from time import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import streamlit as st from datasetsforecast.losses import rmse, mae, smape, mse, mape from st_aggrid import AgGrid from import MODELS, forecast_pretrained_model from src.model_descriptions import model_cards DATASETS = { "Electricity (Ercot COAST)": "", #"Electriciy (ERCOT, multiple markets)": "", "Web Traffic (Peyton Manning)": "", "Demand (AirPassengers)": "", "Finance (Exchange USD-EUR)": "", } @st.cache_data def convert_df(df): # IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun return df.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8") def plot(df, uid, df_forecast, model): figs = [] figs += [ go.Scatter( x=df["ds"], y=df["y"], mode="lines", marker=dict(color="#236796"), legendrank=1, name=uid, ), ] if df_forecast is not None: ds_f = df_forecast["ds"].to_list() lo = df_forecast["forecast_lo_90"].to_list() hi = df_forecast["forecast_hi_90"].to_list() figs += [ go.Scatter( x=ds_f + ds_f[::-1], y=hi + lo[::-1], fill="toself", fillcolor="#E7C4C0", mode="lines", line=dict(color="#E7C4C0"), name="Prediction Intervals (90%)", legendrank=5, opacity=0.5, hoverinfo="skip", ), go.Scatter( x=ds_f, y=df_forecast["forecast"], mode="lines", legendrank=4, marker=dict(color="#E7C4C0"), name=f"Forecast {uid}", ), ] fig = go.Figure(figs) fig.update_layout( {"plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"} ) fig.update_layout( title=f"Forecasts for {uid} using Transfer Learning (from {model})", legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1), margin=dict(l=20, b=20), xaxis=dict(rangeslider=dict(visible=True)), ) initial_range = [df.tail(200)["ds"].iloc[0], ds_f[-1]] fig["layout"]["xaxis"].update(range=initial_range) return fig def st_transfer_learning(): st.set_page_config( page_title="Time Series Visualization", page_icon="🔮", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", ) st.title( "Transfer Learning: Revolutionizing Time Series by Nixtla" ) st.write( "", unsafe_allow_html=True ) intro = """ The success of startups like Open AI and Stability highlights the potential for transfer learning (TL) techniques to have a similar impact on the field of time series forecasting. TL can achieve lightning-fast predictions with a fraction of the computational cost by pre-training a flexible model on a large dataset and then using it on another dataset with little to no additional training. In this live demo, you can use pre-trained models by Nixtla (trained on the M4 dataset) to predict your own datasets. You can also see how the models perform on unseen example datasets. """ st.write(intro) required_cols = ["ds", "y"] with st.sidebar.expander("Dataset", expanded=False): data_selection = st.selectbox("Select example dataset", DATASETS.keys()) data_url = DATASETS[data_selection] url_json = st.text_input("Data (you can pass your own url here)", data_url) st.write( "You can also upload a CSV file like [this one](" ) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload CSV") with st.form("Data"): if uploaded_file is not None: df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) cols = df.columns timestamp_col = st.selectbox("Timestamp column", options=cols) value_col = st.selectbox("Value column", options=cols) else: timestamp_col = st.text_input("Timestamp column", value="timestamp") value_col = st.text_input("Value column", value="value") st.write("You must press Submit each time you want to forecast.") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") if submitted: if uploaded_file is None: st.write("Please provide a dataframe.") if url_json.endswith("json"): df = pd.read_json(url_json) else: df = pd.read_csv(url_json) df = df.rename( columns=dict(zip([timestamp_col, value_col], required_cols)) ) else: # df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) df = df.rename( columns=dict(zip([timestamp_col, value_col], required_cols)) ) else: if url_json.endswith("json"): df = pd.read_json(url_json) else: df = pd.read_csv(url_json) cols = df.columns if "unique_id" in cols: cols = cols[-2:] df = df.rename(columns=dict(zip(cols, required_cols))) if "unique_id" not in df: df.insert(0, "unique_id", "ts_0") df["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(df["ds"]) df = df.sort_values(["unique_id", "ds"]) with st.sidebar: st.write("Define the pretrained model you want to use to forecast your data") model_name = st.selectbox("Select your model", tuple(MODELS.keys())) model_file = MODELS[model_name]["model"] st.write("Choose how many steps you want to forecast") fh = st.number_input("Forecast horizon", value=18) st.write( "Choose for how many steps the pretrained model will be updated using your data (use 0 for fast computation)" ) max_steps = st.number_input("N-shot inference", value=0) # tabs tab_fcst, tab_cv, tab_docs, tab_nixtla = st.tabs( [ "📈 Forecast", "🔎 Cross Validation", "📚 Documentation", "🔮 Nixtlaverse", ] ) uids = df["unique_id"].unique() fcst_cols = ["forecast_lo_90", "forecast", "forecast_hi_90"] with tab_fcst: uid = uids[0]#st.selectbox("Dataset", options=uids) col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 4]) with col1: tab_insample, tab_forecast = st.tabs( ["Modify input data", "Modify forecasts"] ) with tab_insample: df_grid = df.query("unique_id == @uid").drop(columns="unique_id") grid_table = AgGrid( df_grid, editable=True, theme="streamlit", fit_columns_on_grid_load=True, height=360, ) df.loc[df["unique_id"] == uid, "y"] = ( grid_table["data"].sort_values("ds")["y"].values ) # forecast code init = time() df_forecast = forecast_pretrained_model(df, model_file, fh, max_steps) end = time() df_forecast = df_forecast.rename( columns=dict(zip(["y_5", "y_50", "y_95"], fcst_cols)) ) with tab_forecast: df_fcst_grid = df_forecast.query("unique_id == @uid").filter( ["ds", "forecast"] ) grid_fcst_table = AgGrid( df_fcst_grid, editable=True, theme="streamlit", fit_columns_on_grid_load=True, height=360, ) changes = ( df_forecast.query("unique_id == @uid")["forecast"].values - grid_fcst_table["data"].sort_values("ds")["forecast"].values ) for col in fcst_cols: df_forecast.loc[df_forecast["unique_id"] == uid, col] = ( df_forecast.loc[df_forecast["unique_id"] == uid, col] - changes ) with col2: st.plotly_chart( plot( df.query("unique_id == @uid"), uid, df_forecast.query("unique_id == @uid"), model_name, ), use_container_width=True, ) st.success(f'Done! Approximate inference time CPU: {0.7*(end-init):.2f} seconds.') with tab_cv: col_uid, col_n_windows = st.columns(2) uid = uids[0] #with col_uid: # uid = st.selectbox("Time series to analyse", options=uids, key="uid_cv") with col_n_windows: n_windows = st.number_input("Cross validation windows", value=1) df_forecast = [] for i_window in range(n_windows, 0, -1): test = df.groupby("unique_id").tail(i_window * fh) df_forecast_w = forecast_pretrained_model( df.drop(test.index), model_file, fh, max_steps ) df_forecast_w = df_forecast_w.rename( columns=dict(zip(["y_5", "y_50", "y_95"], fcst_cols)) ) df_forecast_w.insert(2, "window", i_window) df_forecast.append(df_forecast_w) df_forecast = pd.concat(df_forecast) df_forecast["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(df_forecast["ds"]) df_forecast = df_forecast.merge(df, how="left", on=["unique_id", "ds"]) metrics = [mae, mape, rmse, smape] evaluation = df_forecast.groupby(["unique_id", "window"]).apply( lambda df: [f'{fn(df["y"].values, df["forecast"]):.2f}' for fn in metrics] ) evaluation = evaluation.rename("eval").reset_index() evaluation["eval"] = evaluation["eval"].str.join(",") evaluation[["MAE", "MAPE", "RMSE", "sMAPE"]] = evaluation["eval"].str.split( ",", expand=True ) col_eval, col_plot = st.columns([2, 4]) with col_eval: st.write("Evaluation metrics for each cross validation window") st.dataframe( evaluation.query("unique_id == @uid") .drop(columns=["unique_id", "eval"]) .set_index("window") ) with col_plot: st.plotly_chart( plot( df.query("unique_id == @uid"), uid, df_forecast.query("unique_id == @uid").drop(columns="y"), model_name, ), use_container_width=True, ) with tab_docs: tab_transfer, tab_desc, tab_ref = st.tabs( [ "🚀 Transfer Learning", "🔎 Description of the model", "📚 References", ] ) with tab_desc: model_card_name = MODELS[model_name]["card"] st.subheader("Abstract") st.write(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Abstract']}""") st.subheader("Intended use") st.write(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Intended use']}""") st.subheader("Secondary use") st.write(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Secondary use']}""") st.subheader("Limitations") st.write(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Limitations']}""") st.subheader("Training data") st.write(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Training data']}""") st.subheader("BibTex/Citation Info") st.code(f"""{model_cards[model_card_name]['Citation Info']}""") with tab_transfer: transfer_text = """ Transfer learning refers to the process of pre-training a flexible model on a large dataset and using it later on other data with little to no training. It is one of the most outstanding 🚀 achievements in Machine Learning 🧠 and has many practical applications. For time series forecasting, the technique allows you to get lightning-fast predictions ⚡ bypassing the tradeoff between accuracy and speed. [This notebook]( shows how to generate a pre-trained model and store it in a checkpoint to make it available for public use to forecast new time series never seen by the model. **You can contribute with your pre-trained models by following [this Notebook]( and sending us an email at federico[at]** You can also take a look at list of pretrained models here. Currently we have this ones avaiable in our [API]( or [Demo]( You can also download the `.ckpt`: - [Pretrained N-HiTS M4 Hourly]( - [Pretrained N-HiTS M4 Hourly (Tiny)]( - [Pretrained N-HiTS M4 Daily]( - [Pretrained N-HiTS M4 Monthly]( - [Pretrained N-HiTS M4 Yearly]( - [Pretrained N-BEATS M4 Hourly]( - [Pretrained N-BEATS M4 Daily]( - [Pretrained N-BEATS M4 Weekly]( - [Pretrained N-BEATS M4 Monthly]( - [Pretrained N-BEATS M4 Yearly]( """ st.write(transfer_text) with tab_ref: ref_text = """ If you are interested in the transfer learning literature applied to time series forecasting, take a look at these papers: - [Meta-learning framework with applications to zero-shot time-series forecasting]( - [N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting]( """ st.write(ref_text) with tab_nixtla: nixtla_text = """ Nixtla is a startup that is building forecasting software for Data Scientists and Devs. We have been developing different open source libraries for machine learning, statistical and deep learning forecasting. In our [GitHub repo](, you can find the projects that support this APP. """ st.write(nixtla_text) st.image( "", width=800, ) with st.sidebar: st.download_button( label="Download historical data as CSV", data=convert_df(df), file_name="history.csv", mime="text/csv", ) st.download_button( label="Download forecasts as CSV", data=convert_df(df_forecast), file_name="forecasts.csv", mime="text/csv", ) if __name__ == "__main__": st_transfer_learning()