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What is this?

A pre-trained BERT model (base version, ~110 M parameters) for Danish NLP. The model was not pre-trained from scratch but adapted from the English version with a tokenizer trained on Danish text.

How to use

Test the model using the pipeline from the 🤗 Transformers library:

from transformers import pipeline

pipe = pipeline("fill-mask", model="KennethTM/bert-base-uncased-danish")

pipe("Der var engang en [MASK]")

Or load it using the Auto* classes:

# Load model directly
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("KennethTM/bert-base-uncased-danish")
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("KennethTM/bert-base-uncased-danish")

Model training

The model is trained using multiple Danish datasets and a context length of 512 tokens.

The model weights are initialized from the English bert-base-uncased model with new word token embeddings created for Danish using WECHSEL.

Initially, only the word token embeddings are trained using 1.000.000 samples. Finally, the whole model is trained for 8 epochs.


The performance of the pretrained model was evaluated using ScandEval.

Task Dataset Score (±SE)
sentiment-classification swerec mcc = 63.02 (±2.16)
macro_f1 = 62.2 (±3.61)
sentiment-classification angry-tweets mcc = 47.21 (±0.53)
macro_f1 = 64.21 (±0.53)
sentiment-classification norec mcc = 42.23 (±8.69)
macro_f1 = 57.24 (±7.67)
named-entity-recognition suc3 micro_f1 = 50.03 (±4.16)
micro_f1_no_misc = 53.55 (±4.57)
named-entity-recognition dane micro_f1 = 76.44 (±1.36)
micro_f1_no_misc = 80.61 (±1.11)
named-entity-recognition norne-nb micro_f1 = 68.38 (±1.72)
micro_f1_no_misc = 73.08 (±1.66)
named-entity-recognition norne-nn micro_f1 = 60.45 (±1.71)
micro_f1_no_misc = 64.39 (±1.8)
linguistic-acceptability scala-sv mcc = 5.01 (±5.41)
macro_f1 = 49.46 (±3.67)
linguistic-acceptability scala-da mcc = 54.74 (±12.22)
macro_f1 = 76.25 (±6.09)
linguistic-acceptability scala-nb mcc = 19.18 (±14.01)
macro_f1 = 55.3 (±8.85)
linguistic-acceptability scala-nn mcc = 5.72 (±5.91)
macro_f1 = 49.56 (±3.73)
question-answering scandiqa-da em = 26.36 (±1.17)
f1 = 32.41 (±1.1)
question-answering scandiqa-no em = 26.14 (±1.59)
f1 = 32.02 (±1.59)
question-answering scandiqa-sv em = 26.38 (±1.1)
f1 = 32.33 (±1.05)
speed speed speed = 4.55 (±0.0)
Downloads last month
Model size
110M params
Tensor type
Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) is not available, repository is disabled.

Datasets used to train KennethTM/bert-base-uncased-danish