# This code is modified from https://github.com/mozillazg/pypinyin-g2pW import pickle import os from pypinyin.constants import RE_HANS from pypinyin.core import Pinyin, Style from pypinyin.seg.simpleseg import simple_seg from pypinyin.converter import UltimateConverter from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import to_tone from .onnx_api import G2PWOnnxConverter current_file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) CACHE_PATH = os.path.join(current_file_path, "polyphonic.pickle") PP_DICT_PATH = os.path.join(current_file_path, "polyphonic.rep") PP_FIX_DICT_PATH = os.path.join(current_file_path, "polyphonic-fix.rep") class G2PWPinyin(Pinyin): def __init__(self, model_dir='G2PWModel/', model_source=None, enable_non_tradional_chinese=True, v_to_u=False, neutral_tone_with_five=False, tone_sandhi=False, **kwargs): self._g2pw = G2PWOnnxConverter( model_dir=model_dir, style='pinyin', model_source=model_source, enable_non_tradional_chinese=enable_non_tradional_chinese, ) self._converter = Converter( self._g2pw, v_to_u=v_to_u, neutral_tone_with_five=neutral_tone_with_five, tone_sandhi=tone_sandhi, ) def get_seg(self, **kwargs): return simple_seg class Converter(UltimateConverter): def __init__(self, g2pw_instance, v_to_u=False, neutral_tone_with_five=False, tone_sandhi=False, **kwargs): super(Converter, self).__init__( v_to_u=v_to_u, neutral_tone_with_five=neutral_tone_with_five, tone_sandhi=tone_sandhi, **kwargs) self._g2pw = g2pw_instance def convert(self, words, style, heteronym, errors, strict, **kwargs): pys = [] if RE_HANS.match(words): pys = self._to_pinyin(words, style=style, heteronym=heteronym, errors=errors, strict=strict) post_data = self.post_pinyin(words, heteronym, pys) if post_data is not None: pys = post_data pys = self.convert_styles( pys, words, style, heteronym, errors, strict) else: py = self.handle_nopinyin(words, style=style, errors=errors, heteronym=heteronym, strict=strict) if py: pys.extend(py) return _remove_dup_and_empty(pys) def _to_pinyin(self, han, style, heteronym, errors, strict, **kwargs): pinyins = [] g2pw_pinyin = self._g2pw(han) if not g2pw_pinyin: # g2pw 不支持的汉字改为使用 pypinyin 原有逻辑 return super(Converter, self).convert( han, Style.TONE, heteronym, errors, strict, **kwargs) for i, item in enumerate(g2pw_pinyin[0]): if item is None: # g2pw 不支持的汉字改为使用 pypinyin 原有逻辑 py = super(Converter, self).convert( han[i], Style.TONE, heteronym, errors, strict, **kwargs) pinyins.extend(py) else: pinyins.append([to_tone(item)]) return pinyins def _remove_dup_items(lst, remove_empty=False): new_lst = [] for item in lst: if remove_empty and not item: continue if item not in new_lst: new_lst.append(item) return new_lst def _remove_dup_and_empty(lst_list): new_lst_list = [] for lst in lst_list: lst = _remove_dup_items(lst, remove_empty=True) if lst: new_lst_list.append(lst) else: new_lst_list.append(['']) return new_lst_list def cache_dict(polyphonic_dict, file_path): with open(file_path, "wb") as pickle_file: pickle.dump(polyphonic_dict, pickle_file) def get_dict(): if os.path.exists(CACHE_PATH): with open(CACHE_PATH, "rb") as pickle_file: polyphonic_dict = pickle.load(pickle_file) else: polyphonic_dict = read_dict() cache_dict(polyphonic_dict, CACHE_PATH) return polyphonic_dict def read_dict(): polyphonic_dict = {} with open(PP_DICT_PATH) as f: line = f.readline() while line: key, value_str = line.split(':') value = eval(value_str.strip()) polyphonic_dict[key.strip()] = value line = f.readline() with open(PP_FIX_DICT_PATH) as f: line = f.readline() while line: key, value_str = line.split(':') value = eval(value_str.strip()) polyphonic_dict[key.strip()] = value line = f.readline() return polyphonic_dict def correct_pronunciation(word,word_pinyins): if word in pp_dict: word_pinyins = pp_dict[word] return word_pinyins pp_dict = get_dict()