dataset: conv_ai_2 templates: 04f7a3d8-c40f-45d1-b9ae-5bd23ff11628: !Template answer_choices: null id: 04f7a3d8-c40f-45d1-b9ae-5bd23ff11628 jinja: '{% set class = ["Human", "Bot"] | random %} {% if (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Bot") | list | length)) and (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Human") | list | length)) %} Would a person self-describing with such statements: {% for bp in user_profile %} - "{{ bp | join('''') }}", {% endfor %} say things like: {% for utterance in dialog %} {% if class == utterance["sender_class"] %} - "{{ utterance["text"] }}", {% endif %}{% endfor %} in a conversation?||| {% if "Human" == class %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: null metrics: [] original_task: false name: match_profile_1 reference: '' 2dfa7a0c-46d5-4842-be2f-ae62fa80d581: !Template answer_choices: null id: 2dfa7a0c-46d5-4842-be2f-ae62fa80d581 jinja: '{% set class = ["Human", "Bot"] | random %} {% if (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Bot") | list | length)) and (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Human") | list | length)) %} I wonder if somebody describing herself, or himself, using these statements: {% for bp in user_profile %} - "{{ bp | join('''') }}", {% endfor %} could utter things like: {% for utterance in dialog %} {% if class == utterance["sender_class"] %} - "{{ utterance["text"] }}", {% endif %}{% endfor %} in a conversation... What''s your guess: yes or no?||| {% if "Human" == class %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: null metrics: [] original_task: false name: match_profile_2 reference: '' 6ff0a746-5cf0-4a73-9dd9-8e08ddf0768a: !Template answer_choices: null id: 6ff0a746-5cf0-4a73-9dd9-8e08ddf0768a jinja: '{% set class = ["Human", "Bot"] | random %} {% if (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Bot") | list | length)) and (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Human") | list | length)) %} Somebody using the following self-describing statements: {% for bp in user_profile %} - {{ bp | join('''') }} {% endfor %} might possibly say things like: {% for utterance in dialog %} {% if class == utterance["sender_class"] %} - {{ utterance["text"] }} {% endif %}{% endfor %} Do you agree?||| {% if "Human" == class %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: null metrics: [] original_task: false name: match_profile_4 reference: '' cb296bf2-5189-48af-9517-a1f802509eb1: !Template answer_choices: null id: cb296bf2-5189-48af-9517-a1f802509eb1 jinja: '{% set class = ["Human", "Bot"] | random %} {% if (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Bot") | list | length)) and (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Human") | list | length)) %} {% for bp in user_profile %} - "{{ bp | join('''') }}" {% endfor %} This profile matches a person saying things like: {% for utterance in dialog %} {% if class == utterance["sender_class"] %} - "{{ utterance["text"] }}" {% endif %}{% endfor %} yes of no?||| {% if "Human" == class %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: null metrics: [] original_task: false name: match_profile_3 reference: '' eea6d2da-1c4c-460c-a1f9-f64cfd8c21c7: !Template answer_choices: null id: eea6d2da-1c4c-460c-a1f9-f64cfd8c21c7 jinja: '{% set class = ["Human", "Bot"] | random %} {% if (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Bot") | list | length)) and (0 < (dialog | selectattr("sender_class", "equalto", "Human") | list | length)) %} Given the following profile: {% for bp in user_profile %} - "{{ bp | join('''') }}" {% endfor %} would these utterances be expected: {% for utterance in dialog %} {% if class == utterance["sender_class"] %} - "{{ utterance["text"] }}" {% endif %}{% endfor %} from a person in a conversation?||| {% if "Human" == class %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: null metrics: [] original_task: false name: match_profile_0 reference: ''