95 values
1 value
The learning goals for this section are for students to understand the need for (1) brackets in expressions and (2) assigning an order to operations. I found this section difficult to plan for, because of how much background knowledge is required before students can successfully complete the problems proposed in the textbook. It was challenging to find a way to build the necessary understanding into each example that would allow students to feel successful with the next. I am still not entirely sure I succeeded, and I would appreciate feedback. The first example reviews the concept of brackets, and shows what effect they can have on an expression containing only addition and subtraction. The second example adds a small amount of complexity, but sticks to addition and subtraction. The third example introduces multiplication and division. The fourth combines multiplication with addition, and explains that multiplication is simply shorthand for repeated addition. Next, we use the acronym BEDMAS (Brackets and Exponents, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) to state the order of operations. I am unsure if this is still the best way to present the order of operations, for the following reason. Ideally, students should understand that: - Brackets define a priority - Powers (exponents) are simply repeated multiplication (or division) - Multiplication is simply repeated addition (or subtraction) With that understanding, students should be able to comprehend intuitively what the order of operations has to be. In this lesson, it would be up to the teacher to ensure that students make that connection. The final example puts it all together and introduces the square root symbol, which (depending on your interpretation and the level of your students), could be categorized (correctly) as an exponent or (less correctly) as a type of bracket. To view or print the PDF, click here: 2014-09-06 1.8 Order of Operations.pdf Chapter Overview / Table of contents. Not what you're looking for? Try the main Grade 8 Nelson Mathematics Lesson Plans.
Concatenation is something my students always find a little confusing at first. Concatenation is about joining different pieces of information into one print function. To help us better understand this let’s look back at the example of how Python treats strings and integers differently. Do you remember the example below? If not run the Python editor below to see the result. I want Python to display the equation 2+2 and then also display the answer in the same line like 2+2 = 4. Python treats strings and integers as different objects and can’t mix the 2 unless you make it explicit what Python needs to do. Look at the 2 examples below. The first example will cause an error while the second should work. print('2+2 = ' + 2+2) print('2+2 = ' + str(2+2)) The first part is considered as a string because it is within quotes ( print('2+2 = . Python treats the 2+2 as alphanumeric characters. The second part is not within quotes and so is treated as an integer by Python. Python cannot mix different types objects together implicitly (meaning without you telling it to do so). For this reason when you try to join '2+2 = ' with 2+2 Python cannot handle joining a string and an integer together. I used the str() function to tell Python to treat the integer within the brackets as a string while still working out the result. str(2+2) can be concatenated to the previous object which was a string object. This time I will use variables when concatenating. Hopefully your teacher has explained what a variable is in detail. if not see the footnote. Concatenation can be very simple if we are joining a string object with another string object. This happens often in programming when joining some text with text from a variable. See the example below. As with example 1, I will demonstrate again how to concatenate an integer object with a string object. Look at the example below and run the Python programme. One of the lines of code contains a mistake because Python cannot concatenate integer and string objects without explicitly being told to do so. Correct the mistake using the I am the anchor.A variable is simply a name given to an object that stores information. Think of how you may label a box that contains particular items inside like old toys or winter clothes. In python, a variable will contain either a string, an integer or maybe an equation. eg a = 10, x = "George" or sum1 = x + y.
What Are Logic Truth Values? We live in a world where logic is everything. You cannot solve even a simple addition problem without logic behind it. However, when you are learning about the truth value of any scenario, you need to keep one major thing in your mind. The answer will be either true or false. There is no in between, and there is no such thing as no answer or both answers. A statement in logic is usually built around statements using logic connectives. Thus, the truth/false answer of any statement depends on these connectives. After you've learned the concepts of logic truth values, you'll start to perform operations by using the truth tables. Over the course of our logic worksheet collection we have covered disjunction, conditionals, and biconditionals by themselves. These worksheets also work on the AND and Or conditional statements. The major theme here is to provide you with a series of logic review lessons and worksheets. We also introduce the concept of open sentences. An open sentence just means that an unknown variable is present in the sentence and we do not clearly know the truth value because of that missing value. Your students will use the following worksheets to learn about various truth values. Activities include disjunctions, conditionals, and biconditionals, negations, conjunctions, determining the truth value of open sentences, truth tables, and more.
Introduction to Angles We begin our study of angles by learning what they are, how to name them, and ways in which angles can be classified. These concepts are explained below. An angle is formed when two rays meet at a common endpoint, or vertex. The two sides of the angle are the rays, and the point that unites them is called the vertex. The vertices are shown in red in the diagram above Angles can be named in various ways. One way is to use the ? symbol accompanied by three letters. The first and third letters indicate points on the two rays. The letter in the middle is the vertex. Note that the first and third letters are interchangeable because they both measure the same angle. Another way to label an angle is by just using the ? symbol accompanied by the vertex point alone. However, this method only works when there is only one angle at the vertex point. If more than one angle is formed at a vertex point, we need to specify which angle we are talking about by naming it in a different way. Finally, the last way to label an angle is by using the ? symbol accompanied by the letter or number shown between the angle. The different ways of labeling an angle are shown below. The angle above can be called ?ABC, ?CBA, ?B, or ?? Classifications of Angles Angles can be measured in degrees or radians. For the time being, we will strictly talk about angles in terms of their degree measure. The symbol for degrees is °. Angles can measure from 0° up to 360°. Angles with no measure are called zero angles, while angles of 360° are full rotations. For our study of geometry, we will primarily focus on three important classifications of angles: acute, obtuse, and right. A right angle is an angle whose measure is exactly 90°. An easy way to determine whether an angle is a right angle is by considering whether a small square could fit perfectly in the corner of the intersection of the two lines that form the angle. While you would need a protractor to give a more precise measurement, this can give you an approximation of whether or not an angle is close to 90°. An acute angle is an angle whose measure is less than 90°. For these kinds of angles, a square could not fit perfectly at the intersection of the two lines that form Obtuse angles have measures greater than 90° but less than 180°. If an angle’s measure is 180°, it is called a straight angle. Straight angles are just lines with three points on them.
-For example, in 2*3 =6 the factors would be 2 and 3 (Note: more examples can be included by the teacher if needed) - Pull up the factor tree game on the interactive board or on the projector. Play the game as a class with volunteers going to the board after you have modeled an example first. - Example: “Let's look at the number 24. What two numbers multiplied together can give us 24? It can be any two sets that give me 24 such as 2*12, 3*8, 6*4 (explain to students that if you do 1*24 it would lead you back to the same place of still finding factors of 24).” Next type in any two factors (let’s use 6*4 for this example) and ask students, “What factors make 6 and what factors make 4?” At this point, the game will note 6 and 4 as squares because they are composite and can be broken down by additional factors. Explain to students, “Since 6 is composite, it can be broken down by two factors such as 2 and 3 because 2*3=6. 4 can be broken down into the factors 2 and 2 because 2*2 =4.” Then ask “Can the 2’s and the 3 be broken down by anything else except one (1*3=3)? (Students should reply no if they reply yes then ask what other multiplication facts can make these numbers to clear up confusion).” “These numbers are prime because they have no other factors other than one and itself so they will be represented in circles” - This game notes prime numbers circled and composite numbers in a square shape. This is helpful so students can differentiate between the two numbers as well as see that prime numbers do not break down. - After a few examples, make sure to explain how the answer can be checked. The game mentions not only the word “correct” for the answers but displays why the answer is correct with the prime factors of the number written out, for example: -Prime factorization of: 20 -This can be checked by multiplying 5*2*2 = 20 (Note: We multiply the prime numbers out which makes the original number) (Note: Walk around the class and check the work of students as they figure out the answer) - Students will be creating a visual representation of a number by showing the factors of each number and writing it correctly on a poster board. - Students will choose a composite number up to 100. The teacher will show on the projector a list of composite numbers students can choose from. (Note: Gifted/advanced students can use higher numbers) - The teacher will note what number the students choose and will make sure all students have different numbers. (Note: allow students to think of a different number if students have the same number) Encourage students to use higher numbers instead of just one digit numerals. The teacher will show a completed copy of the number 100. Make sure to explain that all composite factors should be represented one way (in the teacher example they are all in pink squares) and prime factors represented in a different way (in the teacher example they are in orange stars). The teacher will have popsicle sticks available that students can use for their factor tree model. Students are free to use markers, construction paper, glue, or any materials they need for their poster. (Note: the teacher will need to have materials ready and out so students can use) (Note: give students an appropriate deadline for this assignment) - Class discussion: Have a few students (those that have finished their poster) share their poster with the class. - Ask students: - What their prime and composite numbers are and how they know this. - How to check if their prime factorization is correct. (Note: Have the rest of the students share their poster after the deadline as the closure to this activity)
When a reaction occurs, we can record on paper what has happened, but we do so in very specific ways. For example, whenbarium nitrate reacts with sodium sulfate, the reaction that occurs is written this way: Here is the same reaction, with explanations for all of the numbers that you may or may not recognize: When reactions are written in this manner, there are a few very important rules that must be followed: - The reactants (the things that are reacting together) are always on the left side - An arrow leads from the left to the right and signifies that a change is occurring. - The products (the things that are formed in the reaction are always on the right side - The reaction must be balanced. That means that there must be the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the reaction. - Formulas MUST be written correctly according to the defined practice - Reactions are balanced by adding coefficients (by changing how many or each molecule are involved in the reaction not by changing the formula itself.
Observe the differences in the graphs when <, ≤, =, >, and ≥ are used. - Students will graph the solution to simple inequalities in one variable and describe the solution using correct vocabulary and symbols. - Boundary point - Open (non-inclusive) intervals - Closed (inclusive) intervals About the Lesson This lesson involves observing the differences in the graphs when <, ≤, =, >, and ≥ are used. Students will make conjectures as to when to shade to the left, right, or not at all, as well as to whether the boundary point is shaded (included). As a result, students will: - Understand how to graph the solution to an inequality in one variable on the number line. - Describe the solution of a linear inequality in one variable, given the graph, using correct vocabulary and symbols.
- Introduce compound probability and demonstrate the difference between dependent and independent events. Show examples of independent events and the formula to use when solving these types of problems. - Introduce mutually exclusive events and how to solve for these events. - Introduce more real-world examples of conditional probability, using tree diagrams. Tree diagram . - Have students work individually or in pairs to solve probability problems. Students can hand in results for grading or use as a discussion tool. Tips and Tools Either of thesecan be used to demonstrate compound probability, sample space, and outcomes. UseKhan Academy video to demonstrate the addition rule for probability (11 minutes). Check for prior understanding using this CCSS 8th grade exercise on. Have students enter their observations (what they learned, what they need to learn, etc) in their. If appropriate, use a prompt: What surprises them about probability?
Observe the differences in the graphs when <, ≤, =, >, and ≥ are used. - Students will graph the solution to simple inequalities in one variable and describe the solution using correct vocabulary and symbols. - Boundary point - Open (non-inclusive) intervals - Closed (inclusive) intervals About the Lesson This lesson involves observing the differences in the graphs when <, ≤, =, >, and ≥ are used. Students will make conjectures as to when to shade to the left, right, or not at all, as well as to whether the boundary point is shaded (included). As a result, students will: - Understand how to graph the solution to an inequality in one variable on the number line. - Describe the solution of a linear inequality in one variable, given the graph, using correct vocabulary and symbols.
Proportion is basically a problem-solving element of multiplication and division. The term is used to refer to questions such as: If I need 250g of flour to make 10 biscuits, how much flour will I need to make 15 biscuits? The difficulty for the child is not usually the actual number work but the concept; they need to work out exactly what is going on and then carry out the appropriate sum. This is where a bit of preparation is crucial so that they are fully aware of what needs to be done. In the example question there are different techniques that will help. One approach would be to work out how much flour is needed for one biscuit (divide 250g by 10 to get the amount of flour for a single biscuit). Once you have this figure you can multiply it by whatever number you like to give the amount of flour for that number of biscuits. 250g ÷ 10 = 25g (one biscuit) 25g x 15 = 375g (fifteen biscuits) An alternative method could be to say that the difference between 10 biscuits and 15 is 5; that is half the quantity again. If we were to add half as much flour again to the 250g we'd have the amount needed for 15 biscuits. Questions could be asked the other way round - how many biscuits could be made from 500g of flour? This would mean you would have to work out the amount in one biscuit, then divide 500g by this amount. Alternatively, as 500g is double the 250g that we need for ten biscuits, the number of biscuits must also be doubled.Ratio Ratio is very similar to proportion but it uses a formal notation with a colon ( : ) between the relevant figures. Ratios can be expressed in terms of two figures, for instance 2 : 1, or more, such as 3 : 2 : 5. It is unusual at KS2, but perfectly acceptable, to use decimal numbers in a ratio. A question on ratio might look like this: A farmer has many animals in a field. They are in the ratio of three sheep to every two cows. If there are 80 cows, how many sheep are there? The steps to answer this question are as follows. Divide the number of cows by two as the ratio refers to TWO COWS for every three sheep. This tells us how many of the 'base units' there are. I think of a base unit as the minimum number of things needed to fulfil the ratio. There are two cows and three sheep in our 'base unit'. Given that 80 ÷ 2 is 40, there are forty lots of two cows. There must therefore be forty of the 'base units', meaning forty lots of three sheep, or 40 x 3 = 120. An alternative way of doing this would be to give the total number of things and a ratio, then ask for the numbers of individual elements. For example: The ratio of red beads to yellow beads on a necklace is 3 : 5. If there are 32 beads altogether, how many are red? Once again it's worth thinking of 'base units' here. Our base ratio is 3 : 5 so the 'base unit' contains 8 beads - 3 red and 5 yellow. If there are 32 beads altogether then it is the same as four 'base units'. Four lots of the three red beads is ( 4 x 3 ) = 12. There must be 12 red beads (and 20 yellow ones) in the necklace.
This topic introduces the fundamentals of radical expressions. In this six lesson series, the student learns the definition of radicals. The student also learns how to add, subtract, and multiply radical expressions. In this lesson, the student is introduced to many special definitions that involve radicals. Words like radical, radicand, and order are given. Examples are used to illustrate the square root, cube root, fourth root, and fifth root of numbers to show the student the notation behind radical expressions. In this lesson, the student learns the even-odd principle of radicals. The student learns radicals of an even order have two solutions, if they exist, while radicals of an odd order have one solution. The student also learns that the square root of a negative number is not a real number. This lesson introduces the product rule for radicals. The student also learns how to simplify radicals that contain whole numbers. In this lesson, the student learns how to add and subtract radicals. The student first learns that radicals with different bases or different orders cannot be added or subtracted. The student then sees how simplifying a radical can allow the bases to align, so that radical expressions can be added or subtracted. This lesson introduces the student to multiplying radicals. The student learns that they can multiply radicals of the same order together. They also learn how to simplify the product. In this lesson, the student is introduced to using the distributive property to multiply radicals.
Students should spend time spinning the geometric shapes below. They can see the controls to get to know the shapes. In a math journal or on a blank piece of paper, ask students to record what they discover about the shapes. Each of the shapes is called a polyhedron, which means "many faces." (Note: Polyhedra is the plural form.) Students may use the Geometric Solids Tool, which is identical to the following tool: Geometric Solids Tool Instructions for Students Choose a Shape: - Click on the new shape button. Rotate the Shape: - Place the mouse pointer on the shape. Move the mouse while holding down the mouse button. Color the Shape: - Click on a color. Hold the Shift Key while clicking the mouse where you want to paint. You can paint a face, an edge or a corner. Remove the Color: - Click on the reset shape button. See Through the Shape: - Click the box by Transparent. Change Shape Size: - Use the mouse to move the blue Developing the Activity It is expected that students will identify the solids as having flat sides and that they will say the first shape is made of pentagons, the second is made of lots of triangles, and the third is made of triangles but is different from shape 2, and so on. They may tell you which is their favorite shape and why, and they may mention which shape is more familiar to them. Be sure to have the students check the Transparent box so they can also view the shapes as transparent. Ask what information about the shapes they can see more easily in the transparent views. It is very beneficial for students to work with solid models in becoming familiar with the properties of solids. If you have geoblocks or other geosolids, make them available to students. Open-ended directions, such as, "See what you discover about the shapes. Share your discoveries with a friend," can be useful. You can begin to derive some vocabulary from student dialogue. For example, a student might say, "There is a flat side." And the teacher could respond, "Yes, we call that flat side a face." The terms faces, edges, and corners are defined in the next lesson.
Another concept critical to the development of the Theory of Plate Tectonics is seafloor spreading. Following the discovery of magnetic striping more questions arose. How does this pattern form? Why are stripes symmetrical around the crests of the mid-ocean ridges? What was the significance of these ridges? A fatal weakness in Wegener’s continental drift theory was that it could not satisfactorily answer the most fundamental question raised by its critics: What kind of forces could be strong enough to move such large masses of solid rock over such great distances? To understand the how these “forces” revealed themselves, we need to step back and look at the history of how man began to understand the nature of the ocean floor. As early as the 1600s, navigators began to discover that the floor of the ocean was not the flat and featureless plain most thought it to be. Measurements of the ocean floor significantly advanced in the 19th century. Survey ships laying the early trans-Atlantic cables found evidence of a “middle ground” of underwater mountains in the central Atlantic. Following World War I, echo-sounding devices (primitive sonar systems) began to measure the ocean depth. The records of these investigations revealed that the ocean was more rugged than previously thought. In 1947, the U.S. Atlantis found that the sediment layers on the Atlantic Ocean floor were much thinner than first expected. Scientists had thought that the floor of the Atlantic – like other oceans – was the accumulation of four billion years of sediments. In the 1950s oceanic explorations greatly expanded. Data gathered by oceanographers from many countries led to the discovery of a great mountain range on the ocean floor virtually encircling the Earth. Known as the global mid-ocean ridge, this immense submarine mountain chain more than 50,000 kilometers long and in places more that 800 kilometers across zigzags between the continents winding its way around the globe like a seam on a baseball. Though hidden beneath the ocean surface, the global mid-ocean system is the most prominent topographic feature on the surface of the planet. In 1961, scientists began to theorize that mid-ocean ridges mark structurally weak zones where the ocean floor was being ripped in two lengthwise along the ridge crest. New magma from deep with the Earth rises easily through these weak zones and eventually erupts along the crest of the ridges to create new oceanic crust. This process is known as seafloor spreading. But a nagging question remained: how could new crust be made and continuously added along the ridges without increasing the size of the Earth? The question intrigued Harry H. Hess, a Princeton University geologist, and Robert S. Dietz, a scientist with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Dietz and Hess coined the expression seafloor spreading. They understood the broad implications of this phenomenon. If the Earth’s crust was expanding along the oceanic ridges, it must be shrinking elsewhere. Hess suggested that the new oceanic crust continuously moves away from the ridges’ conveyor belt-like motion. Millions of years later, the oceanic crust descends into oceanic trenches. As old crust was consumed in the trenches, new magma rose and erupted along the spreading ridges to form new curst. In effect, the ocean basics were perpetually being “recycled” with the creation of new crust and the destruction of old oceanic lithosphere occurring simultaneously. According to Hess, the Atlantic was expanding and the Pacific shrinking. The continents, which are lighter than the ocean crust, glide over the surface of the Earth in response to the expansion and contraction along oceanic ridges. They are carried along as the ocean floor spreads from the ridges. Computer-generated topographic map of a segment of the mid-oceanic ridges.
Java's System.out.printf function can be used to print formatted output. The purpose of this exercise is to test your understanding of formatting output using printf. To get you started, a portion of the solution is provided for you in the editor; you must format and print the input to complete the solution. Every line of input will contain a String followed by an integer. Each String will have a maximum of alphabetic characters, and each integer will be in the inclusive range from to . In each line of output there should be two columns: The first column contains the String and is left justified using exactly characters. The second column contains the integer, expressed in exactly digits; if the original input has less than three digits, you must pad your output's leading digits with zeroes. Each String is left-justified with trailing whitespace through the first characters. The leading digit of the integer is the character, and each integer that was less than digits now has leading zeroes.
We can determine how big an earthquake is by measuring the size of the signal directly from the seismogram. However, we also have to know how far away the earthquake was. This is because the amplitude of the seismic waves decreases with distance, so we must correct for this. In 1932 Charles Richter devised the first magnitude scale for measuring earthquake size. This is commonly known as the Richter scale. Richter used observations of earthquakes in California to determine a reference event; the magnitude of an earthquake is calculated by comparing the maximum amplitude of the signal with this reference event at a specific distance. The Richter Scale is logarithmic, that means that the amplitude of a magnitude 6 earthquake is ten times greater than a magnitude 5 earthquake. Since then, a number of different magnitude scales have been developed based on different seismic wave arrivals observed on a seismogram. Body wave magnitude, mb, is determined by measuring the amplitude of P-waves from distant earthquakes. Similarly, surface wave magnitude, Ms, is determined by measuring the amplitude of surface waves. However, many magnitude scales tend to underestimate the size of large earthquakes. This led to the development of the moment magnitude scale — Mw. The advantage of Mw is that it is clearly related to a physical property of the source, since the seismic moment is a measure of the size of an earthquake based on the area of fault rupture, the average amount of movement, and the force that was required to overcome the friction holding the rocks together. |1.0||30 lb||Construction site blast| |2.0||1 ton||Large quarry or mine blast| |4.0||1 kiloton||Small atomic bomb| |5.0||32 kiloton||Nagasaki atomic bomb| |6.0||1 megaton||Double Spring Flat, NV Quake, 1994| |7.0||32 megaton||Largest thermonuclear weapon| |8.0||1 gigaton||San Francisco, CA Quake, 1906| |9.0||32 gigaton||Indian Ocean Quake 2004|
This set of three worksheets provide practice with the verbs “has”, “have” and “had”. The first worksheet explains that these verbs tell about a noun or pronoun in the sentence. - Worksheet 1: Students circle the word “has”, “have” or “had” in each given sentence, and underline the noun or pronoun the word tells about. - Worksheet 2: Students fill in the blanks with the correct word (“has”, “have” or “had”) - Worksheet 3: Students use their own words to complete sentences with given subject and verb . (Eric has….) These worksheets are great for review, practice, or for students just learning this concept. Perfect for either in-class or take-home work. Designed for Grades 1 & 2, with simple sentences. Supports Common Core standards L.1.1, L.1.1j, L.2.1, L.2.1f
Understanding Systems of Inequalities In a system of inequalities, you see more than one inequality with more than one variable. Before pre-calculus, teachers tend to focus mostly on systems of linear inequalities. The graphs of those inequalities are straight lines with areas shaded on either side of the lines. In pre-calculus, though, you expand your study to systems of nonlinear inequalities because they are more thorough in the types of equations they cover (straight lines are so boring!). In these systems of inequalities, at least one inequality isn’t linear. The only way to solve a system of inequalities is to graph the solution. You may be required to graph inequalities that you haven’t seen since pre-algebra. But for the most part, these inequalities probably resemble common parent functions and conic sections. The only difference between then and now is that the line that you graph is either solid or dashed, depending on the problem, and you get to color (or shade) where the solutions lie! For example, consider the following nonlinear system of inequalities: To solve this system of equations, first graph the system. The fact that these expressions are inequalities and not equations doesn’t change the general shape of the graph at all. Therefore, you can graph these inequalities just as you would graph them if they were equations. The top equation of this example is a circle. This circle is centered at the origin, and the radius is 5. The second equation is an upside-down parabola. It is shifted vertically 5 units and flipped upside down. Because both of the inequality signs in this example include the equality line underneath (the first one is less than or equal to and the second is greater than or equal to), both lines should be solid. If the inequality symbol says strictly greater than: > or strictly less than: < then the boundary line for the curve (or line) should be dashed. After graphing, pick one test point that isn’t on a boundary and plug it into the equations to see if you get true or false statements. The point that you pick as a solution must work in every equation. For example, say your test point is (0, 4). If you plug this point into the inequality for the circle, you get This statement is true because so you shade inside the circle. Now plug the same point into the parabola to get but because 4 isn’t greater than 5, this statement is false. You shade outside the parabola. The solution of this system of inequalities is where the shading overlaps. This figure shows the final graph.
Many history textbooks characterize the civil rights era as a discrete event that happened between the 1950s and 1970s, casting only a brief glance at its historical context. But this mid-twentieth-century struggle for racial equality that we call the modern civil rights movement was actually the pinnacle of a struggle that had begun nearly a century earlier, during the Reconstruction era of the late 1860s and 1870s. After the Civil War, Congress passed a series of civil rights laws, and the states ratified three amendments to the Constitution to protect former slaves. A combination of economic depression and underhanded tactics by southern politicians, however, prevented former slaves from taking advantage of these freedoms. As a result, many southern blacks returned to virtual economic bondage as sharecroppers working for white landowners, while “black codes” kept them in a position of social inferiority. As a result, nearly a century after emancipation, blacks still sat at different tables than whites, used different bathrooms, made far less money, and had little chance for universal integration. Events in the 1940s and 1950s prompted some blacks to push harder for equality than their predecessors. Segregationist policies in the South and the need for more skilled workers in the North had driven many blacks to move to northern cities in the period between World War I and World War II. This massive movement of blacks from the South to the North became known as the Great Migration. Urbanized blacks also benefited greatly from the postwar economic boom during the 1950s and received additional support from unions and the Democratic Party. One NAACP leader noted that these newfound experiences awakened many black Americans to the extreme injustice of segregation. After World War II, civil rights leaders capitalized on America’s struggle for freedom and democracy abroad during the Cold War. Even though more than a million blacks fought for the Allied forces during World War II, most served in segregated units and received little thanks for their duty when they returned home. Many activists questioned how the U.S. government could claim to fight for freedom in foreign countries while millions of its own citizens were granted second-class rights at home. Cold War ideology and politics, therefore, also played major roles in securing equal rights for blacks. Finally, the civil rights movement itself had an enormous, broad impact on domestic legislation, especially during Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency in the 1960s. In addition to calling for social equality, many civil rights leaders drew attention to the fact that the nation’s poorest residents were mostly black. This reality, coupled with his predecessor John F. Kennedy’s support of the civil rights movement, left Johnson with little choice but to act. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which Johnson worked hard to push through Congress, included provisions to outlaw discrimination based not only on race but also on religion, nationality, or gender. The last provision contributed great momentum to the burgeoning feminist movement. Moreover, Johnson’s later social policies, such as the War on Poverty and the Great Society, were effectively outgrowths of the movement for racial equality. Therefore, although the civil rights movement itself lost focus and dissipated in the 1970s, the effects of its concrete achievements have endured, not only for blacks but for other marginalized groups in American society as well. Take a Study Break!
Activity 4: Formulas and Equations Students will use nutrition formulas to learn more about their own health and nutrition, while learning to apply mathematical formulas and solve equations. IntroductionAsk students to tell you anything they know about formulas. Ask them to do the same for equations. See if students can give examples of these, define them in their own words, tell when or in what context they've heard of them, and so forth. (A mathematical formula is a rule or principle that usually contains symbols and which can be used to find a particular numerical piece of information. An equation is a number sentence that contains an equal sign. A = l x w is a formula for finding the area of a rectangle, whereas 45 = 5 x w is an equation that might represent the area of a rectangle in which area and length measures are known.) Tell students that they just used formulas--though not in symbolic form--in the last activity. Have students try to guess what formulas ("rules" for finding given information) they used (determining percent calories of total calories for the three macronutrients in given food products). Once this is established, have students try to create a formula--a general rule in words or symbols, or preferably both--for finding the percent fat of total calories, using the number of grams of fat and the total calories for a given food product serving. You might want to have students first work on this in pairs or in small groups. Students should develop any formula such as the following: where the symbol on the left represents percent fat and the expression on the right means grams of fat times 9 calories divided by total calories (in that order). Be sure students understand the meaning of "formula," a generalized rule that can always be applied to finding a numerical value for a particular type of information. You might want to review or teach the following here or at an appropriate place: Distribute calculators. Assuming that students have decided on F = (9 x G) ÷ C as their formula for percent fat calories of total calories, work together as a class to find the percent fat calories for two ounces of chunk light Star-Kist tuna canned in oil, which has 170 calories and 13 grams of fat (69% fat). Students should understand why they substitute 170 for C and 13 for G, getting F = (9 x 13) ÷ 170. Help students to see that this is also an equation. In many cases a formula will also be an equation. However, "area of a rectangle is found by taking length times width" is a formula (in words, in this case) but not an equation (which uses symbols), and 53 = m + 39 is an equation but not necessarily a formula (e.g., it might simply be the solution to a particular word problem). Ask students if they think tuna canned in water would be lower in fat. If so, how much? Using their formula, ask students how they would find the number of grams of fat in two ounces of chunk light Star-Kist tuna canned in water, which is 60 calories and 15% fat. Have students work in pairs or small groups to find the answer (1 gram) by substituting known values for the appropriate variables and computing the answers using their calculators. Work through the problem as a class. Note the very large difference in fat content between the same amount of tuna canned in oil versus that canned in water. Have students find the total calories for a medium-sized order of McDonald's french fries, which has 17.1 grams of fat, making up 48% of the total calories. Work through the problem as above to arrive at an answer (321 total calories). You might want to ask students what fraction of a typical person's maximum daily fat intake the 17.1 grams of fat is (more than one-fourth of the 65-gram maximum for a person on a 2000-calorie diet). Ask students if their formula could be written as (9 x G) ÷ C = F. (Yes, the entire expression on the left of an equal sign can be exchanged with the entire expression on the right without affecting the outcome.) Area 10 Mathematics and Technology Professional Development Center Permission is granted to duplicate these materials for classroom use. Last updated on 1/30/1999
After watching the video, review important facts about Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr.: What injustice did each man fight? How did both men fight to overcome injustice in their countries? What are significant events in both men's lives? How do their actions continue to inspire people today? To discuss this last question, ask students to explain and support the following statements from the video: Next, tell the class that both men spread their message through letters and speeches throughout their lifetimes. For example, students are probably familiar with King's "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered at a march in Washington, D.C. in 1963. Explain that earlier that year, King had been arrested after demonstrating in defiance of a court order. While in jail, he wrote "Letter From a Birmingham Jail." This letter was widely circulated and became an important document in the civil rights movement. Remind students that, like King, Mandela was also imprisoned for his beliefs — although his imprisonment lasted more than two decades (1964-1990). Mandela was originally sentenced to five years imprisonment, but while serving that sentence, he was also convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment. Mandela's statements during the second trial, called the Rivonia Trial, became famous in the fight against apartheid. Tell students that they will be comparing one of Mandela's important writings or speeches with one of King's. They may choose to compare King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" or "I Have a Dream Speech" with Mandela's "Statement from the Rivonia Trial," or they may wish to compare their acceptance speeches for the Nobel Peace Prize. Profiles for both men are also included below if needed: Martin Luther King, Jr. Once you and students have selected the two documents or speeches to compare, have students read them on their own a few times, highlighting important passages and noting any questions. If necessary, take some class time to answer students' questions. Ask students to write a brief summary of both documents, and then compare the two. How are they alike? How are they different? For example: What is the purpose or "call to action" in each document? What is each man's vision for the future? How did each man discuss violence? After students have written their comparisons, have a class discussion about the contributions of these two leaders. Were these two men effective civil rights proponents? If so, what qualities or actions made them effective? If not, why? How might history have been different if King had not been assassinated? How might the course of events in South Africa have been different if Mandela hadn't been imprisoned? Definition: The nonpolitical rights of a citizen, especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the Constitution. Context: Martin Luther King, Jr. helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of black civil rights in the United States. Definition: Something handed down from the past Context: Today, many people are committed to finding ways to honor King's legacy. Definition: The separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group Context: Martin Luther King Jr. challenged segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s. This lesson plan addresses the following national standards: The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) NCSS has developed national guidelines for teaching social studies. To become a member of NCSS, or to view the standards online, go tohttp://www.socialstudies.org/standards/strands/. This lesson plan addresses the following thematic standards:
In an effort to provide you with as many resources as possible, this is the section reserved for activities to help students learn all about similes. There are now 23 simile worksheets in this section but you can expect more to be added soon. Your intermediate students will enjoy this activity for practicing similes and idioms. All the materials you need are included even the lesson plan but you are more than welcome to adapt it to suit your students better. For example, perhaps instead of an introduction, you may choose to use it as a review. If you are interested in a different type of exercise, look at the other worksheets on similes. You can use the worksheets as they are or just use them as inspiration for your own. A simile is a figure of speech. When introducing similes to your students, approach the topic as you would a new type of sentence structure. Focus on creating similes using one structure as a time. Sentences like He is as brave as a lion. use a common simile structure but you can also use like and than to create similes. By introducing one structure at a time, you can ensure that students understand the material before moving on. Besides having students create similes using common structures, test comprehension by asking them to explain the meaning behind their sentences. This is good practice because it gives them the opportunity to paraphrase which requires using synonyms and drawing on a larger pool of vocabulary. A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things by employing the words "like", "as", or "than". Even though both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly. For instance, a simile that compares a person with a bullet would go as follows: "Chris was a record-setting runner as fast as a speeding bullet." A metaphor might read something like, "When Chris ran, he was a speeding bullet racing along the track." A mnemonic for a simile is that "a simile is similar or alike." Similes have been widely used in literature for their expressiveness as a figure of speech: Dickens, in the opening to 'A Christmas Carol', says "But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile." A simile can explicitly provide the basis of a comparison or leave this basis implicit.
Finding the Circle Formula Lesson 9 of 10 Objective: SWBAT derive the formula for a circle using Pythagorean Theorem and apply it. Practice with Circle Formula Practice with the Circle Formula: Once students have derived the formula for a circle using the Pythagorean Theorem, teachers can help students work through the first two examples of page two of the lesson. The first example asks students to write the equation of a circle given a point and a radius, while the second question asks students to find the formula given two points. This will require students to use a prior skill of calculating length using the distance formula. Teachers should give students time to talk through with a partner how to solve this question before telling them to use the distance formula, a graphical representations can help for students to visualize this. We will then ask students to graph a circle when given the formula. Example 3 can be tricky for students since there are no h and k term for students. Finishing Class notes: Page 4 of notes asks students to find the area and circumference of a circle when given the formula of the circle. There is a review activity which digs deeper into the idea and differences behind perimeter/circumference and area. This review may not be necessary for students who have a strong understanding of these topics, and could be kept in the notes for classes who could use a reinforcement of these topics. The last part of the lesson includes a host of practice questions for students to apply their knowledge. If teachers have a chance, they can review questions #8 and #9 with students since question #8 asks students to write the equation of a circle, and the other ask students to graph a circle when given the equation of a circle. The exit ticket for this lesson asks students to determine the radius and center for a given circle, and also to write the equation of a circle when given the center and radius length.
Order of Operations As your students learn to evaluate expressions, they need to know the order of operations to use. Help your students learn how to interpret equations and how to add and multiply by equals. Teach your students how to find and graph points for linear relationships, and how to find the length of a line. Division by 1-Digit Numbers Introduce your students to division, which is the inverse operation of multiplication. Refresh your memory with this overview of the topic. Here you'll find at least two complete lesson scripts to use with your class. Share your ideas for ways to manage your classroom, speed learning, and handle difficulties. Find answers to common questions students ask.
The Online Teacher Resource Receive free lesson plans, printables, and worksheets by email: - Over 20,000 Printables - For All Grade Levels - A Complete Elementary Curriculum - Print and go! Kindergarten through Grade 2 (Primary / Elementary School) Overview and Purpose: This activity will help students see the logic of creating patterns and help them begin to be able to create their own. The lesson should begin with the definition of the word 'pattern' (things arranged following a rule). The teacher can use an overhead projector and colored transparent shapes to display patterns. The students will work in groups to discover the rule and extend the pattern. Each group will then be able to practice creating their own patterns for another group to extend. The student will be able to *name the rule for a displayed pattern of three to five colors or shapes *extend a three to five color or shape pattern *create a three color or shape pattern and repeat it a minimum of two times Transparent colored shapes Several of the same shapes for each group of three students Crayons or colored pencils Begin the lesson by talking about what a pattern is (things arranged following a rule). Have the students write the definition in their math journal. Use the overhead projector and transparent shapes to create a pattern. Have the students divide into groups of three and discuss what the rule for the pattern is and then extend the pattern by repeating it two times. Come back together as a group to discuss the rule and have one of the groups come up and replicate the pattern on the overhead using the transparent shapes. Continue this exercise providing more difficult patterns as the student's confidence and skill level increases. For a closing activity, have each group develop their own pattern and then have the groups rotate to each pattern. They can write the rule and extend the pattern in their math journals. Encourage them to use crayons or colored pencils to draw the pattern. When all the groups have been able to see each pattern, have each group name their rule and show how the pattern would have been extended. Discuss how everyone did at recognizing the patterns and writing the rules. This activity can be continued for homework by having students develop three or four patterns at home. They can write the rule and draw the pattern in their math journal. The idea of patterns can also be extended into other subjects and the students can be encouraged to find patterns in art, nature, and music.
There are many different types of worksheets in this section on nouns. Teachers approach the topic in a variety of ways which has resulted in 489 noun worksheets being posted on this page. There are some subsections which may help you find what you are looking for more easily. Here is an example of one of the noun worksheets available. It is for complete beginners and, due to the fact that it relies on images, younger students. The worksheet is to help students practice forming plural nouns and contains both regular and irregular nouns. Other worksheets focus on countable and uncountable nouns, possessive forms, and other noun related topics. Take a look around to see what Busy Teacher can offer. A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing; as one of the fundamental building blocks of English, your students will be learning a lot of them. When introducing new vocabulary use flashcards with clear images that indicate the meaning of the words, drill nouns with articles during pronunciation practice, and be sure to test individual pronunciation and comprehension before asking students to complete further activities. Students will have to learn the difference between countable and uncountable nouns, regular and irregular plural noun forms, and the possessive forms. While this may seem like an immense amount of material, you can and should break it down into sections that your students will find more manageable. In linguistics, a noun is a member of a large, open lexical category whose members can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition (or put more simply, a noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing or abstract idea). Lexical categories are defined in terms of how their members combine with other kinds of expressions. The syntactic rules for nouns differ from language to language. In English, nouns may be defined as those words which can occur with articles and attributive adjectives and can function as the head of a noun phrase. In traditional English grammar, the noun is one of the eight parts of speech. Noun comes from the Latin nōmen "name", a translation of Ancient Greek ónoma.
Figure 2-2 shows a slightly more complex circuit, one that has a voltage source and two resistors. There are several points to illustrate with such a circuit. The first is that resistors in series have a total resistance equal to the sum of the individual resistances. What would the current be in the circuit shown in Figure 2-2 be? Since the two resistors could be substituted by a single resistor with a value equal to the sum of the two, Ohm’s Law states I = V/(R1 + R2) The other important point is to realize the there will be a voltage across each component in the circuit. If you put a voltmeter across the power source you would read Vs. Measuring across R1, you would measure voltage V1. Voltage V2 would appear across R2. Note the polarity of the voltages with reference to the arrow indicating current. The ones across the resistors are opposite polarity of the voltage source. This is because the net voltage around the loop must be zero. Mathematically, the voltages follow this equation: Vs = V1 + V2 So, what are the voltages V1 and V2? That depends on the ratio of the values of R1 and R2. The voltage across a resistor will be proportional to the value of that resistor compared to the total. The following equations apply: V1 = Vs* R1/(R1+R2) V2 = Vs* R2/(R1+ R2) If we had three resistors in the circuit, the following would apply V1 = Vs* R1/(R1+R2+R3) Suppose Vs = 12V, R1 = 1200Ω and R2 = 2400Ω. What is the voltage across each resistor? V1 = Vs* R1/(R1+R2) = 12* 1200/(1200 +2400) = 4 V To calculate the voltage across R2 we could use the equation for V2 or we could apply the knowledge that the total voltage across the loop must equal 0V. Vs = V1 + V2 --> V2 = Vs - V1 = 12- 4 = 8V Designing interface circuits to microcontrollers requires some simple mathematics. Understanding Ohm’s Law and voltage dividers will cover a large percentage of the situations for simple circuits.
Our Addition with Arrays lesson plan uses the concept of arrays to show repeated addition. At the beginning of the lesson, an array is defined, as well as horizontal and vertical. Illustrations are also presented which show both how a correct array appears and groups that are not arrays. During this lesson, students are asked to write addition sentences for provided arrays in order to demonstrate their understanding. Students are also asked to answer questions about given arrays and complete practice problems involving them. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to find the total number of objects in an array using repeated addition. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.C.4
Inequalities can be represented graphically using number lines or coordinate planes. Graphing inequalities helps to visualise the solution set and provides a better understanding of the relationships between the variables. When representing a simple inequality on a number line, follow these steps: 1. Draw a number line with the variable’s possible values. 2. Identify the critical value (the value at which the inequality sign changes direction). 3. For strict inequalities (<, >), draw an open circle at the critical value, which indicates that the value is not included in the solution set. For inclusive inequalities (≤, ≥), draw a closed circle at the critical value to show that it is part of the solution set. 4. Shade the appropriate region of the number line or draw an arrow above it, according to the inequality sign. For example, to graph x > 4, draw an open circle at 4 and shade the line to the right, or draw an arrow to the right. This represents all values greater than 4. You can look at number lines in more detail here. We can represent inequalities on a coordinate plane. For example, x > 4: The dashed line represents , labelled as b and the shaded region, labelled as G, is . To graph 2-variable linear inequalities on a coordinate plane: Step 1: Rewrite the inequality in the slope-intercept form , if necessary. Step 2: Plot the line corresponding to the equality . Use a solid line for inclusive inequalities (≥, ≤) and a dashed line for strict inequalities (>, <). The solid line indicates that the points on the line are included in the solution set, while the dashed line shows that they are not. Step 3: Choose a test point, usually the origin (0, 0), unless the line passes through it. Substitute the test point’s coordinates into the inequality. If the inequality holds true, shade the region containing the test point. If the inequality is not true, shade the region on the opposite side of the line. For example, to graph : 1. The inequality is already in slope-intercept form. 2. Draw a dashed line representing , as the inequality is strict . 3. Use the origin (0, 0) as the test point. Substitute its coordinates into the inequality: , which simplifies to . Since this statement is false, shade the region on the opposite side of the line, which is below the line in this case. The graph of the inequality consists of the dashed line and the region below it. To find the equation of a line that has been drawn on a graph: Step 1. Identify two points on the line: Locate any two distinct points on the line. If possible, choose points with integer coordinates for easier calculations. Step 2. Calculate the slope: Find the slope (m) of the line by calculating the difference in y-coordinates divided by the difference in x-coordinates of the two points. The slope formula is: where and are the coordinates of the two points. Step 3. Find the y-intercept: The y-intercept (b) is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. If one of the points used in step 1 is on the y-axis, use its y-coordinate as the y-intercept. If not, you can substitute the slope (m) and one of the points (x1, y1) into the slope-intercept equation and solve for b: Step 4. Write the equation of the line: Using the slope (m) and y-intercept (b), write the equation of the line in the slope-intercept form . Here’s an example: Suppose you are given a graph with a line passing through the points (1, 3) and (3, 7). 1. Identify two points on the line: (1, 3) and (3, 7) 2. Calculate the slope: 3. Find the y-intercept: 4. Write the equation of the line: So, the equation of the line is . Graph the inequality . Shade the region of a graph that satisfies the following inequalities simultaneously: , , and . After this, label the shaded region S.
- Students will graph the solution to simple inequalities in one variable and describe the solution using correct vocabulary and symbols. - Boundary point - Open (non-inclusive) intervals - Closed (inclusive) intervals About the Lesson This lesson involves observing the differences in the graphs when <, ≤, =, >, and ≥ are used. Students will make conjectures as to when to shade to the left, right, or not at all, as well as to whether the boundary point is shaded (included). As a result, students will: - Understand how to graph the solution to an inequality in one variable on the number line. - Describe the solution of a linear inequality in one variable, given the graph, using correct vocabulary and symbols.
In this lesson, students see more examples of inequalities. This time, many inequalities involve negative coefficients. This reinforces the point that solving an inequality is not as simple as solving the corresponding equation. After students find the boundary point, they must do some extra work to figure out the direction of inequality. This might involve reasoning about the context, substituting in values on either side of the boundary point, and reasoning about number lines. All of these techniques exemplify MP1: making the problem more concrete and visual and asking, “Does this make sense?” It is important to understand that the goal is not to have students learn and practice an algorithm for solving inequalities like “whenever you multiply or divide by a negative, flip the inequality.” Rather, we want students to understand that solving a related equation tells you the lower or upper bound of an inequality. To know whether values greater than or less than the boundary number make the inequality true, it's best to test some values that are above and below the boundary number. This way of reasoning about inequalities will serve students well long into their future studies, whereas students are very likely to forget a procedure memorized for a special case. - Compare and contrast (orally) solutions to equations and solutions to inequalities. - Draw and label a graph on the number line that represents all the solutions to an inequality. - Generalize (orally) that you can solve an inequality of the form $px+q \gt r$ or $px+q \lt r$ by solving the equation $px+q=r$ and then testing a value to determine the direction of the inequality in the solution. Let’s solve more complicated inequalities. - I can graph the solutions to an inequality on a number line. - I can solve inequalities by solving a related equation and then checking which values are solutions to the original inequality. solution to an inequality A solution to an inequality is a number that can be used in place of the variable to make the inequality true. For example, 5 is a solution to the inequality \(c<10\), because it is true that \(5<10\). Some other solutions to this inequality are 9.9, 0, and -4.
1. Spelling Spot As a class, view the slideshow Pattern: a for /ar/, which asks students to practise the use of a for the sound /ar/. 2. Warm up As a class, view the Warm Up slideshow, which asks students to identify the cause and effect words in six sentences. 3. Teach the concept As a class, watch the video Cause and Effect Words, which explains how cause and effect words show the relationship between actions and consequences. Next, view the slideshow Cause and Effect Words, which shows how cause and effect words connect actions with consequences in sentences. It includes two examples and a list of commonly used cause and effect words. Note: Students can view or print the reference page Text Connectives, which includes commonly used sequence words, cause and effect words, and compare and contrast words. 4. Model the practice activity Use the Practice activity to demonstrate how to select the correct cause and effect words to complete sentences. 5. Unlock the activities Direct students to complete the activities. In Activities 1 and 2, students select cause and effect words to complete sentences. In Extension, students write a paragraph about a chosen topic using cause and effect words.
First, students figure out what larger number a smaller number is part of; for example, 9 is 25% of what number? Using equivalent fractions and models, students see that 9 is 25% (or one-fourth) of 36. Next, students learn the decimal equivalent of a percent; for example, 56% = 0.56. Armed with this knowledge, students find the whole given a part and the percent through division. For example, to find out what number 3 is 5% of, we divide 3 by 0.05. To simplify the process, we multiply the divisor (0.05) by 100 to turn it to a whole number. We then multiply the dividend by 100 as well, so now we divide 300 by 5 and find out that 3 is 5% of 60. This PowerPoint lesson is a multi-click animation sequence that introduces standards-based math skills and concepts. Also includes three practice pages at levels A (below grade level), B (at grade level), and C (above grade level), which may be distributed according to students' abilities!
Students should read the lesson, and complete the worksheet. As an option, teachers may also use the lesson as part of a classroom lesson plan. Excerpt from Lesson: Exploring Subject/Verb Agreement - There are three items that work together to form a complete sentence. They are: - Complete Thought - In order to form a complete thought, subjects and verbs must agree. - In this lesson, you will learn about subject/verb agreement. What is a Subject/Verb Agreement? - Subject/Verb agreement is a necessary for sentence structure to be correct. - In Subject/verb agreement, the subject and verb must agree in number. That is, either both must be singular, or both must be plural. - A singular subject has no “s” on the end, but a singular verb has an “s,” whereas the opposite is true for plural subjects and verbs. English and Language Arts Lesson Plans, Lessons, and Teaching Worksheets teaching material, lesson plans, lessons, and worksheets please go back to the InstructorWeb home page.
The concept and notation of factorials are identified. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to complete the following: An examination of the counting principle leads to an explanation of why factorial notation is important. The counting principle is a method for calculating all of the possible outcomes of one event or possible arrangement of an object with another event or object. You multiply the number of possibilities. For example, suppose you have three pictures to hang horizontally on a wall. You can lay the pictures down, as shown here, to see how many arrangements you have. That is quite time consuming. A shorter way is to multiply to find all the possible combinations of how the pictures can be hung: 3 X 2 X 1 = 6 In general, the number of ways n objects can be arranged is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. This is fine with smaller numbers of objects, but multiplication becomes cumbersome with large numbers. For example, if you have 10 pictures to hang in 10 spots on the wall, how many possible arrangements is that? The first picture can be put in 10 spots. With that picture in place, the second picture can be put in 9 spots, and so on. We find: 10 X 9 X 8 X ... X 1 = 3,628,800 This illustrates the need for the use of factorials. A factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. The number of sequential arrangements for n objects is "n factorial," written as n! 10! = 10 X 9 X 8 X ... X 1 = 3,628,800 The following expression is helpful in finding factorials: n! = n (n 1)! It is derived from the counting principle as shown here: The expression n! = n × (n - 1)! helps in many calculations involving factorial notation. If you are arranging no objects, you still have a set. This is an empty set, and the number of sets is 1. The proof for 0! follows: The number of arrangements of 0 objects = 1. When multiplying by 0!, the answer doesn't change, as multiplying by 0! is the same as multiplying by 1. In mathematics the product of multiplying by no numbers is 1. |Approximate Time||20 Minutes| |Pre-requisite Concepts||Students should know how to use the counting principle, division, and multiplication, and understand the concept of positive integers.| |Type of Tutorial||Concept Development| |Key Vocabulary||arrangement, fundamental counting principle, counting techniques|
After challenging themselves to create a simple electromagnet, your students can then challenge each other to see which prototype is the strongest, measured by how many paper clips their electromagnets can pick up. If you can, try constructing your own electromagnet beforehand so you understand how it’s done. Part of this activity involves your students competing to see who can create the strongest electromagnet. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce the idea of variables and how they can impact an experiment. Ask your class how they might go about making sure that a free throw contest in basketball is fair. How would they make sure that no competitor has an unfair advantage? This can be done by using the same ball and shooting at the same hoop and from the same line. All of the things that can be different in an activity are called “variables” and in science the objective is to control all of those variables. Your students will work individually to create an electromagnet. They should complete the "Build an electromagnet" worksheet as they follow these steps: Gather the students and talk about different ways they could increase the number of paper clips their electromagnet can hold. On their worksheet, have your students write a hypothesis on how to make a stronger electromagnet. Encourage them to write their hypotheses using “if, then” statements. Have students test their hypotheses by changing something about their electromagnet and seeing how many paper clips it can hold. Ensure that they are filling in their worksheets as they test. Bring the class together again and have students share their hypotheses and the results of their testing. Challenge them to think about other variables they might like to test. Have your students explore other variables that can affect the strength of an electromagnet by using materials brought from home or found elsewhere in the school.
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Effects of planetesimal impacts During its accretion, Earth is thought to have been shock-heated by the impacts of meteorite-size bodies and larger planetesimals. For a meteorite collision, the heating is concentrated near the surface where the impact occurs, which allows the heat to radiate back into space. A planetesimal, however, can penetrate sufficiently deeply on impact to produce heating well beneath the surface. In addition, the debris formed on impact can blanket the planetary surface, which helps to retain heat inside the planet. Some scientists have suggested that, in this way, Earth may have become hot enough to begin melting after growing to less than 15 percent of its final volume. Among the planetesimals striking the forming Earth, at least one is considered to have been comparable in size to Mars. Although the details are not well understood, there is good evidence that the impact of such a large planetesimal created the Moon. Among the more persuasive indications is that the relative abundances of many trace elements in rocks from the Moon are close to the values obtained for Earth’s mantle. Unless this is a fortuitous coincidence, it points to the Moon having been derived from the mantle. Computer simulations have shown that a glancing collision of a Mars-size planetary body could have been sufficient to excavate from Earth’s interior the material that would form the Moon. Again, the evidence for such large collisions suggests that Earth was very effectively heated during accretion. It is apparent, then, that many processes contributing to the early development of Earth occurred almost simultaneously, within tens to hundreds of million of years after the Sun was formed. Meteorites and Earth were formed within this time, and the Moon, which has been dated at more than four billion years in age, apparently was formed in the same time period. Simultaneously, Earth’s core was accumulating and may have been completely formed during the planet’s growth period. In addition to the possible accretional heating caused by planetesimal impacts, the sinking of metal to form the core released enough gravitational energy to heat the entire planet by 1,000 K (1,800 °F; 1,000 °C) or more. Thus, once core formation began, Earth’s interior became sufficiently hot to convect. Although it is not known whether or in what form plate tectonics was active at the surface, it seems quite possible that the underlying mantle convection began even before the planet had grown to its final dimensions. Only later in Earth’s development did radioactivity become an important heat source as well.
Our Parts of Speech Functions lesson plan teaches students all about different parts of speech. During this lesson, students are asked to work with a partner to draw a part of speech out of a hat, explain how the part of speech is used in a sentence, and then use identify it in a made-up sentence you share with your partner; the partners take turns doing this until they run out of parts of speech. Students are also asked to read sentences and identify various parts of speech, such as verbs, nouns, and adjectives. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. State Educational Standards: LB.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.1.A
The concept and notation of factorials are identified. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to complete the following: An examination of the counting principle leads to an explanation of why factorial notation is important. The counting principle is a method for calculating all of the possible outcomes of one event or possible arrangement of an object with another event or object. You multiply the number of possibilities. For example, suppose you have three pictures to hang horizontally on a wall. You can lay the pictures down, as shown here, to see how many arrangements you have. That is quite time consuming. A shorter way is to multiply to find all the possible combinations of how the pictures can be hung: 3 X 2 X 1 = 6 In general, the number of ways n objects can be arranged is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. This is fine with smaller numbers of objects, but multiplication becomes cumbersome with large numbers. For example, if you have 10 pictures to hang in 10 spots on the wall, how many possible arrangements is that? The first picture can be put in 10 spots. With that picture in place, the second picture can be put in 9 spots, and so on. We find: 10 X 9 X 8 X ... X 1 = 3,628,800 This illustrates the need for the use of factorials. A factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. The number of sequential arrangements for n objects is "n factorial," written as n! 10! = 10 X 9 X 8 X ... X 1 = 3,628,800 The following expression is helpful in finding factorials: n! = n (n 1)! It is derived from the counting principle as shown here: The expression n! = n × (n - 1)! helps in many calculations involving factorial notation. If you are arranging no objects, you still have a set. This is an empty set, and the number of sets is 1. The proof for 0! follows: The number of arrangements of 0 objects = 1. When multiplying by 0!, the answer doesn't change, as multiplying by 0! is the same as multiplying by 1. In mathematics the product of multiplying by no numbers is 1. |Approximate Time||20 Minutes| |Pre-requisite Concepts||Students should know how to use the counting principle, division, and multiplication, and understand the concept of positive integers.| |Type of Tutorial||Concept Development| |Key Vocabulary||arrangement, fundamental counting principle, counting techniques|
Math Review of Graphing Compound Inequalitieshttp://schooltutoring.com/help/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/06/number-line-with-inequality.png 358 120 Deborah Deborah http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/63fb4ad5c163b8f83de2f54371b9e040?s=96&d=mm&r=g Inequalities can be graphed along the number line by solving the inequality and then graphing it. Conjunctions are true when both statements of an inequality are true. Disjunctions are true when either one or both statements of an inequality are true. Both conjunctions and disjunctions can form the basis for truth tables. Review of Inequalities and the Number Line Inequalities are expressed by relationships between numbers that are less than <, greater than>, less than or equal to≤ or greater than or equal to≥. When just one variable is used, the sentence can be represented on the number line. Suppose that a student wanted to show numbers greater than or equal to -40 on the number line. That student might write a sentence such as x is ≥ -40. Notice that the circle at -40 is filled in as the number -40 makes the inequality a true statement. A conjunction is a set of two statements joined by the word “and”, so that both statements must be true. In other words, the points on a number line that are solutions of both inequalities are the solution set. For example, suppose that one inequality is x ≥4 and another inequality is x> 3 +6. The numbers that will be in common are the points larger than 9, but not including 9. Although 9 is greater than 4, it is not included in the second inequality statement. A disjunction is a set of two statements joined by the word “or”, so that both statements could be true, or only one statement could be true. Suppose one sentence is x> 3 and the other sentence is x ≤ 0. The points that make that statement true are either those that are greater than 3 or those that are less than or equal to 0. Truth tables are another way of organizing statements, and are part of logic and a form of math called discrete math. In a conjunction, a statement is true only if both statements are true. For example, the statement “two is a prime number and three is an odd number“ is true because both parts of the statement is true. However, the statement “two is an odd number and three is a prime number” is false because the first statement is false. Similarly, “Four is an even number and six is an odd number” is false because the second statement is false. “Seven is an even number and four is an odd number” is false because both statements are false. Interested in math tutoring services? Learn more about how we are assisting thousands of students each academic year. SchoolTutoring Academy is the premier educational services company for K-12 and college students. We offer tutoring programs for students in K-12, AP classes, and college. To learn more about how we help parents and students in Winnipeg, Manitoba: visit: Tutoring in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Gone Fishing: Equations Students will understand the meaning of the equal sign. Students will be able to determine whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. - Remind students the meaning of the Less than(smaller), Greater than(bigger), and Equal to(same) symbols in numerical sentences. Explain that the value of both sides of the number sentence must be correctly represented by the symbol. - Have your students read number sentences as they would read a sentence in a book. For example, 1 + 1 = 2.Explain that this is true because the value of both sides is the same. Tell your students that the example 1 + 1 > 2Is not true. - Tell your students that they will be working to find the right symbol to make sure the number sentences are true. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(5 minutes) - Review with students, through simple examples, numerical sentences that practise these symbols. Examples used might be: 6 - 1 < 7, 6 - 1 > 4And 6 - 1 = 5. Guided practise(10 minutes) - Play Less Than or Greater Than: 1 to 20With your students, explaining what true and false statements are. Independent working time(10 minutes) - Pass out worksheets to your students based on skill level, and review the directions. - Walk around the classroom, making sure that your students are following instructions and completing appropriate level worksheets. - Enrichment:Give students more challenging worksheets from the workbook, such as mixed addition and subtraction worksheets. - Support:Give students worksheets that are easier to complete. - Direct your students to write an example of a number sentence that is true and a number sentence that is false in their maths journals. - Have them label these examples “true” and “false” and explain why the sentences are true or false. Review and closing(5 minutes) - Quickly quiz students as a whole group with flash cards of true or false number sentences. - Have students respond to true number sentences with a thumbs-ups or a thumbs-down.
World War II gave scientists the tools to find the mechanism for continental drift that had eluded Wegener. Maps and other data gathered during the war allowed scientists to develop the seafloor spreading hypothesis. This hypothesis traces oceanic crust from its origin at a mid-ocean ridge to its destruction at a deep sea trench and is the mechanism for continental drift.During World War II, battleships and submarines carried echo sounders to locate enemy submarines. Echo sounders produce sound waves that travel outward in all directions, bounce off the nearest object, and then return to the ship. By knowing the speed of sound in seawater, scientists calculate the distance to the object based on the time it takes for the wave to make a round-trip. During the war, most of the sound waves ricocheted off the ocean bottom. This animation shows how sound waves are used to create pictures of the seafloor and ocean crust.After the war, scientists pieced together the ocean depths to produce bathymetric maps, which reveal the features of the ocean floor as if the water were taken away. Even scientist were amazed that the seafloor was not completely flat. What was discovered was a large chain of mountains along the deep seafloor, called mid-ocean ridges. Scientists also discovered deep sea trenches along the edges of continents or in the sea near chains of active volcanoes. Finally, large, flat areas called abyssal plains we found. When they first observed these bathymetric maps, scientists wondered what had formed these features. Sometimes, for reasons unknown, the magnetic poles switch positions. North becomes south and south becomes north. During normal polarity, the north and south poles are aligned as they are now. With reversed polarity, the north and south poles are in the opposite position.During WWII, magnetometers attached to ships to search for submarines located an astonishing feature; the normal and reversed magnetic polarity of seafloor basalts creates a pattern. Stripes of normal polarity and reversed polarity alternate across the ocean bottom. These stripes also forms a mirror image of itself on either side of the mid-ocean ridges. But the stripes end abruptly at the edges of continents, sometimes at a deep sea trench. The characteristics of the rocks and sediments change with distance from the ridge axis as seen in the Table below. |Rock Ages||Sediment Thickness||Crust Thickness||Heat Flow| |At ridge axis||Youngest||None||Thinnest||Hottest| |Distance from axis||Becomes older||Becomes thicker||Becomes thicker||Becomes cooler| A map of sediment thickness is found here. The oldest seafloor is near the edges of continents or deep sea trenches and is less than 180 million years old. Since the oldest ocean crust is so much younger than the oldest continental crust, scientists realized that seafloor was being destroyed in a relatively short time. Seafloor Spreading Hypothesis Scientists brought these observations together in the early 1960s to create the seafloor spreading hypothesis. In this hypothesis, hot buoyant mantle rises up a mid-ocean ridge, causing the ridge to rise upward. The hot magma at the ridge erupts as lava that forms new seafloor. When the lava cools, the magnetite crystals take on the current magnetic polarity and as more lava erupts, it pushes the seafloor horizontally away from ridge axis.The magnetic stripes continue across the seafloor. As oceanic crust forms and spreads, moving away from the ridge crest, it pushes the continent away from the ridge axis. If the oceanic crust reaches a deep sea trench, it sinks into the trench and is lost into the mantle. Scientists now know that the oldest crust is coldest and lies deepest in the ocean because it is less buoyant than the hot new crust.Seafloor spreading is the mechanism for Wegener’s drifting continents. Convection currents within the mantle take the continents on a conveyor-belt ride of oceanic crust that over millions of years takes them around the planet’s surface.
Developing a true understanding of equality in equations is a necessary first step to algebraic thinking. For many years the equal sign was (and still remains to young students) a signal that the answer is coming. In recent years, elementary standards around the world have required students to begin exploring the meaning of equality in equations with two expressions and to solve for unknowns in single step equations which also requires an understanding of equality This file contains 4 leveled equality sorts. Sort 1: Basic Equalities: For use with first and second graders, this series of sort cards involve basic addition and subtraction facts Sort 2: Moderate Equalities: Created for grade 2 and 3. This sort applies the understanding of equality of 2 digit addition and subtraction problems. Sort 3: Intermediate Equalities: This level was created for third and fourth grade students with an understanding of multiplication and division. Sort 4: Challenging Equalities: The final sort was created for fourth graders and up. They need to have an ability to compute multi-digit multiplication and division This series of activities aligns to Virginia Standards of Learning, as well as Common Core Standards. Ideas for use: Individual Practice or Assessment: Extension Activities and Answer Key included
Deep in Earth’s crust, intense heat and pressure can drive chemical changes in rocks known as metamorphic reactions. These reactions can release fluids that flow through tiny pores between the rock grains. Described mathematically, this flow occurs as a sphere-shaped wave that propagates through the hot, viscous rock. In a new paper, Omlin et al. used 3-D computer modeling to simulate the behavior of reactive porosity waves and compared it with that of viscous porosity waves, another type of fluid transport wave that is relatively well understood. The findings revealed a previously unknown mechanism by which fluids might flow through rock beneath Earth’s surface. This revelation builds on the researchers’ previous work of developing mathematical equations that describe a system in which metamorphic reactions release volatile substances (like water or carbon dioxide) from porous, viscous rock. The released volatile substances become fluid that fills pores between rock grains. Changes in pressure resulting from the reactions cause the fluid to flow with respect to the solid rock. The research team used these equations to simulate reactive porosity waves via graphic processing unit (GPU) parallel processing. The 3-D simulations revealed how the waves would behave over time. The scientists found that reactive porosity waves can travel long distances at constant velocity. They also behave similarly to viscous porosity waves (which are triggered by rock deformation, not chemical reactions) in that they increase the porosity—the amount of fluid-filled space between grains—of a rock as they pass through. However, the research team found, reactive and viscous porosity waves use different mechanisms to travel through rock. A viscous porosity wave propagates as changes in fluid pressure compress and decompress the rock. For a reactive porosity wave, chemical reactions that release volatile substances—not rock compaction—drive pressure and porosity changes. The researchers also simulated what happens when two reactive porosity waves collide. They found that the spherical waves pass through each other before each recovers its own initial shape. Such behavior is characteristic of a soliton, a type of wave that keeps its shape while traveling at constant velocity. This is the first study to show that chemical reactions, and not just rock deformation, can produce soliton-like porosity waves. Their findings could provide new insights into the formation of rock veins formed by metamorphic reactions, as well as fluid release from rocks in subduction zones. (Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL074293, 2017) —Sarah Stanley, Freelance Writer
Help kids identify feelings and emotions and how they determine someone's mood. This unit introduces mood. Students will learn that their feelings and emotions put them in a mood and their mood influences their choices. For example, feeling bored or grumpy can lead to an “I won’t” mood, while feeling cheerful or playful can lead to an "I will" mood. Five essential concepts form an understanding of mood: Hide your face behind your hands. Move your hands and show your students a big smile. Ask them, “What words can you use to say how you think I am feeling?” Try this with different facial expressions. Brainstorm words students already know to help them describe their own emotions (e.g., happy, sad, calm). Follow along with the slideshow as you continue the lesson. To use this with your students click here. Facial Expressions Show Feelings Ask students to name the feeling, then mimic each face during the slide show presentation. Feeling words do not need to match the examples. The objective is to get kids talking about the many words that can be used to describe and express feelings and emotions. Name Different Feelings Use the Feelings and Emotions Chart to list words that describe feelings and emotions. Aim for at least three words for each facial expression. Your chart will be unique to the age and personalities of your students! Make sure students are aware that feelings and emotions can change throughout the day. Check for understanding: Can you name some feelings and emotions? Check in With Your Feelings Show your students how to check in with their feelings and emotions throughout the day. Give them this sentence to use to get them started: I feel _________________ right now. When students have a strong feeling, like anger, guide them to use words to express the feeling or emotion in a healthy way. Use the How Are You Feeling? printable to record how students feel at different times during the day to help them understand that feelings and emotions change often. At the end of the lesson, share different scenarios such as being ignored by a friend or playing a favorite game in PE, and ask students to explain how each would make them feel. Let students come up with similar situations they’ve been through, asking them to focus on how they felt and, in some circumstances, how their feelings and emotions changed. This would be a great journaling exercise as well. There are so many ways to help kids check in with their feelings. Get ready to show them how these feelings affect their mood. Time: 20 Minutes
Students will use the inverse relationship between multiplication and division to complete an area formula in a real-world situation. Use this lesson on its own or as support for the lesson The Case of the Missing Rectangle Side. Explore 3-D shapes with your students and help them identify and talk about the relevant attributes of three-dimensional shapes, all while using real-world examples! Use this as a stand-alone lesson or alongside the Shape Models lesson. You'll see angles from every angle! Students will describe and compare different angles they see in everyday situations. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support to the lesson Classifying Triangles by Internal Angles. Provide students with an opportunity to identify the wholes that are correctly divided into halves, thirds, and fourths (equal shares). Use this activity alone as a support lesson or alongside Cookie Fractions Fun. Help students color-code their way to multiplying fractions! Students will learn how to multiply fractions using area models. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support to the lesson Area Models and Multiplying Fractions. Help students visually represent multiplication with mixed numbers and whole numbers. Use this lesson as a standalone lesson, or as support for the lesson Multiplication of Mixed Numbers with Area Models. Start a dialogue around area models! In this lesson, encourage students to ask questions as they multiply using area models. Use this lesson on its own or as support to the lesson Area Models and Multiplication. Strengthen your students' understanding of cubic units and volume! They'll solve a realistic problem and explain key ideas about volume. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support for the lesson Volume and a Building.
This activity is for a geometry class. Students choose a 2-dimensional object and then discover the volume formulas for stacking copies of that object. They then are given a model that splits the cube into 3 pyramids. By looking at this model they come up with the pyramid volume formula. I used Tinkercad to design the squares that stacked. I used 123D Design to split the cube up. First I used polyline to get a triangle on one of the cube faces. Then I extruded the triangle to take it away. Next, I turned the object and did the same for each side. You need 3 copies of this pyramid to fit together to make the cube. To get these 3 pyramids to stick together a few options I thought of is to use Velcro dots or magnets. I used these magnets found at a craft store: https://www.sbarsonline.com/sbars/p-8122-mag-208.aspx. Project: Discovering Volume Formulas Students will use 3D printed objects to help them visualize the volume of various objects. Students will come up with several volume formulas. First, ask students to choose a 2-dimensional object and print 5 copies of it. Alternatively, you can save class time by having these already printed or give students cardboard and scissors to make the shapes. Students figure out the volume formula for the 3-dimensional object created by stacking the 5 copies and share their formula with the class. Next, show students the model with 3 pyramids forming a cube. They use this model to come up with the formula for volume of a pyramid with a square base and then generalize to a pyramid with any base. This activity will take one to two days. Students should have already studied two-dimensional objects, such as squares, rectangles, and circles. They need to know the area formulas for these two-dimensional objects. Here is a sample rubric to use with the worksheet. Students can be given an area formula sheet, such as the one found here:
Common Core State Standards support video: this is Grade 6. The math standard is 6.RP.2. This standard reads: understand the concept of a unit rate a over b associated with the ratio a to b, with b not equal to zero, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. A unit rate involves a ratio where the denominator is 1. Now, the foundation for a unit rate is that a numerical comparison to 1 is the easiest comparison that there is to make. If you went to hamburger place, the posted prices wouldn’t have something like 11 dollars and 25 cents for three deluxe burgers. Instead, it would read: deluxe burger, 3 dollars and 75 cents, with the understanding that it’s $3.75 for one deluxe burger. The problem is that the idea of comparing to 1 is lost in most contexts because of how the ratio’s expressed. We typically say 20 dollars an hour or 4 dollars a gallon rather than 20 dollars for every 1 hour or 4 dollars for 1 gallon. Students probably have a lot more experience with unit rate than we give them credit for because of how unit rates are expressed verbally and in writing. If a over b is a unit rate, then, if you stop and think about it, it makes sense that the b has to be a 1. So, any task to find a unit rate can be set up as a proportion with the known rate on one side and the unknown unit rate on the other. So, for example, let’s say we know some ratio c over d and we want to know what the unit rate is, so then, we would set up. Again, it has to be over 1. So, this is what we’re looking for. We’re looking for the a. Let’s take a unit rate context. Let’s say a farmer used 340 pounds of seed to plant 40 acres. And let’s say, in the future, he wants to plant that same crop again, but he’s not going to plant 40 acres the next time. So, he wants to know how much seed, how many pounds does he use in 1 acre? So, the setup here would be that we would want to know how many pounds of seed there would be for 1 acre. So, in this context, it was 340 pounds that he used for 40 acres. Now it’s just a matter of doing the computation, and we end up with the solution that we would use 8 1/2 pounds of seed for every 1 acre. So, now, the next time that the farmer’s going to plant this crop, he knows that, a nice easy ratio, that it’s a unit rate of 8 1/2 pounds of seed for every 1 acre that he wants to plant. In this context, we have two different cans of some type of item, and we want to figure out which is the better deal. This is a situation when a unit cost would be advantageous because that enables you to compare apples to apples. It’s hard to tell here, just by looking, if brand w at 12 ounces for 84 cents would be a better deal than 20 ounces for $1.90. So, again, let’s figure out what the unit rate is for each of the two different brands. In this case, you always want to have your students write out what it is that they’re comparing to what. In this case, we want a unit rate of cost for every ounce. So, again, that’s the first, that is the important thing to set up right off the bat. For the first situation, brand w, we have a total cost of 84 cents in that scenario, for 12 ounces. If we do the computation, crunch the numbers, and so forth, we get that this simplifies to the unit rate of 7 cents per ounce. Then, in the case of brand z, again, we want to figure out the cost for every 1 ounce. In this case, the cost is $1.90 for 20 ounces. We take $1.90 divided by 20 ounces, we will get 9 1/2 ounces, I mean, sorry, 9 1/2 cents per ounce. So, now we can make a valid comparison that brand w is the better deal because that one is 7 cents an ounce, and brand z is 9 1/2 cents an ounce. There are a lot of other contexts where a unit rate would be most advantageous. Again, in most situations, it would be a context where you want to be able to make a side-by-side comparison, and the unit rate enables you to do that.
Students re-write the sentences, replacing simple adjectives with similes. Figurative language includes special forms that writers use to help readers make a strong connection to their words. A simile is one kind of figurative language. It makes a comparison of two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”. The printable simile worksheets below help students understand similes and how they are used in language. All worksheets are free to duplicate for home or classroom use. Helpful Definitions and Examples Printable Simile Worksheet Activities Students read each sentence and circle the similes, and then write what each simile compares. In this worksheet your student will write metaphors and similes about himself. This worksheet features a variety of metaphors and similes from Shakespeare for your student to anaylze. Your student is asked to explain the meanings of these metaphors and similes in this worksheet. Here’s a worksheet that explores different ways to write a simile for the same thing. A simile worksheet that prompts students to write similes about the subjects. A simile worksheet that prompts students to finish each sentence by completing the simile. He was snug as a bug in a rug. Similes are a lot of fun to write! Print out this free worksheet and see what your students come up with! Have them share with the class for even more fun! A simile worksheet that prompts students to describe a word and then use both the word and description to create a simile. Your student will decide which is a metaphor and which is a simile in this worksheet. Similes are fun to write, especially in this Christmas themed worksheet! Along with similes, students will also write a sentence using metaphors. This multiple choice worksheet asks your student to identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence or phrase. In this worksheet your student will match up the figures of speech with the phrase or sentence. In this worksheet about the famous Christmas poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” your student will find the similes and metaphors.
Age Range: 5 to 11 Pronouns are words that can be used to replace nouns. Some examples include he, she, it, they, we, our and some, but there are lots of others! To teach children about pronouns, try some of the following ideas: - Share the poster available below with the class and use it as a teaching tool. - Print the poster / banner and use it on a classroom display. - Cut out the list of pronouns. Give children a random pronoun and ask them to use it within a sentence. - Display the examples of pronouns so that children can refer to them during their independent writing. - Challenge children to find examples of pronouns in their reading books. - Ask children to replace a pronoun in a sentence with a different one. Does it change the meaning of the sentence? How? - If the children hear a pronoun being used throughout the day, ask them to point it out. Do you also use pronouns in your Maths / Science / PE lessons? - Can your class sort pronouns into different groups? What groups could be used (e.g. pronouns to describe things that are singular / plural, pronouns to describe people and objects)? - Could the children think of a mnemonic to help them remember what 'pronoun' means? - Could you make a song / rap about pronouns? - Make a class display showing every pronoun that children can find. If you have any other ideas, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page!
Steps of The Scientific Method Your science fair project starts with a question. This might be based on an observation you have made or a particular topic that interests you. Think what you hope to discover during your investigation, what question would you like to answer? Your question needs to be about something you can measure and will typically start with words such as what, when, where, how or why. Talk to your science teacher and use resources such as books and the Internet to perform background research on your question. Gathering information now will help prepare you for the next step in the Scientific Method. Using your background research and current knowledge, make an educated guess that answers your question. Your hypothesis should be a simple statement that expresses what you think will happen. Create a step by step procedure and conduct an experiment that tests your hypothesis. The experiment should be a fair test that changes only one variable at a time while keeping everything else the same. Repeat the experiment a number of times to ensure your original results weren’t an accident. Collect data and record the progress of your experiment. Document your results with detailed measurements, descriptions and observations in the form of notes, journal entries, photos, charts and graphs. Describe the observations you made during your experiment. Include information that could have affected your results such as errors, environmental factors and unexpected surprises. Analyze the data you collected and summarize your results in written form. Use your analysis to answer your original question, do the results of your experiment support or oppose your hypothesis? Present your findings in an appropriate form, whether it’s a final report for a scientific journal, a poster for school or a display board for a science fair competition.
Students re-write the sentences, replacing simple adjectives with similes. Figurative language includes special forms that writers use to help readers make a strong connection to their words. A simile is one kind of figurative language. It makes a comparison of two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”. The printable simile worksheets below help students understand similes and how they are used in language. All worksheets are free to duplicate for home or classroom use. Helpful Definitions and Examples Printable Simile Worksheet Activities Students read each sentence and circle the similes, and then write what each simile compares. In this worksheet your student will write metaphors and similes about himself. This worksheet features a variety of metaphors and similes from Shakespeare for your student to anaylze. Your student is asked to explain the meanings of these metaphors and similes in this worksheet. Here’s a worksheet that explores different ways to write a simile for the same thing. A simile worksheet that prompts students to write similes about the subjects. A simile worksheet that prompts students to finish each sentence by completing the simile. He was snug as a bug in a rug. Similes are a lot of fun to write! Print out this free worksheet and see what your students come up with! Have them share with the class for even more fun! A simile worksheet that prompts students to describe a word and then use both the word and description to create a simile. Your student will decide which is a metaphor and which is a simile in this worksheet. Similes are fun to write, especially in this Christmas themed worksheet! Along with similes, students will also write a sentence using metaphors. This multiple choice worksheet asks your student to identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence or phrase. In this worksheet your student will match up the figures of speech with the phrase or sentence. In this worksheet about the famous Christmas poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” your student will find the similes and metaphors.
If there are two numbers we can compare them. One number is either greater than, less than or equal to the other number. If the first number has a higher count than the second number, it is greater than the second number. The symbol ">" is used to mean greater than. In this example, we could say either "15 is greater than 9" or "15 > 9". The greater than symbol can be remembered because the larger open end is near the larger number and the smaller pointed end is near the smaller number. If one number is larger than another, then the second number is smaller than the first. In this example, 9 is less than 15. We would have to count up from 9 to reach 15. We could either write "9 is less than 15" or "9 < 15". Once again the smaller end goes toward the smaller number and the larger end toward the larger number. If both numbers are the same size we say they are equal to each other. We would not need to count up or down from one number to arrive at the second number. We could write "15 is equal to 15" or use the equal symbol "=" and write " 15 = 15". The absolute value of a number is the positive value with the same magnitude. The absolute value is indicated by vertical bars on either side of the number(e.g. |-17| = 17) absolut value of either 17 or -17 is 17.
Develop math reasoning with young students with our Rounding Whole Numbers Lesson Plan, which prepares students to round whole numbers to any place and use rounding for word problems. Generalize understanding by exploring when it is useful to round numbers and reinforce the strategy for knowing when to round up or down. Ample practice opportunities are available to solidify practical understanding of rounding. Rounding Whole Numbers Lesson Plan Includes: - Full Teacher Guidelines with Creative Teaching Ideas - Instructional Content Pages about Rounding Whole Numbers. - Rounding Whole Numbers Cut and Paste Activity - Rounding Whole Numbers Practice Worksheet - Rounding Whole Numbers Homework Worksheet - Answer Keys - Common Core State Standards - Many Additional Links and Resources - Built for Grades 3-4 but can be adapted for other grade levels. *Note: These lessons are PDF downloads. You will be directed to the download once you checkout. Clarendon Learning resources are FREE, we rely 100% on donations to operate our site. Thank you for your support!
Just as people have inherent likes and dislikes, preferring one thing over the other, and thus, finding it better, students often have an innate understanding of comparatives and superlatives. Thus teaching these concepts in any classroom is a straightforward task; the teacher usually just needs to fine tune her students' understanding. Comparative adjectives do exactly what their name alludes to: They compare two nouns. A superlative adjective compares three or more things and sets a notion of extreme quality. Luckily, it's easy to clearly demonstrate these concepts to groups of students. Show the class two apples, or any other objects you'd like to compare. For example, show one small, pale red apple and show a large, shiny red apple. Elicit comparatives from the class by asking students leading questions. For example, ask students "Which apple is small?" or "Which apple is shiny?" to make students aware of the differences between the apples. Put the structure for making comparatives on the board: adjective + -er. Write an example on the board using one of the apples. For example, hold up the small apple and write, "This apple is smaller." Elicit more sentences from students about the two apples, such as "This apple is redder than that one." Show students the shiny apple and elicit from them the same comparative, "This apple is shinier." Be sure to highlight for students how the y changes to an i in comparatives. Write down irregular forms of comparatives, so students have them to refer to. For example, show how the comparative adjective of "good" is "better," "little" is "less", "bad" is "worse" and so on. Give students worksheets, which focus on this aspect of comparatives, and ask students to complete them on their own. Check their understanding by going over the worksheets or examples as a class. This is referred to as controlled practice, and it allows you to determine if students have understood the basic concepts presented and can use these forms on their own. Introduce a third apple to the class. This apple should be a very deep shade of red, very big and very shiny. Write the form for superlatives on the board: the adjective + -est. Ask students "Which apple is very, very big?" All students should point to the third apple. Write on the board in a full sentence, "This apple is the biggest." Elicit other sentences from the students about this apple, such as "This apple is the reddest" or "This apple is the shiniest." Point out to students what happens to adjectives that end in y in the superlative form. Just like comparative adjectives, the y is changed to an i before adding the ending. Write the form for irregular adjectives that have an irregular superlative form. Show that the superlative adjective for "bad" is "worst," "good" is "best," "little" is "least" and so on. Hand out worksheets, which directly address the use of superlatives. Ask students to complete them individually and then go over them as a class. These worksheets are the controlled practice of your lesson plan and will directly assess how well your students understand the superlative form. Put students into groups and give each stacks of magazines. Ask them to cut out pictures of people and compare them using superlatives and comparatives, presenting their findings to the class. Things You Will Need - Apples or other objects to compare - michaeljung/iStock/Getty Images
A Subject and Predicate is used to form a complete sentence. A subject is who or what the sentence is about. The predicate is the action the subject does in a sentence. The predicate always begins with a verb. You cannot write a complete sentence if you leave out a subject or predicate. Both the subject and and predicate are needed to express a complete thought. A sentence that is missing either a subject or predicate is called a sentence fragment. Most students struggle at an early age writing sentences with both a subject and predicate. Here is a graphic preview for all of the subject and predicate worksheets. Our subject and predicate worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Use these subject and predicate worksheets in school or at home.
The Evaluating or Evaluation level (Bloom’s Taxonomy) reflects the ability to apply judgment, determine the value of something, or justify a position. A student understands how something works and is able to make decisions or recommendations. We often see this when our children have studied a subject in depth, questioned the way things have been done in the past, and now offer up their own ideas and solutions. There are a variety of ways to encourage evaluation. In verb form: Here are a variety of activities you can use for the Evaluating or Evaluation level: - Determine how a different set of actions would have led to a different outcome regarding a historical event. - Justify the motives of a character from a book you have read. - Create a list of criteria on which to judge the success of a science project. - Revise a complicated sentence from a book in your current reading list to reflect an easier-to-understand style. - Defend a Biblical principle. - Recommend a book that is similar in theme or idea to others you have read. - Appraise an artist’s work point by point. - Support an action that led to a particular outcome in a recent situation or current news story. The Natural Application When allowed the time to spend with a favorite interest, many young people will naturally come up with their own ideas, solutions, and recommendations where their subject is concerned. Now that you have determined your child’s interest, provided him with books on his favorite subject, asked him to tell you about his subject in his own words, watched him apply what he has learned, and had him deconstruct his interest, it is time for him to evaluate what he has learned. What would he do differently? How can a problem he has run across be solved? How would he choose between options? Where does he see value? What recommendations would he make to those with a similar interest? Up next: Creating
Grade 3 students have been learning about plural and possessive forms of nouns. They would like to share the following information with you. What is a noun? A noun is a word used to identify people, places, or things (common noun), or to name something or someone (proper noun). An example of a common noun would be a tree or a book. An example of a proper noun would be someone’s name, John or Mary or the name of a place like IST or Tanzania. When you have more than one of something the noun becomes plural. So a tree becomes many trees or a box becomes a few boxes. To make a noun plural you have to add an s or es to the end of the word. Click here to see some rules that will help you know which to use. When a singular noun shows ownership or possession you need to add an apostrophe and s (‘s) to the end of the word. Example: That is Jack’s pencil. If a noun is plural and ends with the letter s you use an apostrophe (‘) at the end to form the possessive. Example: The students’ homework sheets are on the desk. If the noun is plural and doesn’t end with an s just add an apostrophe and s (‘s) to form the possessive. Example: The women’s hats are hanging in the closet. Practice using Possessive Nouns: Possessive Noun Play – Play against a friend using possessive nouns Exploring for Possessives – Explore using possessive nouns Spelling City – Possessive Nouns – practice spelling possessive nouns Possessive Noun Quiz – Test your knowledge of singular and plural possessive nouns
Students draw numbers. A six, seven, eight or nine digit number is created based on how many digit cards you have your students draw. The teacher decides in advance how many numbers should be drawn. As they are drawn, write them on the board in the order they are drawn. Add commas. Students write this number on their Number to Explore Worksheet. They then all use the same number to complete the tasks inside each box on the worksheet. This activity could be used as low as third grade by creating smaller numbers. You can do this activity daily, weekly or when you choose. I do this activity with my class once a week.It helps them remember such concepts/skills such as odd, even, prime, composite, place value, creating number sentences, rounding, multiples, multiplying, factors, expanded form, word form, and exponential form. The download includes number cards, a worksheet to duplicate, and a sample of what a completed worksheet should look like.
A lesson plan is a detailed guide used by educators to facilitate learning. It outlines the objectives or goals of a particular lesson and provides the teacher with a structured roadmap on how to achieve these goals within the timeframe of the lesson. A well-prepared lesson plan takes into account the needs, interests, and abilities of the learners, as well as the materials and activities that will be employed. Title: The name or topic of the lesson. Objective or Learning Goal: Clearly defined and measurable outcomes that students should achieve by the end of the lesson. Materials: A list of items, tools, resources, or technology needed to carry out the lesson. Introduction or Anticipatory Set: Techniques to engage students' attention at the beginning of the lesson, often by linking the new content to prior knowledge or generating interest. Procedure: A step-by-step guide on how the lesson will be taught. This section may include: Direct Instruction: Explanation, lecture, or demonstration by the teacher. Guided Practice: Activities where students practice the new skill or concept with the teacher's guidance. Independent Practice: Activities where students practice the new skill or concept on their own. Assessment or Evaluation: Methods used to check for understanding and determine whether students have achieved the lesson's objectives. This could be through questions, discussions, quizzes, assignments, projects, or other forms of assessment. Closure: Summarizing the main points of the lesson, reiterating its importance, and possibly previewing the next lesson. Differentiation: Strategies or modifications to meet the needs of all students, especially those who might need extra help or those who need advanced resources. Homework/Assignments: Any work that is to be completed outside of class time. Reflection: (often filled out after the lesson) A section where the teacher reflects on how well the lesson went, what worked, what didn't, and any changes they might make in the future. Timing: Some lesson plans break down the procedure by time, ensuring that each segment or activity fits within the allotted lesson duration. The format and detail of lesson plans can vary based on the teaching style, grade level, subject matter, and requirements of the institution or educational system. Nevertheless, the primary purpose remains consistent: to provide a clear framework for delivering content in an organized and effective manner. See our other educational templates for more helpful tools.
Capitalize the proper nouns from the story. Proper Noun Worksheets What is a proper noun? A proper noun is a word that refers to a very specific object by name. These words are capitalized in English and include first, last and brand names, along with countries and cities, among other things. Ex. Sparky belongs to Judy and Kristin, who work at the Boston Fire Department. In this sentence, the common nouns from before have been given specific names. Below you will find several different types of proper noun worksheets that help your student. Write Common or Proper on the line next to each noun. Then, write three of each. Read the story. Circle all the nouns. Write them on the lines below the story. Tell whether each noun is common or proper. Write the plural of each word. Make the story more interesting by replacing the common nouns with proper Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns.
Square roots is the sixth section of Chapter 1: Number Relationships. The learning goal for this section is to be able to determine the square roots of numbers using visual representations, or by estimating or using a calculator. Students know that they are successful if they can visualize square roots in their heads and understand the differences between the square and square root of a number. Introduction to Square Roots We examined squares and square roots using linking cubes in this section, to help students visualize the relationship between the two. Since linking cubes are three-dimensional, we ended up talking about squares, cubes, square roots and cubic roots, although only squares and square roots are in the curriculum. The support questions for this section are on p. 30, #3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 (choose any five).
Action verbs are verbs that specifically describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. These types of verbs carry a great deal of information in a sentence and serve to make the sentence complete (remember that all sentences need a subject and a verb). In English, there are thousands of verbs that convey subtle changes in meaning, so it's important to choose the right one. For example, the verb "to go" imparts a relatively vague sense of motion, while "to run" is more specific to add speed while "to stroll" is slower and more leisurely. Understanding action verbs will make students better writers and communicators. Transitive verbs are action verbs that show what the subject is doing to another object. These verbs are coupled with a direct object, or the thing that is acted upon. For example: Susan poked John in the eye. In this sentence, "poked" is a transitive verb that transfers the action of poking directly to John. John is the direct object of the sentence and is the person being poked. Below are additional examples of transitive verbs in action: In each of the sentences above, the verbs are followed by a direct object that receives the action. Food is eaten, friends are chosen, and fences are painted. These action verbs directly affect things around them, so they are transitive verbs. Intransitive verbs are action verbs that do not take a direct object; that is, they don't act upon another noun or pronoun in the sentence. In general, transitive verbs only describe something the subject of the sentence does, but not something that happens to someone or something else. For example: Michael ran to the store. In this sentence, "ran" only describes what Michael does, but it doesn't affect the store. In this sentence, "store" is the object of the preposition "to," but it is not a direct object of the verb. "Ran" is an intransitive verb that does not take a direct object. Below are additional examples of intransitive verbs used in sentences: As their name suggests, action verbs create drama and movement in a sentence by showing what the subject is doing. This is fundamentally different from "to be" verbs, which only show a state of being and set up description. For example, compare the two sentences below: Lynn is angry. Lynn shouted at her brother. The first sentence does not contain an action verb. Here "is" only serves to introduce the predicate adjective that describes Lynn, but she doesn't actually do anything in the sentence. In the second sentence, the action verb "shouted" shows what Lynn does. This action makes something happen and changes things around Lynn. Action verbs can make or break your writing. They add interest and help propel the plot of a story or the theme of a persuasive argument, so choose them wisely. It's important to select the verb that conveys exactly the type of action you want, with the right connotation or emotion so your reader understands your point. YourDictionary’s article on examples of action verbs will help you choose the right one for your work. Create and save customized flash cards. Sign up today and start improving your vocabulary!
Students need to connect ideas in logical ways in order to display and build precise factual knowledge, develop their ideas to persuade more convincingly and express more complex relationships in their speech and writing. Conjunctions and connectives are cohesive devices that work to improve the flow of the writing. Conjunctions connect meaning within sentences and connectives relate meaning between sentences. Different types of conjunctions are used to express different types of relationships between ideas. Activity 1: sentences can grow! Explain to students how conjunctions link ideas in sentences. Using a text with compound sentences, 'Julie bought 3 pencils. She lost 2 of them'. or 'Paul has a football. He threw it across the yard'. Turn these into compound sentences using but and and. Italicise the verbs. Highlight the conjunctions. Use examples of student writing to change simple sentences into compound sentences using and or but. Give students a copy of a text and allow them time to find the verbs in the sentences. Explain to students how the conjunctions link ideas between the clauses in the sentences. Italicise verbs and highlight conjunctions or use different colours for each on an interactive whiteboard. e.g. Thunder used to yell at him to stop causing so much destruction, but the careless ram didn't listen to her rumblings and the damage was often great. Game activity to follow Students are divided into two teams. One student from each team comes to the board and writes one clause each. Each team take turns writing a conjunction to link them without repeating the conjunction. Whichever team gets the most links wins the game. Activity 2: I want to be a ... because ... Explain to students that, when a sentence gives a reason for an event or action, a causal conjunction such as because is used. Children are divided into two groups. Using the cards found at esl-kids.com/flashcards/occupations printed, laminated and cut up students take it in turns to run to where the cards are grab one run back to their group and say “I want to be a (card) because (student creates responses.)” First team to say a complete compound or complex sentence wins. - “I think... (famous person or someone they admire) is great (or cool or brilliant or...) because...” - “I want to go to ______ because I want to see / do ______.” Cohesion in texts effectively improves the flow of the writing through the use a variety of referring words, substitutions and word associations as well as conjunctions and connectives. Activity 3: conjunction posters Use the conjunction posters (PDF 818.57KB) resource to teach students about using conjunctions for a purpose. ACELA1467: Understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction. EN1-9B: Uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts.
Graphing linear inequalities Before graphing linear inequalities, make sure you understand the concepts of graphing slope and graphing linear equations since it is very similar. Strongly recommended that you review graphing linear equations before studying this lesson Standard form of a linear inequality is y > mx + b , y < mx + b , y ≤ mx + b , or y ≥ mx + b Follow the following guidelines when graphing linear inequalities: Say you are graphing y > mx + b First graph, y = mx + b. Then find out if y is bigger above the line or beneath the line Finally shade the area where y is bigger than mx + b graph y > (2/3)x + 1 First, graph y = (2/3)x + 1 1 is the y-intercept and always goes on the y-axis as shown below with a red dot: The slope is m = 2/3. 2 is the rise or how many units you go straight up. 3 is the run or many units you go to the right (Always to the right) So starting from 1, go up 2 and over 3. This is shown again in the same graph. The location of the new point is shown with a black dot Draw a line between the red dot and the black dot. The line is shown in blue. Now here is the crucial step: To know which side you shade, you need to pick a point on one side, plug the point into the inequality and see if the resulting inequality makes sense If it makes sense for one point, it will make sense for any point you pick on that side. Thus shade everything on the same side of that point We will test two points ( shown with blue dots). One point will make sense when replaced into the inequality. The other will not. Let's test (-3, 4) y > (2/3)x + 1 Is 4 > (2/3)× -3 + 1 ? Is 4 > (2/3)× -3/1 + 1 ? Is 4 > (2 × -3)/(3 × 1)? Is 4 > -6/3 + 1 ? Is 4 > -2 + 1 ? Is 4 > -1 ? Since the inequality makes sense for (-3, 4), it will make sense for any point chosen on that side or above the line. Therefore, shade everything on the same side of (-3, 4) Since y is bigger than (2/3)x + 1, but never equal to the line y = (2/3)x + 1, we cannot take any point on the line y = (2/3)x + 1. We show this situation with dashed line. The shaded area representing the location where you can choose any point that will work is shown below in red Notice that the point (3,1) will not make sense when replaced into the inequality y > (2/3)x + 1 Is 1 > (2/3)× 3 + 1 ? Is 1 > (2/3)× 3/1 + 1 ? Is 1 > (2 × 3)/(3 × 1)? Is 1 > 6/3 + 1 ? Is 1 > 2 + 1 ? Is 1 > 3 ? Since 1 is not bigger than 3, it will not make sense for any point chosen on the same side of the point (1 3) or chosen below the line If you were graphing y ≥ (2/3)x + 1, everything stays the same, but you will not make a dashed line. Instead the line will be continuous Graphing linear inequalities is straighforward on once you know how to graph the line. The tricky thing when graphing linear inequalities is to find out if we shade above or below. [?] Subscribe To
It seems that there's no easy way to teach about valence electrons, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Once your students understand the basic concept of how electrons work, you can strengthen their knowledge with these valence electron activities. Valence electron activities tend to be comprised of drawing electron dot diagrams or discussing the number of electrons in each shell of an atom. Although these concepts are important, you can incorporate them into engaging activities instead. Instead of merely drawing an electron dot diagram, let students use buttons to represent them. Provide students with a blank diagram, containing only the nucleus and some empty shells, and let them get to work. At first, they can merely place the correct number of buttons in each shell to represent a specific element; after they have had some practice. Then they can use different color buttons to represent those in the s orbital, the p orbital, the d orbital, and the f orbital. This easy way to teach about valence electrons is as hands-on as it gets! Place a box in the center of the room, and put two chairs on either side of the box. The box will represent the nucleus, and the chairs will represent the innermost shell of electrons. Place a piece of paper or an index card on each chair, one reading "1s1," and one reading "1s2." Then ask students to work as a class to figure out how many chairs should go in the next two shells of electrons, and what each chair should be labeled. When they finish, have students pretend to be electrons and "fill in" the number of chairs needed to make an element with a small number of electrons, such as oxygen. Give them a bag full of tennis balls or other small objects to represent protons, and tell students to place the correct number of protons for that element into the nucleus. Then have them repeat the process with an element that contains more electrons, such as iron. So much can be done with the periodic table - if only you could get your students to pay attention to it. But you can! Just draw a life-sized Periodic Table with sidewalk chalk on a large paved area. Let each student choose a square of the Periodic table to stand on (filling in the ones with fewer electrons first, if possible). Then ask them questions about the number of electrons they have, and let the appropriate students call out their answers. For example, you might say "Who has exactly one electron in their outermost shell?" and discuss which students answered and why, or "Noble gases - how many electrons do you need to fill your outermost shell?" This easy way to teach about valence electrons will help students connect the concept of electrons to the periodic table. Like other chemistry activities, these valence electron activities are the perfect way to make an abstract concept more engaging, especially for kinesthetic learners. In fact, you may find that your most enthusiastic participants are those that have no patience for typical electron diagrams. Minnesota Science Teachers Education Project. "Modeling Valence Electrons." http://serc.carleton.edu/sp/mnstep/activities/35918.html Purdue. "Valence Electrons." http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch8/index.php |< Prev||Next >|
Discussion of stereotypes, explaining, improving character adjective vocabulary Activity: Discussion and comparison of National Stereotypes • Write the word 'Stereotype' on the board and ask students what the word means. Then read the meaning of stereotype. If students are unsure, help them by asking them to finish thephrase, "All Guatemalan..." or something similar. • Once students have understood the concept of what a stereotype is, ask them to mention a few of the stereotypes about their own country. •Include a few provocative stereotypes of your own at this point in order to get students thinking about the negative or shallow aspects of thinking in stereotypes. Example: Guatemalan foods are chuchitos,rellenitos, etc. Guatemalans are not punctual. • Tell them that they will need to explain their reasons for the adjectives provided. • Ask other students whether they agree or disagree topromote conversation. • Once you have finished your discussion of stereotypes, ask students why stereotyping can be often be bad and which stereotypes of their own country or region they do not like.Ask them to explain why. A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups, or types of individuals. They are going to choose two adjectives that they think describeGuatemala or Guatemalans. • humorous• lazy • casual• untimely Learning the basic structure and expressions used when telling true stories Activity: Listening to a story, text arrangement, questionnaire, structure study... Leer documento completo Regístrate para leer el documento completo.
Fractions in Action Students will be able to write fractions in mathematical notation and words. - Begin the lesson with an introduction to fractions. Ask your students if they have ever had to share something, such as splitting an apple in half with a friend or a family member. - Explain that today the class will learn about fractions by exploring the different parts of a fraction and using key vocabulary. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(10 minutes) - Arrange the class into small groups. - Give each group a dry erase board and a dry erase marker. - Explain to students that a fraction is a “part of a whole." In other words, it is a part of something bigger. - Show students on the interactive whiteboard, projector, or poster paper one rectangle with seven equal parts. - Ask each student to get a dry erase board and marker to draw a rectangle divided into seven equal parts. Ask students to also draw a line beside the square they drew. - Explain to students that the line they drew is called a vinculum, which separates the top number from the bottom number. - Remind them that there are two parts to a fraction. Tell them that the numerator is the top number, and the denominator is the bottom number. - Tell your students that the numerator tells how many pieces were used from the whole, while the denominator tells how many pieces in total is in the whole. - Show the first example from the Color the Fractions worksheet. - Ask your students to look at the first example. Have them color four of their rectangles on their dry erase boards. - Explain to students that they just colored in part of a whole. Guided Practice(10 minutes) - Give students in each group their packs of candy with a paper plate. Ask them to open their packs over the plate. - Have them count each candy piece that comes in their individual packs. Instruct them to use their total number of pieces as their denominator because that is the whole. - Instruct students to focus on one specific color of candy (e.g., red pieces) and count how many they have. Tell them to move all of those pieces of candy to the top of their plate. Explain that this number of red pieces is the numerator because it is how many equal parts out of the whole. - Have them add that number as the numerator and then read the fraction they have written on the plate. - Repeat this process with different colored candy pieces to give students practice creating different fractions. Then, prompt discussion by asking the questions: - Which color candy did you have the most have? - How does that fraction look compared to the others? - What do you notice about the denominators in all of these fractions? - What do you notice about the numerators? Independent working time(10 minutes) - Distribute a copy of the Numerator and Denominator: Basic Fraction Terms workseet to the class and instruct them to create fractions by recording the numerator and denominator in the correct spot. - Have your students create fractions for each other to shade in. Instruct them to draw shapes with equal fractions inside and write a fraction next to it. Invite them to switch with a partner and shade the fractions in correctly. Alternatively, have them fill out the rest of the Color Fractions worksheet. - Have students who are struggling work in a small group to complete the task with the student visual support sheet. Peers can help the student recall the parts of a fraction with the visual support sheet. - Divide the class into groups of four students. Tell them that they are responsible for explaining two examples on the Numerator and Denominator: Basic Fraction Terms worksheet to their group. - Circulate and observe student conversation, listening specifically for correct explanations of fractions and what they show. Review and closing(5 minutes) - Have a student write any fraction on the board. - Ask for a volunteer to identify the numerator and denominator in this fraction, and then create a matching visual that represents the fraction. - Call on another student to explain how they know the fractions show the same thing, and encourage them to make any corrections to their peer's work, if necessary.
Why do this problem? involves using practical equipment to approach a mathematical problem. It challenges the usual misconception that all tetrahedra are regular. It needs systematic thinking and visualisation and has some surprises in it - there are a few examples that are quite unexpected. It is hard to be convinced that you have found all the possibilities and difficult to make the distinction between the two tetrahedra that are mirror images of one another. Hand out one of each type of triangle to students working in pairs or small groups. Invite them to make a list of four things that they think are mathematically most important about the triangles - either by considering each triangle individually or when compared to each other. Share ideas, making sure these points are covered: - two are isoceles and the other two are equilateral - one triangle has a right angle - the triangles have sides of only two possible lengths. Spend some time comparing the triangles to establish which sides are "short" and which "long". Hand out further triangles and invite the students to create a tetrahedron with some of the triangles. This task may result in the need to discuss what a tetrahedron is and that a tetrahedron can be made from triangles that are not equilateral. You may wish to have some examples ready to illustrate these points. Present the problem. Whilst the class works on the problem it may be useful to stop to discuss progress and approaches that will enable them to convince themselves and each other that they have all the possibilities. If you take one of each of the triangles is it possible to make a tetrahedron and how do you know? Have you got a systematic approach for finding all the different tetrahedra? How are you recording your findings? How do you know that you have tried all possible ways of putting the same four triangles together? Students who have met Pythagoras' Theorem may like to quantify the relationship between long and short sides. Work with two and then three different types of triangle to establish a systematic approach. See also: Paper Folding - Models of the Platonic Solids
An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a specific mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce a final result. C has many powerful operators. Many C operators are binary operators, which means they have two operands. For example, in a / b, / is a binary operator that accepts two operands ( b). There are some unary operators which take one operand (for example: ++), and only one ternary operator - expr1 operator - operator expr2 - expr1 operator expr2 - expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 Operators have an arity, a precedence and an associativity. - Arity indicates the number of operands. In C, three different operator arities exist: - Unary (1 operand) - Binary (2 operands) - Ternary (3 operands) - Precedence indicates which operators “bind” first to their operands. That is, which operator has priority to operate on its operands. For instance, the C language obeys the convention that multiplication and division have precedence over addition and subtraction: a * b + c Gives the same result as (a * b) + c If this is not what was wanted, precedence can be forced using parentheses, because they have the highest precedence of all operators. a * (b + c) This new expression will produce a result that differs from the previous two expressions. The C language has many precedence levels; A table is given below of all operators, in descending order of precedence. **Precedence Table** Operators | Associativity ------ | ------ `()` `` `->` `.` | left to right `!` `~` `++` `--` `+` `-` `*` (dereference) `(type)` `sizeof` | right to left `*` (multiplication) `/` `%` | left to right `+` `-` | left to right `<<` `>>` | left to right `<` `<=` `>` `>=` | left to right `==` `!=` | left to right `&` | left to right `^` | left to right <code>|</code> | left to right `&&` | left to right <code>||</code> | left to right `?:` | right to left `=` `+=` `-=` `*=` `/=` `%=` `&=` `^=` <code>|=</code> `<<=` `>>=` | right to left `,` | left to right - Associativity indicates how equal-precedence operators binds by default, and there are two kinds: Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left. An example of Left-to-Right binding is the subtraction operator ( \-). The expression a - b - c - d has three identical-precedence subtractions, but gives the same result as ((a - b) - c) - d because the left-most \- binds first to its two operands. An example of Right-to-Left associativity are the dereference \* and post-increment ++ operators. Both have equal precedence, so if they are used in an expression such as * ptr ++ , this is equivalent to * (ptr ++) because the rightmost, unary operator ( ++) binds first to its single operand.
A fraction is a part of a whole. A fraction has two components. The number on the top of the line is called the numerator. It tells how many equal parts of the whole are given. The number at the bottom of the fraction line (bar) is called the denominator. The denominator represents the total number of parts that make up a whole. In this lesson you will learn about the concept of a fraction and comparing fractions with unlike denominators. You will practice how to compare fractions with different denominators and why, in order to do that, you need to bring them to the Lowest Common Denominator (LCD). To find the LCD you would need to find a number that is evenly divisible by the denominators of the fractions you are comparing. But remember, when the denominator changes, the numerator changes with it. For example, how could you determine which one is greater, 3/4 or 2/5? In order to compare them, express both fractions in terms of the same number of parts that make up a whole. The Lowest Common Multiple for 4 and 5 is 20. So, the Lowest Common Denominator is also 20. Now, express each fraction in terms of the denominator 20, preserving the ratio. 3/4 is equivalent to 15/20. And 2/5 is equivalent to 8/20. Now, that the denominators are the same, only compare the numerators. Compare them as natural numbers: 15 is greater than 8. Thus, 15/20 is greater than 8/20. Record it as 15/20 > 8/20. In this lesson you will also discover how to compare fractions without using a number line and how to determine equivalent fractions.
Exploring contemporary uses of ‘real’. Concept activities using examples A TRIED-AND-TESTED approach to exploring concepts is to generate possible examples of a given concept and write them down for your group to ponder. You would include items you think are good examples of the concept, along with items that might be contrary examples and borderline cases. In this section we present words, statements and situations you could present to your pupils. The key document will explain how to use the examples. Link to an accessible but thought-provoking article on questions around 'bad morality', conscience and empathy. It's not suitable for classroom use, but it's a good example of philosophical skills at work. A little activity to explore the concept of unfairness through having children write and discuss their own verses of poetry. Contains audio files. An activity to explore the question: 'What do you need to be happy?' There are some picture cards for young children to use but you could do the activity with any age group.
Strings are amongst the most popular types in Python. We can create them simply by enclosing characters in quotes. Python treats single quotes the same as double quotes. Creating strings is as simple as assigning a value to a variable. For example : a = "Hello, World!" Let's try some examples for accessing a string with some basic functions : Note : Strings can be output to screen using the print() function and remember that the first character has the position 0. Python includes many built-in methods but here we just adding some of the following built-in methods to manipulate strings : Python allows for command line input. That means we are able to ask the user for input. The following example asks for the user's name, then, by using the input() function method, the program prints the name to the screen: Following table is a list of escape or non-printable characters that can be represented with backslash notation. |Backslash notation||Hexadecimal character||Description| |\a||0x07||Bell or alert| Assume string variable a = "Hello" and variable b = "Python", then : |+||Concatenation||a + b will give - HelloPython| |*||Repetition||a*2 will give - HelloHello| |||Slice||a will give - e| |[ : ]||Range Slice||a[1:4] will give - ello| |in||Membership - if a character exists||a in b will give - False| |not in||Membership - if a character does not exist||a not in b will give - True| |%||Format - Performs String formatting, we learn this at next section.| One of Python's coolest features is the string format operator %. This operator is unique to strings and makes up for the pack of having functions from C's printf() family. Following is a simple example : print("My name is %s and age is %d." % ('AyaN', 24)) Output Result : My name is AyaN and age is 24. Here is the list of complete set of symbols which can be used along with % : |%i||signed decimal integer| |%d||signed decimal integer| |%u||unsigned decimal integer| |%x||hexadecimal integer (lowercase letters)| |%X||hexadecimal integer (UPPERcase letters)| |%e||exponential notation (with lowercase 'e')| |%E||exponential notation (with UPPERcase 'E')| |%f||floating point real number| |%g||the shorter of %f and %e| |%G||the shorter of %f and %E| Python triple quotes comes to the rescue by allowing strings to span multiple lines, including verbatim NEWLINEs, TABs, and any other special characters.
In this example, you will learn to check whether a number entered by the user is positive, negative or zero. This problem is solved using if…elif…else and nested if…else statement. To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of following Python programming topics: - WHAT IS PYTHON? THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE CODE WITH PYTHON - HOW DO I GET AND INSTALL PYTHON? - PYTHON PRIMITIVES – VARIABLES, BUILT-IN DATA TYPES, COMMENTS, SYNTAX, AND SEMANTICS - CODING APPROACHES IN PYTHON - STYLE GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMING PYTHON CODE - ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS IN PYTHON Source Code: Using if…elif…else num = float(input("Enter a number: ")) if num > 0: print("Positive number") elif num == 0: print("Zero") else: print("Negative number") Here, we have used the if…elseif…else statement. We can do the same thing using nested if statements as follows. Source Code: Using Nested if num = float(input("Enter a number: ")) if num >= 0: if num == 0: print("Zero") else: print("Positive number") else: print("Negative number") The output of both programs will be same. Enter a number: 2 Enter a number: 0 A number is positive if it is greater than zero. We check this in the expression of if. If it is False, the number will either be zero or negative. This is also tested in subsequent expression.
Graphing linear inequalities Before graphing linear inequalities, make sure you understand the concepts of graphing slope and graphing linear equations since it is very similar. Strongly recommended that you review graphing linear equations before studying this lesson Standard form of a linear inequality is y > mx + b , y < mx + b , y ≤ mx + b , or y ≥ mx + b Follow the following guidelines when graphing linear inequalities: Say you are graphing y > mx + b First graph, y = mx + b. Then find out if y is bigger above the line or beneath the line Finally shade the area where y is bigger than mx + b graph y > (2/3)x + 1 First, graph y = (2/3)x + 1 1 is the y-intercept and always goes on the y-axis as shown below with a red dot: The slope is m = 2/3. 2 is the rise or how many units you go straight up. 3 is the run or many units you go to the right (Always to the right) So starting from 1, go up 2 and over 3. This is shown again in the same graph. The location of the new point is shown with a black dot Draw a line between the red dot and the black dot. The line is shown in blue. Now here is the crucial step: To know which side you shade, you need to pick a point on one side, plug the point into the inequality and see if the resulting inequality makes sense If it makes sense for one point, it will make sense for any point you pick on that side. Thus shade everything on the same side of that point We will test two points ( shown with blue dots). One point will make sense when replaced into the inequality. The other will not. Let's test (-3, 4) y > (2/3)x + 1 Is 4 > (2/3)× -3 + 1 ? Is 4 > (2/3)× -3/1 + 1 ? Is 4 > (2 × -3)/(3 × 1)? Is 4 > -6/3 + 1 ? Is 4 > -2 + 1 ? Is 4 > -1 ? Since the inequality makes sense for (-3, 4), it will make sense for any point chosen on that side or above the line. Therefore, shade everything on the same side of (-3, 4) Since y is bigger than (2/3)x + 1, but never equal to the line y = (2/3)x + 1, we cannot take any point on the line y = (2/3)x + 1. We show this situation with dashed line. The shaded area representing the location where you can choose any point that will work is shown below in red Notice that the point (3,1) will not make sense when replaced into the inequality y > (2/3)x + 1 Is 1 > (2/3)× 3 + 1 ? Is 1 > (2/3)× 3/1 + 1 ? Is 1 > (2 × 3)/(3 × 1)? Is 1 > 6/3 + 1 ? Is 1 > 2 + 1 ? Is 1 > 3 ? Since 1 is not bigger than 3, it will not make sense for any point chosen on the same side of the point (1 3) or chosen below the line If you were graphing y ≥ (2/3)x + 1, everything stays the same, but you will not make a dashed line. Instead the line will be continuous Graphing linear inequalities is straighforward on once you know how to graph the line. The tricky thing when graphing linear inequalities is to find out if we shade above or below.
8th Grade Resources Here are all 8th grade resources. Click on the navigation to see resources designed for specific strands. (8th grade....probably. Not explicitly covered in Indiana CCR Standards) An Open Middle-style approach to Converse to the Pythagorean Theorem. Drag the digits to the boxes to create three side lengths, then examine the angles that are created. Attempt to create acute, obtuse, and even right (yes...it is possible) triangles. Designed to connect the distance formula to the Pythagorean Theorem. Start by guessing the distance between two points on the coordinate plane. Then click on "Help" as more information is slowly added. Adjust the line(s) with sliders, either in slope-intercept (y=mx+b) or standard (Ax+By=C) form (or both). Use this to develop understanding of how the parameters affect the graph of the line, or to examine the relationship between the two forms of the line. A random function (or "rule") is generated based on the sliders. Send the numbers through the machine to figure out what the rule is. Click on the boxes to see the rule in equation or word form. Alternatively, show the rule then predict the outputs before sending the number through. This uses a graphing approach to solving a linear equation in one variable with 0, 1, or infinitely many solutions. The goal is for students to notice patterns in the relationship between coefficients/constants in each expression. Here's what I was picturing: Everyone in the class writes down an equation. Collect several to put on the board, then click "More info." As information is slowly revealed about the line, which equations are still viable? How could we revise those that aren't? This activity is meant to develop flexible, creative thinking about numbers and operations. Your goal is to move a from a starting number to a target number, but there are many ways to do this! Adjust the sliders to control the bounds of the numbers involved. A random line is generated and displayed. Guess the slope, then refine that guess as more information is provided. The final step is to see how the slope is calculated by selecting points on the line. This activity is meant to give students a more concrete understanding of the steps involved in solving a linear equation of the form ax + b = c (where a, b, c can be any numbers - positive or negative). After you enter your equation, use the properties of equality to solve it, and you'll see the resulting action on the number line. Click "Show solution" at any point in the process.
Action verbs are verbs that specifically describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. These types of verbs carry a great deal of information in a sentence and serve to make the sentence complete (remember that all sentences need a subject and a verb). In English, there are thousands of verbs that convey subtle changes in meaning, so it's important to choose the right one. For example, the verb "to go" imparts a relatively vague sense of motion, while "to run" is more specific to add speed while "to stroll" is slower and more leisurely. Understanding action verbs will make students better writers and communicators. Transitive verbs are action verbs that show what the subject is doing to another object. These verbs are coupled with a direct object, or the thing that is acted upon. For example: Susan poked John in the eye. In this sentence, "poked" is a transitive verb that transfers the action of poking directly to John. John is the direct object of the sentence and is the person being poked. Below are additional examples of transitive verbs in action: In each of the sentences above, the verbs are followed by a direct object that receives the action. Food is eaten, friends are chosen, and fences are painted. These action verbs directly affect things around them, so they are transitive verbs. Intransitive verbs are action verbs that do not take a direct object; that is, they don't act upon another noun or pronoun in the sentence. In general, transitive verbs only describe something the subject of the sentence does, but not something that happens to someone or something else. For example: Michael ran to the store. In this sentence, "ran" only describes what Michael does, but it doesn't affect the store. In this sentence, "store" is the object of the preposition "to," but it is not a direct object of the verb. "Ran" is an intransitive verb that does not take a direct object. Below are additional examples of intransitive verbs used in sentences: As their name suggests, action verbs create drama and movement in a sentence by showing what the subject is doing. This is fundamentally different from "to be" verbs, which only show a state of being and set up description. For example, compare the two sentences below: Lynn is angry. Lynn shouted at her brother. The first sentence does not contain an action verb. Here "is" only serves to introduce the predicate adjective that describes Lynn, but she doesn't actually do anything in the sentence. In the second sentence, the action verb "shouted" shows what Lynn does. This action makes something happen and changes things around Lynn. Action verbs can make or break your writing. They add interest and help propel the plot of a story or the theme of a persuasive argument, so choose them wisely. It's important to select the verb that conveys exactly the type of action you want, with the right connotation or emotion so your reader understands your point. YourDictionary's article on examples of action verbs will help you choose the right one for your work.
This KS3 maths worksheet resource can be used to revise, practice and develop concepts regarding the four rules of fractions. There are five worksheets that the pupils can work through, each of which covers most aspects of the topic of fractions at KS3 and follow the same format. The answer sheet shows the skills each question assesses so students can target specific areas and monitor their own progress. - Fraction diagrams - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - Cancelling fractions - Equivalent fractions - The fraction of a quantity - Adding and subtracting fractions - Multiplying and dividing fractions Have you used this resource?Review this resource
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