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aviors [22]–[26]. In addition, Sharples and Domingue proposed a blockchain-based permanent distributed record of intellectual effort which instantiates and democra- tises educational reputation beyond the academic communi- ty [27]. In [28], authors proposed a new blockchain-based fair payment to study the cyber physical system (CPS), in which reputation system is applied such that a subscriber evaluate the published event and mark the publisher based on the reputation. In this paper, we propose a new rep
[ 10828, 10209, 113, 3969, 17355, 1403, 119, 127, 114, 119, 1135, 1110, 1145, 2602, 1115, 1103, 12478, 1785, 1104, 1103, 5244, 10296, 11934, 1383, 1118, 1103, 4528, 2618, 13974, 1103, 2905, 7143, 1104, 5463, 13546, 119, 1109, 1167, 9483, 1103, 5244, 2469, 26440, 1110, 117, 1103, 2299, 1103, 7143, 7881, 119, 159, 119, 18732, 15517, 2162, 13329, 24805, 1708, 1109, 5244, 14235, 2011, 1107, 1142, 2526, 1110, 170, 3843, 2109, 6978, 117, 1134, 1169, 6187, 10205, 14248, 3209, 19450, 1120, 1103, 2674, 1105, 3843, 19450, 1121, 4577, 1103, 5463, 4528, 119, 1109, 5244, 23896, 5822, 10255, 1110, 170, 11432, 6978, 1106, 4959, 2480, 1103, 13418, 1107, 1103, 5463, 4528, 1138, 10478, 18764, 1204, 170, 9705, 4894, 118, 27466, 2707, 4658, 119, 1650, 11892, 1103, 5244, 118, 1359, 6978, 1195, 2011, 117, 13418, 6613, 1106, 7345, 5463, 1111, 2299, 15664, 6245, 1105, 4444, 5515, 170, 10923, 1113, 6111, 1352, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 17794, 170, 5244, 118, 1359, 6978, 1115, 17233, 12478, 13418, 1106, 2317, 12051, 119, 4737, 1160, 10540, 1104, 5244, 1114, 14235, 12890, 21517, 1105, 23896, 5822, 1358, 118, 1120, 1988, 10099, 117, 1103, 9228, 1104, 1103, 4193, 1104, 10478, 18764, 1204, 13418, 1110, 11519, 2788, 119, 1792, 1106, 1103, 5244, 118, 1359, 6978, 1195, 3000, 117, 1103, 4528, 2618, 10802, 8247, 1116, 1344, 118, 3068, 13418, 117, 1134, 1110, 1304, 16250, 1106, 1103, 1718, 1104, 1103, 2113, 2528, 1394, 1449, 119, 155, 14663, 9637, 11680, 10954, 1708, 164, 122, 166, 156, 119, 11896, 1968, 12610, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 131, 138, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 4828, 5948, 1449, 117, 107, 2061, 11594, 117, 1369, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 2113, 2528, 1394, 119, 8916, 120, 2113, 2528, 1394, 119, 185, 1181, 2087, 164, 123, 166, 157, 119, 150, 1665, 1658, 7637, 5084, 1183, 117, 3084, 2393, 119, 117, 107, 2562, 7147, 1394, 2137, 2064, 131, 170, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 8539, 117, 107, 1446, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 1992, 7147, 24704, 1830, 119, 3254, 120, 1653, 26311, 120, 1992, 7147, 24704, 1830, 118, 1653, 26311, 119, 185, 1181, 2087, 164, 124, 166, 162, 119, 13049, 117, 1105, 143, 119, 7014, 117, 107, 8093, 7147, 1394, 131, 1109, 1352, 1104, 1103, 1893, 1105, 2174, 14652, 117, 107, 2173, 1161, 24842, 1161, 14009, 4578, 113, 1922, 114, 117, 10857, 119, 3565, 117, 1185, 119, 125, 117, 4329, 119, 3615, 1475, 118, 3927, 1527, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 125, 166, 153, 119, 15324, 117, 156, 119, 5329, 117, 162, 119, 27901, 4553, 117, 1105, 147, 119, 1670, 117, 107, 12120, 2050, 2064, 6726, 25264, 131, 170, 4901, 3510, 7147, 4935, 118, 1359, 5343, 19416, 2249, 4220, 1111, 146, 1186, 1942, 6379, 117, 107, 16206, 3291, 6262, 3488, 119, 7085, 1403, 119, 117, 10857, 3731, 117, 1185, 119, 130, 117, 4329, 119, 5603, 118, 4859, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 126, 166, 162, 119, 9132, 117, 155, 119, 14760, 1403, 117, 147, 119, 23274, 117, 148, 119, 8772, 117, 1105, 141, 119, 23673, 117, 107, 157, 25370, 2036, 131, 3496, 13849, 2501, 12565, 3403 ]
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[ "upward", "trend", "(", "See", "Fi", "##g", ".", "6", ")", ".", "It", "is", "also", "shown", "that", "the", "rational", "##ity", "of", "the", "reputation", "admission", "parameters", "set", "by", "the", "pool", "manager", "affects", "the", "overall", "revenue", "of", "mining", "pools", ".", "The", "more", "reasonable", "the", "reputation", "access", "criterion", "is", ",", "the", "higher", "the", "revenue", "receives", ".", "V", ".", "CO", "##NC", "##L", "##US", "##ION", "##S", "The", "reputation", "interval", "designed", "in", "this", "paper", "is", "a", "prevent", "##ive", "mechanism", ",", "which", "can", "disc", "##rim", "##inate", "potential", "attackers", "at", "the", "source", "and", "prevent", "attackers", "from", "joining", "the", "mining", "pool", ".", "The", "reputation", "flu", "##ct", "##uation", "is", "a", "detection", "mechanism", "to", "determine", "whether", "the", "miners", "in", "the", "mining", "pool", "have", "dish", "##ones", "##t", "a", "##gg", "##res", "-", "si", "##ve", "behavior", ".", "By", "applying", "the", "reputation", "-", "based", "mechanism", "we", "designed", ",", "miners", "tend", "to", "honest", "mining", "for", "higher", "accumulated", "benefits", "and", "ultimately", "achieve", "a", "consensus", "on", "stable", "state", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "propose", "a", "reputation", "-", "based", "mechanism", "that", "encourages", "rational", "miners", "to", "mine", "honestly", ".", "Through", "two", "evaluation", "of", "reputation", "with", "interval", "est", "##imation", "and", "flu", "##ct", "##u", "-", "at", "##ion", "measuring", ",", "the", "judgment", "of", "the", "identity", "of", "dish", "##ones", "##t", "miners", "is", "basically", "realized", ".", "According", "to", "the", "reputation", "-", "based", "mechanism", "we", "proposed", ",", "the", "pool", "manager", "strictly", "select", "##s", "high", "-", "quality", "miners", ",", "which", "is", "very", "beneficial", "to", "the", "development", "of", "the", "bit", "##co", "##in", "system", ".", "R", "##EF", "##ER", "##EN", "##CE", "##S", "[", "1", "]", "S", ".", "Na", "##ka", "##moto", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ":", "A", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "electronic", "cash", "system", ",", "\"", "White", "Paper", ",", "2008", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "org", "/", "bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "p", "##d", "##f", "[", "2", "]", "T", ".", "M", "##c", "##C", "##ona", "##gh", "##y", ",", "et", "al", ".", ",", "\"", "Big", "##cha", "##in", "##D", "##B", ":", "a", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "database", ",", "\"", "2016", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "big", "##cha", "##ind", "##b", ".", "com", "/", "white", "##paper", "/", "big", "##cha", "##ind", "##b", "-", "white", "##paper", ".", "p", "##d", "##f", "[", "3", "]", "Y", ".", "Yuan", ",", "and", "F", ".", "Wang", ",", "\"", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ":", "The", "state", "of", "the", "art", "and", "future", "trends", ",", "\"", "Act", "##a", "Automatic", "##a", "Sin", "##ica", "(", "Chinese", ")", ",", "vol", ".", "42", ",", "no", ".", "4", ",", "pp", ".", "48", "##1", "-", "49", "##4", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "4", "]", "P", ".", "Sharma", ",", "S", ".", "Singh", ",", "Y", ".", "Je", "##ong", ",", "and", "J", ".", "Park", ",", "\"", "Di", "##st", "##B", "##lock", "##Net", ":", "a", "distributed", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "-", "based", "secure", "SD", "##N", "architecture", "for", "I", "##o", "##T", "networks", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Co", "##mm", "##un", ".", "Ma", "##g", ".", ",", "vol", "55", ",", "no", ".", "9", ",", "pp", ".", "78", "-", "85", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "5", "]", "Y", ".", "Zhang", ",", "R", ".", "Den", "##g", ",", "J", ".", "Shu", ",", "K", ".", "Yang", ",", "and", "D", ".", "Zheng", ",", "\"", "T", "##KS", "##E", ":", "trust", "##worthy", "key", "##word", "search" ]
Incentivizing Honest Mining in Blockchain Networks A Reputation Approach
utation-based mecha- nism to incentivize miners to conduct honest mining, thereby promote the efficient of bitcoin system. Specifically, we first describe the system model in term of PoW-based blockchain network, where miners present some malicious behaviors during the mining process. We then design a reputation mech- 1549-7747 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.htm
[ 1166, 4035, 1665, 1616, 15514, 2233, 1114, 1160, 118, 1334, 1396, 2047, 18771, 5474, 2258, 3510, 7147, 1394, 117, 107, 16206, 11737, 117, 10857, 119, 127, 117, 4329, 119, 18333, 1559, 1559, 118, 18333, 1604, 1559, 117, 1857, 119, 164, 127, 166, 138, 119, 3180, 1182, 117, 145, 119, 140, 5082, 18917, 3822, 1377, 117, 162, 119, 13872, 117, 153, 119, 1249, 1358, 4426, 11848, 117, 140, 119, 6291, 25925, 152, 2571, 1324, 117, 1105, 163, 119, 3477, 117, 107, 8093, 7147, 1394, 118, 1359, 9652, 2501, 2635, 1111, 1119, 25710, 27054, 2285, 9998, 6312, 2344, 117, 107, 16206, 4639, 7149, 147, 119, 117, 10857, 119, 125, 117, 1185, 119, 127, 117, 4329, 119, 10022, 118, 9869, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 128, 166, 162, 119, 16749, 117, 162, 119, 5255, 117, 154, 119, 19569, 117, 139, 119, 8772, 117, 1105, 162, 119, 10684, 117, 107, 22087, 22712, 11030, 118, 4841, 131, 3510, 7147, 1394, 118, 1359, 4652, 7727, 1114, 5244, 1111, 10682, 172, 1183, 3169, 2952, 2344, 117, 107, 16206, 11737, 117, 10857, 119, 127, 117, 4329, 119, 13381, 1580, 1571, 118, 13414, 1568, 1495, 117, 1857, 119, 164, 129, 166, 163, 119, 23673, 117, 156, 119, 20802, 1162, 117, 145, 119, 23084, 117, 161, 119, 8742, 117, 1105, 145, 119, 7014, 117, 107, 1760, 24431, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2815, 131, 4220, 117, 10923, 117, 1105, 2174, 14652, 117, 107, 1107, 1504, 16206, 1130, 1204, 119, 16752, 1403, 1197, 119, 2562, 7154, 117, 17652, 117, 145, 2240, 117, 3066, 117, 4329, 119, 3731, 1559, 118, 4376, 1527, 117, 12865, 119, 1512, 118, 1476, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 130, 166, 143, 119, 157, 9022, 3864, 1732, 1105, 139, 119, 20452, 4638, 10232, 4119, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1105, 2894, 131, 170, 4301, 5980, 1113, 11858, 4412, 2200, 3539, 16408, 11604, 9885, 117, 107, 16206, 3291, 6262, 3488, 119, 8157, 1116, 17037, 2145, 119, 117, 10857, 119, 1407, 117, 1185, 119, 124, 117, 4329, 119, 19980, 1527, 118, 19538, 1495, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 1275, 166, 140, 119, 10215, 117, 163, 119, 8772, 117, 163, 119, 23673, 117, 163, 119, 8742, 117, 1105, 161, 119, 5255, 117, 107, 12504, 1105, 25161, 1104, 1342, 4267, 23397, 1107, 18959, 2924, 10923, 9932, 117, 107, 2173, 1161, 24842, 1161, 14009, 4578, 113, 1922, 114, 117, 10857, 119, 3887, 117, 1185, 119, 130, 117, 4329, 119, 15722, 1568, 118, 17777, 1475, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 1429, 166, 146, 119, 3096, 25918, 117, 140, 119, 2499, 117, 138, 119, 12107, 1584, 10659, 1182, 117, 1105, 150, 119, 24580, 7355, 117, 107, 5096, 10008, 1104, 3246, 131, 4252, 118, 6613, 1158, 27400, 2528, 1394, 112, 188, 6777, 1104, 1250, 2258, 6777, 1104, 8219, 117, 107, 9690, 2107, 156, 23413, 14424, 23313, 9741, 1708, 117, 10857, 119, 3565, 117, 1185, 119, 124, 117, 4329, 119, 3236, 118, 3413, 117, 1387, 119, 164, 1367, 166, 162, 119, 148, 16732, 117, 141, 119, 4246, 117, 162, 119, 6913, 117, 142, 119, 159, 11192, 14170, 117, 1105, 162, 119, 4246, 117, 107, 4108, 15589, 1105, 3644, 4267, 23397, 1116, 131 ]
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[ "over", "en", "##c", "##ry", "##pted", "data", "with", "two", "-", "side", "ve", "##ri", "##fia", "##bility", "via", "block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Access", ",", "vol", ".", "6", ",", "pp", ".", "310", "##7", "##7", "-", "310", "##8", "##7", ",", "2018", ".", "[", "6", "]", "A", ".", "Le", "##i", ",", "H", ".", "C", "##ru", "##icks", "##han", "##k", ",", "Y", ".", "Cao", ",", "P", ".", "As", "##u", "##q", "##uo", ",", "C", ".", "Any", "##igor", "O", "##ga", "##h", ",", "and", "Z", ".", "Sun", ",", "\"", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "based", "dynamic", "key", "management", "for", "he", "##tero", "##gene", "##ous", "intelligent", "transportation", "systems", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Internet", "Things", "J", ".", ",", "vol", ".", "4", ",", "no", ".", "6", ",", "pp", ".", "1832", "-", "1843", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "7", "]", "Y", ".", "Zhao", ",", "Y", ".", "Li", ",", "Q", ".", "Mu", ",", "B", ".", "Yang", ",", "and", "Y", ".", "Yu", ",", "\"", "Se", "##cure", "pub", "-", "sub", ":", "block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "based", "fair", "payment", "with", "reputation", "for", "reliable", "c", "##y", "##ber", "physical", "systems", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Access", ",", "vol", ".", "6", ",", "pp", ".", "122", "##9", "##5", "-", "123", "##0", "##3", ",", "2018", ".", "[", "8", "]", "Z", ".", "Zheng", ",", "S", ".", "Xi", "##e", ",", "H", ".", "Dai", ",", "X", ".", "Chen", ",", "and", "H", ".", "Wang", ",", "\"", "An", "overview", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "technology", ":", "architecture", ",", "consensus", ",", "and", "future", "trends", ",", "\"", "in", "2017", "IEEE", "In", "##t", ".", "Con", "##g", "##r", ".", "Big", "Data", ",", "Honolulu", ",", "H", "##I", ",", "USA", ",", "pp", ".", "55", "##7", "-", "56", "##4", ",", "Jun", ".", "25", "-", "30", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "9", "]", "F", ".", "T", "##sch", "##ors", "##ch", "and", "B", ".", "Sc", "##he", "##uer", "##mann", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "and", "beyond", ":", "a", "technical", "survey", "on", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "digital", "cu", "##rre", "##ncies", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Co", "##mm", "##un", ".", "Survey", "##s", "Tu", "##ts", ".", ",", "vol", ".", "18", ",", "no", ".", "3", ",", "pp", ".", "208", "##4", "-", "212", "##3", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "10", "]", "C", ".", "Tang", ",", "Z", ".", "Yang", ",", "Z", ".", "Zheng", ",", "Z", ".", "Chen", ",", "and", "X", ".", "Li", ",", "\"", "Analysis", "and", "optimization", "of", "game", "di", "##lemma", "in", "Po", "##W", "consensus", "algorithm", ",", "\"", "Act", "##a", "Automatic", "##a", "Sin", "##ica", "(", "Chinese", ")", ",", "vol", ".", "43", ",", "no", ".", "9", ",", "pp", ".", "152", "##0", "-", "153", "##1", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "11", "]", "I", ".", "Ben", "##tov", ",", "C", ".", "Lee", ",", "A", ".", "Mi", "##z", "##rah", "##i", ",", "and", "M", ".", "Rosen", "##feld", ",", "\"", "Pro", "##of", "of", "activity", ":", "ex", "-", "tend", "##ing", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "'", "s", "proof", "of", "work", "via", "proof", "of", "stake", ",", "\"", "AC", "##M", "S", "##IG", "##ME", "##TR", "##IC", "##S", ",", "vol", ".", "42", ",", "no", ".", "3", ",", "pp", ".", "34", "-", "37", ",", "2014", ".", "[", "12", "]", "Y", ".", "K", "##won", ",", "D", ".", "Kim", ",", "Y", ".", "Son", ",", "E", ".", "V", "##ass", "##erman", ",", "and", "Y", ".", "Kim", ",", "\"", "Be", "selfish", "and", "avoid", "di", "##lemma", "##s", ":" ]
Incentivizing Honest Mining in Blockchain Networks A Reputation Approach
l for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2019.2901746, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 2 anism based on the interval estimation and the fluctuation of reputation to incentive the honest mining for miners, in which the reputation depends on the historical evaluation. We find that the pool manage
[ 13097, 1170, 1114, 20139, 113, 6820, 2924, 114, 3690, 1113, 2113, 2528, 1394, 117, 107, 1107, 5096, 1665, 119, 1504, 9690, 2107, 156, 23413, 8055, 1658, 16752, 2087, 119, 6701, 1105, 6345, 4354, 117, 5043, 117, 2245, 117, 3066, 117, 4329, 119, 18500, 118, 21040, 117, 14125, 119, 1476, 118, 14152, 119, 124, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 1492, 166, 148, 119, 11896, 2315, 1377, 117, 156, 119, 9392, 117, 138, 119, 3902, 117, 1105, 142, 119, 14104, 117, 107, 1457, 10354, 7107, 5463, 131, 5565, 1197, 118, 2393, 4404, 15589, 5463, 1105, 12459, 1114, 1126, 22623, 2035, 117, 107, 1107, 1446, 16206, 1735, 156, 17162, 1643, 119, 4354, 1105, 153, 2047, 2497, 3457, 117, 17784, 1813, 27824, 1424, 117, 1860, 117, 4329, 119, 22289, 118, 14116, 117, 9751, 119, 1626, 118, 1572, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 1489, 166, 162, 119, 20802, 1161, 1105, 141, 119, 2404, 117, 107, 13704, 20727, 1104, 2703, 4909, 6379, 117, 107, 16206, 13809, 119, 7887, 1116, 156, 6834, 1204, 119, 117, 1563, 117, 16409, 1643, 119, 139, 24683, 1116, 117, 10857, 119, 3731, 117, 1185, 119, 122, 117, 4329, 119, 2625, 118, 5691, 117, 1369, 119, 164, 1405, 166, 146, 119, 142, 18543, 117, 107, 1109, 2317, 1197, 112, 188, 4267, 23397, 117, 107, 1107, 5096, 1665, 119, 1410, 16206, 156, 17162, 1643, 119, 4354, 1105, 153, 2047, 2497, 3457, 117, 1727, 7438, 117, 8784, 117, 3066, 117, 4329, 119, 5840, 118, 9550, 117, 1318, 1542, 118, 1626, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 1479, 166, 156, 119, 18757, 1403, 117, 156, 119, 155, 1358, 3361, 117, 1105, 148, 119, 26364, 1182, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 3510, 1114, 20139, 2035, 131, 3622, 1105, 26410, 13499, 2116, 117, 107, 16206, 13809, 119, 1130, 2087, 119, 1370, 5026, 4724, 4354, 117, 10857, 119, 1367, 117, 1185, 119, 129, 117, 4329, 119, 2573, 118, 2406, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 1542, 166, 141, 148, 119, 1706, 2737, 117, 3084, 2393, 119, 117, 107, 4354, 14755, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 7180, 1114, 3622, 1104, 3510, 1114, 20139, 2035, 117, 107, 1107, 5096, 1665, 119, 4815, 16206, 120, 9690, 2107, 1130, 1204, 119, 156, 17162, 1643, 119, 140, 23225, 117, 11804, 1105, 144, 10132, 20463, 117, 6331, 117, 2722, 117, 4329, 119, 2532, 1604, 118, 3993, 1559, 117, 1318, 1489, 118, 1542, 117, 1504, 119, 164, 1407, 166, 150, 119, 157, 119, 2750, 10886, 117, 107, 21902, 10522, 9044, 14975, 1106, 11552, 18661, 1107, 1263, 118, 1858, 8866, 3254, 19675, 1116, 117, 107, 15840, 1197, 119, 3291, 8223, 3818, 119, 20452, 1182, 119, 117, 10857, 119, 1969, 1604, 117, 1185, 119, 113, 123, 118, 124, 114, 117, 4329, 119, 22690, 118, 21606, 117, 1369, 119, 164, 1627, 166, 147, 119, 138, 119, 148, 10747, 117, 146, 119, 140, 119, 22618, 117, 1105, 142, 119, 160, 119, 11907, 26929, 117, 107, 1109, 8142, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 5463, 1137, 117, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1107, 1103, 2915, 1104, 8050, 10704, 5927, 117, 107, 1109, 157, 7921, 9654, 1582, 16350, 1113, 1103, 7525, 1104, 4219, 4354, 113, 160, 27514, 1708, 1381, 114, 117, 1994, 117 ]
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[ "fork", "after", "with", "##holding", "(", "FA", "##W", ")", "attacks", "on", "bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "\"", "in", "Pro", "##c", ".", "2017", "AC", "##M", "S", "##IG", "##SA", "##C", "Con", "##f", ".", "Computer", "and", "Communications", "Security", ",", "Dallas", ",", "Texas", ",", "USA", ",", "pp", ".", "195", "-", "209", ",", "Oct", ".", "30", "-", "Nov", ".", "3", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "13", "]", "K", ".", "Na", "##ya", "##k", ",", "S", ".", "Kumar", ",", "A", ".", "Miller", ",", "and", "E", ".", "Shi", ",", "\"", "St", "##ub", "##born", "mining", ":", "gene", "##r", "-", "al", "##izing", "selfish", "mining", "and", "combining", "with", "an", "eclipse", "attack", ",", "\"", "in", "2016", "IEEE", "European", "S", "##ym", "##p", ".", "Security", "and", "P", "##ri", "##va", "##cy", ",", "Sa", "##ar", "##bruck", "##en", ",", "Germany", ",", "pp", ".", "305", "-", "320", ",", "Mar", ".", "21", "-", "24", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "14", "]", "Y", ".", "Xi", "##a", "and", "D", ".", "Hill", ",", "\"", "Attack", "vulnerability", "of", "complex", "communication", "networks", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Trans", ".", "Circuit", "##s", "S", "##ys", "##t", ".", ",", "II", ",", "Ex", "##p", ".", "B", "##rief", "##s", ",", "vol", ".", "55", ",", "no", ".", "1", ",", "pp", ".", "65", "-", "69", ",", "2008", ".", "[", "15", "]", "I", ".", "E", "##yal", ",", "\"", "The", "mine", "##r", "'", "s", "di", "##lemma", ",", "\"", "in", "Pro", "##c", ".", "2015", "IEEE", "S", "##ym", "##p", ".", "Security", "and", "P", "##ri", "##va", "##cy", ",", "San", "Jose", ",", "CA", ",", "USA", ",", "pp", ".", "89", "-", "103", ",", "May", "17", "-", "21", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "16", "]", "S", ".", "Ba", "##g", ",", "S", ".", "R", "##u", "##j", ",", "and", "K", ".", "Sakura", "##i", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "block", "with", "##holding", "attack", ":", "analysis", "and", "mit", "##iga", "##tion", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Trans", ".", "In", "##f", ".", "For", "##ens", "##ics", "Security", ",", "vol", ".", "12", ",", "no", ".", "8", ",", "pp", ".", "1967", "-", "1978", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "17", "]", "D", "K", ".", "To", "##sh", ",", "et", "al", ".", ",", "\"", "Security", "implications", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "cloud", "with", "analysis", "of", "block", "with", "##holding", "attack", ",", "\"", "in", "Pro", "##c", ".", "17th", "IEEE", "/", "AC", "##M", "In", "##t", ".", "S", "##ym", "##p", ".", "C", "##luster", ",", "Cloud", "and", "G", "##rid", "Computing", ",", "Madrid", ",", "Spain", ",", "pp", ".", "45", "##8", "-", "46", "##7", ",", "May", "14", "-", "17", ",", "2017", ".", "[", "18", "]", "M", ".", "T", ".", "Good", "##rich", ",", "\"", "Pi", "##pel", "##ined", "algorithms", "to", "detect", "cheating", "in", "long", "-", "term", "grid", "com", "##putation", "##s", ",", "\"", "Theo", "##r", ".", "Co", "##mp", "##ut", ".", "Sc", "##i", ".", ",", "vol", ".", "40", "##8", ",", "no", ".", "(", "2", "-", "3", ")", ",", "pp", ".", "199", "-", "207", ",", "2008", ".", "[", "19", "]", "J", ".", "A", ".", "K", "##roll", ",", "I", ".", "C", ".", "Davey", ",", "and", "E", ".", "W", ".", "Fe", "##lten", ",", "\"", "The", "economics", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "mining", "or", ",", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##aries", ",", "\"", "The", "T", "##we", "##lf", "##th", "Workshop", "on", "the", "Economics", "of", "Information", "Security", "(", "W", "##EI", "##S", "2013", ")", ",", "Washington", "," ]
Incentivizing Honest Mining in Blockchain Networks A Reputation Approach
r strictly selects high-quality miners based on the reputation mechanism we proposed, which contributes understanding for PoW consensus algorithm and provides a new method to explore the bitcoin system. II. SYSTEM MODEL AND REPUTATION MECHANISM A. System Model Consider a PoW-based blockchain network with J individ- ual miners, which organize themselves into I mining pools in solving a crypto-puzzle competition to win the reward. According to the Nakamoto Consensus protocol [1], only the pool which acco
[ 5227, 117, 12865, 119, 1429, 118, 1367, 117, 1381, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 174, 7235, 1394, 14467, 2217, 1665, 119, 8916, 120, 12406, 120, 1195, 1548, 10973, 17668, 120, 4580, 120, 148, 10747, 2137, 8308, 1183, 2271, 1883, 5208, 2924, 27514, 1708, 10973, 17668, 119, 185, 1181, 2087, 164, 1406, 166, 146, 119, 142, 18543, 1105, 142, 119, 2203, 1200, 117, 107, 23670, 1110, 1136, 1536, 131, 27400, 2528, 1394, 5463, 1110, 8018, 117, 107, 3291, 6262, 3488, 119, 9690, 2107, 117, 10857, 119, 5391, 117, 1185, 119, 128, 117, 4329, 119, 4573, 118, 9081, 117, 1857, 119, 164, 1626, 166, 139, 119, 2921, 117, 138, 119, 5976, 1584, 1968, 117, 147, 119, 15161, 27752, 5700, 117, 150, 119, 159, 6530, 1377, 1105, 157, 119, 4673, 117, 107, 3497, 118, 1103, 4474, 2941, 3622, 1104, 23232, 1186, 1708, 3690, 1222, 2113, 2528, 1394, 5463, 13546, 117, 107, 1130, 131, 155, 119, 139, 19593, 18208, 1162, 117, 150, 119, 139, 5123, 2511, 117, 157, 119, 4673, 117, 150, 119, 2159, 113, 14625, 119, 114, 117, 7748, 15586, 6451, 9543, 1105, 7154, 4354, 117, 4329, 119, 5117, 118, 5942, 117, 3206, 117, 17880, 131, 18919, 117, 1387, 119, 164, 1659, 166, 163, 119, 7014, 117, 149, 119, 7014, 117, 163, 119, 162, 119, 23845, 1105, 140, 119, 162, 119, 20802, 1161, 117, 107, 1130, 6732, 3384, 5244, 14710, 1103, 7243, 1104, 7395, 1107, 15442, 1934, 4267, 23397, 1638, 117, 107, 153, 2162, 1186, 1708, 1141, 117, 10857, 119, 128, 117, 1185, 119, 128, 117, 1893, 119, 1185, 119, 131, 174, 12882, 18202, 1604, 117, 1368, 119, 164, 1695, 166, 162, 119, 20802, 1161, 1105, 141, 119, 2404, 117, 107, 138, 9652, 12418, 5800, 112, 188, 18311, 15942, 1107, 2703, 3254, 13601, 118, 11437, 14520, 6379, 117, 107, 16206, 13809, 119, 7887, 1116, 156, 6834, 1204, 119, 1563, 117, 16409, 1643, 119, 139, 24683, 1116, 117, 10857, 119, 2539, 117, 1185, 119, 124, 117, 4329, 119, 19639, 118, 20039, 117, 1381, 119, 164, 1572, 166, 145, 119, 20164, 117, 160, 119, 10684, 117, 144, 119, 23158, 117, 154, 119, 17584, 1389, 117, 1105, 147, 119, 13872, 117, 107, 6750, 22184, 1372, 10923, 1104, 4321, 118, 3677, 2344, 1107, 1103, 7395, 118, 2208, 2443, 117, 107, 16206, 13809, 119, 7887, 1116, 156, 6834, 1204, 119, 146, 117, 23287, 119, 19023, 117, 10857, 119, 5519, 117, 1185, 119, 1429, 117, 4329, 119, 20022, 1545, 118, 21355, 1559, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 1512, 166, 144, 119, 23880, 7702, 1105, 140, 119, 27368, 23107, 117, 107, 146, 26318, 18415, 1104, 3496, 1105, 5244, 2635, 1111, 1714, 118, 187, 27303, 5093, 3677, 2699, 117, 107, 16206, 156, 6834, 1204, 119, 147, 119, 117, 10857, 119, 130, 117, 1185, 119, 123, 117, 4329, 119, 3731, 1545, 118, 4376, 1545, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 1744, 166, 145, 119, 26197, 117, 162, 119, 12221, 117, 148, 119, 17784, 20488, 117, 1105, 163, 119, 5255, 117, 107, 13832, 3822, 4869, 1884, 24960, 1988, 1231, 5053, 7174, 3633, 1107, 5244, 2344, 117, 107, 16206, 13809, 119, 23994, 4838, 1233, 12120 ]
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[ "DC", ",", "Jun", ".", "11", "-", "12", ",", "2013", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "e", "##con", "##in", "##fo", "##se", "##c", ".", "org", "/", "archive", "/", "we", "##is", "##20", "##13", "/", "papers", "/", "K", "##roll", "##D", "##ave", "##y", "##F", "##el", "##ten", "##W", "##EI", "##S", "##20", "##13", ".", "p", "##d", "##f", "[", "20", "]", "I", ".", "E", "##yal", "and", "E", ".", "Sir", "##er", ",", "\"", "Majority", "is", "not", "enough", ":", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "mining", "is", "vulnerable", ",", "\"", "Co", "##mm", "##un", ".", "AC", "##M", ",", "vol", ".", "61", ",", "no", ".", "7", ",", "pp", ".", "95", "-", "102", ",", "2018", ".", "[", "21", "]", "B", ".", "Johnson", ",", "A", ".", "Las", "##z", "##ka", ",", "J", ".", "Gross", "##kla", "##gs", ",", "M", ".", "V", "##ase", "##k", "and", "T", ".", "Moore", ",", "\"", "Game", "-", "the", "##ore", "##tic", "analysis", "of", "DD", "##o", "##S", "attacks", "against", "bit", "##co", "##in", "mining", "pools", ",", "\"", "In", ":", "R", ".", "B", "##ΓΆ", "##hm", "##e", ",", "M", ".", "B", "##ren", "##ner", ",", "T", ".", "Moore", ",", "M", ".", "Smith", "(", "eds", ".", ")", ",", "Financial", "Cry", "##pt", "##ography", "and", "Data", "Security", ",", "pp", ".", "72", "-", "86", ",", "Berlin", ",", "Heidelberg", ":", "Springer", ",", "2014", ".", "[", "22", "]", "Z", ".", "Wang", ",", "L", ".", "Wang", ",", "Z", ".", "Y", ".", "Yin", "and", "C", ".", "Y", ".", "Xi", "##a", ",", "\"", "In", "##fer", "##ring", "reputation", "promotes", "the", "evolution", "of", "cooperation", "in", "spatial", "social", "di", "##lemma", "games", ",", "\"", "P", "##L", "##o", "##S", "one", ",", "vol", ".", "7", ",", "no", ".", "7", ",", "art", ".", "no", ".", ":", "e", "##40", "##21", "##8", ",", "2012", ".", "[", "23", "]", "Y", ".", "Xi", "##a", "and", "D", ".", "Hill", ",", "\"", "A", "dynamic", "bra", "##ess", "'", "s", "para", "##dox", "in", "complex", "com", "##mu", "-", "ni", "##cation", "networks", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Trans", ".", "Circuit", "##s", "S", "##ys", "##t", ".", "II", ",", "Ex", "##p", ".", "B", "##rief", "##s", ",", "vol", ".", "60", ",", "no", ".", "3", ",", "pp", ".", "172", "-", "176", ",", "2013", ".", "[", "24", "]", "H", ".", "Hu", ",", "W", ".", "Yu", ",", "G", ".", "Wen", ",", "Q", ".", "Xu", "##an", ",", "and", "J", ".", "Cao", ",", "\"", "Rev", "##erse", "group", "consensus", "of", "multi", "-", "agent", "systems", "in", "the", "cooperation", "-", "competition", "network", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Trans", ".", "Circuit", "##s", "S", "##ys", "##t", ".", "I", ",", "Reg", ".", "Papers", ",", "vol", ".", "63", ",", "no", ".", "11", ",", "pp", ".", "203", "##6", "-", "204", "##7", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "25", "]", "G", ".", "Gee", "##tha", "and", "C", ".", "Jaya", "##kumar", ",", "\"", "I", "##mple", "##mentation", "of", "trust", "and", "reputation", "management", "for", "free", "-", "r", "##oaming", "mobile", "agent", "security", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "S", "##ys", "##t", ".", "J", ".", ",", "vol", ".", "9", ",", "no", ".", "2", ",", "pp", ".", "55", "##6", "-", "56", "##6", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "26", "]", "H", ".", "Shen", ",", "Y", ".", "Lin", ",", "K", ".", "Sa", "##pra", ",", "and", "Z", ".", "Li", ",", "\"", "En", "##han", "##cing", "co", "##llus", "##ion", "re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", "in", "reputation", "systems", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Trans", ".", "Para", "##lle", "##l", "Di" ]
Incentivizing Honest Mining in Blockchain Networks A Reputation Approach
mplishes the PoW firstly will be rewarded. Therefore, we pay our attention to the payoff of miners in the target pool. Define the strategy set of miners as S =
[ 2050, 2047, 1830, 119, 156, 6834, 1204, 119, 117, 10857, 119, 1765, 117, 1185, 119, 129, 117, 4329, 119, 23689, 1527, 118, 24618, 1559, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 1765, 166, 150, 119, 13319, 2897, 1105, 147, 119, 16727, 1158, 4175, 117, 107, 1109, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1105, 180, 18109, 1116, 131, 138, 4901, 1449, 1111, 4339, 1647, 117, 5244, 1105, 10703, 117, 107, 1130, 131, 159, 1200, 7488, 148, 119, 117, 13319, 2897, 150, 119, 117, 148, 2858, 7925, 18308, 1813, 157, 119, 113, 14625, 119, 114, 117, 19222, 6451, 2109, 1105, 19222, 21919, 2165, 9681, 117, 24705, 1306, 117, 4507, 131, 18919, 119, 164, 1743, 166, 162, 119, 16749, 117, 3084, 2393, 119, 117, 107, 22087, 22712, 11030, 118, 4841, 131, 8093, 7147, 1394, 118, 1359, 4652, 7727, 1114, 5244, 1111, 10682, 172, 1183, 3169, 2952, 2344, 117, 107, 16206, 11737, 117, 10857, 119, 127, 117, 4329, 119, 13381, 1580, 1571, 118, 13414, 1568, 1495, 117, 1857, 119 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "##st", "##ri", "##b", ".", "S", "##ys", "##t", ".", ",", "vol", ".", "27", ",", "no", ".", "8", ",", "pp", ".", "227", "##4", "-", "228", "##7", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "27", "]", "M", ".", "Sharp", "##les", "and", "J", ".", "Dom", "##ing", "##ue", ",", "\"", "The", "block", "##cha", "##in", "and", "k", "##udo", "##s", ":", "A", "distributed", "system", "for", "educational", "record", ",", "reputation", "and", "reward", ",", "\"", "In", ":", "V", "##er", "##bert", "K", ".", ",", "Sharp", "##les", "M", ".", ",", "K", "##lo", "##bu", "##č", "##ar", "T", ".", "(", "eds", ".", ")", ",", "Ada", "##pt", "##ive", "and", "Ada", "##pta", "##ble", "Learning", ",", "Cha", "##m", ",", "Switzerland", ":", "Springer", ".", "[", "28", "]", "Y", ".", "Zhao", ",", "et", "al", ".", ",", "\"", "Se", "##cure", "pub", "-", "sub", ":", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "based", "fair", "payment", "with", "reputation", "for", "reliable", "c", "##y", "##ber", "physical", "systems", ",", "\"", "IEEE", "Access", ",", "vol", ".", "6", ",", "pp", ".", "122", "##9", "##5", "-", "123", "##0", "##3", ",", "2018", "." ]
Incentivizing Honest Mining in Blockchain Networks A Reputation Approach
State of the Art and Challenges Facing Consensus Protocols on Blockchain Nutthakorn Chalaemwongwan Information Science and Technology Mahanakorn University of Technology Bangkok, Thailand [email protected] Werasak Kurutach Information Science and Technology Mahanakorn University of Technology Bangkok, Thailand [email protected] Abstractβ€”Nowadays, the blockchain is a favorite platform, for instance, for use with cryptocurrency, smart contracts, IoT, and
[ 1426, 1104, 1103, 2051, 1105, 6571, 1116, 143, 18715, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 1116, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 151, 25131, 21893, 8456, 24705, 1742, 5521, 16732, 1403, 5491, 4219, 2444, 1105, 3529, 7085, 17013, 26989, 1179, 1239, 1104, 3529, 12829, 117, 5872, 22664, 7702, 26989, 1179, 119, 172, 137, 7121, 7235, 21032, 119, 1884, 119, 24438, 1284, 7297, 3715, 23209, 5082, 1777, 1732, 4219, 2444, 1105, 3529, 7085, 17013, 26989, 1179, 1239, 1104, 3529, 12829, 117, 5872, 1195, 7297, 3715, 137, 182, 3818, 119, 170, 1665, 119, 24438, 138, 4832, 15017, 783, 25883, 117, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 170, 5095, 3482, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1111, 1329, 1114, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 117, 6866, 8216, 117, 146, 1186, 1942, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 119, 8093, 7147, 4935, 1132, 4901, 21340, 1733, 1115, 9396, 3512, 1150, 1202, 1136, 3496, 1296, 1168, 1106, 4731, 2231, 119, 1109, 3512, 5340, 1113, 1103, 3796, 117, 4718, 117, 1105, 19160, 1104, 1103, 2231, 119, 1109, 3510, 7147, 1394, 12175, 1103, 10923, 11309, 1106, 23073, 1103, 3510, 1134, 1110, 23099, 1103, 2443, 14372, 119, 16752, 3792, 14410, 1144, 1242, 5660, 1216, 1112, 117, 1111, 1859, 117, 8377, 1704, 2463, 117, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1250, 117, 1105, 5096, 10008, 1104, 8219, 119, 1438, 117, 1175, 1138, 1136, 1151, 2567, 4580, 1115, 1138, 10510, 3622, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1672, 5402, 117, 1105, 1134, 1138, 4572, 1103, 10156, 14940, 1112, 5806, 1106, 1103, 4048, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 1138, 2136, 170, 4301, 1396, 12231, 3189, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 10923, 9932, 1678, 1121, 2166, 1844, 119, 1109, 3703, 1209, 3531, 170, 10923, 11309, 117, 1105, 1103, 9932, 3417, 19774, 1116, 1103, 4048, 1106, 1801, 1134, 3482, 1110, 5806, 1118, 10761, 1103, 14372, 4193, 117, 2308, 7740, 1105, 1103, 21073, 1181, 1540, 1104, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 1103, 2233, 2235, 117, 1846, 117, 7581, 117, 4048, 117, 1105, 5136, 119, 4428, 117, 1195, 3146, 1118, 11124, 1317, 1844, 7768, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 10923, 11309, 119, 7443, 15573, 131, 3510, 7147, 1394, 132, 10923, 132, 4901, 21340, 1197, 132, 4901, 10923, 132, 10923, 14975, 146, 119, 15969, 23313, 15609, 21986, 21669, 11414, 138, 21340, 1197, 1110, 170, 4148, 8297, 1134, 2075, 1126, 2802, 1647, 1104, 14409, 119, 1370, 5374, 117, 170, 21340, 1197, 1209, 1647, 14409, 1206, 1317, 2595, 5482, 117, 1137, 4817, 10476, 1114, 1227, 3512, 119, 1760, 7631, 1104, 3510, 7147, 4935, 1110, 1115, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1110, 16498, 1906, 3665, 1113, 1593, 1155, 1103, 15029, 119, 9841, 117, 14409, 1132, 8968, 1154, 5511, 117, 1173, 25953, 1106, 1141, 1330, 119, 6589, 117, 1103, 4901, 21340, 1197, 1110, 170, 16498, 1906, 25337, 1178, 2233, 8297, 119, 138, 3510, 7147, 1394, 3471, 1114, 1103, 3288, 2231, 117, 1229, 1103, 21340, 1197, 3002, 1155, 1103, 1607, 1104, 1103, 16547, 7791, 119, 138, 5531, 11653, 4901, 21340, 1733, 1180, 1705, 6120, 1172, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1210, 5402, 119, 113, 138, 14566, 8355, 117, 1249, 9388, 117, 1105, 3291, 1394, 114, 119, 7245, 117, 1103, 4048, 1687, 1113, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1103, 21340, 1197, 23497, 1103 ]
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[ "State", "of", "the", "Art", "and", "Challenge", "##s", "F", "##acing", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "##s", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "N", "##utt", "##hak", "##orn", "Cha", "##la", "##em", "##won", "##g", "##wan", "Information", "Science", "and", "Technology", "Ma", "##hana", "##kor", "##n", "University", "of", "Technology", "Bangkok", ",", "Thailand", "nut", "##tha", "##kor", "##n", ".", "c", "@", "monster", "##con", "##nect", ".", "co", ".", "th", "We", "##ras", "##ak", "Ku", "##ru", "##ta", "##ch", "Information", "Science", "and", "Technology", "Ma", "##hana", "##kor", "##n", "University", "of", "Technology", "Bangkok", ",", "Thailand", "we", "##ras", "##ak", "@", "m", "##ut", ".", "a", "##c", ".", "th", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "β€”", "Nowadays", ",", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "a", "favorite", "platform", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "for", "use", "with", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ",", "smart", "contracts", ",", "I", "##o", "##T", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ".", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", "are", "distributed", "ledge", "##rs", "that", "enable", "parties", "who", "do", "not", "trust", "each", "other", "to", "maintain", "states", ".", "The", "parties", "agree", "on", "the", "existence", ",", "values", ",", "and", "histories", "of", "the", "states", ".", "The", "block", "##cha", "##in", "applies", "the", "consensus", "protocol", "to", "verify", "the", "block", "which", "is", "distributing", "the", "network", "node", ".", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "has", "many", "practices", "such", "as", ",", "for", "example", ",", "Byzantine", "general", "problem", ",", "Pro", "##of", "of", "work", ",", "and", "Pro", "##of", "of", "stake", ".", "However", ",", "there", "have", "not", "been", "numerous", "papers", "that", "have", "undertaken", "analysis", "with", "regard", "to", "various", "aspects", ",", "and", "which", "have", "incorporated", "the", "adoption", "summary", "as", "appropriate", "to", "the", "application", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "have", "provided", "a", "technical", "ve", "##rification", "review", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "consensus", "algorithm", "taken", "from", "previous", "research", ".", "The", "audience", "will", "receive", "a", "consensus", "protocol", ",", "and", "the", "algorithm", "typically", "analyze", "##s", "the", "application", "to", "match", "which", "platform", "is", "appropriate", "by", "viewing", "the", "node", "identity", ",", "energy", "saving", "and", "the", "tolerate", "##d", "power", "of", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "the", "data", "model", ",", "language", ",", "execution", ",", "application", ",", "and", "examples", ".", "Finally", ",", "we", "finish", "by", "presenting", "several", "research", "directions", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "Key", "##words", ":", "block", "##cha", "##in", ";", "consensus", ";", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", ";", "distributed", "consensus", ";", "consensus", "algorithms", "I", ".", "IN", "##TR", "##OD", "##UC", "##TI", "##ON", "A", "ledge", "##r", "is", "a", "documentary", "framework", "which", "includes", "an", "ordered", "record", "of", "transactions", ".", "For", "instance", ",", "a", "ledge", "##r", "will", "record", "transactions", "between", "several", "commercial", "banks", ",", "or", "goods", "exchanged", "with", "known", "parties", ".", "An", "aspect", "of", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "is", "that", "the", "ledge", "##r", "is", "replica", "##ted", "entirely", "on", "almost", "all", "the", "nodes", ".", "Moreover", ",", "transactions", "are", "assembled", "into", "blocks", ",", "then", "chained", "to", "one", "another", ".", "Therefore", ",", "the", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", "is", "a", "replica", "##ted", "attach", "only", "data", "framework", ".", "A", "block", "##cha", "##in", "begins", "with", "the", "initial", "states", ",", "while", "the", "ledge", "##r", "records", "all", "the", "history", "of", "the", "revision", "procedure", ".", "A", "technique", "encouraging", "distributed", "ledge", "##rs", "could", "class", "##ify", "them", "in", "terms", "of", "three", "aspects", ".", "(", "A", "##cco", "##unt", ",", "As", "##set", ",", "and", "Co", "##in", ")", ".", "Initially", ",", "the", "application", "created", "on", "the", "top", "of", "the", "ledge", "##r", "establishes", "the" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
State of the Art and Challenges Facing Consensus Protocols on Blockchain Nutthakorn Chalaemwongwan Information Science and Technology Mahanakorn University of Technology Bangkok, Thailand [email protected] Werasak Kurutach Information Science and Technology Mahanakorn University of Technology Bangkok, Thailand [email protected] Abstractβ€”Nowadays, the blockchain is a favorite platform, for instance, for use with cryptocurrency, smart contracts, IoT, and
[ 1426, 1104, 1103, 2051, 1105, 6571, 1116, 143, 18715, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 1116, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 151, 25131, 21893, 8456, 24705, 1742, 5521, 16732, 1403, 5491, 4219, 2444, 1105, 3529, 7085, 17013, 26989, 1179, 1239, 1104, 3529, 12829, 117, 5872, 22664, 7702, 26989, 1179, 119, 172, 137, 7121, 7235, 21032, 119, 1884, 119, 24438, 1284, 7297, 3715, 23209, 5082, 1777, 1732, 4219, 2444, 1105, 3529, 7085, 17013, 26989, 1179, 1239, 1104, 3529, 12829, 117, 5872, 1195, 7297, 3715, 137, 182, 3818, 119, 170, 1665, 119, 24438, 138, 4832, 15017, 783, 25883, 117, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 170, 5095, 3482, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1111, 1329, 1114, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 117, 6866, 8216, 117, 146, 1186, 1942, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 119, 8093, 7147, 4935, 1132, 4901, 21340, 1733, 1115, 9396, 3512, 1150, 1202, 1136, 3496, 1296, 1168, 1106, 4731, 2231, 119, 1109, 3512, 5340, 1113, 1103, 3796, 117, 4718, 117, 1105, 19160, 1104, 1103, 2231, 119, 1109, 3510, 7147, 1394, 12175, 1103, 10923, 11309, 1106, 23073, 1103, 3510, 1134, 1110, 23099, 1103, 2443, 14372, 119, 16752, 3792, 14410, 1144, 1242, 5660, 1216, 1112, 117, 1111, 1859, 117, 8377, 1704, 2463, 117, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1250, 117, 1105, 5096, 10008, 1104, 8219, 119, 1438, 117, 1175, 1138, 1136, 1151, 2567, 4580, 1115, 1138, 10510, 3622, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1672, 5402, 117, 1105, 1134, 1138, 4572, 1103, 10156, 14940, 1112, 5806, 1106, 1103, 4048, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 1138, 2136, 170, 4301, 1396, 12231, 3189, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 10923, 9932, 1678, 1121, 2166, 1844, 119, 1109, 3703, 1209, 3531, 170, 10923, 11309, 117, 1105, 1103, 9932, 3417, 19774, 1116, 1103, 4048, 1106, 1801, 1134, 3482, 1110, 5806, 1118, 10761, 1103, 14372, 4193, 117, 2308, 7740, 1105, 1103, 21073, 1181, 1540, 1104, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 1103, 2233, 2235, 117, 1846, 117, 7581, 117, 4048, 117, 1105, 5136, 119, 4428, 117, 1195, 3146, 1118, 11124, 1317, 1844, 7768, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 10923, 11309, 119, 7443, 15573, 131, 3510, 7147, 1394, 132, 10923, 132, 4901, 21340, 1197, 132, 4901, 10923, 132, 10923, 14975, 146, 119, 15969, 23313, 15609, 21986, 21669, 11414, 138, 21340, 1197, 1110, 170, 4148, 8297, 1134, 2075, 1126, 2802, 1647, 1104, 14409, 119, 1370, 5374, 117, 170, 21340, 1197, 1209, 1647, 14409, 1206, 1317, 2595, 5482, 117, 1137, 4817, 10476, 1114, 1227, 3512, 119, 1760, 7631, 1104, 3510, 7147, 4935, 1110, 1115, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1110, 16498, 1906, 3665, 1113, 1593, 1155, 1103, 15029, 119, 9841, 117, 14409, 1132, 8968, 1154, 5511, 117, 1173, 25953, 1106, 1141, 1330, 119, 6589, 117, 1103, 4901, 21340, 1197, 1110, 170, 16498, 1906, 25337, 1178, 2233, 8297, 119, 138, 3510, 7147, 1394, 3471, 1114, 1103, 3288, 2231, 117, 1229, 1103, 21340, 1197, 3002, 1155, 1103, 1607, 1104, 1103, 16547, 7791, 119, 138, 5531, 11653, 4901, 21340, 1733, 1180, 1705, 6120, 1172, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1210, 5402, 119, 113, 138, 14566, 8355, 117, 1249, 9388, 117, 1105, 3291, 1394, 114, 119, 7245, 117, 1103, 4048, 1687, 1113, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1103, 21340, 1197, 23497, 1103 ]
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[ "State", "of", "the", "Art", "and", "Challenge", "##s", "F", "##acing", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "##s", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "N", "##utt", "##hak", "##orn", "Cha", "##la", "##em", "##won", "##g", "##wan", "Information", "Science", "and", "Technology", "Ma", "##hana", "##kor", "##n", "University", "of", "Technology", "Bangkok", ",", "Thailand", "nut", "##tha", "##kor", "##n", ".", "c", "@", "monster", "##con", "##nect", ".", "co", ".", "th", "We", "##ras", "##ak", "Ku", "##ru", "##ta", "##ch", "Information", "Science", "and", "Technology", "Ma", "##hana", "##kor", "##n", "University", "of", "Technology", "Bangkok", ",", "Thailand", "we", "##ras", "##ak", "@", "m", "##ut", ".", "a", "##c", ".", "th", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "β€”", "Nowadays", ",", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "a", "favorite", "platform", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "for", "use", "with", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ",", "smart", "contracts", ",", "I", "##o", "##T", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ".", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", "are", "distributed", "ledge", "##rs", "that", "enable", "parties", "who", "do", "not", "trust", "each", "other", "to", "maintain", "states", ".", "The", "parties", "agree", "on", "the", "existence", ",", "values", ",", "and", "histories", "of", "the", "states", ".", "The", "block", "##cha", "##in", "applies", "the", "consensus", "protocol", "to", "verify", "the", "block", "which", "is", "distributing", "the", "network", "node", ".", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "has", "many", "practices", "such", "as", ",", "for", "example", ",", "Byzantine", "general", "problem", ",", "Pro", "##of", "of", "work", ",", "and", "Pro", "##of", "of", "stake", ".", "However", ",", "there", "have", "not", "been", "numerous", "papers", "that", "have", "undertaken", "analysis", "with", "regard", "to", "various", "aspects", ",", "and", "which", "have", "incorporated", "the", "adoption", "summary", "as", "appropriate", "to", "the", "application", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "have", "provided", "a", "technical", "ve", "##rification", "review", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "consensus", "algorithm", "taken", "from", "previous", "research", ".", "The", "audience", "will", "receive", "a", "consensus", "protocol", ",", "and", "the", "algorithm", "typically", "analyze", "##s", "the", "application", "to", "match", "which", "platform", "is", "appropriate", "by", "viewing", "the", "node", "identity", ",", "energy", "saving", "and", "the", "tolerate", "##d", "power", "of", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "the", "data", "model", ",", "language", ",", "execution", ",", "application", ",", "and", "examples", ".", "Finally", ",", "we", "finish", "by", "presenting", "several", "research", "directions", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "Key", "##words", ":", "block", "##cha", "##in", ";", "consensus", ";", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", ";", "distributed", "consensus", ";", "consensus", "algorithms", "I", ".", "IN", "##TR", "##OD", "##UC", "##TI", "##ON", "A", "ledge", "##r", "is", "a", "documentary", "framework", "which", "includes", "an", "ordered", "record", "of", "transactions", ".", "For", "instance", ",", "a", "ledge", "##r", "will", "record", "transactions", "between", "several", "commercial", "banks", ",", "or", "goods", "exchanged", "with", "known", "parties", ".", "An", "aspect", "of", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "is", "that", "the", "ledge", "##r", "is", "replica", "##ted", "entirely", "on", "almost", "all", "the", "nodes", ".", "Moreover", ",", "transactions", "are", "assembled", "into", "blocks", ",", "then", "chained", "to", "one", "another", ".", "Therefore", ",", "the", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", "is", "a", "replica", "##ted", "attach", "only", "data", "framework", ".", "A", "block", "##cha", "##in", "begins", "with", "the", "initial", "states", ",", "while", "the", "ledge", "##r", "records", "all", "the", "history", "of", "the", "revision", "procedure", ".", "A", "technique", "encouraging", "distributed", "ledge", "##rs", "could", "class", "##ify", "them", "in", "terms", "of", "three", "aspects", ".", "(", "A", "##cco", "##unt", ",", "As", "##set", ",", "and", "Co", "##in", ")", ".", "Initially", ",", "the", "application", "created", "on", "the", "top", "of", "the", "ledge", "##r", "establishes", "the" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
so forth. Blockchains are distributed ledgers that enable parties who do not trust each other to maintain states. The parties agree on the existence, values, and histories of the states. The blockchain applies the consensus protocol to verify the block which is distributing the network node. Consensus has many practices such as, for example, Byzantine general problem, Proof of work, and Proof of stake. However, there have not been numerous papers that have undertaken analysis with regard to
[ 1869, 3665, 1107, 1216, 170, 1236, 1112, 1106, 1712, 1439, 1103, 21340, 1197, 138, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 4048, 1209, 1329, 1106, 2561, 170, 4795, 3300, 1861, 1106, 1115, 1276, 1107, 7228, 9339, 119, 1109, 6247, 1110, 1115, 1122, 1110, 3014, 1106, 3076, 1105, 6058, 170, 2211, 1634, 2235, 1216, 1112, 1126, 1859, 1952, 1137, 170, 3607, 2860, 1112, 3025, 119, 2307, 117, 1103, 8458, 1449, 1547, 1138, 1141, 1137, 2299, 21340, 1733, 1134, 1169, 5088, 1106, 1141, 1330, 119, 138, 1415, 10614, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1336, 1138, 2967, 21340, 1733, 117, 1141, 1111, 1451, 2853, 1216, 1112, 3752, 117, 3813, 117, 3880, 4129, 117, 2653, 10747, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 119, 4428, 117, 21340, 1197, 6224, 1169, 23896, 5822, 20043, 5409, 1121, 1217, 5490, 3665, 1106, 1103, 1470, 1106, 1217, 5733, 2374, 1118, 1141, 14031, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1108, 2756, 1105, 117, 1112, 170, 1871, 117, 2228, 1234, 1341, 1115, 1122, 1110, 18372, 1106, 4959, 1150, 1209, 11984, 1103, 1470, 21340, 1197, 119, 19585, 12298, 164, 122, 166, 3073, 2007, 27084, 1199, 5032, 1150, 14878, 1103, 1470, 21340, 1197, 2566, 1118, 5321, 1147, 8250, 1106, 1103, 5511, 119, 1109, 1869, 4049, 1107, 1103, 21340, 1197, 17798, 1103, 1607, 1104, 14409, 1146, 1106, 1103, 1954, 1159, 1194, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 3725, 20388, 1106, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1431, 1129, 9635, 1174, 1106, 1118, 1451, 14031, 119, 21325, 117, 1317, 6635, 1444, 1106, 5340, 1114, 170, 10923, 119, 152, 4832, 1200, 3970, 1134, 1122, 1110, 1336, 1136, 1129, 1103, 2820, 1276, 1107, 15696, 1842, 118, 1362, 4683, 1216, 1112, 170, 20497, 2980, 3539, 10202, 117, 1118, 1134, 170, 1423, 9127, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 170, 3085, 1137, 170, 1433, 114, 6771, 1113, 1103, 15549, 119, 1109, 4495, 1104, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 5564, 1110, 2140, 1217, 1682, 1106, 2239, 1114, 1343, 15029, 1115, 1202, 1136, 3496, 1684, 1487, 117, 7713, 1134, 10986, 1547, 6297, 1107, 8377, 4698, 1785, 119, 1109, 10923, 11309, 14007, 2993, 1106, 19646, 8377, 2645, 119, 1109, 1844, 5336, 170, 5980, 1113, 10923, 1108, 8232, 117, 1105, 1175, 1132, 2567, 3827, 1104, 2331, 6315, 19755, 1115, 1138, 1151, 7227, 1111, 3510, 7147, 4935, 164, 123, 166, 119, 1636, 1180, 1129, 22429, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1147, 3490, 2079, 119, 3278, 2246, 18809, 5031, 2923, 1104, 9308, 3254, 19675, 118, 1359, 19755, 1107, 1134, 1103, 4713, 17573, 6777, 1104, 3254, 19675, 1106, 1525, 170, 14372, 1115, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 17579, 1103, 1397, 2805, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 112, 188, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1250, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 1110, 170, 3014, 1859, 1104, 1103, 10923, 119, 1109, 1168, 5199, 1132, 9308, 4909, 118, 1359, 19755, 1111, 1134, 15029, 1138, 9901, 3667, 1105, 1576, 1194, 1317, 5720, 1104, 4909, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 1398, 19755, 117, 153, 18890, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 113, 153, 26447, 1942, 114, 164, 124, 166, 1217, 1103, 1436, 17011, 117, 1132, 3666, 1107, 2440, 25209, 1272, 1152, 1321, 16047, 2913, 15029, 119, 1130, 1103, 2243, 117, 1155, 3714, 1116, 1195, 1525, 3216 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "information", "entirely", "in", "such", "a", "way", "as", "to", "keep", "within", "the", "ledge", "##r", "A", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "application", "will", "use", "to", "create", "a", "user", "account", "similar", "to", "that", "found", "in", "conventional", "banking", ".", "The", "intention", "is", "that", "it", "is", "simple", "to", "build", "and", "apply", "a", "lower", "level", "model", "such", "as", "an", "example", "table", "or", "a", "critical", "value", "as", "mentioned", ".", "Second", ",", "the", "functional", "system", "might", "have", "one", "or", "higher", "ledge", "##rs", "which", "can", "link", "to", "one", "another", ".", "A", "large", "enterprise", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "may", "have", "multiple", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "one", "for", "every", "department", "such", "as", "engineering", ",", "sales", ",", "supply", "chain", ",", "pay", "##roll", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ".", "Finally", ",", "ledge", "##r", "possession", "can", "flu", "##ct", "##uate", "significantly", "from", "being", "exposed", "entirely", "to", "the", "public", "to", "being", "totally", "managed", "by", "one", "participant", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "was", "presented", "and", ",", "as", "a", "result", ",", "makes", "people", "think", "that", "it", "is", "costly", "to", "determine", "who", "will", "update", "the", "public", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Pa", "##rity", "[", "1", "]", "pre", "##de", "##fines", "some", "owners", "who", "adjust", "the", "public", "ledge", "##r", "simply", "by", "adding", "their", "signature", "to", "the", "blocks", ".", "The", "information", "contained", "in", "the", "ledge", "##r", "demonstrates", "the", "history", "of", "transactions", "up", "to", "the", "current", "time", "through", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Up", "##dates", "to", "the", "ledge", "##r", "should", "be", "consent", "##ed", "to", "by", "every", "participant", ".", "Specifically", ",", "several", "participants", "need", "to", "agree", "with", "a", "consensus", ".", "O", "##bs", "##er", "##ving", "which", "it", "is", "may", "not", "be", "the", "situation", "found", "in", "countless", "real", "-", "world", "applications", "such", "as", "a", "fi", "##at", "digital", "currency", ",", "by", "which", "a", "single", "entity", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "a", "bank", "or", "a", "government", ")", "decides", "on", "the", "updates", ".", "The", "importance", "of", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "strategy", "is", "actually", "being", "able", "to", "deal", "with", "those", "nodes", "that", "do", "not", "trust", "working", "together", ",", "indicating", "which", "variables", "might", "respond", "in", "Byzantine", "formal", "##ity", ".", "The", "consensus", "protocol", "consequently", "needs", "to", "endure", "Byzantine", "problems", ".", "The", "research", "involving", "a", "survey", "on", "consensus", "was", "comprehensive", ",", "and", "there", "are", "numerous", "versions", "of", "previously", "recommended", "protocols", "that", "have", "been", "manufactured", "for", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "[", "2", "]", ".", "These", "could", "be", "categorized", "in", "terms", "of", "their", "combined", "range", ".", "Over", "##w", "##hel", "##ming", "consists", "of", "solely", "com", "##putation", "-", "based", "protocols", "in", "which", "the", "users", "utilize", "proof", "of", "com", "##putation", "to", "find", "a", "node", "that", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", "determines", "the", "next", "operation", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "'", "s", "Pro", "##of", "of", "work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "is", "a", "simple", "example", "of", "the", "consensus", ".", "The", "other", "severe", "are", "solely", "communication", "-", "based", "protocols", "for", "which", "nodes", "have", "matching", "votes", "and", "run", "through", "several", "rounds", "of", "communication", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "All", "protocols", ",", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "(", "P", "##BF", "##T", ")", "[", "3", "]", "being", "the", "best", "illustration", ",", "are", "applied", "in", "particular", "configurations", "because", "they", "take", "authentic", "##ated", "nodes", ".", "In", "the", "middle", ",", "all", "opposite", "##s", "we", "find", "mixed" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
so forth. Blockchains are distributed ledgers that enable parties who do not trust each other to maintain states. The parties agree on the existence, values, and histories of the states. The blockchain applies the consensus protocol to verify the block which is distributing the network node. Consensus has many practices such as, for example, Byzantine general problem, Proof of work, and Proof of stake. However, there have not been numerous papers that have undertaken analysis with regard to
[ 1869, 3665, 1107, 1216, 170, 1236, 1112, 1106, 1712, 1439, 1103, 21340, 1197, 138, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 4048, 1209, 1329, 1106, 2561, 170, 4795, 3300, 1861, 1106, 1115, 1276, 1107, 7228, 9339, 119, 1109, 6247, 1110, 1115, 1122, 1110, 3014, 1106, 3076, 1105, 6058, 170, 2211, 1634, 2235, 1216, 1112, 1126, 1859, 1952, 1137, 170, 3607, 2860, 1112, 3025, 119, 2307, 117, 1103, 8458, 1449, 1547, 1138, 1141, 1137, 2299, 21340, 1733, 1134, 1169, 5088, 1106, 1141, 1330, 119, 138, 1415, 10614, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1336, 1138, 2967, 21340, 1733, 117, 1141, 1111, 1451, 2853, 1216, 1112, 3752, 117, 3813, 117, 3880, 4129, 117, 2653, 10747, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 119, 4428, 117, 21340, 1197, 6224, 1169, 23896, 5822, 20043, 5409, 1121, 1217, 5490, 3665, 1106, 1103, 1470, 1106, 1217, 5733, 2374, 1118, 1141, 14031, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1111, 5374, 117, 1108, 2756, 1105, 117, 1112, 170, 1871, 117, 2228, 1234, 1341, 1115, 1122, 1110, 18372, 1106, 4959, 1150, 1209, 11984, 1103, 1470, 21340, 1197, 119, 19585, 12298, 164, 122, 166, 3073, 2007, 27084, 1199, 5032, 1150, 14878, 1103, 1470, 21340, 1197, 2566, 1118, 5321, 1147, 8250, 1106, 1103, 5511, 119, 1109, 1869, 4049, 1107, 1103, 21340, 1197, 17798, 1103, 1607, 1104, 14409, 1146, 1106, 1103, 1954, 1159, 1194, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 3725, 20388, 1106, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1431, 1129, 9635, 1174, 1106, 1118, 1451, 14031, 119, 21325, 117, 1317, 6635, 1444, 1106, 5340, 1114, 170, 10923, 119, 152, 4832, 1200, 3970, 1134, 1122, 1110, 1336, 1136, 1129, 1103, 2820, 1276, 1107, 15696, 1842, 118, 1362, 4683, 1216, 1112, 170, 20497, 2980, 3539, 10202, 117, 1118, 1134, 170, 1423, 9127, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 170, 3085, 1137, 170, 1433, 114, 6771, 1113, 1103, 15549, 119, 1109, 4495, 1104, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 5564, 1110, 2140, 1217, 1682, 1106, 2239, 1114, 1343, 15029, 1115, 1202, 1136, 3496, 1684, 1487, 117, 7713, 1134, 10986, 1547, 6297, 1107, 8377, 4698, 1785, 119, 1109, 10923, 11309, 14007, 2993, 1106, 19646, 8377, 2645, 119, 1109, 1844, 5336, 170, 5980, 1113, 10923, 1108, 8232, 117, 1105, 1175, 1132, 2567, 3827, 1104, 2331, 6315, 19755, 1115, 1138, 1151, 7227, 1111, 3510, 7147, 4935, 164, 123, 166, 119, 1636, 1180, 1129, 22429, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1147, 3490, 2079, 119, 3278, 2246, 18809, 5031, 2923, 1104, 9308, 3254, 19675, 118, 1359, 19755, 1107, 1134, 1103, 4713, 17573, 6777, 1104, 3254, 19675, 1106, 1525, 170, 14372, 1115, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 17579, 1103, 1397, 2805, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 112, 188, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1250, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 1110, 170, 3014, 1859, 1104, 1103, 10923, 119, 1109, 1168, 5199, 1132, 9308, 4909, 118, 1359, 19755, 1111, 1134, 15029, 1138, 9901, 3667, 1105, 1576, 1194, 1317, 5720, 1104, 4909, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 1398, 19755, 117, 153, 18890, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 113, 153, 26447, 1942, 114, 164, 124, 166, 1217, 1103, 1436, 17011, 117, 1132, 3666, 1107, 2440, 25209, 1272, 1152, 1321, 16047, 2913, 15029, 119, 1130, 1103, 2243, 117, 1155, 3714, 1116, 1195, 1525, 3216 ]
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[ "information", "entirely", "in", "such", "a", "way", "as", "to", "keep", "within", "the", "ledge", "##r", "A", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "application", "will", "use", "to", "create", "a", "user", "account", "similar", "to", "that", "found", "in", "conventional", "banking", ".", "The", "intention", "is", "that", "it", "is", "simple", "to", "build", "and", "apply", "a", "lower", "level", "model", "such", "as", "an", "example", "table", "or", "a", "critical", "value", "as", "mentioned", ".", "Second", ",", "the", "functional", "system", "might", "have", "one", "or", "higher", "ledge", "##rs", "which", "can", "link", "to", "one", "another", ".", "A", "large", "enterprise", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "may", "have", "multiple", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "one", "for", "every", "department", "such", "as", "engineering", ",", "sales", ",", "supply", "chain", ",", "pay", "##roll", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ".", "Finally", ",", "ledge", "##r", "possession", "can", "flu", "##ct", "##uate", "significantly", "from", "being", "exposed", "entirely", "to", "the", "public", "to", "being", "totally", "managed", "by", "one", "participant", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "was", "presented", "and", ",", "as", "a", "result", ",", "makes", "people", "think", "that", "it", "is", "costly", "to", "determine", "who", "will", "update", "the", "public", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Pa", "##rity", "[", "1", "]", "pre", "##de", "##fines", "some", "owners", "who", "adjust", "the", "public", "ledge", "##r", "simply", "by", "adding", "their", "signature", "to", "the", "blocks", ".", "The", "information", "contained", "in", "the", "ledge", "##r", "demonstrates", "the", "history", "of", "transactions", "up", "to", "the", "current", "time", "through", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Up", "##dates", "to", "the", "ledge", "##r", "should", "be", "consent", "##ed", "to", "by", "every", "participant", ".", "Specifically", ",", "several", "participants", "need", "to", "agree", "with", "a", "consensus", ".", "O", "##bs", "##er", "##ving", "which", "it", "is", "may", "not", "be", "the", "situation", "found", "in", "countless", "real", "-", "world", "applications", "such", "as", "a", "fi", "##at", "digital", "currency", ",", "by", "which", "a", "single", "entity", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "a", "bank", "or", "a", "government", ")", "decides", "on", "the", "updates", ".", "The", "importance", "of", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "strategy", "is", "actually", "being", "able", "to", "deal", "with", "those", "nodes", "that", "do", "not", "trust", "working", "together", ",", "indicating", "which", "variables", "might", "respond", "in", "Byzantine", "formal", "##ity", ".", "The", "consensus", "protocol", "consequently", "needs", "to", "endure", "Byzantine", "problems", ".", "The", "research", "involving", "a", "survey", "on", "consensus", "was", "comprehensive", ",", "and", "there", "are", "numerous", "versions", "of", "previously", "recommended", "protocols", "that", "have", "been", "manufactured", "for", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "[", "2", "]", ".", "These", "could", "be", "categorized", "in", "terms", "of", "their", "combined", "range", ".", "Over", "##w", "##hel", "##ming", "consists", "of", "solely", "com", "##putation", "-", "based", "protocols", "in", "which", "the", "users", "utilize", "proof", "of", "com", "##putation", "to", "find", "a", "node", "that", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", "determines", "the", "next", "operation", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "'", "s", "Pro", "##of", "of", "work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "is", "a", "simple", "example", "of", "the", "consensus", ".", "The", "other", "severe", "are", "solely", "communication", "-", "based", "protocols", "for", "which", "nodes", "have", "matching", "votes", "and", "run", "through", "several", "rounds", "of", "communication", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "All", "protocols", ",", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "(", "P", "##BF", "##T", ")", "[", "3", "]", "being", "the", "best", "illustration", ",", "are", "applied", "in", "particular", "configurations", "because", "they", "take", "authentic", "##ated", "nodes", ".", "In", "the", "middle", ",", "all", "opposite", "##s", "we", "find", "mixed" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
various aspects, and which have incorporated the adoption summary as appropriate to the application. In this paper, we have provided a technical verification review with regard to the consensus algorithm taken from previous research. The audience will receive a consensus protocol, and the algorithm typically analyzes the application to match which platform is appropriate by viewing the node identity, energy saving and the tolerated power of the adversary, the data model, language, executio
[ 10923, 19755, 1115, 13938, 1106, 2773, 1103, 8096, 1104, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 18959, 2924, 119, 1249, 1126, 1859, 117, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2896, 11478, 5591, 2614, 22391, 1103, 1444, 1111, 18372, 5463, 1120, 18959, 2924, 1114, 1103, 1329, 1104, 5022, 1158, 10682, 5197, 119, 1109, 1168, 17011, 1110, 4573, 1559, 1580, 1559, 1604, 118, 122, 118, 4389, 22392, 118, 25325, 1568, 118, 123, 120, 1407, 120, 109, 1955, 119, 3135, 206, 10973, 15292, 16206, 146, 15678, 11607, 1857, 5096, 10008, 1104, 5987, 164, 125, 166, 1134, 6618, 153, 26447, 1942, 1118, 3073, 118, 4006, 9373, 15029, 1107, 1134, 4713, 2992, 1113, 1147, 1319, 1107, 1546, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 18872, 117, 12126, 1197, 164, 126, 166, 1105, 155, 9717, 7136, 164, 127, 166, 12686, 14294, 153, 26447, 1942, 1118, 11190, 10923, 1107, 2964, 6379, 119, 1130, 1103, 1397, 2237, 117, 1195, 2194, 2272, 1250, 2628, 1114, 10923, 11309, 119, 4539, 2684, 7155, 10923, 11309, 21329, 1134, 1132, 1215, 1107, 6177, 4191, 1111, 3622, 4998, 119, 6177, 159, 3272, 170, 6593, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 5980, 1104, 10923, 19755, 117, 1105, 2237, 7118, 8927, 1114, 2174, 1844, 7768, 119, 1563, 119, 155, 21678, 13821, 10069, 160, 9565, 2428, 138, 119, 8784, 2101, 15840, 16996, 8784, 2101, 15840, 16996, 164, 128, 166, 1110, 170, 1449, 1115, 17114, 1116, 2967, 15029, 1115, 4282, 1887, 2233, 117, 1105, 2196, 1134, 4901, 2344, 1169, 2423, 13692, 1103, 1378, 1210, 4625, 131, 16752, 22398, 9517, 113, 140, 114, 1110, 170, 2781, 1118, 1134, 1296, 14372, 1144, 1103, 6270, 2233, 1120, 1103, 1269, 1159, 119, 11651, 8009, 5474, 113, 138, 114, 1110, 1103, 2781, 1187, 1251, 4290, 1104, 170, 2747, 14372, 1674, 1136, 6975, 1168, 15029, 119, 4539, 8934, 15745, 113, 153, 114, 1110, 1103, 2781, 1118, 1134, 15029, 1169, 2760, 2500, 117, 1256, 1114, 170, 4290, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 1109, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 1141, 1104, 1103, 4901, 2344, 1134, 1169, 13692, 1241, 11731, 113, 138, 114, 1105, 16416, 15745, 113, 153, 114, 1133, 2834, 13692, 1103, 3879, 1104, 20904, 113, 140, 114, 119, 3743, 117, 1112, 1263, 1112, 1103, 8865, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1110, 1159, 118, 2609, 117, 1103, 1449, 1110, 4485, 1112, 8338, 1103, 10010, 20904, 119, 11618, 20904, 1110, 1103, 5564, 1115, 8469, 1106, 7290, 1191, 1122, 1110, 12095, 1191, 1103, 16117, 1110, 2028, 6018, 117, 1256, 1114, 1199, 1159, 2495, 5700, 119, 139, 119, 8377, 1615, 1116, 21710, 113, 139, 17095, 114, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1144, 4275, 1103, 2486, 1115, 15267, 1103, 2006, 2443, 1106, 9221, 2193, 14409, 1106, 4989, 1115, 2702, 5369, 1110, 11168, 119, 13197, 170, 14031, 26064, 1103, 2915, 1105, 24738, 1104, 1103, 13618, 1137, 1136, 117, 3162, 1538, 4392, 1122, 119, 1109, 3136, 13198, 1103, 1177, 118, 1270, 139, 17095, 164, 129, 166, 164, 130, 166, 119, 1188, 1110, 2272, 1106, 1103, 4506, 1104, 1106, 2879, 3798, 21688, 1107, 170, 4901, 3750, 119, 1556, 1103, 139, 17095, 1107, 1713, 117, 1103, 2304, 1104, 6014, 17409, 20251, 1118, 1134, 1126, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1180, 11885, 170, 156, 1183, 15197, 2035, 119, 2409, 4953, 117, 1103, 4795, 1547 ]
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[ "consensus", "protocols", "that", "intend", "to", "increase", "the", "efficiency", "of", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Po", "##W", ".", "As", "an", "example", ",", "Pro", "##of", "of", "El", "##ap", "##sed", "Time", "removes", "the", "need", "for", "costly", "mining", "at", "Po", "##W", "with", "the", "use", "of", "profit", "##ing", "reliable", "devices", ".", "The", "other", "illustration", "is", "95", "##7", "##9", "##7", "##8", "-", "1", "-", "53", "##86", "-", "229", "##0", "-", "2", "/", "18", "/", "$", "31", ".", "00", "Β©", "##20", "##18", "IEEE", "I", "##CO", "##IN", "2018", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Authority", "[", "4", "]", "which", "helps", "P", "##BF", "##T", "by", "pre", "-", "finding", "trusted", "nodes", "in", "which", "users", "vote", "on", "their", "own", "in", "order", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "Likewise", ",", "Stella", "##r", "[", "5", "]", "and", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "[", "6", "]", "au", "##gment", "P", "##BF", "##T", "by", "achieving", "consensus", "in", "smaller", "networks", ".", "In", "the", "next", "section", ",", "we", "provide", "related", "work", "associated", "with", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "Part", "III", "explains", "consensus", "protocol", "comparisons", "which", "are", "used", "in", "Section", "IV", "for", "analysis", "purposes", ".", "Section", "V", "offers", "a", "conclusion", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "survey", "of", "consensus", "protocols", ",", "and", "section", "VI", "deals", "with", "future", "research", "directions", ".", "II", ".", "R", "##EL", "##AT", "##ED", "W", "##OR", "##K", "A", ".", "CA", "##P", "Theo", "##rem", "CA", "##P", "Theo", "##rem", "[", "7", "]", "is", "a", "system", "that", "distribute", "##s", "multiple", "nodes", "that", "handle", "common", "data", ",", "and", "shows", "which", "distributed", "systems", "can", "completely", "satisfy", "the", "following", "three", "properties", ":", "Con", "##sist", "##ency", "(", "C", ")", "is", "a", "status", "by", "which", "each", "node", "has", "the", "latest", "data", "at", "the", "same", "time", ".", "Ava", "##ila", "##bility", "(", "A", ")", "is", "the", "status", "where", "any", "failure", "of", "a", "specific", "node", "does", "not", "affect", "other", "nodes", ".", "Part", "##ition", "tolerance", "(", "P", ")", "is", "the", "status", "by", "which", "nodes", "can", "continue", "operations", ",", "even", "with", "a", "failure", "in", "the", "network", ".", "The", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "one", "of", "the", "distributed", "systems", "which", "can", "satisfy", "both", "availability", "(", "A", ")", "and", "partition", "tolerance", "(", "P", ")", "but", "cannot", "satisfy", "the", "condition", "of", "consistency", "(", "C", ")", ".", "Instead", ",", "as", "long", "as", "the", "separation", "of", "the", "network", "is", "time", "-", "limited", ",", "the", "system", "is", "regarded", "as", "maintaining", "the", "ultimate", "consistency", ".", "Ultimate", "consistency", "is", "the", "strategy", "that", "aims", "to", "discover", "if", "it", "is", "acceptable", "if", "the", "texture", "is", "eventually", "preserved", ",", "even", "with", "some", "time", "la", "##gs", ".", "B", ".", "Byzantine", "General", "##s", "Problem", "(", "B", "##GP", ")", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "has", "fixed", "the", "issue", "that", "permits", "the", "whole", "network", "to", "valid", "##ate", "transactions", "to", "ensure", "that", "double", "spending", "is", "detected", ".", "Whether", "a", "participant", "confirms", "the", "presence", "and", "authenticity", "of", "the", "transaction", "or", "not", ",", "Bob", "must", "accept", "it", ".", "The", "approach", "resembles", "the", "so", "-", "called", "B", "##GP", "[", "8", "]", "[", "9", "]", ".", "This", "is", "related", "to", "the", "challenge", "of", "to", "##ler", "##ating", "faults", "in", "a", "distributed", "environment", ".", "With", "the", "B", "##GP", "in", "mind", ",", "the", "question", "of", "false", "identities", "arises", "by", "which", "an", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "could", "mount", "a", "S", "##y", "##bil", "attack", ".", "Like", "Alice", ",", "the", "user", "might" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
various aspects, and which have incorporated the adoption summary as appropriate to the application. In this paper, we have provided a technical verification review with regard to the consensus algorithm taken from previous research. The audience will receive a consensus protocol, and the algorithm typically analyzes the application to match which platform is appropriate by viewing the node identity, energy saving and the tolerated power of the adversary, the data model, language, executio
[ 10923, 19755, 1115, 13938, 1106, 2773, 1103, 8096, 1104, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 18959, 2924, 119, 1249, 1126, 1859, 117, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2896, 11478, 5591, 2614, 22391, 1103, 1444, 1111, 18372, 5463, 1120, 18959, 2924, 1114, 1103, 1329, 1104, 5022, 1158, 10682, 5197, 119, 1109, 1168, 17011, 1110, 4573, 1559, 1580, 1559, 1604, 118, 122, 118, 4389, 22392, 118, 25325, 1568, 118, 123, 120, 1407, 120, 109, 1955, 119, 3135, 206, 10973, 15292, 16206, 146, 15678, 11607, 1857, 5096, 10008, 1104, 5987, 164, 125, 166, 1134, 6618, 153, 26447, 1942, 1118, 3073, 118, 4006, 9373, 15029, 1107, 1134, 4713, 2992, 1113, 1147, 1319, 1107, 1546, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 18872, 117, 12126, 1197, 164, 126, 166, 1105, 155, 9717, 7136, 164, 127, 166, 12686, 14294, 153, 26447, 1942, 1118, 11190, 10923, 1107, 2964, 6379, 119, 1130, 1103, 1397, 2237, 117, 1195, 2194, 2272, 1250, 2628, 1114, 10923, 11309, 119, 4539, 2684, 7155, 10923, 11309, 21329, 1134, 1132, 1215, 1107, 6177, 4191, 1111, 3622, 4998, 119, 6177, 159, 3272, 170, 6593, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 5980, 1104, 10923, 19755, 117, 1105, 2237, 7118, 8927, 1114, 2174, 1844, 7768, 119, 1563, 119, 155, 21678, 13821, 10069, 160, 9565, 2428, 138, 119, 8784, 2101, 15840, 16996, 8784, 2101, 15840, 16996, 164, 128, 166, 1110, 170, 1449, 1115, 17114, 1116, 2967, 15029, 1115, 4282, 1887, 2233, 117, 1105, 2196, 1134, 4901, 2344, 1169, 2423, 13692, 1103, 1378, 1210, 4625, 131, 16752, 22398, 9517, 113, 140, 114, 1110, 170, 2781, 1118, 1134, 1296, 14372, 1144, 1103, 6270, 2233, 1120, 1103, 1269, 1159, 119, 11651, 8009, 5474, 113, 138, 114, 1110, 1103, 2781, 1187, 1251, 4290, 1104, 170, 2747, 14372, 1674, 1136, 6975, 1168, 15029, 119, 4539, 8934, 15745, 113, 153, 114, 1110, 1103, 2781, 1118, 1134, 15029, 1169, 2760, 2500, 117, 1256, 1114, 170, 4290, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 1109, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 1141, 1104, 1103, 4901, 2344, 1134, 1169, 13692, 1241, 11731, 113, 138, 114, 1105, 16416, 15745, 113, 153, 114, 1133, 2834, 13692, 1103, 3879, 1104, 20904, 113, 140, 114, 119, 3743, 117, 1112, 1263, 1112, 1103, 8865, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1110, 1159, 118, 2609, 117, 1103, 1449, 1110, 4485, 1112, 8338, 1103, 10010, 20904, 119, 11618, 20904, 1110, 1103, 5564, 1115, 8469, 1106, 7290, 1191, 1122, 1110, 12095, 1191, 1103, 16117, 1110, 2028, 6018, 117, 1256, 1114, 1199, 1159, 2495, 5700, 119, 139, 119, 8377, 1615, 1116, 21710, 113, 139, 17095, 114, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1144, 4275, 1103, 2486, 1115, 15267, 1103, 2006, 2443, 1106, 9221, 2193, 14409, 1106, 4989, 1115, 2702, 5369, 1110, 11168, 119, 13197, 170, 14031, 26064, 1103, 2915, 1105, 24738, 1104, 1103, 13618, 1137, 1136, 117, 3162, 1538, 4392, 1122, 119, 1109, 3136, 13198, 1103, 1177, 118, 1270, 139, 17095, 164, 129, 166, 164, 130, 166, 119, 1188, 1110, 2272, 1106, 1103, 4506, 1104, 1106, 2879, 3798, 21688, 1107, 170, 4901, 3750, 119, 1556, 1103, 139, 17095, 1107, 1713, 117, 1103, 2304, 1104, 6014, 17409, 20251, 1118, 1134, 1126, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1180, 11885, 170, 156, 1183, 15197, 2035, 119, 2409, 4953, 117, 1103, 4795, 1547 ]
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[ "consensus", "protocols", "that", "intend", "to", "increase", "the", "efficiency", "of", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Po", "##W", ".", "As", "an", "example", ",", "Pro", "##of", "of", "El", "##ap", "##sed", "Time", "removes", "the", "need", "for", "costly", "mining", "at", "Po", "##W", "with", "the", "use", "of", "profit", "##ing", "reliable", "devices", ".", "The", "other", "illustration", "is", "95", "##7", "##9", "##7", "##8", "-", "1", "-", "53", "##86", "-", "229", "##0", "-", "2", "/", "18", "/", "$", "31", ".", "00", "Β©", "##20", "##18", "IEEE", "I", "##CO", "##IN", "2018", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Authority", "[", "4", "]", "which", "helps", "P", "##BF", "##T", "by", "pre", "-", "finding", "trusted", "nodes", "in", "which", "users", "vote", "on", "their", "own", "in", "order", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "Likewise", ",", "Stella", "##r", "[", "5", "]", "and", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "[", "6", "]", "au", "##gment", "P", "##BF", "##T", "by", "achieving", "consensus", "in", "smaller", "networks", ".", "In", "the", "next", "section", ",", "we", "provide", "related", "work", "associated", "with", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "Part", "III", "explains", "consensus", "protocol", "comparisons", "which", "are", "used", "in", "Section", "IV", "for", "analysis", "purposes", ".", "Section", "V", "offers", "a", "conclusion", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "survey", "of", "consensus", "protocols", ",", "and", "section", "VI", "deals", "with", "future", "research", "directions", ".", "II", ".", "R", "##EL", "##AT", "##ED", "W", "##OR", "##K", "A", ".", "CA", "##P", "Theo", "##rem", "CA", "##P", "Theo", "##rem", "[", "7", "]", "is", "a", "system", "that", "distribute", "##s", "multiple", "nodes", "that", "handle", "common", "data", ",", "and", "shows", "which", "distributed", "systems", "can", "completely", "satisfy", "the", "following", "three", "properties", ":", "Con", "##sist", "##ency", "(", "C", ")", "is", "a", "status", "by", "which", "each", "node", "has", "the", "latest", "data", "at", "the", "same", "time", ".", "Ava", "##ila", "##bility", "(", "A", ")", "is", "the", "status", "where", "any", "failure", "of", "a", "specific", "node", "does", "not", "affect", "other", "nodes", ".", "Part", "##ition", "tolerance", "(", "P", ")", "is", "the", "status", "by", "which", "nodes", "can", "continue", "operations", ",", "even", "with", "a", "failure", "in", "the", "network", ".", "The", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "one", "of", "the", "distributed", "systems", "which", "can", "satisfy", "both", "availability", "(", "A", ")", "and", "partition", "tolerance", "(", "P", ")", "but", "cannot", "satisfy", "the", "condition", "of", "consistency", "(", "C", ")", ".", "Instead", ",", "as", "long", "as", "the", "separation", "of", "the", "network", "is", "time", "-", "limited", ",", "the", "system", "is", "regarded", "as", "maintaining", "the", "ultimate", "consistency", ".", "Ultimate", "consistency", "is", "the", "strategy", "that", "aims", "to", "discover", "if", "it", "is", "acceptable", "if", "the", "texture", "is", "eventually", "preserved", ",", "even", "with", "some", "time", "la", "##gs", ".", "B", ".", "Byzantine", "General", "##s", "Problem", "(", "B", "##GP", ")", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "has", "fixed", "the", "issue", "that", "permits", "the", "whole", "network", "to", "valid", "##ate", "transactions", "to", "ensure", "that", "double", "spending", "is", "detected", ".", "Whether", "a", "participant", "confirms", "the", "presence", "and", "authenticity", "of", "the", "transaction", "or", "not", ",", "Bob", "must", "accept", "it", ".", "The", "approach", "resembles", "the", "so", "-", "called", "B", "##GP", "[", "8", "]", "[", "9", "]", ".", "This", "is", "related", "to", "the", "challenge", "of", "to", "##ler", "##ating", "faults", "in", "a", "distributed", "environment", ".", "With", "the", "B", "##GP", "in", "mind", ",", "the", "question", "of", "false", "identities", "arises", "by", "which", "an", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "could", "mount", "a", "S", "##y", "##bil", "attack", ".", "Like", "Alice", ",", "the", "user", "might" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
n, application, and examples. Finally, we finish by presenting several research directions with regard to the consensus protocol. Keywords: blockchain; consensus; distributed ledger; distributed consensus; consensus algorithms I. INTRODUCTION A ledger is a documentary framework which includes an ordered record of transactions. For instance, a ledger will record transactions between several commercial banks, or goods exchanged with known parties. An aspect of blockchains is that the le
[ 2561, 2967, 12409, 117, 1296, 21295, 1103, 13618, 119, 2711, 1103, 3958, 117, 1142, 1110, 170, 2702, 4511, 119, 3162, 1209, 3496, 1292, 117, 1173, 4392, 1103, 13618, 119, 140, 119, 153, 18890, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 113, 153, 26447, 1942, 114, 153, 26447, 1942, 164, 1275, 166, 1110, 1126, 9932, 1111, 15097, 170, 8377, 143, 14045, 3694, 1121, 170, 4290, 1107, 1459, 170, 10923, 2416, 1118, 1103, 139, 17095, 119, 1135, 1108, 1737, 1106, 1129, 170, 3021, 4506, 1106, 1508, 1103, 9932, 1106, 6691, 1329, 1496, 1106, 1103, 7883, 2971, 1104, 19218, 2320, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 2072, 2971, 1104, 15029, 1444, 1129, 1227, 117, 1105, 1103, 4177, 2971, 1104, 5696, 15029, 2993, 1106, 1129, 1383, 119, 1636, 5420, 1294, 1122, 1662, 1106, 12912, 1142, 9932, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1470, 2344, 119, 153, 26447, 1110, 1971, 1215, 1107, 155, 9717, 7136, 1105, 12126, 1197, 119, 141, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 6955, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 18959, 2924, 164, 1429, 166, 4431, 1106, 170, 6978, 1106, 12434, 170, 1825, 112, 188, 15025, 1118, 1515, 1172, 1202, 170, 1612, 1250, 1134, 1110, 16115, 6758, 1133, 21546, 119, 2857, 1152, 1138, 1694, 1142, 1250, 117, 1122, 1169, 1129, 1346, 22480, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 18959, 2924, 9932, 3909, 10736, 1324, 21995, 1324, 1169, 1129, 5546, 1111, 5416, 24853, 119, 138, 2747, 1144, 1324, 19218, 1110, 3238, 1296, 1159, 1126, 10632, 1110, 1850, 117, 8267, 14243, 22620, 10951, 1116, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2745, 18959, 2924, 1106, 3133, 170, 6978, 1134, 17356, 1103, 1940, 1116, 1874, 1643, 4894, 20936, 1104, 2233, 1105, 3840, 21379, 10772, 1443, 1103, 1444, 1111, 170, 2129, 3748, 117, 1105, 1134, 1169, 8333, 1103, 1449, 1222, 3690, 1118, 12477, 8031, 4179, 4713, 119, 142, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1457, 9899, 113, 18959, 1708, 114, 18959, 1708, 164, 1367, 166, 1110, 1126, 4174, 6978, 1111, 18959, 2924, 1134, 8247, 1116, 1103, 1397, 5463, 14372, 1359, 1113, 1147, 2355, 1104, 1103, 2900, 3539, 10202, 1104, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2443, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 13418, 1444, 1106, 5424, 1103, 5582, 1104, 170, 2218, 2971, 1104, 8536, 9584, 10202, 1107, 1546, 1106, 2317, 5511, 119, 18959, 2924, 164, 1492, 166, 5463, 1110, 1304, 18372, 119, 1109, 7791, 1110, 2108, 1540, 5827, 119, 18959, 1708, 1110, 5409, 11479, 1106, 20220, 1103, 11013, 1104, 5463, 119, 18959, 1708, 20421, 170, 1423, 3392, 117, 1105, 1870, 24573, 1103, 13544, 112, 188, 3819, 1106, 1129, 22127, 1193, 5236, 1106, 1103, 2317, 1197, 112, 188, 8219, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 138, 8219, 1110, 4444, 170, 6561, 5467, 3338, 170, 2440, 9397, 117, 13735, 1103, 2317, 1197, 112, 188, 13314, 1106, 8338, 1103, 2443, 119, 1188, 13267, 1103, 2672, 1134, 2502, 1171, 1103, 8219, 119, 10608, 117, 170, 2317, 1197, 1180, 3133, 1103, 6270, 3510, 1118, 1231, 24313, 3970, 1103, 13544, 119, 143, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2173, 6366, 113, 18959, 1592, 114, 18959, 1708, 1144, 1242, 1167, 9118, 1115, 4444, 12864, 1113, 1103, 9584, 2553, 1134, 1180, 8803, 3709, 7674, 1107, 170, 9584, 8219, 13618, 1106, 3200, 22775, 119, 3291, 4935, 1850, 1106 ]
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[ "create", "multiple", "instances", ",", "each", "confirming", "the", "transaction", ".", "Despite", "the", "reality", ",", "this", "is", "a", "double", "spend", ".", "Bob", "will", "trust", "these", ",", "then", "accept", "the", "transaction", ".", "C", ".", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "(", "P", "##BF", "##T", ")", "P", "##BF", "##T", "[", "10", "]", "is", "an", "algorithm", "for", "solving", "a", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "resulting", "from", "a", "failure", "in", "building", "a", "consensus", "caused", "by", "the", "B", "##GP", ".", "It", "was", "considered", "to", "be", "a", "serious", "challenge", "to", "put", "the", "algorithm", "to", "practical", "use", "due", "to", "the", "enormous", "amount", "of", "calculation", "required", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "entire", "amount", "of", "nodes", "need", "be", "known", ",", "and", "the", "maximum", "amount", "of", "illegal", "nodes", "needs", "to", "be", "set", ".", "These", "requirements", "make", "it", "hard", "to", "employ", "this", "algorithm", "with", "regard", "to", "public", "systems", ".", "P", "##BF", "is", "currently", "used", "in", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "and", "Stella", "##r", ".", "D", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "Po", "##W", "[", "11", "]", "refers", "to", "a", "mechanism", "to", "confirm", "a", "person", "'", "s", "innocence", "by", "having", "them", "do", "a", "sure", "work", "which", "is", "troubles", "##ome", "but", "straightforward", ".", "Once", "they", "have", "done", "this", "work", ",", "it", "can", "be", "early", "verified", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "Po", "##W", "algorithm", "entitled", "Has", "##h", "##cas", "##h", "can", "be", "adapted", "for", "sending", "emails", ".", "A", "specific", "has", "##h", "calculation", "is", "necessary", "each", "time", "an", "email", "is", "sent", ",", "thereby", "excluding", "spa", "##mmer", "##s", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "uses", "Po", "##W", "to", "produce", "a", "mechanism", "which", "prevents", "the", "mi", "##s", "##re", "##p", "##res", "##entation", "of", "data", "and", "du", "##plicate", "payments", "without", "the", "need", "for", "a", "central", "authority", ",", "and", "which", "can", "preserve", "the", "system", "against", "attacks", "by", "ma", "##lic", "##ious", "users", ".", "E", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "St", "##ake", "(", "Po", "##S", ")", "Po", "##S", "[", "12", "]", "is", "an", "alternative", "mechanism", "for", "Po", "##W", "which", "select", "##s", "the", "next", "mining", "node", "based", "on", "their", "holding", "of", "the", "native", "digital", "currency", "of", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "network", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "miners", "need", "to", "prove", "the", "ownership", "of", "a", "certain", "amount", "of", "peer", "coin", "currency", "in", "order", "to", "mine", "blocks", ".", "Po", "##W", "[", "13", "]", "mining", "is", "very", "costly", ".", "The", "procedure", "is", "especially", "power", "intense", ".", "Po", "##S", "is", "significantly", "projected", "to", "minimize", "the", "expense", "of", "mining", ".", "Po", "##S", "preserves", "a", "single", "branch", ",", "and", "yet", "transforms", "the", "puzzle", "'", "s", "trouble", "to", "be", "inverse", "##ly", "relative", "to", "the", "mine", "##r", "'", "s", "stake", "in", "the", "network", ".", "A", "stake", "is", "ultimately", "a", "secured", "membership", "alongside", "a", "particular", "stability", ",", "addressing", "the", "mine", "##r", "'", "s", "dedication", "to", "maintaining", "the", "network", ".", "This", "enables", "the", "feature", "which", "comes", "back", "the", "stake", ".", "Subsequently", ",", "a", "mine", "##r", "could", "produce", "the", "latest", "block", "by", "re", "##sol", "##ving", "the", "puzzle", ".", "F", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Act", "##ivity", "(", "Po", "##A", ")", "Po", "##S", "has", "many", "more", "restrictions", "that", "ultimately", "depend", "on", "the", "coin", "##age", "which", "could", "involve", "keeping", "coins", "in", "a", "coin", "stake", "transaction", "to", "ones", "##elf", ".", "Co", "##ins", "sent", "to" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
n, application, and examples. Finally, we finish by presenting several research directions with regard to the consensus protocol. Keywords: blockchain; consensus; distributed ledger; distributed consensus; consensus algorithms I. INTRODUCTION A ledger is a documentary framework which includes an ordered record of transactions. For instance, a ledger will record transactions between several commercial banks, or goods exchanged with known parties. An aspect of blockchains is that the le
[ 2561, 2967, 12409, 117, 1296, 21295, 1103, 13618, 119, 2711, 1103, 3958, 117, 1142, 1110, 170, 2702, 4511, 119, 3162, 1209, 3496, 1292, 117, 1173, 4392, 1103, 13618, 119, 140, 119, 153, 18890, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 113, 153, 26447, 1942, 114, 153, 26447, 1942, 164, 1275, 166, 1110, 1126, 9932, 1111, 15097, 170, 8377, 143, 14045, 3694, 1121, 170, 4290, 1107, 1459, 170, 10923, 2416, 1118, 1103, 139, 17095, 119, 1135, 1108, 1737, 1106, 1129, 170, 3021, 4506, 1106, 1508, 1103, 9932, 1106, 6691, 1329, 1496, 1106, 1103, 7883, 2971, 1104, 19218, 2320, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 2072, 2971, 1104, 15029, 1444, 1129, 1227, 117, 1105, 1103, 4177, 2971, 1104, 5696, 15029, 2993, 1106, 1129, 1383, 119, 1636, 5420, 1294, 1122, 1662, 1106, 12912, 1142, 9932, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1470, 2344, 119, 153, 26447, 1110, 1971, 1215, 1107, 155, 9717, 7136, 1105, 12126, 1197, 119, 141, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 6955, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 18959, 2924, 164, 1429, 166, 4431, 1106, 170, 6978, 1106, 12434, 170, 1825, 112, 188, 15025, 1118, 1515, 1172, 1202, 170, 1612, 1250, 1134, 1110, 16115, 6758, 1133, 21546, 119, 2857, 1152, 1138, 1694, 1142, 1250, 117, 1122, 1169, 1129, 1346, 22480, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 18959, 2924, 9932, 3909, 10736, 1324, 21995, 1324, 1169, 1129, 5546, 1111, 5416, 24853, 119, 138, 2747, 1144, 1324, 19218, 1110, 3238, 1296, 1159, 1126, 10632, 1110, 1850, 117, 8267, 14243, 22620, 10951, 1116, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2745, 18959, 2924, 1106, 3133, 170, 6978, 1134, 17356, 1103, 1940, 1116, 1874, 1643, 4894, 20936, 1104, 2233, 1105, 3840, 21379, 10772, 1443, 1103, 1444, 1111, 170, 2129, 3748, 117, 1105, 1134, 1169, 8333, 1103, 1449, 1222, 3690, 1118, 12477, 8031, 4179, 4713, 119, 142, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1457, 9899, 113, 18959, 1708, 114, 18959, 1708, 164, 1367, 166, 1110, 1126, 4174, 6978, 1111, 18959, 2924, 1134, 8247, 1116, 1103, 1397, 5463, 14372, 1359, 1113, 1147, 2355, 1104, 1103, 2900, 3539, 10202, 1104, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2443, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 13418, 1444, 1106, 5424, 1103, 5582, 1104, 170, 2218, 2971, 1104, 8536, 9584, 10202, 1107, 1546, 1106, 2317, 5511, 119, 18959, 2924, 164, 1492, 166, 5463, 1110, 1304, 18372, 119, 1109, 7791, 1110, 2108, 1540, 5827, 119, 18959, 1708, 1110, 5409, 11479, 1106, 20220, 1103, 11013, 1104, 5463, 119, 18959, 1708, 20421, 170, 1423, 3392, 117, 1105, 1870, 24573, 1103, 13544, 112, 188, 3819, 1106, 1129, 22127, 1193, 5236, 1106, 1103, 2317, 1197, 112, 188, 8219, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 138, 8219, 1110, 4444, 170, 6561, 5467, 3338, 170, 2440, 9397, 117, 13735, 1103, 2317, 1197, 112, 188, 13314, 1106, 8338, 1103, 2443, 119, 1188, 13267, 1103, 2672, 1134, 2502, 1171, 1103, 8219, 119, 10608, 117, 170, 2317, 1197, 1180, 3133, 1103, 6270, 3510, 1118, 1231, 24313, 3970, 1103, 13544, 119, 143, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2173, 6366, 113, 18959, 1592, 114, 18959, 1708, 1144, 1242, 1167, 9118, 1115, 4444, 12864, 1113, 1103, 9584, 2553, 1134, 1180, 8803, 3709, 7674, 1107, 170, 9584, 8219, 13618, 1106, 3200, 22775, 119, 3291, 4935, 1850, 1106 ]
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[ "create", "multiple", "instances", ",", "each", "confirming", "the", "transaction", ".", "Despite", "the", "reality", ",", "this", "is", "a", "double", "spend", ".", "Bob", "will", "trust", "these", ",", "then", "accept", "the", "transaction", ".", "C", ".", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "(", "P", "##BF", "##T", ")", "P", "##BF", "##T", "[", "10", "]", "is", "an", "algorithm", "for", "solving", "a", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "resulting", "from", "a", "failure", "in", "building", "a", "consensus", "caused", "by", "the", "B", "##GP", ".", "It", "was", "considered", "to", "be", "a", "serious", "challenge", "to", "put", "the", "algorithm", "to", "practical", "use", "due", "to", "the", "enormous", "amount", "of", "calculation", "required", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "entire", "amount", "of", "nodes", "need", "be", "known", ",", "and", "the", "maximum", "amount", "of", "illegal", "nodes", "needs", "to", "be", "set", ".", "These", "requirements", "make", "it", "hard", "to", "employ", "this", "algorithm", "with", "regard", "to", "public", "systems", ".", "P", "##BF", "is", "currently", "used", "in", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "and", "Stella", "##r", ".", "D", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "Po", "##W", "[", "11", "]", "refers", "to", "a", "mechanism", "to", "confirm", "a", "person", "'", "s", "innocence", "by", "having", "them", "do", "a", "sure", "work", "which", "is", "troubles", "##ome", "but", "straightforward", ".", "Once", "they", "have", "done", "this", "work", ",", "it", "can", "be", "early", "verified", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "Po", "##W", "algorithm", "entitled", "Has", "##h", "##cas", "##h", "can", "be", "adapted", "for", "sending", "emails", ".", "A", "specific", "has", "##h", "calculation", "is", "necessary", "each", "time", "an", "email", "is", "sent", ",", "thereby", "excluding", "spa", "##mmer", "##s", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "uses", "Po", "##W", "to", "produce", "a", "mechanism", "which", "prevents", "the", "mi", "##s", "##re", "##p", "##res", "##entation", "of", "data", "and", "du", "##plicate", "payments", "without", "the", "need", "for", "a", "central", "authority", ",", "and", "which", "can", "preserve", "the", "system", "against", "attacks", "by", "ma", "##lic", "##ious", "users", ".", "E", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "St", "##ake", "(", "Po", "##S", ")", "Po", "##S", "[", "12", "]", "is", "an", "alternative", "mechanism", "for", "Po", "##W", "which", "select", "##s", "the", "next", "mining", "node", "based", "on", "their", "holding", "of", "the", "native", "digital", "currency", "of", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "network", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "miners", "need", "to", "prove", "the", "ownership", "of", "a", "certain", "amount", "of", "peer", "coin", "currency", "in", "order", "to", "mine", "blocks", ".", "Po", "##W", "[", "13", "]", "mining", "is", "very", "costly", ".", "The", "procedure", "is", "especially", "power", "intense", ".", "Po", "##S", "is", "significantly", "projected", "to", "minimize", "the", "expense", "of", "mining", ".", "Po", "##S", "preserves", "a", "single", "branch", ",", "and", "yet", "transforms", "the", "puzzle", "'", "s", "trouble", "to", "be", "inverse", "##ly", "relative", "to", "the", "mine", "##r", "'", "s", "stake", "in", "the", "network", ".", "A", "stake", "is", "ultimately", "a", "secured", "membership", "alongside", "a", "particular", "stability", ",", "addressing", "the", "mine", "##r", "'", "s", "dedication", "to", "maintaining", "the", "network", ".", "This", "enables", "the", "feature", "which", "comes", "back", "the", "stake", ".", "Subsequently", ",", "a", "mine", "##r", "could", "produce", "the", "latest", "block", "by", "re", "##sol", "##ving", "the", "puzzle", ".", "F", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Act", "##ivity", "(", "Po", "##A", ")", "Po", "##S", "has", "many", "more", "restrictions", "that", "ultimately", "depend", "on", "the", "coin", "##age", "which", "could", "involve", "keeping", "coins", "in", "a", "coin", "stake", "transaction", "to", "ones", "##elf", ".", "Co", "##ins", "sent", "to" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
dger is replicated entirely on almost all the nodes. Moreover, transactions are assembled into blocks, then chained to one another. Therefore, the distributed ledger is a replicated attach only data framework. A blockchain begins with the initial states, while the ledger records all the history of the revision procedure. A technique encouraging distributed ledgers could classify them in terms of three aspects. (Account, Asset, and Coin). Initially, the application created on the top of the
[ 2530, 14409, 27430, 1158, 7674, 1106, 1832, 1748, 10677, 1103, 9584, 2553, 117, 1133, 1132, 1136, 1529, 1107, 1103, 18959, 1708, 119, 1438, 117, 1103, 1514, 11477, 1110, 1115, 9584, 2553, 19213, 7747, 1103, 14372, 1674, 1136, 5088, 1106, 1103, 2443, 119, 1109, 14372, 1110, 6664, 7747, 15029, 2845, 3294, 2121, 1105, 8513, 1111, 1147, 23692, 117, 7097, 1106, 1301, 1228, 2568, 1254, 2886, 119, 1109, 1236, 1122, 1759, 1674, 1871, 1107, 21254, 1104, 23692, 23190, 3402, 1106, 1103, 2820, 18115, 15029, 10861, 2760, 3294, 164, 1489, 166, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 26027, 1930, 1202, 4392, 1103, 9386, 119, 1760, 14733, 2971, 1104, 3294, 15029, 117, 1649, 117, 11000, 1116, 3690, 119, 144, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2710, 1891, 113, 18959, 2101, 114, 138, 1159, 118, 13182, 1158, 1555, 2790, 1551, 20284, 3491, 1114, 7328, 1106, 3539, 3002, 1134, 7487, 9032, 9437, 1104, 1103, 4573, 1604, 3707, 1105, 15156, 1159, 1104, 1103, 1647, 119, 1247, 1132, 170, 1295, 1104, 1672, 1159, 13182, 1158, 4884, 117, 1259, 153, 2428, 2240, 1359, 25864, 1826, 119, 1636, 3002, 1105, 1551, 20284, 3491, 1132, 1144, 8961, 1105, 6561, 1194, 170, 2029, 2501, 9770, 119, 16097, 117, 1103, 16096, 1180, 1171, 9216, 3002, 6150, 1229, 1144, 8840, 1105, 6086, 1763, 1551, 20284, 3491, 164, 1405, 166, 119, 1706, 11407, 1142, 2486, 117, 1175, 1138, 1151, 1872, 1177, 118, 1270, 5128, 1551, 20284, 3491, 119, 4081, 1159, 13182, 10890, 2515, 170, 2166, 1144, 1324, 3510, 119, 1188, 14955, 1116, 170, 2335, 1546, 1104, 3002, 1256, 1107, 1103, 1692, 1104, 18238, 24998, 119, 9841, 117, 1122, 3272, 15870, 8406, 21487, 1134, 1132, 1136, 25667, 1165, 1122, 2502, 1106, 1231, 8005, 19667, 1193, 6755, 3002, 1107, 170, 5128, 4129, 1104, 1159, 13321, 119, 145, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 16915, 113, 18959, 2064, 114, 18959, 2064, 164, 1479, 166, 1110, 170, 1304, 1218, 118, 1227, 1105, 15668, 6806, 1111, 10348, 119, 6240, 11309, 2607, 1216, 1112, 22475, 3798, 170, 2166, 13618, 1336, 13639, 170, 2991, 13097, 1133, 3337, 2760, 8740, 12173, 6963, 7550, 1547, 5340, 1106, 4392, 14409, 1115, 1132, 4485, 1112, 1217, 18238, 2258, 1207, 4683, 6596, 119, 1706, 10407, 1103, 2607, 117, 1211, 1104, 1103, 13418, 1431, 12764, 119, 9139, 1733, 1547, 1329, 12783, 1540, 1118, 3780, 5511, 1134, 1547, 1129, 5164, 1118, 1168, 15029, 119, 23104, 117, 13418, 4282, 1106, 16315, 13676, 20889, 3558, 1103, 1211, 6246, 1116, 119, 146, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 11336, 19091, 12853, 5474, 113, 18959, 2069, 114, 153, 9565, 164, 1542, 166, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 6790, 1133, 6986, 1103, 2912, 1106, 2194, 5250, 12598, 8268, 19755, 1118, 6103, 22965, 1105, 1231, 19091, 12853, 5474, 1115, 1169, 1129, 1215, 1106, 27842, 11928, 1112, 1122, 18381, 1106, 11858, 4412, 2200, 4956, 5092, 119, 147, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2896, 11478, 5591, 2614, 113, 18959, 11943, 114, 18959, 11943, 164, 1407, 166, 164, 1627, 166, 22974, 18959, 2924, 1112, 170, 1167, 7856, 11309, 119, 16409, 16891, 1193, 117, 18959, 11943, 5049, 1107, 170, 4921, 4035, 16768, 119, 1188, 1110, 7087, 1118, 12713, 170, 3510, 1105, 7758, 117, 3780, 170, 7091, 9355 ]
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[ "standard", "transactions", "assign", "##ing", "coins", "to", "rest", "further", "ruin", "the", "coin", "##age", ",", "but", "are", "not", "included", "in", "the", "Po", "##S", ".", "However", ",", "the", "main", "weakness", "is", "that", "coin", "##age", "collects", "whenever", "the", "node", "does", "not", "link", "to", "the", "network", ".", "The", "node", "is", "sufficient", "whenever", "nodes", "appear", "online", "sometimes", "and", "delay", "for", "their", "incentive", ",", "exclusively", "to", "go", "off", "##line", "again", "subsequently", ".", "The", "way", "it", "works", "does", "result", "in", "bursts", "of", "incentive", "distributions", "compared", "to", "the", "situation", "wherein", "nodes", "continuously", "continue", "online", "[", "14", "]", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "stakeholders", "probably", "do", "accept", "the", "outcome", ".", "An", "insufficient", "amount", "of", "online", "nodes", ",", "however", ",", "facilitate", "##s", "attacks", ".", "G", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Public", "##ation", "(", "Po", "##P", ")", "A", "time", "-", "stamp", "##ing", "service", "provides", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "with", "regard", "to", "digital", "records", "which", "firmly", "maintains", "monitoring", "of", "the", "95", "##8", "creation", "and", "modification", "time", "of", "the", "record", ".", "There", "are", "a", "number", "of", "various", "time", "stamp", "##ing", "techniques", ",", "including", "P", "##K", "##I", "based", "centralized", "services", ".", "These", "records", "and", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "are", "has", "##hed", "and", "secured", "through", "a", "private", "key", "server", ".", "Nonetheless", ",", "the", "servers", "could", "back", "##date", "records", "perfectly", "while", "has", "##hing", "and", "signing", "past", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "[", "15", "]", ".", "To", "tackle", "this", "issue", ",", "there", "have", "been", "developed", "so", "-", "called", "linked", "times", "##tam", "##ps", ".", "Every", "time", "stamp", "certificate", "contains", "a", "previous", "has", "##h", "block", ".", "This", "assure", "##s", "a", "complete", "order", "of", "records", "even", "in", "the", "case", "of", "incorrect", "clocks", ".", "Moreover", ",", "it", "offers", "hardened", "fake", "certificates", "which", "are", "not", "feasible", "when", "it", "comes", "to", "re", "##tro", "##active", "##ly", "connecting", "records", "in", "a", "linked", "chain", "of", "time", "stamps", ".", "H", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Burn", "(", "Po", "##B", ")", "Po", "##B", "[", "16", "]", "is", "a", "very", "well", "-", "known", "and", "viable", "tool", "for", "migration", ".", "Natural", "protocol", "changes", "such", "as", "invalid", "##ating", "a", "previous", "transaction", "may", "incorporate", "a", "soft", "fork", "but", "commonly", "continue", "backward", "compatible", "Former", "clients", "might", "agree", "to", "accept", "transactions", "that", "are", "regarded", "as", "being", "incorrect", "via", "new", "applications", "releases", ".", "To", "implement", "the", "changes", ",", "most", "of", "the", "miners", "should", "upgrade", ".", "Mine", "##rs", "might", "use", "computing", "power", "by", "creating", "blocks", "which", "might", "be", "rejected", "by", "other", "nodes", ".", "Alternatively", ",", "miners", "handle", "to", "oppose", "resistant", "upgrades", "providing", "the", "most", "decline", "##s", ".", "I", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Re", "##tri", "##eva", "##bility", "(", "Po", "##R", ")", "P", "##OR", "[", "17", "]", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "burn", "but", "increases", "the", "ability", "to", "provide", "pro", "##vable", "commitment", "protocols", "by", "considering", "bandwidth", "and", "re", "##tri", "##eva", "##bility", "that", "can", "be", "used", "to", "repay", "expenses", "as", "it", "proposes", "to", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "file", "storage", ".", "J", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "El", "##ap", "##sed", "Time", "(", "Po", "##ET", ")", "Po", "##ET", "[", "18", "]", "[", "19", "]", "replaces", "Po", "##W", "as", "a", "more", "efficient", "protocol", ".", "Ex", "##clusive", "##ly", ",", "Po", "##ET", "operates", "in", "a", "protected", "en", "##clave", ".", "This", "is", "initiated", "by", "generating", "a", "block", "and", "input", ",", "creating", "a", "random", "duration" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
dger is replicated entirely on almost all the nodes. Moreover, transactions are assembled into blocks, then chained to one another. Therefore, the distributed ledger is a replicated attach only data framework. A blockchain begins with the initial states, while the ledger records all the history of the revision procedure. A technique encouraging distributed ledgers could classify them in terms of three aspects. (Account, Asset, and Coin). Initially, the application created on the top of the
[ 2530, 14409, 27430, 1158, 7674, 1106, 1832, 1748, 10677, 1103, 9584, 2553, 117, 1133, 1132, 1136, 1529, 1107, 1103, 18959, 1708, 119, 1438, 117, 1103, 1514, 11477, 1110, 1115, 9584, 2553, 19213, 7747, 1103, 14372, 1674, 1136, 5088, 1106, 1103, 2443, 119, 1109, 14372, 1110, 6664, 7747, 15029, 2845, 3294, 2121, 1105, 8513, 1111, 1147, 23692, 117, 7097, 1106, 1301, 1228, 2568, 1254, 2886, 119, 1109, 1236, 1122, 1759, 1674, 1871, 1107, 21254, 1104, 23692, 23190, 3402, 1106, 1103, 2820, 18115, 15029, 10861, 2760, 3294, 164, 1489, 166, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 26027, 1930, 1202, 4392, 1103, 9386, 119, 1760, 14733, 2971, 1104, 3294, 15029, 117, 1649, 117, 11000, 1116, 3690, 119, 144, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2710, 1891, 113, 18959, 2101, 114, 138, 1159, 118, 13182, 1158, 1555, 2790, 1551, 20284, 3491, 1114, 7328, 1106, 3539, 3002, 1134, 7487, 9032, 9437, 1104, 1103, 4573, 1604, 3707, 1105, 15156, 1159, 1104, 1103, 1647, 119, 1247, 1132, 170, 1295, 1104, 1672, 1159, 13182, 1158, 4884, 117, 1259, 153, 2428, 2240, 1359, 25864, 1826, 119, 1636, 3002, 1105, 1551, 20284, 3491, 1132, 1144, 8961, 1105, 6561, 1194, 170, 2029, 2501, 9770, 119, 16097, 117, 1103, 16096, 1180, 1171, 9216, 3002, 6150, 1229, 1144, 8840, 1105, 6086, 1763, 1551, 20284, 3491, 164, 1405, 166, 119, 1706, 11407, 1142, 2486, 117, 1175, 1138, 1151, 1872, 1177, 118, 1270, 5128, 1551, 20284, 3491, 119, 4081, 1159, 13182, 10890, 2515, 170, 2166, 1144, 1324, 3510, 119, 1188, 14955, 1116, 170, 2335, 1546, 1104, 3002, 1256, 1107, 1103, 1692, 1104, 18238, 24998, 119, 9841, 117, 1122, 3272, 15870, 8406, 21487, 1134, 1132, 1136, 25667, 1165, 1122, 2502, 1106, 1231, 8005, 19667, 1193, 6755, 3002, 1107, 170, 5128, 4129, 1104, 1159, 13321, 119, 145, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 16915, 113, 18959, 2064, 114, 18959, 2064, 164, 1479, 166, 1110, 170, 1304, 1218, 118, 1227, 1105, 15668, 6806, 1111, 10348, 119, 6240, 11309, 2607, 1216, 1112, 22475, 3798, 170, 2166, 13618, 1336, 13639, 170, 2991, 13097, 1133, 3337, 2760, 8740, 12173, 6963, 7550, 1547, 5340, 1106, 4392, 14409, 1115, 1132, 4485, 1112, 1217, 18238, 2258, 1207, 4683, 6596, 119, 1706, 10407, 1103, 2607, 117, 1211, 1104, 1103, 13418, 1431, 12764, 119, 9139, 1733, 1547, 1329, 12783, 1540, 1118, 3780, 5511, 1134, 1547, 1129, 5164, 1118, 1168, 15029, 119, 23104, 117, 13418, 4282, 1106, 16315, 13676, 20889, 3558, 1103, 1211, 6246, 1116, 119, 146, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 11336, 19091, 12853, 5474, 113, 18959, 2069, 114, 153, 9565, 164, 1542, 166, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 6790, 1133, 6986, 1103, 2912, 1106, 2194, 5250, 12598, 8268, 19755, 1118, 6103, 22965, 1105, 1231, 19091, 12853, 5474, 1115, 1169, 1129, 1215, 1106, 27842, 11928, 1112, 1122, 18381, 1106, 11858, 4412, 2200, 4956, 5092, 119, 147, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 2896, 11478, 5591, 2614, 113, 18959, 11943, 114, 18959, 11943, 164, 1407, 166, 164, 1627, 166, 22974, 18959, 2924, 1112, 170, 1167, 7856, 11309, 119, 16409, 16891, 1193, 117, 18959, 11943, 5049, 1107, 170, 4921, 4035, 16768, 119, 1188, 1110, 7087, 1118, 12713, 170, 3510, 1105, 7758, 117, 3780, 170, 7091, 9355 ]
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[ "standard", "transactions", "assign", "##ing", "coins", "to", "rest", "further", "ruin", "the", "coin", "##age", ",", "but", "are", "not", "included", "in", "the", "Po", "##S", ".", "However", ",", "the", "main", "weakness", "is", "that", "coin", "##age", "collects", "whenever", "the", "node", "does", "not", "link", "to", "the", "network", ".", "The", "node", "is", "sufficient", "whenever", "nodes", "appear", "online", "sometimes", "and", "delay", "for", "their", "incentive", ",", "exclusively", "to", "go", "off", "##line", "again", "subsequently", ".", "The", "way", "it", "works", "does", "result", "in", "bursts", "of", "incentive", "distributions", "compared", "to", "the", "situation", "wherein", "nodes", "continuously", "continue", "online", "[", "14", "]", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "stakeholders", "probably", "do", "accept", "the", "outcome", ".", "An", "insufficient", "amount", "of", "online", "nodes", ",", "however", ",", "facilitate", "##s", "attacks", ".", "G", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Public", "##ation", "(", "Po", "##P", ")", "A", "time", "-", "stamp", "##ing", "service", "provides", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "with", "regard", "to", "digital", "records", "which", "firmly", "maintains", "monitoring", "of", "the", "95", "##8", "creation", "and", "modification", "time", "of", "the", "record", ".", "There", "are", "a", "number", "of", "various", "time", "stamp", "##ing", "techniques", ",", "including", "P", "##K", "##I", "based", "centralized", "services", ".", "These", "records", "and", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "are", "has", "##hed", "and", "secured", "through", "a", "private", "key", "server", ".", "Nonetheless", ",", "the", "servers", "could", "back", "##date", "records", "perfectly", "while", "has", "##hing", "and", "signing", "past", "times", "##tam", "##ps", "[", "15", "]", ".", "To", "tackle", "this", "issue", ",", "there", "have", "been", "developed", "so", "-", "called", "linked", "times", "##tam", "##ps", ".", "Every", "time", "stamp", "certificate", "contains", "a", "previous", "has", "##h", "block", ".", "This", "assure", "##s", "a", "complete", "order", "of", "records", "even", "in", "the", "case", "of", "incorrect", "clocks", ".", "Moreover", ",", "it", "offers", "hardened", "fake", "certificates", "which", "are", "not", "feasible", "when", "it", "comes", "to", "re", "##tro", "##active", "##ly", "connecting", "records", "in", "a", "linked", "chain", "of", "time", "stamps", ".", "H", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Burn", "(", "Po", "##B", ")", "Po", "##B", "[", "16", "]", "is", "a", "very", "well", "-", "known", "and", "viable", "tool", "for", "migration", ".", "Natural", "protocol", "changes", "such", "as", "invalid", "##ating", "a", "previous", "transaction", "may", "incorporate", "a", "soft", "fork", "but", "commonly", "continue", "backward", "compatible", "Former", "clients", "might", "agree", "to", "accept", "transactions", "that", "are", "regarded", "as", "being", "incorrect", "via", "new", "applications", "releases", ".", "To", "implement", "the", "changes", ",", "most", "of", "the", "miners", "should", "upgrade", ".", "Mine", "##rs", "might", "use", "computing", "power", "by", "creating", "blocks", "which", "might", "be", "rejected", "by", "other", "nodes", ".", "Alternatively", ",", "miners", "handle", "to", "oppose", "resistant", "upgrades", "providing", "the", "most", "decline", "##s", ".", "I", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Re", "##tri", "##eva", "##bility", "(", "Po", "##R", ")", "P", "##OR", "[", "17", "]", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "burn", "but", "increases", "the", "ability", "to", "provide", "pro", "##vable", "commitment", "protocols", "by", "considering", "bandwidth", "and", "re", "##tri", "##eva", "##bility", "that", "can", "be", "used", "to", "repay", "expenses", "as", "it", "proposes", "to", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "file", "storage", ".", "J", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "El", "##ap", "##sed", "Time", "(", "Po", "##ET", ")", "Po", "##ET", "[", "18", "]", "[", "19", "]", "replaces", "Po", "##W", "as", "a", "more", "efficient", "protocol", ".", "Ex", "##clusive", "##ly", ",", "Po", "##ET", "operates", "in", "a", "protected", "en", "##clave", ".", "This", "is", "initiated", "by", "generating", "a", "block", "and", "input", ",", "creating", "a", "random", "duration" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
ledger establishes the information entirely in such a way as to keep within the ledger A cryptocurrency application will use to create a user account similar to that found in conventional banking. The intention is that it is simple to build and apply a lower level model such as an example table or a critical value as mentioned. Second, the functional system might have one or higher ledgers which can link to one another. A large enterprise, for instance, may have multiple ledgers, one for
[ 1159, 119, 2611, 117, 1142, 1180, 1129, 1215, 1106, 3076, 21487, 117, 2951, 8985, 1293, 1677, 9355, 9032, 3175, 1165, 1103, 1159, 1197, 3471, 119, 138, 14372, 1134, 18959, 11943, 6570, 170, 1374, 1551, 1180, 12647, 6696, 1103, 3510, 117, 1517, 1103, 1159, 1197, 4252, 20082, 1116, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 14372, 1180, 7543, 1147, 18959, 11943, 10890, 1106, 1103, 3510, 117, 19148, 3558, 1115, 1159, 1108, 1159, 7681, 1190, 1184, 1687, 1114, 1251, 1168, 14372, 1103, 3510, 1110, 4092, 119, 148, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 17212, 19905, 113, 18959, 1658, 114, 18959, 1658, 164, 1406, 166, 164, 1626, 166, 2745, 10682, 3204, 1106, 9711, 1103, 1295, 1104, 16498, 1116, 2320, 1106, 21073, 4290, 119, 1109, 151, 118, 14372, 2443, 1169, 1208, 21073, 1146, 1106, 151, 134, 123, 8050, 10704, 11315, 1233, 15029, 117, 1112, 4151, 1106, 151, 134, 124, 8050, 10704, 11315, 1233, 15029, 1107, 1103, 1560, 153, 26447, 1942, 119, 149, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 146, 24729, 16242, 3633, 113, 18959, 2240, 114, 18959, 2240, 164, 128, 166, 2745, 170, 3442, 1115, 13687, 15029, 1194, 13618, 10873, 3622, 117, 19105, 1103, 13618, 12709, 1105, 1103, 5233, 1116, 1104, 2510, 15029, 1112, 24091, 117, 13170, 1103, 4495, 1104, 1296, 14372, 1105, 1902, 3798, 1103, 9830, 1606, 1144, 1324, 3254, 19675, 1116, 1106, 1167, 2418, 15029, 119, 140, 23225, 1158, 1110, 2637, 1106, 1294, 1122, 25667, 1106, 11552, 15029, 1134, 1132, 3566, 6713, 1106, 10836, 5696, 14409, 119, 150, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 13432, 1468, 3157, 113, 18959, 2346, 114, 18959, 2346, 164, 1659, 166, 1110, 1737, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1672, 4817, 1105, 2266, 1107, 2538, 1104, 4172, 1826, 113, 5582, 117, 1268, 1106, 1329, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 114, 119, 1135, 1110, 1136, 2609, 1106, 2860, 118, 2272, 1869, 119, 151, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 4525, 113, 18959, 1708, 1643, 114, 18959, 1708, 1643, 164, 1695, 166, 1110, 14299, 11858, 4412, 2734, 1107, 5463, 14372, 1907, 1105, 15816, 1103, 1108, 11535, 1104, 19903, 1250, 1107, 1103, 1449, 119, 152, 119, 9352, 12606, 2913, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1457, 9899, 113, 141, 23329, 1708, 114, 141, 23329, 1708, 164, 1572, 166, 1110, 170, 2698, 117, 6548, 117, 11858, 4412, 2200, 117, 1105, 14785, 10923, 2235, 119, 141, 23329, 1708, 24242, 1103, 2308, 1106, 8219, 14507, 22843, 6612, 117, 1107, 1546, 1106, 9474, 10923, 2645, 1107, 170, 9483, 1105, 22338, 4758, 119, 1398, 14372, 1714, 2619, 8803, 3510, 11491, 1105, 1472, 13618, 10855, 119, 1220, 1169, 1129, 8054, 1194, 170, 3468, 13715, 119, 6712, 3510, 9263, 9396, 14409, 1106, 1129, 22480, 1107, 1213, 122, 1248, 119, 18959, 5208, 16764, 1193, 117, 1807, 1155, 117, 1103, 10923, 11309, 1108, 1687, 1106, 3244, 1155, 2833, 1114, 7328, 1106, 5576, 18766, 9739, 12638, 19019, 1116, 119, 153, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 155, 9717, 7136, 164, 127, 166, 1110, 1842, 118, 1159, 10272, 3433, 1449, 113, 155, 1942, 13472, 114, 8616, 1106, 10202, 16845, 1105, 1231, 9084, 5108, 2093, 6379, 119, 1135, 1110, 1932, 1227, 1112, 155, 9717, 7136, 13809, 15022, 17580, 113, 155, 1942, 3190, 2101, 114, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 1108, 1687, 1170 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "time", ".", "Later", ",", "this", "could", "be", "used", "to", "build", "certificates", ",", "sign", "##ifying", "how", "far", "duration", "maintains", "transferred", "when", "the", "time", "##r", "begins", ".", "A", "node", "which", "Po", "##ET", "produces", "a", "few", "times", "could", "app", "##end", "the", "block", ",", "once", "the", "time", "##r", "ex", "##pire", "##s", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "node", "could", "connect", "their", "Po", "##ET", "certificate", "to", "the", "block", ",", "additionally", "providing", "that", "time", "was", "time", "shorter", "than", "what", "created", "with", "any", "other", "node", "the", "block", "is", "approved", ".", "K", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Cap", "##acity", "(", "Po", "##C", ")", "Po", "##C", "[", "20", "]", "[", "21", "]", "uses", "reliable", "equipment", "to", "decrease", "the", "number", "of", "replica", "##s", "required", "to", "tolerate", "failure", ".", "The", "N", "-", "node", "network", "can", "now", "tolerate", "up", "to", "N", "=", "2", "ad", "##vers", "##aria", "##l", "nodes", ",", "as", "opposed", "to", "N", "=", "3", "ad", "##vers", "##aria", "##l", "nodes", "in", "the", "original", "P", "##BF", "##T", ".", "L", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "I", "##mpo", "##rta", "##nce", "(", "Po", "##I", ")", "Po", "##I", "[", "7", "]", "uses", "a", "method", "that", "clusters", "nodes", "through", "transaction", "graph", "analysis", ",", "utilizing", "the", "transaction", "quantities", "and", "the", "balance", "##s", "of", "individual", "nodes", "as", "indicators", ",", "determining", "the", "importance", "of", "each", "node", "and", "design", "##ating", "the", "priority", "using", "has", "##h", "com", "##putation", "##s", "to", "more", "significant", "nodes", ".", "C", "##luster", "##ing", "is", "expected", "to", "make", "it", "feasible", "to", "detect", "nodes", "which", "are", "possibly", "attempting", "to", "commit", "illegal", "transactions", ".", "M", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Own", "##ers", "##hip", "(", "Po", "##O", ")", "Po", "##O", "[", "22", "]", "is", "considered", "with", "regard", "to", "various", "goods", "and", "rights", "in", "terms", "of", "receiving", "services", "(", "ownership", ",", "right", "to", "use", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ")", ".", "It", "is", "not", "limited", "to", "value", "-", "related", "information", ".", "N", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Space", "(", "Po", "##S", "##p", ")", "Po", "##S", "##p", "[", "23", "]", "is", "recovering", "decent", "##ral", "##ization", "in", "mining", "node", "available", "and", "limiting", "the", "was", "##tage", "of", "computational", "work", "in", "the", "system", ".", "O", ".", "Del", "##eg", "##ated", "Pro", "##of", "of", "St", "##ake", "(", "D", "##PO", "##S", ")", "D", "##PO", "##S", "[", "24", "]", "is", "a", "fast", ",", "excellent", ",", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", ",", "and", "convenient", "consensus", "model", ".", "D", "##PO", "##S", "utilizes", "the", "energy", "to", "stake", "##holder", "endorsement", "voting", ",", "in", "order", "to", "solve", "consensus", "problems", "in", "a", "reasonable", "and", "fashionable", "manner", ".", "All", "node", "free", "activities", "involve", "block", "timing", "and", "different", "transaction", "sizes", ".", "They", "can", "be", "updated", "through", "a", "chosen", "delegate", ".", "Collection", "block", "manufacturers", "enable", "transactions", "to", "be", "verified", "in", "around", "1", "second", ".", "Po", "##ten", "##tial", "##ly", ",", "above", "all", ",", "the", "consensus", "protocol", "was", "created", "to", "protect", "all", "individuals", "with", "regard", "to", "und", "##esi", "##rable", "regulatory", "disturbance", "##s", ".", "P", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "[", "6", "]", "is", "real", "-", "time", "gross", "settlement", "system", "(", "R", "##T", "##GS", ")", "relating", "to", "currency", "transfers", "and", "re", "##mit", "##tan", "##ce", "networks", ".", "It", "is", "usually", "known", "as", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Trans", "##action", "Protocol", "(", "R", "##T", "##X", "##P", ")", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "was", "created", "after" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
ledger establishes the information entirely in such a way as to keep within the ledger A cryptocurrency application will use to create a user account similar to that found in conventional banking. The intention is that it is simple to build and apply a lower level model such as an example table or a critical value as mentioned. Second, the functional system might have one or higher ledgers which can link to one another. A large enterprise, for instance, may have multiple ledgers, one for
[ 1159, 119, 2611, 117, 1142, 1180, 1129, 1215, 1106, 3076, 21487, 117, 2951, 8985, 1293, 1677, 9355, 9032, 3175, 1165, 1103, 1159, 1197, 3471, 119, 138, 14372, 1134, 18959, 11943, 6570, 170, 1374, 1551, 1180, 12647, 6696, 1103, 3510, 117, 1517, 1103, 1159, 1197, 4252, 20082, 1116, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 1103, 14372, 1180, 7543, 1147, 18959, 11943, 10890, 1106, 1103, 3510, 117, 19148, 3558, 1115, 1159, 1108, 1159, 7681, 1190, 1184, 1687, 1114, 1251, 1168, 14372, 1103, 3510, 1110, 4092, 119, 148, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 17212, 19905, 113, 18959, 1658, 114, 18959, 1658, 164, 1406, 166, 164, 1626, 166, 2745, 10682, 3204, 1106, 9711, 1103, 1295, 1104, 16498, 1116, 2320, 1106, 21073, 4290, 119, 1109, 151, 118, 14372, 2443, 1169, 1208, 21073, 1146, 1106, 151, 134, 123, 8050, 10704, 11315, 1233, 15029, 117, 1112, 4151, 1106, 151, 134, 124, 8050, 10704, 11315, 1233, 15029, 1107, 1103, 1560, 153, 26447, 1942, 119, 149, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 146, 24729, 16242, 3633, 113, 18959, 2240, 114, 18959, 2240, 164, 128, 166, 2745, 170, 3442, 1115, 13687, 15029, 1194, 13618, 10873, 3622, 117, 19105, 1103, 13618, 12709, 1105, 1103, 5233, 1116, 1104, 2510, 15029, 1112, 24091, 117, 13170, 1103, 4495, 1104, 1296, 14372, 1105, 1902, 3798, 1103, 9830, 1606, 1144, 1324, 3254, 19675, 1116, 1106, 1167, 2418, 15029, 119, 140, 23225, 1158, 1110, 2637, 1106, 1294, 1122, 25667, 1106, 11552, 15029, 1134, 1132, 3566, 6713, 1106, 10836, 5696, 14409, 119, 150, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 13432, 1468, 3157, 113, 18959, 2346, 114, 18959, 2346, 164, 1659, 166, 1110, 1737, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1672, 4817, 1105, 2266, 1107, 2538, 1104, 4172, 1826, 113, 5582, 117, 1268, 1106, 1329, 117, 1105, 1177, 5275, 114, 119, 1135, 1110, 1136, 2609, 1106, 2860, 118, 2272, 1869, 119, 151, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 4525, 113, 18959, 1708, 1643, 114, 18959, 1708, 1643, 164, 1695, 166, 1110, 14299, 11858, 4412, 2734, 1107, 5463, 14372, 1907, 1105, 15816, 1103, 1108, 11535, 1104, 19903, 1250, 1107, 1103, 1449, 119, 152, 119, 9352, 12606, 2913, 5096, 10008, 1104, 1457, 9899, 113, 141, 23329, 1708, 114, 141, 23329, 1708, 164, 1572, 166, 1110, 170, 2698, 117, 6548, 117, 11858, 4412, 2200, 117, 1105, 14785, 10923, 2235, 119, 141, 23329, 1708, 24242, 1103, 2308, 1106, 8219, 14507, 22843, 6612, 117, 1107, 1546, 1106, 9474, 10923, 2645, 1107, 170, 9483, 1105, 22338, 4758, 119, 1398, 14372, 1714, 2619, 8803, 3510, 11491, 1105, 1472, 13618, 10855, 119, 1220, 1169, 1129, 8054, 1194, 170, 3468, 13715, 119, 6712, 3510, 9263, 9396, 14409, 1106, 1129, 22480, 1107, 1213, 122, 1248, 119, 18959, 5208, 16764, 1193, 117, 1807, 1155, 117, 1103, 10923, 11309, 1108, 1687, 1106, 3244, 1155, 2833, 1114, 7328, 1106, 5576, 18766, 9739, 12638, 19019, 1116, 119, 153, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 155, 9717, 7136, 164, 127, 166, 1110, 1842, 118, 1159, 10272, 3433, 1449, 113, 155, 1942, 13472, 114, 8616, 1106, 10202, 16845, 1105, 1231, 9084, 5108, 2093, 6379, 119, 1135, 1110, 1932, 1227, 1112, 155, 9717, 7136, 13809, 15022, 17580, 113, 155, 1942, 3190, 2101, 114, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 1108, 1687, 1170 ]
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[ "time", ".", "Later", ",", "this", "could", "be", "used", "to", "build", "certificates", ",", "sign", "##ifying", "how", "far", "duration", "maintains", "transferred", "when", "the", "time", "##r", "begins", ".", "A", "node", "which", "Po", "##ET", "produces", "a", "few", "times", "could", "app", "##end", "the", "block", ",", "once", "the", "time", "##r", "ex", "##pire", "##s", ".", "For", "example", ",", "the", "node", "could", "connect", "their", "Po", "##ET", "certificate", "to", "the", "block", ",", "additionally", "providing", "that", "time", "was", "time", "shorter", "than", "what", "created", "with", "any", "other", "node", "the", "block", "is", "approved", ".", "K", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Cap", "##acity", "(", "Po", "##C", ")", "Po", "##C", "[", "20", "]", "[", "21", "]", "uses", "reliable", "equipment", "to", "decrease", "the", "number", "of", "replica", "##s", "required", "to", "tolerate", "failure", ".", "The", "N", "-", "node", "network", "can", "now", "tolerate", "up", "to", "N", "=", "2", "ad", "##vers", "##aria", "##l", "nodes", ",", "as", "opposed", "to", "N", "=", "3", "ad", "##vers", "##aria", "##l", "nodes", "in", "the", "original", "P", "##BF", "##T", ".", "L", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "I", "##mpo", "##rta", "##nce", "(", "Po", "##I", ")", "Po", "##I", "[", "7", "]", "uses", "a", "method", "that", "clusters", "nodes", "through", "transaction", "graph", "analysis", ",", "utilizing", "the", "transaction", "quantities", "and", "the", "balance", "##s", "of", "individual", "nodes", "as", "indicators", ",", "determining", "the", "importance", "of", "each", "node", "and", "design", "##ating", "the", "priority", "using", "has", "##h", "com", "##putation", "##s", "to", "more", "significant", "nodes", ".", "C", "##luster", "##ing", "is", "expected", "to", "make", "it", "feasible", "to", "detect", "nodes", "which", "are", "possibly", "attempting", "to", "commit", "illegal", "transactions", ".", "M", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Own", "##ers", "##hip", "(", "Po", "##O", ")", "Po", "##O", "[", "22", "]", "is", "considered", "with", "regard", "to", "various", "goods", "and", "rights", "in", "terms", "of", "receiving", "services", "(", "ownership", ",", "right", "to", "use", ",", "and", "so", "forth", ")", ".", "It", "is", "not", "limited", "to", "value", "-", "related", "information", ".", "N", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Space", "(", "Po", "##S", "##p", ")", "Po", "##S", "##p", "[", "23", "]", "is", "recovering", "decent", "##ral", "##ization", "in", "mining", "node", "available", "and", "limiting", "the", "was", "##tage", "of", "computational", "work", "in", "the", "system", ".", "O", ".", "Del", "##eg", "##ated", "Pro", "##of", "of", "St", "##ake", "(", "D", "##PO", "##S", ")", "D", "##PO", "##S", "[", "24", "]", "is", "a", "fast", ",", "excellent", ",", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", ",", "and", "convenient", "consensus", "model", ".", "D", "##PO", "##S", "utilizes", "the", "energy", "to", "stake", "##holder", "endorsement", "voting", ",", "in", "order", "to", "solve", "consensus", "problems", "in", "a", "reasonable", "and", "fashionable", "manner", ".", "All", "node", "free", "activities", "involve", "block", "timing", "and", "different", "transaction", "sizes", ".", "They", "can", "be", "updated", "through", "a", "chosen", "delegate", ".", "Collection", "block", "manufacturers", "enable", "transactions", "to", "be", "verified", "in", "around", "1", "second", ".", "Po", "##ten", "##tial", "##ly", ",", "above", "all", ",", "the", "consensus", "protocol", "was", "created", "to", "protect", "all", "individuals", "with", "regard", "to", "und", "##esi", "##rable", "regulatory", "disturbance", "##s", ".", "P", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "[", "6", "]", "is", "real", "-", "time", "gross", "settlement", "system", "(", "R", "##T", "##GS", ")", "relating", "to", "currency", "transfers", "and", "re", "##mit", "##tan", "##ce", "networks", ".", "It", "is", "usually", "known", "as", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Trans", "##action", "Protocol", "(", "R", "##T", "##X", "##P", ")", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "was", "created", "after" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
every department such as engineering, sales, supply chain, payroll, and so forth. Finally, ledger possession can fluctuate significantly from being exposed entirely to the public to being totally managed by one participant. Bitcoin, for instance, was presented and, as a result, makes people think that it is costly to determine who will update the public ledger. Parity [1] predefines some owners who adjust the public ledger simply by adding their signature to the blocks. The information c
[ 1103, 2819, 1104, 1501, 2674, 4639, 19755, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 13267, 2699, 117, 1110, 2698, 117, 1105, 3272, 1714, 4529, 15997, 14409, 1114, 1185, 2965, 11713, 119, 1188, 23078, 22559, 1116, 1115, 4248, 8050, 9380, 13923, 117, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 117, 26279, 1137, 170, 2079, 1104, 1472, 6245, 119, 2082, 16246, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 1108, 15695, 4901, 1470, 21340, 1197, 1104, 1103, 1912, 1115, 24242, 10923, 8826, 1134, 9154, 10772, 117, 17755, 117, 1105, 1231, 9084, 5108, 7723, 119, 154, 119, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 164, 1512, 166, 2923, 1104, 4683, 5336, 1103, 5343, 1105, 2366, 25544, 1104, 1126, 4048, 1113, 2967, 15029, 119, 1284, 5343, 1134, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 5049, 3081, 119, 3236, 110, 1104, 15029, 8693, 1134, 1155, 1907, 15029, 2781, 1103, 1269, 13618, 1647, 1105, 3254, 22662, 1116, 1103, 1269, 1352, 119, 22087, 22712, 1105, 4836, 25544, 1108, 1126, 10311, 2486, 1113, 4901, 6379, 119, 1188, 13395, 7770, 10383, 1126, 6818, 3053, 1107, 2538, 1104, 6088, 15745, 119, 2684, 119, 18732, 12347, 12426, 6258, 11414, 1130, 1142, 2237, 117, 1195, 1138, 3402, 3510, 7147, 1394, 10923, 19755, 6995, 170, 2436, 1104, 8148, 3510, 7147, 1394, 5924, 119, 1636, 3322, 1104, 5924, 13639, 14372, 4193, 117, 2308, 7740, 117, 21073, 1181, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 2233, 2235, 117, 1846, 117, 7581, 117, 4048, 117, 1859, 1105, 1540, 1104, 4573, 1580, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 2443, 188, 27250, 8167, 10031, 19129, 117, 1105, 117, 1314, 1133, 1136, 1655, 117, 1103, 3796, 1104, 5663, 1757, 6777, 1116, 1104, 19755, 10311, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1188, 1383, 1104, 4625, 1110, 1930, 1136, 16287, 2109, 117, 1133, 1195, 2059, 1122, 1110, 4702, 1111, 15089, 1155, 10923, 19755, 119, 1130, 1103, 1832, 1104, 1142, 2237, 117, 1195, 17794, 11389, 146, 119, 1107, 1167, 6505, 119, 4191, 119, 23096, 12507, 3663, 13882, 1708, 138, 119, 16752, 3792, 14410, 14975, 7577, 9311, 10923, 14975, 1138, 1472, 23347, 1105, 3282, 11713, 119, 11389, 146, 119, 7100, 1126, 8670, 1213, 1672, 10923, 14975, 117, 1105, 1195, 1329, 1103, 4625, 6103, 1378, 119, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 1302, 2007, 22855, 5514, 17784, 3970, 1706, 2879, 2913, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 7154, 2235, 6828, 16409, 10294, 16065, 1186, 183, 22491, 16409, 26671, 8784, 2101, 164, 128, 166, 7219, 1302, 1851, 110, 24442, 1431, 1129, 7443, 118, 24076, 156, 22825, 117, 23334, 117, 9155, 117, 3414, 156, 22825, 117, 1302, 156, 22825, 22929, 117, 2562, 7154, 117, 1457, 27611, 22401, 2758, 2137, 2064, 117, 16645, 117, 10978, 138, 26395, 1457, 27611, 139, 17095, 164, 129, 117, 130, 166, 7219, 2160, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 143, 11922, 7443, 118, 24076, 6291, 151, 120, 138, 1615, 20603, 1615, 153, 26447, 1942, 164, 1275, 166, 7219, 2160, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 143, 14045, 1183, 20777, 9538, 1116, 7443, 118, 24076, 3414, 19514, 117, 9155, 20115, 1468, 1615, 20603, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 18959, 2924, 164, 1429, 166, 2710, 1302, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116 ]
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[ "the", "spread", "of", "open", "source", "Internet", "protocols", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "enables", "security", ",", "is", "fast", ",", "and", "offers", "free", "worldwide", "monetary", "transactions", "with", "no", "charge", "##backs", ".", "This", "aids", "token", "##s", "that", "represent", "ad", "##ju", "##dication", ",", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ",", "commodities", "or", "a", "range", "of", "different", "benefits", ".", "Most", "importantly", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "was", "structured", "distributed", "public", "ledge", "##r", "of", "the", "kind", "that", "utilizes", "consensus", "procedures", "which", "permit", "payments", ",", "exchanges", ",", "and", "re", "##mit", "##tan", "##ces", ".", "Q", ".", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "[", "25", "]", "consists", "of", "applications", "involving", "the", "secure", "and", "regular", "replication", "of", "an", "application", "on", "multiple", "nodes", ".", "We", "secure", "which", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "operates", "33", ".", "34", "%", "of", "nodes", "fail", "which", "all", "available", "nodes", "status", "the", "same", "transaction", "record", "and", "com", "##pute", "##s", "the", "same", "state", ".", "Se", "##cure", "and", "constant", "replication", "was", "an", "underlying", "issue", "on", "distributed", "networks", ".", "This", "tech", "##nic", "performs", "an", "essential", "function", "in", "terms", "of", "fault", "tolerance", ".", "III", ".", "CO", "##MP", "##AR", "##IS", "##ON", "In", "this", "section", ",", "we", "have", "compared", "block", "##cha", "##in", "consensus", "protocols", "concerning", "a", "collection", "of", "fundamental", "block", "##cha", "##in", "characteristics", ".", "These", "types", "of", "characteristics", "incorporate", "node", "identity", ",", "energy", "saving", ",", "tolerate", "##d", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "data", "model", ",", "language", ",", "execution", ",", "application", ",", "example", "and", "power", "of", "95", "##9", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "network", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "assumptions", ",", "and", ",", "last", "but", "not", "least", ",", "the", "existence", "of", "correct", "##ness", "proof", "##s", "of", "protocols", "underlying", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "This", "set", "of", "properties", "is", "probably", "not", "exhaust", "##ive", ",", "but", "we", "believe", "it", "is", "representative", "for", "comparing", "all", "consensus", "protocols", ".", "In", "the", "rest", "of", "this", "section", ",", "we", "propose", "Table", "I", ".", "in", "more", "detail", ".", "IV", ".", "AN", "##AL", "##Y", "##SI", "##S", "A", ".", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "algorithms", "comparison", "Various", "consensus", "algorithms", "have", "different", "strengths", "and", "draw", "##backs", ".", "Table", "I", ".", "brings", "an", "assessment", "around", "various", "consensus", "algorithms", ",", "and", "we", "use", "the", "properties", "considering", "following", ".", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "No", "##de", "Identity", "Energy", "Sa", "##ving", "To", "##ler", "##ated", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "Data", "model", "Language", "Ex", "##ec", "##uti", "##o", "n", "Application", "Ex", "##ample", "CA", "##P", "[", "7", "]", "Private", "No", "50", "%", "Rate", "should", "be", "Key", "-", "Value", "S", "##QL", ",", "Python", ",", "Java", ",", "Go", "S", "##QL", ",", "No", "S", "##QL", "Database", ",", "Big", "Data", ",", "St", "##orage", "Mon", "##go", "##D", "##B", ",", "Cassandra", ",", "MS", "A", "##zure", "St", "##orage", "B", "##GP", "[", "8", ",", "9", "]", "Private", "Yes", "33", ".", "3", "%", "F", "##ail", "Key", "-", "Value", "Any", "N", "/", "A", "General", "Applications", "General", "P", "##BF", "##T", "[", "10", "]", "Private", "Yes", "33", ".", "3", "%", "F", "##ault", "##y", "Rep", "##lica", "##s", "Key", "-", "Value", "Go", "##lang", ",", "Java", "Dock", "##ers", "General", "Applications", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "Po", "##W", "[", "11", "]", "Public", "No", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
every department such as engineering, sales, supply chain, payroll, and so forth. Finally, ledger possession can fluctuate significantly from being exposed entirely to the public to being totally managed by one participant. Bitcoin, for instance, was presented and, as a result, makes people think that it is costly to determine who will update the public ledger. Parity [1] predefines some owners who adjust the public ledger simply by adding their signature to the blocks. The information c
[ 1103, 2819, 1104, 1501, 2674, 4639, 19755, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 13267, 2699, 117, 1110, 2698, 117, 1105, 3272, 1714, 4529, 15997, 14409, 1114, 1185, 2965, 11713, 119, 1188, 23078, 22559, 1116, 1115, 4248, 8050, 9380, 13923, 117, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 117, 26279, 1137, 170, 2079, 1104, 1472, 6245, 119, 2082, 16246, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 1108, 15695, 4901, 1470, 21340, 1197, 1104, 1103, 1912, 1115, 24242, 10923, 8826, 1134, 9154, 10772, 117, 17755, 117, 1105, 1231, 9084, 5108, 7723, 119, 154, 119, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 164, 1512, 166, 2923, 1104, 4683, 5336, 1103, 5343, 1105, 2366, 25544, 1104, 1126, 4048, 1113, 2967, 15029, 119, 1284, 5343, 1134, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 5049, 3081, 119, 3236, 110, 1104, 15029, 8693, 1134, 1155, 1907, 15029, 2781, 1103, 1269, 13618, 1647, 1105, 3254, 22662, 1116, 1103, 1269, 1352, 119, 22087, 22712, 1105, 4836, 25544, 1108, 1126, 10311, 2486, 1113, 4901, 6379, 119, 1188, 13395, 7770, 10383, 1126, 6818, 3053, 1107, 2538, 1104, 6088, 15745, 119, 2684, 119, 18732, 12347, 12426, 6258, 11414, 1130, 1142, 2237, 117, 1195, 1138, 3402, 3510, 7147, 1394, 10923, 19755, 6995, 170, 2436, 1104, 8148, 3510, 7147, 1394, 5924, 119, 1636, 3322, 1104, 5924, 13639, 14372, 4193, 117, 2308, 7740, 117, 21073, 1181, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 2233, 2235, 117, 1846, 117, 7581, 117, 4048, 117, 1859, 1105, 1540, 1104, 4573, 1580, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 117, 2443, 188, 27250, 8167, 10031, 19129, 117, 1105, 117, 1314, 1133, 1136, 1655, 117, 1103, 3796, 1104, 5663, 1757, 6777, 1116, 1104, 19755, 10311, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1188, 1383, 1104, 4625, 1110, 1930, 1136, 16287, 2109, 117, 1133, 1195, 2059, 1122, 1110, 4702, 1111, 15089, 1155, 10923, 19755, 119, 1130, 1103, 1832, 1104, 1142, 2237, 117, 1195, 17794, 11389, 146, 119, 1107, 1167, 6505, 119, 4191, 119, 23096, 12507, 3663, 13882, 1708, 138, 119, 16752, 3792, 14410, 14975, 7577, 9311, 10923, 14975, 1138, 1472, 23347, 1105, 3282, 11713, 119, 11389, 146, 119, 7100, 1126, 8670, 1213, 1672, 10923, 14975, 117, 1105, 1195, 1329, 1103, 4625, 6103, 1378, 119, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 1302, 2007, 22855, 5514, 17784, 3970, 1706, 2879, 2913, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 7154, 2235, 6828, 16409, 10294, 16065, 1186, 183, 22491, 16409, 26671, 8784, 2101, 164, 128, 166, 7219, 1302, 1851, 110, 24442, 1431, 1129, 7443, 118, 24076, 156, 22825, 117, 23334, 117, 9155, 117, 3414, 156, 22825, 117, 1302, 156, 22825, 22929, 117, 2562, 7154, 117, 1457, 27611, 22401, 2758, 2137, 2064, 117, 16645, 117, 10978, 138, 26395, 1457, 27611, 139, 17095, 164, 129, 117, 130, 166, 7219, 2160, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 143, 11922, 7443, 118, 24076, 6291, 151, 120, 138, 1615, 20603, 1615, 153, 26447, 1942, 164, 1275, 166, 7219, 2160, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 143, 14045, 1183, 20777, 9538, 1116, 7443, 118, 24076, 3414, 19514, 117, 9155, 20115, 1468, 1615, 20603, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 18959, 2924, 164, 1429, 166, 2710, 1302, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116 ]
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[ "the", "spread", "of", "open", "source", "Internet", "protocols", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "enables", "security", ",", "is", "fast", ",", "and", "offers", "free", "worldwide", "monetary", "transactions", "with", "no", "charge", "##backs", ".", "This", "aids", "token", "##s", "that", "represent", "ad", "##ju", "##dication", ",", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ",", "commodities", "or", "a", "range", "of", "different", "benefits", ".", "Most", "importantly", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "was", "structured", "distributed", "public", "ledge", "##r", "of", "the", "kind", "that", "utilizes", "consensus", "procedures", "which", "permit", "payments", ",", "exchanges", ",", "and", "re", "##mit", "##tan", "##ces", ".", "Q", ".", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "[", "25", "]", "consists", "of", "applications", "involving", "the", "secure", "and", "regular", "replication", "of", "an", "application", "on", "multiple", "nodes", ".", "We", "secure", "which", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "operates", "33", ".", "34", "%", "of", "nodes", "fail", "which", "all", "available", "nodes", "status", "the", "same", "transaction", "record", "and", "com", "##pute", "##s", "the", "same", "state", ".", "Se", "##cure", "and", "constant", "replication", "was", "an", "underlying", "issue", "on", "distributed", "networks", ".", "This", "tech", "##nic", "performs", "an", "essential", "function", "in", "terms", "of", "fault", "tolerance", ".", "III", ".", "CO", "##MP", "##AR", "##IS", "##ON", "In", "this", "section", ",", "we", "have", "compared", "block", "##cha", "##in", "consensus", "protocols", "concerning", "a", "collection", "of", "fundamental", "block", "##cha", "##in", "characteristics", ".", "These", "types", "of", "characteristics", "incorporate", "node", "identity", ",", "energy", "saving", ",", "tolerate", "##d", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "data", "model", ",", "language", ",", "execution", ",", "application", ",", "example", "and", "power", "of", "95", "##9", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ",", "network", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "assumptions", ",", "and", ",", "last", "but", "not", "least", ",", "the", "existence", "of", "correct", "##ness", "proof", "##s", "of", "protocols", "underlying", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "This", "set", "of", "properties", "is", "probably", "not", "exhaust", "##ive", ",", "but", "we", "believe", "it", "is", "representative", "for", "comparing", "all", "consensus", "protocols", ".", "In", "the", "rest", "of", "this", "section", ",", "we", "propose", "Table", "I", ".", "in", "more", "detail", ".", "IV", ".", "AN", "##AL", "##Y", "##SI", "##S", "A", ".", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "algorithms", "comparison", "Various", "consensus", "algorithms", "have", "different", "strengths", "and", "draw", "##backs", ".", "Table", "I", ".", "brings", "an", "assessment", "around", "various", "consensus", "algorithms", ",", "and", "we", "use", "the", "properties", "considering", "following", ".", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "No", "##de", "Identity", "Energy", "Sa", "##ving", "To", "##ler", "##ated", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "Data", "model", "Language", "Ex", "##ec", "##uti", "##o", "n", "Application", "Ex", "##ample", "CA", "##P", "[", "7", "]", "Private", "No", "50", "%", "Rate", "should", "be", "Key", "-", "Value", "S", "##QL", ",", "Python", ",", "Java", ",", "Go", "S", "##QL", ",", "No", "S", "##QL", "Database", ",", "Big", "Data", ",", "St", "##orage", "Mon", "##go", "##D", "##B", ",", "Cassandra", ",", "MS", "A", "##zure", "St", "##orage", "B", "##GP", "[", "8", ",", "9", "]", "Private", "Yes", "33", ".", "3", "%", "F", "##ail", "Key", "-", "Value", "Any", "N", "/", "A", "General", "Applications", "General", "P", "##BF", "##T", "[", "10", "]", "Private", "Yes", "33", ".", "3", "%", "F", "##ault", "##y", "Rep", "##lica", "##s", "Key", "-", "Value", "Go", "##lang", ",", "Java", "Dock", "##ers", "General", "Applications", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "Po", "##W", "[", "11", "]", "Public", "No", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
ontained in the ledger demonstrates the history of transactions up to the current time through the blockchain. Updates to the ledger should be consented to by every participant. Specifically, several participants need to agree with a consensus. Observing which it is may not be the situation found in countless real-world applications such as a fiat digital currency, by which a single entity (e.g., a bank or a government) decides on the updates. The importance of a blockchain strategy is
[ 117, 20375, 1785, 117, 19536, 22083, 117, 12427, 2162, 4363, 117, 142, 2559, 2107, 15586, 6451, 1186, 118, 10202, 117, 1615, 20603, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 5255, 19000, 8136, 1179, 117, 163, 1658, 10733, 117, 142, 8420, 14136, 18959, 1708, 164, 1367, 117, 1492, 166, 2710, 4539, 2916, 1851, 110, 1457, 9899, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 12107, 17436, 20071, 4363, 12107, 17436, 20071, 20603, 153, 8284, 2528, 1394, 117, 12008, 6112, 1116, 117, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 18959, 1592, 164, 1489, 166, 2710, 4539, 2916, 1851, 110, 1104, 3294, 8219, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 20375, 1785, 117, 9155, 117, 23334, 142, 2559, 2107, 117, 20115, 1468, 15586, 6451, 1186, 118, 10202, 19585, 12298, 18959, 2101, 164, 1405, 166, 7219, 1302, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116, 117, 20375, 1785, 117, 19536, 22083, 117, 12427, 2162, 4363, 117, 142, 2559, 2107, 15586, 6451, 1186, 118, 10202, 117, 1615, 20603, 27400, 2528, 1394, 18959, 2064, 164, 1479, 166, 2710, 1302, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116, 117, 20375, 1785, 117, 19536, 22083, 117, 12427, 2162, 4363, 117, 142, 2559, 2107, 15586, 6451, 1186, 118, 10202, 117, 1615, 20603, 22191, 2528, 1394, 18959, 2069, 164, 1542, 166, 2710, 2160, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116, 117, 20375, 1785, 117, 19536, 22083, 117, 12427, 2162, 4363, 117, 142, 2559, 2107, 3929, 7301, 2149, 2093, 1457, 27611, 25647, 156, 22705, 18959, 11943, 164, 1407, 117, 1627, 166, 2710, 2160, 16285, 7443, 118, 24076, 23334, 4363, 1615, 20603, 20318, 21590, 2161, 18959, 1658, 164, 1406, 117, 1626, 166, 2710, 1302, 16285, 7443, 118, 24076, 16285, 12118, 1377, 2728, 2246, 183, 3929, 7301, 2149, 2093, 1457, 27611, 25647, 156, 22705, 18959, 2240, 164, 128, 166, 2710, 117, 7219, 2160, 16285, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 9155, 26546, 2107, 8093, 7147, 1394, 17742, 161, 15577, 18959, 2346, 164, 1659, 166, 2710, 117, 7219, 1302, 16285, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 6291, 140, 108, 7154, 24664, 3740, 5783, 1457, 19471, 1200, 18959, 1708, 1643, 1665, 164, 1695, 166, 2710, 1302, 1512, 110, 20463, 3794, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 3414, 19514, 117, 140, 116, 116, 117, 20375, 1785, 117, 19536, 22083, 117, 12427, 2162, 4363, 117, 142, 2559, 2107, 11508, 117, 20777, 15012, 2116, 4326, 117, 1457, 27611, 8329, 118, 22620, 1306, 141, 23329, 1708, 164, 1572, 166, 2710, 4539, 2916, 133, 4062, 110, 12226, 6859, 5067, 13809, 15022, 118, 7457, 117, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 1302, 20452, 16669, 1916, 4363, 13063, 3452, 4412, 2200, 7855, 27400, 5480, 4894, 155, 9717, 7136, 164, 1512, 166, 2710, 2160, 133, 1406, 110, 143, 14045, 1183, 1302, 4704, 1107, 7414, 2162, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 9155, 117, 3414, 117, 140, 116, 116, 1302, 2007, 119, 179, 1116, 117, 151, 14808, 6082, 1249, 27948, 117, 22531, 1880 ]
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[ ",", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Ser", "##pent", ",", "LL", "##L", "Native", ",", "E", "##V", "##M", "Cry", "##pt", "##o", "-", "currency", ",", "General", "Applications", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "Li", "##tec", "##oi", "##n", ",", "Z", "##C", "##ash", ",", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "Po", "##S", "[", "12", ",", "13", "]", "Public", "Part", "##ial", "50", "%", "St", "##ake", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Mi", "##chal", "##eson", "Native", "Mi", "##chal", "##eson", "Applications", "P", "##eer", "##co", "##in", ",", "Te", "##zo", "##s", ",", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "Po", "##A", "[", "14", "]", "Public", "Part", "##ial", "50", "%", "of", "online", "stake", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Java", ",", "Python", "E", "##V", "##M", ",", "Dock", "##ers", "Cry", "##pt", "##o", "-", "currency", "Pa", "##rity", "Po", "##P", "[", "15", "]", "Private", "No", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+", ",", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Ser", "##pent", ",", "LL", "##L", "Native", ",", "E", "##V", "##M", "Cry", "##pt", "##o", "-", "currency", ",", "General", "Applications", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Po", "##B", "[", "16", "]", "Public", "No", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+", ",", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Ser", "##pent", ",", "LL", "##L", "Native", ",", "E", "##V", "##M", "Cry", "##pt", "##o", "-", "currency", ",", "General", "Applications", "Slim", "##co", "##in", "Po", "##R", "[", "17", "]", "Public", "Yes", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+", ",", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Ser", "##pent", ",", "LL", "##L", "Native", ",", "E", "##V", "##M", "Out", "##so", "##ur", "##ce", "St", "##orage", "File", "S", "##hare", "Po", "##ET", "[", "18", ",", "19", "]", "Public", "Yes", "Unknown", "Key", "-", "Value", "Python", "Native", "General", "Applications", "Saw", "##tooth", "Lake", "Po", "##C", "[", "20", ",", "21", "]", "Public", "No", "Unknown", "Key", "-", "Value", "Unknown", "Un", "##k", "##no", "##w", "n", "Out", "##so", "##ur", "##ce", "St", "##orage", "File", "S", "##hare", "Po", "##I", "[", "7", "]", "Public", ",", "Private", "Yes", "Unknown", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Java", "NE", "##M", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "Platform", "X", "##EM", "Po", "##O", "[", "22", "]", "Public", ",", "Private", "No", "Unknown", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Any", "C", "#", "Data", "Ce", "##rt", "##ification", "St", "##amp", "##er", "Po", "##S", "##p", "##c", "[", "23", "]", "Public", "No", "25", "%", "Computing", "Power", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Go", "##lang", ",", "C", "+", "+", ",", "Solid", "##ity", ",", "Ser", "##pent", ",", "LL", "##L", "Native", ",", "E", "##V", "##M", "Mail", ",", "Rep", "##uta", "##tion", "Services", ",", "St", "##orage", "Anti", "-", "spa", "##m", "D", "##PO", "##S", "[", "24", "]", "Public", "Part", "##ial", "<", "51", "%", "Val", "##ida", "##tors", "Trans", "##action", "-", "Based", ",", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "No", "Sc", "##rip", "##ting", "Native", "Dec", "##ent", "##ral", "##ized", "Exchange", "Bit", "##sha", "##res", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "[", "25", "]", "Public", "Yes", "<", "20", "%", "F", "##ault", "##y", "No", "##des", "in", "UN", "##L", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Java", ",", "Go", ",", "C", "+", "+", "No", "##de", ".", "j", "##s", ",", "N", "##PM", "Digital", "As", "##sets", ",", "Pay", "##ment" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
actually being able to deal with those nodes that do not trust working together, indicating which variables might respond in Byzantine formality. The consensus protocol consequently needs to endure Byzantine problems. The research involving a survey on consensus was comprehensive, and there are numerous versions of previously recommended protocols that have been manufactured for blockchains [2]. These could be categorized in terms of their combined range. Overwhelming consists of solely
[ 155, 9717, 7136, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 164, 1744, 166, 7219, 2160, 133, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 8377, 159, 13460, 3794, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 20375, 1785, 142, 2559, 2107, 1615, 20603, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 15706, 1775, 11389, 146, 119, 3291, 8223, 26464, 1320, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 10923, 19755, 1111, 170, 1383, 1104, 6818, 3510, 7147, 1394, 4625, 119, 122, 114, 1302, 2007, 22855, 131, 2993, 1106, 2437, 1103, 4193, 1104, 1451, 2317, 1197, 1106, 8247, 170, 1514, 1107, 1155, 8287, 2443, 119, 1438, 117, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 1105, 18959, 2101, 1444, 1106, 2437, 1103, 9221, 11664, 1107, 1546, 1106, 1129, 1682, 1106, 3368, 170, 17794, 1197, 1107, 1451, 1668, 119, 1556, 7328, 1106, 18959, 2924, 117, 18959, 1708, 117, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 1105, 155, 9717, 7136, 117, 15029, 1547, 1129, 2628, 1114, 10681, 2443, 119, 5306, 1568, 123, 114, 5514, 17784, 3970, 131, 7323, 18959, 2924, 117, 13418, 1144, 1324, 1103, 3510, 23103, 10861, 1106, 15225, 1103, 6349, 3869, 119, 1249, 170, 1871, 117, 1103, 2971, 1104, 6538, 2308, 1834, 1106, 1965, 1103, 1250, 1110, 14934, 119, 1556, 7328, 1106, 18959, 1708, 1105, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 13418, 1132, 4857, 2320, 1106, 1144, 1324, 1103, 3510, 23103, 1106, 3403, 1111, 6245, 117, 1133, 1103, 1250, 2412, 19377, 1112, 1103, 3403, 1282, 1110, 1666, 1106, 1129, 7458, 119, 23840, 153, 26447, 1942, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 117, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 1175, 1110, 1185, 5463, 1107, 2538, 1104, 10923, 5564, 119, 6589, 1122, 14419, 1540, 12235, 119, 124, 114, 1706, 2879, 2913, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 131, 6869, 1193, 4062, 110, 1104, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1110, 4628, 1229, 1103, 11810, 1106, 1141, 1106, 9703, 4282, 1104, 1103, 2443, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 15589, 5463, 5564, 1107, 18959, 2924, 5660, 1336, 6043, 13418, 1106, 5515, 1167, 18155, 1229, 1606, 1178, 1512, 110, 1104, 1103, 1144, 8840, 1540, 119, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 1132, 7227, 1106, 5494, 1146, 1106, 3081, 119, 3236, 23912, 2109, 15029, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 1110, 2602, 1106, 4731, 5663, 1757, 1165, 1103, 10807, 1104, 6088, 1183, 15029, 1107, 170, 3527, 14372, 2190, 1132, 2211, 1190, 1406, 110, 119, 125, 114, 7154, 2235, 131, 170, 2233, 2235, 1110, 170, 13618, 1115, 7203, 1113, 6661, 119, 1398, 2344, 4752, 2440, 25209, 117, 1114, 2567, 3722, 1217, 1682, 1106, 6898, 1146, 170, 2443, 1106, 3670, 6661, 1114, 1296, 1168, 119, 1636, 3722, 1132, 1103, 21340, 1197, 5032, 119, 1135, 1110, 4701, 1111, 1172, 1106, 1138, 1167, 1190, 1141, 21340, 1197, 5336, 1155, 1104, 1172, 119, 12126, 1197, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 1105, 146, 14697, 1592, 2486, 1147, 1319, 22559, 1116, 6661, 1105, 2194, 1147, 21340, 1733, 1112, 170, 3442, 1104, 3670, 117, 1137, 1112, 170, 3482, 1111, 17599, 4163, 26911, 5240, 119, 146, 14697, 1592, 117, 4418, 117, 13267, 6756, 7216, 17599, 4163, 26911, 5240, 2258, 1157, 22559, 1116, 117, 1134, 8743, 3869, 21053, 21340, 1733, 1111, 16845, 1621, 146, 1186, 1942, 3204, 119, 1109, 21340, 1733, 1107, 1292, 2344, 11258, 3300, 118, 1359, 2233, 3584 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "[", "26", "]", "Private", "Yes", "<", "33", ".", "3", "%", "Byzantine", "V", "##oting", "Power", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Solid", "##ity", "E", "##V", "##M", "General", "Applications", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "Mona", "##x", "Table", "I", ".", "Co", "##mp", "##aris", "##on", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "consensus", "protocols", "for", "a", "set", "of", "essential", "block", "##cha", "##in", "properties", ".", "1", ")", "No", "##de", "Identity", ":", "needs", "to", "understand", "the", "identity", "of", "every", "mine", "##r", "to", "select", "a", "main", "in", "all", "circular", "network", ".", "However", ",", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "and", "Po", "##P", "need", "to", "understand", "the", "valid", "##ators", "in", "order", "to", "be", "able", "to", "pick", "a", "propose", "##r", "in", "every", "round", ".", "With", "regard", "to", "Po", "##W", ",", "Po", "##S", ",", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "and", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ",", "nodes", "might", "be", "associated", "with", "##the", "network", ".", "96", "##0", "2", ")", "Energy", "Sa", "##ving", ":", "Inside", "Po", "##W", ",", "miners", "has", "##h", "the", "block", "header", "continuously", "to", "accomplish", "the", "preferred", "worth", ".", "As", "a", "result", ",", "the", "amount", "of", "electrical", "energy", "needed", "to", "process", "the", "work", "is", "immense", ".", "With", "regard", "to", "Po", "##S", "and", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "miners", "are", "regularly", "required", "to", "has", "##h", "the", "block", "header", "to", "search", "for", "benefits", ",", "but", "the", "work", "generally", "decreases", "as", "the", "search", "place", "is", "produced", "to", "be", "restricted", ".", "Regarding", "P", "##BF", "##T", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ",", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "there", "is", "no", "mining", "in", "terms", "of", "consensus", "strategy", ".", "Therefore", "it", "saves", "power", "dramatically", ".", "3", ")", "To", "##ler", "##ated", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ":", "Common", "##ly", "51", "%", "of", "has", "##h", "power", "is", "understood", "while", "the", "threshold", "to", "one", "to", "acquire", "handle", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "selfish", "mining", "strategy", "in", "Po", "##W", "practices", "may", "assist", "miners", "to", "achieve", "more", "earnings", "while", "using", "only", "25", "%", "of", "the", "has", "##hing", "power", ".", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "are", "manufactured", "to", "manage", "up", "to", "33", ".", "34", "defect", "##ive", "nodes", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "is", "shown", "to", "maintain", "correct", "##ness", "when", "the", "proportion", "of", "fault", "##y", "nodes", "in", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "are", "lower", "than", "20", "%", ".", "4", ")", "Data", "model", ":", "a", "data", "model", "is", "a", "transaction", "that", "focuses", "on", "assets", ".", "All", "systems", "require", "particular", "configurations", ",", "with", "numerous", "organizations", "being", "able", "to", "spin", "up", "a", "network", "to", "exchange", "assets", "with", "each", "other", ".", "These", "organizations", "are", "the", "ledge", "##r", "owners", ".", "It", "is", "typical", "for", "them", "to", "have", "more", "than", "one", "ledge", "##r", "involving", "all", "of", "them", ".", "Stella", "##r", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "and", "I", "##OT", "##A", "issue", "their", "own", "token", "##s", "assets", "and", "provide", "their", "ledge", "##rs", "as", "a", "method", "of", "exchange", ",", "or", "as", "a", "platform", "for", "micro", "##pa", "##yme", "##nts", ".", "I", "##OT", "##A", ",", "specifically", ",", "enables", "zero", "fee", "micro", "##pa", "##yme", "##nts", "via", "its", "token", "##s", ",", "which", "creates", "worth", "##while", "ledge", "##rs", "for", "transfers", "among", "I", "##o", "##T", "equipment", ".", "The", "ledge", "##rs", "in", "these", "systems", "adopt", "account", "-", "based", "data", "models" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
actually being able to deal with those nodes that do not trust working together, indicating which variables might respond in Byzantine formality. The consensus protocol consequently needs to endure Byzantine problems. The research involving a survey on consensus was comprehensive, and there are numerous versions of previously recommended protocols that have been manufactured for blockchains [2]. These could be categorized in terms of their combined range. Overwhelming consists of solely
[ 155, 9717, 7136, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 164, 1744, 166, 7219, 2160, 133, 3081, 119, 124, 110, 8377, 159, 13460, 3794, 138, 14566, 8355, 118, 7457, 20375, 1785, 142, 2559, 2107, 1615, 20603, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 15706, 1775, 11389, 146, 119, 3291, 8223, 26464, 1320, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 10923, 19755, 1111, 170, 1383, 1104, 6818, 3510, 7147, 1394, 4625, 119, 122, 114, 1302, 2007, 22855, 131, 2993, 1106, 2437, 1103, 4193, 1104, 1451, 2317, 1197, 1106, 8247, 170, 1514, 1107, 1155, 8287, 2443, 119, 1438, 117, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 1105, 18959, 2101, 1444, 1106, 2437, 1103, 9221, 11664, 1107, 1546, 1106, 1129, 1682, 1106, 3368, 170, 17794, 1197, 1107, 1451, 1668, 119, 1556, 7328, 1106, 18959, 2924, 117, 18959, 1708, 117, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 1105, 155, 9717, 7136, 117, 15029, 1547, 1129, 2628, 1114, 10681, 2443, 119, 5306, 1568, 123, 114, 5514, 17784, 3970, 131, 7323, 18959, 2924, 117, 13418, 1144, 1324, 1103, 3510, 23103, 10861, 1106, 15225, 1103, 6349, 3869, 119, 1249, 170, 1871, 117, 1103, 2971, 1104, 6538, 2308, 1834, 1106, 1965, 1103, 1250, 1110, 14934, 119, 1556, 7328, 1106, 18959, 1708, 1105, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 13418, 1132, 4857, 2320, 1106, 1144, 1324, 1103, 3510, 23103, 1106, 3403, 1111, 6245, 117, 1133, 1103, 1250, 2412, 19377, 1112, 1103, 3403, 1282, 1110, 1666, 1106, 1129, 7458, 119, 23840, 153, 26447, 1942, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 117, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 1175, 1110, 1185, 5463, 1107, 2538, 1104, 10923, 5564, 119, 6589, 1122, 14419, 1540, 12235, 119, 124, 114, 1706, 2879, 2913, 1540, 1104, 8050, 10704, 3113, 131, 6869, 1193, 4062, 110, 1104, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1110, 4628, 1229, 1103, 11810, 1106, 1141, 1106, 9703, 4282, 1104, 1103, 2443, 119, 8094, 117, 1103, 15589, 5463, 5564, 1107, 18959, 2924, 5660, 1336, 6043, 13418, 1106, 5515, 1167, 18155, 1229, 1606, 1178, 1512, 110, 1104, 1103, 1144, 8840, 1540, 119, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 1132, 7227, 1106, 5494, 1146, 1106, 3081, 119, 3236, 23912, 2109, 15029, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 1110, 2602, 1106, 4731, 5663, 1757, 1165, 1103, 10807, 1104, 6088, 1183, 15029, 1107, 170, 3527, 14372, 2190, 1132, 2211, 1190, 1406, 110, 119, 125, 114, 7154, 2235, 131, 170, 2233, 2235, 1110, 170, 13618, 1115, 7203, 1113, 6661, 119, 1398, 2344, 4752, 2440, 25209, 117, 1114, 2567, 3722, 1217, 1682, 1106, 6898, 1146, 170, 2443, 1106, 3670, 6661, 1114, 1296, 1168, 119, 1636, 3722, 1132, 1103, 21340, 1197, 5032, 119, 1135, 1110, 4701, 1111, 1172, 1106, 1138, 1167, 1190, 1141, 21340, 1197, 5336, 1155, 1104, 1172, 119, 12126, 1197, 117, 155, 9717, 7136, 1105, 146, 14697, 1592, 2486, 1147, 1319, 22559, 1116, 6661, 1105, 2194, 1147, 21340, 1733, 1112, 170, 3442, 1104, 3670, 117, 1137, 1112, 170, 3482, 1111, 17599, 4163, 26911, 5240, 119, 146, 14697, 1592, 117, 4418, 117, 13267, 6756, 7216, 17599, 4163, 26911, 5240, 2258, 1157, 22559, 1116, 117, 1134, 8743, 3869, 21053, 21340, 1733, 1111, 16845, 1621, 146, 1186, 1942, 3204, 119, 1109, 21340, 1733, 1107, 1292, 2344, 11258, 3300, 118, 1359, 2233, 3584 ]
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[ "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "[", "26", "]", "Private", "Yes", "<", "33", ".", "3", "%", "Byzantine", "V", "##oting", "Power", "A", "##cco", "##unt", "-", "Based", "Solid", "##ity", "E", "##V", "##M", "General", "Applications", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "Mona", "##x", "Table", "I", ".", "Co", "##mp", "##aris", "##on", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "consensus", "protocols", "for", "a", "set", "of", "essential", "block", "##cha", "##in", "properties", ".", "1", ")", "No", "##de", "Identity", ":", "needs", "to", "understand", "the", "identity", "of", "every", "mine", "##r", "to", "select", "a", "main", "in", "all", "circular", "network", ".", "However", ",", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "and", "Po", "##P", "need", "to", "understand", "the", "valid", "##ators", "in", "order", "to", "be", "able", "to", "pick", "a", "propose", "##r", "in", "every", "round", ".", "With", "regard", "to", "Po", "##W", ",", "Po", "##S", ",", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "and", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ",", "nodes", "might", "be", "associated", "with", "##the", "network", ".", "96", "##0", "2", ")", "Energy", "Sa", "##ving", ":", "Inside", "Po", "##W", ",", "miners", "has", "##h", "the", "block", "header", "continuously", "to", "accomplish", "the", "preferred", "worth", ".", "As", "a", "result", ",", "the", "amount", "of", "electrical", "energy", "needed", "to", "process", "the", "work", "is", "immense", ".", "With", "regard", "to", "Po", "##S", "and", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "miners", "are", "regularly", "required", "to", "has", "##h", "the", "block", "header", "to", "search", "for", "benefits", ",", "but", "the", "work", "generally", "decreases", "as", "the", "search", "place", "is", "produced", "to", "be", "restricted", ".", "Regarding", "P", "##BF", "##T", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ",", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "there", "is", "no", "mining", "in", "terms", "of", "consensus", "strategy", ".", "Therefore", "it", "saves", "power", "dramatically", ".", "3", ")", "To", "##ler", "##ated", "power", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", ":", "Common", "##ly", "51", "%", "of", "has", "##h", "power", "is", "understood", "while", "the", "threshold", "to", "one", "to", "acquire", "handle", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "the", "selfish", "mining", "strategy", "in", "Po", "##W", "practices", "may", "assist", "miners", "to", "achieve", "more", "earnings", "while", "using", "only", "25", "%", "of", "the", "has", "##hing", "power", ".", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "are", "manufactured", "to", "manage", "up", "to", "33", ".", "34", "defect", "##ive", "nodes", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "is", "shown", "to", "maintain", "correct", "##ness", "when", "the", "proportion", "of", "fault", "##y", "nodes", "in", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "are", "lower", "than", "20", "%", ".", "4", ")", "Data", "model", ":", "a", "data", "model", "is", "a", "transaction", "that", "focuses", "on", "assets", ".", "All", "systems", "require", "particular", "configurations", ",", "with", "numerous", "organizations", "being", "able", "to", "spin", "up", "a", "network", "to", "exchange", "assets", "with", "each", "other", ".", "These", "organizations", "are", "the", "ledge", "##r", "owners", ".", "It", "is", "typical", "for", "them", "to", "have", "more", "than", "one", "ledge", "##r", "involving", "all", "of", "them", ".", "Stella", "##r", ",", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "and", "I", "##OT", "##A", "issue", "their", "own", "token", "##s", "assets", "and", "provide", "their", "ledge", "##rs", "as", "a", "method", "of", "exchange", ",", "or", "as", "a", "platform", "for", "micro", "##pa", "##yme", "##nts", ".", "I", "##OT", "##A", ",", "specifically", ",", "enables", "zero", "fee", "micro", "##pa", "##yme", "##nts", "via", "its", "token", "##s", ",", "which", "creates", "worth", "##while", "ledge", "##rs", "for", "transfers", "among", "I", "##o", "##T", "equipment", ".", "The", "ledge", "##rs", "in", "these", "systems", "adopt", "account", "-", "based", "data", "models" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
computation-based protocols in which the users utilize proof of computation to find a node that arbitrarily determines the next operation. Bitcoin's Proof of work (PoW) is a simple example of the consensus. The other severe are solely communication-based protocols for which nodes have matching votes and run through several rounds of communication to achieve consensus. All protocols, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) [3] being the best illustration, are applied in particular config
[ 119, 1448, 21340, 1197, 5903, 1679, 1501, 2818, 119, 126, 114, 16409, 10294, 12964, 131, 138, 6866, 2329, 1679, 22748, 1106, 170, 3254, 19675, 1982, 1517, 170, 13618, 1144, 1678, 1282, 119, 138, 6866, 2329, 1180, 1129, 4485, 1112, 170, 7905, 7791, 1107, 18891, 1113, 170, 2239, 119, 1109, 22743, 117, 5964, 1116, 117, 1105, 2781, 20968, 1118, 1103, 7581, 1104, 170, 6866, 2329, 6268, 9635, 1113, 1155, 14372, 119, 127, 114, 22491, 131, 11099, 2894, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1105, 13274, 2635, 117, 1199, 21340, 1733, 1619, 1919, 1704, 117, 4795, 118, 3393, 3254, 19675, 1116, 113, 1137, 1560, 8216, 114, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 1105, 1157, 18952, 117, 8199, 145, 19429, 19366, 10390, 1179, 117, 154, 11848, 5697, 117, 15706, 1775, 117, 19585, 12298, 117, 1105, 3177, 24415, 1519, 4713, 3593, 16439, 1671, 8738, 5858, 1113, 1499, 1104, 1103, 21340, 1197, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 142, 8420, 14136, 8216, 2079, 1121, 3014, 3515, 14703, 17038, 7827, 1106, 1343, 5336, 5151, 4381, 1176, 1103, 141, 1592, 2346, 119, 3177, 24415, 3272, 170, 2747, 1912, 1104, 3311, 1107, 2538, 1104, 12711, 11069, 1115, 17542, 1842, 118, 1362, 2995, 1852, 142, 8420, 14136, 118, 1176, 3510, 7147, 4935, 119, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 1105, 1157, 1601, 5009, 117, 20318, 21590, 2161, 117, 15869, 1619, 1919, 14283, 1403, 118, 2335, 3463, 119, 1220, 2906, 170, 2501, 118, 2860, 2233, 2235, 117, 1114, 1134, 1103, 4683, 1169, 2561, 1105, 11984, 2501, 118, 2860, 189, 4455, 2897, 1113, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 128, 114, 16409, 26671, 131, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1771, 1113, 18959, 2924, 1780, 153, 8284, 2528, 1394, 1110, 170, 1207, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 18959, 1708, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 119, 7282, 117, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 143, 6639, 4907, 2745, 153, 26447, 1942, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 27400, 5480, 4894, 117, 170, 6866, 2329, 3482, 117, 16001, 141, 23329, 1708, 1112, 1147, 10923, 9932, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 24935, 1103, 155, 9717, 7136, 11309, 117, 1229, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 2228, 1329, 1104, 1103, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 11309, 119, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 1132, 6156, 1116, 19755, 119, 1302, 2007, 17409, 1132, 2637, 1106, 1129, 1227, 1111, 1103, 2006, 2443, 1177, 1115, 1152, 1547, 1129, 1215, 1107, 170, 2595, 5418, 1897, 1190, 170, 1470, 1141, 119, 18959, 2924, 1105, 18959, 1708, 1132, 6736, 1111, 1470, 3510, 7147, 4935, 119, 25222, 1137, 2029, 3510, 7147, 4935, 1547, 1138, 170, 12629, 1111, 153, 26447, 1942, 117, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 1137, 155, 9717, 7136, 119, 139, 119, 25308, 10923, 14975, 138, 2265, 10923, 9932, 5401, 2099, 117, 2699, 117, 1105, 16670, 119, 15088, 117, 170, 1363, 2239, 1104, 3098, 1144, 1151, 1508, 1154, 9248, 10923, 14975, 1107, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1203, 10923, 14975, 1138, 1151, 1872, 1114, 1103, 6457, 1104, 15097, 1199, 2747, 4267, 23397, 1116, 1276, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1109, 2425, 3136, 1104, 153, 8284, 1658, 5026, 1361, 1110, 1106, 1260, 2528, 4455, 1513, 3510, 1707, 1105, 13618 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ ".", "One", "ledge", "##r", "exists", "per", "open", "policy", ".", "5", ")", "Ex", "##ec", "##ution", ":", "A", "smart", "contract", "per", "##tains", "to", "a", "com", "##putation", "performed", "once", "a", "transaction", "has", "taken", "place", ".", "A", "smart", "contract", "could", "be", "regarded", "as", "a", "stored", "procedure", "in", "##voked", "on", "a", "deal", ".", "The", "inputs", ",", "output", "##s", ",", "and", "status", "impacted", "by", "the", "execution", "of", "a", "smart", "contract", "obtain", "consent", "on", "all", "node", ".", "6", ")", "Application", ":", "Going", "beyond", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "and", "asset", "management", ",", "some", "ledge", "##rs", "support", "running", "general", ",", "user", "-", "defined", "com", "##putation", "##s", "(", "or", "original", "contracts", ")", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "and", "its", "derivatives", ",", "namely", "H", "##yd", "##rac", "##hai", "##n", ",", "Q", "##uo", "##rum", ",", "Mona", "##x", ",", "Pa", "##rity", ",", "and", "De", "##finity", "let", "users", "write", "arbitrary", "business", "logic", "executed", "on", "top", "of", "the", "ledge", "##r", ".", "For", "example", ",", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "contracts", "range", "from", "simple", "crowd", "##fu", "##nding", "campaigns", "to", "those", "involving", "investment", "funds", "like", "the", "D", "##A", "##O", ".", "De", "##finity", "offers", "a", "specific", "kind", "of", "agreement", "in", "terms", "of", "governance", "agreements", "that", "enforce", "real", "-", "world", "rules", "upon", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "-", "like", "block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "and", "its", "close", "cousin", ",", "Saw", "##tooth", "Lake", ",", "likewise", "support", "running", "Turin", "##g", "-", "complete", "code", ".", "They", "offer", "a", "key", "-", "value", "data", "model", ",", "with", "which", "the", "applications", "can", "create", "and", "update", "key", "-", "value", "t", "##up", "##les", "on", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "7", ")", "Ex", "##ample", ":", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "founded", "on", "Po", "##W", "although", "P", "##eer", "##co", "##in", "is", "a", "new", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "Po", "##S", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "F", "##ab", "##ric", "uses", "P", "##BF", "##T", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "Bit", "##sha", "##res", ",", "a", "smart", "contract", "platform", ",", "explores", "D", "##PO", "##S", "as", "their", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "implements", "the", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "protocol", ",", "while", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "makes", "use", "of", "the", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "protocol", ".", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "are", "permission", "##s", "protocols", ".", "No", "##de", "identities", "are", "expected", "to", "be", "known", "for", "the", "whole", "network", "so", "that", "they", "might", "be", "used", "in", "a", "commercial", "mode", "rather", "than", "a", "public", "one", ".", "Po", "##W", "and", "Po", "##S", "are", "suitable", "for", "public", "block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "Consortium", "or", "private", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "might", "have", "a", "preference", "for", "P", "##BF", "##T", ",", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "or", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ".", "B", ".", "Advances", "consensus", "algorithms", "A", "successful", "consensus", "algorithm", "suggests", "performance", ",", "security", ",", "and", "convenience", ".", "Recently", ",", "a", "good", "deal", "of", "effort", "has", "been", "put", "into", "improving", "consensus", "algorithms", "in", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "New", "consensus", "algorithms", "have", "been", "developed", "with", "the", "aim", "of", "solving", "some", "specific", "di", "##lemma", "##s", "found", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "The", "primary", "approach", "of", "P", "##eer", "##C", "##ens", "##us", "is", "to", "de", "##co", "##up", "##le", "block", "production", "and", "transaction" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
computation-based protocols in which the users utilize proof of computation to find a node that arbitrarily determines the next operation. Bitcoin's Proof of work (PoW) is a simple example of the consensus. The other severe are solely communication-based protocols for which nodes have matching votes and run through several rounds of communication to achieve consensus. All protocols, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) [3] being the best illustration, are applied in particular config
[ 119, 1448, 21340, 1197, 5903, 1679, 1501, 2818, 119, 126, 114, 16409, 10294, 12964, 131, 138, 6866, 2329, 1679, 22748, 1106, 170, 3254, 19675, 1982, 1517, 170, 13618, 1144, 1678, 1282, 119, 138, 6866, 2329, 1180, 1129, 4485, 1112, 170, 7905, 7791, 1107, 18891, 1113, 170, 2239, 119, 1109, 22743, 117, 5964, 1116, 117, 1105, 2781, 20968, 1118, 1103, 7581, 1104, 170, 6866, 2329, 6268, 9635, 1113, 1155, 14372, 119, 127, 114, 22491, 131, 11099, 2894, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1105, 13274, 2635, 117, 1199, 21340, 1733, 1619, 1919, 1704, 117, 4795, 118, 3393, 3254, 19675, 1116, 113, 1137, 1560, 8216, 114, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 1105, 1157, 18952, 117, 8199, 145, 19429, 19366, 10390, 1179, 117, 154, 11848, 5697, 117, 15706, 1775, 117, 19585, 12298, 117, 1105, 3177, 24415, 1519, 4713, 3593, 16439, 1671, 8738, 5858, 1113, 1499, 1104, 1103, 21340, 1197, 119, 1370, 1859, 117, 142, 8420, 14136, 8216, 2079, 1121, 3014, 3515, 14703, 17038, 7827, 1106, 1343, 5336, 5151, 4381, 1176, 1103, 141, 1592, 2346, 119, 3177, 24415, 3272, 170, 2747, 1912, 1104, 3311, 1107, 2538, 1104, 12711, 11069, 1115, 17542, 1842, 118, 1362, 2995, 1852, 142, 8420, 14136, 118, 1176, 3510, 7147, 4935, 119, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 1105, 1157, 1601, 5009, 117, 20318, 21590, 2161, 117, 15869, 1619, 1919, 14283, 1403, 118, 2335, 3463, 119, 1220, 2906, 170, 2501, 118, 2860, 2233, 2235, 117, 1114, 1134, 1103, 4683, 1169, 2561, 1105, 11984, 2501, 118, 2860, 189, 4455, 2897, 1113, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 128, 114, 16409, 26671, 131, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1771, 1113, 18959, 2924, 1780, 153, 8284, 2528, 1394, 1110, 170, 1207, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 18959, 1708, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 119, 7282, 117, 145, 24312, 19693, 1197, 143, 6639, 4907, 2745, 153, 26447, 1942, 1106, 5515, 10923, 119, 27400, 5480, 4894, 117, 170, 6866, 2329, 3482, 117, 16001, 141, 23329, 1708, 1112, 1147, 10923, 9932, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 24935, 1103, 155, 9717, 7136, 11309, 117, 1229, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 2228, 1329, 1104, 1103, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 11309, 119, 153, 26447, 1942, 1105, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 1132, 6156, 1116, 19755, 119, 1302, 2007, 17409, 1132, 2637, 1106, 1129, 1227, 1111, 1103, 2006, 2443, 1177, 1115, 1152, 1547, 1129, 1215, 1107, 170, 2595, 5418, 1897, 1190, 170, 1470, 1141, 119, 18959, 2924, 1105, 18959, 1708, 1132, 6736, 1111, 1470, 3510, 7147, 4935, 119, 25222, 1137, 2029, 3510, 7147, 4935, 1547, 1138, 170, 12629, 1111, 153, 26447, 1942, 117, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 117, 141, 23329, 1708, 117, 1137, 155, 9717, 7136, 119, 139, 119, 25308, 10923, 14975, 138, 2265, 10923, 9932, 5401, 2099, 117, 2699, 117, 1105, 16670, 119, 15088, 117, 170, 1363, 2239, 1104, 3098, 1144, 1151, 1508, 1154, 9248, 10923, 14975, 1107, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1203, 10923, 14975, 1138, 1151, 1872, 1114, 1103, 6457, 1104, 15097, 1199, 2747, 4267, 23397, 1116, 1276, 1114, 7328, 1106, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1109, 2425, 3136, 1104, 153, 8284, 1658, 5026, 1361, 1110, 1106, 1260, 2528, 4455, 1513, 3510, 1707, 1105, 13618 ]
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[ ".", "One", "ledge", "##r", "exists", "per", "open", "policy", ".", "5", ")", "Ex", "##ec", "##ution", ":", "A", "smart", "contract", "per", "##tains", "to", "a", "com", "##putation", "performed", "once", "a", "transaction", "has", "taken", "place", ".", "A", "smart", "contract", "could", "be", "regarded", "as", "a", "stored", "procedure", "in", "##voked", "on", "a", "deal", ".", "The", "inputs", ",", "output", "##s", ",", "and", "status", "impacted", "by", "the", "execution", "of", "a", "smart", "contract", "obtain", "consent", "on", "all", "node", ".", "6", ")", "Application", ":", "Going", "beyond", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "and", "asset", "management", ",", "some", "ledge", "##rs", "support", "running", "general", ",", "user", "-", "defined", "com", "##putation", "##s", "(", "or", "original", "contracts", ")", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "and", "its", "derivatives", ",", "namely", "H", "##yd", "##rac", "##hai", "##n", ",", "Q", "##uo", "##rum", ",", "Mona", "##x", ",", "Pa", "##rity", ",", "and", "De", "##finity", "let", "users", "write", "arbitrary", "business", "logic", "executed", "on", "top", "of", "the", "ledge", "##r", ".", "For", "example", ",", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "contracts", "range", "from", "simple", "crowd", "##fu", "##nding", "campaigns", "to", "those", "involving", "investment", "funds", "like", "the", "D", "##A", "##O", ".", "De", "##finity", "offers", "a", "specific", "kind", "of", "agreement", "in", "terms", "of", "governance", "agreements", "that", "enforce", "real", "-", "world", "rules", "upon", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "-", "like", "block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "and", "its", "close", "cousin", ",", "Saw", "##tooth", "Lake", ",", "likewise", "support", "running", "Turin", "##g", "-", "complete", "code", ".", "They", "offer", "a", "key", "-", "value", "data", "model", ",", "with", "which", "the", "applications", "can", "create", "and", "update", "key", "-", "value", "t", "##up", "##les", "on", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "7", ")", "Ex", "##ample", ":", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "founded", "on", "Po", "##W", "although", "P", "##eer", "##co", "##in", "is", "a", "new", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "Po", "##S", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "H", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "F", "##ab", "##ric", "uses", "P", "##BF", "##T", "to", "achieve", "consensus", ".", "Bit", "##sha", "##res", ",", "a", "smart", "contract", "platform", ",", "explores", "D", "##PO", "##S", "as", "their", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "implements", "the", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "protocol", ",", "while", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "makes", "use", "of", "the", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "protocol", ".", "P", "##BF", "##T", "and", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", "are", "permission", "##s", "protocols", ".", "No", "##de", "identities", "are", "expected", "to", "be", "known", "for", "the", "whole", "network", "so", "that", "they", "might", "be", "used", "in", "a", "commercial", "mode", "rather", "than", "a", "public", "one", ".", "Po", "##W", "and", "Po", "##S", "are", "suitable", "for", "public", "block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "Consortium", "or", "private", "block", "##cha", "##ins", "might", "have", "a", "preference", "for", "P", "##BF", "##T", ",", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ",", "D", "##PO", "##S", ",", "or", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ".", "B", ".", "Advances", "consensus", "algorithms", "A", "successful", "consensus", "algorithm", "suggests", "performance", ",", "security", ",", "and", "convenience", ".", "Recently", ",", "a", "good", "deal", "of", "effort", "has", "been", "put", "into", "improving", "consensus", "algorithms", "in", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "New", "consensus", "algorithms", "have", "been", "developed", "with", "the", "aim", "of", "solving", "some", "specific", "di", "##lemma", "##s", "found", "with", "regard", "to", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "The", "primary", "approach", "of", "P", "##eer", "##C", "##ens", "##us", "is", "to", "de", "##co", "##up", "##le", "block", "production", "and", "transaction" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
urations because they take authenticated nodes. In the middle, all opposites we find mixed consensus protocols that intend to increase the efficiency of PBFT and PoW. As an example, Proof of Elapsed Time removes the need for costly mining at PoW with the use of profiting reliable devices. The other illustration is 957978-1-5386-2290-2/18/$31.00 Β©2018 IEEE ICOIN 2018 Proof of Authority [4] which helps PBFT by pre-finding trusted nodes in which users vote on their own in order to achieve
[ 15468, 117, 1106, 11865, 1134, 10923, 8096, 1169, 1129, 12235, 2569, 119, 146, 11604, 16776, 1104, 1142, 117, 1103, 2351, 1144, 3228, 170, 1207, 10923, 3136, 1106, 4989, 1115, 170, 3510, 6570, 170, 3860, 8080, 2420, 119, 5322, 1115, 1344, 3510, 3964, 3001, 13018, 27400, 2528, 1394, 112, 188, 2699, 119, 13615, 1103, 144, 15825, 1183, 1124, 21704, 2556, 152, 4832, 22552, 1181, 12859, 1942, 8871, 113, 144, 3048, 9025, 1942, 114, 4129, 4557, 6708, 1144, 1151, 3000, 1106, 9474, 1142, 2486, 119, 1130, 5014, 1106, 1103, 1211, 16639, 3392, 5471, 117, 144, 3048, 9025, 1942, 17981, 1103, 5020, 117, 1105, 13418, 1336, 4835, 1106, 2812, 1103, 1436, 1141, 119, 144, 3048, 9025, 1942, 2234, 170, 1207, 10923, 9932, 1111, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 1107, 1134, 11183, 1150, 3272, 1664, 118, 12196, 6777, 1116, 1104, 1231, 19091, 12853, 5474, 1111, 1103, 1763, 1352, 22675, 12217, 1116, 1110, 1549, 9635, 1106, 9509, 1103, 3510, 119, 1507, 1292, 170, 11309, 117, 13418, 1138, 1106, 8422, 1385, 3510, 23103, 1116, 1939, 1104, 1554, 5511, 7097, 119, 159, 119, 18732, 15517, 2162, 13329, 24805, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1144, 2602, 1157, 3209, 1111, 20892, 1103, 2361, 2380, 1114, 1157, 6818, 4625, 1107, 1103, 1532, 1104, 5306, 1475, 11858, 4412, 2734, 117, 1679, 22398, 9517, 117, 1126, 10031, 15455, 117, 1105, 23097, 6328, 119, 1130, 1142, 1844, 117, 1195, 2906, 170, 2335, 24431, 1104, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1284, 1148, 1660, 1126, 24431, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 7951, 1259, 3510, 7147, 1394, 4220, 117, 1105, 1103, 3607, 5924, 1104, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1284, 1173, 6265, 1103, 2530, 10923, 14975, 1215, 1107, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1284, 19774, 1105, 14133, 1292, 19755, 1107, 1472, 18788, 119, 7282, 117, 1195, 2190, 1199, 7806, 1105, 2645, 1115, 1156, 24856, 1200, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1718, 117, 1105, 7584, 7317, 3708, 1199, 1104, 1103, 3685, 8015, 1111, 15097, 1292, 2492, 119, 1789, 1936, 2174, 7768, 1132, 1145, 3000, 119, 25883, 3510, 7147, 1394, 118, 1359, 4683, 1132, 3450, 1158, 1146, 117, 1105, 1195, 2197, 1106, 5880, 1126, 1107, 118, 5415, 4449, 1104, 3510, 7147, 1394, 118, 1359, 4683, 1107, 1103, 2174, 119, 7118, 119, 155, 9919, 12420, 10036, 3048, 141, 18172, 8231, 21669, 11414, 1708, 7549, 1250, 1209, 19832, 1129, 18397, 1105, 3869, 21053, 119, 21325, 117, 4518, 1242, 19755, 1107, 1103, 5806, 3205, 1606, 1103, 2860, 1106, 1147, 8096, 1222, 1147, 2440, 1106, 118, 14372, 188, 7867, 6328, 117, 14372, 2699, 117, 1105, 14372, 9909, 117, 6808, 170, 9483, 1634, 1104, 1844, 119, 8094, 117, 1142, 5149, 1126, 5670, 1501, 4506, 1134, 5315, 6962, 1106, 4607, 1147, 3254, 1643, 17121, 1106, 11000, 2174, 3510, 7147, 1394, 188, 7867, 6328, 1105, 2699, 11778, 4385, 119, 5533, 117, 1175, 1132, 7722, 1104, 19916, 6305, 5336, 188, 10941, 10805, 1905, 1206, 10923, 117, 5336, 14239, 11309, 10700, 7747, 1122, 2502, 1106, 9248, 1103, 8050, 10704, 11315, 1233, 1105, 2443, 3584, 119, 155, 14663, 9637, 11680, 10954, 1708, 164, 122, 166, 107, 19585, 12298, 118, 2698, 117, 1609, 117, 1105, 17351, 142, 8420, 14136, 7230 ]
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[ "confirmation", ",", "to", "guarantee", "which", "consensus", "efficiency", "can", "be", "dramatically", "increased", ".", "I", "##rre", "##spective", "of", "this", ",", "the", "author", "has", "suggested", "a", "new", "consensus", "approach", "to", "ensure", "that", "a", "block", "produces", "a", "relatively", "consistent", "speed", ".", "Note", "that", "high", "block", "generation", "levels", "compromise", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "'", "s", "security", ".", "Hence", "the", "G", "##reed", "##y", "He", "##avi", "##est", "O", "##bs", "##erve", "##d", "Sub", "##T", "##ree", "(", "G", "##H", "##OS", "##T", ")", "chain", "selection", "principle", "has", "been", "proposed", "to", "solve", "this", "issue", ".", "In", "contrast", "to", "the", "most", "prolonged", "branch", "scheme", ",", "G", "##H", "##OS", "##T", "weights", "the", "branches", ",", "and", "miners", "may", "choose", "to", "follow", "the", "best", "one", ".", "G", "##H", "##OS", "##T", "introduced", "a", "new", "consensus", "algorithm", "for", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", "in", "which", "anybody", "who", "offers", "non", "-", "interactive", "proof", "##s", "of", "re", "##tri", "##eva", "##bility", "for", "the", "past", "state", "snaps", "##hot", "##s", "is", "given", "consent", "to", "generate", "the", "block", ".", "During", "these", "a", "protocol", ",", "miners", "have", "to", "gather", "old", "block", "header", "##s", "instead", "of", "full", "blocks", "exclusively", ".", "V", ".", "CO", "##NC", "##L", "##US", "##ION", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "has", "shown", "its", "potential", "for", "transforming", "the", "traditional", "industry", "with", "its", "essential", "properties", "in", "the", "form", "of", "96", "##1", "decent", "##ral", "##ization", ",", "per", "##sist", "##ency", ",", "an", "##ony", "##mity", ",", "and", "audit", "##ability", ".", "In", "this", "research", ",", "we", "offer", "a", "complete", "overview", "of", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "We", "first", "give", "an", "overview", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "technologies", "including", "block", "##cha", "##in", "architecture", ",", "and", "the", "critical", "characteristics", "of", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "We", "then", "discuss", "the", "standard", "consensus", "algorithms", "used", "in", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "We", "analyze", "and", "compare", "these", "protocols", "in", "different", "respects", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "we", "list", "some", "challenges", "and", "problems", "that", "would", "hind", "##er", "block", "##cha", "##in", "development", ",", "and", "sum", "##mar", "##ize", "some", "of", "the", "existing", "approaches", "for", "solving", "these", "issues", ".", "Some", "possible", "future", "directions", "are", "also", "proposed", ".", "Nowadays", "block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "based", "applications", "are", "spring", "##ing", "up", ",", "and", "we", "plan", "to", "conduct", "an", "in", "-", "depth", "investigation", "of", "block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "based", "applications", "in", "the", "future", ".", "VI", ".", "R", "##ES", "##EA", "##RC", "##H", "D", "##IR", "##EC", "##TI", "##ON", "##S", "Future", "work", "will", "undoubtedly", "be", "compelling", "and", "worth", "##while", ".", "Specifically", ",", "putting", "many", "protocols", "in", "the", "appropriate", "spot", "using", "the", "value", "to", "their", "efficiency", "against", "their", "particular", "to", "-", "node", "s", "##cal", "##ability", ",", "node", "security", ",", "and", "node", "privacy", ",", "involves", "a", "reasonable", "level", "of", "research", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "this", "represents", "an", "immediate", "open", "challenge", "which", "requires", "researchers", "to", "improve", "their", "com", "##p", "##rehension", "to", "facilitate", "future", "block", "##cha", "##in", "s", "##cal", "##ability", "and", "security", "enhance", "##ments", ".", "Additionally", ",", "there", "are", "plenty", "of", "prospective", "opportunities", "involving", "s", "##yne", "##rg", "##ies", "between", "consensus", ",", "involving", "incorporating", "protocol", "strategies", "whenever", "it", "comes", "to", "improving", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##aria", "##l", "and", "network", "models", ".", "R", "##EF", "##ER", "##EN", "##CE", "##S", "[", "1", "]", "\"", "Pa", "##rity", "-", "fast", ",", "light", ",", "and", "robust", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "client" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
consensus. Likewise, Stellar [5] and Ripple [6] augment PBFT by achieving consensus in smaller networks. In the next section, we provide related work associated with consensus protocol. Part III explains consensus protocol comparisons which are used in Section IV for analysis purposes. Section V offers a conclusion with regard to the survey of consensus protocols, and section VI deals with future research directions. II. RELATED WORK A. CAP Theorem CAP Theorem [7] is a system that di
[ 117, 107, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 14247, 1785, 22218, 120, 14247, 1785, 117, 1446, 164, 123, 166, 150, 119, 159, 7563, 14987, 117, 107, 1109, 12485, 1111, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 8113, 131, 6777, 118, 1104, 1250, 5016, 119, 1133, 25544, 117, 107, 1107, 3353, 23855, 1107, 3998, 4354, 118, 178, 25264, 1708, 10294, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 124, 166, 150, 119, 11919, 1105, 139, 119, 5255, 20428, 1964, 117, 107, 153, 18890, 8377, 6088, 15745, 117, 107, 1107, 20661, 1104, 1103, 2973, 1646, 11680, 19678, 26520, 1113, 20961, 6475, 4800, 1105, 146, 26318, 18415, 113, 11570, 17243, 114, 117, 1203, 5705, 117, 5060, 117, 3066, 117, 1729, 117, 4329, 119, 21121, 782, 21331, 119, 164, 125, 166, 107, 5096, 10008, 1104, 3748, 9236, 117, 107, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 14247, 1785, 22218, 120, 14247, 1785, 120, 192, 12635, 120, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 5987, 118, 19589, 1116, 119, 117, 1446, 164, 126, 166, 1681, 7085, 22815, 1279, 117, 107, 1109, 12126, 1197, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 131, 138, 26356, 20725, 6747, 1111, 4639, 118, 1634, 16752, 3792, 14410, 117, 107, 1428, 1512, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 127, 166, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 143, 119, 117, 14069, 3263, 144, 119, 152, 119, 117, 2268, 6919, 138, 119, 117, 1192, 11553, 2087, 143, 119, 117, 18933, 2511, 142, 119, 107, 155, 9717, 7136, 131, 3278, 7334, 1105, 3929, 21163, 117, 107, 4623, 1105, 4623, 13849, 20463, 119, 4623, 1410, 117, 22842, 8797, 1107, 6701, 2444, 117, 10857, 5556, 26752, 119, 18919, 164, 128, 166, 1302, 14535, 2713, 2024, 117, 107, 8157, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 14164, 1105, 11336, 6951, 4326, 143, 3663, 10973, 16337, 7178, 107, 117, 1188, 2592, 1110, 1103, 1871, 1104, 1103, 5980, 11058, 1118, 1999, 112, 188, 3424, 1104, 14592, 117, 5820, 117, 1105, 7358, 113, 22157, 21669, 114, 117, 1345, 1446, 164, 129, 166, 149, 119, 21372, 4342, 117, 155, 119, 156, 15342, 1777, 1377, 117, 1105, 150, 119, 153, 23860, 117, 107, 1109, 8377, 14729, 2463, 117, 107, 9690, 2107, 13809, 22946, 1113, 21076, 18388, 1105, 6475, 113, 16972, 27258, 10719, 114, 117, 10857, 119, 125, 117, 1185, 119, 124, 117, 2294, 119, 164, 130, 166, 151, 119, 156, 3293, 4043, 117, 107, 25308, 1107, 4901, 2699, 117, 107, 1581, 119, 164, 1275, 166, 150, 119, 11919, 1105, 139, 119, 5255, 20428, 1964, 117, 107, 153, 18890, 8377, 6088, 15745, 117, 107, 1107, 20661, 1104, 1103, 2973, 1646, 11680, 19678, 26520, 1113, 20961, 6475, 4800, 1105, 146, 26318, 18415, 113, 11570, 17243, 114, 117, 1203, 5705, 117, 5060, 117, 3066, 117, 1729, 117, 4329, 119, 21121, 782, 21331, 119, 164, 1429, 166, 26824, 5933, 11896, 1968, 12610, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 131, 138, 153, 8284, 118, 1106, 118, 153, 8284, 10952, 10511, 3910, 117, 107, 1369, 164, 1367, 166, 151, 119, 157, 119, 2031, 8586, 117, 107, 1212, 1103, 6119, 4129, 3013, 1105, 18693, 2191, 118, 5915, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 107, 20463, 2713, 20777, 2155 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ ",", "\"", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "par", "##ity", "##tech", "/", "par", "##ity", ",", "2016", "[", "2", "]", "M", ".", "V", "##uk", "##olic", ",", "\"", "The", "quest", "for", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "fabric", ":", "proof", "-", "of", "work", "vs", ".", "but", "replication", ",", "\"", "in", "Open", "Problems", "in", "Network", "Security", "-", "i", "##Net", "##S", "##ec", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "3", "]", "M", ".", "Castro", "and", "B", ".", "Li", "##sko", "##v", ",", "\"", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerance", ",", "\"", "in", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "3rd", "US", "##EN", "##IX", "Symposium", "on", "Operating", "Systems", "Design", "and", "I", "##mple", "##mentation", "(", "OS", "##DI", ")", ",", "New", "Orleans", ",", "Louisiana", ",", "USA", ",", "1999", ",", "pp", ".", "173", "–", "186", ".", "[", "4", "]", "\"", "Pro", "##of", "of", "authority", "chains", ",", "\"", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "par", "##ity", "##tech", "/", "par", "##ity", "/", "w", "##iki", "/", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Authority", "-", "Chain", "##s", ".", ",", "2016", "[", "5", "]", "David", "Ma", "##zier", "##es", ",", "\"", "The", "Stella", "##r", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ":", "A", "Fed", "##erated", "Model", "for", "Internet", "-", "level", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", ",", "\"", "February", "25", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "6", "]", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "F", ".", ",", "Kara", "##me", "G", ".", "O", ".", ",", "Man", "##dal", "A", ".", ",", "You", "##sse", "##f", "F", ".", ",", "Zen", "##ner", "E", ".", "\"", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ":", "Over", "##view", "and", "Out", "##look", ",", "\"", "Trust", "and", "Trust", "##worthy", "Computing", ".", "Trust", "2015", ",", "Lecture", "Notes", "in", "Computer", "Science", ",", "vol", "92", "##29", ".", "Springer", "[", "7", "]", "No", "##mura", "Research", "Institute", ",", "\"", "Survey", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "Technologies", "and", "Re", "##lated", "Services", "F", "##Y", "##20", "##15", "Report", "\"", ",", "This", "report", "is", "the", "result", "of", "the", "survey", "contracted", "by", "Japan", "'", "s", "Ministry", "of", "Economy", ",", "Trade", ",", "and", "Industry", "(", "ME", "##TI", ")", ",", "March", "2016", "[", "8", "]", "L", ".", "Lam", "##port", ",", "R", ".", "S", "##hos", "##ta", "##k", ",", "and", "M", ".", "P", "##ease", ",", "\"", "The", "Byzantine", "generals", "problem", ",", "\"", "AC", "##M", "Trans", "##actions", "on", "Programming", "Languages", "and", "Systems", "(", "TO", "##PL", "##AS", ")", ",", "vol", ".", "4", ",", "no", ".", "3", ",", "1982", ".", "[", "9", "]", "N", ".", "S", "##za", "##bo", ",", "\"", "Advances", "in", "distributed", "security", ",", "\"", "2003", ".", "[", "10", "]", "M", ".", "Castro", "and", "B", ".", "Li", "##sko", "##v", ",", "\"", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerance", ",", "\"", "in", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "3rd", "US", "##EN", "##IX", "Symposium", "on", "Operating", "Systems", "Design", "and", "I", "##mple", "##mentation", "(", "OS", "##DI", ")", ",", "New", "Orleans", ",", "Louisiana", ",", "USA", ",", "1999", ",", "pp", ".", "173", "–", "186", ".", "[", "11", "]", "Sato", "##shi", "Na", "##ka", "##moto", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ":", "A", "P", "##eer", "-", "to", "-", "P", "##eer", "Electronic", "Cash", "System", ",", "\"", "2008", "[", "12", "]", "N", ".", "T", ".", "Court", "##ois", ",", "\"", "On", "the", "longest", "chain", "rule", "and", "programmed", "self", "-", "destruction", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "\"", "Computing", "Research", "Rep", "##os" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
consensus. Likewise, Stellar [5] and Ripple [6] augment PBFT by achieving consensus in smaller networks. In the next section, we provide related work associated with consensus protocol. Part III explains consensus protocol comparisons which are used in Section IV for analysis purposes. Section V offers a conclusion with regard to the survey of consensus protocols, and section VI deals with future research directions. II. RELATED WORK A. CAP Theorem CAP Theorem [7] is a system that di
[ 117, 107, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 14247, 1785, 22218, 120, 14247, 1785, 117, 1446, 164, 123, 166, 150, 119, 159, 7563, 14987, 117, 107, 1109, 12485, 1111, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 8113, 131, 6777, 118, 1104, 1250, 5016, 119, 1133, 25544, 117, 107, 1107, 3353, 23855, 1107, 3998, 4354, 118, 178, 25264, 1708, 10294, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 124, 166, 150, 119, 11919, 1105, 139, 119, 5255, 20428, 1964, 117, 107, 153, 18890, 8377, 6088, 15745, 117, 107, 1107, 20661, 1104, 1103, 2973, 1646, 11680, 19678, 26520, 1113, 20961, 6475, 4800, 1105, 146, 26318, 18415, 113, 11570, 17243, 114, 117, 1203, 5705, 117, 5060, 117, 3066, 117, 1729, 117, 4329, 119, 21121, 782, 21331, 119, 164, 125, 166, 107, 5096, 10008, 1104, 3748, 9236, 117, 107, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 14247, 1785, 22218, 120, 14247, 1785, 120, 192, 12635, 120, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 5987, 118, 19589, 1116, 119, 117, 1446, 164, 126, 166, 1681, 7085, 22815, 1279, 117, 107, 1109, 12126, 1197, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 131, 138, 26356, 20725, 6747, 1111, 4639, 118, 1634, 16752, 3792, 14410, 117, 107, 1428, 1512, 117, 1446, 119, 164, 127, 166, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 143, 119, 117, 14069, 3263, 144, 119, 152, 119, 117, 2268, 6919, 138, 119, 117, 1192, 11553, 2087, 143, 119, 117, 18933, 2511, 142, 119, 107, 155, 9717, 7136, 131, 3278, 7334, 1105, 3929, 21163, 117, 107, 4623, 1105, 4623, 13849, 20463, 119, 4623, 1410, 117, 22842, 8797, 1107, 6701, 2444, 117, 10857, 5556, 26752, 119, 18919, 164, 128, 166, 1302, 14535, 2713, 2024, 117, 107, 8157, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 14164, 1105, 11336, 6951, 4326, 143, 3663, 10973, 16337, 7178, 107, 117, 1188, 2592, 1110, 1103, 1871, 1104, 1103, 5980, 11058, 1118, 1999, 112, 188, 3424, 1104, 14592, 117, 5820, 117, 1105, 7358, 113, 22157, 21669, 114, 117, 1345, 1446, 164, 129, 166, 149, 119, 21372, 4342, 117, 155, 119, 156, 15342, 1777, 1377, 117, 1105, 150, 119, 153, 23860, 117, 107, 1109, 8377, 14729, 2463, 117, 107, 9690, 2107, 13809, 22946, 1113, 21076, 18388, 1105, 6475, 113, 16972, 27258, 10719, 114, 117, 10857, 119, 125, 117, 1185, 119, 124, 117, 2294, 119, 164, 130, 166, 151, 119, 156, 3293, 4043, 117, 107, 25308, 1107, 4901, 2699, 117, 107, 1581, 119, 164, 1275, 166, 150, 119, 11919, 1105, 139, 119, 5255, 20428, 1964, 117, 107, 153, 18890, 8377, 6088, 15745, 117, 107, 1107, 20661, 1104, 1103, 2973, 1646, 11680, 19678, 26520, 1113, 20961, 6475, 4800, 1105, 146, 26318, 18415, 113, 11570, 17243, 114, 117, 1203, 5705, 117, 5060, 117, 3066, 117, 1729, 117, 4329, 119, 21121, 782, 21331, 119, 164, 1429, 166, 26824, 5933, 11896, 1968, 12610, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 131, 138, 153, 8284, 118, 1106, 118, 153, 8284, 10952, 10511, 3910, 117, 107, 1369, 164, 1367, 166, 151, 119, 157, 119, 2031, 8586, 117, 107, 1212, 1103, 6119, 4129, 3013, 1105, 18693, 2191, 118, 5915, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 107, 20463, 2713, 20777, 2155 ]
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[ ",", "\"", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "par", "##ity", "##tech", "/", "par", "##ity", ",", "2016", "[", "2", "]", "M", ".", "V", "##uk", "##olic", ",", "\"", "The", "quest", "for", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "fabric", ":", "proof", "-", "of", "work", "vs", ".", "but", "replication", ",", "\"", "in", "Open", "Problems", "in", "Network", "Security", "-", "i", "##Net", "##S", "##ec", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "3", "]", "M", ".", "Castro", "and", "B", ".", "Li", "##sko", "##v", ",", "\"", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerance", ",", "\"", "in", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "3rd", "US", "##EN", "##IX", "Symposium", "on", "Operating", "Systems", "Design", "and", "I", "##mple", "##mentation", "(", "OS", "##DI", ")", ",", "New", "Orleans", ",", "Louisiana", ",", "USA", ",", "1999", ",", "pp", ".", "173", "–", "186", ".", "[", "4", "]", "\"", "Pro", "##of", "of", "authority", "chains", ",", "\"", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "par", "##ity", "##tech", "/", "par", "##ity", "/", "w", "##iki", "/", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Authority", "-", "Chain", "##s", ".", ",", "2016", "[", "5", "]", "David", "Ma", "##zier", "##es", ",", "\"", "The", "Stella", "##r", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ":", "A", "Fed", "##erated", "Model", "for", "Internet", "-", "level", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", ",", "\"", "February", "25", ",", "2016", ".", "[", "6", "]", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "F", ".", ",", "Kara", "##me", "G", ".", "O", ".", ",", "Man", "##dal", "A", ".", ",", "You", "##sse", "##f", "F", ".", ",", "Zen", "##ner", "E", ".", "\"", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ":", "Over", "##view", "and", "Out", "##look", ",", "\"", "Trust", "and", "Trust", "##worthy", "Computing", ".", "Trust", "2015", ",", "Lecture", "Notes", "in", "Computer", "Science", ",", "vol", "92", "##29", ".", "Springer", "[", "7", "]", "No", "##mura", "Research", "Institute", ",", "\"", "Survey", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "Technologies", "and", "Re", "##lated", "Services", "F", "##Y", "##20", "##15", "Report", "\"", ",", "This", "report", "is", "the", "result", "of", "the", "survey", "contracted", "by", "Japan", "'", "s", "Ministry", "of", "Economy", ",", "Trade", ",", "and", "Industry", "(", "ME", "##TI", ")", ",", "March", "2016", "[", "8", "]", "L", ".", "Lam", "##port", ",", "R", ".", "S", "##hos", "##ta", "##k", ",", "and", "M", ".", "P", "##ease", ",", "\"", "The", "Byzantine", "generals", "problem", ",", "\"", "AC", "##M", "Trans", "##actions", "on", "Programming", "Languages", "and", "Systems", "(", "TO", "##PL", "##AS", ")", ",", "vol", ".", "4", ",", "no", ".", "3", ",", "1982", ".", "[", "9", "]", "N", ".", "S", "##za", "##bo", ",", "\"", "Advances", "in", "distributed", "security", ",", "\"", "2003", ".", "[", "10", "]", "M", ".", "Castro", "and", "B", ".", "Li", "##sko", "##v", ",", "\"", "P", "##ractical", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerance", ",", "\"", "in", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "3rd", "US", "##EN", "##IX", "Symposium", "on", "Operating", "Systems", "Design", "and", "I", "##mple", "##mentation", "(", "OS", "##DI", ")", ",", "New", "Orleans", ",", "Louisiana", ",", "USA", ",", "1999", ",", "pp", ".", "173", "–", "186", ".", "[", "11", "]", "Sato", "##shi", "Na", "##ka", "##moto", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ":", "A", "P", "##eer", "-", "to", "-", "P", "##eer", "Electronic", "Cash", "System", ",", "\"", "2008", "[", "12", "]", "N", ".", "T", ".", "Court", "##ois", ",", "\"", "On", "the", "longest", "chain", "rule", "and", "programmed", "self", "-", "destruction", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "\"", "Computing", "Research", "Rep", "##os" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
stributes multiple nodes that handle common data, and shows which distributed systems can completely satisfy the following three properties: Consistency (C) is a status by which each node has the latest data at the same time. Availability (A) is the status where any failure of a specific node does not affect other nodes. Partition tolerance (P) is the status by which nodes can continue operations, even with a failure in the network. The blockchain is one of the distributed systems which can sa
[ 15419, 1183, 117, 7882, 119, 20777, 119, 170, 4832, 120, 8183, 1571, 119, 4991, 23124, 117, 1387, 119, 164, 1492, 166, 147, 119, 138, 119, 148, 10747, 117, 146, 119, 140, 119, 22618, 117, 1105, 142, 119, 160, 119, 11907, 26929, 117, 107, 1109, 8142, 1104, 2113, 2528, 1394, 5463, 117, 1137, 2113, 2528, 1394, 1107, 1103, 2915, 1104, 8050, 10704, 5927, 117, 107, 1107, 160, 27514, 1708, 112, 1492, 131, 20661, 1104, 1103, 5247, 16350, 1113, 1103, 7525, 1104, 4219, 4354, 117, 1340, 1381, 119, 164, 1489, 166, 146, 119, 3096, 25918, 117, 140, 119, 2499, 117, 138, 119, 12107, 1584, 10659, 1182, 117, 1105, 150, 119, 24580, 7355, 117, 107, 5096, 10008, 1104, 3246, 131, 16409, 22835, 2113, 2528, 1394, 112, 188, 6777, 1104, 1250, 2258, 6777, 1104, 8219, 117, 107, 1107, 20820, 2036, 7235, 112, 1489, 131, 20661, 1104, 1103, 5612, 16350, 1113, 1103, 7525, 1104, 16942, 117, 6475, 117, 1105, 3291, 8223, 15012, 2116, 117, 1340, 1387, 119, 164, 1405, 166, 147, 119, 4425, 1105, 138, 119, 8493, 117, 107, 2827, 131, 23603, 4676, 19716, 1114, 2113, 2528, 1394, 117, 107, 1107, 3604, 112, 1367, 131, 20661, 1104, 1103, 5050, 1570, 3047, 1113, 7748, 15586, 6451, 9543, 1105, 7154, 4354, 117, 9751, 119, 1368, 119, 164, 1479, 166, 138, 119, 4388, 117, 150, 119, 20385, 2858, 117, 149, 119, 23460, 3361, 1197, 117, 150, 119, 13359, 4830, 23091, 117, 144, 119, 10593, 117, 138, 119, 3902, 117, 138, 119, 21377, 3447, 4487, 117, 147, 119, 4446, 28169, 1320, 117, 1105, 153, 119, 8769, 8683, 117, 107, 13832, 6639, 1979, 3510, 7147, 1394, 18168, 1114, 185, 12606, 3660, 1334, 7147, 4935, 117, 107, 7882, 119, 20777, 119, 117, 14125, 119, 1387, 119, 164, 1542, 166, 138, 119, 3902, 117, 138, 119, 23915, 5999, 117, 142, 119, 14104, 117, 139, 119, 19585, 11791, 117, 1105, 147, 119, 22795, 117, 107, 14286, 1918, 2528, 1394, 131, 20777, 2149, 5674, 4253, 2113, 2528, 1394, 1250, 1111, 2233, 10149, 117, 107, 1107, 16625, 112, 1489, 131, 20661, 1104, 1103, 22031, 16206, 26520, 1113, 4354, 1105, 153, 2047, 2497, 3457, 117, 1318, 1387, 119, 164, 1407, 166, 107, 20318, 21590, 3521, 117, 107, 15397, 3436, 117, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 177, 24312, 19693, 1197, 120, 1486, 21590, 118, 4160, 117, 1446, 164, 1627, 166, 107, 5096, 10008, 1104, 8468, 11478, 5591, 1159, 113, 4225, 114, 117, 107, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 1107, 7854, 19693, 1197, 119, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 178, 1186, 120, 4784, 119, 28066, 108, 6777, 118, 1104, 118, 8468, 11478, 5591, 118, 1159, 118, 4225, 119, 117, 1387, 164, 1406, 166, 1135, 1777, 1183, 142, 18543, 117, 24930, 5521, 142, 8124, 9198, 14840, 117, 18653, 1394, 11274, 2203, 1200, 117, 1105, 6284, 7488, 3498, 26978, 11553, 117, 107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 118, 21174, 131, 138, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 11309, 117, 107, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 3073, 10988, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 17576, 1568, 119, 5507, 1568, 26303, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 1626, 166, 2392, 1186, 159, 7563, 14987, 117 ]
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[ "##itor", "##y", ",", "Tech", ".", "Rep", ".", "a", "##bs", "/", "140", "##5", ".", "05", "##34", ",", "2014", ".", "[", "13", "]", "J", ".", "A", ".", "K", "##roll", ",", "I", ".", "C", ".", "Davey", ",", "and", "E", ".", "W", ".", "Fe", "##lten", ",", "\"", "The", "economics", "of", "bit", "##co", "##in", "mining", ",", "or", "bit", "##co", "##in", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "ad", "##vers", "##aries", ",", "\"", "in", "W", "##EI", "##S", "'", "13", ":", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "12th", "Workshop", "on", "the", "Economics", "of", "Information", "Security", ",", "June", "2013", ".", "[", "14", "]", "I", ".", "Ben", "##tov", ",", "C", ".", "Lee", ",", "A", ".", "Mi", "##z", "##rah", "##i", ",", "and", "M", ".", "Rosen", "##feld", ",", "\"", "Pro", "##of", "of", "activity", ":", "Ex", "##tending", "bit", "##co", "##in", "'", "s", "proof", "of", "work", "via", "proof", "of", "stake", ",", "\"", "in", "Net", "##E", "##con", "'", "14", ":", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "9th", "Workshop", "on", "the", "Economics", "of", "Networks", ",", "Systems", ",", "and", "Co", "##mp", "##uta", "##tion", ",", "June", "2014", ".", "[", "15", "]", "J", ".", "Clark", "and", "A", ".", "Essex", ",", "\"", "Commission", ":", "Carbon", "dating", "commitments", "with", "bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "\"", "in", "FC", "'", "12", ":", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "16th", "International", "Conference", "on", "Financial", "Cry", "##pt", "##ography", "and", "Data", "Security", ",", "Mar", ".", "2012", ".", "[", "16", "]", "A", ".", "Back", ",", "M", ".", "Coral", "##lo", ",", "L", ".", "Dash", "##j", "##r", ",", "M", ".", "Fr", "##ied", "##enbach", ",", "G", ".", "Maxwell", ",", "A", ".", "Miller", ",", "A", ".", "Poe", "##ls", "##tra", ",", "J", ".", "Tim", "##Β΄", "##on", ",", "and", "P", ".", "Wu", "##ille", ",", "\"", "En", "##ab", "##ling", "block", "##cha", "##in", "innovations", "with", "p", "##eg", "##ged", "side", "##cha", "##ins", ",", "\"", "Tech", ".", "Rep", ".", ",", "Oct", ".", "2014", ".", "[", "17", "]", "A", ".", "Miller", ",", "A", ".", "Ju", "##els", ",", "E", ".", "Shi", ",", "B", ".", "Pa", "##rno", ",", "and", "J", ".", "Katz", ",", "\"", "Per", "##ma", "##co", "##in", ":", "Rep", "##ur", "##po", "##sing", "bit", "##co", "##in", "work", "for", "data", "preservation", ",", "\"", "in", "SP", "'", "14", ":", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "35th", "IEEE", "Symposium", "on", "Security", "and", "P", "##ri", "##va", "##cy", ",", "May", "2014", ".", "[", "18", "]", "\"", "Saw", "##tooth", "lake", ",", "\"", "Intel", "Corporation", ",", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "h", "##yper", "##ledge", "##r", "/", "saw", "##tooth", "-", "core", ",", "2016", "[", "19", "]", "\"", "Pro", "##of", "of", "el", "##ap", "##sed", "time", "(", "poet", ")", ",", "\"", "https", ":", "/", "/", "in", "##tel", "##ledge", "##r", ".", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "i", "##o", "/", "introduction", ".", "html", "#", "proof", "-", "of", "-", "el", "##ap", "##sed", "-", "time", "-", "poet", ".", ",", "2014", "[", "20", "]", "It", "##ta", "##y", "E", "##yal", ",", "Ad", "##em", "E", "##fe", "Gen", "##cer", ",", "Em", "##in", "Gun", "Sir", "##er", ",", "and", "Rob", "##bert", "van", "Rene", "##sse", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "-", "ng", ":", "A", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "protocol", ",", "\"", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", "pre", "##print", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "151", "##0", ".", "02", "##0", "##37", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "21", "]", "Mark", "##o", "V", "##uk", "##olic", "," ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
tisfy both availability (A) and partition tolerance (P) but cannot satisfy the condition of consistency (C). Instead, as long as the separation of the network is time-limited, the system is regarded as maintaining the ultimate consistency. Ultimate consistency is
[ 107, 1109, 12485, 1111, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 8113, 131, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 1250, 5016, 119, 171, 4964, 25544, 117, 107, 1130, 20661, 1104, 1103, 13729, 11410, 160, 2349, 1429, 119, 125, 16350, 178, 25264, 1708, 10294, 1410, 119, 1410, 119, 164, 1659, 166, 9132, 162, 117, 23158, 147, 119, 107, 1760, 146, 1186, 1942, 3651, 1671, 2235, 1359, 1113, 1103, 11309, 1104, 2113, 2528, 1394, 117, 107, 4186, 1570, 3511, 1113, 4810, 1107, 1397, 118, 3964, 6379, 113, 146, 19747, 2249, 114, 132, 1410, 119, 185, 119, 21421, 782, 5539, 119, 9465, 131, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 173, 1775, 119, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 146, 19747, 2249, 119, 1410, 119, 3102, 1559, 23249, 13144, 119, 164, 1695, 166, 156, 119, 1670, 117, 148, 119, 26424, 18062, 24996, 117, 138, 119, 148, 16732, 117, 147, 119, 2586, 10781, 117, 144, 119, 14763, 17704, 2822, 10232, 117, 1105, 153, 119, 144, 19888, 117, 107, 4525, 8715, 131, 138, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1359, 1113, 6777, 1116, 1104, 2000, 117, 107, 146, 8101, 2069, 15586, 6451, 4807, 174, 2101, 4854, 1204, 15041, 117, 10857, 119, 1410, 117, 185, 119, 3882, 1604, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 1572, 166, 141, 2001, 10205, 1200, 117, 107, 9352, 12606, 2913, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 1457, 9899, 113, 141, 23329, 1708, 114, 117, 107, 27400, 5480, 1874, 1653, 26311, 117, 1387, 164, 1512, 166, 142, 139, 9827, 1399, 117, 107, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 131, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 1107, 1103, 4936, 1104, 8093, 7147, 4935, 117, 107, 1446, 5306, 1477 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 6, 0, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\"", "The", "quest", "for", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "fabric", ":", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "work", "vs", ".", "b", "##ft", "replication", ",", "\"", "In", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "IF", "##IP", "W", "##G", "11", ".", "4", "Workshop", "i", "##Net", "##S", "##ec", "2015", ".", "2015", ".", "[", "22", "]", "Zhang", "Y", ",", "Wen", "J", ".", "\"", "An", "I", "##o", "##T", "electric", "business", "model", "based", "on", "the", "protocol", "of", "bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "\"", "18th", "International", "conference", "on", "intelligence", "in", "next", "-", "generation", "networks", "(", "I", "##CI", "##N", ")", ";", "2015", ".", "p", ".", "184", "–", "91", ".", "doi", ":", "http", ":", "/", "/", "d", "##x", ".", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "I", "##CI", "##N", ".", "2015", ".", "70", "##7", "##38", "##30", ".", "[", "23", "]", "S", ".", "Park", ",", "K", ".", "Pie", "##tr", "##zak", ",", "A", ".", "K", "##won", ",", "J", ".", "Al", "##wen", ",", "G", ".", "Fu", "##chs", "##ba", "##uer", ",", "and", "P", ".", "G", "##azi", ",", "\"", "Space", "mini", ":", "A", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "based", "on", "proof", "##s", "of", "space", ",", "\"", "I", "##AC", "##R", "Cry", "##pt", "##ology", "e", "##P", "##rin", "##t", "Archive", ",", "vol", ".", "2015", ",", "p", ".", "52", "##8", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "24", "]", "D", "La", "##rim", "##er", ",", "\"", "Del", "##eg", "##ated", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "St", "##ake", "(", "D", "##PO", "##S", ")", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##sha", "##re", "white", "##paper", ",", "2014", "[", "25", "]", "E", "B", "##uch", "##man", ",", "\"", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ":", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "in", "the", "Age", "of", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ",", "\"", "2016", "96", "##2" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
tisfy both availability (A) and partition tolerance (P) but cannot satisfy the condition of consistency (C). Instead, as long as the separation of the network is time-limited, the system is regarded as maintaining the ultimate consistency. Ultimate consistency is
[ 107, 1109, 12485, 1111, 188, 7867, 1895, 3510, 7147, 1394, 8113, 131, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 1250, 5016, 119, 171, 4964, 25544, 117, 107, 1130, 20661, 1104, 1103, 13729, 11410, 160, 2349, 1429, 119, 125, 16350, 178, 25264, 1708, 10294, 1410, 119, 1410, 119, 164, 1659, 166, 9132, 162, 117, 23158, 147, 119, 107, 1760, 146, 1186, 1942, 3651, 1671, 2235, 1359, 1113, 1103, 11309, 1104, 2113, 2528, 1394, 117, 107, 4186, 1570, 3511, 1113, 4810, 1107, 1397, 118, 3964, 6379, 113, 146, 19747, 2249, 114, 132, 1410, 119, 185, 119, 21421, 782, 5539, 119, 9465, 131, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 173, 1775, 119, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 146, 19747, 2249, 119, 1410, 119, 3102, 1559, 23249, 13144, 119, 164, 1695, 166, 156, 119, 1670, 117, 148, 119, 26424, 18062, 24996, 117, 138, 119, 148, 16732, 117, 147, 119, 2586, 10781, 117, 144, 119, 14763, 17704, 2822, 10232, 117, 1105, 153, 119, 144, 19888, 117, 107, 4525, 8715, 131, 138, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1359, 1113, 6777, 1116, 1104, 2000, 117, 107, 146, 8101, 2069, 15586, 6451, 4807, 174, 2101, 4854, 1204, 15041, 117, 10857, 119, 1410, 117, 185, 119, 3882, 1604, 117, 1410, 119, 164, 1572, 166, 141, 2001, 10205, 1200, 117, 107, 9352, 12606, 2913, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 1457, 9899, 113, 141, 23329, 1708, 114, 117, 107, 27400, 5480, 1874, 1653, 26311, 117, 1387, 164, 1512, 166, 142, 139, 9827, 1399, 117, 107, 5157, 2692, 7937, 1204, 131, 8377, 143, 14045, 1706, 2879, 3923, 1107, 1103, 4936, 1104, 8093, 7147, 4935, 117, 107, 1446, 5306, 1477 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\"", "The", "quest", "for", "s", "##cal", "##able", "block", "##cha", "##in", "fabric", ":", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "work", "vs", ".", "b", "##ft", "replication", ",", "\"", "In", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "IF", "##IP", "W", "##G", "11", ".", "4", "Workshop", "i", "##Net", "##S", "##ec", "2015", ".", "2015", ".", "[", "22", "]", "Zhang", "Y", ",", "Wen", "J", ".", "\"", "An", "I", "##o", "##T", "electric", "business", "model", "based", "on", "the", "protocol", "of", "bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "\"", "18th", "International", "conference", "on", "intelligence", "in", "next", "-", "generation", "networks", "(", "I", "##CI", "##N", ")", ";", "2015", ".", "p", ".", "184", "–", "91", ".", "doi", ":", "http", ":", "/", "/", "d", "##x", ".", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "I", "##CI", "##N", ".", "2015", ".", "70", "##7", "##38", "##30", ".", "[", "23", "]", "S", ".", "Park", ",", "K", ".", "Pie", "##tr", "##zak", ",", "A", ".", "K", "##won", ",", "J", ".", "Al", "##wen", ",", "G", ".", "Fu", "##chs", "##ba", "##uer", ",", "and", "P", ".", "G", "##azi", ",", "\"", "Space", "mini", ":", "A", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "based", "on", "proof", "##s", "of", "space", ",", "\"", "I", "##AC", "##R", "Cry", "##pt", "##ology", "e", "##P", "##rin", "##t", "Archive", ",", "vol", ".", "2015", ",", "p", ".", "52", "##8", ",", "2015", ".", "[", "24", "]", "D", "La", "##rim", "##er", ",", "\"", "Del", "##eg", "##ated", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "St", "##ake", "(", "D", "##PO", "##S", ")", ",", "\"", "Bit", "##sha", "##re", "white", "##paper", ",", "2014", "[", "25", "]", "E", "B", "##uch", "##man", ",", "\"", "Ten", "##der", "##min", "##t", ":", "Byzantine", "F", "##ault", "To", "##ler", "##ance", "in", "the", "Age", "of", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ",", "\"", "2016", "96", "##2" ]
State of the art and challenges facing consensus p
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof-of-Work Blockchain AUTHORS ABSTRACT In a consensus algorithm based on Proof-of-Work, miners are motivated by crypto rewards. Furthermore, security is guaranteed because a cost of a 50% attack chance is higher than the potential rewards. However, because of the sudden price jump of cryptocurrencies and cheap prices of mining machines like ASICs, the cost and profit were on equilibrium for Bitcoin in 2017. In this situation, attackers are motiv
[ 13704, 3561, 3452, 2109, 1105, 4354, 1104, 16409, 23286, 1706, 6378, 1116, 1113, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 8093, 7147, 1394, 21646, 24162, 9565, 1708, 20066, 23313, 8101, 1942, 1130, 170, 10923, 9932, 1359, 1113, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 117, 13418, 1132, 13241, 1118, 5354, 6451, 1186, 22278, 119, 7282, 117, 2699, 1110, 13008, 1272, 170, 2616, 1104, 170, 1851, 110, 2035, 2640, 1110, 2299, 1190, 1103, 3209, 22278, 119, 1438, 117, 1272, 1104, 1103, 4962, 3945, 5152, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 10928, 7352, 1104, 5463, 6555, 1176, 15278, 9741, 1116, 117, 1103, 2616, 1105, 5022, 1127, 1113, 15784, 1111, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1107, 1504, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1118, 1103, 5233, 1206, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1105, 11709, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 5594, 1115, 1175, 1110, 25319, 1206, 5463, 1540, 1113, 1103, 2443, 1105, 3945, 1104, 18290, 5026, 1115, 1169, 1129, 1678, 5343, 1193, 1113, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 24222, 1150, 3670, 22559, 1116, 1113, 1103, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1431, 8804, 5463, 1540, 1105, 3670, 22559, 1116, 17780, 1190, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1177, 1115, 5022, 1105, 2616, 1104, 1103, 19114, 1132, 1136, 1107, 15784, 119, 21362, 1708, 18732, 15517, 16668, 11365, 4354, 1105, 9909, 117, 12120, 2050, 2047, 24595, 2344, 2699, 117, 20463, 3442, 20941, 117, 6747, 1158, 1105, 14314, 148, 2036, 3663, 2924, 9565, 13675, 8093, 7147, 1394, 117, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 117, 1706, 6378, 3670, 9690, 2107, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 15969, 23313, 15609, 21986, 21669, 11414, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 4828, 7727, 1449, 164, 1406, 166, 119, 2994, 14372, 1647, 13618, 2233, 113, 21514, 1116, 114, 1113, 170, 21340, 1197, 7905, 1107, 1172, 1105, 23073, 21514, 1116, 1132, 1136, 21776, 1118, 5991, 15856, 1103, 21340, 1197, 119, 1109, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1270, 789, 8093, 7147, 1394, 790, 1105, 15029, 1294, 10923, 1177, 1115, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1296, 14372, 3486, 7634, 20904, 119, 1706, 1294, 170, 10923, 117, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2745, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 1107, 1103, 1532, 1104, 170, 9988, 13544, 1115, 170, 4795, 1169, 9474, 1118, 5369, 19903, 1540, 119, 2279, 170, 14372, 1115, 4090, 1103, 2590, 1169, 1243, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1112, 22278, 117, 1606, 1103, 21927, 1104, 2284, 5463, 117, 1103, 1965, 1104, 15097, 18959, 2924, 1110, 1270, 789, 5463, 119, 790, 1109, 10923, 6978, 1359, 1113, 18959, 2924, 1548, 5343, 4895, 1126, 19114, 6268, 1116, 1166, 1851, 110, 1104, 8178, 19675, 1348, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 5533, 117, 2699, 13008, 1118, 1103, 2616, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1110, 1136, 1107, 15784, 1114, 11709, 119, 1438, 117, 1118, 1103, 4962, 3945, 5152, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 10928, 1193, 1104, 5463, 6555, 1176, 15278, 9741, 1116, 117, 1103, 2616, 1108, 1107, 15784, 1111, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1107, 1504, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 1103, 5463, 2616, 1110, 1136, 170, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 1111, 19450, 1272, 1115, 1152, 1169, 1243, 22278, 15122, 1106, 1103, 2616 ]
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[ "Attack", "Inc", "##ent", "##ive", "and", "Security", "of", "Ex", "##changing", "To", "##ken", "##s", "on", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "AU", "##TH", "##OR", "##S", "ABS", "##TR", "##AC", "##T", "In", "a", "consensus", "algorithm", "based", "on", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", ",", "miners", "are", "motivated", "by", "cry", "##pt", "##o", "rewards", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "security", "is", "guaranteed", "because", "a", "cost", "of", "a", "50", "%", "attack", "chance", "is", "higher", "than", "the", "potential", "rewards", ".", "However", ",", "because", "of", "the", "sudden", "price", "jump", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "cheap", "prices", "of", "mining", "machines", "like", "AS", "##IC", "##s", ",", "the", "cost", "and", "profit", "were", "on", "equilibrium", "for", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "in", "2017", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "by", "the", "balance", "between", "has", "##h", "power", "and", "profits", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "describe", "that", "there", "is", "relevance", "between", "mining", "power", "on", "the", "network", "and", "price", "of", "##tok", "##ens", "that", "can", "be", "taken", "secure", "##ly", "on", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Users", "who", "exchange", "token", "##s", "on", "the", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "should", "monitor", "mining", "power", "and", "exchange", "token", "##s", "cheaper", "than", "the", "attack", "cost", "so", "that", "profit", "and", "cost", "of", "the", "attacker", "are", "not", "in", "equilibrium", ".", "CC", "##S", "CO", "##NC", "##EP", "##TS", "Security", "and", "privacy", ",", "Di", "##st", "##ri", "##buted", "systems", "security", ",", "Computing", "method", "##ologies", ",", "Model", "##ing", "and", "simulation", "K", "##E", "##Y", "##W", "##OR", "##DS", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", ",", "To", "##ken", "exchange", "AC", "##M", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "IN", "##TR", "##OD", "##UC", "##TI", "##ON", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "electronic", "payment", "system", "[", "20", "]", ".", "Each", "node", "record", "transaction", "data", "(", "TX", "##s", ")", "on", "a", "ledge", "##r", "stored", "in", "them", "and", "verify", "TX", "##s", "are", "not", "conflicting", "by", "refer", "##encing", "the", "ledge", "##r", ".", "The", "ledge", "##r", "is", "called", "β€œ", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "”", "and", "nodes", "make", "consensus", "so", "that", "the", "ledge", "##r", "each", "node", "holds", "keeps", "consistency", ".", "To", "make", "a", "consensus", ",", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "uses", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "in", "the", "form", "of", "a", "mathematical", "puzzle", "that", "a", "user", "can", "solve", "by", "spending", "computational", "power", ".", "Because", "a", "node", "that", "finds", "the", "answer", "can", "get", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "as", "rewards", ",", "using", "the", "metaphor", "of", "gold", "mining", ",", "the", "process", "of", "solving", "Po", "##W", "is", "called", "β€œ", "mining", ".", "”", "The", "consensus", "mechanism", "based", "on", "Po", "##W", "##is", "secure", "unless", "an", "attacker", "obtain", "##s", "over", "50", "%", "of", "##com", "##putation", "##al", "power", "in", "the", "network", ".", "Additionally", ",", "security", "guaranteed", "by", "the", "cost", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "is", "not", "in", "equilibrium", "with", "profits", ".", "However", ",", "by", "the", "sudden", "price", "jump", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "cheap", "##ly", "of", "mining", "machines", "like", "AS", "##IC", "##s", ",", "the", "cost", "was", "in", "equilibrium", "for", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "in", "2017", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "the", "mining", "cost", "is", "not", "a", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", "for", "attackers", "because", "that", "they", "can", "get", "rewards", "proportional", "to", "the", "cost" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ated by the balance between hash power and profits. In this paper, we describe that there is relevance between mining power on the network and price oftokens that can be taken securely on a blockchain. Users who exchange tokens on the PoW blockchain should monitor mining power and exchange tokens cheaper than the attack cost so that profit and cost of the attacker are not in equilibrium. CCS CONCEPTS Security and privacy, Distributed systems security, Computing methodologies, Modeling and simulation KE
[ 1104, 1103, 2035, 119, 1130, 170, 1851, 110, 2035, 117, 1103, 19114, 1169, 1243, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1112, 1103, 10703, 1105, 5022, 1104, 2035, 1105, 1169, 10301, 1103, 2616, 1121, 1103, 2443, 787, 188, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1191, 170, 1851, 110, 2035, 1110, 11168, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 2064, 2875, 2528, 4935, 1209, 2303, 1177, 1122, 3411, 1112, 170, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 1111, 19450, 119, 1130, 142, 8420, 14136, 164, 1765, 166, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 4508, 1758, 1118, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 164, 1367, 166, 114, 1110, 2121, 1136, 4634, 1118, 2443, 2699, 119, 6589, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1118, 1103, 5233, 1206, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1105, 11709, 119, 1284, 1758, 1115, 1175, 1110, 7503, 1206, 5463, 1540, 1113, 1103, 2443, 1105, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1115, 170, 4795, 1169, 1321, 1113, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 24222, 1150, 3670, 22559, 1116, 1113, 1103, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1431, 8804, 5463, 1540, 1105, 3670, 22559, 1116, 17780, 1190, 2035, 2616, 1177, 1115, 11709, 1105, 4692, 1104, 1103, 19114, 1110, 1136, 15784, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 139, 2162, 9244, 2428, 23258, 1592, 11607, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1110, 170, 1449, 1107, 1134, 1296, 14372, 7634, 1126, 12647, 6696, 118, 1178, 21340, 1197, 117, 1105, 1118, 1103, 12647, 16264, 3013, 1103, 21340, 1197, 7634, 20904, 1256, 1463, 1296, 14372, 5049, 8942, 119, 143, 2346, 14697, 2249, 14697, 2036, 131, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 8093, 7147, 1394, 2086, 1103, 1449, 117, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2086, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1115, 1296, 14372, 7634, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1296, 14372, 1169, 23073, 14409, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1118, 7455, 1106, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1115, 1110, 7905, 6889, 119, 13615, 117, 15029, 1169, 11552, 789, 2702, 118, 5369, 790, 1107, 1134, 1126, 19114, 15539, 1103, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1106, 1472, 4713, 119, 2994, 14372, 4822, 170, 1383, 1104, 22480, 14409, 1112, 789, 8093, 790, 1107, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 138, 3510, 2075, 1103, 5354, 6451, 9597, 1144, 1324, 1295, 1104, 1103, 1314, 1141, 1107, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1650, 1142, 2401, 117, 1191, 1126, 19114, 1231, 2246, 23202, 170, 2166, 13618, 117, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1295, 1104, 170, 3510, 1115, 2075, 1122, 1110, 2014, 117, 1105, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1104, 1103, 1397, 1141, 1110, 2014, 1315, 119, 13615, 117, 1126, 19114, 2993, 1106, 11984, 1155, 5511, 2547, 1121, 1103, 1231, 16674, 1141, 1106, 1103, 1314, 1141, 119, 1706, 1712, 20904, 1105, 7262, 1104, 1231, 17729, 117, 3510, 11166, 2993, 1106, 9474, 170, 9988, 13544, 1270, 789, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 790, 1105, 1511, 1103, 2590, 1107, 1103, 1207, 3510, 119, 18959, 2924, 1144, 1103, 5924, 1115, 15097, 2993, 1277, 19903, 1540, 1133, 23073, 1158, 1103, 2590, 1110, 3014, 119, 1409, 1199, 3510, 11166, 2228, 5511, 1115, 1511, 21776, 14409, 1118, 1231, 17729, 1103, 1763, 117, 15029, 11552, 1103, 4139, 1112, 170, 789, 13097, 790, 119, 1332, 170 ]
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[ "of", "the", "attack", ".", "In", "a", "50", "%", "attack", ",", "the", "attacker", "can", "get", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "as", "the", "reward", "and", "profit", "of", "attack", "and", "can", "estimate", "the", "cost", "from", "the", "network", "’", "s", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "if", "a", "50", "%", "attack", "is", "detected", ",", "the", "price", "of", "##B", "##it", "##co", "##ins", "will", "fall", "so", "it", "serves", "as", "a", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", "for", "attackers", ".", "In", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "[", "27", "]", ",", "the", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "lands", "described", "by", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", "[", "12", "]", ")", "is", "sometimes", "not", "affected", "by", "network", "security", ".", "Therefore", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "by", "the", "balance", "between", "has", "##h", "power", "and", "profits", ".", "We", "described", "that", "there", "is", "relevant", "between", "mining", "power", "on", "the", "network", "and", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "that", "a", "user", "can", "take", "on", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Users", "who", "exchange", "token", "##s", "on", "the", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "should", "monitor", "mining", "power", "and", "exchange", "token", "##s", "cheaper", "than", "attack", "cost", "so", "that", "profits", "and", "costs", "of", "the", "attacker", "is", "not", "equilibrium", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "B", "##L", "##OC", "##K", "##CH", "##A", "##IN", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "a", "system", "in", "which", "each", "node", "keeps", "an", "app", "##end", "-", "only", "ledge", "##r", ",", "and", "by", "the", "app", "##ending", "rule", "the", "ledge", "##r", "keeps", "consistency", "even", "though", "each", "node", "operates", "independently", ".", "F", "##O", "##OT", "##N", "##OT", "##E", ":", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "means", "the", "system", ",", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "means", "the", "ledge", "##r", "that", "each", "node", "keeps", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "each", "node", "can", "verify", "transactions", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "by", "referring", "to", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "is", "stored", "locally", ".", "Hence", ",", "nodes", "can", "detect", "β€œ", "double", "-", "spending", "”", "in", "which", "an", "attacker", "pays", "the", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "to", "different", "users", ".", "Each", "node", "stores", "a", "set", "of", "verified", "transactions", "as", "β€œ", "Block", "”", "in", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "A", "block", "includes", "the", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "has", "##h", "number", "of", "the", "last", "one", "in", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "By", "this", "structure", ",", "if", "an", "attacker", "re", "##w", "##rites", "a", "previous", "transaction", ",", "the", "has", "##h", "number", "of", "a", "block", "that", "includes", "it", "is", "changed", ",", "and", "the", "has", "##h", "of", "the", "next", "one", "is", "changed", "too", ".", "Hence", ",", "an", "attacker", "needs", "to", "update", "all", "blocks", "starting", "from", "the", "re", "##written", "one", "to", "the", "last", "one", ".", "To", "keep", "consistency", "and", "difficulty", "of", "re", "##writing", ",", "block", "maker", "needs", "to", "solve", "a", "mathematical", "puzzle", "called", "β€œ", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "”", "and", "include", "the", "answer", "in", "the", "new", "block", ".", "Po", "##W", "has", "the", "characteristics", "that", "solving", "needs", "much", "computational", "power", "but", "verify", "##ing", "the", "answer", "is", "simple", ".", "If", "some", "block", "maker", "makes", "blocks", "that", "include", "conflicting", "transactions", "by", "re", "##writing", "the", "past", ",", "nodes", "detect", "the", "conflict", "as", "a", "β€œ", "fork", "”", ".", "When", "a" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ated by the balance between hash power and profits. In this paper, we describe that there is relevance between mining power on the network and price oftokens that can be taken securely on a blockchain. Users who exchange tokens on the PoW blockchain should monitor mining power and exchange tokens cheaper than the attack cost so that profit and cost of the attacker are not in equilibrium. CCS CONCEPTS Security and privacy, Distributed systems security, Computing methodologies, Modeling and simulation KE
[ 1104, 1103, 2035, 119, 1130, 170, 1851, 110, 2035, 117, 1103, 19114, 1169, 1243, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1112, 1103, 10703, 1105, 5022, 1104, 2035, 1105, 1169, 10301, 1103, 2616, 1121, 1103, 2443, 787, 188, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1191, 170, 1851, 110, 2035, 1110, 11168, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 2064, 2875, 2528, 4935, 1209, 2303, 1177, 1122, 3411, 1112, 170, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 1111, 19450, 119, 1130, 142, 8420, 14136, 164, 1765, 166, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 4508, 1758, 1118, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 164, 1367, 166, 114, 1110, 2121, 1136, 4634, 1118, 2443, 2699, 119, 6589, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1118, 1103, 5233, 1206, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1105, 11709, 119, 1284, 1758, 1115, 1175, 1110, 7503, 1206, 5463, 1540, 1113, 1103, 2443, 1105, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1115, 170, 4795, 1169, 1321, 1113, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 24222, 1150, 3670, 22559, 1116, 1113, 1103, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1431, 8804, 5463, 1540, 1105, 3670, 22559, 1116, 17780, 1190, 2035, 2616, 1177, 1115, 11709, 1105, 4692, 1104, 1103, 19114, 1110, 1136, 15784, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 139, 2162, 9244, 2428, 23258, 1592, 11607, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1110, 170, 1449, 1107, 1134, 1296, 14372, 7634, 1126, 12647, 6696, 118, 1178, 21340, 1197, 117, 1105, 1118, 1103, 12647, 16264, 3013, 1103, 21340, 1197, 7634, 20904, 1256, 1463, 1296, 14372, 5049, 8942, 119, 143, 2346, 14697, 2249, 14697, 2036, 131, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 8093, 7147, 1394, 2086, 1103, 1449, 117, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2086, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1115, 1296, 14372, 7634, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1296, 14372, 1169, 23073, 14409, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1118, 7455, 1106, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1115, 1110, 7905, 6889, 119, 13615, 117, 15029, 1169, 11552, 789, 2702, 118, 5369, 790, 1107, 1134, 1126, 19114, 15539, 1103, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1106, 1472, 4713, 119, 2994, 14372, 4822, 170, 1383, 1104, 22480, 14409, 1112, 789, 8093, 790, 1107, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 138, 3510, 2075, 1103, 5354, 6451, 9597, 1144, 1324, 1295, 1104, 1103, 1314, 1141, 1107, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1650, 1142, 2401, 117, 1191, 1126, 19114, 1231, 2246, 23202, 170, 2166, 13618, 117, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1295, 1104, 170, 3510, 1115, 2075, 1122, 1110, 2014, 117, 1105, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1104, 1103, 1397, 1141, 1110, 2014, 1315, 119, 13615, 117, 1126, 19114, 2993, 1106, 11984, 1155, 5511, 2547, 1121, 1103, 1231, 16674, 1141, 1106, 1103, 1314, 1141, 119, 1706, 1712, 20904, 1105, 7262, 1104, 1231, 17729, 117, 3510, 11166, 2993, 1106, 9474, 170, 9988, 13544, 1270, 789, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 113, 18959, 2924, 114, 790, 1105, 1511, 1103, 2590, 1107, 1103, 1207, 3510, 119, 18959, 2924, 1144, 1103, 5924, 1115, 15097, 2993, 1277, 19903, 1540, 1133, 23073, 1158, 1103, 2590, 1110, 3014, 119, 1409, 1199, 3510, 11166, 2228, 5511, 1115, 1511, 21776, 14409, 1118, 1231, 17729, 1103, 1763, 117, 15029, 11552, 1103, 4139, 1112, 170, 789, 13097, 790, 119, 1332, 170 ]
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[ "of", "the", "attack", ".", "In", "a", "50", "%", "attack", ",", "the", "attacker", "can", "get", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "as", "the", "reward", "and", "profit", "of", "attack", "and", "can", "estimate", "the", "cost", "from", "the", "network", "’", "s", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "if", "a", "50", "%", "attack", "is", "detected", ",", "the", "price", "of", "##B", "##it", "##co", "##ins", "will", "fall", "so", "it", "serves", "as", "a", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", "for", "attackers", ".", "In", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "[", "27", "]", ",", "the", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "lands", "described", "by", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", "[", "12", "]", ")", "is", "sometimes", "not", "affected", "by", "network", "security", ".", "Therefore", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "by", "the", "balance", "between", "has", "##h", "power", "and", "profits", ".", "We", "described", "that", "there", "is", "relevant", "between", "mining", "power", "on", "the", "network", "and", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "that", "a", "user", "can", "take", "on", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Users", "who", "exchange", "token", "##s", "on", "the", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "should", "monitor", "mining", "power", "and", "exchange", "token", "##s", "cheaper", "than", "attack", "cost", "so", "that", "profits", "and", "costs", "of", "the", "attacker", "is", "not", "equilibrium", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "B", "##L", "##OC", "##K", "##CH", "##A", "##IN", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "a", "system", "in", "which", "each", "node", "keeps", "an", "app", "##end", "-", "only", "ledge", "##r", ",", "and", "by", "the", "app", "##ending", "rule", "the", "ledge", "##r", "keeps", "consistency", "even", "though", "each", "node", "operates", "independently", ".", "F", "##O", "##OT", "##N", "##OT", "##E", ":", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "means", "the", "system", ",", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "means", "the", "ledge", "##r", "that", "each", "node", "keeps", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "each", "node", "can", "verify", "transactions", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "by", "referring", "to", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "is", "stored", "locally", ".", "Hence", ",", "nodes", "can", "detect", "β€œ", "double", "-", "spending", "”", "in", "which", "an", "attacker", "pays", "the", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "to", "different", "users", ".", "Each", "node", "stores", "a", "set", "of", "verified", "transactions", "as", "β€œ", "Block", "”", "in", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "A", "block", "includes", "the", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "has", "##h", "number", "of", "the", "last", "one", "in", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "By", "this", "structure", ",", "if", "an", "attacker", "re", "##w", "##rites", "a", "previous", "transaction", ",", "the", "has", "##h", "number", "of", "a", "block", "that", "includes", "it", "is", "changed", ",", "and", "the", "has", "##h", "of", "the", "next", "one", "is", "changed", "too", ".", "Hence", ",", "an", "attacker", "needs", "to", "update", "all", "blocks", "starting", "from", "the", "re", "##written", "one", "to", "the", "last", "one", ".", "To", "keep", "consistency", "and", "difficulty", "of", "re", "##writing", ",", "block", "maker", "needs", "to", "solve", "a", "mathematical", "puzzle", "called", "β€œ", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "(", "Po", "##W", ")", "”", "and", "include", "the", "answer", "in", "the", "new", "block", ".", "Po", "##W", "has", "the", "characteristics", "that", "solving", "needs", "much", "computational", "power", "but", "verify", "##ing", "the", "answer", "is", "simple", ".", "If", "some", "block", "maker", "makes", "blocks", "that", "include", "conflicting", "transactions", "by", "re", "##writing", "the", "past", ",", "nodes", "detect", "the", "conflict", "as", "a", "β€œ", "fork", "”", ".", "When", "a" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
YWORDS Blockchain, Proof-of-Work, Token exchange ACM SECTION: INTRODUCTION Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic payment system [20]. Each node record transaction data (TXs) on a ledger stored in them and verify TXs are not conflicting by referencing the ledger. The ledger is called β€œBlockchain” and nodes make consensus so that the ledger each node holds keeps consistency. To make a consensus, Bitcoin uses Proof-of-Work (PoW) in the form of a mathematical puzzle that a user can solve by spending comput
[ 13097, 5940, 117, 1296, 14372, 12747, 1103, 4129, 1515, 1103, 2439, 7584, 1104, 1103, 18959, 2924, 6615, 7262, 1112, 5663, 119, 13615, 117, 1296, 14372, 7634, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1115, 2097, 1103, 2026, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 5533, 117, 1165, 1126, 19114, 1231, 2246, 23202, 170, 2166, 13618, 1105, 4642, 1106, 13226, 5511, 1235, 1103, 1314, 1141, 117, 1120, 1103, 1269, 1159, 7345, 15029, 1132, 1543, 1207, 5511, 1115, 7543, 1103, 1314, 1141, 119, 13615, 117, 7345, 15029, 3417, 4835, 5511, 1115, 1127, 1189, 1118, 7345, 13418, 119, 1706, 9381, 1107, 1126, 2035, 117, 19450, 1444, 1106, 1294, 5511, 1103, 7901, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1118, 5369, 19903, 1540, 2610, 1190, 7345, 3200, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1103, 19114, 2993, 1166, 1851, 110, 1104, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1111, 1612, 1106, 9381, 119, 1109, 2035, 1104, 2033, 1167, 1190, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1110, 1270, 1103, 789, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 790, 1109, 13457, 1115, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 5343, 1272, 2702, 118, 5369, 1118, 1231, 17729, 1674, 1136, 3333, 1110, 13008, 1118, 1103, 7262, 1104, 2033, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1105, 1103, 3719, 1206, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1105, 1103, 5022, 119, 1706, 182, 3329, 18851, 15029, 1106, 1294, 5511, 117, 1103, 1449, 22278, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1106, 1103, 11166, 1150, 24219, 1107, 1543, 170, 3510, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1103, 1449, 3643, 3510, 11166, 1106, 22884, 170, 789, 9584, 14017, 13618, 790, 1115, 15539, 11166, 1199, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1107, 1103, 3510, 119, 1188, 6978, 2736, 1176, 5463, 2284, 1118, 5369, 4692, 117, 1177, 1543, 170, 3510, 1118, 15097, 18959, 2924, 1110, 1270, 789, 5463, 790, 117, 1105, 3510, 11166, 1110, 1270, 789, 2317, 1197, 119, 790, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 16972, 22441, 2249, 142, 3190, 23258, 14962, 16523, 21748, 139, 2162, 9244, 2428, 23258, 1592, 11607, 3743, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 1247, 1132, 1317, 10698, 1115, 5494, 1103, 2266, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1654, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 170, 2952, 13274, 1176, 4508, 117, 3539, 1141, 164, 1492, 117, 1542, 117, 1572, 166, 114, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 164, 1765, 166, 1110, 1141, 1104, 1788, 23019, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1115, 4795, 1169, 9410, 22559, 1118, 1560, 3483, 1176, 20375, 1785, 164, 130, 166, 119, 1706, 1576, 170, 1788, 1113, 142, 1582, 1874, 1818, 117, 170, 4795, 2228, 170, 13618, 1511, 1103, 1788, 117, 1105, 1103, 2443, 5669, 1122, 1165, 1296, 14372, 22884, 1116, 3510, 2075, 1103, 13618, 1154, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 21076, 3483, 1113, 142, 8420, 14136, 1132, 14283, 1403, 118, 2335, 1177, 1115, 170, 4795, 1169, 3593, 1126, 13157, 7812, 1105, 1177, 1113, 119, 1706, 3843, 1142, 117, 1119, 2993, 1106, 2653, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 142, 8420, 117, 2452, 1106, 170, 1295, 1104, 1103, 1788, 1965, 2585, 119, 1409, 1119, 6474, 1126, 13157, 7812, 117, 1119, 2993, 1106, 2653, 13157, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1106, 1576, 1122, 119, 1124, 1169, 1243, 142, 8420, 1116, 1118 ]
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[ "fork", "happens", ",", "each", "node", "regards", "the", "chain", "having", "the", "highest", "sum", "of", "the", "Po", "##W", "answers", "difficulty", "as", "correct", ".", "Hence", ",", "each", "node", "keeps", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "spent", "the", "largest", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", ".", "Additionally", ",", "when", "an", "attacker", "re", "##w", "##rites", "a", "previous", "transaction", "and", "tries", "to", "remake", "blocks", "until", "the", "last", "one", ",", "at", "the", "same", "time", "honest", "nodes", "are", "making", "new", "blocks", "that", "connect", "the", "last", "one", ".", "Hence", ",", "honest", "nodes", "typically", "choose", "blocks", "that", "were", "made", "by", "honest", "miners", ".", "To", "succeed", "in", "an", "attack", ",", "attackers", "need", "to", "make", "blocks", "the", "fastest", "in", "the", "network", "by", "spending", "computational", "power", "larger", "than", "honest", "ones", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "the", "attacker", "needs", "over", "50", "%", "of", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", "for", "sure", "to", "succeed", ".", "The", "attack", "of", "getting", "more", "than", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "is", "called", "the", "β€œ", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "”", "The", "assumption", "that", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "secure", "because", "double", "-", "spending", "by", "re", "##writing", "does", "not", "happen", "is", "guaranteed", "by", "the", "difficulty", "of", "getting", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "and", "the", "difference", "between", "the", "attack", "cost", "and", "the", "profit", ".", "To", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "nodes", "to", "make", "blocks", ",", "the", "system", "rewards", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "to", "the", "maker", "who", "succeeds", "in", "making", "a", "block", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "the", "system", "allows", "block", "maker", "to", "insert", "a", "β€œ", "coin", "##base", "transaction", "”", "that", "pays", "maker", "some", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "in", "the", "block", ".", "This", "mechanism", "looks", "like", "mining", "gold", "by", "spending", "costs", ",", "so", "making", "a", "block", "by", "solving", "Po", "##W", "is", "called", "β€œ", "mining", "”", ",", "and", "block", "maker", "is", "called", "β€œ", "mine", "##r", ".", "”", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "TO", "##KE", "##N", "E", "##X", "##CH", "##AN", "##GE", "ON", "B", "##L", "##OC", "##K", "##CH", "##A", "##IN", "Instead", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "There", "are", "several", "proposals", "that", "manage", "the", "rights", "of", "token", "##s", "control", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "a", "physical", "asset", "like", "lands", ",", "digital", "one", "[", "13", ",", "17", ",", "24", "]", ")", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "[", "27", "]", "is", "one", "of", "program", "##mable", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "user", "can", "define", "token", "by", "original", "languages", "like", "Solid", "##ity", "[", "9", "]", ".", "To", "run", "a", "program", "on", "E", "##th", "##re", "##um", ",", "a", "user", "makes", "a", "transaction", "include", "the", "program", ",", "and", "the", "network", "processes", "it", "when", "each", "node", "insert", "##s", "block", "includes", "the", "transaction", "into", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Programming", "languages", "on", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "are", "Turin", "##g", "-", "complete", "so", "that", "a", "user", "can", "write", "an", "infinite", "loop", "and", "so", "on", ".", "To", "prevent", "this", ",", "he", "needs", "to", "pay", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "E", "##ther", ",", "according", "to", "a", "number", "of", "the", "program", "process", "step", ".", "If", "he", "writes", "an", "infinite", "loop", ",", "he", "needs", "to", "pay", "infinite", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "to", "run", "it", ".", "He", "can", "get", "E", "##ther", "##s", "by" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
YWORDS Blockchain, Proof-of-Work, Token exchange ACM SECTION: INTRODUCTION Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic payment system [20]. Each node record transaction data (TXs) on a ledger stored in them and verify TXs are not conflicting by referencing the ledger. The ledger is called β€œBlockchain” and nodes make consensus so that the ledger each node holds keeps consistency. To make a consensus, Bitcoin uses Proof-of-Work (PoW) in the form of a mathematical puzzle that a user can solve by spending comput
[ 13097, 5940, 117, 1296, 14372, 12747, 1103, 4129, 1515, 1103, 2439, 7584, 1104, 1103, 18959, 2924, 6615, 7262, 1112, 5663, 119, 13615, 117, 1296, 14372, 7634, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1115, 2097, 1103, 2026, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 5533, 117, 1165, 1126, 19114, 1231, 2246, 23202, 170, 2166, 13618, 1105, 4642, 1106, 13226, 5511, 1235, 1103, 1314, 1141, 117, 1120, 1103, 1269, 1159, 7345, 15029, 1132, 1543, 1207, 5511, 1115, 7543, 1103, 1314, 1141, 119, 13615, 117, 7345, 15029, 3417, 4835, 5511, 1115, 1127, 1189, 1118, 7345, 13418, 119, 1706, 9381, 1107, 1126, 2035, 117, 19450, 1444, 1106, 1294, 5511, 1103, 7901, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1118, 5369, 19903, 1540, 2610, 1190, 7345, 3200, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1103, 19114, 2993, 1166, 1851, 110, 1104, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1111, 1612, 1106, 9381, 119, 1109, 2035, 1104, 2033, 1167, 1190, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1110, 1270, 1103, 789, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 790, 1109, 13457, 1115, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 5343, 1272, 2702, 118, 5369, 1118, 1231, 17729, 1674, 1136, 3333, 1110, 13008, 1118, 1103, 7262, 1104, 2033, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1105, 1103, 3719, 1206, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1105, 1103, 5022, 119, 1706, 182, 3329, 18851, 15029, 1106, 1294, 5511, 117, 1103, 1449, 22278, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1106, 1103, 11166, 1150, 24219, 1107, 1543, 170, 3510, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1103, 1449, 3643, 3510, 11166, 1106, 22884, 170, 789, 9584, 14017, 13618, 790, 1115, 15539, 11166, 1199, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1107, 1103, 3510, 119, 1188, 6978, 2736, 1176, 5463, 2284, 1118, 5369, 4692, 117, 1177, 1543, 170, 3510, 1118, 15097, 18959, 2924, 1110, 1270, 789, 5463, 790, 117, 1105, 3510, 11166, 1110, 1270, 789, 2317, 1197, 119, 790, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 16972, 22441, 2249, 142, 3190, 23258, 14962, 16523, 21748, 139, 2162, 9244, 2428, 23258, 1592, 11607, 3743, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 1247, 1132, 1317, 10698, 1115, 5494, 1103, 2266, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1654, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 170, 2952, 13274, 1176, 4508, 117, 3539, 1141, 164, 1492, 117, 1542, 117, 1572, 166, 114, 1113, 8093, 7147, 1394, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 164, 1765, 166, 1110, 1141, 1104, 1788, 23019, 8093, 7147, 1394, 1115, 4795, 1169, 9410, 22559, 1118, 1560, 3483, 1176, 20375, 1785, 164, 130, 166, 119, 1706, 1576, 170, 1788, 1113, 142, 1582, 1874, 1818, 117, 170, 4795, 2228, 170, 13618, 1511, 1103, 1788, 117, 1105, 1103, 2443, 5669, 1122, 1165, 1296, 14372, 22884, 1116, 3510, 2075, 1103, 13618, 1154, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 21076, 3483, 1113, 142, 8420, 14136, 1132, 14283, 1403, 118, 2335, 1177, 1115, 170, 4795, 1169, 3593, 1126, 13157, 7812, 1105, 1177, 1113, 119, 1706, 3843, 1142, 117, 1119, 2993, 1106, 2653, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 142, 8420, 117, 2452, 1106, 170, 1295, 1104, 1103, 1788, 1965, 2585, 119, 1409, 1119, 6474, 1126, 13157, 7812, 117, 1119, 2993, 1106, 2653, 13157, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1106, 1576, 1122, 119, 1124, 1169, 1243, 142, 8420, 1116, 1118 ]
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[ "fork", "happens", ",", "each", "node", "regards", "the", "chain", "having", "the", "highest", "sum", "of", "the", "Po", "##W", "answers", "difficulty", "as", "correct", ".", "Hence", ",", "each", "node", "keeps", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "spent", "the", "largest", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", ".", "Additionally", ",", "when", "an", "attacker", "re", "##w", "##rites", "a", "previous", "transaction", "and", "tries", "to", "remake", "blocks", "until", "the", "last", "one", ",", "at", "the", "same", "time", "honest", "nodes", "are", "making", "new", "blocks", "that", "connect", "the", "last", "one", ".", "Hence", ",", "honest", "nodes", "typically", "choose", "blocks", "that", "were", "made", "by", "honest", "miners", ".", "To", "succeed", "in", "an", "attack", ",", "attackers", "need", "to", "make", "blocks", "the", "fastest", "in", "the", "network", "by", "spending", "computational", "power", "larger", "than", "honest", "ones", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "the", "attacker", "needs", "over", "50", "%", "of", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", "for", "sure", "to", "succeed", ".", "The", "attack", "of", "getting", "more", "than", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "is", "called", "the", "β€œ", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "”", "The", "assumption", "that", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "secure", "because", "double", "-", "spending", "by", "re", "##writing", "does", "not", "happen", "is", "guaranteed", "by", "the", "difficulty", "of", "getting", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "and", "the", "difference", "between", "the", "attack", "cost", "and", "the", "profit", ".", "To", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "nodes", "to", "make", "blocks", ",", "the", "system", "rewards", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "to", "the", "maker", "who", "succeeds", "in", "making", "a", "block", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "the", "system", "allows", "block", "maker", "to", "insert", "a", "β€œ", "coin", "##base", "transaction", "”", "that", "pays", "maker", "some", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "in", "the", "block", ".", "This", "mechanism", "looks", "like", "mining", "gold", "by", "spending", "costs", ",", "so", "making", "a", "block", "by", "solving", "Po", "##W", "is", "called", "β€œ", "mining", "”", ",", "and", "block", "maker", "is", "called", "β€œ", "mine", "##r", ".", "”", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "TO", "##KE", "##N", "E", "##X", "##CH", "##AN", "##GE", "ON", "B", "##L", "##OC", "##K", "##CH", "##A", "##IN", "Instead", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "There", "are", "several", "proposals", "that", "manage", "the", "rights", "of", "token", "##s", "control", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "a", "physical", "asset", "like", "lands", ",", "digital", "one", "[", "13", ",", "17", ",", "24", "]", ")", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "[", "27", "]", "is", "one", "of", "program", "##mable", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "that", "user", "can", "define", "token", "by", "original", "languages", "like", "Solid", "##ity", "[", "9", "]", ".", "To", "run", "a", "program", "on", "E", "##th", "##re", "##um", ",", "a", "user", "makes", "a", "transaction", "include", "the", "program", ",", "and", "the", "network", "processes", "it", "when", "each", "node", "insert", "##s", "block", "includes", "the", "transaction", "into", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Programming", "languages", "on", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "are", "Turin", "##g", "-", "complete", "so", "that", "a", "user", "can", "write", "an", "infinite", "loop", "and", "so", "on", ".", "To", "prevent", "this", ",", "he", "needs", "to", "pay", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "E", "##ther", ",", "according", "to", "a", "number", "of", "the", "program", "process", "step", ".", "If", "he", "writes", "an", "infinite", "loop", ",", "he", "needs", "to", "pay", "infinite", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "to", "run", "it", ".", "He", "can", "get", "E", "##ther", "##s", "by" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ational power. Because a node that finds the answer can get cryptocurrencies as rewards, using the metaphor of gold mining, the process of solving PoW is called β€œmining.” The consensus mechanism based on PoWis secure unless an attacker obtains over 50% ofcomputational power in the network. Additionally, security guaranteed by the cost of 50% attack is not in equilibrium with profits. However, by the sudden price jump of cryptocurrencies and cheaply of mining machines like ASICs, the cost was in equilibri
[ 1103, 1269, 5463, 10703, 1965, 1114, 27400, 2528, 1394, 119, 1212, 142, 8420, 14136, 117, 1175, 1132, 1317, 10698, 1106, 9410, 22559, 1116, 1105, 4036, 1115, 5582, 164, 129, 117, 1367, 117, 1744, 166, 119, 1650, 4612, 1114, 1168, 2648, 117, 4713, 1169, 3670, 22559, 7743, 119, 1650, 1142, 5471, 117, 4713, 1169, 1965, 8216, 117, 1176, 9241, 1105, 4147, 1842, 10015, 119, 1135, 1110, 1270, 789, 13015, 16752, 26193, 119, 790, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 1851, 110, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 150, 15609, 2036, 1284, 17794, 1103, 2235, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 11389, 122, 2196, 13117, 11934, 119, 157, 19985, 17516, 122, 3446, 117, 1195, 10301, 1126, 19114, 3370, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 119, 13615, 117, 1170, 1119, 15539, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 1119, 1169, 9509, 170, 13618, 1115, 15539, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1114, 24749, 1103, 1148, 1141, 119, 15982, 122, 2196, 1293, 1103, 19114, 24219, 1103, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 122, 131, 8543, 156, 11741, 3408, 1113, 13097, 1158, 2035, 132, 113, 170, 114, 1760, 19114, 2653, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1268, 1334, 6800, 117, 1105, 1142, 13618, 1802, 1107, 170, 2221, 3510, 119, 1109, 6800, 15008, 2221, 3510, 1105, 10130, 18349, 119, 113, 171, 114, 1599, 117, 1103, 19114, 15539, 1103, 1269, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1106, 1103, 1286, 1334, 117, 1105, 1122, 1802, 170, 1894, 3510, 119, 1109, 13704, 1200, 16994, 19903, 1540, 1106, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1103, 1894, 3510, 119, 113, 172, 114, 1967, 1167, 19903, 1540, 16994, 1106, 1103, 1894, 1141, 117, 1103, 2443, 2274, 4129, 1511, 1103, 1894, 3510, 1112, 5663, 117, 1114, 24749, 2221, 3510, 117, 1268, 1334, 6800, 12667, 18349, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 1119, 1169, 1142, 2035, 132, 122, 114, 1119, 15539, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 170, 6800, 1396, 2047, 16847, 7727, 1118, 9444, 1122, 1110, 13137, 1107, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 123, 114, 1103, 6800, 3952, 170, 18349, 1106, 1140, 119, 124, 114, 1258, 1119, 3370, 1103, 18349, 117, 1119, 15539, 1330, 6800, 1118, 1543, 170, 13618, 1115, 1119, 15539, 1103, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1107, 4065, 122, 1105, 3370, 1330, 18349, 119, 125, 114, 1124, 7785, 1207, 3510, 2075, 1103, 1248, 13618, 1105, 2228, 170, 13097, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 126, 114, 1124, 3430, 5463, 1177, 1115, 12647, 6696, 5511, 1170, 13097, 1174, 3510, 119, 127, 114, 23670, 1104, 1103, 2443, 4392, 13097, 1174, 5511, 1105, 10570, 1103, 1148, 13618, 117, 1105, 1173, 1103, 1148, 6800, 12667, 1103, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 1103, 18349, 119, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 18732, 9272, 11345, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 5893, 117, 1195, 10301, 1126, 2670, 2616, 1104, 1103, 2035, 119, 138, 8172, 3945, 1105, 1126, 3651, 3945, 1532, 1103, 2616, 1106, 1243, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 119, 1130, 8093, 7147, 1394, 117, 19903, 1540, 1110, 2602, 1118, 1293, 1242, 1551, 170, 3395, 1169, 20446, 1103, 1144, 1324, 3053, 1679, 1141, 1248, 132, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 2196, 12008, 1611, 10664, 1104, 23172, 1144 ]
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[ "the", "same", "mining", "reward", "process", "with", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "On", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ",", "there", "are", "several", "proposals", "to", "define", "token", "##s", "and", "transfer", "that", "ownership", "[", "8", ",", "12", ",", "26", "]", ".", "By", "combination", "with", "other", "programs", ",", "users", "can", "exchange", "token", "automatically", ".", "By", "this", "scheme", ",", "users", "can", "process", "contracts", ",", "like", "buying", "and", "selling", "real", "estates", ".", "It", "is", "called", "β€œ", "Smart", "Con", "##tracts", ".", "”", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "50", "%", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "M", "##OD", "##E", "We", "propose", "the", "model", "of", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "Table", "1", "shows", "modeling", "parameters", ".", "T", "##AB", "##LE", "1", "Here", ",", "we", "estimate", "an", "attacker", "gets", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ".", "Hence", ",", "after", "he", "pays", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "he", "can", "generate", "a", "transaction", "that", "pays", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "with", "withdrawing", "the", "first", "one", ".", "Figure", "1", "shows", "how", "the", "attacker", "succeeds", "the", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "1", ":", "Double", "S", "##pen", "##ding", "on", "fork", "##ing", "attack", ";", "(", "a", ")", "An", "attacker", "pay", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "right", "side", "merchant", ",", "and", "this", "transaction", "recorded", "in", "a", "blue", "block", ".", "The", "merchant", "checks", "blue", "block", "and", "sends", "merchandise", ".", "(", "b", ")", "Then", ",", "the", "attacker", "pays", "the", "same", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "to", "the", "left", "side", ",", "and", "it", "recorded", "a", "red", "block", ".", "The", "Attack", "##er", "spends", "computational", "power", "to", "the", "top", "of", "the", "red", "block", ".", "(", "c", ")", "Since", "more", "computational", "power", "spends", "to", "the", "red", "one", ",", "the", "network", "takes", "chain", "include", "the", "red", "block", "as", "correct", ",", "with", "withdrawing", "blue", "block", ",", "right", "side", "merchant", "loses", "merchandise", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "he", "can", "this", "attack", ";", "1", ")", "he", "pays", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "a", "merchant", "ve", "##ri", "##fies", "payment", "by", "checking", "it", "is", "inserted", "in", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "2", ")", "the", "merchant", "send", "a", "merchandise", "to", "him", ".", "3", ")", "After", "he", "gets", "the", "merchandise", ",", "he", "pays", "another", "merchant", "by", "making", "a", "transaction", "that", "he", "pays", "the", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "in", "phase", "1", "and", "gets", "another", "merchandise", ".", "4", ")", "He", "mines", "new", "block", "includes", "the", "second", "transaction", "and", "makes", "a", "fork", "in", "the", "network", ".", "5", ")", "He", "continues", "mining", "so", "that", "app", "##end", "blocks", "after", "fork", "##ed", "block", ".", "6", ")", "Majority", "of", "the", "network", "accept", "fork", "##ed", "blocks", "and", "withdraw", "the", "first", "transaction", ",", "and", "then", "the", "first", "merchant", "loses", "the", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "the", "merchandise", ".", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "CO", "##ST", "OF", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "Next", ",", "we", "estimate", "an", "economic", "cost", "of", "the", "attack", ".", "A", "hardware", "price", "and", "an", "electric", "price", "form", "the", "cost", "to", "get", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ".", "In", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "computational", "power", "is", "shown", "by", "how", "many", "times", "a", "machine", "can", "calculate", "the", "has", "##h", "function", "per", "one", "second", ";", "T", "##H", "/", "s", "shows", "Te", "##ra", "counts", "of", "calculating", "has" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ational power. Because a node that finds the answer can get cryptocurrencies as rewards, using the metaphor of gold mining, the process of solving PoW is called β€œmining.” The consensus mechanism based on PoWis secure unless an attacker obtains over 50% ofcomputational power in the network. Additionally, security guaranteed by the cost of 50% attack is not in equilibrium with profits. However, by the sudden price jump of cryptocurrencies and cheaply of mining machines like ASICs, the cost was in equilibri
[ 1103, 1269, 5463, 10703, 1965, 1114, 27400, 2528, 1394, 119, 1212, 142, 8420, 14136, 117, 1175, 1132, 1317, 10698, 1106, 9410, 22559, 1116, 1105, 4036, 1115, 5582, 164, 129, 117, 1367, 117, 1744, 166, 119, 1650, 4612, 1114, 1168, 2648, 117, 4713, 1169, 3670, 22559, 7743, 119, 1650, 1142, 5471, 117, 4713, 1169, 1965, 8216, 117, 1176, 9241, 1105, 4147, 1842, 10015, 119, 1135, 1110, 1270, 789, 13015, 16752, 26193, 119, 790, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 1851, 110, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 150, 15609, 2036, 1284, 17794, 1103, 2235, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 11389, 122, 2196, 13117, 11934, 119, 157, 19985, 17516, 122, 3446, 117, 1195, 10301, 1126, 19114, 3370, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 119, 13615, 117, 1170, 1119, 15539, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 117, 1119, 1169, 9509, 170, 13618, 1115, 15539, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1114, 24749, 1103, 1148, 1141, 119, 15982, 122, 2196, 1293, 1103, 19114, 24219, 1103, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 122, 131, 8543, 156, 11741, 3408, 1113, 13097, 1158, 2035, 132, 113, 170, 114, 1760, 19114, 2653, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1268, 1334, 6800, 117, 1105, 1142, 13618, 1802, 1107, 170, 2221, 3510, 119, 1109, 6800, 15008, 2221, 3510, 1105, 10130, 18349, 119, 113, 171, 114, 1599, 117, 1103, 19114, 15539, 1103, 1269, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1106, 1103, 1286, 1334, 117, 1105, 1122, 1802, 170, 1894, 3510, 119, 1109, 13704, 1200, 16994, 19903, 1540, 1106, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1103, 1894, 3510, 119, 113, 172, 114, 1967, 1167, 19903, 1540, 16994, 1106, 1103, 1894, 1141, 117, 1103, 2443, 2274, 4129, 1511, 1103, 1894, 3510, 1112, 5663, 117, 1114, 24749, 2221, 3510, 117, 1268, 1334, 6800, 12667, 18349, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 1119, 1169, 1142, 2035, 132, 122, 114, 1119, 15539, 1199, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 170, 6800, 1396, 2047, 16847, 7727, 1118, 9444, 1122, 1110, 13137, 1107, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 123, 114, 1103, 6800, 3952, 170, 18349, 1106, 1140, 119, 124, 114, 1258, 1119, 3370, 1103, 18349, 117, 1119, 15539, 1330, 6800, 1118, 1543, 170, 13618, 1115, 1119, 15539, 1103, 1269, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1107, 4065, 122, 1105, 3370, 1330, 18349, 119, 125, 114, 1124, 7785, 1207, 3510, 2075, 1103, 1248, 13618, 1105, 2228, 170, 13097, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 126, 114, 1124, 3430, 5463, 1177, 1115, 12647, 6696, 5511, 1170, 13097, 1174, 3510, 119, 127, 114, 23670, 1104, 1103, 2443, 4392, 13097, 1174, 5511, 1105, 10570, 1103, 1148, 13618, 117, 1105, 1173, 1103, 1148, 6800, 12667, 1103, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1105, 1103, 18349, 119, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 18732, 9272, 11345, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 5893, 117, 1195, 10301, 1126, 2670, 2616, 1104, 1103, 2035, 119, 138, 8172, 3945, 1105, 1126, 3651, 3945, 1532, 1103, 2616, 1106, 1243, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 119, 1130, 8093, 7147, 1394, 117, 19903, 1540, 1110, 2602, 1118, 1293, 1242, 1551, 170, 3395, 1169, 20446, 1103, 1144, 1324, 3053, 1679, 1141, 1248, 132, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 2196, 12008, 1611, 10664, 1104, 23172, 1144 ]
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[ "the", "same", "mining", "reward", "process", "with", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "On", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ",", "there", "are", "several", "proposals", "to", "define", "token", "##s", "and", "transfer", "that", "ownership", "[", "8", ",", "12", ",", "26", "]", ".", "By", "combination", "with", "other", "programs", ",", "users", "can", "exchange", "token", "automatically", ".", "By", "this", "scheme", ",", "users", "can", "process", "contracts", ",", "like", "buying", "and", "selling", "real", "estates", ".", "It", "is", "called", "β€œ", "Smart", "Con", "##tracts", ".", "”", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "50", "%", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "M", "##OD", "##E", "We", "propose", "the", "model", "of", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "Table", "1", "shows", "modeling", "parameters", ".", "T", "##AB", "##LE", "1", "Here", ",", "we", "estimate", "an", "attacker", "gets", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ".", "Hence", ",", "after", "he", "pays", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", ",", "he", "can", "generate", "a", "transaction", "that", "pays", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "with", "withdrawing", "the", "first", "one", ".", "Figure", "1", "shows", "how", "the", "attacker", "succeeds", "the", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "1", ":", "Double", "S", "##pen", "##ding", "on", "fork", "##ing", "attack", ";", "(", "a", ")", "An", "attacker", "pay", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "right", "side", "merchant", ",", "and", "this", "transaction", "recorded", "in", "a", "blue", "block", ".", "The", "merchant", "checks", "blue", "block", "and", "sends", "merchandise", ".", "(", "b", ")", "Then", ",", "the", "attacker", "pays", "the", "same", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "to", "the", "left", "side", ",", "and", "it", "recorded", "a", "red", "block", ".", "The", "Attack", "##er", "spends", "computational", "power", "to", "the", "top", "of", "the", "red", "block", ".", "(", "c", ")", "Since", "more", "computational", "power", "spends", "to", "the", "red", "one", ",", "the", "network", "takes", "chain", "include", "the", "red", "block", "as", "correct", ",", "with", "withdrawing", "blue", "block", ",", "right", "side", "merchant", "loses", "merchandise", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "he", "can", "this", "attack", ";", "1", ")", "he", "pays", "some", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "a", "merchant", "ve", "##ri", "##fies", "payment", "by", "checking", "it", "is", "inserted", "in", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "2", ")", "the", "merchant", "send", "a", "merchandise", "to", "him", ".", "3", ")", "After", "he", "gets", "the", "merchandise", ",", "he", "pays", "another", "merchant", "by", "making", "a", "transaction", "that", "he", "pays", "the", "same", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "in", "phase", "1", "and", "gets", "another", "merchandise", ".", "4", ")", "He", "mines", "new", "block", "includes", "the", "second", "transaction", "and", "makes", "a", "fork", "in", "the", "network", ".", "5", ")", "He", "continues", "mining", "so", "that", "app", "##end", "blocks", "after", "fork", "##ed", "block", ".", "6", ")", "Majority", "of", "the", "network", "accept", "fork", "##ed", "blocks", "and", "withdraw", "the", "first", "transaction", ",", "and", "then", "the", "first", "merchant", "loses", "the", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "and", "the", "merchandise", ".", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "CO", "##ST", "OF", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "Next", ",", "we", "estimate", "an", "economic", "cost", "of", "the", "attack", ".", "A", "hardware", "price", "and", "an", "electric", "price", "form", "the", "cost", "to", "get", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ".", "In", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "computational", "power", "is", "shown", "by", "how", "many", "times", "a", "machine", "can", "calculate", "the", "has", "##h", "function", "per", "one", "second", ";", "T", "##H", "/", "s", "shows", "Te", "##ra", "counts", "of", "calculating", "has" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
um for Bitcoin in 2017. In this situation, the mining cost is not a disincentive for attackers because that they can get rewards proportional to the cost of the attack. In a 50% attack, the attacker can get cryptocurrency as the reward and profit of attack and can estimate the cost from the network’s hash power. In Bitcoin, if a 50% attack is detected, the price ofBitcoins will fall so it serves as a disincentive for attackers. In Ethereum [27], the price of tokens (e.g., lands described by ERC-20 [12])
[ 1324, 3053, 1679, 1141, 1248, 119, 138, 6022, 1106, 1103, 1703, 1295, 1104, 1144, 1324, 19218, 1551, 1104, 1155, 15029, 1110, 1270, 789, 1144, 20955, 1566, 119, 790, 1706, 1243, 1166, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1118, 5321, 15029, 1106, 170, 2443, 117, 1165, 10736, 1324, 168, 2443, 24162, 120, 188, 4061, 170, 2006, 19903, 1540, 117, 1126, 19114, 2993, 10736, 1324, 168, 2443, 168, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 119, 1284, 10301, 19450, 1329, 15278, 9741, 1116, 11769, 3121, 26740, 1111, 5463, 119, 1284, 9410, 1126, 15278, 9741, 1169, 20446, 10736, 1324, 168, 1112, 1596, 168, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 117, 1157, 1540, 8160, 20862, 168, 1112, 1596, 168, 160, 117, 1157, 3945, 1110, 7510, 168, 1112, 1596, 1237, 8876, 119, 1599, 117, 1195, 2484, 1111, 1126, 3651, 3945, 1111, 1141, 2396, 113, 180, 2246, 1324, 114, 1112, 4493, 1237, 8876, 119, 13615, 117, 11577, 1126, 19114, 5049, 15278, 9741, 1107, 13704, 1942, 10453, 2005, 117, 1175, 2196, 1103, 8172, 3945, 9322, 1105, 3651, 3945, 2896, 10294, 1204, 117, 1105, 1103, 2035, 2616, 117, 3291, 2050, 1110, 1103, 7584, 1104, 1172, 119, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 122, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 123, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 11629, 2346, 17675, 1942, 11345, 7462, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 1284, 1758, 1120, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1142, 2237, 19114, 12535, 1103, 1148, 18349, 1112, 11709, 119, 5533, 117, 1119, 1169, 1243, 22278, 1111, 5463, 5511, 119, 1335, 1103, 1159, 1155, 13418, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2317, 170, 3510, 1170, 170, 2440, 1141, 117, 1103, 6022, 1115, 170, 2317, 1197, 1169, 1525, 18959, 2924, 2590, 1105, 2228, 170, 3510, 1110, 1103, 1269, 1112, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1103, 2317, 1197, 1144, 119, 1332, 170, 2317, 1197, 2834, 1525, 1103, 2590, 117, 1119, 1674, 1136, 1243, 22278, 1105, 15445, 19903, 1540, 119, 1284, 9410, 1115, 138, 5463, 10703, 1111, 1141, 3510, 1110, 11336, 5984, 1105, 170, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1115, 170, 2317, 1197, 1144, 1110, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 119, 1599, 117, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5463, 22278, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 124, 2994, 5463, 1965, 1110, 1126, 2457, 3443, 119, 13615, 117, 5463, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 183, 5463, 22278, 117, 11336, 5984, 183, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 125, 138, 3945, 1104, 1103, 18349, 1115, 1126, 19114, 3370, 1118, 1103, 2035, 1110, 149, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1653, 2526, 117, 170, 2244, 9750, 1104, 1126, 2035, 1115, 1231, 2246, 23202, 195, 3510, 1114, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 110, 19903, 1540, 117, 140, 1584, 117, 1110, 2602, 1118, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 126, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 127, 13615, 117, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5022, 1118, 1126, 2035, 1115, 1231, 2246, 23202, 195, 3510, 1114, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 110, 19903, 1540, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 128, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 23096, 12507, 3663, 13882, 1708, 11345, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 15969, 139, 12150, 15678, 11607, 26546, 1942, 2924, 9565, 2428, 1109, 7262, 1104, 2033, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1105, 1136, 15784, 1206, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1105, 1103, 5022, 24512, 1103, 2699, 1222, 2702 ]
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[ "##h", "function", "per", "one", "second", ".", "A", "ratio", "to", "the", "total", "number", "of", "has", "##h", "calculation", "times", "of", "all", "nodes", "is", "called", "β€œ", "has", "##hra", "##te", ".", "”", "To", "get", "over", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "by", "adding", "nodes", "to", "a", "network", ",", "when", "Has", "##h", "_", "network", "##TH", "/", "s", "stands", "a", "whole", "computational", "power", ",", "an", "attacker", "needs", "Has", "##h", "_", "network", "_", "T", "##H", "/", "s", ".", "We", "estimate", "attackers", "use", "AS", "##IC", "##s", "op", "##ti", "##mized", "for", "mining", ".", "We", "define", "an", "AS", "##IC", "can", "calculate", "Has", "##h", "_", "as", "##ic", "_", "T", "##H", "/", "s", ",", "its", "power", "consumption", "Watt", "_", "as", "##ic", "_", "W", ",", "its", "price", "is", "Price", "_", "as", "##ic", "American", "dollar", ".", "Then", ",", "we", "stand", "for", "an", "electric", "price", "for", "one", "hour", "(", "k", "##w", "##h", ")", "as", "EP", "American", "dollar", ".", "Hence", ",", "assuming", "an", "attacker", "operates", "AS", "##IC", "in", "Attack", "##T", "##ime", "hours", ",", "there", "shows", "the", "hardware", "price", "Hard", "and", "electric", "price", "El", "##ec", "##t", ",", "and", "the", "attack", "cost", ",", "Co", "##st", "is", "the", "sum", "of", "them", ".", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "1", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "2", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "PR", "##O", "##FI", "##T", "OF", "THE", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "We", "described", "at", "the", "top", "of", "this", "section", "attacker", "gains", "the", "first", "merchandise", "as", "profits", ".", "Additionally", ",", "he", "can", "get", "rewards", "for", "mining", "blocks", ".", "At", "the", "time", "all", "miners", "in", "the", "network", "mine", "a", "block", "after", "a", "particular", "one", ",", "the", "ratio", "that", "a", "mine", "##r", "can", "find", "Po", "##W", "answer", "and", "makes", "a", "block", "is", "the", "same", "as", "has", "##hra", "##te", "the", "mine", "##r", "has", ".", "When", "a", "mine", "##r", "cannot", "find", "the", "answer", ",", "he", "does", "not", "get", "rewards", "and", "wasted", "computational", "power", ".", "We", "define", "that", "A", "mining", "reward", "for", "one", "block", "is", "Re", "##ward", "and", "a", "has", "##hra", "##te", "that", "a", "mine", "##r", "has", "is", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", ".", "Then", ",", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "mining", "rewards", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "3", "Each", "mining", "process", "is", "an", "independent", "trial", ".", "Hence", ",", "mining", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "n", "mining", "rewards", ",", "Re", "##ward", "n", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "4", "A", "price", "of", "the", "merchandise", "that", "an", "attacker", "gets", "by", "the", "attack", "is", "L", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "white", "paper", ",", "a", "success", "probability", "of", "an", "attack", "that", "re", "##w", "##rites", "z", "block", "with", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", "%", "computational", "power", ",", "C", "##z", ",", "is", "shown", "by", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "5", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "6", "Hence", ",", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "profit", "by", "an", "attack", "that", "re", "##w", "##rites", "z", "block", "with", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", "%", "computational", "power", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "7", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "AN", "##AL", "##Y", "##SI", "##S", "OF", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "IN", "B", "##IT", "##CO", "##IN", "NE", "##T", "##W", "##OR", "##K", "The", "difficulty", "of", "getting", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "and", "not", "equilibrium", "between", "the", "attack", "cost", "and", "the", "profit", "guarantees", "the", "security", "against", "double" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
um for Bitcoin in 2017. In this situation, the mining cost is not a disincentive for attackers because that they can get rewards proportional to the cost of the attack. In a 50% attack, the attacker can get cryptocurrency as the reward and profit of attack and can estimate the cost from the network’s hash power. In Bitcoin, if a 50% attack is detected, the price ofBitcoins will fall so it serves as a disincentive for attackers. In Ethereum [27], the price of tokens (e.g., lands described by ERC-20 [12])
[ 1324, 3053, 1679, 1141, 1248, 119, 138, 6022, 1106, 1103, 1703, 1295, 1104, 1144, 1324, 19218, 1551, 1104, 1155, 15029, 1110, 1270, 789, 1144, 20955, 1566, 119, 790, 1706, 1243, 1166, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1118, 5321, 15029, 1106, 170, 2443, 117, 1165, 10736, 1324, 168, 2443, 24162, 120, 188, 4061, 170, 2006, 19903, 1540, 117, 1126, 19114, 2993, 10736, 1324, 168, 2443, 168, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 119, 1284, 10301, 19450, 1329, 15278, 9741, 1116, 11769, 3121, 26740, 1111, 5463, 119, 1284, 9410, 1126, 15278, 9741, 1169, 20446, 10736, 1324, 168, 1112, 1596, 168, 157, 3048, 120, 188, 117, 1157, 1540, 8160, 20862, 168, 1112, 1596, 168, 160, 117, 1157, 3945, 1110, 7510, 168, 1112, 1596, 1237, 8876, 119, 1599, 117, 1195, 2484, 1111, 1126, 3651, 3945, 1111, 1141, 2396, 113, 180, 2246, 1324, 114, 1112, 4493, 1237, 8876, 119, 13615, 117, 11577, 1126, 19114, 5049, 15278, 9741, 1107, 13704, 1942, 10453, 2005, 117, 1175, 2196, 1103, 8172, 3945, 9322, 1105, 3651, 3945, 2896, 10294, 1204, 117, 1105, 1103, 2035, 2616, 117, 3291, 2050, 1110, 1103, 7584, 1104, 1172, 119, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 122, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 123, 156, 2591, 2064, 118, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 11629, 2346, 17675, 1942, 11345, 7462, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 1284, 1758, 1120, 1103, 1499, 1104, 1142, 2237, 19114, 12535, 1103, 1148, 18349, 1112, 11709, 119, 5533, 117, 1119, 1169, 1243, 22278, 1111, 5463, 5511, 119, 1335, 1103, 1159, 1155, 13418, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2317, 170, 3510, 1170, 170, 2440, 1141, 117, 1103, 6022, 1115, 170, 2317, 1197, 1169, 1525, 18959, 2924, 2590, 1105, 2228, 170, 3510, 1110, 1103, 1269, 1112, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1103, 2317, 1197, 1144, 119, 1332, 170, 2317, 1197, 2834, 1525, 1103, 2590, 117, 1119, 1674, 1136, 1243, 22278, 1105, 15445, 19903, 1540, 119, 1284, 9410, 1115, 138, 5463, 10703, 1111, 1141, 3510, 1110, 11336, 5984, 1105, 170, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1115, 170, 2317, 1197, 1144, 1110, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 119, 1599, 117, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5463, 22278, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 124, 2994, 5463, 1965, 1110, 1126, 2457, 3443, 119, 13615, 117, 5463, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 183, 5463, 22278, 117, 11336, 5984, 183, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 125, 138, 3945, 1104, 1103, 18349, 1115, 1126, 19114, 3370, 1118, 1103, 2035, 1110, 149, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1653, 2526, 117, 170, 2244, 9750, 1104, 1126, 2035, 1115, 1231, 2246, 23202, 195, 3510, 1114, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 110, 19903, 1540, 117, 140, 1584, 117, 1110, 2602, 1118, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 126, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 127, 13615, 117, 1126, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5022, 1118, 1126, 2035, 1115, 1231, 2246, 23202, 195, 3510, 1114, 10736, 1324, 2069, 2193, 110, 19903, 1540, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 128, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 23096, 12507, 3663, 13882, 1708, 11345, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 15969, 139, 12150, 15678, 11607, 26546, 1942, 2924, 9565, 2428, 1109, 7262, 1104, 2033, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 1105, 1136, 15784, 1206, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1105, 1103, 5022, 24512, 1103, 2699, 1222, 2702 ]
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[ "##h", "function", "per", "one", "second", ".", "A", "ratio", "to", "the", "total", "number", "of", "has", "##h", "calculation", "times", "of", "all", "nodes", "is", "called", "β€œ", "has", "##hra", "##te", ".", "”", "To", "get", "over", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "by", "adding", "nodes", "to", "a", "network", ",", "when", "Has", "##h", "_", "network", "##TH", "/", "s", "stands", "a", "whole", "computational", "power", ",", "an", "attacker", "needs", "Has", "##h", "_", "network", "_", "T", "##H", "/", "s", ".", "We", "estimate", "attackers", "use", "AS", "##IC", "##s", "op", "##ti", "##mized", "for", "mining", ".", "We", "define", "an", "AS", "##IC", "can", "calculate", "Has", "##h", "_", "as", "##ic", "_", "T", "##H", "/", "s", ",", "its", "power", "consumption", "Watt", "_", "as", "##ic", "_", "W", ",", "its", "price", "is", "Price", "_", "as", "##ic", "American", "dollar", ".", "Then", ",", "we", "stand", "for", "an", "electric", "price", "for", "one", "hour", "(", "k", "##w", "##h", ")", "as", "EP", "American", "dollar", ".", "Hence", ",", "assuming", "an", "attacker", "operates", "AS", "##IC", "in", "Attack", "##T", "##ime", "hours", ",", "there", "shows", "the", "hardware", "price", "Hard", "and", "electric", "price", "El", "##ec", "##t", ",", "and", "the", "attack", "cost", ",", "Co", "##st", "is", "the", "sum", "of", "them", ".", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "1", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "2", "S", "##U", "##B", "-", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "PR", "##O", "##FI", "##T", "OF", "THE", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "We", "described", "at", "the", "top", "of", "this", "section", "attacker", "gains", "the", "first", "merchandise", "as", "profits", ".", "Additionally", ",", "he", "can", "get", "rewards", "for", "mining", "blocks", ".", "At", "the", "time", "all", "miners", "in", "the", "network", "mine", "a", "block", "after", "a", "particular", "one", ",", "the", "ratio", "that", "a", "mine", "##r", "can", "find", "Po", "##W", "answer", "and", "makes", "a", "block", "is", "the", "same", "as", "has", "##hra", "##te", "the", "mine", "##r", "has", ".", "When", "a", "mine", "##r", "cannot", "find", "the", "answer", ",", "he", "does", "not", "get", "rewards", "and", "wasted", "computational", "power", ".", "We", "define", "that", "A", "mining", "reward", "for", "one", "block", "is", "Re", "##ward", "and", "a", "has", "##hra", "##te", "that", "a", "mine", "##r", "has", "is", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", ".", "Then", ",", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "mining", "rewards", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "3", "Each", "mining", "process", "is", "an", "independent", "trial", ".", "Hence", ",", "mining", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "n", "mining", "rewards", ",", "Re", "##ward", "n", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "4", "A", "price", "of", "the", "merchandise", "that", "an", "attacker", "gets", "by", "the", "attack", "is", "L", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "white", "paper", ",", "a", "success", "probability", "of", "an", "attack", "that", "re", "##w", "##rites", "z", "block", "with", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", "%", "computational", "power", ",", "C", "##z", ",", "is", "shown", "by", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "5", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "6", "Hence", ",", "an", "expected", "value", "of", "profit", "by", "an", "attack", "that", "re", "##w", "##rites", "z", "block", "with", "Has", "##h", "##R", "##ate", "%", "computational", "power", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "7", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "AN", "##AL", "##Y", "##SI", "##S", "OF", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "IN", "B", "##IT", "##CO", "##IN", "NE", "##T", "##W", "##OR", "##K", "The", "difficulty", "of", "getting", "50", "%", "computational", "power", "and", "not", "equilibrium", "between", "the", "attack", "cost", "and", "the", "profit", "guarantees", "the", "security", "against", "double" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
is sometimes not affected by network security. Therefore, attackers are motivated by the balance between hash power and profits. We described that there is relevant between mining power on the network and price of tokens that a user can take on a blockchain. Users who exchange tokens on the PoW blockchain should monitor mining power and exchange tokens cheaper than attack cost so that profits and costs of the attacker is not equilibrium. SECTION: BLOCKCHAIN Blockchain is a system in which each node kee
[ 118, 5369, 2035, 1118, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 13615, 117, 170, 2820, 1115, 1103, 2699, 1110, 13008, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 129, 1599, 117, 1195, 19774, 1103, 3879, 1104, 2699, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1121, 12182, 1348, 1869, 2103, 1118, 8093, 7147, 1394, 119, 23992, 164, 126, 166, 119, 1130, 1142, 19774, 117, 1195, 10301, 13418, 1329, 1760, 1204, 9685, 1197, 156, 1580, 1182, 164, 125, 166, 117, 1141, 1104, 1918, 1394, 1193, 1215, 15278, 9741, 1111, 5463, 119, 11389, 123, 2196, 1103, 188, 25392, 1104, 1708, 1580, 1182, 119, 157, 19985, 17516, 123, 131, 156, 1580, 1182, 188, 25392, 1284, 3393, 1103, 3651, 3945, 1112, 1126, 1903, 1237, 3945, 164, 122, 166, 117, 121, 119, 122, 1237, 5860, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1103, 5463, 7262, 1110, 10491, 1177, 1115, 1126, 1903, 5463, 14235, 1110, 1275, 1904, 119, 13615, 117, 5463, 1110, 2244, 1572, 113, 177, 114, 240, 16480, 113, 182, 114, 134, 15373, 1551, 1107, 1275, 113, 182, 114, 1141, 1285, 119, 1284, 10301, 1851, 110, 2035, 117, 1173, 1126, 19114, 787, 188, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1110, 1851, 110, 119, 15982, 123, 2196, 1103, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5463, 22278, 1105, 2035, 2616, 1107, 1141, 1285, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 123, 131, 16409, 26426, 1174, 2860, 1104, 22278, 1105, 2035, 2616, 1556, 6103, 1115, 5463, 3395, 1199, 1201, 2403, 1110, 2211, 188, 25392, 1190, 156, 1580, 1182, 117, 1103, 2616, 1110, 2299, 1190, 1142, 2482, 119, 1599, 117, 2589, 1103, 1344, 5152, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 3945, 1107, 1504, 117, 1103, 6796, 1104, 1658, 15540, 1105, 11336, 5984, 1116, 17175, 1527, 1110, 2871, 3291, 2050, 135, 11336, 5984, 1116, 17175, 1527, 119, 1130, 1103, 1344, 5152, 1104, 3945, 1107, 1504, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1118, 1251, 11709, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 149, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 170, 6800, 1431, 6699, 1115, 170, 20315, 1336, 4732, 170, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 119, 1731, 1242, 5511, 19114, 2222, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 9113, 1113, 8468, 11478, 5591, 1551, 1121, 1103, 1148, 13618, 6455, 1235, 19114, 1243, 18349, 119, 1124, 3816, 1103, 2035, 1165, 1119, 3370, 18349, 119, 13615, 117, 8093, 2249, 1818, 1119, 4642, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 130, 2857, 1126, 19114, 12535, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 117, 1290, 3651, 2616, 1110, 1315, 2211, 1190, 1103, 8172, 2616, 117, 1122, 1110, 3123, 1115, 1119, 2326, 2035, 1263, 1159, 119, 9841, 117, 1119, 1231, 2246, 23202, 1167, 5511, 117, 12535, 1167, 22278, 119, 13615, 117, 1167, 1159, 1121, 1103, 1148, 13618, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 182, 3329, 18851, 1116, 1140, 119, 15982, 124, 2196, 1293, 1263, 1159, 1106, 15784, 1206, 1851, 110, 2035, 2616, 1105, 22278, 119, 1130, 1504, 117, 2211, 1190, 1275, 118, 2396, 2035, 1108, 15784, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 124, 131, 13704, 1159, 1106, 15784, 1206, 2616, 1105, 10703, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 13219, 23413, 13821, 24805, 11345, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 1370, 10878, 182, 3329, 18851, 2702, 118, 5369, 117, 170, 6800, 7634, 170, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1113 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "-", "spending", "attack", "by", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "Hence", ",", "a", "situation", "that", "the", "security", "is", "guaranteed", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "8", "Then", ",", "we", "analyze", "the", "condition", "of", "security", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "from", "static", "##al", "information", "reported", "by", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "info", "[", "5", "]", ".", "In", "this", "analyze", ",", "we", "estimate", "miners", "use", "An", "##t", "##mine", "##r", "S", "##9", "##i", "[", "4", "]", ",", "one", "of", "##ma", "##in", "##ly", "used", "AS", "##IC", "for", "mining", ".", "Table", "2", "shows", "the", "s", "##pec", "of", "##S", "##9", "##i", ".", "T", "##AB", "##LE", "2", ":", "S", "##9", "##i", "s", "##pec", "We", "defined", "the", "electric", "price", "as", "an", "average", "American", "price", "[", "1", "]", ",", "0", ".", "1", "American", "dollars", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "the", "mining", "difficulty", "is", "adjusted", "so", "that", "an", "average", "mining", "interval", "is", "10", "minutes", ".", "Hence", ",", "mining", "is", "success", "24", "(", "h", ")", "Γ—", "##60", "(", "m", ")", "=", "144", "times", "in", "10", "(", "m", ")", "one", "day", ".", "We", "estimate", "50", "%", "attack", ",", "then", "an", "attacker", "’", "s", "has", "##hra", "##te", "is", "50", "%", ".", "Figure", "2", "shows", "the", "expected", "value", "of", "mining", "rewards", "and", "attack", "cost", "in", "one", "day", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "2", ":", "Ex", "##pect", "##ed", "value", "of", "rewards", "and", "attack", "cost", "With", "considering", "that", "mining", "machine", "some", "years", "ago", "is", "lower", "s", "##pec", "than", "S", "##9", "##i", ",", "the", "cost", "is", "higher", "than", "this", "figure", ".", "Then", ",", "except", "the", "high", "jump", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "price", "in", "2017", ",", "the", "relation", "of", "##C", "##ost", "and", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##14", "##4", "is", "mainly", "Co", "##st", ">", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##14", "##4", ".", "In", "the", "high", "jump", "of", "price", "in", "2017", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "by", "any", "profits", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "L", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "a", "merchant", "should", "suppose", "that", "a", "buyer", "may", "operate", "a", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ".", "How", "many", "blocks", "attacker", "try", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "depends", "on", "el", "##ap", "##sed", "times", "from", "the", "first", "transaction", "generated", "until", "attacker", "get", "merchandise", ".", "He", "starts", "the", "attack", "when", "he", "gets", "merchandise", ".", "Hence", ",", "Block", "##N", "##um", "he", "tries", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "9", "Once", "an", "attacker", "gains", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ",", "since", "electric", "cost", "is", "too", "lower", "than", "the", "hardware", "cost", ",", "it", "is", "easy", "that", "he", "runs", "attack", "long", "time", ".", "Moreover", ",", "he", "re", "##w", "##rites", "more", "blocks", ",", "gains", "more", "rewards", ".", "Hence", ",", "more", "time", "from", "the", "first", "transaction", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "##s", "him", ".", "Figure", "3", "shows", "how", "long", "time", "to", "equilibrium", "between", "50", "%", "attack", "cost", "and", "rewards", ".", "In", "2017", ",", "lower", "than", "10", "-", "hour", "attack", "was", "equilibrium", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "3", ":", "Attack", "time", "to", "equilibrium", "between", "cost", "and", "reward", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "MIT", "##IG", "##AT", "##ION", "OF", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "For", "preventing", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "double", "-", "spending", ",", "a", "merchant", "keeps", "a", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "on" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
is sometimes not affected by network security. Therefore, attackers are motivated by the balance between hash power and profits. We described that there is relevant between mining power on the network and price of tokens that a user can take on a blockchain. Users who exchange tokens on the PoW blockchain should monitor mining power and exchange tokens cheaper than attack cost so that profits and costs of the attacker is not equilibrium. SECTION: BLOCKCHAIN Blockchain is a system in which each node kee
[ 118, 5369, 2035, 1118, 1851, 110, 2035, 119, 13615, 117, 170, 2820, 1115, 1103, 2699, 1110, 13008, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 129, 1599, 117, 1195, 19774, 1103, 3879, 1104, 2699, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1121, 12182, 1348, 1869, 2103, 1118, 8093, 7147, 1394, 119, 23992, 164, 126, 166, 119, 1130, 1142, 19774, 117, 1195, 10301, 13418, 1329, 1760, 1204, 9685, 1197, 156, 1580, 1182, 164, 125, 166, 117, 1141, 1104, 1918, 1394, 1193, 1215, 15278, 9741, 1111, 5463, 119, 11389, 123, 2196, 1103, 188, 25392, 1104, 1708, 1580, 1182, 119, 157, 19985, 17516, 123, 131, 156, 1580, 1182, 188, 25392, 1284, 3393, 1103, 3651, 3945, 1112, 1126, 1903, 1237, 3945, 164, 122, 166, 117, 121, 119, 122, 1237, 5860, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1103, 5463, 7262, 1110, 10491, 1177, 1115, 1126, 1903, 5463, 14235, 1110, 1275, 1904, 119, 13615, 117, 5463, 1110, 2244, 1572, 113, 177, 114, 240, 16480, 113, 182, 114, 134, 15373, 1551, 1107, 1275, 113, 182, 114, 1141, 1285, 119, 1284, 10301, 1851, 110, 2035, 117, 1173, 1126, 19114, 787, 188, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1110, 1851, 110, 119, 15982, 123, 2196, 1103, 2637, 2860, 1104, 5463, 22278, 1105, 2035, 2616, 1107, 1141, 1285, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 123, 131, 16409, 26426, 1174, 2860, 1104, 22278, 1105, 2035, 2616, 1556, 6103, 1115, 5463, 3395, 1199, 1201, 2403, 1110, 2211, 188, 25392, 1190, 156, 1580, 1182, 117, 1103, 2616, 1110, 2299, 1190, 1142, 2482, 119, 1599, 117, 2589, 1103, 1344, 5152, 1104, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 3945, 1107, 1504, 117, 1103, 6796, 1104, 1658, 15540, 1105, 11336, 5984, 1116, 17175, 1527, 1110, 2871, 3291, 2050, 135, 11336, 5984, 1116, 17175, 1527, 119, 1130, 1103, 1344, 5152, 1104, 3945, 1107, 1504, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1118, 1251, 11709, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 149, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 170, 6800, 1431, 6699, 1115, 170, 20315, 1336, 4732, 170, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 119, 1731, 1242, 5511, 19114, 2222, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 9113, 1113, 8468, 11478, 5591, 1551, 1121, 1103, 1148, 13618, 6455, 1235, 19114, 1243, 18349, 119, 1124, 3816, 1103, 2035, 1165, 1119, 3370, 18349, 119, 13615, 117, 8093, 2249, 1818, 1119, 4642, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 130, 2857, 1126, 19114, 12535, 1851, 110, 19903, 1540, 117, 1290, 3651, 2616, 1110, 1315, 2211, 1190, 1103, 8172, 2616, 117, 1122, 1110, 3123, 1115, 1119, 2326, 2035, 1263, 1159, 119, 9841, 117, 1119, 1231, 2246, 23202, 1167, 5511, 117, 12535, 1167, 22278, 119, 13615, 117, 1167, 1159, 1121, 1103, 1148, 13618, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 182, 3329, 18851, 1116, 1140, 119, 15982, 124, 2196, 1293, 1263, 1159, 1106, 15784, 1206, 1851, 110, 2035, 2616, 1105, 22278, 119, 1130, 1504, 117, 2211, 1190, 1275, 118, 2396, 2035, 1108, 15784, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 124, 131, 13704, 1159, 1106, 15784, 1206, 2616, 1105, 10703, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 13219, 23413, 13821, 24805, 11345, 13020, 9159, 1658, 2428, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 1370, 10878, 182, 3329, 18851, 2702, 118, 5369, 117, 170, 6800, 7634, 170, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 1113 ]
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[ "-", "spending", "attack", "by", "50", "%", "attack", ".", "Hence", ",", "a", "situation", "that", "the", "security", "is", "guaranteed", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "8", "Then", ",", "we", "analyze", "the", "condition", "of", "security", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "from", "static", "##al", "information", "reported", "by", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "info", "[", "5", "]", ".", "In", "this", "analyze", ",", "we", "estimate", "miners", "use", "An", "##t", "##mine", "##r", "S", "##9", "##i", "[", "4", "]", ",", "one", "of", "##ma", "##in", "##ly", "used", "AS", "##IC", "for", "mining", ".", "Table", "2", "shows", "the", "s", "##pec", "of", "##S", "##9", "##i", ".", "T", "##AB", "##LE", "2", ":", "S", "##9", "##i", "s", "##pec", "We", "defined", "the", "electric", "price", "as", "an", "average", "American", "price", "[", "1", "]", ",", "0", ".", "1", "American", "dollars", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "the", "mining", "difficulty", "is", "adjusted", "so", "that", "an", "average", "mining", "interval", "is", "10", "minutes", ".", "Hence", ",", "mining", "is", "success", "24", "(", "h", ")", "Γ—", "##60", "(", "m", ")", "=", "144", "times", "in", "10", "(", "m", ")", "one", "day", ".", "We", "estimate", "50", "%", "attack", ",", "then", "an", "attacker", "’", "s", "has", "##hra", "##te", "is", "50", "%", ".", "Figure", "2", "shows", "the", "expected", "value", "of", "mining", "rewards", "and", "attack", "cost", "in", "one", "day", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "2", ":", "Ex", "##pect", "##ed", "value", "of", "rewards", "and", "attack", "cost", "With", "considering", "that", "mining", "machine", "some", "years", "ago", "is", "lower", "s", "##pec", "than", "S", "##9", "##i", ",", "the", "cost", "is", "higher", "than", "this", "figure", ".", "Then", ",", "except", "the", "high", "jump", "of", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "price", "in", "2017", ",", "the", "relation", "of", "##C", "##ost", "and", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##14", "##4", "is", "mainly", "Co", "##st", ">", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##14", "##4", ".", "In", "the", "high", "jump", "of", "price", "in", "2017", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "by", "any", "profits", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "L", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "a", "merchant", "should", "suppose", "that", "a", "buyer", "may", "operate", "a", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ".", "How", "many", "blocks", "attacker", "try", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "depends", "on", "el", "##ap", "##sed", "times", "from", "the", "first", "transaction", "generated", "until", "attacker", "get", "merchandise", ".", "He", "starts", "the", "attack", "when", "he", "gets", "merchandise", ".", "Hence", ",", "Block", "##N", "##um", "he", "tries", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "9", "Once", "an", "attacker", "gains", "50", "%", "computational", "power", ",", "since", "electric", "cost", "is", "too", "lower", "than", "the", "hardware", "cost", ",", "it", "is", "easy", "that", "he", "runs", "attack", "long", "time", ".", "Moreover", ",", "he", "re", "##w", "##rites", "more", "blocks", ",", "gains", "more", "rewards", ".", "Hence", ",", "more", "time", "from", "the", "first", "transaction", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "##s", "him", ".", "Figure", "3", "shows", "how", "long", "time", "to", "equilibrium", "between", "50", "%", "attack", "cost", "and", "rewards", ".", "In", "2017", ",", "lower", "than", "10", "-", "hour", "attack", "was", "equilibrium", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "3", ":", "Attack", "time", "to", "equilibrium", "between", "cost", "and", "reward", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "MIT", "##IG", "##AT", "##ION", "OF", "AT", "##TA", "##C", "##K", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "For", "preventing", "m", "##ot", "##ivate", "double", "-", "spending", ",", "a", "merchant", "keeps", "a", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "on" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ps an append-only ledger, and by the appending rule the ledger keeps consistency even though each node operates independently. FOOTNOTE: In this paper, Blockchain means the system, a blockchain means the ledger that each node keeps. In Bitcoin, each node can verify transactions of cryptocurrencies by referring to a blockchain that is stored locally. Hence, nodes can detect β€œdouble-spending” in which an attacker pays the same cryptocurrency to different users. Each node stores a set of verified transact
[ 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 2211, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1191, 1851, 110, 2035, 1110, 11168, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1110, 1205, 1177, 1115, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 1111, 19450, 119, 1130, 142, 8420, 14136, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 4508, 1758, 1118, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 114, 1110, 2121, 1136, 4634, 1118, 2443, 2699, 119, 1130, 3291, 2050, 133, 11336, 5984, 1116, 1179, 117, 1142, 2820, 1110, 4763, 119, 1130, 3291, 2050, 135, 11336, 5984, 1116, 168, 183, 117, 19114, 4361, 23692, 1191, 5022, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 149, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 1275, 1173, 117, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 1429, 13615, 117, 1103, 6800, 1169, 1321, 22559, 1116, 1115, 1157, 3945, 1110, 2211, 1190, 3291, 2050, 851, 11336, 5984, 1116, 168, 183, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 11278, 1431, 8804, 1103, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1106, 10301, 1103, 2035, 2616, 119, 6240, 1193, 117, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2112, 1536, 19903, 1540, 117, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1315, 5865, 1106, 2415, 119, 1438, 117, 1165, 4713, 3076, 170, 2029, 2443, 1111, 22559, 3670, 117, 1105, 1152, 2834, 4511, 19903, 1540, 117, 1103, 2699, 1110, 1510, 1120, 3187, 1272, 19450, 1336, 1243, 1126, 23692, 119, 22801, 117, 1103, 2443, 1431, 1712, 1536, 1344, 19903, 1540, 1177, 1115, 19450, 1132, 1136, 13241, 3253, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 141, 6258, 23520, 12480, 24805, 16151, 2346, 16830, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 15969, 15678, 12412, 6258, 12880, 15517, 3663, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1175, 1110, 1126, 2805, 1115, 4713, 3074, 1115, 1199, 5511, 7543, 1170, 170, 3510, 2075, 1117, 13618, 1272, 170, 3510, 1115, 1167, 3200, 8200, 1110, 2846, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 119, 1130, 1103, 1168, 1493, 117, 1107, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 2799, 1115, 1126, 19114, 1110, 13241, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 1343, 5511, 1118, 22278, 119, 13615, 117, 1191, 1103, 1703, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1561, 2211, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1167, 3253, 1118, 10926, 1158, 1167, 5511, 119, 1135, 1110, 23692, 1107, 7235, 22398, 9517, 1106, 2699, 119, 15586, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1176, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1105, 142, 8420, 14136, 1132, 1678, 1112, 170, 4010, 1104, 5151, 119, 13615, 117, 1242, 1234, 1132, 5666, 1106, 1147, 3945, 119, 15982, 125, 2196, 3945, 1105, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1107, 1103, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2443, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 125, 131, 27400, 2528, 1394, 3998, 1457, 7698, 1116, 10736, 1324, 1109, 3945, 1110, 1344, 10857, 11745, 11796, 117, 1105, 3154, 1106, 2035, 23692, 119, 7282, 117, 1144, 1324, 1540, 7096, 1421, 1551, 1121, 1314, 1214, 119, 4354, 1110, 13008, 1118, 1103, 7262, 1104, 5369, 1851, 110, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 8094, 117, 1142, 1144, 1324, 1540, 7096, 2196, 1115, 1122, 1144, 1151, 4451, 1104, 5321, 1851, 110, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 13615, 117, 1103, 2699, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1136, 13008, 119, 1247, 1132, 1844, 1279, 1164, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 9397, 164, 1405, 117, 1659, 166, 119, 4435, 1844, 1279, 1209, 8681 ]
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[ "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "lower", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "if", "50", "%", "attack", "is", "detected", ",", "the", "price", "of", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "is", "down", "so", "that", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", "for", "attackers", ".", "In", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ",", "the", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "lands", "described", "by", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", ")", "is", "sometimes", "not", "affected", "by", "network", "security", ".", "In", "Co", "##st", "<", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##n", ",", "this", "situation", "is", "impossible", ".", "In", "Co", "##st", ">", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "_", "n", ",", "attacker", "gain", "incentive", "if", "profit", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "L", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "10", "then", ",", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "11", "Hence", ",", "the", "merchant", "can", "take", "token", "##s", "that", "its", "price", "is", "lower", "than", "Co", "##st", "βˆ’", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "_", "n", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "merchants", "should", "monitor", "the", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", "to", "estimate", "the", "attack", "cost", ".", "Natural", "##ly", ",", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", "post", "enough", "computational", "power", ",", "the", "attack", "cost", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "too", "expensive", "to", "practice", ".", "However", ",", "when", "users", "build", "a", "private", "network", "for", "token", "exchange", ",", "and", "they", "cannot", "spend", "computational", "power", ",", "the", "security", "is", "often", "at", "risk", "because", "attackers", "may", "get", "an", "incentive", ".", "Accordingly", ",", "the", "network", "should", "keep", "enough", "high", "computational", "power", "so", "that", "attackers", "are", "not", "motivated", "easily", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "D", "##IS", "##CU", "##SS", "##ION", "AB", "##O", "##UT", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "IN", "##CO", "##NS", "##IS", "##TE", "##NC", "##Y", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "there", "is", "an", "operation", "that", "users", "wait", "that", "some", "blocks", "connect", "after", "a", "block", "includes", "his", "transaction", "because", "a", "block", "that", "more", "ones", "connects", "is", "difficult", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", ".", "In", "the", "other", "hands", ",", "in", "section", "4", ",", "we", "showed", "that", "an", "attacker", "is", "motivated", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "those", "blocks", "by", "rewards", ".", "Hence", ",", "if", "the", "total", "has", "##hra", "##te", "in", "the", "network", "become", "lower", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "more", "easily", "by", "stack", "##ing", "more", "blocks", ".", "It", "is", "incentive", "in", "##con", "##sist", "##ency", "to", "security", ".", "Cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "like", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "and", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "are", "taken", "as", "a", "target", "of", "investment", ".", "Hence", ",", "many", "people", "are", "attracted", "to", "their", "price", ".", "Figure", "4", "shows", "price", "and", "has", "##h", "power", "in", "the", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "network", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "4", ":", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Network", "St", "##atic", "##s", "Has", "##h", "The", "price", "is", "high", "vol", "##ati", "##lity", ",", "and", "effects", "to", "attack", "incentive", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "has", "##h", "power", "grows", "five", "times", "from", "last", "year", ".", "Security", "is", "guaranteed", "by", "the", "difficulty", "of", "spending", "50", "%", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "this", "has", "##h", "power", "grows", "shows", "that", "it", "has", "been", "capable", "of", "adding", "50", "%", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "Hence", ",", "the", "security", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "not", "guaranteed", ".", "There", "are", "research", "##es", "about", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "stability", "[", "15", ",", "22", "]", ".", "Those", "research", "##es", "will", "contribute" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ps an append-only ledger, and by the appending rule the ledger keeps consistency even though each node operates independently. FOOTNOTE: In this paper, Blockchain means the system, a blockchain means the ledger that each node keeps. In Bitcoin, each node can verify transactions of cryptocurrencies by referring to a blockchain that is stored locally. Hence, nodes can detect β€œdouble-spending” in which an attacker pays the same cryptocurrency to different users. Each node stores a set of verified transact
[ 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1110, 2211, 119, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1191, 1851, 110, 2035, 1110, 11168, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 2113, 2528, 4935, 1110, 1205, 1177, 1115, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 1111, 19450, 119, 1130, 142, 8420, 14136, 117, 1103, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 113, 174, 119, 176, 119, 117, 4508, 1758, 1118, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 114, 1110, 2121, 1136, 4634, 1118, 2443, 2699, 119, 1130, 3291, 2050, 133, 11336, 5984, 1116, 1179, 117, 1142, 2820, 1110, 4763, 119, 1130, 3291, 2050, 135, 11336, 5984, 1116, 168, 183, 117, 19114, 4361, 23692, 1191, 5022, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 149, 1110, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 1275, 1173, 117, 142, 4880, 2591, 13821, 24805, 1429, 13615, 117, 1103, 6800, 1169, 1321, 22559, 1116, 1115, 1157, 3945, 1110, 2211, 1190, 3291, 2050, 851, 11336, 5984, 1116, 168, 183, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 11278, 1431, 8804, 1103, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1106, 10301, 1103, 2035, 2616, 119, 6240, 1193, 117, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2112, 1536, 19903, 1540, 117, 1103, 2035, 2616, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1315, 5865, 1106, 2415, 119, 1438, 117, 1165, 4713, 3076, 170, 2029, 2443, 1111, 22559, 3670, 117, 1105, 1152, 2834, 4511, 19903, 1540, 117, 1103, 2699, 1110, 1510, 1120, 3187, 1272, 19450, 1336, 1243, 1126, 23692, 119, 22801, 117, 1103, 2443, 1431, 1712, 1536, 1344, 19903, 1540, 1177, 1115, 19450, 1132, 1136, 13241, 3253, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 141, 6258, 23520, 12480, 24805, 16151, 2346, 16830, 15969, 10954, 15681, 26140, 15969, 15678, 12412, 6258, 12880, 15517, 3663, 1130, 27400, 2528, 1394, 117, 1175, 1110, 1126, 2805, 1115, 4713, 3074, 1115, 1199, 5511, 7543, 1170, 170, 3510, 2075, 1117, 13618, 1272, 170, 3510, 1115, 1167, 3200, 8200, 1110, 2846, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 119, 1130, 1103, 1168, 1493, 117, 1107, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 2799, 1115, 1126, 19114, 1110, 13241, 1106, 1231, 2246, 10587, 1343, 5511, 1118, 22278, 119, 13615, 117, 1191, 1103, 1703, 1144, 20955, 1566, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1561, 2211, 117, 19450, 1132, 13241, 1167, 3253, 1118, 10926, 1158, 1167, 5511, 119, 1135, 1110, 23692, 1107, 7235, 22398, 9517, 1106, 2699, 119, 15586, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 1176, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1105, 142, 8420, 14136, 1132, 1678, 1112, 170, 4010, 1104, 5151, 119, 13615, 117, 1242, 1234, 1132, 5666, 1106, 1147, 3945, 119, 15982, 125, 2196, 3945, 1105, 1144, 1324, 1540, 1107, 1103, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2443, 119, 143, 23413, 19556, 2036, 125, 131, 27400, 2528, 1394, 3998, 1457, 7698, 1116, 10736, 1324, 1109, 3945, 1110, 1344, 10857, 11745, 11796, 117, 1105, 3154, 1106, 2035, 23692, 119, 7282, 117, 1144, 1324, 1540, 7096, 1421, 1551, 1121, 1314, 1214, 119, 4354, 1110, 13008, 1118, 1103, 7262, 1104, 5369, 1851, 110, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 8094, 117, 1142, 1144, 1324, 1540, 7096, 2196, 1115, 1122, 1144, 1151, 4451, 1104, 5321, 1851, 110, 1144, 1324, 1540, 119, 13615, 117, 1103, 2699, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 1136, 13008, 119, 1247, 1132, 1844, 1279, 1164, 5354, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 9805, 9397, 164, 1405, 117, 1659, 166, 119, 4435, 1844, 1279, 1209, 8681 ]
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[ "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "is", "lower", ".", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "if", "50", "%", "attack", "is", "detected", ",", "the", "price", "of", "bit", "##co", "##ins", "is", "down", "so", "that", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", "for", "attackers", ".", "In", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ",", "the", "price", "of", "token", "##s", "(", "e", ".", "g", ".", ",", "lands", "described", "by", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", ")", "is", "sometimes", "not", "affected", "by", "network", "security", ".", "In", "Co", "##st", "<", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "##n", ",", "this", "situation", "is", "impossible", ".", "In", "Co", "##st", ">", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "_", "n", ",", "attacker", "gain", "incentive", "if", "profit", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "L", "is", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "10", "then", ",", "E", "##Q", "##U", "##AT", "##ION", "11", "Hence", ",", "the", "merchant", "can", "take", "token", "##s", "that", "its", "price", "is", "lower", "than", "Co", "##st", "βˆ’", "Re", "##ward", "##s", "_", "n", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "merchants", "should", "monitor", "the", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", "to", "estimate", "the", "attack", "cost", ".", "Natural", "##ly", ",", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", "post", "enough", "computational", "power", ",", "the", "attack", "cost", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "too", "expensive", "to", "practice", ".", "However", ",", "when", "users", "build", "a", "private", "network", "for", "token", "exchange", ",", "and", "they", "cannot", "spend", "computational", "power", ",", "the", "security", "is", "often", "at", "risk", "because", "attackers", "may", "get", "an", "incentive", ".", "Accordingly", ",", "the", "network", "should", "keep", "enough", "high", "computational", "power", "so", "that", "attackers", "are", "not", "motivated", "easily", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "D", "##IS", "##CU", "##SS", "##ION", "AB", "##O", "##UT", "IN", "##CE", "##NT", "##IVE", "IN", "##CO", "##NS", "##IS", "##TE", "##NC", "##Y", "In", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ",", "there", "is", "an", "operation", "that", "users", "wait", "that", "some", "blocks", "connect", "after", "a", "block", "includes", "his", "transaction", "because", "a", "block", "that", "more", "ones", "connects", "is", "difficult", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", ".", "In", "the", "other", "hands", ",", "in", "section", "4", ",", "we", "showed", "that", "an", "attacker", "is", "motivated", "to", "re", "##w", "##rite", "those", "blocks", "by", "rewards", ".", "Hence", ",", "if", "the", "total", "has", "##hra", "##te", "in", "the", "network", "become", "lower", ",", "attackers", "are", "motivated", "more", "easily", "by", "stack", "##ing", "more", "blocks", ".", "It", "is", "incentive", "in", "##con", "##sist", "##ency", "to", "security", ".", "Cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "like", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "and", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "are", "taken", "as", "a", "target", "of", "investment", ".", "Hence", ",", "many", "people", "are", "attracted", "to", "their", "price", ".", "Figure", "4", "shows", "price", "and", "has", "##h", "power", "in", "the", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "network", ".", "F", "##IG", "##UR", "##E", "4", ":", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Network", "St", "##atic", "##s", "Has", "##h", "The", "price", "is", "high", "vol", "##ati", "##lity", ",", "and", "effects", "to", "attack", "incentive", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "has", "##h", "power", "grows", "five", "times", "from", "last", "year", ".", "Security", "is", "guaranteed", "by", "the", "difficulty", "of", "spending", "50", "%", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "Nevertheless", ",", "this", "has", "##h", "power", "grows", "shows", "that", "it", "has", "been", "capable", "of", "adding", "50", "%", "has", "##h", "power", ".", "Hence", ",", "the", "security", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "not", "guaranteed", ".", "There", "are", "research", "##es", "about", "cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cies", "stability", "[", "15", ",", "22", "]", ".", "Those", "research", "##es", "will", "contribute" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ions as β€œBlock” in a blockchain. A block includes the cryptographic hash number of the last one in the blockchain. By this structure, if an attacker rewrites a previous transaction, the hash number of a block that includes it is changed, and the hash of the next one is changed too. Hence, an attacker needs to update all blocks starting from the rewritten one to the last one. To keep consistency and difficulty of rewriting, block maker needs to solve a mathematical puzzle called β€œProof-of-Work(PoW)” and i
[ 1103, 2699, 1121, 23692, 5402, 119, 5798, 117, 1103, 5463, 10703, 1110, 1126, 23692, 1111, 170, 13618, 9221, 1891, 1759, 119, 1332, 1103, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 1127, 1136, 2505, 117, 5463, 22278, 1189, 24273, 1115, 13418, 2866, 1103, 2443, 119, 15088, 117, 1242, 4713, 1132, 5666, 1106, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 1118, 1157, 5924, 119, 1220, 2222, 1106, 6058, 1106, 1242, 3872, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 5463, 22278, 1138, 1136, 1444, 117, 1105, 1122, 1144, 170, 19403, 2629, 1121, 2035, 23692, 7631, 119, 3458, 5835, 26410, 13499, 1916, 23692, 1110, 170, 1603, 1159, 5072, 119, 4804, 15874, 3084, 2393, 119, 6352, 1103, 20482, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1443, 3510, 22278, 164, 127, 166, 119, 1706, 4607, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 117, 1112, 2174, 1250, 117, 1195, 1431, 19774, 24273, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1107, 3510, 7147, 1394, 19534, 1443, 5463, 10703, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 155, 21678, 13821, 10069, 160, 9565, 25370, 5798, 117, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 1108, 3000, 1112, 170, 4073, 3263, 2225, 3313, 1106, 22620, 1306, 24853, 1118, 8753, 22620, 10951, 19903, 4692, 164, 123, 166, 119, 1247, 1132, 1317, 7553, 1104, 1844, 1164, 2098, 2670, 5402, 164, 1407, 117, 1627, 166, 119, 4914, 170, 2440, 3879, 117, 1122, 1110, 1136, 3903, 1113, 2670, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 119, 1109, 2670, 7631, 3622, 1104, 2101, 1186, 2924, 1394, 8093, 7147, 4935, 117, 16677, 1158, 3497, 2749, 164, 1275, 117, 1489, 117, 1479, 166, 117, 1110, 1126, 1696, 8366, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1107, 2440, 117, 1195, 1758, 1103, 2670, 7631, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1113, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1109, 6436, 1104, 16677, 1158, 18959, 2924, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 9901, 2670, 2616, 1105, 2699, 17816, 119, 4354, 3622, 1113, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1359, 1113, 18959, 2924, 2196, 170, 9750, 1104, 2035, 2244, 1105, 2616, 1110, 5865, 164, 1626, 166, 119, 1438, 117, 1107, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 2799, 1115, 1175, 1110, 170, 2820, 1115, 1940, 24557, 16030, 1172, 1118, 170, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 119, 1247, 1132, 1317, 10700, 1106, 9381, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 117, 3510, 1114, 20139, 164, 124, 117, 128, 166, 117, 15589, 5463, 164, 1429, 117, 1695, 166, 1105, 1177, 1113, 119, 1284, 3555, 23692, 1111, 22607, 18414, 119, 13615, 117, 1343, 1132, 2174, 1759, 1115, 1195, 17459, 23692, 1113, 1317, 10700, 119, 23274, 2572, 3084, 2393, 119, 6352, 1940, 24557, 6943, 1158, 23692, 1105, 2699, 164, 1512, 166, 119, 1220, 3000, 1126, 4048, 10348, 3442, 1165, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 117, 1126, 4048, 9113, 1113, 117, 7322, 119, 3458, 3622, 7203, 1113, 170, 22559, 3670, 1113, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 13615, 117, 4713, 1169, 26410, 25342, 2699, 3187, 1118, 9437, 7352, 119, 1130, 1168, 4683, 16677, 1158, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1112, 170, 4901, 21340, 1197, 117, 1136, 1138, 6796, 1114, 7352, 117, 1412, 3442, 2834, 16677, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 18732, 15517, 2162, 13329, 24805, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 1758, 1103, 2616, 1105, 5022, 2235, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1113, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "the", "security", "from", "incentive", "aspects", ".", "Originally", ",", "the", "mining", "reward", "is", "an", "incentive", "for", "a", "transaction", "valid", "##ation", "works", ".", "When", "the", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", "were", "not", "famous", ",", "mining", "rewards", "made", "incentives", "that", "miners", "join", "the", "network", ".", "Recently", ",", "many", "users", "are", "attracted", "to", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", "by", "its", "characteristics", ".", "They", "try", "to", "apply", "to", "many", "fields", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "mining", "rewards", "have", "not", "need", ",", "and", "it", "has", "a", "harmful", "effect", "from", "attack", "incentive", "aspect", ".", "Our", "proposal", "mit", "##iga", "##ting", "incentive", "is", "a", "short", "time", "solution", ".", "Carl", "##sten", "et", "al", ".", "discussed", "the", "instability", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "without", "block", "rewards", "[", "6", "]", ".", "To", "improve", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", ",", "as", "future", "work", ",", "we", "should", "analyze", "incentives", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "in", "block", "##cha", "##in", "ecosystem", "without", "mining", "reward", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "R", "##EL", "##AT", "##ED", "W", "##OR", "##KS", "Originally", ",", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "was", "proposed", "as", "a", "counter", "##me", "##as", "##ure", "to", "spa", "##m", "emails", "by", "requiring", "spa", "##mmer", "computational", "costs", "[", "2", "]", ".", "There", "are", "several", "kinds", "of", "research", "about", "Its", "economic", "aspects", "[", "18", ",", "19", "]", ".", "Without", "a", "particular", "condition", ",", "it", "is", "not", "effective", "on", "economic", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", ".", "The", "economic", "aspect", "analysis", "of", "##P", "##o", "##W", "##in", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ",", "adapt", "##ing", "Game", "theory", "[", "10", ",", "14", ",", "16", "]", ",", "is", "an", "important", "topic", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "in", "particular", ",", "we", "described", "the", "economic", "aspect", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "on", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "The", "contribution", "of", "adapt", "##ing", "Po", "##W", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "matching", "economic", "cost", "and", "security", "parameter", ".", "Security", "analysis", "on", "block", "##cha", "##in", "based", "on", "Po", "##W", "shows", "a", "probability", "of", "attack", "success", "and", "cost", "is", "expensive", "[", "21", "]", ".", "However", ",", "in", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "showed", "that", "there", "is", "a", "situation", "that", "mi", "##sma", "##tches", "them", "by", "a", "price", "of", "token", "##s", ".", "There", "are", "several", "strategies", "to", "succeed", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ",", "block", "with", "##holding", "[", "3", ",", "7", "]", ",", "selfish", "mining", "[", "11", ",", "23", "]", "and", "so", "on", ".", "We", "estimated", "incentive", "for", "naive", "scenarios", ".", "Hence", ",", "those", "are", "future", "works", "that", "we", "evaluate", "incentive", "on", "several", "strategies", ".", "Shu", "##do", "et", "al", ".", "discussed", "mi", "##sma", "##tch", "##ing", "incentive", "and", "security", "[", "25", "]", ".", "They", "proposed", "an", "application", "migration", "method", "when", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "an", "application", "depends", "on", ",", "collapsed", ".", "Our", "analysis", "focuses", "on", "a", "token", "exchange", "on", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Hence", ",", "users", "can", "mit", "##igate", "security", "risk", "by", "monitoring", "prices", ".", "In", "other", "applications", "adapt", "##ing", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "as", "a", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", ",", "not", "have", "relation", "with", "prices", ",", "our", "method", "cannot", "adapt", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "CO", "##NC", "##L", "##US", "##ION", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "described", "the", "cost", "and", "profit", "model", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "on", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "." ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ions as β€œBlock” in a blockchain. A block includes the cryptographic hash number of the last one in the blockchain. By this structure, if an attacker rewrites a previous transaction, the hash number of a block that includes it is changed, and the hash of the next one is changed too. Hence, an attacker needs to update all blocks starting from the rewritten one to the last one. To keep consistency and difficulty of rewriting, block maker needs to solve a mathematical puzzle called β€œProof-of-Work(PoW)” and i
[ 1103, 2699, 1121, 23692, 5402, 119, 5798, 117, 1103, 5463, 10703, 1110, 1126, 23692, 1111, 170, 13618, 9221, 1891, 1759, 119, 1332, 1103, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 1127, 1136, 2505, 117, 5463, 22278, 1189, 24273, 1115, 13418, 2866, 1103, 2443, 119, 15088, 117, 1242, 4713, 1132, 5666, 1106, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 1118, 1157, 5924, 119, 1220, 2222, 1106, 6058, 1106, 1242, 3872, 119, 1130, 1142, 2820, 117, 5463, 22278, 1138, 1136, 1444, 117, 1105, 1122, 1144, 170, 19403, 2629, 1121, 2035, 23692, 7631, 119, 3458, 5835, 26410, 13499, 1916, 23692, 1110, 170, 1603, 1159, 5072, 119, 4804, 15874, 3084, 2393, 119, 6352, 1103, 20482, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1443, 3510, 22278, 164, 127, 166, 119, 1706, 4607, 3510, 7147, 1394, 2344, 117, 1112, 2174, 1250, 117, 1195, 1431, 19774, 24273, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1107, 3510, 7147, 1394, 19534, 1443, 5463, 10703, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 155, 21678, 13821, 10069, 160, 9565, 25370, 5798, 117, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 1108, 3000, 1112, 170, 4073, 3263, 2225, 3313, 1106, 22620, 1306, 24853, 1118, 8753, 22620, 10951, 19903, 4692, 164, 123, 166, 119, 1247, 1132, 1317, 7553, 1104, 1844, 1164, 2098, 2670, 5402, 164, 1407, 117, 1627, 166, 119, 4914, 170, 2440, 3879, 117, 1122, 1110, 1136, 3903, 1113, 2670, 4267, 10606, 8298, 2109, 119, 1109, 2670, 7631, 3622, 1104, 2101, 1186, 2924, 1394, 8093, 7147, 4935, 117, 16677, 1158, 3497, 2749, 164, 1275, 117, 1489, 117, 1479, 166, 117, 1110, 1126, 1696, 8366, 119, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1107, 2440, 117, 1195, 1758, 1103, 2670, 7631, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1113, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1109, 6436, 1104, 16677, 1158, 18959, 2924, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1110, 9901, 2670, 2616, 1105, 2699, 17816, 119, 4354, 3622, 1113, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1359, 1113, 18959, 2924, 2196, 170, 9750, 1104, 2035, 2244, 1105, 2616, 1110, 5865, 164, 1626, 166, 119, 1438, 117, 1107, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 2799, 1115, 1175, 1110, 170, 2820, 1115, 1940, 24557, 16030, 1172, 1118, 170, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 119, 1247, 1132, 1317, 10700, 1106, 9381, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 117, 3510, 1114, 20139, 164, 124, 117, 128, 166, 117, 15589, 5463, 164, 1429, 117, 1695, 166, 1105, 1177, 1113, 119, 1284, 3555, 23692, 1111, 22607, 18414, 119, 13615, 117, 1343, 1132, 2174, 1759, 1115, 1195, 17459, 23692, 1113, 1317, 10700, 119, 23274, 2572, 3084, 2393, 119, 6352, 1940, 24557, 6943, 1158, 23692, 1105, 2699, 164, 1512, 166, 119, 1220, 3000, 1126, 4048, 10348, 3442, 1165, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 117, 1126, 4048, 9113, 1113, 117, 7322, 119, 3458, 3622, 7203, 1113, 170, 22559, 3670, 1113, 1103, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 13615, 117, 4713, 1169, 26410, 25342, 2699, 3187, 1118, 9437, 7352, 119, 1130, 1168, 4683, 16677, 1158, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 1112, 170, 4901, 21340, 1197, 117, 1136, 1138, 6796, 1114, 7352, 117, 1412, 3442, 2834, 16677, 119, 15374, 21669, 11414, 131, 18732, 15517, 2162, 13329, 24805, 1130, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 1758, 1103, 2616, 1105, 5022, 2235, 1104, 1851, 110, 2035, 1113, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119 ]
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[ "the", "security", "from", "incentive", "aspects", ".", "Originally", ",", "the", "mining", "reward", "is", "an", "incentive", "for", "a", "transaction", "valid", "##ation", "works", ".", "When", "the", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", "were", "not", "famous", ",", "mining", "rewards", "made", "incentives", "that", "miners", "join", "the", "network", ".", "Recently", ",", "many", "users", "are", "attracted", "to", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", "by", "its", "characteristics", ".", "They", "try", "to", "apply", "to", "many", "fields", ".", "In", "this", "situation", ",", "mining", "rewards", "have", "not", "need", ",", "and", "it", "has", "a", "harmful", "effect", "from", "attack", "incentive", "aspect", ".", "Our", "proposal", "mit", "##iga", "##ting", "incentive", "is", "a", "short", "time", "solution", ".", "Carl", "##sten", "et", "al", ".", "discussed", "the", "instability", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "without", "block", "rewards", "[", "6", "]", ".", "To", "improve", "block", "##cha", "##in", "systems", ",", "as", "future", "work", ",", "we", "should", "analyze", "incentives", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "in", "block", "##cha", "##in", "ecosystem", "without", "mining", "reward", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "R", "##EL", "##AT", "##ED", "W", "##OR", "##KS", "Originally", ",", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "was", "proposed", "as", "a", "counter", "##me", "##as", "##ure", "to", "spa", "##m", "emails", "by", "requiring", "spa", "##mmer", "computational", "costs", "[", "2", "]", ".", "There", "are", "several", "kinds", "of", "research", "about", "Its", "economic", "aspects", "[", "18", ",", "19", "]", ".", "Without", "a", "particular", "condition", ",", "it", "is", "not", "effective", "on", "economic", "di", "##sin", "##cent", "##ive", ".", "The", "economic", "aspect", "analysis", "of", "##P", "##o", "##W", "##in", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ",", "adapt", "##ing", "Game", "theory", "[", "10", ",", "14", ",", "16", "]", ",", "is", "an", "important", "topic", ".", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "in", "particular", ",", "we", "described", "the", "economic", "aspect", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "on", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "The", "contribution", "of", "adapt", "##ing", "Po", "##W", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "is", "matching", "economic", "cost", "and", "security", "parameter", ".", "Security", "analysis", "on", "block", "##cha", "##in", "based", "on", "Po", "##W", "shows", "a", "probability", "of", "attack", "success", "and", "cost", "is", "expensive", "[", "21", "]", ".", "However", ",", "in", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "showed", "that", "there", "is", "a", "situation", "that", "mi", "##sma", "##tches", "them", "by", "a", "price", "of", "token", "##s", ".", "There", "are", "several", "strategies", "to", "succeed", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ",", "block", "with", "##holding", "[", "3", ",", "7", "]", ",", "selfish", "mining", "[", "11", ",", "23", "]", "and", "so", "on", ".", "We", "estimated", "incentive", "for", "naive", "scenarios", ".", "Hence", ",", "those", "are", "future", "works", "that", "we", "evaluate", "incentive", "on", "several", "strategies", ".", "Shu", "##do", "et", "al", ".", "discussed", "mi", "##sma", "##tch", "##ing", "incentive", "and", "security", "[", "25", "]", ".", "They", "proposed", "an", "application", "migration", "method", "when", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "an", "application", "depends", "on", ",", "collapsed", ".", "Our", "analysis", "focuses", "on", "a", "token", "exchange", "on", "the", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "Hence", ",", "users", "can", "mit", "##igate", "security", "risk", "by", "monitoring", "prices", ".", "In", "other", "applications", "adapt", "##ing", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "as", "a", "distributed", "ledge", "##r", ",", "not", "have", "relation", "with", "prices", ",", "our", "method", "cannot", "adapt", ".", "SEC", "##TI", "##ON", ":", "CO", "##NC", "##L", "##US", "##ION", "In", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "described", "the", "cost", "and", "profit", "model", "of", "50", "%", "attack", "on", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", "." ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
nclude the answer in the new block. PoW has the characteristics that solving needs much computational power but verifying the answer is simple. If some block maker makes blocks that include conflicting transactions by rewriting the past, nodes detect the conflict as a β€œfork”. When a fork happens, each node regards the chain having the highest sum of the PoW answers difficulty as correct. Hence, each node keeps the blockchain that spent the largest computational power in the network. Additionally, when an
[ 1109, 3945, 1104, 170, 22559, 1113, 170, 3510, 7147, 1394, 13974, 1103, 23692, 1104, 2702, 118, 5369, 2035, 119, 1622, 27400, 2528, 1394, 787, 188, 3009, 2233, 117, 1195, 1169, 1267, 1115, 1103, 27400, 2528, 1394, 2443, 1108, 1120, 3187, 1104, 182, 3329, 19012, 2702, 118, 5369, 1219, 1103, 1504, 1344, 12814, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 787, 188, 3945, 119, 1130, 1103, 22559, 3670, 1113, 18959, 2924, 3510, 7147, 1394, 117, 4713, 1431, 8804, 19903, 1540, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1106, 3843, 182, 3329, 19012, 2702, 118, 5369, 1104, 1103, 22559, 119, 1448, 1104, 1103, 1263, 118, 1858, 7995, 1110, 170, 10923, 9932, 1136, 2272, 1106, 1103, 3945, 1104, 22559, 1116, 119, 1438, 117, 1122, 1110, 1126, 1501, 2463, 1111, 170, 1470, 2443, 119, 9690, 2428, 2249, 17056, 17516, 2137, 23169, 11680, 11365, 1188, 1844, 1110, 1126, 8337, 1104, 170, 1148, 2351, 787, 188, 27265, 1120, 2508, 15615, 4164, 117, 3561, 119, 117, 1134, 1110, 170, 7049, 1104, 2508, 23433, 2047, 117, 3561, 119, 1284, 1156, 1176, 1106, 6243, 138, 21932, 16890, 1732, 21943, 11781, 3354, 1111, 19730, 1483, 119, 155, 14663, 9637, 11680, 10954, 1708, 164, 122, 166, 158, 119, 156, 119, 5514, 4219, 4918, 119, 1857, 119, 18098, 7510, 1104, 23017, 1106, 11618, 25456, 1468, 1118, 5135, 118, 11696, 17063, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 174, 1465, 119, 1301, 1964, 120, 6495, 120, 7868, 120, 174, 9952, 168, 1952, 168, 10873, 1200, 119, 185, 16194, 136, 189, 134, 174, 9952, 1204, 168, 126, 168, 5037, 168, 170, 164, 123, 166, 3379, 4388, 3084, 2393, 119, 1617, 119, 10736, 1324, 21995, 1324, 118, 170, 16926, 1104, 1555, 4073, 118, 4929, 119, 164, 124, 166, 19741, 4047, 18757, 1403, 117, 15463, 2737, 9084, 1161, 155, 1358, 3361, 117, 1105, 19892, 6592, 4313, 26364, 1182, 119, 1504, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 8093, 1556, 20139, 13704, 131, 12504, 1105, 12107, 3121, 10716, 119, 16206, 13809, 22946, 1113, 4219, 1370, 5026, 4724, 1105, 4354, 1367, 117, 129, 113, 12686, 1403, 1504, 114, 117, 2573, 782, 2406, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 157, 15499, 1708, 119, 1446, 119, 24280, 19297, 1604, 1604, 164, 125, 166, 139, 12150, 8271, 11607, 119, 1857, 119, 113, 1857, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 1112, 1596, 9685, 13461, 19224, 119, 3254, 120, 13418, 120, 2113, 1918, 1394, 120, 22904, 9685, 1197, 118, 188, 1580, 1182, 118, 5740, 164, 126, 166, 8093, 7147, 1394, 119, 3254, 119, 1857, 119, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 3254, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 3254, 120, 16171, 164, 127, 166, 7726, 4804, 15874, 117, 3466, 14812, 2858, 22834, 1200, 117, 156, 119, 4754, 12068, 8904, 117, 1105, 138, 22466, 1181, 27520, 1389, 119, 1446, 119, 1212, 1103, 1130, 8419, 5474, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 4914, 1103, 8093, 11336, 5984, 119, 20661, 1104, 1103, 1446, 9690, 2107, 156, 23413, 8055, 1658, 3047, 1113, 6701, 1105, 6345, 4354, 118, 21362, 1708, 787, 1479, 113, 1446, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 12620 ]
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[ "The", "price", "of", "a", "token", "on", "a", "block", "##cha", "##in", "affects", "the", "incentive", "of", "double", "-", "spending", "attack", ".", "From", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "’", "s", "historical", "data", ",", "we", "can", "see", "that", "the", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "network", "was", "at", "risk", "of", "m", "##ot", "##ivating", "double", "-", "spending", "during", "the", "2017", "high", "surge", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "’", "s", "price", ".", "In", "the", "token", "exchange", "on", "Po", "##W", "block", "##cha", "##in", ",", "users", "should", "monitor", "computational", "power", "in", "the", "network", "to", "prevent", "m", "##ot", "##ivating", "double", "-", "spending", "of", "the", "token", ".", "One", "of", "the", "long", "-", "term", "solutions", "is", "a", "consensus", "algorithm", "not", "related", "to", "the", "price", "of", "token", "##s", ".", "However", ",", "it", "is", "an", "open", "problem", "for", "a", "public", "network", ".", "AC", "##K", "##N", "##OW", "##LE", "##D", "##GM", "##EN", "##TS", "This", "research", "is", "an", "achievement", "of", "a", "first", "author", "’", "s", "internship", "at", "Me", "##rp", "##ay", ",", "Inc", ".", ",", "which", "is", "a", "subsidiary", "of", "Me", "##rca", "##ri", ",", "Inc", ".", "We", "would", "like", "to", "thank", "A", "##gro", "Ra", "##ch", "##mat", "##ull", "##ah", "for", "reviewing", "English", ".", "R", "##EF", "##ER", "##EN", "##CE", "##S", "[", "1", "]", "U", ".", "S", ".", "Energy", "Information", "Administration", ".", "2018", ".", "Average", "Price", "of", "Electricity", "to", "Ultimate", "Custom", "##ers", "by", "End", "-", "Use", "Sector", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "e", "##ia", ".", "go", "##v", "/", "electricity", "/", "monthly", "/", "e", "##pm", "_", "table", "_", "graph", "##er", ".", "p", "##hp", "?", "t", "=", "e", "##pm", "##t", "_", "5", "_", "06", "_", "a", "[", "2", "]", "Adam", "Back", "et", "al", ".", "2002", ".", "Has", "##h", "##cas", "##h", "-", "a", "denial", "of", "service", "counter", "-", "measure", ".", "[", "3", "]", "Sami", "##ran", "Ba", "##g", ",", "Su", "##sh", "##mit", "##a", "R", "##u", "##j", ",", "and", "Ko", "##ui", "##chi", "Sakura", "##i", ".", "2017", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Block", "With", "##holding", "Attack", ":", "Analysis", "and", "Mi", "##ti", "##gation", ".", "IEEE", "Trans", "##actions", "on", "Information", "For", "##ens", "##ics", "and", "Security", "12", ",", "8", "(", "au", "##g", "2017", ")", ",", "1967", "–", "1978", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "T", "##IF", "##S", ".", "2016", ".", "262", "##35", "##8", "##8", "[", "4", "]", "B", "##IT", "##MA", "##IN", ".", "2018", ".", "(", "2018", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "as", "##ic", "##mine", "##rva", "##lue", ".", "com", "/", "miners", "/", "bit", "##ma", "##in", "/", "ant", "##mine", "##r", "-", "s", "##9", "##i", "-", "14th", "[", "5", "]", "Block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "com", ".", "2018", ".", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "com", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "com", "/", "explorer", "[", "6", "]", "Miles", "Carl", "##sten", ",", "Harry", "Ka", "##lo", "##dn", "##er", ",", "S", ".", "Matthew", "Wei", "##nberg", ",", "and", "A", "##rvin", "##d", "Narayan", "##an", ".", "2016", ".", "On", "the", "In", "##sta", "##bility", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Without", "the", "Block", "Re", "##ward", ".", "Proceedings", "of", "the", "2016", "AC", "##M", "S", "##IG", "##SA", "##C", "Conference", "on", "Computer", "and", "Communications", "Security", "-", "CC", "##S", "’", "16", "(", "2016", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "114" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
attacker rewrites a previous transaction and tries to remake blocks until the last one, at the same time honest nodes are making new blocks that connect the last one. Hence, honest nodes typically choose blocks that were made by honest miners. To succeed in an attack, attackers need to make blocks the fastest in the network by spending computational power larger than honest ones. In other words, the attacker needs over 50% of computational power in the network for sure to succeed. The attack of getting m
[ 1571, 120, 1853, 1559, 1545, 1559, 1527, 1580, 119, 1853, 1559, 1604, 12882, 1604, 164, 128, 166, 10418, 157, 119, 2031, 8586, 1105, 12958, 1197, 18757, 17907, 119, 1387, 119, 1212, 12859, 10704, 2109, 9139, 1197, 1457, 5498, 19310, 1105, 8093, 1556, 20139, 13704, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 6082, 140, 2149, 5123, 3457, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1387, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 8183, 1477, 119, 19619, 1604, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 8183, 1477, 119, 19619, 1604, 164, 129, 166, 23058, 27177, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 2492, 120, 22803, 164, 130, 166, 142, 8420, 14136, 119, 1446, 119, 20375, 1785, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 4600, 1785, 119, 2373, 10681, 2572, 6063, 119, 178, 1186, 120, 4035, 120, 191, 1568, 119, 125, 119, 1572, 120, 164, 1275, 166, 1135, 1777, 1183, 142, 18543, 119, 1410, 119, 1109, 9139, 1197, 787, 188, 12120, 23397, 119, 1130, 1410, 16206, 26520, 1113, 4354, 1105, 153, 2047, 2497, 3457, 119, 16206, 117, 5840, 782, 9550, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 16625, 119, 1410, 119, 1492, 164, 1429, 166, 1135, 1777, 1183, 142, 18543, 1105, 18653, 1394, 144, 17176, 1179, 2203, 1200, 119, 1857, 119, 23670, 1110, 1136, 1536, 119, 3291, 6262, 3488, 119, 9690, 2107, 5391, 117, 128, 113, 179, 3488, 1857, 114, 117, 4573, 782, 9081, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 12620, 1571, 120, 26963, 26752, 1580, 1604, 164, 1367, 166, 159, 27732, 13894, 9860, 25318, 1105, 1252, 9866, 1179, 25118, 19921, 119, 1410, 119, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 1706, 6378, 6433, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 171, 2858, 1830, 120, 3283, 120, 142, 11410, 1708, 120, 174, 9717, 118, 1406, 119, 182, 1181, 164, 1492, 166, 14104, 2895, 1358, 23219, 14535, 117, 8790, 24830, 1182, 160, 6575, 1605, 3962, 117, 1335, 14410, 3031, 11896, 1968, 14117, 1611, 117, 2545, 9865, 10337, 14680, 24817, 117, 138, 2293, 17481, 1186, 138, 4786, 9552, 117, 1105, 5525, 12865, 11985, 14477, 5933, 27997, 119, 1410, 119, 26660, 23413, 18784, 131, 138, 3400, 1111, 170, 11858, 4412, 2200, 2266, 2635, 1449, 1359, 1113, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1130, 1410, 16206, 4025, 1570, 3047, 1113, 17122, 13983, 118, 3206, 113, 17502, 2036, 118, 3206, 114, 119, 16206, 117, 26625, 782, 3236, 1545, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 17502, 2036, 118, 3206, 119, 1410, 119, 5766, 1580, 11964, 26253, 164, 1489, 166, 10418, 9800, 20257, 119, 1387, 119, 1109, 27400, 2528, 1394, 15280, 3497, 119, 22916, 2249, 10952, 3603, 113, 12477, 1197, 1387, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 21640, 1580, 120, 188, 1116, 4558, 119, 11202, 1559, 1604, 23124, 164, 1405, 166, 12107, 9552, 5082, 146, 3624, 14535, 117, 10684, 4314, 12809, 1358, 18284, 2312, 4084, 117 ]
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[ "##5", "/", "29", "##7", "##6", "##7", "##4", "##9", ".", "29", "##7", "##8", "##40", "##8", "[", "7", "]", "Nicolas", "T", ".", "Court", "##ois", "and", "Lea", "##r", "Ba", "##hack", ".", "2014", ".", "On", "Sub", "##vers", "##ive", "Mine", "##r", "St", "##rate", "##gies", "and", "Block", "With", "##holding", "Attack", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Digital", "C", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2014", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "140", "##2", ".", "171", "##8", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "140", "##2", ".", "171", "##8", "[", "8", "]", "Dex", "##aran", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "issues", "/", "223", "[", "9", "]", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ".", "2016", ".", "Solid", "##ity", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "solid", "##ity", ".", "read", "##the", "##do", "##cs", ".", "i", "##o", "/", "en", "/", "v", "##0", ".", "4", ".", "24", "/", "[", "10", "]", "It", "##ta", "##y", "E", "##yal", ".", "2015", ".", "The", "Mine", "##r", "’", "s", "Di", "##lemma", ".", "In", "2015", "IEEE", "Symposium", "on", "Security", "and", "P", "##ri", "##va", "##cy", ".", "IEEE", ",", "89", "–", "103", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "SP", ".", "2015", ".", "13", "[", "11", "]", "It", "##ta", "##y", "E", "##yal", "and", "Em", "##in", "G", "##ΓΌ", "##n", "Sir", "##er", ".", "2018", ".", "Majority", "is", "not", "enough", ".", "Co", "##mm", "##un", ".", "AC", "##M", "61", ",", "7", "(", "j", "##un", "2018", ")", ",", "95", "–", "102", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "114", "##5", "/", "321", "##29", "##9", "##8", "[", "12", "]", "V", "##ogel", "##ste", "##ller", "Fabian", "and", "But", "##eri", "##n", "Vita", "##lik", ".", "2015", ".", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", "To", "##ken", "Standard", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "b", "##lo", "##b", "/", "master", "/", "E", "##IP", "##S", "/", "e", "##ip", "-", "20", ".", "m", "##d", "[", "13", "]", "Shi", "##ger", "##u", "Fuji", "##mura", ",", "Hi", "##rok", "##i", "W", "##ata", "##na", "##be", ",", "At", "##sus", "##hi", "Na", "##ka", "##dai", "##ra", ",", "Tom", "##oka", "##zu", "Ya", "##mada", ",", "A", "##ki", "##hit", "##o", "A", "##ku", "##tsu", ",", "and", "Jay", "Jun", "##ichi", "Ki", "##shi", "##gami", ".", "2015", ".", "BR", "##IG", "##HT", ":", "A", "concept", "for", "a", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "rights", "management", "system", "based", "on", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "In", "2015", "IEEE", "5th", "International", "Conference", "on", "Consumer", "Electronics", "-", "Berlin", "(", "ICC", "##E", "-", "Berlin", ")", ".", "IEEE", ",", "345", "–", "34", "##6", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "ICC", "##E", "-", "Berlin", ".", "2015", ".", "73", "##9", "##12", "##75", "[", "14", "]", "Nicolas", "Ho", "##uy", ".", "2014", ".", "The", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Mining", "Game", ".", "SSR", "##N", "Electronic", "Journal", "(", "ma", "##r", "2014", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "213", "##9", "/", "s", "##s", "##rn", ".", "240", "##7", "##8", "##34", "[", "15", "]", "Mi", "##tsu", "##ru", "I", "##wa", "##mura", ",", "Yu", "##kin", "##ob", "##u", "Kit", "##am", "##ura", "," ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
attacker rewrites a previous transaction and tries to remake blocks until the last one, at the same time honest nodes are making new blocks that connect the last one. Hence, honest nodes typically choose blocks that were made by honest miners. To succeed in an attack, attackers need to make blocks the fastest in the network by spending computational power larger than honest ones. In other words, the attacker needs over 50% of computational power in the network for sure to succeed. The attack of getting m
[ 1571, 120, 1853, 1559, 1545, 1559, 1527, 1580, 119, 1853, 1559, 1604, 12882, 1604, 164, 128, 166, 10418, 157, 119, 2031, 8586, 1105, 12958, 1197, 18757, 17907, 119, 1387, 119, 1212, 12859, 10704, 2109, 9139, 1197, 1457, 5498, 19310, 1105, 8093, 1556, 20139, 13704, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 6082, 140, 2149, 5123, 3457, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1387, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 8183, 1477, 119, 19619, 1604, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 8183, 1477, 119, 19619, 1604, 164, 129, 166, 23058, 27177, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 2492, 120, 22803, 164, 130, 166, 142, 8420, 14136, 119, 1446, 119, 20375, 1785, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 4600, 1785, 119, 2373, 10681, 2572, 6063, 119, 178, 1186, 120, 4035, 120, 191, 1568, 119, 125, 119, 1572, 120, 164, 1275, 166, 1135, 1777, 1183, 142, 18543, 119, 1410, 119, 1109, 9139, 1197, 787, 188, 12120, 23397, 119, 1130, 1410, 16206, 26520, 1113, 4354, 1105, 153, 2047, 2497, 3457, 119, 16206, 117, 5840, 782, 9550, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 16625, 119, 1410, 119, 1492, 164, 1429, 166, 1135, 1777, 1183, 142, 18543, 1105, 18653, 1394, 144, 17176, 1179, 2203, 1200, 119, 1857, 119, 23670, 1110, 1136, 1536, 119, 3291, 6262, 3488, 119, 9690, 2107, 5391, 117, 128, 113, 179, 3488, 1857, 114, 117, 4573, 782, 9081, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 12620, 1571, 120, 26963, 26752, 1580, 1604, 164, 1367, 166, 159, 27732, 13894, 9860, 25318, 1105, 1252, 9866, 1179, 25118, 19921, 119, 1410, 119, 23580, 1658, 118, 1406, 1706, 6378, 6433, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 171, 2858, 1830, 120, 3283, 120, 142, 11410, 1708, 120, 174, 9717, 118, 1406, 119, 182, 1181, 164, 1492, 166, 14104, 2895, 1358, 23219, 14535, 117, 8790, 24830, 1182, 160, 6575, 1605, 3962, 117, 1335, 14410, 3031, 11896, 1968, 14117, 1611, 117, 2545, 9865, 10337, 14680, 24817, 117, 138, 2293, 17481, 1186, 138, 4786, 9552, 117, 1105, 5525, 12865, 11985, 14477, 5933, 27997, 119, 1410, 119, 26660, 23413, 18784, 131, 138, 3400, 1111, 170, 11858, 4412, 2200, 2266, 2635, 1449, 1359, 1113, 3510, 7147, 1394, 119, 1130, 1410, 16206, 4025, 1570, 3047, 1113, 17122, 13983, 118, 3206, 113, 17502, 2036, 118, 3206, 114, 119, 16206, 117, 26625, 782, 3236, 1545, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 17502, 2036, 118, 3206, 119, 1410, 119, 5766, 1580, 11964, 26253, 164, 1489, 166, 10418, 9800, 20257, 119, 1387, 119, 1109, 27400, 2528, 1394, 15280, 3497, 119, 22916, 2249, 10952, 3603, 113, 12477, 1197, 1387, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 21640, 1580, 120, 188, 1116, 4558, 119, 11202, 1559, 1604, 23124, 164, 1405, 166, 12107, 9552, 5082, 146, 3624, 14535, 117, 10684, 4314, 12809, 1358, 18284, 2312, 4084, 117 ]
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[ "##5", "/", "29", "##7", "##6", "##7", "##4", "##9", ".", "29", "##7", "##8", "##40", "##8", "[", "7", "]", "Nicolas", "T", ".", "Court", "##ois", "and", "Lea", "##r", "Ba", "##hack", ".", "2014", ".", "On", "Sub", "##vers", "##ive", "Mine", "##r", "St", "##rate", "##gies", "and", "Block", "With", "##holding", "Attack", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Digital", "C", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2014", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "140", "##2", ".", "171", "##8", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "140", "##2", ".", "171", "##8", "[", "8", "]", "Dex", "##aran", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "issues", "/", "223", "[", "9", "]", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ".", "2016", ".", "Solid", "##ity", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "solid", "##ity", ".", "read", "##the", "##do", "##cs", ".", "i", "##o", "/", "en", "/", "v", "##0", ".", "4", ".", "24", "/", "[", "10", "]", "It", "##ta", "##y", "E", "##yal", ".", "2015", ".", "The", "Mine", "##r", "’", "s", "Di", "##lemma", ".", "In", "2015", "IEEE", "Symposium", "on", "Security", "and", "P", "##ri", "##va", "##cy", ".", "IEEE", ",", "89", "–", "103", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "SP", ".", "2015", ".", "13", "[", "11", "]", "It", "##ta", "##y", "E", "##yal", "and", "Em", "##in", "G", "##ΓΌ", "##n", "Sir", "##er", ".", "2018", ".", "Majority", "is", "not", "enough", ".", "Co", "##mm", "##un", ".", "AC", "##M", "61", ",", "7", "(", "j", "##un", "2018", ")", ",", "95", "–", "102", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "114", "##5", "/", "321", "##29", "##9", "##8", "[", "12", "]", "V", "##ogel", "##ste", "##ller", "Fabian", "and", "But", "##eri", "##n", "Vita", "##lik", ".", "2015", ".", "ER", "##C", "-", "20", "To", "##ken", "Standard", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "b", "##lo", "##b", "/", "master", "/", "E", "##IP", "##S", "/", "e", "##ip", "-", "20", ".", "m", "##d", "[", "13", "]", "Shi", "##ger", "##u", "Fuji", "##mura", ",", "Hi", "##rok", "##i", "W", "##ata", "##na", "##be", ",", "At", "##sus", "##hi", "Na", "##ka", "##dai", "##ra", ",", "Tom", "##oka", "##zu", "Ya", "##mada", ",", "A", "##ki", "##hit", "##o", "A", "##ku", "##tsu", ",", "and", "Jay", "Jun", "##ichi", "Ki", "##shi", "##gami", ".", "2015", ".", "BR", "##IG", "##HT", ":", "A", "concept", "for", "a", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "rights", "management", "system", "based", "on", "block", "##cha", "##in", ".", "In", "2015", "IEEE", "5th", "International", "Conference", "on", "Consumer", "Electronics", "-", "Berlin", "(", "ICC", "##E", "-", "Berlin", ")", ".", "IEEE", ",", "345", "–", "34", "##6", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "ICC", "##E", "-", "Berlin", ".", "2015", ".", "73", "##9", "##12", "##75", "[", "14", "]", "Nicolas", "Ho", "##uy", ".", "2014", ".", "The", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "Mining", "Game", ".", "SSR", "##N", "Electronic", "Journal", "(", "ma", "##r", "2014", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "213", "##9", "/", "s", "##s", "##rn", ".", "240", "##7", "##8", "##34", "[", "15", "]", "Mi", "##tsu", "##ru", "I", "##wa", "##mura", ",", "Yu", "##kin", "##ob", "##u", "Kit", "##am", "##ura", "," ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
ore than 50% computational power is called the β€œ50% attack.” The assumption that a blockchain is secure because double-spending by rewriting does not happen is guaranteed by the difficulty of getting 50% computational power and the difference between the attack cost and the profit. To motivate nodes to make blocks, the system rewards some cryptocurrencies to the maker who succeeds in making a block. In Bitcoin, the system allows block maker to insert a β€œcoinbase transaction” that pays maker some bitcoins
[ 157, 6385, 18778, 1358, 25702, 6385, 12610, 117, 1105, 5928, 3454, 25185, 2430, 119, 1387, 119, 2825, 1284, 1457, 23156, 2646, 3171, 1103, 7510, 1104, 170, 15586, 6451, 13335, 2149, 5123, 3457, 136, 131, 21300, 1103, 4800, 1104, 27400, 2528, 1394, 1105, 2098, 18959, 5208, 16764, 1106, 3291, 8223, 16618, 1114, 1970, 2950, 8948, 119, 22916, 2249, 10952, 3603, 113, 184, 5822, 1387, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 21640, 1580, 120, 188, 1116, 4558, 119, 25101, 1580, 22997, 1559, 164, 1479, 166, 138, 9705, 19773, 1116, 14477, 4164, 7346, 117, 16325, 19892, 10793, 6094, 15748, 1116, 117, 3406, 148, 12577, 4184, 6094, 24491, 117, 1105, 14141, 11657, 1548, 157, 11510, 4820, 6094, 7221, 119, 1446, 119, 8093, 7147, 1394, 15280, 2957, 119, 113, 1446, 114, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 12620, 1571, 120, 1853, 12882, 1559, 16229, 119, 1853, 12882, 1559, 1559, 1495, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 7690, 1559, 119, 5507, 23117, 1568, 164, 1542, 166, 12865, 11985, 14477, 5933, 27997, 117, 14104, 2895, 1358, 23219, 14535, 117, 8790, 24830, 1182, 160, 6575, 1605, 3962, 117, 1335, 14410, 3031, 11896, 1968, 14117, 1611, 117, 1105, 138, 2293, 24617, 138, 4786, 9552, 119, 1410, 119, 1109, 8093, 7147, 1394, 118, 7457, 6082, 27551, 19806, 3910, 119, 1130, 1410, 16206, 9638, 1570, 3047, 1113, 2562, 7154, 1105, 11804, 20463, 119, 16206, 117, 21168, 782, 11876, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 139, 15556, 24491, 1181, 119, 1410, 119, 2539, 164, 1407, 166, 3096, 17470, 1105, 2055, 11867, 119, 1516, 119, 5096, 10008, 118, 1104, 118, 6955, 5096, 5710, 1753, 1106, 6955, 119, 1130, 4180, 28039, 23414, 1113, 1103, 7525, 1104, 2240, 1179, 24152, 4354, 119, 11338, 117, 150, 2249, 117, 119, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 23992, 2217, 7235, 119, 5795, 120, 10819, 120, 26477, 120, 1516, 120, 185, 1181, 2087, 120, 8785, 1633, 119, 185, 1181, 2087, 164, 1627, 166, 3177, 7939, 8411, 1105, 2893, 5503, 119, 1386, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 6955, 1169, 6955, 119, 1130, 1109, 9638, 16350, 1113, 1103, 7525, 1104, 4219, 4354, 113, 160, 27514, 1708, 1386, 114, 119, 1652, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 7001, 119, 174, 7235, 1394, 14467, 2217, 1665, 119, 8916, 120, 12406, 120, 1195, 1548, 10973, 1568, 1545, 120, 1202, 6063, 120, 1851, 119, 185, 1181, 2087, 164, 1406, 166, 26824, 5933, 11896, 1968, 12610, 119, 1369, 119, 27400, 2528, 1394, 131, 138, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 4828, 5948, 1449, 119, 113, 1369, 114, 119, 164, 1626, 166, 3401, 1182, 24580, 7355, 119, 1387, 119, 12504, 1104, 10736, 20955, 1566, 118, 7457, 8543, 156, 11741, 3408, 119, 113, 175, 15581, 1387, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 8183, 1477, 119, 1371, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 8183, 1477, 119, 1371, 164, 1659, 166, 5928, 3454, 25185, 2430, 1105, 12107, 9552, 5082, 146, 3624, 14535, 119, 1857, 119, 1731, 1106, 7102, 170, 6082, 140, 2149, 5123, 3457, 1113, 170, 8093, 7147 ]
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[ "T", "##su", "##tom", "##u", "Mat", "##su", "##moto", ",", "and", "Ken", "##ji", "Sai", "##to", ".", "2014", ".", "Can", "We", "St", "##abi", "##li", "##ze", "the", "Price", "of", "a", "Cry", "##pt", "##oc", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "?", ":", "Understanding", "the", "Design", "of", "Bit", "##co", "##in", "and", "Its", "Po", "##ten", "##tial", "to", "Co", "##mp", "##ete", "with", "Central", "Bank", "Money", ".", "SSR", "##N", "Electronic", "Journal", "(", "o", "##ct", "2014", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "213", "##9", "/", "s", "##s", "##rn", ".", "251", "##9", "##36", "##7", "[", "16", "]", "A", "##gg", "##elo", "##s", "Ki", "##ay", "##ias", ",", "Elias", "Ko", "##uts", "##ou", "##pia", "##s", ",", "Maria", "K", "##yr", "##op", "##ou", "##lou", ",", "and", "Yi", "##ann", "##is", "T", "##sel", "##ek", "##ou", "##nis", ".", "2016", ".", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "Mining", "Games", ".", "(", "2016", ")", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "114", "##5", "/", "29", "##40", "##7", "##16", ".", "29", "##40", "##7", "##7", "##3", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "160", "##7", ".", "02", "##42", "##0", "[", "17", "]", "Jun", "##ichi", "Ki", "##shi", "##gami", ",", "Shi", "##ger", "##u", "Fuji", "##mura", ",", "Hi", "##rok", "##i", "W", "##ata", "##na", "##be", ",", "At", "##sus", "##hi", "Na", "##ka", "##dai", "##ra", ",", "and", "A", "##ki", "##hiko", "A", "##ku", "##tsu", ".", "2015", ".", "The", "Block", "##cha", "##in", "-", "Based", "Digital", "Content", "Distribution", "System", ".", "In", "2015", "IEEE", "Fifth", "International", "Conference", "on", "Big", "Data", "and", "Cloud", "Computing", ".", "IEEE", ",", "187", "–", "190", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "B", "##DC", "##lou", "##d", ".", "2015", ".", "60", "[", "18", "]", "Ben", "Laurie", "and", "Richard", "Clayton", ".", "2004", ".", "Pro", "##of", "-", "of", "-", "Work", "Pro", "##ves", "Not", "to", "Work", ".", "In", "Third", "##Works", "##hop", "on", "the", "Economics", "of", "##I", "##n", "##formation", "Security", ".", "Minneapolis", ",", "M", "##N", ",", ".", "http", ":", "/", "/", "info", "##se", "##con", ".", "net", "/", "workshop", "/", "downloads", "/", "2004", "/", "p", "##d", "##f", "/", "clay", "##ton", ".", "p", "##d", "##f", "[", "19", "]", "De", "##bin", "Liu", "and", "Jean", "Camp", ".", "2006", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "Work", "can", "Work", ".", "In", "The", "Fifth", "Workshop", "on", "the", "Economics", "of", "Information", "Security", "(", "W", "##EI", "##S", "2006", ")", ".", "England", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "www", ".", "e", "##con", "##in", "##fo", "##se", "##c", ".", "org", "/", "archive", "/", "we", "##is", "##20", "##0", "##6", "/", "do", "##cs", "/", "50", ".", "p", "##d", "##f", "[", "20", "]", "Sato", "##shi", "Na", "##ka", "##moto", ".", "2008", ".", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ":", "A", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "electronic", "cash", "system", ".", "(", "2008", ")", ".", "[", "21", "]", "Men", "##i", "Rosen", "##feld", ".", "2014", ".", "Analysis", "of", "Has", "##hra", "##te", "-", "Based", "Double", "S", "##pen", "##ding", ".", "(", "f", "##eb", "2014", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "140", "##2", ".", "2009", "https", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "140", "##2", ".", "2009", "[", "22", "]", "Ken", "##ji", "Sai", "##to", "and", "Mi", "##tsu", "##ru", "I", "##wa", "##mura", ".", "2018", ".", "How", "to", "Make", "a", "Digital", "C", "##ur", "##ren", "##cy", "on", "a", "Block", "##cha" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
in the block. This mechanism looks like mining gold by spending costs, so making a block by solving PoW is called β€œmining”, and block maker is called β€œminer.” SUB-SECTION: TOKEN EXCHANGE ON BLOCKCHAIN Instead of cryptocurrencies, There are several proposals that manage the rights of tokens control(e.g., a physical asset like lands, digital on
[ 1394, 1457, 1895, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 12561, 119, 5037, 1559, 1559, 1475, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 12561, 119, 5037, 1559, 1559, 1475, 164, 1695, 166, 16837, 5765, 17784, 8508, 1733, 17439, 20309, 117, 14941, 24226, 1389, 1573, 24729, 17828, 3781, 117, 1105, 12927, 163, 10559, 1813, 119, 1504, 119, 9126, 3121, 7435, 9434, 2944, 15280, 1457, 5498, 19310, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 119, 18919, 117, 3206, 117, 17880, 117, 4062, 1571, 782, 4389, 1477, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 1620, 1559, 120, 4087, 118, 124, 118, 5046, 1477, 118, 4335, 1580, 20829, 118, 125, 168, 1476, 164, 1572, 166, 6578, 1153, 23632, 5792, 119, 1857, 119, 9434, 118, 16522, 5230, 9765, 119, 6701, 4062, 117, 122, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 117, 9377, 782, 9377, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 12029, 119, 1857, 119, 10520, 20150, 1559, 164, 1512, 166, 14812, 10337, 19404, 23274, 2572, 117, 11336, 12635, 14812, 7807, 117, 1105, 5928, 3454, 25185, 2430, 119, 1857, 119, 16220, 22491, 3905, 6328, 1113, 8093, 7147, 4935, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 12561, 119, 5187, 23117, 1475, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 12561, 119, 5187, 23117, 1475, 164, 1744, 166, 13832, 19091, 6378, 1613, 117, 11281, 22327, 1200, 117, 5549, 5826, 117, 1105, 25585, 11896, 8419, 19828, 1161, 119, 1857, 119, 23580, 1658, 118, 5117, 1475, 7922, 118, 16068, 12192, 1706, 6378, 6433, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 171, 2858, 1830, 120, 3283, 120, 142, 11410, 1708, 120, 174, 9717, 118, 5117, 1475, 119, 182, 1181, 164, 1765, 166, 9152, 5296, 119, 1387, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 131, 138, 5343, 11858, 4412, 3673, 1704, 3673, 13618, 21340, 1197, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 1933, 3431, 2526, 17576, 113, 1387, 114, 117, 122, 782, 2724 ]
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[ "##in", "St", "##able", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "1801", ".", "06", "##7", "##7", "##1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1801", ".", "06", "##7", "##7", "##1", "[", "23", "]", "Aye", "##let", "Sa", "##pi", "##rs", "##ht", "##ein", ",", "Yo", "##nat", "##an", "So", "##mpo", "##lins", "##ky", ",", "and", "Aviv", "Z", "##oh", "##ar", ".", "2017", ".", "Op", "##ti", "##mal", "Self", "##ish", "Mining", "St", "##rate", "##gies", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "Springer", ",", "Berlin", ",", "Heidelberg", ",", "51", "##5", "–", "53", "##2", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "100", "##7", "/", "978", "-", "3", "-", "66", "##2", "-", "54", "##9", "##70", "-", "4", "_", "30", "[", "24", "]", "Nathan", "She", "##dr", "##off", ".", "2018", ".", "Self", "-", "Managing", "Real", "Estate", ".", "Computer", "51", ",", "1", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ",", "104", "–", "104", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "MC", ".", "2018", ".", "115", "##100", "##7", "[", "25", "]", "Ka", "##zu", "##yuki", "Shu", "##do", ",", "Re", "##iki", "Ka", "##nda", ",", "and", "Ken", "##ji", "Sai", "##to", ".", "2018", ".", "Towards", "Application", "Port", "##ability", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "1801", ".", "01", "##42", "##1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1801", ".", "01", "##42", "##1", "[", "26", "]", "En", "##tri", "##ken", "William", ",", "Shirley", "Diet", "##er", ",", "Jacob", "Evans", ",", "and", "Sachs", "Na", "##sta", "##ssi", "##a", ".", "2018", ".", "ER", "##C", "-", "72", "##1", "Non", "-", "Fun", "##gible", "To", "##ken", "Standard", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "b", "##lo", "##b", "/", "master", "/", "E", "##IP", "##S", "/", "e", "##ip", "-", "72", "##1", ".", "m", "##d", "[", "27", "]", "Gavin", "Wood", ".", "2014", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ":", "A", "secure", "decent", "##ral", "##ised", "general", "##ised", "transaction", "ledge", "##r", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "project", "yellow", "paper", "151", "(", "2014", ")", ",", "1", "–", "32" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
in the block. This mechanism looks like mining gold by spending costs, so making a block by solving PoW is called β€œmining”, and block maker is called β€œminer.” SUB-SECTION: TOKEN EXCHANGE ON BLOCKCHAIN Instead of cryptocurrencies, There are several proposals that manage the rights of tokens control(e.g., a physical asset like lands, digital on
[ 1394, 1457, 1895, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 12561, 119, 5037, 1559, 1559, 1475, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 12561, 119, 5037, 1559, 1559, 1475, 164, 1695, 166, 16837, 5765, 17784, 8508, 1733, 17439, 20309, 117, 14941, 24226, 1389, 1573, 24729, 17828, 3781, 117, 1105, 12927, 163, 10559, 1813, 119, 1504, 119, 9126, 3121, 7435, 9434, 2944, 15280, 1457, 5498, 19310, 1107, 27400, 2528, 1394, 119, 18919, 117, 3206, 117, 17880, 117, 4062, 1571, 782, 4389, 1477, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 1620, 1559, 120, 4087, 118, 124, 118, 5046, 1477, 118, 4335, 1580, 20829, 118, 125, 168, 1476, 164, 1572, 166, 6578, 1153, 23632, 5792, 119, 1857, 119, 9434, 118, 16522, 5230, 9765, 119, 6701, 4062, 117, 122, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 117, 9377, 782, 9377, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 9465, 119, 8916, 120, 1275, 119, 6745, 1580, 120, 12029, 119, 1857, 119, 10520, 20150, 1559, 164, 1512, 166, 14812, 10337, 19404, 23274, 2572, 117, 11336, 12635, 14812, 7807, 117, 1105, 5928, 3454, 25185, 2430, 119, 1857, 119, 16220, 22491, 3905, 6328, 1113, 8093, 7147, 4935, 119, 113, 179, 1389, 1857, 114, 119, 170, 1197, 3190, 11083, 131, 12561, 119, 5187, 23117, 1475, 8413, 131, 120, 120, 170, 1197, 8745, 1964, 119, 8916, 120, 170, 4832, 120, 12561, 119, 5187, 23117, 1475, 164, 1744, 166, 13832, 19091, 6378, 1613, 117, 11281, 22327, 1200, 117, 5549, 5826, 117, 1105, 25585, 11896, 8419, 19828, 1161, 119, 1857, 119, 23580, 1658, 118, 5117, 1475, 7922, 118, 16068, 12192, 1706, 6378, 6433, 119, 18630, 131, 120, 120, 176, 7088, 10354, 119, 3254, 120, 3084, 12807, 1818, 120, 142, 11410, 1116, 120, 171, 2858, 1830, 120, 3283, 120, 142, 11410, 1708, 120, 174, 9717, 118, 5117, 1475, 119, 182, 1181, 164, 1765, 166, 9152, 5296, 119, 1387, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 131, 138, 5343, 11858, 4412, 3673, 1704, 3673, 13618, 21340, 1197, 119, 142, 8420, 14136, 1933, 3431, 2526, 17576, 113, 1387, 114, 117, 122, 782, 2724 ]
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[ "##in", "St", "##able", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "1801", ".", "06", "##7", "##7", "##1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1801", ".", "06", "##7", "##7", "##1", "[", "23", "]", "Aye", "##let", "Sa", "##pi", "##rs", "##ht", "##ein", ",", "Yo", "##nat", "##an", "So", "##mpo", "##lins", "##ky", ",", "and", "Aviv", "Z", "##oh", "##ar", ".", "2017", ".", "Op", "##ti", "##mal", "Self", "##ish", "Mining", "St", "##rate", "##gies", "in", "Bit", "##co", "##in", ".", "Springer", ",", "Berlin", ",", "Heidelberg", ",", "51", "##5", "–", "53", "##2", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "100", "##7", "/", "978", "-", "3", "-", "66", "##2", "-", "54", "##9", "##70", "-", "4", "_", "30", "[", "24", "]", "Nathan", "She", "##dr", "##off", ".", "2018", ".", "Self", "-", "Managing", "Real", "Estate", ".", "Computer", "51", ",", "1", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ",", "104", "–", "104", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "doi", ".", "org", "/", "10", ".", "110", "##9", "/", "MC", ".", "2018", ".", "115", "##100", "##7", "[", "25", "]", "Ka", "##zu", "##yuki", "Shu", "##do", ",", "Re", "##iki", "Ka", "##nda", ",", "and", "Ken", "##ji", "Sai", "##to", ".", "2018", ".", "Towards", "Application", "Port", "##ability", "on", "Block", "##cha", "##ins", ".", "(", "j", "##an", "2018", ")", ".", "a", "##r", "##X", "##iv", ":", "1801", ".", "01", "##42", "##1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1801", ".", "01", "##42", "##1", "[", "26", "]", "En", "##tri", "##ken", "William", ",", "Shirley", "Diet", "##er", ",", "Jacob", "Evans", ",", "and", "Sachs", "Na", "##sta", "##ssi", "##a", ".", "2018", ".", "ER", "##C", "-", "72", "##1", "Non", "-", "Fun", "##gible", "To", "##ken", "Standard", ".", "https", ":", "/", "/", "g", "##ith", "##ub", ".", "com", "/", "et", "##here", "##um", "/", "E", "##IP", "##s", "/", "b", "##lo", "##b", "/", "master", "/", "E", "##IP", "##S", "/", "e", "##ip", "-", "72", "##1", ".", "m", "##d", "[", "27", "]", "Gavin", "Wood", ".", "2014", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", ":", "A", "secure", "decent", "##ral", "##ised", "general", "##ised", "transaction", "ledge", "##r", ".", "E", "##ther", "##eum", "project", "yellow", "paper", "151", "(", "2014", ")", ",", "1", "–", "32" ]
Attack Incentive and Security of Exchanging Tokens on Proof of Work Blockchain
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol Brad Chase Ethan MacBrough Ripple Research {bchase,emacbrough}@ripple.com February 21, 2018 Abstract The XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol is a previously developed con- sensus protocol powering the XRP Ledger. It is a low-latency Byzantine agreement protocol, capable of reaching consensus without full agreement on which nodes are members of the network. We present a detailed expla- nation of the algorithm and derive conditions for its safety and livenes
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[ "Analysis", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "Brad", "Chase", "Ethan", "Mac", "##B", "##rough", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Research", "{", "b", "##chase", ",", "em", "##ac", "##bro", "##ugh", "}", "@", "rip", "##ple", ".", "com", "February", "21", ",", "2018", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "is", "a", "previously", "developed", "con", "-", "se", "##ns", "##us", "protocol", "power", "##ing", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", ".", "It", "is", "a", "low", "-", "late", "##ncy", "Byzantine", "agreement", "protocol", ",", "capable", "of", "reaching", "consensus", "without", "full", "agreement", "on", "which", "nodes", "are", "members", "of", "the", "network", ".", "We", "present", "a", "detailed", "ex", "##p", "##la", "-", "nation", "of", "the", "algorithm", "and", "derive", "conditions", "for", "its", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "1", "Introduction", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "is", "a", "distributed", "payment", "system", "enabling", "users", "to", "transfer", "value", "sea", "##m", "##lessly", "around", "the", "world", ".", "Operating", "within", "a", "distributed", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "faces", "the", "same", "challenges", "as", "other", "digital", "cu", "##rre", "##ncies", "in", "preventing", "double", "-", "spending", "of", "funds", "and", "ensuring", "network", "-", "wide", "consensus", "on", "the", "state", "of", "user", "accounts", "and", "balance", "##s", ".", "First", "proposed", "and", "then", "implemented", "by", "Schwartz", "et", "al", ".", "[", "10", "]", ",", "the", "algorithm", "underlying", "X", "##RP", "solve", "##s", "these", "problems", "using", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "agreement", "protocol", "over", "collectively", "trusted", "sub", "##net", "##works", ",", "here", "##by", "referred", "to", "as", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ",", "or", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "for", "short", ".", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "##ly", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "network", "is", "a", "replica", "##ted", "state", "machine", "[", "9", "]", ".", "The", "replica", "##ted", "state", "is", "the", "ledge", "##r", "maintained", "by", "each", "node", "in", "the", "network", "and", "state", "transitions", "correspond", "to", "transactions", "submitted", "by", "clients", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Once", "nodes", "agree", "on", "sets", "of", "transactions", "to", "apply", "to", "the", "state", ",", "a", "transaction", "processing", "protocol", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "rules", "for", "ordering", "transactions", "within", "each", "set", "and", "how", "to", "apply", "transactions", "to", "generate", "the", "new", "ledge", "##r", "state", ".", "Thus", ",", "the", "role", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "only", "to", "make", "the", "network", "reach", "agreement", "on", "sets", "of", "transactions", ",", "not", "on", "the", "content", "or", "outcome", "of", "those", "transactions", ".", "As", "long", "as", "nodes", "agree", "on", "a", "transaction", "set", ",", "the", "transaction", "processing", "protocol", "guarantees", "that", "every", "node", "generates", "a", "consistent", "ledge", "##r", ".", "As", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "protocol", ",", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "must", "operate", "even", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "fault", "##y", "or", "ma", "##lic", "##ious", "participants", ".", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "consensus", "protocols", "have", "a", "rich", "history", ",", "but", "most", "require", "pre", "##ex", "##ist", "##ing", "agreement", "on", "the", "protocol", "participants", "[", "8", ",", "3", "]", ".", "The", "di", "##st", "##in", "-", "g", "##ui", "##shing", "characteristic", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "that", "it", "guarantees", "consistency", "with", "only", "1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1802", ".", "07", "##24", "##2", "##v", "##1", "partial", "agreement", "on", "who", "participates", ",", "allowing", "a", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "open", "network" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol Brad Chase Ethan MacBrough Ripple Research {bchase,emacbrough}@ripple.com February 21, 2018 Abstract The XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol is a previously developed con- sensus protocol powering the XRP Ledger. It is a low-latency Byzantine agreement protocol, capable of reaching consensus without full agreement on which nodes are members of the network. We present a detailed expla- nation of the algorithm and derive conditions for its safety and livenes
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[ "Analysis", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "Brad", "Chase", "Ethan", "Mac", "##B", "##rough", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "Research", "{", "b", "##chase", ",", "em", "##ac", "##bro", "##ugh", "}", "@", "rip", "##ple", ".", "com", "February", "21", ",", "2018", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "is", "a", "previously", "developed", "con", "-", "se", "##ns", "##us", "protocol", "power", "##ing", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", ".", "It", "is", "a", "low", "-", "late", "##ncy", "Byzantine", "agreement", "protocol", ",", "capable", "of", "reaching", "consensus", "without", "full", "agreement", "on", "which", "nodes", "are", "members", "of", "the", "network", ".", "We", "present", "a", "detailed", "ex", "##p", "##la", "-", "nation", "of", "the", "algorithm", "and", "derive", "conditions", "for", "its", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "1", "Introduction", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "is", "a", "distributed", "payment", "system", "enabling", "users", "to", "transfer", "value", "sea", "##m", "##lessly", "around", "the", "world", ".", "Operating", "within", "a", "distributed", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "faces", "the", "same", "challenges", "as", "other", "digital", "cu", "##rre", "##ncies", "in", "preventing", "double", "-", "spending", "of", "funds", "and", "ensuring", "network", "-", "wide", "consensus", "on", "the", "state", "of", "user", "accounts", "and", "balance", "##s", ".", "First", "proposed", "and", "then", "implemented", "by", "Schwartz", "et", "al", ".", "[", "10", "]", ",", "the", "algorithm", "underlying", "X", "##RP", "solve", "##s", "these", "problems", "using", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "agreement", "protocol", "over", "collectively", "trusted", "sub", "##net", "##works", ",", "here", "##by", "referred", "to", "as", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ",", "or", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "for", "short", ".", "A", "##bs", "##tract", "##ly", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "network", "is", "a", "replica", "##ted", "state", "machine", "[", "9", "]", ".", "The", "replica", "##ted", "state", "is", "the", "ledge", "##r", "maintained", "by", "each", "node", "in", "the", "network", "and", "state", "transitions", "correspond", "to", "transactions", "submitted", "by", "clients", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Once", "nodes", "agree", "on", "sets", "of", "transactions", "to", "apply", "to", "the", "state", ",", "a", "transaction", "processing", "protocol", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "rules", "for", "ordering", "transactions", "within", "each", "set", "and", "how", "to", "apply", "transactions", "to", "generate", "the", "new", "ledge", "##r", "state", ".", "Thus", ",", "the", "role", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "only", "to", "make", "the", "network", "reach", "agreement", "on", "sets", "of", "transactions", ",", "not", "on", "the", "content", "or", "outcome", "of", "those", "transactions", ".", "As", "long", "as", "nodes", "agree", "on", "a", "transaction", "set", ",", "the", "transaction", "processing", "protocol", "guarantees", "that", "every", "node", "generates", "a", "consistent", "ledge", "##r", ".", "As", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "protocol", ",", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "must", "operate", "even", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "fault", "##y", "or", "ma", "##lic", "##ious", "participants", ".", "Byzantine", "fault", "tolerant", "consensus", "protocols", "have", "a", "rich", "history", ",", "but", "most", "require", "pre", "##ex", "##ist", "##ing", "agreement", "on", "the", "protocol", "participants", "[", "8", ",", "3", "]", ".", "The", "di", "##st", "##in", "-", "g", "##ui", "##shing", "characteristic", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "that", "it", "guarantees", "consistency", "with", "only", "1", "http", ":", "/", "/", "a", "##r", "##xi", "##v", ".", "org", "/", "a", "##bs", "/", "1802", ".", "07", "##24", "##2", "##v", "##1", "partial", "agreement", "on", "who", "participates", ",", "allowing", "a", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "open", "network" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
s. 1 Introduction The XRP Ledger is a distributed payment system enabling users to transfer value seamlessly around the world. Operating within a distributed peer-to-peer network, the XRP Ledger faces the same challenges as other digital currencies in preventing double-spending of funds and ensuring network-wide consensus on the state of user accounts and balances. First proposed and then implemented by Schwartz et al. [10], the algorithm underlying XRP solves these problems using a Byzantine fault tole
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[ ".", "Compared", "to", "other", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "consensus", "algorithms", "like", "proof", "-", "of", "-", "work", "[", "7", "]", "or", "proof", "-", "of", "-", "stake", "[", "2", "]", ",", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "has", "since", "its", "inception", "provided", "lower", "transaction", "late", "##ncy", "and", "higher", "through", "##put", "for", "its", "users", ".", "However", ",", "without", "uniform", "agree", "-", "men", "##t", "on", "the", "network", "participants", ",", "users", "still", "need", "a", "way", "to", "determine", "whether", "their", "choice", "of", "network", "peers", "will", "lead", "to", "a", "consistent", "network", "state", ".", "In", "this", "setting", ",", "each", "user", "individually", "defines", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "or", "UN", "##L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "whose", "messages", "it", "will", "listen", "to", "when", "making", "decisions", "about", "the", "network", "state", ".", "It", "is", "the", "intersection", "of", "any", "pair", "of", "correct", "nodes", "'", "UN", "##L", "##s", "that", "determines", "network", "safety", ".", "As", "described", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", ",", "the", "minimum", "overlap", "requirement", "was", "originally", "believed", "to", "be", "roughly", "20", "%", "of", "the", "UN", "##L", ".", "An", "independent", "analysis", "later", "suggested", "the", "correct", "bound", "was", "instead", "roughly", ">", "40", "%", "[", "1", "]", ".", "Given", "this", "confusion", ",", "our", "goal", "in", "this", "work", "is", "to", "give", "a", "clear", "and", "detailed", "explanation", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "and", "derive", "the", "necessary", "conditions", "on", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "for", "consistency", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "We", "will", "not", "discuss", "the", "transaction", "##al", "semantic", "##s", "of", "X", "##RP", "'", "s", "ledge", "##r", "or", "X", "##RP", "'", "s", "benefits", "as", "a", "digital", "currency", ",", "but", "instead", "view", "the", "algorithm", "as", "a", "general", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "We", "re", "-", "evaluate", "the", "two", "prior", "overlap", "results", "and", "provide", "a", "single", "corrected", "bound", "which", "is", "part", "##way", "between", "the", "bounds", "of", "[", "10", "]", "and", "[", "1", "]", ".", "We", "also", "show", "that", "under", "a", "more", "general", "fault", "model", "which", "was", "not", "considered", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "but", "is", "canonical", "##ly", "used", "in", "the", "research", "literature", ",", "the", "minimum", "overlap", "is", "actually", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "of", "the", "UN", "##L", ".", "Finally", ",", "we", "show", "that", "during", "the", "present", "stages", "of", "divers", "##ifying", "trusted", "network", "operators", "[", "12", "]", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "network", "is", "both", "safe", "and", "cannot", "become", "\"", "stuck", "\"", "making", "no", "forward", "progress", ".", "This", "research", "provides", "a", "definitive", "result", "about", "the", "safety", "of", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "in", "its", "current", "state", ".", "However", ",", "to", "encourage", "greater", "flexibility", "in", "choosing", "UN", "##L", "##s", "in", "the", "future", ",", "we", "would", "prefer", "an", "algorithm", "that", "gets", "closer", "to", "the", "original", "expected", "overlap", "bounds", ".", "In", "a", "sibling", "paper", "[", "6", "]", ",", "we", "present", "a", "novel", "alternative", "consensus", "algorithm", "called", "Co", "##balt", "that", "lower", "##s", "the", "overlap", "bound", "to", "only", ">", "60", "%", "in", "the", "general", "fault", "model", ",", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "any", "network", "that", "sat", "##is", "##fies", "the", "overlap", "bound", ",", "and", "has", "several", "other", "properties", "that", "make", "it", "suitable", "for", "eventually", "replacing", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "This", "paper", "thus", "serves", "primarily", "to", "show", "that", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "is", "safe", "in", "the", "interim", "while", "transition", "##ing", "to", "Co", "##balt", "," ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
s. 1 Introduction The XRP Ledger is a distributed payment system enabling users to transfer value seamlessly around the world. Operating within a distributed peer-to-peer network, the XRP Ledger faces the same challenges as other digital currencies in preventing double-spending of funds and ensuring network-wide consensus on the state of user accounts and balances. First proposed and then implemented by Schwartz et al. [10], the algorithm underlying XRP solves these problems using a Byzantine fault tole
[ 119, 22439, 1106, 1168, 11858, 4412, 2200, 10923, 14975, 1176, 6777, 118, 1104, 118, 1250, 164, 128, 166, 1137, 6777, 118, 1104, 118, 8219, 164, 123, 166, 117, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1144, 1290, 1157, 12548, 2136, 2211, 13618, 1523, 7232, 1105, 2299, 1194, 16156, 1111, 1157, 4713, 119, 1438, 117, 1443, 6029, 5340, 118, 1441, 1204, 1113, 1103, 2443, 6635, 117, 4713, 1253, 1444, 170, 1236, 1106, 4959, 2480, 1147, 3026, 1104, 2443, 14097, 1209, 1730, 1106, 170, 8080, 2443, 1352, 119, 1130, 1142, 3545, 117, 1296, 4795, 15473, 12028, 170, 3527, 14372, 2190, 1137, 7414, 2162, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 2133, 7416, 1122, 1209, 5113, 1106, 1165, 1543, 6134, 1164, 1103, 2443, 1352, 119, 1135, 1110, 1103, 6326, 1104, 1251, 3111, 1104, 5663, 15029, 112, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1115, 17579, 2443, 3429, 119, 1249, 1758, 1107, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 117, 1103, 5867, 19235, 8875, 1108, 2034, 2475, 1106, 1129, 4986, 1406, 110, 1104, 1103, 7414, 2162, 119, 1760, 2457, 3622, 1224, 3228, 1103, 5663, 4930, 1108, 1939, 4986, 135, 1969, 110, 164, 122, 166, 119, 10470, 1142, 6406, 117, 1412, 2273, 1107, 1142, 1250, 1110, 1106, 1660, 170, 2330, 1105, 6448, 7108, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1105, 20292, 1103, 3238, 2975, 1113, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1111, 20904, 1105, 1686, 1757, 119, 1284, 1209, 1136, 6265, 1103, 13618, 1348, 27921, 1116, 1104, 161, 20336, 112, 188, 21340, 1197, 1137, 161, 20336, 112, 188, 6245, 1112, 170, 3539, 10202, 117, 1133, 1939, 2458, 1103, 9932, 1112, 170, 1704, 10923, 11309, 119, 1284, 1231, 118, 17459, 1103, 1160, 2988, 19235, 2686, 1105, 2194, 170, 1423, 13808, 4930, 1134, 1110, 1226, 2787, 1206, 1103, 22379, 1104, 164, 1275, 166, 1105, 164, 122, 166, 119, 1284, 1145, 1437, 1115, 1223, 170, 1167, 1704, 6088, 2235, 1134, 1108, 1136, 1737, 1107, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 1133, 1110, 21768, 1193, 1215, 1107, 1103, 1844, 3783, 117, 1103, 5867, 19235, 1110, 2140, 4986, 135, 3078, 110, 1104, 1103, 7414, 2162, 119, 4428, 117, 1195, 1437, 1115, 1219, 1103, 1675, 5251, 1104, 22767, 8985, 9373, 2443, 9298, 164, 1367, 166, 117, 1103, 161, 20336, 2443, 1110, 1241, 2914, 1105, 2834, 1561, 107, 5342, 107, 1543, 1185, 1977, 5070, 119, 1188, 1844, 2790, 170, 18379, 1871, 1164, 1103, 3429, 1104, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 1107, 1157, 1954, 1352, 119, 1438, 117, 1106, 8343, 3407, 18605, 1107, 11027, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1107, 1103, 2174, 117, 1195, 1156, 9353, 1126, 9932, 1115, 3370, 2739, 1106, 1103, 1560, 2637, 19235, 22379, 119, 1130, 170, 26563, 2526, 164, 127, 166, 117, 1195, 1675, 170, 2281, 4174, 10923, 9932, 1270, 3291, 26443, 1115, 2211, 1116, 1103, 19235, 4930, 1106, 1178, 135, 2539, 110, 1107, 1103, 1704, 6088, 2235, 117, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1107, 1251, 2443, 1115, 2068, 1548, 16847, 1103, 19235, 4930, 117, 1105, 1144, 1317, 1168, 4625, 1115, 1294, 1122, 6736, 1111, 2028, 5861, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 1188, 2526, 2456, 3411, 3120, 1106, 1437, 1115, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 1110, 2914, 1107, 1103, 10572, 1229, 6468, 1158, 1106, 3291, 26443, 117 ]
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[ ".", "Compared", "to", "other", "decent", "##ral", "##ized", "consensus", "algorithms", "like", "proof", "-", "of", "-", "work", "[", "7", "]", "or", "proof", "-", "of", "-", "stake", "[", "2", "]", ",", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "has", "since", "its", "inception", "provided", "lower", "transaction", "late", "##ncy", "and", "higher", "through", "##put", "for", "its", "users", ".", "However", ",", "without", "uniform", "agree", "-", "men", "##t", "on", "the", "network", "participants", ",", "users", "still", "need", "a", "way", "to", "determine", "whether", "their", "choice", "of", "network", "peers", "will", "lead", "to", "a", "consistent", "network", "state", ".", "In", "this", "setting", ",", "each", "user", "individually", "defines", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "or", "UN", "##L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "whose", "messages", "it", "will", "listen", "to", "when", "making", "decisions", "about", "the", "network", "state", ".", "It", "is", "the", "intersection", "of", "any", "pair", "of", "correct", "nodes", "'", "UN", "##L", "##s", "that", "determines", "network", "safety", ".", "As", "described", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", ",", "the", "minimum", "overlap", "requirement", "was", "originally", "believed", "to", "be", "roughly", "20", "%", "of", "the", "UN", "##L", ".", "An", "independent", "analysis", "later", "suggested", "the", "correct", "bound", "was", "instead", "roughly", ">", "40", "%", "[", "1", "]", ".", "Given", "this", "confusion", ",", "our", "goal", "in", "this", "work", "is", "to", "give", "a", "clear", "and", "detailed", "explanation", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "and", "derive", "the", "necessary", "conditions", "on", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "for", "consistency", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "We", "will", "not", "discuss", "the", "transaction", "##al", "semantic", "##s", "of", "X", "##RP", "'", "s", "ledge", "##r", "or", "X", "##RP", "'", "s", "benefits", "as", "a", "digital", "currency", ",", "but", "instead", "view", "the", "algorithm", "as", "a", "general", "consensus", "protocol", ".", "We", "re", "-", "evaluate", "the", "two", "prior", "overlap", "results", "and", "provide", "a", "single", "corrected", "bound", "which", "is", "part", "##way", "between", "the", "bounds", "of", "[", "10", "]", "and", "[", "1", "]", ".", "We", "also", "show", "that", "under", "a", "more", "general", "fault", "model", "which", "was", "not", "considered", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "but", "is", "canonical", "##ly", "used", "in", "the", "research", "literature", ",", "the", "minimum", "overlap", "is", "actually", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "of", "the", "UN", "##L", ".", "Finally", ",", "we", "show", "that", "during", "the", "present", "stages", "of", "divers", "##ifying", "trusted", "network", "operators", "[", "12", "]", ",", "the", "X", "##RP", "network", "is", "both", "safe", "and", "cannot", "become", "\"", "stuck", "\"", "making", "no", "forward", "progress", ".", "This", "research", "provides", "a", "definitive", "result", "about", "the", "safety", "of", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "in", "its", "current", "state", ".", "However", ",", "to", "encourage", "greater", "flexibility", "in", "choosing", "UN", "##L", "##s", "in", "the", "future", ",", "we", "would", "prefer", "an", "algorithm", "that", "gets", "closer", "to", "the", "original", "expected", "overlap", "bounds", ".", "In", "a", "sibling", "paper", "[", "6", "]", ",", "we", "present", "a", "novel", "alternative", "consensus", "algorithm", "called", "Co", "##balt", "that", "lower", "##s", "the", "overlap", "bound", "to", "only", ">", "60", "%", "in", "the", "general", "fault", "model", ",", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "any", "network", "that", "sat", "##is", "##fies", "the", "overlap", "bound", ",", "and", "has", "several", "other", "properties", "that", "make", "it", "suitable", "for", "eventually", "replacing", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "This", "paper", "thus", "serves", "primarily", "to", "show", "that", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "is", "safe", "in", "the", "interim", "while", "transition", "##ing", "to", "Co", "##balt", "," ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
rant agreement protocol over collectively trusted subnetworks, hereby referred to as the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol, or XRP LCP for short. Abstractly, the XRP Ledger network is a replicated state machine [9]. The replicated state is the ledger maintained by each node in the network and state transitions correspond to transactions submitted by clients of the network. Once nodes agree on sets of transactions to apply to the state, a transaction processing protocol specifies deterministic rules for order
[ 1105, 1103, 3860, 9382, 5420, 1113, 7414, 2162, 25209, 1223, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1431, 1129, 6497, 1107, 1609, 1104, 1142, 2919, 6468, 119, 6177, 123, 12028, 1103, 2443, 2235, 1105, 12028, 1103, 10923, 2463, 119, 22087, 1665, 118, 189, 1988, 124, 1110, 170, 6448, 6136, 1104, 1103, 155, 9717, 7136, 10923, 9932, 119, 1130, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 5424, 1103, 2443, 2975, 1834, 1106, 11865, 5663, 1757, 1104, 1103, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 119, 4428, 117, 2237, 126, 15382, 1114, 170, 6145, 1104, 1103, 2686, 1105, 7768, 1111, 8331, 119, 123, 123, 3998, 6747, 1105, 21710, 3177, 16598, 8934, 2421, 21902, 1129, 170, 14372, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1114, 3527, 25021, 3452, 17792, 178, 117, 1216, 1112, 170, 5354, 6451, 9597, 1470, 2501, 119, 2994, 14372, 21902, 1110, 1714, 1106, 4835, 170, 3527, 14372, 2190, 7414, 2162, 1182, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 113, 3566, 1259, 2111, 114, 2133, 7416, 21902, 1209, 5113, 1106, 1112, 1226, 1104, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 1109, 7414, 2162, 5149, 170, 18005, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1134, 117, 1165, 1678, 14998, 117, 1110, 9373, 1118, 21902, 1106, 1136, 1884, 2339, 10308, 1107, 1126, 2661, 1106, 19353, 1611, 4867, 1103, 2443, 113, 1267, 164, 1275, 166, 1111, 1103, 15710, 1104, 1142, 1271, 114, 119, 1109, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1660, 2401, 1106, 1103, 2443, 117, 1114, 170, 14372, 1115, 1110, 1675, 1107, 1167, 7414, 2162, 1116, 24034, 18726, 1193, 1515, 1167, 2933, 119, 1760, 2510, 14372, 1144, 2335, 21435, 1107, 1103, 3026, 1104, 1147, 7414, 2162, 117, 1780, 1195, 1437, 1107, 2237, 125, 1115, 5867, 19235, 1114, 1168, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1110, 3238, 1111, 20904, 1105, 1686, 1757, 1114, 1168, 7345, 15029, 119, 1284, 1202, 1136, 7568, 1115, 3496, 1110, 21852, 117, 1177, 1111, 5374, 1175, 1336, 1129, 170, 14372, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1216, 1115, 21902, 120, 850, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 15982, 122, 2196, 1126, 1859, 3496, 2443, 119, 138, 14372, 1115, 1110, 1136, 7573, 1105, 18492, 1116, 2839, 2452, 1106, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 14911, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 7345, 1137, 5663, 132, 1195, 1329, 1103, 1160, 2538, 9455, 118, 1849, 5382, 119, 6291, 14372, 1115, 1674, 1136, 18492, 2452, 1106, 11309, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 8377, 119, 8377, 4658, 1169, 1511, 1136, 16322, 1106, 7416, 117, 5416, 18238, 7416, 117, 1105, 1256, 5416, 1472, 7416, 1106, 1472, 3512, 119, 1130, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 2786, 4615, 170, 18760, 1113, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1270, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1134, 2231, 1115, 1155, 15029, 782, 1256, 8377, 3200, 782, 2834, 3952, 1472, 7416, 1106, 1472, 15029, 119, 1188, 1108, 1226, 1104, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 117, 1134, 4260, 1216, 4658, 1107, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1180, 1129, 3626, 1105, 13808, 1118, 7345, 15029, 119, 1438, 117, 1496, 1106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 1105, 1103, 5417, 1104, 7345, 15029, 1217, 7818, 16416, 1174, 117, 1142, 13457, 1110, 1107, 2415, 1995, 8163, 1120, 1436, 119, 4516, 1103, 9634, 1104, 1412, 2686, 1202, 1136, 12864, 1113, 1142, 13457, 1105, 1195, 1209, 3817, 1352 ]
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[ "and", "the", "relatively", "strict", "requirements", "on", "UN", "##L", "configurations", "under", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "should", "be", "viewed", "in", "light", "of", "this", "planned", "transition", ".", "Section", "2", "defines", "the", "network", "model", "and", "defines", "the", "consensus", "problem", ".", "Se", "##c", "-", "t", "##ion", "3", "is", "a", "detailed", "description", "of", "the", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "In", "section", "4", ",", "we", "prove", "the", "network", "conditions", "needed", "to", "guarantee", "correct", "##ness", "of", "the", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", ".", "Finally", ",", "section", "5", "concludes", "with", "a", "discussion", "of", "the", "results", "and", "directions", "for", "improvement", ".", "2", "2", "Network", "Model", "and", "Problem", "De", "##fin", "##ition", "Let", "Pi", "be", "a", "node", "in", "the", "network", "with", "unique", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "i", ",", "such", "as", "a", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "public", "key", ".", "Each", "node", "Pi", "is", "free", "to", "choose", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "UN", "##L", "##i", ",", "which", "is", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "(", "possibly", "including", "itself", ")", "whose", "messages", "Pi", "will", "listen", "to", "as", "part", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "The", "UN", "##L", "represents", "a", "subset", "of", "the", "network", "which", ",", "when", "taken", "collectively", ",", "is", "trusted", "by", "Pi", "to", "not", "co", "##ll", "##ude", "in", "an", "attempt", "to", "def", "##ra", "##ud", "the", "network", "(", "see", "[", "10", "]", "for", "the", "motivation", "of", "this", "name", ")", ".", "The", "UN", "##L", "##s", "give", "structure", "to", "the", "network", ",", "with", "a", "node", "that", "is", "present", "in", "more", "UN", "##L", "##s", "imp", "##licit", "##ly", "having", "more", "influence", ".", "An", "individual", "node", "has", "complete", "discretion", "in", "the", "choice", "of", "their", "UN", "##L", ",", "although", "we", "show", "in", "section", "4", "that", "minimum", "overlap", "with", "other", "UN", "##L", "##s", "is", "necessary", "for", "consistency", "and", "live", "##ness", "with", "other", "honest", "nodes", ".", "We", "do", "not", "assume", "that", "trust", "is", "symmetric", ",", "so", "for", "instance", "there", "may", "be", "a", "node", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", "such", "that", "Pi", "/", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "Figure", "1", "shows", "an", "example", "trust", "network", ".", "A", "node", "that", "is", "not", "crashed", "and", "behave", "##s", "exactly", "according", "to", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "specification", "is", "said", "to", "be", "honest", "or", "correct", ";", "we", "use", "the", "two", "terms", "inter", "-", "change", "##ably", ".", "Any", "node", "that", "does", "not", "behave", "according", "to", "protocol", "is", "said", "to", "be", "Byzantine", ".", "Byzantine", "behavior", "can", "include", "not", "responding", "to", "messages", ",", "sending", "incorrect", "messages", ",", "and", "even", "sending", "different", "messages", "to", "different", "parties", ".", "In", "section", "4", ",", "we", "initially", "consider", "a", "restriction", "on", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "called", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "which", "states", "that", "all", "nodes", "–", "even", "Byzantine", "ones", "–", "cannot", "send", "different", "messages", "to", "different", "nodes", ".", "This", "was", "part", "of", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", ",", "which", "assumed", "such", "behavior", "in", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "could", "be", "identified", "and", "corrected", "by", "honest", "nodes", ".", "However", ",", "due", "to", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "and", "the", "possibility", "of", "honest", "nodes", "being", "temporarily", "partition", "##ed", ",", "this", "assumption", "is", "in", "practice", "ten", "##uous", "at", "best", ".", "Thus", "the", "bulk", "of", "our", "results", "do", "not", "depend", "on", "this", "assumption", "and", "we", "will", "clearly", "state" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
rant agreement protocol over collectively trusted subnetworks, hereby referred to as the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol, or XRP LCP for short. Abstractly, the XRP Ledger network is a replicated state machine [9]. The replicated state is the ledger maintained by each node in the network and state transitions correspond to transactions submitted by clients of the network. Once nodes agree on sets of transactions to apply to the state, a transaction processing protocol specifies deterministic rules for order
[ 1105, 1103, 3860, 9382, 5420, 1113, 7414, 2162, 25209, 1223, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1431, 1129, 6497, 1107, 1609, 1104, 1142, 2919, 6468, 119, 6177, 123, 12028, 1103, 2443, 2235, 1105, 12028, 1103, 10923, 2463, 119, 22087, 1665, 118, 189, 1988, 124, 1110, 170, 6448, 6136, 1104, 1103, 155, 9717, 7136, 10923, 9932, 119, 1130, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 5424, 1103, 2443, 2975, 1834, 1106, 11865, 5663, 1757, 1104, 1103, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 119, 4428, 117, 2237, 126, 15382, 1114, 170, 6145, 1104, 1103, 2686, 1105, 7768, 1111, 8331, 119, 123, 123, 3998, 6747, 1105, 21710, 3177, 16598, 8934, 2421, 21902, 1129, 170, 14372, 1107, 1103, 2443, 1114, 3527, 25021, 3452, 17792, 178, 117, 1216, 1112, 170, 5354, 6451, 9597, 1470, 2501, 119, 2994, 14372, 21902, 1110, 1714, 1106, 4835, 170, 3527, 14372, 2190, 7414, 2162, 1182, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 113, 3566, 1259, 2111, 114, 2133, 7416, 21902, 1209, 5113, 1106, 1112, 1226, 1104, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 1109, 7414, 2162, 5149, 170, 18005, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1134, 117, 1165, 1678, 14998, 117, 1110, 9373, 1118, 21902, 1106, 1136, 1884, 2339, 10308, 1107, 1126, 2661, 1106, 19353, 1611, 4867, 1103, 2443, 113, 1267, 164, 1275, 166, 1111, 1103, 15710, 1104, 1142, 1271, 114, 119, 1109, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1660, 2401, 1106, 1103, 2443, 117, 1114, 170, 14372, 1115, 1110, 1675, 1107, 1167, 7414, 2162, 1116, 24034, 18726, 1193, 1515, 1167, 2933, 119, 1760, 2510, 14372, 1144, 2335, 21435, 1107, 1103, 3026, 1104, 1147, 7414, 2162, 117, 1780, 1195, 1437, 1107, 2237, 125, 1115, 5867, 19235, 1114, 1168, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1110, 3238, 1111, 20904, 1105, 1686, 1757, 1114, 1168, 7345, 15029, 119, 1284, 1202, 1136, 7568, 1115, 3496, 1110, 21852, 117, 1177, 1111, 5374, 1175, 1336, 1129, 170, 14372, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1216, 1115, 21902, 120, 850, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 15982, 122, 2196, 1126, 1859, 3496, 2443, 119, 138, 14372, 1115, 1110, 1136, 7573, 1105, 18492, 1116, 2839, 2452, 1106, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 14911, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 7345, 1137, 5663, 132, 1195, 1329, 1103, 1160, 2538, 9455, 118, 1849, 5382, 119, 6291, 14372, 1115, 1674, 1136, 18492, 2452, 1106, 11309, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 8377, 119, 8377, 4658, 1169, 1511, 1136, 16322, 1106, 7416, 117, 5416, 18238, 7416, 117, 1105, 1256, 5416, 1472, 7416, 1106, 1472, 3512, 119, 1130, 2237, 125, 117, 1195, 2786, 4615, 170, 18760, 1113, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1270, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1134, 2231, 1115, 1155, 15029, 782, 1256, 8377, 3200, 782, 2834, 3952, 1472, 7416, 1106, 1472, 15029, 119, 1188, 1108, 1226, 1104, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 117, 1134, 4260, 1216, 4658, 1107, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1180, 1129, 3626, 1105, 13808, 1118, 7345, 15029, 119, 1438, 117, 1496, 1106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 1105, 1103, 5417, 1104, 7345, 15029, 1217, 7818, 16416, 1174, 117, 1142, 13457, 1110, 1107, 2415, 1995, 8163, 1120, 1436, 119, 4516, 1103, 9634, 1104, 1412, 2686, 1202, 1136, 12864, 1113, 1142, 13457, 1105, 1195, 1209, 3817, 1352 ]
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[ "and", "the", "relatively", "strict", "requirements", "on", "UN", "##L", "configurations", "under", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "should", "be", "viewed", "in", "light", "of", "this", "planned", "transition", ".", "Section", "2", "defines", "the", "network", "model", "and", "defines", "the", "consensus", "problem", ".", "Se", "##c", "-", "t", "##ion", "3", "is", "a", "detailed", "description", "of", "the", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "In", "section", "4", ",", "we", "prove", "the", "network", "conditions", "needed", "to", "guarantee", "correct", "##ness", "of", "the", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", ".", "Finally", ",", "section", "5", "concludes", "with", "a", "discussion", "of", "the", "results", "and", "directions", "for", "improvement", ".", "2", "2", "Network", "Model", "and", "Problem", "De", "##fin", "##ition", "Let", "Pi", "be", "a", "node", "in", "the", "network", "with", "unique", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "i", ",", "such", "as", "a", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "public", "key", ".", "Each", "node", "Pi", "is", "free", "to", "choose", "a", "unique", "node", "list", "UN", "##L", "##i", ",", "which", "is", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "(", "possibly", "including", "itself", ")", "whose", "messages", "Pi", "will", "listen", "to", "as", "part", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "The", "UN", "##L", "represents", "a", "subset", "of", "the", "network", "which", ",", "when", "taken", "collectively", ",", "is", "trusted", "by", "Pi", "to", "not", "co", "##ll", "##ude", "in", "an", "attempt", "to", "def", "##ra", "##ud", "the", "network", "(", "see", "[", "10", "]", "for", "the", "motivation", "of", "this", "name", ")", ".", "The", "UN", "##L", "##s", "give", "structure", "to", "the", "network", ",", "with", "a", "node", "that", "is", "present", "in", "more", "UN", "##L", "##s", "imp", "##licit", "##ly", "having", "more", "influence", ".", "An", "individual", "node", "has", "complete", "discretion", "in", "the", "choice", "of", "their", "UN", "##L", ",", "although", "we", "show", "in", "section", "4", "that", "minimum", "overlap", "with", "other", "UN", "##L", "##s", "is", "necessary", "for", "consistency", "and", "live", "##ness", "with", "other", "honest", "nodes", ".", "We", "do", "not", "assume", "that", "trust", "is", "symmetric", ",", "so", "for", "instance", "there", "may", "be", "a", "node", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", "such", "that", "Pi", "/", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "Figure", "1", "shows", "an", "example", "trust", "network", ".", "A", "node", "that", "is", "not", "crashed", "and", "behave", "##s", "exactly", "according", "to", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "specification", "is", "said", "to", "be", "honest", "or", "correct", ";", "we", "use", "the", "two", "terms", "inter", "-", "change", "##ably", ".", "Any", "node", "that", "does", "not", "behave", "according", "to", "protocol", "is", "said", "to", "be", "Byzantine", ".", "Byzantine", "behavior", "can", "include", "not", "responding", "to", "messages", ",", "sending", "incorrect", "messages", ",", "and", "even", "sending", "different", "messages", "to", "different", "parties", ".", "In", "section", "4", ",", "we", "initially", "consider", "a", "restriction", "on", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "called", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "which", "states", "that", "all", "nodes", "–", "even", "Byzantine", "ones", "–", "cannot", "send", "different", "messages", "to", "different", "nodes", ".", "This", "was", "part", "of", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", ",", "which", "assumed", "such", "behavior", "in", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "could", "be", "identified", "and", "corrected", "by", "honest", "nodes", ".", "However", ",", "due", "to", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "and", "the", "possibility", "of", "honest", "nodes", "being", "temporarily", "partition", "##ed", ",", "this", "assumption", "is", "in", "practice", "ten", "##uous", "at", "best", ".", "Thus", "the", "bulk", "of", "our", "results", "do", "not", "depend", "on", "this", "assumption", "and", "we", "will", "clearly", "state" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ing transactions within each set and how to apply transactions to generate the new ledger state. Thus, the role of XRP LCP is only to make the network reach agreement on sets of transactions, not on the content or outcome of those transactions. As long as nodes agree on a transaction set, the transaction processing protocol guarantees that every node generates a consistent ledger. As a Byzantine fault tolerant protocol, XRP LCP must operate even in the presence of faulty or malicious participants. Byzant
[ 1165, 1122, 1110, 4260, 119, 1370, 1251, 14372, 21902, 117, 1195, 21185, 11437, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 1105, 9410, 1103, 186, 11848, 5697, 117, 21307, 186, 1182, 117, 170, 17816, 1134, 4986, 188, 25392, 9387, 1103, 5867, 1295, 1104, 17577, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 21902, 2993, 1106, 2100, 1121, 1106, 10836, 1106, 170, 2383, 119, 2994, 14372, 3741, 186, 1182, 1106, 1129, 2908, 110, 1104, 1157, 7414, 2162, 2060, 117, 1137, 117, 1167, 2839, 117, 186, 1182, 134, 100, 121, 119, 129, 2605, 100, 119, 1284, 7568, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 127, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1336, 1129, 8377, 6088, 1183, 119, 2421, 149, 4248, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 3416, 1352, 1104, 1103, 1449, 1105, 2075, 3300, 11106, 117, 5233, 1116, 117, 1546, 2146, 117, 3576, 119, 1960, 21340, 1733, 149, 117, 149, 797, 1132, 1103, 1269, 1191, 1152, 4248, 1103, 1269, 2802, 1607, 1104, 14409, 2547, 1121, 1103, 3527, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 119, 2994, 21340, 1197, 1145, 1144, 4954, 1295, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1115, 1110, 1141, 3407, 1190, 1157, 6486, 21340, 1197, 112, 188, 4954, 1295, 119, 1109, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 1144, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 122, 119, 138, 21340, 1197, 149, 1110, 1687, 1118, 11892, 170, 4954, 1104, 14409, 157, 134, 164, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 117, 119, 119, 119, 166, 1106, 1157, 6486, 6486, 113, 149, 114, 2452, 1106, 1103, 11309, 2995, 119, 1960, 21340, 1733, 1336, 1138, 1103, 1269, 6486, 21340, 1197, 1105, 4954, 1295, 117, 1133, 11271, 1272, 1152, 3666, 1472, 14409, 119, 5322, 1463, 1115, 1103, 11309, 188, 25392, 9387, 1115, 1451, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1144, 170, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 13649, 117, 1177, 1122, 1110, 1136, 1936, 1111, 1160, 5663, 15029, 1106, 6058, 1103, 1269, 14409, 1133, 1107, 170, 1472, 1546, 119, 1109, 15029, 10621, 1166, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1134, 1144, 1185, 17421, 6796, 1114, 1103, 7414, 2162, 2401, 119, 1284, 2566, 7568, 1115, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 1105, 1451, 14372, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 117, 1175, 1110, 170, 10682, 16047, 2913, 3094, 1111, 21902, 1106, 3531, 124, 170, 172, 171, 174, 173, 176, 175, 178, 177, 179, 15982, 122, 131, 16409, 26671, 3496, 10873, 119, 1109, 11634, 7521, 4248, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1104, 14372, 21902, 119, 7416, 1121, 153, 3361, 119, 1706, 10407, 1216, 1126, 16047, 2913, 3094, 117, 1155, 7416, 1132, 5354, 6451, 9597, 2716, 1878, 1105, 22480, 1118, 21535, 119, 2994, 14372, 2745, 170, 1423, 4909, 12130, 3012, 117, 1134, 1165, 1270, 1121, 14372, 153, 3361, 10130, 1103, 1269, 3802, 1106, 1155, 15029, 21902, 1111, 1134, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 119, 1130, 1103, 14975, 2756, 1107, 12647, 6696, 7231, 138, 117, 1195, 1329, 170, 7671, 3531, 12130, 1134, 1110, 1270, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 1852, 1103, 1231, 27333, 1104, 170, 3012, 3802, 119, 1109, 9386, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 21340, 1733, 119, 138, 3106, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 178, 11604, 24553 ]
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[ "when", "it", "is", "assumed", ".", "For", "any", "node", "Pi", ",", "we", "denote", "ni", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "and", "define", "the", "q", "##uo", "##rum", ",", "denoted", "q", "##i", ",", "a", "parameter", "which", "roughly", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "the", "minimum", "number", "of", "agreeing", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "Pi", "needs", "to", "hear", "from", "to", "commit", "to", "a", "decision", ".", "Each", "node", "sets", "q", "##i", "to", "be", "80", "%", "of", "its", "UN", "##L", "size", ",", "or", ",", "more", "exactly", ",", "q", "##i", "=", "[UNK]", "0", ".", "8", "##ni", "[UNK]", ".", "We", "assume", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "6", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "may", "be", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", ".", "Let", "L", "represent", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "which", "is", "the", "shared", "state", "of", "the", "system", "and", "includes", "account", "settings", ",", "balance", "##s", ",", "order", "books", ",", "etc", ".", "Two", "ledge", "##rs", "L", ",", "L", "β€²", "are", "the", "same", "if", "they", "represent", "the", "same", "ordered", "history", "of", "transactions", "starting", "from", "the", "unique", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Each", "ledge", "##r", "also", "has", "sequence", "number", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "that", "is", "one", "greater", "than", "its", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "'", "s", "sequence", "number", ".", "The", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", "has", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "1", ".", "A", "ledge", "##r", "L", "is", "created", "by", "applying", "a", "sequence", "of", "transactions", "T", "=", "[", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", ",", ".", ".", ".", "]", "to", "its", "parent", "parent", "(", "L", ")", "according", "to", "the", "protocol", "rules", ".", "Two", "ledge", "##rs", "may", "have", "the", "same", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "and", "sequence", "number", ",", "but", "differ", "because", "they", "applied", "different", "transactions", ".", "Note", "though", "that", "the", "protocol", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "that", "every", "set", "of", "transactions", "has", "a", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "ordering", ",", "so", "it", "is", "not", "possible", "for", "two", "correct", "nodes", "to", "apply", "the", "same", "transactions", "but", "in", "a", "different", "order", ".", "The", "nodes", "communicate", "over", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "which", "has", "no", "prescribed", "relation", "with", "the", "UN", "##L", "structure", ".", "We", "simply", "assume", "that", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", "and", "every", "node", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", ",", "there", "is", "a", "reliable", "authentic", "##ated", "channel", "for", "Pi", "to", "receive", "3", "a", "c", "b", "e", "d", "g", "f", "i", "h", "j", "Figure", "1", ":", "Ex", "##ample", "trust", "graph", ".", "The", "highlighted", "edges", "represent", "the", "UN", "##L", "of", "node", "Pi", ".", "messages", "from", "P", "##j", ".", "To", "implement", "such", "an", "authentic", "##ated", "channel", ",", "all", "messages", "are", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "##ally", "signed", "and", "verified", "by", "receivers", ".", "Each", "node", "uses", "a", "single", "communication", "primitive", "broadcast", ",", "which", "when", "called", "from", "node", "P", "##j", "sends", "the", "same", "message", "to", "all", "nodes", "Pi", "for", "which", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", ".", "In", "the", "algorithms", "presented", "in", "app", "##end", "##ix", "A", ",", "we", "use", "a", "corresponding", "receive", "primitive", "which", "is", "called", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", "upon", "the", "re", "##ceipt", "of", "a", "broadcast", "message", ".", "The", "outcome", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "for", "a", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "A", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "i", "##rre", "##voc" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ing transactions within each set and how to apply transactions to generate the new ledger state. Thus, the role of XRP LCP is only to make the network reach agreement on sets of transactions, not on the content or outcome of those transactions. As long as nodes agree on a transaction set, the transaction processing protocol guarantees that every node generates a consistent ledger. As a Byzantine fault tolerant protocol, XRP LCP must operate even in the presence of faulty or malicious participants. Byzant
[ 1165, 1122, 1110, 4260, 119, 1370, 1251, 14372, 21902, 117, 1195, 21185, 11437, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 1105, 9410, 1103, 186, 11848, 5697, 117, 21307, 186, 1182, 117, 170, 17816, 1134, 4986, 188, 25392, 9387, 1103, 5867, 1295, 1104, 17577, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 21902, 2993, 1106, 2100, 1121, 1106, 10836, 1106, 170, 2383, 119, 2994, 14372, 3741, 186, 1182, 1106, 1129, 2908, 110, 1104, 1157, 7414, 2162, 2060, 117, 1137, 117, 1167, 2839, 117, 186, 1182, 134, 100, 121, 119, 129, 2605, 100, 119, 1284, 7568, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 127, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1336, 1129, 8377, 6088, 1183, 119, 2421, 149, 4248, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 3416, 1352, 1104, 1103, 1449, 1105, 2075, 3300, 11106, 117, 5233, 1116, 117, 1546, 2146, 117, 3576, 119, 1960, 21340, 1733, 149, 117, 149, 797, 1132, 1103, 1269, 1191, 1152, 4248, 1103, 1269, 2802, 1607, 1104, 14409, 2547, 1121, 1103, 3527, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 119, 2994, 21340, 1197, 1145, 1144, 4954, 1295, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1115, 1110, 1141, 3407, 1190, 1157, 6486, 21340, 1197, 112, 188, 4954, 1295, 119, 1109, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 1144, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 122, 119, 138, 21340, 1197, 149, 1110, 1687, 1118, 11892, 170, 4954, 1104, 14409, 157, 134, 164, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 117, 119, 119, 119, 166, 1106, 1157, 6486, 6486, 113, 149, 114, 2452, 1106, 1103, 11309, 2995, 119, 1960, 21340, 1733, 1336, 1138, 1103, 1269, 6486, 21340, 1197, 1105, 4954, 1295, 117, 1133, 11271, 1272, 1152, 3666, 1472, 14409, 119, 5322, 1463, 1115, 1103, 11309, 188, 25392, 9387, 1115, 1451, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1144, 170, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 13649, 117, 1177, 1122, 1110, 1136, 1936, 1111, 1160, 5663, 15029, 1106, 6058, 1103, 1269, 14409, 1133, 1107, 170, 1472, 1546, 119, 1109, 15029, 10621, 1166, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1134, 1144, 1185, 17421, 6796, 1114, 1103, 7414, 2162, 2401, 119, 1284, 2566, 7568, 1115, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 1105, 1451, 14372, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 117, 1175, 1110, 170, 10682, 16047, 2913, 3094, 1111, 21902, 1106, 3531, 124, 170, 172, 171, 174, 173, 176, 175, 178, 177, 179, 15982, 122, 131, 16409, 26671, 3496, 10873, 119, 1109, 11634, 7521, 4248, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1104, 14372, 21902, 119, 7416, 1121, 153, 3361, 119, 1706, 10407, 1216, 1126, 16047, 2913, 3094, 117, 1155, 7416, 1132, 5354, 6451, 9597, 2716, 1878, 1105, 22480, 1118, 21535, 119, 2994, 14372, 2745, 170, 1423, 4909, 12130, 3012, 117, 1134, 1165, 1270, 1121, 14372, 153, 3361, 10130, 1103, 1269, 3802, 1106, 1155, 15029, 21902, 1111, 1134, 153, 3361, 850, 7414, 2162, 1182, 119, 1130, 1103, 14975, 2756, 1107, 12647, 6696, 7231, 138, 117, 1195, 1329, 170, 7671, 3531, 12130, 1134, 1110, 1270, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 1852, 1103, 1231, 27333, 1104, 170, 3012, 3802, 119, 1109, 9386, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 21340, 1733, 119, 138, 3106, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 178, 11604, 24553 ]
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[ "when", "it", "is", "assumed", ".", "For", "any", "node", "Pi", ",", "we", "denote", "ni", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "and", "define", "the", "q", "##uo", "##rum", ",", "denoted", "q", "##i", ",", "a", "parameter", "which", "roughly", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "the", "minimum", "number", "of", "agreeing", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "Pi", "needs", "to", "hear", "from", "to", "commit", "to", "a", "decision", ".", "Each", "node", "sets", "q", "##i", "to", "be", "80", "%", "of", "its", "UN", "##L", "size", ",", "or", ",", "more", "exactly", ",", "q", "##i", "=", "[UNK]", "0", ".", "8", "##ni", "[UNK]", ".", "We", "assume", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "6", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "may", "be", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", ".", "Let", "L", "represent", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "which", "is", "the", "shared", "state", "of", "the", "system", "and", "includes", "account", "settings", ",", "balance", "##s", ",", "order", "books", ",", "etc", ".", "Two", "ledge", "##rs", "L", ",", "L", "β€²", "are", "the", "same", "if", "they", "represent", "the", "same", "ordered", "history", "of", "transactions", "starting", "from", "the", "unique", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Each", "ledge", "##r", "also", "has", "sequence", "number", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "that", "is", "one", "greater", "than", "its", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "'", "s", "sequence", "number", ".", "The", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", "has", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "1", ".", "A", "ledge", "##r", "L", "is", "created", "by", "applying", "a", "sequence", "of", "transactions", "T", "=", "[", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", ",", ".", ".", ".", "]", "to", "its", "parent", "parent", "(", "L", ")", "according", "to", "the", "protocol", "rules", ".", "Two", "ledge", "##rs", "may", "have", "the", "same", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "and", "sequence", "number", ",", "but", "differ", "because", "they", "applied", "different", "transactions", ".", "Note", "though", "that", "the", "protocol", "s", "##pec", "##ifies", "that", "every", "set", "of", "transactions", "has", "a", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "ordering", ",", "so", "it", "is", "not", "possible", "for", "two", "correct", "nodes", "to", "apply", "the", "same", "transactions", "but", "in", "a", "different", "order", ".", "The", "nodes", "communicate", "over", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "which", "has", "no", "prescribed", "relation", "with", "the", "UN", "##L", "structure", ".", "We", "simply", "assume", "that", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", "and", "every", "node", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", ",", "there", "is", "a", "reliable", "authentic", "##ated", "channel", "for", "Pi", "to", "receive", "3", "a", "c", "b", "e", "d", "g", "f", "i", "h", "j", "Figure", "1", ":", "Ex", "##ample", "trust", "graph", ".", "The", "highlighted", "edges", "represent", "the", "UN", "##L", "of", "node", "Pi", ".", "messages", "from", "P", "##j", ".", "To", "implement", "such", "an", "authentic", "##ated", "channel", ",", "all", "messages", "are", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "##ally", "signed", "and", "verified", "by", "receivers", ".", "Each", "node", "uses", "a", "single", "communication", "primitive", "broadcast", ",", "which", "when", "called", "from", "node", "P", "##j", "sends", "the", "same", "message", "to", "all", "nodes", "Pi", "for", "which", "P", "##j", "∈", "UN", "##L", "##i", ".", "In", "the", "algorithms", "presented", "in", "app", "##end", "##ix", "A", ",", "we", "use", "a", "corresponding", "receive", "primitive", "which", "is", "called", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", "upon", "the", "re", "##ceipt", "of", "a", "broadcast", "message", ".", "The", "outcome", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "for", "a", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "A", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "i", "##rre", "##voc" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ine fault tolerant consensus protocols have a rich history, but most require preexisting agreement on the protocol participants [8, 3]. The distin- guishing characteristic of XRP LCP is that it guarantees consistency with only 1 http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07242v1 partial agreement on who participates, allowing a decentralized open network. Compared to other decentralized consensus algorithms like proof-of-work [7] or proof-of-stake [2], XRP LCP has since its inception provided lower transaction latency
[ 1895, 1105, 27355, 117, 1105, 11363, 14409, 4841, 118, 26410, 1906, 1118, 2443, 7550, 1105, 3134, 1118, 1103, 10923, 9932, 119, 8896, 1183, 191, 10584, 118, 4676, 170, 21340, 1197, 1145, 3106, 9221, 5430, 1155, 1104, 1157, 11005, 119, 1130, 1142, 5618, 117, 170, 13097, 1110, 170, 2820, 1107, 1134, 1160, 7345, 15029, 3106, 9221, 2193, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 117, 178, 119, 174, 119, 117, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 119, 1109, 2443, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 13097, 118, 2914, 1191, 1122, 1169, 1309, 13097, 1114, 170, 21073, 1181, 9566, 1104, 8377, 15029, 119, 1966, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 3417, 3393, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 117, 1290, 1296, 21340, 1197, 1107, 1103, 4129, 5149, 170, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 118, 2802, 4954, 1104, 14409, 1122, 1145, 1169, 1129, 1737, 1112, 1126, 12861, 3012, 5250, 118, 1106, 2528, 1233, 1114, 15817, 1158, 1104, 14409, 1111, 8096, 119, 15075, 2716, 117, 1126, 12861, 3012, 11309, 1110, 1126, 9932, 1107, 1134, 170, 1383, 1104, 7550, 117, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 1242, 1104, 1134, 1336, 1129, 8377, 6088, 1183, 117, 1169, 3012, 14409, 117, 1105, 1296, 14372, 1169, 4392, 1199, 1104, 1343, 14409, 2452, 1106, 1103, 1378, 4625, 131, 122, 119, 5254, 118, 11225, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 14372, 13749, 170, 13618, 1154, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1173, 2028, 1155, 5663, 15029, 4392, 1103, 13618, 1154, 170, 21340, 1197, 119, 125, 123, 119, 5254, 118, 2800, 7710, 3293, 5474, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 14372, 13749, 13618, 193, 1196, 14715, 118, 2168, 193, 797, 117, 1173, 1155, 5663, 15029, 4392, 13618, 193, 1196, 193, 797, 119, 124, 119, 5254, 118, 24664, 27035, 1733, 3157, 118, 11336, 5053, 7174, 3633, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 7230, 8737, 170, 9221, 14715, 7409, 118, 189, 1988, 193, 1106, 1155, 5663, 15029, 117, 193, 1209, 2028, 1129, 3134, 1118, 1155, 15029, 119, 1760, 12861, 3012, 9932, 1110, 1107, 2440, 170, 8120, 1104, 10923, 164, 125, 166, 119, 5322, 1115, 24664, 27035, 1733, 3157, 11336, 5053, 7174, 3633, 1110, 1103, 4698, 2200, 5754, 1104, 1977, 5070, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 1103, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 25772, 1116, 1103, 8875, 1115, 7550, 4841, 118, 26410, 1147, 13618, 1106, 1155, 5663, 15029, 117, 1290, 5663, 15029, 1209, 16278, 170, 4841, 118, 26410, 1906, 13618, 1106, 1296, 1168, 117, 9420, 1103, 2443, 1235, 1451, 14372, 7881, 1122, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 17459, 1103, 5663, 1757, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 117, 1195, 2235, 1103, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1112, 1191, 1122, 1127, 4013, 1118, 170, 2443, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1115, 1169, 18492, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 119, 1109, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1110, 7451, 1103, 6779, 1546, 1104, 1155, 7416, 117, 1112, 1218, 1112, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1111, 1251, 5663, 14372, 21902, 119, 1284, 7568, 1463, 1115, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1110, 19903, 1193, 10350, 132, 1107, 2440, 117, 1122, 1110, 3372, 1106, 2549, 2412, 3134, 5354, 6451, 9597, 19755, 119, 1109, 17409, 1104, 8377, 15029, 1132, 3655 ]
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[ "##able", "and", "authoritative", ",", "and", "reflects", "transactions", "sub", "-", "mit", "##ted", "by", "network", "clients", "and", "accepted", "by", "the", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "Full", "##y", "v", "##ali", "-", "dating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "also", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "all", "of", "its", "ancestors", ".", "In", "this", "context", ",", "a", "fork", "is", "a", "situation", "in", "which", "two", "honest", "nodes", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "i", ".", "e", ".", ",", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", ".", "The", "network", "is", "said", "to", "be", "fork", "-", "safe", "if", "it", "can", "never", "fork", "with", "a", "tolerate", "##d", "configuration", "of", "Byzantine", "nodes", ".", "Although", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "typically", "defined", "in", "terms", "of", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "since", "each", "ledge", "##r", "in", "the", "chain", "represents", "a", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "-", "ordered", "sequence", "of", "transactions", "it", "also", "can", "be", "considered", "as", "an", "atomic", "broadcast", "pro", "-", "to", "##co", "##l", "with", "batch", "##ing", "of", "transactions", "for", "efficiency", ".", "Form", "##ally", ",", "an", "atomic", "broadcast", "protocol", "is", "an", "algorithm", "in", "which", "a", "set", "of", "clients", ",", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", "many", "of", "which", "may", "be", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", ",", "can", "broadcast", "transactions", ",", "and", "each", "node", "can", "accept", "some", "of", "those", "transactions", "according", "to", "the", "following", "properties", ":", "1", ".", "ABC", "-", "Agreement", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "node", "accepts", "a", "transaction", "into", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "then", "eventually", "all", "correct", "nodes", "accept", "the", "transaction", "into", "a", "ledge", "##r", ".", "4", "2", ".", "ABC", "-", "Line", "##ari", "##za", "##bility", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "node", "accepts", "transaction", "x", "before", "trans", "-", "action", "x", "β€²", ",", "then", "all", "correct", "nodes", "accept", "transaction", "x", "before", "x", "β€²", ".", "3", ".", "ABC", "-", "Ce", "##nso", "##rs", "##hip", "-", "Re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "client", "broadcasts", "a", "valid", "trans", "##ac", "-", "t", "##ion", "x", "to", "all", "correct", "nodes", ",", "x", "will", "eventually", "be", "accepted", "by", "all", "nodes", ".", "An", "atomic", "broadcast", "algorithm", "is", "in", "particular", "a", "variant", "of", "consensus", "[", "4", "]", ".", "Note", "that", "Ce", "##nso", "##rs", "##hip", "Re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", "is", "the", "formal", "##ized", "definition", "of", "forward", "progress", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "the", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "weaken", "##s", "the", "requirement", "that", "clients", "sub", "-", "mit", "their", "transaction", "to", "all", "correct", "nodes", ",", "since", "correct", "nodes", "will", "echo", "a", "sub", "-", "mit", "##ted", "transaction", "to", "each", "other", ",", "flooding", "the", "network", "until", "every", "node", "receives", "it", ".", "In", "order", "to", "evaluate", "the", "correct", "##ness", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ",", "we", "model", "the", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "as", "if", "it", "were", "controlled", "by", "a", "network", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "that", "can", "behave", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", ".", "The", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "is", "controls", "the", "delivery", "order", "of", "all", "messages", ",", "as", "well", "as", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "for", "any", "correct", "node", "Pi", ".", "We", "assume", "though", "that", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "is", "computational", "##ly", "bounded", ";", "in", "particular", ",", "it", "is", "unable", "to", "break", "generally", "accepted", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "protocols", ".", "The", "identities", "of", "Byzantine", "nodes", "are", "unknown" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ine fault tolerant consensus protocols have a rich history, but most require preexisting agreement on the protocol participants [8, 3]. The distin- guishing characteristic of XRP LCP is that it guarantees consistency with only 1 http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07242v1 partial agreement on who participates, allowing a decentralized open network. Compared to other decentralized consensus algorithms like proof-of-work [7] or proof-of-stake [2], XRP LCP has since its inception provided lower transaction latency
[ 1895, 1105, 27355, 117, 1105, 11363, 14409, 4841, 118, 26410, 1906, 1118, 2443, 7550, 1105, 3134, 1118, 1103, 10923, 9932, 119, 8896, 1183, 191, 10584, 118, 4676, 170, 21340, 1197, 1145, 3106, 9221, 5430, 1155, 1104, 1157, 11005, 119, 1130, 1142, 5618, 117, 170, 13097, 1110, 170, 2820, 1107, 1134, 1160, 7345, 15029, 3106, 9221, 2193, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 117, 178, 119, 174, 119, 117, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 119, 1109, 2443, 1110, 1163, 1106, 1129, 13097, 118, 2914, 1191, 1122, 1169, 1309, 13097, 1114, 170, 21073, 1181, 9566, 1104, 8377, 15029, 119, 1966, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 3417, 3393, 1107, 2538, 1104, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 117, 1290, 1296, 21340, 1197, 1107, 1103, 4129, 5149, 170, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 118, 2802, 4954, 1104, 14409, 1122, 1145, 1169, 1129, 1737, 1112, 1126, 12861, 3012, 5250, 118, 1106, 2528, 1233, 1114, 15817, 1158, 1104, 14409, 1111, 8096, 119, 15075, 2716, 117, 1126, 12861, 3012, 11309, 1110, 1126, 9932, 1107, 1134, 170, 1383, 1104, 7550, 117, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 1242, 1104, 1134, 1336, 1129, 8377, 6088, 1183, 117, 1169, 3012, 14409, 117, 1105, 1296, 14372, 1169, 4392, 1199, 1104, 1343, 14409, 2452, 1106, 1103, 1378, 4625, 131, 122, 119, 5254, 118, 11225, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 14372, 13749, 170, 13618, 1154, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1173, 2028, 1155, 5663, 15029, 4392, 1103, 13618, 1154, 170, 21340, 1197, 119, 125, 123, 119, 5254, 118, 2800, 7710, 3293, 5474, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 14372, 13749, 13618, 193, 1196, 14715, 118, 2168, 193, 797, 117, 1173, 1155, 5663, 15029, 4392, 13618, 193, 1196, 193, 797, 119, 124, 119, 5254, 118, 24664, 27035, 1733, 3157, 118, 11336, 5053, 7174, 3633, 131, 1409, 170, 5663, 7230, 8737, 170, 9221, 14715, 7409, 118, 189, 1988, 193, 1106, 1155, 5663, 15029, 117, 193, 1209, 2028, 1129, 3134, 1118, 1155, 15029, 119, 1760, 12861, 3012, 9932, 1110, 1107, 2440, 170, 8120, 1104, 10923, 164, 125, 166, 119, 5322, 1115, 24664, 27035, 1733, 3157, 11336, 5053, 7174, 3633, 1110, 1103, 4698, 2200, 5754, 1104, 1977, 5070, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 1103, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 25772, 1116, 1103, 8875, 1115, 7550, 4841, 118, 26410, 1147, 13618, 1106, 1155, 5663, 15029, 117, 1290, 5663, 15029, 1209, 16278, 170, 4841, 118, 26410, 1906, 13618, 1106, 1296, 1168, 117, 9420, 1103, 2443, 1235, 1451, 14372, 7881, 1122, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 17459, 1103, 5663, 1757, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 117, 1195, 2235, 1103, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 1112, 1191, 1122, 1127, 4013, 1118, 170, 2443, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1115, 1169, 18492, 170, 26281, 2875, 22190, 5264, 119, 1109, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1110, 7451, 1103, 6779, 1546, 1104, 1155, 7416, 117, 1112, 1218, 1112, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1111, 1251, 5663, 14372, 21902, 119, 1284, 7568, 1463, 1115, 1103, 8050, 10704, 3113, 1110, 19903, 1193, 10350, 132, 1107, 2440, 117, 1122, 1110, 3372, 1106, 2549, 2412, 3134, 5354, 6451, 9597, 19755, 119, 1109, 17409, 1104, 8377, 15029, 1132, 3655 ]
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[ "##able", "and", "authoritative", ",", "and", "reflects", "transactions", "sub", "-", "mit", "##ted", "by", "network", "clients", "and", "accepted", "by", "the", "consensus", "algorithm", ".", "Full", "##y", "v", "##ali", "-", "dating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "also", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "all", "of", "its", "ancestors", ".", "In", "this", "context", ",", "a", "fork", "is", "a", "situation", "in", "which", "two", "honest", "nodes", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "i", ".", "e", ".", ",", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", ".", "The", "network", "is", "said", "to", "be", "fork", "-", "safe", "if", "it", "can", "never", "fork", "with", "a", "tolerate", "##d", "configuration", "of", "Byzantine", "nodes", ".", "Although", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "typically", "defined", "in", "terms", "of", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "since", "each", "ledge", "##r", "in", "the", "chain", "represents", "a", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "-", "ordered", "sequence", "of", "transactions", "it", "also", "can", "be", "considered", "as", "an", "atomic", "broadcast", "pro", "-", "to", "##co", "##l", "with", "batch", "##ing", "of", "transactions", "for", "efficiency", ".", "Form", "##ally", ",", "an", "atomic", "broadcast", "protocol", "is", "an", "algorithm", "in", "which", "a", "set", "of", "clients", ",", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", "many", "of", "which", "may", "be", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", ",", "can", "broadcast", "transactions", ",", "and", "each", "node", "can", "accept", "some", "of", "those", "transactions", "according", "to", "the", "following", "properties", ":", "1", ".", "ABC", "-", "Agreement", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "node", "accepts", "a", "transaction", "into", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "then", "eventually", "all", "correct", "nodes", "accept", "the", "transaction", "into", "a", "ledge", "##r", ".", "4", "2", ".", "ABC", "-", "Line", "##ari", "##za", "##bility", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "node", "accepts", "transaction", "x", "before", "trans", "-", "action", "x", "β€²", ",", "then", "all", "correct", "nodes", "accept", "transaction", "x", "before", "x", "β€²", ".", "3", ".", "ABC", "-", "Ce", "##nso", "##rs", "##hip", "-", "Re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", ":", "If", "a", "correct", "client", "broadcasts", "a", "valid", "trans", "##ac", "-", "t", "##ion", "x", "to", "all", "correct", "nodes", ",", "x", "will", "eventually", "be", "accepted", "by", "all", "nodes", ".", "An", "atomic", "broadcast", "algorithm", "is", "in", "particular", "a", "variant", "of", "consensus", "[", "4", "]", ".", "Note", "that", "Ce", "##nso", "##rs", "##hip", "Re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", "is", "the", "formal", "##ized", "definition", "of", "forward", "progress", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "the", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "weaken", "##s", "the", "requirement", "that", "clients", "sub", "-", "mit", "their", "transaction", "to", "all", "correct", "nodes", ",", "since", "correct", "nodes", "will", "echo", "a", "sub", "-", "mit", "##ted", "transaction", "to", "each", "other", ",", "flooding", "the", "network", "until", "every", "node", "receives", "it", ".", "In", "order", "to", "evaluate", "the", "correct", "##ness", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ",", "we", "model", "the", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", "as", "if", "it", "were", "controlled", "by", "a", "network", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "that", "can", "behave", "a", "##rb", "##it", "##rar", "##ily", ".", "The", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "is", "controls", "the", "delivery", "order", "of", "all", "messages", ",", "as", "well", "as", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "for", "any", "correct", "node", "Pi", ".", "We", "assume", "though", "that", "the", "ad", "##vers", "##ary", "is", "computational", "##ly", "bounded", ";", "in", "particular", ",", "it", "is", "unable", "to", "break", "generally", "accepted", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "protocols", ".", "The", "identities", "of", "Byzantine", "nodes", "are", "unknown" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
and higher throughput for its users. However, without uniform agree- ment on the network participants, users still need a way to determine whether their choice of network peers will lead to a consistent network state. In this setting, each user individually defines a unique node list or UNL, which is the set of nodes whose messages it will listen to when making decisions about the network state. It is the intersection of any pair of correct nodes' UNLs that determines network safety. As described in the
[ 1107, 4657, 1118, 7345, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 1967, 12861, 3012, 1110, 170, 8120, 1104, 10923, 117, 1118, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 164, 126, 166, 1195, 2834, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1107, 1103, 2915, 1104, 16439, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 1105, 6088, 1183, 15029, 119, 3743, 117, 1195, 7568, 170, 1532, 1104, 107, 4780, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 107, 131, 3429, 1431, 2080, 1223, 16439, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 1133, 18125, 1231, 5053, 7174, 3633, 1110, 1178, 13008, 1106, 2080, 1223, 1103, 13457, 1115, 1103, 2443, 1110, 2028, 2987, 117, 2764, 1115, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1439, 1199, 11309, 118, 9467, 4177, 8513, 4930, 1105, 1185, 15029, 1132, 6088, 1183, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 1494, 17542, 1103, 10350, 8513, 1107, 1103, 161, 20336, 21340, 1197, 24034, 14183, 1424, 118, 27629, 2116, 117, 1317, 1119, 26900, 1116, 1132, 1215, 1106, 6183, 2495, 10932, 15029, 117, 3843, 12177, 9420, 1104, 7416, 1105, 2438, 3404, 1194, 1103, 2443, 119, 17580, 11934, 1145, 9410, 4177, 15308, 1113, 1472, 9373, 7416, 1107, 1126, 2661, 1106, 4256, 1686, 1757, 119, 1966, 1195, 8429, 1292, 4068, 1106, 27466, 8223, 22881, 1103, 8685, 2071, 117, 1195, 6600, 1115, 1152, 1132, 1696, 6691, 19069, 1107, 1103, 4315, 24034, 14183, 1424, 118, 27629, 2116, 1105, 1654, 1103, 1842, 1362, 2099, 1104, 1103, 9932, 119, 1109, 1864, 1115, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 1178, 19057, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1105, 1157, 2099, 9113, 1113, 1292, 11934, 1110, 170, 26802, 1104, 1103, 9932, 119, 3291, 26443, 117, 1103, 3000, 4174, 9932, 1106, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 117, 1674, 1136, 1138, 1292, 13004, 119, 1135, 2745, 5354, 6451, 9597, 7091, 1757, 1106, 174, 27923, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 1105, 24512, 1977, 5070, 1256, 1114, 1103, 12477, 23984, 1295, 1104, 21073, 1181, 6088, 1183, 15029, 1105, 8362, 8346, 1174, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 164, 127, 166, 119, 11389, 122, 7584, 7317, 9534, 1412, 16049, 117, 1259, 1199, 1115, 1209, 1129, 3716, 1107, 4194, 4886, 119, 124, 1109, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 1109, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 2923, 1104, 1210, 2425, 5644, 131, 794, 9352, 24851, 1891, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 1122, 21126, 1193, 17794, 170, 13618, 1383, 1106, 6058, 1106, 170, 2988, 21340, 1197, 117, 1359, 1113, 10698, 1460, 1121, 1168, 9373, 126, 21902, 138, 14372, 1107, 1103, 2443, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1109, 3527, 14372, 2190, 113, 7414, 2162, 114, 2700, 1118, 21902, 11437, 117, 186, 1182, 117, 189, 1182, 1109, 2060, 117, 9221, 1891, 186, 11848, 5697, 1105, 4177, 8377, 21688, 1104, 7414, 2162, 1182, 149, 138, 21340, 1197, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 22087, 25113, 1295, 1104, 21340, 1197, 149, 100, 8896, 1183, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1114, 2026, 4954, 1295, 113, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 5580, 21340, 1197, 114, 149, 28311, 9493, 1684, 21340, 1197, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 117, 119, 119, 119, 198, 138, 1383, 1104, 14409, 22216, 117, 187, 117, 149, 117, 178, 1302, 2007, 21902, 112, 188, 187, 118, 24438, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5835, 1104, 14409, 157, 1106, 6058, 1106, 149 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "in", "advance", "by", "honest", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", ".", "Since", "atomic", "broadcast", "is", "a", "variant", "of", "consensus", ",", "by", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "[", "5", "]", "we", "cannot", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "arbitrary", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "and", "fault", "##y", "nodes", ".", "Instead", ",", "we", "assume", "a", "form", "of", "\"", "weak", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "\"", ":", "safety", "should", "hold", "under", "arbitrary", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "but", "censorship", "re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", "is", "only", "guaranteed", "to", "hold", "under", "the", "assumption", "that", "the", "network", "is", "eventually", "civil", ",", "meaning", "that", "messages", "are", "delivered", "within", "some", "protocol", "-", "specified", "maximum", "delay", "bound", "and", "no", "nodes", "are", "fault", "##y", ".", "In", "order", "to", "help", "enforce", "the", "bounded", "delay", "in", "the", "X", "##RP", "ledge", "##r", "imp", "##lem", "##en", "-", "ta", "##tion", ",", "several", "he", "##uristic", "##s", "are", "used", "to", "identify", "la", "##gging", "nodes", ",", "prevent", "excessive", "flooding", "of", "messages", "and", "route", "traffic", "through", "the", "network", ".", "Protocol", "parameters", "also", "define", "maximum", "delays", "on", "different", "trusted", "messages", "in", "an", "attempt", "to", "aid", "live", "##ness", ".", "Although", "we", "ignore", "these", "details", "to", "si", "##mp", "##lify", "the", "presentation", "below", ",", "we", "stress", "that", "they", "are", "important", "practical", "considerations", "in", "the", "actual", "imp", "##lem", "##en", "-", "ta", "##tion", "and", "control", "the", "real", "world", "performance", "of", "the", "algorithm", ".", "The", "fact", "that", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "only", "weakly", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "and", "its", "performance", "depends", "on", "these", "parameters", "is", "a", "limitation", "of", "the", "algorithm", ".", "Co", "##balt", ",", "the", "proposed", "alternative", "algorithm", "to", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ",", "does", "not", "have", "these", "limitations", ".", "It", "uses", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "random", "##ness", "to", "e", "##vade", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "and", "guarantees", "forward", "progress", "even", "with", "the", "ma", "##ximal", "number", "of", "tolerate", "##d", "fault", "##y", "nodes", "and", "un", "##bound", "##ed", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "[", "6", "]", ".", "Table", "1", "sum", "##mar", "##izes", "our", "notation", ",", "including", "some", "that", "will", "be", "explained", "in", "subsequent", "sections", ".", "3", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "consists", "of", "three", "primary", "components", ":", "β€’", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "it", "##erative", "##ly", "propose", "a", "transaction", "set", "to", "apply", "to", "a", "prior", "ledge", "##r", ",", "based", "on", "proposals", "received", "from", "other", "trusted", "5", "Pi", "A", "node", "in", "the", "network", "UN", "##L", "##i", "The", "unique", "node", "list", "(", "UN", "##L", ")", "selected", "by", "Pi", "ni", ",", "q", "##i", ",", "t", "##i", "The", "size", ",", "valid", "##ation", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "and", "maximum", "Byzantine", "faults", "of", "UN", "##L", "##i", "L", "A", "ledge", "##r", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "Se", "##quence", "number", "of", "ledge", "##r", "L", "[UNK]", "Full", "##y", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "with", "largest", "sequence", "number", "(", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "tip", "ledge", "##r", ")", "L", "##Μƒ", "Current", "working", "ledge", "##r", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", ",", ".", ".", ".", "}", "A", "set", "of", "transactions", "PT", ",", "r", ",", "L", ",", "i", "No", "##de", "Pi", "'", "s", "r", "-", "th", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposal", "of", "transactions", "T", "to", "apply", "to", "L" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
and higher throughput for its users. However, without uniform agree- ment on the network participants, users still need a way to determine whether their choice of network peers will lead to a consistent network state. In this setting, each user individually defines a unique node list or UNL, which is the set of nodes whose messages it will listen to when making decisions about the network state. It is the intersection of any pair of correct nodes' UNLs that determines network safety. As described in the
[ 1107, 4657, 1118, 7345, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 119, 1967, 12861, 3012, 1110, 170, 8120, 1104, 10923, 117, 1118, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 164, 126, 166, 1195, 2834, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1107, 1103, 2915, 1104, 16439, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 1105, 6088, 1183, 15029, 119, 3743, 117, 1195, 7568, 170, 1532, 1104, 107, 4780, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 107, 131, 3429, 1431, 2080, 1223, 16439, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 1133, 18125, 1231, 5053, 7174, 3633, 1110, 1178, 13008, 1106, 2080, 1223, 1103, 13457, 1115, 1103, 2443, 1110, 2028, 2987, 117, 2764, 1115, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1439, 1199, 11309, 118, 9467, 4177, 8513, 4930, 1105, 1185, 15029, 1132, 6088, 1183, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 1494, 17542, 1103, 10350, 8513, 1107, 1103, 161, 20336, 21340, 1197, 24034, 14183, 1424, 118, 27629, 2116, 117, 1317, 1119, 26900, 1116, 1132, 1215, 1106, 6183, 2495, 10932, 15029, 117, 3843, 12177, 9420, 1104, 7416, 1105, 2438, 3404, 1194, 1103, 2443, 119, 17580, 11934, 1145, 9410, 4177, 15308, 1113, 1472, 9373, 7416, 1107, 1126, 2661, 1106, 4256, 1686, 1757, 119, 1966, 1195, 8429, 1292, 4068, 1106, 27466, 8223, 22881, 1103, 8685, 2071, 117, 1195, 6600, 1115, 1152, 1132, 1696, 6691, 19069, 1107, 1103, 4315, 24034, 14183, 1424, 118, 27629, 2116, 1105, 1654, 1103, 1842, 1362, 2099, 1104, 1103, 9932, 119, 1109, 1864, 1115, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 1178, 19057, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1105, 1157, 2099, 9113, 1113, 1292, 11934, 1110, 170, 26802, 1104, 1103, 9932, 119, 3291, 26443, 117, 1103, 3000, 4174, 9932, 1106, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 117, 1674, 1136, 1138, 1292, 13004, 119, 1135, 2745, 5354, 6451, 9597, 7091, 1757, 1106, 174, 27923, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 1105, 24512, 1977, 5070, 1256, 1114, 1103, 12477, 23984, 1295, 1104, 21073, 1181, 6088, 1183, 15029, 1105, 8362, 8346, 1174, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 164, 127, 166, 119, 11389, 122, 7584, 7317, 9534, 1412, 16049, 117, 1259, 1199, 1115, 1209, 1129, 3716, 1107, 4194, 4886, 119, 124, 1109, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 1109, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 2923, 1104, 1210, 2425, 5644, 131, 794, 9352, 24851, 1891, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 1122, 21126, 1193, 17794, 170, 13618, 1383, 1106, 6058, 1106, 170, 2988, 21340, 1197, 117, 1359, 1113, 10698, 1460, 1121, 1168, 9373, 126, 21902, 138, 14372, 1107, 1103, 2443, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1109, 3527, 14372, 2190, 113, 7414, 2162, 114, 2700, 1118, 21902, 11437, 117, 186, 1182, 117, 189, 1182, 1109, 2060, 117, 9221, 1891, 186, 11848, 5697, 1105, 4177, 8377, 21688, 1104, 7414, 2162, 1182, 149, 138, 21340, 1197, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 22087, 25113, 1295, 1104, 21340, 1197, 149, 100, 8896, 1183, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1114, 2026, 4954, 1295, 113, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 5580, 21340, 1197, 114, 149, 28311, 9493, 1684, 21340, 1197, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 117, 119, 119, 119, 198, 138, 1383, 1104, 14409, 22216, 117, 187, 117, 149, 117, 178, 1302, 2007, 21902, 112, 188, 187, 118, 24438, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5835, 1104, 14409, 157, 1106, 6058, 1106, 149 ]
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[ "in", "advance", "by", "honest", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", ".", "Since", "atomic", "broadcast", "is", "a", "variant", "of", "consensus", ",", "by", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "[", "5", "]", "we", "cannot", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "arbitrary", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "and", "fault", "##y", "nodes", ".", "Instead", ",", "we", "assume", "a", "form", "of", "\"", "weak", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "\"", ":", "safety", "should", "hold", "under", "arbitrary", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "but", "censorship", "re", "##si", "##lie", "##nce", "is", "only", "guaranteed", "to", "hold", "under", "the", "assumption", "that", "the", "network", "is", "eventually", "civil", ",", "meaning", "that", "messages", "are", "delivered", "within", "some", "protocol", "-", "specified", "maximum", "delay", "bound", "and", "no", "nodes", "are", "fault", "##y", ".", "In", "order", "to", "help", "enforce", "the", "bounded", "delay", "in", "the", "X", "##RP", "ledge", "##r", "imp", "##lem", "##en", "-", "ta", "##tion", ",", "several", "he", "##uristic", "##s", "are", "used", "to", "identify", "la", "##gging", "nodes", ",", "prevent", "excessive", "flooding", "of", "messages", "and", "route", "traffic", "through", "the", "network", ".", "Protocol", "parameters", "also", "define", "maximum", "delays", "on", "different", "trusted", "messages", "in", "an", "attempt", "to", "aid", "live", "##ness", ".", "Although", "we", "ignore", "these", "details", "to", "si", "##mp", "##lify", "the", "presentation", "below", ",", "we", "stress", "that", "they", "are", "important", "practical", "considerations", "in", "the", "actual", "imp", "##lem", "##en", "-", "ta", "##tion", "and", "control", "the", "real", "world", "performance", "of", "the", "algorithm", ".", "The", "fact", "that", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "only", "weakly", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "and", "its", "performance", "depends", "on", "these", "parameters", "is", "a", "limitation", "of", "the", "algorithm", ".", "Co", "##balt", ",", "the", "proposed", "alternative", "algorithm", "to", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ",", "does", "not", "have", "these", "limitations", ".", "It", "uses", "cry", "##pt", "##ographic", "random", "##ness", "to", "e", "##vade", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "and", "guarantees", "forward", "progress", "even", "with", "the", "ma", "##ximal", "number", "of", "tolerate", "##d", "fault", "##y", "nodes", "and", "un", "##bound", "##ed", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", "[", "6", "]", ".", "Table", "1", "sum", "##mar", "##izes", "our", "notation", ",", "including", "some", "that", "will", "be", "explained", "in", "subsequent", "sections", ".", "3", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "The", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", "consists", "of", "three", "primary", "components", ":", "β€’", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "it", "##erative", "##ly", "propose", "a", "transaction", "set", "to", "apply", "to", "a", "prior", "ledge", "##r", ",", "based", "on", "proposals", "received", "from", "other", "trusted", "5", "Pi", "A", "node", "in", "the", "network", "UN", "##L", "##i", "The", "unique", "node", "list", "(", "UN", "##L", ")", "selected", "by", "Pi", "ni", ",", "q", "##i", ",", "t", "##i", "The", "size", ",", "valid", "##ation", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "and", "maximum", "Byzantine", "faults", "of", "UN", "##L", "##i", "L", "A", "ledge", "##r", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "Se", "##quence", "number", "of", "ledge", "##r", "L", "[UNK]", "Full", "##y", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "with", "largest", "sequence", "number", "(", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "tip", "ledge", "##r", ")", "L", "##Μƒ", "Current", "working", "ledge", "##r", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", ",", ".", ".", ".", "}", "A", "set", "of", "transactions", "PT", ",", "r", ",", "L", ",", "i", "No", "##de", "Pi", "'", "s", "r", "-", "th", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposal", "of", "transactions", "T", "to", "apply", "to", "L" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
original whitepaper [10], the minimum overlap requirement was originally believed to be roughly 20% of the UNL. An independent analysis later suggested the correct bound was instead roughly > 40% [1]. Given this confusion, our goal in this work is to give a clear and detailed explanation of XRP LCP and derive the necessary conditions on UNL overlap for consistency and liveness. We will not discuss the transactional semantics of XRP's ledger or XRP's benefits as a digital currency, but instead view the al
[ 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1302, 2007, 21902, 112, 188, 9221, 1891, 1104, 21340, 1197, 149, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 114, 157, 9717, 1105, 3392, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 12118, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1120, 4954, 1295, 188, 439, 113, 149, 117, 149, 797, 114, 2864, 1158, 3053, 1115, 1110, 122, 1191, 149, 135, 149, 797, 113, 1118, 1144, 1324, 114, 1105, 121, 4303, 11389, 122, 131, 15463, 12917, 1616, 1104, 16049, 15029, 119, 1332, 170, 14372, 6616, 1536, 10698, 5340, 117, 1122, 12175, 1103, 1884, 11604, 118, 188, 5674, 17038, 14409, 1106, 1103, 2988, 21340, 1197, 2452, 1106, 1103, 21340, 1197, 11309, 2995, 119, 1135, 1173, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1103, 6455, 21340, 1197, 119, 794, 12226, 6859, 2116, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 4958, 2480, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1359, 1113, 1103, 9221, 6006, 3010, 1118, 9373, 15029, 119, 2857, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1104, 191, 1348, 118, 25021, 6006, 1111, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1680, 117, 1115, 21340, 1197, 1105, 1157, 11005, 1132, 8012, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1105, 1157, 1352, 1110, 27355, 1105, 178, 11604, 24553, 1895, 119, 794, 11689, 26025, 6541, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 4959, 1103, 6349, 1684, 3392, 1104, 21340, 1197, 1607, 119, 1130, 1551, 1104, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 2443, 7262, 117, 1137, 8377, 4290, 117, 15029, 1336, 1136, 2786, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 1111, 170, 1549, 4954, 1295, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 1294, 1977, 5070, 1105, 3106, 191, 10584, 118, 2236, 1224, 21340, 1733, 117, 15029, 1329, 1103, 21340, 1197, 11626, 1104, 9373, 9221, 6006, 1106, 14926, 3687, 24851, 3798, 1113, 1103, 2443, 112, 188, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1130, 1603, 117, 1111, 1296, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1296, 8536, 21902, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 188, 134, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1115, 1122, 27402, 1209, 1129, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1118, 9221, 1891, 119, 2831, 2987, 26107, 117, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1965, 2228, 1122, 3023, 2620, 1103, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1209, 1801, 1103, 21340, 1197, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1157, 9373, 14097, 119, 1130, 2740, 1165, 1103, 2443, 1110, 1136, 1684, 5156, 117, 6349, 3392, 23613, 14097, 8247, 170, 1887, 3392, 1216, 1115, 15029, 1209, 1224, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 188, 119, 1188, 1160, 118, 2585, 4954, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1105, 9221, 1891, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 8219, 1509, 1785, 176, 3556, 16609, 3055, 2234, 1118, 1252, 9866, 1179, 1105, 14672, 164, 123, 166, 119, 10364, 117, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 6117, 170, 1887, 6708, 1114, 1103, 144, 3048, 9025, 1942, 3013, 1104, 1573, 24729, 17828, 3781, 1105, 163, 10559, 1813, 164, 1429, 166, 119, 127, 100, 149, 28311, 6058, 113, 157, 117, 149, 28311, 114, 149, 797, 12226, 6859, 2116, 11689, 26025, 6541, 9352, 24851, 1891, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 188, 188, 116, 122, 188, 116, 123, 188 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "V", "##L", ",", "i", "No", "##de", "Pi", "'", "s", "valid", "##ation", "of", "ledge", "##r", "L", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", ")", "T", "##ip", "and", "branch", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", "Un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "at", "sequence", "number", "s", "Ο†", "(", "L", ",", "L", "β€²", ")", "Order", "##ing", "function", "that", "is", "1", "if", "L", ">", "L", "β€²", "(", "by", "has", "##h", ")", "and", "0", "otherwise", "Table", "1", ":", "Su", "##mma", "##ry", "of", "notation", "nodes", ".", "When", "a", "node", "believes", "enough", "proposals", "agree", ",", "it", "applies", "the", "co", "##rre", "-", "s", "##po", "##nding", "transactions", "to", "the", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "according", "to", "the", "ledge", "##r", "protocol", "rules", ".", "It", "then", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "the", "generated", "ledge", "##r", ".", "β€’", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "decide", "whether", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "based", "on", "the", "valid", "##ations", "issued", "by", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "Once", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "of", "v", "##al", "-", "id", "##ations", "for", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "is", "reached", ",", "that", "ledge", "##r", "and", "its", "ancestors", "are", "deemed", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "and", "its", "state", "is", "authoritative", "and", "i", "##rre", "##voc", "##able", ".", "β€’", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "determine", "the", "preferred", "working", "branch", "of", "ledge", "##r", "history", ".", "In", "times", "of", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "network", "difficulty", ",", "or", "Byzantine", "failure", ",", "nodes", "may", "not", "initially", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "for", "a", "given", "sequence", "number", ".", "In", "order", "to", "make", "forward", "progress", "and", "fully", "v", "##ali", "-", "date", "later", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "nodes", "use", "the", "ledge", "##r", "ancestry", "of", "trusted", "valid", "##ations", "to", "resume", "del", "##iber", "##ating", "on", "the", "network", "'", "s", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "In", "short", ",", "for", "each", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "each", "peer", "Pi", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "s", "=", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "that", "it", "expects", "will", "be", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "by", "valid", "##ation", ".", "Under", "civil", "executions", ",", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "process", "makes", "it", "highly", "likely", "the", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "will", "match", "the", "ledge", "##r", "valid", "##ated", "by", "its", "trusted", "peers", ".", "In", "cases", "when", "the", "network", "is", "not", "working", "normally", ",", "preferred", "branch", "ensures", "peers", "select", "a", "common", "branch", "such", "that", "nodes", "will", "later", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "s", ".", "This", "two", "-", "step", "sequence", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "and", "valid", "##ation", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "stake", "final", "##ity", "g", "##ad", "##get", "recently", "introduced", "by", "But", "##eri", "##n", "and", "Griffith", "[", "2", "]", ".", "Indeed", ",", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "shares", "a", "common", "principle", "with", "the", "G", "##H", "##OS", "##T", "rule", "of", "So", "##mpo", "##lins", "##ky", "and", "Z", "##oh", "##ar", "[", "11", "]", ".", "6", "[UNK]", "L", "##Μƒ", "apply", "(", "T", ",", "L", "##Μƒ", ")", "L", "β€²", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "s", "s", "+", "1", "s", "+", "2", "s" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
original whitepaper [10], the minimum overlap requirement was originally believed to be roughly 20% of the UNL. An independent analysis later suggested the correct bound was instead roughly > 40% [1]. Given this confusion, our goal in this work is to give a clear and detailed explanation of XRP LCP and derive the necessary conditions on UNL overlap for consistency and liveness. We will not discuss the transactional semantics of XRP's ledger or XRP's benefits as a digital currency, but instead view the al
[ 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1302, 2007, 21902, 112, 188, 9221, 1891, 1104, 21340, 1197, 149, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 114, 157, 9717, 1105, 3392, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 12118, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1120, 4954, 1295, 188, 439, 113, 149, 117, 149, 797, 114, 2864, 1158, 3053, 1115, 1110, 122, 1191, 149, 135, 149, 797, 113, 1118, 1144, 1324, 114, 1105, 121, 4303, 11389, 122, 131, 15463, 12917, 1616, 1104, 16049, 15029, 119, 1332, 170, 14372, 6616, 1536, 10698, 5340, 117, 1122, 12175, 1103, 1884, 11604, 118, 188, 5674, 17038, 14409, 1106, 1103, 2988, 21340, 1197, 2452, 1106, 1103, 21340, 1197, 11309, 2995, 119, 1135, 1173, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1103, 6455, 21340, 1197, 119, 794, 12226, 6859, 2116, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 4958, 2480, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 117, 1359, 1113, 1103, 9221, 6006, 3010, 1118, 9373, 15029, 119, 2857, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1104, 191, 1348, 118, 25021, 6006, 1111, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1680, 117, 1115, 21340, 1197, 1105, 1157, 11005, 1132, 8012, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1105, 1157, 1352, 1110, 27355, 1105, 178, 11604, 24553, 1895, 119, 794, 11689, 26025, 6541, 117, 1107, 1134, 15029, 4959, 1103, 6349, 1684, 3392, 1104, 21340, 1197, 1607, 119, 1130, 1551, 1104, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 2443, 7262, 117, 1137, 8377, 4290, 117, 15029, 1336, 1136, 2786, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 1111, 170, 1549, 4954, 1295, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 1294, 1977, 5070, 1105, 3106, 191, 10584, 118, 2236, 1224, 21340, 1733, 117, 15029, 1329, 1103, 21340, 1197, 11626, 1104, 9373, 9221, 6006, 1106, 14926, 3687, 24851, 3798, 1113, 1103, 2443, 112, 188, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1130, 1603, 117, 1111, 1296, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1296, 8536, 21902, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 188, 134, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1115, 1122, 27402, 1209, 1129, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1118, 9221, 1891, 119, 2831, 2987, 26107, 117, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1965, 2228, 1122, 3023, 2620, 1103, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1209, 1801, 1103, 21340, 1197, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1157, 9373, 14097, 119, 1130, 2740, 1165, 1103, 2443, 1110, 1136, 1684, 5156, 117, 6349, 3392, 23613, 14097, 8247, 170, 1887, 3392, 1216, 1115, 15029, 1209, 1224, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 188, 119, 1188, 1160, 118, 2585, 4954, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1105, 9221, 1891, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 8219, 1509, 1785, 176, 3556, 16609, 3055, 2234, 1118, 1252, 9866, 1179, 1105, 14672, 164, 123, 166, 119, 10364, 117, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 6117, 170, 1887, 6708, 1114, 1103, 144, 3048, 9025, 1942, 3013, 1104, 1573, 24729, 17828, 3781, 1105, 163, 10559, 1813, 164, 1429, 166, 119, 127, 100, 149, 28311, 6058, 113, 157, 117, 149, 28311, 114, 149, 797, 12226, 6859, 2116, 11689, 26025, 6541, 9352, 24851, 1891, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 188, 188, 116, 122, 188, 116, 123, 188 ]
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[ "V", "##L", ",", "i", "No", "##de", "Pi", "'", "s", "valid", "##ation", "of", "ledge", "##r", "L", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", ")", "T", "##ip", "and", "branch", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", "Un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "at", "sequence", "number", "s", "Ο†", "(", "L", ",", "L", "β€²", ")", "Order", "##ing", "function", "that", "is", "1", "if", "L", ">", "L", "β€²", "(", "by", "has", "##h", ")", "and", "0", "otherwise", "Table", "1", ":", "Su", "##mma", "##ry", "of", "notation", "nodes", ".", "When", "a", "node", "believes", "enough", "proposals", "agree", ",", "it", "applies", "the", "co", "##rre", "-", "s", "##po", "##nding", "transactions", "to", "the", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "according", "to", "the", "ledge", "##r", "protocol", "rules", ".", "It", "then", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "the", "generated", "ledge", "##r", ".", "β€’", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "decide", "whether", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", ",", "based", "on", "the", "valid", "##ations", "issued", "by", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "Once", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "of", "v", "##al", "-", "id", "##ations", "for", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "is", "reached", ",", "that", "ledge", "##r", "and", "its", "ancestors", "are", "deemed", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "and", "its", "state", "is", "authoritative", "and", "i", "##rre", "##voc", "##able", ".", "β€’", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", ",", "in", "which", "nodes", "determine", "the", "preferred", "working", "branch", "of", "ledge", "##r", "history", ".", "In", "times", "of", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "network", "difficulty", ",", "or", "Byzantine", "failure", ",", "nodes", "may", "not", "initially", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "for", "a", "given", "sequence", "number", ".", "In", "order", "to", "make", "forward", "progress", "and", "fully", "v", "##ali", "-", "date", "later", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "nodes", "use", "the", "ledge", "##r", "ancestry", "of", "trusted", "valid", "##ations", "to", "resume", "del", "##iber", "##ating", "on", "the", "network", "'", "s", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "In", "short", ",", "for", "each", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "each", "peer", "Pi", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "s", "=", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "that", "it", "expects", "will", "be", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "by", "valid", "##ation", ".", "Under", "civil", "executions", ",", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "process", "makes", "it", "highly", "likely", "the", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "will", "match", "the", "ledge", "##r", "valid", "##ated", "by", "its", "trusted", "peers", ".", "In", "cases", "when", "the", "network", "is", "not", "working", "normally", ",", "preferred", "branch", "ensures", "peers", "select", "a", "common", "branch", "such", "that", "nodes", "will", "later", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "s", ".", "This", "two", "-", "step", "sequence", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "and", "valid", "##ation", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "stake", "final", "##ity", "g", "##ad", "##get", "recently", "introduced", "by", "But", "##eri", "##n", "and", "Griffith", "[", "2", "]", ".", "Indeed", ",", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "shares", "a", "common", "principle", "with", "the", "G", "##H", "##OS", "##T", "rule", "of", "So", "##mpo", "##lins", "##ky", "and", "Z", "##oh", "##ar", "[", "11", "]", ".", "6", "[UNK]", "L", "##Μƒ", "apply", "(", "T", ",", "L", "##Μƒ", ")", "L", "β€²", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "s", "s", "+", "1", "s", "+", "2", "s" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
gorithm as a general consensus protocol. We re-evaluate the two prior overlap results and provide a single corrected bound which is partway between the bounds of [10] and [1]. We also show that under a more general fault model which was not considered in the original whitepaper but is canonically used in the research literature, the minimum overlap is actually roughly > 90% of the UNL. Finally, we show that during the present stages of diversifying trusted network operators [12], the XRP network is both s
[ 116, 124, 15982, 123, 131, 3291, 24729, 21222, 1116, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 2994, 7982, 1231, 5822, 4993, 1513, 1110, 170, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1126, 11473, 6903, 1106, 1157, 6486, 119, 15982, 123, 1110, 170, 188, 4386, 10734, 2458, 1104, 21340, 1197, 1607, 1105, 2196, 1293, 1292, 3254, 5674, 118, 24928, 5240, 12254, 1106, 4657, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1352, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 170, 1423, 14372, 119, 2614, 5611, 1106, 1103, 1268, 117, 1114, 1103, 1160, 5583, 21340, 1733, 1113, 1103, 1286, 13682, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1105, 27355, 21340, 1197, 4129, 1114, 5580, 21340, 1197, 100, 119, 1109, 19647, 21340, 1197, 1113, 1103, 1268, 5149, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 13638, 117, 1107, 1134, 1103, 14372, 1110, 1971, 21262, 1114, 1157, 9373, 15029, 1113, 1134, 14409, 1106, 6058, 2019, 1103, 1397, 21340, 1197, 119, 1109, 8362, 18591, 1174, 21340, 1733, 4248, 1160, 21776, 21340, 1733, 149, 28311, 117, 149, 797, 1115, 1138, 1151, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1472, 15029, 117, 1133, 1134, 1138, 1136, 1460, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 119, 1130, 1142, 188, 4386, 10734, 117, 6349, 3392, 3552, 1103, 3105, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 1110, 1211, 2620, 1106, 1129, 3106, 9221, 2913, 117, 1177, 1115, 1110, 1103, 1684, 6486, 21340, 1197, 1111, 1142, 14372, 112, 188, 2327, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 119, 124, 119, 122, 9352, 24851, 1891, 9352, 24851, 1891, 1110, 1103, 6552, 1104, 155, 9717, 7136, 10923, 1107, 1134, 15029, 2661, 1106, 5340, 1113, 1103, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1106, 6058, 2019, 21340, 1733, 1152, 9221, 2193, 119, 140, 19526, 1116, 12295, 14409, 1106, 1141, 1137, 1167, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 117, 1150, 1107, 1885, 3012, 1103, 13618, 1106, 1103, 1832, 1104, 1103, 2443, 119, 2994, 14372, 9032, 170, 1383, 1104, 1292, 15498, 14409, 1115, 1138, 1136, 1151, 1529, 1107, 170, 21340, 1197, 119, 8955, 1121, 1142, 1383, 117, 170, 14372, 1122, 21126, 1193, 18381, 1207, 13618, 3741, 1359, 1113, 1103, 1619, 1104, 2510, 14409, 1621, 1103, 3741, 3000, 1118, 15029, 1107, 1157, 7414, 2162, 119, 2994, 5835, 22216, 117, 187, 117, 149, 117, 178, 1110, 170, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 794, 157, 117, 1103, 24637, 14372, 112, 188, 1954, 3319, 1104, 1103, 10923, 13618, 1383, 119, 794, 187, 117, 1103, 1668, 1295, 1104, 1142, 5835, 5236, 1106, 1103, 1168, 10698, 1121, 21902, 1359, 1113, 2988, 21340, 1197, 149, 119, 794, 149, 117, 1103, 2988, 21340, 1197, 1292, 14409, 1209, 6058, 1106, 119, 128, 1838, 11984, 11984, 11984, 153, 1568, 117, 178, 153, 1475, 117, 178, 153, 1477, 117, 178, 153, 1568, 117, 180, 153, 1568, 117, 179, 153, 1475, 117, 180, 153, 1475, 117, 179, 153, 1477, 117, 179, 6058, 159, 1182, 15982, 124, 131, 3278, 7334, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 21902, 119, 1109, 16031, 1132, 10698, 1137, 9221, 6006, 117, 1114, 1155, 1133, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 1105, 14372, 25021, 3452, 17792, 4841, 1116, 20506, 2856, 1111, 9304, 25769, 119, 794, 178, 117, 1103, 25021, 3452, 17792, 1104, 1103, 14372, 21902, 1115, 8737, 1142, 5835, 119, 1332, 1536, 15029, 1107, 1157, 7414, 2162, 17794, 1103, 1269 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "+", "3", "Figure", "2", ":", "Co", "##mpo", "##nent", "##s", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "Each", "rounded", "re", "##ct", "##ang", "##le", "is", "a", "ledge", "##r", "with", "an", "arrow", "pointing", "to", "its", "parent", ".", "Figure", "2", "is", "a", "s", "##che", "##matic", "view", "of", "ledge", "##r", "history", "and", "shows", "how", "these", "com", "##po", "-", "ne", "##nts", "interact", "to", "advance", "the", "ledge", "##r", "state", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "a", "single", "node", ".", "Time", "flows", "to", "the", "right", ",", "with", "the", "two", "grey", "ledge", "##rs", "on", "the", "left", "defining", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "and", "authoritative", "ledge", "##r", "chain", "with", "tip", "ledge", "##r", "[UNK]", ".", "The", "dashed", "ledge", "##r", "on", "the", "right", "represents", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "frontier", ",", "in", "which", "the", "node", "is", "currently", "negotiating", "with", "its", "trusted", "nodes", "on", "which", "transactions", "to", "apply", "towards", "the", "next", "ledge", "##r", ".", "The", "un", "##fill", "##ed", "ledge", "##rs", "represent", "two", "conflicting", "ledge", "##rs", "L", "##Μƒ", ",", "L", "β€²", "that", "have", "been", "valid", "##ated", "by", "different", "nodes", ",", "but", "which", "have", "not", "received", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", ".", "In", "this", "s", "##che", "##matic", ",", "preferred", "branch", "determined", "the", "upper", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", "is", "most", "likely", "to", "be", "fully", "valid", "##ated", ",", "so", "that", "is", "the", "working", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "for", "this", "node", "'", "s", "active", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", ".", "3", ".", "1", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "is", "the", "component", "of", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "consensus", "in", "which", "nodes", "attempt", "to", "agree", "on", "the", "set", "of", "transactions", "to", "apply", "towards", "ledge", "##rs", "they", "valid", "##ate", ".", "C", "##lient", "##s", "submit", "transactions", "to", "one", "or", "more", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", ",", "who", "in", "turn", "broadcast", "the", "transaction", "to", "the", "rest", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Each", "node", "maintains", "a", "set", "of", "these", "pending", "transactions", "that", "have", "not", "been", "included", "in", "a", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Starting", "from", "this", "set", ",", "a", "node", "it", "##erative", "##ly", "proposes", "new", "transaction", "sets", "based", "on", "the", "support", "of", "individual", "transactions", "among", "the", "sets", "proposed", "by", "nodes", "in", "its", "UN", "##L", ".", "Each", "proposal", "PT", ",", "r", ",", "L", ",", "i", "is", "a", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "β€’", "T", ",", "the", "proposing", "node", "'", "s", "current", "guess", "of", "the", "consensus", "transaction", "set", ".", "β€’", "r", ",", "the", "round", "number", "of", "this", "proposal", "relative", "to", "the", "other", "proposals", "from", "Pi", "based", "on", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "L", ".", "β€’", "L", ",", "the", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "these", "transactions", "will", "apply", "to", ".", "7", "start", "update", "update", "update", "P", "##0", ",", "i", "P", "##1", ",", "i", "P", "##2", ",", "i", "P", "##0", ",", "k", "P", "##0", ",", "j", "P", "##1", ",", "k", "P", "##1", ",", "j", "P", "##2", ",", "j", "apply", "V", "##i", "Figure", "3", ":", "Over", "##view", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "Pi", ".", "The", "diamonds", "are", "proposals", "or", "valid", "##ations", ",", "with", "all", "but", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "and", "node", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "sub", "##s", "##cripts", "removed", "for", "br", "##evity", ".", "β€’", "i", ",", "the", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "of", "the", "node", "Pi", "that", "broadcasts", "this", "proposal", ".", "When", "enough", "nodes", "in", "its", "UN", "##L", "propose", "the", "same" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
gorithm as a general consensus protocol. We re-evaluate the two prior overlap results and provide a single corrected bound which is partway between the bounds of [10] and [1]. We also show that under a more general fault model which was not considered in the original whitepaper but is canonically used in the research literature, the minimum overlap is actually roughly > 90% of the UNL. Finally, we show that during the present stages of diversifying trusted network operators [12], the XRP network is both s
[ 116, 124, 15982, 123, 131, 3291, 24729, 21222, 1116, 1104, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 2994, 7982, 1231, 5822, 4993, 1513, 1110, 170, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1126, 11473, 6903, 1106, 1157, 6486, 119, 15982, 123, 1110, 170, 188, 4386, 10734, 2458, 1104, 21340, 1197, 1607, 1105, 2196, 1293, 1292, 3254, 5674, 118, 24928, 5240, 12254, 1106, 4657, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1352, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 170, 1423, 14372, 119, 2614, 5611, 1106, 1103, 1268, 117, 1114, 1103, 1160, 5583, 21340, 1733, 1113, 1103, 1286, 13682, 1103, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1105, 27355, 21340, 1197, 4129, 1114, 5580, 21340, 1197, 100, 119, 1109, 19647, 21340, 1197, 1113, 1103, 1268, 5149, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 13638, 117, 1107, 1134, 1103, 14372, 1110, 1971, 21262, 1114, 1157, 9373, 15029, 1113, 1134, 14409, 1106, 6058, 2019, 1103, 1397, 21340, 1197, 119, 1109, 8362, 18591, 1174, 21340, 1733, 4248, 1160, 21776, 21340, 1733, 149, 28311, 117, 149, 797, 1115, 1138, 1151, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1472, 15029, 117, 1133, 1134, 1138, 1136, 1460, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 119, 1130, 1142, 188, 4386, 10734, 117, 6349, 3392, 3552, 1103, 3105, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 1110, 1211, 2620, 1106, 1129, 3106, 9221, 2913, 117, 1177, 1115, 1110, 1103, 1684, 6486, 21340, 1197, 1111, 1142, 14372, 112, 188, 2327, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 119, 124, 119, 122, 9352, 24851, 1891, 9352, 24851, 1891, 1110, 1103, 6552, 1104, 155, 9717, 7136, 10923, 1107, 1134, 15029, 2661, 1106, 5340, 1113, 1103, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1106, 6058, 2019, 21340, 1733, 1152, 9221, 2193, 119, 140, 19526, 1116, 12295, 14409, 1106, 1141, 1137, 1167, 15029, 1107, 1103, 2443, 117, 1150, 1107, 1885, 3012, 1103, 13618, 1106, 1103, 1832, 1104, 1103, 2443, 119, 2994, 14372, 9032, 170, 1383, 1104, 1292, 15498, 14409, 1115, 1138, 1136, 1151, 1529, 1107, 170, 21340, 1197, 119, 8955, 1121, 1142, 1383, 117, 170, 14372, 1122, 21126, 1193, 18381, 1207, 13618, 3741, 1359, 1113, 1103, 1619, 1104, 2510, 14409, 1621, 1103, 3741, 3000, 1118, 15029, 1107, 1157, 7414, 2162, 119, 2994, 5835, 22216, 117, 187, 117, 149, 117, 178, 1110, 170, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 794, 157, 117, 1103, 24637, 14372, 112, 188, 1954, 3319, 1104, 1103, 10923, 13618, 1383, 119, 794, 187, 117, 1103, 1668, 1295, 1104, 1142, 5835, 5236, 1106, 1103, 1168, 10698, 1121, 21902, 1359, 1113, 2988, 21340, 1197, 149, 119, 794, 149, 117, 1103, 2988, 21340, 1197, 1292, 14409, 1209, 6058, 1106, 119, 128, 1838, 11984, 11984, 11984, 153, 1568, 117, 178, 153, 1475, 117, 178, 153, 1477, 117, 178, 153, 1568, 117, 180, 153, 1568, 117, 179, 153, 1475, 117, 180, 153, 1475, 117, 179, 153, 1477, 117, 179, 6058, 159, 1182, 15982, 124, 131, 3278, 7334, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 21902, 119, 1109, 16031, 1132, 10698, 1137, 9221, 6006, 117, 1114, 1155, 1133, 1103, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 1105, 14372, 25021, 3452, 17792, 4841, 1116, 20506, 2856, 1111, 9304, 25769, 119, 794, 178, 117, 1103, 25021, 3452, 17792, 1104, 1103, 14372, 21902, 1115, 8737, 1142, 5835, 119, 1332, 1536, 15029, 1107, 1157, 7414, 2162, 17794, 1103, 1269 ]
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[ "+", "3", "Figure", "2", ":", "Co", "##mpo", "##nent", "##s", "of", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "Each", "rounded", "re", "##ct", "##ang", "##le", "is", "a", "ledge", "##r", "with", "an", "arrow", "pointing", "to", "its", "parent", ".", "Figure", "2", "is", "a", "s", "##che", "##matic", "view", "of", "ledge", "##r", "history", "and", "shows", "how", "these", "com", "##po", "-", "ne", "##nts", "interact", "to", "advance", "the", "ledge", "##r", "state", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "a", "single", "node", ".", "Time", "flows", "to", "the", "right", ",", "with", "the", "two", "grey", "ledge", "##rs", "on", "the", "left", "defining", "the", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "and", "authoritative", "ledge", "##r", "chain", "with", "tip", "ledge", "##r", "[UNK]", ".", "The", "dashed", "ledge", "##r", "on", "the", "right", "represents", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "frontier", ",", "in", "which", "the", "node", "is", "currently", "negotiating", "with", "its", "trusted", "nodes", "on", "which", "transactions", "to", "apply", "towards", "the", "next", "ledge", "##r", ".", "The", "un", "##fill", "##ed", "ledge", "##rs", "represent", "two", "conflicting", "ledge", "##rs", "L", "##Μƒ", ",", "L", "β€²", "that", "have", "been", "valid", "##ated", "by", "different", "nodes", ",", "but", "which", "have", "not", "received", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", ".", "In", "this", "s", "##che", "##matic", ",", "preferred", "branch", "determined", "the", "upper", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", "is", "most", "likely", "to", "be", "fully", "valid", "##ated", ",", "so", "that", "is", "the", "working", "parent", "ledge", "##r", "for", "this", "node", "'", "s", "active", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", ".", "3", ".", "1", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "Del", "##iber", "##ation", "is", "the", "component", "of", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "consensus", "in", "which", "nodes", "attempt", "to", "agree", "on", "the", "set", "of", "transactions", "to", "apply", "towards", "ledge", "##rs", "they", "valid", "##ate", ".", "C", "##lient", "##s", "submit", "transactions", "to", "one", "or", "more", "nodes", "in", "the", "network", ",", "who", "in", "turn", "broadcast", "the", "transaction", "to", "the", "rest", "of", "the", "network", ".", "Each", "node", "maintains", "a", "set", "of", "these", "pending", "transactions", "that", "have", "not", "been", "included", "in", "a", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Starting", "from", "this", "set", ",", "a", "node", "it", "##erative", "##ly", "proposes", "new", "transaction", "sets", "based", "on", "the", "support", "of", "individual", "transactions", "among", "the", "sets", "proposed", "by", "nodes", "in", "its", "UN", "##L", ".", "Each", "proposal", "PT", ",", "r", ",", "L", ",", "i", "is", "a", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "β€’", "T", ",", "the", "proposing", "node", "'", "s", "current", "guess", "of", "the", "consensus", "transaction", "set", ".", "β€’", "r", ",", "the", "round", "number", "of", "this", "proposal", "relative", "to", "the", "other", "proposals", "from", "Pi", "based", "on", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "L", ".", "β€’", "L", ",", "the", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "these", "transactions", "will", "apply", "to", ".", "7", "start", "update", "update", "update", "P", "##0", ",", "i", "P", "##1", ",", "i", "P", "##2", ",", "i", "P", "##0", ",", "k", "P", "##0", ",", "j", "P", "##1", ",", "k", "P", "##1", ",", "j", "P", "##2", ",", "j", "apply", "V", "##i", "Figure", "3", ":", "Over", "##view", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "Pi", ".", "The", "diamonds", "are", "proposals", "or", "valid", "##ations", ",", "with", "all", "but", "the", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "and", "node", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "sub", "##s", "##cripts", "removed", "for", "br", "##evity", ".", "β€’", "i", ",", "the", "id", "##ent", "##ifier", "of", "the", "node", "Pi", "that", "broadcasts", "this", "proposal", ".", "When", "enough", "nodes", "in", "its", "UN", "##L", "propose", "the", "same" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
afe and cannot become "stuck" making no forward progress. This research provides a definitive result about the safety of XRP Ledger in its current state. However, to encourage greater flexibility in choosing UNLs in the future, we would prefer an algorithm that gets closer to the original expected overlap bounds. In a sibling paper [6], we present a novel alternative consensus algorithm called Cobalt that lowers the overlap bound to only > 60% in the general fault model, cannot get stuck in any network t
[ 13618, 1383, 117, 170, 14372, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 1359, 1113, 1115, 1383, 1105, 3471, 1103, 1397, 1668, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 15982, 124, 1110, 170, 1344, 118, 1634, 24431, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 2756, 5708, 1107, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 122, 119, 138, 14372, 2786, 3675, 1838, 1106, 3295, 170, 1207, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 1105, 17794, 1157, 3288, 2458, 1104, 1103, 10923, 14409, 119, 1135, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 5250, 118, 172, 5800, 1279, 1207, 10698, 1121, 9373, 15029, 117, 8338, 1103, 1383, 1104, 1211, 2793, 10698, 1121, 1296, 119, 5096, 5674, 11794, 1116, 1132, 1178, 1737, 1191, 1152, 1132, 1111, 1103, 1269, 2988, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 119, 1109, 14372, 4857, 15549, 1157, 3000, 10923, 13618, 1383, 1107, 2593, 1106, 3599, 1460, 14372, 10698, 117, 1178, 1259, 14409, 1675, 1107, 1120, 1655, 11810, 113, 187, 114, 1104, 1103, 1211, 3055, 1460, 10698, 1121, 1157, 9373, 15029, 119, 1109, 11810, 3816, 1112, 170, 3014, 2656, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1107, 1103, 7414, 2162, 117, 1133, 11631, 17374, 1116, 1146, 1112, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5720, 10980, 119, 1188, 23613, 3345, 15029, 1169, 112, 189, 3843, 10923, 14255, 4121, 3375, 119, 1130, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 7249, 117, 1103, 11810, 2947, 121, 119, 126, 28740, 121, 119, 2625, 28740, 121, 119, 3102, 28740, 121, 119, 4573, 1112, 187, 6986, 119, 2994, 14372, 21902, 20651, 10923, 1680, 1165, 1122, 5302, 1103, 186, 11848, 5697, 186, 1182, 1104, 1157, 9373, 15029, 5340, 1113, 1103, 13618, 1383, 119, 1135, 1173, 12175, 1103, 10923, 14409, 1106, 9509, 1103, 1397, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 8737, 1157, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1105, 3471, 170, 1207, 1668, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1135, 1110, 1696, 1106, 3805, 1115, 170, 14372, 1336, 1178, 9221, 2193, 1141, 21340, 1197, 1114, 170, 1549, 4954, 1295, 119, 1130, 1864, 117, 1103, 27289, 1110, 1111, 14372, 21902, 1106, 1178, 2486, 170, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1191, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1110, 3407, 1190, 1115, 1104, 1251, 21340, 1197, 2331, 9221, 2913, 1118, 21902, 119, 4516, 1191, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 170, 14372, 17579, 1122, 1110, 1136, 1684, 1113, 1103, 6349, 3392, 117, 1122, 1209, 6878, 1106, 1250, 1113, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1133, 1209, 1136, 2486, 170, 9221, 1891, 1235, 1122, 1144, 2347, 1171, 1146, 1106, 1103, 4954, 1295, 1122, 1108, 1113, 1196, 12806, 119, 1130, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 7249, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 11309, 11491, 18311, 1306, 118, 129, 3084, 1468, 4959, 1103, 188, 27250, 8167, 11153, 8569, 5420, 1104, 14372, 10698, 1105, 14255, 118, 4267, 6126, 1111, 3830, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 8154, 2613, 6461, 1206, 12877, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5233, 1103, 1194, 16156, 1105, 1523, 7232, 1104, 13618, 6165, 1112, 1218, 1112, 1103, 2443, 9008, 1104, 6731, 10698, 1105, 13618, 3741, 119, 1247, 1132, 1145, 11309, 2995, 1115, 4959, 1134, 14409, 1132, 1107, 1103, 1107, 1182, 118, 189, 2916, 5835, 1105, 1293, 14409, 1115, 2604, 1106, 1129, 1529, 1132, 1231, 19091, 1174, 1107, 4194, 3687, 24851, 6006, 119 ]
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[ "transaction", "set", ",", "a", "node", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "based", "on", "that", "set", "and", "begins", "the", "next", "round", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "Figure", "3", "is", "a", "high", "-", "level", "overview", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "presented", "formally", "in", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", "1", ".", "A", "node", "initially", "calls", "start", "to", "begin", "a", "new", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "and", "propose", "its", "initial", "view", "of", "the", "consensus", "transactions", ".", "It", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", "pro", "-", "c", "##ess", "##es", "new", "proposals", "from", "trusted", "nodes", ",", "maintaining", "the", "set", "of", "most", "recent", "proposals", "from", "each", ".", "Pro", "##po", "##sal", "##s", "are", "only", "considered", "if", "they", "are", "for", "the", "same", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", ".", "The", "node", "regularly", "updates", "its", "proposed", "consensus", "transaction", "set", "in", "response", "to", "newly", "received", "node", "proposals", ",", "only", "including", "transactions", "present", "in", "at", "least", "threshold", "(", "r", ")", "of", "the", "most", "recently", "received", "proposals", "from", "its", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "The", "threshold", "starts", "as", "a", "simple", "majority", "of", "the", "nodes", "in", "the", "UN", "##L", ",", "but", "rat", "##chet", "##s", "up", "as", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "rounds", "proceed", ".", "This", "ensures", "slow", "nodes", "can", "'", "t", "prevent", "consensus", "con", "##ver", "##ging", ".", "In", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "implementation", ",", "the", "threshold", "goes", "0", ".", "5", "##β†’", "0", ".", "65", "##β†’", "0", ".", "70", "##β†’", "0", ".", "95", "as", "r", "increases", ".", "Each", "node", "Pi", "declares", "consensus", "reached", "when", "it", "sees", "the", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "q", "##i", "of", "its", "trusted", "nodes", "agree", "on", "the", "transaction", "set", ".", "It", "then", "applies", "the", "consensus", "transactions", "to", "generate", "the", "next", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "broadcasts", "its", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "and", "begins", "a", "new", "round", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "It", "is", "important", "to", "note", "that", "a", "node", "may", "only", "valid", "##ate", "one", "ledge", "##r", "with", "a", "given", "sequence", "number", ".", "In", "fact", ",", "the", "invariant", "is", "for", "node", "Pi", "to", "only", "issue", "a", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "if", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "is", "greater", "than", "that", "of", "any", "ledge", "##r", "previously", "valid", "##ated", "by", "Pi", ".", "Thus", "if", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "a", "node", "determines", "it", "is", "not", "working", "on", "the", "preferred", "branch", ",", "it", "will", "switch", "to", "work", "on", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "but", "will", "not", "issue", "a", "valid", "##ation", "until", "it", "has", "caught", "back", "up", "to", "the", "sequence", "number", "it", "was", "on", "before", "switching", ".", "In", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "implementation", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "protocol", "timing", "para", "##m", "-", "8", "et", "##ers", "determine", "the", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##oni", "##zation", "requirements", "of", "node", "proposals", "and", "con", "-", "di", "##tions", "for", "ending", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "Additional", "waiting", "periods", "between", "phases", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "balance", "the", "through", "##put", "and", "late", "##ncy", "of", "transaction", "processing", "as", "well", "as", "the", "network", "overhead", "of", "broadcasting", "proposals", "and", "transaction", "sets", ".", "There", "are", "also", "protocol", "rules", "that", "determine", "which", "transactions", "are", "in", "the", "in", "##i", "-", "t", "##ial", "proposal", "and", "how", "transactions", "that", "failed", "to", "be", "included", "are", "re", "##tri", "##ed", "in", "subsequent", "del", "##iber", "##ations", "." ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
afe and cannot become "stuck" making no forward progress. This research provides a definitive result about the safety of XRP Ledger in its current state. However, to encourage greater flexibility in choosing UNLs in the future, we would prefer an algorithm that gets closer to the original expected overlap bounds. In a sibling paper [6], we present a novel alternative consensus algorithm called Cobalt that lowers the overlap bound to only > 60% in the general fault model, cannot get stuck in any network t
[ 13618, 1383, 117, 170, 14372, 2492, 170, 9221, 1891, 1359, 1113, 1115, 1383, 1105, 3471, 1103, 1397, 1668, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 15982, 124, 1110, 170, 1344, 118, 1634, 24431, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 2756, 5708, 1107, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 122, 119, 138, 14372, 2786, 3675, 1838, 1106, 3295, 170, 1207, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 1105, 17794, 1157, 3288, 2458, 1104, 1103, 10923, 14409, 119, 1135, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 5250, 118, 172, 5800, 1279, 1207, 10698, 1121, 9373, 15029, 117, 8338, 1103, 1383, 1104, 1211, 2793, 10698, 1121, 1296, 119, 5096, 5674, 11794, 1116, 1132, 1178, 1737, 1191, 1152, 1132, 1111, 1103, 1269, 2988, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 119, 1109, 14372, 4857, 15549, 1157, 3000, 10923, 13618, 1383, 1107, 2593, 1106, 3599, 1460, 14372, 10698, 117, 1178, 1259, 14409, 1675, 1107, 1120, 1655, 11810, 113, 187, 114, 1104, 1103, 1211, 3055, 1460, 10698, 1121, 1157, 9373, 15029, 119, 1109, 11810, 3816, 1112, 170, 3014, 2656, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1107, 1103, 7414, 2162, 117, 1133, 11631, 17374, 1116, 1146, 1112, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5720, 10980, 119, 1188, 23613, 3345, 15029, 1169, 112, 189, 3843, 10923, 14255, 4121, 3375, 119, 1130, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 7249, 117, 1103, 11810, 2947, 121, 119, 126, 28740, 121, 119, 2625, 28740, 121, 119, 3102, 28740, 121, 119, 4573, 1112, 187, 6986, 119, 2994, 14372, 21902, 20651, 10923, 1680, 1165, 1122, 5302, 1103, 186, 11848, 5697, 186, 1182, 1104, 1157, 9373, 15029, 5340, 1113, 1103, 13618, 1383, 119, 1135, 1173, 12175, 1103, 10923, 14409, 1106, 9509, 1103, 1397, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 8737, 1157, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1105, 3471, 170, 1207, 1668, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1135, 1110, 1696, 1106, 3805, 1115, 170, 14372, 1336, 1178, 9221, 2193, 1141, 21340, 1197, 1114, 170, 1549, 4954, 1295, 119, 1130, 1864, 117, 1103, 27289, 1110, 1111, 14372, 21902, 1106, 1178, 2486, 170, 9221, 1891, 159, 2162, 117, 178, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1191, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1110, 3407, 1190, 1115, 1104, 1251, 21340, 1197, 2331, 9221, 2913, 1118, 21902, 119, 4516, 1191, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 170, 14372, 17579, 1122, 1110, 1136, 1684, 1113, 1103, 6349, 3392, 117, 1122, 1209, 6878, 1106, 1250, 1113, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1133, 1209, 1136, 2486, 170, 9221, 1891, 1235, 1122, 1144, 2347, 1171, 1146, 1106, 1103, 4954, 1295, 1122, 1108, 1113, 1196, 12806, 119, 1130, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 7249, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 11309, 11491, 18311, 1306, 118, 129, 3084, 1468, 4959, 1103, 188, 27250, 8167, 11153, 8569, 5420, 1104, 14372, 10698, 1105, 14255, 118, 4267, 6126, 1111, 3830, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 8154, 2613, 6461, 1206, 12877, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 5233, 1103, 1194, 16156, 1105, 1523, 7232, 1104, 13618, 6165, 1112, 1218, 1112, 1103, 2443, 9008, 1104, 6731, 10698, 1105, 13618, 3741, 119, 1247, 1132, 1145, 11309, 2995, 1115, 4959, 1134, 14409, 1132, 1107, 1103, 1107, 1182, 118, 189, 2916, 5835, 1105, 1293, 14409, 1115, 2604, 1106, 1129, 1529, 1132, 1231, 19091, 1174, 1107, 4194, 3687, 24851, 6006, 119 ]
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[ "transaction", "set", ",", "a", "node", "issues", "a", "valid", "##ation", "based", "on", "that", "set", "and", "begins", "the", "next", "round", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "Figure", "3", "is", "a", "high", "-", "level", "overview", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "presented", "formally", "in", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", "1", ".", "A", "node", "initially", "calls", "start", "to", "begin", "a", "new", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "and", "propose", "its", "initial", "view", "of", "the", "consensus", "transactions", ".", "It", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", "pro", "-", "c", "##ess", "##es", "new", "proposals", "from", "trusted", "nodes", ",", "maintaining", "the", "set", "of", "most", "recent", "proposals", "from", "each", ".", "Pro", "##po", "##sal", "##s", "are", "only", "considered", "if", "they", "are", "for", "the", "same", "prior", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", ".", "The", "node", "regularly", "updates", "its", "proposed", "consensus", "transaction", "set", "in", "response", "to", "newly", "received", "node", "proposals", ",", "only", "including", "transactions", "present", "in", "at", "least", "threshold", "(", "r", ")", "of", "the", "most", "recently", "received", "proposals", "from", "its", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "The", "threshold", "starts", "as", "a", "simple", "majority", "of", "the", "nodes", "in", "the", "UN", "##L", ",", "but", "rat", "##chet", "##s", "up", "as", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "rounds", "proceed", ".", "This", "ensures", "slow", "nodes", "can", "'", "t", "prevent", "consensus", "con", "##ver", "##ging", ".", "In", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "implementation", ",", "the", "threshold", "goes", "0", ".", "5", "##β†’", "0", ".", "65", "##β†’", "0", ".", "70", "##β†’", "0", ".", "95", "as", "r", "increases", ".", "Each", "node", "Pi", "declares", "consensus", "reached", "when", "it", "sees", "the", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "q", "##i", "of", "its", "trusted", "nodes", "agree", "on", "the", "transaction", "set", ".", "It", "then", "applies", "the", "consensus", "transactions", "to", "generate", "the", "next", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "broadcasts", "its", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "and", "begins", "a", "new", "round", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "It", "is", "important", "to", "note", "that", "a", "node", "may", "only", "valid", "##ate", "one", "ledge", "##r", "with", "a", "given", "sequence", "number", ".", "In", "fact", ",", "the", "invariant", "is", "for", "node", "Pi", "to", "only", "issue", "a", "valid", "##ation", "V", "##L", ",", "i", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "if", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "is", "greater", "than", "that", "of", "any", "ledge", "##r", "previously", "valid", "##ated", "by", "Pi", ".", "Thus", "if", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "a", "node", "determines", "it", "is", "not", "working", "on", "the", "preferred", "branch", ",", "it", "will", "switch", "to", "work", "on", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "but", "will", "not", "issue", "a", "valid", "##ation", "until", "it", "has", "caught", "back", "up", "to", "the", "sequence", "number", "it", "was", "on", "before", "switching", ".", "In", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "implementation", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "protocol", "timing", "para", "##m", "-", "8", "et", "##ers", "determine", "the", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##oni", "##zation", "requirements", "of", "node", "proposals", "and", "con", "-", "di", "##tions", "for", "ending", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "Additional", "waiting", "periods", "between", "phases", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "balance", "the", "through", "##put", "and", "late", "##ncy", "of", "transaction", "processing", "as", "well", "as", "the", "network", "overhead", "of", "broadcasting", "proposals", "and", "transaction", "sets", ".", "There", "are", "also", "protocol", "rules", "that", "determine", "which", "transactions", "are", "in", "the", "in", "##i", "-", "t", "##ial", "proposal", "and", "how", "transactions", "that", "failed", "to", "be", "included", "are", "re", "##tri", "##ed", "in", "subsequent", "del", "##iber", "##ations", "." ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
hat satisfies the overlap bound, and has several other properties that make it suitable for eventually replacing XRP LCP. This paper thus serves primarily to show that the XRP Ledger is safe in the interim while transitioning to Cobalt, and the relatively strict requirements on UNL configurations under XRP LCP should be viewed in light of this planned transition. Section 2 defines the network model and defines the consensus problem. Sec- tion 3 is a detailed description of the Ripple consensus algorithm.
[ 1966, 1142, 1260, 7137, 3052, 1121, 1103, 11108, 9932, 2756, 1107, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 2059, 1103, 2607, 1178, 15574, 1103, 8685, 1104, 1103, 9932, 1105, 1169, 1129, 6497, 1112, 1126, 25161, 1111, 4138, 13618, 1194, 16156, 119, 2082, 16246, 117, 1103, 3429, 1105, 1686, 1757, 2686, 1107, 2237, 125, 1202, 1136, 12864, 1113, 1292, 4068, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 124, 119, 123, 12226, 6859, 2116, 12226, 6859, 2116, 1110, 1103, 23565, 1104, 1103, 1210, 5644, 1105, 1110, 25172, 1107, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 123, 119, 1302, 4704, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2566, 5113, 1111, 9221, 6006, 1121, 9373, 15029, 119, 1409, 170, 14372, 21902, 5302, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 186, 1182, 1104, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1173, 1122, 3741, 1103, 1207, 3106, 9221, 2913, 5580, 21340, 1197, 100, 1106, 149, 119, 124, 119, 124, 11689, 26025, 6541, 12226, 6859, 5067, 5156, 9221, 2193, 170, 3014, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 117, 174, 119, 176, 119, 10722, 845, 149, 2064, 845, 149, 1658, 119, 119, 119, 119, 1438, 117, 1219, 1551, 1104, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 2443, 7262, 117, 1137, 5335, 8377, 4290, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 1136, 1155, 5663, 15029, 1336, 1322, 1146, 4172, 1536, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 2510, 21340, 1197, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 119, 1332, 2756, 1114, 14255, 118, 22593, 17882, 1158, 21340, 1733, 117, 6349, 3392, 1110, 1103, 5564, 1134, 17579, 1103, 6349, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 1106, 6878, 1106, 1107, 1546, 1106, 2760, 1543, 1977, 5070, 119, 1135, 1110, 1359, 1113, 1103, 3416, 11626, 1104, 1103, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1733, 117, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 117, 1105, 1103, 1378, 12709, 131, 122, 119, 1109, 5580, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1295, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 149, 117, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 134, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 149, 134, 149, 797, 198, 197, 119, 113, 122, 114, 123, 119, 1109, 3392, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1295, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 3055, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1719, 149, 1137, 1110, 9026, 1121, 149, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 114, 134, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 116, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 149, 850, 11005, 113, 149, 797, 114, 198, 197, 117, 113, 123, 114, 1187, 11005, 113, 149, 797, 114, 1110, 1103, 1383, 1104, 11005, 1104, 149, 797, 117, 178, 119, 174, 119, 1103, 6486, 117, 5372, 118, 6486, 117, 1632, 118, 5372, 17482, 3452, 117, 3576, 119, 117, 1155, 1103, 1236, 1171, 1106, 1103, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 119, 124, 119, 1109, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1113, 170, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 183, 1818, 118, 1129, 1197, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1719, 4954, 2211, 1190, 188, 1137, 1114, 4954, 2211, 1190, 1115, 1104, 1103, 2026, 21340, 1197, 149 ]
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[ "Although", "this", "de", "##via", "##tes", "from", "the", "abstract", "algorithm", "presented", "in", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "believe", "the", "changes", "only", "obscure", "the", "presentation", "of", "the", "algorithm", "and", "can", "be", "viewed", "as", "an", "optimization", "for", "increasing", "transaction", "through", "##put", ".", "Most", "importantly", ",", "the", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", "results", "in", "section", "4", "do", "not", "depend", "on", "these", "details", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "3", ".", "2", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "is", "the", "simplest", "of", "the", "three", "components", "and", "is", "summarized", "in", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", "2", ".", "No", "##des", "in", "the", "network", "simply", "listen", "for", "valid", "##ations", "from", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "If", "a", "node", "Pi", "sees", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "q", "##i", "of", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "then", "it", "sets", "the", "new", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "tip", "ledge", "##r", "[UNK]", "to", "L", ".", "3", ".", "3", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", "Val", "##ida", "##tors", "normally", "valid", "##ate", "a", "simple", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "e", ".", "g", ".", "LA", "β†’", "L", "##B", "β†’", "L", "##C", ".", ".", ".", ".", "However", ",", "during", "times", "of", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "network", "difficulty", ",", "or", "temporary", "Byzantine", "failure", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "not", "all", "correct", "nodes", "may", "end", "up", "receiving", "enough", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "individual", "ledge", "##r", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", ".", "When", "presented", "with", "con", "-", "fl", "##ict", "##ing", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "preferred", "branch", "is", "the", "strategy", "which", "determines", "the", "preferred", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", "to", "switch", "to", "in", "order", "to", "continue", "making", "forward", "progress", ".", "It", "is", "based", "on", "the", "shared", "ancestry", "of", "the", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ",", "and", "the", "following", "quantities", ":", "1", ".", "The", "tip", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "number", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "L", ",", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", "=", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "L", "=", "L", "β€²", "}", "|", ".", "(", "1", ")", "2", ".", "The", "branch", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "number", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recently", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "either", "L", "or", "is", "descended", "from", "L", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", ")", "=", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", "+", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "L", "∈", "ancestors", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "}", "|", ",", "(", "2", ")", "where", "ancestors", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "is", "the", "set", "of", "ancestors", "of", "L", "β€²", ",", "i", ".", "e", ".", "the", "parent", ",", "grand", "-", "parent", ",", "great", "-", "grand", "##par", "##ent", ",", "etc", ".", ",", "all", "the", "way", "back", "to", "the", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", ".", "3", ".", "The", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "on", "a", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "which", "is", "the", "n", "##um", "-", "be", "##r", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "with", "either", "sequence", "lower", "than", "s", "or", "with", "sequence", "lower", "than", "that", "of", "the", "largest", "ledge", "##r", "L" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
hat satisfies the overlap bound, and has several other properties that make it suitable for eventually replacing XRP LCP. This paper thus serves primarily to show that the XRP Ledger is safe in the interim while transitioning to Cobalt, and the relatively strict requirements on UNL configurations under XRP LCP should be viewed in light of this planned transition. Section 2 defines the network model and defines the consensus problem. Sec- tion 3 is a detailed description of the Ripple consensus algorithm.
[ 1966, 1142, 1260, 7137, 3052, 1121, 1103, 11108, 9932, 2756, 1107, 1142, 2526, 117, 1195, 2059, 1103, 2607, 1178, 15574, 1103, 8685, 1104, 1103, 9932, 1105, 1169, 1129, 6497, 1112, 1126, 25161, 1111, 4138, 13618, 1194, 16156, 119, 2082, 16246, 117, 1103, 3429, 1105, 1686, 1757, 2686, 1107, 2237, 125, 1202, 1136, 12864, 1113, 1292, 4068, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 124, 119, 123, 12226, 6859, 2116, 12226, 6859, 2116, 1110, 1103, 23565, 1104, 1103, 1210, 5644, 1105, 1110, 25172, 1107, 2393, 2758, 118, 187, 7088, 1306, 123, 119, 1302, 4704, 1107, 1103, 2443, 2566, 5113, 1111, 9221, 6006, 1121, 9373, 15029, 119, 1409, 170, 14372, 21902, 5302, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 186, 1182, 1104, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1173, 1122, 3741, 1103, 1207, 3106, 9221, 2913, 5580, 21340, 1197, 100, 1106, 149, 119, 124, 119, 124, 11689, 26025, 6541, 12226, 6859, 5067, 5156, 9221, 2193, 170, 3014, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 117, 174, 119, 176, 119, 10722, 845, 149, 2064, 845, 149, 1658, 119, 119, 119, 119, 1438, 117, 1219, 1551, 1104, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 2443, 7262, 117, 1137, 5335, 8377, 4290, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 1136, 1155, 5663, 15029, 1336, 1322, 1146, 4172, 1536, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 2510, 21340, 1197, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 119, 1332, 2756, 1114, 14255, 118, 22593, 17882, 1158, 21340, 1733, 117, 6349, 3392, 1110, 1103, 5564, 1134, 17579, 1103, 6349, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 1106, 6878, 1106, 1107, 1546, 1106, 2760, 1543, 1977, 5070, 119, 1135, 1110, 1359, 1113, 1103, 3416, 11626, 1104, 1103, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1733, 117, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 117, 1105, 1103, 1378, 12709, 131, 122, 119, 1109, 5580, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1295, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 149, 117, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 134, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 149, 134, 149, 797, 198, 197, 119, 113, 122, 114, 123, 119, 1109, 3392, 1619, 1104, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 1295, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 3055, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1719, 149, 1137, 1110, 9026, 1121, 149, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 114, 134, 28117, 8661, 27961, 113, 149, 114, 116, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 149, 850, 11005, 113, 149, 797, 114, 198, 197, 117, 113, 123, 114, 1187, 11005, 113, 149, 797, 114, 1110, 1103, 1383, 1104, 11005, 1104, 149, 797, 117, 178, 119, 174, 119, 1103, 6486, 117, 5372, 118, 6486, 117, 1632, 118, 5372, 17482, 3452, 117, 3576, 119, 117, 1155, 1103, 1236, 1171, 1106, 1103, 9077, 1548, 21340, 1197, 119, 124, 119, 1109, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1113, 170, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1134, 1110, 1103, 183, 1818, 118, 1129, 1197, 1104, 9373, 15029, 2133, 1211, 2793, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1719, 4954, 2211, 1190, 188, 1137, 1114, 4954, 2211, 1190, 1115, 1104, 1103, 2026, 21340, 1197, 149 ]
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[ "Although", "this", "de", "##via", "##tes", "from", "the", "abstract", "algorithm", "presented", "in", "this", "paper", ",", "we", "believe", "the", "changes", "only", "obscure", "the", "presentation", "of", "the", "algorithm", "and", "can", "be", "viewed", "as", "an", "optimization", "for", "increasing", "transaction", "through", "##put", ".", "Most", "importantly", ",", "the", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", "results", "in", "section", "4", "do", "not", "depend", "on", "these", "details", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "3", ".", "2", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "Val", "##ida", "##tion", "is", "the", "simplest", "of", "the", "three", "components", "and", "is", "summarized", "in", "al", "##go", "-", "r", "##ith", "##m", "2", ".", "No", "##des", "in", "the", "network", "simply", "listen", "for", "valid", "##ations", "from", "trusted", "nodes", ".", "If", "a", "node", "Pi", "sees", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "q", "##i", "of", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "then", "it", "sets", "the", "new", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "tip", "ledge", "##r", "[UNK]", "to", "L", ".", "3", ".", "3", "Pre", "##ferred", "Branch", "Val", "##ida", "##tors", "normally", "valid", "##ate", "a", "simple", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "e", ".", "g", ".", "LA", "β†’", "L", "##B", "β†’", "L", "##C", ".", ".", ".", ".", "However", ",", "during", "times", "of", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "network", "difficulty", ",", "or", "temporary", "Byzantine", "failure", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "not", "all", "correct", "nodes", "may", "end", "up", "receiving", "enough", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "individual", "ledge", "##r", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", ".", "When", "presented", "with", "con", "-", "fl", "##ict", "##ing", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "preferred", "branch", "is", "the", "strategy", "which", "determines", "the", "preferred", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", "to", "switch", "to", "in", "order", "to", "continue", "making", "forward", "progress", ".", "It", "is", "based", "on", "the", "shared", "ancestry", "of", "the", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ",", "and", "the", "following", "quantities", ":", "1", ".", "The", "tip", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "number", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "L", ",", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", "=", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "L", "=", "L", "β€²", "}", "|", ".", "(", "1", ")", "2", ".", "The", "branch", "support", "of", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "which", "is", "the", "number", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recently", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "either", "L", "or", "is", "descended", "from", "L", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", ")", "=", "su", "##pp", "##tip", "(", "L", ")", "+", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "L", "∈", "ancestors", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "}", "|", ",", "(", "2", ")", "where", "ancestors", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "is", "the", "set", "of", "ancestors", "of", "L", "β€²", ",", "i", ".", "e", ".", "the", "parent", ",", "grand", "-", "parent", ",", "great", "-", "grand", "##par", "##ent", ",", "etc", ".", ",", "all", "the", "way", "back", "to", "the", "genes", "##is", "ledge", "##r", ".", "3", ".", "The", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "on", "a", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "which", "is", "the", "n", "##um", "-", "be", "##r", "of", "trusted", "nodes", "whose", "most", "recent", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##r", "is", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "with", "either", "sequence", "lower", "than", "s", "or", "with", "sequence", "lower", "than", "that", "of", "the", "largest", "ledge", "##r", "L" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
In section 4, we prove the network conditions needed to guarantee correctness of the algo- rithm. Finally, section 5 concludes with a discussion of the results and directions for improvement. 2 2 Network Model and Problem Definition Let Pi be a node in the network with unique identifier i, such as a cryptographic public key. Each node Pi is free to choose a unique node list UNLi, which is the set of nodes (possibly including itself) whose messages Pi will listen to as part of the XRP LCP. The UNL re
[ 9221, 1891, 1115, 1195, 7572, 1138, 3012, 1174, 131, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 134, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 133, 12477, 1775, 113, 188, 117, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 114, 119, 113, 124, 114, 130, 10722, 131, 113, 121, 117, 126, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2064, 131, 113, 122, 117, 124, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2137, 131, 113, 122, 117, 123, 117, 122, 114, 149, 2036, 131, 113, 122, 117, 122, 117, 125, 114, 149, 1658, 131, 113, 121, 117, 123, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2271, 131, 113, 123, 117, 123, 117, 122, 114, 15982, 125, 131, 18657, 2895, 11626, 1126, 12512, 2913, 1114, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 28117, 8661, 27961, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 117, 1105, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 114, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 1103, 14372, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 119, 18657, 2895, 149, 2137, 1110, 6349, 119, 15982, 125, 2196, 170, 182, 3329, 19012, 1859, 117, 1187, 1296, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1126, 12512, 2913, 1114, 1103, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 113, 28117, 8661, 27961, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 117, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 114, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 170, 14372, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 119, 1247, 1132, 126, 9373, 15029, 117, 1160, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 1105, 1141, 1296, 9221, 3798, 149, 2064, 117, 149, 2137, 1105, 149, 2036, 119, 1109, 6349, 3392, 5564, 17579, 1115, 149, 2137, 1110, 6349, 119, 1109, 6349, 3392, 11309, 1110, 2136, 1107, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 124, 119, 1130, 7926, 8588, 1193, 117, 1103, 1911, 1110, 1111, 1296, 14372, 1106, 1129, 6588, 1105, 1178, 6878, 1106, 170, 1472, 3392, 1165, 1122, 3520, 1536, 15029, 1138, 4762, 1106, 1115, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 1216, 1115, 1126, 4174, 4129, 2834, 1138, 1167, 1619, 119, 1109, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1276, 1118, 3179, 1103, 11626, 2780, 117, 2547, 1121, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1115, 1110, 1103, 1887, 13596, 21340, 1197, 1104, 1103, 1211, 3055, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1733, 119, 1284, 1173, 8247, 1103, 2027, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 850, 1482, 113, 149, 114, 1114, 2439, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 797, 114, 117, 1115, 1156, 1253, 1138, 1103, 1211, 1619, 1256, 1191, 1155, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 114, 3015, 170, 21776, 26563, 21340, 1197, 119, 1409, 1195, 2834, 8247, 170, 2027, 1104, 149, 18330, 1142, 8875, 117, 1173, 149, 1110, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1409, 1195, 1169, 1525, 170, 6349, 2027, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 1195, 9488, 1103, 1965, 1113, 1103, 1482, 1104, 149, 797, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 4989, 170, 1703, 13649, 1113, 21340, 1733, 1105, 2549, 7057, 1206, 26563, 21340, 1733, 117, 1195, 11235, 1113, 170, 3053, 439, 113, 149, 797, 117, 149, 797, 797, 114, 117, 1134, 1110, 122, 1191, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1104, 149, 797, 135, 149, 797, 797, 1105, 1110, 121, 4303, 119, 1409, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1276, 1110, 1126, 13596, 1104, 1412, 1954, 1684, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 117, 1195, 1712, 149, 28311 ]
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[ "valid", "##ation", "that", "we", "personally", "have", "broadcast", "##ed", ":", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", "=", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "<", "ma", "##x", "(", "s", ",", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ")", ".", "(", "3", ")", "9", "LA", ":", "(", "0", ",", "5", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##B", ":", "(", "1", ",", "3", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##D", ":", "(", "1", ",", "2", ",", "1", ")", "L", "##E", ":", "(", "1", ",", "1", ",", "4", ")", "L", "##C", ":", "(", "0", ",", "2", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##F", ":", "(", "2", ",", "2", ",", "1", ")", "Figure", "4", ":", "Led", "##ger", "ancestry", "an", "##not", "##ated", "with", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "su", "##pp", "##tip", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", ",", "and", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", ")", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "the", "node", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", ".", "Led", "##ger", "L", "##D", "is", "preferred", ".", "Figure", "4", "shows", "a", "m", "##ot", "##ivating", "example", ",", "where", "each", "ledge", "##r", "is", "an", "##not", "##ated", "with", "the", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "(", "su", "##pp", "##tip", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", ",", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", ")", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "a", "node", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", ".", "There", "are", "5", "trusted", "nodes", ",", "two", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", "and", "one", "each", "valid", "##ating", "L", "##B", ",", "L", "##D", "and", "L", "##E", ".", "The", "preferred", "branch", "strategy", "determines", "that", "L", "##D", "is", "preferred", ".", "The", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "is", "provided", "in", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "3", ".", "In", "##tu", "##itive", "##ly", ",", "the", "idea", "is", "for", "each", "node", "to", "be", "conservative", "and", "only", "switch", "to", "a", "different", "branch", "when", "it", "knows", "enough", "nodes", "have", "committed", "to", "that", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", "such", "that", "an", "alternative", "chain", "cannot", "have", "more", "support", ".", "The", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "is", "found", "by", "walking", "the", "ancestry", "tree", ",", "starting", "from", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "that", "is", "the", "common", "ancestor", "ledge", "##r", "of", "the", "most", "recently", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "We", "then", "select", "the", "child", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "∈", "children", "(", "L", ")", "with", "highest", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ",", "that", "would", "still", "have", "the", "most", "support", "even", "if", "all", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ")", "picked", "a", "conflicting", "sibling", "ledge", "##r", ".", "If", "we", "cannot", "select", "a", "child", "of", "L", "satisfying", "this", "requirement", ",", "then", "L", "is", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "If", "we", "can", "find", "a", "preferred", "child", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "we", "repeat", "the", "process", "on", "the", "children", "of", "L", "β€²", ".", "In", "order", "to", "ensure", "a", "total", "ordering", "on", "ledge", "##rs", "and", "break", "ties", "between", "sibling", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "we", "rely", "on", "a", "function", "Ο†", "(", "L", "β€²", ",", "L", "β€²", "β€²", ")", ",", "which", "is", "1", "if", "the", "has", "##h", "of", "L", "β€²", ">", "L", "β€²", "β€²", "and", "is", "0", "otherwise", ".", "If", "the", "ledge", "##r", "found", "is", "an", "ancestor", "of", "our", "current", "working", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", ",", "we", "keep", "L", "##Μƒ" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
In section 4, we prove the network conditions needed to guarantee correctness of the algo- rithm. Finally, section 5 concludes with a discussion of the results and directions for improvement. 2 2 Network Model and Problem Definition Let Pi be a node in the network with unique identifier i, such as a cryptographic public key. Each node Pi is free to choose a unique node list UNLi, which is the set of nodes (possibly including itself) whose messages Pi will listen to as part of the XRP LCP. The UNL re
[ 9221, 1891, 1115, 1195, 7572, 1138, 3012, 1174, 131, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 134, 197, 196, 159, 2162, 797, 117, 178, 850, 1314, 2559, 2393, 1116, 131, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 133, 12477, 1775, 113, 188, 117, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 114, 119, 113, 124, 114, 130, 10722, 131, 113, 121, 117, 126, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2064, 131, 113, 122, 117, 124, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2137, 131, 113, 122, 117, 123, 117, 122, 114, 149, 2036, 131, 113, 122, 117, 122, 117, 125, 114, 149, 1658, 131, 113, 121, 117, 123, 117, 121, 114, 149, 2271, 131, 113, 123, 117, 123, 117, 122, 114, 15982, 125, 131, 18657, 2895, 11626, 1126, 12512, 2913, 1114, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 28117, 8661, 27961, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 117, 1105, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 114, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 1103, 14372, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 119, 18657, 2895, 149, 2137, 1110, 6349, 119, 15982, 125, 2196, 170, 182, 3329, 19012, 1859, 117, 1187, 1296, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1126, 12512, 2913, 1114, 1103, 189, 4455, 1513, 1104, 113, 28117, 8661, 27961, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 117, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 114, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 170, 14372, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 119, 1247, 1132, 126, 9373, 15029, 117, 1160, 1115, 1314, 9221, 2913, 149, 2271, 1105, 1141, 1296, 9221, 3798, 149, 2064, 117, 149, 2137, 1105, 149, 2036, 119, 1109, 6349, 3392, 5564, 17579, 1115, 149, 2137, 1110, 6349, 119, 1109, 6349, 3392, 11309, 1110, 2136, 1107, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 124, 119, 1130, 7926, 8588, 1193, 117, 1103, 1911, 1110, 1111, 1296, 14372, 1106, 1129, 6588, 1105, 1178, 6878, 1106, 170, 1472, 3392, 1165, 1122, 3520, 1536, 15029, 1138, 4762, 1106, 1115, 4129, 1104, 21340, 1733, 1216, 1115, 1126, 4174, 4129, 2834, 1138, 1167, 1619, 119, 1109, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1110, 1276, 1118, 3179, 1103, 11626, 2780, 117, 2547, 1121, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1115, 1110, 1103, 1887, 13596, 21340, 1197, 1104, 1103, 1211, 3055, 9221, 2913, 21340, 1733, 119, 1284, 1173, 8247, 1103, 2027, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 850, 1482, 113, 149, 114, 1114, 2439, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 149, 797, 114, 117, 1115, 1156, 1253, 1138, 1103, 1211, 1619, 1256, 1191, 1155, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 114, 3015, 170, 21776, 26563, 21340, 1197, 119, 1409, 1195, 2834, 8247, 170, 2027, 1104, 149, 18330, 1142, 8875, 117, 1173, 149, 1110, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1409, 1195, 1169, 1525, 170, 6349, 2027, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 1195, 9488, 1103, 1965, 1113, 1103, 1482, 1104, 149, 797, 119, 1130, 1546, 1106, 4989, 170, 1703, 13649, 1113, 21340, 1733, 1105, 2549, 7057, 1206, 26563, 21340, 1733, 117, 1195, 11235, 1113, 170, 3053, 439, 113, 149, 797, 117, 149, 797, 797, 114, 117, 1134, 1110, 122, 1191, 1103, 1144, 1324, 1104, 149, 797, 135, 149, 797, 797, 1105, 1110, 121, 4303, 119, 1409, 1103, 21340, 1197, 1276, 1110, 1126, 13596, 1104, 1412, 1954, 1684, 21340, 1197, 149, 28311, 117, 1195, 1712, 149, 28311 ]
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[ "valid", "##ation", "that", "we", "personally", "have", "broadcast", "##ed", ":", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", "=", "|", "{", "V", "##L", "β€²", ",", "i", "∈", "last", "##V", "al", "##s", ":", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "<", "ma", "##x", "(", "s", ",", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ")", ".", "(", "3", ")", "9", "LA", ":", "(", "0", ",", "5", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##B", ":", "(", "1", ",", "3", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##D", ":", "(", "1", ",", "2", ",", "1", ")", "L", "##E", ":", "(", "1", ",", "1", ",", "4", ")", "L", "##C", ":", "(", "0", ",", "2", ",", "0", ")", "L", "##F", ":", "(", "2", ",", "2", ",", "1", ")", "Figure", "4", ":", "Led", "##ger", "ancestry", "an", "##not", "##ated", "with", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "su", "##pp", "##tip", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", ",", "and", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", ")", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "the", "node", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", ".", "Led", "##ger", "L", "##D", "is", "preferred", ".", "Figure", "4", "shows", "a", "m", "##ot", "##ivating", "example", ",", "where", "each", "ledge", "##r", "is", "an", "##not", "##ated", "with", "the", "t", "##up", "##le", "of", "(", "su", "##pp", "##tip", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", ",", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", ")", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "a", "node", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", ".", "There", "are", "5", "trusted", "nodes", ",", "two", "that", "last", "valid", "##ated", "L", "##F", "and", "one", "each", "valid", "##ating", "L", "##B", ",", "L", "##D", "and", "L", "##E", ".", "The", "preferred", "branch", "strategy", "determines", "that", "L", "##D", "is", "preferred", ".", "The", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "is", "provided", "in", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "3", ".", "In", "##tu", "##itive", "##ly", ",", "the", "idea", "is", "for", "each", "node", "to", "be", "conservative", "and", "only", "switch", "to", "a", "different", "branch", "when", "it", "knows", "enough", "nodes", "have", "committed", "to", "that", "chain", "of", "ledge", "##rs", "such", "that", "an", "alternative", "chain", "cannot", "have", "more", "support", ".", "The", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "is", "found", "by", "walking", "the", "ancestry", "tree", ",", "starting", "from", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "that", "is", "the", "common", "ancestor", "ledge", "##r", "of", "the", "most", "recently", "valid", "##ated", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "We", "then", "select", "the", "child", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "∈", "children", "(", "L", ")", "with", "highest", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ",", "that", "would", "still", "have", "the", "most", "support", "even", "if", "all", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ")", "picked", "a", "conflicting", "sibling", "ledge", "##r", ".", "If", "we", "cannot", "select", "a", "child", "of", "L", "satisfying", "this", "requirement", ",", "then", "L", "is", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "If", "we", "can", "find", "a", "preferred", "child", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "we", "repeat", "the", "process", "on", "the", "children", "of", "L", "β€²", ".", "In", "order", "to", "ensure", "a", "total", "ordering", "on", "ledge", "##rs", "and", "break", "ties", "between", "sibling", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "we", "rely", "on", "a", "function", "Ο†", "(", "L", "β€²", ",", "L", "β€²", "β€²", ")", ",", "which", "is", "1", "if", "the", "has", "##h", "of", "L", "β€²", ">", "L", "β€²", "β€²", "and", "is", "0", "otherwise", ".", "If", "the", "ledge", "##r", "found", "is", "an", "ancestor", "of", "our", "current", "working", "ledge", "##r", "L", "##Μƒ", ",", "we", "keep", "L", "##Μƒ" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
presents a subset of the network which, when taken collectively, is trusted by Pi to not collude in an attempt to defraud the network (see [10] for the motivation of this name). The UNLs give structure to the network, with a node that is present in more UNLs implicitly having more influence. An individual node has complete discretion in the choice of their UNL, although we show in section 4 that minimum overlap with other UNLs is necessary for consistency and liveness with other honest nodes. We do not as
[ 1110, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 117, 1290, 1195, 1202, 1136, 1870, 1221, 1195, 1132, 1113, 1103, 2488, 3392, 119, 5322, 1115, 1107, 2740, 1104, 6122, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 170, 3392, 1336, 1178, 1129, 2786, 2726, 1118, 170, 1423, 14372, 1165, 1122, 3316, 6349, 119, 1337, 2086, 1168, 15029, 1538, 23073, 1103, 11309, 27289, 1116, 1104, 1115, 21340, 1197, 1196, 12806, 1106, 16170, 1113, 1122, 119, 125, 12504, 5823, 1758, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1121, 170, 11309, 7281, 117, 1195, 1208, 5708, 5424, 2686, 1164, 1157, 3429, 1105, 1686, 1757, 119, 1275, 125, 119, 122, 9218, 1130, 1142, 2237, 1195, 1209, 5424, 2975, 1113, 1103, 2443, 9566, 1115, 176, 6718, 1197, 118, 22904, 3051, 1472, 15029, 1919, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1209, 3118, 8080, 119, 1130, 1103, 1378, 3622, 117, 1195, 1525, 1122, 14785, 1106, 7568, 1115, 3106, 9221, 3798, 170, 21340, 1197, 1674, 1136, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1157, 11005, 119, 1249, 1195, 1209, 1525, 117, 1122, 3587, 1115, 1122, 1336, 1129, 1936, 1107, 1199, 25209, 1111, 1160, 15029, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1472, 4954, 2849, 1256, 1191, 3106, 9221, 3798, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 1110, 4763, 119, 1109, 1393, 1110, 1198, 1112, 20405, 1112, 1103, 2985, 117, 1133, 1195, 1525, 1122, 14785, 1106, 2767, 1149, 1103, 1160, 4290, 3322, 1105, 5424, 2975, 10878, 1172, 10380, 119, 1370, 1103, 3288, 3622, 117, 1195, 1294, 170, 27466, 8223, 22881, 1158, 13457, 119, 2611, 1107, 1103, 2526, 1195, 1209, 1231, 3906, 1193, 3171, 1103, 2463, 1443, 1292, 19129, 119, 1109, 13457, 1195, 1294, 1110, 1115, 170, 8377, 6088, 1183, 14372, 2834, 7627, 1160, 7345, 15029, 1115, 1122, 9221, 2913, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1188, 13457, 1108, 1215, 1107, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 1105, 1110, 12478, 2200, 1118, 1103, 1911, 1115, 1155, 4909, 1110, 1694, 1194, 13179, 4321, 8305, 1166, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 117, 1177, 1115, 1103, 107, 24390, 107, 1104, 1160, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 7416, 1156, 1129, 3535, 1107, 1159, 1111, 1103, 3802, 1106, 1129, 5794, 117, 1290, 1103, 7416, 1132, 1878, 119, 7595, 1142, 13457, 1674, 1136, 2080, 1107, 170, 3106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 2443, 117, 1290, 170, 2443, 16416, 1180, 14516, 1403, 1874, 4948, 1103, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 7416, 1263, 1536, 1111, 3290, 1106, 4467, 119, 1284, 1840, 1142, 13457, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1105, 1209, 1579, 3835, 1165, 1195, 1132, 1606, 1122, 1112, 1126, 13457, 119, 1249, 19951, 8377, 3300, 6328, 3486, 117, 1195, 1208, 19774, 1165, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 1160, 15029, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1107, 170, 1423, 1668, 1104, 10923, 119, 12556, 3309, 16877, 1103, 16049, 2776, 117, 1103, 3879, 3228, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 1108, 1115, 1160, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 21776, 21340, 1733, 1191, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 12477, 1775, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 119, 1556, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1104 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "is", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ",", "since", "we", "do", "not", "yet", "know", "we", "are", "on", "the", "wrong", "branch", ".", "Note", "that", "in", "cases", "of", "extreme", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "a", "branch", "may", "only", "be", "initially", "supported", "by", "a", "single", "node", "when", "it", "becomes", "preferred", ".", "That", "means", "other", "nodes", "must", "verify", "the", "protocol", "invariant", "##s", "of", "that", "ledge", "##r", "before", "switching", "to", "deliberate", "on", "it", ".", "4", "Analysis", "Having", "described", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "from", "a", "protocol", "perspective", ",", "we", "now", "formally", "prove", "results", "about", "its", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "10", "4", ".", "1", "Safety", "In", "this", "section", "we", "will", "prove", "conditions", "on", "the", "network", "configuration", "that", "g", "##ua", "##r", "-", "ant", "##ee", "different", "nodes", "running", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "will", "remain", "consistent", ".", "In", "the", "following", "analysis", ",", "we", "find", "it", "convenient", "to", "assume", "that", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "does", "not", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "its", "ancestors", ".", "As", "we", "will", "find", ",", "it", "turns", "that", "it", "may", "be", "possible", "in", "some", "configurations", "for", "two", "nodes", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "different", "sequence", "numbers", "even", "if", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "is", "impossible", ".", "The", "former", "is", "just", "as", "problematic", "as", "the", "latter", ",", "but", "we", "find", "it", "convenient", "to", "separate", "out", "the", "two", "failure", "types", "and", "prove", "conditions", "preventing", "them", "separately", ".", "For", "the", "initial", "analysis", ",", "we", "make", "a", "si", "##mp", "##lify", "##ing", "assumption", ".", "Later", "in", "the", "paper", "we", "will", "re", "##ana", "##ly", "##ze", "the", "problem", "without", "these", "assumptions", ".", "The", "assumption", "we", "make", "is", "that", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", "node", "cannot", "convince", "two", "honest", "nodes", "that", "it", "valid", "##ated", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "This", "assumption", "was", "used", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", "and", "is", "rational", "##ized", "by", "the", "idea", "that", "all", "communication", "is", "done", "through", "generic", "multi", "##cast", "over", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", ",", "so", "that", "the", "\"", "echoes", "\"", "of", "two", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "messages", "would", "be", "noticed", "in", "time", "for", "the", "message", "to", "be", "ignored", ",", "since", "the", "messages", "are", "signed", ".", "Unfortunately", "this", "assumption", "does", "not", "hold", "in", "a", "fully", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "network", ",", "since", "a", "network", "partition", "could", "se", "##g", "##re", "##gate", "the", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "messages", "long", "enough", "for", "damage", "to", "occur", ".", "We", "call", "this", "assumption", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "and", "will", "always", "reference", "when", "we", "are", "using", "it", "as", "an", "assumption", ".", "As", "##suming", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", "holds", ",", "we", "now", "analyze", "when", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "two", "nodes", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "in", "a", "single", "round", "of", "consensus", ".", "Mo", "##di", "##fying", "the", "notation", "slightly", ",", "the", "condition", "suggested", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", "was", "that", "two", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "conflicting", "ledge", "##rs", "if", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ma", "##x", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ".", "With", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "of" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
presents a subset of the network which, when taken collectively, is trusted by Pi to not collude in an attempt to defraud the network (see [10] for the motivation of this name). The UNLs give structure to the network, with a node that is present in more UNLs implicitly having more influence. An individual node has complete discretion in the choice of their UNL, although we show in section 4 that minimum overlap with other UNLs is necessary for consistency and liveness with other honest nodes. We do not as
[ 1110, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 117, 1290, 1195, 1202, 1136, 1870, 1221, 1195, 1132, 1113, 1103, 2488, 3392, 119, 5322, 1115, 1107, 2740, 1104, 6122, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 117, 170, 3392, 1336, 1178, 1129, 2786, 2726, 1118, 170, 1423, 14372, 1165, 1122, 3316, 6349, 119, 1337, 2086, 1168, 15029, 1538, 23073, 1103, 11309, 27289, 1116, 1104, 1115, 21340, 1197, 1196, 12806, 1106, 16170, 1113, 1122, 119, 125, 12504, 5823, 1758, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1121, 170, 11309, 7281, 117, 1195, 1208, 5708, 5424, 2686, 1164, 1157, 3429, 1105, 1686, 1757, 119, 1275, 125, 119, 122, 9218, 1130, 1142, 2237, 1195, 1209, 5424, 2975, 1113, 1103, 2443, 9566, 1115, 176, 6718, 1197, 118, 22904, 3051, 1472, 15029, 1919, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1209, 3118, 8080, 119, 1130, 1103, 1378, 3622, 117, 1195, 1525, 1122, 14785, 1106, 7568, 1115, 3106, 9221, 3798, 170, 21340, 1197, 1674, 1136, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1157, 11005, 119, 1249, 1195, 1209, 1525, 117, 1122, 3587, 1115, 1122, 1336, 1129, 1936, 1107, 1199, 25209, 1111, 1160, 15029, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1472, 4954, 2849, 1256, 1191, 3106, 9221, 3798, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 1110, 4763, 119, 1109, 1393, 1110, 1198, 1112, 20405, 1112, 1103, 2985, 117, 1133, 1195, 1525, 1122, 14785, 1106, 2767, 1149, 1103, 1160, 4290, 3322, 1105, 5424, 2975, 10878, 1172, 10380, 119, 1370, 1103, 3288, 3622, 117, 1195, 1294, 170, 27466, 8223, 22881, 1158, 13457, 119, 2611, 1107, 1103, 2526, 1195, 1209, 1231, 3906, 1193, 3171, 1103, 2463, 1443, 1292, 19129, 119, 1109, 13457, 1195, 1294, 1110, 1115, 170, 8377, 6088, 1183, 14372, 2834, 7627, 1160, 7345, 15029, 1115, 1122, 9221, 2913, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1188, 13457, 1108, 1215, 1107, 1103, 1560, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 1105, 1110, 12478, 2200, 1118, 1103, 1911, 1115, 1155, 4909, 1110, 1694, 1194, 13179, 4321, 8305, 1166, 170, 8536, 118, 1106, 118, 8536, 2443, 117, 1177, 1115, 1103, 107, 24390, 107, 1104, 1160, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 7416, 1156, 1129, 3535, 1107, 1159, 1111, 1103, 3802, 1106, 1129, 5794, 117, 1290, 1103, 7416, 1132, 1878, 119, 7595, 1142, 13457, 1674, 1136, 2080, 1107, 170, 3106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 2443, 117, 1290, 170, 2443, 16416, 1180, 14516, 1403, 1874, 4948, 1103, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 7416, 1263, 1536, 1111, 3290, 1106, 4467, 119, 1284, 1840, 1142, 13457, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1105, 1209, 1579, 3835, 1165, 1195, 1132, 1606, 1122, 1112, 1126, 13457, 119, 1249, 19951, 8377, 3300, 6328, 3486, 117, 1195, 1208, 19774, 1165, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 1160, 15029, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1107, 170, 1423, 1668, 1104, 10923, 119, 12556, 3309, 16877, 1103, 16049, 2776, 117, 1103, 3879, 3228, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 164, 1275, 166, 1108, 1115, 1160, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 21776, 21340, 1733, 1191, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 12477, 1775, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 119, 1556, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1104 ]
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[ "is", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ",", "since", "we", "do", "not", "yet", "know", "we", "are", "on", "the", "wrong", "branch", ".", "Note", "that", "in", "cases", "of", "extreme", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ",", "a", "branch", "may", "only", "be", "initially", "supported", "by", "a", "single", "node", "when", "it", "becomes", "preferred", ".", "That", "means", "other", "nodes", "must", "verify", "the", "protocol", "invariant", "##s", "of", "that", "ledge", "##r", "before", "switching", "to", "deliberate", "on", "it", ".", "4", "Analysis", "Having", "described", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "from", "a", "protocol", "perspective", ",", "we", "now", "formally", "prove", "results", "about", "its", "safety", "and", "live", "##ness", ".", "10", "4", ".", "1", "Safety", "In", "this", "section", "we", "will", "prove", "conditions", "on", "the", "network", "configuration", "that", "g", "##ua", "##r", "-", "ant", "##ee", "different", "nodes", "running", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "will", "remain", "consistent", ".", "In", "the", "following", "analysis", ",", "we", "find", "it", "convenient", "to", "assume", "that", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "does", "not", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "its", "ancestors", ".", "As", "we", "will", "find", ",", "it", "turns", "that", "it", "may", "be", "possible", "in", "some", "configurations", "for", "two", "nodes", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "different", "sequence", "numbers", "even", "if", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "is", "impossible", ".", "The", "former", "is", "just", "as", "problematic", "as", "the", "latter", ",", "but", "we", "find", "it", "convenient", "to", "separate", "out", "the", "two", "failure", "types", "and", "prove", "conditions", "preventing", "them", "separately", ".", "For", "the", "initial", "analysis", ",", "we", "make", "a", "si", "##mp", "##lify", "##ing", "assumption", ".", "Later", "in", "the", "paper", "we", "will", "re", "##ana", "##ly", "##ze", "the", "problem", "without", "these", "assumptions", ".", "The", "assumption", "we", "make", "is", "that", "a", "Byzantine", "fault", "##y", "node", "cannot", "convince", "two", "honest", "nodes", "that", "it", "valid", "##ated", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "This", "assumption", "was", "used", "in", "the", "original", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", "and", "is", "rational", "##ized", "by", "the", "idea", "that", "all", "communication", "is", "done", "through", "generic", "multi", "##cast", "over", "a", "peer", "-", "to", "-", "peer", "network", ",", "so", "that", "the", "\"", "echoes", "\"", "of", "two", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "messages", "would", "be", "noticed", "in", "time", "for", "the", "message", "to", "be", "ignored", ",", "since", "the", "messages", "are", "signed", ".", "Unfortunately", "this", "assumption", "does", "not", "hold", "in", "a", "fully", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "network", ",", "since", "a", "network", "partition", "could", "se", "##g", "##re", "##gate", "the", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "messages", "long", "enough", "for", "damage", "to", "occur", ".", "We", "call", "this", "assumption", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "and", "will", "always", "reference", "when", "we", "are", "using", "it", "as", "an", "assumption", ".", "As", "##suming", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", "holds", ",", "we", "now", "analyze", "when", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "two", "nodes", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "in", "a", "single", "round", "of", "consensus", ".", "Mo", "##di", "##fying", "the", "notation", "slightly", ",", "the", "condition", "suggested", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", "[", "10", "]", "was", "that", "two", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "conflicting", "ledge", "##rs", "if", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ma", "##x", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ".", "With", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "of" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
sume that trust is symmetric, so for instance there may be a node Pj ∈ UNLi such that Pi /∈ UNLj . Figure 1 shows an example trust network. A node that is not crashed and behaves exactly according to the XRP LCP specification is said to be honest or correct; we use the two terms inter- changeably. Any node that does not behave according to protocol is said to be Byzantine. Byzantine behavior can include not responding to messages, sending incorrect messages, and even sending different messages to differe
[ 2908, 110, 1112, 3228, 117, 1142, 3879, 1110, 1167, 3253, 3626, 1114, 1103, 4315, 3879, 1549, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 117, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 121, 119, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 117, 183, 3361, 198, 119, 1130, 170, 1224, 2457, 3622, 117, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 164, 122, 166, 2799, 1115, 1142, 14255, 3309, 118, 189, 1988, 1110, 18238, 119, 1220, 1939, 5996, 1115, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1191, 1105, 1178, 1191, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 119, 1135, 1110, 2276, 1115, 1191, 1103, 1807, 3879, 3486, 1173, 21902, 1105, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1438, 117, 1103, 14255, 10840, 1110, 1136, 2276, 1112, 1103, 1378, 21133, 2196, 119, 5096, 14572, 122, 119, 1249, 19951, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1160, 7345, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 1191, 2087, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1429, 5322, 1115, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 117, 1133, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 1110, 10802, 2964, 7747, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 127, 134, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 4516, 1103, 3879, 3228, 1118, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 1110, 6664, 1133, 1136, 3238, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 21133, 122, 119, 1284, 1148, 5424, 28117, 3101, 23864, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 3106, 9221, 5430, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1105, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 2421, 156, 1129, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1967, 21902, 3106, 9221, 2913, 149, 117, 197, 156, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 119, 1650, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1451, 14372, 1107, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1180, 1136, 1138, 1850, 170, 9221, 1891, 1106, 153, 3361, 1111, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 127, 134, 149, 119, 4516, 1122, 28117, 3101, 18117, 1106, 1437, 1115, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 117, 1290, 1173, 1175, 2834, 1129, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 127, 134, 149, 1114, 186, 3361, 1619, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 1650, 1103, 19235, 11066, 117, 1195, 1138, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 156, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 114, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "80", "%", "as", "suggested", ",", "this", "condition", "is", "more", "easily", "identified", "with", "the", "actual", "condition", "given", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", ",", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "0", ".", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", ",", "n", "##j", "}", ".", "In", "a", "later", "independent", "analysis", ",", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", "[", "1", "]", "showed", "that", "this", "con", "##di", "-", "t", "##ion", "is", "incorrect", ".", "They", "instead", "suggest", "that", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "if", "and", "only", "if", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ".", "It", "is", "true", "that", "if", "the", "above", "condition", "holds", "then", "Pi", "and", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "However", ",", "the", "con", "##verse", "is", "not", "true", "as", "the", "following", "proposition", "shows", ".", "Pro", "##position", "1", ".", "As", "##suming", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "two", "honest", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "if", "##f", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "11", "Note", "that", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ",", "but", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "is", "strictly", "smaller", "whenever", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "6", "=", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Thus", "the", "condition", "suggested", "by", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", "is", "sufficient", "but", "not", "necessary", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "proposition", "1", ".", "We", "first", "prove", "su", "##ff", "##iciency", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "and", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Let", "S", "be", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Since", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "L", ",", "|", "S", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ".", "By", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "every", "node", "in", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "could", "not", "have", "sent", "a", "valid", "##ation", "to", "P", "##j", "for", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "L", ".", "Thus", "it", "su", "##ff", "##ices", "to", "show", "that", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ",", "since", "then", "there", "cannot", "be", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "L", "with", "q", "##j", "support", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "By", "the", "overlap", "hypothesis", ",", "we", "have", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "S", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ")", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
sume that trust is symmetric, so for instance there may be a node Pj ∈ UNLi such that Pi /∈ UNLj . Figure 1 shows an example trust network. A node that is not crashed and behaves exactly according to the XRP LCP specification is said to be honest or correct; we use the two terms inter- changeably. Any node that does not behave according to protocol is said to be Byzantine. Byzantine behavior can include not responding to messages, sending incorrect messages, and even sending different messages to differe
[ 2908, 110, 1112, 3228, 117, 1142, 3879, 1110, 1167, 3253, 3626, 1114, 1103, 4315, 3879, 1549, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 117, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 121, 119, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 117, 183, 3361, 198, 119, 1130, 170, 1224, 2457, 3622, 117, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 164, 122, 166, 2799, 1115, 1142, 14255, 3309, 118, 189, 1988, 1110, 18238, 119, 1220, 1939, 5996, 1115, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1191, 1105, 1178, 1191, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 119, 1135, 1110, 2276, 1115, 1191, 1103, 1807, 3879, 3486, 1173, 21902, 1105, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1438, 117, 1103, 14255, 10840, 1110, 1136, 2276, 1112, 1103, 1378, 21133, 2196, 119, 5096, 14572, 122, 119, 1249, 19951, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1160, 7345, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1472, 21340, 1733, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 1191, 2087, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1429, 5322, 1115, 123, 22871, 196, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 198, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 117, 1133, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 1110, 10802, 2964, 7747, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 127, 134, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 4516, 1103, 3879, 3228, 1118, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 1110, 6664, 1133, 1136, 3238, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 21133, 122, 119, 1284, 1148, 5424, 28117, 3101, 23864, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 3106, 9221, 5430, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1105, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 2421, 156, 1129, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1967, 21902, 3106, 9221, 2913, 149, 117, 197, 156, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 119, 1650, 8377, 3300, 6328, 117, 1451, 14372, 1107, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1180, 1136, 1138, 1850, 170, 9221, 1891, 1106, 153, 3361, 1111, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 127, 134, 149, 119, 4516, 1122, 28117, 3101, 18117, 1106, 1437, 1115, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 117, 1290, 1173, 1175, 2834, 1129, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 127, 134, 149, 1114, 186, 3361, 1619, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 1650, 1103, 19235, 11066, 117, 1195, 1138, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 156, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 114, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114 ]
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[ "80", "%", "as", "suggested", ",", "this", "condition", "is", "more", "easily", "identified", "with", "the", "actual", "condition", "given", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", ",", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "0", ".", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", ",", "n", "##j", "}", ".", "In", "a", "later", "independent", "analysis", ",", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", "[", "1", "]", "showed", "that", "this", "con", "##di", "-", "t", "##ion", "is", "incorrect", ".", "They", "instead", "suggest", "that", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "if", "and", "only", "if", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ".", "It", "is", "true", "that", "if", "the", "above", "condition", "holds", "then", "Pi", "and", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "However", ",", "the", "con", "##verse", "is", "not", "true", "as", "the", "following", "proposition", "shows", ".", "Pro", "##position", "1", ".", "As", "##suming", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "two", "honest", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "different", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "if", "##f", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "11", "Note", "that", "2", "##max", "{", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "}", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ",", "but", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "is", "strictly", "smaller", "whenever", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "6", "=", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Thus", "the", "condition", "suggested", "by", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", "is", "sufficient", "but", "not", "necessary", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "proposition", "1", ".", "We", "first", "prove", "su", "##ff", "##iciency", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "and", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Let", "S", "be", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Since", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "L", ",", "|", "S", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ".", "By", "Byzantine", "account", "##ability", ",", "every", "node", "in", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "could", "not", "have", "sent", "a", "valid", "##ation", "to", "P", "##j", "for", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "L", ".", "Thus", "it", "su", "##ff", "##ices", "to", "show", "that", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ",", "since", "then", "there", "cannot", "be", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "L", "with", "q", "##j", "support", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "By", "the", "overlap", "hypothesis", ",", "we", "have", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "S", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ")", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
nt parties. In section 4, we initially consider a restriction on the adversary called Byzantine accountability, which states that all nodes – even Byzantine ones – cannot send different messages to different nodes. This was part of the original whitepaper [10], which assumed such behavior in a peer-to-peer network could be identified and corrected by honest nodes. However, due to asynchrony and the possibility of honest nodes being temporarily partitioned, this assumption is in practice tenuous at best. T
[ 114, 135, 186, 1182, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 114, 134, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1370, 14176, 117, 1148, 6699, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 127, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1599, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1169, 9221, 2193, 149, 117, 1229, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1105, 1118, 13457, 197, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 135, 186, 3361, 1177, 153, 3361, 3106, 9221, 5430, 149, 797, 1229, 21902, 3106, 9221, 5430, 149, 119, 1986, 6699, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 127, 11437, 25532, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 186, 3361, 1105, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 25532, 186, 3361, 119, 1599, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 1182, 116, 186, 3361, 851, 183, 3361, 119, 4516, 1191, 1155, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2193, 149, 1105, 183, 3361, 25532, 4426, 3361, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 1145, 9221, 2193, 149, 113, 1134, 1110, 1936, 1290, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 25532, 4426, 3361, 1118, 13457, 114, 117, 1173, 21902, 1209, 3531, 113, 186, 1182, 116, 186, 3361, 851, 183, 3361, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 1182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 1105, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 119, 5459, 117, 1191, 1155, 1103, 1168, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 1290, 1178, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2913, 149, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 3361, 15029, 1209, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1177, 153, 3361, 1209, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 119, 1249, 19951, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1104, 2908, 110, 117, 1292, 19235, 2975, 1336, 1129, 25172, 1112, 3226, 131, 794, 17834, 3084, 2393, 119, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 1406, 110, 1103, 4177, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 794, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 3746, 110, 1103, 12477, 8745, 118, 23993, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 1367, 794, 2173, 4746, 3879, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 3746, 110, 1104, 1103, 1903, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 1370, 1103, 6311, 1104, 1103, 2526, 1195, 1209, 1185, 2039, 7568, 8377, 3300, 118, 2912, 119, 1130, 170, 1686, 2443, 117, 1141, 1156, 9353, 7846, 3429, 1897, 1190, 20790, 1113, 9304, 26775, 1119, 26900, 1116, 1115, 5996, 1122, 1110, 9803, 1115, 170, 8377, 14372, 1180, 3952, 21776, 7416, 1106, 1472, 15029 ]
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[ ")", ">", "q", "##i", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", ")", "=", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "For", "necessity", ",", "first", "suppose", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "6", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Then", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "can", "valid", "##ate", "L", ",", "while", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "and", "by", "assumption", "|", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", ">", "q", "##j", "so", "P", "##j", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "L", "β€²", "while", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "L", ".", "Now", "suppose", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "6", "ni", "##βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "q", "##j", "and", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Then", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##i", "+", "q", "##j", "βˆ’", "n", "##j", ".", "Thus", "if", "all", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ate", "L", "and", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##q", "##j", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "also", "valid", "##ate", "L", "(", "which", "is", "possible", "since", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##q", "##j", "by", "assumption", ")", ",", "then", "Pi", "will", "receive", "(", "q", "##i", "+", "q", "##j", "βˆ’", "n", "##j", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##i", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", "and", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", ".", "Meanwhile", ",", "if", "all", "the", "other", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "since", "only", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ated", "L", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##j", "nodes", "will", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "so", "P", "##j", "will", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ".", "As", "##suming", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "of", "80", "%", ",", "these", "overlap", "conditions", "may", "be", "summarized", "as", "follows", ":", "β€’", "Schwartz", "et", "al", ".", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "20", "%", "the", "maximum", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "β€’", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "41", "%", "the", "ma", "##xi", "-", "mum", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "12", "β€’", "Act", "##ual", "condition", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "41", "%", "of", "the", "average", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "For", "the", "remainder", "of", "the", "paper", "we", "will", "no", "longer", "assume", "Byzantine", "account", "-", "ability", ".", "In", "a", "live", "network", ",", "one", "would", "prefer", "absolute", "safety", "rather", "than", "relying", "on", "br", "##ittle", "he", "##uristic", "##s", "that", "suggest", "it", "is", "unlikely", "that", "a", "Byzantine", "node", "could", "send", "conflicting", "messages", "to", "different", "nodes" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
nt parties. In section 4, we initially consider a restriction on the adversary called Byzantine accountability, which states that all nodes – even Byzantine ones – cannot send different messages to different nodes. This was part of the original whitepaper [10], which assumed such behavior in a peer-to-peer network could be identified and corrected by honest nodes. However, due to asynchrony and the possibility of honest nodes being temporarily partitioned, this assumption is in practice tenuous at best. T
[ 114, 135, 186, 1182, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 114, 134, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1370, 14176, 117, 1148, 6699, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 127, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 119, 1599, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1169, 9221, 2193, 149, 117, 1229, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1105, 1118, 13457, 197, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 135, 186, 3361, 1177, 153, 3361, 3106, 9221, 5430, 149, 797, 1229, 21902, 3106, 9221, 5430, 149, 119, 1986, 6699, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 127, 11437, 25532, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 186, 3361, 1105, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 25532, 186, 3361, 119, 1599, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 11437, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 1182, 116, 186, 3361, 851, 183, 3361, 119, 4516, 1191, 1155, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2193, 149, 1105, 183, 3361, 25532, 4426, 3361, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 1145, 9221, 2193, 149, 113, 1134, 1110, 1936, 1290, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 28752, 27370, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 183, 3361, 25532, 4426, 3361, 1118, 13457, 114, 117, 1173, 21902, 1209, 3531, 113, 186, 1182, 116, 186, 3361, 851, 183, 3361, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 1182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 1105, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 119, 5459, 117, 1191, 1155, 1103, 1168, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 1290, 1178, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 2913, 149, 117, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 134, 186, 3361, 15029, 1209, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 117, 1177, 153, 3361, 1209, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 119, 1249, 19951, 170, 186, 11848, 5697, 1104, 2908, 110, 117, 1292, 19235, 2975, 1336, 1129, 25172, 1112, 3226, 131, 794, 17834, 3084, 2393, 119, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 1406, 110, 1103, 4177, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 794, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 3084, 2393, 119, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 3746, 110, 1103, 12477, 8745, 118, 23993, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 1367, 794, 2173, 4746, 3879, 131, 4081, 3111, 1104, 15029, 2993, 1126, 19235, 1104, 3746, 110, 1104, 1103, 1903, 2060, 1104, 1147, 7514, 7414, 2162, 1116, 119, 1370, 1103, 6311, 1104, 1103, 2526, 1195, 1209, 1185, 2039, 7568, 8377, 3300, 118, 2912, 119, 1130, 170, 1686, 2443, 117, 1141, 1156, 9353, 7846, 3429, 1897, 1190, 20790, 1113, 9304, 26775, 1119, 26900, 1116, 1115, 5996, 1122, 1110, 9803, 1115, 170, 8377, 14372, 1180, 3952, 21776, 7416, 1106, 1472, 15029 ]
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[ ")", ">", "q", "##i", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", ")", "=", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "For", "necessity", ",", "first", "suppose", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "6", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Then", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "can", "valid", "##ate", "L", ",", "while", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "and", "by", "assumption", "|", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", ">", "q", "##j", "so", "P", "##j", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "L", "β€²", "while", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "L", ".", "Now", "suppose", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "6", "ni", "##βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "q", "##j", "and", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "q", "##j", ".", "Then", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##i", "+", "q", "##j", "βˆ’", "n", "##j", ".", "Thus", "if", "all", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ate", "L", "and", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##q", "##j", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "also", "valid", "##ate", "L", "(", "which", "is", "possible", "since", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "##∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##q", "##j", "by", "assumption", ")", ",", "then", "Pi", "will", "receive", "(", "q", "##i", "+", "q", "##j", "βˆ’", "n", "##j", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##i", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", "and", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", ".", "Meanwhile", ",", "if", "all", "the", "other", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "since", "only", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ated", "L", ",", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "=", "q", "##j", "nodes", "will", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ",", "so", "P", "##j", "will", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ".", "As", "##suming", "a", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "of", "80", "%", ",", "these", "overlap", "conditions", "may", "be", "summarized", "as", "follows", ":", "β€’", "Schwartz", "et", "al", ".", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "20", "%", "the", "maximum", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "β€’", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", "et", "al", ".", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "41", "%", "the", "ma", "##xi", "-", "mum", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "12", "β€’", "Act", "##ual", "condition", ":", "Every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "needs", "an", "overlap", "of", "41", "%", "of", "the", "average", "size", "of", "their", "respective", "UN", "##L", "##s", ".", "For", "the", "remainder", "of", "the", "paper", "we", "will", "no", "longer", "assume", "Byzantine", "account", "-", "ability", ".", "In", "a", "live", "network", ",", "one", "would", "prefer", "absolute", "safety", "rather", "than", "relying", "on", "br", "##ittle", "he", "##uristic", "##s", "that", "suggest", "it", "is", "unlikely", "that", "a", "Byzantine", "node", "could", "send", "conflicting", "messages", "to", "different", "nodes" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
hus the bulk of our results do not depend on this assumption and we will clearly state when it is assumed. For any node Pi, we denote ni = |UNLi| and define the quorum, denoted qi, a parameter which roughly specifies the minimum number of agreeing nodes in UNLi that Pi needs to hear from to commit to a decision. Each node sets qi to be 80% of its UNL size, or, more exactly, qi = ⌈0.8niβŒ‰. We assume at most ti 6 ni βˆ’ qi nodes in UNLi may be Byzantine faulty. Let L represent a ledger, which is the shared s
[ 1443, 2033, 2347, 119, 4516, 1195, 2812, 1103, 1844, 6765, 1105, 7568, 1115, 8377, 15029, 1169, 3952, 16439, 7416, 1106, 16439, 15029, 119, 1370, 1251, 3111, 1104, 15029, 21902, 1105, 153, 3361, 117, 1519, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 1105, 1519, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 11241, 196, 189, 1182, 117, 189, 3361, 117, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 198, 119, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1110, 1103, 4177, 1295, 1104, 2148, 8377, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 27370, 2162, 3361, 117, 11577, 1115, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1105, 1120, 1211, 189, 3361, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 1209, 1129, 5616, 2032, 1103, 2526, 119, 3180, 12917, 123, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 117, 1173, 1111, 1251, 1168, 7345, 14372, 153, 3361, 117, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1655, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 2605, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 7282, 117, 1175, 1169, 1129, 2839, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 11437, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 3291, 10747, 3113, 124, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 1120, 1211, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 188, 119, 7282, 117, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 153, 3361, 1106, 1267, 2839, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 9221, 5430, 149, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 2834, 3531, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1121, 1122, 119, 1650, 5837, 12917, 123, 117, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1655, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 2605, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1115, 9221, 2193, 149, 119, 1409, 1451, 1168, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 10130, 170, 9221, 1891, 1106, 153, 3361, 1111, 1199, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 1169, 3531, 1146, 1106, 113, 1105, 1259, 117, 1118, 1103, 3718, 13620, 1104, 5837, 12917, 123, 114, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 11437, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 134, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 188, 119, 5322, 1115, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 1674, 1136, 3073, 1665, 12906, 1103, 5417, 1115, 153, 3361, 1209, 1267, 1167 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "without", "getting", "caught", ".", "Thus", "we", "follow", "the", "research", "convention", "and", "assume", "that", "Byzantine", "nodes", "can", "send", "arbitrary", "messages", "to", "arbitrary", "nodes", ".", "For", "any", "pair", "of", "nodes", "Pi", "and", "P", "##j", ",", "let", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "and", "let", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "min", "{", "t", "##i", ",", "t", "##j", ",", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "}", ".", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "is", "the", "maximum", "number", "of", "allowed", "Byzantine", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", ",", "assuming", "that", "there", "are", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "and", "at", "most", "t", "##j", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "will", "be", "useful", "throughout", "the", "paper", ".", "Le", "##mma", "2", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", ",", "then", "for", "any", "other", "honest", "node", "P", "##j", ",", "there", "are", "at", "least", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "there", "can", "be", "exactly", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "at", "most", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "s", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "P", "##j", "to", "see", "exactly", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "valid", "##ates", "L", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "cannot", "receive", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "from", "it", ".", "By", "le", "##mma", "2", ",", "there", "are", "at", "least", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "that", "valid", "##ate", "L", ".", "If", "every", "other", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "sends", "a", "valid", "##ation", "to", "P", "##j", "for", "some", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "can", "receive", "up", "to", "(", "and", "including", ",", "by", "the", "secondary", "clause", "of", "le", "##mma", "2", ")", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "=", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "s", ".", "Note", "that", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "does", "not", "pre", "##c", "##lude", "the", "possibility", "that", "P", "##j", "will", "see", "more" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
hus the bulk of our results do not depend on this assumption and we will clearly state when it is assumed. For any node Pi, we denote ni = |UNLi| and define the quorum, denoted qi, a parameter which roughly specifies the minimum number of agreeing nodes in UNLi that Pi needs to hear from to commit to a decision. Each node sets qi to be 80% of its UNL size, or, more exactly, qi = ⌈0.8niβŒ‰. We assume at most ti 6 ni βˆ’ qi nodes in UNLi may be Byzantine faulty. Let L represent a ledger, which is the shared s
[ 1443, 2033, 2347, 119, 4516, 1195, 2812, 1103, 1844, 6765, 1105, 7568, 1115, 8377, 15029, 1169, 3952, 16439, 7416, 1106, 16439, 15029, 119, 1370, 1251, 3111, 1104, 15029, 21902, 1105, 153, 3361, 117, 1519, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 1105, 1519, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 11241, 196, 189, 1182, 117, 189, 3361, 117, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 198, 119, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1110, 1103, 4177, 1295, 1104, 2148, 8377, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 27370, 2162, 3361, 117, 11577, 1115, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1211, 189, 1182, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1105, 1120, 1211, 189, 3361, 21688, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 1209, 1129, 5616, 2032, 1103, 2526, 119, 3180, 12917, 123, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 117, 1173, 1111, 1251, 1168, 7345, 14372, 153, 3361, 117, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1655, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 2605, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 7282, 117, 1175, 1169, 1129, 2839, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 11437, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 3291, 10747, 3113, 124, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1103, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 1120, 1211, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 188, 119, 7282, 117, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 153, 3361, 1106, 1267, 2839, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1409, 1126, 7345, 14372, 9221, 5430, 149, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 2834, 3531, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1121, 1122, 119, 1650, 5837, 12917, 123, 117, 1175, 1132, 1120, 1655, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 2605, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1115, 9221, 2193, 149, 119, 1409, 1451, 1168, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 10130, 170, 9221, 1891, 1106, 153, 3361, 1111, 1199, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 117, 1173, 153, 3361, 1169, 3531, 1146, 1106, 113, 1105, 1259, 117, 1118, 1103, 3718, 13620, 1104, 5837, 12917, 123, 114, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 116, 182, 25532, 11437, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 134, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 188, 119, 5322, 1115, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 1674, 1136, 3073, 1665, 12906, 1103, 5417, 1115, 153, 3361, 1209, 1267, 1167 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "without", "getting", "caught", ".", "Thus", "we", "follow", "the", "research", "convention", "and", "assume", "that", "Byzantine", "nodes", "can", "send", "arbitrary", "messages", "to", "arbitrary", "nodes", ".", "For", "any", "pair", "of", "nodes", "Pi", "and", "P", "##j", ",", "let", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "and", "let", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "min", "{", "t", "##i", ",", "t", "##j", ",", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "}", ".", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "is", "the", "maximum", "number", "of", "allowed", "Byzantine", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", ",", "assuming", "that", "there", "are", "at", "most", "t", "##i", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "and", "at", "most", "t", "##j", "faults", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "will", "be", "useful", "throughout", "the", "paper", ".", "Le", "##mma", "2", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", ",", "then", "for", "any", "other", "honest", "node", "P", "##j", ",", "there", "are", "at", "least", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "there", "can", "be", "exactly", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "Co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "the", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "at", "most", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "s", ".", "Furthermore", ",", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "P", "##j", "to", "see", "exactly", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "If", "an", "honest", "node", "valid", "##ates", "L", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "cannot", "receive", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "from", "it", ".", "By", "le", "##mma", "2", ",", "there", "are", "at", "least", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "that", "valid", "##ate", "L", ".", "If", "every", "other", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "sends", "a", "valid", "##ation", "to", "P", "##j", "for", "some", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", ",", "then", "P", "##j", "can", "receive", "up", "to", "(", "and", "including", ",", "by", "the", "secondary", "clause", "of", "le", "##mma", "2", ")", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "+", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "=", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "s", ".", "Note", "that", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "does", "not", "pre", "##c", "##lude", "the", "possibility", "that", "P", "##j", "will", "see", "more" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
tate of the system and includes account settings, balances, order books, etc. Two ledgers L,Lβ€² are the same if they represent the same ordered history of transactions starting from the unique genesis ledger. Each ledger also has sequence number seq(L) that is one greater than its parent ledger's sequence number. The genesis ledger has seq(L) = 1. A ledger L is created by applying a sequence of transactions T = [x0, x1, . . .] to its parent parent(L) according to the protocol rules. Two ledgers may have th
[ 1190, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 170, 2610, 4954, 1295, 1190, 188, 119, 10364, 117, 1443, 11577, 1703, 1785, 117, 1122, 3587, 1149, 1115, 1216, 1126, 15299, 1110, 1936, 117, 1134, 2088, 1103, 9932, 1106, 1329, 1277, 12567, 3429, 18717, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 5837, 12917, 123, 119, 1109, 6777, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 21133, 122, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 119, 5630, 5074, 156, 1129, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 1850, 9221, 6006, 1106, 21902, 1111, 149, 117, 1173, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 156, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 134, 182, 25532, 11437, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 1492, 1247, 1180, 1129, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 8377, 15029, 1107, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 153, 3361, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1380, 1168, 1190, 149, 117, 1177, 1120, 1655, 182, 25532, 2605, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1370, 1103, 1248, 1553, 117, 7568, 1115, 1451, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 5430, 149, 117, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 8377, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 27370, 2162, 3361, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 21902, 1105, 149, 797, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 1599, 1175, 1132, 2839, 182, 851, 11437, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 1967, 1451, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1169, 9221, 2193, 1199, 21340, 1197, 1168, 1190, 149, 117, 1175, 1169, 1129, 2839, 182, 25532, 2605, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 5096, 14572, 125, 119, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 188, 1191, 2087, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1650, 5074, 182, 134, 186, 1182, 117, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 3301, 1366, 1115, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 149, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 1120, 1211, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 25532, 17276, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 119, 4516, 1191, 186, 3361, 135, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 186, 1182, 116 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "than", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "a", "larger", "sequence", "number", "than", "s", ".", "Indeed", ",", "without", "assuming", "total", "##ity", ",", "it", "turns", "out", "that", "such", "an", "occurrence", "is", "possible", ",", "which", "forces", "the", "algorithm", "to", "use", "much", "tighter", "safety", "margins", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "le", "##mma", "2", ".", "The", "proof", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "proposition", "1", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", ".", "Again", "letting", "S", "be", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "sent", "valid", "##ations", "to", "Pi", "for", "L", ",", "then", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "S", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "=", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "13", "There", "could", "be", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "Byzantine", "nodes", "in", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "P", "##j", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "something", "other", "than", "L", ",", "so", "at", "least", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "For", "the", "second", "point", ",", "assume", "that", "every", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ates", "L", ",", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "Byzantine", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "Pi", "and", "L", "β€²", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Then", "there", "are", "exactly", "m", "βˆ’", "ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Since", "every", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "can", "valid", "##ate", "some", "ledge", "##r", "other", "than", "L", ",", "there", "can", "be", "exactly", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Pro", "##position", "4", ".", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "s", "if", "##f", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "By", "letting", "m", "=", "q", "##i", ",", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "tells", "us", "that", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "L", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "at", "most", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "##βˆ’", "##qi", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ".", "Thus", "if", "q", "##j", ">", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
tate of the system and includes account settings, balances, order books, etc. Two ledgers L,Lβ€² are the same if they represent the same ordered history of transactions starting from the unique genesis ledger. Each ledger also has sequence number seq(L) that is one greater than its parent ledger's sequence number. The genesis ledger has seq(L) = 1. A ledger L is created by applying a sequence of transactions T = [x0, x1, . . .] to its parent parent(L) according to the protocol rules. Two ledgers may have th
[ 1190, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 1306, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 170, 2610, 4954, 1295, 1190, 188, 119, 10364, 117, 1443, 11577, 1703, 1785, 117, 1122, 3587, 1149, 1115, 1216, 1126, 15299, 1110, 1936, 117, 1134, 2088, 1103, 9932, 1106, 1329, 1277, 12567, 3429, 18717, 119, 5096, 10008, 1104, 5837, 12917, 123, 119, 1109, 6777, 1110, 1861, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 21133, 122, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 5302, 182, 9221, 6006, 1111, 149, 119, 5630, 5074, 156, 1129, 1103, 1383, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 1850, 9221, 6006, 1106, 21902, 1111, 149, 117, 1173, 197, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 156, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 135, 197, 156, 197, 851, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 197, 134, 197, 156, 197, 851, 113, 11437, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 134, 182, 25532, 11437, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 1492, 1247, 1180, 1129, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 8377, 15029, 1107, 156, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 153, 3361, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1380, 1168, 1190, 149, 117, 1177, 1120, 1655, 182, 25532, 2605, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 25532, 3121, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1370, 1103, 1248, 1553, 117, 7568, 1115, 1451, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 165, 7414, 2162, 3361, 9221, 5430, 149, 117, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 8377, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 27370, 2162, 3361, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 21902, 1105, 149, 797, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 1599, 1175, 1132, 2839, 182, 851, 11437, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 1967, 1451, 14372, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 165, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1169, 9221, 2193, 1199, 21340, 1197, 1168, 1190, 149, 117, 1175, 1169, 1129, 2839, 182, 25532, 2605, 116, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1115, 3952, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1106, 153, 3361, 119, 5096, 14572, 125, 119, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 1103, 1269, 4954, 1295, 188, 1191, 2087, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1650, 5074, 182, 134, 186, 1182, 117, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 3301, 1366, 1115, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 149, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 1120, 1211, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 25532, 2346, 1182, 117, 179, 25532, 17276, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 119, 4516, 1191, 186, 3361, 135, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 186, 1182, 116 ]
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[ "than", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "##m", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "a", "larger", "sequence", "number", "than", "s", ".", "Indeed", ",", "without", "assuming", "total", "##ity", ",", "it", "turns", "out", "that", "such", "an", "occurrence", "is", "possible", ",", "which", "forces", "the", "algorithm", "to", "use", "much", "tighter", "safety", "margins", ".", "Pro", "##of", "of", "le", "##mma", "2", ".", "The", "proof", "is", "similar", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "proposition", "1", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "sees", "m", "valid", "##ations", "for", "L", ".", "Again", "letting", "S", "be", "the", "set", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "sent", "valid", "##ations", "to", "Pi", "for", "L", ",", "then", "|", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "S", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", ">", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "|", "=", "|", "S", "|", "βˆ’", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "=", "m", "##βˆ’", "ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "13", "There", "could", "be", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "Byzantine", "nodes", "in", "S", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "P", "##j", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "something", "other", "than", "L", ",", "so", "at", "least", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "##βˆ’", "##ti", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "For", "the", "second", "point", ",", "assume", "that", "every", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##j", "valid", "##ates", "L", ",", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "Byzantine", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "##UN", "##L", "##j", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "Pi", "and", "L", "β€²", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Then", "there", "are", "exactly", "m", "βˆ’", "ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Since", "every", "node", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "\\", "UN", "##L", "##i", "can", "valid", "##ate", "some", "ledge", "##r", "other", "than", "L", ",", "there", "can", "be", "exactly", "m", "##βˆ’", "##ni", "+", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "that", "send", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "to", "P", "##j", ".", "Pro", "##position", "4", ".", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "the", "same", "sequence", "number", "s", "if", "##f", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "By", "letting", "m", "=", "q", "##i", ",", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "tells", "us", "that", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "L", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "at", "most", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "##βˆ’", "##O", "##i", ",", "j", "##βˆ’", "##qi", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ".", "Thus", "if", "q", "##j", ">", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
e same parent ledger and sequence number, but differ because they applied different transactions. Note though that the protocol specifies that every set of transactions has a deterministic ordering, so it is not possible for two correct nodes to apply the same transactions but in a different order. The nodes communicate over a peer-to-peer network which has no prescribed relation with the UNL structure. We simply assume that for every node Pi and every node Pj ∈ UNLi, there is a reliable authenticated ch
[ 189, 1182, 117, 179, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1173, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 14516, 4426, 14272, 7008, 1295, 188, 119, 1370, 14176, 117, 1191, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 127, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 117, 1173, 1103, 1248, 13620, 1104, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 2839, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 186, 3361, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 117, 3525, 153, 3361, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 119, 2857, 1254, 11577, 2908, 110, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1105, 1406, 110, 6088, 15745, 1112, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 117, 1142, 19235, 3879, 1169, 1129, 25172, 1112, 8753, 4986, 5391, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 119, 1706, 1267, 1725, 1103, 19235, 11066, 1107, 21133, 125, 1674, 1136, 11865, 1554, 3429, 117, 3805, 1115, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 6300, 1121, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1111, 4954, 188, 1105, 1173, 1129, 3372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 21340, 1197, 1114, 4954, 188, 117, 1112, 1103, 1378, 1859, 2196, 119, 16409, 26671, 126, 119, 25515, 170, 2335, 2443, 1114, 1275, 15029, 119, 2421, 161, 21185, 1103, 1148, 126, 15029, 1105, 162, 21185, 1103, 1168, 126, 15029, 119, 1249, 2602, 1107, 2482, 126, 117, 6699, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 3190, 3295, 3687, 24851, 1891, 24637, 1103, 13618, 1383, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 198, 1105, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 3295, 3687, 24851, 1891, 24637, 1103, 1383, 157, 797, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 198, 119, 4516, 1111, 170, 13618, 11810, 1104, 437, 117, 4172, 437, 10698, 1111, 157, 1209, 2612, 1126, 7345, 14372, 1106, 17794, 1489, 161, 162, 163, 163, 797, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 1275, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1969, 110, 4200, 117, 11810, 187, 851, 122, 117, 1851, 110, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 187, 117, 1851, 110, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 2539, 110, 187, 116, 122, 117, 2625, 110, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797 ]
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[ "t", "##i", ",", "j", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "then", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "se", "##q", "##eu", "##ence", "number", "s", ".", "For", "necessity", ",", "if", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "6", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ",", "then", "the", "second", "clause", "of", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "exactly", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "q", "##j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", ",", "allowing", "P", "##j", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ".", "Once", "again", "assuming", "80", "%", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "and", "20", "%", "fault", "tolerance", "as", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", ",", "this", "overlap", "condition", "can", "be", "summarized", "as", "requiring", "roughly", "61", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", ".", "To", "see", "why", "the", "overlap", "hypothesis", "in", "proposition", "4", "does", "not", "guarantee", "full", "safety", ",", "note", "that", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "a", "node", "to", "exit", "from", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "for", "sequence", "s", "and", "then", "be", "unable", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "ledge", "##r", "with", "sequence", "s", ",", "as", "the", "following", "example", "shows", ".", "Ex", "##ample", "5", ".", "Consider", "a", "complete", "network", "with", "10", "nodes", ".", "Let", "X", "denote", "the", "first", "5", "nodes", "and", "Y", "denote", "the", "other", "5", "nodes", ".", "As", "shown", "in", "figure", "5", ",", "suppose", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "##X", "begin", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposing", "the", "transaction", "set", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", "}", "and", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "begin", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposing", "the", "set", "T", "β€²", "=", "{", "x", "##0", "}", ".", "Thus", "for", "a", "transaction", "threshold", "of", "Ο„", ",", "receiving", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "T", "will", "cause", "an", "honest", "node", "to", "propose", "14", "X", "Y", "Z", "Z", "β€²", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "40", "%", "Round", ",", "threshold", "r", "βˆ’", "1", ",", "50", "%", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "r", ",", "50", "%", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "60", "%", "r", "+", "1", ",", "65", "%", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
e same parent ledger and sequence number, but differ because they applied different transactions. Note though that the protocol specifies that every set of transactions has a deterministic ordering, so it is not possible for two correct nodes to apply the same transactions but in a different order. The nodes communicate over a peer-to-peer network which has no prescribed relation with the UNL structure. We simply assume that for every node Pi and every node Pj ∈ UNLi, there is a reliable authenticated ch
[ 189, 1182, 117, 179, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1173, 153, 3361, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 1114, 14516, 4426, 14272, 7008, 1295, 188, 119, 1370, 14176, 117, 1191, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 127, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 117, 1173, 1103, 1248, 13620, 1104, 1884, 10747, 3113, 124, 12942, 1115, 153, 3361, 1169, 1267, 2839, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 11437, 116, 183, 3361, 851, 113, 113, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 114, 116, 113, 183, 3361, 851, 186, 3361, 114, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 114, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 134, 186, 3361, 9221, 6006, 1111, 170, 14255, 4487, 28113, 4649, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 117, 3525, 153, 3361, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 797, 119, 2857, 1254, 11577, 2908, 110, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1105, 1406, 110, 6088, 15745, 1112, 1107, 1103, 1653, 26311, 117, 1142, 19235, 3879, 1169, 1129, 25172, 1112, 8753, 4986, 5391, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 119, 1706, 1267, 1725, 1103, 19235, 11066, 1107, 21133, 125, 1674, 1136, 11865, 1554, 3429, 117, 3805, 1115, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 6300, 1121, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1111, 4954, 188, 1105, 1173, 1129, 3372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1251, 21340, 1197, 1114, 4954, 188, 117, 1112, 1103, 1378, 1859, 2196, 119, 16409, 26671, 126, 119, 25515, 170, 2335, 2443, 1114, 1275, 15029, 119, 2421, 161, 21185, 1103, 1148, 126, 15029, 1105, 162, 21185, 1103, 1168, 126, 15029, 119, 1249, 2602, 1107, 2482, 126, 117, 6699, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 3190, 3295, 3687, 24851, 1891, 24637, 1103, 13618, 1383, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 198, 1105, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 3295, 3687, 24851, 1891, 24637, 1103, 1383, 157, 797, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 198, 119, 4516, 1111, 170, 13618, 11810, 1104, 437, 117, 4172, 437, 10698, 1111, 157, 1209, 2612, 1126, 7345, 14372, 1106, 17794, 1489, 161, 162, 163, 163, 797, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 1275, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1969, 110, 4200, 117, 11810, 187, 851, 122, 117, 1851, 110, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 187, 117, 1851, 110, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 1851, 110, 193, 1568, 131, 1620, 110, 193, 1475, 131, 2539, 110, 187, 116, 122, 117, 2625, 110, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797, 157, 797 ]
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[ "t", "##i", ",", "j", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "then", "P", "##j", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "with", "se", "##q", "##eu", "##ence", "number", "s", ".", "For", "necessity", ",", "if", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "6", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ",", "then", "the", "second", "clause", "of", "co", "##roll", "##ary", "3", "implies", "that", "P", "##j", "can", "see", "exactly", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "O", "##i", ",", "j", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "ni", "+", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "(", "(", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", ")", "+", "(", "n", "##j", "βˆ’", "q", "##j", ")", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ")", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "=", "q", "##j", "valid", "##ations", "for", "a", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ory", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", ",", "allowing", "P", "##j", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "β€²", ".", "Once", "again", "assuming", "80", "%", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "and", "20", "%", "fault", "tolerance", "as", "in", "the", "white", "##paper", ",", "this", "overlap", "condition", "can", "be", "summarized", "as", "requiring", "roughly", "61", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", ".", "To", "see", "why", "the", "overlap", "hypothesis", "in", "proposition", "4", "does", "not", "guarantee", "full", "safety", ",", "note", "that", "it", "is", "possible", "for", "a", "node", "to", "exit", "from", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "for", "sequence", "s", "and", "then", "be", "unable", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "any", "ledge", "##r", "with", "sequence", "s", ",", "as", "the", "following", "example", "shows", ".", "Ex", "##ample", "5", ".", "Consider", "a", "complete", "network", "with", "10", "nodes", ".", "Let", "X", "denote", "the", "first", "5", "nodes", "and", "Y", "denote", "the", "other", "5", "nodes", ".", "As", "shown", "in", "figure", "5", ",", "suppose", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "##X", "begin", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposing", "the", "transaction", "set", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", "}", "and", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "begin", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposing", "the", "set", "T", "β€²", "=", "{", "x", "##0", "}", ".", "Thus", "for", "a", "transaction", "threshold", "of", "Ο„", ",", "receiving", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "T", "will", "cause", "an", "honest", "node", "to", "propose", "14", "X", "Y", "Z", "Z", "β€²", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "40", "%", "Round", ",", "threshold", "r", "βˆ’", "1", ",", "50", "%", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "r", ",", "50", "%", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "50", "%", "x", "##0", ":", "100", "%", "x", "##1", ":", "60", "%", "r", "+", "1", ",", "65", "%", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²", "T", "β€²" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
annel for Pi to receive 3 a c b e d g f i h j Figure 1: Example trust graph. The highlighted edges represent the UNL of node Pi. messages from Pj . To implement such an authenticated channel, all messages are cryptographically signed and verified by receivers. Each node uses a single communication primitive broadcast, which when called from node Pj sends the same message to all nodes Pi for which Pj ∈ UNLi. In the algorithms presented in appendix A, we use a corresponding receive primitive
[ 187, 116, 123, 117, 2625, 110, 15982, 126, 131, 20452, 15391, 7698, 1104, 1859, 126, 119, 1109, 1160, 14372, 2114, 161, 1105, 162, 3295, 1118, 24637, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 198, 1105, 157, 797, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 198, 3569, 119, 1109, 1286, 113, 1268, 114, 8171, 7977, 10698, 1562, 1118, 14372, 122, 113, 1275, 114, 1105, 1132, 4248, 2109, 1104, 1155, 15029, 1107, 1372, 161, 113, 162, 114, 119, 4823, 15130, 5057, 10698, 1115, 1127, 1460, 1107, 1159, 1106, 20446, 1103, 11810, 1116, 1111, 170, 1549, 1668, 119, 5322, 1115, 1107, 1668, 187, 851, 122, 117, 1103, 5835, 1121, 14372, 126, 1108, 1136, 1460, 1118, 15029, 1107, 162, 119, 1109, 1160, 16416, 1116, 163, 1105, 163, 797, 1132, 2533, 1118, 1103, 19647, 8171, 119, 5322, 1115, 1155, 15029, 2934, 1103, 1269, 1423, 7414, 2162, 119, 1405, 157, 117, 1229, 4172, 1750, 1115, 437, 10698, 1111, 157, 1133, 437, 10698, 1111, 1719, 157, 1137, 157, 797, 1209, 2612, 1126, 7345, 14372, 1106, 17794, 157, 797, 117, 1290, 157, 858, 157, 797, 134, 157, 797, 119, 2421, 187, 1129, 1216, 1115, 1103, 13618, 11810, 1110, 1851, 110, 1107, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 187, 1105, 2625, 110, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 119, 1650, 1103, 11631, 17374, 1158, 11810, 11309, 1758, 1107, 4841, 25461, 124, 119, 122, 117, 1216, 1126, 187, 5903, 119, 1507, 1103, 1148, 187, 851, 122, 5720, 117, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 2589, 1111, 1141, 5835, 1121, 170, 14372, 1107, 161, 119, 1967, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 17794, 157, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 17794, 157, 797, 117, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 2760, 24637, 157, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 1178, 3531, 125, 10698, 1111, 157, 1105, 2760, 24637, 157, 797, 1118, 1103, 19129, 1113, 157, 1105, 157, 797, 119, 1986, 1107, 1668, 187, 1155, 15029, 3531, 1155, 10698, 119, 1188, 4680, 1155, 15029, 1106, 17794, 157, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 119, 1252, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 117, 170, 2443, 4290, 4680, 3839, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1106, 3531, 2256, 1950, 112, 188, 10698, 119, 7457, 1113, 1103, 1211, 3055, 1460, 3687, 24851, 1891, 10698, 117, 2490, 16956, 1115, 1155, 1103, 1168, 15029, 1132, 1253, 24637, 1184, 1152, 3000, 1107, 1103, 2166, 1668, 119, 4516, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 1267, 1178, 126, 10698, 1111, 157, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 1267, 1178, 127, 10698, 1111, 157, 113, 1290, 1152, 1104, 1736, 3531, 1147, 1319, 8054, 10698, 114, 119, 1302, 1141, 5302, 2625, 110, 1619, 1111, 193, 1475, 117, 1133, 2490, 5302, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 193, 1568, 117, 1177, 2490, 18381, 157, 797, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 123, 119, 1986, 3368, 1126, 16439, 16416, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1154, 1160, 3741, 117, 163, 1105, 163, 797, 119, 1109, 15029, 1107, 163, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 1133, 3839, 1104, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 187, 116, 123, 119, 4516, 1152, 1267, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 157, 1105, 9221, 2193, 157, 119, 5459, 1103, 15029, 1107, 163, 797 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "r", "+", "2", ",", "65", "%", "Figure", "5", ":", "Sc", "##hem", "##atic", "of", "example", "5", ".", "The", "two", "node", "groups", "X", "and", "Y", "begin", "by", "proposing", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", "}", "and", "T", "β€²", "=", "{", "x", "##0", "}", "respectively", ".", "The", "left", "(", "right", ")", "boxes", "reflect", "proposals", "seen", "by", "node", "1", "(", "10", ")", "and", "are", "represent", "##ive", "of", "all", "nodes", "in", "group", "X", "(", "Y", ")", ".", "Gray", "arrows", "indicate", "proposals", "that", "were", "received", "in", "time", "to", "calculate", "the", "threshold", "##s", "for", "a", "given", "round", ".", "Note", "that", "in", "round", "r", "βˆ’", "1", ",", "the", "proposal", "from", "node", "5", "was", "not", "received", "by", "nodes", "in", "Y", ".", "The", "two", "partition", "##s", "Z", "and", "Z", "β€²", "are", "represented", "by", "the", "dashed", "boxes", ".", "Note", "that", "all", "nodes", "share", "the", "same", "single", "UN", "##L", ".", "15", "T", ",", "while", "receiving", "less", "that", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "T", "but", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "either", "T", "or", "T", "β€²", "will", "cause", "an", "honest", "node", "to", "propose", "T", "β€²", ",", "since", "T", "∩", "T", "β€²", "=", "T", "β€²", ".", "Let", "r", "be", "such", "that", "the", "transaction", "threshold", "is", "50", "%", "in", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "r", "and", "65", "%", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ".", "By", "the", "rat", "##chet", "##ing", "threshold", "protocol", "described", "in", "sub", "##section", "3", ".", "1", ",", "such", "an", "r", "exists", ".", "During", "the", "first", "r", "βˆ’", "1", "rounds", ",", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", ",", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "except", "for", "one", "proposal", "from", "a", "node", "in", "X", ".", "Since", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "propose", "T", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "propose", "T", "β€²", ",", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "continue", "proposing", "T", ",", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "only", "receive", "4", "proposals", "for", "T", "and", "continue", "proposing", "T", "β€²", "by", "the", "assumptions", "on", "T", "and", "T", "β€²", ".", "Now", "in", "round", "r", "all", "nodes", "receive", "all", "proposals", ".", "This", "causes", "all", "nodes", "to", "propose", "T", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ".", "But", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ",", "a", "network", "failure", "causes", "none", "of", "the", "nodes", "to", "receive", "anyone", "else", "'", "s", "proposals", ".", "Based", "on", "the", "most", "recently", "received", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposals", ",", "everyone", "assumes", "that", "all", "the", "other", "nodes", "are", "still", "proposing", "what", "they", "proposed", "in", "the", "previous", "round", ".", "Thus", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "see", "only", "5", "proposals", "for", "T", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "see", "only", "6", "proposals", "for", "T", "(", "since", "they", "of", "course", "receive", "their", "own", "updated", "proposals", ")", ".", "No", "one", "sees", "65", "%", "support", "for", "x", "##1", ",", "but", "everyone", "sees", "100", "%", "support", "for", "x", "##0", ",", "so", "everyone", "proposes", "T", "β€²", "in", "round", "r", "+", "2", ".", "Now", "pick", "an", "arbitrary", "partition", "of", "the", "network", "into", "two", "sets", ",", "Z", "and", "Z", "β€²", ".", "The", "nodes", "in", "Z", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "r", "+", "1", "but", "none", "of", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "r", "+", "2", ".", "Thus", "they", "see", "100", "%", "support", "for", "T", "and", "valid", "##ate", "T", ".", "Meanwhile", "the", "nodes", "in", "Z", "β€²" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
annel for Pi to receive 3 a c b e d g f i h j Figure 1: Example trust graph. The highlighted edges represent the UNL of node Pi. messages from Pj . To implement such an authenticated channel, all messages are cryptographically signed and verified by receivers. Each node uses a single communication primitive broadcast, which when called from node Pj sends the same message to all nodes Pi for which Pj ∈ UNLi. In the algorithms presented in appendix A, we use a corresponding receive primitive
[ 187, 116, 123, 117, 2625, 110, 15982, 126, 131, 20452, 15391, 7698, 1104, 1859, 126, 119, 1109, 1160, 14372, 2114, 161, 1105, 162, 3295, 1118, 24637, 157, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 117, 193, 1475, 198, 1105, 157, 797, 134, 196, 193, 1568, 198, 3569, 119, 1109, 1286, 113, 1268, 114, 8171, 7977, 10698, 1562, 1118, 14372, 122, 113, 1275, 114, 1105, 1132, 4248, 2109, 1104, 1155, 15029, 1107, 1372, 161, 113, 162, 114, 119, 4823, 15130, 5057, 10698, 1115, 1127, 1460, 1107, 1159, 1106, 20446, 1103, 11810, 1116, 1111, 170, 1549, 1668, 119, 5322, 1115, 1107, 1668, 187, 851, 122, 117, 1103, 5835, 1121, 14372, 126, 1108, 1136, 1460, 1118, 15029, 1107, 162, 119, 1109, 1160, 16416, 1116, 163, 1105, 163, 797, 1132, 2533, 1118, 1103, 19647, 8171, 119, 5322, 1115, 1155, 15029, 2934, 1103, 1269, 1423, 7414, 2162, 119, 1405, 157, 117, 1229, 4172, 1750, 1115, 437, 10698, 1111, 157, 1133, 437, 10698, 1111, 1719, 157, 1137, 157, 797, 1209, 2612, 1126, 7345, 14372, 1106, 17794, 157, 797, 117, 1290, 157, 858, 157, 797, 134, 157, 797, 119, 2421, 187, 1129, 1216, 1115, 1103, 13618, 11810, 1110, 1851, 110, 1107, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1668, 187, 1105, 2625, 110, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 119, 1650, 1103, 11631, 17374, 1158, 11810, 11309, 1758, 1107, 4841, 25461, 124, 119, 122, 117, 1216, 1126, 187, 5903, 119, 1507, 1103, 1148, 187, 851, 122, 5720, 117, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 2589, 1111, 1141, 5835, 1121, 170, 14372, 1107, 161, 119, 1967, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 17794, 157, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 17794, 157, 797, 117, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 2760, 24637, 157, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 1178, 3531, 125, 10698, 1111, 157, 1105, 2760, 24637, 157, 797, 1118, 1103, 19129, 1113, 157, 1105, 157, 797, 119, 1986, 1107, 1668, 187, 1155, 15029, 3531, 1155, 10698, 119, 1188, 4680, 1155, 15029, 1106, 17794, 157, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 119, 1252, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 117, 170, 2443, 4290, 4680, 3839, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1106, 3531, 2256, 1950, 112, 188, 10698, 119, 7457, 1113, 1103, 1211, 3055, 1460, 3687, 24851, 1891, 10698, 117, 2490, 16956, 1115, 1155, 1103, 1168, 15029, 1132, 1253, 24637, 1184, 1152, 3000, 1107, 1103, 2166, 1668, 119, 4516, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 1267, 1178, 126, 10698, 1111, 157, 1229, 1103, 15029, 1107, 162, 1267, 1178, 127, 10698, 1111, 157, 113, 1290, 1152, 1104, 1736, 3531, 1147, 1319, 8054, 10698, 114, 119, 1302, 1141, 5302, 2625, 110, 1619, 1111, 193, 1475, 117, 1133, 2490, 5302, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 193, 1568, 117, 1177, 2490, 18381, 157, 797, 1107, 1668, 187, 116, 123, 119, 1986, 3368, 1126, 16439, 16416, 1104, 1103, 2443, 1154, 1160, 3741, 117, 163, 1105, 163, 797, 119, 1109, 15029, 1107, 163, 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 187, 116, 122, 1133, 3839, 1104, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 187, 116, 123, 119, 4516, 1152, 1267, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 157, 1105, 9221, 2193, 157, 119, 5459, 1103, 15029, 1107, 163, 797 ]
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[ "r", "+", "2", ",", "65", "%", "Figure", "5", ":", "Sc", "##hem", "##atic", "of", "example", "5", ".", "The", "two", "node", "groups", "X", "and", "Y", "begin", "by", "proposing", "T", "=", "{", "x", "##0", ",", "x", "##1", "}", "and", "T", "β€²", "=", "{", "x", "##0", "}", "respectively", ".", "The", "left", "(", "right", ")", "boxes", "reflect", "proposals", "seen", "by", "node", "1", "(", "10", ")", "and", "are", "represent", "##ive", "of", "all", "nodes", "in", "group", "X", "(", "Y", ")", ".", "Gray", "arrows", "indicate", "proposals", "that", "were", "received", "in", "time", "to", "calculate", "the", "threshold", "##s", "for", "a", "given", "round", ".", "Note", "that", "in", "round", "r", "βˆ’", "1", ",", "the", "proposal", "from", "node", "5", "was", "not", "received", "by", "nodes", "in", "Y", ".", "The", "two", "partition", "##s", "Z", "and", "Z", "β€²", "are", "represented", "by", "the", "dashed", "boxes", ".", "Note", "that", "all", "nodes", "share", "the", "same", "single", "UN", "##L", ".", "15", "T", ",", "while", "receiving", "less", "that", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "T", "but", "Ο„", "proposals", "for", "either", "T", "or", "T", "β€²", "will", "cause", "an", "honest", "node", "to", "propose", "T", "β€²", ",", "since", "T", "∩", "T", "β€²", "=", "T", "β€²", ".", "Let", "r", "be", "such", "that", "the", "transaction", "threshold", "is", "50", "%", "in", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "round", "r", "and", "65", "%", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ".", "By", "the", "rat", "##chet", "##ing", "threshold", "protocol", "described", "in", "sub", "##section", "3", ".", "1", ",", "such", "an", "r", "exists", ".", "During", "the", "first", "r", "βˆ’", "1", "rounds", ",", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", ",", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "except", "for", "one", "proposal", "from", "a", "node", "in", "X", ".", "Since", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "propose", "T", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "propose", "T", "β€²", ",", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "continue", "proposing", "T", ",", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "only", "receive", "4", "proposals", "for", "T", "and", "continue", "proposing", "T", "β€²", "by", "the", "assumptions", "on", "T", "and", "T", "β€²", ".", "Now", "in", "round", "r", "all", "nodes", "receive", "all", "proposals", ".", "This", "causes", "all", "nodes", "to", "propose", "T", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ".", "But", "in", "round", "r", "+", "1", ",", "a", "network", "failure", "causes", "none", "of", "the", "nodes", "to", "receive", "anyone", "else", "'", "s", "proposals", ".", "Based", "on", "the", "most", "recently", "received", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "proposals", ",", "everyone", "assumes", "that", "all", "the", "other", "nodes", "are", "still", "proposing", "what", "they", "proposed", "in", "the", "previous", "round", ".", "Thus", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", "see", "only", "5", "proposals", "for", "T", "while", "the", "nodes", "in", "Y", "see", "only", "6", "proposals", "for", "T", "(", "since", "they", "of", "course", "receive", "their", "own", "updated", "proposals", ")", ".", "No", "one", "sees", "65", "%", "support", "for", "x", "##1", ",", "but", "everyone", "sees", "100", "%", "support", "for", "x", "##0", ",", "so", "everyone", "proposes", "T", "β€²", "in", "round", "r", "+", "2", ".", "Now", "pick", "an", "arbitrary", "partition", "of", "the", "network", "into", "two", "sets", ",", "Z", "and", "Z", "β€²", ".", "The", "nodes", "in", "Z", "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "r", "+", "1", "but", "none", "of", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "r", "+", "2", ".", "Thus", "they", "see", "100", "%", "support", "for", "T", "and", "valid", "##ate", "T", ".", "Meanwhile", "the", "nodes", "in", "Z", "β€²" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
which is called asynchronously upon the receipt of a broadcast message. The outcome of XRP LCP is for a node to fully validate ledgers. A fully validated ledger is irrevocable and authoritative, and reflects transactions sub- mitted by network clients and accepted by the consensus algorithm. Fully vali- dating a ledger also fully validates all of its ancestors. In this context, a fork is a situation in which two honest nodes fully validate contradictory ledgers, i.e., different ledgers with the same sequ
[ 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 180, 116, 123, 117, 1267, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 157, 797, 117, 1105, 9221, 2193, 157, 797, 119, 4516, 1195, 1169, 6300, 1121, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1160, 16439, 18005, 1116, 9221, 3798, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1130, 1142, 1692, 1191, 197, 163, 197, 135, 123, 1105, 197, 163, 797, 197, 135, 123, 117, 1173, 3839, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1209, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 1219, 1142, 10923, 1668, 119, 2279, 1104, 5136, 1176, 1859, 126, 117, 1195, 3335, 1294, 1103, 4728, 13457, 1115, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1169, 22516, 1114, 1126, 16439, 1871, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 1142, 1336, 4752, 170, 5409, 1260, 18590, 2443, 117, 1133, 1110, 14642, 170, 1842, 3187, 119, 1622, 170, 10093, 7281, 117, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1110, 3335, 2423, 25707, 132, 1122, 1110, 12098, 1126, 25161, 1115, 2228, 1122, 1177, 1115, 1219, 2987, 26107, 1211, 15029, 1209, 1301, 1154, 9221, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 3525, 1451, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1932, 117, 1105, 1122, 1180, 1129, 2856, 1443, 8148, 1193, 4787, 1103, 11309, 119, 4516, 1195, 5212, 1412, 2817, 2019, 9221, 1891, 1443, 1543, 1251, 19129, 1164, 1103, 1871, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1284, 1444, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1191, 1251, 14372, 3106, 9221, 5430, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1173, 1122, 1110, 1309, 1936, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1216, 1115, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1105, 149, 797, 1110, 1136, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 2790, 1103, 2438, 1111, 11865, 1158, 1142, 119, 3180, 12917, 127, 119, 1409, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 117, 1175, 1132, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 12295, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 1173, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1209, 1579, 12295, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1284, 5424, 1142, 1118, 14255, 4487, 15906, 119, 1409, 1103, 5837, 12917, 1110, 1136, 2276, 117, 1173, 1223, 1103, 5837, 12917, 112, 188, 177, 1183, 11439, 18769, 1175, 1538, 1129, 1199, 7345, 14372, 1134, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1479, 1111, 149, 1105, 1145, 2028, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1105, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 1967, 5663, 15029, 1169, 1178, 12295, 1207, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 1114, 4954, 10802, 3407, 1190, 1251, 21340, 1197, 1152, 1138, 2331, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 117, 1216, 170, 14372, 1538, 12295, 1157, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 797, 1170, 1515, 7402, 1157, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 119, 4516, 1519, 21902, 1129, 1103, 7345, 14372, 1115, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1105, 1224, 1110, 1103, 1148, 1106, 12295, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 1109, 1178, 1236, 1111, 21902, 1106, 1224, 12295, 170 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "k", "+", "2", ",", "see", "100", "%", "support", "for", "T", "β€²", ",", "and", "valid", "##ate", "T", "β€²", ".", "Thus", "we", "can", "exit", "from", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "two", "arbitrary", "subset", "##s", "valid", "##ating", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "In", "this", "case", "if", "|", "Z", "|", ">", "2", "and", "|", "Z", "β€²", "|", ">", "2", ",", "then", "none", "of", "the", "nodes", "will", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "during", "this", "consensus", "round", ".", "Because", "of", "examples", "like", "example", "5", ",", "we", "therefore", "make", "the", "broad", "assumption", "that", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "can", "terminate", "with", "an", "arbitrary", "result", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "this", "may", "require", "a", "significantly", "de", "##graded", "network", ",", "but", "is", "nonetheless", "a", "real", "risk", ".", "From", "a", "theoretical", "perspective", ",", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "is", "therefore", "completely", "irrelevant", ";", "it", "is", "purely", "an", "optimization", "that", "makes", "it", "so", "that", "during", "civil", "executions", "most", "nodes", "will", "go", "into", "valid", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "allowing", "every", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "usually", ",", "and", "it", "could", "be", "removed", "without", "fundamental", "##ly", "changing", "the", "protocol", ".", "Thus", "we", "shift", "our", "focus", "towards", "valid", "##ation", "without", "making", "any", "assumptions", "about", "the", "result", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "We", "need", "to", "prove", "that", "if", "any", "node", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "then", "it", "is", "never", "possible", "for", "a", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "such", "that", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "and", "L", "β€²", "is", "not", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "provides", "the", "route", "for", "guarantee", "##ing", "this", ".", "Le", "##mma", "6", ".", "If", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", ",", "there", "are", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "submit", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "then", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "will", "always", "submit", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "We", "prove", "this", "by", "con", "##tra", "##diction", ".", "If", "the", "le", "##mma", "is", "not", "true", ",", "then", "under", "the", "le", "##mma", "'", "s", "h", "##y", "##pot", "##heses", "there", "must", "be", "some", "honest", "node", "which", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "16", "for", "L", "and", "also", "eventually", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "and", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Since", "correct", "nodes", "can", "only", "submit", "new", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "sequence", "strictly", "greater", "than", "any", "ledge", "##r", "they", "have", "previously", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", ",", "such", "a", "node", "must", "submit", "its", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "β€²", "after", "having", "submitted", "its", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", ".", "Thus", "let", "Pi", "be", "the", "honest", "node", "that", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "and", "later", "is", "the", "first", "to", "submit", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "The", "only", "way", "for", "Pi", "to", "later", "submit", "a" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
which is called asynchronously upon the receipt of a broadcast message. The outcome of XRP LCP is for a node to fully validate ledgers. A fully validated ledger is irrevocable and authoritative, and reflects transactions sub- mitted by network clients and accepted by the consensus algorithm. Fully vali- dating a ledger also fully validates all of its ancestors. In this context, a fork is a situation in which two honest nodes fully validate contradictory ledgers, i.e., different ledgers with the same sequ
[ 3531, 1155, 1103, 10698, 1121, 1668, 180, 116, 123, 117, 1267, 1620, 110, 1619, 1111, 157, 797, 117, 1105, 9221, 2193, 157, 797, 119, 4516, 1195, 1169, 6300, 1121, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1160, 16439, 18005, 1116, 9221, 3798, 1472, 21340, 1733, 119, 1130, 1142, 1692, 1191, 197, 163, 197, 135, 123, 1105, 197, 163, 797, 197, 135, 123, 117, 1173, 3839, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1209, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 1219, 1142, 10923, 1668, 119, 2279, 1104, 5136, 1176, 1859, 126, 117, 1195, 3335, 1294, 1103, 4728, 13457, 1115, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1169, 22516, 1114, 1126, 16439, 1871, 119, 1130, 2415, 117, 1142, 1336, 4752, 170, 5409, 1260, 18590, 2443, 117, 1133, 1110, 14642, 170, 1842, 3187, 119, 1622, 170, 10093, 7281, 117, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1110, 3335, 2423, 25707, 132, 1122, 1110, 12098, 1126, 25161, 1115, 2228, 1122, 1177, 1115, 1219, 2987, 26107, 1211, 15029, 1209, 1301, 1154, 9221, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 3525, 1451, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1932, 117, 1105, 1122, 1180, 1129, 2856, 1443, 8148, 1193, 4787, 1103, 11309, 119, 4516, 1195, 5212, 1412, 2817, 2019, 9221, 1891, 1443, 1543, 1251, 19129, 1164, 1103, 1871, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1284, 1444, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1191, 1251, 14372, 3106, 9221, 5430, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 117, 1173, 1122, 1110, 1309, 1936, 1111, 170, 14372, 1106, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1216, 1115, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1105, 149, 797, 1110, 1136, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 2790, 1103, 2438, 1111, 11865, 1158, 1142, 119, 3180, 12917, 127, 119, 1409, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 117, 1175, 1132, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1115, 12295, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 1173, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1209, 1579, 12295, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1284, 5424, 1142, 1118, 14255, 4487, 15906, 119, 1409, 1103, 5837, 12917, 1110, 1136, 2276, 117, 1173, 1223, 1103, 5837, 12917, 112, 188, 177, 1183, 11439, 18769, 1175, 1538, 1129, 1199, 7345, 14372, 1134, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1479, 1111, 149, 1105, 1145, 2028, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1105, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 1967, 5663, 15029, 1169, 1178, 12295, 1207, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 1114, 4954, 10802, 3407, 1190, 1251, 21340, 1197, 1152, 1138, 2331, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 117, 1216, 170, 14372, 1538, 12295, 1157, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 797, 1170, 1515, 7402, 1157, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 119, 4516, 1519, 21902, 1129, 1103, 7345, 14372, 1115, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1105, 1224, 1110, 1103, 1148, 1106, 12295, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 1109, 1178, 1236, 1111, 21902, 1106, 1224, 12295, 170 ]
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[ "receive", "all", "the", "proposals", "from", "round", "k", "+", "2", ",", "see", "100", "%", "support", "for", "T", "β€²", ",", "and", "valid", "##ate", "T", "β€²", ".", "Thus", "we", "can", "exit", "from", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "two", "arbitrary", "subset", "##s", "valid", "##ating", "different", "ledge", "##rs", ".", "In", "this", "case", "if", "|", "Z", "|", ">", "2", "and", "|", "Z", "β€²", "|", ">", "2", ",", "then", "none", "of", "the", "nodes", "will", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "during", "this", "consensus", "round", ".", "Because", "of", "examples", "like", "example", "5", ",", "we", "therefore", "make", "the", "broad", "assumption", "that", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "can", "terminate", "with", "an", "arbitrary", "result", ".", "In", "practice", ",", "this", "may", "require", "a", "significantly", "de", "##graded", "network", ",", "but", "is", "nonetheless", "a", "real", "risk", ".", "From", "a", "theoretical", "perspective", ",", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "is", "therefore", "completely", "irrelevant", ";", "it", "is", "purely", "an", "optimization", "that", "makes", "it", "so", "that", "during", "civil", "executions", "most", "nodes", "will", "go", "into", "valid", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "allowing", "every", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "usually", ",", "and", "it", "could", "be", "removed", "without", "fundamental", "##ly", "changing", "the", "protocol", ".", "Thus", "we", "shift", "our", "focus", "towards", "valid", "##ation", "without", "making", "any", "assumptions", "about", "the", "result", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "We", "need", "to", "prove", "that", "if", "any", "node", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", ",", "then", "it", "is", "never", "possible", "for", "a", "node", "to", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "such", "that", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "and", "L", "β€²", "is", "not", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "provides", "the", "route", "for", "guarantee", "##ing", "this", ".", "Le", "##mma", "6", ".", "If", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", ",", "there", "are", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "that", "submit", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "then", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "will", "always", "submit", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "We", "prove", "this", "by", "con", "##tra", "##diction", ".", "If", "the", "le", "##mma", "is", "not", "true", ",", "then", "under", "the", "le", "##mma", "'", "s", "h", "##y", "##pot", "##heses", "there", "must", "be", "some", "honest", "node", "which", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "16", "for", "L", "and", "also", "eventually", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "and", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Since", "correct", "nodes", "can", "only", "submit", "new", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "sequence", "strictly", "greater", "than", "any", "ledge", "##r", "they", "have", "previously", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", ",", "such", "a", "node", "must", "submit", "its", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "β€²", "after", "having", "submitted", "its", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", ".", "Thus", "let", "Pi", "be", "the", "honest", "node", "that", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "and", "later", "is", "the", "first", "to", "submit", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "The", "only", "way", "for", "Pi", "to", "later", "submit", "a" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ence number. The network is said to be fork-safe if it can never fork with a tolerated configuration of Byzantine nodes. Although XRP LCP is typically defined in terms of the fully validated chain of ledgers, since each ledger in the chain represents a deterministically-ordered sequence of transactions it also can be considered as an atomic broadcast pro- tocol with batching of transactions for efficiency. Formally, an atomic broadcast protocol is an algorithm in which a set of clients, arbitrarily many
[ 9221, 1891, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 1228, 1104, 1103, 149, 3392, 1110, 1191, 1122, 2326, 1103, 6349, 3392, 9932, 1105, 5302, 170, 21340, 1197, 1228, 1103, 149, 3392, 1112, 6349, 119, 1370, 170, 1549, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 1519, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 21185, 1103, 13596, 1104, 149, 1114, 4954, 188, 119, 1967, 21902, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1118, 13457, 117, 1122, 10500, 1155, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 1114, 4954, 2071, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1112, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1107, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 119, 1252, 1290, 21902, 1110, 4260, 1106, 1129, 1103, 1148, 1106, 6878, 1283, 1121, 1103, 149, 3392, 117, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 2834, 1138, 1850, 1149, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 188, 1105, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 4516, 1111, 1451, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 21902, 5302, 170, 2656, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1112, 1217, 1719, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1120, 188, 1137, 3392, 1619, 1111, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1111, 1155, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 114, 135, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 119, 1370, 170, 1549, 188, 133, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 6699, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1110, 1103, 1954, 2259, 21340, 1197, 1107, 1103, 7812, 1113, 1413, 1275, 1104, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 124, 119, 1599, 1719, 140, 164, 121, 166, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1137, 1175, 1110, 1199, 149, 797, 127, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1114, 6486, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1105, 140, 164, 121, 166, 134, 149, 797, 119, 1130, 1103, 2985, 1692, 117, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 140, 164, 122, 166, 1538, 1129, 1120, 1655, 4463, 1106, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 113, 4440, 7057, 1114, 439, 114, 1118, 5754, 1104, 1103, 13649, 1104, 140, 119, 6940, 117, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 140, 164, 121, 166, 1538, 1129, 1750, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 119, 4516, 1107, 1413, 1479, 117, 100, 134, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 114, 851, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 122, 166, 114, 116, 439, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 117, 140, 164, 122, 166, 114, 127, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 114, 851, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 114, 116, 122, 133, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 114, 116, 122, 133, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 113, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 114, 116, 122, 127, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 116 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "valid", "##ation", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "off", "of", "the", "L", "branch", "is", "if", "it", "runs", "the", "preferred", "branch", "algorithm", "and", "sees", "a", "ledge", "##r", "off", "the", "L", "branch", "as", "preferred", ".", "For", "a", "given", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "let", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "denote", "the", "ancestor", "of", "L", "with", "sequence", "s", ".", "Since", "Pi", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "by", "assumption", ",", "it", "considers", "all", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "sequence", "below", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "as", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "in", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", ".", "But", "since", "Pi", "is", "assumed", "to", "be", "the", "first", "to", "switch", "away", "from", "the", "L", "branch", ",", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "cannot", "have", "sent", "out", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "s", "and", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Thus", "for", "every", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "Pi", "sees", "a", "majority", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "as", "being", "either", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "at", "s", "or", "branch", "support", "for", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "for", "all", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", ")", ">", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", ".", "For", "a", "given", "s", "<", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "suppose", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "is", "the", "current", "base", "ledge", "##r", "in", "the", "loop", "on", "line", "10", "of", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "3", ".", "Then", "either", "C", "[", "0", "]", "=", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "or", "there", "is", "some", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "with", "parent", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "and", "C", "[", "0", "]", "=", "L", "β€²", ".", "In", "the", "latter", "case", ",", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "C", "[", "1", "]", "must", "be", "at", "least", "equal", "to", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "(", "breaking", "ties", "with", "Ο†", ")", "by", "definition", "of", "the", "ordering", "of", "C", ".", "Further", ",", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "C", "[", "0", "]", "must", "be", "less", "than", "ni", "/", "2", ".", "Thus", "in", "line", "16", ",", "[UNK]", "=", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ")", "βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "1", "]", ")", "+", "Ο†", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ",", "C", "[", "1", "]", ")", "6", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ")", "βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", ")", "+", "1", "<", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", ")", "+", "1", "<", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "(", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", ")", "+", "1", "6", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", "+" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
ence number. The network is said to be fork-safe if it can never fork with a tolerated configuration of Byzantine nodes. Although XRP LCP is typically defined in terms of the fully validated chain of ledgers, since each ledger in the chain represents a deterministically-ordered sequence of transactions it also can be considered as an atomic broadcast pro- tocol with batching of transactions for efficiency. Formally, an atomic broadcast protocol is an algorithm in which a set of clients, arbitrarily many
[ 9221, 1891, 1111, 170, 21340, 1197, 1228, 1104, 1103, 149, 3392, 1110, 1191, 1122, 2326, 1103, 6349, 3392, 9932, 1105, 5302, 170, 21340, 1197, 1228, 1103, 149, 3392, 1112, 6349, 119, 1370, 170, 1549, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 1519, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 21185, 1103, 13596, 1104, 149, 1114, 4954, 188, 119, 1967, 21902, 7402, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 149, 1118, 13457, 117, 1122, 10500, 1155, 9221, 6006, 1111, 21340, 1733, 1114, 4954, 2071, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 1112, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1107, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 119, 1252, 1290, 21902, 1110, 4260, 1106, 1129, 1103, 1148, 1106, 6878, 1283, 1121, 1103, 149, 3392, 117, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 2834, 1138, 1850, 1149, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1251, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 797, 114, 135, 188, 1105, 149, 797, 1136, 9026, 1121, 149, 119, 4516, 1111, 1451, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 21902, 5302, 170, 2656, 1104, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1112, 1217, 1719, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 1619, 1120, 188, 1137, 3392, 1619, 1111, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1111, 1155, 188, 127, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 114, 135, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 114, 119, 1370, 170, 1549, 188, 133, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 117, 6699, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1110, 1103, 1954, 2259, 21340, 1197, 1107, 1103, 7812, 1113, 1413, 1275, 1104, 2586, 18791, 7088, 1306, 124, 119, 1599, 1719, 140, 164, 121, 166, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1137, 1175, 1110, 1199, 149, 797, 127, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1114, 6486, 113, 149, 797, 114, 134, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1105, 140, 164, 121, 166, 134, 149, 797, 119, 1130, 1103, 2985, 1692, 117, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 140, 164, 122, 166, 1538, 1129, 1120, 1655, 4463, 1106, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 113, 4440, 7057, 1114, 439, 114, 1118, 5754, 1104, 1103, 13649, 1104, 140, 119, 6940, 117, 1103, 3392, 1619, 1111, 140, 164, 121, 166, 1538, 1129, 1750, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 119, 4516, 1107, 1413, 1479, 117, 100, 134, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 114, 851, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 122, 166, 114, 116, 439, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 117, 140, 164, 122, 166, 114, 127, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 140, 164, 121, 166, 114, 851, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 114, 116, 122, 133, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 28117, 8661, 6766, 11273, 113, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 114, 116, 122, 133, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 113, 11437, 120, 123, 25532, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 114, 116, 122, 127, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 116 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "valid", "##ation", "for", "a", "ledge", "##r", "off", "of", "the", "L", "branch", "is", "if", "it", "runs", "the", "preferred", "branch", "algorithm", "and", "sees", "a", "ledge", "##r", "off", "the", "L", "branch", "as", "preferred", ".", "For", "a", "given", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "let", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "denote", "the", "ancestor", "of", "L", "with", "sequence", "s", ".", "Since", "Pi", "submitted", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "L", "by", "assumption", ",", "it", "considers", "all", "valid", "##ations", "for", "ledge", "##rs", "with", "sequence", "below", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "as", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "in", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", ".", "But", "since", "Pi", "is", "assumed", "to", "be", "the", "first", "to", "switch", "away", "from", "the", "L", "branch", ",", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "cannot", "have", "sent", "out", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "any", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", ">", "s", "and", "L", "β€²", "not", "descended", "from", "L", ".", "Thus", "for", "every", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "Pi", "sees", "a", "majority", "of", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "as", "being", "either", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "support", "at", "s", "or", "branch", "support", "for", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "for", "all", "s", "6", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", ")", ">", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", ")", ".", "For", "a", "given", "s", "<", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", ",", "suppose", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "is", "the", "current", "base", "ledge", "##r", "in", "the", "loop", "on", "line", "10", "of", "Al", "##gor", "##ith", "##m", "3", ".", "Then", "either", "C", "[", "0", "]", "=", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "or", "there", "is", "some", "L", "β€²", "6", "=", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "with", "parent", "(", "L", "β€²", ")", "=", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "and", "C", "[", "0", "]", "=", "L", "β€²", ".", "In", "the", "latter", "case", ",", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "C", "[", "1", "]", "must", "be", "at", "least", "equal", "to", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "(", "breaking", "ties", "with", "Ο†", ")", "by", "definition", "of", "the", "ordering", "of", "C", ".", "Further", ",", "the", "branch", "support", "for", "C", "[", "0", "]", "must", "be", "less", "than", "ni", "/", "2", ".", "Thus", "in", "line", "16", ",", "[UNK]", "=", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ")", "βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "1", "]", ")", "+", "Ο†", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ",", "C", "[", "1", "]", ")", "6", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "C", "[", "0", "]", ")", "βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", ")", "+", "1", "<", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "su", "##pp", "##bra", "##nch", "(", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", ")", "+", "1", "<", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "(", "ni", "/", "2", "##βˆ’", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", ")", "+", "1", "6", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", "+" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
of which may be Byzantine faulty, can broadcast transactions, and each node can accept some of those transactions according to the following properties: 1. ABC-Agreement: If a correct node accepts a transaction into a ledger, then eventually all correct nodes accept the transaction into a ledger. 4 2. ABC-Linearizability: If a correct node accepts transaction x before trans- action xβ€², then all correct nodes accept transaction x before xβ€². 3. ABC-Censorship-Resilience: If a correct client broadcast
[ 122, 117, 1177, 1103, 3879, 100, 135, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 1110, 1579, 6014, 119, 4516, 1107, 1103, 2985, 1692, 21902, 5302, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1130, 1103, 1393, 1692, 117, 21902, 1719, 5302, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1137, 3430, 1103, 7812, 1114, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 2259, 21340, 1197, 119, 1650, 18293, 117, 21902, 1110, 13008, 1106, 1267, 1199, 21340, 1197, 1113, 1103, 149, 3392, 1112, 6349, 117, 1177, 21902, 2834, 1817, 1103, 149, 3392, 117, 14255, 4487, 28113, 1158, 1412, 13457, 1164, 21902, 119, 1409, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1178, 1518, 9221, 2193, 8395, 1104, 149, 117, 1173, 4664, 21902, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 1115, 2144, 112, 189, 20649, 1121, 149, 117, 1290, 4303, 1175, 1156, 1129, 186, 1182, 135, 11437, 120, 123, 15029, 1115, 1850, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 797, 1115, 2144, 112, 189, 20649, 1121, 149, 119, 4516, 1195, 1169, 1542, 1437, 1115, 10923, 1110, 2914, 1191, 1195, 1169, 11865, 1115, 1191, 1251, 7345, 14372, 3106, 9221, 5430, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1173, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 117, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1538, 1138, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1109, 1378, 21133, 3114, 1103, 19235, 3879, 11865, 1158, 1142, 2400, 119, 5096, 14572, 128, 119, 10470, 1160, 7345, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 117, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 12942, 1115, 1175, 1132, 1167, 1190, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1134, 9221, 2913, 149, 1191, 2087, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 116, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1109, 6777, 1110, 2626, 21960, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 21133, 125, 117, 2589, 1897, 1190, 4930, 1158, 1103, 7893, 1118, 186, 3361, 1195, 4930, 1122, 1118, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 119, 15840, 16996, 129, 119, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 24512, 13097, 3429, 1191, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 116, 11437, 25532, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1111, 1451, 3111, 1104, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 119, 5322, 1115, 1780, 21133, 128, 1110, 1126, 1191, 2087, 4195, 117, 1103, 19235, 3879, 1107, 10384, 129, 1110, 1178, 6664, 1133, 1136, 3238, 1111, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 3429, 119, 1188, 1110, 1272, 5837, 12917, 127, 1110, 1136, 1126, 1191, 2087, 4195, 119, 6940, 117, 1175, 1336, 1129, 1199, 191, 10584, 118, 5358, 2116, 25209, 1115, 2834, 1435, 1149, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 4440, 1412, 4728, 13457, 1115, 1625, 1169, 1435, 1149, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1438, 117, 1122, 1110, 1103, 4780, 118, 12890, 3879, 1115, 1169, 1129, 4448, 12098, 1112, 170, 4930, 1113, 1103, 2060, 1104, 19235, 1116, 119, 2857, 1254, 11577, 2908, 110, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1105 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "1", ",", "so", "the", "condition", "[UNK]", ">", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", "is", "always", "false", ".", "Thus", "in", "the", "latter", "case", "Pi", "sees", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "In", "the", "former", "case", ",", "Pi", "either", "sees", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "or", "continues", "the", "loop", "with", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "base", "ledge", "##r", ".", "By", "induction", ",", "Pi", "is", "guaranteed", "to", "see", "some", "ledge", "##r", "on", "the", "L", "branch", "as", "preferred", ",", "so", "Pi", "cannot", "leave", "the", "L", "branch", ",", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ing", "our", "assumption", "about", "Pi", ".", "If", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "only", "ever", "valid", "##ate", "descendants", "of", "L", ",", "then", "certainly", "Pi", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "that", "doesn", "'", "t", "descend", "from", "L", ",", "since", "otherwise", "there", "would", "be", "q", "##i", ">", "ni", "/", "2", "nodes", "that", "sent", "valid", "##ations", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", "β€²", "that", "doesn", "'", "t", "descend", "from", "L", ".", "Thus", "we", "can", "17", "show", "that", "consensus", "is", "safe", "if", "we", "can", "guarantee", "that", "if", "any", "honest", "node", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "then", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", ",", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "must", "have", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "The", "following", "proposition", "gives", "the", "overlap", "condition", "guarantee", "##ing", "this", "property", ".", "Pro", "##position", "7", ".", "Given", "two", "honest", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", ",", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", "implies", "that", "there", "are", "more", "than", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "which", "valid", "##ated", "L", "if", "##f", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "+", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "The", "proof", "is", "directly", "analogous", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "proposition", "4", ",", "except", "rather", "than", "bound", "##ing", "the", "formula", "by", "q", "##j", "we", "bound", "it", "by", "n", "##j", "/", "2", ".", "Theo", "##rem", "8", ".", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "guarantees", "fork", "safety", "if", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "+", "ni", "##βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "for", "every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", ".", "Note", "that", "although", "proposition", "7", "is", "an", "if", "##f", "statement", ",", "the", "overlap", "condition", "in", "theorem", "8", "is", "only", "sufficient", "but", "not", "necessary", "for", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "safety", ".", "This", "is", "because", "le", "##mma", "6", "is", "not", "an", "if", "##f", "statement", ".", "Further", ",", "there", "may", "be", "some", "v", "##ali", "-", "da", "##tion", "configurations", "that", "cannot", "come", "out", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "breaking", "our", "broad", "assumption", "that", "anything", "can", "come", "out", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "However", ",", "it", "is", "the", "weak", "-", "est", "condition", "that", "can", "be", "expressed", "purely", "as", "a", "bound", "on", "the", "size", "of", "overlap", "##s", ".", "Once", "again", "assuming", "80", "%", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "and" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
of which may be Byzantine faulty, can broadcast transactions, and each node can accept some of those transactions according to the following properties: 1. ABC-Agreement: If a correct node accepts a transaction into a ledger, then eventually all correct nodes accept the transaction into a ledger. 4 2. ABC-Linearizability: If a correct node accepts transaction x before trans- action xβ€², then all correct nodes accept transaction x before xβ€². 3. ABC-Censorship-Resilience: If a correct client broadcast
[ 122, 117, 1177, 1103, 3879, 100, 135, 8362, 8178, 9084, 1906, 113, 188, 116, 122, 114, 1110, 1579, 6014, 119, 4516, 1107, 1103, 2985, 1692, 21902, 5302, 6486, 113, 188, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 119, 1130, 1103, 1393, 1692, 117, 21902, 1719, 5302, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 6349, 21340, 1197, 1137, 3430, 1103, 7812, 1114, 6486, 113, 188, 116, 122, 117, 149, 114, 1112, 1103, 2259, 21340, 1197, 119, 1650, 18293, 117, 21902, 1110, 13008, 1106, 1267, 1199, 21340, 1197, 1113, 1103, 149, 3392, 1112, 6349, 117, 1177, 21902, 2834, 1817, 1103, 149, 3392, 117, 14255, 4487, 28113, 1158, 1412, 13457, 1164, 21902, 119, 1409, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1178, 1518, 9221, 2193, 8395, 1104, 149, 117, 1173, 4664, 21902, 2834, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 21340, 1197, 1115, 2144, 112, 189, 20649, 1121, 149, 117, 1290, 4303, 1175, 1156, 1129, 186, 1182, 135, 11437, 120, 123, 15029, 1115, 1850, 9221, 6006, 1111, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 797, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 797, 1115, 2144, 112, 189, 20649, 1121, 149, 119, 4516, 1195, 1169, 1542, 1437, 1115, 10923, 1110, 2914, 1191, 1195, 1169, 11865, 1115, 1191, 1251, 7345, 14372, 3106, 9221, 5430, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 4954, 1295, 188, 117, 1173, 1111, 1451, 14372, 21902, 117, 1167, 1190, 11437, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 1182, 1538, 1138, 9221, 2913, 149, 119, 1109, 1378, 21133, 3114, 1103, 19235, 3879, 11865, 1158, 1142, 2400, 119, 5096, 14572, 128, 119, 10470, 1160, 7345, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 117, 21902, 3106, 9221, 3798, 170, 21340, 1197, 149, 1114, 14516, 4426, 113, 149, 114, 134, 188, 12942, 1115, 1175, 1132, 1167, 1190, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 7345, 15029, 1107, 7414, 2162, 3361, 1134, 9221, 2913, 149, 1191, 2087, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 116, 11437, 851, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1109, 6777, 1110, 2626, 21960, 1106, 1103, 6777, 1104, 21133, 125, 117, 2589, 1897, 1190, 4930, 1158, 1103, 7893, 1118, 186, 3361, 1195, 4930, 1122, 1118, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 119, 15840, 16996, 129, 119, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 24512, 13097, 3429, 1191, 152, 1182, 117, 179, 135, 183, 3361, 120, 123, 116, 11437, 25532, 186, 1182, 116, 189, 1182, 117, 179, 1111, 1451, 3111, 1104, 15029, 21902, 117, 153, 3361, 119, 5322, 1115, 1780, 21133, 128, 1110, 1126, 1191, 2087, 4195, 117, 1103, 19235, 3879, 1107, 10384, 129, 1110, 1178, 6664, 1133, 1136, 3238, 1111, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 3429, 119, 1188, 1110, 1272, 5837, 12917, 127, 1110, 1136, 1126, 1191, 2087, 4195, 119, 6940, 117, 1175, 1336, 1129, 1199, 191, 10584, 118, 5358, 2116, 25209, 1115, 2834, 1435, 1149, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 117, 4440, 1412, 4728, 13457, 1115, 1625, 1169, 1435, 1149, 1104, 3687, 24851, 1891, 119, 1438, 117, 1122, 1110, 1103, 4780, 118, 12890, 3879, 1115, 1169, 1129, 4448, 12098, 1112, 170, 4930, 1113, 1103, 2060, 1104, 19235, 1116, 119, 2857, 1254, 11577, 2908, 110, 186, 11848, 5697, 1116, 1105 ]
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[ "1", ",", "so", "the", "condition", "[UNK]", ">", "un", "##com", "##mit", "##ted", "(", "s", "+", "1", ")", "is", "always", "false", ".", "Thus", "in", "the", "latter", "case", "Pi", "sees", "parent", "(", "s", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", ".", "In", "the", "former", "case", ",", "Pi", "either", "sees", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "preferred", "ledge", "##r", "or", "continues", "the", "loop", "with", "parent", "(", "s", "+", "1", ",", "L", ")", "as", "the", "base", "ledge", "##r", ".", "By", "induction", ",", "Pi", "is", "guaranteed", "to", "see", "some", "ledge", "##r", "on", "the", "L", "branch", "as", "preferred", ",", "so", "Pi", "cannot", "leave", "the", "L", "branch", ",", "con", "##tra", "##dict", "##ing", "our", "assumption", "about", "Pi", ".", "If", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "only", "ever", "valid", "##ate", "descendants", "of", "L", ",", "then", "certainly", "Pi", "cannot", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "ledge", "##r", "that", "doesn", "'", "t", "descend", "from", "L", ",", "since", "otherwise", "there", "would", "be", "q", "##i", ">", "ni", "/", "2", "nodes", "that", "sent", "valid", "##ations", "for", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "β€²", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", "β€²", "that", "doesn", "'", "t", "descend", "from", "L", ".", "Thus", "we", "can", "17", "show", "that", "consensus", "is", "safe", "if", "we", "can", "guarantee", "that", "if", "any", "honest", "node", "fully", "valid", "##ates", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "sequence", "number", "s", ",", "then", "for", "every", "node", "Pi", ",", "more", "than", "ni", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##i", "must", "have", "valid", "##ated", "L", ".", "The", "following", "proposition", "gives", "the", "overlap", "condition", "guarantee", "##ing", "this", "property", ".", "Pro", "##position", "7", ".", "Given", "two", "honest", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", ",", "Pi", "fully", "valid", "##ating", "a", "ledge", "##r", "L", "with", "se", "##q", "(", "L", ")", "=", "s", "implies", "that", "there", "are", "more", "than", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "honest", "nodes", "in", "UN", "##L", "##j", "which", "valid", "##ated", "L", "if", "##f", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "+", "ni", "βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "The", "proof", "is", "directly", "analogous", "to", "the", "proof", "of", "proposition", "4", ",", "except", "rather", "than", "bound", "##ing", "the", "formula", "by", "q", "##j", "we", "bound", "it", "by", "n", "##j", "/", "2", ".", "Theo", "##rem", "8", ".", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "guarantees", "fork", "safety", "if", "O", "##i", ",", "j", ">", "n", "##j", "/", "2", "+", "ni", "##βˆ’", "q", "##i", "+", "t", "##i", ",", "j", "for", "every", "pair", "of", "nodes", "Pi", ",", "P", "##j", ".", "Note", "that", "although", "proposition", "7", "is", "an", "if", "##f", "statement", ",", "the", "overlap", "condition", "in", "theorem", "8", "is", "only", "sufficient", "but", "not", "necessary", "for", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "safety", ".", "This", "is", "because", "le", "##mma", "6", "is", "not", "an", "if", "##f", "statement", ".", "Further", ",", "there", "may", "be", "some", "v", "##ali", "-", "da", "##tion", "configurations", "that", "cannot", "come", "out", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ",", "breaking", "our", "broad", "assumption", "that", "anything", "can", "come", "out", "of", "del", "##iber", "##ation", ".", "However", ",", "it", "is", "the", "weak", "-", "est", "condition", "that", "can", "be", "expressed", "purely", "as", "a", "bound", "on", "the", "size", "of", "overlap", "##s", ".", "Once", "again", "assuming", "80", "%", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "##s", "and" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
s a valid transac- tion x to all correct nodes, x will eventually be accepted by all nodes. An atomic broadcast algorithm is in particular a variant of consensus [4]. Note that Censorship Resilience is the formalized definition of forward progress. In practice, the peer-to-peer network weakens the requirement that clients sub- mit their transaction to all correct nodes, since correct nodes will echo a sub- mitted transaction to each other, flooding the network until every node receives it. In order to e
[ 1406, 110, 21688, 117, 1103, 19235, 3879, 1107, 10384, 129, 1169, 1129, 25172, 1112, 8753, 4986, 135, 3078, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 119, 1966, 2385, 170, 4142, 7464, 113, 1105, 4664, 1677, 1167, 4142, 1190, 2034, 2637, 114, 117, 1142, 1674, 1253, 2621, 170, 1353, 2971, 1104, 8516, 117, 1134, 1110, 1304, 24034, 1766, 118, 15925, 1204, 1111, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 2443, 112, 188, 6468, 1106, 170, 6315, 7414, 2162, 11561, 1104, 2457, 11659, 119, 5823, 1199, 18605, 1107, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1110, 1696, 1241, 1111, 1170, 1103, 22767, 5783, 1104, 9373, 9298, 113, 1112, 1141, 1169, 1309, 11865, 1703, 3311, 1113, 6635, 1165, 1103, 6635, 1132, 2457, 11659, 114, 1105, 1145, 1219, 1103, 22767, 5783, 1965, 113, 1191, 4296, 26805, 1219, 2607, 1106, 1103, 7414, 2162, 2190, 1180, 2612, 170, 13097, 117, 1173, 22767, 5783, 1156, 1579, 1129, 1315, 22185, 1106, 16621, 114, 119, 125, 119, 123, 3374, 1757, 1986, 1115, 1195, 1138, 170, 5019, 12676, 1104, 1165, 1122, 1110, 4763, 1111, 1103, 2443, 1106, 13097, 117, 1195, 1156, 1176, 1106, 1221, 1165, 1122, 2228, 1977, 5070, 119, 1409, 170, 1686, 2443, 6260, 1543, 1977, 5070, 117, 1115, 1110, 1593, 1112, 15812, 1112, 13097, 1158, 117, 1290, 5028, 1547, 1129, 20790, 1113, 1217, 1682, 1106, 1294, 16845, 1113, 1159, 119, 12118, 11088, 1358, 118, 9468, 7854, 1183, 117, 1118, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 164, 126, 166, 1122, 1110, 4763, 1106, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1107, 170, 3106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 2443, 119, 1130, 1103, 5884, 1104, 1217, 1682, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1103, 2443, 1579, 2228, 1977, 5070, 117, 1195, 1156, 1176, 1106, 1120, 1655, 1129, 1682, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 107, 5342, 107, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 1154, 170, 1352, 1107, 1134, 1199, 7345, 15029, 1169, 1309, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 119, 7595, 117, 1122, 1110, 1304, 2846, 1107, 1704, 1106, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1114, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 1109, 1378, 1859, 2196, 1115, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1106, 1243, 5342, 1256, 1114, 4850, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 1105, 1185, 8377, 21688, 119, 1407, 161, 162, 122, 123, 124, 119, 119, 119, 4062, 3882, 119, 119, 119, 1620, 7393, 9081, 149, 149, 149, 119, 119, 119, 149, 149, 797, 119, 119, 119, 149, 797, 149, 797, 149, 797, 15982, 127, 131, 16409, 26671, 1104, 5342, 2443, 1114, 4850, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1105, 1185, 8377, 21688, 119, 16409, 26671, 130, 119, 25515, 170, 2443, 1104, 9081, 14097, 3282, 1394, 1107, 2482, 127, 119, 1247, 1132, 1160, 7414, 2162, 1116, 117, 1103, 1894, 161, 134, 196, 153, 1475, 117, 153, 1477, 117, 119, 119, 119, 117, 153, 10424, 1475, 198, 1105, 2221, 162, 134, 196, 153, 1477, 117, 153, 1495, 117, 119, 119, 119, 117, 153, 10424, 1477, 198, 119, 153, 14350, 122, 851, 4062, 1329, 161, 1105, 14097, 3882, 851, 9081, 1329, 162, 119, 1247, 1132, 1160, 21340, 1733, 117, 149, 1105, 149, 797, 119, 1109, 15029, 5578, 1106, 161, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029 ]
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[ "20", "%", "faults", ",", "the", "overlap", "condition", "in", "theorem", "8", "can", "be", "summarized", "as", "requiring", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", ".", "Although", "quite", "a", "narrow", "margin", "(", "and", "certainly", "far", "more", "narrow", "than", "originally", "expected", ")", ",", "this", "does", "still", "allow", "a", "small", "amount", "of", "variation", ",", "which", "is", "very", "imp", "##or", "-", "tan", "##t", "for", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "network", "'", "s", "transition", "to", "a", "recommended", "UN", "##L", "comprised", "of", "independent", "entities", ".", "Having", "some", "flexibility", "in", "the", "UN", "##L", "##s", "is", "important", "both", "for", "after", "the", "divers", "##ification", "of", "trusted", "operators", "(", "as", "one", "can", "never", "guarantee", "total", "agreement", "on", "participants", "when", "the", "participants", "are", "independent", "entities", ")", "and", "also", "during", "the", "divers", "##ification", "process", "(", "if", "tiny", "disagreements", "during", "changes", "to", "the", "UN", "##L", "list", "could", "cause", "a", "fork", ",", "then", "divers", "##ification", "would", "always", "be", "too", "risky", "to", "execute", ")", ".", "4", ".", "2", "Live", "##ness", "Now", "that", "we", "have", "a", "concrete", "metric", "of", "when", "it", "is", "impossible", "for", "the", "network", "to", "fork", ",", "we", "would", "like", "to", "know", "when", "it", "makes", "forward", "progress", ".", "If", "a", "live", "network", "stops", "making", "forward", "progress", ",", "that", "is", "almost", "as", "damaging", "as", "fork", "##ing", ",", "since", "businesses", "might", "be", "relying", "on", "being", "able", "to", "make", "transfers", "on", "time", ".", "Un", "##fort", "##u", "-", "na", "##tel", "##y", ",", "by", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "[", "5", "]", "it", "is", "impossible", "to", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "in", "a", "fully", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "network", ".", "In", "the", "absence", "of", "being", "able", "to", "prove", "that", "the", "network", "always", "makes", "forward", "progress", ",", "we", "would", "like", "to", "at", "least", "be", "able", "to", "prove", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "\"", "stuck", "\"", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "into", "a", "state", "in", "which", "some", "honest", "nodes", "can", "never", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Unfortunately", ",", "it", "is", "very", "difficult", "in", "general", "to", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "with", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "The", "following", "example", "shows", "that", "it", "is", "possible", "to", "get", "stuck", "even", "with", "99", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", "and", "no", "Byzantine", "faults", ".", "18", "X", "Y", "1", "2", "3", ".", ".", ".", "51", "52", ".", ".", ".", "100", "101", "102", "L", "L", "L", ".", ".", ".", "L", "L", "β€²", ".", ".", ".", "L", "β€²", "L", "β€²", "L", "β€²", "Figure", "6", ":", "Ex", "##ample", "of", "stuck", "network", "with", "99", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "and", "no", "Byzantine", "faults", ".", "Ex", "##ample", "9", ".", "Consider", "a", "network", "of", "102", "peers", "draw", "##in", "in", "figure", "6", ".", "There", "are", "two", "UN", "##L", "##s", ",", "the", "red", "X", "=", "{", "P", "##1", ",", "P", "##2", ",", ".", ".", ".", ",", "P", "##10", "##1", "}", "and", "blue", "Y", "=", "{", "P", "##2", ",", "P", "##3", ",", ".", ".", ".", ",", "P", "##10", "##2", "}", ".", "P", "##eers", "1", "βˆ’", "51", "use", "X", "and", "peers", "52", "βˆ’", "102", "use", "Y", ".", "There", "are", "two", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "L", "and", "L", "β€²", ".", "The", "nodes", "listening", "to", "X", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ",", "while", "the", "nodes" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
s a valid transac- tion x to all correct nodes, x will eventually be accepted by all nodes. An atomic broadcast algorithm is in particular a variant of consensus [4]. Note that Censorship Resilience is the formalized definition of forward progress. In practice, the peer-to-peer network weakens the requirement that clients sub- mit their transaction to all correct nodes, since correct nodes will echo a sub- mitted transaction to each other, flooding the network until every node receives it. In order to e
[ 1406, 110, 21688, 117, 1103, 19235, 3879, 1107, 10384, 129, 1169, 1129, 25172, 1112, 8753, 4986, 135, 3078, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 119, 1966, 2385, 170, 4142, 7464, 113, 1105, 4664, 1677, 1167, 4142, 1190, 2034, 2637, 114, 117, 1142, 1674, 1253, 2621, 170, 1353, 2971, 1104, 8516, 117, 1134, 1110, 1304, 24034, 1766, 118, 15925, 1204, 1111, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 2443, 112, 188, 6468, 1106, 170, 6315, 7414, 2162, 11561, 1104, 2457, 11659, 119, 5823, 1199, 18605, 1107, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1110, 1696, 1241, 1111, 1170, 1103, 22767, 5783, 1104, 9373, 9298, 113, 1112, 1141, 1169, 1309, 11865, 1703, 3311, 1113, 6635, 1165, 1103, 6635, 1132, 2457, 11659, 114, 1105, 1145, 1219, 1103, 22767, 5783, 1965, 113, 1191, 4296, 26805, 1219, 2607, 1106, 1103, 7414, 2162, 2190, 1180, 2612, 170, 13097, 117, 1173, 22767, 5783, 1156, 1579, 1129, 1315, 22185, 1106, 16621, 114, 119, 125, 119, 123, 3374, 1757, 1986, 1115, 1195, 1138, 170, 5019, 12676, 1104, 1165, 1122, 1110, 4763, 1111, 1103, 2443, 1106, 13097, 117, 1195, 1156, 1176, 1106, 1221, 1165, 1122, 2228, 1977, 5070, 119, 1409, 170, 1686, 2443, 6260, 1543, 1977, 5070, 117, 1115, 1110, 1593, 1112, 15812, 1112, 13097, 1158, 117, 1290, 5028, 1547, 1129, 20790, 1113, 1217, 1682, 1106, 1294, 16845, 1113, 1159, 119, 12118, 11088, 1358, 118, 9468, 7854, 1183, 117, 1118, 1103, 23485, 2101, 1871, 164, 126, 166, 1122, 1110, 4763, 1106, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1107, 170, 3106, 1112, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 2443, 119, 1130, 1103, 5884, 1104, 1217, 1682, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1103, 2443, 1579, 2228, 1977, 5070, 117, 1195, 1156, 1176, 1106, 1120, 1655, 1129, 1682, 1106, 5424, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 107, 5342, 107, 119, 1130, 1168, 1734, 117, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 1154, 170, 1352, 1107, 1134, 1199, 7345, 15029, 1169, 1309, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 119, 7595, 117, 1122, 1110, 1304, 2846, 1107, 1704, 1106, 11865, 1977, 5070, 1114, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 119, 1109, 1378, 1859, 2196, 1115, 1122, 1110, 1936, 1106, 1243, 5342, 1256, 1114, 4850, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1116, 1105, 1185, 8377, 21688, 119, 1407, 161, 162, 122, 123, 124, 119, 119, 119, 4062, 3882, 119, 119, 119, 1620, 7393, 9081, 149, 149, 149, 119, 119, 119, 149, 149, 797, 119, 119, 119, 149, 797, 149, 797, 149, 797, 15982, 127, 131, 16409, 26671, 1104, 5342, 2443, 1114, 4850, 110, 7414, 2162, 19235, 1105, 1185, 8377, 21688, 119, 16409, 26671, 130, 119, 25515, 170, 2443, 1104, 9081, 14097, 3282, 1394, 1107, 2482, 127, 119, 1247, 1132, 1160, 7414, 2162, 1116, 117, 1103, 1894, 161, 134, 196, 153, 1475, 117, 153, 1477, 117, 119, 119, 119, 117, 153, 10424, 1475, 198, 1105, 2221, 162, 134, 196, 153, 1477, 117, 153, 1495, 117, 119, 119, 119, 117, 153, 10424, 1477, 198, 119, 153, 14350, 122, 851, 4062, 1329, 161, 1105, 14097, 3882, 851, 9081, 1329, 162, 119, 1247, 1132, 1160, 21340, 1733, 117, 149, 1105, 149, 797, 119, 1109, 15029, 5578, 1106, 161, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 117, 1229, 1103, 15029 ]
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[ "20", "%", "faults", ",", "the", "overlap", "condition", "in", "theorem", "8", "can", "be", "summarized", "as", "requiring", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", ".", "Although", "quite", "a", "narrow", "margin", "(", "and", "certainly", "far", "more", "narrow", "than", "originally", "expected", ")", ",", "this", "does", "still", "allow", "a", "small", "amount", "of", "variation", ",", "which", "is", "very", "imp", "##or", "-", "tan", "##t", "for", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "network", "'", "s", "transition", "to", "a", "recommended", "UN", "##L", "comprised", "of", "independent", "entities", ".", "Having", "some", "flexibility", "in", "the", "UN", "##L", "##s", "is", "important", "both", "for", "after", "the", "divers", "##ification", "of", "trusted", "operators", "(", "as", "one", "can", "never", "guarantee", "total", "agreement", "on", "participants", "when", "the", "participants", "are", "independent", "entities", ")", "and", "also", "during", "the", "divers", "##ification", "process", "(", "if", "tiny", "disagreements", "during", "changes", "to", "the", "UN", "##L", "list", "could", "cause", "a", "fork", ",", "then", "divers", "##ification", "would", "always", "be", "too", "risky", "to", "execute", ")", ".", "4", ".", "2", "Live", "##ness", "Now", "that", "we", "have", "a", "concrete", "metric", "of", "when", "it", "is", "impossible", "for", "the", "network", "to", "fork", ",", "we", "would", "like", "to", "know", "when", "it", "makes", "forward", "progress", ".", "If", "a", "live", "network", "stops", "making", "forward", "progress", ",", "that", "is", "almost", "as", "damaging", "as", "fork", "##ing", ",", "since", "businesses", "might", "be", "relying", "on", "being", "able", "to", "make", "transfers", "on", "time", ".", "Un", "##fort", "##u", "-", "na", "##tel", "##y", ",", "by", "the", "FL", "##P", "result", "[", "5", "]", "it", "is", "impossible", "to", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "in", "a", "fully", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "network", ".", "In", "the", "absence", "of", "being", "able", "to", "prove", "that", "the", "network", "always", "makes", "forward", "progress", ",", "we", "would", "like", "to", "at", "least", "be", "able", "to", "prove", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "\"", "stuck", "\"", ".", "In", "other", "words", ",", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "into", "a", "state", "in", "which", "some", "honest", "nodes", "can", "never", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Unfortunately", ",", "it", "is", "very", "difficult", "in", "general", "to", "guarantee", "forward", "progress", "with", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ".", "The", "following", "example", "shows", "that", "it", "is", "possible", "to", "get", "stuck", "even", "with", "99", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "##s", "and", "no", "Byzantine", "faults", ".", "18", "X", "Y", "1", "2", "3", ".", ".", ".", "51", "52", ".", ".", ".", "100", "101", "102", "L", "L", "L", ".", ".", ".", "L", "L", "β€²", ".", ".", ".", "L", "β€²", "L", "β€²", "L", "β€²", "Figure", "6", ":", "Ex", "##ample", "of", "stuck", "network", "with", "99", "%", "UN", "##L", "overlap", "and", "no", "Byzantine", "faults", ".", "Ex", "##ample", "9", ".", "Consider", "a", "network", "of", "102", "peers", "draw", "##in", "in", "figure", "6", ".", "There", "are", "two", "UN", "##L", "##s", ",", "the", "red", "X", "=", "{", "P", "##1", ",", "P", "##2", ",", ".", ".", ".", ",", "P", "##10", "##1", "}", "and", "blue", "Y", "=", "{", "P", "##2", ",", "P", "##3", ",", ".", ".", ".", ",", "P", "##10", "##2", "}", ".", "P", "##eers", "1", "βˆ’", "51", "use", "X", "and", "peers", "52", "βˆ’", "102", "use", "Y", ".", "There", "are", "two", "ledge", "##rs", ",", "L", "and", "L", "β€²", ".", "The", "nodes", "listening", "to", "X", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ",", "while", "the", "nodes" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
valuate the correctness of XRP LCP, we model the peer-to- peer network as if it were controlled by a network adversary that can behave arbitrarily. The adversary is controls the delivery order of all messages, as well as at most ti nodes in UNLi for any correct node Pi. We assume though that the adversary is computationally bounded; in particular, it is unable to break generally accepted cryptographic protocols. The identities of Byzantine nodes are unknown in advance by honest nodes in the network. Sinc
[ 5578, 1106, 162, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 797, 119, 1967, 4062, 135, 121, 119, 126, 197, 161, 197, 15029, 1107, 161, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 119, 4516, 2452, 1106, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 1155, 117, 1103, 15029, 5578, 1106, 161, 2834, 6878, 3392, 1106, 149, 797, 119, 10321, 117, 1290, 4062, 135, 121, 119, 126, 197, 162, 197, 15029, 1107, 162, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 117, 1103, 15029, 5578, 1106, 162, 2834, 6878, 3392, 1106, 149, 797, 119, 1109, 2443, 2834, 1518, 1231, 25665, 1443, 9506, 9108, 119, 1249, 1104, 1103, 1159, 1142, 2526, 1108, 1637, 117, 1103, 6315, 161, 20336, 3496, 2235, 1144, 1155, 15029, 5578, 1106, 1719, 170, 1423, 7414, 2162, 4721, 1104, 126, 15029, 117, 1137, 170, 7414, 2162, 4721, 1104, 1343, 126, 15029, 4882, 1141, 3908, 14372, 113, 3417, 1103, 3908, 14372, 1110, 1141, 118, 2191, 132, 15029, 1115, 5113, 1106, 1292, 2925, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1132, 2456, 1270, 107, 2972, 107, 117, 1290, 1152, 3392, 1228, 2776, 1121, 1103, 4160, 2443, 114, 119, 1109, 1603, 118, 1858, 2197, 1111, 1260, 118, 2129, 2734, 6808, 9147, 1106, 170, 2610, 117, 1133, 1253, 2675, 118, 1852, 117, 1423, 7414, 2162, 1105, 22767, 8985, 1103, 14372, 9298, 119, 2238, 1158, 1977, 5070, 1229, 21763, 1106, 170, 1207, 14372, 2190, 1110, 1136, 170, 3321, 2463, 113, 1290, 1112, 1770, 1112, 2490, 10052, 1113, 1103, 14372, 2190, 1254, 1977, 5070, 1209, 14926, 117, 1105, 1103, 2166, 2237, 176, 6718, 1197, 118, 22904, 8870, 1111, 107, 1353, 107, 2607, 1122, 1209, 1136, 13097, 1219, 1103, 10572, 114, 132, 2456, 1195, 1180, 1120, 1655, 1243, 170, 3112, 1871, 1118, 15975, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1107, 170, 2335, 10873, 1114, 2972, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 27466, 8223, 2646, 16847, 1103, 2463, 1106, 1178, 12038, 1106, 23073, 1115, 2335, 6379, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 3180, 12917, 1275, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 151, 1110, 170, 1804, 18005, 1104, 1103, 2443, 113, 178, 119, 174, 119, 117, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1104, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 1110, 4049, 1107, 151, 117, 1177, 1115, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1656, 1104, 151, 117, 151, 1110, 1103, 2072, 2443, 114, 1134, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1105, 2834, 13097, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 1110, 170, 14372, 1136, 1107, 151, 1216, 1115, 7414, 2162, 1182, 134, 196, 21902, 198, 859, 2249, 797, 117, 1187, 151, 797, 866, 151, 1105, 197, 151, 797, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 119, 1599, 151, 859, 196, 21902, 198, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1719, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1967, 151, 2834, 1243, 5342, 117, 1122, 1110, 1579, 2276, 1115, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 151, 1209, 2028, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 119, 1967, 151, 2834, 13097, 117, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 151, 1627, 1169, 1178, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 1177, 2028, 1175, 1110, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1115, 3370, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 119, 4516, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 1209, 9221, 2193, 149, 117, 1105, 1290, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 151, 197, 134, 197, 151 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ "listening", "to", "Y", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", "β€²", ".", "Since", "51", ">", "0", ".", "5", "|", "X", "|", "nodes", "in", "X", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ".", "Thus", "according", "to", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "all", ",", "the", "nodes", "listening", "to", "X", "cannot", "switch", "branch", "to", "L", "β€²", ".", "Similarly", ",", "since", "51", ">", "0", ".", "5", "|", "Y", "|", "nodes", "in", "Y", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ",", "the", "nodes", "listening", "to", "Y", "cannot", "switch", "branch", "to", "L", "β€²", ".", "The", "network", "cannot", "ever", "re", "##join", "without", "manual", "intervention", ".", "As", "of", "the", "time", "this", "paper", "was", "written", ",", "the", "recommended", "X", "##RP", "trust", "model", "has", "all", "nodes", "listening", "to", "either", "a", "single", "UN", "##L", "consisting", "of", "5", "nodes", ",", "or", "a", "UN", "##L", "consisting", "of", "those", "5", "nodes", "plus", "one", "extra", "node", "(", "typically", "the", "extra", "node", "is", "one", "-", "self", ";", "nodes", "that", "listen", "to", "these", "extended", "UN", "##L", "##s", "are", "thus", "called", "\"", "leaves", "\"", ",", "since", "they", "branch", "off", "slightly", "from", "the", "core", "network", ")", ".", "The", "short", "-", "term", "plan", "for", "de", "-", "central", "##ization", "involves", "expanding", "to", "a", "larger", ",", "but", "still", "agreed", "-", "upon", ",", "single", "UN", "##L", "and", "divers", "##ifying", "the", "node", "operators", ".", "Los", "##ing", "forward", "progress", "while", "adjusting", "to", "a", "new", "node", "list", "is", "not", "a", "huge", "problem", "(", "since", "as", "soon", "as", "everyone", "agrees", "on", "the", "node", "list", "again", "forward", "progress", "will", "resume", ",", "and", "the", "previous", "section", "g", "##ua", "##r", "-", "ant", "##ees", "for", "\"", "small", "\"", "changes", "it", "will", "not", "fork", "during", "the", "interim", ")", ";", "thus", "we", "could", "at", "least", "get", "a", "positive", "result", "by", "proving", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "a", "complete", "graph", "with", "leaves", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "si", "##mp", "##li", "##fies", "the", "problem", "to", "only", "needing", "to", "verify", "that", "complete", "networks", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Le", "##mma", "10", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "N", "is", "a", "closed", "subset", "of", "the", "network", "(", "i", ".", "e", ".", ",", "the", "UN", "##L", "of", "every", "node", "in", "N", "is", "contained", "in", "N", ",", "so", "that", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "the", "nodes", "inside", "of", "N", ",", "N", "is", "the", "entire", "network", ")", "which", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "and", "cannot", "fork", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "is", "a", "node", "not", "in", "N", "such", "that", "UN", "##L", "##i", "=", "{", "Pi", "}", "βˆͺ", "##N", "β€²", ",", "where", "N", "β€²", "βŠ†", "N", "and", "|", "N", "β€²", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ".", "Then", "N", "βˆͺ", "{", "Pi", "}", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "either", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "Since", "N", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ",", "it", "is", "always", "true", "that", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "N", "will", "eventually", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Since", "N", "cannot", "fork", ",", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "N", "19", "can", "only", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "so", "eventually", "there", "is", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "that", "gets", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "by", "every", "node", "in", "N", ".", "Thus", "every", "node", "in", "N", "will", "valid", "##ate", "L", ",", "and", "since", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "N", "|", "=", "|", "N" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
valuate the correctness of XRP LCP, we model the peer-to- peer network as if it were controlled by a network adversary that can behave arbitrarily. The adversary is controls the delivery order of all messages, as well as at most ti nodes in UNLi for any correct node Pi. We assume though that the adversary is computationally bounded; in particular, it is unable to break generally accepted cryptographic protocols. The identities of Byzantine nodes are unknown in advance by honest nodes in the network. Sinc
[ 5578, 1106, 162, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 797, 119, 1967, 4062, 135, 121, 119, 126, 197, 161, 197, 15029, 1107, 161, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 119, 4516, 2452, 1106, 1103, 6349, 3392, 11309, 1155, 117, 1103, 15029, 5578, 1106, 161, 2834, 6878, 3392, 1106, 149, 797, 119, 10321, 117, 1290, 4062, 135, 121, 119, 126, 197, 162, 197, 15029, 1107, 162, 1155, 9221, 2193, 170, 12920, 1104, 149, 117, 1103, 15029, 5578, 1106, 162, 2834, 6878, 3392, 1106, 149, 797, 119, 1109, 2443, 2834, 1518, 1231, 25665, 1443, 9506, 9108, 119, 1249, 1104, 1103, 1159, 1142, 2526, 1108, 1637, 117, 1103, 6315, 161, 20336, 3496, 2235, 1144, 1155, 15029, 5578, 1106, 1719, 170, 1423, 7414, 2162, 4721, 1104, 126, 15029, 117, 1137, 170, 7414, 2162, 4721, 1104, 1343, 126, 15029, 4882, 1141, 3908, 14372, 113, 3417, 1103, 3908, 14372, 1110, 1141, 118, 2191, 132, 15029, 1115, 5113, 1106, 1292, 2925, 7414, 2162, 1116, 1132, 2456, 1270, 107, 2972, 107, 117, 1290, 1152, 3392, 1228, 2776, 1121, 1103, 4160, 2443, 114, 119, 1109, 1603, 118, 1858, 2197, 1111, 1260, 118, 2129, 2734, 6808, 9147, 1106, 170, 2610, 117, 1133, 1253, 2675, 118, 1852, 117, 1423, 7414, 2162, 1105, 22767, 8985, 1103, 14372, 9298, 119, 2238, 1158, 1977, 5070, 1229, 21763, 1106, 170, 1207, 14372, 2190, 1110, 1136, 170, 3321, 2463, 113, 1290, 1112, 1770, 1112, 2490, 10052, 1113, 1103, 14372, 2190, 1254, 1977, 5070, 1209, 14926, 117, 1105, 1103, 2166, 2237, 176, 6718, 1197, 118, 22904, 8870, 1111, 107, 1353, 107, 2607, 1122, 1209, 1136, 13097, 1219, 1103, 10572, 114, 132, 2456, 1195, 1180, 1120, 1655, 1243, 170, 3112, 1871, 1118, 15975, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1107, 170, 2335, 10873, 1114, 2972, 119, 1109, 1378, 5837, 12917, 27466, 8223, 2646, 16847, 1103, 2463, 1106, 1178, 12038, 1106, 23073, 1115, 2335, 6379, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 3180, 12917, 1275, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 151, 1110, 170, 1804, 18005, 1104, 1103, 2443, 113, 178, 119, 174, 119, 117, 1103, 7414, 2162, 1104, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 1110, 4049, 1107, 151, 117, 1177, 1115, 1121, 1103, 7281, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1656, 1104, 151, 117, 151, 1110, 1103, 2072, 2443, 114, 1134, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1105, 2834, 13097, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 21902, 1110, 170, 14372, 1136, 1107, 151, 1216, 1115, 7414, 2162, 1182, 134, 196, 21902, 198, 859, 2249, 797, 117, 1187, 151, 797, 866, 151, 1105, 197, 151, 797, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 119, 1599, 151, 859, 196, 21902, 198, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1719, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1967, 151, 2834, 1243, 5342, 117, 1122, 1110, 1579, 2276, 1115, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 151, 1209, 2028, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 119, 1967, 151, 2834, 13097, 117, 1155, 1103, 15029, 1107, 151, 1627, 1169, 1178, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 1177, 2028, 1175, 1110, 1199, 21340, 1197, 149, 1115, 3370, 3106, 9221, 2913, 1118, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 119, 4516, 1451, 14372, 1107, 151, 1209, 9221, 2193, 149, 117, 1105, 1290, 197, 7414, 2162, 1182, 858, 151, 197, 134, 197, 151 ]
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[ "listening", "to", "Y", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", "β€²", ".", "Since", "51", ">", "0", ".", "5", "|", "X", "|", "nodes", "in", "X", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ".", "Thus", "according", "to", "the", "preferred", "branch", "protocol", "all", ",", "the", "nodes", "listening", "to", "X", "cannot", "switch", "branch", "to", "L", "β€²", ".", "Similarly", ",", "since", "51", ">", "0", ".", "5", "|", "Y", "|", "nodes", "in", "Y", "all", "valid", "##ate", "a", "descendant", "of", "L", ",", "the", "nodes", "listening", "to", "Y", "cannot", "switch", "branch", "to", "L", "β€²", ".", "The", "network", "cannot", "ever", "re", "##join", "without", "manual", "intervention", ".", "As", "of", "the", "time", "this", "paper", "was", "written", ",", "the", "recommended", "X", "##RP", "trust", "model", "has", "all", "nodes", "listening", "to", "either", "a", "single", "UN", "##L", "consisting", "of", "5", "nodes", ",", "or", "a", "UN", "##L", "consisting", "of", "those", "5", "nodes", "plus", "one", "extra", "node", "(", "typically", "the", "extra", "node", "is", "one", "-", "self", ";", "nodes", "that", "listen", "to", "these", "extended", "UN", "##L", "##s", "are", "thus", "called", "\"", "leaves", "\"", ",", "since", "they", "branch", "off", "slightly", "from", "the", "core", "network", ")", ".", "The", "short", "-", "term", "plan", "for", "de", "-", "central", "##ization", "involves", "expanding", "to", "a", "larger", ",", "but", "still", "agreed", "-", "upon", ",", "single", "UN", "##L", "and", "divers", "##ifying", "the", "node", "operators", ".", "Los", "##ing", "forward", "progress", "while", "adjusting", "to", "a", "new", "node", "list", "is", "not", "a", "huge", "problem", "(", "since", "as", "soon", "as", "everyone", "agrees", "on", "the", "node", "list", "again", "forward", "progress", "will", "resume", ",", "and", "the", "previous", "section", "g", "##ua", "##r", "-", "ant", "##ees", "for", "\"", "small", "\"", "changes", "it", "will", "not", "fork", "during", "the", "interim", ")", ";", "thus", "we", "could", "at", "least", "get", "a", "positive", "result", "by", "proving", "that", "the", "network", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "a", "complete", "graph", "with", "leaves", ".", "The", "following", "le", "##mma", "si", "##mp", "##li", "##fies", "the", "problem", "to", "only", "needing", "to", "verify", "that", "complete", "networks", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Le", "##mma", "10", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "N", "is", "a", "closed", "subset", "of", "the", "network", "(", "i", ".", "e", ".", ",", "the", "UN", "##L", "of", "every", "node", "in", "N", "is", "contained", "in", "N", ",", "so", "that", "from", "the", "perspective", "of", "the", "nodes", "inside", "of", "N", ",", "N", "is", "the", "entire", "network", ")", "which", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "and", "cannot", "fork", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "Pi", "is", "a", "node", "not", "in", "N", "such", "that", "UN", "##L", "##i", "=", "{", "Pi", "}", "βˆͺ", "##N", "β€²", ",", "where", "N", "β€²", "βŠ†", "N", "and", "|", "N", "β€²", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ".", "Then", "N", "βˆͺ", "{", "Pi", "}", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "either", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "Since", "N", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ",", "it", "is", "always", "true", "that", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "N", "will", "eventually", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ".", "Since", "N", "cannot", "fork", ",", "all", "the", "nodes", "in", "N", "19", "can", "only", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "so", "eventually", "there", "is", "some", "ledge", "##r", "L", "that", "gets", "fully", "valid", "##ated", "by", "every", "node", "in", "N", ".", "Thus", "every", "node", "in", "N", "will", "valid", "##ate", "L", ",", "and", "since", "|", "UN", "##L", "##i", "∩", "N", "|", "=", "|", "N" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
e atomic broadcast is a variant of consensus, by the FLP result [5] we cannot guarantee forward progress in the presence of arbitrary asynchrony and faulty nodes. Instead, we assume a form of "weak asynchrony": safety should hold under arbitrary asynchrony, but censorship resilience is only guaranteed to hold under the assumption that the network is eventually civil, meaning that messages are delivered within some protocol-specified maximum delay bound and no nodes are faulty. In order to help enforce th
[ 797, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 117, 21902, 1169, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 1112, 1218, 119, 4516, 1122, 1110, 1579, 2276, 1115, 21902, 1209, 2028, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 117, 1177, 21902, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 15840, 16996, 1429, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 1111, 1155, 15029, 1103, 7414, 2162, 186, 11848, 5697, 1110, 1383, 1106, 183, 25532, 100, 113, 183, 25532, 122, 114, 120, 180, 100, 1111, 1199, 18157, 180, 119, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1107, 170, 2443, 4721, 1104, 170, 1423, 2675, 118, 1852, 7414, 2162, 161, 1104, 2060, 1120, 1655, 180, 1373, 1114, 1126, 16439, 1295, 1104, 7404, 9221, 11664, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1370, 1251, 7404, 9221, 6579, 21902, 117, 11437, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 132, 1290, 186, 1182, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 100, 113, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 122, 114, 120, 180, 100, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 100, 197, 161, 197, 120, 180, 100, 127, 197, 161, 197, 117, 1118, 5837, 12917, 1275, 1122, 28117, 3101, 18117, 1106, 1437, 1115, 2335, 6379, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 4516, 6699, 1175, 1110, 170, 1423, 2675, 118, 1852, 7414, 2162, 3190, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 1107, 1199, 1668, 187, 1155, 9221, 1891, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1976, 1536, 1177, 1115, 8377, 3300, 118, 2912, 3486, 1105, 1451, 14372, 5302, 1451, 1168, 14372, 112, 188, 9221, 6006, 1121, 1668, 187, 119, 1599, 1103, 6349, 3392, 9932, 1209, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 4684, 1155, 15029, 2135, 1103, 1211, 1927, 21340, 1197, 149, 119, 4516, 1107, 1103, 1397, 1668, 1155, 15029, 1209, 9221, 2193, 170, 2027, 1104, 149, 119, 1409, 7416, 1850, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1132, 4653, 188, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 117, 1173, 1155, 15029, 1267, 1103, 1269, 10698, 1121, 1668, 122, 1105, 1719, 1155, 6300, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 113, 1191, 1199, 13618, 1383, 1110, 3416, 1114, 2908, 110, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 114, 1137, 1950, 3076, 1147, 5835, 1111, 1668, 123, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 1121, 1103, 1269, 21146, 2155, 118, 2393, 1116, 1121, 1668, 122, 117, 1177, 1155, 15029, 17794, 1103, 1269, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1107, 1668, 123, 117, 1105, 1155, 15029, 1817, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 1383, 1104, 14409, 119, 4516, 1451, 14372, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 1105, 1155, 15029, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1115, 21340, 1197, 119, 126, 16752, 1665, 17855, 1284, 1138, 1549, 170, 6448, 6136, 1105, 17213, 3622, 1104, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 117, 1134, 1110, 170, 11309, 1111, 3634, 10923, 1443, 8462, 3311, 1104, 2443, 6635, 119, 3458, 1250, 5663, 1116, 2988, 3622, 1107, 164, 1275, 117, 122, 166, 119, 1284, 1437, 1107, 10384, 129, 1115, 4986, 135, 3078, 110, 3311, 1113, 6635, 1110, 1834, 1106, 4989, 2443, 3429, 119, 1130, 1103, 7458, 1692, 1104, 170, 1423, 9147, 7414, 2162, 1114, 2972, 117, 10384, 1429, 2196, 1195, 1169, 1579, 1294, 1977, 5070, 1219, 6461, 1165, 1185, 15029, 1132, 6088, 1183, 1105, 2443, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1114, 10350 ]
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[ "β€²", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ",", "Pi", "can", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "as", "well", ".", "Thus", "it", "is", "always", "true", "that", "Pi", "will", "eventually", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ",", "so", "Pi", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Theo", "##rem", "11", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "for", "all", "nodes", "the", "UN", "##L", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "is", "set", "to", "n", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "(", "n", "##βˆ’", "1", ")", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "for", "some", "integer", "k", ".", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "a", "network", "consisting", "of", "a", "single", "agreed", "-", "upon", "UN", "##L", "X", "of", "size", "at", "least", "k", "along", "with", "an", "arbitrary", "number", "of", "leaf", "valid", "##ators", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "For", "any", "leaf", "valid", "##ator", "Pi", ",", "ni", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", ";", "since", "q", "##i", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "(", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "1", ")", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "|", "X", "|", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "6", "|", "X", "|", ",", "by", "le", "##mma", "10", "it", "su", "##ff", "##ices", "to", "show", "that", "complete", "networks", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Thus", "suppose", "there", "is", "a", "single", "agreed", "-", "upon", "UN", "##L", "##X", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "in", "some", "round", "r", "all", "valid", "##ation", "messages", "are", "delivered", "quickly", "enough", "so", "that", "Byzantine", "account", "-", "ability", "holds", "and", "every", "node", "sees", "every", "other", "node", "'", "s", "valid", "##ations", "from", "round", "r", ".", "Then", "the", "preferred", "branch", "algorithm", "will", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "push", "all", "nodes", "onto", "the", "most", "popular", "ledge", "##r", "L", ".", "Thus", "in", "the", "next", "round", "all", "nodes", "will", "valid", "##ate", "a", "child", "of", "L", ".", "If", "messages", "sent", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "are", "delivered", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", ",", "then", "all", "nodes", "see", "the", "same", "proposals", "from", "round", "1", "and", "either", "all", "exit", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "(", "if", "some", "transaction", "set", "is", "shared", "with", "80", "%", "of", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", ")", "or", "else", "build", "their", "proposal", "for", "round", "2", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "from", "the", "same", "prop", "##os", "-", "al", "##s", "from", "round", "1", ",", "so", "all", "nodes", "propose", "the", "same", "set", "of", "transactions", "in", "round", "2", ",", "and", "all", "nodes", "leave", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "set", "of", "transactions", ".", "Thus", "every", "node", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "and", "all", "nodes", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "that", "ledge", "##r", ".", "5", "Con", "##c", "##lusion", "We", "have", "given", "a", "detailed", "description", "and", "thorough", "analysis", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ",", "which", "is", "a", "protocol", "for", "reaching", "consensus", "without", "universal", "agreement", "of", "network", "participants", ".", "Our", "work", "correct", "##s", "prior", "analysis", "in", "[", "10", ",", "1", "]", ".", "We", "show", "in", "theorem", "8", "that", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "agreement", "on", "participants", "is", "needed", "to", "ensure", "network", "safety", ".", "In", "the", "restricted", "case", "of", "a", "single", "expanding", "UN", "##L", "with", "leaves", ",", "theorem", "11", "shows", "we", "can", "always", "make", "forward", "progress", "during", "periods", "when", "no", "nodes", "are", "fault", "##y", "and", "network", "messages", "are", "delivered", "with", "bounded" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
e atomic broadcast is a variant of consensus, by the FLP result [5] we cannot guarantee forward progress in the presence of arbitrary asynchrony and faulty nodes. Instead, we assume a form of "weak asynchrony": safety should hold under arbitrary asynchrony, but censorship resilience is only guaranteed to hold under the assumption that the network is eventually civil, meaning that messages are delivered within some protocol-specified maximum delay bound and no nodes are faulty. In order to help enforce th
[ 797, 197, 135, 186, 1182, 117, 21902, 1169, 3106, 9221, 2193, 149, 1112, 1218, 119, 4516, 1122, 1110, 1579, 2276, 1115, 21902, 1209, 2028, 3106, 9221, 2193, 170, 1207, 21340, 1197, 117, 1177, 21902, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 15840, 16996, 1429, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 1111, 1155, 15029, 1103, 7414, 2162, 186, 11848, 5697, 1110, 1383, 1106, 183, 25532, 100, 113, 183, 25532, 122, 114, 120, 180, 100, 1111, 1199, 18157, 180, 119, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 2834, 1243, 5342, 1107, 170, 2443, 4721, 1104, 170, 1423, 2675, 118, 1852, 7414, 2162, 161, 1104, 2060, 1120, 1655, 180, 1373, 1114, 1126, 16439, 1295, 1104, 7404, 9221, 11664, 119, 5096, 10008, 119, 1370, 1251, 7404, 9221, 6579, 21902, 117, 11437, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 132, 1290, 186, 1182, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 100, 113, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 122, 114, 120, 180, 100, 134, 197, 161, 197, 116, 122, 25532, 100, 197, 161, 197, 120, 180, 100, 127, 197, 161, 197, 117, 1118, 5837, 12917, 1275, 1122, 28117, 3101, 18117, 1106, 1437, 1115, 2335, 6379, 2834, 1243, 5342, 119, 4516, 6699, 1175, 1110, 170, 1423, 2675, 118, 1852, 7414, 2162, 3190, 119, 15463, 8661, 6787, 1107, 1199, 1668, 187, 1155, 9221, 1891, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1976, 1536, 1177, 1115, 8377, 3300, 118, 2912, 3486, 1105, 1451, 14372, 5302, 1451, 1168, 14372, 112, 188, 9221, 6006, 1121, 1668, 187, 119, 1599, 1103, 6349, 3392, 9932, 1209, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 4684, 1155, 15029, 2135, 1103, 1211, 1927, 21340, 1197, 149, 119, 4516, 1107, 1103, 1397, 1668, 1155, 15029, 1209, 9221, 2193, 170, 2027, 1104, 149, 119, 1409, 7416, 1850, 1219, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1132, 4653, 188, 27250, 8167, 23038, 1361, 1193, 117, 1173, 1155, 15029, 1267, 1103, 1269, 10698, 1121, 1668, 122, 1105, 1719, 1155, 6300, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 113, 1191, 1199, 13618, 1383, 1110, 3416, 1114, 2908, 110, 1104, 1103, 15029, 1107, 161, 114, 1137, 1950, 3076, 1147, 5835, 1111, 1668, 123, 1260, 2083, 25685, 5668, 2716, 1121, 1103, 1269, 21146, 2155, 118, 2393, 1116, 1121, 1668, 122, 117, 1177, 1155, 15029, 17794, 1103, 1269, 1383, 1104, 14409, 1107, 1668, 123, 117, 1105, 1155, 15029, 1817, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1114, 1103, 1269, 1383, 1104, 14409, 119, 4516, 1451, 14372, 12295, 1116, 170, 9221, 1891, 1111, 1103, 1269, 21340, 1197, 117, 1105, 1155, 15029, 3106, 9221, 2193, 1115, 21340, 1197, 119, 126, 16752, 1665, 17855, 1284, 1138, 1549, 170, 6448, 6136, 1105, 17213, 3622, 1104, 1103, 161, 20336, 18657, 2895, 16752, 3792, 14410, 17580, 117, 1134, 1110, 170, 11309, 1111, 3634, 10923, 1443, 8462, 3311, 1104, 2443, 6635, 119, 3458, 1250, 5663, 1116, 2988, 3622, 1107, 164, 1275, 117, 122, 166, 119, 1284, 1437, 1107, 10384, 129, 1115, 4986, 135, 3078, 110, 3311, 1113, 6635, 1110, 1834, 1106, 4989, 2443, 3429, 119, 1130, 1103, 7458, 1692, 1104, 170, 1423, 9147, 7414, 2162, 1114, 2972, 117, 10384, 1429, 2196, 1195, 1169, 1579, 1294, 1977, 5070, 1219, 6461, 1165, 1185, 15029, 1132, 6088, 1183, 1105, 2443, 7416, 1132, 4653, 1114, 10350 ]
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[ "β€²", "|", ">", "q", "##i", ",", "Pi", "can", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "L", "as", "well", ".", "Thus", "it", "is", "always", "true", "that", "Pi", "will", "eventually", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "a", "new", "ledge", "##r", ",", "so", "Pi", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Theo", "##rem", "11", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "for", "all", "nodes", "the", "UN", "##L", "q", "##uo", "##rum", "is", "set", "to", "n", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "(", "n", "##βˆ’", "1", ")", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "for", "some", "integer", "k", ".", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "cannot", "get", "stuck", "in", "a", "network", "consisting", "of", "a", "single", "agreed", "-", "upon", "UN", "##L", "X", "of", "size", "at", "least", "k", "along", "with", "an", "arbitrary", "number", "of", "leaf", "valid", "##ators", ".", "Pro", "##of", ".", "For", "any", "leaf", "valid", "##ator", "Pi", ",", "ni", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", ";", "since", "q", "##i", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "(", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "1", ")", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "=", "|", "X", "|", "+", "1", "##βˆ’", "[UNK]", "|", "X", "|", "/", "k", "[UNK]", "6", "|", "X", "|", ",", "by", "le", "##mma", "10", "it", "su", "##ff", "##ices", "to", "show", "that", "complete", "networks", "cannot", "get", "stuck", ".", "Thus", "suppose", "there", "is", "a", "single", "agreed", "-", "upon", "UN", "##L", "##X", ".", "Su", "##pp", "##ose", "in", "some", "round", "r", "all", "valid", "##ation", "messages", "are", "delivered", "quickly", "enough", "so", "that", "Byzantine", "account", "-", "ability", "holds", "and", "every", "node", "sees", "every", "other", "node", "'", "s", "valid", "##ations", "from", "round", "r", ".", "Then", "the", "preferred", "branch", "algorithm", "will", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "push", "all", "nodes", "onto", "the", "most", "popular", "ledge", "##r", "L", ".", "Thus", "in", "the", "next", "round", "all", "nodes", "will", "valid", "##ate", "a", "child", "of", "L", ".", "If", "messages", "sent", "during", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "are", "delivered", "s", "##ync", "##hr", "##ono", "##us", "##ly", ",", "then", "all", "nodes", "see", "the", "same", "proposals", "from", "round", "1", "and", "either", "all", "exit", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", "(", "if", "some", "transaction", "set", "is", "shared", "with", "80", "%", "of", "the", "nodes", "in", "X", ")", "or", "else", "build", "their", "proposal", "for", "round", "2", "de", "##ter", "##mini", "##stic", "##ally", "from", "the", "same", "prop", "##os", "-", "al", "##s", "from", "round", "1", ",", "so", "all", "nodes", "propose", "the", "same", "set", "of", "transactions", "in", "round", "2", ",", "and", "all", "nodes", "leave", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "with", "the", "same", "set", "of", "transactions", ".", "Thus", "every", "node", "submit", "##s", "a", "valid", "##ation", "for", "the", "same", "ledge", "##r", ",", "and", "all", "nodes", "fully", "valid", "##ate", "that", "ledge", "##r", ".", "5", "Con", "##c", "##lusion", "We", "have", "given", "a", "detailed", "description", "and", "thorough", "analysis", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "Led", "##ger", "Con", "##sen", "##sus", "Protocol", ",", "which", "is", "a", "protocol", "for", "reaching", "consensus", "without", "universal", "agreement", "of", "network", "participants", ".", "Our", "work", "correct", "##s", "prior", "analysis", "in", "[", "10", ",", "1", "]", ".", "We", "show", "in", "theorem", "8", "that", "roughly", ">", "90", "%", "agreement", "on", "participants", "is", "needed", "to", "ensure", "network", "safety", ".", "In", "the", "restricted", "case", "of", "a", "single", "expanding", "UN", "##L", "with", "leaves", ",", "theorem", "11", "shows", "we", "can", "always", "make", "forward", "progress", "during", "periods", "when", "no", "nodes", "are", "fault", "##y", "and", "network", "messages", "are", "delivered", "with", "bounded" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
e bounded delay in the XRP ledger implemen- tation, several heuristics are used to identify lagging nodes, prevent excessive flooding of messages and route traffic through the network. Protocol parameters also define maximum delays on different trusted messages in an attempt to aid liveness. Although we ignore these details to simplify the presentation below, we stress that they are important practical considerations in the actual implemen- tation and control the real world performance of the algorithm. T
[ 8513, 119, 1130, 1103, 1167, 1704, 1692, 1114, 1256, 3137, 19855, 1104, 6635, 117, 1195, 2834, 11865, 1115, 1103, 2443, 2228, 1977, 5070, 119, 1135, 1110, 1126, 1501, 2304, 2480, 1103, 6664, 19235, 3879, 1107, 10384, 129, 1169, 1129, 4725, 1118, 170, 1167, 6448, 9486, 1104, 1103, 3496, 22411, 1104, 1103, 2443, 119, 138, 1167, 8277, 3879, 1115, 1674, 1136, 2566, 1321, 1154, 3300, 3111, 15868, 19235, 1116, 1133, 1145, 1103, 1236, 1107, 1134, 7416, 4235, 18814, 1194, 1103, 2443, 1547, 1138, 3209, 1111, 2368, 170, 1167, 10515, 3879, 1111, 11865, 1158, 3429, 119, 18872, 117, 1195, 1547, 1129, 1682, 1106, 24228, 1103, 3496, 2401, 1406, 1106, 1618, 4137, 2740, 1165, 3687, 24851, 1891, 1169, 8693, 117, 1134, 1107, 1885, 1547, 2621, 170, 1167, 16686, 4287, 1113, 1977, 5070, 119, 1966, 1195, 1138, 2602, 1115, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 1110, 5250, 2497, 4999, 2914, 1114, 1103, 1954, 1105, 1485, 118, 2174, 2443, 4413, 117, 1107, 1126, 2661, 1106, 27295, 1199, 1104, 1157, 1603, 118, 1909, 1116, 117, 1107, 1103, 26563, 2526, 164, 127, 166, 1195, 1675, 1126, 4174, 10923, 11309, 1270, 3291, 26443, 119, 12250, 1106, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 117, 3291, 26443, 1169, 1145, 1129, 1215, 1107, 6379, 1115, 2960, 6029, 3311, 1113, 6635, 1137, 3496, 117, 1133, 2228, 1977, 5070, 1120, 170, 6386, 2603, 1107, 1103, 2915, 1104, 4177, 21073, 1181, 8377, 21688, 1105, 170, 26281, 1182, 118, 189, 23728, 1112, 27250, 8167, 10031, 119, 1135, 1178, 2993, 135, 2539, 110, 19235, 1106, 1801, 1103, 161, 20336, 149, 13113, 3429, 15745, 1116, 119, 3291, 26443, 1145, 1144, 1317, 1168, 4625, 1115, 1294, 1122, 17633, 1106, 19774, 1103, 2332, 1104, 6379, 1107, 2415, 119, 1370, 1292, 3672, 1195, 2059, 3291, 26443, 5149, 1126, 11653, 2447, 1111, 1256, 3407, 2174, 11858, 4412, 2734, 1104, 1103, 161, 20336, 2443, 119, 138, 2158, 2728, 10481, 1174, 14294, 1116, 119, 4514, 1128, 1106, 11679, 10649, 1158, 12786, 1105, 2419, 24539, 1111, 1884, 1233, 118, 5530, 3798, 1113, 1103, 1346, 5251, 1104, 1142, 1844, 119, 1284, 1145, 6243, 1681, 17834, 1105, 8882, 1819, 1111, 3558, 5616, 10508, 1105, 8815, 117, 1105, 3352, 23287, 2042, 6473, 1111, 5784, 10620, 119, 1284, 1314, 1193, 6243, 1155, 1412, 8304, 1120, 155, 9717, 7136, 1111, 1147, 1619, 119, 1188, 1250, 1108, 6264, 1118, 155, 9717, 7136, 119, 19714, 1116, 164, 122, 166, 5291, 9866, 1377, 24446, 1377, 1673, 9817, 117, 144, 16481, 9995, 152, 119, 14069, 3263, 117, 138, 13160, 7666, 2328, 2268, 6919, 117, 13359, 1389, 2158, 1192, 11553, 2087, 117, 1105, 10129, 18933, 2511, 119, 155, 9717, 7136, 131, 3278, 7334, 1105, 25059, 119, 1130, 4623, 1105, 4623, 13849, 20463, 131, 5192, 1570, 3047, 117, 157, 2069, 13329, 1942, 1410, 117, 5096, 118, 172, 11394, 5018, 117, 5097, 19207, 782, 7967, 119, 18919, 1570, 7045, 117, 1410, 119, 2282, 4087, 118, 124, 118, 1955, 1580, 118, 24618, 23435, 118, 125, 119, 9465, 131, 1275, 119, 1620, 1559, 120, 4087, 118, 124, 118, 1955, 1580, 118, 24618, 23435, 118, 125, 1275, 119, 164, 123, 166, 159, 119, 1252, 9866, 1179, 1105, 159, 119, 14672, 119, 27950, 1103 ]
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[ "delay", ".", "In", "the", "more", "general", "case", "with", "even", "minor", "disagreement", "of", "participants", ",", "we", "cannot", "guarantee", "that", "the", "network", "makes", "forward", "progress", ".", "It", "is", "an", "open", "question", "whether", "the", "sufficient", "overlap", "condition", "in", "theorem", "8", "can", "be", "improved", "by", "a", "more", "detailed", "consideration", "of", "the", "trust", "topology", "of", "the", "network", ".", "A", "more", "complicated", "condition", "that", "does", "not", "simply", "take", "into", "account", "pair", "##wise", "overlap", "##s", "but", "also", "the", "way", "in", "which", "messages", "flow", "indirectly", "through", "the", "network", "might", "have", "potential", "for", "giving", "a", "more", "precise", "condition", "for", "guarantee", "##ing", "safety", ".", "Likewise", ",", "we", "might", "be", "able", "to", "leverage", "the", "trust", "structure", "20", "to", "better", "explain", "cases", "when", "del", "##iber", "##ation", "can", "fail", ",", "which", "in", "turn", "might", "allow", "a", "more", "refined", "understanding", "on", "forward", "progress", ".", "Although", "we", "have", "shown", "that", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "is", "pro", "##va", "##bly", "safe", "with", "the", "current", "and", "near", "-", "future", "network", "structures", ",", "in", "an", "attempt", "to", "alleviate", "some", "of", "its", "short", "-", "coming", "##s", ",", "in", "the", "sibling", "paper", "[", "6", "]", "we", "present", "an", "alternative", "consensus", "protocol", "called", "Co", "##balt", ".", "Similar", "to", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", ",", "Co", "##balt", "can", "also", "be", "used", "in", "networks", "that", "lack", "uniform", "agreement", "on", "participants", "or", "trust", ",", "but", "makes", "forward", "progress", "at", "a", "steady", "rate", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "maximum", "tolerate", "##d", "Byzantine", "faults", "and", "a", "##rb", "##i", "-", "t", "##rary", "as", "##ync", "##hr", "##ony", ".", "It", "only", "needs", ">", "60", "%", "overlap", "to", "match", "the", "X", "##RP", "L", "##CP", "safety", "tolerance", "##s", ".", "Co", "##balt", "also", "has", "several", "other", "properties", "that", "make", "it", "simpler", "to", "analyze", "the", "health", "of", "networks", "in", "practice", ".", "For", "these", "reasons", "we", "believe", "Co", "##balt", "represents", "an", "encouraging", "direction", "for", "even", "greater", "future", "decent", "##ral", "##ization", "of", "the", "X", "##RP", "network", ".", "A", "##ck", "##no", "##wl", "##ed", "##gment", "##s", ".", "Thank", "you", "to", "Ha", "##ox", "##ing", "Du", "and", "Joseph", "McGee", "for", "co", "##l", "-", "labor", "##ating", "on", "the", "early", "stages", "of", "this", "research", ".", "We", "also", "thank", "David", "Schwartz", "and", "Stefan", "Thomas", "for", "providing", "useful", "discussions", "and", "guidance", ",", "and", "Rome", "Reg", "##ine", "##lli", "for", "careful", "editing", ".", "We", "last", "##ly", "thank", "all", "our", "colleagues", "at", "R", "##ip", "##ple", "for", "their", "support", ".", "This", "work", "was", "funded", "by", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ".", "Reference", "##s", "[", "1", "]", "Fred", "##eri", "##k", "Arm", "##k", "##ne", "##cht", ",", "G", "##has", "##san", "O", ".", "Kara", "##me", ",", "A", "##vik", "##ars", "##ha", "Man", "##dal", ",", "Fr", "##an", "##ck", "You", "##sse", "##f", ",", "and", "Erik", "Zen", "##ner", ".", "R", "##ip", "##ple", ":", "Over", "##view", "and", "outlook", ".", "In", "Trust", "and", "Trust", "##worthy", "Computing", ":", "8th", "International", "Conference", ",", "T", "##R", "##US", "##T", "2015", ",", "Pro", "-", "c", "##eed", "##ings", ",", "pages", "163", "–", "180", ".", "Springer", "International", "Publishing", ",", "2015", ".", "ISBN", "978", "-", "3", "-", "31", "##9", "-", "228", "##46", "-", "4", ".", "doi", ":", "10", ".", "100", "##7", "/", "978", "-", "3", "-", "31", "##9", "-", "228", "##46", "-", "4", "10", ".", "[", "2", "]", "V", ".", "But", "##eri", "##n", "and", "V", ".", "Griffith", ".", "Casper", "the" ]
Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol