import numpy as np # pip install insightface==0.7.3 from import FaceAnalysis from import get_image as ins_get_image ### # ### class FaceAnalysis2(FaceAnalysis): # NOTE: allows setting det_size for each detection call. # the model allows it but the wrapping code from insightface # doesn't show it, and people end up loading duplicate models # for different sizes where there is absolutely no need to def get(self, img, max_num=0, det_size=(640, 640)): if det_size is not None: self.det_model.input_size = det_size return super().get(img, max_num) def analyze_faces(face_analysis: FaceAnalysis, img_data: np.ndarray, det_size=(640, 640)): # NOTE: try detect faces, if no faces detected, lower det_size until it does detection_sizes = [None] + [(size, size) for size in range(640, 256, -64)] + [(256, 256)] for size in detection_sizes: faces = face_analysis.get(img_data, det_size=size) if len(faces) > 0: return faces return []