import json from mainLogic import error import os from mainLogic.utils.basicUtils import BasicUtils class PreferencesLoader: def __init__(self, file_name='defaults.json',verbose=True): self.file_name = file_name self.prefs = {} # defining some variables that can be used in the preferences file self.vars = { # $script is the path to the folder containing the file # Since the is in the startup folder, # we need to go one level up however we make the exception that if the is in the same folder as # the startup folder, we don't need to go one level up "$script" : BasicUtils.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)+ ('/../..' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '../') else '')), "$home" : os.path.expanduser("~"), } self.load_preferences() # if verbose is true, print the preferences if verbose: self.print_preferences() def load_preferences(self): try: with open(self.file_name, 'r') as json_file: # read the contents of the file (so that we can replace the variables with their values) contents = # replace the variables with their values for var in self.vars: contents = contents.replace(var,self.vars[var]) # replace the backslashes with forward slashes contents.replace('\\','/') self.prefs = json.loads(contents) # if the file is not found, print an error message and exit except FileNotFoundError: error.errorList["cantLoadFile"]["func"](self.file_name) exit(error.errorList["cantLoadFile"]["code"]) # print the preferences (internal function) def print_preferences(self): for key in self.prefs: print(f'{key} : {self.prefs[key]}')