import json import logging import pathlib import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import schedule import time from datetime import datetime, timezone from src.display.utils import EvalQueueColumn from src.envs import API # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VoteManager: def __init__(self, votes_path, eval_requests_path, repo_id): self.votes_path = votes_path self.eval_requests_path = eval_requests_path self.repo_id = repo_id self.vote_dataset = self.read_vote_dataset() self.vote_check_set = self.make_check_set(self.vote_dataset) self.votes_to_upload = [] def init_vote_dataset(self): self.vote_dataset = self.read_vote_dataset() self.vote_check_set = self.make_check_set(self.vote_dataset) def read_vote_dataset(self): result = [] votes_file = pathlib.Path(self.votes_path) / "votes_data.jsonl" if votes_file.exists(): with open(votes_file, "r") as f: for line in f: data = json.loads(line.strip()) result.append(data) result = pd.DataFrame(result) return result def make_check_set(self, vote_dataset: pd.DataFrame): result = list() for row in vote_dataset.itertuples(index=False, name='vote'): result.append((row.model, row.revision, row.username)) return set(result) def get_model_revision(self, selected_model: str) -> str: """Fetch the revision for the given model from the request files.""" for user_folder in pathlib.Path(self.eval_requests_path).iterdir(): if user_folder.is_dir(): for file in user_folder.glob("*.json"): with open(file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) if data.get("model") == selected_model: return data.get("revision", "main") return "main" def create_request_vote_df(self, pending_models_df: gr.Dataframe): if pending_models_df.empty or "model_name" not in pending_models_df.columns: return pending_models_df self.vote_dataset = self.read_vote_dataset() vote_counts = self.vote_dataset.groupby(['model', 'revision']).size().reset_index(name='vote_count') pending_models_df_votes = pd.merge( pending_models_df, vote_counts, left_on=["model_name", 'revision'], right_on=['model', 'revision'], how='left' ) # Filling empty votes pending_models_df_votes['vote_count'] = pending_models_df_votes['vote_count'].fillna(0) pending_models_df_votes = pending_models_df_votes.sort_values(by=["vote_count", "model_name"], ascending=[False, True]) # Removing useless columns pending_models_df_votes = pending_models_df_votes.drop(["model_name", "model"], axis=1) return pending_models_df_votes # Function to be called when a user votes for a model def add_vote( self, selected_model: str, pending_models_df: gr.Dataframe | None, profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None ): logger.debug(f"Type of list before usage: {type(list)}") # model_name, revision, user_id, timestamp if selected_model in ["str", ""]: gr.Warning("No model selected") return if profile is None: gr.Warning("Hub Login required") return vote_username = profile.username model_revision = self.get_model_revision(selected_model) # tuple (immutable) for checking than already voted for model check_tuple = (selected_model, model_revision, vote_username) if check_tuple in self.vote_check_set: gr.Warning("Already voted for this model") return current_time ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") vote_obj = { "model": selected_model, "revision": model_revision, "username": vote_username, "timestamp": current_time } # Append the vote to the JSONL file try: votes_file = pathlib.Path(self.votes_path) / "votes_data.jsonl" with open(votes_file, "a") as f: f.write(json.dumps(vote_obj) + "\n")"Vote added locally: {vote_obj}") self.votes_to_upload.append(vote_obj) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to write vote to file: {e}") gr.Warning("Failed to record vote. Please try again") return self.vote_check_set.add(check_tuple) gr.Info(f"Voted for {selected_model}") if pending_models_df is None: return return self.create_request_vote_df(pending_models_df) def upload_votes(self): if self.votes_to_upload: votes_file = pathlib.Path(self.votes_path) / "votes_data.jsonl" try: with open(votes_file, "rb") as f: API.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=f, path_in_repo="votes_data.jsonl", repo_id=self.repo_id, repo_type="dataset", commit_message="Updating votes_data.jsonl with new votes", )"Votes uploaded to votes repository") self.votes_to_upload.clear() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to upload votes to repository: {e}") def run_scheduler(vote_manager): while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)