Having no plans will be my downfall or my triumph I had few plans this weekend, just my 8-year-old’s volleyball game and and an author event at a local book store. It doesn’t sound like much, but I’m kind of a one-activity-per-day gal. The events were bookends to the day though – one in the morning and one in the evening – yet I still ended up running around like crazy in between, showing up to the author event with an outfit I hated and a head of frizzy hair I tried to salvage from the day’s messy bun. Today though, we really had no plans. So I made mental plans to repeat last week’s good juju and go for a run and paint in between rotating loads of laundry. I did none of those things because a) I spent the entire first part of the day in bed or on the couch, ibuprofened up and slathered in peppermint oil, with an almost-migraine, and b) mental plans aren’t really plans. Real plans are plans. And then I was feeling a little better, but the sun came out and it became an insanely pretty day here, so we went to the park, and then we had to go to the grocery store for toilet paper (because in a house with four females, that is indeed a dire need) and ended up getting a trunk-load of groceries, then my 10-year-old dropped a bottle of ranch dressing my husband was really looking forward to trying on the kitchen floor – not all that important, but I feel like it’s important for people to really get a feel for the chaos in my house – THEN there was dinner/showers/chores and then I maybe could have gotten my painting stuff out, but honestly I got sucked into the second half of the book Practical Magic (I’d already read the first half; I didn’t just randomly get pulled into the second half, although it’s definitely picking up the pace), then before I knew it, it was time for the kids to go to bed AND THEN I had laundry to fold and Netflix to watch. That’s quite a lot of stuff for a one-activity-per-day gal and a weekend with no plans. I didn’t do what I thought I was going to do today, but I also didn’t plan on spending over half the day on the couch with my beloved family members gawking at me and saying, “You don’t look so good, Mom.” I didn’t plan on going to the park, but I don’t regret it because my kids are still young enough to love it but old enough that I don’t have to stalk them (bless you, toddler parents). And I don’t regret the grocery store because I am Team Toilet Paper all the way. I love having no plans. It feels so free. Anything can happen. What I’ve learned is that anything will happen. Any painting or creating I want to do isn’t going to happen on its own, no matter how good my intentions. I have to proactively choose it. It’s just that today I chose the park and the toilet paper and the book, and I wouldn’t really say I chose the laundry, but my therapist would totally say, “You chose the laundry.” (If it helps any, I also chose to start watching Schitt’s Creek while folding the laundry, and that’s a good choice, right?)
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Professor Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the UC Irvine School of Law, has maintained a lively defense of Justice Ginsburg’s comments critical of Donald Trump, writing first in the New York Times and then elaborating on his position in a Los Angeles Times op-ed and a podcast discussion with one of his faculty members, Rick Hasen. It’s an interesting and instructive case about how the intensity of feelings about particular issues and candidates tends to drive views of the First Amendment and in particular of the wisdom of campaign finance restrictions. For Chemerinsky, in defending Justice Ginsburg, insists that more political speech is better than less, and he is clearly moved in saying so by what he views as the exceptional importance of the question – – the potential election of Donald Trump – – that Justice Ginsburg was addressing. This is another application of the test of conviction on political spending issues. To what extent, when the stakes are high, will citizens and activists tolerate being told that they can’t spend however much they want, or operate as freely as they choose, in advancing public policy positions or promoting candidates? Progressives tended to be less concerned with campaign finance limitations when the project before them was the defeat of George W. Bush and a conclusion to the war in Iraq. It was then that they made use of “527s”, the “circumvention” of the day, and Republicans played against type, professing horror that so little regard was paid to the campaign finance laws. Over the following years, the usual political and ideological alignments were restored. Progressives were convinced that stringent campaign finance limitations were essential to leveling the playing field and keeping open the possibility of some genuinely democratic dialogue in which the most money didn’t decide the outcome and skew public policy still more in favor of the wealthy and powerful. Now, with the rise of Trump, whose defeat is viewed by many as imperative, it is fair to say that the vast majority of progressives and others would favor spend every cent available without regulatory impediment to keep the New York businessman out of the White House. (No doubt, there are those on the opposing side, who don’t care for Trump’s opponent, who take their mission to be similarly urgent.) To Dean Chemerinsky’s credit, as he defends Ginsburg ‘s choice to speak out on Trump, he accepts that he cannot carve out a de facto exception for just this one instance but might have to consider more generally the constitutional balance properly struck on campaign finance. In this case, he is speaking of judicial campaign finance—of the limits on politics in the judiciary–but progressives, including Justice Ginsburg, have generally stood firm for restrictions on judicial, as on other, campaign spending. Chemerinsky is now not so sure. Perhaps, he reflects, the Court may in recent years have incorrectly limited too much judicial campaign speech. In the LA Times, Chemerinsky opens with these words: Imagine that you are a person with great influence, highly respected and with a powerful voice that commands enormous attention. Imagine that you see the country heading down a potentially destructive and very dangerous path. Do you sit quietly and, if the worst happens, always regret your silence, or do you speak out even if doing so will subject you to criticism? It is an entirely fair question. And the one that follows is what is permitted to others who lack the same power and influence but who feel no less urgency about the country’s direction. This is not an argument for dispensing with all campaign finance controls, but for considering them carefully in the light of those times when many wishing to speak and to influence voters are convinced that there is a great deal on the line, with the “country heading down a potentially destructive and very dangerous path.”
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Posts by eric garneau We all know reality TV is not that "real," right? That's especially true when winning or losing a competition's at stake. You just can't trust anything you see in these shows; often contestants work the game as much as they can to optimize their chances ... More → Graphic Detail reviews a new graphic novel or trade paperback release every week. If you like geeky things, you've probably accepted by now that crossovers just happen. Aliens and Predators? The Justice League and the Avengers? The Flintstones and the Jetsons? At some point, two things ... More → The Mindhut BOOK OF THE WEEK: Animal Man #11: While titular hero Buddy Baker's stuck in the limbo-like realm of the Red, the rest of his family's back on Earth and under a serious threat from the Rot, the Red's natural enemy. Buddy's got to get back ... More → The Mindhut The Beginning: This episode starts by cleaning up some of the fallout from last week, as lovebird contestants Aylin and Charlie discuss their relationship… or lack thereof. We open on them having set some "ground rules" about the future of their interactions, which include things ... More → About a year ago, DC Comics announced their "New 52" initiative, a hard reboot of their entire line of superhero comics that would, in theory, make every one of their books accessible to a new, broad audience who wouldn't have to know anything about their ... More → The Mindhut Earlier this week it was announced that after Bruce Wayne takes care of the evil secret society of Owls that has been plaguing Gotham City, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman will turn its attention back to the Dark Knight's premiere enemy: the Joker. Starting ... More → The Mindhut Each week Graphic Detail reviews a new graphic novel or trade paperback collection. If you're someone who follows comics pretty regularly (like this writer), you may have heard some seriously positive buzz about writer Matt Fraction's new take on Marvel's classic Defenders concept. ... More → The Mindhut Comics Catch compiles short reviews of new comics worth reading each week. BOOK OF THE WEEK: Batman Incorporated #2: A few months ago, readers learned the startling twist behind all five years of Grant Morrison's mega-Bat epic... this whole time, the misery in Bruce Wayne's ... More → The Mindhut The Beginning: Once again Glee Project gets right to the action with Glee casting director Robert Ulrich—who always seems happy, have you noticed?—coming to announce the latest theme/challenge for the contestants, which happens to be sexuality. As you might expect, this season's breakout flirt Aylin's ... More →
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Villa Eikenhorst by Scott Mehl Villa Eikenhorst Villa Eikenhorst is currently the residence of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands and their three daughters. It is located on the De Horsten estate in Wassenaar, about 10km from The Hague. The house was originally built between 1985-1987 for Princess Christina (the youngest daughter of Queen Juliana) and her husband, Jorge Guillermo. The couple lived there with their children until divorcing in 1996. After sitting empty for some time, the property was renovated and became the residence of the then-Prince of Orange in 2003. It has been announced that at some point in the near future, the King and his family will move to Huis ten Bosch in The Hague. While primarily a private residence, The King and Queen occasionally host foreign visitors there as well as other official events. The De Horsten Estate comprises over 400 acres and is privately owned by the Royal Family. Its origins go back to 1838 and 1845 when Prince Frederik (a son of King Willem I) purchased three neighboring estates – Raephorst, Ter Horst, and Eikenhorst – to establish his own private hunting grounds. At his death, the property was inherited by his daughter Marie, Princess of Wied. In the early 1900s, she sold the property to Queen Wilhelmina, and it has since passed by inheritance to Queen Juliana and then to Queen Beatrix who is the current owner. Beatrix’s sister, Princess Margriet, holds the leasehold and building rights on the area which was originally the Raephorst estate.
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One of the toughest lessons to learn is that in life things don’t always go the way you expect or want them to. This season, Utah State senior cornerback Quinton Byrd learned that the hard way. As a freshman, he logged eight tackles, but his sophomore season was the highlight. He finished the year with 31 tackles and was tied for the team-lead with three interceptions. Those three interceptions came in a span of just five games. As a junior, he had 12 tackles in 13 games, three each coming at Hawai’i and against San Jose State. “My freshman year, I was a pretty good student of the game, I caught on pretty fast,” Byrd said. “You have to take advantage of your opportunities because they’re limited. Not too many freshmen play right as true freshmen. You come in looking to play, and you need to take advantage of that.” Shaver said the coaching staff relies on Byrd for his stability and consistency. “The thing about Quinton is that he’s the same guy. He’s very even-keeled, never gets too high or too low,” Shaver said. “That’s what you need. I expect leadership, maturity and contribution in every position, which he does.” As he’s gone through his career as an Aggie, Byrd has found his place and his role on the team. “I’m known as the guy who does things right. I just tend to follow those tendencies. It’s the way I was raised by my parents. If things weren’t done right, it would be a problem at home. If it wasn’t done right I just had to continuously do it over again,” Byrd said. “That gets boring, so I just do it right the first time and knock it out.” This year’s senior class is among the last group to have really experienced both sides of the Utah State football program. Byrd has done his part to help get the program turned around but credits the camaraderie of the team to the success. “This is by far the best year we’ve had since I’ve been here. We have a better team, better coaches, everyone just took it up a notch,” Byrd said. “We’ve grown closer together as a team, and I believe that plays a huge part in our success on the field.” As he works through rehabilitation, Bryd is anxious to get back on the field. He is looking forward to returning to Utah State for a fifth season and is doing everything he can to be ready.
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Times Square Valentine’s Heart celebrates diversity and immigration in NYC This year’s annual Times Square Valentine Heart Design Competition celebrates the role that immigrants have played in the development and vibrancy of New York. Called “We Were Strangers Once Too,” the winning design was created by The Office for Creative Research in order to open a dialogue about the value of immigrants in making the city what it is today, and given the current political climate, the conversation couldn’t be more timely. The sculpture is made out of 33 metal poles in different hues of red and pink “inscribed and hued to represent the national origins and shifting populations of foreign-born NYC residents.” As visitors move around the heart, their perspective will shift from a mass of poles to an iconic heart. It is a striking visual display that forces us to confront what it means to be inclusive and as a tribute to those who have contributed historically and currently to the diverse communities of NYC. NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP, said, “I am excited to add We Were Strangers Once Too to the greatest public art gallery in the world, NYC Parks. New York City is now and always will be a proud city of immigrants.” The Office for Creative Research, the artists, said, “Now more than ever New Yorkers need to stand up and say we are proud to live in a city of immigrants. We Were Strangers Once Too is our way to acknowledge and say thank you to the diverse communities of NYC for their many contributions historically, currently and into the future.” The design was unveiled to the public on February 7 at Father Duffy Square.
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Dying Light The Following Enhanced Edition-RELOADED ABOUT THE GAME Dying Light is a first-person, action survival game set in a vast open world. Roam a city devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help defeat the hordes of flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created Dying Light The Following Enhanced Edition-RELOADED 1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the game. 4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory. 5. Play the game. 6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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Experimental derivation of nepheline syenite and phonolite . WO2008008413A2 - Ultra fine nepheline syenite powder and . Nepheline syenite powder with a controlled particle size where 99.9% of the particles are less than 6 microns, which powder has a moisture content of less than 0.8% and an Einlehner Abrasive Value of less than 100 and products using this fine grain ultra fine nepheline syenite powder. Nepheline syenite - Wikipedia Nepheline Syenite - digitalfire Nepheline Syenite is an anhydrous sodium potassium alumino silicate. Although feldspar-like in its chemistry, mineralogically it is an igneous rock combination of nepheline, microcline, albite and minor minerals like mica, hornblende and magnetite. Phonolite — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Rarely, economically mineralised phonolite-nepheline syenite alkaline complexes can be associated with rare-earth mineralisation, uranium mineralisation and phosphates, such as at Phalaborwa, South Africa. Phonolite tuff was used as a source of flint for adze heads and such by prehistoric people from Hohentwiel and Hegau, Germany. US Patent for Preparation of hydroxysodalite Patent . For instance, sodalite can be used as a catalyst material, used as a filler in paints or other coating materials, use as a water softener, used as a detergent builder, used as an adsorbent, and used as a desiccant. Due to the relative scarcity of sodalite, sodalite is commonly synthesized from . Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Nepheline Syenites . The dominant lithology is nepheline syenite, but alkali syenite and granite occur at Mphompha and pyroxenites outcrop adjacent to, and within, the Ilomba intrusion. Intrusions of gabbro, ijolite, carbonatite, nepheline syenite and syenite in adjoining Tanzania and Zambia have also been included in the NNAP (Bloomfield, 1970). Figure 1. Mineral Potential of Malawi 1 - British Geological Survey Mineral potential of Malawi 1 Mineral deposits associated with alkaline . is nepheline syenite, but alkali syenite and . grained sodalite-nepheline±cancrinite syenite. It is the most strongly silica-undersaturated peralkaline pluton in the province. isnephelene sodalite syenite - somamedical isnephelene sodalite syenite -, Furthermore, if the major foid in the rock is nepheline, it would be called a nepheline syenite . Get More; Nepheline syenite - Wikipedia. Fresh clear microcline is very characteristic of some types of nepheline syenite Sodalite, colorless and transparent in thin section, . Experimental derivation of nepheline syenite and phonolite . ULTRA FINE NEPHELINE SYENITE POWDER AND PRODUCTS FOR . Aug 31, 2016 · 1. Nepheline syenite powder with a controlled particle size characterized in that 99.9% of the particles have a particle size less than 10 microns wherein the controlled particle size of less than 10 microns is produced by using a dry milling operation followed by an air classifier operation, and the powder is having an Einlehner Abrasive Value of less than 100. Nepheline sodalite-syenite: Mineral information, data and . Syenite - Igneous Rocks Syenite is an igneous rock that solidified slowly in the crust in a similar manner to granite.A true syenite (sensu stricto) is also compositionally resembling granite.The most notable difference is the absence or very low quantity of quartz while it is an essential component of granite. Evolution of nepheline from mafic to highly differentiated . The regional geology of the Poços de Caldas alkaline . The regional geology of the Poços de Caldas alkaline complex: mineralogy and geochemistry of selected nepheline syenites and phonolites . is nepheline syenite from a quarry located in the town of Pogos de Caldas, and is representative of the predominant type-li- thology and the main stage of nepheline syenite plutonism of the alkaline . isnephelene sodalite syenite - somamedical isnephelene sodalite syenite -, Furthermore, if the major foid in the rock is nepheline, it would be called a nepheline syenite . Get More; Nepheline syenite - Wikipedia. Fresh clear microcline is very characteristic of some types of nepheline syenite Sodalite, colorless and transparent in thin section, . Nepheline | Optical Mineralogy In optical mineralogy, Nepheline is known as a major component of several igneous rocks called Nepheline syenite, Nepheline monzonite, and nephellinite. The basic difference between these is in the amount and types of feldspars present. In Nepheline syenite potassium feldspars or K-spars are the predominant feldspar. What Is Nepheline Syenite | Nepheline Syenite Features Streak of Nepheline Syenite is white while its cleavage is poor. Luster of Nepheline Syenite is greasy to dull and its fracture is conchoidal to uneven. Nepheline Syenite is translucent to opaque in nature. Know all about Nepheline Syenite, What is Nepheline Syenite, its . Syenite - Howling Pixel Syenite. Syenite is a coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock with a general composition similar to that of granite, but deficient in quartz, which, if present at all, occurs in relatively small concentrations (<5%).Some syenites contain larger proportions of mafic components and smaller amounts of felsic material than most granites; those are classed as being of intermediate composition.
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I'm a jj.net/forum moderator - feel free to contact me if you have issues with the site or the forum. __________________________We rode on the winds of the rising storm, We ran to the sounds of the thunder. We danced among the lightning bolts, and tore the world asunder.
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Spotted: ‘Gossip Girl’ getting the Funko vinyl treatment at the New York Toy Fair! This is SO cool! Everyone’s favorite toy company, Funko, has unveiled the first look at some incredible new pop culture collections during the 2018 New York Toy Fair. Among their new collections are some of TV’s finest shows like Gossip Girl, Smallville, Saturday Night Live, Nickelodeon cartoons and more. As you can see, Serena Van Der Woodsen and Dan Humphrey are part of the Gossip Girlcollection, as are the infamous Blair Waldorf, Jenny Humphrey, and Nate Archibald. Sadly, no sign of Chuck Bass in this release. Maybe next time? Other Funko’s that were unveiled were new additions to the Stranger Things collection. The additions are a hovering bitchin’ Eleven, a shirtless Billy Hargrove, Bob Newby, and Steve rocking black sunglasses and ready for battle with his favorite baseball bat. The Smallville collection includes two different Clark Kent’s (Superman Clark and Clark in his underwear), Lois Lane, Green Arrow and, of course, Lex Luthor. Saturday Night Live‘s vinyls are some of their iconic characters, such as Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon‘s “Dick In A Box” singers, Bill Hader‘s Stefon and Will Ferrell‘s More Cowbell! You can see ALL of the newly unveiled Funko Pop! vinyls by checking out their blog right here. Funko didn’t leave movies out of the fun, either. Movies that are receiving their first-ever or brand new versions of Funko Pop! vinyl dolls include: Deadpool, IT, Ready Player One, Jurassic World, Disney’s Hercules, Disney’s Moana, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Princess Bride, Super Troopers, A Wrinkle In Time, Atomic Blonde, and Tomb Raider. Hope you’ve cleared off some shelf space, collectors! Tell us, HollywoodLifers — Will YOU be collecting any of the new releases from Funko? Comment below, let us know!
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Archives Categories admin Hey everyone! One of our friends owns a helicopter and was out and about doing a tour the other day and actually took some footage specifically for this blog! We’re going to give you a unique tour of Mesa Arizona from a helicopters birds eye view with some narration a long the way explaining what different sites are. We hope you enjoy this video!
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Fourier Transformation Abstract Fourier transformation is a very important tool for signal analysis but also helpful to simplify the solution of differential equations or the calculation of convolution integrals. An important numerical method is the discrete Fourier transformation which can be used for trigonometric interpolation and also as a numerical approximation to the continuous Fourier integral. It can be realized efficiently by Goertzel’s algorithm or the family of fast Fourier transformation methods. For real valued even functions the computationally simpler discrete cosine transformation can be applied. Several computer experiments demonstrate the principles of trigonometric interpolation and nonlinear filtering.
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The pledge some companies took, in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, also calls for them to open public Wi-Fi hot order now cheap ursofalk online spots and waive late fees, the F.C.C. said. The footage, from Bergamo, Lombardy comes after 146 died in the city in the space of a week as the coroanvirus ravages Italy. The owner, Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman, is one of Pakistans most influential media figures. The prime minister, Imran Khan, has shown particular impatience with its coverage. Scientists at Imperial College London and US pharmaceutical companies Inovio and Moderna have said they will can i order bentyl online uk start testing their vaccines on people in April. As markets plunge, investors are likely to see more pitches from annuity brokers peddling voltaren-gel order now mastercard usa complex products. Buyer beware. Supermarket bosses launched a plea for calm among shoppers after a wave of panic-buying around the country cleared shelves as people stockpiled (pictured, Asda in London). Stocks rose as President Trump declared a national emergency and said he was making $50 billion available. The House was set to vote on the relief plan early Saturday. Coffee leaf rust has long been the enemy of coffee growers, but a snail from Southeast Asia may give them hope. David Einhorn, the investor known for betting against stocks like Green Mountain Coffee, now is targeting Chipotle Mexican Grill, saying it will face significant competition from "a resurgent Taco Bell." We put his theory to the taste test with Reuters blogger Felix Salmon, Reuters Social Media Editor Anthony De Rosa and Food and Wine Restaurant Editor Kate Krader. (October 3, 2012) Lacking in economic clout, the industry punches far above its weight in emotional power, presenting a tough barrier for negotiators. 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Zenefits, a high-profile San Francisco start-up specializing in health insurance, replaces its co-founder and chief executive after questions about compliance. Our 28th October article last year 'Striking firemen want 10,000 pay rise' mentioned that 'fire crews could already expect to pocket up to 50,000 a year after overtime.' We would like to clarify that this top sum referred to what a senior manager might expect to earn. We are sorry if this was misunderstood. Animal lovers have been taking to the British Facebook group Rate My Plate to share the spectacular array of culinary delights that have won the hearts of their beloved pets. The Brooklyn Cider House hosts a fermentation festival with pickles, kombucha, sake and, yes, cider. Companies have spent the years since the global financial crisis binging on debt. Now, as the coronavirus pandemic threatens to push the world into recession, the bill could come due exacerbating damage to the economy and feeding a meltdown in financial markets. Policymakers on the Continent have a reputation for dithering, prompting fears they will fail to respond to the economic damage of the coronavirus outbreak. It was a trip most of us can only dream about following the ancient trade route through the centuries-old towns and sweeping landscapes of Central Asia. Millions of British people had their genome analysed by researchers led by University of Liverpool. Those who drink a lot shared specific genetic variants, some of which are involved in pleasure. A power failure caused a problem with getting fuel into the jets at Manchester Airport, leading to many passengers being stranded on the runway, after planes were unable to be refuelled. TALK OF THE TOWN The 33-year-old documentary maker and Strictly Come Dancing winner was awarded her gong in 2018 for services to broadcasting. MailOnline provides a round-up of the states which have imposed fully-fledged bans, restricted travel and tough conditions on British holidaymakers landing on their soil. Ben Baker, a wealthy American, forged such close links with the Irish Guards that an annual trophy awarded to cadets was named in his honour. Disney's European premiere of "Mulan" in London's Leicester Square will be scaled down "in an abundance of caution", with no media line-up or red carpet, organizers said on Thursday. EXPERT VIEW buy now cheapest mycelex mastercard Medical and performance teams at clubs will have their work cut out in coming weeks, not only in monitoring the number of ill players but ensuring those not affected maintain fitness. Where politicians fumble and other government health officials step back, he steps up to explain. 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Chinese telecoms company ZTE is the subject of a new bribery investigation at the U.S. Justice Department, centered on suspected bribes paid to foreign officials to gain advantages in its worldwide operations, NBC News said. In At the Center of All Beauty, Fenton Johnson argues that solitude is absolutely essential to the creative life. Football fans are tearing their hair out as there are no 3pm matches in the top-four divisions to go too. The Premier League confirmed all games will be suspended until at least April 3. Julianne Moore, Eddie Redmayne, Patricia Arquette, Felicity Jones and Michael Keaton all buy online usa overnight mingled at the Academy's official post-Oscars party. Justine Haupt, 34, from New York spent three years building the unique phone from scratch and is now selling a kit for others to build their own for $170. When Bridge Place was built in the 17th century it was considered the finest house in East Kent. Now it's a hotel - The Pig at Bridge Place - that Rachel Reilly says is the best of British, old and new. Dont be stumped in your next job interview. These tips can help. The action came after Amazon had contended that it lost the deal because of potential interference from President Trump. The automaker named Jim Farley, its head how to order generic champix mastercard of strategy, as chief operating officer. He will report to Jim Hackett, the C.E.O. The three-bedroom property has a bright yellow kitchen, wooden slats on the dining room ceiling and an avocado bathroom suite. Consumers preparing to hole up at home are adding wine, beer and spirits to their list of must-haves, but shopkeepers worry its just the storm before the calm. Photographs dating back to the 1900s of the some of the city's most famous pubs and clubs have revealed how much the city has changed in the past 100 years. The unusual appearance of the treehopper insect from Nicaragua -Kaikaiagaga - brings to mind the outlandish costumes worn by the pop star Lady Gaga. Reggae Reggae Sauce entrepreneur Levi Roots says the best financial decision he ever made was to hire a top-class corporate lawyer before he entered the Dragons' Den in 2007. Crude sank purchase generic nexavar 10mg no prescription to $45.28 a barrel, having been trading above $50 earlier in the day and at close to $60 two weeks ago. Oil has now fallen more than 30 per cent this year. Luluturned heads in London in her bright yellow jumper, fur-lined boots, jeans and camel-coloured 'teddy' coat, topped off by a stylish fedora with a striking yellow band. At Camp 7, the military holds prisoners who were previously held and interrogated by the C.I.A. But in recent years, conditions have eased up a bit. 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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The Magic of Being An Artist “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.” My grandmother keeps an illustrated copy of Is There A Santa Claus? near the fireplace each year. Christmas was my favorite time of year growing up, and looking back, I know it’s because everything felt like magic. I loved the stories, I loved the sense that anything was possible—a large man in a red suit somehow made it down each chimney in the world in one night, delivering happiness on a sleigh led by flying reindeer. Why the heck not? When you’re a kid, there’s no reason to question it. Even well after the time I knew that Santa was more of a concept than a person, I still searched for outlets that made me feel like anything was possible. I knew from an early age I was going to dedicate my life to keeping a sense of magic inside of me alive. The first time I came out to Los Angeles, I got the same feeling: there was magic everywhere. Granted, maybe that was because I was wearing shorts and I came from Chicago where each year you have to dig out your driveway from under ten feet of snow, and I attended college in frigid Milwaukee where boots were a necessity, not a fashion statement. Whatever it was, I felt it. I had an overwhelming sense of excitement passing each palm tree. This is where the magic happens. This is where the stories that shape millions of lives, including my own, come to life. I felt the surge of energy all over Hollywood Blvd., even though my dad kept lamenting there wasn’t a safe place to park our car. It can be difficult to hold on to this sense of magic. The holidays, which once brought me so much excitement as a child, are often a time I find myself as an adult comparing my life to everyone else’s that seem to be more “on track.” Being an artist is hard. We have to work jobs we don’t always want to pay the bills and sometimes we are so exhausted at the end of the day it’s easy to get into the mindset that your dreams aren’t worth it. Coming from the Midwest, I can attest that there are many people back home who think I am crazy for pursuing a lifestyle that is so impractical. I was speaking with a co-worker the other day (who is also from my neck of the woods) about what life would be like if we weren’t artists. There would be regular hours…and steady paychecks. There would be the daily grind and then Tuesday soccer leagues, book clubs, and every Friday night at the local bar. Safe, predictable, and steady. Not to say that there is anything wrong with this life—there have been numerous times since I made the move to LA that this life of routine has seemed a very comforting alternative. But it’s not sustainable to the creative mind. Artists need to be around other artists, people who say “well, why the heck not?” instead of “how is that probable?” and “that’s too risky.” Artists are storytellers. I have gravitated towards writing, acting, and directing my whole life because imagining and creating something new, and getting others excited about it, has always made me want to get out of bed in the morning. No matter what life throws at you as an artist, you have your art to get you through it. We can create when we are happy; we can build off of our pain when we are sad. We have that outlet. And what can be even more important—we can use our art to help others do the same. Without the ‘impractical’, all that is left is the practical. “Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence.” This holiday season, remember your childlike sense of wonder. Remember why creating makes you excited to be alive. Remember the reasons why the artist’s life called to you in the first place—so when some distant relative leans across the table, with a half eaten turkey leg hanging out of their mouth, and asks the dreaded question, “So, when are you gonna be on the TV?”—-remember that you are an artist—and there is nothing trivial about that. We keep the magic alive. Comments The mission at Inner Circle Theatre is to unleash, harness, and master the true art and craft of acting. A place to create together as a group and feed the artist within. We welcome artists to join the circle, to be vulnerable and bravely express from the heart. Want In? Sign up for our newsletter to hear about classes, upcoming performances, and all that's happening in the Inner Circle.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Recording studio equipment is distributed all over the world. This often includes audio or sound software, video devices, music mixers with digital technology, microphones, and high-end speakers. Recording studio equipment is commonly used in the music industry, as well as the film business. Musicians spend hours in a recording studio mastering a certain song so that it sounds perfect on an album. This type of high-tech equipment is used by musical pros, actors, and other professionals daily. When it comes to bulk quantities of recording studio equipment, this merchandise is sold to professionals and retail distributors in bulk at low sale or discount prices. Although it is still not cheap, it is less expensive than retail price. Professionals that produce music often need new and used audio speakers, video monitors, acoustic sound equipment, computer consoles, and other recording gear. Typically experts in this field have to build a sound proof studio in order to record music professionally. Sometimes sound engineers are needed to assist with this process. Since the music and film industry is so grand these days, there is a major demand for recording studio equipment and sound software. If you would like to learn more about this vast industry, you might want to refer to the web to get more specifics on discount recording studio equipment and audio tools. Online you will encounter a number of official websites that specialize in this electronics field. Always be sure to contact a supplier if you have inquiries about specific products or services. Recording studio equipment can be attained in bulk quantities for a discounted rate if you know where to shop. This can involve all sorts of music software, cheap computer peripherals, acoustic gear, sound mastering equipment, audio and video product sales, pro digital mixer, used speaker proof and microphone specials, discount studio equipment, computer sale prices, cheap recording plan rates, tech monitor discounts, free studio time, ways to build console devices, and proof of purchase forms. This article was written to assist consumers as a how to find or how to choose guide aimed at helping you pinpoint the right recording studio equipment to suit your specific needs and preferences. First you should consider what's actually needed. This will more than likely assist you in ruling out particular audio and video software. Turn your attention to the World Wide Web. Take advantage of recording studio equipment information when you're just learning about recording studios and current discount music software. You can easily discover whom each company is affiliated with on a professional level and how long they've been in business. This will often help you decide on which companies to avoid and which ones to take advantage of. Always check out the official websites of any recording studio or company you're interested in. In reality, most of your questions should be answered on the website. If certain queries about sound mastering products, cheap computer deals, and discount acoustic gear are not answered on their website, then you should contact the recording studio by telephone to learn more.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
It seems that every week, I learn about yet another Facebook privacy concern or glitch. Today, Adi Kamdar of EFF made me aware of another one: Facebook Messages has a feature that tells you when a chat recipient has seen a message. This “read receipt” is, in true Facebook fashion, both nifty and unsettling. And it brings with it tons of potential for abuse. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in method to opt out. Facebook’s privacy interface has undergone change upon change, yet some needed controls simply don’t exist—and these days consumer privacy depends heavily on control. Luckily, the developers over at Crossrider have an extension, Chat Undetected, that disables the read receipt feature. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Apple’s iPhone 5 is expected to have a 19-pin connector port instead of the iPhone 4s’ 30-pin port — meaning that it may not fit current iPhone accessories. The Telegraph speculates on the implications for consumers and accessory manufacturers. The Telegraph
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Located in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, IndiQuest boasts of a well designed state of the art set up with a capacity to accommodate more than 200 employees. It is a truly complete office on all fronts from information technology to well crafted and designed interiors. Our office boasts of five conference rooms. Acknowledging the importance of recreation in an individual's professional life, our company maintains an in-house facility that offers various indoor games such as snooker and table-tennis, to name a few. Our company has, through a tie-up with the Mumbai Educational Trust, access to their vast library of over 20,000 books and 200 periodicals covering management, technology, science and economy among others. Loss of data is prevented through regular back-ups as well as continuous and consistent power supply. Security from data thefts posed by hackers and other such malicious entities are taken care of by firewalls and other intrusion preventing systems. Internet connectivity is taken care of by a leased line circuit provided by two internet service providers thus ensuring continuous and uninterrupted internet access.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Has anyone even read my opinion of vince? I dont like him. I havnt said "hey lets give up mario for vince!" or demeaco, or andre, or even fred bennet, I say give up no one of any importance, simply a what if situation. Im basically suggesting that EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM would be intrested to see what happens if VY gets some kind of shot in Houston, wether he sucks or not. And by shot I dont mean in a starting role or ever even touching the field, maybe just a 3rd string try out. I dont want to do it, and obviously neither does anyone else. Neg rep.....c'mon, your breaking the unspoken rules..... __________________new sig? Hakeem can stayThanks Texan Rocky and Brando for the Avatar and Sig! Has anyone even read my opinion of vince? I dont like him. I havnt said "hey lets give up mario for vince!" or demeaco, or andre, or even fred bennet, I say give up no one of any importance, simply a what if situation. Im basically suggesting that EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM would be intrested to see what happens if VY gets some kind of shot in Houston, wether he sucks or not. And by shot I dont mean in a starting role or ever even touching the field, maybe just a 3rd string try out. I dont want to do it, and obviously neither does anyone else. Neg rep.....c'mon, your breaking the unspoken rules..... I am somebody's MOM, and I hope I NEVER see VY in a Texans uniform, don't care what string he is on. Don't think the Texans need to waste any space on any roster for VY. __________________All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. He could be a perfect fit still for someone who is looking to implement the Wildcat offense. I'd like to hear a Titans fan point of view on this. Is the franchise trying to help him get his starter role and the team doesn't like him or are they just saying they will give him an opportunity to win but really Collins will be their man no matter? I think if we can get him and only give up some scrub itd be a good deal, he should be cheap and he can work his way up the strings or off the team, I dont know. I am not a big fan of his pro career, at all, but some people really do need just the right situation. No. This is not one of those cases. The man is nearly worthless on the professional level. Has anyone even read my opinion of vince? I dont like him. I havnt said "hey lets give up mario for vince!" or demeaco, or andre, or even fred bennet, I say give up no one of any importance, simply a what if situation. Im basically suggesting that EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM would be intrested to see what happens if VY gets some kind of shot in Houston, wether he sucks or not. And by shot I dont mean in a starting role or ever even touching the field, maybe just a 3rd string try out. I dont want to do it, and obviously neither does anyone else. Neg rep.....c'mon, your breaking the unspoken rules..... FWIW, the neg rep was a joke. Sorta like this thread, no? __________________Kubiak: "They’re battling their tail off."Translation: They suck.OB: "They played hard with great effort."Translation: They suck. Maybe VY can be that guy that runs out and grabs the kicking tee. He can grab it and run around Reliant yelling "this is my house!". Maybe give him a little drum like Crazy George or something. That's the only way I want to see him in Texans gear. __________________"Football is only a diversion." ~ Houston Texans, Inc. Maybe VY can be that guy that runs out and grabs the kicking tee. He can grab it and run around Reliant yelling "this is my house!". Maybe give him a little drum like Crazy George or something. That's the only way I want to see him in Texans gear. He could be a perfect fit still for someone who is looking to implement the Wildcat offense. I'd like to hear a Titans fan point of view on this. Is the franchise trying to help him get his starter role and the team doesn't like him or are they just saying they will give him an opportunity to win but really Collins will be their man no matter? He makes too many poor decisions. The point of the Wildcat is to trick people, take advantage of forced errors, and not make mistakes. VY is a mistake everytime he touches the ball.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Combining photonic crystals can slow the propagation of light for applications in optical communications. (Image: A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing) The speed of light in a vacuum is always constant — a fundamental concept made famous by Albert Einstein. But light propagates more slowly when it enters a different medium, such as glass. The degree to which the speed is reduced is given by a material’s dielectric constant — a higher dielectric constant indicates slower propagation. Rather than rely on a limited source of natural substances, scientists have started to design optical materials with a broader range of beneficial properties including ‘slow’ light. One approach is to combine two materials with different dielectric constants into a periodic structure. This can result in properties that dramatically differ from those of the constituent materials, particular when the length scale of the periodicity is similar to the wavelength of light. “These so-called photonic crystals, when appropriately designed and in ideal conditions, can almost stop the propagation of light altogether,” says A*STAR scientist Gandhi Alagappan. The requirement that the periodicity of the structure be similar to the wavelength of interest, however, is a limitation for practical applications. It means that most of these materials only work with light of a single color. Alagappan and his co-worker Jason Ching Png have now developed a scheme for designing photonic crystals that operate over a broader range of wavelengths. Alagappan and Png considered a structure in which two different materials are layered on top of each other. To obtain two different periodicities, however, a third material with a dielectric constant midway between the two other materials would typically be needed. This makes physically creating the structure difficult. The researchers instead focused on developing a mathematical technique to combine two materials in such a way that the dielectric profile in the stacking direction is almost the same as in the more complicated three-material structure (see image). Alagappan and Png simulated the optical properties of their combined photonic crystal. They identified a broad range of wavelengths known as the strong coupling region that has a high density of slow modes.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Pages Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Hi all! Another year of assessments and exams is over and now I can finally put my feet up and blog 'til my heart is content. Which is what I'll be doing this week before I jet off overseas on Sunday for 3 weeks. I know right, I just made my blogging comeback after about a month and now I'll be gone again! I'll have blog posts scheduled to be published during my trip so the blog will get updated even while I'm away :) Exactly one month ago, the annual Adelaide Beauty Conference was held and this year's theme was 'Beauty with a Conscience', to support cruelty-free brands and organic brands, and to highlight and emphasise the fact that animal testing is not necessary. We, as makeup and skincare enthusiasts love finding products that are perfect to suit our needs and some, if not the majority of us, may not give much thought on how the product was made and the ingredients in the products (besides the main, beneficial ones that are clearly mentioned on the packaging). There are many cosmetic and skincare brands out there which do test on animals. I won't list any here but you can find a list of them if you search it up on Google. This year's ABC was unlike the previous ones in terms of the duration of the event. The first one in 2011 was an evening event, last year's was an afternoon event and this year's... well, it was 9 to 5 event haha, so pretty much all day. I ain't complaining though, I was happy for it to be much longer than the previous ones! I enjoy attending these beauty conferences ^^ Oh and a big hello to those who were new to ABBM/ABC! I didn't get the chance to personally meet you all but hopefully I can in the future meet-ups. I noticed that there were quite a number of new faces :) First on the agenda was a presentation of the brand, Guinot Institut Paris, by Laura Pritchard, director and national trainer for Guinot Australia. In case you aren't aware, 'Guinot' is pronounced as 'gee-no' with the 'gee' being pronounced like the word 'geek'. Many of us had trouble pronouncing it but after a little guidance we nailed it! This presentation was followed by a live facial using Guinot products on one of our lucky attendees, Christine. One of the products used This is the aromatic mask and wow, it covers everything except for the nostrils! Looks quite freaky but cool at the same time. I wonder what it feels like to have that mask on... And voila, it came off in one piece! I was so amazed. Not a single piece broke off. At the end of the presentation, Robyn Hollands, the national public relations manager of Guinot Australia gave us each a goodie bag filled with samples of the products used for the facial, a full-sized one-step cleansing product (similar to Bioderma!) and a pair of flip-flops. They were the perfect size for me (37), I wonder if they were all the same size or varied? Robyn in the midst of handing out the goodie bags. She was so lovely and she complimented my dress and shoes :) Oh yeah, I haven't showed a picture of my shoes yet. Luckily I snapped a picture randomly while sitting down: My nude wedges It was then time for a 20-minute morning tea break. Not very relevant to mention in this post but I snapped a picture of the food so I might as well share it. Don't we all like food pictures? Then it was time for the next presentation - Couleur Caramel and Love Organics by the gorgeous Jaala Dyer, founder of Love Organic Beauty who has worked with the French organic and natural makeup brand Couleur Caramel for a number of years. Love Organic Beauty was created to inspire Australian women to look at natural beauty products that are ethically produced and environmentally sustainable without toxic or harmful ingredients. Many Couleur Caramel products for us to try out and swatch How gorgeous are these?? Sorry I had trouble focusing it! (I was still a noob with using my compact SLR) The blue liquid eyeliner swatch looks incredible The focus looks much better here because I manually did it with my phone's camera Afterwards there was a competition where makeup looks were judged based on categories such as "most creative" Winners received Couleur Caramel goodie bags This was followed by a vegan lunch sponsored by Two-Bit Villains. It was my first time trying a vegan burger. It was pretty good :) I hadn't heard of Davroe and I couldn't believe that it was established right here in my home state of South Australia! What I admire about the range is that the products are natural, gentle on the hair and scalp and kind to the environment. Plus I love the packaging! It was hair demo time and one lucky blogger was to be chosen randomly as the candidate and it happened to be... Ant! Look at the hold on that mohawk! The most interesting and important piece of information that I gained from this presentation was about the use of anti-dandruff shampoos. I have a bit of noticeable dandruff and for the longest time I've felt that it was my biggest issue, hence I stuck to using anti-dandruff shampoos. I learnt that anti-dandruff shampoos shouldn't be used often and should only be used once and put away for future use if needed. Anti-dandruff shampoo is meant to get rid of the dandruff and for it to not appear again for at least a couple of weeks or for it to never appear again if you're lucky. Afterwards you'd just use regular shampoo and if the dandruff re-appears, just use it again. You could think of it like medicine, for example, if you have a persistent cough you'd take cough syrup until you stop coughing. You wouldn't continue taking it if you're cured. Same with anti-dandruff shampoos - use it once and it should get rid of your dandruff. If not then it's just not doing it for you so you should switch to a different brand. If it works then yay, put it away and start using regular shampoo again :) If it wasn't for this piece of information, I'd still be using my anti-dandruff shampoo without stopping! We each had the chance to have a short 'consultation' with Mary to select the right Davroe hair care range and I was offered the Colour Senses range due to my dyed my hair: A box of 4 full-sized products! And omg this range is pink and white *_* Perfection! I've switched from my regular shampoo to the Davroe range and I am dead-set loving it and I wish that I had discovered this brand earlier. I also love the smell of it all, ahhhh. Social break time with scrumptious cupcakes sponsored by The Cupcake Table. Yay to the amazing food sponsors, thanks so much! Left: Gluten-free Orange and Almond Top to bottom: Choc Guiness, Banana Caramel and Caramel Popcorn I immediately had my eyes set on the Caramel Popcorn cupcake 'cause I love all things caramel and DAYYYUM it was delicious! After the break it was time to get serious with the legalities of blogging with a presentation by Paul the barrister on blogging without getting sued. Such an interesting presentation with loads of questions from our bloggers fired away at him. I was too amused that I didn't take a single photo. The main points were that you should never defame someone (especially someone who could sue you) and if someone takes a photo of you, that photo belongs to them, not you. Also the copyright symbol doesn't mean as much as we may think and all in all, NEVER plagiarise!! Of course laws and legislations differ from state to state and country to country so the best advice would be to do just stick to the rules and do the right thing - common sense really :) Last but definitely not least was a photography workshop presented by Christina from The Hungry Australian. I found this to be very informative and helpful, especially as I had only just purchased my compact SLR before attending this event. I was still getting used to using it and Christina shared many great tips on camera usage, the use of props and suitable lighting techniques. Through a slide show, Christina showed us how her photography has improved over the years Her food shots are so appetising! This was my favourite shot that she showed We went out on our own to take photos for a while, utilising the new tips that we learnt from Christina's presentation. I took my pictures outside because it was such a nice spring day: Overall it was a very enjoyable beauty conference and it wouldn't have been possible without the awesome committee who dedicated hours and hours of their time to organise the event - thanks so much Celeste, Kate, Steph, Sherry and Monnie. I cannot wait for next year's! Also big thanks to Susannah who was able to give me a lift home that day. If it weren't for her, I would've had to catch public transport. And I had no idea that we lived so close to each other :) Leaving you now with some pictures with these amazing blogger girls - Sherry (left) and Kitty (right): I wish I could have included some candid shots from the photographers and such but since the event went on much longer than previous years, there's just too much footage for them to sort out and hence have not uploaded any stills yet. Once they do get released though, I'll most likely tweet through my favourite pictures (not as spam tweeting, don't worry!) Questjen of the week: How much does 'cruelty-free' mean to you? My thoughts: After attending this beauty blogger conference, it's made me think twice about purchasing makeup from brands which are not cruelty-free. Being more knowledgeable and aware about this issue has changed my perspective for the better. There will always be alternatives out there which won't cause harm to our environment and to our little furry friends. I don't want to come across as preachy or anything... but I strongly believe that animal testing is completely unnecessary for cosmetics. I'd be happy to put my hand up and test makeup products before they go out onto the market. Sunday, November 3, 2013 Hi! I know that the majority of my readers are experiencing cooler weather right now but in Australia, it's sunny with some cool and warm days which could only mean one thing... it's spring! We all tend to dress and style based on the weather and today I'll be showing you a spring makeup look inspired by the '60s. Here is my take on the 'Sixties Vibe' look created by ELES Mineral Makeup and this look is all about vibrant, youthful yet strong eyes paired with nude lips for modern Bardot style beauty. The soft velvety shades of Aubergine and Purple make the eyes pop and the coral cheeks complement the overall look well. You may remember the Coral Sun blush that I used in the ELES 'A touch of blush' winter look and it's one that I really like. I'm glad that it was used again for the Spring Look, it's simply beautiful! I just want to give some quick comments about the ELES products featured in this look. As seen above, the eyeshadows are nicely pigmented with only minor inconsistencies with finger swatches. The application is much smoother and consistent with a brush and the colours show up very well. The Dimensional Cake Liner in Plum Crazy is a rather intriguing product - it needs to be applied with a wet brush to 'activate' the eyeliner duo with one being matte (to define) and the other being shimmery (to dramatise). I guess you could say that this type of eyeliner is between a liquid, gel and pencil liner. It's nothing like I've used before! The BrowBlender Pencil in Dark Taupe could almost be mistaken as an eyeliner pencil due to its pigmentation. I found that this was the most pigmented eyebrow pencil that I've ever come across and it took some time getting used to. Even with a light hand I felt that the brown came on too strongly for my brows. It might only be like this because it is new and the end is still sharp. Maybe after more use when it becomes almost blunt it'll be fine. The spoolie on the end works great and I have no issues with it :) I've reviewed the Mineral Blush in Coral Sun and also the Micro Bubble lipstick in previous posts. My words stay the same but I can add something about the Micro Nude shade lipstick. I've owned a few nude lippies and although they're not my favourites in terms of colour, I ended up really liking this one. It doesn't make me appear washed-out and the creaminess of the lipstick doesn't make my lips feel dry like others. From what I know about the sixties and their makeup looks, the ladies had very defined eyebrows and winged eyeliner with nude lips was a very popular trend. Think of Twiggy, the '60s supermodel with her big bold eyes and long lashes. Dark colours such as purple are not as common as other, typically brighter colours for spring however it's definitely suitable for a sixties-inspired look. I love smokey eyes and dark eyeliner so I don't think it's too much for daytime wear, though I'd normally wear it for special occasions since my everyday look is plain and simple. Once you've got the boho sunnies on with the headband garland, people will know for sure that you're channeling and embracing that glam '60s look! I had a lot of fun with the look :3 If you aren't brave enough to sport bold eyes during the day, wearing it at night would be just as perfect :) Another feature of '60s makeup - long, feathery lashes which can be achieved by using a pair of false lashes. I also added some bottom lashes and lined my waterline and lash line with white eyeliner pencil. Everything else can stay the same! The lashes I'm wearing are for evening wear, as stated on the box and are from the brand Eylure: They're super light (no heavy feeling on the lashes!) and the band is soft and flexible. I've seen this brand in stores but over here it's much more pricey. They're very comfortable to have on, and the ends don't poke my eyes. Because of the flexibility of the band, these lashes will stay on longer than regular, stiff-banded lashes as they will adhere and hold a lot better. The lashes themselves are made from 100% human hair so they don't have that plastic feeling like synthetic lashes do. It's no wonder that they're the #1 brand in the UK. Although they say that 'evening wear', you could wear these during the day as well as they're also ideal for regular wear. The design is pretty and can really help to glam-up your look. They're reusable as well - no need to chuck them out after using them once! I definitely recommend these lashes and for under $7 for a pair, they're so worth it! You can use my code QUESTJEN at KKCenterHK and receive 10% off your order :) You may have noticed the different quality of my images - I'm starting to use my Sony camera (mentioned in my previous post) which I absolutely adore and wished that I had purchased it earlier! I love being able to change the exposure/brightness which I wasn't able to do with my point-and-shoot. I've also changed my background a bit by using pages out of Japanese magazines and sticking them up on my wall. Sometimes a plain wall can seem a bit boring so a colourful/pastel background can be a nice touch to my photos/selcas hehe. I have an unclaimed prize of my 'token of appreciation' giveaway and the new winner of this prize is... Eyra Yakob! Congratulations :) I've sent you an email - please reply so that I can send out your prize. Speaking of giveaways, I'm going to host a mini giveaway of an ELES product. This is not sponsored by ELES and I am not affiliated with them. I was sent a Mineral Blush in Coral Sun for the winter ELES Look which I also used for this look and was sent a new one along with the featured products for the spring ELES Look. This new one hasn't been swatched or used and all it's going to do is sit in my cupboard as a back-up. I rarely hit pan on blushes, so really there's not much point in keeping this blush as a back-up. Seeing as I mention ELES on quite a few blog posts, this can now be my chance to share a product from their range to a reader who may have not tried an ELES product before. Proof that I have two Mineral Blushes in Coral Sun with one being completely unused: The new one is on the left and it can be yours. Prize valued at AUD $39.50! Again this is just to show my appreciation for my readers and to give one of you the chance to try... maybe before you buy :) People in Australia and elsewhere can enter this giveaway. To enter, simply comment below with your name, email address, where you're from (country) - optional and answer this questjen: What do you like the most about spring? or you can ask me a questjen again, I don't mind haha :) This giveaway will be open until November 22 (my last exam for the year) and I will draw a winner randomly. You don't necessarily need to follow/subscribe to my blog but as always, it would be great if you could. I'll be back as soon as my 3-week hiatus is over, I promise :) Take care guys! ❤ Jen xx Disclaimer: Products shown were provided for consideration. This is not a sponsored post, nor am I affiliated with any brands mentioned. Opinions are 100% honest and are my own.
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While some of our gut bacteria are the same for all people, we each have our own unique gut bacteria or gut microbiome. It helps us digest certain foods that have not been digested in the stomach It produces vital vitamins, helps to strengthen our immune system and interacts with many nerve cells and hormone-producing cells in the intestinal system. It aids in the production of certain vitamins such as B and K. Having healthy bacteria in our gut is vitally important for proper function of the body and aids in bone density, a strong immune system, and a healthy nervous system. CITATION: “According to WebMD, these include relief from diarrheal symptoms, colic in babies, lung infections, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, H pylori and bacterial vaginal infections, and eczema. In fact, regarding Lactobacillus only, a quick search of the National Institutes of Health PubMed will provide you with more than 5,300 clinical studies outlining its effects under a variety of conditions.” As always, if you’re unsure about taking probiotics for any particular ailment be sure to check with your regular medical practitioner. Development of the Gut Microbiome and Intestinal Health The gut microbiome is present in every individual from birth. From then on the good and bad bacteria that form depend on the nutrition of the individual. This continues throughout our lives and while nutrition plays an important role so do other environmental factors. How do medications and diet affect our Good and Bad Bacteria? Medications such as birth control pills, antibiotics, and NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as those used for arthritis can all have a negative effect on the diversity of our gut bacteria. Scientists have discovered that one in four people lack the healthy bacteria which break down our food in order to maintain a healthy digestive system. Is your intestinal health at risk? In order for our bodies to have proper intestinal health our gut microbiome must be properly maintained. Diets which are high in processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar wreak havoc on our intestinal health. Chronic stress and infections also affect the bacteria within our guts. Various toxins in our diets like wheat or manufactured seed oils can disrupt our intestinal health by causing leaky gut. Another factor for poor intestinal health is the lack of fermented foods in our diet. Taking antibiotics (although these can be life-saving) will wipe out all bacteria in the gut – not just the disease infecting ones. Therefore it is wise to take a probiotic supplement to help repair and re-balance your gut bacteria after a course of antibiotics. As you can see there are many environmental factors which can have a negative effect on our intestinal health and gut microbiome. What Happens When our Gut Bacteria are Compromised? Staphylococcus bacteria in the gut. A healthy intestinal tract keeps good and bad gut bacteria contained so they do not migrate into the bloodstream. Within the small and large intestines are areas where the presence of gut bacteria is normal, but when intestinal health is jeopardized they can escape. This happens when the intestinal barrier is disrupted and causes many of the health problems we see today. This is referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome. The lining of our small intestine has small finger like projections called villi which help in the absorption of digested foods. When the environment in our gut is disrupted and inflamed the villi become flattened and are unable to function adequately. This allows some bacteria or even minute food particles to permeate the lining and feed into the blood stream. When the immune system senses foreign bodies in the blood stream it immediately releases histamines to combat the invader and can set up problems with such things as allergies. The scary thing about this is that an individual may not be experiencing any type of gut problem at this time. Research However, there are other health problems which are signs that our intestinal health is in danger. When the intestinal barrier is compromised an individual may develop poor intestinal health and a leaky gut, but many people experience different effects. The majority of these problems stem from our diet our lifestyle and various medications such as those previously mentioned. A good Gut Microbiome is vital for the proper functioning of our immune system. The following is a list of diseases which may surface if we experience leaky gut syndrome. Problems with fluctuating weight Various skin problems (Psoriasis/Eczema) Heart Failure Thyroid Problems Problems with joints (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Various mental health problems (Depression, Brain Fog, Autism) Celiac Disease Allergies Type 1 Diabetes These problems can occur because when the intestinal barrier is penetrated not only can it cause leaky gut syndrome, but also affects other organs and tissues. . Included in this group are the kidneys, liver, pancreas, brain, and the skeletal system, making it easy to understand why the various health problems can exist. We now know that our intestinal health, which includes gut microbiome, is very important for excellent health. It is for this reason that next we will be discussing microbiome health and permanent weight loss.
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Monster Collection It has been suggested that this article be moved to Moncollé.Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page. Monster Collection fifth generation logo Monster Collection (Japanese: モンスターコレクションMonster Collection) is a line of collectible Pokémon figures produced by Takara Tomy in Japan. Also known as simply 'Tomy Figures', they are standard PVC models of each Pokémon. There is at least one of every Pokémon, except while the newest line is still in production. Pikachu Monster Collection figure In Japan, Monster Collection figures can be purchased at many stores, including Pokémon Centers where all of the current figures are sold for ¥294 each. The USA Pokémon Center may also sell a selection of Monster Collection figures. They also offer special 'Bundles' of them as well. First Generation - released 1998 Second Generation - released 2004 Third Generation - released 2005 The third generation packaging is the only series thus far to be packaged in a box rather than just a blister pack. It contains information on the Pokémon at the side of the box, with the same picture on the other side as well. The number is on the bottom right of the package. Fourth Generation The fourth generation packaging reverts to the previous generation packaging. The top of the packaging is red, with a Poké Ball on the top left. Behind the Pokémon is a white background with a faint background effect. On the left side is a black column with the text 'Pocket Monsters' on it using the background coloring. The number is on a black and white sticker on the front of the box. Moncolle plus Moncolle plus is a special line of Monster Collection figures released in June 2009 that can be trained to grow stronger thanks to the electronics they contain. The figures communicate with a number of related toys that can view their data, increase their abilities, and conduct battles between figures. Moncollé Get Moncollé Get is a special line of collectible figures sold as blind purchases. The base of these figures features a QR Code that can be read by the Pokémon games and a bar code that can be read by other Tomy toys.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
README.markdown redis-rb A note about versions Versions 1.0.x target all versions of Redis. You have to use this one if you are using Redis < 1.2. Version 2.0 is a big refactoring of the previous version and makes little effort to be backwards-compatible when it shouldn't. It does not support Redis' original protocol, favoring the new, binary-safe one. You should be using this version if you're running Redis 1.2+. Information about Redis Redis is a key-value store with some interesting features: It's fast. Keys are strings but values are typed. Currently Redis supports strings, lists, sets, sorted sets and hashes. Atomic operations can be done on all of these types.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Islamic State fighters in Syria have reportedly blown up the ancient ruins of Palmyra, an ancient World Heritage home to renowned Roman-era ruins. Barry Spielman, whose internet surveillance company, Sixgill, has been tracking Telegram channels since the start of the year, said: “Our intelligence suggests that these threats are to be taken seriously. “Over the last 12 months, we have seen both official and non-official Isis channels move over to Telegram. “It’s an encrypted platform, making it a lot safer to communicate without being traced. “We used to just track the Dark Web and Deep Web but now we are tracking Telegram.” It comes as people living and working near the future king's school have also raised concerns about security at Thomas’s Battersea after a woman filmed herself walking through the corridors unchallenged. Sarah Burnett-Moore walked into the £17,600-a-year private school, days before the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s four-year-old son started on September 7th. She said the lack of security at the private schools “astonishing.” The 54-year-old doctor said: “I could have walked in with an IED and set it to go off. “I live just 200 metres from the school and myself and lots of neighbours are worried about the security implications of the prince’s presence will make the area a target for attacks.” Mr Spielman said his firm has uncovered plans by ISIS to arm drones for a possible attack. He warned: “Now we are seeing explicit threats. GETTY The Prince appears to be Isis’s latest target “It seems that as ISIS continues to lose ground in Syria and Iraq, it has stepped up its threats to hit the West. “This threat to Prince George is chilling. “We have also seen evidence terrorists are planning a strike at the World Cup in Russia. “These are very worrying times and it is critical we try to uncover these plots. “Telegram is where many of them are being hatched as we speak.” Meanwhile, a British Muslim convert, Jack Letts has been charged with being a member of ISIS after being captured in Syria. GETTY British spies are heavily monitoring Telegram Jack Letts, from Oxford, was caught by Kurdish forces in May after fleeing the ISIS stronghold city of Raqqa earlier this year The son of an Oxford farmer who converted to Islam and travelled to Syria, he has been charged with being a member of ISIS. Letts - known as ‘Jihadi Jack’ - was captured by Kurdish forces after fleeing Raqqa, which was then the group’s de facto capital, earlier this year. In a statement given to the BBC, the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS) said Letts had been taken to a prison in Qamishli, in north-eastern Syria, on the Turkish border.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Hi! Before I go on to say anything, I'd like to say thank you to the people who read this post and take the time to reply to me. I've read the forums for a while but just signed up, and I wanna say thank you for using precious minutes to simply read this! First, let me introduce myself, I'm a 16 year old guy living in the Miami area of FL, and I wanted to ask the smart guys here on Club4AG if they could give me some advice on a question I have. Pretty soon I'll be able to get my license, and when that time comes I would honestly want to buy a car I feel like I'd have fun in: A Toyota Corolla GTS or SR5. No, I wouldn't want to take it drifting or anything (While I do admit I enjoy Initial D). No, I wouldn't want to put on custom rims or anything ridiculous. And no, I wouldn't want to floor it on highways or any other roads. I'd honestly just want that kind of car because I feel it's amazing. I love the design, the popup headlights, and the engine. It's a car I've drooled over long before knowing of Initial D... which did increase my affection for it... Anyways, I wanted to ask the people here on the forums if that's a good idea for a first car. I know they're hard to come by, but honestly I'd really prefer this over any other car. My parents wouldn't let me get a Miata, saying it's too small. And, after driving in an FF, I honestly want a modest car with an FR setup and not too much horsepower (or too sporty, since I aint rich ). Unless there's another FR car that's pretty fun and cheap to find, would an AE88 be a good choice? Thank you again for reading this, I do appreciate the time people will spend to help a fool like me! P.S. I also understand that rust can be a bit of a problem, any solutions to removing that if possible? Eheheheheh.... Almost any 86 you'll find will be beat to **** and rusted out. it'll also smell, be uncomfortable and slow. And most importantly it'll be very expensive. If you can afford it and know how to work on engines and rust sure get one. But i recommend getting something made this century and then getting an 86 down the road when you have the skills and the funds to keep up with it. Also if you crash it you'll probably die. If you want the same car experience and like pop ups, get a first gen Miata. They are cheap, easy to work on, very good at handling (better than a stock or mildly modified 86), and the convertible top is actually really enjoyable. Plus the community is great and they will walk you through everything you need to know. If not, there isn't many other pop light cars that are reliable in my opinion. MR2 AW11s are cheap and can be found in good shape but also old like zem said. Another good first car is the BG series Protege's; the ones with twin cam engines (same as Miata) that were offered on the "LX" trim. They also had a model "323" which came AWD. They are very good first cars and very good daily drivers with a very nice engine sound. If you really want an AE8 series, I would recommend getting an SR5. They are usually in much better shape and daily driveable. GTS variants just have too much TOFU DORIFTO tax and are beat to sh**. Lastly, a 240sx S13 coupe is a very nice daily driver. It has a lot of the same square type body lines as the Corolla, and the pop-ups look very nice. You can sometimes find good deals on S13s, and in good shape. They either have the SOHC engine or the ATX, but these can be easily swapped out later down the road. like zem said though, these cars are getting very old. My corolla is registered as an antique. Any Initial D car you see sans an is300, NB Miata, and a couple others will need either some serious refreshing or lots of $$$. Remember that because these cars are so old, you will want to buy yourself a good daily driver, and then buy an AE88 that needs fixing up. If I was you, I would buy a mid-90's corolla (AE101 variant) as a daily driver, as they are very comfortable, good dailys, parts galore at junkyards/auto stores/craigslist, and you can buy all kinds of cool accessories and upgrades. Lots of guys turbo the stock engine, or swap out a blacktop 4AG. The possibilities are endless, but it is FF. After getting a good daily, I would then find a project car once you are settled and probably have your own place. zem wrote:Almost any 86 you'll find will be beat to **** and rusted out. it'll also smell, be uncomfortable and slow. And most importantly it'll be very expensive. If you can afford it and know how to work on engines and rust sure get one. But i recommend getting something made this century and then getting an 86 down the road when you have the skills and the funds to keep up with it. Also if you crash it you'll probably die. der3wuste3fuchs wrote:If you want the same car experience and like pop ups, get a first gen Miata. They are cheap, easy to work on, very good at handling (better than a stock or mildly modified 86), and the convertible top is actually really enjoyable. Plus the community is great and they will walk you through everything you need to know. If not, there isn't many other pop light cars that are reliable in my opinion. MR2 AW11s are cheap and can be found in good shape but also old like zem said. Another good first car is the BG series Protege's; the ones with twin cam engines (same as Miata) that were offered on the "LX" trim. They also had a model "323" which came AWD. They are very good first cars and very good daily drivers with a very nice engine sound. If you really want an AE8 series, I would recommend getting an SR5. They are usually in much better shape and daily driveable. GTS variants just have too much TOFU DORIFTO tax and are beat to sh**. Lastly, a 240sx S13 coupe is a very nice daily driver. It has a lot of the same square type body lines as the Corolla, and the pop-ups look very nice. You can sometimes find good deals on S13s, and in good shape. They either have the SOHC engine or the ATX, but these can be easily swapped out later down the road. like zem said though, these cars are getting very old. My corolla is registered as an antique. Any Initial D car you see sans an is300, NB Miata, and a couple others will need either some serious refreshing or lots of $$$. Wow man, thank you! I'd love to get a Miata, but my parents are pretty strict about safety. The Protege actually sounds like a cool car, as well as a 240sx/S13. Sorry in advance if what i'm doing is tacky, kinda new to uploading stuff on forums... xD' but once more, thank you for your advice! Out of curiousity, what price range would I be looking at for any of these cars (excluding the GTS)? der3wuste3fuchs wrote:Remember that because these cars are so old, you will want to buy yourself a good daily driver, and then buy an AE88 that needs fixing up. If I was you, I would buy a mid-90's corolla (AE101 variant) as a daily driver, as they are very comfortable, good dailys, parts galore at junkyards/auto stores/craigslist, and you can buy all kinds of cool accessories and upgrades. Lots of guys turbo the stock engine, or swap out a blacktop 4AG. The possibilities are endless, but it is FF. After getting a good daily, I would then find a project car once you are settled and probably have your own place. I personally disagree with a lot of these guys. Get the car your heart really wants... in this case an AE86. The fact that you want one so bad will force you to keep a job to pay for repairs and will also force you to possibly look into getting an education/career to pay for even more. It sounds silly but if you are passionate about the car, you will make adjustments in your life. If you dont have any direction with your life yet, then hold off on the car and get something reliable. A lot of guys on here dont want to see another clean AE86 get ruined. General things to note about the AE86. 1. I recommend having at least $6,000 to spend on a clean one. This will help you hit the ground running. The car will be more reliable than a 65th owner car. 2. Realize that parts are expensive for these cars. 3. The car will require a lot of maintenance. So start small by doing bushing kit, brakes, fluids, etc. This will get you further in the long run. 4. Knowledge is power. So read read read! That way you are able to repair things that break. Since you live in Florida, you dont have to worry about snow. So a RWD car is perfectly fine. You will hate yourself for not getting the car you want. Save up some money and get what you want. - I have had my car for 7 years now. I bought it for $700 as a sr5 to gts swapped non running stripped shell. Most people would have given up on something like that a long time ago. So I personally feel real strongly about getting a good base. I bought a clean well maintained GTS and it just works like it should. Hey man, I'm the same age as you and I own an AE86! Mine happens to be an '85 SR5. Pretty much everything these guys have said is true, you will more than likely die if you get in a serious accident, and they can be lots of work, but to me that's just a part of the fun! I daily drive my AE86 in the Idaho winter as well and it handles just fine. I also agree with the fact that you should get the car your heart wants, that's what I did, and here I am:) Woah mates, not saying he shouldn't get a car he doesn't want, I'm just saying you should first try and get a strictly Daily Driver, then get yourself a 30-year old Toyota if your heart truly desires it. I completely agree you should get what you want. I think most of us were exactly where the OP was when we were 16/17/18/19; we were very passionate about cars and lept into things fast. But I think as we get older we realize there are ways to be a car enthusiast, but be a little responsible and dependable. Getting an 86 is fine, but I just think you should get a daily that is reliable, more recent, easier to find parts for, cheaper to work on, and won't risk getting stolen. And it is true the 86 does not have safety features, but that depends on what you do with the car. Lots of people take out the front and rear smash support beams for "weight reduction" or MAD TYTE YO JDM BUMPERS ZOMG DORIFTO DELIVER THE TOFU. Which is cool and all, but you have to realize how much energy these crash supports absorb; just because it isn't on par with standard and current crash safety rated cars, doesn't mean something is worse than nothing. Also, there are ways to make your car safer. You can weld in the drift type bash bars, which weigh much less and offer you protection with the added bonus of fitting cooler looking bumpers. And lastly, you can get a Cusco or whatever type of roll cage which will greatly improve your safety standards on the 86. They aren't that much and finding someone to weld it in is not hard (unless your in shitty FL :p). Anyway, it's not that we are saying you can't buy what you want, it's just you have to realize how old these cars are and how much work/$$ they will need, meaning it would not be good for a daily driver. Could it daily drive? sure, but when things start breaking and you become unreliable as a person you job/family/friends will get annoyed. I dunno, I sound like an ass on the forums lol. I've just.. been there done that. So many cars, so much money, so many times I wish I listened to people. Whatever you do, this is probably one of the best communities I've been with, they really are a great bunch of guys. AE86 and 240sx are subject to pretty steep drift tax... pretty tough for a young guy to get into as a first car. Not to mention the rarity of parts. If you want something cool, 80s, JDM, and RWD... see if there are any 1st generation 300zx's near you. The non-turbos are dirt cheap, easy to find, and the parts are cheap. The car is pretty bulletproof as well... just watch for rust. Dat_Hot_AC wrote:No, I wouldn't want to put on custom rims or anything ridiculous. And no, I wouldn't want to floor it on highways or any other roads. I'd honestly just want that kind of car because I feel it's amazing. I'm daily driving mine. Not garage kept, driven year round including winters and their salty roads. Mine has been very reliable, only left me standing once due to a bad starter. Oil + filter change every 4k miles , once a year i change gearbox and lsd oil. That's about it in terms of maintenance. You might want to rethink the way you will be driving an ae86. Too keep up with modern day traffic you'll be flooring it pretty often. Mine sees 7,8k rpm everyday. And you'll be changing those skinny oem wheels pretty fast for wheels that'll take better tires. By the looks of it i dont think OP got an 86 lol...yea reliability and safety is not something these 30yr old cars excel at haha...honestly, a reliable 86 means a well cared for 86, and a well cared for 86 translates to 10-13k+ , for 6-10k you can get much more faster, reliable and safer cars like an s2000, impreza, g35/350z, s14, is300, even an frs/brz under the right conditions....like many of us have been saying "been there done that", but if you wanna walk through the fire for yourself go ahead, what i do recommend is getting a descent tool set, because it will become your best friend if you plan to daily drive an 86 and if you dont have any mechanical know how or deep pockets, forget it stay away lol My first car of my own was a 69 toyota corona 4door toyoglide automatic 3rc engine...man i loved that car way more reliable that any 86 ive owned lol...bought it with 150k drove it to around 320k when the head gasket blew...surprisingly it keep up with traffic way better than an 86 and has way better highway gear...feels like a little cadillac ride is super smooth for an old import
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A02249 Summary: BILL NO A02249 SAME AS No same as SPONSOR Bronson COSPNSR MLTSPNSR Directs the commissioner of education to establish an online learning committee to make recommendations for establishment of a statewide online and blended learning program.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
If there’s a single thing that keeps me working in design, it’s that moment when you look at something for the first time and it simply takes your breath away. That’s exactly what happened when I saw these beautiful Wind Paintings from artist Bob Verschueren. Verschueren worked in the 1970s and 80s using wind to create these stunning landscape pieces. Each work would focus on a material like iron oxide, yellow ochre or burnt umber, which was then laid out in linear patterns on the land. Verschueren would let the wind move and blow the pigments around and create an altered version of the shape that represented the stunning collaboration between man and nature. Though these pieces were created years ago, Tom at I Love Belgium is celebrating them on his fantastic blog and was kind enough to send them my way. Click here to check out more of Verschueren’s work online; it’s the sort of artwork that makes me want to throw this laptop aside and run outside. xo, grace Hello, world! is a real installation for the virtual globe of the software Google Earth. A Semacode measuring 160×160 metres was mown into a wheat field near the town of Ilmenau in the Land Thuringia. The code consists of 18×18 bright and dark squares producing decoded the phrase “Hello, world!”. The ambition was to have an areal view of the code integrated in Google Earths’ regular database. The project was realised in May 2006 and photographs were taken of it during a picture flight in the following month. Almost a century ago and without the aid of any pixel-generating computer software, the itinerant photographer Arthur Mole (1889-1983) used his 11 x 14-inch view camera to stage a series of extraordinary mass photographic spectacles that choreographed living bodies into symbolic formations of religious and national community. In these mass ornaments, thousands of military troops and other groups were arranged artfully to form American patriotic symbols, emblems, and military insignia visible from a bird’s eye perspective. During World War I, these military formations came to serve as rallying points to support American involvement in the war and to ward off isolationist tendencies. Living Portrait of President Woodrow Wilson, for which 21,000 troops assembled at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1918, is the best-known of Mole’s photographs. The image is characteristic of Mole’s work in that it wavers between the compositional effect of the whole (i.e. a portrait of Woodrow Wilson) and the desire to focus upon the obscured individuals who constitute the image, thereby undermining the optical illusion of the totality to a degree. This kite from China and assembled in the U.S. flies at the Art in the Sky Kite Festival at the Stone Quarry Art Park near Cazenovia Saturday. The kite built from recycled plastic bags depicts 34 figures jumping rope. It was built by Yong Mao Huang of China visiting the area with theire daughter. Water rocket demonstration by the author. The rocket itself was built by the author’s 6 year old son. We begin with the derivation of the basic rocket equation, using of course conservation of momentum. We then add the external forces, and later continue with calculating the velocity of the ejected water. This is achieved by considering the adiabatic expansion of the gas trapped in the bottle, and the work it does to accelerate the ‘exhaust’. Mind you, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to follow the derivation, through you do need first year university physics for it.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
How is Westbrook obnoxious in your eyes? I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily but I haven't heard of him doing any talking off the court. He likes to get the crowd into it at home though. His mannerisms. The glaring when he does something including into the camera. He walks around staring like he made the most important shot in history often when he's fouled. No hate, i respect his talent immensely, OKC is just not a team i can root for easily and they have the chance to knock off teams i really want knocked off (denver for bet, SA to watch their fans cry, Lakers to watch their fans cry, etc.)
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Once you've installed the app, swipe to bring down Notification Center, then tap Today if it's not already selected. Scroll down to the bottom and tap Edit to access the list of available widgets. You should see eight new ones, all of them identifiable by the bright orange Wdgts icon. (Here's a more complete tutorial on using widgets in iOS 8 if you're not familiar with the process.) The free version of the app comes with five: Calculator Calendar (month view) Currency Converter Photo Frame Time Zones You can also test-drive any of the three Premium widgets: Battery Gauge Memory/Storage Gauge Network Monitor However, unless you pay 99 cents via in-app purchase (£0.69, AU$1.29), these three will appear in your widgets list only one time -- effectively letting you try before you buy.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Cisco hops onto patching treadmill Network giant wheels out bi-annual IOS update cycle Cisco has taken a leaf out of Microsoft's book by adopting a regular patch release cycle. However, the change will apply only to security bugs involving its core IOS software and not all its products. Starting on 26 March, Cisco will release bundles of IOS security advisories on the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year. The networking giant gave itself room for manoeuvre by reserving the right to publish out of sequence patches in cases where serious security vulnerabilities are publically disclosed or for bugs which become the target of active exploitation. Cisco will continue to issue security advisories for products other than IOS, its network operating system that features on a wide range of Cisco switches and routers, as and when needed. For example, future security updates to VoIP kit will be published without reference to any regular patch release schedule, according to Cisco's pre-existing standard disclosure policy. As with Microsoft and Oracle before it, Cisco explained the change is the result of customer requests for greater predictability over the timing of patch releases. Its patch cycle is less frequent than Oracle's quarterly release schedule and Microsoft's infamous Patch Tuesday updates, partly because network security updates are often trickier to test and roll out than application or operating system patches. The format of Cisco's advisory will remain unchanged, as explained here. ®
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Posts Tagged Sal Buscema Hey, gang- Well, my wife Nicki and I woke up to a bit of a surprise this morning…SNOW DAY! For some folks up north our “snow storms” would be considered flurries, but here 1″ of snow or more can be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
SUPER SHIPBOTTOM ANTI-FOULING BOTTOM PAINT "I've told all my friends and we are extremely happy with your paint. Took me a couple years to believe the 3 season claim but now I just touch up the thin spots," Sam Weber, Long Island. 62.5% Copper which is 97% Pure or 62.5 X .97 = 60.5 MetalicDoesn't Die Out Of The Water - Overcoats Most Old Paint W/O SandingWe aren't the Cheapest but we do what we say, so we are the best!HOW?Integrated Soft and Hard Technology then Added 62.5% Cu by volume that is 97% Pure Copper. Can't Tell You How We Make The Surface Harder. Trade Secret but It Works!CALL 800-466-7144 For Surprising Quote.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
We noticed that you're using an unsupported browser. The TripAdvisor website may not display properly.We support the following browsers:Windows: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. Mac: Safari. Having stayed in another Villa for the last 5 or 6 visits, we decided to find one that had a few extra's, this one looked ideal. Unfortunately we feel very let down.I will start with the facts, then share my own opinion afterwards, that way you can decide for yourself whether the the shortfalls are important to you:Although the Holiday Lettings website did not list this villa as having a dishwasher, others I had looked at did, therefore I fully expected to find a dishwasher, there wasn't one.The information sent on booking states a safe is available in room next to washing machine, that room was locked, no key, therefore no safe.The site describes the TV, music systems etc, sadly it doesn't work well, if at all.The lighting is not as described, some bulbs out, both in and out side the villa.The pool is very deep - from, I would guess 4' 6" in the 'shallow end' to about 5' the other. The marble surround is very slippery when wet, a tile on hot tub was lose and potentially dangerous (since fixed by pool man)The 'hot tub' heater did not work, nor did the pool seem very warm.The outside seating area is ideal, but gets very wet in the rain, as water pours off roof.The sun beds in the garden - some were broken. Although there was a hole for 'sun umbrella' there was no umbrella, so no shade in that area.The air conditioning consists of one unit at the front of villa, not very effective.The linen - outside towel just the size of small bath towel (not bath sheet), the bed linen barely covered the mattress.The crockery - most plates were chipped, there were no decent outside plastic 'glasses' just beakers.The whole place is crawling with ants.Health and Safety - there is absolutely no escape from the back (main) bedroom (or other rooms come to that) in case of fire, no obvious fire extinguisher / smoke alarm. The window in the back main bedroom is opaque and opens direct onto an alley way so cannot really be opened, therefore absolutely no view to outside.Whilst outside of the control of owner there were several dogs barking / howling very close by, on most days.Now for my opinion: we wanted secluded, but this felt very enclosed, no views of surrounding mountains, outside of the villa not very inviting, narrow alleys, derelict villa's surround the villa.There is no welcome pack at all, no water / milk, and as we arrived on a Sunday this made things difficult, luckily we had taken some bits with us but had to walk into main town (about 15 minutes if you cut across waste land by turning right outside gate, then right down first alley, then right onto wasteland).If you go here I would recommend taking / getting some plastic 'glasses', we went out and bought some so could have a drink around the pool. There is a small but adequate supermarket to the left if you head back to main road. The security gates that are meant to be closed were open the whole week. The description state suitable for disabled access - I would disagree.So to summarise my opinion is that this was a total let down, over priced and I feel cheated!I did email the owner but got no response. How easy was it to book the property? How helpful were the directions to the property? How easy was key pickup/access to the property? Overall condition of the property Bedding & mattresses Kitchen & utensils Bathroom cleanliness Other facilities & amenities Service Liked best:Apart from ants, it was clean Liked least:Too much to list here Travelling group:Spouse/Partner Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No. Did the property offer wi-fi/internet access? Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC Management Response 11 Nov 2015 I'm the new villa manager for this property and am disappointed you didn't enjoy your stay. I can assure though that of all the villas i manage, this is now one of the best. Looking into your communication with the owner, I cannot find any message from a guest regarding a dishwasher. I also cannot even find for that matter a booking in your name coming from the holiday lettings website? The only reason I ask is if you booked via a 3rd party, perhaps they don't have the correct information to pass onto guests and I'd like to correct that if this is the case. This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not of TripAdvisor LLC Stayed same week in September 2014 and enjoyed it so much we decided to go back! But how things change in a year. I was disappointed to read recent reviews but sometimes find some reviewers are too picky. Yes you have to pass the washing machine and drier to get to the master bedroom but it is not a deal breaker. The property needs some TLC both externally and internally. Some of the issues inside the property were : bathrooms in need of tidying up (new sealant, grouting), shower rail in 2nd bathroom needs fixing, curtain rails in main and 3rd room need sorting and sagging bed in 2nd bedroom, New settees wouldn't go amiss either! There was nothing major and they didn't spoil our holiday as the weather was hot and the pool was lovely. The pool is badly in need of some attention and, according to the pool man, this is due to be done in November. Playa Blanca centre is only a 15 minute easy walk. Travelling group:Extended Family Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No. Recommended for: Friends getaway Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC I have just stayed at this villa and it is not a luxury villa, I have stayed in many villas over the years and this one I was hoping to be wit especial but I was disappointed with the villa. On arrival there was no one to great our party in fact we didn't see anyone until the pool man came 3/4 into our holiday. There was a folder located in the living area with brief information in it. There was no information on the nearest supermarket which was poor as there was not even have a bottle of water in the fridge for us on our arrival. We had to drive around the town and luckily a kind local man showed us the way to the supermarket. The villa is described a having air conditioning but there is only 1 air con unit which is located in a study room off the living area, there is no air con in any other rooms. There are ants all through the kitchen, you can't make any food up on the kitchen tops it all has to be done on plates. The ants are also in the cupboards so it's best to keep all food in the fridge. The main bathroom and 2nd and 3rd bedroom have ants too. The window of the master bedroom opens onto an alleyway so you can't have the window opened as anyone walking past can see into the bedroom.The outside area is nice although the seats to the outdoor dining area are really grubby. The pool is a mess, the paint on the bottom of the pool is chipping off and is sharp on your feet if you catch a pieces kicking up in the pool. The pool has marble all around the edge of it which is deadly when it gets wet, luckily no one in my party hurt themselves although there was quite a few slips. The villa is secluded, the villa next to it is disused and has been vandalised, we didn't have any problems though due to this.The villa is also described as having a parking area, there is parking but it is not on the villa premises it is at the end of a street and you have to walk down a path to the villa, which is a struggle if you have a lot of shopping to take in.The town of Playa. Blanca is only a 10 minute walk, if you go to the back of the villa there is some waste ground that you can walk down to town, the town is very nice and has a number of shops and restaurants, Playa. Dorada beach is beautiful and you can do a number of water sports on this beach.To sum up, Playa. Blanca is a lovely holiday destination but I would not return to this villa. How easy was it to book the property? How helpful were the directions to the property? How easy was key pickup/access to the property? Overall condition of the property Bedding & mattresses Kitchen & utensils Bathroom cleanliness Other facilities & amenities Service Travelling group:Other Your age range35-49 Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No. Would you recommend the location of this property? Did the property offer wi-fi/internet access? Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC This is a fantastic villa with everything you could possibly need. We have not gave a perfect score however as there are a couple flaws that can be easily addressed. The location was as instructed and we found quite easily even though we thought the security gate would be locked as stated we found that it was never closed throughout our stay. Gaining access to patio doors not easy as lock is tricky. The security camera trained on patio doors unnerved us at first thinking that security must be an issue but this is not the case safety is not an issue but camera added to feeling of safety and can be switched off if you require. Our biggest issue here was Mosquitos and if you are susceptible to bites good sprays are required we spent a few sleepless night with bites and odd one buzzing us at night. we were fortunate as sprays had been left for use. we may just have been unlucky in the timing of our visit. The pool area needs a little TLC. The paint in the pool peeling and flakes catching your feet at certain parts of pool. The jacuzzi was slightly disappointing the button for bubbles Broken and water not as warm at night to be able to relax with a wine or two. There was no lighting for pool or jacuzzi and light in pool was detached from fixings. The tree next to pool although beautiful it kept shedding leaves and petals into pool and patio area which we cleaned constantly. Again this may be down to timing of our visit. Even when solar water heater broke down and we lost hot water and electricity the owner solved this issue quickly and an engineer was on site within the hour and although he had to spend the day fixing the problem it was done in a professional manner. This is a lovely villa and well worth a stay although even with these small flaws if addressed this villa would get a perfect score Value Rooms Location Cleanliness Service Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? Yes. Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC I wrote a review about this villa in March another guest also wrote a review after me also not so good what is the point when the owner presumably can remove them ? Value Rooms Location Cleanliness Service Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No. Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC Management Response 21 Nov 2015 I'm the new villa manager and look after a number of villas for a few owners on this site. I can assure you that there is no way of removing reviews from this site. Sorry you didn't have a good time back in March, if you return I can assure you that this villa is definitely now one of the best in Playa Blanca :) This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not of TripAdvisor LLC The outside area and the fab photos on the site will encourage you to book this villa. Unfortunately I have to agree with a lot of the comments on the last review. The garden area is large, plenty of sun loungers, the pool is a good size but too deep, especially for those with younger children as no shallow end, plus steep steps for accessing the pool. It would also look better if pool toys and cleaning equipment could be stored out of sight, perhaps in a storage box as there is plenty of space for one. Did not like the main bedroom, strange going through utility area to enter it, plus the fact that the window opens on the alley behind the villa made us reluctant to open bedroom window to air the room, good shower though in ensuite. Really think the owner could do with upgrading curtains in all bedrooms, ideally to those with black out linings. I actually thought it was a shower curtain hanging at the 3rd bedroom window, though closer inspection revealed it wasn't, and the curtain didn't cover the width of window, so no lie-ins for parents with children sleeping in this room as they'd be awake as soon as sun rose.There is nothing the owner can do about the adjoining villa being abandoned and by the looks of it being occupied by homeless people, (we went for a nosy seeing as the patio door had been removed and were shocked to see mattresses on the floor), it was a little disconcerting. Having said that the the walls on the villa are high with a locked entrance gate and provide great privacy.The owner had provided lots of equipment so you can watch british tv, follow the instructions and it is available. Great music system, allowing you to play music on external speakers whilst in garden area and fab wifi connection.In the welcome book the owner suggests guests leaving items for other guests to use and we agree with that. A welcome pack of cleaning goods would have ideal such as washing up liquid and cleaning sponge/cloth but there was nothing left. On our departure we have left washing up liquid, sponges, washing machine liquid and conditioner, insect spray, these were all items we purchased for use during our stay but couldn't possibly use up before departure so hopefully the next guests will be able to use them. Ian has a good support team over there, Laura came round promptly when we mentioned a problem to her and she also arranged for a very prompt visit from the maintenance man when we couldn't get the jacuzzi to work.The villa is roughly a ten minute walk in to town if you use the short cut going along the alley at the side of the villa, you're walking over a rough path but it's a lot quicker than using the main paths and roads from the villa. If you have a car then there is a free car park just as you drive in to Playa Blanca and a short walk from there to the shops, restaurants and seafront. The weather was unseasonably cold the first few days when we were there, luckily there was a radiator we could plug in in the bedroom, couldn't find any heating for the main living area. Later on in the week we spotted an air conditioning unit in the small office but no units elsewhere in the villa so not sure if we had activated that whether it would have heated the main living area? We really enjoyed Playa Blanca and our holiday but would look for a better location if we were to holiday here again. Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC My partner and I have rented many villas in playa blanca over the last 4 years this one was not one of the better ones firstly we did not like the area or the estate it was on its a bit like a rabbit warren lots of alley ways / passage ways walking round I would think about 30% of the villas are derelict/empty including the attached villa next door it had mattress on bedroom floor but nothing caused us any problems we always left both TVs on and lots of lights when we went out at night on arrival the entrance gate was broken off one hinge but a call to the maintenance Man and it was fixed so that we were able to lock it we have never had to walk through a utility room to get to the master bedroom and I did not like the fact that the bedroom window was on the alley way behind when people walked by late at night talking it woke us up also never had only 1 door/entrance to a property before with a cc tv camera on them mmmmmm personally I don't want to see mops/buckets dustpans and kids inflatables all on display they could either go in the small office or be put away in a storage unit for people to get out if they want them now were not thick but 6 different remotes to operate the tv "system" is a bit to much but the wifi did work very well the pool was always nice and warm although the steps in are very steep difficult for little ones I would think also the paint is coming of the bottom in places there are only 2 proper wine glasses in the unit but plenty of everything else kitchen wise Laura the villa manager was lovely and does a very good job with what she has but for the money you Value Rooms Location Cleanliness Service Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No. Was this review helpful? Yes This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Sidebar Link Obi Our Video Obi BioAesthetic Institute 1300 Marsh Landing Parkway, Suite 104, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 The practice is located in an unnamed professional park on the south side of Marsh Landing Parkway. If driving east on Marsh Landing Parkway, the professional park is on the right side of the road. A Hampton Inn is located just past the professional park. Our practice suite is located on the furthest east end of the professional park. Our doors face north with a view looking out onto Marsh Landing Parkway and J. Turner Blvd.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
In Manhattan, the aspirant writer Jabez Stone is a complete loser: he is not able to sell his novels, he lives in a lousy apartment and he does not have success with women. When one of his friends Julius Jenson sells his novel for US$ 190,000.00 to an editor, Jabez fells envy and promises to sell his soul to the devil for success and accidentally kills a woman with his typing machine. The Devil knocks on his door, fixes the situation and seals a contract with Jabez. His low quality novels have bad reviews but become best-sellers; Jabez enriches; has success with women, but has no time for his friends. Jabez meets with the publisher Daniel Webster who offers him a chance to break the contract with the devil.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
May Day 1998 - Dunwich, Massachusetts. In an old mansion, a teenage party is about to take a terrifying turn... When a group of seven kids is invited over by their strange classmate ELIZABETH for a little "get together," they soon become unwitting participants in a horrific sacrificial ritual. LILITH, Elizabeth's ancestor, has returned from the dead to exact her revenge upon the descendants of those that brutally murdered her in a witch hunt 300 years ago. In the vein of American Horror Horror Story: The Coven and Salem...comes another tale of witches and witchcraft.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The second season of an intensive search for a sought-after North American woodpecker has failed to produce confirmation it still exists. The spectacular red, white and black ivory-billed woodpecker was long thought to be extinct, but was reported to have been filmed alive in 2004. More than 100 volunteers and experts spent the winter scouring the woods of eastern Arkansas for the bird. But they have failed to find further evidence of the bird's existence. "Certainly we're somewhat disappointed," said Ron Rohrbaugh of the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York. But he added that the lack of evidence "doesn't mean the bird's not there". Wildlife managers at the Cache River Wildlife Management Area, where the bird was first believed spotted after a six-decade hiatus in 2004, decided to reopen the area for public use after the search came to an end. Rare sightings The stunning red, white and black woodpecker was formerly distributed across the south-eastern US and Cuba. The bird carves out a narrow niche for itself by drilling in mature trees. The last confirmed sightings were in the '30s and '40s Logging and forest clearance for agriculture began to impinge on its environment. By the 1920s, it was assumed to be extinct, although, in 1944, there was one more confirmed sighting in North America of a lonely unpaired female, above the remnants of an over-cut forest. But on 11 February 2004, Gene Sparling of Hot Springs, Arkansas, was kayaking in a reserve in Big Woods. He saw an unusually large red-crested woodpecker fly towards him and land on a nearby tree. Experts who conducted their own search finally went on to capture the bird on video, which allowed them to confirm its identity. But then researchers in Massachusetts said the interpretation of several of the bird's features was "mistaken". Jon Andrew, the recovery team leader with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, said the search will continue next year across the south-east of the country. Paid and unpaid searchers would look for evidence of the bird in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina and Texas as well as Arkansas, he added. The National Audubon Society said it would continue to support search efforts for at least one more year. One volunteer searcher and three members of the public have reported seeing the bird, but none of the full-time researchers has spotted it. In all four cases, the birds sighted were said to have had large amounts of white feathers on the lower halves of the wings - consistent with an ivory-bill.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
BEAMS BOOKLET poweredby.tokyo collaborated with fashion imprint BEAMS to make a booklet about Tokyo’s urban cultural landscape. CONTEXT BEAMS, an iconic, pioneering Japanese brand BEAMS has been at the forefront of Tokyo cool for 40 years strong, from humble beginnings in Harajuku, Japan, to now commanding a presence of 140 locations around the world. This global takeover is a testament to their unprecedented impact on fashion, art, music, and design over the years. poweredby.tokyo’s mission is and always will be, to capture, document, and communicate individuals and organizations that are pushing culture forward with passion and intention. CONCEPT A collaboration between two entities that share the same vision This book, a collaborative effort between BEAMS and poweredby.tokyo is the result of two movements with an unwavering desire to do things their own way. Two entities with a shared vision and a precise plan of being an established authority on culture, fashion, and lifestyle. By profiling actual BEAMS’ staff members, we were able to paint an authentic picture of modern urban Tokyo. CREATIVE DIRECTION Telling a story through crafted print medium Together we approached this project with the desire to tell a story. The story of Japanese design, Japanese fashion, and BEAMS’ contribution to Tokyo’s cultural landscape. We chose the print medium with a clean, minimalist design to reflect the timelessness and attention to detail that BEAMS’ has become known for. Authenticity was paramount during the entire production.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
History About the Chieftains Since 1977, the Calgary Chieftains have been Calgary’s GAA club. We are a sports and social club that promotes the traditional Irish sports of Gaelic Football and Hurling. We are fully affiliated to the GAA, through the Western Canada Divisional Board and are a registered Albertan Society (Calgary Chieftains: Gaelic Athletic Association Club). SEASON The club’s playing season runs from May to September, depending on pitch availability after the winter. Throughout these months the club trains, and competes in tournaments in Alberta, Western Canada and the USA. The Chieftains also provide a great social scene throughout the year, and especially over the long winter months. The club always has something on, from quiz nights to trips to see the Calgary Flames or from Talent Nights to Ski Days. We pride ourselves on helping ‘new Calgarians’ settle into their surroundings, or just help people make some new friends. Teams The Calgary Chieftains are now represented in all four codes. There are two mens football teams (The Calgary Chieftains and the Calgary Slashers), a ladies football team, a mens Hurling team and a Camogie team. Our youth division, Chieftains Óg, are a recent addition to the club and are going from strength to strength. History The Calgary Chieftains is the only Adult Gaelic Football club based in Calgary, Canada. They play at the Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club grounds and are members of Western Divisional Board of the Canadian County Board of the Gaelic Athletic Association. In 1977, Mike Quirke of Foilmore, Co. Kerry helped start the Calgary Chieftains. Paddy McCallion, brother of Tyrone hurling star Damien McCallion, who used to play for the Chieftains, of Tyrone descent, carried the torch into the nineties, having joined the Chieftains from their rivals in Edmonton. Noel Tuohy, from Dundalk, Louth, has been a stalwart player and spiritual leader for the club in the late nineties and has been largely involved in training/management since. Also the efforts of Liam Mailey, Adrian Lagan, Kim Tulloch & Amanda Stewart have been crucial for the club. In recent years, young members including John Treacy, Eamonn McSweeney, Ivan Hearty, Lydia Nutbrown, Julia Rigaux, Richie Pinfield and Suzanne McKeon have kept the club running. The Chieftains compete every year in the Western Canadian Championships in both men's & ladies Gaelic football - in fact, the men’s team won the inaugural tournament in 2004. In 2012, the Calgary Slashers (Calgary ‘B’ team) were formed as part of the Calgary Chieftains and have taken part in the Calgary and Red Deer tournaments in the past two years. This team was formed due to the large interest in men’s football in Calgary. In 2013, the Calgary Chieftains fielded their first hurling team in their history and held the inaugural Alberta Hurling Cup tournament in August 2013.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
With the BIG-New-Bobby-Car Rot, BIG is presenting a new generation of children's ride-on vehicles: perfect ergonomics, unbeatable design and a car body which has been specially developed to meet the needs of kids and features streamlined 21st Century car design. At the same time, all the essential features of the classic model have been retained and improved such as the shape which encourages healthy development, the leg rest and the knee recess for older children. As standard, this speedy ride-on vehicle is equipped with an ergonomic steering wheel with a wide grip surface and high quality whisper tyres to ensure excellent road holding and low driving noise. A secret compartment is hidden behind the speedometer for storing those precious little treasures! Innovative wheel rims and hub caps, along with contemporary graphics, provide the perfect finishing touches. Driving the New Bobby Car greatly develops the gross motor skills and body coordination... It gives children many years of enjoyment and encourages various aspects of their development."
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
“I will suppose then, that everything I see is spurious. I will believe that my memory tells me lies, and that none of the things that it reports ever happened. I have no senses. Body, shape, extension, movement and place are chimeras. So what remains true? Perhaps just one fact, that nothing is certain.” Plato Day: March 21, 2017 What we think we know as fact changes over time. What was once accepted as true is often shown to be plain wrong. “Studies of the frequency of citations of scientific papers show they become obsolete at a predictable rate. Harvard mathematician Samuel Arbesman calls this ‘the half-life of facts’. Just as with radioactive decay, you can’t tell when any one ‘fact’ will reach its expiry date, but you can predict how long it will take for half the facts in any discipline to do so. In medicine, for example, ‘truth’ seems to have a 45-year half-life. Some medical schools teach students that, within a few years, half of what they’ve been taught will be wrong – they just don’t know which half. In mathematics, the rate of decay is much slower: very few accepted mathematical proofs get disproved.” QI
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GOD We believe that there is but one living and true God (Deut 6:4; Isaiah 45:5-7; 1 Corin 8:4), an infinite, all-knowing Spirit (John 4:24), perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, one eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19; 2 Corin 13:14) – each equal in being, power, and glory and equally deserving of worship and obedience. God The Father We believe that God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity, orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose and grace (Psalm 145:8-9; 1 Corin 8:6). He is the Creator of all things (Gen 1:1-31; Eph 3:9). As the only absolute and omnipotent Ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence, and redemption (Psalm 103:19; Rom 11:36). His fatherhood involves both His designation within the Trinity and His relationship with mankind. As Creator He is Father to all men (Eph 4:6), but He is spiritual Father only to believers (Rom 8:14; 2 Corin 6:18). He has decreed for His own glory all things that come to pass (Eph 1:11). He continually upholds, directs, and governs all creatures and events (1 Chron 29:11). In His sovereignty He is neither the author nor approver of sin (Hab 1:13; John 8:38-47), nor does He abridge the accountability of moral, intelligent creatures (1 Peter 1:17). He has graciously chosen from eternity past those whom He would have as His own (Eph 1:4-6); He saves from sin all who come to Him through Jesus Christ; He adopts as His own all those who come to Him; and He becomes, upon adoption, Father to His own (John 1:12; Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5; Heb 12:5-9). God The Son 1. We believe that Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, possesses all the divine excellencies, and in these He is coequal, consubstantial, and coeternal with the Father (John 10:30; 14:9). 2. We believe that God the Father created according to His own will, through His Son, Jesus Christ, by whom all things continue in existence and in operation (John 1:3; Col 1:15-17; Heb 1:2). 3. We believe that in the incarnation (God becoming man) Christ surrendered only the prerogatives of deity but nothing of the divine essence, either in degree or kind. In His incarnation, the eternally existing second Person of the Trinity accepted all the essential characteristics of humanity and so became the God-Man (Phil 2:5-8; Col 2:9). 4. We believe that Jesus Christ represents humanity and deity in indivisible oneness (Mic 5:2; John 5:23; 14:9-10; Col 2:9). We teach that our Lord Jesus Christ was virgin born (Isaiah 7:14; Matt 1:23, 25; Luke 1:26-35); that He was God incarnate (John 1:1, 14); and that the purpose of the incarnation was to reveal God, redeem men, and rule over God’s kingdom (Psalm 2:7-9; Is 9:6; John 1:29; Phil 2:9-11; Heb 7:25-26; 1 Peter 1:18-19). 5. We believe that, in the incarnation, the second Person of the Trinity laid aside His right to the full prerogatives of coexistence with God and took on an existence appropriate to a servant while never divesting Himself of His divine attributes (Phil 2:5-8). 6. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through the shedding of His blood and sacrificial death on the cross and that His death was voluntary, vicarious, substitutionary, propitiatory, and redemptive (John 10:15; Rom 3:24-25; 5:8; 1 Peter 2:24). 7. We believe that on the basis of the atoning death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the believing sinner is freed from the punishment, the penalty, the power, and one day the very presence of sin; and that he is declared righteous, given eternal life, and adopted into the family of God (Rom 3:25; 5:8-9; 2 Corin 5:14-15; 1 Peter 2:24; 3:18). 8. We believe that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead and that He is now ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He now mediates as our Advocate and High Priest (Matt 28:6; Luke 24:38-39; Acts 2:30-31; Rom 4:25; 8:34; Heb 7:25; 9:24; 1 John 2:1). 9. We believe that in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, God confirmed the deity of His Son and gave proof that God has accepted the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Jesus’ bodily resurrection is also the guarantee of a future resurrection life for all believers (John 5:26-29; 14:19; Rom 1:4; 4:25; 6:5-10; 1 Corin 15:20, 23). 10. We believe that Jesus Christ will return to receive the church, which is His Body, unto Himself at the rapture, and returning with His church in glory, will establish His millennial kingdom on earth (Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 20). 11. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One through whom God will judge all mankind (John 5:22-23): Believers (1 Corin 3:10-15; 2 Corin 5:10) Living inhabitants of the earth at His glorious return (Matt 25:31-46) Unbelieving dead at the Great White Throne (Rev 20:11-15). As the Mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5), the Head of His Body the church (Eph 1:22; 5:23; Col 1:18), and the coming universal King, who will reign on the throne of David (Isaiah 9:6; Luke 1:31-33), He is the final Judge of all who fail to place their trust in Him as Lord and Savior (Matt 25:14-46; Acts 17:30-31). God The Holy Spirit 1. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, eternal underived, possessing all the attributes of personality and deity, including intellect (1 Corin 2:10-13), emotions (Eph 4:30), will (1 Corin 12:11), eternality (Heb 9:14), omnipresence (Psalm 139:7-10), omniscience (Isaiah 40:13-14), omnipotence (Rom 15:13), and truthfulness (John 16:13). In all the divine attributes He is coequal and consubstantial with the Father and the Son (Matt 28:19; Acts 5:3-4; 28:25-26;1 Corin 12:4-6; 2 Corin 13:14; Jer 31:31-34 with Heb 10:15-17). 2. We believe that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to execute the divine will with relation to all mankind. We recognize His sovereign activity in creation (Gen 1:2), the incarnation (Matt 1:18), the written revelation (2 Peter 1:20-21), and the work of salvation (John 3:5-7). 3. We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit in this age began at Pentecost, when He came from the Father as promised by Christ (John 14:16-17; 15:26) to initiate and complete the building of the Body of Christ, which is His church (1Corin 12:13). The broad scope of His divine activity includes convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and transforming believers into the image of Christ (John 16:7-9; Acts 1:5; 2:4; Rom 8:29; 2 Corin 3:18; Eph 2:22). 4. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the supernatural and sovereign Agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the Body of Christ (1 Corin 12:13). The Holy Spirit also indwells, sanctifies, instructs, empowers them for service, and seals them unto the day of redemption (Rom 8:9; 2 Corin 3:6; Eph 1:13). 5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the divine Teacher, who guided the apostles and prophets into all truth as they committed to writing God’s revelation, the Bible (2 Peter 1:19-21). Every believer possesses the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit from the moment of salvation, and it is the duty of all those born of the Spirit to be filled with (controlled by) the Spirit (John 16:13; Rom 8:9; Eph 5:18; 1 John 2:20, 27). 6. We believe that the Holy Spirit administers spiritual gifts to the church. The Holy Spirit glorifies neither Himself nor His gifts by ostentatious displays, but He does glorify Christ by implementing His work of redeeming the lost and building up believers in the most holy faith (John 16:13-14; Acts 1:8; 1 Corin 12:4-11; 2 Corin 3:18). 7. We believe that God the Holy Spirit is sovereign in the bestowing of His gifts for the perfecting of the saints today according to His perfect will and perfect attributes of holiness (1 Corin 12:4-11; Eph 4:7-16).
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Generalised seizures Control of seizures is necessary to prevent ischaemic brain damage, to reduce cerebral oxygen requirements and to reduce intracranial pressure. Where possible correct the cause and give specific treatment. A CT scan may be necessary to identify structural causes. Common causes include: • Hypoxaemia • Hypoglycaemia • Hypocalcaemia • Space-occupying lesions • Metabolic and toxic disorders • Drug withdrawal, e.g. alcohol, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants • Infection, especially meningoencephalitis • Idiopathic epilepsy Most seizures are self-limiting, requiring no more than protection from injury (coma position, protect head and do not force anything into the mouth).
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Beijing Olympics 2008 news, information and results Anastasia Pozdnyakova China’s Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia, won their second consecutive gold medal just now in the the Synchronized Women’s 3m Springboard with a final score of 343.50. Julia Pakhalina and Anastasia Pozdnyakova from Russia finished second and Ditte Kotzian, Heike Fischer of Germany finished third. The event was held at the Water Cube stadium.
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Lyle’s thoughts on Apple firing Sal Soghoian (@macautomation), former product manager of automation and what that means for making your computer do what you want. And, in the second half, a discussion with Quincy Larson (@ossia), the founder of Free Code Camp, about writing on Medium and How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour.
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“Is America Great?” If somehow we could only work Santa into this story Untitled Document If somehow we could only work Santa into this story By JACQUELINE JACKSON I was in a school hallway, collecting work that had to be done the next day, pile after pile, beginning to feel despair, till a rotund professor said that only some would be due. The scene changed; I was in a car with three other young women who were gaily chattering. I was in the front passenger seat, and it seemed like an outing until one said, “You have half an hour to write the essay — better get started.” I looked at the paper in my lap, my clasped pencil, thought, “I can do this: You spend 10 minutes quietly contemplating your subject, then you write furiously for 20 minutes and you cream it.” But what was my subject? The driver informed me: the Iowa Writing School or the Hittite Empire or “Is America Great?” No decision there; I didn’t have enough information on the first two, though I had some attitudes about the Iowa one, but surely I could wing it on “Is America Great?” I began my quiet contemplation, but it was no use in that car with those companions. “Let me out,” I said desperately. “Anywhere — just let me out, come back in half an hour, and honk.”On a corner in a quiet suburb I started up a winding sidewalk, scuffing through dry leaves and acorns, noticing the scattered houses almost hidden on the wooded hillside. I was alone. Where was a picnic table? I finally found a flat surface, laid out my paper. “Is America Great?” Should I say that it had been and could be again? Should I go for the awful things? Or just concentrate on the good? Try mixing? And then my lead broke and I couldn’t write at all. I felt sick. Minutes were ticking away. Three kids came through the trees. “Whatcha doing?” asked the older boy. “I’m writing an essay, but my pencil broke — can you find me a pencil?”“Sure,” said the girl, and she produced a stub.I began to write. “Whatcha writing?” asked the other boy.“ ‘Is America Great?’ ” I said. “Is it?”“Sure it is,” said boy one. “It’s my country tizathee. It’s amber waves of grain. What’s amber?”“I have an ant trapped in amber,” said the girl. “It’s on a chain.”I wrote down amber, started to explain, but gave up. “Is America Great?”“We get to go to school and everything,” said the first boy. “Then why aren’t you in school?” “It was such a nice day, we just sort of, well, left,” said the second. I wrote down “school.” “What are your names?” I asked. “I’m Cletus, and they’re LL and Jeannie,” said Cletus. “You’re Nick,” sneered LL. “I never heard Cletus before.”“It’s what I was named, my father’s name and my grandfather’s, just nobody calls me that.”“Is America Great?”“Land where our fathers died, from every mountainside,” sang Jeannie. “Don’t you want to know what LL stands for? It’s because he has a little — ”“Shut up,” said LL. “Is America Great?”“I’m asking you,” I said, thinking hard what the second L could stand for. I wrote down “L” with a question mark. “It’s November now, but pretty soon it’ll be December and Santa Claus’ll bring presents — that’s pretty great,” said Jeannie. “Santa Claus can’t say ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ no more because that’s a dirty word,” said Cletus. “Think of Santa saying dirty words.”I wrote down “Ho-ho-ho.”“Ha-ha-ha,” suggested Jeanie. “That means he’s laughing at our presents or else not bringing us nice ones,” said LL. “‘He-he-he’ isn’t nice, either — it’s sort of sniggering, like he has a secret.”“Besides, it’s sexist — all boy presents,” said Jeannie. “Haw-haw-haw,” said Cletus. “Hee-haw,” said LL and Jeannie in chorus.I knew by now that I was asleep and dreaming, just like you sometimes do know that you’re asleep and dreaming. I was on the verge of waking but fighting to keep asleep because I still felt the panic of finishing the essay; the horn was going to honk at any minute and I wanted to get down the rest of what the kids were saying before I woke up. “Look,” I pleaded, “this could be a Christmas story if we just keep on with Santa Claus. I know a place that wants Christmas stories — ”“But it’s supposed to be ‘Is America Great?’ ” said Cletus. It was no use. I woke up. Cletus and LL and Jeannie and the autumn hillside were still clear. Their voices, their opinions, their breathing down my neck. The bedside phone rang — an early call from a daughter. “Wait,” I said, and before she could broach her subject I began babbling the whole story, leaving out all punctuation. “So what do you figure Santa Claus can say?” I finished. “I don’t know,” said Ellie. “I quit listening as soon as I realized you were telling a dream; I quit at the Iowa School. I can’t say my dreams are ever that vivid.”“Mine aren’t, either,” I said. “But Santa Claus — and Cletus, where would I get that name? and ‘Is America Great?’ — ”“I have another call,” Ellie said. “I’ll get back to you.”I lay on my pillow and thought. And thought. All right, I thought. He has to say something. Here’s what he’ll say. He’ll take off his red coat and he’ll put on the red cardigan his mother knit him, and he’ll say, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” Jacqueline Jackson, books and poetry editor of Illinois Times, is aprofessor emerita of English at the University of Illinois at Springfield.
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Boy Genius reports that Sidekick Slide users are getting sudden restarts after sliding the screen up and down a few times. The cause? Apparently a build flaw that has too big of a gap between the contacts for the battery and the connector on the phone. Telstra, an Australian company, seems to be having similar problems on their version of the Motorola device called the Hiptop Slide. A temporary solution is to shove a piece of paper—maybe a business card—between the wall and the battery. This happening to any of you? [Boy Genius]
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Turtle trail Watching female turtles come ashore, whether in an orchestrated synchrony or just a single female lumber onto the shore is a very memorable experience. Just as it is watching hatchlings, guided by starlight moving seaward. In an effort to infuse enthusiasm among the stakeholders – the locals, SSTCN conducts walks on weekends throughout the nesting season (from December through March) for anyone who is interested. During these walks, eggs are collected, and relocated at a safe place. The walks, which are open to the public, begin with a briefing on conservation. Walks take place between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Volunteers cover a distance along the coast between Neelangarai beach and Elliot’s beach.
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This well maintained and spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom 1st-floor apartment is situated in the popular seaside town of Torrevieja, located in an excellent position with a great selection of amenities and just a short walk to the lovely promenade and marina.The apartment comprises a spacious lounge/diner with balcony, open plan fitted kitchen, twin bedroom with access to a terrace, double bedroom and bathroom.The property also benefits from an inviting communal pool and a large communal solarium offering views of the salt lakes.The owners love - "The great central location, close to many amenities and the beautiful coastline."We think - "The property is in an excellent position. Perfect for either permanent living or a fantastic holiday home." With seven showrooms and thousands of happy clients since we first opened our doors in 2002, we have unrivalled knowledge of the property market here in Spain, plus the largest selection of homes for sale - from great value apartments near the sea, to rustic fincas with real Spanish character. Whether it's a townhouse in Torrevieja for €85,000, or a luxury pool villa in Javea for €350,000, we have something to suit almost all tastes and budgets! We know buying a house in Spain is a big decision, but our friendly team will guide you through every step of the process and answer any questions you might have - about where to buy, what to buy, the legal process, tax, mortgages, healthcare and schools. Contact HomeEspana now. We'll help you find the right home, at the right price for you.This property is a Villa for sale. Safety Tips: * Deal Locally with persons you can meet face to face - this is the most important tip! * Avoid Sending Funds with Western Union, Moneygram or and other similar service * Kugli.com is not an Escrow service, we are not involved in any transaction between our members.
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The Financial Police is investigating some 6,000 nongovernmental organizations for their management of state funding, Kathimerini has learned, as a scandal involving a de-mining NGO snowballed into a political issue on Tuesday. The probe is focusing on NGOs that secured amounts in excess of 5 million euros, Kathimerini understands, while two of the cases are now in the hands of prosecutors. The two cases involve an NGO called the Circle of Patmos, a group organizing events linking religious and environmental issues which is alleged to have benefited from 9.5 million euros in state funding. The second NGO is the International De-mining Center, believed to have defrauded the Greek state of 9 million euros between 2000 and 2004. The center’s leader, Costas Tzevelekos, has been detained on charges of fraud, and another seven people, including three serving Greek diplomats, have been charged in the case. One of the diplomats, Alex Rondos, a one-time adviser to former Socialist Premier George Papandreou, is one of the three. In statements to Ethnos newspaper on Tuesday, he expressed surprise at the charges, saying he had followed procedures while at the Foreign Ministry, though he said they were “problematical and inadequate.” Papandreou’s office also issued a statement, claiming that regulations for state funding to NGOs were put in place during his term as PM and accusing certain media of trying to “indirectly implicate” him in the scandal.
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We are getting the holiday shopping started a little early. Take advantage of 15% off your next order of $75 or more. Use coupon code: dit15. Hurry expires midnight Nov. 26th, 2012. Click here to start shopping. *MAP products, court equipment and all Babolat products do not qualify due to manufacturer's restrictions. Does not apply to prior purchases or open orders and cannot be combined with any other offers. May not be used with purchase of GiftCards or toward team orders. Promotion may be modified or terminated at any time. Certain restrictions and exclusions may apply.
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Court urged to hear D.C. gun case Posted Thu, October 4th, 2007 3:18 pm by Lyle Denniston Six Washington, D.C., residents on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to step in now to define the nature of the right to “keep and bear arms” under the Constitution’s Second Amendment — in short, to decide whether it assures a private, personal right to have guns in one’s home. The brief suggested a different version of the issue at stake than had been posed by the District of Columbia government in its appeal in District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). The brief in response can be found here. The brief on behalf of Dick Anthony Heller and five other Washingtonians said they welcome the city government’s “effort to have this Court review the nature of Second Amendment rights. This case presents the Court a unique opportunity to correct a persistent misconception that the people do not actually enjoy a right that is specifically enumerated in the Constitution. ‘The people’ — individuals in our country — retain the right to keep and bear arms. This case raises a profound constitutional law question in the context of a stark split of authority among the lower federal courts and state courts of last resort.” When the city filed its appeal last month, here is the question it raised: “Whether the Second Amendment forbids the District of Columbia from banning private possession of handguns while allowing possession of rifles and shotguns.” The residents’ brief, however, said the Court should rewrite the question it will review to read: “Whether the Second Amendment guarantees law-abiding, adult individuals a right to keep ordinary, functional firearms, including handguns, in their homes.” Attorneys for the gun rights advocates suggested that the District’s version of the issue was “tendentious” because “the question in this case is not merely whether the city may ban handguns as a subclass of firearm; the question is whether a law that prevents people from keeping functional firearms — of any kind — in their homes violates the ‘right to keep and bear arms’ recognized by the Second Amendment.” The residents’ preferred question, the brief said, “fairly and accurately reflects all the laws adjudicated by the courts below….The code provisions at issue amount to a complete prohibition of the possession of all functional firearms within the home. The challenged laws are thus an absolute negation of the people’s right to keep arms. If the right exists, the laws must yield.” The D.C. Circuit Court ruling that city officials are appealing, the response brief said, “struck down their statute banning the possession of all functional firearms.” That includes, the brief said, a provision that requires all guns kept at home to be unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock. “The court of appeals explained that allowing individuals to possess only non-functional firearms inside their home is tantamount to prohibiting such weapons outright.” While the city had argued that its law would allow the use of rifles or shotguns in self-defense in the home, the brief said that the issue of arms available for self-defense was not litigated. The city’s “newly invented right of self-defense lacks legal support, lacks credibility, and contradicts the plain language of the statute.” City officials, it added, “cannot recast their draconian laws, or the nature of this case, by creative presentation of the question at issue.” In arguing for its own version of the question presented, the new brief said that would put before the Court a “quite narrow” issue, with the Court confronted only with the issue of whether “the Second Amendment securs individual rights.” Ruling on the validity of a flat ban on “functional firearms within the home” would not require the Court to announce or clarify any constitutional standards, it said. “The mere existence of he Second Amendment right would clearly be sufficient to dispose of the city’s general ban on functional firearms,” it declared. The Court also need not decide how strict a constitutional test to apply to regulations that implicate that Amendment, it asserted. The brief disputed the government’s anti-crime policy rationale for the local handgun ban, but said it will reserve most of its response to that for briefing on the merits if the Court grants review. Although only local resident Heller was found by the Circuit Court to have standing to challenge the local law, the response brief noted that Supreme Court Rule 12.6 treats as parties before the Court with the right to file documents all those who were parties in the lower court. The other residents have filed their own petition in the Supreme Court (Parker v. District of Columbia, 07-335), attempting to regain “standing” in the case. Their appeal argued that the Circuit Court has long followed a flawed practice on the “standing” question. The city’s response to that petition is due next Friday, Oct. 12. Upcoming Oral Arguments 3/31Kimble v. Marvel Enterprises, Inc. Whether the Court should overrule Brulotte v. Thys Co., which held that “a patentee’s use of a royalty agreement that projects beyond the expiration date of the patent is unlawful per se”. 4/20Johnson v. United States Whether possession of a short-barreled shotgun is a violent felony, leading to a longer prison term as a career criminal. 4/21McFadden v. United States A federal prosecutor’s duty to prove that a suspect knew that a substance was an illegal substitute for a banned drug. 4/22Horne v. Department of Agriculture The federal government’s duty to pay raisin growers for an order requiring removal of part of a year’s crop from the market to stabilize prices. On Monday afternoon Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer testified before the House Appropriations Committee. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss the Court’s budget for the next fiscal year and the federal judiciary, but the legislators also took full advantage of the occasion to touch on other topics as well.
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Africa Regional Services (ARS Paris) is a branch office of AF/PDPA located in Paris that supports AF posts’ public diplomacy activities. It provides materials and resources in French, as well as products and services to all of Africa, Haiti. Information Resource Center (IRC) The Information Resource Center (IRC) of the Embassy of the United States in France aims to serve those who need research, reference and documentation services on U.S. foreign and domestic policies. For information about historical and cultural ties between the U.S. and France, please visit the U.S. and France pages and the website of American Center France, the hub for Franco-American exchange. For the latest from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs such as videos, photo galleries, articles, texts & transcripts, eJournal USA, publications, please visit IIP Digital. Additionally, the public is welcome to send us reference questions by e-mail (NOT for Consular Services, Visas, or U.S. Citizen Services), at [email protected]. (Please note: The IRC does not provide information about France. Such information is available on the website of the French Embassy in Washington.) U.S. Consulates This is the official website of the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in France. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.
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White Chocolate, Pecan, and Craisin Cookies by Pam on August 26, 2010 After a long day at the park the kids were hoping to help me make cookies for their afternoon snack. After looking through the baking cupboard, they chose white chocolate, craisins, and pecans to use in their cookies. They were simple and fun to make and tasted FANTASTIC. These cookies were rich, decadent, and so delicious. White Chocolate, Pecan, and Craisin Cookies:Recipe and photo made by For the Love of Cooking 1 cup of flour 1 cup of whole wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup butter, melted 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup white sugar 1 egg 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 cup pecan pieces 1 1/2 cups white chocolate chips 1/2 cup of craisins Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt in a small bowl then set aside. Beat together the melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar, egg, egg yolk and vanilla with a mixer until creamy. Gradually add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture until just mixed. Stir in the craisins, pecans, and white chocolate chips by hand. Drop by the spoonful onto a greased or lined baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the edges look golden brown. Cool on the baking sheet for at least 4-5 minutes (so cookies can set) before moving to a rack. Enjoy.
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June 27, 2007 ellen altfest. I like the strange, cool, flatness of this skillfully rendered painting of cactus by ellen altfest. Given the subject matter (hot, dry desert plants) the hit I get from this painting is that something is off. Which is intriguing and mysterious. Which is always good in a piece of art.
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Animated Valentines Screensaver Category:Holiday \ EffectsDownloads: 32000We offer you a high quality animated Valentine screensaver in the form of hearts. If you want an original and funny screensaver - then it is created specially for you! In addition, you can make a pleasant surprise for a loved one, just download and install this screensaver! Free holiday screensaver is suitable for any Windows and takes up minimal space on your PC. Animated Valentines Screensaver – let your feelings show up on the screen! Saint Valentine’s Day is one of the few days in the year when all our attention is focused on our significant others. Flowers, morning surprises, romantic dinners at posh restaurants and all kinds of unusual demonstrations of love fill this day around the world. If you have exhausted all other options or simply need to make the final stroke of the brush while preparing for the big day, get inventive and install a proper screensaver on your SO’s computer! Animated Valentines Screensaver is a colorful and beautifully animated screensaver that tells a story of love and passion - a perfect addition to your loved one’s computer desktop on such a great day! This free screensaver consists of many nicely-rendered hearts transpiring and fading out along a heart-shaped trajectory. You can additionally configure the quality of rendering – from low (for older and slower systems) to best. Most systems, however, can easily render the screensaver graphics in the best possible quality. Animated Valentines Screensaver adapts to any screen resolution, comes in the form of a super-compact installation file that takes seconds to download and install, and supports all Windows versions, from Windows 95 to Windows 7. With extremely modest system requirements, the screensaver is guaranteed to work on 99.9% of all personal computers without any performance issues. If you are seeking to add an extra detail to a perfect Saint Valentine’s day, try Animated Valentines Screensaver. It will give your beloved one the right romantic mood from the very first moment!
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The Deep Field [Bonus Track] (CD) Joan As Police Woman Amoeba Review Joan Wasser—a.k.a. Joan as Police Woman—has never been afraid to plumb emotional depths, as her 2009 album To Survive made clear with its Virginia Woolf references. She returns with her third overall studio album with shimmering rays of light to be found everywhere. Her indie-pop/Quirk&B song “The Magic” hits a lot of simultaneous notes in betraying her current headspace, and you can’t but feel a kindred spirit to Xanadu-era Olivia Newton John. Joan doesn’t fall into any real proximities though; she can be euphoric, funereal, soulful and brooding, sometimes in the same song (“I Was Everyone”).
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Passionate about IP! Since June 2003 the IPKat has covered copyright, patent, trade mark, info-tech, privacy and confidentiality issues from a mainly UK and European perspective. The team is Neil J. Wilkof, Annsley Merelle Ward, Nicola Searle, Eleonora Rosati, and Merpel, with contributions from Mark Schweizer. Read, post comments and participate! E-mail the Kats here The team is joined by Guest Kats Rosie Burbidge, Stephen Jones, Mathilde Pavis, and Eibhlin Vardy, and by InternKats Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo, Hayleigh Bosher, Tian Lu and Cecilia Sbrolli. Thursday, 10 February 2011 What was left of the Forum after the pro-patent folk finished arguing with the generics manufacturers Coming up soon is an exciting patent law event in which the IPKat has a paw -- he is one of the event's supporters, no less, and (as sharp-eyed readers of his Forthcoming Events page may already have spotted) this entitles IPKat readers to a thumping 20% discount on their registration fees. The event in question is Managing Intellectual Propertymagazine's first-ever International Patent Forum. When IPKat team member Jeremy first set up MIP and before he sold the title to Euromoney he envisaged the magazine as promoting its own conferences in order to educate and stimulate readers, to bring them together as a community, to enhance awareness of issues that required further analysis and as means of building on the synergies of the printed media and carefully-managed events. He's delighted to see that, despite the impact of the social media -- or because of it -- this objective is coming into fruition with the inauguration of this Forum. The venue chosen for the Forum, the elegantly furbished Renaissance London Chancery Court Hotel, is in London's High Holborn -- exactly over the road from his cosy little office at Olswang LLP, so the Kat plans to make some strategic incursions from time to time in search of his quarry [the hotel used to be the Pearl Assurance building and you can usually buy a punnet of blueberries from the cheery chappie who runs the street stall just outside it]. The panel of speakers is stellar, with representatives from the main international institutions, leading patent owners and members of the judiciary and the patent professions. From the Kat's point of view the speakers are literally within his grasp. In his opinion most of the speakers deserve to be tied to their chairs for a while, some so that they can't escape and have to talk; others so they can't escape and will therefore have to listen. They know who I mean. For the record, the cast of speakers includes one of Europe's most prominent and outspoken patent judges, Lord Justice Jacob, the AIPLA's Q. Todd Dickinson and USPTO head David Kappos, James Pooley from WIPO and the IPKat's old friend Jacques Gevers (ValiPat). You can check out the full programme and get your IPKat readers' 20% discounthere. 16 comments: Anonymous said... This program is a perfect example of the divide in the patent world between the rich mega corps who are interested in the international scene and the rest, entrepreneurs and SMEs. Why would I attend a conference that asserts it is only half as valuable to in- house attorney as private practice. Is thus program thereefore designed to teach me as a private practice lawyer how to fleece my clientcs? Anonymous, I think you're being over-cynical. In the first place there isn't a divide between the mega-rich and the rest: there's a continuum. Most big businesses didn't start off that size, and many big businesses of not-so-long ago are smaller now, or indeed out of business. The conference doesn't assert that "it is only half as valuable to in- house attorney as private practice". Its registration fee differential reflects the commercial reality that in-housers generally have far smaller budgets for IP events than do private practitioners and far less say in how that budget can be spent. Most private practitioners attending an event of this sort are likely to be partners, i.e. owners of their firms. Most in-housers are likely to be a very long way down in their respective corporate hierarchies. Anonymous 2:06pm -- I'd guess you're the same Anonymous as the earlier one. Where there is no price differential, the proportion of in-housers to private practitioners is often miniscule, even for events that are run for the benefit of in-housers such as the Annual INTA Meetings. You may know a thing or two about holding water, but I'd guess that you have never organised and marketed an IP conference. Ans 1: NoAns 2: A little - I have a bucket that collects rainwater of its own volition.Ans 3: No, never. If the INTA meeting is the one Google says is to be in San Francisco, then that answers that one. It fails the 'jolly' test of public company management. Partners of UK firms may attend for marketing reasons. If a conference is organised for firms to rub shoulders with potential clients, then I guess you charge one a lower fee to get them in. Why else would you seel tickets at a lower price when you could sell them all at full price? Works for night clubs, so why not another profession of the night (or day). Lucky old industry having marketing departments to subsidise their CPD points. The position of in-house attorneys in a corporate hierarchy is not a relevant factor. In a company with a lot of attorneys, IP budgets are high and the cost of their staff fulfilling their CPD requirements on such courses is relatively low. There will always be a need for sensible budgeting but that applies mainly to hotel quality and travel costs - i.e. preferably good value hotel and attendance at national rather than international conferences where available. For small companies with limited resources and just a single attorney, even their IP budget must be of a good size to justify a full-time attorney. Such attorneys are far from down the coporate hierarchy. Even if they are, they have a powerful hand to play. Being in-house, they are saving the company a small fortune in outside-counsel costs and can be difficult to replace, especially if the company does not have an overly-generous remuneration package (e.g. it is 'attractive' in recruitment agent speak rather than competitive or excellent). They also have a trump card to play. They have CPD points to obtain and their superiors are not in a position to pass judgement on the suitability of a particular conference. I can't see them being refused permission to attend at standard prices. So if industry attorneys stay away from conferences unless they are paying rock-bottom prices, then that suggests they have a low opinion of the value of the event. The new CPD requirements seem to have created a dramatic rise in the number of available conferences. Unforunately, there is little variation in topics and presenters. The same old faces tread the conference circuit, usually discussing a topic for which they are no more specialist than your run-of-the-mill practitioner. The MIP programme looks a little more interesting. I see Microsoft are represented on the speaker list, obviously taking the much needed advantage of the free entry for guest speakers, because even the industry-fee is out of their budget. Are you aware if there is intended to be an audio/video recording of this event made available? There are interested individuals (well, maybe just me!) who are neither in private practice or in-house and can't afford the fee (albeit a very reasonable one for a two day conference). I daresay students of this fine field would benefit from the availability of such an audio/video and it would be good marketing for MIP to budding IP practitioners(maybe MIP could make such an audio/video available via its website and provide limited access password for students with a current .ac.uk e-mail?). There are various pricing policies for conferences (or anything else). One is to have the same price for everyone. This is administratively convenient, and looks fair, superficially, so it is often done. Another is to charge each individual exactly what it is worth to him (Ramsey pricing), which is totally fair, maximises profit, is completely impractical and is never done. However, one can get some of the benefits of Ramsey pricing by market segregation, for example (rail travel) by giving discounts to old people, who may have less money and less inclination to travel, but will still do so if offered a price closer to marginal cost. A single price for everything regardless of purchaser is fine for richer consumers (who get at a cheaper price what they would be prepared to pay more for) but penalises the poor. I agree that the price is reasonable compared to others, and is a more appropriate going rate. It is however persoanlly too expensive (private practice) and even if I could rustle up the stake, I wouldn't be willing to pay more than an industrial peer (fine for students, pensioners, unemployed). When I am seeking out a suitable conference next year, I will not even check out MIP offerings, so maybe damage to goodwill needs to be factored into the economic equations. Here we go again! Most companies with in-house IP staff don't populate them extensively with lawyers. It's much cheaper to use paralegals, who don't have CPD requirements and who rarely get to see an IP conference. And some bigger businesses that do have IP practitioners will get their CPDs via different routes, including (i) self-certifying their CPD and getting people like me in to do talks and seminars for them or (ii) getting invited to CPD-bearing events hosted by private practice law firms who do (or want to do) their IP work. I reiterate, getting in-housers to attend conferences like this can be tough. But why do would you want in-housers in if they don't want to pay full price, and you could sell all tickets at a standard price? A concession based on qualification is a different criteria, so a student concession, which everyone would find acceptable, could be extended to the so-called paralegals. The concession as it stands will be taken up mainly by qualified attorneys. The conference itself would be of limited value to the majority of non-attorneys (or trainee attorneys) from in-house. I can see there will be a group of non-attorneys for whom the agenda would be of interest (IP managers etc), but then I would also question the inability of their employers to pay for such a conference. Would you like to go into a shop for a packet of ready salted and be told "nice suit, you must be a well-to-do professional sort of chap, that'll be double what the NHS consultant on 150K just paid"? Anon @ 18:00, why are you so fussed about differential pricing? If you are an attorney in private practice, and want to go to this conference, I can see it's irritating to have to pay more than in-house chaps. But people have gone to considerable trouble to organise this meeting. You assume that they can sell all places at the full price. That may or may not be so: but in any case I doubt if money was the first consideration. They set it up: they decide the prices: and if they want particularly to encourage in-house attendance, why shouldn't they? "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?". The general answer to the last query is no. We live in a democracy so all rights are restricted. Isn't that a quote once made by a slave trader? As to being fussed, I am just trying to get to the bottom of the justification. Reasons where given which didn't hold water and even though a new bucket was provided, the leaks became greater. AskOxford: Usage "Strictly speaking, the singular form (following the original Greek) is criterion and the plural form is criteria. It is a common mistake to use criteria as if it were a singular, as in a further criteria needs to be considered." I always assumed that this was how language developed, or is common usage no longer a criteria? IPKat Policies This page summarises the IPKat policies on guest submissions and comments. If you have posted a comment to one of our blogposts and it hasn't appeared, it may be because it doesn't match our criteria for moderation. To learn more about our guest submissions, comments and complaints policy and the procedure for lodging a complaint click here. Has the Kat got your tongue? Just click the magic box below and get this page translated into a bewildering selection of languages!
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We need bold business aspiration if we’re to achieve net-zero emissions Throughout the report The B Team assess achievements, share challenges, and provide examples for businesses considering the journey to net-zero. ‘Progress Towards Net-Zero by 2050’ highlights a recurring B Team message – that individual action from companies is not enough – and that to build the net-zero economy by 2050, companies need to commit to working and learning together. “This B Team progress report is a small contribution to demonstrating what we have learned as part of our commitment to a just transition to net-zero by 2050. By sharing our experience and progress to date we aim to inspire other business leaders to undertake their own net-zero journeys” - Mary Robinson & David Crane Net-Zero by 2050 Working Group Co-Chairs. Virgin Unite, The B Team, Net Zero Image from The B Team B Team companies working towards net-zero are from a diverse set of industries, each facing unique challenges and opportunities – though in spite of this diversity, common challenges can be identified. The report identifies nine key challenges – some can be solved within a company’s own operations – yet most require that a company go beyond their four walls and work in partnership with other actors. Taken together, the following challenges (and the responses to them) build a picture of how the whole economy can transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Challenge 1: Planning engaging and implementing - setting an emissions reductions strategy. An often overlooked stage of the corporate journey to net-zero is the planning process a company undertakes to kick off the journey. Each of the B Team companies have developed customised strategies that match the character, mission and culture of their business. Challenge 2 - Doing more with less - driving efficiency throughout the business. Across the board, B Team companies working towards net-zero must lower their emissions by reducing the amount of resources needed to produce the same amount of products and services, or the same revenue. Challenge 3: Cleaning up our energy supply. 2016 represented a record rise in renewable energy capacity installed, up 10 per cent on 2015, and also delivered yet further decline in the price. Solar PV costs alone have reduced 85 percent over 7 years, outcompeting fossil fuels in many regions of the world. Yet it remains the case that cleaning up an entire company's energy supply continues to be an immense challenge, especially for heavy-emitting sectors such as power, cement, chemicals and steel. Virgin Unite, The B Team, Net Zero Image from The B Team Challenge 4: Reducing emissions in supply chains. B Team companies know that to achieve a net-zero economy, companies must go beyond reducing emissions in their own operations and seek innovative ways to influence the indirect emissions generated by suppliers as well. Challenge 5: Building a net-zero world through our products. Companies have the opportunity to reduce their indirect emissions further by considering the emissions from the use and disposal of their products. Doing so requires innovation and investment, but, as many B Team companies have found, can also lead to new business opportunities and competitive advantage. Challenge 6: Empowering boards of directors to effectively govern a company's transition to net-zero. Climate change poses material risks and opportunities to every business, and therefore requires full board-level oversight. Challenge 7: Making the right investments for the net-zero economy. One of the paramount challenges in transitioning the global economy to net-zero emissions remains that trillions worth of public and private money is still invested in high-carbon industries. Challenge 8: Ensuring we make a just transition. Although B Team companies are confident that a transition to a net-zero economy is possible, the outcome of the transition for those currently excluded from prosperity in the current economy is far from certain. Virgin Unite, The B Team, Net Zero Image from The B Team When analysing these challenge types, it becomes evident that no one company is going to pull off a just transition to net-zero without collaboration, though as stated by Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group, there is reason to be positive. “This report marks another important milestone in our battle against climate change. I’m happy to see so many companies taking a positive and proactive approach to safeguard our planet for generations to come. We need more businesses to use the examples here as inspiration to change their own businesses for good.” - Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group. Virgin Unite proudly join with The B Team in calling on businesses to demonstrate their climate commitment progress in 2018 and implore businesses to further step up to commitments that drive faster action towards net-zero.
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You are here Buhari Seeks $5.85b in China Loans for Rail Network Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is seeking approval from parliament for a proposal to borrow $5.85 billion from China to modernise the country's rail network. Growth in Nigeria - an OPEC member whose economy, the largest in Africa, has been hammered by low oil prices - has been stunted for decades by a lack of investment in the road and rail network. Buhari urged parliament in a letter to approve the borrowing because China has a limit on the funds available to African countries from its China Africa Fund. The president wants to sign loan agreements as soon as China approves the project. "These loans form part of the overall money for the rail strategy," Buhari said in the letter. The loans are part of the government's 2016-2018 foreign borrowing plan, he said. Nigeria is in its second year of recession, brought on by low oil prices, which have slashed government revenues, weakened the naira currency and caused chronic dollar shortages. The government aims to boost infrastructure spending to help recover from the recession. China Exim bank has approved $1.231 billion loan to modernise the rail network linking the commercial hub of Lagos in the south to the industrial city of Kano in the north and also Lagos to Ibadan segment, the letter read. "We fully intend to source further concession funding to ultimately upgrade this critical line to high speed standard gauge," the letter said. "These projects form the overall plan to resuscitate the rail transport across the nation." Buhari said the Chinese government has told him approval of the Lagos-Kaduna railway modernisation project and Lagos-Calabar, a coastal railway project, were imminent.
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What Version Opening Options More Resources Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted). 9A person whose sentencing is the subject of a reference to the House of Lords under section 36(5) above and who is detained pending the hearing of that reference shall not be entitled to be present on the hearing of the reference or of any proceeding preliminary or incidental thereto except where an order of the House authorises him to be present, or where the House or the Court of Appeal, as the case may be, give him leave to be present. Print The Whole Act Print The Whole Schedule Print This Section only You have chosen to open The Whole Act The Whole Act you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run. You have chosen to open The Whole Act as a PDF You have chosen to open the Whole Act The Whole Act you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run. You have chosen to open the Whole Act without Schedules The Whole Act without Schedules you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run. You have chosen to open Schedules only The Schedules you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run. Legislation is available in different versions: Latest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team. Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the ‘Changes to Legislation’ area. Original (As Enacted or Made):The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was enacted or made. No changes have been applied to the text. Opening Options Different options to open legislation in order to view more content on screen at once More Resources Access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item from this tab. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: the original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item confers power and blanket amendment details all formats of all associated documents correction slips links to related legislation and further information resources More Resources Use this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: the original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy
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Friday, January 23, 2009 Moss Hart Moss Hart was an American playwright and director of plays and musical theater. Hart was born in New York City and grew up at 74 East 105th Street in Manhattan, “a neighborhood not of carriages and hansom cabs, but of dray wagons, pushcarts, and immigrants.” Early on he had a strong relationship with his Aunt Kate, whom he later lost contact with because of a falling out between her and his parents, and her weakening mental state. She got him interested in the theater and took him to see performances often. Hart even went so far as to create an "alternate ending" to her life in his book Act One. He writes that she died while he was working on out-of-town tryouts for The Beloved Bandit. Later, Kate became quite eccentric, vandalizing Hart's home, writing threatening letters and setting fires backstage during rehearsals for Jubilee. But his relationship with Kate was life-forming. He understood that the theater made possible "the art of being somebody else… not a scrawny boy with bad teeth, a funny name… and a mother who was a distant drudge." After working several years as a director of amateur theatrical groups and an entertainment director at summer resorts, he scored his first Broadway hit with Once in a Lifetime (1930), a farce about the arrival of the sound era in Hollywood. The play was written in collaboration with Broadway veteran George S. Kaufman, who regularly wrote with others, notably Marc Connelly and Edna Ferber. (Kaufman also performed in the play's original Broadway cast in the role of a frustrated playwright hired by Hollywood.) During the next decade, Kaufman and Hart teamed on a string of successes, including You Can't Take It With You (1936) and The Man Who Came to Dinner (1939). Though Kaufman had hits with others, Hart is generally conceded to be his most important collaborator. You Can't Take It With You, the story of an eccentric family and how they live during the Depression, won the 1937 Pulitzer Prize for drama. It is Hart's most-revived play. When director Frank Capra and writer Robert Riskin adapted it for the screen in 1938, the film won the Best Picture Oscar and Capra won for Best Director. The Man Who Came To Dinner is about the caustic Sheridan Whiteside who, after injuring himself slipping on ice, must stay in a Midwestern family's house. The character was based on Kaufman and Hart's friend, critic Alexander Woollcott. Other characters in the play are based on Noel Coward, Harpo Marx and Gertrude Lawrence. After George Washington Slept Here (1940), Kaufman and Hart called it quits. Hart had decided it was time to move on. Throughout the 1930s, Hart also worked, with and without Kaufman, on several musicals and revues, including Face the Music (1932), As Thousands Cheer (1933), with songs by Irving Berlin, Jubilee (musical) (1935), with songs by Cole Porter and I'd Rather Be Right (1937), with songs by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. (Lorenz Hart and Moss Hart were not related.) Hart continued to write plays after parting with Kaufman, such as Christopher Blake (1946) and Light Up The Sky (1948), as well as the book for the musical Lady In The Dark (1941), with songs by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin. However, he became best known during this period as a director. Among the Broadway hits he staged were Junior Miss (1941), Dear Ruth (1944) and Anniversary Waltz (1954). By far his biggest hit was the musical My Fair Lady (1956), adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, with book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. The show ran over seven years and won a Tony Award for Best Musical. Hart picked up the Tony for Best Director. Occasionally, Hart wrote screenplays, including Gentleman's Agreement (1947) — for which he received an Oscar nomination—Hans Christian Andersen (1952) and A Star Is Born (1954). Hart also wrote a best-selling book, Act One: An Autobiography, which came out in 1959. It tells of his early days, culminating in the opening of Once In A Lifetime. It was adapted to film in 1963, with George Hamilton portraying Hart. The last show Hart directed was the Lerner and Loewe musical Camelot (1960). During a troubled out-of-town tryout, Hart had a heart attack. The show opened before he fully recovered, but he and Lerner reworked it after the opening. That, along with huge pre-sales and a cast performance on The Ed Sullivan Show, helped ensure the expensive production was a hit. Hart married Kitty Carlisle in 1946, and they had two biological children (a third pregnancy was a miscarriage). Nonetheless, the longtime bachelor was known to be gay by many of his own friends and reportedly spent much time in therapy regarding his attraction to men. Carlisle did ask him if he was gay before they married and his response was that he was not. In his screenplay for the 1952 film Hans Christian Andersen, Hart wrote the following line for bisexual actor Danny Kaye (playing the title role): "You'd be surprised how many kings are only a queen with a moustache." Moss Hart died of heart failure at age 57 on 20 December 1961, and was interred in a crypt at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. Alan Jay Lerner gave tribute to Hart in his memoir The Street Where I Live.
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I was requested to make apple Chutney and I was inspired the other night, since I just made this incredible chutney! Which I will post for you guys on my usual schedule posting days Monday and Wednesdays, but I digress As for today My friend needed help today and since he had to move and I was telling I am going to post apple chutney recipe and mentions to me don’t forget to add those little details or otherwise people will have apple sauce. Which I didn’t consider for some odd reason, and he says this is informational cuisine right? That guy cracks me up with faces I can never tell if he is serious not. Anyway… (Important before you start your apple chutney ) Ok for starters you should know this when it comes to apple chutney and not apple sauce normally you just add sugar and a vinegar and some sort of spice and season with salt until there is no burn in the back of your throat but in this case… Apples will break down and the water will continuously release and then it will turn into mush, you need to semi dry them out while sautéing them and then deglazing them and bringing your liquid to almost a caramel if not reduced right… and how you can tell you didn’t do it right? if this happens which isn’t a big deal, you’ll notice when you cooled it down in the fridge it’s just floating in liquid. to fix this? scroll down Making the Turkish Apple and Apricot Chutney Measure out your ingredients Slice your dried apricots Grab a pan or pot and add all ingredients but the apples Dice your apples Saute your apples and keep moving it to dry it out, you don’t want it to get color just to sweat it Once your liquid is at hardball, 230 to 234 °F (110 to 112 °C) Add to the apples and fold in the liquid Season to taste with salt, until no burn to your throat Cool down Can use for cheese and crackers, or for sandwiches or even a garnish for a dish whatever floats your boat How to fix the chutney without cooking the apples longer? Strain out the liquid and then reduce until hardball and then fold in the apples, this time it will work for you, since all the liquid has released from the apples and there is no way you can fail this time! Well you could burn it… Don’t walk away from the stove! Like I have lol Questions If any questions please leave a comment below Question for you Do you know what a hardball is when it comes to reducing? Did you become a victim and didn’t reduce your liquid longer enough?
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Rachel Zoe at Neiman Marcus Celebrity stylist and now fashion designer extraordinaire Rachel Zoe made a personal appearance at Neiman Marcus in Fashion Island to showcase her first fashion collection. The classic, timeless fall/winter collection captivated the crowd of fashionistas, as witnessed by the brisk sales following the runway presentation. The new mother, calling her new son “perfection,” posed for photos and readily signed autographs for the clearly enamored crowd.
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What Jesus and Mr. Rogers Have in Common I had just come home from one of the longest days of work in recent memory. The only thing I needed was a good old-fashioned vent session, so I met up with one of my closest friends. At times I can be a outward processor and who better to process with than one of my best friends? After some small talk I launched into my soliloquy about my frustrating day but was quickly met with resistance… he interrupted my monologue with, “But what did you do?” I did not want to be interrupted so I quickly explained and continued. About a minute later, he stopped me again and offered some advice. This cycle continued as I tried desperately to get my story out and he kept interrupting. I realized at this point that he had no idea how to help me because he had not been listening. I instantly shut down, I listened to him explain his solution and afterwards we sat in awkward silence for about 5 minutes before I left, utterly surprised and dejected. I knew that he meant no harm and I realized that I had to forgive him since he didn’t mean to be so unhelpful. But this got me thinking! Most of us, when we have a problem, are really just wanting a friend like Mr. Rogers from Mister Roger’s Neighborhood in our lives who listens with patience like they have all day just for you. But l realize, sadly Fred Roger characters are few and far between. Have you ever had someone only listen long enough to respond? Or give you advice before you even finished explaining a situation? Who would have known that not being able to be heard after a long, frustrating day would forever change my life and give me a deeper understanding of the compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ! Fix It Fast! In our society, if there is a problem we want to fix it and we want fix it fast. When the WiFi has a panic attack and goes out in the house, you can feel the anxiety build in the room and the desire to get it back online by any means necessary can literally cause a family feud. In this day and age, we are all about solving our problems as quickly as possible! But, while a problem should not be ignored, “fixing” it should not always be the top priority. I had an epiphany after my conversation with my friend! I promised myself that I would devote myself to being a good listener so that I would not ever make anyone feel the way I felt when I just wanted someone to listen. I have since broken that promise and trust me, I know for a fact that I have disappointed many of my friends by being more interested in solving their problems than actually being there for them. But, there is hope when we look at Jesus’ approach to people. There are several examples in the New Testament of how Jesus handled this challenge. Let’s explore one that may have flown under the radar. A Widow in Need Jesus was walking through a town called Nain when he stumbled upon a funeral. The entire town had been devastated by a recent loss. This was a real problem. There was a poor widow who had just lost her one and only son. Fortunately, Jesus had the power to heal her son and one would think that Jesus would go right up to the casket and bring her son back to life so that he could move on and get back to saving the world. But the Bible says Jesus had compassion on her, so he went up to her and comforted her in this time of need. He did not immediately offer a solution to her problem but cared enough to listen and comfort her before he addressed her loss. I think that compassion may be the most underrated word in the entire Bible! He could have put the priority on the problem but instead he put the priority on the person. In the end, Jesus did heal her son and I know that it was truly a joyous occasion, but I believe she forever treasured the moment she had with Jesus before her son was brought back. Making the Person the Priority We must continually go back to the examples of Jesus to become like Him. And once you start looking, there are so many good examples of Jesus not hurrying to find a solution but instead spending time to listen to people. When rulers brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus, they wanted him to handle this problem right away. She was guilty and the law called for her to be put to death by stoning. But Jesus did not put the priority on the problem, he defused their attempts and one by one they went away. Here we get one of the most beautiful moments in the New Testament: a sinful woman and her Lord, alone. And then he speaks mercy over her life and sends her on her way. So, it was only after his amazing display of compassion that he addressed her problem. Remember, we cannot make the problem the priority, we must make the person the priority. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1.19) We are all guilty of not applying this verse and we need to get back to it. We need to become better listeners so that we can better help people. Someone once told me that we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. My moment with my friend was a blessing in disguise! I have since paid a lot more attention to making sure I am hearing someone out when they need to be heard. Let’s be on the lookout for the many examples of Jesus in his ministry putting the person before the problem. Then let’s apply that in our own lives. Being in the U.S. Navy enabled Lakeith to travel all around the world. He enjoys discovering new places and people and loves to inspire others to live for Christ. He is a part-time barber and enjoys reaching out to people in the San Diego area, where he now lives.
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“As you have recognized, the Committee’s request is unprecedented, and it presents serious constitutional questions, the resolution of which may have lasting consequences for all taxpayers,” the letter read. Mnuchin told the Massachusetts Democrat he'd relied on the advice of the Justice Department. He concluded that the department was “not authorized to disclose the requested returns and return information.” “The Department of Justice has informed us that it intends to memorialize its advice in a published legal opinion as soon as practicable. Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request,” the letter read. The move, which was expected, is sure to set in motion a legal battle over Trump’s tax returns. The likely options available to Democrats would be to subpoena the Internal Revenue Service for the returns or to file a lawsuit. Neal originally demanded access to Trump’s tax returns in early April under a law that said the IRS “shall furnish” the returns of any taxpayer to a handful of top lawmakers, including the chair of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. The White House and the president’s attorneys declined to comment on the deadline to turn over Trump’s returns. Trump already has signaled he has no intention of turning over the much-coveted records. The president has long told confidants that he was under audit and therefore could not release his taxes. But in recent weeks, he has added to the argument, telling advisers that the American people elected him once without seeing his taxes and would do so again, three White House officials and Republicans told The Associated Press anonymously.
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Aweee): I am sorry gurl!! Or boy.. (; Don't worry I am here for you!! We are here to help you so message any of us when ever you need help!! I am more than willing to help you!! (: I am sure you are an… - Evan Sondgeroth - Instawell
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“There was no difference in patient and graft survival between adult recipients transplanted with liver grafts from pediatric and adult donors,” Kristopher P. Croome, MD, and colleagues at the department of transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., wrote. “The short-term and long-term survival analyses presented herein support the use of these organs when they have been declined for all available pediatric recipients.” The researchers looked at all liver transplant recipients from Feb. 27, 2002 to Nov. 30, 2014 who have since died. Pediatric donors were defined as those aged younger than 12 years; adult donors were aged older than 18 years. The researchers separated adults based on which age group the patient’s donor came from. Researchers used established formulas to determine standard total liver volume and body surface area. Graft life was determined based on how long a patient lived after transplant, the date a graft was lost or the date a patient last checked in for treatment. Croome and colleagues wrote patient survival at 1, 3 and 5 years was 88%, 83% and 77% in the pediatric-to-adult LT group and 88%, 79% and 73% in the adult-to-adult LT group. Graft survival over the same period was 84%, 78% and 72% in the pediatric-to-adult group and 84%, 75% and 69% in the adult-to-adult group. “We demonstrated that acceptable patient and graft survival can be achieved with the use of pediatric liver grafts in adult recipients,” researchers wrote.
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Ghost Fleet Scares Up a Win in Swynford Odds-on choice Ghost Fleet fought off the tenacious filly Jenny's So Great by a neck in an all-out stretch duel in Canada's $157,004 Swynford for 2-year-olds Sept. 13, earning his second stakes win over the Woodbine Polytrack. Todd Kabel rode the son of Arch to victory in the seven-furlong event for breeder Mel P. Lawson's Jim Dandy Stable. Sid Attard, second-leading trainer at Woodbine this year, is the winning conditioner. Ghost Fleet stalked pacesetter Suffoncified while racing third on the outside through early quarter-mile fractions of :22.83 and :45.48, pouncing at the top of the stretch while four wide to gain a short advantage. Jenny's So Great, racing at the rail in fourth for Emile Ramsammy, rallied between rivals in upper stretch and fought gamely along the inside of Ghost Fleet. She trailed by a length at the furlong pole but gamely cut into the lead as Ghost Fleet prevailed in a tough battle under steady handling. The final time was 1:23.20. “He did the job today, that’s for sure,” said Jim Lawson, son of the elder Lawson. “I talked to Todd after the race and he said when that other horse came at him, he pricked his ears and dug in in the stretch. Nice to see him run that well." Ghost Fleet, three-for-three on Woodbine's Polytrack, captured the Vandal Stakes Aug. 9 by nearly five lengths. The dark bay colt's only loss came in his prior start, a turf allowance in which he finished sixth at Woodbine Aug. 28. Bred in Ontario by Lawson, Ghost Fleet is out of the Housebuster mare Destroy. The Swynford victory, worth $95,955, boosted his earnings to $216,569. “Obviously, (Destroy) is a nice mare," Jim Lawson said. "The Eternal Search (dam of Destroy) breeding is well-known to this circuit. We’re just lucky to have her. She’s a real credit to my father’s breeding program. It’s produced results, time after time.” Sent off at odds of 3-10 while carrying top weight of 119 pounds, Ghost Fleet paid $2.70, $2.10, and $2.10. Bill and Vicki Poston's Jenny's So Great, from the Gregory de Gannes barn, returned $4.10 and $2.70. It was 5 1/2 lengths back to third-place finisher Turf Melody, $2.10 to show. Clear Turbulence and Suffoncified trailed. “He broke good," said Attard of the winner. "When Todd called for run, he gave it to him. Greg (DeGannes) really liked his filly today. Got to give her a lot of credit. She ran a very, very good race. I think she’s going to be a really nice filly.” In spite of the initial failure, Attard is not convinced Ghost Fleet doesn’t like the turf. “I’d really like to try him on the grass again. I just don’t think it was his day last time. I really think he’ll like the grass.”
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Contents Abilities and Powers Shalltear is considered to be the strongest out of all the floor guardians in Nazarick, excluding Gargantua. She has the highest overall stats among them, and her life sustain abilities allow her to easily outlast any one of them in single combat. It was noted by Momonga himself that she is confirmed to be a divine magic caster. However, the god in which she believes is completely different from the gods people worship to. Her class build also makes her extremely effective against magic casters. However, how much resistance she has against spells depends on the strength of the one casting them. If there was someone weak enough to cast a 10th tier spell, it will do nothing against her. If it were someone like Momonga on the other hand, even 1st tier spells would work against her. Passive Blood Frenzy: The more blood Shalltear's body is covered in, the stronger she becomes and her attack power soars. Because of that, she will slowly lose control of her mind and becomes unable to hold back her urge to slaughter. Without those mental brakes, Shalltear would indiscriminately massacres any prey she sees. To prevent activating it, she needs to fight while avoiding getting hit with blood and sucking it up with a weapon or something. Active Animate Dead: Creates a low level undead, but with Shalltear's special skill, it can become a lesser Vampire. Blood Armament Blood Pool: Allows Shalltear to store the blood of her fallen enemies and use it for magic in place of MP. Mystic Eyes of Charms: It's a type of mind control that charms an opponent who looks into their eyes. It works on members of the same sex, not just the opposite. Einherjar: Shalltear's trump card. Creates a construct-type avatar almost visually identical to Shalltear. This Avatar can´t use magic and some of the skills of the original, but its equipment and stats are the same. Force Explosion: Sends an invisible shockwave towards the target. Force Sanctuary: Create a white light barrier from holy energy. Although it prevents the user from attacking, it is an absolute barrier that completely blocks the opponent’s attack. Gate: Summons a portal, allowing travel of a large number of people over great distances. Greater Lethal: Injects negative-type energy into a target. Can be used to heal Undeads. Time Accelerator: Increase the speed but the user cannot attack under the effects of the spell. Time Reverse: Negate the damage caused by a single attack. Can be used three times a day. Vermilion Nova: Attack the target with a pillar of flame. Deals Fire-based type of damage. Wall of Stone: Surrounds the user with stone walls, protecting them from damage. Main Equipment Spuit Lance: A Divine class item given by her creator, Peroroncino. Each strike allows Shalltear to recover a portion of her lifeforce proportionate to the damage inflicted to the enemy. Deals striking damage, which has increased effects against undead. Armor: A Legendary class item. A full body armor dyed in blood-like crimson color. Only the face has an excess, revealing a large hole in the helmet which was shaped like the head of a swan, with bird-like feathers protruding from either side. Wing-designed decorations hung from the chest and shoulders, and the lower half of the body was a vermillion dress. Unnamed World Item: World Item. Ainz gave this item to her so she can be protected from the effects of World Item users. It was originally wielded by the unnamed area guardian of the 8th floor. Trivia In her True Vampire form, her mouth resembles that of a lamprey. Shalltear's character build and equipment placed her in the lower portion of the top tier. In YGGDRASIL, her passive skill, Blood Frenzy wasn't such a huge deal, but in the New World, it's a penalty that causes a lot of trouble since an NPC like her now has consciousness. Since arriving in the New World and battling Ainz, friendly fire no longer exist for NPCs. As a result, she can summoned her minions and would killed them afterwards with her Spuit Lance while healing off of them.
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‘South Sudan humanitarian crisis’, by Emma Asige at SABC A recent United Nations Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan report has found that serious human rights and international humanitarian law violations have been committed in the country. The violations include targeting civilian populations and individual civilians on the basis of their ethnic identity and perceived political affiliations by means of killings, abductions, rape and sexual violence, as well as the destruction of villages. The ongoing humanitarian crisis has resulted in massive displacement of the civilian population of South Sudan.
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Mission We're changing the world, one chip at a time. Our analog and embedded processing products power electronics across every industry and help to make the world smarter, safer, greener, healthier and more fun. Strategy We know our customers depend on us to help them innovate and get to market first, so we drive toward flawless execution to get them the differentiated products, software and support they need, when they need them. We engage early with our customers and learn as much as we can about their needs so we can continually produce new, innovative technologies for their future applications. One mind is powerful. A team of minds is limitless. With more than 30,000 TIers in more than 35 countries around the globe – each bringing a unique set of backgrounds, experiences, and ideas – our people are tackling problems and pushing boundaries to create innovative products that help to improve the world around us. TI wasn’t always in the semiconductor business. We started out as a small oil and gas company in 1930, then focused on defense systems electronics in the late 1940s. With the invention of the integrated circuit in 1958, TI entered the semiconductor business, devising microprocessors in the 1970s and digital signal processors in the 1980s. Now we’re a global Fortune 500 technology company with more than 40,000 patents to our name.
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If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Enjoy an ad free experience by logging in. Not a member yet? Register. Need to make a selectable search box Hi guys, This is my first post on a forum here so im new lol, My basic dilemmna/problem is im trying to make a search box that pulls data from a text file and creates a sort of overlay display. I need this data to be selectable. Basically my text file has a list of names, and i want people to type in any string of letters in the search box and if my text file has a name in their that matches the person's search query itl show up below. I then want people to be able to simply select a name as if it were a basic html input. Im doing this for an e commerce site i run and im just trying to include this in my shopping cart page. If anyone would like a live working example of what i want, reply and i can send u a link. I'm not trying to get anyone to do this for me, im just hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Please note that know a decentish amount of html/css but i have no knowledge at all of javascript and that my ecommerce site does not support php. It uses a custom language called liquid. I would appreciate any answers that go a bit beyond giving me coding terms i probably dont know Please note that before you think about adding JavaScript features, think about how you would approach this without JavaScript. It has to work in a basic way at least before you can enhance it. This is called progressive enhancement. So, first steps are to think about user interaction: Visitor enters search term into a search field and submits the form. A new page is loaded (or the same page reloaded) with an overlay and the relevant search results that can be selected (possibly with checkboxes, i. e. it has to be a form again?). Upon selecting the results, visitor submits the form and whatever you are trying to achieve happens. Canceling the overlay/results thingy reloads the page in its original state. This can all be done with a server side script and without the need of JS. If that’s achieved then you can enhance that functionality in that a JavaScript autocomplete/autosuggestion feature is added that loads the results in an overlay with AJAX without reloading the page. Ok so i took a look at that link and i think i would be able to add that autocomplete feature itself , my problem is the source of the info, the link you gave was seperated into several parts , one was "source" which talked about the kind of info you could use,etc.. im still confused on how i would set the source to my simple text file, any insight you could give on that? ok i see what you mean, unfortunately this will be going on a shopping cart page and i cant have these redirects and stuff, it would be to confusing for a customer, just to clarify il send a link of what im looking for exactly, if you go to this link: http://http://www.fifacointrader.com...ate-team-coins , when u get there just immediately click the grayish 'add to cart' button , then you will be redirected to the shopping cart, once there click the green button in the checkout section, after that a search text box will apear like the one im looking for, notice if you type something into it like a common name such as john, it will come up with a list of similair names. That is exactly what im looking for. If you select a name theres no redirect and it works like a normal html input. There's no redirect with autocomplete. It populates the input field with the value chosen. It's really easy to implement even if you don't have any JavaScript knowledge. First off how are you getting the list from your text file? What server side language are you coding in? If you already know how to pass the data list to your view from the controller/server than its smooth sailing from there. Ok see thats my exact problem! I dont know how to pull data from the text file! thats my question haha, all this server side script stuff i clueless bro, ik how to implenent the jquery stuff , but not the text file hahaha, not that clueless lol, i use html obv and a language called liquid, its a special language that replaces php for some ecommerce sites, actuyally my only problem now is my search input literally has like i think 10,000 possible options and its gona take forever to wrap them in option tags, any shortcuts u know?
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Find Accommodation in Nelson, New Zealand View a full list of Nelson Region Motels or narrow your focus to; Nelson City, Nelson Tahunanui, Richmond, Motueka. Keep an eye out for the red book Direct Link on each indivudal listing to get the best deals.
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The life of a rock star isn’t always easy. Even bands working with major labels often have to juggle band duties with “day jobs,” especially early in their careers. Grand Rapids, Mich.-based rock boys Pop Evil know that life. But, with the band’s sophomore album, “War of Angels,” band members were at long last able to focus 100% on their music, without distractions from outside job responsibilities. “This album was produced by Johnny K, who worked with 3 Doors Down and Megadeth, and we were so excited to work with someone who could help us compete with the big guys,” lead vocalist Leigh Kakaty told the Weekender. “We are finally doing it full time with music being our focal point. This album was the first opportunity to explore our minds musically and focus on that instead of money and working side jobs, which kept us distracted.” Kakaty says the result is an album that’s close to Pop Evil’s heart. It’s emotional, radical and carries many different shades of sound. “This is an emotional record — we have a variety of songs for all types of people,” Kakaty said. “The direction we go depends on the songs; we want the best hook, the catchiest melodies. We never know which way the album is going until we start developing the songs. “The album is about the battle we do combat in life, who we want to be as people, what our purpose is in the world … those battles we lead and finding happiness in bad situations that can be challenging for us. It’s about finding our place when we leave this world.”
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Servicemember's letters from Vietnam to be returned to family HANOI, Vietnam — On the day he died more than 40 years ago, Army Sgt. Steve Flaherty carried with him a stack of letters he’d written but not yet sent to loved ones back home. In one, addressed to his mother, he grimly detailed the brutal battle he was fighting just before his death. “We couldn’t retrieve the bodies of our men or ruck sacks and when we brought air strikes, jets dropped napalm and explosives that destroyed everything that was there,” he wrote. After he was killed on March 25, 1969, the letters were taken from him and used as propaganda by Vietnamese forces during the war. Now, Flaherty’s family will finally receive his last written words. Vietnamese Minister of National Defense Gen. Phung Quang Thanh gave the letters — along with two other sets of letters that may have belonged to other American servicemembers — to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Monday. In return, Panetta presented the diary of a Vietnamese soldier, which had been taken after a firefight in March 1966 by an American Marine. The historic exchange of documents at the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense underscores how the relationship between the two countries has progressed in the 17 years since the normalization of diplomatic relations, said George Little, acting assistant secretary of defense for public affairs. “It is a reflection of the priority the United States places on people-to-people ties with Vietnam,” Little said. Flaherty, of Columbia, S.C., was serving with the 101st Airborne Division in northern South Vietnam when he was killed, according to background information provided by the Department of Defense. Panetta’s office will work with the U.S. Army casualty office to present the letters to Flaherty’s surviving family. The horrific accounts of fighting in the unsent letters are different from anything he had ever sent home, his sister-in-law said. “We knew he was in a dangerous area, but in all his communications he always tried to be upbeat,” said Martha Gibbons, of Irmo, S.C. The situation must have been terrible, because Steve, a star athlete who enlisted in the Army rather than try to pursue a professional baseball career, wouldn’t complain or shrink from a challenge, said his uncle, Kenneth L. Cannon, of Prosperity, S.C. “He was quite a person, and his death devastated all of us,” said Cannon, 80, a Korean War veteran who served in the Navy. In one unsent letter to someone named “Betty,” he wrote that he and his unit had “dragged more bodies of dead and wounded than I can ever want to forget” and that rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns tore his rucksack. In another letter to his mother, he wrote he was going to take R&R and didn’t care where, “so long as I get a rest, which I need so badly, soon.” In another letter, to a “Mrs. Wyatt,” he wrote that his company and Alpha Company “lost a total of 50 men in fierce fight. Our platoon leader was killed and I was the temporary platoon leader until we got the replacement. Nothing seems to go well for us but we’ll take that ridge line.” Flaherty, of mixed Japanese-American ancestry, was adopted from an orphanage in Japan in the 1950s, where he had been befriended by his eventual brother, Ronald Flaherty, who was serving in the Army there. “Ron’s mother made him a deal. She would legally adopt him but Ron would be primarily responsible for him,” said Gibbons, who later married Ronald Flaherty and became something of an older sister to Steve. The family doesn’t know who’ll take possession of the trove of letters now, but Cannon said he expects the family will soon gather to read them. “It means a heck of a lot to have them,” he said. “I don’t know what he had on his mind when he wrote those, and I don’t know who they’re addressed to. But whether they’re to me or to any member of my family, I want to see them.”
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Dirt Track Champion and Race Legend Ricky Graham: A Roadracer Too Three-time AMA Grand National Champion Spent His Share of Time on the Pavement By Staff Saturday, February 10, 2018 thanks, Torrance The late Ricky Graham–to some most naturally talented dirt track racer of the modern era. Loudon ’84 created quite the stir. A trio of Honda flat trackers, Ricky Graham, Bubba Shobert and Doug Chandler, all made their national road racing debuts that weekend. Graham and Shobert on special big-bore Honda VF750-based 860cc F-1 bikes, Chandler on a VF1000 production machine. The trio was in Loudon to gain points in the AMA Grand National Championship, which at the time included both dirt tracks and road races. Shobert would win Mid-Ohio later that summer and begin to gradually switch his focus to road racing. Chandler too would soon find his footing on the pavement and was destined to make the switch to full-time road racing. Shobert and Chandler both eventually made it to the GP circuit. The circumstances setup differently for Graham, and while he continued road racing on and off through the mid-1990s, the 1984 season was perhaps pivotal in Graham remaining a flat tracker for life. Backingup to Loudon ’84–Graham showed similar speed to Shobert and Chandler in that debut. He qualified just behind Shobert and ahead of Chandler and started on the third row of the AMA Formula One National. Unfortunately, a turn one crash six laps into the Loudon Classic saw Graham sidelined battered and bruised. It also may have forever changed the trajectory of his career. ND Plugs Ricky Graham and an XR750. Did the bike ever look better? By the time Mid-Ohio Road Racing National rolled around Graham, based on his excellent dirt track national results, had built up a big enough lead in the AMA Grand National point standings that he felt the trip to Lexington wasn’t needed at best, and could be counterproductive at worst should he have another repeat of Loudon. Who knows, had Graham raced that rainy day at Mid-Ohio in September of 1984, it might have been him taking the shocking victory instead of Shobert and his racing future might have gone in completely different direction. He continued road racing on and off. Graham raced a Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 to four top-10 road race finishes, including fourth-place rides at Elkhart Lake and the October Daytona race in 1993. Graham made a handful of AMA Superbike appearances. He raced in the Daytona 200 as part of the Jim France-backed SuperTeam in 1986 and ’87. In the ’86 edition he finished 35th. Then racing a Muzzy-prepped SuperTeam Kawasaki GPz750 in ’87 he took a respectable 21st in a talent-loaded field. Even more impressive was Graham’s performance in his final road race, the 1994 Daytona 200 where he raced a Smokin’ Joe’s Honda RC30 to a solid 15th, just behind Andrew Stroud and just ahead of part-time World Superbike campaigner Roger Bennett of Scotland. He got the special one-off ride with Camel was sponsoring Daytona Bike Week that year and wanting to do something special with Graham, who’d comeback to famously win the 1993 AMA Grand National Championship. His career was tragically cut short when he lost his life in a house fire on Jan. 22, 1998. Graham will be remembered not only for his tremendous riding skills, but also for his warm and open personality, which won him legions of fans during his 20-year racing career.
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X-rays reveal Darlington's Liam Hatch did not break his neck in FA Cup defeat to Droylsden Darlington officials expressed their relief today when X-rays showed striker Liam Hatch had not broken his neck in a FA Cup replay defeat by Droylsden. By Rob Stewart 1:13PM GMT 19 Nov 2008 Hatch, who is on loan at the Darlington Arena from Peterborough, was taken to hospital by ambulance during the match, which was held up for 35 minutes, but was released to travel home to Teesside with his team-mates and will undergo further assessment by the club on Wednesday. "We're all very relieved because it was a worrying time for everyone concerned with the club," a Darlington spokesman said. "Thankfully the X-rays were clear which was really great news and he managed to come back on the coach with the rest of the players. He is with our physiotherapist at the moment and we are awaiting the results of further tests later on today to identify the precise problem." Kent-born Hatch has scored five goals in 13 appearances this season since Penney signed him on loan from League One side Peterborough in August. He has played a key role in the League Two pacesetters' 11-match unbeaten run that was brought to a halt by the Blue Square North side whose act of FA Cup giant-killing has been overshadowed by concerns for Hatch's health.
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Many of us in the Midwest live in areas without access to certified burial grounds, conventional cemeteries that offer a green option, or in states that require the hiring of a funeral director at the point of death. Because of the situation we face, many of us have to make choices that are not perfect choices. Here are five simple hacks to make a funeral and burial greener. At the end of the day, we all can only do our best.Don’t Be Embalmed That is easier said than done if you live in Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, or New York. Many funeral homes require embalming for public viewings, or wakes, or any kind of an open coffin. If you live in one of these states there might be a Death Doula close to you that will be able to direct you to a good funeral director. If you do not live near a home funeral guide, I recommend you shop around at local funeral homes. If you live in the Chicagoland area, contact usand we can provide you with contacts. Some of us come from traditions that necessitate an open coffin for our religious rites. Some of us come from cultural traditions where viewing the body is central to the grieving process. Most funeral homes offer direct burial, but you should not have to settle for direct burial if it goes against your heart. Any funeral director should be able to offer refrigeration. An open coffin with a natural body will not spread disease, most diseases die with the body. You still need to take proper care of the body after death, but this is not a difficult process. The point is, plan ahead of time. Stand by what you know is right and what you know fits with what you need through the grieving process. Feel free to contactMidwest Green Burial Societyif you need any assistance with this.Invert the Vault. Many of us live in states where there are no certified green burial grounds. You might find yourself wanting a green burial, but have no place to bury in a green site. If you cannot find a cemetery that does not require a vault, or if you are pressed for time and are deep in grief, remember to ask that the vault be inverted. The coffin or shroud will be in contact with the earth, and might be the most natural way you can bury your loved ones. Many cemeteries will comply if you tell them that your loved one will not be embalmed and you want to make greener choices.Low Impact Coffin or Shroud. Shrouds least impact the environment at the time of burial. You may need a board for extra support to help lower the body, but it is by far the simplest way to be buried. There are a few on-line to choose from, but remember you can make a shroud from a qulit or blanket. MGBS has a resource page with some low impact coffins and shrouds. While we love the wicker and wool coffins, we look to the amount of jet fuel to takes to get here from Europe, and we feel strongly about shopping locally.On-line Memorial. Remember not everyone can come to a memorial event or they live far away, making travel difficult, costly and use too much fossil fuel. Create an online page for people to express their grief, and a way to share favourite stories. We live far away from each other physically, but we can come together online to be a support to each other.Use Locally Source Flowers. Instead of using florists, who often use environmentally unfriendly practices get your flowers locally, even a home garden. For an even greener choice, contact your local conservation district office and ask which indigenous flowers or decorative branches you could use. In the winter, evergreens would be a beautiful choice. For a memory gift, consider making seed packets using seeds from Seed SaversExchange or other local seed saving groups. We use Seed Savers Exchange seeds for our seed pack/business card. Use of these kinds of seeds promotes biodiversity. Remember, whatever choices we made in the past were made because we thought we were being responsible. I suggest we do not beat ourselves up about the past and start today educating ourselves so that we can make better choices in the future. I think it must be devastating for families that hate the options presented to them, because it's "easier" or they aren't aware of anything else. We've gotten comments via Facebook from people who say they wish they had known about greener alternatives a few years ago when they ended up burying dad or grandma in a traditional service, and hated it. We updated our green cemetery list for North America and there's over 100 entries now...more to come. Almost every state has something (except our own New Mexico!) Leave a Reply. Caroline Vuyadinov I graduated from St. Vladamir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York with a Master of Divinity. I trained as a chaplain following graduation and worked with a wide variety of people. When I moved to Canada, I began work in a women's halfway house in Hamilton, Ontario which worked with women in conflict with the law on a federal level. I became the program manager and loved working alongside the women, creating their plans for their reintegration back to the community. I also worked as a liaison with the parole board, parole officers and other community service providers. Upon my return to the United States, I worked in the Death Care Industry as a Family Service Counselor, which lead me to become a green burial advocate. I co-founded Midwest Green Burial Society with Juliann Salinas. I speak to community groups and have developed practical seminars for a variety of audiences. I have been interviewed on a national podcast and was featured on a WGN spot dealing with green burial.
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anyone who needs help or anything just to let you know if u pm me i will join as soon as i get the post if you want to join me in the next hour post back my hamachi is farmers utd pass is silage come quick . better mention it is for a maize harvest and will need someone who want do chop or cart and plz spesify what _________________im tl100a but i forgot my password
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Hello There Monday, October 24, 2011 The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York As promised, but much later than I had planned, here are some images of the amazing book, "The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York". The original (which you can see images of in the book) was hand-written and illustrated by Charles Godfrey Leland, famous for his work "Aradia: Or, The Gospel of the Witches." That book was a compilation of various Italian Witch legends, stories, and spells as told to him by a mysterious figure who claimed to be part of an ancient Witch Cult of Diana. This book, "Dame Darrel," is a recreation of authentic English Witchcraft from the Middle Ages. While there wasn't a historical Dame Darrel, this book claims to reconstruct the workbook of people who would have been very much like her. The book itself is beautiful. The first half is a reproduction of Leland's original hand-written, hand-illustrated work. The second part is a modern transcription, which is appreciated as some of the text was difficult to decipher. The book even has built-in ribbon markers so you can keep your place. It's a big, heavy, almost coffee table sized book and really does feel like an ancient tome. The spells and charms are very much like poetry, some resembling an old Mother Goose rhyme, which adds to their appeal. It's easy to see an old, story-book Witch using these things in a little cottage deep in the forest. So, without further ado, the images! The cover The hand-written pages Details of some of the illustrations Images of the actual, original book Ribbon markers The transcribed pages Sorry this took so long! I've been a bit unwell, not really been feeling up to posting. I'm working hard to rally for Samhain, though.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
DOC More Letter Worksheet Please. April, 2019 Archive Published at Friday, April 19th 2019, 17:34:22 PM by Karolina Morvan. Letter Worksheet. It also is useful to distinguish different standards for legibility depending on the purpose for writing; for example, in taking notes, ”messy” handwriting is entirely acceptable as long as children can easily read their own writing. Published at Tuesday, April 16th 2019, 18:41:42 PM by Noell David. Letter Worksheet. Especially when the teacher is working with large groups of youngsters, monitoring each child while he or she is writing may be difficult. Written arrow cues for tracing dotted letters and copying letters are important so that children do not inadvertently practice incorrect letter formation repeatedly. Published at Tuesday, April 16th 2019, 06:55:50 AM by Laverna Rodriguez. Letter Worksheet. If children have learned both manuscript and cursive, as is often the case with older youngsters, then assessment should consider the execution, legibility, and speed of both forms of writing. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 06:40:54 AM. Letter Worksheet By Celestyna Francois. Children who master handwriting are better, more creative writers. The earlier we teach children to master handwriting, the more likely they are to succeed in school, and write with speed and ease in all subjects. We use fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate instructional methods to enable children to master handwriting as an automatic and comfortable skill. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 06:30:54 AM. Letter Worksheet By Genevieve Guyot. For instance, the manuscript letters c, a, and d all begin with the same loop and can be taught in one group; i should be taught before y because it is simpler to form and is needed more frequently to write words. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 06:16:48 AM. Letter Worksheet By Baylie Gregoire. It also is useful to distinguish different standards for legibility depending on the purpose for writing; for example, in taking notes, ”messy” handwriting is entirely acceptable as long as children can easily read their own writing. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 05:37:04 AM. Letter Worksheet By Nathalia Langlois. For children at beginning stages of reading and spelling, integrate handwriting instruction with instruction in letter sounds. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 05:02:34 AM. Letter Worksheet By Nichole Julien. Especially when the teacher is working with large groups of youngsters, monitoring each child while he or she is writing may be difficult. Written arrow cues for tracing dotted letters and copying letters are important so that children do not inadvertently practice incorrect letter formation repeatedly. Published at Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 04:45:07 AM. Letter Worksheet By Celestine Riviere. After a long period of neglect in education, attention to teaching handwriting in the primary grades may finally be returning. This attention can benefit many youngsters, including those with learning disabilities involving handwriting, which may accompany reading disabilities, writing disabilities, nonverbal learning disabilities, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Cross country brings Wright State couple together Wright State cross country runners Jessica and Kevin Swartz have competed together since high school and were married last summer. The family that runs together stays together … because they have no other choice. “When we go out for a run together, we sometimes get into discussions about issues,” said Wright State men’s cross country runner Kevin Swartz, who is married to women’s cross country runner Jessica Swartz. “We can’t get away from each other — we’re too far from home to just turn around and go back — so we have to figure those issues out.” Fortunately for the Swartz family, discussions of that type are rare. They are still enjoying the first-year-of-marriage bliss and will cheer each other on during the Horizon League Championships Oct. 31 at the Elvin R. King Cross Country Course in Cedarville. Wright State is the host school for that event. “I am excited it’s here,” Kevin Swartz said. “Cedarville is probably the course I have run the most, in high school and college. Plus, it’s close, so our families will be able to make it. It makes for a nice final hoorah.” Kevin is a senior who will complete his eligibility this fall and hopes to graduate in May 2016 with a degree in athletic training. Jessica is a sophomore who also competes on the Wright State women’s track team. Both admit becoming a married couple at 21 and 19 is not the norm for college student-athletes. But they have been friends since Jessica was a freshman on the London High School cross country team, when Kevin evoked executive privilege. “I told the coach I needed all of the (runners’) phone numbers because I was team captain,” Kevin Swartz said. “After our first meet, I texted her for the first time: ‘Good race.’ We started talking a lot after that.” The discussions that followed revealed more in common than running. They shared a strong Christian faith, an athlete’s work ethic and low-maintenance personalities that allowed their relationship to persevere even after Kevin left for college. “We made an effort to see each other as often as we could, even if it was hard because of our schedules,” Jessica said. “That (separation) may have helped us in the long run because we valued our time together, and it made us realize exactly what we wanted to get out of this (relationship).” Wright State assistant coach Rick Williamson had been recruiting Jessica, a high school cross country regional qualifier and indoor track state relay qualifier at London. She was also seriously considering Cleveland State. “(Kevin) chose Wright State first; I am guessing that put us over the top,” Williamson said. “I think we both recruited her here.” Kevin and Jessica Swartz and their teammates will compete in the Horizon League Cross Country Championships Oct. 31 at the Elvin R. King Cross Country Course in Cedarville. The couple was engaged Nov. 8, 2014, and married July 11, 2015. Many of their teammates attended the wedding. Graduate student Ian Kallay, Kevin’s roommate for three years, was a groomsman and sophomore Kristen Sevier was a bridesmaid. When they returned to school this fall, one might have expected interaction with their single teammates to be a bit awkward. Instead, it was like nothing had changed. “If you didn’t already know, you wouldn’t even know they were dating, much less married,” Williamson said. “They do a good job of keeping it separate. Kevin is the nicest kid in the world — coachable, easygoing. You never see him in a bad mood. Jessica shows a little more emotion at certain times, but has always been very supportive of the entire team.” “We were like that even in high school,” Jessica said. “We were never a big fan of couples who went off on their own. We focused on our workout. Kevin might have a ‘bro’ night and I will go hang out with my friends. Or, if he is at a football game, I will tell the girls to come over. But we do try to schedule times we can hang out with our friends so that nobody is stuck home alone.” The team will develop a virtual and augmented reality immersion program to help health professionals better understand the social determinants of health, the economic and social conditions that affect an individual’s health. Continue reading →
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
WBS Schedule Pro - Update History Following are updates to WBS Schedule Pro 5.x since the original release in June, 2014. To see which version you have, start WBS Schedule Pro and go to File-About. If you have 5.x but not latest, see the download page for information on getting a free update to the latest version. Version 5.1.0024 - Released January 21, 2018 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0023: When displaying a color or shape picker from a dialog box and then switching away from the program using Alt-Tab, returning would not clear this form. Now fixed so that it closes the form when you Alt-Tab away. We accidently added an icon to the MS Project ribbon that was for a feature in progress but not ready for release. Clicking the icon did nothing. This version removes the icon if you repeat the MS Project Setup (click the Microsoft Project drop down arrow in WBS Schedule Pro and select Setup Microsoft Project). Version 5.1.0023 - Released January 3, 2018 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0022: When Unlinking from a MS Project the Notes field remained in Read-Only mode. Now, when Unlinking a WBS Schedule Pro plan from MS Project the Notes field is switched to Read-Write. Several issues with Drop Down lists have been fixed including having nothing selected and pressing Enter, or having nothing selected and switching away from the program using Alt-Tab. Several issues with opening XML files produced in other programs have been fixed. This allows WBS Schedule Pro to open more XML files produced by other project management software applications than it could before. In a Network Chart, displaying the Timescale by Day or Hours on a multi-year project would hit the width limits of the chart and would not display. These limits have now been increased to accommodate any size chart. If you had Text boxes anywhere in a WBS Chart and did a click and drag motion on the Project Summary Task it would display “Encountered an improper argument”. Now fixed. Version 5.1.0022 - Released May 16, 2017 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0021: In a project with greater than 450 tasks if you selected a task in a Gantt Chart or Task Sheet with an ID greater than 450 and then switched to the Gantt Chart with Baseline View it would freeze the program. Now fixed. Creating a chart in WBS Schedule Pro from a MS Project plan with a large number of Calendar Exceptions would affect the performance of WBS Schedule Pro. Now fixed. Version 5.1.0021 - Released May 10, 2017 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0020: Having a large amount of text in a Task Name could somtimes cause the program to close unexpectedly when hovering over a task and displaying the Hover Tooltips. Now fixed! New Extended Headers feature - Added an option to Gantt Charts and Task Sheets that extend the left edges of Summary Task/Group Headers down the page. To turn this on, select the Format tab in a Gantt Chart or Task Sheet and select the Extended Headers option. This is best used with a Fill color for each Level. To select Fill Colors, go to Format-Text, select Fill then Level and choose a Fill color for each Summary Level. New Timescale Gridlines - Added Gridlines to the Gantt Chart Timescale to display vertical lines for the Upper Timescale and/or Bottom Timescale. To configure these, right-click on the Gantt Chart area and select Gridlines… or click the Format Tab and select Gridlines. Sometimes the wrong Default Calendar was being used for displaying Non-Working time. Now fixed. The short date format dd/mm was incorrectly displaying dates. Now fixed. Added the Insert Blank Rows command to the menu that appears when right-clicking the grid in Gantt Charts and Task Sheets. When using WBS Schedule Pro with the French version of MS Project, the Start and Finish dates are now displayed correctly. Version 5.1.0020 - Released December 19, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0019: Multiple Calendars - WBS Schedule Pro now supports multiple calendars. Create calendars with different workweek and workday configurations and assign them to the various tasks in your project. There are now 3 built-in calendars to help you get started. Select the Project tab and select the Calendars drop down arrow to select a calendar, create a new one or modify an existing one. There is also a Calendar Organizer for transferring calendars between projects and for setting a default calendar for all new projects. Project-wide Default Calendar - Along with the ability to define multiple calendars is the ability to set one of these as the project-wide default. Set the Default Project Calendar in File-Options-Settings. Calendar Day Repeating Patterns - You can now define a repeating pattern for any day in your calendar. This is great for defining Holidays in your project once and having it repeat throughout the project. Gantt Chart changes - There are now additional fields that can be displayed around Task Bars. Text within a Task bar now resizes the bar. Text within a Task bar can now extend beyond the bar and includes an option to “clip text” if you don’t want text to extend beyond the bar. Adding Milestone Text now has a different dialog more relevant to Milestones. Alignment of text around a Task bar or Milestone Symbol is now relative to the bar/symbol. In a Gantt Chart Timescale there was not a setting to display the Day number (1,2,3,etc), only the day count from the project start. There is now an option to display the day number. Exporting Outline Level to MS Word & Excel recalculated the values and started with 0 at the top which did not match the Outline Levels as displayed in WBS Schedule Pro. Now fixed to match the Outline Levels as displayed. Unlinking from MS Project would sometimes display the message “Encountered Improper Argument” and then fail. Now fixed. Certain quote characters in the Notes field would cause the Word Export to fail. Now fixed. If you applied a filter in MS Project, created a chart in WBS Schedule Pro and then selected the MS Word Export it would export the entire project and not the filtered tasks. This is now fixed so that it exports only the filtered items to MS Word. If the Word Export failed or needed to display a message we weren’t handling this well. This message might not appear or it would lock the temporary text file and you couldn’t run the Word Export again. We now handle Word Export errors better. Added an option to the Word export to omit Summary Tasks when exporting. In a Network Chart if you had a Text Box or Linked Text Box selected and Inserted a Task or Pasted a Task the program would react in unpredictable ways. In a WBS Chart, only Pasting a Task would cause problems. Both of these have been fixed. In various places, if you were editing a cell and clicked outside of that cell without accepting the edits it could cause problems. This is now fixed so the edits are handled properly when clicking elsewhere. Upgrading to Project 2016 and not re-configuring Project 2016 would display the message “...can’t communicate with MS Project, there may be a Report or Graph selected..." This is only partially true. It could be that Project needs to be re-configured by running the MS Project Setup from within WBS Schedule Pro. The message has been changed to say "... can't communicate with MS Project because it may need to be configured OR there may a Report or Graph selected..." In a WBS or Network Chart if you zoomed by holding the CTRL key and scrolling with the Mouse Scroll Wheel the zoom factor was not being saved which meant that the next edit to the chart would reset to the last used Zoom. The Zoom factor is now remembered when using the CTRL+ Mouse Scroll Wheel combination. When creating charts from MS Project plans, Text fields were Read-Only. Now they are Read-Write if there is no Lookup Table and Read-Only if there is a Lookup Table since we can’t manage MS Project’s Lookup Tables. When creating plans from the German version of MS Project the Start and Finish dates were incorrectly displayed in WBS Schedule Pro. This is because requesting the Start and Finish fields in English would incorrectly return the Schedule Start and Scheduled Finish dates. We now request the Start and Finish fields in German which fixes the problem. If you are using a non-English version of MS Project and the Start and Finish dates are not displayed correctly in WBS Schedule Pro, contact us and we will fix it. We have many, but not all, non-English versions of Project so would need to find out how your Start and Finish fields are displayed in your version of MS Project. The drop down lists in File-Options-Settings would allow edits which wouldn’t work. Now they are Display-Only drop down options. There is now a Custom… option when you Right-Click the WBS and Network Charts and select Zoom. Several Quick Access Toolbar commands were missing icons. Icons are now present for the most popular commands. In the Format tab of the Gantt Charts, Tooltips were added when hovering over the icons on the Ribbon. You can now Right-Click in WBS and Network Charts and select the Modify Styles commands. This can be quicker than selecting the Format tab. Transferring a Standalone WBS Schedule Pro chart to MS Project where a Text field contains greater than 255 characters would cause MS Project to import nothing into that field. Now, when sending large Text fields to MS Project it truncates to 252 characters and adds … to the end to indicate a truncated field since Project can’t handle more than 255 characters in a Text field. The old PERT Chart EXPERT software was not saving the Ungrouped command so opening a file saved in PERT Chart EXPERT would always open Grouped. Now WBS Schedule Pro opens an Ungrouped PERT Chart EXPERT file as Ungrouped. When Unlinking from a MS Project plan the Status field would disappear. Now fixed. Version 5.1.0019 - Released June 21, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0018: Fixed an issue with the UnRegistration feature. Version 5.1.0018 - Released May 24, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0017: Fixed the issue in Gantt Charts where it would display the "Encountered Improper Argument" messsage when creating a Gantt Chart from MS Project or switching from another view to the Gantt when the Gantt contained many blank lines. When displaying a Gantt Chart from a Master MS Project plan it no longer displays blank lines for the gaps in the ID's created by MS Project's Master/Subproject feature. Fixed the issue where clicking the X to close a Gantt Chart and then saving without overwriting an existing file would save and then close the program unexpectedly. It now closes the file properly and leaves the program running. The way Views and Templates are loaded at startup has changed. If WBS Schedule Pro is started and there are no Views in the current user's Views and Templates folder (C:\Users\USER\Documents\WBS Schedule Pro\Views and Templates) then WBS Schedule Pro copies the Views that exist in the program folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\WBS Schedule Pro\Views and Templates or wherever you installed WBS Schedule Pro). This allows the current user to have Read-Write access to their Views. The old approach used the Views in the program folder when the current user's Views and Templates folder was empty but since this is usually a Read-Only folder, a user could not update the Views. Version 5.1.0017 - Released April 11, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0016: The WBS Schedule Pro setup files are now signed with a new Digital Signature to allow for successful downloads from Internet Explorer 11 and Edge in Windows 10. When creating charts in WBS Schedule Pro with certain Microsoft Project plans it would stop in WBS Schedule Pro and display the message "Microsoft Project is exporting additional data" in the lower left corner of the screen. Now fixed. WBS Schedule Pro now defaults to NOT exporting this additional data which allows these MS Project plans to be displayed. See Help in File-Options-Advanced for a detailed explanation. Added compatibility for the Simplified Chinese version of Microsoft Project. Before this, only the Traditional Chinese version of MS Project was supported. Added compatibility for the Portuguese (Portugal) version of Microsoft Project. Before this, only the Portuguese (Brazil) version of MS Project was supported. Added an Advanced tab in File-Options for various program settings. See Help within the Advanced tab for an explanation of these settings. Now includes an AutoRecovery feature. This automatically saves current open projects to temporary files in the event WBS Schedule Pro shuts down unexpectedly. When this happens, WBS Schedule Pro will restart and display the last autosaved versions. This is not an AutoSave feature where the files are automatically saved to their given filenames but an AutoRecovery system to restore files that were present when the program shut down. Set the time between AutoRecovery saves in File-Options-Advanced. You can now turn off the Tooltips that are displayed when you hover over a Task or Link. This option is in File-Options-Advanced. When importing a file from Excel to WBS Schedule Pro or from a Text file into WBS Schedule Pro, a blank line would be turned into a Task. Now blank lines are ignored. Fixed all instances where pressing F1 would display a "Failed to Launch Help" message and then still display Help. This message no longer appears. In Page Headers and Footers, if you highlighted all text in the Left or Right Header or Footer and pressed the Delete key it would put the text into the Center. Now fixed. Fixed several instances where lines were not appearing when printing a Gantt Chart. Added the ability to display Column Headers on each page of the Gantt Chart when selecting the "Header/Footer/Legend on Every Page" option in File-Page Setup-Chart. From within WBS Schedule Pro, clicking Excel Setup adds the WBS Schedule Pro installation folder to the list of Trusted Locations to allow the Excel Wizard to work with Windows 10 without additional user intervention. When printing a single digit page number in a Header or Footer it would print every other page number. Now fixed. Version 5.1.0016 - Released February 29, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0015: When going from Microsoft Project to WBS Schedule Pro we fixed several instances where the message "Encountered Improper Argument" was displayed and no chart appeared. This was a major inconvenience that is now fixed! This issue was difficult to pinpoint but we are happy to report it is finally fixed. Sorry to those affected. If a project is Grouped by something other than Outline, you can now rearrange Group Headers in the Network Chart by right-clicking on a Group Header and selecting Move Group Up or Move Group Down. This works great when Grouped by the Text fields or Resource Names in a Network Chart and you need to rearrange the order of these Groups. The Goto Task feature (the Goto button or Ctrl-G) would not select the correct task if you were Grouped by something other than Outline or if you were displaying a chart from MS Project that included hidden tasks. Goto now selects the proper task under all circumstances. The Print Layout option is now enabled in Network Charts. This had been disabled while we worked on a fix. Trace is no longer saved On in the Network Chart View. This avoids the situation where Trace is applied when opening a New project. Trace is also removed and all Tasks are shown if the Traced Tasks are deleted or become hidden. Traced Tasks are also updated better when links have been modified in MS Project and you return to a Traced Network Chart. With no Printer installed on the computer where WBS Schedule Pro is running, any attempt to Print, use Print Preview, open the Page Layout dialog or switch to Print Layout mode would cause problems. Although rare to have no printer installed, this issue is now fixed. Under certain conditions, WBS Schedule Pro wrongly displayed the message "Microsoft Project has not been configured to enable WBS Schedule Pro to seamlessly exchange information. Would you like to Configure MS Project?". We now display the correct error message depending on the situation. Notes can no longer be entered into Text Boxes. The Text Boxes used to annotate WBS and Network Charts are not Tasks and cannot store Notes data. Before this fix, Notes were being stored in the Project Summary Task (Task 0) which will now stop happening. Fixed compatibility issues with Project 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007. WBS Schedule Pro now works better with these versions of Microsoft Project. Version 5.1.0015 - Released January 25, 2016 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0014: Added a new Task Popup form to WBS, Network and Gantt Charts to display Task information when hovering over a Task, Milestone or Summary Task. Added a new Link Popup form to Network and Gantt Charts to display Link Information when hovering over a Dependency Link. The background color for a selected cell in a Task Sheet is now white to appear more consistent with other Windows applications. In a Network Chart, the Dependency Links dialog would not show renamed fields in the "Show Fields" drop down list and would affect saving a file. This is fixed to show renamed fields and now saves properly. Using Project 2013 or greater and transferring a WBS Schedule Pro plan to Microsoft Project that has not been configured for WBS Schedule Pro would display the incorrect message "Unable to Communicate with Microsoft Project. This might be because Microsoft Project has a Report or Graph selected." This has now been fixed to show the correct message that Microsoft Project needs to be configured. Selecting multiple cells in a Sheet or Grid now keeps the selected cell focused when scrolling. This is now consistent with Excel and other sheet views. In a Task Sheet or Gantt Chart, setting a Fill color based on something other than Critical Path would reset to "Fill Based On Critical Path" if you changed something in the Text tab and clicked OK. Setting Fill colors is now remembered as changes are made to this form. Version 5.1.0014 - Released November 2, 2015 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.1.0011: When using the Demo version and creating a chart from MS Project the WBS Schedule Pro software no longer displays a message that you are in the Demo version. When using the Focus feature, performing certain operations would remove the Focus. Now fixed so Focus remains. Version 5.1.0010 - Released October 6, 2015 Performing a Trace in the Network Chart is significantly faster under certain circumstances. If you were in Project 2013 or Project 2016 and had a "Report" or "Graph" selected it would fail to create a chart in WBS Schedule Pro and give you an erroneous message. Now WBS Schedule Pro gives a proper message that it cannot communicate with MS Project if you have a Report or Graph selected and you need to select a View in Project (like a Gantt) and try again. When using the Spanish version of Project 2010 it would sometimes display Start and Finish using the Schedule Start and Schedule Finish dates. Now fixed to correctly display Start and Finish. When using Microsoft Project 2013 or 2016, if you were Grouped you couldn't display charts in WBS Schedule Pro. Now fixed. Fixed several issues relating to using Microsoft Project, SharePoint and WBS Schedule Pro. Note: if you are using Microsoft Project, SharePoint and WBS Schedule Pro make sure you have the latest Microsoft Project updates! Microsoft fixed an issue they had when you opened projects stored on SharePoint in MS Project and then created charts using WBS Schedule Pro. Grouping by Outline Codes and WBS Codes has been improved and can produce much nicer charts from the data provided in these fields. Fixed several issues when working with Microsoft Project plans that had Lookup Tables. We now digitally sign the .exe files used for the "Check for Update" feature to avoid being detected by some anti-virus programs as potentially dangerous. Improved error message when typing into the Resource Names field in the Task Sheet or Gantt Chart. When creating a Value List in WBS Schedule Pro, leaving a space after the text would display an error when selecting it from drop down list. Now fixed. Version 5.1.0000 - Released June 23, 2015 Fixes and enhancements since Version 5.0.xxxx: Gantt Charts! - The most significant new feature of WBS Schedule Pro 5.1 is the addition of Gantt Charts. Important Note: Gantt Charts are not included in WBS Schedule Pro (WBS Version) and WBS Schedule Pro (PERT Version) but do contain the remaining fixed and enhancements listed below. There is now a "Check for Updates" feature in the program that can check for updates to the program and install them automatically without the need to download the full software, Uninstall and then Reinstall. There is now a Save and Update Baseline feature (select the Project Tab and then Baseline). This makes it easier to record and update the Baseline data in a project. You can now have Curved and Diagonal connector lines in WBS Charts. Until now, only right-angle lines could be displayed. In a WBS Chart, select Format-Lines and choose the new Right Angle, Diagonal or Curve option in the Corners drop down list. Support for all Polish versions of Microsoft Project has been added. Added a Display Language option in File-Options-Settings. This determines the display language of certain fields in WBS Schedule Pro such as Duration/Work Units and Constraint Type. If set to Automatic it uses the Windows settings to determine the language to use if standalone OR the Microsoft Project language if linked to a MS Project plan. Setting this to English will display in English in a standalone chart AND in English when linked to Project even if MS Project is in another language. The File-Open dialog now remembers the last folder used. This is until the program is closed at which time it reverts to using the default folder. This is now consistent with other Office applications. Outdenting Tasks in the Task Sheet no longer removes dependencies between Tasks being outdented. Various issues with displaying multiple lines of Notes have been fixed. This includes importing & exporting multiple lines of Notes using the Excel Wizard. The Excel Wizard now works with Excel 2013 if you have an open workbook. When using Project 2013 with WBS Schedule Pro, doing certain operations would activate and switch to MS Project. This has been fixed so that it stays in WBS Schedule Pro when working with Project 2013 unless you tell it to switch. Custom box colors, positions and arrangements are no longer reset when you run the Excel or Word export. You can now change colors on a Dual Monitor system. The Excel Wizard no longer displays an error message if you attempt to save a Map to a different folder than the default. The Notes field was sometimes truncating when transferring a standalone WBS file to MS Project. Now fixed. Fixed various issues with the opening of .TXT files. Fixed various issues with manually entered WBS Codes. Fixed various issues with opening .XML files. This feature is now much more robust and can handle XML files produced by many more applications. In Format-Fields for WBS and Network Charts if you right-clicked on the sample box, WBS Schedule Pro would stop working. This is now fixed. The WBS Schedule Pro Buttons within Project 2010 and Project 2013 now support Roaming Profiles. When working with a Spanish version of MS Project it now correctly displays the Week Duration unit. When using the Spanish version of Project 2013 it now correctly displays the Start and Finish dates. Selecting the WBS column in a Task Sheet and selecting Clear from the Project tab or Right-Clicking and selecting Clear Column would sometimes blank out the WBS column. Now it correctly resets the WBS Codes to their proper values. There was an issue with creating a project with greater than 20 WBS Levels. This is now fixed. Large Lookup Tables in a Microsoft Project plan made it extremely slow to display charts using WBS Schedule Pro. This is now fixed. Click and Drag Group Headers in a Task Sheet now correctly moves the Group instead of placing all Tasks from that Group into current Group. Custom Colors, Box Positions and Arrangements in WBS Charts and Custom Colors in Network Charts are no longer removed when doing certain operations. This was more prevalent when linked to MS Project. Colors and positions are now remembered properly. Zoom factors now stay set when switching between Views. Task Sheet now updates better to resize cells when data changes. Fixed several Date and Duration related issues when using the Excel Wizard. Specifically when exporting data from Excel and importing into WBS Schedule Pro. Improved the integration between WBS Schedule Pro and the Portuguese version of Microsoft Project. Fixed "Bad Outline Level" error when creating charts from MS Project. Fixed "Encountered an Improper Argument" error when Indenting or Outdenting tasks in the Task Sheet. Improved performance when working with large projects especially when working in the Task Sheet. WBS Schedule Pro Version 5.0.xxxx - Released June 2014 There were various releases of the 5.0.xxxx software from June 2014 to June 2015 that fixed a number of the above items. Version 5.1.0000 contains all of these fixes.
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Bellator 106: 5 Reasons to Watch UFC Veterans on Tap Tito Ortiz and Quinton Jackson may no longer be slated for action at the show but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of other fighters with Octagon experience to choose from. Included in the bunch are Mike Guymon, Hector Ramirez, Terry Etim, and Joe Riggs. It’s obviously not a Murderers’ Row but there’s a least a little nostalgia involved and Etim in particular could end up impressing beyond tomorrow night’s show based on potential. Fight Master Final Joe Riggs vs. Mike Bronzoulis doesn’t exactly have the same appeal as Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar but the end result might be similar, at least in terms of a sloppy scrap where both men shed blood. Riggs and Bronzoulis both lived up to their shared status as seasoned veterans on Bellator: Fight Master (the promotion’s answer to TUF) and came out on top in the end. The winner will be crowned the season’s champion, so that in itself is notable on some level. A Title-Fight Minus the Healthy Champion The situation surrounding Mo Lawal’s attempt at redemption against Emmanuel Newton is certainly a strange one. Lawal and Newton will be fighting for an interim title despite linear champion Attila Vegh being healthy enough to compete. Essentially, Bellator was hoping to capitalize off Lawal’s name value along with the buzz created by Newton’s beautiful spinning backfist finish of “King Mo” earlier this year. Unfortunately, they solid their champ and belt down the river to do so. Pat Curran’s Rise to the Top The 26-year old Curran has quickly become one of the best 145ers in MMA. However, it will be impossible to know exactly how good the featherweight champion is until he signs with the UFC and faces elite opposition. Of course, chances are Bellator won’t give up their rising star so easily and another nasty legal battle could ensue when his contract runs out. Then again, Daniel Straus could take Curran’s gold tomorrow night, ending the 19-4 fighter’s run at the division’s top spot and avenging a 2009 loss in the process as well. Can Michael Chandler-Eddie Alvarez II Live Up to the Hype? If you haven’t seen the 2011 tilt between lightweights Michael Chandler-Eddie Alvarez, stop reading this sentence and go find a video of the fight. It was one of the year’s best bouts and an instant classic. It will be hard for Chandler and Alvarez to repeat the feat when they clash in the headliner, but fans should still expect fireworks. Alvarez is well-rounded an extremely tough, while Chandler has improved in every effort and has already shown he can finish the former title-holder. 2013 has been an up-and-down year for Bellator, featuring highs like the company’s presence on Spike TV and lows including the fallout from Eddie Alvarez’s attempt to sign with the UFC. Initially set for PPV until headliner Tito Ortiz went down with injury, tomorrow night’s lineup for Bellator 106 is a perfect example of both sides of the coin. In addition to some pairings with favorable odds to entertain, the card has plenty of subplots worth paying attention to when things unfold Saturday in Long Beach. (Photos by USA Today Sports Images)
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#WhyWednesday: Ovie Mughelli 01-04-2017 What’s your why? However you give back, we want to hear the inspiration behind it. Every Wednesday, we’ll be sharing a new story from Communitarians like you who are working to make Greater Atlanta awesome. This week, meet Ovie Mughelli: a United Way of Greater Atlanta board member and former Atlanta Falcons fullback. Ovie gives, advocates and volunteers because he’s experienced firsthand the positive impact United Way has on youth in our community. Ready to share your story? Help inspire other Communitarians as we build the child well-being movement — and make Greater Atlanta a place where every child can thrive. Click here to learn more.
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Post navigation white light WHITE. Most people choose clothes first, accessories second when getting dressed. For me, it’s often the other way around! This amazing metallic pouch inspired me to put on my white “suit” (which is actually a Zara Blazer & a pair of AA pants that kind of look like the were meant for each other) sharp stilettos and killer cat eye sunglasses, simple but chic! And if you need to fix your lipstick during the day, the bag doubles as a mirror ;) I love this outfit! Or should I say I love white suits in general!! Those zara heels are a keeper too! Plus your hermes bracelet gives the perfect hint of colour to the otherwise neutral outfit! J’adore!
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Domestic Bliss Tools On one of our last Indian summer days, a few weeks back, I had lunch at a downtown restaurant with outdoor tables lined up along the sidewalk. At the table next to mine, a funny-looking miniature terrier -- one of those dogs with expressive Toto eyes, tousled hair, a twitching tail and perpetually perked-up ears -- lay in a chair, attentively watching passersby. Pedestrians stopped and oohed and aahed to the dog's owner, who sat in the next chair reading her newspaper, and gushed over how cute and well-behaved the dog was. As I watched, I began to notice that more people stopped to pet the dog, to caress him and praise him, than spoke to each other or anyone else. Years back, I couldn't walk down the street, across an intersection or through the aisles of a grocery store without being stopped repeatedly to allow people to fawn over my children. They were a striking threesome -- identical twin cherubs with blond curls and round blue eyes in the double stroller, their black-haired, creamy-skinned Asian brother, barely two years older, standing watch atop the back cross rail. I might as well have been invisible. Not that I wanted anyone to notice me at that point, my blouse perpetually stained with spit up and breast milk, my hair dull and missing a good haircut for well over six months, the circles under my eyes edging toward permanent tea-stain gray. In those days, my keenest satisfaction in life came from the barrage of compliments and attention that blanketed my children everywhere we went. Now that they're all taller than me, their voices spiraling downward toward the basso range, their feet growing faster than the bean vines in my garden, I frequently remind them of the good old days. "That was way back, when you were cute," I tease them as they swagger around the kitchen with testosterone-induced aplomb. I remember when I wiped up their messes all day long, rarely disgusted. Now, an open milk carton left on the counter, a half-eaten sandwich hanging out to dry, a bedroom floor covered wall-to-wall with an explosion of clothes and socks -- clean, dirty, who cares -- wet towels on the bathroom floor, all send me over the edge. The owner of that cute little dog, I think, must never really tire of cleaning up his insignificant messes. I hesitate to compare my children with pets, but, truth be told, there's an element of similarity in the affection we feel for our kids when they are miniature, when their features are soft, their skin spotless, their scent sweet, their feet small enough to fit into shoes barely five inches long -- we remember with a probably undeserved nostalgia the brief time in our lives when they were adorable. And admittedly, we selfishly long for the time when we could pick out their clothes and dress them to reflect our good taste and wishes, when we could dictate the shape of their day, the books they read, the music they listened to, the friends they played with, the arc of their affection. Last week, I attended a birthday party for a co-worker, and about a half-hour into the evening, my sons walked through the door. They were with their father, my ex-husband, but they crossed the room and hung out with me for a good while. One of them draped a lanky arm across my shoulder and dropped his head down next to mine, feigning boredom. We talked about school, about what was going on in their lives, blessedly free from the restrictions of home where, it is understood, I am not to examine their lives too closely. Here, we were on friendly, neutral ground. As they left, a friend walked up. "What good-looking boys," she said, and I felt that familiar prickle of parental pride -- undeserved but precious and ego-building nonetheless. Last night I came home from work exhausted from a difficult day, and found my sons huddled around the television, absorbed in the broadcast of early election returns. "Gore's down by 40 electoral votes," one of them announced, adding an off-color remark about the other candidate's qualifications. I ordered pizza, mixed myself a tall Bloody Mary, brought a half-gallon of orange juice, paper plates, cups and napkins into the living room, and settled in. We watched together late into the night, the room littered with the contents of their backpacks, our dinner scraps, giant cast-off tennis shoes and balled-up dirty socks. Crude commentary, shrieks of glee and moments of stunned silence accented this extraordinary election night. The results were uncertain, even the next morning when I rounded the bedrooms and woke them up for school. The living room was a wreck, but I didn't care. My candidate's future was uncertain. I cared but still felt cheered by the previous night's good company. My boys may not be cute, the clothes they wear to school may be ugly and baggy, and I might want to throttle them half the time for their surly attitudes and messy habits. People don't stop us on the street to ogle and blow kisses at their downy heads. But in their teenage years, they are among the best companions I've known in my life. They're brave. They're original. They're funny. And if they're willing to hang out an entire long evening with their tired old mother, well hell, that's way better than having a cute little dog.
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Aug 31 (Reuters) - European debt purchaser and manager Arrow Global said it sees more opportunities to buy non-performing loans (NPLs) and non-core assets from banks in Europe, driven by the continued reform of the region’s banking sector. Collection companies such as Arrow Global, Intrum and Hoist Finance have benefited from the fact that Europe’s banks are under pressure from regulators to offload the almost 1 trillion euros of non-performing loans on their books. The European Banking Authority (EBA) expects bank’s boards to have a strategy in place for dealing with non performing loans, while the European Union is consulting on plans to strengthen the secondary market for NPLs, which may boost demand. “When those strategies are in place, they (EBA) will then hold those bank boards accountable for delivering the strategies,” Lee Rochford, Arrow’s chief executive told Reuters. “There are lots of proactive moves particularly in Europe where it has been a little bit slower than it has here in UK in terms of shifting non performing loans,” he added. Deloitte, one of the world’s top four accounting firms, said in a report that the European loan portfolio market had a slow start in the first half of 2017, as sellers and investors pushed deals into the second half of the year. However, with a large number of ongoing deals still in the pipeline for the second half, the total market for 2017 is currently set to exceed the record deal making of the previous two years when over 100 billion euros ($118.83 billion)of deals were concluded, Arrow said. (bit.ly/2xOCPy5) The eurozone’s bad debts are finally beginning to fall, according to ECB data released in April, but still stand at some 931 billion euros. Arrow reported a 35.5 percent rise in first-half underlying profit after tax on Thursday, driven by a jump in debt collections and revenue from asset management. The company said it had acquired debt portfolios with a face value of 968.2 million pounds ($1.25 billion) for a purchase price of 125.1 million pounds in the period ended June, up 30.3 percent from a year earlier.
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Canadian-born 'Superman' actress Margot Kidder dead at 69 Margot Kidder, the Canadian-born actress who played Lois Lane in “Superman,” has died. She was 69. The actress passed away in her Montana home. There are no details yet on the cause of her death. Kidder’s family confirmed the news with CTV News. Kidder was born in Yellowknife in 1948. Even from a young age, she had ambitions of stardom. “From when she was very young she was determined she was going to be famous,” Kidder’s sister, Annie Kidder, told CTV News Channel from Toronto. “She was going to be an actress, and she wanted to be a star.” While most will remember Margot Kidder for her most iconic role, Lois Lane, from 1978’s Superman, her acting career began in the late 1960s. After appearing in a number of television series, her run as a leading woman began after a move to Los Angeles in the 1970s, starring in cult classics like “Sisters” and “Black Christmas.” But it was the role of Lois Lane that launched her into mainstream success. Kidder’s on-screen romance with Christopher Reeve lasted four movies, and made her a household name. “To this day, it’s hard for me to look at anyone else as Superman and Lois Lane,” Chris Bumbray, a film critic with joblo.com, told CTV News Channel. Bumbray believes the early Superman films paved the way for the popularity of the superhero movie genre today. “Comic book films weren’t treated seriously back then, they were considered throw-offs,” he said. “In a way, I think the movies we have now wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for ‘Superman: The Movie’ and Margot Kidder, for me, is a big part of why that was so successful.” For Bumbray, one of Kidder’s other important roles came as Kathy Lutz in 1979’s “The Amityville Horror,” a franchise that is still producing films. While Kidder continued to act until the end of her life, her life took a turn after a widely publicized 1996 nervous breakdown, when she was placed in psychiatric care before being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Following the breakdown, she became a fierce advocate for mental health, as well as a political activist. “We got brought up feeling that we that we had a responsibility to have a voice – a loud voice – for justice, for fairness,” said Annie Kidder. Bumbray said Margot Kidder’s role as an activist helped break down some barriers when it comes to how employees with mental health issues are treated. “There really was a stigma back then,” he said. “People wouldn’t talk about it because it was dangerous for somebody’s career because they’d be seen as being unreliable. I think that we’re better off for having people…that were brave enough to admit that they were having problems.” Kidder became an American citizen in 2005, and remained active in political protests as recently as last year, protesting the North Dakota pipeline. “I hope she’s remembered as an advocate,” her sister said. “She was passionate for a just society, and part of that just society was recognizing how hard the struggles can be with mental illness and that we can do something about it.” Annie Kidder says that while her sister's health hadn't been fantastic, there was no particular issues that she was aware of. Photos This file photo, released by DC Comics, shows actors Christopher Reeve, as Superman, and Margot Kidder, as Lois Lane in a scene from the 1978 film "Superman." (AP Photo/TMS & DC Comics Inc.) Margot Kidder and other environmentalists protest outside the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Aug.23, 2011. (THE CANADIAN PRESS / Keith Lane) Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau arrives at the premiere showing of the film, "Louisiana" with actress Margot Kidder Aug.2, 1984 in Montreal. (str-Moe Doiron / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
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1. In retrospect, what hair and/or fashion trend do you most regret following? Was it caught on film? Neon. It was the 80’s, and I only bought one shirt. My dad probably has a picture somewhere. 2. What is the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? Did you like it? Probably beef tongue. Good flavor but the texture was hard to get used to. 3. What would YOU do for a Klondike bar? Not much. 4. Whistling: awesome or annoying? Annoying 5. Rock climbing, deep-sea diving, or spelunking? Rock climbing, if the rock was not taller than me. 6. Blanket Forts or Snow Forts? Explain. Blanket fort – I live in ND! 7. Who would play you in the Lifetime TV Movie of your life? Monica Bellucci, because then my husband would totally watch it. 8. Would you rather have a TARDIS or a time machine made out of DeLorean? (If you had to click either of these links, go to the back of the class) Tardis 9. Can you drive a stick shift without dropping the transmission on the road en-route? Yes! 10. Which movie do you most wish you could un-see? Battlefield Earth 11. DisneyWorld/DisneyLand: Magic Kingdom or Overrated? We went to Disney World for our honeymoon. It rained a lot. Epcot was fun. The lines are too long for rides, which over too fast. So now you know a bit more about little ol’ me. Coming soon: How I made that coin bra! To be published when I get some more spare time. This weekend was very busy but I didn’t get as much accomplished as I would normally like. During the week I work as a shipping clerk. This means a lot of filing and reports. The same ones day after day. If I’m doing my job right nobody will know. A good day is an empty in-box. I feel like Sysiphus rolling that boulder up the hill, just to have it slip from my hands and roll to the bottom again. So in my spare time I feel the need to create something tangible. I need to be able to see, hear, feel or taste my accomplishment, whatever it may be. I need some evidence of my endeavors. This weekend that was in the form of scrapbooking. I didn’t get as much time in as the other gals. They had all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I just showed up Saturday until about 4pm. I did manage to make entries for both CONvergence 2009 and 2010, as well as a henna party put on by my bellydance class. My designs are pretty minimalist compared to those of my cohorts. My sister in particular did some stellar work with photos from our trip to New Zealand. I just want it to look a little nicer than just sticking pictures in plastic sleeves. Scrapbook of CONvergence 2010 Pictured is CONvergence 2010. On the 2009 page, not pictured, I used a little robot cut out made with a Cricut. Annette picked up a cartridge that was all robots. How cool is that? I had to use at least one. The paper I used is from the Rockstar collection. An odd twist, as I had also brought pictures from two concerts but did not have time to scrapbook them. I must confess I have a ridiculous amount of paper considering how infrequently I get around to actually using it. Apart from that, I met with Eric regarding a photo narrative project we are collaborating on. For those in the comic book know, it is called “sequential art.” But I find anything that I draw without reference looks like a Gary Larson cartoon, and that is why I am a photographer. I got the idea from a photographer on jpgmag.com. She told her story about how she would tell her friends she wanted to make a movie but couldn’t afford it. One day a friend got tired of her whinging on about it and told her to just find a way to do it or shut up. So she decided to tell her story in still photos. An excellent idea! In another lifetime (ending 11 years ago last week actually) I worked in the world of broadcasting. My BA is in speech communications with special emphasis in film and telecommunication arts. I later went back to my alma mater for art classes. In other words, I actually do know what I’m doing. On Eric’s part, he is an excellent artist, costume maker, and all around creative guy. Also, he came up with the story idea.
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The Q at Parkside (for those for whom the Parkside Q is their hometrain) News and Nonsense from the Brooklyn neighborhood of Lefferts and environs, or more specifically a neighborhood once known as Melrose Park. Sometimes called Lefferts Gardens. Or Prospect-Lefferts Gardens. Or PLG. Or North Flatbush. Or Caledonia (west of Ocean). Or West Pigtown. Across From Park Slope. Under Crown Heights. Near Drummer's Grove. The Side of the Park With the McDonalds. Jackie Robinson Town. Home of Lefferts Manor. West Wingate. Near Kings County Hospital. Or if you're coming from the airport in taxi, maybe just Flatbush is best. Monday, October 11, 2010 Artful Dodgers What I wouldn't give for a photograph of Parkside Q in the 1700s! I mean I wouldn't want to live then, there, what without air conditioning, bagels, modern footware and FrozFruit® bars. Oh and that pesky little issue of slavery. I was reading about the history of Flatbush, shocked to learn that population in the 1790s was around 1,000, only to find out that the census frequently left out women, children and non-free men, who weren't considered full peoples at all, though how much of a person you were could fluctuate from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, meaning you really never knew how much of a person you were. For some reason this brings to mind the ridiculous notion of achieving one's full potential, an ephemeral benchmark created by multiple competing interests all hellbent on assuring your eternal misery. But that's a story for my shrink, if I had one, which I don't, because thankfully I have this blog, which is considerably cheaper and doesn't work out of its home way up on the Upper East Side, though it did take off a couple weeks in August. But some old photos DO exist, and they exist primarily to blow your little mind. Case in point... If you've ever walked "up" Bedford towards Empire and historically accurately named Ebbets houses you come upon a scene that looks like this: Had you taken the same walk just 50 years prior, you'd have seen this: So the next time some dork pines about the day the Dodgers left Brooklyn for L.A., remember these photos. And remember that Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier in the Major Leagues, and whose name adorns the sorry-ass school that sits in the ghost-shadow of Ebbets Field? Not so much longer ago, he'd've never showed up in the population count.
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There's a problem with your browser or settings. Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that javascript is enabled. Featured Images › View larger image NASA's AIRS imagery revealed that Nepartak had some high, strong thunderstorms in the center of its circulation on October 12 at 11:35 a.m. EDT. The storm started to develop an elongated shape indicating transition into more of a frontal system. Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen Tropical Storm Nepartak Becoming Extra-Tropical at Sea Tropical Storm Nepartak is now speeding in a northeasterly direction in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, where it is becoming extra-tropical and developing frontal qualities. The last official position of Napartak from the U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center was on October 13 at 6 a.m. EDT, when the storm was 605 nautical miles east-northeast of the island of Chichi Jima, Japan. That's near 31.5 North and 154.3 East. Nepartak was speeding to the northeast at 33 mph (29 knots) and it had maximum sustained winds near 46 mph (40 knots). Animated multispectral imagery showed Nepartak was beginning to develop frontal characteristics, which is a sign that the circulation will soon fade. Before it becomes a front, however, it is expected to continue transitioning into an extra-tropical storm, and dry air in the mid-levels of the atmosphere is helping that happen. The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) flies on NASA's Aqua satellite and captures infrared images of tropical cyclones take the temperatures of thunderstorm's cloud top temperatures to determine their strength. Aqua and AIRS flew over Nepartak on October 12 at 11:35 a.m. EDT, and noticed that the storm was already starting to take on an elongated shape, indicating a transition to more of a frontal system. How does infrared imagery know how high clouds are in the sky? The coldest ones are higher in the sky (because in the troposphere, the lowest layer of atmosphere where weather happens, temperatures fall the higher up you go until you get to the stratosphere). The highest clouds are as cold as or colder than 220 Kelvin or minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and second highest level of clouds are about 240 Kelvin, or minus 27F. The colder the clouds are, the higher they are, and the more powerful the thunderstorms are that make up the cyclone. Although Nepartak still had some strong convection, it is expected to wane soon with the transition into extra-tropical status. Nepartak is forecast to continue speeding northeast in the next day or two, when the transition should be complete and Nepartak will be no more. Text credit: Rob Gutro, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center October 9, 2009 > View larger imageMicrowave images are created when data from NASA's Aqua satellite AIRS and AMSU instruments are combined. The cold areas in this image (yellow-green) indicates where there is precipitation or ice in the cloud tops. The microwave image suggests cold, high thunderstorms. The coldest area is in the storm's center (blue rounded area). Credit: NASA JPL, Ed OlsenNASA Takes a Microwave Look at Tropical Depression Nepartak NASA's Aqua satellite flew over the latest tropical depression in the Western Pacific Ocean and looked at the storm called "Nepartak" using instruments that use microwave technology. The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument on Aqua captured infrared, visible and microwave imagery of Nepartak and showed where the strongest thunderstorms were located. Tropical Depression Nepartak had maximum sustained winds near 30 knots on October 9 at 11 a.m. EDT. It was located in the Western Pacific Ocean, about 290 miles south-southeast of the island of Iwo To (formerly Iwo Jima), near 20.3 North and 142.5 East. It was moving north-northwest near 5 mph, and was generating waves up to 12 feet high. The U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center forecasts tropical cyclones in that region. Forecasters there reported that "Recent animated infrared imagery (like that from the AIRS instrument) shows spotty areas of deep convection wrapping towards a low level circulation center. The largest area of convection (and thunderstorms) is located on the eastern quadrant of Nepartak. Infrared imagery measures temperatures and not only can it see cold, high cloud tops in tropical cyclones, but also the warm ocean waters that power the cyclones (if the sea surface temperatures are over 80F). Cold cloud top temperatures provide clues about the power of the thunderstorms in a tropical cyclone. The colder the clouds are, the higher they are, and the more powerful the thunderstorms are that make up the cyclone. AIRS data is also coupled with data from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) that flies with AIRS on Aqua to create microwave images of storms. The AMSU image uses the radiances of the 89 GHz channel, and the cold areas in those images indicate where there is precipitation or ice in the cloud tops. Nepartak is forecast to swing north and turn north-northeast over the weekend, passing east of Iwo To and Chichi Jima. Those islands are likely just to experience high surf as the center of Nepartak stays far off-shore.
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Hydrophobia Pure Dark Energy Digital took some harsh criticism a few months ago when their title Hydrophobia was released on the Xbox Live Arcade Marketplace. Since then, the company has worked to fix some of the bugs and problems that it had with the initial release. In late December, the company released what is now known as Hydrophobia Pure, once again for the Xbox Live Arcade. For those who do not know the backstory, you are in control of Kate Wilson while on the ship known as The Queen of the World set in the year 2051. As expected with a game about survival, there are mitigating circumstances that you need to know prior to starting the game. The world is now densely over-populated, pushing the ten billion mark. This ship is reserved for the most elite people, living in a city on the sea, so to speak. Of course, you learn about the problems that arise when you have such a creation. There are two groups working towards different goals. First, you have the Cornucopians, who's goal is to solve the problem that the world has by creating a technological solution. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the Malthusians, who basically want to use genocide to lower the population. The game wastes no time jumping into the action. After spending a few minutes roaming around Kate's living quarters to familiarize yourself with the control system, you are thrust into the chaos almost immediately, making sure that no time is wasted on downtime. Early on, you will find the game fairly easy as the system does a good job of helping you out with simple tasks and puzzles. After you get your feet wet, no pun intended, you will have to figure things out for yourself all while trying to not only survive against the intruders that now roam the ship, but a race against time with rising water. What I truly found enjoyable with this game was the system's famed HydroEngine. The movement in water, especially under the surface, is quite realistic. There is no comical running on the ground even while completely submerged. If you attempt to do this, the game simply will not let you. Knowing where you have to go before getting yourself into a predicament where you are short on air will become quite vital as you push forward throughout the game. Malthusians, of course, are going to be there to provide resistance, whether it is out of the water, in the water, or underneath it. This is where the game shines, forcing you to have to locate the attackers simply by the direction in which you are being shot at. There's no on-screen HUD to help you out here, boys and girls. You have to find them the hard way: With your eyes. Hydrophobia Pure does a decent job of mixing up some elements that you find in other games. I certainly felt a little bit of Mass Effect when it came to choosing a weapon, ammo, and actually attacking the intruders. On top of this, I definitely enjoyed using the scanner to find the hidden messages that are written on the walls, giving the feel of playing Metroid: Prime for certain. While the game does a great job of making you feel comfortable with these elements fairly quickly, you need to remember how to do all of these things even faster, especially if you get caught in an area that starts to flood. One of the most nerve-racking moments I had in the game was being trapped in a large room that quickly flooded, having several attackers firing at me, all while running out of air. The first time, I most certainly panicked, and it ended in Kate drowning. This element does not change throughout the entire game, until you start pulling yourself out of the lower levels. Sometimes, I feel like the game could have done better if it had been done in a first person point of view, but I understand that it would not have been feasible, considering that Kate is not in any type of high-tech armor or has a suit that can give her crosshairs to help her. The game is not without its flaws, however. While the length of the game is short (only 4-7 hours, depending on your skill level) perhaps even for an XBLA title, I don't believe that is the primary issue with the game. Having never played the first installment of the title, I found that some out of water movements can still seem a little clunky. It didn't happen all of the time, but if you ended up in a corner, you found yourself dealing with some camera issues. I also found the map system to be a little frustrating at times. I like 3D mapping, don't get me wrong, but I believe it has to be done well in order for it to truly shine. Some of the chambers in the game had plenty of little rooms that would make it somewhat difficult to figure out how to navigate if you zoomed in or out too far. The challenge mode, also, I felt could have been better. It was enjoyable the first couple of attempts I had, but was certainly repetitive and became fairly easy to know what was going to come at you with each wave. On top of this, when dealing with game mechanics, I found that it was very, very difficult for Kate to actually be shot to death by the attackers in the game. There were several times where I was stuck in a large room, being pelted from more than one angle, and Kate stood there and basically took it with a smile on her face. I never once died from an attacker onslaught, yet I can tell you that she took more than a dozen shots in each of these cases. While some people might find that as a bit of a bone from the developers, I think there has to be a happy medium between "Dead" and "Invincible" at some point. Hydrophobia Pure is not without its flaws, but Dark Energy Digital answered its critics by providing plenty of updates and overhauls to a system that needed a boost. The HydroEngine still shines and provides plenty of realistic moves for the player to enjoy. While the game suffers from some game mechanic problems even after the update, there's no denying that it has improved for the better. Considering the cost of the game on XBLA, you can certainly do worse when choosing a title to tide you over for a good survival-action game. Rating: 8 Good * The product in this article was sent to us by the developer/company for review. About Author I've been writing about games and entertainment since 2006 after starting out at Xbox Ohio. Since then, I have made the jump to Gaming Nexus and have enjoyed my time here. I am an avid gamer that has a solid old school game collection that includes the likes of Final Fantasy games, Earthbound, Gitaroo-Man, MvC2, and a whole slew of others. I have a primary focus on Xbox/PC games and PC peripherals and accessories. If you ever want to game against me, you can look me up on XBL with the gamertag GN Punk. View Profile
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The Presentation Thanks to Dr. Paulo Miamoto for the translation to English and Luca Bezzi and Emma Varotto for the translation to Italian. Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, thank you for the attendance of this event. I'm very excited because it is the first time I participate in a presentation outside my country. I apologize for my Italian, which is not very good, not as good as that of my great-grandparents left here, more precisely Cremona, and went to southern Brazil in the late nineteenth century. I hope to honor them today. I will briefly explain the process of the facial reconstruction, also referred to as approximation, of St. Anthony of Padua, this such notorious person, not only to the Catholic Church, but to History. My job in this project was to digitally reconstruct the face of the Saint. Without knowing the identity of the individual, I received the skull to be rebuilt scanned in 3D, with the information that it was a male of European ancestry, aged 30-40 years. With these data initially started work cleaning and aligning the point clouds skull in Italian program MeshLab. Then I converted this cloud of points in a three-dimensional mesh putting it on a scale compatible with 3D printing. Then I imported the skull in Blender software, in which I positioned it at the Frankfurt plane, an approximate position of a living person's head when standing. Then, using research data for soft tissue depth, collected ​​in living European men aged 29-39 years and average BMI, digital pegs were positioned on the surface of the 3D skull model, according De Greef and collaborator's study. (2006.) Using the reference of depth markers and projections from the skull I drew an outline of the individual's face in profile. For a more consistent anatomical basis, the larger muscles were adapted from a template created in partnership with the OFLAB at USP, the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology, University of São Paulo. This template is a file of a facial reconstruction that was made from from scratch, which later started to be used it as a base for this type of job. Through its deformation, it is possible to adapt it to any individual's 3D skull, regardless of sex or age. So, using this template, the skin was deformed until it fit the references of depth markers and projections extracted directly from the skull. During this process I counted with the aid of Dr. Paulo Eduardo Miamoto Dias, PhD in Forensic Dentistry. As soon as the skin was adapted, Blender's sculpt mode was used to furrow its surface and evidentiate expression lines. I changed the settings of the template for the hair and beard and adjusted them to individual's anthropological profile. Then I sent images of it to the staff of Arc-Team and the Museum of Anthropology, University of Padua images reconstruction in two versions: with and without hair and beard. Once the material was received and analyzed, the Italians disclosed the information about the identity of the individual. It was St. Anthony of Padua. I confess that it took me a while to realize who they were talking about. Obviously I was quite perplexed and greatly honored to know I was working on the reconstruction of such an important and notorious face. St. Anthony is the patron of the city that I live in Brazil (Sinop-MT). The hospital I was born in another city (Chapecó-SC) in southern Brazil is named after him. The name of my grandfather is Antonio Pagliari because of the saint and, even the name of the creator of the software used to reconstruct it, Blender 3D, is Antonius Roosendaal, in honor of the saint. Just to mention some examples. Together with the identity of the famous individual, additional information was also disclosed, regarding his clothes and other relevant health data, as gathered by the Center for Studies Antonianos. It was told that the saint would have had a stout appearance, due to a hydropsy condition near his death. As I did not have a survey depth of tissue taken in individuals with the same condition, I used data from the De Greef table, but for people with high BMI, in order to simulate this corpulence. After these adjustments the facial structure, the clothing was modeled, the texture of the skin was set using as reference photographs taken from a 28 year-old man of European ancestry, and finally the hair, eyebrows and beard were set. Here we can see the final image, approved by the Centro Studi Antoniani. The 3D model was sent to the Information Technology Center Renato Archer (CTI Campinas), an institution linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil. A few adjustments so that the mesh could be printed in 3D were necessary. These adjustments consisted in putting thickness to the bust, adjusting the hair texture and then applying a slightly rugged surface to simulate the volume of the facial hair. 3D model consisted of printing more than 1500 layers one over the other, until the bust was completed. Each layer has the thickness of a paper sheet. Then it was removed from the powder repository with the aid of a vacuum cleaner. The piece went into an oven where it was heated to 65 ° for a few minutes. Then it was taken for the application of resin to another container. After a few hours drying the piece was finished and ready for transport. Avail here to thank Dr. Jorge Vicente Lopes da Silva and developers Paulo Amorim and Thiago Franco de Moraes, all them from CTI's Division for 3D Technologies, which enabled us to do this 3D impression through a research partnership that we have for over a year. The first testsof colorprintingthat were madehadsomecolor problems, gettinga darkerpart ofthe left side oftheface. To resolvethis problemof color, we decidedto get in touchwith aphotographerin my city, the painterMariBueno. Mariaccepted the challenge toretouchthe piece, with complete freedomof style.The result was amore homogeneoussurface withcolors and anice shinein the eyesof The Saint. Withthis step, we completedwork onthe presentationof the face. Thanks everyone for coming to the museum and also for the invitation to come here and explain about the processes involving the facial reconstruction of this important man for the church and for the millions of people who worship him. This reconstruction of the face of a holy man, performed ​​with scientific methods, harmonically placed Science itself and religion side by side. Everything we did was based on appreciation for History, observation of technical protocols and respect for the church. Fortunately we were successful and here we have the result of months of work materialized in a bust, bearing not only technology, but also of faith passed down from generation to generation, over almost eight hundred years, since the life of St. Anthony left his body and entered ​​history.
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While nobody can claim that the sport of Boxing is off to a scintillating start in 2013, with injuries forcing a seemingly endless stream of cancellations, there are a few somewhat compelling fights this weekend. I’m not going to pretend that they’re super fights, but ESPN has one of their better fights in years and there is a pretty even fight for an alphabet title on Showtime, another solid matchup from Main Events on NBC sports network as well as the first true step up for one of the better Heavyweight prospects. That being said, nothing is can’t miss and I’m going to cover them all in one piece. ESPN is in the rare position of offering up what I feel is the weekends most compelling fight, this Friday night, when Lamont Peterson returns from a long layoff to defend his strap (I don’t pretend to care which one) against Kendall Holt. This is two athletic fighters with Peterson being more aggressive and Holt having more power. Lamont is an excellent in-fighter and though he is not a knock out artist he can smother and wear down his opponents. He has been down, but never out, so his chin is solid enough. The question of the layoff is a big one, especially if he comes out rusty with poor timing against a guy who is at his most dangerous early in fights. Holt has one shot power, particularly in his left hook, but he can be lackadaisical at times and is prone to doing as much posing as he does punching in his biggest fights. You have to expect him to try and jump on Lamont early and look to capitalize on the aforementioned layoff of the belt holder. I’m really looking forward to this fight and I can see a number of different scenarios. Holt is an excellent front runner, if he gets Peterson hurt early and stems his aggression it could be a long night for Lamont. At the same time, Peterson applies the same kind of pressure that Timothy Bradley out-worked Holt with, despite Kendall scoring two knockdowns, in his biggest fight to date. I’m expecting a solid start from Kendall and he might drop Peterson in the first couple of rounds. I just can’t bank on a consistently active performance from Holt and I think Peterson will grind him down and take command late for an entertaining decision win that gets both of them another significant fight in a stacked division. **** Cornelius Bundrage & Ishe Smith take center stage on Showtime, on Saturday night, when ‘K-9’ defends his alphabet title in another fight that is very close on paper. Bundrage has had this strap for quite a while now, and while I refuse to acknowledge which piece of paper is around these fighters waists these belts are a valuable commodity and the winner here is in the position to earn a big payday in another loaded division. Bundrage is a powerful and determined man that has already accomplished more than most thought he could. He isn’t a murderous puncher, but his physical strength can be overwhelming at 154 pounds and he has shown great improvement since beating Cory Spinks. While he is frustrated by the inability to land a big name, he has stayed the course and this is another opponent that will provide a stern test. Ishe Smith is very skilled; it’s just a question of making him punch. I try to avoid clichés, but he really does often fight like a sparring partner. He rarely is outgunned, just often out-worked. You have to think that he knows this is his moment to put his name out there and earn a major paycheck. Bundrage is always aggressive; there is no wondering what he is going to do. This fight really will be determined by what Smith does. If he fights defensively and offers infrequent counters, Bundrage will surely out punch him over the distance. I have a sneaking suspicion that Smith will summon up his best effort here. There is a lot on the line, and I’m taking Ishe by close decision in another entertaining fight on a weekend that might be minus big names, but may well provide enticing action. This isn’t inside info, but, since I always offer predictions, I’m expecting the winner here to earn a date in the summer or fall with Miguel Cotto. **** I may be a broken record, but Main Events is really impressing me with their matchmaking considering their limited stable and resources. They’re not trying to build up guys to throw in elsewhere; their main fighters are fighting each other on nearly every offering. As critical as I can be of promotions and networks, this series on NBC and NBC Sports is firing on all cylinders and the Vyacheslav Glazkov and Malik Scott matchup on Saturday is no exception. I was impressed with Glazkov’s performance against Tor Hamer, he throws hard and often which is a rare quality these days for a Heavyweight. Scott has been a name for what seems like twenty years, he’s shown solid boxing skills against inferior opposition the few times that I’ve seen him. At his advanced age, I find it hard to back Scott in a big step up after this long, he doesn’t have the power to hold of Glazkov and I expect the Ukrainian to beat down Scott and stop him sometime in the first half of the fight. **** David Price is a gigantic Heavyweight with obvious one shot power in both hands. To me the Brit is the most intriguing of all of the young Heavyweights and he is showing a willingness to advance to the world level. As unappealing as the division has been, guys like Price and Tyson Fury look willing to fight other contenders on their way to a title shot instead of waiting around. For me, that is truly what this division has been lacking. Many people point to the Klitschko’s domination as the reason for the lack of interest, but the lack of fights like Tommy Morrison and Carl Williams is the bigger problem in my estimation. These guys need to make compelling fights on the way up and actually be ready when they challenge one of the brothers. While Tony Thompson is steeped in his forties, he also is a big step up for Price and he can match him in size as well as providing an awkward, volume, southpaw style that David has never seen before. The biggest question about Price is his chin and I don’t know if Thompson will pose that question with his mainly arm punches. I look for David to have some minor early trouble, with the willing Thompson, before taking him out around the midway point of the fight. 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