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{"metadata":{"id":"014f6f506bf9a25f0327235ebfdf3902","source":"gardian_index","url":""},"pageCount":24,"title":"","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"Requires:","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"1. Value chain analysis -Understand livestock production systems -Who are stakeholders and how do they behave 2. Risk analysis -Evaluate disease risks and control measures within the livestock production systems"},{"index":2,"size":8,"text":"Value chain and risk analysis Key questions answered"},{"index":3,"size":16,"text":"• Which processes carry risk for disease spread? -What are their relative contributions to overall risk?"},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"• Overall, which production systems carry more risk and economic impact?"},{"index":5,"size":28,"text":"-What should be prioritised? • What will be the impact of interventions (on disease, livelihoods, economics) and how will the value chain react (will trade by-pass controls, protests)?"},{"index":6,"size":12,"text":"• Who has most to gain or lose through risk reduction interventions?"},{"index":7,"size":11,"text":"• Who are affected by risky processes/points, and by how much?"},{"index":8,"size":18,"text":"• How can the state and/or the industry act to promote less risky operating environments for livestock production?"},{"index":9,"size":9,"text":"• Where in a country are the 'risk hotspots'?"},{"index":10,"size":8,"text":"• How does risk vary over the year?"},{"index":11,"size":28,"text":"• Where and when should surveillance be targeted? How do these actions affect FMD? (incentives, compensation, penalties, sanctions,..) Need to speak to the stakeholders (farmers, markets, slaughterhouses, etc...) "}]},{"head":"AND","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"• Assess impact of FMD infection on stakeholders"},{"index":2,"size":3,"text":"Identify \"risk hotspots\""},{"index":3,"size":25,"text":"Risk hotspots: points in the value chain where the combined effect of the probability of FMD entry/spread and the consequences of FMD entry/spread are greatest. "}]}],"figures":[{"text":" in Tehran wants meat -Local supplies cannot meet this demand -(or more expensive) -Low supply/high demand -> high prices -Attracts cattle from production centres in Pakistan -This is illegal but the incentives are too great Who is most important in the control spread of FMD? Where to focus limited control resources for maximum impact?ProcessWhat do the farmers do?(+ consider other stakeholders) "},{"text":" of introduction to an area -Risk of exposure of susceptible species -Risk of local spread -Risk of long distance spread 1) A car contaminated with FMD virus drives near the epi-unit twice a week 2)An animal is bought from an infected epi-unit once a week RISK Consequence Probability The car is less likely to spread the disease than a live animal So the consequences more severe for weekly live-animal movements Summary of potential risk hotspots Description: -No specific time -Vaccinations done about six times a year per epi-unit -No specific region -Visit several units each day -Carried out by private veterinarians (or their technicians?) -There is a risk of carrying the virus on the vaccinators equipment, clothes, vehicles, etc... -All FMD susceptible livestock species are affected by this Details of spread of FMD by vaccination teams -If vaccinating on an infected unit do not visit another unit for 3 days -Training of vaccinators on biosecurity -A vaccination team only visits one epi-unit per day -Define strict biosecurity measures to be followed -Villages: Have specific tools for each village, this must be disinfected or discarded after use -Dairy: Have personnel and tools for each dairy farm -Beef and sheep: should be as for dairy, otherwise treat as per villages Control options for spread of FMD by vaccination teams Better biosecurity: One set of equipment per epi-unit//do not visit another unit for three days if on infected unit//disinfect and change needles, clothing, etc... between premises. Issues: There will be a cost for the extra equipment Farmers will like it and will trust vet services more Best control option for spread of FMD by vaccination teams Convenience for the stakeholders: -Good; some problems for private -Will help gain credibility for the veterinary services from the farmers Can it be enforced: Yes Cost: Acceptable Effect on FMD incidence: Large effect Likelihood of success: High "},{"text":"  "},{"text":"  "}],"sieverID":"f72cbc97-f4e1-4133-b4dc-38b536bd1624","abstract":""}