The boy went to a video arcade. He played his favorite machine. His games didn't go very well. He told the owner about his experience. The owner explained that he had made the game settings harder.
Jimmy was a big fan of cricket. In summer, his dad took him to a local cricket match. The match lasted all day. In the end, Jimmy's local team won by only 2 runs. Jimmy knew he'd never see such a close game of cricket again.
The baby shook from the cold room. His mother turned up the heat. The nurses kept turning it back down. She was angry that they were making him uncomfortable. She told the doctor she wanted to go home.
Luke didn't want to pay 15 dollars for a movie. He made his way to the back of the theater. He noticed a couple of teenagers sneaking in the back exit. He went and stood by the door, waiting. It never opened.
Kara was very close to her mother when she was growing up. Kara went off to college after high school. Her mother was single so she was worried about her. Kara came home for the holidays. When she walked in the house she found her mom dead on the floor.
My instructor told me to do several laps around the track. I asked for a drink afterwards, but he told me no. I was forced to do several push-ups. He told me to stop as soon as I fell on the floor. I walked into the locker room feeling sore.
Bob was doing the dishes. Bob wasn't paying attention and dropped a plate. The plate broke as it hit the ground. Bob cleaned up the mess with a vacuum cleaner. Afterwards, he dumped the broken pieces into the trash.
My wife gets blueberry muffins from the local supermarket. The batter varies from yellow to dark blue in color. Today, the batter was blue, my favorite. My wife was not pleased as yellow is her favorite. I said maybe it will be yellow tomorrow.
The soda hit the ground hard. She sighed in frustration that she had ruined it. Picking it up, she put it back in the car. Later she went to get a soda. She forgot, and it fizzed all over her.
Katie decided to learn to make yogurt. She bought a gadget that was supposed to help her. It was very confusing and difficult. Katie threw it away and decided to just buy yogurt. It tasted better when it was from the store.
Ann wanted to be a fashion model. She saw a notice that a modeling agent was coming to town. Ann went on a crash diet to look like a model. She went to the agent, feeling hungry but fashion model thin. The agent took one look and said Ann was too short to model.
Lucy was running from an angry old man. She had been playing with his puppy before he got angry. She ran for blocks without looking back. When she stopped she didn't recognize the houses. Adrenaline ran through her veins as she realized she was lost.
Dan wanted to buy a new car. He went out on a nearby lot to shop around. They had a model that really appealed to Dan. Dan signed the paperwork and made a downpayment. Dan drove away with a brand new BMW.
Adam got a new job. He was going to transcribe data. He was pushed type fast. He won lots of awards. They promoted Adam.
Julie decided to run a lemonade stand to earn money for toys. She painted a big sturdy box bright colors for a table. Her mom helped by making a sign. On a hot summer day, they made several pitchers of lemonade. Julie bought a new toy with money she made selling to the neighbors.
Bob was walking in the park. He got hungry. He decided to forage for food. He found some mushrooms. He ate them and got sick.
Al was taking a class for college. He needed a certain book for his class. He was talking to his friend about finding the book. His friend told him he already had the book. Al's friend let him borrow the book for class.
Trudy felt sad so thought she needed a pet. She decided to buy a Puli. She called some Puli owners in town and asked to buy one. The third Puli owner agreed to sell Trudy one of her dogs. So Trudy bought a Puli and is now much happier.
Max noticed he was always tired so he went to the doctor for help. His doctor asked Max if he slept through the night regularly. Max couldn't remember the last time he had slept through the night. The doctor gave him a small sample of sleeping pills to try. After taking a pill for four nights, Max felt awake during the day.
Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just.
Jane loved disney princesses. She always wanted to be young when she was young. For her 21st birthday, he boyfriend took her to Disneyland. She couldn't of picked a better holiday destination. Despite her age, she got pictures with all the princesses.
Yesterday I got a haircut. I told my stylist I wanted to do something bold this time. I told her to surprise me with something fun. She gave me the most adorable and funky pixie cut. I'm in love with my new look!
Our car started making noises when we stopped. I had heard that sound before. It usually meant the brakes had to be serviced. My wife brought the car in. There was only debris that needed to be cleaned out.
Andrew had a brand new Dodge Challenger car. But now it has a key-scratch along the driver's side. Andrew said a girl from his job calls him a lot for rides to work. His girlfriend complained because he lets another girl in his car. She left for work, scratched his car and texted him, show her that!
I ordered my new pajamas. They came in the mail a week later. They were covered in pictures of little animals. I squealed with delight when I saw them. I put them on and wore them all day.
Sam went out for Saint Patrick's Day. She had several green beers. She felt festive at first, but then kind of sick. The next morning, she was very hung over! Sam decided not to drink so much any more.
Two best friends decided to go camping. They hiked way up on a hill and set up their tent. When night fell, they started to hear scary noises. They thought there was a bear outside their tent. When they checked, it was only a tree branch!
Tammy was a very proud girl scout. She had worked hard for weeks selling cookies door to door. Now it was time to hear the rankings. She was delighted to hear that she had sold the most. She ended up winning a cute pink radio.
People shook their heads because Stu wouldn't buy a car. Each day, Stu pedaled a bike ten miles to and from work. While his peers suffered health woes, Stu was as fit as a teen. When Stu retired, many of his buddies were already dead. Stu rode his bike to visit them at the cemetery regularly.
Tony wanted to cleanse his body. He always ate a lot of junk food. He was gaining a lot of weight. He cut out the junk food and drank nothing but water. After a week, his body was cleansed.
Sam lived at the bottom of a hill. She found a basketball near her mailbox. The ball had a name written on it in a black marker. She took the ball to that person's house. The ball owner thanked Sam for her help.
Jacqueline is afraid of earthquakes. She had to move to Chile to work last year. This year there was a big earthquake in the country. Jacqueline was very scared. She decided to quit her job and move away from Chile.
Anne wanted to feed seagulls. She went down to the lake. There, she crumbled up bread slices. She threw them into the air. Soon tons of gulls were feeding by her!
Kate's mom bought a new house. The house was older. It wasn't in good shape. It needed a lot of work. But she was excited about doing the repairs herself.
Tony loved his dog Snowy more than anything in the world. One day, he forgot to close the front door and his dog ran outside. Toby was devastated and missed his dog terribly. Then he decided to make Lost Dog fliers. While he hung fliers up, a lady saw one and told him she had Snowy!
Brad was on a picnic with his family. He had prepared several sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade. Before they had a chance to eat, a large noise startled them. A bear had crept up behind them and was sniffing at the food. Brad and his family ran away and left the food for the bear.
Ana invited her friends to her fifteenth birthday party. She was hispanic, and fifteen was a big deal. She had a big party, called a quinceanera. Tons of friends came for cake and socializing. Ana had a great time at her party!
Melvin is a dancer. He feels a lot of pressure to be skinny. One day he tried throwing up after eating. It did not make him feel good. Melvin doesn't want to throw up again to be skinny.
Victoria had too many clothes. She would buy more clothes every time she got paid. She was running out of room to put all of her clothes. She bought hangers to hang them in her closet. Now she has enough room for new clothes.
Steve's car didn't look like the best, but it was the fastest. After school, Chris sat inside his convertible with his girlfriend. His girlfriend said Steve was looking at her. Chris tried to start a fight but Steve said let's race. Steve beat Chris in a car race and Chris had the newer car.
Tina wanted to go to the theme park. Problem was it was too expensive. So she ended up going to a discount site. She found tickets half off. Then she was able to go.
Sue had worked all summer to get ready for the marathon. When the race started Sue bolted off the starting line. She ran 26 miles. As she ran she stopped and got some water. When she crossed the finish line her family was there cheering her on.
I thought it would be nice to drop in on family last weekend. I drove an hour away to where my aunt lives. When I got there nobody was home. I called to see what was going on. Apparently they had the same idea and were visiting me at home.
David had only a few friends, but none he could count on. He began adding new people in neighboring towns on social media. Nobody had accepted his requests after 12 hours, and he was sad. He decided to go to bed and ignore his computer for the night. When he awoke, he found that almost all the people had accepted!
When Ann met John, he made a poor impression. John barely spoke to her or even look at her. Ann concluded that John was arrogant and rude. John wrote Ann a letter, explaining she made him feel nervous. Ann was surprised to learn that John was actually smitten with her!
Ted wasn't very good at dating. He had been looking for a date for a long time. A friend suggested an online dating site. Ted figured he had nothing else to lose. Ted was able to find a nice date on the website.
Dan finished his qualification test. He waited eagerly for the email. When he saw it in his inbox he clicked it anxiously. Dan was ecstatic! He'd gotten a score of 90 on his qualification.
Alana was going to start kindergarten. She was very excited but also very nervous. Alana was used to spending all her time around family only. Her first day school went well. Alana loved school and became a very popular student.
Scott was relentlessly pestering his big brother, Paul. Out of desperation, Paul thought of an idea to entertain Scott. Paul disassembled his Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton model. He hid the many pieces throughout the family's sandbox. Scott was happily occupied for the rest of the day with his digging!
Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either. They all went together in a group!
Tisha was born and raised in Chicago. She had a great childhood there and wanted the same for her kids. The crime rate began to grow rapidly. Chicago was becoming a dangerous place to raise kids. Tisha moved her family to Indianapolis Indiana for a safer life.
May was asked to babysit the neighbor's new baby. She agreed to watch the baby. Soon after the parents left the baby began to cry. May tried everything, but the baby just kept crying. She finally fell asleep 20 minutes before the parents returned.
The same lady came in to clean up John's office every evening. John decided to do something nice for her. John got some flowers and a box of candy. John left them on his desk for her. The next day, John learned that his co-workers ate the candy!
Sam is a city boy living in Dallas. He had always wanted to go to the beach but never got the chance. At work they there was a contest for the top performers. Sam was in the top 3 in his department. Sam had won tickets to Boracay.
Sue drank wine daily, but never felt like she was drunk. Her stomach began to swell and her appetite faded badly. She went to the doctor and was told that she was having liver failure. He recommended a transplant after 6 months of sobriety. She received stem cell treatment in Mexico and her liver was healed.
Tom was going to high-school for the first time. He decided to reinvent himself. He created a whole new style for himself. All the other students thought he looked goofy. Tom was picked on alot after that.
Bill loved his Ford mustang more than anything. It was his baby from his college years. Bill was having a baby. He had to save as much money as possible. Bill let go of his baby and sold his Mustang.
Marge was an all star cook but an even greater baker. She cooked the best red velvet cupcakes and won many competitions. One day she competed for the title of cupcake queen. She placed first place with ease and was crowned the new queen. She remained the queen for as long as she competed never to be beat.
Jennifer was a little girl. A man pulled up to her house. He offered her candy. Jennifer's brother was with her. He told her to stay away.
George had gone to the bar. He had drank too many beers. George was barely able to walk. The bartender called George's wife. She came to the bar to pick up George.
May wanted to be a model. She was very pretty, so she knew she had a chance. She entered competitions as often as she could. Soon she was spotted by a local talent agent. May was recruited to model for a major agency!
Sam went to the taco hut for some tacos. When he went there they were out of his favorite hot sauce. He asked if they had any in the back. They said they were all out. Sam decided to get a burrito instead.
Kevin wanted to be student council president. He spent weeks making flyers and posters. Kevin hung the posters all over school. He was nervous the night before the election. On election day, Kevin won by a landslide.
Jim wanted to win the marathon. He trained hard for many months. Then came the day of the race and he was ready. He made it halfway and began to tire but he slowed down to recover. After he recovered he was able to finish with a person best time.
Greg was apologizing to Katherine again. It didn't matter though because she wasn't having it tonight. They were either always very happy or very upset at one another. In order to calm them down, Janet took Katherine home. Dennis spent the rest of the evening cheering Greg up afterwards.
Marissa was driving down the road late one night. She was getting tired and began rubbing her eyes. Suddenly one of her contacts popped out. She had to quickly pull over because she couldn't see at all. Luckily she was able to replace her contact soon.
One sunny day the sky suddenly became dark and cloudy. This change in weather caught Kelly by surprise. She ran for cover under trees as the rains came down. She tried to make a makeshift umbrella out of branches. Her umbrella kept her mostly dry as she ran to her car.
Tony was beyond excited. He was going to go see his favorite band, The Leopards. Tony really loved The Leopards. He got to the show and made his way up to the front. Tony had a great time at the concert that night.
Marissa had just started her new job at the fudge counter of a store. Her coworker told her not to give samples to children. But when a small boy came begging, Marissa couldn't resist. She didn't see what harm could be caused by giving him a tiny piece! When she noticed him covered in hives later, she realized her error.
Katie was writing a paper for her English class. Her paper was the best in the class. Katie's professor entered her paper into a contest. Katie won third place in the writing contest. She won a two hundred dollar prize.
Tom got into a fight with his friend. His friend told everyone a one sided story. None of Tom's other friends questioned it. Tom was slowly ditched by his friends. Eventually he had nobody to hang out with.
My sister used to paint a lot back in high school. She had painted one painting that was really good. She had submitted it to a local art gallery. After a few months of waiting, they accepted her piece. It was displayed in the gallery for several months.
Eva loved panda bears. When she heard her zoo was getting pandas, she was so excited. She went to see them the first day they arrived. She loved them! The pandas made Eva so happy!
In elementary school the officials sold stationary before class. One day I bought a little pack of erasers for fifty cents. In the pack was a tiny gingerbread man. I loved this eraser the most and always kept it on my desk. Then one day I lost him and that was so so sad.
Robert woke up this morning feeling very sick. He had no choice but to call into work. His boss was upset and told him to come in on Saturday instead. Robert hung up the phone and laid his head down. He fell asleep while debating to find a new job or not.
Tom was making bread. But he couldn't wait for the dough to finish rising. So he put it in the oven prematurely. After he took the bread out of the oven he sliced it before it cooled. And Tom was left with dense, doughy bread.
Ed went on a hiking trip. He ventured deep into the forest. He was having a great time exploring the woods! But soon it began to grow dark. Ed decided to head back before he became lost.
Tom went on a drive through the desert. Halfway across the desert, Tom's car broke down. Tom had not prepared for any emergency situation. He had no food or water in the hot desert. After a few hours, another driver came by and rescued Tom.
Heidi worked as a volunteer at a soup kitchen near downtown. She came to work happy that day. The happiness stopped when a robber came with a gun. They didn't have a register so he made everyone give him their wallets Heidi is still traumatized by what happened that day.
John was at the bar with friends. He noticed his ex girlfriend walked in. John was mildly upset. She noticed him. They exchanged pleasantries and moved on.
Chris was having a bad day at baseball. He had struck out three times. He threw his water bottle on the ground after he struck out again. It broke and the water spilled all over the dirt. Chris regretted his bad behavior and wished he had more water.
Jan had an early meeting with clients. She didn't want to wake her husband so she dressed in the dark. Half way through the meeting she noticed her shoes didn't match. She sat down, putting her feet under the table. Fortunately no one else noticed.
Alex was crying hysterically. Her dog had been hit by a car. She was the best dog Alex had ever owned! Alex made arrangements to bury her. She was going to miss her dog so badly.
Nina had just turned sixteen and wanted her license. She decided to go to driver's ed lessons after school. The lessons were hard, though, and Nina worried. She feared she would fail the road test after all. But in five weeks, Nina was granted a driver's license!
There was a bug on the wall by the bed. Kate grabbed a shoe and went to kill it. She had to stand on the bed to reach the bug. Afterwards she turned and ran right into the ceiling fan. Luckily it was on low, and she wasn't hurt at all.
A class was having a philosophical discussion. The teacher had a glass of water. They wondered if the glass was half empty or half full. They didn't come to a consensus. They decided it could go both ways.
My dad is in the military so we have to move. We are moving to Montana and it's going to be lame. As soon as I got there I loved it. They have so many clubs at school. Everyone is so nice and I wish I had moved sooner.
Jared climbed a mountain for the first time with his wife. He was very impressed by the view he had when he reached the top. But what really awed him was the reverberation of the echo. He called his name over and over. And when he was done, he was jumped when his wife called his name.
My grandparents met during WWII when they were serving in the Navy. They met at a movie theater in Washington, DC. A sad film made my grandma cry, and my grandpa gave her a tissue. They fell in love and corresponded by letter while he was at sea. They were married two days after his ship returned to America.
Eric and Sheila were having a blast. It was summer break and they loved playing outside. Their favorite game was hide and seek. They were both very good at it. They spent almost every afternoon that summer playing.
Ethan hoped for a snow day at school. But then there was a huge blizzard! He was snowed in for eight days! By the end, Ethan was very bored. He almost hoped for school to resume!
Daphne refused to sleep with men without being married. Every time she had a new boyfriend, he'd dump her for that reason. She was thinking she'd never find love the way she wanted. But one day, she found a man with the same values. They married and only then did they share physical intimacy.
Charles and Greg were best friends in high school. When they graduated, Charles' father gave him advice. He said, seeing anyone from high school would be childish. So Charles stopped talking to Greg. Greg found Charles that summer and asked why they weren't friends?
Being bedridden with gastroenteritis was something I'd never choose! However, I discovered that no time is wasted if you're determined. Beside my bed, I piled all the books on my to-read list and dug in. I hadn't realized how active the mind can be when the body is still. In a week, I read five books and evolved my thinking and attitudes.
Susan loved to work crossword puzzles. She bought books of them and carried one everywhere. One day at lunch a coworker asked her about the puzzle she was doing. The coworker loved to work crosswords, too! Susan and the coworker became good friends.
Horace sold something on eBay. He told the buyer he would ship the item. He took it to the post office. He paid for postage. They shipped it off.
Michael Rogers is a fantastic basketball player. He trains hard everyday, and really loves the game. The day of the big game Michael scored 40 points! His team still lost, the score was 70-100. Michael did his best,that was all that mattered.
I was playing poker. Everyone but my friend and I had folded. I had a royal flush. I decided to go all in. My friend decided to go all in and he lost.
Kim and Beth had tickets for a tour at NBC studios. They could see the studio from down the street. They were both really excited. When they arrived the girls took selfies out front. When they viewed their photo Matt Lauer was in the background.