import os import streamlit as st from pytube import YouTube, exceptions as pytube_exceptions from urllib.error import URLError from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import speech_recognition as sr import subprocess import pydub import noisereduce as nr # Function to resuce noise def reduce_noise(file_path): # Load the audio file audio_data = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(file_path) # Convert to numpy array audio_np = np.array(audio_data.get_array_of_samples()) # Perform noise reduction reduced_noise_audio = nr.reduce_noise(y=audio_np, sr=audio_data.frame_rate) # Save the processed audio back to a file processed_file_path = file_path.replace('.wav', '_processed.wav') pydub.AudioSegment(reduced_noise_audio.tobytes(), frame_rate=audio_data.frame_rate, sample_width=audio_data.sample_width, channels=audio_data.channels).export(processed_file_path, format="wav") return processed_file_path # Function to split audio def split_audio(file_path, chunk_length_ms=60000): # 60 seconds """ Splits the audio file into smaller chunks. :param file_path: Path to the audio file. :param chunk_length_ms: Length of each chunk in milliseconds. :return: List of audio chunk file paths. """ audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(file_path) chunks = pydub.silence.split_on_silence(audio, min_silence_len=500, silence_thresh=audio.dBFS-14, keep_silence=500) chunk_files = [] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): chunk_name = f"{file_path}_chunk{i}.wav" chunk.export(chunk_name, format="wav") chunk_files.append(chunk_name) return chunk_files # Function to download audio from a YouTube video def download_audio(url): try: yt = YouTube(url) audio_stream = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first() with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tempfile: # Your code to use the tempfile return except pytube_exceptions.PytubeError as e: st.error(f"Error downloading video: {e}") return None # Function to convert audio format in wav def convert_to_wav(original_file): target_format = "wav" output_file = original_file.split('.')[0] + '.' + target_format # Command to convert the file using ffmpeg command = ['ffmpeg', '-i', original_file, '-ar', '16000', '-ac', '1', output_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return output_file # Function to transcribe audio using SpeechRecognition def transcribe_audio(file_path): """ Transcribes the audio file using SpeechRecognition. :param file_path: Path to the audio file. :return: Transcribed text. """ # Check if the file exists if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {file_path} does not exist.") recognizer = sr.Recognizer() transcription = "" # Check if the file is a single file or needs to be split into chunks if os.path.getsize(file_path) / (1024 * 1024) > 10: # If file size is greater than 10MB chunk_files = split_audio(file_path) else: chunk_files = [file_path] for chunk_file in chunk_files: with sr.AudioFile(chunk_file) as source: audio_data = recognizer.record(source) try: transcription += recognizer.recognize_google(audio_data) + " " except sr.UnknownValueError: transcription += "[Unintelligible] " except sr.RequestError as e: transcription += f"[Error: {e}] " os.remove(chunk_file) # Delete chunk file after processing return transcription.strip() # Function to handle the overall transcription process def transcribe_youtube_video(url): try: audio_path = download_audio(url) if audio_path: wav_audio_path = convert_to_wav(audio_path) transcription = transcribe_audio(wav_audio_path) os.remove(audio_path) # Delete the original temporary file os.remove(wav_audio_path) # Delete the converted temporary file return transcription else: return "Failed to download audio from YouTube." except URLError: return "Error in network connection. Please check your connection and try again." except Exception as e: return f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}" # Main function for the Streamlit app def main(): st.title("YouTube Video Transcriber") url = st.text_input("Enter the URL of the YouTube video:") if st.button("Transcribe"): if url: with st.spinner('Transcribing...'): transcription = transcribe_youtube_video(url) st.text_area("Transcription:", transcription, height=300) else: st.error("Please enter a valid YouTube URL.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()