import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import hopsworks from datetime import datetime import requests import json import math import os hopsworks_today_path = "Resources/today_timetable_prediction/today_timetable_prediction.csv" hopsworks_tomorrow_path = "Resources/tomorrow_timetable_prediction/tomorrow_timetable_prediction.csv" def one_day_forward(year, month, day): ''' Return "year", "month" and "day" numbers of the day after the inserted day It works for all the possible years from 1592 ''' if month == 12: if day == 31: day = 1 month = 1 year = year + 1 else: day = day + 1 elif month == 2: if (day == 28): if (year % 4 == 0): day = 29 else: day = 1 month = 3 elif (day == 29): day = 1 month = 3 else: day = day + 1 elif month == 4 or month == 6 or month == 9 or month == 11: if (day == 30): month = month + 1 day = 1 else: day = day + 1 else: day = day + 1 return year, month, day def get_today_date(): ''' Return today's year, month and day numbers ''' # Get today's date through TimeAPI time_url = "" time_response = requests.get(time_url) time_responseJson = time_response.json() # Extract datetime datetime_str = time_responseJson["datetime"] datetime_object = datetime.fromisoformat(datetime_str[:-6]) # Remove the timezone offset for parsing # Extract components from datetime day = month = datetime_object.month year = datetime_object.year return year, month, day def get_year_month_label(year, month, mode): ''' Return the year_month in the format wanted by the different APIs file structure, by passing the year, month and the mode. It pads with 0 when needed. The "mode" can be specified between "hyphen", "underscore" and "empty" and it determines which divider you will find in the year_month_label between the different input passed (e.g. 2024-01 or 20240105) ''' year_month_label = '' year_label = str(year) month_label = '' if month not in {10, 11, 12}: month_label = '0' + str(month) else: month_label = str(month) if mode == 'hyphen': year_month_label = year_label + '-' + month_label elif mode == 'underscore': year_month_label = year_label + '_' + month_label elif mode == 'empty': year_month_label = year_label + month_label return year_month_label def get_date_label(year, month, day, mode): ''' Return the date in the format wanted by the different APIs file structure, by passing the year, month, day and the mode. It pads with 0 when needed. The "mode" can be specified between "hyphen", "underscore" and "empty" and it determines which divider you will find in the date_label between the different input passed (e.g. 2024-01-05 or 20240105) ''' date_label = '' year_month_label = get_year_month_label(year, month, mode) day_label = '' if day < 10: day_label = '0' + str(day) else: day_label = str(day) if mode == 'hyphen': date_label = year_month_label + '-' + day_label elif mode == 'underscore': date_label = year_month_label + '_' + day_label elif mode == 'empty': date_label = year_month_label + day_label return date_label def get_name_of_cities(): yyyy, mm, dd = get_today_date() yyyy1, mm1, dd1 = one_day_forward(yyyy, mm, dd) date_label = get_date_label(yyyy, mm, dd, 'hyphen') date_label1 = get_date_label(yyyy1, mm1, dd1, 'hyphen') # Create the request_url, then get the subscription key from Swedavia API and set them in the header swedavia_url = '' + date_label swedavia_url1 = '' + date_label1 subscription_key = os.environ['SWEDAVIA_API_KEY'] headers = { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": subscription_key, "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": 'application/json', } # Make the API request for Swedavia API response = requests.get(swedavia_url, headers = headers) response1 = requests.get(swedavia_url1, headers = headers) flights_swedavia = response.json() flights_swedavia1 = response1.json() # Load JSON data into a Python dictionary arrival_airports_info = [{ 'ArrivalAirportIata': flight.get('flightLegIdentifier', {}).get('arrivalAirportIata'), 'ArrivalAirportEnglish': flight.get('arrivalAirportEnglish')} for flight in flights_swedavia.get('flights', [])] df = pd.DataFrame(arrival_airports_info) arrival_airports_info1 = [{ 'ArrivalAirportIata': flight.get('flightLegIdentifier', {}).get('arrivalAirportIata'), 'ArrivalAirportEnglish': flight.get('arrivalAirportEnglish')} for flight in flights_swedavia1.get('flights', [])] df1 = pd.DataFrame(arrival_airports_info1) total_df = pd.DataFrame({'ArrivalAirportEnglish': pd.concat([df1['ArrivalAirportEnglish'], df['ArrivalAirportEnglish']]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True),'ArrivalAirportIata': pd.concat([df1['ArrivalAirportIata'], df['ArrivalAirportIata']]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)}) total_df.sort_values('ArrivalAirportEnglish', inplace=True) return total_df def create_single_dataframe_from(dataframe): df = get_name_of_cities() df['ArrivalAirportIata'] = df['ArrivalAirportIata'].str.lower() merged_df = pd.merge(df, dataframe, left_on='ArrivalAirportIata', right_on='airport', how='inner') # Drop the duplicate 'ArrivalAirportIata' column merged_df = merged_df.drop('ArrivalAirportIata', axis=1) return merged_df def get_dataframe(online_dataframe_path): # Connect to Hopsworks File System project = hopsworks.login(api_key_value = os.environ['HOPSWORKS_API_KEY']) dataset_api = project.get_dataset_api() # Download online dataframe and get path dataframe_path = os.path.abspath(, overwrite = True)) # Read dataframe from local path, drop duplicates, return dataframe = pd.read_csv(dataframe_path) dataframe.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) dataframe = create_single_dataframe_from(dataframe) return dataframe def get_tomorrow_dataframe(): return get_dataframe(hopsworks_today_path) def get_today_dataframe(): return get_dataframe(hopsworks_tomorrow_path) def get_metrics(): # Connect to Hopsworks File System dataframe = hopsworks.login(api_key_value = os.environ['HOPSWORKS_API_KEY']) dataframe = dataframe.get_feature_store() dataframe = dataframe.get_feature_group(name = 'model_performance', version = 1) dataframe = = 'pandas') dataframe = dataframe.sort_values('timestamp') dataframe = dataframe[['timestamp', 'mae', 'dateset_size']].rename(columns={'dateset_size':'Dataset Size', 'mae':'Mean Absolute Error', 'timestamp':'Date'}) dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(['Date'], ascending = False) return dataframe selected_columns = ['destination', 'airport code', 'flight number', 'ontime', 'delayed'] ciccio, pasticcio = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() cities_datafram = get_name_of_cities() ciccio = get_today_dataframe() ciccio = ciccio.rename(columns={'airport':'airport code', 'ArrivalAirportEnglish':'destination', 'flight_number':'flight number'}) today_dataframe = ciccio[selected_columns] pasticcio = get_tomorrow_dataframe() pasticcio = pasticcio.rename(columns={'airport':'airport code','ArrivalAirportEnglish':'destination', 'flight_number':'flight number'}) tomorrow_dataframe = pasticcio[selected_columns] performance_metric = get_metrics() def get_possible_destinations(): global today_dataframe, tomorrow_dataframe today_df, tomorrow_df = today_dataframe, tomorrow_dataframe total_df = pd.DataFrame({'destination': pd.concat([today_df['destination'], tomorrow_df['destination']]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True).sort_values()}) total_dest = (total_df['destination']).tolist() return total_dest def get_dataframe_of(day): global cities_datafram, today_dataframe, tomorrow_dataframe today_df, tomorrow_df = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() today_df, tomorrow_df = today_dataframe, tomorrow_dataframe if (day.lower() == 'today'): return today_df elif (day.lower() == 'tomorrow'): return tomorrow_df def get_specific_flights(day, max_delay, departure_hour, ampm, weather, destinations, yes): df = get_dataframe_of(day) if ('Select all' in destinations): destinations = get_possible_destinations() # Remove unwanted destinations destinations = [dest for dest in destinations if dest not in ["That's a reason why I travel alone...", "I prefer not to say", 'Select all']] # Select only flight during the same departure hour df['departure_hour'] = df['ontime'].str.split(':').str[0].astype(int) df = df[df['departure_hour'] == departure_hour].drop(columns=['departure_hour']) # Convert time columns to datetime objects df['ontime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ontime'], format='%H:%M') df['delayed'] = pd.to_datetime(df['delayed'], format='%H:%M') # Get flight with less delay than the given and from the destinations selected, of the right day df['delay'] = (df['delayed'] - df['ontime']).dt.total_seconds() / 60 filtered_df = df.loc[(df['delay'] < max_delay) & (df['destination'].isin(destinations)), ['destination', 'flight number', 'ontime', 'delayed']] # Convert the string to datetime, then the datetime column to HH:MM filtered_df['ontime'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_df['ontime']) filtered_df['ontime'] = filtered_df['ontime'].dt.strftime('%H:%M') filtered_df['delayed'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_df['delayed']) filtered_df['delayed'] = filtered_df['delayed'].dt.strftime('%H:%M') return filtered_df def full_day_departure(day): dataframe = get_dataframe_of(day) copy_df = dataframe.drop(columns=['airport code']).sort_values(['ontime'], ascending = False) return copy_df def get_performance(): global performance_metric return performance_metric ''' print(get_specific_flights('today', 100, 8, 'am', 'weather', ['Select all'], 'yes')) print(full_day_departure('tomorrow')) print(get_performance()) ''' specific_flights = gr.Interface( get_specific_flights, [ gr.Radio(["today", "tomorrow"], type="value", label="Day", info="When do you have the plane?"), gr.Slider(0, 50, value=20, label="Possible Delay", info="How unfortunate do you wanna be?"), gr.Number(precision=0, minimum=0, maximum=23, label="Departure Time"), gr.Radio(["am", "pm"], type="index", info="It's the same, no worries!", label = "Am or Pm?"), gr.CheckboxGroup(["Yes, it's cloudy", "I am not in Stockholm"], label="Weather", info="Is it a typical Stockholm day?"), gr.Dropdown(get_possible_destinations() + ["That's a reason why I travel alone...", "I prefer not to say", "Select all"], type = "value", multiselect=True, label="Destination", value=["That's a reason why I travel alone..."], info="Are you just curious or you are actually going somewhere? Where? With who?"), gr.Radio(["Yes", "Yes", "Yes"], type="index", label="Let's guess?", info="We know that you'll say yes!"), ], "dataframe", ) total_departure = gr.Interface( full_day_departure, [ gr.Radio(["Today", "Tomorrow"], type="value", label="Departure", info="When are you departing?"), ], "dataframe", ) metrics = gr.Interface(fn = get_performance, inputs=None, outputs='dataframe', allow_flagging="never") #flights.launch() interface = gr.TabbedInterface([specific_flights, total_departure, metrics], {"Full Day Departure", "Specific Flights", "Model Performances"}) interface.launch()