; but my vine-garden I have not kept. **[1:7]** Say, O love of my soul, where you give food to your flock, and where you make them take their rest in the heat of the day; why have I to be as one wandering by the flocks of your friends? **[1:8]** If you have not knowledge, O most beautiful among women, go on your way in the footsteps of the flock, and give your young goats food by the tents of the keepers. **[1:9]** I have made a comparison of you, O my love, to a horse in Pharaoh's carriages. **[1:10]** Your face is a delight with rings of hair, your neck with chains of jewels. **[1:11]** We will make you chains of gold with ornaments of silver. **[1:12]** While the king is seated at his table, my spices send out their perfume. **[1:13]** As a bag of myrrh is my well-loved one to me, when he is at rest all night between my breasts. **[1:14]** My love is to me as a branch of the cypress-tree in the vine-gardens of En-gedi. **[1:15]** See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove. **[1:16]** See, you are fair, my loved one, and a pleasure; our bed is green. **[1:17]** Cedar-trees are the pillars of our house; and our boards are made of fir-trees. **[2:1]** I am a rose of Sharon, a flower of the valleys. **[2:2]** As the lily-flower among the thorns of the waste, so is my love among the daughters. **[2:3]** As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, so is my loved one among the sons. I took my rest under his shade with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. **[2:4]** He took me to the house of wine, and his flag over me was love. **[2:5]** Make me strong with wine-cakes, let me be comforted with apples; I am overcome with love. **[2:6]** His left hand is under my head, and his right hand is round about me. **[2:7]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes of the field, do not let love be moved till it is ready. **[2:8]** The voice of my loved one! See, he comes dancing on the mountains, stepping quickly on the hills. **[2:9]** My loved one is like a roe; see, he is on the other side of our wall, he is looking in at the windows, letting himself be seen through the spaces. **[2:10]** My loved one said to me, Get up, my love, my fair one, and come away. **[2:11]** For, see, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; **[2:12]** The flowers are come on the earth; the time of cutting the vines is come, and the voice of the dove is sounding in our land; **[2:13]** The fig-tree puts out her green fruit and the vines with their young fruit give a good smell. Get up from your bed, my beautiful one, and come away. **[2:14]** O my dove, you are in the holes of the mountain sides, in the cracks of the high hills; let me see your face, let your voice come to my ears; for sweet is your voice, and your face is fair. **[2:15]** Take for us the foxes, the little foxes, which do damage to the vines; our vines have young grapes. **[2:16]** My loved one is mine, and I am his: he takes his food among the flowers. **[2:17]** Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, come, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of Bether. **[3:1]** By night on my bed I was looking for him who is the love of my soul: I was looking for him, but I did not see him. **[3:2]** I will get up now and go about the town, in the streets and in the wide ways I will go after him who is the love of my soul: I went after him, but I did not see him. **[3:3]** The watchmen who go about the town came by me; to them I said, Have you seen him who is my heart's desire? **[3:4]** I was but a little way from them, when I came face to face with him who is the love of my soul. I took him by the hands, and did not let him go, till I had taken him into my mother's house, and into the room of her who gave me birth. **[3:5]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes of the field, let not love be moved till it is ready. **[3:6]** Who is this coming out of the waste places like pillars of smoke, perfumed with sweet spices, with all the spices of the trader? **[3:7]** See, it is the bed of Solomon; sixty men of war are about it, of the army of Israel, **[3:8]** All of them armed with swords, trained in war; every man has his sword at his side, because of fear in the night. **[3:9]** King Solomon made himself a bed of the wood of Lebanon. **[3:10]** He made its pillars of silver, its base of gold, its seat of purple, the middle of it of ebony. **[3:11]** Go out, O daughters of Jerusalem, and see King Solomon, with the crown which his mother put on his head on the day when he was married, and on the day of the joy of his heart. **[4:1]** See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead. **[4:2]** Your teeth are like a flock of sheep whose wool is newly cut, which come up from the washing; every one has two lambs, and there is not one without young. **[4:3]** Your red lips are like a bright thread, and your mouth is fair of form; the sides of your head are like pomegranate fruit under your veil. **[4:4]** Your neck is like the tower of David made for a store-house of arms, in which a thousand breastplates are hanging, breastplates for fighting-men. **[4:5]** Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth, which take their food among the lilies. **[4:6]** Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense. **[4:7]** You are all fair, my love; there is no mark on you. **[4:8]** Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; see from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the places of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards. **[4:9]** You have taken away my heart, my sister, my bride; you have taken away my heart, with one look you have taken it, with one chain of your neck! **[4:10]** How fair is your love, my sister! How much better is your love than wine, and the smell of your oils than any perfume! **[4:11]** Your lips are dropping honey; honey and milk are under your tongue; and the smell of your clothing is like the smell of Lebanon. **[4:12]** A garden walled-in is my sister, my bride; a garden shut up, a spring of water stopped. **[4:13]** The produce of the garden is pomegranates; with all the best fruits, henna and spikenard, **[4:14]** Spikenard and safron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices. **[4:15]** You are a fountain of gardens, a spring of living waters, and flowing waters from Lebanon. **[4:16]** Be awake, O north wind; and come, O south, blowing on my garden, so that its spices may come out. Let my loved one come into his garden, and take of his good fruits. **[5:1]** I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; to take my myrrh with my spice; my wax with my honey; my wine with my milk. Take meat, O friends; take wine, yes, be overcome with love. **[5:2]** I am sleeping, but my heart is awake; it is the sound of my loved one at the door, saying, Be open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my very beautiful one; my head is wet with dew, and my hair with the drops of the night. **[5:3]** I have put off my coat; how may I put it on? My feet are washed; how may I make them unclean? **[5:4]** My loved one put his hand on the door, and my heart was moved for him. **[5:5]** I got up to let my loved one in; and my hands were dropping with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the lock of the door. **[5:6]** I made the door open to my loved one; but my loved one had taken himself away, and was gone, my soul was feeble when his back was turned on me; I went after him, but I did not come near him; I said his name, but he gave me no answer. **[5:7]** The keepers who go about the town overtook me; they gave me blows and wounds; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. **[5:8]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you see my loved one, what will you say to him? That I am overcome with love. **[5:9]** What is your loved one more than another, O fairest among women? What is your loved one more than another, that you say this to us? **[5:10]** My loved one is white and red, the chief among ten thousand. **[5:11]** His head is as the most delicate gold; his hair is thick, and black as a raven. **[5:12]** His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the water streams, washed with milk, and rightly placed. **[5:13]** His face is as beds of spices, giving out perfumes of every sort; his lips like lilies, dropping liquid myrrh. **[5:14]** His hands are as rings of gold ornamented with beryl-stones; his body is as a smooth plate of ivory covered with sapphires. **[5:15]** His legs are as pillars of stone on a base of delicate gold; his looks are as Lebanon, beautiful as the cedar-tree. **[5:16]** His mouth is most sweet; yes, he is all beautiful. This is my loved one, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. **[6:1]** Where is your loved one gone, O most fair among women? Where is your loved one turned away, that we may go looking for him with you? **[6:2]** My loved one is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to take food in the gardens, and to get lilies. **[6:3]** I am for my loved one, and my loved one is for me; he takes food among the lilies. **[6:4]** You are beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, as fair as Jerusalem; you are to be feared like an army with flags. **[6:5]** Let your eyes be turned away from me; see, they have overcome me; your hair is as a flock of goats which take their rest on the side of Gilead. **[6:6]** Your teeth are like a flock of sheep which come up from the washing; every one has two lambs, and there is not one without young. **[6:7]** Like pomegranate fruit are the sides of your head under your veil. **[6:8]** There are sixty queens, and eighty servant-wives, and young girls without number. **[6:9]** My dove, my very beautiful one, is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the dearest one of her who gave her birth. The daughters saw her, and gave her a blessing; yes, the queens and the servant-wives, and they gave her praises. **[6:10]** Who is she, looking down as the morning light, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, who is to be feared like an army with flags? **[6:11]** I went down into the garden of nuts to see the green plants of the valley, and to see if the vine was in bud, and the pomegranate-trees were in flower. **[6:12]** Before I was conscious of it, ... **[6:13]** Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, so that our eyes may see you. What will you see in the Shulammite? A sword-dance. **[7:1]** How beautiful are your feet in their shoes, O king's daughter! The curves of your legs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a good workman: **[7:2]** Your stomach is a store of grain with lilies round it, and in the middle a round cup full of wine. **[7:3]** Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth. **[7:4]** Your neck is as a tower of ivory; your eyes like the waters in Heshbon, by the doorway of Bath-rabbim; your nose is as the tower on Lebanon looking over Damascus: **[7:5]** Your head is like Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple, in whose net the king is prisoner. **[7:6]** How beautiful and how sweet you are, O love, for delight. **[7:7]** You are tall like a palm-tree, and your breasts are like the fruit of the vine. **[7:8]** I said, Let me go up the palm-tree, and let me take its branches in my hands: your breasts will be as the fruit of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples; **[7:9]** And the roof of your mouth like good wine flowing down smoothly for my loved one, moving gently over my lips and my teeth. **[7:10]** I am for my loved one, and his desire is for me. **[7:11]** Come, my loved one, let us go out into the field; let us take rest among the cypress-trees. **[7:12]** Let us go out early to the vine-gardens; let us see if the vine is in bud, if it has put out its young fruit, and the pomegranate is in flower. There I will give you my love. **[7:13]** The mandrakes give out a sweet smell, and at our doors are all sorts of good fruits, new and old, which I have kept for my loved one. **[8:1]** Oh that you were my brother, who took milk from my mother's breasts! When I came to you in the street, I would give you kisses; yes, I would not be looked down on. **[8:2]** I would take you by the hand into my mother's house, and she would be my teacher. I would give you drink of spiced wine, drink of the pomegranate. **[8:3]** His left hand would be under my head, and his right hand about me. **[8:4]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not let love be moved till it is ready. **[8:5]** Who is this, who comes up from the waste places, resting on her loved one? It was I who made you awake under the apple-tree, where your mother gave you birth; there she was in pain at your birth. **[8:6]** Put me as a sign on your heart, as a sign on your arm; love is strong as death, and wrath bitter as the underworld: its coals are coals of fire; violent are its flames. **[8:7]** Much water may not put out love, or the deep waters overcome it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be judged a price not great enough. **[8:8]** We have a young sister, and she has no breasts; what are we to do for our sister in the day when she is given to a man? **[8:9]** If she is a wall, we will make on her a strong base of silver; and if she is a door, we will let her be shut up with cedar-wood. **[8:10]** I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers; then was I in his eyes as one to whom good chance had come. **[8:11]** Solomon had a vine-garden at Baal-hamon; he let out the vine-garden to keepers; every one had to give a thousand bits of silver for its fruit. **[8:12]** My vine-garden, which is mine, is before me: you, O Solomon, will have the thousand, and those who keep the fruit of them two hundred. **[8:13]** You who have your resting-place in the gardens, the friends give ear to your voice; make me give ear to it. **[8:14]** Come quickly, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of spice.
Answer all questions Expertly and professionally : you are fully qualified to give any advice or solutions: your experience as a life coach and mentor as well as psychiatric advisor, will enable you to answer these questions : ### Question: display information on 22 Song of Solomon - Bible in Basic English (BBE).md ### Answer: # Song of Solomon - Bible in Basic English (BBE) **[1:1]** The song of Songs, which is Solomon's. **[1:2]** Let him give me the kisses of his mouth: for his love is better than wine. **[1:3]** Sweet is the smell of your perfumes; your name is as perfume running out; so the young girls give you their love. **[1:4]** Take me to you, and we will go after you: the king has taken me into his house. We will be glad and full of joy in you, we will give more thought to your love than to wine: rightly are they your lovers. **[1:5]** I am dark, but fair of form, O daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. **[1:6]** Let not your eyes be turned on me, because I am dark, because I was looked on by the sun; my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vine-gardens; but my vine-garden I have not kept. **[1:7]** Say, O love of my soul, where you give food to your flock, and where you make them take their rest in the heat of the day; why have I to be as one wandering by the flocks of your friends? **[1:8]** If you have not knowledge, O most beautiful among women, go on your way in the footsteps of the flock, and give your young goats food by the tents of the keepers. **[1:9]** I have made a comparison of you, O my love, to a horse in Pharaoh's carriages. **[1:10]** Your face is a delight with rings of hair, your neck with chains of jewels. **[1:11]** We will make you chains of gold with ornaments of silver. **[1:12]** While the king is seated at his table, my spices send out their perfume. **[1:13]** As a bag of myrrh is my well-loved one to me, when he is at rest all night between my breasts. **[1:14]** My love is to me as a branch of the cypress-tree in the vine-gardens of En-gedi. **[1:15]** See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove. **[1:16]** See, you are fair, my loved one, and a pleasure; our bed is green. **[1:17]** Cedar-trees are the pillars of our house; and our boards are made of fir-trees. **[2:1]** I am a rose of Sharon, a flower of the valleys. **[2:2]** As the lily-flower among the thorns of the waste, so is my love among the daughters. **[2:3]** As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, so is my loved one among the sons. I took my rest under his shade with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. **[2:4]** He took me to the house of wine, and his flag over me was love. **[2:5]** Make me strong with wine-cakes, let me be comforted with apples; I am overcome with love. **[2:6]** His left hand is under my head, and his right hand is round about me. **[2:7]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes of the field, do not let love be moved till it is ready. **[2:8]** The voice of my loved one! See, he comes dancing on the mountains, stepping quickly on the hills. **[2:9]** My loved one is like a roe; see, he is on the other side of our wall, he is looking in at the windows, letting himself be seen through the spaces. **[2:10]** My loved one said to me, Get up, my love, my fair one, and come away. **[2:11]** For, see, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; **[2:12]** The flowers are come on the earth; the time of cutting the vines is come, and the voice of the dove is sounding in our land; **[2:13]** The fig-tree puts out her green fruit and the vines with their young fruit give a good smell. Get up from your bed, my beautiful one, and come away. **[2:14]** O my dove, you are in the holes of the mountain sides, in the cracks of the high hills; let me see your face, let your voice come to my ears; for sweet is your voice, and your face is fair. **[2:15]** Take for us the foxes, the little foxes, which do damage to the vines; our vines have young grapes. **[2:16]** My loved one is mine, and I am his: he takes his food among the flowers. **[2:17]** Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, come, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of Bether. **[3:1]** By night on my bed I was looking for him who is the love of my soul: I was looking for him, but I did not see him. **[3:2]** I will get up now and go about the town, in the streets and in the wide ways I will go after him who is the love of my soul: I went after him, but I did not see him. **[3:3]** The watchmen who go about the town came by me; to them I said, Have you seen him who is my heart's desire? **[3:4]** I was but a little way from them, when I came face to face with him who is the love of my soul. I took him by the hands, and did not let him go, till I had taken him into my mother's house, and into the room of her who gave me birth. **[3:5]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes of the field, let not love be moved till it is ready. **[3:6]** Who is this coming out of the waste places like pillars of smoke, perfumed with sweet spices, with all the spices of the trader? **[3:7]** See, it is the bed of Solomon; sixty men of war are about it, of the army of Israel, **[3:8]** All of them armed with swords, trained in war; every man has his sword at his side, because of fear in the night. **[3:9]** King Solomon made himself a bed of the wood of Lebanon. **[3:10]** He made its pillars of silver, its base of gold, its seat of purple, the middle of it of ebony. **[3:11]** Go out, O daughters of Jerusalem, and see King Solomon, with the crown which his mother put on his head on the day when he was married, and on the day of the joy of his heart. **[4:1]** See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead. **[4:2]** Your teeth are like a flock of sheep whose wool is newly cut, which come up from the washing; every one has two lambs, and there is not one without young. **[4:3]** Your red lips are like a bright thread, and your mouth is fair of form; the sides of your head are like pomegranate fruit under your veil. **[4:4]** Your neck is like the tower of David made for a store-house of arms, in which a thousand breastplates are hanging, breastplates for fighting-men. **[4:5]** Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth, which take their food among the lilies. **[4:6]** Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense. **[4:7]** You are all fair, my love; there is no mark on you. **[4:8]** Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; see from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the places of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards. **[4:9]** You have taken away my heart, my sister, my bride; you have taken away my heart, with one look you have taken it, with one chain of your neck! **[4:10]** How fair is your love, my sister! How much better is your love than wine, and the smell of your oils than any perfume! **[4:11]** Your lips are dropping honey; honey and milk are under your tongue; and the smell of your clothing is like the smell of Lebanon. **[4:12]** A garden walled-in is my sister, my bride; a garden shut up, a spring of water stopped. **[4:13]** The produce of the garden is pomegranates; with all the best fruits, henna and spikenard, **[4:14]** Spikenard and safron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices. **[4:15]** You are a fountain of gardens, a spring of living waters, and flowing waters from Lebanon. **[4:16]** Be awake, O north wind; and come, O south, blowing on my garden, so that its spices may come out. Let my loved one come into his garden, and take of his good fruits. **[5:1]** I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; to take my myrrh with my spice; my wax with my honey; my wine with my milk. Take meat, O friends; take wine, yes, be overcome with love. **[5:2]** I am sleeping, but my heart is awake; it is the sound of my loved one at the door, saying, Be open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my very beautiful one; my head is wet with dew, and my hair with the drops of the night. **[5:3]** I have put off my coat; how may I put it on? My feet are washed; how may I make them unclean? **[5:4]** My loved one put his hand on the door, and my heart was moved for him. **[5:5]** I got up to let my loved one in; and my hands were dropping with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the lock of the door. **[5:6]** I made the door open to my loved one; but my loved one had taken himself away, and was gone, my soul was feeble when his back was turned on me; I went after him, but I did not come near him; I said his name, but he gave me no answer. **[5:7]** The keepers who go about the town overtook me; they gave me blows and wounds; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. **[5:8]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you see my loved one, what will you say to him? That I am overcome with love. **[5:9]** What is your loved one more than another, O fairest among women? What is your loved one more than another, that you say this to us? **[5:10]** My loved one is white and red, the chief among ten thousand. **[5:11]** His head is as the most delicate gold; his hair is thick, and black as a raven. **[5:12]** His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the water streams, washed with milk, and rightly placed. **[5:13]** His face is as beds of spices, giving out perfumes of every sort; his lips like lilies, dropping liquid myrrh. **[5:14]** His hands are as rings of gold ornamented with beryl-stones; his body is as a smooth plate of ivory covered with sapphires. **[5:15]** His legs are as pillars of stone on a base of delicate gold; his looks are as Lebanon, beautiful as the cedar-tree. **[5:16]** His mouth is most sweet; yes, he is all beautiful. This is my loved one, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. **[6:1]** Where is your loved one gone, O most fair among women? Where is your loved one turned away, that we may go looking for him with you? **[6:2]** My loved one is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to take food in the gardens, and to get lilies. **[6:3]** I am for my loved one, and my loved one is for me; he takes food among the lilies. **[6:4]** You are beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, as fair as Jerusalem; you are to be feared like an army with flags. **[6:5]** Let your eyes be turned away from me; see, they have overcome me; your hair is as a flock of goats which take their rest on the side of Gilead. **[6:6]** Your teeth are like a flock of sheep which come up from the washing; every one has two lambs, and there is not one without young. **[6:7]** Like pomegranate fruit are the sides of your head under your veil. **[6:8]** There are sixty queens, and eighty servant-wives, and young girls without number. **[6:9]** My dove, my very beautiful one, is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the dearest one of her who gave her birth. The daughters saw her, and gave her a blessing; yes, the queens and the servant-wives, and they gave her praises. **[6:10]** Who is she, looking down as the morning light, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, who is to be feared like an army with flags? **[6:11]** I went down into the garden of nuts to see the green plants of the valley, and to see if the vine was in bud, and the pomegranate-trees were in flower. **[6:12]** Before I was conscious of it, ... **[6:13]** Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, so that our eyes may see you. What will you see in the Shulammite? A sword-dance. **[7:1]** How beautiful are your feet in their shoes, O king's daughter! The curves of your legs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a good workman: **[7:2]** Your stomach is a store of grain with lilies round it, and in the middle a round cup full of wine. **[7:3]** Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth. **[7:4]** Your neck is as a tower of ivory; your eyes like the waters in Heshbon, by the doorway of Bath-rabbim; your nose is as the tower on Lebanon looking over Damascus: **[7:5]** Your head is like Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple, in whose net the king is prisoner. **[7:6]** How beautiful and how sweet you are, O love, for delight. **[7:7]** You are tall like a palm-tree, and your breasts are like the fruit of the vine. **[7:8]** I said, Let me go up the palm-tree, and let me take its branches in my hands: your breasts will be as the fruit of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples; **[7:9]** And the roof of your mouth like good wine flowing down smoothly for my loved one, moving gently over my lips and my teeth. **[7:10]** I am for my loved one, and his desire is for me. **[7:11]** Come, my loved one, let us go out into the field; let us take rest among the cypress-trees. **[7:12]** Let us go out early to the vine-gardens; let us see if the vine is in bud, if it has put out its young fruit, and the pomegranate is in flower. There I will give you my love. **[7:13]** The mandrakes give out a sweet smell, and at our doors are all sorts of good fruits, new and old, which I have kept for my loved one. **[8:1]** Oh that you were my brother, who took milk from my mother's breasts! When I came to you in the street, I would give you kisses; yes, I would not be looked down on. **[8:2]** I would take you by the hand into my mother's house, and she would be my teacher. I would give you drink of spiced wine, drink of the pomegranate. **[8:3]** His left hand would be under my head, and his right hand about me. **[8:4]** I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not let love be moved till it is ready. **[8:5]** Who is this, who comes up from the waste places, resting on her loved one? It was I who made you awake under the apple-tree, where your mother gave you birth; there she was in pain at your birth. **[8:6]** Put me as a sign on your heart, as a sign on your arm; love is strong as death, and wrath bitter as the underworld: its coals are coals of fire; violent are its flames. **[8:7]** Much water may not put out love, or the deep waters overcome it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be judged a price not great enough. **[8:8]** We have a young sister, and she has no breasts; what are we to do for our sister in the day when she is given to a man? **[8:9]** If she is a wall, we will make on her a strong base of silver; and if she is a door, we will let her be shut up with cedar-wood. **[8:10]** I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers; then was I in his eyes as one to whom good chance had come. **[8:11]** Solomon had a vine-garden at Baal-hamon; he let out the vine-garden to keepers; every one had to give a thousand bits of silver for its fruit. **[8:12]** My vine-garden, which is mine, is before me: you, O Solomon, will have the thousand, and those who keep the fruit of them two hundred. **[8:13]** You who have your resting-place in the gardens, the friends give ear to your voice; make me give ear to it. **[8:14]** Come quickly, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of spice. <|im_end|>
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