--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 --- # weblab-10b # Overview This repository provides a Japanese-centric multilingual GPT-NeoX model of 10 billion parameters. * **Library** The model was trained using code based on [EleutherAI/gpt-neox](https://github.com/EleutherAI/gpt-neox). * **Model architecture** A 36-layer, 4864-hidden-size transformer-based language model. * **Pre-training** The model was trained on around **600B** tokens from a mixture of the following corpora. - [Japanese C4](https://huggingface.co/datasets/mc4) - [The Pile](https://huggingface.co/datasets/EleutherAI/pile) * **Model Series** | Variant | Link | | :-- | :--| | weblab-10b-instruction-sft | https://huggingface.co/matsuo-lab/weblab-10b-instruction-sft | | weblab-10b | https://huggingface.co/matsuo-lab/weblab-10b | * **Authors** Takeshi Kojima --- # Benchmarking * **Japanese benchmark : JGLUE 8-task (2023-08-27)** - *We used [Stability-AI/lm-evaluation-harness](https://github.com/Stability-AI/lm-evaluation-harness/tree/2f1583c0735eacdfdfa5b7d656074b69577b6774) library for evaluation.* - *The 8-task average accuracy is based on results of JCommonsenseQA-1.1, JNLI-1.1, MARC-ja-1.1, JSQuAD-1.1, jaqket_v2-0.2, xlsum_ja-1.0, xwinograd_ja, and mgsm-1.0.* - *model loading is performed with float16, and evaluation is performed with template version 0.3 using the few-shot in-context learning.* - *The number of few-shots is 3,3,3,2,1,1,0,5.* - *special_tokens_map.json is modified to avoid errors during the evaluation of the second half benchmarks. As a result, the results of the first half benchmarks became slightly different.* model | average | jcommonsenseqa | jnli | marc_ja | jsquad | jaqket_v2 | xlsum_ja | xwinograd_ja | mgsm | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | weblab-10b-instruction-sft | 59.11 | 74.62 | 66.56 | 95.49 | 78.34 | 63.32 | 20.57 | 71.95 | 2 weblab-10b | 50.74 | 66.58 | 53.74 | 82.07 | 62.94 | 56.19 | 10.03 | 71.95 | 2.4 * **Japanese benchmark : JGLUE 4-task (2023-08-18)** - *We used [Stability-AI/lm-evaluation-harness](https://github.com/Stability-AI/lm-evaluation-harness/tree/2f1583c0735eacdfdfa5b7d656074b69577b6774) library for evaluation.* - *The 4-task average accuracy is based on results of JCommonsenseQA-1.1, JNLI-1.1, MARC-ja-1.1, and JSQuAD-1.1.* - *model loading is performed with float16, and evaluation is performed with template version 0.3 using the few-shot in-context learning.* - *The number of few-shots is 3,3,3,2.* | Model | Average | JCommonsenseQA | JNLI | MARC-ja | JSQuAD | | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | | weblab-10b-instruction-sft | 78.78 | 74.35 | 65.65 | 96.06 | 79.04 | | weblab-10b | 66.38 | 65.86 | 54.19 | 84.49 | 60.98 | --- # How to use the model ~~~~python import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("matsuo-lab/weblab-10b") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("matsuo-lab/weblab-10b", torch_dtype=torch.float16) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.to("cuda") text = "吾輩は猫である。" token_ids = tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): output_ids = model.generate( token_ids.to(model.device), max_new_tokens=100, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95 ) output = tokenizer.decode(output_ids.tolist()[0]) print(output) ~~~~ --- # Licenese [cc-by-nc-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results](https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard) Detailed results can be found [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/open-llm-leaderboard/details_matsuo-lab__weblab-10b) | Metric | Value | |-----------------------|---------------------------| | Avg. | 33.76 | | ARC (25-shot) | 39.51 | | HellaSwag (10-shot) | 65.76 | | MMLU (5-shot) | 26.29 | | TruthfulQA (0-shot) | 36.02 | | Winogrande (5-shot) | 62.51 | | GSM8K (5-shot) | 1.44 | | DROP (3-shot) | 4.81 |