from spark_queries import utils Q_NUM = 22 def q(): query_str = f""" select cntrycode, count(*) as numcust, sum(c_acctbal) as totacctbal from ( select substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) as cntrycode, c_acctbal from customer where substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) in ("13","31","23", "29", "30", "18", "17") and c_acctbal > ( select avg(c_acctbal) from customer where c_acctbal > 0.00 and substring (c_phone from 1 for 2) in ("13","31","23", "29", "30", "18", "17") ) and not exists ( select * from orders where o_custkey = c_custkey ) ) as custsale group by cntrycode order by cntrycode """ utils.get_orders_ds() utils.get_customer_ds() q_final = utils.get_or_create_spark().sql(query_str) utils.run_query(Q_NUM, q_final) if __name__ == "__main__": q()