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import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
examples = [
'Alisher Navoiy – ulug‘ o‘zbek va boshqa turkiy xalqlarning <mask>, mutafakkiri va davlat arbobi bo‘lgan.',
'Oʻzbekistonning poytaxti <mask> shahri boʻlib, davlat tili oʻzbek tili hisoblanadi.',
'Registon maydoni - tarixda shaharning ilm-fan, siyosat va <mask> markazi boʻlgan.',
'Venera - Quyosh tizimidagi o‘z o‘qi atrofida soat sohasi farqli ravishda aylanadigan yagona <mask>.',
'Kuchli yomg‘irlar tufayli bir qator <mask> kuchli sel oqishi kuzatildi.',
'Oʻzbekiston iqtisodiyoti bozor <mask> bosqichma-bosqich oʻtadi, tashqi savdo siyosati import oʻrnini bosishga asoslangan.'
models = [
def df(arr):
d = {}
for val in arr:
d[val['token_str']] = val['score']
return d
def fn(text):
arr = []
for model in models:
arr.append(df(pipeline("fill-mask", model=model)(text)))
return arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4]
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
output0 = gr.Label(label=models[0])
with gr.Column():
output1 = gr.Label(label=models[1])
with gr.Column():
output2 = gr.Label(label=models[2])
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
output3 = gr.Label(label=models[3])
with gr.Column():
output4 = gr.Label(label=models[4])
with gr.Column():
input = gr.Textbox(label="Input", value=examples[0], lines=8, max_lines=8)
btn = gr.Button("Check")
gr.Examples(examples, fn=fn, inputs=[input], outputs=[output0, output1, output2, output3, output4], cache_examples=True, batch=True), inputs=[input], outputs=[output0, output1, output2, output3, output4])
if __name__ == "__main__":