from mainLogic import error import os from mainLogic.utils.os2 import SysFunc from mainLogic.utils.glv import Global class CheckState: def __init__(self) -> None: pass def post_checkup(self,prefs,verbose=True): """ Post Checkup Function 1. Setting up the tmpDir 2. Setting up the output directory 3. Setting up the horizontal rule """ OUT_DIRECTORY = "" # setting up prefs if 'tmpDir' in prefs: tmpDir = SysFunc.modify_path(prefs['tmpDir']) if not os.path.exists(tmpDir): try: os.makedirs(tmpDir) except OSError as exc: # Guard against failure error.errorList["couldNotMakeDir"]['func'](tmpDir) Global.errprint("Failed to create TmpDir") Global.errprint("Falling Back to Default") else: tmpDir = './tmp/' # setting up directory for pwdl if "dir" in prefs: try: OUT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(prefs['dir'])) # if the user provides a non-string value for the directory or dir is not found except TypeError: OUT_DIRECTORY = './' # if the directory is not found except Exception as e: Global.errprint(f"Error: {e}") Global.errprint("Falling back to default") OUT_DIRECTORY = './' else: OUT_DIRECTORY = './' # setting up hr (horizontal rule) if not 'hr' in prefs: Global.disable_hr = False elif not prefs['hr']: Global.disable_hr = True prefs['tmpDir'] = tmpDir prefs['dir'] = OUT_DIRECTORY def check_token(self,token,id="90dbede8-66a8-40e8-82ce-a2048b5c063d",verbose=False): from mainLogic.big4.decrypt.key import LicenseKeyFetcher lc_fetcher = LicenseKeyFetcher(token) try: key = lc_fetcher.get_key(id,verbose=verbose) return key except Exception as e: Global.errprint(f"An error occurred while getting the key: {e}") Global.errprint("Your Token is Invalid! ") return None def checkup(self,executable,directory="./",verbose=True): state = {} # set script path to ../startup # this is the path to the folder containing the file # since the is in the startup folder, we need to go one level up if verbose:;Global.dprint("Setting script path...") if verbose: Global.errprint('Warning! Hard Coded \'$script\' location to') Global.script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../..')) default_json = os.path.join(Global.script_path,'defaults.json') # check if defaults.json exists # and if it does, load the preferences if verbose:;Global.dprint("Checking for default settings...") if verbose:;Global.dprint(f"Checking at {default_json}") if verbose: Global.errprint('Warning!\nHard Coded \'defaults.json\' location to $script/default.json ') if not os.path.exists(default_json): error.errorList["defaultsNotFound"]["func"]() exit(error.errorList["defaultsNotFound"]["code"]) if verbose: Global.sprint("Default settings found."); # load the preferences from mainLogic.startup.userPrefs import PreferencesLoader prefs = PreferencesLoader(file_name=default_json,verbose=verbose).prefs # check if method is patched (currently via if 'patched' in prefs: if prefs['patched']: error.errorList["methodPatched"]["func"]() exit(error.errorList["methodPatched"]["code"]) # FLare no longer required # if verbose:; Global.dprint("Checking for Flare...") # default url is localhost:8191 # however user can change it in the preferences file # if verbose: Global.dprint(f"Checking at {prefs['flare_url'] if 'flare_url' in prefs else 'http://localhost:8191/v1'}") # if not checkFlare(prefs['flare_url'] if 'flare_url' in prefs else 'http://localhost:8191/v1'): # error.errorList["flareNotStarted"]["func"]() # exit(error.errorList["flareNotStarted"]["code"]) # # if verbose: Global.sprint("Flare is running."); os2 = SysFunc() found= [] notFound = [] for exe in executable: if verbose:; Global.dprint(f"Checking for {exe}...") if os2.which(exe) == 1: if verbose: error.errorList["dependencyNotFound"]["func"](exe) if verbose: print(f"{exe} not found on path! Checking in default settings...") # add exe's which are found to the found list found.append(exe) # add exe's which are not found to the notFound list notFound.append(exe) else: if verbose: Global.sprint(f"{exe} found.") state[exe] = exe if len(notFound) > 0: if verbose:;Global.dprint("Following dependencies were not found on path. Checking in default settings...") if verbose: Global.dprint(notFound); for exe in notFound: if verbose: Global.dprint(f"Checking for {exe} in default settings...") if exe in prefs: if verbose: Global.sprint(f"Key for {exe} found in default settings.") if verbose: Global.sprint(f"Value: {prefs[exe]}") if verbose: Global.dprint(f"Checking for {exe} at '{prefs[exe].strip()}' ...") if not os.path.exists(prefs[exe].strip()): Global.errprint(f"{exe} not found at {prefs[exe].strip()}") error.errorList["dependencyNotFoundInPrefs"]["func"](exe) exit(error.errorList["dependencyNotFoundInPrefs"]["code"]) if verbose: Global.sprint(f"{exe} found at {prefs[exe].strip()}") state[exe] = prefs[exe].strip() else: error.errorList["dependencyNotFoundInPrefs"]["func"](exe) exit(error.errorList["dependencyNotFoundInPrefs"]["code"]) if verbose: # checking for token if 'token' in prefs: self.check_token(prefs['token'],verbose=verbose) else: error.errorList["tokenNotFound"]["func"]() exit(error.errorList["tokenNotFound"]["code"]) state['prefs'] = prefs prefs['dir'] = directory self.post_checkup(prefs,verbose) return state