import torch class UniversalPrompting(): def __init__(self, text_tokenizer, special_tokens=("<|soi|>", "<|eoi|>", "<|sov|>", "<|eov|>", "<|t2i|>", "<|mmu|>", "<|t2v|>", "<|v2v|>", "<|lvg|>"), max_text_len=8000, max_seq_len=377, ignore_id=-100, cond_dropout_prob=0.1): """ :param text_tokenizer: original text tokenizer """ self.text_tokenizer = text_tokenizer self.text_tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'pad_token': '[PAD]'}) self.text_tokenizer.add_tokens(list(special_tokens)) self.sptids_dict = {token: torch.tensor(self.text_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([token])) for token in special_tokens} self.sptids_dict['<|sot|>'] = torch.tensor([self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id]) self.sptids_dict['<|eot|>'] = torch.tensor([self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id]) self.sptids_dict['<|pad|>'] = torch.tensor([self.text_tokenizer.pad_token_id]) # plus 1 because at this time we add a task token before self.max_text_len = max_text_len + 1 self.pad_id = self.text_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids('[PAD]') self.ignore_id = ignore_id self.cond_dropout_prob = cond_dropout_prob def t2i_prompt_predict_next(self, text_ids, image_ids, labels): device = image_ids.device sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] label_ids = [] probs = torch.rand(len(text_ids)) for i in range(len(text_ids)): if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] + text_ids[i] temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>'])] + text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] # randomly dropout text condition if probs[i] < self.cond_dropout_prob: temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>']), self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id, self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if self.max_text_len >= len(temp_ids): temp_ids = [self.pad_id] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + temp_ids temp_masks = [0] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) else: # should add the eos token temp_ids = temp_ids[:self.max_text_len - 1] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] temp_masks = [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_label_ids =[ # should we predict text tokens when doing image reconstruction? torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), labels[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_label_ids = torch.where(temp_label_ids == self.pad_id, self.ignore_id, temp_label_ids) temp_ids =[ torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), image_ids[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks).to(device) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) label_ids.append(temp_label_ids.unsqueeze(0)) return, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0) def t2i_gen_prompt(self, text_ids, image_ids): device = image_ids.device sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] for i in range(len(text_ids)): if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] + text_ids[i] # note that, llama3 tokenizer automatically add the bot token at first but without eot temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>'])] + text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if self.max_text_len >= len(temp_ids): temp_ids = [self.pad_id] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + temp_ids temp_masks = [0] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + [1] * len(temp_ids) else: temp_ids = temp_ids[:self.max_text_len - 1] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] temp_masks = [1] * len(temp_ids) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_ids =[ torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), image_ids[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks).to(device) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) return, dim=0),, dim=0) # language modeling def lm_prompt(self, text_ids, max_seq_len): sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] label_ids = [] for i in range(len(text_ids)): if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] + text_ids[i] temp_ids = text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if max_seq_len >= len(temp_ids): temp_labels_ids = temp_ids + [self.ignore_id] * (max_seq_len - len(temp_ids)) temp_ids = temp_ids + [self.pad_id] * (max_seq_len - len(temp_ids)) temp_masks = [1] * len(temp_ids) + [0] * (max_seq_len - len(temp_ids)) else: # In language modeling, we only process text tokens. We do not add the eos token if the text length # exceeds the max sequence length temp_labels_ids = temp_ids[:max_seq_len] temp_ids = temp_ids[:max_seq_len] temp_masks = [1] * len(temp_ids) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_ids = torch.tensor(temp_ids) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks) temp_labels_ids = torch.tensor(temp_labels_ids) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) label_ids.append(temp_labels_ids.unsqueeze(0)) # input_ids, masks, labels return, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0) def mmu_prompt(self, image_ids, text_ids): device = image_ids.device sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] label_ids = [] max_text_len = self.max_text_len - 1 for i in range(len(text_ids)): # note that, llama3 tokenizer automatically add the bot token at first but without eot # for empty list [] if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] + text_ids[i] temp_ids = text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if max_text_len >= len(temp_ids): # minus 1 because task token was prepended to the former image tokens temp_ids = temp_ids + [self.pad_id] * (max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) temp_masks = [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) + [0] * (max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) else: # should add the eos token temp_ids = temp_ids[:max_text_len - 1] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] temp_masks = [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_label_ids =[ torch.tensor([self.ignore_id]).to(device), torch.tensor([self.ignore_id]).to(device), torch.ones_like(image_ids[i]) * self.ignore_id, torch.tensor([self.ignore_id]).to(device), torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), ], dim=0) temp_label_ids = torch.where(temp_label_ids == self.pad_id, self.ignore_id, temp_label_ids) temp_ids =[ self.sptids_dict['<|mmu|>'].to(device), # task token self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), image_ids[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device), torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), ], dim=0) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks).to(device) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) label_ids.append(temp_label_ids.unsqueeze(0)) return, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0) def t2v_prompt(self, text_ids, video_ids): """ :param text_ids: :param video_ids: :return: """ pass def i2v_prompt(self, image_ids, video_ids): """ :param image_ids: :param video_ids: :return: """ pass def lvg_prompt(self, text_ids, image_ids, labels): device = image_ids.device sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] label_ids = [] probs = torch.rand(len(text_ids)) probs2 = torch.rand(len(text_ids)) for i in range(len(text_ids)): if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] + text_ids[i] temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>'])] + text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] # randomly dropout text condition if probs[i] < self.cond_dropout_prob: temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>']), self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id, self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if self.max_text_len >= len(temp_ids): temp_ids = [self.pad_id] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + temp_ids temp_masks = [0] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) else: # should add the eos token temp_ids = temp_ids[:self.max_text_len - 1] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] temp_masks = [1] * (len(temp_ids) + image_ids.shape[-1] + 3) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_label_ids =[ # should we predict text tokens when doing image reconstruction? torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), labels[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_label_ids = torch.where(temp_label_ids == self.pad_id, self.ignore_id, temp_label_ids) temp_ids =[ torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), image_ids[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks).to(device) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) label_ids.append(temp_label_ids.unsqueeze(0)) return, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0) def lvg_gen_prompt(self, text_ids, image_ids): device = image_ids.device sequence_ids = [] attention_masks = [] for i in range(len(text_ids)): if len(text_ids[i]) == 0: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] elif text_ids[i][0] != self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id: text_ids[i] = [self.text_tokenizer.bos_token_id] + text_ids[i] # note that, llama3 tokenizer automatically add the bot token at first but without eot temp_ids = [int(self.sptids_dict['<|t2i|>'])] + text_ids[i] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] if self.max_text_len >= len(temp_ids): temp_ids = [self.pad_id] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + temp_ids temp_masks = [0] * (self.max_text_len - len(temp_ids)) + [1] * len(temp_ids) else: temp_ids = temp_ids[:self.max_text_len - 1] + [self.text_tokenizer.eos_token_id] temp_masks = [1] * len(temp_ids) # +2 for two special tokens # prompting -- [task token] [sot] [text tokens] [eot] [soi] [image tokens] [eoi] temp_ids =[ torch.tensor(temp_ids).to(device), self.sptids_dict['<|soi|>'].to(device), image_ids[i], self.sptids_dict['<|eoi|>'].to(device) ], dim=0) temp_masks = torch.tensor(temp_masks).to(device) sequence_ids.append(temp_ids.unsqueeze(0)) attention_masks.append(temp_masks.unsqueeze(0)) return, dim=0),, dim=0) def mask_prompt(self): pass def __call__(self, input, task, padding=True, config=None): """ input (tuple) : data pairs contain text(str), image(tensor), or videos(tensor). task (str) : a flag indicates the current task. """ if task == "t2i": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.t2i_prompt(text_ids, image_ids, input[2]) elif task == "t2i_predict_next": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.t2i_prompt_predict_next(text_ids, image_ids, input[2]) elif task == "t2i_predict_next_plus_lm": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.t2i_prompt_predict_next(text_ids[], image_ids, input[2]) sequence_ids_with_masks_lm = self.lm_prompt(text_ids[], input[3]) return sequence_ids_with_masks, sequence_ids_with_masks_lm elif task == "t2i_gen": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.t2i_gen_prompt(text_ids, image_ids) elif task == "lm": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0], truncation=True)['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.lm_prompt(text_ids, input[1]) elif task == "mmu": image_ids = input[0] text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[1])['input_ids'] sequence_ids_with_masks = self.mmu_prompt(image_ids, text_ids) elif task == "t2v": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0]['input_ids']) video_ids = self.vision_tokenizer(input[1]) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.t2v_prompt(text_ids, video_ids) elif task == "i2v": image_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0]) video_ids = self.vision_tokenizer(input[1]) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.i2v_prompt(image_ids, video_ids) elif task == "lvg": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.lvg_prompt(text_ids, image_ids, input[2]) elif task == "lvg_gen": text_ids = self.text_tokenizer(input[0])['input_ids'] # (B, max_len) image_ids = input[1] # (B, #tokens) sequence_ids_with_masks = self.lvg_gen_prompt(text_ids, image_ids) else: raise NotImplementedError return sequence_ids_with_masks def create_attention_mask_predict_next(sequence, pad_id=128256, soi_id=128257, eoi_id=128258, rm_pad_in_image=False, return_inverse_mask=True): # sequence is expected to be of shape [N, L] N, L = sequence.shape # Masks to identify different types of tokens is_padding = sequence == pad_id is_start_image = sequence == soi_id is_end_image = sequence == eoi_id # Create cumulative sum masks to identify regions of image tokens cumulative_start = torch.cumsum(is_start_image, dim=1) cumulative_end = torch.cumsum(is_end_image, dim=1) in_image_segment = (cumulative_start > cumulative_end) | is_start_image | is_end_image is_text = ~(in_image_segment) causal_mask = torch.tril(torch.ones((L, L), dtype=torch.bool)).to(sequence.device) mask_text = is_text[:, :, None] * causal_mask[None, :, :] is_text_image = is_text | in_image_segment mask_text_image_bi = is_text_image[:, :, None] * is_text_image[:, None, :] if rm_pad_in_image: sid_img = torch.where(sequence == soi_id)[1] for i in range(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0]): pad_end_idx = torch.where(sequence[i] == pad_id) if len(pad_end_idx[0]) != 0: pad_end_idx = pad_end_idx[0][-1] mask_text[i][pad_end_idx + 1:, :pad_end_idx + 1] = 0 id_padding = torch.where(is_padding[i] == True) mask_text_image_bi[i][sid_img[i]:, id_padding[0]] = 0 mask_text[in_image_segment] = mask_text_image_bi[in_image_segment] # No token attends to padding tokens and padding tokens do not attend to any token if return_inverse_mask: inverted_mask = 1.0 - mask_text.type(sequence.dtype) inverted_mask = inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.iinfo(sequence.dtype).min ) return inverted_mask.unsqueeze(1) else: return mask_text.unsqueeze(1) def create_attention_mask_lvg(sequence, pad_id=128256, soi_id=128257, eoi_id=128258, return_inverse_mask=True): # sequence is expected to be of shape [N, L] N, L = sequence.shape # Masks to identify different types of tokens is_padding = sequence == pad_id mask_text_image_bi = torch.tril(torch.ones(N, L, L), diagonal=0).to(sequence.device) sid_img = torch.where(sequence == soi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1)[:, 0] sid_img_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == soi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) eid_img_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == eoi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) for i in range(N): id_padding = torch.where(is_padding[i] == True) mask_text_image_bi[i][sid_img[i]:, id_padding[0]] = 0 for j in range(sid_img_for_bi.shape[-1]): mask_text_image_bi[i][sid_img_for_bi[i, j]:eid_img_for_bi[i, j] + 1, sid_img_for_bi[i, j]:eid_img_for_bi[i, j] + 1] = 1 # No token attends to padding tokens and padding tokens do not attend to any token if return_inverse_mask: inverted_mask = 1.0 - mask_text_image_bi.type(sequence.dtype) inverted_mask = inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.iinfo(sequence.dtype).min ) return inverted_mask.unsqueeze(1) else: return mask_text_image_bi.unsqueeze(1) # texts without attending image regions def create_attention_mask_lvg_v2(sequence, pad_id=128256, soi_id=128257, eoi_id=128258, sot_id=1000, eot_id=1001, return_inverse_mask=True): # sequence is expected to be of shape [N, L] N, L = sequence.shape # Masks to identify different types of tokens is_padding = sequence == pad_id # is_text = torch.where(sequence < 2000, True, False) is_text = torch.where(sequence < pad_id, True, False) mask_text_image_bi = torch.tril(torch.ones(N, L, L), diagonal=0).to(sequence.device).int() sid_text_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == sot_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) eid_text_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == eot_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if sot_id == eot_id: if sid_text_for_bi.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: sid_text_for_bi = sid_text_for_bi[:, :-1] eid_text_for_bi = eid_text_for_bi[:, :-1] select_idx = [i for i in range(0, sid_text_for_bi.shape[1], 2)] sid_text_for_bi = sid_text_for_bi[:, select_idx] select_idx = [i+1 for i in range(0, eid_text_for_bi.shape[1], 2)] eid_text_for_bi = eid_text_for_bi[:, select_idx] sid_img_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == soi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) eid_img_for_bi = torch.where(sequence == eoi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1) all_zeros = torch.zeros_like(mask_text_image_bi).int() for i in range(N): all_zeros[i, :, is_text[i]] = 1 for j in range(sid_text_for_bi.shape[-1]): all_zeros[i][is_text[i], sid_text_for_bi[i, j]:eid_text_for_bi[i, j]+1] = 1 all_zeros[i][~is_text[i], sid_text_for_bi[i, j]:eid_text_for_bi[i, j]+1] = 1 for j in range(sid_img_for_bi.shape[-1]): all_zeros[i][~is_text[i], sid_img_for_bi[i, j]:eid_img_for_bi[i, j]+1] = 1 mask_text_image_bi = mask_text_image_bi * all_zeros sid_img = torch.where(sequence == soi_id)[1].reshape(mask_text_image_bi.shape[0], -1)[:, 0] for i in range(N): id_padding = torch.where(is_padding[i] == True) mask_text_image_bi[i][sid_img[i]:, id_padding[0]] = 0 for j in range(sid_img_for_bi.shape[-1]): mask_text_image_bi[i][sid_img_for_bi[i, j]:eid_img_for_bi[i, j]+1, sid_img_for_bi[i, j]:eid_img_for_bi[i, j]+1] = 1 mask_text_image_bi[:, :, 0] = 1 # No token attends to padding tokens and padding tokens do not attend to any token if return_inverse_mask: inverted_mask = 1.0 - mask_text_image_bi.type(sequence.dtype) inverted_mask = inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.iinfo(sequence.dtype).min ) return inverted_mask.unsqueeze(1) else: return mask_text_image_bi.unsqueeze(1) def create_attention_mask_for_mmu(sequence, eoi_id=128258, return_inverse_mask=True): N, L = sequence.shape causal_mask = torch.tril(torch.ones((N, 1, L, L), dtype=torch.bool)).to(sequence.device) eoi_image = torch.where(sequence == eoi_id)[1] causal_mask[:, :, :, :eoi_image[0] + 1] = 1 if return_inverse_mask: inverted_mask = 1.0 - causal_mask.type(sequence.dtype) inverted_mask = inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.iinfo(sequence.dtype).min ) return inverted_mask else: return causal_mask def create_attention_mask_for_mmu_vit( sequence, return_inverse_mask=True, system_prompt_len=0 ): N, L, H = sequence.shape causal_mask = torch.tril(torch.ones((N, 1, L, L), dtype=torch.bool)).to(sequence.device) index = 1 + system_prompt_len + 1 + 576 causal_mask[:, :, :, :index] = 1 if return_inverse_mask: inverted_mask = 1.0 - causal_mask.type(torch.int64) inverted_mask = inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.iinfo(torch.int64).min ) return inverted_mask else: return causal_mask if __name__ == '__main__': pass