Is idefics-8b trained with system roles?

by ch272h - opened

In the model card, we have

System prompt used in the playground for idefics2-8b-chatty

SYSTEM_PROMPT = "System: The following ..."

Was idefics2-8b trained with such a system prompt as well? Additionally, can I insert snippets of "System: xxx" between conversations of "User: xxx" and "Assistant: xxx"?


hi @ch272h
that is a valid question!
we did NOT train with the system prompt, only with User/Assistant turns. the system prompt is this only injected at inference time.

Additionally, can I insert snippets of "System: xxx" between conversations of "User: xxx" and "Assistant: xxx"?
I have never tried it. i would encourage you to test.
what would be the use-case that requires a new system prompt for each turn?

I see. Thank you for the clarification.

I am playing a stateful game (like chess) with idefics2, and I'd like to communicate the board state after each turn via system prompts instead of user prompts. Nevertheless, it probably is not one of the use cases Idefics2 was designed for and that's fine! Thanks again.

VictorSanh changed discussion status to closed

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